Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

Related Items

Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Published dy Authority.


No. 7.


It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has issued a Commission to
the Hon. P. D. MACDONALD, ©.M.G.,
appointing him to be Governor’s
Deputy during His Excellency’s forth-
coming absence froin Antigua, whilst
paying a visil to St. Kitts from either
the 15th or 16th February to the
17th February, 1955. ‘

The Secretariat,
bth February, 1955.

Ref. No. 13/00283.

Tt is notified for general information
that under the provisions of section 6
of the Sugar Export Cess Regulations,
1948, the Governor-in-Council has
appointed the following to be mem-
bers of the Rehabilitation Fund Com-
mittee for a term of two years with
effect from the 18th November, 1954.

Director of Agriculture


F. H. 8. WARNEFORD, Esq.

J. M. Watson, Esq.


Roy MENDES, Esq.

Hon. J. R. A. McDONALD, M.B.E.

(In substitution for Gazette notice
of 10th January, 1955 (Leeward
Islands Gazette of I3th January,

Administrators Office,
- Antigua.
Ath February. 1959.

Ref. No. A. 9/41.


It is hereby notified for general
information that, in accordance with
the provisions of the Stamps (Invalida-
tion) Order, 1955 General Government
8S. R. & O. No. 7 of 1955), the special
issue of Stamps orginally authorised
for use by and under the Stamps
(Universal Postal Union) Order, 1949
(General Government 8. R. & O. No.
37 of 1949), the continued use where-
of was authorised by the Stamps
(Continuance of Use) Order, 1953
(General Government 8. R. & O. No.
21 of 1953), will no longer be used
for the payment of postage or stamp
duties after the 14th August, 1955.




2. Provision has, however, been
made in the abovementioned Invalida-
tion Order for a period of grace of
three months thereafter, that is, on or
before the 14th November, 1953,
within which holders of stamps in-
validated by the Order may effect
their exchange at any Post Office in
the Colony in respect of a Leeward
Islands stamp and at a Post Office in
the Presidency of issue in respect of
a Presidential stamp for stamps of
equivalent value authorized for use in
such Colony or Presidency.

The Secretarrat,
Leeward Islands.
8th February, 1955.

It is hereby notified that His
Excellency the Governor has been
pleased to appoint the officer for the
time being holding the office of
District Magistrate, Districts “A”
and ‘*B” to be a Commissioner for
Workmen’s Compensation for the
Presidency of Antigua.

The Secretariat,
8th February, 1955.
Ref. No. 43/00029.

It is hereby notified for general
information that the Secretary of
State has appointed Mr. ROBERT
T. STEVENS, O.B.F., retiring Director
of Electricity and Telephones Depart-
ment, Mauritius, as Supervising En-
gineer of the new Telephone System
for a period of 18 to 24 months.

His duties will entail the supervi-
sion and carrying out of the re-organi-
sation of the Telephone System, the
installation of a new C B multiple
switchboard, the installation of a new
cable distribution network mostly
overhead, the construction of pole
routes, wiring to subscribers’ premises
and the installation of subscribers’
equipment. He will also be responsi-
ble for the change over from the
existing equipment to the new

Mr. STEVENS is expected to sail
from the United Kingdom by the first
opportunity after the 8th February,

Administrator's Office,
Ref. No. A. 75/6—III.

Argentine Consular Repre-

With reference tothe notice ap-
pearing in Leeward Islands Gazette
No. 57 of the 16th December, 1954,
it is notified for general information
that the Exequatur empowering
to act as Consul General of the
Argentine Republic in London, with
jurisdiction including United King-
dom Overseas Territories not alrcady
within the district of an Argentine
Consular Officer and with jurisdiction
over territory which is within the
district of the Argentine Consular
Officer at Hong Kong, received Her
Majesty’s signature on the 30th
December, 1954.

The Secretariat,
27th January, 1955.


No. 14.
The Governor has been please il to

assent this day to the undermentioned

Leeward Islands.

No. 4 of 1955, ‘“ The
(Amendment) Act, 1955.

Feb. 1

No. 5 of 1955, **The Crown Suits
(Repeal) Act, 1955.” Feb. 1

No. 6 of 1955,
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”

“The Evidence
Feb. 1

No. 7 of 1955, ““The Elementary
Education (Repeal) Act, 1955.”
Feb. 1

No. 8 of 1955, ‘The Pensions
(Increase) Act, 1947, (Amendment)

Act, 1955.” Feb. 1
No. 9 of 1955, “The Pensions
(Increase) Act, 1953 (Amendment)
Act, 1955.” Feb. 1
No. 10 of 1955, “The Prisons
(Repeal) Act, 1955.” Feb. 1

No. 11 of 1955, “The Supreme
Court (Amendment) Act, 1955.”
Feb. 1
No. 12 of 1955, “ The Interpretation
and General Clauses Act, 1955.”

Feb. 1
No. 13 of 1955, “The Police
(Amendment) Act, 1955.” Feb. 1

(No, 14 of 1955, ‘The Small Charges
Amendment) Act, 1955." Feb. 1

No. 15 of 1955, “The Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1953) Act, 1955.”
Feb. 1

No. 16 of 1955, “The Appropriation
Act, 1955.” Feb. 1

No. 17 of 1955, «Phe Local Con-
stabl-s (Amendment) Act, 1955.”
Feb. 1

No. 18 of 1955, The Magistrate’s
Code of Procedure (Amendment)
Act, 1955.” Feb. 1

No. 15.

The following Acts and Statutory
Rules and Orders are circulated with
this Gazette and form part thereoft:—

Leeward Islands.

No 5 of 1955, ‘The Crown Suits
(Repeal) Act, 1955.”
2 pp. Price £ cents.
No 6 of 1955, “The Evidence
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”
1 pp. Price 3 cents.
No 7 of 1955, ** The Klementary
Education (Repeal) Act, 1955.”
1 pp. Price 3 cents.
No 8 of 1955, **The Pensions
(increase) Act, 1947 (Amendment)
Act, 1955.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.
No 9 of. 1955, ‘The Pensions
(Increase) Act, 1953 (Amendment)
Act, 1955.” 2 pp. Price 4 cents.

No 10 of 1955,
(Repeal) Act, 1955.”
Ll pp. Price 5 cents.
No 11 of 1955, “The Supreme
Court (Amendment) Act, 1954.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.


“The Prisons

General Government.

No.6 of 1955, * The Virgin Islands
Postal Services Rules and Regula-
tions, 1955.”

23 pp. Price 25 cents.

No. 7 of 1955, “The Stamps
(Invilidation) Order, 1955.”

L pp. Free 3 cents


KInGcpOM Patents AoT, 1925,

have applied for registration in the
Leeward Islands of United Kingdom
Patent No. 669,973 dated the 6th day
of January, 1947 and issued on the
39th dav of July 1952 and have filed
in the Registrar’s Office at the Court
House St. John’s, Antigua, a complete

copy of the specifications and the
Certificate of the Comptroller General
of the United Kingdom Patent Office
giving full particulars of this patent
which will be open to public inspec-
tion at the said office at any time
between the hours of 9.30 a.m. and
3.30 p.m. on working days except on
Saturdays when the hours will be
from 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon.

Any person may within two
months from the date of this adver-
tisement give notice to the Registrar
of opposition to the issue of a certiti-
cate of registration upon any of the
grounds prescribed in section 10 of
the Patents Act, 1906, for opposition
to grant of Letters Patent.

Dated the 4th day of February,
Chief Registrar,

Registrars Office,
Court House,
St. John’s, Antigurt.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.

A.D. 1955.

NOTICKH is hereby given that in
pursuance of Rnles made by the Chief
Justice under Section 16 of the Wind-
ward Islands and Leeward Islands
(Courts) Order-in-Couneil 1939, and
duly approved as therein provided on
the 16th day of October, A.D. 1941,
The Honourable the Puisne Judge
selected for the sitting of the Court in
the Saint Christopher Cireuit hag
appointed the day of the month on
which the ensuing Circuit Court shall
sit as follows, that ig to sav:—

The Saint Christopher Cireuit on
MONDAY the 21st day of FEBRU-
ARY, 1955 at 10 o’cloek in the fore-

Dated the 27th day of January,

Registrar of the Supreme Court.

Ref. No. 36/00004.

During the visit of Her Royal
Highness The Princess MARGARET to
Antigna on Monday, 14th Febrnary,
1955 it is necessary to make the
following Orders:


From 6.30 aa. until Her Royal
Highness returns to Her Majesty’s
Yacht “ BRITANTIA”’, no vehicle of
any description shall park on High

No vehicle of any deseription
on East Street, between High Street
and Bishepgate Street, or any road
around the A. C. C. Grounds and
Government House.


[10 February, 1935.

No vehicle of any description
shall be allowed to travel on or acrogs
High Street or on East Street
between High and Rishopgate Streets,
except official cars under police


Members of the public attending
the Youth Rally shall park their
cars under police direction on the
grounds of the St. John’s Boys’
School. Approach can be made
through the following routes:—

East on St. Mary’s Street, North on
East Street, East on the Factory
Road, turning left into the Boys’
School Grounds: .

or East on the road North of
Government House, on to the Old
Parham Road, turning right on the
Grammar School road to the Boys’
School Grounds.

No yehicle of any deseription
shall be allowed to travel on the
Prison Road during the Youth Rally.


Guests attending the Garden Party
will park their cars under police
direction on the A. G. GC. Grounds.
Approach ean be made by way of
St. Mary’s Street, the Factory Road,
left on the Prison Road to the A: CG. C.
Gfounds; or on the road North of
Government House, on to the Old
Parham Road, turning right on the
Prison Road into the A. C. CG.
Grounds. ;

K. M. V. JAMES, Lt. Col.
Traffic Commissioner.

ath February, 1955,


During the visit of Her Royal
Highness The Princess MARGARET on
Tuesday, 15th February, 1955 it is
necessary to make the following -
orders :—

Country Drive.

The route to be followed by Her
Royal Highness will be as under:—

Area A:
Treasury Pier, High Street, Thames
Street, Newgate Street, Popeshead

Street, Dickenson Bay Street,
Cemetery Road.

Area B:

Cemetery Road, Main Road to

Cedar Grove, Hodges Bay, Coolidge
Field, Curlisle Road, Cassada Gar-
dens, Temlingon’s Sugar Factory
and Vernons,

Area CQ:
Parham, Pares, All Saints, Liberta, ’
Falmouth to English Harbour,

As from 10 a.m. no vehicular traffic’
will be allowed to park or ‘travel on


i@ February, 1955. |

the above route until after the Royal
Party has passed.

Private cars may follow the last
police car but they will not be allow-
ed to proceed beyond Cobbs Cross.

Afternoon Drive.

The route to be followed will be as
under :—

Area D:

Falmouth, Liberta, Swetes, Fig
Tree Hill, Old Road, Johnson’s
Point, Urlings, Bolans, Jennings,
Kentish Village, Ottes New Devel-
opment, East Street, Government

As from 4 p.m. no vehicular traffic
will be allowed to park or travel on
the route until the Royal Party has
passed; private cars may follow the
last police car but should on no
account pass this vehicle.

All owners of stock are kindly
requested to keep their animals off
the whole of the route during the
morning and afternoon drives.

Evening Entertainment.

All roads around Government
House will be closed to traffic from
9 p,m. until the departure of the
Royal Party, namely:—

Cross Street between St. John’s

Street and Long Street.

Bishopgate Street between Cross

and Coronation Road.

Church Street between Cross Strect
and Hast Street.

Kast Street between Long Street
and Parham Road.

Guests attending the function in
cars will park under Police direction,
on the A.C.C. Grounds between the
hours of 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.

High Street will be closed to all
vehicular traffic other than official
ears as from 9.30 p.m., and no vehicle
will be allowed to park thereon until
after the departure of the Royal

K. M. V. Jamus, Lt.-Col.,
Traffic Commissioner.

5th February, 1955.

University College Hospital of
the West Indies.

Applications are invited for the
post of Registrar in the Division of
Medicine at the above-named teach-
ing hospital which is in special
relationship with the University of
London. Higher qualifications desir-
able but not essential. The success-
ful candidate will be required to be
in Jamaica as early as possible after

The appointment will be for one
year in the first instance, subject to

renewal. Salary is payable within
the scale £800 x 100—#1,000/4 1,100
x 100—£1,400 per annum, depend-
ing on experience and qualifications.
Single accommedation and board,
or a limited number of unfurnished
flats for unmarried or married officers,
are provided at a deduction of £124
per annum or 5% of salary, respect-
ively. Return first class passage by
sea will be paid for one person only.

Further information may be ob-
tained from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona P. O., Jamaica,
B. W. 1., to whom applications stating
age, nationality and details of qualifi-
cations and experience, together with
three recent testimonials or the
names and addresses of three
referees, should be sent by the 28th
of February, 1955,

University College Hospital of
the West Indies.

Applications are invited for two
posts of Registrar or Senior Registrar
in the division of Surgery at the
above-named teaching hospital which
is in special relationship with the
University of London. Applicants
should possess a higher qualification

in Surgery. The successful candi-
dates will be required to assume

duties a3 soon as possible after the
15th of March and the Ist of June,

‘The appointments will each be for
one year in the first instance, subject
to renewal. Salary is payable within
the scale £800 x 100—£1,000/£1,100
ing on experience and qualifications.
Single accommodation and board for
a limited number of unfurnished
flats for unmarried or married offi-
cers, are provided at a deduction
of £125 per annum or 5% of salary,
respectively. Return first class pas-
sage by sea will be paid for one
person only in each case.

Further information may be = ob-
tained from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona P. O., Jamaica,
B.W.I., to whom applications stating
age, nationality and details of qualifi-
cations and experience, together with
three recent testimonials or the names
and addresses of three referees, should
be sent by the 28th of February,

University College Hospital of
the West Indies.

Applications are invited for the
post of Senior Registrar in the
department of Diagnostic Radiology
at the above-named teaching Hospital
which is in special relationship
with the University of London.
Preference will be given to candi-
dates holding a diploma in diagnostic


The appointment will be fur one
year in the first instance, subject to
renewal. Salary will be in the scale
£1,000 x 100—£1,400 per annum,
depending on experience and qualifi-
cations. Single accommodation and
board or a limited number of
unfurnished flats for unmarried or
married officers, are provided at a
deduction of £125 per annum or 5%
of salary, respectively. Return first
class passages by sea will be paid
for one person only,

Further information may be ob-
taine! from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona P. O., Jamaica,
B,W. I., to whom applications stating
age, Nationality and details of qualiti-
cations and experience, together with
three recent testimonials or the
names and addresses of three
referees and including the approxi-
mate date on which the candidate
could become available, should be
sent by the 28th of February, 1955.

Vacancy for Assistant Attorney
General, British Honduras.

Applications are invited for the
post of Assistant Attorney General,
British Honduras, which will fall
vacant about the middle of 1955.

2. The duties of this post are:—

(1) To prosecute for the
Crown in the Courts of the
Colony and to appear for the
Government in civil proceedings;

(2) To act as legal adviser to
Government, as directed by the
Attorney General;

(3) To draft or assist in draft-
ing the laws of the Colony;

(4) ‘To perform any other duty
and render any further assistance
to the Attorney General us may
be directed.

8. The qualifications required are
those of a Barrister-at-Law with at
least fonr years’ practical expericnce.

4. The post is on the permanent
and pensionable establishment and
carries a salary in the scale of
$3,120 - 120 - 3.600 - 150-3,900 KB.
$4,050-150-4,200. ($4 B.H.—£1 Ster-
ling). The point of entry to the
seale will depend on the qualifications
and experience of the successfu

5. Except in the case of officers
confirmed in their appointments with
other Governments, the appointment
will be on probation for two years in
the first instance. The successful
candidate will be required to produce
a inedical certificate of fitness, and
will be subject to Colonial Regulations
and to local General Orders.

6. Free passages will be provided
on first appointment and on leave
for the officer and his family,


not exceeding four persons in all.
Leave with full salary is at the rate of
five days for each completed month
of resident service, with a maximum
of 180 days. The length of a tour is
2 to 3 years. Free passages on leave
are provided for the officer and his
wife, subject to the provision of funds
annually by the Legislative Assembly.
When travelling on duty a subsistence
allowance of $2.50 a day for the first

six days, $2.00 a day after the first six -

days, and $1.75 a day after the first
thirty days, is paid.


7. Free quartersare not provided.
But, if Government quarters are
allocated to the officer, rental is pay-
able at the rate of 74% of salary and
the basic heavy furniture is provided
at un annual rental of 6% of its total

8. Income Tax is payable in
accordance with local legislation.

9. Applications, containing full
particulars, should be addressed to the
Colonial Secretary, Belize, British

_ [10 February, 1985.

Honduras, to reach him as soon as
possible and in any event not later
than the 28th February, 1955.

Ref. No. 13/00004—II.

Sentral Experiment Situation,

1951. 1952. 1958. 1954, 1955,
Jan, 3.60 2.55 3.10 3.44 2.16
Feb. 5 69 62 40
3.60 3.10 2.55 844 2.16

The following names and addresses of pergons included in the register of midwives for the Virgin Islands are
published in accordance with the provisions of Midwifery Ordinance No. 11 of 1953 of that Presidency :—

(a) Registered Midiwives—


Road Town Tortola.

The Valley, Virgin Gorda

(b) Licensed Midwives—




Colonial Secretary's Office,
Leeward Islands.
31st January, 1955.

Ref. No. 51/00188.

East Hind, Tortola.

Diamond’s Estate, Tortola.
North Sound, Virgin Gorda
Carrot Bay, Tortola

Cooten Bay, Tortola

Long Look, Tortola

Long Look, Tortola

North Sound, Virgin Gorda


All figures in British West Indian dollars.
2 (Barclays Bank D.C. & O.) and (Royal Bank of Canada).

Number of reporting banks:

Figures for end of quarter 81st December, 1954.

1. Notes in circulation

2. Deposits

(i) Demand 3,670,247.20

(ii) Time 331,650.67
(iii) Savings 5,993,683.63

3. Balances due to
(a) Other banks in Colony
(2) Banks abroad

Other Liabilities, ete.

Total Liabilities

$ $
9,630.00 I. Cash 1,114,657.24
2. Balances due by other banks in Colony 917.48
9,995,581.50 3. Balances due from banks abroad ‘
and other short claims 6,692,192.62
4. Loans and Advances to:— 2,394,160.75
(i) Primary production (inclu-
ding processing of primary
products) 10,444.0
205,736.24 (ii) Other industries (inclu-
260,322.11 ding Commerce, Trans-
portation and Distribu-
441,893.72 tion) 1,162,678.67
(iii) Other advances 1,221,038.02
o. Investments
(a) Local =
(v) Other a
6. Other Assets 711,235.48

10,913,163.57 Total

Assets 10,913,163.57

10 February, 195:.]



Notice is hereby given that the Court of Summary Jurisdiction of the Leeward Islands will

sit at the Court House in the City of Saint John in the Island of Antigua at 9.30 o’clock in the
forenoon of the undermentioned days for the purpose of hearing the undermentioned causes or matters.












George W, Bennett Bryson & Co.

Walter Lewis

Aubrey Challenger

Arnold Jarvis

George Francis

Samuel Philp

Hezekiah Charles

Manassah Josiali

Ruby Versailles
Ruby Versailles

George W. Bennett Bryson & Co.
Albert Quelch and Edith Quelch

Emelia Black

Samuel Joseph
Eunice Lidoo

Theresa Frederick
Oscar Hunte

Almeda Roberts
Cyril Burton

Elfreda Peters

Margaret Thomas
Cassandra Turner
Joseph Frederick

Mary Lambert
Clyde Francis

Charles Williams
Dennis Edwards
Joseph Benjamin
Charles Edwards
Viola Joshua
Christiana Joseph

Walter Jarvis

Monday 24th January, 1955
Laurel Meade
Hubert Philip
John Vieira

Naomi Henry & Enoch Pelle

Tuesday 25th January, 1955
George Gordon
Lucy Williams

Wednesday 26th January, 1955
Christopher Roberts
John Henry

Thursday 27th January, 1955
Kitchener Dowe
Kitchener Dowe

Monday 3ist January, 1955

Herman Lewis

Dorothy Agatha Joseph and Naomi Joseph
Warneford Emanuel and Virginia Emanuel

Tuesday ist February, 1955
Robert Bascus
Kitchener Dowe

Wednesday 2nd February, 1955
William Matthew
John Henry and Solomon Henry and Mary Henry

Thursday 3rd February, 1955
Paul Rebinson
Frances Greene & Steven Greene & Audry Greene

Monday 7th February, 1955
Raymond Stevens
Velma Morrissey and Hubert Kirby
Tuesday 8th February, 1955 .
John Turner
Wednesday 9th February, 1955
George Edwards
Thursday 10th February, 1955
Tmoch Elvin
Edith Ambrose
Thursday 17th February, 1955
Robert McDonald
Margaret Tuitt & Maurice Edwards,
Oscar Lewis & Thomas Weekes
Friday 18th February, 1955
James Sumuel
Joseph A. Davis and Leonard Davis
Monday 2ist February, 1955
Olive Jncobs & Irene Jacobs,
Cyril Jacobs & Christophine Benjamin
Winston Joseph and Maurice Joseph
Tuesday 22nd February, 1955
Kitchener Dowe

O. M. Browns,


Printed at the;]Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, 1, BLAOGKMAN,

Government Printer.—By Authority,

(Prive 60 cents.]

No. 5 of 1955. Crown Stutts (Repeal) LeEwarp
[L.S. }
T Assent,
K. W. BrackBurne,

Ist February, 19565.


No. 5 of 1950.

An Act to repeal the Crown Suits Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the
Leeward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Crown Suita Short title.
(Repeal) Act, 1955.

2. The Crown Suits Act is hereby repealed: Repeal and
Cap. 6.

Provided that notwithstanding’ the repeal
of the said Act where in any Federal or Local
Act or subsidiary legislation it is provided
that any suit shall be governed by the.
provisions of the Crown Suite Act or that the
provisions of the Crown Suits Act shall be
applicable to any proceedings brought under
such Federal or Local Act or subsidiary
legislation, then for any reference 10 the
Grown Suits Act in such Federal or Local
Act or subsidiary legislation there shall be
substituted a reference to the Crown Proceed-
ings Ordinance of the Presidency in which
such suit) or proceedings may be institated,

3. This Act shall come into operation on a Commence.
day to be appointed by the Governor by Proclama- """"
tion published in the Guceste.

Maurice H, Davis,
Deputy President.

LEBWARD 2 Crown Suits (Repeal) No. 5 of 1958.
Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955,

A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Caunerl,


Printed - the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by I. M. Bnacaman, E.D.. Government Printer—By Authority.

47/003 12—480—2.55, [Price 4 cants.)


No. 6 of 1955. Kvidence (Amendment). LEEWARD

I Assent,
K. W. Bracksurne,
Ist*February, 1955.

No. 6 of 1955.
An Act to amend further the Evidence Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-

ward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Evidence short title.
(Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Evidence Act, as amended, hereinafter Cap. 52.
. @ Preis ; 6/1930,
called the Principal Act. iaas,

2. Section 12A of the Principal Act is here- Amendment
bv amended by the substitution of the following 7 eee
paragraph for paragraph (¢) thereof: pal Act.

‘“(e) the London Gazette, the Gazette of

the Colony or of any Presidency thereof, the

Government Gazette of any other Colony in

Her Majesty’s dominions or of any territory

under Her Majesty’s protection or of a terri-

tory for the time being administered by the

Government of the United Kingdom under the

trusteeship svstem of the United Nutions;”.

Mavrick H. Davis,
Deputy President.
Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955.

A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLackMAN, Government Printer.—. Bv Authority.

47/0023 2—480— 2.55, Price 3 cents,

Ne. 7 of 1955. Elementary Education (Repeal)

I Assent,
K. W. BrackBurne,
Ist February, 1955.

No. 7 of 1955.

An Act to repeal the Elementary Education Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Elementary
Education (Repeal) Act, 1955.

2. The Elementary Education Act, the
Elementary Education Act, Amendment Act 1980
and the Elementary Education (Amendment) Act,
1939 are hereby repealed.

3. This Act shall come into operation on
a date to be appointed by the Governor by
Proclamation published in the Gazette.

Maorice H. Davis,
Deputy President.
Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955.

A. E. Pryy,
Clerk of the Council.



Short title.

Cap. 86.


Printed at tae Government Printing Office, Leoward Islands.
by E. M. BLAoKMAN, Government Printer..—By Authority.


47/00076—480—2.55. (Price 3 vents.]


No. 2 of 1958 Pensions (Iner ase),

I Assent,
Kk. W. Brackpurnn,
Ist February, 1955,

No. 8 of 1955.

An Act to amend the Pensions _CIncrease) Act,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Pensions
(Increase) Act, 1947 (Amendment) Act, 1955, and
shall be read as one with the Pensions (Increase)
Act, 1947, hereinafter referred to as the Principal


2. Subsection (1) of section 2 of the Princi-
pal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of
the following definition for the definition of the
expression ‘ ‘Govern sor In Council’ therein—

“Governor”? means, in the case of a pen-
sioner whose services are wholly under
the Government of a Presidency, the
officer for the time being administering
the Government of that Presidency, and
in all other cases the Governor of the


3. Sections 3 and 4 of the Principal Act
are hereby amended by substituting the word
“Governor” for the words ‘ Governor in Council”
wherever the latter words appear in the sai:l sections,

Mavricr H. Davis,
Deputy President,


Short title.


of section 2 (1)
of the Princi-
pal Act.

of sections 3
and 4 of the
Principal Act.



Per sions (Jnerease). No. 8 of 1958

Passed the General Leyislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955.

A. E. Pawn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
hy E M. Brackman, Government Printer.--By Authority.

47/00230-— i80—2. 50, [rice 4 cents.)

No. 9 of 1955. Pensions (1uersase). Lrrwagp

[L.8. }
T Assent,
Kk. W. Brackpurne,
Ast February, 1955.

No. 9 of 1955.

An Act to amend the Pensions (Increase) Act,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Pensions short title.
(Increase) Act, 1953 Gnening) Act, 1955, and
shall be read as one with th e Pensions (Increase) 20/1953.
Act, 1958, hereinafter referred to as the Principal

2. Subsection (1) of section 2 of the Princi- Amendment

of section 2(1)

pal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of of the Princi-
the following definition for the definition of the pal set.

expression “ Governor in Council” therein—

“ (governor? means, in the case of a pen-
sioner whose services were wholly under
the Government of a Presidency, the
officer for the time being administering
the Government of that Brosidency, and
in all other cases the Governor of the

8. Sections 3 and 4 of the Principal Act Amendment
7 + of sections 3
are hereby | amended by substituting the word and 4 of the
“Governor” for the words ‘ Governor in Council”? Principal Act
wherever the latter words appear in the said sections.

Maorice H. Davis,
Deputy President,

Legwakp 2 Pensions (Increase). No. 9 of 1955.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955.

A. E. Pryn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
hy HW. M. BLackMAN. B.D. Government Printer —By Authority.

47/00230—-480-- 2.55. Price 4 cents,

No. 10 of 1955, Prisons (Repeal) LEEWARD

[ L.8.]
K. W. BrackBuRne,
lst February, 1955.

No. 10 of 1955.

An Act to repeal the Prisons Act, Cap. 85.

ENACTED by tne Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Prisons short title.
(Repeal) Act, 1955.

2. The Prisons Act is hereby repealed. Repeal
Cap, 88

3. ‘his Act shall come into operation ou Commence.
a date to he appointed by the Governor by ment.
Proclimation published in the (‘azefte.

Maurice H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955.

A. Ii. Perry,
Clerk vf the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Giuce. Leeward isinnds,
by FLOM. TnaAckKIWAY, Govermment Printer.-—Ryr Authority,
AT/OQ315-—480 — Bae, [Price B ceris. |

No. 11 of 1955. Supreme Court
. {Amendmeis/).

~ 1 Assent,
Kk. W. BrackBURNE,

Ist February, 1956.

No. Ll of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Supreme Court
Act, 1939.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the
Leeward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited ax the Supreme
Court (Amendinent) Act, 1955, and shall be read
as one with the Supreme Court Act, L939, as
amended, hereinafter called the Principal Act.

2. The following section shall be substituted
for section 9 of the Principal Aet:—

“Oo, (1) The offiee of every Registrar
and Proven Murahal shall be kept open for
the transaction of busitess on every day of
the year except Sundays, Christmas Day,
(rood Friday and Public Loldays, during
such hours of the said days as may be ap-
pointed by the Governor by order under his

(2) Nobwithatinding the provisions of
anv order made nnder subsection (1) of this
section, the Judge by whom any matter is
being heard, may direct any paid officer of
the Court to Cranmsact at amy Utne, apy busi-

neas which, in che ophuon of the Judge, is

noeessary or convenient, to facilitiite tie hear-


Short title.


of section 9
of the Princi-
pal Act.

Hours of

Liskwakp 2 Supreme (ourt No, it of 1955


ing and determination of the matter in
question, or to carry into effect any order
made in connection therewith.”

Comimenee- 3.

: This Act shall be deeined to have come

into operation on the Ist day of January, 1955.

Maurice H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955,

A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Couneil,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Isiands.
by E. M. BuackMAN. Government Printer.—By Authority.

47/00096 —480—2.55.

Price 4 conta.


1955, No. 6.


Virgin Islands Postal Service

THe Viratn [snanps Postar Servier Reies anp REGULATIONS,
1955, pared FrsBRuARY 3, 1955, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR IN
CouNcIL UNDER THE Posr Orrice Acr (Cap. 123).

1. Crration AND AppLicaTion. These Rules and Regulations
may be cited as the Virgin [slands Postal Service Rules and Regulations,
1955, and shall apply only to the Presidency of the Virgin Islands.

2. InrerprErAtTION. In these Rules and Regulations, unless the
context requires otherwise—

“Commissioner” means the person for the time being filling the
office of Commissioner of the Presidency ;

“letter”? includes every kind of postal packet, when despatched by
letter post;

“master”? means the person having command or charge of a ship;
“parcel” means any postal packet sent by parcel post;
“port” includes airport;

‘“Postimaster’ means the person for the time heing filling the
office of Postmaster of the Presidency ;

‘Presidency ’’ means the Presidency of the Virgin Islands;

“ship”? mee ’ scl or, sl boat r vessel, steamshi
ship eans any schooner, sloop, boat, motor vessel, steamship
or other floating craft and includes any description of aircraft.

3. Post Orrice Sus-pivisioxs. The post offices established
or hereafter to be established in the Presideney shall be divided into three
groups, namely, the General Post Office, Branch Post Offices and
Sub-Post Offices.

4. Genera Posr Orrick, The post office iu Road Town,
Tortola, shall be the General Post Office for the Prosilenew aad all

other post offices in the Presidency shall be managed und controlled

5. Braxcw AND Sup-Posp Orricrs, The remaining post offices
Sh vr than the (reneral Post ae in the Presidenev shall consist
of such Branch Post Offices or Sub. Pose Offices respectively as are, or
may from time to time be, eee in Sehedule A hereto.

6. Branca Posrmasvers. ‘the persons in charge of Branch Post
Offices shall be styled Branch Post masters, and they shall render such
accounts and returns as the Postmaster may require,

7. SuB-Posrmasrers. ‘Lhe persons in charge of Sal Post Offices
shall be stvled Sub-Postmasters and they shall vender sneh aceounts and
returns as the Postmaster or Branch Postmaster may require ,

8. Names or Post Orricus, The designations contaised in
Schedule A. hereto shall be the official names of the several post
offices and shall be used in all post marks and for all parposes, subject
as hereinafter provided in respect of the money order office.

9. Monry Orver Orrices. The General Post Office is the sole
money order office, and shall be described in the heading of money order
forms as “ Virgin Islands (Road Town) ”

10. TLours or Bustness ox Wrek Days. (1) The post offices
of the Presideney shall be opened to the public from 8.13 a.m. to
3.30 p.m. except that on one day in each week, to be appointed by the
Commissioner, there shall be an early closing day when the hours of
business shall be from 8.15 a.m. to 11.80 aan.

Provided always, that in case of the arrival, after the usual business
hours, of any aeraee: steamer or oiher vessel uk mails, in the Presi-
denev, the General Pdst Office and wy Branch Post Office of the
Presidency may remain aay for the reecipt and delivery of mails, for the
despatch of mails, and for the transaction of such other business us the
Postmaster may think eS and expedient, for such time and during
such hours as the Postmaster may direct.

(2) ‘The hours for transacting money and postal order business
sball be fixed by the Postmaster subject to the approval of the

13. Soxpays ann Hoxripays: Whenever the arrival or departure
of any ship with mails in the Presidency falls on «a Sunday ora public
holiday, or the exigencies of the postal service require that business be
tr ansacted in the Presidency on a Sunday or a public holiday, the

General Post Office and any Branch Post Office of the Presidency may be
opened on that day for the receipt and delivery of mails, for the
despatch of mails and for the transaction of such other business as the
Postmaster may think necessary and expedient, for such time and during
such hours as he Inav direct.

12.) Detivery ov Lerrers. (1) Phe Postmaster, Branch Post-
masters and Sab-Postmasters will take all steps in their power to ensure
the speedy delivery of lettcrs to the persons entitled to the same, and
they will take special care that registered letters ave delivered only to
the addressees or persons driv Sitorised by them, and they shall
take receipts for the same. ,

(2) Letrers which remain unclaimed for two months shall be
returned to the General Post Office for disposal.

13. Exuanp Mains, (1) Every inland mail shall be aecompamied
by a letter bill which shall bear a serial number cone cneiny with the
number 1 on the first of January in each year. here shall be a
separate series in each despatching office for each orice of destination,

(2) Letter bills shall be stamped with the post marks of the post
office of origin and of destination, and shall contain the following
information r7cr—the date and hour of despatch, the mode of conveyance,
alist of registered letters in the mail, total value for “taxed” letters in
the mail, The bills shall be signed by the despatehing officer and the
receiving officer,

(3) A way bill shall be delivered with the mails to the person
conveying the mails, and on the conclusion of the journey the way bill
shall be returned to the office of origin.

(4) All persons receiving bags of mails shall give a receipt for the
same on the appropriate way bill.

(5) Empty bags when not used for the return mails shall be
_returned as soon as possible to the General Post Office.

14. Our-Isnanp Matzs. (1) Mails exchanged with any of the
islands of the Presidency are to be regarded for all purposes as Inland

o All inails originating in any sueh island other than Tortola
shall he forwarded to the General Post Office for onward transmission
and no mail of any kind shall be despatched by a Branch Postmaster or a
Sub- Postmaster cirect to any other destination.

15. Exreryan Matis. The hour for closing mails shall be
fixed by the Postmaster.

4 ;

16. Way Birts. The Postmaster shall furnish the master of
every ship by which mails are conveyed, or the agent of the ister,
with a way bill specifying the numbers of bags of mails and their
destinations and shal] obtain a receipt from such master or agent,

17. Unvawrot Conveyance or Postar Packets. (1) No
person shall convey any postal packet to be posted on board any ship.

(2) The master of a ship or any person under his contro! shall not
receive on board that ship while in any port of the Presidency, postal
packets other than those despatched through the Post Office.

1&8. Government Letrers. (1) Government letters addressed
to British destinations, if duly franked, may be received unstam ped,
Such letters should ot be posted in a letter box, but should be handed
in over the counter toa postal clerk, and the clerk receiving’ the same
shall satisfy himself as far as possible that the letters are Government

(2) Government letters addressed to foreign countries (except
letters on postal business) shall not be received unless they are stumped
in the ordinary way. Such letters when duly stamped may be posted
in a letter box.

(3) Government parcels and Government air mail letters addressed
to any destination shall be stamped in the ordinary way.

(4) The responsibility for franking or stamping Government letters
rests with the head of department from which the letter originates.

(5) Government letters from the Governor or Commissioner are to
be received irrespective of the ordinary hours,

(6) The heads of departments and others specified in Schedule B
hereto are entitled to frank Government letters as prescribed therein.
Letters from certain departments approved by the Governor or
Commissioner may be franked by means of a rubber stamp, subject
to the letter being initialled by some person employed in the
department and where the initials are known to the Postmaster.
Tn other eases the letters should be signed by the franking officer,
The name of the department of origin when printed on an eny elope
shall not be regarded as a frank unless authenticated bv a signature
or initials of an authorised officer.

19. Private Boxes. (1) A private box into which letters
(and where practicable printed papers) on hand for the renter will
he sorted, to be fetched by him, may be rented at the General
Post Office.



(2) The charges for private boxes are payable in advance and
are as follows:— ;

For six months or less For ous year or less
expiring 30 June expiring 31 De-
or 31 December cember next
next ensuing ensuing
For a large box $6.60 ain $10.00
For a small box 1G wa Lod.

(3) In the event of a key of a box being lost or mislaid the
renter shall be liable to pay for a new key, and for any alterations to
the lock necessary for security.

(4) When a private box is rented an amount of $2.40 in addition
to the rent of the box shall be deposited with the Postmaster by the
renter as a guarantee for the safe return of the key when the use of
the box is discontinued.

(5) Renters of private boxes are prohibited from using any key
except that regularly issued through the Post Office.

, 20. Air Marts. Letters to be forwarded by air mail shall he
marked “ By Air Mail” or “Par Avion” and are transmitted by

-air if the charges prepaid represent at least three quarters of the air
mail postage; but if they do not, the letter will be withheld from
the air mail and forwarded hy ordinary means in which case the
inscription “lsy Air Mail” or ‘Par Avion” should be deleted by
two thick parallel lines.

21. Arr Mai Postace. (1) There shall be charged and paid
on air mail postal packets and air mail parcels posted in the Presi-
dency, the rates of postage set forth in Schedule C hereto.

2) The postage must be fully prepaid. Any postal packet or
parcel in respect of which the postage is nisufficiently prepaid bed
bears 7a or more of the postage will he surebarged with an amour!
equivalent to double the deficiency and forwarded by air mail if:
is indicated thereon that the packet” or pareel is intended for
conveyance by air.

22. Sorrace Matyi Posrace. (1) The prepaid rates of postage
on postal packets (ofher than parcels) and the special vate of postage
in respect of insured boxes intended for transmission from the
Presidency by surface mail shall be as set forth in Schedules D hereto.


(2) The prepaid rates of postaze on parcels intended for
transmission from the Presidency by surface mail and the limit of
weight and of insurance value thereof shall be as set forth fe
Schedule KE hereto.

(3) The charges to be made for the miscellaneous services
enumerated in Sehedule F hereto shatl be at the vates set forth in
the said Sehcedule.

28. PosTAL STArTONERy. (a) Tf postcards are sold at any post
office, they shall be sold at the postage value represented by the
stamp impressed thereon,

(6) Registration envelopes impressed with a six cents stamp
shall be stocked by Postmasters in the following sizes, viz:—

Size F (about 5+ x 33 inches)
Size G (about 6 x 34 inches)

Size H2 (about 9 x fb inches)
Size K (about 1L5 x 6G inches)


They shail he sold at the following prices:—

Size F 7 cents each
Size @ 8 cents each
Size H2 8 cents each
Size Kk 10 cents each

(c) If postal envelopes oo than registration envelopes) are
sold at any post office they shall be sold at ‘the rate of one cent for
every three or less envelopes in addition to tbe postage vaiue
represented by the stainjs impressed thereon,

(2) Embossed printed or impressed postage stamps ent out of
postal envelopes or posicards issued by the post ofhces of the
Presideney may be used as adhesive stamps in payment of postage
charges provided they are not inipertect, mutilated or defaced in
any wav Stamps in dicat ing the pavinent of a registration fee may
be use only for registered correspondence.

yas. (1) British postal orders shal) be issued
orde? office, and at such other post offices as
Le appointed therefor by the Comaussioner, by a
hoiliention da the “vee, in accordance with such arrangements as
may be made with the Postmaster General of the United Kingdom.

voi dipne !

(2) be issue of postal orders in the Presideney shall be
restricted to the denominations set forth in Schedule G (a) hereto.


(3) Postage stamps may be athixed to postal orders issued in the
Presidency in extension of value as follows:—

(a) Postage stainps not exceeding two in number and
10 cents in total value to Orders of denomination up to and
including 31.08; and

(4) Postage stamps not exceeding three in umber and
22 cents in total value to Orders of denominations above 81.08,

(4) 'The rates of poundage set forth in Schedule ts (6) hereto
shall be pavable on the several denominations of postal orders isstted
in the Presideney.

25. Moxry Orpers. (1) The rates set forth in sehedule H
hereto shall be the rates of commission on money orders issued in
the Presidency.

(2) Money orders issued in the Presidency for payinent in
Canada or the United States of America shall be drawn in collars,
aud the amount of British West Indian eurreney deposited by the
remitters of such orders shali be converted tnto dollars ut such race
of exchange, as may be preseribed by the Governor, and published nv
the (racette, or according to such table or furmada as inay be
prescribed and published as aforesaid.


(3) Movey orders issued in Canada or the United States drawn
in dollars shall be paw in the Presidency in British West Indian
curreucy converted at such rate as may be preserived by the
Governor, and published in the (racedée, or according to such table
or formula as may be prescribed and published as aforcsaid:

Provided that where in pursuance of any arrangement between
the postal administration of the Presidency or Colony and the postal
administration of - country concerned, the equivalent in Uritish
West indian eurrency of any weney order is fixed by the ada vaistra.
tion of origin, such oeee alent in British West Indian currenes shall
be paid as is indicated on the face of the order by the exehange «cice
of the adininistration of origin. o¢ r according t to sach |
shall be furnished by the administration of rica, and sa delaull
thereof as the Governor may preserioe.

(4) ee Boag of the Presigencty sisi keep himself
constantly informed of the ioea: danx rates for cuying or selling

bills of exenance AG ol in Gc cars aiawn or payable in Canada
and the United siates, respeciivery, aud shall apply the rates of
Gonversion as may be prescribed frou time to tame or according to
such imstructious as he may receive.

6 e
(8) The Postmaster shall issue the necessary instructions for
the conversion of money orders drawn in dollars to the Branch Post
Offices or other money order offices under his control.

(6) A notice shall be exhibited in every money order office
stating, for the information of the public, the rates of conversion
in respect of money orders drawn in dollars,

(7) To facilitate examination by fhe Principal Auditor, the
Postmaster or person issuiag a imoney order payable ia the countries
named shail note on the form of requisition for the money order
the current bank rates for bills of exchange as aforesiid.

(8) In this Kule the expression * United States of America”
or “United States” includes the following possessions of the United
States, viz: Alaska, Canal Zone, Hawaii, Puerto Rico. Samoa, and
the Virgin Islands of the United States.

26, Power ‘ro Suseenp Tssurs. In the event of sudden
fluctuations in the banking rate of exchange which might involve
luss tothe postal administration in the se‘tlement of postal order or
money order transactions with other postal administrations, the
Commissioner shall have power to suspend the issue in the Presi-
dency of postal orders’ or money orders on any territory pending
the making of a rule by the Governor in Council preseribing a new

27. Kepty-pArp Posrcarps. Reply-paid posteards shall not
be issued in the Presideney. The reply halves of reply-paid postcards
issued by other postal administrations shall be accepted subject to
the regulations of the Universal Postal Union,

28. Repty Covvons. Reply coupons shall not be issued in the
Presidency. Reply coupons issued in other countries of the Universal
Postal Union shall be exchangeable at any money order olfice in the
Presidency for stamps valued as follows: —

International Coupons ® cents
Commonwealth Reply Coupons 5 cents
29, Dimesstoxs or Posian Packers. (1) The maximum
dimensions of letters, printed papers, comimercial papers, papers
impressed for the use of the blind, samples of merchandise and small
aekets shall be as foilows:—
Length, breadth and depth combined, 3 feet, buc. — greatest
dimension must not exceed 2 feet.



Tf in the form of a roll; length and twice the diameter 3 feet 3
ins., but the greatest dimension must not exceed 2 fect 8 ins.

(2) The dimensions of postcards shall be as follows:—

Minimum. 4 inches in length by 2? inches in width.
Maximum. 5 inches in leneth by 44 inches in width.
. <2 v ~

(3) Printed papers sent nnenclosed in the form of cards, whether
folded or not, shall be subject to the sume minimum duacisions as

(4) The maximum dimensions of parcels shall be as follows:—

The length, breadth or depth shall not exceed 3 fect © inehes,
a 9 { 9
and the length and virth combined shal! nor exceed 6 fect.

(5) The limits of weight of postal packets and parcels sliail be as

(a) Letters and commercial papers, 4t; printed paper, 64tb:

Provided that the limit of weight for a printed volume sent singly

shall be 11 tb.
(6) Vapers impressed for the use of the blind, 15 fh.
(c) Samples:
(1) to British destinations, 5 Ib.
(2) to other destinations, 1 Th.
(d) Small packets: 2 Th.

(e) Parcels: 22 tb or such lesser limit as may be applienble
to the postal administrations of destination.

80. CHararabLe Packers. Any postal packet which in the
opinion of the Postmaster may contain any dutiable articles, or on which
the postage is insufficiently prepaid, shall be withheld) front delivery
until the necessary charges have been paid.

31. Novick To ADpDRESSEFs OF Postal PACKETS. A notice shall
be addressed as soon as possible after the recoipt of the mails to the
addressee of any postal packet, registered letter or ticoming parcel
withheld from delivery.

32. Customs DercLaraTioN ON OvTGOING Parcris. — Every
parcel to be sent outside the Presidency shall bear a customs declaration
in the prescribed form setting out clearly the name and address of the
sender, the office of origin, the contents of the parecl aud the value

(a) letters: the postage and fixed ee fee applicable to
a registered letter of a. same weight and Pork he same destination.

(6) boxes: the special postage fee specified in paragraph 8 of
Schedule D heret:, and in addition, the fixed registration fee.

(vc) parcels: the postage applicable to an ordinary parcel of the
same weight and for the sume destination.

(4) Insured 1 boxes shall not exceed two pounds in weight, nor
exceed 12 inches in length, $ inches in breadth or 4 inches in depth.

5) An insured box addressed to the Pp residency or sent in transit
through the Presidency shall be accompanied by a customs declaration in
the form prec An insured box posted in the Presidency shall be
accompanied by x customs declaration in the form prescribed and of the
nutnber required by the country of Gestination.

(6) Rules 36 to 89 inclusive of these Roles and Regulations shall
not affect the procedure governing the exchange of insured letters,
boxes and parcels.

42. CONVENTION oF Brussets. The Universal Postal Conven-
tion and the Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes
signed at iiuneels on the [Ith day of uty, 1952, so far as the same
are applicabie to the Colony, shall continue to have full force and
effect in the Presidency

43. LNDEMNITIES IN Respecr oF UNINSURED Parcets. (1) Tk
any uninsured parcel while under the control of tus General Post Office
be lost or damaged the Postmasier may pay to any person or persons
who may in the opinion of the | Postmaster exiattlish wa reasonable claim to
compensation (haying regard to the uature of the articles, the care with
which it was packed, and other circumstances) such sum not ore

37.68 for a pareel exceeding eleven pangs in weight er S480 for a
vareel not exceeding eleVei i} pounds in Weigel re! 7 HR LG TAN think just.

(2) In ne case will compensation be giver, when such loss or damage

arises from any fault or egies: of she semedcoo or Poor: the nature of the
contents, or wire Heel p@mot be accounted for in consequence of
the loss of officia’ doctiments (roi ui, sticu CHdse.

(3) When ‘tocanmot be determined where the “oss or damage
occurred, compersatio: shall be borne equally oy the cespatching and
recelving administrations.

44. (NpoMNITINS is kRFSPEeT oF Kee srerrn Articnrs. The
maximum pave syent far iire doses of 9 registered article or for the loss of
the contents of a regisiered letter; where payabie, is $13.92


45. GRATUITIES FoR Sra Carriage, (1) The oratnities paval le
to owners, masters or agents of stipes conveving mails, inelading transit
mails, (other than ships under contrach or in reseect of which isa subsidy
is paid or in respect of which other arrangements exist for the conveyance
of mails) shall not exceed the rates sm ofed in “ehedule E hereto.

(2) Tbe rates hereby authorised are ii respect of the net weights
of correspondence and paree!s, that is to say. the actual net weight
of the postal packets or-parcels where easily ascertainable: but where
the net weight is not easily ascertainable the eros. weight, less ten
per cent of the same, shall be deemed to be the net weight,

46. Accounts. The Postmaster shall render promptly to the
postal administrations or departments coneerned al! aceounts. returns
and statements due to be rendered. and the several Branch Post-
masters and Sub-Postmasters shall keop such aceounts and shall render
such returns as the Postmaster may require.

4c. Sravisrics. (1) Once in each vear from the first to the
fourteenth day of November inelusive or at such other period as
may be preseribed a strict account shall be kept for statistical purposes
of the number despatched in the inland mails of each group of
postal packets, as follows:—

(a) letters, (6) posteards, (¢) printed papers, commercial
papers and samples, (id) small packets. (¢) blind literature,

(7) external parcels, (7) inland parcels. Hegistered articles
are to be included in the group to whieh they belong.

(2) During the statistical period special letter bills will be used,
on which the necessary particulars will he entered: the number of
postal packets (other than external parcels) thus ascertained will be
multiplied by 26, and the resuiting figures will be regarded as the
approxunate number of postal packets despatched during the vear
for statistical purposes.

(3) Similar records will he kept in the General Post Offies in
respect of external mails:

Provided that in the case of external pareels the preeiss numbers
are to be recorded and entered in the yeturns,

(4) Where statistics are recorded in any year in accordance with
the International Postal Conveation. it will not be necessary to
observe a special statistical period for colonial purposes in respect of
external mails, and the statisties recorded for international purposes
will be used for the purpose of official returns.



Country of Destination

West Indies ete.---(cunt'd)

Dominican Republic
Dutch Guiana
Ih] Salvador
French Guiana
Jamaica (including
Turks and Caicos
Islands and
Cayman Islands)
Panama and
Canal Zone
Puerto Rico
St. Croix
St. Kitts
St. Lucia
St. Martin
St. Vincent
United States

Great Britain and Beyond

Belgian Congo
Canary Is.

4 02.



ton ti



calalac| | |


ete. &
per & oz.




CIN ar Nvoncr or eon



per 4 th.



SCHEDULE C_-(cont'd)
Lett Tt 17
4€b6e7'8 > eta. & ale
Country of Destination per fost Pie small Parcels
5 02, a packets per 4 bh,

per hoz.
Great Britain and heyond—(unf1/)

Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. $ G
Cook Islands we 76 38 12 — —
Cyprus wee 48 20 12 _ —
Egypt _ 3S 29 12 — —
Hthopia ves os 24 12 _ _
Kurope eee 46 23 = 12 26 —
Falkland Is, ves 70 35 12 — _-
Kiji Is. bee 70 38 12 — —
Fr. West African
Territories tee 70 35 12 —_ —
Gainbia - 70 35 12 —_ a
Gilbertand ElliceIs. ... 76 38 12 — —_
Gold Coast - 70 35 12 — —
Great Britain wee 40 20 12 15 2.35
Hawaii vee 70 35 12 — —_
Hong Kong eee 70 35 12 _ _
India kee 70 35 12 —- —_
Indonesia rn 70 35 12 — —
Iran : wes 58 20 12 — —
Traq wee 58 29 12 — —
Israel sae 58 29 12 — —
Japan Les 76 38 12 —_ _—
Kenya bee 70 35 12 _— _
Korea wee 76 38 12 — —
Lebanon wee 58 29 12 — —_
Liberia bes 70 35 12 — —
Madagascar eee 70 35 12 — —
Madeira wee 48 23 12 — —
Malaya wee 70 35 12 — —
Mauritius wee 70 35 12 — —_
Morocco wee 58 29 12 —_ “
New Guinea wee 76 38 12 — —_
New Zealand wee 16 38 12 —_ —
Nigeria wee 70 35 12 — —
North Borneo vee 70 35 12 — —
Northern Rhodesia an 70 35 12 —_ —
Pakistan vee 70 35 12 — —_—
Philippines wee 16 38 12 — _—
Pitcairn Is. wee 76 38 12 _— —
Portuguese It. and
W. Afrien os 70) 35 12 — —
St. Helena wee 70 Bd 12 — —
Sandi Arabia ves 58 29 12 —- —
Senegal Lee 70 35 12 — —
Seychelles wee - 70 35 12 — —

Sierra Leone ves 70 35 12 — —

18 â„¢

SCHEDULE C—(cont’d).

Letters Posl At ele. ct Air
Country of Destination per cards Letlers — smalt Pareels
$ oz. packets per 4 1b.
per ¥ 02.
G. C C. C. C.
Singapore see 70 35 12 — —
Solomon Is. wee 76 38 12 —- —
Somaliland . 58 29 12 — —
south Africa wee 70 35 12 — —
Southern Rhodesia wee 7 . ’5 12 — _
Sudan a 7 39 12 — =
Syria vee 58 29 12 — —
Tanganyika Territory... 70 BB 12 — _
Thailand we 70 35 12 — —
Tibet wes 70 35 12 _ —
Tonga see 76 38 12 — —
Tripolitania wee 58 29 12 =
Uganda Lee 70 35 12 ~- —
Zanzibar we 70 35 12 — —~
SCHEDULE D. (Rule 22 (1) & 41 (3) )

Surface Mail Postage Rates on Postal Packets other than Parcels. «

(1) To any place in the Presidency

For every two ounces or fraction thereof wee 2c.
Postcards vee le.

(2) Vo any place beyond the Presidency hut within the Colony :—

For every two ounces or fraction thereof wes 3c.
Pasteards bee 2c.

(3) To Grea Brita n and Ireland, India, Pakistan, British Dominions, Colo-
nies or Protector wes, Mandated Territories (except Trans-Jordan), Her Majesty’s
Ships in Home or Foreign waters, KEeypt, and the British Post Office at Tangiers: —

Not excee‘ling one ounce see dC,

For every additional ounce or fraction thereof vee de.

Postcards vee 4c.

(4) To all other places

Not exceeding one ounce vee de.
For every additional ounce or fraction thereof we OC,
Posewards wee de.


(1) Newspapers published and registered in the Colony aud electioneeriny
circulars in connection with public eleetions:— .

(a) To any place in the Presidency :—

For any copy not exceeding + ozs. in weight wes ge.
For every additional 4 ozs. or fraction thereof — wee te,

(4) To any place beyond the Presideney but within the

Colony :—
For every copy not exceeding 4 0z8 in weight we Lhe.
For every additional 4 ozs. or fruction thereof we D4e.

The rate shall be a rate for each copy, and if two or more copies are sent ina
single packet, cach copy shall be liable to the same postage as if posted separately,
provided that in no case shall a copy or a packet of such copies be chargeable with
a higher rate than that chargeable on a printed paper of the same weight.

(ce) To all other places—the same as for printed papers.

(2) Other Newspapers—The rate shall be the same as that for printed papers.

all places:—

For every two ounces or fraction thereof ase 2c.

Commercial Papers to all places:

Not exceeding eight onnees . Ke
For every two ounces thereafteror fraction thereof vee ee,

To all places: —
Not exceeding our onnces ces Ac,

Bor every two ounces thevealter or fraction thereor see 2c.


To all places to which the service applies:—
Not exceeding ten ounces es loc.

For every two ounces thereafter or fraction thereof ve 3c.

BLIND LITERATURE. Packets containing papers impressed for use of the
Blind) :—

To all places Free
Not exceeding $96 insured value we Be.
Special rate of postage to all places to which the service applies:—
Not exceeding ten ounces we 300.
For every two ounces thereafter or fraction thereof bee be.

(in addition to the insurance fee and registration fee.)

7 21
SCHEDULE E (Rule 22 (2) j


Prepaid Rates not exceeding



Country of Destination »and Route ‘Por / - ne
[lb add. 31b 71b Lilb221bpa se
aE org


we ¢

Within the Presideney or between _

Presidencies wal 12) 24 86) 60) 22) 96.00
Bahamas ova Bermuda i 24 48 72 1.20) 22 96.00
Barbados we 24 48 72 1.20) 22 96.00
Bermuda ae 24 48 72 1208 22 96.00
British Guiana Lee 24 48 72 1.20) 2% 96.00
Canada as 48 90 1.26 2.22] 15! 96.00
Grenada oe 24 48 72 1.20) 22) 96.00
St. Lucia ane 24 48 721.20) 22) 96.00
St. Vincent is 24. 4&6 72 1.20) 22) 46.00
Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, , |

St. Hustatins, St. Martin, and

St. Barths v/a St. Kitts i 24, 48 72 1.20) 22, 98.00
Trinidad and Tobago ee | 244 48 72 1.20) °%2) 98.00
Jainaica, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao

ma Trinidad (Tusuranve Jamaica’ | |

only) wee 36) O4 72) 1.26) *22, 96.00
Jamaica via Bermuda tee 24, 48 72) 1.20) 22 80.00
Great Britain:— | |
Direct bas 60i = 901.20: 1.70} 22 96.00
Via Canada Lee 1.06: 1.80 2.46 3.90) 22 96.00

“USA. ve 1.20) 1.90. 3.56 6.50) 22 96.00

., Barbados or Trinidad _ | 72) 1.24 1.56 2.36) 22 96,00
Guadeloupe es 24) 48 72 ]]
U.S.A. and U.S. Virgin Islands A 30 1 18 22 96.00
Cos. Possessions ave CoS LAL Alaska ;

Canal Zone, Guam, Havana,

Philippines, Puerto Rico and

Samoa wf $200 36 22) 96.00
Duteh Guiana via British Guiana vee © A 72 LOR LS 11, 96.00
Martinique via St. Lueia . » 4s) 90° 1) 96.00
H.M. Ships in foreign waters via ' : |

London. 60 1.20) 1.74) 3.00 £96.06




“Parcels to Jamaica via Trinidad——Limit cof weight L11b,

22 _

SCHEDULE F. (Rule 22 (3) )

Charges for Miscellaneous Services

For the following services applicable to postal packets for all places: —

Registration Fee 6
Advice of Delivery of Registered Postal Packet 10
Enquiry as to alleged loss or non-delivery of Postal Packet = 12
Certificate of posting of an unregistered Postal Packet 1

Undertaking to pay customs and other charges on a parcel 12
Cash on delivery service Posting fee on each Parcel 4

Delivery fee on each Parcel 8
Minimum surcharge in respect of non-payment or insuffi-
cient prepayment of postage 1
SCHEDULE G (Rule 24)

Postal Orders

12c, 24c, 36e, 480, 60c, 72c, 96c, $1.20, $1.68, $1.80, $2.40, $3,
$3.60, $4.80 and $9.60.


Amount of Order ’ Total Poundage payable
Value 12e. to 24c. 3
» 36c. ,, $1.20 5
» $1LA4L ,, $2.40 8
» $2.64 ,, $5.02 10
» $9.60 20

SCHEDULE H (Rule 25 (1))

Money Orders—Rates of Commission

Payable in the Presidency Yc. for each £1 or fraction
thereof, with a minimum
charge of be.

Payabie in other countries with which

Money Orcers are exchanged direct de. for each £1 or fraction
thereof, with a minimum
charge of 8c.


For every two deliars or fraction thereof 2c.



Gratuities for Sea Carriage

(Rule 45)

VOountry to which shipped Ap ticles Rate

Other Presidencies in the

Leeward Islands Letters Per Ib
U.S. Virgin Islands Other Postal
Packets 7
French West Indies, Dutch
West Indies Parcels
Other Countrias Letters

Other Postal

Packets ”
Parcels ”

net weight 17c.

” ” 2c.
” . 2c
” 7 dle
99 a 6c.
9 9 Te,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,

by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
62/00056— 480—2.55,

i Price 25 cents}




1955, No. 7.

The Stamps (Invalidation) Order, 1955, dated February 8,
1955, made by the Governor in Council under
sections 4 and 5 of the Stamp Act (Cap. 135) as

1. Short Title. This Order may he cited as the Stamps
(Invalidation) Order, 1955.

2. Invalidation of Stamps. The stamps originally authorised

for use by and under the Order in Council set forth in the Schedule to
this Order, and the continued use whereof was authorised by the
Stamps (Continuance of Use) Order, 1953 (S.R. & O. 1953, No. 21) shall,
as from the 15th day of August, 1955, no longer be valid for the pay-
ment of postage or stainp duties:

Provided that any person who is in possession of any such stamps
may, at any time between the 15th dav of Angust, 1955, and the 14th
day of November, 1955, apply—-

(a) in respect of a Leeward Islands stamp. to any Post Office
in the Colony: and

(b) in respect of a Presidential stamp, to any Post Office in
the Presidency of issue,

to have such stamps exchanged for and replaced by a valid stamp or
valid stamps of equal value.

Made by the Governor in Couneil this Sth day of February, 1955.
Clerk of the Council,

The Stamps (Universal Postal Union) Order, 1949 (S.R. & O.
1949 No, 37)

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.---By Authority.
62/00009—480—2.55. [ Price 3 cents.]

Full Text






Published dy Authority.


No. 7.


It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has issued a Commission to
the Hon. P. D. MACDONALD, ©.M.G.,
appointing him to be Governor’s
Deputy during His Excellency’s forth-
coming absence froin Antigua, whilst
paying a visil to St. Kitts from either
the 15th or 16th February to the
17th February, 1955. ‘

The Secretariat,
bth February, 1955.

Ref. No. 13/00283.

Tt is notified for general information
that under the provisions of section 6
of the Sugar Export Cess Regulations,
1948, the Governor-in-Council has
appointed the following to be mem-
bers of the Rehabilitation Fund Com-
mittee for a term of two years with
effect from the 18th November, 1954.

Director of Agriculture


F. H. 8. WARNEFORD, Esq.

J. M. Watson, Esq.


Roy MENDES, Esq.

Hon. J. R. A. McDONALD, M.B.E.

(In substitution for Gazette notice
of 10th January, 1955 (Leeward
Islands Gazette of I3th January,

Administrators Office,
- Antigua.
Ath February. 1959.

Ref. No. A. 9/41.


It is hereby notified for general
information that, in accordance with
the provisions of the Stamps (Invalida-
tion) Order, 1955 General Government
8S. R. & O. No. 7 of 1955), the special
issue of Stamps orginally authorised
for use by and under the Stamps
(Universal Postal Union) Order, 1949
(General Government 8. R. & O. No.
37 of 1949), the continued use where-
of was authorised by the Stamps
(Continuance of Use) Order, 1953
(General Government 8. R. & O. No.
21 of 1953), will no longer be used
for the payment of postage or stamp
duties after the 14th August, 1955.




2. Provision has, however, been
made in the abovementioned Invalida-
tion Order for a period of grace of
three months thereafter, that is, on or
before the 14th November, 1953,
within which holders of stamps in-
validated by the Order may effect
their exchange at any Post Office in
the Colony in respect of a Leeward
Islands stamp and at a Post Office in
the Presidency of issue in respect of
a Presidential stamp for stamps of
equivalent value authorized for use in
such Colony or Presidency.

The Secretarrat,
Leeward Islands.
8th February, 1955.

It is hereby notified that His
Excellency the Governor has been
pleased to appoint the officer for the
time being holding the office of
District Magistrate, Districts “A”
and ‘*B” to be a Commissioner for
Workmen’s Compensation for the
Presidency of Antigua.

The Secretariat,
8th February, 1955.
Ref. No. 43/00029.

It is hereby notified for general
information that the Secretary of
State has appointed Mr. ROBERT
T. STEVENS, O.B.F., retiring Director
of Electricity and Telephones Depart-
ment, Mauritius, as Supervising En-
gineer of the new Telephone System
for a period of 18 to 24 months.

His duties will entail the supervi-
sion and carrying out of the re-organi-
sation of the Telephone System, the
installation of a new C B multiple
switchboard, the installation of a new
cable distribution network mostly
overhead, the construction of pole
routes, wiring to subscribers’ premises
and the installation of subscribers’
equipment. He will also be responsi-
ble for the change over from the
existing equipment to the new

Mr. STEVENS is expected to sail
from the United Kingdom by the first
opportunity after the 8th February,

Administrator's Office,
Ref. No. A. 75/6—III.

Argentine Consular Repre-

With reference tothe notice ap-
pearing in Leeward Islands Gazette
No. 57 of the 16th December, 1954,
it is notified for general information
that the Exequatur empowering
to act as Consul General of the
Argentine Republic in London, with
jurisdiction including United King-
dom Overseas Territories not alrcady
within the district of an Argentine
Consular Officer and with jurisdiction
over territory which is within the
district of the Argentine Consular
Officer at Hong Kong, received Her
Majesty’s signature on the 30th
December, 1954.

The Secretariat,
27th January, 1955.


No. 14.
The Governor has been please il to

assent this day to the undermentioned

Leeward Islands.

No. 4 of 1955, ‘“ The
(Amendment) Act, 1955.

Feb. 1

No. 5 of 1955, **The Crown Suits
(Repeal) Act, 1955.” Feb. 1

No. 6 of 1955,
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”

“The Evidence
Feb. 1

No. 7 of 1955, ““The Elementary
Education (Repeal) Act, 1955.”
Feb. 1

No. 8 of 1955, ‘The Pensions
(Increase) Act, 1947, (Amendment)

Act, 1955.” Feb. 1
No. 9 of 1955, “The Pensions
(Increase) Act, 1953 (Amendment)
Act, 1955.” Feb. 1
No. 10 of 1955, “The Prisons
(Repeal) Act, 1955.” Feb. 1

No. 11 of 1955, “The Supreme
Court (Amendment) Act, 1955.”
Feb. 1
No. 12 of 1955, “ The Interpretation
and General Clauses Act, 1955.”

Feb. 1
No. 13 of 1955, “The Police
(Amendment) Act, 1955.” Feb. 1
(No, 14 of 1955, ‘The Small Charges
Amendment) Act, 1955." Feb. 1

No. 15 of 1955, “The Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1953) Act, 1955.”
Feb. 1

No. 16 of 1955, “The Appropriation
Act, 1955.” Feb. 1

No. 17 of 1955, «Phe Local Con-
stabl-s (Amendment) Act, 1955.”
Feb. 1

No. 18 of 1955, The Magistrate’s
Code of Procedure (Amendment)
Act, 1955.” Feb. 1

No. 15.

The following Acts and Statutory
Rules and Orders are circulated with
this Gazette and form part thereoft:—

Leeward Islands.

No 5 of 1955, ‘The Crown Suits
(Repeal) Act, 1955.”
2 pp. Price £ cents.
No 6 of 1955, “The Evidence
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”
1 pp. Price 3 cents.
No 7 of 1955, ** The Klementary
Education (Repeal) Act, 1955.”
1 pp. Price 3 cents.
No 8 of 1955, **The Pensions
(increase) Act, 1947 (Amendment)
Act, 1955.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.
No 9 of. 1955, ‘The Pensions
(Increase) Act, 1953 (Amendment)
Act, 1955.” 2 pp. Price 4 cents.

No 10 of 1955,
(Repeal) Act, 1955.”
Ll pp. Price 5 cents.
No 11 of 1955, “The Supreme
Court (Amendment) Act, 1954.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.


“The Prisons

General Government.

No.6 of 1955, * The Virgin Islands
Postal Services Rules and Regula-
tions, 1955.”

23 pp. Price 25 cents.

No. 7 of 1955, “The Stamps
(Invilidation) Order, 1955.”

L pp. Free 3 cents


KInGcpOM Patents AoT, 1925,

have applied for registration in the
Leeward Islands of United Kingdom
Patent No. 669,973 dated the 6th day
of January, 1947 and issued on the
39th dav of July 1952 and have filed
in the Registrar’s Office at the Court
House St. John’s, Antigua, a complete

copy of the specifications and the
Certificate of the Comptroller General
of the United Kingdom Patent Office
giving full particulars of this patent
which will be open to public inspec-
tion at the said office at any time
between the hours of 9.30 a.m. and
3.30 p.m. on working days except on
Saturdays when the hours will be
from 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon.

Any person may within two
months from the date of this adver-
tisement give notice to the Registrar
of opposition to the issue of a certiti-
cate of registration upon any of the
grounds prescribed in section 10 of
the Patents Act, 1906, for opposition
to grant of Letters Patent.

Dated the 4th day of February,
Chief Registrar,

Registrars Office,
Court House,
St. John’s, Antigurt.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.

A.D. 1955.

NOTICKH is hereby given that in
pursuance of Rnles made by the Chief
Justice under Section 16 of the Wind-
ward Islands and Leeward Islands
(Courts) Order-in-Couneil 1939, and
duly approved as therein provided on
the 16th day of October, A.D. 1941,
The Honourable the Puisne Judge
selected for the sitting of the Court in
the Saint Christopher Cireuit hag
appointed the day of the month on
which the ensuing Circuit Court shall
sit as follows, that ig to sav:—

The Saint Christopher Cireuit on
MONDAY the 21st day of FEBRU-
ARY, 1955 at 10 o’cloek in the fore-

Dated the 27th day of January,

Registrar of the Supreme Court.

Ref. No. 36/00004.

During the visit of Her Royal
Highness The Princess MARGARET to
Antigna on Monday, 14th Febrnary,
1955 it is necessary to make the
following Orders:


From 6.30 aa. until Her Royal
Highness returns to Her Majesty’s
Yacht “ BRITANTIA”’, no vehicle of
any description shall park on High

No vehicle of any deseription
on East Street, between High Street
and Bishepgate Street, or any road
around the A. C. C. Grounds and
Government House.


[10 February, 1935.

No vehicle of any description
shall be allowed to travel on or acrogs
High Street or on East Street
between High and Rishopgate Streets,
except official cars under police


Members of the public attending
the Youth Rally shall park their
cars under police direction on the
grounds of the St. John’s Boys’
School. Approach can be made
through the following routes:—

East on St. Mary’s Street, North on
East Street, East on the Factory
Road, turning left into the Boys’
School Grounds: .

or East on the road North of
Government House, on to the Old
Parham Road, turning right on the
Grammar School road to the Boys’
School Grounds.

No yehicle of any deseription
shall be allowed to travel on the
Prison Road during the Youth Rally.


Guests attending the Garden Party
will park their cars under police
direction on the A. G. GC. Grounds.
Approach ean be made by way of
St. Mary’s Street, the Factory Road,
left on the Prison Road to the A: CG. C.
Gfounds; or on the road North of
Government House, on to the Old
Parham Road, turning right on the
Prison Road into the A. C. CG.
Grounds. ;

K. M. V. JAMES, Lt. Col.
Traffic Commissioner.

ath February, 1955,


During the visit of Her Royal
Highness The Princess MARGARET on
Tuesday, 15th February, 1955 it is
necessary to make the following -
orders :—

Country Drive.

The route to be followed by Her
Royal Highness will be as under:—

Area A:
Treasury Pier, High Street, Thames
Street, Newgate Street, Popeshead

Street, Dickenson Bay Street,
Cemetery Road.

Area B:

Cemetery Road, Main Road to

Cedar Grove, Hodges Bay, Coolidge
Field, Curlisle Road, Cassada Gar-
dens, Temlingon’s Sugar Factory
and Vernons,

Area CQ:
Parham, Pares, All Saints, Liberta, ’
Falmouth to English Harbour,

As from 10 a.m. no vehicular traffic’
will be allowed to park or ‘travel on

i@ February, 1955. |

the above route until after the Royal
Party has passed.

Private cars may follow the last
police car but they will not be allow-
ed to proceed beyond Cobbs Cross.

Afternoon Drive.

The route to be followed will be as
under :—

Area D:

Falmouth, Liberta, Swetes, Fig
Tree Hill, Old Road, Johnson’s
Point, Urlings, Bolans, Jennings,
Kentish Village, Ottes New Devel-
opment, East Street, Government

As from 4 p.m. no vehicular traffic
will be allowed to park or travel on
the route until the Royal Party has
passed; private cars may follow the
last police car but should on no
account pass this vehicle.

All owners of stock are kindly
requested to keep their animals off
the whole of the route during the
morning and afternoon drives.

Evening Entertainment.

All roads around Government
House will be closed to traffic from
9 p,m. until the departure of the
Royal Party, namely:—

Cross Street between St. John’s

Street and Long Street.

Bishopgate Street between Cross

and Coronation Road.

Church Street between Cross Strect
and Hast Street.

Kast Street between Long Street
and Parham Road.

Guests attending the function in
cars will park under Police direction,
on the A.C.C. Grounds between the
hours of 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.

High Street will be closed to all
vehicular traffic other than official
ears as from 9.30 p.m., and no vehicle
will be allowed to park thereon until
after the departure of the Royal

K. M. V. Jamus, Lt.-Col.,
Traffic Commissioner.

5th February, 1955.

University College Hospital of
the West Indies.

Applications are invited for the
post of Registrar in the Division of
Medicine at the above-named teach-
ing hospital which is in special
relationship with the University of
London. Higher qualifications desir-
able but not essential. The success-
ful candidate will be required to be
in Jamaica as early as possible after

The appointment will be for one
year in the first instance, subject to

renewal. Salary is payable within
the scale £800 x 100—#1,000/4 1,100
x 100—£1,400 per annum, depend-
ing on experience and qualifications.
Single accommedation and board,
or a limited number of unfurnished
flats for unmarried or married officers,
are provided at a deduction of £124
per annum or 5% of salary, respect-
ively. Return first class passage by
sea will be paid for one person only.

Further information may be ob-
tained from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona P. O., Jamaica,
B. W. 1., to whom applications stating
age, nationality and details of qualifi-
cations and experience, together with
three recent testimonials or the
names and addresses of three
referees, should be sent by the 28th
of February, 1955,

University College Hospital of
the West Indies.

Applications are invited for two
posts of Registrar or Senior Registrar
in the division of Surgery at the
above-named teaching hospital which
is in special relationship with the
University of London. Applicants
should possess a higher qualification

in Surgery. The successful candi-
dates will be required to assume

duties a3 soon as possible after the
15th of March and the Ist of June,

‘The appointments will each be for
one year in the first instance, subject
to renewal. Salary is payable within
the scale £800 x 100—£1,000/£1,100
ing on experience and qualifications.
Single accommodation and board for
a limited number of unfurnished
flats for unmarried or married offi-
cers, are provided at a deduction
of £125 per annum or 5% of salary,
respectively. Return first class pas-
sage by sea will be paid for one
person only in each case.

Further information may be = ob-
tained from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona P. O., Jamaica,
B.W.I., to whom applications stating
age, nationality and details of qualifi-
cations and experience, together with
three recent testimonials or the names
and addresses of three referees, should
be sent by the 28th of February,

University College Hospital of
the West Indies.

Applications are invited for the
post of Senior Registrar in the
department of Diagnostic Radiology
at the above-named teaching Hospital
which is in special relationship
with the University of London.
Preference will be given to candi-
dates holding a diploma in diagnostic


The appointment will be fur one
year in the first instance, subject to
renewal. Salary will be in the scale
£1,000 x 100—£1,400 per annum,
depending on experience and qualifi-
cations. Single accommodation and
board or a limited number of
unfurnished flats for unmarried or
married officers, are provided at a
deduction of £125 per annum or 5%
of salary, respectively. Return first
class passages by sea will be paid
for one person only,

Further information may be ob-
taine! from the Hospital Manager
and Secretary, University College
Hospital, Mona P. O., Jamaica,
B,W. I., to whom applications stating
age, Nationality and details of qualiti-
cations and experience, together with
three recent testimonials or the
names and addresses of three
referees and including the approxi-
mate date on which the candidate
could become available, should be
sent by the 28th of February, 1955.

Vacancy for Assistant Attorney
General, British Honduras.

Applications are invited for the
post of Assistant Attorney General,
British Honduras, which will fall
vacant about the middle of 1955.

2. The duties of this post are:—

(1) To prosecute for the
Crown in the Courts of the
Colony and to appear for the
Government in civil proceedings;

(2) To act as legal adviser to
Government, as directed by the
Attorney General;

(3) To draft or assist in draft-
ing the laws of the Colony;

(4) ‘To perform any other duty
and render any further assistance
to the Attorney General us may
be directed.

8. The qualifications required are
those of a Barrister-at-Law with at
least fonr years’ practical expericnce.

4. The post is on the permanent
and pensionable establishment and
carries a salary in the scale of
$3,120 - 120 - 3.600 - 150-3,900 KB.
$4,050-150-4,200. ($4 B.H.—£1 Ster-
ling). The point of entry to the
seale will depend on the qualifications
and experience of the successfu

5. Except in the case of officers
confirmed in their appointments with
other Governments, the appointment
will be on probation for two years in
the first instance. The successful
candidate will be required to produce
a inedical certificate of fitness, and
will be subject to Colonial Regulations
and to local General Orders.

6. Free passages will be provided
on first appointment and on leave
for the officer and his family,

not exceeding four persons in all.
Leave with full salary is at the rate of
five days for each completed month
of resident service, with a maximum
of 180 days. The length of a tour is
2 to 3 years. Free passages on leave
are provided for the officer and his
wife, subject to the provision of funds
annually by the Legislative Assembly.
When travelling on duty a subsistence
allowance of $2.50 a day for the first

six days, $2.00 a day after the first six -

days, and $1.75 a day after the first
thirty days, is paid.


7. Free quartersare not provided.
But, if Government quarters are
allocated to the officer, rental is pay-
able at the rate of 74% of salary and
the basic heavy furniture is provided
at un annual rental of 6% of its total

8. Income Tax is payable in
accordance with local legislation.

9. Applications, containing full
particulars, should be addressed to the
Colonial Secretary, Belize, British

_ [10 February, 1985.

Honduras, to reach him as soon as
possible and in any event not later
than the 28th February, 1955.

Ref. No. 13/00004—II.

Sentral Experiment Situation,

1951. 1952. 1958. 1954, 1955,
Jan, 3.60 2.55 3.10 3.44 2.16
Feb. 5 69 62 40
3.60 3.10 2.55 844 2.16

The following names and addresses of pergons included in the register of midwives for the Virgin Islands are
published in accordance with the provisions of Midwifery Ordinance No. 11 of 1953 of that Presidency :—

(a) Registered Midiwives—


Road Town Tortola.

The Valley, Virgin Gorda

(b) Licensed Midwives—




Colonial Secretary's Office,
Leeward Islands.
31st January, 1955.

Ref. No. 51/00188.

East Hind, Tortola.

Diamond’s Estate, Tortola.
North Sound, Virgin Gorda
Carrot Bay, Tortola

Cooten Bay, Tortola

Long Look, Tortola

Long Look, Tortola

North Sound, Virgin Gorda


All figures in British West Indian dollars.
2 (Barclays Bank D.C. & O.) and (Royal Bank of Canada).

Number of reporting banks:

Figures for end of quarter 81st December, 1954.

1. Notes in circulation

2. Deposits

(i) Demand 3,670,247.20

(ii) Time 331,650.67
(iii) Savings 5,993,683.63

3. Balances due to
(a) Other banks in Colony
(2) Banks abroad

Other Liabilities, ete.

Total Liabilities

$ $
9,630.00 I. Cash 1,114,657.24
2. Balances due by other banks in Colony 917.48
9,995,581.50 3. Balances due from banks abroad ‘
and other short claims 6,692,192.62
4. Loans and Advances to:— 2,394,160.75
(i) Primary production (inclu-
ding processing of primary
products) 10,444.0
205,736.24 (ii) Other industries (inclu-
260,322.11 ding Commerce, Trans-
portation and Distribu-
441,893.72 tion) 1,162,678.67
(iii) Other advances 1,221,038.02
o. Investments
(a) Local =
(v) Other a
6. Other Assets 711,235.48

10,913,163.57 Total

Assets 10,913,163.57
10 February, 195:.]



Notice is hereby given that the Court of Summary Jurisdiction of the Leeward Islands will

sit at the Court House in the City of Saint John in the Island of Antigua at 9.30 o’clock in the
forenoon of the undermentioned days for the purpose of hearing the undermentioned causes or matters.












George W, Bennett Bryson & Co.

Walter Lewis

Aubrey Challenger

Arnold Jarvis

George Francis

Samuel Philp

Hezekiah Charles

Manassah Josiali

Ruby Versailles
Ruby Versailles

George W. Bennett Bryson & Co.
Albert Quelch and Edith Quelch

Emelia Black

Samuel Joseph
Eunice Lidoo

Theresa Frederick
Oscar Hunte

Almeda Roberts
Cyril Burton

Elfreda Peters

Margaret Thomas
Cassandra Turner
Joseph Frederick

Mary Lambert
Clyde Francis

Charles Williams
Dennis Edwards
Joseph Benjamin
Charles Edwards
Viola Joshua
Christiana Joseph

Walter Jarvis

Monday 24th January, 1955
Laurel Meade
Hubert Philip
John Vieira

Naomi Henry & Enoch Pelle

Tuesday 25th January, 1955
George Gordon
Lucy Williams

Wednesday 26th January, 1955
Christopher Roberts
John Henry

Thursday 27th January, 1955
Kitchener Dowe
Kitchener Dowe

Monday 3ist January, 1955

Herman Lewis

Dorothy Agatha Joseph and Naomi Joseph
Warneford Emanuel and Virginia Emanuel

Tuesday ist February, 1955
Robert Bascus
Kitchener Dowe

Wednesday 2nd February, 1955
William Matthew
John Henry and Solomon Henry and Mary Henry

Thursday 3rd February, 1955
Paul Rebinson
Frances Greene & Steven Greene & Audry Greene

Monday 7th February, 1955
Raymond Stevens
Velma Morrissey and Hubert Kirby
Tuesday 8th February, 1955 .
John Turner
Wednesday 9th February, 1955
George Edwards
Thursday 10th February, 1955
Tmoch Elvin
Edith Ambrose
Thursday 17th February, 1955
Robert McDonald
Margaret Tuitt & Maurice Edwards,
Oscar Lewis & Thomas Weekes
Friday 18th February, 1955
James Sumuel
Joseph A. Davis and Leonard Davis
Monday 2ist February, 1955
Olive Jncobs & Irene Jacobs,
Cyril Jacobs & Christophine Benjamin
Winston Joseph and Maurice Joseph
Tuesday 22nd February, 1955
Kitchener Dowe

O. M. Browns,


Printed at the;]Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, 1, BLAOGKMAN,

Government Printer.—By Authority,

(Prive 60 cents.]
No. 5 of 1955. Crown Stutts (Repeal) LeEwarp
[L.S. }
T Assent,
K. W. BrackBurne,

Ist February, 19565.


No. 5 of 1950.

An Act to repeal the Crown Suits Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the
Leeward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Crown Suita Short title.
(Repeal) Act, 1955.

2. The Crown Suits Act is hereby repealed: Repeal and
Cap. 6.

Provided that notwithstanding’ the repeal
of the said Act where in any Federal or Local
Act or subsidiary legislation it is provided
that any suit shall be governed by the.
provisions of the Crown Suite Act or that the
provisions of the Crown Suits Act shall be
applicable to any proceedings brought under
such Federal or Local Act or subsidiary
legislation, then for any reference 10 the
Grown Suits Act in such Federal or Local
Act or subsidiary legislation there shall be
substituted a reference to the Crown Proceed-
ings Ordinance of the Presidency in which
such suit) or proceedings may be institated,

3. This Act shall come into operation on a Commence.
day to be appointed by the Governor by Proclama- """"
tion published in the Guceste.

Maurice H, Davis,
Deputy President.
LEBWARD 2 Crown Suits (Repeal) No. 5 of 1958.
Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955,

A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Caunerl,


Printed - the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by I. M. Bnacaman, E.D.. Government Printer—By Authority.

47/003 12—480—2.55, [Price 4 cants.)

No. 6 of 1955. Kvidence (Amendment). LEEWARD

I Assent,
K. W. Bracksurne,
Ist*February, 1955.

No. 6 of 1955.
An Act to amend further the Evidence Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-

ward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Evidence short title.
(Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Evidence Act, as amended, hereinafter Cap. 52.
. @ Preis ; 6/1930,
called the Principal Act. iaas,

2. Section 12A of the Principal Act is here- Amendment
bv amended by the substitution of the following 7 eee
paragraph for paragraph (¢) thereof: pal Act.

‘“(e) the London Gazette, the Gazette of

the Colony or of any Presidency thereof, the

Government Gazette of any other Colony in

Her Majesty’s dominions or of any territory

under Her Majesty’s protection or of a terri-

tory for the time being administered by the

Government of the United Kingdom under the

trusteeship svstem of the United Nutions;”.

Mavrick H. Davis,
Deputy President.
Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955.

A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLackMAN, Government Printer.—. Bv Authority.

47/0023 2—480— 2.55, Price 3 cents,
Ne. 7 of 1955. Elementary Education (Repeal)

I Assent,
K. W. BrackBurne,
Ist February, 1955.

No. 7 of 1955.

An Act to repeal the Elementary Education Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Elementary
Education (Repeal) Act, 1955.

2. The Elementary Education Act, the
Elementary Education Act, Amendment Act 1980
and the Elementary Education (Amendment) Act,
1939 are hereby repealed.

3. This Act shall come into operation on
a date to be appointed by the Governor by
Proclamation published in the Gazette.

Maorice H. Davis,
Deputy President.
Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955.

A. E. Pryy,
Clerk of the Council.



Short title.

Cap. 86.


Printed at tae Government Printing Office, Leoward Islands.
by E. M. BLAoKMAN, Government Printer..—By Authority.


47/00076—480—2.55. (Price 3 vents.]

No. 2 of 1958 Pensions (Iner ase),

I Assent,
Kk. W. Brackpurnn,
Ist February, 1955,

No. 8 of 1955.

An Act to amend the Pensions _CIncrease) Act,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Pensions
(Increase) Act, 1947 (Amendment) Act, 1955, and
shall be read as one with the Pensions (Increase)
Act, 1947, hereinafter referred to as the Principal


2. Subsection (1) of section 2 of the Princi-
pal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of
the following definition for the definition of the
expression ‘ ‘Govern sor In Council’ therein—

“Governor”? means, in the case of a pen-
sioner whose services are wholly under
the Government of a Presidency, the
officer for the time being administering
the Government of that Presidency, and
in all other cases the Governor of the


3. Sections 3 and 4 of the Principal Act
are hereby amended by substituting the word
“Governor” for the words ‘ Governor in Council”
wherever the latter words appear in the sai:l sections,

Mavricr H. Davis,
Deputy President,


Short title.


of section 2 (1)
of the Princi-
pal Act.

of sections 3
and 4 of the
Principal Act.


Per sions (Jnerease). No. 8 of 1958

Passed the General Leyislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955.

A. E. Pawn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
hy E M. Brackman, Government Printer.--By Authority.

47/00230-— i80—2. 50, [rice 4 cents.)
No. 9 of 1955. Pensions (1uersase). Lrrwagp

[L.8. }
T Assent,
Kk. W. Brackpurne,
Ast February, 1955.

No. 9 of 1955.

An Act to amend the Pensions (Increase) Act,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Pensions short title.
(Increase) Act, 1953 Gnening) Act, 1955, and
shall be read as one with th e Pensions (Increase) 20/1953.
Act, 1958, hereinafter referred to as the Principal

2. Subsection (1) of section 2 of the Princi- Amendment

of section 2(1)

pal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of of the Princi-
the following definition for the definition of the pal set.

expression “ Governor in Council” therein—

“ (governor? means, in the case of a pen-
sioner whose services were wholly under
the Government of a Presidency, the
officer for the time being administering
the Government of that Brosidency, and
in all other cases the Governor of the

8. Sections 3 and 4 of the Principal Act Amendment
7 + of sections 3
are hereby | amended by substituting the word and 4 of the
“Governor” for the words ‘ Governor in Council”? Principal Act
wherever the latter words appear in the said sections.

Maorice H. Davis,
Deputy President,
Legwakp 2 Pensions (Increase). No. 9 of 1955.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955.

A. E. Pryn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
hy HW. M. BLackMAN. B.D. Government Printer —By Authority.

47/00230—-480-- 2.55. Price 4 cents,
No. 10 of 1955, Prisons (Repeal) LEEWARD

[ L.8.]
K. W. BrackBuRne,
lst February, 1955.

No. 10 of 1955.

An Act to repeal the Prisons Act, Cap. 85.

ENACTED by tne Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Prisons short title.
(Repeal) Act, 1955.

2. The Prisons Act is hereby repealed. Repeal
Cap, 88

3. ‘his Act shall come into operation ou Commence.
a date to he appointed by the Governor by ment.
Proclimation published in the (‘azefte.

Maurice H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955.

A. Ii. Perry,
Clerk vf the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Giuce. Leeward isinnds,
by FLOM. TnaAckKIWAY, Govermment Printer.-—Ryr Authority,
AT/OQ315-—480 — Bae, [Price B ceris. |
No. 11 of 1955. Supreme Court
. {Amendmeis/).

~ 1 Assent,
Kk. W. BrackBURNE,

Ist February, 1956.

No. Ll of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Supreme Court
Act, 1939.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the
Leeward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited ax the Supreme
Court (Amendinent) Act, 1955, and shall be read
as one with the Supreme Court Act, L939, as
amended, hereinafter called the Principal Act.

2. The following section shall be substituted
for section 9 of the Principal Aet:—

“Oo, (1) The offiee of every Registrar
and Proven Murahal shall be kept open for
the transaction of busitess on every day of
the year except Sundays, Christmas Day,
(rood Friday and Public Loldays, during
such hours of the said days as may be ap-
pointed by the Governor by order under his

(2) Nobwithatinding the provisions of
anv order made nnder subsection (1) of this
section, the Judge by whom any matter is
being heard, may direct any paid officer of
the Court to Cranmsact at amy Utne, apy busi-

neas which, in che ophuon of the Judge, is

noeessary or convenient, to facilitiite tie hear-


Short title.


of section 9
of the Princi-
pal Act.

Hours of
Liskwakp 2 Supreme (ourt No, it of 1955


ing and determination of the matter in
question, or to carry into effect any order
made in connection therewith.”

Comimenee- 3.

: This Act shall be deeined to have come

into operation on the Ist day of January, 1955.

Maurice H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
6th day of January, 1955,

A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Couneil,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Isiands.
by E. M. BuackMAN. Government Printer.—By Authority.

47/00096 —480—2.55.

Price 4 conta.

1955, No. 6.


Virgin Islands Postal Service

THe Viratn [snanps Postar Servier Reies anp REGULATIONS,
1955, pared FrsBRuARY 3, 1955, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR IN
CouNcIL UNDER THE Posr Orrice Acr (Cap. 123).

1. Crration AND AppLicaTion. These Rules and Regulations
may be cited as the Virgin [slands Postal Service Rules and Regulations,
1955, and shall apply only to the Presidency of the Virgin Islands.

2. InrerprErAtTION. In these Rules and Regulations, unless the
context requires otherwise—

“Commissioner” means the person for the time being filling the
office of Commissioner of the Presidency ;

“letter”? includes every kind of postal packet, when despatched by
letter post;

“master”? means the person having command or charge of a ship;
“parcel” means any postal packet sent by parcel post;
“port” includes airport;

‘“Postimaster’ means the person for the time heing filling the
office of Postmaster of the Presidency ;

‘Presidency ’’ means the Presidency of the Virgin Islands;

“ship”? mee ’ scl or, sl boat r vessel, steamshi
ship eans any schooner, sloop, boat, motor vessel, steamship
or other floating craft and includes any description of aircraft.

3. Post Orrice Sus-pivisioxs. The post offices established
or hereafter to be established in the Presideney shall be divided into three
groups, namely, the General Post Office, Branch Post Offices and
Sub-Post Offices.
4. Genera Posr Orrick, The post office iu Road Town,
Tortola, shall be the General Post Office for the Prosilenew aad all

other post offices in the Presidency shall be managed und controlled

5. Braxcw AND Sup-Posp Orricrs, The remaining post offices
Sh vr than the (reneral Post ae in the Presidenev shall consist
of such Branch Post Offices or Sub. Pose Offices respectively as are, or
may from time to time be, eee in Sehedule A hereto.

6. Branca Posrmasvers. ‘the persons in charge of Branch Post
Offices shall be styled Branch Post masters, and they shall render such
accounts and returns as the Postmaster may require,

7. SuB-Posrmasrers. ‘Lhe persons in charge of Sal Post Offices
shall be stvled Sub-Postmasters and they shall vender sneh aceounts and
returns as the Postmaster or Branch Postmaster may require ,

8. Names or Post Orricus, The designations contaised in
Schedule A. hereto shall be the official names of the several post
offices and shall be used in all post marks and for all parposes, subject
as hereinafter provided in respect of the money order office.

9. Monry Orver Orrices. The General Post Office is the sole
money order office, and shall be described in the heading of money order
forms as “ Virgin Islands (Road Town) ”

10. TLours or Bustness ox Wrek Days. (1) The post offices
of the Presideney shall be opened to the public from 8.13 a.m. to
3.30 p.m. except that on one day in each week, to be appointed by the
Commissioner, there shall be an early closing day when the hours of
business shall be from 8.15 a.m. to 11.80 aan.

Provided always, that in case of the arrival, after the usual business
hours, of any aeraee: steamer or oiher vessel uk mails, in the Presi-
denev, the General Pdst Office and wy Branch Post Office of the
Presidency may remain aay for the reecipt and delivery of mails, for the
despatch of mails, and for the transaction of such other business us the
Postmaster may think eS and expedient, for such time and during
such hours as the Postmaster may direct.

(2) ‘The hours for transacting money and postal order business
sball be fixed by the Postmaster subject to the approval of the

13. Soxpays ann Hoxripays: Whenever the arrival or departure
of any ship with mails in the Presidency falls on «a Sunday ora public
holiday, or the exigencies of the postal service require that business be
tr ansacted in the Presidency on a Sunday or a public holiday, the
General Post Office and any Branch Post Office of the Presidency may be
opened on that day for the receipt and delivery of mails, for the
despatch of mails and for the transaction of such other business as the
Postmaster may think necessary and expedient, for such time and during
such hours as he Inav direct.

12.) Detivery ov Lerrers. (1) Phe Postmaster, Branch Post-
masters and Sab-Postmasters will take all steps in their power to ensure
the speedy delivery of lettcrs to the persons entitled to the same, and
they will take special care that registered letters ave delivered only to
the addressees or persons driv Sitorised by them, and they shall
take receipts for the same. ,

(2) Letrers which remain unclaimed for two months shall be
returned to the General Post Office for disposal.

13. Exuanp Mains, (1) Every inland mail shall be aecompamied
by a letter bill which shall bear a serial number cone cneiny with the
number 1 on the first of January in each year. here shall be a
separate series in each despatching office for each orice of destination,

(2) Letter bills shall be stamped with the post marks of the post
office of origin and of destination, and shall contain the following
information r7cr—the date and hour of despatch, the mode of conveyance,
alist of registered letters in the mail, total value for “taxed” letters in
the mail, The bills shall be signed by the despatehing officer and the
receiving officer,

(3) A way bill shall be delivered with the mails to the person
conveying the mails, and on the conclusion of the journey the way bill
shall be returned to the office of origin.

(4) All persons receiving bags of mails shall give a receipt for the
same on the appropriate way bill.

(5) Empty bags when not used for the return mails shall be
_returned as soon as possible to the General Post Office.

14. Our-Isnanp Matzs. (1) Mails exchanged with any of the
islands of the Presidency are to be regarded for all purposes as Inland

o All inails originating in any sueh island other than Tortola
shall he forwarded to the General Post Office for onward transmission
and no mail of any kind shall be despatched by a Branch Postmaster or a
Sub- Postmaster cirect to any other destination.

15. Exreryan Matis. The hour for closing mails shall be
fixed by the Postmaster.
4 ;

16. Way Birts. The Postmaster shall furnish the master of
every ship by which mails are conveyed, or the agent of the ister,
with a way bill specifying the numbers of bags of mails and their
destinations and shal] obtain a receipt from such master or agent,

17. Unvawrot Conveyance or Postar Packets. (1) No
person shall convey any postal packet to be posted on board any ship.

(2) The master of a ship or any person under his contro! shall not
receive on board that ship while in any port of the Presidency, postal
packets other than those despatched through the Post Office.

1&8. Government Letrers. (1) Government letters addressed
to British destinations, if duly franked, may be received unstam ped,
Such letters should ot be posted in a letter box, but should be handed
in over the counter toa postal clerk, and the clerk receiving’ the same
shall satisfy himself as far as possible that the letters are Government

(2) Government letters addressed to foreign countries (except
letters on postal business) shall not be received unless they are stumped
in the ordinary way. Such letters when duly stamped may be posted
in a letter box.

(3) Government parcels and Government air mail letters addressed
to any destination shall be stamped in the ordinary way.

(4) The responsibility for franking or stamping Government letters
rests with the head of department from which the letter originates.

(5) Government letters from the Governor or Commissioner are to
be received irrespective of the ordinary hours,

(6) The heads of departments and others specified in Schedule B
hereto are entitled to frank Government letters as prescribed therein.
Letters from certain departments approved by the Governor or
Commissioner may be franked by means of a rubber stamp, subject
to the letter being initialled by some person employed in the
department and where the initials are known to the Postmaster.
Tn other eases the letters should be signed by the franking officer,
The name of the department of origin when printed on an eny elope
shall not be regarded as a frank unless authenticated bv a signature
or initials of an authorised officer.

19. Private Boxes. (1) A private box into which letters
(and where practicable printed papers) on hand for the renter will
he sorted, to be fetched by him, may be rented at the General
Post Office.


(2) The charges for private boxes are payable in advance and
are as follows:— ;

For six months or less For ous year or less
expiring 30 June expiring 31 De-
or 31 December cember next
next ensuing ensuing
For a large box $6.60 ain $10.00
For a small box 1G wa Lod.

(3) In the event of a key of a box being lost or mislaid the
renter shall be liable to pay for a new key, and for any alterations to
the lock necessary for security.

(4) When a private box is rented an amount of $2.40 in addition
to the rent of the box shall be deposited with the Postmaster by the
renter as a guarantee for the safe return of the key when the use of
the box is discontinued.

(5) Renters of private boxes are prohibited from using any key
except that regularly issued through the Post Office.

, 20. Air Marts. Letters to be forwarded by air mail shall he
marked “ By Air Mail” or “Par Avion” and are transmitted by

-air if the charges prepaid represent at least three quarters of the air
mail postage; but if they do not, the letter will be withheld from
the air mail and forwarded hy ordinary means in which case the
inscription “lsy Air Mail” or ‘Par Avion” should be deleted by
two thick parallel lines.

21. Arr Mai Postace. (1) There shall be charged and paid
on air mail postal packets and air mail parcels posted in the Presi-
dency, the rates of postage set forth in Schedule C hereto.

2) The postage must be fully prepaid. Any postal packet or
parcel in respect of which the postage is nisufficiently prepaid bed
bears 7a or more of the postage will he surebarged with an amour!
equivalent to double the deficiency and forwarded by air mail if:
is indicated thereon that the packet” or pareel is intended for
conveyance by air.

22. Sorrace Matyi Posrace. (1) The prepaid rates of postage
on postal packets (ofher than parcels) and the special vate of postage
in respect of insured boxes intended for transmission from the
Presidency by surface mail shall be as set forth in Schedules D hereto.

(2) The prepaid rates of postaze on parcels intended for
transmission from the Presidency by surface mail and the limit of
weight and of insurance value thereof shall be as set forth fe
Schedule KE hereto.

(3) The charges to be made for the miscellaneous services
enumerated in Sehedule F hereto shatl be at the vates set forth in
the said Sehcedule.

28. PosTAL STArTONERy. (a) Tf postcards are sold at any post
office, they shall be sold at the postage value represented by the
stamp impressed thereon,

(6) Registration envelopes impressed with a six cents stamp
shall be stocked by Postmasters in the following sizes, viz:—

Size F (about 5+ x 33 inches)
Size G (about 6 x 34 inches)

Size H2 (about 9 x fb inches)
Size K (about 1L5 x 6G inches)


They shail he sold at the following prices:—

Size F 7 cents each
Size @ 8 cents each
Size H2 8 cents each
Size Kk 10 cents each

(c) If postal envelopes oo than registration envelopes) are
sold at any post office they shall be sold at ‘the rate of one cent for
every three or less envelopes in addition to tbe postage vaiue
represented by the stainjs impressed thereon,

(2) Embossed printed or impressed postage stamps ent out of
postal envelopes or posicards issued by the post ofhces of the
Presideney may be used as adhesive stamps in payment of postage
charges provided they are not inipertect, mutilated or defaced in
any wav Stamps in dicat ing the pavinent of a registration fee may
be use only for registered correspondence.

yas. (1) British postal orders shal) be issued
orde? office, and at such other post offices as
Le appointed therefor by the Comaussioner, by a
hoiliention da the “vee, in accordance with such arrangements as
may be made with the Postmaster General of the United Kingdom.

voi dipne !

(2) be issue of postal orders in the Presideney shall be
restricted to the denominations set forth in Schedule G (a) hereto.

(3) Postage stamps may be athixed to postal orders issued in the
Presidency in extension of value as follows:—

(a) Postage stainps not exceeding two in number and
10 cents in total value to Orders of denomination up to and
including 31.08; and

(4) Postage stamps not exceeding three in umber and
22 cents in total value to Orders of denominations above 81.08,

(4) 'The rates of poundage set forth in Schedule ts (6) hereto
shall be pavable on the several denominations of postal orders isstted
in the Presideney.

25. Moxry Orpers. (1) The rates set forth in sehedule H
hereto shall be the rates of commission on money orders issued in
the Presidency.

(2) Money orders issued in the Presidency for payinent in
Canada or the United States of America shall be drawn in collars,
aud the amount of British West Indian eurreney deposited by the
remitters of such orders shali be converted tnto dollars ut such race
of exchange, as may be preseribed by the Governor, and published nv
the (racette, or according to such table or furmada as inay be
prescribed and published as aforesaid.


(3) Movey orders issued in Canada or the United States drawn
in dollars shall be paw in the Presidency in British West Indian
curreucy converted at such rate as may be preserived by the
Governor, and published in the (racedée, or according to such table
or formula as may be prescribed and published as aforcsaid:

Provided that where in pursuance of any arrangement between
the postal administration of the Presidency or Colony and the postal
administration of - country concerned, the equivalent in Uritish
West indian eurrency of any weney order is fixed by the ada vaistra.
tion of origin, such oeee alent in British West Indian currenes shall
be paid as is indicated on the face of the order by the exehange «cice
of the adininistration of origin. o¢ r according t to sach |
shall be furnished by the administration of rica, and sa delaull
thereof as the Governor may preserioe.

(4) ee Boag of the Presigencty sisi keep himself
constantly informed of the ioea: danx rates for cuying or selling

bills of exenance AG ol in Gc cars aiawn or payable in Canada
and the United siates, respeciivery, aud shall apply the rates of
Gonversion as may be prescribed frou time to tame or according to
such imstructious as he may receive.
6 e
(8) The Postmaster shall issue the necessary instructions for
the conversion of money orders drawn in dollars to the Branch Post
Offices or other money order offices under his control.

(6) A notice shall be exhibited in every money order office
stating, for the information of the public, the rates of conversion
in respect of money orders drawn in dollars,

(7) To facilitate examination by fhe Principal Auditor, the
Postmaster or person issuiag a imoney order payable ia the countries
named shail note on the form of requisition for the money order
the current bank rates for bills of exchange as aforesiid.

(8) In this Kule the expression * United States of America”
or “United States” includes the following possessions of the United
States, viz: Alaska, Canal Zone, Hawaii, Puerto Rico. Samoa, and
the Virgin Islands of the United States.

26, Power ‘ro Suseenp Tssurs. In the event of sudden
fluctuations in the banking rate of exchange which might involve
luss tothe postal administration in the se‘tlement of postal order or
money order transactions with other postal administrations, the
Commissioner shall have power to suspend the issue in the Presi-
dency of postal orders’ or money orders on any territory pending
the making of a rule by the Governor in Council preseribing a new

27. Kepty-pArp Posrcarps. Reply-paid posteards shall not
be issued in the Presideney. The reply halves of reply-paid postcards
issued by other postal administrations shall be accepted subject to
the regulations of the Universal Postal Union,

28. Repty Covvons. Reply coupons shall not be issued in the
Presidency. Reply coupons issued in other countries of the Universal
Postal Union shall be exchangeable at any money order olfice in the
Presidency for stamps valued as follows: —

International Coupons ® cents
Commonwealth Reply Coupons 5 cents
29, Dimesstoxs or Posian Packers. (1) The maximum
dimensions of letters, printed papers, comimercial papers, papers
impressed for the use of the blind, samples of merchandise and small
aekets shall be as foilows:—
Length, breadth and depth combined, 3 feet, buc. — greatest
dimension must not exceed 2 feet.


Tf in the form of a roll; length and twice the diameter 3 feet 3
ins., but the greatest dimension must not exceed 2 fect 8 ins.

(2) The dimensions of postcards shall be as follows:—

Minimum. 4 inches in length by 2? inches in width.
Maximum. 5 inches in leneth by 44 inches in width.
. <2 v ~

(3) Printed papers sent nnenclosed in the form of cards, whether
folded or not, shall be subject to the sume minimum duacisions as

(4) The maximum dimensions of parcels shall be as follows:—

The length, breadth or depth shall not exceed 3 fect © inehes,
a 9 { 9
and the length and virth combined shal! nor exceed 6 fect.

(5) The limits of weight of postal packets and parcels sliail be as

(a) Letters and commercial papers, 4t; printed paper, 64tb:

Provided that the limit of weight for a printed volume sent singly

shall be 11 tb.
(6) Vapers impressed for the use of the blind, 15 fh.
(c) Samples:
(1) to British destinations, 5 Ib.
(2) to other destinations, 1 Th.
(d) Small packets: 2 Th.

(e) Parcels: 22 tb or such lesser limit as may be applienble
to the postal administrations of destination.

80. CHararabLe Packers. Any postal packet which in the
opinion of the Postmaster may contain any dutiable articles, or on which
the postage is insufficiently prepaid, shall be withheld) front delivery
until the necessary charges have been paid.

31. Novick To ADpDRESSEFs OF Postal PACKETS. A notice shall
be addressed as soon as possible after the recoipt of the mails to the
addressee of any postal packet, registered letter or ticoming parcel
withheld from delivery.

32. Customs DercLaraTioN ON OvTGOING Parcris. — Every
parcel to be sent outside the Presidency shall bear a customs declaration
in the prescribed form setting out clearly the name and address of the
sender, the office of origin, the contents of the parecl aud the value
(a) letters: the postage and fixed ee fee applicable to
a registered letter of a. same weight and Pork he same destination.

(6) boxes: the special postage fee specified in paragraph 8 of
Schedule D heret:, and in addition, the fixed registration fee.

(vc) parcels: the postage applicable to an ordinary parcel of the
same weight and for the sume destination.

(4) Insured 1 boxes shall not exceed two pounds in weight, nor
exceed 12 inches in length, $ inches in breadth or 4 inches in depth.

5) An insured box addressed to the Pp residency or sent in transit
through the Presidency shall be accompanied by a customs declaration in
the form prec An insured box posted in the Presidency shall be
accompanied by x customs declaration in the form prescribed and of the
nutnber required by the country of Gestination.

(6) Rules 36 to 89 inclusive of these Roles and Regulations shall
not affect the procedure governing the exchange of insured letters,
boxes and parcels.

42. CONVENTION oF Brussets. The Universal Postal Conven-
tion and the Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes
signed at iiuneels on the [Ith day of uty, 1952, so far as the same
are applicabie to the Colony, shall continue to have full force and
effect in the Presidency

43. LNDEMNITIES IN Respecr oF UNINSURED Parcets. (1) Tk
any uninsured parcel while under the control of tus General Post Office
be lost or damaged the Postmasier may pay to any person or persons
who may in the opinion of the | Postmaster exiattlish wa reasonable claim to
compensation (haying regard to the uature of the articles, the care with
which it was packed, and other circumstances) such sum not ore

37.68 for a pareel exceeding eleven pangs in weight er S480 for a
vareel not exceeding eleVei i} pounds in Weigel re! 7 HR LG TAN think just.

(2) In ne case will compensation be giver, when such loss or damage

arises from any fault or egies: of she semedcoo or Poor: the nature of the
contents, or wire Heel p@mot be accounted for in consequence of
the loss of officia’ doctiments (roi ui, sticu CHdse.

(3) When ‘tocanmot be determined where the “oss or damage
occurred, compersatio: shall be borne equally oy the cespatching and
recelving administrations.

44. (NpoMNITINS is kRFSPEeT oF Kee srerrn Articnrs. The
maximum pave syent far iire doses of 9 registered article or for the loss of
the contents of a regisiered letter; where payabie, is $13.92

45. GRATUITIES FoR Sra Carriage, (1) The oratnities paval le
to owners, masters or agents of stipes conveving mails, inelading transit
mails, (other than ships under contrach or in reseect of which isa subsidy
is paid or in respect of which other arrangements exist for the conveyance
of mails) shall not exceed the rates sm ofed in “ehedule E hereto.

(2) Tbe rates hereby authorised are ii respect of the net weights
of correspondence and paree!s, that is to say. the actual net weight
of the postal packets or-parcels where easily ascertainable: but where
the net weight is not easily ascertainable the eros. weight, less ten
per cent of the same, shall be deemed to be the net weight,

46. Accounts. The Postmaster shall render promptly to the
postal administrations or departments coneerned al! aceounts. returns
and statements due to be rendered. and the several Branch Post-
masters and Sub-Postmasters shall keop such aceounts and shall render
such returns as the Postmaster may require.

4c. Sravisrics. (1) Once in each vear from the first to the
fourteenth day of November inelusive or at such other period as
may be preseribed a strict account shall be kept for statistical purposes
of the number despatched in the inland mails of each group of
postal packets, as follows:—

(a) letters, (6) posteards, (¢) printed papers, commercial
papers and samples, (id) small packets. (¢) blind literature,

(7) external parcels, (7) inland parcels. Hegistered articles
are to be included in the group to whieh they belong.

(2) During the statistical period special letter bills will be used,
on which the necessary particulars will he entered: the number of
postal packets (other than external parcels) thus ascertained will be
multiplied by 26, and the resuiting figures will be regarded as the
approxunate number of postal packets despatched during the vear
for statistical purposes.

(3) Similar records will he kept in the General Post Offies in
respect of external mails:

Provided that in the case of external pareels the preeiss numbers
are to be recorded and entered in the yeturns,

(4) Where statistics are recorded in any year in accordance with
the International Postal Conveation. it will not be necessary to
observe a special statistical period for colonial purposes in respect of
external mails, and the statisties recorded for international purposes
will be used for the purpose of official returns.


Country of Destination

West Indies ete.---(cunt'd)

Dominican Republic
Dutch Guiana
Ih] Salvador
French Guiana
Jamaica (including
Turks and Caicos
Islands and
Cayman Islands)
Panama and
Canal Zone
Puerto Rico
St. Croix
St. Kitts
St. Lucia
St. Martin
St. Vincent
United States

Great Britain and Beyond

Belgian Congo
Canary Is.

4 02.



ton ti



calalac| | |


ete. &
per & oz.




CIN ar Nvoncr or eon



per 4 th.


SCHEDULE C_-(cont'd)
Lett Tt 17
4€b6e7'8 > eta. & ale
Country of Destination per fost Pie small Parcels
5 02, a packets per 4 bh,

per hoz.
Great Britain and heyond—(unf1/)

Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. $ G
Cook Islands we 76 38 12 — —
Cyprus wee 48 20 12 _ —
Egypt _ 3S 29 12 — —
Hthopia ves os 24 12 _ _
Kurope eee 46 23 = 12 26 —
Falkland Is, ves 70 35 12 — _-
Kiji Is. bee 70 38 12 — —
Fr. West African
Territories tee 70 35 12 —_ —
Gainbia - 70 35 12 —_ a
Gilbertand ElliceIs. ... 76 38 12 — —_
Gold Coast - 70 35 12 — —
Great Britain wee 40 20 12 15 2.35
Hawaii vee 70 35 12 — —_
Hong Kong eee 70 35 12 _ _
India kee 70 35 12 —- —_
Indonesia rn 70 35 12 — —
Iran : wes 58 20 12 — —
Traq wee 58 29 12 — —
Israel sae 58 29 12 — —
Japan Les 76 38 12 —_ _—
Kenya bee 70 35 12 _— _
Korea wee 76 38 12 — —
Lebanon wee 58 29 12 — —_
Liberia bes 70 35 12 — —
Madagascar eee 70 35 12 — —
Madeira wee 48 23 12 — —
Malaya wee 70 35 12 — —
Mauritius wee 70 35 12 — —_
Morocco wee 58 29 12 —_ “
New Guinea wee 76 38 12 — —_
New Zealand wee 16 38 12 —_ —
Nigeria wee 70 35 12 — —
North Borneo vee 70 35 12 — —
Northern Rhodesia an 70 35 12 —_ —
Pakistan vee 70 35 12 — —_—
Philippines wee 16 38 12 — _—
Pitcairn Is. wee 76 38 12 _— —
Portuguese It. and
W. Afrien os 70) 35 12 — —
St. Helena wee 70 Bd 12 — —
Sandi Arabia ves 58 29 12 —- —
Senegal Lee 70 35 12 — —
Seychelles wee - 70 35 12 — —

Sierra Leone ves 70 35 12 — —
18 â„¢

SCHEDULE C—(cont’d).

Letters Posl At ele. ct Air
Country of Destination per cards Letlers — smalt Pareels
$ oz. packets per 4 1b.
per ¥ 02.
G. C C. C. C.
Singapore see 70 35 12 — —
Solomon Is. wee 76 38 12 —- —
Somaliland . 58 29 12 — —
south Africa wee 70 35 12 — —
Southern Rhodesia wee 7 . ’5 12 — _
Sudan a 7 39 12 — =
Syria vee 58 29 12 — —
Tanganyika Territory... 70 BB 12 — _
Thailand we 70 35 12 — —
Tibet wes 70 35 12 _ —
Tonga see 76 38 12 — —
Tripolitania wee 58 29 12 =
Uganda Lee 70 35 12 ~- —
Zanzibar we 70 35 12 — —~
SCHEDULE D. (Rule 22 (1) & 41 (3) )

Surface Mail Postage Rates on Postal Packets other than Parcels. «

(1) To any place in the Presidency

For every two ounces or fraction thereof wee 2c.
Postcards vee le.

(2) Vo any place beyond the Presidency hut within the Colony :—

For every two ounces or fraction thereof wes 3c.
Pasteards bee 2c.

(3) To Grea Brita n and Ireland, India, Pakistan, British Dominions, Colo-
nies or Protector wes, Mandated Territories (except Trans-Jordan), Her Majesty’s
Ships in Home or Foreign waters, KEeypt, and the British Post Office at Tangiers: —

Not excee‘ling one ounce see dC,

For every additional ounce or fraction thereof vee de.
Postcards vee 4c.

(4) To all other places

Not exceeding one ounce vee de.
For every additional ounce or fraction thereof we OC,
Posewards wee de.


(1) Newspapers published and registered in the Colony aud electioneeriny
circulars in connection with public eleetions:— .

(a) To any place in the Presidency :—

For any copy not exceeding + ozs. in weight wes ge.
For every additional 4 ozs. or fraction thereof — wee te,

(4) To any place beyond the Presideney but within the

Colony :—
For every copy not exceeding 4 0z8 in weight we Lhe.
For every additional 4 ozs. or fruction thereof we D4e.

The rate shall be a rate for each copy, and if two or more copies are sent ina
single packet, cach copy shall be liable to the same postage as if posted separately,
provided that in no case shall a copy or a packet of such copies be chargeable with
a higher rate than that chargeable on a printed paper of the same weight.

(ce) To all other places—the same as for printed papers.

(2) Other Newspapers—The rate shall be the same as that for printed papers.

all places:—

For every two ounces or fraction thereof ase 2c.

Commercial Papers to all places:

Not exceeding eight onnees . Ke
For every two ounces thereafteror fraction thereof vee ee,

To all places: —
Not exceeding our onnces ces Ac,

Bor every two ounces thevealter or fraction thereor see 2c.

To all places to which the service applies:—
Not exceeding ten ounces es loc.

For every two ounces thereafter or fraction thereof ve 3c.

BLIND LITERATURE. Packets containing papers impressed for use of the
Blind) :—

To all places Free
Not exceeding $96 insured value we Be.
Special rate of postage to all places to which the service applies:—
Not exceeding ten ounces we 300.
For every two ounces thereafter or fraction thereof bee be.

(in addition to the insurance fee and registration fee.)
7 21
SCHEDULE E (Rule 22 (2) j


Prepaid Rates not exceeding



Country of Destination »and Route ‘Por / - ne
[lb add. 31b 71b Lilb221bpa se
aE org


we ¢

Within the Presideney or between _

Presidencies wal 12) 24 86) 60) 22) 96.00
Bahamas ova Bermuda i 24 48 72 1.20) 22 96.00
Barbados we 24 48 72 1.20) 22 96.00
Bermuda ae 24 48 72 1208 22 96.00
British Guiana Lee 24 48 72 1.20) 2% 96.00
Canada as 48 90 1.26 2.22] 15! 96.00
Grenada oe 24 48 72 1.20) 22) 96.00
St. Lucia ane 24 48 721.20) 22) 96.00
St. Vincent is 24. 4&6 72 1.20) 22) 46.00
Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, , |

St. Hustatins, St. Martin, and

St. Barths v/a St. Kitts i 24, 48 72 1.20) 22, 98.00
Trinidad and Tobago ee | 244 48 72 1.20) °%2) 98.00
Jainaica, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao

ma Trinidad (Tusuranve Jamaica’ | |

only) wee 36) O4 72) 1.26) *22, 96.00
Jamaica via Bermuda tee 24, 48 72) 1.20) 22 80.00
Great Britain:— | |
Direct bas 60i = 901.20: 1.70} 22 96.00
Via Canada Lee 1.06: 1.80 2.46 3.90) 22 96.00

“USA. ve 1.20) 1.90. 3.56 6.50) 22 96.00

., Barbados or Trinidad _ | 72) 1.24 1.56 2.36) 22 96,00
Guadeloupe es 24) 48 72 ]]
U.S.A. and U.S. Virgin Islands A 30 1 18 22 96.00
Cos. Possessions ave CoS LAL Alaska ;

Canal Zone, Guam, Havana,

Philippines, Puerto Rico and

Samoa wf $200 36 22) 96.00
Duteh Guiana via British Guiana vee © A 72 LOR LS 11, 96.00
Martinique via St. Lueia . » 4s) 90° 1) 96.00
H.M. Ships in foreign waters via ' : |

London. 60 1.20) 1.74) 3.00 £96.06




“Parcels to Jamaica via Trinidad——Limit cof weight L11b,
22 _

SCHEDULE F. (Rule 22 (3) )

Charges for Miscellaneous Services

For the following services applicable to postal packets for all places: —

Registration Fee 6
Advice of Delivery of Registered Postal Packet 10
Enquiry as to alleged loss or non-delivery of Postal Packet = 12
Certificate of posting of an unregistered Postal Packet 1

Undertaking to pay customs and other charges on a parcel 12
Cash on delivery service Posting fee on each Parcel 4

Delivery fee on each Parcel 8
Minimum surcharge in respect of non-payment or insuffi-
cient prepayment of postage 1
SCHEDULE G (Rule 24)

Postal Orders

12c, 24c, 36e, 480, 60c, 72c, 96c, $1.20, $1.68, $1.80, $2.40, $3,
$3.60, $4.80 and $9.60.


Amount of Order ’ Total Poundage payable
Value 12e. to 24c. 3
» 36c. ,, $1.20 5
» $1LA4L ,, $2.40 8
» $2.64 ,, $5.02 10
» $9.60 20

SCHEDULE H (Rule 25 (1))

Money Orders—Rates of Commission

Payable in the Presidency Yc. for each £1 or fraction
thereof, with a minimum
charge of be.

Payabie in other countries with which

Money Orcers are exchanged direct de. for each £1 or fraction
thereof, with a minimum
charge of 8c.


For every two deliars or fraction thereof 2c.


Gratuities for Sea Carriage

(Rule 45)

VOountry to which shipped Ap ticles Rate

Other Presidencies in the

Leeward Islands Letters Per Ib
U.S. Virgin Islands Other Postal
Packets 7
French West Indies, Dutch
West Indies Parcels
Other Countrias Letters

Other Postal

Packets ”
Parcels ”

net weight 17c.

” ” 2c.
” . 2c
” 7 dle
99 a 6c.
9 9 Te,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,

by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
62/00056— 480—2.55,

i Price 25 cents}



1955, No. 7.

The Stamps (Invalidation) Order, 1955, dated February 8,
1955, made by the Governor in Council under
sections 4 and 5 of the Stamp Act (Cap. 135) as

1. Short Title. This Order may he cited as the Stamps
(Invalidation) Order, 1955.

2. Invalidation of Stamps. The stamps originally authorised

for use by and under the Order in Council set forth in the Schedule to
this Order, and the continued use whereof was authorised by the
Stamps (Continuance of Use) Order, 1953 (S.R. & O. 1953, No. 21) shall,
as from the 15th day of August, 1955, no longer be valid for the pay-
ment of postage or stainp duties:

Provided that any person who is in possession of any such stamps
may, at any time between the 15th dav of Angust, 1955, and the 14th
day of November, 1955, apply—-

(a) in respect of a Leeward Islands stamp. to any Post Office
in the Colony: and

(b) in respect of a Presidential stamp, to any Post Office in
the Presidency of issue,

to have such stamps exchanged for and replaced by a valid stamp or
valid stamps of equal value.

Made by the Governor in Couneil this Sth day of February, 1955.
Clerk of the Council,

The Stamps (Universal Postal Union) Order, 1949 (S.R. & O.
1949 No, 37)

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.---By Authority.
62/00009—480—2.55. [ Price 3 cents.]