Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Sonne —
NOtLCeS Order of the Hospital of St. 'ro-
~ Re ne John of Jerusalem. cedure (Aimendment
eee aes “The Trade Unions (Amen _ ent)
nt : di ped, It is notified that Her Majesty the Retyd 280: eee ed
_ Phe following messages are pub- Qyeen hag been eraciously pleased to No, 118
lished for general information :— sanction the admission of Ligutenant- ‘ ‘
Colone! kk. M. V. JAMES, Commis- The following Statutory R °-s and
From the Ministry of Transport sioner of Police, as a Serving Brother Orders are cireulated with thi: azette
and Civil Aviation: of the Venerable Order of the Hospi- and form part thereof:—
tal of St. John of Jerusalem with
“This is the first occasion on effect from the 17th November, 1954, General Governnient
which it has fallen to me as a 2 : ae .
Minister of Transport and Civil The Secretariat, Pee a oe ne paphe
Aviation to send seasonal greetings Antigua, aes cieeyoero) ene
to all those members of the Mer- 15th Decembar, 1954. Mone lps: ee a
chant Navy who are spending Bek: Wo BTUs). No. 51 of 1954, “The Por Office
Christmas overseas. wees (Overtime Pay) (Revocation Rales,
” ue
Many of us at home know from Tt is notified for general informa- ee Eve ieee ae
CEN OU EHES what it means te spend tion that, consequent upon the No. 52 of 1954, ** The Petty tficers
Chrisunas from our homes and transfer of Mr. H. S. lL. MoOsSELY to Good Conduet Pay (Rev ation)
families. Nothing can quite make §t, Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, His Excel- Rules, 1954.” 1 pp. Price 3 nts.
up for that. But we are glad to Jency has issued an instrument
know that though duty takes you appointing Mr. A. R. C. MBADE, No. 53 of 1954,“ The Petty ‘fficers
away at this time you will be Principal. Attorney Gencral’s Office, Uniform Dress (Revocation) egula-
ee ae the festival ae oe to act as Registrar, Antigua, with tions, 1954.2 9 1 pp. Price 3 nts.
raditional way among good friends a ; -
to whom we offer car nee thanks Speer coe eee one No. 54 of 1954, “The Da zerous
for all they have done and are The Secretariat, Drugs (Application) Order, ] 54.”
doing for the welfare of our sea- Antigua. 4 pp. Price 6 mts
farers. 17th December, 1954. No. 55 of 1954, ‘The Da yzerous
Ref, No. 13/00048. Drugs (Relaxation) Order, 195 ”
We can look back on the pasth ee. Pee 2pp. frice4 nis.
twelve months with quiet satisfac-
tion for the year has been one of The Governor in Council has, in ‘1 |
solid national achievementin which accordance with the provisions of TRAFFIC NOTICE
the Merchant Navy has played a Section 32 (1) of the Elementary a
great part. We are indeed grateful Education Act (Cap. 86), been pleased Traffic in Market Stre , St.
to you. to approve ot the appointments of the John’s, on 24th, 27th é 81st
: following persons to the Virgin December,1954 and 1s Jan-
I wish you all a happy Christmas Islands’ Board of Education for a uary, 1955.
and a prosperous New Year, period of one year from the 13th ae :
December, 1954:— By virtue of the powers ve ed in
me under Section 78 (1) | The
From the Secretary of State for the The Honourable H. R. PENN, M.B.E. Vehicles & Road Traffic Om nance
Colonies. Miss ANGELICA SCATLIFFE. No. 5 of 1946, I make the fo swing

“JT join with the Minister of
Transport and Civil Aviation in
expressing my thanks to all those
associated with the welfare of
Merchant Seamen. To them and
to all seamen from the Colonies
I send my best wishes and greet-
ings for Christmas and the New

Administrator's Office,
18th December, 1954.

Ref, No, A. 56/9,


oP 7

Mr. lvaAN HODGE.

Colonial Secretary’s Office,
Leeward Islands.

C.8.0, M.P. 28/00005.

No. 117.

The following Bills which are to
be introduced in the General Legisla-
tive Council of the Leeward Islands
are published with this Gazette and
form part thereof:—

“The Interpretation and General
Clauses Act, 1955.”

order :—

“No traffic by wheeled v-hicles
will be allowed along Market Street,
St. John’s, between Tanner and
Newgate Streets, from 12 »9’clock
noon to 12 o’clock midnight on the
24th, 27th & 31st Decembe:, 1954
and Ist January, 1955.

“Wheeled traffic going Eist and
West will be allowed tc cross
Market Street between the points
named ”’.

Lt. Col.

Traffic Commissioner.
17th December, 1954.


Antigua, 3rd December, 1954.
ter House, 7, Millbank, London. 8.W.
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-

n Class 45, that is to say:—Manufac-
ured ‘lobacco.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 19 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the /eeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade

H. S. L. MoOssuy,
Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, 3rd December, 1954.
LIMITED of 10—14 Duncan Street,
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—


in Class 42 that is to say:—
Substances used as food or as
ingredients in food.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for five
years before the date of their said

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first

appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to vesistration of the said Trade
H. 8S. L. Mosery,
Registrar of Trade Marks.


ANriaua, 15th December, 1954.

LIMITED of No. 85 Queen Street,
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following—

in Class 42—that is to say: Substances
used as food or as ingredients in

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 4 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazeite, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the seid Trade

A. &. MEADE,
Ay. Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, 15th December, 1954.

PORATION of 215 Fremont Street,
City of San Francisco, State of Cali-
fornia, United States of America have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—


in Class 42 that is to say: Foods and
ingredients of foods, including can-
ned fruits, canned vegetables, dried
fruits, raisins, canned fish and coffee.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the gaid Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 25 years
before the date of their said Appli-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appeaaance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to regis-
tration of the said Trade Mark.

Ag. Registrar of Trade Marks.

er â„¢
[25 December, 1954.

ANTIGUA, 15th December, 1954

AMERICA of 30 Rockefeller Plaza,
New York, State of New York, U.S.A.
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-


in Class 8 that is to say:—

Radio receiving aud transmitting
equipment of all kinds and descrip-
tion, parts thereof and accessories,
including radio receiving sets, bread-
cast transmitters, aircraft and airport
receiving and transmitting equipment,
police radio equipment, centralized
radio and audio distribution systerns,
radio compass, radiotelephone and
radiotelegraph transmitters and_ re-
ceivers, automatic radio alarms, radio
communication receiving and trans-
mittingequipment, transcription
turntables, radio range finders broad-
cast studio and contrel room appara-
tus, radio receiving and transmitting
tubes, vacnum tubes and electron
discharge devices of all kinds, electric
batteries, antenna and antenna equip-
ment, piezoelectric crystals, microw-
ave equipment, microphones, transis-
tors, sound recording equipment,
amplifiers, radio measuring and testing
meters, two-way radio communication

equipment, radio telephones, radio
direction finders, radar apparatus,
loran apparatus, position trackers,

sonar apparatus, radio-relay commu-
nication and remote control «quip-
ment: television receiving and
transmitting equipment of al} kinds,
parts thereof and accessories thereto,
including television receivers televi-
sion receiving and transmitting tubes,
television cameras and projectors,
television theatre equipment, sound,
picture and program television
recording equipment, television studio
and field pickup equipment, relay and
mobile equipment, amplifying and
control equipment, antennas and
antenna equipment, television moni-
tors, audio equipment, generators,
television relay transmitters and
receivers, dual-disc slide projectors,
television film projectors, film camera
equipment, kinephoto equipment, film
developers, film contact printers,
monoscope camera, power supply
units, studio lighting equipment,
television camera lenses, television
measuring and testing meters,
oscilloscopes; electrically operated
phonographs, mechanical or spring

wound phonographs, parts thereof
aud accessories thereto, including

record playing attachments, talking
machine records and albums or sets
of talking machine records; sound
records for use in radio broadeasting,
electrical records. sound dise record-
ers and recording equipment, sound
record players, talking machine styli
or needles, electrically operated

* 93 December, 1954. ]

talking machines combined with radio
and television receiving sets.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 54 years
before the date of their said Applica-
tion. ©

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade Mark.

Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.

Nationalized or expropriated
British property or interests
_in property in Hungary,
Roumania, or Bulgaria.

The attention of the public is
drawn to the following United King-
dom Orders in Council:

The Foreign Compensation (Hun-
gary) (Registration) Order, 1954
(S. L. 1954 No. 219)

The Foreign Compensation (Hun-
gary) (Registration) (Amend-
ment) Order, 1954 (OS. I. 1954
No. 1371).

The Foreign Compensation (Rou-
mania) (Registration) Order,
1964) (N. I. 1954 No. 221).

The Foreign Compensation (Bul-
garia) (Registration) Order,
1954) (S. I. 1954 No. 220).

The purpose of these Orders in
Council is to enable the Foreign
Compengation Commission to receive
applications to register details con-
cerning claims relating to nationaliza-
tion or expropriation of British
property, or interests in property, in
Hungary, Roumania, or Bulgaria.

The Foreign Compensation Com-
mission already have the names and
addresses of a number of persons who
have written to the Foreign Office,
and application forms will be sent to
them at those addresses. If, owing
to changes of address, the application
forms are not received within a short
time, those applicants should write to
the Secretary, Foreign Compensation,
Commission 1, Prince Gate, London,
S.W. 7, giving their names and
addresses and stating under which
Order in Council they wish to apply
for registration. Other persons who
wish to apply should write direct to
the Secretary, Foreign Compensation

It is emphasized that no assurance
can be given that an application, or
the registration of a claim under the
abovementioned Orders, will neces-
sarily be followed by negotiation by
Her Majesty’s Government in respect
of that claim with any foreign Gov-
ernment, or that any compensation


will be obtained. If, in due course,
negotiations are wndertaken concern-
ing these or any other categories of
claims with a foreign Government
information contained in claims regis-
tered under these Orders may be of
assistance to Her Majesty’s Govern-

No application to register other
categories of claims in respect of
these countries should be sent to the
Foreign Compensation Commission.
Arrangements for obtaining informa-
tion about claims against the countries
concerned, which are not within the
scope of the present Orders, will be
announced later by the appropriate
Department of Her Majesty’s Gov-

With reference to the abovemen-
tioned Foreign Compensation (Hun-
gary) (Registration) (Amendment)
Order, 1954 (S. I. 1954 No. 1371)
Article 1 of the said Order provides
that notwithstanding the foregoing
the Commission shall not receive any
claim which has not reached the
Commission on or before the thirty
first day of December 1954.

H. 8. L. MosE.ery,
Custodian of Enemy Property.
No. A, 77/12 —TI,

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Lesward Islands.


in pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward Is-
lands Courts Order in Council, 1939,
on the 16th day of October, 1941, as
amended, the Honourable the Puisne
Judge selected for the sitting of the
Court in the Antigua Cireuit has
appointed the undermentioned day
on which the ensuing Circuit shall sit
in the Presidency, that is to say:—

On Monday the 10th day of January,
1955, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.

Registrar, Antigua Circutt.
Registrar's Office,
24th November, 1954.

Central Experiment Station,


1950, 1951. 1952. 1953, 1954.
Jan. 5Al 3.60 2.41 1.938 3.04
Feb 2,52 1,88 1.60 1.02 2.45
Mar. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08
‘Apr. ote 216 Bld 2.06 49
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3.83
June 166 2.74 5.74 1.31 3.32
July 1.85 3828 838 3.20 3.47
Aug. 10.71 918 8.43 3.15 5.98
Sept. 6.34 12.06 5.55 2.10 9,91
Oct. 5.13 3.90 5.19 85 4.62
Nov. 4.43 3.67 5.19 5.24 1.54
Dec, 18th 2.296 5.54 162 2.14 1.75

46.41 59.64 61.94 80.10 41.43


The Income Tax Ordinance No. 7 of
' 1945 (As amended).

Public Officers and Pensioners.

Any public officer or pensioner
liable to pay ineome tax whose income
including that of his wife consists
solely of his and/or her emolamcnts
as a public officer or pensioner or
other allowance from public funds,
shall deliver a true and correct return
of his whole income to the Commis-
sioners not later than the 3lst day of

January, 1955. (Section 67 and
S. R. & O. 1946, No. 13).
Other Persons.

Every person (including « com-

pany) liable to pay income tax shall
deliver a true and correct return of
his whole income not later than the
31st day of March, 1955 (Section 67
and S. R. & O. 1946, No. 13).

Agents, Trustees, ete.

Any person having the direction,
control or management of any prop-
erty or concern, or being in receipt
of income; on behalf of any person,
whether resident or non-resident, as
attorney, factor, agent, trustee, cura-
tor or committee should make and
deliver to the Commissioners a return
in respect of such property, coucern
or income not later than the 31st day
of March, 1955. (Sections 28 and


Any person may be considered to
be “ liable to pay income tax” if his
income from all sources exceeds one
hundred and twelve pounds ($537.60).

All claims for deduction from in-
come tax must be substantiated by
the production of receipts or other
bona fide evidence.


Any person liable to pay income
tax who fails to make or delivera
return within the prescribed period
shall be guilty of an offence against
this Ordinance and shall be liable on
conviction to a penalty not exceeding
one hundred pounds, and in default
of payment to imprisonment with or
without hard labour for a term not
exceeding six months. (Section 68.)

Any person who makes or delivers
a false return or keeps or prepares
any false accounts or particulars con-
cerning any income on which tax is
payable shall be guilty of an offence
and shall be liable on conviction to
a fine not exceeding five hundred
pounds, or to imprisonment with or
without hard labour for a term not
exceeding six monts. (Section 64).

for the Commissioners.


Masters and Local Agents of all
Ships, Sailing Vessels and

All goods of any kind which are
not manifested, arriving in this presi-
dency from abroad must be pre-
sented to a Customs Officer at
the Airport or Port of Entry.

Officers, hostesses and other mem-
bers of the crews of ships and aircraft,
Agents’ clerks, stevedores, ships’
labourers and visitors to ships are
advised to take care to submit to the
Customs Officers on duty packages
and goods of all descriptions, which
they :nay bring ashore from any ship,
vessel or aircraft.

Failure to present such packages or
goods to a Customs Officer may
result in arrest of the person con-
cern¢e| and seizure and confiscation
of the packages or goods.

Tho Collector of Customs, Customs
Officers and any member of the Police
Force, upon reasonable suspicion may
stop und examine any person carrying
any package to ascertain whether any
smuggled goods are contained therein.
(Section 44 of the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance No. 8 of 1900).

The Collector of Customs and any
persons authorised by him may search
any person on board any vessel within
any port of this presidency, or any
person who has landed from any
vessel, provided he has reason to
suppose that such person is carrying
or has uneustomed or prohibited
goods about his person. . (Section 45
of Ordinance No: 8 of 1900).

Collector of Customs.

6th December, 1954.
Ref, No. A, 65/7-ITI,


The Trade and Revenue Ordi-
nance No. 8 of 1900.

Under the provisions of Section 48
of this Ordinance the confiscated
goods described below will be sold
by public auction at the Harbour
Master’s Office on Thursday, 23rd
December, 1954, at 2.30 p.m.

Al pints Beer
25 pints Stout
51 Quarts Rum
4 Pints Rum
89 Pints Malta Corona
42 bottles Brandy
14 Quarts Wine
9 Pints Wine
1 Motor Pickup, A.G. 425.

Collector of Customs.
18th December, 1954.

Statement of Currency Notes
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
- Group) on 1st December,

Average Circulation

during Octo-

Br. Caribbean Cur-
rency Notes 49,157,446.00
Gov't Currency Notes 1,957,355.00


{23 December, 1954.
Br. Caribbean Currency Notes:—
Trinidad & Tobago
Montserrat) .. 26,201,394.00
Barbados ... 5,474,745.00
British Guiana -- 12,738,345.50
Grenada «+ 1,939,100-00
St. Vincent 526,400.00
St. Lucia 862,000.00
Dominica 1,020,400.00
Antigua 1,423,300.00
St. Kitts 1,519,500.00

Total Br. Caribbean

Currency Notes .. 91,705,184.50

Trinidad and Tobago
Government Note


Barbados Government

Note circulation 145,673.00
Br. Guiana Government

Note circulation 473,339.50
Total Government

Note circulation 1,920,907.50
Total circulation on

Ist December 53,626,092.00

W. V. BRown,

Acting Kcecutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.

British Caribbean Ourrency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad, B. WI.

Ref. No. 24/00027—II.


23 December, 1954.] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 249

Coutrol of Imports and Exports

Notice No. 5 of 1954

Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “E” grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.LF. Antigua and should
include agents commission, Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.

2. The “E” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard:—

Maximum moisture owe 14.00%
Maximum ash 52%
Minimum protein i 12.00%

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following :—

Minimum. Maximum.

Thiamine 2.0 2.5 milligrams for each Ib. flour
Riboflavine 1.2 1.5 ” ” ”
Niacine 16.0 20.0 ” ” ”
Tron 13.0 16.5 ” ” ”
With Calcium Car-

bonate 500 600 ” ” ”

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
be stated in the tender. Chemist's certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
duly notarised must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to arrange
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.

Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is en-
riched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour” must be stencilled on each bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped to arrive in Antigua
during February, March and April, 1955 at a monthly rate of 5,000 half-bags of 100 Ibs. each.

4, Tenders should be in a sealed envelope marked ‘‘ Tenders for flour” and should be addressed
to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 12 noon on

the 31st December, 1954.

5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

Adininistrator’s Office,
7th December. 1954.

Ref. No. A.40/18,

Printed a! ‘he Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands, by FE, M. BLackMAN, E.D,
Government Printer.--By Authority.
[Frice 29 cents. ]

No. of 1955 Inlernictation and fenecrul

No. of 1955.

“An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating
to the construction of Acts and subsidiary
legislation, the shortening of the language
used therein, and for other matters relating

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Interpreta-
tion and General Clauses Act, 1955.


&. (1) In this Act and in all other laws,
and in all public documents, enacted, made or
issued before or after the commencement of this
Act, the following words and expressions shall
have the meanings hereby assigned to them
respectively, unless there is something in the
subject or context inconsistent with such construc-
tion or unless it is therein otherwise expressly
provided :—

“Act? or “iMederal Act’? used in relation to
legislation means an Act of the General
Legislative Council of the Leeward Is-
lands and includes private Act and any
regulation, rule, by-law, proclamation,
order in council: or order made under the
authority of any Act;


Short title.

tion of certain


_ 2 Interpretation and General No. of 1955,
oper : Clauses.

“act” used with reference to an offence or
civil wrong, includes a series of acts, and
words which refer to acts done extend to
illegal omissions;

“British possession” means any Dominion or
any British Colony or Protectorate, or
any territory under Her Majesty’s
protection or any territory in respect of
which a mandate or trusteeship is being
exercised by [Her Majesty’s Government
in the United Kingdom or the Govern-
ment of any part of Her Majesty’s

“Chapter”, “Part”, “section”, “paragraph”
and ‘Schedule’ denote respectively a
Chapter, Part, section and paragraph of,
and Schedule to the Act in which the
word occurs and “subsection” and ‘ sub-
paragraph” denote a subsection or sub-
paragraph of the section or paragraph in
which the word occurs;

“Christian name’ meaps any name prefixed
to a surname, whether received in
Christian baptism or otherwise;

“coin” means any coin legally current in the


“the Colony” means the Colony of the Lec-
ward Islands;

“eommencement” used with reference to a
law means the date on which the law
comes into force;

“committed for trial” used in relation to any
person means committed to prison with
the view of being tried before a judge
and jury by any authority having power
to cominit # person to prison with a view
to his trial, and includes a person who is
admitted to bail upon a recognizance to
appear and take his trial before a judge
and jury ;

of 1953 Irferpretazion and General 3

“common law’ means the common law of

“constable” means a police officer who is not
a subordinate police officer of the Police
Force and includes a Local Constable
appointed under the Qocal Constables

“Consul” or “consular officer’? includes Con-
sul General, Consul, Vice-Consul, Con-
sular Agent and any person for the time
being authorised to discharge the duties
of «a Consul General, Consul or Vice.
Consul ;

“contravene with its grammatical variations
and cognate expressions, in relation to
any requirement or condition prescribed
in any luw, or in any permit, leence, or
other suthority, granted under or in
pursuance of any law, includes a failure
to comply with that requirement or con-
dition ;

“Chief Justice’ means the Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court of the Windward
Islands and Leeward Islands;

“Court of Appeal” means the Court of Ap-
peal for the Windward [slands and
Leeward Eslands constituted under the
Leeward Islands and Windward. Jslands
(Courts) Order in Council, 1939 (im-
perial) ;

“Crown Agents” means the persons for the
time being acting in the United Kingdom
as the Crown Agents for Oversea Gov-
ernments and Administrations;

“Dominion” menns a Dominion as defined in
the Statute of Westminster, 1931;

“the Gazette’ means the official publication
printed and published in the Colony
under the title of “The Leeward lslands


Cap. 83.


LEBWARD 4 Interpretation and General No. of 1955.
ISLANDS. Clauses.

Gazette” and includes the Official Gazette
published in the Presidency of Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla;

‘“oazetted” means published in the Gazette;

“Government Printer’ means any printer for
the time being authorised by any Gov-
ernment to print the Gazefte or any laws;

“Governor” means the Governor and Com-
mander in Chief for the time being of
the Colony and includes every person for
the time being administering the Gov-
ernment of the Colony and, to the extent
to which a Deputy for the Governor is
authorised to act, that Deputy;

“the General Legislature” means the General
Legislative Council established by the
Leeward Islands Acts, 1871 to 1950, 2s
amended ;

“Governor in Council” means save as_ other-
wise provided by Letters Patent under
the Great Seal of the United Kingdom or
by Instructions under the Royal Sign
Manual and Signet, the Governor acting
with the advice of the Executive Council
of the Colony, or of a Presidency, as the
circumstances may require, and to such
an extent as may he provided by any
such Letters Patent or Instructions, in
accordance with that advice, but not
necessarily in such Council assembled;

“Government officer” means any person for
the time being in the employment of the
Government of the Colony or a Presi-
dency thereof;

“Her Majesty” or “His Majesty”, “the
Queen” or “the King” or “the Crown
means Her Majesty the Queen or His
Majesty the King, the Sovereign for
the time being of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and all British posses-
sions, and includes the predecessors and

of 1955. Interpretation and General 5

the heirs and successors of such Queen

or King;

“house” includes every messuage, part of a
“mesauage, house, part of a house, build-
ing, or other construction, whether
wholly or in part above or below the
surface of the ground, inhabited or
ocenpied cithe by day or by night by
man, whether beneficially or otherwise,
or intended to be so inhabited or
occupied ;

“Imperial Act’’ or “Stutute’ means an Act
passed by the Imperial Parliament and
assented to by Her Majesty:

“Tmperial Parliament” or “Parliament? means
the Parliament of the United Kingdom;

“Judge” includes the Chief Justice and any
Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court;

“land” and “premises” includes all tenements
or hereditaments, and also all messuages,
houses, buildings, or other constructions,
whether the property of Her Majesty,
Her heirs or suecessors, or of any cor-
poration, or of any private individual,
exeept where there are words to exclude
houses and other buildings;

“law? includes any Act, Local Act and any
subsidiary legislation or rule of court
made or given under the authority of any

“Local Act’? means an Act or Ordinance of a
Presidential Legislature ;

“Mayistrate” means a District Magistrate and
includes an Additional Magistrate ;

‘master’ used with reference to a ship meuns
any person (except a pilot or Larbour
master) having for the time bem: con-
trol or charge of the ship;


LEEWARD 6 Interpretation and General No. of 1955.
ISEAR DE. Clauses.

‘month’? means a calendar month unless words
be added showing lunar month to be

“oath” and “affidavit” in the case of persons
for the time being allowed by law to
affirm or declare instead of swearing,
include affirmation and declivation, and
“wear” in the like ease, includes “affirm”
and “declare”;

“or,” “other” and “otherwise” are, unless 2
contrary intention appears, to be con-
strned disjunctively and not us implyme
similarity, unless the word “similar” or
some other word of like meaning is
added ;

“person” includes any corporation, either
aggregate or sole, and any club, society,
association or other body, of one or more

“Police Force’ means the Leeward {slands
Police Force established aud maintained
12/1951, under the Police Act, 151;

“police officer” ines a aember of the Police

“oresertbed” Mievis preseribed by the lew mn
which the word occurs and in relation to
any subsidiary legisiation means pre-
seribed by the Governor in | ‘ouncil unless
some other authority is mentioned in the
Aet in which the word occurs:

“Presidency means a Presidency of — the

“Prison or Gaol? means the common prison
or vaol of the Presideney in which a
person IX COTMHULLEG EO pr tec

“property” ineludes money, goods, things in
action, lund and every description of
property, whether real or personals alse
obligations, eascments and every des-

No. of 1955. Interpretation and General 7

cription of estate, interest and profit,
present or future, vested or contingent,
arising out of or incidental to property as
herein defined;

“public holiday”? means any day or part of a
day which under the provisions of any
law for the time being in force is or 1s
declared to be or proclaimed as a public

holiday ;

“Hublie place” includes every public highway,
street, road, square, court, alley, land,
bridleway, footway, parade, wharf, jetty,
quay, bridge, publi c garden or open space,
and every theatre, place of public enter-
tauinment of any kind, or other place of
general resort, admission to which is
obtained by payment, or to which the
public have access;

‘“pecorded”’ used with reference to a document
means recorded under provisions of the
law applicable to the recording of such

“registered”? used with reterence to a docu-
ment Means registered under the provi-
sions of the law «pplicable to the
registration of such document;

“Registrar” means the Registrar appointed
for a Circuit of the Supreme Court of
the Windward Islunds and Leeward
Islands in uny Presidency ;

“rules of court” when used in relation to any
court means rules made by the authority
having for the time being power to make
rules or orders regulating the practice
and procedure of such court;

“sell” with its grammatical variations and
cognate expressions, includes exchange
and barter;

“Secretary of Siate” means one cl Her
Majesty’s s Principal Secretaries ci State
for the time being;


Lenwarp 8 Interpretation «ad General No. of 1955,
ISLANDS, Clauses


“the Secretary of State” means [Ler Majesty's
Secretary of State for the Colonies;

“service by post?’—-where any law authorises
or requires any document to be served
by post, whether ‘he expression “serve,
or the expression “give” or “send”, or
any other expression is used, then, unless
a contrary intention appears, the service
shall be deemed to be «ffected by prop-
erly addressing, preprving, aud posting
a letter containing the document and,
unless the contrary is proved,.to have
becn effected at the time at which the
letter would be delivered in the ordinary
course of post;

“ship” means every description of vessel used
in navigation not exclusively propelled
by oars;

“sien” with its grammatical variations and

cognate expressions, with reference to

a person who is unable to write his

name, includes “mark” with its gram-

matical variations and cognate ex-

“street? or “road? includes any pablie
highway, street, read, thoroughfare,
square, court, alley, Jane, bridleway,
footway, parade, passage, or open place
used or frequented by the publie, or to
which the public have or are permitted
to have access ;

“subsidiary legislation” means any regulation,
role, by-law. preelamation, order in
couneil, order, direetion, notice, form or
other instrument made under anv Act or
other lawful authority and heving legisla-
tive effect;

“summary conviction means suminary eons
vietlon before a Viagistvate in accordance
with the provisious of the Macistrate’s

Cap. 61. Code of Procedure Act;


No of 1955. Interpretation and General 9

“ Supreme Court”? means the Supreme Court
of the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands in « Cireuit of the Colony;

“ United Kingdom” means Great Britain and
Northern [reland;

* vessel? includes any ship, boat, lighter, or
other floating craft, used for transport by
Water 5

“ West Indian Court of Appeal” means the
Court of Appeal constituted under the
West Indian Court of Appeal Act, 1919;

‘will? includes codicil;

‘writing’? with its grammatical variations
and cognate expressions, includes print-
ing, lithography, typewriting, photog-
raphy and ether modes of representing
or reproducing words or figures in
visible form ;

“year’? means a year reckoned according to
the British calendar.

(2) Any reterence in any Federal Act or
subsidiary legislation made thereunder in force on
the Ist day of January, 1940, to the expression

(a) “Chief Registrar’ shall be construed
ax meaning the Registrar of the Supreme
Court of the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands in the Antigua Circuit; or

(b) “ Fall Court” shall be construed
meaning the Court of Appeal: or

Gey Coreuir Court? shall be construed
as icaning the Sapreme Court of the Wind-
ward islands «nd Leeward Islands in a
Cireuit of the Colony.

(3) Any reference in any law containing a
reference to [er Majesty’s dominions or to aby
parts thereof, which would have extended so as in
any Way to imelude the bepubly of bacdia, shall
have the same operation in relation to India, and


9 & 10 Geo,
he. 47,


12,18 & 14
Geo, 6 ¢, 92

General inter-
pretation of
gender and

Reference to
public officers
by title of

References to

of time,


10 Interpretation and General No. of 1955,


to persons and things in any way belonging to or
connected with India, as it would have had if
India had not become « Republic.

(4) The provisions of subsection (3) of this
section shall be deemed to be varied, modified or
repetled by any Act of Parliament or Order in
Council of Her Majesty purporting to vary,
modify, or repeal the India (Consequential Pro-
vision) Act, 1949.

3. In this Act, and in every other Act
whether passed or made before or after the com-
mencement of this Act, unless there is something
in the subject or context inconsistent with such
construction, or unless it is. therein otherwise
expressly provided—

(a) words unporting
gender include females; and

the masculine

(6) words in the singular include the
plural, and the words in the plural include the

4. A reference in any law to any public
officer I:y the usual title of his office shall, if there
be such an office customarily in the Colony and
unless the contrary intention appears, be read and
construcd as referring to the person for the time
being holding or carrying out the duties of that
office in the Colony.

5d. Inany law references to the Sovereign
reigning at the time of the passing or making of
the law or to the Crown shall, unless the contrary
intention appexrs, be construed us references to the
Sovereign for the time being.

6. [n computing time for the purposes of
any law unless the contrary intention appears—

(a) a period of days from the happening
of an event or the doing of any act or thing
shall be deemed to be exclusive of the day in
which the event happens or the act or thing
is done;


No. of 1955. Interpretation and General 11


(b) if the last day of the period is
Sunday or a public holiday (which days are
in this scction referred to as excluded days)
the period shall include the next following
day, not being an excluded day;

(©) when any act or proceeding 1s
directed or allowed to be doue or teken on a
certain day, then if that day happens to be an
excluded day, the act or proceeding shall be
considered as done or taken in due time if it is
done or taken on the next day afterwards, not
being an excluded day;

(d) when an act or proceeding 38 clirected
or allowed to be doue or taken within any
time not exceeding six days, excluded days
shall not be reckoned in the computation of
the time.

Where no time is prescribed or allowed
within which anyrhiny shall be done, such thing
sball be done with all convenient speed, and as
often as the prescribed OCCASION ATINLS.

§. Inthe measurement of any distance for

the purposes of any law, that distance shall, unless
the contrary intention appears, be measured in a
straight line on a horizontal plane.

9. A reference in any Act to the number of
a line of any section of any Act shall mean such
line in the latest printed of such Act as
contained in any printed collection of laws pur-
porting to be printed and published by authority
or by the Government Printer at the time of the
passing of the Act containing such reference.

eo} Vv

10. (1) Where terms are defined in any law,
euch terms shall lave the meanings assigned to
them, unless there is anything in the xnbject or
context repugnant (6 oF inconsistent with such

(2) Where terms defined in anv Act are
used in any instrument (that iz to say, any regula-
tion, rule, by-law, proclamation, order in council,


when no time

of distances

References to
the number of
a line,

Definitions in
faw to apply
subject to


Time when
law comes
into opera-

Acts to be
public Acts.

Sections to be

Citation of
original or
revised Acts. .

Citaticen of


12 Interpretation and General — No. of 1955

order, direction, notice or form) made or issued
under such Act, such terins shall have the respec-
tive mewnings ussigned to them by the Act, unless
they are otherwise defined in such ine ene or
are inconsistent a8 the subject or context.


11. When any law or part of any law came
or comes info operation on a particular day, it
shall be deemed to have come or shail come into
operation Immediately on the expiration of the
day next preceding such day.

12. Every Act shall be a public Act and
shall be judicially noticed as such unless the
contrary is expressly provided by the Act.

13. Every section of an Act shall have
effect as a substantive enactment without any
introductory words.

14. When an Act is referred to, 1t shall be
sufficient for all purposes to cite the Act either by
the short title if any, by which it is made citable,
or by the year of its passing and its number
among the Acts of that year or in the case of the
a ed edition of the laws issued under any Act
providing for the issue of a revised edition, by its
short title or its chapter and number and the
reference may in all cases be made aecording to
the copies of Acts purporting to be printed by the
Gevernment Printer.

15. Whenever the Principal Act on any
subject is amended by any Act and the title or
short title of the Principal Act admits of it, the
Principal Act and every Act amending it may for
all purposes be cited by the title or short title, as
the case may be, of the Principal Act, substituing
therein the word “ Acts” for the word ‘ Act’ and
omitting the year andi uumber, or adding the years
of the first and last Acts ae ito; and whenever
two or more Acts are cited in the manner author-
ised by this section, the authorised short title used
shall be consirued to mean all the Acts covered by
that short title or either or any of them.

No, of 1955. Interpretation and Genera! 13


16. Where any law repealing iv whole or in
part any former law is itself repealed, such last
repeal shall not revive the law before repealed
unless words be added reviving such law.

17. Where any law repeals wholly or
partially any former law and substitutes provisions
for the law repealed, the repealed hiv shall remain
in force until the substituted provisions come into

for til tl bstituted t

18. (1) Where any law repeals and_re-
enacts, with or without modification, any provision
of a former law, refereuces in any other law
to the provision so repealed, shall unless the
contrary intention appears, be construed as. refer-
ences to the provision so re-enacted.

(2) Where any law repeals any other law,
then, unless the contrary intention appears, the
repeal shall not—

(a) revive anything not in force or
existing at the time at which the repeal takes
effect; or

(6) affect the previous operation of any
law so repealed or anything duly done or
suffered under any law so repealed; or

(c) affect any right, privilege, or obliga-
tion or liability acquired, — or incurred
under any law so repealed; 0

(d) affect any penalty, forfeiture, or
punishment incurred in respect of any offence
committed ayainst any law so repealed; or

(e) affect any investigation, legal pro-
ceedings, or remedy in respect of any such
right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty,
forfeiture, or punishment as aforesaid, and any
such investigation, legal proceeding, or remedy
may be instituted, continued, er enforced,
and any such penalty, forfeiture, or punish-
ment may be imposed, as if the repealing law
had not been passed.


Repeal of
a repealing

Repeal and

Effect: of


Effect of
repeal on

Construction of
amending law
with amonuded

General provi-
sion with
respect to
power given
to any author-
ity fo make


14 Tnterpretation ard Cenerval No, of 1955.

19. Whenever any Act shall hereafter be
repealed aud other provisions are substituted by
the repealing Act all subsidiary legislation and
appointments made under the repealed Act, and
in force at the time of such repeal, shall until
annalled, continue good and valid in so far as they
are not inconsistent with the substituted Act or

20. Where one law amends another law the
amending law shall, so far as it ts consistent with
the tenor thereof and unless the contrary intention
appears, be construed as one with the amended law,


21. Where any Act confers power on any
authority to make or issue any instrument (that is
to say, any regulation, rale, by-law, Cae
order in couneil, order, (oii or notice) 1 he follow-
ing provisions shall, unless the contrary intention
appears, have olfect with reference to the making,
issue and operation of such instrument—

(a) any instrument as aforesaid may
at any time be amended, varied, rescinded
or revoked by the same authority and in
the same manner by and in which it was

(b) there may be annexed to the
breach of any regulation, rule, by-law,
order in council or order such penalty not
exceeding forty-eight dollars as the author-
ity making the regulation, rule, by-law,
order in council or order may think fit;

(c) no reguiation, rule, by-law, order
in council or order shall be inconsistent
with the provisions of any Act;

(d) where any Act confers power on
any authority to make any regulation, rule,
by-law, order in council or order for any
general purpose, and also for any special
purposes incidental thereto, the enumera-
tion of the special purposes shall not be
deemed to derogate from the generality of
of the powers conferred with reference to
the general purpose;

No, of 1954, Tnterpretation and General 13


(¢) where anv such instrument pw
ports be made or issued under any
particular provision, then it shall be deem-
ed also to be made under all other powers
thereunto enabling; and

(7) any reference in any regulation,
rule, by-law, order in council or order to
“the Act” shall be read and construed as
a reference to the \ct conferring the power
to makeor issue such regulation, rule,
by-law, order in council or order.

22. All subsidiary legislation made under
any Act or lawful authority and having legisla-
tive effect shall be published in the Gacetfe and
unless it is therein otherwise provided shall take
effect. and come into operation as law on the
date of such publication and shall be judicially

28. An Act shall be deemed to be done
under any Jaw or by virtue of the powers
conferred by any law or in pursuance or exect-
tion of the powers of or under the authority of
any law if it is done under or by virtue of or in
pursuance of any regulation, rule, by-law,
proclamation, order in council, order or notice
made or issued under any power contained in
such law.

Provistoxs As TO Powers.

24. Where any Act which is not to come
into operation immediately on the passing there-
of, confers power to make any appointinent, or
to make, grant or issue any instrument (that is
to say any regulation, rue, by-law, proclama-
tion, order in council, order, warrant, scheme
or letters patent) or to give notices, or to do
any other thing for the purposes of the Act,
such power may, unless the contrary intention
appears, be exercised at any time after the
passing of the Act so far as may be necessary
or expedient for the purpose of bringing the Act
into operation at the date of the commencement
thereof, subject to the restriction, that any


ment of

-Acts done un-

der subsidiary
legislation to
be deemed
done under
law by which

Exercise of
between pass-
ing and
ment of Act.


of provisions
as to exercise
of powers and

Power to
power to
remove ete,


16 Interpretation and General No. of 1955

appointment, instrument, notice or thing, made,
granted, issued, given or done under such
power shall not, unless the contrary intention
appears in the Act, or the appointment, notice
or thing is necessary for bringing the Act into
operation, have any effect until the Act comes
into operation.

25. (1) Where any Act confers a power
or imposes a duty, then, unless the contrary
intention appears, the power may be exercised
and the duty shall be performed from time to
time as occasion requires.

(2) Where any Act confers power or
imposes a duty on the holder of an office, as
such, then, unless the contrary intention
appears, the power may be exercised and the
duty shall be performed by the holder for the
time being of the office, or by a person
appointed to act for him,

26. Where any Act confers upon any —
person or authority power to make appointments
to any office or placa the power shall be
construed as including the power to remove or
stspend any person appointed, and to reappoint
or reinstate him, and to appoint another person
temporarily in the place of any person so
removed or suspended or in place of any holder
of the office or place who has died or is ill or
wbsent, and to appoint another person tempora-
vily to fill any vacancy in the office or place
arising from any other cause:

Provided that where the power of the person
or authority to make any such appointment is
only exercisable upon the reeommendation or
subject to the approval, consent or concurrence of
some other person or anthority the power of
removal shall, unless the contrary intention
appears, only be exercisable npon the recommenda-
tion or subject to the approval, consent or
concurrence of that other person or authority.

No. of 1955, Interpretation and General


27. Where by or under any Act any
powers are conferred or any duties are imposed
upon a public officer, the Governor may direct
that, if during any period owing to absence or
inability to act from illness or any other cause
such public officer shall be unable to exercise the
powers or perform the duties of his office in any
place under his jurisdiction or control, such
powers shall be had and may be eyercised and
such duties shall be performed in such places by
the person named by, or by the public officer
holding the office designated by, the Governor,
and thereupon such person or public officer,
during any period as aforesaid shall have and
may exercise the powers and shall perform the
duties aforesaid, subject to such conditions,
exceptions, and qualifications, as the Governor
may direct.

28. (1) Where by or under any Act
power ia given to the Governor to appoint any
person to be members of any board, commission,
committee or similar body it shall be lawful for
the Governor, in the absence of any provision to
the contrary, to so appoint, by his official
designation, any public officer, and, on such
appointment and until such appointment shall be
cancelled or otherwise determined, the person for
the time being filling the office in question shall be
a member of such board, commission, committee
or similar body.

(2) Where by or under any Act power is
given to the Governor to appoint any board,
commission, committee or similar body, it shall be
lawful for the Governor, in the absence of any
provision to the contrary, to appoint a chairman
of such board, commission, committee or similar


29. Where by or under any Act the
Governor or any other public officer or body is
empowered to appoint or name a person to have
and exercise any powers or perform any duties the
Governor or such public officer or body may either
appoint a person by name or direct the person for



Power of
Governor to
provide for
execution of
duties of pub-
lie officers
during tempo-
rary absence
or inability,

Power to the
Governor to
appoint public
officers as
such to serve
on boards, ete.,
and to appoint

of officers by
name or


Change in

title of public


Powers of
aboard, ete..
not affected
by vacancy.


13 Interpretation and General No, of 1955.
Clauses. —

the time being holding the office designated by the
Governor or by such. ‘public officer or body to have
and exercise such powers and Hakala such duties;
and thereupon or from the date specified by the
Governor or by such public officer or body, the
person appointed by name or the person for the
time being holding the office aforesaid shall have
and may exercise such powers and perform such
duties accordingly.

80. When the Governor considers it neces-
sary to change the title of anv public office, he
shall cause a notice to that effect to be published i in
the Grasetfe setting out the former title and the
substituted title or titles of such office, and declar-
ing that such change of title shall take effect, or
shall be deemed to have taken effect, from a date
specified in such notice, and with effect from such
date— ~

(a) where the change in title consists in
the substitution of a single title for the
former title, the substituted title shall replace
the former title wherever the former title
appears in any Actor in any deed or other
instrument made or issued pursuant to or
consequent upon any such Act; and

(6) where the change in title consists in
the substitution of two or more titles for the
former title, the former title shall be replaced,
in the provisions of any such Act, deed or
other instrument as muy be specified in such
notice, by such substituted title as may be
specified in such notice.

31. Where by or under any Act any board,
commission, committee or similar body, whether
corporate or unincorporate, 1s established, then,
unless the contrary intention appears, the powers
of such board, commission, committee or similar

body shall not be affected by—

(a) any vacancy in the membership
thereof ;

(b) the fact that it is afterwards
discovered that there was some defect in the
appointment or qualification of a person
purporting to be a member thereof ;

No, of 1955. Interpretation and General 19


(c) the fact that there was any minor
irregularity in the convening of any meeting

32. Where in any law power 1s given to any
person to do or enforce the doing of any act or thing
all such powers shall he understood to be also given
as are reasonably necessary to enable the person to
do or enforce the doing of the act or thing.

38. Save as is otherwixe expressly provided
by any law, whenever any act or thing is required to
be done by more than two persons, a majority of
them may do it.

834. When a substantive holder of any office
constituted by or under any Act is on leave of
absence pending relinquishment of his office, it shall
be lawful for another person to be appointed sub-
stantively to the same office.

35. Where an act or omission constitutes an
offence, under two or more Acts, or both under an
Act and under any other law which applies to the
Colony, the offender shall, unless the contrary
intention appears, be lable to be prosecuted and
punished under either or any of those Acts or under
such other law, but shall not be liable to be punished
twice for the same offence.

86. A provision which constitutes an offence
shall, unless the contrary intention appears, be
deemed to provide also that an attempt to commit
such offence shall be un offence ayainst such provi-
sion, punishable as if the offence itself had been


3'7. (1) Whenever in any law a penalty is
provided for an offence against that law, such pro-
vision shall, unless the contrary intention appears,
be construcd as fixing the maximum penalty for
that offence, and the offender, on being found guilty,
shall be liable to any penalty not exceeding the
prescribed penalty; and it shall not be necessary in
the law prescribing the penalty to use the expres-
sions “not exceeding”, ‘fa term not ca:eeding ”,
“on conviction thereof” or any similar expressions.


of enabling

Power of
majority of
more than
two persons.

of successor to
office, during
leave of
absence prior
to retuement
of substantive

Provisions as
to offences
under two or
more laws,

Attempt to
commit an
offence to he
deemed an

prescribed to
be maximum


Statement of
penalty at
foot of section.

may be
imposed with
ov without
hard labour.

Disposal of

Imposition of

penalty not to

har civil

Imperial Acts
to be read
with necees-
sary modifi-

Tnierpretation and General No. of 1955.


(2) Whenever in any law a penalty is set out
at the foot or end of any section the same shail
indicate that any contravention of the section
Whether by act or omission shall be an offence
agaist that Jaw and shall, unless the contrary
intention appears, be punishable by a penalty not
excreding the penalty stated.

(3) Where by any law a court is empowered
to order Ln prisonme ent, either peremptorily or in
default of payment of any pecuni: ary penalty, upon
conviction for an offence, the court may, in the
absence of express provision to the contrary in the
saine or any other law, order the offender to be
unprisoned either with or without hard labour, and
it shall not be necessary in the law prescribing the
penalty to state that any such imprisonment may
be with or without hard labour.

38. (1) Where under any law any money or
any animal or any thing is adjudged by any court
or other authority to be forfeited, it shall unless
the eee is otherwise provided or unless it is
expressed by law to be forfeited to any person, be
forfeited to the Crown, and the money or the net
proceeds of the animal or thing, if it is ordered by
competent authority to be sold, shall be paid into
the Treasury of the Presidency concerned and shall
form part of the pablic revenue of such Presidency,
unless other provision is made.

(2) Nothing in this section shall affect any
provision in any law whereby any portion of any
fine or forfeit or of proceeds of any forfeit is
expressed to be recoverable by any person or may
be granted by any authority to any person.

39. The imposition of a penalty or fine by
any iw, in the ubsence of express provision to the
contrary, shall not relieve any person from liability
to answer for damages to a person injured,


40. Whenever any Imperial Act is extended
to the Colony such Act shall be read with such
formal alterations as to nares, localities, courts,
officers, persons, moneys, penalties and otherwise as
may be necessary to make the sume applicable to
the circumstances,

No. of 1955, Interpretation and General 21
41. Where under any Act the Governor is

given power to make any appointment, give any
directions, issue any order, authorise wny thing or
matter to be done, grant any exemption, remit any
fee or penalty, or exercise any other power, it shail
be sufficient, unless it is otherwise expressed, if the
exercise of such power by the Governor is signitied
under the hand of the Colonial Secretary:

Provided always that the foregoing provisions
shall not apply to the power of the Governor to
make or issue sny warrants or proclamations which
shall be made or issued only under the hand of the
Governor himself.

42. Whenever the fiat of the Governor
or the Attorney General is necessary before any
prosecution or action is commenced, any document
purporting to bear the fiat of the Governor or the
Attorney General shall be received as prima facie
evidence in any proceeding without proof being
given that the signature to such fiat is that of the
Governor or the Attorney General.

43. When any law is amended it. shall
be lawful for the Government Printer with the
authority of the Governor to print copies of the
law with all the necessary additions, omissions,
substitutions and amendments attected by the
amending law or laws and such copies shall he
deemed to be authentic copies of the law 80

44. Whenever forms are prescribed in any
Act, slight deviations therefrom, not affecting the
substance or calculated to mislead, shall not in-
validate them.

45. Unless the contrary intention appears,
Where any Act, whether passed before or after the
commencement of this Act, contains a reference to
the Attorney General, the reference shall, in the
absence of the Attorney General from any Presi-
dency, be construed to include a reference to the
Crown Attorney present in such Presidency as the
Attoruey General’s deputy.


of orders, ete,
of (vovernor,

Evidence of
signature of
and Attorney

Reprint of
amended laws,


and Crown


or repeal in

same session.

Saving of
rights of the

Law binding
on Crown,



22 Interpretation and General No. of 1955.
Clauses. ,

46. Any Act may be altered, amended,
or repealed in the same session of the Legisla-
ture in which it passed.

47. No law shall in any manner whatso-
ever affect the right of the Crown, unless it is
there:n expressly stated, or unless it appears by
necessary implication, that the Crown is bound

48. This Act shall be hinding on the


49. The Acts specified in the Schedule
hereto are hereby repealed to the extent men-
tioned in the third column thereof.

50. This Act shall come into operation
ona day to be appointed hy the Governor by
proclamation published in the Gazette.


Passed the General Legislative Council this
day. of , 1935.

Clerk of the Council.

No. of 1955. Interpretation and General 230 Lrewarp

Clauses. PEAS
| |
oR No. | |
Cap. 103 | The Interpretation of Laws Act. The whole Act.
28/1937 The Interpretation of Laws} The whole Act.
' (Amendinent) Act, 1937
| |
11/1939 | The Statute Law Revision Act, | The amendment effect-
, 1939 ed in the Schedule
to the Interpretation
of Laws Act, Cap.
103, shall be deleted.
22/1939 The Interpretation of Laws! The whole Act.
(Amendment) Act, 1939
20/1944 The Interpretation of Laws | The whole Act.
(Amendment) Act, 1944
10/1953 | The Interpretation of Laws | The whole Act.
' (Amendment) Act, 1953 |
4/1954 The Interpretation of Laws | The whole Act.
(Amendment) Act, 1954


The object of this Bill is, as stated in the long title, to
consolidate the law relating to the construction of Acts and
Subsidiary Legislation now or hereafter enacted or made in
respect of the Colony, and for shortening the language used
therein. Such a consolidation aims at bringing the law on
the subject in line with modern legislation in colonial terri-
tories thus simplifying ina great measure the drafting of
legislation and cognate instruments.

P. Ceci. Lewis,

Attorney General.
LOth February, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E. M, Buackman, Government Printer.—By Authority.

47/00202—335—12.54. : Price 25 cents.

No. — of 1955. Mayistrate’s Code of Pro-
cedure (Amendment.)

No of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Magistrate’s Code of
Procedure Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Magistrate’s
Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1954, and
shall be read as one with the Magistrate’s Code of
Procedure Act, as amended, hereinafter called the
Principal Act.

2. After section 97 of the Principal Act the
following section shall be inserted :—

“97A. (1) Where the complete commis-
sion of the offence charged is not proved, but
the evidence establishes an attempt to commit
the offence, the defendant may be convicted
of such attempt and punished accordingly:

Provided that, after conviction for such
attempt, the defendant shall not be liable to
be prosecuted again for the same offence
which he was charged with committing.

(2) Where an attempt to commit an
offence is charged, but the evidence establishes
the commission of the full offence, the defend-
ant shall not be entitled to have the complaint
dismissed, but he may be convicted of the
attempt and punished accordingly:


Short title,

Cap. 61,

Addition of
new section
to the Prin-
cipal Act.

full offence

Leewarp 2. Mayistrate’s Code of Pro- No. of 1955.
IsLaNnDs. cedure (Amendment.)

Provided that, after conviction for such
attempt, the defendant shall not be liable to
be prosecuted again for the offence which he
was charged with attempting to commit.

een ss 3. The following proviso shall be substituted
ic) repealed for the proviso to paragraph (c) of subsection (4)
and replaced, Of section 130 of the Principal Act:—

“ Provided that where the defendant is
the wife of the applicant the Magistrate shall
not make an order containing the provisions
of this paragraph unless he is satisfied that
the applicant is not possessed of sufficient
means to provide reasonable maintenance for
himself or that the applicant is by reason of
old age, illness or physical or mental disability
unable to provide for his own maintenance.”’.

Substitution 4. The following section shall be substituted

of section 175 . Me
of the Princi- for section 175 of the Principal Act:—

pal Act.

ote - 175. (1) Where an appeal is by way of
< motion the appellant within fourteen days
after the day on which the Magistrate has
given his decision shall serve a notice on the
other party and on the Magistrate of his
intention to appeal, and the said notice shall

also contain the reasons for appeal:

Provided that in the case of an appeal
from a decision of the Magistrate of District
“J” the said notice shall be served within
twenty-eight days after the day on which the
Magistrate has given his decision.

(2) The notice required by subsection (1)
of this section may set forth all or any of the
following reasons, and no other, that is to
say :—

(a) that the Court had no jurisdic-
tion in the case:


Provided that it shall not be com-
petent for a Judge to entertain such
reason for appeal, unless objection to the
jurisdiction of the Court has been

No. of 1955. = Magistrate's Code of Pro» 3 ULEEward
cedure (Amendment.) IsLanps.

formally taken at some time during the
progress of the case and before the
pronouncing of the decision; or

(4) that the Court exceeded its
jurisdiction in the case; or

(c) that the Magistrate was per-
sonally interested in the case; or

(d) that the Magistrate acted cor-
ruptly or maliciously in the case; or

(e) that the decision was obtained
by fraud; or

(7) that the case has been already
heard or tried and decided by, or forms
the subject of a hearing or trial pending
before, some competent tribunal; or

(7) that legal evidence substantially
alecting the merits of the case was
rejected by the Court; or

(A) that illegal evidence was admitted
by the Court and that there is not
sufficient legal evidence to sustain the
decision after rejecting such illegal
evidence; or

(7) that the decision is unreasonable
or cannot be supported having reg rard to
the evidence; or

(7) that the decision was erroneous
in point of law; or

(fF) that some other sp secific ille-
gality, not hereinbefore mentioned, and
substentially affecting the merits of the
ease was committed in the course of the
proceedings in the case; or

(2) that the judgment or sentence
passed was based on a wrong principle
or was such that « Magistrate viewing
the eircumstances reasonably coud not
properly have so decided; or


of section 183
of the Princi-
pal Act,

1. Magictrates Code of Pro- No, of 1°55.
cedure (Amendment.)

_(m) that the sentence imposed was
unduly severe.

(3) An applicant shall, subject as herein-
after in this subsection appears, set forth in
the said notice the particular matter on which
he relies or of which he complains, in such
manner is to inform the respondent thereof,
ax, for example, if he relies upon the reason
for appeal stated in paragraph (7) of subsec-
tion (2) of this section, the tiame of the
tribunal shall be stated, and, if a decision is
alleved, the epee date of such decision
shall be stated; if he relies upon the reason for
wppeal stated in paragraph (/) of subsection
(2) of this section, the nature of the error
shall be stated; and if he relies upon the
reason for appeal stated in paragraph (/) of
subsection (2) of this section, the illegality
complained of shall be clearly specified.

(4) Where the reason for appeal given
is that the applicant is not guilty, no particu-
lars need be stated.”

5. The following section shall be substituted
for section 183 of the Principal Act:-—-

Appeal limi- 183. At the hearing of an appeal on

ted to reasons

given in

of section 18t
of the Princi-
pal Act.

motion it shall not be competent for the
appellant to go into, or to give evidence of,
any other reasons for appeal than those set
forth in his notice of appeal:

Provided that where, in the opinion of

the Judge, other reasons for appeal than those
set forth in the notice of appeal should have
been given, or the statement of reasons is
defective, the Judge may in his discretion
allow such amendments of the notice of appeal
upon such conditions asx to service upon the
respondent and as to costs as he may think
6. Section 186 of the Principal Act is here-
hy amended by deleting the words * subject to due
notice” in the third line and all the words follow-
ing thereafter down to and including the words
‘and he” in the eighth line thereof,

No. of 1955. Magistrate's Code of Pro- 5 ULsxnwarp
cedure (Amendment.) ISLANDS.

7. After section 184 of the Principal Act Addition of
the following section shall be inserted:— How seobion to
> the Principal!

“184A. The Judge may, in any case Powerto the
where he may consider it necessary that Judge to take

: : evidence.
evidence should be adduced, either—

(a) order such evidence to be
adduced before him on some day to be
fixed in that behalf; or

(6) order such evidence to’ be given
by affidavit; or

(c) refer the case back to the
Magistrate to take such evidence, and
may in such case either direct the
Magistrate to adjudicate afresh after
taking such evidence and subject to such
directions in law, if any, as the Judge
may think fit to give, or direct him, after
taking such evidence, to report specific
findings of fact for the information of
the Judge; and on any such reference
the case shall, so far a3 may be practicable
and necessary, be dealt with as if it were
being heard in the first instance.”.

8. Section 186 of the Principal Act is here- Amentment, |
i. . € section )
by amended by the substitution of a colon for the of the princi-

full stop at the end thereof and the addition thereto pa! st.
of the following proviso:—

“ Provided that the Judge may, if of
opinion that a different sentence should have
been passed quash the sentence passed by the
Magistrate and pass such other sentence
warranted by law (whether more or less
severe) in substitution therefor as the Judge
thinks should have been passed.”’.

9. The First Schedule to the Principal Act Amendment
of second

shall have effect as if for the words “ five pounds’ column of
appearing in the second column thereof there were aa
substituted the words * one hundred dollars ”’. Principal Act,

Lezwarn 6 Magistrate's Code of Pro- No. — of 1955.

IsLanps. cedure (Amendment. )
Amendment 10. Paragraph (6) of section 17 of the

f section 17 : j
of the Magis.’ Magistrate’s Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act,

poe Code 1954, shall have effect as if for the word, symbols.
ure . .

(Amendment) and figures (2), (8) and (4) ” therein there were

Act 13/1954. substituted the word, symbols and figures ‘“ (2),

(3), (4) and (5) .


Pussed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


The objects of this Bill are:—

(a) to empower a Magistrate to convict of an
attempt either—

(1) where the complete commission of the
offence charged is not proved, but the
evidence establishes an attempt to commit
the offence,

(ii) where an attempt is charged but the
evidence establishes the commission of
the full offence (clause 2);

(6) to make it clear that a Magistrate shall not
make an order containing any of the provisions of
paragraph (°) of section 180 (4) of the Principal Act
except in the circumstances envisaged by the proviso
to the said paragraph (clause 3),

The original proviso to the said paragraph is con-
sidered to be defective in its present form;

(c) to replace sections 175 and 183 of the
Principal Act so as to permit the reasons for appeal to
be included in the notice of intention to appeal
(clause +); and to confine the appellant at the hearing
of the appeal to the reasons stated in his notice of
appeal (clause 5);



of 1955. Mayistrate’s Code of Pie. 7 Lerwarp
cedure (Amendment.) IsLANDs.

(d) to enable a Judge to take evidence on appeal
if he considers it necessary (clause 7);

(e) to permit a Judge on appeal to substitute a
different sentence, whether more or less severe, from
that imposed by a Magistrate (clause 8);

(f) to extend the jurisdiction of Magistrates to
hear indictable offences summarily in cases where an
adult. pleads guilty and the amount or value of the
property in respect of which the charge is laid does not
exceed $100 (clause 1);

(g) to correct an error in section 17 of the
Magistrate’s Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act
No. 13/1954 (clause 1).

2. Clauses 2, 4 (2), (8), (4), 5 and 7 are based

respectively on sections 71, 181 and 182, 141 and 146 of the
Summary Courts Ordinance of Trinidad and ‘Tobago, Cap. 3,
No. 4 (Revised Edition 1950).

3. Clause 6 is a consequential amendment as a result

of the replacement of section 183 of the Principal Act.

P. Crciu Lewis,
Attorney General.

1%th October, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands
by E, M. Buackman, Government Printer.-. By Authority.

47/00026— —12.54. [Price 9 eents.]



No. of 1955. = Trade Unions (Amendment). Lrrwarp

No. ot 1955.

An Act to amend further the Trade Unions Act.

INACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward


1. This Act may be cited as the Trade Short title.
Unions (Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read
as one with the Trade Unions Act, 1939, as 16/1939,
amended, hereinafter called the Principal Act.

2. Section 21 of the Principal Act is hereby Amendment

‘ __ of section 21
amended of the Princi-

; . . . pal Act.
(a) by re-numbering this section as sub-

section (1) of the section; and

(6) by the addition thereto of the follow-
ing subsection—


(2) For the purposes of subsection
(1) of this section the expression ‘‘ the
Governor” shall mean the officer for the
tine being administering the Government
of the Presidency wherein a trade union
is established.”’.

3. Section 28 of the Principal Act is hereby Amendment
amended by the insertion of the words “an of speton 28.
affidavit or” immediately before the words ‘a pal act.
solemn declaration”? appearing in the fifth and

eleventh lines thereof.


LeEwarp 2 Trade Unions (Amendment). No. of 1958.
IsLANDs. a

Masnimeat 4. The Second Schedule to the Principal
of Second Act is hereby amended by the insertion therein

Schedule t ;
fhe princi after paragraph 3 of the following paragraphs:—

“3A. Provision for the election of
officers at stated intervals.

3B. Provisions for voting by means of
secret ballot in respect of the election of
officers and decisions as to strikes.’’.


Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Couneil.

The objects of this Bill are—

(@) to permit Regulations to be made by the officer
administering the Government of a Presidency wherein a
trade union is established together with the Exccutive
Council of such Presidency, instead of by the Governor
of the Colony and the Executive Council of the said Presi-
dency (clause 2);

(b) to authorise the sccretary of a trade union to
make an affidavit that the provisions of the Act have been
complied with when giving notice of change of name, or
in the case of an amalgamation of a trade union. Hitherto
he could only make a solemn declaration (clause 3); and

(c) to make it compulsory for the rules of a trade
anion to make provision for the election of officers to be
held at stated intervals and for voting to be by secret
ballot at the election of officers and in respect of decisions
as to strikes.

P. Cectn Lewis,
Attorney General.
24th November, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN. Government Printer.—By Authority.

47/00079—335 —12.54. Price 4 cents



1954, No. 50.


Tur PuBiic Orricers Leave (Revocation) REGULATIONS,
1954, paren DrcemBerR 13, 1954, MADE BY THE

1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as
the Public Officers Leave (Revocation) Megulations, 1954.

2. Revocation. The following Regulations and
tules are hereby revoked: —

The Public Officers Leave © eguiations, 1930,
(S.R. & O. 1980 No. 5);

The Poblic Officers’ Leave Regulations 1930, Amend-
ment Order, 1931 (S.R. & O. 1931 No. 5);

The Public Officers Leave (Amendment) Regulations,
1984 (S.R. & O. 1934 No. 10);

The Publie Officers’ Leave Rules, 1985 (SR. & O.
7 1935 No. 8); and

The Public Officers Leave (Amendment) Kegulations,
1945 (S.Ro& O. 1945 No. 4).

3. Commencement. ‘These Regulations — shall
come into operation on the ist day of January, 1955.

Made by the Governor in Council this 13th day of
December, 1954.
A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Couneil.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E.M BuackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
13J00054.—480 12.54 | Price 3 cents. ]


1954, No. 51.

Tae Post Orrick (Overtime Pay) (Revocation) Runes,
1954, pateEpD DecemBer 18, 1954, MADE RY THE
Orrice Act (Cap. 123).

1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the Post
Office (Overtime Pay) (Revocation) Rules, 1954.

2. Revocation. The Post Office (Overtime Pay)
Rules, 1948 (S.R. & O. 1948 No. 29) are hereby revoked.

3. Commencement. These ltules shall come into
operation on the Lst day of January, 1955.

Made by the Governor in Council this 13th day of
December, 1954.

A. E. Prny,
Clerk of the Couneil.

Printed at the Government Printing Olfice Leeward Islands,‘
by KE. M BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
13/00205 —480—12.54. [Price 3 cents.]

1954. No. 52.


Good Conduct Pay of Petty Officers.

Tue Perry Orricers Goop Conpuct Pay (Krvocarion)
Ruves, 1954, MADE By THE GOVERNOR IN CouNCcIn.

1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the Petty
Officers Grood Conduct Pay (Revocation) Rules, 1954.

“. Revocation. The Petty Othcers Good Conduct
Pay Rules, 1928 (S. BR. & O. 1928 No. 13), the Petty Officers
Good Conduct Pay (Amendment) Rules, 1928 (S. R. & O.
1928 No, 20) and the Petty Officers Good Conduct Pay
(Amendment) Rules, 1968 (8. R. & O. 1938 No. 9) are

hereby revokea.

3. Commencement. These Rules shall come into
operation on the Ist day of January, 1955.

Made by the Governor in Couneil this 13th day of
December, 1954.

A. KE. Penn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Govemment Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by Eo M. Bhackwan. Governmennt Printer.—_By Authority.
13100240. 480—12.54 [Price 3 cents-]

1954. No. 53.

Petty Officers Uniform Dress.

Tae Perry Orricers Untrorw Dress (Revocation)
Recurations, 1954, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR IN

1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as the

Petty Officers Uniform Dress (Revocation) Regulations, 1954.

2. Revocation. The Petty Officers Uniform Dress
Regulations, 1928 (S. R. &. O. 1928 No. 25), the Petty
Officers Uniform Dress Regulations, 1928, Amendment
Regulations 1928 (S. R. & O. 1928 No, 38) and the Petty
Officers Uniforin Dress (Amendment) Regulations, 1933
(3. R. & O. 1933 No, 29) are hereby revoked.

». Commencement. These Regulations shall come
into operation on the Ist day of January, 1955.

Made by the (tovernor in Council this 13th day of
December, 1954.
A. I. Penn,
Clerk of Council,

Printed at the Gavernmeut Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
hy EH. M. Brackman, Government Printer.—By Authority.
* 1954. :

13/00192.—480—12.54 [Price 3 cents]



1954, No. 54.

Tue Danerrous Drees (Appiication) OrpER, 1954, DATED
sEvrion 14 (2) or rie Dangerous Drucs Act, 19387 (No, 23/1937)

WHEREAS by subsection (2) of section 14 of the Dangerous
Drugs Act, 1937, as amended, power is conferred on the Governor
in Council to declare by order that Part V of the said Act shall
apply to any drug of whatever kind in the same manner as it applies
to the drugs mentioned in subsection (1) of section 11 of the said
Act, if it appears to the Governor in Council that such drug is or
is likely to be productive, if improperly used, or is capable of being
converted into a substance which is or is likely to be productive, if
improperly used, of ill effects substantially of the same character or
nature as or analogous to those produced by morphine or cocaine:

AND WHEREAS it appears to the Governor in Council that
the drugs specified in the Schedule to this order are productive,
if improperly used, or are capable of being converted into a sub-
stance which is or is likely to be productive, if improperly used, of
ill-effects substantially of the same character or nature as or
analogous to those produced by morphine or cocaine.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in Council in pursuance
of the powers conferred upon him by subsection (2) of section 14 of
the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1937, as amended, is pleased to declare
and it is hereby declared as follows:—

1. Crrarion. This Order may be cited as the Dangerous
Drugs (Application) Order, 1954.

2. AppLicaTION. Part V of the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1987,
as amended, shall apply to the drugs specified in the Schedule to
this Order in the same manner as the said Part V applies to the
drugs mentioned in subsection (1) of section 14 of the said Act.

9 a
3. Revocation. The following Orders are hereby revoked:—

(a) The Dangerous Drugs Order in Council, 1989 (8.R.& O.
1939 No. 6).

(4) The Dangerous Drugs (Application) Order, 1948
(S.R. & O. 1948 No. 4).

(c) The Dangerous Drugs (Application and Modification)
Order, 1951 (S.R. & O. 1951 No. 2).

(7) The Dangerous Drugs (Appheation) Order, i95]
S.R. & O. 1951 No. 62).

(ce) The Dangerous Drugs (Application) Order, 1955
(S.R. & O. 1953 No. 9),
Made by the Governor in Council this 13th day of December,

Clerk of the Council.


Any preparation, admixture or other substance (except syrupus
Codeine. Phosphatis B. P. C. 1934) containing anv proportion of
methylmorphine (commonly known as codeine) or ethylmorphine
(commonly known as dionin) wssociated with any inert substance
whether solid or hquid, and to any preparation, admixtare or. other
substance containing more than 2.5 per cent. of methylmorphine or
ethylmorphine (calculated as pure drug) associated with any other
medicinal substance.

Methyldihydromorphinorie (commonly known as Metopon), its salts
and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing
any proportion of Methyldihydromorphinone.

Alphaprodine (oc-4-Propionoxy-——.4-phenvi-l: 8-dimety!- {-piperi-
dine), its salts and any preparation, admixture. extract or other
substance containing any proportion of aiplaprodine.

. 3

Amidone (also known as methadone) (6-Dimethylamino--4: 4-
diphenylheptan-3-one), its salts and any res admixture, extract
or other substance containing any proportion of amidone.

Betaprodine (B-t-Propionoxy-4-phenyl-1: 3-dimethyl-4-piperidine),
its salts and any preparation, admixture, extraet or other substance
containing any proportion of betaprodine.

Hydroxypethidine (lthyl 4-m-hydroxyphenyl-1-methylpiperidine-
t-carboxylate), its salts and any preparation, admixture, extract or
other substance containing any proportion of hydroxy pethidine.

Lsoamidone (6-Dimethy!amino-4: 4-diphenyl-5-methylhexan-3-one),
its salts and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance
containing any proportion of isoamidone.

Ketobemidone (4-Propiony!-4-m-hydroxyphenyl-1-methylpiperidine),
its salts and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance
containing any proportion of ketobemidone.

Methadol (6-Dimethylamino-4: 4-diphenylheptan-3-ol) its salts and
any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containting any
proportion of methadol.

Methady! acetate (6-Dimethylamino-4: 4-diphenyl-3-heptylacetate),
its salts and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance
containing any proportion of methady] acetate.

Phenadoxone (6-Morpholino-4: 4-diphenylheptan-3-one}. its salts
and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing
any proportion of phenadoxone.

Dihydrocodeine, its salts ancl any preparation, admixture, extract
or other substance containing any proportion of dihydrocodeine.

Acetvldihydrocodeine, its salts and any preparation, admixture,
extract or other substance containing any proportion of acetyldihydroco-

4-Propionoxy-4-phenyl-1-methyl-3- oy veridine, its salts and
any preparation, adpuxture, extract or other substance containing any
proportion of t-propionoxy-4-pleny chen

Methorphinan other than dextrorphan, its salts and any prepara-
tion, admixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion
of methorphinun other than dextrorphan.

3-Methoxy-N-methylmorphnian other than dextrorpban (that is to
say, levomethorphan and racemethorphan) its salts and any prepara-
tion, admixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion of

N-allylnormorphine, its salts, and any preparation, admixture,
extract or other substance containing any proportion of N-allylnor-

Methyldesomorphine (6-methyl A 6-desoxymorphine) its salts and
any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing any
proportion of methyl-desomorphine or its sults.

Morpholinylethylmorphine (commonly known as Pholcodine).

Printed at the Government Printing Offic , veeward Islands,
by FE. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer,—By Authority.
47/00094—480-—12.54. Ef rice 6 cents.





1954, No. 55.

THE Dancrerous Drugs (RELAXATION) Onrber, 1954, 0 DATEL
SECTION 15 (1) oF THE DangErows Dries Act, 19387 (No. 23/1987)

WHEREAS by subsection (1) of section 15 of the Dangerous
Drugs Act, 19387, as amended, if is provided that it shall not be
lawful for any person to trade in or manufacture for the purpose of

- trade any of ‘the products obtained from any of the phenanthrene

» alkaloids of opium or from the ecgonine alkaloids of the coca leaf,

. not being a product which was on the 13th day of July, 19381, being
used for medical or scientific purposes, and that the Governor in
Council may, if satisfied that any such product is of medical or
scientific value. by Order direct that the subsection shall cease to
apply to that product:

AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council is satisfied that the
drugs specified in the Schedule to this Order, being products
obtained from morphine, one of the phenanthrene alkaloids of opium,
which were not on the said date being used for medical or scientific
purposes, are of medical value:

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in Couneil in pursuance
of the power conferred upon bim by subsection (1) of seetion 15 of
the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1937, as amended, is pleased to order,
and it is hereby ordered, as follows:

1. Crrarion, This order may be cited as the Dangerous Drugs
(Relaxation) Order, 195+.

2. Non-APPLICATION. Subsection (1) of section 15 of the
Dangerous Drugs Act, 1°37, as amended, shall cease to apply to
the drugs specified in the Schedule to this Order.

ale tiene


Made by the Governor in Council this 18th day of December,

A. KE. PEnn,
Clerk of the Councal.


Methyldesomorphine (6-methyl- A 6-desoxymorphine):


Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands
Ly E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer. —By Authority.
62/00010 —480— 12.54. [Prive & cents. |

-— ma

a». & ore

Full Text




Sonne —
NOtLCeS Order of the Hospital of St. 'ro-
~ Re ne John of Jerusalem. cedure (Aimendment
eee aes “The Trade Unions (Amen _ ent)
nt : di ped, It is notified that Her Majesty the Retyd 280: eee ed
_ Phe following messages are pub- Qyeen hag been eraciously pleased to No, 118
lished for general information :— sanction the admission of Ligutenant- ‘ ‘
Colone! kk. M. V. JAMES, Commis- The following Statutory R °-s and
From the Ministry of Transport sioner of Police, as a Serving Brother Orders are cireulated with thi: azette
and Civil Aviation: of the Venerable Order of the Hospi- and form part thereof:—
tal of St. John of Jerusalem with
“This is the first occasion on effect from the 17th November, 1954, General Governnient
which it has fallen to me as a 2 : ae .
Minister of Transport and Civil The Secretariat, Pee a oe ne paphe
Aviation to send seasonal greetings Antigua, aes cieeyoero) ene
to all those members of the Mer- 15th Decembar, 1954. Mone lps: ee a
chant Navy who are spending Bek: Wo BTUs). No. 51 of 1954, “The Por Office
Christmas overseas. wees (Overtime Pay) (Revocation Rales,
” ue
Many of us at home know from Tt is notified for general informa- ee Eve ieee ae
CEN OU EHES what it means te spend tion that, consequent upon the No. 52 of 1954, ** The Petty tficers
Chrisunas from our homes and transfer of Mr. H. S. lL. MoOsSELY to Good Conduet Pay (Rev ation)
families. Nothing can quite make §t, Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, His Excel- Rules, 1954.” 1 pp. Price 3 nts.
up for that. But we are glad to Jency has issued an instrument
know that though duty takes you appointing Mr. A. R. C. MBADE, No. 53 of 1954,“ The Petty ‘fficers
away at this time you will be Principal. Attorney Gencral’s Office, Uniform Dress (Revocation) egula-
ee ae the festival ae oe to act as Registrar, Antigua, with tions, 1954.2 9 1 pp. Price 3 nts.
raditional way among good friends a ; -
to whom we offer car nee thanks Speer coe eee one No. 54 of 1954, “The Da zerous
for all they have done and are The Secretariat, Drugs (Application) Order, ] 54.”
doing for the welfare of our sea- Antigua. 4 pp. Price 6 mts
farers. 17th December, 1954. No. 55 of 1954, ‘The Da yzerous
Ref, No. 13/00048. Drugs (Relaxation) Order, 195 ”
We can look back on the pasth ee. Pee 2pp. frice4 nis.
twelve months with quiet satisfac-
tion for the year has been one of The Governor in Council has, in ‘1 |
solid national achievementin which accordance with the provisions of TRAFFIC NOTICE
the Merchant Navy has played a Section 32 (1) of the Elementary a
great part. We are indeed grateful Education Act (Cap. 86), been pleased Traffic in Market Stre , St.
to you. to approve ot the appointments of the John’s, on 24th, 27th é 81st
: following persons to the Virgin December,1954 and 1s Jan-
I wish you all a happy Christmas Islands’ Board of Education for a uary, 1955.
and a prosperous New Year, period of one year from the 13th ae :
December, 1954:— By virtue of the powers ve ed in
me under Section 78 (1) | The
From the Secretary of State for the The Honourable H. R. PENN, M.B.E. Vehicles & Road Traffic Om nance
Colonies. Miss ANGELICA SCATLIFFE. No. 5 of 1946, I make the fo swing

“JT join with the Minister of
Transport and Civil Aviation in
expressing my thanks to all those
associated with the welfare of
Merchant Seamen. To them and
to all seamen from the Colonies
I send my best wishes and greet-
ings for Christmas and the New

Administrator's Office,
18th December, 1954.

Ref, No, A. 56/9,


oP 7

Mr. lvaAN HODGE.

Colonial Secretary’s Office,
Leeward Islands.

C.8.0, M.P. 28/00005.

No. 117.

The following Bills which are to
be introduced in the General Legisla-
tive Council of the Leeward Islands
are published with this Gazette and
form part thereof:—

“The Interpretation and General
Clauses Act, 1955.”

order :—

“No traffic by wheeled v-hicles
will be allowed along Market Street,
St. John’s, between Tanner and
Newgate Streets, from 12 »9’clock
noon to 12 o’clock midnight on the
24th, 27th & 31st Decembe:, 1954
and Ist January, 1955.

“Wheeled traffic going Eist and
West will be allowed tc cross
Market Street between the points
named ”’.

Lt. Col.

Traffic Commissioner.
17th December, 1954.

Antigua, 3rd December, 1954.
ter House, 7, Millbank, London. 8.W.
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-

n Class 45, that is to say:—Manufac-
ured ‘lobacco.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 19 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the /eeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade

H. S. L. MoOssuy,
Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, 3rd December, 1954.
LIMITED of 10—14 Duncan Street,
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—


in Class 42 that is to say:—
Substances used as food or as
ingredients in food.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for five
years before the date of their said

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first

appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to vesistration of the said Trade
H. 8S. L. Mosery,
Registrar of Trade Marks.


ANriaua, 15th December, 1954.

LIMITED of No. 85 Queen Street,
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following—

in Class 42—that is to say: Substances
used as food or as ingredients in

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 4 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazeite, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the seid Trade

A. &. MEADE,
Ay. Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, 15th December, 1954.

PORATION of 215 Fremont Street,
City of San Francisco, State of Cali-
fornia, United States of America have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—


in Class 42 that is to say: Foods and
ingredients of foods, including can-
ned fruits, canned vegetables, dried
fruits, raisins, canned fish and coffee.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the gaid Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 25 years
before the date of their said Appli-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appeaaance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to regis-
tration of the said Trade Mark.

Ag. Registrar of Trade Marks.

er â„¢
[25 December, 1954.

ANTIGUA, 15th December, 1954

AMERICA of 30 Rockefeller Plaza,
New York, State of New York, U.S.A.
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-


in Class 8 that is to say:—

Radio receiving aud transmitting
equipment of all kinds and descrip-
tion, parts thereof and accessories,
including radio receiving sets, bread-
cast transmitters, aircraft and airport
receiving and transmitting equipment,
police radio equipment, centralized
radio and audio distribution systerns,
radio compass, radiotelephone and
radiotelegraph transmitters and_ re-
ceivers, automatic radio alarms, radio
communication receiving and trans-
mittingequipment, transcription
turntables, radio range finders broad-
cast studio and contrel room appara-
tus, radio receiving and transmitting
tubes, vacnum tubes and electron
discharge devices of all kinds, electric
batteries, antenna and antenna equip-
ment, piezoelectric crystals, microw-
ave equipment, microphones, transis-
tors, sound recording equipment,
amplifiers, radio measuring and testing
meters, two-way radio communication

equipment, radio telephones, radio
direction finders, radar apparatus,
loran apparatus, position trackers,

sonar apparatus, radio-relay commu-
nication and remote control «quip-
ment: television receiving and
transmitting equipment of al} kinds,
parts thereof and accessories thereto,
including television receivers televi-
sion receiving and transmitting tubes,
television cameras and projectors,
television theatre equipment, sound,
picture and program television
recording equipment, television studio
and field pickup equipment, relay and
mobile equipment, amplifying and
control equipment, antennas and
antenna equipment, television moni-
tors, audio equipment, generators,
television relay transmitters and
receivers, dual-disc slide projectors,
television film projectors, film camera
equipment, kinephoto equipment, film
developers, film contact printers,
monoscope camera, power supply
units, studio lighting equipment,
television camera lenses, television
measuring and testing meters,
oscilloscopes; electrically operated
phonographs, mechanical or spring

wound phonographs, parts thereof
aud accessories thereto, including

record playing attachments, talking
machine records and albums or sets
of talking machine records; sound
records for use in radio broadeasting,
electrical records. sound dise record-
ers and recording equipment, sound
record players, talking machine styli
or needles, electrically operated
* 93 December, 1954. ]

talking machines combined with radio
and television receiving sets.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 54 years
before the date of their said Applica-
tion. ©

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade Mark.

Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.

Nationalized or expropriated
British property or interests
_in property in Hungary,
Roumania, or Bulgaria.

The attention of the public is
drawn to the following United King-
dom Orders in Council:

The Foreign Compensation (Hun-
gary) (Registration) Order, 1954
(S. L. 1954 No. 219)

The Foreign Compensation (Hun-
gary) (Registration) (Amend-
ment) Order, 1954 (OS. I. 1954
No. 1371).

The Foreign Compensation (Rou-
mania) (Registration) Order,
1964) (N. I. 1954 No. 221).

The Foreign Compensation (Bul-
garia) (Registration) Order,
1954) (S. I. 1954 No. 220).

The purpose of these Orders in
Council is to enable the Foreign
Compengation Commission to receive
applications to register details con-
cerning claims relating to nationaliza-
tion or expropriation of British
property, or interests in property, in
Hungary, Roumania, or Bulgaria.

The Foreign Compensation Com-
mission already have the names and
addresses of a number of persons who
have written to the Foreign Office,
and application forms will be sent to
them at those addresses. If, owing
to changes of address, the application
forms are not received within a short
time, those applicants should write to
the Secretary, Foreign Compensation,
Commission 1, Prince Gate, London,
S.W. 7, giving their names and
addresses and stating under which
Order in Council they wish to apply
for registration. Other persons who
wish to apply should write direct to
the Secretary, Foreign Compensation

It is emphasized that no assurance
can be given that an application, or
the registration of a claim under the
abovementioned Orders, will neces-
sarily be followed by negotiation by
Her Majesty’s Government in respect
of that claim with any foreign Gov-
ernment, or that any compensation


will be obtained. If, in due course,
negotiations are wndertaken concern-
ing these or any other categories of
claims with a foreign Government
information contained in claims regis-
tered under these Orders may be of
assistance to Her Majesty’s Govern-

No application to register other
categories of claims in respect of
these countries should be sent to the
Foreign Compensation Commission.
Arrangements for obtaining informa-
tion about claims against the countries
concerned, which are not within the
scope of the present Orders, will be
announced later by the appropriate
Department of Her Majesty’s Gov-

With reference to the abovemen-
tioned Foreign Compensation (Hun-
gary) (Registration) (Amendment)
Order, 1954 (S. I. 1954 No. 1371)
Article 1 of the said Order provides
that notwithstanding the foregoing
the Commission shall not receive any
claim which has not reached the
Commission on or before the thirty
first day of December 1954.

H. 8. L. MosE.ery,
Custodian of Enemy Property.
No. A, 77/12 —TI,

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Lesward Islands.


in pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward Is-
lands Courts Order in Council, 1939,
on the 16th day of October, 1941, as
amended, the Honourable the Puisne
Judge selected for the sitting of the
Court in the Antigua Cireuit has
appointed the undermentioned day
on which the ensuing Circuit shall sit
in the Presidency, that is to say:—

On Monday the 10th day of January,
1955, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.

Registrar, Antigua Circutt.
Registrar's Office,
24th November, 1954.

Central Experiment Station,


1950, 1951. 1952. 1953, 1954.
Jan. 5Al 3.60 2.41 1.938 3.04
Feb 2,52 1,88 1.60 1.02 2.45
Mar. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08
‘Apr. ote 216 Bld 2.06 49
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3.83
June 166 2.74 5.74 1.31 3.32
July 1.85 3828 838 3.20 3.47
Aug. 10.71 918 8.43 3.15 5.98
Sept. 6.34 12.06 5.55 2.10 9,91
Oct. 5.13 3.90 5.19 85 4.62
Nov. 4.43 3.67 5.19 5.24 1.54
Dec, 18th 2.296 5.54 162 2.14 1.75

46.41 59.64 61.94 80.10 41.43


The Income Tax Ordinance No. 7 of
' 1945 (As amended).

Public Officers and Pensioners.

Any public officer or pensioner
liable to pay ineome tax whose income
including that of his wife consists
solely of his and/or her emolamcnts
as a public officer or pensioner or
other allowance from public funds,
shall deliver a true and correct return
of his whole income to the Commis-
sioners not later than the 3lst day of

January, 1955. (Section 67 and
S. R. & O. 1946, No. 13).
Other Persons.

Every person (including « com-

pany) liable to pay income tax shall
deliver a true and correct return of
his whole income not later than the
31st day of March, 1955 (Section 67
and S. R. & O. 1946, No. 13).

Agents, Trustees, ete.

Any person having the direction,
control or management of any prop-
erty or concern, or being in receipt
of income; on behalf of any person,
whether resident or non-resident, as
attorney, factor, agent, trustee, cura-
tor or committee should make and
deliver to the Commissioners a return
in respect of such property, coucern
or income not later than the 31st day
of March, 1955. (Sections 28 and


Any person may be considered to
be “ liable to pay income tax” if his
income from all sources exceeds one
hundred and twelve pounds ($537.60).

All claims for deduction from in-
come tax must be substantiated by
the production of receipts or other
bona fide evidence.


Any person liable to pay income
tax who fails to make or delivera
return within the prescribed period
shall be guilty of an offence against
this Ordinance and shall be liable on
conviction to a penalty not exceeding
one hundred pounds, and in default
of payment to imprisonment with or
without hard labour for a term not
exceeding six months. (Section 68.)

Any person who makes or delivers
a false return or keeps or prepares
any false accounts or particulars con-
cerning any income on which tax is
payable shall be guilty of an offence
and shall be liable on conviction to
a fine not exceeding five hundred
pounds, or to imprisonment with or
without hard labour for a term not
exceeding six monts. (Section 64).

for the Commissioners.

Masters and Local Agents of all
Ships, Sailing Vessels and

All goods of any kind which are
not manifested, arriving in this presi-
dency from abroad must be pre-
sented to a Customs Officer at
the Airport or Port of Entry.

Officers, hostesses and other mem-
bers of the crews of ships and aircraft,
Agents’ clerks, stevedores, ships’
labourers and visitors to ships are
advised to take care to submit to the
Customs Officers on duty packages
and goods of all descriptions, which
they :nay bring ashore from any ship,
vessel or aircraft.

Failure to present such packages or
goods to a Customs Officer may
result in arrest of the person con-
cern¢e| and seizure and confiscation
of the packages or goods.

Tho Collector of Customs, Customs
Officers and any member of the Police
Force, upon reasonable suspicion may
stop und examine any person carrying
any package to ascertain whether any
smuggled goods are contained therein.
(Section 44 of the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance No. 8 of 1900).

The Collector of Customs and any
persons authorised by him may search
any person on board any vessel within
any port of this presidency, or any
person who has landed from any
vessel, provided he has reason to
suppose that such person is carrying
or has uneustomed or prohibited
goods about his person. . (Section 45
of Ordinance No: 8 of 1900).

Collector of Customs.

6th December, 1954.
Ref, No. A, 65/7-ITI,


The Trade and Revenue Ordi-
nance No. 8 of 1900.

Under the provisions of Section 48
of this Ordinance the confiscated
goods described below will be sold
by public auction at the Harbour
Master’s Office on Thursday, 23rd
December, 1954, at 2.30 p.m.

Al pints Beer
25 pints Stout
51 Quarts Rum
4 Pints Rum
89 Pints Malta Corona
42 bottles Brandy
14 Quarts Wine
9 Pints Wine
1 Motor Pickup, A.G. 425.

Collector of Customs.
18th December, 1954.

Statement of Currency Notes
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
- Group) on 1st December,

Average Circulation

during Octo-

Br. Caribbean Cur-
rency Notes 49,157,446.00
Gov't Currency Notes 1,957,355.00


{23 December, 1954.
Br. Caribbean Currency Notes:—
Trinidad & Tobago
Montserrat) .. 26,201,394.00
Barbados ... 5,474,745.00
British Guiana -- 12,738,345.50
Grenada «+ 1,939,100-00
St. Vincent 526,400.00
St. Lucia 862,000.00
Dominica 1,020,400.00
Antigua 1,423,300.00
St. Kitts 1,519,500.00

Total Br. Caribbean

Currency Notes .. 91,705,184.50

Trinidad and Tobago
Government Note


Barbados Government

Note circulation 145,673.00
Br. Guiana Government

Note circulation 473,339.50
Total Government

Note circulation 1,920,907.50
Total circulation on

Ist December 53,626,092.00

W. V. BRown,

Acting Kcecutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.

British Caribbean Ourrency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad, B. WI.

Ref. No. 24/00027—II.

23 December, 1954.] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 249

Coutrol of Imports and Exports

Notice No. 5 of 1954

Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “E” grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.LF. Antigua and should
include agents commission, Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.

2. The “E” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard:—

Maximum moisture owe 14.00%
Maximum ash 52%
Minimum protein i 12.00%

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following :—

Minimum. Maximum.

Thiamine 2.0 2.5 milligrams for each Ib. flour
Riboflavine 1.2 1.5 ” ” ”
Niacine 16.0 20.0 ” ” ”
Tron 13.0 16.5 ” ” ”
With Calcium Car-

bonate 500 600 ” ” ”

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
be stated in the tender. Chemist's certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
duly notarised must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to arrange
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.

Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is en-
riched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour” must be stencilled on each bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped to arrive in Antigua
during February, March and April, 1955 at a monthly rate of 5,000 half-bags of 100 Ibs. each.

4, Tenders should be in a sealed envelope marked ‘‘ Tenders for flour” and should be addressed
to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 12 noon on

the 31st December, 1954.

5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

Adininistrator’s Office,
7th December. 1954.

Ref. No. A.40/18,

Printed a! ‘he Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands, by FE, M. BLackMAN, E.D,
Government Printer.--By Authority.
[Frice 29 cents. ]
No. of 1955 Inlernictation and fenecrul

No. of 1955.

“An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating
to the construction of Acts and subsidiary
legislation, the shortening of the language
used therein, and for other matters relating

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Interpreta-
tion and General Clauses Act, 1955.


&. (1) In this Act and in all other laws,
and in all public documents, enacted, made or
issued before or after the commencement of this
Act, the following words and expressions shall
have the meanings hereby assigned to them
respectively, unless there is something in the
subject or context inconsistent with such construc-
tion or unless it is therein otherwise expressly
provided :—

“Act? or “iMederal Act’? used in relation to
legislation means an Act of the General
Legislative Council of the Leeward Is-
lands and includes private Act and any
regulation, rule, by-law, proclamation,
order in council: or order made under the
authority of any Act;


Short title.

tion of certain

_ 2 Interpretation and General No. of 1955,
oper : Clauses.

“act” used with reference to an offence or
civil wrong, includes a series of acts, and
words which refer to acts done extend to
illegal omissions;

“British possession” means any Dominion or
any British Colony or Protectorate, or
any territory under Her Majesty’s
protection or any territory in respect of
which a mandate or trusteeship is being
exercised by [Her Majesty’s Government
in the United Kingdom or the Govern-
ment of any part of Her Majesty’s

“Chapter”, “Part”, “section”, “paragraph”
and ‘Schedule’ denote respectively a
Chapter, Part, section and paragraph of,
and Schedule to the Act in which the
word occurs and “subsection” and ‘ sub-
paragraph” denote a subsection or sub-
paragraph of the section or paragraph in
which the word occurs;

“Christian name’ meaps any name prefixed
to a surname, whether received in
Christian baptism or otherwise;

“coin” means any coin legally current in the


“the Colony” means the Colony of the Lec-
ward Islands;

“eommencement” used with reference to a
law means the date on which the law
comes into force;

“committed for trial” used in relation to any
person means committed to prison with
the view of being tried before a judge
and jury by any authority having power
to cominit # person to prison with a view
to his trial, and includes a person who is
admitted to bail upon a recognizance to
appear and take his trial before a judge
and jury ;
of 1953 Irferpretazion and General 3

“common law’ means the common law of

“constable” means a police officer who is not
a subordinate police officer of the Police
Force and includes a Local Constable
appointed under the Qocal Constables

“Consul” or “consular officer’? includes Con-
sul General, Consul, Vice-Consul, Con-
sular Agent and any person for the time
being authorised to discharge the duties
of «a Consul General, Consul or Vice.
Consul ;

“contravene with its grammatical variations
and cognate expressions, in relation to
any requirement or condition prescribed
in any luw, or in any permit, leence, or
other suthority, granted under or in
pursuance of any law, includes a failure
to comply with that requirement or con-
dition ;

“Chief Justice’ means the Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court of the Windward
Islands and Leeward Islands;

“Court of Appeal” means the Court of Ap-
peal for the Windward [slands and
Leeward Eslands constituted under the
Leeward Islands and Windward. Jslands
(Courts) Order in Council, 1939 (im-
perial) ;

“Crown Agents” means the persons for the
time being acting in the United Kingdom
as the Crown Agents for Oversea Gov-
ernments and Administrations;

“Dominion” menns a Dominion as defined in
the Statute of Westminster, 1931;

“the Gazette’ means the official publication
printed and published in the Colony
under the title of “The Leeward lslands


Cap. 83.

LEBWARD 4 Interpretation and General No. of 1955.
ISLANDS. Clauses.

Gazette” and includes the Official Gazette
published in the Presidency of Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla;

‘“oazetted” means published in the Gazette;

“Government Printer’ means any printer for
the time being authorised by any Gov-
ernment to print the Gazefte or any laws;

“Governor” means the Governor and Com-
mander in Chief for the time being of
the Colony and includes every person for
the time being administering the Gov-
ernment of the Colony and, to the extent
to which a Deputy for the Governor is
authorised to act, that Deputy;

“the General Legislature” means the General
Legislative Council established by the
Leeward Islands Acts, 1871 to 1950, 2s
amended ;

“Governor in Council” means save as_ other-
wise provided by Letters Patent under
the Great Seal of the United Kingdom or
by Instructions under the Royal Sign
Manual and Signet, the Governor acting
with the advice of the Executive Council
of the Colony, or of a Presidency, as the
circumstances may require, and to such
an extent as may he provided by any
such Letters Patent or Instructions, in
accordance with that advice, but not
necessarily in such Council assembled;

“Government officer” means any person for
the time being in the employment of the
Government of the Colony or a Presi-
dency thereof;

“Her Majesty” or “His Majesty”, “the
Queen” or “the King” or “the Crown
means Her Majesty the Queen or His
Majesty the King, the Sovereign for
the time being of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and all British posses-
sions, and includes the predecessors and
of 1955. Interpretation and General 5

the heirs and successors of such Queen

or King;

“house” includes every messuage, part of a
“mesauage, house, part of a house, build-
ing, or other construction, whether
wholly or in part above or below the
surface of the ground, inhabited or
ocenpied cithe by day or by night by
man, whether beneficially or otherwise,
or intended to be so inhabited or
occupied ;

“Imperial Act’’ or “Stutute’ means an Act
passed by the Imperial Parliament and
assented to by Her Majesty:

“Tmperial Parliament” or “Parliament? means
the Parliament of the United Kingdom;

“Judge” includes the Chief Justice and any
Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court;

“land” and “premises” includes all tenements
or hereditaments, and also all messuages,
houses, buildings, or other constructions,
whether the property of Her Majesty,
Her heirs or suecessors, or of any cor-
poration, or of any private individual,
exeept where there are words to exclude
houses and other buildings;

“law? includes any Act, Local Act and any
subsidiary legislation or rule of court
made or given under the authority of any

“Local Act’? means an Act or Ordinance of a
Presidential Legislature ;

“Mayistrate” means a District Magistrate and
includes an Additional Magistrate ;

‘master’ used with reference to a ship meuns
any person (except a pilot or Larbour
master) having for the time bem: con-
trol or charge of the ship;

LEEWARD 6 Interpretation and General No. of 1955.
ISEAR DE. Clauses.

‘month’? means a calendar month unless words
be added showing lunar month to be

“oath” and “affidavit” in the case of persons
for the time being allowed by law to
affirm or declare instead of swearing,
include affirmation and declivation, and
“wear” in the like ease, includes “affirm”
and “declare”;

“or,” “other” and “otherwise” are, unless 2
contrary intention appears, to be con-
strned disjunctively and not us implyme
similarity, unless the word “similar” or
some other word of like meaning is
added ;

“person” includes any corporation, either
aggregate or sole, and any club, society,
association or other body, of one or more

“Police Force’ means the Leeward {slands
Police Force established aud maintained
12/1951, under the Police Act, 151;

“police officer” ines a aember of the Police

“oresertbed” Mievis preseribed by the lew mn
which the word occurs and in relation to
any subsidiary legisiation means pre-
seribed by the Governor in | ‘ouncil unless
some other authority is mentioned in the
Aet in which the word occurs:

“Presidency means a Presidency of — the

“Prison or Gaol? means the common prison
or vaol of the Presideney in which a
person IX COTMHULLEG EO pr tec

“property” ineludes money, goods, things in
action, lund and every description of
property, whether real or personals alse
obligations, eascments and every des-
No. of 1955. Interpretation and General 7

cription of estate, interest and profit,
present or future, vested or contingent,
arising out of or incidental to property as
herein defined;

“public holiday”? means any day or part of a
day which under the provisions of any
law for the time being in force is or 1s
declared to be or proclaimed as a public

holiday ;

“Hublie place” includes every public highway,
street, road, square, court, alley, land,
bridleway, footway, parade, wharf, jetty,
quay, bridge, publi c garden or open space,
and every theatre, place of public enter-
tauinment of any kind, or other place of
general resort, admission to which is
obtained by payment, or to which the
public have access;

‘“pecorded”’ used with reference to a document
means recorded under provisions of the
law applicable to the recording of such

“registered”? used with reterence to a docu-
ment Means registered under the provi-
sions of the law «pplicable to the
registration of such document;

“Registrar” means the Registrar appointed
for a Circuit of the Supreme Court of
the Windward Islunds and Leeward
Islands in uny Presidency ;

“rules of court” when used in relation to any
court means rules made by the authority
having for the time being power to make
rules or orders regulating the practice
and procedure of such court;

“sell” with its grammatical variations and
cognate expressions, includes exchange
and barter;

“Secretary of Siate” means one cl Her
Majesty’s s Principal Secretaries ci State
for the time being;

Lenwarp 8 Interpretation «ad General No. of 1955,
ISLANDS, Clauses


“the Secretary of State” means [Ler Majesty's
Secretary of State for the Colonies;

“service by post?’—-where any law authorises
or requires any document to be served
by post, whether ‘he expression “serve,
or the expression “give” or “send”, or
any other expression is used, then, unless
a contrary intention appears, the service
shall be deemed to be «ffected by prop-
erly addressing, preprving, aud posting
a letter containing the document and,
unless the contrary is proved,.to have
becn effected at the time at which the
letter would be delivered in the ordinary
course of post;

“ship” means every description of vessel used
in navigation not exclusively propelled
by oars;

“sien” with its grammatical variations and

cognate expressions, with reference to

a person who is unable to write his

name, includes “mark” with its gram-

matical variations and cognate ex-

“street? or “road? includes any pablie
highway, street, read, thoroughfare,
square, court, alley, Jane, bridleway,
footway, parade, passage, or open place
used or frequented by the publie, or to
which the public have or are permitted
to have access ;

“subsidiary legislation” means any regulation,
role, by-law. preelamation, order in
couneil, order, direetion, notice, form or
other instrument made under anv Act or
other lawful authority and heving legisla-
tive effect;

“summary conviction means suminary eons
vietlon before a Viagistvate in accordance
with the provisious of the Macistrate’s

Cap. 61. Code of Procedure Act;

No of 1955. Interpretation and General 9

“ Supreme Court”? means the Supreme Court
of the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands in « Cireuit of the Colony;

“ United Kingdom” means Great Britain and
Northern [reland;

* vessel? includes any ship, boat, lighter, or
other floating craft, used for transport by
Water 5

“ West Indian Court of Appeal” means the
Court of Appeal constituted under the
West Indian Court of Appeal Act, 1919;

‘will? includes codicil;

‘writing’? with its grammatical variations
and cognate expressions, includes print-
ing, lithography, typewriting, photog-
raphy and ether modes of representing
or reproducing words or figures in
visible form ;

“year’? means a year reckoned according to
the British calendar.

(2) Any reterence in any Federal Act or
subsidiary legislation made thereunder in force on
the Ist day of January, 1940, to the expression

(a) “Chief Registrar’ shall be construed
ax meaning the Registrar of the Supreme
Court of the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands in the Antigua Circuit; or

(b) “ Fall Court” shall be construed
meaning the Court of Appeal: or

Gey Coreuir Court? shall be construed
as icaning the Sapreme Court of the Wind-
ward islands «nd Leeward Islands in a
Cireuit of the Colony.

(3) Any reference in any law containing a
reference to [er Majesty’s dominions or to aby
parts thereof, which would have extended so as in
any Way to imelude the bepubly of bacdia, shall
have the same operation in relation to India, and


9 & 10 Geo,
he. 47,

12,18 & 14
Geo, 6 ¢, 92

General inter-
pretation of
gender and

Reference to
public officers
by title of

References to

of time,


10 Interpretation and General No. of 1955,


to persons and things in any way belonging to or
connected with India, as it would have had if
India had not become « Republic.

(4) The provisions of subsection (3) of this
section shall be deemed to be varied, modified or
repetled by any Act of Parliament or Order in
Council of Her Majesty purporting to vary,
modify, or repeal the India (Consequential Pro-
vision) Act, 1949.

3. In this Act, and in every other Act
whether passed or made before or after the com-
mencement of this Act, unless there is something
in the subject or context inconsistent with such
construction, or unless it is. therein otherwise
expressly provided—

(a) words unporting
gender include females; and

the masculine

(6) words in the singular include the
plural, and the words in the plural include the

4. A reference in any law to any public
officer I:y the usual title of his office shall, if there
be such an office customarily in the Colony and
unless the contrary intention appears, be read and
construcd as referring to the person for the time
being holding or carrying out the duties of that
office in the Colony.

5d. Inany law references to the Sovereign
reigning at the time of the passing or making of
the law or to the Crown shall, unless the contrary
intention appexrs, be construed us references to the
Sovereign for the time being.

6. [n computing time for the purposes of
any law unless the contrary intention appears—

(a) a period of days from the happening
of an event or the doing of any act or thing
shall be deemed to be exclusive of the day in
which the event happens or the act or thing
is done;

No. of 1955. Interpretation and General 11


(b) if the last day of the period is
Sunday or a public holiday (which days are
in this scction referred to as excluded days)
the period shall include the next following
day, not being an excluded day;

(©) when any act or proceeding 1s
directed or allowed to be doue or teken on a
certain day, then if that day happens to be an
excluded day, the act or proceeding shall be
considered as done or taken in due time if it is
done or taken on the next day afterwards, not
being an excluded day;

(d) when an act or proceeding 38 clirected
or allowed to be doue or taken within any
time not exceeding six days, excluded days
shall not be reckoned in the computation of
the time.

Where no time is prescribed or allowed
within which anyrhiny shall be done, such thing
sball be done with all convenient speed, and as
often as the prescribed OCCASION ATINLS.

§. Inthe measurement of any distance for

the purposes of any law, that distance shall, unless
the contrary intention appears, be measured in a
straight line on a horizontal plane.

9. A reference in any Act to the number of
a line of any section of any Act shall mean such
line in the latest printed of such Act as
contained in any printed collection of laws pur-
porting to be printed and published by authority
or by the Government Printer at the time of the
passing of the Act containing such reference.

eo} Vv

10. (1) Where terms are defined in any law,
euch terms shall lave the meanings assigned to
them, unless there is anything in the xnbject or
context repugnant (6 oF inconsistent with such

(2) Where terms defined in anv Act are
used in any instrument (that iz to say, any regula-
tion, rule, by-law, proclamation, order in council,


when no time

of distances

References to
the number of
a line,

Definitions in
faw to apply
subject to

Time when
law comes
into opera-

Acts to be
public Acts.

Sections to be

Citation of
original or
revised Acts. .

Citaticen of


12 Interpretation and General — No. of 1955

order, direction, notice or form) made or issued
under such Act, such terins shall have the respec-
tive mewnings ussigned to them by the Act, unless
they are otherwise defined in such ine ene or
are inconsistent a8 the subject or context.


11. When any law or part of any law came
or comes info operation on a particular day, it
shall be deemed to have come or shail come into
operation Immediately on the expiration of the
day next preceding such day.

12. Every Act shall be a public Act and
shall be judicially noticed as such unless the
contrary is expressly provided by the Act.

13. Every section of an Act shall have
effect as a substantive enactment without any
introductory words.

14. When an Act is referred to, 1t shall be
sufficient for all purposes to cite the Act either by
the short title if any, by which it is made citable,
or by the year of its passing and its number
among the Acts of that year or in the case of the
a ed edition of the laws issued under any Act
providing for the issue of a revised edition, by its
short title or its chapter and number and the
reference may in all cases be made aecording to
the copies of Acts purporting to be printed by the
Gevernment Printer.

15. Whenever the Principal Act on any
subject is amended by any Act and the title or
short title of the Principal Act admits of it, the
Principal Act and every Act amending it may for
all purposes be cited by the title or short title, as
the case may be, of the Principal Act, substituing
therein the word “ Acts” for the word ‘ Act’ and
omitting the year andi uumber, or adding the years
of the first and last Acts ae ito; and whenever
two or more Acts are cited in the manner author-
ised by this section, the authorised short title used
shall be consirued to mean all the Acts covered by
that short title or either or any of them.
No, of 1955. Interpretation and Genera! 13


16. Where any law repealing iv whole or in
part any former law is itself repealed, such last
repeal shall not revive the law before repealed
unless words be added reviving such law.

17. Where any law repeals wholly or
partially any former law and substitutes provisions
for the law repealed, the repealed hiv shall remain
in force until the substituted provisions come into

for til tl bstituted t

18. (1) Where any law repeals and_re-
enacts, with or without modification, any provision
of a former law, refereuces in any other law
to the provision so repealed, shall unless the
contrary intention appears, be construed as. refer-
ences to the provision so re-enacted.

(2) Where any law repeals any other law,
then, unless the contrary intention appears, the
repeal shall not—

(a) revive anything not in force or
existing at the time at which the repeal takes
effect; or

(6) affect the previous operation of any
law so repealed or anything duly done or
suffered under any law so repealed; or

(c) affect any right, privilege, or obliga-
tion or liability acquired, — or incurred
under any law so repealed; 0

(d) affect any penalty, forfeiture, or
punishment incurred in respect of any offence
committed ayainst any law so repealed; or

(e) affect any investigation, legal pro-
ceedings, or remedy in respect of any such
right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty,
forfeiture, or punishment as aforesaid, and any
such investigation, legal proceeding, or remedy
may be instituted, continued, er enforced,
and any such penalty, forfeiture, or punish-
ment may be imposed, as if the repealing law
had not been passed.


Repeal of
a repealing

Repeal and

Effect: of

Effect of
repeal on

Construction of
amending law
with amonuded

General provi-
sion with
respect to
power given
to any author-
ity fo make


14 Tnterpretation ard Cenerval No, of 1955.

19. Whenever any Act shall hereafter be
repealed aud other provisions are substituted by
the repealing Act all subsidiary legislation and
appointments made under the repealed Act, and
in force at the time of such repeal, shall until
annalled, continue good and valid in so far as they
are not inconsistent with the substituted Act or

20. Where one law amends another law the
amending law shall, so far as it ts consistent with
the tenor thereof and unless the contrary intention
appears, be construed as one with the amended law,


21. Where any Act confers power on any
authority to make or issue any instrument (that is
to say, any regulation, rale, by-law, Cae
order in couneil, order, (oii or notice) 1 he follow-
ing provisions shall, unless the contrary intention
appears, have olfect with reference to the making,
issue and operation of such instrument—

(a) any instrument as aforesaid may
at any time be amended, varied, rescinded
or revoked by the same authority and in
the same manner by and in which it was

(b) there may be annexed to the
breach of any regulation, rule, by-law,
order in council or order such penalty not
exceeding forty-eight dollars as the author-
ity making the regulation, rule, by-law,
order in council or order may think fit;

(c) no reguiation, rule, by-law, order
in council or order shall be inconsistent
with the provisions of any Act;

(d) where any Act confers power on
any authority to make any regulation, rule,
by-law, order in council or order for any
general purpose, and also for any special
purposes incidental thereto, the enumera-
tion of the special purposes shall not be
deemed to derogate from the generality of
of the powers conferred with reference to
the general purpose;
No, of 1954, Tnterpretation and General 13


(¢) where anv such instrument pw
ports be made or issued under any
particular provision, then it shall be deem-
ed also to be made under all other powers
thereunto enabling; and

(7) any reference in any regulation,
rule, by-law, order in council or order to
“the Act” shall be read and construed as
a reference to the \ct conferring the power
to makeor issue such regulation, rule,
by-law, order in council or order.

22. All subsidiary legislation made under
any Act or lawful authority and having legisla-
tive effect shall be published in the Gacetfe and
unless it is therein otherwise provided shall take
effect. and come into operation as law on the
date of such publication and shall be judicially

28. An Act shall be deemed to be done
under any Jaw or by virtue of the powers
conferred by any law or in pursuance or exect-
tion of the powers of or under the authority of
any law if it is done under or by virtue of or in
pursuance of any regulation, rule, by-law,
proclamation, order in council, order or notice
made or issued under any power contained in
such law.

Provistoxs As TO Powers.

24. Where any Act which is not to come
into operation immediately on the passing there-
of, confers power to make any appointinent, or
to make, grant or issue any instrument (that is
to say any regulation, rue, by-law, proclama-
tion, order in council, order, warrant, scheme
or letters patent) or to give notices, or to do
any other thing for the purposes of the Act,
such power may, unless the contrary intention
appears, be exercised at any time after the
passing of the Act so far as may be necessary
or expedient for the purpose of bringing the Act
into operation at the date of the commencement
thereof, subject to the restriction, that any


ment of

-Acts done un-

der subsidiary
legislation to
be deemed
done under
law by which

Exercise of
between pass-
ing and
ment of Act.

of provisions
as to exercise
of powers and

Power to
power to
remove ete,


16 Interpretation and General No. of 1955

appointment, instrument, notice or thing, made,
granted, issued, given or done under such
power shall not, unless the contrary intention
appears in the Act, or the appointment, notice
or thing is necessary for bringing the Act into
operation, have any effect until the Act comes
into operation.

25. (1) Where any Act confers a power
or imposes a duty, then, unless the contrary
intention appears, the power may be exercised
and the duty shall be performed from time to
time as occasion requires.

(2) Where any Act confers power or
imposes a duty on the holder of an office, as
such, then, unless the contrary intention
appears, the power may be exercised and the
duty shall be performed by the holder for the
time being of the office, or by a person
appointed to act for him,

26. Where any Act confers upon any —
person or authority power to make appointments
to any office or placa the power shall be
construed as including the power to remove or
stspend any person appointed, and to reappoint
or reinstate him, and to appoint another person
temporarily in the place of any person so
removed or suspended or in place of any holder
of the office or place who has died or is ill or
wbsent, and to appoint another person tempora-
vily to fill any vacancy in the office or place
arising from any other cause:

Provided that where the power of the person
or authority to make any such appointment is
only exercisable upon the reeommendation or
subject to the approval, consent or concurrence of
some other person or anthority the power of
removal shall, unless the contrary intention
appears, only be exercisable npon the recommenda-
tion or subject to the approval, consent or
concurrence of that other person or authority.
No. of 1955, Interpretation and General


27. Where by or under any Act any
powers are conferred or any duties are imposed
upon a public officer, the Governor may direct
that, if during any period owing to absence or
inability to act from illness or any other cause
such public officer shall be unable to exercise the
powers or perform the duties of his office in any
place under his jurisdiction or control, such
powers shall be had and may be eyercised and
such duties shall be performed in such places by
the person named by, or by the public officer
holding the office designated by, the Governor,
and thereupon such person or public officer,
during any period as aforesaid shall have and
may exercise the powers and shall perform the
duties aforesaid, subject to such conditions,
exceptions, and qualifications, as the Governor
may direct.

28. (1) Where by or under any Act
power ia given to the Governor to appoint any
person to be members of any board, commission,
committee or similar body it shall be lawful for
the Governor, in the absence of any provision to
the contrary, to so appoint, by his official
designation, any public officer, and, on such
appointment and until such appointment shall be
cancelled or otherwise determined, the person for
the time being filling the office in question shall be
a member of such board, commission, committee
or similar body.

(2) Where by or under any Act power is
given to the Governor to appoint any board,
commission, committee or similar body, it shall be
lawful for the Governor, in the absence of any
provision to the contrary, to appoint a chairman
of such board, commission, committee or similar


29. Where by or under any Act the
Governor or any other public officer or body is
empowered to appoint or name a person to have
and exercise any powers or perform any duties the
Governor or such public officer or body may either
appoint a person by name or direct the person for



Power of
Governor to
provide for
execution of
duties of pub-
lie officers
during tempo-
rary absence
or inability,

Power to the
Governor to
appoint public
officers as
such to serve
on boards, ete.,
and to appoint

of officers by
name or

Change in

title of public


Powers of
aboard, ete..
not affected
by vacancy.


13 Interpretation and General No, of 1955.
Clauses. —

the time being holding the office designated by the
Governor or by such. ‘public officer or body to have
and exercise such powers and Hakala such duties;
and thereupon or from the date specified by the
Governor or by such public officer or body, the
person appointed by name or the person for the
time being holding the office aforesaid shall have
and may exercise such powers and perform such
duties accordingly.

80. When the Governor considers it neces-
sary to change the title of anv public office, he
shall cause a notice to that effect to be published i in
the Grasetfe setting out the former title and the
substituted title or titles of such office, and declar-
ing that such change of title shall take effect, or
shall be deemed to have taken effect, from a date
specified in such notice, and with effect from such
date— ~

(a) where the change in title consists in
the substitution of a single title for the
former title, the substituted title shall replace
the former title wherever the former title
appears in any Actor in any deed or other
instrument made or issued pursuant to or
consequent upon any such Act; and

(6) where the change in title consists in
the substitution of two or more titles for the
former title, the former title shall be replaced,
in the provisions of any such Act, deed or
other instrument as muy be specified in such
notice, by such substituted title as may be
specified in such notice.

31. Where by or under any Act any board,
commission, committee or similar body, whether
corporate or unincorporate, 1s established, then,
unless the contrary intention appears, the powers
of such board, commission, committee or similar

body shall not be affected by—

(a) any vacancy in the membership
thereof ;

(b) the fact that it is afterwards
discovered that there was some defect in the
appointment or qualification of a person
purporting to be a member thereof ;
No, of 1955. Interpretation and General 19


(c) the fact that there was any minor
irregularity in the convening of any meeting

32. Where in any law power 1s given to any
person to do or enforce the doing of any act or thing
all such powers shall he understood to be also given
as are reasonably necessary to enable the person to
do or enforce the doing of the act or thing.

38. Save as is otherwixe expressly provided
by any law, whenever any act or thing is required to
be done by more than two persons, a majority of
them may do it.

834. When a substantive holder of any office
constituted by or under any Act is on leave of
absence pending relinquishment of his office, it shall
be lawful for another person to be appointed sub-
stantively to the same office.

35. Where an act or omission constitutes an
offence, under two or more Acts, or both under an
Act and under any other law which applies to the
Colony, the offender shall, unless the contrary
intention appears, be lable to be prosecuted and
punished under either or any of those Acts or under
such other law, but shall not be liable to be punished
twice for the same offence.

86. A provision which constitutes an offence
shall, unless the contrary intention appears, be
deemed to provide also that an attempt to commit
such offence shall be un offence ayainst such provi-
sion, punishable as if the offence itself had been


3'7. (1) Whenever in any law a penalty is
provided for an offence against that law, such pro-
vision shall, unless the contrary intention appears,
be construcd as fixing the maximum penalty for
that offence, and the offender, on being found guilty,
shall be liable to any penalty not exceeding the
prescribed penalty; and it shall not be necessary in
the law prescribing the penalty to use the expres-
sions “not exceeding”, ‘fa term not ca:eeding ”,
“on conviction thereof” or any similar expressions.


of enabling

Power of
majority of
more than
two persons.

of successor to
office, during
leave of
absence prior
to retuement
of substantive

Provisions as
to offences
under two or
more laws,

Attempt to
commit an
offence to he
deemed an

prescribed to
be maximum

Statement of
penalty at
foot of section.

may be
imposed with
ov without
hard labour.

Disposal of

Imposition of

penalty not to

har civil

Imperial Acts
to be read
with necees-
sary modifi-

Tnierpretation and General No. of 1955.


(2) Whenever in any law a penalty is set out
at the foot or end of any section the same shail
indicate that any contravention of the section
Whether by act or omission shall be an offence
agaist that Jaw and shall, unless the contrary
intention appears, be punishable by a penalty not
excreding the penalty stated.

(3) Where by any law a court is empowered
to order Ln prisonme ent, either peremptorily or in
default of payment of any pecuni: ary penalty, upon
conviction for an offence, the court may, in the
absence of express provision to the contrary in the
saine or any other law, order the offender to be
unprisoned either with or without hard labour, and
it shall not be necessary in the law prescribing the
penalty to state that any such imprisonment may
be with or without hard labour.

38. (1) Where under any law any money or
any animal or any thing is adjudged by any court
or other authority to be forfeited, it shall unless
the eee is otherwise provided or unless it is
expressed by law to be forfeited to any person, be
forfeited to the Crown, and the money or the net
proceeds of the animal or thing, if it is ordered by
competent authority to be sold, shall be paid into
the Treasury of the Presidency concerned and shall
form part of the pablic revenue of such Presidency,
unless other provision is made.

(2) Nothing in this section shall affect any
provision in any law whereby any portion of any
fine or forfeit or of proceeds of any forfeit is
expressed to be recoverable by any person or may
be granted by any authority to any person.

39. The imposition of a penalty or fine by
any iw, in the ubsence of express provision to the
contrary, shall not relieve any person from liability
to answer for damages to a person injured,


40. Whenever any Imperial Act is extended
to the Colony such Act shall be read with such
formal alterations as to nares, localities, courts,
officers, persons, moneys, penalties and otherwise as
may be necessary to make the sume applicable to
the circumstances,
No. of 1955, Interpretation and General 21
41. Where under any Act the Governor is

given power to make any appointment, give any
directions, issue any order, authorise wny thing or
matter to be done, grant any exemption, remit any
fee or penalty, or exercise any other power, it shail
be sufficient, unless it is otherwise expressed, if the
exercise of such power by the Governor is signitied
under the hand of the Colonial Secretary:

Provided always that the foregoing provisions
shall not apply to the power of the Governor to
make or issue sny warrants or proclamations which
shall be made or issued only under the hand of the
Governor himself.

42. Whenever the fiat of the Governor
or the Attorney General is necessary before any
prosecution or action is commenced, any document
purporting to bear the fiat of the Governor or the
Attorney General shall be received as prima facie
evidence in any proceeding without proof being
given that the signature to such fiat is that of the
Governor or the Attorney General.

43. When any law is amended it. shall
be lawful for the Government Printer with the
authority of the Governor to print copies of the
law with all the necessary additions, omissions,
substitutions and amendments attected by the
amending law or laws and such copies shall he
deemed to be authentic copies of the law 80

44. Whenever forms are prescribed in any
Act, slight deviations therefrom, not affecting the
substance or calculated to mislead, shall not in-
validate them.

45. Unless the contrary intention appears,
Where any Act, whether passed before or after the
commencement of this Act, contains a reference to
the Attorney General, the reference shall, in the
absence of the Attorney General from any Presi-
dency, be construed to include a reference to the
Crown Attorney present in such Presidency as the
Attoruey General’s deputy.


of orders, ete,
of (vovernor,

Evidence of
signature of
and Attorney

Reprint of
amended laws,


and Crown

or repeal in

same session.

Saving of
rights of the

Law binding
on Crown,



22 Interpretation and General No. of 1955.
Clauses. ,

46. Any Act may be altered, amended,
or repealed in the same session of the Legisla-
ture in which it passed.

47. No law shall in any manner whatso-
ever affect the right of the Crown, unless it is
there:n expressly stated, or unless it appears by
necessary implication, that the Crown is bound

48. This Act shall be hinding on the


49. The Acts specified in the Schedule
hereto are hereby repealed to the extent men-
tioned in the third column thereof.

50. This Act shall come into operation
ona day to be appointed hy the Governor by
proclamation published in the Gazette.


Passed the General Legislative Council this
day. of , 1935.

Clerk of the Council.
No. of 1955. Interpretation and General 230 Lrewarp

Clauses. PEAS
| |
oR No. | |
Cap. 103 | The Interpretation of Laws Act. The whole Act.
28/1937 The Interpretation of Laws} The whole Act.
' (Amendinent) Act, 1937
| |
11/1939 | The Statute Law Revision Act, | The amendment effect-
, 1939 ed in the Schedule
to the Interpretation
of Laws Act, Cap.
103, shall be deleted.
22/1939 The Interpretation of Laws! The whole Act.
(Amendment) Act, 1939
20/1944 The Interpretation of Laws | The whole Act.
(Amendment) Act, 1944
10/1953 | The Interpretation of Laws | The whole Act.
' (Amendment) Act, 1953 |
4/1954 The Interpretation of Laws | The whole Act.
(Amendment) Act, 1954


The object of this Bill is, as stated in the long title, to
consolidate the law relating to the construction of Acts and
Subsidiary Legislation now or hereafter enacted or made in
respect of the Colony, and for shortening the language used
therein. Such a consolidation aims at bringing the law on
the subject in line with modern legislation in colonial terri-
tories thus simplifying ina great measure the drafting of
legislation and cognate instruments.

P. Ceci. Lewis,

Attorney General.
LOth February, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E. M, Buackman, Government Printer.—By Authority.

47/00202—335—12.54. : Price 25 cents.
No. — of 1955. Mayistrate’s Code of Pro-
cedure (Amendment.)

No of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Magistrate’s Code of
Procedure Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Magistrate’s
Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1954, and
shall be read as one with the Magistrate’s Code of
Procedure Act, as amended, hereinafter called the
Principal Act.

2. After section 97 of the Principal Act the
following section shall be inserted :—

“97A. (1) Where the complete commis-
sion of the offence charged is not proved, but
the evidence establishes an attempt to commit
the offence, the defendant may be convicted
of such attempt and punished accordingly:

Provided that, after conviction for such
attempt, the defendant shall not be liable to
be prosecuted again for the same offence
which he was charged with committing.

(2) Where an attempt to commit an
offence is charged, but the evidence establishes
the commission of the full offence, the defend-
ant shall not be entitled to have the complaint
dismissed, but he may be convicted of the
attempt and punished accordingly:


Short title,

Cap. 61,

Addition of
new section
to the Prin-
cipal Act.

full offence
Leewarp 2. Mayistrate’s Code of Pro- No. of 1955.
IsLaNnDs. cedure (Amendment.)

Provided that, after conviction for such
attempt, the defendant shall not be liable to
be prosecuted again for the offence which he
was charged with attempting to commit.

een ss 3. The following proviso shall be substituted
ic) repealed for the proviso to paragraph (c) of subsection (4)
and replaced, Of section 130 of the Principal Act:—

“ Provided that where the defendant is
the wife of the applicant the Magistrate shall
not make an order containing the provisions
of this paragraph unless he is satisfied that
the applicant is not possessed of sufficient
means to provide reasonable maintenance for
himself or that the applicant is by reason of
old age, illness or physical or mental disability
unable to provide for his own maintenance.”’.

Substitution 4. The following section shall be substituted

of section 175 . Me
of the Princi- for section 175 of the Principal Act:—

pal Act.

ote - 175. (1) Where an appeal is by way of
< motion the appellant within fourteen days
after the day on which the Magistrate has
given his decision shall serve a notice on the
other party and on the Magistrate of his
intention to appeal, and the said notice shall

also contain the reasons for appeal:

Provided that in the case of an appeal
from a decision of the Magistrate of District
“J” the said notice shall be served within
twenty-eight days after the day on which the
Magistrate has given his decision.

(2) The notice required by subsection (1)
of this section may set forth all or any of the
following reasons, and no other, that is to
say :—

(a) that the Court had no jurisdic-
tion in the case:


Provided that it shall not be com-
petent for a Judge to entertain such
reason for appeal, unless objection to the
jurisdiction of the Court has been
No. of 1955. = Magistrate's Code of Pro» 3 ULEEward
cedure (Amendment.) IsLanps.

formally taken at some time during the
progress of the case and before the
pronouncing of the decision; or

(4) that the Court exceeded its
jurisdiction in the case; or

(c) that the Magistrate was per-
sonally interested in the case; or

(d) that the Magistrate acted cor-
ruptly or maliciously in the case; or

(e) that the decision was obtained
by fraud; or

(7) that the case has been already
heard or tried and decided by, or forms
the subject of a hearing or trial pending
before, some competent tribunal; or

(7) that legal evidence substantially
alecting the merits of the case was
rejected by the Court; or

(A) that illegal evidence was admitted
by the Court and that there is not
sufficient legal evidence to sustain the
decision after rejecting such illegal
evidence; or

(7) that the decision is unreasonable
or cannot be supported having reg rard to
the evidence; or

(7) that the decision was erroneous
in point of law; or

(fF) that some other sp secific ille-
gality, not hereinbefore mentioned, and
substentially affecting the merits of the
ease was committed in the course of the
proceedings in the case; or

(2) that the judgment or sentence
passed was based on a wrong principle
or was such that « Magistrate viewing
the eircumstances reasonably coud not
properly have so decided; or

of section 183
of the Princi-
pal Act,

1. Magictrates Code of Pro- No, of 1°55.
cedure (Amendment.)

_(m) that the sentence imposed was
unduly severe.

(3) An applicant shall, subject as herein-
after in this subsection appears, set forth in
the said notice the particular matter on which
he relies or of which he complains, in such
manner is to inform the respondent thereof,
ax, for example, if he relies upon the reason
for appeal stated in paragraph (7) of subsec-
tion (2) of this section, the tiame of the
tribunal shall be stated, and, if a decision is
alleved, the epee date of such decision
shall be stated; if he relies upon the reason for
wppeal stated in paragraph (/) of subsection
(2) of this section, the nature of the error
shall be stated; and if he relies upon the
reason for appeal stated in paragraph (/) of
subsection (2) of this section, the illegality
complained of shall be clearly specified.

(4) Where the reason for appeal given
is that the applicant is not guilty, no particu-
lars need be stated.”

5. The following section shall be substituted
for section 183 of the Principal Act:-—-

Appeal limi- 183. At the hearing of an appeal on

ted to reasons

given in

of section 18t
of the Princi-
pal Act.

motion it shall not be competent for the
appellant to go into, or to give evidence of,
any other reasons for appeal than those set
forth in his notice of appeal:

Provided that where, in the opinion of

the Judge, other reasons for appeal than those
set forth in the notice of appeal should have
been given, or the statement of reasons is
defective, the Judge may in his discretion
allow such amendments of the notice of appeal
upon such conditions asx to service upon the
respondent and as to costs as he may think
6. Section 186 of the Principal Act is here-
hy amended by deleting the words * subject to due
notice” in the third line and all the words follow-
ing thereafter down to and including the words
‘and he” in the eighth line thereof,
No. of 1955. Magistrate's Code of Pro- 5 ULsxnwarp
cedure (Amendment.) ISLANDS.

7. After section 184 of the Principal Act Addition of
the following section shall be inserted:— How seobion to
> the Principal!

“184A. The Judge may, in any case Powerto the
where he may consider it necessary that Judge to take

: : evidence.
evidence should be adduced, either—

(a) order such evidence to be
adduced before him on some day to be
fixed in that behalf; or

(6) order such evidence to’ be given
by affidavit; or

(c) refer the case back to the
Magistrate to take such evidence, and
may in such case either direct the
Magistrate to adjudicate afresh after
taking such evidence and subject to such
directions in law, if any, as the Judge
may think fit to give, or direct him, after
taking such evidence, to report specific
findings of fact for the information of
the Judge; and on any such reference
the case shall, so far a3 may be practicable
and necessary, be dealt with as if it were
being heard in the first instance.”.

8. Section 186 of the Principal Act is here- Amentment, |
i. . € section )
by amended by the substitution of a colon for the of the princi-

full stop at the end thereof and the addition thereto pa! st.
of the following proviso:—

“ Provided that the Judge may, if of
opinion that a different sentence should have
been passed quash the sentence passed by the
Magistrate and pass such other sentence
warranted by law (whether more or less
severe) in substitution therefor as the Judge
thinks should have been passed.”’.

9. The First Schedule to the Principal Act Amendment
of second

shall have effect as if for the words “ five pounds’ column of
appearing in the second column thereof there were aa
substituted the words * one hundred dollars ”’. Principal Act,
Lezwarn 6 Magistrate's Code of Pro- No. — of 1955.

IsLanps. cedure (Amendment. )
Amendment 10. Paragraph (6) of section 17 of the

f section 17 : j
of the Magis.’ Magistrate’s Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act,

poe Code 1954, shall have effect as if for the word, symbols.
ure . .

(Amendment) and figures (2), (8) and (4) ” therein there were

Act 13/1954. substituted the word, symbols and figures ‘“ (2),

(3), (4) and (5) .


Pussed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


The objects of this Bill are:—

(a) to empower a Magistrate to convict of an
attempt either—

(1) where the complete commission of the
offence charged is not proved, but the
evidence establishes an attempt to commit
the offence,

(ii) where an attempt is charged but the
evidence establishes the commission of
the full offence (clause 2);

(6) to make it clear that a Magistrate shall not
make an order containing any of the provisions of
paragraph (°) of section 180 (4) of the Principal Act
except in the circumstances envisaged by the proviso
to the said paragraph (clause 3),

The original proviso to the said paragraph is con-
sidered to be defective in its present form;

(c) to replace sections 175 and 183 of the
Principal Act so as to permit the reasons for appeal to
be included in the notice of intention to appeal
(clause +); and to confine the appellant at the hearing
of the appeal to the reasons stated in his notice of
appeal (clause 5);


of 1955. Mayistrate’s Code of Pie. 7 Lerwarp
cedure (Amendment.) IsLANDs.

(d) to enable a Judge to take evidence on appeal
if he considers it necessary (clause 7);

(e) to permit a Judge on appeal to substitute a
different sentence, whether more or less severe, from
that imposed by a Magistrate (clause 8);

(f) to extend the jurisdiction of Magistrates to
hear indictable offences summarily in cases where an
adult. pleads guilty and the amount or value of the
property in respect of which the charge is laid does not
exceed $100 (clause 1);

(g) to correct an error in section 17 of the
Magistrate’s Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act
No. 13/1954 (clause 1).

2. Clauses 2, 4 (2), (8), (4), 5 and 7 are based

respectively on sections 71, 181 and 182, 141 and 146 of the
Summary Courts Ordinance of Trinidad and ‘Tobago, Cap. 3,
No. 4 (Revised Edition 1950).

3. Clause 6 is a consequential amendment as a result

of the replacement of section 183 of the Principal Act.

P. Crciu Lewis,
Attorney General.

1%th October, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands
by E, M. Buackman, Government Printer.-. By Authority.

47/00026— —12.54. [Price 9 eents.]


No. of 1955. = Trade Unions (Amendment). Lrrwarp

No. ot 1955.

An Act to amend further the Trade Unions Act.

INACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward


1. This Act may be cited as the Trade Short title.
Unions (Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read
as one with the Trade Unions Act, 1939, as 16/1939,
amended, hereinafter called the Principal Act.

2. Section 21 of the Principal Act is hereby Amendment

‘ __ of section 21
amended of the Princi-

; . . . pal Act.
(a) by re-numbering this section as sub-

section (1) of the section; and

(6) by the addition thereto of the follow-
ing subsection—


(2) For the purposes of subsection
(1) of this section the expression ‘‘ the
Governor” shall mean the officer for the
tine being administering the Government
of the Presidency wherein a trade union
is established.”’.

3. Section 28 of the Principal Act is hereby Amendment
amended by the insertion of the words “an of speton 28.
affidavit or” immediately before the words ‘a pal act.
solemn declaration”? appearing in the fifth and

eleventh lines thereof.

LeEwarp 2 Trade Unions (Amendment). No. of 1958.
IsLANDs. a

Masnimeat 4. The Second Schedule to the Principal
of Second Act is hereby amended by the insertion therein

Schedule t ;
fhe princi after paragraph 3 of the following paragraphs:—

“3A. Provision for the election of
officers at stated intervals.

3B. Provisions for voting by means of
secret ballot in respect of the election of
officers and decisions as to strikes.’’.


Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Couneil.

The objects of this Bill are—

(@) to permit Regulations to be made by the officer
administering the Government of a Presidency wherein a
trade union is established together with the Exccutive
Council of such Presidency, instead of by the Governor
of the Colony and the Executive Council of the said Presi-
dency (clause 2);

(b) to authorise the sccretary of a trade union to
make an affidavit that the provisions of the Act have been
complied with when giving notice of change of name, or
in the case of an amalgamation of a trade union. Hitherto
he could only make a solemn declaration (clause 3); and

(c) to make it compulsory for the rules of a trade
anion to make provision for the election of officers to be
held at stated intervals and for voting to be by secret
ballot at the election of officers and in respect of decisions
as to strikes.

P. Cectn Lewis,
Attorney General.
24th November, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN. Government Printer.—By Authority.

47/00079—335 —12.54. Price 4 cents



1954, No. 50.


Tur PuBiic Orricers Leave (Revocation) REGULATIONS,
1954, paren DrcemBerR 13, 1954, MADE BY THE

1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as
the Public Officers Leave (Revocation) Megulations, 1954.

2. Revocation. The following Regulations and
tules are hereby revoked: —

The Public Officers Leave © eguiations, 1930,
(S.R. & O. 1980 No. 5);

The Poblic Officers’ Leave Regulations 1930, Amend-
ment Order, 1931 (S.R. & O. 1931 No. 5);

The Public Officers Leave (Amendment) Regulations,
1984 (S.R. & O. 1934 No. 10);

The Publie Officers’ Leave Rules, 1985 (SR. & O.
7 1935 No. 8); and

The Public Officers Leave (Amendment) Kegulations,
1945 (S.Ro& O. 1945 No. 4).

3. Commencement. ‘These Regulations — shall
come into operation on the ist day of January, 1955.

Made by the Governor in Council this 13th day of
December, 1954.
A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Couneil.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E.M BuackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
13J00054.—480 12.54 | Price 3 cents. ]

1954, No. 51.

Tae Post Orrick (Overtime Pay) (Revocation) Runes,
1954, pateEpD DecemBer 18, 1954, MADE RY THE
Orrice Act (Cap. 123).

1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the Post
Office (Overtime Pay) (Revocation) Rules, 1954.

2. Revocation. The Post Office (Overtime Pay)
Rules, 1948 (S.R. & O. 1948 No. 29) are hereby revoked.

3. Commencement. These ltules shall come into
operation on the Lst day of January, 1955.

Made by the Governor in Council this 13th day of
December, 1954.

A. E. Prny,
Clerk of the Couneil.

Printed at the Government Printing Olfice Leeward Islands,‘
by KE. M BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
13/00205 —480—12.54. [Price 3 cents.]
1954. No. 52.


Good Conduct Pay of Petty Officers.

Tue Perry Orricers Goop Conpuct Pay (Krvocarion)
Ruves, 1954, MADE By THE GOVERNOR IN CouNCcIn.

1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the Petty
Officers Grood Conduct Pay (Revocation) Rules, 1954.

“. Revocation. The Petty Othcers Good Conduct
Pay Rules, 1928 (S. BR. & O. 1928 No. 13), the Petty Officers
Good Conduct Pay (Amendment) Rules, 1928 (S. R. & O.
1928 No, 20) and the Petty Officers Good Conduct Pay
(Amendment) Rules, 1968 (8. R. & O. 1938 No. 9) are

hereby revokea.

3. Commencement. These Rules shall come into
operation on the Ist day of January, 1955.

Made by the Governor in Couneil this 13th day of
December, 1954.

A. KE. Penn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Govemment Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by Eo M. Bhackwan. Governmennt Printer.—_By Authority.
13100240. 480—12.54 [Price 3 cents-]
1954. No. 53.

Petty Officers Uniform Dress.

Tae Perry Orricers Untrorw Dress (Revocation)
Recurations, 1954, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR IN

1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as the

Petty Officers Uniform Dress (Revocation) Regulations, 1954.

2. Revocation. The Petty Officers Uniform Dress
Regulations, 1928 (S. R. &. O. 1928 No. 25), the Petty
Officers Uniform Dress Regulations, 1928, Amendment
Regulations 1928 (S. R. & O. 1928 No, 38) and the Petty
Officers Uniforin Dress (Amendment) Regulations, 1933
(3. R. & O. 1933 No, 29) are hereby revoked.

». Commencement. These Regulations shall come
into operation on the Ist day of January, 1955.

Made by the (tovernor in Council this 13th day of
December, 1954.
A. I. Penn,
Clerk of Council,

Printed at the Gavernmeut Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
hy EH. M. Brackman, Government Printer.—By Authority.
* 1954. :

13/00192.—480—12.54 [Price 3 cents]


1954, No. 54.

Tue Danerrous Drees (Appiication) OrpER, 1954, DATED
sEvrion 14 (2) or rie Dangerous Drucs Act, 19387 (No, 23/1937)

WHEREAS by subsection (2) of section 14 of the Dangerous
Drugs Act, 1937, as amended, power is conferred on the Governor
in Council to declare by order that Part V of the said Act shall
apply to any drug of whatever kind in the same manner as it applies
to the drugs mentioned in subsection (1) of section 11 of the said
Act, if it appears to the Governor in Council that such drug is or
is likely to be productive, if improperly used, or is capable of being
converted into a substance which is or is likely to be productive, if
improperly used, of ill effects substantially of the same character or
nature as or analogous to those produced by morphine or cocaine:

AND WHEREAS it appears to the Governor in Council that
the drugs specified in the Schedule to this order are productive,
if improperly used, or are capable of being converted into a sub-
stance which is or is likely to be productive, if improperly used, of
ill-effects substantially of the same character or nature as or
analogous to those produced by morphine or cocaine.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in Council in pursuance
of the powers conferred upon him by subsection (2) of section 14 of
the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1937, as amended, is pleased to declare
and it is hereby declared as follows:—

1. Crrarion. This Order may be cited as the Dangerous
Drugs (Application) Order, 1954.

2. AppLicaTION. Part V of the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1987,
as amended, shall apply to the drugs specified in the Schedule to
this Order in the same manner as the said Part V applies to the
drugs mentioned in subsection (1) of section 14 of the said Act.
9 a
3. Revocation. The following Orders are hereby revoked:—

(a) The Dangerous Drugs Order in Council, 1989 (8.R.& O.
1939 No. 6).

(4) The Dangerous Drugs (Application) Order, 1948
(S.R. & O. 1948 No. 4).

(c) The Dangerous Drugs (Application and Modification)
Order, 1951 (S.R. & O. 1951 No. 2).

(7) The Dangerous Drugs (Appheation) Order, i95]
S.R. & O. 1951 No. 62).

(ce) The Dangerous Drugs (Application) Order, 1955
(S.R. & O. 1953 No. 9),
Made by the Governor in Council this 13th day of December,

Clerk of the Council.


Any preparation, admixture or other substance (except syrupus
Codeine. Phosphatis B. P. C. 1934) containing anv proportion of
methylmorphine (commonly known as codeine) or ethylmorphine
(commonly known as dionin) wssociated with any inert substance
whether solid or hquid, and to any preparation, admixtare or. other
substance containing more than 2.5 per cent. of methylmorphine or
ethylmorphine (calculated as pure drug) associated with any other
medicinal substance.

Methyldihydromorphinorie (commonly known as Metopon), its salts
and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing
any proportion of Methyldihydromorphinone.

Alphaprodine (oc-4-Propionoxy-——.4-phenvi-l: 8-dimety!- {-piperi-
dine), its salts and any preparation, admixture. extract or other
substance containing any proportion of aiplaprodine.
. 3

Amidone (also known as methadone) (6-Dimethylamino--4: 4-
diphenylheptan-3-one), its salts and any res admixture, extract
or other substance containing any proportion of amidone.

Betaprodine (B-t-Propionoxy-4-phenyl-1: 3-dimethyl-4-piperidine),
its salts and any preparation, admixture, extraet or other substance
containing any proportion of betaprodine.

Hydroxypethidine (lthyl 4-m-hydroxyphenyl-1-methylpiperidine-
t-carboxylate), its salts and any preparation, admixture, extract or
other substance containing any proportion of hydroxy pethidine.

Lsoamidone (6-Dimethy!amino-4: 4-diphenyl-5-methylhexan-3-one),
its salts and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance
containing any proportion of isoamidone.

Ketobemidone (4-Propiony!-4-m-hydroxyphenyl-1-methylpiperidine),
its salts and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance
containing any proportion of ketobemidone.

Methadol (6-Dimethylamino-4: 4-diphenylheptan-3-ol) its salts and
any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containting any
proportion of methadol.

Methady! acetate (6-Dimethylamino-4: 4-diphenyl-3-heptylacetate),
its salts and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance
containing any proportion of methady] acetate.

Phenadoxone (6-Morpholino-4: 4-diphenylheptan-3-one}. its salts
and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing
any proportion of phenadoxone.

Dihydrocodeine, its salts ancl any preparation, admixture, extract
or other substance containing any proportion of dihydrocodeine.

Acetvldihydrocodeine, its salts and any preparation, admixture,
extract or other substance containing any proportion of acetyldihydroco-

4-Propionoxy-4-phenyl-1-methyl-3- oy veridine, its salts and
any preparation, adpuxture, extract or other substance containing any
proportion of t-propionoxy-4-pleny chen
Methorphinan other than dextrorphan, its salts and any prepara-
tion, admixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion
of methorphinun other than dextrorphan.

3-Methoxy-N-methylmorphnian other than dextrorpban (that is to
say, levomethorphan and racemethorphan) its salts and any prepara-
tion, admixture, extract or other substance containing any proportion of

N-allylnormorphine, its salts, and any preparation, admixture,
extract or other substance containing any proportion of N-allylnor-

Methyldesomorphine (6-methyl A 6-desoxymorphine) its salts and
any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing any
proportion of methyl-desomorphine or its sults.

Morpholinylethylmorphine (commonly known as Pholcodine).

Printed at the Government Printing Offic , veeward Islands,
by FE. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer,—By Authority.
47/00094—480-—12.54. Ef rice 6 cents.




1954, No. 55.

THE Dancrerous Drugs (RELAXATION) Onrber, 1954, 0 DATEL
SECTION 15 (1) oF THE DangErows Dries Act, 19387 (No. 23/1987)

WHEREAS by subsection (1) of section 15 of the Dangerous
Drugs Act, 19387, as amended, if is provided that it shall not be
lawful for any person to trade in or manufacture for the purpose of

- trade any of ‘the products obtained from any of the phenanthrene

» alkaloids of opium or from the ecgonine alkaloids of the coca leaf,

. not being a product which was on the 13th day of July, 19381, being
used for medical or scientific purposes, and that the Governor in
Council may, if satisfied that any such product is of medical or
scientific value. by Order direct that the subsection shall cease to
apply to that product:

AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council is satisfied that the
drugs specified in the Schedule to this Order, being products
obtained from morphine, one of the phenanthrene alkaloids of opium,
which were not on the said date being used for medical or scientific
purposes, are of medical value:

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in Couneil in pursuance
of the power conferred upon bim by subsection (1) of seetion 15 of
the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1937, as amended, is pleased to order,
and it is hereby ordered, as follows:

1. Crrarion, This order may be cited as the Dangerous Drugs
(Relaxation) Order, 195+.

2. Non-APPLICATION. Subsection (1) of section 15 of the
Dangerous Drugs Act, 1°37, as amended, shall cease to apply to
the drugs specified in the Schedule to this Order.
ale tiene


Made by the Governor in Council this 18th day of December,

A. KE. PEnn,
Clerk of the Councal.


Methyldesomorphine (6-methyl- A 6-desoxymorphine):


Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands
Ly E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer. —By Authority.
62/00010 —480— 12.54. [Prive & cents. |

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