Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Full Text
di Fak







No. 36.


It is notified for yeneral informa-
tion that His Excellency the Acting
Governor has issued a Commission
to His Honour Lieutenant Colonel
A. LOVELACE, M.B.E., M.C., appoint-
ing him to be Governor’s Deputy
during His Excellency’s absence from
Antigua whilst visiting St. Kitts from
the 20th to the 23rd August, 1955.

The Secretariat,
17th August, 1955.


It is notified for general informa-
tion that Mr, A. R. MEADE, Principal
in the Attorney General’s Office, has
been seconded to St. Kitts-Nevis-
Anguilla to act as Registrar and
Provost Marshal.

The Secretariat,
12th August, 1955.

Ref. N». P. F. 378.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that, consequent upon the grant
of leave to the Honourable A. F. L.
Lovuisy. the Acting Governor has
been pleased to appoint Mr. J. D. B.
RENWICK, Acting Crown Attorney
and Magistrate, Montserrat, to bea
temporary member of the Executive
Council of Montserrat with effect
from the 11th August, 1955.

The Secretariat,
16th August, 1955.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that, conséquent upon the grant
of leave to the Honourable A. F. G.
Louisy, His Excellency the Acting
Governor has been pleased to appoint
Mr. J.D B. RENWICK, Acting Crown
Attorney and Magistrate, Montserrat,
to be a temporary Official Member of
the Legislative Council of Montserrat,
with effect from the 15th August,
1955, inclusive.

The Secretariat,
16th August, 1955.

C 18/00011.

Zar F247
bY eT ea

The Acting Governor has been
pleased to appoint Mrs. M. FRANCIS
to be an Assessor for the Juvenile
Court at Parham in the place of
Mrs. E. GORDON, deceased.

The Secretarrat,
_ Antigua.
1th August, 1955.
Ref. No. 44/00006.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that the Acting Governor has
Acting Magistrate, Districts A and B,
to be a Board of Inquiry under the
provisions of section 8 of the Trade
Disputes (Arbitration and Inquiry)
Act, 1939, to inquire into the dispute
between the Antigua Trades and
Labour Union and the Proprietor of
O’Neal’s Drug Store, regarding the
dismissal of Miss AVERYL WINTER.

Administrator’s Office,
10th August, 1955.

The Administrator of Antigua has
appointed the undermentioned Mar-
riage Officer for the Presidency of


Administrator’s Office,
Ref. No. A. 8/4

No. 85.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information:—

ARTHURTON, Miss E. W., Junior
Clerk, Audit Department, St. Kitts
to be Senior Clerk, Audit Depart-
ment, St. Kitts. June 27

Ref. No. P. F. 4938.

ELWIN, H. J., Assistant Administra-
tive Secretary, to act as Administra-
tive Secretary, Administrator’s
Office, Antigua. June 1

(In substitution for notice published
on 11th August, 1955.)

HENRY, O. E., Treasurer, Montserrat,
to act as Commissioner, Montserrat,
from the 17th to the 25th August,
1955, inclusive, during the absence
on casual leave of His Honour
C. Ross.

(. 13/00106.

PESTAINA, E. O., Senior Clerk Treas-
ury, to act as Assistant Adminis-
trative Secretary, Administrator’s
Office, Antigua. June L

(In substitution for notice published
on 11th August, 1955.)

ROBERTS, C. S., Economic and Finan-
cial Adviser, Leeward Islands, to
act as Colonial Secretary, from the
21st to the 27th August, inclusive,

during the absence of Mr. R.
Norris, M.B.E., Acting Colonial

P.F. 574.

No. 86.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Acting
Governor that the power of disallow-
ance will not be exercised in respect
of the undermentioned Act:—

No. 12 of 1955, “ The Interpretation
and General Clauses Act, 1955.”
Ref. No. 47/00202.



The Wellcome Foundation Limited
have applied for registration in the
Leeward Islands of United Kingdom
Patent No. 715,813 dated the 380th day
of May, 1951 and issued on the 5th
day of January, 1955 and have filed
in the Registrar’s Office at the Court
House St. John’s, Antigua, a complete
copy of the specifications and the
Certificate of the Comptroller General
of the United Kingdom Patent Office
giving full particulars of this patent
which will be open to public inspec-
tion at the said office at any time
between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and
3.30 p.m. on working days except on
Saturdays when the hours will be
from 9.00 a.m. tv 12 noon.

Any person may within two months
from the date of this advertisement
give notice to the Registrar of
opposition to the issue of a certificate of
registration upon any of the grounds
prescribed in section 10 of the Patents
Act, 1906, for opposition to the grant
of Letters Patent.

Dated the 12th day of August, 1955.

Acting Registrar.
Registrar’s Office,
Court House, St. John’s,

136 THE


ANTIGUA, 12th Augnst, 1955.

LTD. of East Park Road, Leicester,
England have applied for Registration
of one Trade Mark consisting of the
following :—

in Class 23 that is to say: (a) Cotton
yarn and sewing cotton not on spools
or reels. (0) Sewing cotton on spools
or reels.

The Applicants claim that they have
used the said Trade Mark in respect
of the said goods for twenty years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade Mark.


Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, 12th August, 1955.

CORPORATION of 515 Madison
Avenue, City and State of New York,
United States of America have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—


in Class 42 that is to say:— Syrups,
concentrates and other preparations
for the making of non-alcholic
beverages and fruit juices.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said good since 29th
July, 1954, before the date of their
said Application.

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade Mark.

Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.


ANTIGUA, 12th August, 1955.

ITED, of 891—995 Greenford Road,
Greenford, Middlesex, England, have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—


in Class 3, that is to say, all goods
included in Class 3 but particularly
pharmaceutical preparations.

The Applicants claim that they
have not used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods in the
Colony before the date of their said

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Cazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to reg-
istration of the said Trade Mark.

Ag. Registrar of Trade Marks.


West Indies, Antigua—Buoy
removed for general over-

The Bell Buoy moored near the
south-west edge of Warrington Bank
in the roadstead of St. John’s, Anti-
gua, has been removed for overhaul
and repairs.

A black and white Can Buoy has
been moored to mark the position
pending replacement of the Bell

Ref, No. A. 70/16.

Vacancy for Mechanical En-
gineer, Public Works Depart-
ment, British Guiana.

Applications are invited from
suitably qualified persons for ap-
pointment to the post of Mechanical
Engineer, Public Works Department,
British Guiana.

2. The salary of the post will be
on the scale A 3: $3,696x$144-$4,560)/
x$240-$6,720 per annum.

3. The successful candidate may
be appointed according to his prefer-
ence, either on a permanent and
pensionable basis subject, if the
officer is not already in government
employment, to his serving
satisfactorily as Mechanical Engineer
during a probationary period of one
year, or on a three year contract,
renewable by mutual consent on
such terms as may be agreed upon
between the Government and the
person engaged. Candidates should
preferably be under 40 years of age,
but a successful candidate if over 40

years, and not in the public service

would be offered appointment on

{18 August, 1955.

4, The candidate selected will be
responsible subject to directions
from the Director of Public Works
or other duly authorised officer for
the maintenance of the Public Works
Department equipment which in-
cludes road making apparatus, sea
and river defence machinery. The
candidate must be an _ associate
Member of the Institute of Mechan-
ical Engineers.

5. Vacation leave is earned at the
rate of five days for each completed
month of resident service up to a
maximum of six months, subject
to the completion of a minimum
tour of two years.

A pensionable officer, or a contract
officer, on the satisfactory completion
and renewal of his contract, would
be eligible for the grant of assisted
leave passages in accordance with
the Public Officers Leave (passages)

A contract officer, if selected from
overseas, would be provided with
passages to British Guiana for him-
self, his wife and children (if any)
not exceeding five persons in all
provided they either accompany him
to British Guiana or join him here
within twelve months of his depar-
ture for the Colony. (Children to be
under 18 years of age, unmarried
and dependent on the officer). A
similar passage. concession will be
granted for the officer and_ his
family, back to the country from
which he was recruited on the
satisfactory completion of his

6. Applications should be ad-
dressed to the Chief Establishment
Officer, Central Secretariat—Estab-
lishment Department, Public
Buildings, Georgetown, British
Guiana, and should state the
applicant’s date of birth, qualifica-
tions and experience and should be
accompanied by ‘two recent testimo-
nials) Applications should be
submitted not later than the 30th of
August, 1955.

7. Applicants already employed
in the Public Service should submit
their applications through the normal
official channels.

M. P. No. 102/5/12/3).

Vacancy for Inspector of
Labour (Factories).


Applications are invited from suit-
ably qualified persons for appoint-
ment to the vacant post of Inspector
of Labour (Factories), Labour Depart-

2, The post is pensionable and on
the salary scale A 4: $4,560x240-
$5,760 per annum.

3. The successful- candidate will
be required to pass the usual medical
examination for admission to the
Public Service and confirmation in
the appointment is subject to satis-
factory work and conduct during a
probationary period of two years.

18 August, 1955. ]
4. Applicants should have—

(a) either a degree or equivalent
qualification in Mechanical andjor
Blectrical Engineering (¢g. A.M-I.
Mech. E. or A.M.I.E.E.), or con-
siderable knowledge of, and experi-
‘ence in, these subjects, proof of
which will be required; and a
knowledge of the operation of
steam boilers and pressure vessels;

(b) some idea of, and/or experi-
ence in, the operation of safety
measures would be an advantage;

(c) a general aptitude for this

“type of work. This is a funda-
mental necessity and candidates
should be able to provide some
evidence; and

' (d) attained the age of 25 years,
and should not be over 45 years of

5. The duties of the post are as

(a) the inspection generally of
factories in the. Colony;

(b) the inspection of general
registers and other records required
to be kept under the provisions of
the Factories Ordinance, and the
Regulations made thereunder;

(c) advising the Commissioner of
Labour on the working of the
various factories legislation in force
and making suggestions, when
necessary, for the enactment of
further legislation for the improve-
ment of working and safety condi-
tions in factories;

(@) assisting in the education of
both employers and employees in
becoming safety conscious, and the
carrying out of propaganda in
relation thereto;

(e) the scientific study of the
causation, frequency and severity
of accidents generally and _ the


formulation of proposals to over-
come them;

(7) the enforcement of the pro-
visions of the Factories Ordinance,
1947, and other related legislation,
with special reference to Safety
provisions and the investigation of

(g) the general organisation of
office work relating io the registra-
tion and inspection of factories, and
the keeping of appropriate records;

(4) the training of officers in
factory inspection work;

(t) any other duties that the
Commissioner of Labour may

6. The snccessful candidate if
over 40 years of age, and not already
in the Public Service, would be ap-
pointed on contract for 3 years;
renewable on such terms as may be
agreed upon between the Govern-
ment and the person engaged.

7. A contract officer, if selected
from overseas, would be provided
with passages to British Guiana for
himself, his wife and children (if any)
not exceeding five persons in all, pro-
vided they either accompany him to
British Guiana or join him here
within twelve months of his depar-
ture for the Colony. (Children to be
under 18 years of age, unmarried and
dependent on the officer), A similar
passage concession will be granted, at
Government expense, for the officer
and his family, back to the conntry
from which he is recruited, on the
satisfactory completion of his con-

8. The candidate selected will be
subject on appointment to the Colo-
nial Regulations, Local Regulations,
and General Orders, and instructions
in force, from time to time, in so far
as they are applicable.

9. Vacation leave is granted at the
rate of 5 days for each completed
month of resident service up to a



maximum of 6 months, subject toa
minimum tour of 2 years resident

A pensionable officer would be
eligible for the grant of assisted leave
passages for himself and his wife,
subject to the requirements of the
Public Officers Leave (Passages)
Regulations, No. 34 of 1952.

10. Applications stating name in
full, date and year of birth, qualifica-
tions, and details of practical experi-
ence accompanied by copies of at
least two recent testimonials should
be addressed to the Chief Establish-
ment Officer, Chief Secretary’s Office,
Public Buildings, and should reach
him no tlater than the 30th of August,

1955. Applications received after
this date will not be considered.
11. Applicants already in the

Public Service should submit their
applications through the normal
official channels.

12. Persons who applied in re-
gponse to the previous advertisement
inviting applications for this post
published in May, 1955, need not re-
apply, as their applications will be
considered by the Public Service

(MLP. No. C. 77/5/19)

Central Wxperiment Station,


1951. 1952. 1933. 1054. 1966,
Jan. 3.60 3.10 2.55 3.44 2.16
Feb. 188 1.60 1.02 245 68
Mar. 109 1.62 5.60 1.08 .83
Apr. 216 3.14 206 .49 1.75
May 10.64 3.07 150 3.83 2.81
June 274 5.74 1.31 3.32 147
July 3.28 838 3.20 3.47 218
Aug. 13th 83 2.37 1.88 1.74 5.15

26.12 29.02 19.12 19.82 16,98

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islunds, by E, M. BLACKMAN,

Government Printer.—By Authority

[Price 5 cents]

Full Text
di Fak







No. 36.


It is notified for yeneral informa-
tion that His Excellency the Acting
Governor has issued a Commission
to His Honour Lieutenant Colonel
A. LOVELACE, M.B.E., M.C., appoint-
ing him to be Governor’s Deputy
during His Excellency’s absence from
Antigua whilst visiting St. Kitts from
the 20th to the 23rd August, 1955.

The Secretariat,
17th August, 1955.


It is notified for general informa-
tion that Mr, A. R. MEADE, Principal
in the Attorney General’s Office, has
been seconded to St. Kitts-Nevis-
Anguilla to act as Registrar and
Provost Marshal.

The Secretariat,
12th August, 1955.

Ref. N». P. F. 378.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that, consequent upon the grant
of leave to the Honourable A. F. L.
Lovuisy. the Acting Governor has
been pleased to appoint Mr. J. D. B.
RENWICK, Acting Crown Attorney
and Magistrate, Montserrat, to bea
temporary member of the Executive
Council of Montserrat with effect
from the 11th August, 1955.

The Secretariat,
16th August, 1955.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that, conséquent upon the grant
of leave to the Honourable A. F. G.
Louisy, His Excellency the Acting
Governor has been pleased to appoint
Mr. J.D B. RENWICK, Acting Crown
Attorney and Magistrate, Montserrat,
to be a temporary Official Member of
the Legislative Council of Montserrat,
with effect from the 15th August,
1955, inclusive.

The Secretariat,
16th August, 1955.

C 18/00011.

Zar F247
bY eT ea

The Acting Governor has been
pleased to appoint Mrs. M. FRANCIS
to be an Assessor for the Juvenile
Court at Parham in the place of
Mrs. E. GORDON, deceased.

The Secretarrat,
_ Antigua.
1th August, 1955.
Ref. No. 44/00006.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that the Acting Governor has
Acting Magistrate, Districts A and B,
to be a Board of Inquiry under the
provisions of section 8 of the Trade
Disputes (Arbitration and Inquiry)
Act, 1939, to inquire into the dispute
between the Antigua Trades and
Labour Union and the Proprietor of
O’Neal’s Drug Store, regarding the
dismissal of Miss AVERYL WINTER.

Administrator’s Office,
10th August, 1955.

The Administrator of Antigua has
appointed the undermentioned Mar-
riage Officer for the Presidency of


Administrator’s Office,
Ref. No. A. 8/4

No. 85.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information:—

ARTHURTON, Miss E. W., Junior
Clerk, Audit Department, St. Kitts
to be Senior Clerk, Audit Depart-
ment, St. Kitts. June 27

Ref. No. P. F. 4938.

ELWIN, H. J., Assistant Administra-
tive Secretary, to act as Administra-
tive Secretary, Administrator’s
Office, Antigua. June 1

(In substitution for notice published
on 11th August, 1955.)

HENRY, O. E., Treasurer, Montserrat,
to act as Commissioner, Montserrat,
from the 17th to the 25th August,
1955, inclusive, during the absence
on casual leave of His Honour
C. Ross.

(. 13/00106.

PESTAINA, E. O., Senior Clerk Treas-
ury, to act as Assistant Adminis-
trative Secretary, Administrator’s
Office, Antigua. June L

(In substitution for notice published
on 11th August, 1955.)

ROBERTS, C. S., Economic and Finan-
cial Adviser, Leeward Islands, to
act as Colonial Secretary, from the
21st to the 27th August, inclusive,

during the absence of Mr. R.
Norris, M.B.E., Acting Colonial

P.F. 574.

No. 86.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Acting
Governor that the power of disallow-
ance will not be exercised in respect
of the undermentioned Act:—

No. 12 of 1955, “ The Interpretation
and General Clauses Act, 1955.”
Ref. No. 47/00202.



The Wellcome Foundation Limited
have applied for registration in the
Leeward Islands of United Kingdom
Patent No. 715,813 dated the 380th day
of May, 1951 and issued on the 5th
day of January, 1955 and have filed
in the Registrar’s Office at the Court
House St. John’s, Antigua, a complete
copy of the specifications and the
Certificate of the Comptroller General
of the United Kingdom Patent Office
giving full particulars of this patent
which will be open to public inspec-
tion at the said office at any time
between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and
3.30 p.m. on working days except on
Saturdays when the hours will be
from 9.00 a.m. tv 12 noon.

Any person may within two months
from the date of this advertisement
give notice to the Registrar of
opposition to the issue of a certificate of
registration upon any of the grounds
prescribed in section 10 of the Patents
Act, 1906, for opposition to the grant
of Letters Patent.

Dated the 12th day of August, 1955.

Acting Registrar.
Registrar’s Office,
Court House, St. John’s,

136 THE


ANTIGUA, 12th Augnst, 1955.

LTD. of East Park Road, Leicester,
England have applied for Registration
of one Trade Mark consisting of the
following :—

in Class 23 that is to say: (a) Cotton
yarn and sewing cotton not on spools
or reels. (0) Sewing cotton on spools
or reels.

The Applicants claim that they have
used the said Trade Mark in respect
of the said goods for twenty years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade Mark.


Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, 12th August, 1955.

CORPORATION of 515 Madison
Avenue, City and State of New York,
United States of America have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—


in Class 42 that is to say:— Syrups,
concentrates and other preparations
for the making of non-alcholic
beverages and fruit juices.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said good since 29th
July, 1954, before the date of their
said Application.

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade Mark.

Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.


ANTIGUA, 12th August, 1955.

ITED, of 891—995 Greenford Road,
Greenford, Middlesex, England, have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—


in Class 3, that is to say, all goods
included in Class 3 but particularly
pharmaceutical preparations.

The Applicants claim that they
have not used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods in the
Colony before the date of their said

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Cazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to reg-
istration of the said Trade Mark.

Ag. Registrar of Trade Marks.


West Indies, Antigua—Buoy
removed for general over-

The Bell Buoy moored near the
south-west edge of Warrington Bank
in the roadstead of St. John’s, Anti-
gua, has been removed for overhaul
and repairs.

A black and white Can Buoy has
been moored to mark the position
pending replacement of the Bell

Ref, No. A. 70/16.

Vacancy for Mechanical En-
gineer, Public Works Depart-
ment, British Guiana.

Applications are invited from
suitably qualified persons for ap-
pointment to the post of Mechanical
Engineer, Public Works Department,
British Guiana.

2. The salary of the post will be
on the scale A 3: $3,696x$144-$4,560)/
x$240-$6,720 per annum.

3. The successful candidate may
be appointed according to his prefer-
ence, either on a permanent and
pensionable basis subject, if the
officer is not already in government
employment, to his serving
satisfactorily as Mechanical Engineer
during a probationary period of one
year, or on a three year contract,
renewable by mutual consent on
such terms as may be agreed upon
between the Government and the
person engaged. Candidates should
preferably be under 40 years of age,
but a successful candidate if over 40

years, and not in the public service

would be offered appointment on

{18 August, 1955.

4, The candidate selected will be
responsible subject to directions
from the Director of Public Works
or other duly authorised officer for
the maintenance of the Public Works
Department equipment which in-
cludes road making apparatus, sea
and river defence machinery. The
candidate must be an _ associate
Member of the Institute of Mechan-
ical Engineers.

5. Vacation leave is earned at the
rate of five days for each completed
month of resident service up to a
maximum of six months, subject
to the completion of a minimum
tour of two years.

A pensionable officer, or a contract
officer, on the satisfactory completion
and renewal of his contract, would
be eligible for the grant of assisted
leave passages in accordance with
the Public Officers Leave (passages)

A contract officer, if selected from
overseas, would be provided with
passages to British Guiana for him-
self, his wife and children (if any)
not exceeding five persons in all
provided they either accompany him
to British Guiana or join him here
within twelve months of his depar-
ture for the Colony. (Children to be
under 18 years of age, unmarried
and dependent on the officer). A
similar passage. concession will be
granted for the officer and_ his
family, back to the country from
which he was recruited on the
satisfactory completion of his

6. Applications should be ad-
dressed to the Chief Establishment
Officer, Central Secretariat—Estab-
lishment Department, Public
Buildings, Georgetown, British
Guiana, and should state the
applicant’s date of birth, qualifica-
tions and experience and should be
accompanied by ‘two recent testimo-
nials) Applications should be
submitted not later than the 30th of
August, 1955.

7. Applicants already employed
in the Public Service should submit
their applications through the normal
official channels.

M. P. No. 102/5/12/3).

Vacancy for Inspector of
Labour (Factories).


Applications are invited from suit-
ably qualified persons for appoint-
ment to the vacant post of Inspector
of Labour (Factories), Labour Depart-

2, The post is pensionable and on
the salary scale A 4: $4,560x240-
$5,760 per annum.

3. The successful- candidate will
be required to pass the usual medical
examination for admission to the
Public Service and confirmation in
the appointment is subject to satis-
factory work and conduct during a
probationary period of two years.
18 August, 1955. ]
4. Applicants should have—

(a) either a degree or equivalent
qualification in Mechanical andjor
Blectrical Engineering (¢g. A.M-I.
Mech. E. or A.M.I.E.E.), or con-
siderable knowledge of, and experi-
‘ence in, these subjects, proof of
which will be required; and a
knowledge of the operation of
steam boilers and pressure vessels;

(b) some idea of, and/or experi-
ence in, the operation of safety
measures would be an advantage;

(c) a general aptitude for this

“type of work. This is a funda-
mental necessity and candidates
should be able to provide some
evidence; and

' (d) attained the age of 25 years,
and should not be over 45 years of

5. The duties of the post are as

(a) the inspection generally of
factories in the. Colony;

(b) the inspection of general
registers and other records required
to be kept under the provisions of
the Factories Ordinance, and the
Regulations made thereunder;

(c) advising the Commissioner of
Labour on the working of the
various factories legislation in force
and making suggestions, when
necessary, for the enactment of
further legislation for the improve-
ment of working and safety condi-
tions in factories;

(@) assisting in the education of
both employers and employees in
becoming safety conscious, and the
carrying out of propaganda in
relation thereto;

(e) the scientific study of the
causation, frequency and severity
of accidents generally and _ the


formulation of proposals to over-
come them;

(7) the enforcement of the pro-
visions of the Factories Ordinance,
1947, and other related legislation,
with special reference to Safety
provisions and the investigation of

(g) the general organisation of
office work relating io the registra-
tion and inspection of factories, and
the keeping of appropriate records;

(4) the training of officers in
factory inspection work;

(t) any other duties that the
Commissioner of Labour may

6. The snccessful candidate if
over 40 years of age, and not already
in the Public Service, would be ap-
pointed on contract for 3 years;
renewable on such terms as may be
agreed upon between the Govern-
ment and the person engaged.

7. A contract officer, if selected
from overseas, would be provided
with passages to British Guiana for
himself, his wife and children (if any)
not exceeding five persons in all, pro-
vided they either accompany him to
British Guiana or join him here
within twelve months of his depar-
ture for the Colony. (Children to be
under 18 years of age, unmarried and
dependent on the officer), A similar
passage concession will be granted, at
Government expense, for the officer
and his family, back to the conntry
from which he is recruited, on the
satisfactory completion of his con-

8. The candidate selected will be
subject on appointment to the Colo-
nial Regulations, Local Regulations,
and General Orders, and instructions
in force, from time to time, in so far
as they are applicable.

9. Vacation leave is granted at the
rate of 5 days for each completed
month of resident service up to a



maximum of 6 months, subject toa
minimum tour of 2 years resident

A pensionable officer would be
eligible for the grant of assisted leave
passages for himself and his wife,
subject to the requirements of the
Public Officers Leave (Passages)
Regulations, No. 34 of 1952.

10. Applications stating name in
full, date and year of birth, qualifica-
tions, and details of practical experi-
ence accompanied by copies of at
least two recent testimonials should
be addressed to the Chief Establish-
ment Officer, Chief Secretary’s Office,
Public Buildings, and should reach
him no tlater than the 30th of August,

1955. Applications received after
this date will not be considered.
11. Applicants already in the

Public Service should submit their
applications through the normal
official channels.

12. Persons who applied in re-
gponse to the previous advertisement
inviting applications for this post
published in May, 1955, need not re-
apply, as their applications will be
considered by the Public Service

(MLP. No. C. 77/5/19)

Central Wxperiment Station,


1951. 1952. 1933. 1054. 1966,
Jan. 3.60 3.10 2.55 3.44 2.16
Feb. 188 1.60 1.02 245 68
Mar. 109 1.62 5.60 1.08 .83
Apr. 216 3.14 206 .49 1.75
May 10.64 3.07 150 3.83 2.81
June 274 5.74 1.31 3.32 147
July 3.28 838 3.20 3.47 218
Aug. 13th 83 2.37 1.88 1.74 5.15

26.12 29.02 19.12 19.82 16,98

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islunds, by E, M. BLACKMAN,

Government Printer.—By Authority

[Price 5 cents]