Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076863/00245
Material Information
- Title:
- Leeward Islands gazette
- Added title page title:
- Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
- Creator:
- Leeward Islands (West Indies)
- Place of Publication:
- [Antigua
- Publisher:
- Gov. Printing Office]
- Publication Date:
- Mar 3, 1955
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Law Leeward Islands (Federation) Montserrat
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt ) Official gazettes ( fast ) Gazettes ( fast ) newspaper ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- 1- , 1872-
- General Note:
- Two pages per frame.
- General Note:
- Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
- General Note:
- Weekly
- General Note:
- Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
- General Note:
- Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
- General Note:
- Some issues called "extraordinary."
- General Note:
- Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
- General Note:
- Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
- General Note:
- Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )
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Board of Commissioners of
It is hereby notified for general
information that the Secretary of
State fur the Colonies, on the nomi-
nation of His Hxcellency the Governor
of the Leeward Islands, has—
(4) appointed the Hon. P. D.
MacbDonaLD, ©.M.G., Colonial
Secretary, Leeward Islands, to be
“a Commissioner in the place of the
Hon. P. W. BEcKwitH, with effect
‘from the 26th February, 1955; and
(6) approved of the appointment
of Mr. C. S. ROBERTS, Mconomic
and Financial Adviser designate of
the Leeward Islands, to be a Com-
missioner in the place of the Hon.
P. D. Macponap, C.M.G., with
effect from the date of his aysump-
tion of duty in the Colony.
2. Mr. Ropers is expected to
assume duly in the Colony early in
May and the date of his appointment
as a Commissioner will be gazetted in
dre course,
The Secretariat,
3rd March, 1955.
Under the provisions of Section 4
of the Rent Restriction Ordinance,
No. 13 of 1947, the Administrator of
Antigua has been pleased to appoint
with effect from the 17th February,
1955, the Magistrate, Districts “Aâ€
and ‘*Bâ€, to be a Rent Commissioner
and Chairman of the Rent Commis-
sioners for the Presidency of Antigua
vice the Additional Magistrate, Dis-
tricta A†and “Bâ€.
Administrator's Office,
17th February, 1955,
Ref. No. A. 36/15.
Under the provisions of Section 15
(1) of the Rent Restriction Ordinance,
(No. 18 of 1947), the Administrator
of Antigua has been pleased to
appoint, with effect from the 19th
February, 1955, the House Property
Manager of the Central Housing and
Planning Authority to be Rent
Restriction Officer within the mean-
ing of the Rent Restriction Ordinance.
Administrator's Office,
23rd February, 1955.
Ref. No, A. 38/15,
FLIP 7R277
Z fT
The Administrator of Antigua
records with regret the death on the
22nd February, 1955, of Mr. CECIL
St. A. SAMUEL, Principal Officer,
H.M. Prison, Antigua.
Ref, No, A. E. 1764.
Workmen’s Compensation Act.
The attention of persons in Antigua
employing workmen, as defined by
the Workmen’s Compensation Act,
1937. is directed to the notice dated
5th February, 1954, published in the
Leeward Islands Gazette on the 18th
February, 1954, whereby such per-
sons are reqnired to render, on or
before the 15th day of February in
every year, to the Labour Commie-
sioner, a correct return in respect of
the preceding calendar year speci-
(a) The total number of injuries
to workmen during the year in
respect of which compensation has
been paid;
(6) The number of fatal injuries
included under (a);
(c) The total amount paid in full
settlement of claim for compensa-
tion in respect of non-fatal injuries.
(d@) The total amount paid to
dependents in respect of fatal in-
(e) The number of non-fatal in-
juries which have been classified as
of a permanent nature;
(7) Full details respecting any
payment of compensation being
made on account of temporary dis-
ablement under section 4 (i) (@).
Dated the 26th day of February,
A. 65/7
No, 22.
The Governor has been pleased this
day to assent to the undermentioned
Ordinances :—
No. 19 of 1954, **The Crown Pro-
ceedings Ordinance, 1954.â€
No. 20 of 1954, “The General
Local Loan (Amendment) Ordinance,
No. 21 of 1954, “The Cattle Tres-
pass (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
Feb. 24
Published by Authority.
MARCH, 1995. No. 10,
No. 23.
The following Ordinance and Stat-
utory Ruleg and Orders are circulated
with this Gazette and form part
thereof :—
No. | of 1955, “The Appropriation
Ordinance, 1955.
2 pp. Price 4 cents
No. 2 of 1955, “The Hotels Aid
Regulations, 1955.
Dd pp. Price 7 cents
No. 3 of 1955, “Resolution of
the Legislative Council—abolishing
Customs Duty leviable on emblems
issued by the Princess Alice Fund
Committee. 1 pp. Price 3 cents.
No. 4 of 1955, ‘* Resolution of
the Legislative Council abolishing
Customs Duty on nine cartons of
records.†1 pp. Price 3 cents.
Virgin Islands.
No. 2 of 1955, ‘Resolution of
the Legislative Council—abolishing
Customs Duty on emblems. ete. in
connexion with the Princess Alice
Appeal.†1 pp. Price 3 cents
Notice of Nomination.
The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of Election for the election
of a member of the Legislative Coun-
cil for the Central electoral district
the returning officer for the said
district will on the Ilth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o’clock in
the forenoon and one o’clock in the
afternoon and between the hours of
two o’clock and four o’clock in the
afternoon at The Police Station,
Salem, proceed to the nomination
of a member for the Central electoral
Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955,
GEORGE Howson,
Returning Officer
for the Central electoral district.
4d THE
Notice of Nomination.
The Commissioner having issued
hig Writ of Hlection for the election
of two members of the Legislative
Council for the Southern electoral
district the returning officer for the
said district will on the Lith day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o’clock
in the forenoon and one o’clock in
the afternoon and between the hours
of two o’clock and four o’cloek in the
afternoon at ‘he Court House, Ply-
mouth, proceed to the nomination of
two members for the Southern elec-
toral district.
Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955,
Returning Officer
for the Southern electoral district,
Notice of Nomination.
The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of Election for the election
of a member of the Legislative Coun-
cil for the Windward electoral district
the returning officer for the said
district will on the Ilth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o'clock in
the forenoon and one o’clock in the
afternoon and between the hours of
two o’clock and four o’clock in the
afternoon at The Police Station,
Harris’s, proceed to the nomination
of a member for the Windward
electoral district.
Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955.
Returning Officer
for the Windward electoral district.
Notice of Nomination.
The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of Election for the election
of a member of the Legislative Coun-
cil for the Northern electoral district
the returning officer for the said
district will on the llth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o’clock in
the forenoon and one o’clock in the
afternoon and between the hours of
two o’clock and four o'clock in the
afternoon at The St. John’s School,
proceed to the nomination of a
member for the Northern electoral
district. ;
Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955.
Returning Officer
for the Northern electoral district.
Ref. No. 18/00028.
' Austriau
It is notified for general informa-
tion that, pending the issue of Her
Majesty’s Exequatur, Mr. RICHARD
KAHN has been accorded provisional
recognition as Honorary Consul of
Austria at Kingston, Jamaica, with
jurisdiction including the Bahamas,
Barba‘los, Jamaica, the Leeward Is-
lands, the Windward Islands and
Trinidad and Tobago.
The Secretariat,
23rd February, 1955.
Ref. No. 19/00009.
With reference to the Declaration
dated the 26th day of October, 1954
(S. R. & O. 1954, No. 30) regarding the
acquisition for public purposes of
certuin lands forming part of Five
Islands Estate as set out in the
Schedule to the said Declaration:
IT IS HEREBY notified for general
information that the said lands which
comprise portions of the several
estates commonly known as Five
Islands Estate have now been demar-
cated by actual survey and a notice
of acquisition in respect of the said
lands has been issued in accordance
with the provisions of section 7 of the
Act. The area and boundaries of the
same are as hereunder:
ALL THOSE portions of lands
forming part of Five Islands, Gambles
(Five Islands) and Galley Bay com-
monly called Five Islands Estate
situate in the Parish of St. John in
the Island of Antigua containing by
admeasurement 129.309 acres and
hounded as follows:—
On the North by Galley Bay and
Gambles (Five Islancis):
On the East by Five Islands;
On the South by Galley Bay and
the Village of Five Islands and
On the West by Galley Bay.
Dated this 2nd day of March, 1954.
Henry J, ELWiy,
Authorised Officer.
The Vehicles and Road Traffic
Ordinance, 1946.
By virtue of the powers conferred
on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles
and Road Traffic Ordinance 1946
(No. 5 of 1946), I hereby fix the
period hereunder for the lighting of
Until further notice, the lighting
of vehicles shall be from 6.30 p.m. to
5.45 a.m.
Dated this 24th day of February,
KE. M. V. Jameps, Lt. Col.
Traffic Commissioner.
[3 March, 1955,
In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
that in pursuance of Rules made by
the Chief Justice under Section 16 of
the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands (Coarts) Order in Conneil,
1939, and duly approved as therein
provided on the 16th day of Octo-
ber, A.D. 1941, The Honourable
Puisne Judge selected for the sit-
ting of the Court has appointed the
day of the month on which the en-
suing Circuit Court shall sit as fol-
lows, that is to say:—
The Virgin Islands Circuit on
Thursday the Ist day of April, 1955,
at 10 o’cloek in the forenoon.
Dated the 24th day of February,
Chief Registrar.
Statement of Currency Notes
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
ern Group) on ist February,
Average Circulation during Decem-
ber, 1954:— :
Br. Caribbean Cur- $
rency Notes 54,728,292.00
Gov't Currency Notes 1,904,639.00
Br, Caribbean Currency Notes:—
Trinidad & Tobago
(including $
Montserrat) .. 27,309,444.00
Barbados ... 5,935,625.00
British Guiana ++ 13,811,927.00
Grenada - 1,939,100.00
St. Vincent 529,400.00
St. Lucia 862,000.00
Dominica 1,091,4.00.00
Antigua 1,423,300.00
St. Kitts 1,519,500.00
Total Br. Caribbean
Jurrency Notes «++ 34,021,696.00
Trinidad and Tobago
Government Note
circulation 1,168,745.00
Br. Guiana Government
Note circulation 393,928.00
Barbados Government
Note circulation 111,723.00
Total Government
Note circulation 1,674,396.00
Total circulation on .
Ist February 55,696,092.00
Heecutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.
British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad, B.W.T.
Ref. No. 24/00044.
3 March, 1955.]
Declaration dated February 3,
1955, made under Section 8
of the Land Acquisition Act,
1944 (No, 11/1944), for the
acquisition of certain land in
the Presidency of Saini Chris-
topher Nevis and Anzuilla
required for public purposes.
the Governor in Council with the
approval of the Legislative Council of
the Presidency of Saint Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla considers that
the land described in the Schedule
hereto, situate in the island of
Anguilla in the said Presidency,
should be acquired for public pur-
poses, namely, for the erection of a
health outpost, in the said Presidency.
Anarea of approximately } of an
acre situate at South Hill in the
island of Anguilla in the Presidency
of Saint Christopher Nevis and
Anguilla, and bounded as follows,
that is to say, on the North and West
by lands of FRANCES \NN CARTY;
on the South by the public main
road; and on the Kast by a private
Dated this 3rd day of February,
Clerk of the Couneiti.
Ref. No. 36/00004.
Post of iustimator and Chief
Draughtsman, Public Works
Department, St. Vincent,
Appications are invited from suit-
ably qualified candidates for the post
of HWstimator and Chief Dranghisina»,
Public Works Department, St. Vin-
2. The post, which is non-pen-
sionable, carries a salary scale of
$2592 per annum rising by annual
increments of $96 to $3168 per
annum and the point in this scale at
which a suitable candidate will be
appointed will depend on his qualifi-
cations and experience. Consideéra-
tion is being given to making the
post peiisionable. Quarters are not
provided. free passages for the
suecesstul candidate and his wife and
family will be provided on appoint-
ment. A Transport Allowance of
$732.00 per annum is payable if the
appointee maintains a motor car for
official travelling.
3. Candidates must have had a
secondary education with a sound
knowledge of Mathematics and Kn-
glish. They shonld also have a
minimum of two years experience as
Mstimator-Dranghtsman, and an ag-
gregate of not less than 3 years in
other phases of Public Works such ag
Building Construction, Land Survey-
ing and Land Drainage.
4. The guccessiul candidate will
be required to prepare estimates of
cost and materials from drawings,
and to maintain statistical records of
Construction Unit Costs for work
operations performed by the Depart-
5. Applications should be address-
ed to the Superintendent of Public
Works, Kingstown, St. Vincent,
B.W.I.. and should reach him not
later than 10th March, 1955.
Government Office,
Saint Vincent,
12th February, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00286.
Central Experiment Station.
1951, 1952. 1953. 1954, 1965.
Jan. 3.60 3.10 2.55 3.44 2.16
Feb, 26 1.88 1.60 1.02 233 41
5.48 4.70 3.57 6.77 2.57
Medical Act, 1987.
25th February, 1955.
Pursuant to Section 23 of the Medical Act, 1937, as amended by section 6 of the Leeward Islands Act, 1948,
the following registration is hereby notified:
Dr. William Frederick Smith, M.D.
Medical Practitioner.
Date Registered. °
25th February,
Registration No.
Chief Regisirur.
Control of Imports and Exports
Notice No. 1 of 1955
Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “ †grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. (Quotations should be C.1.F. Antigua and should
include agents commission. Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.
2. The “EK†grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower.
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard :-—
Maximum moisture ose 14.00%
Maximum ash ov 52%
Minimum protein ao 12.00%
All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—
Minimum. — Mawximum.
Thiamine 2.0 | 2.5 milligrams for each Ib. flour
Riboflavine 1,2 1.5 a 7 5
Niacine 16.0 20.0 †5 »
Tron 13.0 16.5 †ss
With Calcium Car-
bonate 500 600 7 7 7
The name of the miller, unalysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
duly notarised must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to arrange
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.
Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is en-
riched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour†must be stencilled on each bag.
3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped to arrive in Antigua
during May, June and July, 1955 at a monthly rate of 5,000 half-bags of 100 Ibs. each.
4. Tenders should be in sealed envelopes marked “ Tenders for flour†and should be addressed
to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 4 p-m. on
31st March, 1955.
5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Administrator's Office,
26th February, 1955.
Ref. No. A. 40/18.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. Ml. BLAcKMAN,
Government Printer.—By Authority, ,
[Price 26 vents]
No. 1 of 1955. Appropriation. Mosdae reat.
] Assent,
19th February, 1955.
Now L of 1955.
An Ordinance to provide for the services of the
Presidency of Montserrat for the vear ending
on the 3ist December, 1955
ENACTED by the Legislature of Montserrat.
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the short title.
Appropriation Ordinance, 1955,
2. There shall be and there is hereby granted Appropriation.
to Her Majesty the Queen for the serviee of the
Presidency of Montserrat for the year ending on the
thirty- first day of December, 1§ VAD, the stun of one
million and ninety- -seVehl thou und, six hundred and
four dollars over and above the sums @ranted and
provided under the Nets oe Ordinances in foree
inthe Colony and this Presidency, to be applied
and expended i inthe manner and for the services
set forth in the Schedule hereto,
8. The sum of one million and ninety-seven Sums eharged
thousand, six — and four dollars shall he nail
and the same ds hereby declared to be charged
upon and miacle pans able from and one of the Gen
eral Revenue and other Fuids of the said Presidene ue
4. The Treasurer of the said Pre SIUeCHCÂ¥ 1S payments
hereby authorised and required from: time to time bew made,
upon the order or warrant of the Govemor to pay
the several sums appropriated by and in the said
Schedule to the several services therein mentioned
as the said order or warrant shall direct, out. of
the General Revenue and other funds cf thie
Presidency without further order or formality.
\iLAN Lovutsy,
MONTRERRAT. 2 Appropriation. No. 1 of 1958.
Passed the Legislative Council the 27th day
of January, 1955.
Js. H. Carrorr,
Clerk of the Couneil.
Head. Service, Amount.
I. Charge on Account of
Publie Debt
Jl. Pensions 21766
Ill. Federal Contribution BOLLS
IV. Administration 33017
V. Labour 500
VI. Treasury, Customs & Port IAIN
Vil. Agriculture 208367
VIII. Water 6250
IX. Legal 10602
X. Police 12630
XI. Prison 19277
X1l. Medical N7099
XIII. Hospital, ete. 103346
XIV. Edueation 133904
XV. Magistrate 3025
XVI. Municipal 9408
XIX. Public Library 2BO4
XX. Supply Office 3200
XXII. Military Ag45
XXII. Miscellaneous BI054
XXII. Post Office, Telephoues ete. LO) 54
XXIV. Public Works 1864
XXV. Public Works Reeurrent 47864
XXXVI. Pubhie Works Extraordinary 32365
XXVII. Otway Settlement ee T1396
XXVIII. Development & Welfare Schemes... 188032
Total «» 1097604
Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by FE. MW. BLACK WAN. Government Printer.-By Authority.
41/00097—S00-—2.909. krice £ conte.
1955, No. 2.
Toe Horrrs An. Reaunarroys 1955, paren dantany 28, 195d,
fiotTELs Atv Orpinancr, i954 O80, LL or 1984).
1. Citation. hese Reenlations may be cited as the Hotels
Aid Regulations, 195...
2. Form ol Particulars. lhe particulars contained in
every form or docunient preseribed by these Roeulations shali be
printed, typed or written thereon legibly in ink or some other
indelible material.
3. Forms of Application and Documents to accom-
pany. (i) Every application for a licence to construet a hotel
or an extension to a hotel shall be in the form set forth as Form I
in the First Schedule to these Regulations and shall he accompanied
by :—
(a) the certificate of incorporation of the company or an
authenticated copy thereof, where a company is the applicant;
(b) if so required by the Governor in Council, a plan or
diagram drawn toa seale of not less than one inch to every
hundred feet of the lands whereon the hotel or the oxtension
to a hotel is built or proposed to be consi rueted;
(ec) if so required by the Governor in Council, proper plans
and drawings on a scrle of uot less than one-eighth of an inch to
one foot, of the hotel or the extension to a hotel to be con-
siructed, together with a specification indicating the Giinensions
ol such hotel or extension to a hotel and the materints with
which the same is proposed to he constructed and the
estimated quantities of such of tee materials as will have to he
imported or purchased in the Presidency for such purpose;
(7) a statement of the period within which such hotel or
extension to a hotel is to be constructed and opercad for
husiness; and
(«) such other particulars and intormation as the Governor
in (‘owicil may from time to time by notification in the Gazette
reqnire for the purposes of these Regulations.
(2) Every application for a licence to equip a newly erected
hotel or extension to a hotel shall be in the form set forth as Form 2
in the First Schedule to these Regulations, and shall be
accompanied by:—
(a) the certificate of incorporation of the company or an
authenticated copy thereol, where a company is the applicant;
(») a full descriptive list of the articles of hotel equipment
necessary to be imported or purchased in the Presideney for the
purpose of equipping the newly erected hotel or extension to a
hotel and the market value thereot at the port of shipment or
place of purchase;
(c) a statement of the period within which such newly
erected hetel or extension to a hotel is to be cquipped and
opened for business; and
(d) such other particulars and information as the (covernor
im (‘ouncil may from time to time by notification in the Gazette
require for the purposes of these Regulations.
4. Forms of Licence. (1) Every licence in respect of building
materials shall be in the form set forth as Form 1 in the Second
schedule to these Regulations,
(2) Every licence in respect of articles of hotel equipment shall
be ia the formas set forth as Form 2 in the Second Schedule to
these Regulations.
5. Marking of Articles of Hotel Rquipment. (1) ivery
licensee shall, in the manner provided in the Third “ehedule to these
Regulations, within one month of the date of the importation or
purchase, as the case may be, legibly and permanently mark, stamp
or engrave every article of hotel equipment imported or purchased
under a licence ead to him
(x) Hvery licensee who fails to comply with the provisions of
this regulation shall be liable on sammary conviction to a penalty
not exceeding twenty-five dollars.
Made by the Governor in Counei this 28th day of January,
Js. H. Carrore,
Clerk of the Couneié,
(forms of Application.)
Fos 1.
Pursuant to seetion 38 (1) (a) and section 4 of the Hotels Aid
Ordinance, 1954, 1/WE hereby sake application to the Governor in
Council for a Heence to (import into fhe Presideney) (purehase in
the Presidency) such building materivts as are specified in the
documents accompanying this application and [Wi submit the
folowing particulars:
Surname and christian name of applicant or name of appheant
Address of the applicant or registered address of the company
Number of bedrooms in hotel
Dated thus day of 19
Signature of applicant.
Nore: Strike out the words in brackets not applicable.
Form 2.
Pursuant to section 3(1) (2) and section 4 of the Hotels \id
Ordinance, 1954, [/Wlk: hereby make application to the Governor
in Couneil for a licence to (import into the Presidency) (purchase
in the Presidency ) such articles of hotel equipment as are specified in
the documents accompanying this application and [/Wit submit the
following particulars:
Surname aud christian name of applicant or name of applicant
Address of wpplicant or rezistered address of applicant company
Situation of hotel
Number of bedrooms
Dates of commencement and of completion or erection of hotel
or extension thereto
Purposes for which artic.cs for hotel equipment are to he
imported or purchased
Dated this day of 19
Signature of applicant,
Nove: Strike out the words in brackets not applicable.
(Forms of Liccnee.)
Form 1.
Whereas dus appliention has been made to the Governor in
Council herein for a licence under the totels Aid Ordinance, 1954,
by hotel proprietor (hereinafter
called “the licenseeâ€):
NOW THEREFORE, the Governor, by and with the advice
of his [ixeentive Council, under and by virtue of the powers
contained in section 3 (1) (a) of the Hotels Aid) Ordinanee, 1954,
HEREBY GRANTS a leence to the licensee with regard to a certain
hotel situate at being a newly erected (hotel)
(extension to a hotel): AND this is to licence and permit the licensee
to (import into the Presidency ) (purchase in the Presidency} between
the (date) and the (date) for the constrection of the
said (hotel) (extension to a hotel) the building materials set out or
deseribed in the Schedule hereto: and the beensee shall be entitled
on production of this licenee to the proper Customs Ojfeer and
subject. to the terms hereof to (import into the Presidency the
building materials entunerated or referred to in’ the Schedule
hereto free of all customs duties and of package tax) (be paid drawback
of customs daty in accordance with section 6 of the said Ordinance).
GRANTED at Plymouth, Montserrat, this day of
Notre: Strike out words in brackets not applicable
ForM ZY.
WHEREAS due application has been mede to the Governor in
Couneil for » lieenee herein under the Hotels Aid Grdinanee, 195-4,
by hotel proprietor (hereinafter called
“the licensee’’):
NOW THEREFORE the Governor, by and with the advice of
his Executive Council, under and by virtue of the powers contained
in section 3 (1) (4) of the (fotels Aid Ordinance, 1954. THEREBY
GRAN!S a licenee to the licensee with regard to a eertain newly
erected (hotel) (extension to a hotel) situate af ,
AWD this is to Heence and permit the licensee to (import into
the Presidency) (purchase in the Presideney) between the
(date) and the (date} for the equipment of the said newly
erected (hotel) (extension to a hotel) the articles of hotel equipment
set out or described in the Schedule hereto; and the licensee shall be
entitled on production of this licence to the proper Customs Officer
and subject to the terms hereof to (import into the Presidency the
articles of hotel equipment enumerated or referred to in the Schedule
hereto free of all customs duties and of package tax) (be paid draw-
back of customs duty in accordance with section 6 of the said
GRANTED at Plymouth, Montserrat this day of
NOTE: Strike out words in brackets not applicable.
Livery article shall be marked in such a manner so that the mark
may be easily recognised, and the mark shall consist. of the following
letters arranged in the following order:-—
H. A.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by EB. M. BhackMAN Government Printer.—-By Authority,
42/00052-- 500—3.55., : Price 7 cents)
1955, No. 3.
Resoierion oF THE LegisLarive Councin oF MonTsERRAT
rik Customs Duties Orptnance, 1928 (No. 7 of 1928).
WITEREAS by seetion 15 of the Customs Duties Ordi-
nance, 1928, it is provided that. the Legislative Council may
from time to time by resolution inerease, reduce, abolish or
otherwise alter the Customs duty leviable on any goods
imported in the Vresideney ;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to abolish the
Customs duty leviable on emblems issued by the Princess
Alice Appeal Fund Committee for the purpose of raising
funds for the University College of the West Indies;
Second Schedule to the Customs Duties Ordinance, 192%,
shall have effect as if after article 23 thereof there were
inserted the following article:
234A. EMBLEMS:—Iimblems issued by the
Princess Alice Appeal Fund Cominittee.
Passed the Legislative Council this 9th day of Febru-
ary, 1945. ;
Js. H. Carrort,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E.M. BhackMan. Government Printer.— By Authority,
31/00257—500 — 3.54. Price 3 cents.
1955. No. 4.
ResoLution oF THE LEGISLATIVE Counci, oF Monrsorrat
pa'tep Fesruary 9, (955, MADE UNDER SECTION 15 oF
rag Customs Duties Orpinance, 1928, (No. 7 oF 1928).
WHEREAS by section 15 of the Customs Duties
Ordinance, 1928, it is provided that the Legislative Council
may from time to time hy resolution increase, reduce,
abolish or otherwise alter the. Customs duty leviable on any
voods imported in the Presidency ;
AND WHEREAS the Seventh Day Adventist Church
on the 18th day of May, 1954 imported nine cartons of
“Voice of Prophecy†records into tie Presidency in the
hope of using them for broade:sting purposes over Radio
AND WHEKEAS Radio Montserrat has declined to
use the said records for broadcasting or at all;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to abolish the
Customs duty leviable on the nine cartons of records herein-
before mentioned;
Customs duty leviablk, on the nine cartons of records
imported into the Presidency on the 18th day of May. 1954,
shall be abolished.
Passed the Legislative Council this 9th day of Febru-
ary, 1955.
Js. H. Carron,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Gover:unent Printing Office, Leeward [slunds,
by E. M. BuackmMan. Government Printer, - By Authority.
25/00001-—500 —3.55. [Price 3 cenis.]
1955, No. 2.
I8A oF THE Customs Durirs Orpinance, 1227
(No. 9/1927) As'AMENDED.
The Legislative Council of the Virgin Islands pursuant
to the powers conferred by section 18A of the ahove-
mentioned Ordinance has passed the following resolution :—
“BEIT RESOLVED by the Legislative Council
of the Virgin Islands as follows:-—
All goods including emblems, flags, tags, ete.
imported into the Presideney in cennexion with
the Princess Alice Appeai on behalf of the
University Coilege and the University Teaching
Hospital of the West Indies shall be and are
hereby exempt from Customs duty.â€.
Passed the Legislative Council this 21st day of January,
H. O. Crequr,
Clerk of the Council,
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M, BLACKMAN. Government Printer.—By Authority.
31/00257—480-—3.55, [Price 3 cents. ]
Full Text |
Board of Commissioners of
It is hereby notified for general
information that the Secretary of
State fur the Colonies, on the nomi-
nation of His Hxcellency the Governor
of the Leeward Islands, has—
(4) appointed the Hon. P. D.
MacbDonaLD, ©.M.G., Colonial
Secretary, Leeward Islands, to be
“a Commissioner in the place of the
Hon. P. W. BEcKwitH, with effect
‘from the 26th February, 1955; and
(6) approved of the appointment
of Mr. C. S. ROBERTS, Mconomic
and Financial Adviser designate of
the Leeward Islands, to be a Com-
missioner in the place of the Hon.
P. D. Macponap, C.M.G., with
effect from the date of his aysump-
tion of duty in the Colony.
2. Mr. Ropers is expected to
assume duly in the Colony early in
May and the date of his appointment
as a Commissioner will be gazetted in
dre course,
The Secretariat,
3rd March, 1955.
Under the provisions of Section 4
of the Rent Restriction Ordinance,
No. 13 of 1947, the Administrator of
Antigua has been pleased to appoint
with effect from the 17th February,
1955, the Magistrate, Districts “Aâ€
and ‘*Bâ€, to be a Rent Commissioner
and Chairman of the Rent Commis-
sioners for the Presidency of Antigua
vice the Additional Magistrate, Dis-
tricta A†and “Bâ€.
Administrator's Office,
17th February, 1955,
Ref. No. A. 36/15.
Under the provisions of Section 15
(1) of the Rent Restriction Ordinance,
(No. 18 of 1947), the Administrator
of Antigua has been pleased to
appoint, with effect from the 19th
February, 1955, the House Property
Manager of the Central Housing and
Planning Authority to be Rent
Restriction Officer within the mean-
ing of the Rent Restriction Ordinance.
Administrator's Office,
23rd February, 1955.
Ref. No, A. 38/15,
FLIP 7R277
Z fT
The Administrator of Antigua
records with regret the death on the
22nd February, 1955, of Mr. CECIL
St. A. SAMUEL, Principal Officer,
H.M. Prison, Antigua.
Ref, No, A. E. 1764.
Workmen’s Compensation Act.
The attention of persons in Antigua
employing workmen, as defined by
the Workmen’s Compensation Act,
1937. is directed to the notice dated
5th February, 1954, published in the
Leeward Islands Gazette on the 18th
February, 1954, whereby such per-
sons are reqnired to render, on or
before the 15th day of February in
every year, to the Labour Commie-
sioner, a correct return in respect of
the preceding calendar year speci-
(a) The total number of injuries
to workmen during the year in
respect of which compensation has
been paid;
(6) The number of fatal injuries
included under (a);
(c) The total amount paid in full
settlement of claim for compensa-
tion in respect of non-fatal injuries.
(d@) The total amount paid to
dependents in respect of fatal in-
(e) The number of non-fatal in-
juries which have been classified as
of a permanent nature;
(7) Full details respecting any
payment of compensation being
made on account of temporary dis-
ablement under section 4 (i) (@).
Dated the 26th day of February,
A. 65/7
No, 22.
The Governor has been pleased this
day to assent to the undermentioned
Ordinances :—
No. 19 of 1954, **The Crown Pro-
ceedings Ordinance, 1954.â€
No. 20 of 1954, “The General
Local Loan (Amendment) Ordinance,
No. 21 of 1954, “The Cattle Tres-
pass (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
Feb. 24
Published by Authority.
MARCH, 1995. No. 10,
No. 23.
The following Ordinance and Stat-
utory Ruleg and Orders are circulated
with this Gazette and form part
thereof :—
No. | of 1955, “The Appropriation
Ordinance, 1955.
2 pp. Price 4 cents
No. 2 of 1955, “The Hotels Aid
Regulations, 1955.
Dd pp. Price 7 cents
No. 3 of 1955, “Resolution of
the Legislative Council—abolishing
Customs Duty leviable on emblems
issued by the Princess Alice Fund
Committee. 1 pp. Price 3 cents.
No. 4 of 1955, ‘* Resolution of
the Legislative Council abolishing
Customs Duty on nine cartons of
records.†1 pp. Price 3 cents.
Virgin Islands.
No. 2 of 1955, ‘Resolution of
the Legislative Council—abolishing
Customs Duty on emblems. ete. in
connexion with the Princess Alice
Appeal.†1 pp. Price 3 cents
Notice of Nomination.
The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of Election for the election
of a member of the Legislative Coun-
cil for the Central electoral district
the returning officer for the said
district will on the Ilth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o’clock in
the forenoon and one o’clock in the
afternoon and between the hours of
two o’clock and four o’clock in the
afternoon at The Police Station,
Salem, proceed to the nomination
of a member for the Central electoral
Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955,
GEORGE Howson,
Returning Officer
for the Central electoral district.
4d THE
Notice of Nomination.
The Commissioner having issued
hig Writ of Hlection for the election
of two members of the Legislative
Council for the Southern electoral
district the returning officer for the
said district will on the Lith day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o’clock
in the forenoon and one o’clock in
the afternoon and between the hours
of two o’clock and four o’cloek in the
afternoon at ‘he Court House, Ply-
mouth, proceed to the nomination of
two members for the Southern elec-
toral district.
Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955,
Returning Officer
for the Southern electoral district,
Notice of Nomination.
The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of Election for the election
of a member of the Legislative Coun-
cil for the Windward electoral district
the returning officer for the said
district will on the Ilth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o'clock in
the forenoon and one o’clock in the
afternoon and between the hours of
two o’clock and four o’clock in the
afternoon at The Police Station,
Harris’s, proceed to the nomination
of a member for the Windward
electoral district.
Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955.
Returning Officer
for the Windward electoral district.
Notice of Nomination.
The Commissioner having issued
his Writ of Election for the election
of a member of the Legislative Coun-
cil for the Northern electoral district
the returning officer for the said
district will on the llth day of
March, 1955, now next ensuing
between the hours of ten o’clock in
the forenoon and one o’clock in the
afternoon and between the hours of
two o’clock and four o'clock in the
afternoon at The St. John’s School,
proceed to the nomination of a
member for the Northern electoral
district. ;
Dated this 3rd day of March, 1955.
Returning Officer
for the Northern electoral district.
Ref. No. 18/00028.
' Austriau
It is notified for general informa-
tion that, pending the issue of Her
Majesty’s Exequatur, Mr. RICHARD
KAHN has been accorded provisional
recognition as Honorary Consul of
Austria at Kingston, Jamaica, with
jurisdiction including the Bahamas,
Barba‘los, Jamaica, the Leeward Is-
lands, the Windward Islands and
Trinidad and Tobago.
The Secretariat,
23rd February, 1955.
Ref. No. 19/00009.
With reference to the Declaration
dated the 26th day of October, 1954
(S. R. & O. 1954, No. 30) regarding the
acquisition for public purposes of
certuin lands forming part of Five
Islands Estate as set out in the
Schedule to the said Declaration:
IT IS HEREBY notified for general
information that the said lands which
comprise portions of the several
estates commonly known as Five
Islands Estate have now been demar-
cated by actual survey and a notice
of acquisition in respect of the said
lands has been issued in accordance
with the provisions of section 7 of the
Act. The area and boundaries of the
same are as hereunder:
ALL THOSE portions of lands
forming part of Five Islands, Gambles
(Five Islands) and Galley Bay com-
monly called Five Islands Estate
situate in the Parish of St. John in
the Island of Antigua containing by
admeasurement 129.309 acres and
hounded as follows:—
On the North by Galley Bay and
Gambles (Five Islancis):
On the East by Five Islands;
On the South by Galley Bay and
the Village of Five Islands and
On the West by Galley Bay.
Dated this 2nd day of March, 1954.
Henry J, ELWiy,
Authorised Officer.
The Vehicles and Road Traffic
Ordinance, 1946.
By virtue of the powers conferred
on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles
and Road Traffic Ordinance 1946
(No. 5 of 1946), I hereby fix the
period hereunder for the lighting of
Until further notice, the lighting
of vehicles shall be from 6.30 p.m. to
5.45 a.m.
Dated this 24th day of February,
KE. M. V. Jameps, Lt. Col.
Traffic Commissioner.
[3 March, 1955,
In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
that in pursuance of Rules made by
the Chief Justice under Section 16 of
the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands (Coarts) Order in Conneil,
1939, and duly approved as therein
provided on the 16th day of Octo-
ber, A.D. 1941, The Honourable
Puisne Judge selected for the sit-
ting of the Court has appointed the
day of the month on which the en-
suing Circuit Court shall sit as fol-
lows, that is to say:—
The Virgin Islands Circuit on
Thursday the Ist day of April, 1955,
at 10 o’cloek in the forenoon.
Dated the 24th day of February,
Chief Registrar.
Statement of Currency Notes
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
ern Group) on ist February,
Average Circulation during Decem-
ber, 1954:— :
Br. Caribbean Cur- $
rency Notes 54,728,292.00
Gov't Currency Notes 1,904,639.00
Br, Caribbean Currency Notes:—
Trinidad & Tobago
(including $
Montserrat) .. 27,309,444.00
Barbados ... 5,935,625.00
British Guiana ++ 13,811,927.00
Grenada - 1,939,100.00
St. Vincent 529,400.00
St. Lucia 862,000.00
Dominica 1,091,4.00.00
Antigua 1,423,300.00
St. Kitts 1,519,500.00
Total Br. Caribbean
Jurrency Notes «++ 34,021,696.00
Trinidad and Tobago
Government Note
circulation 1,168,745.00
Br. Guiana Government
Note circulation 393,928.00
Barbados Government
Note circulation 111,723.00
Total Government
Note circulation 1,674,396.00
Total circulation on .
Ist February 55,696,092.00
Heecutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.
British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad, B.W.T.
Ref. No. 24/00044.
3 March, 1955.]
Declaration dated February 3,
1955, made under Section 8
of the Land Acquisition Act,
1944 (No, 11/1944), for the
acquisition of certain land in
the Presidency of Saini Chris-
topher Nevis and Anzuilla
required for public purposes.
the Governor in Council with the
approval of the Legislative Council of
the Presidency of Saint Christopher
Nevis and Anguilla considers that
the land described in the Schedule
hereto, situate in the island of
Anguilla in the said Presidency,
should be acquired for public pur-
poses, namely, for the erection of a
health outpost, in the said Presidency.
Anarea of approximately } of an
acre situate at South Hill in the
island of Anguilla in the Presidency
of Saint Christopher Nevis and
Anguilla, and bounded as follows,
that is to say, on the North and West
by lands of FRANCES \NN CARTY;
on the South by the public main
road; and on the Kast by a private
Dated this 3rd day of February,
Clerk of the Couneiti.
Ref. No. 36/00004.
Post of iustimator and Chief
Draughtsman, Public Works
Department, St. Vincent,
Appications are invited from suit-
ably qualified candidates for the post
of HWstimator and Chief Dranghisina»,
Public Works Department, St. Vin-
2. The post, which is non-pen-
sionable, carries a salary scale of
$2592 per annum rising by annual
increments of $96 to $3168 per
annum and the point in this scale at
which a suitable candidate will be
appointed will depend on his qualifi-
cations and experience. Consideéra-
tion is being given to making the
post peiisionable. Quarters are not
provided. free passages for the
suecesstul candidate and his wife and
family will be provided on appoint-
ment. A Transport Allowance of
$732.00 per annum is payable if the
appointee maintains a motor car for
official travelling.
3. Candidates must have had a
secondary education with a sound
knowledge of Mathematics and Kn-
glish. They shonld also have a
minimum of two years experience as
Mstimator-Dranghtsman, and an ag-
gregate of not less than 3 years in
other phases of Public Works such ag
Building Construction, Land Survey-
ing and Land Drainage.
4. The guccessiul candidate will
be required to prepare estimates of
cost and materials from drawings,
and to maintain statistical records of
Construction Unit Costs for work
operations performed by the Depart-
5. Applications should be address-
ed to the Superintendent of Public
Works, Kingstown, St. Vincent,
B.W.I.. and should reach him not
later than 10th March, 1955.
Government Office,
Saint Vincent,
12th February, 1955.
Ref. No. 13/00286.
Central Experiment Station.
1951, 1952. 1953. 1954, 1965.
Jan. 3.60 3.10 2.55 3.44 2.16
Feb, 26 1.88 1.60 1.02 233 41
5.48 4.70 3.57 6.77 2.57
Medical Act, 1987.
25th February, 1955.
Pursuant to Section 23 of the Medical Act, 1937, as amended by section 6 of the Leeward Islands Act, 1948,
the following registration is hereby notified:
Dr. William Frederick Smith, M.D.
Medical Practitioner.
Date Registered. °
25th February,
Registration No.
Chief Regisirur.
Control of Imports and Exports
Notice No. 1 of 1955
Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “ †grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. (Quotations should be C.1.F. Antigua and should
include agents commission. Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.
2. The “EK†grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower.
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard :-—
Maximum moisture ose 14.00%
Maximum ash ov 52%
Minimum protein ao 12.00%
All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—
Minimum. — Mawximum.
Thiamine 2.0 | 2.5 milligrams for each Ib. flour
Riboflavine 1,2 1.5 a 7 5
Niacine 16.0 20.0 †5 »
Tron 13.0 16.5 †ss
With Calcium Car-
bonate 500 600 7 7 7
The name of the miller, unalysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
duly notarised must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to arrange
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.
Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is en-
riched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour†must be stencilled on each bag.
3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped to arrive in Antigua
during May, June and July, 1955 at a monthly rate of 5,000 half-bags of 100 Ibs. each.
4. Tenders should be in sealed envelopes marked “ Tenders for flour†and should be addressed
to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 4 p-m. on
31st March, 1955.
5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Administrator's Office,
26th February, 1955.
Ref. No. A. 40/18.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. Ml. BLAcKMAN,
Government Printer.—By Authority, ,
[Price 26 vents]
No. 1 of 1955. Appropriation. Mosdae reat.
] Assent,
19th February, 1955.
Now L of 1955.
An Ordinance to provide for the services of the
Presidency of Montserrat for the vear ending
on the 3ist December, 1955
ENACTED by the Legislature of Montserrat.
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the short title.
Appropriation Ordinance, 1955,
2. There shall be and there is hereby granted Appropriation.
to Her Majesty the Queen for the serviee of the
Presidency of Montserrat for the year ending on the
thirty- first day of December, 1§ VAD, the stun of one
million and ninety- -seVehl thou und, six hundred and
four dollars over and above the sums @ranted and
provided under the Nets oe Ordinances in foree
inthe Colony and this Presidency, to be applied
and expended i inthe manner and for the services
set forth in the Schedule hereto,
8. The sum of one million and ninety-seven Sums eharged
thousand, six — and four dollars shall he nail
and the same ds hereby declared to be charged
upon and miacle pans able from and one of the Gen
eral Revenue and other Fuids of the said Presidene ue
4. The Treasurer of the said Pre SIUeCHCÂ¥ 1S payments
hereby authorised and required from: time to time bew made,
upon the order or warrant of the Govemor to pay
the several sums appropriated by and in the said
Schedule to the several services therein mentioned
as the said order or warrant shall direct, out. of
the General Revenue and other funds cf thie
Presidency without further order or formality.
\iLAN Lovutsy,
MONTRERRAT. 2 Appropriation. No. 1 of 1958.
Passed the Legislative Council the 27th day
of January, 1955.
Js. H. Carrorr,
Clerk of the Couneil.
Head. Service, Amount.
I. Charge on Account of
Publie Debt
Jl. Pensions 21766
Ill. Federal Contribution BOLLS
IV. Administration 33017
V. Labour 500
VI. Treasury, Customs & Port IAIN
Vil. Agriculture 208367
VIII. Water 6250
IX. Legal 10602
X. Police 12630
XI. Prison 19277
X1l. Medical N7099
XIII. Hospital, ete. 103346
XIV. Edueation 133904
XV. Magistrate 3025
XVI. Municipal 9408
XIX. Public Library 2BO4
XX. Supply Office 3200
XXII. Military Ag45
XXII. Miscellaneous BI054
XXII. Post Office, Telephoues ete. LO) 54
XXIV. Public Works 1864
XXV. Public Works Reeurrent 47864
XXXVI. Pubhie Works Extraordinary 32365
XXVII. Otway Settlement ee T1396
XXVIII. Development & Welfare Schemes... 188032
Total «» 1097604
Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by FE. MW. BLACK WAN. Government Printer.-By Authority.
41/00097—S00-—2.909. krice £ conte.
1955, No. 2.
Toe Horrrs An. Reaunarroys 1955, paren dantany 28, 195d,
fiotTELs Atv Orpinancr, i954 O80, LL or 1984).
1. Citation. hese Reenlations may be cited as the Hotels
Aid Regulations, 195...
2. Form ol Particulars. lhe particulars contained in
every form or docunient preseribed by these Roeulations shali be
printed, typed or written thereon legibly in ink or some other
indelible material.
3. Forms of Application and Documents to accom-
pany. (i) Every application for a licence to construet a hotel
or an extension to a hotel shall be in the form set forth as Form I
in the First Schedule to these Regulations and shall he accompanied
by :—
(a) the certificate of incorporation of the company or an
authenticated copy thereof, where a company is the applicant;
(b) if so required by the Governor in Council, a plan or
diagram drawn toa seale of not less than one inch to every
hundred feet of the lands whereon the hotel or the oxtension
to a hotel is built or proposed to be consi rueted;
(ec) if so required by the Governor in Council, proper plans
and drawings on a scrle of uot less than one-eighth of an inch to
one foot, of the hotel or the extension to a hotel to be con-
siructed, together with a specification indicating the Giinensions
ol such hotel or extension to a hotel and the materints with
which the same is proposed to he constructed and the
estimated quantities of such of tee materials as will have to he
imported or purchased in the Presidency for such purpose;
(7) a statement of the period within which such hotel or
extension to a hotel is to be constructed and opercad for
husiness; and
(«) such other particulars and intormation as the Governor
in (‘owicil may from time to time by notification in the Gazette
reqnire for the purposes of these Regulations.
(2) Every application for a licence to equip a newly erected
hotel or extension to a hotel shall be in the form set forth as Form 2
in the First Schedule to these Regulations, and shall be
accompanied by:—
(a) the certificate of incorporation of the company or an
authenticated copy thereol, where a company is the applicant;
(») a full descriptive list of the articles of hotel equipment
necessary to be imported or purchased in the Presideney for the
purpose of equipping the newly erected hotel or extension to a
hotel and the market value thereot at the port of shipment or
place of purchase;
(c) a statement of the period within which such newly
erected hetel or extension to a hotel is to be cquipped and
opened for business; and
(d) such other particulars and information as the (covernor
im (‘ouncil may from time to time by notification in the Gazette
require for the purposes of these Regulations.
4. Forms of Licence. (1) Every licence in respect of building
materials shall be in the form set forth as Form 1 in the Second
schedule to these Regulations,
(2) Every licence in respect of articles of hotel equipment shall
be ia the formas set forth as Form 2 in the Second Schedule to
these Regulations.
5. Marking of Articles of Hotel Rquipment. (1) ivery
licensee shall, in the manner provided in the Third “ehedule to these
Regulations, within one month of the date of the importation or
purchase, as the case may be, legibly and permanently mark, stamp
or engrave every article of hotel equipment imported or purchased
under a licence ead to him
(x) Hvery licensee who fails to comply with the provisions of
this regulation shall be liable on sammary conviction to a penalty
not exceeding twenty-five dollars.
Made by the Governor in Counei this 28th day of January,
Js. H. Carrore,
Clerk of the Couneié,
(forms of Application.)
Fos 1.
Pursuant to seetion 38 (1) (a) and section 4 of the Hotels Aid
Ordinance, 1954, 1/WE hereby sake application to the Governor in
Council for a Heence to (import into fhe Presideney) (purehase in
the Presidency) such building materivts as are specified in the
documents accompanying this application and [Wi submit the
folowing particulars:
Surname and christian name of applicant or name of appheant
Address of the applicant or registered address of the company
Number of bedrooms in hotel
Dated thus day of 19
Signature of applicant.
Nore: Strike out the words in brackets not applicable.
Form 2.
Pursuant to section 3(1) (2) and section 4 of the Hotels \id
Ordinance, 1954, [/Wlk: hereby make application to the Governor
in Couneil for a licence to (import into the Presidency) (purchase
in the Presidency ) such articles of hotel equipment as are specified in
the documents accompanying this application and [/Wit submit the
following particulars:
Surname aud christian name of applicant or name of applicant
Address of wpplicant or rezistered address of applicant company
Situation of hotel
Number of bedrooms
Dates of commencement and of completion or erection of hotel
or extension thereto
Purposes for which artic.cs for hotel equipment are to he
imported or purchased
Dated this day of 19
Signature of applicant,
Nove: Strike out the words in brackets not applicable.
(Forms of Liccnee.)
Form 1.
Whereas dus appliention has been made to the Governor in
Council herein for a licence under the totels Aid Ordinance, 1954,
by hotel proprietor (hereinafter
called “the licenseeâ€):
NOW THEREFORE, the Governor, by and with the advice
of his [ixeentive Council, under and by virtue of the powers
contained in section 3 (1) (a) of the Hotels Aid) Ordinanee, 1954,
HEREBY GRANTS a leence to the licensee with regard to a certain
hotel situate at being a newly erected (hotel)
(extension to a hotel): AND this is to licence and permit the licensee
to (import into the Presidency ) (purchase in the Presidency} between
the (date) and the (date) for the constrection of the
said (hotel) (extension to a hotel) the building materials set out or
deseribed in the Schedule hereto: and the beensee shall be entitled
on production of this licenee to the proper Customs Ojfeer and
subject. to the terms hereof to (import into the Presidency the
building materials entunerated or referred to in’ the Schedule
hereto free of all customs duties and of package tax) (be paid drawback
of customs daty in accordance with section 6 of the said Ordinance).
GRANTED at Plymouth, Montserrat, this day of
Notre: Strike out words in brackets not applicable
ForM ZY.
WHEREAS due application has been mede to the Governor in
Couneil for » lieenee herein under the Hotels Aid Grdinanee, 195-4,
by hotel proprietor (hereinafter called
“the licensee’’):
NOW THEREFORE the Governor, by and with the advice of
his Executive Council, under and by virtue of the powers contained
in section 3 (1) (4) of the (fotels Aid Ordinance, 1954. THEREBY
GRAN!S a licenee to the licensee with regard to a eertain newly
erected (hotel) (extension to a hotel) situate af ,
AWD this is to Heence and permit the licensee to (import into
the Presidency) (purchase in the Presideney) between the
(date) and the (date} for the equipment of the said newly
erected (hotel) (extension to a hotel) the articles of hotel equipment
set out or described in the Schedule hereto; and the licensee shall be
entitled on production of this licence to the proper Customs Officer
and subject to the terms hereof to (import into the Presidency the
articles of hotel equipment enumerated or referred to in the Schedule
hereto free of all customs duties and of package tax) (be paid draw-
back of customs duty in accordance with section 6 of the said
GRANTED at Plymouth, Montserrat this day of
NOTE: Strike out words in brackets not applicable.
Livery article shall be marked in such a manner so that the mark
may be easily recognised, and the mark shall consist. of the following
letters arranged in the following order:-—
H. A.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by EB. M. BhackMAN Government Printer.—-By Authority,
42/00052-- 500—3.55., : Price 7 cents)
1955, No. 3.
Resoierion oF THE LegisLarive Councin oF MonTsERRAT
rik Customs Duties Orptnance, 1928 (No. 7 of 1928).
WITEREAS by seetion 15 of the Customs Duties Ordi-
nance, 1928, it is provided that. the Legislative Council may
from time to time by resolution inerease, reduce, abolish or
otherwise alter the Customs duty leviable on any goods
imported in the Vresideney ;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to abolish the
Customs duty leviable on emblems issued by the Princess
Alice Appeal Fund Committee for the purpose of raising
funds for the University College of the West Indies;
Second Schedule to the Customs Duties Ordinance, 192%,
shall have effect as if after article 23 thereof there were
inserted the following article:
234A. EMBLEMS:—Iimblems issued by the
Princess Alice Appeal Fund Cominittee.
Passed the Legislative Council this 9th day of Febru-
ary, 1945. ;
Js. H. Carrort,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E.M. BhackMan. Government Printer.— By Authority,
31/00257—500 — 3.54. Price 3 cents.
1955. No. 4.
ResoLution oF THE LEGISLATIVE Counci, oF Monrsorrat
pa'tep Fesruary 9, (955, MADE UNDER SECTION 15 oF
rag Customs Duties Orpinance, 1928, (No. 7 oF 1928).
WHEREAS by section 15 of the Customs Duties
Ordinance, 1928, it is provided that the Legislative Council
may from time to time hy resolution increase, reduce,
abolish or otherwise alter the. Customs duty leviable on any
voods imported in the Presidency ;
AND WHEREAS the Seventh Day Adventist Church
on the 18th day of May, 1954 imported nine cartons of
“Voice of Prophecy†records into tie Presidency in the
hope of using them for broade:sting purposes over Radio
AND WHEKEAS Radio Montserrat has declined to
use the said records for broadcasting or at all;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to abolish the
Customs duty leviable on the nine cartons of records herein-
before mentioned;
Customs duty leviablk, on the nine cartons of records
imported into the Presidency on the 18th day of May. 1954,
shall be abolished.
Passed the Legislative Council this 9th day of Febru-
ary, 1955.
Js. H. Carron,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Gover:unent Printing Office, Leeward [slunds,
by E. M. BuackmMan. Government Printer, - By Authority.
25/00001-—500 —3.55. [Price 3 cenis.]
1955, No. 2.
I8A oF THE Customs Durirs Orpinance, 1227
(No. 9/1927) As'AMENDED.
The Legislative Council of the Virgin Islands pursuant
to the powers conferred by section 18A of the ahove-
mentioned Ordinance has passed the following resolution :—
“BEIT RESOLVED by the Legislative Council
of the Virgin Islands as follows:-—
All goods including emblems, flags, tags, ete.
imported into the Presideney in cennexion with
the Princess Alice Appeai on behalf of the
University Coilege and the University Teaching
Hospital of the West Indies shall be and are
hereby exempt from Customs duty.â€.
Passed the Legislative Council this 21st day of January,
H. O. Crequr,
Clerk of the Council,
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M, BLACKMAN. Government Printer.—By Authority.
31/00257—480-—3.55, [Price 3 cents. ]