Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076863/00286
Material Information
- Title:
- Leeward Islands gazette
- Added title page title:
- Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
- Creator:
- Leeward Islands (West Indies)
- Place of Publication:
- [Antigua
- Publisher:
- Gov. Printing Office]
- Publication Date:
- Nov 17, 1955
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Law Leeward Islands (Federation) Montserrat
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt ) Official gazettes ( fast ) Gazettes ( fast ) newspaper ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- 1- , 1872-
- General Note:
- Two pages per frame.
- General Note:
- Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
- General Note:
- Weekly
- General Note:
- Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
- General Note:
- Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
- General Note:
- Some issues called "extraordinary."
- General Note:
- Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
- General Note:
- Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
- General Note:
- Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )
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fi °/ 193.
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Published by Authority.
No. 51.
Acting Governor.
WHEREAS by subsection (3) of
section 7 of the Leeward Islands
Act, 1871 to 1950, as amended, it
is provided that whenever there is
occasion for the election of a repre-
sentative member to the General
Legislative Council from among the
members of an Island Council the
Governor shall by Proclamation
require the elected and nominated
members of the said Island Council
within such time as may be specified
by such Proclamation to elect such
member within the time so specified:
AND WHEREAS by the said sub-
section it is provided that the elected
and nominated members of the said
Island Council shall, in such manner
as may be provided by the Standing
Rules and Orders of such Council,
but subject to the provisions of the
said Act, elect such member within
the time so specified:
AND WHEREAS there is now
occasion for the election of represent-
ative members from among the Island
Councils of Antigua, Saint Christo-
pher Nevis and Anguilla, Montserrat
and the Virgin Islands for the com-
position of the General Legislative
NOW, THEREFORE, I do by this
my Proclamation require the elected
and nominated members of the Island
Councils of Antigua, Saint Christo-
pher Nevis and Anguilla, Montserrat
and the: Virgin Islands, respectively,
on or before the 21st day of Decem-
ber, 1955, to elect, from among the
elected members of the said Councils,
in such manner as may be provided
by the Standing Rules and Orders
thereof but subject to the provisions
of the said Leeward Islands Acts,
representative members of the said
General Legislative Council, that is
to say, from the Island Council of
Antigua five representative members,
from the Island Council of Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla five
“= members of whom at
least one shall be an elected member
for Nevis and at least one shall be an
elected member for Anguilla, from
the Island Council of Montserrat two
representative members and from the
Island Council of the Virgin Islands
one representative member.
AND the elected and nominated
members of the Legislative Councils
of the Presidencies of Antigua, Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla,
Montserrat and the Virgin Islands
and all others whom it may concern
are hereby required to take due
notice hercof and to govern them-
selves accordingly.
GIVEN under my hand at the
Government House, Antigua,
this 9th day of November, 1955,
and in the fourth year of Her
Majesty’s reign.
Ref. No. 18/0031.
It is hereby notified for general
information that the Hon. P. C.
LEwiIs, Q.C., Attorney General of the
Leeward Islands, has returned from
the United Kingdom and will resume
duty on the 21st November, 1955.
Consequent upon the foregoing the
Hon. R. H. LOCKHART will resume
duty as Crown Attorney, Antigua,
and Mr. D. H. A. MCNamaRa will
resume duty at Magistrate, Antigua.
2. The temporary appointment of
Mr. 8S. L. ATHILL, 1,8.0., M.B.E., as
Additional Magistrate will terminate
with effect from the 21st November,
1955, and Mr. O. M. BROWNE will be
appointed to act in that post with
effect from the 21st November, 1955.
The Secretariat,
16th November, 1955.
It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency has issued
an Instrument appointing the Hon-
ourable R. H. LOCKHART to be the
Administrator’s Deputy within the
Presidency of Antigua with effect
from the 21st November, 1955, during
the absence from the seat of Govern-
ment of the said Presidency of the
Administrator on a visit to the island
of Barbuda.
The Secretarrat,
16th November, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00264.
The Administrator of Antigua has
been pleased to re-appoint The Hon.
LL.M., to be a member of the Central
Library Board for a period of two
years, effective from 31st October,
Ref, No, A, 28/16—IT.
Legal Tender of Currency
Notes issued by Government
of Jamaica in Eastern Group
of British Caribbean Colonies.
The attention of the public is
drawn to the fact that blue Jamaican
ten shilling currency notes were
demonetized by the Government of
Jamaica on Ist July, 1951. Purple
ten shilling notes only are therefore
now legal tender in Jamaice and the
Eastern Group of British Caribbean
Hzecutive Commissioner
British Caribbean Currency
Ref. No. 24/00059.
No. 114.
Appointments and transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—
DavIs, Miss 8. E., to be Junior Clerk,
Peasant Development Services,
Antigua. Jan. 1
FARQUHAR, D., Certificated Elemen-
tary School Assistant Grade II,
Education Department, Antigua,
resigned. Sep. 4
Kine, Mrs. E., to be Junior Clerk,
Public Works Department, Anti-
gua. Jan. 1, 1954
KNOWLES, J., Uncertificated Elemen-
tary School Teacher, to be Certifi-
cated Elementary School Assistant,
Grade II, Education Department,
Antigua. Nov. 1
Lake, A. F., to be Junior Clerk,
Peasant Development Services,
Antigua. Aug. 20, 1954
MANNIX, V. A., to be Junior Clerk,
Magistrates Department, Antigua.
_ dan. 1, 1954
194 THE
Maunpy, C., to be Junior Clerk,
Public Works Department, Anti-
gua. Nov. 1, 1954
Moors, H. D. C., Superintendent of
Telephones, Antigua, retired.
Nov. 12
NANtoN, Miss C., to be Junior Clerk,
Peasant Development Services,
Antigua. Jan. 6, 1954
Piper, J., Certificated HKlementary
School Assistant, Grade I, Educa-
tion Department, Antigua, dis-
missed, Aug. 12
PROVIDENCE, W., to be Junior Clerk,
Peasant Development Services,
Antigua. Jan. 1, 1954
RICHARDS, Miss J. M., to be Junior
Clerk, Medical Department, Anti-
gua. April 10, 1954
Roperts, ©. S., Economic and
Financial Adviser, Leeward Islands,
to act as Colonial Secretary with
effect from the 21st November,
1955, during the absence of Mr. R.
Norris, M.B.E., whilst paying a
visit to Barbuda.
Ref. No. P.F. 574.
SAMUEL, E., to be Junior Clerk,
Pensant Development Services,
Antigua. May 1, 1954
TAYLOR, R., Colonial Engineer,
Public Works Department, Anti-
gua, appointment terminated.
Aug. 2
UrTLEY, Dr. K. H., to be Senior
Medical Officer, Medical Depart-
ment, Antigua. Oct. 14
No. 115,
The Acting Governor has been
pleased this day to assent to the
undermentioned Ordinances:—
No. 11 of 1955, ‘“‘The Entertain-
ments Duty (Amendment) Ordinance,
1955. | Nov. 9
The Secretariat,
10th November, 1955.
Ref. No. 47/00390
No. 12 of 1955, “The British
Caribbean Shipping (Agreement)
Ordinance, 1955.â€
The Secretariat,
16th November, 1955.
No. 116.
The following Ordinances are circu-
lated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—
No. 8 of 1955, “The Building
Societies Ordinance, 1955.â€
15 pp. Price 18 cents
No. 9 of 1955, “The Trustee
Investment in Antigua Government
Securities Ordinance, 1955.â€
3 pp. Price 5 cents
No. 117.
The following Bill which ig to be
introduced in the Legislative Council
of Antigua, is circulated with this
Gazette and forms part thereof:—
“The Harbours and Roadsteads
(Amenement) Ordinance, 1955.â€
ANTIGUA, 3list October, 1955.
America of 30 Rockfeller Plaza, New
York, State of New York, United
States of America have applied for
Registration of one Trade Mark con-
sisting of the following:—
in Class 18 that is to say:—Electri-
cally operated room air conditioners
and air-conditioning equipment of all
kinds and for all purposes, parts
thereof and accessories thereto, such
as compressors, condensers, fans, fan
motors, regulators, thermostatically
controlled attachments, electrically
operated dehumidifier equipment
to control the moisture content of the
air, parts thereof and accessories
thereto. :
Gas and electric ranges and stoves
for cooking and heating, parts thereof
and accessories thereto.
Electric and non-electric refrigera-
tors, storage freezers, parts thereof
and accessories thereto.
Gas oil and electric hot water heat-
ers, automatic oil and gas home and
space heaters, radiant circulators,
radiant circulator heaters, incinera-
tors, power lawn mowers, parts,
acoessories and attachments thereto.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 32 years
before the date of their said Applica-
Any person may within
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the ‘Leeward Islands Gazette,’ give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade Mark.
Aoting Registrar of Trade Marks.
' (17 November, 1955.
ANTIGUA, 3rd November, 1955.
Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Thurs-
day the 8th day of December, 1955
at 12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons
hereinafter named, the same having
been levied npon to suiisfy the City
Rate due thereon for the yaar 1955.
Kileen C. and G. Reynolds, Alice
M. King, Heirs of Joseph Samuel,
Joseph Mathurin, Henrietta Graham,
Elmore G. Aska, Abraham Samuel.
Isaline Perry, Ebenezer Christo-
pher, Irene Walker, Martha Finch,
Estate of J. P. Samuel.
Norris Destin, Alice Jarvis, Joseph
James, Estate of Mary Benjamin, -
Estate of Joseph Reynolds, Geo, W.
B. Bryson & Co.
Anthony Jarvis, Estate of John
Ambrose, Rhoda Joshua, Samuel
Joseph Davis, Alma Thibon, Free-
land E. Roberts.
Agnes Mayhew, George B. Lake,
Joshua Thomas, James H. King.
Calis Destin, Harold Scholar,
Joseph Thomas, Campbell Martin,
Neville Weston, Busil Saunders,
Pearl Hutchinson, Cecil Kendall, L.
E. George.
Antonetta Reid.
Antigua O. F. Lodge.
Ellen Mason.
Althea Lanhon.
Ravely Murrain,
Elish Challenger.
Ruby Hughes, O. St. A. Duke.
Gertrude Richards.
Constance Hill,
Acting Prevost Marshal,
17 November, 1955.
In the Supreme Oourt of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
A.D. 1955.
NOTICE is hereby given that in
pursuance of Rules made by the Chief
Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands (Courts) Order-in-Council,
1939 and duly approved as therein
provided on the 16th day of October,
A.D. 1941, The Honourable the
Puigsne Judge selected for the sitting
of the Conrt in the NEVIS CIRCUIT
has appointed the day of the month on
which the ensuing Circuit Court shall
sit as follows, that is to say:—
The NEVIS CIRCUIT on Wednes-
day the 30th day of November, 1955
at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.
Dated the 17th day of October, 1955.
Acting Registrar.
Ref. No. 36/00004.
Control of Imports and Exports.
Notice No. 3 oF 1955.
Importers are hereby notified that
all licences granted for the importa-
tion of Sausages, Hams or other meats
not in hermetically sealed con-
tainers from any countries other
than Great Britain, Northern Ireland,
Republic of Ireland, Canada, New
Zealand, Australia, United States of
America and Argentina, are hereby
cancelled, and importers should
immediately cancel all orders for
such meats from all countries other
than those detailed above.
Collector of Customs and
Supply Officer.
8th November, 1955.
Central Experiment Station,
Nov. 12th
1952. 1953.
241 1,93
1.60 1,02
1.62 5.60
3.14 2.06
3.07 1.80
5.74 (1.81
8.38 3.20
8.43 3,15
5.65 2,10
5.19 85
99 1.19
46.12 28.91
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islunds, by E, M, BLACKMAN,
ernment Printer.—By Authority,
[Price 28 vents.]
No. 8 of 1955. Building Societies. .ANTIGUA.
I Assnt,
‘P. D. Macnonanp,
Acting Governor. |
26th October, 1955, —
» No. 8 of 1955.
* An Ordinance to provide for the incorporation and
of Building Societies.
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—
1. This
Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Building Societies Ordinance, 1955.
2. In this Ordinance, unless the context Interpreta-
otherwise requires—
‘permanent society’ means a society which
has not by its rules any fixed date
or specified result at which it shall
“ Schedule’ means Schedule to this Ordinance;
“ section â€
“society â€
means section of this Ordinance;
means a building society established
under this Ordinance;
“terminating society ’’ means a society which
x by its rules is to terminate at a fixed
Las 72.
or when « result specified in its
is attained ;
Antigua. 2 Building Societies. No. 8 of 1955.
“the Court†means the Supreme Court;
“the Registrar†means the Registrar of the
Court, who shall, for the purposes of
this Ordinance, be the Registrar of
Building Societies.
PaeoenO aor 8. Every society shall, upon receiving a
of societies . : : Es . : ;
certificate of incorporation under this Ordinance in
the form set forth in Schedule A, become a body
corporate by its registered name, having © common
seal and perpetual succession, until terminated or
dissolved in manner herein provided.
Purposes for 4. (1) Any number of persons may establish
yy beatae: a society for the purpose of raising by the sub-
lished. scriptions of members a stock or fund for making
advances to members ont of the funds of the
(2) A society may be either a terminating
society or a permanent society.
(3) Advances made by a society out of its
funds shall be made upon the security of a mort-
gage of a freehold or a leasehold estate or upon
the security of the withdrawal value of shares
held by members of the society. ;
(4) Any society shall, so far as is necessary
for the purpose of advances made upon the
security of a mortgage, have power—
(a) to hold land, with the right of
(6) from time to time to raise funds by
the issue of shares of one or more denomina-
tions either paid up in full or to be paid by —
periodical or other subscriptions, and with or
without accumulating interest; and
(c) to repay such funds when no longer
required for the purposes of the society:
Provided always that any land to which
a society may become absolutely entitled by
foreclosure or other extinguishment of the
right of redemption shall, as soon after as
’ may be conveniently practicable, be sold or
converted into money.
No, 8 of 1955. Building Societies. 8 ANTIGUA.
5. The liability of a member of a society in Limitation of
respect of any share upon which no advance has Tability of
been made shall be limited to the amount actually ,
paid or in arrear on such share, and in respect of
-any share upon which an advance has been made
-shall be limited to the amount payable thereon
_ under any mortgage or other security or under the
rules of the society.
6. With respect to the borrowing of money Power to
by as the following provisions shall have noe
effect :—
(a) a society may within the limits
, specified in paragraph (4) or (c) of this
section receive deposits or loans at interest ae
from the members or other persons, or from
corporate bodies, joint stock companies, or
from any terminating society, to be applied
to the purposes of the society ;
(b) in a permanent society the total
amount so received on deposit or loan and not
repaid by the society shall not at any time
exceed two-thirds of the amount for the time
- being secured to the society by mortgages
from its members;
(c) in a terminating society the total
amount so received and not repaid may either
be a sum not exceeding such two-thirds as
aforesaid, or a sum not exceeding twelve
months’ subscriptions on the shares for the
time being in force;
(d) every deposit book or acknowledge-
ment or security of any kind for a deposit or
loan by a society shall have printed or written
therein or thereon the whole of sections
5 and 6.
7. The rules of every society shall set Matters to be
forth— set forth in
: the rules.
(a) the name of the society and the
chief office or place of meeting for the
business of the society ;
Building Societies. No. 8 of 1985.
(6) the manner in which: the stock or
funds of the society are to be raised, the
terms upon which paid up shares (if ‘any)
are to be issued and repaid, whether prefer-
ential shares are to be issued, and if so, within
what limits, if any; whether the society —
intends to borrow money and, if so, within |
what limits, not exceeding the limits, pre-
scribed by this Ordinance;
(c) the purposes to which the funds of
the society are to be applied and the manner
in which they are to be invested;
(d) the terms upon which shares may
be withdrawn and upon which mortgages
may be redeemed ;
(e) the manner of altering and rescind-
ing the rules af the society and of making
additional rules;
(/) the. manner of appointing, remunera-
ting and removing the board of directors or
committee of management, auditors a other
(g) the manner of calling general and
special meetings of the members;
(A) provision for an annual or more
frequent audit of the accounts, and inspection
by the anditors of the mortgages and other
securities belonging to the society;
(2) whether disputes between the society
and any of its members or any person claiming
by and through any member, or under the
rules, shall be settled by reference to the
Court, or to the Registrar, or to arbitration;
(7) provision for the device, custody, and
use of the seal of the society, which shall in all
cases bear the registered name thereof;
(k) provision for the custody of the
mortgage deeds and other securities belonging
to the society;
No. 8 of 1955. Building Societies. 5
(2) the powers and duties of the board of
directors or committee of management and
other officers; .
(m) the fines and forfeitures that may be
imposed on members;
(n) the manner in. which the society,
whether terminating or permanent, shall be
terminated or dissolved.
8. The persons intending to establish a
society shall transmit to the Registrar two copies
of the rules agreed upon by them for the govern-
ment of the society, signed by three of such persons
-and by the intended secretary or other officer; and
the Registrar, if satisfied that the rules contain all
the provisions prescribed in section 7, and that they
are in conformity with this Ordinance, shall return
“one copy of the rules to the secretary or other
officer of the society, with a certificate of incorpora-
tion, and shall retain and register the other copy:
Provided that no society shall be registered
under this Ordinance in a name identical with that
in which any subsisting society is already registered.
Q. Any society may alter or rescind any rule
or make any additional rules in the manner which
its rules direct. And every society altering or
rescinding any rule, or making any additional rule,
shall forward two copies of every resolution for
rescission of rules, and of every alteration of or
‘addition to its rules, signed by three members and
the secretary to the "Registrar, who, if-satisfied that
such alteration, rescission or addition is in conform-
ity with this Ordinance, shall return one of the
‘copies to the secretary cr other officer of the
society, with a certificate of registration in the form
set forth in Schedule B and retain and register the‘
other copy.
10. Any society may in a schedule to its
rules describe the forms of conveyance, mortgage,
transfer, agreement, bond, security for deposit or
loan or other instrument MECERAUR for carrying its
purposes into execution.
Rules to be
Alteration of
Rules may be
made to pro-
vide forms of
convey ance
Member dying |
leaving infant
next of kin.
of fraud in
money etc,
8 Building Societies. No. 8 of 1958.
died intestate, the payment shall be valid and
effectual with respect to any demand from any
other person as next of kin or as the lawful
representative of such deceased member or deposi-
tor against the funds of the society, but neverthe-
less such next of kin or representative shall have
his lawful remedy for the amount against the
person who received the same.
17. Whenever a member of a society under
this Ordinance, having executed a mortgage to the
society containing a power of sale, shall die intestate
leaving an infant next of kin, it shall be lawful for
the said society, after selling the premises so mort-
gaged to them, to pay to the administrator or
administratrix of the deceased member any money
to the amount of seven hundred and twenty dollars,
which shall remain in the hands of the said society
after paying the amount due to the society
and the costs and expenses of the sale, any law or
Ordinance in force in the Presidency to the contrary
notwithstanding. The said sum of seven hundred
and twenty dollars to be considered as personal
estate, and liable to duty accordingly.
18. If any person by false representation of
any kind obtains possession of any moneys, securi-
ties, books, papers, or other effects of a society, or,
having the same in his possession, withholds or
misapplies, or wilfully applies the whole or any
part thereof to purposes other than those expressed
or directed in the rules of the society and author-
ized by this Ordinance, he shall be guilty of an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
to a penalty of one hundred dollars and it shall be
lawful for the Magistrate to make an order that he
forthwith deliver up to the society all such moneys,
securities, books, papers, or other effects, and do
forthwith repay to the society the amount. of
money applied improperly, and in default of such
delivery of effects or repayment of such amount
of money or payment of such penalty it shall be
lawful for the Magistrate to sentence him to be
imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for three
months; but nothing herein contained shall prevent
any such person from being proceeded against by
No. 8 of 1955. Building Socicties. 9
way of indictment if a conviction has not been
previously obtained against him for the same
offence under the provisions of this Ordinance.
19. Proceedings under section 18 may be
taken by or at the instance of —
(a) the society; or
(6) any member authorized by the
society or by the board of directors or com-
mittee of management of the society or by the
Registrar; or
(c) the Registrar.
20. (1) A society may terminate or be
dissol ved—
(a) upon the happening of any event
declared by its rules to bring about or to be
the termination of the society ;
(6) by dissolution in manner prescribed
by its rules;
(c) by dissolution with the consent of
three-fourths of its members holding not less
than two-thirds of the number of shares in the
society, testified by the signatures to the
instrument of dissolution ;
(d) by winding up, either voluntarily
under the supervision of the Court or by the
Court, if the Court shall so order, on the
petition of any member authorized by three-
fourths of the members present at a general
meeting of the society specially called for the
purpose to present the same on behalf of the
society, or on the petition of any judgment
creditor for not less than two hundred and
fifty dollars. General rules and orders for
regulating the proceedings of the Court under
this section may be made by the Chief Justice.
(2) Every instrument of dissolution shall set
(a) the liabilities and assets of the
society in detail;
(6) the number of members and the
amount standing to the credit in the books of
the society ;
(c) the claims of depositors and other
creditors and the provision to be made for
their paymente;
Initiation of
necesssry for
the termina-
tion or disso-
lution of a
Societies may
unite with
others, or one
society may
transfor its
to another.
of disputes
by arbitration.
10 Building Societies. No. 8 of 1955.
(d) the intended appropriation or divi-
sion of the funds and property of the society;
(e) the names of one or more persons
to be appointed trustees for the special pur-
pose, and their remuneration.
(3) Alterations in an instrument of dissolution
may be made with the like consent, testified in the
same manner as in the original instrument.
(4) Every instrument of dissolution and all
alterations therein shall be registered in the man-
ner provided for the registration of rules and shall
be binding on all members of the society.
(5) Notice of the commencement and _ter-
mination of every dissolution or winding up shall
be sent to the Registrar and registered by him.
_ _ 21. Two or more societies may unite and
become one society, with or without any dissolu-
tion or division of the funds of such’ societies of
either of them, or a society may transfer its
" engagements to any other such society upon such
terme as-shall be agreed upon by three-fourths of |
the members (holding not less than two-thirds of
the whole number of shares) of each of such
societies respectively present at general meetings
convened for the purpose. Notice of every such
union or transfer shall be sent to the Registrar and
registered by him.
22. Where the rules of a society direct
disputes to be referred to arbitration the following
provisions shall apply :—
(a) the arbitrators shall be named and
elected in the manner provided by the rules
or, if there be no such provision, at the first
general meeting of the society;
(5) none of the arbitrators shall be
persons who are beneficially interested,
directly or indirectly, in the funds of the
society ;
(c) not less than three arbitrators shall
be chosen by ballot in each case of dispute,
the number of arbitrators and the mode of |
No. 8 of 1955. Building Societies. 11
ballot being determined by the rules of the
society ;
(d) the names of the arbitrators shall be
duly entered in the minute book of the
society, and in the case of death or refusal or
neglect of any of the arbitrators to act, the
society, at a general meeting, shall name and
‘elect an arbitrator to act in the place of the
arbitrator dying, refusing or neglecting to act;
(e) whatever awards shall be made by
the arbitrators or the major part of them,
according to the true purport and meaning of
the rules of the society, shall determine the
28. Should either of the parties to the
dispute refuse or neglect to comply with or
conform to the award within a time to be limited
therein, the Court, upon boeing satisfied that the
award hus been made and of the refusal of the
party to comply therewith, shall treat the award
as if it were a judgment of the Court, and enforce
compliance therewith upon the petition of any
person concerned, in the same manner as it would
enforce a judgment.
24. Where the parties to any dispute
arising in a society agree to refer the dispute to the
Registrar, or where the rules of the society direct
disputes to be referred to the Registrar, his award
shall have the same effect as that of arbitrators.
285. The Court may hear and determine
a dispute in the following cases:—
(a) if it appears to the Court, upon the
petition of any person concerned, that applica-
tion has been made by either party to the
dispute to the other party, for the purpose of
having the dispute settled by arbitration
under the rules of the society, and that the
application has not within forty days been
complied with, ‘or that the arbitrators have
refused or for n period of twenty-one days
have neglected to make any award;
Court may
order compli-
ance with the
decision of
of disputes by
of disputes
by Oourt.
tion to be
may be
purchased or
Minors may
be elected
Shares may
be held by
two or more
account and
statement of
12 Building Societies. No. 8 of 1955
(6) where the rules of the society direct
disputes to be referred to the Court.
26. Every determination of a dispute by
arbitrators or by the Court or by the Registrar
under this Ordinance shall be binding and conclu-
sive on all parties, and shall be final, and shall not
be subject to appeal:
Provided always that the arbitrators or the
Registrar, as the case may be, may, at the request
of either party, state a case for the opinion of the
Court on any question of law, and shall have power
to grant to either party to the dispute such
discovery, as to documents or otherwise, as might
be granted by the Court.
27. A society may purchase, build, hire, or
take upon lease any building for conducting its
business, and may purchase or hold upon lease any
land for the purpose of erecting thereon a building
for conducting its business, and may sell, exchange,
or let such building or any part thereof.
28. Any person under the-age of twenty-
one years may be admitted as a member of a society,
the rules of which do not prohibit such admission,
and may give all necessary acquittances, but during
his minority he shall not hold any office in the
29. Two or more persons may jointly hold
a Share or shares in a society; and all shares held
jointly by any two or more persons in any society
existing before the commencement of this Ordi-
nance, the rules whereof do not prohibit such joint
holding, shall be deemed to be unlawfully so held.
~ 80. (1) The secretary or other officer of a
society shall, once at least in every year, prepare—
(4) an account of all receipts and
expenditure of the society since the preceding
(5) a general statement of its funds and
effects, liabilities and assets, showing—
(i) the amount due to the holders
of the various classes of shares,
No. 8 of 1955. Building Societies. 18
and to depositors and creditors
for loans;
(ii) the balance due or outstanding
on their mortgage securities,
2 not including prospective in-
terest; and
(iii) the amount otherwise invested.
(2) Every such account and statement shall
be attested by the auditor or auditors to whom the
mortgage deeds and other securities belonging to
the society shall be produced; and the account and
statement shall be countersigned by the secretary
or other officer.
(3) Every member, depositor, and creditor
for loans shall be entitled to receive from the
society a copy of the account and statement, and a
copy thereof shall be sent to the Registrar within
fourteen days after the annual or general meeting
at which it is presented.
81. (1) If any society hereafter formed, or
any persons representing themselves to be a society,
commence business without first obtaining a certi-
ficate of incorporation, or if any. society make
default in forwarding to the Registrar any returns
or information by this Ordinance required, or
make a return wilfully false in any respect, the
person or persons by whom such business is g0 -
commenced, or by whom default is made, or who
have made such false return, shall be liable on
summary conviction, for every day that business is
so carried on, or for every such default or false
return, to a fine of fifteen dollars.
(2) If.any society receives loans or deposits
in excess of the limits prescribed by this Ordinance,
the directors or committee of management of the
society shall be personally liable for the amount so
received in excess.
832. The fees specified in Schedule D shall
be paid to the Registrar by every society.
Fees of
Antiqua 14 Building Societies. No. 8 of 1956.
Regulations: 838. The Governor in Council may make
Regulations for carrying out the purposes and
intention of this Ordinance, and may alter the
Schedule of fees hereto annexed.
Avec LovELACE,
Passed the Legislative Council this 18th day
of July, 1955.
J. L. Roprnson,
Clerk ‘of the Council.
Schedule A. (Section 3.)
Toes ssc cnecsetsccesceneaecceteneseeeseeeeeseeen senses see saaseneneneooes Registrar
of Building Societies in the Presidency of Antigua, hereby certify
that the......sccccescscscevcsceceocrcctenereeesesnssenaeenetsaatsens Building Society
established at.....ccsccsseoeere seiodaesabenetane in the said Presidency is incor-
porated under the Building Societies Ordinance, 1955.
GIVEN under my hand this...........000 Cay Of... ccscseeceeceeers :
19 :
"Registrar of Building Societies.
Schedule B. (Section 9.)
The Registrar hereby certifies that the foregoing alteration of
(or addition to) the rules Of the........cssesereeeeseseeeenerseeeeeees Sos veotensecicss
Building Society, established at........:.ccssssseeescerseeeeneeens jaecsi tres cole ;
is registered under the Building Societies Ordinance, 1955.
GIVEN under my hand this.........:..day Of. .ccssssessscseeeveneeees ;
19 :
Ye Registrar of Building Societies,
No. 8 of 1955. Building Societies. 15 AwnrTicua.
“Schedule C. ~ (Section 13.)
Know all men by these presents that wWe.-....sscscercssssesnsceeneesoes
Mri vvsevecreoevsuaves Saetaed conte Ofssdiscstageweeaseveses shedssbaesbubecnarecssereswesceve
one of the officers Of the.........sssscesesteesseesscevereseseseseereeeees DUUdi Ng
Society established at......cccsessessceressscceeeeeeeeeell CDOs sscrserereecreeeeces |
BE cy cosvhiieviucvastasviessOLicossexesticdeecesedsctosnees ovesesy OD coveenasascivecedanes
sonnceceuccncseceasseesenscsOLcsescseeeeerenteneeeeceneesene sesccesceeccees (O83 BUrety ON
behalf of the Said.........scceecseceeeeeeeeeers eacisiee sh seeaelevendass waneeeeetedecaee)
are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the said society in
the Sum Of........ccceeeeeee ee. coc oeeneeeeee .....t0 be paid to the said society,
for which payment well and truly to be made we jointly and severally
bind ourselves and each of us by himself, our and each of our heirs,
executors and administrators, firmly by these presents, sealed with
our seals.
Dated the... sccsscsercseres day Of.......ceeee qeesscecesoeesitt the year of
our Lord 19
Whereas the above-bounden.......ccssesescseteceseecesereceeseeveeeeHath
been duly appointed to the office of.........cccsesseseees iesehetenvees eases saaes
Of the...cccccssecseecscerssseseesceovereseeees Building Society, established as
aforesaid, and he, together with the above-bounden....... veaelsddwectvasesed
Bsa tiaisis wot a'oe secesea8 bis surety, have entered into the above-written
bond, subject to the conditions hereinafter contained.
Now, therefore, the condition of the above-written bond is such
that if the Said......cessceseseseeseee ceeeeeee puiseaVeespiana es ,8hall and do render
a just and true account of all moneys received and paid by him and —
shall and do pay over all the moneys remaining in his hands, and
assign. and transfer or deliver all securities and effects, books, papers
and property of or belonging to the said society, in his hands or
-— custody, to such person or persons as the said society shall appoint,
according to the rules of the said society, together with the proper or
legal receipts or vouchers for such payments, then the above-written
bond shall be void and of no effect, otherwise shall be and remain in
full force and virtue.
schedule D. (Section 32.)
For registering any document 12c. a folio—but in no case
less than wh és 60c.
For granting certificate of incorporation ie $5.04
For granting any other certificate required by the
Ordinance 720.
Acting as arbitrator in any matters referred to him for .
‘every day during which he shall be so engaged ... $5.04
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—RBy Authority.
500—11.55. Price 18 cents.
No. 9 of 1955. Trustee Investment in Antigua ANTIGUA,
Government Securities.
l I ee
P. D. Macpnoatp,
Acting Governor.
8th November, 1955.
No. 9 of 1955,
An Ordinance to facilitate the investment of
trust and other funds in the United
Kingdom, in Antigua Government Secu-
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as “The Short title
Trustee Investment in Antigua Government
Securities Ordinance, 1955â€. :
2. In this Ordinance— ; Interpretation
“Colonial Stock Acts†means the Acts of
the Imperial Parliament known as the
Colonial Stock Acts, 1877 tu 1948;
“Crown Agentsâ€. means the person or
persons for the time being acting as
Crown Agents for Oversea Govern-
ments and Administrations in England
or any one of them.
Application of
Payment of
money due to
Certificate by
of certain
9 Trustee Investmeni in Antigua No. 9 of 1955.
Government Securities.
3. This Ordinance shall apply to all -
securities heretofore or hereafter created or
issued on behalf of the Government of Antigua to
which for the time being the Colonial Stock Acts
apply, and which are for the time being regis-
tered in the United Kingdom in accordance with
the provisions of those Acts, each and all of
which securities are hereinafter referred to as
“ Antigua Government Securities â€â€™.
4. (1) Whenever by the final judgment,
decree, rule, or order of any court of competent
jurisdiction in the United Kingdom, any sum of
money is adjudged or declared to be payable by
the Government of Antigua in respect of any
Government Securities, the Government shall
forthwith pay that suin out of the funds in the
hands of the Crown Agents belonging to the
‘Government, without further appropriation
than this Ordinance.
(2) For the purposes of this section,
“final judgment, decree, rule, or order’ means
in case of appeal the final judgment, decree,
rule, or order of the ultimate court hearing the
5. In order to enable every such payment
to be duly made, a certificate under the hands
of the Crown Agents, specifying the sum so
paid under order of any such court, shall be
sufficient authority to the Auditor General or
other officer having the auditing of their ac-
counts for passing such sum without further
6. Ifat any time hereafter an Ordinance
is passed which appears to the Imperial Govern-
ment to alter any of the provisions affecting the
Government Securities to the injury. of the
holder thereof, or to involve a departure from
the original contract in regard to those
Securities, that Ordinance wil] properly be
disallowed. :
7 ae
No. 9 of 1955. Trustee Investment in Antiqua 8 ANTIGUA.
Government Securities.
Passed the Legislative Council the 10th day
of October, 1955.
Acting Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M, BhackmAN, Government Printor.—By Authority.
—500—11.55. : : Price 5 cents
No. of 1955. Harbours and Roadsteads
No. of 1955.
An Ordinance to amend further the Harbours and
Roadsteads Act, 1894.
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Harbours and Roadsteads (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1955 and shall be read and construed as
one with the Harbours and Roadsteads Act, 1894,
as amended (hereinafter called the Principal
2. Section 6 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby repealed und replaced as follows:—
“6. (1) It shall be lawful for the Governor
from time to time to appoint such persons as
may seem fit to be Harbour Master and
Deputy Harbour Masters for the Presidency.
Short Title.
Section 6 of
the Principal
repealed and
of Harbour
and Deputy
Antigua. 2 Harbours and Roadsteads No. of 1955. ©
(2) Every Deputy Harbour Master
shall have all the powers and duties of the
Harbour Master and be subject to all the
provisions of this Act, save and except that
he shall have no power to make or declare
any general rule or regulation or to rescind
or alter any order, rule or regilation made
by the Harbour Master, â€â€™
Passed the Legislative Council this day
ot 1955.
Clerk of the Council.
flare object of this Bill is to. amend the
Harbours and Roadsteads Act, 1894 to provide for
appointment of Deputy Harbour Masters.
Desuonp A. McNamara,
Acting Crown Attorney.
2ist Juiy, 1955.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer.— By Authority.
1955, :
—-320—11.55. [ Price 4 cents]
Full Text |
fi °/ 193.
\ & ei
Published by Authority.
No. 51.
Acting Governor.
WHEREAS by subsection (3) of
section 7 of the Leeward Islands
Act, 1871 to 1950, as amended, it
is provided that whenever there is
occasion for the election of a repre-
sentative member to the General
Legislative Council from among the
members of an Island Council the
Governor shall by Proclamation
require the elected and nominated
members of the said Island Council
within such time as may be specified
by such Proclamation to elect such
member within the time so specified:
AND WHEREAS by the said sub-
section it is provided that the elected
and nominated members of the said
Island Council shall, in such manner
as may be provided by the Standing
Rules and Orders of such Council,
but subject to the provisions of the
said Act, elect such member within
the time so specified:
AND WHEREAS there is now
occasion for the election of represent-
ative members from among the Island
Councils of Antigua, Saint Christo-
pher Nevis and Anguilla, Montserrat
and the Virgin Islands for the com-
position of the General Legislative
NOW, THEREFORE, I do by this
my Proclamation require the elected
and nominated members of the Island
Councils of Antigua, Saint Christo-
pher Nevis and Anguilla, Montserrat
and the: Virgin Islands, respectively,
on or before the 21st day of Decem-
ber, 1955, to elect, from among the
elected members of the said Councils,
in such manner as may be provided
by the Standing Rules and Orders
thereof but subject to the provisions
of the said Leeward Islands Acts,
representative members of the said
General Legislative Council, that is
to say, from the Island Council of
Antigua five representative members,
from the Island Council of Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla five
“= members of whom at
least one shall be an elected member
for Nevis and at least one shall be an
elected member for Anguilla, from
the Island Council of Montserrat two
representative members and from the
Island Council of the Virgin Islands
one representative member.
AND the elected and nominated
members of the Legislative Councils
of the Presidencies of Antigua, Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla,
Montserrat and the Virgin Islands
and all others whom it may concern
are hereby required to take due
notice hercof and to govern them-
selves accordingly.
GIVEN under my hand at the
Government House, Antigua,
this 9th day of November, 1955,
and in the fourth year of Her
Majesty’s reign.
Ref. No. 18/0031.
It is hereby notified for general
information that the Hon. P. C.
LEwiIs, Q.C., Attorney General of the
Leeward Islands, has returned from
the United Kingdom and will resume
duty on the 21st November, 1955.
Consequent upon the foregoing the
Hon. R. H. LOCKHART will resume
duty as Crown Attorney, Antigua,
and Mr. D. H. A. MCNamaRa will
resume duty at Magistrate, Antigua.
2. The temporary appointment of
Mr. 8S. L. ATHILL, 1,8.0., M.B.E., as
Additional Magistrate will terminate
with effect from the 21st November,
1955, and Mr. O. M. BROWNE will be
appointed to act in that post with
effect from the 21st November, 1955.
The Secretariat,
16th November, 1955.
It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency has issued
an Instrument appointing the Hon-
ourable R. H. LOCKHART to be the
Administrator’s Deputy within the
Presidency of Antigua with effect
from the 21st November, 1955, during
the absence from the seat of Govern-
ment of the said Presidency of the
Administrator on a visit to the island
of Barbuda.
The Secretarrat,
16th November, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00264.
The Administrator of Antigua has
been pleased to re-appoint The Hon.
LL.M., to be a member of the Central
Library Board for a period of two
years, effective from 31st October,
Ref, No, A, 28/16—IT.
Legal Tender of Currency
Notes issued by Government
of Jamaica in Eastern Group
of British Caribbean Colonies.
The attention of the public is
drawn to the fact that blue Jamaican
ten shilling currency notes were
demonetized by the Government of
Jamaica on Ist July, 1951. Purple
ten shilling notes only are therefore
now legal tender in Jamaice and the
Eastern Group of British Caribbean
Hzecutive Commissioner
British Caribbean Currency
Ref. No. 24/00059.
No. 114.
Appointments and transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—
DavIs, Miss 8. E., to be Junior Clerk,
Peasant Development Services,
Antigua. Jan. 1
FARQUHAR, D., Certificated Elemen-
tary School Assistant Grade II,
Education Department, Antigua,
resigned. Sep. 4
Kine, Mrs. E., to be Junior Clerk,
Public Works Department, Anti-
gua. Jan. 1, 1954
KNOWLES, J., Uncertificated Elemen-
tary School Teacher, to be Certifi-
cated Elementary School Assistant,
Grade II, Education Department,
Antigua. Nov. 1
Lake, A. F., to be Junior Clerk,
Peasant Development Services,
Antigua. Aug. 20, 1954
MANNIX, V. A., to be Junior Clerk,
Magistrates Department, Antigua.
_ dan. 1, 1954
194 THE
Maunpy, C., to be Junior Clerk,
Public Works Department, Anti-
gua. Nov. 1, 1954
Moors, H. D. C., Superintendent of
Telephones, Antigua, retired.
Nov. 12
NANtoN, Miss C., to be Junior Clerk,
Peasant Development Services,
Antigua. Jan. 6, 1954
Piper, J., Certificated HKlementary
School Assistant, Grade I, Educa-
tion Department, Antigua, dis-
missed, Aug. 12
PROVIDENCE, W., to be Junior Clerk,
Peasant Development Services,
Antigua. Jan. 1, 1954
RICHARDS, Miss J. M., to be Junior
Clerk, Medical Department, Anti-
gua. April 10, 1954
Roperts, ©. S., Economic and
Financial Adviser, Leeward Islands,
to act as Colonial Secretary with
effect from the 21st November,
1955, during the absence of Mr. R.
Norris, M.B.E., whilst paying a
visit to Barbuda.
Ref. No. P.F. 574.
SAMUEL, E., to be Junior Clerk,
Pensant Development Services,
Antigua. May 1, 1954
TAYLOR, R., Colonial Engineer,
Public Works Department, Anti-
gua, appointment terminated.
Aug. 2
UrTLEY, Dr. K. H., to be Senior
Medical Officer, Medical Depart-
ment, Antigua. Oct. 14
No. 115,
The Acting Governor has been
pleased this day to assent to the
undermentioned Ordinances:—
No. 11 of 1955, ‘“‘The Entertain-
ments Duty (Amendment) Ordinance,
1955. | Nov. 9
The Secretariat,
10th November, 1955.
Ref. No. 47/00390
No. 12 of 1955, “The British
Caribbean Shipping (Agreement)
Ordinance, 1955.â€
The Secretariat,
16th November, 1955.
No. 116.
The following Ordinances are circu-
lated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—
No. 8 of 1955, “The Building
Societies Ordinance, 1955.â€
15 pp. Price 18 cents
No. 9 of 1955, “The Trustee
Investment in Antigua Government
Securities Ordinance, 1955.â€
3 pp. Price 5 cents
No. 117.
The following Bill which ig to be
introduced in the Legislative Council
of Antigua, is circulated with this
Gazette and forms part thereof:—
“The Harbours and Roadsteads
(Amenement) Ordinance, 1955.â€
ANTIGUA, 3list October, 1955.
America of 30 Rockfeller Plaza, New
York, State of New York, United
States of America have applied for
Registration of one Trade Mark con-
sisting of the following:—
in Class 18 that is to say:—Electri-
cally operated room air conditioners
and air-conditioning equipment of all
kinds and for all purposes, parts
thereof and accessories thereto, such
as compressors, condensers, fans, fan
motors, regulators, thermostatically
controlled attachments, electrically
operated dehumidifier equipment
to control the moisture content of the
air, parts thereof and accessories
thereto. :
Gas and electric ranges and stoves
for cooking and heating, parts thereof
and accessories thereto.
Electric and non-electric refrigera-
tors, storage freezers, parts thereof
and accessories thereto.
Gas oil and electric hot water heat-
ers, automatic oil and gas home and
space heaters, radiant circulators,
radiant circulator heaters, incinera-
tors, power lawn mowers, parts,
acoessories and attachments thereto.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 32 years
before the date of their said Applica-
Any person may within
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the ‘Leeward Islands Gazette,’ give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade Mark.
Aoting Registrar of Trade Marks.
' (17 November, 1955.
ANTIGUA, 3rd November, 1955.
Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Thurs-
day the 8th day of December, 1955
at 12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons
hereinafter named, the same having
been levied npon to suiisfy the City
Rate due thereon for the yaar 1955.
Kileen C. and G. Reynolds, Alice
M. King, Heirs of Joseph Samuel,
Joseph Mathurin, Henrietta Graham,
Elmore G. Aska, Abraham Samuel.
Isaline Perry, Ebenezer Christo-
pher, Irene Walker, Martha Finch,
Estate of J. P. Samuel.
Norris Destin, Alice Jarvis, Joseph
James, Estate of Mary Benjamin, -
Estate of Joseph Reynolds, Geo, W.
B. Bryson & Co.
Anthony Jarvis, Estate of John
Ambrose, Rhoda Joshua, Samuel
Joseph Davis, Alma Thibon, Free-
land E. Roberts.
Agnes Mayhew, George B. Lake,
Joshua Thomas, James H. King.
Calis Destin, Harold Scholar,
Joseph Thomas, Campbell Martin,
Neville Weston, Busil Saunders,
Pearl Hutchinson, Cecil Kendall, L.
E. George.
Antonetta Reid.
Antigua O. F. Lodge.
Ellen Mason.
Althea Lanhon.
Ravely Murrain,
Elish Challenger.
Ruby Hughes, O. St. A. Duke.
Gertrude Richards.
Constance Hill,
Acting Prevost Marshal,
17 November, 1955.
In the Supreme Oourt of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
A.D. 1955.
NOTICE is hereby given that in
pursuance of Rules made by the Chief
Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands (Courts) Order-in-Council,
1939 and duly approved as therein
provided on the 16th day of October,
A.D. 1941, The Honourable the
Puigsne Judge selected for the sitting
of the Conrt in the NEVIS CIRCUIT
has appointed the day of the month on
which the ensuing Circuit Court shall
sit as follows, that is to say:—
The NEVIS CIRCUIT on Wednes-
day the 30th day of November, 1955
at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.
Dated the 17th day of October, 1955.
Acting Registrar.
Ref. No. 36/00004.
Control of Imports and Exports.
Notice No. 3 oF 1955.
Importers are hereby notified that
all licences granted for the importa-
tion of Sausages, Hams or other meats
not in hermetically sealed con-
tainers from any countries other
than Great Britain, Northern Ireland,
Republic of Ireland, Canada, New
Zealand, Australia, United States of
America and Argentina, are hereby
cancelled, and importers should
immediately cancel all orders for
such meats from all countries other
than those detailed above.
Collector of Customs and
Supply Officer.
8th November, 1955.
Central Experiment Station,
Nov. 12th
1952. 1953.
241 1,93
1.60 1,02
1.62 5.60
3.14 2.06
3.07 1.80
5.74 (1.81
8.38 3.20
8.43 3,15
5.65 2,10
5.19 85
99 1.19
46.12 28.91
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islunds, by E, M, BLACKMAN,
ernment Printer.—By Authority,
[Price 28 vents.]
No. 8 of 1955. Building Societies. .ANTIGUA.
I Assnt,
‘P. D. Macnonanp,
Acting Governor. |
26th October, 1955, —
» No. 8 of 1955.
* An Ordinance to provide for the incorporation and
of Building Societies.
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—
1. This
Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Building Societies Ordinance, 1955.
2. In this Ordinance, unless the context Interpreta-
otherwise requires—
‘permanent society’ means a society which
has not by its rules any fixed date
or specified result at which it shall
“ Schedule’ means Schedule to this Ordinance;
“ section â€
“society â€
means section of this Ordinance;
means a building society established
under this Ordinance;
“terminating society ’’ means a society which
x by its rules is to terminate at a fixed
Las 72.
or when « result specified in its
is attained ;
Antigua. 2 Building Societies. No. 8 of 1955.
“the Court†means the Supreme Court;
“the Registrar†means the Registrar of the
Court, who shall, for the purposes of
this Ordinance, be the Registrar of
Building Societies.
PaeoenO aor 8. Every society shall, upon receiving a
of societies . : : Es . : ;
certificate of incorporation under this Ordinance in
the form set forth in Schedule A, become a body
corporate by its registered name, having © common
seal and perpetual succession, until terminated or
dissolved in manner herein provided.
Purposes for 4. (1) Any number of persons may establish
yy beatae: a society for the purpose of raising by the sub-
lished. scriptions of members a stock or fund for making
advances to members ont of the funds of the
(2) A society may be either a terminating
society or a permanent society.
(3) Advances made by a society out of its
funds shall be made upon the security of a mort-
gage of a freehold or a leasehold estate or upon
the security of the withdrawal value of shares
held by members of the society. ;
(4) Any society shall, so far as is necessary
for the purpose of advances made upon the
security of a mortgage, have power—
(a) to hold land, with the right of
(6) from time to time to raise funds by
the issue of shares of one or more denomina-
tions either paid up in full or to be paid by —
periodical or other subscriptions, and with or
without accumulating interest; and
(c) to repay such funds when no longer
required for the purposes of the society:
Provided always that any land to which
a society may become absolutely entitled by
foreclosure or other extinguishment of the
right of redemption shall, as soon after as
’ may be conveniently practicable, be sold or
converted into money.
No, 8 of 1955. Building Societies. 8 ANTIGUA.
5. The liability of a member of a society in Limitation of
respect of any share upon which no advance has Tability of
been made shall be limited to the amount actually ,
paid or in arrear on such share, and in respect of
-any share upon which an advance has been made
-shall be limited to the amount payable thereon
_ under any mortgage or other security or under the
rules of the society.
6. With respect to the borrowing of money Power to
by as the following provisions shall have noe
effect :—
(a) a society may within the limits
, specified in paragraph (4) or (c) of this
section receive deposits or loans at interest ae
from the members or other persons, or from
corporate bodies, joint stock companies, or
from any terminating society, to be applied
to the purposes of the society ;
(b) in a permanent society the total
amount so received on deposit or loan and not
repaid by the society shall not at any time
exceed two-thirds of the amount for the time
- being secured to the society by mortgages
from its members;
(c) in a terminating society the total
amount so received and not repaid may either
be a sum not exceeding such two-thirds as
aforesaid, or a sum not exceeding twelve
months’ subscriptions on the shares for the
time being in force;
(d) every deposit book or acknowledge-
ment or security of any kind for a deposit or
loan by a society shall have printed or written
therein or thereon the whole of sections
5 and 6.
7. The rules of every society shall set Matters to be
forth— set forth in
: the rules.
(a) the name of the society and the
chief office or place of meeting for the
business of the society ;
Building Societies. No. 8 of 1985.
(6) the manner in which: the stock or
funds of the society are to be raised, the
terms upon which paid up shares (if ‘any)
are to be issued and repaid, whether prefer-
ential shares are to be issued, and if so, within
what limits, if any; whether the society —
intends to borrow money and, if so, within |
what limits, not exceeding the limits, pre-
scribed by this Ordinance;
(c) the purposes to which the funds of
the society are to be applied and the manner
in which they are to be invested;
(d) the terms upon which shares may
be withdrawn and upon which mortgages
may be redeemed ;
(e) the manner of altering and rescind-
ing the rules af the society and of making
additional rules;
(/) the. manner of appointing, remunera-
ting and removing the board of directors or
committee of management, auditors a other
(g) the manner of calling general and
special meetings of the members;
(A) provision for an annual or more
frequent audit of the accounts, and inspection
by the anditors of the mortgages and other
securities belonging to the society;
(2) whether disputes between the society
and any of its members or any person claiming
by and through any member, or under the
rules, shall be settled by reference to the
Court, or to the Registrar, or to arbitration;
(7) provision for the device, custody, and
use of the seal of the society, which shall in all
cases bear the registered name thereof;
(k) provision for the custody of the
mortgage deeds and other securities belonging
to the society;
No. 8 of 1955. Building Societies. 5
(2) the powers and duties of the board of
directors or committee of management and
other officers; .
(m) the fines and forfeitures that may be
imposed on members;
(n) the manner in. which the society,
whether terminating or permanent, shall be
terminated or dissolved.
8. The persons intending to establish a
society shall transmit to the Registrar two copies
of the rules agreed upon by them for the govern-
ment of the society, signed by three of such persons
-and by the intended secretary or other officer; and
the Registrar, if satisfied that the rules contain all
the provisions prescribed in section 7, and that they
are in conformity with this Ordinance, shall return
“one copy of the rules to the secretary or other
officer of the society, with a certificate of incorpora-
tion, and shall retain and register the other copy:
Provided that no society shall be registered
under this Ordinance in a name identical with that
in which any subsisting society is already registered.
Q. Any society may alter or rescind any rule
or make any additional rules in the manner which
its rules direct. And every society altering or
rescinding any rule, or making any additional rule,
shall forward two copies of every resolution for
rescission of rules, and of every alteration of or
‘addition to its rules, signed by three members and
the secretary to the "Registrar, who, if-satisfied that
such alteration, rescission or addition is in conform-
ity with this Ordinance, shall return one of the
‘copies to the secretary cr other officer of the
society, with a certificate of registration in the form
set forth in Schedule B and retain and register the‘
other copy.
10. Any society may in a schedule to its
rules describe the forms of conveyance, mortgage,
transfer, agreement, bond, security for deposit or
loan or other instrument MECERAUR for carrying its
purposes into execution.
Rules to be
Alteration of
Rules may be
made to pro-
vide forms of
convey ance
Member dying |
leaving infant
next of kin.
of fraud in
money etc,
8 Building Societies. No. 8 of 1958.
died intestate, the payment shall be valid and
effectual with respect to any demand from any
other person as next of kin or as the lawful
representative of such deceased member or deposi-
tor against the funds of the society, but neverthe-
less such next of kin or representative shall have
his lawful remedy for the amount against the
person who received the same.
17. Whenever a member of a society under
this Ordinance, having executed a mortgage to the
society containing a power of sale, shall die intestate
leaving an infant next of kin, it shall be lawful for
the said society, after selling the premises so mort-
gaged to them, to pay to the administrator or
administratrix of the deceased member any money
to the amount of seven hundred and twenty dollars,
which shall remain in the hands of the said society
after paying the amount due to the society
and the costs and expenses of the sale, any law or
Ordinance in force in the Presidency to the contrary
notwithstanding. The said sum of seven hundred
and twenty dollars to be considered as personal
estate, and liable to duty accordingly.
18. If any person by false representation of
any kind obtains possession of any moneys, securi-
ties, books, papers, or other effects of a society, or,
having the same in his possession, withholds or
misapplies, or wilfully applies the whole or any
part thereof to purposes other than those expressed
or directed in the rules of the society and author-
ized by this Ordinance, he shall be guilty of an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
to a penalty of one hundred dollars and it shall be
lawful for the Magistrate to make an order that he
forthwith deliver up to the society all such moneys,
securities, books, papers, or other effects, and do
forthwith repay to the society the amount. of
money applied improperly, and in default of such
delivery of effects or repayment of such amount
of money or payment of such penalty it shall be
lawful for the Magistrate to sentence him to be
imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for three
months; but nothing herein contained shall prevent
any such person from being proceeded against by
No. 8 of 1955. Building Socicties. 9
way of indictment if a conviction has not been
previously obtained against him for the same
offence under the provisions of this Ordinance.
19. Proceedings under section 18 may be
taken by or at the instance of —
(a) the society; or
(6) any member authorized by the
society or by the board of directors or com-
mittee of management of the society or by the
Registrar; or
(c) the Registrar.
20. (1) A society may terminate or be
dissol ved—
(a) upon the happening of any event
declared by its rules to bring about or to be
the termination of the society ;
(6) by dissolution in manner prescribed
by its rules;
(c) by dissolution with the consent of
three-fourths of its members holding not less
than two-thirds of the number of shares in the
society, testified by the signatures to the
instrument of dissolution ;
(d) by winding up, either voluntarily
under the supervision of the Court or by the
Court, if the Court shall so order, on the
petition of any member authorized by three-
fourths of the members present at a general
meeting of the society specially called for the
purpose to present the same on behalf of the
society, or on the petition of any judgment
creditor for not less than two hundred and
fifty dollars. General rules and orders for
regulating the proceedings of the Court under
this section may be made by the Chief Justice.
(2) Every instrument of dissolution shall set
(a) the liabilities and assets of the
society in detail;
(6) the number of members and the
amount standing to the credit in the books of
the society ;
(c) the claims of depositors and other
creditors and the provision to be made for
their paymente;
Initiation of
necesssry for
the termina-
tion or disso-
lution of a
Societies may
unite with
others, or one
society may
transfor its
to another.
of disputes
by arbitration.
10 Building Societies. No. 8 of 1955.
(d) the intended appropriation or divi-
sion of the funds and property of the society;
(e) the names of one or more persons
to be appointed trustees for the special pur-
pose, and their remuneration.
(3) Alterations in an instrument of dissolution
may be made with the like consent, testified in the
same manner as in the original instrument.
(4) Every instrument of dissolution and all
alterations therein shall be registered in the man-
ner provided for the registration of rules and shall
be binding on all members of the society.
(5) Notice of the commencement and _ter-
mination of every dissolution or winding up shall
be sent to the Registrar and registered by him.
_ _ 21. Two or more societies may unite and
become one society, with or without any dissolu-
tion or division of the funds of such’ societies of
either of them, or a society may transfer its
" engagements to any other such society upon such
terme as-shall be agreed upon by three-fourths of |
the members (holding not less than two-thirds of
the whole number of shares) of each of such
societies respectively present at general meetings
convened for the purpose. Notice of every such
union or transfer shall be sent to the Registrar and
registered by him.
22. Where the rules of a society direct
disputes to be referred to arbitration the following
provisions shall apply :—
(a) the arbitrators shall be named and
elected in the manner provided by the rules
or, if there be no such provision, at the first
general meeting of the society;
(5) none of the arbitrators shall be
persons who are beneficially interested,
directly or indirectly, in the funds of the
society ;
(c) not less than three arbitrators shall
be chosen by ballot in each case of dispute,
the number of arbitrators and the mode of |
No. 8 of 1955. Building Societies. 11
ballot being determined by the rules of the
society ;
(d) the names of the arbitrators shall be
duly entered in the minute book of the
society, and in the case of death or refusal or
neglect of any of the arbitrators to act, the
society, at a general meeting, shall name and
‘elect an arbitrator to act in the place of the
arbitrator dying, refusing or neglecting to act;
(e) whatever awards shall be made by
the arbitrators or the major part of them,
according to the true purport and meaning of
the rules of the society, shall determine the
28. Should either of the parties to the
dispute refuse or neglect to comply with or
conform to the award within a time to be limited
therein, the Court, upon boeing satisfied that the
award hus been made and of the refusal of the
party to comply therewith, shall treat the award
as if it were a judgment of the Court, and enforce
compliance therewith upon the petition of any
person concerned, in the same manner as it would
enforce a judgment.
24. Where the parties to any dispute
arising in a society agree to refer the dispute to the
Registrar, or where the rules of the society direct
disputes to be referred to the Registrar, his award
shall have the same effect as that of arbitrators.
285. The Court may hear and determine
a dispute in the following cases:—
(a) if it appears to the Court, upon the
petition of any person concerned, that applica-
tion has been made by either party to the
dispute to the other party, for the purpose of
having the dispute settled by arbitration
under the rules of the society, and that the
application has not within forty days been
complied with, ‘or that the arbitrators have
refused or for n period of twenty-one days
have neglected to make any award;
Court may
order compli-
ance with the
decision of
of disputes by
of disputes
by Oourt.
tion to be
may be
purchased or
Minors may
be elected
Shares may
be held by
two or more
account and
statement of
12 Building Societies. No. 8 of 1955
(6) where the rules of the society direct
disputes to be referred to the Court.
26. Every determination of a dispute by
arbitrators or by the Court or by the Registrar
under this Ordinance shall be binding and conclu-
sive on all parties, and shall be final, and shall not
be subject to appeal:
Provided always that the arbitrators or the
Registrar, as the case may be, may, at the request
of either party, state a case for the opinion of the
Court on any question of law, and shall have power
to grant to either party to the dispute such
discovery, as to documents or otherwise, as might
be granted by the Court.
27. A society may purchase, build, hire, or
take upon lease any building for conducting its
business, and may purchase or hold upon lease any
land for the purpose of erecting thereon a building
for conducting its business, and may sell, exchange,
or let such building or any part thereof.
28. Any person under the-age of twenty-
one years may be admitted as a member of a society,
the rules of which do not prohibit such admission,
and may give all necessary acquittances, but during
his minority he shall not hold any office in the
29. Two or more persons may jointly hold
a Share or shares in a society; and all shares held
jointly by any two or more persons in any society
existing before the commencement of this Ordi-
nance, the rules whereof do not prohibit such joint
holding, shall be deemed to be unlawfully so held.
~ 80. (1) The secretary or other officer of a
society shall, once at least in every year, prepare—
(4) an account of all receipts and
expenditure of the society since the preceding
(5) a general statement of its funds and
effects, liabilities and assets, showing—
(i) the amount due to the holders
of the various classes of shares,
No. 8 of 1955. Building Societies. 18
and to depositors and creditors
for loans;
(ii) the balance due or outstanding
on their mortgage securities,
2 not including prospective in-
terest; and
(iii) the amount otherwise invested.
(2) Every such account and statement shall
be attested by the auditor or auditors to whom the
mortgage deeds and other securities belonging to
the society shall be produced; and the account and
statement shall be countersigned by the secretary
or other officer.
(3) Every member, depositor, and creditor
for loans shall be entitled to receive from the
society a copy of the account and statement, and a
copy thereof shall be sent to the Registrar within
fourteen days after the annual or general meeting
at which it is presented.
81. (1) If any society hereafter formed, or
any persons representing themselves to be a society,
commence business without first obtaining a certi-
ficate of incorporation, or if any. society make
default in forwarding to the Registrar any returns
or information by this Ordinance required, or
make a return wilfully false in any respect, the
person or persons by whom such business is g0 -
commenced, or by whom default is made, or who
have made such false return, shall be liable on
summary conviction, for every day that business is
so carried on, or for every such default or false
return, to a fine of fifteen dollars.
(2) If.any society receives loans or deposits
in excess of the limits prescribed by this Ordinance,
the directors or committee of management of the
society shall be personally liable for the amount so
received in excess.
832. The fees specified in Schedule D shall
be paid to the Registrar by every society.
Fees of
Antiqua 14 Building Societies. No. 8 of 1956.
Regulations: 838. The Governor in Council may make
Regulations for carrying out the purposes and
intention of this Ordinance, and may alter the
Schedule of fees hereto annexed.
Avec LovELACE,
Passed the Legislative Council this 18th day
of July, 1955.
J. L. Roprnson,
Clerk ‘of the Council.
Schedule A. (Section 3.)
Toes ssc cnecsetsccesceneaecceteneseeeseeeeeseeen senses see saaseneneneooes Registrar
of Building Societies in the Presidency of Antigua, hereby certify
that the......sccccescscscevcsceceocrcctenereeesesnssenaeenetsaatsens Building Society
established at.....ccsccsseoeere seiodaesabenetane in the said Presidency is incor-
porated under the Building Societies Ordinance, 1955.
GIVEN under my hand this...........000 Cay Of... ccscseeceeceeers :
19 :
"Registrar of Building Societies.
Schedule B. (Section 9.)
The Registrar hereby certifies that the foregoing alteration of
(or addition to) the rules Of the........cssesereeeeseseeeenerseeeeeees Sos veotensecicss
Building Society, established at........:.ccssssseeescerseeeeneeens jaecsi tres cole ;
is registered under the Building Societies Ordinance, 1955.
GIVEN under my hand this.........:..day Of. .ccssssessscseeeveneeees ;
19 :
Ye Registrar of Building Societies,
No. 8 of 1955. Building Societies. 15 AwnrTicua.
“Schedule C. ~ (Section 13.)
Know all men by these presents that wWe.-....sscscercssssesnsceeneesoes
Mri vvsevecreoevsuaves Saetaed conte Ofssdiscstageweeaseveses shedssbaesbubecnarecssereswesceve
one of the officers Of the.........sssscesesteesseesscevereseseseseereeeees DUUdi Ng
Society established at......cccsessessceressscceeeeeeeeeell CDOs sscrserereecreeeeces |
BE cy cosvhiieviucvastasviessOLicossexesticdeecesedsctosnees ovesesy OD coveenasascivecedanes
sonnceceuccncseceasseesenscsOLcsescseeeeerenteneeeeceneesene sesccesceeccees (O83 BUrety ON
behalf of the Said.........scceecseceeeeeeeeeers eacisiee sh seeaelevendass waneeeeetedecaee)
are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the said society in
the Sum Of........ccceeeeeee ee. coc oeeneeeeee .....t0 be paid to the said society,
for which payment well and truly to be made we jointly and severally
bind ourselves and each of us by himself, our and each of our heirs,
executors and administrators, firmly by these presents, sealed with
our seals.
Dated the... sccsscsercseres day Of.......ceeee qeesscecesoeesitt the year of
our Lord 19
Whereas the above-bounden.......ccssesescseteceseecesereceeseeveeeeHath
been duly appointed to the office of.........cccsesseseees iesehetenvees eases saaes
Of the...cccccssecseecscerssseseesceovereseeees Building Society, established as
aforesaid, and he, together with the above-bounden....... veaelsddwectvasesed
Bsa tiaisis wot a'oe secesea8 bis surety, have entered into the above-written
bond, subject to the conditions hereinafter contained.
Now, therefore, the condition of the above-written bond is such
that if the Said......cessceseseseeseee ceeeeeee puiseaVeespiana es ,8hall and do render
a just and true account of all moneys received and paid by him and —
shall and do pay over all the moneys remaining in his hands, and
assign. and transfer or deliver all securities and effects, books, papers
and property of or belonging to the said society, in his hands or
-— custody, to such person or persons as the said society shall appoint,
according to the rules of the said society, together with the proper or
legal receipts or vouchers for such payments, then the above-written
bond shall be void and of no effect, otherwise shall be and remain in
full force and virtue.
schedule D. (Section 32.)
For registering any document 12c. a folio—but in no case
less than wh és 60c.
For granting certificate of incorporation ie $5.04
For granting any other certificate required by the
Ordinance 720.
Acting as arbitrator in any matters referred to him for .
‘every day during which he shall be so engaged ... $5.04
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—RBy Authority.
500—11.55. Price 18 cents.
No. 9 of 1955. Trustee Investment in Antigua ANTIGUA,
Government Securities.
l I ee
P. D. Macpnoatp,
Acting Governor.
8th November, 1955.
No. 9 of 1955,
An Ordinance to facilitate the investment of
trust and other funds in the United
Kingdom, in Antigua Government Secu-
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as “The Short title
Trustee Investment in Antigua Government
Securities Ordinance, 1955â€. :
2. In this Ordinance— ; Interpretation
“Colonial Stock Acts†means the Acts of
the Imperial Parliament known as the
Colonial Stock Acts, 1877 tu 1948;
“Crown Agentsâ€. means the person or
persons for the time being acting as
Crown Agents for Oversea Govern-
ments and Administrations in England
or any one of them.
Application of
Payment of
money due to
Certificate by
of certain
9 Trustee Investmeni in Antigua No. 9 of 1955.
Government Securities.
3. This Ordinance shall apply to all -
securities heretofore or hereafter created or
issued on behalf of the Government of Antigua to
which for the time being the Colonial Stock Acts
apply, and which are for the time being regis-
tered in the United Kingdom in accordance with
the provisions of those Acts, each and all of
which securities are hereinafter referred to as
“ Antigua Government Securities â€â€™.
4. (1) Whenever by the final judgment,
decree, rule, or order of any court of competent
jurisdiction in the United Kingdom, any sum of
money is adjudged or declared to be payable by
the Government of Antigua in respect of any
Government Securities, the Government shall
forthwith pay that suin out of the funds in the
hands of the Crown Agents belonging to the
‘Government, without further appropriation
than this Ordinance.
(2) For the purposes of this section,
“final judgment, decree, rule, or order’ means
in case of appeal the final judgment, decree,
rule, or order of the ultimate court hearing the
5. In order to enable every such payment
to be duly made, a certificate under the hands
of the Crown Agents, specifying the sum so
paid under order of any such court, shall be
sufficient authority to the Auditor General or
other officer having the auditing of their ac-
counts for passing such sum without further
6. Ifat any time hereafter an Ordinance
is passed which appears to the Imperial Govern-
ment to alter any of the provisions affecting the
Government Securities to the injury. of the
holder thereof, or to involve a departure from
the original contract in regard to those
Securities, that Ordinance wil] properly be
disallowed. :
7 ae
No. 9 of 1955. Trustee Investment in Antiqua 8 ANTIGUA.
Government Securities.
Passed the Legislative Council the 10th day
of October, 1955.
Acting Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M, BhackmAN, Government Printor.—By Authority.
—500—11.55. : : Price 5 cents
No. of 1955. Harbours and Roadsteads
No. of 1955.
An Ordinance to amend further the Harbours and
Roadsteads Act, 1894.
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Harbours and Roadsteads (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1955 and shall be read and construed as
one with the Harbours and Roadsteads Act, 1894,
as amended (hereinafter called the Principal
2. Section 6 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby repealed und replaced as follows:—
“6. (1) It shall be lawful for the Governor
from time to time to appoint such persons as
may seem fit to be Harbour Master and
Deputy Harbour Masters for the Presidency.
Short Title.
Section 6 of
the Principal
repealed and
of Harbour
and Deputy
Antigua. 2 Harbours and Roadsteads No. of 1955. ©
(2) Every Deputy Harbour Master
shall have all the powers and duties of the
Harbour Master and be subject to all the
provisions of this Act, save and except that
he shall have no power to make or declare
any general rule or regulation or to rescind
or alter any order, rule or regilation made
by the Harbour Master, â€â€™
Passed the Legislative Council this day
ot 1955.
Clerk of the Council.
flare object of this Bill is to. amend the
Harbours and Roadsteads Act, 1894 to provide for
appointment of Deputy Harbour Masters.
Desuonp A. McNamara,
Acting Crown Attorney.
2ist Juiy, 1955.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer.— By Authority.
1955, :
—-320—11.55. [ Price 4 cents]