Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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i oe







WHEREAS under section 3 of the
Cotton Protection Ordinance 1922
(No. 7 of 1922), as amended by the
Cotton Protection Amendment Ordi-
nance, 1926 (No. 5 of 1926), it is
provided that the Governor in Coun-
cil may from time to time by Procla-
mation published in the Gazette
declare any period of each year to be
a close season for cotton and for such
other plants as may be specified in
any such Proclamation either for the
whole Presidency or for such area or
areas thereof as may be specified in
such Proclamation:

LOVELACE, a member of the Most
Excellent Order of the British Empire,
Administrator of the Presidency of
Antigua, with the advice of the
Executive Council of the Presidency
of Antigua, do by this my Proclama-
-tion declare that the period from the
geventh day of May, 1955 to the
fifteenth day of August 1955, inclu-
give, shall be a close season within
the meaning of the said Ordinance for
the whole of the Presidency of Anti-
gua, excepting that area of land situ-
ate at Friars Hill under the control
of the Central Cotton Station. -

‘AND I do hereby order all occu-
piers of land, in pursuance of the
said Ordinance, completely to uproot
and burn all cotton and okra plants
and all or any portion of the same
growing or remaining on any such
land occupied by them before the
first day of the said close season.

AND I do further declare that any
person who sows or plants or causes
to be sown or planted any cotton or
okra in any part of the said Presi-
dency during the said close season
shall be guilty of an offence under
the said Ordinance.

GIVEN at the Administrator’s Office,

‘ Antigua, this 9th day of April,
1955, in the fourth year of Her
Majesty’s reign.


an 7277
yrs &

It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency the Gover-
nor has issued a Commission to the
Hon. P. D. MacboNnaup, O©.M.G.,
appointing him to be Governor's
Deputy during His Excellency’s
absence from Antigua, whilst on leave
in Barbados from the 13th to the
20th April, 1955.

The Secretariat,
12th April, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00283.

It is hereby notified for general
information that Mr. Justice W. A.
DATE, Puisne Judge, has been ap-
pointed to act as Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of the Windward
Islands and Leeward Islands with
effect from the 26th April, 1955,
during the absence of the Honourable
the Chief Justice on vacation leave in
the United Kingdom.

The Secretariat,
12th April, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00111.

It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has been pleased to appoint
the Hon. 8. T. CHRISTIAN, O.B.E.,
to act as Puisne Judge of the Supreme
Court of the Windward Islands and
‘Leeward Islands, with effect from the
26th April, 1955, on the departure of
the Honourable Chief Justice on
vacation leave and the appointment of
the Hon. W. A. DATE, Puisne Judge,
to act as Chief Justice.

The Secretariat,
12th April, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00111.

No. 36.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information:—

Norris, R., Assistant Colonial Secre-
tary (Establishment). appointed to
act as Colonial Secretary from the
20th to the 23rd April, 1955, inclu-
give, during the absence from the
Colony of the Colonial Secretary.



ublished by Authority.


No. 17.


No. 37.

The following Bills which are to be
introduced in the Legislative Council
of Antigua, are circulated with this
Gazette and form part thereof:—

“The Prison Ordinance, 1955.”

“The Harbour Launches (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 38.

The following Statutory Rule and
Order is circulated with this Gazette
and forms part thereof:—


No. 5 of 1955, “‘The Villa Area
(Town Extension) Scheme ”

7 pp. / rice 9 cents

General (Open) Import Licence. ,
No 1 of 1955.

1. General (Open) Import Licence
No. 2 of 1954 dated the 9th March,
1954, is hereby amended as follows:—

By the deletion of the words
‘““Lumber and wood products
excluding furniture” fiem the
schedule thereto.

2. General (Open) Import Licence
No. 1 of 1954 dated the 9th Mareh.
1954, is hereby amended as follows:—

By the addition to the Schedule

thereto of the following new

item after item (19)— :

(20) Lumber and wood

Dated this 24th day day of March,
By Order of the Governor,

Supply Officer.

Nationalized or expropriated
British property or interests
in property in Roumania and

Notice is hereby given that pur-
suant to Orders made on the 17th
March, 1955, amending the Principal
Order relating to Roumania and Bul-
garia, the Foreign Compensation
Commission shall not receive any
claim in respect of these two coun-
tries which has not -reached the
Commission on or before 30th April,

Custodian of Hnemy Propertye
Ref. No. A.C. 77/12.


ANTIGUA, 28th March, 1955.
Avenue, New York, State of New
York, United States of America, have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—

in Class 45 that is to say: Cigarettes.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for more

their said Application.

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at ths Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade -Mark.


Registrar of Trade Marks.


than 71 years before the date of


(14 April, 1955.

Central Hxperiment Station,



1961, 1952. 1953.
3.60 3.10 2.55
1.88 1.60 1,02
1.09 1.62 6.60
9th 1149
6.68 6.81 9.17

Printed at the]Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, DL BLACKMAN,

Government Printer.—By Authority,








[Price 13 cents]

No. ° of 1955. Prison.

No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to provide for the establishment,
management, supervision and control of Pris-
ons in the Presidency.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua as
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Prison
Ordinance, 1955, and shall come into operation on
a date to be fixed by the Governor by Proclamation
published in the Gazette.

2. In this Ordinauce unless the context

“prisoner”? means any person lawfully sen-
tenced or ordered to be imprisoned or
detained in prison;

“prison” means gaol, and includes the airing
ground or other ground or buildings
occupied by prison officers and contiguous
thereto and any other place which the
Governor shall by proclamation published
in the (razelte declare to be a prison.


Short title
and Com-




to provide
and maintain

Power to alter
prisons and
build new

Closing of


of 1955.


Prison, No.

3. There shall be provided and maintained
at the expense of the Presidency, adequate accom-
modation for its prisoners in a prison:

Provided however that the buildings and
premises in the Presidency now used as a prison
shall continue to be used as the prison for the

4. The Governor may with the approval of
the Legislative Council alter, enlarge or rebuild any
prison in the Presidency or may, if necessary, build
new prisons in lieu of or in addition to any existing

5. (1) The Governor may at any time by
proclamation declare any prison in the Presidency
to be closed; and every prison which the Governor
shall so declare to be closed shall, as from the date
of the proclamation, cease to be used as a prison

(2) Persons committed to any prison closed
under this section shall, upon the closing of such
prison, be deemed to be committed to the prison
nearest’ thereto, or to such other prison as the
Governor may appoint or determine.


6. (1) Rules made under section 27 of this
Ordinance shall provide for the constitution by the
Governor of a visiting committee of a prison
consisting of Justices of the Peace of the Presidency
appointed at such times, in such manner and for
such periods as may be prescribed by the Rules.

(2) Rules made as aforesaid shall prescribe the
functions of the visiting committee and shall among
other things require members to pay frequent visits
to a prison and hear any complaints which may be
made by the prisoners, to consider periodically the
the character, conduet and prospeets of each pris-
oner and report to the Governor any matter which
they consider it expedient to report; and any

- No. : of 1955. Prison. 3

member of the visiting committee may at any time
enter the prison and shall have free access to every
part of it and to every prisoner.

Prison OFrricers.

7. (1) The Governor shall appoint an officer
with such title as he may approve who shall be in
charge of the prison in the Presidency and shall
superintend and manage the same.

(2) In addition to the officer appointed under
subsection (1) of this section the Governor shall
appoint such other officers including an honorary
chaplain, as may be necessary, for the efficient
management of the prison.

(3) The duties of the officers appointed by
virtue of subsections (1) and (2) of this section
shall be such as may be prescribed by Rules made
under section 27 of this Ordinance.

8. Every male prison officer while acting as
such shall have all the powers, authority, protection
and privileges of a constable.


9. (1) A prisoner, whether sentenced to
imprisonment «r committed to prison on remand or
pending trial or otherwise, may be lawfully confined
in any prison.

(2) Prisoners shall be committed to such pris-
ons as the Governor may from time to time direct;
and may by direction of the Governor be removed
during the term of their imprisonment from the
prison in which they are confined to any other
prison in the Presidency.

(3) A writ, warrant or other legal instrament
addressed to the officer in charge of a prison and
identifying that prison by its situation or by any
other sufficient description shall not be invalidated
by reason only that the prison is usually known by
a different description.

(1) Every prisoner shall be deemed to
be in a legal custody of the officer in charge of the



Powers of

Place of cor:-
finement of

Legal custody
of prisoner,


in prisons.

4 Prison. No. of 1955.

(2) A prisoner shall be deemed to be in legal
custody while he is confined in, or is being taken to
or from, any prison and while he is working, or is
for any other reason, outside the prison in the
custody or under the control of an officer of the

11. (1) Except as provided by this section,
corporal punishment shall not be inflicted in any

(2) Rules made under section 27 of this
Ordinance may authorise the infliction of corporal
punishment for mutiny, incitement to mutiny, or
gross personal violence to an officer of a prison
when committed by a male prisoner.

(3) The rules shall not authorise the infliction
of corporal punishment except by order of the
visiting committee made at a meeting at which not
less than three members ure present; and no such
order shall be made except after an inquiry in which
the evidence is given on oath:

Provided that the Governor may, if he thinks
fit in any particular case, direct that the functions
exercisable as aforesaid by the visiting committee
shall be exercised by a magistrate appointed by him
in that behalf.

(4) The punishment which may be inflicted
under such an order as aforesaid shall not exceed—

(a) in the case of a person appearing to
the visiting committee or magistrate to be not
less than twenty-one yeurs of age, eighteen
strokes of a cat-o’-nine-tails or tamarind rod; or

(6) in the case of a person appearing to
them or him to be under that age, twelve
strokes of a tamarind rod,

and if corporal punishment is inflicted, no further
punishment by way of confinement in cells or
restricted diet shall be imposed.

(5) Where an order for the infliction of
corporal punishment bas been made under this
section, a copy of the notes of the evidence given


* No. ot 1955. Prison. 5

at the inquiry, « copy of the order and a atatement
of the grounds on which it was made shall forth-
with be viven to the Governor; and the order shall
be carried into effect only after confirmation by
the Governor and, if the Governor confirms the
order with modifications, in accordance with the

(6) A refusal by the Governor to confirm such
an order as aforesaid shall not prejudice any power
to impose another punishment for the offence for
which the order was made.

2. The officer in charge of every prison in
which persons committed for trial before a Circuit
Court are confined shall deliver to that Court a
calendar of those persons.

18. (1) Rules made under section 27 of this
Ordinance may provide in what manner an appellant
within the meaning of the Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands Court of Appeal Rules, 1940,
when in custody, is to be taken to, kept in Custody
at, and brought back from, any place at which he is
entitled to be present for the purposes of those rules,
or any place to which the Court of Appeal for the

Vindward Islands and Leeward Islands or any
judge thereof may order him to be taken for the
purpose of any proceedings of that Court.

(2) The Governor may—

(a) if he is satisfied that the attendance
at any place in the Presidency of a person
detained in a prison in the Presidency is
desirable in the interests of justice or for the
purposes of any public inquiry, direct him to
be taken to that place ;

(6) if. he is satisfied that a person so
detained requires medical or surgical treatment
of any description, direct him to be taken toa
hospital or other suitable place for the purpose
of the treatment,

and where any person is directed under this sub-
section to be taken to any place he shall, unless the
Governor otherwise directs, be kept in custody


Duty of
ofiicer in
charge to
calendar of

Removal of
prisoners for
judicial and
other pur-

Ss. BR. & O.
1940 No. 22


Removal of
from prison
in one Presi-
denoy to

in another

of term of

for good
conduct and
award of

6 Prison. No. of 1 955.

while being so taken, while at that place, and while
being taken back to the prison in which he is
required in accordance with law to be detained.

(3) It shall be lawful for any magistrate, in
any case where he may see fit to do so, upon
application to issue a warrant or order under his
hand for any prisoner to be taken from the
prison to his Court for the purpose of answering
any charge that may be preferred against him.

14. The Governor may by writing under
his hand order any prisoncr in the Presidency to
be removed to a prison in another Presidency
there to undergo the period of his imprisonment
or detention:

Provided however that no order shall be
made under this section unless the consent of
the Government of the Presidency to which the
prisoner is to be removed has been first obtained.

15 (1) Inany sentence of imprisonment
the word “ month” shall, unless the contrary is
is expressed, be construed as meaning calendar

(2) A prisoner who but for this subsection
would be discharged on a Sunday, Christmas Day
or Good Friday, shall be discharged on the day
next preceding.

16. (1) Rules made under section 27 of
this Ordinance may make provision whereby, in
such circumstances as may be prescribed by the
rules, a person serving a sentence of imprison-
ment for such a term as may be so prescribed
inay be granted remission of such part of that
sentence as may be so prescribed on the ground
of his industry and good conduct, and on the
discharge of a person from prison in pursuance
of any such remission as aforesaid his sentence
shall expire.

(2) Rules made as aforesaid may also
provide for the award of gratuities on their
discharge to prisoners who have been sentenced
to imprisonment with hard labour for a term of
or exceeding twelve months,

* No. ° of 1955. Prison. 7

17. (1) If the Governor is satisfied that by
reason of the condition of a prisoner’s health it is
undesirable to detain him in prison, but that,
such condition of health being due in whole
or in part to the prisoner’s own conduct in
prison, it is desirable that his release should be
temporary and conditional only, the Governor
may, if he thinks fit having regard to all the
circumstances of the case, by Order authorise the
temporary discharge of the prisoner for such
period and subject to such conditions as may be
stated in the order.

(2) Where an order of temporary discharge
is made in the case of a prisoner not under sentence,
the order shail contain conditions requiring the
attendance of the prisomer at any further proceed-
ings on his case at whicn his presence may be

(3) Any prisoner discharged under this section
shall comply with any conditions stated in the
order of temporary discharge, and shall return to
prison at the expiration of the period stated in the
order, or of such extended period as may be fixed
by any subsequent order of the Governor, and if the
prisoner fails so to comply or return, he may be
arrested without warrant and taken back to prison.

(4) Where a prisoner under sentence is dis-
charged in pursuance of an order of temporary
discharge, the currency of the sentence shall be
suspended from the day on which he is discharged
from prison under the order to the day on which
he is received back into prison, so that the former
day shall be reckoned and the latter shall not be
reckoned as part of the sentence.

(5) Nothing in this section shall affect the
duties of the medical officer of a prison in respect
of a prisoner whom the Governor does not think fit
to discharge under this section.

18. Every prisoner who—

(a) escapes or attempts to escape from
any prison wherein he is lawfully confined; or


Power of
Governor to
on account
of ill health.

attempt to
escape, and
prison breach.

AntTIaua. 8 Prison. No. of 1955. ‘

(b) escapes or attempts to escape during
the time of his conveyance to or from « prison,
or whilst on his way to or from any road or
public work, or during the time of his
employment therein; or

(c) forcibly breaks out of any cell or
other place in which he is lawfully confined or
makes any breach therin with intent to escape,

shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance
and on conviction thereof on indictment be liable
to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two

Rescue, or 19. Every person who rescues, or attempts

aia a of to rescue any person who has been convicted, or

prisoners. who is in custody, on « charge of felony, shall be
guilty of felony and shall be liable to be imprisoned,
with or without hard labour, for any term uot ex-
ceeding three years; and every person who rescues,
or attempts to rescue, any person who has been
convicted, or who is in custody, on a criminal
charge other than felony, shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanour, and shall be liable to be imprisoned,
with or without hard labour, for any term not ex-
ceeding eighteen months; and all persons aiding,
assisting or abetting the commission of any such
offence as aforesaid shall le liable to be prosecuted
and punished in the same manner as principals.

Wiltully 20. Every person having the custody of a
permitting prisoner who shall kuowinely and wilfully allow
prisoner to . d ae : J.

escape. him to escape, shal] be liable to be imprisoned,

with or without hard labour, for any term not ex-
ceeding two years.

Negligently 21. Fyery person having the custody of a
permitting : " } | h lie - earel oe ante

venoner te —- Prisoner, who, through negligence or carelessness,
escape, allows any sush prisoner to escape, shall be lable

to fine or imprisonment, or both, at the discretion
of the Court.

Assaulting 22. Any person who assaults or resists any
cea prison officer in the execution of his duty, or aids
officers, or excites any person so io assault or resist any

such officer shall be liable on summary conviction

to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars,



No. of 1955. Prison. 9

or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour,
for any term not exceeding two months; or, if the
offender be a prisoner, he shall be liable, on
conviction on indictment, to be imprisoned, with
or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding
one year;

Provided however that: no prisoner shall be
liable both to punishmnt under this section and
section 11 of this Ordinance for an assault against
a prison officer.

28. Any person who aids any prisoner in
escaping or attempting to escape from a prison or
who, with intent to facilitate the escape of any
prisoner, conveys any thing into a prison or to a
prisoner or places any thing anywhere outside a
prison with a view to its coming into the posses-
sion of a prisoner, shall be guilty of felony and
liable to imprisonment fora term not exceeding
two years.

24. Any person who contrary to the rules
of a prison brings or attempts to bring into the
prison or to a prisoner any spirituous or fermented
liquor or tobacco, or places any such liquor or any
tobacco anywhere outside the prison with intent
that it shall come into the possession of a prisoner,
and any officer who contrary to those rules allows
any such liquor or any tobacco to be sold or used
in the prison, shall be liable on summary convic-
tion to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six
months or a fine not exceeding one hundred

25. Any person who contrary to the rules
of a prison conveys or attempts to convey any let-
ter or any other thing into or out of the prison or
to a prisoner or places it anywhere outside the
prison with intent that it shall come into the pos-
session of a prisoner shall, where he is not thereby
guilty of an offence under either section 23° or
section 24 of this Ordinance be liable on summary
conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars,


prisoner to

of spirits or
tobacco into
prison etc,

of other


Display of
notice of

Power to
make Rules.
1 & 2 Vict.
ce. 67

1 & 2 Vict.
c. 67

10 Prison. No. of 1455.

26. The officer in charge of every prison
shall cause to be affixed in a conspicuous place out-
side such prison a notice of the penalties to which
persons committing offences under sections 23, 24
and 25 of this Ordinance are liable.


27. (1) Subject to the provisions of the
West Indian Prisons Act, 18388, the Governor in
Council may make rules for the regulation and
manayvement of prisons aud for the classification,
treatment, employment, discipline and control of
persons detained therein.

28. (1) Subject to the provisions of the
West Indian Prisons Act 1888, the Governor-in-
Council may make rules for the regulation and
management of prisons, the conduct, discipline
and duties of the officers employed therein, and the
classification, treatment, employment, discipline
and control of prisoners.

(2) Rules made under this section shall make
provision for ensuring that a person who is charged
with any offence under the rules shall be given a
proper opportunity of presenting his case.


Passed the Legislative Council this day
of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


The object of this Bill is to give effect to the
eninge of policy whereby the administration,
management and discipline of prisons will be dealt
with ona Presidential rather than on Federal basis.

~ No. * of 1955. Frison. 11 ANTIQUA.

2. The retention of the power in clause 14
to remove prisoners from one Presidency to
another with the consent of the receiving Presiden-
cy is considered necessary in the interest of the
smaller Presidencies.

3. The Bill is based partly on the United
Kingdom Prison Act, 1952 and partly on the
Prisons Act (Cap. 85) of the Colony from which
several clauses have been taken.

4, A Comparative Table is uttached.

P. Cecrz Lewis,
Attorney General.

16th July, 1954.


United Kingdom Prison Act 1952, 15 & 16 Geo. 6 & 1
El. 2, Ch. 52.

Leeward Islands Prisons Act, Cap. 85, as amended by Acts No.
8/1945 and No. 2/1949.

Grenada Prisons Ordinance Cap. 174.

Clauses Source Comment
2 Section 2 of Cap. 174 of Grenada | Definition of ‘* prison-
Prisons Ordinance Cap. 85 as er” taken from
amended by Act No. 2/1949 Grenada Prisons Or-

dinance Cap. 174,
and definition of

“ prison ” from
Leeward Islands Act

No. 2/1949.
3, 4&5 | Sections 3, 4 & 7 of Cap. 85
6, 7, 8 & 9 | Sections 6, 7, 8 & 9 respectively
of the United Kingdom Act. Modified.
10 Section 13 of United Kingdom
Act. Modified.

11 Section 18 of United Kingdon Act. | Modified.
12 Section 20 of United Kingdom

| Modified.

Antigua. 12 Prison. No. of 1955. *

Olauges Source Comment

13 Section 22 of United Kingdom Modified, Subclause
Act. (3) corresponds to
section 25A (2) of
Cap. 85 as added by
section 5 of Act No.

8 of 1945.
14 New
15 Section 24 of United Kingdom
16 (1) | Section 25 (1) of United Kingdom
(2) | Section 2 of Prisons (Amendment) |
| Act No. 8/1945.
17 | Section 28 of United Kingdom
| Act.
18 Sections 34 and 39 of Cap. 85. Sections 34 and 39 of
Cap. 85 merged.
19 Section 33 of Cap. 85.
20 | Section 37 of Cap. 85.
21 | Section 38 of Cap. 85.
22 Section 40 of Cap. 85. Proviso new.
23 | Section 39 of United Kingdom
24 Section 40 of United Kingdom
25 Section 41 of United Kingdom
26 Section 42 of United Kingdom
27 Section 47 of United Kingdom Modified.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLraoxman, Government Printer.--By Authority.
—4.55. [Price 14 cents. }

= #

No. of 1955. Harbour Launches

No. .of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend further the Harbour
Launches Ordinance, 1919.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Harbour Launches (Amendment) (Ordinance,
1955 and shall be read as one with the Harbour
Launches Ordinance, 1919, as amended, herein-
after called the Principal Ordinance.

2. Section 3 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by—

(a) the re-lettering of paragraph (/)
of the section as paragraph (,) thereof; and

(4) the insertion therein of the follow-
ing as paragraph (/'):—

“(7) prescribe the arrangements
to be made for the carriage of the
passengers’ Inggage and prohibit the

+ ° 2g, P .? 1 ¢
carriage of passengers luggage in any
place not appointed therefor;”.


Short title.


of section 3 of


ANTIGUA. 2 Harbour Launches No. of 1955.

Insertion of 3. The following shall be inserted in the

section 4A in . . : .

Principal Principal Ordinance next after section 4 as sec-

Ordinance. tion 4A:—

“Who may 4A. Any complaint in respect of a

prosecute. : 7 . :
breach of any regulation made under this
Ordinance may be laid or made by the
Harhour Master.”


Passed the Legislative Council this
day of , 1955.

Clerk of the Council,

The object of this Bill is to amend the
Harbour Launches Ordinanes. 1919, to enable
regulations to be made by the Governor in
Council under section 3 of the Ordinance for the
purpose of preventing overloading of tarbour

Ranpart H. Lockuart,
Crown Adtorney.

Printed at the Government Printing ‘fice. Leeward Islan ie
by HK. M. Backman. Government Printer —By Authority.

~316 —4.55. L Price 4 cents.)



1955, No. 5.

1948 (No. 4 or 1948).

(Gazetted April 14, 1955).

VILLA AREA (Town Extension) SCHEME.


The Scheme set out hereunder shall be designated the Villa Area
(Town Extension) Scheme.


The provisions of the scheme shall apply to all that area of land
comprising approximately 65 acres delineated and defined on a map or
plan prepared by C. A. 8. Haxupixn, Licensed Surveyor on the 17th
day of July, 1943 which said land was formerly part of VILLA
ESTATE and is bounded as follows: that is to say on the north by
lands of CADMAN, MULCARE and others and the public road leading
to FORT JAMES, on the east by lunds of MARGETSOM and
FRANKLIN, on the southeast and south by the ANTIGUA SUGAR
FACTORY Railway line leading to the Point Wharf and land belong-
ing to the City Commissioners used as a refuse dump and on the west
by the sea.

8. OssroT oF THE SCHEME.

The object of the scheme is to develop the area as a housing estate
with a view to relieving the pressing need for housing sites hy people in
the Point area where slum conditions exist and for the people of the
middle income group who tind it difficult to get plots of land in devel-
oped areas.

4, DrveLopMENT or LAND.

Save as may be permitted by the terms of an order made under the
provisions of Section 22 (1) of the Town and Country "lanning Ordi-
nance 1948 (No. 4 of 1948) the development of land (within the mean-

9 *

ing of the sid Ordinance) shall be restricted to the area shown on the
aforesaid map or plan and be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of the scheme.

5. Size or Prors.

There are {67 building plots in the area—8 of approximately 21,000
sq. fe. cach, D4 of approximately 6,000 sq. ft. each, 91 of 5,000 sq. ft.
each and 354 of 8,000 sq. ft. each and an open plot for use as a park
and playing field of an approximate area of 5 acres,

6. Zonxixne: Housing Zones.

The plots facing on the road to FORT JAMES shall be regarded
as Zone A. The minimum floor space for dwelling houses in this area
shall be 1,000 sq. fi. This shall also apply to the area on the north side
of the roal to Fort James. Zone B shall cover and extend from main
street B oto the northern side of the main street E. In this area the
minimum floor space of all dwelling houses shall be 320 sq. ft. Zone C
shall extend from the southern side of main street E and the minimum
floor of any dwelling house shall be 120 sq. ft. The height of building
from floor to plate shall not be less than 8 fect, the ventilation space
under the floor shall not be less than 24 inches and the building shall
be on concrete or stone-masonry pillars.


All those plots bordering the streets surroundiug the park and
shown on the map or plan with a red line along the frontage shall be
zoned for the accommodation of commercial buildings, in which area,
stores, shops, offices, printeries, clubs, hotels, restaurants, cinemas,
places of entertainment, retail warehouses, public buildings, and minor
trades not giving rise to public nuisance (ey. noise, smoke, noxious
odours) shall be permitted. Domestic dwellings on upper floor shall be
permitted but all other domestic dwellings shall be excluded.

Pusuic Faciuiriss.

(a) Recreation Centre. The area bounded on the north by main
street D, on the east by cross-street Eb, on the south by main street E
and on the west by cross-street G, shall be zoned for a public recreation
ground and park.

(6) Baths, Latrines § Urinals. Plots marked V along cross-street
G shall be zoned for Public Latrines, Baths and Urinals.

7. PRonipirep Purposes.

(«) No land shal! be bought, sold, leased, mortgaged, exchanged
or sublet without the consent in writing of the Central Authority.


(6) The cousent of the Central Authority shall not be unre asonably
withheld, provided that consent shall not be granted unless the prospective
purchaser, lessee, exehangee or sub-lessee or his agent make a statutory
declaration that the land is required and intended for his own use or the
personal use of his principal.

(c) Tn cases where consent has been withheld to an applicant. for
permission to sell, lease, or exchange, the Central Authority may with
the agreement of the prospective vendor, lessor or exchanger repurchase
the land at a reasonable sum. In the event of failure to arrive at a

reasonable sum by sgreement the matter shall be referred to arbitration.

(d) No dry goods store, shop, parlour or other place where food is
sold shall be established outside the commercial zone, without the
approval in writing of the Central Authority.

No plot as laid out on the said map or plan shall be subdivided.
9. Marinrenance or Lanp anp HovusrE 1n Goon ConpiTIon.

Tt shall be the responsibility of the purchaser of each plot to main-
tain both land and house in good condition to the satisfaction of the
Central Authority.

10. Buripine Line.

In order to preserve the uniformity of the frontage the purchaser
of each plot shall observe the building line which is a distance of at least
30 ft. from the boundary line in Zone A, and in all other zones 10 ft.
from the boundary line: and in no case shall the front of any dwelling
house or any building be made to extend nearer to the said boundary

11. ApprovaL or Puans.

No dwelling house, shop, hotel or other building shall be erected
upon any of the plots otherwise than in accordance w ith plans and eleva-
tions and of materials previously approved by or on behalf of the Central
Authority and no building sh: ull be commenced upon any plot until the
Central Autho i iy or its agents shall have given a certificate in writing
of such approval.

12. Onr Buirpinec or Private House wit

Not more than one building or dwelling house shall be erected on
each plot except the necessary and usual outbuildings, stables, garage
with living rooms over to be used in connection with any house erected
on the same plot or any house now standing or hereafter to be erected on
auy adjoining land; and no building shall be erected until the site and

4 «

elevation thereof and the site of any offices aud stabline thereto shall have
been approved by or on behalf of the Central Authority, and every such
building shall be of such character and deseription and built according to
such plans, desigus and clevations as shall have been similarly approved
in writing before the sais: is commenced, and ao such Luilding shall after
erection be altered without the like previous consent in writing before the
same is commenced.
13. Coverage or Prot.

No dwelling house, including out-houses of whatever character on a
building plot shall cover more than $ of the surface of the plot.

14. Excavation.

No sand or gravel shall be dug out of any plot except in the course
of excavating for foundation.

15. Krrcnens.

The floor of every kitchen shall be nade of non-inflammable materials
wnd the chimney of every such building shall he carried to such a height
above continuous height as may be specified by the Central Authority.


Every garage shall be made of concrete, stone, iron or some non-
inflammable material as far as practicable.

17.) Larrins AccoMMODATION.

Every building intended for use as a dwelling or as a shop, or as
a factory, or as a place of business shall be provided with proper latrine
accommodation of a type to be approved by the Health Authorities.

18. DraInaGr.

Hach plot shall have drains properly laid to a suitable outfall for
the effeint drainage of any rain or surface water from the site, and the
subsoil of the site shall be effectnaily drained, whenever the possibility
of dampness of the site renders such a precaution necessary; and such
drainage shall be subject to inspection and approval of the Authority.

19. Prosecrioxs peyonp Botnpine Ling

No portion of the froui wall of any messuage or dwelling-house to
be erceted on any part of the plot shall project beyond the building line
indicated upon the ssid plu and no portion of or attachmeni to any
building shall project beyond the building line indicated upon the said

‘ 5

There shall not at any time be erected or placed or suffered to be or
remain on any of the plots any temporary building or structure except
sheds, workshops or office rooms to be used for the purpose of and
in connection with the building of permanent buildings in course of
construction upon such plot.

21. ATR SPACE IN FRONT OF DwexLiinc House.

iuvery dweliing house in Zone A shall have an open space of at least
one hundred and ten feet in front thereot; in all other zones this open
space shall be at least 50 feet. The space shall be measured to the boundary
of any land or building immediately a to the dwelling house or to
the opposite site of any public place on which the dwelling house abuts
and the space shall extend throughout the whole frontage of such
dwelling house.

22. Arr space Arounpd Dwetuina Houses.

No dwelling house shall be placed nearer than a distance of sixteen
feet to its site boundary at the rear or nearer than a distance of six feet
from the eaves or any projecting part to its site boundary on either side;
provided that outbuildings approved by the vendor or other competent
authority may be erected at the rear of a dwelling house.


(a) very person intending to erect, remove or alter a building
shall give notice of such intention to the Central Authority,

(Lb) The notice shall be in ae ite upon the form prescribed by
the Central Authority and shall be accompanied by plans in duplicate
sufficient to show that the proposed building comply with the require-
ments of the Central Authority.


The Central Authority shall within six weeks of the delivery
of such notice, signify in writing its approval or disapproval thereof.
In the case of disapproval the Authority shall give reasons for its
disapproval or specify what alterations are required,


Any owner or his agent who intends to execute work to which this
scheme applies,

(a) -ledl notify the Central Authority iii writing, the date on which
worn will begin;


(6) shall notify the Central Authority in writing of the completion
of any work within fourteen days after completion,


(a) Building construction shall commence within six months of
approval, failing which the approval shall be deemed to have lapsed.

Construction shall be completed within one year of the date of

The Central Authority may in its discretion grant an extension of
the above mentioned period.

(6) In the case of default the Central Authority may re-purchase
the lot at the price for which it was sold by the Central Authority and
may purchase for a reasonable sum that part of the building which had
been erected up to the time of expiry of the agreed period. “In the event
of failure to arrive at a reasonable sum by agreement the matter shall be
referred to arbitration.


(a) The Central Authority shall within twenty one days after receipt
of a notice of completion as provided for in clause 25 section (6), inspect
the work covered by such notice.

(b) The Central Authority or any duly authorised officer reserves the
right to enter any part of the scheme whether sold, leased, rented or
exchanged for purpose of such inspection ;

(c) Every person who executes work in any part or section of
the scheme shall afford members of the Central Authority or its duly
authorised employees free access to the work for the purpose of inspection
at all reasonable times during the execution of the work.


(a) The owner or his agent who executes work to wh*-’: this scheme
applies and who receives on the Central Authority notice in writing,
during the progress of the work or within six weeks atter rece ipt by
Yentral Authority of a notice of completion as provided for in clause
section (0) specif ving any matters in respect of which the erection or
execution may be in contravention of the scheme and requiring such
person, within a time specified, to cause anything done contrary to the
provisions of the scheme to be amended or to do ¢ anything which by any
such provision may be reqaired to be done but which nas been omitted to
be done, shal! w ithin the time specified, comply with the several require-
mente and shall deliver to the Authority a notice in writing of the con.
pletion of such work within fourteen days of the completion.




. 9

(b) In the case of non-compliance with the requirements of the
aforesaid notice, it shall be lawful for the Authority in accordance with
the provisions of section 20 of the Town and Country Planning Ordi-
nance of 1948 to execute the works required and recover the cost from
the owner as a civil debt.


Any person aggrieved by the agreement or refusal of the Authority
to signity its approval under clause 24 or to grant its consent under
clause 6 shall have a right of appeal in terms mutatis mutandis of section
14 of the Town and Country Planning Ordinance, 1948.

Made by the Central Housing and Planning Authority this 13th day
of December, 1954.

R. A Piper,
Secretary and Executive Officer
Central Authority.

Noveititr H. Ricuarps,
Chairman Central Authority.

Approved by the Governor in Council this 21st day of December,

J. L. Rosinson,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by EK. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
480-—4.55, [Price 9 cents. ]

Full Text


i oe







WHEREAS under section 3 of the
Cotton Protection Ordinance 1922
(No. 7 of 1922), as amended by the
Cotton Protection Amendment Ordi-
nance, 1926 (No. 5 of 1926), it is
provided that the Governor in Coun-
cil may from time to time by Procla-
mation published in the Gazette
declare any period of each year to be
a close season for cotton and for such
other plants as may be specified in
any such Proclamation either for the
whole Presidency or for such area or
areas thereof as may be specified in
such Proclamation:

LOVELACE, a member of the Most
Excellent Order of the British Empire,
Administrator of the Presidency of
Antigua, with the advice of the
Executive Council of the Presidency
of Antigua, do by this my Proclama-
-tion declare that the period from the
geventh day of May, 1955 to the
fifteenth day of August 1955, inclu-
give, shall be a close season within
the meaning of the said Ordinance for
the whole of the Presidency of Anti-
gua, excepting that area of land situ-
ate at Friars Hill under the control
of the Central Cotton Station. -

‘AND I do hereby order all occu-
piers of land, in pursuance of the
said Ordinance, completely to uproot
and burn all cotton and okra plants
and all or any portion of the same
growing or remaining on any such
land occupied by them before the
first day of the said close season.

AND I do further declare that any
person who sows or plants or causes
to be sown or planted any cotton or
okra in any part of the said Presi-
dency during the said close season
shall be guilty of an offence under
the said Ordinance.

GIVEN at the Administrator’s Office,

‘ Antigua, this 9th day of April,
1955, in the fourth year of Her
Majesty’s reign.


an 7277
yrs &

It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency the Gover-
nor has issued a Commission to the
Hon. P. D. MacboNnaup, O©.M.G.,
appointing him to be Governor's
Deputy during His Excellency’s
absence from Antigua, whilst on leave
in Barbados from the 13th to the
20th April, 1955.

The Secretariat,
12th April, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00283.

It is hereby notified for general
information that Mr. Justice W. A.
DATE, Puisne Judge, has been ap-
pointed to act as Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of the Windward
Islands and Leeward Islands with
effect from the 26th April, 1955,
during the absence of the Honourable
the Chief Justice on vacation leave in
the United Kingdom.

The Secretariat,
12th April, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00111.

It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has been pleased to appoint
the Hon. 8. T. CHRISTIAN, O.B.E.,
to act as Puisne Judge of the Supreme
Court of the Windward Islands and
‘Leeward Islands, with effect from the
26th April, 1955, on the departure of
the Honourable Chief Justice on
vacation leave and the appointment of
the Hon. W. A. DATE, Puisne Judge,
to act as Chief Justice.

The Secretariat,
12th April, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00111.

No. 36.

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information:—

Norris, R., Assistant Colonial Secre-
tary (Establishment). appointed to
act as Colonial Secretary from the
20th to the 23rd April, 1955, inclu-
give, during the absence from the
Colony of the Colonial Secretary.



ublished by Authority.


No. 17.


No. 37.

The following Bills which are to be
introduced in the Legislative Council
of Antigua, are circulated with this
Gazette and form part thereof:—

“The Prison Ordinance, 1955.”

“The Harbour Launches (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1955.”

No. 38.

The following Statutory Rule and
Order is circulated with this Gazette
and forms part thereof:—


No. 5 of 1955, “‘The Villa Area
(Town Extension) Scheme ”

7 pp. / rice 9 cents

General (Open) Import Licence. ,
No 1 of 1955.

1. General (Open) Import Licence
No. 2 of 1954 dated the 9th March,
1954, is hereby amended as follows:—

By the deletion of the words
‘““Lumber and wood products
excluding furniture” fiem the
schedule thereto.

2. General (Open) Import Licence
No. 1 of 1954 dated the 9th Mareh.
1954, is hereby amended as follows:—

By the addition to the Schedule

thereto of the following new

item after item (19)— :

(20) Lumber and wood

Dated this 24th day day of March,
By Order of the Governor,

Supply Officer.

Nationalized or expropriated
British property or interests
in property in Roumania and

Notice is hereby given that pur-
suant to Orders made on the 17th
March, 1955, amending the Principal
Order relating to Roumania and Bul-
garia, the Foreign Compensation
Commission shall not receive any
claim in respect of these two coun-
tries which has not -reached the
Commission on or before 30th April,

Custodian of Hnemy Propertye
Ref. No. A.C. 77/12.

ANTIGUA, 28th March, 1955.
Avenue, New York, State of New
York, United States of America, have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—

in Class 45 that is to say: Cigarettes.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for more

their said Application.

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at ths Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade -Mark.


Registrar of Trade Marks.


than 71 years before the date of


(14 April, 1955.

Central Hxperiment Station,



1961, 1952. 1953.
3.60 3.10 2.55
1.88 1.60 1,02
1.09 1.62 6.60
9th 1149
6.68 6.81 9.17

Printed at the]Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, DL BLACKMAN,

Government Printer.—By Authority,








[Price 13 cents]
No. ° of 1955. Prison.

No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to provide for the establishment,
management, supervision and control of Pris-
ons in the Presidency.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua as
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Prison
Ordinance, 1955, and shall come into operation on
a date to be fixed by the Governor by Proclamation
published in the Gazette.

2. In this Ordinauce unless the context

“prisoner”? means any person lawfully sen-
tenced or ordered to be imprisoned or
detained in prison;

“prison” means gaol, and includes the airing
ground or other ground or buildings
occupied by prison officers and contiguous
thereto and any other place which the
Governor shall by proclamation published
in the (razelte declare to be a prison.


Short title
and Com-



to provide
and maintain

Power to alter
prisons and
build new

Closing of


of 1955.


Prison, No.

3. There shall be provided and maintained
at the expense of the Presidency, adequate accom-
modation for its prisoners in a prison:

Provided however that the buildings and
premises in the Presidency now used as a prison
shall continue to be used as the prison for the

4. The Governor may with the approval of
the Legislative Council alter, enlarge or rebuild any
prison in the Presidency or may, if necessary, build
new prisons in lieu of or in addition to any existing

5. (1) The Governor may at any time by
proclamation declare any prison in the Presidency
to be closed; and every prison which the Governor
shall so declare to be closed shall, as from the date
of the proclamation, cease to be used as a prison

(2) Persons committed to any prison closed
under this section shall, upon the closing of such
prison, be deemed to be committed to the prison
nearest’ thereto, or to such other prison as the
Governor may appoint or determine.


6. (1) Rules made under section 27 of this
Ordinance shall provide for the constitution by the
Governor of a visiting committee of a prison
consisting of Justices of the Peace of the Presidency
appointed at such times, in such manner and for
such periods as may be prescribed by the Rules.

(2) Rules made as aforesaid shall prescribe the
functions of the visiting committee and shall among
other things require members to pay frequent visits
to a prison and hear any complaints which may be
made by the prisoners, to consider periodically the
the character, conduet and prospeets of each pris-
oner and report to the Governor any matter which
they consider it expedient to report; and any
- No. : of 1955. Prison. 3

member of the visiting committee may at any time
enter the prison and shall have free access to every
part of it and to every prisoner.

Prison OFrricers.

7. (1) The Governor shall appoint an officer
with such title as he may approve who shall be in
charge of the prison in the Presidency and shall
superintend and manage the same.

(2) In addition to the officer appointed under
subsection (1) of this section the Governor shall
appoint such other officers including an honorary
chaplain, as may be necessary, for the efficient
management of the prison.

(3) The duties of the officers appointed by
virtue of subsections (1) and (2) of this section
shall be such as may be prescribed by Rules made
under section 27 of this Ordinance.

8. Every male prison officer while acting as
such shall have all the powers, authority, protection
and privileges of a constable.


9. (1) A prisoner, whether sentenced to
imprisonment «r committed to prison on remand or
pending trial or otherwise, may be lawfully confined
in any prison.

(2) Prisoners shall be committed to such pris-
ons as the Governor may from time to time direct;
and may by direction of the Governor be removed
during the term of their imprisonment from the
prison in which they are confined to any other
prison in the Presidency.

(3) A writ, warrant or other legal instrament
addressed to the officer in charge of a prison and
identifying that prison by its situation or by any
other sufficient description shall not be invalidated
by reason only that the prison is usually known by
a different description.

(1) Every prisoner shall be deemed to
be in a legal custody of the officer in charge of the



Powers of

Place of cor:-
finement of

Legal custody
of prisoner,

in prisons.

4 Prison. No. of 1955.

(2) A prisoner shall be deemed to be in legal
custody while he is confined in, or is being taken to
or from, any prison and while he is working, or is
for any other reason, outside the prison in the
custody or under the control of an officer of the

11. (1) Except as provided by this section,
corporal punishment shall not be inflicted in any

(2) Rules made under section 27 of this
Ordinance may authorise the infliction of corporal
punishment for mutiny, incitement to mutiny, or
gross personal violence to an officer of a prison
when committed by a male prisoner.

(3) The rules shall not authorise the infliction
of corporal punishment except by order of the
visiting committee made at a meeting at which not
less than three members ure present; and no such
order shall be made except after an inquiry in which
the evidence is given on oath:

Provided that the Governor may, if he thinks
fit in any particular case, direct that the functions
exercisable as aforesaid by the visiting committee
shall be exercised by a magistrate appointed by him
in that behalf.

(4) The punishment which may be inflicted
under such an order as aforesaid shall not exceed—

(a) in the case of a person appearing to
the visiting committee or magistrate to be not
less than twenty-one yeurs of age, eighteen
strokes of a cat-o’-nine-tails or tamarind rod; or

(6) in the case of a person appearing to
them or him to be under that age, twelve
strokes of a tamarind rod,

and if corporal punishment is inflicted, no further
punishment by way of confinement in cells or
restricted diet shall be imposed.

(5) Where an order for the infliction of
corporal punishment bas been made under this
section, a copy of the notes of the evidence given

* No. ot 1955. Prison. 5

at the inquiry, « copy of the order and a atatement
of the grounds on which it was made shall forth-
with be viven to the Governor; and the order shall
be carried into effect only after confirmation by
the Governor and, if the Governor confirms the
order with modifications, in accordance with the

(6) A refusal by the Governor to confirm such
an order as aforesaid shall not prejudice any power
to impose another punishment for the offence for
which the order was made.

2. The officer in charge of every prison in
which persons committed for trial before a Circuit
Court are confined shall deliver to that Court a
calendar of those persons.

18. (1) Rules made under section 27 of this
Ordinance may provide in what manner an appellant
within the meaning of the Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands Court of Appeal Rules, 1940,
when in custody, is to be taken to, kept in Custody
at, and brought back from, any place at which he is
entitled to be present for the purposes of those rules,
or any place to which the Court of Appeal for the

Vindward Islands and Leeward Islands or any
judge thereof may order him to be taken for the
purpose of any proceedings of that Court.

(2) The Governor may—

(a) if he is satisfied that the attendance
at any place in the Presidency of a person
detained in a prison in the Presidency is
desirable in the interests of justice or for the
purposes of any public inquiry, direct him to
be taken to that place ;

(6) if. he is satisfied that a person so
detained requires medical or surgical treatment
of any description, direct him to be taken toa
hospital or other suitable place for the purpose
of the treatment,

and where any person is directed under this sub-
section to be taken to any place he shall, unless the
Governor otherwise directs, be kept in custody


Duty of
ofiicer in
charge to
calendar of

Removal of
prisoners for
judicial and
other pur-

Ss. BR. & O.
1940 No. 22

Removal of
from prison
in one Presi-
denoy to

in another

of term of

for good
conduct and
award of

6 Prison. No. of 1 955.

while being so taken, while at that place, and while
being taken back to the prison in which he is
required in accordance with law to be detained.

(3) It shall be lawful for any magistrate, in
any case where he may see fit to do so, upon
application to issue a warrant or order under his
hand for any prisoner to be taken from the
prison to his Court for the purpose of answering
any charge that may be preferred against him.

14. The Governor may by writing under
his hand order any prisoncr in the Presidency to
be removed to a prison in another Presidency
there to undergo the period of his imprisonment
or detention:

Provided however that no order shall be
made under this section unless the consent of
the Government of the Presidency to which the
prisoner is to be removed has been first obtained.

15 (1) Inany sentence of imprisonment
the word “ month” shall, unless the contrary is
is expressed, be construed as meaning calendar

(2) A prisoner who but for this subsection
would be discharged on a Sunday, Christmas Day
or Good Friday, shall be discharged on the day
next preceding.

16. (1) Rules made under section 27 of
this Ordinance may make provision whereby, in
such circumstances as may be prescribed by the
rules, a person serving a sentence of imprison-
ment for such a term as may be so prescribed
inay be granted remission of such part of that
sentence as may be so prescribed on the ground
of his industry and good conduct, and on the
discharge of a person from prison in pursuance
of any such remission as aforesaid his sentence
shall expire.

(2) Rules made as aforesaid may also
provide for the award of gratuities on their
discharge to prisoners who have been sentenced
to imprisonment with hard labour for a term of
or exceeding twelve months,
* No. ° of 1955. Prison. 7

17. (1) If the Governor is satisfied that by
reason of the condition of a prisoner’s health it is
undesirable to detain him in prison, but that,
such condition of health being due in whole
or in part to the prisoner’s own conduct in
prison, it is desirable that his release should be
temporary and conditional only, the Governor
may, if he thinks fit having regard to all the
circumstances of the case, by Order authorise the
temporary discharge of the prisoner for such
period and subject to such conditions as may be
stated in the order.

(2) Where an order of temporary discharge
is made in the case of a prisoner not under sentence,
the order shail contain conditions requiring the
attendance of the prisomer at any further proceed-
ings on his case at whicn his presence may be

(3) Any prisoner discharged under this section
shall comply with any conditions stated in the
order of temporary discharge, and shall return to
prison at the expiration of the period stated in the
order, or of such extended period as may be fixed
by any subsequent order of the Governor, and if the
prisoner fails so to comply or return, he may be
arrested without warrant and taken back to prison.

(4) Where a prisoner under sentence is dis-
charged in pursuance of an order of temporary
discharge, the currency of the sentence shall be
suspended from the day on which he is discharged
from prison under the order to the day on which
he is received back into prison, so that the former
day shall be reckoned and the latter shall not be
reckoned as part of the sentence.

(5) Nothing in this section shall affect the
duties of the medical officer of a prison in respect
of a prisoner whom the Governor does not think fit
to discharge under this section.

18. Every prisoner who—

(a) escapes or attempts to escape from
any prison wherein he is lawfully confined; or


Power of
Governor to
on account
of ill health.

attempt to
escape, and
prison breach.
AntTIaua. 8 Prison. No. of 1955. ‘

(b) escapes or attempts to escape during
the time of his conveyance to or from « prison,
or whilst on his way to or from any road or
public work, or during the time of his
employment therein; or

(c) forcibly breaks out of any cell or
other place in which he is lawfully confined or
makes any breach therin with intent to escape,

shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance
and on conviction thereof on indictment be liable
to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two

Rescue, or 19. Every person who rescues, or attempts

aia a of to rescue any person who has been convicted, or

prisoners. who is in custody, on « charge of felony, shall be
guilty of felony and shall be liable to be imprisoned,
with or without hard labour, for any term uot ex-
ceeding three years; and every person who rescues,
or attempts to rescue, any person who has been
convicted, or who is in custody, on a criminal
charge other than felony, shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanour, and shall be liable to be imprisoned,
with or without hard labour, for any term not ex-
ceeding eighteen months; and all persons aiding,
assisting or abetting the commission of any such
offence as aforesaid shall le liable to be prosecuted
and punished in the same manner as principals.

Wiltully 20. Every person having the custody of a
permitting prisoner who shall kuowinely and wilfully allow
prisoner to . d ae : J.

escape. him to escape, shal] be liable to be imprisoned,

with or without hard labour, for any term not ex-
ceeding two years.

Negligently 21. Fyery person having the custody of a
permitting : " } | h lie - earel oe ante

venoner te —- Prisoner, who, through negligence or carelessness,
escape, allows any sush prisoner to escape, shall be lable

to fine or imprisonment, or both, at the discretion
of the Court.

Assaulting 22. Any person who assaults or resists any
cea prison officer in the execution of his duty, or aids
officers, or excites any person so io assault or resist any

such officer shall be liable on summary conviction

to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars,


No. of 1955. Prison. 9

or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour,
for any term not exceeding two months; or, if the
offender be a prisoner, he shall be liable, on
conviction on indictment, to be imprisoned, with
or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding
one year;

Provided however that: no prisoner shall be
liable both to punishmnt under this section and
section 11 of this Ordinance for an assault against
a prison officer.

28. Any person who aids any prisoner in
escaping or attempting to escape from a prison or
who, with intent to facilitate the escape of any
prisoner, conveys any thing into a prison or to a
prisoner or places any thing anywhere outside a
prison with a view to its coming into the posses-
sion of a prisoner, shall be guilty of felony and
liable to imprisonment fora term not exceeding
two years.

24. Any person who contrary to the rules
of a prison brings or attempts to bring into the
prison or to a prisoner any spirituous or fermented
liquor or tobacco, or places any such liquor or any
tobacco anywhere outside the prison with intent
that it shall come into the possession of a prisoner,
and any officer who contrary to those rules allows
any such liquor or any tobacco to be sold or used
in the prison, shall be liable on summary convic-
tion to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six
months or a fine not exceeding one hundred

25. Any person who contrary to the rules
of a prison conveys or attempts to convey any let-
ter or any other thing into or out of the prison or
to a prisoner or places it anywhere outside the
prison with intent that it shall come into the pos-
session of a prisoner shall, where he is not thereby
guilty of an offence under either section 23° or
section 24 of this Ordinance be liable on summary
conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars,


prisoner to

of spirits or
tobacco into
prison etc,

of other

Display of
notice of

Power to
make Rules.
1 & 2 Vict.
ce. 67

1 & 2 Vict.
c. 67

10 Prison. No. of 1455.

26. The officer in charge of every prison
shall cause to be affixed in a conspicuous place out-
side such prison a notice of the penalties to which
persons committing offences under sections 23, 24
and 25 of this Ordinance are liable.


27. (1) Subject to the provisions of the
West Indian Prisons Act, 18388, the Governor in
Council may make rules for the regulation and
manayvement of prisons aud for the classification,
treatment, employment, discipline and control of
persons detained therein.

28. (1) Subject to the provisions of the
West Indian Prisons Act 1888, the Governor-in-
Council may make rules for the regulation and
management of prisons, the conduct, discipline
and duties of the officers employed therein, and the
classification, treatment, employment, discipline
and control of prisoners.

(2) Rules made under this section shall make
provision for ensuring that a person who is charged
with any offence under the rules shall be given a
proper opportunity of presenting his case.


Passed the Legislative Council this day
of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


The object of this Bill is to give effect to the
eninge of policy whereby the administration,
management and discipline of prisons will be dealt
with ona Presidential rather than on Federal basis.
~ No. * of 1955. Frison. 11 ANTIQUA.

2. The retention of the power in clause 14
to remove prisoners from one Presidency to
another with the consent of the receiving Presiden-
cy is considered necessary in the interest of the
smaller Presidencies.

3. The Bill is based partly on the United
Kingdom Prison Act, 1952 and partly on the
Prisons Act (Cap. 85) of the Colony from which
several clauses have been taken.

4, A Comparative Table is uttached.

P. Cecrz Lewis,
Attorney General.

16th July, 1954.


United Kingdom Prison Act 1952, 15 & 16 Geo. 6 & 1
El. 2, Ch. 52.

Leeward Islands Prisons Act, Cap. 85, as amended by Acts No.
8/1945 and No. 2/1949.

Grenada Prisons Ordinance Cap. 174.

Clauses Source Comment
2 Section 2 of Cap. 174 of Grenada | Definition of ‘* prison-
Prisons Ordinance Cap. 85 as er” taken from
amended by Act No. 2/1949 Grenada Prisons Or-

dinance Cap. 174,
and definition of

“ prison ” from
Leeward Islands Act

No. 2/1949.
3, 4&5 | Sections 3, 4 & 7 of Cap. 85
6, 7, 8 & 9 | Sections 6, 7, 8 & 9 respectively
of the United Kingdom Act. Modified.
10 Section 13 of United Kingdom
Act. Modified.

11 Section 18 of United Kingdon Act. | Modified.
12 Section 20 of United Kingdom

| Modified.
Antigua. 12 Prison. No. of 1955. *

Olauges Source Comment

13 Section 22 of United Kingdom Modified, Subclause
Act. (3) corresponds to
section 25A (2) of
Cap. 85 as added by
section 5 of Act No.

8 of 1945.
14 New
15 Section 24 of United Kingdom
16 (1) | Section 25 (1) of United Kingdom
(2) | Section 2 of Prisons (Amendment) |
| Act No. 8/1945.
17 | Section 28 of United Kingdom
| Act.
18 Sections 34 and 39 of Cap. 85. Sections 34 and 39 of
Cap. 85 merged.
19 Section 33 of Cap. 85.
20 | Section 37 of Cap. 85.
21 | Section 38 of Cap. 85.
22 Section 40 of Cap. 85. Proviso new.
23 | Section 39 of United Kingdom
24 Section 40 of United Kingdom
25 Section 41 of United Kingdom
26 Section 42 of United Kingdom
27 Section 47 of United Kingdom Modified.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLraoxman, Government Printer.--By Authority.
—4.55. [Price 14 cents. }
= #

No. of 1955. Harbour Launches

No. .of 1955.

An Ordinance to amend further the Harbour
Launches Ordinance, 1919.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Harbour Launches (Amendment) (Ordinance,
1955 and shall be read as one with the Harbour
Launches Ordinance, 1919, as amended, herein-
after called the Principal Ordinance.

2. Section 3 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by—

(a) the re-lettering of paragraph (/)
of the section as paragraph (,) thereof; and

(4) the insertion therein of the follow-
ing as paragraph (/'):—

“(7) prescribe the arrangements
to be made for the carriage of the
passengers’ Inggage and prohibit the

+ ° 2g, P .? 1 ¢
carriage of passengers luggage in any
place not appointed therefor;”.


Short title.


of section 3 of

ANTIGUA. 2 Harbour Launches No. of 1955.

Insertion of 3. The following shall be inserted in the

section 4A in . . : .

Principal Principal Ordinance next after section 4 as sec-

Ordinance. tion 4A:—

“Who may 4A. Any complaint in respect of a

prosecute. : 7 . :
breach of any regulation made under this
Ordinance may be laid or made by the
Harhour Master.”


Passed the Legislative Council this
day of , 1955.

Clerk of the Council,

The object of this Bill is to amend the
Harbour Launches Ordinanes. 1919, to enable
regulations to be made by the Governor in
Council under section 3 of the Ordinance for the
purpose of preventing overloading of tarbour

Ranpart H. Lockuart,
Crown Adtorney.

Printed at the Government Printing ‘fice. Leeward Islan ie
by HK. M. Backman. Government Printer —By Authority.

~316 —4.55. L Price 4 cents.)


1955, No. 5.

1948 (No. 4 or 1948).

(Gazetted April 14, 1955).

VILLA AREA (Town Extension) SCHEME.


The Scheme set out hereunder shall be designated the Villa Area
(Town Extension) Scheme.


The provisions of the scheme shall apply to all that area of land
comprising approximately 65 acres delineated and defined on a map or
plan prepared by C. A. 8. Haxupixn, Licensed Surveyor on the 17th
day of July, 1943 which said land was formerly part of VILLA
ESTATE and is bounded as follows: that is to say on the north by
lands of CADMAN, MULCARE and others and the public road leading
to FORT JAMES, on the east by lunds of MARGETSOM and
FRANKLIN, on the southeast and south by the ANTIGUA SUGAR
FACTORY Railway line leading to the Point Wharf and land belong-
ing to the City Commissioners used as a refuse dump and on the west
by the sea.

8. OssroT oF THE SCHEME.

The object of the scheme is to develop the area as a housing estate
with a view to relieving the pressing need for housing sites hy people in
the Point area where slum conditions exist and for the people of the
middle income group who tind it difficult to get plots of land in devel-
oped areas.

4, DrveLopMENT or LAND.

Save as may be permitted by the terms of an order made under the
provisions of Section 22 (1) of the Town and Country "lanning Ordi-
nance 1948 (No. 4 of 1948) the development of land (within the mean-
9 *

ing of the sid Ordinance) shall be restricted to the area shown on the
aforesaid map or plan and be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of the scheme.

5. Size or Prors.

There are {67 building plots in the area—8 of approximately 21,000
sq. fe. cach, D4 of approximately 6,000 sq. ft. each, 91 of 5,000 sq. ft.
each and 354 of 8,000 sq. ft. each and an open plot for use as a park
and playing field of an approximate area of 5 acres,

6. Zonxixne: Housing Zones.

The plots facing on the road to FORT JAMES shall be regarded
as Zone A. The minimum floor space for dwelling houses in this area
shall be 1,000 sq. fi. This shall also apply to the area on the north side
of the roal to Fort James. Zone B shall cover and extend from main
street B oto the northern side of the main street E. In this area the
minimum floor space of all dwelling houses shall be 320 sq. ft. Zone C
shall extend from the southern side of main street E and the minimum
floor of any dwelling house shall be 120 sq. ft. The height of building
from floor to plate shall not be less than 8 fect, the ventilation space
under the floor shall not be less than 24 inches and the building shall
be on concrete or stone-masonry pillars.


All those plots bordering the streets surroundiug the park and
shown on the map or plan with a red line along the frontage shall be
zoned for the accommodation of commercial buildings, in which area,
stores, shops, offices, printeries, clubs, hotels, restaurants, cinemas,
places of entertainment, retail warehouses, public buildings, and minor
trades not giving rise to public nuisance (ey. noise, smoke, noxious
odours) shall be permitted. Domestic dwellings on upper floor shall be
permitted but all other domestic dwellings shall be excluded.

Pusuic Faciuiriss.

(a) Recreation Centre. The area bounded on the north by main
street D, on the east by cross-street Eb, on the south by main street E
and on the west by cross-street G, shall be zoned for a public recreation
ground and park.

(6) Baths, Latrines § Urinals. Plots marked V along cross-street
G shall be zoned for Public Latrines, Baths and Urinals.

7. PRonipirep Purposes.

(«) No land shal! be bought, sold, leased, mortgaged, exchanged
or sublet without the consent in writing of the Central Authority.

(6) The cousent of the Central Authority shall not be unre asonably
withheld, provided that consent shall not be granted unless the prospective
purchaser, lessee, exehangee or sub-lessee or his agent make a statutory
declaration that the land is required and intended for his own use or the
personal use of his principal.

(c) Tn cases where consent has been withheld to an applicant. for
permission to sell, lease, or exchange, the Central Authority may with
the agreement of the prospective vendor, lessor or exchanger repurchase
the land at a reasonable sum. In the event of failure to arrive at a

reasonable sum by sgreement the matter shall be referred to arbitration.

(d) No dry goods store, shop, parlour or other place where food is
sold shall be established outside the commercial zone, without the
approval in writing of the Central Authority.

No plot as laid out on the said map or plan shall be subdivided.
9. Marinrenance or Lanp anp HovusrE 1n Goon ConpiTIon.

Tt shall be the responsibility of the purchaser of each plot to main-
tain both land and house in good condition to the satisfaction of the
Central Authority.

10. Buripine Line.

In order to preserve the uniformity of the frontage the purchaser
of each plot shall observe the building line which is a distance of at least
30 ft. from the boundary line in Zone A, and in all other zones 10 ft.
from the boundary line: and in no case shall the front of any dwelling
house or any building be made to extend nearer to the said boundary

11. ApprovaL or Puans.

No dwelling house, shop, hotel or other building shall be erected
upon any of the plots otherwise than in accordance w ith plans and eleva-
tions and of materials previously approved by or on behalf of the Central
Authority and no building sh: ull be commenced upon any plot until the
Central Autho i iy or its agents shall have given a certificate in writing
of such approval.

12. Onr Buirpinec or Private House wit

Not more than one building or dwelling house shall be erected on
each plot except the necessary and usual outbuildings, stables, garage
with living rooms over to be used in connection with any house erected
on the same plot or any house now standing or hereafter to be erected on
auy adjoining land; and no building shall be erected until the site and
4 «

elevation thereof and the site of any offices aud stabline thereto shall have
been approved by or on behalf of the Central Authority, and every such
building shall be of such character and deseription and built according to
such plans, desigus and clevations as shall have been similarly approved
in writing before the sais: is commenced, and ao such Luilding shall after
erection be altered without the like previous consent in writing before the
same is commenced.
13. Coverage or Prot.

No dwelling house, including out-houses of whatever character on a
building plot shall cover more than $ of the surface of the plot.

14. Excavation.

No sand or gravel shall be dug out of any plot except in the course
of excavating for foundation.

15. Krrcnens.

The floor of every kitchen shall be nade of non-inflammable materials
wnd the chimney of every such building shall he carried to such a height
above continuous height as may be specified by the Central Authority.


Every garage shall be made of concrete, stone, iron or some non-
inflammable material as far as practicable.

17.) Larrins AccoMMODATION.

Every building intended for use as a dwelling or as a shop, or as
a factory, or as a place of business shall be provided with proper latrine
accommodation of a type to be approved by the Health Authorities.

18. DraInaGr.

Hach plot shall have drains properly laid to a suitable outfall for
the effeint drainage of any rain or surface water from the site, and the
subsoil of the site shall be effectnaily drained, whenever the possibility
of dampness of the site renders such a precaution necessary; and such
drainage shall be subject to inspection and approval of the Authority.

19. Prosecrioxs peyonp Botnpine Ling

No portion of the froui wall of any messuage or dwelling-house to
be erceted on any part of the plot shall project beyond the building line
indicated upon the ssid plu and no portion of or attachmeni to any
building shall project beyond the building line indicated upon the said
‘ 5

There shall not at any time be erected or placed or suffered to be or
remain on any of the plots any temporary building or structure except
sheds, workshops or office rooms to be used for the purpose of and
in connection with the building of permanent buildings in course of
construction upon such plot.

21. ATR SPACE IN FRONT OF DwexLiinc House.

iuvery dweliing house in Zone A shall have an open space of at least
one hundred and ten feet in front thereot; in all other zones this open
space shall be at least 50 feet. The space shall be measured to the boundary
of any land or building immediately a to the dwelling house or to
the opposite site of any public place on which the dwelling house abuts
and the space shall extend throughout the whole frontage of such
dwelling house.

22. Arr space Arounpd Dwetuina Houses.

No dwelling house shall be placed nearer than a distance of sixteen
feet to its site boundary at the rear or nearer than a distance of six feet
from the eaves or any projecting part to its site boundary on either side;
provided that outbuildings approved by the vendor or other competent
authority may be erected at the rear of a dwelling house.


(a) very person intending to erect, remove or alter a building
shall give notice of such intention to the Central Authority,

(Lb) The notice shall be in ae ite upon the form prescribed by
the Central Authority and shall be accompanied by plans in duplicate
sufficient to show that the proposed building comply with the require-
ments of the Central Authority.


The Central Authority shall within six weeks of the delivery
of such notice, signify in writing its approval or disapproval thereof.
In the case of disapproval the Authority shall give reasons for its
disapproval or specify what alterations are required,


Any owner or his agent who intends to execute work to which this
scheme applies,

(a) -ledl notify the Central Authority iii writing, the date on which
worn will begin;

(6) shall notify the Central Authority in writing of the completion
of any work within fourteen days after completion,


(a) Building construction shall commence within six months of
approval, failing which the approval shall be deemed to have lapsed.

Construction shall be completed within one year of the date of

The Central Authority may in its discretion grant an extension of
the above mentioned period.

(6) In the case of default the Central Authority may re-purchase
the lot at the price for which it was sold by the Central Authority and
may purchase for a reasonable sum that part of the building which had
been erected up to the time of expiry of the agreed period. “In the event
of failure to arrive at a reasonable sum by agreement the matter shall be
referred to arbitration.


(a) The Central Authority shall within twenty one days after receipt
of a notice of completion as provided for in clause 25 section (6), inspect
the work covered by such notice.

(b) The Central Authority or any duly authorised officer reserves the
right to enter any part of the scheme whether sold, leased, rented or
exchanged for purpose of such inspection ;

(c) Every person who executes work in any part or section of
the scheme shall afford members of the Central Authority or its duly
authorised employees free access to the work for the purpose of inspection
at all reasonable times during the execution of the work.


(a) The owner or his agent who executes work to wh*-’: this scheme
applies and who receives on the Central Authority notice in writing,
during the progress of the work or within six weeks atter rece ipt by
Yentral Authority of a notice of completion as provided for in clause
section (0) specif ving any matters in respect of which the erection or
execution may be in contravention of the scheme and requiring such
person, within a time specified, to cause anything done contrary to the
provisions of the scheme to be amended or to do ¢ anything which by any
such provision may be reqaired to be done but which nas been omitted to
be done, shal! w ithin the time specified, comply with the several require-
mente and shall deliver to the Authority a notice in writing of the con.
pletion of such work within fourteen days of the completion.



. 9

(b) In the case of non-compliance with the requirements of the
aforesaid notice, it shall be lawful for the Authority in accordance with
the provisions of section 20 of the Town and Country Planning Ordi-
nance of 1948 to execute the works required and recover the cost from
the owner as a civil debt.


Any person aggrieved by the agreement or refusal of the Authority
to signity its approval under clause 24 or to grant its consent under
clause 6 shall have a right of appeal in terms mutatis mutandis of section
14 of the Town and Country Planning Ordinance, 1948.

Made by the Central Housing and Planning Authority this 13th day
of December, 1954.

R. A Piper,
Secretary and Executive Officer
Central Authority.

Noveititr H. Ricuarps,
Chairman Central Authority.

Approved by the Governor in Council this 21st day of December,

J. L. Rosinson,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by EK. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
480-—4.55, [Price 9 cents. ]