Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

Related Items

Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Full Text


Published by Authority.


No. 16,


It is notified for general informa-
tion that the Secretary of State for
the Colonies has selected Mr. A. W.
SAVAGE, O©.M.G., former Director
General of Civil Aviation, Malaya/
Borneo Region, for temporary re-
employment as Director of Civil
Aviation for the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands.
2. It is expected that Mr. SAVAGE
will arrive in Antigna about the
middle of June, 1956.

The Sceretariat,

31st Murch, 1956.

P.F. 633.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that Mr. F. O. C. HARRIS has
been appointed Crown Attorney and
Magistrate, Montserrat, in succession
to Mr. A. F. G. LouiIsy, who has been
transferred to Dominica.

2. Mr. HARRIS was called to the
Bar in November, 1948, and has been
practising as a Barrister in Dominica.

The Secretariat,

31st March, 1956.

Ref. No. C. 13/00098.

Claims under the Bonn Conven-
tions in respect of Foreign
Interests in Germany.

(The English Text of the Conventions
(Cmd. 9368) is obtainable from
ALM.S.O. price 5s. 0d.)

Under the provisions of Chapter 10
of the Bonn Convention of the Settle-
ment of Matters Arising out of the

War and the Occupation, United
Nations nationals and companies
organised under German law in

which U.N. nationals own participa-
tion may assert claims against the
Federal Republic of Germany for the
return of their property and the
restoration of their rights and inter-
ests in the Federal territory to the
extent to which such property, rights
or interest suffered discriminatory
treatment (as defined in the Conven-
tion) during the recent war.
2. Such claims must be filed on
or before May 5, 1956 with the:—
Ref. No. A. 29/17.

328) 7-Fzr



Acting Commissioner.

WHEREAS by section 29 of the
Animals (Diseases, Importation and
Exportation) Ordinance, 1955 (No.
15/1955) it is provided that the said
Ordinance shall come into operation
on such day as the Governor may
appoint by proclamation published in
the Gazette.

officer for the time baing administer-
ing the Government of the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands, do by this my
proclamation declare that the said

Ordinance shall come into operation -

on the 9th day of April, 1956.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving
subjects in the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands and all others whom it
may concern are hereby required to
take due notice hereof and to give
their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the OCommissioner’s Office,
at Tortola, in the Virgin Islands,
this 28th day of March, 1956,
and in the fifth year of Her
Majesty’s reign.




Acting Commissioner.

WHEREAS by section 3 of the
Sombrero Laws (Repeal) Ordinance,
1956 it is provided that the said Ordi-
nance shall come into operation on a
day to be appointed by the Governor
by proclamation published in the

officer for the time being administer-
ing the Government of the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands, do by this my
proclamation declare that the said
Ordinance shall come into operation
on the first day of May, 1956.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving
subjects in the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands and all others whom
it may concern are hereby required
to take due notice hereof and to give
their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Commiéissioner’s
Office at Tortola in the Virgin
Islands this 28th day of March,
1956, and in the fifth year of
Her Majesty’s reign.


No. 40.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect trom
the dates stated, are published for
general information:—

HUMPHREY, Miss M. I., Junior Clerk,
Legal Department, Montserrat, con-
firmed in appointment.

, Oct. 1, 1955

ME. 332.

No. 41.

The Governor has this day been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinance:—


No. 4 of 1956, “ ‘I'he Licensing Act
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1956.”
Apr. 4
The Secretarvat,
Ref. No. 47/00165

No. 42.

The following Bill which is to be
introduced in the Leyislative Council
of Antigua, is circulated with this
Gazette and forms part thereof :—

“The Cotton Levy (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1956.”

No. 43.

The following Ordinances and Stat-
utory Rules and Orders arg circulated
with this Gazette and form part


No. 4 of 1956, “The Licensing
Act (Amendment) Ordinance, 1956.”
Opp. Price 12 cts.

62 THE

Virgin Islands.

No. 15 of 1955, “The Animals
(Diseases, Importation and Exporta-
tion) Ordinance, 1955.”

15 pp. Price 17 ets.


General Government.

No. 14 of 1956, ‘“* The Unallocated
Stores Accounts (Revocation) Rules,
1956.” 1 pp. Priee 3 cts.

No, 15 of 1956, “The Accounting
Officers (Revocation) Rules, 1956.”
1 pp. Price 3 cts.

No. 16 of 1956, “The Colonial Air
Navigation (Use of Montserrat Gov-
ernment Aerodrome) Notification,
1956.” 2 pp. Price 4 cts.

No. 17 of 1956, * The Air Naviga-
tion (Designation of Aerodrome)
Order, 1956.” 1 pp. Price 3 cts,

No. 18 of 1956, “The Antigua
Postal Service (Amendment) Regula-
tions, 1956.” 3 pp. Price 5 cts.

Virgin Islands.

No. 9 of 1956, ‘‘The Income Tax
(Donble Taxation Relief) (Denmark)
Order, 1956.” 17 pp. Price 20 cts.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.

A.D. 1956.

Notice ig hereby given that the
Honourable the Puisne Judge selected
for the sitting of the Court in the
Saint Christopher Circuit, which said
Court was adjourned on the 28th day
of February, 1956, has appointed the
day of the month on which the
ensuing Circuit Court shall resume
its sitting as follows that is to say:—

The Saint Christopher Circuit shall
resume on Tuesday the 3rd day of
April, 1956 at 10 o’clock in the fore-

Dated the 20th day of March, 1956.

Registrar. .
Ref. No 36/00007.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.

A.D. 1956.

Notice is hereby given that in pur-
suance of Rules made by the Chiof
Justice under Section 16 of the Wind-
ward Islands and Leeward Islands
(Courts) Order-in-Council 1939, and
duly approved as therein provided
on the 16th day of October, A.D.


1941, the Honourable the Puisne
Judge selected for the sitting of the
Court in the Nevis Circuit has
appointed the day of the month on
which the ensning Circuit Court shall
sit ag follows, that is to say:—

The Nevis Circuit on Tuesday the
17th day of April, 1956 at 10 o’clock
in: the forénoon.

Dated the 20th day of March, 1956.

Ref. No.736/00007.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.


Notice is hereby given that in pur-
suance of Rules made by the Chief
Justice uniler Section 16 of the Wind-
ward Islands and Leeward Islands
(Courts) Order in Council, 1939, and
duly approved as therein provided on
the 16th day of October, A.D. 1941,
the Honourable the Puisne Judge
selected for the sitting of the Court
has appointed the day of the month
on which the ensuing Circuit Court
shall sit as follows, that is to say:—

The Virgin Islands Cirenit on
Monday the 9th day of April, 1956,
at 10 o’ciock in the forenoon.

Dated the 4th day of April, 1956.

Ag. Chief Registrar.

Statement showing British Caribbean Coin
circulation in the British Caribbean
Territories (Eastern Group) on 1st
December, 1955.

Average Circulation during
October 1955 Nil.
British Caribbean Coins in cir-
culation—lst Dec. 1955

Trinidad & Tobago $165,600
Barbados 230,400
British Guiana 70,600
Grenada 8,000
St. Vincent 9,025
St. Lucia 29,750
Dominica 12,850
Antigua 20,475
St. Kitts 9,550


Executive Commissioner,
Br. Caribbean Currency Board.

British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,

[5 April, 1956

Statemeat showing British Caribbean Coin
circulation in the British Caribbean
Territories (Eastern Group) on Ist
January, 1956.

Average circulation during

15-30th Nov. 1955 $387,158

British Caribbean Coins in cir-
culation Ist Jan. 1956

Trinidad & Tobago $344,600
Barbados 312,475
British Guiana 239,725
Grenada 44,000
St. Vincent 25,025
St. Lucia 42,250
Dominica 49,350
Antigna 49,775
St. Kitts 20,250
Moutserrat 4,700


Executive Commissioner,
Br. Caribbean Currency Board.

British Caribbcan Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,

Statement showing British Caribbean Coin
Circulation in the British Caribbean

Territories (Eastern Group) on 1st
February, 1956.

Average circulation during
December, 1955 $943,820
British Caribbean Coing in cir-
culation Ist Feb. 1956

Trididad & Tobago $395,000
Barbados 355,725
British Guiana 279,725
Grenada 56,000
St. Vincent 49,025
St. Lucia 66,250
Dominica 49,350
Antigua 49,775
St. Kitts 20,250
Montserrat 4,700


Executive Commissioner,
Br. Caribbean Currency Board.

British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,


Central Experiment Station,

Month. 1952. 1953. 1954, 1955. 1956,
Jan, 241 193 3.04 2.16 5.15
Feb. 1.60 102 245 .68 1.23
Mar. 1.62 5.60 1.08 .83 1.40
5.63 8.55 6.57 3.67 7.78


5 April, 1956.)

Agricultural Scholarship ten-
able at the Imperial College
of Tropical Agriculture.

1. Applications are invited fora
scholarship tenable at the Imperial
College of Tropical Agriculture,
‘Trinidad, to be awarded by the
Government of tha Leeward Islands
in respect of the year 1956.

2, Applications must be submitted
to the Colonial Secretary through—

(a) the Headmaster of the school
at which the applicant is being
or has being taught, or

(6) the Administrator or Com-
missioner of the Presidency con-

by the 12th April, 1956.

Application forms should be obtained
from the office of administration of
the Presidency in which the applicant

3. The successful candidate will
be required to sign an undertaking
to serve for three years in the
Leeward Islands upon the snecessful
completion of his course of study if
offered suitable employment.

The Secretariat,
26th March, 1956.

Ref. No. 28/00221



The Vehicles & Road Traftic
Ordinance, 1946.

By virtue of the powers conferred
on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles
and Road Traffic Ordinance 1946
(No. 5 of 1946), I hereby fix the
period hereunder for the lighting of

Until further notice, the lighting
period of vehicles shall be from
6.30 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Dated this 28th day of February,
Lt. Col.
Traffic Commissioner.
Ref. No. 36/00007.

Applications are invited for ap-
pointment to the post of Senior
Draughtsman, Windward Islands,
particulars of which are as follows:—

Appointment: The post is non-
pensionable, and appointment thereto
will be on a temporary contractual
basis for a period of 2 years in the
first instance. The officer will be
subject to the Colonial Regulations
and the local General Orders for the
time being in force, so far as they are
applicable. The officer will be a
member of the staff of the Executive
Architect, Windward Islands, and
will be stationed in St. Lucia.

Salary: The salary will be at the
rate of $3,360 (£700) per annum in
the scale $3,360 x 120-3,600 (£700 x
25-750) per annum.



Qualifications: Applicants should
have had at least 5 years experience
of work usually undertaken by an
Architect’s Office and be thoroughly
conversant with the preparation of
working drawings and specifications.

Quarters: Quarters are not pro-
_ Passages: Free passages to St.

Lucia will be provided for the officer,
his wife, and children, not exceeding
5 persons in all; children to be under
18 years of age, unmarried and de-
pendent on the officer. Free return
passages will also be provided on the
satisfactory termination of the period
of engagement.

Leave: Vacation leave on full gal-
ary will be granted ut the rate of one
week for each completed period of 12
months service. Such leave to bo
taken on the satisfactory termination
of the officer’s contract.

Medical Attention: Free medical
attention and medicines are not pro-

Taxation: All Government offi-
cers are liable to taxation imposed by
local legislation.

Applications, giving full particulars
of applicants’ qualifications and ex-
perience, and accompanied by two
testimonials, which will not be
returned, should be addressed to the
Chief Secretary, Windward Islands,
at Grenada, and should reach him not
later than the 30th April, 1956.

Ref. No. C. 13/00110,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E.{3{ BLAcKMAN,

Government Printer.—By Authority.

| Price 712 cents. }


No. of 1956. Cotton Export Levy (Amendment)

No. of 1956.


An Ordinance to amend further the Cotton Export
Levy Ordinance, 1933.

if J

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua as
follows:— -

1. This Ordinance may he cited as the Cotton
Export Levy (Amendment) Ordinance, 1956 and shall be
read as one with the Cotton Export Levy Ordinance, 1933,
as amended, hereinafter cailed the Principal Ordinance.

Q. Section 3 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by the substitution of the words ‘‘two cents”
for the words «one haif penny”

8. Section 6 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
amendei by the deletion of the full-stop at the end of the

section and the addition thereto of the words “or the
Antigua Cotton Growers’ Association’.


Passed the Legislative Council this . day of

Clerk of the Council’



Short. title.



of section 3 of
“the Principal


of sectior 6 of
the Principal

Anriaud. 2 Cotton Export Levy (Amendment) No. — of 1956.

The object of this Bill is te increase the cess payable on clean
cotton lint exported to 2c. per pound and to provide for the appropria-
tion of part of the cess so collected to the Antigua Cotton Growers’

Rawpatn H. Locxaart,
Crown Attorney.
21st February, 1956. .

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by fi. M. Bracxman, Government Printer.—By Authority.
320—4.56. [ Price 5 cents.}

No. 4 of 1956. Facensing Act (Amendment). ANTIGUA.

I Assrnt,

. / Kk. W. BracksurneE,
ON. “4 Governor.
Sg oo” Ath April, 1956,
SE Ke pri,
SS, eae

No. 4 of 1956.

An Ordinance to amend further the Licensing
Act, US79.
[4th April, 1956 | Comnience-


ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short Title.
Licensing Act (Amendment) Ordinance, 1956, and
shall be read as one with the Licensing Act, 1879, 4/1879.
as amended, hereinafter called the Principal Ordi-

2. ‘section 8 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment
hereby amended by the addition of the following he Panciral
definitions :—— Ordinance.
-“ “eruise ship” means a ship having on board

not less than one hundred and _ fifty
passengers but does not include such ship
when no passenger therefrom lands in the
Presidency, and any other ship or vessel
notified by the Collector of Customs by
./ notice published in a newspaper cir-
\ culting in the Presidency for the period

f . .
stated in such notice.


LY F7e


Anticua, 2 = Licensing Nei (ainendment). No. 4 of 1956.

“guest”? means a person using any licensed
hotel for lodging during the night.

“hotel”? means any building or group of
buildings proved to the satisfaction of the
Licensing Magistrate to be structurally
adapted for use for the reception of
guests and travellers desirous of dwelling
therein, and includes the curtiluge thereof
and all structures within such curtilage,
or occupied with or as appurtenant to the
premises, and in the ease of which no
portion thereof is set apart and used as a


Amendment 8. Section 4 of the Principal Ordinance is

of section 4 of ; —
the Principal hereby amended


(i) by the insertion of the words and
brackets ‘‘(other than applications
for proprietary club licence)”
between the word ‘licences’ and
the words “to sell”’;

(ii) by the substitution of a colon for
the full stop at the end thereof;

(iii) by the addition of the following
provisos— ,

“Provided that if all applications
made at-any such special session shall not
-be disposed of in one day, such session
shall be adjourned from time to time to
any convenient day:

Provided further that the Licensing
Magistrate may, in his discretion, hold
an extraordinary licensing session on any
other date for the purpose of considering
any application for a new licence under
this Act, the urgency of which makes it
advisable in his opinion that such extra-
ordinary licensing session should be


No. 4 of 1956. Livenstng Act (Amendment). 8 ANTIGUA.

4. The following section shall be inserted Insertion of
immediately after section 11 as section 1LA of the fie Principal,
Principal Ordinance: — Ordinance.

“{1A. (1) Every person desirous of Application
applymg for the grant or renewal of & pro- a cee
prietary club licence shall make application transfer of
therefor to the Governor in Council. Such en
application shall conrain the name and address
of the applicant and the situation and descrip-
tion of the premises in respect of which the
wpplication is made.

(2) If the application is granted, the
Governor in Council shall authorise the
Collector of Customs to grant to the applicant
a licence in the form set out in Schedule [it to
this Act which authority shall be deemed to
be of the like effect as the Licensi sing Magis-
trate’s Certificate required by subsection (8)
of section 12 of this Act.

(3) Tf the Governor in Council rejects
the application for a grant or renewal of such
licence the rejection shall be final and no
appeal shall lie therefrom.

(4) Applications for the transfer to some
other person or to some other premises of a
proprietary club licence shall be made to the
Governor in Council who may grant or reject
the application as in the case of a grant or
renewal of such licence.’’.

5. Scction 12 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment
ls Soph __ of section 12
hereby amended aaa
pal Ordinance,

(i) by the substitution of the following
for paragraph (d) of subsection (2)
of the section:—

“(d) Except as provided in
subsection (2A) of this section,
no hotel licence shall be granted
fur any hotel containing a bar
for the resort and aecommoda-
tion of the public, nor in any
ease without the production to
the Licensing Magistrate of a



Licensing Act( Amenimené). No. 4 of 1956.

certificate from the Collector of -
Customs that the premises
sought to be licensed are bona

fide an hotel, and are suitable

to be licensed as an hotel for
the sale of intoxicating liquor
therein.”’. :

Gi) by the insertion immediately after
subsection (2) of the section of the
following as subsection (2A):—

“ Special

(2A) (a) A special hotel
licence, in the form set out in
Schedule H® to this Act, which
shall authorise the person to
whom it is granted to sell by
retail between the hours of
eight o'clock in the morning
and eleven o'clock in the eve-
ning any intoxicating liquor,
on which every duty payable
thereon has been paid, to be
consumed on the hotel premises,
whether the person to whom
such liquor is supplied is or is
not a guest at such hotel.

(6) A special hotel licence
shall not be granted unless the
hotel for which such licence is
sought is licensed for the sale
of intoxicating liquor therein
and the Licensing Magistrate
is satisfied that in such hotel
the bar is kept mainly for the
bona jide entertainment of the
guests and that itis for the
general public convenience that
a special hotel licence be
granted in respect of those

(e) a the
provisions of paragraph («) heat
kubject to the provisions of
subsection (%) of this section,

No. 4 of L956. Licensing Act (Amendment). 5 ANTIGUA.

during ‘he (ime that any cruise
ship is within the limits of a
port in the Presidency, or on
the occasion of any dance, ball,
or other entertainment being
held in a_ specially licensed
hotel, it shall be lawful for the
senior police officer in the
Presidency to grant a written
authority to the occupier of a
specially licensed hotel to sell
intoxicating liquor to the pas-
sengers from such ship and
other persons attending at such
time, dance, ball or other enter-
talinment during such hours
and on such days as may be
specified in such written au-
thority and such written au-
thority shall be subject to the
nume conditions as may be
imposed in respect of an occa-
sional permit granted under
paragraph (@) of subsection (7)
of this section. ”’;

(iii) by the substitution of the words
“Governor in Council” for the
words ‘“Jicensing Magistrate”
between the word ‘‘the” and the
word ‘fis’? in subsection (6);

(iv) by the substitution of the following
for subsection (7) of the section:—

(7) It shall be lawful for «occasional
the senior police officer in the — Permit.
Presidency to authorise and
‘grant a written permit—

(a) to any person to sell
liquor by retail at any enter-
tainment, show, race meet-
ing, athletic or other sports,
or at any other social meet-
img or gathering where

- Anrieava. 6 Licensing Ac’ (Amendment). No. 4 of 1956.

refreshments are likely to be
required, for such period of
time not exceeding seven
days, and subject to such
conditions as may be set out
in such written permit :

Provided that where the
payment of a fee is reyuired
as a condition in such writ-
ten permit, such fee shall
not exceed the sum of
twenty dollars;

(6) to any licensed per-
son to keep open his prem-
ises for the sale of intoxi-
cating liquor until 9 p.m.
on any day other than a
Sunday.” ;

(v) by the addition of the following at
the end of subsection (8) of the

“On every special hotel
licence ... twenty-four dollars.”

Amendment 6. Section 16 of the Principal Ordinance
of section 16 is hereby amended by the insertion of the words
pal Ordinance, “except a licensed hotel or a proprietary club”

between the words “ building or place” and the

words ‘in which liquor”.

Amendment 4. Section 32 of the Principal Ordinance
of section 32 is hereby amended—
pone (a) by the substitution of a comma
for the word “or’’ hetween the words
“tavern licence’? and the words “a club
licence’’ and the insertion of the words “ or
wv special hotel licence”? between the words
‘ “elub licence” and the words “has been

granted’ in subsection (1) of the section:

(b) by the deletion in subsection (2) of
the section of all the words appearing after
the words “ Christmas day” to the end of
the said subsection;

No. 4 of 1956. Licensing Act (Amendment) 7 ANTIGUA.

(c) by renumbering subsection (3) of
the section as subsection. (4); and

(@) by the insertion of the following
as subsection (8) of the section:—

(3) The hours during which
intoxicating lquor may be sold or
supplied in any tavern or club
or to persons other than guests in an
hotel in respect of which a special
hotel licence has been granted shall

be as follows:--

(i) in the case of premises in
respect of which a tavern
or special hotel licence
has been granted, the
hours between eight
o'clock in the morning
and eleven o’clock in the
evening; and

(ii) in the case of a elub in
accordance with the rules
of the club.”.

8. The following shall be inserted im- Insertion of.
mediately after section 32 as section 32A of the section 324 in

ce 7 the Principal
Principal Ordinance:— Ordinance,

“32A. (1) Notwithstanding the pro- Extended _
visions of the preceding section, “where in ows pennit.
any particular case a licensed person applies
for the hours of opening or closing his
licensed premises to be extended it shall be
lawful for the senior police officer in the

Presidency having regard to—

(a) the special type of service
provided in the licensed premises;

(6) the standard of behaviour of
persons resorting to or frequenting the
licensed premises or their immediate
vicinity ;

(c) the class and requirements of
the neighbourhood or district in which
the licensed premises are situated; and


Insertion of

new Schedule
to the Princi-
pal Ordinance,


Licensing Act (Amendment). No. 4 of 1956.

(d) the actual or probable effect
on the general standard of conduct
in that neighbourhood or district of
extending the permitted hours of
business of the licensed premises,

to grant written permission to the licensed
person to open or close or open and close his
licensed premises before or after the per-
mitted hours of opening and closing for
those premises.

(2) Every such permission shall be for
a period of not more than one month in the
first instance and may thereafter be for
further periods of three months and shall
in every case be subject to such conditions,
limitations and restrictions as may be

specified in such permission.

(3) Nothwithstanding the provisions of
subsection (2) of this section, any such
permission may at any time, for good and
sufficient reason, be revoked by the senior
police officer in the Presidency.

(4) Any licensed person dissatisfied
with a refusal to extend the permitted
hours for his licensed premises, or the
revocation of any such permission or by any
condition, limitation or restriction in a
written permission granted in respect of his
licensed premises may appeal to the Gover-
nor in Council whose decision thereon shali
be final.

9. (1) The following Schedule is hereby

inserted in the Principal Ordinance as Schedule
ES :—

No. 4 of 1956. Licensing Act (Amendment), 9 ANTIGUA.,

Form oF Sprerau Hornmu LICENCE.

ALB. Of cece cee eceseeeneeeesseeeeesserases is hereby authorised to sell
on his premises in....c.... cesseseeseeseeeeees eee teeta eueeseue ...- Street in
Che. ce cccecescecceteteeceseeserteceecs wee OF oe sccccsseereeceeees tavees eer re eee
known ag the.....cecccce esses eer esceeeees Hotel to persons other than guests

at any time between the hours of vight o’clock in the morning and
eleven o'clock in the evening any intoxicating liquor on which every
duty payable thereon has been paid, to be consumed on the hotel

premises. This licence shall continue in force from the.......sececees day

C.D. Collector of Customs.”

Arc LovE.acr,

Passed the Legislative Council this 29th day of
March, 1956.

F. A. Crarkr,
Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E. M. BhackMan, Government Printer.—By Authority.
A47/95—520—4.56. Price 12 cents.

No, 15 of 1955.) Animals (Diseases. Tnportation VirGIN
cand Mrportlatirey IsLANDS

I Assent,
K. W. Bracknurne,

20th March, 1956.

No. 15 of 1955.


Kk. W. Brackpurnr,


An Ordinance to control the importation of
animals, birds, reptiles and insects, to
regulate the treatment and disposal of
animals which are suffering or are suspected
to be suffering from any disease, to regulate
the exportation of animals from the Presi-
dency and for other matters related thereto
or connected therewith.

[ By Proclamation. ]

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Vir-
gin Islands.


1. This Ordinance may he cited as the short title.
Animals (Diseases, Tmportation and Wxporta-
tion) Ordinance, 1955,

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context tterpretation.
othcrwise admits—

‘animal ” includes cattle, buffaloes, horses,
mules, asses, sheep, swine, goats, dogs,
cats and all animals of whatsoevor kind,
whether similar to the foregoing or
not; .

‘bird’ does not include poultry;


and notifien-

tion of disvas-

ed animals.


40 Animals (Disec x. Linpertation No 15 of 1955
vend herpes fecfgeipe}

(2) It shall be the duty of the inspector
and assistant inspectors to carry out the provi-
sions of this Ordinance and of any regulations
made thereunder and for such purpose every
assistant inspector shall bave, subject to the
directions, either veneral or particular of the
inspector, all the rights, powers, and duties, given
to the inspector under this Ordinance.

Contro! of diseased or suspected animals.

4. (1) Uvery person having in his posses-
sion or under his charge any diseased animal

(a) as far ns practicable kcep such animal
separate from animals not so diseased; and

(6) with all practicable speed give notice
of the fact of the animal being so diseased to
the inspector or to the person in charge of the
nearest police station.

(2) The person to whom notice under sub-
section (1) of this section is given, if not the
inspector, shall forthwith give information thereof
to the inspector.

5 (1) Where the inspector suspects that
any disease exists in any place he shall forthwith
sign a notice to that effect and such notice shall
contain a declaration that such place, the limits
whereof shall be therein specified, is an infected
place. A copy of such notice shall be served upon
the oceupier of such place.

(2) Upon the service of such notice the place
therein specified shall be an infected place subject
to confirmation or otherwise by the Governor in
Council under the provisions of subsection (4)
of this section:

Provided tat the inspector may, at any time
within seven days of such service and before such
confirmation or otherwise, withdraw such notiec
and thereupon such place shall cease to be an
infected place.

No. 15 of 1955. Animals (Discives, Importation 0
aud api, tation)

(8) Tne inspector shall with all practicable
speed send copies of such notice to the Commis-
sioner, and where any such notice has been
withdrawn the inspector shall forthwith inform
the Commissioner to that effect.

(£) Upon receipt by the Commissioner of the
copies of such notice the Governor in Council shall,
unless such notice has bees withdrawn, forthwith
consider the matter and—

(7) if satisfied that such course is expe-
dicnt or necessary, shall by order declare the
place specified in such notice to be an infected
place, and may also by order declare that any
area contaming, adjoining or surrounding,
such place is an area infected with disease and
such order shall specify the limits of such
infectcd area; or

(/) if not so satisfied, shall by order
revoke the notice of the inspector, and there-
upon as from the time specified in that behalf
by such order such place shall cease to be
an infected place.

6. (i+ The Governer in Couneil, whenever
io appeurr necessary or expedient so to do by
reason of the existence of any disease, may by
order declare any area in the Presidency to be
infected with disease, and such order shall specify
the limits of such infected area.

(2) The Governor in Council may, in. his

NUUy = wd .
diseretion, by order prohibit, during such time as
may be specified in such order—

: (4) the use in any manner whatever of
any public road through an infected area or of
any part of such public road; or

() the use, except m compliance with
such conditions as nny he specified in such

order, of any such puhiie roud oe of any part

of such public road.


Infected areas,




Animals (Diseases, dirportetion No, 15 of 1995. °
aud Meportation)

(cv) the notification to the public of in-
fected places or infected areas and the removal
of anything into, within or out of such places
or areas, and the cleansing or disinfecting of
such places or areas:

(d) the movement of persons into, with-
in or out of infected places or infected areas,
and the prevention of the spread of discase by
persons in contact with diseased or suspected

(e) the treatment, disinfecting, destruc-
tion, burial, disposal and digging up, of any-
thing in or remoyed from an infeeted place or
infected area;

(7) the movement, isolation, segregation,
treatment, slaughter, des truction, disposal,
burial, seizure, detention and exposure for
sile, of diseased or suspected animals;

(vy) the compulsory dipping of animals
and the construction and situation of dipping

(h) the compulsory innoculation of ani-

(7) the removal, transport, treatment,
isolation, examination, testing, cleansing, dis-
infecting, protection from sulfering, exposure

for sale, exhibition or marking, of animals;
? ?

(7) the removal, transport, treatment,
examination, cleansing and disinfecting, of
carcasses, fodder, litter, dung and other things
likely to spread ee

(£) the cleansing, disinfecting and exam-
ination of places used by, and vehicles, vessels
or boats used for the transport of, animals;

(2) the fees and expenses incurred for
any purpose for which regulations may be
madeé under this section, and the persons by
whom they are (o be paid, and the manner in
which they may be recovered ;

“No, 15 of 1955. clnimals (Diseases, Importation 9
and Expurlation)

(m) the penalties for the breach of any
such regulations.


18. (1) No bird, reptile or insect may a
imported into the Presidency save under and i
accordance with a licence granted by the ee
under the provisions of section 15 of this Ordi-

(2) Any person who—

(a) imports into the Presidency any
Inrd, reptile or insect, otherwise than uuder a
hicence in that behalf granted under section 15
of this Ordinance; or

(6) contravenes or fails to comply with
any of the provisions of any such licence,

shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance;
and any bird, re ptile or insect in respect. of which
any such offence 1s alleged to have been committed
may be seized and on conviction of the offender
shall be forfeited to the Crown.

14. (1) The Governor in Council may, for
the. purpose of preventing the introduction or
spread of any disease into the Presidency, make
regulations prohibiting, restricting, controlling or
regulating diet importation of animals or poultry,
or any specific kind thereof, or of carcasses, fodder,

litter, dung or other thing likely to spread disease.

(2) Regulations made under subsection (1) of
this section may, without prejudice to the generality
of such power, make provision with regard to—

(7) specifying and defining the ports at
which ee or poultry, or carcasses, fodder,
litter, dung or other thing likely to spread
disease may be landed;

(4) controlling, prohibiting or regulating

the movement of animals or poultry, or car-
cusses, fodder, litter, dung or other thing


Prohihition of
importation of
birds, ete.

the imports-
tion of
animals, ete.


Import licence
for hirds etc,


animuls ete,
to be quar-
_ antined.

10) =Animals (Diseases. Importation No. 15 of 1955.
and bipurtation)

likely to spread disease, into, within or out of,

any defined port;

(c) controlling the examination, cleansing,
destruction, disposal, seizure and detention of
any animal or poultry, or of carcasses, fodder,
litter, dung or other thing likely to spread
disease, in a port;

(d) the fees and expenses incurred for
any purpose for which regulations may be
made under this section, and the persons to
whom they are to be paid and the manner in
which they may be recovered ;

(e) the penalties for the breach of any
such regulations not exceeding the sum of one
hundred and twenty dollars.

15. (1) The inspector may grant to any
person a licence to import any bird, reptile or insect
into the Presidency, and may, notwithstanding
anything contained in the regulations made under
section 14 of this Ordinance, for the purpose of
any exhibition, performance or circus, grant a
licence to import any particular animal into the

(2) Any licence granted under this section
may contain such terms and conditions as the
inspector may think necessary.

(3) Every person desirous of applying for a
licence shall make application in such form as the
inspector may require.

16. The Govérnor may appoint quarantine
depots in such places as he may deem nece-rary,
and all animals, birds, reptiles or insects, required
to be quarantined under this Ordinance or any
regulations made, or licence granted, thereunder,
shall be placed within such depots in accordance
with the orders of the inspector.

17. All animals, birds, reptiles and insects
imported into the Presidency shall, subject to any
regulations made under this Ordinance or to the
terms und conditions of any licence granted under

No. 15 of 1955. Antmals ( Disceses, Importation 11
and Kexportation)

this Ordinance, be placed in a quarantine depot for
such time and under such conditions as may be
specified in such regulations or in any such licence.



18. Any person who exports any animal
from the Presidency save under and in accordance
with the provisions of regulations made by virtue
of section 19 of this Ordinance shall be guilty of
an offence against this Ordinance.

19. The Governor in Council may by regu-
lations prescribe and regulate the exportation of
animals from the Presidency and the conditions
under which such animals may be exported there-


20. (1) Where any person is found com-
mitting, or is reasonably suspected of being engaged
in committing, an offence against this Ordinance,
any police officer may without warrant stop and
detain him, and if his name and address are not
known to the police officer and he fails to give
them to the satisfaction of the police officer, such
police officer. may without warrant arrest him and
may, whether he has so stopped, detained or
arrested such person or not, stop, detain and
examine any animal, bird, reptile, insect, vehicle,
boat or other thing, to which the offence or
suspected offence relates aud require it to be
forthwith tuken back to or into any place or district
wherefrom or whereout it was unlawfully removed,
and execute and enforce that requisition.

(2) If any person obstructs or impedes a
police officer in the execution of this Ordinance or
of any regulations made thcreunder, or assist in
any such obstructing or impeding, the police officer
may without warrant arrest the offender.


of animals
from the

the exporta-
tion of

Power of




Powors of


12 Animals (Diseases, Importation No, 15 of 1955.
and Erportation) .

(3) A person arrested under this section shall
not be detained without warrant longer than is
necessary for the purpose of being t taken before a
Magistrate, and the provisions of the Police Act,
1951, in relation to the granting of bil shall apply
to any such person.

21. he inspector shall bave all the powers
given to a police officer under s:ction 20 oF this
Ordinance and may at any time enter—

(a) any place, where he has reasonable
yrounds for supposing—

(i) that disease exists, or has, within
fifty-six days, existed: or

(i) that the carcass of any diseased
or suspected animal is or has
been kept or has been buried
destroved or otherwise disposed
of: or

(iii) that there is io be found therein
anything in respect whercof
any person has on any occasion
failed to oy with the pro-
visions of this Ordinance or of
any regulations made there-
under: or

(iv) that this Ordinance has not been
or is not being coniplied with;

(4) any vehicle, vessel or boat, in which
or in respect wiicicur he has reasonable
grounds for beleving that this Ordinance has
not been or is not being complied with,

22. Any person who, Oe lawful
authority or excuse, the proof whereof shall lié on

(a) when required by this Ordinance, or
by any order made thereunder, to keep any
animal separate as fur as practicable. er to
“give any notice of diseage with all jracties ole
speed, fails so to do; or

No. 15 of 1955. lands (Disree, Pnaportation VIRGIN
ated ble nortad batty TsLANDS

(4) contravenes or tails to comply with
any of the provisions of this Ordinance or
order made thereunder: ar

(¢) contravenes or fxily to comply with
any directions given by the inspector under
section $ of this Ordinanee: or

(7) refases to the inspector, acting in
execution of this Ordinance, admission to. any
place, vehicle, vessel or boat, which such
inspector is entitled to enter or examine, or
obstructs or impedes him from so entering
or exarining, or otherwise in any respect
obstructs or impedes the inspector or any
police offeor in the execution of his duty, or
assists in Any SNe obstructing or impeding; or

(e) throws or places or causes to be
thrown or placed into or in any river, stream,
creek, gut, pond, well, drain or other water or
waterceurse, or into or in the sea within three
miles of the shore of any part of the Presi-
dency, the carcass of an animal which has
died of disease or has been slaughtered as
diseased or suspected; or

(7) takes, or allows to be taken unless
otherwise required by this Ordinance or by
any order inade thereunder, or allows to stray,
any diseased animal in or upon any public
road, or public place; or

(y) digs up, or causes or allows to be
dug up the “hired earcass of any animal which
has been slaughtered under this Ordinance as
diseased or suspected, or which has died, or is
suspected of having died, from any disease; or

(h) takes or moves, or allows to be taken
or moved, any animal, carcass, fodder, litter,
dung, or other thing, into or out of any
infected place or infected area otherwise than
in accordance with this Ordinance or any order
made thereunder: or

(2) allows any animal to stray into or
out of any infected place or infected area,
shall be guilty of un offence against this Ordinance.



Evidence and


places and

Power to
apply Ordi-
nanea to

14. Antigua (Diseases, Importation No. 15 of

and BParportabten)


28. Any person guilty of an offence against
this Ordinance shall be Hable for each such offence
on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding two
hundred and forty dollars or to imprisonment for
any term not exceeding three months, or to both
such fine and imprisonment.

24. (1) Where the owner of any animal is
ch: irged with an offence against this Ordinance, or
against any regulations or order made iiemeur dee
re elative to disense or to any illness of the animal,
he shall be presumed to have known of the existence
of the disease or illness unless and until he shows
to the satisfaction of the court that he had not
knowledge thereof and could not with reasonable
diligence have obtained that knowledge.

(2) Where a person is charged with an offence
against this Ordinance, or against any regulations
or order made thereunder, in not having duly
cleansed or disinfected any place, vessel, or thing,
belonying to him or in his charge and a presumption
against him on the part of the ‘prosecution is raised
it shall lie on him to prove the due cleansing and
disinfection thereof.

(3) The certificate of the inspector to the effect
that any animal is or was affected with a disease
specified in the certificate shall for the purposes of
this Ordinance or of any regulations or order made
thereunder be conclusive evidence in all courts of
justice of the matter certified.

25. xcept as specifically provided in any
regulations or order made under this Ordinance,
nothing in this Ordinance, or in any regulations,
made thereunder shall restrict or prohibit the
transport of any person, animal or thing, by public
road through an infected place or an infected area if
such person, animal or thing is not eee within
such place or area.

26. The Governor in Council may by order
apply, subject to such exceptions, adaptations and
modifications as may be therein set out, the
provisions of this Ordinance, and of any regulations
or orders made thereunder, to poultry.

No. 15 of 1955, AAntuals (Diseases, Importation 15 Vircin
and Irporlation) IsLANDS.

27. Nothing in this Ordinance shall apply Saving.
to bees.

28. The Ordinances specified in the Schedule Repoai.
to this Ordinance are hereby repealed.

29. This Ordinance shall come into operation Commence-
on such day as the Governor may ‘appoint by ™et
proclamation published in the Gazette.

H. A. ©. Howarn,

Passed the Legislative Council this 12th day
of October, 1955.

H. O. Crequr,
Clerk of the Couneil.

Re-committed to the Legislative Council under
Rule 59 of the Legislative Council Rules 1950
“(S. BR. & O. 1950 No. 22) for consideration of
certain amendments proposed by the Governor, and
amended accordingly, this 5th day of March, 1956.

H. O. Crequr,
Clerk of the Council.


6/1903 The Importation of Animals Ordinance, 1903
11919 The Importation of Animals Ordinance, 1919

3/1939 The Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1939.

Printed at the Government Printing Ojfice, Leeward Islands
oy KE. M. BhAckMAN, Government Printer,—By Authority.
47/00273—500—3.56 [Price 17 cents,]


1956, No. 14.


The Unallocated Stores Accounts (Revocation) Rules,
1956. dated March 27, 1956, made by the Governor.

1. Short Title. These Rules may be cited as the
Unallocated Stores Accounts (Revocation) Rules, 1956.

2. Revocation. The Unallocated Stores Accounts
Rules, 1983 (S.R. & O. 19383 No. 5) and the Unallocated
Stores Accounts Ainendment Rules, 19384 (S. R. & O. 1934
No 3) are herby revoked,

Made by the Governor this 27th day of March, 1956.


K. W. Brackaurne, e

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BhacKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
31/00334—-480—4.56. Prive 3 centa.




1956, No. 15.


The Accounting Officers (Revocation) Rules, 1956, dated
March 27, 1956, made by the Governor.

1. Short Title. These Rules may be cited as the
Accounting Officers (Revocation) Rules, 1956.

2. Revocation. The Accounting Othcers Rules, 1927
(S.R. & O. 1927 No. 22) are hereby revoked,

Made by the Governor this 27th day of March, 1956,

K. W. Brackpurnn,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands
by BE. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer—-By Authority.
31/00334—480— 4.56 Price 3 cents


1956, No. 16.


Tur Cotonran Arr NavieatTion (Usk of MOonrTserrat
Marcu 31, 1956, IssUED PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 50 OF

amen eee eer ee

1. Short Title. This Notification may be cited as
the Colonial Air Navigation (Use of Montserrat Government
Aerodrome) Notification, 1956.

2, Notification of Aerodrome. It is hereby
notified that the Government Aerodrome in the Presidency of
Montserrat known as Blackburne Airfield (hereinafter referred
to as “the said aerodrome”) is available for use as a place of
landing or departure of civil aircraft, subject to the conditions
and limitations hereinafter contained.

3. Plan of Aerodrome. A plan of the said aero-
drome has been deposited at the Commissioner’s Office where
it may be inspected during office hours.

4. Liability for loss or damage. The use of
the said aerodrome shall be entirely at the risk of the registered
owner of the aircraft concerned, and the Government shall not
he responsible for loss or damage resulting from the use of the
said aerodrome or its acecssory facilities, through act of God,
war, civil commotion, riot, looting, explosion, failure of
machinery or plant, negligence, fire, or any other cause

5. Landing Fees. (1) The owner, operator or
agent of an aircraft shall pay or cause to be paid into the
Treasury of the Presidency of Montserrat in aid of the general
revenue of the said Presidency a fee, to he assessed on th>

maximum permissible weight authorised by the aircraft’s
certificate of airworthiness (hereinafter referred to as the
“‘nircraft weight”), in accordance with the following scales:—

For each landing where the aircraft weight

does not exceed 4,500 Th ~ $3.00
7 5 7,000 Th 4.80
is in excess of — 7,000 Tb 6.00

(2) In Neu of a fee for each landing the Governor may,
from time to time, fix a commuted fee to be paid by any
person in respect of landings by any aircraft owned and
operated by him during such period as the Governor may


(8) The Governor may, in his discretion, exempt any
person from the payment, either wholly or partially, of any
landing fees in any case in which it is expedient to do 80 or in
which the payment of such fees would cause undue hardsbip.

6. Cancellation. The Colonial Air Navigation (Use
of Montserrat Government Aerodrome) Notification, 1953
(S. BR. & O. 19538, No. 28) and the Colonial Air Navigation
(Use of Montserrat Government Aerudrome) (Amendment)
Notification, 1954 €S. R. & 0.1954, No. 25) are hereby

7. Commencement. This Notification shall come
into operation on the 10th day of April, 1986,

Dated this 31st dav of March, 1956,
By His Excellency’s Command,

P. D. Macnonann,

Colomal Secretary.

Printe?! at the Government Printing Offiee, Leeward Islands.
by E M. BrackMan, Government Printer.--By Authority.

7/00123—500—4.56, Price 4 cents.



1956, No. 17.

The Air Navigation (Designation of Aerodrome) Order,.
956, dated March 31, 1956, made by the Governor,
in pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by
Article 55 of the Colonial Air Navigation Order, 1949
(1949 No. 2000 Imperial) and all other powers
enabling him in that behalf.

1. Short title. This Order may be cited ag the Air Navigation
(Designation of Aerodrome) Order, 1956.

2. Designation of Aerodrome. The Government Aerodrome
known as Blackburne Airfield in the Presidency of Montserrat is
hereby designated to be a place of landing and departure of aircraft for
the purpose of the enactments relating to customs.

3, Cancellation. The Air Navigation (Designation of Aero-
drome) Order, 1953 (S.R. & O. 1953 No. 29) is hereby cancelled.

4. Commencement. This Order shall come into operation on
the 10th day of April, 1956.

Made by the Governor this 3lst day of March, 1956.

Governor. .

Printed at. the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer.—By Authority.
7/00123—500—4.56. [Price 3 cents.)




1956. No. 18


Tue Anticua Postar Service (AmexpMENT) REGULATIONS, 1956,

THE Post Orricn \et (Cap. 128).

1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as the Antigua
Postal Service (Amendment) Regulations, 1956, and shall be read as
one with the Antigua Postal Service Rules and Regulations, 1954

(S.R. & O. 1954 No. 34) horeinafter called the Principal Regulations.

2. Substitution of Schedule F. The following shall be

substituted for Schedule F of the Principal Regulations:-——


“SCHEDULE F (Rule 23(2))

Surface Mail Postage Rates on Parcels

Prepaid Rates not exceeding tea
Country of Destination and Ronte Par. i ae ie x &
Libjadd |31b/ 71h) 11 wh. 221.) BS [Bas
+ Ib. | | - & ea
| $cl§cl$c|Se ge, gc, H |¥F c
Within the Presidency or |
between Presidencies 12, 24 36 60) 22 | 96.00
Bahamas via Bermuda | 24, 48 72) 1.20) 22 | 96.00
Barbados 24 48) 72 1.20; 22 | 96.00
Bermuda 24, 48 72) 1.20, 22 | 96.00
British Guiana 24) 48 72) 1.20) 22 | 96.00
Canada 48° 90. 1.26) 2.22) 15 | 96.00
Grenada 24 48° = 72) «1,20, 22 | 96.00
St. Lucia 24, 48 72| 1.20; 22 | 96.00
St. Vincent a 24 48) 72: 1.20, 22 96,00
Curacao. Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, | |
St. Eustatius, St. Martin, ; '
and St. Barths ea St. Kitts, ..! | 24 48 72. 1.20; 22 | 96.00
Trinidad and Tobago ts 24, 48) 72, 1.20, 22 | 96.00
Jamaica. Aruba, Bonaire and |
Caracoa via Trinidad (In-
surance Jamuica ouly) 36, 54 72 1.26) *22 | 96.00
Jamaica via Bermuda | 24: 48, 72 1.20; 22 | 96.00
(treat Britaint via France 1.02 1.36) 1.76 2.42 22 96.00
i » Direct 901.20] 1.56) 2.18) 22 96.00
6 3 via Canada F136 2.10 2.82 438 22 96.00
5 i » U.S.A. 1.50; 2.20) 3.92 6.98, 22 96.00
., Barbados or ; |
Trinidad 1,021.54 1.92) %84 228 96.00
°c : » Jamaica | 11.02°)1.54) 1.92, 2.84: 22 96.00
Guadeloupe | Qh 4x 72| ij
U.S.A. & U.S. Virgin Islands 300 18 ' 22 96.00
U.S. Porsessions via U.S.A., |
Alaska, Oanal Zone, | |
Guam, Havana. Philip- :
pines, Puerto Rico and ‘ | |
Samoa 42 36) | / 22 96.00
Dutch Guiana vie Br. Guiana 42) 72) 1.08 £86) 11 96.00
Martinique via St. Lucia 43} 90) 1.26) 2.22) 11 96.00
H. M. Ships in foreign waters | |
via London 60:1.26 1.74, 3.00 96.00
| ; : i |
*Parcelg to Jamaica uta Trinidad—Limit of weight 1] 1b.
tIncliding Northern Ireland but not Ivish Republic. ©.0.D. parcels



3. Commencement. ‘These legulations shall come into
force on the fifth day of April, 1956.

Made by the Governor in Council this 38rd day of April, 1956.

Heten H. Bexot,
Acting Clerk of the Couneal.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLAcKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
62/00050—480-~4.56. [Price 5 cents]



1956, No. 9.

Tne Income Tax (Dovuste Taxation Retier) (DENMARK)
Order, 1956, patrp Marcu 27, 1956, MADE BY
Iycomn Tax Onpinance, 1946 (No. 2/1946), as

WHEREAS it is provided by section 52A of the Income
Tax Ordinance, 1946 (No. 2/1946) as amended, that if the
Governor in Council by Order declares that arrangements
specified in the Order have been made with the Government of
any territory outside the Presidency with a view to affording
relief from Double Taxation in relation to Income Tax and any
tax of a similar character imposed by the laws of that territory
and that it is expedient that those arrangements should have
effect, the arrangements shall have effect in relation to Income
Tax notwithstanding anything in any enactment:

AND WHEREAS by a Convention dated the 27th day
of March, 1950, between the Government of the United
Kingdom and the Government of Denmark arrangements were
made among other things for the avoidance of Double
Taxation: ~~

AND WHEREAS provision is made in thg said Con-
vention for the extension by means of an exchange of notes
hetween the High Contracting Parties of the said Convention,
subject to such modifications and conditions (including
conditions as to termination) as may be specified in the
exchange of notes, to any territory, for whose international
relations the United Kingdom is responsible, which imposes
taxes substantially similar in character to those which are the
subject of the said Convention:

AND WHEREAS by an Kxchange of Notes dated
respectively the 18th November, and the 22nd December, 1954
the said Convention with certain modifications was supplied to
the Presidency of the Virgin Islands:

NOW, THEREFOR!, the Governor in Council doth

hereby order as follows:—~

1. Short title. This Order may be cited as the
Income Tax (Double Taxation Relief) (Denmark) Order, 1956.

2. Declaration. It is hereby declared—

(a) that the arrangements specified in the First
Schedule to this Order, as modified by the provisions of
the Second Schedule to this Order, have been made with
the Government of Denmark;

(6) that it is expedient that those arrangements
should have effect.


Convention between the Government of the United King-
dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the
Government of the Kinvdem of Denmark for the
avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of
Fiscal Evasion with respect to taxes on Income.

Arrictye I

1. The taxes which are the see of the present
Convention are:—

(a) In Denmark: The national income tax (includ-
ing the extraordinary company tax) hereinafter referred
to as “ Danish tax me

(6) In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland: The income tax (including sur-tax)
and the profits tax (hereinafter referred to as “ United
Kingdom tax ’’).

2. The presen Convention shall also apply to any other
taxes of a substantially similar character imposed in Denmark
or the United Kinydom subsequently to the date of signature
of the present Convention.

Articie IT

1. In the present Convention, ualess the context other-
wise requires:

(a) The term ‘United Kingdom” means Great
Britain and Northern Ireland, excluding the Channel
Islands and the Isle of Man;


~ (hb) The term “Denmark” means the Kingdom. of
Denmark, excladine the Faroe [slands and Greenland;

(c) The terms “one of the territories’? and “the
other territory’ mean the United Kingdom or Denmark,
as the context reqttires;

(d) The term “tax” means United Kingdom tax or
Danish tax, a3 the context requires;

(¢) The term “person” includes any Baty of
persons, corporate or not corporate;

(7) The term “company” means any body corpo-

(y) The terms “resident of the United Kingdom”
and ‘‘resident of Denmark” mean respectively any person
who is resident in the United Kingdom for the purposes
of United Kingdom tax and not resident in Denmark for
the purposes of Danish tax, and any person who is resident
in Denmark for the purposes of Danish tax and not
resident in the United Kingdom for the purposes of
United Kingdom tax: a company shall be regarded as
resident in the United Kingdom if its business is managed
and controlled in the United Kingdom and as resident in
Denmark if its business is managed and controlled in

(/) The terms “resident of one of the territories”
and “resident of the other territory” mean a person who
is a resident of the United Kingdom or a person who is a
resident of Denmark, as the context requires;

(7) The terms “United Kingdom enterprise” and
‘Danish enterprise” mean respectively an industrial or
commercial enterprise or undertaking carried on by a
resident of the United Kingdom and an industrial or
commercial enterprise or undertaking carried on by a
resident of Denmark, and the terms “enterprise of one of
the territories” and “enterprise of the other territory ”
mean « United Kingdom enterprise or a Danish enterprise,
as the context requires; -

(}) The term “industrial or commercial profits ”


includes rents or royalties in respect of cinematograph


(/) The term * permanent establishment ”, when used
with respect to an enterprise of one of the territories, menns
a branch, management, factory, or other fixed place of
business, but does not include an agency unless the agent
has, and habitualiy exercises, a general authority to
negotiate and conclude contracts on behalf of such enter-
prise or has # stock of merchandise from which he regularly
fills orders on its behalf. In this connexiou—

(i) An-enterprise of one of the territories shall
not be deemed to have a permanent establish-
ment in the other territory merely because
it carries on business dealings in that other
territory through a bona jide broker or
generul commission agent acting in the
ordinary course of his business as such;

(ii) The fact that an enterprise of one of the
territories maintains in the other territory
a fixed place of business exclusively for the
purchase of goods or merchandise shall not
of itself constitute that fixed place of busi-
ness a permanent establishment of the

(iii) The fact that « company which is a resident
of one of the territories has a subsidiary
company which is a resident of the other
territory or which carries on a trade or
business in that other territory (whether
through a permanent establishment or
otherwise) shall not of itself constitute (hat
subsidiary company 8 permanent establish-
ment of its parent company.

2. Where under this Convention any incoine is exempt
from tax in one of the territories if (with or without other
conditions) it is subject to tax in the other territory, and that
income is subject to tax in that other territory by reference only
to the amount thereof which is remitted to or received in that
other territory, the exemption to be allowed under this Coven-
vention in the first-mentioned territory shall apply only to the
amount so remitted or received.

3. In the application of the provisions of the present
Convention by one of the High Contracting Parties any term
not otherwise defined shall, unless the context otherwise


requires, have the meaning which it has under the laws in force
in the territory of that Party relating to the taxes which are
the subject of the present Convention.

Articue IIT
1. The industrial or commercial profits of a United
Kingdom enterprise shall not be subject to Danish tax unless
the enterprise carries on a trade or business in Denmark through
a permanent establishment situated therein. If it carries on a
trade or business as aforesaid, tax inuy be imposed on those
profits by Denimark, but only on so much of them as is attri-
butable to that permanent establishment.

2. The industrial or commercial profits of a Danish enter-
prise shall not be subject to United Kingdom tax unless the
eterprise carries on a trade or business in the United Kingdom
(nrough # permanent establishment situated therein. If it
carries on a trade or business as aforesaid, tax may be imposed
on those profits by the United Kingdom, but only on so much
vf them as is attributable to that permanent establishment.

3. Where an enterprise of one of the territories carries
on a trade or business in the other territory through a per-
manent cstablishment situated therein, there shall be attributed
to that pertuancnt establishment tie industrial or commercial
profits which i¢ might be expected to derive in that other
territory if it were an independent enterprise engaged in the
sime or similar activities ander the same or similar conditions
and dealing at arm’s length with the enterprise of which it is a
permanent, establishment.


4. Where an enterprise of one of the territories derives
. profits, under contracts coucluded in that territory, from sales
of goods or merchandise stocked in a warehouse in the other
territory for convenience of delivery and not for purposes of
display, those profits shall not be attributed to a permanent
establishment of the enterprise in that other territory, notwith-
standing that the offers of purchase have been obtained by an
wzent in that other territory and transmitted by him to the
caterprise for acceptance.

5. No portion of any profits arising to an enterprise
of one of the territories shall be attributed to a permanent
establishment situated in the other territory by reason of the
mere purchase of goods or merchandise within that other
territory by the enterprise,


Articr IV

(a) an enterprise of one of the territories participates
directly or indirectly in the management, control or capital
of an enterprise of the other territory, or

(6) the same persons participate directly or indirectly
in the management, control or capital of an enterprise
of one of the territories and an enterprise of the other

and in either case, conditions are made or imposed between the
two enterprises, in their commercial or financial relations, which
differ from those which would be made between independent
enterprises, then any profits which would but for those
conditions have accrued to one of the enterprises but by reason
of those conditions have not so accrued may be included in the
profits of that enterprise and taxed accordingly.


1. The industrial and commercial profits of a company
which is a resident of Denmark shall, so long as undistributed
profits of United Kingdom enterprises are effectively charged
to United Kingdom Profits Tax at a lower rate than distributed

rofits of such enterprises, be charged to United Kingdom
Profits Tax only at that lower rate.

2. Where a company which is a resident of Denmark
controls, directly or indirectly, not less than 50 per cent. of the
entire voting power of a company which is a resident of the
United Kingdom, distributions by the latter company to the
former company shall be left out of account in computing
United Kingdom Profits Tax effectively chargeable on the
latter company at the rate appropriate to distributed profits.

3. If the industrial and commercial profits of a company
which is a resident of the United Kingdoin become chargeable
to a form of Danish tax under which, in the case of companies
which are residents of Denmark, the undistributed or undistri-
butable income is charged to tax ut a lower rate than the
distributed or distributable income of such companies, these
industrial and commercial profits shall be charged to Danish
tax only at the lower rate.

4, Where a company which is a resident of the United
Kingdom beneficially owns not less than’50 per cent. of the
entire ordinary share capital of a company which is a resident


of Denmark, distributed or distributable income payable by the
latter company to the former company shall be left out of
account in computing the liability of the latter company to -
Danish tax at any higher rate appropriate to distributed or
-distributable income, and this shall apply, in particular, in
computing the liability of the latter company to that part of the
‘Danish extraordinary. tax on companies known as Udbytterate.

Artictr VI

1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles III, IV
and V, profits which a resident of one of the territories derives
_ from operating ships or aircraft shall be exempt from tax in
the other territory.

2. The Agreement dated 18th December, 1924 (6),
between the United Kingdom and Denmark for the reciprocal
exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of profits accruing
from the business of shipping shall not have effect for any year
or period for which the present Convention has effect.

Artictr VII

' 1.—(a) Dividends paid by a company which is a resident
of the United Kingdom to a resident of Denmark,
who is subject to tax in Denmark in respect thereof
and does not carry on a trade or business in the
United Kingdom through « permanent establishment
situated therein, shall be exempt from United King-
dom sur-tax.

(6) Dividends paid by a company which is a resident of
Denmark to a resident of the United Kingdom, who
is subject to tax in the United Kingdom in respect
thereof and does not carry on a trade or business in
Denmark through a permanent establishment situated
therein, shall not be chargeable to tax in addition to
‘the tax on the profits out of which the dividends are
paid at a rate exceeding 5 per cent.: Provided that
where the resident of the United Kingdom is a
company which beneficially owns not less than 50 per
cent. of the entire ordinary share capital’ of the
company paying the dividends, the dividends shall be
exempt from any such tax on dividends.

(6) S.B. & O. 1925 (No. 102) p. 696.


2. Where a company vhich is a resident of one of the
territories derives profits or income from sources within the
other territory, there shall not be imposed in that other territory
any form of taxation on dividends paid by the company to
persons not resident in that other territory, or any tax in the
nature of undistributed profits tax on undistributed profits of
the company, whether or not those dividends or undistributed
profits represent, in whole or in part, profits or income so

Articie VIII

1. Any interest or royalty derived from sources within
one of the territories by a resident of the other territory, who
is subject to tax in that other territory in-respect thereof and
does not carry on a trade or business in the first-mentioned
territory through a permanent establishment situated therein,
shall be exempt from tax in that first-mentioned territory; but
no exemption shall be allowed in respect of interest paid by a
company which is a resident of one of the territories to a
company which is « resident of the other territory where the
latter company controls, either directly or indirectly, more than
00 per cent. of the entire voting power of the former company.

2. In this Article—

(a) The term “ interest” includes interest on bonds,
securities, notes, debentures or on any other form of

_ (0) The term “ royalty” means any royalty or other
amount paid as consideration for the use of, or for the
privilege of using, any copyright, patent, design, secret
process or formula, trade mark or other like property, but
does not include any royalty or other amount paid in
respect of the operation of a mine or quarry or of any
other extraction of natural resources.

3. Where any interest or royalty exceeds a fair and
reasonable consideration in respect of the indebtedness or rights
for which it is paid, the exemption provided by the present
Article shall apply only to so much of the interest or royalty
as represents such fair and reasonable consideration.

4, Any capital sum derived from one of the territories
from the sale of patent rights by a resident of the other territory,
who does not curry ona trade or business in the first-mentioned
territory through & permanent establishment situated therein,
shall be exempt from tax in that tirst-meutioned territory.

9 .

Income of whatever nature derived from real property
within one of the territories (except interest on mortgages
secured on real property) shall be chargeable to tax in accordance
with the laws of that territory. Where the said income is also
chargeable to tax in the other territory, credit for the tax pay-
able in the tirst-mentioned territory shall be given against the
tax payable on that income in the other territor y in accordance
with Article X VII.


A resident of one of the territories who does not carry ona
trade or business in the other territory through a permanent
establishment situated therein shall be exempt in that other
territory from any tax on gains from the sale, transfer, or
exchange of capital assets.


1. Remuneration, including pensions, paid by, or out of
funds created by, one of the High Contracting Parties to any
individual in respect of services rendered to that Party in the
discharge of governmental functions shall be exempt from tax
in the territory of the other High Contracting Party, unless the
individual is a national of that. other Party without being also
a national of the first-mentioned Party.

2. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to pay-
ments in respect of services rendered in connexion with any
trade or business carried on by either of the High Contracting
Parties for prirposes of profit.

Articyur XII

1. An individual who is a resident of the United Kingdom
shall be exempt from Danish tax on profits or remuneration in
respect of personal (including professional) services performed
within Denmark in any year of assessment if—

(4) he is present within Denmark for a period or
periods not exceeding in the agyregate 183 days during
that year, and

(5) the services are performed for or on behalf of a
resident of the United Kingdom, and

(c) the profits or remuneration are subject to United
Kingdom tax.


9. An individual who is a resident of Denmark shall be
exempt from United Kingdom tax on profits or remuneration
in respect of personal (including professional) services performed
within the United Kingdom in any year of assessment, if—

(a) he is present within the United Kingdom for a
period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 183 days
during that year, and

oO d

(6) the services ure performed for or on behalf of a
resident of Denmark, and

(c) the profits or remuneration are subject to Danish

3. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to the
profits or remuneration of public entertainers such as theatre,
motion picture or radio artists, musicians and athletes.

ArticLe XIII

1, Any pension (other than a pension of the kind referred
to in paragraph i of Article XT) and any annuity, derived from
sources within Denmark by an individual who is a resident of
the United Kingdom and subject to United Ningdom tax in
respect thereof, shall be exempt from Danish tax.

2. Any pension (other than a pension of the kind referred
to in paragraph 1 of Article XI) and any annuity, derived from
sources within the United Kingdom by an individual who is
a resident of Denmark and subject to Danish tax in respect
thereof, shall be exempt from United hingdom tax.

3. The term “annuity”? means « stated sum. payable
periodically at stated times, during life or during a spec ‘ified or
ascertainable period of time, under an oblivation to make the
payments in return-for ¢ adequate and full consideration in money
or money’s worth.

Articrn XIV

A professor or teacher from one of the territories, who
receives remuneration for teaching, during a period of temporary
residence not exceeding two years, at a university, college,
school or other educational institution in the other territory,
shall be exempt from tax in that other territory in respect of
that remuneration.

Arviere. XV

A student or business apprentice from one of the
territories, who is receiving full-time education or training in the
other territ< wy, shall be ¢ xempt vrom tax in thet other territor y
on pi rymnet: °3 made to hing hy persons in the first-mentioned
territory for the puEpones of his inaintenance, education or
trainin ge.

ArricLte XVI

1. Individaals who are residents of Denmark shall be
entitled to the same personal allowances, reliefs und reductions
for the purposes of United Kingdom income tax as British
subjecis no. resident in the U nited Kingdom.


2. Individuals who are residents of the United Kingdom
shall be eutitted to the same personal allowances and reliefs for
the purposes of Danish tax es Danisn nationals not resident in


ArvIcLE XV 1]

1. The laws of the High Contracting Parties shall
continue to govern the taxation of income arising in either of
the territacry, bP where express provision to the contrary
is made it a Convention. Where income is sul ject to tax
in both territories. relief from double taxation shall be given in
accordance with the following paragraphs:—

2. Subject to the provisions of the Inw of the United
Kingdon regarding the allowance as a eredit against United
Kingdom tax of tax payable in a territory outside the United
Kingdom, Danish tax nayabl lo, wherher directly or by deduction,
in respect of ineome from sources within Denmark shall be
allowed asa credit aganst the United Kingdom tax payable in
respect of that income. Where such income ts an ordinary
dividend ie bea a company resident in Denmark, the credit
shall take: ae addition to any Danish tax appropriate
to the divi )


Danish tax pave able by the company in
respect Of it onan nd, where it is a dividend paid on
partielpatin es -shares nud representing both a dividend
at the fixed tate to which the ae are entitled and an
additions! partic ination tna profits, the Danish tax so mayavle by
the compeny shall lsewise be bien into account in so far as the
dividend excecds that fixed rate.

8. United Kingdon tax payable, whether directly or by
deduotion, in respecs of iacome from sources within the United
Kingdom suall be allowed us a deduction from the Danish tax


payable in respect of that income. Provided that the umount
of the deduction shall not exceed the proportion of the Danish
tax which such income chargeable to Danish tax bears to the
total income chargeable to Danish tax. For the purposes of this
paragraph only, the expression ‘ Danish tax ” shall include the
Danish inter-municipal income tax.

4, Jn the case of a person who is resident in the United
Kingdom for the purposes of United Kingdom tax and is also
resident in Denmark for the purposes of Danish fax, the
provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article shall apply in relation
to income which that person derives from sources within
Denmark, and the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article
shall apply in relation totincome which he derives.from sources
within the United Kingdom. Tf such person derives income
from sources outside both the United Kingdom and Denmark,
tax may be imposed on that income in both the territories
(subject to the laws in force in the territories and to any
Convention which may exist between either of the High
Contraetiug Parties and the territory from which the income
is derived). A. credit shall be allowed in accordance with
paragraph 2 of this Article against any United Kingdom tax
payable in respect of that income, equal to that proportion of
the United Kingdom tax or the Danish tax on that income,
whichever is the less, which such person’s income from sources
within the United Kingdom bears to the sum of his income
from sources within the United Kingdom and bis imcome from
sources within Denmark; and a deduction shall be allowed in
accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article against any Danish
tax payable in respect of that income equal to that proportion
of the United Kingdom tax or the Danish tax on that income,
whichever is the less, which such person’s income from sources
within Denmark bears to the sum of his income from sources
within the United Kingdom and his income from sources
within Denmark.

5. For the purposes of this Article, protits or remunera-
tion for personal (including professional) services performed in
one of the territories shall be deemed to be income from sources
within that territory, and the services of an individual whose
services are wholly or mainly performed in ships or aircraft
operated by a resident of one of the territories shall be deemed
to be performed in that territory.


lL. The taxation authorities of the High Contracting
Parties shall exchange such information (being information


which is at their disposal under their respective taxation laws
in the normal course of administration) as is necessary for carry-
ing out the provisions . the present Convention or for the
prevention of freud or for the adininistration of statutor Vv pro-
visions against legal avoidance in relation to the taxes ‘which
are the subject of the present Gonvention. Any information so
exchanved shall be treated as secret and shall not be disclosed
to any persons other than those concerned with the assessment
and collection of the taxes which are the subject of the present
Convention. No information as aforesaid shall be exchanged
which would disclose any trade, business, industrial or pro-
fessional secret or trade proccss.

9) As used in thig Article, the term “ taxation authorities ”

means, in the case of the United Kingdom, the Commissioners
of Inland Revenue or their authorised representatives; in the
ease of Denmark, the Director-General of Taxation cr his
authorised representative; and, in the case of any territory
to which the present Convention is extended under Article XX,
the competent authority for the administration in such territory
of the taxes to which the present Convention applies.

Anrticte NIX

1. The nationals of one of the High Contracting Parties
shall not be subjected in the territory of the other High
Contracting Party to any taxation or any requirement connected
therewith which is other, higher, or more burdensome than the
taxation and connected requirements to which the nationals of
the Jatter Party are or may be subjected.

2. The enterprises of one of the territories, whethe?
carried on by a company, a body of persons or by individuals
alone or in partnership, shall not be subjected in the other
territory, in respect of profits or capital attributable to their
permanent establishments in that other territory, to any taxation
which is other, higher or more burdensome than the taxation
to which the enterprises of that other territory similarly carried
on areor may be subjected in respect of the like profits or

3. The income, profits and capital of an enterprise of one
of the territories, the capital of which is wholly or partly owned
or controlled, directly or indirectly, by a resident or residents of
the other territory shall not be subjected in the first-mentioned
territory to any taxation which is other, higher or more burden-
some than the taxation to which other enterprises of that first-
mentioned territory are or may be subjected in respect of the like
income, profits and capital.


4, Nothing in paragraph | or paragraph 2 of this Article.
shall be construed as obliging one of the Mivh Contracting
Parties to grant to nauonals of tho odor dieh Contracting
Party who are not resident in tie ierritory of the fortmer Party
the same personal allowances, reliefs and redeetious for tax
purposes a8 are granted to His owi nationals.

5. In this Article the term ‘nationals’? means—

(a) in relation to Denmark, all Danish citizens and
all legal persons, partuerships, associations and other
entities deriving their status as such from the law in force
in Denmark or in any Danish territory to which the present
Convention applies by reason of extension made under

Article XX;

(b) in relation to the United Kingdo my all British
subjects aud British-pretectei persons residing in the
United Kingdom or any Brinen ae ively the
present Convention sppiies by reason of extension made
under Article NA, and all leeal persons. partnerships,
associations and other entities deriving their status as such
from the law in force in anys Oricsli territory to which
the present Convention applies.

6. In this Article th: form aes ion’ ipeans taxcs of
every kind and description levied on behalf of any authority

Anticre XX

1. The present Convention may be extended, cither in
its entirety or with modifications, to any territory of one of the
High Contracting Parties to which this Article applies and
which i imposes taxes substantially similar in character to those
which are the subject of the present Convention, and any
such extension shall take effect froin such date and "subject to
such modifications and conditions (ineluding conditions as to
termination) «as may he specified and agrecd between the High
Contracting Parties in notes to be exchanged for this purpose.

2, The termination in respect of Denmark or the United
Kingdom of the present Convention under Article NXIT shall,
unless otherwise expressly agreed by both Wigh Contracting
Parties, terminate the application of the present Convention to
any territory to which the Convention has been extended under
this Article.

3. The territories to which this Article applies are:

(a) in relation to the United Kingdom: any territory
other than the United Kingdom for whose international
relations the United Kingdom 1s responsible;

(6) in relation to Denmark: any territory other than
Denmark for whose international relations Denmark is


1. The present Convention shall be ratified and the
instruments of ratification shall be exchanged at London as
soon as possible.

2. Upon exchange of ratifications the present Convention
shall have eifect——

(@) In the United Kingdom:

as respects income tax for any year of assessment
beginning on or after the 6th April, 1919;

as respects sur-tax for any year of assessment beginning
on or after the 6th April, 1948; and

as respects profits tax in respect of the following profits:—

(i) profits arising in any chargeable accounting
period beginning on or after. the Ist; April,
1949; ,

(ii) profits attributable to so much of any
chargeable accounting period falling partly
before and partly after that date as falls
after that date;

(iii) profits not so arising or attributable by -
reference to which income tax is, or but for
the present Convention would be, chargeable
for any year of assessment beginning on or
after the 6th April, 1949.

(2) In Denmark:

as respects Danish tax for any taxation year beginning on
or after the 1st April, 1949.


The present Convention shall continue in effect indefinitely
but either of the High Contracting Parties may, on or before
the 30th June in any calendar year not earlier than the year
1958, give to the other High Contracting Party, through
diplomatic channels, written notice of termination and, in such
event, the present Convention shall cease to be effective—

(a) In the United Kingdom:
as respects income tax for any year of assessment
beginning on or after the 6th April in the calendar year
next following that in which the notice is given;

as respects sur-tax for any year of assessment beginning
on or after the 6th April in the calendar year in which the
notice is given; and

ax respects profits tax in respect of the following profits: —

(i) profits arising in anv chargeable accounting
period beginning on or after the Ist April
in the calendar year next following that in
which the notice is given;

(ii) profits attributable to so much of any
chargeable accounting period f:lling partly
before and partly after that date as falls
after that date;

(iii) profits not so arising or attributable by
reference to which income tax is chargeable
for any year of assessment beginning on or
after the 6th April in the next following
calendar year.

(6) In Denmark:

as respects Danish tax for any taxation year beginning on
or after the 1st April in the calendar year next following
that in which the notice is given.


1. Apruication. (a) The provisions of the Conven-
tion incorporated in the First Schedule to this Order shall
apply as modified below:— | :

(i) as if the contracting parties were the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands and the Government of


(ii) as if the tax concerned in the case of the Presi-
dency were the tax on income imposed by the
Lncome Tax Ordinance, 1946, as amended;

(iii) as if the taxes concerned in the ease of Denmark
included the Defence Tax;

(iv) as if referances to the date of signature were
references to the 22nd day of December, 1954;

(v) as if references to the Gth day of April were

references to the Ist dav of January

(6) The extension shall have effect in the Presideney 2s
respects tax for the year of assessment 1954 and for subse-
quent years of aseessment, (and will have effect in Denmark—
as respects Danish tax for any taxation year beginning on ot

after the first day of April 1954).

(c) ‘The extension shall continue in effect indefinitely but
may be terminated as respects the Presidency by writter
notice of termination given on or before the 30th day of June
i any calendar year net earlier than the year 1957 by either of
the High Contracting Parties to the Convention to the other
High Contracting Party through the siplomatic channel and
in sueh event che extension shall cease to have effect in the
Presidency ax respects tax for the year of assessment begin-
ning in the calendar year next following the date of such
notice and for subsequent vears of assessment, (and will cease
to have effect in Denmark as respects Danish tax for any
taxation year beginning on or after the first day of April in
the calendar year next following that int which the hutice 1s

Â¥. Movirtcations, (a) In Article VII) of the Con-
vention tie wores “exempt from United Kingdom sur-tax ”
shall be understood for the purposes of this extension ae
though they read “ shall not be liable to tax in the territory at
a rare in excess of the rate applicable to a company ”.

(6) In Articles VILT and {X all references to interest
shall be deemed to be deleted,

Made by the Governor in Council this 27th day of
March, 1956.
M. Tit.ry,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Oilice, Lewward Islands,
hy HLM. Brac wan, Government Printer.— By Authority.
C. BL{OGOGO—480—4.50. Price 20 eents.

Full Text


Published by Authority.


No. 16,


It is notified for general informa-
tion that the Secretary of State for
the Colonies has selected Mr. A. W.
SAVAGE, O©.M.G., former Director
General of Civil Aviation, Malaya/
Borneo Region, for temporary re-
employment as Director of Civil
Aviation for the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands.
2. It is expected that Mr. SAVAGE
will arrive in Antigna about the
middle of June, 1956.

The Sceretariat,

31st Murch, 1956.

P.F. 633.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that Mr. F. O. C. HARRIS has
been appointed Crown Attorney and
Magistrate, Montserrat, in succession
to Mr. A. F. G. LouiIsy, who has been
transferred to Dominica.

2. Mr. HARRIS was called to the
Bar in November, 1948, and has been
practising as a Barrister in Dominica.

The Secretariat,

31st March, 1956.

Ref. No. C. 13/00098.

Claims under the Bonn Conven-
tions in respect of Foreign
Interests in Germany.

(The English Text of the Conventions
(Cmd. 9368) is obtainable from
ALM.S.O. price 5s. 0d.)

Under the provisions of Chapter 10
of the Bonn Convention of the Settle-
ment of Matters Arising out of the

War and the Occupation, United
Nations nationals and companies
organised under German law in

which U.N. nationals own participa-
tion may assert claims against the
Federal Republic of Germany for the
return of their property and the
restoration of their rights and inter-
ests in the Federal territory to the
extent to which such property, rights
or interest suffered discriminatory
treatment (as defined in the Conven-
tion) during the recent war.
2. Such claims must be filed on
or before May 5, 1956 with the:—
Ref. No. A. 29/17.

328) 7-Fzr



Acting Commissioner.

WHEREAS by section 29 of the
Animals (Diseases, Importation and
Exportation) Ordinance, 1955 (No.
15/1955) it is provided that the said
Ordinance shall come into operation
on such day as the Governor may
appoint by proclamation published in
the Gazette.

officer for the time baing administer-
ing the Government of the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands, do by this my
proclamation declare that the said

Ordinance shall come into operation -

on the 9th day of April, 1956.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving
subjects in the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands and all others whom it
may concern are hereby required to
take due notice hereof and to give
their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the OCommissioner’s Office,
at Tortola, in the Virgin Islands,
this 28th day of March, 1956,
and in the fifth year of Her
Majesty’s reign.




Acting Commissioner.

WHEREAS by section 3 of the
Sombrero Laws (Repeal) Ordinance,
1956 it is provided that the said Ordi-
nance shall come into operation on a
day to be appointed by the Governor
by proclamation published in the

officer for the time being administer-
ing the Government of the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands, do by this my
proclamation declare that the said
Ordinance shall come into operation
on the first day of May, 1956.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving
subjects in the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands and all others whom
it may concern are hereby required
to take due notice hereof and to give
their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Commiéissioner’s
Office at Tortola in the Virgin
Islands this 28th day of March,
1956, and in the fifth year of
Her Majesty’s reign.


No. 40.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect trom
the dates stated, are published for
general information:—

HUMPHREY, Miss M. I., Junior Clerk,
Legal Department, Montserrat, con-
firmed in appointment.

, Oct. 1, 1955

ME. 332.

No. 41.

The Governor has this day been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinance:—


No. 4 of 1956, “ ‘I'he Licensing Act
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1956.”
Apr. 4
The Secretarvat,
Ref. No. 47/00165

No. 42.

The following Bill which is to be
introduced in the Leyislative Council
of Antigua, is circulated with this
Gazette and forms part thereof :—

“The Cotton Levy (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1956.”

No. 43.

The following Ordinances and Stat-
utory Rules and Orders arg circulated
with this Gazette and form part


No. 4 of 1956, “The Licensing
Act (Amendment) Ordinance, 1956.”
Opp. Price 12 cts.
62 THE

Virgin Islands.

No. 15 of 1955, “The Animals
(Diseases, Importation and Exporta-
tion) Ordinance, 1955.”

15 pp. Price 17 ets.


General Government.

No. 14 of 1956, ‘“* The Unallocated
Stores Accounts (Revocation) Rules,
1956.” 1 pp. Priee 3 cts.

No, 15 of 1956, “The Accounting
Officers (Revocation) Rules, 1956.”
1 pp. Price 3 cts.

No. 16 of 1956, “The Colonial Air
Navigation (Use of Montserrat Gov-
ernment Aerodrome) Notification,
1956.” 2 pp. Price 4 cts.

No. 17 of 1956, * The Air Naviga-
tion (Designation of Aerodrome)
Order, 1956.” 1 pp. Price 3 cts,

No. 18 of 1956, “The Antigua
Postal Service (Amendment) Regula-
tions, 1956.” 3 pp. Price 5 cts.

Virgin Islands.

No. 9 of 1956, ‘‘The Income Tax
(Donble Taxation Relief) (Denmark)
Order, 1956.” 17 pp. Price 20 cts.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.

A.D. 1956.

Notice ig hereby given that the
Honourable the Puisne Judge selected
for the sitting of the Court in the
Saint Christopher Circuit, which said
Court was adjourned on the 28th day
of February, 1956, has appointed the
day of the month on which the
ensuing Circuit Court shall resume
its sitting as follows that is to say:—

The Saint Christopher Circuit shall
resume on Tuesday the 3rd day of
April, 1956 at 10 o’clock in the fore-

Dated the 20th day of March, 1956.

Registrar. .
Ref. No 36/00007.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.

A.D. 1956.

Notice is hereby given that in pur-
suance of Rules made by the Chiof
Justice under Section 16 of the Wind-
ward Islands and Leeward Islands
(Courts) Order-in-Council 1939, and
duly approved as therein provided
on the 16th day of October, A.D.


1941, the Honourable the Puisne
Judge selected for the sitting of the
Court in the Nevis Circuit has
appointed the day of the month on
which the ensning Circuit Court shall
sit ag follows, that is to say:—

The Nevis Circuit on Tuesday the
17th day of April, 1956 at 10 o’clock
in: the forénoon.

Dated the 20th day of March, 1956.

Ref. No.736/00007.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.


Notice is hereby given that in pur-
suance of Rules made by the Chief
Justice uniler Section 16 of the Wind-
ward Islands and Leeward Islands
(Courts) Order in Council, 1939, and
duly approved as therein provided on
the 16th day of October, A.D. 1941,
the Honourable the Puisne Judge
selected for the sitting of the Court
has appointed the day of the month
on which the ensuing Circuit Court
shall sit as follows, that is to say:—

The Virgin Islands Cirenit on
Monday the 9th day of April, 1956,
at 10 o’ciock in the forenoon.

Dated the 4th day of April, 1956.

Ag. Chief Registrar.

Statement showing British Caribbean Coin
circulation in the British Caribbean
Territories (Eastern Group) on 1st
December, 1955.

Average Circulation during
October 1955 Nil.
British Caribbean Coins in cir-
culation—lst Dec. 1955

Trinidad & Tobago $165,600
Barbados 230,400
British Guiana 70,600
Grenada 8,000
St. Vincent 9,025
St. Lucia 29,750
Dominica 12,850
Antigua 20,475
St. Kitts 9,550


Executive Commissioner,
Br. Caribbean Currency Board.

British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,

[5 April, 1956

Statemeat showing British Caribbean Coin
circulation in the British Caribbean
Territories (Eastern Group) on Ist
January, 1956.

Average circulation during

15-30th Nov. 1955 $387,158

British Caribbean Coins in cir-
culation Ist Jan. 1956

Trinidad & Tobago $344,600
Barbados 312,475
British Guiana 239,725
Grenada 44,000
St. Vincent 25,025
St. Lucia 42,250
Dominica 49,350
Antigna 49,775
St. Kitts 20,250
Moutserrat 4,700


Executive Commissioner,
Br. Caribbean Currency Board.

British Caribbcan Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,

Statement showing British Caribbean Coin
Circulation in the British Caribbean

Territories (Eastern Group) on 1st
February, 1956.

Average circulation during
December, 1955 $943,820
British Caribbean Coing in cir-
culation Ist Feb. 1956

Trididad & Tobago $395,000
Barbados 355,725
British Guiana 279,725
Grenada 56,000
St. Vincent 49,025
St. Lucia 66,250
Dominica 49,350
Antigua 49,775
St. Kitts 20,250
Montserrat 4,700


Executive Commissioner,
Br. Caribbean Currency Board.

British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,


Central Experiment Station,

Month. 1952. 1953. 1954, 1955. 1956,
Jan, 241 193 3.04 2.16 5.15
Feb. 1.60 102 245 .68 1.23
Mar. 1.62 5.60 1.08 .83 1.40
5.63 8.55 6.57 3.67 7.78

5 April, 1956.)

Agricultural Scholarship ten-
able at the Imperial College
of Tropical Agriculture.

1. Applications are invited fora
scholarship tenable at the Imperial
College of Tropical Agriculture,
‘Trinidad, to be awarded by the
Government of tha Leeward Islands
in respect of the year 1956.

2, Applications must be submitted
to the Colonial Secretary through—

(a) the Headmaster of the school
at which the applicant is being
or has being taught, or

(6) the Administrator or Com-
missioner of the Presidency con-

by the 12th April, 1956.

Application forms should be obtained
from the office of administration of
the Presidency in which the applicant

3. The successful candidate will
be required to sign an undertaking
to serve for three years in the
Leeward Islands upon the snecessful
completion of his course of study if
offered suitable employment.

The Secretariat,
26th March, 1956.

Ref. No. 28/00221



The Vehicles & Road Traftic
Ordinance, 1946.

By virtue of the powers conferred
on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles
and Road Traffic Ordinance 1946
(No. 5 of 1946), I hereby fix the
period hereunder for the lighting of

Until further notice, the lighting
period of vehicles shall be from
6.30 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Dated this 28th day of February,
Lt. Col.
Traffic Commissioner.
Ref. No. 36/00007.

Applications are invited for ap-
pointment to the post of Senior
Draughtsman, Windward Islands,
particulars of which are as follows:—

Appointment: The post is non-
pensionable, and appointment thereto
will be on a temporary contractual
basis for a period of 2 years in the
first instance. The officer will be
subject to the Colonial Regulations
and the local General Orders for the
time being in force, so far as they are
applicable. The officer will be a
member of the staff of the Executive
Architect, Windward Islands, and
will be stationed in St. Lucia.

Salary: The salary will be at the
rate of $3,360 (£700) per annum in
the scale $3,360 x 120-3,600 (£700 x
25-750) per annum.



Qualifications: Applicants should
have had at least 5 years experience
of work usually undertaken by an
Architect’s Office and be thoroughly
conversant with the preparation of
working drawings and specifications.

Quarters: Quarters are not pro-
_ Passages: Free passages to St.

Lucia will be provided for the officer,
his wife, and children, not exceeding
5 persons in all; children to be under
18 years of age, unmarried and de-
pendent on the officer. Free return
passages will also be provided on the
satisfactory termination of the period
of engagement.

Leave: Vacation leave on full gal-
ary will be granted ut the rate of one
week for each completed period of 12
months service. Such leave to bo
taken on the satisfactory termination
of the officer’s contract.

Medical Attention: Free medical
attention and medicines are not pro-

Taxation: All Government offi-
cers are liable to taxation imposed by
local legislation.

Applications, giving full particulars
of applicants’ qualifications and ex-
perience, and accompanied by two
testimonials, which will not be
returned, should be addressed to the
Chief Secretary, Windward Islands,
at Grenada, and should reach him not
later than the 30th April, 1956.

Ref. No. C. 13/00110,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E.{3{ BLAcKMAN,

Government Printer.—By Authority.

| Price 712 cents. }

No. of 1956. Cotton Export Levy (Amendment)

No. of 1956.


An Ordinance to amend further the Cotton Export
Levy Ordinance, 1933.

if J

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua as
follows:— -

1. This Ordinance may he cited as the Cotton
Export Levy (Amendment) Ordinance, 1956 and shall be
read as one with the Cotton Export Levy Ordinance, 1933,
as amended, hereinafter cailed the Principal Ordinance.

Q. Section 3 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by the substitution of the words ‘‘two cents”
for the words «one haif penny”

8. Section 6 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
amendei by the deletion of the full-stop at the end of the

section and the addition thereto of the words “or the
Antigua Cotton Growers’ Association’.


Passed the Legislative Council this . day of

Clerk of the Council’



Short. title.



of section 3 of
“the Principal


of sectior 6 of
the Principal
Anriaud. 2 Cotton Export Levy (Amendment) No. — of 1956.

The object of this Bill is te increase the cess payable on clean
cotton lint exported to 2c. per pound and to provide for the appropria-
tion of part of the cess so collected to the Antigua Cotton Growers’

Rawpatn H. Locxaart,
Crown Attorney.
21st February, 1956. .

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by fi. M. Bracxman, Government Printer.—By Authority.
320—4.56. [ Price 5 cents.}
No. 4 of 1956. Facensing Act (Amendment). ANTIGUA.

I Assrnt,

. / Kk. W. BracksurneE,
ON. “4 Governor.
Sg oo” Ath April, 1956,
SE Ke pri,
SS, eae

No. 4 of 1956.

An Ordinance to amend further the Licensing
Act, US79.
[4th April, 1956 | Comnience-


ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short Title.
Licensing Act (Amendment) Ordinance, 1956, and
shall be read as one with the Licensing Act, 1879, 4/1879.
as amended, hereinafter called the Principal Ordi-

2. ‘section 8 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment
hereby amended by the addition of the following he Panciral
definitions :—— Ordinance.
-“ “eruise ship” means a ship having on board

not less than one hundred and _ fifty
passengers but does not include such ship
when no passenger therefrom lands in the
Presidency, and any other ship or vessel
notified by the Collector of Customs by
./ notice published in a newspaper cir-
\ culting in the Presidency for the period

f . .
stated in such notice.


LY F7e

Anticua, 2 = Licensing Nei (ainendment). No. 4 of 1956.

“guest”? means a person using any licensed
hotel for lodging during the night.

“hotel”? means any building or group of
buildings proved to the satisfaction of the
Licensing Magistrate to be structurally
adapted for use for the reception of
guests and travellers desirous of dwelling
therein, and includes the curtiluge thereof
and all structures within such curtilage,
or occupied with or as appurtenant to the
premises, and in the ease of which no
portion thereof is set apart and used as a


Amendment 8. Section 4 of the Principal Ordinance is

of section 4 of ; —
the Principal hereby amended


(i) by the insertion of the words and
brackets ‘‘(other than applications
for proprietary club licence)”
between the word ‘licences’ and
the words “to sell”’;

(ii) by the substitution of a colon for
the full stop at the end thereof;

(iii) by the addition of the following
provisos— ,

“Provided that if all applications
made at-any such special session shall not
-be disposed of in one day, such session
shall be adjourned from time to time to
any convenient day:

Provided further that the Licensing
Magistrate may, in his discretion, hold
an extraordinary licensing session on any
other date for the purpose of considering
any application for a new licence under
this Act, the urgency of which makes it
advisable in his opinion that such extra-
ordinary licensing session should be

No. 4 of 1956. Livenstng Act (Amendment). 8 ANTIGUA.

4. The following section shall be inserted Insertion of
immediately after section 11 as section 1LA of the fie Principal,
Principal Ordinance: — Ordinance.

“{1A. (1) Every person desirous of Application
applymg for the grant or renewal of & pro- a cee
prietary club licence shall make application transfer of
therefor to the Governor in Council. Such en
application shall conrain the name and address
of the applicant and the situation and descrip-
tion of the premises in respect of which the
wpplication is made.

(2) If the application is granted, the
Governor in Council shall authorise the
Collector of Customs to grant to the applicant
a licence in the form set out in Schedule [it to
this Act which authority shall be deemed to
be of the like effect as the Licensi sing Magis-
trate’s Certificate required by subsection (8)
of section 12 of this Act.

(3) Tf the Governor in Council rejects
the application for a grant or renewal of such
licence the rejection shall be final and no
appeal shall lie therefrom.

(4) Applications for the transfer to some
other person or to some other premises of a
proprietary club licence shall be made to the
Governor in Council who may grant or reject
the application as in the case of a grant or
renewal of such licence.’’.

5. Scction 12 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment
ls Soph __ of section 12
hereby amended aaa
pal Ordinance,

(i) by the substitution of the following
for paragraph (d) of subsection (2)
of the section:—

“(d) Except as provided in
subsection (2A) of this section,
no hotel licence shall be granted
fur any hotel containing a bar
for the resort and aecommoda-
tion of the public, nor in any
ease without the production to
the Licensing Magistrate of a


Licensing Act( Amenimené). No. 4 of 1956.

certificate from the Collector of -
Customs that the premises
sought to be licensed are bona

fide an hotel, and are suitable

to be licensed as an hotel for
the sale of intoxicating liquor
therein.”’. :

Gi) by the insertion immediately after
subsection (2) of the section of the
following as subsection (2A):—

“ Special

(2A) (a) A special hotel
licence, in the form set out in
Schedule H® to this Act, which
shall authorise the person to
whom it is granted to sell by
retail between the hours of
eight o'clock in the morning
and eleven o'clock in the eve-
ning any intoxicating liquor,
on which every duty payable
thereon has been paid, to be
consumed on the hotel premises,
whether the person to whom
such liquor is supplied is or is
not a guest at such hotel.

(6) A special hotel licence
shall not be granted unless the
hotel for which such licence is
sought is licensed for the sale
of intoxicating liquor therein
and the Licensing Magistrate
is satisfied that in such hotel
the bar is kept mainly for the
bona jide entertainment of the
guests and that itis for the
general public convenience that
a special hotel licence be
granted in respect of those

(e) a the
provisions of paragraph («) heat
kubject to the provisions of
subsection (%) of this section,
No. 4 of L956. Licensing Act (Amendment). 5 ANTIGUA.

during ‘he (ime that any cruise
ship is within the limits of a
port in the Presidency, or on
the occasion of any dance, ball,
or other entertainment being
held in a_ specially licensed
hotel, it shall be lawful for the
senior police officer in the
Presidency to grant a written
authority to the occupier of a
specially licensed hotel to sell
intoxicating liquor to the pas-
sengers from such ship and
other persons attending at such
time, dance, ball or other enter-
talinment during such hours
and on such days as may be
specified in such written au-
thority and such written au-
thority shall be subject to the
nume conditions as may be
imposed in respect of an occa-
sional permit granted under
paragraph (@) of subsection (7)
of this section. ”’;

(iii) by the substitution of the words
“Governor in Council” for the
words ‘“Jicensing Magistrate”
between the word ‘‘the” and the
word ‘fis’? in subsection (6);

(iv) by the substitution of the following
for subsection (7) of the section:—

(7) It shall be lawful for «occasional
the senior police officer in the — Permit.
Presidency to authorise and
‘grant a written permit—

(a) to any person to sell
liquor by retail at any enter-
tainment, show, race meet-
ing, athletic or other sports,
or at any other social meet-
img or gathering where
- Anrieava. 6 Licensing Ac’ (Amendment). No. 4 of 1956.

refreshments are likely to be
required, for such period of
time not exceeding seven
days, and subject to such
conditions as may be set out
in such written permit :

Provided that where the
payment of a fee is reyuired
as a condition in such writ-
ten permit, such fee shall
not exceed the sum of
twenty dollars;

(6) to any licensed per-
son to keep open his prem-
ises for the sale of intoxi-
cating liquor until 9 p.m.
on any day other than a
Sunday.” ;

(v) by the addition of the following at
the end of subsection (8) of the

“On every special hotel
licence ... twenty-four dollars.”

Amendment 6. Section 16 of the Principal Ordinance
of section 16 is hereby amended by the insertion of the words
pal Ordinance, “except a licensed hotel or a proprietary club”

between the words “ building or place” and the

words ‘in which liquor”.

Amendment 4. Section 32 of the Principal Ordinance
of section 32 is hereby amended—
pone (a) by the substitution of a comma
for the word “or’’ hetween the words
“tavern licence’? and the words “a club
licence’’ and the insertion of the words “ or
wv special hotel licence”? between the words
‘ “elub licence” and the words “has been

granted’ in subsection (1) of the section:

(b) by the deletion in subsection (2) of
the section of all the words appearing after
the words “ Christmas day” to the end of
the said subsection;
No. 4 of 1956. Licensing Act (Amendment) 7 ANTIGUA.

(c) by renumbering subsection (3) of
the section as subsection. (4); and

(@) by the insertion of the following
as subsection (8) of the section:—

(3) The hours during which
intoxicating lquor may be sold or
supplied in any tavern or club
or to persons other than guests in an
hotel in respect of which a special
hotel licence has been granted shall

be as follows:--

(i) in the case of premises in
respect of which a tavern
or special hotel licence
has been granted, the
hours between eight
o'clock in the morning
and eleven o’clock in the
evening; and

(ii) in the case of a elub in
accordance with the rules
of the club.”.

8. The following shall be inserted im- Insertion of.
mediately after section 32 as section 32A of the section 324 in

ce 7 the Principal
Principal Ordinance:— Ordinance,

“32A. (1) Notwithstanding the pro- Extended _
visions of the preceding section, “where in ows pennit.
any particular case a licensed person applies
for the hours of opening or closing his
licensed premises to be extended it shall be
lawful for the senior police officer in the

Presidency having regard to—

(a) the special type of service
provided in the licensed premises;

(6) the standard of behaviour of
persons resorting to or frequenting the
licensed premises or their immediate
vicinity ;

(c) the class and requirements of
the neighbourhood or district in which
the licensed premises are situated; and

Insertion of

new Schedule
to the Princi-
pal Ordinance,


Licensing Act (Amendment). No. 4 of 1956.

(d) the actual or probable effect
on the general standard of conduct
in that neighbourhood or district of
extending the permitted hours of
business of the licensed premises,

to grant written permission to the licensed
person to open or close or open and close his
licensed premises before or after the per-
mitted hours of opening and closing for
those premises.

(2) Every such permission shall be for
a period of not more than one month in the
first instance and may thereafter be for
further periods of three months and shall
in every case be subject to such conditions,
limitations and restrictions as may be

specified in such permission.

(3) Nothwithstanding the provisions of
subsection (2) of this section, any such
permission may at any time, for good and
sufficient reason, be revoked by the senior
police officer in the Presidency.

(4) Any licensed person dissatisfied
with a refusal to extend the permitted
hours for his licensed premises, or the
revocation of any such permission or by any
condition, limitation or restriction in a
written permission granted in respect of his
licensed premises may appeal to the Gover-
nor in Council whose decision thereon shali
be final.

9. (1) The following Schedule is hereby

inserted in the Principal Ordinance as Schedule
ES :—
No. 4 of 1956. Licensing Act (Amendment), 9 ANTIGUA.,

Form oF Sprerau Hornmu LICENCE.

ALB. Of cece cee eceseeeneeeesseeeeesserases is hereby authorised to sell
on his premises in....c.... cesseseeseeseeeeees eee teeta eueeseue ...- Street in
Che. ce cccecescecceteteeceseeserteceecs wee OF oe sccccsseereeceeees tavees eer re eee
known ag the.....cecccce esses eer esceeeees Hotel to persons other than guests

at any time between the hours of vight o’clock in the morning and
eleven o'clock in the evening any intoxicating liquor on which every
duty payable thereon has been paid, to be consumed on the hotel

premises. This licence shall continue in force from the.......sececees day

C.D. Collector of Customs.”

Arc LovE.acr,

Passed the Legislative Council this 29th day of
March, 1956.

F. A. Crarkr,
Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E. M. BhackMan, Government Printer.—By Authority.
A47/95—520—4.56. Price 12 cents.
No, 15 of 1955.) Animals (Diseases. Tnportation VirGIN
cand Mrportlatirey IsLANDS

I Assent,
K. W. Bracknurne,

20th March, 1956.

No. 15 of 1955.


Kk. W. Brackpurnr,


An Ordinance to control the importation of
animals, birds, reptiles and insects, to
regulate the treatment and disposal of
animals which are suffering or are suspected
to be suffering from any disease, to regulate
the exportation of animals from the Presi-
dency and for other matters related thereto
or connected therewith.

[ By Proclamation. ]

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Vir-
gin Islands.


1. This Ordinance may he cited as the short title.
Animals (Diseases, Tmportation and Wxporta-
tion) Ordinance, 1955,

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context tterpretation.
othcrwise admits—

‘animal ” includes cattle, buffaloes, horses,
mules, asses, sheep, swine, goats, dogs,
cats and all animals of whatsoevor kind,
whether similar to the foregoing or
not; .

‘bird’ does not include poultry;

and notifien-

tion of disvas-

ed animals.


40 Animals (Disec x. Linpertation No 15 of 1955
vend herpes fecfgeipe}

(2) It shall be the duty of the inspector
and assistant inspectors to carry out the provi-
sions of this Ordinance and of any regulations
made thereunder and for such purpose every
assistant inspector shall bave, subject to the
directions, either veneral or particular of the
inspector, all the rights, powers, and duties, given
to the inspector under this Ordinance.

Contro! of diseased or suspected animals.

4. (1) Uvery person having in his posses-
sion or under his charge any diseased animal

(a) as far ns practicable kcep such animal
separate from animals not so diseased; and

(6) with all practicable speed give notice
of the fact of the animal being so diseased to
the inspector or to the person in charge of the
nearest police station.

(2) The person to whom notice under sub-
section (1) of this section is given, if not the
inspector, shall forthwith give information thereof
to the inspector.

5 (1) Where the inspector suspects that
any disease exists in any place he shall forthwith
sign a notice to that effect and such notice shall
contain a declaration that such place, the limits
whereof shall be therein specified, is an infected
place. A copy of such notice shall be served upon
the oceupier of such place.

(2) Upon the service of such notice the place
therein specified shall be an infected place subject
to confirmation or otherwise by the Governor in
Council under the provisions of subsection (4)
of this section:

Provided tat the inspector may, at any time
within seven days of such service and before such
confirmation or otherwise, withdraw such notiec
and thereupon such place shall cease to be an
infected place.
No. 15 of 1955. Animals (Discives, Importation 0
aud api, tation)

(8) Tne inspector shall with all practicable
speed send copies of such notice to the Commis-
sioner, and where any such notice has been
withdrawn the inspector shall forthwith inform
the Commissioner to that effect.

(£) Upon receipt by the Commissioner of the
copies of such notice the Governor in Council shall,
unless such notice has bees withdrawn, forthwith
consider the matter and—

(7) if satisfied that such course is expe-
dicnt or necessary, shall by order declare the
place specified in such notice to be an infected
place, and may also by order declare that any
area contaming, adjoining or surrounding,
such place is an area infected with disease and
such order shall specify the limits of such
infectcd area; or

(/) if not so satisfied, shall by order
revoke the notice of the inspector, and there-
upon as from the time specified in that behalf
by such order such place shall cease to be
an infected place.

6. (i+ The Governer in Couneil, whenever
io appeurr necessary or expedient so to do by
reason of the existence of any disease, may by
order declare any area in the Presidency to be
infected with disease, and such order shall specify
the limits of such infected area.

(2) The Governor in Council may, in. his

NUUy = wd .
diseretion, by order prohibit, during such time as
may be specified in such order—

: (4) the use in any manner whatever of
any public road through an infected area or of
any part of such public road; or

() the use, except m compliance with
such conditions as nny he specified in such

order, of any such puhiie roud oe of any part

of such public road.


Infected areas,



Animals (Diseases, dirportetion No, 15 of 1995. °
aud Meportation)

(cv) the notification to the public of in-
fected places or infected areas and the removal
of anything into, within or out of such places
or areas, and the cleansing or disinfecting of
such places or areas:

(d) the movement of persons into, with-
in or out of infected places or infected areas,
and the prevention of the spread of discase by
persons in contact with diseased or suspected

(e) the treatment, disinfecting, destruc-
tion, burial, disposal and digging up, of any-
thing in or remoyed from an infeeted place or
infected area;

(7) the movement, isolation, segregation,
treatment, slaughter, des truction, disposal,
burial, seizure, detention and exposure for
sile, of diseased or suspected animals;

(vy) the compulsory dipping of animals
and the construction and situation of dipping

(h) the compulsory innoculation of ani-

(7) the removal, transport, treatment,
isolation, examination, testing, cleansing, dis-
infecting, protection from sulfering, exposure

for sale, exhibition or marking, of animals;
? ?

(7) the removal, transport, treatment,
examination, cleansing and disinfecting, of
carcasses, fodder, litter, dung and other things
likely to spread ee

(£) the cleansing, disinfecting and exam-
ination of places used by, and vehicles, vessels
or boats used for the transport of, animals;

(2) the fees and expenses incurred for
any purpose for which regulations may be
madeé under this section, and the persons by
whom they are (o be paid, and the manner in
which they may be recovered ;
“No, 15 of 1955. clnimals (Diseases, Importation 9
and Expurlation)

(m) the penalties for the breach of any
such regulations.


18. (1) No bird, reptile or insect may a
imported into the Presidency save under and i
accordance with a licence granted by the ee
under the provisions of section 15 of this Ordi-

(2) Any person who—

(a) imports into the Presidency any
Inrd, reptile or insect, otherwise than uuder a
hicence in that behalf granted under section 15
of this Ordinance; or

(6) contravenes or fails to comply with
any of the provisions of any such licence,

shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance;
and any bird, re ptile or insect in respect. of which
any such offence 1s alleged to have been committed
may be seized and on conviction of the offender
shall be forfeited to the Crown.

14. (1) The Governor in Council may, for
the. purpose of preventing the introduction or
spread of any disease into the Presidency, make
regulations prohibiting, restricting, controlling or
regulating diet importation of animals or poultry,
or any specific kind thereof, or of carcasses, fodder,

litter, dung or other thing likely to spread disease.

(2) Regulations made under subsection (1) of
this section may, without prejudice to the generality
of such power, make provision with regard to—

(7) specifying and defining the ports at
which ee or poultry, or carcasses, fodder,
litter, dung or other thing likely to spread
disease may be landed;

(4) controlling, prohibiting or regulating

the movement of animals or poultry, or car-
cusses, fodder, litter, dung or other thing


Prohihition of
importation of
birds, ete.

the imports-
tion of
animals, ete.

Import licence
for hirds etc,


animuls ete,
to be quar-
_ antined.

10) =Animals (Diseases. Importation No. 15 of 1955.
and bipurtation)

likely to spread disease, into, within or out of,

any defined port;

(c) controlling the examination, cleansing,
destruction, disposal, seizure and detention of
any animal or poultry, or of carcasses, fodder,
litter, dung or other thing likely to spread
disease, in a port;

(d) the fees and expenses incurred for
any purpose for which regulations may be
made under this section, and the persons to
whom they are to be paid and the manner in
which they may be recovered ;

(e) the penalties for the breach of any
such regulations not exceeding the sum of one
hundred and twenty dollars.

15. (1) The inspector may grant to any
person a licence to import any bird, reptile or insect
into the Presidency, and may, notwithstanding
anything contained in the regulations made under
section 14 of this Ordinance, for the purpose of
any exhibition, performance or circus, grant a
licence to import any particular animal into the

(2) Any licence granted under this section
may contain such terms and conditions as the
inspector may think necessary.

(3) Every person desirous of applying for a
licence shall make application in such form as the
inspector may require.

16. The Govérnor may appoint quarantine
depots in such places as he may deem nece-rary,
and all animals, birds, reptiles or insects, required
to be quarantined under this Ordinance or any
regulations made, or licence granted, thereunder,
shall be placed within such depots in accordance
with the orders of the inspector.

17. All animals, birds, reptiles and insects
imported into the Presidency shall, subject to any
regulations made under this Ordinance or to the
terms und conditions of any licence granted under
No. 15 of 1955. Antmals ( Disceses, Importation 11
and Kexportation)

this Ordinance, be placed in a quarantine depot for
such time and under such conditions as may be
specified in such regulations or in any such licence.



18. Any person who exports any animal
from the Presidency save under and in accordance
with the provisions of regulations made by virtue
of section 19 of this Ordinance shall be guilty of
an offence against this Ordinance.

19. The Governor in Council may by regu-
lations prescribe and regulate the exportation of
animals from the Presidency and the conditions
under which such animals may be exported there-


20. (1) Where any person is found com-
mitting, or is reasonably suspected of being engaged
in committing, an offence against this Ordinance,
any police officer may without warrant stop and
detain him, and if his name and address are not
known to the police officer and he fails to give
them to the satisfaction of the police officer, such
police officer. may without warrant arrest him and
may, whether he has so stopped, detained or
arrested such person or not, stop, detain and
examine any animal, bird, reptile, insect, vehicle,
boat or other thing, to which the offence or
suspected offence relates aud require it to be
forthwith tuken back to or into any place or district
wherefrom or whereout it was unlawfully removed,
and execute and enforce that requisition.

(2) If any person obstructs or impedes a
police officer in the execution of this Ordinance or
of any regulations made thcreunder, or assist in
any such obstructing or impeding, the police officer
may without warrant arrest the offender.


of animals
from the

the exporta-
tion of

Power of



Powors of


12 Animals (Diseases, Importation No, 15 of 1955.
and Erportation) .

(3) A person arrested under this section shall
not be detained without warrant longer than is
necessary for the purpose of being t taken before a
Magistrate, and the provisions of the Police Act,
1951, in relation to the granting of bil shall apply
to any such person.

21. he inspector shall bave all the powers
given to a police officer under s:ction 20 oF this
Ordinance and may at any time enter—

(a) any place, where he has reasonable
yrounds for supposing—

(i) that disease exists, or has, within
fifty-six days, existed: or

(i) that the carcass of any diseased
or suspected animal is or has
been kept or has been buried
destroved or otherwise disposed
of: or

(iii) that there is io be found therein
anything in respect whercof
any person has on any occasion
failed to oy with the pro-
visions of this Ordinance or of
any regulations made there-
under: or

(iv) that this Ordinance has not been
or is not being coniplied with;

(4) any vehicle, vessel or boat, in which
or in respect wiicicur he has reasonable
grounds for beleving that this Ordinance has
not been or is not being complied with,

22. Any person who, Oe lawful
authority or excuse, the proof whereof shall lié on

(a) when required by this Ordinance, or
by any order made thereunder, to keep any
animal separate as fur as practicable. er to
“give any notice of diseage with all jracties ole
speed, fails so to do; or
No. 15 of 1955. lands (Disree, Pnaportation VIRGIN
ated ble nortad batty TsLANDS

(4) contravenes or tails to comply with
any of the provisions of this Ordinance or
order made thereunder: ar

(¢) contravenes or fxily to comply with
any directions given by the inspector under
section $ of this Ordinanee: or

(7) refases to the inspector, acting in
execution of this Ordinance, admission to. any
place, vehicle, vessel or boat, which such
inspector is entitled to enter or examine, or
obstructs or impedes him from so entering
or exarining, or otherwise in any respect
obstructs or impedes the inspector or any
police offeor in the execution of his duty, or
assists in Any SNe obstructing or impeding; or

(e) throws or places or causes to be
thrown or placed into or in any river, stream,
creek, gut, pond, well, drain or other water or
waterceurse, or into or in the sea within three
miles of the shore of any part of the Presi-
dency, the carcass of an animal which has
died of disease or has been slaughtered as
diseased or suspected; or

(7) takes, or allows to be taken unless
otherwise required by this Ordinance or by
any order inade thereunder, or allows to stray,
any diseased animal in or upon any public
road, or public place; or

(y) digs up, or causes or allows to be
dug up the “hired earcass of any animal which
has been slaughtered under this Ordinance as
diseased or suspected, or which has died, or is
suspected of having died, from any disease; or

(h) takes or moves, or allows to be taken
or moved, any animal, carcass, fodder, litter,
dung, or other thing, into or out of any
infected place or infected area otherwise than
in accordance with this Ordinance or any order
made thereunder: or

(2) allows any animal to stray into or
out of any infected place or infected area,
shall be guilty of un offence against this Ordinance.


Evidence and


places and

Power to
apply Ordi-
nanea to

14. Antigua (Diseases, Importation No. 15 of

and BParportabten)


28. Any person guilty of an offence against
this Ordinance shall be Hable for each such offence
on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding two
hundred and forty dollars or to imprisonment for
any term not exceeding three months, or to both
such fine and imprisonment.

24. (1) Where the owner of any animal is
ch: irged with an offence against this Ordinance, or
against any regulations or order made iiemeur dee
re elative to disense or to any illness of the animal,
he shall be presumed to have known of the existence
of the disease or illness unless and until he shows
to the satisfaction of the court that he had not
knowledge thereof and could not with reasonable
diligence have obtained that knowledge.

(2) Where a person is charged with an offence
against this Ordinance, or against any regulations
or order made thereunder, in not having duly
cleansed or disinfected any place, vessel, or thing,
belonying to him or in his charge and a presumption
against him on the part of the ‘prosecution is raised
it shall lie on him to prove the due cleansing and
disinfection thereof.

(3) The certificate of the inspector to the effect
that any animal is or was affected with a disease
specified in the certificate shall for the purposes of
this Ordinance or of any regulations or order made
thereunder be conclusive evidence in all courts of
justice of the matter certified.

25. xcept as specifically provided in any
regulations or order made under this Ordinance,
nothing in this Ordinance, or in any regulations,
made thereunder shall restrict or prohibit the
transport of any person, animal or thing, by public
road through an infected place or an infected area if
such person, animal or thing is not eee within
such place or area.

26. The Governor in Council may by order
apply, subject to such exceptions, adaptations and
modifications as may be therein set out, the
provisions of this Ordinance, and of any regulations
or orders made thereunder, to poultry.
No. 15 of 1955, AAntuals (Diseases, Importation 15 Vircin
and Irporlation) IsLANDS.

27. Nothing in this Ordinance shall apply Saving.
to bees.

28. The Ordinances specified in the Schedule Repoai.
to this Ordinance are hereby repealed.

29. This Ordinance shall come into operation Commence-
on such day as the Governor may ‘appoint by ™et
proclamation published in the Gazette.

H. A. ©. Howarn,

Passed the Legislative Council this 12th day
of October, 1955.

H. O. Crequr,
Clerk of the Couneil.

Re-committed to the Legislative Council under
Rule 59 of the Legislative Council Rules 1950
“(S. BR. & O. 1950 No. 22) for consideration of
certain amendments proposed by the Governor, and
amended accordingly, this 5th day of March, 1956.

H. O. Crequr,
Clerk of the Council.


6/1903 The Importation of Animals Ordinance, 1903
11919 The Importation of Animals Ordinance, 1919

3/1939 The Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1939.

Printed at the Government Printing Ojfice, Leeward Islands
oy KE. M. BhAckMAN, Government Printer,—By Authority.
47/00273—500—3.56 [Price 17 cents,]

1956, No. 14.


The Unallocated Stores Accounts (Revocation) Rules,
1956. dated March 27, 1956, made by the Governor.

1. Short Title. These Rules may be cited as the
Unallocated Stores Accounts (Revocation) Rules, 1956.

2. Revocation. The Unallocated Stores Accounts
Rules, 1983 (S.R. & O. 19383 No. 5) and the Unallocated
Stores Accounts Ainendment Rules, 19384 (S. R. & O. 1934
No 3) are herby revoked,

Made by the Governor this 27th day of March, 1956.


K. W. Brackaurne, e

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BhacKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
31/00334—-480—4.56. Prive 3 centa.



1956, No. 15.


The Accounting Officers (Revocation) Rules, 1956, dated
March 27, 1956, made by the Governor.

1. Short Title. These Rules may be cited as the
Accounting Officers (Revocation) Rules, 1956.

2. Revocation. The Accounting Othcers Rules, 1927
(S.R. & O. 1927 No. 22) are hereby revoked,

Made by the Governor this 27th day of March, 1956,

K. W. Brackpurnn,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands
by BE. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer—-By Authority.
31/00334—480— 4.56 Price 3 cents

1956, No. 16.


Tur Cotonran Arr NavieatTion (Usk of MOonrTserrat
Marcu 31, 1956, IssUED PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 50 OF

amen eee eer ee

1. Short Title. This Notification may be cited as
the Colonial Air Navigation (Use of Montserrat Government
Aerodrome) Notification, 1956.

2, Notification of Aerodrome. It is hereby
notified that the Government Aerodrome in the Presidency of
Montserrat known as Blackburne Airfield (hereinafter referred
to as “the said aerodrome”) is available for use as a place of
landing or departure of civil aircraft, subject to the conditions
and limitations hereinafter contained.

3. Plan of Aerodrome. A plan of the said aero-
drome has been deposited at the Commissioner’s Office where
it may be inspected during office hours.

4. Liability for loss or damage. The use of
the said aerodrome shall be entirely at the risk of the registered
owner of the aircraft concerned, and the Government shall not
he responsible for loss or damage resulting from the use of the
said aerodrome or its acecssory facilities, through act of God,
war, civil commotion, riot, looting, explosion, failure of
machinery or plant, negligence, fire, or any other cause

5. Landing Fees. (1) The owner, operator or
agent of an aircraft shall pay or cause to be paid into the
Treasury of the Presidency of Montserrat in aid of the general
revenue of the said Presidency a fee, to he assessed on th>
maximum permissible weight authorised by the aircraft’s
certificate of airworthiness (hereinafter referred to as the
“‘nircraft weight”), in accordance with the following scales:—

For each landing where the aircraft weight

does not exceed 4,500 Th ~ $3.00
7 5 7,000 Th 4.80
is in excess of — 7,000 Tb 6.00

(2) In Neu of a fee for each landing the Governor may,
from time to time, fix a commuted fee to be paid by any
person in respect of landings by any aircraft owned and
operated by him during such period as the Governor may


(8) The Governor may, in his discretion, exempt any
person from the payment, either wholly or partially, of any
landing fees in any case in which it is expedient to do 80 or in
which the payment of such fees would cause undue hardsbip.

6. Cancellation. The Colonial Air Navigation (Use
of Montserrat Government Aerodrome) Notification, 1953
(S. BR. & O. 19538, No. 28) and the Colonial Air Navigation
(Use of Montserrat Government Aerudrome) (Amendment)
Notification, 1954 €S. R. & 0.1954, No. 25) are hereby

7. Commencement. This Notification shall come
into operation on the 10th day of April, 1986,

Dated this 31st dav of March, 1956,
By His Excellency’s Command,

P. D. Macnonann,

Colomal Secretary.

Printe?! at the Government Printing Offiee, Leeward Islands.
by E M. BrackMan, Government Printer.--By Authority.

7/00123—500—4.56, Price 4 cents.


1956, No. 17.

The Air Navigation (Designation of Aerodrome) Order,.
956, dated March 31, 1956, made by the Governor,
in pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by
Article 55 of the Colonial Air Navigation Order, 1949
(1949 No. 2000 Imperial) and all other powers
enabling him in that behalf.

1. Short title. This Order may be cited ag the Air Navigation
(Designation of Aerodrome) Order, 1956.

2. Designation of Aerodrome. The Government Aerodrome
known as Blackburne Airfield in the Presidency of Montserrat is
hereby designated to be a place of landing and departure of aircraft for
the purpose of the enactments relating to customs.

3, Cancellation. The Air Navigation (Designation of Aero-
drome) Order, 1953 (S.R. & O. 1953 No. 29) is hereby cancelled.

4. Commencement. This Order shall come into operation on
the 10th day of April, 1956.

Made by the Governor this 3lst day of March, 1956.

Governor. .

Printed at. the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer.—By Authority.
7/00123—500—4.56. [Price 3 cents.)



1956. No. 18


Tue Anticua Postar Service (AmexpMENT) REGULATIONS, 1956,

THE Post Orricn \et (Cap. 128).

1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as the Antigua
Postal Service (Amendment) Regulations, 1956, and shall be read as
one with the Antigua Postal Service Rules and Regulations, 1954

(S.R. & O. 1954 No. 34) horeinafter called the Principal Regulations.

2. Substitution of Schedule F. The following shall be

substituted for Schedule F of the Principal Regulations:-——

“SCHEDULE F (Rule 23(2))

Surface Mail Postage Rates on Parcels

Prepaid Rates not exceeding tea
Country of Destination and Ronte Par. i ae ie x &
Libjadd |31b/ 71h) 11 wh. 221.) BS [Bas
+ Ib. | | - & ea
| $cl§cl$c|Se ge, gc, H |¥F c
Within the Presidency or |
between Presidencies 12, 24 36 60) 22 | 96.00
Bahamas via Bermuda | 24, 48 72) 1.20) 22 | 96.00
Barbados 24 48) 72 1.20; 22 | 96.00
Bermuda 24, 48 72) 1.20, 22 | 96.00
British Guiana 24) 48 72) 1.20) 22 | 96.00
Canada 48° 90. 1.26) 2.22) 15 | 96.00
Grenada 24 48° = 72) «1,20, 22 | 96.00
St. Lucia 24, 48 72| 1.20; 22 | 96.00
St. Vincent a 24 48) 72: 1.20, 22 96,00
Curacao. Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, | |
St. Eustatius, St. Martin, ; '
and St. Barths ea St. Kitts, ..! | 24 48 72. 1.20; 22 | 96.00
Trinidad and Tobago ts 24, 48) 72, 1.20, 22 | 96.00
Jamaica. Aruba, Bonaire and |
Caracoa via Trinidad (In-
surance Jamuica ouly) 36, 54 72 1.26) *22 | 96.00
Jamaica via Bermuda | 24: 48, 72 1.20; 22 | 96.00
(treat Britaint via France 1.02 1.36) 1.76 2.42 22 96.00
i » Direct 901.20] 1.56) 2.18) 22 96.00
6 3 via Canada F136 2.10 2.82 438 22 96.00
5 i » U.S.A. 1.50; 2.20) 3.92 6.98, 22 96.00
., Barbados or ; |
Trinidad 1,021.54 1.92) %84 228 96.00
°c : » Jamaica | 11.02°)1.54) 1.92, 2.84: 22 96.00
Guadeloupe | Qh 4x 72| ij
U.S.A. & U.S. Virgin Islands 300 18 ' 22 96.00
U.S. Porsessions via U.S.A., |
Alaska, Oanal Zone, | |
Guam, Havana. Philip- :
pines, Puerto Rico and ‘ | |
Samoa 42 36) | / 22 96.00
Dutch Guiana vie Br. Guiana 42) 72) 1.08 £86) 11 96.00
Martinique via St. Lucia 43} 90) 1.26) 2.22) 11 96.00
H. M. Ships in foreign waters | |
via London 60:1.26 1.74, 3.00 96.00
| ; : i |
*Parcelg to Jamaica uta Trinidad—Limit of weight 1] 1b.
tIncliding Northern Ireland but not Ivish Republic. ©.0.D. parcels


3. Commencement. ‘These legulations shall come into
force on the fifth day of April, 1956.

Made by the Governor in Council this 38rd day of April, 1956.

Heten H. Bexot,
Acting Clerk of the Couneal.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLAcKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
62/00050—480-~4.56. [Price 5 cents]


1956, No. 9.

Tne Income Tax (Dovuste Taxation Retier) (DENMARK)
Order, 1956, patrp Marcu 27, 1956, MADE BY
Iycomn Tax Onpinance, 1946 (No. 2/1946), as

WHEREAS it is provided by section 52A of the Income
Tax Ordinance, 1946 (No. 2/1946) as amended, that if the
Governor in Council by Order declares that arrangements
specified in the Order have been made with the Government of
any territory outside the Presidency with a view to affording
relief from Double Taxation in relation to Income Tax and any
tax of a similar character imposed by the laws of that territory
and that it is expedient that those arrangements should have
effect, the arrangements shall have effect in relation to Income
Tax notwithstanding anything in any enactment:

AND WHEREAS by a Convention dated the 27th day
of March, 1950, between the Government of the United
Kingdom and the Government of Denmark arrangements were
made among other things for the avoidance of Double
Taxation: ~~

AND WHEREAS provision is made in thg said Con-
vention for the extension by means of an exchange of notes
hetween the High Contracting Parties of the said Convention,
subject to such modifications and conditions (including
conditions as to termination) as may be specified in the
exchange of notes, to any territory, for whose international
relations the United Kingdom is responsible, which imposes
taxes substantially similar in character to those which are the
subject of the said Convention:

AND WHEREAS by an Kxchange of Notes dated
respectively the 18th November, and the 22nd December, 1954
the said Convention with certain modifications was supplied to
the Presidency of the Virgin Islands:
NOW, THEREFOR!, the Governor in Council doth

hereby order as follows:—~

1. Short title. This Order may be cited as the
Income Tax (Double Taxation Relief) (Denmark) Order, 1956.

2. Declaration. It is hereby declared—

(a) that the arrangements specified in the First
Schedule to this Order, as modified by the provisions of
the Second Schedule to this Order, have been made with
the Government of Denmark;

(6) that it is expedient that those arrangements
should have effect.


Convention between the Government of the United King-
dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the
Government of the Kinvdem of Denmark for the
avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of
Fiscal Evasion with respect to taxes on Income.

Arrictye I

1. The taxes which are the see of the present
Convention are:—

(a) In Denmark: The national income tax (includ-
ing the extraordinary company tax) hereinafter referred
to as “ Danish tax me

(6) In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland: The income tax (including sur-tax)
and the profits tax (hereinafter referred to as “ United
Kingdom tax ’’).

2. The presen Convention shall also apply to any other
taxes of a substantially similar character imposed in Denmark
or the United Kinydom subsequently to the date of signature
of the present Convention.

Articie IT

1. In the present Convention, ualess the context other-
wise requires:

(a) The term ‘United Kingdom” means Great
Britain and Northern Ireland, excluding the Channel
Islands and the Isle of Man;

~ (hb) The term “Denmark” means the Kingdom. of
Denmark, excladine the Faroe [slands and Greenland;

(c) The terms “one of the territories’? and “the
other territory’ mean the United Kingdom or Denmark,
as the context reqttires;

(d) The term “tax” means United Kingdom tax or
Danish tax, a3 the context requires;

(¢) The term “person” includes any Baty of
persons, corporate or not corporate;

(7) The term “company” means any body corpo-

(y) The terms “resident of the United Kingdom”
and ‘‘resident of Denmark” mean respectively any person
who is resident in the United Kingdom for the purposes
of United Kingdom tax and not resident in Denmark for
the purposes of Danish tax, and any person who is resident
in Denmark for the purposes of Danish tax and not
resident in the United Kingdom for the purposes of
United Kingdom tax: a company shall be regarded as
resident in the United Kingdom if its business is managed
and controlled in the United Kingdom and as resident in
Denmark if its business is managed and controlled in

(/) The terms “resident of one of the territories”
and “resident of the other territory” mean a person who
is a resident of the United Kingdom or a person who is a
resident of Denmark, as the context requires;

(7) The terms “United Kingdom enterprise” and
‘Danish enterprise” mean respectively an industrial or
commercial enterprise or undertaking carried on by a
resident of the United Kingdom and an industrial or
commercial enterprise or undertaking carried on by a
resident of Denmark, and the terms “enterprise of one of
the territories” and “enterprise of the other territory ”
mean « United Kingdom enterprise or a Danish enterprise,
as the context requires; -

(}) The term “industrial or commercial profits ”


includes rents or royalties in respect of cinematograph

(/) The term * permanent establishment ”, when used
with respect to an enterprise of one of the territories, menns
a branch, management, factory, or other fixed place of
business, but does not include an agency unless the agent
has, and habitualiy exercises, a general authority to
negotiate and conclude contracts on behalf of such enter-
prise or has # stock of merchandise from which he regularly
fills orders on its behalf. In this connexiou—

(i) An-enterprise of one of the territories shall
not be deemed to have a permanent establish-
ment in the other territory merely because
it carries on business dealings in that other
territory through a bona jide broker or
generul commission agent acting in the
ordinary course of his business as such;

(ii) The fact that an enterprise of one of the
territories maintains in the other territory
a fixed place of business exclusively for the
purchase of goods or merchandise shall not
of itself constitute that fixed place of busi-
ness a permanent establishment of the

(iii) The fact that « company which is a resident
of one of the territories has a subsidiary
company which is a resident of the other
territory or which carries on a trade or
business in that other territory (whether
through a permanent establishment or
otherwise) shall not of itself constitute (hat
subsidiary company 8 permanent establish-
ment of its parent company.

2. Where under this Convention any incoine is exempt
from tax in one of the territories if (with or without other
conditions) it is subject to tax in the other territory, and that
income is subject to tax in that other territory by reference only
to the amount thereof which is remitted to or received in that
other territory, the exemption to be allowed under this Coven-
vention in the first-mentioned territory shall apply only to the
amount so remitted or received.

3. In the application of the provisions of the present
Convention by one of the High Contracting Parties any term
not otherwise defined shall, unless the context otherwise

requires, have the meaning which it has under the laws in force
in the territory of that Party relating to the taxes which are
the subject of the present Convention.

Articue IIT
1. The industrial or commercial profits of a United
Kingdom enterprise shall not be subject to Danish tax unless
the enterprise carries on a trade or business in Denmark through
a permanent establishment situated therein. If it carries on a
trade or business as aforesaid, tax inuy be imposed on those
profits by Denimark, but only on so much of them as is attri-
butable to that permanent establishment.

2. The industrial or commercial profits of a Danish enter-
prise shall not be subject to United Kingdom tax unless the
eterprise carries on a trade or business in the United Kingdom
(nrough # permanent establishment situated therein. If it
carries on a trade or business as aforesaid, tax may be imposed
on those profits by the United Kingdom, but only on so much
vf them as is attributable to that permanent establishment.

3. Where an enterprise of one of the territories carries
on a trade or business in the other territory through a per-
manent cstablishment situated therein, there shall be attributed
to that pertuancnt establishment tie industrial or commercial
profits which i¢ might be expected to derive in that other
territory if it were an independent enterprise engaged in the
sime or similar activities ander the same or similar conditions
and dealing at arm’s length with the enterprise of which it is a
permanent, establishment.


4. Where an enterprise of one of the territories derives
. profits, under contracts coucluded in that territory, from sales
of goods or merchandise stocked in a warehouse in the other
territory for convenience of delivery and not for purposes of
display, those profits shall not be attributed to a permanent
establishment of the enterprise in that other territory, notwith-
standing that the offers of purchase have been obtained by an
wzent in that other territory and transmitted by him to the
caterprise for acceptance.

5. No portion of any profits arising to an enterprise
of one of the territories shall be attributed to a permanent
establishment situated in the other territory by reason of the
mere purchase of goods or merchandise within that other
territory by the enterprise,

Articr IV

(a) an enterprise of one of the territories participates
directly or indirectly in the management, control or capital
of an enterprise of the other territory, or

(6) the same persons participate directly or indirectly
in the management, control or capital of an enterprise
of one of the territories and an enterprise of the other

and in either case, conditions are made or imposed between the
two enterprises, in their commercial or financial relations, which
differ from those which would be made between independent
enterprises, then any profits which would but for those
conditions have accrued to one of the enterprises but by reason
of those conditions have not so accrued may be included in the
profits of that enterprise and taxed accordingly.


1. The industrial and commercial profits of a company
which is a resident of Denmark shall, so long as undistributed
profits of United Kingdom enterprises are effectively charged
to United Kingdom Profits Tax at a lower rate than distributed

rofits of such enterprises, be charged to United Kingdom
Profits Tax only at that lower rate.

2. Where a company which is a resident of Denmark
controls, directly or indirectly, not less than 50 per cent. of the
entire voting power of a company which is a resident of the
United Kingdom, distributions by the latter company to the
former company shall be left out of account in computing
United Kingdom Profits Tax effectively chargeable on the
latter company at the rate appropriate to distributed profits.

3. If the industrial and commercial profits of a company
which is a resident of the United Kingdoin become chargeable
to a form of Danish tax under which, in the case of companies
which are residents of Denmark, the undistributed or undistri-
butable income is charged to tax ut a lower rate than the
distributed or distributable income of such companies, these
industrial and commercial profits shall be charged to Danish
tax only at the lower rate.

4, Where a company which is a resident of the United
Kingdom beneficially owns not less than’50 per cent. of the
entire ordinary share capital of a company which is a resident

of Denmark, distributed or distributable income payable by the
latter company to the former company shall be left out of
account in computing the liability of the latter company to -
Danish tax at any higher rate appropriate to distributed or
-distributable income, and this shall apply, in particular, in
computing the liability of the latter company to that part of the
‘Danish extraordinary. tax on companies known as Udbytterate.

Artictr VI

1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles III, IV
and V, profits which a resident of one of the territories derives
_ from operating ships or aircraft shall be exempt from tax in
the other territory.

2. The Agreement dated 18th December, 1924 (6),
between the United Kingdom and Denmark for the reciprocal
exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of profits accruing
from the business of shipping shall not have effect for any year
or period for which the present Convention has effect.

Artictr VII

' 1.—(a) Dividends paid by a company which is a resident
of the United Kingdom to a resident of Denmark,
who is subject to tax in Denmark in respect thereof
and does not carry on a trade or business in the
United Kingdom through « permanent establishment
situated therein, shall be exempt from United King-
dom sur-tax.

(6) Dividends paid by a company which is a resident of
Denmark to a resident of the United Kingdom, who
is subject to tax in the United Kingdom in respect
thereof and does not carry on a trade or business in
Denmark through a permanent establishment situated
therein, shall not be chargeable to tax in addition to
‘the tax on the profits out of which the dividends are
paid at a rate exceeding 5 per cent.: Provided that
where the resident of the United Kingdom is a
company which beneficially owns not less than 50 per
cent. of the entire ordinary share capital’ of the
company paying the dividends, the dividends shall be
exempt from any such tax on dividends.

(6) S.B. & O. 1925 (No. 102) p. 696.

2. Where a company vhich is a resident of one of the
territories derives profits or income from sources within the
other territory, there shall not be imposed in that other territory
any form of taxation on dividends paid by the company to
persons not resident in that other territory, or any tax in the
nature of undistributed profits tax on undistributed profits of
the company, whether or not those dividends or undistributed
profits represent, in whole or in part, profits or income so

Articie VIII

1. Any interest or royalty derived from sources within
one of the territories by a resident of the other territory, who
is subject to tax in that other territory in-respect thereof and
does not carry on a trade or business in the first-mentioned
territory through a permanent establishment situated therein,
shall be exempt from tax in that first-mentioned territory; but
no exemption shall be allowed in respect of interest paid by a
company which is a resident of one of the territories to a
company which is « resident of the other territory where the
latter company controls, either directly or indirectly, more than
00 per cent. of the entire voting power of the former company.

2. In this Article—

(a) The term “ interest” includes interest on bonds,
securities, notes, debentures or on any other form of

_ (0) The term “ royalty” means any royalty or other
amount paid as consideration for the use of, or for the
privilege of using, any copyright, patent, design, secret
process or formula, trade mark or other like property, but
does not include any royalty or other amount paid in
respect of the operation of a mine or quarry or of any
other extraction of natural resources.

3. Where any interest or royalty exceeds a fair and
reasonable consideration in respect of the indebtedness or rights
for which it is paid, the exemption provided by the present
Article shall apply only to so much of the interest or royalty
as represents such fair and reasonable consideration.

4, Any capital sum derived from one of the territories
from the sale of patent rights by a resident of the other territory,
who does not curry ona trade or business in the first-mentioned
territory through & permanent establishment situated therein,
shall be exempt from tax in that tirst-meutioned territory.
9 .

Income of whatever nature derived from real property
within one of the territories (except interest on mortgages
secured on real property) shall be chargeable to tax in accordance
with the laws of that territory. Where the said income is also
chargeable to tax in the other territory, credit for the tax pay-
able in the tirst-mentioned territory shall be given against the
tax payable on that income in the other territor y in accordance
with Article X VII.


A resident of one of the territories who does not carry ona
trade or business in the other territory through a permanent
establishment situated therein shall be exempt in that other
territory from any tax on gains from the sale, transfer, or
exchange of capital assets.


1. Remuneration, including pensions, paid by, or out of
funds created by, one of the High Contracting Parties to any
individual in respect of services rendered to that Party in the
discharge of governmental functions shall be exempt from tax
in the territory of the other High Contracting Party, unless the
individual is a national of that. other Party without being also
a national of the first-mentioned Party.

2. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to pay-
ments in respect of services rendered in connexion with any
trade or business carried on by either of the High Contracting
Parties for prirposes of profit.

Articyur XII

1. An individual who is a resident of the United Kingdom
shall be exempt from Danish tax on profits or remuneration in
respect of personal (including professional) services performed
within Denmark in any year of assessment if—

(4) he is present within Denmark for a period or
periods not exceeding in the agyregate 183 days during
that year, and

(5) the services are performed for or on behalf of a
resident of the United Kingdom, and

(c) the profits or remuneration are subject to United
Kingdom tax.

9. An individual who is a resident of Denmark shall be
exempt from United Kingdom tax on profits or remuneration
in respect of personal (including professional) services performed
within the United Kingdom in any year of assessment, if—

(a) he is present within the United Kingdom for a
period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 183 days
during that year, and

oO d

(6) the services ure performed for or on behalf of a
resident of Denmark, and

(c) the profits or remuneration are subject to Danish

3. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to the
profits or remuneration of public entertainers such as theatre,
motion picture or radio artists, musicians and athletes.

ArticLe XIII

1, Any pension (other than a pension of the kind referred
to in paragraph i of Article XT) and any annuity, derived from
sources within Denmark by an individual who is a resident of
the United Kingdom and subject to United Ningdom tax in
respect thereof, shall be exempt from Danish tax.

2. Any pension (other than a pension of the kind referred
to in paragraph 1 of Article XI) and any annuity, derived from
sources within the United Kingdom by an individual who is
a resident of Denmark and subject to Danish tax in respect
thereof, shall be exempt from United hingdom tax.

3. The term “annuity”? means « stated sum. payable
periodically at stated times, during life or during a spec ‘ified or
ascertainable period of time, under an oblivation to make the
payments in return-for ¢ adequate and full consideration in money
or money’s worth.

Articrn XIV

A professor or teacher from one of the territories, who
receives remuneration for teaching, during a period of temporary
residence not exceeding two years, at a university, college,
school or other educational institution in the other territory,
shall be exempt from tax in that other territory in respect of
that remuneration.
Arviere. XV

A student or business apprentice from one of the
territories, who is receiving full-time education or training in the
other territ< wy, shall be ¢ xempt vrom tax in thet other territor y
on pi rymnet: °3 made to hing hy persons in the first-mentioned
territory for the puEpones of his inaintenance, education or
trainin ge.

ArricLte XVI

1. Individaals who are residents of Denmark shall be
entitled to the same personal allowances, reliefs und reductions
for the purposes of United Kingdom income tax as British
subjecis no. resident in the U nited Kingdom.


2. Individuals who are residents of the United Kingdom
shall be eutitted to the same personal allowances and reliefs for
the purposes of Danish tax es Danisn nationals not resident in


ArvIcLE XV 1]

1. The laws of the High Contracting Parties shall
continue to govern the taxation of income arising in either of
the territacry, bP where express provision to the contrary
is made it a Convention. Where income is sul ject to tax
in both territories. relief from double taxation shall be given in
accordance with the following paragraphs:—

2. Subject to the provisions of the Inw of the United
Kingdon regarding the allowance as a eredit against United
Kingdom tax of tax payable in a territory outside the United
Kingdom, Danish tax nayabl lo, wherher directly or by deduction,
in respect of ineome from sources within Denmark shall be
allowed asa credit aganst the United Kingdom tax payable in
respect of that income. Where such income ts an ordinary
dividend ie bea a company resident in Denmark, the credit
shall take: ae addition to any Danish tax appropriate
to the divi )


Danish tax pave able by the company in
respect Of it onan nd, where it is a dividend paid on
partielpatin es -shares nud representing both a dividend
at the fixed tate to which the ae are entitled and an
additions! partic ination tna profits, the Danish tax so mayavle by
the compeny shall lsewise be bien into account in so far as the
dividend excecds that fixed rate.

8. United Kingdon tax payable, whether directly or by
deduotion, in respecs of iacome from sources within the United
Kingdom suall be allowed us a deduction from the Danish tax

payable in respect of that income. Provided that the umount
of the deduction shall not exceed the proportion of the Danish
tax which such income chargeable to Danish tax bears to the
total income chargeable to Danish tax. For the purposes of this
paragraph only, the expression ‘ Danish tax ” shall include the
Danish inter-municipal income tax.

4, Jn the case of a person who is resident in the United
Kingdom for the purposes of United Kingdom tax and is also
resident in Denmark for the purposes of Danish fax, the
provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article shall apply in relation
to income which that person derives from sources within
Denmark, and the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article
shall apply in relation totincome which he derives.from sources
within the United Kingdom. Tf such person derives income
from sources outside both the United Kingdom and Denmark,
tax may be imposed on that income in both the territories
(subject to the laws in force in the territories and to any
Convention which may exist between either of the High
Contraetiug Parties and the territory from which the income
is derived). A. credit shall be allowed in accordance with
paragraph 2 of this Article against any United Kingdom tax
payable in respect of that income, equal to that proportion of
the United Kingdom tax or the Danish tax on that income,
whichever is the less, which such person’s income from sources
within the United Kingdom bears to the sum of his income
from sources within the United Kingdom and bis imcome from
sources within Denmark; and a deduction shall be allowed in
accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article against any Danish
tax payable in respect of that income equal to that proportion
of the United Kingdom tax or the Danish tax on that income,
whichever is the less, which such person’s income from sources
within Denmark bears to the sum of his income from sources
within the United Kingdom and his income from sources
within Denmark.

5. For the purposes of this Article, protits or remunera-
tion for personal (including professional) services performed in
one of the territories shall be deemed to be income from sources
within that territory, and the services of an individual whose
services are wholly or mainly performed in ships or aircraft
operated by a resident of one of the territories shall be deemed
to be performed in that territory.


lL. The taxation authorities of the High Contracting
Parties shall exchange such information (being information

which is at their disposal under their respective taxation laws
in the normal course of administration) as is necessary for carry-
ing out the provisions . the present Convention or for the
prevention of freud or for the adininistration of statutor Vv pro-
visions against legal avoidance in relation to the taxes ‘which
are the subject of the present Gonvention. Any information so
exchanved shall be treated as secret and shall not be disclosed
to any persons other than those concerned with the assessment
and collection of the taxes which are the subject of the present
Convention. No information as aforesaid shall be exchanged
which would disclose any trade, business, industrial or pro-
fessional secret or trade proccss.

9) As used in thig Article, the term “ taxation authorities ”

means, in the case of the United Kingdom, the Commissioners
of Inland Revenue or their authorised representatives; in the
ease of Denmark, the Director-General of Taxation cr his
authorised representative; and, in the case of any territory
to which the present Convention is extended under Article XX,
the competent authority for the administration in such territory
of the taxes to which the present Convention applies.

Anrticte NIX

1. The nationals of one of the High Contracting Parties
shall not be subjected in the territory of the other High
Contracting Party to any taxation or any requirement connected
therewith which is other, higher, or more burdensome than the
taxation and connected requirements to which the nationals of
the Jatter Party are or may be subjected.

2. The enterprises of one of the territories, whethe?
carried on by a company, a body of persons or by individuals
alone or in partnership, shall not be subjected in the other
territory, in respect of profits or capital attributable to their
permanent establishments in that other territory, to any taxation
which is other, higher or more burdensome than the taxation
to which the enterprises of that other territory similarly carried
on areor may be subjected in respect of the like profits or

3. The income, profits and capital of an enterprise of one
of the territories, the capital of which is wholly or partly owned
or controlled, directly or indirectly, by a resident or residents of
the other territory shall not be subjected in the first-mentioned
territory to any taxation which is other, higher or more burden-
some than the taxation to which other enterprises of that first-
mentioned territory are or may be subjected in respect of the like
income, profits and capital.

4, Nothing in paragraph | or paragraph 2 of this Article.
shall be construed as obliging one of the Mivh Contracting
Parties to grant to nauonals of tho odor dieh Contracting
Party who are not resident in tie ierritory of the fortmer Party
the same personal allowances, reliefs and redeetious for tax
purposes a8 are granted to His owi nationals.

5. In this Article the term ‘nationals’? means—

(a) in relation to Denmark, all Danish citizens and
all legal persons, partuerships, associations and other
entities deriving their status as such from the law in force
in Denmark or in any Danish territory to which the present
Convention applies by reason of extension made under

Article XX;

(b) in relation to the United Kingdo my all British
subjects aud British-pretectei persons residing in the
United Kingdom or any Brinen ae ively the
present Convention sppiies by reason of extension made
under Article NA, and all leeal persons. partnerships,
associations and other entities deriving their status as such
from the law in force in anys Oricsli territory to which
the present Convention applies.

6. In this Article th: form aes ion’ ipeans taxcs of
every kind and description levied on behalf of any authority

Anticre XX

1. The present Convention may be extended, cither in
its entirety or with modifications, to any territory of one of the
High Contracting Parties to which this Article applies and
which i imposes taxes substantially similar in character to those
which are the subject of the present Convention, and any
such extension shall take effect froin such date and "subject to
such modifications and conditions (ineluding conditions as to
termination) «as may he specified and agrecd between the High
Contracting Parties in notes to be exchanged for this purpose.

2, The termination in respect of Denmark or the United
Kingdom of the present Convention under Article NXIT shall,
unless otherwise expressly agreed by both Wigh Contracting
Parties, terminate the application of the present Convention to
any territory to which the Convention has been extended under
this Article.
3. The territories to which this Article applies are:

(a) in relation to the United Kingdom: any territory
other than the United Kingdom for whose international
relations the United Kingdom 1s responsible;

(6) in relation to Denmark: any territory other than
Denmark for whose international relations Denmark is


1. The present Convention shall be ratified and the
instruments of ratification shall be exchanged at London as
soon as possible.

2. Upon exchange of ratifications the present Convention
shall have eifect——

(@) In the United Kingdom:

as respects income tax for any year of assessment
beginning on or after the 6th April, 1919;

as respects sur-tax for any year of assessment beginning
on or after the 6th April, 1948; and

as respects profits tax in respect of the following profits:—

(i) profits arising in any chargeable accounting
period beginning on or after. the Ist; April,
1949; ,

(ii) profits attributable to so much of any
chargeable accounting period falling partly
before and partly after that date as falls
after that date;

(iii) profits not so arising or attributable by -
reference to which income tax is, or but for
the present Convention would be, chargeable
for any year of assessment beginning on or
after the 6th April, 1949.

(2) In Denmark:

as respects Danish tax for any taxation year beginning on
or after the 1st April, 1949.

The present Convention shall continue in effect indefinitely
but either of the High Contracting Parties may, on or before
the 30th June in any calendar year not earlier than the year
1958, give to the other High Contracting Party, through
diplomatic channels, written notice of termination and, in such
event, the present Convention shall cease to be effective—

(a) In the United Kingdom:
as respects income tax for any year of assessment
beginning on or after the 6th April in the calendar year
next following that in which the notice is given;

as respects sur-tax for any year of assessment beginning
on or after the 6th April in the calendar year in which the
notice is given; and

ax respects profits tax in respect of the following profits: —

(i) profits arising in anv chargeable accounting
period beginning on or after the Ist April
in the calendar year next following that in
which the notice is given;

(ii) profits attributable to so much of any
chargeable accounting period f:lling partly
before and partly after that date as falls
after that date;

(iii) profits not so arising or attributable by
reference to which income tax is chargeable
for any year of assessment beginning on or
after the 6th April in the next following
calendar year.

(6) In Denmark:

as respects Danish tax for any taxation year beginning on
or after the 1st April in the calendar year next following
that in which the notice is given.


1. Apruication. (a) The provisions of the Conven-
tion incorporated in the First Schedule to this Order shall
apply as modified below:— | :

(i) as if the contracting parties were the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands and the Government of

(ii) as if the tax concerned in the case of the Presi-
dency were the tax on income imposed by the
Lncome Tax Ordinance, 1946, as amended;

(iii) as if the taxes concerned in the ease of Denmark
included the Defence Tax;

(iv) as if referances to the date of signature were
references to the 22nd day of December, 1954;

(v) as if references to the Gth day of April were

references to the Ist dav of January

(6) The extension shall have effect in the Presideney 2s
respects tax for the year of assessment 1954 and for subse-
quent years of aseessment, (and will have effect in Denmark—
as respects Danish tax for any taxation year beginning on ot

after the first day of April 1954).

(c) ‘The extension shall continue in effect indefinitely but
may be terminated as respects the Presidency by writter
notice of termination given on or before the 30th day of June
i any calendar year net earlier than the year 1957 by either of
the High Contracting Parties to the Convention to the other
High Contracting Party through the siplomatic channel and
in sueh event che extension shall cease to have effect in the
Presidency ax respects tax for the year of assessment begin-
ning in the calendar year next following the date of such
notice and for subsequent vears of assessment, (and will cease
to have effect in Denmark as respects Danish tax for any
taxation year beginning on or after the first day of April in
the calendar year next following that int which the hutice 1s

Â¥. Movirtcations, (a) In Article VII) of the Con-
vention tie wores “exempt from United Kingdom sur-tax ”
shall be understood for the purposes of this extension ae
though they read “ shall not be liable to tax in the territory at
a rare in excess of the rate applicable to a company ”.

(6) In Articles VILT and {X all references to interest
shall be deemed to be deleted,

Made by the Governor in Council this 27th day of
March, 1956.
M. Tit.ry,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Oilice, Lewward Islands,
hy HLM. Brac wan, Government Printer.— By Authority.
C. BL{OGOGO—480—4.50. Price 20 eents.