Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076863/00249
Material Information
- Title:
- Leeward Islands gazette
- Added title page title:
- Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
- Creator:
- Leeward Islands (West Indies)
- Place of Publication:
- [Antigua
- Publisher:
- Gov. Printing Office]
- Publication Date:
- Mar 24, 1955
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Law Leeward Islands (Federation) Montserrat
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt ) Official gazettes ( fast ) Gazettes ( fast ) newspaper ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- 1- , 1872-
- General Note:
- Two pages per frame.
- General Note:
- Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
- General Note:
- Weekly
- General Note:
- Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
- General Note:
- Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
- General Note:
- Some issues called "extraordinary."
- General Note:
- Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
- General Note:
- Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
- General Note:
- Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )
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Published by Authority.
No, 14.
Brazilian Consular Repre-
With reference to the notice
appearing in Gazette No. 26 of the
3rd June, 1954, it is notified for
general information that Her Majes-
ty’s Exequatur has been issued to
as Vice-Consul at Port of Spain with
jurisdiction over Trinidad & Tobago,
Bahamas, Jamaica, the Leeward
Islands, the Windward Islands,
British Honduras, Barbados (exclud-
ing Bridgetown) and British Guiana
(excluding peg ey) and bears the
date 7th February, 1955.
The Secretariat,
10th March, 1955.
Ref. No. 19/00009.
It is hereby notified for general
information that his Excellency the
Governor has been pleased to ap-
(a) Mr. A. F. L. Loutsy and Mr.
O. i. HENRY to be Presidential
official members; and
(bd) Mr. M. S. OSBORNE to bea
nominated member,
of the Executive Council of the
Presidency of Montserrat.
The Secretariat,
22nd March, 1955.
C. 18/09005.
It is hereby notified for general
information that His Honour the
Administrator has appointed Sergeant
G. M. ROBERTS to be Inspector of
Weights and Measures for the Presi-
dency of Antigua as from 19th
March, 1955, vice Inspector BYRON
who is proceeding to the United
Kingdom to undergo training.
Administrator's Office,
19th March, 1955,
No. A. 82/1,
A 4F7e
ALLAN LoulIsy,
Acting Commissioner.
In exercise of the powers vested in
the Governor-in-Council by section
3 of the Cotton Planting (Regulation)
Ordinance, 1926, (No. 7 of 1926)
I, ALLAN LOUISY, Esquire, Acting
Comuissioner of the Presidency of
Montserrat by and with the advice of
the Executive Council of the said
Presidency, do hereby declare that
the period from the lst day of April,
1955, to the 15th day of August, 1956,
both days inclusive, is and shall be
a close planting season within the
meaning of the said Ordinance
throughout the said Presidency and
every part thereof except in the
Planting Date Experimental Plot at
the Grove Botanic Station to which
this proclamation shall not apply.
GIVEN at the Oommissioner’s Office,
Montserrat, this 11th day of
March, 1955, and in the fourth
year of Her Majesty’s reign.
Pursuant to section 78 (2) of the
Montserrat Constitution and Hlections
Ordinance, 1952, it is hereby notified
for general information that the
following candidate has been elected
for the undermentioned electoral
district, no other candidate having
been nominated.
Electoral District.
Central Electoral
Dated this 11th day of March, 1955.
Supervisor of Hlections.
M. 65A/8—-IIT.
No. 30.
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the un-
dermentioned Ordinances:—
No. 9 of 1954, ‘‘ Development
(Villa Housing) Loan Ordinance,
No. 15 of 1954 “Central Board of
Health (Constitution and Temporary
Powers) Ordinance, 1954.â€
No. 16 of 1954 “ Tunatic Asylums
(Repeal) Ordinance, 1954.â€
No. 31.
The following Bills which are to be
introduced in the Legislative Council
of Antigua, are circnlated with this
Gazette and form part thereof:—
“ The Firearms (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1955.â€
“The Excise (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1955.â€
“The Trade and Revenue (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1955.â€
No. 32.
The following Ordinance and Stat-
utory Rule and Order are circulated
with this Gazette and form part
thereof :—
No. 23 of 1954, “The Crown
Agents (Change of Title) Ordinance,
1954.†2 pp. Price 4 cents.
General Government.
No. 14 of 1955, ‘*The Post Office
(Hours of Business) (Revocation)
Rules, 1955.†1 pp. Price 3 cents.
Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance, 1950.
In pursuance of the requirements
of section 3 (2) (a) of the Aid to
Pioneer Industries Ordinanee, 1950,
it is hereby notified for general
information that the Governor in
Council proposes to make the under-
mentioned Order under section 3 (1)
of the said Ordinance.
2. Any person who objects to the
making of such Order shall give
notice in writing of his objection and
of the grounds on which he relies in
support thereof to the Clerk of the
Executive Council on or before the
13th day of April, 1955.
Clerk of the Executive Council.
1950 (No. 9 oF 1950).
1. Citation. This Order may be
cited as the Aid to Pioneer Industries
(Manufacture of Paint) Order, 1955.
2. Manufacture of Paint de-
clared a Pioneer Industry. The
manufacture of paint is hereby de-
clared to be a pioneer industry for
the purposes of the Aid to Pioneer
Industries Ordinance, 1950, and the
. following product is hereby declared
to be a pioneer product for the said
Made by the Governor in Conncil
this day of , 1955.
Clerk of the Haecutive Counoit.
Ref. No. A. 42/67.
In the Supreme Oourt of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
Circuit Court Notice.
in pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands Courts Order in Council.
1939, on the 24th day of September,
1941, as amended, the Honourable the
Puisne Judge selected for the sitting
of the Court in the Montserrat Circuit
has appointed the undermentioned
day on which the ensuing Circuit
shall sit in the Presidency, that is to
say :—
On Monday the 28th day of March,
1955 at 11.00 o’clock in the forenoon.
Registrar, Montserrat Circuit.
Reyistrar’s Office,
Tth March, 1955.
With reference to the Declaration
dated the 26th day of October, 1954
(8. Rk. & O. 1954, No. 30) regarding the
aeqnisition for public purposes of
certain lands forming part of Five
Islands Estate as set out in the
Schedule to the said Declaration:
IT IS HEREBY notified for general
information that the said lands which
comprise portions of the several
estates commonly known as Five
Islands Estate have now been demar-
cated by actual survey and a notice
of acquisition in respect of the said
lands has been issued in accordance
with the provisions of section 7 of the
Act. The area and boundaries of the
saine are as hereunder:
ALL THOSE portions of lands
forming part of Five Islands, Gambles
(Five Islands) and Galley Bay com-
monly called Five Islands Estate
situate in the Parish of St. John in
the Island of Antigua containing by
admeasurement 129.309 acres and
bounded as follows:—
On the North by Galley Bay and
Gambles (Five Islands);
On the East by Five Islands;
On the South by Galley Bay and
the Village of Five Islands and
On the West by Galley Bay.
Dated this 2nd day of March, 1954.
Henry J, ELWInN,
Authorised Officer,
Statement of Currency Notes
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
ern Group) on ist March,
Average Circulation during January,
1955 :—
Br. Caribbean Cur-
rency Notes
Demonetized Gov't.
Notes (outstanding)
Br. Caribbean Currency Notes:—
Trinidad & Tobago
(including $
Montserrat) .». 27,391,731.00
Barbados -- 9,939,625.00
British Guiana +++ 13,820,927.00
Grenada 1,939,100.00
St. Vincent 529,400.00
St. Lucia 862,000.00
Dominica -« 1,091,400.00
Antigua 1,423,300.00
St. Kitts
Total Br. Caribbean
Currency Notes
+++ 54,116,983.00
Demonetized Trinidad
and Tobago Gov't.
Notes outstanding --. 1,092,243.00
Demonetized Br.
Guiana Gov’t.
Notes outstanding ... 379,212.00
Demonetized Barbados
Gov't. Notes
outstanding «107,654.00
Total Government ;
Notes outstanding .-. 1,579,109.00
.-- 95,696,092.00
Total circulation
Circulation on Ist
March, 1955. .. 99,696,092.00
Kixecutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.
British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad, B.W.I.
Ref. No. 24/00044.
[24 March, 1955,
In the matter of the Estate of
To all creditors of the above estate.
You are hereby notitied that you
are to come in and prove your debts
and file your claims at the office of
the Administrator of Hstates at the
Court House in the town of Basseterre
in the Island of Saint Christopher
against the said estate.
Creditors resident within the
Colony of the Leeward Islands ure
to file their claims within four
months after the 15th day of March,
Creditors resident out of the said
Colony are to file their claims eight
months from the said 15th day of
March, 1955.
that any creditors failing to file their
claims within the time above specified
will be excluded from any benefits
arising from the said Estate.
All persons indebted to the said
deceased are requested to pay the
amount of their respective debts to
Dated the 15th day of March, 1955.
Administrator of Hstates.
Agricultural Scholarship Ten-
able at the Imperial College
of Tropical Agriculture.
1. Applications are invited for a
scholarship tenable at the Imperial
College of ‘Tropical Agriculture,
Trinidad, to be awarded by the
Government of the Leeward Islands
in regpect of the year 1955,
2. Applications must be submitted
to the Colonial Secretary through—
(a) the Headmaster of the school
at which the applicant is being
or has being taught, or
(b) the Administrator or. Com-
missioner of the Presidency con-
by the 5th April, 1955.
Application forms should be
obtained from the office of adminis-
tration of the Presidency in which
the applicant resides.
3. The successful candidate will
be required to sign an undertaking to
serve for three years in the Leeward
Islands upon the successful comple-
tion of his course of study if offered
suitable employment.
The Secretariat,
4th March, 1955.
24 March, 1955. ]
University Coliege Hospital of
the West Indies.
Applications are invited for two
posts of Registrar or Senior Registrar
in the Division of Obstetrics and
Gynecology at the sbove-named
teaching hospital which is in special
relationship with the University of
London. A higher qualification in
Obstetrics & Gynecology is desirable
but not essential. The successful
candidates will be required to assume
duties by the end of June and early
in October, 1955, respectively.
The appointments will each be for
one year in the first instance, subject
to renewal. Salary is in the senle
£800x100-£1,000/£1,100x100-£ 1,400
per annum, depending on experience
and qualifications. Single accommo-
dation and board ora limited number
of unfurnished flats for nnmacricd or
married Officers, are provided at a
deduction of £125 per annuin or 5%
of salary, respectively. Retarn first
class passage by sea will be paid for
one person only in each case.
Further information may be ob-
tained from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona, St. Andrew. Jamaica,
B. W.1., to whom applications stating
age, nationality and details of quali-
ficatious and experience, together
with three recent testimonials or the
names and addreases of three referees,
should be sent hy the 16th of April,
Ref. No. 13/00286.
University College Hozpital of
vue West Indies.
Applications are invited for the
post of Chief Pharmacist at the
above-named teaching hospital which
is in special relationship with the
University of WLondon. Applicants
should possess the Ph. C. qualification
or its equivalent, and should be
experienced in sterilization and
hospital routine.
The successful applicant will be
required to train students to the
standard of the Chemists & Druggists
qualifying examination, and to give
instruction in Pharmacy to Medical
students studying for the M.B., B.S.
degree of the University of London,
The salary payable will be in the
‘eale £950-25-£1.050 per annum,
depending on qualifications and
experience. A deduction of 5% of
salary will be made for superannua-
tion purposes. Return first class
passage by sea will be paid for one
person only.
Further information may be ob-
tained, from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona, St. Andrew, Jamaica,
B. W.I., to whom application. stating
age, nationality and details of qualifi-
cations and experience, together with
three recent testimonials or the names
and addresses of three referees, should
be sent by the 30th of June, 1955.
Ref. No, 13/00286.
Waterworks Department,
Applications are invited for the
above post.
The post is pensionable with salary
in the scale $1,920. $1,920-120-2,880-
144-3,456 per annum, plus C.O.L.A.
at the rate of $156 per annum. Leave
passages are payable ata salary of
$2,280 per annum and over,
Applicants must be conversant with
Theodolite and Dumpy Level Survey-
ing and Planetable work, and must
also be able to produce neat tracings,
and know the elements. of draughts-
manship. ,
Applications stating age, qualifica-
tions and experience, should be
addressed to the Chief Secretary,
Public Buildings, Barbados, to reach
him not later than 26th of March, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00286.
Headmaster, Grammar School,
St. Vincent, B.W.I.
Applications are invited for the
post of Headmaster, the Grammar
School, St. Vincent, B.W.I.
‘he school is a Government Insti-
tution. It has at present a roll of
260 boys and takes pupils to the
Cambridge Certificate and Higher
School Certificate Standard.
Applicants should possess a degree
of a University within the British
Commonwealth, and should have had
teaching experience in a Secondary
School. Applicants should furnish
detailed accounts of their qualifica-
tions and experience together with
suitable testimonials, when submit-
ting their applications.
The salary of the post is in the
scale $3,840 x 120—4,560 (£800 x25
— 950) per annum.: The point of
entry to the scale will depend on the
qualifications and experience of the
successful candidate, and he will be
on probation for one year. The
holder of the post has Civil Service
Status and the post is pensionable.
The appointment will be subject to
the passing of a satisfactory medical
Income Tax is payable in accord-
ance with local legislation.
Free passagos on first appointment
will be provided for the officer, hig
wife and children. Vacation leave
and leave passages are provided in
accordance with local regulations.
Applications must be addressed to
the Assistant Administrator & Estab-
lishment Officer, Government Office,
St. Vincent, B.W.1., and must reach
him not later than 31st July, 1955.
Ref. No. 12/00286.
Girls’ High School,
St. Vincent.
Applications are invited from guit-
ably qualified candidates for appuint-
ment to a post of Senior Assistant
Mistress, Girls’ High School.
The school is a Government
Institution, the post is pensionable,
the appointment will be subject to
the passing of a satisfactory medical
examination, and will be on probation
for one ycar in the first . instance.
Applicants should possess a degree
of a University within the British
Commonwealth, and must be able to
teach one of the subjects History,
Geography, French, Latin, to Higher
School Certificate standard, and one
to subsidiary level. They should
also have had teaching experience in
a Secondary School.
The salary of the post is in the
scale $2,016-96-2,688 (£420-20-£560)
per annum. Entry into the salary
scale will be determined according to
the qualifications and experience of
the candidate.
Free passage on first appointment
will be provided for the successful
candidate. Government officials are
liable to taxation imposed by local
Applications accompanied by copies
of recent testimonials shonld be
addressed to the Assistant Adminis-
trator and Kstablishment Officer,
Government Office, St. Vincent, and
must reach him not later than the
30th april, 1955.
Central Hxperiment Station,
1951, 1952. 1953. 1954, 1955,
Jan, 3.60 3.10 2.65 3.44 2.16
Feb. 1.88 1.60 102 245 68
3.82 28 71
5.46 7.39 6.17
Mar. 19th 95 .76
6.43 3.55
60 THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. . {24 March, 1955.
2lst March, 1955.
Medical Aot, 1937.
Pursuant to Section 12 (4) of the Medical Act, 1937 the following registration is hereby notified:—
Name. Address. | Qualification. | Date Registered
aie Ragin Registration No..
ee J a |
Griffin, Ruperil Chemist and Druggist. 19th March ty 171
St. Olair | St. Johns, Antigua | Certificate of Competency 1955
dated 15th Sept. 1952.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by_E, DI, Bhackman,
Government Printer.—By Authority,
[Price 13 cents]
No. of 1935, Firearms (Amendment).
No. of 1955.
An Ordinance to amend the Firearms Ordinance,
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Fire-
arms (Amendment) Ordinance, 1955 aud shall be
read as one with the Firearms Ordinance, 1952,
hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance.
2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by the deletion of the definition of
the expression “Gazetted Police Officer†and the
insertion in the appropriate place of the following
definition :—
‘* Superintendent of Police †means the (razetted
Police Officer in charge of the Police
Division established in the Presidency and
includes any police officer, or government
officer authorised in writing by the
Superintendent of Police to act on his
behalf in relation to the licensing of
firearms â€â€™;
Short title.
of section 2
of Principal
Antigua, 2 Livearms (-imendment) No. of 1955.
Amendment 3. Section 13 of the Principal Ordinance is
of section 13
of Prineipal hereby amended by—
(i) the substitution of the words “ Super-
intendent of Police†for the word
‘Treasurer’? wherever it occurs in
subsection (1) of the section; and
(i) the deletion of the words ‘tat the
Treasury by the Treasurer†occur-
ring in subsection (2) of the section
and the substitution therefor of the
words “in the Divisions! Police
Headquarters in the Pr residency.
Amendment 4. Subsection (1) of section 17 of the
of section 17 enaine †mance 1 hereby : "ae
(of Prine = Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by
cipal Ordi-
(i) the imsertion in the introduetory
words of the subsection between
the words *‘ Treasurer†and ‘ under â€â€™
oecurripg in the secont| line of the
words and commas “or the Superin-
tendent of Police, as the case inay
(ii) the insertion after the word “ which
oceurring at the end of the first line
of paragraph (a) of the subsection of
the words “may be issued by the
Treasurer and ’’: -
(ii) the msertion after the word * whieh’
occurring at the end of the first line
of paragraphs (4) and («) respectively
of the subsection of the words “inay
be issued by the Superintendent of
Police andâ€;
(iv) the deletion in the last sentence of the
subsection of the word ‘ Treasurer’
occurring in the second Tine thereof
and the substitution ther fer of the
words “ Superintendent of Policeâ€,
No. of 1955. Bivearings (
5. Section 18 of the Principal Ordinance is Armudment
hereby amended as follows:— vai Taaciva!
(1) Subsections (i) and (2) of the section en
ure amended by the deletion of the
words “obtained and delivered to
the Treasurer a certificate from «
Gazetted Police Officer †and “ has
obtained and delivered to the Treas-
urer a certificate from a Gazetted
Police Officer †respectively occurring
therein and the substitution therefor
of the words “ satisfied the Superin-
tendent of Policeâ€.
(ii) The following is hereby substituted
for subsection (3) of the section:~—
*(3) Where the Superin-
tendent of Police ia satisfied that
an applicant is a fit and proper
person to carry and use a fire-
arm he shall give to such apph-
cant a certificate to that effect
and shall make an entry of his
having done so ina register of
persons licensed to carry and
use firearms to be kept in the
Divisional Police Headquarters
in the Presidency.
(iii) Subsection (+) is amended by the
substitution of the words the * Super-
intendent of Police†tor the words
‘a Gazetted Police Officer © occur-
ring in the last line of the subsection ;
(iv) The following is hereby substituted
for subsection (5) of the seetion:—
“(5) An entry sball be
made by the Superintendent of
Police of the cancellation of
such certificate in the register of
persons licensed to carry and
use firearms and notice 1 writ-
ing of sueh caneellation shail be
given to the heleer of the
of section 20
of Principal
of sectien 26
of Principal
of section 29
of Principal
$ Firearms (Amendinen ft). No. of 195%,
(v) Subsection (6) is amended by the sub-
stitution of the words “ the Superin-
tendent of Police� for the words
“a Gazetted Police Officer ’’ occur-
ring in the second line of the sub-
section ;
(vi) The following is hereby substituted
for subsection (7) of the section:—
‘““(7) Every certificate de-
livered under this section shall
be in the Form G in the First
Schedule to this Ordinance,
adapted to suit the particular
6. Section 20 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by the insertion between the word
“ Treasurer� and the comma occurring in the first
line of the section of the words and commas “in
respect of a licence issued under paragraph (a) of
subsection (1) of section 17 of this Ordinance, and
the Superintendent of Police in respect of a licence
issued under any of the paragraphs (6) to (¢) of
the said subsection, as the case may beâ€â€™.
7. Section 26 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by the deletion of the words
“ Treasurer or any police officer†occurring therein
and the substitution therefor of the words ‘ Super-
intendent of Police’.
8. Section 29 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by—
(i) the deletion of the words “the
Treasurer or†occurring in the
second line thereof snd the substitu-
tion of the word “him†for the
word “them†occurring in_ the
fourth line; and
(ii) the deletion of the marginal note
appearing against the section and
the substitution therefor of the
following :—
“Obstruction of police officer.â€
* yee 1 ¢
No. of 1959, Firearms « Amendment). 5
9. Section 20 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by the deletion of the words * The
Treasurer or any police officer may†and the
substitution therefor of the words ‘* Any police
officer may â€.
10. Subsection (3) of section 41 of the Prin-
cipal Ordinance is hereby amended by the deletion
of the words “ the ‘lreasurer or†occurring therein
and the deletion of the marginal note ‘ Penalty â€
appeuring against the said subsection.
11. The amendments specified in the second
column of the Schedule to this Ordinance being
amendments of a minor nature, shall be made in the
provisions of the Principal Ordinance specified in
the first column of that Schedule.
of section 30
of Principal
of section 41
(3) of Princi-
pal Ordinance.
Minor amend-
Sections 10, 14, 16, 22, 33, 37 and | The expression “the Superinten-
Forms D, E, F and G of the |
dent of Police†shall he substitnted
First Schedule to the Ordinance. ! for the expressions “a Gazetted
| Police Officer’ and
“the ‘Treas-
| urer†respectively wherever those
ocewr in the sections, the relative
marginal notes and the Forms.
Pagsed the Legislative Council this day of
Olerk of the Council.
Antigua. 6 Firearms (stivendiment). No. of 193d.
The Object of this BULis to amend the Firearms Ordinance, 1952
in order-—
(a) to make Police responsible for the issue of firearm licences;
(6) to delete the marginal note agains: section 41 (3) whieh is
incorrectly inserted in the Principal Ordivance and to which the
Secretary of State has drawn attention in his Leeward Islands
Despatch No. 46 of the 22nd January, 1953.
Crown Attorney.
Prouted at the Government Printing Office Leeward Islands,
by BLM. BuaAcksa aN, Government Dririar By Anthority.
316---3.58. Price cendés,
No. of 1955. Lacise (amendment).
No. of 1955.
An Ordinance to amend further the Excise
Ordinance, 1903.
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:-—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Excise (Amendment) Ordinance, 1955, and shall
be read as one with the Excise Ordinance, 1908,
as amended, hereinafter called the Principal
2. The Principal Ordinunce is hereby
amended by the insertion therein immediately after
section 16 of the following as sections 16A, 163,
16C, 16D, 16H and 16F respectively :—
“16A. Inevery distillery the capacity of
every package shall be calculated by reference
to the weight and hydrometer indication of
the spirits contained therein by means of the
tables prepared for use with Svkes’ hy drometer
for the purpose.
Short title.
Insertion of
new sections
in Principal
Mode of
capacity of
spirits at
a distillery.
to provide
seales and
of sealas and
Custody of
scales and
Officer to use
seales and
Offences in
regard to
scales and
Fecise (Amendment). No. — of 1955.
16B. Every distiller — shall provide
sufficient and just sale aud weights for the
purpose of weighing spirits in his store, stock,
or possession, “and any packaye used for the
purpose of containing any such spirits.
16C. The scales shall be ordinary beam
scales eapable of weighing twelve hundred-
weight, and the weights shall be a complete
sei of the Imperial Standard weights capable
of weighing to the nearest pound | any weight
up to twelve hundredweight.
16D. Every distiller shal] maintain and
keep the scales and weights aforesaid in such
proper and convenient place i in his spirit store
as the Collector of Customs may direct, and
so that the same shall be at all times re may
for the inspection and use of the proper
16h. Every distiller shall permit any
officer to: use such scales and weights as are
specified in section 16A of this ‘Ordinance
for the parposes of this Ordinance and shall,
wilh his servants and workinen, whenever
required by any officer, weigh and assist in
weighing and in taking account of any
spirits in his store, stock or possession.
16F. (1) IF any distiller refuses or
neglects to comply with any of the provisions
of section L6B, 16C, 16E or I6F of this
Ordinance, he shall incur a penalty of ninety-
six dollars.
(2) If any distiller—
(a) provides, or uses, or permits to
be used any insufficient, false, or upjust
scales or weights contrary to the pro-
visions of this Ordinance; or
(6) practises any device or con-
trivance . which any officer may be
prevented from or hindered or deceived
in taking the jnst and true quantity or
No. of 1955. Fecise (Amendment). 3
weight of any spirits or of any package
in any distillery or store adjacent thereto,
he shall incur a penalty of nine hundred
and sixty dollars and in addition all
such false or unjust scales and weights
shall be forfeited.
8. The Principal Ordinance is hereby
further amended by the insertion therein imme-
diately after section 51 of the following as
section 51A:—
51A. In respect of every removal of
spirits from a distillery or store adjacent
thereto there shall be paid by the distiller
to the Colleetor of Customs for the use of
the Presidency a charge of fifty cents for the
first half of an hour or part thereof and
twenty-five cents for each subsequent quarter
of an hour or part thereof during which
an officer is present and supervising such
removul. â€â€™
4. Section 80 of the Principal Ordinance
is hereby amended by the insertion of the words
aud seales and weights forfeited †between the
word “forfeiture†and the word ‘ underâ€
appearing in line 4 thereof.
Passed the Legislative Council the day
of 195+.
Clerk of the Council.
Insertion of
new section
51A in
Charge for
services of
of saction 89
of Principal
ANTIGUA. 4 Excise (Amendment), No. = of 1958
The object of this Bill is to amend the Excise Ordinance,
19038, to require that scales shall be provided for welghing
packages in distilleries as is done in all modern distilleries in
the West Indies: and to provide for charges to he raised and
collected for the services of Treasury Officers supervising
the removal of spirits into and out of a private Distillery
Ranpatt H. Lockuart,
Croun Attorney,
January, 1955.
rrinwed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackmay, F.D.. Government Printer,—- Ky Authority.
—316--3.55. [ Price 6 cents]
No. of 1953. 9 /rade and Revenue
No. of 1955.
An Ordinance to amend further the Trade and
Revenue Ordinance, 1900.
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Trade
and Revenue (Amendment) Ordinance, 1955 and
shall be read as one with the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance, 1900, as amended, hereinafter called
the Principal Ordinance.
2. Subsection (3) of Section 26 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
deletion of the word “seven†appearing in the
second line of the subsection and the substitution
therefor of the word “ three â€â€™.
3. Section 29 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by—
(a) the renumbering of the section as
subsection (1) thereof; and
Short title.
. Amendment
of section 26
(3) of Princi-
pal Ordi-
of section 29
of Principal
AxTIGUA. 2 Trade and Revenue No. of 1955.
(6) the addition as subsection (2) thereof
of the following:—
“ (2) There shall be paid by the
importer of goods stored in a ware-
house licensed under section 27 of
this Ordinance to the Colleetor of
Customs for the use of the Presi-
dency in respect of the services of
every Treasury Officer required to
attend at such warehouse for receiv-
ing or delivering goods a charge of
fifty cents for the first half “of an
hour or part thereof and twenty-five
cents for each subsequent quarter of
an hour or part thereof during which
such Treasury Officer attends at the
Amendment 4. Section 86 of the Principal Ordinance is
of section 36 ; |
of Principal. hereby amended by---
(a) the insertion between the word
“spirits� and tl d “shall†i
spirits’ and the wor sha appearing
in the first line of the section of the words
“and goods listed in Schedule A to this
Ordinanceâ€; and
(6) the substitution of a colon for the
full stop at the end of the section and the —
addition immediately thereafter of the follow-
ing proviso:—
“ Provided further that the voods
listed in Schedule A to this Ordinance
shall be duly cleared from a Government
warehouse not more than twent¢-four
hours after landing â€â€™
Insertion of 6. The Principal Ordinance is hereby
now seotion amended by the insertion therein immediately after
Principal section 37 of the followi ing section 837A :—
“Removal of 387A. (1) Warehoused — spirits may,
warehoused . : ae ‘ “ay .
spirits for with the written permission of the Collector
sale on board of Customs and subject to the conditions
tourist ships. 7 . ; : : y .
: prescribed in subsection (2) of this section
of 1955. Trade und Revenue
and to such restrictions as the Collector of
Customs may think fit be removed: from a
rarehouse free of duty for sale on board a
vessel arriving in the Presidency with not
less than one hundred passengers.
(2) Every removal of warehoused
spirits under subsection (1) of this section
shall be subject to the following condi-
tions: —
(a) The person desiring such
removal shall deliver to the Collector
of Customs a request note signed by
the agent of the vessel to which the
spirits are to be removed;
(6) The request note shall state
the description and quantity of spirits
required to he removed, the name of
the vessel whereon those spirits are
intended to be sold and such other
particulars as the Collector of Customs
may think fit;
(c) The removal and shipment
of the spirits for sale on board the
vessel shall be carried out under the
supervision of a ‘Treasury Officer;
(dq) Not more than forty-eight
hours alter the removal every person
to whom permission Is given for such
removal shall deliver to the Collector
of Customs a receipt signed by the
purser of the vessel stating that the
spirits permitted fo be removed have
been received on board that vessel for
sale to bona fide passengers only.
(3) Any person contravening the pro-
visions of subsection (1) of this section or
failing or neglecting to comply with any
of the conditions peeseribed in subseetion
YS) oof this section shall forthwith became
M4 . ; re
liable for the eustems and @xclse ditties aue
Addition of
Schedule D to
Trade and Rerenue No. of 1955,
and payable on such spirits and every per-
son who fails to pay those duties or any of
them shall be guilty of an offence and shall
on summary conviction be liable to
a fine not exceeding two thousand four hun-
dred dollars in addition to any duties for
which he may be liable.â€
6. The Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by the addition thereto of the follow-
ing Schedule as Schedule A:—
1. Butter and Cheese, when not packed in tins.
2. Fresh fruits and vegetables including onions and
3. Fresh fish.
4, Fresh meats including game and poultry.
d. Salted fish.
6. Salted meats of all kinds,
7. Smoked fish including herrings in boxes.
8. Smoked meats including hams and sausages not
packed in tins.â€
Passed the Legislative Council the
day of , 1955.
Clerk of the Council.
No. — of 1955 Trade and Revenue
(Amendment )
The object of this Bill is to amend the Trade and
Revenue Ordinance, 1900 in the following respeets—
(a) to provide that a charge is made for the ser-
vices of Treasury (Officers required to attend to the
receiving and delivering of goods stored in bonded
private warebouses:
(6) to correct an error in subsection (3) of section
26 of the Principal Ordinance under which the Collec-
tor of Customs is authorised to sell perishable goods
remaining uncleared for three days after landing;
(«) to provide for a Schedule of goods that must
be cleared from the Government Warehouse within
24 hours after landing; and
(d) to permit liquor to be removed and sold from
bond to vessels arriving in the Presidency with not less
than 100 passengers on board subject to presentation of
a request signed by the agent of the vessel and the pro-
duetion within 48 hours after removal of a receipt signed
by the purser of the vessel stating that such liquor has
been received on board for sale to bona jide passengers.
2. The amendments at (a), (4) and (c) arise out of the
recoinmendations of the Beaubrun report on the reorganisation
of the Customs and Excise Department.
3. The amendment at (7) has been suggested to enable
the Presidency to benefit from the opportunity to obtain hard
currency offered by the visits of tourist ships and to attract
such visits. Similar facilities are granted clsewhere in territo-
ries catering for the tourist trade,
Ranpatt H. LocKk#art,
Crown Attorney.
Printed at the Government Printing Orlice, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BinackM4N., Governmant Printer. By Authority.
—316—-3.58. { Price 7 cente.]
No. 23 of 1954. Crown Agents ANTIGUA.
(Change of Title).
K. W. Briacksurne,
7th March, 1955.
[1st April, 195-4]
No. 23 of 1954.
An Ordinance to provide for a change of the
title “The Crown Agents for the Coloniesâ€
o “The Crown Agents for Oversea Gov-
rainents and Administrations â€
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows: —
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Crown Agents (Change of Title) Ordinance, 1954.
2. All references to the Crown Agents Change of
for the Colonies in any Ordinance or Regulation Ti!
or in ang instrument issued pursuant to a
statutory power and in force or having effect
in the Presidency on. or after the Ist day of
April, 1954, shall be construed as references to
the Crown Agents for Oversea Governments
and Administrations.
3. This Ordinance shall be deemed to commence-
have come into operation on the Ist day of â„¢e
April, 1954.
ALEC Lovrnack,
Py esident.
ANTIGUA. 2 Crown Ayents No. 23 of 1954.
(Change of Title).
Passed the Legislative Council this 22nd
day of December, 1954.
J. L. Ropryson,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Blackman, Government Printer.—RBy Authority.
—480—3.55. [Price 4 cents.)
1955, No. 14.
Hours of Business.
Tue Post Orrice (Hours oF Busingss) (Revocation)
Runes, 1955, parep Marcu 19, 1955, MADE BY THE
Orrice Acr (Cap. 128).
1. Short Title. These Rules may be cited as the
Post Office (Hours of Business) (Revocation) Rules, 1955.
2. Revocation. The Post Office (Hours of
Business) Rules, 1948 (s. R. & O. 1948, No. 22) and the
Post Office (Hours of Business) (Amendment) Rules 1948
(S. R. & O. 1948 No. 24) are hereby revoked.
Made by the Governor in Council this 19th day of
March, 1955,
A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Counedl.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE. M. BLACKMAN, Government. Printer.—By Authority.
62/00024—I V—430— 3.59. [Price 3 cents. |
Full Text |
Li iw 1 | \
Published by Authority.
No, 14.
Brazilian Consular Repre-
With reference to the notice
appearing in Gazette No. 26 of the
3rd June, 1954, it is notified for
general information that Her Majes-
ty’s Exequatur has been issued to
as Vice-Consul at Port of Spain with
jurisdiction over Trinidad & Tobago,
Bahamas, Jamaica, the Leeward
Islands, the Windward Islands,
British Honduras, Barbados (exclud-
ing Bridgetown) and British Guiana
(excluding peg ey) and bears the
date 7th February, 1955.
The Secretariat,
10th March, 1955.
Ref. No. 19/00009.
It is hereby notified for general
information that his Excellency the
Governor has been pleased to ap-
(a) Mr. A. F. L. Loutsy and Mr.
O. i. HENRY to be Presidential
official members; and
(bd) Mr. M. S. OSBORNE to bea
nominated member,
of the Executive Council of the
Presidency of Montserrat.
The Secretariat,
22nd March, 1955.
C. 18/09005.
It is hereby notified for general
information that His Honour the
Administrator has appointed Sergeant
G. M. ROBERTS to be Inspector of
Weights and Measures for the Presi-
dency of Antigua as from 19th
March, 1955, vice Inspector BYRON
who is proceeding to the United
Kingdom to undergo training.
Administrator's Office,
19th March, 1955,
No. A. 82/1,
A 4F7e
ALLAN LoulIsy,
Acting Commissioner.
In exercise of the powers vested in
the Governor-in-Council by section
3 of the Cotton Planting (Regulation)
Ordinance, 1926, (No. 7 of 1926)
I, ALLAN LOUISY, Esquire, Acting
Comuissioner of the Presidency of
Montserrat by and with the advice of
the Executive Council of the said
Presidency, do hereby declare that
the period from the lst day of April,
1955, to the 15th day of August, 1956,
both days inclusive, is and shall be
a close planting season within the
meaning of the said Ordinance
throughout the said Presidency and
every part thereof except in the
Planting Date Experimental Plot at
the Grove Botanic Station to which
this proclamation shall not apply.
GIVEN at the Oommissioner’s Office,
Montserrat, this 11th day of
March, 1955, and in the fourth
year of Her Majesty’s reign.
Pursuant to section 78 (2) of the
Montserrat Constitution and Hlections
Ordinance, 1952, it is hereby notified
for general information that the
following candidate has been elected
for the undermentioned electoral
district, no other candidate having
been nominated.
Electoral District.
Central Electoral
Dated this 11th day of March, 1955.
Supervisor of Hlections.
M. 65A/8—-IIT.
No. 30.
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the un-
dermentioned Ordinances:—
No. 9 of 1954, ‘‘ Development
(Villa Housing) Loan Ordinance,
No. 15 of 1954 “Central Board of
Health (Constitution and Temporary
Powers) Ordinance, 1954.â€
No. 16 of 1954 “ Tunatic Asylums
(Repeal) Ordinance, 1954.â€
No. 31.
The following Bills which are to be
introduced in the Legislative Council
of Antigua, are circnlated with this
Gazette and form part thereof:—
“ The Firearms (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1955.â€
“The Excise (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1955.â€
“The Trade and Revenue (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1955.â€
No. 32.
The following Ordinance and Stat-
utory Rule and Order are circulated
with this Gazette and form part
thereof :—
No. 23 of 1954, “The Crown
Agents (Change of Title) Ordinance,
1954.†2 pp. Price 4 cents.
General Government.
No. 14 of 1955, ‘*The Post Office
(Hours of Business) (Revocation)
Rules, 1955.†1 pp. Price 3 cents.
Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance, 1950.
In pursuance of the requirements
of section 3 (2) (a) of the Aid to
Pioneer Industries Ordinanee, 1950,
it is hereby notified for general
information that the Governor in
Council proposes to make the under-
mentioned Order under section 3 (1)
of the said Ordinance.
2. Any person who objects to the
making of such Order shall give
notice in writing of his objection and
of the grounds on which he relies in
support thereof to the Clerk of the
Executive Council on or before the
13th day of April, 1955.
Clerk of the Executive Council.
1950 (No. 9 oF 1950).
1. Citation. This Order may be
cited as the Aid to Pioneer Industries
(Manufacture of Paint) Order, 1955.
2. Manufacture of Paint de-
clared a Pioneer Industry. The
manufacture of paint is hereby de-
clared to be a pioneer industry for
the purposes of the Aid to Pioneer
Industries Ordinance, 1950, and the
. following product is hereby declared
to be a pioneer product for the said
Made by the Governor in Conncil
this day of , 1955.
Clerk of the Haecutive Counoit.
Ref. No. A. 42/67.
In the Supreme Oourt of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
Circuit Court Notice.
in pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands Courts Order in Council.
1939, on the 24th day of September,
1941, as amended, the Honourable the
Puisne Judge selected for the sitting
of the Court in the Montserrat Circuit
has appointed the undermentioned
day on which the ensuing Circuit
shall sit in the Presidency, that is to
say :—
On Monday the 28th day of March,
1955 at 11.00 o’clock in the forenoon.
Registrar, Montserrat Circuit.
Reyistrar’s Office,
Tth March, 1955.
With reference to the Declaration
dated the 26th day of October, 1954
(8. Rk. & O. 1954, No. 30) regarding the
aeqnisition for public purposes of
certain lands forming part of Five
Islands Estate as set out in the
Schedule to the said Declaration:
IT IS HEREBY notified for general
information that the said lands which
comprise portions of the several
estates commonly known as Five
Islands Estate have now been demar-
cated by actual survey and a notice
of acquisition in respect of the said
lands has been issued in accordance
with the provisions of section 7 of the
Act. The area and boundaries of the
saine are as hereunder:
ALL THOSE portions of lands
forming part of Five Islands, Gambles
(Five Islands) and Galley Bay com-
monly called Five Islands Estate
situate in the Parish of St. John in
the Island of Antigua containing by
admeasurement 129.309 acres and
bounded as follows:—
On the North by Galley Bay and
Gambles (Five Islands);
On the East by Five Islands;
On the South by Galley Bay and
the Village of Five Islands and
On the West by Galley Bay.
Dated this 2nd day of March, 1954.
Henry J, ELWInN,
Authorised Officer,
Statement of Currency Notes
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
ern Group) on ist March,
Average Circulation during January,
1955 :—
Br. Caribbean Cur-
rency Notes
Demonetized Gov't.
Notes (outstanding)
Br. Caribbean Currency Notes:—
Trinidad & Tobago
(including $
Montserrat) .». 27,391,731.00
Barbados -- 9,939,625.00
British Guiana +++ 13,820,927.00
Grenada 1,939,100.00
St. Vincent 529,400.00
St. Lucia 862,000.00
Dominica -« 1,091,400.00
Antigua 1,423,300.00
St. Kitts
Total Br. Caribbean
Currency Notes
+++ 54,116,983.00
Demonetized Trinidad
and Tobago Gov't.
Notes outstanding --. 1,092,243.00
Demonetized Br.
Guiana Gov’t.
Notes outstanding ... 379,212.00
Demonetized Barbados
Gov't. Notes
outstanding «107,654.00
Total Government ;
Notes outstanding .-. 1,579,109.00
.-- 95,696,092.00
Total circulation
Circulation on Ist
March, 1955. .. 99,696,092.00
Kixecutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.
British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad, B.W.I.
Ref. No. 24/00044.
[24 March, 1955,
In the matter of the Estate of
To all creditors of the above estate.
You are hereby notitied that you
are to come in and prove your debts
and file your claims at the office of
the Administrator of Hstates at the
Court House in the town of Basseterre
in the Island of Saint Christopher
against the said estate.
Creditors resident within the
Colony of the Leeward Islands ure
to file their claims within four
months after the 15th day of March,
Creditors resident out of the said
Colony are to file their claims eight
months from the said 15th day of
March, 1955.
that any creditors failing to file their
claims within the time above specified
will be excluded from any benefits
arising from the said Estate.
All persons indebted to the said
deceased are requested to pay the
amount of their respective debts to
Dated the 15th day of March, 1955.
Administrator of Hstates.
Agricultural Scholarship Ten-
able at the Imperial College
of Tropical Agriculture.
1. Applications are invited for a
scholarship tenable at the Imperial
College of ‘Tropical Agriculture,
Trinidad, to be awarded by the
Government of the Leeward Islands
in regpect of the year 1955,
2. Applications must be submitted
to the Colonial Secretary through—
(a) the Headmaster of the school
at which the applicant is being
or has being taught, or
(b) the Administrator or. Com-
missioner of the Presidency con-
by the 5th April, 1955.
Application forms should be
obtained from the office of adminis-
tration of the Presidency in which
the applicant resides.
3. The successful candidate will
be required to sign an undertaking to
serve for three years in the Leeward
Islands upon the successful comple-
tion of his course of study if offered
suitable employment.
The Secretariat,
4th March, 1955.
24 March, 1955. ]
University Coliege Hospital of
the West Indies.
Applications are invited for two
posts of Registrar or Senior Registrar
in the Division of Obstetrics and
Gynecology at the sbove-named
teaching hospital which is in special
relationship with the University of
London. A higher qualification in
Obstetrics & Gynecology is desirable
but not essential. The successful
candidates will be required to assume
duties by the end of June and early
in October, 1955, respectively.
The appointments will each be for
one year in the first instance, subject
to renewal. Salary is in the senle
£800x100-£1,000/£1,100x100-£ 1,400
per annum, depending on experience
and qualifications. Single accommo-
dation and board ora limited number
of unfurnished flats for nnmacricd or
married Officers, are provided at a
deduction of £125 per annuin or 5%
of salary, respectively. Retarn first
class passage by sea will be paid for
one person only in each case.
Further information may be ob-
tained from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona, St. Andrew. Jamaica,
B. W.1., to whom applications stating
age, nationality and details of quali-
ficatious and experience, together
with three recent testimonials or the
names and addreases of three referees,
should be sent hy the 16th of April,
Ref. No. 13/00286.
University College Hozpital of
vue West Indies.
Applications are invited for the
post of Chief Pharmacist at the
above-named teaching hospital which
is in special relationship with the
University of WLondon. Applicants
should possess the Ph. C. qualification
or its equivalent, and should be
experienced in sterilization and
hospital routine.
The successful applicant will be
required to train students to the
standard of the Chemists & Druggists
qualifying examination, and to give
instruction in Pharmacy to Medical
students studying for the M.B., B.S.
degree of the University of London,
The salary payable will be in the
‘eale £950-25-£1.050 per annum,
depending on qualifications and
experience. A deduction of 5% of
salary will be made for superannua-
tion purposes. Return first class
passage by sea will be paid for one
person only.
Further information may be ob-
tained, from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona, St. Andrew, Jamaica,
B. W.I., to whom application. stating
age, nationality and details of qualifi-
cations and experience, together with
three recent testimonials or the names
and addresses of three referees, should
be sent by the 30th of June, 1955.
Ref. No, 13/00286.
Waterworks Department,
Applications are invited for the
above post.
The post is pensionable with salary
in the scale $1,920. $1,920-120-2,880-
144-3,456 per annum, plus C.O.L.A.
at the rate of $156 per annum. Leave
passages are payable ata salary of
$2,280 per annum and over,
Applicants must be conversant with
Theodolite and Dumpy Level Survey-
ing and Planetable work, and must
also be able to produce neat tracings,
and know the elements. of draughts-
manship. ,
Applications stating age, qualifica-
tions and experience, should be
addressed to the Chief Secretary,
Public Buildings, Barbados, to reach
him not later than 26th of March, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00286.
Headmaster, Grammar School,
St. Vincent, B.W.I.
Applications are invited for the
post of Headmaster, the Grammar
School, St. Vincent, B.W.I.
‘he school is a Government Insti-
tution. It has at present a roll of
260 boys and takes pupils to the
Cambridge Certificate and Higher
School Certificate Standard.
Applicants should possess a degree
of a University within the British
Commonwealth, and should have had
teaching experience in a Secondary
School. Applicants should furnish
detailed accounts of their qualifica-
tions and experience together with
suitable testimonials, when submit-
ting their applications.
The salary of the post is in the
scale $3,840 x 120—4,560 (£800 x25
— 950) per annum.: The point of
entry to the scale will depend on the
qualifications and experience of the
successful candidate, and he will be
on probation for one year. The
holder of the post has Civil Service
Status and the post is pensionable.
The appointment will be subject to
the passing of a satisfactory medical
Income Tax is payable in accord-
ance with local legislation.
Free passagos on first appointment
will be provided for the officer, hig
wife and children. Vacation leave
and leave passages are provided in
accordance with local regulations.
Applications must be addressed to
the Assistant Administrator & Estab-
lishment Officer, Government Office,
St. Vincent, B.W.1., and must reach
him not later than 31st July, 1955.
Ref. No. 12/00286.
Girls’ High School,
St. Vincent.
Applications are invited from guit-
ably qualified candidates for appuint-
ment to a post of Senior Assistant
Mistress, Girls’ High School.
The school is a Government
Institution, the post is pensionable,
the appointment will be subject to
the passing of a satisfactory medical
examination, and will be on probation
for one ycar in the first . instance.
Applicants should possess a degree
of a University within the British
Commonwealth, and must be able to
teach one of the subjects History,
Geography, French, Latin, to Higher
School Certificate standard, and one
to subsidiary level. They should
also have had teaching experience in
a Secondary School.
The salary of the post is in the
scale $2,016-96-2,688 (£420-20-£560)
per annum. Entry into the salary
scale will be determined according to
the qualifications and experience of
the candidate.
Free passage on first appointment
will be provided for the successful
candidate. Government officials are
liable to taxation imposed by local
Applications accompanied by copies
of recent testimonials shonld be
addressed to the Assistant Adminis-
trator and Kstablishment Officer,
Government Office, St. Vincent, and
must reach him not later than the
30th april, 1955.
Central Hxperiment Station,
1951, 1952. 1953. 1954, 1955,
Jan, 3.60 3.10 2.65 3.44 2.16
Feb. 1.88 1.60 102 245 68
3.82 28 71
5.46 7.39 6.17
Mar. 19th 95 .76
6.43 3.55
60 THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. . {24 March, 1955.
2lst March, 1955.
Medical Aot, 1937.
Pursuant to Section 12 (4) of the Medical Act, 1937 the following registration is hereby notified:—
Name. Address. | Qualification. | Date Registered
aie Ragin Registration No..
ee J a |
Griffin, Ruperil Chemist and Druggist. 19th March ty 171
St. Olair | St. Johns, Antigua | Certificate of Competency 1955
dated 15th Sept. 1952.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by_E, DI, Bhackman,
Government Printer.—By Authority,
[Price 13 cents]
No. of 1935, Firearms (Amendment).
No. of 1955.
An Ordinance to amend the Firearms Ordinance,
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Fire-
arms (Amendment) Ordinance, 1955 aud shall be
read as one with the Firearms Ordinance, 1952,
hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance.
2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by the deletion of the definition of
the expression “Gazetted Police Officer†and the
insertion in the appropriate place of the following
definition :—
‘* Superintendent of Police †means the (razetted
Police Officer in charge of the Police
Division established in the Presidency and
includes any police officer, or government
officer authorised in writing by the
Superintendent of Police to act on his
behalf in relation to the licensing of
firearms â€â€™;
Short title.
of section 2
of Principal
Antigua, 2 Livearms (-imendment) No. of 1955.
Amendment 3. Section 13 of the Principal Ordinance is
of section 13
of Prineipal hereby amended by—
(i) the substitution of the words “ Super-
intendent of Police†for the word
‘Treasurer’? wherever it occurs in
subsection (1) of the section; and
(i) the deletion of the words ‘tat the
Treasury by the Treasurer†occur-
ring in subsection (2) of the section
and the substitution therefor of the
words “in the Divisions! Police
Headquarters in the Pr residency.
Amendment 4. Subsection (1) of section 17 of the
of section 17 enaine †mance 1 hereby : "ae
(of Prine = Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by
cipal Ordi-
(i) the imsertion in the introduetory
words of the subsection between
the words *‘ Treasurer†and ‘ under â€â€™
oecurripg in the secont| line of the
words and commas “or the Superin-
tendent of Police, as the case inay
(ii) the insertion after the word “ which
oceurring at the end of the first line
of paragraph (a) of the subsection of
the words “may be issued by the
Treasurer and ’’: -
(ii) the msertion after the word * whieh’
occurring at the end of the first line
of paragraphs (4) and («) respectively
of the subsection of the words “inay
be issued by the Superintendent of
Police andâ€;
(iv) the deletion in the last sentence of the
subsection of the word ‘ Treasurer’
occurring in the second Tine thereof
and the substitution ther fer of the
words “ Superintendent of Policeâ€,
No. of 1955. Bivearings (
5. Section 18 of the Principal Ordinance is Armudment
hereby amended as follows:— vai Taaciva!
(1) Subsections (i) and (2) of the section en
ure amended by the deletion of the
words “obtained and delivered to
the Treasurer a certificate from «
Gazetted Police Officer †and “ has
obtained and delivered to the Treas-
urer a certificate from a Gazetted
Police Officer †respectively occurring
therein and the substitution therefor
of the words “ satisfied the Superin-
tendent of Policeâ€.
(ii) The following is hereby substituted
for subsection (3) of the section:~—
*(3) Where the Superin-
tendent of Police ia satisfied that
an applicant is a fit and proper
person to carry and use a fire-
arm he shall give to such apph-
cant a certificate to that effect
and shall make an entry of his
having done so ina register of
persons licensed to carry and
use firearms to be kept in the
Divisional Police Headquarters
in the Presidency.
(iii) Subsection (+) is amended by the
substitution of the words the * Super-
intendent of Police†tor the words
‘a Gazetted Police Officer © occur-
ring in the last line of the subsection ;
(iv) The following is hereby substituted
for subsection (5) of the seetion:—
“(5) An entry sball be
made by the Superintendent of
Police of the cancellation of
such certificate in the register of
persons licensed to carry and
use firearms and notice 1 writ-
ing of sueh caneellation shail be
given to the heleer of the
of section 20
of Principal
of sectien 26
of Principal
of section 29
of Principal
$ Firearms (Amendinen ft). No. of 195%,
(v) Subsection (6) is amended by the sub-
stitution of the words “ the Superin-
tendent of Police� for the words
“a Gazetted Police Officer ’’ occur-
ring in the second line of the sub-
section ;
(vi) The following is hereby substituted
for subsection (7) of the section:—
‘““(7) Every certificate de-
livered under this section shall
be in the Form G in the First
Schedule to this Ordinance,
adapted to suit the particular
6. Section 20 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by the insertion between the word
“ Treasurer� and the comma occurring in the first
line of the section of the words and commas “in
respect of a licence issued under paragraph (a) of
subsection (1) of section 17 of this Ordinance, and
the Superintendent of Police in respect of a licence
issued under any of the paragraphs (6) to (¢) of
the said subsection, as the case may beâ€â€™.
7. Section 26 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by the deletion of the words
“ Treasurer or any police officer†occurring therein
and the substitution therefor of the words ‘ Super-
intendent of Police’.
8. Section 29 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by—
(i) the deletion of the words “the
Treasurer or†occurring in the
second line thereof snd the substitu-
tion of the word “him†for the
word “them†occurring in_ the
fourth line; and
(ii) the deletion of the marginal note
appearing against the section and
the substitution therefor of the
following :—
“Obstruction of police officer.â€
* yee 1 ¢
No. of 1959, Firearms « Amendment). 5
9. Section 20 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by the deletion of the words * The
Treasurer or any police officer may†and the
substitution therefor of the words ‘* Any police
officer may â€.
10. Subsection (3) of section 41 of the Prin-
cipal Ordinance is hereby amended by the deletion
of the words “ the ‘lreasurer or†occurring therein
and the deletion of the marginal note ‘ Penalty â€
appeuring against the said subsection.
11. The amendments specified in the second
column of the Schedule to this Ordinance being
amendments of a minor nature, shall be made in the
provisions of the Principal Ordinance specified in
the first column of that Schedule.
of section 30
of Principal
of section 41
(3) of Princi-
pal Ordinance.
Minor amend-
Sections 10, 14, 16, 22, 33, 37 and | The expression “the Superinten-
Forms D, E, F and G of the |
dent of Police†shall he substitnted
First Schedule to the Ordinance. ! for the expressions “a Gazetted
| Police Officer’ and
“the ‘Treas-
| urer†respectively wherever those
ocewr in the sections, the relative
marginal notes and the Forms.
Pagsed the Legislative Council this day of
Olerk of the Council.
Antigua. 6 Firearms (stivendiment). No. of 193d.
The Object of this BULis to amend the Firearms Ordinance, 1952
in order-—
(a) to make Police responsible for the issue of firearm licences;
(6) to delete the marginal note agains: section 41 (3) whieh is
incorrectly inserted in the Principal Ordivance and to which the
Secretary of State has drawn attention in his Leeward Islands
Despatch No. 46 of the 22nd January, 1953.
Crown Attorney.
Prouted at the Government Printing Office Leeward Islands,
by BLM. BuaAcksa aN, Government Dririar By Anthority.
316---3.58. Price cendés,
No. of 1955. Lacise (amendment).
No. of 1955.
An Ordinance to amend further the Excise
Ordinance, 1903.
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:-—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Excise (Amendment) Ordinance, 1955, and shall
be read as one with the Excise Ordinance, 1908,
as amended, hereinafter called the Principal
2. The Principal Ordinunce is hereby
amended by the insertion therein immediately after
section 16 of the following as sections 16A, 163,
16C, 16D, 16H and 16F respectively :—
“16A. Inevery distillery the capacity of
every package shall be calculated by reference
to the weight and hydrometer indication of
the spirits contained therein by means of the
tables prepared for use with Svkes’ hy drometer
for the purpose.
Short title.
Insertion of
new sections
in Principal
Mode of
capacity of
spirits at
a distillery.
to provide
seales and
of sealas and
Custody of
scales and
Officer to use
seales and
Offences in
regard to
scales and
Fecise (Amendment). No. — of 1955.
16B. Every distiller — shall provide
sufficient and just sale aud weights for the
purpose of weighing spirits in his store, stock,
or possession, “and any packaye used for the
purpose of containing any such spirits.
16C. The scales shall be ordinary beam
scales eapable of weighing twelve hundred-
weight, and the weights shall be a complete
sei of the Imperial Standard weights capable
of weighing to the nearest pound | any weight
up to twelve hundredweight.
16D. Every distiller shal] maintain and
keep the scales and weights aforesaid in such
proper and convenient place i in his spirit store
as the Collector of Customs may direct, and
so that the same shall be at all times re may
for the inspection and use of the proper
16h. Every distiller shall permit any
officer to: use such scales and weights as are
specified in section 16A of this ‘Ordinance
for the parposes of this Ordinance and shall,
wilh his servants and workinen, whenever
required by any officer, weigh and assist in
weighing and in taking account of any
spirits in his store, stock or possession.
16F. (1) IF any distiller refuses or
neglects to comply with any of the provisions
of section L6B, 16C, 16E or I6F of this
Ordinance, he shall incur a penalty of ninety-
six dollars.
(2) If any distiller—
(a) provides, or uses, or permits to
be used any insufficient, false, or upjust
scales or weights contrary to the pro-
visions of this Ordinance; or
(6) practises any device or con-
trivance . which any officer may be
prevented from or hindered or deceived
in taking the jnst and true quantity or
No. of 1955. Fecise (Amendment). 3
weight of any spirits or of any package
in any distillery or store adjacent thereto,
he shall incur a penalty of nine hundred
and sixty dollars and in addition all
such false or unjust scales and weights
shall be forfeited.
8. The Principal Ordinance is hereby
further amended by the insertion therein imme-
diately after section 51 of the following as
section 51A:—
51A. In respect of every removal of
spirits from a distillery or store adjacent
thereto there shall be paid by the distiller
to the Colleetor of Customs for the use of
the Presidency a charge of fifty cents for the
first half of an hour or part thereof and
twenty-five cents for each subsequent quarter
of an hour or part thereof during which
an officer is present and supervising such
removul. â€â€™
4. Section 80 of the Principal Ordinance
is hereby amended by the insertion of the words
aud seales and weights forfeited †between the
word “forfeiture†and the word ‘ underâ€
appearing in line 4 thereof.
Passed the Legislative Council the day
of 195+.
Clerk of the Council.
Insertion of
new section
51A in
Charge for
services of
of saction 89
of Principal
ANTIGUA. 4 Excise (Amendment), No. = of 1958
The object of this Bill is to amend the Excise Ordinance,
19038, to require that scales shall be provided for welghing
packages in distilleries as is done in all modern distilleries in
the West Indies: and to provide for charges to he raised and
collected for the services of Treasury Officers supervising
the removal of spirits into and out of a private Distillery
Ranpatt H. Lockuart,
Croun Attorney,
January, 1955.
rrinwed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackmay, F.D.. Government Printer,—- Ky Authority.
—316--3.55. [ Price 6 cents]
No. of 1953. 9 /rade and Revenue
No. of 1955.
An Ordinance to amend further the Trade and
Revenue Ordinance, 1900.
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Trade
and Revenue (Amendment) Ordinance, 1955 and
shall be read as one with the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance, 1900, as amended, hereinafter called
the Principal Ordinance.
2. Subsection (3) of Section 26 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
deletion of the word “seven†appearing in the
second line of the subsection and the substitution
therefor of the word “ three â€â€™.
3. Section 29 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by—
(a) the renumbering of the section as
subsection (1) thereof; and
Short title.
. Amendment
of section 26
(3) of Princi-
pal Ordi-
of section 29
of Principal
AxTIGUA. 2 Trade and Revenue No. of 1955.
(6) the addition as subsection (2) thereof
of the following:—
“ (2) There shall be paid by the
importer of goods stored in a ware-
house licensed under section 27 of
this Ordinance to the Colleetor of
Customs for the use of the Presi-
dency in respect of the services of
every Treasury Officer required to
attend at such warehouse for receiv-
ing or delivering goods a charge of
fifty cents for the first half “of an
hour or part thereof and twenty-five
cents for each subsequent quarter of
an hour or part thereof during which
such Treasury Officer attends at the
Amendment 4. Section 86 of the Principal Ordinance is
of section 36 ; |
of Principal. hereby amended by---
(a) the insertion between the word
“spirits� and tl d “shall†i
spirits’ and the wor sha appearing
in the first line of the section of the words
“and goods listed in Schedule A to this
Ordinanceâ€; and
(6) the substitution of a colon for the
full stop at the end of the section and the —
addition immediately thereafter of the follow-
ing proviso:—
“ Provided further that the voods
listed in Schedule A to this Ordinance
shall be duly cleared from a Government
warehouse not more than twent¢-four
hours after landing â€â€™
Insertion of 6. The Principal Ordinance is hereby
now seotion amended by the insertion therein immediately after
Principal section 37 of the followi ing section 837A :—
“Removal of 387A. (1) Warehoused — spirits may,
warehoused . : ae ‘ “ay .
spirits for with the written permission of the Collector
sale on board of Customs and subject to the conditions
tourist ships. 7 . ; : : y .
: prescribed in subsection (2) of this section
of 1955. Trade und Revenue
and to such restrictions as the Collector of
Customs may think fit be removed: from a
rarehouse free of duty for sale on board a
vessel arriving in the Presidency with not
less than one hundred passengers.
(2) Every removal of warehoused
spirits under subsection (1) of this section
shall be subject to the following condi-
tions: —
(a) The person desiring such
removal shall deliver to the Collector
of Customs a request note signed by
the agent of the vessel to which the
spirits are to be removed;
(6) The request note shall state
the description and quantity of spirits
required to he removed, the name of
the vessel whereon those spirits are
intended to be sold and such other
particulars as the Collector of Customs
may think fit;
(c) The removal and shipment
of the spirits for sale on board the
vessel shall be carried out under the
supervision of a ‘Treasury Officer;
(dq) Not more than forty-eight
hours alter the removal every person
to whom permission Is given for such
removal shall deliver to the Collector
of Customs a receipt signed by the
purser of the vessel stating that the
spirits permitted fo be removed have
been received on board that vessel for
sale to bona fide passengers only.
(3) Any person contravening the pro-
visions of subsection (1) of this section or
failing or neglecting to comply with any
of the conditions peeseribed in subseetion
YS) oof this section shall forthwith became
M4 . ; re
liable for the eustems and @xclse ditties aue
Addition of
Schedule D to
Trade and Rerenue No. of 1955,
and payable on such spirits and every per-
son who fails to pay those duties or any of
them shall be guilty of an offence and shall
on summary conviction be liable to
a fine not exceeding two thousand four hun-
dred dollars in addition to any duties for
which he may be liable.â€
6. The Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by the addition thereto of the follow-
ing Schedule as Schedule A:—
1. Butter and Cheese, when not packed in tins.
2. Fresh fruits and vegetables including onions and
3. Fresh fish.
4, Fresh meats including game and poultry.
d. Salted fish.
6. Salted meats of all kinds,
7. Smoked fish including herrings in boxes.
8. Smoked meats including hams and sausages not
packed in tins.â€
Passed the Legislative Council the
day of , 1955.
Clerk of the Council.
No. — of 1955 Trade and Revenue
(Amendment )
The object of this Bill is to amend the Trade and
Revenue Ordinance, 1900 in the following respeets—
(a) to provide that a charge is made for the ser-
vices of Treasury (Officers required to attend to the
receiving and delivering of goods stored in bonded
private warebouses:
(6) to correct an error in subsection (3) of section
26 of the Principal Ordinance under which the Collec-
tor of Customs is authorised to sell perishable goods
remaining uncleared for three days after landing;
(«) to provide for a Schedule of goods that must
be cleared from the Government Warehouse within
24 hours after landing; and
(d) to permit liquor to be removed and sold from
bond to vessels arriving in the Presidency with not less
than 100 passengers on board subject to presentation of
a request signed by the agent of the vessel and the pro-
duetion within 48 hours after removal of a receipt signed
by the purser of the vessel stating that such liquor has
been received on board for sale to bona jide passengers.
2. The amendments at (a), (4) and (c) arise out of the
recoinmendations of the Beaubrun report on the reorganisation
of the Customs and Excise Department.
3. The amendment at (7) has been suggested to enable
the Presidency to benefit from the opportunity to obtain hard
currency offered by the visits of tourist ships and to attract
such visits. Similar facilities are granted clsewhere in territo-
ries catering for the tourist trade,
Ranpatt H. LocKk#art,
Crown Attorney.
Printed at the Government Printing Orlice, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BinackM4N., Governmant Printer. By Authority.
—316—-3.58. { Price 7 cente.]
No. 23 of 1954. Crown Agents ANTIGUA.
(Change of Title).
K. W. Briacksurne,
7th March, 1955.
[1st April, 195-4]
No. 23 of 1954.
An Ordinance to provide for a change of the
title “The Crown Agents for the Coloniesâ€
o “The Crown Agents for Oversea Gov-
rainents and Administrations â€
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows: —
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Crown Agents (Change of Title) Ordinance, 1954.
2. All references to the Crown Agents Change of
for the Colonies in any Ordinance or Regulation Ti!
or in ang instrument issued pursuant to a
statutory power and in force or having effect
in the Presidency on. or after the Ist day of
April, 1954, shall be construed as references to
the Crown Agents for Oversea Governments
and Administrations.
3. This Ordinance shall be deemed to commence-
have come into operation on the Ist day of â„¢e
April, 1954.
ALEC Lovrnack,
Py esident.
ANTIGUA. 2 Crown Ayents No. 23 of 1954.
(Change of Title).
Passed the Legislative Council this 22nd
day of December, 1954.
J. L. Ropryson,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Blackman, Government Printer.—RBy Authority.
—480—3.55. [Price 4 cents.)
1955, No. 14.
Hours of Business.
Tue Post Orrice (Hours oF Busingss) (Revocation)
Runes, 1955, parep Marcu 19, 1955, MADE BY THE
Orrice Acr (Cap. 128).
1. Short Title. These Rules may be cited as the
Post Office (Hours of Business) (Revocation) Rules, 1955.
2. Revocation. The Post Office (Hours of
Business) Rules, 1948 (s. R. & O. 1948, No. 22) and the
Post Office (Hours of Business) (Amendment) Rules 1948
(S. R. & O. 1948 No. 24) are hereby revoked.
Made by the Governor in Council this 19th day of
March, 1955,
A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Counedl.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE. M. BLACKMAN, Government. Printer.—By Authority.
62/00024—I V—430— 3.59. [Price 3 cents. |