Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Published by Authority. ~


No. 46.


- {t is hereby notified for general
information that Vice-Admiral J..W.
M. Eaton, O.B., D.8.0., D.S.C., the
new Commander-in-Chief, Ames
and Weat Indies Station, will as

the duties of his Pet on the 8th
November, 1955.

At the same time HM
KENYA will replace H.M.S. SUPERB
as the Flagship of ‘the America and.
West Indies Station.

The Secretariat,

- 13th Octoher, 1955.
Ref. No. 66/00006.

No. 107.

The following Ordinance and
Statutory Rules and Orders are circu-
lated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—



No. 5 of 1955, “ The Hepietration
of Clubs Ordinance, 1955.”
8 pp. Price 10 cents.


-. No. 13 of 1955, “The Holberton
Institutions (Amendment) Rules,
- 1955.” 1 pp. Price 3 cents.

No. 14 of 1955, “ The Motor Omni-
‘bus (Amendment) Regulations, 1955.”
13 pp. Price 15 cents.

No. 15 of 1955, “Resolution
abolishing Customs Duty on articles
enumerated in 8. R. & O.”

- Ll pp. Price 3 cents,

' ANTIGUA, 6th October, 1955.

PANY, LIMITED, of Thorncliffe
near Sheffield, England, have applied
for Registration of one Trade. Mark
consisting of the following:—


in Class 2 that is to say:—Chemical
substances used for agricultural, hor-
*ticultural, veterinary and_ sanitary

~ Marks

and Class 3, that is to say:_-Chemical
substances prepared for use in medi-
cine and pharmacy.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said. Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for five years
before the date, of their said Appli-

Any person may within three

of St. George, in” the. “seid. Presi-
dency, should be acquired for public
purposes, namely, for the erection
of a clinic in the said Presidency.


that lot, piece or —T of

land being a portion of the lands of
JaAMES E. NBALE situate inthe
Village of Molyneux, in the Parish

months from the- date of” the first wt 3 St. George in the-Presidency~ of

appearance of this Advertisement in’
the “ Leéward } slands Gazette,’ wee
notice in--duplicate at~the Trdde

ce, Antigua, of opposition
td stration of the said Trade Mark.

CrciL O. BYRON,: ’-

Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.


By virtue of the powers conferred
on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles
and Road Traffic Ordinance 1946
(No. 5 of 1946), I hereby fix the
period hereunder for the lighting of

Until further notice, the lighting
of vehicles shall be from 6 p. m. to
5.30 a. m.

Dated the 7th day of a a

EK. M. V. Jamgs, Lt. Col.,
Traffic Commissioner.
Ref. No.36/0000$. ~

The Land Acquisition Act.

(No. 11 of 1944)
Declaration dated 6th September,

‘71955, made under section 3 of the

Land Acquisition Act, 1944 (No.
11/1944) for the acquisition of certain
land in the Presidency of Montserrat
required for public purposes.

that the Governor in Council with
the approval of the Legislative
Council of the Presidency of. Mont-
serrat considers that the land
described in the Schedule hereto,
being a portion of the lands of
JAMES E, NEALE situate in the
village of Molyneux in the parish

Montserrat, and containing by

,admeasurement 5489 square. feet and

bounded as follows:—

On the -north, ee 121 “Pest,
and bounded by the public road;

On the south, measuring 117 feet,
and bounded by lands of JAMES E.


On the east, ‘measuring 39 feet,
and bounded by lands of CASSELL;

On the west, measurmg 53 feet,
and‘ bounded by lands of the
aforesaid JAMES EK. NEALE; —

or howsoever otherwise the same
may be abutted, bounded, Known,
distinguished or described,

“Clerk to the Legislative Counedl.

Ref. No, 36/00004..,

Presidency of Antigua.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that tenders for the supply of
15,000 half-bags of flout during the
period 1st November, 1955 to the
3lst January, 1956, have Boe

’ awarded to the following firms:—

‘ ee
(a) Messrs. Guo. W. BENNETT,
Bryson & Co., LTD.

800 bags of “Canada Cream”
brand flour of 100 lbs. each at $4.73
(Can) per bag, C. I. F. Antigua,
manufactured by the Western Canada
Flour Mills, Toronto, Canada.

(6) Mussrs. Josz# ANJo, LTD.

14,200 bags of ‘ White Ribbon”
brand flour of 100 Ibs. each at $4.68
(Can) per bag ©. I. F. Antigua,
manufactured by the Lion Mids
Ltd, Canada.

Administrator’s Office,
6th October, 1955.

Montserrat containing by
square feet’ and:



The Land Acquisition Act.
(No. 11 of 1944) —


Declaration dated 6th September,
1955, made under section 3 of the
Land Acquisition Act, 1944 (No.

a pods) for the acquisition of certain
‘land in the Presidency of. Montserrat
required for public pur poses.

' the. Governor. In. Council swith the
e Council
‘of the Presidency of Boner con-
.. Siders that the land descr’ i


i ed in the
Schedule hereto, being aNparel of

e town |

, 0£f.Plymonth, in the said Presitlency,
should be acquired for public pur-

land situate at Glendon in

poses, namely, for the efection ¥e
‘ aclinic in the said Presidency. \

ALL that lot, piece or parcel of
land sitdate at Glendon in the town
of Plymouth in the ‘Presidency ~- of
urement 3552

measuring and bounded on the

North measuring 94 feet and bound- -

ed thereon by lands of Dagenham
. Estate on the South measuring 47
feet. 6 inches and bounded by

* 4

~~and family, in
‘ Qolonial Regulations.
+ Leave: An officer Dawing a nee

_ of $3360 p.a. and over ig eligible for
free return leave peseges fa het
and his wife after 2 years of ré


George Street and on the West
measuring 58 feet and bounded
thereon by the lands of JOHN ROACH.

Clerk to the Legislative Council.

Post of Inspector of Schools,
. St. Lucia.

Applications are invited for
appointment to tha vacant pension-

“-able post of Inspector of Schools, -

St. Lucia.

Qualification: Trained Teacher,
well experienced in the work of.
Primary Schools and preferably with
External academic and/or] profes-
sional qualifications.. —

Salary: $2880x120- -$3600 per
annum. Travelling and subsistence
allowance at the rate of $500. p.a.
will be paid.

Free passages for person! ~selected
accordance _ With

service at 6 weeks per annum,
Duties: Inspection and supervision

Of Primary Schools, assisting in the

organising of Teacher Training and
in the general administration of the
Education Department as required
by the Education Officer.


Government Printer.—By Authority
1965, ~


[20 October, 195.

Applications giving full details of
qualifications and experience accom- |
panied by not less than two
testimonials should be addressed to
the Administrator, Government
Buildings, St. Lucia to reach him
not later than Saturday 29th October,

955. ,

Government Buildings,
St. Lucia.
20th September, 1955.


Oshtral Wxperiment Station,

: Antigua,

of 1951, 1952. 1953. 1954,

teh : 3.60 3.10 2.65 3.44
2 1.68 1.60 1,02 2.45
1.09 1.62 5.60.’ 1.08

ae 2.16 3.14 2.06. .49
May 10.54 3.07 1.50 3.83
June 2.74 6.74 1.31 3.32
July 3.28 838 3.20 3.47
Aug. 9.18 843 3.15 6.93
Sept. 12.06 5.65 210 9.91

. Oct. 15th. 2.86 159 23 434 2.32

49.36 41.53 22,10 37.66 28.29

- Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, M, Buaceman,

[Price 35 conts)

No. 5 of 1955. _ Registration of Clubs. MonTstRRatT

1 Assent,
P. D. Macponaxp,
Acting Governor.
3rd October, 1955.

No. 8 of 1955.

An Ordinance to provide for the Registration of

ENACTED by the Legislature of Montserrat.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Regis- short title,
tration of Clubs Ordinance, 1955. ,

2. In this Ordinance— Definitions,

‘‘Club” means any community or society who
assemble or meet together in pursuit of a
common object;

‘“‘Members’ Club” means a club, all the prop-
erty funds and assets of which belong
jointly to the members thereof, whether
such are vested in Trustees for the mem-
bers or otherwise;

“Proprietary Club” means any club other
than a members’ club;

“Unregistered club” means any club which
requires to be registered under this
Ordinance but which is not so registered
or the registration of which has not been
renewed or which has been struck off the .
register of clubs;

“Secretary ” in relation to a club includes any
officer of a club or other person perform-
ing the duties of a secretary and, in the
case of a proprietary club where there is
no secretary, the proprietor of the club;

‘Section’ means section of this Ordinance;

“ Intoxicating Liquor” means spirits, wine,
beer, porter, cider, sherry and any fer-
mented, distilled or spirituous liquor


of Clubs,

Keeping of

Mode of appli-

cation for

2 Registration of Clubs. No. 5 of 1955.

which cannot, according to any Ordinance
for the time being in force relating to the
sale of intoxicating liquor, be legally
sold unless duly authorised by a licence
granted thereunder.

8. (1) The Secretary of every club which
occupies a house or part pf a house which is
habitually used for the purposes of a club and in
which any intoxicating liquor is so supplied shall
cause the club to be registered or its registration to
be renewed as the case may be, in manner provided
in this Ordinance.

(2) The registration of a club under this
Ordinance shall not constitute the club premises
licensed premises, nor authorise any sale of intoxi-
cating liquor therein which would otherwise be

4. (1) The Treasurer shall keep a register
of all registered clubs within the Presidency.

(2) The register shall contain the under-
mentioned particulars—

(a) the name and objects of the club;

(6) the address of the club;

(c) brief details of the terms of occupancy
of the club premises;

(d) the name of the Secretary and in
addition, in the case of a proprietary club, the
the name of the proprietor;

(e) the number of members;

(f) @ printed copy of the rules of the


5. (1) The Secretary of every club,
required to be registered under this Ordinance shall
not later than the 15th day of January in every
year, and in the case of a new club prior to the
opening thereof and not later than the 15th day of
January in each succeeding year make application
to the Treasurer to enter the club on the register or
to renew its registration as the case may be.

(2) In support of such application, the Secre-
tary shall furnish a return to the Treasurer signed
by the Secretary giving the particulars mentioned

No. of 5 1955. Re,istration of Clubs. 3

in subsection (2) of section 4 in the case of a new
club, and any changes in such particulars in the
case of a renewal of registration.

(3) Such return shall also contain a statement
signed by the Secretary that there is kept upon the

club premises a register of the names and addresses .

of the club members, and a record of the latest
payment of their subscriptions and a register of the
names and addresses of visitors and guests.

6. No members’ club shall be registered
under this Ordinance unless it complies with all the
undermentioned conditions—

(a) that the supply of intoxicating liquor
to the Club shall be under the control of the
members or the committee or governing body
appointed by the members and that no member
of the committee or governing body and no
manager or servant employed in the Club shall
have any personal interest in the sale of intoxi-
cating liquor therein or in the profits arising

_ from such sale;

(6) that the names and addresses of
persons proposed as ordinary members of
the club shall be displayed on a conspicuous
place in the club premises for at least a week
before their election, and that an interval
of not less than two weeks shall elapse
between nomination and election of ordinary

(e) that all members of the club shall
be elected by the whole body of members or
a committee of members;

(d) that there shall be a defined sub-

- scription payable by members of the club in

(e) that correct accounts and books
shall be kept showing the financial affairs of
the club;

(f) that no intoxicating liquor shall
be sold or supplied for consumption outside
the premises of the club;

(g) that intoxicating liquor shall only
be supplied in the club premises at the
request of members of the club and that a
risitor shall not be supplied with intoxica-


Conditions for
of members’

Moxremerat. 4 Registration of Clubs. No. 5 of 1955.

ting liquor except on the invitation and in”
the company of a member and unless that
member shall, upon the admission of such
visitor to the club premises, enter the name
and address of the visitor and his own name
in the visitors’ book and the date of the

(h) that no person shall be allowed to
become an honorary or temporary member _
-of the club or be relieved of the payment
of the regular entrance fee or subscription,
except a person possessing certain qualifica-
tions defined in the rules or subject to
conditions and regulations prescribed there-

(4) that no person under the age of
sixteen years shall be admitted a member of
the club, unless the club is one primarily
devoted to some athletic purpose;

_ Provided that no intoxicating liquor
shall be sold or supplied to any member or
person under sixteen years of age.

Conditions for 7. No proprietary club shall be registered

registration ee 5 2 7 , ee

of proprietary under this Ordinance unless it complies with all

clubs. of the conditions pertaining to members’ clubs
mentioned in section 6 with the exception of

conditions (a) and (ce).

nous of pro- 8. -A proprietary club shall only be kept
viabe open between the hours of 7 o’clock in the fore-

noon and midnight daily except with the written
permission of the Assistant Superintendent of

Grant of 9. The Treasurer, if he is satisfied—
f istra- —
fuk (a) that the application of the secretary

supplied the particulars mentioned in sub-
section (2) of section 4 of this Ordinance;

(6) that provision has been made in the
rules of the club for the due observance of
the conditions set out in sections 6 and 7 of
this Ordinance;

(c) that the locality and premises are
suitable, and

No. 5 of 1955. Registration of Clubs. 5

(d) that the office bearers are fit and
proper persons to manage a club;


shall grant an application to enter such club.

on the register or renew its registration as the
case may be on payment of the prescribed fee.

10. (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-
section (2) of this section the annual fee for the
registration or renewal of registration of a club
shall be paid into the Treasury within fourteen
‘days of the notification of the acceptance of an
application by the Treasurer, and such regis-

_tration or renewal of registration shall continue
in force until the following 31st day of December.

(2) The annual fee for the registration or
renewal of registration of a club shall be, for a
members’ club — four dollars and eighty cents,
and for a proprietary club — twenty-four dollars.

11. (13 Where a club has been registered
in pursuance of this Ordinance a Magistrate may
on complaint in writing cause a summons to be
issued on the secretary of the club or such other
person as the Mag'strate may direct for appear-
ance before him.

If upon the hearing the Magistrate is satis-
fied that—
(a) the club has ceased to exist; or
(&) the club is not conducted in good
faith as a club or it is kept or habitually
used for an unlawful purpose; or
(c) there is frequent drunkenness in
the club premises; or
(d) illegal sales of intoxicating liquor
have taken place on the club premises; or
(e) the conditions laid down in section
6, are not being observed; ‘or
(f) the provisions of section 12 are
not being ohserved ;
he may make an order directing the club to be
struck off the register.

(2) Where a Magistrate makes an order
striking a club off the register, he may, if he
thinks fit by that order further direct that the

Annual regis-
tration fee.


Books or
required to
be kept.

Power of

6 Registration of Clubs. No. 5 of 1955.

premises occupied by the club shall not be used
for the purposes of any club which requires
registration under this Ordinance for a specitied
period which may extend, in case of a second or
subsequent order, to five years;

Provided that any such direction may, for
good cause shown, be subsequently cancelled or
varied by the Court.

12. Every registered club shall keep on
the club premises—

(a) a Minute Book recording the busi-
ness transacted at all meetings of the Com-
mittee and general meetings with the names
of the persons present at such meetings;

(6) « register of ordinary members
showing their addresses, and a record of the
latest payment of their subscriptions;

(c) aseparate register of temporary and
honorary members showing the date of
election and period of such membership;

(d) w copy of the rules of the club
with any subsequent changes authenticated
by the signature of the secretary;

(e) all accounts for intoxicating liquor
supplied to the club during the preceding
81x months.

18. (1) If a Magistrate is satisfied by
information on oath that there is reasonable
ground for supposing that intoxicating liquor is
sold or kept for sale on premises of an un-
registered club, he may grant a search warrant to
any member of the Police Force named therein.

(2) A search warrant granted under this
section shall authorise the member of the Police
Force named therein to enter at any time any
premises named therein within one month of the
date thereof, if need be by force, and to inspect
the premises and to seize and carry away any
intoxicating liquor therein ” suspected to have
been suld or kept for sale.

No. 5 of 1955. = Registration of Clubs. 7 Sexe

14. (1) If any intoxicating liquor is sold Offences and
or kept for sale on the premises of an unregisterd P°ra!es
club the person selling or keeping for sale or
authorising the selling or keeping for sale of
such intoxicating liquor shall be liable to the
following penalties:— es

(4) For the first offence he shall be
liable to a penalty not exceeding one
hundred and twenty dollars, or to im-
prisonment with or without hard labour for
a term not exceeding one month.

(b) For the second offence he shall
be liable to a penalty not exceeding two
hundred and forty dollars, or to imprison-
ment with or without hard labour for a
term not exceeding three months.

(c) For the third and any subsequent
offence he shall be liable to a penalty not
exceeding four hundred and eighty dollars,
or to imprisonment with or without hard
labour for any term .not exceeding six

In addition to any other penalty
imposed by this section, in the case of a
conviction for any offence under this section,
the Court shall declare all intoxicating
liquor found in the possession of any such
person as last aforesaid, and the vessels
containing liquor, to be forfeited.

(2) Intoxicating liquor shall not be sold on
a registered club’s premises except to a member
of such club and only for consumption on the
premises and any person selling or obtaining
any intoxicating liquor in contravention of the
provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of an
offeuce and liable on summary conviction to a
penalty not exceeding one hundred and twenty

(3) Any person who obstructs or prevents
or attempts to obstruct any member of the Police
Force in the exercise of any of the powers by

Morrexenar. 8 Registration of Clubs. No. 5 of 1955.

this Ordinance conferred on him shall be guilty
of an offence and liable on summary conviction
to a penalty not exceeding forty-eighty dollars.

(4) If a secretary of a club knowingly
makes a return which is false in any material
particular he shall be guilty of an offence and
liable on summary conviction to a penalty not
exceeding twenty-four dollars.

Procedure 15. Proceedings under this Ordinance
shall be taken in the manner provided in the
Cap. 61, Magistrate’s Code of Procedure.

16. This Ordinance shall come into opera-
tion on 5th October, 1955.


Passed the Legislative Couneil. this 6th day
September, 1955.

Jas. H. Carrort,
Clerk of the Counell.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLackmAn, Government Printer—By Authority.

47/00372—500—10.55. [Price 10 cants.]

(eb Ish NDS.

ANTIGUA. \g ae


Tue Honpertron INstirurions (AmenpmENT) Runes, 1955, DaTED
SECTION 11 or THE Meprcat ann Poor Revinr Orpinancr, 1899
(No. 18 oF 1899).

1. SHortT TitLe. These Rules may be cited as the Holberton Institutions
(Amendment) Rules, 1955 and shall be read as one with the Holberton Institu-
tiong Rules, 1945 (S.R. & O. No. 2 of 1945), as amended hereinafter referred to as
the Principal Rules.

2. AMENDMENT. Paragraph (1) of Rule 13 of the Principal Rules as amended
by paragraph (1) of Rule 2 of ea & O. OM . of 1953 is hereby rescinded and in

“ (1) Persons adinitied to “Hospital shall be liable to pay for their main-
tenance and treatment at the following rates:— .
(a) Patients occupying special wards or rooms:
Class of ward or room. —

Ist. 2nd. Cubicles.
Persons resident $ $ $
in Antigua ~ 5.00 250 1.00
Other persons 6.00 3.50 1.50
For the use of the Operating Theatre:—
In respect of major operations $4.80 to $14.40
», minor in $2.40 to § 4.80

Medical Officers, Dispensers and District Nurses shall pay one half of
the above-mentioned rates when occupying special wards.
(6) Patients in public wards:

Persons with incomes exceeding $720.00 72
Persons with incomes exceeding $480.00 but
not exceeding $720.00 48
Persons with incomes exceeding $240.00 but
not exceeding $480.00 24
Persons with incomes of $240.00 or under Free

No fees for the use of X-Ray apparatus shall be charged in respect of
patients occupying public wards.

Officers and members of the Leeward Islands Police Foree and Prison
Warders who elect to occupy special wards or rooms shall pay the above-
mentioned rates less the maximum rate payable by patients in public wards.”

Made by the Governor in Council this 20th day of September, 1955.

Ag. Clerk of the Counoil.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer, eee Authority,
—480—10.55. [Price 3 cents]

BG. 7297
L187 EL :

BOM ro...




1955, No. 14.

Tur Motor Omyisus (AMENDMENT) ReGuLations, 1955, DATED
Serremprr 20, 1955, Mapr BY THE GOVERNOR IN Councin
Orpinancr, 1946, (No. 5/1946).

1. Citation. These Regulations may, be cited as the Motor
Omnibus (Amendment) Regulations, 1955, and shall be read_as one
‘with the Motor Omnibus Regulations, 1951, (S. R. & O. 1951 No. 13)
‘hereinafter called the Principal Regulations.

2. Amendment of Regulation 8. Regulation 3 of. the
Principal Regulations is hereby amended as follows:—

- (a) by the substitution of a full stop for the semi-colon
appearing at the end of sub-regulation (3) ¢ and by the deletion of
sub-regulation (3). d;

(6) by the substitution of the word “hereto” for the word
. “thereto” appearing in sub-regulation (6); and

(c) by the addition immediately after sub-regulation (7) of the
Oye new sub-regulations respectively numbered . “(8)” and
ce 9 aes
(8) A motor omnibus in respect of which a permit
has been issued by the Traffic Commissioner shall ply for
-hire or reward only on the route or routes on which the.
motor omnibus is permitted to travel and shall not be
permitted to ply for hire or reward on any route not
specified in such permit:

Provided that the Traffic Commissioner may, from
time to time, grant to the owner of a motor omnibus a
special permit for such omnibus to be used for the
conveyance for hire or reward of persons to and from
picnics and -recrentional tours on a scheduled route other
than that on which the motor omnibus is permitted to

“(9) If a motor omnibus is driven on-a scheduled
route not included in any permit issued to the owner
thereof the driver of such motor omnibus shall be guilty
of an offence.”

3. Insertion of New Regulation. The Principal Regula-
tions are hereby amended by the insertion therein’ immediately after
regulation 3 of the following new regulation numbered 3A:—

“3A. Time Taste. A motor omnibus operating on the
routes set out in the first column of the Fourth Schedule hereto
shall leave its parking station in the City of St. John and proceed
to its terminal point on its route, or leave such terminal point and
proceed to its parking station in the said City, on the days and at
the times set out in the second column of the said Schedule ”’.

4. Insertion of New Regulation. The Principal Regula-
tions are hereby amended by the insertion therein immediately after
regulation 4 of the following new regulation numbered 44:—

“4A. RigutT To prmany Fare. (1) The driver or_con-
ductor of a motor omnibus travelling on its scheduled route shall
have the right to demand his fare of any person intending to travel
in such omnibus upon such person entering the omnibus, and may
refuse to convey any such person who does not comply with such
demand, and may require any police officer. to remove from the
omnibus any person so refusing to pay his fare.”

(2) Every person who refuses or omits to pay his legal fare
and every person who resists or obstructs a police officer in the
performance of his duty under this regulation shall be guilty of an
offence.” ;

5. Substitution of New Regulation. The following
shall be substituted for regulation 7 of the Principal Regulations—

“7, Sroppinc. (1) A motor omnibus when proceeding on
its scheduled route and before reaching its terminal point shall stop
only at the places set out in the third columns of the Fourth
Schedule and at the points indicated by “ Public Service Vehicle
Stand ” signs along such route.”

(2) When stopping, a motor omnibus shall draw up on the left
side of the road facing the direction m which it is proceeding, and
the driver thereof shall observe all rules of the road and other
regulations as may be provided for the safety of road users when
stopping a vehicle.”

6. Insertion of New Regulation. The Principal Regula-
tions are hereby amended by the insertion therein immediately after
regulation 7 of the following new regulation numbered 7A:—_ -

7A. Sprctar Liguts ror Motor Omnisuszs. In addition
to the lights to be exhibited by every motor vehicle, motor

omnibuses shall also be equipped with two small lights to be affixed -
at the front of the vehicle, one on each side of the top of the body,
and of a type and colour to be approved by the Traffic Commissioner.
When the motor omnibus is in motion or stationary on a road at
night, the two lights shall be kept lighted so that the rays therefrom
shall indicate the presence of the motor omnibus to approaching

7. Amendment of First Schedule. The First Schedule -
to the Principal Regulations is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the deletion of the words “described above” appearing
in paragraphs 2, 5 and 9 thereof;

(d) by the substitution of the following for paragraphs 4
thereof :—

“4, Kinertse Harpour-Hospitau Route. Start-
ing at English Harbour thence along the direct road to
Falmouth, Liberta, All Saints, Freemans Village, Dia-
monds, Gunthorpes, St. Johnston’s Village ending at the
Holberton Hospital.

Return via the same route.

44. Enerish Harsour Rooter. Starting from
the King George V Memorial Station and southwards
along the Kentish Village Road turning left along the
road commonly called Joseph’s Lane thence by the direct
road through Belmont, Clarks Hill, All Saints, Liberta,
Falmouth and ending at English Harbour. .

Return wia the same route entering the Parking
Station by the south-east corner, and

(c) by the substitution of the following for paragraph 7
thereof :—
Cepar Grove Routr. From the War Memorial
Station along East Street turning right on the old Parham ©
road until Cassada Garden is reached and from there
turning left into the Judge’s Road and thence via the
direct road through Judges and Thibou Jarvis to Cedar
Grove Village, ending with the junction with the Beach
Hotel Road.

Picgotrs Rourr. This route shall be on the same
roads as the Cedar Grove Route except that on reaching
Cassada Garden the route shall continue along the old

Parham Road through Osborne Village until Pigotts is

-reached. |

Return via the same route entering the parking
station in accordance with Part 1 (6) of the Third

8. Amendment of Second Schedule. The Second
Schedule to the Principal Regulations is hereby amended by the addition
thereto of the following item immediately after item 10 thereof :—

“11. Picorrs RouTr
St. John’s to Pigotts 10”.

9. Rescission. The Motor Omnibus (Amendment) Regulations,
1953 (S. R. & O. 1953 No. 3) are hereby rescinded.

10. Addition of Schedule. The following schedule shall be .
added to the Principal Regulations immediately after the Third Schedule
thereof :—


ats Days of operation, destination Intermediate
nue and times of departure. _ stops.
English Leave Parking station for (i) English Buckley’s Cross,
Harbour Harbour: 6.30 am., 1.30 p.m., Clarks Hill, All
Route 2.30 p.n Saints, Swetes,

Liberta, Falmouth,
Cobbs Cross.

12 noon

(ii) Liberta:

3.30 p.m., 4.15 p.m.
Leave terminal point at—

(i) English Harbour for St. John—
6.45 am., 7.15 a.m.

(ii) Liberta for St. John
8.00 a.m., 1.10 p.m.


Buckley’s Cross,
Clarks Hill, All
Saints, Swetes.

Cobbs Cross,
Falmouth, Liberta,
Swetes,? All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.

Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.



~ Harbour

Route -

Days of operation, destination
and times of departure.

Leave Parking station for—
(i) Liberta:
6.30 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 4.15 p.m.

(ii) English Harbour
2.30 p.m.

Leave terminal point at—

(i) English Harbour for St. John—
6.45 a.m.

(ii) Liberta for St. John—
8.30 a.m.


Leave Parking Station for—
(i) Liberta:
6.30 a.m., 12.30 p.m.

(ii) English Harbour:
3.30 p.m.

Leave terminal point at—

(i) English Harbour for St. John
6.45 a.m.


Leave terminal point at—
(i) English Harbour for St. John:
6.30 a.m., 6.45 a.m., 8.05 a.m.

(ii) English Harbour for St. John:

2.05 p.m., 2.35 p.m.


Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill, All
Saints, Swetes.

Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill, All
Saints, Swetes,
Liberta, Falmouth,
Cobbs Cross.

Cobbs Cross,
Falmouth, Liberta,
Swetes, All Saints,

- Clark’s Hill,

Buckley’s Cross.

Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.

Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill, All
Saints, Swetes.

Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill, All
Saints, Swetes,
Liberta, Falmouth,
Cobbs Cross.

Cobbs Cross,
Falmouth, Liberta,
Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.

Cobbs Cross,
Falmouth, Liberta,
Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.



Days of operation, destination

nates and times of departure.
English (iii) Liberta for St. John:
Harbour 7.10 am., 7.45 am., 8.25 am., _
Route 8.40 am., 8.45 a.m., 8.50 am.,

9.15 am., 9.55 a.m., 10.10 am.,

10.25 a.m., 10.35 a.m., 10.50 a.m.,

11.05 a.m.

(iv) Sea View Farm for St. John:
10,00 a.m.

(v) John Hughes for St. John:
5.45 am., 7.15 a.m.

(vi) Liberta for St. John:
1.00 p.m., 1.20 p.m., 1.50 p.m.,
2.30 p.m., 2.35 p.m., 3.05 p.m.,
4.00 p.m., 4.05 p.m., 4.30 p.m.,
4.55 p.m., 5.25 p.m., 5.50 p.m.,
6.00 p.m., 6.20 p.m.

Leave terminal point at:

(vii) English Harbour:
2.05 p.m., 2.35 p.m.

O(viii) Swetes:
4.15 p.m., 5.25 p.m.

(ix) Bendals:
8.15 a.m.

Leave Parking Station for:
(i) Liberta:
6.30 a.m., 12 noon,
12.30 p.m.

(ii) Liberta:
8.10 a.m., 8.15 am., 8.30 a.m.,
8.40 a.m., 9.20a.m., 9.35 am.,
9.50 a.m., 10.00 am., 10.15 a.m.,

10.25 a.m.

(iii) Liberta:
1.45 p.m., 2.15 p.m., 2.40 p.m.,
3.10 p.m.. 3.15 p.m., 3.40 p.m.,
4.05 p.m., 4.35 p.m., 4.50 p.m.,
5.00 p.m., 5.10 p.m., 5.30 p.m.,
6.00 p.m., 7.00 p.m., 7.15 p.m.,
7.30 pm -

(iv) Liberta:
8.05 a.m.


Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.


Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.



Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill, All
Saints, Swetes.


Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill,
All Saints,

All Saints


Days of operation, destination.

Routes and times of departure.
English (v) English Harbour:
Harbour 7.35 a.m.

(vi) English Harbour:
1.00 p.m., 1.30 p.m., 6.30 p.m.
6.40 p.m,

Leave Parking station for—
(vii) Bendals:
7.50 a.m.

(viii) Clark’s Hill:
9.30 am.


Leave terminal point at—

(i) English Harbour for St. John:

6.45 am., 7.00 am., 5.10 p.m.

(ii) Liberta for St. John:
8.40 a.m., 3.30 p.m., -5.15 p.m.,
7.08 pm. -

(iii) Liberta for St, John:
7.20 p.m.

Leave Parking station for:
(i) Liberta:
7.30 a.m,., 12 noon, 2.30 p.m.
4.15 p.m., 6.00 p.m., 6.15 p.m.

(ii) English Harbour:
8.40 a.m., 9.10 a.m.

(iii) English Harbour:

11.00 p.m.



Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill, All
Saints, Swetes,
Liberta, Falmouth,
Cobbs Cross.


Sew View Farm,

Cobbs Cross,
Falmouth, Liberta,
Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.

All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.

Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.

Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill,
All Saints, Swetes,

Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill,

All Saints, Swetes,
Liberta, Falmouth,
Cobbs Cross.

All Saints, Swetes,.
Liberta, Falmouth,
Cobbs Cross.


Days of operation, destination

ee and times of departure.
English Leave terminal point at:
Harbour (i) English Harbour for Hospital:
Hospital 12.45 p.m.
(ii) Liberta for Hospital:
1.15 p.m., 1.30 p.m.
"Leave Holberton Hospital for:
(i) English Harbour:
3.40 p.m.
(ii) Liberta:
3.50 p.m.
Valley Leave terminal point at:
Route (i) Old Road for St. John:

4.30 a.m., 5,00 a.m., 7.00 a.m.

(ii) Urlings for St. John:
7.00 a.m., 7.15 a.m.

9.00 a.m.
10.00 a.m.
Leave Parking Station for:

(i) Urlings: ;
8.30 am., 8.45 am., 12.25 p.m.,
4.30 p.m.

(ii) Old Road:

4,15 p.m.


Cobbs Cross,
Falmouth, Liberta,
Swetes, All Saints, -
Freemans Village,
Diamonds, Gun-

All Saints, Freemans
Village, Diamonds,

Diamonds, Free-
mans, All Saints,
Swetes, Liberta,
Falmouth, Cobbs

Diamonds, Free-
mans Village,

All Saints, Swetes,

Urlings, Johnson’s,
Point, Crabb Hill,
Dead Sand, Bolans,

Johnson’s Point,
Crabb Hill, Bolans,:








Days of operation, destinution
and times of departure.


Leave terminal point at:
(i) Old Road for St. John:

4.00 am., 4.15 am., 7.00 am.,
5.00 p.m., 5.30 p.m., 6.15 p.m.

(ii) Old Road for St. John:
4.00 a.m., 4.15 a.m., 4.30 a.m.,
8.15 am., 6.15 p.m,

(iii) Urlings for St. John:
8.30 a.m., 9.00 a.m., 4.00 p.m.,

6.30 p.m.

(iv) Bolans for St. John:

6.35 p.m.

(v) Bolans for St. John:

9.40 am., 2.45 p.m., 4.35 p.m.,
4.40 p.m., 7.10 p.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

(i) Bolans:
5.30 a.m.
(ii) 6.00 a.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

(iii) Urlings:
6.00 a.m.,

7.40 am., 8.00 a.m.,

8.30 a.m., 10.30 a.m., 8.00 p.m.
(iv) Old Road:

6.30 a.m.

(v) Old Road:
6.00 a.m., 2.00 p.m, 4.00 p.m.


Leave terminal point at:
Old Road for St. John:

6.30 a.m., 11.00 a.m., 6.00 p.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

Old Road:

8.30 am., 4.15 p.m,



Urlings, Johnson’s
Point, Crabb Hill,
Bolans, Jennings,
Johnson’s Point,

Crabb Hill, Bolans,







Jennings, Bolans,
Crabb Hill, John- .

. son’s Point, Urlings.

Urlings, Johnson’s
Point, Crabb Hill,
Bolans, Jennings.



and Freetown


Days of operation, destination
and times of departure.


Leave Parking Station for:
(i) Willikies:

5.45 am., 6.00 a.m., 12.15 p.m.,

1.15 p.m., 2.00 pm., 3.00 p.m.,

4,15 p.m., 5.15 p.m.

(ii) Parham:
8.00 a.m.

(iii) Seatons:
8.00 a.m.

Leave terminal point at:
(i) Freetown for St. John:
6.30 a.m.

’ (ii) Willikies for St. John:
7.00 a.m., 7.15 am., 1.00 p.m., ©

2.00 p.m., 3.00 p.m., 4.15 p.m.,
5.15 p.m., 6.15 p.m.

(iii) Seatons for St. John:
8.30 a.m.

(iv) Parham for St, John:
8.50 a.m.


Leave Parking Station for:
1.00 p.m.


Leave Parking Station for:
(i) Willikies:
5.45 a.m., 6.00 am., 1.30 p.m.
(ii) Willikies:
2.00 p.m.

Leave terminal point:

(i) Freetown for St. John:
6.30 a.m.

_ (ii) Willikies for St. John:

7.00 am., 7.15 am., 2.45 p.m,
3.15 p.m.



Pares Village _






Pares Village,




and Freetown


Days of operation, destinutton
and times of departure.


Leave Parking Station for:
2.00 p.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

(i) Willikies:

5.45 am., 6.15 a.m., 2.00 p.m.
(ii) Willikies: d

2.30 p.m.

(iii) Freetown:
1.30 p.m.

Leave terminal point at:

(i) Freetown for St. John:
‘6.30 a.m.

(ii) Willikies for St. John:
7.00 a.m.

(iii) Willikies for St. John:
7.30 am., 2.45 p.m., 3.15 p.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

Antigua Sugar Factory:
5.45 am., 3.00 p.m.

Leave terminal point at: |

Antigua Sugar Factory:
7.00 a.m., 4.30 p.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

(i) Willikies: >

5.45 p.m., 6.00 a.m., 12.15 p.m.,
1.15 p.m., 2.00 p.m., 4.15 p.m.,

6.15 p.m., 6.30 p.m.

(ii) Parham:
8.00 a.m., 8.30 a.m,

(iii) Seatons:
8.00 a.m., 3.15 p.m., 4.00 p.m.




Parham, Pares



Pares Village,





Pares Village



and Freetown



Days of operation, destination
and times of departure.


(iv) Freetown:
1.00 p.m., 2.30 p.m., 4.00 p.m.,
6.00 p.m. :

(v) Parham:
3.00 p.m.
_ Leave terminal point at:

(i) Freetown for St. John:
6.00 a.m., 2.00 p.m., 3.00 p.m.

(ii) Willikies for St. John:

' 7.00 a.m., 7.15 a.m., 1.00 pm,
2.00 p.m., 3.00 p.m., 5.00 p.m.,
5.15 p.m., 7.15 p.m., 7.30 p.m.

(iii) Parham for St. John:
8.50 a.m., 3.30 p.m., 9.30 p.m.

(iv) Seatons for St. John:
8.30 a.m., 5.00 p.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

(i) Willikies:

7.00 a.m., 12 noon
(ii) Willikies:

9.00 a.m., 4.00 p.m.

- (iii) Freetown:
9.00 a.m., 5.00 p.m.

Leave terminal point at:

(i) Willikies for St. John:
8.10 am., 10.00 a.m., 5.30 p.m.

(ii) Willikies for St. John:
1.00 p.m. ~


Leave Parking Station for:

Gi) Newfield:
5.45 a.m.

(ii) Bethesda:
2.30 p.m.






- Non-stop



Parham, Pares







Days of operation, destination Intermediate

Routes and times of departure. ' stops.

Bethesda MonDAY AND WEDNESDAY—(Cont’d.)

Leave terminal point at:

(i) Newfield:
7.00 a.m. Non-stop

(ii) Newfield:
3.15 p.m, Bethesda.

Leave Parking Station for:

(i) Newfield:
5.45 a.m., 2,30 p.m- Non-stop

(ii) Bethesda:
6.30 a.m., 2.45 p.m., 7.30 p.m. Non-stop

Leave terminal point at:

(i) Newfield for St. John:
6.45 am., 3.15 p.m. Non-stop

‘Bethesda for St. John:
7.15 am., 3.45 pm, 8,15 p.m. Non-stop

Cedar Leave Parking Station for:
Grove Cedar Grove: :
8.15 am,, 1,00 p.m, 5.00 p.m. | Non-stop

Leave terminal point at: .

Cedar Grove for St. John:
8.45 am., 1.25 p.m., 5.30 p.m. Non-stop

Pigotts Leave Parking Station for:

8.00 a.m., 12 noon Non-stop

Leave terminal point at:

Pigotts for St. John:
8.15 am., 12.20 p.m. Non-stop

Made by the Governor in Council this 20th day of September,
F. A. CLarke,
Ag. Clerk of the Council.

Priniad at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer,—By Authority.

—500—10.55. 2 [ Price 15 cents. }



1955, No. 16.

Reso.urion or tar Lreisuative Councin oF ANTIGUA, DATED
Ocroper 10, 1955, MADE UNDER SECTION 15 or THE CuSToMS
Duties Orpinance, 1927 (No. 11 or 1927).

WHEREAS by Section 15 of the Customs Duties Ordinance, .1927,
it is provided that the Legislative Council may from time to time by
resolution increase, reduce, abolish or otherwise alter the Customs duty

leviable on any goods imported in the Presidency.

BEIT THEREFORE RESOLVED that any of the andermen-
tioned articles which the Importer shall prove to the satisfaction of the
Collector of Customs to be imported solely for the purpose of
manufacturing produce upon which either export or excise duty will
become payable when the process of manufacture shall have been
completed, shall be exempt from Customs import duty:—

Bay Oil

Caramel spirit colouring

Prune Wine

Malt extract, used for blending purposes.
Sherry, used for blending purposes.

The resolution passed by the Legislative Council on the 13th day.
of November, 1936 (S. R. & O. 1986, No. 18) is hereby rescinded.

Passed the Legislative Council the 10th day of October, 1955.

Â¥. A. CLarKeE,
Ag. Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
hy E. M. BuAacKMAN, Government, Printer.—By Authority.
500—10.55. [Price 3 cents.]

Full Text


Published by Authority. ~


No. 46.


- {t is hereby notified for general
information that Vice-Admiral J..W.
M. Eaton, O.B., D.8.0., D.S.C., the
new Commander-in-Chief, Ames
and Weat Indies Station, will as

the duties of his Pet on the 8th
November, 1955.

At the same time HM
KENYA will replace H.M.S. SUPERB
as the Flagship of ‘the America and.
West Indies Station.

The Secretariat,

- 13th Octoher, 1955.
Ref. No. 66/00006.

No. 107.

The following Ordinance and
Statutory Rules and Orders are circu-
lated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—



No. 5 of 1955, “ The Hepietration
of Clubs Ordinance, 1955.”
8 pp. Price 10 cents.


-. No. 13 of 1955, “The Holberton
Institutions (Amendment) Rules,
- 1955.” 1 pp. Price 3 cents.

No. 14 of 1955, “ The Motor Omni-
‘bus (Amendment) Regulations, 1955.”
13 pp. Price 15 cents.

No. 15 of 1955, “Resolution
abolishing Customs Duty on articles
enumerated in 8. R. & O.”

- Ll pp. Price 3 cents,

' ANTIGUA, 6th October, 1955.

PANY, LIMITED, of Thorncliffe
near Sheffield, England, have applied
for Registration of one Trade. Mark
consisting of the following:—


in Class 2 that is to say:—Chemical
substances used for agricultural, hor-
*ticultural, veterinary and_ sanitary

~ Marks

and Class 3, that is to say:_-Chemical
substances prepared for use in medi-
cine and pharmacy.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said. Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for five years
before the date, of their said Appli-

Any person may within three

of St. George, in” the. “seid. Presi-
dency, should be acquired for public
purposes, namely, for the erection
of a clinic in the said Presidency.


that lot, piece or —T of

land being a portion of the lands of
JaAMES E. NBALE situate inthe
Village of Molyneux, in the Parish

months from the- date of” the first wt 3 St. George in the-Presidency~ of

appearance of this Advertisement in’
the “ Leéward } slands Gazette,’ wee
notice in--duplicate at~the Trdde

ce, Antigua, of opposition
td stration of the said Trade Mark.

CrciL O. BYRON,: ’-

Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.


By virtue of the powers conferred
on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles
and Road Traffic Ordinance 1946
(No. 5 of 1946), I hereby fix the
period hereunder for the lighting of

Until further notice, the lighting
of vehicles shall be from 6 p. m. to
5.30 a. m.

Dated the 7th day of a a

EK. M. V. Jamgs, Lt. Col.,
Traffic Commissioner.
Ref. No.36/0000$. ~

The Land Acquisition Act.

(No. 11 of 1944)
Declaration dated 6th September,

‘71955, made under section 3 of the

Land Acquisition Act, 1944 (No.
11/1944) for the acquisition of certain
land in the Presidency of Montserrat
required for public purposes.

that the Governor in Council with
the approval of the Legislative
Council of the Presidency of. Mont-
serrat considers that the land
described in the Schedule hereto,
being a portion of the lands of
JAMES E, NEALE situate in the
village of Molyneux in the parish

Montserrat, and containing by

,admeasurement 5489 square. feet and

bounded as follows:—

On the -north, ee 121 “Pest,
and bounded by the public road;

On the south, measuring 117 feet,
and bounded by lands of JAMES E.


On the east, ‘measuring 39 feet,
and bounded by lands of CASSELL;

On the west, measurmg 53 feet,
and‘ bounded by lands of the
aforesaid JAMES EK. NEALE; —

or howsoever otherwise the same
may be abutted, bounded, Known,
distinguished or described,

“Clerk to the Legislative Counedl.

Ref. No, 36/00004..,

Presidency of Antigua.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that tenders for the supply of
15,000 half-bags of flout during the
period 1st November, 1955 to the
3lst January, 1956, have Boe

’ awarded to the following firms:—

‘ ee
(a) Messrs. Guo. W. BENNETT,
Bryson & Co., LTD.

800 bags of “Canada Cream”
brand flour of 100 lbs. each at $4.73
(Can) per bag, C. I. F. Antigua,
manufactured by the Western Canada
Flour Mills, Toronto, Canada.

(6) Mussrs. Josz# ANJo, LTD.

14,200 bags of ‘ White Ribbon”
brand flour of 100 Ibs. each at $4.68
(Can) per bag ©. I. F. Antigua,
manufactured by the Lion Mids
Ltd, Canada.

Administrator’s Office,
6th October, 1955.
Montserrat containing by
square feet’ and:



The Land Acquisition Act.
(No. 11 of 1944) —


Declaration dated 6th September,
1955, made under section 3 of the
Land Acquisition Act, 1944 (No.

a pods) for the acquisition of certain
‘land in the Presidency of. Montserrat
required for public pur poses.

' the. Governor. In. Council swith the
e Council
‘of the Presidency of Boner con-
.. Siders that the land descr’ i


i ed in the
Schedule hereto, being aNparel of

e town |

, 0£f.Plymonth, in the said Presitlency,
should be acquired for public pur-

land situate at Glendon in

poses, namely, for the efection ¥e
‘ aclinic in the said Presidency. \

ALL that lot, piece or parcel of
land sitdate at Glendon in the town
of Plymouth in the ‘Presidency ~- of
urement 3552

measuring and bounded on the

North measuring 94 feet and bound- -

ed thereon by lands of Dagenham
. Estate on the South measuring 47
feet. 6 inches and bounded by

* 4

~~and family, in
‘ Qolonial Regulations.
+ Leave: An officer Dawing a nee

_ of $3360 p.a. and over ig eligible for
free return leave peseges fa het
and his wife after 2 years of ré


George Street and on the West
measuring 58 feet and bounded
thereon by the lands of JOHN ROACH.

Clerk to the Legislative Council.

Post of Inspector of Schools,
. St. Lucia.

Applications are invited for
appointment to tha vacant pension-

“-able post of Inspector of Schools, -

St. Lucia.

Qualification: Trained Teacher,
well experienced in the work of.
Primary Schools and preferably with
External academic and/or] profes-
sional qualifications.. —

Salary: $2880x120- -$3600 per
annum. Travelling and subsistence
allowance at the rate of $500. p.a.
will be paid.

Free passages for person! ~selected
accordance _ With

service at 6 weeks per annum,
Duties: Inspection and supervision

Of Primary Schools, assisting in the

organising of Teacher Training and
in the general administration of the
Education Department as required
by the Education Officer.


Government Printer.—By Authority
1965, ~


[20 October, 195.

Applications giving full details of
qualifications and experience accom- |
panied by not less than two
testimonials should be addressed to
the Administrator, Government
Buildings, St. Lucia to reach him
not later than Saturday 29th October,

955. ,

Government Buildings,
St. Lucia.
20th September, 1955.


Oshtral Wxperiment Station,

: Antigua,

of 1951, 1952. 1953. 1954,

teh : 3.60 3.10 2.65 3.44
2 1.68 1.60 1,02 2.45
1.09 1.62 5.60.’ 1.08

ae 2.16 3.14 2.06. .49
May 10.54 3.07 1.50 3.83
June 2.74 6.74 1.31 3.32
July 3.28 838 3.20 3.47
Aug. 9.18 843 3.15 6.93
Sept. 12.06 5.65 210 9.91

. Oct. 15th. 2.86 159 23 434 2.32

49.36 41.53 22,10 37.66 28.29

- Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, M, Buaceman,

[Price 35 conts)

No. 5 of 1955. _ Registration of Clubs. MonTstRRatT

1 Assent,
P. D. Macponaxp,
Acting Governor.
3rd October, 1955.

No. 8 of 1955.

An Ordinance to provide for the Registration of

ENACTED by the Legislature of Montserrat.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Regis- short title,
tration of Clubs Ordinance, 1955. ,

2. In this Ordinance— Definitions,

‘‘Club” means any community or society who
assemble or meet together in pursuit of a
common object;

‘“‘Members’ Club” means a club, all the prop-
erty funds and assets of which belong
jointly to the members thereof, whether
such are vested in Trustees for the mem-
bers or otherwise;

“Proprietary Club” means any club other
than a members’ club;

“Unregistered club” means any club which
requires to be registered under this
Ordinance but which is not so registered
or the registration of which has not been
renewed or which has been struck off the .
register of clubs;

“Secretary ” in relation to a club includes any
officer of a club or other person perform-
ing the duties of a secretary and, in the
case of a proprietary club where there is
no secretary, the proprietor of the club;

‘Section’ means section of this Ordinance;

“ Intoxicating Liquor” means spirits, wine,
beer, porter, cider, sherry and any fer-
mented, distilled or spirituous liquor

of Clubs,

Keeping of

Mode of appli-

cation for

2 Registration of Clubs. No. 5 of 1955.

which cannot, according to any Ordinance
for the time being in force relating to the
sale of intoxicating liquor, be legally
sold unless duly authorised by a licence
granted thereunder.

8. (1) The Secretary of every club which
occupies a house or part pf a house which is
habitually used for the purposes of a club and in
which any intoxicating liquor is so supplied shall
cause the club to be registered or its registration to
be renewed as the case may be, in manner provided
in this Ordinance.

(2) The registration of a club under this
Ordinance shall not constitute the club premises
licensed premises, nor authorise any sale of intoxi-
cating liquor therein which would otherwise be

4. (1) The Treasurer shall keep a register
of all registered clubs within the Presidency.

(2) The register shall contain the under-
mentioned particulars—

(a) the name and objects of the club;

(6) the address of the club;

(c) brief details of the terms of occupancy
of the club premises;

(d) the name of the Secretary and in
addition, in the case of a proprietary club, the
the name of the proprietor;

(e) the number of members;

(f) @ printed copy of the rules of the


5. (1) The Secretary of every club,
required to be registered under this Ordinance shall
not later than the 15th day of January in every
year, and in the case of a new club prior to the
opening thereof and not later than the 15th day of
January in each succeeding year make application
to the Treasurer to enter the club on the register or
to renew its registration as the case may be.

(2) In support of such application, the Secre-
tary shall furnish a return to the Treasurer signed
by the Secretary giving the particulars mentioned
No. of 5 1955. Re,istration of Clubs. 3

in subsection (2) of section 4 in the case of a new
club, and any changes in such particulars in the
case of a renewal of registration.

(3) Such return shall also contain a statement
signed by the Secretary that there is kept upon the

club premises a register of the names and addresses .

of the club members, and a record of the latest
payment of their subscriptions and a register of the
names and addresses of visitors and guests.

6. No members’ club shall be registered
under this Ordinance unless it complies with all the
undermentioned conditions—

(a) that the supply of intoxicating liquor
to the Club shall be under the control of the
members or the committee or governing body
appointed by the members and that no member
of the committee or governing body and no
manager or servant employed in the Club shall
have any personal interest in the sale of intoxi-
cating liquor therein or in the profits arising

_ from such sale;

(6) that the names and addresses of
persons proposed as ordinary members of
the club shall be displayed on a conspicuous
place in the club premises for at least a week
before their election, and that an interval
of not less than two weeks shall elapse
between nomination and election of ordinary

(e) that all members of the club shall
be elected by the whole body of members or
a committee of members;

(d) that there shall be a defined sub-

- scription payable by members of the club in

(e) that correct accounts and books
shall be kept showing the financial affairs of
the club;

(f) that no intoxicating liquor shall
be sold or supplied for consumption outside
the premises of the club;

(g) that intoxicating liquor shall only
be supplied in the club premises at the
request of members of the club and that a
risitor shall not be supplied with intoxica-


Conditions for
of members’
Moxremerat. 4 Registration of Clubs. No. 5 of 1955.

ting liquor except on the invitation and in”
the company of a member and unless that
member shall, upon the admission of such
visitor to the club premises, enter the name
and address of the visitor and his own name
in the visitors’ book and the date of the

(h) that no person shall be allowed to
become an honorary or temporary member _
-of the club or be relieved of the payment
of the regular entrance fee or subscription,
except a person possessing certain qualifica-
tions defined in the rules or subject to
conditions and regulations prescribed there-

(4) that no person under the age of
sixteen years shall be admitted a member of
the club, unless the club is one primarily
devoted to some athletic purpose;

_ Provided that no intoxicating liquor
shall be sold or supplied to any member or
person under sixteen years of age.

Conditions for 7. No proprietary club shall be registered

registration ee 5 2 7 , ee

of proprietary under this Ordinance unless it complies with all

clubs. of the conditions pertaining to members’ clubs
mentioned in section 6 with the exception of

conditions (a) and (ce).

nous of pro- 8. -A proprietary club shall only be kept
viabe open between the hours of 7 o’clock in the fore-

noon and midnight daily except with the written
permission of the Assistant Superintendent of

Grant of 9. The Treasurer, if he is satisfied—
f istra- —
fuk (a) that the application of the secretary

supplied the particulars mentioned in sub-
section (2) of section 4 of this Ordinance;

(6) that provision has been made in the
rules of the club for the due observance of
the conditions set out in sections 6 and 7 of
this Ordinance;

(c) that the locality and premises are
suitable, and
No. 5 of 1955. Registration of Clubs. 5

(d) that the office bearers are fit and
proper persons to manage a club;


shall grant an application to enter such club.

on the register or renew its registration as the
case may be on payment of the prescribed fee.

10. (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-
section (2) of this section the annual fee for the
registration or renewal of registration of a club
shall be paid into the Treasury within fourteen
‘days of the notification of the acceptance of an
application by the Treasurer, and such regis-

_tration or renewal of registration shall continue
in force until the following 31st day of December.

(2) The annual fee for the registration or
renewal of registration of a club shall be, for a
members’ club — four dollars and eighty cents,
and for a proprietary club — twenty-four dollars.

11. (13 Where a club has been registered
in pursuance of this Ordinance a Magistrate may
on complaint in writing cause a summons to be
issued on the secretary of the club or such other
person as the Mag'strate may direct for appear-
ance before him.

If upon the hearing the Magistrate is satis-
fied that—
(a) the club has ceased to exist; or
(&) the club is not conducted in good
faith as a club or it is kept or habitually
used for an unlawful purpose; or
(c) there is frequent drunkenness in
the club premises; or
(d) illegal sales of intoxicating liquor
have taken place on the club premises; or
(e) the conditions laid down in section
6, are not being observed; ‘or
(f) the provisions of section 12 are
not being ohserved ;
he may make an order directing the club to be
struck off the register.

(2) Where a Magistrate makes an order
striking a club off the register, he may, if he
thinks fit by that order further direct that the

Annual regis-
tration fee.

Books or
required to
be kept.

Power of

6 Registration of Clubs. No. 5 of 1955.

premises occupied by the club shall not be used
for the purposes of any club which requires
registration under this Ordinance for a specitied
period which may extend, in case of a second or
subsequent order, to five years;

Provided that any such direction may, for
good cause shown, be subsequently cancelled or
varied by the Court.

12. Every registered club shall keep on
the club premises—

(a) a Minute Book recording the busi-
ness transacted at all meetings of the Com-
mittee and general meetings with the names
of the persons present at such meetings;

(6) « register of ordinary members
showing their addresses, and a record of the
latest payment of their subscriptions;

(c) aseparate register of temporary and
honorary members showing the date of
election and period of such membership;

(d) w copy of the rules of the club
with any subsequent changes authenticated
by the signature of the secretary;

(e) all accounts for intoxicating liquor
supplied to the club during the preceding
81x months.

18. (1) If a Magistrate is satisfied by
information on oath that there is reasonable
ground for supposing that intoxicating liquor is
sold or kept for sale on premises of an un-
registered club, he may grant a search warrant to
any member of the Police Force named therein.

(2) A search warrant granted under this
section shall authorise the member of the Police
Force named therein to enter at any time any
premises named therein within one month of the
date thereof, if need be by force, and to inspect
the premises and to seize and carry away any
intoxicating liquor therein ” suspected to have
been suld or kept for sale.
No. 5 of 1955. = Registration of Clubs. 7 Sexe

14. (1) If any intoxicating liquor is sold Offences and
or kept for sale on the premises of an unregisterd P°ra!es
club the person selling or keeping for sale or
authorising the selling or keeping for sale of
such intoxicating liquor shall be liable to the
following penalties:— es

(4) For the first offence he shall be
liable to a penalty not exceeding one
hundred and twenty dollars, or to im-
prisonment with or without hard labour for
a term not exceeding one month.

(b) For the second offence he shall
be liable to a penalty not exceeding two
hundred and forty dollars, or to imprison-
ment with or without hard labour for a
term not exceeding three months.

(c) For the third and any subsequent
offence he shall be liable to a penalty not
exceeding four hundred and eighty dollars,
or to imprisonment with or without hard
labour for any term .not exceeding six

In addition to any other penalty
imposed by this section, in the case of a
conviction for any offence under this section,
the Court shall declare all intoxicating
liquor found in the possession of any such
person as last aforesaid, and the vessels
containing liquor, to be forfeited.

(2) Intoxicating liquor shall not be sold on
a registered club’s premises except to a member
of such club and only for consumption on the
premises and any person selling or obtaining
any intoxicating liquor in contravention of the
provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of an
offeuce and liable on summary conviction to a
penalty not exceeding one hundred and twenty

(3) Any person who obstructs or prevents
or attempts to obstruct any member of the Police
Force in the exercise of any of the powers by
Morrexenar. 8 Registration of Clubs. No. 5 of 1955.

this Ordinance conferred on him shall be guilty
of an offence and liable on summary conviction
to a penalty not exceeding forty-eighty dollars.

(4) If a secretary of a club knowingly
makes a return which is false in any material
particular he shall be guilty of an offence and
liable on summary conviction to a penalty not
exceeding twenty-four dollars.

Procedure 15. Proceedings under this Ordinance
shall be taken in the manner provided in the
Cap. 61, Magistrate’s Code of Procedure.

16. This Ordinance shall come into opera-
tion on 5th October, 1955.


Passed the Legislative Couneil. this 6th day
September, 1955.

Jas. H. Carrort,
Clerk of the Counell.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLackmAn, Government Printer—By Authority.

47/00372—500—10.55. [Price 10 cants.]

(eb Ish NDS.

ANTIGUA. \g ae


Tue Honpertron INstirurions (AmenpmENT) Runes, 1955, DaTED
SECTION 11 or THE Meprcat ann Poor Revinr Orpinancr, 1899
(No. 18 oF 1899).

1. SHortT TitLe. These Rules may be cited as the Holberton Institutions
(Amendment) Rules, 1955 and shall be read as one with the Holberton Institu-
tiong Rules, 1945 (S.R. & O. No. 2 of 1945), as amended hereinafter referred to as
the Principal Rules.

2. AMENDMENT. Paragraph (1) of Rule 13 of the Principal Rules as amended
by paragraph (1) of Rule 2 of ea & O. OM . of 1953 is hereby rescinded and in

“ (1) Persons adinitied to “Hospital shall be liable to pay for their main-
tenance and treatment at the following rates:— .
(a) Patients occupying special wards or rooms:
Class of ward or room. —

Ist. 2nd. Cubicles.
Persons resident $ $ $
in Antigua ~ 5.00 250 1.00
Other persons 6.00 3.50 1.50
For the use of the Operating Theatre:—
In respect of major operations $4.80 to $14.40
», minor in $2.40 to § 4.80

Medical Officers, Dispensers and District Nurses shall pay one half of
the above-mentioned rates when occupying special wards.
(6) Patients in public wards:

Persons with incomes exceeding $720.00 72
Persons with incomes exceeding $480.00 but
not exceeding $720.00 48
Persons with incomes exceeding $240.00 but
not exceeding $480.00 24
Persons with incomes of $240.00 or under Free

No fees for the use of X-Ray apparatus shall be charged in respect of
patients occupying public wards.

Officers and members of the Leeward Islands Police Foree and Prison
Warders who elect to occupy special wards or rooms shall pay the above-
mentioned rates less the maximum rate payable by patients in public wards.”

Made by the Governor in Council this 20th day of September, 1955.

Ag. Clerk of the Counoil.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer, eee Authority,
—480—10.55. [Price 3 cents]

BG. 7297
L187 EL :

BOM ro...



1955, No. 14.

Tur Motor Omyisus (AMENDMENT) ReGuLations, 1955, DATED
Serremprr 20, 1955, Mapr BY THE GOVERNOR IN Councin
Orpinancr, 1946, (No. 5/1946).

1. Citation. These Regulations may, be cited as the Motor
Omnibus (Amendment) Regulations, 1955, and shall be read_as one
‘with the Motor Omnibus Regulations, 1951, (S. R. & O. 1951 No. 13)
‘hereinafter called the Principal Regulations.

2. Amendment of Regulation 8. Regulation 3 of. the
Principal Regulations is hereby amended as follows:—

- (a) by the substitution of a full stop for the semi-colon
appearing at the end of sub-regulation (3) ¢ and by the deletion of
sub-regulation (3). d;

(6) by the substitution of the word “hereto” for the word
. “thereto” appearing in sub-regulation (6); and

(c) by the addition immediately after sub-regulation (7) of the
Oye new sub-regulations respectively numbered . “(8)” and
ce 9 aes
(8) A motor omnibus in respect of which a permit
has been issued by the Traffic Commissioner shall ply for
-hire or reward only on the route or routes on which the.
motor omnibus is permitted to travel and shall not be
permitted to ply for hire or reward on any route not
specified in such permit:

Provided that the Traffic Commissioner may, from
time to time, grant to the owner of a motor omnibus a
special permit for such omnibus to be used for the
conveyance for hire or reward of persons to and from
picnics and -recrentional tours on a scheduled route other
than that on which the motor omnibus is permitted to

“(9) If a motor omnibus is driven on-a scheduled
route not included in any permit issued to the owner
thereof the driver of such motor omnibus shall be guilty
of an offence.”
3. Insertion of New Regulation. The Principal Regula-
tions are hereby amended by the insertion therein’ immediately after
regulation 3 of the following new regulation numbered 3A:—

“3A. Time Taste. A motor omnibus operating on the
routes set out in the first column of the Fourth Schedule hereto
shall leave its parking station in the City of St. John and proceed
to its terminal point on its route, or leave such terminal point and
proceed to its parking station in the said City, on the days and at
the times set out in the second column of the said Schedule ”’.

4. Insertion of New Regulation. The Principal Regula-
tions are hereby amended by the insertion therein immediately after
regulation 4 of the following new regulation numbered 44:—

“4A. RigutT To prmany Fare. (1) The driver or_con-
ductor of a motor omnibus travelling on its scheduled route shall
have the right to demand his fare of any person intending to travel
in such omnibus upon such person entering the omnibus, and may
refuse to convey any such person who does not comply with such
demand, and may require any police officer. to remove from the
omnibus any person so refusing to pay his fare.”

(2) Every person who refuses or omits to pay his legal fare
and every person who resists or obstructs a police officer in the
performance of his duty under this regulation shall be guilty of an
offence.” ;

5. Substitution of New Regulation. The following
shall be substituted for regulation 7 of the Principal Regulations—

“7, Sroppinc. (1) A motor omnibus when proceeding on
its scheduled route and before reaching its terminal point shall stop
only at the places set out in the third columns of the Fourth
Schedule and at the points indicated by “ Public Service Vehicle
Stand ” signs along such route.”

(2) When stopping, a motor omnibus shall draw up on the left
side of the road facing the direction m which it is proceeding, and
the driver thereof shall observe all rules of the road and other
regulations as may be provided for the safety of road users when
stopping a vehicle.”

6. Insertion of New Regulation. The Principal Regula-
tions are hereby amended by the insertion therein immediately after
regulation 7 of the following new regulation numbered 7A:—_ -

7A. Sprctar Liguts ror Motor Omnisuszs. In addition
to the lights to be exhibited by every motor vehicle, motor
omnibuses shall also be equipped with two small lights to be affixed -
at the front of the vehicle, one on each side of the top of the body,
and of a type and colour to be approved by the Traffic Commissioner.
When the motor omnibus is in motion or stationary on a road at
night, the two lights shall be kept lighted so that the rays therefrom
shall indicate the presence of the motor omnibus to approaching

7. Amendment of First Schedule. The First Schedule -
to the Principal Regulations is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the deletion of the words “described above” appearing
in paragraphs 2, 5 and 9 thereof;

(d) by the substitution of the following for paragraphs 4
thereof :—

“4, Kinertse Harpour-Hospitau Route. Start-
ing at English Harbour thence along the direct road to
Falmouth, Liberta, All Saints, Freemans Village, Dia-
monds, Gunthorpes, St. Johnston’s Village ending at the
Holberton Hospital.

Return via the same route.

44. Enerish Harsour Rooter. Starting from
the King George V Memorial Station and southwards
along the Kentish Village Road turning left along the
road commonly called Joseph’s Lane thence by the direct
road through Belmont, Clarks Hill, All Saints, Liberta,
Falmouth and ending at English Harbour. .

Return wia the same route entering the Parking
Station by the south-east corner, and

(c) by the substitution of the following for paragraph 7
thereof :—
Cepar Grove Routr. From the War Memorial
Station along East Street turning right on the old Parham ©
road until Cassada Garden is reached and from there
turning left into the Judge’s Road and thence via the
direct road through Judges and Thibou Jarvis to Cedar
Grove Village, ending with the junction with the Beach
Hotel Road.

Picgotrs Rourr. This route shall be on the same
roads as the Cedar Grove Route except that on reaching
Cassada Garden the route shall continue along the old
Parham Road through Osborne Village until Pigotts is

-reached. |

Return via the same route entering the parking
station in accordance with Part 1 (6) of the Third

8. Amendment of Second Schedule. The Second
Schedule to the Principal Regulations is hereby amended by the addition
thereto of the following item immediately after item 10 thereof :—

“11. Picorrs RouTr
St. John’s to Pigotts 10”.

9. Rescission. The Motor Omnibus (Amendment) Regulations,
1953 (S. R. & O. 1953 No. 3) are hereby rescinded.

10. Addition of Schedule. The following schedule shall be .
added to the Principal Regulations immediately after the Third Schedule
thereof :—


ats Days of operation, destination Intermediate
nue and times of departure. _ stops.
English Leave Parking station for (i) English Buckley’s Cross,
Harbour Harbour: 6.30 am., 1.30 p.m., Clarks Hill, All
Route 2.30 p.n Saints, Swetes,

Liberta, Falmouth,
Cobbs Cross.

12 noon

(ii) Liberta:

3.30 p.m., 4.15 p.m.
Leave terminal point at—

(i) English Harbour for St. John—
6.45 am., 7.15 a.m.

(ii) Liberta for St. John
8.00 a.m., 1.10 p.m.


Buckley’s Cross,
Clarks Hill, All
Saints, Swetes.

Cobbs Cross,
Falmouth, Liberta,
Swetes,? All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.

Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.


~ Harbour

Route -

Days of operation, destination
and times of departure.

Leave Parking station for—
(i) Liberta:
6.30 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 4.15 p.m.

(ii) English Harbour
2.30 p.m.

Leave terminal point at—

(i) English Harbour for St. John—
6.45 a.m.

(ii) Liberta for St. John—
8.30 a.m.


Leave Parking Station for—
(i) Liberta:
6.30 a.m., 12.30 p.m.

(ii) English Harbour:
3.30 p.m.

Leave terminal point at—

(i) English Harbour for St. John
6.45 a.m.


Leave terminal point at—
(i) English Harbour for St. John:
6.30 a.m., 6.45 a.m., 8.05 a.m.

(ii) English Harbour for St. John:

2.05 p.m., 2.35 p.m.


Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill, All
Saints, Swetes.

Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill, All
Saints, Swetes,
Liberta, Falmouth,
Cobbs Cross.

Cobbs Cross,
Falmouth, Liberta,
Swetes, All Saints,

- Clark’s Hill,

Buckley’s Cross.

Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.

Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill, All
Saints, Swetes.

Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill, All
Saints, Swetes,
Liberta, Falmouth,
Cobbs Cross.

Cobbs Cross,
Falmouth, Liberta,
Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.

Cobbs Cross,
Falmouth, Liberta,
Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.


Days of operation, destination

nates and times of departure.
English (iii) Liberta for St. John:
Harbour 7.10 am., 7.45 am., 8.25 am., _
Route 8.40 am., 8.45 a.m., 8.50 am.,

9.15 am., 9.55 a.m., 10.10 am.,

10.25 a.m., 10.35 a.m., 10.50 a.m.,

11.05 a.m.

(iv) Sea View Farm for St. John:
10,00 a.m.

(v) John Hughes for St. John:
5.45 am., 7.15 a.m.

(vi) Liberta for St. John:
1.00 p.m., 1.20 p.m., 1.50 p.m.,
2.30 p.m., 2.35 p.m., 3.05 p.m.,
4.00 p.m., 4.05 p.m., 4.30 p.m.,
4.55 p.m., 5.25 p.m., 5.50 p.m.,
6.00 p.m., 6.20 p.m.

Leave terminal point at:

(vii) English Harbour:
2.05 p.m., 2.35 p.m.

O(viii) Swetes:
4.15 p.m., 5.25 p.m.

(ix) Bendals:
8.15 a.m.

Leave Parking Station for:
(i) Liberta:
6.30 a.m., 12 noon,
12.30 p.m.

(ii) Liberta:
8.10 a.m., 8.15 am., 8.30 a.m.,
8.40 a.m., 9.20a.m., 9.35 am.,
9.50 a.m., 10.00 am., 10.15 a.m.,

10.25 a.m.

(iii) Liberta:
1.45 p.m., 2.15 p.m., 2.40 p.m.,
3.10 p.m.. 3.15 p.m., 3.40 p.m.,
4.05 p.m., 4.35 p.m., 4.50 p.m.,
5.00 p.m., 5.10 p.m., 5.30 p.m.,
6.00 p.m., 7.00 p.m., 7.15 p.m.,
7.30 pm -

(iv) Liberta:
8.05 a.m.


Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.


Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.



Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill, All
Saints, Swetes.


Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill,
All Saints,

All Saints

Days of operation, destination.

Routes and times of departure.
English (v) English Harbour:
Harbour 7.35 a.m.

(vi) English Harbour:
1.00 p.m., 1.30 p.m., 6.30 p.m.
6.40 p.m,

Leave Parking station for—
(vii) Bendals:
7.50 a.m.

(viii) Clark’s Hill:
9.30 am.


Leave terminal point at—

(i) English Harbour for St. John:

6.45 am., 7.00 am., 5.10 p.m.

(ii) Liberta for St. John:
8.40 a.m., 3.30 p.m., -5.15 p.m.,
7.08 pm. -

(iii) Liberta for St, John:
7.20 p.m.

Leave Parking station for:
(i) Liberta:
7.30 a.m,., 12 noon, 2.30 p.m.
4.15 p.m., 6.00 p.m., 6.15 p.m.

(ii) English Harbour:
8.40 a.m., 9.10 a.m.

(iii) English Harbour:

11.00 p.m.



Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill, All
Saints, Swetes,
Liberta, Falmouth,
Cobbs Cross.


Sew View Farm,

Cobbs Cross,
Falmouth, Liberta,
Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.

All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.

Swetes, All Saints,
Clark’s Hill,
Buckley’s Cross.

Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill,
All Saints, Swetes,

Buckley’s Cross,
Clark’s Hill,

All Saints, Swetes,
Liberta, Falmouth,
Cobbs Cross.

All Saints, Swetes,.
Liberta, Falmouth,
Cobbs Cross.

Days of operation, destination

ee and times of departure.
English Leave terminal point at:
Harbour (i) English Harbour for Hospital:
Hospital 12.45 p.m.
(ii) Liberta for Hospital:
1.15 p.m., 1.30 p.m.
"Leave Holberton Hospital for:
(i) English Harbour:
3.40 p.m.
(ii) Liberta:
3.50 p.m.
Valley Leave terminal point at:
Route (i) Old Road for St. John:

4.30 a.m., 5,00 a.m., 7.00 a.m.

(ii) Urlings for St. John:
7.00 a.m., 7.15 a.m.

9.00 a.m.
10.00 a.m.
Leave Parking Station for:

(i) Urlings: ;
8.30 am., 8.45 am., 12.25 p.m.,
4.30 p.m.

(ii) Old Road:

4,15 p.m.


Cobbs Cross,
Falmouth, Liberta,
Swetes, All Saints, -
Freemans Village,
Diamonds, Gun-

All Saints, Freemans
Village, Diamonds,

Diamonds, Free-
mans, All Saints,
Swetes, Liberta,
Falmouth, Cobbs

Diamonds, Free-
mans Village,

All Saints, Swetes,

Urlings, Johnson’s,
Point, Crabb Hill,
Dead Sand, Bolans,

Johnson’s Point,
Crabb Hill, Bolans,:







Days of operation, destinution
and times of departure.


Leave terminal point at:
(i) Old Road for St. John:

4.00 am., 4.15 am., 7.00 am.,
5.00 p.m., 5.30 p.m., 6.15 p.m.

(ii) Old Road for St. John:
4.00 a.m., 4.15 a.m., 4.30 a.m.,
8.15 am., 6.15 p.m,

(iii) Urlings for St. John:
8.30 a.m., 9.00 a.m., 4.00 p.m.,

6.30 p.m.

(iv) Bolans for St. John:

6.35 p.m.

(v) Bolans for St. John:

9.40 am., 2.45 p.m., 4.35 p.m.,
4.40 p.m., 7.10 p.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

(i) Bolans:
5.30 a.m.
(ii) 6.00 a.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

(iii) Urlings:
6.00 a.m.,

7.40 am., 8.00 a.m.,

8.30 a.m., 10.30 a.m., 8.00 p.m.
(iv) Old Road:

6.30 a.m.

(v) Old Road:
6.00 a.m., 2.00 p.m, 4.00 p.m.


Leave terminal point at:
Old Road for St. John:

6.30 a.m., 11.00 a.m., 6.00 p.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

Old Road:

8.30 am., 4.15 p.m,



Urlings, Johnson’s
Point, Crabb Hill,
Bolans, Jennings,
Johnson’s Point,

Crabb Hill, Bolans,







Jennings, Bolans,
Crabb Hill, John- .

. son’s Point, Urlings.

Urlings, Johnson’s
Point, Crabb Hill,
Bolans, Jennings.


and Freetown


Days of operation, destination
and times of departure.


Leave Parking Station for:
(i) Willikies:

5.45 am., 6.00 a.m., 12.15 p.m.,

1.15 p.m., 2.00 pm., 3.00 p.m.,

4,15 p.m., 5.15 p.m.

(ii) Parham:
8.00 a.m.

(iii) Seatons:
8.00 a.m.

Leave terminal point at:
(i) Freetown for St. John:
6.30 a.m.

’ (ii) Willikies for St. John:
7.00 a.m., 7.15 am., 1.00 p.m., ©

2.00 p.m., 3.00 p.m., 4.15 p.m.,
5.15 p.m., 6.15 p.m.

(iii) Seatons for St. John:
8.30 a.m.

(iv) Parham for St, John:
8.50 a.m.


Leave Parking Station for:
1.00 p.m.


Leave Parking Station for:
(i) Willikies:
5.45 a.m., 6.00 am., 1.30 p.m.
(ii) Willikies:
2.00 p.m.

Leave terminal point:

(i) Freetown for St. John:
6.30 a.m.

_ (ii) Willikies for St. John:

7.00 am., 7.15 am., 2.45 p.m,
3.15 p.m.



Pares Village _






Pares Village,



and Freetown


Days of operation, destinutton
and times of departure.


Leave Parking Station for:
2.00 p.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

(i) Willikies:

5.45 am., 6.15 a.m., 2.00 p.m.
(ii) Willikies: d

2.30 p.m.

(iii) Freetown:
1.30 p.m.

Leave terminal point at:

(i) Freetown for St. John:
‘6.30 a.m.

(ii) Willikies for St. John:
7.00 a.m.

(iii) Willikies for St. John:
7.30 am., 2.45 p.m., 3.15 p.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

Antigua Sugar Factory:
5.45 am., 3.00 p.m.

Leave terminal point at: |

Antigua Sugar Factory:
7.00 a.m., 4.30 p.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

(i) Willikies: >

5.45 p.m., 6.00 a.m., 12.15 p.m.,
1.15 p.m., 2.00 p.m., 4.15 p.m.,

6.15 p.m., 6.30 p.m.

(ii) Parham:
8.00 a.m., 8.30 a.m,

(iii) Seatons:
8.00 a.m., 3.15 p.m., 4.00 p.m.




Parham, Pares



Pares Village,





Pares Village


and Freetown



Days of operation, destination
and times of departure.


(iv) Freetown:
1.00 p.m., 2.30 p.m., 4.00 p.m.,
6.00 p.m. :

(v) Parham:
3.00 p.m.
_ Leave terminal point at:

(i) Freetown for St. John:
6.00 a.m., 2.00 p.m., 3.00 p.m.

(ii) Willikies for St. John:

' 7.00 a.m., 7.15 a.m., 1.00 pm,
2.00 p.m., 3.00 p.m., 5.00 p.m.,
5.15 p.m., 7.15 p.m., 7.30 p.m.

(iii) Parham for St. John:
8.50 a.m., 3.30 p.m., 9.30 p.m.

(iv) Seatons for St. John:
8.30 a.m., 5.00 p.m.

Leave Parking Station for:

(i) Willikies:

7.00 a.m., 12 noon
(ii) Willikies:

9.00 a.m., 4.00 p.m.

- (iii) Freetown:
9.00 a.m., 5.00 p.m.

Leave terminal point at:

(i) Willikies for St. John:
8.10 am., 10.00 a.m., 5.30 p.m.

(ii) Willikies for St. John:
1.00 p.m. ~


Leave Parking Station for:

Gi) Newfield:
5.45 a.m.

(ii) Bethesda:
2.30 p.m.






- Non-stop



Parham, Pares






Days of operation, destination Intermediate

Routes and times of departure. ' stops.

Bethesda MonDAY AND WEDNESDAY—(Cont’d.)

Leave terminal point at:

(i) Newfield:
7.00 a.m. Non-stop

(ii) Newfield:
3.15 p.m, Bethesda.

Leave Parking Station for:

(i) Newfield:
5.45 a.m., 2,30 p.m- Non-stop

(ii) Bethesda:
6.30 a.m., 2.45 p.m., 7.30 p.m. Non-stop

Leave terminal point at:

(i) Newfield for St. John:
6.45 am., 3.15 p.m. Non-stop

‘Bethesda for St. John:
7.15 am., 3.45 pm, 8,15 p.m. Non-stop

Cedar Leave Parking Station for:
Grove Cedar Grove: :
8.15 am,, 1,00 p.m, 5.00 p.m. | Non-stop

Leave terminal point at: .

Cedar Grove for St. John:
8.45 am., 1.25 p.m., 5.30 p.m. Non-stop

Pigotts Leave Parking Station for:

8.00 a.m., 12 noon Non-stop

Leave terminal point at:

Pigotts for St. John:
8.15 am., 12.20 p.m. Non-stop

Made by the Governor in Council this 20th day of September,
F. A. CLarke,
Ag. Clerk of the Council.

Priniad at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer,—By Authority.

—500—10.55. 2 [ Price 15 cents. }



1955, No. 16.

Reso.urion or tar Lreisuative Councin oF ANTIGUA, DATED
Ocroper 10, 1955, MADE UNDER SECTION 15 or THE CuSToMS
Duties Orpinance, 1927 (No. 11 or 1927).

WHEREAS by Section 15 of the Customs Duties Ordinance, .1927,
it is provided that the Legislative Council may from time to time by
resolution increase, reduce, abolish or otherwise alter the Customs duty

leviable on any goods imported in the Presidency.

BEIT THEREFORE RESOLVED that any of the andermen-
tioned articles which the Importer shall prove to the satisfaction of the
Collector of Customs to be imported solely for the purpose of
manufacturing produce upon which either export or excise duty will
become payable when the process of manufacture shall have been
completed, shall be exempt from Customs import duty:—

Bay Oil

Caramel spirit colouring

Prune Wine

Malt extract, used for blending purposes.
Sherry, used for blending purposes.

The resolution passed by the Legislative Council on the 13th day.
of November, 1936 (S. R. & O. 1986, No. 18) is hereby rescinded.

Passed the Legislative Council the 10th day of October, 1955.

Â¥. A. CLarKeE,
Ag. Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
hy E. M. BuAacKMAN, Government, Printer.—By Authority.
500—10.55. [Price 3 cents.]