Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Published by Authority.

THURSDAY, Zist JULY, 1955.


The following result of a by elec-
tion for a member of the Legislative
Council of the British Virgin Islands
held in the Third District (the Tortola
North District) on the 8th July, 1955,
is published for general information :—


76 votes
40 votes

Mr. C. B. BRUCE was declared elected.

The Secretariat,
18th Judy, 1955.

No. 18/0066,

The Administrar of Antigua has
appointed the undermentioned Mar-
riage Officer for the Presidency of


Administrator's Office,
Ref. No. A 8/4.

No. 78.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

Byron, ©. O., to be Acting Registrar
and Provost Marshal, Antigua.
June 28
CHALLENGER, B., Junior Clerk,
Peasant Development Office, to be
Senior Clerk, Peasant Development
Office, Antigua. Jan. 1, 1954

DEFREITAS, M., Certificated Ele-
mentary School Assistant Teacher,
Grade II, to be Certificated Ele-
mentary School Head Teacher
Grade II, Education Department,
Antigua. Jul. 1

DrFreiras, Miss S., Uncertificated
Elementary School Teacher to be
Certificated Elementary School
Assistant Teacher Grade II, Educa-
tion Department, Antigua.

Jul. 1

Grorce, McC., Accountant, Peasant
Development Office, to be Peasant

Development Officer, Peasant
Personen Office, Antigua.
Jan. 1, 1954.



SAMUBL, D., P.O. Cl. III, Governor’s
Office, to be Prison Officer Grade
III, Prison, Antigua. June 1

TaYLor, A. McP., City Clerk, Muni-
cipal, to be Assistant Administra-
tive Secretary, Medical, Antigua.

Jan. 1

No. 79.

The following Bill which is to be
introduced in the Leyislative Council
of Antigua, is circulated with this
Gazette and forms part thereof:—

“The Old Metal and Marine Stores
Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 80.

The following Statutory Rule and
Order is circulated with this Gazette
and forms part thereof:—

Virgin Islands.

No. 6 of 1955, ‘*‘hhe Public Holi-
days (Opening of Shops) Order, 1955.”
1 pp. Price 3 cents.

Declaration dated ist July,
1955, made under Section 3
of the Land Acquisition Act,
1944 (No. 11/1944), for the
acquisition of certain land
in the Presidency of Saint
Christopher Nevis and An-
guilla required for public

the Governor in Council with the
approval of the Legislative Council
of the Presidency of Saint Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla considers that
the land described in the Schedule
hereto, situate in the island of. An-
guilla in the said Presidency should
be acquired for public purposes,
namely, for the erection of a septic
privy, in the said Presidency and
for the provision of- access thereto
from the public road.


An area of approximately 1642
square feet situate at Sandy Ground
in the island of Anguilla in the
Presidency of Saint Christopher-Nevis
and Anguilla and bounded on the
North by lands of AMELIA ODLUM
and RuTH LAKE on the South by

No. 352.

and RUTH ANN HODGE or the Heirs
of WHITWORTH HODGE, deceased,
on the East by a Public Road and on
the West by the sea.

Dated this Ist day of July, 1955.

Clerk of the Couneil.

Registry of the Supreme Court,
30th June, 1955.

His Lordship the Acting Chief
Justice of the Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands has been pleased
under the Notaries Public Act, Chap-
ter 145 of the Federal Acts of the
Leeward Islands (Revised Edition
1927) to appoint Mr. Louis HIppo-
LYTE LOCKHART, Barrister-at-Law
of Antigna in the Antigua Circuit,
Notary Public of the Supreme ‘Court
of the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands in and for the Colony of the
Leeward Islands.

Acting Registrar.

Invitation to Tender.


Tenders are invited for the pur<
chase of one 1947 Ford V. 8 85 horse-
power engine of British manufacture.
This engine, which was part of a fire-
pumping unit. has done the equiva-
lent of only about 1,000 miles and is
in very good condition. The engine
may be inspected by arrangement at
Richmond Service Station, Mont-

2. Applications should be marked
“Tender for Ford V8 Engine” and
should be addressed to the Commis-
sioner, Plymouth, Montserrat, who
does not bind himself to accept the
highest or any tender’ Such tenders
should be submitted in time to be
received not later than the 20th
August, 1955.

By Order,

Chief Clerk.

Commissioner’s Office,
Plymouth, Montserrat,
Tth July, 1955.


Regional Economic Committee
of The British West Indies,
British Guiana and British

The Regional Economic Committee
invit-s applications from suitably
qualified persons for the following


at an annual salary in the scale of


plus a representation allowance of



per annum. Salary and allowances
are tax free in the United Kingdom in
the event of the post being filled by a
resident of the British Caribbean Area.
Passages on assumption and termina-
tion of appointment for the Assistant
‘Trade Commissioner and family up
to five in all from the place of engage-
ment to London will be paid by the

The post does not at present carry
pension or superannuation rights.
The appointment willbe for a period
of three years in the first instance-

Candidates should possess a sound
knowledge of office organisation and
administrative experience in relation
to trade and commercial matters.
They should algo be proficient in the
assembly and presentation of statisti-
cal material, commodity market
reports, publicity material etc. Pre-
ference will be. given to candidates
holding special qualifications in trade
and commerce.

The Committee reserves the right
to fill the post by invitation if no
suituble application is received.


Applications furnishing full details
of candidate’s education, special quali-
fications and experience, together
with supporting documents and
names of two referees, should be
addressed to the Executive Secretary,
Regional Economic Committee, Hast-
ings House, Barbados, to reach him
by 20th August, 1955.

Ref. No. A. A. 77/19—II.

Vacant Post of Sanitary
Superintendent, St. Vincent,
B. W. I.

Applications are invited for the
post of Sanitary Superintendent in
the Medical Department, Saint Vin-
cent, British West Indies.

2. Candidates must possess the
Sanitary Inspectors Certificate of
the Royal Sanitary Institute. They
should have a working knowledge of
the construction and maintenance of
small rural water supplies, drainage
and the construction of drains. They
should also be able to read building
plans and be familiar with the
construction of houses. Candidates
should mention whether they have
had experience in a Government or
Municipal Health Department in the
West Indies.

3. The duties of the post include
general supervision of the work of
the Sanitary Staff: general supervision
of the various scavenging services and
Sanitary measures of the Colony:
general maintenance of small rural
water supplies: and checking building
plans for rural areas not under control
of the Central Housing and Planning

All duties will be performed under
the direction of the Senior Medical

4. The salary of the post, which is
pensionable, is in the scale $2304x
$96-$2784. Transport allowance for

[21 July, 1955.

the maintenance of u motor car for
the performance of official duties will
be paid at approved local rates.

5. Quarters are not provided. Gov-
ernment officials are liable to taxation
imposed by local enactments.

6. Applications accompanied by
copies of recent testimonials (pref-
erably. from Public Health Officers)
should be:addressed to the Senior
Medical Officer, Saint Vincent, and
should be submitted to reach him not
later than 31st July, 1955.

Government Office,
Saint Vincent,
20th June, 1955.

Ref. No. 13/00286,


By virtue of the powers vested in
me under Section 75 (1) of the
Vehicles and Road Traffic Ordinance
No. 5 of 1946, as amended by Section
10 of the Vehicles and Road Traffic
(Amendment) Ordinance No. 22 of
1954, I hereby declare that all traffie
signs on or near any roadway in
this Presidency are authorised and
retained by me.

E. M. V. JAMES, Lt. Col.,
Traffic Commissioner.

28th June, 1955.

Ref. No. 36/00004.

Central Wxperiment Station,


1951, 1952. 1963. 1954, 1955,
Jan. 3.60 3.10 2.55 3.44 2.16
Feb. 1,88 1.60 1.02 2.45 -68
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08 83
Apr. 216 3.14 206 49 1.75
May 10,54 3.07 1.50 3.83 2.81
June 2.74 5.74 1.31 3.32 1.47

July 9th 98 2.40 1.16 45 04

22.99 20.67 15.20 15.06




Revised List of Persons registered under the Midwives’ Ordinance No. 7 of 1951, for the
Presidency of Montserrat, as at lst July, 1955.

Serial Number. | Name. Address.
1 (3) Allen, Clemence Mary Elizabeth Glendon Hospital
2 (9) Barzey, Catherine, (Mrs.) nee Ryan Cork Hill
3 (16) Bramble, Elizabeth Glendon Hospital
4, (24) Buffong. Catherine St. George’s Hill
5. (29) Browne, Dianna Baker Hill
6 (4) Cadogan, Lilian (Mrs.) Plymouth
7 (5) Clarke, Kathleen (left Island) Harris
8 (13) Olarke, Catherine Glendon Hospital
9. (1) Edwards, Winifred St. John’s
10. (22) Frith, Catherine (left Island) Salem
11. (26) Fenton, Charlotte ,, Kinsale
12- (25) Greenaway, Leonora Adina (Mrs.) Infirmary
13. (28) s Mary (Mrs.) St. Johns’
14. (15) 9 Catherine (Mrs.) nee Straker Glendon Hospital
15. (20) Griffith, Edith (Mrs.) Plymouth
16. (27) Isles, Elleanor Teresa (left Island) Ps
17. (18) Lee, Mary Susannah Gordon Harris
18. (23) Cooper, Mary (Mrs.) nee Osborne Bethel
19. (17) Piper, Verna (Mrs.) (left Island) i
20. (19) Phillip, Vera Nelitha Harris
21. (31) Ponde, Rosie St. Patricks’
* 22. (11) Richardson, Ina (left Island) Glendon Hospital
23. (14) Roache, Katherine 3 3
24. (7) | Frewin, Beryl Geraldine (left Island) Plymouth
25. (21) Tuitt, Rosanna Bethel
26. (12) Wade, Catherine Glendon Hospital
27. (8) Warner, Susan (Mrs.) fe 9
28. (2) White, Sarah (Mrs ) St. Peters’
29. (10) Griffith, Doris (Mrs.) nee Williams Plymouth
30. (30) Wyke, Elizabeth (Mrs.) Salem

Secretary, Midwives’ Board.


Accounts of the Commissioners of Currency, British Caribbean
Territories (Eastern Group) for the Year 1954.


$ $
‘To: Personal Emoluments 111,033.67 By: Dividends 1,595,270.42
Vaults—Rental of 1,080.00 ; ae
Office space &c.—Rental of 1,400.00 Commission for
Incinerator at Trinidad—Rental of 120.00 issue and redemp-
Incidentals 2,527.94 tion of notes for
Postage and Telegrams—Headquarters 415.06 sterling 46,508.12
Furniture and Equipment 1,801.28
Printing and Stationery 1,441.53 Sundries 242.74
Supplies of notes 133,479.38
Intercolonial transfers of notes 6,377.51
Travelling &c. expenses—Commissioners 3,654.54
Barclays Bank D.C.0.—Agency fee in Leeward
Islands and Windward Islands 4,800.00
Telephones . 285.82
Audit of accounts 1,240.00
Bicycle allowance—messengers 72.00
Cancelling machines and dies 2,988.18
Commission refunded to Barclays Bank D.C. 0. 260.58

Contribution to Currency Fund (Article 4 (2)(c)

of First Schedule to Currency Ordinance 614,676.64
‘Transferred to Currency Surplus Account

Article 4 (3) of First Schedule to

Currency Ordinance 754,367.20


$1,642,021.28 1,642,021.28


To: Redeemed for sterling 1,200,000.00 By: Balance at Ist
. Jan. 1954 52,347,679.84
Loss on securities redeemed 7,205.18
Issues for sterling 9,259,000.00
Balances at 31st December, 1954 62,082,339.70 Gain on sale of

securities 8,601.72

Net gain on
revaluation of
securities at
80th June and
31st Dec. 1954 1,059,586.68

from Income
A/C Article 4
(2)(c) of First
Schedule to
Currency Ordi-
nance 614,676.64

63,289,544.88 . 63,289,544.88

—_— — —___—_—.

21 July, 1955.1

To: Payments to:
Government of Trinidad and Tobago

British Guiana







Balance 774,483.95

Amount transferred

Barba:los 77,448.40 from Income A/C
Leewarp IsLanDs Article (4) (3) of
Antigua 13,940.70 First Schedule to
St. Kitts-Nevis 12,391.74 Currency Ordi-
Montserrat 4,646.90 nance 754,367.20
Winpwarp IsLanps
Gren:Ja 11,617.26
St. Vincent 9,293.80
St. Lucia 18,587.60
Dominica 6,970.36
Balances 754,367.25
$1,528,851.15 $1,528,851.15
Currency Fund 62,082, 3a, Securities held by Crown Agents for
Suspense A/C (Unpaid Claim) 3] Oversea Governments and Adminis-
‘Currency Surplus Account (Article 5 of trations. 54,812,947.78
First Schedule to Currency Ordinance) |
for account of Government of: On deposit in Crown Agents Joint
: $ Colonial Fund 6,654,715.28
Trinidad and Tobago 414,901.97
British Guiana 188,591.81 On deposit with Accountant General,
Barbados 75,436.72 | Trinidad and Tobago 1,369,048.56
Antigua 3,578.62 |
St. Kitts-Nevis 12,069.88 |
Montserrat 4,526.20 |
Grenada 13,315.51 |
St. Vincent 9,052.42
St. Lucia 18,104.82
Dominica 6,789.30 754,367.25
62,836,711.62 2 | 62,836,711.62
Market value at 3lst December, 1954, of
Barclays Bank D.C.O. deposi! for note securities held by Crown Agents for Over-
issues 5,990,400.00 sea Governments and Administrations 5,990,400.00
The above Accounts have been examined in accordance
with Article 7 of the 1st Schedule to Chapter 35 No. 2
(Trinidad and Tobago). I have obtained all the information
16th May, 1955 and explanations that I have required, and I certify, as a
result of this audit, that in my opinion the Accounts are
correct, subject to the observations contained in the attached
Ist July, 1955. Ag. Director of Audit.

Executive Commissioner

British Caribbean Currency Board.

120 THE LEEWARD iSLANDS GAZETTE. [21 July, 1955.

Report of the Director of Audit of Trinidad and Tobago on the Accounts
of the Board of the Commissioners of Currency British Caribbean
Territories (Eastern Group) for the Year ended the
8lst December 1954.

Currency Funp Income Account.

Income for the year exceeded expenditure by $1,369,043.84. (i this excess, $614,676.64
was transferred to the Currency Fund Account, and the remainder, amounting to $754,367.20 to the
Currency Surplus Account in accordance with Articles 4 (2) ¢ and 4 (3) of the First Schedule to the
Currency Ordinance Chapter 35 No. 2 (Trinidad and Tobago).

2. As in previous years, the accounts for 1954 have been presented on a cash basis; all
expenditure for the year has been duly authorized.

Corrency Founp.

3. The value of the Currency Fund at 31st December 1954 amounted to $62,082,339.70
which was $2,851,247.70 more than the total note circulation of $59,231,092.00. No liability attached
to the participating Governments at the end of the year, under Article 6 (2) of the First Schedule to the
said Ordinance.


4. Statements have been received from the Crown Agents showing the Securities and Cash
on Deposit which they held on behalf of the Currency Fund. The certificate of the Controller and
Auditor General has, however, not yet been submitted for audit. The amount held on Deposit with the
Accountant General, Trinidad and Tobago, has been verified with his records.

Currency Surpius Account.

$774,483.90 of the 1953 surplus was distributed to member Governments during 1954 in
accordance with Article 5(2) of the First Schedule to the Curreney Ordinance. The balance of .05c. is
included in the balance of $754,367.25 shown at 31st December 1954.

Boarps OF Survery—KeEGuLaTion 20.

5. The requirements of Regulation 20 have not been fully complied with in the following
Grenada— 3 ordinary surveys and one surprise survey were held during the year. An
ordinary survey was not held for the last quarter.

Antigua— 3 ordinary surveys and one surprise survey were held during the year. An
ordinary survey was not held for the second quarter.


6. Currency notes issued by the Governments of Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and
British Guiana, were declared to be no longer legal tender as from the 2nd January 1955, by
proclamation of the Governors of the above territories in accordance with “ection 9 of the Currency

Wo. FEL,
Av. Director of Audit.
Ist July, 1955.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, M, BLACKMAN,
Government Printer.—By Authority

[Price 11 cents]

No. - of 1955. Old Metal and Marine Stores. ANTIGUA.

No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to regulate the purchase, sale and
export of old metal and marine stores.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua as

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Old Short title
Metal and Marine Stores Ordinance, 1955.

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context Interpreta-
otherwise requires— tion,

“licensed purchaser’ means any person
licensed under section 3 of this Ordinance
to purchase old metal or marine stores;

‘6 marine stores ” includes second-hand anchors,
wire cables or chains, slings, sails, old
junk, and other second-hand marine
atores of any kind;

“old metal’? includes old metal, used or
second-hand metal fittings, scrap.-metal,
broken metal, partly manufactured metal
goods, and defaced or, old metal goods,



LW P7-

Antiaua. 2 Old Metal and Marine Stores. No. of 1955.

“Schedule”” means a schedule to this
De ee 8. (1) It shall not be lawful for any person
marine stores tO carry on the business of a dealer in old metal or
to belicensed, marine stores unless he has previously taken out a
licence under this Ordinance.

(2) Licences under this Ordinance shall be
granted by and at the discretion of the Magistrate
of the District in which the premises to be licensed
are situate.

(3) No such ,licence shall be granted without
the previous report of the Police officer in charge -
of the division in which the premises to be licensed .
are situate, and before the expiration of twenty-one
days at least after application in writing has been
made therefor to the Magistrate. e

(4) Such licences shall be in the form in the
First Schedule and shall be annual licences termin-
ating on the 31st day of December of the year for
which they are granted. A fee of $2.40 shall be
paid to the Magistrate for each such licence.

Signboard to 4. Over one of the principal entrances of

be displayed. the place of business of every licensed purchaser
there shall be placed a board on which shall be
printed, in legible letters of at least two inches in
length, the name in full of the licensed purchaser
and the words ‘“ Licensed Purchaser of Old Metal
and Marine Stores.” |

ee es 5. (1) Every licensed purchaser shall keep
keep book, & book (hereinafter called “ Licensed Purchaser’s

Book”) in the form in the Second Schedule, in
which shall be legibly written in ink the date and
time of the day when any old metal or marine
stores are purchased or received by him or on his.
behalf, the name in full, and the residence and
occupation of the person from whom any such
metal or stores are purchased or received, and, in
a case where the seller is the agent of another
person, the name and address of the principal, the
quantity purchased or received, and the price paid
for each purchase. .


No. of 1955. Old Metal and Murine Stores. 3 AwvIGua.

2) Every such entry in a Licensed Pur-
chaser’s Book shall be made at the time of the
transaction, and shall be signed by the licensed
purchaser or his agent and by the seller or his

Provided that where a licensed purchaser is
unable by reason of illiteracy or any physical cause
to sign the entry in the Licensed Purchaser’s Book
the licensed purchaser shall complete the entry by
making his mark thereto in the presence of a police

6. (1) No person shall purchase or receive Restrictions
wee ‘ ‘ on purchases
any old metal or marine stores except between the ind dealings.
hours of seven o'clock in the morning and six
o’clock in the evening.

(2) No person shall purchase or receive any
old metal or marine stores from any person under
the age of sixteen years.

(3) No person shall employ any servant or
apprentice or other person under the age of sixteen
yeurs to purchase or receive any old metal or
marine stores.

(4) No old metal or marine stores shall be
- purchased or received at any one time in any
. quantity less than twenty-five pounds.

(5) Any person contravening any of the
provisions of this section shall be guilty of an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or to imprison-
ment for a term not exceeding six months.

7. (1) It shall be lawful for any police Power of
officer at any time when a licensed purchaser’s ity 208
premises are open for business, to imspect the
Licensed Purchaser’s Book and all old metal and
marine stores in the premises.

(2) The licensed purchaser or his_repre-
sentative, or the person in charge of a licensed
purchaser’s premises, or the person in © whose
eustody or charge the Licensed Purchaser’s Book
-any old metal, or marine stores may be. or any
person who hus made an entry in the Licensed



Goods pur-
chased to be
kept for 15

Obligation to
give informa-
tion to Police,

4 Old Metal and Marine Stores. No. of 19565.

Purchaser's Book with respect to which a police
officer may desire to aak any questions, shall permit
such police officer to inspect the Licensed Pur-
chaser’s Book and all old metal, and marine stores,
and shall answer all such questions as may be
asked by the police officer with reference to the
Licensed Purchaser’s Book, any old metal or
marine stores in the premises or any of the entries
or contents of the Licensed Purchaser’s Book. 7

8. (1) All old metal and marine stores
purchased or received by or on behalf of a licensed
purchaser shall be kept in the licensed purchaser’s
premises and shall not in any way be changed in
form or shape or disfigured for a period of at least
fifteen days after their purchase or receipt:

Provided that the police officer in charge of |

_the division in which a licensed purchaser carries

on his business may, in his discretion, on the
application of the licensed purchaser grant a
(a) for the shipment or alteration in
form or shape of any old metal or marine
stores without the same having been kept for
a period of fifteen days;

(6) for the shipment of broken machin-
ery direct from the place where the same is
purchased, notwithstanding the provisions of
this section to the contrary.

(2) Every person who fails to comply with
the provisions of subsection (1) of this section
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceed-
ing three months.

9. (1) Every person licensed under this
Ordinance who, after notice has been given to him
by any police officer or by advertisement in the
Gazette or a local newspaper that any old metal or
marine stores’ have been stolen or fraudulently
obtained, fails to give information to the Police
that articles of the like description were offered to
him or were or are in his possession, shall be guilty
of an offence against this. Ordinance,

No. of 1955. Old Metaland Marine Stores. 5

- (2) Every licensed purchaser who offends
against the provisions of subsection (1) of this
‘section shall be liable on summary conviction to a
fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

10. Every person who—

(a) assaults, resists or obstructs any
police officer in the execution of any duty
under this Ordinance;

(6) aids or abets any other person in
assaulting, resisting or obstructing any police
officer while acting in the execution of his
duty under this Ordinance;

(c) aids or abets any other person ina
contravention of any of the provisions of this

(d) purchases old metal or marine stores
without a licence as required by section 3;

(e) fails to keep a signboard as required
by section 4;

(f) fails to keep a Licensed Purchaser’s
Book as required by section 5;

shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceed-
ing three months.

11. If any licensed purchaser is convicted of
an offence under this Ordinance, the Court may, in
its discretion, cancel the licence of that licensed

12. All moneys received for licenses, and all
penalties recovered under this Ordinance, shall be
paid into the Treasury for the use of the
_ Presidency.

18. The Metal Act, 1863, is hereby repealed.



« a



Licence may
be cancelled
on conviction.

of moneys.


a 3 ?
Antigua. 6 Old Metal and Marine Stores. No. of 1955.

Passed the Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Couneil.

FoRM OF LICENCE. (Section 3.)

A.B, having this day paid the sum of $2.40 is hereby authorised
and licensed to deal in Old Metal and Marine stores at

in accordance with the provisions of the Old Metal and Marine Stores
Ordinance, 1955 (No. of 1955).

This licence expires on the 31st day of December, 19

District Magistrate, District* ”.


2 ‘ Description ‘ Signature |
Time Namein full, Name and |and quantity eae of police
D of | residence & : -_ | or mark of
ate, : address of lof goods pur-| Price| “7; officer
day. | occupation incipal hased Licensed fie
of seller principal. chased or Purchaser. | .“itness-
: received. ‘ing mark.
\ | |
i |
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands
by E. M. Buacgman, Government Printer.—By Authority.
332—T7,55. [Price 8 cents ~



1955, No. 6.

Tue Pusric Horipays (Openine oF Saors) OR
CIL UNDER SECTION 8 OF THE Pupiic Hotrpays Act,
1954 (No. 19 or 1954).

WHEREAS by section 1 8 of the Public Holidays Act,
1954 (No. 19 of 1954) it is provided notwithstanding anything
contained in the said Act the Governor with the advice of the
Executive Council of a Presidency, may from time to time, by
order published in the Gazette, permit any class of shop or
store specified in such order to be kept open on a_ public
holiday for the sale of any article in such Presidency or any
part. thereof during such hours and subject to such terms and
‘conditions as may be prescribed by such order:

AND WHEREAS by section 9 of the said Act it is
provided for the purposes of sections 6 and 8 of the said Act
that the expression ‘“ Governor” shall mean the officer for the
time being administering the Government of the Presidency:

AND WHEREAS the Governor with the advice of the
Executive Council of the Presidency is pleased to order and it
' is hereby ordered as follows:—

1. Short Title. This Order may be cited as the
Public Holidays (Opening of Shops) Order, 1955.

2. Opening of Shops. All shops and stores in the
said Presidency of whatever nature may be kept open on the
first Monday in August, 1955, for the sale therein of any
articles up to and including the hour of 11 p.m. on the
said day.

Made by the Governor in Council this 2nd day of June,
\ M. Trrurny,

, Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
a ae 7.55. [ Price 3 cents. }

gfe i-

Full Text



Published by Authority.

THURSDAY, Zist JULY, 1955.


The following result of a by elec-
tion for a member of the Legislative
Council of the British Virgin Islands
held in the Third District (the Tortola
North District) on the 8th July, 1955,
is published for general information :—


76 votes
40 votes

Mr. C. B. BRUCE was declared elected.

The Secretariat,
18th Judy, 1955.

No. 18/0066,

The Administrar of Antigua has
appointed the undermentioned Mar-
riage Officer for the Presidency of


Administrator's Office,
Ref. No. A 8/4.

No. 78.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

Byron, ©. O., to be Acting Registrar
and Provost Marshal, Antigua.
June 28
CHALLENGER, B., Junior Clerk,
Peasant Development Office, to be
Senior Clerk, Peasant Development
Office, Antigua. Jan. 1, 1954

DEFREITAS, M., Certificated Ele-
mentary School Assistant Teacher,
Grade II, to be Certificated Ele-
mentary School Head Teacher
Grade II, Education Department,
Antigua. Jul. 1

DrFreiras, Miss S., Uncertificated
Elementary School Teacher to be
Certificated Elementary School
Assistant Teacher Grade II, Educa-
tion Department, Antigua.

Jul. 1

Grorce, McC., Accountant, Peasant
Development Office, to be Peasant

Development Officer, Peasant
Personen Office, Antigua.
Jan. 1, 1954.



SAMUBL, D., P.O. Cl. III, Governor’s
Office, to be Prison Officer Grade
III, Prison, Antigua. June 1

TaYLor, A. McP., City Clerk, Muni-
cipal, to be Assistant Administra-
tive Secretary, Medical, Antigua.

Jan. 1

No. 79.

The following Bill which is to be
introduced in the Leyislative Council
of Antigua, is circulated with this
Gazette and forms part thereof:—

“The Old Metal and Marine Stores
Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 80.

The following Statutory Rule and
Order is circulated with this Gazette
and forms part thereof:—

Virgin Islands.

No. 6 of 1955, ‘*‘hhe Public Holi-
days (Opening of Shops) Order, 1955.”
1 pp. Price 3 cents.

Declaration dated ist July,
1955, made under Section 3
of the Land Acquisition Act,
1944 (No. 11/1944), for the
acquisition of certain land
in the Presidency of Saint
Christopher Nevis and An-
guilla required for public

the Governor in Council with the
approval of the Legislative Council
of the Presidency of Saint Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla considers that
the land described in the Schedule
hereto, situate in the island of. An-
guilla in the said Presidency should
be acquired for public purposes,
namely, for the erection of a septic
privy, in the said Presidency and
for the provision of- access thereto
from the public road.


An area of approximately 1642
square feet situate at Sandy Ground
in the island of Anguilla in the
Presidency of Saint Christopher-Nevis
and Anguilla and bounded on the
North by lands of AMELIA ODLUM
and RuTH LAKE on the South by

No. 352.

and RUTH ANN HODGE or the Heirs
of WHITWORTH HODGE, deceased,
on the East by a Public Road and on
the West by the sea.

Dated this Ist day of July, 1955.

Clerk of the Couneil.

Registry of the Supreme Court,
30th June, 1955.

His Lordship the Acting Chief
Justice of the Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands has been pleased
under the Notaries Public Act, Chap-
ter 145 of the Federal Acts of the
Leeward Islands (Revised Edition
1927) to appoint Mr. Louis HIppo-
LYTE LOCKHART, Barrister-at-Law
of Antigna in the Antigua Circuit,
Notary Public of the Supreme ‘Court
of the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands in and for the Colony of the
Leeward Islands.

Acting Registrar.

Invitation to Tender.


Tenders are invited for the pur<
chase of one 1947 Ford V. 8 85 horse-
power engine of British manufacture.
This engine, which was part of a fire-
pumping unit. has done the equiva-
lent of only about 1,000 miles and is
in very good condition. The engine
may be inspected by arrangement at
Richmond Service Station, Mont-

2. Applications should be marked
“Tender for Ford V8 Engine” and
should be addressed to the Commis-
sioner, Plymouth, Montserrat, who
does not bind himself to accept the
highest or any tender’ Such tenders
should be submitted in time to be
received not later than the 20th
August, 1955.

By Order,

Chief Clerk.

Commissioner’s Office,
Plymouth, Montserrat,
Tth July, 1955.

Regional Economic Committee
of The British West Indies,
British Guiana and British

The Regional Economic Committee
invit-s applications from suitably
qualified persons for the following


at an annual salary in the scale of


plus a representation allowance of



per annum. Salary and allowances
are tax free in the United Kingdom in
the event of the post being filled by a
resident of the British Caribbean Area.
Passages on assumption and termina-
tion of appointment for the Assistant
‘Trade Commissioner and family up
to five in all from the place of engage-
ment to London will be paid by the

The post does not at present carry
pension or superannuation rights.
The appointment willbe for a period
of three years in the first instance-

Candidates should possess a sound
knowledge of office organisation and
administrative experience in relation
to trade and commercial matters.
They should algo be proficient in the
assembly and presentation of statisti-
cal material, commodity market
reports, publicity material etc. Pre-
ference will be. given to candidates
holding special qualifications in trade
and commerce.

The Committee reserves the right
to fill the post by invitation if no
suituble application is received.


Applications furnishing full details
of candidate’s education, special quali-
fications and experience, together
with supporting documents and
names of two referees, should be
addressed to the Executive Secretary,
Regional Economic Committee, Hast-
ings House, Barbados, to reach him
by 20th August, 1955.

Ref. No. A. A. 77/19—II.

Vacant Post of Sanitary
Superintendent, St. Vincent,
B. W. I.

Applications are invited for the
post of Sanitary Superintendent in
the Medical Department, Saint Vin-
cent, British West Indies.

2. Candidates must possess the
Sanitary Inspectors Certificate of
the Royal Sanitary Institute. They
should have a working knowledge of
the construction and maintenance of
small rural water supplies, drainage
and the construction of drains. They
should also be able to read building
plans and be familiar with the
construction of houses. Candidates
should mention whether they have
had experience in a Government or
Municipal Health Department in the
West Indies.

3. The duties of the post include
general supervision of the work of
the Sanitary Staff: general supervision
of the various scavenging services and
Sanitary measures of the Colony:
general maintenance of small rural
water supplies: and checking building
plans for rural areas not under control
of the Central Housing and Planning

All duties will be performed under
the direction of the Senior Medical

4. The salary of the post, which is
pensionable, is in the scale $2304x
$96-$2784. Transport allowance for

[21 July, 1955.

the maintenance of u motor car for
the performance of official duties will
be paid at approved local rates.

5. Quarters are not provided. Gov-
ernment officials are liable to taxation
imposed by local enactments.

6. Applications accompanied by
copies of recent testimonials (pref-
erably. from Public Health Officers)
should be:addressed to the Senior
Medical Officer, Saint Vincent, and
should be submitted to reach him not
later than 31st July, 1955.

Government Office,
Saint Vincent,
20th June, 1955.

Ref. No. 13/00286,


By virtue of the powers vested in
me under Section 75 (1) of the
Vehicles and Road Traffic Ordinance
No. 5 of 1946, as amended by Section
10 of the Vehicles and Road Traffic
(Amendment) Ordinance No. 22 of
1954, I hereby declare that all traffie
signs on or near any roadway in
this Presidency are authorised and
retained by me.

E. M. V. JAMES, Lt. Col.,
Traffic Commissioner.

28th June, 1955.

Ref. No. 36/00004.

Central Wxperiment Station,


1951, 1952. 1963. 1954, 1955,
Jan. 3.60 3.10 2.55 3.44 2.16
Feb. 1,88 1.60 1.02 2.45 -68
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08 83
Apr. 216 3.14 206 49 1.75
May 10,54 3.07 1.50 3.83 2.81
June 2.74 5.74 1.31 3.32 1.47

July 9th 98 2.40 1.16 45 04

22.99 20.67 15.20 15.06




Revised List of Persons registered under the Midwives’ Ordinance No. 7 of 1951, for the
Presidency of Montserrat, as at lst July, 1955.

Serial Number. | Name. Address.
1 (3) Allen, Clemence Mary Elizabeth Glendon Hospital
2 (9) Barzey, Catherine, (Mrs.) nee Ryan Cork Hill
3 (16) Bramble, Elizabeth Glendon Hospital
4, (24) Buffong. Catherine St. George’s Hill
5. (29) Browne, Dianna Baker Hill
6 (4) Cadogan, Lilian (Mrs.) Plymouth
7 (5) Clarke, Kathleen (left Island) Harris
8 (13) Olarke, Catherine Glendon Hospital
9. (1) Edwards, Winifred St. John’s
10. (22) Frith, Catherine (left Island) Salem
11. (26) Fenton, Charlotte ,, Kinsale
12- (25) Greenaway, Leonora Adina (Mrs.) Infirmary
13. (28) s Mary (Mrs.) St. Johns’
14. (15) 9 Catherine (Mrs.) nee Straker Glendon Hospital
15. (20) Griffith, Edith (Mrs.) Plymouth
16. (27) Isles, Elleanor Teresa (left Island) Ps
17. (18) Lee, Mary Susannah Gordon Harris
18. (23) Cooper, Mary (Mrs.) nee Osborne Bethel
19. (17) Piper, Verna (Mrs.) (left Island) i
20. (19) Phillip, Vera Nelitha Harris
21. (31) Ponde, Rosie St. Patricks’
* 22. (11) Richardson, Ina (left Island) Glendon Hospital
23. (14) Roache, Katherine 3 3
24. (7) | Frewin, Beryl Geraldine (left Island) Plymouth
25. (21) Tuitt, Rosanna Bethel
26. (12) Wade, Catherine Glendon Hospital
27. (8) Warner, Susan (Mrs.) fe 9
28. (2) White, Sarah (Mrs ) St. Peters’
29. (10) Griffith, Doris (Mrs.) nee Williams Plymouth
30. (30) Wyke, Elizabeth (Mrs.) Salem

Secretary, Midwives’ Board.

Accounts of the Commissioners of Currency, British Caribbean
Territories (Eastern Group) for the Year 1954.


$ $
‘To: Personal Emoluments 111,033.67 By: Dividends 1,595,270.42
Vaults—Rental of 1,080.00 ; ae
Office space &c.—Rental of 1,400.00 Commission for
Incinerator at Trinidad—Rental of 120.00 issue and redemp-
Incidentals 2,527.94 tion of notes for
Postage and Telegrams—Headquarters 415.06 sterling 46,508.12
Furniture and Equipment 1,801.28
Printing and Stationery 1,441.53 Sundries 242.74
Supplies of notes 133,479.38
Intercolonial transfers of notes 6,377.51
Travelling &c. expenses—Commissioners 3,654.54
Barclays Bank D.C.0.—Agency fee in Leeward
Islands and Windward Islands 4,800.00
Telephones . 285.82
Audit of accounts 1,240.00
Bicycle allowance—messengers 72.00
Cancelling machines and dies 2,988.18
Commission refunded to Barclays Bank D.C. 0. 260.58

Contribution to Currency Fund (Article 4 (2)(c)

of First Schedule to Currency Ordinance 614,676.64
‘Transferred to Currency Surplus Account

Article 4 (3) of First Schedule to

Currency Ordinance 754,367.20


$1,642,021.28 1,642,021.28


To: Redeemed for sterling 1,200,000.00 By: Balance at Ist
. Jan. 1954 52,347,679.84
Loss on securities redeemed 7,205.18
Issues for sterling 9,259,000.00
Balances at 31st December, 1954 62,082,339.70 Gain on sale of

securities 8,601.72

Net gain on
revaluation of
securities at
80th June and
31st Dec. 1954 1,059,586.68

from Income
A/C Article 4
(2)(c) of First
Schedule to
Currency Ordi-
nance 614,676.64

63,289,544.88 . 63,289,544.88

—_— — —___—_—.

21 July, 1955.1

To: Payments to:
Government of Trinidad and Tobago

British Guiana







Balance 774,483.95

Amount transferred

Barba:los 77,448.40 from Income A/C
Leewarp IsLanDs Article (4) (3) of
Antigua 13,940.70 First Schedule to
St. Kitts-Nevis 12,391.74 Currency Ordi-
Montserrat 4,646.90 nance 754,367.20
Winpwarp IsLanps
Gren:Ja 11,617.26
St. Vincent 9,293.80
St. Lucia 18,587.60
Dominica 6,970.36
Balances 754,367.25
$1,528,851.15 $1,528,851.15
Currency Fund 62,082, 3a, Securities held by Crown Agents for
Suspense A/C (Unpaid Claim) 3] Oversea Governments and Adminis-
‘Currency Surplus Account (Article 5 of trations. 54,812,947.78
First Schedule to Currency Ordinance) |
for account of Government of: On deposit in Crown Agents Joint
: $ Colonial Fund 6,654,715.28
Trinidad and Tobago 414,901.97
British Guiana 188,591.81 On deposit with Accountant General,
Barbados 75,436.72 | Trinidad and Tobago 1,369,048.56
Antigua 3,578.62 |
St. Kitts-Nevis 12,069.88 |
Montserrat 4,526.20 |
Grenada 13,315.51 |
St. Vincent 9,052.42
St. Lucia 18,104.82
Dominica 6,789.30 754,367.25
62,836,711.62 2 | 62,836,711.62
Market value at 3lst December, 1954, of
Barclays Bank D.C.O. deposi! for note securities held by Crown Agents for Over-
issues 5,990,400.00 sea Governments and Administrations 5,990,400.00
The above Accounts have been examined in accordance
with Article 7 of the 1st Schedule to Chapter 35 No. 2
(Trinidad and Tobago). I have obtained all the information
16th May, 1955 and explanations that I have required, and I certify, as a
result of this audit, that in my opinion the Accounts are
correct, subject to the observations contained in the attached
Ist July, 1955. Ag. Director of Audit.

Executive Commissioner

British Caribbean Currency Board.
120 THE LEEWARD iSLANDS GAZETTE. [21 July, 1955.

Report of the Director of Audit of Trinidad and Tobago on the Accounts
of the Board of the Commissioners of Currency British Caribbean
Territories (Eastern Group) for the Year ended the
8lst December 1954.

Currency Funp Income Account.

Income for the year exceeded expenditure by $1,369,043.84. (i this excess, $614,676.64
was transferred to the Currency Fund Account, and the remainder, amounting to $754,367.20 to the
Currency Surplus Account in accordance with Articles 4 (2) ¢ and 4 (3) of the First Schedule to the
Currency Ordinance Chapter 35 No. 2 (Trinidad and Tobago).

2. As in previous years, the accounts for 1954 have been presented on a cash basis; all
expenditure for the year has been duly authorized.

Corrency Founp.

3. The value of the Currency Fund at 31st December 1954 amounted to $62,082,339.70
which was $2,851,247.70 more than the total note circulation of $59,231,092.00. No liability attached
to the participating Governments at the end of the year, under Article 6 (2) of the First Schedule to the
said Ordinance.


4. Statements have been received from the Crown Agents showing the Securities and Cash
on Deposit which they held on behalf of the Currency Fund. The certificate of the Controller and
Auditor General has, however, not yet been submitted for audit. The amount held on Deposit with the
Accountant General, Trinidad and Tobago, has been verified with his records.

Currency Surpius Account.

$774,483.90 of the 1953 surplus was distributed to member Governments during 1954 in
accordance with Article 5(2) of the First Schedule to the Curreney Ordinance. The balance of .05c. is
included in the balance of $754,367.25 shown at 31st December 1954.

Boarps OF Survery—KeEGuLaTion 20.

5. The requirements of Regulation 20 have not been fully complied with in the following
Grenada— 3 ordinary surveys and one surprise survey were held during the year. An
ordinary survey was not held for the last quarter.

Antigua— 3 ordinary surveys and one surprise survey were held during the year. An
ordinary survey was not held for the second quarter.


6. Currency notes issued by the Governments of Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and
British Guiana, were declared to be no longer legal tender as from the 2nd January 1955, by
proclamation of the Governors of the above territories in accordance with “ection 9 of the Currency

Wo. FEL,
Av. Director of Audit.
Ist July, 1955.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, M, BLACKMAN,
Government Printer.—By Authority

[Price 11 cents]
No. - of 1955. Old Metal and Marine Stores. ANTIGUA.

No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to regulate the purchase, sale and
export of old metal and marine stores.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua as

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Old Short title
Metal and Marine Stores Ordinance, 1955.

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context Interpreta-
otherwise requires— tion,

“licensed purchaser’ means any person
licensed under section 3 of this Ordinance
to purchase old metal or marine stores;

‘6 marine stores ” includes second-hand anchors,
wire cables or chains, slings, sails, old
junk, and other second-hand marine
atores of any kind;

“old metal’? includes old metal, used or
second-hand metal fittings, scrap.-metal,
broken metal, partly manufactured metal
goods, and defaced or, old metal goods,



LW P7-
Antiaua. 2 Old Metal and Marine Stores. No. of 1955.

“Schedule”” means a schedule to this
De ee 8. (1) It shall not be lawful for any person
marine stores tO carry on the business of a dealer in old metal or
to belicensed, marine stores unless he has previously taken out a
licence under this Ordinance.

(2) Licences under this Ordinance shall be
granted by and at the discretion of the Magistrate
of the District in which the premises to be licensed
are situate.

(3) No such ,licence shall be granted without
the previous report of the Police officer in charge -
of the division in which the premises to be licensed .
are situate, and before the expiration of twenty-one
days at least after application in writing has been
made therefor to the Magistrate. e

(4) Such licences shall be in the form in the
First Schedule and shall be annual licences termin-
ating on the 31st day of December of the year for
which they are granted. A fee of $2.40 shall be
paid to the Magistrate for each such licence.

Signboard to 4. Over one of the principal entrances of

be displayed. the place of business of every licensed purchaser
there shall be placed a board on which shall be
printed, in legible letters of at least two inches in
length, the name in full of the licensed purchaser
and the words ‘“ Licensed Purchaser of Old Metal
and Marine Stores.” |

ee es 5. (1) Every licensed purchaser shall keep
keep book, & book (hereinafter called “ Licensed Purchaser’s

Book”) in the form in the Second Schedule, in
which shall be legibly written in ink the date and
time of the day when any old metal or marine
stores are purchased or received by him or on his.
behalf, the name in full, and the residence and
occupation of the person from whom any such
metal or stores are purchased or received, and, in
a case where the seller is the agent of another
person, the name and address of the principal, the
quantity purchased or received, and the price paid
for each purchase. .

No. of 1955. Old Metal and Murine Stores. 3 AwvIGua.

2) Every such entry in a Licensed Pur-
chaser’s Book shall be made at the time of the
transaction, and shall be signed by the licensed
purchaser or his agent and by the seller or his

Provided that where a licensed purchaser is
unable by reason of illiteracy or any physical cause
to sign the entry in the Licensed Purchaser’s Book
the licensed purchaser shall complete the entry by
making his mark thereto in the presence of a police

6. (1) No person shall purchase or receive Restrictions
wee ‘ ‘ on purchases
any old metal or marine stores except between the ind dealings.
hours of seven o'clock in the morning and six
o’clock in the evening.

(2) No person shall purchase or receive any
old metal or marine stores from any person under
the age of sixteen years.

(3) No person shall employ any servant or
apprentice or other person under the age of sixteen
yeurs to purchase or receive any old metal or
marine stores.

(4) No old metal or marine stores shall be
- purchased or received at any one time in any
. quantity less than twenty-five pounds.

(5) Any person contravening any of the
provisions of this section shall be guilty of an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or to imprison-
ment for a term not exceeding six months.

7. (1) It shall be lawful for any police Power of
officer at any time when a licensed purchaser’s ity 208
premises are open for business, to imspect the
Licensed Purchaser’s Book and all old metal and
marine stores in the premises.

(2) The licensed purchaser or his_repre-
sentative, or the person in charge of a licensed
purchaser’s premises, or the person in © whose
eustody or charge the Licensed Purchaser’s Book
-any old metal, or marine stores may be. or any
person who hus made an entry in the Licensed


Goods pur-
chased to be
kept for 15

Obligation to
give informa-
tion to Police,

4 Old Metal and Marine Stores. No. of 19565.

Purchaser's Book with respect to which a police
officer may desire to aak any questions, shall permit
such police officer to inspect the Licensed Pur-
chaser’s Book and all old metal, and marine stores,
and shall answer all such questions as may be
asked by the police officer with reference to the
Licensed Purchaser’s Book, any old metal or
marine stores in the premises or any of the entries
or contents of the Licensed Purchaser’s Book. 7

8. (1) All old metal and marine stores
purchased or received by or on behalf of a licensed
purchaser shall be kept in the licensed purchaser’s
premises and shall not in any way be changed in
form or shape or disfigured for a period of at least
fifteen days after their purchase or receipt:

Provided that the police officer in charge of |

_the division in which a licensed purchaser carries

on his business may, in his discretion, on the
application of the licensed purchaser grant a
(a) for the shipment or alteration in
form or shape of any old metal or marine
stores without the same having been kept for
a period of fifteen days;

(6) for the shipment of broken machin-
ery direct from the place where the same is
purchased, notwithstanding the provisions of
this section to the contrary.

(2) Every person who fails to comply with
the provisions of subsection (1) of this section
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceed-
ing three months.

9. (1) Every person licensed under this
Ordinance who, after notice has been given to him
by any police officer or by advertisement in the
Gazette or a local newspaper that any old metal or
marine stores’ have been stolen or fraudulently
obtained, fails to give information to the Police
that articles of the like description were offered to
him or were or are in his possession, shall be guilty
of an offence against this. Ordinance,
No. of 1955. Old Metaland Marine Stores. 5

- (2) Every licensed purchaser who offends
against the provisions of subsection (1) of this
‘section shall be liable on summary conviction to a
fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

10. Every person who—

(a) assaults, resists or obstructs any
police officer in the execution of any duty
under this Ordinance;

(6) aids or abets any other person in
assaulting, resisting or obstructing any police
officer while acting in the execution of his
duty under this Ordinance;

(c) aids or abets any other person ina
contravention of any of the provisions of this

(d) purchases old metal or marine stores
without a licence as required by section 3;

(e) fails to keep a signboard as required
by section 4;

(f) fails to keep a Licensed Purchaser’s
Book as required by section 5;

shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceed-
ing three months.

11. If any licensed purchaser is convicted of
an offence under this Ordinance, the Court may, in
its discretion, cancel the licence of that licensed

12. All moneys received for licenses, and all
penalties recovered under this Ordinance, shall be
paid into the Treasury for the use of the
_ Presidency.

18. The Metal Act, 1863, is hereby repealed.



« a



Licence may
be cancelled
on conviction.

of moneys.

a 3 ?
Antigua. 6 Old Metal and Marine Stores. No. of 1955.

Passed the Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Couneil.

FoRM OF LICENCE. (Section 3.)

A.B, having this day paid the sum of $2.40 is hereby authorised
and licensed to deal in Old Metal and Marine stores at

in accordance with the provisions of the Old Metal and Marine Stores
Ordinance, 1955 (No. of 1955).

This licence expires on the 31st day of December, 19

District Magistrate, District* ”.


2 ‘ Description ‘ Signature |
Time Namein full, Name and |and quantity eae of police
D of | residence & : -_ | or mark of
ate, : address of lof goods pur-| Price| “7; officer
day. | occupation incipal hased Licensed fie
of seller principal. chased or Purchaser. | .“itness-
: received. ‘ing mark.
\ | |
i |
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands
by E. M. Buacgman, Government Printer.—By Authority.
332—T7,55. [Price 8 cents ~


1955, No. 6.

Tue Pusric Horipays (Openine oF Saors) OR
CIL UNDER SECTION 8 OF THE Pupiic Hotrpays Act,
1954 (No. 19 or 1954).

WHEREAS by section 1 8 of the Public Holidays Act,
1954 (No. 19 of 1954) it is provided notwithstanding anything
contained in the said Act the Governor with the advice of the
Executive Council of a Presidency, may from time to time, by
order published in the Gazette, permit any class of shop or
store specified in such order to be kept open on a_ public
holiday for the sale of any article in such Presidency or any
part. thereof during such hours and subject to such terms and
‘conditions as may be prescribed by such order:

AND WHEREAS by section 9 of the said Act it is
provided for the purposes of sections 6 and 8 of the said Act
that the expression ‘“ Governor” shall mean the officer for the
time being administering the Government of the Presidency:

AND WHEREAS the Governor with the advice of the
Executive Council of the Presidency is pleased to order and it
' is hereby ordered as follows:—

1. Short Title. This Order may be cited as the
Public Holidays (Opening of Shops) Order, 1955.

2. Opening of Shops. All shops and stores in the
said Presidency of whatever nature may be kept open on the
first Monday in August, 1955, for the sale therein of any
articles up to and including the hour of 11 p.m. on the
said day.

Made by the Governor in Council this 2nd day of June,
\ M. Trrurny,

, Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
a ae 7.55. [ Price 3 cents. }

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