Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Published wha




" Administrator.

WHEREAS by section 7 of the
Cotton Export Ordinance, 1954 (No.
12 of 1954) it is provided that the
‘said Ordinance shall come into opera-
tion on a date to be appointed by the
Governor by Proclamation published
in the Gazette:

LOVELACE, a member of the Most
Excellent Order of the British
Empire, Administrator of the Presi-
deney of Antigua, do by this my
proclamation declare that the said
Ordinance shall come into operation
on the L5th day of March, 1945.

AND all Her Majesty's loving
subjects in the Presidency of Antigua
and all others are hereby required to
take due notice hereof and to give
their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN atthe Administrator's Office,
Antigua, this second day of
March, 1955, in the fourth year
of Her Majesty’s reign.


No, 24,

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

CHRISTIAN, Dr. D. L., to be Dental
Surgeon, Antigua.
Dee. 7, 1954

OHRISTIAN, Dr. R. S., Dental Sur-
geon, Antigua, resigned apppoint-
ment. Dec. 7, 1954

STHVENS, R. T., to be Supervising

' Engineer, Telephone Department,
Antigua, for a period of 18 to 24
months in the first ingtance.

4 _. Feb. 17

A.C, 13/65—-IL. oy

BRE I277


No. 25.

The following Ordinances and
Statutory Rules and Orders are cir-
culated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—


No. 20 of 1954, ‘The General
Loeal Loan (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954.” 1 pp. Price 3 cents

No. 21 of 1954, The Cattle Tres-
pass (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents

No. 22 of 1954, The Vehicles and
Road Traffic (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1954.” 12 pp. Price 15 cents

General Government.

No. 10 of 1955, ‘ The Montserrat
Executive Council (Cessation) Order,
1955.” 1 pp. Price 3 cents

No. 11 of 1955, “ The Saint Christo-
pher Nevis and Anguilla Postal Ser-
vice Rules and Regulations, 1955.”

31 pp. rice 36 cents

No. 12 of 1955, ‘‘The Magistrates’
Court Rules, 1955.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents

Agricultural Scholarship Ten-
able at the Imperial College
of Tropical Agriculture.

1. Applications are invited for a
scholarship tenable at the Imperial
College of ‘Tropical Agriculture,
Trinidad, to be awarded by the
Government of the Leeward Islands
in respect of the year 1955.

2. Applications must be submitted
to the Colonial Secretary through—

(a) the Headmaster of the school
at which the applicant is being
or has being taught, or

(6) the Administrator or Com-
‘mnissioner of the Presidency con-

by the 5th April, 1955.

Application forms should be
obtained from the office of adminis-
tration .of the Presidency in which
the applicant resides.


3. The successful candidate will
be required to sign an undertaking to
serve for three years in the Leeward
Islands upon the successful comple-
tion of his course of study if offered
suitable employment.

The Secretariat,
4th March, 1955.


Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance, 1950.

In pursuance of the requirements
of section 3 (2) (a) of the Aid to
Pioneer Industries Ordinance, 1950,
it is hereby notified for general
information that the Governor in
Council proposes to make the under-
mentioned Order under section 3 (1)
of the said Ordinance.

2. Any person who objects to the
making of such Order shall give
notice in writing of his objection and
of the grounds on which he relies in
support thereof to the Clerk of the
Executive Council on or before the
13th day of April, 1955.

J. L. RosBInson,
Clerk of the Executive Council.

1950 (No. 9 or 1950).


1. Citation. This Order may be
cited as the Aid to Pioneer Industries
(Manufacture of Paint) Order, 1955.

2. Manufacture of Paint de-
clared a Pioneer Industry. The
manufacture of paint is hereby de-
clared to be a pioneer industry for
the purposes of the Aid to Pioneer
Industries Ordinance, 1950, and the
following product is hereby declared
to be a pioneer product for the said
purposes :—


Made by the Governor in Council
this day of , 1955.

Clerk of the Executive Council.
Ref. No. A. 42/67.


Workmen’s CompensatippxAct.
a Es
i : os ay

i e
foke +

The attention of persons in Antigua

employing workmen, as defined . by, ~
the Workmen’s Compensation Act,”

1937, is directed to the notice dated
5th February, 1944, published in the
' Leeward Islands Gazette on. the 18th
February, 1954, whercby such per-
sons are required to render, on or
before the 15th day of February in
every year, to the Labour Commis-
sioner, a correct return in respect of
the preceding calendar year speci-

(a4) The total number of injuries
to workmen during the year in
respect of which compensation has
bevn paid;

(>) The number of fatal injuries
included under (a);

{c) The total amount paid in full
settlement of claim for compenga-
tion in respect of non-fatal injuries.

(a) The total amount paid to
dependents in respect of fatal in-

(e) The number of non-fatal in-
juries which have been classified as
of a permanent nature;

(7) Full details respecting any
payment of compensation being
made on account of temporary dis-
ablement under section 4 (i) (d@).

Dated the 26th day of February,

A. 65/7


No. 1 of 1955.

1. General (Open) Import Licence
No. 2 of 1954 dated the Ist day of
April, 1954, is hereby amended as

By the deletion of the words
“Lumber and wood products ex-
eluding furniture ” from the Sched-
ule thereto.

2. General (Open) Import Licenee
No. 1 of 1954 dated the Ist of April,
1954, is hereby amended as follows:—

By the addition to the Schedule
thereto of the following new item
after item (19)—

(20) Lumber and wood pro-

Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955.
By Order of the Governor,

Supply Officer.

‘afternoon at The


Declaration dated February 3,
1955, made under Section 8
of the Land Acquisition Act,
1944 (No. 11/1944), for the
acquisition of certain land in
the Presidency of Saint Chris-
topher Nevis and Anzuilla
required for public purposes.

the Governor in Council with the
approval of the Legislative Council of
the Presidency of Saint Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla considers that
the land described in the Schedule
hereto, situate in the island of
Anguilla in the said Presidency,
should be acquired for public pur-
poses, namely, for the erection of a
health outpost, in the said Presidency.


An area of approximately 4} of an
acre situate at South Hill in the
island of Anguilla in the Presidency
of Saint Christopher Nevis and
Anguilla, and bounded as follows,
that is to say, on the North and West
by lands of FRANCHS ANN CARTY;
on the South by the public main
road; and on the East by a private

Dated this 3rd day of February,


Clerk of the Couneil.
Ref. No, 36/00004.


Centra] Hxperiment Station.

1951, 18A2. 1953. 1954, 1945.
Jan. 3.60 3.10 2.55 3.44 2.16
Feb. 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45 .68
Mar, 5th 16 — AAT ae 19

4.70 4.14 589 3.03

Notice of Nomination.


The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of Election for the election
of a member of the Legislative Conn-
cil for the Central electoral district
the returning officer for the said
district will on the llth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o’clock in
the forenoon and one o’clock in the

' afternoon and between the Lours of

two o’clock and four o’clock in the
Police Station,
Salem, proceed to the nomination
of a member for the Central electoral

Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955,

Grorcr Howson,
Returning ‘Officer
for the Central electoral district.


[10 March, 1955.

Notice of Nomination.


The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of lection for the election
of two members of the Legislative
Council for the Southern electoral
district the returning officer for the
said district will on the llth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o'clock
in the forenoon and one o’elock in
the afternoon and between the hours
of two o’clock and four o’cloeck in the
afternoon at The Court House, Ply-
mouth, proceed to the nomination of
two members for the Southern elec-
toral district.

Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955,

Returning Officer
Jor the Southern electoral district,

Notice of Nomination.


The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of Election for the election
of a member of the Legislative Coun-
cil for the Windward electoral distriet
the returning officer for the said
district will on the llth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o’clock in
the forenoon and one o’clock in the
afternoon and between the hours of
two o’clock and four o’clock in the
afternoon at The Police Station,
Harris’s, proceed to the nomination
of a member for the Windward
electoral district. :

Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955.

Returning Officer
for the Windward electoral district.

Notice of Nomination.

The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of Election for the election
of a member of the Legislative Coun-
cil for the Northern electoral district
the returning officer for the said
district will on the llth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o’clock in
the forenoon and one o’clock in the
afternoon and between the hours of
two o’clock and four o’clock in the
afternoon at The St. John’s School,
proceed to the nomination of a
member for the Northern electoral

Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955.

Returning Officer
Jor the Northern electoral district.

Ref. No. 18/00028.



10 March, 1955. ]

Consular Represen-

It is notified for general informa-
tion that, pending the issue of Her
Majesty’s Exequatur, Mr. RICHARD
KAHN has been accorded provisional

‘recognition as Honorary Consul of

Austria at Kingston, Jamaica, with

jurisdiction including the Bahamas,

Barbados, Jamaica, the Leeward Is-
lands, the Windward Islands and
Trinidad and Tobago.
The Secretariat,


. B3rd February, 1955,

Ref. No. 19/00009.

With reference to the Declaration
dated the 26th day of October, 1954
(8. R. & 0. 1954, No. 30) regarding the
acquisition for public purposes of
certain lands forming part of Five
Islands Estate as set out in the
Schedule to the said Declaration:

ITIS HEREBY notified for general
information that the said lands which
comprise portions of the several
estates commonly known as Five
Islands Estate have now been demar-
cated by actual survey and a notice
of acquisition in respect of the said
lands has been issued in accordance
with the provisions of section 7 of the
Act. The area and boundaries of the
same are as hereunder:

ALL THOSE portions of lands
forming part of Jive Islands, Gambles
(Five Islands) and Galley Bay com-
Monly called Five Islands Estate
situate in the Parish of St. John in
the Island of Antigua containing by
adimeasurement 129.309 acres and
bounded as follows:—

On the North by Gallev Bay and
Gambles (Five Islancs);

On the Fast by Five Islands;

On the Seuth by Galley Bay and

the Village of Five Islands and
On the West by Galley Bay.

Dated this 2nd day of March, 1954.

Henry J. Ewin,
Authorised Officer.



The Vehicles and Road Traffic
Ordinance, 1946.

By virtue of the powers conferred
on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles
and Road Traffic Ordinance 1946
(No. 5 of 1946), I hereby fix the
period hereunder for the lighting of

Until further notice, the lighting
of vehicles shall be from 6.30 p.m. to
5.45 a.m.

Dated this 24th day of February,

E. M. V. JaAmus, Lt. Col.

Traffic Commissioner.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and

Leeward Islands.


that in pursuance of Rules made by
the Chief Justice under Section 16 of
the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands (Coutts) Order in Council,
1939, and duly approved as therein
provided on the 16th day of Octo-
ber, A.D. 1941, The Honourable
Puisne Judge selected for the sit-
ting of the Court has appointed the
day of the month -on which the en-
suing Circuit Court shall sit as fol-
lows, thut is to say:—

The Virgin Islands Circuit on
Friday the Ist day of April, 1955,

- at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.

Dated the 24th day of February,

Chief Registrar.


Post of Estimator and Chief
Draughtsman, Public Works
Department, St. Vincent,

Applications are invited from suit-
ably qualified candidates for the post
of Estimator and Chief Draughtsman,
Public Works Department, St. Vin-

2. The post, which is non-pen-
sionable, carries a salary scale of
$2592 per annum rising by annual
increments of $96 to $3168 per
annum and the point in this scale at
which a suitable candidate will be
appointed will depend on his qualifi-
cations and experience. Considera-
tion is being given to making the
post pensionable. Quarters are not
provided. Free passages for the
successful candidate und his wife and
family will be provided on appoint-
ment. A ‘Transport Allowance of
$732.00 per annum is payable if the
appointee maintains a motor car for
official travelling.

3. Candidates must have had a
secondary education with a sound
knowledge of Mathematics and En-
glish. They should also have a
minimum of two years experience as
Estimator-Dranghtsman, and an ag-
gregate of not less than 3 years in
other phases of Public Works such as
Building Construction, Land Survey-
ing and Land Drainage.

4, The successful candidate will
be required to prepare estimates of
cost and materials from drawings,
and to maintain statistical records of
Construction Unit Costs for work
operations performed by the Depart-

5. Applications should be address-
ed to the Superintendent of Public
Works, Kingstown, St. Vincent,
B.W.I., and should reach lifth not
later than 10th March, 1935.

Government Office,
Saint Vincent,
12th February, 1955.

Ref. No. 13/00286,


| fo
Control of Imports and Exports
Notice No. 1 of 1955
Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each ““E” grade flour from:
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.I.F. Antigua and should
include agents commission. Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price. .

2. The “KE” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard :—

Maximum moisture ies 14.00%

Maximum ash cee 52%

Minimum protein eos 12.00%

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—
Minimum. Maximum. .
Thiamine 2.0 2.5 milligrams for each Ib. flour 7
Riboflavine | 1.2 15 i, ' :
Niacine 16.0 20.0 ” ” ”
Iron 13.0 16.5 ” ” ”
With Calcium Car-
bonate 500 600

” ” pd

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
duly notarised.must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to arrange
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.

_ Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is en-
riched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour” must be stencilled on ench bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped to arrive in Antigua
during May, June and July, 1955 at a monthly rate of 5,000 half-bags of 100 Ibs. each.

4. Tenders should bein sealed envelopes marked “‘ Tenders for flour” and should be addressed
to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 4 p.m. on
31st March, 1955.

5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
- Admintrator’s Office,

26th February, 19556.

Ref. No, A. 40/18,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by FE, MM, BLACKMAN,
Government Printer.—By Authority,

[Price 71 conts]

No. 20 of 1954. General Local Loan ANTIGUA.

K. W. Bracksurng,
24th February, 1955.

[24th February, 1955. ]

No. 20 of 1954.

An Ordinance to amend the General Local Loan
Ordinan-e, 1951.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. ‘This Ordinance may he cited as the Short title.
General Local Loan (Amendment) Ordinance, *!%?:
1954, and shall be read as one with the General
Local Loan Ordinance, 1951, hereinafter called
the Principal Ordinance.

2. Section 14 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment
is hereby amended by the substitution of the oP pcier t!
words “ place at interest. or invest” for the word Ordinanee.
“invest” appearing in the sixth and tenth lines


Passed the Legislative Council the 22nd
day of December, 1954.

J. L. Ropinson,
Clerk of the Counetl.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE. M. BLackMAn, Government Printer.—By Authority.
—480—3.55. Price 3 cents.

No. 2t of 1954. 9 Cattle Trespass ANTIGUA,

I Assent,
K. W. Bracksuryr,
24th February, 1955.

[24th February, 1955]

No. 21 of 1954.

An QOrdinance to amend further the Cattle
Trespass Ordinance, 1910.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

J. This Ordinance may he cited as the Short title.
Cattle Trespass (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954 a an
and shall be read as one with the Cattle Tres- 6/1932
pass Ordinance, 1910, as amended, hereinafter inne

called the Principal Ordinance.

2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment
Cl 2

hereby amended by— Prineipal

(a) renumbering the section as subsec-
tion (1) thereof; and

(6) the addition of the following as
subsection (2) thereof—

(2) For the purposes of section 12 and
section 15 of this Ordinance any
reference in those sections to an
‘authorised person ” shall be con-
straed to mean a person authorised
by the proprietor, possessor or per-
son in charge of any plantation,
estate or other: land generally or
specially to do any act or thing
which the ,proprietor, possessor or


of section 12
of Principal

of section 15
of Principal

2 Catile Trsespas No. 2] of 1954.

person in charge of such plantation,
estate or other land is empowered fo
do under this Ordinance:

Provided that in the case of a
Government Land Settlement such
reference shall be deemed to include
the Instroctor or other covernment
officer in charge of the Land Settle-
ment and every person acting by the
order of such Instructor or other
government officer in charve of the
Land Settlement.”

3. Subsection (1) of section 12 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
insertion immediately hefore the werd “to”
appearing in the third line thereof of the words
and stop “or any authorised person.”

4. Section 15 of the Principal Ordinance
is hereby amended by the insertion immediately
after the word “land” appearing in the third line
thereof of a comma followed by the words and
stop “or any authorised person.”

Avec Lovenace,

assed the Legislative Council the 22nd
day of December, 1954.

J. L. Rostxson,
Clerk of the Council,


Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leawari Islands.

500 —3.55.

by E. M, Bhackman, Government Printer.—Py Authority,

Price + canis,

No, 22 0f 1954, Vehiides and Road Trafic ANTIGUA,

I Assent,
K. W. Bracksurne,

28th February, 1955.

[ 28th February, 1955 |

No. 22 of LO5A.

An Ordinance to amend further the Vehicles and
Road Traffic Ordinance, 1946.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua as

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Vebicles and Road Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954, and shall be read as one with the Vehicles
and Road Traffic Ordinance, 1946 as amended, 4/1946.
hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance. mee:
2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment

f secti
hereby amended as follows:— eae Narn

pal Ordi-

(a) by the insertion between the defini-
tions of “driver” and “maximum = gross
weight” of the following definition:—

“highway code” means the directions

and amendments thereto prepared

by the Minister of Transport under

oes 45 of the Road Traffic Act,
930 (20 & 21 Geo. 5c. £3);”;

(4) by the insertion between the defini-
tions of ‘‘owner”’ and “ parking place” of the
following definition :—

“park” or “ parking’? means to
permit a vehicle, whether occupied

ANTGua. 2 Vehicles and fuud i rajfie No. 22 of 195-4.

or not, to stand upon a road other-
wise than temporarily for the
immediate purpose of and while
actnally engaged in loading or
unloadisi goods, or the taking up or
setting down of parsengers, or in
obedience to traffe regulations or
traffic signs, or the directions of
w police officer; ” ;

(c) by the insertion between the defini-
tions of “ trattic” and * Traffie Commissioner”
of the following definition :—

“ “traffic sign’’ includes all signals,
warnlig sign-posts, direction posts,
sigus, lines, marks, or other devices
for the guidance of persona using

(d) by the substitution of the following
definition for the definition of “ Traffie Com-
mussioner ”’:-—

“ © Traffic Commissioner’? means the
Commissioner of Police or sueh
other person as may be appointed
as such under section 4 of this

Amendment 3. Subsection (1) of section 8 of the Princi-

poe pal Ordinanee is herchy amended by the substitution

Ordinances, of the words “Colonial Engineer” for the words
“Superintendent of Public Works” appexring

Amendment 4. Subsection (23 of section 11 of the

of section 11
of the Princi-
pal Ordi.

Principal Ordinance is hereby amended as follows:—-

(a) by the substitution of a comma
followed by the word “or” for the colon
appearing at the end of paragraph (¢); and

(6) by the insertion immediately there-
after of the following paragraph ():—

(d) which is the property of a

Consular Officer or employee of the
United States of America, who is

No. 22 of 1954. Vehicles and Road Traffic 3

(i) not a British subject,
(ii) not engaged in private occupation
for gain in the Presidency, and

(ii) a permanent employee of the
United States of America or,
if not a permanent employee
thereof was not resident im the
Presideucy ut the commence-
ment of his employment in the
Consulate of the United States
of America,

and which is used by him for his official
or personal duties:”’

5. Section 12 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the insertion of the word
“veoistered ” between the words “the” and
“owner” appearing i the fourth line of
subsection (2);

(6) by the renumbering of subsection (3)
as subsection (4) thereof; and

(c) by the insertion of the following
subsection as subsection (3) thereof:—

“(3) The registered owner or the
new owner, as the case may be, who
eontravencs any of the provisions of the
furevoing subsections shall be guilty of
wun offence”.

6. The following subsections are hereby
substituted for cubsectione (2) and (3) of section
27 of the Prineipal Ordinance—

“« (2) For the purpose of learnmg to
drive, a person (in this section referred to ar
a“ learner”) may, though he does not hold
a driver's licence, drive a motor vehicle on
a roud if he holds a written permission to do
so Gn this section referred to asa‘ learner’s

it” icensing Officer:
permit”) granted hy the Licensing cer:


of section 12
of the

of section 27
of the



Vehicles and Road Traffic No. 22 of 195-4,

Provided that if a learner infringes
or fails to comply with any condition or
restriction specified in the learier’s permit
while learning to drive on # road, he shall be
liable to the penalty prescribed iu subsection
(1) of this section as if no learner’s permit had
been issued to him,-and the said permit. shall,
on his conviction, be cancelled.

(8) When granting « learner’s permit
for the purpose mentioned in subsection (2)
of this section, the Licensing Officer may
impose such conditions and restrictions as be
may deem necessary for the safety of the
public and shall, without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing words, specify—

(a) that the learner shall drive
upon such roads and at such times as
may be mentioned in the permit; and

(6) that the learner shall not use a
public service vehicle carrying passengers
for the purpose of learning to drive;

(©) that when learning to drive
a motor vehicle (other than a motor
cycle) the learner shall have sitting next
to him for the purpose of instructing
him, @ licensed driver and

(d) the motor vehicle shall carry
such identification marks as may be
specified in the permit:

Provided that a learner may appeal
to the Board against the refusal of the
Licepsing Officer to grant him a learner's
permit or ugainst any condition cr
restriction imposed by the Licensing
Officer, and, on such appeal being made,
the Board may make such order as they
deem just and such order shall be final
and conclusive.

(4) A learner and the person accompany-
ing him for the purpose of instruction, shall
each be liable for any offence committed

ZA .

. 22 of 1954. Vehicles and Road Trajfie = 5

against any of the provisions of this Ordinance
during the course of such instruction.”

7. Subsection (1) of section 83° of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
substitution of the words “seventeen years” for
the words * eighteen yeurs ” appearing in paragraph
(c) thereof.

8. Section 50 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the deletion from subsection (1)
of the words ‘fun « particular class of road
and the Substirntion therefor of the following
words “on a road or any portion thereo!
within " limits of the City of Saint Jobn
or which is declared to be within a speed
limit area in the manner hereinafter provided,
or otherwise than as specified in the said
Schedule ” ;

(6) by the renumbering of subsection
(4A) as subsection (5) and by the addition
thereafter of the following sabsections nun:-

bered (6) and (7):—

“ (6) The Governor-in-Counecil may by
order published in the (Gazefte and in
one or more newspapers cirealating in
the Presidency, declare any road or
portion thereof to be within a speed
limit srea:

Provided that prier to the publication
of such order the Traffic Conunissioner
shall erect or cause 16 be crected, both at
the commencement aid at the termination
of such area, trathe signs indicating the
limits of such area and the maximum
speed fixed in relation thereto:

Provided further that an order
under this subsection shall be of no effect
unless ancl untilis has beea approved by
the Leyislative Council.


of section 33
of the

of section 50
of the

Anite. 6 Vehieles and Road Traffic No 22 of 1954.

(7) Any person who—
ne ty . .
(a) drives a motor vehicle on
a road exceeding a speed limit
imposed by or under this section; or
(6) is guilty of an offence under
subsection (3) of this section,

shall be liable on summary conviction to
a penalty not exceeding one hundred and
twenty dollars or to imprisonment with
or without hard labour for a term not
exceeding four months and in addition,
in the case of a second or subsequent
conviction to be disqualified for holding

r obtaining a driver's licence for such
eri as the Court shail think fit.’

Anion tient 9. Section GY of the Principal Ordinance
of seetion 69 . ‘

of the is hereby amended by the substitution for the
Principal first four lines thereof of the following:—


“The Governor in Council may, from
time to time for the purpose of giving effect
to any convention for facilitating the interna-
tional circulation of motor vehicles, by order

en 10. The Principal Ordinance is hereby
aew sectlons i : 3 : :
in the amended by the insertion therein, immediately
Principal after section 74 of the followiug sections as section

ee 75 and section 75A respectively:

eee 73. (1) The Traffic Comunissioner may
cause or permit traffic signs to be placed on
or near any read and mav authorise the
retention of any traffie signs erected prior to
the passing of the Vehicles and Road ‘Uraffic
( Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.

(2) 'Trathe Signs erected or authorised
under subsection (1) of this section may be
signs for any of the foll: owing purposes:

(a) to reoulate the movement of

()) is iadileate the route to be
followed by trate;

No. 220f 1954. = Vehieles and Load Trajfic 7 ANTIQUA.

(c) to restrict or prohibit the use of
any part of any road by traffic;

(d@) to prohibit the driving of any
vehicle on any road otherwise than in
a certain direction;

(e) to restrict or prohibit the parking
of vehicles in any area or on sity part of
any road;

(7) to restrict or prohibit tempora-
rily the use of any road or any part of
anv read by vehicles whenever it Appears
to. the Traffic Commissioner to be
necessary 3

(7) to warn users of the road of the
need for special caution;

(7) to give notice of dangerous

(2) to indicate the limits of a speed
limit area and the maximum speed fixed
in relation thereto;

()) to notify users of the road of
any prohibitions or restrictions which
have been imposed by this Ordinance or
by any regulations or orders made

(4) to convey information to users
of the road.

(3) Traffic signa shall be of the kinds
and of the descriptions preseribed by the
Traffic Commissioner by regulation.

(4) Every traffic sign placed on or near
any road, which is of « kind and of the
description prescribed by the Traffic Com-
inissioner by regulation and every traffic sign
being a sign for regulating by means of light
signals the movement of traffic shall be deemed
to have been lawfully so placed or authorised
by the Trafic Conunissioner, unless the
contrary is proved,



Vehicles and Road Trafic No. 22 of L954.

(5) Regulations which prescribe the
kinds and descriptions of traffic signs may
prescribe that any sign or words or symbol
or design or any coleured light or other
feature “of any sign shall be interpreted as
giving @ particular indication and may
prescribe aud explain the action required to
comply with such indication.

(6) Regulations with reference to traffic
signs may provide for the exemption of any
particular elass of vehicles from the obligation
of complying with the indication given by
any particular kind of traffic signs and the
conditions of such exemption.

(7) Subject to the provisions of sub-
section (6) of section 9 of this Ordinance, the
area or road or portion of a read to which
a traffic sign apples may be defined when the
indication given by the sign is sufficiently
clear frorn the sign itself as being in a form
commonly understood by drivers or others to
whom it is directed or when the indication
ot the portion of the road to which a_ traffic
sign is to apply is given by the erection of
sigus at each end of the portion of the road:

_ Provided that in the case of any sign
prohibiting the passage of vehicles on any
road, signs shall be erected at each end of
the road or portion of the road to which
the prohibition is to apply and at such
other points as the Traftic Commissioner
may determine.

(8) A traffic sign may refer to specific
classes of traffic but shall be held to refer to
vehicular trafic generally in the absence
of any special indication in the sign or
provisions in a regulation with reference
to such sign.

(9) Any regulation which prescribes
the kind and the description of traffic signs
intended for any of the purposes set out in
paragraphs (a) to (/) inelusive and (7) of
subsection (2) ot tie section may provide

No. 22 of 1954. Vehicles and Road Traffic 9


that failure to conform with the indication
given by the sign shall constitute an offence
and in such case the order of prohibition
indicated by any sach sign shall have effect
as if contained in a regulation under this
vrdinance, and any person driving or
propelling any vebicle who fails to conform
with the indication given by any sign of
that kind or description which has heen
lav fully placed on any road or the retention
of which has been authorised by the
Traffic Commissioner shall be guilty of an

(10) Regulations made by the Trathic
Commissioner under this section shall be
of no force or effect until approved by the
Governor in ‘Council and shall come into
operation as from the date of the publica-
tion thereof in the Gazeffe or from such
later date as may be specified in such

765A. (1) Any person who—

(a) shall, without the permission
of the ‘irattic Coimmissioner, erect or
cause to be erecied any trafic sign on
or near any road, or

(b) shall injure, deface, remove or
in any manner interfere with any
traffic sign lawfully placed on or near
any road,

shall be guilty of an offence.

(2) The ‘Traffic Commissioner may, by
notice in writing, require the owner or
occupier of any land on which there is any
traflic sign or any object which so closely
resembles a traihe sign that it might
reasonably be taken to be such a sign to
remove it, and if any such person fails to
comply with such notice, the Traffic
Commissioner may himself ellect or authorise
the removal, doing as little damage as may


erection or
removal of or
with traffic

Antigua. 10° Vehicles and Roa? Traffie No. 22 of 195-4,

be, and may recover in a court of competent
jurisdiction asa civil debt from the person
so in default the expense incurred by him
in so doing.

sehr (11) The Privcipal Ordinance is hereby
in Principal amended by the insertion, between sections
Dadinpnee: 77 and 78 of the following section numbered
as section 77A:—

ie cide 77A(1) Tt shall be the duty of

persons using the road to acquaint
themselves with and observe the diree-
tions contained in the highway cnde.

(2) The Traffic Commissioner shall
eause the highway code to be issued
to the public at a price to be fixed
by the Governor in Council.

(3) A failure on the part of any
part of any person to observe any provi-
sion of the highway code shall not of
itself render that person liable to crimi-
nal proceedings under this Ordinance,
but sueh failure may in any such proceed-
ings be relied upon by any party to the
proceedings as tending to establish or te
negative any hability which is in question
in ‘thos se proceedings.”

Amendment 12. Section 77 of the Principal Ordinance

eet’ aie ene amended by the deletion of the words

Principal “and the erection of traffic signs and other notices”
Ordinance, appearing in subparagraph (+) of paragraph (7)

Substitution 18. The following section is hereby substi-
of section 79 tuted for section 79 of the Principal Ordinanee—

“General 79. Any person guilty of an offence

; under this Ordinanee for which no penalty

is expressly provided shall be liable on sum-
mary conviction to a penalty not exceeding
one hundred and twenty dollars or to a term
of imprisonment net exceeding six months.”

No. 22 0f 1954. 9 Fehteles and Road Trafic 11 Ayxvieua.

14. The following Schedule is substituted substitution
for the Second Schedule to the Principal Ordi- nan
nhance— to Principal


Limits oF SvrrED

Maximum Speed

Miles per hour
1. On any road within the limits
of the City of Saint John,
or within a speed limit

(a) motor omnibuses and
motor lorries wee 15
(6) tractors, with or
without trailer 7 15
(c) other motor vehicles 20

2. On all roads in the Presidency
other than those specified in
paragraph 1 of this Sched-

(a) motor omnibuses and
motor lorries _ 25
(+) tractors, with or
without trailer .., 20
(c) other motor vehi-
cles ves 40

15. The amendments specified in the second Minor and
4 Si - lite . vj. consequen-
column of the Sc hedule to this Ordinance (which {aramend-
relate to consequential and minor matters) shall be mente.
made in the sections of the Principal Ordinance

specitied in the first column of the said Schedule.


Passed the Legislative Council the 28nd day
of December, 1954.

J. L. Ropinson,
Clerk of the Council.

Antigua. 12 9 Vehicles and Koad Trajfir No, 22 of 1954.

Section. Amendment.
13(1) There shall be inserted the words “he

_ guilty of an offence and” between the
words ‘shall and ‘‘on” appearing in
i line 26 and the words ‘“‘ thereof shall”
i between the words “to conviction’ and
“he” appearing in line 27

18(1)(a) | The words “ or trailer” shall be deleted.


The words “and seetion 383A” shall he
inserted after the figure “33”.

41 The following sentence shall be inserted at

the end of the section

“Any person who acts in contravention of
the provisions of this section shall be
guilty of an offence.”

a0(1) The following sentence shall be inserted at
the end of the suvsection:

_“ Any person who acts in contravention of
the provisions of this subsection shall be
guilty of an offence.”

Peimted at tne Government Printing Ofiee, Leaward Islands,
by EB. ML Bracnkaran, Government Printes.-By Anthority,
50G-—--3.58. [Price 15 cents. ]



1955, No. 10.

Anticun 13 or THE Lerwarp Isnanpns Lerrers Parent
1953 DECLARING THat THE Executive Council, OF THE
Presipexcy oF MonTrserratT ESTABLISHED BY THE

1. Crrarton. This Order may be cited as the Mont-
serrat Executive Counci! (Cessation) Order, 1955.

2. Dare oF Crssation o- Existence of EXECUTIVE
Councin. From the 14th dav of March, 1955 the Executive
Council! in the Presidency of Montserrat established under
the following Letters Patent, that is to say:—

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the
Realin constituting the Office of Governor and Com-
mander in Chief of the Leeward Islands and dated the
seventeenth day of November, 1936

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the
Realm dated the twenty-eighth day of December, 1980,
amending the aforesaid Letters Patent of the seven-
teenth day of November, 1836.

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the
Realin dated the twelfth day of July, 19438, amending
the aforesaid Letters Patent of the seventeenth day of
November, 1986.

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the
Realm dated the fifteenth day of January, 1991,
amending the aforesaid Letters Patent of the seven-
teenth day of November, 1936,

shall cease to be the Executive Council of the said Presi-

Dated this 8rd day of March, 1955.

k. W. Bracksurne,
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by EF. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

18/00052-—480-—3.55. [Price 3 cents. ]


1955, No. 11.




Tar Satir CuristorpHer Nevis anp ANGUILLA Postar SERVICE
Ruves axp Leecnarions, 1955 paren Maren 5, 1955,
Act (Cape. 123).

1. Crration anp Apprication. These Rules and Regulations
may be cited as the Saint Christopher Nevis and Ang: ila Postal
Service Rules and Regulations, 1955, and shall apply only to the
Presidency of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla.

2. I[nrerpretation. In these Rules and Regulations, unless the
context requires otherwise—-

“ Administrator’ means the person for the time being filling the
offices of Administrator of the Presidency ;

“letters” includes post-cards, and other articles when despatched
by letter post;

“master”? means the person having command or charge of a

“other articles”? means commercial papers, printed papers of
every kind includivg articles inipressed in relief for the use
of the blind, samples of merchandise and small packets;

“* parcels’ means postal packets sent by parcel post;
“port” includes airport;

“postal packet” includes letiers and other articles as above

defined ;

‘Postmaster’ means the person for the time being filling the
office of Postmaster of the Presidency:

‘Presidency’ means the Presidency of Saint Christopher Nevis

and Anguilla;

“ship”? means any schooner, sloop, beat, motor vessel, steam-
ship or vther floating craft and includes any deseription of

8. Post Orrick Sup-Drvtstons. The Post Offices in the
Presidency, or to be established hereafter, shail be divided into three
groups, namely, Geveral Post Offices, Branch Post Offices and Sub- Post

4 Generar Posr Orerces. The head Post Office in the town
of Basseterre shall be the General Post Office for the Presideney and all
other Post Offices in the Presidency shall be managed and controlled

5. Branco anp Svue-Posr Orrices. The remaining Post
Offices (other than the General Post Office) in the Presideney shall be
Branch Post Offices or Sub-Vost Offices respectively as specified in
Schedule A hereto.

6. Conrtror BY GexERaL Post Orrice. Sub-Post Offices shal]
be managed and controlied ander the (renerai Post Office either directly
or through a Branch Post Office as specified in Schedule 4 hereto.

7. Branca Posrmasrers. Tue persons in charge of Branch
Post Offices shall be styled Branch Postmasters, and they shall reider
such accounts and returns as the Postmaster may require,

8. Sus-Posruagrers. ‘The pers ns in charge of Sub-Post
Offices shall be styled Sub-Postmasters, and they shall render such
accounts and returns as the Postmaster or Branch Postmaster may

9. Names or Posr Orricus. The desigeations contained in
Schedule A hereto shall be the official names of the several Post Offices
and shall be used in all postmarks and. for all purposes subject as
hereinafter provided in respect of Money Order Offices.

10. Mowry Orgper Orrices. The Post Offices the names of
which are printed in capital letters in Schedule A hereto are Money
Order Offiees. These Offices shall be described in the headings of
Monev Order Forms with the name of the Presidency first in the
manner set out in Schedule B hereto,


11. Hours or Bustness--Wurex Days. (1) (a) The Post Offices
of the Presidency shall be opened to the public from 8 a.m, to 3.30 p.m
on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and from
8.00 am. to 11.80 a.m.on Vhursdays.

(b) C.O.D., Money Order, Postal Order and Parcel Post business
shall be conducted from 9 a.m. to 1% noon and 1.00 p.m. to 2.80 p.m,
on Mondays, ‘Tueadiys, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and from
9 a.m, to 11.00 am. on Thursdays:

Provided thet whenever the arrival at the Presidency or the
departure therefrom of any ship with mails occurs after the aforesaid
hours of business the Craneral Post Olice and anv Branely Post Office of
the Presideuey may remain open for the receipt and delivery of mails,
for the despateh of mails and for the transaction of such other business
as the Administrator may think necessary and expedient, for such time
and dering such hours as he may direct.

(2) Sunypays axp Hortpays. Whenever the arrival at the
Presidency or the departure therefrom of any ship with mails falls on a
Sunday ov public holiday, or the exigencies of the postal service require
that business be transacted in the Presidency on a Sunday or a public
holiday, the Gereral Post Office and any Branch Post Office of the
Presidency may be opened on that day for the receipt and delivery of
mails, for the despatch of mails and for the transaction of such other
business as the Administrator may chink neeessary and expedient, for
such time and during such hours as he may direct.

12. Am Mati Postacr. (1) The rates of postage on postal
packets transmitted by air shall be as prescribed in Schedule C hereto.

(2) Postal packets to be forwarded by air shall be marked “ By

Air Mail” or “ Par Avion” at the top left-hand corner on the address

(3) The postage shail be fully prepaid. If at least 75% of the air
surcharge is prepaid, the postal packet will be taxed with an amount
equivalent to double the deficiency and forwarded by air mail but if at
least 75% of the air surcharge is not prepaid, the postal packet will be
forwarded by surface means.

18. Surrace Matt Posracr. The prepaid rates of postage on
postal packets (other than parcels) and the special rate of postage in
respect of insured boxes intended for transmission from the Presidency
by surface mail shall be as set forth in Schedule D hereto.

14. Miscennangous Services. The charges to be made for the
miscellaneous services enumerated in Schedule E hereto sbal! be at the
rates set forth in the said Sehedule.


15. Aveixixa of Srames. Stamps in prepayment of postage or
other charges upon any postal articles still he affixed upon the face of
such article in the top right-hand corner theresf, and it shall not be
obligatory upon the Postal Department to take notice of any stamps
which are affixed elsewhere,

16. Posrau Starreneny. (1) Posteards shall be sold at a price
to be fixed by the Postmaster in addition to the postage value
represented by the stamp tupressed thereon,

(2) Registration envelopes impressed with a six cents stamp
shall be stocked by Postuvisters in the following sizes viz:—

size F (about 54 x 34 inches)
Size (i (about 6 x 3} inches)
Size H2 (about 9 x 4 inches)
Size K (about 115 x G inches)

They shall be sold at the following prices:—

Size F 7 cents each
Size G8 cents each
Size H2 8 cents each
Size K 10 cents each

(3) Postal envelopes (other than registered envelopes) shall be
sold at a price to be fixed by the Postmaster in addition to the
postage value represented by the stamp impressed thereon.

(4) Air letter forms shall he sold at the postage value repre-
sented by the stamp impressed thereon.

(5) Embossed printed or impressed postage stamps cut out of
postal envelopes or postcards issued by the post offices of the
Presideney may be used as adhesive stamps in payment of postage
charges provided they are not imperfect, mutilated or defaced in
any way. Stamps indicating the payment of registration fee may
be used only for registered correspondence.

17.) Reery-Patp Postcarps. Reply-paid posteards shall not be
issued in the Presidency, ‘The reply halves of reply-paid postcards
issued by other Vostal Administrations shall he accepted subject. to
the regulations of the Universal Postal {nion,

18. Repiy Couruss. Reply Coupons shall not. be issued in
the Presidency. Reply Coupons issued in other countries of the
Universal Postal Union shall be exchangeable at any Money Order
Office in the I’residency for stamps valued as follows:—

International Coupons bi Be.
British Kmpire |imperial Coupons _... de.

19. Recaur, Dersnrion on Diversion or Posran Packers.
(1) No letter, parcel or other postal packet, ouce it has been posted
in a Post. Office receptacle or handed to any officer of the Post Oflice
in the course of his duty, shall be taken out of the post. ‘

(2) No letter, parcel or other postal packet shall be detained or
delayed even if a request to that effect appears on the cover thereof.

(3) Letters, parcels or other postal packets shall be forwarded to
their addresses and caunot be diverted to any other address at the
request of the sender.

(4) Applications to enclose articles tuadvertently omitted from
a postal packet shall not be entertained.

(5) No search shall be made for a letter, postcard, printed paper
packet or sample packet on which postage has not been fully prepaid.

20. (Government Lerrers. (1) Government letters, if duly
franked, may be received unstamped.

(2) Government letters from the Governor of the Teeward
Islands or the Administrator are to be received irrespective of the
ordinary hours.

(3) The following persons shall be entitled to frank Govern-
ment letters which are intended to be transmitted from the
Presideney :—

(i) Members of the Executive Council (when the said
letters arc addressed to the Governer of the Leeward
Tslands or the Colonial Secretary).

(ii) Heads of Government Departments.

(4) The following persons shall be entitled to frank Government
letters which are to be transmitted within the Uresideney:—

(i) Members of the Hxecutive Couneil (when the said
letters are addressed to the Administrator or the Clerk
of the Conneil).

(ii) Heads of ttovernment Departments.

iii) Government officers who are not Heads of Departnents
Satoh. are nutherised to frank the seid letters by
their Head of Department with the approval of the

(5) Government letters from certain Government Departments
approved by the Administrator may be franked by means of a rubber

stamp, subject to the letters being initinlled by some person employed in
the Department who is entitled to frank Governinent letters.

_ (6) The name of the Government Department of origin when
printed on an envelope shall not be regarded as a frank unless authenti-
cated by the signature or initials of an authorised officer.

21. Uniawrun Converance ov Postan Packets. (1) Ne
person shall convey any postal packet to be posted on board any ship.

(2) The master of a ship or any person under his control shall not
receive on board that ship while in any port of the Presideney, portal
packets other than those despatched through the Post Office.

22. GrRarviTIns ror SEA caRRtacK. (1) The gratuities payable
to owners, masters or agents of ships conveying mails, including (ransit
mails, (other than ships under contract or in respeet of which a subsidy
is paid or in respect of which other arrangements exist for the convey-
ance of mails) shall be at the rates specified in Schedale F hereto.

(2) The rates hereby authorised ave in respect of the net weights
of correspondence and parcels, that is to say, the actual net weight of
the postal packets or pareels where easily ascertainable, or where the net
weight is not easily ascertainable the gross weight. less ten per centum
of the same, shall Le deemed to be the net weigit.

(3) No gratuities shall be payable in respect of empty bugs.

23. Weicit axp Dimexsioss oF Posran Articles, The
limits of weight aud dimensions of postal articles shall be as preseribe:!
in Schedule G hereto.

24. Pacwine or Postar Anticies. (1) The contents of every
postal article shall he packed and seeurel by the sender in such 9 monner
us may afford adequate protection to the contents thereof or to ther
postal articles.

(2) Any postal article which, im the opinion of the Postmaster does
not comply with the requirements of sub-regulation (1) of this regula-
tion muy be refused acceptance, or may be intercepted and detained in
the course of trausmission.

25. Inevertar Excuosures iy Postai Artictes, No postal
article directed to one address may contain any other article addressed
to a different address and any postal article found to contam any
enclosure contrary to this regulation shall be surcharge? on delivery
with an amount equal to double the postage whieh woul: lave been
payable upon such cuclosure if it had been transmiticd separately.


26. Make uv and Inspection oF CERTAIN PosTaL ARTICLES.
Postal articles for transmission at the rates of postage preseribed for
commercial papers, printed papers, samples or newspapers shall be made
up in such a manner as to enable the contents thereof to be easily and
readily inspected.

IRREGULAR EncLosures. Any postal article purporting to be 2 commer-
cial paper, a printed paper. a sample or # newspaper within the meaning
of these Regulations which may be found to contravene any of the
provisions thereof may be treated asa letter or, if admissible at the
parcel rate, asa parcel, and sureharged upon delivery with an umount
equal to double the deficient postage at the letter or parcel rate, as the
case may be.

28. Accounts. The Posmaster shall render promptly to the
postal administrations or departments concerned all accounts, returns
and statements due to be rendered, and the several Brauch Postmasters
and Sub-Postmasters shall keep such accounts aud shall render sucli
returns as the Postmaster may require.

29. Srarisrics. (1) Once in each year from the first to the
fourteenth day of November inclusive or at such other period as may oc
preseried a record of the number of various classes of 1mail received and
despatched, both in the inland and external services, shall be kept for
statistical purposes.

(2) Where statistics are recorded in any year in accordance with the
Tuternational Postal Convention, it will not be necessary to observe a
special statistical period for colonial purposes in respect of external
mails, and the statistics recorded for international purposes will be used
for the purposes of official and other returns.

80. Scrracr Postage Rates on Parcrrs. The prepaid rates
of postave ou pareels intended for transmission from the Presidency by
surface mail and the limit of weight aud of insurance valite thereof shall
be as set forth in Schedule H hereto.

81. Certiricate or Posrincg Parcri. The sender of any parcel
may, upon application at the thae of handing in such parcel, obtain a
certificate of the postiue thereof on payment of the fee prescribed in
Schedule i hereto. Such certificate shall not imply any liability on rhe
purt of the Postmaster for any loss, injury or delay which may stibse-
quently take place in respect of such parcel,

832. Ikureonar Commenicatioss iN Parcens. Any parcel
found to contain or to bear on the cover thercof any article or communt-
cation chargeable at the letter rate of postage shall be charged on
delivery with an amount equal to double the postage payable apou such

article or communication if it had been transmitted separately.


33. Reptrectrow Crarces on Parcers. Every parcel redirected
at the request of either the sender or the addressee thereof from one
Post Office to another shall, exeept when such offiees are within the
sams delivery aren, be subject upon delivery, in addition to any other
charzes which may be leviahle thercou, io a charge equal to the postage
which would have been payable upon such parcel if it were being
transmitted for the first time from the one office to the other.

34. Metnors or Packing Parcers. Parcels must be so
securely and substantially packed as not only to preserve their conteuts
from loss or damage in the post, but also so as not to injure other
parcels in the mail or officers of the Post Office.

35. Customs Decnuaration on ovreomse Parcurs. Every
parcel post packet to be sent outside the Presidency shall bear a customs
declaration in the prescribed form setting out clearly the mame and
address of the sender, the office of origin, the contents of the purcel and
the value thereof.

39. Anseyce or Custous Decharation on Incoming Parcess.
(1) Where a parcel arviving in the Presidency dues not bear a customs
declaration, or where particulars as to contents and value of a parcel are
not clearly set out in the customs declaration, or where the Postinuster
or officer depute:! by him has reason to believe that other articles liable
to duty are contained im such parcel, or that the parcel is understated,
he may at his discretion reqnire such parcel to be opened for inspection
and revaluation if necessary,

(2) In exceptional cireamstances where an importer, at the time of
entry. is unable ta produce any document reyuired by these rules, the
Treasurer or the Postmaster shall have power to adimit at the preferential
rate of duty any goods whi-h he is satisfied are of Empire origin within
the law for the time being in force governing British Empire preferential
custoins duty.

37. Revarcation or Parcrns. Tf upon revaluation the
addressee is not satisiied that a fair value has been assessed he may
appeal to the Treasarer who univ detain the goods and cause them to
be examined by three competent persons to be appointed ly the

33. Recorp ov Pacers. There shall be kept in every parcel
poxt office a permanent record of all parcels arriving in the Presidency
through that office, and such recor] shall show particulars conforming
to those mentioned on the eastoms declaration or ascertained by inspec-
tion as hereinbefore provided, the cate of arrival, the name of the vessel
by which the parce! has arrived, and the duty paid thereon. Each parcel
shall be entered serially in the record and shall beara nmaber corres-
ponding to that entered in the record.

89. Notice or Arrivan or Parcrets, (1) It shall be the duty
of the officer in charge of the Parcel Post Department to notify ihe
uddressee by a notice card of the arrival of each parcel unclaimed within
seven days of its arrival, A second notice shall be igsucd fourteen days
after the first notice, and a third notice twenty-eight days after the
second notice,

(2) In lieu of the third notice the Postmaster may cause a list of
unclaimed parcels to be published in a conspicuous place in or outside

the Post Office.

40. Uncratmep Parcens. In the absence of a definite request
for abandonment, an unclaimed parcel, if undeliverable - the original
address or the alternative address (if one is furnished) will he returned
to the sender without previous notification and at his expense after 75
days of its arrival in the Presidency.

41. Rurvury Parcnrs. Any parcel which has originated in ihe
Presidency and is returned from the country of destination, and which is
not claimed bv the sender, after notice being given as provided in Rule
39, within 75 days of its return to the Pre sidency, shall he either—

(a) sold by auetion if the contents of the parcel so warrant,
and the proceeds, after deducting expenses and Post Office charges,
wiil be returned to the scuder:

(4) destroyed under the supervision of an officer of the

Post Office.

42. Service or Notices. Any notice served upon the addressee
of an incoming parcel or the sender of a returned parcel in person or
handed to the “daly authorised agent of such addressee or sender or sent
through the post shall Le deemed to have been properly served.

43. Savine as to C.0.D. ann Iysurep Parcyets. Rules 30
to 42 inclusive of these Riles and Regulations shall not affect the Rules
governing the exchange of Cash on Delivery or Insured Parcels.

44. U.0O.D. Pasceis. (1) Pareels seuject tothe collection of
trade charges mav be exchanged wiih other couniries subject to such
arrangements oF agreements as may be made with the countries

(2) The maximum amount of the trade charge in respect of a
parcel shall not exceed $192

(3) The fees to be charged in rcspees of parcels subjeet to trade
charges srall bows set out inauy such arrangenient or agreemen( referred
to in subrule (1) hereof.


45. €.0. D. Service wrra Grear Brerars. The Rules
woverding the exehe nge of postal parcels sabject to trade charges
Setween the Post Offices of Great Britain and the Post Offices of the
meeward Islands, and the detailed regulations for carrying out such
wules, made by the Governor in Council on the 3rd day of ‘September,
1919, shall continu: to have full force and effect in the Presidency,

46. Compensation row Loss ox DamaGe or Parcxzs. (1)
ib any oaninsured pareel while under the control ot the General
Post Office be lost or dumaged the Postuimster may pay to any person or
borsoas who may in the opinion of the Postinasier establish a reasonable
“hum to compensation Caaving regard to che nature of the articles, the
eave with which it was packed, and other circumstances) such sum not
exceeding $7.08 fora vareel exceeding eleven pounds in weight or $4.80
for a parcel not exceeding eleven pounds in weight, as be may think just.

(2) In ne case will compensation be given when such loss or
damage vises from any fault or neylect of the sender or from the nature
oF the contents, or wiiere the paree! cannot be accounted for in
consequence of the loss of official doctuments from any such cause.

47. Axvicurs ADMISSIBLE FoR Huelstration. = Any fully
prepaud postal ivticl complying with the vegulations relating thereto and
bearing the appropriate fee prescribea in Schedule MH hereto may be
aceepted For registration: provided chac parcels aud the reply halves
of reply-paid: postcards shall not be registered.

48. Connrmons oF XeatstRation. No article shall be seeepted
for registration unless the cover isin a sound condition and the article
does not bear the appearance of having been opened and rexealed.

£9. Avpresses on ARTICLES TO BE ReatwemnEp. (1) The
address of every postal article for registration shall be written im ink or
indelable pencil in Roman characters.

(2) Initials, figures, chriatian nainesx without surnames, fictitious
Names or conventions! uiirks shall ner be used for the purpose of
aldressing registered articles.

: Heastreatiow Fre to pe Prepvarp. The fall postage and
rhe: peeserba = registration tec aia. be prepaid et the me of posting,
md the registered arricle must be conspicuously marked “registered ”
at the ee of the address side.

51.) Vaive of Conrents of Auticnes TO BE ReGIsTERRD NOT
TO BE UNDICATED. “Phe onlin of the conienss shaii coe be madicated on
the outside of auy registered article.


52. Meraop or Posting Reeisryrep ArtTicurs. (1) Postal
articles for reyistration shall he ned io. an officer appomted fer thar
purpose and shall not be plac wad U1 an y posting box.

(2) Any artiele intended for despatch by a carticulac mail shall be
presented for registration at least one hour bet, we the cloxing of the
ordinary mall.

2 Lecriprs or Posting or ReGIsTERED ArtieLES Every
postal article duly handed in for registration sha!| be nuinbered vith a.
consecutive number by the officer appointed to receive the same and a
receipt bearing such number, the address on the artiele and ac: iuapress on
of the date stamp of the offiee at which the artiel is oe for
registration shall he given bv such of fHcer to the person whe han hee Wi
the article and such receipt shail be prima facie evidence of the vegisua-
tion of such article

The sender of any registered postal article may, (on application athe:
at the time of registration thereof or at any time within one year
thereafter anu Upon payment of the appropriate tec prescribed 1m
Schedule E hereto in addition to the jee for registration, require chat he
be furnished with an ackuowledzement by the addressee of the reept of
such article.

has beei posted otherwise than as prescibed by -c@u-acion 6c
ules sud iKepulations and which bears auy ineription or mark nich
may reasonably indicate that it was the intention << the sender that such
article should be registered, may he regiatercd anc suyjected to thic
appropriate feo presori hed 10 Schedule Hoheresg foo registration ob
addition to the ordinacy postage due upon euch article.


Bho Cospcnson? REGISTRATION. (1) peeial opticle wich

(2) The Le as of sub-regulation (1) of this regulation shall
apply fo any inreuiber costal ticle awhich there is rensonabl: cause
to heliere contains jowedery, money, a blank uncrossed postal order, an
uncrossea bearer cheque of Wwarriat, postage siatps, coupons having
a marketable value or any other enclosure exceeding ten shilling in value.


: : | t . nea eevee aaa vial aty ay eee gE ee tutta ta
person to when asey pouistered posta article: ts lelivere

dosball give ts
the officer delivering such article a reeelpt for tie Kame en a form to be
provided hy the Postmaster and such receipt shall be » complete

discharge for the delivery of such registered article.


Raecerx of Unpenivexeb AgTicnes BY EEGISTeRED Post.
cdi Every pegisrerec! posts article i

Peon cuay CAUSE, he

undelivered to the person to whoni it is addressed, shall be returned to


the sender, if known, by registered post without further charge for
postage or registration.

(2) Any unregistered postal article which is of intrinsic value and
which may, for any cause, be undelivered to the person to whom it is
addressed, may be returned by the Postmaster to the sender, if known,
by registered post, and such sender shall be liable in respect of such
article for the payment of the amount of the prescribed registration fee.

58. [ypemyity in Respecr or ReGIsTERED ARricLEs. (1)
The maximum payment for the loss of a registered article is $14.00.

(2) No payment for the loss of a registered article shall be made
when such loss arises from any fault or neglect of the sender or from
the nature of the contents of the article, or where the article cannot be
accounted for in consequence of the loss of official documents from any
such cause.

59. Ivsurep Articues. (1) insured letters, boxes aid parcels
shall be exchanged ouly with counties participating in the service.

(2) The maximum insured value of insured articles in the Presi-
dency shall be $96.

(3) The charges upon insured letters, boxe and parcels must be
Fally prepaid, snd shall consist of the misurance fee specified in paragraph
7 of Schedule D hereto and in additiou:—

(a) letters: the postage and tixed registration fee applicable to
a registered letter of the same weight and for the same destination;

(6) bowes: the special postage fee specified in paragraph 8 of
Schedule D hicreto, and in addition, the fixed registration fee;

(¢) parcels: the postage applicable to an ordinary parcel of
the same weight and for the sume destination.

(4) An insured box addressed to the Presidency or sent in transit
through the Presidensy shall be accompanied by a customs declaration in
the form prescribed. Aa insured hox posted in the Presidency shall he
accompanied by a customs declaration in the form prescribed and of the
buimber required by the country of destination.

Packep. (1) An artiele tonderec for fuanraree wool? or comes
the epinion of the ofr of the Port OMe. g: wires “tw tended,
fulfil the required condicons as to packing anJ sealing shall be refused

for conveyance by insured post.


(2) The onus of properly enclosing, packing and sealing any
insured article lies upon the sender, and the Postmaster shall assume no
liability for joss arising from defeers which may not be observed at the
time of posting.

61. Conprtions Sprectanrty Appnicasin To InsurepD Lerrers.
Letters to which the insurance systin is applicable are those which con-
tain bank notes, currency notes, bonds, coupons, securities and other
documents of the like kind. Pocuments of value such as deeds, plans,
contracts, authographs and rare manucripts inay also be sent by insured
post: Provided that where documents have a value by reason of the
cost of their preparation, the insured value may not exceed the cost of
replacing them in case of lors.

Articles of gold and silver, precious stoves, jewellery and articles of
alike nature may be sent in the letter mails as insured boxes. Insured
boxes must be strongly made of metal or wood and wooden boxes must
not be less than one-third of an inch thick.

68. Us ayy Renan or Private Lerren Boxes. (1) Private
letter boxea shall be of two sizes and shall be rented to the public at the
following annual rates: —

Small size $3.00
Large size $5.00

to be paid to the Postmaster annually in advance in January of each year.

(2) (i) A private letter box will only be rented to one firm,
company or person.

Gi) All letters addressed to individual members of a firm or
company, or to the care of a renter or to any member of his
family, or to any person for whom a renter ix agent, may be
placed in the private letter box rented to such respective firm,
company or person.

(3) Renters of private letter boxes will he required to pay for any
injury or damage done to such box by them or their sents,

(4) When the ase of a private letter box is dixeontinucd the key
originally handed ro the renrer shall be returned to the Postmaster in
good order.

(5) When a private letter box is rented an amount of $2.40 in
addition to the rent of the box shall be deposited with the Postmaster
by the renter asa guarantee for the safe return of the key when the
use of the box is discontinued.


(3) Tn the event of a key of 2 private letrer box being lost or

mislaid the renter siiall be liable co pay for a new kev, and for any
alterations to the Jock nocessary for security.

(7) Should the rent of a box be more than one month in arrear the
box wilt be locked off.

(8) “ Bree Boxes” may be assigned to Government Deparlinents
hy the Administrator,

64. Posta, Orpers. (1) British Postal Orders ghall be issued

and paid at Money Order Offiees, ancl at such Post Offices as mey from
time to time be appointed sherefor by the Governor in Commeil bya

notification in the Guesed/s, in veeordanes with such:

he made with the Postumaster General of the United Kingdon.


(2) The issue of postal orders in the Prosidency shall oe restricted
to the denominations set forth in Schedule L (a) hereto.

(3) Postage stamps may be affixed to postal orders issued in the
Presidency in extension of value as follows:—

(a) postage stamps not exceeding two in number and 10 cents
in total value to orders of denominations ap to and including
81.08; and

(6) postage stamps not exceeding two in number and 22 ceuts
in total value to orders of denominations above $1,0&.

(4) The rates of poundage set forth in Schedule [ (6) hereto shall
be payable on the several denominations of postal orders issued in the

65. Money Orvers. (1) The rates set forth in Schedule J
hereto shall be the rates of commission on money orders issued in the

(2) Money orders issued in the Presidency for payment in Canada
or the United States of America shall be drawn in dollars, and the
amount of British West Indian currency deposited by the remitters of
such orders shall be converted into dollars at such rate of exchange as
may he preseribed by the Governor snd published in the Gacefie, ov
according ro such table or formula as may be preseribed and published as

(3) Money orders issued in Canada or the United States drawn in
dollors shall be pail in the Presidency in British West Indian currency
converted at such rate as may be prescribed by the Gover:or and
published in the Gazette, or according to such table or formula as mav
he prescribed and published aa aforesaid:


Provided that where in parsunnee of any arrangement hetweet the
postal administration of the Presidency vr Cojony and the postal
administration of the country comcerned, the equivalent in British West
Indian currency of any mouey order is fixed by the administration of
origin, such equivalent in Britich West Indian currency shall he paid
us indicated on the face of the order bv the exchange office of the
administration of origin, or according to stich information as shall be
furnished by the administration of origin, aid in default thereof as the
Governor may prescribe.

(4) The Postmaster of the Presidency shall keep himself constantly
traformed of the local buik raves for buving or selling bls of exchange
expressed in dollars drawe or payable in Canada and the United States,
respectively, and shall apply the rates of conversion as may be preseribed
from time to time or according to sueb instraciions as be may receive.

(5) The Postmaster shall issue the necessary instrections for the
couversion of money orders drawn in dollars to che Branch Post Offic: s
or other money order offices under his control.

(6) A notice shall be exhibited in every money order office stating,
for the information of the public, the rates of conversion in respect of
money orders drawn in dollars.

(7) To facilitate examination by the Principal Auditor, the Post-
master or persons issuing a money order payable in the countries
named shall note on the form of requisition for the money order the
current bank rates for bills of exchange as aforesnid.

(8) In this Rule the expressions “ United States of America’ or
“United States’ inelude the following possessions of the United
States, riz: Alaska, Canal Zone, Hawaii, Puerto Rieo, Samoa, and the
Virgin Islands of the United States.

66. Powrr to suspenn Issces. In the even of sudden fluctua-
tions in the banking rate of exchange which might involve loss to the
postal administration m the settlement of postal order or money order
transactions with other countries or colonies, the Administrator shall
have power to suspend, in the Presidency, the issue of postal orders, or
money orders on any country or colony pending the making of a rule,
by the Governor in Council prescribing a new rate.

67. Maximom amount For TeLegrara Money Orpers. Tele-
graph money orders for sums not exceeding the muximum simount
allowed in the case of ordinary money orders shall be exchanged between
the United Kingdom and the Leeward Ishuuds.

68. Caress ox Tevecrara Morry Orpens. The remitter of
a telegraph money order shall be required to pay, in addition to the


ordinary money order commission, the cost of the telegram of advice
at the ordinary letter telegram rate per word and also a supplementary
fee of 2-4e. to be paid by the remitter. The telegrams of advice shall be
charged for at the letter telegram rate and shall be subject to all the
conditions governing the transmission of messages accepted at that rate.
A form of receipt (or certificate of issue) showing the amount of the
remittance and the charges, shall be given to the remitter.

G69. Private Messacrs In Terxcuars Money Orpers. The
remitter of a telegraph money order shall he allowed, on paying for
the additional words required, to add to the official telegram of advice
any short communication in English which he may wish to send to the
payec, and may also, if he so desires, prepay the cost of a telegraphic
reply to such communication. The full rate per word should he charged
for the prepaid reply.

90. Transwisston or Teteerau or Apvicr. All telegrams of
advice for orders payable in the United Kingdom shall he transmitted
to the office of destination through the Central Telegraph Office in
London, and all telegrams of advice of orders payable in the Presidency
shall be transmitted through the General Post Office, Basseterre.

71. Form or Tenearam or Apvice. Telegrams of advice shall
be prepared in accordauce with the following specimen:—

(1) (2) (3)
L. T.

Mandat 123 Bermingham
(1) (5)
Joseph iiien. 7 Seventeen pounds fifteen aniline "
(6) (7)
ohn Fuller, Oe ccntbein pivinds (break signal) ;

Grand Hotel

To pay your passage

NOTE:— If the payee is a woman, the prefix Mrs. or Miss
shoul appear before her name unless the christian name is given; but
in all cases the remicter bears the consequence if the address of the
telegram of advice or that of the payee is incorrect or insufficient to
insure payment to the proper person.

(1) Supplementary instruction required for letter telegrams only.
This indication “L. T.” should always begin the telegram. When a
reply is prepaid, the indication “R. P.” should appear between the
letters “L. T.” and the word “ Mandat”.


(2) Serial number of order inserted at exchunge office in substitu-
tion for the issuing office serial number signalled from the office of issue.
The exchange office series of numbers should begin at 1 on the Ist of
January in each year.

(8) Office of payment.

(4) Name of remitter.

(5) Amount in sterling in words.

(6) Name and address of payee.

(7) Repetition of the number of pounds.

(8) Private message, if any, for the payee.

A registered telegraphic address may be used to indicate. the
payee’s address provided that his name is also given. In such cases
the symbol “ c/o “ should be inserted between the name of the payee
and the registered address; thus:—

“John Fuller c/o Ajax”

72. Orrick or Payment. Tf the office of payment is not a
telegraph office, the name of the nearest telegraph office should be
written after the name of the office of payment. If the sender is unable
to. indicate the nearest. telegraph office, the telegram of advice may be
uccepted at his risk provided that the nameof the country of

destination is added after the name of the office of payment.

73. Poste Resrante Orpers. If a telegraph money order is
intended to be called for at a Post Office, the words “ Poste Restante ”
must be written instead of an address after the payee’s name. In the
absence of these words it must be assumed that the order is to be sent
out for delivery.

“4. Apvicr or Payment. If the remitter desires to receive an
advice of payment the words ‘ Advise Payment ” should appear as the
first words of the text of the telegram of advice. In such cases the
exchange office of the country of payment must arrange for an advice
of payment to be sent by post to the exchange office of the country of
issue for transmission to the remitter.

95. Examination or Serta, Number. On receipt of the inward
telegram of advice in the Cential Telegraph Office, London, or at the
General Post Office at Basseterre, it must first be seen that the serial
number of the order advised is the next number in the sequence of the
series proper to the country of origin.

76. Mernop or Payment, On receipt of the telegram of advice
at the office of payment a money order (or a notice of the arrival of the
order) must be prepared and delivered to the payee. Any private
message for the payee must be communicated to him at the same time
on a detachable slip affixed to the telegraph money order.


77. Genrrat Reavnarions. The general international conditions
for letter telegrams, together with the regulations of the International
Telegraph Convention (Madrid Revision) or any regulations which may
in future be substituted therefor, shall apply to the telegrams of advice
and other telegrams sent in connection with money orders.

78. AuLowance ro Counrry or Paywent. The Post Office of
the country of issue shall account to the Post Office of the country of
payment for the same percentage on the amount of telegraph inovuey
orders advised as in the case of ordinary orders.

79. Enrry or Panticutars in Apvice Lists. The particulars
of telegraph mouey orders, including the (ull addresses of the payers,
ehall be entered separately at the end of the ordinary advice list or on
separate sheets headed “ Advised by telegraph”, and the amounts of
such orders shall be included in the total amounts of the lists. The
exchange office serial number of each order as well asx the serial number
of the order at the office of issue must be shown in the list.

80. TxeLecrams To BE COMPARED with Enrrins In Lists.
When the advice lists reach the office of exchange of the country of
destination, the telegrams of advice which have been received shall be
carefully checked against the relative entries in the lists. Any difference
between the amounts stated in the lists and the amounts in the telegrams
of advice, or any other irregularities shall be reported to the country of
issue, by paid service telegram if necessary.

81. Respronsipinrry ror Errors, erc. In the ease of errors or
fictitious telegrams the responsibility for anv losses involved, other than
the loss of telegraph chirges, shall be borne hy the Administration in
whose service the error or fraud was committed. In case it my be
impossible to determine in which service the error or fraud was committed
or in cases of fraud or error in connection with the transmission of
telegrams over the wires of intermediate countries or cable conipanies,
the responsibility for any losses involved other than the loss of telegram
charges shall he shared equally by the British and the Presidential Post


82. Reeuiations. In other respects telegraph money orders
shall be subject to the same regulations as ordinary orders.

88. Save os Postrace Stamps to Dearers anp CoLLEcrors.
(1) Remittances accompanying orders reecived by post, being orders for
postage stamps for collection by dealers in and collectors of such stamps
Shall be in the form of bankers” drafts, money orders, or postal orders
made payable to the Postmaster by his official designation and
remittances in any form other than as aforesaid shall be returned to the
sender thereof by registered post,


(2) Such remittances shall be debited with full postage and
registration fees and, where applicable, with insurance fees.

(3) Tu cases where remittances are in the form of a bi inker’s draft,
any commission and/or discount on cashing such draft shall be deducted
from the amount of such draft and postage stumps shall be supplied to
the value of the ditference between the amount of the draft and that of
the said commission and/or discount.

(4) Stamped envelopes sent to any Post Office for cancellation and
posting or return in some other manner shall be sent back “ unserviced ”
provided that euvelopes which bear appropriate postage stamps af
which bave aecompanied orders for unused stamps may be used for the
purpose for which they were provided and the stamps affixed thereto
cancelled in the normal course.

(5) No person employed at a Post Office may—

(i) comply with any request to affix postage stamps to letters
for transmission by post or to cancel postage stamps
which are pot affixed to letters or other items entrusted to
the post in the normal manner;

(it) affix to any letter for transmission by post any postage
stuinp in excess of that appropriate to such letter:

(iii) post letters sent to him for that purpose by any person ;

(iv) sell postage stumps taken from some special portion of a
sheet or from other than current sub-stock: provided that
he may sell whole shects of postage stamps from sub-
stocks or counter-stocks ;

(v) exchange postage stamps after they have been sold;

(vi) accept ‘from dealers in or collectors of postage stamps
standing orders for the supply of new issues or new
printings of postage stamps;

(vii) address “first-day covers”, affix postage stamps thereto or
make any special arrangements for the cancellation of
stamps thereon;

(viii) in any way whatsoever act as the agent for any dealer in or
collector of postuge stamps.

84. Conveytion or Brussets. The Universal Postal Conven-
tion and the Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes signed at
Brussels on the 11th day of July, “1952, so far as the same are applicable
to the Colony, shall continue to have full force and effect in the

85. Pracrice or Unitep Kinapom Post Orrick APPLIED.
In all matters not expressly provided for herein or in any Law, Rule or


Regulation relating to postal affairs in force in the Presidency, or in the
Universal Postal Convention and the several Avreements aud Detailed
Revulations mane thereunder, or in any other Avroement, Convention or
Instructions, t he Pe sstmaster shall be wuided | xy the general practice of
the Post Office of the United Kingdow as set out in the Post Office
Guide published — time to time by Tor Majesty's Stationery Office xo
far ax the same may be appropriate or applicable to local conditions and

86. Revocarion. The Post Office Rules L934, CS. & 0.
1954 No. 35) and all amendments thereto, the Post Office (Telegraph
Money Order) Rules. 1984 (8. RL & O. 198 b Now bij. the Post Officer
Rules 1989 (8. Ro & OF 1939 Ne. V7}. the Pareel Post Rules 1986
GS. ko & O. 18386 No. 24) and the Post Offiee (Hours of Business)
Rules, 1948 OS. Ro & OL 19 ES No. 22) and all amendments thereto in so
far us they are applicable to the Prev a ‘ye shall cense to have effect: and
the Regulations made for the Pos iflices in the Presidency of
St. Christopher and Nevis on the a day of Mav, 1922. are hereby


87. ComMMENCEMENT. These Rules and Regulations shall come
Into operation on the Ist day of April, 1955.

Made by the Governor in Couneil this th day of Mareh, 1955.

A. FE. Prny,
Clerk or the Conner.

General Post Office.




(Rules 5, 6, 9, 10).


» Sub-Post Offices under

| Braneh Post Offices ander Branch Post Offices or

| General Post Office.





direcily under General
Post Office as indicated,


© Saint Christopher
» Dieppe Bay,

Saint Christopher
{Old Road,

Saint Christopher

| Nil

Gingerland, Nevis


Olficial names of Money Oriler Offices (10 be printed in the headings of

Money Order Forms)

Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla (Basseterre)
Saint Christopher Nevis and Angnilia (Charlestown )
Saint Christopher Nevis and Avguilla Gandy Pont)
Saint Christopher Nevis and Angrilla (The Valles)

SCHEDULE C. (Rule 12)
Letiv.s Post Other Arr wlir
per 4 oz. cards. Articles Letters. lurceis
per & oz. per 4 Ub.
On C C. te C

Aden 56 28 19 12
Afghanistan 64 32 24 12
Algeria 42 21 [5 12
Antigua 3 3 2 a 12
Argentine Republic 22 11 6 &
Aruba 10 a 3 3 Qe
Aacension No service
Australia 90 AS 3h {2
Azores 45 Qu 17 12
Bahan:nt 15 7 5 5
Bahrait: 50 25 18 12
Banks (slands a 90 45 36 12
Barbarhos eee 8 4 3 a 2)
Beinn Conia jR 20) 22 ig
Boiivia 16 R 5 3


SCHEDULE C—(cont'd)




Br. Guiana

Br. IIonduras

Br. North Borneo
Br. Somaliland


Cumeroons, Br.
Cameroons, French

Canary Islands
Cape Verde Islands
Cayman Islands




Cook Islands

Costa Rica




Dominican Republic

Duteli East Indies
Dutch Guiana



El Salvador


Ethiopia (Abyssinia)
European Countries
Falkland Islands
Fanning Island



French Equatorial Africa
Freneh Guiana
French Guinea
French Indo. China

French Settlement of Oceania,,,

French Somali Coast
Gilbert and Ellice Islands


per t oz.



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men Qo 09
VU D0 90 0 OO BO SN OT Me 0D oO

So He Le 0D 09 09
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w= tO

Other Air
Articles Letlers
per + 02.

C. C.
5 4
3 8
5 8
4 5
6 b

28 12

19 12

28 12

25 12

25 12

18 12

18 12
5 8

15 12

15 12
4 d

a4 12
6 8

28 12
3 8

36 12
5 8
4 8
3 x

15 12

17 12
3 5
4 §

18° 12

28 12
5 8
5 8

15 12

12 12
5 &

18 12

18 12

15 12

25 12

36 12

36 12

28 12

19 12
5 8

18 12

25 12

36 12

19 12

18 12

36 12

per 4 th,






SCHEDULE C—(cont'd)

Letters Post Other At Air
per }oz. cards. Articles Letters. Parcels

per + oz. per 4 lb.
c, a t. e, $ 6.

Gold Coast ie 50 25 18 12
Great Britain and Northern

Ireland as 36 18 12 12 2.00
Greenland See 40 20 13 12
Grenada rn x 4 3 5 22
Guadeloupe tee 8 5 3 8
Guatemala wee 16 8 5 8
Hawaii i 64 32 24 12.
Haiti rn 12 6 4 8
Honduras see 20 10 6 5
Hong Kong oe 70 35 26 12
India ve 60 30 23 12
Indonesia vee 74 37 28 15
Tran eee 50 25 18 12
Tray tes 50 25 18 12
Israel tee 45 22 15 12
Ivory Coast i 50 25 18 12
Jamaica - ase 12 6 4 5
Japan bee 78 39 29 12
Jordan ae 45 22 15 12
Kenva & Uganda ae 58 29 22 12
Korea a 73 39 29 12
Kuwait Pon 50 25 18 12
Lagos wee 30 25 18 12
Lebanon see 45 22 15 12
Liberia ie 50 25 18 12
Maygoa Mas 70 35 26 12
Madagascar a 64 32 24 12
Malaya (Federation. of) ‘ 70 35 26 12
Marian Islands tee 78 39 29 12
Marshall Islands a 90 45 3H 12
Mauritania a 50 24 18 12
Mauritius bee 68 34 25 12
Martinique oe 8 5 3 8
Mexico ses 16 8 5 8
Montserrat ae 5 3 2 35 12
Morocco, Tangier & Spanish

Zone Moroeco Freneh Zone... 42 21 15 12
Nauru vee 90 Lo 36 12
New Caledonia a a0 45 36 12
New Guinea ce 90 45 36 12
New Hebrides aes 90 45 36 12
New Zealand a 90 45 36 12
Nicaragua ae 16 8 a 8
Niger 7 50 25 18 12
Niveria 50 25 18 12
‘urvolk Island 90 45 36 12
Neth Borneo a 74 37 28 12
dScruhern Rhodesia - 64 32 24 12

Nyasaland 64 32 24 12








Piteairn Islands
Puerto Rico
Portuguese Kast Africa
Portuguese Timor
Portuguese West Africa

St. Helena

St. Lucia

St. Pierre & Miquelon
St. Vincent


Sandwich Islands

Saudi Arabia



Sierra Leone


Somaliland Prot.
South Africa
Southern Rhodesia
Spanish Guinea
Spanish West Africu
Sudan, Anglo-Egyptian
Sadan, French


Tanganyika Territory


Togo, British Sphere
Togo, French Sphere

Trinidad & Tobago


Turks & Caicos Islands
United States



Virgin Islands, Br.
Virgin Islands, U.S.A,




per t oz.












“an 56
ae 58


Post Other
cards. Articles
per 4 oz.

a, CO
30 23
22 15

6 4
45 36
11 b
11 6
37 28
45 36

5 3
32 24
39 29
29 22
34 25
32 24

3 3
28 19

4 3
45 36
32 24
37 28
25 18
25 18
29 22
25 18
30 23
28 19
32 24
32 24
25 18
22 15
25 18
25 18
22 15
29 82
34 25
32 24.
25 18
25 18
45 36
4 3
22 17
21 15

6 4

8 5
11 6

5 3
34 25

3 3

5 3
28 19
28 22










per 4 1b.






SOHEDULE D. (Rule 13)

Surface Mail Postage Rates on Packets other than Parcels and
Special Rates of Postage on Insured Boxes.


(a) To any place in the Presidency —

For every two ounces or fraction thereof see 2e.
Postcards oes le.

(6) To any place beyond the Presidency but within the Colony—

For every two ounces or fraction thereof bee 3c.
Posteards — bes 2c.

(c) To Great Britain and Treland, India, British Dominions, Colonies or
Protectorates, Mandated Territories (except ‘Trans-Jordan), Ifer Majesiy’s ships
in home or foreign waters, Egypt, and the British Post Otlice at ‘Tangiers—

Not excee ling one ounce re oe.
For every additional ounce or fraction thereof a ae.
Posteards - 4c.

(d) Tio all other places—

Not exceeding one vunce oe &ec.
For every additional ounce or fraction thereof vee Se.
Pose:ards on de.

published and registered in) the Colony and clectioneering circulars in
connection with public elections:—

(a) To any place in the Presideney—
Tor every copy not exceeding 4 ozs, in weight wee he.
For every additional 4 028. ov fraction thervol - ba.

(4) To any place beyond the Presidency but within the

For «very cops not exceeding 4 ozs in woight we Lhe.
For avary additional 4 ozs, or fraction thereof we Lhe.


The rate shall be a rate for each copy, aid if two or more copies are sent ina
single packet, each copy shall be liable to the same postage as if posted separately,
provided that in no case shall a copy or a packet of such copies be chargeable with
a highor rate than that chargeable on a printed paper of the same weight.

To destinations outside the Colony the rate shall be the game as for
printed papers.

(2) Other Newspapers—The rate shall be the same as that provided for
printed papers.

all places :-—

lor first 2 ounces se 3c.
Hach additional 2 ounces es Le.

Commercial Papers to all places—
Not exceeding 12 ounces ars 8e.

Yor every additional 2 ounces or fraction thereof wee le.

Not exceeding two ounces mr 3c. .

Every additional 2 ounces or fraction thereort eee le,


Not execeding 10 ounces we (15e.
Every additional 2 ounces or fraction thereof ee 3e.
6. BLIND LITERATURE, Packets containing papers impressed for use of the
To all places Free
7, INSURANCE FERS. Not exceeding $96 insured value wa 14,

8. [NSURED BOXES. Special rate of postage to all places to which the
servicy applies:—

Not exceeding 10 ounces we 800.

For every additional 2 ounces thereafter or fraction
thereof oA be.

(in addition to the insurance feo and registration fee.)

SCHEDULE E. (Rule !4)

Miscellaneous Services.

For the following services applicable to postal packets for all places:—


Registration Fee 6
Advice of Delivery of registered postal packet 10
Enquiry as to alleged loss or non-delivery of postal packet = 12
Certificate of posting of an unregistered postal packet 1
Undertaking to pay customs and other charges on a parcel 12
Cash on delivery service—Posting fee on each Parcel 4
Delivery fee on each Parcel 8

Minimum surcharge in respect of nen-payment or insuffi-
cient prepayment of postage J

SCHEDULE F. (Rule 22 (1) )

Gratuities for Sea Carriage.

Rate per lb. net weight for

Country to which shipped Pareels.
Letters Other articles
Leeward Islands
U. S. Virgin Islands 10c. le. Io,
Dutch und French West Undies

Other places 30c. dye. 3e.



Limit of Welght and Dimensions

Class of Acticle. Limit of Weight.

4 lbs.


Letters in the form
of a roll


‘British Empire 3 Ibs,
Other places 4 Ibs.

Commercial Papers

Printed Papers 6h bs: Provided that the
_ dimit of weight for a
» printed oo vehane sent
singly shall be 11 tbs.
Literature for the | 15 Ibs.
blind |
Samples British Empire 5 Ibs.
Other places 1 Ih.
Small Packets ; 2 Ibs.
Parcels 22 ths. or sneb lesser lnrit

aR May
the postal adininistration
of destination,
2 Ibs.

Insured boxes ’ Maximoam


be applicable to -

(Rule 23)

of Postal Articles.

Limit of Size.

we dy = are

| Maximum 3 fect in length,
width and depth combined.
2 feet for greatest dimen-
sion. Minimum 4 inches
in length 28 inches in

i Length and twice the diam-
eter 3 feet 3 inches, but the
greatest dimension must
not exceed 2 feet 8 inches.

Maximum 54 inches in length
4é inches in width.

» Minimron 4 inehey in length
23 inches in width.

Maximum 34 feet in length,
breath or depth or 6 fect in
length and girth combined.

12 inches in length, & inches

in width, 4 inches in de ‘pth,


SCHEDULE H (Rule 30)


4 wi Sonica

Pre ern id R ites not exceedin 7
oo i lees
Jountry of Destination and Route Por’ | a = ZEa
Lib jadd. 3b T1b 1ibE2 in B B@eé
Ib ae ited 7

Within the Presidency or between

Presidencies ly 24 3G: 6 22| 96.00
Bahamas ria Bernt 24 48° 721.20) 22) 96.00
Barbados 24. 48! 721.201 22) 96.00
Berinuda 94 48 72) 1.20) 22) 96.00
British Guiana 240 48 a 1.20) 22: 96.00
Canada 43 901.26 2.22) 15! 96.00

24 20) 22; 96.00
24 18 72 1.20) 22 96.00
24 48 72 1.20 22 16.00
24 43 72 1.20) 22! 96.00


St. Lucia

St. Vineent


Curacao, Aruba, Konaire, Saba,
St. Eustatius, St. Martin, and
Si. Barths

Trinidad and Tobago $s

Jamaica—irect and aia Bermuda 29) 96.00

Jamaica, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacan
via Trinidad (Insurance Jamaica

Great. Britain t:—

BOL B+ 72, 1.26} *22! 96.00



1 gi

| 04) 48 72 1.20) 22! 96.00


| !

| 58] 88 1.20; 1.68

Direct : 22 96.00
Via Barbados or ‘Trinidad 70] 1.12: 1.56: 2.34) 22 96.00
Via Canada 1.06) 1.78 2.46, 3.90) 22 96.00
» U.S.A. i 1.18} 1.84 3.54) 6.487 22 96.00
Guadeloupe 24) 48 72! ll.
U.S.A. and U.S. Virgin Islands 10. 18 | ; | 22 96.00
U.S. Possessions :—
Via U.S.A. Alaska, Canal Zone, | |
Guam, Havana, Philippine Islands. |
Puerto Rico and Samoa 42 3A | | 22) 96.00
Dutch Guiana via British Guiana : | 4e' » 1,08 1.86 96.00
Martinique ria St. Lucia a ; 4s: 0. 1.26) 2.22 i 96.00
H.M. Ships in foreign waters via
London. ae 60, 1. 20: i. 4); 3.00 — 96.00

*Parcels to Jamaica via Trinidad—Limit cf Aan U1 Ib.
tIncluding Northern [reland but not Irish Free State C.0.D. parcels


‘Transit parcels vec Loudon.

Parcels are accepted for transmission a decouvert via London to any country
to which there is # parcel post service from Great Britain. For particulurs regard-
ing the countries to which this service extends, the rates of postage applicable,
limitations of the service and special conditions, and acmissibility of iusnred
parcels the British Parcel Post Table C.P. 1 must be consulted,

Where parcels are accepted for countries via Great Britain and arc being
despatched from the Leeward Islands in closed mails through the United States
the following prepaid rates of postage must be added to the rates from the
Leeward Islands, and the raies from London:—

3 Lbs. 40c. : 7 Ibs. 80c. : iL Ibs. $1.50; 22 Iba. $3.00

with a supplementary insurance fee of I/- per £12 of ingnred value for ingared

The rates from the Leeward Islands are (for a deconvert parcels) :—

3 lbs. 36e0.: 7 lbs. 66e.: 11 lbs, 90¢.: 22 Ibs. $1.32.

‘Transit Parcels via U.S.A.

Parcels are accepted for transmission a dacouvert via U8. A. (New York, or
Boston) to the countries specilied below at a flat rate of postage irrespective of
desiination (first Ib. 48c., cach alditional Ib. 36e.). For Jimit of weight, special
conditions, admissibility of insured parcels, Customs Declarations, ete.: see the
United States Official Postal Guide. The limit of weight must in no case
exceed 22 Ibs. The figures inserted against the countries mentioned below
indicate the maximum weight allowed to those countries: through this service:—

Anglo-Mgyptian Sudan Fiji Mexico
Argentine Republic Finland Netherlands
Australia (11) France New Zealand (11)
Azores French Guiana Nicaragua
Bahamas French Oceania Norway
Belgium Germany Palestine
Bermuda Gibraltar Panama
Brazil Great Britain and

Northern [reland (11)
British Honduras : Pera
Bulgaria Greece Pitcairn Island
Canada (15) Guatemala Poland
Caroline Islands Haiti Portugal
Chile Honduras (Republic) Roumania



Costa Rica

Dutch Guiana (11)

Dominican Republic


Hong Kong

Trish Free State (11)

Jamaica (11)




Marshall Is.
Martinique (11)

St. Pierre & Miqnelon

Straits Settlements

Turks fs. (11)

Vatican City State
Venezuela (1D
Western Samoa

SCHEDULE I. (Rule 64)

Postal Orders.
(4) 12, 24¢, Bbc. 480, 60, Te, Sde.. Ie. $1.08, $1.20, $1.44, $1.68,
$1.92, 92.16, 92.40, $2.64, $2.38, $2.12. $5.36, $3.00, $3.84 $4.08.
$4.32, $4.56, $4.40, $5.04, BY.00.

(d) Value of Order. Puundage.
12¢. to 24e. 3e.
36c. to $1.20 5e.
$1.44 to $2.40 8e.
$2.64 to $4.80 10c.
$9.60 20c.
SCHEDULE J. (Rule 65)

Money Orders--Rates of Commission.
Payable in the Presidency. Two cenis for each $5.00 or fraction

thereof, with a» minimum charge of
six cents.

Payable in other countries Four cents for each $5.00 or fraction
with which Money Orders thereof, with a minimum charge of |
are exchanged direct. eight cents.


Yor every two dollars or fraction thereof ‘Two cents,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE. M. Bracksaax, Government Printer,--By Authority,

62/00055—570—3.55. [Price 36 cents.]



1955, No. 12.

Tur Magisrrates’ Court Rucrs, 1953, patEp Marcon 5, 1955,
Magistrate’s Cope or Procepurr Act (Cap. 61).

1. Short Title. These Rules may be cited as the Magistrates’
Court Rules, 1955, and shall be read as one with the Rules made by. the
Governor in Councilon the 9th day of May, 1892 under section 256 of
the Magistrates’ Code of Procedure Act, 1891 (hereinafter referred to as
the Principal Rules).

2. Insertion of new form in Schedule to Principal
Rules. The Schedule to Principal Rules is hereby amended by the
insertion therein after Form 41 of the following Form:—

“Porm 4A.

Summons to defaulting Debtor.


DISTRICT.....ce eee ee
In THE Macisrratre’s Court. (Ciil Side)
PULL NOyscsieeeerentcia of 19...
BETWEEN Plaintiff

WHEREAS the Plaintiff obtained an Order against you the
above-named Defendant before this Court on the..........csceeeeeees day of
seecepaueuneecinaeeucenate estan 19...for the payment Ol Serica:

(debt or damages and costs) by.......:ccceeecesseneseeeceenes instalments of



Biscseececeeess.esethe first of the said instalments to be paid on..........0
day Of.....cceceeeeeeeeree LD...
AND you having made default in payment Of $.........--cesesevesees

payable in pursuance of the said Order, are hereby summoned to appear

personally before this Court sitting at... 0. ....ceceeeeeeeees the said
District, on the. .cccceseseee cee Ay Of... eereeeee see 9..., at the hour of
peed naseaiupyeesne ......In the forenoon to be examined on oath touching the

means you have, or have had since the date of the said Order to satisfy
the sum payable in pursuance of the said Order, AND ALSO to show
cause why you should not be committed to prison for such default.

Dated Of... eee meee euuaneus wl.

District Magistrate.
Mistrictec... ee ae

Made by the Governor in Counei)] this 4th day of March,

A. I. Perry,
Clerk of the Council.

Approved by the General Legislative Council this day of

Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Tslands,
hy E. M. BuackMAN, Government Printer. -By Authority.

43/00025—320—3.55. [ Price 4 cents.)

Full Text
Published wha




" Administrator.

WHEREAS by section 7 of the
Cotton Export Ordinance, 1954 (No.
12 of 1954) it is provided that the
‘said Ordinance shall come into opera-
tion on a date to be appointed by the
Governor by Proclamation published
in the Gazette:

LOVELACE, a member of the Most
Excellent Order of the British
Empire, Administrator of the Presi-
deney of Antigua, do by this my
proclamation declare that the said
Ordinance shall come into operation
on the L5th day of March, 1945.

AND all Her Majesty's loving
subjects in the Presidency of Antigua
and all others are hereby required to
take due notice hereof and to give
their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN atthe Administrator's Office,
Antigua, this second day of
March, 1955, in the fourth year
of Her Majesty’s reign.


No, 24,

Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

CHRISTIAN, Dr. D. L., to be Dental
Surgeon, Antigua.
Dee. 7, 1954

OHRISTIAN, Dr. R. S., Dental Sur-
geon, Antigua, resigned apppoint-
ment. Dec. 7, 1954

STHVENS, R. T., to be Supervising

' Engineer, Telephone Department,
Antigua, for a period of 18 to 24
months in the first ingtance.

4 _. Feb. 17

A.C, 13/65—-IL. oy

BRE I277


No. 25.

The following Ordinances and
Statutory Rules and Orders are cir-
culated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—


No. 20 of 1954, ‘The General
Loeal Loan (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954.” 1 pp. Price 3 cents

No. 21 of 1954, The Cattle Tres-
pass (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents

No. 22 of 1954, The Vehicles and
Road Traffic (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1954.” 12 pp. Price 15 cents

General Government.

No. 10 of 1955, ‘ The Montserrat
Executive Council (Cessation) Order,
1955.” 1 pp. Price 3 cents

No. 11 of 1955, “ The Saint Christo-
pher Nevis and Anguilla Postal Ser-
vice Rules and Regulations, 1955.”

31 pp. rice 36 cents

No. 12 of 1955, ‘‘The Magistrates’
Court Rules, 1955.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents

Agricultural Scholarship Ten-
able at the Imperial College
of Tropical Agriculture.

1. Applications are invited for a
scholarship tenable at the Imperial
College of ‘Tropical Agriculture,
Trinidad, to be awarded by the
Government of the Leeward Islands
in respect of the year 1955.

2. Applications must be submitted
to the Colonial Secretary through—

(a) the Headmaster of the school
at which the applicant is being
or has being taught, or

(6) the Administrator or Com-
‘mnissioner of the Presidency con-

by the 5th April, 1955.

Application forms should be
obtained from the office of adminis-
tration .of the Presidency in which
the applicant resides.


3. The successful candidate will
be required to sign an undertaking to
serve for three years in the Leeward
Islands upon the successful comple-
tion of his course of study if offered
suitable employment.

The Secretariat,
4th March, 1955.


Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance, 1950.

In pursuance of the requirements
of section 3 (2) (a) of the Aid to
Pioneer Industries Ordinance, 1950,
it is hereby notified for general
information that the Governor in
Council proposes to make the under-
mentioned Order under section 3 (1)
of the said Ordinance.

2. Any person who objects to the
making of such Order shall give
notice in writing of his objection and
of the grounds on which he relies in
support thereof to the Clerk of the
Executive Council on or before the
13th day of April, 1955.

J. L. RosBInson,
Clerk of the Executive Council.

1950 (No. 9 or 1950).


1. Citation. This Order may be
cited as the Aid to Pioneer Industries
(Manufacture of Paint) Order, 1955.

2. Manufacture of Paint de-
clared a Pioneer Industry. The
manufacture of paint is hereby de-
clared to be a pioneer industry for
the purposes of the Aid to Pioneer
Industries Ordinance, 1950, and the
following product is hereby declared
to be a pioneer product for the said
purposes :—


Made by the Governor in Council
this day of , 1955.

Clerk of the Executive Council.
Ref. No. A. 42/67.

Workmen’s CompensatippxAct.
a Es
i : os ay

i e
foke +

The attention of persons in Antigua

employing workmen, as defined . by, ~
the Workmen’s Compensation Act,”

1937, is directed to the notice dated
5th February, 1944, published in the
' Leeward Islands Gazette on. the 18th
February, 1954, whercby such per-
sons are required to render, on or
before the 15th day of February in
every year, to the Labour Commis-
sioner, a correct return in respect of
the preceding calendar year speci-

(a4) The total number of injuries
to workmen during the year in
respect of which compensation has
bevn paid;

(>) The number of fatal injuries
included under (a);

{c) The total amount paid in full
settlement of claim for compenga-
tion in respect of non-fatal injuries.

(a) The total amount paid to
dependents in respect of fatal in-

(e) The number of non-fatal in-
juries which have been classified as
of a permanent nature;

(7) Full details respecting any
payment of compensation being
made on account of temporary dis-
ablement under section 4 (i) (d@).

Dated the 26th day of February,

A. 65/7


No. 1 of 1955.

1. General (Open) Import Licence
No. 2 of 1954 dated the Ist day of
April, 1954, is hereby amended as

By the deletion of the words
“Lumber and wood products ex-
eluding furniture ” from the Sched-
ule thereto.

2. General (Open) Import Licenee
No. 1 of 1954 dated the Ist of April,
1954, is hereby amended as follows:—

By the addition to the Schedule
thereto of the following new item
after item (19)—

(20) Lumber and wood pro-

Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955.
By Order of the Governor,

Supply Officer.

‘afternoon at The


Declaration dated February 3,
1955, made under Section 8
of the Land Acquisition Act,
1944 (No. 11/1944), for the
acquisition of certain land in
the Presidency of Saint Chris-
topher Nevis and Anzuilla
required for public purposes.

the Governor in Council with the
approval of the Legislative Council of
the Presidency of Saint Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla considers that
the land described in the Schedule
hereto, situate in the island of
Anguilla in the said Presidency,
should be acquired for public pur-
poses, namely, for the erection of a
health outpost, in the said Presidency.


An area of approximately 4} of an
acre situate at South Hill in the
island of Anguilla in the Presidency
of Saint Christopher Nevis and
Anguilla, and bounded as follows,
that is to say, on the North and West
by lands of FRANCHS ANN CARTY;
on the South by the public main
road; and on the East by a private

Dated this 3rd day of February,


Clerk of the Couneil.
Ref. No, 36/00004.


Centra] Hxperiment Station.

1951, 18A2. 1953. 1954, 1945.
Jan. 3.60 3.10 2.55 3.44 2.16
Feb. 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45 .68
Mar, 5th 16 — AAT ae 19

4.70 4.14 589 3.03

Notice of Nomination.


The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of Election for the election
of a member of the Legislative Conn-
cil for the Central electoral district
the returning officer for the said
district will on the llth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o’clock in
the forenoon and one o’clock in the

' afternoon and between the Lours of

two o’clock and four o’clock in the
Police Station,
Salem, proceed to the nomination
of a member for the Central electoral

Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955,

Grorcr Howson,
Returning ‘Officer
for the Central electoral district.


[10 March, 1955.

Notice of Nomination.


The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of lection for the election
of two members of the Legislative
Council for the Southern electoral
district the returning officer for the
said district will on the llth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o'clock
in the forenoon and one o’elock in
the afternoon and between the hours
of two o’clock and four o’cloeck in the
afternoon at The Court House, Ply-
mouth, proceed to the nomination of
two members for the Southern elec-
toral district.

Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955,

Returning Officer
Jor the Southern electoral district,

Notice of Nomination.


The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of Election for the election
of a member of the Legislative Coun-
cil for the Windward electoral distriet
the returning officer for the said
district will on the llth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o’clock in
the forenoon and one o’clock in the
afternoon and between the hours of
two o’clock and four o’clock in the
afternoon at The Police Station,
Harris’s, proceed to the nomination
of a member for the Windward
electoral district. :

Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955.

Returning Officer
for the Windward electoral district.

Notice of Nomination.

The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of Election for the election
of a member of the Legislative Coun-
cil for the Northern electoral district
the returning officer for the said
district will on the llth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o’clock in
the forenoon and one o’clock in the
afternoon and between the hours of
two o’clock and four o’clock in the
afternoon at The St. John’s School,
proceed to the nomination of a
member for the Northern electoral

Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955.

Returning Officer
Jor the Northern electoral district.

Ref. No. 18/00028.


10 March, 1955. ]

Consular Represen-

It is notified for general informa-
tion that, pending the issue of Her
Majesty’s Exequatur, Mr. RICHARD
KAHN has been accorded provisional

‘recognition as Honorary Consul of

Austria at Kingston, Jamaica, with

jurisdiction including the Bahamas,

Barbados, Jamaica, the Leeward Is-
lands, the Windward Islands and
Trinidad and Tobago.
The Secretariat,


. B3rd February, 1955,

Ref. No. 19/00009.

With reference to the Declaration
dated the 26th day of October, 1954
(8. R. & 0. 1954, No. 30) regarding the
acquisition for public purposes of
certain lands forming part of Five
Islands Estate as set out in the
Schedule to the said Declaration:

ITIS HEREBY notified for general
information that the said lands which
comprise portions of the several
estates commonly known as Five
Islands Estate have now been demar-
cated by actual survey and a notice
of acquisition in respect of the said
lands has been issued in accordance
with the provisions of section 7 of the
Act. The area and boundaries of the
same are as hereunder:

ALL THOSE portions of lands
forming part of Jive Islands, Gambles
(Five Islands) and Galley Bay com-
Monly called Five Islands Estate
situate in the Parish of St. John in
the Island of Antigua containing by
adimeasurement 129.309 acres and
bounded as follows:—

On the North by Gallev Bay and
Gambles (Five Islancs);

On the Fast by Five Islands;

On the Seuth by Galley Bay and

the Village of Five Islands and
On the West by Galley Bay.

Dated this 2nd day of March, 1954.

Henry J. Ewin,
Authorised Officer.



The Vehicles and Road Traffic
Ordinance, 1946.

By virtue of the powers conferred
on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles
and Road Traffic Ordinance 1946
(No. 5 of 1946), I hereby fix the
period hereunder for the lighting of

Until further notice, the lighting
of vehicles shall be from 6.30 p.m. to
5.45 a.m.

Dated this 24th day of February,

E. M. V. JaAmus, Lt. Col.

Traffic Commissioner.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and

Leeward Islands.


that in pursuance of Rules made by
the Chief Justice under Section 16 of
the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands (Coutts) Order in Council,
1939, and duly approved as therein
provided on the 16th day of Octo-
ber, A.D. 1941, The Honourable
Puisne Judge selected for the sit-
ting of the Court has appointed the
day of the month -on which the en-
suing Circuit Court shall sit as fol-
lows, thut is to say:—

The Virgin Islands Circuit on
Friday the Ist day of April, 1955,

- at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.

Dated the 24th day of February,

Chief Registrar.


Post of Estimator and Chief
Draughtsman, Public Works
Department, St. Vincent,

Applications are invited from suit-
ably qualified candidates for the post
of Estimator and Chief Draughtsman,
Public Works Department, St. Vin-

2. The post, which is non-pen-
sionable, carries a salary scale of
$2592 per annum rising by annual
increments of $96 to $3168 per
annum and the point in this scale at
which a suitable candidate will be
appointed will depend on his qualifi-
cations and experience. Considera-
tion is being given to making the
post pensionable. Quarters are not
provided. Free passages for the
successful candidate und his wife and
family will be provided on appoint-
ment. A ‘Transport Allowance of
$732.00 per annum is payable if the
appointee maintains a motor car for
official travelling.

3. Candidates must have had a
secondary education with a sound
knowledge of Mathematics and En-
glish. They should also have a
minimum of two years experience as
Estimator-Dranghtsman, and an ag-
gregate of not less than 3 years in
other phases of Public Works such as
Building Construction, Land Survey-
ing and Land Drainage.

4, The successful candidate will
be required to prepare estimates of
cost and materials from drawings,
and to maintain statistical records of
Construction Unit Costs for work
operations performed by the Depart-

5. Applications should be address-
ed to the Superintendent of Public
Works, Kingstown, St. Vincent,
B.W.I., and should reach lifth not
later than 10th March, 1935.

Government Office,
Saint Vincent,
12th February, 1955.

Ref. No. 13/00286,


| fo
Control of Imports and Exports
Notice No. 1 of 1955
Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each ““E” grade flour from:
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.I.F. Antigua and should
include agents commission. Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price. .

2. The “KE” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard :—

Maximum moisture ies 14.00%

Maximum ash cee 52%

Minimum protein eos 12.00%

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—
Minimum. Maximum. .
Thiamine 2.0 2.5 milligrams for each Ib. flour 7
Riboflavine | 1.2 15 i, ' :
Niacine 16.0 20.0 ” ” ”
Iron 13.0 16.5 ” ” ”
With Calcium Car-
bonate 500 600

” ” pd

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
duly notarised.must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to arrange
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.

_ Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is en-
riched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour” must be stencilled on ench bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped to arrive in Antigua
during May, June and July, 1955 at a monthly rate of 5,000 half-bags of 100 Ibs. each.

4. Tenders should bein sealed envelopes marked “‘ Tenders for flour” and should be addressed
to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 4 p.m. on
31st March, 1955.

5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
- Admintrator’s Office,

26th February, 19556.

Ref. No, A. 40/18,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by FE, MM, BLACKMAN,
Government Printer.—By Authority,

[Price 71 conts]
No. 20 of 1954. General Local Loan ANTIGUA.

K. W. Bracksurng,
24th February, 1955.

[24th February, 1955. ]

No. 20 of 1954.

An Ordinance to amend the General Local Loan
Ordinan-e, 1951.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. ‘This Ordinance may he cited as the Short title.
General Local Loan (Amendment) Ordinance, *!%?:
1954, and shall be read as one with the General
Local Loan Ordinance, 1951, hereinafter called
the Principal Ordinance.

2. Section 14 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment
is hereby amended by the substitution of the oP pcier t!
words “ place at interest. or invest” for the word Ordinanee.
“invest” appearing in the sixth and tenth lines


Passed the Legislative Council the 22nd
day of December, 1954.

J. L. Ropinson,
Clerk of the Counetl.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE. M. BLackMAn, Government Printer.—By Authority.
—480—3.55. Price 3 cents.
No. 2t of 1954. 9 Cattle Trespass ANTIGUA,

I Assent,
K. W. Bracksuryr,
24th February, 1955.

[24th February, 1955]

No. 21 of 1954.

An QOrdinance to amend further the Cattle
Trespass Ordinance, 1910.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

J. This Ordinance may he cited as the Short title.
Cattle Trespass (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954 a an
and shall be read as one with the Cattle Tres- 6/1932
pass Ordinance, 1910, as amended, hereinafter inne

called the Principal Ordinance.

2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment
Cl 2

hereby amended by— Prineipal

(a) renumbering the section as subsec-
tion (1) thereof; and

(6) the addition of the following as
subsection (2) thereof—

(2) For the purposes of section 12 and
section 15 of this Ordinance any
reference in those sections to an
‘authorised person ” shall be con-
straed to mean a person authorised
by the proprietor, possessor or per-
son in charge of any plantation,
estate or other: land generally or
specially to do any act or thing
which the ,proprietor, possessor or

of section 12
of Principal

of section 15
of Principal

2 Catile Trsespas No. 2] of 1954.

person in charge of such plantation,
estate or other land is empowered fo
do under this Ordinance:

Provided that in the case of a
Government Land Settlement such
reference shall be deemed to include
the Instroctor or other covernment
officer in charge of the Land Settle-
ment and every person acting by the
order of such Instructor or other
government officer in charve of the
Land Settlement.”

3. Subsection (1) of section 12 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
insertion immediately hefore the werd “to”
appearing in the third line thereof of the words
and stop “or any authorised person.”

4. Section 15 of the Principal Ordinance
is hereby amended by the insertion immediately
after the word “land” appearing in the third line
thereof of a comma followed by the words and
stop “or any authorised person.”

Avec Lovenace,

assed the Legislative Council the 22nd
day of December, 1954.

J. L. Rostxson,
Clerk of the Council,


Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leawari Islands.

500 —3.55.

by E. M, Bhackman, Government Printer.—Py Authority,

Price + canis,
No, 22 0f 1954, Vehiides and Road Trafic ANTIGUA,

I Assent,
K. W. Bracksurne,

28th February, 1955.

[ 28th February, 1955 |

No. 22 of LO5A.

An Ordinance to amend further the Vehicles and
Road Traffic Ordinance, 1946.

ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua as

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Vebicles and Road Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954, and shall be read as one with the Vehicles
and Road Traffic Ordinance, 1946 as amended, 4/1946.
hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance. mee:
2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment

f secti
hereby amended as follows:— eae Narn

pal Ordi-

(a) by the insertion between the defini-
tions of “driver” and “maximum = gross
weight” of the following definition:—

“highway code” means the directions

and amendments thereto prepared

by the Minister of Transport under

oes 45 of the Road Traffic Act,
930 (20 & 21 Geo. 5c. £3);”;

(4) by the insertion between the defini-
tions of ‘‘owner”’ and “ parking place” of the
following definition :—

“park” or “ parking’? means to
permit a vehicle, whether occupied
ANTGua. 2 Vehicles and fuud i rajfie No. 22 of 195-4.

or not, to stand upon a road other-
wise than temporarily for the
immediate purpose of and while
actnally engaged in loading or
unloadisi goods, or the taking up or
setting down of parsengers, or in
obedience to traffe regulations or
traffic signs, or the directions of
w police officer; ” ;

(c) by the insertion between the defini-
tions of “ trattic” and * Traffie Commissioner”
of the following definition :—

“ “traffic sign’’ includes all signals,
warnlig sign-posts, direction posts,
sigus, lines, marks, or other devices
for the guidance of persona using

(d) by the substitution of the following
definition for the definition of “ Traffie Com-
mussioner ”’:-—

“ © Traffic Commissioner’? means the
Commissioner of Police or sueh
other person as may be appointed
as such under section 4 of this

Amendment 3. Subsection (1) of section 8 of the Princi-

poe pal Ordinanee is herchy amended by the substitution

Ordinances, of the words “Colonial Engineer” for the words
“Superintendent of Public Works” appexring

Amendment 4. Subsection (23 of section 11 of the

of section 11
of the Princi-
pal Ordi.

Principal Ordinance is hereby amended as follows:—-

(a) by the substitution of a comma
followed by the word “or” for the colon
appearing at the end of paragraph (¢); and

(6) by the insertion immediately there-
after of the following paragraph ():—

(d) which is the property of a

Consular Officer or employee of the
United States of America, who is
No. 22 of 1954. Vehicles and Road Traffic 3

(i) not a British subject,
(ii) not engaged in private occupation
for gain in the Presidency, and

(ii) a permanent employee of the
United States of America or,
if not a permanent employee
thereof was not resident im the
Presideucy ut the commence-
ment of his employment in the
Consulate of the United States
of America,

and which is used by him for his official
or personal duties:”’

5. Section 12 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the insertion of the word
“veoistered ” between the words “the” and
“owner” appearing i the fourth line of
subsection (2);

(6) by the renumbering of subsection (3)
as subsection (4) thereof; and

(c) by the insertion of the following
subsection as subsection (3) thereof:—

“(3) The registered owner or the
new owner, as the case may be, who
eontravencs any of the provisions of the
furevoing subsections shall be guilty of
wun offence”.

6. The following subsections are hereby
substituted for cubsectione (2) and (3) of section
27 of the Prineipal Ordinance—

“« (2) For the purpose of learnmg to
drive, a person (in this section referred to ar
a“ learner”) may, though he does not hold
a driver's licence, drive a motor vehicle on
a roud if he holds a written permission to do
so Gn this section referred to asa‘ learner’s

it” icensing Officer:
permit”) granted hy the Licensing cer:


of section 12
of the

of section 27
of the


Vehicles and Road Traffic No. 22 of 195-4,

Provided that if a learner infringes
or fails to comply with any condition or
restriction specified in the learier’s permit
while learning to drive on # road, he shall be
liable to the penalty prescribed iu subsection
(1) of this section as if no learner’s permit had
been issued to him,-and the said permit. shall,
on his conviction, be cancelled.

(8) When granting « learner’s permit
for the purpose mentioned in subsection (2)
of this section, the Licensing Officer may
impose such conditions and restrictions as be
may deem necessary for the safety of the
public and shall, without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing words, specify—

(a) that the learner shall drive
upon such roads and at such times as
may be mentioned in the permit; and

(6) that the learner shall not use a
public service vehicle carrying passengers
for the purpose of learning to drive;

(©) that when learning to drive
a motor vehicle (other than a motor
cycle) the learner shall have sitting next
to him for the purpose of instructing
him, @ licensed driver and

(d) the motor vehicle shall carry
such identification marks as may be
specified in the permit:

Provided that a learner may appeal
to the Board against the refusal of the
Licepsing Officer to grant him a learner's
permit or ugainst any condition cr
restriction imposed by the Licensing
Officer, and, on such appeal being made,
the Board may make such order as they
deem just and such order shall be final
and conclusive.

(4) A learner and the person accompany-
ing him for the purpose of instruction, shall
each be liable for any offence committed
ZA .

. 22 of 1954. Vehicles and Road Trajfie = 5

against any of the provisions of this Ordinance
during the course of such instruction.”

7. Subsection (1) of section 83° of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
substitution of the words “seventeen years” for
the words * eighteen yeurs ” appearing in paragraph
(c) thereof.

8. Section 50 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the deletion from subsection (1)
of the words ‘fun « particular class of road
and the Substirntion therefor of the following
words “on a road or any portion thereo!
within " limits of the City of Saint Jobn
or which is declared to be within a speed
limit area in the manner hereinafter provided,
or otherwise than as specified in the said
Schedule ” ;

(6) by the renumbering of subsection
(4A) as subsection (5) and by the addition
thereafter of the following sabsections nun:-

bered (6) and (7):—

“ (6) The Governor-in-Counecil may by
order published in the (Gazefte and in
one or more newspapers cirealating in
the Presidency, declare any road or
portion thereof to be within a speed
limit srea:

Provided that prier to the publication
of such order the Traffic Conunissioner
shall erect or cause 16 be crected, both at
the commencement aid at the termination
of such area, trathe signs indicating the
limits of such area and the maximum
speed fixed in relation thereto:

Provided further that an order
under this subsection shall be of no effect
unless ancl untilis has beea approved by
the Leyislative Council.


of section 33
of the

of section 50
of the
Anite. 6 Vehieles and Road Traffic No 22 of 1954.

(7) Any person who—
ne ty . .
(a) drives a motor vehicle on
a road exceeding a speed limit
imposed by or under this section; or
(6) is guilty of an offence under
subsection (3) of this section,

shall be liable on summary conviction to
a penalty not exceeding one hundred and
twenty dollars or to imprisonment with
or without hard labour for a term not
exceeding four months and in addition,
in the case of a second or subsequent
conviction to be disqualified for holding

r obtaining a driver's licence for such
eri as the Court shail think fit.’

Anion tient 9. Section GY of the Principal Ordinance
of seetion 69 . ‘

of the is hereby amended by the substitution for the
Principal first four lines thereof of the following:—


“The Governor in Council may, from
time to time for the purpose of giving effect
to any convention for facilitating the interna-
tional circulation of motor vehicles, by order

en 10. The Principal Ordinance is hereby
aew sectlons i : 3 : :
in the amended by the insertion therein, immediately
Principal after section 74 of the followiug sections as section

ee 75 and section 75A respectively:

eee 73. (1) The Traffic Comunissioner may
cause or permit traffic signs to be placed on
or near any read and mav authorise the
retention of any traffie signs erected prior to
the passing of the Vehicles and Road ‘Uraffic
( Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.

(2) 'Trathe Signs erected or authorised
under subsection (1) of this section may be
signs for any of the foll: owing purposes:

(a) to reoulate the movement of

()) is iadileate the route to be
followed by trate;
No. 220f 1954. = Vehieles and Load Trajfic 7 ANTIQUA.

(c) to restrict or prohibit the use of
any part of any road by traffic;

(d@) to prohibit the driving of any
vehicle on any road otherwise than in
a certain direction;

(e) to restrict or prohibit the parking
of vehicles in any area or on sity part of
any road;

(7) to restrict or prohibit tempora-
rily the use of any road or any part of
anv read by vehicles whenever it Appears
to. the Traffic Commissioner to be
necessary 3

(7) to warn users of the road of the
need for special caution;

(7) to give notice of dangerous

(2) to indicate the limits of a speed
limit area and the maximum speed fixed
in relation thereto;

()) to notify users of the road of
any prohibitions or restrictions which
have been imposed by this Ordinance or
by any regulations or orders made

(4) to convey information to users
of the road.

(3) Traffic signa shall be of the kinds
and of the descriptions preseribed by the
Traffic Commissioner by regulation.

(4) Every traffic sign placed on or near
any road, which is of « kind and of the
description prescribed by the Traffic Com-
inissioner by regulation and every traffic sign
being a sign for regulating by means of light
signals the movement of traffic shall be deemed
to have been lawfully so placed or authorised
by the Trafic Conunissioner, unless the
contrary is proved,


Vehicles and Road Trafic No. 22 of L954.

(5) Regulations which prescribe the
kinds and descriptions of traffic signs may
prescribe that any sign or words or symbol
or design or any coleured light or other
feature “of any sign shall be interpreted as
giving @ particular indication and may
prescribe aud explain the action required to
comply with such indication.

(6) Regulations with reference to traffic
signs may provide for the exemption of any
particular elass of vehicles from the obligation
of complying with the indication given by
any particular kind of traffic signs and the
conditions of such exemption.

(7) Subject to the provisions of sub-
section (6) of section 9 of this Ordinance, the
area or road or portion of a read to which
a traffic sign apples may be defined when the
indication given by the sign is sufficiently
clear frorn the sign itself as being in a form
commonly understood by drivers or others to
whom it is directed or when the indication
ot the portion of the road to which a_ traffic
sign is to apply is given by the erection of
sigus at each end of the portion of the road:

_ Provided that in the case of any sign
prohibiting the passage of vehicles on any
road, signs shall be erected at each end of
the road or portion of the road to which
the prohibition is to apply and at such
other points as the Traftic Commissioner
may determine.

(8) A traffic sign may refer to specific
classes of traffic but shall be held to refer to
vehicular trafic generally in the absence
of any special indication in the sign or
provisions in a regulation with reference
to such sign.

(9) Any regulation which prescribes
the kind and the description of traffic signs
intended for any of the purposes set out in
paragraphs (a) to (/) inelusive and (7) of
subsection (2) ot tie section may provide
No. 22 of 1954. Vehicles and Road Traffic 9


that failure to conform with the indication
given by the sign shall constitute an offence
and in such case the order of prohibition
indicated by any sach sign shall have effect
as if contained in a regulation under this
vrdinance, and any person driving or
propelling any vebicle who fails to conform
with the indication given by any sign of
that kind or description which has heen
lav fully placed on any road or the retention
of which has been authorised by the
Traffic Commissioner shall be guilty of an

(10) Regulations made by the Trathic
Commissioner under this section shall be
of no force or effect until approved by the
Governor in ‘Council and shall come into
operation as from the date of the publica-
tion thereof in the Gazeffe or from such
later date as may be specified in such

765A. (1) Any person who—

(a) shall, without the permission
of the ‘irattic Coimmissioner, erect or
cause to be erecied any trafic sign on
or near any road, or

(b) shall injure, deface, remove or
in any manner interfere with any
traffic sign lawfully placed on or near
any road,

shall be guilty of an offence.

(2) The ‘Traffic Commissioner may, by
notice in writing, require the owner or
occupier of any land on which there is any
traflic sign or any object which so closely
resembles a traihe sign that it might
reasonably be taken to be such a sign to
remove it, and if any such person fails to
comply with such notice, the Traffic
Commissioner may himself ellect or authorise
the removal, doing as little damage as may


erection or
removal of or
with traffic
Antigua. 10° Vehicles and Roa? Traffie No. 22 of 195-4,

be, and may recover in a court of competent
jurisdiction asa civil debt from the person
so in default the expense incurred by him
in so doing.

sehr (11) The Privcipal Ordinance is hereby
in Principal amended by the insertion, between sections
Dadinpnee: 77 and 78 of the following section numbered
as section 77A:—

ie cide 77A(1) Tt shall be the duty of

persons using the road to acquaint
themselves with and observe the diree-
tions contained in the highway cnde.

(2) The Traffic Commissioner shall
eause the highway code to be issued
to the public at a price to be fixed
by the Governor in Council.

(3) A failure on the part of any
part of any person to observe any provi-
sion of the highway code shall not of
itself render that person liable to crimi-
nal proceedings under this Ordinance,
but sueh failure may in any such proceed-
ings be relied upon by any party to the
proceedings as tending to establish or te
negative any hability which is in question
in ‘thos se proceedings.”

Amendment 12. Section 77 of the Principal Ordinance

eet’ aie ene amended by the deletion of the words

Principal “and the erection of traffic signs and other notices”
Ordinance, appearing in subparagraph (+) of paragraph (7)

Substitution 18. The following section is hereby substi-
of section 79 tuted for section 79 of the Principal Ordinanee—

“General 79. Any person guilty of an offence

; under this Ordinanee for which no penalty

is expressly provided shall be liable on sum-
mary conviction to a penalty not exceeding
one hundred and twenty dollars or to a term
of imprisonment net exceeding six months.”
No. 22 0f 1954. 9 Fehteles and Road Trafic 11 Ayxvieua.

14. The following Schedule is substituted substitution
for the Second Schedule to the Principal Ordi- nan
nhance— to Principal


Limits oF SvrrED

Maximum Speed

Miles per hour
1. On any road within the limits
of the City of Saint John,
or within a speed limit

(a) motor omnibuses and
motor lorries wee 15
(6) tractors, with or
without trailer 7 15
(c) other motor vehicles 20

2. On all roads in the Presidency
other than those specified in
paragraph 1 of this Sched-

(a) motor omnibuses and
motor lorries _ 25
(+) tractors, with or
without trailer .., 20
(c) other motor vehi-
cles ves 40

15. The amendments specified in the second Minor and
4 Si - lite . vj. consequen-
column of the Sc hedule to this Ordinance (which {aramend-
relate to consequential and minor matters) shall be mente.
made in the sections of the Principal Ordinance

specitied in the first column of the said Schedule.


Passed the Legislative Council the 28nd day
of December, 1954.

J. L. Ropinson,
Clerk of the Council.
Antigua. 12 9 Vehicles and Koad Trajfir No, 22 of 1954.

Section. Amendment.
13(1) There shall be inserted the words “he

_ guilty of an offence and” between the
words ‘shall and ‘‘on” appearing in
i line 26 and the words ‘“‘ thereof shall”
i between the words “to conviction’ and
“he” appearing in line 27

18(1)(a) | The words “ or trailer” shall be deleted.


The words “and seetion 383A” shall he
inserted after the figure “33”.

41 The following sentence shall be inserted at

the end of the section

“Any person who acts in contravention of
the provisions of this section shall be
guilty of an offence.”

a0(1) The following sentence shall be inserted at
the end of the suvsection:

_“ Any person who acts in contravention of
the provisions of this subsection shall be
guilty of an offence.”

Peimted at tne Government Printing Ofiee, Leaward Islands,
by EB. ML Bracnkaran, Government Printes.-By Anthority,
50G-—--3.58. [Price 15 cents. ]


1955, No. 10.

Anticun 13 or THE Lerwarp Isnanpns Lerrers Parent
1953 DECLARING THat THE Executive Council, OF THE
Presipexcy oF MonTrserratT ESTABLISHED BY THE

1. Crrarton. This Order may be cited as the Mont-
serrat Executive Counci! (Cessation) Order, 1955.

2. Dare oF Crssation o- Existence of EXECUTIVE
Councin. From the 14th dav of March, 1955 the Executive
Council! in the Presidency of Montserrat established under
the following Letters Patent, that is to say:—

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the
Realin constituting the Office of Governor and Com-
mander in Chief of the Leeward Islands and dated the
seventeenth day of November, 1936

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the
Realm dated the twenty-eighth day of December, 1980,
amending the aforesaid Letters Patent of the seven-
teenth day of November, 1836.

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the
Realin dated the twelfth day of July, 19438, amending
the aforesaid Letters Patent of the seventeenth day of
November, 1986.

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the
Realm dated the fifteenth day of January, 1991,
amending the aforesaid Letters Patent of the seven-
teenth day of November, 1936,

shall cease to be the Executive Council of the said Presi-

Dated this 8rd day of March, 1955.

k. W. Bracksurne,
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by EF. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

18/00052-—480-—3.55. [Price 3 cents. ]

1955, No. 11.




Tar Satir CuristorpHer Nevis anp ANGUILLA Postar SERVICE
Ruves axp Leecnarions, 1955 paren Maren 5, 1955,
Act (Cape. 123).

1. Crration anp Apprication. These Rules and Regulations
may be cited as the Saint Christopher Nevis and Ang: ila Postal
Service Rules and Regulations, 1955, and shall apply only to the
Presidency of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla.

2. I[nrerpretation. In these Rules and Regulations, unless the
context requires otherwise—-

“ Administrator’ means the person for the time being filling the
offices of Administrator of the Presidency ;

“letters” includes post-cards, and other articles when despatched
by letter post;

“master”? means the person having command or charge of a

“other articles”? means commercial papers, printed papers of
every kind includivg articles inipressed in relief for the use
of the blind, samples of merchandise and small packets;

“* parcels’ means postal packets sent by parcel post;
“port” includes airport;

“postal packet” includes letiers and other articles as above

defined ;
‘Postmaster’ means the person for the time being filling the
office of Postmaster of the Presidency:

‘Presidency’ means the Presidency of Saint Christopher Nevis

and Anguilla;

“ship”? means any schooner, sloop, beat, motor vessel, steam-
ship or vther floating craft and includes any deseription of

8. Post Orrick Sup-Drvtstons. The Post Offices in the
Presidency, or to be established hereafter, shail be divided into three
groups, namely, Geveral Post Offices, Branch Post Offices and Sub- Post

4 Generar Posr Orerces. The head Post Office in the town
of Basseterre shall be the General Post Office for the Presideney and all
other Post Offices in the Presidency shall be managed and controlled

5. Branco anp Svue-Posr Orrices. The remaining Post
Offices (other than the General Post Office) in the Presideney shall be
Branch Post Offices or Sub-Vost Offices respectively as specified in
Schedule A hereto.

6. Conrtror BY GexERaL Post Orrice. Sub-Post Offices shal]
be managed and controlied ander the (renerai Post Office either directly
or through a Branch Post Office as specified in Schedule 4 hereto.

7. Branca Posrmasrers. Tue persons in charge of Branch
Post Offices shall be styled Branch Postmasters, and they shall reider
such accounts and returns as the Postmaster may require,

8. Sus-Posruagrers. ‘The pers ns in charge of Sub-Post
Offices shall be styled Sub-Postmasters, and they shall render such
accounts and returns as the Postmaster or Branch Postmaster may

9. Names or Posr Orricus. The desigeations contained in
Schedule A hereto shall be the official names of the several Post Offices
and shall be used in all postmarks and. for all purposes subject as
hereinafter provided in respect of Money Order Offices.

10. Mowry Orgper Orrices. The Post Offices the names of
which are printed in capital letters in Schedule A hereto are Money
Order Offiees. These Offices shall be described in the headings of
Monev Order Forms with the name of the Presidency first in the
manner set out in Schedule B hereto,

11. Hours or Bustness--Wurex Days. (1) (a) The Post Offices
of the Presidency shall be opened to the public from 8 a.m, to 3.30 p.m
on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and from
8.00 am. to 11.80 a.m.on Vhursdays.

(b) C.O.D., Money Order, Postal Order and Parcel Post business
shall be conducted from 9 a.m. to 1% noon and 1.00 p.m. to 2.80 p.m,
on Mondays, ‘Tueadiys, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and from
9 a.m, to 11.00 am. on Thursdays:

Provided thet whenever the arrival at the Presidency or the
departure therefrom of any ship with mails occurs after the aforesaid
hours of business the Craneral Post Olice and anv Branely Post Office of
the Presideuey may remain open for the receipt and delivery of mails,
for the despateh of mails and for the transaction of such other business
as the Administrator may think necessary and expedient, for such time
and dering such hours as he may direct.

(2) Sunypays axp Hortpays. Whenever the arrival at the
Presidency or the departure therefrom of any ship with mails falls on a
Sunday ov public holiday, or the exigencies of the postal service require
that business be transacted in the Presidency on a Sunday or a public
holiday, the Gereral Post Office and any Branch Post Office of the
Presidency may be opened on that day for the receipt and delivery of
mails, for the despatch of mails and for the transaction of such other
business as the Administrator may chink neeessary and expedient, for
such time and during such hours as he may direct.

12. Am Mati Postacr. (1) The rates of postage on postal
packets transmitted by air shall be as prescribed in Schedule C hereto.

(2) Postal packets to be forwarded by air shall be marked “ By

Air Mail” or “ Par Avion” at the top left-hand corner on the address

(3) The postage shail be fully prepaid. If at least 75% of the air
surcharge is prepaid, the postal packet will be taxed with an amount
equivalent to double the deficiency and forwarded by air mail but if at
least 75% of the air surcharge is not prepaid, the postal packet will be
forwarded by surface means.

18. Surrace Matt Posracr. The prepaid rates of postage on
postal packets (other than parcels) and the special rate of postage in
respect of insured boxes intended for transmission from the Presidency
by surface mail shall be as set forth in Schedule D hereto.

14. Miscennangous Services. The charges to be made for the
miscellaneous services enumerated in Schedule E hereto sbal! be at the
rates set forth in the said Sehedule.

15. Aveixixa of Srames. Stamps in prepayment of postage or
other charges upon any postal articles still he affixed upon the face of
such article in the top right-hand corner theresf, and it shall not be
obligatory upon the Postal Department to take notice of any stamps
which are affixed elsewhere,

16. Posrau Starreneny. (1) Posteards shall be sold at a price
to be fixed by the Postmaster in addition to the postage value
represented by the stamp tupressed thereon,

(2) Registration envelopes impressed with a six cents stamp
shall be stocked by Postuvisters in the following sizes viz:—

size F (about 54 x 34 inches)
Size (i (about 6 x 3} inches)
Size H2 (about 9 x 4 inches)
Size K (about 115 x G inches)

They shall be sold at the following prices:—

Size F 7 cents each
Size G8 cents each
Size H2 8 cents each
Size K 10 cents each

(3) Postal envelopes (other than registered envelopes) shall be
sold at a price to be fixed by the Postmaster in addition to the
postage value represented by the stamp impressed thereon.

(4) Air letter forms shall he sold at the postage value repre-
sented by the stamp impressed thereon.

(5) Embossed printed or impressed postage stamps cut out of
postal envelopes or postcards issued by the post offices of the
Presideney may be used as adhesive stamps in payment of postage
charges provided they are not imperfect, mutilated or defaced in
any way. Stamps indicating the payment of registration fee may
be used only for registered correspondence.

17.) Reery-Patp Postcarps. Reply-paid posteards shall not be
issued in the Presidency, ‘The reply halves of reply-paid postcards
issued by other Vostal Administrations shall he accepted subject. to
the regulations of the Universal Postal {nion,

18. Repiy Couruss. Reply Coupons shall not. be issued in
the Presidency. Reply Coupons issued in other countries of the
Universal Postal Union shall be exchangeable at any Money Order
Office in the I’residency for stamps valued as follows:—
International Coupons bi Be.
British Kmpire |imperial Coupons _... de.

19. Recaur, Dersnrion on Diversion or Posran Packers.
(1) No letter, parcel or other postal packet, ouce it has been posted
in a Post. Office receptacle or handed to any officer of the Post Oflice
in the course of his duty, shall be taken out of the post. ‘

(2) No letter, parcel or other postal packet shall be detained or
delayed even if a request to that effect appears on the cover thereof.

(3) Letters, parcels or other postal packets shall be forwarded to
their addresses and caunot be diverted to any other address at the
request of the sender.

(4) Applications to enclose articles tuadvertently omitted from
a postal packet shall not be entertained.

(5) No search shall be made for a letter, postcard, printed paper
packet or sample packet on which postage has not been fully prepaid.

20. (Government Lerrers. (1) Government letters, if duly
franked, may be received unstamped.

(2) Government letters from the Governor of the Teeward
Islands or the Administrator are to be received irrespective of the
ordinary hours.

(3) The following persons shall be entitled to frank Govern-
ment letters which are intended to be transmitted from the
Presideney :—

(i) Members of the Executive Council (when the said
letters arc addressed to the Governer of the Leeward
Tslands or the Colonial Secretary).

(ii) Heads of Government Departments.

(4) The following persons shall be entitled to frank Government
letters which are to be transmitted within the Uresideney:—

(i) Members of the Hxecutive Couneil (when the said
letters are addressed to the Administrator or the Clerk
of the Conneil).

(ii) Heads of ttovernment Departments.

iii) Government officers who are not Heads of Departnents
Satoh. are nutherised to frank the seid letters by
their Head of Department with the approval of the
(5) Government letters from certain Government Departments
approved by the Administrator may be franked by means of a rubber

stamp, subject to the letters being initinlled by some person employed in
the Department who is entitled to frank Governinent letters.

_ (6) The name of the Government Department of origin when
printed on an envelope shall not be regarded as a frank unless authenti-
cated by the signature or initials of an authorised officer.

21. Uniawrun Converance ov Postan Packets. (1) Ne
person shall convey any postal packet to be posted on board any ship.

(2) The master of a ship or any person under his control shall not
receive on board that ship while in any port of the Presideney, portal
packets other than those despatched through the Post Office.

22. GrRarviTIns ror SEA caRRtacK. (1) The gratuities payable
to owners, masters or agents of ships conveying mails, including (ransit
mails, (other than ships under contract or in respeet of which a subsidy
is paid or in respect of which other arrangements exist for the convey-
ance of mails) shall be at the rates specified in Schedale F hereto.

(2) The rates hereby authorised ave in respect of the net weights
of correspondence and parcels, that is to say, the actual net weight of
the postal packets or pareels where easily ascertainable, or where the net
weight is not easily ascertainable the gross weight. less ten per centum
of the same, shall Le deemed to be the net weigit.

(3) No gratuities shall be payable in respect of empty bugs.

23. Weicit axp Dimexsioss oF Posran Articles, The
limits of weight aud dimensions of postal articles shall be as preseribe:!
in Schedule G hereto.

24. Pacwine or Postar Anticies. (1) The contents of every
postal article shall he packed and seeurel by the sender in such 9 monner
us may afford adequate protection to the contents thereof or to ther
postal articles.

(2) Any postal article which, im the opinion of the Postmaster does
not comply with the requirements of sub-regulation (1) of this regula-
tion muy be refused acceptance, or may be intercepted and detained in
the course of trausmission.

25. Inevertar Excuosures iy Postai Artictes, No postal
article directed to one address may contain any other article addressed
to a different address and any postal article found to contam any
enclosure contrary to this regulation shall be surcharge? on delivery
with an amount equal to double the postage whieh woul: lave been
payable upon such cuclosure if it had been transmiticd separately.

26. Make uv and Inspection oF CERTAIN PosTaL ARTICLES.
Postal articles for transmission at the rates of postage preseribed for
commercial papers, printed papers, samples or newspapers shall be made
up in such a manner as to enable the contents thereof to be easily and
readily inspected.

IRREGULAR EncLosures. Any postal article purporting to be 2 commer-
cial paper, a printed paper. a sample or # newspaper within the meaning
of these Regulations which may be found to contravene any of the
provisions thereof may be treated asa letter or, if admissible at the
parcel rate, asa parcel, and sureharged upon delivery with an umount
equal to double the deficient postage at the letter or parcel rate, as the
case may be.

28. Accounts. The Posmaster shall render promptly to the
postal administrations or departments concerned all accounts, returns
and statements due to be rendered, and the several Brauch Postmasters
and Sub-Postmasters shall keep such accounts aud shall render sucli
returns as the Postmaster may require.

29. Srarisrics. (1) Once in each year from the first to the
fourteenth day of November inclusive or at such other period as may oc
preseried a record of the number of various classes of 1mail received and
despatched, both in the inland and external services, shall be kept for
statistical purposes.

(2) Where statistics are recorded in any year in accordance with the
Tuternational Postal Convention, it will not be necessary to observe a
special statistical period for colonial purposes in respect of external
mails, and the statistics recorded for international purposes will be used
for the purposes of official and other returns.

80. Scrracr Postage Rates on Parcrrs. The prepaid rates
of postave ou pareels intended for transmission from the Presidency by
surface mail and the limit of weight aud of insurance valite thereof shall
be as set forth in Schedule H hereto.

81. Certiricate or Posrincg Parcri. The sender of any parcel
may, upon application at the thae of handing in such parcel, obtain a
certificate of the postiue thereof on payment of the fee prescribed in
Schedule i hereto. Such certificate shall not imply any liability on rhe
purt of the Postmaster for any loss, injury or delay which may stibse-
quently take place in respect of such parcel,

832. Ikureonar Commenicatioss iN Parcens. Any parcel
found to contain or to bear on the cover thercof any article or communt-
cation chargeable at the letter rate of postage shall be charged on
delivery with an amount equal to double the postage payable apou such

article or communication if it had been transmitted separately.

33. Reptrectrow Crarces on Parcers. Every parcel redirected
at the request of either the sender or the addressee thereof from one
Post Office to another shall, exeept when such offiees are within the
sams delivery aren, be subject upon delivery, in addition to any other
charzes which may be leviahle thercou, io a charge equal to the postage
which would have been payable upon such parcel if it were being
transmitted for the first time from the one office to the other.

34. Metnors or Packing Parcers. Parcels must be so
securely and substantially packed as not only to preserve their conteuts
from loss or damage in the post, but also so as not to injure other
parcels in the mail or officers of the Post Office.

35. Customs Decnuaration on ovreomse Parcurs. Every
parcel post packet to be sent outside the Presidency shall bear a customs
declaration in the prescribed form setting out clearly the mame and
address of the sender, the office of origin, the contents of the purcel and
the value thereof.

39. Anseyce or Custous Decharation on Incoming Parcess.
(1) Where a parcel arviving in the Presidency dues not bear a customs
declaration, or where particulars as to contents and value of a parcel are
not clearly set out in the customs declaration, or where the Postinuster
or officer depute:! by him has reason to believe that other articles liable
to duty are contained im such parcel, or that the parcel is understated,
he may at his discretion reqnire such parcel to be opened for inspection
and revaluation if necessary,

(2) In exceptional cireamstances where an importer, at the time of
entry. is unable ta produce any document reyuired by these rules, the
Treasurer or the Postmaster shall have power to adimit at the preferential
rate of duty any goods whi-h he is satisfied are of Empire origin within
the law for the time being in force governing British Empire preferential
custoins duty.

37. Revarcation or Parcrns. Tf upon revaluation the
addressee is not satisiied that a fair value has been assessed he may
appeal to the Treasarer who univ detain the goods and cause them to
be examined by three competent persons to be appointed ly the

33. Recorp ov Pacers. There shall be kept in every parcel
poxt office a permanent record of all parcels arriving in the Presidency
through that office, and such recor] shall show particulars conforming
to those mentioned on the eastoms declaration or ascertained by inspec-
tion as hereinbefore provided, the cate of arrival, the name of the vessel
by which the parce! has arrived, and the duty paid thereon. Each parcel
shall be entered serially in the record and shall beara nmaber corres-
ponding to that entered in the record.
89. Notice or Arrivan or Parcrets, (1) It shall be the duty
of the officer in charge of the Parcel Post Department to notify ihe
uddressee by a notice card of the arrival of each parcel unclaimed within
seven days of its arrival, A second notice shall be igsucd fourteen days
after the first notice, and a third notice twenty-eight days after the
second notice,

(2) In lieu of the third notice the Postmaster may cause a list of
unclaimed parcels to be published in a conspicuous place in or outside

the Post Office.

40. Uncratmep Parcens. In the absence of a definite request
for abandonment, an unclaimed parcel, if undeliverable - the original
address or the alternative address (if one is furnished) will he returned
to the sender without previous notification and at his expense after 75
days of its arrival in the Presidency.

41. Rurvury Parcnrs. Any parcel which has originated in ihe
Presidency and is returned from the country of destination, and which is
not claimed bv the sender, after notice being given as provided in Rule
39, within 75 days of its return to the Pre sidency, shall he either—

(a) sold by auetion if the contents of the parcel so warrant,
and the proceeds, after deducting expenses and Post Office charges,
wiil be returned to the scuder:

(4) destroyed under the supervision of an officer of the

Post Office.

42. Service or Notices. Any notice served upon the addressee
of an incoming parcel or the sender of a returned parcel in person or
handed to the “daly authorised agent of such addressee or sender or sent
through the post shall Le deemed to have been properly served.

43. Savine as to C.0.D. ann Iysurep Parcyets. Rules 30
to 42 inclusive of these Riles and Regulations shall not affect the Rules
governing the exchange of Cash on Delivery or Insured Parcels.

44. U.0O.D. Pasceis. (1) Pareels seuject tothe collection of
trade charges mav be exchanged wiih other couniries subject to such
arrangements oF agreements as may be made with the countries

(2) The maximum amount of the trade charge in respect of a
parcel shall not exceed $192

(3) The fees to be charged in rcspees of parcels subjeet to trade
charges srall bows set out inauy such arrangenient or agreemen( referred
to in subrule (1) hereof.

45. €.0. D. Service wrra Grear Brerars. The Rules
woverding the exehe nge of postal parcels sabject to trade charges
Setween the Post Offices of Great Britain and the Post Offices of the
meeward Islands, and the detailed regulations for carrying out such
wules, made by the Governor in Council on the 3rd day of ‘September,
1919, shall continu: to have full force and effect in the Presidency,

46. Compensation row Loss ox DamaGe or Parcxzs. (1)
ib any oaninsured pareel while under the control ot the General
Post Office be lost or dumaged the Postuimster may pay to any person or
borsoas who may in the opinion of the Postinasier establish a reasonable
“hum to compensation Caaving regard to che nature of the articles, the
eave with which it was packed, and other circumstances) such sum not
exceeding $7.08 fora vareel exceeding eleven pounds in weight or $4.80
for a parcel not exceeding eleven pounds in weight, as be may think just.

(2) In ne case will compensation be given when such loss or
damage vises from any fault or neylect of the sender or from the nature
oF the contents, or wiiere the paree! cannot be accounted for in
consequence of the loss of official doctuments from any such cause.

47. Axvicurs ADMISSIBLE FoR Huelstration. = Any fully
prepaud postal ivticl complying with the vegulations relating thereto and
bearing the appropriate fee prescribea in Schedule MH hereto may be
aceepted For registration: provided chac parcels aud the reply halves
of reply-paid: postcards shall not be registered.

48. Connrmons oF XeatstRation. No article shall be seeepted
for registration unless the cover isin a sound condition and the article
does not bear the appearance of having been opened and rexealed.

£9. Avpresses on ARTICLES TO BE ReatwemnEp. (1) The
address of every postal article for registration shall be written im ink or
indelable pencil in Roman characters.

(2) Initials, figures, chriatian nainesx without surnames, fictitious
Names or conventions! uiirks shall ner be used for the purpose of
aldressing registered articles.

: Heastreatiow Fre to pe Prepvarp. The fall postage and
rhe: peeserba = registration tec aia. be prepaid et the me of posting,
md the registered arricle must be conspicuously marked “registered ”
at the ee of the address side.

51.) Vaive of Conrents of Auticnes TO BE ReGIsTERRD NOT
TO BE UNDICATED. “Phe onlin of the conienss shaii coe be madicated on
the outside of auy registered article.

52. Meraop or Posting Reeisryrep ArtTicurs. (1) Postal
articles for reyistration shall he ned io. an officer appomted fer thar
purpose and shall not be plac wad U1 an y posting box.

(2) Any artiele intended for despatch by a carticulac mail shall be
presented for registration at least one hour bet, we the cloxing of the
ordinary mall.

2 Lecriprs or Posting or ReGIsTERED ArtieLES Every
postal article duly handed in for registration sha!| be nuinbered vith a.
consecutive number by the officer appointed to receive the same and a
receipt bearing such number, the address on the artiele and ac: iuapress on
of the date stamp of the offiee at which the artiel is oe for
registration shall he given bv such of fHcer to the person whe han hee Wi
the article and such receipt shail be prima facie evidence of the vegisua-
tion of such article

The sender of any registered postal article may, (on application athe:
at the time of registration thereof or at any time within one year
thereafter anu Upon payment of the appropriate tec prescribed 1m
Schedule E hereto in addition to the jee for registration, require chat he
be furnished with an ackuowledzement by the addressee of the reept of
such article.

has beei posted otherwise than as prescibed by -c@u-acion 6c
ules sud iKepulations and which bears auy ineription or mark nich
may reasonably indicate that it was the intention << the sender that such
article should be registered, may he regiatercd anc suyjected to thic
appropriate feo presori hed 10 Schedule Hoheresg foo registration ob
addition to the ordinacy postage due upon euch article.


Bho Cospcnson? REGISTRATION. (1) peeial opticle wich

(2) The Le as of sub-regulation (1) of this regulation shall
apply fo any inreuiber costal ticle awhich there is rensonabl: cause
to heliere contains jowedery, money, a blank uncrossed postal order, an
uncrossea bearer cheque of Wwarriat, postage siatps, coupons having
a marketable value or any other enclosure exceeding ten shilling in value.


: : | t . nea eevee aaa vial aty ay eee gE ee tutta ta
person to when asey pouistered posta article: ts lelivere

dosball give ts
the officer delivering such article a reeelpt for tie Kame en a form to be
provided hy the Postmaster and such receipt shall be » complete

discharge for the delivery of such registered article.


Raecerx of Unpenivexeb AgTicnes BY EEGISTeRED Post.
cdi Every pegisrerec! posts article i

Peon cuay CAUSE, he

undelivered to the person to whoni it is addressed, shall be returned to


the sender, if known, by registered post without further charge for
postage or registration.

(2) Any unregistered postal article which is of intrinsic value and
which may, for any cause, be undelivered to the person to whom it is
addressed, may be returned by the Postmaster to the sender, if known,
by registered post, and such sender shall be liable in respect of such
article for the payment of the amount of the prescribed registration fee.

58. [ypemyity in Respecr or ReGIsTERED ARricLEs. (1)
The maximum payment for the loss of a registered article is $14.00.

(2) No payment for the loss of a registered article shall be made
when such loss arises from any fault or neglect of the sender or from
the nature of the contents of the article, or where the article cannot be
accounted for in consequence of the loss of official documents from any
such cause.

59. Ivsurep Articues. (1) insured letters, boxes aid parcels
shall be exchanged ouly with counties participating in the service.

(2) The maximum insured value of insured articles in the Presi-
dency shall be $96.

(3) The charges upon insured letters, boxe and parcels must be
Fally prepaid, snd shall consist of the misurance fee specified in paragraph
7 of Schedule D hereto and in additiou:—

(a) letters: the postage and tixed registration fee applicable to
a registered letter of the same weight and for the same destination;

(6) bowes: the special postage fee specified in paragraph 8 of
Schedule D hicreto, and in addition, the fixed registration fee;

(¢) parcels: the postage applicable to an ordinary parcel of
the same weight and for the sume destination.

(4) An insured box addressed to the Presidency or sent in transit
through the Presidensy shall be accompanied by a customs declaration in
the form prescribed. Aa insured hox posted in the Presidency shall he
accompanied by a customs declaration in the form prescribed and of the
buimber required by the country of destination.

Packep. (1) An artiele tonderec for fuanraree wool? or comes
the epinion of the ofr of the Port OMe. g: wires “tw tended,
fulfil the required condicons as to packing anJ sealing shall be refused

for conveyance by insured post.

(2) The onus of properly enclosing, packing and sealing any
insured article lies upon the sender, and the Postmaster shall assume no
liability for joss arising from defeers which may not be observed at the
time of posting.

61. Conprtions Sprectanrty Appnicasin To InsurepD Lerrers.
Letters to which the insurance systin is applicable are those which con-
tain bank notes, currency notes, bonds, coupons, securities and other
documents of the like kind. Pocuments of value such as deeds, plans,
contracts, authographs and rare manucripts inay also be sent by insured
post: Provided that where documents have a value by reason of the
cost of their preparation, the insured value may not exceed the cost of
replacing them in case of lors.

Articles of gold and silver, precious stoves, jewellery and articles of
alike nature may be sent in the letter mails as insured boxes. Insured
boxes must be strongly made of metal or wood and wooden boxes must
not be less than one-third of an inch thick.

68. Us ayy Renan or Private Lerren Boxes. (1) Private
letter boxea shall be of two sizes and shall be rented to the public at the
following annual rates: —

Small size $3.00
Large size $5.00

to be paid to the Postmaster annually in advance in January of each year.

(2) (i) A private letter box will only be rented to one firm,
company or person.

Gi) All letters addressed to individual members of a firm or
company, or to the care of a renter or to any member of his
family, or to any person for whom a renter ix agent, may be
placed in the private letter box rented to such respective firm,
company or person.

(3) Renters of private letter boxes will he required to pay for any
injury or damage done to such box by them or their sents,

(4) When the ase of a private letter box is dixeontinucd the key
originally handed ro the renrer shall be returned to the Postmaster in
good order.

(5) When a private letter box is rented an amount of $2.40 in
addition to the rent of the box shall be deposited with the Postmaster
by the renter asa guarantee for the safe return of the key when the
use of the box is discontinued.

(3) Tn the event of a key of 2 private letrer box being lost or

mislaid the renter siiall be liable co pay for a new kev, and for any
alterations to the Jock nocessary for security.

(7) Should the rent of a box be more than one month in arrear the
box wilt be locked off.

(8) “ Bree Boxes” may be assigned to Government Deparlinents
hy the Administrator,

64. Posta, Orpers. (1) British Postal Orders ghall be issued

and paid at Money Order Offiees, ancl at such Post Offices as mey from
time to time be appointed sherefor by the Governor in Commeil bya

notification in the Guesed/s, in veeordanes with such:

he made with the Postumaster General of the United Kingdon.


(2) The issue of postal orders in the Prosidency shall oe restricted
to the denominations set forth in Schedule L (a) hereto.

(3) Postage stamps may be affixed to postal orders issued in the
Presidency in extension of value as follows:—

(a) postage stamps not exceeding two in number and 10 cents
in total value to orders of denominations ap to and including
81.08; and

(6) postage stamps not exceeding two in number and 22 ceuts
in total value to orders of denominations above $1,0&.

(4) The rates of poundage set forth in Schedule [ (6) hereto shall
be payable on the several denominations of postal orders issued in the

65. Money Orvers. (1) The rates set forth in Schedule J
hereto shall be the rates of commission on money orders issued in the

(2) Money orders issued in the Presidency for payment in Canada
or the United States of America shall be drawn in dollars, and the
amount of British West Indian currency deposited by the remitters of
such orders shall be converted into dollars at such rate of exchange as
may he preseribed by the Governor snd published in the Gacefie, ov
according ro such table or formula as may be preseribed and published as

(3) Money orders issued in Canada or the United States drawn in
dollors shall be pail in the Presidency in British West Indian currency
converted at such rate as may be prescribed by the Gover:or and
published in the Gazette, or according to such table or formula as mav
he prescribed and published aa aforesaid:

Provided that where in parsunnee of any arrangement hetweet the
postal administration of the Presidency vr Cojony and the postal
administration of the country comcerned, the equivalent in British West
Indian currency of any mouey order is fixed by the administration of
origin, such equivalent in Britich West Indian currency shall he paid
us indicated on the face of the order bv the exchange office of the
administration of origin, or according to stich information as shall be
furnished by the administration of origin, aid in default thereof as the
Governor may prescribe.

(4) The Postmaster of the Presidency shall keep himself constantly
traformed of the local buik raves for buving or selling bls of exchange
expressed in dollars drawe or payable in Canada and the United States,
respectively, and shall apply the rates of conversion as may be preseribed
from time to time or according to sueb instraciions as be may receive.

(5) The Postmaster shall issue the necessary instrections for the
couversion of money orders drawn in dollars to che Branch Post Offic: s
or other money order offices under his control.

(6) A notice shall be exhibited in every money order office stating,
for the information of the public, the rates of conversion in respect of
money orders drawn in dollars.

(7) To facilitate examination by the Principal Auditor, the Post-
master or persons issuing a money order payable in the countries
named shall note on the form of requisition for the money order the
current bank rates for bills of exchange as aforesnid.

(8) In this Rule the expressions “ United States of America’ or
“United States’ inelude the following possessions of the United
States, riz: Alaska, Canal Zone, Hawaii, Puerto Rieo, Samoa, and the
Virgin Islands of the United States.

66. Powrr to suspenn Issces. In the even of sudden fluctua-
tions in the banking rate of exchange which might involve loss to the
postal administration m the settlement of postal order or money order
transactions with other countries or colonies, the Administrator shall
have power to suspend, in the Presidency, the issue of postal orders, or
money orders on any country or colony pending the making of a rule,
by the Governor in Council prescribing a new rate.

67. Maximom amount For TeLegrara Money Orpers. Tele-
graph money orders for sums not exceeding the muximum simount
allowed in the case of ordinary money orders shall be exchanged between
the United Kingdom and the Leeward Ishuuds.

68. Caress ox Tevecrara Morry Orpens. The remitter of
a telegraph money order shall be required to pay, in addition to the

ordinary money order commission, the cost of the telegram of advice
at the ordinary letter telegram rate per word and also a supplementary
fee of 2-4e. to be paid by the remitter. The telegrams of advice shall be
charged for at the letter telegram rate and shall be subject to all the
conditions governing the transmission of messages accepted at that rate.
A form of receipt (or certificate of issue) showing the amount of the
remittance and the charges, shall be given to the remitter.

G69. Private Messacrs In Terxcuars Money Orpers. The
remitter of a telegraph money order shall he allowed, on paying for
the additional words required, to add to the official telegram of advice
any short communication in English which he may wish to send to the
payec, and may also, if he so desires, prepay the cost of a telegraphic
reply to such communication. The full rate per word should he charged
for the prepaid reply.

90. Transwisston or Teteerau or Apvicr. All telegrams of
advice for orders payable in the United Kingdom shall he transmitted
to the office of destination through the Central Telegraph Office in
London, and all telegrams of advice of orders payable in the Presidency
shall be transmitted through the General Post Office, Basseterre.

71. Form or Tenearam or Apvice. Telegrams of advice shall
be prepared in accordauce with the following specimen:—

(1) (2) (3)
L. T.

Mandat 123 Bermingham
(1) (5)
Joseph iiien. 7 Seventeen pounds fifteen aniline "
(6) (7)
ohn Fuller, Oe ccntbein pivinds (break signal) ;

Grand Hotel

To pay your passage

NOTE:— If the payee is a woman, the prefix Mrs. or Miss
shoul appear before her name unless the christian name is given; but
in all cases the remicter bears the consequence if the address of the
telegram of advice or that of the payee is incorrect or insufficient to
insure payment to the proper person.

(1) Supplementary instruction required for letter telegrams only.
This indication “L. T.” should always begin the telegram. When a
reply is prepaid, the indication “R. P.” should appear between the
letters “L. T.” and the word “ Mandat”.

(2) Serial number of order inserted at exchunge office in substitu-
tion for the issuing office serial number signalled from the office of issue.
The exchange office series of numbers should begin at 1 on the Ist of
January in each year.

(8) Office of payment.

(4) Name of remitter.

(5) Amount in sterling in words.

(6) Name and address of payee.

(7) Repetition of the number of pounds.

(8) Private message, if any, for the payee.

A registered telegraphic address may be used to indicate. the
payee’s address provided that his name is also given. In such cases
the symbol “ c/o “ should be inserted between the name of the payee
and the registered address; thus:—

“John Fuller c/o Ajax”

72. Orrick or Payment. Tf the office of payment is not a
telegraph office, the name of the nearest telegraph office should be
written after the name of the office of payment. If the sender is unable
to. indicate the nearest. telegraph office, the telegram of advice may be
uccepted at his risk provided that the nameof the country of

destination is added after the name of the office of payment.

73. Poste Resrante Orpers. If a telegraph money order is
intended to be called for at a Post Office, the words “ Poste Restante ”
must be written instead of an address after the payee’s name. In the
absence of these words it must be assumed that the order is to be sent
out for delivery.

“4. Apvicr or Payment. If the remitter desires to receive an
advice of payment the words ‘ Advise Payment ” should appear as the
first words of the text of the telegram of advice. In such cases the
exchange office of the country of payment must arrange for an advice
of payment to be sent by post to the exchange office of the country of
issue for transmission to the remitter.

95. Examination or Serta, Number. On receipt of the inward
telegram of advice in the Cential Telegraph Office, London, or at the
General Post Office at Basseterre, it must first be seen that the serial
number of the order advised is the next number in the sequence of the
series proper to the country of origin.

76. Mernop or Payment, On receipt of the telegram of advice
at the office of payment a money order (or a notice of the arrival of the
order) must be prepared and delivered to the payee. Any private
message for the payee must be communicated to him at the same time
on a detachable slip affixed to the telegraph money order.

77. Genrrat Reavnarions. The general international conditions
for letter telegrams, together with the regulations of the International
Telegraph Convention (Madrid Revision) or any regulations which may
in future be substituted therefor, shall apply to the telegrams of advice
and other telegrams sent in connection with money orders.

78. AuLowance ro Counrry or Paywent. The Post Office of
the country of issue shall account to the Post Office of the country of
payment for the same percentage on the amount of telegraph inovuey
orders advised as in the case of ordinary orders.

79. Enrry or Panticutars in Apvice Lists. The particulars
of telegraph mouey orders, including the (ull addresses of the payers,
ehall be entered separately at the end of the ordinary advice list or on
separate sheets headed “ Advised by telegraph”, and the amounts of
such orders shall be included in the total amounts of the lists. The
exchange office serial number of each order as well asx the serial number
of the order at the office of issue must be shown in the list.

80. TxeLecrams To BE COMPARED with Enrrins In Lists.
When the advice lists reach the office of exchange of the country of
destination, the telegrams of advice which have been received shall be
carefully checked against the relative entries in the lists. Any difference
between the amounts stated in the lists and the amounts in the telegrams
of advice, or any other irregularities shall be reported to the country of
issue, by paid service telegram if necessary.

81. Respronsipinrry ror Errors, erc. In the ease of errors or
fictitious telegrams the responsibility for anv losses involved, other than
the loss of telegraph chirges, shall be borne hy the Administration in
whose service the error or fraud was committed. In case it my be
impossible to determine in which service the error or fraud was committed
or in cases of fraud or error in connection with the transmission of
telegrams over the wires of intermediate countries or cable conipanies,
the responsibility for any losses involved other than the loss of telegram
charges shall he shared equally by the British and the Presidential Post


82. Reeuiations. In other respects telegraph money orders
shall be subject to the same regulations as ordinary orders.

88. Save os Postrace Stamps to Dearers anp CoLLEcrors.
(1) Remittances accompanying orders reecived by post, being orders for
postage stamps for collection by dealers in and collectors of such stamps
Shall be in the form of bankers” drafts, money orders, or postal orders
made payable to the Postmaster by his official designation and
remittances in any form other than as aforesaid shall be returned to the
sender thereof by registered post,

(2) Such remittances shall be debited with full postage and
registration fees and, where applicable, with insurance fees.

(3) Tu cases where remittances are in the form of a bi inker’s draft,
any commission and/or discount on cashing such draft shall be deducted
from the amount of such draft and postage stumps shall be supplied to
the value of the ditference between the amount of the draft and that of
the said commission and/or discount.

(4) Stamped envelopes sent to any Post Office for cancellation and
posting or return in some other manner shall be sent back “ unserviced ”
provided that euvelopes which bear appropriate postage stamps af
which bave aecompanied orders for unused stamps may be used for the
purpose for which they were provided and the stamps affixed thereto
cancelled in the normal course.

(5) No person employed at a Post Office may—

(i) comply with any request to affix postage stamps to letters
for transmission by post or to cancel postage stamps
which are pot affixed to letters or other items entrusted to
the post in the normal manner;

(it) affix to any letter for transmission by post any postage
stuinp in excess of that appropriate to such letter:

(iii) post letters sent to him for that purpose by any person ;

(iv) sell postage stumps taken from some special portion of a
sheet or from other than current sub-stock: provided that
he may sell whole shects of postage stamps from sub-
stocks or counter-stocks ;

(v) exchange postage stamps after they have been sold;

(vi) accept ‘from dealers in or collectors of postage stamps
standing orders for the supply of new issues or new
printings of postage stamps;

(vii) address “first-day covers”, affix postage stamps thereto or
make any special arrangements for the cancellation of
stamps thereon;

(viii) in any way whatsoever act as the agent for any dealer in or
collector of postuge stamps.

84. Conveytion or Brussets. The Universal Postal Conven-
tion and the Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes signed at
Brussels on the 11th day of July, “1952, so far as the same are applicable
to the Colony, shall continue to have full force and effect in the

85. Pracrice or Unitep Kinapom Post Orrick APPLIED.
In all matters not expressly provided for herein or in any Law, Rule or

Regulation relating to postal affairs in force in the Presidency, or in the
Universal Postal Convention and the several Avreements aud Detailed
Revulations mane thereunder, or in any other Avroement, Convention or
Instructions, t he Pe sstmaster shall be wuided | xy the general practice of
the Post Office of the United Kingdow as set out in the Post Office
Guide published — time to time by Tor Majesty's Stationery Office xo
far ax the same may be appropriate or applicable to local conditions and

86. Revocarion. The Post Office Rules L934, CS. & 0.
1954 No. 35) and all amendments thereto, the Post Office (Telegraph
Money Order) Rules. 1984 (8. RL & O. 198 b Now bij. the Post Officer
Rules 1989 (8. Ro & OF 1939 Ne. V7}. the Pareel Post Rules 1986
GS. ko & O. 18386 No. 24) and the Post Offiee (Hours of Business)
Rules, 1948 OS. Ro & OL 19 ES No. 22) and all amendments thereto in so
far us they are applicable to the Prev a ‘ye shall cense to have effect: and
the Regulations made for the Pos iflices in the Presidency of
St. Christopher and Nevis on the a day of Mav, 1922. are hereby


87. ComMMENCEMENT. These Rules and Regulations shall come
Into operation on the Ist day of April, 1955.

Made by the Governor in Couneil this th day of Mareh, 1955.

A. FE. Prny,
Clerk or the Conner.
General Post Office.




(Rules 5, 6, 9, 10).


» Sub-Post Offices under

| Braneh Post Offices ander Branch Post Offices or

| General Post Office.





direcily under General
Post Office as indicated,


© Saint Christopher
» Dieppe Bay,

Saint Christopher
{Old Road,

Saint Christopher

| Nil

Gingerland, Nevis


Olficial names of Money Oriler Offices (10 be printed in the headings of

Money Order Forms)

Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla (Basseterre)
Saint Christopher Nevis and Angnilia (Charlestown )
Saint Christopher Nevis and Avguilla Gandy Pont)
Saint Christopher Nevis and Angrilla (The Valles)

SCHEDULE C. (Rule 12)
Letiv.s Post Other Arr wlir
per 4 oz. cards. Articles Letters. lurceis
per & oz. per 4 Ub.
On C C. te C

Aden 56 28 19 12
Afghanistan 64 32 24 12
Algeria 42 21 [5 12
Antigua 3 3 2 a 12
Argentine Republic 22 11 6 &
Aruba 10 a 3 3 Qe
Aacension No service
Australia 90 AS 3h {2
Azores 45 Qu 17 12
Bahan:nt 15 7 5 5
Bahrait: 50 25 18 12
Banks (slands a 90 45 36 12
Barbarhos eee 8 4 3 a 2)
Beinn Conia jR 20) 22 ig
Boiivia 16 R 5 3

SCHEDULE C—(cont'd)




Br. Guiana

Br. IIonduras

Br. North Borneo
Br. Somaliland


Cumeroons, Br.
Cameroons, French

Canary Islands
Cape Verde Islands
Cayman Islands




Cook Islands

Costa Rica




Dominican Republic

Duteli East Indies
Dutch Guiana



El Salvador


Ethiopia (Abyssinia)
European Countries
Falkland Islands
Fanning Island



French Equatorial Africa
Freneh Guiana
French Guinea
French Indo. China

French Settlement of Oceania,,,

French Somali Coast
Gilbert and Ellice Islands


per t oz.



w ot Oe dw to
SOG ST 10 et OO

ww rs

men Qo 09
VU D0 90 0 OO BO SN OT Me 0D oO

So He Le 0D 09 09
sore cou

Ww vo a
Ptr oN GD CO



w= tO

Other Air
Articles Letlers
per + 02.

C. C.
5 4
3 8
5 8
4 5
6 b

28 12

19 12

28 12

25 12

25 12

18 12

18 12
5 8

15 12

15 12
4 d

a4 12
6 8

28 12
3 8

36 12
5 8
4 8
3 x

15 12

17 12
3 5
4 §

18° 12

28 12
5 8
5 8

15 12

12 12
5 &

18 12

18 12

15 12

25 12

36 12

36 12

28 12

19 12
5 8

18 12

25 12

36 12

19 12

18 12

36 12

per 4 th,





SCHEDULE C—(cont'd)

Letters Post Other At Air
per }oz. cards. Articles Letters. Parcels

per + oz. per 4 lb.
c, a t. e, $ 6.

Gold Coast ie 50 25 18 12
Great Britain and Northern

Ireland as 36 18 12 12 2.00
Greenland See 40 20 13 12
Grenada rn x 4 3 5 22
Guadeloupe tee 8 5 3 8
Guatemala wee 16 8 5 8
Hawaii i 64 32 24 12.
Haiti rn 12 6 4 8
Honduras see 20 10 6 5
Hong Kong oe 70 35 26 12
India ve 60 30 23 12
Indonesia vee 74 37 28 15
Tran eee 50 25 18 12
Tray tes 50 25 18 12
Israel tee 45 22 15 12
Ivory Coast i 50 25 18 12
Jamaica - ase 12 6 4 5
Japan bee 78 39 29 12
Jordan ae 45 22 15 12
Kenva & Uganda ae 58 29 22 12
Korea a 73 39 29 12
Kuwait Pon 50 25 18 12
Lagos wee 30 25 18 12
Lebanon see 45 22 15 12
Liberia ie 50 25 18 12
Maygoa Mas 70 35 26 12
Madagascar a 64 32 24 12
Malaya (Federation. of) ‘ 70 35 26 12
Marian Islands tee 78 39 29 12
Marshall Islands a 90 45 3H 12
Mauritania a 50 24 18 12
Mauritius bee 68 34 25 12
Martinique oe 8 5 3 8
Mexico ses 16 8 5 8
Montserrat ae 5 3 2 35 12
Morocco, Tangier & Spanish

Zone Moroeco Freneh Zone... 42 21 15 12
Nauru vee 90 Lo 36 12
New Caledonia a a0 45 36 12
New Guinea ce 90 45 36 12
New Hebrides aes 90 45 36 12
New Zealand a 90 45 36 12
Nicaragua ae 16 8 a 8
Niger 7 50 25 18 12
Niveria 50 25 18 12
‘urvolk Island 90 45 36 12
Neth Borneo a 74 37 28 12
dScruhern Rhodesia - 64 32 24 12

Nyasaland 64 32 24 12







Piteairn Islands
Puerto Rico
Portuguese Kast Africa
Portuguese Timor
Portuguese West Africa

St. Helena

St. Lucia

St. Pierre & Miquelon
St. Vincent


Sandwich Islands

Saudi Arabia



Sierra Leone


Somaliland Prot.
South Africa
Southern Rhodesia
Spanish Guinea
Spanish West Africu
Sudan, Anglo-Egyptian
Sadan, French


Tanganyika Territory


Togo, British Sphere
Togo, French Sphere

Trinidad & Tobago


Turks & Caicos Islands
United States



Virgin Islands, Br.
Virgin Islands, U.S.A,




per t oz.












“an 56
ae 58


Post Other
cards. Articles
per 4 oz.

a, CO
30 23
22 15

6 4
45 36
11 b
11 6
37 28
45 36

5 3
32 24
39 29
29 22
34 25
32 24

3 3
28 19

4 3
45 36
32 24
37 28
25 18
25 18
29 22
25 18
30 23
28 19
32 24
32 24
25 18
22 15
25 18
25 18
22 15
29 82
34 25
32 24.
25 18
25 18
45 36
4 3
22 17
21 15

6 4

8 5
11 6

5 3
34 25

3 3

5 3
28 19
28 22










per 4 1b.





SOHEDULE D. (Rule 13)

Surface Mail Postage Rates on Packets other than Parcels and
Special Rates of Postage on Insured Boxes.


(a) To any place in the Presidency —

For every two ounces or fraction thereof see 2e.
Postcards oes le.

(6) To any place beyond the Presidency but within the Colony—

For every two ounces or fraction thereof bee 3c.
Posteards — bes 2c.

(c) To Great Britain and Treland, India, British Dominions, Colonies or
Protectorates, Mandated Territories (except ‘Trans-Jordan), Ifer Majesiy’s ships
in home or foreign waters, Egypt, and the British Post Otlice at ‘Tangiers—

Not excee ling one ounce re oe.
For every additional ounce or fraction thereof a ae.
Posteards - 4c.

(d) Tio all other places—

Not exceeding one vunce oe &ec.
For every additional ounce or fraction thereof vee Se.
Pose:ards on de.

published and registered in) the Colony and clectioneering circulars in
connection with public elections:—

(a) To any place in the Presideney—
Tor every copy not exceeding 4 ozs, in weight wee he.
For every additional 4 028. ov fraction thervol - ba.

(4) To any place beyond the Presidency but within the

For «very cops not exceeding 4 ozs in woight we Lhe.
For avary additional 4 ozs, or fraction thereof we Lhe.

The rate shall be a rate for each copy, aid if two or more copies are sent ina
single packet, each copy shall be liable to the same postage as if posted separately,
provided that in no case shall a copy or a packet of such copies be chargeable with
a highor rate than that chargeable on a printed paper of the same weight.

To destinations outside the Colony the rate shall be the game as for
printed papers.

(2) Other Newspapers—The rate shall be the same as that provided for
printed papers.

all places :-—

lor first 2 ounces se 3c.
Hach additional 2 ounces es Le.

Commercial Papers to all places—
Not exceeding 12 ounces ars 8e.

Yor every additional 2 ounces or fraction thereof wee le.

Not exceeding two ounces mr 3c. .

Every additional 2 ounces or fraction thereort eee le,


Not execeding 10 ounces we (15e.
Every additional 2 ounces or fraction thereof ee 3e.
6. BLIND LITERATURE, Packets containing papers impressed for use of the
To all places Free
7, INSURANCE FERS. Not exceeding $96 insured value wa 14,

8. [NSURED BOXES. Special rate of postage to all places to which the
servicy applies:—

Not exceeding 10 ounces we 800.

For every additional 2 ounces thereafter or fraction
thereof oA be.

(in addition to the insurance feo and registration fee.)
SCHEDULE E. (Rule !4)

Miscellaneous Services.

For the following services applicable to postal packets for all places:—


Registration Fee 6
Advice of Delivery of registered postal packet 10
Enquiry as to alleged loss or non-delivery of postal packet = 12
Certificate of posting of an unregistered postal packet 1
Undertaking to pay customs and other charges on a parcel 12
Cash on delivery service—Posting fee on each Parcel 4
Delivery fee on each Parcel 8

Minimum surcharge in respect of nen-payment or insuffi-
cient prepayment of postage J

SCHEDULE F. (Rule 22 (1) )

Gratuities for Sea Carriage.

Rate per lb. net weight for

Country to which shipped Pareels.
Letters Other articles
Leeward Islands
U. S. Virgin Islands 10c. le. Io,
Dutch und French West Undies

Other places 30c. dye. 3e.


Limit of Welght and Dimensions

Class of Acticle. Limit of Weight.

4 lbs.


Letters in the form
of a roll


‘British Empire 3 Ibs,
Other places 4 Ibs.

Commercial Papers

Printed Papers 6h bs: Provided that the
_ dimit of weight for a
» printed oo vehane sent
singly shall be 11 tbs.
Literature for the | 15 Ibs.
blind |
Samples British Empire 5 Ibs.
Other places 1 Ih.
Small Packets ; 2 Ibs.
Parcels 22 ths. or sneb lesser lnrit

aR May
the postal adininistration
of destination,
2 Ibs.

Insured boxes ’ Maximoam


be applicable to -

(Rule 23)

of Postal Articles.

Limit of Size.

we dy = are

| Maximum 3 fect in length,
width and depth combined.
2 feet for greatest dimen-
sion. Minimum 4 inches
in length 28 inches in

i Length and twice the diam-
eter 3 feet 3 inches, but the
greatest dimension must
not exceed 2 feet 8 inches.

Maximum 54 inches in length
4é inches in width.

» Minimron 4 inehey in length
23 inches in width.

Maximum 34 feet in length,
breath or depth or 6 fect in
length and girth combined.

12 inches in length, & inches

in width, 4 inches in de ‘pth,


SCHEDULE H (Rule 30)


4 wi Sonica

Pre ern id R ites not exceedin 7
oo i lees
Jountry of Destination and Route Por’ | a = ZEa
Lib jadd. 3b T1b 1ibE2 in B B@eé
Ib ae ited 7

Within the Presidency or between

Presidencies ly 24 3G: 6 22| 96.00
Bahamas ria Bernt 24 48° 721.20) 22) 96.00
Barbados 24. 48! 721.201 22) 96.00
Berinuda 94 48 72) 1.20) 22) 96.00
British Guiana 240 48 a 1.20) 22: 96.00
Canada 43 901.26 2.22) 15! 96.00

24 20) 22; 96.00
24 18 72 1.20) 22 96.00
24 48 72 1.20 22 16.00
24 43 72 1.20) 22! 96.00


St. Lucia

St. Vineent


Curacao, Aruba, Konaire, Saba,
St. Eustatius, St. Martin, and
Si. Barths

Trinidad and Tobago $s

Jamaica—irect and aia Bermuda 29) 96.00

Jamaica, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacan
via Trinidad (Insurance Jamaica

Great. Britain t:—

BOL B+ 72, 1.26} *22! 96.00



1 gi

| 04) 48 72 1.20) 22! 96.00


| !

| 58] 88 1.20; 1.68

Direct : 22 96.00
Via Barbados or ‘Trinidad 70] 1.12: 1.56: 2.34) 22 96.00
Via Canada 1.06) 1.78 2.46, 3.90) 22 96.00
» U.S.A. i 1.18} 1.84 3.54) 6.487 22 96.00
Guadeloupe 24) 48 72! ll.
U.S.A. and U.S. Virgin Islands 10. 18 | ; | 22 96.00
U.S. Possessions :—
Via U.S.A. Alaska, Canal Zone, | |
Guam, Havana, Philippine Islands. |
Puerto Rico and Samoa 42 3A | | 22) 96.00
Dutch Guiana via British Guiana : | 4e' » 1,08 1.86 96.00
Martinique ria St. Lucia a ; 4s: 0. 1.26) 2.22 i 96.00
H.M. Ships in foreign waters via
London. ae 60, 1. 20: i. 4); 3.00 — 96.00

*Parcels to Jamaica via Trinidad—Limit cf Aan U1 Ib.
tIncluding Northern [reland but not Irish Free State C.0.D. parcels

‘Transit parcels vec Loudon.

Parcels are accepted for transmission a decouvert via London to any country
to which there is # parcel post service from Great Britain. For particulurs regard-
ing the countries to which this service extends, the rates of postage applicable,
limitations of the service and special conditions, and acmissibility of iusnred
parcels the British Parcel Post Table C.P. 1 must be consulted,

Where parcels are accepted for countries via Great Britain and arc being
despatched from the Leeward Islands in closed mails through the United States
the following prepaid rates of postage must be added to the rates from the
Leeward Islands, and the raies from London:—

3 Lbs. 40c. : 7 Ibs. 80c. : iL Ibs. $1.50; 22 Iba. $3.00

with a supplementary insurance fee of I/- per £12 of ingnred value for ingared

The rates from the Leeward Islands are (for a deconvert parcels) :—

3 lbs. 36e0.: 7 lbs. 66e.: 11 lbs, 90¢.: 22 Ibs. $1.32.

‘Transit Parcels via U.S.A.

Parcels are accepted for transmission a dacouvert via U8. A. (New York, or
Boston) to the countries specilied below at a flat rate of postage irrespective of
desiination (first Ib. 48c., cach alditional Ib. 36e.). For Jimit of weight, special
conditions, admissibility of insured parcels, Customs Declarations, ete.: see the
United States Official Postal Guide. The limit of weight must in no case
exceed 22 Ibs. The figures inserted against the countries mentioned below
indicate the maximum weight allowed to those countries: through this service:—

Anglo-Mgyptian Sudan Fiji Mexico
Argentine Republic Finland Netherlands
Australia (11) France New Zealand (11)
Azores French Guiana Nicaragua
Bahamas French Oceania Norway
Belgium Germany Palestine
Bermuda Gibraltar Panama
Brazil Great Britain and

Northern [reland (11)
British Honduras : Pera
Bulgaria Greece Pitcairn Island
Canada (15) Guatemala Poland
Caroline Islands Haiti Portugal
Chile Honduras (Republic) Roumania



Costa Rica

Dutch Guiana (11)

Dominican Republic


Hong Kong

Trish Free State (11)

Jamaica (11)




Marshall Is.
Martinique (11)

St. Pierre & Miqnelon

Straits Settlements

Turks fs. (11)

Vatican City State
Venezuela (1D
Western Samoa
SCHEDULE I. (Rule 64)

Postal Orders.
(4) 12, 24¢, Bbc. 480, 60, Te, Sde.. Ie. $1.08, $1.20, $1.44, $1.68,
$1.92, 92.16, 92.40, $2.64, $2.38, $2.12. $5.36, $3.00, $3.84 $4.08.
$4.32, $4.56, $4.40, $5.04, BY.00.

(d) Value of Order. Puundage.
12¢. to 24e. 3e.
36c. to $1.20 5e.
$1.44 to $2.40 8e.
$2.64 to $4.80 10c.
$9.60 20c.
SCHEDULE J. (Rule 65)

Money Orders--Rates of Commission.
Payable in the Presidency. Two cenis for each $5.00 or fraction

thereof, with a» minimum charge of
six cents.

Payable in other countries Four cents for each $5.00 or fraction
with which Money Orders thereof, with a minimum charge of |
are exchanged direct. eight cents.


Yor every two dollars or fraction thereof ‘Two cents,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE. M. Bracksaax, Government Printer,--By Authority,

62/00055—570—3.55. [Price 36 cents.]


1955, No. 12.

Tur Magisrrates’ Court Rucrs, 1953, patEp Marcon 5, 1955,
Magistrate’s Cope or Procepurr Act (Cap. 61).

1. Short Title. These Rules may be cited as the Magistrates’
Court Rules, 1955, and shall be read as one with the Rules made by. the
Governor in Councilon the 9th day of May, 1892 under section 256 of
the Magistrates’ Code of Procedure Act, 1891 (hereinafter referred to as
the Principal Rules).

2. Insertion of new form in Schedule to Principal
Rules. The Schedule to Principal Rules is hereby amended by the
insertion therein after Form 41 of the following Form:—

“Porm 4A.

Summons to defaulting Debtor.


DISTRICT.....ce eee ee
In THE Macisrratre’s Court. (Ciil Side)
PULL NOyscsieeeerentcia of 19...
BETWEEN Plaintiff

WHEREAS the Plaintiff obtained an Order against you the
above-named Defendant before this Court on the..........csceeeeeees day of
seecepaueuneecinaeeucenate estan 19...for the payment Ol Serica:

(debt or damages and costs) by.......:ccceeecesseneseeeceenes instalments of


Biscseececeeess.esethe first of the said instalments to be paid on..........0
day Of.....cceceeeeeeeeree LD...
AND you having made default in payment Of $.........--cesesevesees

payable in pursuance of the said Order, are hereby summoned to appear

personally before this Court sitting at... 0. ....ceceeeeeeeees the said
District, on the. .cccceseseee cee Ay Of... eereeeee see 9..., at the hour of
peed naseaiupyeesne ......In the forenoon to be examined on oath touching the

means you have, or have had since the date of the said Order to satisfy
the sum payable in pursuance of the said Order, AND ALSO to show
cause why you should not be committed to prison for such default.

Dated Of... eee meee euuaneus wl.

District Magistrate.
Mistrictec... ee ae

Made by the Governor in Counei)] this 4th day of March,

A. I. Perry,
Clerk of the Council.

Approved by the General Legislative Council this day of

Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Tslands,
hy E. M. BuackMAN, Government Printer. -By Authority.

43/00025—320—3.55. [ Price 4 cents.)