Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Birthday Honours

It is hereby notified for general
information that Her Majesty The
Queen has been graciously pleased
to appoint—


to be Officers, and,


to be a Member, of the Most Excellent
Order of the British Empire.

2. In addition, the Queen has
been graciously pleased to approve
of the following awards:—

Colonial Police Medal—lInspector

British Hmpire, Medal — IRA
AVERSON SMITH, Government Agent,
Anegada, British Virgin Islands.

The Secretariat,
9th Jane, 1955.


It is hereby notified jhat the
Governor’s Deputy has been pleased
to appoint Mr. J. D. B. RENWICK to
be a Commissioner of the Supreme
Court of the Windward and Leeward
Islands with effect from the 8th
June, 1955, while he is acting as
Crown Attorney and Magistrate of

The Secretariat,
8th June, 1955.
Ref. No. 43/00007

It is notified for general information
that Mr. D. B. LauGcuron, Foreign
Service Officer Grade 2, Acting
Agricultural Secretary in Caracas, has
been appointed Acting Canadian Gov-
ernment Trade Commissioner in Port-
of-Spain, Trinidad, during the absence

of Mr. P. V. Mc a

Mr. LAUGHTON’S territory, in ad-
dition to Trinidad and Tobago, will
include Barbados, Leeward Islands,
Windward Islands and British Guiana.

The Secretariat,
Leeward Islands,
at Antigua.
6th June, 1955.

Ref. No. 77/00080.


NOTICE is hereby given that
Marta Romana Dias, of Long

Street, St. John’s, Antigua, is applying
to the Governor for naturalization and
that any person who knows any
reason why naturalization should not
be granted should send a written and
signed statement of the facts to the
Colonial Secretary of the Leeward

Administrator’s Office,

Ref. No. A. 55/2.

The Administrator of Antigua has
been pleased to appoint Mr. E. O.
PESTAINA, Senior Clerk, Treasury, to
act as Secretary of the Central Board
of Health, Antigua, with effect from
the 28th May, 1955, vice the Assistant
Adiniuistrative Secretary (Medical)
during the period when that officer
is temporarily transferred to the
Administrator’s Office.

Administrator’s Office,
6th June, 1955.
Ref. No. A. 9/39.

Appointment of Harbour
Master for Road Harbour.

It is hereby notified that Mr.
ALWYN J. JACOBS, Senior Clerk at
the Treasury Department has been
appointed Harbour Master in accord-
ance with section 4 (1) of the Har-
bours and Wharves Ordinance, No.
13 of 1954.

Commissioner's Office,
Road Town,
27th May, 1955.

M.P. 141/45.

No. 57.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

ARCHIBALD, A., Uncertificated Ele-
mentary School Teacher, to be
Certificated Elementary School

Assistant Grade II, Education
Dept. Antigua. Jun. 1
BAaRZEY, Miss F., Uncertificated

Teacher, Education Dept. Montser-

rat, to be Certificated Teacher

Class IT. May 1
M, E. 298.

BRAMBLE, D., Uncertificated Teacher,
Education Dept. Montserrat, to be
Certificated Teacher Cl. IT.

Feb. 1

M. E, 288.

Browne. L. W., P.O. Cl. I, Legal
Dept. Montserrat, resigned.
May I1
M. E, 234.

CHARLES, ©. A., Laboratory Assis-
tant, Medical Department Antigua,

confirmed in appointment.
May 11
DAVIS, T., to be P.O. Cl. II, Treag-
ury, Dept. Montserrat. May 12
M. EF. 312,

DYER, Miss R. C. S., Junior Clerk,

Library, Montserrat, resigned
appointment. May 31
M. E. 364.
EDWARDS, R., to be Certificated

Elementary School Head Teacher
Grade II, Education Dept. Antigua.
May 16

GREENAWAY, Miss M., Uncertificated
Teacher, Education Dept. Montser-

rat, to be Certificated Teacher
Class IT. May 1
MLE. 343.

Hopes, J. V., Principal, Audit
Department, Antigua to act Exam-
iner of Accounts, Audit Department
Antigua, vice Miss G. EDWARDS,
on leave. May 14.

HORNER, Mrs. A., Non-graduate
Assistant, Secondary School, Mont-
serrat, retired. Jun. 5

M. E. 122.

HUMPHREY, Miss M., to be Junior
Clerk, Legal Dept., Montserrat.
Jan. 1
M .E, 332.

—_—_ -

JAMES, Miss L., Uncertificated Ele-
_mentary School Teacher, to be
Certificated Elementary School
Assistant Grade II, Education Dept.
Antigua. May J1

Leg, T. A. J., Certificated Teacher
Olass I, Education Dept. Montser-
rat, to be Non-graduate Assistant.

Jan. |

M. E. 6,

MrapbDs, J. P., Senior Clerk, Govt.
Marketing Depot, Montserrat, to be
Senior Clerk, Public Works Dept.
Montserrat. May 1

M. E. 53.

MOLYNEAUX, Miss M., Uncertificated
Teacher, Education Dept. Montser-
rat. to be Certificated
Class II. May 1

OSBORNE, J. P., Certificated Teacher
Class I, Education Dept., Montser-
rat, to be Non-graduate Assistant,
Secondary School, Montserrat.

Jan. 1

M. E. 7.

PERRY. Miss C.. Uncertificated Mle-
mentary School Teacher, to be
Certificated Elementary Assistant

Grade II, Education Dept. Antigua.
May 1
PetTurs, Miss. M., Uncertificated

Teacher, Education Dept. Montser-

rat, to be Certificated ‘Teacher,
Class IT. May lL
M, E. 313.

Preturs, H. W., P.O. Cl. II, Treasury
Dept. Montserrat, to be P.O. Ol. I,
(Bailiff), Montserrat. May 12

M.E. 81.

Picorr, K., Protective Officer, to be
Agricnitural Assistant Grade IIIB,
Agricultural Dept. Antigua.

May 11

PIPER, C., to be Foreman of Works,
Public Works Dept. Montserrat.

May 16

M. E. 383,

Rosperts, Miss A., to be Junior
Clerk, Education Dept. Montserrat.

Jan. 1
M. E. 321.
No. 58.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has notified the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the un-
dermentioned Acts and Ordinances:—


Leeward Islands.

No. 2 of 1955, ‘‘The Summary
Jurisdiction (Amendment) Act, 1955.”

No. 5 of 1955, ‘‘ The Crown Suits
(Repeal) Act, 1955.”


No. 17 of 1954, “The Treasury
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”

Teacher, -

No. 20 of 1954, “The General
Local Loan (Amendment) Ordinance,

No. 21 of 1954, “The Cattle Tres-
pass (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”

No. 22 of 1954, ‘The Vehicles and
Road Traffic (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1954.”


No. 16 of 1954, ‘«‘ The Development
(Electricity and Public Jetty) Loan
Ordinance, 1954.”

No. 1 of 1955, ‘The Appropriation
Ordinance, 1955.”

St. Kitts- Nevis-Angutlla.
No. 17 of 1954. ‘“‘The Passengers
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”
Virgin Islands.
No. 12 of 1954, ‘‘ The Prison Ordi-

nance, 1954.”

No. 59.

The Governor’s Deputy has heen
pleased this day to assent to the

’ undermentioned Ordinances:—

St. Kitis, Nevis and Anguilla.

No. 4 of 1955, “The Prison Ordi-
nance, 1955.”

No. 5 of 1955, “‘ The Liquor Licence
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 6 of 1955, “‘The Crown Pro-
ceedings Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 7 of 1955, “The Legislative
Council (Extension of Duration)
Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 8 of 1955, “The Income Tax
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 9 of 1955, The Planting of
Sugar Canes (Prohibition) Ordinance,

No. 10 of 1955, “The General
Local Loan (Amendment) Ordinance,
1935.” June 7


No. 3 of 1955, ‘* The British Carib-
bean Shipping (Agreement) Ordi-
nance, 1955.” June 7

No. 60.

The following Statutory Rule and
Order is circulated with this Gazette
and forms part thereof:—

Virgin Islands.

No. 4 of 1955, “The Midwives’
Regulations, 1955.”
7 pp. Price 9 cents.

[9 June, 1955.

Registrar’s Office,
Tth June, 1955.

In the Matter of The Companies
Act Cap. 140 and In the Matter
of S. D. MALONE, Limited, of
Liverpool Row, Basseterre, St.
Kitts, B.W.I.

Voluntary Winding Up.

Pursuant to the provisions of Sec-
tion 156 of the above-named Act, it is
hereby notified for general informa-
tion that the Company known as
8S. D. MALONE Limited has filed a
Special Resolution winding up the
Company voluntarily as. from the
5th day of May, 1955.

ADAMS of Chambers in the town of
Basseterre in the Island of Saint
Christopher, Solicitor, has been ap-
pointed Liquidator for the purposes
of such winding up.

Dated the 3rd day of June, 1955.

Acting Registrar of Joint Stock


the Governor in Council in pursuance
of the powers conferred on him by
section 3 of the Fisheries Ordinance,
1935 (No. 10/1935) as amended, pro-
hibits the catching of lobsters for
export by any person within the
territorial waters of the Presidency
during the period lst June to 31st
July, 1955, both days inclusive.

The above prohibition DOES NOT
APPLY TO the catching of lobsters
for local consumption by any inhabit-
ant or resident of the Presidency
during the said period.

Any person who catches any lobster
in contravention of this notice shall
be guilty of an offence and liable on
summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding £100 or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding six months
and to the forfeiture of any lobster so
caught and any boat or other appara-
tus or thing whatsoever used in con-
nection with the commission of the
offence. ;

Clerk of the Counoil.
25th May, 1955.
Ref. No. A. 40/75.


Central Hxperiment Station,

1951, 1952. 1953. 1954. 1955.
Jan, 3.69 3.10 2.55 3.44 2.16
Feh, 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45 68
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08 83
Apr. 2.16 3.14 2.06 49 1.75
May 10.54 3.07 150 3.83 2.81
June 4th 80 — .06 — 24
20.07 12.53 12.79 11.29 8.47

9 June, 1954.]

Insurance of Government
Motor Vehicles.

Tenders are invited for compre-
hensive insurance coverage of all
Government owned motor vehicles.

There are 47 such vehicles to be
insured valued at «approximately

2. The contract of insurance

should provide that where coverage
is given during the currency of the
policy such coverage will expire on
the termination of the policy and in
such case for the adjustment of the
appropriate premium.

3. with necessary information can be
supplied to insurance agents on re-

4. Tenders should be in sealed
envelopes marked “Tender for
Insurance of Vehicles” and should
be addressed to the Administrator to
reach the office not later than 4 p.m.
on 22nd June, 1955.

5. Government does not bind it-
self to accept the lowest or any

Administrator’s Office,
27th May, 1955.
Ref. No. A. 78/15—II.

St. Vincent, Windward Islands.
Two Medical Officers

Required for District Medical
duties in St. Vincent. Appointments
can be on a three-year probationary
period for a permanent appointment
with pension (non-contributing) at
the age of 55 or on short term agree-
ment for three years in the first

Salary scale ranges from $3840 x
120—4800 B.W.I. Starting salary
will be determined according to age,
qualifications and experience.

Medical Officers posted to the
stations of Chateanhelair and Bequia
will also receive a duty allowance of
$1000 B.W.I. and $1500 B.W.I.


Private practice is permitted pro-
vided it does not interfere with the
officers’ official duties.

Quarters are provided at a rental of
10% of salary or 5% of the assessed
value of the quarters, whichever is
the lesser.

Free passages for the officer and
family are provided on first appoint-
ment and free return passages on
completion of agreement. In the
case of an officer on permanent
appointment, leave passages will be
provided for him and his wife up to
a maximum of $1248 each way in
respect of each 5 year period of
resident service.

Income Tax at local rates.

’ Local leave is permissible, and
generous home leave is granted after
each tour (minimum tour 2 years).

Candidates must possess medical
qualifications registrable in the
United Kingdom.

Appointments are to St. Vincent in
the first instance, but officers are
liable to transfer to posts of equal
grade in the other Islands of the
Windward Group.


Applications should be addressed
to the Assistant Administrator and
Establishment Officer, Government
Office, Kingstown, St. Vincent, and
should reach him not later than 30th
June, 1955.

Ref. No. 13/00286.

Department of Agriculture—
St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla Post
of Agricultural Assistant
Grade II.

Applications are invited for th®
post of Agricultural Assistant Grade
II in the Department of Agriculture
of the Presidency of St. Kitts Nevis
and Anguilla.

The appointment will be for a
period of three the first
instance with a salary scale of $2640-
120-3000. The actual point of entry
in the scale will be determined in the
light of experience and qualifications
of the candidate. Applicants should
hold the diploma of the Imperial
College of Tropical Agriculture and
should have had some experience of
field work in « department of agri-

A transport allowance is payable at
the rate at present ruling in the

Quarters are not provided.

The officer will be engaged mainly
on pasture improvement and devel-

Applications should be addressed
to His Honour the Administrator,
St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla.

Ref. No. 36/00004.


All figures in British West Indian dollars.

Number of reporting banks: 4.

Figures for end of quarter 31st March, 1955.

1. Notes in circulation
2. Deposits
(i) Demand —Nil
(ii) Time —Nil
(iii) Savings 2,227,792.45

3. Balances due to
(a) Other banks in Colony
(6) Banks abroad

4. Other Liabilities

Total Liabilities

C. 24/00004.

Nil 1. Cash (in Treasury) 117,694.55
2,227,792.45 2. Balances due by other banks
in Colony Nil
! 3. Balances due from banks abroad
Nil and other short claims Nil
11,004.66 4. Loans and Advances Nil
5. Investments— 2,115,299.29
(a) Local 269,473.16
(2) Other 1,845,826.13
6. Other Assets 5,803.27
2,238,797.11 Total Assets 2,238,797.11


Under the provisions of section 8 of the Central
Board of Health (Constitution and Temporary Powers)
Ordinance, 1954 (No. 15 of 1954) the Governor has
approved the following appointments:—

HALLPIKE, J. M., Assistant Administrative Secretary
(Medical) to be Chief Health Officer, Central Board of
Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

Davis, C. H., Chief Sanitary Inspector, Central Board of
Health, to be Building Inspector, Central Board of
Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

RiuBy, V. McK, Field Technician Country Board of
Health, to be Field Technician, Central Board of Health,
Antigua, Jan. 1

Buntin, W. J., Chief Petty Officer, Central Board of
Health, to be Insect Pest Control Officer, Central Board
of Health, Antigua, Jan. 1

FRANCIS, J., Chief Petty Officer, Municipal, to be Senior

Sanitary Inspector, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1

LaAk&, E., Chief Petty Officer, Central Board of Health,

to be Senior Sanitary Inspector, Central Board of
Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

JOSEPH, J. H., Chief Petty Officer, Municipal, to be
Storekeeper, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
PuNTER, G., Market Clerk, Municipal, to be Market Clerk,
Central Board of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

GoopwIin, M. G., Chief Petty Officer, Country Board of
Health, to be Sanitary Inspector, Cl. I, Central Board
of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

Putxip. P., Petty Officer Cl. I, Municipal, to be Sanitary
Inspector, Cl. I, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
Jacoss, B. M., Petty Officer Ci. I, Municipal, to be
Time Keeper, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
ToNncE, L., Petty Officer Cl. I, Country Board of Health,
to be Sanitary Inspector, Cl. II, Central Board of
Health, Antigua. Jan, |

Warkins, L. E., Petty Officer Cl. 1. Country Board of
Health, to be Sanitary Inspector, Cl. 11, Central Board
of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

EDWARDS, V., Petty Officer, Cl. J, Country Board of
Fealth, to be Sanitary Inspector Cl. IT, Central Board
of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

ALFRED, H., Petty Officer Cl. II, Country Board of
Health, to be Sanitary Inspector Cl. II, Centra! Board
of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

BARNARD, E. H., Petty Officer Cl. J, Municipal, to be
Sanitary Inspector Cl. II, Central Board of Health,
Antigua. Jan. 1

DELFISH, G., Petty Officer Cl. I, Municipal, to be Sani-

tary Inspector Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1

SHEPPARD, G., Petty Officer Cl. I, Municipal, to be Sani-

tary Inspector Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan, 1

9 June, 1965.

LIMERICK, M., Student Sanitary Inspector, Country
Board of Health, to be Sanitary Inspector Cl. II, Cen-
tral Board of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

GREEN, E., Petty Officer Cl. I, Muncipal, to be Petty
Officer Cl. I, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
BENJAMIN, J., Petty Officer Cl. II, Municipal, to be Petty
Officer Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
Rupp, E., Petty Officer Cl. II, Muncipal, to be Petty
Officer Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
JAMES, W. A., Foreman Latrine System, Municipal, to be
Petty Officer Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua,
Jan. 1
HENRY, W. Foreman Latrine System, Municipal, to be
Petty Officer Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
McCarry, E., Foreman Latrine System, Municipal, to be
Petty Officer Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
HARRIS, E., Foreman Latrine System, Municipal, to be
Petty Officer Cl. IT, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
FRANCIS, W. C., Foreman Latrine System, Municipal, to
be Petty Officer -Cl. II, Central Board of Health,
Antigua. Jan. 1

REID, J., Petty Officer Cl. ITI, Muncipal to be Student

Sanitary Inspector, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1

LAKE, J., Student Sanitary Inspector, Country Board of

Health, to be Student Sanitary Inspector, Central
Board of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

Hiaeins, J., Petty Officer CJ. III, Country Board of
Health, to be Petty Officer, Cl. III, Central Board of
Health, Antigua. Jan, 1

RIcHARDS, D., Peity Officer Cl. ITI. Municipal, to be

Petty Officer Cl. III, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1

SPENCER, E., Petty Officer Cl. III, Municipal, to be

Petty Officer Cl. III, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1

Murpuy, D., Petty Officer Cl. III, Municipal. to be

Petty Officer Cl. III, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1

BuRTON, Miss A., Female Street Supervisor, Municipal,

to be Female Street Supervisor, Central Board of
Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

WINTER, P., Senior Clerk, Municipal, to be Senior Clerk,
Central Board of Health, Antigua. Jap. 1

Browng, V.S., Junior Clerk, Municipal, to he Junior
Clerk, Central Board of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

SwIiFt, Miss hk. E., Junior Clerk, Municipal, to be Junior
Clerk, Central Board of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

WATKINS, C., Petty Officer Cl. II, Country Board of
Health, to be Sanitary Inspector Cl. II, Central Board
of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

Administrator’s Office,
27th May, 1955.


Control of Imports and Exports

Notice No. 2 of 1955

Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “EE” grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.I.F. Antigua and should
include agents commission. Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.

2. The “E” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard:—

Maximum moisture ees 14.00%
Maximum ash eee 52%
Minimum protein see 12.00%

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—

Minimum. Maximum.

Thiamine 2.0 2.5 milligrams for each Ib. flour
Riboflavine 1.2 1.5 ” ” ”
Niacine 16.0 20.0 ” ” ”
Tron 13.0 16.5 7 ” 7
With Calcium Car-

bonate 500 600 ” ” ”

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
duly notarised must accompany documents. ‘The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to arrange
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.

Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is en-
riched and ‘‘ Vitamin Enriched Flour” must be stencilled on each bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped to arrive in Antigua
during August, September and October, 1955, at a monthly rate of 5,000 half-bags of 100 Ibs. each.

4, Tenders should be in sealed envelopes marked ‘“‘ Tenders for flour” and should be addressed
to His Honour the Administrator ani should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 4 p.m. on
30th June, 1955.

5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Administrator's Office,

6th June, 1955.

Ref. No, A. 40/18.



ANTIGUA, 17th May, 1955..

of Park Royal Brewery, Cumberland
Avenue, Park Royal, London N, W.
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-


in Class 43 that is to say:— Beer,
Stout, Ale and Porter.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of ihe said goods for 5 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade Mark.

Registrar of Trade Murks,

ANTIGUA, 16th May, 1959.
of 5, City Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne,
England have applied for Registration
of one Trade Mark consisting of the

in class 42 that is to suy: Substances
used as food or as ingredients in food.
The Applicants claim that they have
used the said Trade Mark in respect of
the said goods which has not been
used in the Leeward Islands before
the date of their said Application.
Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the ‘l'rade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade Mark.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANrIGua, 17th May, 1955.

of Park Royal Brewery, Cumberland
Avenne, Park Royal, London, have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—

in Class 43 that is to say:— Beer,
Stout, Ale and Porter.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for five years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade Mark.

PRegisth 1 of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, 16th May, 1955.

COMPANY of Main & Fourth Streets,
Winston-Salem, North Carolina,
U.S. A. have applied for Registration
of one Trade Mark consisting of the

ie ea

in Class 45, that is to say: Tobacco
products including cigarettes.

The Applicants claim ihat they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 24 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to

-registration of the said Trade Mark.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

{9 June, 19535,
ANTIGUA, 16th May, 1955.

PORATION of 515 Madison Avenue,
City and State of New York, U.S.A
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-
ing :—


in Class 44 that is to say:-— Non-
aleholic beverages, fruit juices, syrups,
concerirates and other preparations
for th’ -naking of such beverages and
fruit jrices.

Th: Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Guzette, give
notice in duplicative at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registrition of the said Trade Mark.


Registrar of Trade Marks.

Ninth Oils & Fats Conference.

The ninth British Caribbean Oils
and Fats Conference ended its session
at Hastings House on May 14th.
Recommendations to participating
Governments were decided upon for
continuance of the agreement for
5 years beyond its expiry on August
31st 1955 with modification for deal-
ing with an existing aren surplus.
The principal modification which it
is recommended should take early
effect will be the appointiment of a
copra clearing officer in connection
with which assistance and co-opera-
tion of the RECWI will be sought.

2. Was recommended that the
existing area export price of £70. 10s.
per ton should be continued not only
till August 31st but also for 1 year

3. Proposals for eighth Conference
in July last year for establishment of
free trade in copra and coconut
products between participating terri-
turies were re-examined and referred
back to Governments with some
amendments and with recommenda-
tions for implementation as soon ag
the necessary Legislative and Tariff
action can be arranged.

Administrator's Office,

Ref. No. A. 17/1.




GE ANTIGUA, 17TH May, 1955.

5 seer

. , VINE PRODUCTS LIMITED of V.P. Winery, Villiers Road, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, England, have
-applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:—

in Class 4 43 that is to say: Wines
‘ “The Applicants claim that they have used the said Trade Mark in respect of the suid goods for 28 years
be fore the date of their said Application.

_ x. 9 Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this Advertisement in the
Lieward Islands Gazette, give notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition to registration of
the said Trade Mark.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, |6TH May, 1955.

JOHN DEWAR & SONS, LTD. of Glasgow Road, Perth, Scotland have applied for Registration of one
“Trade Mark consisting of the following: —-

~~ DEWAR'S i

Product of Scotland


Joun Dewar & Sons Lt


= Class :43, that is to say:—Scoitch, Whisky.

2 paT he’ Applicants claim that they have used the said Trade Mark in respect of the said goods ‘from June 1954
before the date of their said Application.

socom so Any person may with three months from the date of the first appearance of this Advertisement in the
Leeward Islands Gazette, give notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition to registration of
the said Trade Mark.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E.\31 BLACKMAN,
Government Printer—By Authority,
. 1955,
[Price 18 cents]



1955, No. 4.


Orpinancr, 1953 (No. 11/1953).

1. Crration. These Regulations may be cited as the Midwives’
Regulations, 1955.

2. lntERPRETATION. In these Regulations—
“ approved” means approved by the Board;

“authorised person ” means any member of the Board, any
Medical practitioner, the Public Health Nurse, the Secretary
to the Board and any other person authorised by the Board;

“the Board” and “the Secretary” have the same meanings as
are ascribed to them in the Ordinance;

“the Ordinance” means the Midwifery Ordinance, 1953 (No.
11/1958). :

3. Mipwire To KEEP copy or RxrcuLations. Every midwife
shall keep a copy of these Regulations and shall produce the
same for inspection when requested to do so by an authorised person.

4, Mipwire to Keer RecisTeR oF nER Cases. Every midwife
shall keep a register of cases attended by her in the form and
manner approved and such register of cases shall be produced by
the midwife for inspection when called upon by any authorised

5. Mipwirr to ForNisn Boarp wits Rurorns. It shall be the
duty of every midwife to furnish the Board with such returns as the
Board may from time to time demand.

wits Inrecrious Disease. When a midwife has been in attendance



whether as a midwife or as a nurse upon a patient, or has been in
contact witha person suffering from puerperal fever, or from any
contagious or infectious disease, or is herself liable to be a source of
infection or contayion, she shall immediately notify the District
Medical Officer of the District in which she is practising, shall thor-
oughly disinfect herself, ber clothing, her instruments and all
other appliances to the satisfaction of the said District Medical Officer
and shall not attend any other midwifery case until she has obtained
written permission to do so from the said District Medical Officer.

7. Layine out or pEap Bopirs. No midwife shall lay out a
dead body except in case of a patient upon whom she has been in
attendance at the time of death. After laying out a body for burial
she shall notify the District Medical Officer of the District in which
she is practising and shall undergo adequate cleansing and disinfec-
tion in accordance with the preceding regulation.

8. ApministaTiIon OF Drucs To BE NoTEp. Every midwife shall
note in her register of cases each occasion on which she is under the
necessity of administering i in any way any drug and the time and
cause of administration.

cLEAN. A midwife shall be scrupulously clean in every way with
respect. to her person, clothing, appliances and premises. She shall
_ keep her nails cut short and clean and preserve the skin of her hands
as far as possible from cracks and abrasions. Every midwife shall
submit herself for inspection in this respect whenever called upon
for this purpose by the District Medical Officer of the District in
which she is practising or by the Public Health Nurse. When
attending her patients she shall wear a clean dress of washable
material which can be boiled, and which either has short sleeves
above the elbow or sleeves whicb can be detached from, or which can
easily be rolled up above the elbow. She shall also wear, when
actually at work on a case, a clean washable apron or overall.

10. Mrpwirr’s BaG AND CONTENTS THEREOF. (1) Every mid-
wife shall keep and take with her on all occasions when attending a
confinement, a case or bag, kept solely for the purpose, and
furnished with a removable lining which can be washed and boiled.
At least two linings shall be provided, the one in use shall be clean,
the other being washed immediately on removal and retained ready
for use. The case or bag shall at all times be ready, and shall be |
brought when requested, for inspection by an authorised person.

(2) Every midwife’s bag shall at all times contain—

(a) a douche can with necessary attachments;

(b) a Higginson’s syringe;
(c) a pair of scissors;
(d) a nail brush;
(e) a clinical thermometer;
(7) a catheter;
(g) a bottle of approved disinfectant;
(A) a container of approved disinfectant powder;

(1) a bottle of boracic solution, or tin of boracic power with
which to make a solution, for cleaning the child’s eyes;

(j) a bottle of an approved silver preparation for the disin-
fection of the child’s eyes;

(k) cotton wool;

(2) dressing for cord such as lint or clean rags which have
been boiled;

(m) thread or tapes for tying the cord;
(n) soap;
(0) an enamel iron bowl or other approved container;

(») a medicine glass or other approved measure;

(7) such other articles as may from time to time be
specified by the Board.

(3) The Board may from time to time alter or modify the list of
articles specified in subregulation (2) of this regulation.

touching the genitals or their neighbourhood, a midwife shall on
each occasion thoroughly wash in soap and water for ten minutes
and then disinfect her hands and forearms in an efficient manner and
all instruments and other appliances shall be disinfected by boiling
before being brought into contact with the patient’s genitals.

12. InreRvinwING Patient In case OF Lazour. When engaged
to attend a case of labour the midwife sha!l interview her patient at
the earliest opportunity to enquire as to the course of the previous
pregnancies, confinements and puerperia, beth as regards mother
and child, shall advise as to the personal and general arrangements —


for the confinement, and with the consent of the patient, shall visit
the house. ,

13. AccEssiBiuiry or MipWirk IN CASES OF CoNFINEMENT. A
midwife shal! not leave a confinement case without giving an address
at which she can be found without delav and, after the commencee-
ment of the second stage of labour, shall remain with her patient
until after the expulsion of the placenta and for such longer period
as may be necessary. in a case where a medical practitioner has
been sent for, on account of the labour being abnormal, or because
of threatened ‘danger, the midwife shall await the medical practition-
er’s arrival and faithfully carry ont his instructions. If for any
reason the services of a medical practitioner be not available, the
midwife shall remain with the patient until the emergency is over.

14. Wasninc or Pavrient’s EXTERNAL Parrs. (1) The mid-
wife shall wash the patient’s external parts with soap and water and
then swab them with the approved antiseptic solution on the follow-
ing occasions:—

(a) as soon as she is called to the patient and before the
second stage;

(6) before making a vaginal examination;

{c) after the termination of labour;

(d) during the lying-in period when washing is required;
(e) before passing a catheter.

(2) The swabbing with antiseptic solution shall be repeated
before any further examination and before a douche is given. For
this purpose the miawife shall on no account use ordinary sponges
or flannel but ouly materials wiich have been boiled or otherwise
disinfected before use.

15. FREQUENCY OF VAGINAL Examinations. The midwife shall
take care to make no more vaginal examinations than are actually

16. JixaMINATiIon oF PLAcENTA, ETC. ‘The midwife in charge
of a case of labour shall in all cases examine the placenta and mem.
branes before they are destroyed and satisfy herself that they are
completely removed.

17. Removar or sornmy Linen, evo. The midwife shall remove
all soiled linen, blood, faeces, urine. placenta and membrane from
the neighbourhood of the patient and from the lying-in room as soon


as possible after the labour and in evey case before she leaves the
patient’s house.

The midwife shall be responsible for the cleanliness, and shall give
all the necessary directions for securing the comfort and proper dieting,
of the mother and child during the lying-in period, that is to say, in
in anormal case the time oceupied by the labour and a period of ten
days or until the umbilical cord is off which ever is the later. If
after ceasing to attend a case, the midwife is again called in to an
illness of the mother or the child connected with the confinement,
regulations 25 and 26 of these Regulations shall apply.

19. Derinrrton or NoRMAL Lazour. A case of normal labour
in these Kegulations shall mean a case of labour in which none of
the conditions specified in regulation 26 of these Regulations is

20. CHILD APPARENTLY BORN Dea. In the case of a child born
apparently dead, the midwife shall carry out appropriate methods
of resuscitation.

soon as the child’s head is born and if possible before the eyes are
opened, its eyelids shall be carefully cleaned by the midwife.

92, Cump In pancer oF Deata. On the birth of a child
which is in danger of death, the midwife shall inform one of the
parents of the child’s condition.

93. Sritu-pirras. In all cases of still-birth, that is to say
where the child after having been completely born has not breathed
orshown any signs of life, and in all cases of death of the child
during the lying-in period, where a medical practitioner is not in
attendance at the time of birth or during the lying-in period, the
midwife in attendance at such still-birth or death shall immediately
notify the District Medical Officer of the District in which she is
practising. .

24. Umpttican Corp. It shall be the duty of the midwife to
cut the cord after having first tied the same in two places, between
which the cord shall be cut with the pair of scissors mentioned in
subregulation (2) of regulation 10. After having cut the cord, the
end which remains attached to the child’s abdomen shall be dusted
with borie acid or such other powder as may be approved and covered
with a piece of clean cloth which shall be properly bandaged across
the abdomen. On no account shall any other dressing be applied to
the cord or anything used in the dressing which is not contained in


the midwife’s case or bag as specified in subregulation (2) of regula-
tion 10. The midwife shal! examine the cord within two hours after
it has been tied.

(1) Inall cases of illness of the patient or child or of any abnormal.
ity occurring during the pregnancy, labour or the lying-in period,
it shall be the duty of a midwife, as soon as she becomes aware
thereof, to explain to the husband or near relative or friend that the
case is one in which # medical practitioner shall eithér be called in
or consulted. If no steps are taken the midwife herself shall inform
a medical practitioner.

(2) The services of a medical practitioner shall if possible be
obtained in the following cases:—

(a) in the case of the woman—

(i) during pregnancy, labour or the lying-in period she
appears to be dying or is dead;

(ii) during pregnancy there is severe and continuous head-
ache, or severe and continuous vomiting, or albumen
in the urine, or unusual loss of blood, or abortion or
threatened abortion, or fits or convulsions, or discharge
from, or sores on, the genitals, or any other abnormal-
ity or complication ;

(iii) during Jabour there is a presentation other than the
uncomplicated head or breech, or no presentation that
can be made out, or prolapse of the cord, or no
advance after full dilatation of the os in two hours in
primiparsw or one hour in multiparz or fits or convul-
sions, or excessive bleeding, or incomplete expulsion
of the placenta and membranes two hours after the
birth of the child, or rupture of the perineum or other
injuries to the soft parts, or any other abnormality or
complication ;

(iv) during the lying-in period there is loss of blood, or foul
smelling lochia, or a temperature of 100° on two
successive days, or fits or convulsions, or excessive
weakness, or anv other abnormality or complication;

(6) in the case of the child when any severe injuries
have been received during birth, or where there is any
mylformation, deformity or abnormality endangering the child’s


life, or unusual weakness, inflammation of, or discharge from, the
eyes, however slight, or any serious skin eruptions especially
those marked by the formation of watery blisters, or inflamma-
tion in or around, or bleeding from, the navel, or any other
abnormality or complication.

@ 26. _Mipwirr’s Fer. Every registered midwife who shall attend
on a woman in childbirth, unless such woman has made her own
arrangements with such midwife for her delivery, may be paid by
the Treasurer ofjthe Presidency a fee of $9.00.

Made by the Virgin Islands Midwives’ Board the 26th day of
January, 1955.

E. O. Jacoss,

Approved by the Governor in Council the 7th day of April, 1955.

M. Titiry,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE. M. Buacxman, Government Printer,—By Authority.
1955. ©
51/00201—560— 6.35. [Price 9 cents]

Full Text

| er.


\ .
/ %



Birthday Honours

It is hereby notified for general
information that Her Majesty The
Queen has been graciously pleased
to appoint—


to be Officers, and,


to be a Member, of the Most Excellent
Order of the British Empire.

2. In addition, the Queen has
been graciously pleased to approve
of the following awards:—

Colonial Police Medal—lInspector

British Hmpire, Medal — IRA
AVERSON SMITH, Government Agent,
Anegada, British Virgin Islands.

The Secretariat,
9th Jane, 1955.


It is hereby notified jhat the
Governor’s Deputy has been pleased
to appoint Mr. J. D. B. RENWICK to
be a Commissioner of the Supreme
Court of the Windward and Leeward
Islands with effect from the 8th
June, 1955, while he is acting as
Crown Attorney and Magistrate of

The Secretariat,
8th June, 1955.
Ref. No. 43/00007

It is notified for general information
that Mr. D. B. LauGcuron, Foreign
Service Officer Grade 2, Acting
Agricultural Secretary in Caracas, has
been appointed Acting Canadian Gov-
ernment Trade Commissioner in Port-
of-Spain, Trinidad, during the absence

of Mr. P. V. Mc a

Mr. LAUGHTON’S territory, in ad-
dition to Trinidad and Tobago, will
include Barbados, Leeward Islands,
Windward Islands and British Guiana.

The Secretariat,
Leeward Islands,
at Antigua.
6th June, 1955.

Ref. No. 77/00080.


NOTICE is hereby given that
Marta Romana Dias, of Long

Street, St. John’s, Antigua, is applying
to the Governor for naturalization and
that any person who knows any
reason why naturalization should not
be granted should send a written and
signed statement of the facts to the
Colonial Secretary of the Leeward

Administrator’s Office,

Ref. No. A. 55/2.

The Administrator of Antigua has
been pleased to appoint Mr. E. O.
PESTAINA, Senior Clerk, Treasury, to
act as Secretary of the Central Board
of Health, Antigua, with effect from
the 28th May, 1955, vice the Assistant
Adiniuistrative Secretary (Medical)
during the period when that officer
is temporarily transferred to the
Administrator’s Office.

Administrator’s Office,
6th June, 1955.
Ref. No. A. 9/39.

Appointment of Harbour
Master for Road Harbour.

It is hereby notified that Mr.
ALWYN J. JACOBS, Senior Clerk at
the Treasury Department has been
appointed Harbour Master in accord-
ance with section 4 (1) of the Har-
bours and Wharves Ordinance, No.
13 of 1954.

Commissioner's Office,
Road Town,
27th May, 1955.

M.P. 141/45.

No. 57.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

ARCHIBALD, A., Uncertificated Ele-
mentary School Teacher, to be
Certificated Elementary School

Assistant Grade II, Education
Dept. Antigua. Jun. 1
BAaRZEY, Miss F., Uncertificated

Teacher, Education Dept. Montser-

rat, to be Certificated Teacher

Class IT. May 1
M, E. 298.

BRAMBLE, D., Uncertificated Teacher,
Education Dept. Montserrat, to be
Certificated Teacher Cl. IT.

Feb. 1

M. E, 288.

Browne. L. W., P.O. Cl. I, Legal
Dept. Montserrat, resigned.
May I1
M. E, 234.

CHARLES, ©. A., Laboratory Assis-
tant, Medical Department Antigua,

confirmed in appointment.
May 11
DAVIS, T., to be P.O. Cl. II, Treag-
ury, Dept. Montserrat. May 12
M. EF. 312,

DYER, Miss R. C. S., Junior Clerk,

Library, Montserrat, resigned
appointment. May 31
M. E. 364.
EDWARDS, R., to be Certificated

Elementary School Head Teacher
Grade II, Education Dept. Antigua.
May 16

GREENAWAY, Miss M., Uncertificated
Teacher, Education Dept. Montser-

rat, to be Certificated Teacher
Class IT. May 1
MLE. 343.

Hopes, J. V., Principal, Audit
Department, Antigua to act Exam-
iner of Accounts, Audit Department
Antigua, vice Miss G. EDWARDS,
on leave. May 14.

HORNER, Mrs. A., Non-graduate
Assistant, Secondary School, Mont-
serrat, retired. Jun. 5

M. E. 122.

HUMPHREY, Miss M., to be Junior
Clerk, Legal Dept., Montserrat.
Jan. 1
M .E, 332.
—_—_ -

JAMES, Miss L., Uncertificated Ele-
_mentary School Teacher, to be
Certificated Elementary School
Assistant Grade II, Education Dept.
Antigua. May J1

Leg, T. A. J., Certificated Teacher
Olass I, Education Dept. Montser-
rat, to be Non-graduate Assistant.

Jan. |

M. E. 6,

MrapbDs, J. P., Senior Clerk, Govt.
Marketing Depot, Montserrat, to be
Senior Clerk, Public Works Dept.
Montserrat. May 1

M. E. 53.

MOLYNEAUX, Miss M., Uncertificated
Teacher, Education Dept. Montser-
rat. to be Certificated
Class II. May 1

OSBORNE, J. P., Certificated Teacher
Class I, Education Dept., Montser-
rat, to be Non-graduate Assistant,
Secondary School, Montserrat.

Jan. 1

M. E. 7.

PERRY. Miss C.. Uncertificated Mle-
mentary School Teacher, to be
Certificated Elementary Assistant

Grade II, Education Dept. Antigua.
May 1
PetTurs, Miss. M., Uncertificated

Teacher, Education Dept. Montser-

rat, to be Certificated ‘Teacher,
Class IT. May lL
M, E. 313.

Preturs, H. W., P.O. Cl. II, Treasury
Dept. Montserrat, to be P.O. Ol. I,
(Bailiff), Montserrat. May 12

M.E. 81.

Picorr, K., Protective Officer, to be
Agricnitural Assistant Grade IIIB,
Agricultural Dept. Antigua.

May 11

PIPER, C., to be Foreman of Works,
Public Works Dept. Montserrat.

May 16

M. E. 383,

Rosperts, Miss A., to be Junior
Clerk, Education Dept. Montserrat.

Jan. 1
M. E. 321.
No. 58.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has notified the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the un-
dermentioned Acts and Ordinances:—


Leeward Islands.

No. 2 of 1955, ‘‘The Summary
Jurisdiction (Amendment) Act, 1955.”

No. 5 of 1955, ‘‘ The Crown Suits
(Repeal) Act, 1955.”


No. 17 of 1954, “The Treasury
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”

Teacher, -

No. 20 of 1954, “The General
Local Loan (Amendment) Ordinance,

No. 21 of 1954, “The Cattle Tres-
pass (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”

No. 22 of 1954, ‘The Vehicles and
Road Traffic (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1954.”


No. 16 of 1954, ‘«‘ The Development
(Electricity and Public Jetty) Loan
Ordinance, 1954.”

No. 1 of 1955, ‘The Appropriation
Ordinance, 1955.”

St. Kitts- Nevis-Angutlla.
No. 17 of 1954. ‘“‘The Passengers
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”
Virgin Islands.
No. 12 of 1954, ‘‘ The Prison Ordi-

nance, 1954.”

No. 59.

The Governor’s Deputy has heen
pleased this day to assent to the

’ undermentioned Ordinances:—

St. Kitis, Nevis and Anguilla.

No. 4 of 1955, “The Prison Ordi-
nance, 1955.”

No. 5 of 1955, “‘ The Liquor Licence
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 6 of 1955, “‘The Crown Pro-
ceedings Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 7 of 1955, “The Legislative
Council (Extension of Duration)
Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 8 of 1955, “The Income Tax
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 9 of 1955, The Planting of
Sugar Canes (Prohibition) Ordinance,

No. 10 of 1955, “The General
Local Loan (Amendment) Ordinance,
1935.” June 7


No. 3 of 1955, ‘* The British Carib-
bean Shipping (Agreement) Ordi-
nance, 1955.” June 7

No. 60.

The following Statutory Rule and
Order is circulated with this Gazette
and forms part thereof:—

Virgin Islands.

No. 4 of 1955, “The Midwives’
Regulations, 1955.”
7 pp. Price 9 cents.

[9 June, 1955.

Registrar’s Office,
Tth June, 1955.

In the Matter of The Companies
Act Cap. 140 and In the Matter
of S. D. MALONE, Limited, of
Liverpool Row, Basseterre, St.
Kitts, B.W.I.

Voluntary Winding Up.

Pursuant to the provisions of Sec-
tion 156 of the above-named Act, it is
hereby notified for general informa-
tion that the Company known as
8S. D. MALONE Limited has filed a
Special Resolution winding up the
Company voluntarily as. from the
5th day of May, 1955.

ADAMS of Chambers in the town of
Basseterre in the Island of Saint
Christopher, Solicitor, has been ap-
pointed Liquidator for the purposes
of such winding up.

Dated the 3rd day of June, 1955.

Acting Registrar of Joint Stock


the Governor in Council in pursuance
of the powers conferred on him by
section 3 of the Fisheries Ordinance,
1935 (No. 10/1935) as amended, pro-
hibits the catching of lobsters for
export by any person within the
territorial waters of the Presidency
during the period lst June to 31st
July, 1955, both days inclusive.

The above prohibition DOES NOT
APPLY TO the catching of lobsters
for local consumption by any inhabit-
ant or resident of the Presidency
during the said period.

Any person who catches any lobster
in contravention of this notice shall
be guilty of an offence and liable on
summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding £100 or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding six months
and to the forfeiture of any lobster so
caught and any boat or other appara-
tus or thing whatsoever used in con-
nection with the commission of the
offence. ;

Clerk of the Counoil.
25th May, 1955.
Ref. No. A. 40/75.


Central Hxperiment Station,

1951, 1952. 1953. 1954. 1955.
Jan, 3.69 3.10 2.55 3.44 2.16
Feh, 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45 68
Mar. 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08 83
Apr. 2.16 3.14 2.06 49 1.75
May 10.54 3.07 150 3.83 2.81
June 4th 80 — .06 — 24
20.07 12.53 12.79 11.29 8.47
9 June, 1954.]

Insurance of Government
Motor Vehicles.

Tenders are invited for compre-
hensive insurance coverage of all
Government owned motor vehicles.

There are 47 such vehicles to be
insured valued at «approximately

2. The contract of insurance

should provide that where coverage
is given during the currency of the
policy such coverage will expire on
the termination of the policy and in
such case for the adjustment of the
appropriate premium.

3. with necessary information can be
supplied to insurance agents on re-

4. Tenders should be in sealed
envelopes marked “Tender for
Insurance of Vehicles” and should
be addressed to the Administrator to
reach the office not later than 4 p.m.
on 22nd June, 1955.

5. Government does not bind it-
self to accept the lowest or any

Administrator’s Office,
27th May, 1955.
Ref. No. A. 78/15—II.

St. Vincent, Windward Islands.
Two Medical Officers

Required for District Medical
duties in St. Vincent. Appointments
can be on a three-year probationary
period for a permanent appointment
with pension (non-contributing) at
the age of 55 or on short term agree-
ment for three years in the first

Salary scale ranges from $3840 x
120—4800 B.W.I. Starting salary
will be determined according to age,
qualifications and experience.

Medical Officers posted to the
stations of Chateanhelair and Bequia
will also receive a duty allowance of
$1000 B.W.I. and $1500 B.W.I.


Private practice is permitted pro-
vided it does not interfere with the
officers’ official duties.

Quarters are provided at a rental of
10% of salary or 5% of the assessed
value of the quarters, whichever is
the lesser.

Free passages for the officer and
family are provided on first appoint-
ment and free return passages on
completion of agreement. In the
case of an officer on permanent
appointment, leave passages will be
provided for him and his wife up to
a maximum of $1248 each way in
respect of each 5 year period of
resident service.

Income Tax at local rates.

’ Local leave is permissible, and
generous home leave is granted after
each tour (minimum tour 2 years).

Candidates must possess medical
qualifications registrable in the
United Kingdom.

Appointments are to St. Vincent in
the first instance, but officers are
liable to transfer to posts of equal
grade in the other Islands of the
Windward Group.


Applications should be addressed
to the Assistant Administrator and
Establishment Officer, Government
Office, Kingstown, St. Vincent, and
should reach him not later than 30th
June, 1955.

Ref. No. 13/00286.

Department of Agriculture—
St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla Post
of Agricultural Assistant
Grade II.

Applications are invited for th®
post of Agricultural Assistant Grade
II in the Department of Agriculture
of the Presidency of St. Kitts Nevis
and Anguilla.

The appointment will be for a
period of three the first
instance with a salary scale of $2640-
120-3000. The actual point of entry
in the scale will be determined in the
light of experience and qualifications
of the candidate. Applicants should
hold the diploma of the Imperial
College of Tropical Agriculture and
should have had some experience of
field work in « department of agri-

A transport allowance is payable at
the rate at present ruling in the

Quarters are not provided.

The officer will be engaged mainly
on pasture improvement and devel-

Applications should be addressed
to His Honour the Administrator,
St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla.

Ref. No. 36/00004.


All figures in British West Indian dollars.

Number of reporting banks: 4.

Figures for end of quarter 31st March, 1955.

1. Notes in circulation
2. Deposits
(i) Demand —Nil
(ii) Time —Nil
(iii) Savings 2,227,792.45

3. Balances due to
(a) Other banks in Colony
(6) Banks abroad

4. Other Liabilities

Total Liabilities

C. 24/00004.

Nil 1. Cash (in Treasury) 117,694.55
2,227,792.45 2. Balances due by other banks
in Colony Nil
! 3. Balances due from banks abroad
Nil and other short claims Nil
11,004.66 4. Loans and Advances Nil
5. Investments— 2,115,299.29
(a) Local 269,473.16
(2) Other 1,845,826.13
6. Other Assets 5,803.27
2,238,797.11 Total Assets 2,238,797.11


Under the provisions of section 8 of the Central
Board of Health (Constitution and Temporary Powers)
Ordinance, 1954 (No. 15 of 1954) the Governor has
approved the following appointments:—

HALLPIKE, J. M., Assistant Administrative Secretary
(Medical) to be Chief Health Officer, Central Board of
Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

Davis, C. H., Chief Sanitary Inspector, Central Board of
Health, to be Building Inspector, Central Board of
Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

RiuBy, V. McK, Field Technician Country Board of
Health, to be Field Technician, Central Board of Health,
Antigua, Jan. 1

Buntin, W. J., Chief Petty Officer, Central Board of
Health, to be Insect Pest Control Officer, Central Board
of Health, Antigua, Jan. 1

FRANCIS, J., Chief Petty Officer, Municipal, to be Senior

Sanitary Inspector, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1

LaAk&, E., Chief Petty Officer, Central Board of Health,

to be Senior Sanitary Inspector, Central Board of
Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

JOSEPH, J. H., Chief Petty Officer, Municipal, to be
Storekeeper, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
PuNTER, G., Market Clerk, Municipal, to be Market Clerk,
Central Board of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

GoopwIin, M. G., Chief Petty Officer, Country Board of
Health, to be Sanitary Inspector, Cl. I, Central Board
of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

Putxip. P., Petty Officer Cl. I, Municipal, to be Sanitary
Inspector, Cl. I, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
Jacoss, B. M., Petty Officer Ci. I, Municipal, to be
Time Keeper, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
ToNncE, L., Petty Officer Cl. I, Country Board of Health,
to be Sanitary Inspector, Cl. II, Central Board of
Health, Antigua. Jan, |

Warkins, L. E., Petty Officer Cl. 1. Country Board of
Health, to be Sanitary Inspector, Cl. 11, Central Board
of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

EDWARDS, V., Petty Officer, Cl. J, Country Board of
Fealth, to be Sanitary Inspector Cl. IT, Central Board
of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

ALFRED, H., Petty Officer Cl. II, Country Board of
Health, to be Sanitary Inspector Cl. II, Centra! Board
of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

BARNARD, E. H., Petty Officer Cl. J, Municipal, to be
Sanitary Inspector Cl. II, Central Board of Health,
Antigua. Jan. 1

DELFISH, G., Petty Officer Cl. I, Municipal, to be Sani-

tary Inspector Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1

SHEPPARD, G., Petty Officer Cl. I, Municipal, to be Sani-

tary Inspector Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan, 1

9 June, 1965.

LIMERICK, M., Student Sanitary Inspector, Country
Board of Health, to be Sanitary Inspector Cl. II, Cen-
tral Board of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

GREEN, E., Petty Officer Cl. I, Muncipal, to be Petty
Officer Cl. I, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
BENJAMIN, J., Petty Officer Cl. II, Municipal, to be Petty
Officer Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
Rupp, E., Petty Officer Cl. II, Muncipal, to be Petty
Officer Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
JAMES, W. A., Foreman Latrine System, Municipal, to be
Petty Officer Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua,
Jan. 1
HENRY, W. Foreman Latrine System, Municipal, to be
Petty Officer Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
McCarry, E., Foreman Latrine System, Municipal, to be
Petty Officer Cl. II, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
HARRIS, E., Foreman Latrine System, Municipal, to be
Petty Officer Cl. IT, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1
FRANCIS, W. C., Foreman Latrine System, Municipal, to
be Petty Officer -Cl. II, Central Board of Health,
Antigua. Jan. 1

REID, J., Petty Officer Cl. ITI, Muncipal to be Student

Sanitary Inspector, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1

LAKE, J., Student Sanitary Inspector, Country Board of

Health, to be Student Sanitary Inspector, Central
Board of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

Hiaeins, J., Petty Officer CJ. III, Country Board of
Health, to be Petty Officer, Cl. III, Central Board of
Health, Antigua. Jan, 1

RIcHARDS, D., Peity Officer Cl. ITI. Municipal, to be

Petty Officer Cl. III, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1

SPENCER, E., Petty Officer Cl. III, Municipal, to be

Petty Officer Cl. III, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1

Murpuy, D., Petty Officer Cl. III, Municipal. to be

Petty Officer Cl. III, Central Board of Health, Antigua.
Jan. 1

BuRTON, Miss A., Female Street Supervisor, Municipal,

to be Female Street Supervisor, Central Board of
Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

WINTER, P., Senior Clerk, Municipal, to be Senior Clerk,
Central Board of Health, Antigua. Jap. 1

Browng, V.S., Junior Clerk, Municipal, to he Junior
Clerk, Central Board of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

SwIiFt, Miss hk. E., Junior Clerk, Municipal, to be Junior
Clerk, Central Board of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

WATKINS, C., Petty Officer Cl. II, Country Board of
Health, to be Sanitary Inspector Cl. II, Central Board
of Health, Antigua. Jan. 1

Administrator’s Office,
27th May, 1955.

Control of Imports and Exports

Notice No. 2 of 1955

Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “EE” grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.I.F. Antigua and should
include agents commission. Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.

2. The “E” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard:—

Maximum moisture ees 14.00%
Maximum ash eee 52%
Minimum protein see 12.00%

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—

Minimum. Maximum.

Thiamine 2.0 2.5 milligrams for each Ib. flour
Riboflavine 1.2 1.5 ” ” ”
Niacine 16.0 20.0 ” ” ”
Tron 13.0 16.5 7 ” 7
With Calcium Car-

bonate 500 600 ” ” ”

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
duly notarised must accompany documents. ‘The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to arrange
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.

Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is en-
riched and ‘‘ Vitamin Enriched Flour” must be stencilled on each bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped to arrive in Antigua
during August, September and October, 1955, at a monthly rate of 5,000 half-bags of 100 Ibs. each.

4, Tenders should be in sealed envelopes marked ‘“‘ Tenders for flour” and should be addressed
to His Honour the Administrator ani should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 4 p.m. on
30th June, 1955.

5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Administrator's Office,

6th June, 1955.

Ref. No, A. 40/18.


ANTIGUA, 17th May, 1955..

of Park Royal Brewery, Cumberland
Avenue, Park Royal, London N, W.
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-


in Class 43 that is to say:— Beer,
Stout, Ale and Porter.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of ihe said goods for 5 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade Mark.

Registrar of Trade Murks,

ANTIGUA, 16th May, 1959.
of 5, City Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne,
England have applied for Registration
of one Trade Mark consisting of the

in class 42 that is to suy: Substances
used as food or as ingredients in food.
The Applicants claim that they have
used the said Trade Mark in respect of
the said goods which has not been
used in the Leeward Islands before
the date of their said Application.
Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the ‘l'rade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade Mark.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANrIGua, 17th May, 1955.

of Park Royal Brewery, Cumberland
Avenne, Park Royal, London, have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—

in Class 43 that is to say:— Beer,
Stout, Ale and Porter.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for five years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade Mark.

PRegisth 1 of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, 16th May, 1955.

COMPANY of Main & Fourth Streets,
Winston-Salem, North Carolina,
U.S. A. have applied for Registration
of one Trade Mark consisting of the

ie ea

in Class 45, that is to say: Tobacco
products including cigarettes.

The Applicants claim ihat they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 24 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to

-registration of the said Trade Mark.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

{9 June, 19535,
ANTIGUA, 16th May, 1955.

PORATION of 515 Madison Avenue,
City and State of New York, U.S.A
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-
ing :—


in Class 44 that is to say:-— Non-
aleholic beverages, fruit juices, syrups,
concerirates and other preparations
for th’ -naking of such beverages and
fruit jrices.

Th: Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Guzette, give
notice in duplicative at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registrition of the said Trade Mark.


Registrar of Trade Marks.

Ninth Oils & Fats Conference.

The ninth British Caribbean Oils
and Fats Conference ended its session
at Hastings House on May 14th.
Recommendations to participating
Governments were decided upon for
continuance of the agreement for
5 years beyond its expiry on August
31st 1955 with modification for deal-
ing with an existing aren surplus.
The principal modification which it
is recommended should take early
effect will be the appointiment of a
copra clearing officer in connection
with which assistance and co-opera-
tion of the RECWI will be sought.

2. Was recommended that the
existing area export price of £70. 10s.
per ton should be continued not only
till August 31st but also for 1 year

3. Proposals for eighth Conference
in July last year for establishment of
free trade in copra and coconut
products between participating terri-
turies were re-examined and referred
back to Governments with some
amendments and with recommenda-
tions for implementation as soon ag
the necessary Legislative and Tariff
action can be arranged.

Administrator's Office,

Ref. No. A. 17/1.



GE ANTIGUA, 17TH May, 1955.

5 seer

. , VINE PRODUCTS LIMITED of V.P. Winery, Villiers Road, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, England, have
-applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:—

in Class 4 43 that is to say: Wines
‘ “The Applicants claim that they have used the said Trade Mark in respect of the suid goods for 28 years
be fore the date of their said Application.

_ x. 9 Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this Advertisement in the
Lieward Islands Gazette, give notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition to registration of
the said Trade Mark.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, |6TH May, 1955.

JOHN DEWAR & SONS, LTD. of Glasgow Road, Perth, Scotland have applied for Registration of one
“Trade Mark consisting of the following: —-

~~ DEWAR'S i

Product of Scotland


Joun Dewar & Sons Lt


= Class :43, that is to say:—Scoitch, Whisky.

2 paT he’ Applicants claim that they have used the said Trade Mark in respect of the said goods ‘from June 1954
before the date of their said Application.

socom so Any person may with three months from the date of the first appearance of this Advertisement in the
Leeward Islands Gazette, give notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition to registration of
the said Trade Mark.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E.\31 BLACKMAN,
Government Printer—By Authority,
. 1955,
[Price 18 cents]


1955, No. 4.


Orpinancr, 1953 (No. 11/1953).

1. Crration. These Regulations may be cited as the Midwives’
Regulations, 1955.

2. lntERPRETATION. In these Regulations—
“ approved” means approved by the Board;

“authorised person ” means any member of the Board, any
Medical practitioner, the Public Health Nurse, the Secretary
to the Board and any other person authorised by the Board;

“the Board” and “the Secretary” have the same meanings as
are ascribed to them in the Ordinance;

“the Ordinance” means the Midwifery Ordinance, 1953 (No.
11/1958). :

3. Mipwire To KEEP copy or RxrcuLations. Every midwife
shall keep a copy of these Regulations and shall produce the
same for inspection when requested to do so by an authorised person.

4, Mipwire to Keer RecisTeR oF nER Cases. Every midwife
shall keep a register of cases attended by her in the form and
manner approved and such register of cases shall be produced by
the midwife for inspection when called upon by any authorised

5. Mipwirr to ForNisn Boarp wits Rurorns. It shall be the
duty of every midwife to furnish the Board with such returns as the
Board may from time to time demand.

wits Inrecrious Disease. When a midwife has been in attendance


whether as a midwife or as a nurse upon a patient, or has been in
contact witha person suffering from puerperal fever, or from any
contagious or infectious disease, or is herself liable to be a source of
infection or contayion, she shall immediately notify the District
Medical Officer of the District in which she is practising, shall thor-
oughly disinfect herself, ber clothing, her instruments and all
other appliances to the satisfaction of the said District Medical Officer
and shall not attend any other midwifery case until she has obtained
written permission to do so from the said District Medical Officer.

7. Layine out or pEap Bopirs. No midwife shall lay out a
dead body except in case of a patient upon whom she has been in
attendance at the time of death. After laying out a body for burial
she shall notify the District Medical Officer of the District in which
she is practising and shall undergo adequate cleansing and disinfec-
tion in accordance with the preceding regulation.

8. ApministaTiIon OF Drucs To BE NoTEp. Every midwife shall
note in her register of cases each occasion on which she is under the
necessity of administering i in any way any drug and the time and
cause of administration.

cLEAN. A midwife shall be scrupulously clean in every way with
respect. to her person, clothing, appliances and premises. She shall
_ keep her nails cut short and clean and preserve the skin of her hands
as far as possible from cracks and abrasions. Every midwife shall
submit herself for inspection in this respect whenever called upon
for this purpose by the District Medical Officer of the District in
which she is practising or by the Public Health Nurse. When
attending her patients she shall wear a clean dress of washable
material which can be boiled, and which either has short sleeves
above the elbow or sleeves whicb can be detached from, or which can
easily be rolled up above the elbow. She shall also wear, when
actually at work on a case, a clean washable apron or overall.

10. Mrpwirr’s BaG AND CONTENTS THEREOF. (1) Every mid-
wife shall keep and take with her on all occasions when attending a
confinement, a case or bag, kept solely for the purpose, and
furnished with a removable lining which can be washed and boiled.
At least two linings shall be provided, the one in use shall be clean,
the other being washed immediately on removal and retained ready
for use. The case or bag shall at all times be ready, and shall be |
brought when requested, for inspection by an authorised person.

(2) Every midwife’s bag shall at all times contain—

(a) a douche can with necessary attachments;
(b) a Higginson’s syringe;
(c) a pair of scissors;
(d) a nail brush;
(e) a clinical thermometer;
(7) a catheter;
(g) a bottle of approved disinfectant;
(A) a container of approved disinfectant powder;

(1) a bottle of boracic solution, or tin of boracic power with
which to make a solution, for cleaning the child’s eyes;

(j) a bottle of an approved silver preparation for the disin-
fection of the child’s eyes;

(k) cotton wool;

(2) dressing for cord such as lint or clean rags which have
been boiled;

(m) thread or tapes for tying the cord;
(n) soap;
(0) an enamel iron bowl or other approved container;

(») a medicine glass or other approved measure;

(7) such other articles as may from time to time be
specified by the Board.

(3) The Board may from time to time alter or modify the list of
articles specified in subregulation (2) of this regulation.

touching the genitals or their neighbourhood, a midwife shall on
each occasion thoroughly wash in soap and water for ten minutes
and then disinfect her hands and forearms in an efficient manner and
all instruments and other appliances shall be disinfected by boiling
before being brought into contact with the patient’s genitals.

12. InreRvinwING Patient In case OF Lazour. When engaged
to attend a case of labour the midwife sha!l interview her patient at
the earliest opportunity to enquire as to the course of the previous
pregnancies, confinements and puerperia, beth as regards mother
and child, shall advise as to the personal and general arrangements —

for the confinement, and with the consent of the patient, shall visit
the house. ,

13. AccEssiBiuiry or MipWirk IN CASES OF CoNFINEMENT. A
midwife shal! not leave a confinement case without giving an address
at which she can be found without delav and, after the commencee-
ment of the second stage of labour, shall remain with her patient
until after the expulsion of the placenta and for such longer period
as may be necessary. in a case where a medical practitioner has
been sent for, on account of the labour being abnormal, or because
of threatened ‘danger, the midwife shall await the medical practition-
er’s arrival and faithfully carry ont his instructions. If for any
reason the services of a medical practitioner be not available, the
midwife shall remain with the patient until the emergency is over.

14. Wasninc or Pavrient’s EXTERNAL Parrs. (1) The mid-
wife shall wash the patient’s external parts with soap and water and
then swab them with the approved antiseptic solution on the follow-
ing occasions:—

(a) as soon as she is called to the patient and before the
second stage;

(6) before making a vaginal examination;

{c) after the termination of labour;

(d) during the lying-in period when washing is required;
(e) before passing a catheter.

(2) The swabbing with antiseptic solution shall be repeated
before any further examination and before a douche is given. For
this purpose the miawife shall on no account use ordinary sponges
or flannel but ouly materials wiich have been boiled or otherwise
disinfected before use.

15. FREQUENCY OF VAGINAL Examinations. The midwife shall
take care to make no more vaginal examinations than are actually

16. JixaMINATiIon oF PLAcENTA, ETC. ‘The midwife in charge
of a case of labour shall in all cases examine the placenta and mem.
branes before they are destroyed and satisfy herself that they are
completely removed.

17. Removar or sornmy Linen, evo. The midwife shall remove
all soiled linen, blood, faeces, urine. placenta and membrane from
the neighbourhood of the patient and from the lying-in room as soon

as possible after the labour and in evey case before she leaves the
patient’s house.

The midwife shall be responsible for the cleanliness, and shall give
all the necessary directions for securing the comfort and proper dieting,
of the mother and child during the lying-in period, that is to say, in
in anormal case the time oceupied by the labour and a period of ten
days or until the umbilical cord is off which ever is the later. If
after ceasing to attend a case, the midwife is again called in to an
illness of the mother or the child connected with the confinement,
regulations 25 and 26 of these Regulations shall apply.

19. Derinrrton or NoRMAL Lazour. A case of normal labour
in these Kegulations shall mean a case of labour in which none of
the conditions specified in regulation 26 of these Regulations is

20. CHILD APPARENTLY BORN Dea. In the case of a child born
apparently dead, the midwife shall carry out appropriate methods
of resuscitation.

soon as the child’s head is born and if possible before the eyes are
opened, its eyelids shall be carefully cleaned by the midwife.

92, Cump In pancer oF Deata. On the birth of a child
which is in danger of death, the midwife shall inform one of the
parents of the child’s condition.

93. Sritu-pirras. In all cases of still-birth, that is to say
where the child after having been completely born has not breathed
orshown any signs of life, and in all cases of death of the child
during the lying-in period, where a medical practitioner is not in
attendance at the time of birth or during the lying-in period, the
midwife in attendance at such still-birth or death shall immediately
notify the District Medical Officer of the District in which she is
practising. .

24. Umpttican Corp. It shall be the duty of the midwife to
cut the cord after having first tied the same in two places, between
which the cord shall be cut with the pair of scissors mentioned in
subregulation (2) of regulation 10. After having cut the cord, the
end which remains attached to the child’s abdomen shall be dusted
with borie acid or such other powder as may be approved and covered
with a piece of clean cloth which shall be properly bandaged across
the abdomen. On no account shall any other dressing be applied to
the cord or anything used in the dressing which is not contained in

the midwife’s case or bag as specified in subregulation (2) of regula-
tion 10. The midwife shal! examine the cord within two hours after
it has been tied.

(1) Inall cases of illness of the patient or child or of any abnormal.
ity occurring during the pregnancy, labour or the lying-in period,
it shall be the duty of a midwife, as soon as she becomes aware
thereof, to explain to the husband or near relative or friend that the
case is one in which # medical practitioner shall eithér be called in
or consulted. If no steps are taken the midwife herself shall inform
a medical practitioner.

(2) The services of a medical practitioner shall if possible be
obtained in the following cases:—

(a) in the case of the woman—

(i) during pregnancy, labour or the lying-in period she
appears to be dying or is dead;

(ii) during pregnancy there is severe and continuous head-
ache, or severe and continuous vomiting, or albumen
in the urine, or unusual loss of blood, or abortion or
threatened abortion, or fits or convulsions, or discharge
from, or sores on, the genitals, or any other abnormal-
ity or complication ;

(iii) during Jabour there is a presentation other than the
uncomplicated head or breech, or no presentation that
can be made out, or prolapse of the cord, or no
advance after full dilatation of the os in two hours in
primiparsw or one hour in multiparz or fits or convul-
sions, or excessive bleeding, or incomplete expulsion
of the placenta and membranes two hours after the
birth of the child, or rupture of the perineum or other
injuries to the soft parts, or any other abnormality or
complication ;

(iv) during the lying-in period there is loss of blood, or foul
smelling lochia, or a temperature of 100° on two
successive days, or fits or convulsions, or excessive
weakness, or anv other abnormality or complication;

(6) in the case of the child when any severe injuries
have been received during birth, or where there is any
mylformation, deformity or abnormality endangering the child’s

life, or unusual weakness, inflammation of, or discharge from, the
eyes, however slight, or any serious skin eruptions especially
those marked by the formation of watery blisters, or inflamma-
tion in or around, or bleeding from, the navel, or any other
abnormality or complication.

@ 26. _Mipwirr’s Fer. Every registered midwife who shall attend
on a woman in childbirth, unless such woman has made her own
arrangements with such midwife for her delivery, may be paid by
the Treasurer ofjthe Presidency a fee of $9.00.

Made by the Virgin Islands Midwives’ Board the 26th day of
January, 1955.

E. O. Jacoss,

Approved by the Governor in Council the 7th day of April, 1955.

M. Titiry,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE. M. Buacxman, Government Printer,—By Authority.
1955. ©
51/00201—560— 6.35. [Price 9 cents]