Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Full Text

- the said Act it is further provided





-WHEREAS it is provided by sec-
tion 12 of the Leeward Islands Acts,
1§71 to 1950, as amended, that the
General Legislative Council of the

‘Leeward Islands may from time to

time be convoked by Proclamation:
AND WHEREAS by section 14 of

that the place of meeting of the said

Council shall from time to time be

fixed by proclamation:

AND WHEREAS it is expedient
that the said Council should be con-

NOW, THEREFORE, I do by this
my Proclamation summon the said
General Legislative Council to meet at

-the Court House in the City of Saint
John in the Presidency of Antigua on
Friday, the 27th day of January, 1956,
at nine thirty o’clock in the forenoon,
for the despatch of public business.
' AND the members of the said

‘’ Council and all other Her Majesty’s


officers and loving subjects in the
Colony of the Leeward Islands and
all others whom it may concern are
hereby required to take due notice
hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.

GIVEN under my hand at the
Government House, Antigua,
this 28th day of December, 1955,
-and in the fourth year of Her
Majesty’s reign.

Ref. No. 18/00031.




WHEREAS by section 3 of the
Interpretation of Laws (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1955 (No..17 of 1955) it is
provided that the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on a day to
be appointed by the Governor by proc-
amation published in the Gazette:

Lyt7 &


| Pudblished by Authors


LOVELACE, a Member of the Most.

Excellent Order of the British Km-
pire, Administrator of the Presidency
of Antigua, do by this my proclama-
tion declare that the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on the 19th
day of January, 1956.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving sub-

jects in the Presidency of Antigua —

and all others whom it may concern
are hereby required toe take due
notice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Administrator’s Office,
Antigua, this third day of Janu-
ary, 1956, and in the fourth year
of Her Majesty’s reign.

47/00215. :




WHEREAS by section 6 of the
Antigua Constitution and Elections
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955 (No.
16 of 1955) it is provided that the
said Ordinance shall come into opera-
tion on a day to be appointed by the
Governor by Proclamation published
in the Gazette:

Commander of the Most Distinguished
Order of Saint Michael and Saint
George, an Officer of the Most Excel-
lent Order of the British Empire,
Governor and Commander in Chief
in and over the Colony of the Lee-
ward Islands and Vice Admiral of
the same, do by this my Proclamation

’ declare that the said Ordinance shall

come into operation on the 19th day
of January, 1956.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving snb-
jects in the Presidency of Antigua
and all others whom it may concern
are hereby required to take due
notice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 3rd day of Janu-
ary, 1956, and in the fourth year
of Her Majesty’s reign.

47/00159—II. ;

%, oe
OO Ese Oo eet 4 2

No. 2..





WHEREAS by section 1 of the
Public Service Commission Ordi-
nance, 1955 (No. 15 of 1955) it is
provided that the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on a day to
be appointed by the Governor by
Proclamation published in the

Commander of the Most Distingnish-

’ ed Order of Saint Michael and Saint

George, an Officer of the Most Excel-
lent Order of the British Empire,
Governor and Commander in Chief
in and over the Colony of the Lee-
ward Islands and Vice Admiral of
the same, do by this my Proclamation
declare that the said Ordinance shall
come into operation on the 19th day
of January, 1956.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving sub- -
jects in the Presidency of Antigua
and all others whom it may concern
are hereby required to take due
notice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly-

GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 3rd day of Janu-
ary, 1956, and in the fourth year
of Her Majesty’s reign.

4'7]00385. . 2

Consequent upon the resignation of
Dr. A. J. KEEVIL, M.B.E., His
Excellency has approved of the ap-
pointment of Dr. H. K. UTTLEY,
Senior Medical Officer, Antigua, to be
Chairman of the Medical. Board in
respect of the medical registration
district of Antigua, Montserrat and
the Virgin Islands. ~ .

The Secretariat,
Antigua. =
31st December, 1955.

Ref. No. 9/0002.

“Ita is notified for general informa-

tion that the Reports of the British

Caribbean Pre-Federal Commissions .
~ Ihave been released for publication on
-the 2nd January,:1956.

2. Copies of the Reports are
available on sale at the office of His
Honour the Administrator in Antigua
and St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla and the
Commissioner of Montserrat at the
following prices:—

Pre-Federal Fiscal
Report— 72 cents;


-Pre-Federal Civil Service Commis- *

sion Report— 72 cents;

‘Pre-Federal Judicial Commission
Report— 36 cents.

Administrator's Office,
and January, 1956.

~ ©. 18/0088.

“No.1. |

Appointments and transfers ete.,

in the public service, with effect from .

the dates stated, are published. for
general information:— 2

. Lewis, A. B., Senior Clerk (Super-



» 1955.”

Ordinance, 1955.”

numerary) on the Federal extablish-
ment pending absorption into the
_ Antigua establishment.

; Jan. 1, 1956.
Ref. No. P. F, 115.

No. 2.

The Governor has, this day, been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinances:—

a Antigua.

No. 18 of 1955, “ The Harbours and
Roadsteads (Amendment) Ordinance,
1955.” Dec. 31


No. 7 of 1955, ‘The Supplemen-
tary spppropr iation (1953) Ordinance,
Dec. 30

’ No. 8 of 1955, “The Hotels Aid
enendnient) Ordinance, 1955.”
Dec. 30

_ No. 9 of 1955, “The Montserrat -

Constitution and Elections (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1955.” Dec. 30

Virgin Islands.

- No. 11 of 1955, The Education
Dee. 30

No. 12 of 1955, “The Road Ordi-
nance, 1955.” Dec. 30

No. 14 of 1955, “The Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1954) Ordinance,
Dec. 30




Royal Instructions, Ordinances and
Statutory Rules and Orders are pub-
lished with this Gazette. and for “m 2 part

Leeward Islands Letters

Patent and Royal Instructions, 1955.” .

17 pp. Price 24 vents.

No. 15 of 1955, “‘ The Public Service
Commission Ordinance, 1955.”

4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 16 of 1955, “The Antigua
Constitution and Elections (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1955.”

4 pp. Price 6 canis.

No. 17 of 1955, ‘ The Interpretation
of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance,
1955.” 2 pp. Price 4 cents.


No. 18 of 1955, ‘ Resolution ve
addition of item 31A to Second
Schedule of Customs Duties Ordi-
nance, 1927.”

1 pp. Frice 3 cents.

No. 15 ot 1955, “Resolution to
remit Customs Duty leviable on a
quantity of merchandise imported
into the Presidency in the year 1953.”

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

_ No. 16 of 1955, “ Resolution of an

amendment to the Second Schedule
to the Customs Duties Ordinance,

1 pp. Price 3 cenis.

ANTIGUA, 29th December, 1955.

LIMITED of 385 Lafleur Avenue,
Town of LaSalle, Province of Quebec,
Canada, have applied for Registration
of one Trade Mark consisting of the
following :—


in Class 17, that is to say:— Decora-
tive surfacing panels for surfacing
walls or other surfaces such as counter
or table tops, or other articles of

- The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for six

years before the date of their -said.
_ Application.

“The following Letters Patent and -

[5 January, 1956.

Ang person may within ‘three.’
months from the date of the: first ~

appearance of this_Advertisement in ~

the Leeward Islands Gazette, ~give —
notice in duplicate at the Trade

‘Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition ©

to registration of .the said diades:

CECIL O. Byron, -
Acting Registrar e Trade Marks. |

Sey ge



(No. 11 of 1944).

Declaration dated December 21,
1955, made under section 3 of the
Land Acquisition Act, 1944 (No. 11.

. of 1944) for the acquisition of certain

lots of land in the Presidency of.
Montserrat moquired for public pur-—

the Governor in Council- with the
approval of the Legislative Council,
of the Presidency of Montserrat con-
siders that the lots of land described
in the Schedule hereto, being portions
of Trants Estate situate in the parish

of Saint George, in the said Presi- _

dency, should be acquired for public -
purposes, namely, for the erection of
an airfield in the said Presidency, for |
the construction of an approach road

to the said airfield, and for the

erection of the - necessary ' air port |

buildings. oo ae

‘Lot 1. 4

ALL that lot piece or parcel of


land being a portion of Trants Estate .

situate in the parish of Saint Gores
in the Presidency of Montserrat and-_
containing by estimation 17.22 acres
and measuring and bounded on the |

north-west side, measuring 3,000 feet -

and bounded thereon by lands of the -

said Trants Estate, on the south-west
measuring 250 feet and bounded oe
the sea, on the south-west measuring -

’ 3,000 ‘feet and bounded by lands of:
the said Trants Estate and on the -°

north-west measuring 250 feet and

bounded’ by lands of the said Trants -

Estate, or howsoever otherwise the
same may be abutted, bounded,
known, distinguished or described.

Lot Ze

ALL that lot piece or parcel of
land being a portion of Trants Estate
situate in the parish of Saint George ~
in the Presidency of Montserrat and
containing by estimation 1.06 acres
and measuring and bounded on the
north-east 356 feet and bounded
thereon by lands of Trants Estate, -on
the west measuring 400 feet ‘and
bounded by lands of the said Trants,
Estate and on the sonth-west measur-
ing 260 feet and bounded by lands of
the said Trants Estate, or howsoever —

otherwise the same may be abutted,
bounded, known, distinguished or

Lot 3.

ALL that lot piece or parcel of
land being a portion of Trants Estate
Situate in the parish of Saint George
in the Presidency of Montserrat and
containing by estimation 0.86 acres
and measuring and bounded from the
-main public road known as Trants
Byway 1315 feet long and 20 feet
wide bearing 75 degrees to an exist-
ing windbreak, and thon 563 feet and
20 feet wide to Lot 2. This road is
bounded on both sides of its entire
‘length by the lands of the said Trants
Estate, or howsoever the same may
be abutted, bounded, known, distin-
-guished or described.

Olerk to the Legislative Council.
Ref. No, 7/00123.


The following tenders have been
accepted for the period ending 30th
June, 1956, for the supply of the
undermentioned items to Government
Institutions: —



$23.24 per bag of
177 \bs.

1.16 per 1 1b. tin
5.36 per 5 lb. tin

4.32 per 5 |b. tin


Butter, Table

” 9

» Cooking

‘Clear Pork _ 46 per lb.
82.00 per 200 lb.
White Potatoes 10 per Ib.
H. E. E. LovELL
Fish, Salted .293 per Ib.


Flour $10.15 per bag of
100 Ibs.
Cornmeal 10.90 per bag of
100 lbs.
Sugar, Brown 19.60 per hag of
249 lbs.
» Washed 26.29 per bag of
224 lbs.
Onions 12 per Ib. :
Soap, Laundry 48 per bar of
24 Ibs.
Beef, Pickled A8 per lb.


Leper Home l4c. per 26 oz.
bot. delivered
Holberton Hospital 14ce. per 26 oz.
bot. delivered
(30—40 bots. daily)


Holberton Hospital 14c. per 26 oz.
bot. delivered
(30—40 bots. daily)

Mrs. LypA HALL

Holberton Hospital (Balance of re-

Lunatic Asylum and

Fiennes Institute 14c. per 26 oz.

bot. delivered

14 cents. per lb. delivered

Jos. Dew & Son LTD.
At current wholesale price less duty
and less 3c. per Imperial Gallon.

Administrator’s Office,

31st December, 1955.

Ref. No, A. 41/36.


4Appl1cation ior WaturallzZatvion
as a British Subject.

Notice is hereby given that AN-
THONY JOSHPH EID of George Street,
Plymouth, Montserrat, is applying to
the Governor for naturalization, and
that any person who knows any
reason why naturalization should not
be granted, should send a written and
Signed statement of the facts to the
Commissioner of Montserrat on or
before the 31st January, 1956.

By Order,

Ohief Clerk.

Oommissioner’s Office,
Plymouth, Montserrat.
22nd December. 1955.


Oentra] Experiment Station,

Month. 1951, 1952. 1953. 1054. 1956,
Jan, 3.60 2.41 1.93 3.04 2.16
Feh. 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45 68
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08 83
Apr. 2.16 3.14 2,06 49 1,75
May 10.54 3.07 150 3.83 2.81
June 2.74 5.74 1.81 332 147
July 3.28 8.38 3.20 347 2,13
Aug. 9.18 8.43 3.15 6.93 8.25
Sept. 12.06 5.55 2.10 9.91 5°59
Oct. 3.90 6.19 85 462 4.60
Nov. 3.67 6.19 5.24 1.54 2.19
Dec. 7.36 2.03 3.41 3.08 248

61.46 62.35 31.37 42.76 34.89

Printed at the Government J’rinting Office, Leeward Islunds, by E, M, BLACKMAN,

Government Printer.—By Authority,

[Price 54 cents.)

The} Speretariat,

7 ntigua.

Se ee


+ MZ
Soa eBid January, 1956.

His Excellency the Governor hereby directs the publication
for general information of the Letters Patent passed under the
Great Seal of the Realm constituting the office of Governor and
Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands and making
certain provisions for the Government thereof, bearing date at

Westminster the 28th day of December, 1955.

2. A proclamation will be issued in due course regarding
the date on which these Letters Patent shall come into


3. His Excellency has also directed that these Letters
Patent shall be rend and proclaimed in each Presidency of the
Colony at a-place and at an appropriate time and date to be

fixed by the Administrator or Commissioner thereof.

By Command,

\ Raymonp Norris,

Acting Colonial Secretary.
C. 18/00039.


Lye? ©


LETTERS PATENT passed under the Great Seal of the
Realm constituting the Office of Governor and Com-
mander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands and making
certain provisions for the Government thereof,

Dated 28th December, 1955,

KLIZABETH THE SRCOND, by the Grace of God of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Treland and of Our other Realms and Territories
Queen, Head of the Commonweulth, Defender of
the Faith.



Know Ye that We being minded to amend the
Leeward Islands Letters Patent, 1953, (hereinafter called
‘the principal Letters Patent”) have declared and do
hereby declare Our will and pleasure as follows:—

1.—(1) These Our Letters may be cited as the
Leeward Islands Letters Patent, 1955, and shall be
construed as one with*the principal Letters Patent.

(2) The principal Letters Patents and these Our
Letters may be cited together as the Leeward Islands
Letters Patent, 1953 and 1955.

(3) These Our Letters shall come into operation in
respect of each Presidency on a day to be appointed by
the Governor by Proclamation published in the Gazette.

(4) In exercising his powers under paragraph (3) of
this Article, the Governor may appoint different days
in respect of different Presidencies.

2. Paragraph (1) of Article 1 of the principal
Letters Patent shall be amended by the deletion of the
definition of “ the existing Instructions”.

8. Sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (1) of Article 8
of the principal Letters Patent shall be amended by the
insertion of the words ‘‘from the Island of Antigua
or” between the words “absent” and “from” in the
first line thereof.

4. Article 13 of the principal Letters Patent shall
ba amended by the deletion of the proviso to paragraph
(1) and of paragraph (2), but without prejudice to
anything lawfully done thereunder.

and com-

of Article 1
of principal

of Article 8 of

of Article 13
of principal

frisertion of
new Article
in principal

5. The principal Letters Patent shall be amended
by the insertion after Article 13 thereof, of the following
new Articles: —

“ Functions 13A. The Executive Councils of the Pres-

tes : idencies of Antigua and Saint Christopher

fe Nevis and Anguilla shall be the principal

Counciis. instruments of policy in the said Presidencies
and shall perform such functions and duties
und exercise such powers as may from time to
time be preseribed by any Instructions under
Our Sign Manual and Signet, or, subject to
any such Instructions, by or under any law
in force in each of the said Presidencies,

‘When 13B.—(1) in the exercise of his functions
oo the Governor shall,.- subject to the provisions
ACMMNISTTO- og eis f 1 Htiela os y
torsandCom-f paragraph (3) of this Article, and to the
missioners PLOvisions of Article 13C of these Our Letters—
to consult

Colony and (a) in all cases not relating exclusively
ica to any one Presidency, consult with

ous the Executive Council of the Colony;
Oouncils, a

(4) in all cases relating exclusively to any
one Presidency, consult with the
Tixecntive Council of that Presidency.

(2) In the exercise @f his functions the
Administrator or Commissioner of each Presi-
dency shall, subject to the provisions of
paragraph (3) of this Article, and to the
provisions of Article 13C of these Our Letters,
consult with the Exeeutive Council of such

(3) The Governor shall not be obliged to
consult with the Executive Council of the
Colony, or the Executive Council of any
Presidency, and the Administrator or Com-
missioner shall not be obliged to consult with
the Execntive Council of his Presidency in
any case—

(a) which is of such a nature that, in
his judgment, Our service would
sustain material harm by — such
consultation: or :

(d) in which the matters to be decided
are, in his judgment, too wunim-
portant to warrant such consultation ;

(c) in which the matters to be decided
are, in his judgment, too urgent to
admit of such consultation by the
time within which it may be neces-
sary for him to act.

Exercise of
and Admin-
powers in
relation to
of certain


In every case falling within sub-paragraph (c)
ot this paragraph, the Governor, or the
Administrator or Commissioner, as the case
may be, shall as soon as practicable commu-
nicate to the Executive Council of the Colony
or the Presidential Executive Council con-
cerned, the measures which he shall have
taken with the reasons therefor.

13C-—(1) In the case of the Executive
Councils of the Presidencies of Antigua and
Saint Christopher Nevis und Anguilla, the
Governor or the Administrator, as the case
may be, save as otherwise provided by this
Article or by paragraph (3) of Article 13B of
these ur Letters—

(t) shall consult with the said Executive
Council concerned in the formulation
of policy, and in the exercise of all
functions conferred upon him by
any law for the time being in force
in the Presidency except—

(i) any function conferrrd upon
the Governor or upon the
Administrator that is ex-
pressed to be exercisable by
the Governor or by the
Administrator, acting in his

(ii) any tunction conferred upon
the Governor or upon the
Administrator by any
existing law (other than a
function expressed, in what-
ever terms, to be exer-
cisable by the Governor in
Council) so long as such
function continues to be
exercisable by virtue of
such law; and

(iii) any other function conferred
upon the Governor or upon
the Administrator in respect
of which it provided either
expressly or by implication,
that he shall not be obliged
to consult with the HExecu-
tive Council concerned in
the exercise thereof; and

(b) shall act in accordance with the
advice of the Executive Council
concerned in any matter on which he
is by this paragraph obliged to consult
with that Executive Council,


(2) Ifin any case in which the Governor
or an Administrator is obliged to consult
with either of the Executive Councils
specified in parapraph (1) of this Article
concerning the exercise of any function, the
Governor or the Administrator shall consider
it expedient—

(a) in the interest of public faith, public
order or good government (which
expressions shall, without prejudice
to their generality, include the
responsibility of the Presidency of
Antigua or of the Presidency of Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, ag
the case may be, as a _ territory
within the British Commonwealth of
Nations, and all matters pertaining
to the creation or abolition of any
public office or to the salary or other
conditions of service of any public
officer or officers); or

(6) for securing detailed control of the
finances of the Presidency of Antigua
or the Presidency of Saint Christo-
pher Nevis and Anguilla, as the case
may be, during such time as, by
virtue of the receipt of financial
assistance by the Presidency con-
cerned from Our Exchequer for the
purpose of balancing the annual
budget or otherwise, such control
rests with the Government of the
United Kingdom,

that he should not act in accordance with the
advice of the Executive Council of the
Presidency concerned, then—

(i) he may, with the prior approval of a
Secretary of State act against that

- advice; or

(ii) if in his judgment, urgent necessity
So requires, he may act against that
advice without such prior approval
but shall, without delay, report the
matter to a Secretary of State with
the reasons for his action.

Whenever the Governor or an Admin-
istrator shall so act against the advice of one
of the said Executive Councils any Member
of such Executive Council may require that
there be recorded in the minutes of that
Executive Council the grounds of any advice
or opinion which he may give upon the

Governor or

may act in
opposition ta


(3) This Article shall not apply to matters
for which provision has heen made:-—

(a) by Article 9 or 17 of these Our

(b) by Section 31 of the Antigua Consti-
tution and Elections Ordinance, 1951;

(c) by Section 31 of the Saint Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla Constitution and
Elections Ordinance, 1952; or

(d@) by any Instructions under Our Sign
Manual and Signet in so far as it is
provided by any such Instructions
that this Article shal] not apply.

(4) In this Article—

(a) ‘existing law” means any enactment
in force in the Presidency concerned
at the commencement of the Leeward
Islands Letters Patent, 1955, but
shall not include the Antigua Con-
stitution and Elections Ordinance,
1951, or the Saint Christopher Nevis
and Anguilla Constitution and Hlee-
tions Ordinance, 1952;

(b) “law” includes any instrument
made under a law and shall be
construed as including any Instruc-
tions under the Royal Sign Manual
and Signet.

13D.—(1) The Governor, or Commis-
sioner, may act in opposition to the advice
given to him by the Members of the
Executive Council of the Colony or of the
Executive Council of the Presidency of
Montserrat or of the Virgin Islands, as the case
may be, if he shall in any case deem it right
goto do; but in any such case the Governor
ghall at the first convenient opportunity report
the matter to Us, through a Secretary of
State, with the reasons for such action, and
when a Commissioner so acts, he shall report
the matter to the Governor at the first con-
venient opportunity, with the reasons for
such action.

(2) Whenever the Governor or Commis-
sioner shall so act against the advice of any
guch Executive Council any Member of such
Executive Conncil may require that there
shall be recorded upon the minutes any
advice or opinion which he may give on the
question at issne and the reasons therefor.”

No. 10 of

No. 5 of

of Article 15
of principal

Ingertion of
new Article
in principal


of Seoond
Schedule to
~ principal


of power to
revoke or
amend Letters

and preserva-
tion of Letters


6. Article 15 of the principal Letters Patent shall
be amended by the insertion of the following words
tnimediately before the words “ The Governor ”—-

“Subject to the provisions of any law for the
time being in force and to such instructions as may
from time to time be given to him by Us under Our

Sign Manual and Signet or through a Secretary

of State”.

7. The principal Letters Patent shall be amended
by the insertion after Article 19 thereof, of the follow-
ing new Article—

*' Exercise of 19A. In the exercise of the funetions

functicns = ggpferred on him by paragraph (1), (2) and (3)

os of Article 8, and Articles 14, 15 and 16 otf

Governor, these Our Letters the Governor shall act in his
discretion. ”

g. The principal Letters Patent shall be amended
by the deletion therefrom of the Second Schedule.

9. We do hereby reserve to Ourselves full power
to revoke or amend these Our Letters.

10.—(1) These Our Letters shall be publised in the
Gazette and shall be read and proclaimed at such place
or places within the Colony as the Governor shall
think fit.

(2) These Our Letters shall be preserved within the
Presidency of Antigua, anda fall and exact copy thereof
shall be deposited and duly recorded in the office of the
Administrator or Commissioner, as the case may be, of
each of the Presidencies of Saint Christopher Nevis and
Anguilla, Montserrat and the Virgin Islands, and so
long as these Our Letters remain in foree, every eopy
thereof so recorded as aforesaid shall, within the
Presidency in which the same is recorded have the
saine force, virtue und effect as these Our Letters.

In witness whereof We have caused these Our
Letters to be made Patent.
Witness Ourself at Westminster, the twenty-eighth
day of December, 1955, in the fourth year of
Our Reign. :
By Warrant under the Queen’s Sign Manual.


The Secretariat,
brad January, 1956.

His Excellency the Governor directs the publication for
general information of the Royal Instructions passed under
the Royal Sign Manual and Signet to the Governor and
Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands given on the

28th day of Deceinber, 1955.

2. These Instructions will come into force cn the day on
which the Letters Patent are in due course brought into force

by Proclamation.

By Command,

Raymonp Norris,
Acting Colonial Secretary.
C, 18/00039.


ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS passed under the Royal

Sign Manual and Signet to the Governor
mander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands.

and Com-


Dated 283TH DECEMBER, 1955.

mander-in-Chief in and over the Leeward Islands,
or other Officer for the time being administering the
Government of Our said Islands.

Whereas certain Instructions under the Royal Sign
Manual and Signet bearing date the twenty-first day of
December, 1953 (hereinafter called “the Instructions of
1953”) were addressed to the Governor and Commander-
in-Chief of the Leeward Islands:

And Whereas We are minded to amend the Instruc-
tions of 1953 in the manner following:

Now, therefore, We do, by these Our Additional
Instructions under Our Sign Manual and Signet, hereby
direct and enjoin and declare Our will and pleasure as

1. The words “Now, therefore, as from the date of
the coming into force of the Letters Patent, subject as
mentioned in the proviso to clause 9 of these Instructions
and in the proviso to paragraph (1) of Article 13 of the
Letters Patent”, appearing immediately after the fifth
paragraph of the Preamble to the Instructions of 1953,
shall be deleted, but without prejudice to anything
lawfully done thereunder, and the following words shall
be substituted therefor:—

“ Now, therefore, as from the date of the coming
into force of the Letters Patent”’.

. The Proviso to clause 9 of the Instructions of
1953 shall be deleted, but without prejudice to anything
lawfully done thereunder.

3. In paragraph (2) of clause 13 of the Instructions
of 1953 the words ‘after the coming into force of any
Order made by the Governor under clause 9 of these
Instructions and” shall be deleted, but without prejudice
to anything lawfully done thereunder,

Amendment of
of 1953,

of clause 9 of
of 1953,

of clause 13 of
of 1953,


4. Clause 25 of the Instructions of 1953 shall be

of clause 26 of revoked and the following clause sball be substituted

of 1953,

of clause 26 of
of 1953.

of clause 29 of
of 1953,


“ Executive 25.—(1) The Executive Council of each

eee of of the Presidencies of Antigua and Saint

mene: Christopher Nevis and Anguilla shall consist
of the following:—

(i) the Governor;

(ii) the Administrator;

(iii) two Presidential Official Members;
(iv) one Nominated Member; and

(v) four Elected Members:

Provided that, in the casa of the Executive
- Council of the Presidency of Saint Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla, whenever the number of
Elected Members of the said Executive Conneil
does not include a person who has been elected
to the Legislative Council of the said Presi-
dency to represent an electoral district in the
Island of Nevis, then the number of Elected
Members of the said Executive Gouncil shall
be increased by the election thereto by the
nominated and elected Members of the said
Legislative Conncil of an additional Member
from among the elected Members representing
Nevis on the said Legislative Council.

(2) The Mxecutive Conneil of each of the
Presidencies of Montserrat and the Virgin
Islands shall consist of one ex officio Member
Gf the Governor ig present in the said Exeen-
tive Council) two Presidential Official Members,
one Nominated Member and two Elected

5. Clause 26 of the Instructions of 1953 shall be
revoked and the following clause shall be substituted
therefor :—

| & Be-officio 26. When the Governor is present in the

Member of Executive Council of the Presidency of Mont-
Excoutive garrat or of the Presidency of the Virgin
Councils of ; ae

Montserrat islands, the Commissioner shall be the ex
and Virgin officio Member of the Council concerned.”


6. For paragraph (2) of clanse 29 of the Instructions
of 1953 the following paragraph shall be substituted—

“(2) The nominated and elected Members of
each Presidential Legislative Council shall, not later
than the third sitting after every dissolution of that
Council, and (except in tho case of the Legislative


Council of the Presidency of Montserrat) not later
than the third sitting of that Conncil after the coming
into force of the Leeward Islands Letters Patent,
1955, in respect of the Presidency concerned, elect
from among the elected Members of that Council
such number of persons as is provided in clause 25
of these Instructions to be Elected Members of the
Executive Council of the Presidency concerned.”

%. Clause 30 of the Instructions of 1953 shall be
amended :—

(4) by the substitution in sub-paragraph (@) of
paragraph (4) of the words “A Presidential
Legislative Council may, by resolution passed in
manner provided in sub-paragraph (8) or sub-
paragraph (ec), as the case may be, of this
paragraph”? for the words ‘‘Any Presidential
Levislative Council may, by resolution passed in
manner provided in sub-paragraph (6) of this
paragraph ”:

(6) by the substitution of the following sub-para-
graphs for sub-paragraph (0) of paragraph (4)—

““(b) In the case of the Presidency of Antigua
and the Presidency of Saint Christopher
Nevis nnd Anguilla the passing of such a
resolution shall require the casting in favour
thereof of the majority of the votes of all
the nominated and elected Members of the
Presidential Legislative Council concerned
other than the presiding Member, who shall
not be entitled to vote on such a resolution.

(c) In the case of the Presidency of Montserrat
and the Presidency of the Virgin Islands
the passing of such a resolution shall require
the casting in favour thereof of the votes of
not less than two-thirds of all the nominated
and elected Members of the Presidential
Legislative Council concerned other than
the presiding Member, who shall not be
entitled to vote on such a resolution.”’;

(c) by the insertion immediately after paragraph (4)
of the following new paragraph—

“(44) The Governor may, by Instrument
under the Public Seal of the Colony, declare
that an Elected Member shall cease to be a
Mamber of the. Executive Council of either of
the Presidencies of Antigua or Saint Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla, and thereupon the seat of
such Elected Member in the said Council shall
become vacant.”

of elause 30 of
of 1953.


Amendment 8.—(1) In eclanse 30, clause 31 and the marginal note
- clauses a thereto, and in clauses 33, 34 und 36 of the Instructions
31, 33, Shand oF 1953 all references to Presidential Appointed Members

46 of Instruc- : ;
tions of 1953, Shall be omitted wherever such references occur.

(2) In clanse 34 of the Instructions of 1953—

(a) subparagraph (6) shall be deleted from
paragraph (2); and

(b) subparagraph (4) shall be deleted from
paragraph (3).

Amendment 9. Paragraph (1) of clause 36 of the Instructions of
of clause 86 of 1953 shall be amended—


Oh: (a) by the deletion of the words

“The Members of each Presidential Executive
Council shall have seniority and precedence as
We may specially assign, and, in default thereof as

First, the ex officio Member, if any;”,
and by the substitution therefor of the following
words—" After the Governor the Members of
each Presidential Executive Council shall have
Seniority and precedence as We may specially
assign, and, in default thereof as follows:—

Iirst, the Administrator, or the ex officto
Member (if any), as the case may be;’’; and

(6) by the deletion of the words ‘‘as the case may
be” wherever such words occur.

Insertion of 10. The Instrnetions of 1953 shall be amended by

na Part in the insertion of the following Part immediately after
nstructions Days is .
of 1953. Part Ii


Administrative functions of Members of the Baecutive
Councils of the Presidencies of Antigua and Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla

Assignment 39A.—(1) The Governor may by directions
of Depart- in writing—
mente ne (a) charge an Administrator or any Presi-

Members of : a ks
ine leant ive dential Official Member of the Execu-

Councils of tive Councils of the Presidencies of
Antigua Antigna and Saint Christopher Nevis

and Saint
Nevis and

and Anguilla with the administration
of any department or subject;

(8) declare which departments or subjects
may be «assigned to Elected Members
of the Executive Councils of such
Presidencies; and




(0) revoke or vary any directions given
under this paragraph. .

(2) The Governor may by directions in
writing —

(a) charge any Elected Member of the
said Hxecutive Councils with the
administration of any department or
subject during such time ay it shall
be declared under subparagraph (5)
of paragraph (1) of this clause to bea
department or subject which may be
assigned to Elected Members, so that
in the Executive Council of each such
Presidency there shall be three such
Members so charged; and

(6) revoke or vary any directions given
under this paragraph.

39B. Aun Elected Member of the Execu-
tive Councils of either of the Presidencies of
Antigua or Saint Christopher Nevis and
Anguilla shall, while charged with the ad-
ministration of any department or subject
under the provisions of clause 394A of these
Instructions, be styled u Minister.

39C.—(1) (a) If it shall be decided by the

assignmentofGovernor that an Administrator or a Presiden-

Departments, tis

and Acting

u] Official Member of either of the Executive
Councils of Antigua or Saint Christopher Nevis
and Anguilla is for any cause temporarily
unable to administer any department or sub-
ject with the administration of which he is
charged, then the Governor may, by directions
in writing (and notwithstanding that the
department or subject is not declared under
sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph (1) of clause
du of these Instructions to be a departnient
or subject which may be assigned to Elected
Members) charge with the administration of
that departinent or subject any other Member
of the Executive Council concerned until such
time as the said Adwinistrator or the Presi-
dential Official Member is declared by the
Governor again to be able to administer the

The Governor may by directions in
writing, revoke or vary any directions given
under this sub-paragraph.



(4) If it shall be decided by the Governor
that a Minister is for any cause temporarily
unable to administer any department or subject
with the administration of which he is charged,
then the Governor may charge with the
administration of that department or subject
any other Member of the Executive Council
concerned until such time as the said Minister
is declared by the Governor again to be able to
administer the same. The Governor may, by
directions in writing, revoke or vary any
directions given under this sub-paragraph.

(2) An Elected Member of the said
Executive Councils, other than a Minister,
while charged with the administration of any
department or subject under the provisions of
this clause, shall be styled an Acting Minister.

Disagreement 39D.—(1) If the. public officer who is for


Minister and

Head of

the time being head of any department shall,
on any question relating to the administration

Department, Of the department, diyagree with the Minister

Control of

Leave of
absence of

charged with the administration of the depart-
ment, then—
(a) the vaid officer may submit to the
_ Minister in writing a statement of his
reasons for disagreeing with the
Minister and of his own recommenda-
tions on the question at issue;

(0) the Minister shall send to the Clerk to
the Executive Council of the Presi-
deney concerned a copy of such state-
ment together with any written state-
ment which he himself may wish to
make on the question at issue: and

(c) the question shall be considered at a
meeting of the Executive Couneil of
the Presidency conceried and shall
be disposed of as the Governor or, if
the Governor be not present, the
Administrator, may direct.

(2) In this clause the expression ‘* Minis-
ter’ ineludes an Acting Minister.

39E. In administering the departments
for which they are responsible, Ministers and
Acting Ministers shall act through the public
officers who are for the time being heads ot

those departments.

39F. The Governor, or thy Administrator,
as the case may be, may grant leave of absence
from his duties to any Minister or Acting


41. For paragraph (1) of clause 42 of the Instructions
of 1953 there shall he substituted the following

“(1) The Executive Councils of the Presidencies
of Antigua and Saint Christopher Nevisand Anguilla
shall not be summoned except by the nuthority of the
Governor or of the Administrator, as the case may be,
but shall be so summoned on the written request of
any Minister of the Presidency concerned.

(LA) The Exeeutive Councils of the Presidencies
of Montserrat and the Virgin Islands shall not be
summoned except hy the authority of the Governor
or of the Commissioner, as the case may be.”

12. The following new clause shall be inserted in
the Instructions of 1953 immediately after clause 42—

~ Voting in New 42A4.—(1) Where any matter is
the Exeen- dependant upon the decision of the Executive
tive Councils : : ‘ Z
of Antien, Council of the Presidency of Antigua, or of
and Saint the Presideney of Saint Christopher Nevis and
Christopher Angnilla, any decision shall be regarded as
Nevieand the decision of the said Council if a majority
Anguilla. of the votes of the Members present and voting
are cast in favour thereof. Neither the
Governor nor, in the absence of the Governor,
the Administrator, shall have an original vote,
but if upon any question the votes shall
be equally divided, the Governor or the
Administrator, as the case may be, may give a
casting vote. In the absence of the Governor
and of the Administrator the Member presiding
shall have an original vote and may also, if
upon any question the votes shall be equally
divided, give a casting vote.

(2) Whenever the Governor is present in
either of the said Executive Councils the
Administrator concerned shall have no original

13. Clause 44 of the Instructions of 1953 shall be

14. Clause 45 of the Instructions of 1953 shall be
revoked and the following clause substituted therefor:—

“ Governor 45. The Governor in the case of the

and Com- = Bxeeutive Council of the Colony, and the

missioners . ‘ Tom a4 C 3

to propose Governor ov the Commissioner in the cage of

questions. the Executive Councils of the Presidencies of
Montserrat and the Virgin Islands, shall alone
be entitled to submit questions to the said
Executive Councils for their advice and

of clause 42 of
of 1963.

Insertion of
new clause in
of 1953.

Revocation of
clause 44 of
of 1953.

of clause 45
of Instruc-
tions of 1953.

Ravoontion of
olause 46 of
of 1953,

Insertion of


decision; but if the Governor or Commissioner
decline to submit any question to an Executive
Council when requested in writing by any
Member thereof so to do, it shall be competent
to such Member to require that there shall be
recorded upon the minutes his written applica-
tion, together with the answer returned by the
Governor, or Commissioner, to the same.”

15. Clause 46 of the Instructions of 1953 shall be

16. The following new clauses shall be inserted in

new clauses in the Instructions of 1953 immediately after clause 57—


of 1953,
“Exercise of o7A. In the exercise of the functions
aoa , conferred by the following provisions of these
0. rred 0: :
Governor an qunetructions—
istrator.” (i) clause 4,

(ii) paragraph (1) of clause 27,

(iii) paragraph (1) of clause 28,

(iv) subparagraphs (8) and (c) of para-
graph (2) and subparagraph (c) of
paragraph (3) of clause 30,

(v) subparagraphs (a) and (5) of para-
graph (1) and paragraph (2) of
clause 31,

(vi) clause 32,

(vii) subparagraphs (a) and (c) of para-
graph (2) and subparagraph (b) of
paragraph (4) of clause 34,

(viii) paragraph (1) of clause 36,

(ix) clause 37,

(x) paragraph (3) of clause 38,

(xi) paragraph (1) of clause 394,

(xii) subparagraph (a) of paragraph (1)
of clause 390,

(xiii) clause 39F,
(xiv) paragraph (1) of clause 42A,

the Governor, or the Administrator, as the case
may be, shall act in his discretion.

Where 57B. Nothing in Article 13C of the

Article 180 Leeward Islands Letters Patent, 1953, shall

o apply to matters for which provision is made

Letters by paragraph (1) of clause 42, or clause 55 of
Patent 1953 these Instructions.”

does not


17. These Instructions shall have effect, in respect Commence-
of each Presidency, as from the date of the commencement ment.
of the Leeward Islands Letters Patent, 1955, in respeot of
the Presidency concerned.

Given at Our Court at Saint James’s this twenty-eighth
day of December, in the Fourth year of Our Reign.

Printed at the Governmant Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuacxMan. Government Printer.— By Authority.
600—1.56. [ Price 24 cents.]



1955, No. 15.

RESOLUTION ov THE Lra@tstative Counci, or Monrsmrrat
or THE Customs Duries Orpriwancn, 1928 (No. 7 oF

WHEREAS by Section 15 of the Customs Duties
Ordinance, 1928, it is provided that the Legislative Council
may from time to time by resolution increase, reduce, abolish
or otherwise alter the Customs duty levinble on any goods
imported in the Presidency ;

AND WHEREAS the Roman Catholic Chureh in the
months of June, July ami August, 1953 purchased from
merchants in the Presidency a quantity of merchandise
imported into the Presidency in the year one thousand nine
bundred and fifty-three;

AND WHEREAS it is expedient to remit the Customs
duty leviahle on the merchandise hereinbefore referred to;

Customs duty leviable on the merchandise imported into the
Presidency in the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-
three and purchased hy the Roman Catholic Church in the
months of June, July and August of the said year shall be

Passed the Leyislative Council this 21st day of December,

Js. H. Carrorr,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at tho Goverument Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLackMAN. Government Printer.-—By Authority.
25{00001—500 — 1.56. rice 3 cents.



1955, No. 16.

Reso,vTion or THE Leoisuatitve Councin or MONTSERRAT
DATED DicemBer 21, 1955, MADE UNDER SECTION 15
or THE Customs Duries Orpinance, 1928, (No. 7 or

BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislature of Montserrat

as follows:—

The Second Schedule to the Customs Duties Ordinance,
1928 shall he and is hereby amended by the insertion of the
words ‘or taken out of bond”’ in item 6 thereof, between the
words “imported ” and ‘especially ”.

Passed the Legislative Council the 21st day of December,

Js. H. Carrort,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuackmMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
29/0000 L—500—1.56. Price 3 cents.

No. 17 of 1955. Interpretation of Laws ANTIGUA.


K. W. Bracksurne,
31st December, 1955.

No. 17 of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend further the Interpretation
of Laws Ordinanee, 1896.
ENACTED by the Legislaiure of Antigua

as follows:—

1. ‘this Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.

Interpretation of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 6/1896.

1955, and shall be read as one with the Interpre- si
tation of Laws Ordinance, 1896, as amended, 3/1938.

hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance. 18/1939.

2. Seetion 18 of the Principal Ordinance is ee
. . or sectl
hereby amended by the substitution of the of the Princi-

following paragraphs for paragraphs (6) and (7) pal Ordinance,

thereof :—

“ (6) The expression Governor”
shall mean the cfficer for the time being
administering the Government of the Leeward
Tslands and shall include the Administrator
of the Presidency when he is administering
the Government of the Presidency ;

ANTIGUA. 2 Interpretation of Laws No. 17 of 1955.

(7) The expression “Governor in
Council” shal] mean, save as otherwise
provided by Letters Patent under the Great
Seal of the United Kingdom, by any Order
of Her Majesty in Council or by Instructions
under the Roysl Sign Manual and Signet,
the (Governor acting with the advice of
the Nxecutive Council of the Presidency,
and, to such an extent as may be provided
by any such Letters Patent, Order of Her
Majesty in Council or — Instructions, in
accordance with tha: advice, but not neces-
sarily in such Council assembled.”

riled 3. ‘This Ordinance shall come into operation

ent. 5 .

" on a day to be appointed by the Governor by
proclamation published in the Gaceite.


Passed the Legislative Couneil this 29th
day of December, 1958.

Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E, M. BLackman, Govern ment Printer—By Authority.
1956. .
A. 47/127—500—1.56. [Prive 4 cents. |


1955, No. i8


paTED DrcemBrr 8, 1955, MADE UNDER SECTION 15 oF
rig Ccsroms Duties Orpinance, 1927, (No. 11 oF

WHEREAS Section 15 of the Customs Duties Ordinance,
1927, provides that the Legislative Council may from time to
time by resolution increase, reduce, abolish or otherwise alter
the Customs Duty leviable on any goods imported into the


(1) The Second Schedule to the Customs Duties
Ordinance, 1927, shall be and is hereby altered
and amended by the addition after item 31 of
the following item—

“31A. Rods and reels, artificial baits,
hooks, swivels, hemp fishing lines, metal
lines (stainless steel, copper and monel),
xeines, nets, corks and leads, cotton seine
twine, gill-net twine, coir rope, galvanized
mesh wire No. 16 British Standard gauge,
and when certified by the Fisheries Officer
to be imported specifically for use in the
fishing industry, anchors, chains, spars and
marine engines ”’;

(2) The resolution dated 18th July 1955 (S.R. & O.
1955 No. 11) is hereby revoked.

Passed the Levislative Council the 8th day of December,


Acting Clerk of the Couneil.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE, M, Buackman, Government Printer.--By Authority.
525—1.56. Price 3 cents.


No. 15 of 1955. Public Sermsé Commission. *.~-% ANvTIAUA,

“i et ad

T Assent, :
K. W. BracksBurne,
31st December, 19365.

No. 15 of 1955.

An Ordinance to make provision for the creation
of a Public Service Commission.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Public short title and
Service Commission Ordinance, 1955, and shall Commence:
come into operation on 1 day to be appointed by ,
the Governor by Proclamation published in the

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context Interpretation.
otherwise requires—

‘‘ Administrator” means the person for the
time being holding the office of Adminis-
trator of the Presidency and includes
every person for the time being acting as
such in his stead;

“ Governor’? means the Governor and Com-
mander in Chief of the Leeward Islands

2, VF. NG and includes every person for the time

Lys7 ©

Bopp ee

eing administering the Government of

Antigua. 4 Public Service Commission. No. 15 of 1955.

Power to make 9. The Governor may make Regulations
reaarding «fOr: giving effect to the provisions of this Ordi-

Public Service nance, and in particular and without prejudice

Commission. to the generality of the foregoing power may by
such Regulations make provision for all or any
of the following matters, that is to say:—

(a) the membership of the Commission;

(6) the appointment, tenure of office
and terms of service of members of the

(ce) the organisation of the work of
the Commission and the manner in which
the Commission shall perform its functions;

(d) consultation by the Commission
with persons other than members of the
Commission ;

(e) the appointment, tenure of office
and terms of service of staff to ussist the
Commission in the performance of | its

(f) the protection and_ privilege of
members of the Commission in respect of
the performance of their duties and the privi-
lege of communications to and from the
Commission or its members in case of legal

(y) the definition and trial of offences
connected with the functions of the Cominis-
sion and the imposition of penalties for such

Provided that no such penelty shall
exceed a fine of one thousand dollars and
imprisonment for a term of six months.


Passed the Legisiative Council this 29th
day of December, 1954.

PF. A. Crarks,
Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, leeward Isiands,
by E. M, BLAcKMAN, Government Printer. -By Authority.

500—1.56. Price 6 cents.

No. 16 of 1955, Antiqua Constitution and

Lilections (Amendment)

[L.s. |
K. W. BuackBurne,
Governor. -
31st December, 1955.

No. 16 of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend further the Antigua
Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1951.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Antigua Constitution and Elections (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Antigua Constitution and Eleetions
Ordinance, 1951, as amended, hereinafter called
the Principal Ordinance.

2. Subsection (1) of section 2 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
insertion immediately after the definition of
“electoral district” of the following definition—

“ “the Executive Council’? means the
Executive Council of the Presi-

3. Subsection (2) of section 25 and sub-
section (1) of section 43 of the Principal
Ordinance are hereby amended by the substitu-
tion of the word “ five” for the word “three”


Short title.


Amendment of
section 2 of
the Principal

Amendment of
sections 25 &
48 of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-


Antigua, = Antiqua Constitution and No. 16 of 1955.
Elections (Amendment)

Amendment of 4. Section 31 of the Principal Ordinance
section 31 of is hereby amended as follows:—

the Principal Y


(a) In subsection (1) the words “in his
discretion” appearing immediately alter
. the words “the Governor, at any time” are
hereby deleted, and the words “which he
shall think fit” are hereby substituted
therefor ;

(6) Subsection (2) is hereby repealed
and the following subsections substituted

“(2) The Governor shall not make
any declaration under this seetion except in
accordance with the following conditions,
that is to say:—

(a) the question whether the
declaration should be made shall first
be submitted in writing by the Governor
to the Iixecutive Council and if, upon
the question being so submitted to it,
the Executive Council shall resolve
that the declaration be made, the
Governor nay make the declaration ;

(6) if, when the question whether
the declaration should be made is sah-
mitted to it as aforesaid. the Excettive
Couneil shall not, within sueh time as
the Governor shall think reasonable
and expedient, resolve that the declara-
tion be made, then—

(i) the Governor may submit
the said question toa Secretary of
State and may make the declara-
tion if, upon the question being so
submitted to him, a Secretary of
State authorises the Governor to
make the declaration: or

(ii) the Governor may make
the declaration without submittiny
the said question to a Secretary

No. 16 of 1955, Antigua C astitution and 3


Elections (.dmendment)

of State, if in the Governor’s
opinion, urgent necessity requires
that the declaration be made
without obtaining the authority of
a Secretary of State; in which
case he shall. at the time of
makine the declaration, certify in
writing that urgent necessity
requires that, the declaration be
made without obtaining such

(ZA) (a) Whenever the Governor,
in accordance with the provisions of
prragraph (6) of subsection (2) of this
section, shall submit to a Secretary of
Sate the question whether a declara-
tion should be made. or shall make a
declaration without submitting the
said question to a Sceretary of ‘State,
he shall inform the Executive Council
in writing of his reasons for so doing.

(6) Whenever the Governor shall
make a declaration under this section,
Other than a declaration made with
the authority of a Secretary of State,
he shall forthwith report to a Secretary
of State the making of, and the reasons
for, the declaration and, in the case of
a declaration made in accordance with
the provisions of subparagraph (ii) of
paragraph (4) of subsection (2), the
grounds of urgency.

The following new section is hereby

inserted innmediately pe section 34 of the
Principal Ordinance:-—

“384A. In the exercise of the fune-
tions conferred by sections 6, 8 and 9,
paragraph () and the proviso to
paragraph (/) of subsection (3) and
subsection (4) of section 12, subsection
(1) of section 14, subsections (1) and
(5) of section 16, ‘seetion 17, section 21,


Insertion of
new section in
the Principal

Exercise of
functions con-
ferred on
Governor and

Antigua. 4 Antiqua Constitution and No. 16 of 1955.
Elections (Amendment).

subsection (1) of section 25, sections 35,
37,.39, subsection (1) of section 43,
sections 50, 57, 58 and subsection (3)
of section 79 of this Ordinance, the
Governor or the Administrator, as the
case may be, shall act in his discretion.”

Commencement. 6. This Ordinance shall come into opera-

tion on aday to be appointed by the Governor
by Proclamation published in the Gazette.

Aurec Lovrxacr,

Passed the Legislative Council this 29th
day of December, 1955.

F. A. Cranks,
Acting Clerk of the Council.

Prinved at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by BE. M. Buackaan, Government Printer— by Authority,

A. 47/76—500--1.56, [ Price 6 cents]

Full Text

- the said Act it is further provided





-WHEREAS it is provided by sec-
tion 12 of the Leeward Islands Acts,
1§71 to 1950, as amended, that the
General Legislative Council of the

‘Leeward Islands may from time to

time be convoked by Proclamation:
AND WHEREAS by section 14 of

that the place of meeting of the said

Council shall from time to time be

fixed by proclamation:

AND WHEREAS it is expedient
that the said Council should be con-

NOW, THEREFORE, I do by this
my Proclamation summon the said
General Legislative Council to meet at

-the Court House in the City of Saint
John in the Presidency of Antigua on
Friday, the 27th day of January, 1956,
at nine thirty o’clock in the forenoon,
for the despatch of public business.
' AND the members of the said

‘’ Council and all other Her Majesty’s


officers and loving subjects in the
Colony of the Leeward Islands and
all others whom it may concern are
hereby required to take due notice
hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.

GIVEN under my hand at the
Government House, Antigua,
this 28th day of December, 1955,
-and in the fourth year of Her
Majesty’s reign.

Ref. No. 18/00031.




WHEREAS by section 3 of the
Interpretation of Laws (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1955 (No..17 of 1955) it is
provided that the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on a day to
be appointed by the Governor by proc-
amation published in the Gazette:

Lyt7 &


| Pudblished by Authors


LOVELACE, a Member of the Most.

Excellent Order of the British Km-
pire, Administrator of the Presidency
of Antigua, do by this my proclama-
tion declare that the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on the 19th
day of January, 1956.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving sub-

jects in the Presidency of Antigua —

and all others whom it may concern
are hereby required toe take due
notice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Administrator’s Office,
Antigua, this third day of Janu-
ary, 1956, and in the fourth year
of Her Majesty’s reign.

47/00215. :




WHEREAS by section 6 of the
Antigua Constitution and Elections
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955 (No.
16 of 1955) it is provided that the
said Ordinance shall come into opera-
tion on a day to be appointed by the
Governor by Proclamation published
in the Gazette:

Commander of the Most Distinguished
Order of Saint Michael and Saint
George, an Officer of the Most Excel-
lent Order of the British Empire,
Governor and Commander in Chief
in and over the Colony of the Lee-
ward Islands and Vice Admiral of
the same, do by this my Proclamation

’ declare that the said Ordinance shall

come into operation on the 19th day
of January, 1956.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving snb-
jects in the Presidency of Antigua
and all others whom it may concern
are hereby required to take due
notice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 3rd day of Janu-
ary, 1956, and in the fourth year
of Her Majesty’s reign.

47/00159—II. ;

%, oe
OO Ese Oo eet 4 2

No. 2..





WHEREAS by section 1 of the
Public Service Commission Ordi-
nance, 1955 (No. 15 of 1955) it is
provided that the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on a day to
be appointed by the Governor by
Proclamation published in the

Commander of the Most Distingnish-

’ ed Order of Saint Michael and Saint

George, an Officer of the Most Excel-
lent Order of the British Empire,
Governor and Commander in Chief
in and over the Colony of the Lee-
ward Islands and Vice Admiral of
the same, do by this my Proclamation
declare that the said Ordinance shall
come into operation on the 19th day
of January, 1956.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving sub- -
jects in the Presidency of Antigua
and all others whom it may concern
are hereby required to take due
notice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly-

GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 3rd day of Janu-
ary, 1956, and in the fourth year
of Her Majesty’s reign.

4'7]00385. . 2

Consequent upon the resignation of
Dr. A. J. KEEVIL, M.B.E., His
Excellency has approved of the ap-
pointment of Dr. H. K. UTTLEY,
Senior Medical Officer, Antigua, to be
Chairman of the Medical. Board in
respect of the medical registration
district of Antigua, Montserrat and
the Virgin Islands. ~ .

The Secretariat,
Antigua. =
31st December, 1955.

Ref. No. 9/0002.
“Ita is notified for general informa-

tion that the Reports of the British

Caribbean Pre-Federal Commissions .
~ Ihave been released for publication on
-the 2nd January,:1956.

2. Copies of the Reports are
available on sale at the office of His
Honour the Administrator in Antigua
and St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla and the
Commissioner of Montserrat at the
following prices:—

Pre-Federal Fiscal
Report— 72 cents;


-Pre-Federal Civil Service Commis- *

sion Report— 72 cents;

‘Pre-Federal Judicial Commission
Report— 36 cents.

Administrator's Office,
and January, 1956.

~ ©. 18/0088.

“No.1. |

Appointments and transfers ete.,

in the public service, with effect from .

the dates stated, are published. for
general information:— 2

. Lewis, A. B., Senior Clerk (Super-



» 1955.”

Ordinance, 1955.”

numerary) on the Federal extablish-
ment pending absorption into the
_ Antigua establishment.

; Jan. 1, 1956.
Ref. No. P. F, 115.

No. 2.

The Governor has, this day, been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinances:—

a Antigua.

No. 18 of 1955, “ The Harbours and
Roadsteads (Amendment) Ordinance,
1955.” Dec. 31


No. 7 of 1955, ‘The Supplemen-
tary spppropr iation (1953) Ordinance,
Dec. 30

’ No. 8 of 1955, “The Hotels Aid
enendnient) Ordinance, 1955.”
Dec. 30

_ No. 9 of 1955, “The Montserrat -

Constitution and Elections (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1955.” Dec. 30

Virgin Islands.

- No. 11 of 1955, The Education
Dee. 30

No. 12 of 1955, “The Road Ordi-
nance, 1955.” Dec. 30

No. 14 of 1955, “The Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1954) Ordinance,
Dec. 30




Royal Instructions, Ordinances and
Statutory Rules and Orders are pub-
lished with this Gazette. and for “m 2 part

Leeward Islands Letters

Patent and Royal Instructions, 1955.” .

17 pp. Price 24 vents.

No. 15 of 1955, “‘ The Public Service
Commission Ordinance, 1955.”

4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 16 of 1955, “The Antigua
Constitution and Elections (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1955.”

4 pp. Price 6 canis.

No. 17 of 1955, ‘ The Interpretation
of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance,
1955.” 2 pp. Price 4 cents.


No. 18 of 1955, ‘ Resolution ve
addition of item 31A to Second
Schedule of Customs Duties Ordi-
nance, 1927.”

1 pp. Frice 3 cents.

No. 15 ot 1955, “Resolution to
remit Customs Duty leviable on a
quantity of merchandise imported
into the Presidency in the year 1953.”

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

_ No. 16 of 1955, “ Resolution of an

amendment to the Second Schedule
to the Customs Duties Ordinance,

1 pp. Price 3 cenis.

ANTIGUA, 29th December, 1955.

LIMITED of 385 Lafleur Avenue,
Town of LaSalle, Province of Quebec,
Canada, have applied for Registration
of one Trade Mark consisting of the
following :—


in Class 17, that is to say:— Decora-
tive surfacing panels for surfacing
walls or other surfaces such as counter
or table tops, or other articles of

- The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for six

years before the date of their -said.
_ Application.

“The following Letters Patent and -

[5 January, 1956.

Ang person may within ‘three.’
months from the date of the: first ~

appearance of this_Advertisement in ~

the Leeward Islands Gazette, ~give —
notice in duplicate at the Trade

‘Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition ©

to registration of .the said diades:

CECIL O. Byron, -
Acting Registrar e Trade Marks. |

Sey ge



(No. 11 of 1944).

Declaration dated December 21,
1955, made under section 3 of the
Land Acquisition Act, 1944 (No. 11.

. of 1944) for the acquisition of certain

lots of land in the Presidency of.
Montserrat moquired for public pur-—

the Governor in Council- with the
approval of the Legislative Council,
of the Presidency of Montserrat con-
siders that the lots of land described
in the Schedule hereto, being portions
of Trants Estate situate in the parish

of Saint George, in the said Presi- _

dency, should be acquired for public -
purposes, namely, for the erection of
an airfield in the said Presidency, for |
the construction of an approach road

to the said airfield, and for the

erection of the - necessary ' air port |

buildings. oo ae

‘Lot 1. 4

ALL that lot piece or parcel of


land being a portion of Trants Estate .

situate in the parish of Saint Gores
in the Presidency of Montserrat and-_
containing by estimation 17.22 acres
and measuring and bounded on the |

north-west side, measuring 3,000 feet -

and bounded thereon by lands of the -

said Trants Estate, on the south-west
measuring 250 feet and bounded oe
the sea, on the south-west measuring -

’ 3,000 ‘feet and bounded by lands of:
the said Trants Estate and on the -°

north-west measuring 250 feet and

bounded’ by lands of the said Trants -

Estate, or howsoever otherwise the
same may be abutted, bounded,
known, distinguished or described.

Lot Ze

ALL that lot piece or parcel of
land being a portion of Trants Estate
situate in the parish of Saint George ~
in the Presidency of Montserrat and
containing by estimation 1.06 acres
and measuring and bounded on the
north-east 356 feet and bounded
thereon by lands of Trants Estate, -on
the west measuring 400 feet ‘and
bounded by lands of the said Trants,
Estate and on the sonth-west measur-
ing 260 feet and bounded by lands of
the said Trants Estate, or howsoever —
otherwise the same may be abutted,
bounded, known, distinguished or

Lot 3.

ALL that lot piece or parcel of
land being a portion of Trants Estate
Situate in the parish of Saint George
in the Presidency of Montserrat and
containing by estimation 0.86 acres
and measuring and bounded from the
-main public road known as Trants
Byway 1315 feet long and 20 feet
wide bearing 75 degrees to an exist-
ing windbreak, and thon 563 feet and
20 feet wide to Lot 2. This road is
bounded on both sides of its entire
‘length by the lands of the said Trants
Estate, or howsoever the same may
be abutted, bounded, known, distin-
-guished or described.

Olerk to the Legislative Council.
Ref. No, 7/00123.


The following tenders have been
accepted for the period ending 30th
June, 1956, for the supply of the
undermentioned items to Government
Institutions: —



$23.24 per bag of
177 \bs.

1.16 per 1 1b. tin
5.36 per 5 lb. tin

4.32 per 5 |b. tin


Butter, Table

” 9

» Cooking

‘Clear Pork _ 46 per lb.
82.00 per 200 lb.
White Potatoes 10 per Ib.
H. E. E. LovELL
Fish, Salted .293 per Ib.


Flour $10.15 per bag of
100 Ibs.
Cornmeal 10.90 per bag of
100 lbs.
Sugar, Brown 19.60 per hag of
249 lbs.
» Washed 26.29 per bag of
224 lbs.
Onions 12 per Ib. :
Soap, Laundry 48 per bar of
24 Ibs.
Beef, Pickled A8 per lb.


Leper Home l4c. per 26 oz.
bot. delivered
Holberton Hospital 14ce. per 26 oz.
bot. delivered
(30—40 bots. daily)


Holberton Hospital 14c. per 26 oz.
bot. delivered
(30—40 bots. daily)

Mrs. LypA HALL

Holberton Hospital (Balance of re-

Lunatic Asylum and

Fiennes Institute 14c. per 26 oz.

bot. delivered

14 cents. per lb. delivered

Jos. Dew & Son LTD.
At current wholesale price less duty
and less 3c. per Imperial Gallon.

Administrator’s Office,

31st December, 1955.

Ref. No, A. 41/36.


4Appl1cation ior WaturallzZatvion
as a British Subject.

Notice is hereby given that AN-
THONY JOSHPH EID of George Street,
Plymouth, Montserrat, is applying to
the Governor for naturalization, and
that any person who knows any
reason why naturalization should not
be granted, should send a written and
Signed statement of the facts to the
Commissioner of Montserrat on or
before the 31st January, 1956.

By Order,

Ohief Clerk.

Oommissioner’s Office,
Plymouth, Montserrat.
22nd December. 1955.


Oentra] Experiment Station,

Month. 1951, 1952. 1953. 1054. 1956,
Jan, 3.60 2.41 1.93 3.04 2.16
Feh. 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45 68
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08 83
Apr. 2.16 3.14 2,06 49 1,75
May 10.54 3.07 150 3.83 2.81
June 2.74 5.74 1.81 332 147
July 3.28 8.38 3.20 347 2,13
Aug. 9.18 8.43 3.15 6.93 8.25
Sept. 12.06 5.55 2.10 9.91 5°59
Oct. 3.90 6.19 85 462 4.60
Nov. 3.67 6.19 5.24 1.54 2.19
Dec. 7.36 2.03 3.41 3.08 248

61.46 62.35 31.37 42.76 34.89

Printed at the Government J’rinting Office, Leeward Islunds, by E, M, BLACKMAN,

Government Printer.—By Authority,

[Price 54 cents.)

The} Speretariat,

7 ntigua.

Se ee


+ MZ
Soa eBid January, 1956.

His Excellency the Governor hereby directs the publication
for general information of the Letters Patent passed under the
Great Seal of the Realm constituting the office of Governor and
Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands and making
certain provisions for the Government thereof, bearing date at

Westminster the 28th day of December, 1955.

2. A proclamation will be issued in due course regarding
the date on which these Letters Patent shall come into


3. His Excellency has also directed that these Letters
Patent shall be rend and proclaimed in each Presidency of the
Colony at a-place and at an appropriate time and date to be

fixed by the Administrator or Commissioner thereof.

By Command,

\ Raymonp Norris,

Acting Colonial Secretary.
C. 18/00039.


Lye? ©

LETTERS PATENT passed under the Great Seal of the
Realm constituting the Office of Governor and Com-
mander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands and making
certain provisions for the Government thereof,

Dated 28th December, 1955,

KLIZABETH THE SRCOND, by the Grace of God of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Treland and of Our other Realms and Territories
Queen, Head of the Commonweulth, Defender of
the Faith.



Know Ye that We being minded to amend the
Leeward Islands Letters Patent, 1953, (hereinafter called
‘the principal Letters Patent”) have declared and do
hereby declare Our will and pleasure as follows:—

1.—(1) These Our Letters may be cited as the
Leeward Islands Letters Patent, 1955, and shall be
construed as one with*the principal Letters Patent.

(2) The principal Letters Patents and these Our
Letters may be cited together as the Leeward Islands
Letters Patent, 1953 and 1955.

(3) These Our Letters shall come into operation in
respect of each Presidency on a day to be appointed by
the Governor by Proclamation published in the Gazette.

(4) In exercising his powers under paragraph (3) of
this Article, the Governor may appoint different days
in respect of different Presidencies.

2. Paragraph (1) of Article 1 of the principal
Letters Patent shall be amended by the deletion of the
definition of “ the existing Instructions”.

8. Sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (1) of Article 8
of the principal Letters Patent shall be amended by the
insertion of the words ‘‘from the Island of Antigua
or” between the words “absent” and “from” in the
first line thereof.

4. Article 13 of the principal Letters Patent shall
ba amended by the deletion of the proviso to paragraph
(1) and of paragraph (2), but without prejudice to
anything lawfully done thereunder.

and com-

of Article 1
of principal

of Article 8 of

of Article 13
of principal
frisertion of
new Article
in principal

5. The principal Letters Patent shall be amended
by the insertion after Article 13 thereof, of the following
new Articles: —

“ Functions 13A. The Executive Councils of the Pres-

tes : idencies of Antigua and Saint Christopher

fe Nevis and Anguilla shall be the principal

Counciis. instruments of policy in the said Presidencies
and shall perform such functions and duties
und exercise such powers as may from time to
time be preseribed by any Instructions under
Our Sign Manual and Signet, or, subject to
any such Instructions, by or under any law
in force in each of the said Presidencies,

‘When 13B.—(1) in the exercise of his functions
oo the Governor shall,.- subject to the provisions
ACMMNISTTO- og eis f 1 Htiela os y
torsandCom-f paragraph (3) of this Article, and to the
missioners PLOvisions of Article 13C of these Our Letters—
to consult

Colony and (a) in all cases not relating exclusively
ica to any one Presidency, consult with

ous the Executive Council of the Colony;
Oouncils, a

(4) in all cases relating exclusively to any
one Presidency, consult with the
Tixecntive Council of that Presidency.

(2) In the exercise @f his functions the
Administrator or Commissioner of each Presi-
dency shall, subject to the provisions of
paragraph (3) of this Article, and to the
provisions of Article 13C of these Our Letters,
consult with the Exeeutive Council of such

(3) The Governor shall not be obliged to
consult with the Executive Council of the
Colony, or the Executive Council of any
Presidency, and the Administrator or Com-
missioner shall not be obliged to consult with
the Execntive Council of his Presidency in
any case—

(a) which is of such a nature that, in
his judgment, Our service would
sustain material harm by — such
consultation: or :

(d) in which the matters to be decided
are, in his judgment, too wunim-
portant to warrant such consultation ;

(c) in which the matters to be decided
are, in his judgment, too urgent to
admit of such consultation by the
time within which it may be neces-
sary for him to act.
Exercise of
and Admin-
powers in
relation to
of certain


In every case falling within sub-paragraph (c)
ot this paragraph, the Governor, or the
Administrator or Commissioner, as the case
may be, shall as soon as practicable commu-
nicate to the Executive Council of the Colony
or the Presidential Executive Council con-
cerned, the measures which he shall have
taken with the reasons therefor.

13C-—(1) In the case of the Executive
Councils of the Presidencies of Antigua and
Saint Christopher Nevis und Anguilla, the
Governor or the Administrator, as the case
may be, save as otherwise provided by this
Article or by paragraph (3) of Article 13B of
these ur Letters—

(t) shall consult with the said Executive
Council concerned in the formulation
of policy, and in the exercise of all
functions conferred upon him by
any law for the time being in force
in the Presidency except—

(i) any function conferrrd upon
the Governor or upon the
Administrator that is ex-
pressed to be exercisable by
the Governor or by the
Administrator, acting in his

(ii) any tunction conferred upon
the Governor or upon the
Administrator by any
existing law (other than a
function expressed, in what-
ever terms, to be exer-
cisable by the Governor in
Council) so long as such
function continues to be
exercisable by virtue of
such law; and

(iii) any other function conferred
upon the Governor or upon
the Administrator in respect
of which it provided either
expressly or by implication,
that he shall not be obliged
to consult with the HExecu-
tive Council concerned in
the exercise thereof; and

(b) shall act in accordance with the
advice of the Executive Council
concerned in any matter on which he
is by this paragraph obliged to consult
with that Executive Council,

(2) Ifin any case in which the Governor
or an Administrator is obliged to consult
with either of the Executive Councils
specified in parapraph (1) of this Article
concerning the exercise of any function, the
Governor or the Administrator shall consider
it expedient—

(a) in the interest of public faith, public
order or good government (which
expressions shall, without prejudice
to their generality, include the
responsibility of the Presidency of
Antigua or of the Presidency of Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, ag
the case may be, as a _ territory
within the British Commonwealth of
Nations, and all matters pertaining
to the creation or abolition of any
public office or to the salary or other
conditions of service of any public
officer or officers); or

(6) for securing detailed control of the
finances of the Presidency of Antigua
or the Presidency of Saint Christo-
pher Nevis and Anguilla, as the case
may be, during such time as, by
virtue of the receipt of financial
assistance by the Presidency con-
cerned from Our Exchequer for the
purpose of balancing the annual
budget or otherwise, such control
rests with the Government of the
United Kingdom,

that he should not act in accordance with the
advice of the Executive Council of the
Presidency concerned, then—

(i) he may, with the prior approval of a
Secretary of State act against that

- advice; or

(ii) if in his judgment, urgent necessity
So requires, he may act against that
advice without such prior approval
but shall, without delay, report the
matter to a Secretary of State with
the reasons for his action.

Whenever the Governor or an Admin-
istrator shall so act against the advice of one
of the said Executive Councils any Member
of such Executive Council may require that
there be recorded in the minutes of that
Executive Council the grounds of any advice
or opinion which he may give upon the
Governor or

may act in
opposition ta


(3) This Article shall not apply to matters
for which provision has heen made:-—

(a) by Article 9 or 17 of these Our

(b) by Section 31 of the Antigua Consti-
tution and Elections Ordinance, 1951;

(c) by Section 31 of the Saint Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla Constitution and
Elections Ordinance, 1952; or

(d@) by any Instructions under Our Sign
Manual and Signet in so far as it is
provided by any such Instructions
that this Article shal] not apply.

(4) In this Article—

(a) ‘existing law” means any enactment
in force in the Presidency concerned
at the commencement of the Leeward
Islands Letters Patent, 1955, but
shall not include the Antigua Con-
stitution and Elections Ordinance,
1951, or the Saint Christopher Nevis
and Anguilla Constitution and Hlee-
tions Ordinance, 1952;

(b) “law” includes any instrument
made under a law and shall be
construed as including any Instruc-
tions under the Royal Sign Manual
and Signet.

13D.—(1) The Governor, or Commis-
sioner, may act in opposition to the advice
given to him by the Members of the
Executive Council of the Colony or of the
Executive Council of the Presidency of
Montserrat or of the Virgin Islands, as the case
may be, if he shall in any case deem it right
goto do; but in any such case the Governor
ghall at the first convenient opportunity report
the matter to Us, through a Secretary of
State, with the reasons for such action, and
when a Commissioner so acts, he shall report
the matter to the Governor at the first con-
venient opportunity, with the reasons for
such action.

(2) Whenever the Governor or Commis-
sioner shall so act against the advice of any
guch Executive Council any Member of such
Executive Conncil may require that there
shall be recorded upon the minutes any
advice or opinion which he may give on the
question at issne and the reasons therefor.”

No. 10 of

No. 5 of
of Article 15
of principal

Ingertion of
new Article
in principal


of Seoond
Schedule to
~ principal


of power to
revoke or
amend Letters

and preserva-
tion of Letters


6. Article 15 of the principal Letters Patent shall
be amended by the insertion of the following words
tnimediately before the words “ The Governor ”—-

“Subject to the provisions of any law for the
time being in force and to such instructions as may
from time to time be given to him by Us under Our

Sign Manual and Signet or through a Secretary

of State”.

7. The principal Letters Patent shall be amended
by the insertion after Article 19 thereof, of the follow-
ing new Article—

*' Exercise of 19A. In the exercise of the funetions

functicns = ggpferred on him by paragraph (1), (2) and (3)

os of Article 8, and Articles 14, 15 and 16 otf

Governor, these Our Letters the Governor shall act in his
discretion. ”

g. The principal Letters Patent shall be amended
by the deletion therefrom of the Second Schedule.

9. We do hereby reserve to Ourselves full power
to revoke or amend these Our Letters.

10.—(1) These Our Letters shall be publised in the
Gazette and shall be read and proclaimed at such place
or places within the Colony as the Governor shall
think fit.

(2) These Our Letters shall be preserved within the
Presidency of Antigua, anda fall and exact copy thereof
shall be deposited and duly recorded in the office of the
Administrator or Commissioner, as the case may be, of
each of the Presidencies of Saint Christopher Nevis and
Anguilla, Montserrat and the Virgin Islands, and so
long as these Our Letters remain in foree, every eopy
thereof so recorded as aforesaid shall, within the
Presidency in which the same is recorded have the
saine force, virtue und effect as these Our Letters.

In witness whereof We have caused these Our
Letters to be made Patent.
Witness Ourself at Westminster, the twenty-eighth
day of December, 1955, in the fourth year of
Our Reign. :
By Warrant under the Queen’s Sign Manual.

The Secretariat,
brad January, 1956.

His Excellency the Governor directs the publication for
general information of the Royal Instructions passed under
the Royal Sign Manual and Signet to the Governor and
Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands given on the

28th day of Deceinber, 1955.

2. These Instructions will come into force cn the day on
which the Letters Patent are in due course brought into force

by Proclamation.

By Command,

Raymonp Norris,
Acting Colonial Secretary.
C, 18/00039.

ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS passed under the Royal

Sign Manual and Signet to the Governor
mander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands.

and Com-


Dated 283TH DECEMBER, 1955.

mander-in-Chief in and over the Leeward Islands,
or other Officer for the time being administering the
Government of Our said Islands.

Whereas certain Instructions under the Royal Sign
Manual and Signet bearing date the twenty-first day of
December, 1953 (hereinafter called “the Instructions of
1953”) were addressed to the Governor and Commander-
in-Chief of the Leeward Islands:

And Whereas We are minded to amend the Instruc-
tions of 1953 in the manner following:

Now, therefore, We do, by these Our Additional
Instructions under Our Sign Manual and Signet, hereby
direct and enjoin and declare Our will and pleasure as

1. The words “Now, therefore, as from the date of
the coming into force of the Letters Patent, subject as
mentioned in the proviso to clause 9 of these Instructions
and in the proviso to paragraph (1) of Article 13 of the
Letters Patent”, appearing immediately after the fifth
paragraph of the Preamble to the Instructions of 1953,
shall be deleted, but without prejudice to anything
lawfully done thereunder, and the following words shall
be substituted therefor:—

“ Now, therefore, as from the date of the coming
into force of the Letters Patent”’.

. The Proviso to clause 9 of the Instructions of
1953 shall be deleted, but without prejudice to anything
lawfully done thereunder.

3. In paragraph (2) of clause 13 of the Instructions
of 1953 the words ‘after the coming into force of any
Order made by the Governor under clause 9 of these
Instructions and” shall be deleted, but without prejudice
to anything lawfully done thereunder,

Amendment of
of 1953,

of clause 9 of
of 1953,

of clause 13 of
of 1953,

4. Clause 25 of the Instructions of 1953 shall be

of clause 26 of revoked and the following clause sball be substituted

of 1953,

of clause 26 of
of 1953.

of clause 29 of
of 1953,


“ Executive 25.—(1) The Executive Council of each

eee of of the Presidencies of Antigua and Saint

mene: Christopher Nevis and Anguilla shall consist
of the following:—

(i) the Governor;

(ii) the Administrator;

(iii) two Presidential Official Members;
(iv) one Nominated Member; and

(v) four Elected Members:

Provided that, in the casa of the Executive
- Council of the Presidency of Saint Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla, whenever the number of
Elected Members of the said Executive Conneil
does not include a person who has been elected
to the Legislative Council of the said Presi-
dency to represent an electoral district in the
Island of Nevis, then the number of Elected
Members of the said Executive Gouncil shall
be increased by the election thereto by the
nominated and elected Members of the said
Legislative Conncil of an additional Member
from among the elected Members representing
Nevis on the said Legislative Council.

(2) The Mxecutive Conneil of each of the
Presidencies of Montserrat and the Virgin
Islands shall consist of one ex officio Member
Gf the Governor ig present in the said Exeen-
tive Council) two Presidential Official Members,
one Nominated Member and two Elected

5. Clause 26 of the Instructions of 1953 shall be
revoked and the following clause shall be substituted
therefor :—

| & Be-officio 26. When the Governor is present in the

Member of Executive Council of the Presidency of Mont-
Excoutive garrat or of the Presidency of the Virgin
Councils of ; ae

Montserrat islands, the Commissioner shall be the ex
and Virgin officio Member of the Council concerned.”


6. For paragraph (2) of clanse 29 of the Instructions
of 1953 the following paragraph shall be substituted—

“(2) The nominated and elected Members of
each Presidential Legislative Council shall, not later
than the third sitting after every dissolution of that
Council, and (except in tho case of the Legislative

Council of the Presidency of Montserrat) not later
than the third sitting of that Conncil after the coming
into force of the Leeward Islands Letters Patent,
1955, in respect of the Presidency concerned, elect
from among the elected Members of that Council
such number of persons as is provided in clause 25
of these Instructions to be Elected Members of the
Executive Council of the Presidency concerned.”

%. Clause 30 of the Instructions of 1953 shall be
amended :—

(4) by the substitution in sub-paragraph (@) of
paragraph (4) of the words “A Presidential
Legislative Council may, by resolution passed in
manner provided in sub-paragraph (8) or sub-
paragraph (ec), as the case may be, of this
paragraph”? for the words ‘‘Any Presidential
Levislative Council may, by resolution passed in
manner provided in sub-paragraph (6) of this
paragraph ”:

(6) by the substitution of the following sub-para-
graphs for sub-paragraph (0) of paragraph (4)—

““(b) In the case of the Presidency of Antigua
and the Presidency of Saint Christopher
Nevis nnd Anguilla the passing of such a
resolution shall require the casting in favour
thereof of the majority of the votes of all
the nominated and elected Members of the
Presidential Legislative Council concerned
other than the presiding Member, who shall
not be entitled to vote on such a resolution.

(c) In the case of the Presidency of Montserrat
and the Presidency of the Virgin Islands
the passing of such a resolution shall require
the casting in favour thereof of the votes of
not less than two-thirds of all the nominated
and elected Members of the Presidential
Legislative Council concerned other than
the presiding Member, who shall not be
entitled to vote on such a resolution.”’;

(c) by the insertion immediately after paragraph (4)
of the following new paragraph—

“(44) The Governor may, by Instrument
under the Public Seal of the Colony, declare
that an Elected Member shall cease to be a
Mamber of the. Executive Council of either of
the Presidencies of Antigua or Saint Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla, and thereupon the seat of
such Elected Member in the said Council shall
become vacant.”

of elause 30 of
of 1953.

Amendment 8.—(1) In eclanse 30, clause 31 and the marginal note
- clauses a thereto, and in clauses 33, 34 und 36 of the Instructions
31, 33, Shand oF 1953 all references to Presidential Appointed Members

46 of Instruc- : ;
tions of 1953, Shall be omitted wherever such references occur.

(2) In clanse 34 of the Instructions of 1953—

(a) subparagraph (6) shall be deleted from
paragraph (2); and

(b) subparagraph (4) shall be deleted from
paragraph (3).

Amendment 9. Paragraph (1) of clause 36 of the Instructions of
of clause 86 of 1953 shall be amended—


Oh: (a) by the deletion of the words

“The Members of each Presidential Executive
Council shall have seniority and precedence as
We may specially assign, and, in default thereof as

First, the ex officio Member, if any;”,
and by the substitution therefor of the following
words—" After the Governor the Members of
each Presidential Executive Council shall have
Seniority and precedence as We may specially
assign, and, in default thereof as follows:—

Iirst, the Administrator, or the ex officto
Member (if any), as the case may be;’’; and

(6) by the deletion of the words ‘‘as the case may
be” wherever such words occur.

Insertion of 10. The Instrnetions of 1953 shall be amended by

na Part in the insertion of the following Part immediately after
nstructions Days is .
of 1953. Part Ii


Administrative functions of Members of the Baecutive
Councils of the Presidencies of Antigua and Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla

Assignment 39A.—(1) The Governor may by directions
of Depart- in writing—
mente ne (a) charge an Administrator or any Presi-

Members of : a ks
ine leant ive dential Official Member of the Execu-

Councils of tive Councils of the Presidencies of
Antigua Antigna and Saint Christopher Nevis

and Saint
Nevis and

and Anguilla with the administration
of any department or subject;

(8) declare which departments or subjects
may be «assigned to Elected Members
of the Executive Councils of such
Presidencies; and



(0) revoke or vary any directions given
under this paragraph. .

(2) The Governor may by directions in
writing —

(a) charge any Elected Member of the
said Hxecutive Councils with the
administration of any department or
subject during such time ay it shall
be declared under subparagraph (5)
of paragraph (1) of this clause to bea
department or subject which may be
assigned to Elected Members, so that
in the Executive Council of each such
Presidency there shall be three such
Members so charged; and

(6) revoke or vary any directions given
under this paragraph.

39B. Aun Elected Member of the Execu-
tive Councils of either of the Presidencies of
Antigua or Saint Christopher Nevis and
Anguilla shall, while charged with the ad-
ministration of any department or subject
under the provisions of clause 394A of these
Instructions, be styled u Minister.

39C.—(1) (a) If it shall be decided by the

assignmentofGovernor that an Administrator or a Presiden-

Departments, tis

and Acting

u] Official Member of either of the Executive
Councils of Antigua or Saint Christopher Nevis
and Anguilla is for any cause temporarily
unable to administer any department or sub-
ject with the administration of which he is
charged, then the Governor may, by directions
in writing (and notwithstanding that the
department or subject is not declared under
sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph (1) of clause
du of these Instructions to be a departnient
or subject which may be assigned to Elected
Members) charge with the administration of
that departinent or subject any other Member
of the Executive Council concerned until such
time as the said Adwinistrator or the Presi-
dential Official Member is declared by the
Governor again to be able to administer the

The Governor may by directions in
writing, revoke or vary any directions given
under this sub-paragraph.


(4) If it shall be decided by the Governor
that a Minister is for any cause temporarily
unable to administer any department or subject
with the administration of which he is charged,
then the Governor may charge with the
administration of that department or subject
any other Member of the Executive Council
concerned until such time as the said Minister
is declared by the Governor again to be able to
administer the same. The Governor may, by
directions in writing, revoke or vary any
directions given under this sub-paragraph.

(2) An Elected Member of the said
Executive Councils, other than a Minister,
while charged with the administration of any
department or subject under the provisions of
this clause, shall be styled an Acting Minister.

Disagreement 39D.—(1) If the. public officer who is for


Minister and

Head of

the time being head of any department shall,
on any question relating to the administration

Department, Of the department, diyagree with the Minister

Control of

Leave of
absence of

charged with the administration of the depart-
ment, then—
(a) the vaid officer may submit to the
_ Minister in writing a statement of his
reasons for disagreeing with the
Minister and of his own recommenda-
tions on the question at issue;

(0) the Minister shall send to the Clerk to
the Executive Council of the Presi-
deney concerned a copy of such state-
ment together with any written state-
ment which he himself may wish to
make on the question at issue: and

(c) the question shall be considered at a
meeting of the Executive Couneil of
the Presidency conceried and shall
be disposed of as the Governor or, if
the Governor be not present, the
Administrator, may direct.

(2) In this clause the expression ‘* Minis-
ter’ ineludes an Acting Minister.

39E. In administering the departments
for which they are responsible, Ministers and
Acting Ministers shall act through the public
officers who are for the time being heads ot

those departments.

39F. The Governor, or thy Administrator,
as the case may be, may grant leave of absence
from his duties to any Minister or Acting

41. For paragraph (1) of clause 42 of the Instructions
of 1953 there shall he substituted the following

“(1) The Executive Councils of the Presidencies
of Antigua and Saint Christopher Nevisand Anguilla
shall not be summoned except by the nuthority of the
Governor or of the Administrator, as the case may be,
but shall be so summoned on the written request of
any Minister of the Presidency concerned.

(LA) The Exeeutive Councils of the Presidencies
of Montserrat and the Virgin Islands shall not be
summoned except hy the authority of the Governor
or of the Commissioner, as the case may be.”

12. The following new clause shall be inserted in
the Instructions of 1953 immediately after clause 42—

~ Voting in New 42A4.—(1) Where any matter is
the Exeen- dependant upon the decision of the Executive
tive Councils : : ‘ Z
of Antien, Council of the Presidency of Antigua, or of
and Saint the Presideney of Saint Christopher Nevis and
Christopher Angnilla, any decision shall be regarded as
Nevieand the decision of the said Council if a majority
Anguilla. of the votes of the Members present and voting
are cast in favour thereof. Neither the
Governor nor, in the absence of the Governor,
the Administrator, shall have an original vote,
but if upon any question the votes shall
be equally divided, the Governor or the
Administrator, as the case may be, may give a
casting vote. In the absence of the Governor
and of the Administrator the Member presiding
shall have an original vote and may also, if
upon any question the votes shall be equally
divided, give a casting vote.

(2) Whenever the Governor is present in
either of the said Executive Councils the
Administrator concerned shall have no original

13. Clause 44 of the Instructions of 1953 shall be

14. Clause 45 of the Instructions of 1953 shall be
revoked and the following clause substituted therefor:—

“ Governor 45. The Governor in the case of the

and Com- = Bxeeutive Council of the Colony, and the

missioners . ‘ Tom a4 C 3

to propose Governor ov the Commissioner in the cage of

questions. the Executive Councils of the Presidencies of
Montserrat and the Virgin Islands, shall alone
be entitled to submit questions to the said
Executive Councils for their advice and

of clause 42 of
of 1963.

Insertion of
new clause in
of 1953.

Revocation of
clause 44 of
of 1953.

of clause 45
of Instruc-
tions of 1953.
Ravoontion of
olause 46 of
of 1953,

Insertion of


decision; but if the Governor or Commissioner
decline to submit any question to an Executive
Council when requested in writing by any
Member thereof so to do, it shall be competent
to such Member to require that there shall be
recorded upon the minutes his written applica-
tion, together with the answer returned by the
Governor, or Commissioner, to the same.”

15. Clause 46 of the Instructions of 1953 shall be

16. The following new clauses shall be inserted in

new clauses in the Instructions of 1953 immediately after clause 57—


of 1953,
“Exercise of o7A. In the exercise of the functions
aoa , conferred by the following provisions of these
0. rred 0: :
Governor an qunetructions—
istrator.” (i) clause 4,

(ii) paragraph (1) of clause 27,

(iii) paragraph (1) of clause 28,

(iv) subparagraphs (8) and (c) of para-
graph (2) and subparagraph (c) of
paragraph (3) of clause 30,

(v) subparagraphs (a) and (5) of para-
graph (1) and paragraph (2) of
clause 31,

(vi) clause 32,

(vii) subparagraphs (a) and (c) of para-
graph (2) and subparagraph (b) of
paragraph (4) of clause 34,

(viii) paragraph (1) of clause 36,

(ix) clause 37,

(x) paragraph (3) of clause 38,

(xi) paragraph (1) of clause 394,

(xii) subparagraph (a) of paragraph (1)
of clause 390,

(xiii) clause 39F,
(xiv) paragraph (1) of clause 42A,

the Governor, or the Administrator, as the case
may be, shall act in his discretion.
Where 57B. Nothing in Article 13C of the

Article 180 Leeward Islands Letters Patent, 1953, shall

o apply to matters for which provision is made

Letters by paragraph (1) of clause 42, or clause 55 of
Patent 1953 these Instructions.”

does not


17. These Instructions shall have effect, in respect Commence-
of each Presidency, as from the date of the commencement ment.
of the Leeward Islands Letters Patent, 1955, in respeot of
the Presidency concerned.

Given at Our Court at Saint James’s this twenty-eighth
day of December, in the Fourth year of Our Reign.

Printed at the Governmant Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuacxMan. Government Printer.— By Authority.
600—1.56. [ Price 24 cents.]



1955, No. 15.

RESOLUTION ov THE Lra@tstative Counci, or Monrsmrrat
or THE Customs Duries Orpriwancn, 1928 (No. 7 oF

WHEREAS by Section 15 of the Customs Duties
Ordinance, 1928, it is provided that the Legislative Council
may from time to time by resolution increase, reduce, abolish
or otherwise alter the Customs duty levinble on any goods
imported in the Presidency ;

AND WHEREAS the Roman Catholic Chureh in the
months of June, July ami August, 1953 purchased from
merchants in the Presidency a quantity of merchandise
imported into the Presidency in the year one thousand nine
bundred and fifty-three;

AND WHEREAS it is expedient to remit the Customs
duty leviahle on the merchandise hereinbefore referred to;

Customs duty leviable on the merchandise imported into the
Presidency in the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-
three and purchased hy the Roman Catholic Church in the
months of June, July and August of the said year shall be

Passed the Leyislative Council this 21st day of December,

Js. H. Carrorr,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at tho Goverument Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLackMAN. Government Printer.-—By Authority.
25{00001—500 — 1.56. rice 3 cents.


1955, No. 16.

Reso,vTion or THE Leoisuatitve Councin or MONTSERRAT
DATED DicemBer 21, 1955, MADE UNDER SECTION 15
or THE Customs Duries Orpinance, 1928, (No. 7 or

BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislature of Montserrat

as follows:—

The Second Schedule to the Customs Duties Ordinance,
1928 shall he and is hereby amended by the insertion of the
words ‘or taken out of bond”’ in item 6 thereof, between the
words “imported ” and ‘especially ”.

Passed the Legislative Council the 21st day of December,

Js. H. Carrort,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuackmMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
29/0000 L—500—1.56. Price 3 cents.
No. 17 of 1955. Interpretation of Laws ANTIGUA.


K. W. Bracksurne,
31st December, 1955.

No. 17 of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend further the Interpretation
of Laws Ordinanee, 1896.
ENACTED by the Legislaiure of Antigua

as follows:—

1. ‘this Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.

Interpretation of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 6/1896.

1955, and shall be read as one with the Interpre- si
tation of Laws Ordinance, 1896, as amended, 3/1938.

hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance. 18/1939.

2. Seetion 18 of the Principal Ordinance is ee
. . or sectl
hereby amended by the substitution of the of the Princi-

following paragraphs for paragraphs (6) and (7) pal Ordinance,

thereof :—

“ (6) The expression Governor”
shall mean the cfficer for the time being
administering the Government of the Leeward
Tslands and shall include the Administrator
of the Presidency when he is administering
the Government of the Presidency ;
ANTIGUA. 2 Interpretation of Laws No. 17 of 1955.

(7) The expression “Governor in
Council” shal] mean, save as otherwise
provided by Letters Patent under the Great
Seal of the United Kingdom, by any Order
of Her Majesty in Council or by Instructions
under the Roysl Sign Manual and Signet,
the (Governor acting with the advice of
the Nxecutive Council of the Presidency,
and, to such an extent as may be provided
by any such Letters Patent, Order of Her
Majesty in Council or — Instructions, in
accordance with tha: advice, but not neces-
sarily in such Council assembled.”

riled 3. ‘This Ordinance shall come into operation

ent. 5 .

" on a day to be appointed by the Governor by
proclamation published in the Gaceite.


Passed the Legislative Couneil this 29th
day of December, 1958.

Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E, M. BLackman, Govern ment Printer—By Authority.
1956. .
A. 47/127—500—1.56. [Prive 4 cents. |

1955, No. i8


paTED DrcemBrr 8, 1955, MADE UNDER SECTION 15 oF
rig Ccsroms Duties Orpinance, 1927, (No. 11 oF

WHEREAS Section 15 of the Customs Duties Ordinance,
1927, provides that the Legislative Council may from time to
time by resolution increase, reduce, abolish or otherwise alter
the Customs Duty leviable on any goods imported into the


(1) The Second Schedule to the Customs Duties
Ordinance, 1927, shall be and is hereby altered
and amended by the addition after item 31 of
the following item—

“31A. Rods and reels, artificial baits,
hooks, swivels, hemp fishing lines, metal
lines (stainless steel, copper and monel),
xeines, nets, corks and leads, cotton seine
twine, gill-net twine, coir rope, galvanized
mesh wire No. 16 British Standard gauge,
and when certified by the Fisheries Officer
to be imported specifically for use in the
fishing industry, anchors, chains, spars and
marine engines ”’;

(2) The resolution dated 18th July 1955 (S.R. & O.
1955 No. 11) is hereby revoked.

Passed the Levislative Council the 8th day of December,


Acting Clerk of the Couneil.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE, M, Buackman, Government Printer.--By Authority.
525—1.56. Price 3 cents.


No. 15 of 1955. Public Sermsé Commission. *.~-% ANvTIAUA,

“i et ad

T Assent, :
K. W. BracksBurne,
31st December, 19365.

No. 15 of 1955.

An Ordinance to make provision for the creation
of a Public Service Commission.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Public short title and
Service Commission Ordinance, 1955, and shall Commence:
come into operation on 1 day to be appointed by ,
the Governor by Proclamation published in the

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context Interpretation.
otherwise requires—

‘‘ Administrator” means the person for the
time being holding the office of Adminis-
trator of the Presidency and includes
every person for the time being acting as
such in his stead;

“ Governor’? means the Governor and Com-
mander in Chief of the Leeward Islands

2, VF. NG and includes every person for the time

Lys7 ©

Bopp ee

eing administering the Government of

Antigua. 4 Public Service Commission. No. 15 of 1955.

Power to make 9. The Governor may make Regulations
reaarding «fOr: giving effect to the provisions of this Ordi-

Public Service nance, and in particular and without prejudice

Commission. to the generality of the foregoing power may by
such Regulations make provision for all or any
of the following matters, that is to say:—

(a) the membership of the Commission;

(6) the appointment, tenure of office
and terms of service of members of the

(ce) the organisation of the work of
the Commission and the manner in which
the Commission shall perform its functions;

(d) consultation by the Commission
with persons other than members of the
Commission ;

(e) the appointment, tenure of office
and terms of service of staff to ussist the
Commission in the performance of | its

(f) the protection and_ privilege of
members of the Commission in respect of
the performance of their duties and the privi-
lege of communications to and from the
Commission or its members in case of legal

(y) the definition and trial of offences
connected with the functions of the Cominis-
sion and the imposition of penalties for such

Provided that no such penelty shall
exceed a fine of one thousand dollars and
imprisonment for a term of six months.


Passed the Legisiative Council this 29th
day of December, 1954.

PF. A. Crarks,
Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, leeward Isiands,
by E. M, BLAcKMAN, Government Printer. -By Authority.

500—1.56. Price 6 cents.

No. 16 of 1955, Antiqua Constitution and

Lilections (Amendment)

[L.s. |
K. W. BuackBurne,
Governor. -
31st December, 1955.

No. 16 of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend further the Antigua
Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1951.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Antigua Constitution and Elections (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Antigua Constitution and Eleetions
Ordinance, 1951, as amended, hereinafter called
the Principal Ordinance.

2. Subsection (1) of section 2 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
insertion immediately after the definition of
“electoral district” of the following definition—

“ “the Executive Council’? means the
Executive Council of the Presi-

3. Subsection (2) of section 25 and sub-
section (1) of section 43 of the Principal
Ordinance are hereby amended by the substitu-
tion of the word “ five” for the word “three”


Short title.


Amendment of
section 2 of
the Principal

Amendment of
sections 25 &
48 of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-

Antigua, = Antiqua Constitution and No. 16 of 1955.
Elections (Amendment)

Amendment of 4. Section 31 of the Principal Ordinance
section 31 of is hereby amended as follows:—

the Principal Y


(a) In subsection (1) the words “in his
discretion” appearing immediately alter
. the words “the Governor, at any time” are
hereby deleted, and the words “which he
shall think fit” are hereby substituted
therefor ;

(6) Subsection (2) is hereby repealed
and the following subsections substituted

“(2) The Governor shall not make
any declaration under this seetion except in
accordance with the following conditions,
that is to say:—

(a) the question whether the
declaration should be made shall first
be submitted in writing by the Governor
to the Iixecutive Council and if, upon
the question being so submitted to it,
the Executive Council shall resolve
that the declaration be made, the
Governor nay make the declaration ;

(6) if, when the question whether
the declaration should be made is sah-
mitted to it as aforesaid. the Excettive
Couneil shall not, within sueh time as
the Governor shall think reasonable
and expedient, resolve that the declara-
tion be made, then—

(i) the Governor may submit
the said question toa Secretary of
State and may make the declara-
tion if, upon the question being so
submitted to him, a Secretary of
State authorises the Governor to
make the declaration: or

(ii) the Governor may make
the declaration without submittiny
the said question to a Secretary
No. 16 of 1955, Antigua C astitution and 3


Elections (.dmendment)

of State, if in the Governor’s
opinion, urgent necessity requires
that the declaration be made
without obtaining the authority of
a Secretary of State; in which
case he shall. at the time of
makine the declaration, certify in
writing that urgent necessity
requires that, the declaration be
made without obtaining such

(ZA) (a) Whenever the Governor,
in accordance with the provisions of
prragraph (6) of subsection (2) of this
section, shall submit to a Secretary of
Sate the question whether a declara-
tion should be made. or shall make a
declaration without submitting the
said question to a Sceretary of ‘State,
he shall inform the Executive Council
in writing of his reasons for so doing.

(6) Whenever the Governor shall
make a declaration under this section,
Other than a declaration made with
the authority of a Secretary of State,
he shall forthwith report to a Secretary
of State the making of, and the reasons
for, the declaration and, in the case of
a declaration made in accordance with
the provisions of subparagraph (ii) of
paragraph (4) of subsection (2), the
grounds of urgency.

The following new section is hereby

inserted innmediately pe section 34 of the
Principal Ordinance:-—

“384A. In the exercise of the fune-
tions conferred by sections 6, 8 and 9,
paragraph () and the proviso to
paragraph (/) of subsection (3) and
subsection (4) of section 12, subsection
(1) of section 14, subsections (1) and
(5) of section 16, ‘seetion 17, section 21,


Insertion of
new section in
the Principal

Exercise of
functions con-
ferred on
Governor and
Antigua. 4 Antiqua Constitution and No. 16 of 1955.
Elections (Amendment).

subsection (1) of section 25, sections 35,
37,.39, subsection (1) of section 43,
sections 50, 57, 58 and subsection (3)
of section 79 of this Ordinance, the
Governor or the Administrator, as the
case may be, shall act in his discretion.”

Commencement. 6. This Ordinance shall come into opera-

tion on aday to be appointed by the Governor
by Proclamation published in the Gazette.

Aurec Lovrxacr,

Passed the Legislative Council this 29th
day of December, 1955.

F. A. Cranks,
Acting Clerk of the Council.

Prinved at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by BE. M. Buackaan, Government Printer— by Authority,

A. 47/76—500--1.56, [ Price 6 cents]