Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076863/00262
Material Information
- Title:
- Leeward Islands gazette
- Added title page title:
- Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
- Creator:
- Leeward Islands (West Indies)
- Place of Publication:
- [Antigua
- Publisher:
- Gov. Printing Office]
- Publication Date:
- Jun 23, 1955
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Law Leeward Islands (Federation) Montserrat
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt ) Official gazettes ( fast ) Gazettes ( fast ) newspaper ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- 1- , 1872-
- General Note:
- Two pages per frame.
- General Note:
- Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
- General Note:
- Weekly
- General Note:
- Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
- General Note:
- Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
- General Note:
- Some issues called "extraordinary."
- General Note:
- Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
- General Note:
- Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
- General Note:
- Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )
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Published by Authority.
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It is hereby notified for general information that the Imperial Colonial Air Navigation Order, 1955, was
made by Her Majesty in Council on the 6th May, 1955, was laid before Parliament on the same date, and will come
into force on the Ist July, 1955,
2. This Order revokes and re-enacts with certain amendments, the provisions of the Colonial Air Naviga-
tion Order, 1949, and its amending Orders.
The princpal changes are as follows:—
(a) for aircraft which carry or are intended to carry passengers and goods for hire or reward there
are new requirements for certifying the maintenance of the aircraft and new provisions for keeping
records of flying hours and records of defects;
(b) for public transport aircraft there are new requirements for the training practice and periodical
tests of every member of the personnel and for records of such practice and tests;
(c) holders of licences issued by any Contracting State may, subject to any limitations of the terms
of the licence or of the law of the issuing State, form part of the operational crews of aircraft flown in
the Colony, other than public transport and aerial work aircraft;
(d) flight engineers and flight navigators licences (cadet class) are abolished;
(e) power is reserved to the Governor, in relation to the carriage and use of instruments and equip-
ment, to require them and the manner of their installation or stowage to be approved in writing, and to
require passengers to be instructed in the use of equipment;
(f) the concessional circumstances under which young persons between fourtcen and sixteen
years of age were permitted to be in sole control of gliders have been withdrawn;
' (7) provision has been made for the extra-territorial application of the Order to persons as well ag
to aircraft;
(h) in colonial territories to which provisions of the Visiting Forces Act, 1952, are extended, the
Order will not apply to military aircraft in the service of a visiting force (unless flown and commanded
by a civilian) or to members of such a force acting in the course of their duty, except in the circum-
stances mentioned in Articles 51 and 54;
(i) amendments are made to certain of the rules in Schedule II (Rules of the Air and Air
Traffic Control): in section IV (Visual Flight Rules), permission from Air Traffic Control will be
required for landing, taking off at zrodromes in control zones in the event of low cloud ceiling as well
as of restricted ground visibility; in section V (Instrument Flight Rules), a minimum altitude of 1,000 ft.
is imposed for aircraft flying in I.F.R. weather conditions, and a new requirement for aircraft to inform
Air Traffic Control on landing or leaving controlled airspace; the requirements in this section relating to
radio communication and reporting of position are re-stated; in section VI (Additional General Rules),
airspaces may be notified, in which air traffic clearance from Air Traffic Control will be obligatory for alk
flights; in Section XII (Lights and other signs to be shown by aircraft), flashing navigation lights will be
obligatory after Ist June, 1956, for aircraft whose maximum permissible total weight exceeds 12,500 Ib.;
aircraft registered outside the Colony when flying over the Colony may display either the lights specified
in the section or those specified in the International Standards published by the International Civil
Aviation Organisation.
The Rules relating to the mooring and manceuvring of seaplaties on the water and of the lights to be shown
by them are now contained in The Collision Regulation (Ships and Seaplanes on the Water) and Signals of Distress
(Ships) Order, 1953 (S.I. 1953/1557 (1953 I, p. 1157)).
3. A copy of the Order, which is of considerable length, may be seen if desired at the office of the Colonial
Secretary, an Administrator or Commissioner and it will in due course form part of the bound volume of the laws of
the Colony for 1955.
The Secretariat,
14th June, 1955.
Ref. No. 7/00052.
3.2 8.7297
£487 ©
Governor's Deputy.
WHEREAS by subsection (2) of
section 14 of the Currency Act, 1950
(No. 4/1950) it is provided that the
said Act, in so far as it relates to coin,
shall come into operation on such date
as the Governor shall by Proclamation
published in the Guzettée appoint.
of the Most Distinguished Order of
Saint Michael and Saint George,
Governor’s Deputy in and over the
Colony of the Leeward Islands, do by
this my Proclamation appoint that the
said Act. in so far as it relates to coin,
shall come into operation on the Ist
day of July, 1955.
AND all Her Majesty’s loving sub-
jects in the said Colony and all others
whom it may concern are hereby
required to take due notice hereof
and to give their ready obedience
GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 17th day of June,
1955, in the fourth year of Her
Majesty’s reign.
The Governor has, under section 3
of the Income Tax Ordinance, No. 2
of 1946 of the British Virgin Islands
been pleased to appoint the following
persons to be Commissioners for the
due administration of the said Ordi-
nance, until the 31st December, 1955.
His Honour Lt. Col. H. A. C.
HowarRD— Chairman
The Hon. S. St. A. MEADE,
The Hon. N. EB. A. HARRIGAN.
The Hon. 8. Sv. A. MADE has
been appointed in place of the Hon.
T. E. A. PERKINS now on leave.
The Secretariat,
18th June, 1955.
Ref. No. 36/00004.
It is hereby notified for general
information that the Magistrates’
QMourt Rules, 1955, (General Govern-
ment S. R. & O. 1955, No. 12),
circulated with Leeward Islands
Gazette No. 11 of the 10th March,
1955, were approved by the General
Legislative Council of the Leeward
Islands on the 20th June, 1955.
The Secretariat,
Leeward Islands,
at Antigua.
20th June, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00025.
It is hereby notified for general
information pursuant to Section 9 of
the Marriages, Births and Deaths
Registration Act, 1870, that Mr. C.
Woop THIBoU of Long Street, St.
John’s, has been appointed Deputy
Agsistant Registrar for the Parish of
St. John in the Island of Antigua.
Acting Registrar-General.
No. 64.
Appointments and .transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—
HxcToR, 8. A., Junior Clerk on pro-
bation, Audit Department, con-
firmed to the pensionable estahlish-
The Secretarvat,
15th June, 1955.
P. F. 382,
No. 65.
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the un-
dermentioned Ordinances:—
Virgin Islands.
No. 11 of 1954, “The Labour
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954â€.
No. 5 of 1955, “*‘ The Appropriation
Ordinance, 1955â€. ‘
No. 66.
The Governor’s Deputy has been
pleased this day to assent to the
undermentioned Ordinance:—
No. 5 of 1955, ‘“‘The Defence Force
Ordinance, 1955.â€
June 17
No. 67.
The following Statutory Rules and
Orders are circulated with this Gazette
and form part thereof:—
General Government.
No. 25 of 1955, “The Colonial
Lunatic Asylum (Amendment) Regu-
lations, 1955.†1 pp. Frice 3 cents.
No. 9 of 1955, ‘The Traffic Signs
(Kinds and Descriptions) Regulations,
1955. 3 pp. Price 5 cents.
[23 June, 1955,
No. 68
The following Bills which are to be
introduced in the Leyislative Council
of Antigua, are circulated with this
Gazette and form part. thereof:—
‘The Trustee Investinent in Anti-
gua Government Securities Ordinance,
“The Entertainments Duty
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.â€
It is hereby notified for general
information that an examination for
a number of Government Scholar-
ships to the Antigua Grammar School
and the Antigua Girls’ High School
will be held at the St. John’s Boys’
Schoolroom on Thursday Ist Septem-
ber, 1955.
2. Cundidates shall be qualified to
take the examination who:—
(a) will be over 9 but less than
13 years of age on 31st December,
(6) have attended a school in the
Colony for a period of three years
immediately preceding the 31st
December, 1955 the last twelve
months being at a school in
(ec) are in need of financial assist-
ance to enter upon and complete a
secondary school course;
(d) are British subjects.
3. Applications must be made to
the Inspector of Schools not later
than Saturday 13th August, 1955.
Application must be accompanied
by a birth or baptismal certificate, a
medical certificate of good health,
certificate from Head Teachers of
Schools certifying regular attendance
for the three previous years and good
behaviour of the candidate, and
evidence of the need for financial
assistance to parents or guardians to
pay for secondary education.
Application forms can be obtained
from the Inspector of Schools.
4. (a) Arithmetic, including nu-
meration and notation, length, time,
weight (English Units) Money
(English and American Units), and
the application of the four rules to
them with simple, vulgar and deci-
mal fractions. ;
(b) (i) English Test of candidates
comprehension of a short
story read to or by them.
(ii) Simple exercise in English
Grammar. ;
(c) Writing rom Dictation.
(d) West Indian Hist ry
P. A. W. Gorbon,
insvector ut Schools.
23 June, 1955.]
Distribution of Roumanian,
Bulgarian and Hungarian
NOTICE is hereby given that the
closing date for the acceptance by the
United Kingdom’s Administrator, of
claims made pursuant to a notice
issued in the Leeward Islands
Gazette on 27th January, 1955
(Distribution of Roumanian Bulgarian
and Hungarian Assets), has been
extended to the 30th June, 1995,
Dated the 13th day of June, 1955.
Ag. Custodian of Enemy Property.
Registrar’s Office,
7th June, 1955.
In the Matter of The Companies
Act Cap. 140 and In the Matter
of 8. D. MALONE, Limited, of
Liverpool Row, Basseterre, St.
Kitts, B.W.1.
Voluntary Winding Up.
Pursuant to the provisions of Sec-
tion 156 of the above-named Act, it is
hereby notified for general informa-
tion that the Company known as
S. D. MALONE Limited has filed a
Special Resolution winding up the
Company voluntarily as from the
5th day of May, 1955.
ADAMS of Chambers in the town of
Basseterre in the Island of Saint
Christopher, Solicitor, has been ap-
pointed Liquidator for the purposes
of such winding up.
Dated the 3rd day of June, 1955.
Acting Registrar of Jornt Stock
ANTIGUA, 8th June, 1955.
LIMITED of 155 King Street, Water-
loo, Ontario, Canada, have applied for
Registration of Trade Mark con-
sisting of the following:—
in Class 43 that ig to say: Ber.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 8 years
before the date of their said Applica-
Any person inay within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said ‘Trade
A. R. M&@ADE,
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks,
the Governor in Council in pursuance
of the powers conferred ou him by
section 3 of the Fisheries Ordinance,
1935 (No. 10/1935) as amended, pro-
hibits the catching of lobsters for
export by any person within the
territorial waters of the Presidency
during the period Lsé June to 31st
July, 1955, both days inclusive.
The above prohibition DOES NOT
APPLY TO the catching of lobsters
for loeal consumption by any inhabit-
ant or resident of the Presidency
during the said period.
Any person who catches any lobster
in contravention of this notice shall
be guilty of an offence and liable on
suinmary conviction to a fine not
exceeding £100 or to imprisonment
for aterm not exceeding six months
and to the forfeiture of any lobster so
eaught and any boat or other appara-
tus or thing whatsoever used in cou-
nection with the commission of the
Clerk of the Counoil.
25th May, 1955.
Ret. No. A. 46/75.
St. Vincent, Windward Islands.
Two Medical Officers
Required for District Medical
duties in St. Vincent. Appointments
can be on a three-year probationary
perio. for a permanent appointment
with pension (uon-contributing) at
the age of 55 or on sbort term agree-
ment for three years in the first
Salury scale ranges from $3840
120—4800 B.W.I. Starting salary
will be determined according to age,
qualifications and experience.
Medical Officers posted to the
stations of Chateaubelair and Bequia
will also receive a duty allowance of
$1000) B.W.T. and $1500) B.W.I.
Private practice is permitted pro-
vided it does not interfere with the
officers’ official duties.
Quarters are provided at a rental of
10% of salary or 5% of the assessed
value of the quarters, whichever is
the lesser.
Free passages for the officer and
family are provided on first appoint-
ment and free reture yassages on
completion of agre ment In_ the
case of an. offieer on p rmenent
appointment, leave ise-g os will be
provided for him» his wife up to
a maximum «f $122 cach way in
respect of cac: ep period of
resident servic.
Income Tax at local rates.
Local leave is permissible, and
generons home leave is granted after
each tour (minimum tour 2 years).
Candidates must possess medical
qualifications registrable in the
United Kingdom.
Appointments are to St. Vincent in
the first instance, but officers are
liable to transfer to posts of «qual
grade in the other Islands of the
Windward Group.
Applications should be addressed
to the Assistant Administrator and
Establishment Officer, Government
Office, Kingstown, St. Vincent, and
should reach him not later than 30th
June, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00286,
The public is hereby notified of the
(1) Popeshead Street is now re-
opened to vehicular traffic.
(2) In order ‘o effect repairs to
water mains, Dickenson Bay Street,
east of its junction with Popeshead
Street, will be closed to vehicular
traffic as from Tuesday, [4th June,
EK. M. V. Jamgs, Lt. Col.,
Traffic Commissioner,
13th June, 1955. |
Montral Experiment Station,
1951, 1952. 1955. 1954. 7955,
Jan. 3.69 3.10 255 B44 2.16
Feb, i838 100 1,02 245 108
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.05 838
Apr. 2.16 3.14 2.06 49 175
May 10.64 3.07 150 3.83 2.81
June 18th 1.39 2.36 93 214 60
20.66 14.89 18.66 13.43 8.83
Vacant Post of Dental Surgeon
Colonial Hospital, St. Vincent.
Applications are invited from snit-
ably qualified candidates for appoint-
ment to the post of Dental Surgeon,
St. Vincent.
2. The salary of the post is in the
scale $3,840x$ 120--$4 800 per annum,
and consideration will be given to
appointment at a point higher up the
scale depending upon the qualified
tions and experience of the successful
candidate. Private practice is allowed.
3. A transport allowance at the
prescribed rate is payable in respect of
a motor-car maintained by the officer
for official travelling. Quarters are
not provided,
4. Candidates should possess a
Dental qualification entitling them to
practise dentisiry or dental surgery in
some part of Her Majesty’s Dominions,
or a qualification obtained in a foreign
country recognised by the Medical
Board, St. Vincent.
5. The Dental Surgeon — shall
furnish free dental treatment for the
poorer classes, including labourers,
paupers, «and inmates of Government
institutions and to all other persons
who are entitled to free dental treat-
ment at Government expense, provi-
ded that such treatment shall not
include the making or supplying of
dental prostheses.
In the case of members of the
public, free treatinent shall be pro-
vided only at Government clinics and
the dental surgeon shall attend at such
clinics at such times and places as the
Governor-in-Couneil may from time
to time prescribe.
(2) He shall be responsible for the
dental care and treatment of school
children and shall visit and inspect
all schools at least once annually and
shall carry out such treatinent as he
deems necessary.
(3) He shall act as adviser to Gov-
ernment in all matters relating to the
dental health and
(4) He shall perform such other
duties not inconsistent with the above
as the Governor may direct.
6. The post is at present non-
pensionable, but steps are being taken
to have it made pensionable. The
person selected will be subject to the
Colonial Regulations, the General
Orders and the Financial and Store
Rules of the Windward Islands and to
the various Ordinances and Subsidiary
Legislation in force in the Colony.
7, Free first class passages to St.
Vincenti will be provided for the
Officer, his wife and children under
the age of 18 years, on first appoint-
welfare of the.
(23 June, 1955.
ment. Leave passages will be granted
in accordance with local provision,
8. The person appointed will be
liable to transfer to a similar post of
equivalent status within the Wind-
ward Islands.
9, Applications should be address-
ed to the Assistant Administrator and
Establishment Officer, Government
Offics, St. Vincent, and should reach
him not later than 3/st July, 1955
giving full details of the candidate’s
experience and qualifications together
with copies of testimonials.
Ref. No. 13/00086.
Ooutrol of Imports and Exports
Tenders are invited for the su
Local Commission Agents of Canadian
include agents cominission.
Notice No. 2 of 1955
lour Mills.
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.
ply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “ Eâ€
gride flour from
Quotations should be C.I.F. Antigua and shouid
Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
2. The “E†grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard :—
Maximum moisture dike 14.00%
Maximum ash re 2%
Minimum protein eee 12.00%
All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—
With Calcium Car-
Minimum. Mazximum.
2.0 2.5
1.2 1.5 ~
16.0 20.0 =
13.0 16.5 a
500 600 Ps
milligrams for each lb. flour
The name of the miller, analvsis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
s#oe stated in the tender.
duly notarised must accompany documents.
The Supply
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf. *
Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and inust indicate that it is en- â€
riched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour â€â€™
must be stencilled on each bag.
Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard ‘and
fficer however, exercises the right to ee
3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped to arrive in Antigua :
during August, September and October, 1955, ‘at a monthly rate of 5,000 half-bags of 100 lbs. each. ~
4, Tenders should bein sealed envelopes marked “ Tenders for flour†and should be addressed. 3
to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 4 p.m. on
30th June, 1955.
5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Administrator's Office,
6th June, 1955.
Ref. No. A. 40/18,
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by FE. M BLackMan,
Government Printer—By Authority.
[Price 14 cents]
1955, No. 25.
1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as the Colonial
Lunatic Asylam (Amendment) Regulations, 1955 and shall be read as
one with the Regulations for the Management of the Lunatic Asylum
in Antigua made by the Governor in Council on the 7th day of
December, 1910 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Regulations).
2. Amendment of Principal Regulations. The Principal
Regulations are hereby amended as follows—
(a) by the revocation of Regulations 19, 39, 66, 75, 76, 77, 82,
86 and 132 thereof;
(6) by the deletion of Schedule B thereto; and
(c) by the deletion: of the letter “A†appearing after the word
“Schedule†in Regulation 68, and after the word “Schedule†in
Schedule A.
Made by the Governor in Council this 5th day of March, 1955.
Clerk of the Council.
Approved by the General Legislative Council this 20th day of
June, 1955.
Epcar H. M. EpwaRDs,
Acting Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuackMan, Government Printer.—By Authority.
51/0006 1—480—6.55. Price 3 cents.
19556, No. 9.
The Traffic Signs (Kinds and Descriptions) Regulations, 1955,
dated April 6, 1955, made by the Traffic Commissioner under
* gection 75 of the Vehicles and Road Traffic Ordinance, 1946,
as amended, and approved by the Governor in Council.
1. Crratrion. These Regulations may be cited as the Traffic
Signs (Kinds and Descriptions) Regulations, 1955.
2. Inrerpreration. In these Regulations—
“the Ordinance’? means the Vehicles and Road Traffic
Ordinance, 1946, as amended.
3. Trarric Sicns. The following kinds of traffic signs are
hereby prescribed pursuant to section 75 of the Ordinance, and any
person who fails to comply with the direction or prohibition given by
any such signs shall be guilty of an offence.
(a) (i) A sign conveying the order to stop to be erected in such
8 yene P ae
places as are appointed by the Traffic Commissioner such
sign having inscribed thereon STOP;
(ii) Whenever a stop sign is erected at or near the intersection
of two roads it shall face the stream of traffic on one road
and every person driving a vehicle on that road shall bring
the vehicle to a stop before entering but as near as_practi-
cable to the driving surface of the other road; but if there
isa stop line on the road, as hereinafter explained, in
conjunction with a stop sign the driver of the vehicle shall
come to a stop before passing over and as near as practi-
cable to such stop line.
(b) A stop line for use in conjunction with stop signs shall be
a white line not less than six inches in width painted on the driving
surface of the road or a row of metal markers affixed to the driving
(c) Signs which shall be interpreted as indicating that any
person driving a vehicle on a roid on or near to which such signs
are placed shall bring the vehicle to a halt or go slow before enter-
ing, but as near as practicable to, the driving surface of the road
which he is about to enter.
(d@) A sign which shall be interpreted as indicating that a
school is situated in the vicinity of the road on which the sign is
placed and that the driver of a vehicle on that road shall take
special care and slow down when approaching such school, or
the road leading thereto.
(e) Signs conveying the order not to proceed from one road
into another by means of making a turn to the left or to the right,
as the case may be, to be erected in such places as are appointed by
the Traffic Commissioner, such signs having inscribed thereon the
(7) Signs conveying the order not to enter into a road at a
particular point of intersection with another road, to be erected in
such places as are appointed by the Traffic Commissioner, such
signs having inscribed thereon the words NO ENTRY.
(9) (i) Signs to close roads or parts thereof to traffic to be erected
in accordance with subparagraphs (11) of such design as
may be approved by the Trathic Commissioner to indicate
the road or part or parts thereof upon which the driving
of a vehicle ia prohibited ;
(ii) Every such sign shall state the period for which the road
or part thereof is closed or shall state that it is closed
until further notice;
(ili) The road or part of the road to which any such sign applies
shall be indicated by the erection of a sign having inscribed
thereon the words ROAD CLOSED at each end of the
road or part of the road which is closed and at all major
points of inter-section with the road, which points shall be
determined by the Traffic Commissioner.
(A) (i) Signs conveying the order to prohibit the parking of vehi-
cles, to be erected in such places as may be appointed by
the Traffic Commissioner such signs having inscribed
thereon the words NO PARKING;
(ii) The portion of the road to which any such sign is applica-
ble shall be clearly indicated by painted white lines or
words or markers on the road or by additional words
inscribed on the sign which may describe the area to which
the. prohibition of the sign is applicable by name or other
description or by reference to another sign erected on or
near the same road;
(iii) The prohibition in subparagraph (i) shall not apply unless
stated on the sign, to the stopping of s vehicle for the
immediate taking up or discharging of passengers or goods
or for such time as may be actually necessary for the load-
ing or unloading of goods.
(2) Signs to indicate places where public service vehicles may
stop but only for the purpose of taking up or setting down passen-
gers and where no other vebicle may be permitted to stop or stand,
to be erected in such places as are approved by the Traffic Commis-
sioner. Such signs having inscribed thereon the words PUBLIC
(7) Signs having inseribed thereon the words ‘SPEED
LIMIT AREA MAXIMUM SPEED x M.H.P.†and indicating
the commencement and the end of the length of a road which by
virtue of an order under subsection (6) of section 50 of the Ordi-
nance is deemed to be a road within a speed limit area.
Made this 6th day of April, 1955.
KE. M. V. James,
Traffic Commissioner.
Approved by the Governor in Council this 25th day of May, 1955.
J. L. Ropiyson,
Clerk of the Couneil.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward [siands,
hy fH. M. Brackman, Government Printer,—By Authority.
A. 47/6 —L1-500—6.55. [Price 5 cents]
Trustee Investment in Antigua No. of 1955.
Government Securities. °
No. of 1955,
An Ordinance to facilitate the investment of
Trust and other funds in the United
Kingdom, in Antigua Government Secu-
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as ‘‘ The
Trustee Investment in Antigua Government
Securities Ordinance, 1955â€.
2. In this Ordinance—
“Colonial Stock Acts’? means the Acts of
the Imperial Parliament known as the
Colonial Stock. Acts, 1877 to 1948;
“Crown Agents’? means the person or
persons for the time being acting as
Crown Agents for Oversea Govern-
ments and Administrations in England
or any one of them.
Short title.
Application of
Payment of
money due to
Certificate by
of certain
2 Trustee Investment in Antigua No. of 1955.
Government Securities. :
3. This Ordinance shall apply to all
securities heretofore or hereafter created or
issued on behalf of the Government of Antigua
to which for the time heing Colonial Stock Acts
apply, and which are for the time being regis-
tered in the United Kingdom in accordance with
the provisions of those Acts, each and all of
which securities are hereinafter referred to as
“ Antigua Government Securities â€.
4. (1) Whenever by the final judgment,
decree, rule, or order of any court of competent
jurisdiction in the United Kingdom, any sum of
money is adjudged or declared to be payable by
the Government of Antigua in repect of any
Government Securities, the Government shall
forthwith pay that sum out of the funds in the
hands of the Crown Agents belonging to the
Government, without further appropriation
than this Ordinance.
(2) For the purposes of this section,
“final judgment, decreg, rule, or order†means
in case of appeal the final judgment, decree,
rule, or order of the ultimate court hearing the
5. In order to enable every such payment
to be duly made, a certificate under the hands
of the Crown Agents, specifying the sum so
paid under order of any such court, shall be
sufficient authority to the Auditor General or
other officer having the auditing of their ac-
counts for passing such sum without further
6. Ifat any time hereafter an Ordinance
is passed which appears to the Imperial Govern-
ment to alter any of the provisions affecting the
Government Securities to the injury of the
holder thereof, or to involve a departure from
the original contract in regard to those
- Securities, that Ordinance will properly be
-No. of 1955. Trustee Investment in Antigua 3 AwntTicua’
Government Securities.
Passed the Legislative Council the day
_ of 1955.
Clerk of the Couneil.
It is desirable that for the purpose of raising loans in
London the Government of the Presidency should be in a
position to issue Stocks which rank as trustee investments
within the meaning of the United Kingdom Trustee Acts.
2., To enable this to be done it is necessary to satisfy
the conditions prescribed by the Lords Commissioners of
H. M. Treasury by Order made under Section 2 of the
Colonial Stock Act, 1900.
3. The object of this Bill is to satisfy these. conditions
as required by the Secretary of State in his Leeward Islands,
Antigua despatch No. 98 of the 24th February, 1955.
Desmonp A. McNamara,
Acting Crown Attorney.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M, Buaoxman, Government Printor.—By, Authority.
—316—6.55, Price 5 cents
No... of 1955. Entertainments Duty: ANTIGUA.
No. = of 1955.
An Ordinance to amend the Entertainments
Duty Ordinance, 1948.
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
~as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Entertainments Duty (Amendment) Ordinance,
1955, and shall be read as one with the Knter-
tainments Duty Ordinance, 1948 (hereinafter 14/1948.
called the Principal Ordinance).
2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment ot
is hereby amended by the substitution for the Dacia of
definition of the expression “entertainment†Ordinance.
therein of the following:
“ “ entertainment’? means any exhibition
by means of mutoscope, cinemutograph,
including sound films, or other similar
apparatus and includes circus, conju-
rer’s entertainment, and any horse race,
to any of which persons are admitted
for payment and any other exhibition
performance or amusement which the
Antigua. 2 Entertainments Duty. No. — of 1955.
Governor in Council may by virtue of
the provisions of Section 9 of this
Ordinance, by order, so declare, but
does not include—
(a) variety entertainments;
(b) concerts; and
(c) theatrical performances.â€
Substitution 3. The following section is hereby substi-
or gection Sof tuted for section 3 of the Principal Ordinance:—
rincipal :
“Rate of 3. There shall be charged levied and
duty. paid to the use of Her Majesty in and for
the general revenue of the Presidency a
duty (hereinafter referred to as entertain-
ment duty) at the rates specified in the
Schedule hereto—
(a) on every ticket issued to any
person on payment for admission to
: any entertainment;
(6) for every person admitted for
payment to any entertainment (other
than horse races) in cases where no
tickets are issued;
(c) on every lottery ticket; —
(d) for every public dance.â€
Amendment of 4. Subsection (2) of section 4 of the Prin-
Paneper†cipal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
Ordinance. substitution of the words “shall on summary
conviction be lable†for the word “liableâ€
appearing in the fifth line thereof.
Amendment of 5. Section 5 of the Principal Ordinance is
Dancin†hereby amended as follows:—
(a) by the repeal of subsection (1)
thereof and its replacement as follows:—
“Duty how 5. (1) Entertainment duty shall
charged and ; ‘i
recovered, be charged as regards entertainments
in respect of each person admitted for
payment and in the case of admission
by ticket shall be paid by means of a
stamp (not before used) stamped on the
No. of 1955. Entertainments Duty. 3 ANTIGUA.
ticket or impressed thereon with a die
as provided for in subsection (1) of
section 4 of this Ordinance.â€
(5) by the insertion in subsection (2)
of the words “ shall be caleulated and paid
on the number of persons admitted andâ€
between the comma and the word ‘ shallâ€
appearing in the second line thereof.
6. Section 6 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment of
is hereby amended by the substitution of the povew | of
following suhsection for subsection (2) thereof:— _ ordinaace.
6. (2) Any person who issues or sells “Penalty.
any lottery ticket in contravention of the
provisions of subsection (1) of this Ordi-
nance and shall on summary conviction be
Hable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-
five dollars in’ respect of every contraven-
7. Section 7 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendmentot
hereby amended by the substitution of the fol- section 7 of
. Sees rincipal
lowing subsection for subsection (2) thereof— ordinance.
(2) Any person who keeps or holds a *Penaity.
public dance in any house or place in con-
travention of the provisions of subsection
(1) of this section shall be guilty of an
offence against this Ordinance and shall on
summary conviction be liable to a penalty
not exceeding twenty-five dollars.â€
8. Section 10 of the Principal Ordinance amendment of
is hereby amended as follows:— cn
. Grainande:
(a) by the substitution of the word
“officer� for the word “ Officer†and by
the substitution of the word “ rules†for the
word “ Rules†appearing in subsection (1)
thereof; and
(b) by the substitution of the following
subsection for subsection (2) thereof—
(2) Any person who prevents Penalty.
or obstructs the entry of such police
officer shall be guilty of an offence
ANTIGUA. 4 Entertainments Duly. No. of 1955.
against this Ordinance and shall on
summary conviction be liable to a
penalty not exceeding one hundred
Amendment of 9. Section 11 of the Principal Ordinance
section 11 0: 7 1" -___
Principal is hereby amended as follows:
(a) by the substitution of the following
paragraph for paragraph (a) of subsection
(1) thereof—
‘“‘(a) for the supply and use of
stamps, or dies, or stamped or im-
. pressed tickets, or for the stamping
or impressing of tickets sent to be
stamped or impressed, or for securing
the defacement of stamps when
used; and’’; and
(6) by the substitution of the
following subsection for subsection
(2) thereof—
“ Penalty: (2) The Governor in Council ,
may by rules made under sub-
section (1) of this section im-
pose on offenders against. the
same such penalties as he may
think fit not exceeding one
hundred dollars m respect. of
each offence.â€
Passed the Legislative Council the
day of , 1955.
Clerk of the Council.
The object of this bill is to amend the
Entertainments Duty Ordinance, 1948, on the
advice of the Secretary of State (as reg vards para-
graph (b) to (d) below), so as to—
No. of 1955. Entertainments Duty. § Anriava.
(a) exclude certain public perform-
ances of educational value trom the applica-
tion of the Ordinance;
(6) make it clear that duty may be
levied even in cases where no admission
tickets are issued;
(c) make it clear that duty on tickets
may be paid either by stamps or an im-
pressed die; ,
(d) remove certain differences in the
various sections dealing with penalties.
As regards paragraph (a) above it is con-
sidered desirable that in respect of the perfor-
mances therein mentioned these should be
exempted from entertainment duty.
2. Opportunity has also been taken to
correct a number of grammatical érrors.
Desmonp A. Mc Namara,
; Ag. Crown Altorney.
28th April, 1955.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Isiands,
by E. M. BuackmMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
—316.—6.55. Price 7 cents...
Full Text |
Published by Authority.
oan ty
dey 9 KS
2b Mono J , ryy ne , x - :
It is hereby notified for general information that the Imperial Colonial Air Navigation Order, 1955, was
made by Her Majesty in Council on the 6th May, 1955, was laid before Parliament on the same date, and will come
into force on the Ist July, 1955,
2. This Order revokes and re-enacts with certain amendments, the provisions of the Colonial Air Naviga-
tion Order, 1949, and its amending Orders.
The princpal changes are as follows:—
(a) for aircraft which carry or are intended to carry passengers and goods for hire or reward there
are new requirements for certifying the maintenance of the aircraft and new provisions for keeping
records of flying hours and records of defects;
(b) for public transport aircraft there are new requirements for the training practice and periodical
tests of every member of the personnel and for records of such practice and tests;
(c) holders of licences issued by any Contracting State may, subject to any limitations of the terms
of the licence or of the law of the issuing State, form part of the operational crews of aircraft flown in
the Colony, other than public transport and aerial work aircraft;
(d) flight engineers and flight navigators licences (cadet class) are abolished;
(e) power is reserved to the Governor, in relation to the carriage and use of instruments and equip-
ment, to require them and the manner of their installation or stowage to be approved in writing, and to
require passengers to be instructed in the use of equipment;
(f) the concessional circumstances under which young persons between fourtcen and sixteen
years of age were permitted to be in sole control of gliders have been withdrawn;
' (7) provision has been made for the extra-territorial application of the Order to persons as well ag
to aircraft;
(h) in colonial territories to which provisions of the Visiting Forces Act, 1952, are extended, the
Order will not apply to military aircraft in the service of a visiting force (unless flown and commanded
by a civilian) or to members of such a force acting in the course of their duty, except in the circum-
stances mentioned in Articles 51 and 54;
(i) amendments are made to certain of the rules in Schedule II (Rules of the Air and Air
Traffic Control): in section IV (Visual Flight Rules), permission from Air Traffic Control will be
required for landing, taking off at zrodromes in control zones in the event of low cloud ceiling as well
as of restricted ground visibility; in section V (Instrument Flight Rules), a minimum altitude of 1,000 ft.
is imposed for aircraft flying in I.F.R. weather conditions, and a new requirement for aircraft to inform
Air Traffic Control on landing or leaving controlled airspace; the requirements in this section relating to
radio communication and reporting of position are re-stated; in section VI (Additional General Rules),
airspaces may be notified, in which air traffic clearance from Air Traffic Control will be obligatory for alk
flights; in Section XII (Lights and other signs to be shown by aircraft), flashing navigation lights will be
obligatory after Ist June, 1956, for aircraft whose maximum permissible total weight exceeds 12,500 Ib.;
aircraft registered outside the Colony when flying over the Colony may display either the lights specified
in the section or those specified in the International Standards published by the International Civil
Aviation Organisation.
The Rules relating to the mooring and manceuvring of seaplaties on the water and of the lights to be shown
by them are now contained in The Collision Regulation (Ships and Seaplanes on the Water) and Signals of Distress
(Ships) Order, 1953 (S.I. 1953/1557 (1953 I, p. 1157)).
3. A copy of the Order, which is of considerable length, may be seen if desired at the office of the Colonial
Secretary, an Administrator or Commissioner and it will in due course form part of the bound volume of the laws of
the Colony for 1955.
The Secretariat,
14th June, 1955.
Ref. No. 7/00052.
3.2 8.7297
£487 ©
Governor's Deputy.
WHEREAS by subsection (2) of
section 14 of the Currency Act, 1950
(No. 4/1950) it is provided that the
said Act, in so far as it relates to coin,
shall come into operation on such date
as the Governor shall by Proclamation
published in the Guzettée appoint.
of the Most Distinguished Order of
Saint Michael and Saint George,
Governor’s Deputy in and over the
Colony of the Leeward Islands, do by
this my Proclamation appoint that the
said Act. in so far as it relates to coin,
shall come into operation on the Ist
day of July, 1955.
AND all Her Majesty’s loving sub-
jects in the said Colony and all others
whom it may concern are hereby
required to take due notice hereof
and to give their ready obedience
GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 17th day of June,
1955, in the fourth year of Her
Majesty’s reign.
The Governor has, under section 3
of the Income Tax Ordinance, No. 2
of 1946 of the British Virgin Islands
been pleased to appoint the following
persons to be Commissioners for the
due administration of the said Ordi-
nance, until the 31st December, 1955.
His Honour Lt. Col. H. A. C.
HowarRD— Chairman
The Hon. S. St. A. MEADE,
The Hon. N. EB. A. HARRIGAN.
The Hon. 8. Sv. A. MADE has
been appointed in place of the Hon.
T. E. A. PERKINS now on leave.
The Secretariat,
18th June, 1955.
Ref. No. 36/00004.
It is hereby notified for general
information that the Magistrates’
QMourt Rules, 1955, (General Govern-
ment S. R. & O. 1955, No. 12),
circulated with Leeward Islands
Gazette No. 11 of the 10th March,
1955, were approved by the General
Legislative Council of the Leeward
Islands on the 20th June, 1955.
The Secretariat,
Leeward Islands,
at Antigua.
20th June, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00025.
It is hereby notified for general
information pursuant to Section 9 of
the Marriages, Births and Deaths
Registration Act, 1870, that Mr. C.
Woop THIBoU of Long Street, St.
John’s, has been appointed Deputy
Agsistant Registrar for the Parish of
St. John in the Island of Antigua.
Acting Registrar-General.
No. 64.
Appointments and .transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—
HxcToR, 8. A., Junior Clerk on pro-
bation, Audit Department, con-
firmed to the pensionable estahlish-
The Secretarvat,
15th June, 1955.
P. F. 382,
No. 65.
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the un-
dermentioned Ordinances:—
Virgin Islands.
No. 11 of 1954, “The Labour
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954â€.
No. 5 of 1955, “*‘ The Appropriation
Ordinance, 1955â€. ‘
No. 66.
The Governor’s Deputy has been
pleased this day to assent to the
undermentioned Ordinance:—
No. 5 of 1955, ‘“‘The Defence Force
Ordinance, 1955.â€
June 17
No. 67.
The following Statutory Rules and
Orders are circulated with this Gazette
and form part thereof:—
General Government.
No. 25 of 1955, “The Colonial
Lunatic Asylum (Amendment) Regu-
lations, 1955.†1 pp. Frice 3 cents.
No. 9 of 1955, ‘The Traffic Signs
(Kinds and Descriptions) Regulations,
1955. 3 pp. Price 5 cents.
[23 June, 1955,
No. 68
The following Bills which are to be
introduced in the Leyislative Council
of Antigua, are circulated with this
Gazette and form part. thereof:—
‘The Trustee Investinent in Anti-
gua Government Securities Ordinance,
“The Entertainments Duty
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.â€
It is hereby notified for general
information that an examination for
a number of Government Scholar-
ships to the Antigua Grammar School
and the Antigua Girls’ High School
will be held at the St. John’s Boys’
Schoolroom on Thursday Ist Septem-
ber, 1955.
2. Cundidates shall be qualified to
take the examination who:—
(a) will be over 9 but less than
13 years of age on 31st December,
(6) have attended a school in the
Colony for a period of three years
immediately preceding the 31st
December, 1955 the last twelve
months being at a school in
(ec) are in need of financial assist-
ance to enter upon and complete a
secondary school course;
(d) are British subjects.
3. Applications must be made to
the Inspector of Schools not later
than Saturday 13th August, 1955.
Application must be accompanied
by a birth or baptismal certificate, a
medical certificate of good health,
certificate from Head Teachers of
Schools certifying regular attendance
for the three previous years and good
behaviour of the candidate, and
evidence of the need for financial
assistance to parents or guardians to
pay for secondary education.
Application forms can be obtained
from the Inspector of Schools.
4. (a) Arithmetic, including nu-
meration and notation, length, time,
weight (English Units) Money
(English and American Units), and
the application of the four rules to
them with simple, vulgar and deci-
mal fractions. ;
(b) (i) English Test of candidates
comprehension of a short
story read to or by them.
(ii) Simple exercise in English
Grammar. ;
(c) Writing rom Dictation.
(d) West Indian Hist ry
P. A. W. Gorbon,
insvector ut Schools.
23 June, 1955.]
Distribution of Roumanian,
Bulgarian and Hungarian
NOTICE is hereby given that the
closing date for the acceptance by the
United Kingdom’s Administrator, of
claims made pursuant to a notice
issued in the Leeward Islands
Gazette on 27th January, 1955
(Distribution of Roumanian Bulgarian
and Hungarian Assets), has been
extended to the 30th June, 1995,
Dated the 13th day of June, 1955.
Ag. Custodian of Enemy Property.
Registrar’s Office,
7th June, 1955.
In the Matter of The Companies
Act Cap. 140 and In the Matter
of 8. D. MALONE, Limited, of
Liverpool Row, Basseterre, St.
Kitts, B.W.1.
Voluntary Winding Up.
Pursuant to the provisions of Sec-
tion 156 of the above-named Act, it is
hereby notified for general informa-
tion that the Company known as
S. D. MALONE Limited has filed a
Special Resolution winding up the
Company voluntarily as from the
5th day of May, 1955.
ADAMS of Chambers in the town of
Basseterre in the Island of Saint
Christopher, Solicitor, has been ap-
pointed Liquidator for the purposes
of such winding up.
Dated the 3rd day of June, 1955.
Acting Registrar of Jornt Stock
ANTIGUA, 8th June, 1955.
LIMITED of 155 King Street, Water-
loo, Ontario, Canada, have applied for
Registration of Trade Mark con-
sisting of the following:—
in Class 43 that ig to say: Ber.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 8 years
before the date of their said Applica-
Any person inay within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said ‘Trade
A. R. M&@ADE,
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks,
the Governor in Council in pursuance
of the powers conferred ou him by
section 3 of the Fisheries Ordinance,
1935 (No. 10/1935) as amended, pro-
hibits the catching of lobsters for
export by any person within the
territorial waters of the Presidency
during the period Lsé June to 31st
July, 1955, both days inclusive.
The above prohibition DOES NOT
APPLY TO the catching of lobsters
for loeal consumption by any inhabit-
ant or resident of the Presidency
during the said period.
Any person who catches any lobster
in contravention of this notice shall
be guilty of an offence and liable on
suinmary conviction to a fine not
exceeding £100 or to imprisonment
for aterm not exceeding six months
and to the forfeiture of any lobster so
eaught and any boat or other appara-
tus or thing whatsoever used in cou-
nection with the commission of the
Clerk of the Counoil.
25th May, 1955.
Ret. No. A. 46/75.
St. Vincent, Windward Islands.
Two Medical Officers
Required for District Medical
duties in St. Vincent. Appointments
can be on a three-year probationary
perio. for a permanent appointment
with pension (uon-contributing) at
the age of 55 or on sbort term agree-
ment for three years in the first
Salury scale ranges from $3840
120—4800 B.W.I. Starting salary
will be determined according to age,
qualifications and experience.
Medical Officers posted to the
stations of Chateaubelair and Bequia
will also receive a duty allowance of
$1000) B.W.T. and $1500) B.W.I.
Private practice is permitted pro-
vided it does not interfere with the
officers’ official duties.
Quarters are provided at a rental of
10% of salary or 5% of the assessed
value of the quarters, whichever is
the lesser.
Free passages for the officer and
family are provided on first appoint-
ment and free reture yassages on
completion of agre ment In_ the
case of an. offieer on p rmenent
appointment, leave ise-g os will be
provided for him» his wife up to
a maximum «f $122 cach way in
respect of cac: ep period of
resident servic.
Income Tax at local rates.
Local leave is permissible, and
generons home leave is granted after
each tour (minimum tour 2 years).
Candidates must possess medical
qualifications registrable in the
United Kingdom.
Appointments are to St. Vincent in
the first instance, but officers are
liable to transfer to posts of «qual
grade in the other Islands of the
Windward Group.
Applications should be addressed
to the Assistant Administrator and
Establishment Officer, Government
Office, Kingstown, St. Vincent, and
should reach him not later than 30th
June, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00286,
The public is hereby notified of the
(1) Popeshead Street is now re-
opened to vehicular traffic.
(2) In order ‘o effect repairs to
water mains, Dickenson Bay Street,
east of its junction with Popeshead
Street, will be closed to vehicular
traffic as from Tuesday, [4th June,
EK. M. V. Jamgs, Lt. Col.,
Traffic Commissioner,
13th June, 1955. |
Montral Experiment Station,
1951, 1952. 1955. 1954. 7955,
Jan. 3.69 3.10 255 B44 2.16
Feb, i838 100 1,02 245 108
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.05 838
Apr. 2.16 3.14 2.06 49 175
May 10.64 3.07 150 3.83 2.81
June 18th 1.39 2.36 93 214 60
20.66 14.89 18.66 13.43 8.83
Vacant Post of Dental Surgeon
Colonial Hospital, St. Vincent.
Applications are invited from snit-
ably qualified candidates for appoint-
ment to the post of Dental Surgeon,
St. Vincent.
2. The salary of the post is in the
scale $3,840x$ 120--$4 800 per annum,
and consideration will be given to
appointment at a point higher up the
scale depending upon the qualified
tions and experience of the successful
candidate. Private practice is allowed.
3. A transport allowance at the
prescribed rate is payable in respect of
a motor-car maintained by the officer
for official travelling. Quarters are
not provided,
4. Candidates should possess a
Dental qualification entitling them to
practise dentisiry or dental surgery in
some part of Her Majesty’s Dominions,
or a qualification obtained in a foreign
country recognised by the Medical
Board, St. Vincent.
5. The Dental Surgeon — shall
furnish free dental treatment for the
poorer classes, including labourers,
paupers, «and inmates of Government
institutions and to all other persons
who are entitled to free dental treat-
ment at Government expense, provi-
ded that such treatment shall not
include the making or supplying of
dental prostheses.
In the case of members of the
public, free treatinent shall be pro-
vided only at Government clinics and
the dental surgeon shall attend at such
clinics at such times and places as the
Governor-in-Couneil may from time
to time prescribe.
(2) He shall be responsible for the
dental care and treatment of school
children and shall visit and inspect
all schools at least once annually and
shall carry out such treatinent as he
deems necessary.
(3) He shall act as adviser to Gov-
ernment in all matters relating to the
dental health and
(4) He shall perform such other
duties not inconsistent with the above
as the Governor may direct.
6. The post is at present non-
pensionable, but steps are being taken
to have it made pensionable. The
person selected will be subject to the
Colonial Regulations, the General
Orders and the Financial and Store
Rules of the Windward Islands and to
the various Ordinances and Subsidiary
Legislation in force in the Colony.
7, Free first class passages to St.
Vincenti will be provided for the
Officer, his wife and children under
the age of 18 years, on first appoint-
welfare of the.
(23 June, 1955.
ment. Leave passages will be granted
in accordance with local provision,
8. The person appointed will be
liable to transfer to a similar post of
equivalent status within the Wind-
ward Islands.
9, Applications should be address-
ed to the Assistant Administrator and
Establishment Officer, Government
Offics, St. Vincent, and should reach
him not later than 3/st July, 1955
giving full details of the candidate’s
experience and qualifications together
with copies of testimonials.
Ref. No. 13/00086.
Ooutrol of Imports and Exports
Tenders are invited for the su
Local Commission Agents of Canadian
include agents cominission.
Notice No. 2 of 1955
lour Mills.
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.
ply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “ Eâ€
gride flour from
Quotations should be C.I.F. Antigua and shouid
Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
2. The “E†grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard :—
Maximum moisture dike 14.00%
Maximum ash re 2%
Minimum protein eee 12.00%
All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—
With Calcium Car-
Minimum. Mazximum.
2.0 2.5
1.2 1.5 ~
16.0 20.0 =
13.0 16.5 a
500 600 Ps
milligrams for each lb. flour
The name of the miller, analvsis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
s#oe stated in the tender.
duly notarised must accompany documents.
The Supply
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf. *
Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and inust indicate that it is en- â€
riched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour â€â€™
must be stencilled on each bag.
Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard ‘and
fficer however, exercises the right to ee
3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped to arrive in Antigua :
during August, September and October, 1955, ‘at a monthly rate of 5,000 half-bags of 100 lbs. each. ~
4, Tenders should bein sealed envelopes marked “ Tenders for flour†and should be addressed. 3
to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 4 p.m. on
30th June, 1955.
5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Administrator's Office,
6th June, 1955.
Ref. No. A. 40/18,
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by FE. M BLackMan,
Government Printer—By Authority.
[Price 14 cents]
1955, No. 25.
1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as the Colonial
Lunatic Asylam (Amendment) Regulations, 1955 and shall be read as
one with the Regulations for the Management of the Lunatic Asylum
in Antigua made by the Governor in Council on the 7th day of
December, 1910 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Regulations).
2. Amendment of Principal Regulations. The Principal
Regulations are hereby amended as follows—
(a) by the revocation of Regulations 19, 39, 66, 75, 76, 77, 82,
86 and 132 thereof;
(6) by the deletion of Schedule B thereto; and
(c) by the deletion: of the letter “A†appearing after the word
“Schedule†in Regulation 68, and after the word “Schedule†in
Schedule A.
Made by the Governor in Council this 5th day of March, 1955.
Clerk of the Council.
Approved by the General Legislative Council this 20th day of
June, 1955.
Epcar H. M. EpwaRDs,
Acting Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuackMan, Government Printer.—By Authority.
51/0006 1—480—6.55. Price 3 cents.
19556, No. 9.
The Traffic Signs (Kinds and Descriptions) Regulations, 1955,
dated April 6, 1955, made by the Traffic Commissioner under
* gection 75 of the Vehicles and Road Traffic Ordinance, 1946,
as amended, and approved by the Governor in Council.
1. Crratrion. These Regulations may be cited as the Traffic
Signs (Kinds and Descriptions) Regulations, 1955.
2. Inrerpreration. In these Regulations—
“the Ordinance’? means the Vehicles and Road Traffic
Ordinance, 1946, as amended.
3. Trarric Sicns. The following kinds of traffic signs are
hereby prescribed pursuant to section 75 of the Ordinance, and any
person who fails to comply with the direction or prohibition given by
any such signs shall be guilty of an offence.
(a) (i) A sign conveying the order to stop to be erected in such
8 yene P ae
places as are appointed by the Traffic Commissioner such
sign having inscribed thereon STOP;
(ii) Whenever a stop sign is erected at or near the intersection
of two roads it shall face the stream of traffic on one road
and every person driving a vehicle on that road shall bring
the vehicle to a stop before entering but as near as_practi-
cable to the driving surface of the other road; but if there
isa stop line on the road, as hereinafter explained, in
conjunction with a stop sign the driver of the vehicle shall
come to a stop before passing over and as near as practi-
cable to such stop line.
(b) A stop line for use in conjunction with stop signs shall be
a white line not less than six inches in width painted on the driving
surface of the road or a row of metal markers affixed to the driving
(c) Signs which shall be interpreted as indicating that any
person driving a vehicle on a roid on or near to which such signs
are placed shall bring the vehicle to a halt or go slow before enter-
ing, but as near as practicable to, the driving surface of the road
which he is about to enter.
(d@) A sign which shall be interpreted as indicating that a
school is situated in the vicinity of the road on which the sign is
placed and that the driver of a vehicle on that road shall take
special care and slow down when approaching such school, or
the road leading thereto.
(e) Signs conveying the order not to proceed from one road
into another by means of making a turn to the left or to the right,
as the case may be, to be erected in such places as are appointed by
the Traffic Commissioner, such signs having inscribed thereon the
(7) Signs conveying the order not to enter into a road at a
particular point of intersection with another road, to be erected in
such places as are appointed by the Traffic Commissioner, such
signs having inscribed thereon the words NO ENTRY.
(9) (i) Signs to close roads or parts thereof to traffic to be erected
in accordance with subparagraphs (11) of such design as
may be approved by the Trathic Commissioner to indicate
the road or part or parts thereof upon which the driving
of a vehicle ia prohibited ;
(ii) Every such sign shall state the period for which the road
or part thereof is closed or shall state that it is closed
until further notice;
(ili) The road or part of the road to which any such sign applies
shall be indicated by the erection of a sign having inscribed
thereon the words ROAD CLOSED at each end of the
road or part of the road which is closed and at all major
points of inter-section with the road, which points shall be
determined by the Traffic Commissioner.
(A) (i) Signs conveying the order to prohibit the parking of vehi-
cles, to be erected in such places as may be appointed by
the Traffic Commissioner such signs having inscribed
thereon the words NO PARKING;
(ii) The portion of the road to which any such sign is applica-
ble shall be clearly indicated by painted white lines or
words or markers on the road or by additional words
inscribed on the sign which may describe the area to which
the. prohibition of the sign is applicable by name or other
description or by reference to another sign erected on or
near the same road;
(iii) The prohibition in subparagraph (i) shall not apply unless
stated on the sign, to the stopping of s vehicle for the
immediate taking up or discharging of passengers or goods
or for such time as may be actually necessary for the load-
ing or unloading of goods.
(2) Signs to indicate places where public service vehicles may
stop but only for the purpose of taking up or setting down passen-
gers and where no other vebicle may be permitted to stop or stand,
to be erected in such places as are approved by the Traffic Commis-
sioner. Such signs having inscribed thereon the words PUBLIC
(7) Signs having inseribed thereon the words ‘SPEED
LIMIT AREA MAXIMUM SPEED x M.H.P.†and indicating
the commencement and the end of the length of a road which by
virtue of an order under subsection (6) of section 50 of the Ordi-
nance is deemed to be a road within a speed limit area.
Made this 6th day of April, 1955.
KE. M. V. James,
Traffic Commissioner.
Approved by the Governor in Council this 25th day of May, 1955.
J. L. Ropiyson,
Clerk of the Couneil.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward [siands,
hy fH. M. Brackman, Government Printer,—By Authority.
A. 47/6 —L1-500—6.55. [Price 5 cents]
Trustee Investment in Antigua No. of 1955.
Government Securities. °
No. of 1955,
An Ordinance to facilitate the investment of
Trust and other funds in the United
Kingdom, in Antigua Government Secu-
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as ‘‘ The
Trustee Investment in Antigua Government
Securities Ordinance, 1955â€.
2. In this Ordinance—
“Colonial Stock Acts’? means the Acts of
the Imperial Parliament known as the
Colonial Stock. Acts, 1877 to 1948;
“Crown Agents’? means the person or
persons for the time being acting as
Crown Agents for Oversea Govern-
ments and Administrations in England
or any one of them.
Short title.
Application of
Payment of
money due to
Certificate by
of certain
2 Trustee Investment in Antigua No. of 1955.
Government Securities. :
3. This Ordinance shall apply to all
securities heretofore or hereafter created or
issued on behalf of the Government of Antigua
to which for the time heing Colonial Stock Acts
apply, and which are for the time being regis-
tered in the United Kingdom in accordance with
the provisions of those Acts, each and all of
which securities are hereinafter referred to as
“ Antigua Government Securities â€.
4. (1) Whenever by the final judgment,
decree, rule, or order of any court of competent
jurisdiction in the United Kingdom, any sum of
money is adjudged or declared to be payable by
the Government of Antigua in repect of any
Government Securities, the Government shall
forthwith pay that sum out of the funds in the
hands of the Crown Agents belonging to the
Government, without further appropriation
than this Ordinance.
(2) For the purposes of this section,
“final judgment, decreg, rule, or order†means
in case of appeal the final judgment, decree,
rule, or order of the ultimate court hearing the
5. In order to enable every such payment
to be duly made, a certificate under the hands
of the Crown Agents, specifying the sum so
paid under order of any such court, shall be
sufficient authority to the Auditor General or
other officer having the auditing of their ac-
counts for passing such sum without further
6. Ifat any time hereafter an Ordinance
is passed which appears to the Imperial Govern-
ment to alter any of the provisions affecting the
Government Securities to the injury of the
holder thereof, or to involve a departure from
the original contract in regard to those
- Securities, that Ordinance will properly be
-No. of 1955. Trustee Investment in Antigua 3 AwntTicua’
Government Securities.
Passed the Legislative Council the day
_ of 1955.
Clerk of the Couneil.
It is desirable that for the purpose of raising loans in
London the Government of the Presidency should be in a
position to issue Stocks which rank as trustee investments
within the meaning of the United Kingdom Trustee Acts.
2., To enable this to be done it is necessary to satisfy
the conditions prescribed by the Lords Commissioners of
H. M. Treasury by Order made under Section 2 of the
Colonial Stock Act, 1900.
3. The object of this Bill is to satisfy these. conditions
as required by the Secretary of State in his Leeward Islands,
Antigua despatch No. 98 of the 24th February, 1955.
Desmonp A. McNamara,
Acting Crown Attorney.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M, Buaoxman, Government Printor.—By, Authority.
—316—6.55, Price 5 cents
No... of 1955. Entertainments Duty: ANTIGUA.
No. = of 1955.
An Ordinance to amend the Entertainments
Duty Ordinance, 1948.
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
~as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Entertainments Duty (Amendment) Ordinance,
1955, and shall be read as one with the Knter-
tainments Duty Ordinance, 1948 (hereinafter 14/1948.
called the Principal Ordinance).
2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment ot
is hereby amended by the substitution for the Dacia of
definition of the expression “entertainment†Ordinance.
therein of the following:
“ “ entertainment’? means any exhibition
by means of mutoscope, cinemutograph,
including sound films, or other similar
apparatus and includes circus, conju-
rer’s entertainment, and any horse race,
to any of which persons are admitted
for payment and any other exhibition
performance or amusement which the
Antigua. 2 Entertainments Duty. No. — of 1955.
Governor in Council may by virtue of
the provisions of Section 9 of this
Ordinance, by order, so declare, but
does not include—
(a) variety entertainments;
(b) concerts; and
(c) theatrical performances.â€
Substitution 3. The following section is hereby substi-
or gection Sof tuted for section 3 of the Principal Ordinance:—
rincipal :
“Rate of 3. There shall be charged levied and
duty. paid to the use of Her Majesty in and for
the general revenue of the Presidency a
duty (hereinafter referred to as entertain-
ment duty) at the rates specified in the
Schedule hereto—
(a) on every ticket issued to any
person on payment for admission to
: any entertainment;
(6) for every person admitted for
payment to any entertainment (other
than horse races) in cases where no
tickets are issued;
(c) on every lottery ticket; —
(d) for every public dance.â€
Amendment of 4. Subsection (2) of section 4 of the Prin-
Paneper†cipal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
Ordinance. substitution of the words “shall on summary
conviction be lable†for the word “liableâ€
appearing in the fifth line thereof.
Amendment of 5. Section 5 of the Principal Ordinance is
Dancin†hereby amended as follows:—
(a) by the repeal of subsection (1)
thereof and its replacement as follows:—
“Duty how 5. (1) Entertainment duty shall
charged and ; ‘i
recovered, be charged as regards entertainments
in respect of each person admitted for
payment and in the case of admission
by ticket shall be paid by means of a
stamp (not before used) stamped on the
No. of 1955. Entertainments Duty. 3 ANTIGUA.
ticket or impressed thereon with a die
as provided for in subsection (1) of
section 4 of this Ordinance.â€
(5) by the insertion in subsection (2)
of the words “ shall be caleulated and paid
on the number of persons admitted andâ€
between the comma and the word ‘ shallâ€
appearing in the second line thereof.
6. Section 6 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment of
is hereby amended by the substitution of the povew | of
following suhsection for subsection (2) thereof:— _ ordinaace.
6. (2) Any person who issues or sells “Penalty.
any lottery ticket in contravention of the
provisions of subsection (1) of this Ordi-
nance and shall on summary conviction be
Hable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-
five dollars in’ respect of every contraven-
7. Section 7 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendmentot
hereby amended by the substitution of the fol- section 7 of
. Sees rincipal
lowing subsection for subsection (2) thereof— ordinance.
(2) Any person who keeps or holds a *Penaity.
public dance in any house or place in con-
travention of the provisions of subsection
(1) of this section shall be guilty of an
offence against this Ordinance and shall on
summary conviction be liable to a penalty
not exceeding twenty-five dollars.â€
8. Section 10 of the Principal Ordinance amendment of
is hereby amended as follows:— cn
. Grainande:
(a) by the substitution of the word
“officer� for the word “ Officer†and by
the substitution of the word “ rules†for the
word “ Rules†appearing in subsection (1)
thereof; and
(b) by the substitution of the following
subsection for subsection (2) thereof—
(2) Any person who prevents Penalty.
or obstructs the entry of such police
officer shall be guilty of an offence
ANTIGUA. 4 Entertainments Duly. No. of 1955.
against this Ordinance and shall on
summary conviction be liable to a
penalty not exceeding one hundred
Amendment of 9. Section 11 of the Principal Ordinance
section 11 0: 7 1" -___
Principal is hereby amended as follows:
(a) by the substitution of the following
paragraph for paragraph (a) of subsection
(1) thereof—
‘“‘(a) for the supply and use of
stamps, or dies, or stamped or im-
. pressed tickets, or for the stamping
or impressing of tickets sent to be
stamped or impressed, or for securing
the defacement of stamps when
used; and’’; and
(6) by the substitution of the
following subsection for subsection
(2) thereof—
“ Penalty: (2) The Governor in Council ,
may by rules made under sub-
section (1) of this section im-
pose on offenders against. the
same such penalties as he may
think fit not exceeding one
hundred dollars m respect. of
each offence.â€
Passed the Legislative Council the
day of , 1955.
Clerk of the Council.
The object of this bill is to amend the
Entertainments Duty Ordinance, 1948, on the
advice of the Secretary of State (as reg vards para-
graph (b) to (d) below), so as to—
No. of 1955. Entertainments Duty. § Anriava.
(a) exclude certain public perform-
ances of educational value trom the applica-
tion of the Ordinance;
(6) make it clear that duty may be
levied even in cases where no admission
tickets are issued;
(c) make it clear that duty on tickets
may be paid either by stamps or an im-
pressed die; ,
(d) remove certain differences in the
various sections dealing with penalties.
As regards paragraph (a) above it is con-
sidered desirable that in respect of the perfor-
mances therein mentioned these should be
exempted from entertainment duty.
2. Opportunity has also been taken to
correct a number of grammatical érrors.
Desmonp A. Mc Namara,
; Ag. Crown Altorney.
28th April, 1955.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Isiands,
by E. M. BuackmMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
—316.—6.55. Price 7 cents...