Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Bublished by Authority.


ELIZABETH the Second, by

the Grace of God of the
United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland
and of Her other Realms
and Territories, Queen, Head
of the Commonwealth, De-
fender of the Faith.


the Returning Officer of the

third electoral district.

WHEREAS by subsection (1) of
section 50 of the Virgin Islands Con-
stitution and Elections
1954, it is provided that for the
purpose of every general election of
members of the Council, and for the
purpose of the election of members
to supply vacancies cansed by death,
resignation or otherwise, the Com-
missioner shall issue writs of election
under the Public Seal of the Presi-
dency, addressed to the returning
officers of the respective electoral
districts for which members are to be

AND WHEREAS the seat of the
elected member for the third electoral
district has become vacant in conse-
quence of the resignation of the said

Commissioner of the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands do hereby
require that you proceed to the
nomination of candidates on
Wednesday the 15th day of June,
1955 at 10.00 a.m. and thereafter, if
necessary, you do on Friday the 8th
day of July, 1955, between the hours
of 10 o’clock in the forenoon and 4
o’clock in the afternoon, cause elec-
tion to be made according to law
of a member to serve in the Legisla-
tive Council of the Presidency for
the suid electoral district and that
you do cause the name of such mem-
ber when so elected to be certified to
me not later than the 9th day of July,

GIVEN under my hand and the
Public Seal of the Presidency
this 6th day of June, 1955, and
in the third year of Her Majesty’s


328. Jer I7
Lo ¥7k

Ordinance, -

It is notified for general informa-
tion that, at a meeting of the General
Legislative Council held on the 20th
June, 1955, the Honourable J. C. L.
WALL was elected by the unofficial
members of that Council to be a
member of the Federal Executive
Council, in the place of the Honour-
able R. W. GRIFFITH.

The Secretarrai,
28th June, 1955.

©. 18/00002

It is hereby notified for general
information that His Honour the
Administrator has been pleased to
appoint Mr. G. A. THIBOU as a mem-
ber of the Tenders Board in place of
Mr. H. D. C. Moors with effect from
22nd June, 1955.


A Certificate of Naturalization No.
1 of 1955 dated the Ist June, 1955,
has been granted to Mr. EMANUEL
JOSEPH EID of George Street, Ply-
mouth, Montserrat, under the British
Nationality Act.

The Secretariat,
95th June, 1955.

M.P. 55/00010.

Virgin Islands Constitution and
Elections Ordinance, 1954.

It is hereby notified for general
information that His Honour the
Commissioner of the Virgin Islands
has appointed Mr. H. O. CREQUE to
be Returning Officer, Third District
for the forthcoming by-election in the
said District.

Commissioner’s Office,

British Virgin Islands.
Ref. 18/28.
No. 69.
Appointments and transfers ete.,

in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

ALFonSO, L. N., transferred to St.
Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla as Superin-

tendent of Police, with effect from -

the 30th June, 1955.

JUNE, 1955.

No. 28.


No. 70.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exeroised in respect of the un-
dermentioned Act:—

Leeward Islands.

No. 10 of 1955
(Repeal) Act, 1955.”


“The Prisons

No. 71.

The Governor has this day been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Acts:—

Leeward Islands.

No. 20 of 1955, “The Currency
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”

No. 21 of 1955, “The Post Office
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”
Jun. 23

No. 72.

The following Acts and Statutory
Rules and Orders are circulated with
this Gazette and form part thereof:—

Leeward Islands.

No. 19 of 1955, “'The Leeward
Islands (Amendment) Act, 1955.”
5 pp. Price 7 cents.

No. 20 of 1955, “The Currency
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 21 of 1955, ‘“‘The Post Office
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.


No. 13 of 1955, ‘The Treasury
(Amendment) Rules, 1955.”
1 pp. Price 3 cents.

Virgin Islands.

No. 3 of 1955, ‘‘ The Motor Vehicles
Regulations, 1955.”
25 pp. Price 27 cents.

~ are to Come Mm an


In the matter of tue estate of
Ella Van Engle, deceased.

To all creditors of the above estate.

You are hereby notified that you
prove your aevw

and file your claims at the office of
the Administrator of Estates at the
Court House in the town of Basge-
terre in the Island of Saint Christo-
pher against the said estate.

Creditors resident within the Colo-
ny of the Leeward Islands are to file
their claims within four months after
the 16th day of June, 1955.

Creditors resident ont of the said
Colony are to file their claims within
eight months from the said 16th day
of June. 1955,

that any creditors failing to file their
claims within the time above specified
will be excluded from any benefits
arising from the said estate.

Ail persons indebted to the said
deceased are requested to pay the
amount of their respective debts
to me.

Dated the 16th day of June, 1955.

H. 8S. L. Moseury,
Adminisirator of Estates.

ANTIGUA, 8th June, 1955.

LIMITED of 155 King Street, Water-
loo, Ontario, Canada, have applied for
Registration of Trade Mark con-
sisting of the following:—

in Class 43 that is to say: Beer.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 8 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade

A. R. Muang,
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.


Distribution of Roumanian,
Bulgarian and Hungarian

NOTICE is hereby given that the
closing date'for the acceptance by the
United Kingdom’s Administrator, of
elaima mude—pursuant to a notice
issued in the Leeward Islands
Gazette on 27th January, 1955
(Distribution of Roumanian Bulgarian
and Hungarian Assets), has been
extended to the 30th June, 1955.

Dated the 13th day of June, 1955.

Ag. Custodian of Enemy Property.


It is hereby notified for general
information that an examination for
a number of Government Scholar-
ships to the Antigua Grammar School
and the Antigua Girls’ High School
will be held at the St. John’s Boys’
Schoolroom on Thursday Ist Septem-
ber, 1955.


2. Cundidates shall be qualified to
take the examination who:—

(a) will be over 9 but less than
13 years of age on 31st December,

(6) have attended a school in the
Colony for a period of three years
immediately preceding the 31st
December, 1955 the last twelve
months being at a school in

(0) are in need of financial assist-
ance to enter upon and complete a
secondary school course;

(d) are British subjects.


3. Applications must be made to
the Inspector of Schools not later
than Saturday 13th August, 1955.

Application must be accompanied
by a birth or baptismal certificate, a
medical certificate of good health,
certificate from Head Teachers of
Schools certifying regular attendance
for the three previous years and good
behaviour of the candidate, and
evidence of the need for financial
assistance to parents or guardians to
pay for secondary education.

Application forms can be obtained
from the Inspector of Schools,


4. (a) Arithmetic, including nu-
meration and notation, length, time,
weight (English Units) Money
(English and American Units), and
the application of the four rules to
them with simple, vulgar and deci-
mal fractions.

(6) (i) English Test of candidates
comprehension of a short
story read to or by them.

(ii) Simple exercise in English

[30 June, 1955,

(c) Writing from Dictation.
(2) West Indian History

Inspector of Schools.



The public is hereby notified of the
following :—

(1) Popeshead Street is now re-
opened to vehicular traffic.

(2) In order to effect repairs to
water mains, Dickenson Bay Street,
east of its junction with Popeshead
Street, will be closed to vehicular
traffic as from Tuesday, I4th June,

E. M. V. JAMzEs, Lt. Col.,
Traffic Commissioner.
13th June, 1955.

Statement of Currency Notes
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
ern Group) on ist June,

Average circulation during April,
Br. Caribbean Cur-
rency Notes
Demonetized Gov't.
Notes (outstanding)



Br. Caribbean Currency Notes in
circulation on Ist June, 1955:

Trinidad & Tobago

(including $

Montserrat) .» 27,497,015.00
Barbados ... 5,680,625.00
British Guiana eee 13,847,211.50
Grenada 1,866,100.00
St. Vincent 529,400.00
St. Lucia 934,000.00
Dominica «+ 1,028,400.00
Antigua . -1,544,300.00
St. Kitts


Total Br. Caribbean

Currency Notes... 54,404,551.50

Demonetized Trinidad
and Tobago Gov't.

Notes outstanding -.- 979,390.00
Demonetized Br.

Guiana Gov't.

Notes outstanding ... 348,208.50
Demonetized Barbados

Gov’t. Notes

outstanding 94,942.00
Total Government

Notes outstanding ... 1,422,540.50

Total circulation
on Ist June, 1955... 55,827,092.00

Kxecutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.
British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers
Port of Spain.
Trinidad, B.W I,
Ref. No. 24/00044.

30 June, 1955.1

“Vacant Post of Dental Surgeon
-QGolonial Hospital, St. Vineent.

Applications are invited from suit-
-ably qualified candidates for appoint-
ment to the post of Dental Surgeon,
- St. Vincent.

2. The salary of the post ig in the
seale $3,840x$120-$4,800 per annum,
and consideration will be given to
appointment at a point higher up the
scale depending upon the qualifica-
tions and experience of the successful
candidate. Private practice is allowed.

3. A transport allowance at the
prescribed rate is payable in respect of
a motor-car maintained by th» officer
for official travelling.. Quarters are
not provided.

4. Candidates should possess a
Dental qualification entitling them to
practiss dentistry or dental surgery in
some part of Her Majesty’s Dominions,

-or a qualification obtained in a forcign
country recognised by the Medical
Board, St. Vincent. :

5. The Dental Surgeon shall
furnish free dental treatment for the
poorer classes, including labourers,
paupers, and inmates of Government
institutions and to all other persons
who are entitled to free dental treat-
ment at Government expense, provi-


ded that such treatment shall not
include the making or supplying of
dental prostheses.

In the case of members of the
public, free treatment shall be pro-
vided only at Government clinics and
the dental surgeon shall attend at such
clinics at such times and places as the
Governor-in-Council may from time
to time prescribe.

(2) He shall be responsible for the
dental care and treatment of school
children and shall visit and inspect
all schools at least once annually and
shall carry out such treatment as he
deems necessary.

(3) He shall act as adviser to Gov-
ernment in all matters relating to the
dental health and welfare of the

(4) He shall perform such other
duties not inconsistent with the above
as the Governor may direct.

6. The post is at present non-
pensionable, but steps are being taken
to have it made pensionable. The
person selected. will be subject to the
Colonial Regulations, the General
Orders and the Financial and Store
Rules of the Windward Islands and to
the various Ordinances and Subsidiary
Legislation in force in the Colony.

Tenders for Groceries, etc.

The following tenders have been accepted for the

Edible Oil

period ending 31st December, 1955, for the supply of the

undermentioned items to Government Institutions:—


Washing Soda


7. Free first class passages to St,
Vincent will be provided for the
Officer, his wife and children under
the age of 18 years, on first appoint-
ment. Leave passages will be granted
in accordance with local provision.

8. The person appointed will be
liable to transfer to a similar post: of
equivalent status within the Wind-
ward Islands.

9. Applications should be address-
ed to the Assistant Administrator and
Establishment Officer, Government
Office, St. Vincent, and should reach
him not later than 3/st July, 1955
giving full details of the candidate’s
experience and qualifications together
with copies of testimonials.

Ref. No. 13/00086.

Centra] Wxperiment Station,

1951, 1952. 1953. 1054, 1956,
Jan, 3.60 3.10 2.55 3.44 2.16
Feh. 1.88 1.60 1.02 245 .68
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08 83
Apr. 2.16 3.14 206 49 1.75
May 10.54 3.07 1.50 3.83 2.81
June 25th 2.74 4.54. 127 261 1,10
22.01 17.07 14.00 13.90 9.88


3.22 per gallon
.96-,, box of 72 4 oz.

10 = ,, Ib.


GROCERIES. Beet. Steak
g Sirloin
‘ : Liver
Cooking Butter 4.56 per 5 lb. tin Mutt
Table Butter 1.20 ,, 1lb. ,, Dee”
+4 “ 5.40 ,, 51b. ,, OF
Margarine 2.80 ,, 5]b. ,,
Lard and Lard substitutes 2.80 ,, 5lb. ,,
Laundry Soap (Blue & Brown)12.00 ,, 50 1b. carton
35 » Cream UDI5O 50 ogy %
Sardines 15 per tin
5 14.40 ,, case of 100 tins
Pickled Pork—Clear 46 per lb. Leper Home
; 3 % 5 82.00 ,, barrel of 200 lb.
” ” Snouts Holberton Hospital
Jowls, scalps .44 ,, lb.
‘Pork Snouts, Jowls, scalps 78.00 -,, barrel of 200 lb.


47 per lb.




I5c. per lb. delivered

14 per 26 oz. bottle
14 per 26 oz. bottle
(30— 40 bottles daily)


Rice 23.25 per bay of 177 |b., Holberton Hospital Balance of requirements
delivered @ 14c. per 26 oz. bottle
Flour 11.15 per bag of 100 lb. delivered
_ Salted Fish .29 4, Ib. Lunatic Asylum do. do.
Cornmeal 11.95 ,, bag of 100 lb. Fiennes Institute do. do.
Pickled Beef 48° ,, Ib.
‘Condensed Milk 16.24. ,, carton of 48 JOSEPH DEW & SON.
14 oz. tins ; KEROSENE OIL.
White potatoes 10 per Ib. At current wholesale price, less duty and less 257%
Onions 12 4, » Administrator's Office,
Sugar—white granulated 13.65 ,, bag of 112 lb. Antigua.
» brown 19.60 ,, 249 lb. 27th June, 1955.
washed 26.30 4, 45, 224 1b. Ref, No. A. 41/36.



Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. M. BLACKMAN,

Government Printer.—By Authority

[Price 50 cents]

Leeward Islinds

No. 19 ‘of 1955.
. (Amendinent).

a I reserve this Bill for the
- {L.8.] signification of Her Majesty’s

K. W. BracksurneE,

Ist February, 1955.


No. 19 of 1955.
(27th April, 1955]
‘An Act to amend further the Leeward Islands Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the
Leeward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Leeward
Islands (Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read
as one with the Leeward Islands Acts, 1871 to
1950, as amended, hereinafter called the Principal

2. Subsection (1) of section 7A of the
Principal Act is hereby amended by the deletion
of the comma after the word “‘ Presidency ” in the
second line and of the words “having received
notice in writing to that effect from the representa-
tive member concerned, is satisfied that such”,

and the substitution therefor of the words
‘Cis satisfied that a”’.
8. Section 7B of the Principal Act is hereby

amended as follows:—
(a) by repealing subsection (2) thereof;

(b) by deleting the figure and symbols
“(1)” appearing after the figure and letter




Short title

34 & 35 Vict.
c. 107.


of section 7A ~

of the Princi-
pal Act.

of section 7B
of the Princi-
pal Act.

Leeward 2 Leeward Islands No. 19 of 1955. _

IsLanps. _ (Amendment),
Addition of 4. The following new sections shall be
fo tke Prag. inserted in the Principal Act immediately ufter
pal Act. section 8 thereof :—
ey 8A. (1) Whenever there is a vacancy
inembars. in the number of persons sitting in the

Council as nominated members by reason of

the fact that— ;

(a) a nominated member is absent
from the Leeward Islands or is unable for
any cause to take his seat in the Council;
or .

(6) the seat of a nominated member
is vacant for any cause other than the
dissolution of the Council,

the Governor may, by Instrument under the

Public Seal, appoint from among the nomi-

nated members of one of the Island Councils.

a person to be a temporary member for the

period of such vacancy.

(2) The Governor shall report every
appointment made under this section to Her
Majesty through u Secretary of State, and
such appointment may (without prejudice to
anything done by virtue thereof) be revoked
by the Governor by Instrument under the
Public Seal.

(3) So long as his appointment subsists,
a person appointed under this section shall,
for the purposes of this Act but subject to the
provisions of this section, be deemed to be
a nominated member of the Council and,
subject as aforesaid, the provisions of sub-
section (2) of section 8 of this Act shall apply
in relation to such person as they apply in
relation to a nominated member appointed
under subsection (1) of the said section 8.

(4) An appointment made under this
section shall cease to have effect on notification
by the Governor to the person appointed of its
revocation by the Governor, or on its super-
session by the definitive appointment of a
person to fill the vacancy, or when the
vacancy shall otherwise cease to exist.

No. 19 of 1955. Leeward Islands - 3

8B. A person whose seat in the Council
has become vacant may, if qualified, again be
appointed or elected as a member of the
Council from time to time.”.

5. The bolieene: section is hereby substi-
tuted for section 9A of the Principal Act:—

“QA. (1) Whenever there is a vacancy
in the number of persons sitting in the
Council as official members by reason of the
fact that—

(a) an official member is administer-
ing the General Government; or

(6) an official member is temporarily
unable to take his seat in the Council; or

(c) a person, who is an_ official

member by virtue of any of the provi-

sions of . subsection (1) of section 9

/ of this Act, is performing the duties of
one or both of the offices by virtue of

the performance of which, under the
provisions of that subsection, a person is

an official member; or

(d) no person is holding or perform-
ing the duties of uny one of those
offices specified in or by reference to
which an appointment has been made
under the said subsection (1),

the Governor may, subject to the provisions
, of subsection (2) of this section, appoint a
person to be a temporary member of the
-Council for the period of such vacancy.

(2) The person so appointed shall be
a person holding an office of emolument
under the Government of the Colony or of
any Presidency and may be appointed either
by name or by reference to his office and shall
be appointed by Instrument under the Public


’ ISLanps.

ment and
re-election of

of section 9A
of the Princi-
pal Act.

official mem-






of section 10
of the Princi-

pal Act. ‘

Leeward Islands ‘No; 19 ef 1955.

(5) The Governor shall forthwith report
every appointment made under this section to
Her ‘Majesty through a Secretary of State,
and such appointment may (without prejudice
to anything done by virtue thereof) be _
revoked by the Governor by Instrament under :
the Public Seal. 2 ‘

(4) So long as his appointment subsists,
@ person appointed under this section shall,
for the purposes of this Act but subject to the —
provisions of this section, be deemed to be an -
official member of the Council and, subject

as aforesaid, the provisions of subseetion (2)

of section 9 of this Act shall apply in relation
to such person as they apply in relation to an
official member appointed under subsection (1)

- of the said section 9.

(5) An apootiument made under this
section shall cease to have effect on notification
by the Governor to the person appointed of

its revocation by the Governor, or on its

supersession by the definitive Appointment . of
a person to fill the vacancy, or when the
vacancy shall otherwise cease to exist.”.

6. (1) Section 10 of the Principal Act is

hereby amended as follows: —

(a) in subsection a

(i) by the deletion of paragraph (/);

(ii) by the deletion of paragraph (m);'

(ili) by re-lettering paragraphs (9)
to (J) as paragraphs (f') to (4) and —
varier=phe (n) to (r) as paragraphs (()
to (p); i

(b) in subsection (2) by sabectiGng the
letter ‘‘(p)” for the letter “ (r)”.

(2) This section shall come into opera-

| tion on a day to be appointed. by the Governor

by Proclamation published in the Gazette,

‘and different days may be appointed for the.

purpose of different provisions of this section. —

No. 19 of 1955. Leeward Islands 5 ~ LEEWARD ©
. (Amendment). IsLanps.

7. Subsection (1) of section 19 of the Amendment
Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitu- of rection 19
tion of the words “ Section 11B of this Act and” pal Act.

for the words “this Act and” appearing therein.

8. This Act, save as otherwise expressly Commence-
- provided herein, shall come into operation on a ™™
_ day to be appointed by the Governor by Proclama-
tion published in the Gazette.

Maoricr H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955.

A. E. Penn,
» Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Offive, Leeward Islands, .
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer—By Authority.
1955. .
18/00011.—500—6.53. [Price 7 cents.J

No. 20 of 1955. Currency (.tmendment).

[L.S.] ‘
I Assent,
K. W. BiacksurneE,
Governor. —
23rd June, 1955.

No. 20 of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Currency Act, 1950.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Currency
(Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Currency Act, 1950, as amended, herein-
after called the Principal Act.

2. Section 2 of the Principal Act is hereby
amended by the substitution for the definition of
the expression ‘“‘currency note” of the following
definition: —

“‘ “currency note” means any note provi-
ded, issued, deemed to have been
issued or re-issued under the provis-
ions of this Act”.

8. Subsection (2) of section 4 of the
Principal Act is hereby repealed and replaced as

“ (2) Currency Notes.of the Government
of Jamaica issued from time to time under the
provisions of the Currency Notes Law of the
Colony of Jamaica and being, at the time of


Short title.


of section 2
of the Princi-
pal Act.

Section 4 of
the Principal:
Act amended,

Lrewarp 2 Currency (Amendmeni). No. 20 of 195d.

ISLANDS. . : .
ténder, legal tender in Jamaica (hereinafter

referred to as “Jamaica notes’’), shall be
deemed for the purposes of this Act to have
been issued under this Act.”

_ Amendment 4. Subsection (1) of section 6 of the Princi-
the Principal’ pal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of
Act, a colon for the full-stop appearing at the end

thereof and by the insertion immediately thereafter
of the following proviso:—

“Provided that for the purposes of this ¢
Act the value of Jamaica notes shall be
calculated at the rate of four dollars and
eighty cents for one pound.”

Commence- 5.. This Act shall come into operation on a
mont, day to be appointed by the Governor by proclama-
tion published in the Gazette.

K. W. BuackBuRNE,,

Passed the General Legislative Council this
20th day of June, 1955.

Epa@ar H. M. Epwarps, .
Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Ie eward Islands,
by E. M. BLAcKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority. ’
¢ 19H5.
24/00003—II—500—6,55. [Price 4 cents.]


No. 21 of 1955. Post Office (Amendment) —
- [LS]

I AssEnt,
K. W. Brackgurne,

23rd June, 1955.

No. 21 of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Post Office Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the
Leeward Islands. \

1. This Act may be cited as the Post Office
(Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Post Office Act, as amended, hereinafter
called the Principal Act.

- 2. Subsection (1) of section 16 of the Prin-
cipal hereby amended by the deletion of all
the words appearing after the colon in the ninth
line and the substitution therefor of the following: ---

“ Provided that—

(a) no compensation shall, in any case,
be given where the loss or damage
arises from causes beyond control;

(b) no compensation for loss or damage

to any such parcel shall be made

_ unless it is authorised by such rules
80 made as aforesaid.”.


Short Title.

Cap. 123.


of section 16
of the Princi
pal Act,

Lenwarp 2 Post Offee (Amendment) No. 2 of 1955. :
Repeal. ~ 3. The Post Office (Amendment) Act, 1980

is hereby repealed.

K. W. Bracxsurnn,

Passed the General Legislative Council this
20th day of June, 1955.


Epaar H. M. Epwarps,
said Clerk of the ee

‘ \ oe:
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islan:
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Goverment Printer.—By ‘Authority”
1955, :

47/00028—480—6.55 [Prick conts.]



1955, No. 138.


- Tue Treasury (AMENDMENT) Roxns, 1955, paTED Junge 14, 1955,
Treasury Orpinancr, 1947 (Montserrat No. 2 or 1947).

1. Crrarton. These Rules may be cited as the Treasury (Amend-
- ment) Rules 1955 and shall be read as one with the Treasury Rules
- 1949 hereinafter called the Principal Rules.

2. Revocation. Rules 2,8, 10 and 21 of the Principal Rules
~ are hereby revoked.

3. COMMENCEMENT. ‘These Rules shall be deemed to have come
_ Into operation on the 1st day of January, 1955.

Made by the Governor in Council this 14th day of June, 1955.

Js. H. Carrort,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M,. BLAoKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

‘ 1955.
. 31/00323—480—6.55. [Price 3 cents.]



“1955, No. 3.

Tur Motor Venicurs Reeurations, 1955, patrp Aprin 7, 1955,
Motor VeHicLes OrpiInancr, 1954.

1. Crration. These Regulations may be cited us the Motor
Vehicles Regulations, 1955.

2. Interpretation. In these Regulations—

“at night” means half an hour after sunset until half an hour

before sunrise or such other period for the lighting of motor
vehicles as may be fixed by the Commission notice whereof
shall be given in such manner and form as, in the opinion
of the Commission, will give publicity thereto;

‘longitudinal overhang” means the distance measured from the
center of a hub of a rear wheel to a vertical line let fall
from the extreme rear limit of the body;

“lateral overhang ” means the distance measured from the outer
face of the tyre on the rear wheel on the same side of the
motor vehicle (and in the case of dual tyres from the outer
surface of the outer tyre) to a vertical line let fall from the
extreme limit of the body;

‘“¢ Ordinance” means the Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954;

‘overall length ” means the overall length of a motor vehicle
exclusive of the starting handle or bumpers, if any, and of
the hood, if any, when down;

“overall width’ means the width measured between parallel
planes passing through the extreme projecting points of
the motor vehicle exclusive of any driving mirror;

“Schedule” means a Schedule to these Regulations.

3. Forms. For the purposes of the Ordinance and of these
Regulations the forms set out in the Schedules or forms to like effect
shall be used in cases to which they refer,

9 2

4. APPLICATION FOR ° “Registration. (1) Application for the
registration of a motor vehicle shall be made by the owner on Form I set
out in the First Schedule which shall be duly completed by the applicant
and be accompanied by the prescribed registration fee.

(2) The Commission shall, upon being satisfied that the provisions
of the Ordinance and any Regulations have been complied with, forthwith
enter particulars of the motor vehicle in the Register of motor vehicles
and shall assign to the motor vehicle a registered letter or letters and
number, which shall be the identification mark of such vehicle.

(3) A certified copy of the entry in the Register of motor vehicles
shall be given to the owner of the motor vehicle, and such certificate of ..
registration shall be regarded as prima facie evidence that the motor
vehicle to which it refers has been registered.

(4) If motor vehicle does not bear on it an identification mark as
provided by this regulation, this fact shall be regarded as prima facie
evidence that the motor vehicle has not been registered, and any police
officer may detain such vehicle until enquiries have been made.

(5) The owner of a motor vehicle shall notify the Commission of all
circumstances or events which affect the accuracy of the entries in the
Register of motor vehicles at the same time forwarding his certificate of
registration, for amendment.

(6) The Commission may call upon any owner of a motor vehicle at
any time to furnish all information for the verification of the entries in
the Register of motor vehicles relating to such vehicle.

(7) No person shall be registered as the owner of —
(a) a motor cycle, unless he is 16 years of age or over;

(6) a motor vehicle other than a motor cycle, | ane he is 18
years of age or over.

5. VERIFICATION or APPLICATION. (1) Before the registration
of any motor vehicle the Commission shall verify all the particulars
entered in the form of application, and may, if it deems it necessary, cause
the motor vehicle to be examined for the purpose of ensuring that it is
of such construction and in such condition as may be necessary for the
purpose for which it is sought to register the vehicle.

(2) Before registering any motor vehicle, the Commission shall
ascertain, in the manner prescribed, the maximum gross: weight or the
maximum number of passengers which the v@hicle is authorised to carry |
and such maximum gross weight or maximum number of passengers shall
be entered in the Register of motor. vehicles and in the certificate of
registration. :

6. IDENTIFICATION oF Mark. (1) The jdehitification marks to be
carried by a motor vehicle in pursuance of regulation 4 shall consist of
two plates, which must conform, as to size, lettering, numbering and
otherwise, with the provisions set ont in the Second Schedule.

(2) Letters and numbers as prescribed in the Second Schedule
painted or otherwise fixed to the motor vehicle may be used instead of

(3) Any reference to plates in these Regulations shall be construed
to include a reference to the numbers and letters so painted or fixed, and
any reference to the fixing of plates to include a reference to the numbers
and letters so painted or fixed or other delineation of the numbers and

7. Postrioy or IpEnrirtcation Mark. (1) The plates forming
. the identification mark shall be fixed, one on the front. and the other on

__ the back of the motor vehicle in a vertical position, so that every letter or


figure on the plate’is vertical and easily distinguishable.

(2) In the case of a motor cycle, the plate fixed on the front of the
cycle may, if it is a plate having duplicate faces conforming with the
Second Schedule, be fixed so that from whichever side the cycle is viewed
the letters or figures on one of the faces of the plate are easily distin-
Bdisheble from the front of the cycle.

8. Iperrirication Mark To BE Lecisr.£. The identification mark
upon any motor vehicle shall au all times be legible and shall not be
obstructed by any other figures, designs or ornamentation.

9. InnuminaTion or IpgeNnTIFICATION Marx. Whenever a motor
vehicle is used on a road at night a lamp shall be kept alight on the motor
vehicle, so contrived as to illuminate by means of reflection, transparency,
or otherwise, and render easily distinguishable, every letter or figure on
the identification plate fixed on the back ot the motor vehicle.

10. Visrror’s Marx. (1) Any person who being a visitor to the
- Presidency imports into the Presidency a motor vehicle of which he is
the owner shall, if he desires to avail himself of the provisions of regula-
tion 12, notify ‘the Commiseion within forty-eight hours of the importa-
tion and furnish at the same time particulars of the identification marks
of the vehicle in the country where it was last registered together with a
description of the vehicle, and, unless some other identification mark is
-assigned by the Commission, the identification marks of the country
where the vehicle was last registered shall be the identification marks for
the purposes of these Regulations,


(2) The Commission shall keep a register to be called the Temporary ' -
Visitors’ Motor Vehicle Register in which shali be entered the following _
particulars: —

Name of Visitor,

Date of arrival of Visitor,

Date of arrival of motor vehicle,.

Description of motor vehicle, :

Identification mark of vehicle in country where it was

last registered,

Identification mark (if any) assigned to the vehicle by

_ the Commission.

11. Cancentation oF Recistration. (1) The registration of a. _
‘motor vehicle shall remain valid so long as the vehicle is kept in use, and. |
shall only be cancelled if the Commission is satisfied that the vehicle has
been destroyed or rendered permanently unserviceable or has been per-
manently removed from the Presidency, or if it has not been re-licensed for
for three consecutive years.

(2) The owner of any motor vehicle which has been destroyed or
rendered permanently unserviceable or has been permanently removed |
from the Presidency shall notify the Commission of such fact within one

month of the happening of such event. ~ o

ing classes of motor vehicles shall be exempted from the need for
registration :—

_ (a) motor vehicles brought into the Presidency by visitors for
their own use for a period not exceeding three months

(b) new motor vehicles in the possession of manufacturers or
dealers in motor vehicles, intended for sule and not used except with
the permission in writing of the Commission for the purpose of being
tested with a view to sale, subject to such conditions as may be
prescribed. ;

; (2) No fee shall be charged on the registration of any motor
vehicle— ;
(a) which is the property of the Governor or Commissioner
used by him for his official or personal duties; or

(b) which is the property of the Government of the Presidency’
or Colony, or of any government body or City or Village Council: .

Provided that the exemption hereby granted from payment of the-
registration fee in respect of a motor vehicle shall cease whenever the
condition justifying such exemption ceases to apply to that vehicle,


13. TRANSFER OF ReGisTRATION. (1) On the change oe possession —
of « motor vehicle otherwise than by death—

(a) the motor vehicle shall not be used for more than seven
days after such change of possession unless the new owner is
registered as the owner thereof; ;

(b) the registered owner and the new owner shall, within seven
days after such change of possession, make application in writing
signed by both of them to the Commission giving the name and
address of the new owner and the date of change of possession, and
such application shall be accompanied by the certificate of cen
and the prescribed fee;

(c) the Commission shall thereupon by endor hejent of the
certificate of registration and entry in the Register substitute the
name of the new owner for that of the registered owner and shall
date and initial the substitution, and from such date the new owner
shall for all purposes be deemed to be the registered owner of the
motor vehicle described in the relevant entry in the Register of motor
vehicles and in such certificate of registration:

Provided that where the ownership of any motor vehicle is
changed as a result of any legal or judicial process such application
may be made by the new owner ulone, subject to the other require-
ments of this section being complied with.

(2) In the case, of the death of the registered owner, the legal
personal representative of the deceased in the Presidency shall be deemed
to be the owner for the purposes of such transfer and, in the absence of
any legal personal representative in the Presidency, the person into whose
possession the motor vehicle lawfully comes shall, for the es of
such transfer, be deemed to be the registered owner:

Provided that such personal representative or other person as
aforesaid shall notify the Commission of the death of the registered owner
within one month of the happening of such event.

(3) At the discretion of the Commission a new. certificate of _
registration may be issued instead of endorsing the original certificate.

14. AppLicaTIoN FoR Licence. (1) Application for the licensing °
ofa motor vehicle shall be made to the Commission on Form 2 set out in
the Firet Schedule, and subsequent applications for renewal of a licence
‘shall be made in person or by letter, the old licence being at the same time
returned to the Commission.

(2) The Commission, if satisfied that the provisions of the Ordinance

and of these Regulations: have been complied with, shall issue to the

applicant a licence in Form 3 set out in the First Schedule together with
a licence plate. .


3) Every such licence shall expire on the 31st day of December
next following the date of issue and the fees to be paid on such licence
shall be as: set out in the First Schedule:

Provided that if the Commission is satisfied that the motor vehicle
has not been used on a road previously during the current year the
following percentage only on the full annual fee shall be payable, where
a licence is issued —

(a) in the second quarter of the year 75% of the fee;
(6) in the third quarter of the year 50% of the fee;
(c) in the last quarter of the year 25% of the fee.

(4) The licence plate shall bear the year and the number of the
licence issued in respect of the motor vehicle.

(5) The licence plate shall exccpt as hereinafter provided be
affixed to the motor vehicle in a vertical position so that any letter or
figure on the plate is easily distinguishable:

Provided that in the case of a motor car the licence plate shall be
affixed to thetop of the front identification plate so as to be clearly visible
from the front but so as not to interfere with any part of-the identification

15. Weicuinc or Motor Veuicres. It shall be lawful for the
Commission before granting a licence (including a renewal) in respect of
a motor vehicle to require such motor vehicle if practicable to be weighed
in the presence of a person authorised by the Commission. /

16. Parricutars 1n Recister. Uponlicensing any motor vehicle
the Commission shall enter in the Register of motor vehicles opposite the |
entry relating to that vehicle the number and date of the licence issued in
respect of such vehicle.

i a i f
17. Connitions To BE SaTisFIED. No licence for any motor vehicle
shall be issued by the Commission until—

(a) the motor vehicle has been duly registered ;

(6) the motor vehicle has been examined by the Commission or
by some other person appointed by the Commission for the purpose,
in these Regulations referred to as “the examining officer”, and a
certificate of fitness’ in Form 6 set out in the First Schedule in

_ respect thereof produced ;.

| (c) the person issuing the licence is satisfied that the provisions
of the Ordinance and of any Regulations made thereunder have been
complied with. s


18. Renewar or, Licence. The Commission shall not renew a
motor vehicle licence unless—

(a) it is satisfied that the motor vehicle does not differ in any
respect from the particulars in the Register or motor vehicles;

(6) the motor vehicle hus been examined by an examining
officer and a certificate of fitness in respect thereof is produced; and

(c) it is satisfied that the provisions of the Ordinance and of
these Regulations have been complied with.

19. TraNnsreR or OwnersHir. On transfer of ahacaty of a
motor vehicle, the Commission shall, on payment of the prescribed fee,
duly amend the Register of motor vehicles and the licence, and it shall not
be necessary to issue a new licence.

20. Grant or Renewar or Driver’s Licence. (1) Any person
desiring to obtain the grant of a driver’s licence shall apply to the Com-
mission and furnish it with the relevant particulars as set out in Form 4
in the First Schedule.

(2) On or-after the expiration of a driver’s licence by effluxion of
time and on application by the holder thereof for the renewal of his
-licence, the Commission shall, subject to the provisions of section 16 of
the Ordinance and on payment of the prescribed fee, renew the licence.

21. Issue or Driver’s Licence. If the Commission is satisfied
that the provisions of the Ordinance and of these Regulations have been
complied with it shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, issue a driver’s
licence in Form 5 in the First Schedule.

22. Sientne or Licence. Every licence under these Regulations
shall be issued and signed by the Chairman of the Commission or by such
other member. thereof to whom such power has been delegated under
section 3 (6) of the Ordinance. :

A certificate of fitness in respect, of a motor vehicle shall not be issued
unless the conditions hereinafter set forth are satisfied, namely :—

(1) Kevursine. The motor vehicle, if it exceeds in weight
unladen 8 cwt. is capable of being so worked that it may travel either
forwards or backwards.

(2) OveRALL WIDTH AND LENGTH. The motor vehicle, _not
being a motor cycle, does not exceed seven feet in overall width or
twenty two feet in overall length.

— (8) Overuanc. The lateral overhang of the motor weirs
-does not exceed six inches on each side and the longitudinal overhang
does not exceed seven: eo -fourths 7ipaths) of the overall length
‘of the vehicle.


(4) Braxrs. (a) The motor vehicle is equipped with two
entirely independent braking systems, or with one efticient: braking
system having two independent means of operation, in each case 30
designed and constructed that .the failure of any single portion of
any braking system shall not prevent the brakes on two wheels, or,
in the case of a vehicle having less than four wheels, on one wheel,
from operating effectively so as to bring the vehicle to rest within a
reasonable distance:

Provided that in the case of a single braking system, the two
means of operation shall not be deemed to:be otherwise than indepen-
dent solely by reason of the fact that they are connected either directly
or indirectly to the same cross-shaft;

(0) In the case of a motor vehicle having more than three
wheels and. equipped with two independent braking systems, each
such system shall be so designed and constructed that if the brakes
thereof uct either directly or indirectly on two wheels, they shall act
on two wheels on the same axle:

(c) Where, in the case of a single breaking system, the means of
operation are directly or indirectly to the same cross-shaft, the brakes’
applied by one of such means shall act on all of the wheels of the
motor vehicle directly and not through the transmission gear;

(d) In all cases the brakes operated by one of the means of
operation shall be applied by direct mechanical action without the
intervention of any hydraulic, electric, or pneumatic device;

(¢) In all cases the brakes operated by one of the means of
operation shall act directly upon the wheels and not through the

transmission gear.

(5) Conpirioy or Veutcte, The motor vehicle and all the
fittings thereof shall be in-such a condition as (in the opinion of the
examining officer) not to cause, or to be likely to cause, danger to
any person on the motor vehicle or on any public road.

(6) Sizencrr. The motor vehicle is fitted with a silencer to
_ the satisfaction of the examining officer.

(7) UNAUTHORISED FIGURES AND LigHTs. Except with the
permission of the Commission, there shall not be affixed to the front
or rear of a motor vehicle any letters or figures other than those on
the identification plate or any lighted lamps:

Provided that the Commission may authorise the issue of a
certificate of fitness in respect of a vehicle which does not comply
with the provisions of paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of this regulation.


94 Lagets. (1)gEvery motor vehicle shall be equipped with aut
least two lamps at the front of the vehicle, one on each side.

(2) When a motor vehicle is in motion on a road at night, the two
lamps at the front of the vehicle shall be lighted, and the rays from the
_ lamps shall be uncoloured, and if the vehicle is capable of proceeding ata
speed greater than 20 miles an hour, of such intensity as to illuminate the
road ahead for a distance of at least 75 yards or such greater distance as
is sufficient to ensure the safety of the vehicle and the persons carried on
. the vehicle, and to indicate clearly the presence of the vehicle to approach-

ing traffic:

‘Provided that a motor cycle shall show one such light as aforesaid,
_ but if a side-car is attached to the motor cycle, there shall be shown on
that side of the side-car not adjacent to the motor cycle, an additional
light of sufficient intensity to indicate the presence of the side-car for a.
‘distance of not less than 25 yards from approaching traffic.

(3) Every motor vehicle, when ona road at night, shall carry at least
‘ one lamp showing 4 red light to the rear, of such intensity as to indicate
clearly within a reasonable distance its presence on the road to traffic
“approaching from behind, and the lamp shall be of such construction and
shall show an uncoloured light of such intensity as to illuminate clearly
_ the figures'and numbers on the rear. identification plate so that they are
‘visible at a distance of not less than 25 yards.

(4) No spot lights or other similar swivelling lights shall be carried
on any motor vehicle without the authority of the Commission who may
authorise such lights at its discretion and subject to such conditions as it
‘ may impose.

3 (5) Every motor vehicle capable of proceeding at a speed greater
than 20 m.p.h. shall be provided with a device whereby the front lamps
- of such vehicles can be dipped or dimmed to cast their rays to a distance

- of not more than 25 yards in front of the motor vehicle.

(6) Every driver of a.motor vehicle capable of proceeding at a speed
greater than 20 m.p.h. when driving at night, shall, on meeting any other
vehicle, motor or other, bearing lighted lamps, dip or dim the lights of
the driven car.

‘95. RULES TO BE OBSERVED BY Drivers. Every driver of a motor
vehicle shall comply. with the following rules:—

(1) Travetiine Backwarps. He shall not cause the motor
vehicle to travel backwards for a greater distance or time than may -
be requisite for the safety or convenience of the occupants of the
motor vehicle and of the passengers and other traffic on the road.


not, when on the motor vehicle, be in such a position that he cannot
have full control over the same, or that he cannot obtain a full view’
of the road and traffic ahead of the motor vehicle.

tiInG Motor Veuicuz. He shall before quitting the motor vehicle
stop the engine and apply the brakes so as to maintain the vehicle
in a stationary position:

Provided thatthe brakes so applied shall maintain the motor
vehicle in a stationary position without the use of any other device
whatsoever: ae

Provided further that. the engaging of the gears of the motor
vehicle shall not be deemed the equivalent of, or a substitute for, the
applying of the brakes.

(4) Restrictions as To sitting By Driver. No person
shall sit on the right side of the driver of any motor vehicle unless
such motor vehicle has been constructed with aleft hand drive, in
which case no person shall sit on the left side of the said driver.

BY OTHER TRAFFIC. (a) He shall keep the motor vehicle on the
left of the road unless prevented by some sufficient cause.

(6) When meeting, or being overtaken by other vehicles, he
shall keep as close as possible to the left or near side of the road.

(6) Overraxinc. When overtaking other vehicles he shall
keep to the right or off side of such other vehicles:

(7) Berne oveRTAKEN. When being overtaken by other
vehicles he shall drive as close to the side of the road as possible so
as to allow such other vehicles to pass, and in all cases he shall drive
so as to give as much space as possible for the passing of other
traffic, and shall not increase the speed of the motor vehicle he is
driving whilst being overtaken by any other vehicle.

(8) Currine 1n. He shall not drive so as to overtake other
traffic unless he has a clear and unobstructed view of the road ahead
and of any intersecting roads, and he shall not overtake such other
traffic unless he sees that the rond ahead is clear for a sufficient
distance to enable him to overtake and get back to his proper side
before meeting any traffic coming from the opposite direction and
without causing the vehicle which is being overtaken to alter its speed.


(9). Crossinas. He shall not cross a road or turn in a road or
proceed from one road into another road, or drive from .a place
which is not a road into a read, or from a road into a place which
is not a road, unless he can do so without obstructing any other
‘traffic on the road, and for this purpose he shall be held to be
ubstructing other traffic if he causes risk of accident thereto.

: (10) TURNING TO LEFT. When turning from one road into
another road to the left he shall Keep as close as possible to the left
side of each road.

(11) Turyine To RIGHT. When turning from one road into
another road to the right he shall drive round the point of intersec-
tion of the two roads, and shall keep as close as possible to the left
side of each road.


(12) Sroppinc aT corners. He shall not stop his motor
vehicle within a distance of 20 feet from any corner, drive carriage-
way, or private road leading from a public road unless. compelled to
do so by the necessities of traffic on the road.

(18) Drawine up aLonesipe oTHER Moror Venicues. He
~ shall not draw up the motor vehiclé alongside any other motor
vehicle nor shall he back the motor vehicle to the kerb stone of any
foot-path or to the side of any road except for the purposes of

(14) Leavine a VeuicLe at niGHT. He shall when leaving
a motor vehicle stationary on a road at night so stop the vehicle that
it is as close as possible to the left hand side of the road facing the
direction in which the vehicle is proceeding. ,

(15) Oxssrroction. He shall not negligently or wilfully |
- prevent, hinder or interrupt the free passage of any vehicle, person
or animal; ‘and shall not allow such motor vehicle to stand in such
road so as to cause any unnecessary obstruction thereto.

(16) TURNINGS AND cRoss ROADS. (a) He shall, when ap-
proaching turnings and cross roads or coming from any private
road or place to any public road, slow down and make the appro-
priate traffic signal.

(b) He shall, when turning across traffic or turning to the
right, slow down and make the appropriate traffic signal.

_- (c) He shall, when about to stop or slow down the motor
“vehicle on any public road, do so gradually and make the appropriate
traffic signal:


_ (da) He shall, when quitting any place at which his motor
vehicle has been stationary, make the appropiate traffic signal.

(c) He shall comply with the directions of all -traffic signs.
unless prevented by some sufficient cause.

(17) Trarric Sicnats. He shall, when using a motor vehicle.
on any road, make the following traffic signals: —

(a) When it is proposed to go straight ahead, raise the
hand towards the shoulder, and move the forearm well forwards.
and then back in a vertical plane, making the movement
sufficiently pronounced to be easily seen.

(6) When about to slow down or stop he shall extend
the right arm and hand horizontally with the palm of the
hand turned downwards and shall move the arm slowly and
repeatedly downwards and upwards keeping it below the level
of ne shoulder.

(c) When about to turn across traffic, turn to thé right:
or when quitting any place at‘ which the vehicle has been-
stationary, he shall extend the right hand and arm horizontally,
palm turned to the front.

(d) When about to turn left, he shall extend the right
arm and move iis band in an anti- Clonkcwise direction.

(e) When it is proposed to turn to the’ right, extend the’
right arm and hand with the palm turned to the.front, and
hold them rigid in a horizontal position straight out ‘from.
the offside of the vehicle. .(This signal may be used in any>
circumstances when it may be necessary to convey the warning:
to trafhic ‘following behind that it is dangerous to overtake),.

(f ) When acknowledging a signal indicating that a.
following driver wishes to pass he shall extend the right arm.
and hand. below the level of ie shoulder and move them -
backwards and forwards:

Provided that where the vehicle in question is of left-hand
drive the appropriate signal shall be given so far as practicable by.
the left and not the right hand and/or arm:

Provided further pHa where a motor vehicle is fitted with
automatic traffic indicators the driver of the vehicle may indicate his
intention of Sung: either right or left by the proper use of such:

suche oh

(18) Trarric prrections. He shall conform to the rules of
the road in regard to all kinds of traffic and: shall comply with the
lawful signals of any police officer charged with the regulation of
traffic and with any traffic signs.

(19) Stow movinc Trarric. Slow moving traffic shall keep
as much to the left as possible. ?

(20) DRawINe UP AT sIDE or ROAD. (a) He shall, when
about to stop the motor vehicle on any road, draw up as close as
possible to the side of the road so as to allow a clear roadway for
passing traffic.

(0) He shall remove the motor vehicle at the request of any
police officer when it is placed in such a position as to cause or be
likely to cause obstruction on any road. —

(c) He shall immediately remove it when requested so to do
by the occupier or the servant of the occupier of any premises
the access to which is obstructed thereby.

(d) He shail not draw up the motor vehicle on a road in.
‘such a manner as to prevent or hinder the drivers of other
motor vehicles complying with the directions of any traffic signal.

(e) He shall not leave the motor vehicle drawn up on any
public road for an undue length of time, having regard to all the
circumstances of the case, including the amount of traffic which
is at the time, or which might reasonably be expected to be, on
the road.

(21) Horns, etc. (a) He shall carry attached to the motor
vehicle a horn or other approved instrument capable of giving
yaudible and sufficient warning of his approach or position, and
he shall by sounding the horn or other instrument give audible
and sufficient warning of his approach or position. °

(6) He shall not sound his horn, or other approved instru-
ment, except for the purpose of giving warning of his approach.

(c) No person shall use such horn or other instrument so as
to be a nuisance or annoyance to other people, and the Com-
mission shall have power at any time to prohibit the use of any
such horn or instrument, the use of which is likely to be a
nuisance or cause annoyance to the general public.

(d) Every such horn, or other instrument, shall either he of
a kind which has been approved by the Commission generally.
as proper to be used on motor vehiclés or which has been approved
by it ina special case on the-application of the owner of the
motor vehicle,


shall not permit sparks, smoke or visible vapour of any avoidable
nature which would cause annoyance or danger to the public
to come from any motor vehicle in his charge on or near any
public road.

(6) He shall take proper precautions to prevent the unnecessary
discharge of lubricating oil on any road.

(23) Sropriva or Moror Veutciz at Request. He shall, on
the request of any police officer in uniform, or of any person having
charge of a horse, or if any such police officer or person shall raise his
hand as a signal for that purpose, cause the motor vehicle to stop and to
remain stationary so long as may be reasonably necessary.

(24) OvercrowniInc. He shall not allow the motor vehicle. to
carry more persons than it was constructed to seat, or licensed to carry.

(25) Moron Vernictes Unarrenpep. He shall not leave or
permit to be left on any public road any motor vehicle which has broken
down without taking the requisite stops to indicate its presence and.
position, by lighting or otherwise, to other persons using the road, and
shall take immediate stops to have it removed ‘as near to the left of the
road as possible.

(26) Passace oF Fine BRIGADE OR AMBULANCE. He shall, on
the approach of any engine or other apparatus of a Fire Brigade proceed-
ing to or from a fire or suspected fire, or of any ambulance, draw up
close to the left-hand side of the road and stop, leaving the centre of the
_ road clear for the passage of such engine or other : spporetaey and no two
motor vehicles shall stand abreast.

26. Trarric Stans. The following kinds of traffic signs are

hereby prescribed pursuant to section 5(3) of the Ordinance:-—
(a) Stop Siens. :

(i) A sign conveying the order to stop to be-erected in such places

as are appointed by the Commission such sign having inscribed
thereon the word “STUP”.

(ii) Whenever a stop sign is erected at or near the intersection of
two roads it shall face the stream of traffic on one road and
every person driving a motor vehicle on that road shall bring
the motor vehicle to a stop before entering but as near as
practicable to the driving surface of the other road; but if there
is « stop line on the road, as hereinafter explained, in conjunc-
tion with a stop sign, the drivers of motor vehicles shall come
to a stop before parang over and as near as practicable to such
stop line. ;

(6) Stor Lryzs.

_ A.stop line for use in conjunction with stop signs shall be a
white line not less than three inches in width painted on the driving
surface of the road.

(c) Signs to Crosz Roap To TRarFic.

(i) Signs to close roads or parts thereof to traffic to be erected in
accordance with sub-paragraph (iii) of such design as may be
approved by the Commission to indicate the road or part or
parts thereof upon which the driving of a motor vehicle is

(ii) Every such sign shall state the period for which the road or
part thereof is closed or-shall state that it is closed until further
~ notice.

(iii) The road or part of the road to which any such sign applies _
shall be indicated by the erection of a sign at each end of the
road or part of the road which is closed and at all major points
of intersection with the road, which points shall be determined
‘by the Commission.

(d) Stens Inpicatine Sprep Limits.

(i) Signs shall be erected on or near such roads ‘as shall be deter-
mined by the Commission to indicate an area wherein the
driving of a vehicle in excess of a certain maximum speed is

_ (ii) The area wherein any special maximum specd limit shall apply
shall be defined by the Commission by order and ‘signs shall be
erected on or near the portion of the road to which the

- maximum speed limit applies at each end of such portion and
facing the streams of traffic entering such portion of the road,

' such signs having inscribed thereon the words ‘‘ SPEED
LUMED cs sckiaseauess MILES PER HOUR.”.

(iii) Every sign in the form shown in subparagraph (ii) may be
varied by the substitution for the figures set forth in the sign
of such figures as may be determined by the Commission for
the place where the sign is erected.

(iv) The areas to which such signs are applicable shall not comprise
any portion of more than one road which shal] be the road on
orgnear to which signs are erected.

(ce) Stens To Prouisir Entry.

Signs conveying the order not, toenter into a road ata particular’?
point of intersection with another road, to,be erected in such places ‘as
are appointed by the Commission, such signs having inscribed thereon

the words “NO ENTRY.”.
(f/f) Stens For Proutsition of PARKING.

(i) Signs conveying the order to prohibit the parking of motor
vehicles, to be erected in such places as may be appointed by
the Commission, such signs having inscribed thereon the words


(ii) The portion of the road to which any such sign is applicable
shall be clearly indicated by painted white lines or words or
markers on the road or by additional words ‘inscribed .on the
sign which may describe the area to which thé prohibition of
the sign is applicable by name or other description or by
reference to another sign erected on or near the same road.

(iii) The prohibition in subparagraph (i) does not apply, unless
stated on the sign, to the stopping of a motor vehicle for the
immediate taking up or discharging of passengers or for such
time as may be actually necessary for the loading or unloading
of goods.

(g) Stans TO RecuLaTE THE MoveMENT or TraFrio.

Signs conveying the order not to proceed from one road into:
another by means of making a turn to the left or to the ‘right, as the
- case may be, to be erected -in such places as are appointed by the
Commission, such signs having inscribed thereon the words “NO LEFT

27. Portine Petron into Moror Veuicuzs: Any, person who
shall put petrol into any receptacle on or adjacent to any motor vehicle
or into the tank of a motor vehicle while the engine is running, or while
any light, other than electric light, is alight on the vehicle, and any
person who shill smoke or light a match or expose # naked light in close
proximity while petrol is being so filled, shall be guilty of an offence
against these Regulations. |

98. Rurtecting Mirror. Every motor vehicle, other than 4
motor cycle, shall be equipped witha reflecting mirror, so constructed
and fitted to the motor vehicle; as to enable the driver of such moto
vehicle to be or become aware of the presence in the rear thereof of any
other vehicle the driver of which is desirous of passing such motor


29. Noisy Motor Veuicurs. Any person driving or in charge
of a motor vehicle which causes a loud noise to the annoyance or dis-
_ turbance of. any person shall be guilty of an offence under these

30. Tyres. (1) All tyres of a motor vehicle shall at all times be
maintained in such condition as to be free from any defect which might
in any way cause damage to the surface of the road, or danger to
persons in or on the vehicle or to any persons using the road:

Provided that a person shal] not be convicted under this regulation
if he proves to the satisfaction of the Court that he could not by reason-
_able diligence have become aware of the defect.

(2) Any pneumatic tyre from which all-the rubber has been worn
‘on any section of the outer surface of the tyre, whether euch surface
bears on the road or not. shall be deemed to be defective, and it shall be
an offence to use such a tyre on any vehicle.

“81. Prenarty. (1) Any person who acts in contravention of, or
fails to comply with, any ‘of the provisions of these Regulations shall be
guilty of an offence against these Regulations.

(2) Any person guilty of an offence against these Regulations
shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding, one
hundred and twenty dollars.

Made by the Governor in Council this 7th day of April, 1955.

-M. Trrtey,
Clerk of the Council.

18 |
Fors 1. Reg. 4(1).

Form of Particulars to be given by Applicant for Registration
of a Motor Vehicle.

The Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954.

1. Full name of owner

2. Postal Address _ of residence
of Owner

3. Description or type of Vehicle

4. Type and Colour of Body
and Seating ~ Accommodation

5. Make of Car and year of

6. . Engine Number and Number
of Cylinders

7. Weight for Licensing Purposes

8. Whether intended for
(a) Private use, or”
(b) Use for trade purposes

- 9, Particulars as to the position
on the Car in which it is pro-
posed to place the plates form-

ing the adeneicetion mark

Date of Hit Lalthine ‘A

Form 2. Reg. 14(1)..

‘Application for Licence for‘a Motor Vehicle.

- The Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954.


‘Fall Name of Owner... sdaeesoees bate eh chbwwapeces io sete ae ine
tecidental AdM ROR vesosstctternee Ai ekds eee Loe ee
Stine Letter and Identification a i number. sadeceenconensie :
Type of Vallee eee seseaees nae sbi | dials ee

Whether. intended for—

_*(a) Private use, or...........+. oir eacetesoss eee seca seneasenoneee tee

Ae) Spe eee oy oa eA foo.
~ (b): Use for trade purposes........ccceserscesseseeteeretnansonsenconen,
Signature of Owher.....lesssscssssccesssseeseesenees

MDilte.s.scseseeepeeeeees eoee bee eae doe oeesere eelieeecses

= 90.
Form 8. > Reg. 14(2).
The Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954.


The Motor Vehicle herein described i 1s licensed under the prov ision
: of the Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954.

1. Name of Registered Owner

_ 2. Residential Address

3. Date of Issue of Licence

4. Date of Expiration of Licence |: a

5. Description or type of Vehicle

@ |

Use for which Licensed

7. Registered Identification Mark
and Number

8. Number’ of Vehicle Plate

Weight for Licensing Purposes

The sum of........ pia Sscseeeetes asa eaes DOS. ....cseeceesceseceeeaeeeeees cents
has been paid for this licence. :

Treasury receipt No............ :

. on Public TL: ranspont “Commission.
Date.. Cenc ecarendecsccceseecses pocecsenes ~ ‘ ,


Form 4. . Reg. 20.

Particulars to be given by Applicant for issue or Renewal of
_Driver’s Licence.

The Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954.


Full Name of Applicant

. Postal address of residence

of applicant ”
State type of motor. vehicle
it is intended to drive

State date of birth of applicant

. Are you the holder of a

‘driving licence, and have you
-at any time previously been |,
the holder of a driving licence?
If so, state number and date |
of issue.

State particulars of any driving
licence which you hold or
have previously held

. . State particulars of any en-
dorsement on any driving
permit which you hold or
‘ have previously held

. Have you at any time been
disqualified from obtaining a
driving licénce? If so, par-
ticulars ‘as to the Court by
whom, the date on which and
the period for which the dis-
“qualification was imposed -


7 33°
~ Form 4—(cont’d).

9. Huve you’ passed a driving
test? If so, state by whom

10. Are. your physique, vision,
hearing, and bodily and mental
fitness such as to qualify you |:
for the issue of a driving

11. Nate and address of employer
(if applying for a Chauffear’s


Signature of Applicant...........0. nr... i

Date of Application.......... ee hae was caauten ‘

Form 5. Reg. 21.
The Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954

is hereby authorised to drive Beets a SRE ee ee .for the year:
ending on the 31st day of December, 19...... :

Receipt No........++- :

For Public T: Pieter Commission.
This Licence No..:.......scsseeseees granted by the Public Tranaport!
Commission under the Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954 is hereby
renewed until the 31st day of December, 19......

Dated CIB Hasse day of....... tteeeeeeeeeeneesseeree Dee eees

For Public Transport Commission.
Receipt No............

23 ;
Form 6. _ Reg. 17.
Examining Officer's Certificate.
Number........... .


(1) I have personally made a thorough examination of, and have
driven and tested the:

Motor Vehiale NO... .csesceseessececsceee
Owned by.........000. deacetencenseecsanes
“Of. veeeeeeee so eeeeeeescnesenencenssess sees
which is described below:—
_ (a) Chassis manufactured by......... . ssa evauesduccowiskaseatraescuseeugees

“ (6) Model..


(c) Engine NO. .ccessecseeseees -..No. of Cylinders........00s0+ waserscdee
(d) Year manufactured pease eeu wee de sesdsucenontuenususeesss nce Wawenesdesess

_ (e) Factory number of Chassis.........scseeeseeees ee Sys sueues suse eeeeeas

| (f) Maker’s Maximum Gross Weight in pounds when new........
(g) Type of body...sssscssessecstecstsececestersseessessessstsssesssensnee
(A) Tare in pounde......scsccsesseeresreseees Geereeees seueessecenvessseesses .

and found the condition of its several parts to be:
Chassis..... “Sasncesseeseees rs eee oeacccceeee wn

_ Engine... eveseceve peotagnesescere oeerteeesnece veseee eee eee eee eeeroore Soesseeees eves .

Form 6- (coné'd ).

Body dues sousvviseueaGencosssesee speeetaseeereenenns sapeveeersssvotsasdeaseutees 5
Tyres ......... siaaeeuseestovestases Sa naveaswereseaen tcaehsesersa-sgeesueses bes :
Brakes .............. ree en feweus ese caues vente
Mechanism cvosseteatia eau ueeees t sis
and have allowed a
Longitudinal overhang Of seererens Gap heieeeessess ona: soi
7 Lateral overhang of.......
(2) The said MeRnCle sete: eaten fovea cevsnss seeteleesseonforms to the

| Regulations for the ‘time — in force under the Motor - Vehioe

Ordinance, 1954, and is,in good and proper condition to:

(@) Carry i... ciecse se deceeenee coeeeee , passengers

(b) Carry a load Of..........ssseesseseeees pounds

(c) Be licensed for a Maximuri Gross Weight of... | ---poundF

(3) And that the said... seeees eas asec . mnay be duly licensed

(4) That not more than...... oguseacrass= : Persons may sit on the let,
of the driver. — os ,

Examining Officer.

oO see ete eeesnee a

Date of Certificate.....sierrsceeee: site

25 °


VI 24

The diagram above is drawn approximately to a scale of one-third.
The actual size of the plate will, however, differ accoraing to the
_number of letters and figures required.


(1) Each plate must be rectangular and bear upon it the index
mark V J and the separate number assigned to the motor vehicle, the
mark and number being arranged in conformity with the arrangement
of letters and figures shown on the diagram.

(2) The ground of the plate must be yellow, the letters and figures
mast be black.

(3) All letters and figures must be three-and-a-half inches high;
every part of every letter and figure must be five-eights of an inch
broad; and the total width of the space taken by every letter or figure,
except in the case of the figure 1, must be two-and-a-half inches.

(4) The space between adjoining letters and between adjoining
figures must be half-an-inch, and there must be a margin between the
nearest, part of any letter or figure and the top and bottom of the’
plate of at least half-an-inch, and between the nearest part of ‘any
letter or figure and the sides of the plate of at least one inch.

(5) The space between the letters and figures must he one-and-a-
half inches.

(6) In the case of the plate for a motor tricycle or a motor bicycle
of a weight unladen not exceeding eight hundredweights, each of the
dimensions mentioned above may be halved, and the shape of the plate
need not. be rectangular so long as the minimum margin between any
letter or figure and the top, bottom, and sides of the plate is preserved.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Bu¢cKkMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

78/0002 1— 5606.55. [ Price 27 cents.]

Full Text



Bublished by Authority.


ELIZABETH the Second, by

the Grace of God of the
United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland
and of Her other Realms
and Territories, Queen, Head
of the Commonwealth, De-
fender of the Faith.


the Returning Officer of the

third electoral district.

WHEREAS by subsection (1) of
section 50 of the Virgin Islands Con-
stitution and Elections
1954, it is provided that for the
purpose of every general election of
members of the Council, and for the
purpose of the election of members
to supply vacancies cansed by death,
resignation or otherwise, the Com-
missioner shall issue writs of election
under the Public Seal of the Presi-
dency, addressed to the returning
officers of the respective electoral
districts for which members are to be

AND WHEREAS the seat of the
elected member for the third electoral
district has become vacant in conse-
quence of the resignation of the said

Commissioner of the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands do hereby
require that you proceed to the
nomination of candidates on
Wednesday the 15th day of June,
1955 at 10.00 a.m. and thereafter, if
necessary, you do on Friday the 8th
day of July, 1955, between the hours
of 10 o’clock in the forenoon and 4
o’clock in the afternoon, cause elec-
tion to be made according to law
of a member to serve in the Legisla-
tive Council of the Presidency for
the suid electoral district and that
you do cause the name of such mem-
ber when so elected to be certified to
me not later than the 9th day of July,

GIVEN under my hand and the
Public Seal of the Presidency
this 6th day of June, 1955, and
in the third year of Her Majesty’s


328. Jer I7
Lo ¥7k

Ordinance, -

It is notified for general informa-
tion that, at a meeting of the General
Legislative Council held on the 20th
June, 1955, the Honourable J. C. L.
WALL was elected by the unofficial
members of that Council to be a
member of the Federal Executive
Council, in the place of the Honour-
able R. W. GRIFFITH.

The Secretarrai,
28th June, 1955.

©. 18/00002

It is hereby notified for general
information that His Honour the
Administrator has been pleased to
appoint Mr. G. A. THIBOU as a mem-
ber of the Tenders Board in place of
Mr. H. D. C. Moors with effect from
22nd June, 1955.


A Certificate of Naturalization No.
1 of 1955 dated the Ist June, 1955,
has been granted to Mr. EMANUEL
JOSEPH EID of George Street, Ply-
mouth, Montserrat, under the British
Nationality Act.

The Secretariat,
95th June, 1955.

M.P. 55/00010.

Virgin Islands Constitution and
Elections Ordinance, 1954.

It is hereby notified for general
information that His Honour the
Commissioner of the Virgin Islands
has appointed Mr. H. O. CREQUE to
be Returning Officer, Third District
for the forthcoming by-election in the
said District.

Commissioner’s Office,

British Virgin Islands.
Ref. 18/28.
No. 69.
Appointments and transfers ete.,

in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

ALFonSO, L. N., transferred to St.
Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla as Superin-

tendent of Police, with effect from -

the 30th June, 1955.

JUNE, 1955.

No. 28.


No. 70.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exeroised in respect of the un-
dermentioned Act:—

Leeward Islands.

No. 10 of 1955
(Repeal) Act, 1955.”


“The Prisons

No. 71.

The Governor has this day been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Acts:—

Leeward Islands.

No. 20 of 1955, “The Currency
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”

No. 21 of 1955, “The Post Office
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”
Jun. 23

No. 72.

The following Acts and Statutory
Rules and Orders are circulated with
this Gazette and form part thereof:—

Leeward Islands.

No. 19 of 1955, “'The Leeward
Islands (Amendment) Act, 1955.”
5 pp. Price 7 cents.

No. 20 of 1955, “The Currency
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 21 of 1955, ‘“‘The Post Office
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.


No. 13 of 1955, ‘The Treasury
(Amendment) Rules, 1955.”
1 pp. Price 3 cents.

Virgin Islands.

No. 3 of 1955, ‘‘ The Motor Vehicles
Regulations, 1955.”
25 pp. Price 27 cents.
~ are to Come Mm an


In the matter of tue estate of
Ella Van Engle, deceased.

To all creditors of the above estate.

You are hereby notified that you
prove your aevw

and file your claims at the office of
the Administrator of Estates at the
Court House in the town of Basge-
terre in the Island of Saint Christo-
pher against the said estate.

Creditors resident within the Colo-
ny of the Leeward Islands are to file
their claims within four months after
the 16th day of June, 1955.

Creditors resident ont of the said
Colony are to file their claims within
eight months from the said 16th day
of June. 1955,

that any creditors failing to file their
claims within the time above specified
will be excluded from any benefits
arising from the said estate.

Ail persons indebted to the said
deceased are requested to pay the
amount of their respective debts
to me.

Dated the 16th day of June, 1955.

H. 8S. L. Moseury,
Adminisirator of Estates.

ANTIGUA, 8th June, 1955.

LIMITED of 155 King Street, Water-
loo, Ontario, Canada, have applied for
Registration of Trade Mark con-
sisting of the following:—

in Class 43 that is to say: Beer.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 8 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade

A. R. Muang,
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.


Distribution of Roumanian,
Bulgarian and Hungarian

NOTICE is hereby given that the
closing date'for the acceptance by the
United Kingdom’s Administrator, of
elaima mude—pursuant to a notice
issued in the Leeward Islands
Gazette on 27th January, 1955
(Distribution of Roumanian Bulgarian
and Hungarian Assets), has been
extended to the 30th June, 1955.

Dated the 13th day of June, 1955.

Ag. Custodian of Enemy Property.


It is hereby notified for general
information that an examination for
a number of Government Scholar-
ships to the Antigua Grammar School
and the Antigua Girls’ High School
will be held at the St. John’s Boys’
Schoolroom on Thursday Ist Septem-
ber, 1955.


2. Cundidates shall be qualified to
take the examination who:—

(a) will be over 9 but less than
13 years of age on 31st December,

(6) have attended a school in the
Colony for a period of three years
immediately preceding the 31st
December, 1955 the last twelve
months being at a school in

(0) are in need of financial assist-
ance to enter upon and complete a
secondary school course;

(d) are British subjects.


3. Applications must be made to
the Inspector of Schools not later
than Saturday 13th August, 1955.

Application must be accompanied
by a birth or baptismal certificate, a
medical certificate of good health,
certificate from Head Teachers of
Schools certifying regular attendance
for the three previous years and good
behaviour of the candidate, and
evidence of the need for financial
assistance to parents or guardians to
pay for secondary education.

Application forms can be obtained
from the Inspector of Schools,


4. (a) Arithmetic, including nu-
meration and notation, length, time,
weight (English Units) Money
(English and American Units), and
the application of the four rules to
them with simple, vulgar and deci-
mal fractions.

(6) (i) English Test of candidates
comprehension of a short
story read to or by them.

(ii) Simple exercise in English

[30 June, 1955,

(c) Writing from Dictation.
(2) West Indian History

Inspector of Schools.



The public is hereby notified of the
following :—

(1) Popeshead Street is now re-
opened to vehicular traffic.

(2) In order to effect repairs to
water mains, Dickenson Bay Street,
east of its junction with Popeshead
Street, will be closed to vehicular
traffic as from Tuesday, I4th June,

E. M. V. JAMzEs, Lt. Col.,
Traffic Commissioner.
13th June, 1955.

Statement of Currency Notes
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
ern Group) on ist June,

Average circulation during April,
Br. Caribbean Cur-
rency Notes
Demonetized Gov't.
Notes (outstanding)



Br. Caribbean Currency Notes in
circulation on Ist June, 1955:

Trinidad & Tobago

(including $

Montserrat) .» 27,497,015.00
Barbados ... 5,680,625.00
British Guiana eee 13,847,211.50
Grenada 1,866,100.00
St. Vincent 529,400.00
St. Lucia 934,000.00
Dominica «+ 1,028,400.00
Antigua . -1,544,300.00
St. Kitts


Total Br. Caribbean

Currency Notes... 54,404,551.50

Demonetized Trinidad
and Tobago Gov't.

Notes outstanding -.- 979,390.00
Demonetized Br.

Guiana Gov't.

Notes outstanding ... 348,208.50
Demonetized Barbados

Gov’t. Notes

outstanding 94,942.00
Total Government

Notes outstanding ... 1,422,540.50

Total circulation
on Ist June, 1955... 55,827,092.00

Kxecutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.
British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers
Port of Spain.
Trinidad, B.W I,
Ref. No. 24/00044.
30 June, 1955.1

“Vacant Post of Dental Surgeon
-QGolonial Hospital, St. Vineent.

Applications are invited from suit-
-ably qualified candidates for appoint-
ment to the post of Dental Surgeon,
- St. Vincent.

2. The salary of the post ig in the
seale $3,840x$120-$4,800 per annum,
and consideration will be given to
appointment at a point higher up the
scale depending upon the qualifica-
tions and experience of the successful
candidate. Private practice is allowed.

3. A transport allowance at the
prescribed rate is payable in respect of
a motor-car maintained by th» officer
for official travelling.. Quarters are
not provided.

4. Candidates should possess a
Dental qualification entitling them to
practiss dentistry or dental surgery in
some part of Her Majesty’s Dominions,

-or a qualification obtained in a forcign
country recognised by the Medical
Board, St. Vincent. :

5. The Dental Surgeon shall
furnish free dental treatment for the
poorer classes, including labourers,
paupers, and inmates of Government
institutions and to all other persons
who are entitled to free dental treat-
ment at Government expense, provi-


ded that such treatment shall not
include the making or supplying of
dental prostheses.

In the case of members of the
public, free treatment shall be pro-
vided only at Government clinics and
the dental surgeon shall attend at such
clinics at such times and places as the
Governor-in-Council may from time
to time prescribe.

(2) He shall be responsible for the
dental care and treatment of school
children and shall visit and inspect
all schools at least once annually and
shall carry out such treatment as he
deems necessary.

(3) He shall act as adviser to Gov-
ernment in all matters relating to the
dental health and welfare of the

(4) He shall perform such other
duties not inconsistent with the above
as the Governor may direct.

6. The post is at present non-
pensionable, but steps are being taken
to have it made pensionable. The
person selected. will be subject to the
Colonial Regulations, the General
Orders and the Financial and Store
Rules of the Windward Islands and to
the various Ordinances and Subsidiary
Legislation in force in the Colony.

Tenders for Groceries, etc.

The following tenders have been accepted for the

Edible Oil

period ending 31st December, 1955, for the supply of the

undermentioned items to Government Institutions:—


Washing Soda


7. Free first class passages to St,
Vincent will be provided for the
Officer, his wife and children under
the age of 18 years, on first appoint-
ment. Leave passages will be granted
in accordance with local provision.

8. The person appointed will be
liable to transfer to a similar post: of
equivalent status within the Wind-
ward Islands.

9. Applications should be address-
ed to the Assistant Administrator and
Establishment Officer, Government
Office, St. Vincent, and should reach
him not later than 3/st July, 1955
giving full details of the candidate’s
experience and qualifications together
with copies of testimonials.

Ref. No. 13/00086.

Centra] Wxperiment Station,

1951, 1952. 1953. 1054, 1956,
Jan, 3.60 3.10 2.55 3.44 2.16
Feh. 1.88 1.60 1.02 245 .68
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08 83
Apr. 2.16 3.14 206 49 1.75
May 10.54 3.07 1.50 3.83 2.81
June 25th 2.74 4.54. 127 261 1,10
22.01 17.07 14.00 13.90 9.88


3.22 per gallon
.96-,, box of 72 4 oz.

10 = ,, Ib.


GROCERIES. Beet. Steak
g Sirloin
‘ : Liver
Cooking Butter 4.56 per 5 lb. tin Mutt
Table Butter 1.20 ,, 1lb. ,, Dee”
+4 “ 5.40 ,, 51b. ,, OF
Margarine 2.80 ,, 5]b. ,,
Lard and Lard substitutes 2.80 ,, 5lb. ,,
Laundry Soap (Blue & Brown)12.00 ,, 50 1b. carton
35 » Cream UDI5O 50 ogy %
Sardines 15 per tin
5 14.40 ,, case of 100 tins
Pickled Pork—Clear 46 per lb. Leper Home
; 3 % 5 82.00 ,, barrel of 200 lb.
” ” Snouts Holberton Hospital
Jowls, scalps .44 ,, lb.
‘Pork Snouts, Jowls, scalps 78.00 -,, barrel of 200 lb.


47 per lb.




I5c. per lb. delivered

14 per 26 oz. bottle
14 per 26 oz. bottle
(30— 40 bottles daily)


Rice 23.25 per bay of 177 |b., Holberton Hospital Balance of requirements
delivered @ 14c. per 26 oz. bottle
Flour 11.15 per bag of 100 lb. delivered
_ Salted Fish .29 4, Ib. Lunatic Asylum do. do.
Cornmeal 11.95 ,, bag of 100 lb. Fiennes Institute do. do.
Pickled Beef 48° ,, Ib.
‘Condensed Milk 16.24. ,, carton of 48 JOSEPH DEW & SON.
14 oz. tins ; KEROSENE OIL.
White potatoes 10 per Ib. At current wholesale price, less duty and less 257%
Onions 12 4, » Administrator's Office,
Sugar—white granulated 13.65 ,, bag of 112 lb. Antigua.
» brown 19.60 ,, 249 lb. 27th June, 1955.
washed 26.30 4, 45, 224 1b. Ref, No. A. 41/36.



Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. M. BLACKMAN,

Government Printer.—By Authority

[Price 50 cents]
Leeward Islinds

No. 19 ‘of 1955.
. (Amendinent).

a I reserve this Bill for the
- {L.8.] signification of Her Majesty’s

K. W. BracksurneE,

Ist February, 1955.


No. 19 of 1955.
(27th April, 1955]
‘An Act to amend further the Leeward Islands Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the
Leeward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Leeward
Islands (Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read
as one with the Leeward Islands Acts, 1871 to
1950, as amended, hereinafter called the Principal

2. Subsection (1) of section 7A of the
Principal Act is hereby amended by the deletion
of the comma after the word “‘ Presidency ” in the
second line and of the words “having received
notice in writing to that effect from the representa-
tive member concerned, is satisfied that such”,

and the substitution therefor of the words
‘Cis satisfied that a”’.
8. Section 7B of the Principal Act is hereby

amended as follows:—
(a) by repealing subsection (2) thereof;

(b) by deleting the figure and symbols
“(1)” appearing after the figure and letter




Short title

34 & 35 Vict.
c. 107.


of section 7A ~

of the Princi-
pal Act.

of section 7B
of the Princi-
pal Act.
Leeward 2 Leeward Islands No. 19 of 1955. _

IsLanps. _ (Amendment),
Addition of 4. The following new sections shall be
fo tke Prag. inserted in the Principal Act immediately ufter
pal Act. section 8 thereof :—
ey 8A. (1) Whenever there is a vacancy
inembars. in the number of persons sitting in the

Council as nominated members by reason of

the fact that— ;

(a) a nominated member is absent
from the Leeward Islands or is unable for
any cause to take his seat in the Council;
or .

(6) the seat of a nominated member
is vacant for any cause other than the
dissolution of the Council,

the Governor may, by Instrument under the

Public Seal, appoint from among the nomi-

nated members of one of the Island Councils.

a person to be a temporary member for the

period of such vacancy.

(2) The Governor shall report every
appointment made under this section to Her
Majesty through u Secretary of State, and
such appointment may (without prejudice to
anything done by virtue thereof) be revoked
by the Governor by Instrument under the
Public Seal.

(3) So long as his appointment subsists,
a person appointed under this section shall,
for the purposes of this Act but subject to the
provisions of this section, be deemed to be
a nominated member of the Council and,
subject as aforesaid, the provisions of sub-
section (2) of section 8 of this Act shall apply
in relation to such person as they apply in
relation to a nominated member appointed
under subsection (1) of the said section 8.

(4) An appointment made under this
section shall cease to have effect on notification
by the Governor to the person appointed of its
revocation by the Governor, or on its super-
session by the definitive appointment of a
person to fill the vacancy, or when the
vacancy shall otherwise cease to exist.
No. 19 of 1955. Leeward Islands - 3

8B. A person whose seat in the Council
has become vacant may, if qualified, again be
appointed or elected as a member of the
Council from time to time.”.

5. The bolieene: section is hereby substi-
tuted for section 9A of the Principal Act:—

“QA. (1) Whenever there is a vacancy
in the number of persons sitting in the
Council as official members by reason of the
fact that—

(a) an official member is administer-
ing the General Government; or

(6) an official member is temporarily
unable to take his seat in the Council; or

(c) a person, who is an_ official

member by virtue of any of the provi-

sions of . subsection (1) of section 9

/ of this Act, is performing the duties of
one or both of the offices by virtue of

the performance of which, under the
provisions of that subsection, a person is

an official member; or

(d) no person is holding or perform-
ing the duties of uny one of those
offices specified in or by reference to
which an appointment has been made
under the said subsection (1),

the Governor may, subject to the provisions
, of subsection (2) of this section, appoint a
person to be a temporary member of the
-Council for the period of such vacancy.

(2) The person so appointed shall be
a person holding an office of emolument
under the Government of the Colony or of
any Presidency and may be appointed either
by name or by reference to his office and shall
be appointed by Instrument under the Public


’ ISLanps.

ment and
re-election of

of section 9A
of the Princi-
pal Act.

official mem-





of section 10
of the Princi-

pal Act. ‘

Leeward Islands ‘No; 19 ef 1955.

(5) The Governor shall forthwith report
every appointment made under this section to
Her ‘Majesty through a Secretary of State,
and such appointment may (without prejudice
to anything done by virtue thereof) be _
revoked by the Governor by Instrament under :
the Public Seal. 2 ‘

(4) So long as his appointment subsists,
@ person appointed under this section shall,
for the purposes of this Act but subject to the —
provisions of this section, be deemed to be an -
official member of the Council and, subject

as aforesaid, the provisions of subseetion (2)

of section 9 of this Act shall apply in relation
to such person as they apply in relation to an
official member appointed under subsection (1)

- of the said section 9.

(5) An apootiument made under this
section shall cease to have effect on notification
by the Governor to the person appointed of

its revocation by the Governor, or on its

supersession by the definitive Appointment . of
a person to fill the vacancy, or when the
vacancy shall otherwise cease to exist.”.

6. (1) Section 10 of the Principal Act is

hereby amended as follows: —

(a) in subsection a

(i) by the deletion of paragraph (/);

(ii) by the deletion of paragraph (m);'

(ili) by re-lettering paragraphs (9)
to (J) as paragraphs (f') to (4) and —
varier=phe (n) to (r) as paragraphs (()
to (p); i

(b) in subsection (2) by sabectiGng the
letter ‘‘(p)” for the letter “ (r)”.

(2) This section shall come into opera-

| tion on a day to be appointed. by the Governor

by Proclamation published in the Gazette,

‘and different days may be appointed for the.

purpose of different provisions of this section. —
No. 19 of 1955. Leeward Islands 5 ~ LEEWARD ©
. (Amendment). IsLanps.

7. Subsection (1) of section 19 of the Amendment
Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitu- of rection 19
tion of the words “ Section 11B of this Act and” pal Act.

for the words “this Act and” appearing therein.

8. This Act, save as otherwise expressly Commence-
- provided herein, shall come into operation on a ™™
_ day to be appointed by the Governor by Proclama-
tion published in the Gazette.

Maoricr H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955.

A. E. Penn,
» Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Offive, Leeward Islands, .
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer—By Authority.
1955. .
18/00011.—500—6.53. [Price 7 cents.J
No. 20 of 1955. Currency (.tmendment).

[L.S.] ‘
I Assent,
K. W. BiacksurneE,
Governor. —
23rd June, 1955.

No. 20 of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Currency Act, 1950.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Currency
(Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Currency Act, 1950, as amended, herein-
after called the Principal Act.

2. Section 2 of the Principal Act is hereby
amended by the substitution for the definition of
the expression ‘“‘currency note” of the following
definition: —

“‘ “currency note” means any note provi-
ded, issued, deemed to have been
issued or re-issued under the provis-
ions of this Act”.

8. Subsection (2) of section 4 of the
Principal Act is hereby repealed and replaced as

“ (2) Currency Notes.of the Government
of Jamaica issued from time to time under the
provisions of the Currency Notes Law of the
Colony of Jamaica and being, at the time of


Short title.


of section 2
of the Princi-
pal Act.

Section 4 of
the Principal:
Act amended,
Lrewarp 2 Currency (Amendmeni). No. 20 of 195d.

ISLANDS. . : .
ténder, legal tender in Jamaica (hereinafter

referred to as “Jamaica notes’’), shall be
deemed for the purposes of this Act to have
been issued under this Act.”

_ Amendment 4. Subsection (1) of section 6 of the Princi-
the Principal’ pal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of
Act, a colon for the full-stop appearing at the end

thereof and by the insertion immediately thereafter
of the following proviso:—

“Provided that for the purposes of this ¢
Act the value of Jamaica notes shall be
calculated at the rate of four dollars and
eighty cents for one pound.”

Commence- 5.. This Act shall come into operation on a
mont, day to be appointed by the Governor by proclama-
tion published in the Gazette.

K. W. BuackBuRNE,,

Passed the General Legislative Council this
20th day of June, 1955.

Epa@ar H. M. Epwarps, .
Acting Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Ie eward Islands,
by E. M. BLAcKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority. ’
¢ 19H5.
24/00003—II—500—6,55. [Price 4 cents.]


No. 21 of 1955. Post Office (Amendment) —
- [LS]

I AssEnt,
K. W. Brackgurne,

23rd June, 1955.

No. 21 of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Post Office Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the
Leeward Islands. \

1. This Act may be cited as the Post Office
(Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Post Office Act, as amended, hereinafter
called the Principal Act.

- 2. Subsection (1) of section 16 of the Prin-
cipal hereby amended by the deletion of all
the words appearing after the colon in the ninth
line and the substitution therefor of the following: ---

“ Provided that—

(a) no compensation shall, in any case,
be given where the loss or damage
arises from causes beyond control;

(b) no compensation for loss or damage

to any such parcel shall be made

_ unless it is authorised by such rules
80 made as aforesaid.”.


Short Title.

Cap. 123.


of section 16
of the Princi
pal Act,
Lenwarp 2 Post Offee (Amendment) No. 2 of 1955. :
Repeal. ~ 3. The Post Office (Amendment) Act, 1980

is hereby repealed.

K. W. Bracxsurnn,

Passed the General Legislative Council this
20th day of June, 1955.


Epaar H. M. Epwarps,
said Clerk of the ee

‘ \ oe:
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islan:
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Goverment Printer.—By ‘Authority”
1955, :

47/00028—480—6.55 [Prick conts.]



1955, No. 138.


- Tue Treasury (AMENDMENT) Roxns, 1955, paTED Junge 14, 1955,
Treasury Orpinancr, 1947 (Montserrat No. 2 or 1947).

1. Crrarton. These Rules may be cited as the Treasury (Amend-
- ment) Rules 1955 and shall be read as one with the Treasury Rules
- 1949 hereinafter called the Principal Rules.

2. Revocation. Rules 2,8, 10 and 21 of the Principal Rules
~ are hereby revoked.

3. COMMENCEMENT. ‘These Rules shall be deemed to have come
_ Into operation on the 1st day of January, 1955.

Made by the Governor in Council this 14th day of June, 1955.

Js. H. Carrort,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M,. BLAoKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

‘ 1955.
. 31/00323—480—6.55. [Price 3 cents.]


“1955, No. 3.

Tur Motor Venicurs Reeurations, 1955, patrp Aprin 7, 1955,
Motor VeHicLes OrpiInancr, 1954.

1. Crration. These Regulations may be cited us the Motor
Vehicles Regulations, 1955.

2. Interpretation. In these Regulations—

“at night” means half an hour after sunset until half an hour

before sunrise or such other period for the lighting of motor
vehicles as may be fixed by the Commission notice whereof
shall be given in such manner and form as, in the opinion
of the Commission, will give publicity thereto;

‘longitudinal overhang” means the distance measured from the
center of a hub of a rear wheel to a vertical line let fall
from the extreme rear limit of the body;

“lateral overhang ” means the distance measured from the outer
face of the tyre on the rear wheel on the same side of the
motor vehicle (and in the case of dual tyres from the outer
surface of the outer tyre) to a vertical line let fall from the
extreme limit of the body;

‘“¢ Ordinance” means the Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954;

‘overall length ” means the overall length of a motor vehicle
exclusive of the starting handle or bumpers, if any, and of
the hood, if any, when down;

“overall width’ means the width measured between parallel
planes passing through the extreme projecting points of
the motor vehicle exclusive of any driving mirror;

“Schedule” means a Schedule to these Regulations.

3. Forms. For the purposes of the Ordinance and of these
Regulations the forms set out in the Schedules or forms to like effect
shall be used in cases to which they refer,
9 2

4. APPLICATION FOR ° “Registration. (1) Application for the
registration of a motor vehicle shall be made by the owner on Form I set
out in the First Schedule which shall be duly completed by the applicant
and be accompanied by the prescribed registration fee.

(2) The Commission shall, upon being satisfied that the provisions
of the Ordinance and any Regulations have been complied with, forthwith
enter particulars of the motor vehicle in the Register of motor vehicles
and shall assign to the motor vehicle a registered letter or letters and
number, which shall be the identification mark of such vehicle.

(3) A certified copy of the entry in the Register of motor vehicles
shall be given to the owner of the motor vehicle, and such certificate of ..
registration shall be regarded as prima facie evidence that the motor
vehicle to which it refers has been registered.

(4) If motor vehicle does not bear on it an identification mark as
provided by this regulation, this fact shall be regarded as prima facie
evidence that the motor vehicle has not been registered, and any police
officer may detain such vehicle until enquiries have been made.

(5) The owner of a motor vehicle shall notify the Commission of all
circumstances or events which affect the accuracy of the entries in the
Register of motor vehicles at the same time forwarding his certificate of
registration, for amendment.

(6) The Commission may call upon any owner of a motor vehicle at
any time to furnish all information for the verification of the entries in
the Register of motor vehicles relating to such vehicle.

(7) No person shall be registered as the owner of —
(a) a motor cycle, unless he is 16 years of age or over;

(6) a motor vehicle other than a motor cycle, | ane he is 18
years of age or over.

5. VERIFICATION or APPLICATION. (1) Before the registration
of any motor vehicle the Commission shall verify all the particulars
entered in the form of application, and may, if it deems it necessary, cause
the motor vehicle to be examined for the purpose of ensuring that it is
of such construction and in such condition as may be necessary for the
purpose for which it is sought to register the vehicle.

(2) Before registering any motor vehicle, the Commission shall
ascertain, in the manner prescribed, the maximum gross: weight or the
maximum number of passengers which the v@hicle is authorised to carry |
and such maximum gross weight or maximum number of passengers shall
be entered in the Register of motor. vehicles and in the certificate of
registration. :
6. IDENTIFICATION oF Mark. (1) The jdehitification marks to be
carried by a motor vehicle in pursuance of regulation 4 shall consist of
two plates, which must conform, as to size, lettering, numbering and
otherwise, with the provisions set ont in the Second Schedule.

(2) Letters and numbers as prescribed in the Second Schedule
painted or otherwise fixed to the motor vehicle may be used instead of

(3) Any reference to plates in these Regulations shall be construed
to include a reference to the numbers and letters so painted or fixed, and
any reference to the fixing of plates to include a reference to the numbers
and letters so painted or fixed or other delineation of the numbers and

7. Postrioy or IpEnrirtcation Mark. (1) The plates forming
. the identification mark shall be fixed, one on the front. and the other on

__ the back of the motor vehicle in a vertical position, so that every letter or


figure on the plate’is vertical and easily distinguishable.

(2) In the case of a motor cycle, the plate fixed on the front of the
cycle may, if it is a plate having duplicate faces conforming with the
Second Schedule, be fixed so that from whichever side the cycle is viewed
the letters or figures on one of the faces of the plate are easily distin-
Bdisheble from the front of the cycle.

8. Iperrirication Mark To BE Lecisr.£. The identification mark
upon any motor vehicle shall au all times be legible and shall not be
obstructed by any other figures, designs or ornamentation.

9. InnuminaTion or IpgeNnTIFICATION Marx. Whenever a motor
vehicle is used on a road at night a lamp shall be kept alight on the motor
vehicle, so contrived as to illuminate by means of reflection, transparency,
or otherwise, and render easily distinguishable, every letter or figure on
the identification plate fixed on the back ot the motor vehicle.

10. Visrror’s Marx. (1) Any person who being a visitor to the
- Presidency imports into the Presidency a motor vehicle of which he is
the owner shall, if he desires to avail himself of the provisions of regula-
tion 12, notify ‘the Commiseion within forty-eight hours of the importa-
tion and furnish at the same time particulars of the identification marks
of the vehicle in the country where it was last registered together with a
description of the vehicle, and, unless some other identification mark is
-assigned by the Commission, the identification marks of the country
where the vehicle was last registered shall be the identification marks for
the purposes of these Regulations,

(2) The Commission shall keep a register to be called the Temporary ' -
Visitors’ Motor Vehicle Register in which shali be entered the following _
particulars: —

Name of Visitor,

Date of arrival of Visitor,

Date of arrival of motor vehicle,.

Description of motor vehicle, :

Identification mark of vehicle in country where it was

last registered,

Identification mark (if any) assigned to the vehicle by

_ the Commission.

11. Cancentation oF Recistration. (1) The registration of a. _
‘motor vehicle shall remain valid so long as the vehicle is kept in use, and. |
shall only be cancelled if the Commission is satisfied that the vehicle has
been destroyed or rendered permanently unserviceable or has been per-
manently removed from the Presidency, or if it has not been re-licensed for
for three consecutive years.

(2) The owner of any motor vehicle which has been destroyed or
rendered permanently unserviceable or has been permanently removed |
from the Presidency shall notify the Commission of such fact within one

month of the happening of such event. ~ o

ing classes of motor vehicles shall be exempted from the need for
registration :—

_ (a) motor vehicles brought into the Presidency by visitors for
their own use for a period not exceeding three months

(b) new motor vehicles in the possession of manufacturers or
dealers in motor vehicles, intended for sule and not used except with
the permission in writing of the Commission for the purpose of being
tested with a view to sale, subject to such conditions as may be
prescribed. ;

; (2) No fee shall be charged on the registration of any motor
vehicle— ;
(a) which is the property of the Governor or Commissioner
used by him for his official or personal duties; or

(b) which is the property of the Government of the Presidency’
or Colony, or of any government body or City or Village Council: .

Provided that the exemption hereby granted from payment of the-
registration fee in respect of a motor vehicle shall cease whenever the
condition justifying such exemption ceases to apply to that vehicle,

13. TRANSFER OF ReGisTRATION. (1) On the change oe possession —
of « motor vehicle otherwise than by death—

(a) the motor vehicle shall not be used for more than seven
days after such change of possession unless the new owner is
registered as the owner thereof; ;

(b) the registered owner and the new owner shall, within seven
days after such change of possession, make application in writing
signed by both of them to the Commission giving the name and
address of the new owner and the date of change of possession, and
such application shall be accompanied by the certificate of cen
and the prescribed fee;

(c) the Commission shall thereupon by endor hejent of the
certificate of registration and entry in the Register substitute the
name of the new owner for that of the registered owner and shall
date and initial the substitution, and from such date the new owner
shall for all purposes be deemed to be the registered owner of the
motor vehicle described in the relevant entry in the Register of motor
vehicles and in such certificate of registration:

Provided that where the ownership of any motor vehicle is
changed as a result of any legal or judicial process such application
may be made by the new owner ulone, subject to the other require-
ments of this section being complied with.

(2) In the case, of the death of the registered owner, the legal
personal representative of the deceased in the Presidency shall be deemed
to be the owner for the purposes of such transfer and, in the absence of
any legal personal representative in the Presidency, the person into whose
possession the motor vehicle lawfully comes shall, for the es of
such transfer, be deemed to be the registered owner:

Provided that such personal representative or other person as
aforesaid shall notify the Commission of the death of the registered owner
within one month of the happening of such event.

(3) At the discretion of the Commission a new. certificate of _
registration may be issued instead of endorsing the original certificate.

14. AppLicaTIoN FoR Licence. (1) Application for the licensing °
ofa motor vehicle shall be made to the Commission on Form 2 set out in
the Firet Schedule, and subsequent applications for renewal of a licence
‘shall be made in person or by letter, the old licence being at the same time
returned to the Commission.

(2) The Commission, if satisfied that the provisions of the Ordinance

and of these Regulations: have been complied with, shall issue to the

applicant a licence in Form 3 set out in the First Schedule together with
a licence plate. .

3) Every such licence shall expire on the 31st day of December
next following the date of issue and the fees to be paid on such licence
shall be as: set out in the First Schedule:

Provided that if the Commission is satisfied that the motor vehicle
has not been used on a road previously during the current year the
following percentage only on the full annual fee shall be payable, where
a licence is issued —

(a) in the second quarter of the year 75% of the fee;
(6) in the third quarter of the year 50% of the fee;
(c) in the last quarter of the year 25% of the fee.

(4) The licence plate shall bear the year and the number of the
licence issued in respect of the motor vehicle.

(5) The licence plate shall exccpt as hereinafter provided be
affixed to the motor vehicle in a vertical position so that any letter or
figure on the plate is easily distinguishable:

Provided that in the case of a motor car the licence plate shall be
affixed to thetop of the front identification plate so as to be clearly visible
from the front but so as not to interfere with any part of-the identification

15. Weicuinc or Motor Veuicres. It shall be lawful for the
Commission before granting a licence (including a renewal) in respect of
a motor vehicle to require such motor vehicle if practicable to be weighed
in the presence of a person authorised by the Commission. /

16. Parricutars 1n Recister. Uponlicensing any motor vehicle
the Commission shall enter in the Register of motor vehicles opposite the |
entry relating to that vehicle the number and date of the licence issued in
respect of such vehicle.

i a i f
17. Connitions To BE SaTisFIED. No licence for any motor vehicle
shall be issued by the Commission until—

(a) the motor vehicle has been duly registered ;

(6) the motor vehicle has been examined by the Commission or
by some other person appointed by the Commission for the purpose,
in these Regulations referred to as “the examining officer”, and a
certificate of fitness’ in Form 6 set out in the First Schedule in

_ respect thereof produced ;.

| (c) the person issuing the licence is satisfied that the provisions
of the Ordinance and of any Regulations made thereunder have been
complied with. s

18. Renewar or, Licence. The Commission shall not renew a
motor vehicle licence unless—

(a) it is satisfied that the motor vehicle does not differ in any
respect from the particulars in the Register or motor vehicles;

(6) the motor vehicle hus been examined by an examining
officer and a certificate of fitness in respect thereof is produced; and

(c) it is satisfied that the provisions of the Ordinance and of
these Regulations have been complied with.

19. TraNnsreR or OwnersHir. On transfer of ahacaty of a
motor vehicle, the Commission shall, on payment of the prescribed fee,
duly amend the Register of motor vehicles and the licence, and it shall not
be necessary to issue a new licence.

20. Grant or Renewar or Driver’s Licence. (1) Any person
desiring to obtain the grant of a driver’s licence shall apply to the Com-
mission and furnish it with the relevant particulars as set out in Form 4
in the First Schedule.

(2) On or-after the expiration of a driver’s licence by effluxion of
time and on application by the holder thereof for the renewal of his
-licence, the Commission shall, subject to the provisions of section 16 of
the Ordinance and on payment of the prescribed fee, renew the licence.

21. Issue or Driver’s Licence. If the Commission is satisfied
that the provisions of the Ordinance and of these Regulations have been
complied with it shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, issue a driver’s
licence in Form 5 in the First Schedule.

22. Sientne or Licence. Every licence under these Regulations
shall be issued and signed by the Chairman of the Commission or by such
other member. thereof to whom such power has been delegated under
section 3 (6) of the Ordinance. :

A certificate of fitness in respect, of a motor vehicle shall not be issued
unless the conditions hereinafter set forth are satisfied, namely :—

(1) Kevursine. The motor vehicle, if it exceeds in weight
unladen 8 cwt. is capable of being so worked that it may travel either
forwards or backwards.

(2) OveRALL WIDTH AND LENGTH. The motor vehicle, _not
being a motor cycle, does not exceed seven feet in overall width or
twenty two feet in overall length.

— (8) Overuanc. The lateral overhang of the motor weirs
-does not exceed six inches on each side and the longitudinal overhang
does not exceed seven: eo -fourths 7ipaths) of the overall length
‘of the vehicle.

(4) Braxrs. (a) The motor vehicle is equipped with two
entirely independent braking systems, or with one efticient: braking
system having two independent means of operation, in each case 30
designed and constructed that .the failure of any single portion of
any braking system shall not prevent the brakes on two wheels, or,
in the case of a vehicle having less than four wheels, on one wheel,
from operating effectively so as to bring the vehicle to rest within a
reasonable distance:

Provided that in the case of a single braking system, the two
means of operation shall not be deemed to:be otherwise than indepen-
dent solely by reason of the fact that they are connected either directly
or indirectly to the same cross-shaft;

(0) In the case of a motor vehicle having more than three
wheels and. equipped with two independent braking systems, each
such system shall be so designed and constructed that if the brakes
thereof uct either directly or indirectly on two wheels, they shall act
on two wheels on the same axle:

(c) Where, in the case of a single breaking system, the means of
operation are directly or indirectly to the same cross-shaft, the brakes’
applied by one of such means shall act on all of the wheels of the
motor vehicle directly and not through the transmission gear;

(d) In all cases the brakes operated by one of the means of
operation shall be applied by direct mechanical action without the
intervention of any hydraulic, electric, or pneumatic device;

(¢) In all cases the brakes operated by one of the means of
operation shall act directly upon the wheels and not through the

transmission gear.

(5) Conpirioy or Veutcte, The motor vehicle and all the
fittings thereof shall be in-such a condition as (in the opinion of the
examining officer) not to cause, or to be likely to cause, danger to
any person on the motor vehicle or on any public road.

(6) Sizencrr. The motor vehicle is fitted with a silencer to
_ the satisfaction of the examining officer.

(7) UNAUTHORISED FIGURES AND LigHTs. Except with the
permission of the Commission, there shall not be affixed to the front
or rear of a motor vehicle any letters or figures other than those on
the identification plate or any lighted lamps:

Provided that the Commission may authorise the issue of a
certificate of fitness in respect of a vehicle which does not comply
with the provisions of paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of this regulation.

94 Lagets. (1)gEvery motor vehicle shall be equipped with aut
least two lamps at the front of the vehicle, one on each side.

(2) When a motor vehicle is in motion on a road at night, the two
lamps at the front of the vehicle shall be lighted, and the rays from the
_ lamps shall be uncoloured, and if the vehicle is capable of proceeding ata
speed greater than 20 miles an hour, of such intensity as to illuminate the
road ahead for a distance of at least 75 yards or such greater distance as
is sufficient to ensure the safety of the vehicle and the persons carried on
. the vehicle, and to indicate clearly the presence of the vehicle to approach-

ing traffic:

‘Provided that a motor cycle shall show one such light as aforesaid,
_ but if a side-car is attached to the motor cycle, there shall be shown on
that side of the side-car not adjacent to the motor cycle, an additional
light of sufficient intensity to indicate the presence of the side-car for a.
‘distance of not less than 25 yards from approaching traffic.

(3) Every motor vehicle, when ona road at night, shall carry at least
‘ one lamp showing 4 red light to the rear, of such intensity as to indicate
clearly within a reasonable distance its presence on the road to traffic
“approaching from behind, and the lamp shall be of such construction and
shall show an uncoloured light of such intensity as to illuminate clearly
_ the figures'and numbers on the rear. identification plate so that they are
‘visible at a distance of not less than 25 yards.

(4) No spot lights or other similar swivelling lights shall be carried
on any motor vehicle without the authority of the Commission who may
authorise such lights at its discretion and subject to such conditions as it
‘ may impose.

3 (5) Every motor vehicle capable of proceeding at a speed greater
than 20 m.p.h. shall be provided with a device whereby the front lamps
- of such vehicles can be dipped or dimmed to cast their rays to a distance

- of not more than 25 yards in front of the motor vehicle.

(6) Every driver of a.motor vehicle capable of proceeding at a speed
greater than 20 m.p.h. when driving at night, shall, on meeting any other
vehicle, motor or other, bearing lighted lamps, dip or dim the lights of
the driven car.

‘95. RULES TO BE OBSERVED BY Drivers. Every driver of a motor
vehicle shall comply. with the following rules:—

(1) Travetiine Backwarps. He shall not cause the motor
vehicle to travel backwards for a greater distance or time than may -
be requisite for the safety or convenience of the occupants of the
motor vehicle and of the passengers and other traffic on the road.

not, when on the motor vehicle, be in such a position that he cannot
have full control over the same, or that he cannot obtain a full view’
of the road and traffic ahead of the motor vehicle.

tiInG Motor Veuicuz. He shall before quitting the motor vehicle
stop the engine and apply the brakes so as to maintain the vehicle
in a stationary position:

Provided thatthe brakes so applied shall maintain the motor
vehicle in a stationary position without the use of any other device
whatsoever: ae

Provided further that. the engaging of the gears of the motor
vehicle shall not be deemed the equivalent of, or a substitute for, the
applying of the brakes.

(4) Restrictions as To sitting By Driver. No person
shall sit on the right side of the driver of any motor vehicle unless
such motor vehicle has been constructed with aleft hand drive, in
which case no person shall sit on the left side of the said driver.

BY OTHER TRAFFIC. (a) He shall keep the motor vehicle on the
left of the road unless prevented by some sufficient cause.

(6) When meeting, or being overtaken by other vehicles, he
shall keep as close as possible to the left or near side of the road.

(6) Overraxinc. When overtaking other vehicles he shall
keep to the right or off side of such other vehicles:

(7) Berne oveRTAKEN. When being overtaken by other
vehicles he shall drive as close to the side of the road as possible so
as to allow such other vehicles to pass, and in all cases he shall drive
so as to give as much space as possible for the passing of other
traffic, and shall not increase the speed of the motor vehicle he is
driving whilst being overtaken by any other vehicle.

(8) Currine 1n. He shall not drive so as to overtake other
traffic unless he has a clear and unobstructed view of the road ahead
and of any intersecting roads, and he shall not overtake such other
traffic unless he sees that the rond ahead is clear for a sufficient
distance to enable him to overtake and get back to his proper side
before meeting any traffic coming from the opposite direction and
without causing the vehicle which is being overtaken to alter its speed.

(9). Crossinas. He shall not cross a road or turn in a road or
proceed from one road into another road, or drive from .a place
which is not a road into a read, or from a road into a place which
is not a road, unless he can do so without obstructing any other
‘traffic on the road, and for this purpose he shall be held to be
ubstructing other traffic if he causes risk of accident thereto.

: (10) TURNING TO LEFT. When turning from one road into
another road to the left he shall Keep as close as possible to the left
side of each road.

(11) Turyine To RIGHT. When turning from one road into
another road to the right he shall drive round the point of intersec-
tion of the two roads, and shall keep as close as possible to the left
side of each road.


(12) Sroppinc aT corners. He shall not stop his motor
vehicle within a distance of 20 feet from any corner, drive carriage-
way, or private road leading from a public road unless. compelled to
do so by the necessities of traffic on the road.

(18) Drawine up aLonesipe oTHER Moror Venicues. He
~ shall not draw up the motor vehiclé alongside any other motor
vehicle nor shall he back the motor vehicle to the kerb stone of any
foot-path or to the side of any road except for the purposes of

(14) Leavine a VeuicLe at niGHT. He shall when leaving
a motor vehicle stationary on a road at night so stop the vehicle that
it is as close as possible to the left hand side of the road facing the
direction in which the vehicle is proceeding. ,

(15) Oxssrroction. He shall not negligently or wilfully |
- prevent, hinder or interrupt the free passage of any vehicle, person
or animal; ‘and shall not allow such motor vehicle to stand in such
road so as to cause any unnecessary obstruction thereto.

(16) TURNINGS AND cRoss ROADS. (a) He shall, when ap-
proaching turnings and cross roads or coming from any private
road or place to any public road, slow down and make the appro-
priate traffic signal.

(b) He shall, when turning across traffic or turning to the
right, slow down and make the appropriate traffic signal.

_- (c) He shall, when about to stop or slow down the motor
“vehicle on any public road, do so gradually and make the appropriate
traffic signal:

_ (da) He shall, when quitting any place at which his motor
vehicle has been stationary, make the appropiate traffic signal.

(c) He shall comply with the directions of all -traffic signs.
unless prevented by some sufficient cause.

(17) Trarric Sicnats. He shall, when using a motor vehicle.
on any road, make the following traffic signals: —

(a) When it is proposed to go straight ahead, raise the
hand towards the shoulder, and move the forearm well forwards.
and then back in a vertical plane, making the movement
sufficiently pronounced to be easily seen.

(6) When about to slow down or stop he shall extend
the right arm and hand horizontally with the palm of the
hand turned downwards and shall move the arm slowly and
repeatedly downwards and upwards keeping it below the level
of ne shoulder.

(c) When about to turn across traffic, turn to thé right:
or when quitting any place at‘ which the vehicle has been-
stationary, he shall extend the right hand and arm horizontally,
palm turned to the front.

(d) When about to turn left, he shall extend the right
arm and move iis band in an anti- Clonkcwise direction.

(e) When it is proposed to turn to the’ right, extend the’
right arm and hand with the palm turned to the.front, and
hold them rigid in a horizontal position straight out ‘from.
the offside of the vehicle. .(This signal may be used in any>
circumstances when it may be necessary to convey the warning:
to trafhic ‘following behind that it is dangerous to overtake),.

(f ) When acknowledging a signal indicating that a.
following driver wishes to pass he shall extend the right arm.
and hand. below the level of ie shoulder and move them -
backwards and forwards:

Provided that where the vehicle in question is of left-hand
drive the appropriate signal shall be given so far as practicable by.
the left and not the right hand and/or arm:

Provided further pHa where a motor vehicle is fitted with
automatic traffic indicators the driver of the vehicle may indicate his
intention of Sung: either right or left by the proper use of such:

suche oh
(18) Trarric prrections. He shall conform to the rules of
the road in regard to all kinds of traffic and: shall comply with the
lawful signals of any police officer charged with the regulation of
traffic and with any traffic signs.

(19) Stow movinc Trarric. Slow moving traffic shall keep
as much to the left as possible. ?

(20) DRawINe UP AT sIDE or ROAD. (a) He shall, when
about to stop the motor vehicle on any road, draw up as close as
possible to the side of the road so as to allow a clear roadway for
passing traffic.

(0) He shall remove the motor vehicle at the request of any
police officer when it is placed in such a position as to cause or be
likely to cause obstruction on any road. —

(c) He shall immediately remove it when requested so to do
by the occupier or the servant of the occupier of any premises
the access to which is obstructed thereby.

(d) He shail not draw up the motor vehicle on a road in.
‘such a manner as to prevent or hinder the drivers of other
motor vehicles complying with the directions of any traffic signal.

(e) He shall not leave the motor vehicle drawn up on any
public road for an undue length of time, having regard to all the
circumstances of the case, including the amount of traffic which
is at the time, or which might reasonably be expected to be, on
the road.

(21) Horns, etc. (a) He shall carry attached to the motor
vehicle a horn or other approved instrument capable of giving
yaudible and sufficient warning of his approach or position, and
he shall by sounding the horn or other instrument give audible
and sufficient warning of his approach or position. °

(6) He shall not sound his horn, or other approved instru-
ment, except for the purpose of giving warning of his approach.

(c) No person shall use such horn or other instrument so as
to be a nuisance or annoyance to other people, and the Com-
mission shall have power at any time to prohibit the use of any
such horn or instrument, the use of which is likely to be a
nuisance or cause annoyance to the general public.

(d) Every such horn, or other instrument, shall either he of
a kind which has been approved by the Commission generally.
as proper to be used on motor vehiclés or which has been approved
by it ina special case on the-application of the owner of the
motor vehicle,

shall not permit sparks, smoke or visible vapour of any avoidable
nature which would cause annoyance or danger to the public
to come from any motor vehicle in his charge on or near any
public road.

(6) He shall take proper precautions to prevent the unnecessary
discharge of lubricating oil on any road.

(23) Sropriva or Moror Veutciz at Request. He shall, on
the request of any police officer in uniform, or of any person having
charge of a horse, or if any such police officer or person shall raise his
hand as a signal for that purpose, cause the motor vehicle to stop and to
remain stationary so long as may be reasonably necessary.

(24) OvercrowniInc. He shall not allow the motor vehicle. to
carry more persons than it was constructed to seat, or licensed to carry.

(25) Moron Vernictes Unarrenpep. He shall not leave or
permit to be left on any public road any motor vehicle which has broken
down without taking the requisite stops to indicate its presence and.
position, by lighting or otherwise, to other persons using the road, and
shall take immediate stops to have it removed ‘as near to the left of the
road as possible.

(26) Passace oF Fine BRIGADE OR AMBULANCE. He shall, on
the approach of any engine or other apparatus of a Fire Brigade proceed-
ing to or from a fire or suspected fire, or of any ambulance, draw up
close to the left-hand side of the road and stop, leaving the centre of the
_ road clear for the passage of such engine or other : spporetaey and no two
motor vehicles shall stand abreast.

26. Trarric Stans. The following kinds of traffic signs are

hereby prescribed pursuant to section 5(3) of the Ordinance:-—
(a) Stop Siens. :

(i) A sign conveying the order to stop to be-erected in such places

as are appointed by the Commission such sign having inscribed
thereon the word “STUP”.

(ii) Whenever a stop sign is erected at or near the intersection of
two roads it shall face the stream of traffic on one road and
every person driving a motor vehicle on that road shall bring
the motor vehicle to a stop before entering but as near as
practicable to the driving surface of the other road; but if there
is « stop line on the road, as hereinafter explained, in conjunc-
tion with a stop sign, the drivers of motor vehicles shall come
to a stop before parang over and as near as practicable to such
stop line. ;
(6) Stor Lryzs.

_ A.stop line for use in conjunction with stop signs shall be a
white line not less than three inches in width painted on the driving
surface of the road.

(c) Signs to Crosz Roap To TRarFic.

(i) Signs to close roads or parts thereof to traffic to be erected in
accordance with sub-paragraph (iii) of such design as may be
approved by the Commission to indicate the road or part or
parts thereof upon which the driving of a motor vehicle is

(ii) Every such sign shall state the period for which the road or
part thereof is closed or-shall state that it is closed until further
~ notice.

(iii) The road or part of the road to which any such sign applies _
shall be indicated by the erection of a sign at each end of the
road or part of the road which is closed and at all major points
of intersection with the road, which points shall be determined
‘by the Commission.

(d) Stens Inpicatine Sprep Limits.

(i) Signs shall be erected on or near such roads ‘as shall be deter-
mined by the Commission to indicate an area wherein the
driving of a vehicle in excess of a certain maximum speed is

_ (ii) The area wherein any special maximum specd limit shall apply
shall be defined by the Commission by order and ‘signs shall be
erected on or near the portion of the road to which the

- maximum speed limit applies at each end of such portion and
facing the streams of traffic entering such portion of the road,

' such signs having inscribed thereon the words ‘‘ SPEED
LUMED cs sckiaseauess MILES PER HOUR.”.

(iii) Every sign in the form shown in subparagraph (ii) may be
varied by the substitution for the figures set forth in the sign
of such figures as may be determined by the Commission for
the place where the sign is erected.

(iv) The areas to which such signs are applicable shall not comprise
any portion of more than one road which shal] be the road on
orgnear to which signs are erected.
(ce) Stens To Prouisir Entry.

Signs conveying the order not, toenter into a road ata particular’?
point of intersection with another road, to,be erected in such places ‘as
are appointed by the Commission, such signs having inscribed thereon

the words “NO ENTRY.”.
(f/f) Stens For Proutsition of PARKING.

(i) Signs conveying the order to prohibit the parking of motor
vehicles, to be erected in such places as may be appointed by
the Commission, such signs having inscribed thereon the words


(ii) The portion of the road to which any such sign is applicable
shall be clearly indicated by painted white lines or words or
markers on the road or by additional words ‘inscribed .on the
sign which may describe the area to which thé prohibition of
the sign is applicable by name or other description or by
reference to another sign erected on or near the same road.

(iii) The prohibition in subparagraph (i) does not apply, unless
stated on the sign, to the stopping of a motor vehicle for the
immediate taking up or discharging of passengers or for such
time as may be actually necessary for the loading or unloading
of goods.

(g) Stans TO RecuLaTE THE MoveMENT or TraFrio.

Signs conveying the order not to proceed from one road into:
another by means of making a turn to the left or to the ‘right, as the
- case may be, to be erected -in such places as are appointed by the
Commission, such signs having inscribed thereon the words “NO LEFT

27. Portine Petron into Moror Veuicuzs: Any, person who
shall put petrol into any receptacle on or adjacent to any motor vehicle
or into the tank of a motor vehicle while the engine is running, or while
any light, other than electric light, is alight on the vehicle, and any
person who shill smoke or light a match or expose # naked light in close
proximity while petrol is being so filled, shall be guilty of an offence
against these Regulations. |

98. Rurtecting Mirror. Every motor vehicle, other than 4
motor cycle, shall be equipped witha reflecting mirror, so constructed
and fitted to the motor vehicle; as to enable the driver of such moto
vehicle to be or become aware of the presence in the rear thereof of any
other vehicle the driver of which is desirous of passing such motor

29. Noisy Motor Veuicurs. Any person driving or in charge
of a motor vehicle which causes a loud noise to the annoyance or dis-
_ turbance of. any person shall be guilty of an offence under these

30. Tyres. (1) All tyres of a motor vehicle shall at all times be
maintained in such condition as to be free from any defect which might
in any way cause damage to the surface of the road, or danger to
persons in or on the vehicle or to any persons using the road:

Provided that a person shal] not be convicted under this regulation
if he proves to the satisfaction of the Court that he could not by reason-
_able diligence have become aware of the defect.

(2) Any pneumatic tyre from which all-the rubber has been worn
‘on any section of the outer surface of the tyre, whether euch surface
bears on the road or not. shall be deemed to be defective, and it shall be
an offence to use such a tyre on any vehicle.

“81. Prenarty. (1) Any person who acts in contravention of, or
fails to comply with, any ‘of the provisions of these Regulations shall be
guilty of an offence against these Regulations.

(2) Any person guilty of an offence against these Regulations
shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding, one
hundred and twenty dollars.

Made by the Governor in Council this 7th day of April, 1955.

-M. Trrtey,
Clerk of the Council.
18 |
Fors 1. Reg. 4(1).

Form of Particulars to be given by Applicant for Registration
of a Motor Vehicle.

The Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954.

1. Full name of owner

2. Postal Address _ of residence
of Owner

3. Description or type of Vehicle

4. Type and Colour of Body
and Seating ~ Accommodation

5. Make of Car and year of

6. . Engine Number and Number
of Cylinders

7. Weight for Licensing Purposes

8. Whether intended for
(a) Private use, or”
(b) Use for trade purposes

- 9, Particulars as to the position
on the Car in which it is pro-
posed to place the plates form-

ing the adeneicetion mark

Date of Hit Lalthine ‘A
Form 2. Reg. 14(1)..

‘Application for Licence for‘a Motor Vehicle.

- The Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954.


‘Fall Name of Owner... sdaeesoees bate eh chbwwapeces io sete ae ine
tecidental AdM ROR vesosstctternee Ai ekds eee Loe ee
Stine Letter and Identification a i number. sadeceenconensie :
Type of Vallee eee seseaees nae sbi | dials ee

Whether. intended for—

_*(a) Private use, or...........+. oir eacetesoss eee seca seneasenoneee tee

Ae) Spe eee oy oa eA foo.
~ (b): Use for trade purposes........ccceserscesseseeteeretnansonsenconen,
Signature of Owher.....lesssscssssccesssseeseesenees

MDilte.s.scseseeepeeeeees eoee bee eae doe oeesere eelieeecses
= 90.
Form 8. > Reg. 14(2).
The Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954.


The Motor Vehicle herein described i 1s licensed under the prov ision
: of the Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954.

1. Name of Registered Owner

_ 2. Residential Address

3. Date of Issue of Licence

4. Date of Expiration of Licence |: a

5. Description or type of Vehicle

@ |

Use for which Licensed

7. Registered Identification Mark
and Number

8. Number’ of Vehicle Plate

Weight for Licensing Purposes

The sum of........ pia Sscseeeetes asa eaes DOS. ....cseeceesceseceeeaeeeeees cents
has been paid for this licence. :

Treasury receipt No............ :

. on Public TL: ranspont “Commission.
Date.. Cenc ecarendecsccceseecses pocecsenes ~ ‘ ,

Form 4. . Reg. 20.

Particulars to be given by Applicant for issue or Renewal of
_Driver’s Licence.

The Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954.


Full Name of Applicant

. Postal address of residence

of applicant ”
State type of motor. vehicle
it is intended to drive

State date of birth of applicant

. Are you the holder of a

‘driving licence, and have you
-at any time previously been |,
the holder of a driving licence?
If so, state number and date |
of issue.

State particulars of any driving
licence which you hold or
have previously held

. . State particulars of any en-
dorsement on any driving
permit which you hold or
‘ have previously held

. Have you at any time been
disqualified from obtaining a
driving licénce? If so, par-
ticulars ‘as to the Court by
whom, the date on which and
the period for which the dis-
“qualification was imposed -


7 33°
~ Form 4—(cont’d).

9. Huve you’ passed a driving
test? If so, state by whom

10. Are. your physique, vision,
hearing, and bodily and mental
fitness such as to qualify you |:
for the issue of a driving

11. Nate and address of employer
(if applying for a Chauffear’s


Signature of Applicant...........0. nr... i

Date of Application.......... ee hae was caauten ‘

Form 5. Reg. 21.
The Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954

is hereby authorised to drive Beets a SRE ee ee .for the year:
ending on the 31st day of December, 19...... :

Receipt No........++- :

For Public T: Pieter Commission.
This Licence No..:.......scsseeseees granted by the Public Tranaport!
Commission under the Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1954 is hereby
renewed until the 31st day of December, 19......

Dated CIB Hasse day of....... tteeeeeeeeeeneesseeree Dee eees

For Public Transport Commission.
Receipt No............
23 ;
Form 6. _ Reg. 17.
Examining Officer's Certificate.
Number........... .


(1) I have personally made a thorough examination of, and have
driven and tested the:

Motor Vehiale NO... .csesceseessececsceee
Owned by.........000. deacetencenseecsanes
“Of. veeeeeeee so eeeeeeescnesenencenssess sees
which is described below:—
_ (a) Chassis manufactured by......... . ssa evauesduccowiskaseatraescuseeugees

“ (6) Model..


(c) Engine NO. .ccessecseeseees -..No. of Cylinders........00s0+ waserscdee
(d) Year manufactured pease eeu wee de sesdsucenontuenususeesss nce Wawenesdesess

_ (e) Factory number of Chassis.........scseeeseeees ee Sys sueues suse eeeeeas

| (f) Maker’s Maximum Gross Weight in pounds when new........
(g) Type of body...sssscssessecstecstsececestersseessessessstsssesssensnee
(A) Tare in pounde......scsccsesseeresreseees Geereeees seueessecenvessseesses .

and found the condition of its several parts to be:
Chassis..... “Sasncesseeseees rs eee oeacccceeee wn

_ Engine... eveseceve peotagnesescere oeerteeesnece veseee eee eee eee eeeroore Soesseeees eves .
Form 6- (coné'd ).

Body dues sousvviseueaGencosssesee speeetaseeereenenns sapeveeersssvotsasdeaseutees 5
Tyres ......... siaaeeuseestovestases Sa naveaswereseaen tcaehsesersa-sgeesueses bes :
Brakes .............. ree en feweus ese caues vente
Mechanism cvosseteatia eau ueeees t sis
and have allowed a
Longitudinal overhang Of seererens Gap heieeeessess ona: soi
7 Lateral overhang of.......
(2) The said MeRnCle sete: eaten fovea cevsnss seeteleesseonforms to the

| Regulations for the ‘time — in force under the Motor - Vehioe

Ordinance, 1954, and is,in good and proper condition to:

(@) Carry i... ciecse se deceeenee coeeeee , passengers

(b) Carry a load Of..........ssseesseseeees pounds

(c) Be licensed for a Maximuri Gross Weight of... | ---poundF

(3) And that the said... seeees eas asec . mnay be duly licensed

(4) That not more than...... oguseacrass= : Persons may sit on the let,
of the driver. — os ,

Examining Officer.

oO see ete eeesnee a

Date of Certificate.....sierrsceeee: site
25 °


VI 24

The diagram above is drawn approximately to a scale of one-third.
The actual size of the plate will, however, differ accoraing to the
_number of letters and figures required.


(1) Each plate must be rectangular and bear upon it the index
mark V J and the separate number assigned to the motor vehicle, the
mark and number being arranged in conformity with the arrangement
of letters and figures shown on the diagram.

(2) The ground of the plate must be yellow, the letters and figures
mast be black.

(3) All letters and figures must be three-and-a-half inches high;
every part of every letter and figure must be five-eights of an inch
broad; and the total width of the space taken by every letter or figure,
except in the case of the figure 1, must be two-and-a-half inches.

(4) The space between adjoining letters and between adjoining
figures must be half-an-inch, and there must be a margin between the
nearest, part of any letter or figure and the top and bottom of the’
plate of at least half-an-inch, and between the nearest part of ‘any
letter or figure and the sides of the plate of at least one inch.

(5) The space between the letters and figures must he one-and-a-
half inches.

(6) In the case of the plate for a motor tricycle or a motor bicycle
of a weight unladen not exceeding eight hundredweights, each of the
dimensions mentioned above may be halved, and the shape of the plate
need not. be rectangular so long as the minimum margin between any
letter or figure and the top, bottom, and sides of the plate is preserved.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Bu¢cKkMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

78/0002 1— 5606.55. [ Price 27 cents.]