Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Published by Authority.


No. 49.

With reference to the notice pub-
lished in Leeward Islands Guzette
No. 28 of the 30th June, 1955, it is
notified for general information that
His Excellency has issued an Instru-
ment appointing the Honourable J.
C. L. WALL to be an Unofficial Mem-
ber of the Federal Executive Council
of the Colony of the Leeward Islands
until the 26th January, 1956, or such
date as the Governor may appoint for
the termination of the existence of
the Executive Council for the Colony,
whichever day is the earlier.

The Secretarrat,
Tth November, 1955.
Ref. No. C 18/0002.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency has appoint-
ed the Honourable J. O. GEORGES,
M.B.E., to act as Commissioner,
Virgin Islands, with effect from the
8th November, 1955, when His
Honour Lieutenant H. A. C. HOWARD,
Commissioner of the said Presidency,
shall be absent therefrom while visit-
ing Puerto Rico in connexion with
certain official matters.

The Secretariat,

7th November, 1955.
Ref. No, C. 13/00106.

It is hereby notified for general
information that a Commission has
been issued to Mr. V. B. A, BROWNE,
B.A., appointing him to be Second
Lieutenant in the Montserrat Defence
Force, with effect from the Ist
November, 1955.

The Secretariat,
71th November, 1955.
Ref. No. 53/00018.



_ Commissioner.

In exercise of the powers vested in
the Governor in Council by section 3
of the Cotton Protection Ordinance,
1922 (No. 1 of 1922), as amended by
the x Protection (Amendment)

Ly 31

Ordinance, 1926 (No. 1 of 1926),
sioner of the said Presidency, by and
with the advice of the Executive
Council of the said Presidency, do by
this my Proclamation declare that the
period from the 16th day of Novem-
ber, 1955 to the 3lst day of August,
1956, both days inclusive, shall be a
close season within the meaning of
the said Ordinance for the whole of
the Presidency of Montserrat (except
the Planting Date Experimental Plots
under Government control, to which
this Proclamation shall not apply).

And all Her Majesty’s loving sub-
jects in the said Presidency and all
others whom it may concern are
hereby required to take due notice
hereof and to give their ready obedi-
ence accordingly. .

GIVEN at the Commissioner’s Office,
Montserrat, this 4th day of Nov-
ember, 1955, and in the fourth
year of Her Majesty’s reign.


Within the area of the Presidency
to which the Proclamation applies, it
is an offence—

(a) for any person, being an
occupier of any land, to fail com-
pletely to root up and burn all
Cotton, Okra and Sorrel plants and
all or any portion of the same grow-
ing or remaining on any such land
oceupied by him, before the pre-
paration for any new crop of the
land on which the said plants and
all or any portion of the same are
growing or remaining, and before
the first day of the close season;

(t) for any person to sow or
plant or cause to be sown or.
planted any Cotton, Okro or Sorrel
plants on any land, during the close

Ref. No. 47/00073.

No. 110.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

ARTHURTON, Miss L. A. A., Clerical
Probationer, to be Junior Clerk,

on_ probation, Commissioner’s
Office, Montserrat. Aug. 12
M.E, 344.

BRAMBLE, D. D., Junior Clerk, Treas-
ury, Montserrat, resigned appoint-
ment. Oct. 1

M.E, 285,

GILKES, U. M., Junior Clerk, Treas-
ury. Montserrat, resigned.

Oct. 11
M.E. 279.

GREENAWAY, J. H., to be Prison
Warder, Grade II, Montserrat, on
probation. Oct. 17

M.E, 398.

JEFFRRS, ST.C. H., Junior Clerk,
Post Office, Montserrat, resigned
appointment. Oct. 28

MLE. 351.

PIPER, C. E., Certificated Teacher,
Grade II, retired. Oct. 31

RUSSEL, Miss A. A., Clerical Proba-
tioner, to be Junior Clerk, on pro-
bation, Post Office, Montserrat. i

Oct. 29

8B nw

M.E. 336.

SIMON, C., Head Warder, H.M. Prison,
Montserrat, demoted to Warder,
Cl. II, for disciplinary reasons.

Oct. 1
M.E. 87.

WALKER, J. E., to be Junior Clerk,
Treasury, Montserrat, on probation. :

Oct. 1
M.E, 252.


No. 111.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Acting
Governor that the power of disallow-
ance will not be exercised in respect
of the undermentioned Ordinances:—

St. Kitts- Nevis- Anguilla.
No. 7 of 1955, “The Legislative

Council (Extension of Duration)
Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 10 of 1955, “‘ The General Local
Loan (Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.”


No. 112.

The Acting Governor has’ been
pleased this day to assent to the
undermentioned Ordinances:—


No. 9 of 1955, “The Trustee
Investment in Antigua Government
Securities Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 10 of 1955, ‘The Petroleum
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.”
Nov. 8

No. 113.

_ The following Ordinance and
Statutory Rules and Orders are circu-

lated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—

No. 4 of 1955, “The Electricity,
Ice and Cold Storage Ordinance,
1955.” 23 pp. Price 30 cents


General Government.
No. 31 of 1955, ‘ The Saint Chris-
topher Nevis and Anguilla Postal
Service (Amendment) Rules, 1955.”
3 pp. Price 5 conts

No. 32 of 1955, “The Virgin
Islands Postal Service (Amendment)
Rules and Regulations, 1955.”

3 pp. Price 5 cents


No. 16 of 1955, “The Aid to
Pioneer Industries (Pottery Industry)
(Amendment) Order, 1955.”

1 pp. Price 3 cents

No. 17 of 1955, ‘“‘The Aid to
Pioneer Industries (Antigua Pottery
Limited) (Pottery Industry) Order,
1955.” 1 pp. Price 3 cents

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.

A.D. 1955.

NOTICE is hereby given that in
pursuance of Rules made by the Chief
Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands (Courts) Order-in-Council,
1939 and duly approved as therein
provided on the 16th day of October,
A.D. 1941, The
Puisne Judge selected for the sitting
of the Court in the NEVIS CIRCUIT
has appointed the day of the month on
which the ensuing Circuit Court shall
sit as follows, that is to say:—

The NEVIS CIRCUIT on Wednes-
day the 30th day of November, 1955
at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.

Dated the 17th day of October, 1955.

Acting Registrar.
Ref, No. 36/00004.

Honourable the -


ANTIGUA, 31st October, 1955.

America of 30 Rockfeller Plaza, New
York, State of New York, United
States of America have applied for
Registration’ of one Trade Mark con-
sisting of the following:—

in Class 18 that is to say:—Electri-
cally operated room air conditioners

and air-conditioning equipment of all
kinds and for all purposes, parts
thereof and accessories thereto, such
as compressors, condensers, fans, fan
motors, regulators, thermostatically
controlled attachments, electrically
operated dehumidifier equipment
to control the moisture coutent of the
air, parts thereof and accessories

Gas and electric ranges and_ stoves
for cooking and heating, parts thereof
and accessories thereto.

Electric and non-electric refrigera-
tors, storage freezers, parts thereof
and accessories thereto.

Gas oil and electric hot water heat-
ers, automatic oil and gas home and
space heaters, radiant circulators,
radiant circulator heaters, incinera-
tors, power lawn mowers, parts,
accessories and attachments thereto.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 32 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the ‘Leeward Islands Gazette,’ give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade Mark.

Aoting Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, 3rd November, 1955.

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Thurs-
day the 8th day of December, 1955
at 12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons
hereinafter named, the same having
been levied npon to satisfy the City
Rate due thereon for the yaar 1955.

Eileen C. and G. Reynolds, Alice
M. King, Heirs of Joseph Samuel,

[10 November, 1955.

Joseph Mathurin, Henrietta Graham,
Elmore G. Aska, Abraham Samuel.


Isaline Perry, Ebenezer Christo-
pher, Irene Walker, Martha Finch,
Estate of J. P. Samuel.


Norris Destin, Alice Jarvis, Joseph
James, Estate of Mary Benjamin,
Estate of Joseph Reynolds, Geo. W.
B. Bryson & Co.


Anthony Jarvis, Estate of John
Ambrose, Rhoda Joshua, Samuel

Joseph Davis, Alma Thibon, Free
land E. Roberts.

Agnes Mayhew, George B. Lake,
Joshua Thomas, James H. King.


Calis Destin, Harold Scholar,
Joseph Thomas, Campbell Martin,
Neville Weston, Basil Saunders,
Pearl Hutchinson, Cecil Kendall, L.
E. George.

Antonetta Reid.

Antigua O. F. Lodge.

Ellen Mason

Althea Lanhon.

Ravely Murrain, Constance Hill,
Elish Challenger.

Ruby Hughes, O. St. A. Duke.

Gertrude Richards.

Acting Prevost Marshal,

27th October, 1955.

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Thursday
the 25th day of November, 1955, at
12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons
hereafter namei:

David Anthony, Alphonso Hamil-


Nathaniel Anthony, Eliza Jeffrey,
Ernest Gilead, Ursula Matthew, Olive
Hazlewood, Oscar Gilead, Kenneth
Henry, Iris Mussington.

10 November, 1955.]

Sarah Mason, Lydia Small, Chris-
tiana Oliver, Thomas Henry.

Albert Benjamin, Oliver Sherving-
ton, Adelaide Sweeney (4), Eunice
Hunte, Esther Christian, I.ydia Small.

Iris Mussington, Josephine Grigg,
Nathaniel Anthony.


Nathaniel White, Beatrice Julian,
Pearl Hutchinson, Evelyn George,
Charlotte Tobitt, Henry Edwards,
Susanah Baptiste.


Louisa Mannix, Gwendolyn Hunte,
“Charles Anthony, Leslie Samuel,
Mildred Orr, Irene Roberts.

Alfred Tanner, Sarah Stuart,
Nehemiah Knight, Ernest Lloyd

‘White, Arthur James, Alfred Simon,
Estate of Hagar Cann, George
William, Margaret Josiah, Archibald

Weston, Lucy Jack.

Ickford Winter (2), Estate of
“Charles Davis, Adelaide Williams,
Mary Wells, Leonard Benjamin,
Samuel Billington, Estate of Stephen
Melvin (2), Mary Chapman, Caroline
Albert, Jeremiah Simon, Alex Maria
Watson, Eleanora Manderson,


Foster EK. L. Matthew, Wilfred
Weathlanud, Iga] Winter (3), Edward
Townsend, Sarah Calquhoun, George
Weston, Johannah John and others,

Cecelia Christian (2), Estate of
Rebecce Christian, Alicia Hunte,
Victoria James, James 8. Beazer.


Reginald Jarvis, state of Ada
Jarvis, [Leslie Chambers, Heirs of
James Cephas, D. Vann, James Mapp,
Centilia Simon, James Hart. Heirs of
Ledeatt, James B. Hart, Josephine
Edwards, Heirs of Rev. Francis,
Sarah Tuitt, Thomas Williams, Heirs
-of Ann Laviscount.


Brown Brothers, Ulotrician Society,
Elma Potter, Estate of Thomas Byam,
Heirs of Eliza Bennett, Bertha Buck-
ley, Annie Sahalie.

Estate of Francis O’Harro, Heirs of
Barton, Ravely Murrain.


Robert Gallawey, Estate of John
Chalmers, Tryphene Joseph, Joseph
H. Martin, Florence Sowerby.

Heirs of Edward King.



Algar Tuitt,
George Farley.


David HE. Joseph,

Gertrude Richards, Sarah Robins,
Elvinia Edmund (2).


Albertha Parker, Thomas Warner,
Ephraim John.

The same having been levied upon
to satisfy the City Rate due thereon
for the year 1955.

Acting Provost Marshal.

Statement of Currency Notes
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
ern Group) on ist October,

Average circulation during August,

Br. Caribbean Cur- $
rency Notes 54,299,446.00
Demonetized Gov’t.
Notes outstanding 1,339,324.00


Br. Caribbean Currency Notes in

circulation on Ist October,
Trinidad & Tobago
(including $
Montserrat) .. 27,602,253.00
Barbados . 5,335,625.00
British Guiana -» 13,878,320.50
Grenada 1,939,100.00
St. Vincent 504,400.00
St. Lucia 934,000.00
Dominica 1,094,400.00
Antigua 1,545,300.00
St. Kitts 1,5495500-00

Total Br. Caribbean

Currency Notes «» 54,352,898.50

Demonetized Trinidad
and Tobago Gov't.
Notes outstanding ...

Demonetized Br.
Guiana Gov't.

Notes outstanding ...

Demonetized Barbados
Gov't. Notes




Total demonetized
Government Notes

outstanding 1,295,193.50

Total circulation

on Ist Oct., 1955 55,648,092.00

Keecutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.

British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad, B.W.T.
No. 24/00044


Control of Imports and eitaideas
Notice No. 3 oF 1955.


Importers are hereby notified that
all licences granted for the importa-
tion of Sausages, Hams or other meats
not in hermetically sealed con-
tainers from any countries other
than Great Britain, Northern Ireland,
Republic of Treland, Canada, New
Zealund, Australia, United Stateg of
America and Argentina, are hereby
cancelled, and importers should
immediately cancel all orders for
such meats from all countries other
than those detailed above.


Collector of Customs and
Supply Officer.

8th November, 1955.


Tenders are invited for the build-
ing of one decked fishing boat to be
fitted with a motor but fully rigged
for use as a sailing vessel only.

2. The dimension of the boat to
be as follows:

Length overall 25 feet

Beam 8 feet
10 inches

Depth at midship 4 feet

Width of Transom 5 feet
6 inches

Depth of Transom 4 feet

Length of Spar 30 feet

Boom 24 feet

The deck should be cambered.

3. Applications should be marked
“Tender for building Boat,” and
should be addressed to His Honour
the Commissioner, Plymouth, Mont-
serrat, who does not bind himself to
accept the highest or any tender,
Such tenders should be submitted in
time to be received not later than the
12th November, 1955.

By Order,

S. L. Henry,
Agricultural Superintendent.

Montserrat Secondary School


Applications are invited for
appointment to the post of Assistant
Master at the Montserrat Secondary
School, which is a co-educational

2. The duties of the post are to
teach mainly History and English to
Cambridge Higher School Certificate
standard, and the person selected will
be expected to assist in the extra-
curricular activities of the School—

Games, Debating and Dramatic eighteen years will be provided.
Society, and Glee Club. Vacation leave and leave passage

3. A degree in History or English
of a University within the British
Commonwealth is required.

4. The post, which is pensionable,
carries a salary of $2292-108-2400-120-
$3120]-120-3360, and the successful
candidate will be appointed on proba-
tion for «a period of two years, and
will be subject to Colonial Regula-
tions and local General Orders.

5. Free passages for person
selected, his wife and not more than
three children under the age of

grant are earned in accordance with
General Orders.

6. Applications giving full details
of qualifications and experience and
accompanied by not less than two
testimonials, should be addressed to
His Honour the Commissioner,
Montserrat, B.W.I., to reach him not
later than the 26th November, 1955.

Commissioner's Office,
Montserrat, B.W.TI.
18th October, 1955.

Ref. No. C. 13/00010.

Nov. 5th

[10 November, 1955.

Central Experiment Station,

1951, 1952. 1953. 1954. 1956,
3.60- 3.10 2.65 3.44 2.16
1.68 1.60 1.02 245 63
1.09 1.62 5.60 108 83
216 3.14 2.06 49 1.75
10.54 3.07 150 3.83 2.81
2.74 5.74 1.31 332 1.47
3.28 838 3.20 847 2.18
9.18 843 3.15 5.93 8,25
12.06 5.65 210 991 5°59
3.90 6.19 .85 462 4.60
209 89 32 48 64

62.52 45.52

23.04 38.62 39.91

All figures in British West Indian dollars.

Number of reporting banks: 2.

(Barclays Bank (D. 0. & O.) and Royal Bank of Canada).

Figures for end of quarter 80th September, 1955.

$ - $
1. Notes in circulation 8,810.00 1. Cash 1,007,268.61
2. Balances due by other banks in Colony 2,868.77
2. Deposits 10,604,820.17 3. Balances due from banks abroad
(i) Demand 4,069,247.79 and other short claims due 6,652,721.60:
(ii) Time 385,876.80 4. Loans and Advances 2,884,738.21
(iii) Savings 6,149,695.58 To:
: (i) Primary production (in-
3. Balances due to cluding processing of
(a) Other banks in Oolony 166,023.44 primary products) a
(6) Banks abroad 258,762.70 ~ (ii) Other Industries (includ-
ing Commerce, Trans-
4. Other Liabilities | 201,431.43 portation & Distribution) 1,703,039.29
(iii) Other Advances 1,181,698.92
| 5. Investments
(a) Local —
(b) Other —
6. Other Assets 692,250.55
Total Liabilities 11,239,847.74 | Total Assets 11,239,847.74

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islunds, hy E, M. BLACKMAN,

Government Primter.—By Authority

No. 4 of 1955. Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage. MonTSsERRAT.

I Assent,
A. LovE.acg,
Governor’s Deputy.
9th September, 1955.

No. 4 of 1955.

An Ordinance to provide for the generation and
supply of electricity, the operation of cold
storage plants and the manufacture and sale
of ice by the Electricity and Cold Storage
Department and for other purposes connected
with the matters aforesaid.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Montserrat:

T 1. This Ordinance may be cited as_ the Short title.

Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage Ordinance, 1955.

@. ‘In this Ordinance, unless the context lsterpreta-
otherwise requires, the following expressions shall ia
have the meanings hereby respectively assigned
to them—

“apparatus” means any appliance. used or
which may be used in connection with
the supply or use of electrical energy ;

“the Department” means the Electricity
and Cold Storage Department established
under section 3 of this Ordinance; ~

“consumer” means any person supplied or
entitled to be supplied with energy by
The Department;

““consumer’s terminals’? means the ends of

the electric lines situate upon any

consumer's premises and belonging to
x him, at which the supply of energy is
delivered from the service line;

a YK 7 ie

Montserrat. 2 lectricity, Ice and Coll Storage No. 4 of 1955.

“distributing main’ means the portion
of any main which is used for the
purpose of giving origin to the service
lines for the purposes of general supply;

“electricity” or “electrical energy” or
“energy” means energy involving the
use of electricity, electric current or
any like agency which mav be produced
either by mechanical or chemical means
and which is generated, transmitted,
supplied or used for any purpose except
the transmission of a message;

“electric line’? means a wire or wires,
conductor or other means used for the
purpose of conveying, transmitting, or
distributing electricity with any casing,
coating, covering, tube, pole, or insulator
enclosing, surrounding, or supporting
the same or any part thereof, or any
apparatus connected therewith, for the

urpose of conveying, transmitting, or
. distributing electricity ;

“veneral supply” means the general supply
of energy to ordinary consumers, but
does not include the supply of energy to
any one or more particular consumers
under special agreement;

“land” means any land not being a street
or portion thereof;

“local authority’? means any authority
having municipal or adminstrative juris-
diction over and within any area in
respect of which any rights are exerci-
sable under this Ordinance;

“main” means an electric line which may
be laid down or erected by the
Department in, over, along, across, or
under any street, or public place or,
being already so laid down or erected,
has been acquired by the Department
under the authority of this Ordinance,
and through which energy may be
supplied, or intended to be supplied,

No. 4 of 1955. = Electricity, Tce and Cold Storage 3

by the Department for the purposes
of general supply;

“‘nower ” means electrical power, or the rate
per unit of time at which energy is
supplied ;

“pressure”? means the difference of electrical
potential between any two conductors
through which a supply of energy is
given or between any part of the
conductor and earth;

“ private purposes” includes any purposes
whatever to which electricity may for
the time being be applicable: not being
public ace

“public purposes’? means lighting any street
or places belonging to or subject to the
control of any local authority, or any
church or place of worship or any wall
or building belonging to or subject to
the control of any public authority or
any public theatre;

“service line’ means any electric line through
which energy may be supplied, or
intended to be supplied, by the Depart-
ment to a consumer’s premises from any
main or transformer;

“street”? includes any highway, whether over
any bridge or not, and any road, lane,
footway, square, court, alley or passage,
over which the public have a right of way;
and the puvement of a street and all
channels, drains and ditches at the side of

a street shall be deemed to be part of the


‘“‘ system” means an electrical system in
which all the conductors and apparatus
are electrically connected. to a common
source or sources of energy;

“ Trensurer’”’ means the officer for. the time

being performing the duties of Treasurer
of the Presidency;




of the De-

Duties and
powers of the

4 Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.

“ works’? meuns the works authorised by this
Ordinance and includes generating sta-
tions, sub-stations, buildings, machinery,
engines, transmission lines, distributing
mains, electric lines, poles, pillars, street
boxes, lamps, water-works, wells, dams,
pipe-lines, and any other works, appara-
tus, appliances, matters or things of what-
ever description required for the genera-
tion, transmission, transformation, dis-
tribution, supply or use of energy.


3. The Department shall consist of a Mana-
ger and such other officers, servants and agents to
be appointed by the Governor as may be requisite
for the dus and proper execution and enforcement
of the duties to be performed by the Department
under this Ordinance.


Dutizs anp Powers oF THE DEPARTMENT,

4. (1) Subject to the provisions of. this
Ordinance, the Department shall be the sole
authority to generate, distribute, supply and _ sell
energy for public and private purposes within the
area of supply as defined by section 10 of this

Provided that nothing in this subsection shall
in any way limit the right of any person to install.
on premises occupied by him a generating plant
and to generate and supply energy to those premises
only or, with the written approval of the
Governor in Council and subject to such conditions
as may be specified therein, to any other premises

owned or occupied by him. 7

~ (2) It shall be lawful for the Department—

(a) to do all acts and things necessary
for developing, controlling, generating and _
distributing a full supply of energy for public
and private purposes within the area of

No. 4 of 1955. Blectricity, Ice and Cold Storage 5 + Mowtsmrnav,

supply including the opening and _ breaking
up, subject to the provisions of this Ordi-
nance, of any street;

(b) to undertake electrical wiring and
installation and servicing of equipment in
industrial, commercial and residential premises
within the area of supply; and.

(c) to operate cold storage plunts, to
provide refrigeration services and to manu-
facture ice for sale.

~ : oye Contracts and
(3) All contracts and agreements in writing 4yrcementa in

required to be made by or with the Department writing to be
shall be signed by the Manager for and on behalf noe

of the Department.

5. (1) For the purposes of this Ordinance, Power to
the Department may from time to time open reat "P
and break up any street within the area of supply
and erect «any poles, pillars, lamps and other
works thereon subject to the following conditions—

(a) the Department shall give to the
local authority notice of their intention so to
do, specifying the portion of the street
proposed to be opened or broken up;

(6) the Department shall cause a light
sufficient for the warning of passengers to be
set up and maintained at night on the portion
of street so opened and broken up until the
street has been reinstated and made good to
the satisfaction of the local authority ;

(c) during such time as the street shall
be opened or broken up, the Department
shall provide, to the satisfaction of the
local authority, reasonable facilities for the
passuge of the ordinary trafic on such street;

(d) the Department shall pay the.
expenses of reinstating and making good
the street to the satisfaction of the local
authority ;

(e) the Department shall not erect any
pole, pillar or other works in a position


Power of the
to enter land,

erect lines eto,


Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.

objected: to by the local authority. In the
event, of such objection, the Department
shall refer the matter to the Governor in
Council whose decision thereon shall be


(2) In this section “night”’ means the
interval between six o'clock in the evening and
six o’clock in the morning of the next
succeeding day.

6. (1) For the purposes of this Ordinance,

_ the Department may, after reasonable notice in
that behalf to the owner, occupier or local
authority concerned—

(a) from time to time cause standards
together with fixtures and fittings to be
erected, and electric lines-to be laid and .
carried through, across, over or under any
street or, through, over or under any land
whatsoever, enclosed or otherwise;

(6) from time to time cause to_ be
constructed in any street all such boxes as
may be necessary for purposes in connection

_with the supply of energy and may place

therein meters, switches and other suitable and
proper apparatus for the purpose of leading
off service lines and other distributing conduc-
tors or of examining, testing, measuring,
directing or controlling the supply of energy
or testing the conditions of the mains and

other portions of the works;

(c) from time to time cause such lamp
irons, lamp posts, standards or other lighting

_ apparatus to be put or fixed upon or against

the wall or palisades of any houses or
buildings or enclosures or to be put-up or
erected in such other manner as shall be
deemed proper, and may also cause such
number of lamps of such sizes and kinds to
be provided and affixed and put on such
lamp irons, lamp posts and standards as
are necessary for lighting the streets;

(d) enter or authorise any person to
enter upon any land at all reasonable times

No. 4 of 1955. Blectrictty, Ice and Cold Storage 7 Montserrat.

and to remain thereon as long as may
be necessary for the purpose of effectually
doing any act or thing as may be reasonably
necessary for the purpose of any survey or
preliminary investigation or incidental to
the exercise of any power or the performance
of any duty of the Department, or for
carrying into effect any of the provisions of
this Ordinance.

(2) In the exercise of the powers given by
this section, the Department shall not be deemed
“to acquire any right other than that of user only
in or over the soil of any enclosed and other
land whatsoever through, over or under which
they place any of the works; and should any of
the works so carried through, over or under any
such land become a nuisance or the cause of loss
to the owner of such land the Department shall
at their own expense remove or alter such works
or shall give reasonable compensation as provided
by subsection (3) of this section.

(3) In the exercise of the powers given by
this section, the Department shall do no more
damage than is necessary in the circumstances
and shall make full compensation to any person
- interested for all damage sustained by him by
‘reason or in consequence of the exercise of such
powers. In the event of disagreement, the
amount of such compensation shall be determined
by arbitration:

Provided that no compensation shall be
payable in respect of any right of user acquired
under the authority of the last preceding

?. The Governor in Council may, subject Regulations.
to the approval of the Legislative Council, make
regulations generally for giving effect to the
provisions of this Ordinance and without predudice
to the generality of such power may make
regulations in respect of all or any of the
following matters, that is to say,

‘(a) the inspection of the works of the


Area of sup-

Systems and
mode of sup-


of supply of
energy to
owners and
within area
of supply.

8 Electricity, [ce and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.
(6) the fixing and testing of meters;

(c) the prevention of the misuse or
waste of energy supplied;

(d) the protection of the works of
the Department;

(e) the hiring of meters and the charges

(7) the conditions under which fixtures
and fittings may be installed;

(g) the time, place and manner for
the payment of moneys- payable to the
Department under this Ordinance, or any
Regulations made thereunder, or the mode
of collection;

‘(h) the sale and distribution of ice;
(7) the conditions and terms (including
charges) governing cold storage; :
(7) the aes of buildings


8. For the purposes of this Ordinance the
area of supply of energy to consumers shall be the

Q. Electrical energy shall be supplied by

means of the alternating current or the direct

. current system, as shall be approved by the

Governor in Council, and subject to such
regulations for securing the safety of persons and
property as may be made under the provisions
of this Ordinance.

10. Subject to the provisions of this Ordi-
nance, the. Department shall, whenever adequate
energy and equipment are available, upon being
required to do so by the owner or occupier of any
premises situate within one hundred feet from
any distributing main in which they are for the
time being maintaining a supply of energy for

No. 4 of 1955. Hlectricity, Ice and Cold Storage 9 Monserrat.

the purposes of general supply to private
consumers undér this Ordinance, give and continue
to give a supply of energy for such premises in
accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance
and any regulations made thereunder, and they
shall furnish and lay any electric lines that may
be necessary for the purposes of supplying the
maximum power with which any such owner or
occupier may be entitled to be supplied under this
Ordinance, subject to the conditions following,
that is to say,

(a) the cost of so much of the construc-
tion of any electric line as is required to
connect the premises of the owner or occupier
with the distribution main of the Depart-
ment shall, if the Department so requires, be
defrayed by the owner or occupier; and

(b) every owner or occupier of premises
requiring a supply of energy shall

(i) serve a notice upon the Depart-
ment specifying the premises
in respect of which such supply
is required, and the maximum
power required to be supplied,
and the day (not being an
earlier day than a reasonable
time after the date of the
service of such notice) upon
which supply is required to.

(ii) enter into « written contract
with the Department, if re-
quired by them to do 60, to
continue to receive and pay for
a supply of energy, for a
period of at least one year, of
such an smount that the pay-
ment to be made for the same,
at the rate of charge for the
time being charged by the
Department for a supply of
energy to ordinary consumers
within the area of supply,
shall not be less than fifteen

Montserrat. 10 Eleotricity, “cc and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.

per centum per annum on the
lay incurred by the Depart-
ment in providing any: electric
lines required under this section
to be provided by them for
- the purpose of such supply;
and ;

(iii) give to the Department, if re-
quired by them to do so,
security for the payment to
them of all moneys which may
from time to time become due
to them by such owner or
oceupier in respect of energy
to be supplied by them:

Provided that the Department may refuse |
to supply electric energy to any structure which—
in the opinion of the Department is not a
permanent and durable building:

Provided further that no energy will be
supplied to any new or altered installation until
such installation has been approved by the
Manager who may, if he thinks necessary, test
such installation or any part thereof.

Application. to 11. Every application for a supply of energy
be dealt with - . he oat . oe i

7 a c cl c

inthe ordor Shall so far as is practicable be dealt with in the
received. order in which the application is received.

Maximum 12. The maximum power with which any
Se consumer shall be entitled to be supplied shall be
consumer. of such amount as he may from time to time require

to be supplied with, not exceeding what may be.
reasonably anticipated as the maximum consump-
tion on his premises:

Provided that where any consumer has
required the Department to supply him with -the
maximum power of any specified amount, he shall
not be entitled to alter that maximum except upon
one month’s notice to the Department and provided
that the Department is in a position to supply the
increased’ demand and any expenses reasonably
incurred by the Department in respect of the
service line by which energy is supplied to the

No. 4 0f 1955. Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage 11 Montsrrrat

premises of such consumer, or any fittings or
apparatus of the Department upon such premises,
consequent upon such alteration, shall be paid by
him to the Department and may be recovered
summarily as a civil debt:

Provided further that the Department may,
without incurring any liability for so doing other
than « liability to make 4 proportionate abatement
in the charges for the supply, reduce as it may
‘think fit the quantity of energy supplied to any
premises, if by reason of any unforeseen circum-
“stances it shall appear that the supply of energy
generated is insufficient to enable the full quantity
to be conveniently supplied:

Provided further that the Department shall
not be liable for any damage to person or property
or for any cessation of the supply of energy which
may be due to unavoidable accident, fair wear and
tear, or to the reasonable requirements of the
system or to defects in any installation not
provided by the Department.

13. (1) The consumption of energy shall, Method of
+ : is j oharging for
except as otherwise agreed between the consumer’ gupply.
and the Department, be determined by meter only Meters.
provided by the Department. The consumer shall
be bound absolutely by the reading of the meter
for the purpose of calculating how much money
is due from him to the Government for energy
supplied during any particular period; and for the
purpose of proving such’ meter-reading he shall be
bound by the entry in the books of the Department
showing such meter-reading. In the absence of
evidence showing either that such entry has been
incorrectly made or that the meter was at the time
of such reading in default, it shall not be necessary
to produce the person who read the meter or the
person who made the entry in order to prove the
reading or entry:

Provided that, if the supply of meters at any
time be not equal to the demand, a consumer may
be charged on the basis of his average monthly
consumption during the previous six months:



Charges by

12 Electricity, fee and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.

Provided further that in the case of a new
consumer or of a change of tenant a meter shall be
installed until an average is obtained:

Provided further that the Department may in
any special case sanction a fixed monthly rate in
place of payment determined by meter and may
also grant a reduced rate in any particular case in
which such « course appears to them to be in the
interest of the consumer and the Department.

(2) If a meter ceases to register, the consumer
shall pay for the energy consumed under such
circumstances a sum based on the average daily
consumption in the previous three months.

14. (1) The price to be charged by the
Department for energy supplied by them to con-
sumers shal] be in accordance with such tariffs as
may be fixed from time to time by the Governor in
Council and approved’ by the Legislative Council:

Provided that until varied by Regulations the
tariffs as set out in the Schedule shall apply.

(2) Tariffs shall be fixed or varied as aforesaid
by Regulations made by the Governor in Council
and shall have effect on and after such date as may
be mentioned in the Regulations.

(3) Where a supply of energy is provided by
the Department for private purposes, every con-
sumer shall on application, be entitled to a supply
on the same terms on which any other consumer is
entitled under similar circumstances to a corres-

ponding supply.

15. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of
section 14 of this Ordinance, the Department may,
subject to the provisions of this section, make any
agreement with a consumer as to the price to be
charged for a supply of energy and the mode in
which such price is to be ascertained.

(2) The Department shall not, in making any
agreement for a supply of energy, show any undue
preference as between consumers in the same
locality and where the conditions of supply includ-
ing power factor, and the aimount of consumption,

No. 4 of 1955. Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage 13

are similar but, save as aforesaid they may make

such charges for the supply of energy as may be
agreed upon, not exceeding the limits of price
authorised by section 14 of this Ordinance.

16. (1) Where the consumption of energy is
to be ascertained by means of a meter, the depart-
ment shall supply the consumer with a meter and
may require him to enter into an agreement for the
hire of such meter, and shall fix the same upon
the premises of the consumer and connect the
service lines therewith.

(2) The Department shall supply meters to

all premises in which Government consume energy.

17. No consumer shall connect any meter
used or to be used under this Ordinance for ascer-
taining the consumption of energy with any electric
line through which energy is supplied by the
department or disconnect any such meter from any
such electric line. If any person acts in contraven-
tion of this section he shall be guilty of an offence
and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine
not exceeding two hundred dollars. _

18. The Department shall at all times at
their own expense, keep all meters installed by
them for the purpose of enabling them to ascertain
the consumption of energy in proper order for
correctly registering such consumption. The
Department shall, for the purposes aforesaid, at
all reasonable times have access-to, and be at liberty
to remove, test, inspect, and replace any such meter.

19. The Manager shall examine any meter
intended for ascertaining the consumption of energy
and shall certify the same as a certified . meter
if he considers it: fit to be so certified:

Provided that where any alteration is made in
any certified meter, or where any such meter is
unfixed or removed from the premises, such meter
shall cease to be a certified meter unless and until
it is again certified as a certified meter under the
provisions of this Ordinance:


to supply
meters if

Meters not to
be connected
or disconnect-
ed by oon-
sumer. :

to keep metor
in repair.

Manager to
certify meters.



Injurious acts
with intent to
cut off supply.


Wrongful and

16 Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.

Provided that where any person has given to
the department a deposit as security for pay-
ment for a supply of energy, -the department shall |
not be entitled to discontinue such supply until
the sum due to them for that supply shall equal
the sum so deposited as security and after payment
shall have been demanded as aforesaid.


SuprLy oF Enmrey.

. 24. injures any electric line or work with intent to cut
off any supply of energy, or otherwise maliciously
causes any interruption to the supply, or incites
other persons to do so shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanour and, on conviction on indictment, shall
be liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding
two years; but nothing in this section shall exempt
a person from any proceeding for any offence
which is punishable under any other provision of
this Ordinance, or under any other Act or Ordi-
nance, provided that no person shall be punished
twice for the same offence.

25. Every person who maliciously or
fraudulently abstracts, causes to be wasted
or diverted, consumes or uses any electricity
generated by the department shall be guilty of
an offence against this Ordinance and shall be
liable upon summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding two hundred and forty dollars or toa -
term of imprisonment not exceeding six months.

26. (1) Any person who shall lay, erect,
or install or permit to be laid, erected or installed
any conductor, and connect it with any con-
ductor to which energy is supplied by the
department without their consent, or who, in
case the value of the supply of energy by the
department is not ascertained by meter, shall
use any apparatus or lamp other than that he
has contracted to pay for, or shall use such
apparatus or lamp at any time other than the
time specified and for which he has contracted

No. 4 of 1955. Electricity, Ice and Cuid Storage 7

to pay, or who shall otherwise improperly use
the supply of energy, or shall supply any other
person with any part of the energy supplied to him
by the Department, shall forfeit to the Department
a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for every
such default, and also a sum not exceeding fifty
dollars for every day such conductor shal! so
remain, or such apparatus or lamp shall be so
used, or such supply continues to be so furnished,
without prejudice to the rights of the Depart-
ment to recover in addition the amount of any
damage suffered by them; and the Department
may also until the matter complained of has
‘been remedied, but no longtr discontinue the
supply of energy to the premises of the person so
offending, notwithstanding any contract pre-
viously existing.

(2) The amount of any forfeit or damage to
which the Department is entitled under this
section may be recovered summarily by them as
a civil debt. ‘

27. (1) Any person who wilfully, fraudu-
lently or by culpable negligence, injures or
permits to be injured any works of the Depart-
ment, or alters the index of any meter for

,ascertaining the consumption of energy or
prevents any such meter from duly registering
the value of the supply, or fraudulently abstracts,
consumes or uses the energy of the Department,
shall (without prejudice to any other right or
remedy for the protection of the Department or
the punishment of the offender) for every such
offence or default forfeit and pay to the Depart-
ment a sum not exceeding two hundred and forty
dollars and the Department may in addition
thereto recover the amount of any damage
sustained by them; and in any case in which
any person has wilfully and fraudulently injured
or permitted to be injured any works of the
Department, or altered the index of any meter
for ascertaining the consumption of energy, or
prevented any such meter from duly registering
the consumption of energy, the Department may
also, until the matter complained of has been
remedied, but no longer, discontinue the supply


Penalties in
respect of
other wrong-
ful acts.


Cutting trees
and boughs.

Felling trees
within fifty

teet of works.

Notices to be
in writing.

Service of
notices and


20 Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.

82. In the course of constructing and for
the more effective working of the system, the
Department shall have power, by their officers-and
servants duly authorised for that purpose in writ-
ing, to cut and remove from any street, and to
enter upon and to cut and remove from any private
or public lands any trees, or any br anch, bough,
or other part of a tree, growing on such lands
within one hundred feet. of any main used for
conducting energy and which may tend to interfere
with, endanger, or otherwise prejudicially affect
the working “of the system; but no officer or ser-
vant of the Department shall, except with the
consent of the occupier, enter any private lands
under the provisions of this section until after the
expiration of seven days notice to the occupier of
the land;

Provided that the Department shall make
compensation to the owner of any tree so cut and
for any damage suffered by the owner or occupier in
respect thereof, and the amount of such compensa-
tion shall, in the event of disagreement, be deter-
mined by arbitration.

83. (1) It shall not be lawful for any per-
son to trim, cut, or fell any tree growing or being
within fifty feet of any work authorised by this
Ordinance, unless he shall have given to the
Department twenty-four hours’ previous notice of
such trimming, cutting, or felling.

(2) Any person who trims, cuts or fells any
tree in contravention of this section sh«ll, on sum-
mary conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding
ten dollars.

84. Notices to be given under this Ordinance
shall be in writing, and, where any notice or other
document requires authentication by the Depart-
ment, the signature thereon by the Manaver shall
be sufficient authentication.

35. (1) A notice or other document required
or permitted by this Ordinance to be given to or
served on any person may be given to or served on
such person personally, or by leaving the same. at
his usual or last known place of abode or business

No. 4 0f 1955. Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage 21

with some adult person therein, or may be posted
in a prepaid letter addressed to such person at
his usual or last known place of abode or business.

(2) Any notice or other document which is to
be given to any person as the owner or occupier of
any land or other premises may be addressed to
him as the “owner” or “occupier” as the case
may be, of the land or other premises (naming
them) and may be posted in sume conspicuous
place on the land or other premises, or, where the
premises are a building, may be left with some
adult person in the building;

Provided that service shall not be effected in
the manner provided in this subsection if it would
be practicable after reasonable inquiry to effect
service in any manner provided in subsection (1)
_of this section.

836. The Manager and any other officer, ser-
vant or agent of the Department, may, at all reason-
able times, enter any premises to which energy is or
has been supplied by the Department, in order to
inspect the electric lines, meters, accumulators,
fittings, aud other apparatus belonging to the
Department, and for the purpose of ascertaining
the quantity of energy consumed or supplied, or
where a supply of energy is no longer required,
or where the Department are authorised to take
away and cut off the supply of electricity from any
premises, for the purpose of removing any electric
lines, meters, accumulators, fittings or other appara-
tus belonging to the Department.

Provided that the Department shall repair all
damage caused by such entry, inspection or

37. Where any matter is by this Ordinance
directed to be determined by arbitration, such
_ matter shall be determined by a fit and competent

~ person as arbitrator, to be agreed to by the parties
to the arbitration, or, failing such agreement by
the parties, by arbitration in accordance with the
provisions of the Arbitration Act.


Power of



Cap, 3.



1956, No. 81.



The Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla Postal Service (Amend-
ment) Rules, 1955, dated November 8, 1955, made by the
Governor in Oouncil under the Post Office Act (Cap. 123).

1. Gitation. These Rules may be cited as the Saint Christopher Nevis and
Anguilla Postal Service (Amendment) Rules, 1955, and shall be read as one with
the Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla Postal Service Rules and Regulations,
me (S.R. & O. 1955, No. 11) hereinafter called the Principal Rules and Regu-


2. Amendment of Rule 20 of the Principal Rules and Regu-
lations. Rule 20 of the Principal Rules and Regulations is hereby amended by
substituting for paragraph (1) thereof the following:—

“(1) (i) Government letters addressed to British destinations, if duly
franked, may be received unstamped. Such letters should not be posted ina
letter box, but shonld be handed in over the counter toa postal clerk, and the
clerk receiving the same shall satisfy himself as far as possible that the letters
are Government letters.

(ii) Government letters addressed to foreign countries (except letters on
postal business) shall not be despatched unless they are stamped in the ordi-
nary way by affixing thereto the appropriate postage stamp or by the impres-
sion thereon of the stamp ofa postal franking machine ora ‘ Paid” hand
stamp. Such letters when duly stamped may be posted in a letter box.

(iii) Government parcels and Government air mail letters addressed to
any destination shall be stamped in the ordinary way by affixing thereto tho
appropriate postage stamp or by the impression thereon of the stamp of a
postal franking machine or a “ Paid” hand stamp.”

3. Amendment of Rule 46 of the Principal Rules and Regula-
tions. Rule 46 of the Principal Rules and Regalations is hereby amended as


(a) by deleting the words “not exceeding $7.68 for a parcel exceeding
eleven pounds in weight or $4.80 for a parcel not exceeding eleven pounds in
weight, as he may think just”? occurring in paragraph (1) thereof and substi-
ting therefor the following—

‘as may be appropriate in accordance with the following scale:—

Weight of Pureel Maximum amount
of Compensation

Not exceeding 3 Ibs. oe $5.52
exceeding J lbs. but not exceeding

7 lbs. as $8.40
exceeding 7 lbs. but not exceeding

11 ibs. ant $13.92
exceeding 11 lbs. but not exceeding

22 lbs. be $22.32 :

Provided that where the value of an uninsured parcel does not
correspond to the value of compensation appropriate to the weight
of such parcel, the compensation shall be confined to the declared
value of such parcel.”; and

(6) by adding thereto the following new paragraph numbered (3)—

(3) When it cannot be determined where the loss or damage
occurred, compensation shall be borne equally by the despatching
and receiving Administrations.”’.

4. Amendment of Rule 83 (5) of the Principal Rules and
Regulations. Paragraph (5) of Rule 83 of the Principal Rules and Regulations
is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by deleting sub-paragraph (iii);

(v) by re-numbering sub-paragraph (iv) as (iii) and inserting the words
‘Cor post letters sent to him for that purpose by any person” between the
word “ gub-stock’’ and the immediately following colon occurring in the
second line thereof;

(c) by inserting between the word “sold” and the immediately follow-
ing semi-colon occurring in sub-paragraph (v) thereof the following:—

“unless such postage stamps have been invalidated under and
by virtue of a Stamps Invalidation Order and are being exchanged
within the prescribed period for stamps of equal value in the current
series”; and

(d) by re-numbering sub-pargaraphs (v) to (viii) inclusive as (iv) to (vii)


5. Addition of new Rule to the Principal Rules and Regu-
lations. The Principal Rules and Regulations are hereby amended by ingerting
immediately after Rule 83 the following new Rule numbered 83A:—

LeTterRs. (1) Letters other than letters for registration shall not be handed
to any person employed at a Post Office to be posted by him but shall be
posted by placing them in a posting box after the appropriate postage stamps
have been affixed thereto.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Rule, in the
case of circulars for posting in bulk, items with the appropriate postage
stamps affixed thereto and tied in bundles with all the addresses in one
direction may be handed over the counter at, or forwarded to, a Post Office
for pustmarking and despatch.”.

6. Commencement. These Rules shall come into operation on the
1st day of December, 1955.

Made by the Governor in Council this 8th day of November, 1955.

Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuackMAn, Government Printer.—By Authority.
1955. at
62/00055 =—11.55. : [Price 5 cents.]



1955, No. 32.


Virgin Islands Postal Service.

TIONS, 1955, DaTED November $, 1955, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR

1. Short Title. These Rules and Regulations may be cited as the Virgin
Islands Postal Service (Amendment) Rules and Regulations, 1955, and shall be
read as one with the Virgin Islands Pestal Service Rules and Regulations, 1955
(SR. & 0.1955 No. 6) hereinafter called the Principal Rules and Regulations.

2. Amendment of Rule 18 (2) and (8) of the Principal Rules
and Regulaticns. Paragraphs (2) and (3) of rule 18 of the Principal
Rules and Regulations are hereby amended by the substitution of the word
“despatched” for the word “received” in paragraph 2 and the insertion after
the word “way” where if occurs in line 3 of paragraph (2) and line 2 of para-
gragh (3), respectively, of the following words

“by affixing thereto the appropriate postage stamp or by the impression
thereon of ths stamp of a postal franking muchine or a “ Paid” hand
“stamp ”’.

3. Insertion of Rules 283A and 23B in the Principal Rules and
Regulations. The Principal Rules and Regulations are hereby amended by
the insertion next after rule 23 of the following:—

(1) Remittances accompanying orders received by post, being orders for
postage stamps for collection by dealers in, and collectors of, such stamps
shill be in the form of banker’s drafts, money orders, or postal orders made
payable to the Postimaster by his official designation and remittances in any
form other than as aforesaid shall be returned to the sender thereof by regis-
tered post.

(2) Such remittances shall be debited with full postage and registration
fees and, where applicable, with insurance fees.

(3) In eases where remittances are in the form of a banker’s draft, any
commission andjor discount on cashing such draft shall be deducted from the



amount of such draft and postage stamps shall be supplied to the value of the
difference between the amount of the draft and that of the said commission
and/or discount. “2

(4) Stamped envelopes sent to any Post. Office for cancellation and _post-
ing or return in some other manner shall be sent back “ unserviced ”:

Provided that envelopes which bear appropriate postage stamps and which
have accompanied orders for unused stamps may be used for the purpose for which
they were provided and the stamps affixed thereto cancelled in the normal course.

(5) No person employed at a Post Office may—

(i) comply with any request to affix postage stamps to letters for trans-
mission by post or to cancel postage stamps which are not affixed to
letters or other items entrusted to the post in the normal manner;

(ii) sell postage stamps taken from some special portion of a sheet or
from other than current sub-stock or post letters sent to him for that

. purpose by any person:

Provided that he may sell whole sheets of postage stamps from
sub-stocks or counter-stocks;

(iii) exchange postage stamps after they have been sold unless auch post-
age stamps have been invalidated under and by virtue of a Stamps
Invalidation Order and are being exchanged within the prescribed
period for stamps of equal value in the current series;

(iv) accept from dealers in or collectors of postage stamps standing orders
for the supply of new issues or new printings of postage stamps;

(v) address “ first-day covers”, affix postage stamps thereto or make any
special arrangements for the cancellation of stamps thereon;

(vi) in any way whatsoever act as the agent for any dealer in or collector
of postage stamps.

LETTERS. (1) Letters other than letters for registration shall not be handed
to any person employed at a Post Office to be posted by him but shall be
posted by placing them in a letter box after the appropriate postage stamps
have been affixed thereto.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this rule, in the
case of circulars for posting in bulk, items with the appropriate postage
stamps affixed thereto and tied in bundles with all the addresses in one
direction may be handed over the counter at, or forwarded to, a Post Office
for post-marking and despatch.”

4. Amendment of Rule 48 (1) of the Principal Rules and Regu-
lations. Paragraph (1) of rule 43 of the Principal Rules and Regulations is
hereby amended by the deletion of the words “ not exceeding $7.68 for a parcel
exceeding eleven pounds in weight or $4.80 for a parcel not exceeding eleven
pounds in weight, as he may think just ” appearing therein, and the substitutiou
therefor of the words ‘as may be appropriate in accordance with the following

scale :—

Weight of Parcel. Menten iris amount of
: Compensation.
Not exceeding 3 lbs. Se $5.52
Exceeding 3 lbs. but not exceeding 7 lbs. Pobpiaith $8.40
Exceeding 7 lbs. but not exceeding 11 Ibs. sie $13.92
Fixceeding 11 Ibg. but not exceeding 22 lbs. ee $22.32 :


Provided that where the value of an uninsured parcel does not correspond
to the value of compensation appropriate to the weight of such parcel, the
compensation shall be confined to the deglared value of such parcel.”

5. Commencement. These Rules and Regulations shall come into opera-
- tion on the Ist day of December, 1955.

Made by the Governer in Council this 8th day of November, 1955.

Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Goycrnment Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLacKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

62/00056— = —11.55. [Price 5 cents.]


1955, No. 16.

Tue Ain To Pioneer Inpustrinrs (Porrery Inpustry) (AMEND-
MENT) OrpER 1955, paTED OcrToBEr 26, 1955, MALE BY THE
~ Governor IN Counci, unpER Sxction 3 (1) oF THE AID To
Pioneer Inpustrius OrpINANCE, 1950 (No. 9 or 1950).


1. CITATION. This Order may be cited as the Aid to Pioneer Industries
(Pottery Industry) (Amendment) Order, 1955, and shall be read as one with the
Aid to Pioneer Industries (Pottery Industry) Order, 1953 (hereinafter referred to
as the Principal Order).

graph 2 uf the Principal Order is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the deletion of the word “and” occurring in sub-paragraph (i);

(6) by the substitution of a semi-colon for the full stop in sub-para-
graph (ii);

(c) by the addition thereto of the following items:—
(iii) Ornamental and building tiles made of clay;
(iv) Clay bricks; and
(v) Other types of building materials made of clay.
Made by the Governor in Council the 26th day of October, 1955.

Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Isiands,
by £. M. Buacxman, Government Printer.—By Authority.

480—11.55. i [ Price 3 cents. }



1955, No. 17.

Tar Amp ro Pioneer Lnpustrins (Antigta Porrery LIMITED)
(Porrrry Inpusiry) OrpEr, 1955, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR IN
CouNciL UNDER SEcrion 4 (1) oF THK Alp TO Proxver INpvs-
TRIES OrDINANUK, 1950 (No. 9 oF 1950).

1. Citat on. This Order may be cited as the Aid to Pioneer Industries
(Antigua Pottery Limited) (Pottery Industry) Order, 1955.

2. Declaration of Pioneer Manufac‘urer. The Antigua Pottery
Limited (a company duly registered under the Companies Act (Cap. 140) of the
Leeward Islands) is hereby declared, with effect from the 10th day of August,
1955, to be a pioneer manufacturer for the purposes of the Aid to Pioneer Indus- ;
tries Ordinance, 1950, in relation to the pioneer factory situate at Coolidge Field
in the Parish of Saint George and in relation t> the manufacture of the following
pioneer products:-—

(i) Utility pottery ware;
(ii) Ornamental pottery ware:
(iii) Ornamental-and building tiles made of clay;
’ (iv) Clay bricks; and
(v) Other types of building materials made of clay,

the manufacture of which was declared to be a Pioneer Industry hy the Aid to
Pioneer Industries (Pottery Industry) Order, 1953, as amended by the Aid to
Pioneer Industries (Pottery Industry) (Amendment) Order, 1955; and the produc-
tion day of the said Antigua Pottery Limited in relation to the above-mentioned
pioneer products is declared to be the 10th day of August, 1955.

3. Rescission. The Aid to Pioneer Industries (Industrial Development)
(Pottery Industry) Order, 1953 (S.R. & O. 1953. No. 20) is hereby rescinded.

Made by the Governor in Council the 26th day of October, 1955.

Acting Clerk of the Council,

Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLackMAN. Government Printer.—By Authority.
480—11.95. [Price 3 cents]

Full Text



Published by Authority.


No. 49.

With reference to the notice pub-
lished in Leeward Islands Guzette
No. 28 of the 30th June, 1955, it is
notified for general information that
His Excellency has issued an Instru-
ment appointing the Honourable J.
C. L. WALL to be an Unofficial Mem-
ber of the Federal Executive Council
of the Colony of the Leeward Islands
until the 26th January, 1956, or such
date as the Governor may appoint for
the termination of the existence of
the Executive Council for the Colony,
whichever day is the earlier.

The Secretarrat,
Tth November, 1955.
Ref. No. C 18/0002.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency has appoint-
ed the Honourable J. O. GEORGES,
M.B.E., to act as Commissioner,
Virgin Islands, with effect from the
8th November, 1955, when His
Honour Lieutenant H. A. C. HOWARD,
Commissioner of the said Presidency,
shall be absent therefrom while visit-
ing Puerto Rico in connexion with
certain official matters.

The Secretariat,

7th November, 1955.
Ref. No, C. 13/00106.

It is hereby notified for general
information that a Commission has
been issued to Mr. V. B. A, BROWNE,
B.A., appointing him to be Second
Lieutenant in the Montserrat Defence
Force, with effect from the Ist
November, 1955.

The Secretariat,
71th November, 1955.
Ref. No. 53/00018.



_ Commissioner.

In exercise of the powers vested in
the Governor in Council by section 3
of the Cotton Protection Ordinance,
1922 (No. 1 of 1922), as amended by
the x Protection (Amendment)

Ly 31

Ordinance, 1926 (No. 1 of 1926),
sioner of the said Presidency, by and
with the advice of the Executive
Council of the said Presidency, do by
this my Proclamation declare that the
period from the 16th day of Novem-
ber, 1955 to the 3lst day of August,
1956, both days inclusive, shall be a
close season within the meaning of
the said Ordinance for the whole of
the Presidency of Montserrat (except
the Planting Date Experimental Plots
under Government control, to which
this Proclamation shall not apply).

And all Her Majesty’s loving sub-
jects in the said Presidency and all
others whom it may concern are
hereby required to take due notice
hereof and to give their ready obedi-
ence accordingly. .

GIVEN at the Commissioner’s Office,
Montserrat, this 4th day of Nov-
ember, 1955, and in the fourth
year of Her Majesty’s reign.


Within the area of the Presidency
to which the Proclamation applies, it
is an offence—

(a) for any person, being an
occupier of any land, to fail com-
pletely to root up and burn all
Cotton, Okra and Sorrel plants and
all or any portion of the same grow-
ing or remaining on any such land
oceupied by him, before the pre-
paration for any new crop of the
land on which the said plants and
all or any portion of the same are
growing or remaining, and before
the first day of the close season;

(t) for any person to sow or
plant or cause to be sown or.
planted any Cotton, Okro or Sorrel
plants on any land, during the close

Ref. No. 47/00073.

No. 110.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

ARTHURTON, Miss L. A. A., Clerical
Probationer, to be Junior Clerk,

on_ probation, Commissioner’s
Office, Montserrat. Aug. 12
M.E, 344.

BRAMBLE, D. D., Junior Clerk, Treas-
ury, Montserrat, resigned appoint-
ment. Oct. 1

M.E, 285,

GILKES, U. M., Junior Clerk, Treas-
ury. Montserrat, resigned.

Oct. 11
M.E. 279.

GREENAWAY, J. H., to be Prison
Warder, Grade II, Montserrat, on
probation. Oct. 17

M.E, 398.

JEFFRRS, ST.C. H., Junior Clerk,
Post Office, Montserrat, resigned
appointment. Oct. 28

MLE. 351.

PIPER, C. E., Certificated Teacher,
Grade II, retired. Oct. 31

RUSSEL, Miss A. A., Clerical Proba-
tioner, to be Junior Clerk, on pro-
bation, Post Office, Montserrat. i

Oct. 29

8B nw

M.E. 336.

SIMON, C., Head Warder, H.M. Prison,
Montserrat, demoted to Warder,
Cl. II, for disciplinary reasons.

Oct. 1
M.E. 87.

WALKER, J. E., to be Junior Clerk,
Treasury, Montserrat, on probation. :

Oct. 1
M.E, 252.


No. 111.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Acting
Governor that the power of disallow-
ance will not be exercised in respect
of the undermentioned Ordinances:—

St. Kitts- Nevis- Anguilla.
No. 7 of 1955, “The Legislative

Council (Extension of Duration)
Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 10 of 1955, “‘ The General Local
Loan (Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 112.

The Acting Governor has’ been
pleased this day to assent to the
undermentioned Ordinances:—


No. 9 of 1955, “The Trustee
Investment in Antigua Government
Securities Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 10 of 1955, ‘The Petroleum
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.”
Nov. 8

No. 113.

_ The following Ordinance and
Statutory Rules and Orders are circu-

lated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—

No. 4 of 1955, “The Electricity,
Ice and Cold Storage Ordinance,
1955.” 23 pp. Price 30 cents


General Government.
No. 31 of 1955, ‘ The Saint Chris-
topher Nevis and Anguilla Postal
Service (Amendment) Rules, 1955.”
3 pp. Price 5 conts

No. 32 of 1955, “The Virgin
Islands Postal Service (Amendment)
Rules and Regulations, 1955.”

3 pp. Price 5 cents


No. 16 of 1955, “The Aid to
Pioneer Industries (Pottery Industry)
(Amendment) Order, 1955.”

1 pp. Price 3 cents

No. 17 of 1955, ‘“‘The Aid to
Pioneer Industries (Antigua Pottery
Limited) (Pottery Industry) Order,
1955.” 1 pp. Price 3 cents

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.

A.D. 1955.

NOTICE is hereby given that in
pursuance of Rules made by the Chief
Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands (Courts) Order-in-Council,
1939 and duly approved as therein
provided on the 16th day of October,
A.D. 1941, The
Puisne Judge selected for the sitting
of the Court in the NEVIS CIRCUIT
has appointed the day of the month on
which the ensuing Circuit Court shall
sit as follows, that is to say:—

The NEVIS CIRCUIT on Wednes-
day the 30th day of November, 1955
at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.

Dated the 17th day of October, 1955.

Acting Registrar.
Ref, No. 36/00004.

Honourable the -


ANTIGUA, 31st October, 1955.

America of 30 Rockfeller Plaza, New
York, State of New York, United
States of America have applied for
Registration’ of one Trade Mark con-
sisting of the following:—

in Class 18 that is to say:—Electri-
cally operated room air conditioners

and air-conditioning equipment of all
kinds and for all purposes, parts
thereof and accessories thereto, such
as compressors, condensers, fans, fan
motors, regulators, thermostatically
controlled attachments, electrically
operated dehumidifier equipment
to control the moisture coutent of the
air, parts thereof and accessories

Gas and electric ranges and_ stoves
for cooking and heating, parts thereof
and accessories thereto.

Electric and non-electric refrigera-
tors, storage freezers, parts thereof
and accessories thereto.

Gas oil and electric hot water heat-
ers, automatic oil and gas home and
space heaters, radiant circulators,
radiant circulator heaters, incinera-
tors, power lawn mowers, parts,
accessories and attachments thereto.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 32 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the ‘Leeward Islands Gazette,’ give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade Mark.

Aoting Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, 3rd November, 1955.

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Thurs-
day the 8th day of December, 1955
at 12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons
hereinafter named, the same having
been levied npon to satisfy the City
Rate due thereon for the yaar 1955.

Eileen C. and G. Reynolds, Alice
M. King, Heirs of Joseph Samuel,

[10 November, 1955.

Joseph Mathurin, Henrietta Graham,
Elmore G. Aska, Abraham Samuel.


Isaline Perry, Ebenezer Christo-
pher, Irene Walker, Martha Finch,
Estate of J. P. Samuel.


Norris Destin, Alice Jarvis, Joseph
James, Estate of Mary Benjamin,
Estate of Joseph Reynolds, Geo. W.
B. Bryson & Co.


Anthony Jarvis, Estate of John
Ambrose, Rhoda Joshua, Samuel

Joseph Davis, Alma Thibon, Free
land E. Roberts.

Agnes Mayhew, George B. Lake,
Joshua Thomas, James H. King.


Calis Destin, Harold Scholar,
Joseph Thomas, Campbell Martin,
Neville Weston, Basil Saunders,
Pearl Hutchinson, Cecil Kendall, L.
E. George.

Antonetta Reid.

Antigua O. F. Lodge.

Ellen Mason

Althea Lanhon.

Ravely Murrain, Constance Hill,
Elish Challenger.

Ruby Hughes, O. St. A. Duke.

Gertrude Richards.

Acting Prevost Marshal,

27th October, 1955.

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Thursday
the 25th day of November, 1955, at
12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons
hereafter namei:

David Anthony, Alphonso Hamil-


Nathaniel Anthony, Eliza Jeffrey,
Ernest Gilead, Ursula Matthew, Olive
Hazlewood, Oscar Gilead, Kenneth
Henry, Iris Mussington.
10 November, 1955.]

Sarah Mason, Lydia Small, Chris-
tiana Oliver, Thomas Henry.

Albert Benjamin, Oliver Sherving-
ton, Adelaide Sweeney (4), Eunice
Hunte, Esther Christian, I.ydia Small.

Iris Mussington, Josephine Grigg,
Nathaniel Anthony.


Nathaniel White, Beatrice Julian,
Pearl Hutchinson, Evelyn George,
Charlotte Tobitt, Henry Edwards,
Susanah Baptiste.


Louisa Mannix, Gwendolyn Hunte,
“Charles Anthony, Leslie Samuel,
Mildred Orr, Irene Roberts.

Alfred Tanner, Sarah Stuart,
Nehemiah Knight, Ernest Lloyd

‘White, Arthur James, Alfred Simon,
Estate of Hagar Cann, George
William, Margaret Josiah, Archibald

Weston, Lucy Jack.

Ickford Winter (2), Estate of
“Charles Davis, Adelaide Williams,
Mary Wells, Leonard Benjamin,
Samuel Billington, Estate of Stephen
Melvin (2), Mary Chapman, Caroline
Albert, Jeremiah Simon, Alex Maria
Watson, Eleanora Manderson,


Foster EK. L. Matthew, Wilfred
Weathlanud, Iga] Winter (3), Edward
Townsend, Sarah Calquhoun, George
Weston, Johannah John and others,

Cecelia Christian (2), Estate of
Rebecce Christian, Alicia Hunte,
Victoria James, James 8. Beazer.


Reginald Jarvis, state of Ada
Jarvis, [Leslie Chambers, Heirs of
James Cephas, D. Vann, James Mapp,
Centilia Simon, James Hart. Heirs of
Ledeatt, James B. Hart, Josephine
Edwards, Heirs of Rev. Francis,
Sarah Tuitt, Thomas Williams, Heirs
-of Ann Laviscount.


Brown Brothers, Ulotrician Society,
Elma Potter, Estate of Thomas Byam,
Heirs of Eliza Bennett, Bertha Buck-
ley, Annie Sahalie.

Estate of Francis O’Harro, Heirs of
Barton, Ravely Murrain.


Robert Gallawey, Estate of John
Chalmers, Tryphene Joseph, Joseph
H. Martin, Florence Sowerby.

Heirs of Edward King.



Algar Tuitt,
George Farley.


David HE. Joseph,

Gertrude Richards, Sarah Robins,
Elvinia Edmund (2).


Albertha Parker, Thomas Warner,
Ephraim John.

The same having been levied upon
to satisfy the City Rate due thereon
for the year 1955.

Acting Provost Marshal.

Statement of Currency Notes
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
ern Group) on ist October,

Average circulation during August,

Br. Caribbean Cur- $
rency Notes 54,299,446.00
Demonetized Gov’t.
Notes outstanding 1,339,324.00


Br. Caribbean Currency Notes in

circulation on Ist October,
Trinidad & Tobago
(including $
Montserrat) .. 27,602,253.00
Barbados . 5,335,625.00
British Guiana -» 13,878,320.50
Grenada 1,939,100.00
St. Vincent 504,400.00
St. Lucia 934,000.00
Dominica 1,094,400.00
Antigua 1,545,300.00
St. Kitts 1,5495500-00

Total Br. Caribbean

Currency Notes «» 54,352,898.50

Demonetized Trinidad
and Tobago Gov't.
Notes outstanding ...

Demonetized Br.
Guiana Gov't.

Notes outstanding ...

Demonetized Barbados
Gov't. Notes




Total demonetized
Government Notes

outstanding 1,295,193.50

Total circulation

on Ist Oct., 1955 55,648,092.00

Keecutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.

British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad, B.W.T.
No. 24/00044


Control of Imports and eitaideas
Notice No. 3 oF 1955.


Importers are hereby notified that
all licences granted for the importa-
tion of Sausages, Hams or other meats
not in hermetically sealed con-
tainers from any countries other
than Great Britain, Northern Ireland,
Republic of Treland, Canada, New
Zealund, Australia, United Stateg of
America and Argentina, are hereby
cancelled, and importers should
immediately cancel all orders for
such meats from all countries other
than those detailed above.


Collector of Customs and
Supply Officer.

8th November, 1955.


Tenders are invited for the build-
ing of one decked fishing boat to be
fitted with a motor but fully rigged
for use as a sailing vessel only.

2. The dimension of the boat to
be as follows:

Length overall 25 feet

Beam 8 feet
10 inches

Depth at midship 4 feet

Width of Transom 5 feet
6 inches

Depth of Transom 4 feet

Length of Spar 30 feet

Boom 24 feet

The deck should be cambered.

3. Applications should be marked
“Tender for building Boat,” and
should be addressed to His Honour
the Commissioner, Plymouth, Mont-
serrat, who does not bind himself to
accept the highest or any tender,
Such tenders should be submitted in
time to be received not later than the
12th November, 1955.

By Order,

S. L. Henry,
Agricultural Superintendent.

Montserrat Secondary School


Applications are invited for
appointment to the post of Assistant
Master at the Montserrat Secondary
School, which is a co-educational

2. The duties of the post are to
teach mainly History and English to
Cambridge Higher School Certificate
standard, and the person selected will
be expected to assist in the extra-
curricular activities of the School—
Games, Debating and Dramatic eighteen years will be provided.
Society, and Glee Club. Vacation leave and leave passage

3. A degree in History or English
of a University within the British
Commonwealth is required.

4. The post, which is pensionable,
carries a salary of $2292-108-2400-120-
$3120]-120-3360, and the successful
candidate will be appointed on proba-
tion for «a period of two years, and
will be subject to Colonial Regula-
tions and local General Orders.

5. Free passages for person
selected, his wife and not more than
three children under the age of

grant are earned in accordance with
General Orders.

6. Applications giving full details
of qualifications and experience and
accompanied by not less than two
testimonials, should be addressed to
His Honour the Commissioner,
Montserrat, B.W.I., to reach him not
later than the 26th November, 1955.

Commissioner's Office,
Montserrat, B.W.TI.
18th October, 1955.

Ref. No. C. 13/00010.

Nov. 5th

[10 November, 1955.

Central Experiment Station,

1951, 1952. 1953. 1954. 1956,
3.60- 3.10 2.65 3.44 2.16
1.68 1.60 1.02 245 63
1.09 1.62 5.60 108 83
216 3.14 2.06 49 1.75
10.54 3.07 150 3.83 2.81
2.74 5.74 1.31 332 1.47
3.28 838 3.20 847 2.18
9.18 843 3.15 5.93 8,25
12.06 5.65 210 991 5°59
3.90 6.19 .85 462 4.60
209 89 32 48 64

62.52 45.52

23.04 38.62 39.91

All figures in British West Indian dollars.

Number of reporting banks: 2.

(Barclays Bank (D. 0. & O.) and Royal Bank of Canada).

Figures for end of quarter 80th September, 1955.

$ - $
1. Notes in circulation 8,810.00 1. Cash 1,007,268.61
2. Balances due by other banks in Colony 2,868.77
2. Deposits 10,604,820.17 3. Balances due from banks abroad
(i) Demand 4,069,247.79 and other short claims due 6,652,721.60:
(ii) Time 385,876.80 4. Loans and Advances 2,884,738.21
(iii) Savings 6,149,695.58 To:
: (i) Primary production (in-
3. Balances due to cluding processing of
(a) Other banks in Oolony 166,023.44 primary products) a
(6) Banks abroad 258,762.70 ~ (ii) Other Industries (includ-
ing Commerce, Trans-
4. Other Liabilities | 201,431.43 portation & Distribution) 1,703,039.29
(iii) Other Advances 1,181,698.92
| 5. Investments
(a) Local —
(b) Other —
6. Other Assets 692,250.55
Total Liabilities 11,239,847.74 | Total Assets 11,239,847.74

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islunds, hy E, M. BLACKMAN,

Government Primter.—By Authority

No. 4 of 1955. Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage. MonTSsERRAT.

I Assent,
A. LovE.acg,
Governor’s Deputy.
9th September, 1955.

No. 4 of 1955.

An Ordinance to provide for the generation and
supply of electricity, the operation of cold
storage plants and the manufacture and sale
of ice by the Electricity and Cold Storage
Department and for other purposes connected
with the matters aforesaid.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Montserrat:

T 1. This Ordinance may be cited as_ the Short title.

Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage Ordinance, 1955.

@. ‘In this Ordinance, unless the context lsterpreta-
otherwise requires, the following expressions shall ia
have the meanings hereby respectively assigned
to them—

“apparatus” means any appliance. used or
which may be used in connection with
the supply or use of electrical energy ;

“the Department” means the Electricity
and Cold Storage Department established
under section 3 of this Ordinance; ~

“consumer” means any person supplied or
entitled to be supplied with energy by
The Department;

““consumer’s terminals’? means the ends of

the electric lines situate upon any

consumer's premises and belonging to
x him, at which the supply of energy is
delivered from the service line;

a YK 7 ie
Montserrat. 2 lectricity, Ice and Coll Storage No. 4 of 1955.

“distributing main’ means the portion
of any main which is used for the
purpose of giving origin to the service
lines for the purposes of general supply;

“electricity” or “electrical energy” or
“energy” means energy involving the
use of electricity, electric current or
any like agency which mav be produced
either by mechanical or chemical means
and which is generated, transmitted,
supplied or used for any purpose except
the transmission of a message;

“electric line’? means a wire or wires,
conductor or other means used for the
purpose of conveying, transmitting, or
distributing electricity with any casing,
coating, covering, tube, pole, or insulator
enclosing, surrounding, or supporting
the same or any part thereof, or any
apparatus connected therewith, for the

urpose of conveying, transmitting, or
. distributing electricity ;

“veneral supply” means the general supply
of energy to ordinary consumers, but
does not include the supply of energy to
any one or more particular consumers
under special agreement;

“land” means any land not being a street
or portion thereof;

“local authority’? means any authority
having municipal or adminstrative juris-
diction over and within any area in
respect of which any rights are exerci-
sable under this Ordinance;

“main” means an electric line which may
be laid down or erected by the
Department in, over, along, across, or
under any street, or public place or,
being already so laid down or erected,
has been acquired by the Department
under the authority of this Ordinance,
and through which energy may be
supplied, or intended to be supplied,
No. 4 of 1955. = Electricity, Tce and Cold Storage 3

by the Department for the purposes
of general supply;

“‘nower ” means electrical power, or the rate
per unit of time at which energy is
supplied ;

“pressure”? means the difference of electrical
potential between any two conductors
through which a supply of energy is
given or between any part of the
conductor and earth;

“ private purposes” includes any purposes
whatever to which electricity may for
the time being be applicable: not being
public ace

“public purposes’? means lighting any street
or places belonging to or subject to the
control of any local authority, or any
church or place of worship or any wall
or building belonging to or subject to
the control of any public authority or
any public theatre;

“service line’ means any electric line through
which energy may be supplied, or
intended to be supplied, by the Depart-
ment to a consumer’s premises from any
main or transformer;

“street”? includes any highway, whether over
any bridge or not, and any road, lane,
footway, square, court, alley or passage,
over which the public have a right of way;
and the puvement of a street and all
channels, drains and ditches at the side of

a street shall be deemed to be part of the


‘“‘ system” means an electrical system in
which all the conductors and apparatus
are electrically connected. to a common
source or sources of energy;

“ Trensurer’”’ means the officer for. the time

being performing the duties of Treasurer
of the Presidency;



of the De-

Duties and
powers of the

4 Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.

“ works’? meuns the works authorised by this
Ordinance and includes generating sta-
tions, sub-stations, buildings, machinery,
engines, transmission lines, distributing
mains, electric lines, poles, pillars, street
boxes, lamps, water-works, wells, dams,
pipe-lines, and any other works, appara-
tus, appliances, matters or things of what-
ever description required for the genera-
tion, transmission, transformation, dis-
tribution, supply or use of energy.


3. The Department shall consist of a Mana-
ger and such other officers, servants and agents to
be appointed by the Governor as may be requisite
for the dus and proper execution and enforcement
of the duties to be performed by the Department
under this Ordinance.


Dutizs anp Powers oF THE DEPARTMENT,

4. (1) Subject to the provisions of. this
Ordinance, the Department shall be the sole
authority to generate, distribute, supply and _ sell
energy for public and private purposes within the
area of supply as defined by section 10 of this

Provided that nothing in this subsection shall
in any way limit the right of any person to install.
on premises occupied by him a generating plant
and to generate and supply energy to those premises
only or, with the written approval of the
Governor in Council and subject to such conditions
as may be specified therein, to any other premises

owned or occupied by him. 7

~ (2) It shall be lawful for the Department—

(a) to do all acts and things necessary
for developing, controlling, generating and _
distributing a full supply of energy for public
and private purposes within the area of
No. 4 of 1955. Blectricity, Ice and Cold Storage 5 + Mowtsmrnav,

supply including the opening and _ breaking
up, subject to the provisions of this Ordi-
nance, of any street;

(b) to undertake electrical wiring and
installation and servicing of equipment in
industrial, commercial and residential premises
within the area of supply; and.

(c) to operate cold storage plunts, to
provide refrigeration services and to manu-
facture ice for sale.

~ : oye Contracts and
(3) All contracts and agreements in writing 4yrcementa in

required to be made by or with the Department writing to be
shall be signed by the Manager for and on behalf noe

of the Department.

5. (1) For the purposes of this Ordinance, Power to
the Department may from time to time open reat "P
and break up any street within the area of supply
and erect «any poles, pillars, lamps and other
works thereon subject to the following conditions—

(a) the Department shall give to the
local authority notice of their intention so to
do, specifying the portion of the street
proposed to be opened or broken up;

(6) the Department shall cause a light
sufficient for the warning of passengers to be
set up and maintained at night on the portion
of street so opened and broken up until the
street has been reinstated and made good to
the satisfaction of the local authority ;

(c) during such time as the street shall
be opened or broken up, the Department
shall provide, to the satisfaction of the
local authority, reasonable facilities for the
passuge of the ordinary trafic on such street;

(d) the Department shall pay the.
expenses of reinstating and making good
the street to the satisfaction of the local
authority ;

(e) the Department shall not erect any
pole, pillar or other works in a position

Power of the
to enter land,

erect lines eto,


Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.

objected: to by the local authority. In the
event, of such objection, the Department
shall refer the matter to the Governor in
Council whose decision thereon shall be


(2) In this section “night”’ means the
interval between six o'clock in the evening and
six o’clock in the morning of the next
succeeding day.

6. (1) For the purposes of this Ordinance,

_ the Department may, after reasonable notice in
that behalf to the owner, occupier or local
authority concerned—

(a) from time to time cause standards
together with fixtures and fittings to be
erected, and electric lines-to be laid and .
carried through, across, over or under any
street or, through, over or under any land
whatsoever, enclosed or otherwise;

(6) from time to time cause to_ be
constructed in any street all such boxes as
may be necessary for purposes in connection

_with the supply of energy and may place

therein meters, switches and other suitable and
proper apparatus for the purpose of leading
off service lines and other distributing conduc-
tors or of examining, testing, measuring,
directing or controlling the supply of energy
or testing the conditions of the mains and

other portions of the works;

(c) from time to time cause such lamp
irons, lamp posts, standards or other lighting

_ apparatus to be put or fixed upon or against

the wall or palisades of any houses or
buildings or enclosures or to be put-up or
erected in such other manner as shall be
deemed proper, and may also cause such
number of lamps of such sizes and kinds to
be provided and affixed and put on such
lamp irons, lamp posts and standards as
are necessary for lighting the streets;

(d) enter or authorise any person to
enter upon any land at all reasonable times
No. 4 of 1955. Blectrictty, Ice and Cold Storage 7 Montserrat.

and to remain thereon as long as may
be necessary for the purpose of effectually
doing any act or thing as may be reasonably
necessary for the purpose of any survey or
preliminary investigation or incidental to
the exercise of any power or the performance
of any duty of the Department, or for
carrying into effect any of the provisions of
this Ordinance.

(2) In the exercise of the powers given by
this section, the Department shall not be deemed
“to acquire any right other than that of user only
in or over the soil of any enclosed and other
land whatsoever through, over or under which
they place any of the works; and should any of
the works so carried through, over or under any
such land become a nuisance or the cause of loss
to the owner of such land the Department shall
at their own expense remove or alter such works
or shall give reasonable compensation as provided
by subsection (3) of this section.

(3) In the exercise of the powers given by
this section, the Department shall do no more
damage than is necessary in the circumstances
and shall make full compensation to any person
- interested for all damage sustained by him by
‘reason or in consequence of the exercise of such
powers. In the event of disagreement, the
amount of such compensation shall be determined
by arbitration:

Provided that no compensation shall be
payable in respect of any right of user acquired
under the authority of the last preceding

?. The Governor in Council may, subject Regulations.
to the approval of the Legislative Council, make
regulations generally for giving effect to the
provisions of this Ordinance and without predudice
to the generality of such power may make
regulations in respect of all or any of the
following matters, that is to say,

‘(a) the inspection of the works of the

Area of sup-

Systems and
mode of sup-


of supply of
energy to
owners and
within area
of supply.

8 Electricity, [ce and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.
(6) the fixing and testing of meters;

(c) the prevention of the misuse or
waste of energy supplied;

(d) the protection of the works of
the Department;

(e) the hiring of meters and the charges

(7) the conditions under which fixtures
and fittings may be installed;

(g) the time, place and manner for
the payment of moneys- payable to the
Department under this Ordinance, or any
Regulations made thereunder, or the mode
of collection;

‘(h) the sale and distribution of ice;
(7) the conditions and terms (including
charges) governing cold storage; :
(7) the aes of buildings


8. For the purposes of this Ordinance the
area of supply of energy to consumers shall be the

Q. Electrical energy shall be supplied by

means of the alternating current or the direct

. current system, as shall be approved by the

Governor in Council, and subject to such
regulations for securing the safety of persons and
property as may be made under the provisions
of this Ordinance.

10. Subject to the provisions of this Ordi-
nance, the. Department shall, whenever adequate
energy and equipment are available, upon being
required to do so by the owner or occupier of any
premises situate within one hundred feet from
any distributing main in which they are for the
time being maintaining a supply of energy for
No. 4 of 1955. Hlectricity, Ice and Cold Storage 9 Monserrat.

the purposes of general supply to private
consumers undér this Ordinance, give and continue
to give a supply of energy for such premises in
accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance
and any regulations made thereunder, and they
shall furnish and lay any electric lines that may
be necessary for the purposes of supplying the
maximum power with which any such owner or
occupier may be entitled to be supplied under this
Ordinance, subject to the conditions following,
that is to say,

(a) the cost of so much of the construc-
tion of any electric line as is required to
connect the premises of the owner or occupier
with the distribution main of the Depart-
ment shall, if the Department so requires, be
defrayed by the owner or occupier; and

(b) every owner or occupier of premises
requiring a supply of energy shall

(i) serve a notice upon the Depart-
ment specifying the premises
in respect of which such supply
is required, and the maximum
power required to be supplied,
and the day (not being an
earlier day than a reasonable
time after the date of the
service of such notice) upon
which supply is required to.

(ii) enter into « written contract
with the Department, if re-
quired by them to do 60, to
continue to receive and pay for
a supply of energy, for a
period of at least one year, of
such an smount that the pay-
ment to be made for the same,
at the rate of charge for the
time being charged by the
Department for a supply of
energy to ordinary consumers
within the area of supply,
shall not be less than fifteen
Montserrat. 10 Eleotricity, “cc and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.

per centum per annum on the
lay incurred by the Depart-
ment in providing any: electric
lines required under this section
to be provided by them for
- the purpose of such supply;
and ;

(iii) give to the Department, if re-
quired by them to do so,
security for the payment to
them of all moneys which may
from time to time become due
to them by such owner or
oceupier in respect of energy
to be supplied by them:

Provided that the Department may refuse |
to supply electric energy to any structure which—
in the opinion of the Department is not a
permanent and durable building:

Provided further that no energy will be
supplied to any new or altered installation until
such installation has been approved by the
Manager who may, if he thinks necessary, test
such installation or any part thereof.

Application. to 11. Every application for a supply of energy
be dealt with - . he oat . oe i

7 a c cl c

inthe ordor Shall so far as is practicable be dealt with in the
received. order in which the application is received.

Maximum 12. The maximum power with which any
Se consumer shall be entitled to be supplied shall be
consumer. of such amount as he may from time to time require

to be supplied with, not exceeding what may be.
reasonably anticipated as the maximum consump-
tion on his premises:

Provided that where any consumer has
required the Department to supply him with -the
maximum power of any specified amount, he shall
not be entitled to alter that maximum except upon
one month’s notice to the Department and provided
that the Department is in a position to supply the
increased’ demand and any expenses reasonably
incurred by the Department in respect of the
service line by which energy is supplied to the
No. 4 0f 1955. Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage 11 Montsrrrat

premises of such consumer, or any fittings or
apparatus of the Department upon such premises,
consequent upon such alteration, shall be paid by
him to the Department and may be recovered
summarily as a civil debt:

Provided further that the Department may,
without incurring any liability for so doing other
than « liability to make 4 proportionate abatement
in the charges for the supply, reduce as it may
‘think fit the quantity of energy supplied to any
premises, if by reason of any unforeseen circum-
“stances it shall appear that the supply of energy
generated is insufficient to enable the full quantity
to be conveniently supplied:

Provided further that the Department shall
not be liable for any damage to person or property
or for any cessation of the supply of energy which
may be due to unavoidable accident, fair wear and
tear, or to the reasonable requirements of the
system or to defects in any installation not
provided by the Department.

13. (1) The consumption of energy shall, Method of
+ : is j oharging for
except as otherwise agreed between the consumer’ gupply.
and the Department, be determined by meter only Meters.
provided by the Department. The consumer shall
be bound absolutely by the reading of the meter
for the purpose of calculating how much money
is due from him to the Government for energy
supplied during any particular period; and for the
purpose of proving such’ meter-reading he shall be
bound by the entry in the books of the Department
showing such meter-reading. In the absence of
evidence showing either that such entry has been
incorrectly made or that the meter was at the time
of such reading in default, it shall not be necessary
to produce the person who read the meter or the
person who made the entry in order to prove the
reading or entry:

Provided that, if the supply of meters at any
time be not equal to the demand, a consumer may
be charged on the basis of his average monthly
consumption during the previous six months:


Charges by

12 Electricity, fee and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.

Provided further that in the case of a new
consumer or of a change of tenant a meter shall be
installed until an average is obtained:

Provided further that the Department may in
any special case sanction a fixed monthly rate in
place of payment determined by meter and may
also grant a reduced rate in any particular case in
which such « course appears to them to be in the
interest of the consumer and the Department.

(2) If a meter ceases to register, the consumer
shall pay for the energy consumed under such
circumstances a sum based on the average daily
consumption in the previous three months.

14. (1) The price to be charged by the
Department for energy supplied by them to con-
sumers shal] be in accordance with such tariffs as
may be fixed from time to time by the Governor in
Council and approved’ by the Legislative Council:

Provided that until varied by Regulations the
tariffs as set out in the Schedule shall apply.

(2) Tariffs shall be fixed or varied as aforesaid
by Regulations made by the Governor in Council
and shall have effect on and after such date as may
be mentioned in the Regulations.

(3) Where a supply of energy is provided by
the Department for private purposes, every con-
sumer shall on application, be entitled to a supply
on the same terms on which any other consumer is
entitled under similar circumstances to a corres-

ponding supply.

15. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of
section 14 of this Ordinance, the Department may,
subject to the provisions of this section, make any
agreement with a consumer as to the price to be
charged for a supply of energy and the mode in
which such price is to be ascertained.

(2) The Department shall not, in making any
agreement for a supply of energy, show any undue
preference as between consumers in the same
locality and where the conditions of supply includ-
ing power factor, and the aimount of consumption,
No. 4 of 1955. Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage 13

are similar but, save as aforesaid they may make

such charges for the supply of energy as may be
agreed upon, not exceeding the limits of price
authorised by section 14 of this Ordinance.

16. (1) Where the consumption of energy is
to be ascertained by means of a meter, the depart-
ment shall supply the consumer with a meter and
may require him to enter into an agreement for the
hire of such meter, and shall fix the same upon
the premises of the consumer and connect the
service lines therewith.

(2) The Department shall supply meters to

all premises in which Government consume energy.

17. No consumer shall connect any meter
used or to be used under this Ordinance for ascer-
taining the consumption of energy with any electric
line through which energy is supplied by the
department or disconnect any such meter from any
such electric line. If any person acts in contraven-
tion of this section he shall be guilty of an offence
and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine
not exceeding two hundred dollars. _

18. The Department shall at all times at
their own expense, keep all meters installed by
them for the purpose of enabling them to ascertain
the consumption of energy in proper order for
correctly registering such consumption. The
Department shall, for the purposes aforesaid, at
all reasonable times have access-to, and be at liberty
to remove, test, inspect, and replace any such meter.

19. The Manager shall examine any meter
intended for ascertaining the consumption of energy
and shall certify the same as a certified . meter
if he considers it: fit to be so certified:

Provided that where any alteration is made in
any certified meter, or where any such meter is
unfixed or removed from the premises, such meter
shall cease to be a certified meter unless and until
it is again certified as a certified meter under the
provisions of this Ordinance:


to supply
meters if

Meters not to
be connected
or disconnect-
ed by oon-
sumer. :

to keep metor
in repair.

Manager to
certify meters.


Injurious acts
with intent to
cut off supply.


Wrongful and

16 Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.

Provided that where any person has given to
the department a deposit as security for pay-
ment for a supply of energy, -the department shall |
not be entitled to discontinue such supply until
the sum due to them for that supply shall equal
the sum so deposited as security and after payment
shall have been demanded as aforesaid.


SuprLy oF Enmrey.

. 24. injures any electric line or work with intent to cut
off any supply of energy, or otherwise maliciously
causes any interruption to the supply, or incites
other persons to do so shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanour and, on conviction on indictment, shall
be liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding
two years; but nothing in this section shall exempt
a person from any proceeding for any offence
which is punishable under any other provision of
this Ordinance, or under any other Act or Ordi-
nance, provided that no person shall be punished
twice for the same offence.

25. Every person who maliciously or
fraudulently abstracts, causes to be wasted
or diverted, consumes or uses any electricity
generated by the department shall be guilty of
an offence against this Ordinance and shall be
liable upon summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding two hundred and forty dollars or toa -
term of imprisonment not exceeding six months.

26. (1) Any person who shall lay, erect,
or install or permit to be laid, erected or installed
any conductor, and connect it with any con-
ductor to which energy is supplied by the
department without their consent, or who, in
case the value of the supply of energy by the
department is not ascertained by meter, shall
use any apparatus or lamp other than that he
has contracted to pay for, or shall use such
apparatus or lamp at any time other than the
time specified and for which he has contracted
No. 4 of 1955. Electricity, Ice and Cuid Storage 7

to pay, or who shall otherwise improperly use
the supply of energy, or shall supply any other
person with any part of the energy supplied to him
by the Department, shall forfeit to the Department
a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for every
such default, and also a sum not exceeding fifty
dollars for every day such conductor shal! so
remain, or such apparatus or lamp shall be so
used, or such supply continues to be so furnished,
without prejudice to the rights of the Depart-
ment to recover in addition the amount of any
damage suffered by them; and the Department
may also until the matter complained of has
‘been remedied, but no longtr discontinue the
supply of energy to the premises of the person so
offending, notwithstanding any contract pre-
viously existing.

(2) The amount of any forfeit or damage to
which the Department is entitled under this
section may be recovered summarily by them as
a civil debt. ‘

27. (1) Any person who wilfully, fraudu-
lently or by culpable negligence, injures or
permits to be injured any works of the Depart-
ment, or alters the index of any meter for

,ascertaining the consumption of energy or
prevents any such meter from duly registering
the value of the supply, or fraudulently abstracts,
consumes or uses the energy of the Department,
shall (without prejudice to any other right or
remedy for the protection of the Department or
the punishment of the offender) for every such
offence or default forfeit and pay to the Depart-
ment a sum not exceeding two hundred and forty
dollars and the Department may in addition
thereto recover the amount of any damage
sustained by them; and in any case in which
any person has wilfully and fraudulently injured
or permitted to be injured any works of the
Department, or altered the index of any meter
for ascertaining the consumption of energy, or
prevented any such meter from duly registering
the consumption of energy, the Department may
also, until the matter complained of has been
remedied, but no longer, discontinue the supply


Penalties in
respect of
other wrong-
ful acts.

Cutting trees
and boughs.

Felling trees
within fifty

teet of works.

Notices to be
in writing.

Service of
notices and


20 Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage No. 4 of 1955.

82. In the course of constructing and for
the more effective working of the system, the
Department shall have power, by their officers-and
servants duly authorised for that purpose in writ-
ing, to cut and remove from any street, and to
enter upon and to cut and remove from any private
or public lands any trees, or any br anch, bough,
or other part of a tree, growing on such lands
within one hundred feet. of any main used for
conducting energy and which may tend to interfere
with, endanger, or otherwise prejudicially affect
the working “of the system; but no officer or ser-
vant of the Department shall, except with the
consent of the occupier, enter any private lands
under the provisions of this section until after the
expiration of seven days notice to the occupier of
the land;

Provided that the Department shall make
compensation to the owner of any tree so cut and
for any damage suffered by the owner or occupier in
respect thereof, and the amount of such compensa-
tion shall, in the event of disagreement, be deter-
mined by arbitration.

83. (1) It shall not be lawful for any per-
son to trim, cut, or fell any tree growing or being
within fifty feet of any work authorised by this
Ordinance, unless he shall have given to the
Department twenty-four hours’ previous notice of
such trimming, cutting, or felling.

(2) Any person who trims, cuts or fells any
tree in contravention of this section sh«ll, on sum-
mary conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding
ten dollars.

84. Notices to be given under this Ordinance
shall be in writing, and, where any notice or other
document requires authentication by the Depart-
ment, the signature thereon by the Manaver shall
be sufficient authentication.

35. (1) A notice or other document required
or permitted by this Ordinance to be given to or
served on any person may be given to or served on
such person personally, or by leaving the same. at
his usual or last known place of abode or business
No. 4 0f 1955. Electricity, Ice and Cold Storage 21

with some adult person therein, or may be posted
in a prepaid letter addressed to such person at
his usual or last known place of abode or business.

(2) Any notice or other document which is to
be given to any person as the owner or occupier of
any land or other premises may be addressed to
him as the “owner” or “occupier” as the case
may be, of the land or other premises (naming
them) and may be posted in sume conspicuous
place on the land or other premises, or, where the
premises are a building, may be left with some
adult person in the building;

Provided that service shall not be effected in
the manner provided in this subsection if it would
be practicable after reasonable inquiry to effect
service in any manner provided in subsection (1)
_of this section.

836. The Manager and any other officer, ser-
vant or agent of the Department, may, at all reason-
able times, enter any premises to which energy is or
has been supplied by the Department, in order to
inspect the electric lines, meters, accumulators,
fittings, aud other apparatus belonging to the
Department, and for the purpose of ascertaining
the quantity of energy consumed or supplied, or
where a supply of energy is no longer required,
or where the Department are authorised to take
away and cut off the supply of electricity from any
premises, for the purpose of removing any electric
lines, meters, accumulators, fittings or other appara-
tus belonging to the Department.

Provided that the Department shall repair all
damage caused by such entry, inspection or

37. Where any matter is by this Ordinance
directed to be determined by arbitration, such
_ matter shall be determined by a fit and competent

~ person as arbitrator, to be agreed to by the parties
to the arbitration, or, failing such agreement by
the parties, by arbitration in accordance with the
provisions of the Arbitration Act.


Power of



Cap, 3.


1956, No. 81.



The Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla Postal Service (Amend-
ment) Rules, 1955, dated November 8, 1955, made by the
Governor in Oouncil under the Post Office Act (Cap. 123).

1. Gitation. These Rules may be cited as the Saint Christopher Nevis and
Anguilla Postal Service (Amendment) Rules, 1955, and shall be read as one with
the Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla Postal Service Rules and Regulations,
me (S.R. & O. 1955, No. 11) hereinafter called the Principal Rules and Regu-


2. Amendment of Rule 20 of the Principal Rules and Regu-
lations. Rule 20 of the Principal Rules and Regulations is hereby amended by
substituting for paragraph (1) thereof the following:—

“(1) (i) Government letters addressed to British destinations, if duly
franked, may be received unstamped. Such letters should not be posted ina
letter box, but shonld be handed in over the counter toa postal clerk, and the
clerk receiving the same shall satisfy himself as far as possible that the letters
are Government letters.

(ii) Government letters addressed to foreign countries (except letters on
postal business) shall not be despatched unless they are stamped in the ordi-
nary way by affixing thereto the appropriate postage stamp or by the impres-
sion thereon of the stamp ofa postal franking machine ora ‘ Paid” hand
stamp. Such letters when duly stamped may be posted in a letter box.

(iii) Government parcels and Government air mail letters addressed to
any destination shall be stamped in the ordinary way by affixing thereto tho
appropriate postage stamp or by the impression thereon of the stamp of a
postal franking machine or a “ Paid” hand stamp.”
3. Amendment of Rule 46 of the Principal Rules and Regula-
tions. Rule 46 of the Principal Rules and Regalations is hereby amended as


(a) by deleting the words “not exceeding $7.68 for a parcel exceeding
eleven pounds in weight or $4.80 for a parcel not exceeding eleven pounds in
weight, as he may think just”? occurring in paragraph (1) thereof and substi-
ting therefor the following—

‘as may be appropriate in accordance with the following scale:—

Weight of Pureel Maximum amount
of Compensation

Not exceeding 3 Ibs. oe $5.52
exceeding J lbs. but not exceeding

7 lbs. as $8.40
exceeding 7 lbs. but not exceeding

11 ibs. ant $13.92
exceeding 11 lbs. but not exceeding

22 lbs. be $22.32 :

Provided that where the value of an uninsured parcel does not
correspond to the value of compensation appropriate to the weight
of such parcel, the compensation shall be confined to the declared
value of such parcel.”; and

(6) by adding thereto the following new paragraph numbered (3)—

(3) When it cannot be determined where the loss or damage
occurred, compensation shall be borne equally by the despatching
and receiving Administrations.”’.

4. Amendment of Rule 83 (5) of the Principal Rules and
Regulations. Paragraph (5) of Rule 83 of the Principal Rules and Regulations
is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by deleting sub-paragraph (iii);

(v) by re-numbering sub-paragraph (iv) as (iii) and inserting the words
‘Cor post letters sent to him for that purpose by any person” between the
word “ gub-stock’’ and the immediately following colon occurring in the
second line thereof;

(c) by inserting between the word “sold” and the immediately follow-
ing semi-colon occurring in sub-paragraph (v) thereof the following:—

“unless such postage stamps have been invalidated under and
by virtue of a Stamps Invalidation Order and are being exchanged
within the prescribed period for stamps of equal value in the current
series”; and

(d) by re-numbering sub-pargaraphs (v) to (viii) inclusive as (iv) to (vii)

5. Addition of new Rule to the Principal Rules and Regu-
lations. The Principal Rules and Regulations are hereby amended by ingerting
immediately after Rule 83 the following new Rule numbered 83A:—

LeTterRs. (1) Letters other than letters for registration shall not be handed
to any person employed at a Post Office to be posted by him but shall be
posted by placing them in a posting box after the appropriate postage stamps
have been affixed thereto.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Rule, in the
case of circulars for posting in bulk, items with the appropriate postage
stamps affixed thereto and tied in bundles with all the addresses in one
direction may be handed over the counter at, or forwarded to, a Post Office
for pustmarking and despatch.”.

6. Commencement. These Rules shall come into operation on the
1st day of December, 1955.

Made by the Governor in Council this 8th day of November, 1955.

Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuackMAn, Government Printer.—By Authority.
1955. at
62/00055 =—11.55. : [Price 5 cents.]


1955, No. 32.


Virgin Islands Postal Service.

TIONS, 1955, DaTED November $, 1955, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR

1. Short Title. These Rules and Regulations may be cited as the Virgin
Islands Postal Service (Amendment) Rules and Regulations, 1955, and shall be
read as one with the Virgin Islands Pestal Service Rules and Regulations, 1955
(SR. & 0.1955 No. 6) hereinafter called the Principal Rules and Regulations.

2. Amendment of Rule 18 (2) and (8) of the Principal Rules
and Regulaticns. Paragraphs (2) and (3) of rule 18 of the Principal
Rules and Regulations are hereby amended by the substitution of the word
“despatched” for the word “received” in paragraph 2 and the insertion after
the word “way” where if occurs in line 3 of paragraph (2) and line 2 of para-
gragh (3), respectively, of the following words

“by affixing thereto the appropriate postage stamp or by the impression
thereon of ths stamp of a postal franking muchine or a “ Paid” hand
“stamp ”’.

3. Insertion of Rules 283A and 23B in the Principal Rules and
Regulations. The Principal Rules and Regulations are hereby amended by
the insertion next after rule 23 of the following:—

(1) Remittances accompanying orders received by post, being orders for
postage stamps for collection by dealers in, and collectors of, such stamps
shill be in the form of banker’s drafts, money orders, or postal orders made
payable to the Postimaster by his official designation and remittances in any
form other than as aforesaid shall be returned to the sender thereof by regis-
tered post.

(2) Such remittances shall be debited with full postage and registration
fees and, where applicable, with insurance fees.

(3) In eases where remittances are in the form of a banker’s draft, any
commission andjor discount on cashing such draft shall be deducted from the


amount of such draft and postage stamps shall be supplied to the value of the
difference between the amount of the draft and that of the said commission
and/or discount. “2

(4) Stamped envelopes sent to any Post. Office for cancellation and _post-
ing or return in some other manner shall be sent back “ unserviced ”:

Provided that envelopes which bear appropriate postage stamps and which
have accompanied orders for unused stamps may be used for the purpose for which
they were provided and the stamps affixed thereto cancelled in the normal course.

(5) No person employed at a Post Office may—

(i) comply with any request to affix postage stamps to letters for trans-
mission by post or to cancel postage stamps which are not affixed to
letters or other items entrusted to the post in the normal manner;

(ii) sell postage stamps taken from some special portion of a sheet or
from other than current sub-stock or post letters sent to him for that

. purpose by any person:

Provided that he may sell whole sheets of postage stamps from
sub-stocks or counter-stocks;

(iii) exchange postage stamps after they have been sold unless auch post-
age stamps have been invalidated under and by virtue of a Stamps
Invalidation Order and are being exchanged within the prescribed
period for stamps of equal value in the current series;

(iv) accept from dealers in or collectors of postage stamps standing orders
for the supply of new issues or new printings of postage stamps;

(v) address “ first-day covers”, affix postage stamps thereto or make any
special arrangements for the cancellation of stamps thereon;

(vi) in any way whatsoever act as the agent for any dealer in or collector
of postage stamps.

LETTERS. (1) Letters other than letters for registration shall not be handed
to any person employed at a Post Office to be posted by him but shall be
posted by placing them in a letter box after the appropriate postage stamps
have been affixed thereto.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this rule, in the
case of circulars for posting in bulk, items with the appropriate postage
stamps affixed thereto and tied in bundles with all the addresses in one
direction may be handed over the counter at, or forwarded to, a Post Office
for post-marking and despatch.”

4. Amendment of Rule 48 (1) of the Principal Rules and Regu-
lations. Paragraph (1) of rule 43 of the Principal Rules and Regulations is
hereby amended by the deletion of the words “ not exceeding $7.68 for a parcel
exceeding eleven pounds in weight or $4.80 for a parcel not exceeding eleven
pounds in weight, as he may think just ” appearing therein, and the substitutiou
therefor of the words ‘as may be appropriate in accordance with the following

scale :—
Weight of Parcel. Menten iris amount of
: Compensation.
Not exceeding 3 lbs. Se $5.52
Exceeding 3 lbs. but not exceeding 7 lbs. Pobpiaith $8.40
Exceeding 7 lbs. but not exceeding 11 Ibs. sie $13.92
Fixceeding 11 Ibg. but not exceeding 22 lbs. ee $22.32 :


Provided that where the value of an uninsured parcel does not correspond
to the value of compensation appropriate to the weight of such parcel, the
compensation shall be confined to the deglared value of such parcel.”

5. Commencement. These Rules and Regulations shall come into opera-
- tion on the Ist day of December, 1955.

Made by the Governer in Council this 8th day of November, 1955.

Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Goycrnment Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLacKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

62/00056— = —11.55. [Price 5 cents.]

1955, No. 16.

Tue Ain To Pioneer Inpustrinrs (Porrery Inpustry) (AMEND-
MENT) OrpER 1955, paTED OcrToBEr 26, 1955, MALE BY THE
~ Governor IN Counci, unpER Sxction 3 (1) oF THE AID To
Pioneer Inpustrius OrpINANCE, 1950 (No. 9 or 1950).


1. CITATION. This Order may be cited as the Aid to Pioneer Industries
(Pottery Industry) (Amendment) Order, 1955, and shall be read as one with the
Aid to Pioneer Industries (Pottery Industry) Order, 1953 (hereinafter referred to
as the Principal Order).

graph 2 uf the Principal Order is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the deletion of the word “and” occurring in sub-paragraph (i);

(6) by the substitution of a semi-colon for the full stop in sub-para-
graph (ii);

(c) by the addition thereto of the following items:—
(iii) Ornamental and building tiles made of clay;
(iv) Clay bricks; and
(v) Other types of building materials made of clay.
Made by the Governor in Council the 26th day of October, 1955.

Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Isiands,
by £. M. Buacxman, Government Printer.—By Authority.

480—11.55. i [ Price 3 cents. }



1955, No. 17.

Tar Amp ro Pioneer Lnpustrins (Antigta Porrery LIMITED)
(Porrrry Inpusiry) OrpEr, 1955, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR IN
CouNciL UNDER SEcrion 4 (1) oF THK Alp TO Proxver INpvs-
TRIES OrDINANUK, 1950 (No. 9 oF 1950).

1. Citat on. This Order may be cited as the Aid to Pioneer Industries
(Antigua Pottery Limited) (Pottery Industry) Order, 1955.

2. Declaration of Pioneer Manufac‘urer. The Antigua Pottery
Limited (a company duly registered under the Companies Act (Cap. 140) of the
Leeward Islands) is hereby declared, with effect from the 10th day of August,
1955, to be a pioneer manufacturer for the purposes of the Aid to Pioneer Indus- ;
tries Ordinance, 1950, in relation to the pioneer factory situate at Coolidge Field
in the Parish of Saint George and in relation t> the manufacture of the following
pioneer products:-—

(i) Utility pottery ware;
(ii) Ornamental pottery ware:
(iii) Ornamental-and building tiles made of clay;
’ (iv) Clay bricks; and
(v) Other types of building materials made of clay,

the manufacture of which was declared to be a Pioneer Industry hy the Aid to
Pioneer Industries (Pottery Industry) Order, 1953, as amended by the Aid to
Pioneer Industries (Pottery Industry) (Amendment) Order, 1955; and the produc-
tion day of the said Antigua Pottery Limited in relation to the above-mentioned
pioneer products is declared to be the 10th day of August, 1955.

3. Rescission. The Aid to Pioneer Industries (Industrial Development)
(Pottery Industry) Order, 1953 (S.R. & O. 1953. No. 20) is hereby rescinded.

Made by the Governor in Council the 26th day of October, 1955.

Acting Clerk of the Council,

Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLackMAN. Government Printer.—By Authority.
480—11.95. [Price 3 cents]