Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Bublished by Authority.

No. 55.


The Governor in Council has, in
accordance with the provisions of
Section 32(1) of the Elementary
Education Act, Cap. 86, been pleased
to approve of the extension of the
appointments of the following persons
to be members of the Board of Educa-
tion of the Virgin Islands for the
period from the 13th December to the
31st December, 1955:—

The Hon. H. R. Pann, M.B.E.,



The Secretariat,

10th December, 1955.

M.P. 28/00005.

For the notice of assent in respect
of Virgin Islands Ordinance No. 7 of
1955 appearing in notice No. 121 of
Leeward Islands Gazette No. 54 of
the 8th December, 1955, the follow-
ing should be substituted therefor:—

No. 7 of 1955, ‘The Transfer
of Sombrero (General Legislature
Competency) Ordinance, 1955”.

The Secretarvat,
13th December, 1955.

No. 124.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information:—

Surgeon Specialist (Resident Medi-
cal Superintendent,) Holberton
Hospital, Antigua, to act as Senior
Medical Officer, Antigua, until the
Senior Medical Officer returns from
the British Virgin Islands.

Dec. 7

No. 125.

The Governor has, this day, been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinances:—


No. 13 of 1955, “The Vehicles and
Road Traffic (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1955", / Dee. 9



328. 797
yer &

Virgin Islands.

No. 10 of 1955, ‘The Buildings
Ordinance, 1955”. Dec. 7

No. 126.

The following Bills which are to be
introduced in the Leyislative Council
of Antigua, are circulated with this
Gazette and form part thereof:—

“The Interpretation of Laws
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.”

“The Public Service Commission
Ordinance, 1955.”

“The Antigua Constitution and
HKlections (Amendment) Ordinance,

No. 127.

The following Statutory Rules and
Orders are circulated with this Gazette
and form part thereof:—

General Government.

No. 36 of 1955, ** The Stamps (In-
validation) (No. 2) Order, 1955.”
1 pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 37 of 1955, “The Dangerous
Drugs (Application) Order, 1955.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 38 of 1955, “ The Diplomatic
Privileges (International Civil Avia-
tion Organization) (Amendment)
Order, 1955.” 2 pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 39 of 1955, ‘“*The Diplomatic

Privileges (World Meteorological
Organisation) (Amendment) ‘rder,
LODO"? 4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 40 of 1955, ‘‘The Diplomatic
Privileges (Universal Postal Union)
Order, 1955.” 4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 41 of 1955, ‘The Diplomatic
Privileges (International Telecommu-
nication Union) Order, 1955.

4 pp. Prite 6 cents.

8th December, 1955.

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Thursday
the 29th day of December, 1955 at
12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons

hereinafter named, the same having
been levied upon to satisfy the City
Rate due thereon for the year 1955.

W. K. Heath.

* Elizabeth Robinson, William

Henry Edwards.

Anthony Michael, John



Joseph Fernandez.

Acting Provost Marshal.

7th December, 1955.

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Thursday
the 29th day of December, 1955 at
12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons
hereafter named, the same having
been levied upon to satisfy the City
Rate due thereon for the year 1955.


Estate of Sarah Saunders, Isaac
J. Hawkins, Alfred Reynolds, Isabella
Davis, Edward Terry, Elizabeth
Edwards, Lucy Jack, Alice M. Smith,
Foster E. L. Matthew, Donald Meade.


Gladys B. Winter, Igal Winter,
Estate of John Punter, George James,
Ivy Dench, George Monroe, Heirs
of Eliza Stevens, Adelaide Buntin,
Samuel Henry, Frances James, Laurel
Irene Foey, Heirs of Keene, Estate of
Charles Isaac, Mary Grant, Charles
Issac, Alice Adams, Estate of Samuel
Martin, James & Mitchell Charlotte
Mathurin, Heirs of Jos. Thibou,
Francis Samuel.


George H. Joseph, Selina Billing-
hurst, Emily Mason, James John,


Florence Ramsay, Henrietta John,
William John, Heirs of Albert Barnard
Jane Ann Wilson, Ellen Gurneg,
Theophilus Bird, John Dowe, Louisa
Thomas, Estate of Mary Green,
Sydney Benjamin, Louisa Semper,
Davii! Beazer.


Mary Samuel, Lonisa Semper,
Heirs of S. Daniel, Seamen’s Friendly
Society, Dorcas Osborne, Ferdinand
Martin, Grace Ann Pelle, Alfred
Hunie, Heirs of Daniel Peters.


Kenneth Murdoch, Agatha Hors-
ford, Alfred O. Wallace. Bertie Oliver,
John Lucas, Kdmund Simon, Anthony
Jarvis, Rosaline Morgan, Ickford
Winter (2), Eric Joseph.

Acvting Provost Marshal.

Tenders are invited for the supply
of the unidermentioned items to
Government Institutions in Antigua
for the period ending 30th June, 1956.

2. All tenders must be addressed
to the Administrator of Antigua in
sealed envelopes marked “ Tenders
for the supply of Groceries, etc” and
delivered at the Adiministrator’s Office
not later than noon on Saturday 17th
December, 1955.

3. Government does not bind itself
to accept the lowest or any tender.


Batter (5 Ib. and 1 1b. ting)
Cheese (5 1b. and 12 oz. tins)
Fish—salted, pickled, tinned
Edible Oil
Meat—salted, pickled,

smoked and cured
Kerosene Oil


Sweet Potatoes
Eddces & 'Tannias
Green vegetables
Vegetables Imported.

Laundry Necessaries.
Wushing Soda

Eggs & Poultry

Adminis/rator’s Office,
Ref. No, A. 41/36.


Under the provisions of Sections 3
and 13 of the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance, No. 8 of 1900, the build-
ing known as the Government Cotton
Honse, situated at the Western
end of Church Street, has been
provided for the storage of goods
unladen from any vessels arriving
in this Presidency and will be a
part of the Queen’s Warehouse
until further notice. Goods intended
to be stored in this warehouse may
be landed at the wharf adjacent to
it which is popularly known as
Dews’ Wharf.

Collector of Customs.

3rd December, 1955.


Queen’s Warehouse.

Importers are requested to clear
goods landing at this port, promptly,
to avoid (a) congestion in the Queen’s
Warehouse and (4) damage to such
goods. The Collector of Customs
cannot accept responsibility for dam-
age to such goods and prompt delivery
cannot be gnaranteed on receipt of
import warrants (entries) if, through
being left in the warehouse for long
periods, the packages have been
blocked up or covered over by sub-
sequent consignments of goods.

Collector of Customs.

8th November, 1955.

Sale of Perishable Goods in
The Queen’s Warehouse.

All perishable goods, which at the
date of this notice are in the Queen’s
Warehouse, will be sold by Public
Auction under the provisions of sub-
section (3) of Section 26 of the Trade
and Revenue Ordinance, No. 8 of
1900, between the 15th and 16th
December, 1955, unless all other dues thereon accrued are paid
and the goods removed by 3.30 p.m.
on the 14th December, 1955.

Notice of the exact time of sale of
these goods will be given by a Crier
with a bell.

The term ‘perishable goods” in-
cludes all fresh vegetables, including
white potatoes and onions, fresh fruit
and smoked and salted fish and meat
(untinned) which shows signs of

Collector of Customs.

10th December, 1955.

[15 December, 1955.

Sale of Goods in Queen’s Ware-
house under the Provisions
of the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance, No. 8 of 1900.

All goods which, at the 30th Nov-
ember, 1955, had been over three
months in the Queen’s Warehouse
will be sold by public euction, unless,
within two weeks from the date of
this notice, the owners or c-nsigneeg
thereof pay the duties on such guods
and remove them from the Warehouse.

The list of goods liable for sale
under the terms of this notiee will
be published, when completed, by
copies thereof being exposed on the
main doors of the Customs Office and
Queen’s Warehouse.

Collector of Customs.

10th December, 1955.

Control of Imports & Exports
Notice No. 4 of 1955

Imports of Refrigeration Plant

Nearly all types of Commercial
Refrigerators, Refrigerated Cabinets
and Display Counters and Refrigera-
tion Plant, can now be obtained
from the United Kingdom and
I can furnish the addresses of
several United Kingdom manufac-
turers of such goods to any importers
who may be interested.

Collector of Customs and
Supply Officer.

25th November, 1955.


'Oentral Experiment Station,


1951, 1952, 1953. 1954, 1965,

Jan, 3.60 2.41 1.93 3.04 2.16
Feb, 188 1.60 1.02 2.45 63
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08 83
Apr. 2416 $3.14 2.06 ot) gumelicd)
May 10.54 3.07 1.50 3.83 2.81
June 2.74 3.74 1.31 3.32 1.47
July 3.28 8.38 $20) S47 243
Aug, 9.18 8.43 3.15 5.93 8.25
Sept. 12.06 5.55 2.10 9.91 5'59
Oct. SH 549 $35 4.62 4.60
Nov. 3.67 5.19 524 154 3.19

Dec. 3rd 1.83 .88 10 12 61

53.93 51.20 28.06 39.80 33,07

15 December, 1955. ] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 211

Antiaua, 9th December, 1955.

PHILIP MORRIS INCORPORATED, of 100 Park Avenue, New York, State of New
York, U.S.A. have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following: —

a Cigereties


——— Ggorettes ————— =<


in Class 45 that is to say: Cigarettes

The Applicants claim that they have used the said Trade Mark in respect of the said goods
for one month before the date of their said Application.

Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this Advertise-
ment in the Leeward Islands Gazette, give notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks Office, Antigua, of
opposition to registration of the said Trade Mark.

CeciL O. Byron,
Acting Registrur of Trade Marks.

212 THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTR. [15 December, 1955.
All figures in British West Indian dollars.
Number of reporting banks: 4.

Figures for end of quarter 30th September, 1955.

$ $
1. Notes in cirenlation —_ 1. Cash in Treasury 73,306.41
2. Deposits 2,259,349.85 2. Balances due by other banks in Colony —

(i) Demand —
(ii) Time

— 3. Balances due from banks abroad
(iii) Savings 2,259,349.85

| and other short claims —
3. Balances due to 4. Loans and Advances —_
(a) Other banks in Colony —

(b) Banks abroad _ 3. Investments 2,221,399.95

(a) Local 269,473.16

4. Other Liabilities 41,141.23 (J) Other 1,951,926.79
6. Other Assets 5,784.72
Total Liabilities 2,300,491.08 Total Assets ~ 2.300.491.08

—- ge ee


It is hereby notified for general information that, in accordance with the provisions of the Stamps (Invalida-
tion) (No. 2) Order, 1955, (General Government S.R. & O. No. 36 of 1955), all federal issues of Leeward Islands
Stamps. as set out below, will no longer be used for the payment of postage or stamp duties after the 30th June, 1956,
in view of the defederation of the Leeward Islands Colony with effect from the lst July, 1956:—

Order in Council authorising issue. Value of Stamps to be invalidated
9th Jannary, 1922 _ ga., Id. 2d., 24d., 3d. 6d., I]-, 2/6, 5)-.
17th May, 1926 — 2/6, 3j-, 4]-.
No. 15 of 1928, as amended by No. 16 of 1937— All values
No. 31 of 1938 — td., 6d., 1j-, 2)-, 5/-.

Nos. L and 6 of 1951 (University College — 3c., 12e¢.
of the West Indies)

No. 3 of 1954 - — All values.

2. Provision has, however, been made in the above-mentioned Invalidation Order for a period of grace of
three months thereafter, that is on or before the 30th September, 1956, within which holders of Leeward Islands
Stamps invalidated by the Order may effect their exchange at any Post Office in the Presidencies of Antigua, St. Kitts-
Nevis-Anguilla, Montserrat and the British Virgin Islands for a stamp or stamps of equal value authorised for use in
those Presidencies.

Seon etariut,
Leeward Tstands,
10th December, 1955.

15 December, 19535. | THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE, alles

Christian and Surname at length Place of Abode Calling Nature of Qualification ete
Abbott, Leonard -| City Mechanic Income of £30 pa.
Abbott, Norris ..| Sanderson Overseer Salary of £50 p.a.
Abbott, Victor Gerald -; Dalzells | Peasant Proprietor | Income of £30 p.a.
Ackam, Hezekiah .««| Boluns | Planter - £50 p.a.
Alexander, Foster « City ' e | "
Allaway, Richard | sy | Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.
Allen, Alfred lee ' Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.
Ambrose, Maurice .. | Cedar Grove | Musician ‘Income of _,,
Ansel, Ronald Alexander -| City Merchant Income of £150 p.a. S.J.
Antonio, Lawrence Le ' Clerk Salary of £50 p.a,
Antonio, Clement ieee | Clerk - £50 p.a.
Antonio, Francis Karl -| Belmont Manager | Salary of ,,
Anjo, Francis Roderiques .»| Hodges Bay ' Merchant Income of £150 p.a. S.J.
Anjo, Lawrence Roderiques ..| City Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.

} |
Bailey, Louis al) Oiitisy Jeweller | Income of £30 p.a.
Bailey, Donald he Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.
Barnes, Irving Edward Alexander — .-.| Cedar Grove ' Joiner Income £30 p.a.
Barretto, Angelo +, Bolans | Shopkeeper _ "
Barnes, Leonard | Cedar Grove | Joiner - zs
Baptist, James ol| Chtay . Tailor Tricome of £50 p.a.
Barretto, John = | Shopkeeper os of £30 p.a.
Barretto, Manoel i ees | Clerk -
Bell, Austin . Gunthorpes Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Benjamin, Kdgar Alexander ..| City | Merchant | Income of £30 p.a.
Benjamin, Lewis Albert Emery ia . Income of £150 p.a. S.J
Bento, Alvro 3 Clerk Salary £50 p.a,
Bente, Fabian | 99 x ey, s
Blackett, Jobn " | Rum Distiller 5 st
Blanchard, Morris oI | Clerk -
Bowry, Eric . ' Clerk Salary of ,,
Boxhill, John Carlisle x Bakery Manager Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.
Bridges, Maurice . | Barber Income of £30 p.a.
Brown, Arnold 5a | Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Brown, Jr. James Adolphus Nibbs . Clerk - ”
Brown, Joshua Potters Peasant Proprietor _,, x
Brown, Ralph Arthur Lindsay City Clerk me
Browne. Robert " o eer ;
Brumant, Bruno eo ees Printer e -
Bryson. Thomas Arbercrombie Hay -..) 5 , Business Manager Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.
Buckley, Edgar Pen aes | Clerk = £50 p.a.
Burton, Joseph .| St. Johnston’s | Electrician . a

Bourne. Keith .. | City Printer ee 7
Camacho, Alexander .| City Garage Propreitor Income of £50 p.a.
Camacho, John re Merchant a re
‘Yamacho, Vincent Joseph ...| Fairview Auctioneer i £30 p.a.
Carmichael, Victor ...| City * Laboratory Assistant | Salary of £50 p.a.
Carr, William | Ottos Mechanic Income of ,,
Caines, Elwood _.| Greenbay Clerk Salary i
Challenger, Aubrey ...| Fairview * £30 p.a.
Chambers, Arnold Picaat ..| All Saints Merchant Income of £150 p.a. S.J
Charles, Joseph A. ...| Parham Road Overseer Salary of £50 p.a.
Chambers, Edmund ...| City | Clerk 3 .
Christian, Donald ...| Fort Road ' Joiner Income of £50 p.a.
Christian, Clarence ...| Side Hill ' Builder & Contractor * £30 p.a.
Christian, Morris .| City Sugar Curer | Salary of £50 p.a.
Coates, Cox Ses Cabinet Maker Income of £30 p.a.
Cockburn, John Allan .../ Gunthorpes Engineer Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.
Colbourne, Claxton Augustus ...| City | Tailor Income of £30 p.a.
Cooke, Walter R. ...| Comfort Hall | Manager Salary of £50 p.a.
Cools-Latigue, Hugh Joseph .| City ' Clerk 0
Cort, Lionel .| Gunthorpes | Sugar Curer Salary of £50 p.a.
Cort, Patrick eee ” ” ” ”
Crawford, Strickland Gerald ..| City Shoemaker Income £30 p.a.
Crump, John Edmund .| Seatons Overseer Salary of £50 p.a.
Crump, Sherman .| Freetown Builder Income of ,,
Cummings Oliver .--| Osborne Village is o

| Blectrician

Jurors’ List for the year 1956—(cont’d)

{15 December, 1955.

Christian and Surname at length Place of Abode Calling Nature of Qualification ee

Daniel Hesketh Maurice | City | Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Davis, Edward s Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.

Davis, Joseph Alexander = Builder & Contractor | ,, £150 p.a. S.J.

Davis, Walter O’Million - - e - S.J.

Davis, Oliver a Business Manager R - S.J.

Denully, John ola Bakery Manager Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.

Desuza. George .| City Distiller Salary of £50

DeFreitas. Allen oe ees Electrician Income ,,

Dew, Ernest Dalmer ...| Hodges Bay Enginecr Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.

DeSilva, Ronald | City Clerk - £50 p.a.

Dias, John Baptiste elie Mechanic Income of £30 p.a.

Dickenson. Denis | Jennings es £150 p.a. S.J.

Dickenson, Francis C. .| Willocks Overseer | Salary of £50 p.a.

Doram. Donelley ...| Ovals Clerk a a

Dow, Charlesworth ..| City oH ” ”

Dow, Guy lace = | on m

Edwards, Charles ., Ovals | Shopkeeper Income ,,

Edwards, Alfonso DeShield _..| Parham Clerk : , Salary as

Edwards, Dennis .. Ovals Aircraft Refueller se Pe

Edwards, Hubert pool 65 | Mechanic i Income ,,

Evanson, John Allan ...| City ' Clerk Salary es

Farara, Hmanuel os | Business Manager Income of £150 p.a. | S.J.

Farara, Jayme 3 ' “ Salary es S.J.

Farara, Quin . | Shopkeeper Income ,,

Fernandez, John Gilbert | | Business Manager ‘ £30 p.a.

Fernandez, Joseph Belt cass a a £150 p.a. S.J.

Francis, Fernley ...| Long Lane ; Planter Salary of £50 p.a.

Francis, Francis Alexis ...| City | Merchant BP es |

Francis, Knella -»-| Clare Hall Mechanic ms a

Francis, William .| Comfort Hall Overseer ” S

Gabriel, Samuel Lewis Denis s+) City Engineer Income of £30 p.a.

Gardener, James ..-| Newfield Shopkeeper a es

Gilead, Claxton .-| City | Printer - £50 p.a.

Gilead, Oscar -| Gray Farm | Builder og e

Gomes, Bernard ..| Blackmans | Planter | Salary of £30 p.a.

Gomes, Raymond ..-| Newfield Shopkeeper Income _,,

Gomes, Wilfred Alexander -| City Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Gomes, Arthur ms ne eee rp

Gomez, Kenneth _ _ Merchant ' Income of £150 p.a. S.J.

Gonsalves, Arnold * | Clerk i Salary of £50 p.a.

Gonsalves, Cyril ere ms -

Gonsalves, Lawrence Arthur en | Shopkeeper ' Income _,,

Gonsalves, Morris en e tee ”

Gonsalves, Rophine ...| Liberta ae

Goodwin, Basil Carodoc Pea iby, Clerk ‘Salary of £150 p.a. S.J.

Goodwin, Harry Leon | All Saints Barber Income of £50 p.a |

Goodwin, James Emanuel .++| Liberta Shopkeeper “ a \

Goodwin, Joseph Warneford - City Clerk Salary a

Gordon, Hubert Theophilus = ' Baker Income of £30 p.a.

Gordon, Stuart A. +; Parham | Shopkeeper en es |

Gore, Rupert se) City | Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.

Greenidge, Latirie --.| City Clerk Lees os

Halipike, Charles Arthur Shand -| City | Clerk Income of £30 p.a.

Hamilton, Alfonso a Builder & Contractor eS £150 p.a. S.J.

Hampson, George Alexander .-- Gunthorpes | Mechanic £30 p.a.

Heath, William Keathly .-| City Clerk a £200 p.a. | S.J.

Hector, Rupert oe Shopkeeper i £50 p.a. |

Henry, Dennis . St. Claires Manager 3 £50 p.a.

Henry, Ernest Victor .. Ffryes Land Proprietor Possessed of 100 acres S.J.
| of land

Henry, Kenneth -| City Tailor Income of £30 p.a.

Henzell, Frank Louis Peregrine ...| Long Island Business Manager Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.

Hewlett, John Dalrymple ...| City Clerk e » £50 p.a

Hilaire, Francis - Dental Mechanic _ » £50 p.a.

Hill, Denzil es Clerk a » £50 p.a.

Horsford, Ivan " Clerk Income of £50 p.a.

Ireland, George i Shopkeeper Income of £50 p.a.

Ireland, Hugh N. a Mechanic fF 4, £50 p.a.

Isaac, Cecil Leonard . Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Isaac, Earl es Shoemaker Income of £30 p.a.

15 December, 1955. ]


Jurors’ List for the year 1956—(con?’d).

Christian and Surname at length.

James Alfred

James, George L. C.

James, Joshua A.

James, Samuel

Jardine, Morris

Jarvis, Walter Oliver Alexander
Jeffrey, Alfred

John, George Elisha George
Johnson, Clarence

Joseph, Alexis

Joseph, Dennis

Joseph, Thomas Gurthwick Josiah
Joseph, Samuel

Karam, Maurice
Khoury, Elisha
Khoury, Mitchell
Kirwan, Ashley
Knowles, James
Knowles, Oliver

Lake, Henzill
Lake. Arthur
Longtord, Egbert
Laurent, Joseph
Laviscount, John
Lewis, George
Lewis, Rupert
Lewis, Walter
Lindsay, Lawson
Looby, Ercille
Lord, Munro
Lovell, Harold
Luke, Richard Keathroy


Mannix, Henry Alford
Martin, Charles

Martin, Desmond

Martin, Euriel

Martin, George

Martin, Arthur

Mason, ixcith

Mason, Finest

Mason, Vichard Stephen Smith

Messiah. William Cornelius rolpbus

Matthew, Allen

Matthew, (George
Matthews. Griffith
Matthews, Walter
Maynerd, Mdward Gerald
Maynard, George Edward
Maynard, Lawrence
Medhurst, Howard James
McDonald. Miles
Mellanson, Carol

Mendes, Norris Ferdinand Joseph
Mendes, Stephen Roy
Merchant, Charles *
Merchant, Joseph
McDonald, Frank

Michael, Claude

Michael, Joseph

Michael, Maurice

Michael, Melville Samuel
Michael, Mitchell

Moore, John Harold
Moore, Hilton

Moore, Walter
Mollyneaux, James
Murphy, Arthur Foster Wall
Murphy, Henry Owen
Murray, Casford Llewellyn
Myers, Joseph Adolphus

Place of Abode.

-| All Saints

--| Golden Grove
---| Factory

---| Pigotts

-»+| City

..| Powells


«+ Kentish Village
-| Vernons Road
-| Carlisle


..| City
...| Potters
mera A Onlisya
...| Kentish Village
.. | Yorks
.| City


.| Ottos

..| Sanderson
.| City

.../ Gunthorpes
.| City

...| Belmont

... The Villa

.... Montpellier
..| City
..| City
. Ottog

. Ovals
. Burkes
me Gog
| .| Thibous
| City






Ship Contractor

Garage Proprietor


Builder & Contractor



| Clerk

| Druggist

_ Shopkeeper

, Overseer
Insurance Agent



Garage Proprietor




Dental Mechanic

| Garage Proprietor
' Clerk

Garage Proprietor
Business Manager
| Driver

Watch Repairer
| Overseer

' Merehant


| Planter
| Merchant

| Clerk
Peasant Proprietor


Calling. Nature of Qualification.
Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.
Contractor es » £30 p.a.
Electrician s » £30 p.a.
Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Ps es ,». £30 p.a.
” ” ” £50 p.a.
Business Manager £50 p.a.

Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
" » £50 p.a.
Income of £50) p.a.
os » £200 p.a.
. » £30 p.a.

es » £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
x 4 £50) p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
= 4 £50 pias
” ” £30 p,a.
Salary of #90 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
- , £50 p.a.
ss we 3) p.a.
4» £50 pra.
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Jurors’ List for the year 1956—(cunt’d)

216 [15 December, 1955.

Christian and Surname at length. Place of Abode. Calling. Nature of Qualification. ete
earner TE RON . eyenETeee oe
Nanton, Robert ...| City Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Nunes, Francis .| Montpelier Manager a £200 p.a. ee
O'Reilly, Timothy mer, Clerk » £30 pa. |
Owen, Charles .| Gilbert Overseer | og es |
Parker, Walter ...| City Shopkeeper | Income of £50 p.a.
Parker, William ...| Fort Road Planter es a
Pereira, Leonard .| City Watch Repairer ! = fr
Pereira, Norris ne Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Perry, Leopold Alexis ...| Ottos Lane Druggist Income of £50 p.a.
Perry, Ernest ...| Fort Road Builder | ; a
Pestaina, Elpert .| City | Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.
Pestaina, Raymond on ar - | i -
Peters, Cecil Foster ...| Gunthorpes Mechanic 1 ss
Peters, G. L. Norris ...| City Clerk =
Philip, Theophilus W. ...| Ottos Lane ; Hlectrician -
Philip, Charles .| City | Druggist _ - |
Pigott, Arnold lease Clerk | - -
Pigott, Mmil Milo Aes Barber Income of £150 p.a. S.J.
Pratt, Hugh - | Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Prince, Ralph - ” | . "
Punter, Percival , ; Boatswain 7 ;
Raeburn, Raymond ...{ St. Clair Clerk s - |
Ramsay, Charles ...| City iy, eo .
Ramsay, Rupert ...| Willikies | Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.
Reid, Lucien McKinley .| City Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Richards, Albert .... Fort Road a a ,
Richards, Berkley Peal Ps ” ie
Richards, Simon .... Johnson’s Point Dispenser a ;
Roberts, Arthur ...| Fort Road Builder Income of £50 p.a. |
Roberts, Douglas ...| City Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Roberts, Samuel D. .| Fort Road = - |
Roberts, Watman | Jennings , Carpenter Income of £30 p.a. |
Salmon, Alfred .| City Tailor Income of £50 p.a.
Samuel, Josiah a ' Caterer “ £30 p.a.
Saunders, Basil Carpenter es
Scholar, Harold ” ” ” ” |
Scotland, Wesley ” Clerk Salary of £50 p.a. a
Scott-Johnston, Edward Business Manager £200 p.a. S.J.
Sebastian, John Eldridge _ Shipwright Income of £30 p.a.
Semper, Charles ee lee Shopkeeper z ~
Semper, David Gordon ..., ASB, Engineer Salary of £50 p.a.
Shoul, Anthony .| City Merchant Income of £150 p.a. [S.J.
Shoul, John Ferdinand . 0 = 00 | S.J.
Simon, Arnold alo Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Slack, Noel Stevenson .| North Sound Planter £200 p.a. S.J.
Smith, Christopher ..., Gunthorpes Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.
Smith, Robert Henry ...; Hodges Bay Hotel Manager Salary of £200 p.a. i S.J.
Spencer, Colin ...| Cedar Valley Planter i £50 p.a.
Spencer, Frederick Alex. ...| City Shoemaker Income of £30 p.a. |
Stamers, Arthur .| Gunthorpes Electrician Salary of £200 p.a. S.J
Techeira, Kenneth .| City Business Manager Salary of £150 p.a. S.J.
Terry, Edward Pa Carpenter Income of £30 p.a.
Terry, James ¥ Tailor es » £30 p.a.
Thibon, Anderson " Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Thibou, Teson Cox ” ” ” ” ”
Thibou, Perey 90 ” ” ” ”
Thomas, James mn . ‘i » £50 p.a.
Thompson, Leslie Alfred - Merchant », £150 p.a. S.J.
Tomlinson, Auckland ee Clerk Pa » £50 p.a.
Turner, Alexander ...| Hodges Bay Business Manager " » £200 p.a. S.J.
Turner, idgar ...| Johnson’s Point Shipwright Income of £30 p.a.
Tully, Kenrick .| City Artist Painter = » £50 p.a.

15 December, 1955. ] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. a

Jurors’ List for the year 1956—(voni’a).

Christian and Surname at length Place of Abode Calling | Nature of Qualification ae
| ae wee

Wade, William .«| Ovals | Electrician | Income of £50 p.a. |
Wallace, Frederick Augustus --«| Oity | Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.
Walker, Cecil Sele « | Dispenser ieee - ee
Walker, Charles Frederick elite | Photographer | Income of £30 p.a.
Walter, George ...| Barters | Farmer . eo 0Rpia.
Walter, Stanley zo Oity | Merchant as a |
Watt, Charles Burkin Anderson se a | Clerk Salary of £200 p.a. a Salk
Weathered, Robert cee \aee a8 Bead j 2 a0 pa:
Westcott, Charles ...-| Crosbies | Planter igh 5 *
White, Arthur ...| City Clerk tones, - a3 |
Williams, Wilfred edhe | Garage Proprietor | Income of £30 p.a. |
Winter, Igal ...| City | Stevedore | Salary of £50 p.a.
Yearwood, Keith ...| Gunthorpes Overseer a x: i.
York, William Anthony ...| City | Restaurant Proprietor | Income of £30 p.a.
Younis, Antoine J Spa | Merchant a) ue z |

| |


The above are the persons whom it is proposed to insert in the Juror’s Register for the year 1956. The List
will be revised at the sitting of the Magistrate’s Court to be holden at the City of Saint John, in the Antigua Circuit,
on Wednesday the 21st day of December, 1955, at 9 o’clock in the forenoon, and the Magistrate may then make such
changes therein as he may think fit, either by adding or striking out names, or otherwise. Any person, whether
included or not included in the said list, may then appear, personally or by his Counsel or Solictor, and claim that
he is, or is not, liable to serve as a Common or Special Juror, as the case may be, or, if unable to attend personally,
may give the Magistrate notice in writing of his claim, supporting it with snch evidence as he may think fit, and the
Magistrate will then as far as he reasonably can, inquire into the claim. The Magistrate’s decision in revising the
said list, will be conclusive, and all persons included in the said list, after it has been revised by the Magistrate, will
be liable during the year 1956 to be summoned and serve a3 Common or Special Jurors, as the case may be, notwith~
standing any disqualifications or exemption other than illness or unavoidable accident.

Dated this 5th day of December, 1955.
Acting Registrar for the Antigua Circuit.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islunds, by E, M, BLACKMAN,
Government Printer—By Authority,

[Price 41 cents.]

No. of 1955. Interpretation of Laws ANTIGUA.

No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend further the Interpretation
of Laws Ordinance, 1896.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short Title.
Interpretation of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 6/1896.
1955, and shall be read as one with the Interpre- shies
tation of Laws Ordinance, 1896, as amended, 3/1938,

hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance. eanes

* 2. Section 18 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment
hereby amended by the substitution of the cues
following paragraphs for paragraphs (6) and (7) pel Ordinance.

thereof :—

“(6) The expression “Governor”
shall mean the officer for the time being
administering the Government of the Presi-
dency and shall include the Administrator
of Antigua when he is administering the
Government of the Presidency ;

Antigua. 2 Interpreiation of Laws No. . of 1958.
(Amendment). :

7) The expression “Governor in
Council” shall mean, save as otherwise
provided by Letters Patent under the Great
Seal of the United Kingdom, by any Order
of Her Majesty in Council or by Instructions
under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet,
the Governor acting with the advice of
the Executive Council of the Presidency,
and, to such an extent as may be provided
by any such Letters Patent, Order of Her
Majesty in Council or Instructions, in
accordance with that advice, but not neces-
sarily in such Council assembled. ”

Conimence. 8. This Ordinance shall come into operation
cial on a day to be appointed by the Governor by
proclamation published in the Gazette.


Passed the Legislative Council this
day of , 1955.

Clerk of the Council.

No. of 1955. = Interpretation of Laws 3 ANTIGUA.


The definition of “Governor” inserted in the Principal
Ordinance by the amending Ordinance No, 16/1953 when
read with the last three lines of Article 9 (1) of the Letters
Patent of 1953 means that “ the Governor” in Presidential
Legislation always means the Administrator, unless the
Governor of the Colony happens to be in the Presidency
and directs that the Administrator shall not administer the
Government. It was not intended that the Governor of
the Colony should be so completely excluded from the affairs
of the Presidency. The intention is that the Administrator
shall now exercise all the powers of the Governor subject to
the limitation imposed by Article 9 (6)(a) of the Leeward
Islands Letters Patent, 1953. a

The definition of “Governor in Council” accords with
the intention that the Governor shall now act in accordance
with the advice of the Executive Council of the Presidency
save as otherwise provided in the instruments mentioned in
the definition. This change will take place on the coming

into operation of the Ministerial System in the Presidency.
Pp y 3

“The words “but not necessarily in such Council
assembled” will enable decisions of Executive Council to be
taken by means of the circulation of papers.

These amendments have been made as a result of
suggestions made by the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Raypatt H. Lockart,
- Crown Aitorney.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

A, 47/127—320—12.55. - [Price 5 conts.]

No. of 1955. ~ Public Service Commission.


No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to make provision for the creation
of a Public Service Commission.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua.

1. This Ordinance may be cited us the Public
Service Commission Ordinance, 1955, and shall
come into operation on a day to be appointed _ by
the Governor by Proclamation published in the

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context
otherwise requires—

‘“‘ Administrator’’ means the person for the
time being holding the office of Adminis-
trator of the Presidency and includes
every person for the time being acting as
such in his stead;

* Governor” means the Governor and Com-
mander in Chief of the Leeward Islands
and includes every person for the time
being administering the Government of


Short title and



Anticua. 2 Public Service Commission. No. — of 1955.

the Leeward Islands and, to the extent
to which a Deputy for the Governor is
authorised to act, that Deputy ;

“public office” means any office of emolu-
ment in the public service;

“public officer”? means the holder of any ©
public office and includes any person
appointed to act in any such office;

“the public service’ means the service of the
Crown in respect of the Government of
the Presidency.

Governor and 8. (1) In the exercise of the functions con-
aye ferred on him by this Ordinance the Governor shall
powers intheir not be obliged to consult with the Executive

discretion. = Council of the Presidency.

(2) The Administrator shall not be obliged to
consult with the Executive Council of the Presi-
dency in the exercise of any functions delegated to

him by the Governor under section 8 of this
Ordinance. ae

Public 4. The appointment, promotion, transfer,
re dismissal and disciplinary control of public officers
is hereby. vested in the Governor.

Papi See 5. (1) There «hall be, in and for the Presi-

Comunission. ee . or .
dency, a Public Service Commission (hereafter in _
this Ordinance referred to as “the Commission’)
and, subject to the provisions of subsection (3) of
this section, the Commission shall consist of such
persons, appointed in such manner, as may be
prescribed by Regulutions made under this Ordi-

(2): The Governor may terminate the sppoint-
ment of any member of the Commission and, sub-
ject as aforesaid, the members of the Commission
shall hold office upon such terms and conditions as
may be prescribed by Regulations made under this
Ordinance. .

(3) No person shall be appointed as, or shall
remain, a member of the Commission if he is a
Member of the Legislative Council of the Presi-
dency. :

No. of 1955. Public Service Commission. 8

6. (1) The Governor may refer to the
Commission for its advice any question relating to
the appointment (including promotion and trans-
fer), or to the dismissal or other disciplinary con-
‘trol of public officers or of any public officer, or to
any other matter which, in his opinion, affects the
public service:

Provided that no Judge or Magistrate shall be
regarded, for the purposes of this section, as a
public officer.

(2) It shall be the duty of the Commission
to, advise the Governor on any question which
he shall refer to it in accordance with the
provisions of this section, but the Governor shall
not be required to act in accordance with the
advice given to him by the Commission.

”, Except with the consent of the Governor
signified in writing under the hand of the Colonial
Secretary, no person shall in any legal proceedings
produce or be permitted to give secondary evidence
as to the contents or nature of any letter, state-
ment, report or other document or any oral
information addressed, made or given—

(a) to the Commission by or. on behalf
of the Governor, the Colonial Secretary,
the Administrator or the head of any Govern-
ment Department for the purpose of enabling
the Commussion to discharge any of their
duties under this Ordinance; or

(6) by the Commission to the Governor,
the Colonial Secretary, the Administrator
or the head of any Government Department
‘n relation to any matter concerning or
arising out of the duties of the Commission.

8. The Governor may by order delegate to
the Administrator all or any of the functions
conferred on the Governor by sections 4 and 6 of
this Ordinance subject to such conditions, excep-
tions and qualifications as the Governor may
prescribe and the Administrator shall accordingly
have and exercise such functions, subject, as

~ Awriaud.

Functions of
ublic Service

Reports and
statements or
other commu-
nications of
the Commis-
sion to be

Delegation of
powers by

ANTIGUA. 4 = Public Service Commission. No. of 1955.

Power to make 9. The Governor may make Regulations
eee for giving effect to the provisions of this Ordi-
Public Service nance, and in particular and without prejudice
poe Erne to Mthe generality of the foregoing power may by

such Regulations make provision for all or any

of the following matters, that is to say :—
(a) the membership of the Commission ;

(5) the appointment, tenure of. office
and terms of service of members of the

(c) the organisation of the work of
the Commission and the manner in which
the Commission shall perform its functions;

(d) consultation by the Commission
with persons other than members of the

(ce) the appointment, tenure of office
and terms of service of staff to assist the
Commission in the performance of its

(f) the protection -and privilege of
members of the Commission in respect of
the performance of their duties and the privi-
lege of communications to and from the
Commission or its members in case of legal

z (9) the definition and trial of offences
connected with the functions of the Commis-
sion and the imposition of penalties for such

Provided that no such penalty. shall
exceed a fine of one thousand dollars and
imprisonment for a term of six months.


: Passed the Legidlative Council this
day of 5 one

Clerk of the Council.


No. of 1955. Public Service Conner 5 ANTIGUA.

The object of the Bill is to provide for the establishment
of a Public Service Commission as part of the further measures
of Constitutional Reform which are being introduced in the

2. The functions of the-Commission will be to advise the
Governor or Administrator on any question which he may refer
to the Commission relating to the appointment, promotion and
transfer of public officers or other matter affecting the public

Ranpatt H. Locxuart,:
Crown Attorney.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M. Brackman, Government Printer.—By Authority.
320—12.55. Price 7 cents.

No. of 1955. Antigua Constitution and

Elections ( Amendment)

No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend further the Antigua
Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1951.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Antigua Constitution and Elections (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Antigua Constitution and Elections
- Ordinance, 1951, as amended, hereinafter called
the Principal Ordinance.

'2. Subsection (1) of section 2 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
insertion immediately after the definition’ of
“electoral district’ of the following definition—

“ “the Executive Council’? means the
Executive Council of the Presi-

83. Subsection (2) of section 25 and sub-
section (1) of section 43 of the Principal
Ordinance are hereby amended by the substitu-
~ tion of the word “ five” for the word “three”’.


Short title.


Amendment of
section 2 of
the Principal

Amendment of
sections 25 &
43 of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-

- Antigua.

Amendment of
vection 31 of

the Principal

Antigua Constitution and No. of 1965.
Elections (Amendment)

4. Section 31 of the Principal Ordinance

is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) In subsection (1) the words “in his
discretion” appearing immediately after
the words “the Governor, at any time” are
hereby deleted, and the words “which he
shall think fit” are hereby substituted

(6) Subsection (2) is “hereby repealed

and the following subsections substituted
- therefor—

“(2) The Governor shall not make
any declaration under this section except in
accordance with the following conditions,
that is to say :—

(a) the question whether the
declaration should be made shall first
be submitted in writing by the Governor
to the Executive Council and if, upon
the question being so submitted to ik;
the Executive Council shall resolve
that the declaration be made, the
Governor nay make the declaration;

(>) if, when the question whether
the declaration should be made is sub-
mitted to it as aforesaid, the Executive
Council shall not, within such time as
the Governor shall think reasonable
and expedient, resolve that the declara- made, then—

(i) the Governor may submit
the said question toa Secretary. of
State and may make the declara-
tion if, upon the question being so
submitted to him, a Secretary of
State authorises the Governor to
make the declaration: ‘or

(ii) the Governor may make
the declaration without submitting
the said question to a Secretary



of 1955. Antigua Constitution and 8

Elections (Amendment)

of State, if in the Governor's
opinion, urgent necessity requires
that the declaration be made
without obtaining the authority of
a Secretary of State; in which
case he shall, at the time of
making the declaration, certify in
writing that urgent necessity
requires that the declaration be
made without obtaining such

(2A) (a) Whenever the Governor,
in accordance with the provisions of
paragraph (6) of subsection (2) of this
section, shall submit to a Secretary of
State the question whether a declara-
tion should be made, or shall make a
declaration without submitting the
said question to a Secretary of State,
he shall inform the Executive Council
in writing of his reasons for so doing.

(b) Whenever the Governor shall
make a declaration under this section,
other than a declaration made with
the authority of a Secretary of State,
he shall forthwith report to a Secretary
of State the making of, and the reasons
for, the declaration and, in the case of
a declaration made in accordance with
the provisions of subparagraph (ii) of

paragraph ()) of subsection (2), the

grounds of urgency.”

The following new section is hereby

inserted immediately after section 34 of the
Principal Ordinance:—

“834A. In the exercise of the func-
tions conferred by. sections 6, 8 and 9,
paragraph ()) and the pro viso to
paragraph (f) of subsection (3) and
subsection (4) of section 12, subsection
(1) of section 14, subsections (1) and
(5) of section 16, section 17, section 21,


Insertion of
new section in
the Principal

Exercise of
functions con-
ferred on
Governor and


Antigua. 4 Antigua Constitution and No. of 1946...
Elections (Amendment). io

subsection (1) of section 25, sections 35,
37, 39, subsection (1) of section 48,
sections 50, 57, 58 and subsection (8)
of section 79 of this Ordinance, the
Governor or the Administrator, as the
case may be, shall act in his discretion.”

Oommeneement, 6. This Ordinance shall come into opera.
tion on aday to be appointed by the Governor
by Proclamation published in the Gazette,

Passed the Legislative Council this
day of 1955. :
Clerk of the Council.


The object of the Bill is to effect the necessary amend-
ments to the Principal Ordinance consequent ‘on the introduc: -
tion of the Ministerial System under which the Executive
Council will contain four members elected by the elected and
nominated members of the Legislative Council of whom three
will be charged with ministerial functions. The Executive
Council thus becomes the principal instrument of policy and
the elected members of the Executive Council are in a clear
majority since the Governor and the Administrator have only
a casting vote.

2. Clause 3 of the Bill provices for the duration of the
life of the Legislative Council being extended from three to
five years as is usnally the case in the more advanced constitu-

3. Clause 4 amends section 31 of the Principal Ordinance
which deals with the Governor's legislative reserved power.
Now that the Executive Council is the principal instrument of
policy, it is necessary to provide that the’ Governor shall not
invoke his reserved power without first submitting to the
Executive Council the question whether the power should be

No. of 1955. Antigua Constitution and 5 ANTIQUA.
Elections (Amendment).

4. The amended Letters Patent provide that the
Governor or Administrator shall consult with the Ixecutive
Council in the formulation of policy and in the exercise of all
functions conferred by any law except functions conferred by
any existing law when these functions are not required by the
law to be exercised by the Governor in Council. The Letters
Patent, however, exclude the Constitution and Elections Ordi-
nance from this provision. The result would therefore be that
the Governor or the Administrator would have to consult with
the Executive Council concerning the exercise of all the func-
tions conferred by the Ordinance. It is not, however, desirable
that the Governor or the Administrator should be required to
consult with the Executive Council with respect to the purely
administrative functions provided by the Ordinance. This
makes it necessary to amend the Ordinance specifically to pro-
vide that the Governor or the Administrator may act in his
discretion when carrying out such administrative functions.
Clause 5 of the Bill seeks to effect this amendment and hence
it is that it mentions all those sections of the Principal Ordi-
nance which relate to such administrative functions.

Ranpatt H. Lockuart,
Crown Attorney,

Prinved at the Government Printing Olfice, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer— By Authority.

A. 47/76—320--12.55,. [Price 7 cents]

fa |


ee yf 1955, No. 86.



“Stamps (Invatipation) (No. 2) Orprr, 1955, patrp DEcemMBER
4 anD 5 or THE Stamp Act (Cap. 135) AS AMENDED.

1. Short Title. This Order may be cited as the Stamps (Invalidation)
(No. 2) Order, 1955.

2. Invalidation of Stamps. The stamps of the values set forth in the
second column.of the Schedule to this Order which were originally authorised
for use throughout the Colony by and under the Orders in Council set forth ir
the first column of the said Schedule, and the continued use whereof was as
regards the University College of the West Indies issue authorised by the Stamp:
(Continuance of Use) Order, 1953, shall, as from the first day of July, 1956, nc
longer be valid for the payment of postage or stamp duties:

Provided that any person who is in possession of any such stamps may,
at any time between the Ist day of July, 1956 and the 30th day of September,
ag 1956, apply to any Post Office in Antigua, or Saint Christopher Nevis and
Anguilla, or Montserrat, or the Virgin Islands, to have such stamps exchangec
for and replaced by a valid stamp or valid stamps of equal value authorised. fo1
use in Antigua, or Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, or Montserrat, or the
Virgin Islands, as the cage may be.

Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December, 1955.

Acting Clerk of the Council.

Order in Council authorising issue. | Value of Stamps to be invalidated.
7 9th January, 1922 y ...| $d., 1d., 2d., 24d., 3d., 6d., 1]-, 2/6, 5/-.
L7th May, 1926 2/6, 3]-. 4]-.
1928 No. 15 as amended by 1937 No. 16| All values.
1938 No. 31 | 4d., 6d., 1J-, 2)-. 5-.
1951 Nos. 1 & 6 (University College of
the West Indies) .| 3¢., 12¢.
1954 No. 3 ..| All values.
» Printed at the Government Printing Office, eee Talande,
x by E. M. Buaokman, cove Printer—By Authority.
Be a 55. Price 4 cents

aed. 7 17
gk fe




1955, No. 37.

Tar Danerrous Druas (AppLicatTion) OrpER, 1955, DATED
DrecrmBerR 10, 1955, MADE By THE GovERNOoR IN CoUNCIL
UNDER SxcTION 14 (2) or THE Dangerous Droes Act, 1937
(No. 23/1937) as AMENDED.


WHEREAS by subsection (2) of section 14 of the Dangerous Drugs Act,
1937, as amended, power is conferred on the Governor in Council to declare by
order that Part V of the said Act shall apply to any drug of whatever kind in
the same manner as it applies to the drugs mentioned in subsection (1) of section

. 14-0f the said Act, if it appears to the Governor in Council that such drug is or is

likely to be productive, if improperly used, or is capable of being converted
into a substance which is or is likely to be productive, if improperly used, of ill
effects substantially of the same character or nature as or analogous to those
produced by morphine or cocaine: ;

AND WHEREAS it appears to the Governor in Council that the drugs
specified in the Schedule to this Order are productive, if improperly used, or are
capable of being converted into a snbstance which is or is likely to be productive,
if improperly used, of ill effects substantially of the same character or nature as
or analogous to those produced by morphine or cocaine.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in Council in pursuance of the powers
conferred upon him by subsection (2) of section 14 of the Dangerous Drugs Act,
1937, as amended, is pleased to declare and it is hereby declared as follows:—

1. Short Title. This Order may be cited as the Dangerous Drugs
(Application) Order, 1955.

2. -Application. Part V of the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1937, as amended,

shall apply to the drugs specified in the Schedule to this Order in the same

manner as the said Part V applies to the drugs mentioned in subsection (1) of
section 14 of the said Act,

Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December, 1955.

Acting Olerk of the Oouncil.


Diethylthiambutene (3-diethylamino-1:1-di-(2-thieny])-1-butene), its salts and
any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion
of diethylthiambutene.

1-Methyl-4-phenylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester, its salts and
any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion
of 1-methy]-4-phenylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid isopropyl] ester.

Normethadone (4:4-diphenul-6-dimethylamino-3-hexanone), its salts and any
preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion of

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Tslands,
by E. M. Buackman, Govornment Printer,—By Authority.

47/00094—480—12.55. [Price 4 cents]


1955, No. 38.

Tae Dieromatic Privineces (INTERNATIONAL CiviL AVIATION
ORGANIZATION) (AMENDMENT) Orver, 1955, patep DecemBer 10,
or tHe DirLomatic Privineaes (Exrension) Act, 1948
(No. 9/1948).

1. Short Title. This Order may be vited as the Diplomatic
Privileges (International Civil Aviation Organization) (Amendment)
Order, 1955 and shall be read as one with the Diplomatic Privileges
(International Civil Aviation) Order, 1949 (S. R. & O. 1949, No. 32)
hereinafter referred to as the Principal Order.

2 Amendment. In paragraph (1) of section 9 of the
Principal Order the words “to the Council of the Organisation” shall
be replaced -by the words “to the Assembly or to the Council of the
Organisation, to any Commission (however named) provided for in
the constitution of the Organisation, or to any Committee of such
Assembly, Council or Commission ”.

3. Approval of General Legislative Council. This
Order shall be laid before the General Legislative Council.

“Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December,

Heiren H. BeEtxor,
Acting Clerk of the Counetl.



(This Note is not purt of the Order, but is intended to indicate its
general purport).

Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom are bound by virtue of
their accession to the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the Specialised
Agencies of the United Nations (Cmd. 7673) in respect of the International Civil
Aviation Organisation to accord privileges and immunities on representatives of
Governments members of the Organisation to its Assembly and executive body
(however designated), to any Commission provided for in its vonstitution and
to any Committee of any of these bodies. The Constitution of the Organisation
(see Article 43 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at
Chicago on the 7th December, 1944 (Cmd. 8742)), provides that it shall consist
of an Assembly, a Council and such other bodies ag may be necessary. The ©
Diplomatic Privileges (International Civil Aviation Organisation) Order in
Council, 1949, made provision only for representatives of member Governments
to the Council of the Organisation. This Order makes the necessary amendment.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuackmAn, Government Printer.—By Authority.
. 1955,

20/000 15—480—12.55. Price 4 cents.



1955, No. 39.

suotion 2 oF THE DieLomatic Priviteces (Exrenston) ACT,
1248 (No. 9/1948).

WHEREAS by section 2 of the Diplomatic Privileges (Extension)
Act, 1948 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) it is enacted:

That the provisions of this section shall apply to any organisation

declared by Order of the Governor in Council to be an organisation of
which Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom and the
government or governments of one or more foreign sovereign Powers
are members;

That the Governor in Council may by Order provide that any
organisation to which this section applies shall, to such extent as may be
specified in the Order, have the immunities and privileges set out in
Part [ of the Schedule to the Act and shall also have the legal capacities
of a body corporate;

That the Governor in Council may by Order confer on the repre-
sentatives (whether of Governments or not) on any organ of the
organisation and upon officers and servants of the organisation, the
immunities and privileges set out-in Parts IL and III of the said
Schedule to the extent specified in the Order; and

- That Part IV of the Schedule to the Act shall have effect for the
purpose of extending to the staffs of representatives and to the families
_ of certain high officers of the organisation any immunities and privileges
conferred on the representatives or officers, except in so far as the
operation of the said Part IV is excluded by the Order conferring
privileges and immunities;

AND WHEREAS the World Meteorological Organisation, on the
29th day of December, 1951 deposited with the Secretary-General of the
United Nations a notification that it accepted the standard clauses of the
Convention on Privileges and Immunities for the Specialized Agencies:
of the United Nations and the said Convention thereupon became
applicable to the Organisation in accordance with section 37 thereof;

AND WHEREAS Her Majesty’s Government in the United
Kingdom have in accordance with section 41 of the said Convention
aceeded to the said Convention in respect of the World Meteorological


NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in Council by virtue and in
exercise of the powers in this behalf conferred on him by the Act or
otherwise in him vested, is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as
follows:— ; i:

1. SHorr TiTLE ano Commencement. ‘This Order may be
cited as the Diplomatic Privileges (World Metcorolovical Organisation)
Order, 1955 and shall be deemed to have come into force on the 17th
day of December, 1954. oo

A. The Organisation.

2, Decnaration. The World Meteorological Orginisation (here-
inafter referred to as the Organisation) is an Organisation of which the
United Kingdom and foreign sovereign Powers are members.

3. Bopy Corporate. The Organisation shall have the legal
capacities of a body corporate and, except in su far as in any particular
case it has expressly waived its immunity, immunity for suit and legal
process. No waiver of immunity shall be deemed to extend to any
measure of execution. :

4, InvioLaBiLity or ArcHives. The Organisation shall have the
like inviolability of official archives and premises occupied us offices as is
accorded in respect of official archives and premises of an envoy of a |
foreign sovereign Power accredited to Her Majesty.

5. I{xXEMPTION FROM TAXES. The Organisation shall have the
like exemption of relief from taxes and rates, other than taxes on the
importation of goods, as is accorded to a foreign sovereign Power.

6. Exemption FRom Customs Dory. The Organisation shall
have exemption from taxes on the importation of goods directly imported
by the Organisation for its official use in any Presidency of the Colony
or for exportation, or on the importation of any publications of the
Organisation directly imported by it, such exemption to be subject to
compliance with such conditions as the Collector of Customs of the
Presidency into or from which such importation or- exportation is made
may prescribe for the protection of the revenue.

7. ExXEMprion From PRouisirions anv Rusrricrions on [ms
PoRTATIONS ETC. The Organisation shall have exemption from prohi-
bitions and restrictions on importation or exportation in the case of goods
directly imported or exported by the Organisation for its official use and
in the case of any publications of the Organisation directly imported or
exported by it. .

8. Repucep Rares vor TsLe@Rapaic Communications. The
Organisation shall have the right to avail itself, for telegraphic’ communi-
cations sent by it and containing only matter intended for publication
by the press or for broadcasting (including communications addressed to”
or despatched from places outside the Colony), of any reduced rates.
applicable for the corresponding service in the case of press telegrams.


B. ‘Representatives on Organs or Committees
of the Union.

9, Immunity anp Privireces. (1) Except in so far as in any
particular case any privilege or immunity is waived by the Government
whom they represent, representatives of members at the World Meteoro-
logieal Congress, on the Executive Committec, at regional associations, on
technical commissions, or on any committee of any of these bodies shall
enjoy :— :
(a) while exercising their functions as such and during their

journeys or detention and f®%m seizure of their personal baggage
and inviolability for all papers and documents; °

(6) immunity from legal process. of every kind in respect: of
words spoken or written and things done or omitted to be done by
them in their capacity as representatives.

; (2) Where the incidence of any form of taxation depends upon

residence, representatives shall not be deemed to he resident in « Presi-
dency of the Colony during any period when they are present in that
Presidency of the Colony for the discharge of their duties.

(3) For the purposes of the application of this section the expres-
sion “representatives ” shall be deemed to include, in addition to the
representatives, the following members of their official staffs accompany-
ing them as such representatives:—

Alternate representatives,

Technical experts,
Secretaries of Delegations,

and Part IV of the Schedule to the Act shall not operate so as to confer
. 8 . oe . a

privileges or immunities on the ‘staffs of representatives other than on

those persons falling within the aboveinentioned descriptions.

C. High Officials of the Organisation.

10.. Tue Secrerary-Generat. Except in so far as in any
particular case any privilege or immunity is waived by the Organisation,
any officer of the Organisation holding the office of Secretary-General
‘(including any officer acting for him during his absence from duty) shall
be accorded in réspect of himself, his spouse and his children under the
age of twenty-one, the like immunity from suit and legal process, the
like inviolability of residence and the like exemption or relief from
taxes, other than*income tax, as is accorded to an envoy of a foreign
sovereign’ Power accredited to Her Majesty, his spouse and children,
and exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments received by
him as an officer of the Organisation.

D. Other Officials of the Organisation.

11. Immuntrres. Except in so far as in any particular case
any privilege or immunity is waived by the Organisation, officials of the
Organisation of any category specified by it shall enjoy:—

(@) immunity from suit and legal process in respect of words
spoken or written and things done or omitted to be done by them in
the course of the performance of their official duties;

(6) exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments
received by them as officers or servants of the Organisation.

E. General.

The names of the persons to whom the. provisions of sections 9, 10
and 11 of this Order apply shall be set forth in a list compiled and
published from time to time by the Governor under section 2 (3) of the
Act, and such list shall show in regard to each person the date as from
which, for the purposes of this Order, he first held the office or employ-
ment in question and the date when he ceased to hold that office or

13. ApprRovAL oF GENERAL Leaisiative Councin. This Order
shall be laid before the General Legislative Council.

Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December,

Heten H. Betxor,
Acting Clerk of the Council.


(This Note ig.not part of the Order, but is intended to indicate its general

This Order provides immunities and privileges required by the International _
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies (Cmd.
7673) to be accorded in connexion with the World Meteorological Organisation.
The making of this Order will enable Her Majesty’s Government in the United
Kingdom to fulfil their obligations resulting from their accession to that Conven-
tion in respect of W.M.O.

esti mate €

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

20/00015 —480—12,55, [Price 6 cents.)




+ 1955, No. 40.


WHEREAS by section 2 of the Diplomatic Privileges (Extension) Act, 1948
(hereinafter referred to as the Act) it is enacted: :

That the provisions of this section shall apply to any organisation declared by
Order of the Governor in Council to be an organisation of which Her Majesty’s
Government in the United Kingdom and the government or governments of one
or more foreign sovereign Powers are members;

That the Governor in Council may by Order provide that any organisation to
which this section applies shall, to such extent as may be specified in the Order,
have the immunities and privileges set.out in Part I of the Schedule to the Act
and shall also have the legal capacities of a body corporate;

That the Governor in Council may by Order confer on. the representatives
(whether of governments or not) on any organ of the organisation and upon
officers and servarits of the organisation, the immunities and privileges set out in
Parts II and III of the said Schedule to the extent specified in the Order; and

That Part IV of the Schedule to the Act shall have effect for the purpose of
extending to the staffs of representatives and to the families of certain high
officers of the organisation any immunities and privileges conferred on the repre-
sentatives or officers, except in so far as the operation of the said Part IV is
excluded by the Order conferring privileges and immunities;

AND WHEREAS the Universal Postal Union, on the 5th day of April, 1949,
deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations a notification that’ it
accepted the standard clauses of the Convention on Privileges and Immunities
for the Specialised Agencies of the United Nations and the said Convention there-
upon became applicable to the Union in accordance with section 37 thereof;

AND WHEREAS Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom have
in accordance with section 41 of the said Convention acceded to the said Conven-
tion in respect of the Universal Postal Union:

NOW, THEREFORKH, the Governor in Council, by virtue and in exercise of
the powers in this behalf conferred on him by the Act or otherwise in him vested,
is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:—


1. SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT. This Order may be cited as the
Diplomatic Privileges (Universal Postal Union) Order, 1955 and shall be deemed ~
to have come into force on the 17th day of December, 1954.

A. The Organisation.

2. DECLARATION. The Univergal Postal Union (hereinafter referred to as
“the Union”) is an organisation of which the United Kingdom and foreign
sovereign Powers are embers.

3, Bopy CoRPORATE. The Union shall have the legal capacitios of a body
corporate and, except in so far asin any particular case it has expressly waived
. its immunity, immunity from suit and legal process. No waiver of immunity
shall be deemed to extend to any measure of execution.

4. INVIOLABILITY OF ARCHIVES. ‘he Union shall-have the like inviola-
bility of official archives and premises occupied as offices as is accorded in respect
of official archives and premises of an envoy of aforeign sovereign Power accred-
ited to Her Majesty: :

5. EXEMPTION FROM TAXES. The Union shall have the like exemption
or relief from taxes and rates, other than taxes on the importation of goods, as is
accorded to a foreign sovereign Power.

6. EXEMPTION FROM Customs Duty. The Union shall have exemption
from taxes on the importation of goods directly imported by the Union for
its official use in any Presidency of the Colony or for exportation, or on the
importation of any publications of the Union directly imported by’ it, such
exemption to be subject to compliance with such conditions as the QOollector of
Customs of the Presidency into or from which such importation or exportation is
made may prescribe for the protection of the revenue. :

TIONS TC. The Union shall have exemption from prohibitions and restrictions
on importation or exportation in the case of goods directly imported or exported
by the Union for its official use and in the case of any publications of the Union
directly imported or exported by it.

shall have the right to avail itself, for telegraphic communications sent by it and
containing only matter intended for publication by the press or for broadcasting
(including communications addressed to or despatched from places outside the
Colony), of any reduced rates applicable for the corresponding service in the case
of press telegrams.

B. Representatives on Organs or Committees of the Union.

9. IMMUNITY AND PRivrLeGcEs. (1) Except in so far as in any particular
case any privilege or immunity is waived by the Government whom, they. repre-
sent, representatives of members at Congresses, on the Executive and Liaison
Committee, at administrative conferences or on commissions provided for in the
constitution of the Union, or on any committee of any of these bodies shall


(a) while exercising their functions as such and during their journeys to
and from the place of meeting, immunity from personal arrest or detention
and from seizure of their personal baggage and inviolability for all papers and _


(6) immunity from legal process of every kind in respect of words
spoken or written and things done or omitted to be done by them in their
capacity as representatives.


(2) Where the incidence of any form of taxation depends upon residence,
representatives shall not be deemed to be resident in a Presidency of ‘the Colony
during any period when they are present in that Presidency of the Colony for the
discharge of their duties. 73

(3) For the purposes of the application of this section the expression “ repre-
sentatives” shall be deemed to include, in addition to the representatives, the
following members of their official staffs accompanying them as such representa-

Alternate representatives,


Technical experts,

Secretaries of Delegations,
and Part IV of the Schedule to the Act shall not operate so as to confer privileges
or immunities on the staffs of representatives other than on those persons falling
within the abovementioned descriptions.

CG. High Officials of the Union.

_ag in any particular case any privilege or immunity is waived by the Union, the
Director of the International Bureau of the Union (including any officer acting
for him during his absence from duty) shall be accorded, in respect of himself,
his spouse and his children under the age of twenty-one, the like immunity from
suit and legal process, the like inviolability of residence and the Jike exemption
or relief from taxes, other than income tax, as is accorded to an envoy of a foreign
sovereign Power uceredited to Her Majesty, his spouse and children, and
exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments received by him as an
officer of the Union. é

D. Other Officials of the Union.

11. ImMunITIES. Except in so far asin any particular case any privilege
or immunity is waived by the Union, officials of the Union of any category speci-
fied by it shall enjoy :-—

(a) immunity from suit and legal process in respect of words spoken or
written and things done or omitted to be done by them in the course of the
performance of their official duties;

(b) exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments received by
them as officers or servants of the Union.

E. General.

The names of the persons to whom the provisions of sections 9, 10 and 11 of this
Order apply shall be set forth in a list compiled and published from time to time
by the Governor under section 2 (3) of the Act, and such list shall show in regard
to each person the date as from which, for the purposes of this Order, he first
held the office or employment in question and the date when he ceased to hold
that office or employment.

13. ApPRovAL OF GENERAL LEGISLATIVE CounorL. This Order ghall
be laid before the General Legislative Council.

Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December, 1955.

Acting Clerk of the Couneitl.


(This note is not part of the Order, but is intended to indicate its general

This Order provides immunities and privileges required by the International
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialised Agencies
(Cmd. 7673) to be accorded in connexion with ‘the Universal Postal Union. The
making of this Order will enable Her Majesty’s Government in the United King-
dom to fulfil their obligations resulting from their accession to that Convention
in respect of U.P.U. 2

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M, BLACKMAN, Government Printer,—By Authority.
1955. /
20/00015480—12.55. _ Price 6 cents,



1955, No. 41

Union) Orprr, 1955, Datrp DrcempBer 10, 1955, Mapr BY THE
Priviteces (Extension) Act, 1948 (No. 9/1948).

WHEREAS by section 2 of the Diplomatic Privileges (Extension)
Act, 1948 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) it is enacted:

That the provisions of this section shall apply to any Organisation
declared by Order of the Governor in Council to be an Organisation
of which Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom and the
Government or Governments of one or more foreign sovereign Powers
are members;

That the Governor in Council may by Order provide that any
Organisation to which this section applies shall to such extent as muy be
specified in the Order, have the immunities and privileges set out in
Part I of the Schedule to the Act and shall also have the legal
capacities of a body corporate; :

That the Governor in Council may by Order confer on the
representatives (whether of Governments or not) on any organ of the
Organisation and upon officers and servants of the Organisation, the
immunities and privileges set out in Parts [I and III of the said
Schedule to the extent specified in the Order; and

That Part [V of the Schedule to the Act shall have effect for the
purpose of extending to the staffs of representatives and to the families
of certain high officers of the Organisation any immunities and
privileges conferred on the representatives or officers, except in so far
as the operation of the said Part IV is excluded by the Order confer- -
ring privileges and immunities;

AND WHEREAS the International Telecommunication Union,
on the 16th day of January, 1951, deposited with the Secretary-General
of the United Nations a notification that it accepted the standard clauses
of the Convention on Privileges and Immunities for the Specialised
Agencies of the United Nations except that it did not claim for itself the
enjoyment of privileged treatment with regard to the facilities in respect

of communications provided in Article IV, section 1}, and the said

Convention. thereupon became applicable to the Union in.accordance with
section 87 thereof; :

AND WHEREAS Her Majesty’s Government in the United
Kingdom have in accordance with section 41 of the suid Convention
acceded to the said Convention in respect of the International
Telecommunication’ Union: ; ;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in Council by virtue and
in exercise of the powers in this behalf conferred on him by the Act
or otherwise in him vested, is pleased to order, and it is hereby
ordered .as follows: :

1. SHorr. Trrre anp Commencement. This Order may ‘be
cited as the Diplomatic Privileges (International Telecommiunication
Union) Order, 1955, and shall be deemed to have come into force
on the 17th day of December, 1954. :

A. The Organisation.

9. DuctaratTion. The International Telecommunication Union
(hereinafter referred to as ‘the Union”) is an Organisation of which
the United Kingdom and foreign sovereign Powers are members.

3. Bopy Corporates: The Union shall have the legal capacities
of » body corporate and, except in so far as in any particular case it
has expressly waived its immunity, immunity from suit and legal
process. No waiver of immunity shall be deemed to extend to any
measure of execution.

4, InvioLasinity or ArcHIvEs. The Union shall have the
like inviolability of official archives and premises occupied as offices as is
accorded inrespect of official archives and premises of an envoy of a
foreign sovereign Power accredited to Her Majesty.

5. Exemption rrom Taxes. The Union shall have the like
exemption or relief from taxes and rates, other. than taxes on the
importation of goods, as is accorded to a foreign sovereign Power.

6. Exemption rrom Customs Pury. The Union shall have
exemption from taxes on the importation of goods directly imported
by the Union for its official use in any Presidency of the Colony or
for exportation, -or on the importation of any publications of the
Union ‘directly imported by it, such exemption to be subject to
compliance with such conditions as the Collector of Customs of the
Presidency into or from which such importation is made may prescribe
for the protection of the revenue.


d |
D. Other Officials of the Organisation.

11, Iwmuntrres. Except in so far as in any particular case
any privilege or immunity is waived by the Organisation, officials of the
Organisation of any category specified by it shall enjoy:—

(a) immunity from suit and legal process in respect of words
spoken or written and things done or omitted to be done by them in
the course of the performance of their official duties;

(6) exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments
received by them as officers or servants of the Organisation.

E. General.

The names of the persons to whom the provisions of sections 9, 10
and 11 of this Order apply shall be set forth in a list compiled and
published from time to time by the Governor under section 2 (3) of the
Act, and such list shall show in regard to each person the date as from
which, for the purposes of this Order, he first held the office or employ-
ment in question and the date when he ceased to hold that office or

13. ApprovaL or GENERAL Leqisuative Counciy. This Order
shall be laid before the General Legislative Council.

Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December,

Heten H. Betxor,
Acting Clerk of the Council.


(This Note ig. not part of the Order, but is intended to indicate its general

This Order provides immunities and sHyiloves required by the International.

Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies (Cmd.
7673) to be accorded in connexion with the World Meteorological Organisation.
The making of this Order will enable Her Majesty’s Government in the United
Kingdom to fulfil their obligations resulting from their accession to that Conven-
tion in respect of W.M.O.

———__—_ &

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLacKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

20/00015 —480—12,55, ' [Price 6 cents.)


the age of twenty-one, the like immunity from. suit and legal process,
_ the like inviolability of residence and the like exemption or relief from.
- taxes, other than income tax, as is aceorded to an envoy of a foreign
sovereign Power accredited to Her Majesty, his spouse and children, and
exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments received oe him as
an officer of the Union. -

D. -Other Officials of the Union.

10. Immunities. Except in so far as in any particular case any
privilege or immunity is waived by the Union, officials of the Union
of any category specified by it shall enjoy:—

(a) immunity from suit and legal process in respect of words
spoken or written and things done or omitted to be done by them
in the course of the performance of their official duties;

(6) exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments
received by them as officers or servants of the Union.

E. General.

The names of the persons to whom the provisions of sections 8, 9 and
10 ‘of this Order apply shall be set forth in a list compiled and
published from time to time by the Governor under section 2 (3) of 4
the Act, and such list shall show in regard to each person the date +
as from which, for the purposes of this Order, he first held the office
or employment in question’and the date when he ceased to hold that
office or employment.

12, AppPRovaL oF GENERAL LeeisLative Counciy. This Order -
shall be laid before the General Legislative Council.

Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December,
1955. ;
Hrien H. Bextor,
Acting Clerk of the Council.


(This Note is not part of the Order, but is intended to indicate its -
general purport).

This Order provides immunities and privileges required by the International
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialised Agencies (Cmd.
7673) to be accorded in connexion with the International Telecommunication
Union. The making of this Order will enable Her Majesty’s Government in
the United Kingdom to fulfil their obligations resulting from their accession to
that Convention in respect of I. T. U.

— —-—— x

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLaoxMan, Government Printer, — By Authority.

90/00015—480—12,55, [Price 6 conte.)

gf ae

Full Text



Bublished by Authority.

No. 55.


The Governor in Council has, in
accordance with the provisions of
Section 32(1) of the Elementary
Education Act, Cap. 86, been pleased
to approve of the extension of the
appointments of the following persons
to be members of the Board of Educa-
tion of the Virgin Islands for the
period from the 13th December to the
31st December, 1955:—

The Hon. H. R. Pann, M.B.E.,



The Secretariat,

10th December, 1955.

M.P. 28/00005.

For the notice of assent in respect
of Virgin Islands Ordinance No. 7 of
1955 appearing in notice No. 121 of
Leeward Islands Gazette No. 54 of
the 8th December, 1955, the follow-
ing should be substituted therefor:—

No. 7 of 1955, ‘The Transfer
of Sombrero (General Legislature
Competency) Ordinance, 1955”.

The Secretarvat,
13th December, 1955.

No. 124.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information:—

Surgeon Specialist (Resident Medi-
cal Superintendent,) Holberton
Hospital, Antigua, to act as Senior
Medical Officer, Antigua, until the
Senior Medical Officer returns from
the British Virgin Islands.

Dec. 7

No. 125.

The Governor has, this day, been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinances:—


No. 13 of 1955, “The Vehicles and
Road Traffic (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1955", / Dee. 9



328. 797
yer &

Virgin Islands.

No. 10 of 1955, ‘The Buildings
Ordinance, 1955”. Dec. 7

No. 126.

The following Bills which are to be
introduced in the Leyislative Council
of Antigua, are circulated with this
Gazette and form part thereof:—

“The Interpretation of Laws
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.”

“The Public Service Commission
Ordinance, 1955.”

“The Antigua Constitution and
HKlections (Amendment) Ordinance,

No. 127.

The following Statutory Rules and
Orders are circulated with this Gazette
and form part thereof:—

General Government.

No. 36 of 1955, ** The Stamps (In-
validation) (No. 2) Order, 1955.”
1 pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 37 of 1955, “The Dangerous
Drugs (Application) Order, 1955.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 38 of 1955, “ The Diplomatic
Privileges (International Civil Avia-
tion Organization) (Amendment)
Order, 1955.” 2 pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 39 of 1955, ‘“*The Diplomatic

Privileges (World Meteorological
Organisation) (Amendment) ‘rder,
LODO"? 4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 40 of 1955, ‘‘The Diplomatic
Privileges (Universal Postal Union)
Order, 1955.” 4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 41 of 1955, ‘The Diplomatic
Privileges (International Telecommu-
nication Union) Order, 1955.

4 pp. Prite 6 cents.

8th December, 1955.

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Thursday
the 29th day of December, 1955 at
12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons

hereinafter named, the same having
been levied upon to satisfy the City
Rate due thereon for the year 1955.

W. K. Heath.

* Elizabeth Robinson, William

Henry Edwards.

Anthony Michael, John



Joseph Fernandez.

Acting Provost Marshal.

7th December, 1955.

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Thursday
the 29th day of December, 1955 at
12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons
hereafter named, the same having
been levied upon to satisfy the City
Rate due thereon for the year 1955.


Estate of Sarah Saunders, Isaac
J. Hawkins, Alfred Reynolds, Isabella
Davis, Edward Terry, Elizabeth
Edwards, Lucy Jack, Alice M. Smith,
Foster E. L. Matthew, Donald Meade.


Gladys B. Winter, Igal Winter,
Estate of John Punter, George James,
Ivy Dench, George Monroe, Heirs
of Eliza Stevens, Adelaide Buntin,
Samuel Henry, Frances James, Laurel
Irene Foey, Heirs of Keene, Estate of
Charles Isaac, Mary Grant, Charles
Issac, Alice Adams, Estate of Samuel
Martin, James & Mitchell Charlotte
Mathurin, Heirs of Jos. Thibou,
Francis Samuel.


George H. Joseph, Selina Billing-
hurst, Emily Mason, James John,


Florence Ramsay, Henrietta John,
William John, Heirs of Albert Barnard
Jane Ann Wilson, Ellen Gurneg,
Theophilus Bird, John Dowe, Louisa
Thomas, Estate of Mary Green,
Sydney Benjamin, Louisa Semper,
Davii! Beazer.


Mary Samuel, Lonisa Semper,
Heirs of S. Daniel, Seamen’s Friendly
Society, Dorcas Osborne, Ferdinand
Martin, Grace Ann Pelle, Alfred
Hunie, Heirs of Daniel Peters.


Kenneth Murdoch, Agatha Hors-
ford, Alfred O. Wallace. Bertie Oliver,
John Lucas, Kdmund Simon, Anthony
Jarvis, Rosaline Morgan, Ickford
Winter (2), Eric Joseph.

Acvting Provost Marshal.

Tenders are invited for the supply
of the unidermentioned items to
Government Institutions in Antigua
for the period ending 30th June, 1956.

2. All tenders must be addressed
to the Administrator of Antigua in
sealed envelopes marked “ Tenders
for the supply of Groceries, etc” and
delivered at the Adiministrator’s Office
not later than noon on Saturday 17th
December, 1955.

3. Government does not bind itself
to accept the lowest or any tender.


Batter (5 Ib. and 1 1b. ting)
Cheese (5 1b. and 12 oz. tins)
Fish—salted, pickled, tinned
Edible Oil
Meat—salted, pickled,

smoked and cured
Kerosene Oil


Sweet Potatoes
Eddces & 'Tannias
Green vegetables
Vegetables Imported.

Laundry Necessaries.
Wushing Soda

Eggs & Poultry

Adminis/rator’s Office,
Ref. No, A. 41/36.


Under the provisions of Sections 3
and 13 of the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance, No. 8 of 1900, the build-
ing known as the Government Cotton
Honse, situated at the Western
end of Church Street, has been
provided for the storage of goods
unladen from any vessels arriving
in this Presidency and will be a
part of the Queen’s Warehouse
until further notice. Goods intended
to be stored in this warehouse may
be landed at the wharf adjacent to
it which is popularly known as
Dews’ Wharf.

Collector of Customs.

3rd December, 1955.


Queen’s Warehouse.

Importers are requested to clear
goods landing at this port, promptly,
to avoid (a) congestion in the Queen’s
Warehouse and (4) damage to such
goods. The Collector of Customs
cannot accept responsibility for dam-
age to such goods and prompt delivery
cannot be gnaranteed on receipt of
import warrants (entries) if, through
being left in the warehouse for long
periods, the packages have been
blocked up or covered over by sub-
sequent consignments of goods.

Collector of Customs.

8th November, 1955.

Sale of Perishable Goods in
The Queen’s Warehouse.

All perishable goods, which at the
date of this notice are in the Queen’s
Warehouse, will be sold by Public
Auction under the provisions of sub-
section (3) of Section 26 of the Trade
and Revenue Ordinance, No. 8 of
1900, between the 15th and 16th
December, 1955, unless all other dues thereon accrued are paid
and the goods removed by 3.30 p.m.
on the 14th December, 1955.

Notice of the exact time of sale of
these goods will be given by a Crier
with a bell.

The term ‘perishable goods” in-
cludes all fresh vegetables, including
white potatoes and onions, fresh fruit
and smoked and salted fish and meat
(untinned) which shows signs of

Collector of Customs.

10th December, 1955.

[15 December, 1955.

Sale of Goods in Queen’s Ware-
house under the Provisions
of the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance, No. 8 of 1900.

All goods which, at the 30th Nov-
ember, 1955, had been over three
months in the Queen’s Warehouse
will be sold by public euction, unless,
within two weeks from the date of
this notice, the owners or c-nsigneeg
thereof pay the duties on such guods
and remove them from the Warehouse.

The list of goods liable for sale
under the terms of this notiee will
be published, when completed, by
copies thereof being exposed on the
main doors of the Customs Office and
Queen’s Warehouse.

Collector of Customs.

10th December, 1955.

Control of Imports & Exports
Notice No. 4 of 1955

Imports of Refrigeration Plant

Nearly all types of Commercial
Refrigerators, Refrigerated Cabinets
and Display Counters and Refrigera-
tion Plant, can now be obtained
from the United Kingdom and
I can furnish the addresses of
several United Kingdom manufac-
turers of such goods to any importers
who may be interested.

Collector of Customs and
Supply Officer.

25th November, 1955.


'Oentral Experiment Station,


1951, 1952, 1953. 1954, 1965,

Jan, 3.60 2.41 1.93 3.04 2.16
Feb, 188 1.60 1.02 2.45 63
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08 83
Apr. 2416 $3.14 2.06 ot) gumelicd)
May 10.54 3.07 1.50 3.83 2.81
June 2.74 3.74 1.31 3.32 1.47
July 3.28 8.38 $20) S47 243
Aug, 9.18 8.43 3.15 5.93 8.25
Sept. 12.06 5.55 2.10 9.91 5'59
Oct. SH 549 $35 4.62 4.60
Nov. 3.67 5.19 524 154 3.19

Dec. 3rd 1.83 .88 10 12 61

53.93 51.20 28.06 39.80 33,07

15 December, 1955. ] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 211

Antiaua, 9th December, 1955.

PHILIP MORRIS INCORPORATED, of 100 Park Avenue, New York, State of New
York, U.S.A. have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following: —

a Cigereties


——— Ggorettes ————— =<


in Class 45 that is to say: Cigarettes

The Applicants claim that they have used the said Trade Mark in respect of the said goods
for one month before the date of their said Application.

Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this Advertise-
ment in the Leeward Islands Gazette, give notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks Office, Antigua, of
opposition to registration of the said Trade Mark.

CeciL O. Byron,
Acting Registrur of Trade Marks.
212 THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTR. [15 December, 1955.
All figures in British West Indian dollars.
Number of reporting banks: 4.

Figures for end of quarter 30th September, 1955.

$ $
1. Notes in cirenlation —_ 1. Cash in Treasury 73,306.41
2. Deposits 2,259,349.85 2. Balances due by other banks in Colony —

(i) Demand —
(ii) Time

— 3. Balances due from banks abroad
(iii) Savings 2,259,349.85

| and other short claims —
3. Balances due to 4. Loans and Advances —_
(a) Other banks in Colony —

(b) Banks abroad _ 3. Investments 2,221,399.95

(a) Local 269,473.16

4. Other Liabilities 41,141.23 (J) Other 1,951,926.79
6. Other Assets 5,784.72
Total Liabilities 2,300,491.08 Total Assets ~ 2.300.491.08

—- ge ee


It is hereby notified for general information that, in accordance with the provisions of the Stamps (Invalida-
tion) (No. 2) Order, 1955, (General Government S.R. & O. No. 36 of 1955), all federal issues of Leeward Islands
Stamps. as set out below, will no longer be used for the payment of postage or stamp duties after the 30th June, 1956,
in view of the defederation of the Leeward Islands Colony with effect from the lst July, 1956:—

Order in Council authorising issue. Value of Stamps to be invalidated
9th Jannary, 1922 _ ga., Id. 2d., 24d., 3d. 6d., I]-, 2/6, 5)-.
17th May, 1926 — 2/6, 3j-, 4]-.
No. 15 of 1928, as amended by No. 16 of 1937— All values
No. 31 of 1938 — td., 6d., 1j-, 2)-, 5/-.

Nos. L and 6 of 1951 (University College — 3c., 12e¢.
of the West Indies)

No. 3 of 1954 - — All values.

2. Provision has, however, been made in the above-mentioned Invalidation Order for a period of grace of
three months thereafter, that is on or before the 30th September, 1956, within which holders of Leeward Islands
Stamps invalidated by the Order may effect their exchange at any Post Office in the Presidencies of Antigua, St. Kitts-
Nevis-Anguilla, Montserrat and the British Virgin Islands for a stamp or stamps of equal value authorised for use in
those Presidencies.

Seon etariut,
Leeward Tstands,
10th December, 1955.

15 December, 19535. | THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE, alles

Christian and Surname at length Place of Abode Calling Nature of Qualification ete
Abbott, Leonard -| City Mechanic Income of £30 pa.
Abbott, Norris ..| Sanderson Overseer Salary of £50 p.a.
Abbott, Victor Gerald -; Dalzells | Peasant Proprietor | Income of £30 p.a.
Ackam, Hezekiah .««| Boluns | Planter - £50 p.a.
Alexander, Foster « City ' e | "
Allaway, Richard | sy | Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.
Allen, Alfred lee ' Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.
Ambrose, Maurice .. | Cedar Grove | Musician ‘Income of _,,
Ansel, Ronald Alexander -| City Merchant Income of £150 p.a. S.J.
Antonio, Lawrence Le ' Clerk Salary of £50 p.a,
Antonio, Clement ieee | Clerk - £50 p.a.
Antonio, Francis Karl -| Belmont Manager | Salary of ,,
Anjo, Francis Roderiques .»| Hodges Bay ' Merchant Income of £150 p.a. S.J.
Anjo, Lawrence Roderiques ..| City Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.

} |
Bailey, Louis al) Oiitisy Jeweller | Income of £30 p.a.
Bailey, Donald he Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.
Barnes, Irving Edward Alexander — .-.| Cedar Grove ' Joiner Income £30 p.a.
Barretto, Angelo +, Bolans | Shopkeeper _ "
Barnes, Leonard | Cedar Grove | Joiner - zs
Baptist, James ol| Chtay . Tailor Tricome of £50 p.a.
Barretto, John = | Shopkeeper os of £30 p.a.
Barretto, Manoel i ees | Clerk -
Bell, Austin . Gunthorpes Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Benjamin, Kdgar Alexander ..| City | Merchant | Income of £30 p.a.
Benjamin, Lewis Albert Emery ia . Income of £150 p.a. S.J
Bento, Alvro 3 Clerk Salary £50 p.a,
Bente, Fabian | 99 x ey, s
Blackett, Jobn " | Rum Distiller 5 st
Blanchard, Morris oI | Clerk -
Bowry, Eric . ' Clerk Salary of ,,
Boxhill, John Carlisle x Bakery Manager Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.
Bridges, Maurice . | Barber Income of £30 p.a.
Brown, Arnold 5a | Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Brown, Jr. James Adolphus Nibbs . Clerk - ”
Brown, Joshua Potters Peasant Proprietor _,, x
Brown, Ralph Arthur Lindsay City Clerk me
Browne. Robert " o eer ;
Brumant, Bruno eo ees Printer e -
Bryson. Thomas Arbercrombie Hay -..) 5 , Business Manager Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.
Buckley, Edgar Pen aes | Clerk = £50 p.a.
Burton, Joseph .| St. Johnston’s | Electrician . a

Bourne. Keith .. | City Printer ee 7
Camacho, Alexander .| City Garage Propreitor Income of £50 p.a.
Camacho, John re Merchant a re
‘Yamacho, Vincent Joseph ...| Fairview Auctioneer i £30 p.a.
Carmichael, Victor ...| City * Laboratory Assistant | Salary of £50 p.a.
Carr, William | Ottos Mechanic Income of ,,
Caines, Elwood _.| Greenbay Clerk Salary i
Challenger, Aubrey ...| Fairview * £30 p.a.
Chambers, Arnold Picaat ..| All Saints Merchant Income of £150 p.a. S.J
Charles, Joseph A. ...| Parham Road Overseer Salary of £50 p.a.
Chambers, Edmund ...| City | Clerk 3 .
Christian, Donald ...| Fort Road ' Joiner Income of £50 p.a.
Christian, Clarence ...| Side Hill ' Builder & Contractor * £30 p.a.
Christian, Morris .| City Sugar Curer | Salary of £50 p.a.
Coates, Cox Ses Cabinet Maker Income of £30 p.a.
Cockburn, John Allan .../ Gunthorpes Engineer Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.
Colbourne, Claxton Augustus ...| City | Tailor Income of £30 p.a.
Cooke, Walter R. ...| Comfort Hall | Manager Salary of £50 p.a.
Cools-Latigue, Hugh Joseph .| City ' Clerk 0
Cort, Lionel .| Gunthorpes | Sugar Curer Salary of £50 p.a.
Cort, Patrick eee ” ” ” ”
Crawford, Strickland Gerald ..| City Shoemaker Income £30 p.a.
Crump, John Edmund .| Seatons Overseer Salary of £50 p.a.
Crump, Sherman .| Freetown Builder Income of ,,
Cummings Oliver .--| Osborne Village is o

| Blectrician

Jurors’ List for the year 1956—(cont’d)

{15 December, 1955.

Christian and Surname at length Place of Abode Calling Nature of Qualification ee

Daniel Hesketh Maurice | City | Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Davis, Edward s Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.

Davis, Joseph Alexander = Builder & Contractor | ,, £150 p.a. S.J.

Davis, Walter O’Million - - e - S.J.

Davis, Oliver a Business Manager R - S.J.

Denully, John ola Bakery Manager Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.

Desuza. George .| City Distiller Salary of £50

DeFreitas. Allen oe ees Electrician Income ,,

Dew, Ernest Dalmer ...| Hodges Bay Enginecr Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.

DeSilva, Ronald | City Clerk - £50 p.a.

Dias, John Baptiste elie Mechanic Income of £30 p.a.

Dickenson. Denis | Jennings es £150 p.a. S.J.

Dickenson, Francis C. .| Willocks Overseer | Salary of £50 p.a.

Doram. Donelley ...| Ovals Clerk a a

Dow, Charlesworth ..| City oH ” ”

Dow, Guy lace = | on m

Edwards, Charles ., Ovals | Shopkeeper Income ,,

Edwards, Alfonso DeShield _..| Parham Clerk : , Salary as

Edwards, Dennis .. Ovals Aircraft Refueller se Pe

Edwards, Hubert pool 65 | Mechanic i Income ,,

Evanson, John Allan ...| City ' Clerk Salary es

Farara, Hmanuel os | Business Manager Income of £150 p.a. | S.J.

Farara, Jayme 3 ' “ Salary es S.J.

Farara, Quin . | Shopkeeper Income ,,

Fernandez, John Gilbert | | Business Manager ‘ £30 p.a.

Fernandez, Joseph Belt cass a a £150 p.a. S.J.

Francis, Fernley ...| Long Lane ; Planter Salary of £50 p.a.

Francis, Francis Alexis ...| City | Merchant BP es |

Francis, Knella -»-| Clare Hall Mechanic ms a

Francis, William .| Comfort Hall Overseer ” S

Gabriel, Samuel Lewis Denis s+) City Engineer Income of £30 p.a.

Gardener, James ..-| Newfield Shopkeeper a es

Gilead, Claxton .-| City | Printer - £50 p.a.

Gilead, Oscar -| Gray Farm | Builder og e

Gomes, Bernard ..| Blackmans | Planter | Salary of £30 p.a.

Gomes, Raymond ..-| Newfield Shopkeeper Income _,,

Gomes, Wilfred Alexander -| City Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Gomes, Arthur ms ne eee rp

Gomez, Kenneth _ _ Merchant ' Income of £150 p.a. S.J.

Gonsalves, Arnold * | Clerk i Salary of £50 p.a.

Gonsalves, Cyril ere ms -

Gonsalves, Lawrence Arthur en | Shopkeeper ' Income _,,

Gonsalves, Morris en e tee ”

Gonsalves, Rophine ...| Liberta ae

Goodwin, Basil Carodoc Pea iby, Clerk ‘Salary of £150 p.a. S.J.

Goodwin, Harry Leon | All Saints Barber Income of £50 p.a |

Goodwin, James Emanuel .++| Liberta Shopkeeper “ a \

Goodwin, Joseph Warneford - City Clerk Salary a

Gordon, Hubert Theophilus = ' Baker Income of £30 p.a.

Gordon, Stuart A. +; Parham | Shopkeeper en es |

Gore, Rupert se) City | Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.

Greenidge, Latirie --.| City Clerk Lees os

Halipike, Charles Arthur Shand -| City | Clerk Income of £30 p.a.

Hamilton, Alfonso a Builder & Contractor eS £150 p.a. S.J.

Hampson, George Alexander .-- Gunthorpes | Mechanic £30 p.a.

Heath, William Keathly .-| City Clerk a £200 p.a. | S.J.

Hector, Rupert oe Shopkeeper i £50 p.a. |

Henry, Dennis . St. Claires Manager 3 £50 p.a.

Henry, Ernest Victor .. Ffryes Land Proprietor Possessed of 100 acres S.J.
| of land

Henry, Kenneth -| City Tailor Income of £30 p.a.

Henzell, Frank Louis Peregrine ...| Long Island Business Manager Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.

Hewlett, John Dalrymple ...| City Clerk e » £50 p.a

Hilaire, Francis - Dental Mechanic _ » £50 p.a.

Hill, Denzil es Clerk a » £50 p.a.

Horsford, Ivan " Clerk Income of £50 p.a.

Ireland, George i Shopkeeper Income of £50 p.a.

Ireland, Hugh N. a Mechanic fF 4, £50 p.a.

Isaac, Cecil Leonard . Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Isaac, Earl es Shoemaker Income of £30 p.a.

15 December, 1955. ]


Jurors’ List for the year 1956—(con?’d).

Christian and Surname at length.

James Alfred

James, George L. C.

James, Joshua A.

James, Samuel

Jardine, Morris

Jarvis, Walter Oliver Alexander
Jeffrey, Alfred

John, George Elisha George
Johnson, Clarence

Joseph, Alexis

Joseph, Dennis

Joseph, Thomas Gurthwick Josiah
Joseph, Samuel

Karam, Maurice
Khoury, Elisha
Khoury, Mitchell
Kirwan, Ashley
Knowles, James
Knowles, Oliver

Lake, Henzill
Lake. Arthur
Longtord, Egbert
Laurent, Joseph
Laviscount, John
Lewis, George
Lewis, Rupert
Lewis, Walter
Lindsay, Lawson
Looby, Ercille
Lord, Munro
Lovell, Harold
Luke, Richard Keathroy


Mannix, Henry Alford
Martin, Charles

Martin, Desmond

Martin, Euriel

Martin, George

Martin, Arthur

Mason, ixcith

Mason, Finest

Mason, Vichard Stephen Smith

Messiah. William Cornelius rolpbus

Matthew, Allen

Matthew, (George
Matthews. Griffith
Matthews, Walter
Maynerd, Mdward Gerald
Maynard, George Edward
Maynard, Lawrence
Medhurst, Howard James
McDonald. Miles
Mellanson, Carol

Mendes, Norris Ferdinand Joseph
Mendes, Stephen Roy
Merchant, Charles *
Merchant, Joseph
McDonald, Frank

Michael, Claude

Michael, Joseph

Michael, Maurice

Michael, Melville Samuel
Michael, Mitchell

Moore, John Harold
Moore, Hilton

Moore, Walter
Mollyneaux, James
Murphy, Arthur Foster Wall
Murphy, Henry Owen
Murray, Casford Llewellyn
Myers, Joseph Adolphus

Place of Abode.

-| All Saints

--| Golden Grove
---| Factory

---| Pigotts

-»+| City

..| Powells


«+ Kentish Village
-| Vernons Road
-| Carlisle


..| City
...| Potters
mera A Onlisya
...| Kentish Village
.. | Yorks
.| City


.| Ottos

..| Sanderson
.| City

.../ Gunthorpes
.| City

...| Belmont

... The Villa

.... Montpellier
..| City
..| City
. Ottog

. Ovals
. Burkes
me Gog
| .| Thibous
| City






Ship Contractor

Garage Proprietor


Builder & Contractor



| Clerk

| Druggist

_ Shopkeeper

, Overseer
Insurance Agent



Garage Proprietor




Dental Mechanic

| Garage Proprietor
' Clerk

Garage Proprietor
Business Manager
| Driver

Watch Repairer
| Overseer

' Merehant


| Planter
| Merchant

| Clerk
Peasant Proprietor


Calling. Nature of Qualification.
Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.
Contractor es » £30 p.a.
Electrician s » £30 p.a.
Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Ps es ,». £30 p.a.
” ” ” £50 p.a.
Business Manager £50 p.a.

Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
" » £50 p.a.
Income of £50) p.a.
os » £200 p.a.
. » £30 p.a.

es » £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
x 4 £50) p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
= 4 £50 pias
” ” £30 p,a.
Salary of #90 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
- , £50 p.a.
ss we 3) p.a.
4» £50 pra.
Salar y of £200 p.a.
ms £50 ja.

Income of £50 p.a.
» £50 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
. ee £50 pa.
Inecoine De £30 p.a.

Salary of £50 p.a.
ny » ©90 p.a.
” = £50 p.a.
" ws £50 p.a.

ae) () p.a,

Icom £30 )p.a.

” oes) Noes

| Salary of £50 p.a.

es , £50 p.a.

lineome of 250 pa.

Salary of £200 p.a.
£30 p.a.

33 9°
Income of £59 pa.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
» £200 p.a.
»» £200 p.a.

- 250 p.a.
” ” - 200 pa.
Pe aan

Sane of £50 p.a.

Income of £30 p.a.

Salary of £200 p.a.
«on 22 0X0) {PeDo

a9 a9 hd
Income ies £30 p-a.

Salary of £200 p.a.

Income of £150 p.a.
£30 p.a.

Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.


» 9 £200 paa.

Income of £150 p.a.

Salary of £50 p.a.












Jurors’ List for the year 1956—(cunt’d)

216 [15 December, 1955.

Christian and Surname at length. Place of Abode. Calling. Nature of Qualification. ete
earner TE RON . eyenETeee oe
Nanton, Robert ...| City Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Nunes, Francis .| Montpelier Manager a £200 p.a. ee
O'Reilly, Timothy mer, Clerk » £30 pa. |
Owen, Charles .| Gilbert Overseer | og es |
Parker, Walter ...| City Shopkeeper | Income of £50 p.a.
Parker, William ...| Fort Road Planter es a
Pereira, Leonard .| City Watch Repairer ! = fr
Pereira, Norris ne Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Perry, Leopold Alexis ...| Ottos Lane Druggist Income of £50 p.a.
Perry, Ernest ...| Fort Road Builder | ; a
Pestaina, Elpert .| City | Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.
Pestaina, Raymond on ar - | i -
Peters, Cecil Foster ...| Gunthorpes Mechanic 1 ss
Peters, G. L. Norris ...| City Clerk =
Philip, Theophilus W. ...| Ottos Lane ; Hlectrician -
Philip, Charles .| City | Druggist _ - |
Pigott, Arnold lease Clerk | - -
Pigott, Mmil Milo Aes Barber Income of £150 p.a. S.J.
Pratt, Hugh - | Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Prince, Ralph - ” | . "
Punter, Percival , ; Boatswain 7 ;
Raeburn, Raymond ...{ St. Clair Clerk s - |
Ramsay, Charles ...| City iy, eo .
Ramsay, Rupert ...| Willikies | Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.
Reid, Lucien McKinley .| City Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Richards, Albert .... Fort Road a a ,
Richards, Berkley Peal Ps ” ie
Richards, Simon .... Johnson’s Point Dispenser a ;
Roberts, Arthur ...| Fort Road Builder Income of £50 p.a. |
Roberts, Douglas ...| City Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Roberts, Samuel D. .| Fort Road = - |
Roberts, Watman | Jennings , Carpenter Income of £30 p.a. |
Salmon, Alfred .| City Tailor Income of £50 p.a.
Samuel, Josiah a ' Caterer “ £30 p.a.
Saunders, Basil Carpenter es
Scholar, Harold ” ” ” ” |
Scotland, Wesley ” Clerk Salary of £50 p.a. a
Scott-Johnston, Edward Business Manager £200 p.a. S.J.
Sebastian, John Eldridge _ Shipwright Income of £30 p.a.
Semper, Charles ee lee Shopkeeper z ~
Semper, David Gordon ..., ASB, Engineer Salary of £50 p.a.
Shoul, Anthony .| City Merchant Income of £150 p.a. [S.J.
Shoul, John Ferdinand . 0 = 00 | S.J.
Simon, Arnold alo Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Slack, Noel Stevenson .| North Sound Planter £200 p.a. S.J.
Smith, Christopher ..., Gunthorpes Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.
Smith, Robert Henry ...; Hodges Bay Hotel Manager Salary of £200 p.a. i S.J.
Spencer, Colin ...| Cedar Valley Planter i £50 p.a.
Spencer, Frederick Alex. ...| City Shoemaker Income of £30 p.a. |
Stamers, Arthur .| Gunthorpes Electrician Salary of £200 p.a. S.J
Techeira, Kenneth .| City Business Manager Salary of £150 p.a. S.J.
Terry, Edward Pa Carpenter Income of £30 p.a.
Terry, James ¥ Tailor es » £30 p.a.
Thibon, Anderson " Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Thibou, Teson Cox ” ” ” ” ”
Thibou, Perey 90 ” ” ” ”
Thomas, James mn . ‘i » £50 p.a.
Thompson, Leslie Alfred - Merchant », £150 p.a. S.J.
Tomlinson, Auckland ee Clerk Pa » £50 p.a.
Turner, Alexander ...| Hodges Bay Business Manager " » £200 p.a. S.J.
Turner, idgar ...| Johnson’s Point Shipwright Income of £30 p.a.
Tully, Kenrick .| City Artist Painter = » £50 p.a.

15 December, 1955. ] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. a

Jurors’ List for the year 1956—(voni’a).

Christian and Surname at length Place of Abode Calling | Nature of Qualification ae
| ae wee

Wade, William .«| Ovals | Electrician | Income of £50 p.a. |
Wallace, Frederick Augustus --«| Oity | Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.
Walker, Cecil Sele « | Dispenser ieee - ee
Walker, Charles Frederick elite | Photographer | Income of £30 p.a.
Walter, George ...| Barters | Farmer . eo 0Rpia.
Walter, Stanley zo Oity | Merchant as a |
Watt, Charles Burkin Anderson se a | Clerk Salary of £200 p.a. a Salk
Weathered, Robert cee \aee a8 Bead j 2 a0 pa:
Westcott, Charles ...-| Crosbies | Planter igh 5 *
White, Arthur ...| City Clerk tones, - a3 |
Williams, Wilfred edhe | Garage Proprietor | Income of £30 p.a. |
Winter, Igal ...| City | Stevedore | Salary of £50 p.a.
Yearwood, Keith ...| Gunthorpes Overseer a x: i.
York, William Anthony ...| City | Restaurant Proprietor | Income of £30 p.a.
Younis, Antoine J Spa | Merchant a) ue z |

| |


The above are the persons whom it is proposed to insert in the Juror’s Register for the year 1956. The List
will be revised at the sitting of the Magistrate’s Court to be holden at the City of Saint John, in the Antigua Circuit,
on Wednesday the 21st day of December, 1955, at 9 o’clock in the forenoon, and the Magistrate may then make such
changes therein as he may think fit, either by adding or striking out names, or otherwise. Any person, whether
included or not included in the said list, may then appear, personally or by his Counsel or Solictor, and claim that
he is, or is not, liable to serve as a Common or Special Juror, as the case may be, or, if unable to attend personally,
may give the Magistrate notice in writing of his claim, supporting it with snch evidence as he may think fit, and the
Magistrate will then as far as he reasonably can, inquire into the claim. The Magistrate’s decision in revising the
said list, will be conclusive, and all persons included in the said list, after it has been revised by the Magistrate, will
be liable during the year 1956 to be summoned and serve a3 Common or Special Jurors, as the case may be, notwith~
standing any disqualifications or exemption other than illness or unavoidable accident.

Dated this 5th day of December, 1955.
Acting Registrar for the Antigua Circuit.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islunds, by E, M, BLACKMAN,
Government Printer—By Authority,

[Price 41 cents.]

No. of 1955. Interpretation of Laws ANTIGUA.

No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend further the Interpretation
of Laws Ordinance, 1896.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short Title.
Interpretation of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 6/1896.
1955, and shall be read as one with the Interpre- shies
tation of Laws Ordinance, 1896, as amended, 3/1938,

hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance. eanes

* 2. Section 18 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment
hereby amended by the substitution of the cues
following paragraphs for paragraphs (6) and (7) pel Ordinance.

thereof :—

“(6) The expression “Governor”
shall mean the officer for the time being
administering the Government of the Presi-
dency and shall include the Administrator
of Antigua when he is administering the
Government of the Presidency ;
Antigua. 2 Interpreiation of Laws No. . of 1958.
(Amendment). :

7) The expression “Governor in
Council” shall mean, save as otherwise
provided by Letters Patent under the Great
Seal of the United Kingdom, by any Order
of Her Majesty in Council or by Instructions
under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet,
the Governor acting with the advice of
the Executive Council of the Presidency,
and, to such an extent as may be provided
by any such Letters Patent, Order of Her
Majesty in Council or Instructions, in
accordance with that advice, but not neces-
sarily in such Council assembled. ”

Conimence. 8. This Ordinance shall come into operation
cial on a day to be appointed by the Governor by
proclamation published in the Gazette.


Passed the Legislative Council this
day of , 1955.

Clerk of the Council.
No. of 1955. = Interpretation of Laws 3 ANTIGUA.


The definition of “Governor” inserted in the Principal
Ordinance by the amending Ordinance No, 16/1953 when
read with the last three lines of Article 9 (1) of the Letters
Patent of 1953 means that “ the Governor” in Presidential
Legislation always means the Administrator, unless the
Governor of the Colony happens to be in the Presidency
and directs that the Administrator shall not administer the
Government. It was not intended that the Governor of
the Colony should be so completely excluded from the affairs
of the Presidency. The intention is that the Administrator
shall now exercise all the powers of the Governor subject to
the limitation imposed by Article 9 (6)(a) of the Leeward
Islands Letters Patent, 1953. a

The definition of “Governor in Council” accords with
the intention that the Governor shall now act in accordance
with the advice of the Executive Council of the Presidency
save as otherwise provided in the instruments mentioned in
the definition. This change will take place on the coming

into operation of the Ministerial System in the Presidency.
Pp y 3

“The words “but not necessarily in such Council
assembled” will enable decisions of Executive Council to be
taken by means of the circulation of papers.

These amendments have been made as a result of
suggestions made by the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Raypatt H. Lockart,
- Crown Aitorney.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

A, 47/127—320—12.55. - [Price 5 conts.]
No. of 1955. ~ Public Service Commission.


No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to make provision for the creation
of a Public Service Commission.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua.

1. This Ordinance may be cited us the Public
Service Commission Ordinance, 1955, and shall
come into operation on a day to be appointed _ by
the Governor by Proclamation published in the

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context
otherwise requires—

‘“‘ Administrator’’ means the person for the
time being holding the office of Adminis-
trator of the Presidency and includes
every person for the time being acting as
such in his stead;

* Governor” means the Governor and Com-
mander in Chief of the Leeward Islands
and includes every person for the time
being administering the Government of


Short title and


Anticua. 2 Public Service Commission. No. — of 1955.

the Leeward Islands and, to the extent
to which a Deputy for the Governor is
authorised to act, that Deputy ;

“public office” means any office of emolu-
ment in the public service;

“public officer”? means the holder of any ©
public office and includes any person
appointed to act in any such office;

“the public service’ means the service of the
Crown in respect of the Government of
the Presidency.

Governor and 8. (1) In the exercise of the functions con-
aye ferred on him by this Ordinance the Governor shall
powers intheir not be obliged to consult with the Executive

discretion. = Council of the Presidency.

(2) The Administrator shall not be obliged to
consult with the Executive Council of the Presi-
dency in the exercise of any functions delegated to

him by the Governor under section 8 of this
Ordinance. ae

Public 4. The appointment, promotion, transfer,
re dismissal and disciplinary control of public officers
is hereby. vested in the Governor.

Papi See 5. (1) There «hall be, in and for the Presi-

Comunission. ee . or .
dency, a Public Service Commission (hereafter in _
this Ordinance referred to as “the Commission’)
and, subject to the provisions of subsection (3) of
this section, the Commission shall consist of such
persons, appointed in such manner, as may be
prescribed by Regulutions made under this Ordi-

(2): The Governor may terminate the sppoint-
ment of any member of the Commission and, sub-
ject as aforesaid, the members of the Commission
shall hold office upon such terms and conditions as
may be prescribed by Regulations made under this
Ordinance. .

(3) No person shall be appointed as, or shall
remain, a member of the Commission if he is a
Member of the Legislative Council of the Presi-
dency. :
No. of 1955. Public Service Commission. 8

6. (1) The Governor may refer to the
Commission for its advice any question relating to
the appointment (including promotion and trans-
fer), or to the dismissal or other disciplinary con-
‘trol of public officers or of any public officer, or to
any other matter which, in his opinion, affects the
public service:

Provided that no Judge or Magistrate shall be
regarded, for the purposes of this section, as a
public officer.

(2) It shall be the duty of the Commission
to, advise the Governor on any question which
he shall refer to it in accordance with the
provisions of this section, but the Governor shall
not be required to act in accordance with the
advice given to him by the Commission.

”, Except with the consent of the Governor
signified in writing under the hand of the Colonial
Secretary, no person shall in any legal proceedings
produce or be permitted to give secondary evidence
as to the contents or nature of any letter, state-
ment, report or other document or any oral
information addressed, made or given—

(a) to the Commission by or. on behalf
of the Governor, the Colonial Secretary,
the Administrator or the head of any Govern-
ment Department for the purpose of enabling
the Commussion to discharge any of their
duties under this Ordinance; or

(6) by the Commission to the Governor,
the Colonial Secretary, the Administrator
or the head of any Government Department
‘n relation to any matter concerning or
arising out of the duties of the Commission.

8. The Governor may by order delegate to
the Administrator all or any of the functions
conferred on the Governor by sections 4 and 6 of
this Ordinance subject to such conditions, excep-
tions and qualifications as the Governor may
prescribe and the Administrator shall accordingly
have and exercise such functions, subject, as

~ Awriaud.

Functions of
ublic Service

Reports and
statements or
other commu-
nications of
the Commis-
sion to be

Delegation of
powers by
ANTIGUA. 4 = Public Service Commission. No. of 1955.

Power to make 9. The Governor may make Regulations
eee for giving effect to the provisions of this Ordi-
Public Service nance, and in particular and without prejudice
poe Erne to Mthe generality of the foregoing power may by

such Regulations make provision for all or any

of the following matters, that is to say :—
(a) the membership of the Commission ;

(5) the appointment, tenure of. office
and terms of service of members of the

(c) the organisation of the work of
the Commission and the manner in which
the Commission shall perform its functions;

(d) consultation by the Commission
with persons other than members of the

(ce) the appointment, tenure of office
and terms of service of staff to assist the
Commission in the performance of its

(f) the protection -and privilege of
members of the Commission in respect of
the performance of their duties and the privi-
lege of communications to and from the
Commission or its members in case of legal

z (9) the definition and trial of offences
connected with the functions of the Commis-
sion and the imposition of penalties for such

Provided that no such penalty. shall
exceed a fine of one thousand dollars and
imprisonment for a term of six months.


: Passed the Legidlative Council this
day of 5 one

Clerk of the Council.

No. of 1955. Public Service Conner 5 ANTIGUA.

The object of the Bill is to provide for the establishment
of a Public Service Commission as part of the further measures
of Constitutional Reform which are being introduced in the

2. The functions of the-Commission will be to advise the
Governor or Administrator on any question which he may refer
to the Commission relating to the appointment, promotion and
transfer of public officers or other matter affecting the public

Ranpatt H. Locxuart,:
Crown Attorney.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M. Brackman, Government Printer.—By Authority.
320—12.55. Price 7 cents.
No. of 1955. Antigua Constitution and

Elections ( Amendment)

No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend further the Antigua
Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1951.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Antigua Constitution and Elections (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Antigua Constitution and Elections
- Ordinance, 1951, as amended, hereinafter called
the Principal Ordinance.

'2. Subsection (1) of section 2 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
insertion immediately after the definition’ of
“electoral district’ of the following definition—

“ “the Executive Council’? means the
Executive Council of the Presi-

83. Subsection (2) of section 25 and sub-
section (1) of section 43 of the Principal
Ordinance are hereby amended by the substitu-
~ tion of the word “ five” for the word “three”’.


Short title.


Amendment of
section 2 of
the Principal

Amendment of
sections 25 &
43 of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-
- Antigua.

Amendment of
vection 31 of

the Principal

Antigua Constitution and No. of 1965.
Elections (Amendment)

4. Section 31 of the Principal Ordinance

is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) In subsection (1) the words “in his
discretion” appearing immediately after
the words “the Governor, at any time” are
hereby deleted, and the words “which he
shall think fit” are hereby substituted

(6) Subsection (2) is “hereby repealed

and the following subsections substituted
- therefor—

“(2) The Governor shall not make
any declaration under this section except in
accordance with the following conditions,
that is to say :—

(a) the question whether the
declaration should be made shall first
be submitted in writing by the Governor
to the Executive Council and if, upon
the question being so submitted to ik;
the Executive Council shall resolve
that the declaration be made, the
Governor nay make the declaration;

(>) if, when the question whether
the declaration should be made is sub-
mitted to it as aforesaid, the Executive
Council shall not, within such time as
the Governor shall think reasonable
and expedient, resolve that the declara- made, then—

(i) the Governor may submit
the said question toa Secretary. of
State and may make the declara-
tion if, upon the question being so
submitted to him, a Secretary of
State authorises the Governor to
make the declaration: ‘or

(ii) the Governor may make
the declaration without submitting
the said question to a Secretary


of 1955. Antigua Constitution and 8

Elections (Amendment)

of State, if in the Governor's
opinion, urgent necessity requires
that the declaration be made
without obtaining the authority of
a Secretary of State; in which
case he shall, at the time of
making the declaration, certify in
writing that urgent necessity
requires that the declaration be
made without obtaining such

(2A) (a) Whenever the Governor,
in accordance with the provisions of
paragraph (6) of subsection (2) of this
section, shall submit to a Secretary of
State the question whether a declara-
tion should be made, or shall make a
declaration without submitting the
said question to a Secretary of State,
he shall inform the Executive Council
in writing of his reasons for so doing.

(b) Whenever the Governor shall
make a declaration under this section,
other than a declaration made with
the authority of a Secretary of State,
he shall forthwith report to a Secretary
of State the making of, and the reasons
for, the declaration and, in the case of
a declaration made in accordance with
the provisions of subparagraph (ii) of

paragraph ()) of subsection (2), the

grounds of urgency.”

The following new section is hereby

inserted immediately after section 34 of the
Principal Ordinance:—

“834A. In the exercise of the func-
tions conferred by. sections 6, 8 and 9,
paragraph ()) and the pro viso to
paragraph (f) of subsection (3) and
subsection (4) of section 12, subsection
(1) of section 14, subsections (1) and
(5) of section 16, section 17, section 21,


Insertion of
new section in
the Principal

Exercise of
functions con-
ferred on
Governor and

Antigua. 4 Antigua Constitution and No. of 1946...
Elections (Amendment). io

subsection (1) of section 25, sections 35,
37, 39, subsection (1) of section 48,
sections 50, 57, 58 and subsection (8)
of section 79 of this Ordinance, the
Governor or the Administrator, as the
case may be, shall act in his discretion.”

Oommeneement, 6. This Ordinance shall come into opera.
tion on aday to be appointed by the Governor
by Proclamation published in the Gazette,

Passed the Legislative Council this
day of 1955. :
Clerk of the Council.


The object of the Bill is to effect the necessary amend-
ments to the Principal Ordinance consequent ‘on the introduc: -
tion of the Ministerial System under which the Executive
Council will contain four members elected by the elected and
nominated members of the Legislative Council of whom three
will be charged with ministerial functions. The Executive
Council thus becomes the principal instrument of policy and
the elected members of the Executive Council are in a clear
majority since the Governor and the Administrator have only
a casting vote.

2. Clause 3 of the Bill provices for the duration of the
life of the Legislative Council being extended from three to
five years as is usnally the case in the more advanced constitu-

3. Clause 4 amends section 31 of the Principal Ordinance
which deals with the Governor's legislative reserved power.
Now that the Executive Council is the principal instrument of
policy, it is necessary to provide that the’ Governor shall not
invoke his reserved power without first submitting to the
Executive Council the question whether the power should be
No. of 1955. Antigua Constitution and 5 ANTIQUA.
Elections (Amendment).

4. The amended Letters Patent provide that the
Governor or Administrator shall consult with the Ixecutive
Council in the formulation of policy and in the exercise of all
functions conferred by any law except functions conferred by
any existing law when these functions are not required by the
law to be exercised by the Governor in Council. The Letters
Patent, however, exclude the Constitution and Elections Ordi-
nance from this provision. The result would therefore be that
the Governor or the Administrator would have to consult with
the Executive Council concerning the exercise of all the func-
tions conferred by the Ordinance. It is not, however, desirable
that the Governor or the Administrator should be required to
consult with the Executive Council with respect to the purely
administrative functions provided by the Ordinance. This
makes it necessary to amend the Ordinance specifically to pro-
vide that the Governor or the Administrator may act in his
discretion when carrying out such administrative functions.
Clause 5 of the Bill seeks to effect this amendment and hence
it is that it mentions all those sections of the Principal Ordi-
nance which relate to such administrative functions.

Ranpatt H. Lockuart,
Crown Attorney,

Prinved at the Government Printing Olfice, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer— By Authority.

A. 47/76—320--12.55,. [Price 7 cents]

fa |


ee yf 1955, No. 86.



“Stamps (Invatipation) (No. 2) Orprr, 1955, patrp DEcemMBER
4 anD 5 or THE Stamp Act (Cap. 135) AS AMENDED.

1. Short Title. This Order may be cited as the Stamps (Invalidation)
(No. 2) Order, 1955.

2. Invalidation of Stamps. The stamps of the values set forth in the
second column.of the Schedule to this Order which were originally authorised
for use throughout the Colony by and under the Orders in Council set forth ir
the first column of the said Schedule, and the continued use whereof was as
regards the University College of the West Indies issue authorised by the Stamp:
(Continuance of Use) Order, 1953, shall, as from the first day of July, 1956, nc
longer be valid for the payment of postage or stamp duties:

Provided that any person who is in possession of any such stamps may,
at any time between the Ist day of July, 1956 and the 30th day of September,
ag 1956, apply to any Post Office in Antigua, or Saint Christopher Nevis and
Anguilla, or Montserrat, or the Virgin Islands, to have such stamps exchangec
for and replaced by a valid stamp or valid stamps of equal value authorised. fo1
use in Antigua, or Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, or Montserrat, or the
Virgin Islands, as the cage may be.

Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December, 1955.

Acting Clerk of the Council.

Order in Council authorising issue. | Value of Stamps to be invalidated.
7 9th January, 1922 y ...| $d., 1d., 2d., 24d., 3d., 6d., 1]-, 2/6, 5/-.
L7th May, 1926 2/6, 3]-. 4]-.
1928 No. 15 as amended by 1937 No. 16| All values.
1938 No. 31 | 4d., 6d., 1J-, 2)-. 5-.
1951 Nos. 1 & 6 (University College of
the West Indies) .| 3¢., 12¢.
1954 No. 3 ..| All values.
» Printed at the Government Printing Office, eee Talande,
x by E. M. Buaokman, cove Printer—By Authority.
Be a 55. Price 4 cents

aed. 7 17
gk fe



1955, No. 37.

Tar Danerrous Druas (AppLicatTion) OrpER, 1955, DATED
DrecrmBerR 10, 1955, MADE By THE GovERNOoR IN CoUNCIL
UNDER SxcTION 14 (2) or THE Dangerous Droes Act, 1937
(No. 23/1937) as AMENDED.


WHEREAS by subsection (2) of section 14 of the Dangerous Drugs Act,
1937, as amended, power is conferred on the Governor in Council to declare by
order that Part V of the said Act shall apply to any drug of whatever kind in
the same manner as it applies to the drugs mentioned in subsection (1) of section

. 14-0f the said Act, if it appears to the Governor in Council that such drug is or is

likely to be productive, if improperly used, or is capable of being converted
into a substance which is or is likely to be productive, if improperly used, of ill
effects substantially of the same character or nature as or analogous to those
produced by morphine or cocaine: ;

AND WHEREAS it appears to the Governor in Council that the drugs
specified in the Schedule to this Order are productive, if improperly used, or are
capable of being converted into a snbstance which is or is likely to be productive,
if improperly used, of ill effects substantially of the same character or nature as
or analogous to those produced by morphine or cocaine.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in Council in pursuance of the powers
conferred upon him by subsection (2) of section 14 of the Dangerous Drugs Act,
1937, as amended, is pleased to declare and it is hereby declared as follows:—

1. Short Title. This Order may be cited as the Dangerous Drugs
(Application) Order, 1955.

2. -Application. Part V of the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1937, as amended,

shall apply to the drugs specified in the Schedule to this Order in the same

manner as the said Part V applies to the drugs mentioned in subsection (1) of
section 14 of the said Act,

Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December, 1955.

Acting Olerk of the Oouncil.

Diethylthiambutene (3-diethylamino-1:1-di-(2-thieny])-1-butene), its salts and
any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion
of diethylthiambutene.

1-Methyl-4-phenylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester, its salts and
any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion
of 1-methy]-4-phenylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid isopropyl] ester.

Normethadone (4:4-diphenul-6-dimethylamino-3-hexanone), its salts and any
preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion of

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Tslands,
by E. M. Buackman, Govornment Printer,—By Authority.

47/00094—480—12.55. [Price 4 cents]

1955, No. 38.

Tae Dieromatic Privineces (INTERNATIONAL CiviL AVIATION
ORGANIZATION) (AMENDMENT) Orver, 1955, patep DecemBer 10,
or tHe DirLomatic Privineaes (Exrension) Act, 1948
(No. 9/1948).

1. Short Title. This Order may be vited as the Diplomatic
Privileges (International Civil Aviation Organization) (Amendment)
Order, 1955 and shall be read as one with the Diplomatic Privileges
(International Civil Aviation) Order, 1949 (S. R. & O. 1949, No. 32)
hereinafter referred to as the Principal Order.

2 Amendment. In paragraph (1) of section 9 of the
Principal Order the words “to the Council of the Organisation” shall
be replaced -by the words “to the Assembly or to the Council of the
Organisation, to any Commission (however named) provided for in
the constitution of the Organisation, or to any Committee of such
Assembly, Council or Commission ”.

3. Approval of General Legislative Council. This
Order shall be laid before the General Legislative Council.

“Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December,

Heiren H. BeEtxor,
Acting Clerk of the Counetl.


(This Note is not purt of the Order, but is intended to indicate its
general purport).

Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom are bound by virtue of
their accession to the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the Specialised
Agencies of the United Nations (Cmd. 7673) in respect of the International Civil
Aviation Organisation to accord privileges and immunities on representatives of
Governments members of the Organisation to its Assembly and executive body
(however designated), to any Commission provided for in its vonstitution and
to any Committee of any of these bodies. The Constitution of the Organisation
(see Article 43 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at
Chicago on the 7th December, 1944 (Cmd. 8742)), provides that it shall consist
of an Assembly, a Council and such other bodies ag may be necessary. The ©
Diplomatic Privileges (International Civil Aviation Organisation) Order in
Council, 1949, made provision only for representatives of member Governments
to the Council of the Organisation. This Order makes the necessary amendment.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuackmAn, Government Printer.—By Authority.
. 1955,

20/000 15—480—12.55. Price 4 cents.


1955, No. 39.

suotion 2 oF THE DieLomatic Priviteces (Exrenston) ACT,
1248 (No. 9/1948).

WHEREAS by section 2 of the Diplomatic Privileges (Extension)
Act, 1948 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) it is enacted:

That the provisions of this section shall apply to any organisation

declared by Order of the Governor in Council to be an organisation of
which Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom and the
government or governments of one or more foreign sovereign Powers
are members;

That the Governor in Council may by Order provide that any
organisation to which this section applies shall, to such extent as may be
specified in the Order, have the immunities and privileges set out in
Part [ of the Schedule to the Act and shall also have the legal capacities
of a body corporate;

That the Governor in Council may by Order confer on the repre-
sentatives (whether of Governments or not) on any organ of the
organisation and upon officers and servants of the organisation, the
immunities and privileges set out-in Parts IL and III of the said
Schedule to the extent specified in the Order; and

- That Part IV of the Schedule to the Act shall have effect for the
purpose of extending to the staffs of representatives and to the families
_ of certain high officers of the organisation any immunities and privileges
conferred on the representatives or officers, except in so far as the
operation of the said Part IV is excluded by the Order conferring
privileges and immunities;

AND WHEREAS the World Meteorological Organisation, on the
29th day of December, 1951 deposited with the Secretary-General of the
United Nations a notification that it accepted the standard clauses of the
Convention on Privileges and Immunities for the Specialized Agencies:
of the United Nations and the said Convention thereupon became
applicable to the Organisation in accordance with section 37 thereof;

AND WHEREAS Her Majesty’s Government in the United
Kingdom have in accordance with section 41 of the said Convention
aceeded to the said Convention in respect of the World Meteorological

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in Council by virtue and in
exercise of the powers in this behalf conferred on him by the Act or
otherwise in him vested, is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as
follows:— ; i:

1. SHorr TiTLE ano Commencement. ‘This Order may be
cited as the Diplomatic Privileges (World Metcorolovical Organisation)
Order, 1955 and shall be deemed to have come into force on the 17th
day of December, 1954. oo

A. The Organisation.

2, Decnaration. The World Meteorological Orginisation (here-
inafter referred to as the Organisation) is an Organisation of which the
United Kingdom and foreign sovereign Powers are members.

3. Bopy Corporate. The Organisation shall have the legal
capacities of a body corporate and, except in su far as in any particular
case it has expressly waived its immunity, immunity for suit and legal
process. No waiver of immunity shall be deemed to extend to any
measure of execution. :

4, InvioLaBiLity or ArcHives. The Organisation shall have the
like inviolability of official archives and premises occupied us offices as is
accorded in respect of official archives and premises of an envoy of a |
foreign sovereign Power accredited to Her Majesty.

5. I{xXEMPTION FROM TAXES. The Organisation shall have the
like exemption of relief from taxes and rates, other than taxes on the
importation of goods, as is accorded to a foreign sovereign Power.

6. Exemption FRom Customs Dory. The Organisation shall
have exemption from taxes on the importation of goods directly imported
by the Organisation for its official use in any Presidency of the Colony
or for exportation, or on the importation of any publications of the
Organisation directly imported by it, such exemption to be subject to
compliance with such conditions as the Collector of Customs of the
Presidency into or from which such importation or- exportation is made
may prescribe for the protection of the revenue.

7. ExXEMprion From PRouisirions anv Rusrricrions on [ms
PoRTATIONS ETC. The Organisation shall have exemption from prohi-
bitions and restrictions on importation or exportation in the case of goods
directly imported or exported by the Organisation for its official use and
in the case of any publications of the Organisation directly imported or
exported by it. .

8. Repucep Rares vor TsLe@Rapaic Communications. The
Organisation shall have the right to avail itself, for telegraphic’ communi-
cations sent by it and containing only matter intended for publication
by the press or for broadcasting (including communications addressed to”
or despatched from places outside the Colony), of any reduced rates.
applicable for the corresponding service in the case of press telegrams.

B. ‘Representatives on Organs or Committees
of the Union.

9, Immunity anp Privireces. (1) Except in so far as in any
particular case any privilege or immunity is waived by the Government
whom they represent, representatives of members at the World Meteoro-
logieal Congress, on the Executive Committec, at regional associations, on
technical commissions, or on any committee of any of these bodies shall
enjoy :— :
(a) while exercising their functions as such and during their

journeys or detention and f®%m seizure of their personal baggage
and inviolability for all papers and documents; °

(6) immunity from legal process. of every kind in respect: of
words spoken or written and things done or omitted to be done by
them in their capacity as representatives.

; (2) Where the incidence of any form of taxation depends upon

residence, representatives shall not be deemed to he resident in « Presi-
dency of the Colony during any period when they are present in that
Presidency of the Colony for the discharge of their duties.

(3) For the purposes of the application of this section the expres-
sion “representatives ” shall be deemed to include, in addition to the
representatives, the following members of their official staffs accompany-
ing them as such representatives:—

Alternate representatives,

Technical experts,
Secretaries of Delegations,

and Part IV of the Schedule to the Act shall not operate so as to confer
. 8 . oe . a

privileges or immunities on the ‘staffs of representatives other than on

those persons falling within the aboveinentioned descriptions.

C. High Officials of the Organisation.

10.. Tue Secrerary-Generat. Except in so far as in any
particular case any privilege or immunity is waived by the Organisation,
any officer of the Organisation holding the office of Secretary-General
‘(including any officer acting for him during his absence from duty) shall
be accorded in réspect of himself, his spouse and his children under the
age of twenty-one, the like immunity from suit and legal process, the
like inviolability of residence and the like exemption or relief from
taxes, other than*income tax, as is accorded to an envoy of a foreign
sovereign’ Power accredited to Her Majesty, his spouse and children,
and exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments received by
him as an officer of the Organisation.
D. Other Officials of the Organisation.

11. Immuntrres. Except in so far as in any particular case
any privilege or immunity is waived by the Organisation, officials of the
Organisation of any category specified by it shall enjoy:—

(@) immunity from suit and legal process in respect of words
spoken or written and things done or omitted to be done by them in
the course of the performance of their official duties;

(6) exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments
received by them as officers or servants of the Organisation.

E. General.

The names of the persons to whom the. provisions of sections 9, 10
and 11 of this Order apply shall be set forth in a list compiled and
published from time to time by the Governor under section 2 (3) of the
Act, and such list shall show in regard to each person the date as from
which, for the purposes of this Order, he first held the office or employ-
ment in question and the date when he ceased to hold that office or

13. ApprRovAL oF GENERAL Leaisiative Councin. This Order
shall be laid before the General Legislative Council.

Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December,

Heten H. Betxor,
Acting Clerk of the Council.


(This Note ig.not part of the Order, but is intended to indicate its general

This Order provides immunities and privileges required by the International _
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies (Cmd.
7673) to be accorded in connexion with the World Meteorological Organisation.
The making of this Order will enable Her Majesty’s Government in the United
Kingdom to fulfil their obligations resulting from their accession to that Conven-
tion in respect of W.M.O.

esti mate €

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

20/00015 —480—12,55, [Price 6 cents.)




+ 1955, No. 40.


WHEREAS by section 2 of the Diplomatic Privileges (Extension) Act, 1948
(hereinafter referred to as the Act) it is enacted: :

That the provisions of this section shall apply to any organisation declared by
Order of the Governor in Council to be an organisation of which Her Majesty’s
Government in the United Kingdom and the government or governments of one
or more foreign sovereign Powers are members;

That the Governor in Council may by Order provide that any organisation to
which this section applies shall, to such extent as may be specified in the Order,
have the immunities and privileges set.out in Part I of the Schedule to the Act
and shall also have the legal capacities of a body corporate;

That the Governor in Council may by Order confer on. the representatives
(whether of governments or not) on any organ of the organisation and upon
officers and servarits of the organisation, the immunities and privileges set out in
Parts II and III of the said Schedule to the extent specified in the Order; and

That Part IV of the Schedule to the Act shall have effect for the purpose of
extending to the staffs of representatives and to the families of certain high
officers of the organisation any immunities and privileges conferred on the repre-
sentatives or officers, except in so far as the operation of the said Part IV is
excluded by the Order conferring privileges and immunities;

AND WHEREAS the Universal Postal Union, on the 5th day of April, 1949,
deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations a notification that’ it
accepted the standard clauses of the Convention on Privileges and Immunities
for the Specialised Agencies of the United Nations and the said Convention there-
upon became applicable to the Union in accordance with section 37 thereof;

AND WHEREAS Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom have
in accordance with section 41 of the said Convention acceded to the said Conven-
tion in respect of the Universal Postal Union:

NOW, THEREFORKH, the Governor in Council, by virtue and in exercise of
the powers in this behalf conferred on him by the Act or otherwise in him vested,
is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:—


1. SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT. This Order may be cited as the
Diplomatic Privileges (Universal Postal Union) Order, 1955 and shall be deemed ~
to have come into force on the 17th day of December, 1954.

A. The Organisation.

2. DECLARATION. The Univergal Postal Union (hereinafter referred to as
“the Union”) is an organisation of which the United Kingdom and foreign
sovereign Powers are embers.

3, Bopy CoRPORATE. The Union shall have the legal capacitios of a body
corporate and, except in so far asin any particular case it has expressly waived
. its immunity, immunity from suit and legal process. No waiver of immunity
shall be deemed to extend to any measure of execution.

4. INVIOLABILITY OF ARCHIVES. ‘he Union shall-have the like inviola-
bility of official archives and premises occupied as offices as is accorded in respect
of official archives and premises of an envoy of aforeign sovereign Power accred-
ited to Her Majesty: :

5. EXEMPTION FROM TAXES. The Union shall have the like exemption
or relief from taxes and rates, other than taxes on the importation of goods, as is
accorded to a foreign sovereign Power.

6. EXEMPTION FROM Customs Duty. The Union shall have exemption
from taxes on the importation of goods directly imported by the Union for
its official use in any Presidency of the Colony or for exportation, or on the
importation of any publications of the Union directly imported by’ it, such
exemption to be subject to compliance with such conditions as the QOollector of
Customs of the Presidency into or from which such importation or exportation is
made may prescribe for the protection of the revenue. :

TIONS TC. The Union shall have exemption from prohibitions and restrictions
on importation or exportation in the case of goods directly imported or exported
by the Union for its official use and in the case of any publications of the Union
directly imported or exported by it.

shall have the right to avail itself, for telegraphic communications sent by it and
containing only matter intended for publication by the press or for broadcasting
(including communications addressed to or despatched from places outside the
Colony), of any reduced rates applicable for the corresponding service in the case
of press telegrams.

B. Representatives on Organs or Committees of the Union.

9. IMMUNITY AND PRivrLeGcEs. (1) Except in so far as in any particular
case any privilege or immunity is waived by the Government whom, they. repre-
sent, representatives of members at Congresses, on the Executive and Liaison
Committee, at administrative conferences or on commissions provided for in the
constitution of the Union, or on any committee of any of these bodies shall


(a) while exercising their functions as such and during their journeys to
and from the place of meeting, immunity from personal arrest or detention
and from seizure of their personal baggage and inviolability for all papers and _

(6) immunity from legal process of every kind in respect of words
spoken or written and things done or omitted to be done by them in their
capacity as representatives.


(2) Where the incidence of any form of taxation depends upon residence,
representatives shall not be deemed to be resident in a Presidency of ‘the Colony
during any period when they are present in that Presidency of the Colony for the
discharge of their duties. 73

(3) For the purposes of the application of this section the expression “ repre-
sentatives” shall be deemed to include, in addition to the representatives, the
following members of their official staffs accompanying them as such representa-

Alternate representatives,


Technical experts,

Secretaries of Delegations,
and Part IV of the Schedule to the Act shall not operate so as to confer privileges
or immunities on the staffs of representatives other than on those persons falling
within the abovementioned descriptions.

CG. High Officials of the Union.

_ag in any particular case any privilege or immunity is waived by the Union, the
Director of the International Bureau of the Union (including any officer acting
for him during his absence from duty) shall be accorded, in respect of himself,
his spouse and his children under the age of twenty-one, the like immunity from
suit and legal process, the like inviolability of residence and the Jike exemption
or relief from taxes, other than income tax, as is accorded to an envoy of a foreign
sovereign Power uceredited to Her Majesty, his spouse and children, and
exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments received by him as an
officer of the Union. é

D. Other Officials of the Union.

11. ImMunITIES. Except in so far asin any particular case any privilege
or immunity is waived by the Union, officials of the Union of any category speci-
fied by it shall enjoy :-—

(a) immunity from suit and legal process in respect of words spoken or
written and things done or omitted to be done by them in the course of the
performance of their official duties;

(b) exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments received by
them as officers or servants of the Union.

E. General.

The names of the persons to whom the provisions of sections 9, 10 and 11 of this
Order apply shall be set forth in a list compiled and published from time to time
by the Governor under section 2 (3) of the Act, and such list shall show in regard
to each person the date as from which, for the purposes of this Order, he first
held the office or employment in question and the date when he ceased to hold
that office or employment.
13. ApPRovAL OF GENERAL LEGISLATIVE CounorL. This Order ghall
be laid before the General Legislative Council.

Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December, 1955.

Acting Clerk of the Couneitl.


(This note is not part of the Order, but is intended to indicate its general

This Order provides immunities and privileges required by the International
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialised Agencies
(Cmd. 7673) to be accorded in connexion with ‘the Universal Postal Union. The
making of this Order will enable Her Majesty’s Government in the United King-
dom to fulfil their obligations resulting from their accession to that Convention
in respect of U.P.U. 2

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M, BLACKMAN, Government Printer,—By Authority.
1955. /
20/00015480—12.55. _ Price 6 cents,


1955, No. 41

Union) Orprr, 1955, Datrp DrcempBer 10, 1955, Mapr BY THE
Priviteces (Extension) Act, 1948 (No. 9/1948).

WHEREAS by section 2 of the Diplomatic Privileges (Extension)
Act, 1948 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) it is enacted:

That the provisions of this section shall apply to any Organisation
declared by Order of the Governor in Council to be an Organisation
of which Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom and the
Government or Governments of one or more foreign sovereign Powers
are members;

That the Governor in Council may by Order provide that any
Organisation to which this section applies shall to such extent as muy be
specified in the Order, have the immunities and privileges set out in
Part I of the Schedule to the Act and shall also have the legal
capacities of a body corporate; :

That the Governor in Council may by Order confer on the
representatives (whether of Governments or not) on any organ of the
Organisation and upon officers and servants of the Organisation, the
immunities and privileges set out in Parts [I and III of the said
Schedule to the extent specified in the Order; and

That Part [V of the Schedule to the Act shall have effect for the
purpose of extending to the staffs of representatives and to the families
of certain high officers of the Organisation any immunities and
privileges conferred on the representatives or officers, except in so far
as the operation of the said Part IV is excluded by the Order confer- -
ring privileges and immunities;

AND WHEREAS the International Telecommunication Union,
on the 16th day of January, 1951, deposited with the Secretary-General
of the United Nations a notification that it accepted the standard clauses
of the Convention on Privileges and Immunities for the Specialised
Agencies of the United Nations except that it did not claim for itself the
enjoyment of privileged treatment with regard to the facilities in respect
of communications provided in Article IV, section 1}, and the said

Convention. thereupon became applicable to the Union in.accordance with
section 87 thereof; :

AND WHEREAS Her Majesty’s Government in the United
Kingdom have in accordance with section 41 of the suid Convention
acceded to the said Convention in respect of the International
Telecommunication’ Union: ; ;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in Council by virtue and
in exercise of the powers in this behalf conferred on him by the Act
or otherwise in him vested, is pleased to order, and it is hereby
ordered .as follows: :

1. SHorr. Trrre anp Commencement. This Order may ‘be
cited as the Diplomatic Privileges (International Telecommiunication
Union) Order, 1955, and shall be deemed to have come into force
on the 17th day of December, 1954. :

A. The Organisation.

9. DuctaratTion. The International Telecommunication Union
(hereinafter referred to as ‘the Union”) is an Organisation of which
the United Kingdom and foreign sovereign Powers are members.

3. Bopy Corporates: The Union shall have the legal capacities
of » body corporate and, except in so far as in any particular case it
has expressly waived its immunity, immunity from suit and legal
process. No waiver of immunity shall be deemed to extend to any
measure of execution.

4, InvioLasinity or ArcHIvEs. The Union shall have the
like inviolability of official archives and premises occupied as offices as is
accorded inrespect of official archives and premises of an envoy of a
foreign sovereign Power accredited to Her Majesty.

5. Exemption rrom Taxes. The Union shall have the like
exemption or relief from taxes and rates, other. than taxes on the
importation of goods, as is accorded to a foreign sovereign Power.

6. Exemption rrom Customs Pury. The Union shall have
exemption from taxes on the importation of goods directly imported
by the Union for its official use in any Presidency of the Colony or
for exportation, -or on the importation of any publications of the
Union ‘directly imported by it, such exemption to be subject to
compliance with such conditions as the Collector of Customs of the
Presidency into or from which such importation is made may prescribe
for the protection of the revenue.


d |
D. Other Officials of the Organisation.

11, Iwmuntrres. Except in so far as in any particular case
any privilege or immunity is waived by the Organisation, officials of the
Organisation of any category specified by it shall enjoy:—

(a) immunity from suit and legal process in respect of words
spoken or written and things done or omitted to be done by them in
the course of the performance of their official duties;

(6) exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments
received by them as officers or servants of the Organisation.

E. General.

The names of the persons to whom the provisions of sections 9, 10
and 11 of this Order apply shall be set forth in a list compiled and
published from time to time by the Governor under section 2 (3) of the
Act, and such list shall show in regard to each person the date as from
which, for the purposes of this Order, he first held the office or employ-
ment in question and the date when he ceased to hold that office or

13. ApprovaL or GENERAL Leqisuative Counciy. This Order
shall be laid before the General Legislative Council.

Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December,

Heten H. Betxor,
Acting Clerk of the Council.


(This Note ig. not part of the Order, but is intended to indicate its general

This Order provides immunities and sHyiloves required by the International.

Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies (Cmd.
7673) to be accorded in connexion with the World Meteorological Organisation.
The making of this Order will enable Her Majesty’s Government in the United
Kingdom to fulfil their obligations resulting from their accession to that Conven-
tion in respect of W.M.O.

———__—_ &

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLacKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

20/00015 —480—12,55, ' [Price 6 cents.)

the age of twenty-one, the like immunity from. suit and legal process,
_ the like inviolability of residence and the like exemption or relief from.
- taxes, other than income tax, as is aceorded to an envoy of a foreign
sovereign Power accredited to Her Majesty, his spouse and children, and
exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments received oe him as
an officer of the Union. -

D. -Other Officials of the Union.

10. Immunities. Except in so far as in any particular case any
privilege or immunity is waived by the Union, officials of the Union
of any category specified by it shall enjoy:—

(a) immunity from suit and legal process in respect of words
spoken or written and things done or omitted to be done by them
in the course of the performance of their official duties;

(6) exemption from income tax in respect of emoluments
received by them as officers or servants of the Union.

E. General.

The names of the persons to whom the provisions of sections 8, 9 and
10 ‘of this Order apply shall be set forth in a list compiled and
published from time to time by the Governor under section 2 (3) of 4
the Act, and such list shall show in regard to each person the date +
as from which, for the purposes of this Order, he first held the office
or employment in question’and the date when he ceased to hold that
office or employment.

12, AppPRovaL oF GENERAL LeeisLative Counciy. This Order -
shall be laid before the General Legislative Council.

Made by the Governor in Council this 10th day of December,
1955. ;
Hrien H. Bextor,
Acting Clerk of the Council.


(This Note is not part of the Order, but is intended to indicate its -
general purport).

This Order provides immunities and privileges required by the International
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialised Agencies (Cmd.
7673) to be accorded in connexion with the International Telecommunication
Union. The making of this Order will enable Her Majesty’s Government in
the United Kingdom to fulfil their obligations resulting from their accession to
that Convention in respect of I. T. U.

— —-—— x

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLaoxMan, Government Printer, — By Authority.

90/00015—480—12,55, [Price 6 conte.)

gf ae