Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Bublished by Authority.


The subjoined Orders in Council made at the Court at Buckingham
Palace the 1st day of December, 1955, are published for general
information :—

1955, No. 1810.


Made 1st December, 1955.
Laid before Parliament 6th December, i955.
Coming into Operation 9th December, 1955.

At the Court at Buckingham Palace the Ist day of December,

The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty in Council

WHEREAS by section eight of the Supplies and Services
(Transitional Powers) Act, 1945, the said Act was limited to expire
on the tenth day of December, nineteen hundred and fifty, five years
after the passing thereof, unless continued in force under that section:

AND WHEREAS by Orders in Council, made under that
section the said Act was continued in force until the tenth day of
December, nineteen hundred and fifty-five:

AND WHEREAS it is provided by that section that if an
Address is presented to Her Majesty by each House of Parliament
praying that the said Act should be continued in force for a further
period of one year from the time at which it would otherwise expire,
Her Majesty may by Order in Council direct that it shall continue in
force for that further period:

AND WHEREAS such an Address has been presented to Her
Majesty by each House of Parliament as aforesaid:

NOW, THEREFORE, Her Majesty, in pursuance of the said
section eight and of all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is
pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, an
it is hereby ordered, as follows:—

1. The Supplies and Services (Transitional Powers) Act, 1945,
which would otherwise expire on the tenth day of December, nineteen
hundred and fifty-five, shall continue in force for a further period
of one year until the tenth day of December, nineteen hundred and

2. This Order may be cited as the Supplies and Services
(Continuance) Order, 1955, and shall come into operation on the
ninth day of December, nineteen hundred and fifty-five.

x W. G. AGNEW.

3 Sé. 72Fr
L4¥¢7 €


1955, No. 1814.
Tue Emercency Laws (Miscre,Lanrous Provisions) (COLONIES, ETC.)
OrpeR IN Councrn, 1954.

Made 1\st December, 1955.

At the Court at Buckingham Palace the Ist day of December,


The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS section eighteen of the Emergency Laws (‘Transi-
tional Provisions) Act, 1946 (hereinafter called “the Act of 1946”), as
amended hy section eight of the Emergency Laws (Miscellaneous |
Provisions) Act, 1947 (hereinafter called “the Act of 1947’), enabled
provision to be made by Order in Council for the continuation in force
until the tenth day of December, 1950, of Defence Regulations having
effect in Colonies and other territories, and provision was so made by
the Emergency Laws (Transitional Provisions) (Colonies, etc.) Order in
Council, 1946 (hereinafter called the ‘“ Order of 1946”), and the Emer-
gency Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Colonies, etc.) Order in
Council, 1947:

AND WHEREAS Article 3 of the Emergency Laws (Contin-
nance) Order, 1955, (hereinafter called “the Order of 1955”’), made on
the first day of December, 1955, in pursuance of the Act of 1947
provides that the powers exercisable under section eighteen of the Act
of 1946 shall be exercisable, in relation to any Defence Regulations
remaining in force by virtue of the said section eighteen and Article 3 of
the Emergency Laws (Continuance) Order, 1954, when the Order of
1955 was made, as if, in the said section eighteen as amended by section
sight of the Act of 1947 for the reference to the tenth day of December,
1950, there were substituted a reference to the 10th day of December,

NOW, THEREFORE, Her Majesty, in pursuance of section
eighteen of the Act of 1946 and Article 3 of the Order of 1955 and of
all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is pleased, by and with
the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered
as follows:— .

1. This Order may be cited as the Emergency Laws (Miscel-
laneous Provisions) (Colonies, etc.) Order in Council, 1955.

2. The Governor of any territory mentioned in the Schedule to
this Order may by order provide:—

(a) for the continuation in force until the tenth day of
December, 1956, of any Defence Regulations, being Defence
Regulations in force in the territory at the date of the making of
the Order of 1955 by virtue of section eighteen of the Act of 1946
and Article 3 of the Emergency Laws (Continuance) Order, 1954;

(6) that any Defence Regulations so continued in force shall
have effect subject to such exceptions, limitations and modifications
as the Governor thinks necessary or expedient.

8. The provisions cf section two, subsection (2) of section three,
section four and section five of the Order of 1946 shall have effect in
relation to-this Order, and to Defence Regulations continued in force
under this Order, as they have effect in relation to the Order of 1946, ©
and to Defence Regulations continued in force under that Order.

W. G. AGNew.



Jamaica (ineluding Turks and Caicos Islands and the Cayman

Kenya (Colony and Protectorate)

Leeward Islands:-—



St. Christopher Nevis and Anguilla

Virgin Islands
Trinidad and Tobago.

8 December, 1955.]

general information that persons
intending to emigrate to the United
Kingdom, who are not British sub-

(a) are requested to be in posses-
sion of a visa for the United

Kingdom; and

(2) cannot be accepted in the

United Kingdom as an immigrant.

Administrator’s Office,
Ref. No. A. 39/9.

No. 119.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

WHITE, Mrs. 8S., Junior Clerk,
Attorney General’s Office, to act as
Principal, Attorney General’s
Office. Aug, 15, 1955.

Ref. No. P. F. 544.


No. 120.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Ordinance:—

St. Kitts- Nevis-Anguilla.

No. 12 of 1955, “The British
Caribbean Shipping (Agreement)
Ordinance, 1955.”

The Secretariat,
Ref. No. 47/00356

No. 121.

The Governor has, this day, been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinances:—

Virgin Islands.

No. 7 of 1955, ‘‘The Transfer of
Sombrero from the Presidency of
the Virgin Islands tothe Presidency
of St. Kitts.”

The Secretariat,
6th December, 1955.

Ref. No. 47/00357.

No. 8 of 1955, ‘‘The Water and
Electricity Supply Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 9 of 1955, **The Protection of
Trees and Conservation of Soil and
Water (Amendment) Ordinance,

Dec. 7


No. 122.

The following Ordinances and
Statutory Rule and Order are circu-
lated with this Gazette and form
part thereof :—


No. 10 of 1955, “The Petroleum
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955. ”’
2 pp. Price 4 cents

No. 11 of 1955, “The Hntertain-
ments Duty (Amendment) Ordinance,

4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 12 of 1955, ‘The British
Caribbean Shipping (Agreement)
Ordinance 1955.”

17 pp. Price 25 canés.

Virgin Islands.

No. 7 of 1955, “The Transfer of
Sombrero (General Legislature Com-
petency) Ordinance, 1955.

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

General Government.

No. 35 of 1955, ‘The Emergency
Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Order, 1955.” 2 pp. Price 4 cents

No. 123.

The following Bill which is to be
introduced in the Legislative Council
of Antigua, is circulated with this-
Gazette and forms part thereof:—

“The Nurses Registration
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.”

Windward Islands & Leeward
Islands Court of Appeal.

Pursuant to Section 14 (2) of the
Rules of the Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands Court of Appeal
made under Section 16o0f the Order
in Council dated 20th December,
1939, His Lordship the Chief Justice
has arranged for a sitting of the Court
of Appeal for the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands to be held in the
Presidency of Antigua on Monday
the 12th day of December, 1955, at
11 o’clock in the forenoon.

All persons concerned are hereby
notified to govern themselves accord-

By Order,

Acting Registrar.

Registrar’s Office,
St. John’s,
19th November, 1955,


Control of Imports & Exports
Notice No. 4 of 1955
Imports of Refrigeration Plant

Nearly all types of Commercial
Refrigerators, Refrigerated Cabinets
and Display Counters and Refrigera-
tion Plant, can now be obtained
from the United Kingdom and
I can furnish the addresses of
several United Kingdom manufac-
turers of such goods to any importers
who may be interested.

Collector of Customs and
Supply Officer.
25th November, 1955. /

ANTIGUA 17th November, 1955.
AMERICA of 30 Rockfeller Plaza,
City of New York, State of New
York, U.S.A. have applied for Regis-
tration of one Trade Mark consisting
of the following:—

in Class 8 that is to say:—
Television receiving and trans-
mitting equipment of all kinds,
parts thereof and accessories there-
to, such as television receivers,
television receiving and transmit-
ting tubes, television cameras and
projectors, television theatre equip-
ment, sound, picture aud program
television recording equipment,
television studio and field pickup
equipment, relay and mobile equip-
ment, television film, amplifying
and control equipment, antennas
and antenna equipment, television
monitors, audio equipment; genera-
tors, television relay transmitters
and receivers, dual-dise slide pro-
jectors, television film projectors,
film camera equipment, automatic
film developers, cable, plugs and
connectors, crystal units, headsets,
remote control switching systems,
kinephoto equipment, film devel-
opers, film contact printers, mono-
scope camera, power supply units,
amplifiers, studio lighting equip-
ment, television camera lenses,
television measuring and testing
meters, color television test equip-
ment, oscilloscopes.
Theatre television
color television receiving and
transmitting equipment, parts
thereof and accessories thereto.
Industrial television equipment.


Motion picture projectors and
projection equipment of all kinds,
parts thereof and accessories there-
to, motion picture sound projectors,
motion picture screens, motion
picture cameras, films, projection
lenses, film splicers, microphones,
film storage cabinets, lamps. . ~


Facsimile and radio-photo trans-
< mitting and receiving equipment
of all kinds, parts thereof and
lraccessories, such as lense and lense
- systems, phototubes, neon . lamps,
- generators, discriminators, oscillo-
| scopes; power supply units, cathode
ray oscillograph, facsimile scanning
and recording equipment.

Sound systems and sound repro-
ducing apparatus of all kinds,
parts thereof and accessories, such
as public address equipment and
other centralized sound equipment,
sound powered telephone handsets,
trumpets, microphones, amplifiers,
cabinets and racks, microphone
stands, microphone preamplifiers,
remote pickup equipment, loud-
speakers, directional sound pro-
jectors, horns, power supply units,
time signal generators, inter-office
communication equipment, mobile
equipment, generators.

Apparatus and equipment of all
kinds for recording sound on
motion picture films, parts thereof
and accessories, such as combina-
tions of sound recording and picture
apparatus, microphones, micro-
phone hangers, pre-recording mix-
er, microphone mixer, electronic
mixer, motors, microphone pre-
amplifier, booster amplifier, isola-
tion amplifier, recording amplifier,
- focusing microscopes, filter and test
equipment, variable highpass filters,
cables and plugs, console equip-
ment, developing equipment,editing
and splicing equipment, projection
equipment, high-pass and low-pass

filters, phototube polarizing net-
work, dialogue and _ film loss
equalizer, gain measuring sets,

16mm and 35mm _ gound film
recorders, 35mm magnetic film
recorder, monitor headphones,
regulated power supply units, low
voltage power supply units, lighting
equipment, cabinets and_ racks,
sound cameras.

Magnetic tape and magnetic wire
sound and picture recording and
reproducing equipment, magnetic
tape and magnetic wire for use
‘with such apparatus as well as
components and accessories such as
tape reels, amplifiers, loudspeakers,
microphones, remote control units
‘and tape splicers, magnetic tape
recorders combined with radio and
television receiving sets.

Electronic apparatus and devices
of all kinds and for all purposes,
parts thereof and accessories thereto,
such as electronic control devices,
electronic power generators, elec-
‘tronic timing devices, electronic
heating devices, electronic dehydra-
ting apparatus, electronic bonding
apparatus, electronic measuring
instruments, electronic synchro-
nizing devices, electronic musical

instruments, electronic sealing,
beverage inspection machine.
electronic metal detectors, radio
frequency therapy apparatus, elec-
tron optical instruments, electronic
siren, automatic counters, nuclear
radiation detection equipment, time
and fire signal generators, electronic
navigation and communication
equipment, electronic calculators,
electronic cooling systems, elec-
tronic light amplifiers. Electronic
business machines, electronic com-
puters, geiger counters, fish-finding

Electron microscopes, charge
neutralizers, focusing magnifiers,
extended range lenses, electron
diffraction units, vacuum units,
vacuum gages, time interval coun-
ters, regulator high voltage d-c
power supply, self-bias gun kits,
hand and foot monitors, count rate
meters, vacuum leak locaters,
shadow casters.

Electrically operated phono-
graphs, mechanical or spring wound
phonographs, parts thereof and
accessories thereto, such ag record
playing attachments, talking ma-
chine records, sound records for
use in radio broadcasting, electrical
records, sound disc recorders and
recording equipment, sound record
players, phonograph record albums,
talking machine styli or needles,
electrically operated talking ma-
chines combined with radio receiv-
ing sets, television receiving sets
and magnetic tape recorders.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 32 years
before the date of their said Appli-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade


Aoting Registrar of Trade Marks.

Centra] Experiment Station,


1951, 1952. 1953. 1954. 1955,
Jan. 3.69 24. 1.938 3.04 2.16
Feb, 1.88 1.60 1.02 245 68
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08 —.83
Apr. 216 3.14 206 49 175
May 10.54 3.07 150° 3.83 2.81
June 2.74 5.74 1.81 3.32 1.47
July 3.28 838 3.20 3.47 2,18
Aug. 918 843 3.15 5.93 8.25
Sept. 12.06 5.55 2.10 9.91 5:59
Oct. 3.90 5.19 85 462 4.60
Nov. 3.67 5.19 5.24 a4 2.19
Dec. 8rd 1.83) 688Si10s—(‘itiwid si

53.93 61.20 28.06 39.80 33,07

[8 Decemler, 1955.

24th November, 1955,

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises iff
the City of Saint John on Thursday the
22nd of December, 1955; at 12 o’clock
noon, the Lands and Tenements
belonging to the persons hereinafter
named, the same having been levied
upon to satisfy the City Rate due
thereon for the year 1955.


Estate of Charles Este, O. K. Dowe,
J. A, Charity.


Christopher Francis, A., Christo-
pher Francis, C., Pearl Hutchinson,
Phyllis DeSilvia. Montaque Richards,

Peter Philip.


John Lucas. Kenneth Murdoch,
Rosaline Morgan.


Ellen John, John Matthew, John
Harris, William Punter, Ethel Hunte,
Robert A. Carty.


John Ramsay, Charles Ramsay,
Elsena Ramsay, Winifred Scotland,
Cecelia Edwards, Henry Edwards,
John Sebastian, Titus Simon.


Samuel A. Joseph, James B. Hart.

Ernest Martin. I. E, A. Barnes.

Gwen & P. Jordon, Estate of J. H.


Benjamin Lowen.

Iola Alexander, Adolphus Rey-
nolds, George Samuel.
Heirs of Willock, Maurice Gardner. ’
Heirs of L. Matthew.

Estate of Sarah James.


Theophilus E. Mannix.


Viola Davis.


Estate of John H. Moore, George :
McAndrew. i

Morrison Camacho.


Elvinia Edmund, George Richardg, .

Frances Hall. Joseph Lewis.

Joseph Lewis, Cox Coates, Louisa



Heirs of Garling (Edwards).

Harry Edwards (2).


Benjamin Lowen.

Acting Provost Marshal...

8 December, 1955. |

By virtue of the powers conferred
“-on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles
cand Road Traffic Ordinance, 1946

(No. 5 of 1946), I hereby fix the
period hereunder for lighting of

Until further notice the lighting of
' vehicles shall be from 5.45 p.m. to
5.45 a.m.
Dated the 16th day of November,
EK. M. V. Jamgs, Lt. Col.,
Lraffic Commissioner.
Ref. No. 36/00004

Tenders are invited for the supply
of the undermentioned items to
Government Institutions in Antigua
for the period ending 30th June, 1956.

2. All tenders must be addressed
to the Administrator of Antigua in
sealed envelopes marked ‘ Tenders
for the supply of Groceries, ete” and

. delivered at the Administrator’s Office
not later than noon on Saturday 17th
December, 1955.
3. Government does not bind itself
to accept the lowest or any tender.
Butter (5 Ib. and 1 1b. tins)
Cheese (5 1b. and 12 oz. ting)
Fish—salted, pickled, tinned
Edible Oil
Meat—salted, pickled,
smoked and cured
Kerosene Oil

Sweet Potatoes
Edadoes & 'l'annias
Green vegetables

Vegetables Imported.

Laundry Necessaries.
Washing Soda



Eggs & Poultry
Administrator's Office,
Ref. No, A. 41/36,


8th December, 1955.

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Thursday
the 29th day of December, 1955 at
12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons
hereinafter named, the same having
been levied upon to satisfy the City
Rate due thereon for the year 1955.


W. K. Heath.


Elizabeth Robinson, William


Henry Edwards.


Anthony Michael, John



Joseph Fernandez.


Acting Provost Marshal.


Under the provisions of Sections 3
and 13 of the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance, No. 8 of 1900, the build-
ing known as the Government Cotton
Honse, situated at the Western
end of Church Street, has been
provided for the storage of goods
unladen from any vessels arriving
in this Presidency and will be a
part of the Queen’s Warehouse
until further notice. Goods intended
to be stored in this warehouse may
be landed at the wharf adjacent to
it which is popularly known as
Dews’ Wharf.

Collector of Customs.

3rd December, 1955.

Tenders are invited for the making

of uniforms for Petty Officers for the
year 1956 as follows:—

In Khaki drill for petty officers—
(«) Tunic and Trousers

(4) Khaki shirt with short sleeves
and pocket at each breast with
flap to button

(c) Khaki trousers

(ad) Khaki shorts
(e) Khaki Overalis

In blue serge and cotton duck for
(a) Blue serge jumper and trousers
(6) Blue serge trousers only
(c) Cotton duck jumper and trous-

Tenders should also make quota-
tions for—

(a) Blue Denim Overalls
(4) Blue Denim Trousers

(c) Blue Denim Shirts

The Government will supply the
necessary drill, serge, or duck, also
badges ard official buttons for tunics,
All other materials are to be supplied
by the contractor. Prices are to in-
clude the cost of affixing badges to
tunic or jumpers.

Tenders should be in sealed envel-
opes addressed to His Honour the
Administrator and marked “TEN.
should reach this Office by 4 o’clock
noon on Wednesday the 14th Decem-
ber, 1955.

The Government does not bind
itself to accept the lowest or any

If the delivery of uniforms ig
delayed for a period exceeding four
weeks after the date of receipt of: the
material or uniforms are unsatisfac-
torily tailored, Government reserves
the right to cancel the contract on
giving one week’s notice in writing.

By Order,

8S. H. Fuax,
Acting Clerk to the Administrator.

Administrator's Office,
30th November, 1955.

Ref. No, A. 41/32.

208 THE


Tenders are hereby invited for the
transport by motor car of public
officers travelling on duty for the
year ending 31st December, 1956.

2. Such tenders should be in
respect of single journey from the
place where the public officer enters
’ the car to the place at which he leaves
it (i.e. 80 much a mile for the single
journey) and charge for waiting if
any should be stated. Provided that
where the officer enters or leaves the
car outside the City limits a charge
may be made for the distance
between that point and St. John’s.

3. Government will not be pre-
cluded from hiring seats for public
officers in public service vehicle
which would otherwise be proceed-
ing to the officer’s destination where
this will result in any economy eg.
for customs officers going to Coolidge
Airfield on duty in a car hired or used
by the Airline Agents.

4. Government reserves the right
to hire or use cars, or seats in cars,


other than the contractor’s cars, for
public officers proceeding on duties
connected with the Customs or

5. Government does not bind it-
self to accept the lowest or any

6. The Contractor will be expected
to provide prompt and_ efficient
service and any agreement entered
into with a contractor will be subject
to the following conditions:—

(i) The Contractor shall whenever
required furnish a oar.

(ii) If due notice of the requirement
of a car has been given and
failing any satisfactory expla-
nation the Contractor’s car
arrives more than five minutes
after the required time Govern-
ment shall have the right to
deduct a penalty not exceeding
10/- from any of the sums due
and owing to the Contractor.

(iii) In the event of the Contractor’s
car being more than 15
minutes late after the required


[8 December, 1155.

time Government may cancel’
the contract on giving the
Contractor one week’s notice
in writing.

(iv) Government shall also have the
right to terminate the contract
on giving one week’s notice
in writing if the service is
generally unreliable through
repeated unpunctuality, defec-
tive cars or other cause.

7. The Tender should state the
number of cars to be at the disposal
of Government.

8. All tenders should be addressed
to the Administrator in a_ sealed
envelope marked “ Tender for Official
Transport” and should be lodged at
the Administrator’s Office not later-

than 4p.m. on Wednesday, 14th
December, 1955.
By Order,
S. H. Fiax,

Ay. Clerk to the Administrator..
Administrator’s Office, j

30th November, 1955. i

Ref, No. A. 78/17.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, M. BLACKMAN,

Government Printer—By Authority,

[Price 50 cenis.]}

: No. 10 of 1955. — Petroleum (Amendment).
[L.8.] ,

I Assent,
~ P. D. Macnonaxp,
Acting Governor.
8th November, 1955,

No. 10 of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend the Petroleum Ordinance,

ENACTED by the Legislature of eee as

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Petroleum (Amendment) Ordinance, 1955, and
shall be read as one with the Petroleum Ordinance,
1949, as amended, hereinafter called the Principal 5

2. Subsection (2) of. section 12A of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
insertion between the words “vehicle” and ‘or”
in the fifteenth line thereof of the words “is or
was for use only on that ship or vehicle”.

Axrec Loveuacr, |


Short title.


Amendment of
Section 124
(2) of Princi-

or. pal Ordinance.

Anttaua. 2 Petroleum (Amendment). No. 10 of 1955. -

Passed the Legislative Council the 10th am
of October, 1955.

F. A. CLarkeE,
Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E. M. BLacKMAN, Government t'rinter.—By Authority.
—480—12.55. Price 4 cents.


No. 11 of 1955., Entertainments Duty.

I Assent,
P. D. Macpnonatp,
Acting Governor.
9th November, 1955.

No. 11 of 19959.

An Ordinance to amend the Entertainnients
_ Duty Ordinance, 1948.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Entertainments Duty (Amendment) Ordinance,
1955, and shall be read as one with the [nter-

tainments Duty Ordinance, 1948 (hereinafter’

called the Principal Ordinance).

2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance
is hereby amended by the substitution for the
definition of the expression “entertainment ”
therein of the following:

‘“ ¢ entertainment’ means any exhibition
by means of mutoscope, cinematograph,

including sound films, or other similar,

’ apparatus and includes circus, conju-
rer’s entertainment, and any horse race,
to any of which persons are admitted
for payment and any other exhibition
performance or amusement which the


Short title.


Amendment of
section 2 of

= Ayticta. 2 Entertainments Duty. No: 11 of 1935. '
Governor in Council may by virtue of -
the provisions of Section 9 of this

Ordinance, by order, so declare, but
does not include—

(a) variety entertainments;
(6) concerts; and

(c) theatrical performances.”

Substitution 3. The following section is hereby substi-
Prnota Sof tuted for section 3 of the Principal Ordinance:—
" Rate of 3. There shall be charged lévied and
duty. paid to the use of Her Majesty in and for
the general revenue of the Presidency a
duty (hereinafter referred to as entertain-
ment duty) at the rates specified in the
Schedule hereto—

(a) on every ticket issued to any
person on payment for admission to
any entertainment; es

(0) for every person admitted for
payment to any entertainment in cases
where no tickets are issued;

(c) on every lottery ticket;

(d) for every public dance.”

Amendment of 4, Subsection (2) of section 4 of. the Prin-

Principal *' cipal Ordinance is hereby amended by the

Ordinance. — substitution of the words ‘shall on summary
conviction be liable” for the word “liable”
appearing in the fifth line thereof.

Amendment of 5. Section 5 of the Principal Ordinance is

Principal. “hereby amended as follows:——


(a) by the repeal of subsection (1)
thereof and its replacement as follows:—
acl iae 5. (1) Entertainment duty shall
recovered, be Charged as regards entertainments
in respect of each person admitted for
payment and in the case of admission
by ticket shall be paid by means of a
stamp (not before used) stamped on the

“No. 11 of 1985. Entertainments Duty. 3 AnriGUA.

ticket or impressed thereon with a die
as provided for in subsection (1) of
section 4 of this Ordinance.”

(6) by the insertion in subsection (2)
of the ae “shall be calculated and paid
on the number of persons admitted and”
hetween the comma and the word “ shall”
appearing in the second line thereof.

6. Section 6 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment ot
is hereby amended by the substitution of the Principal .
following subsection for subsection (2) thereof:— ordinance.

‘6, (2) Any person who issues or sells Penalty.
any lottery ticket in contravention of the
provisions of subsection (1) of this section
shall be guilty of an offence against. this Ordi-
nance and shall on summary conviction be
liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five
dollars in respect of every contravention.”

7. Section 7 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment of
hereby amended by the substitution of the fol- ‘seetion 7 of
* : * ‘ rincipal
lowing subsection for subsection (2) thereof— Ordinance.

(2) Any: person who. keeps or holds a Penalty.
public dance in any house or place in con-
travention of the provisions of subsection
(1) of this section shall be guilty of an
offence against this Ordinance and shall on
summary conviction be liable to a penalty
not exceeding twenty-five dollars.”

8. Section 10 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment of
is hereby amended as follows:— ee
(a) by tiie substitution of the word
“officer” for the word “ Officer” and by -
the substitution of the word “ rules” for the
word “ Rules” appearing in subsection (1)

thereof: and

() by the substitution of the following
subsection for subsection (2) thereof—

‘““(2) Any person who prevents Penalty.
or obstructs the entry of such police
officer shall be guilty of an offence

Antigua. 4 | Entertainments Duty. No. 11 of 1955. —

against this Ordinance and shall on
summary conviction be liable to a
penalty not exceeding one hundred

Amendment of 9. Section 11 of the Principal Ordinance
Panepal 18 hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the substitution of the following
_ paragraph for paragraph (a) of subsection
(1) thereof—

‘““(a) for the supply and use of
stamps, or dies, or stamped or im-
pressed tickets, or for the stamping
or impressing of tickets sent to be
stamped or impressed, or for securing
the defacement of stamps when
used; and”’; and

(6) by the substitution of the
following subsection for subsection
(2) thereof—

* Penalty. (2) The Governor in Council.
may by rules made under sub-
section (1) of this section im-
pose on offenders against the
Same such penalties as he may
think fit not exceeding one
hundred’ dollars tn -respect of |
each offence.”

Atrc LovELACE,

Passed the Legislative Council the 10th
day of October, 1955.

F. A. Crarkr,
Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed . t the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M, Buackman, Goverriment Printer.—By Authority.
; 1955,
—480—12.55. Price 6 cents,

No. 12 of 1955. The British Caribbean Shipping
(Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

I Assent,
P. D. MacpnonaLp,
Acting Governor.

15th November, 1955.

No. 12 of 1955.

An Ordinance to ratify and give effect to the
Agreement of the lst day of November, 1954,
entered into between_ the Governments of
certain Caribbean territories and the West
Indian Navigation Company Limited.

WHEREAS the Governments of Barbados,
British Guiana, Jamaica, Antigua, Montserrat,
“St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, Trinidad*and Tobago,
Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent
(hereinafter called “the Governments”) have
agreed with the West Indian Navigation Company
Limited, a company incorporated in Trinidad
under the provisions of the Companies Ordinance,
Chapter 31 No. 1 of the Laws of the Colony of
Trinidad and Tobago that the Company shall
provide a regular inter-island shipping service to
serve the territories of the Governments in accord-
ance with the terms and conditions of the Agree-
ment set out in the Schedule to this Ordinance:



Short. title.


Fulfilment of

2 The British Caribbean Shappmg No. 12 of 1985.
(Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

AND WHEREAS the Governor and Com-
mander-in-Chief of the Colony of Trinidad and
Tobago was by a Power of Attorney dated the
lst day of November, 1954, nominated and
constituted and appointed the lawful attorney of
the Government of Antigua for it and on its
behalf to execute the said Agreement:

AND WHEREAS the said Governor and
Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Trinidad
and Tobago has by virtue of the powers conferred
on and vested in him by the said Power of
Attorney executed the said Agreement for and on
behalf of the Government of Antigua:

AND WHERKAS the Government of
Antigua having agreed and undertaken to ratify
and confirm the said Agreement as executed for
it and on its behalf it is expedient to make
provision in the Presidency to ratify and give
effect to the snid Agreement.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows: :

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
British Caribbean Shipping (Agreement) Ordi-
nance, 1955. e

2. In-this Ordinance—

“the Agreement” means the Agreement set
out m the Schedule to this Ordinance;

‘“‘the Company” means the West Indies
Navigation Company Limited referred to
in the Agreement.

3. With a view to the fulfilment of the
Agreement in and by the Presidency the terms and
conditions of the Agreement are hereby ratified and
the provisions thereof insofar as they relate to the
Presidency shall have the force of law as if enacted
in this Ordinance,

No. 12 of 1955. The British Caribbean Shipping 8 ANTIGUA. ©
(Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

4. The Chief Accountant shall, on the Gontrbution
_ Warrant of the Governor, pay out of the revenue ames
and other funds of the Presidency, in accordance

with the terms and conditions of the Agreement,

the proportion of the annual sum specified in the

Third Schedule to the Agreement as being pay-

able by the Government of the Presidency to the

5. (1) For the purposes of this Ordinance Duration of
the Agreement shall be deemed to be in force rialgcsonie
unless and until the Governor with the advice of of Ordinance.
_the Executive Council by order declares that the
Agreement has ceased or is for the purposes of this
Ordinance to be deemed to have ceased, to be in


(2) An Order may be made under this, section
declaring that the Agreement has ceased to be in
force if the Governor with the advice of the
Executive Council is satisfied that the Agreement
has been determined in accordance with the terms

Arc LovELace,

Passed the Legislative Couacil this 17th
day of October, 1955.

F. A. Crarkr,
Acting Clerk: of the Council.


4, The British Caribbean No. 12 of 1955.
Shipping (Ayreement) Ordinance, 1955


Approved on behalf of the Approved on behalf of

Governments. the Company.
(Sgd.) C. DE. L. Inniss (Sgd.) STANLEY S. STONE
Attorney General. Conveyancer,

AN AGREEMENT made the First day of
November 1954 between His Excellency Major-
General Sir Hopert Envin Rance, G.C.M.G.,
G.B.E., C.B., Governor and Commander-in-Chief
of the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago acting
herein for and on behalf of the Governments of
Barbados, British Guinna, Jamaica, Antigua, Mont-
serrat, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, Trinidad , and
Tobago, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St.
Vinoent (hereinafter called “the Governments ”’)
having been duly authorised for the purpose by
the Governments of the one part and WEST
a company incorporated in Trinidad under the
provisions of the Companies Ordinance Chapter 31
No. 1, of the Laws of the Colony of Trinidad and
Tobago and having its registered office at 72/74,
South Quay, in the City of Port-of-Spain in the

Island of Trinidad (hereinafter called “the

Company ”’) of the other part.

WHEREAS it is desirable to improve the
communications between the territories of the
British West Indies within the jurisdiction of the
Governments for the benefit of the citizens thereof
and their mutual trade and in particular to establish
a regular shipping service in addition to the sea
communications already in existence:

AND WHEREAS the Governments have
agreed between themselves to contribute with the
assistance for the time being of Her Majesty’s
Government in the United Kingdom in the pro-
portions specified in the Third Schedule hereto
towards the annual sum payable as_ hereinafter
provided by the Governments to the Company:


No. 12 of 1955. The British Caribbean
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.



1. This Agreement may be terminated by
either party giving to the other six months notice
in writing expiring on or at. any time after the
third anniversary of a date fifteen days prior to
the first sailing from Port-of-Spain in accordance
with the First Schedule to this Agreement (herein-
after called “ the commencement date’’)

2. This Agreement shall not be assigned or
sub-let to any person or Company without the
previous consent in writing of the Governments
which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

3. (1) The Company shall introduce pro-
vide and maintain a regular service between the
scheduled ports for passengers and cargo (herein-
after called ‘‘ the said services ” and shall prosecute
the voyages with despatch and shall use its best
endeavours to complete fifteen and one half’ round
voyages per annum between the scheduled ports in
accordance with the time schedule prescribed by the

First Schedule hereto: Provided that

(i) the Company may at its discretion
but subject to the said services being
substantially maintained route the
ship or ships engaged thereon (here-
inafter called ‘“‘ the said ships’) to
call at any unscheduled ports en
route to embark or. disembark
passengers and/or to take on or
unload cargo;

(ii) for the purpose of dry docking or
other necessary measures to main-
tain the efficiency of the said ships
they may be diverted to any
unscheduled port;

(iii) the Company shall in an emergency
or if the best interests of the service
as a whole so require have fall
power as @ temporary measure to



6 The British Caribbean No. 12 of 1955.
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

vary the route of the said ships and
to order or forbid them to enter any

In the event of any such variation
of the said services the Company
shall inform the Governments forth-
with and shall so far as is reasonably
practicable operate feeder services so
as to mitigate any inconvenience to
users of the service caused by such
variation and shall use its best
endeavours to restore the normal .
service with the minimum delay;

(iv) in the event of the facilities of any
port of call not. enabling the said
ships to be turned round in accord-
ance with the normal custom of the
port having regard to the nature of
the service, the Company while
those circumstances continue may
omit, interrupt or modify the service
to that port and the Company shall
forthwith inform the Governments
of the circumstances.

(2) The company shall be entitled, subject to
the provisions of Clause 9, to charge such passenger
fares, freight rates and other charges as may from -
time to time be prescribed by the Company. In
fixing such fares rates and charges the Company
shall pay due regard to any representations from
time to time made by the Governmenis with
respect thereto: Provided that the Company shall
be under no obligation to grant any special or
concessionary rates for the transport of passengers
or cargo.

4. (1) The Company shall provide for the
said services s.s. “‘ Wingsang’” the specification of
which is set out in the Second Schedule hereto and
shall take all practicable measures to ensure that
she and any ship or ships provided by the Company
in substitution for her for the purpose of the said
services are kept in the condition necessary for the
efficient performance thereof: Provided that subject

No. 12 of 1955. The British Cartbbean 7
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

to the provisions of this Agreement if for any
reason other than marine casualty (howsoever
caused) or the consequences of any hostilities or
warlike operations s.s. “ Wingsang” shall not be
available for the said services the Company shall
substitute therefor to the satisfaction of the
Governments another ship or ships to provide as
nearly as possible similar services and facilities.

(2) In the event of any suspension of the
said services arising from the failure to provide or
delay in providing for the said services s.s. ‘‘ Wing-
sang” or another ship or ships us provided by sub-
clause (1) of this clause, the liability of the
Governments for payment of the annual sum
payable under the provisions of Clause 6 hereof
shall be suspended during the period of such
suspension and the amount of such annual sum
shall abate pro rata. Suspension or abatement of
the annual payment in such circumstances shall not
prejudice the question whether the suspension of
the said services constitutes a contravention of this
Agreement but the amount by which the said
annual payment shall have been abated in pursu-
ance of the foregoing provision of this subclause
shall be set off against any damages accruing to the
Governments by reason of such suspension.

(3) In the event of any of the said ships
suffering a marine casualty (howsoever caused) or
being damaged in consequence of any hostilities or
warlike operations the Company shall use its best
endeavours to procure her restoration to such
condition as aforesaid with the minimum delay.

(4) If in consequence of any such. marine

casualty or of hostilities, warlike operations, .

revolution or civil commotion the said services ure
interrupted or suspended the liability of the
Governments for payment of the annual sum pay-
able under the provisions of Clause 6 hereof shall
be suspended during the period of such interrup-
tion or suspension and the amount of such annual
sum shall ubate pro rata and the Company shall
not in respect of an; such interruption or suspen-
sion be subject to any liability to the Governments
or to any penalty save such abatement as aforesaid.



10 The British Caribbean No. 12 of 1056.
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1965.

In .the event of the determination of this
Agreement the Company shall refund to the
Governments any sum: paid in respect of any
unexpired period of any quarter after the date of
determination or tke date of interruption” or
suspension of the said services under Clause 4 (4)
hereof as the case may be.

7. The Governments shall in the interests of
a punctual service take all steps that lie within
their power—

(a) to avoid hindrance or delay to or
interruption of the regular and punctual
operation of the facilities at the scheduled

(5) to procure that the reasonable require-
ments of the Company as to facilities for
passenger, cargo und ship clearance inwards —
and outwards, cargo assembly, lighterage,
navigational aids and other matters incidental
to the arrival, turn-round and departure of
the said ships at the scheduled ports are met
so as to permit of the maintenance of a
punctual service.

8. Subject to the provisions of Clause 3
hereof the Company shall have sole control of
the cargo and passenger schedules of the said
ships and of all bookings aud arrangements
relating thereto arid shall at all times have full-
power to route and re-route the said ships and
to order or forbid them to enter any port and
shall in all such cases inform the Governments
forthwith: Provided that the Company shall at
all times pay due regard to the cargo and pas-
senger needs of the scheduled ports and in
particular to those of.them situate in the Wind-
ward Islands and Leeward Islands.

9. The Company shall receive for con-
veyance as priority cargo on the ship or ships
operating the said services all such letter and

' parcel mails as shall be tendered to them by an

accredited Officer or Agent of the Postal Depart-
ment of any of the Governments, and shall

No. 12 of 1955. The Britsh Caribbean V1
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

deliver all such mails at their destination’ to an
accredited Officer or Agent of any such
Department. ‘The Company shall make reason-
able provision to the satisfaction of the Govern-
ments for the safety and protection of any mails
whilst in the Company’s custody. The Govern-
ments shall remunerate the Company for the
conveyance of mails as aforesaid at such rates as
prevail from time to time for the carriage of
mails by sea in the Caribbean area.

10. The ship or ships providing the said
services and any feeder services mentioned in
Clause 3 (1) (iii) shall be manned so far as is
practicable by West Indian crews with the
_ exception of deck and engineer officers who
are members of the permanent staff of the
owners of the said ships.

11. (1) The Company shall procure the
payment of rates of wages and observance of
hours and conditions of labour not less favourable
than those commonly recognised in respect of
persons employed in a similar capacity and in
similar circumstances in the area where em-
ployment takes place.

(2) Where practicable the rates of wages

and the general conditions of employment
shall be fixed by collective agreement between
the employers’ and workers’ organisations
representative of the workers concerned.

12. Tbe Governments may request the
Company to suspend the said services and to
employ the said ships or any of them for some
other purpose and the Company shall forthwith
comply with such request unless compliance
involves a contravention of the provisions of the
charter under which the ship in question has
been chartered in which event the Company
shall have absolute discretion to comply with
or refuse to comply with such request: Provided
that if the Company shall comply with such
request and whether or not compliance involves
such a contravention as aforesaid the Govern-
ments shall indemnify the Company in the



14 = The British Caribbean No. 12 of 1955.
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

17. Any dispute arising out of this
Agreement shall be settled by Arbitration
under the provisions of the Arbitration Act,
1950, of the United Kingdom. Any such
arbitration shall be held at any place in the
West Indies or in the United Kingdom which
may be mutually agreed between the parties or
in default of agreement at any place in the
West Indies or in the United Kingdom which
may be decided by the arbitrators. .

18. In this Ayreement—

“scheduled port” means a port mentioned
in the First Schedule hereto, as
amended from time to time by mutual
agreement of the parties hereto and
operative for the time being;

“unscheduled port” means a port other
than a scheduled port.

19. This Agreement shall! be governed in
all respects by the law of England.

First Schedule.

The Company shall provide an inter-
island service at approximately three weekly
intervals from Trinidad (Port-of-Spain) to
Grenada (St. George’s), St. Vincent (Kings-
town), Burbados ( Bridgetown), St. Lucia
(Castries), Dominica (Roseau), Montserrat
(Plymouth), Antigua (St, John’s), St. ‘Kitts
(Basseterre), and Jamaica (Kingston), return-
ing to Trinidad (Port-of-Spain) by the same |

Second Schedule

S. S. “ Wingsang”.
Ship’s Particulars:

Built 1938
Gross Tons 3,560
Net Reg. Tons 1,941
Signal Letters VRBR
Official No.’ 159488

Fitted with Radar

No. 12 of 1955. The British Caribbean 15
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.


328' 3” O.A.;. 310! B.P. 48’ B’ th. Ma.
27'.1 Depth Md.

Light Draft : 9! 5”

Speed: Approximately 14 Knots on 22 tons
of good quality furnace oil.

4 Hatches.

Derricks at.
No. 1 Two @ 5 tons
No. 2 Three @ 5 tons and one @ 20


No. 8 Two @ 5 tons
No. 4 Two @ 5 tons.

Stowage Particulars:

Bate caracity: Total about 169,020 cubic
feet. which includes refrigeration space
for approximately 2,600 cubic feet of
cargo and the necessary machinery
space and baggage room of 927 cubic

Mail Room—1,440 cubic feet (Opens into
No. 2T/D

Strong Room—700 cubic feet (and can be
used for cargo

Deadweight capacity for cargo about 2,007
_..-~ tons (allowing for 345 tons bunkers,
358 tons Fresh Water, 120 tons stores
and dunnage and 200 tons perynanent
ballast) on Max. Draft 18! 6".
Total summer deadweight capacity 3,030
. Average immersion: 26 tons per inch.

Fuel Oil Bunker capacity: 345 tons.

Fresh Water tank capacity: 358 tons.

Passenger accommodation:
Accommodation for 20 first class
Accommodation for 35 second class

Berthed accommodation for 46 passen-

. gers in the poop


Antigua. 16 The British Caribbean No. 12 of 1958,
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

370 passengers may be carried in
‘tween decks aft if unberthed
or 150 if berthed provided cargo is
not carried in these spaces, —

156 deck passengers on the weather
deck aft according to seasons and
cargo commitments.

The foregoing will be subject to such
variation as may be determined by the West
Indies Passenger Regulations, and to any
amendments from time to time that may be
determined at any renewal of the passenger

licence. .
Third Schedule.
Proposed basis for
TERRITORY. shipping contrib-
£. Ue
United Kingdom Government 10,000 20.0
Barbados w. 4,400 8.8
British*Guiana ... 1,000 2.0
Jamaica 15,850 30.7
Antigua wm 800 1.7
St. Kitts ; ww 1,250 2.5
Montserrat . 150 i}
Trinidad 14,250 28.5
Grenada ... 1,000 2.0
St. Lucia wee 750 1.5
St. Vincent . 500 1.0
Dominica 800 1.0

£50,000 100%

No. 12 of 1955. The British Caribbean 17 AnrTIGUA.
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

Huserr Exvin Rance, G.C.M.G., G.B.E., C.B.,
as agent aforesaid, on behalf of the several
Governments of Barbados, British Guiana,
Jamaica, Antigua, Montserrat, St. Kitts-Nevis-
Anguilla, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica,
Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent has
hereunto set his hand, and the Company has
caused the Common Seal of the Company to
be hereunto affixed on the respective dates
hereinafter appearing: |

Signed by Sir Huserr Exvin Ranor, )
at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, B.W.L.,, |
this First day of November, 1954, |
in the presence of

(Sgd.) Samury A. Hucains |
of Red House, Port-of-Spain,
Trinidad, Crown Solicitor.

(Sed.) H. E. Rance

The Common Seal of the West
Indes Navigation Company Lim-
ited was hereunto affixed at Port- |
of-Spain, Trinidad, b. W. I., this |
First day of November, 1954 by
Frrzwitttam Srons & Atcazar$ (Sgd.) R. KE. Sava
the Secretaries of the Company in Director
the presence of Raymonp KpwarD
Sara a Director of the said
Company in pursuance of a reso-
lution of the Directors of the
Company and in conformity with
the Articles of Association of the
Company in the presence of


(Sgd.) Firzwittiam

(Sgd.) P. S. HE. Stone,
17 St. Vincent Street,
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad,

Nae Bote

Prinved at the Government Printing Ollice, Leeward Islands,
by EB. M. Buackman, Government Printer.— Ky Authority.
1955. :
500-—12.55. | Price 25 cents]

No. 7 of 1955. Transfer of Sombrero
(General Legislature Competency)

[ L.S.]


6th December, 1955.

No. 7 of 1955.

An Ordinance to declare legislation for the transfer


of the Island of Sombrero froin the Presidency -

of the Virgin Islands to be within the com-
petency of the General Legislature.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Virgin


1. This Ordinance may be cited as_ the
Transfer of Sombrero (General Legislature Com-
petency) Ordinance, 1955.

2. It is hereby declared to be and it shall be
within the competency of the General Legislature
to make laws to provide that the Island of Som-
brero shall cease to form part of the Presidency.

H. A. C. Howarp,

Passed the Legislative Council this 12th day
of Octuber, 1955.

H. O. Creque,
Clerk of the Council.


Short title.

empowered to
make laws to
provide that
shall cease to
form part of
the Presi-

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands
by BE. M, BuackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

47/00357—500 —12.55. Price 3 cents.



1955, No. 35.

Tur Emercency Laws (Miscetransous Provisions) OrpErR, 1955,

WHEREAS section 18 of the Emergency Laws (Transitional
Provisions) Act, 1946 (hereinafter called “the Act of 1946”) as
amended by section 8 of the Emergency Laws (Miscellaneous Provi-
sions) Act, 1947 (hereinafter called “the Act of 1947’) enabled
provision to be made by Order in Council for the continuation in force
until the 10th day of December, 1950, of Defence Regulations having
effect in Colonies and other territories, and provision was so made by.
the Emergency Laws (Transitional Provisions) (Colonies, etc.) Order in
Council, 1946 (hereinafter called “the Order of 1946’) and the
Emergency Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Colonies, ete.) Order in
Council, 1947.

AND WHEREAS Article 3 of the Emergency Laws (Continuance)
Order, 1955 (hereinafter called “the Order of 1955”), made on
the Ist day of December, 1955, in pursuance of the Act of 1947
rovides that the powers exercisable under section 18 of the Act of
1946 shall be exercisable, in relation to any Defence Regulations
remaining in force by virtue of the said section 18 and Article 3 of the
Emergency Laws (Continuance) Order, 1954, when the Order of 1955
was made, as if, in the said section 18 as amended by section 8 of the
Act of 1947 for the reference to the 10th day of December, 1960, there
were substituted a reference to the 10th day of December, 1956:

AND WHEREAS the Emergency Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions)
(Colonies, ete.) Order in Council, 1955 (hereinafter called “ the Order in
Council of 1955’) made by Her Majesty the Queen on the Ist day
of December, 1955, under the provisions of the above recited Acts
and Orders, enables the Governor by Order to provide—

(a) for the continuation in force until the 10th day of
December, 1956, of any Defence Regulations, being Defence Regu-
lations in force in the Colony: at the date of the making of the
Order of 1955 by virtue of section 18 of the Act of 1946 and
Article 3 of the Emergency Laws (Continuance), Order, 1954:


(6) that any Defence Regulations eo continued in force shall
have effect subject to such exceptions, limitations and modifications
as the Governor thinks necessary or expedient.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in pursuance of section 18
of the Act of 1946 and Article 3 of the Order of 1955 and Article 2 of
the Order in Council of 1955 and of all other powers enabling him in-
that behalf is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows:—

1. Short Title. This Order may be cited as the Emergency
Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions) Order, 1955.

2. Continuation. (1) The Defence Regulations mentioned
in the Schedule to this Order, being Defence Regulations in force in the
Colony at the date of the making of the Order of 1955 by virtue of
section 18 of the Act of 1946 and Article 3 of the Emergency Laws
(Continuance) Order, 1954 shall continue in force until the 10th day of
December, 1956:

Provided that such Defence Regulations may be revoked either in
whole or in part at any time by Order,

(2) Subsection (4) of section 5 of the Interpretation of Laws Act
(Cap. 108) shall apply, as it applies to the interpretation of an Act,
npon the expiry of any Defence Regulation continued in force by this
Order, as if such Regulation had been revoked,

Made by the Governor this 7th day of Deeember, 1955.

'K. W. Bracksurne,


1. The Defence (Import and Export Restriction) Regulations,
1943 as amended by the Defence (Import and Export Restriction)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1948. .

2. The Defence (Trading with the Enemy) Regulations, 1939
and all amendments thereto.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
_by &. M. Buackman, Government Printer.—By Authority.
€47/00001.-ITI—500+-12.55. . [Price 4 cents]


No. of 1955. Nurses Registration ~
: (Amendment)

No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend the Nurses Registration Ordi-
nance, 1954.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigna as

1. This Ordinance may: be cited as the Nurses
Reyistration (Amendment) Ordinance, 1955, and shall be
real aa one with the Nurses Registration Ordinance, 1954
in this Ordinance referred to as the Principal Ordinance.

2. Section 7 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by —

(a) inserting in subsection (1) thereof immedi-
ately after, the words “ paying such fee” appearing
therein the words “not being greater than the fee
payable on ordinary applications for registration
under this Ordinance”; :

(b) inserting in subsection (2) thereof immedi-
ately after the words ‘on payment of such fee”
appearing therein the words “ not being greater than
the fee payable on ordinary applications for admis-
sion to such final examination ”’.

3. Section 9 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by substituting for paragraph (a) of subsection
(1) thereof the following: —



‘Short title,


Section 7 of

Section 9 of


Sohedule to

2 Nurses Registration No. of 1955.

“*(@) not being a person duly registered under
this Ordinance takes or ugey the name or title of
registered nurse or registered nursing practitioner,
either alone or in combination with any other words i
or letters, or any name, title, addition, description,
uniform or badge, implying that she is registered
under this Ordinance, or is recognised by law aga
registered nurse; or”

4. The Schedule to the Principal Ordinance ig
hereby amended by adding the following paragraph
immediately after parayraph 6 thereof :—

“6A. If any member of the Council is pre-
vented by illness, temporary absence from the
Presidency or any other cause from performing the
duties of his office as such member—

(4) if such member was appointed by
the Governor in Council or by the Medical
Board established in the Medical Registra-
tion District of which the Presidency of
Antigua forms part under paragraph 4 of
this Schedule, the Governor in Council or
the said Medical Board, as the case may be,
may appoint a person to act in place of such
member until such member is again able to
perform the duties of his office or ceases to
be a member of the Council, whichever ig
the earlier;

(6) if such member was elected in
accordance with the scheme referred to in
paragraph 4 of this Schedule, the Conneil
may appoint a person to act in the place of
such member until such member is again
able to perform the duties of his office or
ceases to be a member of the Council,.
whichever is the earlier:—

Provided that in appointing a person
under this sub-paragraph the Council shall,
so far as practicable, select a person, being
@ person registered as a nurse under thig
Ordinance who is representative of the same
interests as those represented by such

Passed the Legislative Council this day of
19 .

Clerk of the Council.


No. of 1955. Nurses Registration 3 ANTIGUA.


The object of this Bill is to amend the
penalty clause of the Nurses Registration Ordinance °
1954 and to provide for acting appointments on
the Nursing Council of the Presidency.

Desmonp A. Mc. Namara,
Acting Crown Attorney.

17th September, 1955.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by EB. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
—12.55. Price 5 cents.

Full Text


Bublished by Authority.


The subjoined Orders in Council made at the Court at Buckingham
Palace the 1st day of December, 1955, are published for general
information :—

1955, No. 1810.


Made 1st December, 1955.
Laid before Parliament 6th December, i955.
Coming into Operation 9th December, 1955.

At the Court at Buckingham Palace the Ist day of December,

The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty in Council

WHEREAS by section eight of the Supplies and Services
(Transitional Powers) Act, 1945, the said Act was limited to expire
on the tenth day of December, nineteen hundred and fifty, five years
after the passing thereof, unless continued in force under that section:

AND WHEREAS by Orders in Council, made under that
section the said Act was continued in force until the tenth day of
December, nineteen hundred and fifty-five:

AND WHEREAS it is provided by that section that if an
Address is presented to Her Majesty by each House of Parliament
praying that the said Act should be continued in force for a further
period of one year from the time at which it would otherwise expire,
Her Majesty may by Order in Council direct that it shall continue in
force for that further period:

AND WHEREAS such an Address has been presented to Her
Majesty by each House of Parliament as aforesaid:

NOW, THEREFORE, Her Majesty, in pursuance of the said
section eight and of all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is
pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, an
it is hereby ordered, as follows:—

1. The Supplies and Services (Transitional Powers) Act, 1945,
which would otherwise expire on the tenth day of December, nineteen
hundred and fifty-five, shall continue in force for a further period
of one year until the tenth day of December, nineteen hundred and

2. This Order may be cited as the Supplies and Services
(Continuance) Order, 1955, and shall come into operation on the
ninth day of December, nineteen hundred and fifty-five.

x W. G. AGNEW.

3 Sé. 72Fr
L4¥¢7 €

1955, No. 1814.
Tue Emercency Laws (Miscre,Lanrous Provisions) (COLONIES, ETC.)
OrpeR IN Councrn, 1954.

Made 1\st December, 1955.

At the Court at Buckingham Palace the Ist day of December,


The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS section eighteen of the Emergency Laws (‘Transi-
tional Provisions) Act, 1946 (hereinafter called “the Act of 1946”), as
amended hy section eight of the Emergency Laws (Miscellaneous |
Provisions) Act, 1947 (hereinafter called “the Act of 1947’), enabled
provision to be made by Order in Council for the continuation in force
until the tenth day of December, 1950, of Defence Regulations having
effect in Colonies and other territories, and provision was so made by
the Emergency Laws (Transitional Provisions) (Colonies, etc.) Order in
Council, 1946 (hereinafter called the ‘“ Order of 1946”), and the Emer-
gency Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Colonies, etc.) Order in
Council, 1947:

AND WHEREAS Article 3 of the Emergency Laws (Contin-
nance) Order, 1955, (hereinafter called “the Order of 1955”’), made on
the first day of December, 1955, in pursuance of the Act of 1947
provides that the powers exercisable under section eighteen of the Act
of 1946 shall be exercisable, in relation to any Defence Regulations
remaining in force by virtue of the said section eighteen and Article 3 of
the Emergency Laws (Continuance) Order, 1954, when the Order of
1955 was made, as if, in the said section eighteen as amended by section
sight of the Act of 1947 for the reference to the tenth day of December,
1950, there were substituted a reference to the 10th day of December,

NOW, THEREFORE, Her Majesty, in pursuance of section
eighteen of the Act of 1946 and Article 3 of the Order of 1955 and of
all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is pleased, by and with
the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered
as follows:— .

1. This Order may be cited as the Emergency Laws (Miscel-
laneous Provisions) (Colonies, etc.) Order in Council, 1955.

2. The Governor of any territory mentioned in the Schedule to
this Order may by order provide:—

(a) for the continuation in force until the tenth day of
December, 1956, of any Defence Regulations, being Defence
Regulations in force in the territory at the date of the making of
the Order of 1955 by virtue of section eighteen of the Act of 1946
and Article 3 of the Emergency Laws (Continuance) Order, 1954;

(6) that any Defence Regulations so continued in force shall
have effect subject to such exceptions, limitations and modifications
as the Governor thinks necessary or expedient.

8. The provisions cf section two, subsection (2) of section three,
section four and section five of the Order of 1946 shall have effect in
relation to-this Order, and to Defence Regulations continued in force
under this Order, as they have effect in relation to the Order of 1946, ©
and to Defence Regulations continued in force under that Order.

W. G. AGNew.



Jamaica (ineluding Turks and Caicos Islands and the Cayman

Kenya (Colony and Protectorate)

Leeward Islands:-—



St. Christopher Nevis and Anguilla

Virgin Islands
Trinidad and Tobago.
8 December, 1955.]

general information that persons
intending to emigrate to the United
Kingdom, who are not British sub-

(a) are requested to be in posses-
sion of a visa for the United

Kingdom; and

(2) cannot be accepted in the

United Kingdom as an immigrant.

Administrator’s Office,
Ref. No. A. 39/9.

No. 119.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

WHITE, Mrs. 8S., Junior Clerk,
Attorney General’s Office, to act as
Principal, Attorney General’s
Office. Aug, 15, 1955.

Ref. No. P. F. 544.


No. 120.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Ordinance:—

St. Kitts- Nevis-Anguilla.

No. 12 of 1955, “The British
Caribbean Shipping (Agreement)
Ordinance, 1955.”

The Secretariat,
Ref. No. 47/00356

No. 121.

The Governor has, this day, been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinances:—

Virgin Islands.

No. 7 of 1955, ‘‘The Transfer of
Sombrero from the Presidency of
the Virgin Islands tothe Presidency
of St. Kitts.”

The Secretariat,
6th December, 1955.

Ref. No. 47/00357.

No. 8 of 1955, ‘‘The Water and
Electricity Supply Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 9 of 1955, **The Protection of
Trees and Conservation of Soil and
Water (Amendment) Ordinance,

Dec. 7


No. 122.

The following Ordinances and
Statutory Rule and Order are circu-
lated with this Gazette and form
part thereof :—


No. 10 of 1955, “The Petroleum
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955. ”’
2 pp. Price 4 cents

No. 11 of 1955, “The Hntertain-
ments Duty (Amendment) Ordinance,

4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 12 of 1955, ‘The British
Caribbean Shipping (Agreement)
Ordinance 1955.”

17 pp. Price 25 canés.

Virgin Islands.

No. 7 of 1955, “The Transfer of
Sombrero (General Legislature Com-
petency) Ordinance, 1955.

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

General Government.

No. 35 of 1955, ‘The Emergency
Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Order, 1955.” 2 pp. Price 4 cents

No. 123.

The following Bill which is to be
introduced in the Legislative Council
of Antigua, is circulated with this-
Gazette and forms part thereof:—

“The Nurses Registration
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.”

Windward Islands & Leeward
Islands Court of Appeal.

Pursuant to Section 14 (2) of the
Rules of the Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands Court of Appeal
made under Section 16o0f the Order
in Council dated 20th December,
1939, His Lordship the Chief Justice
has arranged for a sitting of the Court
of Appeal for the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands to be held in the
Presidency of Antigua on Monday
the 12th day of December, 1955, at
11 o’clock in the forenoon.

All persons concerned are hereby
notified to govern themselves accord-

By Order,

Acting Registrar.

Registrar’s Office,
St. John’s,
19th November, 1955,


Control of Imports & Exports
Notice No. 4 of 1955
Imports of Refrigeration Plant

Nearly all types of Commercial
Refrigerators, Refrigerated Cabinets
and Display Counters and Refrigera-
tion Plant, can now be obtained
from the United Kingdom and
I can furnish the addresses of
several United Kingdom manufac-
turers of such goods to any importers
who may be interested.

Collector of Customs and
Supply Officer.
25th November, 1955. /

ANTIGUA 17th November, 1955.
AMERICA of 30 Rockfeller Plaza,
City of New York, State of New
York, U.S.A. have applied for Regis-
tration of one Trade Mark consisting
of the following:—

in Class 8 that is to say:—
Television receiving and trans-
mitting equipment of all kinds,
parts thereof and accessories there-
to, such as television receivers,
television receiving and transmit-
ting tubes, television cameras and
projectors, television theatre equip-
ment, sound, picture aud program
television recording equipment,
television studio and field pickup
equipment, relay and mobile equip-
ment, television film, amplifying
and control equipment, antennas
and antenna equipment, television
monitors, audio equipment; genera-
tors, television relay transmitters
and receivers, dual-dise slide pro-
jectors, television film projectors,
film camera equipment, automatic
film developers, cable, plugs and
connectors, crystal units, headsets,
remote control switching systems,
kinephoto equipment, film devel-
opers, film contact printers, mono-
scope camera, power supply units,
amplifiers, studio lighting equip-
ment, television camera lenses,
television measuring and testing
meters, color television test equip-
ment, oscilloscopes.
Theatre television
color television receiving and
transmitting equipment, parts
thereof and accessories thereto.
Industrial television equipment.


Motion picture projectors and
projection equipment of all kinds,
parts thereof and accessories there-
to, motion picture sound projectors,
motion picture screens, motion
picture cameras, films, projection
lenses, film splicers, microphones,
film storage cabinets, lamps. . ~

Facsimile and radio-photo trans-
< mitting and receiving equipment
of all kinds, parts thereof and
lraccessories, such as lense and lense
- systems, phototubes, neon . lamps,
- generators, discriminators, oscillo-
| scopes; power supply units, cathode
ray oscillograph, facsimile scanning
and recording equipment.

Sound systems and sound repro-
ducing apparatus of all kinds,
parts thereof and accessories, such
as public address equipment and
other centralized sound equipment,
sound powered telephone handsets,
trumpets, microphones, amplifiers,
cabinets and racks, microphone
stands, microphone preamplifiers,
remote pickup equipment, loud-
speakers, directional sound pro-
jectors, horns, power supply units,
time signal generators, inter-office
communication equipment, mobile
equipment, generators.

Apparatus and equipment of all
kinds for recording sound on
motion picture films, parts thereof
and accessories, such as combina-
tions of sound recording and picture
apparatus, microphones, micro-
phone hangers, pre-recording mix-
er, microphone mixer, electronic
mixer, motors, microphone pre-
amplifier, booster amplifier, isola-
tion amplifier, recording amplifier,
- focusing microscopes, filter and test
equipment, variable highpass filters,
cables and plugs, console equip-
ment, developing equipment,editing
and splicing equipment, projection
equipment, high-pass and low-pass

filters, phototube polarizing net-
work, dialogue and _ film loss
equalizer, gain measuring sets,

16mm and 35mm _ gound film
recorders, 35mm magnetic film
recorder, monitor headphones,
regulated power supply units, low
voltage power supply units, lighting
equipment, cabinets and_ racks,
sound cameras.

Magnetic tape and magnetic wire
sound and picture recording and
reproducing equipment, magnetic
tape and magnetic wire for use
‘with such apparatus as well as
components and accessories such as
tape reels, amplifiers, loudspeakers,
microphones, remote control units
‘and tape splicers, magnetic tape
recorders combined with radio and
television receiving sets.

Electronic apparatus and devices
of all kinds and for all purposes,
parts thereof and accessories thereto,
such as electronic control devices,
electronic power generators, elec-
‘tronic timing devices, electronic
heating devices, electronic dehydra-
ting apparatus, electronic bonding
apparatus, electronic measuring
instruments, electronic synchro-
nizing devices, electronic musical

instruments, electronic sealing,
beverage inspection machine.
electronic metal detectors, radio
frequency therapy apparatus, elec-
tron optical instruments, electronic
siren, automatic counters, nuclear
radiation detection equipment, time
and fire signal generators, electronic
navigation and communication
equipment, electronic calculators,
electronic cooling systems, elec-
tronic light amplifiers. Electronic
business machines, electronic com-
puters, geiger counters, fish-finding

Electron microscopes, charge
neutralizers, focusing magnifiers,
extended range lenses, electron
diffraction units, vacuum units,
vacuum gages, time interval coun-
ters, regulator high voltage d-c
power supply, self-bias gun kits,
hand and foot monitors, count rate
meters, vacuum leak locaters,
shadow casters.

Electrically operated phono-
graphs, mechanical or spring wound
phonographs, parts thereof and
accessories thereto, such ag record
playing attachments, talking ma-
chine records, sound records for
use in radio broadcasting, electrical
records, sound disc recorders and
recording equipment, sound record
players, phonograph record albums,
talking machine styli or needles,
electrically operated talking ma-
chines combined with radio receiv-
ing sets, television receiving sets
and magnetic tape recorders.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 32 years
before the date of their said Appli-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade


Aoting Registrar of Trade Marks.

Centra] Experiment Station,


1951, 1952. 1953. 1954. 1955,
Jan. 3.69 24. 1.938 3.04 2.16
Feb, 1.88 1.60 1.02 245 68
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08 —.83
Apr. 216 3.14 206 49 175
May 10.54 3.07 150° 3.83 2.81
June 2.74 5.74 1.81 3.32 1.47
July 3.28 838 3.20 3.47 2,18
Aug. 918 843 3.15 5.93 8.25
Sept. 12.06 5.55 2.10 9.91 5:59
Oct. 3.90 5.19 85 462 4.60
Nov. 3.67 5.19 5.24 a4 2.19
Dec. 8rd 1.83) 688Si10s—(‘itiwid si

53.93 61.20 28.06 39.80 33,07

[8 Decemler, 1955.

24th November, 1955,

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises iff
the City of Saint John on Thursday the
22nd of December, 1955; at 12 o’clock
noon, the Lands and Tenements
belonging to the persons hereinafter
named, the same having been levied
upon to satisfy the City Rate due
thereon for the year 1955.


Estate of Charles Este, O. K. Dowe,
J. A, Charity.


Christopher Francis, A., Christo-
pher Francis, C., Pearl Hutchinson,
Phyllis DeSilvia. Montaque Richards,

Peter Philip.


John Lucas. Kenneth Murdoch,
Rosaline Morgan.


Ellen John, John Matthew, John
Harris, William Punter, Ethel Hunte,
Robert A. Carty.


John Ramsay, Charles Ramsay,
Elsena Ramsay, Winifred Scotland,
Cecelia Edwards, Henry Edwards,
John Sebastian, Titus Simon.


Samuel A. Joseph, James B. Hart.

Ernest Martin. I. E, A. Barnes.

Gwen & P. Jordon, Estate of J. H.


Benjamin Lowen.

Iola Alexander, Adolphus Rey-
nolds, George Samuel.
Heirs of Willock, Maurice Gardner. ’
Heirs of L. Matthew.

Estate of Sarah James.


Theophilus E. Mannix.


Viola Davis.


Estate of John H. Moore, George :
McAndrew. i

Morrison Camacho.


Elvinia Edmund, George Richardg, .

Frances Hall. Joseph Lewis.

Joseph Lewis, Cox Coates, Louisa



Heirs of Garling (Edwards).

Harry Edwards (2).


Benjamin Lowen.

Acting Provost Marshal...
8 December, 1955. |

By virtue of the powers conferred
“-on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles
cand Road Traffic Ordinance, 1946

(No. 5 of 1946), I hereby fix the
period hereunder for lighting of

Until further notice the lighting of
' vehicles shall be from 5.45 p.m. to
5.45 a.m.
Dated the 16th day of November,
EK. M. V. Jamgs, Lt. Col.,
Lraffic Commissioner.
Ref. No. 36/00004

Tenders are invited for the supply
of the undermentioned items to
Government Institutions in Antigua
for the period ending 30th June, 1956.

2. All tenders must be addressed
to the Administrator of Antigua in
sealed envelopes marked ‘ Tenders
for the supply of Groceries, ete” and

. delivered at the Administrator’s Office
not later than noon on Saturday 17th
December, 1955.
3. Government does not bind itself
to accept the lowest or any tender.
Butter (5 Ib. and 1 1b. tins)
Cheese (5 1b. and 12 oz. ting)
Fish—salted, pickled, tinned
Edible Oil
Meat—salted, pickled,
smoked and cured
Kerosene Oil

Sweet Potatoes
Edadoes & 'l'annias
Green vegetables

Vegetables Imported.

Laundry Necessaries.
Washing Soda



Eggs & Poultry
Administrator's Office,
Ref. No, A. 41/36,


8th December, 1955.

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Thursday
the 29th day of December, 1955 at
12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons
hereinafter named, the same having
been levied upon to satisfy the City
Rate due thereon for the year 1955.


W. K. Heath.


Elizabeth Robinson, William


Henry Edwards.


Anthony Michael, John



Joseph Fernandez.


Acting Provost Marshal.


Under the provisions of Sections 3
and 13 of the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance, No. 8 of 1900, the build-
ing known as the Government Cotton
Honse, situated at the Western
end of Church Street, has been
provided for the storage of goods
unladen from any vessels arriving
in this Presidency and will be a
part of the Queen’s Warehouse
until further notice. Goods intended
to be stored in this warehouse may
be landed at the wharf adjacent to
it which is popularly known as
Dews’ Wharf.

Collector of Customs.

3rd December, 1955.

Tenders are invited for the making

of uniforms for Petty Officers for the
year 1956 as follows:—

In Khaki drill for petty officers—
(«) Tunic and Trousers

(4) Khaki shirt with short sleeves
and pocket at each breast with
flap to button

(c) Khaki trousers

(ad) Khaki shorts
(e) Khaki Overalis

In blue serge and cotton duck for
(a) Blue serge jumper and trousers
(6) Blue serge trousers only
(c) Cotton duck jumper and trous-

Tenders should also make quota-
tions for—

(a) Blue Denim Overalls
(4) Blue Denim Trousers

(c) Blue Denim Shirts

The Government will supply the
necessary drill, serge, or duck, also
badges ard official buttons for tunics,
All other materials are to be supplied
by the contractor. Prices are to in-
clude the cost of affixing badges to
tunic or jumpers.

Tenders should be in sealed envel-
opes addressed to His Honour the
Administrator and marked “TEN.
should reach this Office by 4 o’clock
noon on Wednesday the 14th Decem-
ber, 1955.

The Government does not bind
itself to accept the lowest or any

If the delivery of uniforms ig
delayed for a period exceeding four
weeks after the date of receipt of: the
material or uniforms are unsatisfac-
torily tailored, Government reserves
the right to cancel the contract on
giving one week’s notice in writing.

By Order,

8S. H. Fuax,
Acting Clerk to the Administrator.

Administrator's Office,
30th November, 1955.

Ref. No, A. 41/32.
208 THE


Tenders are hereby invited for the
transport by motor car of public
officers travelling on duty for the
year ending 31st December, 1956.

2. Such tenders should be in
respect of single journey from the
place where the public officer enters
’ the car to the place at which he leaves
it (i.e. 80 much a mile for the single
journey) and charge for waiting if
any should be stated. Provided that
where the officer enters or leaves the
car outside the City limits a charge
may be made for the distance
between that point and St. John’s.

3. Government will not be pre-
cluded from hiring seats for public
officers in public service vehicle
which would otherwise be proceed-
ing to the officer’s destination where
this will result in any economy eg.
for customs officers going to Coolidge
Airfield on duty in a car hired or used
by the Airline Agents.

4. Government reserves the right
to hire or use cars, or seats in cars,


other than the contractor’s cars, for
public officers proceeding on duties
connected with the Customs or

5. Government does not bind it-
self to accept the lowest or any

6. The Contractor will be expected
to provide prompt and_ efficient
service and any agreement entered
into with a contractor will be subject
to the following conditions:—

(i) The Contractor shall whenever
required furnish a oar.

(ii) If due notice of the requirement
of a car has been given and
failing any satisfactory expla-
nation the Contractor’s car
arrives more than five minutes
after the required time Govern-
ment shall have the right to
deduct a penalty not exceeding
10/- from any of the sums due
and owing to the Contractor.

(iii) In the event of the Contractor’s
car being more than 15
minutes late after the required


[8 December, 1155.

time Government may cancel’
the contract on giving the
Contractor one week’s notice
in writing.

(iv) Government shall also have the
right to terminate the contract
on giving one week’s notice
in writing if the service is
generally unreliable through
repeated unpunctuality, defec-
tive cars or other cause.

7. The Tender should state the
number of cars to be at the disposal
of Government.

8. All tenders should be addressed
to the Administrator in a_ sealed
envelope marked “ Tender for Official
Transport” and should be lodged at
the Administrator’s Office not later-

than 4p.m. on Wednesday, 14th
December, 1955.
By Order,
S. H. Fiax,

Ay. Clerk to the Administrator..
Administrator’s Office, j

30th November, 1955. i

Ref, No. A. 78/17.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, M. BLACKMAN,

Government Printer—By Authority,

[Price 50 cenis.]}
: No. 10 of 1955. — Petroleum (Amendment).
[L.8.] ,

I Assent,
~ P. D. Macnonaxp,
Acting Governor.
8th November, 1955,

No. 10 of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend the Petroleum Ordinance,

ENACTED by the Legislature of eee as

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Petroleum (Amendment) Ordinance, 1955, and
shall be read as one with the Petroleum Ordinance,
1949, as amended, hereinafter called the Principal 5

2. Subsection (2) of. section 12A of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
insertion between the words “vehicle” and ‘or”
in the fifteenth line thereof of the words “is or
was for use only on that ship or vehicle”.

Axrec Loveuacr, |


Short title.


Amendment of
Section 124
(2) of Princi-

or. pal Ordinance.
Anttaua. 2 Petroleum (Amendment). No. 10 of 1955. -

Passed the Legislative Council the 10th am
of October, 1955.

F. A. CLarkeE,
Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E. M. BLacKMAN, Government t'rinter.—By Authority.
—480—12.55. Price 4 cents.

No. 11 of 1955., Entertainments Duty.

I Assent,
P. D. Macpnonatp,
Acting Governor.
9th November, 1955.

No. 11 of 19959.

An Ordinance to amend the Entertainnients
_ Duty Ordinance, 1948.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Entertainments Duty (Amendment) Ordinance,
1955, and shall be read as one with the [nter-

tainments Duty Ordinance, 1948 (hereinafter’

called the Principal Ordinance).

2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance
is hereby amended by the substitution for the
definition of the expression “entertainment ”
therein of the following:

‘“ ¢ entertainment’ means any exhibition
by means of mutoscope, cinematograph,

including sound films, or other similar,

’ apparatus and includes circus, conju-
rer’s entertainment, and any horse race,
to any of which persons are admitted
for payment and any other exhibition
performance or amusement which the


Short title.


Amendment of
section 2 of
= Ayticta. 2 Entertainments Duty. No: 11 of 1935. '
Governor in Council may by virtue of -
the provisions of Section 9 of this

Ordinance, by order, so declare, but
does not include—

(a) variety entertainments;
(6) concerts; and

(c) theatrical performances.”

Substitution 3. The following section is hereby substi-
Prnota Sof tuted for section 3 of the Principal Ordinance:—
" Rate of 3. There shall be charged lévied and
duty. paid to the use of Her Majesty in and for
the general revenue of the Presidency a
duty (hereinafter referred to as entertain-
ment duty) at the rates specified in the
Schedule hereto—

(a) on every ticket issued to any
person on payment for admission to
any entertainment; es

(0) for every person admitted for
payment to any entertainment in cases
where no tickets are issued;

(c) on every lottery ticket;

(d) for every public dance.”

Amendment of 4, Subsection (2) of section 4 of. the Prin-

Principal *' cipal Ordinance is hereby amended by the

Ordinance. — substitution of the words ‘shall on summary
conviction be liable” for the word “liable”
appearing in the fifth line thereof.

Amendment of 5. Section 5 of the Principal Ordinance is

Principal. “hereby amended as follows:——


(a) by the repeal of subsection (1)
thereof and its replacement as follows:—
acl iae 5. (1) Entertainment duty shall
recovered, be Charged as regards entertainments
in respect of each person admitted for
payment and in the case of admission
by ticket shall be paid by means of a
stamp (not before used) stamped on the
“No. 11 of 1985. Entertainments Duty. 3 AnriGUA.

ticket or impressed thereon with a die
as provided for in subsection (1) of
section 4 of this Ordinance.”

(6) by the insertion in subsection (2)
of the ae “shall be calculated and paid
on the number of persons admitted and”
hetween the comma and the word “ shall”
appearing in the second line thereof.

6. Section 6 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment ot
is hereby amended by the substitution of the Principal .
following subsection for subsection (2) thereof:— ordinance.

‘6, (2) Any person who issues or sells Penalty.
any lottery ticket in contravention of the
provisions of subsection (1) of this section
shall be guilty of an offence against. this Ordi-
nance and shall on summary conviction be
liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five
dollars in respect of every contravention.”

7. Section 7 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment of
hereby amended by the substitution of the fol- ‘seetion 7 of
* : * ‘ rincipal
lowing subsection for subsection (2) thereof— Ordinance.

(2) Any: person who. keeps or holds a Penalty.
public dance in any house or place in con-
travention of the provisions of subsection
(1) of this section shall be guilty of an
offence against this Ordinance and shall on
summary conviction be liable to a penalty
not exceeding twenty-five dollars.”

8. Section 10 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment of
is hereby amended as follows:— ee
(a) by tiie substitution of the word
“officer” for the word “ Officer” and by -
the substitution of the word “ rules” for the
word “ Rules” appearing in subsection (1)

thereof: and

() by the substitution of the following
subsection for subsection (2) thereof—

‘““(2) Any person who prevents Penalty.
or obstructs the entry of such police
officer shall be guilty of an offence
Antigua. 4 | Entertainments Duty. No. 11 of 1955. —

against this Ordinance and shall on
summary conviction be liable to a
penalty not exceeding one hundred

Amendment of 9. Section 11 of the Principal Ordinance
Panepal 18 hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the substitution of the following
_ paragraph for paragraph (a) of subsection
(1) thereof—

‘““(a) for the supply and use of
stamps, or dies, or stamped or im-
pressed tickets, or for the stamping
or impressing of tickets sent to be
stamped or impressed, or for securing
the defacement of stamps when
used; and”’; and

(6) by the substitution of the
following subsection for subsection
(2) thereof—

* Penalty. (2) The Governor in Council.
may by rules made under sub-
section (1) of this section im-
pose on offenders against the
Same such penalties as he may
think fit not exceeding one
hundred’ dollars tn -respect of |
each offence.”

Atrc LovELACE,

Passed the Legislative Council the 10th
day of October, 1955.

F. A. Crarkr,
Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed . t the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M, Buackman, Goverriment Printer.—By Authority.
; 1955,
—480—12.55. Price 6 cents,
No. 12 of 1955. The British Caribbean Shipping
(Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

I Assent,
P. D. MacpnonaLp,
Acting Governor.

15th November, 1955.

No. 12 of 1955.

An Ordinance to ratify and give effect to the
Agreement of the lst day of November, 1954,
entered into between_ the Governments of
certain Caribbean territories and the West
Indian Navigation Company Limited.

WHEREAS the Governments of Barbados,
British Guiana, Jamaica, Antigua, Montserrat,
“St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, Trinidad*and Tobago,
Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent
(hereinafter called “the Governments”) have
agreed with the West Indian Navigation Company
Limited, a company incorporated in Trinidad
under the provisions of the Companies Ordinance,
Chapter 31 No. 1 of the Laws of the Colony of
Trinidad and Tobago that the Company shall
provide a regular inter-island shipping service to
serve the territories of the Governments in accord-
ance with the terms and conditions of the Agree-
ment set out in the Schedule to this Ordinance:


Short. title.


Fulfilment of

2 The British Caribbean Shappmg No. 12 of 1985.
(Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

AND WHEREAS the Governor and Com-
mander-in-Chief of the Colony of Trinidad and
Tobago was by a Power of Attorney dated the
lst day of November, 1954, nominated and
constituted and appointed the lawful attorney of
the Government of Antigua for it and on its
behalf to execute the said Agreement:

AND WHEREAS the said Governor and
Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Trinidad
and Tobago has by virtue of the powers conferred
on and vested in him by the said Power of
Attorney executed the said Agreement for and on
behalf of the Government of Antigua:

AND WHERKAS the Government of
Antigua having agreed and undertaken to ratify
and confirm the said Agreement as executed for
it and on its behalf it is expedient to make
provision in the Presidency to ratify and give
effect to the snid Agreement.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows: :

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
British Caribbean Shipping (Agreement) Ordi-
nance, 1955. e

2. In-this Ordinance—

“the Agreement” means the Agreement set
out m the Schedule to this Ordinance;

‘“‘the Company” means the West Indies
Navigation Company Limited referred to
in the Agreement.

3. With a view to the fulfilment of the
Agreement in and by the Presidency the terms and
conditions of the Agreement are hereby ratified and
the provisions thereof insofar as they relate to the
Presidency shall have the force of law as if enacted
in this Ordinance,
No. 12 of 1955. The British Caribbean Shipping 8 ANTIGUA. ©
(Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

4. The Chief Accountant shall, on the Gontrbution
_ Warrant of the Governor, pay out of the revenue ames
and other funds of the Presidency, in accordance

with the terms and conditions of the Agreement,

the proportion of the annual sum specified in the

Third Schedule to the Agreement as being pay-

able by the Government of the Presidency to the

5. (1) For the purposes of this Ordinance Duration of
the Agreement shall be deemed to be in force rialgcsonie
unless and until the Governor with the advice of of Ordinance.
_the Executive Council by order declares that the
Agreement has ceased or is for the purposes of this
Ordinance to be deemed to have ceased, to be in


(2) An Order may be made under this, section
declaring that the Agreement has ceased to be in
force if the Governor with the advice of the
Executive Council is satisfied that the Agreement
has been determined in accordance with the terms

Arc LovELace,

Passed the Legislative Couacil this 17th
day of October, 1955.

F. A. Crarkr,
Acting Clerk: of the Council.

4, The British Caribbean No. 12 of 1955.
Shipping (Ayreement) Ordinance, 1955


Approved on behalf of the Approved on behalf of

Governments. the Company.
(Sgd.) C. DE. L. Inniss (Sgd.) STANLEY S. STONE
Attorney General. Conveyancer,

AN AGREEMENT made the First day of
November 1954 between His Excellency Major-
General Sir Hopert Envin Rance, G.C.M.G.,
G.B.E., C.B., Governor and Commander-in-Chief
of the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago acting
herein for and on behalf of the Governments of
Barbados, British Guinna, Jamaica, Antigua, Mont-
serrat, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, Trinidad , and
Tobago, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St.
Vinoent (hereinafter called “the Governments ”’)
having been duly authorised for the purpose by
the Governments of the one part and WEST
a company incorporated in Trinidad under the
provisions of the Companies Ordinance Chapter 31
No. 1, of the Laws of the Colony of Trinidad and
Tobago and having its registered office at 72/74,
South Quay, in the City of Port-of-Spain in the

Island of Trinidad (hereinafter called “the

Company ”’) of the other part.

WHEREAS it is desirable to improve the
communications between the territories of the
British West Indies within the jurisdiction of the
Governments for the benefit of the citizens thereof
and their mutual trade and in particular to establish
a regular shipping service in addition to the sea
communications already in existence:

AND WHEREAS the Governments have
agreed between themselves to contribute with the
assistance for the time being of Her Majesty’s
Government in the United Kingdom in the pro-
portions specified in the Third Schedule hereto
towards the annual sum payable as_ hereinafter
provided by the Governments to the Company:

No. 12 of 1955. The British Caribbean
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.



1. This Agreement may be terminated by
either party giving to the other six months notice
in writing expiring on or at. any time after the
third anniversary of a date fifteen days prior to
the first sailing from Port-of-Spain in accordance
with the First Schedule to this Agreement (herein-
after called “ the commencement date’’)

2. This Agreement shall not be assigned or
sub-let to any person or Company without the
previous consent in writing of the Governments
which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

3. (1) The Company shall introduce pro-
vide and maintain a regular service between the
scheduled ports for passengers and cargo (herein-
after called ‘‘ the said services ” and shall prosecute
the voyages with despatch and shall use its best
endeavours to complete fifteen and one half’ round
voyages per annum between the scheduled ports in
accordance with the time schedule prescribed by the

First Schedule hereto: Provided that

(i) the Company may at its discretion
but subject to the said services being
substantially maintained route the
ship or ships engaged thereon (here-
inafter called ‘“‘ the said ships’) to
call at any unscheduled ports en
route to embark or. disembark
passengers and/or to take on or
unload cargo;

(ii) for the purpose of dry docking or
other necessary measures to main-
tain the efficiency of the said ships
they may be diverted to any
unscheduled port;

(iii) the Company shall in an emergency
or if the best interests of the service
as a whole so require have fall
power as @ temporary measure to


6 The British Caribbean No. 12 of 1955.
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

vary the route of the said ships and
to order or forbid them to enter any

In the event of any such variation
of the said services the Company
shall inform the Governments forth-
with and shall so far as is reasonably
practicable operate feeder services so
as to mitigate any inconvenience to
users of the service caused by such
variation and shall use its best
endeavours to restore the normal .
service with the minimum delay;

(iv) in the event of the facilities of any
port of call not. enabling the said
ships to be turned round in accord-
ance with the normal custom of the
port having regard to the nature of
the service, the Company while
those circumstances continue may
omit, interrupt or modify the service
to that port and the Company shall
forthwith inform the Governments
of the circumstances.

(2) The company shall be entitled, subject to
the provisions of Clause 9, to charge such passenger
fares, freight rates and other charges as may from -
time to time be prescribed by the Company. In
fixing such fares rates and charges the Company
shall pay due regard to any representations from
time to time made by the Governmenis with
respect thereto: Provided that the Company shall
be under no obligation to grant any special or
concessionary rates for the transport of passengers
or cargo.

4. (1) The Company shall provide for the
said services s.s. “‘ Wingsang’” the specification of
which is set out in the Second Schedule hereto and
shall take all practicable measures to ensure that
she and any ship or ships provided by the Company
in substitution for her for the purpose of the said
services are kept in the condition necessary for the
efficient performance thereof: Provided that subject
No. 12 of 1955. The British Cartbbean 7
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

to the provisions of this Agreement if for any
reason other than marine casualty (howsoever
caused) or the consequences of any hostilities or
warlike operations s.s. “ Wingsang” shall not be
available for the said services the Company shall
substitute therefor to the satisfaction of the
Governments another ship or ships to provide as
nearly as possible similar services and facilities.

(2) In the event of any suspension of the
said services arising from the failure to provide or
delay in providing for the said services s.s. ‘‘ Wing-
sang” or another ship or ships us provided by sub-
clause (1) of this clause, the liability of the
Governments for payment of the annual sum
payable under the provisions of Clause 6 hereof
shall be suspended during the period of such
suspension and the amount of such annual sum
shall abate pro rata. Suspension or abatement of
the annual payment in such circumstances shall not
prejudice the question whether the suspension of
the said services constitutes a contravention of this
Agreement but the amount by which the said
annual payment shall have been abated in pursu-
ance of the foregoing provision of this subclause
shall be set off against any damages accruing to the
Governments by reason of such suspension.

(3) In the event of any of the said ships
suffering a marine casualty (howsoever caused) or
being damaged in consequence of any hostilities or
warlike operations the Company shall use its best
endeavours to procure her restoration to such
condition as aforesaid with the minimum delay.

(4) If in consequence of any such. marine

casualty or of hostilities, warlike operations, .

revolution or civil commotion the said services ure
interrupted or suspended the liability of the
Governments for payment of the annual sum pay-
able under the provisions of Clause 6 hereof shall
be suspended during the period of such interrup-
tion or suspension and the amount of such annual
sum shall ubate pro rata and the Company shall
not in respect of an; such interruption or suspen-
sion be subject to any liability to the Governments
or to any penalty save such abatement as aforesaid.


10 The British Caribbean No. 12 of 1056.
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1965.

In .the event of the determination of this
Agreement the Company shall refund to the
Governments any sum: paid in respect of any
unexpired period of any quarter after the date of
determination or tke date of interruption” or
suspension of the said services under Clause 4 (4)
hereof as the case may be.

7. The Governments shall in the interests of
a punctual service take all steps that lie within
their power—

(a) to avoid hindrance or delay to or
interruption of the regular and punctual
operation of the facilities at the scheduled

(5) to procure that the reasonable require-
ments of the Company as to facilities for
passenger, cargo und ship clearance inwards —
and outwards, cargo assembly, lighterage,
navigational aids and other matters incidental
to the arrival, turn-round and departure of
the said ships at the scheduled ports are met
so as to permit of the maintenance of a
punctual service.

8. Subject to the provisions of Clause 3
hereof the Company shall have sole control of
the cargo and passenger schedules of the said
ships and of all bookings aud arrangements
relating thereto arid shall at all times have full-
power to route and re-route the said ships and
to order or forbid them to enter any port and
shall in all such cases inform the Governments
forthwith: Provided that the Company shall at
all times pay due regard to the cargo and pas-
senger needs of the scheduled ports and in
particular to those of.them situate in the Wind-
ward Islands and Leeward Islands.

9. The Company shall receive for con-
veyance as priority cargo on the ship or ships
operating the said services all such letter and

' parcel mails as shall be tendered to them by an

accredited Officer or Agent of the Postal Depart-
ment of any of the Governments, and shall
No. 12 of 1955. The Britsh Caribbean V1
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

deliver all such mails at their destination’ to an
accredited Officer or Agent of any such
Department. ‘The Company shall make reason-
able provision to the satisfaction of the Govern-
ments for the safety and protection of any mails
whilst in the Company’s custody. The Govern-
ments shall remunerate the Company for the
conveyance of mails as aforesaid at such rates as
prevail from time to time for the carriage of
mails by sea in the Caribbean area.

10. The ship or ships providing the said
services and any feeder services mentioned in
Clause 3 (1) (iii) shall be manned so far as is
practicable by West Indian crews with the
_ exception of deck and engineer officers who
are members of the permanent staff of the
owners of the said ships.

11. (1) The Company shall procure the
payment of rates of wages and observance of
hours and conditions of labour not less favourable
than those commonly recognised in respect of
persons employed in a similar capacity and in
similar circumstances in the area where em-
ployment takes place.

(2) Where practicable the rates of wages

and the general conditions of employment
shall be fixed by collective agreement between
the employers’ and workers’ organisations
representative of the workers concerned.

12. Tbe Governments may request the
Company to suspend the said services and to
employ the said ships or any of them for some
other purpose and the Company shall forthwith
comply with such request unless compliance
involves a contravention of the provisions of the
charter under which the ship in question has
been chartered in which event the Company
shall have absolute discretion to comply with
or refuse to comply with such request: Provided
that if the Company shall comply with such
request and whether or not compliance involves
such a contravention as aforesaid the Govern-
ments shall indemnify the Company in the


14 = The British Caribbean No. 12 of 1955.
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

17. Any dispute arising out of this
Agreement shall be settled by Arbitration
under the provisions of the Arbitration Act,
1950, of the United Kingdom. Any such
arbitration shall be held at any place in the
West Indies or in the United Kingdom which
may be mutually agreed between the parties or
in default of agreement at any place in the
West Indies or in the United Kingdom which
may be decided by the arbitrators. .

18. In this Ayreement—

“scheduled port” means a port mentioned
in the First Schedule hereto, as
amended from time to time by mutual
agreement of the parties hereto and
operative for the time being;

“unscheduled port” means a port other
than a scheduled port.

19. This Agreement shall! be governed in
all respects by the law of England.

First Schedule.

The Company shall provide an inter-
island service at approximately three weekly
intervals from Trinidad (Port-of-Spain) to
Grenada (St. George’s), St. Vincent (Kings-
town), Burbados ( Bridgetown), St. Lucia
(Castries), Dominica (Roseau), Montserrat
(Plymouth), Antigua (St, John’s), St. ‘Kitts
(Basseterre), and Jamaica (Kingston), return-
ing to Trinidad (Port-of-Spain) by the same |

Second Schedule

S. S. “ Wingsang”.
Ship’s Particulars:

Built 1938
Gross Tons 3,560
Net Reg. Tons 1,941
Signal Letters VRBR
Official No.’ 159488

Fitted with Radar
No. 12 of 1955. The British Caribbean 15
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.


328' 3” O.A.;. 310! B.P. 48’ B’ th. Ma.
27'.1 Depth Md.

Light Draft : 9! 5”

Speed: Approximately 14 Knots on 22 tons
of good quality furnace oil.

4 Hatches.

Derricks at.
No. 1 Two @ 5 tons
No. 2 Three @ 5 tons and one @ 20


No. 8 Two @ 5 tons
No. 4 Two @ 5 tons.

Stowage Particulars:

Bate caracity: Total about 169,020 cubic
feet. which includes refrigeration space
for approximately 2,600 cubic feet of
cargo and the necessary machinery
space and baggage room of 927 cubic

Mail Room—1,440 cubic feet (Opens into
No. 2T/D

Strong Room—700 cubic feet (and can be
used for cargo

Deadweight capacity for cargo about 2,007
_..-~ tons (allowing for 345 tons bunkers,
358 tons Fresh Water, 120 tons stores
and dunnage and 200 tons perynanent
ballast) on Max. Draft 18! 6".
Total summer deadweight capacity 3,030
. Average immersion: 26 tons per inch.

Fuel Oil Bunker capacity: 345 tons.

Fresh Water tank capacity: 358 tons.

Passenger accommodation:
Accommodation for 20 first class
Accommodation for 35 second class

Berthed accommodation for 46 passen-

. gers in the poop

Antigua. 16 The British Caribbean No. 12 of 1958,
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

370 passengers may be carried in
‘tween decks aft if unberthed
or 150 if berthed provided cargo is
not carried in these spaces, —

156 deck passengers on the weather
deck aft according to seasons and
cargo commitments.

The foregoing will be subject to such
variation as may be determined by the West
Indies Passenger Regulations, and to any
amendments from time to time that may be
determined at any renewal of the passenger

licence. .
Third Schedule.
Proposed basis for
TERRITORY. shipping contrib-
£. Ue
United Kingdom Government 10,000 20.0
Barbados w. 4,400 8.8
British*Guiana ... 1,000 2.0
Jamaica 15,850 30.7
Antigua wm 800 1.7
St. Kitts ; ww 1,250 2.5
Montserrat . 150 i}
Trinidad 14,250 28.5
Grenada ... 1,000 2.0
St. Lucia wee 750 1.5
St. Vincent . 500 1.0
Dominica 800 1.0

£50,000 100%
No. 12 of 1955. The British Caribbean 17 AnrTIGUA.
Shipping (Agreement) Ordinance, 1955.

Huserr Exvin Rance, G.C.M.G., G.B.E., C.B.,
as agent aforesaid, on behalf of the several
Governments of Barbados, British Guiana,
Jamaica, Antigua, Montserrat, St. Kitts-Nevis-
Anguilla, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica,
Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent has
hereunto set his hand, and the Company has
caused the Common Seal of the Company to
be hereunto affixed on the respective dates
hereinafter appearing: |

Signed by Sir Huserr Exvin Ranor, )
at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, B.W.L.,, |
this First day of November, 1954, |
in the presence of

(Sgd.) Samury A. Hucains |
of Red House, Port-of-Spain,
Trinidad, Crown Solicitor.

(Sed.) H. E. Rance

The Common Seal of the West
Indes Navigation Company Lim-
ited was hereunto affixed at Port- |
of-Spain, Trinidad, b. W. I., this |
First day of November, 1954 by
Frrzwitttam Srons & Atcazar$ (Sgd.) R. KE. Sava
the Secretaries of the Company in Director
the presence of Raymonp KpwarD
Sara a Director of the said
Company in pursuance of a reso-
lution of the Directors of the
Company and in conformity with
the Articles of Association of the
Company in the presence of


(Sgd.) Firzwittiam

(Sgd.) P. S. HE. Stone,
17 St. Vincent Street,
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad,

Nae Bote

Prinved at the Government Printing Ollice, Leeward Islands,
by EB. M. Buackman, Government Printer.— Ky Authority.
1955. :
500-—12.55. | Price 25 cents]
No. 7 of 1955. Transfer of Sombrero
(General Legislature Competency)

[ L.S.]


6th December, 1955.

No. 7 of 1955.

An Ordinance to declare legislation for the transfer


of the Island of Sombrero froin the Presidency -

of the Virgin Islands to be within the com-
petency of the General Legislature.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Virgin


1. This Ordinance may be cited as_ the
Transfer of Sombrero (General Legislature Com-
petency) Ordinance, 1955.

2. It is hereby declared to be and it shall be
within the competency of the General Legislature
to make laws to provide that the Island of Som-
brero shall cease to form part of the Presidency.

H. A. C. Howarp,

Passed the Legislative Council this 12th day
of Octuber, 1955.

H. O. Creque,
Clerk of the Council.


Short title.

empowered to
make laws to
provide that
shall cease to
form part of
the Presi-

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands
by BE. M, BuackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

47/00357—500 —12.55. Price 3 cents.


1955, No. 35.

Tur Emercency Laws (Miscetransous Provisions) OrpErR, 1955,

WHEREAS section 18 of the Emergency Laws (Transitional
Provisions) Act, 1946 (hereinafter called “the Act of 1946”) as
amended by section 8 of the Emergency Laws (Miscellaneous Provi-
sions) Act, 1947 (hereinafter called “the Act of 1947’) enabled
provision to be made by Order in Council for the continuation in force
until the 10th day of December, 1950, of Defence Regulations having
effect in Colonies and other territories, and provision was so made by.
the Emergency Laws (Transitional Provisions) (Colonies, etc.) Order in
Council, 1946 (hereinafter called “the Order of 1946’) and the
Emergency Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Colonies, ete.) Order in
Council, 1947.

AND WHEREAS Article 3 of the Emergency Laws (Continuance)
Order, 1955 (hereinafter called “the Order of 1955”), made on
the Ist day of December, 1955, in pursuance of the Act of 1947
rovides that the powers exercisable under section 18 of the Act of
1946 shall be exercisable, in relation to any Defence Regulations
remaining in force by virtue of the said section 18 and Article 3 of the
Emergency Laws (Continuance) Order, 1954, when the Order of 1955
was made, as if, in the said section 18 as amended by section 8 of the
Act of 1947 for the reference to the 10th day of December, 1960, there
were substituted a reference to the 10th day of December, 1956:

AND WHEREAS the Emergency Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions)
(Colonies, ete.) Order in Council, 1955 (hereinafter called “ the Order in
Council of 1955’) made by Her Majesty the Queen on the Ist day
of December, 1955, under the provisions of the above recited Acts
and Orders, enables the Governor by Order to provide—

(a) for the continuation in force until the 10th day of
December, 1956, of any Defence Regulations, being Defence Regu-
lations in force in the Colony: at the date of the making of the
Order of 1955 by virtue of section 18 of the Act of 1946 and
Article 3 of the Emergency Laws (Continuance), Order, 1954:

(6) that any Defence Regulations eo continued in force shall
have effect subject to such exceptions, limitations and modifications
as the Governor thinks necessary or expedient.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in pursuance of section 18
of the Act of 1946 and Article 3 of the Order of 1955 and Article 2 of
the Order in Council of 1955 and of all other powers enabling him in-
that behalf is pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows:—

1. Short Title. This Order may be cited as the Emergency
Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions) Order, 1955.

2. Continuation. (1) The Defence Regulations mentioned
in the Schedule to this Order, being Defence Regulations in force in the
Colony at the date of the making of the Order of 1955 by virtue of
section 18 of the Act of 1946 and Article 3 of the Emergency Laws
(Continuance) Order, 1954 shall continue in force until the 10th day of
December, 1956:

Provided that such Defence Regulations may be revoked either in
whole or in part at any time by Order,

(2) Subsection (4) of section 5 of the Interpretation of Laws Act
(Cap. 108) shall apply, as it applies to the interpretation of an Act,
npon the expiry of any Defence Regulation continued in force by this
Order, as if such Regulation had been revoked,

Made by the Governor this 7th day of Deeember, 1955.

'K. W. Bracksurne,


1. The Defence (Import and Export Restriction) Regulations,
1943 as amended by the Defence (Import and Export Restriction)
(Amendment) Regulations, 1948. .

2. The Defence (Trading with the Enemy) Regulations, 1939
and all amendments thereto.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
_by &. M. Buackman, Government Printer.—By Authority.
€47/00001.-ITI—500+-12.55. . [Price 4 cents]

No. of 1955. Nurses Registration ~
: (Amendment)

No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend the Nurses Registration Ordi-
nance, 1954.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigna as

1. This Ordinance may: be cited as the Nurses
Reyistration (Amendment) Ordinance, 1955, and shall be
real aa one with the Nurses Registration Ordinance, 1954
in this Ordinance referred to as the Principal Ordinance.

2. Section 7 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by —

(a) inserting in subsection (1) thereof immedi-
ately after, the words “ paying such fee” appearing
therein the words “not being greater than the fee
payable on ordinary applications for registration
under this Ordinance”; :

(b) inserting in subsection (2) thereof immedi-
ately after the words ‘on payment of such fee”
appearing therein the words “ not being greater than
the fee payable on ordinary applications for admis-
sion to such final examination ”’.

3. Section 9 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by substituting for paragraph (a) of subsection
(1) thereof the following: —



‘Short title,


Section 7 of

Section 9 of

Sohedule to

2 Nurses Registration No. of 1955.

“*(@) not being a person duly registered under
this Ordinance takes or ugey the name or title of
registered nurse or registered nursing practitioner,
either alone or in combination with any other words i
or letters, or any name, title, addition, description,
uniform or badge, implying that she is registered
under this Ordinance, or is recognised by law aga
registered nurse; or”

4. The Schedule to the Principal Ordinance ig
hereby amended by adding the following paragraph
immediately after parayraph 6 thereof :—

“6A. If any member of the Council is pre-
vented by illness, temporary absence from the
Presidency or any other cause from performing the
duties of his office as such member—

(4) if such member was appointed by
the Governor in Council or by the Medical
Board established in the Medical Registra-
tion District of which the Presidency of
Antigua forms part under paragraph 4 of
this Schedule, the Governor in Council or
the said Medical Board, as the case may be,
may appoint a person to act in place of such
member until such member is again able to
perform the duties of his office or ceases to
be a member of the Council, whichever ig
the earlier;

(6) if such member was elected in
accordance with the scheme referred to in
paragraph 4 of this Schedule, the Conneil
may appoint a person to act in the place of
such member until such member is again
able to perform the duties of his office or
ceases to be a member of the Council,.
whichever is the earlier:—

Provided that in appointing a person
under this sub-paragraph the Council shall,
so far as practicable, select a person, being
@ person registered as a nurse under thig
Ordinance who is representative of the same
interests as those represented by such

Passed the Legislative Council this day of
19 .

Clerk of the Council.

No. of 1955. Nurses Registration 3 ANTIGUA.


The object of this Bill is to amend the
penalty clause of the Nurses Registration Ordinance °
1954 and to provide for acting appointments on
the Nursing Council of the Presidency.

Desmonp A. Mc. Namara,
Acting Crown Attorney.

17th September, 1955.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by EB. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
—12.55. Price 5 cents.