Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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ise y Authority.

F ESHA Y , 3lst MARCH, 1955.

No. 15.


It is notified for general informa-
tion that the Hon. P. C. Lewis,
Attorney General, will shortly pro-
ceed to the United Kingdom on vaca-
tion leave and that the following
acting appointments have been
approved with effect from the 30th
March, 1955:—

The Hon. R. H. LOCKHART to
act as Attorney General;

Mr. D. H. A. MCNAMARA to act
as Crown Attorney, Antigua;

Mr. J. D. B. RENWICK to act as
Magistrate, Antigua; and

Mr. 8. L. ATHILL, I.S.0., M.B.E.,
to be appointed to act as Additional
Magistrate, Antigua.

The Secretariat,
26th March, 1955.
C. 13/00070.

It is notified for general information
that the Governor’s Deputy has issued
commissions appointing:

(a) Mr. J. D. B. RENWICK to
act as Magistrate in and for the
Magisterial Districts “ A”’, ““B” and
“TL,” (Barbuda); and

(6) Mr. 8S. L. ATHIuL, I.S.0.,
M.B.E., to act as Additional Magis-
trate in and for the Magisterial
Districts “A” and “B”

with effect from the 30th March, 1955.
The Secretariat,

Ref. No. 13/00048.

Telecommunications Officer

The Administrator of Antigua pur-
suant to the powers delegated to him
by the Governor has, under section 3
of the Telecommunications Act, 1949
(No. 13/1949) been pleased to appoint
Mr. G. A. THIBOU, Principal, Admin-
istration, with effect from Ist April,
1955, as Telecommunications Officer
for the Presidency of Antigua vice
Mr. A. McP. TAaYLor.

Administrator's Office,
24th March, 1955.

Ref. No. A. 47/14.



FLL: 72597
A €&7L

No. 33.

Appointments and transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information:—

EDWARDS, E. H. M., Assistant Colo-
nial Secretary, has been appointed
to act as Colonial Secretary with
effect from the 2nd to the 9th
April, inclusive, during the absence
of the Colonial Secretary attending
a conference in Jamaica.

FostreR, Miss H., Junior Clerk,
Public Works Department, Antigua,
confirmed in appointment.

Mar. 18.

PHILBERT, F. X., Certificated Ele-
menatry School Assistant Grade I,
to be Certificated Hlementary
School Head Teacher Grade I.

April 1

No. 34.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has notified the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the un-
dermentioned Ordinance:—

St. Christopher, Nevis and Anguilla.

No. 8 of 1954, *« The St. Christopher,
Nevis and Anguilla Defence Force
Ordinance, 1954.”

Ref. No. 47/00259.

No. 35.

The following Bill which is to be
introduced in the Legislative Council
of Antigua, is circnlated with this
Gazette and forms part thereof:—


Defence Force Ordinance,

In the matter of the Estate of

To all creditors of the above estate.

You are hereby notified that you
are to come in and prove your debts
and file your cluims at the office of
the Administrator of Estates at the
Court House in the town of Basseterre
in the Island of Saint Christopher
against the said estate.

Creditors resident within the
Colony of the Leeward Islands ure
to file their claims within four
months after the 15th day of March,

Creditors resident out of the said
Colony are to file their claims eight
months from the said 15th day of
March, 1955.

that any creditors failing to file their
claims within the time above specified
will be excluded from any benefits
arising from the said Estate.

the said
pay the
debts to

All persons indebted to
deceased are requested to
amount of their respective

Dated the 15th day of March, 1955.

H. S. L. MoOsELeEy,
Administrator of Estates.

University College Hospital of
the West Indies.

Applications are invited for two
posts of Registrar or Senior Registrar
in the Division of Obstetrics and
Gynecology at the above-named
teaching hospital which is in special
relationship with the University of
London. A higher qualification in
Obstetrics & Gynzcology is desirable
but not essential. The successful
candidates will be required to assume
duties by the end of June and early
in October, 1955, respectively.

The appointments will each be for
one year in the first instance, subject
to renewsl. Salary is in the scale
£800x100-£1,000/£1,100x100—£ 1,400
per annum, depending on experience
and qualitications. Single accommo-
dation and board ora limited number
of unfurnished flats for unmarried or
married Officers, are provided at a
deduction of £125 per annum or 5%
of salary, respectively. Return first
class passage by sea will be paid for
one person only in each cage.

Further information may be ob-
tained from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona, St. Andrew, Jamaica,
B. W.1., to whom applications stating
age, nationality and details of quali-
fications and experience, together
with three recent testimonials or the
names and addresses of three referees,
should be sent by the 16th of April,

Ref. No. 13/00286.


University College Hospital of
the Wes: Indies.



Applications are invited for the
post of Chief Pharmacist at the
above-named teaching hospital which
is in special relationship with the
University of London. Applicants
shouid possess the Ph. C. qualification
or its equivalent, and should be
experienced in sterilization and
hospital routine.

The successful applicant will be
required to train students to the
standard of the Chemists & Druggists
qualifying examination, and to give
instruction in Pharmacy to Medical
students studying for the M.B., B.S.
degree of the University of London.

The salary payable will be in the

scale £950-25-£1,050 per annum,
depending on qualifications and
experience. A deduction of 5% of

salary will be made for superannna-
tion purposes. Return first class
pass:ge by sca will be paid for one
person only.

Further information may be ob-
tained from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona, St. Andrew, Jamaica,
B. W.L., to whom applications stating
age, nationality and details of qualifi-
cations and experience, together with
three recent testimonials or the names
and addresses of three referees, should
be sent by the 30th of June, 1955.

Ref. No, 13/00286.

Headmaster, Grammar School,
St. Vincent, B.W.I.

Applications are invited for the
post of Headmaster, the Grammar
School, St. Vincent, B.W.1.

The school ig a Government Insti-
tution. It has at present a roll of
260 boys and takes pupils to the
Cambridge Certificate and Higher
School Certificate Standard.

meme 2 tp



Applicants should. possess a degree
of a University within the British
Commonwealth, and should have had
teaching experience in a Secondary
School. Applicauts should furnish
detailed accounts of their qualifica-
tions and experience together with
suitable testimonials, when submit-
ting their applications.

The salary of the post is in the
scale $3,840 x 120—4,560 (£800 x 25
—950) per annum. The point of
entry to the scale will depend on the
qualifications and experience of the
successful candidate, and he will be
on probation for one year. The
holder of the post has Civil Service
Status and the post is pensionable.
The appointment will be snbject to
the passing of a satisfactory medical

Income Tax is payable in accord-
ance with local legislation.

Free passages on first appointment
will be provided for the officer, his
wife and children. Vacation leave
and leave passages are provided in
accordance with local regulations.

Applications must be addressed to
the Assistant Administrator & Estab-
lishment Officer, Government Office,
St. Vincent, B.W.1., and must reach
him not later than 31st July, 1955.

Ref. No. 12/00286.

Girls’ High School,

St. Vincent.

Applications are invited from snit-
ably qualified candidates for appuint-
ment to a post of Senior Assistant
Mistress, Girls’ High School.


[31 March, 195é,

The school is a Government
Institution, the post is pensionable,
the appointment will be subject to
the passing of a satisfactory medical
examination, and will be on probation
for one year in the first instance.

Applicants should possess a degree
of a University within the British
Commonwealth, and must be able to
teach one of the subjects History,
Geography, French, Latin, to Higher
School Certificate standard, and one
to subsidiary level. They should
also have had teaching experience in
a Secondary School.

The salary of the post is in the
scale $2,016-96-2,688 (£420-20-£560)
per annum. Entry into the salary
scale will be determined according to
the qualifications and experience of
the candidate.

‘Free passage on first appointment :
will be provided for the successful
candidate. Government officials are y
liable to taxation impose: by local


Applications accompanied by copies
of recent testimonials should be
addressed to the Assistant Adminis-
trator and Establishment Officer,
Government Office, St. Vincent, and
must reach him not later than the
30th April, 1955.

Central Experiment Station.

1951, 1952. 1953. 1954. 1955,
Jan. 3.60 .3.10 2.65 3.44 2.16
Feb. 1.88 160 1.02 2.45 .68

Mar. 26th 95 97

4.30 712 83

5.67 7.87

6.43 6.61 3,67

Pursuant to section 78 (2) of the Montserrat Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1952, it is
hereby notified for public information that the following candidates have been elected for the under-
mentioned electoral districts as a result of the votes cast on the 18th day of March, 1955.

Electoral District.

Central District

Northern Electoral District
Windward Electoral District
Southern Electoral District


Michael Walkinshaw (Returned unopposed)

Edward Theophilus Hdgecombe
William Henry Bramble
James Clifford Llewellyn Wall

Robert William Griffith

Dated the 19th day of March, 1955.



P. E. Wuirs,

Supervisor of Elections.

Peinted at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, MW, BLACKMAN,

Government Printer—By Authority,

[Price 4 cents]

Mo. of 1955, Defence Force,

No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to repeal and replace the Defence
Force Ordinance and to make more suitable
provisions for the control, training and
discipline of the Antigua Defence Force and
for other matters connected therewith.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Defence Force Ordinance, 1955.

2. In this Ordinance—

“appointments ” includes accoutrements and
equipment of every kind other than
clothing ;

“Army Act’? means the Army Act for the
time being in force in England and
includes the articles of war for the time
being in force made under the authority
of that Act;

‘(Commandant ” means Commandant of the
Force ;


Short title.



of Defence

Service in De-
fence Force to
be voluntary.

of the Force.



Dej.nce Force, No. of 195a

“ Commanding Officer” means the Command-

ing Officer of the Force;

‘the Force’ means the Antigua Defence
Force constituted by this Ordinance;

‘member of the Force” includes an Officer, a
non-commissioned officer and a volunteer;

“Officer”? means a member of the Force
holding the Governor’s Commission as an
officer of the Force;

“Other ranks” means non-commissioned
officers and volunteers;

7 Regulations ” means regulations made under
Section 25 of this Ordinances

8. The Force shall consist of such number
of units whether Infantry or otherwise, as the
Governor shall consider necessary and commensu-
rate with the needs of the Presidency.

4. Subject to the provisions of this Ordi-
nance and of the Regulations no person shall be
under any obligation to serve in the Force and no
person who serves in the Force shall receive any
pay or allowance in respect of such service.

5. The Governor by commission may appoint
a Commandant of the Foree who shall hold such
rank in the Force as the Governor may direct and
who shall, during such appointment, be responsible
to the Governor for the efficient conduct of the
Force, and for the proper expenditure of all public
moneys appropriated for the service thereof. —

6. (1) The Governor shall by commission
under his hand appoint a fit and proper person to
be the Commanding Officer of the Force.

(2) fhe Commanding Officer shall hold such
rank in the Force as the Governor may confer
on him.

(3) The Commanding Officer—

No. of 1953.

(a) where no Commandant is appointed,
shall, subject to any general orders and
directions which the Governor may give, be
responsible to the Governor for the efficient
conduct of the Force, and for the proper
expenditure of all public moneys appropriated
for the service thereof; and

Defence Force. 3

(6) shall, at all times, be responsible for
the maintenance of discipline, and for the
training of the Force and its readiness for
duty in‘an emergency.

7. The Governor shall, by commission under
his hand, appoint fit and proper persons to be
Officers of the Force and such Officers shall hold
such rank us the Governor may from time to time
think proper.

8. The Commanding Officer shall, with the
approval of the Governor, from time to time
appoint such number of non-commissioned officers
of the Force as may be necessary and may promote
any non-commissioned officer to any vacancy as a
non-commissioned officer.

9. There shall be such number of volunteers
of the Force as the (rovernor mav from time to
time direct.

10. The Commanding Officer may, with the
approval of the Governor, appoint from members
of the Force such clerks, store-keepers and other
employees as may be necessary.

11. The conditions under which an Officer
may cease to be an Officer, either by resignation or
by removal of his name from the list of Officers,
shall be as are prescribed.

12. (1) Subject to the provisions of this
Ordinance and of the Regulations, any male British
subject. who—

(a) has attained the age of eighteen years
and has not attained the age of thirty-eight
years; or



sioned officers.


Clerks, store-
keepers and
other employ-

of Officer.

term of service
and discharge.


4 Defence Force. No. of 195%.

(6) has attained the age of seventeen
years and has not attained the age of eighteen
years, and has obtained the consent of his
parent or guardian to his enlistment; and

(c) is of good character; and

(d) is passed in the prescribed manner as
being physically fit for general service may
enlist in the Force.

(2) Such enlistment shall be to serve for a
period of three years, reckoned from the date of
his attestation.

(3) Any non-commissioned officer or volun-
teer of the Force may, within twelve months before
the end of his current term of service, from time to
time be re-engaged to serve for a period of one
year, two years, or three years, from the end of
that term as he thinks fit.

(4) Every non-commissioned officer or volun-
teer shall, until duly discharged in the preseribed
manner, remain subject to this Ordinance as a
non-commissioned officer or volunteer of the Force.

(5) Any non-commissioned officer or volun-
teer of the Force shall, except when a proclamation
under sub-section (1) of section I4 of this Or i-
nance is in force, be entitled to be discharged before
the end of his current term of service on complying
with the following conditions:—

(a) giving to the Commanding Officer
three months’ notice in writing, or such less
notice as may be prescribed, of his desire io be

discharged; and

(6) delivering up in good order, fair
wear and tear only excepted, ‘all arms, clothing
and appointments being public property,
issued to him, or in cases when for any
good and sufficient cause the delivery of such
property is impossible, on paying the value

Nog. of 1955. Defence Furer. 5

Provided that the Commanding Officer may,
in any case in which it appears that the res isons for
which the discharge is claimed are. of sufficient
urgency or weight, dispense either wholly or in
part with above conditions or any of them.

(6) Any non-commissioned officer or volunteer
of the Force may be discharged by the Command-
oe Officer, after due investigation of the ch: wge,

disobedience to orders by such non-commis-
Sioned officer or volunteer while doing any military
duty, or for neglect of duty, or for misconduct by
him as a non-commissioned officer or volunteer of
the Force, or for other sufficient cause;

Provided that any non-commissioned officer or
volunteer so discharged shall be entitled to appeal
to the Governor who may give such directions in
any such case as he may think just and proper.

(7) Where any such uppeal is made the notes
of evidence taken at the investigation, together with
any statement which may be made by the offender
in his defence, shall be forwarded to the Governor.

(8) Where the time at which a non-commis-
sioned officer or volunteer of the Force would
otherwise be entitled to be discharged occurs while
a proclamation under subsection (1) of section 14
of this Ordinance is in force, he may be required to
prolong bis service for such further period, not
exceeding twelve months, as the Governor may

(9) A recrait may be attested by any Officer,
and re-engagement muy take place before any
Officer not below the rank of ( aptain.

18. (1) Subject to the provisions of this
section, every Officer, non-commissioned officer and
solani of the Fores shall, by way of annual

(a) be trained for such period in every
vear and at such times and places, in any part
of the Presidency as the Commanding Officer
may direct and may for that purpose be called
out once or oftener in every year:




Force to be
subject to
military law
when being
trained, in-
structed or
exercised, or
when embo-

8 Defence lorce. No. of 1945.

oh do swear that i will be
faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty
(Queen Elizabeth the Second Her Heirs and Suc-
cessors according to law, and that I will faithfully
serve Her Majesty in the Presidency of Antigua
for the defence thereof against all her enemies and
opposers whatsoever according to the conditions of
my service as a member of the Defence Force-—So

help me God!”’.
(2) The oath shall be taken—

(a) in the case of the Commandant and
the Commanding Officer, before the Governor;

(6) in the case of any other Officer of the
Force and Other ranks, before the Command-
ing Officer.

(3) Any person who would by law be permit-
ted to make a solemn affirmation instead of taking
an oath may make an affirmation, and the
affirmation shall, to all intents and purposes, be
of the same force and effect as if he had taken the

18. (1) The Officersand Other ranke of the
Force shall be subject to military law, practice and

(a) when they are being trained, instruc-
ted or exercised ;

(6) when they are embodied in which
case they shall be deemed to be on active
service for the purposes of the Queen’s

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Ordi-
nance, Regulations may be made _ prescribing
what shall be military law, practice and pro-
cedure for the purposes of this section and where
such Regulations are not made or where on any
particular point they are silent the military law,
practice and procedure as contained in the Army
Act and in the Queen’s Regulations for the time
being in force sball be military law, practice and
procedure for the parposes of this section.

Ne, of 1955. Defence Force. 9

19. Notices required in pursuance of this
Ordinance or of the iegulations to be given to
Officers or Other ranks of the Force shall be
served or published in such manner as may be
prescribed, and, if so served or published, shall
be deemed to be sufficient notice.

20. (1) Any Officer, non-commissioned
officer or volunteer of the Force who without
leave lawfully granted or such sickness or other
reasonable excuse as may be allowed in the
prescribed manner, fails to appear at the time
and place appointed for assembling on embodi-
ment, shall be guilty, according to the circum-
stances, of deserting within the meaning of
section 12, or of absenting himself without leave
within the meaning of section 15, of the Army
Act, and shall whether otherwise subject to
military law or not, liable to be tried by court-
martial, and convicted and punished accordingly,
and may be taken into military custody.

(2) Sections 153 and 154 of the Army Act
shall apply with respect to deserters and desertion
and with respect to absentees without leave and
absence without leave within the meaning of this
section in like manner as they apply with respect
to deserters or absentees without leave and
desertion within the meaning of those sections
and any person who, knowing any Officer, non-
commissioned officer or volunteer of the Force to
be a deserter or absentee without leave within
the meaning of this section or of the Army Act,
employs or continues to employ him, shall be
deemed to aid him in concealing himself witbin
the meaning of the first mentioned section.

(3) Any person who knowing any Officer,
non-commissioned officer or volunteer of the
Force to be a deserter or absentee without leave,
by any means whatsoever, conceals such Officer,
non-commissioned officer or volunteer of the
Force, or vids or assists him in concealing him-
self shall be liable, on summary conviction, to
imprisonment tor a term not exceeding six
months or to a fine not exceeding one hundred
and twenty dollars.


Service and
of notices.

Failure to
attend embod-


Failure to
fulfil training

sale or other
disposition of

Trial of

10 Defence Liorce. No. of 1955.

(4) Where a non-commissioned officer or
volunteer of the Force commits an offence under
this section, the time which may elapse between
the time of his committing the offence and the
time of his apprehension or voluntary surrender
shall not be taken into account in reckoning his
service for the purpose of discharge.

21. Any non-commissioned officer or vol-
unteer of the Force who without leave lawfully
granted or such sickness or other reasonable
excuse as may be allowed in the prescribed
manner, fails to appear at the time and place
appuinted for annual training under paragraph
(a) of sub-subsection (1) of section 13 of this
Ordinance or fails to attend the number of drills
and fulfil the other conditions relating to annual
training as are prescribed, shall on a complaint by
the prescribed officer be liable on summary
conviction to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five

22. If any person designedly makes away
with, sells, pawns, or wrongfully destroys or
damages, or negligently loses any article or thing
issued to him as an Officer, non-commissioned
officer or volunteer of the Force, or wrongiully
refuses or nevlects to deliver upon demand any
article or thing issued to him as sueh Officer,
non-commissioned officer or volunteer of the
Force, the value of such article or thing sha! be
recoverable from him by suit before a court of
competent. jurisdiction by the sergeant-major of
the Force or some person authorised in writing
for the purpose by the Commanding Officer; and
he shall also, for any such offence, be liable, on
summary conviction, toa penalty not exceeding
twenty-five dollars.

28. (1) Any offence under this Ordinance
which is cognizable by a court-martial shall also
be cognizable by a Magistrate's Court

(2) Any person charged with any such
offence shall not be liable to be tried both by a
court-martial and by a Magistrate’s Court, but
may be tried by either of them as may be

*No. of 1955. Defence Force. 11

Provided thut a person who has been deait
with summarily by the Commanding Officer shall
be deemed to have been tried by court-martial.

(3) Any person charged with an offence
under this Ordinance which, by virtue of this
section, is cognizable by a Magistrate’s Court,
shall, on conviction by such Court, be liable to
imprisonment for three months or to a penalty
of one hundred dollars or to both such imprison-
ment and penalty, but nothing in this section
shall affect the liability of a person charged with
any such offence to be taken into military

(4) Any offence which under this Ordinance
is punishable on conviction by court-martial,
shall, for all purposes of and incidental to the
arrest, trial and punishment of the offender,
including the summary dealing with the case by
the Commanding Officer, be deemed to be an
offence under the Army Act, with this modifica-
tion that any reference in that Act to forfeiture
and stoppages shall be construed to refer to such
forfeiture and stoppages as may be prescribed.

(5) Proceedings against an offender before
either a court-martial or the Commanding Officer
ora Magistrate’s Court, in respect. of an offence
punishable under this Ordinance, and alleged to
have been committed by him when a non-com-
missioned officer or volunteer of the Force, may
be instituted whether the term of his service in
the Force has or has not expired.

(6) Where a non-commissioned officer or
volunteer of the Force is subject, to military law
and is illegally absent from his duty, a court of
inquiry under section 72 of the Army Act may
be assembled after the expiration of twenty-one
days from the date of such absence, notwith stand-
ing that the period during which he was subject
to military law is less than twenty-one days or
has expired before the expiration of twenty-one




Civil rights
and exemp-
1O/L05 1,



12 Defenee Lorce. No. of 1955.6

24. A member of the Force shall not be
deemed, by reason only of being such member
and receiving the benefits provided under this
Ordinance and the Regulations. to be the holder
of a public office within the meaning of the Anti-
gua Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1951,
or any enactment amending or substituted for
the same.

25. Subject to the provisions of this Ordi-
nance, the Governor may make Regulations—

(a) with respect to the manner in
which enlistment in the Force shall be made;

(6) with respect to the award of a dis-
ability pension, and the conditions upon
which such pension may be awarded, to any
member of the Force, who, without his own
default, is permanently injured in the actual
discharge of his duty as a member of the
Korce by some injury specificially attribut-
able to the nature of his duty;

(c) with respect to the government,
discipline leave and pay and allowances of
the Force;

(d) generally with respect to all other
matters and things relating to the Force.

26. Subject to the provisions of Regula-
tions made under this Ordinance, the Comman-
dant may make Local Force Orders for the
Administration, discipline and training of the

(2) Subject to the provisions of Regulations
made under this Ordinance, and to Local Force
Orders made under sub-section (1) of this section,
the Commanding Officer may from time to time,
subject. to the general direction of the Comman-
dant, make such Company Orders as the Com-
manding Officer may consider necessary for the
administration, discipline and training of the

No. of 1955. Defence Horee, Lo

3) Notice of Local Foree Orders and
Company Orders shall he given to the Officers
and Other ranks of the Foree affected.

27. (1) There may be established a
Reserve which shall consist—

(a) of any person who was a member
of the Force and has ceased to be a member
thereof and whose application to become a
member of the Reserve has been approved
by the Commanding Officer;

(4) of any person who has served Her
Majesty’s Forces, and whose application in
writing to become a member of the Keserve
has been approved by the Governor;

(c) of any other person who applies in
writing and whom the Governor considers to
be a fit and proper person to be a member of
the Reserve.

(2) The Commanding Officer shall cause
to be kept a Register containing the names,
addresses and occupations of the members of the
Reserve, and there shall be a separate part of the
Register for a Reserve of Officers.

(8) Section 14 ef this Ordinance shall apply
to the Reserve in the same manner and to the
same extent as it applics to the Force; and where
a proclamation under sub-section (1) of section
14 of this Ordinance as modified by this sub-sec-
tion applies to the Reserve the provisions of this
Ordinance relating to the Force shall wulalis
mutandis apply to the Reserve, but not otherwise.

28. (1) It shall be lawful for the Gover-
nor on the directions of a Secretary of State, to
call out the army reserve on permanent service,
and to convey, at the cost of the Imperial
Government, any men belonging to the army
reserve to such place as the Secretary of State
may direct.

(2) Every such person, when so called out
on permanent service, and pending his delivery
on board an aircraft or ship or to the Imperial
Authorities, shall, while so awaiting embarkation,
be subject to the provisions of this Ordinance
and of the Reguiations.


The Reserve.






aid Defence Force. No. of 1955,

29. The Defence Force Ordinance, 1912,
the Defence Reserve Ordinance, i912 and the
Defence Jorce (remission of taxation) Ordinance,
1929 are hereby repealed.

30. ‘This Ordinance shall come into opera-
tion on a date to be appointed by the Governor
by proclamation in the Gazeiie.


Passed the Legislative Council this day
of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


The object of this Bill is to repeal the exist-
ing legislation concerning the Defence Force and
Defence Reserve and to replace the same with
more modern legislation under which a Defence
Force may be reconstituted in the Presidency.

The Bill is based on the Defence Force
Ordinance of British Guiana which was recom-
mended by the Secretary of State as a suitable

Ranpautt H, Lockyart,
Crown Ailtorney.


Printed at the Governinent Printing Office. Leeward Islands
Ly E. M. BuackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

—316—3.55. Petce 1G ceni:.

Full Text



ise y Authority.

F ESHA Y , 3lst MARCH, 1955.

No. 15.


It is notified for general informa-
tion that the Hon. P. C. Lewis,
Attorney General, will shortly pro-
ceed to the United Kingdom on vaca-
tion leave and that the following
acting appointments have been
approved with effect from the 30th
March, 1955:—

The Hon. R. H. LOCKHART to
act as Attorney General;

Mr. D. H. A. MCNAMARA to act
as Crown Attorney, Antigua;

Mr. J. D. B. RENWICK to act as
Magistrate, Antigua; and

Mr. 8. L. ATHILL, I.S.0., M.B.E.,
to be appointed to act as Additional
Magistrate, Antigua.

The Secretariat,
26th March, 1955.
C. 13/00070.

It is notified for general information
that the Governor’s Deputy has issued
commissions appointing:

(a) Mr. J. D. B. RENWICK to
act as Magistrate in and for the
Magisterial Districts “ A”’, ““B” and
“TL,” (Barbuda); and

(6) Mr. 8S. L. ATHIuL, I.S.0.,
M.B.E., to act as Additional Magis-
trate in and for the Magisterial
Districts “A” and “B”

with effect from the 30th March, 1955.
The Secretariat,

Ref. No. 13/00048.

Telecommunications Officer

The Administrator of Antigua pur-
suant to the powers delegated to him
by the Governor has, under section 3
of the Telecommunications Act, 1949
(No. 13/1949) been pleased to appoint
Mr. G. A. THIBOU, Principal, Admin-
istration, with effect from Ist April,
1955, as Telecommunications Officer
for the Presidency of Antigua vice
Mr. A. McP. TAaYLor.

Administrator's Office,
24th March, 1955.

Ref. No. A. 47/14.



FLL: 72597
A €&7L

No. 33.

Appointments and transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information:—

EDWARDS, E. H. M., Assistant Colo-
nial Secretary, has been appointed
to act as Colonial Secretary with
effect from the 2nd to the 9th
April, inclusive, during the absence
of the Colonial Secretary attending
a conference in Jamaica.

FostreR, Miss H., Junior Clerk,
Public Works Department, Antigua,
confirmed in appointment.

Mar. 18.

PHILBERT, F. X., Certificated Ele-
menatry School Assistant Grade I,
to be Certificated Hlementary
School Head Teacher Grade I.

April 1

No. 34.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has notified the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the un-
dermentioned Ordinance:—

St. Christopher, Nevis and Anguilla.

No. 8 of 1954, *« The St. Christopher,
Nevis and Anguilla Defence Force
Ordinance, 1954.”

Ref. No. 47/00259.

No. 35.

The following Bill which is to be
introduced in the Legislative Council
of Antigua, is circnlated with this
Gazette and forms part thereof:—


Defence Force Ordinance,

In the matter of the Estate of

To all creditors of the above estate.

You are hereby notified that you
are to come in and prove your debts
and file your cluims at the office of
the Administrator of Estates at the
Court House in the town of Basseterre
in the Island of Saint Christopher
against the said estate.

Creditors resident within the
Colony of the Leeward Islands ure
to file their claims within four
months after the 15th day of March,

Creditors resident out of the said
Colony are to file their claims eight
months from the said 15th day of
March, 1955.

that any creditors failing to file their
claims within the time above specified
will be excluded from any benefits
arising from the said Estate.

the said
pay the
debts to

All persons indebted to
deceased are requested to
amount of their respective

Dated the 15th day of March, 1955.

H. S. L. MoOsELeEy,
Administrator of Estates.

University College Hospital of
the West Indies.

Applications are invited for two
posts of Registrar or Senior Registrar
in the Division of Obstetrics and
Gynecology at the above-named
teaching hospital which is in special
relationship with the University of
London. A higher qualification in
Obstetrics & Gynzcology is desirable
but not essential. The successful
candidates will be required to assume
duties by the end of June and early
in October, 1955, respectively.

The appointments will each be for
one year in the first instance, subject
to renewsl. Salary is in the scale
£800x100-£1,000/£1,100x100—£ 1,400
per annum, depending on experience
and qualitications. Single accommo-
dation and board ora limited number
of unfurnished flats for unmarried or
married Officers, are provided at a
deduction of £125 per annum or 5%
of salary, respectively. Return first
class passage by sea will be paid for
one person only in each cage.

Further information may be ob-
tained from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona, St. Andrew, Jamaica,
B. W.1., to whom applications stating
age, nationality and details of quali-
fications and experience, together
with three recent testimonials or the
names and addresses of three referees,
should be sent by the 16th of April,

Ref. No. 13/00286.


University College Hospital of
the Wes: Indies.



Applications are invited for the
post of Chief Pharmacist at the
above-named teaching hospital which
is in special relationship with the
University of London. Applicants
shouid possess the Ph. C. qualification
or its equivalent, and should be
experienced in sterilization and
hospital routine.

The successful applicant will be
required to train students to the
standard of the Chemists & Druggists
qualifying examination, and to give
instruction in Pharmacy to Medical
students studying for the M.B., B.S.
degree of the University of London.

The salary payable will be in the

scale £950-25-£1,050 per annum,
depending on qualifications and
experience. A deduction of 5% of

salary will be made for superannna-
tion purposes. Return first class
pass:ge by sca will be paid for one
person only.

Further information may be ob-
tained from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona, St. Andrew, Jamaica,
B. W.L., to whom applications stating
age, nationality and details of qualifi-
cations and experience, together with
three recent testimonials or the names
and addresses of three referees, should
be sent by the 30th of June, 1955.

Ref. No, 13/00286.

Headmaster, Grammar School,
St. Vincent, B.W.I.

Applications are invited for the
post of Headmaster, the Grammar
School, St. Vincent, B.W.1.

The school ig a Government Insti-
tution. It has at present a roll of
260 boys and takes pupils to the
Cambridge Certificate and Higher
School Certificate Standard.

meme 2 tp



Applicants should. possess a degree
of a University within the British
Commonwealth, and should have had
teaching experience in a Secondary
School. Applicauts should furnish
detailed accounts of their qualifica-
tions and experience together with
suitable testimonials, when submit-
ting their applications.

The salary of the post is in the
scale $3,840 x 120—4,560 (£800 x 25
—950) per annum. The point of
entry to the scale will depend on the
qualifications and experience of the
successful candidate, and he will be
on probation for one year. The
holder of the post has Civil Service
Status and the post is pensionable.
The appointment will be snbject to
the passing of a satisfactory medical

Income Tax is payable in accord-
ance with local legislation.

Free passages on first appointment
will be provided for the officer, his
wife and children. Vacation leave
and leave passages are provided in
accordance with local regulations.

Applications must be addressed to
the Assistant Administrator & Estab-
lishment Officer, Government Office,
St. Vincent, B.W.1., and must reach
him not later than 31st July, 1955.

Ref. No. 12/00286.

Girls’ High School,

St. Vincent.

Applications are invited from snit-
ably qualified candidates for appuint-
ment to a post of Senior Assistant
Mistress, Girls’ High School.


[31 March, 195é,

The school is a Government
Institution, the post is pensionable,
the appointment will be subject to
the passing of a satisfactory medical
examination, and will be on probation
for one year in the first instance.

Applicants should possess a degree
of a University within the British
Commonwealth, and must be able to
teach one of the subjects History,
Geography, French, Latin, to Higher
School Certificate standard, and one
to subsidiary level. They should
also have had teaching experience in
a Secondary School.

The salary of the post is in the
scale $2,016-96-2,688 (£420-20-£560)
per annum. Entry into the salary
scale will be determined according to
the qualifications and experience of
the candidate.

‘Free passage on first appointment :
will be provided for the successful
candidate. Government officials are y
liable to taxation impose: by local


Applications accompanied by copies
of recent testimonials should be
addressed to the Assistant Adminis-
trator and Establishment Officer,
Government Office, St. Vincent, and
must reach him not later than the
30th April, 1955.

Central Experiment Station.

1951, 1952. 1953. 1954. 1955,
Jan. 3.60 .3.10 2.65 3.44 2.16
Feb. 1.88 160 1.02 2.45 .68

Mar. 26th 95 97

4.30 712 83

5.67 7.87

6.43 6.61 3,67

Pursuant to section 78 (2) of the Montserrat Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1952, it is
hereby notified for public information that the following candidates have been elected for the under-
mentioned electoral districts as a result of the votes cast on the 18th day of March, 1955.

Electoral District.

Central District

Northern Electoral District
Windward Electoral District
Southern Electoral District


Michael Walkinshaw (Returned unopposed)

Edward Theophilus Hdgecombe
William Henry Bramble
James Clifford Llewellyn Wall

Robert William Griffith

Dated the 19th day of March, 1955.



P. E. Wuirs,

Supervisor of Elections.

Peinted at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, MW, BLACKMAN,

Government Printer—By Authority,

[Price 4 cents]
Mo. of 1955, Defence Force,

No. of 1955.

An Ordinance to repeal and replace the Defence
Force Ordinance and to make more suitable
provisions for the control, training and
discipline of the Antigua Defence Force and
for other matters connected therewith.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Defence Force Ordinance, 1955.

2. In this Ordinance—

“appointments ” includes accoutrements and
equipment of every kind other than
clothing ;

“Army Act’? means the Army Act for the
time being in force in England and
includes the articles of war for the time
being in force made under the authority
of that Act;

‘(Commandant ” means Commandant of the
Force ;


Short title.


of Defence

Service in De-
fence Force to
be voluntary.

of the Force.



Dej.nce Force, No. of 195a

“ Commanding Officer” means the Command-

ing Officer of the Force;

‘the Force’ means the Antigua Defence
Force constituted by this Ordinance;

‘member of the Force” includes an Officer, a
non-commissioned officer and a volunteer;

“Officer”? means a member of the Force
holding the Governor’s Commission as an
officer of the Force;

“Other ranks” means non-commissioned
officers and volunteers;

7 Regulations ” means regulations made under
Section 25 of this Ordinances

8. The Force shall consist of such number
of units whether Infantry or otherwise, as the
Governor shall consider necessary and commensu-
rate with the needs of the Presidency.

4. Subject to the provisions of this Ordi-
nance and of the Regulations no person shall be
under any obligation to serve in the Force and no
person who serves in the Force shall receive any
pay or allowance in respect of such service.

5. The Governor by commission may appoint
a Commandant of the Foree who shall hold such
rank in the Force as the Governor may direct and
who shall, during such appointment, be responsible
to the Governor for the efficient conduct of the
Force, and for the proper expenditure of all public
moneys appropriated for the service thereof. —

6. (1) The Governor shall by commission
under his hand appoint a fit and proper person to
be the Commanding Officer of the Force.

(2) fhe Commanding Officer shall hold such
rank in the Force as the Governor may confer
on him.

(3) The Commanding Officer—
No. of 1953.

(a) where no Commandant is appointed,
shall, subject to any general orders and
directions which the Governor may give, be
responsible to the Governor for the efficient
conduct of the Force, and for the proper
expenditure of all public moneys appropriated
for the service thereof; and

Defence Force. 3

(6) shall, at all times, be responsible for
the maintenance of discipline, and for the
training of the Force and its readiness for
duty in‘an emergency.

7. The Governor shall, by commission under
his hand, appoint fit and proper persons to be
Officers of the Force and such Officers shall hold
such rank us the Governor may from time to time
think proper.

8. The Commanding Officer shall, with the
approval of the Governor, from time to time
appoint such number of non-commissioned officers
of the Force as may be necessary and may promote
any non-commissioned officer to any vacancy as a
non-commissioned officer.

9. There shall be such number of volunteers
of the Force as the (rovernor mav from time to
time direct.

10. The Commanding Officer may, with the
approval of the Governor, appoint from members
of the Force such clerks, store-keepers and other
employees as may be necessary.

11. The conditions under which an Officer
may cease to be an Officer, either by resignation or
by removal of his name from the list of Officers,
shall be as are prescribed.

12. (1) Subject to the provisions of this
Ordinance and of the Regulations, any male British
subject. who—

(a) has attained the age of eighteen years
and has not attained the age of thirty-eight
years; or



sioned officers.


Clerks, store-
keepers and
other employ-

of Officer.

term of service
and discharge.

4 Defence Force. No. of 195%.

(6) has attained the age of seventeen
years and has not attained the age of eighteen
years, and has obtained the consent of his
parent or guardian to his enlistment; and

(c) is of good character; and

(d) is passed in the prescribed manner as
being physically fit for general service may
enlist in the Force.

(2) Such enlistment shall be to serve for a
period of three years, reckoned from the date of
his attestation.

(3) Any non-commissioned officer or volun-
teer of the Force may, within twelve months before
the end of his current term of service, from time to
time be re-engaged to serve for a period of one
year, two years, or three years, from the end of
that term as he thinks fit.

(4) Every non-commissioned officer or volun-
teer shall, until duly discharged in the preseribed
manner, remain subject to this Ordinance as a
non-commissioned officer or volunteer of the Force.

(5) Any non-commissioned officer or volun-
teer of the Force shall, except when a proclamation
under sub-section (1) of section I4 of this Or i-
nance is in force, be entitled to be discharged before
the end of his current term of service on complying
with the following conditions:—

(a) giving to the Commanding Officer
three months’ notice in writing, or such less
notice as may be prescribed, of his desire io be

discharged; and

(6) delivering up in good order, fair
wear and tear only excepted, ‘all arms, clothing
and appointments being public property,
issued to him, or in cases when for any
good and sufficient cause the delivery of such
property is impossible, on paying the value
Nog. of 1955. Defence Furer. 5

Provided that the Commanding Officer may,
in any case in which it appears that the res isons for
which the discharge is claimed are. of sufficient
urgency or weight, dispense either wholly or in
part with above conditions or any of them.

(6) Any non-commissioned officer or volunteer
of the Force may be discharged by the Command-
oe Officer, after due investigation of the ch: wge,

disobedience to orders by such non-commis-
Sioned officer or volunteer while doing any military
duty, or for neglect of duty, or for misconduct by
him as a non-commissioned officer or volunteer of
the Force, or for other sufficient cause;

Provided that any non-commissioned officer or
volunteer so discharged shall be entitled to appeal
to the Governor who may give such directions in
any such case as he may think just and proper.

(7) Where any such uppeal is made the notes
of evidence taken at the investigation, together with
any statement which may be made by the offender
in his defence, shall be forwarded to the Governor.

(8) Where the time at which a non-commis-
sioned officer or volunteer of the Force would
otherwise be entitled to be discharged occurs while
a proclamation under subsection (1) of section 14
of this Ordinance is in force, he may be required to
prolong bis service for such further period, not
exceeding twelve months, as the Governor may

(9) A recrait may be attested by any Officer,
and re-engagement muy take place before any
Officer not below the rank of ( aptain.

18. (1) Subject to the provisions of this
section, every Officer, non-commissioned officer and
solani of the Fores shall, by way of annual

(a) be trained for such period in every
vear and at such times and places, in any part
of the Presidency as the Commanding Officer
may direct and may for that purpose be called
out once or oftener in every year:



Force to be
subject to
military law
when being
trained, in-
structed or
exercised, or
when embo-

8 Defence lorce. No. of 1945.

oh do swear that i will be
faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty
(Queen Elizabeth the Second Her Heirs and Suc-
cessors according to law, and that I will faithfully
serve Her Majesty in the Presidency of Antigua
for the defence thereof against all her enemies and
opposers whatsoever according to the conditions of
my service as a member of the Defence Force-—So

help me God!”’.
(2) The oath shall be taken—

(a) in the case of the Commandant and
the Commanding Officer, before the Governor;

(6) in the case of any other Officer of the
Force and Other ranks, before the Command-
ing Officer.

(3) Any person who would by law be permit-
ted to make a solemn affirmation instead of taking
an oath may make an affirmation, and the
affirmation shall, to all intents and purposes, be
of the same force and effect as if he had taken the

18. (1) The Officersand Other ranke of the
Force shall be subject to military law, practice and

(a) when they are being trained, instruc-
ted or exercised ;

(6) when they are embodied in which
case they shall be deemed to be on active
service for the purposes of the Queen’s

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Ordi-
nance, Regulations may be made _ prescribing
what shall be military law, practice and pro-
cedure for the purposes of this section and where
such Regulations are not made or where on any
particular point they are silent the military law,
practice and procedure as contained in the Army
Act and in the Queen’s Regulations for the time
being in force sball be military law, practice and
procedure for the parposes of this section.
Ne, of 1955. Defence Force. 9

19. Notices required in pursuance of this
Ordinance or of the iegulations to be given to
Officers or Other ranks of the Force shall be
served or published in such manner as may be
prescribed, and, if so served or published, shall
be deemed to be sufficient notice.

20. (1) Any Officer, non-commissioned
officer or volunteer of the Force who without
leave lawfully granted or such sickness or other
reasonable excuse as may be allowed in the
prescribed manner, fails to appear at the time
and place appointed for assembling on embodi-
ment, shall be guilty, according to the circum-
stances, of deserting within the meaning of
section 12, or of absenting himself without leave
within the meaning of section 15, of the Army
Act, and shall whether otherwise subject to
military law or not, liable to be tried by court-
martial, and convicted and punished accordingly,
and may be taken into military custody.

(2) Sections 153 and 154 of the Army Act
shall apply with respect to deserters and desertion
and with respect to absentees without leave and
absence without leave within the meaning of this
section in like manner as they apply with respect
to deserters or absentees without leave and
desertion within the meaning of those sections
and any person who, knowing any Officer, non-
commissioned officer or volunteer of the Force to
be a deserter or absentee without leave within
the meaning of this section or of the Army Act,
employs or continues to employ him, shall be
deemed to aid him in concealing himself witbin
the meaning of the first mentioned section.

(3) Any person who knowing any Officer,
non-commissioned officer or volunteer of the
Force to be a deserter or absentee without leave,
by any means whatsoever, conceals such Officer,
non-commissioned officer or volunteer of the
Force, or vids or assists him in concealing him-
self shall be liable, on summary conviction, to
imprisonment tor a term not exceeding six
months or to a fine not exceeding one hundred
and twenty dollars.


Service and
of notices.

Failure to
attend embod-

Failure to
fulfil training

sale or other
disposition of

Trial of

10 Defence Liorce. No. of 1955.

(4) Where a non-commissioned officer or
volunteer of the Force commits an offence under
this section, the time which may elapse between
the time of his committing the offence and the
time of his apprehension or voluntary surrender
shall not be taken into account in reckoning his
service for the purpose of discharge.

21. Any non-commissioned officer or vol-
unteer of the Force who without leave lawfully
granted or such sickness or other reasonable
excuse as may be allowed in the prescribed
manner, fails to appear at the time and place
appuinted for annual training under paragraph
(a) of sub-subsection (1) of section 13 of this
Ordinance or fails to attend the number of drills
and fulfil the other conditions relating to annual
training as are prescribed, shall on a complaint by
the prescribed officer be liable on summary
conviction to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five

22. If any person designedly makes away
with, sells, pawns, or wrongfully destroys or
damages, or negligently loses any article or thing
issued to him as an Officer, non-commissioned
officer or volunteer of the Force, or wrongiully
refuses or nevlects to deliver upon demand any
article or thing issued to him as sueh Officer,
non-commissioned officer or volunteer of the
Force, the value of such article or thing sha! be
recoverable from him by suit before a court of
competent. jurisdiction by the sergeant-major of
the Force or some person authorised in writing
for the purpose by the Commanding Officer; and
he shall also, for any such offence, be liable, on
summary conviction, toa penalty not exceeding
twenty-five dollars.

28. (1) Any offence under this Ordinance
which is cognizable by a court-martial shall also
be cognizable by a Magistrate's Court

(2) Any person charged with any such
offence shall not be liable to be tried both by a
court-martial and by a Magistrate’s Court, but
may be tried by either of them as may be
*No. of 1955. Defence Force. 11

Provided thut a person who has been deait
with summarily by the Commanding Officer shall
be deemed to have been tried by court-martial.

(3) Any person charged with an offence
under this Ordinance which, by virtue of this
section, is cognizable by a Magistrate’s Court,
shall, on conviction by such Court, be liable to
imprisonment for three months or to a penalty
of one hundred dollars or to both such imprison-
ment and penalty, but nothing in this section
shall affect the liability of a person charged with
any such offence to be taken into military

(4) Any offence which under this Ordinance
is punishable on conviction by court-martial,
shall, for all purposes of and incidental to the
arrest, trial and punishment of the offender,
including the summary dealing with the case by
the Commanding Officer, be deemed to be an
offence under the Army Act, with this modifica-
tion that any reference in that Act to forfeiture
and stoppages shall be construed to refer to such
forfeiture and stoppages as may be prescribed.

(5) Proceedings against an offender before
either a court-martial or the Commanding Officer
ora Magistrate’s Court, in respect. of an offence
punishable under this Ordinance, and alleged to
have been committed by him when a non-com-
missioned officer or volunteer of the Force, may
be instituted whether the term of his service in
the Force has or has not expired.

(6) Where a non-commissioned officer or
volunteer of the Force is subject, to military law
and is illegally absent from his duty, a court of
inquiry under section 72 of the Army Act may
be assembled after the expiration of twenty-one
days from the date of such absence, notwith stand-
ing that the period during which he was subject
to military law is less than twenty-one days or
has expired before the expiration of twenty-one



Civil rights
and exemp-
1O/L05 1,



12 Defenee Lorce. No. of 1955.6

24. A member of the Force shall not be
deemed, by reason only of being such member
and receiving the benefits provided under this
Ordinance and the Regulations. to be the holder
of a public office within the meaning of the Anti-
gua Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1951,
or any enactment amending or substituted for
the same.

25. Subject to the provisions of this Ordi-
nance, the Governor may make Regulations—

(a) with respect to the manner in
which enlistment in the Force shall be made;

(6) with respect to the award of a dis-
ability pension, and the conditions upon
which such pension may be awarded, to any
member of the Force, who, without his own
default, is permanently injured in the actual
discharge of his duty as a member of the
Korce by some injury specificially attribut-
able to the nature of his duty;

(c) with respect to the government,
discipline leave and pay and allowances of
the Force;

(d) generally with respect to all other
matters and things relating to the Force.

26. Subject to the provisions of Regula-
tions made under this Ordinance, the Comman-
dant may make Local Force Orders for the
Administration, discipline and training of the

(2) Subject to the provisions of Regulations
made under this Ordinance, and to Local Force
Orders made under sub-section (1) of this section,
the Commanding Officer may from time to time,
subject. to the general direction of the Comman-
dant, make such Company Orders as the Com-
manding Officer may consider necessary for the
administration, discipline and training of the
No. of 1955. Defence Horee, Lo

3) Notice of Local Foree Orders and
Company Orders shall he given to the Officers
and Other ranks of the Foree affected.

27. (1) There may be established a
Reserve which shall consist—

(a) of any person who was a member
of the Force and has ceased to be a member
thereof and whose application to become a
member of the Reserve has been approved
by the Commanding Officer;

(4) of any person who has served Her
Majesty’s Forces, and whose application in
writing to become a member of the Keserve
has been approved by the Governor;

(c) of any other person who applies in
writing and whom the Governor considers to
be a fit and proper person to be a member of
the Reserve.

(2) The Commanding Officer shall cause
to be kept a Register containing the names,
addresses and occupations of the members of the
Reserve, and there shall be a separate part of the
Register for a Reserve of Officers.

(8) Section 14 ef this Ordinance shall apply
to the Reserve in the same manner and to the
same extent as it applics to the Force; and where
a proclamation under sub-section (1) of section
14 of this Ordinance as modified by this sub-sec-
tion applies to the Reserve the provisions of this
Ordinance relating to the Force shall wulalis
mutandis apply to the Reserve, but not otherwise.

28. (1) It shall be lawful for the Gover-
nor on the directions of a Secretary of State, to
call out the army reserve on permanent service,
and to convey, at the cost of the Imperial
Government, any men belonging to the army
reserve to such place as the Secretary of State
may direct.

(2) Every such person, when so called out
on permanent service, and pending his delivery
on board an aircraft or ship or to the Imperial
Authorities, shall, while so awaiting embarkation,
be subject to the provisions of this Ordinance
and of the Reguiations.


The Reserve.





aid Defence Force. No. of 1955,

29. The Defence Force Ordinance, 1912,
the Defence Reserve Ordinance, i912 and the
Defence Jorce (remission of taxation) Ordinance,
1929 are hereby repealed.

30. ‘This Ordinance shall come into opera-
tion on a date to be appointed by the Governor
by proclamation in the Gazeiie.


Passed the Legislative Council this day
of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


The object of this Bill is to repeal the exist-
ing legislation concerning the Defence Force and
Defence Reserve and to replace the same with
more modern legislation under which a Defence
Force may be reconstituted in the Presidency.

The Bill is based on the Defence Force
Ordinance of British Guiana which was recom-
mended by the Secretary of State as a suitable

Ranpautt H, Lockyart,
Crown Ailtorney.


Printed at the Governinent Printing Office. Leeward Islands
Ly E. M. BuackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

—316—3.55. Petce 1G ceni:.