Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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~ +
~ oe Se Bublished by Authority.
f) VOL. LEXXW WWURSDAY, 160 DECEMBER, 1954. No. 57.
iS " -R 539 ' —=%
in the itatter of Fhe HLana Acquisition Act, 1944,


In the Matter of a Declaration vivthe Gao¥ernor in Council with the approval of the Legis-
lative Council of the Presidency of-Montserrat in respect of all that portion of the Dagenham
Estate approximately 8} acres in area, situate at Plymouth in the Parish of St. Anthony in the
Presidency of Montserrat, measuring and bounded as follows, that is to say, on the north measur-
ing 416 feet 8 inches and bounded thereon by the main public road, on the south measuring 405
feet 8 inches ana bounded thereon by the lands of Dagenham Estate, on the east measuring 394
feet and bounded thereon by the lands of Dagenham Esiate, and on the west measuring 330 feet
and bounded thereon by the main public road.


The 33 acres of land the subject of these proceedings (hereinafter referred to as the
acquired land) is situated just outside the Town of Plymouth, its southern boundary being a mere
200 feet from the northern limits of the Town; on both its western and northern sides the land
abuts on the main public road leading to Plymouth.

By virtue of a declaration published in two issues of the Gazetfe in accordance with the
provisions of section 3 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1944 (hereinafter referred to as the Act), the
acquired land vested in the Crown on 8rd July, 1952. Thereafter compensation at the rate of
£220 per acre was offered by the Authorised Officer to the six persons holding interests in the
-and. Three of them accepted the offer and were compensated for their shares. The other three
(hereinafter referred to as the Claimants) are (a) Monica Howes, who owns 2/7 shares and 4/5 of
1/7 share (b) W. S. R. Howes, who owns 1/7 share, and (¢) Eva L. Wilkin who owns 1/7 share.
In claims filed by them under the Act the value of the acquired land is stated to be £400 per acre.
The only point now at issue is the value of the Jand.

The main rule for the assessment and award of compensation by a Board of Assessment in
a case of this kind is contained in section 19 (a) of the Act, which provides that “the value ot the
land shall, subject as hereinafter provided, be taken to be the amount which the land, if sold in
the open market by a willing seller, might have been expected to have realized at a date twelve
months prior to the date of the second publication in the Gazette of the declaration under section
3 of this Act”. The main principle by which the Board must be guided in applying this rule is
well settled and was reiterated by the West Indian Court of Appeal (St Christopher Circuit) as
recently as 10th December, 1953, in Kelsick v. Thurston & Co. Ltd. and others.

“In assessing compensation...... it must be assumed that the owner is offering the
property for sale of his own free will, but is taking all reasonable measures to ensure
a sale under the most favourable conditions. The compensation payable will be that
price which a properly qualified person, acquainted with all the essential facts
relevant to the property and to the existing state of the market, would expect to
realise under such circumstances”.

It is common ground that Dagenham Estate because of its rainfall, its situation with
regard to labour and transport, and the composition of its soil, forms part of the most valuable
cotton-growing land in the Presidency. Evidence was led on behalf of the Authorised Officer to
show that up to 0th September, 1952, the date on which he entered into possession of the acquired
land, that particular portion of the Estate contained a large quantity of stones and boulders and
was not thoroughly drained. We have carefully examined the submissions made in this connexion
but are unconvinced that even from a purely agricultural standpoint there was in fact any sub-
stantial difference in value between that area and the rest of the Estate. In any case, the view we
take is that the special value of the acquired land lies in its suitability for building purposes. Its
topography, proximity to the principal town of the Island, extensive road frontage on its western
and northern sides (being a corner plot), and access to the main water supply render it admirably
suited for use as a residential or commercial site.

AS: 727




[16 Deeember, 1954.

From the evidence given at this inquiry it is not open to doubt that the market values of
cotton lands in Montserrat and of building lands in and around the Town of Plymouth have

increased considerably during the past ten years or so.

We have also had evidence of the prices

obtained or obtainable for Dagenham land and other lands and the opinions of persons acquainted
with local land values as to the relative value of the acquired land and of lands in other areas.

After full analysis and consideration of all the evidence before us we have reached the
conclusion that the price which the Claimants might reasonably have expeeted for the acquired
land in the open market at the relevant date, namely 3rd July, 1951, is £580 per acre. We
accordingly assess the compensation payable to the Claimants as follows:—

(a) Monica Howrs bag
(b) W.S. R. Howns ene
(c) Eva L. Witkin



In exercise of the powers conferred on us by section 21 of the Act, we order payment of
interest to the Claimants at the rate of 4% per annum on the amount of compensation awarded,
calculated from the date upon which the Authorised Officer entered into possession of the acquired
land (20th September, 1952) until the date of the payment of the compensation.

The Authorised Officer must also pay to the Claimants the reasonable costs incurred by
them in or about the preparation and submission of their claims and the hearing of these proceed-
ings, such costs to be taxed by the Registrar of the Supreme Court (Montserrat Circuit).

(Sed.) W. A. Darr,

6th December, 195 t.



WHEREAS it is provided by sec-
tion 12 of the Leeward Islands Acts,
1871 to 1950, as amended, that the
General Legislative Council of the
Leeward Islands may from time to
time be convoked by Proclamation:

AND WHEREAS by section 14 of
the said Act it is further provided
that the place of meeting of the said
Council shall from time to time be
fixed by proclamation:

AND WHEREAS it is expedient
that the said Council should be

NOW, THEREFORE, I do by this
my Proclamation summon the said
General Legislative Council to meet
at the Court House in the City of
Saint John in the Presidency of
Antigua on Wednesday, the 5th day
of January, 1955, at nine thirty
o’clock in the forenoon, for the des-
patch of public business.

AND the members of the said
Council and all other Her Majesty’s
officers and loving subjects in the
Colony of the Leeward Islands and


(Sgd.) W. O. Prrers,


(Sgd.) Pau. HoLenpsr,

all others whom it may concern are
hereby required to take due notice
hereof and to give their ready obedi-
ence accordingly.

GIVEN under my hand at the
Government House, Antigua,
this 8th day of December, 1954,
and in the third year of Her
Majesty’s reign.


Ref, No, 18/00057.




WHEREAS the Legislative Council
of the Presidency of Montserrat has
been duly constituted under the
provisions of the Montserrat Consti-
tution and Elections Ordinance, 1952
(No. 1/1952):

AND WHEREAS it is provided,
inter alia, by subsection (1) of section
295 of the said Ordinance that the
Governor may at any time, by procla-
mation, prorogue the said Legislative

AND WHEREAS it appears ex-
pedient to prorogue the said Couucil:


NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise
of the powers in me vested as herein-
before recited I do hereby prorogue
the Legislative Council of the Presi-
dency of Montserrat until such further
date as may be appointed, by procla-
mation of the Commissioner under the
provisions of section 18 of the said
Ordinance, for the first sitting in the
next session of the said Council.

AND the members of the said
Council and all other Her Majesty’s
officers and loving subjects in the said
Presidency and all those whom it
may concern are hereby required to
take due notice hereof and to govern
themselves accordingly.

GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 13th day of
December, 1954, and in the third
year of Her Majesty’s reign.


Ref. No. 18/00053.




WHEREAS by section 3 of the
Travelling and Subsistence Allow-
ances (Repeal) Act, 1954 (No. 16/1954)

16 December, 1954. ]

it is provided that the said Act shall
come into operation ona day to be
fixed by the Governor by Proclama-
tion published in the Gazette.

Commander of the Most Distinguished
Order of Saint Michael and Saint
George, an Officer of the Most Excel-
lent Order of the British Empire,
Governor and Commander in Chief in
and over the Colony of the Leeward
Islands and Vice Admiral of the same,
do by this my Proclamation declare
that the said Act shall come into
operation on the Ist day of January,

AND all Her Majesty’s officers
and loving subjects in the said Colony
and all others whom it may concern
are hereby required to take due
notice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 8th day of Decem-
ber, 1954, and in the third year
of Her Majesty’s reign.

Ref. No. 47/00209.

Argentine Consular Repre-

It is notified for general informa-
tion that, pending the receipt of his
Commission of Appointment and the
subsequent issue of Her Majesty’s
Exequatur, Senor JORGE IGNACIO
NICOLINI has been accorded provi-
sional recognition as Consul-General
of the Argentine Republic in London
in place of Senor TAUREL with
jurisdiction including the United
Kingdom Overseas Territories not
already within the district of an
Argentine consular officer and with
general jurisdiction over the Argen-
tine consular officer at Hong Kone.

The Secretariat,
9th December, 1954.
Ref. No. 19/00009.

With reference to the Gazette
Notice of the 2nd November, 1954, it
is hereby notified for general infor-
mation that His Excellency has been
pleased to re-appoint the Hon. 8. T.
CHRISTIAN, O.B.E., as «a nominated
member of the General Legislative

2. His Excellency has also been
pleased to appoint the Hon. A. F. L.
LOUISY to be a temporary official
member, and the Hon. P. KE. RYAN
to be a nominated member, of the
General Legislative Council, with
effect from the 13th December, and
7th December, 1954, respectively.

The Secretariat,

_ 13th December, 1954.

Ref. No. C. 18/00013.


No. 114.

Appointments and transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

Krrnon, H. E.. Senior Clerk, Audit
Office, dismissed from the Service,
October 29,

No. 115.

The following Ordinances are cir-
culated with this Gazette and form
part thereof :—


No. 14 of 1954, “The Central Li-
brary Ordinance, 1954.”
5 pp. Price 7 cents.

Virgin Isiands.

No. 9 of 1954, “The Motor Vehicles
Ordinance, 1954.”
27 pp. Price 29 cents.

No. 10 of 1954, “The Legislative
Council (Extension of Duration)
(Repeal) Ordinance 1954.

1 pp. Price 3 cents,

No. 11 of -1954, “The Labour
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”
3 pp. Price 5 cents.

No. 116.

The following Bills which are to be
introduced in the General Legislative
Council of the Leeward Islands are
published with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—

“The Pensions (Amendment) Act,

“The Police

(Amendment) Act,

“The Leeward Islands (Amend-
ment) Act, 1955.”

“The Small Charges (Amendment)
Act, 1955.”

“The Elementary Education (Re-
peal) Act, 1955.”

“The Evidence (Amendment) Act,

“The Supreme Court (Amendment)
Act, 1955.

“The Pensions (Increase) Act, 1953
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”

“The Pensions (Increase) Act, 1947,
(Amendment) Act, 1955.

“The Prison’s (Repeal) Act, 1955.”

“The Supplementary Appropriation
(1953) Act, 1955.”

- notice in


ANTIGUA, 3rd December, 1954.
ter House, 7, Millbank, London. S.W.
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-

in Class 45, that is to say:—Manufac-
tured Tobacco.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 19 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade

H. 8. L. Mossy,
Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, 3rd December, 1954.
LIMITED of 10—14 Duncan Street, -
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—

in Class 42 that is to say:—
Substances used as food or as

. ingredients in food.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for five
years before the date of their gaid

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade

H. 8. L. Moseiry,
Registrar of Trade Marks,


In the Supreme Court of the.
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.


in pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward Is-
lands Courts Order in Council, 1939,
on the 16th day of October, 1941, as
amended, the Honourable the Puisne
Judge selected for the sitting of the
Court in the Antigua Circuit has
appointed the undermentioned day
on which the ensuing Circuit shall sit
in the Presidency, that is to say:—

On Monday the 10th day of January,
1955, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.

Registrar, Antigua Circuit.

Registrar's Office,
24th November, 1954.

25th November, 1954.

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Tuesday
the 21st day of December, 1954 at
12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons
hereafter named.

Gwendolyn Simon,

Albertha Samuel, Charlotte Tobitt,
Reginald Mussington.


Hilda Hill, Peter Philip, Edward
Towsend, Kenneth. Murdoch, Alfred
0. Wallace.


John Lucas, Kenneth Murdoch,
Rosalind Morgan (2), Ickford Winter


Ickford Winter (2), Edward Lloyd,
Alfred Reynolds, Alice M. Smith.


Heirs of Joseph Thibou, Frances
Samuel, John Harris, Victoria James,
Ethel Hunte, Robert A. Carty,
Martha Byam, Francis James.


George H. Joseph, James B. . Hart,
Heirs of Rev. Francis, Jane Ann
Wilson, Jolin Dowe, Sydney Benja-
min, Louisa Semper.


Heirs of Daniel Peters, Henry



Samuel A. Joseph, James B. Hart.


Ernest Martin.


Gwen & P. Jordan, Estate of John
H. Moore.

James N. Webber, John Matthew,

‘Estate of Franklyn Carlisle, Samuel

Laviscount, Benjamin Lowen,


Iola Alexander, Adolphus
Reynolds, George Samuel, Heirs of
Joseph Ralph.

Heirs of Willock, Morris Gardner.

Heirs of L. Matthew,



Estate of Sarah James.
John Nascimento.

Antonetta Reid, George McAndrew,
Estate of John H. Moore.

Rev.'C. Francis.
Benjamin Lowen.
Tryphena Joseph.
Joseph Thomas.

Emily Athill, Ruby Hughes, M.
& OC, Walters.

16 December, 1954. |

George Farley.

Joseph Lewis.


Joseph Lewis.

Frank Henzell.

The same having been levied upon
to satisfy the City Rate due thereon
for the year 1954.


Provost Marshal.

Masters and Local Agents of all
Ships, Sailing Vessels and

All goods of any kind which are
not manifested, arriving in this presi-
dency from abroad must be pre-
sented to a Customs Officer at
the Airport or Port of Entry.

Officers, hostesses and other mem-
bers of the crews of ships and aircraft,
Agents’ clerks, stevedores, ships’
labourers and visitors to ships are
advised to take care to submit to the
Customs Officers on duty packages
and goods of all descriptions, which
they may bring ashore from any ship,
vessel or aircraft.

Failure to present such packages or
goods to a Customs Officer may
result in arrest of the person con-
cerned and seizure and confiscation
of the packages or goods.

The Collector of Customs, Customs
Officers and any member of the Police
Force, upon reasonable suspicion may
stop and examine any person carrying
any package to ascertain whether any
smuggled goods are contained therein.
(Section 44 of the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance No. 8 of 1900).

The Collector of Customs and any
persons authorised hy him may search
any person on board any vessel within
any port of this presidency, or any
person who has landed from any
vessel, provided he has reason to
suppose that such person is carrying
or has unenstomed or prohibited
goods about hig person. (Section 45
of Ordinance No. 8 of 1900).

Collector of Customs.

6th December, 1954.

Ref. No, A, 65/7-III.

[16 December, 1954.

The Governor has received from
the Inspector of Accidents of the Air
Registration Board in Trinidad the
report on the accident to the Cessna
Aircraft N3125A which occurred at
Olveston Airfield, Montsterrat, on the
28th May, 1954. Copies of this report
are available for inspection during
office hours at the Secretariat in
Antigua and the Commissioner’s
Office in Montserrat.

9. As regards the cause of the
accident, the Inspector has written
as follows:

“The cause of this accident was
the inability of the aircraft to attain
flying speed before reaching the
end of the runway. The following
factors were probably coutributory
causes :—

(i) the take-off! was attempted
down wind:

(ii) the aircraft was probably too
heavily loaded for the pre-
vailing conditions;

(iii) the flap setting used caused
a reduction in ground ac-

(iv) the absence of an overrun
area prevented the take-off
being abandoned.”

3. The Inspector's recommenda-
tions as regards the future use of
Olveston Airfield are as follows:

“Any further use of Olveston
Airfield as a place of landing and
departure for aircraft should be
subject to the following condi-

(i) the full length of the runway
should be completed and
prepared for use;

(ii) the trees at the eastern end
of the runway should be

(iii) an additional wind indicator
should be installed at the
eastern end of the runway;

(iv) an anemometer should be
provided to furnish the
pilot with details of wind

(v) the loaded weight of the
aircraft must be limited by
the pilot to ensure an ade-
quate margin of safety under
prevailing conditions.”

4. Early effect is being given to
the Inspector’s recommendations, In

(a) commercial flights by single-
engined aircraft will not be permit-
ted in and out of Olveston Airfield;


(b) take-off will not be permitted
under certain conditions of tail
wind. Such conditions will be
determined from the instruments
to be installed at the airfield, and
in accordance with prescribed
safety limits.

Ref. No. C. 7/0001].

Registrar General’s Offic:,
St. Johws, Antigua.
1st December, 1954.

In aceurdance with the provisions
of the Marriage Ordinance 1923 (No.
15 of 1923) Section 20 (1) notice is
hereby given that the building known
as Gospel Tabernacle situate in the
island of Barbuda has been deemed
disused for the public religious wor-
ship of the congregation on whose
behalf it was registered that is to say
the Christian Mission.

The registry of the said building
has been duly cancelled.

H. 8S. L. MOSELyY,
Registrar General.

In accordance with the provisions
of the Marriage Ordinance 1923
(No. 15 of 1923) Section 17 notice is
hereby given that the building known
as Gospel ‘Tabernacle situate in the
Island of Barbuda has been duly
registered asa place of public religious
worship by the congregation of the
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.

H. 8. L. MOSELY,
Registrar General.

Tenders are hereby invited for the
transport Ly motor car of public
officers travelling on duty for the
year ending 3lst December, 1955.

2. Such tenders should be in
respect of single journey from the
place where the public officer enters
the car to the place at which he leaves
it (.e. so much a mile for the single
journey) and charge for waiting if
any should be stated. Provided that
where the officer enters or leaves the
car outside the City limits a charge
may be made for the distance between
that point and St. John’s.

3. Government will not be pre-
cluded from hiring seats for public
officers in public service vehicle which
would otherwise be proceeding to the
officer’s destination where this will
result in an economy e.g. for customs
officer’s going to Coolidge Airfield on
duty in a car hired or used by the
Airline Agents.

4. Government reserves the right
to hire or use cars, or seats in cars,
other than the contractor’s cars, for
public officers proceeding on duties
connected with the Customs or


5. Government does not bind it-
self to accept the lowest or any

6. The Contractor will be expected
to provide prompt and efficient service
and any agreement entered into with
a contractor will be subject to the
following conditions:—-

(i) The Contractor shall whenever
required furnish a car;

If due notice of the require-
ment of a car has been given
and failing any satisfactory
explanation the Contractor’s
car arrives more than five
minutes after the required
time Government shall have
the right to deduct a penalty
not exceeding 10/- from any
of the sums due and owing to
the Contractor;


In the event of the Contrac-
tor’s car being more than 15
minutes late after the required
time Government may cancel
the contract on giving the
Contractor one week’s notice
in writing;


(iv) Government shall also have
the right to terminate the
contract on giving one week’s
notice in writing if the ‘service
is generally unreliable through
repeated unpunctuality, defec-
tive cars or other cause.

7. The tender should state the
number of cars to be at the disposal
of Government.

8. Alltenders should be addressed
to the Administrator in a sealed
envelope marked “ Tender for Official
Transport”? and should be lodged at
the Administrator’s Office not later
than 4 p.m. on Tuesday, 21st Decem-
ber, 1954.

By Order

for Administ1 ator.
Administrator's Office,
10th December, 1954.
Ref. No. A. 78/17.

Central Experiment Station,


1950. 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954.
Jan. 5.41 8.60 241 1.98 3.04
Feb. 2.52 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45
Mar. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08
Apr. 21400 4.16 3.14 2,06 49
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3.83
June 1.66 2.74 5.7 131 3.32
July 185 3.28 838 3.20 3.47
Aug. 10.71 9.18 843 3.18 5.93
Sept. 6.34 12.06 5.55 2.10 9.91
Oct. 5.13 3.90 5,19 85 (4,62
Nov. 4.43 3.67 5.19 5.24 1.54
Dec. lIth 1.67 443 1.52 118 1.19

46.00 58.538 61.84 29.14 40.87





Christian and Surname at length

Abbott, Leonard

Abbott, Norris

Abbott, Victor Gerald
Ackam, Hezekiah
Alexander, Foster

Allaway, Richard

Allen, Alfred

Ambrose, Maurice

Anselm, Ronald Alexander
Antonio, Lawrence
Antonio, Norris

Antonio, Clement

Antonio, Francis Earl
Anjo, Francis Roderiques
Anjo, Lawrence Roderiques .
Atbill, Wentworth a)

Bailey, Desmond

Bailey, Joseph

Bailey, Louis

Bailey, Donald

Barnes, Irving Edward Alexander



Place of Abode

‘| City
...| Sanderson
| Dalzells


, City


..| Cedar Grove
.| City



ah Belmont
...| Hodges Bay
.| City


ceol ogy
...| Delaps
.| City

teal) 49
...| Cedar Grove

Barretto, Angelo ..| Bolans
Barnes, Leonard ...| Cedar Grove
Baptist, James .| City
Barretto, John a

Barretto, Manoel wee 4s

Bell, Austin ...| Gunthorpes
Benjamin, Edgar Alexander .| City
Benjumin, Lewis Albert Emery i

Bento, Alvro 7

Bento, Fabian ”

Blackett, John

Blanchard, Morris

Boreham, Mark William
Boreham, Leonard

Bowry, Eric

Boxhill, Joun Carlisle

Bridges, Maurice

Bridges, Dennis

Brown, Arnold

Brown, Jr. James Adolphus Nibbs
Brown, Joshua

Brown. Ralph Arthur Lindsay
Browne, Robert

Brumant, Bruno ae
Bryson, Thomas Arbercrombie Hay .,.)
Buckley, Edgar
Burton, Joseph

..| Gunthorpes
.| City

. Potters



. ”
.| St. Johnstons

Bourne, Keith ...| City
Camacho, Alexander .| City

Camacho; John

Camacho, Vincent Joseph
Jarmichael, Victor

Carr, William

Caines, Elwood

Challenger, Aubrey
Chambers, Arnold Picart
Charles, Joseph A.

Chambers, Edmund
Christopher, Neville
Christian, Donald

Christian, Clarence

Christian, Morris

Coates, Cox

Cockburn, John Allan
Colbourne, Claxton Augustus os
Cooke, Walter R. see
Cools-Latigue, Hugh Joseph


.| Fairview
.| City
...| Ottos

.| Greenbay
...| airview
...{ All Saints

Parham Road

...| City
..| Nut Grove

Fort Road

.| Side Hill
.| City

.| Gunthorpes
.| City -

Comfort Hall

..| City






Peasant Proprietor






Rum Distiller



Bakery Manager

| Barber




Peasant Proprietor

Business Manager


Garage Proprietor
Laboratory Assistant

| Clerk




Builder & Contractor

| Sugar Curer

Cabinet Maker


THE YEAR 1955.



[16 December, 1954.]

Nature of Qualification

Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
3 £50 p.a.
i £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of ,,
Income of £150 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
53 £50 p.a.
Salary of ,,
Income of £150 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

9 99

Salary of £200 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

Income of £30 p.a.

” ”

Income of £50 p.a.
7 of £30 p.a
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Income of £150 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

” se

Salary of £200 p.a.
Income of £50 p.a.
Salary of ,,

Salary of £200 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
£50 p.a.

Salary of £50 p.a.

of £200 p.a.
£50 p.a.




Income of £50 p.a.
‘ £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of


: £30 p.a.
Income of £150 p.a
Salary of £50 p.a.

” ”

Income of £50 p.a.
» £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £200 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

9 ”












[16 December, 1954.

Christian and Surname at length

Cort, Lionel

Cort, Patrick

Crawford, Strickland Gerald
Crump, John Kdmund
Crump, Sherman
Cununings, Oliver

Danicl, Hesketh Maurice
Davis, Edward

Davis, Joseph Alexander
Davis, Walter O’ Million
Davis, Oliver

Denully, John

Derrick, Edwin George
Derrick, Arthur

Desuza, George
DeFrvitas, Allen

Dew, Ernest Dalmer
DeSilva, Ronald

Dias, John Baptiste
Dickenson, Denis
Dickenson, Moses, Mallalien
Dickenson, Francis C.
Doram, Donelley

Dow, Charlesworth
Dow, Guy

_ Edwards, Charles

Edwards, Alfonso DeShield
Edwards, Dennis

Edwards, Hubert

Evanson, John Allan

Farley, Ronald

Farara, Emanuel

Farara, Jayme

Farara, Quin

Fernandez, John Gilbert
Fernandez, Joseph
Francis, “ernley
Francis, Francis Alexis
Francis, Knella

Francis, William

Gabriel, Samuel Lewis Denis
Gardener, James

Gillead, Claxton

Gillead, Oscar

Gomes, Bernard

Gomes, Raymond

Gomes, Wilfred Alexander
Gomes, Arthur

Gomez, Kenneth

Gonsalves, Arnold
Gonsalves, Cyril

Gonsalves, Lawrence Arthur
Gonsalves, Morris
Gonsalves, Rophine
Goodwin, Basil Carodoc
Goodwin, Harry Leon
Goodwin, James Emanuel
Goodwin, Joseph Waneford
Gordon, Hubert Theophilus
Gordon, Stuart A.

Govia, Arthur

Gore, Rupert

Greenidge, Laurie

Hallpike, Charles Arthur Shand
Hamilton, Alfonso
Hampson, George Alexander
Heath, William Keathly
Hector, Rupert

Henry, Dennis

Henry, Ernest Victor

Jurors’ List for the year 1955—(cont’d).
arene a : —-—
Place of Abode Calling ' Nature of Qualification ie
| i marks
..| Gunthorpes Sugar Curer | Salary of £50 p.a.
aisle 9 ” | ” ”
.| City Shoemaker | Income of £30 p.a. |
.. Seatons Overseer Salary of £50 p.a.
..| Freetown Builder ' Income of ,,
.| Osborne Village Electrician ‘3
.| City Clerk | Salary 44 |
5 Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.
Builder & Contractor ; £150 p.a. S.J.
” ” | 9 ” S.J
7 Business Manager | + A S.J.
mil os | Bakery Manager Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.
.| Delaps Planter 5 > LSJ.
..-| Ottos Lane Watch Repairer Income of £50 p.a. :
dity | Distiller Salary 7
sal, abe | Electrician Income 7
...| Hodges Bay | Engineer Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.
.| City Clerk £50 p.a.
3 Mechanic Income of £30 p.a.
...| Jennings 3 7 £150 p.a. 1 S.J.
| City Clerk Fe £50 p.a.
...| Willocks | Overseer Salary of £50 p.a.
...| Ovals | Clerk % a
...| City bo. “ §
.| Ovals | Shopkeeper Income %
.| Parbam Clerk Salary 5
.| Ovals Aircraft Refneller ” a
: 3 Mechanic Income -
.| City Clerk | Salary _
. City | Printer | ” s
7 Business Manager Income of £150 p.a. S.J.
. 7 i Salary - S.J.
5 | Shopkeeper ‘Income _,, |
7 | Business Manager a £30 p.a. |
loo. 3 £150 p.a. | S.J
...| Long Lane | Planter ‘Salary of £50 p.a. |
...| City | Merchant [iw 45 a
.| Clave Hall | Mechanic 7 ”
.| Comfort Hall | Overseer 4 i
1 |
wee) City | ingineer Income of £30 p.a.
...| Newfield Shopkeeper ”
.| City Printer s £50 p.a.
.| Gray Farm Builder es ”
...| Blackmans ; Planter Salary of £30 p.a.
...| Newfield Shopkeeper Income +
.| City | Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Merchant Ineome of £150 p.a. 8.5
Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Shopkeeper Income 7
| Liberta 3 | Pe +i
.| City | Clerk Salary of £150 p.a. i S.J.
..| All Saints | Barber Income of £50 p.a.
..| Liberta | Shopkeeper 7 5
.| City | Clerk Salary -
5 | Baker Income of £30 p.a.
we) Parham Shopkeeper i =
w..| City Merchant - £150 p.a. i S.J.
veel CULV Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a
City Clerk oe :
.| City | Clerk | Income of £30 p.a.
wel ons Builder & Contractor a £150 p.a. 8.J
...| Gunthorpes | Mechanic “6 £30 p.a.
..| City Clerk ss £200 pa. S.J.
sch a | Shopkeeper 5 £50 p.a.
...| St. Claires | Manager s £50 p.a.
.| Ffryes | Land Proprietor Possessed of 100 acres S.J. -
- of land



16 December,

Jurors’ List for the year 1955 —(cont’d).


Christian and Surname at length, | Place of Abode. | Calling. Nature of Qualification. ee
: | |

a _ ~ y

Henry, Kenneth wee! City Tailor Income of £30 p.a, |

Henzell, Frank Louis Peregrine ...| Long Island | Business Manager Salary of £200 p.a. | S.J.

Hewlett, John Dalrymple ...| City Clerk » 7 £90 pau.

Hilaire, Francis s Dental Mechanic : + £90 pua. |

Hill, Denzil 7 Clerk ss », £00 p.a.

Hill, John Wentworth - Shopkeeper Income of £150 p.a. ‘S.J.

Horstord, Ivan 9 Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Humphrey, Maxwell $3 or » of £50 pa.

Ireland, George os Shopkeeper Income of £50 p.a. |

Treland, Hugh N 3 Mechanic £50 pa. |

Isaac, Ceeil Leonard 7 Clerk Salary of "£50 pa.

Isaac, Earl es | Shoemaker | Income of £30 p.a.

James, Alfred .| All Saints Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.

James, George L. ©. .../ Golden Grove Contractor 5 » £30 p.a.

James, Joshua A. ...| Factory Electrician 5 » £30 pa.

James, Cyril ..., City Tailor 4 », £30 p.a.

James, Samuel ...| Pigotts Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Jardine, Morris .| City Pg 5 » £30 p.a.

Jarvis, Walter Oliver Alexander 45 3 “5 », £50 p.a.

Jeffery, Alfred 45 Business Manager 3 » £40 p.a.

John, George Elisha George iy Merchant Income of £30 p.a. |

Johnson, Clarence os Stevedore | Salary of £50 p.a. |

Joseph, Alexis e Clerk fe 5 £50 p.a. |

Joseph, Dennis 3 Ship Contractor Income of £50 p.a.

Joseph, Thomas Gurthwick Josiah . Proprietor 5, £200 p.a. SSL

Joseph, Samuel! _ Garage Proprietor k 3s » £30 p.a.

Karam, Maurice “ Merchant +4 » £30 p.a.

Khoury, Elisha 7 Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Khoury, Mitchell 7 73 » ~~ 7 HOO pa.

Kirwan, Ashley gosh tts Mechanic | Income of £30 p.a.

Knowles, James .| Powells ' bo ys » £50 pa.

Knowles, Oliver al 243 Builder & Contractor | ,, » £30 pa.

Lake, Henzill ...| Kentish Village Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Lake, Arthur .... Vernons Road ‘i Salary of £50 p.a. |

Longford, Egbert .| Carlisle Planter [x “93 » £50 p.a. i

Laurent, Joseph .| City | Druggist 33 + £40 p.a. 4

Laviscount, John wl oy Mechanic » 4 £50 pwr. |

Lewis, George ». City Clerk Salary of £200 p.a. | S.J.

Lewis, Rupert wool a Druggist + » £50 p.a.

Lewis, Walter ..| Potters Shopkeeper Income of £50 p.a.

Lindsay, Eardly .| City Clerk 3 . £30 p.a,

Lindsay, Lawson ee re 9 » £50 p.a.

Looby, Ercille 5 Kentish Village : Salary of £50 p.a. |

Lord, Munro ...) Yorks Overseer 2 » £50 p.a.

Lovell, Harold . City, Insurance Agent Income of £30 p.a.

Luke, Richard Keathroy a Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Mack, .. Ottogs Joiner » 9 £50 pa.

Mannix, Henry Alford K S45 Clerk “ » £50 p.a.

Martin, Charles » 7 » 9 £50 pa.

Martin, Clement 7 7 _ » £50 p.a.

Martin, Desmond 4 ae » £50 p.a.

Martin, Euriel 3 Garage Proprietor fae ome of £30 p.a,

Martin, George * Proprietor - » £50 p.a,

Mirtin, Arthur - Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Mason, Keith A re | ogy, yy £50 p.a.

Mason, Ernest selec Mechanic , Income of £50 p.a.

Mason, Richard Stephen Smith ...) Sanderson Planter | Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.

Massiah, William Cornelius Adolphus | Pigotts Carpenter |g, ~~ gy £30 pa.

Matthew, Allen ..| City Clerk .. » £50 p.a.

Matthew, George os Dental Mechanic Income of £50 p.a.

Maithews, Griffith ...| Gunthorpes Mechanic Salary of £50 p.a. |

Matthews, Walter .| City Garage Proprietor | Income of £30 p.a.

Maynard, Edward Gerald + Clerk ; » £200 p.a. 1 S.J.

Maynard, George Edward 7: + _ » £200 p.a. i SJ.

Maynard, Lawrence 15s iow ” » £50 p.a.

Medhurst, Howard James ...| Belmont Secretary i" » £200 p.a. S.J.

McDonald. Miles ...| The Villa Clerk , » £50 p.a.

Mellanson, Carol .| Montpellier Overseer Salary of £50 p.a.

Mendes, Norris Ferdinand Joseph _...| City Garage Proprietor Income of £30 p.a.


16 December, 1954. ]

Christian and Surname at length.

Mendes, Stephen Roy
Merchant, Charles
Merchant, Joseph
McDonald, Frank

Michael, Claude

Michael, Joseph

Michael, Maurice

Michal, Melville Samuel
Michael, Mitchell

Michael, Selwyn

Moore, John Harold
Moore, Hilton

Moore, Walter
Mollyneaux, James
Murphy, Arthur Foster Wall
Murphy, Henry Owen
Murray, Casford Llewellyn
Myers, Joseph Adolphus

Nanton, Robert
Nunes, Francis

‘O'Reilly, Timothy
Owen, Charles
Parker, Walter
Parker, William
Pereira, Leonard
Pereira, Norris

Perry, Leopold Alexis
Perry. Krnest
Pestaina, Elpert
Pestaina, Raymond
Peters, Cecil Foster
Peters, G. L. Norris
Phillip, Theophilus W.
Phillip, Charles
Pigott, Arnold

Pigott, Emil Milo
Pratt, Hugh

Prince, Raiph

Punter, Percival

Raeburn, Raymond
Ramsay, Charles
Ramsay, Rupert
Reid, Lucien Mckinley
tichards, Albert
Richards, Berkley
Richards, Simon
Roberts, Arthur
Roberts, Douglas
Roherts. Samuel D.
Roberts, Watman
Rudd, Arthur

Salmon, Alfred

Samuel, Josiah
Saunders, Basil

Scholar, Harold
Scotland, Wesley
Scott-Johnston, Edward
Sebastian, John Eldridge
Semper, Charles

Semple, David Gordon
Shoul, Anthony

Shoul, John Ferdinand
Simon, Arnold

Slack, Noel Stevenson
Smith, Christopher
Smith, Robert Henry
Spencer, Colin

Spencer, Frederick Alex.
Stamers, Arthur

Swift, Thomas Alexander

Jurors’ List for the year 1955—(coné’a).

Place of Abode.


«| City

.| Ottes
...{ Ovals
«| Burkes

w| City
"|| Thibous
...| City
. 99

: Parham
...| City

.| Mont
wee} City
... Gilbert
a City
..., Fort Road
...| City

i Ottos Lane
.... Fort Road
.. City

.... Gunthorpes
...| City
.... Ottos Lane
..| City


St. Clair

... Willikies |
wt City |
eee! Fort Road |
wo City 1
es) Johnson’s Point |
ec Fort Road
.| City |
) Fort Road
.. Jennings
. Yorks
. City
3 |

7 |

sed oy |
.. ASE, |
..| City


.., North Sound
.| Gunthorpes
...| Hodges Bay |
...| Cedar Valley
...| City |
...| Gunthorpes
..| City |


Business Manager

Watch Repairer






Peasant Proprietor





| Clerk
| Overseer
| Shopkeeper


Watch Repairer



| Mechanic


' Clerk
| Barber
, Clerk


Sh opkeeper

Dis penser




Business Manager


Hotel Manager

Salary of £50 p.a.

Nature of Qualification.

Salary of £200 p.a.
£50 p.a.

” % os

” 9

” 9 9
1” 9” ”
Income of £30 p.a.

Salary of £200 p.a.
Income of £150 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
>: £50 p.a.
‘3 » £200 p.a.
Income of £150 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

i yr
‘ » £200 p.a.

” ” £50 p.a.

Income of £50 p.a.

” oo ”

Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £50 p.a.

9 99 9
Salary of £50 p.a.

” ” ”

” . ”

. 9 >

” 9 29

Income of £150 p.a.

Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

39 oe 9 f


cP) $9 99
Tncome of £50 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

Tico of £30 p.a.
Salary of £200 p.a.

Income of £50 p.a.
» £30 p.a.

a .

Salary of £50 p.a.
» £200 p.a.
Income of £30 na,

Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £150 p.a.

Salary of £50 p.a.
. » £200 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £200 p.a.
% » £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £200 p.a.

2 ” or









242 THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 16 December, 1954.
Jurors’ List for the year 1955—(coni’d).
Christian and Surname at length Place of Abode | Calling Nature of Qualification oe
| | i
esse aise ee ie = pes ——< sate. ane
Techeira, Kenneth | City Business Manager Salary of £150 p.a. S.J
Terry, Edward hl ay Carpenter | Income of £30 p.a.
Terry, Fitzroy = ” Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.
Terry, James sal 4s Tailor ' Income of £30 p.a.
Thibou, Anderson | s Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Thibou, Icson Cox i as ON ”
Thibou, Percy | 45 los. os ”
Thomas, Gerald Edgar | 4, | Bank Cashier » =~ 5 £200 p.a, S.J.
Thomas, James | yy | Clerk » » £00 pia.
Thompson, Leslie Alfred a). 4s Merchant oy LLSO paa, S.J.
Tomlinson, Auckland veal 3s Clerk » yy £50 pa,
Turner, Alexander .. Hodges Bay Business Manager 95 £200 pa. S.J.
‘Turner, Edgar .... Johnson’s Point | Shipwright | Income of £30 p.a. '
Tully. Kenriek .., City | Artist Painter ” » £50 p.a. i
Wade. William ...| Ovals Electrician 7 7 . |
Wallace, Frederick Augustus ... City Clerk ' Salary of £50 p.a. i
Walker, Cecil “| ae Dispenser 34s :
Walker, Charles Frederick teak gs Photographer Income of £30 p.a. |
Walter, George -.| Barters Farmer i » £50 pa. |
Walter, Stanley | City _ Merchant ” 7 -
Watt, Charles Burkin Anderson toy ' Clerk | Salary of £200 p.a. | S.J
Weathered, Robert 3} 3h : " » oy £90 pa.
Westcott, Charles . Crosbies Planter ; = 3 |
White, Arthur ..| City ) Clerk ae 7
Williams, Wilfred beet a Garage Proprietor Income of £30 p.a. |
Wilson, Alexander Stanley 4 Gunthorpes Accountant Salary of £50 p.a. |
Winter, Igal | City ' Stevedore | s *
Yearwood, Keith ..| Gunthorpes | Overseer ray 3
Yearwood, Percy Hamble we] i Planter | » 95, £200 p.a. S.J.
York, William Anthony +++} City | Restaurant Proprietor) Income of £30 p,a.
Younis, Antoine asa <3 Merchant | iy 5 o
: |

The above are the persons whom it is proposed to insert in the Juror’s Register for the year 1955. The List
will be revised at the sitting of the Magistrate’s Court to be holden at the City of Saint John, in the Antigua Circuit,
on Thursday the 23rd day of December, 1954, at 9 o,clock in the forenoon, and the Magistrate may then make such |

changes therein as he may think fit, either by adding or striking out names, or otherwise.

Any person, whether

included or not included in the said list, may then appear, personally or by his Counsel or Solicitor, and claim that
he is, or ig not, liable to serve as a Common or Special Juror, as the cage may be, or, if unable to attend personally,
may give the Magistrate notice in writing of his claim, supporting it with sach evidence as he may think fit, and the

Magistrate will then, as far as he reasonably can, inquire into the claim.

The Magistrate’s decision in revising the

said ligt, will be conclusive, and all persons included in the said list, after it has been revised by the Magistrate, will
be liable during the year 1955 to be summoned and serve ay Common or Special Jurors, as the case may be, notwith-
standing any disqualifications or exemption other than illness or unavoidable accident.

Dated this 6th day of Decemnber, 1954.

_ H. L. S. MOSELEy,
Registrar for the Antigua Circutt.


16 December, 1954.] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE * Bb8

Control of Imports and Exports

Notice No. 5 of 1954

Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “E” grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.I.F. Antigua and should
include agents comuiussion. ‘Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.

2. The “KE” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard:—

Maximum moisture vue 14.00%
Maximum ash ne 52%
Minimum protein a 12.00%

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—

Minimum. Maximum.
Thiamine 2.0 2.5 milligrams for each Ib. flour
Riboflavine 1.2 1.5 ” 7 :
Niacine 16.0 20.0 ” ” ’
Tron 13.0 16.5 7 _ 5)
With Calcium Car-
bonate 500 600 ” ” ”

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
duly notarised must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to arrange
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.

Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is en-
riched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour” must be stencilled on each bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped to arrive in Antigua
during February, March and April, 1955 at a monthly rate of 5,000 half-bags of 100 lbs. each.

4. Tenders should be in a sealed envelope marked “ Tenders for Hour” and should be addressed
to His Honour the Administrator an] should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 12 noon on

the 31st December, 1934.
5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Adininistrator’s Office,

Vth December. 1954:

Ref. No. A.40/18,


Printed al he Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands, byfE. 4. BLACKMAN, E.D,
Goverument Printer. By Authority,

[Price 57 cents.]

Noa, 14 of 1954. Central Library.
| L.S. |

1 Assenv,
PD, Macposanp,
(sovernor’s Deputy.

20th November, 1954.

No. 14 of 1954.

An Ordinance to make provision for the
establishment of a Central Library in the

ENACTED by the Legislature of Montser-
rat as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Central Library Ordinance, 1954.

2. The Governor may out of such funds
as may be available to him for that purpose re-
organise and maintain the library facilities
authorised ander the Public Library Ordinance,
{981 and in addition may establish and main-
tain such other facilities and provide such other
services as in his opinion are desirable in order
to provide an efficient publie library and library
service throughout the Presidency to be called
“the Central Library of Montserrat’ and for
those purposes may enter into mutual arrange-
ments with other official and unofficial libraries
within and without the Presidency.

3. (1) For the purposes of this Ordinaice
there shall be established a Board to be styled
the Central Library Board hereinafter called
“the Board” and composed of not less than six
members nominated by the Governor, not less
than two members elected by the subscribing
members of the Central Library and such other
members as may be co-opted by the Board under
sub-section (2) of this section.

(2) The Board may, with the approval of
the Governor. co-opt as members, for a stated
period not excecding twelve months, persons


Short title.

ment of Cen-
tral Library.


Central Li-
brary Board,


Chairman of

Meetings of
the Board.


2 Central Library. No. 14 of 1954.

with expert knowledge or experience required
by the Board in the discharge of its duties.
The total number of members so co-opted shall
not exceed three.

(3) Phe period of serviee of nominated
and elected members of the Board shall be two
vears, but any member may be renominated or
re-elected as the case may be.

(+) Any member of the Board may resign
his seat bv letter addressed to the (governor, and
the Governor may at any time revoke any nomi-
nation which he has made.

(5) Any member of the Board who has
not, on the 31st day of December in each year,
attended at least one-third of the meetings of
the Board during the preceding twelve months
or during his tenure of oftice in such months,
shall be considered to have vacated his seat on
the Board, unless he has been absent owing to
ill-health or with the leave of the Governor.

(6) In case of the absence on leave or
owing to ill-health or any nominated member of
the Board, the Governor may appoint any per-
son suitably qualified to act in his stead.

(7) In the case of the absence on leave or
owing to ill-health of any elected, or co-opted
meniber of the Board, the subscribing members
shall elect and the Board may with the approval
of the Governor co-opt a suitably qualified per-
son to act in the stead of such elected member
or vo-opted member, as the case may be.

4. The (hairman of the Board shall be
nominated by the Governor. If he be absent
from any meeting, the Board may elect one of its
members as Chairman of that meeting.

5. (1) The Roard shall mect at such times
as nay be necessary or expedient for transacting
ity business.

(2) The Chairman may at any time sum-
mon a meeting of the Board and on a requisition
by any three meinbers he shall summon a meet.

» No. d4 of 1954. 9 Central Libaary. 3 MonTsERRaT,

ing. Such requisition shall state the object for
which the meeting is required to be summoned.

(3) Decisions of the Board may be taken at
meetings or, in cases in which the Chairman
shall so direct, by the recording of the opinions
of members on papers circulated among them
The Chairman may direct that papers shall not
be circulated to any member who through
interest, illness, absence from the Presidency or
otherwise is, in the opinion of the Chairman,
ineapacitated from voting on such papers.

(4) The quorum of the Bourd at any meeting
or for the purpose of voting on papers circulated
shall be three.

(5) The decision of the Board shall be by
the majority of votes. The Chairman shall have
an original vote and in any case in which the vot-
ing is equal he shall have a second or casting vote.

(6) The Librarian, or in his absence any
other suitable person appointed under section 8 of
this Ordinance, shall be Secretary to the Board
and shall attend each meeting of the Board and
may speak but shall have no vote.

(7) The Librarian shall keep a true account
of the proceedings of all meetings of the Board
and shall record the same in a minute book kept
for that purpose.

6. The Board shall be primarily a consulta- Status ef
tive body constituted to advise on any matter on
which concerns the Central Library of MLontserrat
or public libraries generally and which — the
Governor may include within its scope.

7. The functions of the Board shall be— ena of
(a) to advise the Governor in regard to
pablic hbrary policy and principles and_ to
submit its views on any ea, concerning
public libraries which the Governor may refer
to it or on any aspect of public library poliey
r administration which in its opinion requires


of Librarian,
Officers and



4 Central labrary. No. 14 of 1944,

(6) to undertake such executive duties
as the Governor may from time to time
impose, either indefinitely or for a stated

8. The Governor after consulting the Board
may appoint a Librarian and such other Officers
und servants as he may deem fit, for the purpose
of carrying out this Ordinance at such salaries as
he may, with the consent of the Legislative
Council from time to time direct.

9. 'The Governor in Council, after consult-
ing the Board, may make regulations—

(@) governing the use by any person or
body of persons of the library facilities provi-
ded under this Ordinance;

(0) prescribing the sums to be collected
in respect of subscriptions payable by the
subscribing members, fines or any Other mat-
ter or thing;

(c) prescribing ‘the duties and powers
of the Librarian and other officers and ser-
vants appointed under this Ordinance; and

(d¢) generally, for carrying out the pur-
poses of this Ordinance,

and may attach to the breach of any such regula-
tion a penalty not exceeding ten dollars recoverable
on summary conviction.

10. The expenses of carrying out this Ordi-
nance shall be defrayed out of —

(#) such moneys as may from time to
time be appropriated for the purpose by the
Legislative Council out of the general revenue
of the Presidency;

(6) subscriptions paid by subscribing

(¢) penalties and fines imposed and re-
covered under the provisions of any regula-
tions made under this Ordinance;

No. 14 of 1954. Central Library. 5

(d) gifts, grants, and bequests derived
from any public or private source.

11. (1) All penalties and fines imposed by
regulations made under the provisions of this Or-
dinance shall be recoverable in the manner provi-
ded by the Mayistrate’s Code of Procedure Act,
and proceedings may be instituted and conducted
by the Librarian or by any person authorised by
the Board either generally or for any particular

(2) All penalties and fines received by a
Magistrate under this Ordinance shall be paid by
nim co the Librarian,

12. The Public Library Ordinance, 1931, is
hereby repealed.
Aitan F. G. Loursy,

Passed the Legislative Council this 29th day
of October, 1954.

Jas. H. Carrort,
Cierk of the Council.



Recovery of

Cap, 61.


Printed at the ¢iovernment Printing Ottive, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLhackivan, Government Printer.—By Authority.


500— 12.54. [Prtee 7 cents.]


No. of 1954. Motor Vehrelos. Virais
| L.S.]
I Assent,

P. D. Macponarp,
Governor’s Deputy.
%th October, 1954.

No. 9 of 1954.

An Ordinance relating to the use, licensing, regis-
tration and operation of amotor vehicles. on
roads and for purposes connected therewith.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Virgin
Islands as follows:

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Motor Short title.
Vehicles Ordinance, 1934.

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context
otherwise requires—

“Commissioner”? means the person for the
time being holding the office of Com-
missioner of the Presidency «and includes
every person acting as Commissioner in
his stead;

“driver”, where a separate person acts as
steersman of a motor vehicle, includes that
person, as well as any other person
engaged in the driving of the motor
vehicle, and the expression “ drive ”’ shall
be construed accordingly ;

“motor cycle ” means a motor vehicle with less
than four wheels not equipped with means
of reversing and the weight of which
unladen does not exceed 8 ewt.;

‘motor vehicle’? means any mechanically
propelled vehicle intended or adapted for
use on roads;

‘overtaking ”’ includes passing or attempting
to pass any other vehicle proceeding in the
same direction;

VIRGIN ? Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of M54. *

“ owner’, in the case of a motor vehicle that
is registered, means the person in whose
name the vehicle is registered:

Provided that in the case of a motor
vehicle which is the subject of a hire
purchase agreement it means the person
in possession of the vehicle under the

Provided further that whenever the
registered owner of a motor vebicle is
absent froin the Presidency the person
in actual charge or possession of the
vehicle in the Presidency shall be deemed
to be the owner thereof;

“ pnrescribed ’ means prescribed by Regulations;
y tveg ;

“ Regulations” means Regulations made under
this Ordinance;

‘road ” means any street, road or open space
to which the public are granted access and
any bridge over which a road passes, and
includes any privately owned street, road
or open space to which the public are
granted access either generally or con-
ditionally ;

* section’? means section of this Ordinance;

‘traffic sign” includes all signals, warning
signposts, direction posts, signs, lines,
marks or other devices for the guidance
of persons using the road;

‘“ Treasurer’? meuns the officer for the time
being lawfully discharging the dutics of
Treasurer of the Presidency and includes
the Assistant Treasurer of the Presidency.

Establish. 8. (1) There shall be established as soon as
ao may be after the commencement of this Ordinance
Commission. a body to be called the Public Transport Com-
mission (hereinafter referred to as “the Com-
inission ”) consisting of not less than five persons,
one of whom shall be the Officer in charge of the
Virgin Islands Division of the Leeward Islands

Police Force, to be appointed by the Commissioner,

No* 9 of 1954. Motor Vehielos. 3 Vircis


(2) The Commissioner shell appoint one of
such persons to be chairman of the Commission.

(3) The Commissioner may appoint another
person in the place of any member of the Com-
mission who, throuch illness, sbsence from the
Presidency or for any other cause is unable to sit
on the Commission.

(4) The Commission may act by any three of
its members, and may so act notwithstanding any
vacancy in the number of members constituting the

(5) The Commission shall have power to
regulate its own procedure.

(6) The Commission may, from time to time,
delegate to any of its members the performance of
all or any of the duties and the exercise of all or
any of the powers vested in the Commission under
this Ordinance or of any Regulations.
4. It shall be the duty of the Commission— Duties of
(a) to regulate and control traffic on
roads ;
(6) to keep records of all accidents on
(c) to furnish annually to the Com-
missioner a report of all accidents on roads
which result in death or injury to persons, and
as far as practicable the causes attributable to
such accidents;

(d) to keep a Driver’s Offences Book;

(e) to issue licences and certificates of
registration in respect of vehieles, driver’s
licences and conductors’ licences;

(7) to keep a Register of —
(i) motor vehicles; and
(ii) licensed motor drivers;

(g) to examine and report upon the
condition, construction and equipment of any
motor vehicle;

Vials 4 Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 1954. *


(h) to test applicants for drivers’ licences
as to their competence to drive, and, if
satisfied, to grant the necessary certificate of
competency ;

(2) to perform all such other duties as are
or may be imposed upon it by this Ordinance.

Erection of 5. (1) The Commission may cause or permit
tatticsigns. traffic signs to be placed on or near any road.

(2) Traffic signs ereeted under subsection (1)
may be signs for any of the following purposes :-—

(a) to regulate the movement of motor
vehicles: :

(6) to indicate the route to be followed
by motor vehicles;

(c) to restrict or prohibit the use of any
part of any road by motor vehicles;

(d) to prohibit the driving of any motor
vehicles on any road otherwise than in a certain
direction ;

(¢) to indicate maximum speed limits in
any area or on any part of any road so that
motor vehicles driven in excess of such speed
shall be taken to have failed to conform to the
indication given by the sign;

(/) to restrict or prohibit the parking of
motor vehicles in any area or on any part of
any road.

(3) Traffic signs shall be of the kinds and of
the descriptions prescribed by Regulations.

Siens deemed 6. Iivery traffic sign placed on or near any
to be lawfully road, which is of a nd. ape or aie oe
rescribed, shall be deemed to have been lawfully
placed by the Corimission.

Signification 7. Regulations which prescribe the kinds and
ot indication descriptions of trai¥ic signs may prescribe that any
preseribed, sign or words or symbol or design shall be inter-
preted as giving a particular indication and may
prescribe and explain the action required to comply

with such indication.

No®9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles. 5

8. No person shall injure, deface, remove or
in any manner interfere with any traffic sign law-
fully placed on any road by or under the direction
of the Commission.

9. (1) Save as hereinafter provided in this
Ordinance, no person shall drive or, being the owner,
shall permit any other person to drive a motor
vehicle on a road unless such vehicle is registered
under this Ordinance, aud has affixed thereto in the
prescribed manner the prescribed indentification

Provided that no persou shall be lable to a
penalty for a breach of this section if he proves that
he has taken all reasonable steps to comply with its
requirements, and that the motor vehicle was being
driven ona road for the purpose of being registered,

(2). The onus of proving that a motor vehicle
has been registered shall be upon the owner of such

10. (1) No person shall drive, or, being the
owner, shall permit any other person to drive, a
motor vehicle on a road unless such vehicle is
licensed under the provisions of this Ordinance, and
if after the commencement of this Ordinance

(a) the owner of any motor vehicle keeps
for use or allows to be kept for use such
vehicle without having obtained, or otherwise
fails or omits to obtain, the relevant licence
prescribed in respect of that motor vehicle; or

(6) any motor vehicle is used upon any
read fora purpose which is not authorised by
the licence issued in respect thereof or in eon-
travention of any provisions ©! this Ordinance,

the owner or driver or other person in charge of
the motor vehicle who contravenes any of the
provisions of the foregoing paragrephs (a) and (0)
shall on summary conviction be liable to a penalty
not exceeding fifty dollars.

(2) Where the driver of any motor vehicle Is
charged with an offence under subsection (1) of this
section, it shall be lewful for the Magistrate to


with signs.

of motor

Livensing, ete.


and suspen-
sion of licence,

6 Motor Vehicles. No.9 of 1954.

order that a summons be issued against any person
alleged by the driver to be the owner of the motor
vehicle, making such alleged owner a co-defendant
in the case; and the Magistrate may, after hearing
the evidence and witnessess of all parties, make
such order in regard to the payment of any penalty
and costs as to the Mavistrate seems just.

(3) A person shall not be convicted of an
offence under this section if he proves that he has
not had » reasonable opportunity of obtaining a
licence for the motor vehicle and that such vehicle
was being driven for the purpose of obtaining a

(4) Every motor vehicle shall, in all proceed-
ings under this Ordinance, be deemed to be kept for
use, until the contrary be proved by the owner of
such vehicle.

(5) Upon any conviction for an offence under
paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section, the
Magistrate, in addition toany other penalty which
inay be imposed, unless such licence fee has been
paid subsequent to the commission of the offence,
shall order the owner of the motor vehicle to pay
into Court to the credit of the Treasurer the amount
of the relevant licence fee which would have been
payable if such licence had been taken out at the
proper time, and in default of payment of such
amount the owner shall be liable to imprisonment
with or without hard labour for a term not exceed-
ing three months.

11. (1) The Commission shall have power
to call up for examination af any time any
motor vehicle which it has reasou to believe is
not in a fit and proper state of repair or does not
conform to the provisions of this Ordinance or of
any Regulations as regards construction, equip-
ment, dimensions and maintenance.

(2) Tf upon such examination, the Com-
mission is satisfied that the motor vehicle is so
constructed or is in such a condition as to be a
source of danger to any person travelling in the
motor vehicle or to other users of the r 7 or to
be injurious to the roads themselves or ¢ tnerwise


No.9 of 1954. Motor Vehrelels. 7

contravenes anv provisions of this Ordinance or
any Regulations, the Commission may cancel or
suspend any licence subsisting in respect of such
vehicle, :

(3) A licence suspended by virtue of this
section shall, during the time of the suspension,
be of no effect.

12. (1) Where a motor vehicle is brought
into the Presidency for the purpose of being
used by the owner duri nga visit the Commission
inay issue to him a temporary licence to use the
motor vehicle for not imore than three months
on payment of the prescribed fee:

Provided that before a temporary licence is
issued, the visitor shall satisfy the Commission
that he holds a valid lieenee issued in the
country in which such motor vehicle was last

(2) A motor vehicle being used under the
authority of a temporary licence shall be subject
to such conditions as inay from time to time be
prescribed, and shail “bear the identification
marks of the country where it was last registered
together with such other distinguishing mark as
may be preseribed.

(3) No motor vehicle used under the
authority of a temporary licence shall be used
for hire or trade purposes.

13. (1) Saveas in this section provided,
no person shall drive a motor vehicle on any
road unless he is the holder of a driver’s licence
and no person shall employ anv other persor to
drive a motor vehicle on any road unless the
person so employed is the holder of a “Chauf-
feur’s Licence”: and if any person acts in con-
travention of the provisions of this section he
shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordi-

Provided that if the offender has been pre-
vionsly refused a driving licence or is disquali-
fied for holding or obtaining such a licenee he


Visitor’s tem-



Classes of

Foun ot

Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 195-4.

be arrested forthwith without a warrant

and he shall on summary conviction be liable to
imprisonment tor a term not exceeding six
months or toa fine net execeding five hundred

(2) For the purpose of learning to drive, a

person not having a driver's licence may—

(¢) use a motor evele upon such roads
and during such times as may be authorised
in writing by the Comunissiou;

(h) drive any motor vehicle upon such
roads and during such times as may be
avuthorvised in writing by the Commission, if
accompanied for the purpose of instruction
by a person holding a driver's licence and
sitting next to the driver. In such case both
the learner and the person accouipanying
him shall be jomtly aad severally Hable for
any offence against this Ordinance or of
any legalations eommitted during the
course of such instruction.

14. Wrivers’ licenees shall be of three

classes, that is to say——

(a) “A Motor Cyele Driver’s Licence”
which shall entitle the holder thereof to
drive a motor cycle, with or without a side-

(b) “A Private Driver's Licence”
which shall entitle the holder thereof to
drive, not for reward, such class or classes
of motor vehicles as may be specified in the
licence and which his driving test proves
him competent to drive;

(¢) “A Chaulfeur’s Licence? which
shall entitle the holder thereof to drive such
class or classes of motor vehicles as may be
specified in the licence and which his driv-
ing test prove him competent to drive,

18. Drivers’ Licences shall be such

form as may be prescribed and shall have attixved
thereto the signature of the holder thereol.




No. 9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles. 9

16. (1) A person shall be disqualificd for
holding or cbtaining a driver’s licence—

(a) if he is by a conviction under this
Ordinance or by an order of court thereun-
der disqualified for holding or obtaining a

(0) im respect of a motor cycle. if he is
under the age of sixteen years;

(e) in respect of any other motor
vehicle if he is under the age of eighteen

(d¢) if he is suffering from any disease
or other disability which in the opinion of
the Commission would be likely to cause
the driving of a motor vehicle by him to be
a source of danger to the public:

Provided that if a licence is refused by
virtue of this provision the applicant may
claim to be subjected to a test as to his fit-
hess or ability to drive a motor vehicle and
if he passes such test and is not otherwise
disqualified the licence shall not be refused
by reason only of the provision of this

(2) During such time as any driver's licence
is suspended the holder thereof shall be disquali-
fied for holding or obtaining a driver's licence.

17. (1) Tt shall be lawful for the Com-
mission to grant a temporary driver's licence
other than a Chaulfeur’s Licence for any period
not exceeding three months to any applicant for
the same, when it is shewn to its satisfaction
that the applicant is a bona fide visitor to the

(2) Such temporary driver's licence may he
granted with or without any driving test on the
part of the applicant, but shall be subject to
such Conditions as tay be stipulated on the
licence and to the payment of the prescribed fce.


Diss vali tion
tien for



of driver's

of driver’s
licence for


10 Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 1954

18. The driver of a motor vehicle shall,
on being so required by any police oilicer, pro-
duce his driver's licence for examination soas to
enable such police ofticer to ascertain the name
and address of the holder of the licence and the
date of issue of the same, and if he faiis so to do
he shall be liable on summary convietion to a
pevalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars:

Provided that, if. within forty-eight hours
after the production of his licence was required,
the holder produces the licence in person at such
police station as may be specified to him at the
time its production was required, he shall not be
charged under this section.

19. If it appears to the Cominission that
there is reason to believe that any person who
holds a driver's licenee is suffering from a
disease or physical disability likely to cause the
driving by him of a motor vehicle, heine a
vehicle of any such class or description as he is
authorised by the licence to drive, to be a source
of danger to the public, and if, on enquiring into
the matter, the Commission is satistied that the
holder of the licence is sulfering from such
disease or disability as aforesaid then whether or
not the holder of the licence so suffering as
aforesaid, has previously passed a driving test,
the Commission may, after givine to the holder
of the licence, notes of his intention so to do,
revoke the licence, and the holder shall on
receipt of such notice deliver the licence to the
Commission for cancellation.

20. (1) No person shall drive a motor
vehicle at a speed | greater than the speed speci-
fied in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance as
the maximum speed at which such vehicle may
be driven on a particular class of road,

(2) Any person who contravenes the pro-
visions of subsection (1) of this seetion shall be
guilty of an offence against this Ordinance.

(3) % person charged under this section
with the offence of driving a motor vehicle on a
road at a speed greater than the maximum speed

No. 9 of 1954. = Motor Vehicles, 11

allowed in the case of such vehiele shall net he
Hable to be convieted of the offence solely on i the
evidence of one witness to the effect that in the
opinion of the witness the person charged was
driving the vehicle at such greater speed.

(1) Any person being the owner of a motor
vehicle, who aids, abets, counsels or procures
any person who is employed by him to drive
such motor vehicle on a road to commit an
offence under this section shall be guilty of an
offence against this Ordinance.

(5) The Commission may, by order under
its hand, oe the driving of motor vehicles
over any bridge at a speed greater than that
specified in such order. Any such order shall
be published in the Gazetfe, and the limit of
speed to be observed shall be indicated on notice
hoards to be fixed at such bridge.

(6) The Governor in Council may by order
vary, or revoke any of the provisions of the
Second Schedule to this Ordinance.

21. (1) Any person who when driving or

attempting to drive, or when in charge of, a:

motor vehicle on a road is under the intluence
of drink or drug to suel an extent as to be in
rapable of having proper control of the vehicle,
shall be liable on summary conviction to a
penalty not exceeding two hundred and_ fifty
dollars or to imprisonment with or without
hard labour for a term not exeeeding four
months, and ui the case of a second or sub-
sequent convielion either to a penalty not,
exceeding five lumdred dollars cr to imprison-
ment fora term not exeeeding six months or to
hoth such penalty and imprisonment.

2) A person convicted of an offence under
this a shall, without prejudice to the power
of the Court to order a longer period of disquali-
fication, be disqualified fora period of twelve
months from the date of the convietion for
holding ov obtaining a driver's Ucence, aml on a
second conyiction tov a like offenee he shall be


Drivers when
influence of
liquor or


Reckless or


12 Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 1954.

permanently disqualified for holding or obtain-
ing a driver’s licence.

(3) Any police officer may arrest without
warrant any person committine an offence
under this section.

22. (1) Any person who drives a motor
vehicle on a road recklessly, or at a speed or in
a manner which is dangerous to the public,
having regard to all the cireumstances of the
case, including the nature, condition and use of
the road, and the amount of traffic which is
actually at the time, or which miglit reasonably
be expected to be, on the road, shall be liable—

(¢) on summary conviction to a
penalty not exceeding two hundred and
fitty dollars or to imprisonment with or
without hard labour fora term not exceed.
ing four months, and in the case of a second
or subsequent conviction either to a penalty
not exceeding four hundred dollars or to
imprisonment with or without hard labour
for a term not execeding six months or to
both such penalty and imprisonment;

(4) on conviction on indictment to
imprisonment with or without hard labour
for a term not exceeding two years, or toa
fine, or both such imprisonment and _ fine.

(2) A person convicted of an offence under
this section shall, without prejudice to the
power of the Court to order a Jonger period of
disqualification, be disqualified [or holding or
obtaining a driver's licence for a period of six
months from the date of the eonviction and on a
third conviction for a like offence he shall be
permanently disqualitied for holding or obtain-
ing a driver’s licence.

208. If any person drives a motor vehicle
en a road without due care and attention, or
without reasonable consideration for other per-
sons using the road, he shall be guilty of an
offence and snall be liable on stummary convic-
tion to a penalty not exceeding one bundred and

t ; 5



N®. 9 of 1954. Votor Vehicles, 13

twenty dollars and on a second or subsequent
conviction for a like offence to be disqualified
for holding or obtaining a driver’s licence for
such period as the Court shall think fit.

24. (1) Any person who promotes or
takes part in a race or trial of speed between
motor vehicles on a road shall be liable on sum-
mary conviction to a penalty not exceeding two
hundred and fifty dollars or to imprisonment
with or without hard labour for a term not
exceeding four months, or to both such penalty
and imprisonment,

(2) A person convicted of an offence under
this section shall, unless the Court for a special
reason thinks fit to order otherwise and without
prejudice to the power of the Court to order a
longer period of disqualification, be disqualified
for holding or obtaining a driver’s licence fora
period of twelve months from the date of the

25. Upon the trial of a person who is
indicated for manslaughter in cornection with
the driving of a motor vehicle by him, it shall
be lawful for the jury, if they are satisfied that
he is guilty of an offence under section 22 to
find him guilty of that offence, whether or not
the requirements of section 27 have been
satisfied as respects that offence.

26. Where a person is charged summarily
before a Magistrate with an offence under
section 22 (which relates to reckless or danger-
ous driving) and the Magistrate is of the opinion
that the offence is not proved, then at any time
duving the hearing or immediately thereafter,
the Magistrate may, without prejudice to any
other powers possessed by him, direct or allow a
charge for an offence under section 23 (which
relates to carcless driving) to be preferred forth-
with against the denfendant and may thereupon
proceed with that charge, so however that the
defendant or his solicitor or counsel shall be
informed of the new charge and be given an
opportunity, whether by way of cross-examin-


Racing and
spead trials.

Power to
conviet for
reckless or

Power to
proceed on
charge for
driving on
hearing of
charge under
section 22.


Warning of


14 Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 1954.

ing anv witness whose evidence, has already been
viven against the defendant or otherwise, of
answering the new charge, and the Magistrate
shall, if he considers that the defendant is
prejudiced in nis defence by reason of the new
charge being preferred, adjourn the hearing.

27. (1) Where a person is prosecuted for
an offence under any of the provisions of this
Ordinance relating respectively to the maximum
speed at which motor vehicles may be driven, to
reckless or dangerous driving, or to careless
driving, he shal] not be convicted unless either —

(a) he was warned at the time the
offence was committed that the question of
prosecuting him for an offence under some
one or other of the provisions aforesaid
would be taken into consideration; or

(0) within fourteen days of the com-
mission of the offence a summons for the
offence was served on him; or

(c) within the said fourteen days a
notice of the intended prosecution specify-
ing the natnre of the alleged offence and
the time and place where it is alleged to
have been committed was served on or sent
by registered post to him or the person
registered as the owner of the vehicle at the
time of the commission of the offence:

Provided that-—

(i} failure to comply with this
requirement shall not be a bar to the
conviction of the accused in any case
where the Court is satisfied that—

(a) neither the name and address
of the accused nor the name and
address of the registered owner of the
vehicle could with reasonable diligenec
have been ascertained in time for a
summons to be served or for a notice to

be served or sent as aforesaid; or



NO. 9 of 1954. Motor J ehieles. 15

(b) the accused by his ewn con-
duct contributed to the failure;

(ii) the a ent of this section
shall in every case be deemed to have
been complied with unless the contrary
is proved.

28. (1) If the driver of a motor vehicle
who is alleged to have committed an offence
under the foregoing provisions of this Ordinance
as to reckless or dangerous driving or careless
driving refuses. on being required by any per-
son having reasonable grounds for so requiring,
to vive his name and address, or gives a false
name and address, he shall be euilty of an
offence against this Ordinance.

(2) Any police officer may arrest without
warrant the driver of any motor vehicle who
within his view commits any offence under the
provisions of this Ordinance as to reckless or
dangerous driving or careless driving or racing
on a road, unless the driver either gives his
name and address or produces his driver's
licence for examination.

(3) Any person driving a motor vehicle on
a road shall stop the vehicle on heing so required
by a police officer or a local constable wearing
his hadge of office and if he fails so to do he
shall be liable on summary conviction to a
penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars.

29. (1) It shall not be lawful for more
than two persons to ride abreast on a road upon
a motor eyele:

Provided that a person shall- not be con-
victed under this section in respect of the over-
taking of two persons so viding where at the
point of overtaking on the road there is an
absence of other traffic.

(2) It shall not be lawful for any person
while riding a motor cycle on a road—

(a) to hold on to any other moving
vehicle or toany animal; or


Duty to give
namo and
address and to
stop. Power
of arrest in
COrtaiD cases,

on riding:
abreast hold-
ing on to
vehicle and
pillion ridine,


Duty to stop
in case of

16 Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 195¢h.

(6) to vide such motor eyele without at
least one hand being on the handle bar of such
motor cycle.

(3) Tt shall not be lawful for more than one
person in addition to the driver to be carried on any
two-wheeled motor cycle, nor shall it be lawful for
any such one person to be so carried otherwise than
sitting astride the motor evele and on a proper seat
sceurely fixed to the motor cycle behind the driver's

(4) [Ef any person contravenes the provisions
of this section he shall be liable on summary con-
viction to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars in the
ease of a first conviction and to a penalty not
exceeding twenty-five dollars in the case of a second
or subsequent conviction.

30. (1) (a) If in any case, owing to the
presence of a. motor vehicle on a road, an accident
occurs whereby damage or injury is caused to any
person, vehicle or animal, the driver of the motor
vehicle shall stop and, if required so to do by any
person having reasonable grounds for so requiring.
give his name and address and also the name and
address of the owner and the identification marks of
the vehicle.

(b) If in the case of any such accident as
aforesaid the driver of the motor vehicle for any
reason does not give his name and address to any
such person as aforesaid, he shall report the accident
at a police station or to a police officer as soon as
reasonably practicable, and in any case within
twenty-four hours of the occurrence thereof.

(c) In this section the expression “animal”
ineans any horse, cattle, ass, mule, sheep, goat or

(2) In the case of any such accident as afore-
said the Commission may direct enquiry to be made
into the cause of such accident by any police officer
or other person authorised by it in writing; and
such police officer or other person may, on produc-
tion if so required of his authority, inspect any
vehicle in connection with which the accident arose,
and for that purpose may enter at any reasonable


No“9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles. 7

time upon any premises where the vehicle is; and
if any person obstructs any person so authorised
in the performance of his duty under this subsection
he shall be guilty of an offence.

Ol. If any person—

(a) fradulently imitates, alters, mutilates,
destroys, or uses or fradulently lends or allows
to be used by any other person any identitica-
tion mark, motor vehicle licence, certificate of
reeistration or driving permit issued or deemed
to have been issued under this Ordinance: or

(4) without permission of the owner or
person in charge thereof, clanbs upon or into
or swings upon any motor vehicle, whether the
sane is im motion or stationary, sounds any
norn or other signalling device, or attempts to
manipulate any of the levers, the starter, brakes
or machinery thereof, or in any manner
damages, interferes or tampers with a motor
vehicle or puts in motion the engine thereof,
while it is standing; or

(c) throws any object at a motor vehicle
or at any person in or on such motor vehicle
or places any object in any road whereby
injury or damage to any motor vehicle may
be occasioned; or


(d) wilfully loiters or remains on any
roadway iv such a manner or in such cireum-
stances as to be likely to cause danger or
obstruction to persons driving or propelling
a motor vehicle on the road; or

(e) uses or drives or permits to be used
or driven any motor vehicle on a road in such
defective condition as regards its mechanical
fittings or otherwise as to be a source of danger
to its eceupants or the public; or

(7) being the owner of a motor vehicle
refuses on the request of any police officer—

(1) to give the name and address of
the driver thereof, such driver
having been authorised by such



imitation of

with motor


ete. causing

Using vehicle
in detective

Refusing in-

formation as
to identity of

Virwin 18

Riding on


Giving false

Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 195,

owner to drive the said motor
vehicle; or

(ii) to give all such information in
his possession as would assist in
the discovery or identity of the
driver; or

(vy) rides on the running board, wings or
fenders of a inotor vehicle or on the Gitte of
the vehicle except on a properly constructed
seat; or

(h) being ina motor vehicle in any way
obstructs the driver of such moter velicle
whilst the same is in motion; or

(7) in or in conneetion with application
for a motor vehicle licence or the registration
of a motor vehicle or a driving licence or in
connection with the endorsement of such a
licence, or any change or correction in a motor
vehicle licence or the registration of a motor
vehicle or in giving any information lawfully
demanded or required under this Orcinance
or any Regulations, makes any statement
which is to his knowledge false or in any
material respect misleading

he shall be guilty of an offence against this

Taking motor

S32. (1) If any person uses any motor

vehicle with- | Vehicle without the consent of the owner or other

out consent of

owner, lawful suthority, he shall be guilty of an offence
against this Ordinance:

Provided that the person shall not be convicted

under this section if he proves either—

,@) that he had good reason to believe,
and atid in fact believe, that the owner of the
vehicle would, had he been present, have
consented to the vehicle being used in the
manner in which it was used; or

(6) that he had reasonable cause to
believe and did in fact believe that he had
lawful authority to use the vehicle.

No® 9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles. 19

(2) If any person is convicted under this
section, the Magistrate may, if he thinks fit, either
in addition to or without inflicting any punishment,
order that the person convicted pay to the owner
of the vehicle either or both of the following sums,

a) such sum as, in the opinion of the

Magistrate, would have been charged if the

vehicle had been hired by the person convicted ;

(6) such sum as, in the opinion of the
Magistrate, represents fair compensation for
any damage done to the vehicle,

any payment of such sum shall be entorced in the
manner provided by the Magistrate’s Code of
Procedure Act for the enforcing of the payment of
a fine or order made on complaint.

(3) If on the trial of any indictment for steal-
ing any motor vehicle, the jury are of opinion that
the defendart was not guilty of stealing the vehicle,
but was guilty of an offence under this section, the
jury may find him guilty of an offence under this
section and thereupon he shall be liable to be
punished accordingly.

(4) Any police officer may arrest without
warrant any person reasonably suspected by him
of having committed an offence under this section.

363. The particulars of every conviction for
an offence under this Ordinance including the name
of the offender, and the number of his licence, if
any. shall be furnished by the Clerk or other Officer
of the Court in which the conviction is recorded to
the Commission, who shall enter the same in a book
to he called the Driver’s Offences Book.

34. (1) The Court before which a person is
eonvictel of any offence in connection with the
driving of 1 motor vehicle may, in addition to any
other penalty provided for such offence, and shall,
where so required by the provisions of this Ordi-
nance, order that the offender be disqualified for a
stated period or permanently from holding or
obtaining a driver’s licence cither generally or
limited to the driving of a motor vehicle of any


Cap. 61,

Drivers 7
Offences Book,

tion for


suspension of
licence pend-
ing determina-
tion of =~

application for

ZO Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 1954.

particular class or description; and if the offender
holds a driver’s licence the Court shall endorse upon
the licence particulars of the conviction.

(2) Where an order of disyualification is made
avast the holder of a driver's licence, the licence
shall be suspended so long as the disqualification
continues in force.

(3) A licence suspended by virtue of an order
of disqualification shall during the period of suspen-
sion be of no effect.

(4) A person who by virtue of an order of a
Court under this section is disqualified for holding
or obtaining a driver’s licence may appsal against
the order in the same manner as against a conviction,
and the Court may, if it thinks tit, pending the

appeal, suspend the operation of the order.

35. (1) If and when any person is charged
with manslaughter arising out of the use of any
motor vehicle or with contravening the provisions
of sections 21 and 22, it shall be lawful for the
Commission to order the. suspension of the driver’s
licence of the person so charged pending the deter-
uination of the charge.

(2) Any such licence so suspended shall on
demand by any police officer be surrendered to such
police officer who shall forthwith forward the same
to the Clerk of the Court before which the person
so charged is to appear.

(3) A licence suspended by virtue of this
section shall during the period of suxpension be of
no effect.

36. If any person who under the provisions
of this) Ordinance is disqualified for holding or
obtaining a driver's licence applies for or obtains a
licence while he is so disqualified; or if any person
while he is so disqualified drives a motor vehicle or,
if the disqualification is limited to the driving of a
motor vehicle of a particular class or description,
a motor vehicle of that class or deseription on a
road, or if any person who has been refused a
licence apples for or obtains a licence without

No. 9 of 1954. 9 Motor Vehicles. 21 Vrain


disclosing such refusal he shall he grilty of an
offence, and shall on summary ee be liable
to a penalty not exceeding two hundred and fifty
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
six months, or to both such penalty and imprison-
ment, and the licence obtained by any person so
disqualified, as aforesaid, shall be of no effect.

37. (1) An order that the particulars of any Provisions as
conviction or of any disqualification be endorsed on £0 endorse
any driver's licence held by the offender shall,
whether the offender is at the time the holder of the
licence or not, operate as an order that any licence
he may then hold or m: ny subsequently obtain shall
he so endorsed until he becomes entitled ander the
provisions of this section to have a licence issued to
him free from endorsement.

(2) Where an order is made requiring any
driver’s licence held by an offender to be endorsed,

(a) if the offender is at the time the
holder of a driver's licence, he shall, if so
required by the Court, produce the licence
within five days or such longer time as the
Court niay determine for the purpose of
endorsement; and

(4) if he is not then the holder of a
driver's licence. but subsequently obtains a
licence, he shall within five days after so
obtaining the licence produce it to the Court
for the purpose of endorsement, and if he fails
so to de, shall be guilty of an offence against
this Ordinance: ial if the licence is not pro-
duced for the purpose of endorsement within
such time as aforesaid, it shall be suspended
from the expiration of such time until it is
produced for the purpose of endorsement.

(5) On the issue of a new driver’s licence to
any person, the particulars endorsed on any
previous licence held by him shall be copied on
to the new licence onless he has previously
heecome entitled under the provisions of this
section to have a licence issucd to him free from



22 Motor Fehicles. No. 9 of 1974.

(4) if any person whose driver’s licence has
been ordered to he endorsed and who has not
previously become entitled under the provisions
of this section to have a licence issued to him
free from endorsement applies for or obtains a
licence without giving particuiars oi the order,
he shall he euilty of an offence avainst this Ordi-
nance, and any licence so obtained shall be of
no effect.

(5) Where a person, in respect of whom an
order has been made under this Ordinance
requiring the endorsement of any licence held
by him, has during a continuous period of two
years since the order was made had no barge
order made against him. he shall be entitled,
any time thereafter, subject to payment of the
prescribed fee, and subjeet to the surrender of
any subsisting licence, to have issued to him a
new licence free front. endorsement:

Provided that, in reckoning the said period
of two years, any period diving which the per-
son was by virtue of the order disqualitied for
holding or obtaining a driver’s leence shall be

(6) Where a Court orders particulars to be
endorsed on a driver’s licence held by any per-
son, or where by eon chon or order of a Court a
person is disqualified for holding or obtaining a
licence, the clerk or other officer of the Court
shall od a notice of the order to the Connunis-
sion, and, in any case where a person is so dis-
qualified, shall also on the production of the
licence for the purpose of endorsement retain the
licence and forward it to the Commission who
shall keep the licence until the disqualification
has expired or been removed, and the person
entitled to the licence has made a demand in
writing for its return to him.

(7) Where the disqualification to which a
person has become subject is limited to the
driving of a motor vehicle of a particular class
or description, the Comunission to whom that
person's licence has been forwarded under the


No. 9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles. 93

preceding subsection shall forthwith after the
receipt thereof issue to that person a new licence
on which there shall be indicated in the pre-
scribed manner the class or description of
vehicle which the holder of the licence is not
thereby authorised to drive, and the licence so
issued shall remain in force either for the un-
expected period of the original licence or for the
period of the disqualification, whichever is the

(8) Where on an appeal against any such
order the appeal is allowed, or where any such
conviction is quashed, the Court by which the
appeal is allowed or the conviction is quashed
shall send notice thereof forthwith to the Com-

38. (1) The fees specified in the First
schedule to this Ordinance shall be payable to
the Commission in respect of the several matters
to which they are applicable.

(2) All fees and duties received by the
Commission shall be paid into the Public Treas-
ury of the Presidency to the credit of the
General Kevenue,

(3) The Governor in Council may by order
amend, vary, suspend or revoke any or all of the
provisions of the First Schedule to this Ordi-

Provided that an order made under this
subsection shall be of no effect unless and until
approved by a resolution passed by the Legisla-
tive Council.

39. The contents of the Register of
Motor Vehicles, the Kegister of Licensed Motor
Drivers, and the Register of Drivers’ Offences
shall respectively be prime pacve evidence of the
facts contained therein in all proceedings under
this Ordinance.

40. (1) Ifa licence issued under the pro-

visions of this Ordinance or any Regulations is

lost, defaced, mutilated, or rendered illegible,


Fees and

evidence of



Power to

detain vehicle,

Exemption of
fire engines,
&e, from
speed limit.


: 7 ,*
24, Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 1954

the Commission shall issue a duplicate licence
on payment of the prescribled fee.

(2) Where any licence which has been lost
is subsequently found, the holder of the dupli-
cate licence shall forthwith deliver up to the
Commission such duplicate.

41. (1) Itshall be lawful for any police officer
or any local constable wearing ‘his badge of
office to stop any motor vehicle on a road with a
view to ascertaining whether such vehicle is
being used in contravention of this Ordinance or
any Regulations, and in the event of any such
vehicle “being used on a road in such manner,
such police officer may take the vehicle or cause
it to be taken to any police station there to be
further examined or to be detained until the
vehicle and driver can be identified, as the case
nay be.

(2) Any person failing to comply with a
request to stop made under subsection (1) of this
section shall be guilty of an offence against this

(3) Any person authorised in writing by
the Commission may, at all reasonable times,
enter any premises for the purpose of inspect-
ing any motor vehicle on such premises.

42. The provisions of this Ordinance
imposing a speed limit on motor vehicles shall
not apply to any motor vehicle when it is being
used for fire brigade, ambwance or police pur-
poses, if the observance of those provisions
would he likely to hinder the use of the motor
vehicle for the purpose for which it is being
used on that occasion.

48. (1) The Governor in Council may
make Regulations for any of the purposes or
with reference to any of the matters following,
that is to say:—

(a) the registration of motor vehicles
and the particulars to be supplied upon
application for registration, and the man-
ner of verification thereof; the fees payable


Mo. 9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles. 25

on such registration and the classes of
motor vehicles which may he exempted
from the payment of such fees;

(b) licences to owners in respect of
motor vehicles registered and the issue,
renewal, transfer, and period of validity of
the licences;

(c) the fees to be paid upon any issue,
renewal or trausfer of a licence in respect
of motor vehicles and the remission of any
such fees:

(7) the examining and testing of motor
vehicles before registration or the issue or
renewal of certificates for the puposes of
ensuring in any case that the motor vehicle
is of such construction and in such condi-
tion as may be necessary to comply with any
regulations for the time being in force in
respect of the class of vehicle to which it

(e) licences to drivers of motor vehicles
and the issue and renewal of validity of the
licences and the fees to be paid upon any
such issue or renewal or upon any examina-
tion therefor:

(f) the forms to be used in connection
with all such licensing and registration ;

(y) the character and nature of horns
or other instruments capable of giving
audible and suthcient warning of motor
vehicles, and regulating and controlling
their use;

(?) the number, position and kind of
lights and refleetors to be carried on motor
vehicles and the times during which they
are to be exhibited;

(1) the inspection of motor vehicles
and the times, places and manner of such





Conflict of

26 Motor ‘Vehicles, No. 9 of 1954.

(/) the form of identification marks to
be fixed on motor vehicles in respect of
registration and licensing and the sizes and
colour of the letters of and the manner of
displaying such marks:

(4) passengers’ fares and tolls;

(4) the kinds and descriptions of traffie

(m) anything which by this Ordinance
may or is to be prescribed;

(2) generally, for the better earrying
out of the provisions of this Ordinance, and
in particular for the satiety, control and
regulation of traffic and the use of motor
vehicles on any road and the conditions
under which they may be used.

(2) There may be attached to any breach of
any yeg¢ulation mate under subsection (1) of
this section a penalty not exceedipy one hundred
and twenty dollars ov a term of imprisonment
not execeding six months.

44. (1) Any person who acts in contra.
vention of, or fails to coinply with any of the
provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of
an offence against this Ordinance

(2) Any person guilty of an offence against
this Ordinance far which no penalty is expressly
provided shall be liable on sitmmary conviction
to a penalty not exceeding onc hundred and
twenty dollars or to imprisoument for any term
not exceeding six months,

45. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect
any liability of the driver or the owner of a
motor vehicle undcr any other Act or Ordinance
or at common law.

46. Whenever the provisions of this
Ordinance or of any ltegulations nade there-
under are in coutlict witii the provisions of any

Not 9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles, 27 VIRGIN

other Ordinance relating to the control of motor

vehicles on a road the provisions of this Ordi-

nance and the Regulations made thereunder

shall prevail,

47. This Ordinance shall come into opera- Commence-

tion on such day as the Governor may appoint ™°"*
by proclamation published in the G'azelfe.
H. A. C. Howarn,
Passed the Legislative Conneil this 19th
day of August, 1954. .
H. O. CRrEQue,
Clerk of the Council.
1. Motor Cycle wa 5.14
2. Motor Cycle with side car oe 6.86
3. Motor Vehicle (other than a motor evcle not
used commercially) oe 10.29
4. Motor Vehicle (other than motor cycle) used
commercially .. L714
d. Driver’s Licences—
(a) Motor Cycle Driver’s Licence see 171
(6) Private Driver’s Licence ee 1.71
(c) Chantfeur’s Licence ee 3.43
(ad) Visitors temporary Licence ee 6
6. Registration of any motor vehicle oes 2.57
7. Transfer or amendment of registration or
licence Le wot
8. Driving test ae 1.71
9. Duplicate Certificate or licence vee AB


Limits of Speed.
Macimum Speed
Miles per hore.
1. On anv road within the limits of the Town of

toad ‘own, or ima town or village o 15
2. On all roads in the Presidency other than those
specified in paragraph L of this Schedule Le 30

Printed at the Government Printing Office Leeward Islands,
by TE. M Brack Man. Government Printer.--By Authority,

520-——12.54. . [ Price 29 cents]


No. LO of 1954. Legislative Council (Extension
of Duration) (Repeal).



P. D. MacponaLp,
Governor’s Deputy
25th November, 1954.


No. 10 of 1954.

An Ordinance to repeal the Legislative Council
(Extension of Duration) Ordinance, 1953.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Vir-
gin Islands.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Legislative Council (Extension of Duration)
(Kepeal) Ordinance, 1954.

2. The Legislative Council (Extension of
Duration) Ordinance, 1953 is hereby repealed.

3. This Ordinance shall be deemed to have
come into operation on the 2nd day of September,

H. A. C. Howarp,

Passed the Legislative Council this 9th day
of November, 1954. —

H. O. Crequr,
Clerk of the Council.



Short title.



Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
hy E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.


18/00044—500— 12.54. [Price 3 cents.



No, 11 of 1954. Labour (Amendinent). VIRGIN

P. D. Macponaxp,
Governor’s Deputy.
26th November, 1954.

No. Ll of 1954.

An Ordinance to amend the Labour Ordinance,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Vir-
gin Islands as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Labour (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954, and shall
be read as one with the Labour Ordinance, 1950, sy1ysv.
hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance.

2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is an :

> oft section 2 0

hereby amended as follows:— the Prinvipal

(a) by the substitution for the definition
of the expression “employer” of the follow-
ing definition—

‘Cemployer ’’ means any person or
body of persons, corporate or
unincorporate, hiring or em-
ploying the labour or service
of any workman;’; and

(4) by the deletion of the words “ but
does not include a domestic servant”
appearing in the definition of the expression

8. Section 6 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment
: ac 2° of section 6 of
is hereby amended as follows: the Principal

(a) by the deletion of the words “ to
obtain and” appearing in paragraph (a) of
subsection (1) thereof;



Insertion of
New section in


Labour (Amendment). No Li of 1954.

(6) by the insertion of the werds
“other than domestie servants *~ between
the word “ workmen’ and the word ~ are”
appearing respectively in the second Line of
paragraphs (@) and “(d) of subsection (1)

(c) by the substitution of the words
“to require by notice” for the words * to
obtain and to require, by a notice ”, and by
the substitution of the words “three days
for the words ‘ twenty-four hours” appear-
ing in paragraph (¢) of subsection (1)

(@) by the re-lettering of paragraph (e)
of subsection (1) thereof ‘as paragraph (7)
and by the insertion of the following pare
graph as paragraph (¢)—

‘““(e) to require from any workman
information on all or any of
the matters referred to in the
foregoing paragraphs of this
subsection ;’;

(e) by the insertion of the words
“ ouilty of an offence against this Ordinance
and shall be’ between the word “be” and
the word “ liable” appearing hi ane ee in
subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) thereof;

(7) by the insertion of the words “or
workman ” between the word ‘ ‘employer ”
and the word ‘f who” appearing respectively
in subscetions (6) and (6) thereof,

4. After section 6 of the Paucipal Ordi-

the Principal nance the following section shall be inserted:—


“Liahitity of = 6A. Where any offence against


aeent, ete,

this Ordinance is proved to have been
committed with the eonsent or conni-
mee of, or to be attributable to anv
reckless nezleet of duty on the part of
the divecior, secretary, attorney, agent,
foreman, mianager oor clerk of an
empieyer, such person shall as well as

No. 11 of 1954. Labour (Aimendment). 3. VirGIn


iS pereey amended by the insertion of the word



the employer, be deemed to he guilty of

the offence and = shall be liable to
be proeceded against and punished

Section 8 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment
of section & of
. the Principal
between the word “to” and the word. Ordinance.

appearing in the last line thereof.

H. A. C. Howann,
Py esident.

Passed the Legislative Council this 10th day
of November, 195-4,

H. O. Crequn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Lecward Islands,
by BLM. BLACK WAN, Government Printer.--By Authority,

45/00006-—300-— L254, Price 5 cents,

No. © of 1955 Pensions (Amendiient)


No. of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Pensions Act, 1947.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands.

. 1Â¥' This Act may be cited as the Pensions
(Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Pensions Act, 1947, as amended, herein-
after called the Principal Act.

2. Section 2 of the Principal Act is hereby
amended as follows: —

(a) by the substitution of the words
“Her Majesty's” for the words ‘“ Her
Majesty’ in the twenty-fifth line of the
definition of ‘public service”? in subsection

(1) thereof;

(0) by the substitution of the following
subsection for subsection (2) thereof—

(2) Where the services of an
officer shall have been wholly under the
Government of a Presidency, the powers
vested in the Governor by this Act shall
be exercised, unless the Governor in any
particular case otherwise directs, by the
officer for the time being administering
the Government of that Presidency.”;

} yG
B25, 7297

> dp y 7 i
f #fe A
/ Te “a


Short title.


of section 2
of the Prin-
eipal Act.


Insertion of

Pensions (Amendment) No, of 1955

(ce) by the insertion after subsection (3)
of the following subsection—

““(4) The power vested in the
Governor in Council under subsection (1)
of this section to make an Order declaring
an office to be a pensionable office may, in
the case of an office which is wholly
under the Government of a Presidency,
be exercised by the officer for the time
being administering the Government of
that Presidency with the advice of the
Executive Council of such Presidency.”

3. After section 9 of the Principal Act the

new section — following section shall be inserted:—

in the Prin-
cipal Act.

©“ Increase in
pension in

cases of retire-

ment for ill
health with

more than ten

but less than
twenty years’


9A. Subject to the provisions of this
Act and of the Regulations contained in the
First Schedule thereto, every officer holding a
pensionable office in the Colony who has been
in the service of the Colony in a civil capacity
for more than ten but less than twenty years,
and who retires from the said service in the
circumstances mentioned in paragraph (e) ‘of
section 6 of this Act may, on retirement, be
granted a pension as if his pensionable service
had been twenty years.”

4. The following sections are hereby sub-

oe rere stituted for sections 16 and 17 of the Principal

and 17 of the

Principal Act. Act:—

where officer
dies in the
service or
after retire-

16. (1) (a) Where an officer holding a
pensionable office who is not on probation or
agreement, or an officer holding a_non-
pensionable office to which he has been
transferred from a pensionable office in which
he has been confirmed, dies while in the
service of the Colony, it shall be lawful for
the Governor to grant to his legal personal
representative a gratuity of an amount not
exceeding cither his annual pensionable emol-

uments, or his commuted pension gratuity, if
any, whichever is the greater,

No. of 1955 Pensions (Amendment) 3. Leewarp

(5) For the purposes of this subsection—

(i) “annual pensionable emolu-
ments’’ means the emoluments
which would be taken for the
purpose of computing any pen-
sion or gratuity granted to the
officer if he had retired at the
date of his death in the circum-
stances described in paragraph
(e) of section 6 of this Act;

(ii) “commuted pension gratuity ”
means the gratuity, if any,
which might have been granted
to the officer under regulation
24 of the Schedule to this Act
if his public service had been
wholly in the Colony and if he
had retired at the date of his
death in the circumstances des-
cribed in paragraph (¢) of sec-
tion 6 of this Act and had
elected to receive a gratuity and
reduced pension.

(2) Where any such officer to whom a
pension, gratuity or other allowance has been
granted under this Act dies after retirement
from the service of the Colony, and the sums
paid or payable to him at his death on account
of any pension, gratuity or other allowance in
respect of any public service are less than the
amount of the annual pensionable emoluments
enjoyed by him at the date of his retirement,
it shall be lawful for the Governor to grant to
his legal personal representative a gratuity
equal to the deficiency.

(3) The provisions of this section shall
not apply in the case of the death of any
officer where benefits corresponding to the
benefits which may be granted under this
section are payable ‘under the Colonial Super-
annuation Scheme in respect of such death,

LEEWARD 4 Pensions (Amendment) No. of 1955, ©
IsLANDs. :

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions con-
tained in subsections (1) and (2) of this
section the Governor may in any case where
the amount of the gratuity payable thereunder
does not exceed the sum of four hundred and
eighty dollars, dispense with the production of
probate or letters of administration and cause
the gratuity to be paid to the dependant or
dependants of the officer and, where there is
more than one such dependant, may divide the
gratuity among the dependauts in such pro-
portion as he may think fit.

pene 17. (1) Where an officer dies—
when an : : 7
ollicer dies as (a) in the actual discharge of his
sah duty by some injury specifically attribu-
injuries re- : . . .
calor table to the nature of his duty which is
a aa not wholly or mainly due to, or seriously
sracted im the . . .
discharge of aggravated by, his own serious and cul-
his duties. pable negligence or misconduct; or

(6) as a result of contracting a
disease to which he is specifically exposed
by the nature of his duty, not being a
disease wholly or mt inky due to, or
seriously aig by, his own serious
and culpable negligence or misconduct,

while in the service of the Government of the
Colony, and such death occurs within seven
years of the date of the injury or contracting
the disease, it shall be lawful for the Governor
to grant, in addition to the grant, if any, made
to his legal personal representative under
section 16 of this Act—

(i) if the deceased officer leaves a widow,
a pension to her, while unmarried at
a rate not exceeding ten-sixtieths of
his annual pensionable emoluments


of 1955.




Pensions (Amendment) 5

at the date of the i injury or ninety -
six dollars a year, whichever is the
greater ;

if the deceased officer leaves a widow
to whom « pension is granted under
the preceding paragraph and a child
or children, a pension in respect of
each child, until such child attains
the age of nineteen years, of an
amount not exceeding one-eighth of
the pension prescribed under the
preceding’ paragraph;

if the deceased officer leaves a child
or children, but does not leave a
widow, or no pension is granted to
the widow, a pension in respect of
each child, until such child attains
the age of ‘nineteen years, of double
the amount prescribed by the pre-
ceding paragraph;

if the deceased officer leaves a child
or children and a widow to whom a
pension is granted under paragraph
(i) of this subsection, and the widow
subsequently dies, a pension in
respect of each child as from the
date of the death of the widow
until such child attains the age of
nineteen years, of double the amount
prescribed in paragraph (ii) of this
subsection ;

if the deceased officer does not leave
« widow, or if no pension is granted
to his widow, and if his mother were
wholly or mainly dependent on him
for her support, a pension to the
mother, while without adequate
means of support, of an amount not
exceeding the pension which might
have been granted to his widow;





Pensions (Amendment) No. of 1955.

(vi) if the deceased officer does not leave
a widow or mother, or if no pension
is granted to his widow or mother,
and if his father were wholly or
mainly dependent on him for his
support, a pension to the father
while without adequate means of
support, of an amount not exceeding
the pension which might have been
granted to his widow;

(vil) if the deceased officer does not leave
a child or children who is or are
eligible for a pension under the pro-
visions of this section, and if his
brother or sister were wholly or
mainly dependent on him for sup-
port, a pension to any brother or
sister while without adequate means
of support, of an amount not exceed-
ing the pension which might have
been granted under paragraphs (ii)
and (iii) of this subsection:

Provided that—

(a) if in the opinion of the Gover-
nor there are compassionate grounds for
so doing, he may grant to any child of a
deceased officer being a child who at the
date of the death of the officer wax wholly
or mainly dependent on him for support
and who had attained the age of nineteen
years, a pension for such period as the
Governor may determine, of an amount
not exceeding the pension which may be
granted under paragraph (ii) of this

(6) where a deceased officer leaves a
child who was incapacitated at the time
of the officer’s death (hereinafter in this
section referred to as an ‘incapacitated
child’) the Governor may, notwithstand-
ing any pension which may have been
granted under paragraph (ii) of this
subsection, grant an additional pension in



of 1955, Pensions (Amendment) 7

‘respect of such incapacitated child after
he has attained the age of nineteen years
and so long as his incapacity shall con-
tinue, of an amount not execeding one-
half of the pension which may be granted
under paragraph (ii) aforesaid;

(«) where compensation in respect
of the death is payable under the Work-
men’s Compensation Act, 1987, or any
Act amending or replacing the same, the
(governor may reduce the pension which
may be par: able under this section to such
extent as he may consider reasonable;

(d) no pension shall be payable
under this subsection at any time in
respect of more than six children exclu-
sive of incapacitated children;

(e) in the case of a pension granted
under paragraph (v) of this subsection,
if the mother is a widew at the time of
the grant of the pen sion and subsequently
re-marries such pension shall cease “
from the date of re-marriage; and if 1
appears to the Governor at any bie
that the mother is adequately provided
with other means of support, such pension
shall cease as from such date «as the
Governor may determine;

7) ® pension granted to a female
child under this section shall cease upon
the marriage of such child under the age
of nineteen years.

(2) In the ese of an officer not holding
a pensionable office, the expression ‘' pension-
able emoluments” in the preceding subsection
shall mean the emoluments enjoyed by him
which would have been pensionable emolu-
ments if the office held by him had been a
pensionable office.

(3) Tf an officer proceeding by a route
approved by the Governor to or from the





Pensions (A mandment) No. of 1955,

Colony, or from one Island in the Colony to
another, at the commencement or termination
of his service in the Colony, or of a period of
leave therefrom, dies as the result of damage
to the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in which he is
travelling, or of any act of violence directed
against such vessel, aircraft or vehicle, and the
Governor is satisfied that such damage or act
is attributable to circumstances arising out of
war in which Her Majesty may be engaged,
such officer shall be deemed, for the purposes
of this section, to have died in the cireum-
stances described in paragraph (a) of sub-
section (1) of this section.

(4) An officer who dies as a result of an
injury received while travelling by air in pur-
suance of official instructions, which injury is
not wholly or mainly due to, or seriously
ageravated by, his own serious and culpable
negligence or misconduct, shall be deemed for
the purposes of this section to have died in
the circumstances described in paragraph (a)
of subsection (1) of this section:

Provided that in such a case the rates of
pension prescribed in paragraphs (i) and (ii)
of subsection (1) of this section shall be
fifteen-sixtieths and one-sixth respectively.

(5) (a) Where the Governor is satisfied
that damages have been or will be recovered
in respect of-the death for which an additional
pension or pension may be granted under
subsection (1) of this section, the Governor
may take those damages into account against
such additional pension or pension in such
manner and to such extent as he may think
fit and may withhold or reduce the additional
pension or pension accordingly.

(6) For the purposes of this subsection
an officer shall be deemed to recover damages
whether they are paid in pursuance of a
judgment or order of a comt or by way of
settlement or compromise of his claim and
whether or not proceedings are instituted to
enforce that claim,

~ No;


of 1955. Pensions (Amendment) 9

(6) For the purposes of this section—

(a) the word “child” shall in-
(i) a posthumous child;

(ii) a step-child or illegitimate
child born before the date of the
injury or contracting the disease, as
the case may be, and wholly or
mainly dependent upon the deceased
officer for support; and

(iii) an adopted child, adopted in
a manner recognized by law, before
the date of the injury or contracting
the disease, as the case may be, and
dependent as aforesaid ;

(b) the expression “ incapacitated ”
means in relation to a child, incapa-
ble by reason of some specific bodily or
mental disability of earning his own liv-
ing, anda child who is in any event too
young to earn his own living shall be
treated as incapacitated for the purposes
of this section if it appears that, by
reason of any specific bodily or mental
disability, he will be incapable of earning
bis own living when he attains the age
at which he would otherwise be capable
of doing so.”

The amendment specified in the second

column of the Schedule to this Act, being a minor
amendment to certain sections of the Principal Act,
shall be made in the provisions to that, Act specified

in the first column of that Schedule.

6. The Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1948 is

hereby repealed.

9. This Act shall come into cperation on the

1st day of January, 1955.



Minor amend-
ments to the
Principal Act.



LEEWARD 10 Pensions (Amendment) No. of 1955.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

‘Clerk of the Council.



3(1). 4(2), 5(2), 6(e), 7, 8 and LI

For the words ‘Governor in
| Council” there shall be substitu-
| ted the word “ Governor”.


The objects of this Bill are to make amendments to the
Pensions Act, 1947 (No. 12/1947) in order to give effect to
certain recommendations of the Secretary of State for the
Colonies respecting—

(a) the gratuity payable where an officer dies in the
service or after retirement (see Secretary of State’s Circular
Despatch No. 22/54 dated 8th March, 1954, Pensions
Legislation— Death ‘sratuities) ;

(6) the pension payable to dependants when an
officer dies as a result of injuries received or disease
contracted in the discharge of his duties (see Secretary of
State’s Circular Despatch No. 684/54 dated 24th July,
1954, United Kingdom Injury Warrant 1952);

(c) the payment of death gratuity without the
necessity for production of probate or J:tters of admin-
istration by a deceased officer’s legal personal re; resentative
(see Secretary of State’s saving telegram No. 103 dated
3rd March, 1958 to Officer Administering the Government
of the Leeward Islands).

2. The chief changes in the existing law which are
proposed by this Bill are—

(1) as regards death eratuities—
(a) the adoption of the proposal for the grant of a
gratuity to the estate of a deceased serving officer of

No. of 1955. Pensions (Amendment) Lt ear

either a year’s pensionable cmoluments or the pension
gratuity which he might have received had he retired at
the date of his death, whichever is the greater,

(b) dispensing with the necessity for production of
probate of letters of administration by a deceased officer's
legal personal representative so as to permit: payment of a
eratuity to be made to an officer’s dependants in cases
where the gratuity does not exceed four hundred and
eighty dollars (see section 17 (8) of Ch. 9 No. 6 of the
Revised Ordinances of Trinidad and Tobago 1950).

(2) as regards the pension payable to dependants of
officers dying as a result of injuries received in the discharge
of their duties—

(a) the extension of the principle of payment of
pensions to include the dependants of an officer who dies
as a result of contracting a disease to which he is specili-
sally exposed by the nature of his duty, not being a disease
wholly or mainly due to, or seriously aggravated by, his
own serious and culpable negligence or misconduct,

(b) the limitation of the period during which applica-
tion for such pensions may be considered; and accordingly
applications for the award of a pension will not be enter-
tained unless the death of the officer took place within
seven years of the date of the injury, or contracting the
disease, as the case may be,

(c) the increase of the minimum pension to a widow
from seventy-two to ninety-six dollars,

(d) the extension of the age beyond which a child
will not normally be eligible for a peusion, from eighteen
to ulneteen years,

(ce) the extension of the category of an_ officer’s
dependants io include bis father, brother or sister in
accordance with the provisions of the Bill,

(/) the granting of power to the Governor to award—

(i) a pension on compassionate grounds to a
child of the deceased who at the date of death
of the deceased was over the age of nine-
teen years and was wholly or mainly
dependent on the deceased; and

oe 1? Penarons (Amendnient) No. of 1955.

(ii) an additional pension to an incapacitated
child of the deceased to commence only
after he has attained the age of nineteen

(y) the reduction or withholding of any pension or
additional pension where compensation is payable under
the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1937, or damages
are or will be recovered in respect of the death of the

(h) the exclusion of an incapacitated child in taking
into account the number of children in respect of whom
pensions may be paid under the Act.

3, The amendments envisaged in paragraph 2 (2) (a) to
(A) are based on the provisions of the United Kingdom Injury
Warrant 1952 (Statutory Instrument 1952 No. 60) and the
Secretary of State’s circular despatch referred to in paragraph
1 (b) above.

4. A new section has been introduced into the Act
based on section 32 of the United Kingdom Superannuation
Act, 1949, whereby an officer who retires from the service on
the ground of ill health with more than ten but less than
twenty years’ service may be granted a pension as if he had
given twenty years’ service (Clause 3).

5. An entirely new principle has been introduced in that
the award of pensions and cognate functions hitherto vested in
the Governor in Council will now be exercised by the Gover-
nor (clause 5), but in cases where an officer’s service has been
wholly Presidential such functions will, unless the Governor
otherwise directs, be exercised by the Administrator or Com-
missioner (clause 2).

In this connection it should be noted that the power to
declare offices pensionable and to make Regulations under the
Act is still vested in the Governor in Council.

P. Ceci. Lewis,
Attorney General.

23rd November, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Backman, E.D., Government Printer — Ky Authority.
47/00075— —12.54. [Price 14 cents]


No, of 1955, Police (clmendment).

No. of 1955,

An Act to amend further the Police Act, 1951.

ENACTED by the Levislature of — the
Leeward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Police
(Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read as one

with the Police Act, 1951, as amended, herein-
after called the Principal Act.

2. The following section is hereby sub-
stituted for section 9 of the Principal Act:—--

“9 (1) Every police officer above the
rank of a subordinate police officer shall be
on probation during the first three years
after his appointment or for such longer
period, not exceeding six months, as_ the
Governor way in his discretion approve; and
if during such period, or any extension
thereof, he is found not to be fitted physically
or mentally, to perform the duties of his
office, or to be not likely to become an
efficient or well conducted police officer, his
services may be dispensed with by the
Governor. At the end of the period of
probation, or any extension thereof, if the
services of such police officer have not been
dispensed with, he shall be confirmed in his

(2) The provisions of subsection (1) of
this section shail not apply in the case of an
appointment by way of promotion or transfer
froim another police force. ”,


Short title.


of section 9 of
the Principal


Period of
probation on
of police
officer above
the rank of
police officer.

ot 1955.

LEEWARD 2 Police (Amendment). sxe.
Saar hnaa 8. The following section is hereby substi-
of the tuted for section 11 of the Principal Act:—

Principal Act.

“Terms of

11. Every subordinate police officer and

of section 12
of the

Principal Act,

of section 13
of the

Principal Act,

of section 33
of the

Principal Act.

constable shall be on probation during the
first three years of his service in the Force:

Provided that the Commissioner may in
his discretion—

(a) reduce the period of probation
to a period of not less than one year if
such police officer has served for a period
of not less than two years in the Force
on a previous occasion; or

(6) dispense with the period of
probation if, with the written consent of
the Chief Officer of Police of another
police force in the British West Indies,
such person has been transferred from
that police force after having completed
the required period of probation in such
police force; or

(c) extend the period of probation
for a further period not exceeding six

4. Section 12 of the Principal Act is hereby
amended by the insertion of the words “or any
extension thereof ” between the words ‘ probation ”
and “the” in the first line and between the words
“probation,” and ‘“‘if” in the eighth line thereof.

5. Subsection (1) of section 13 of the
Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitu-
tion of the words ‘or any extension thereof” for
the words “in the Force” appearing in the third
line thereof.

6. Subsection (1) of section 33 of the
Principal Act is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the insertion therein after para-

graph (a) of the following paragraph—

““(6) suspension, deferment
stoppage of increment;” ; and



of 1955. Police (Amendment). 3

(b) by re-lettering paragraphs (0), (¢),
(d) and (e) as paragraphs (¢), (d), (e) and
(7) respectively.

7. The following section is hereby sub-

stituted for section 37 of the Principal Act:—

“37. (1) An Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable against whom any complaint
or information for an offence punishable on
summary conviction or on indictment is laid,
or against whom a charge is made for breach
of any disciplinary regulution made under
this Act, may, pending, and until the final
determination of such complaint, information
or charge-—

(a) be suspended from duty and
placed on half-pay by the Commissioner
or the Gazetted Police Officer in charge
of the Division; or

(6) if admitted to bail and not so
suspended, be employed on full-time
duty, in which case he shall receive full
pay, or if employed on part-time duty
he shall receive a rate of pay (not being
less than half-pay) as the Commissioner
thinks fit.

(2) Tf an Inspector or a subordinate
police officer or constable is acquitted on any
complaint or information, or obtains a decision
in his favour on any charge, he shall be
entitled to receive all pay which has been
withheld from him; if he is convicted on such
complaint or information or does not obtain
a decision in his favour on such charge and
is subsequently dismissed, he shall not be
entitled to receive any pay so withheld.

(3) In the application of subsection (1)
of this section an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable shall not be deprived of
any part of the house and lodging allowance
or the use of any free quarters to which he
may be entitled.”’.


of section 37
of the
Principal Act.

during sus-
pension, ete.

LireWaARD 4 Police (Amendment). No. — of 1955.


Srila 8. The following section is hereby substi-
of the tuted for section 42 of the Principal Act:—
Principal Act.

a! 42. For the purposes of this Part of

this Act the word “pay” in relation to an
Inspector, subordinate police officer or con-
stable includes his salary, good conduct pay,
personal, detective, house and lodging allow-
ances (inclusive of the estimated value of
free quarters):

Provided that the amount to be allowed
for house and lodging allowance shall not
exceed one-sixth of the pay of such Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable.”’.

Insertion of 9. After section 44 of the Principal Act

new section in : : a Sncat edie
the Principat, the following sections shall be inserted:

oo 444A. For the purposes of computing
computation the amount of an Inspector's, subordinate
foenee police officer’s or constable’s pension or

gratuity —

(a) in the case of an Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable
who has held the same rank for a
period of three years immediately pre-
ceding the date of his retirement, the
full annual pay enjoyed by him at
that date in respect of that rank shall
be taken;

(b) in the case of an Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable
who at any time during such period of
three years has been transferred from
one rank to another but whose pay has
not been changed by reason of such
transfer or transfers, the full annual
pay enjoyed by him at the date of
retirement in respect of the rank then
held by him shall be taken;


of 1955.

Police (Amendment).

(c) in other cases one third of the
uggregate pay enjoyed by the Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable
in respect of his service during the
three years of his service immediately
preceding the date of his retirement
shall be taken:

Provided that—

(i) if such one third is less than

the highest annual pay
enjoyed by him at the date
of any transfer within such
period of three years then
the highest annual pay
shall be taken; and

(ii) if such one third is less than

the annual pay which
would have been enjoyed
by him at the date of his
retirement, if he had con-
tinued to hold any rank
from which he has been
transferred at any time dur-
ing such period of three
years and had received all
increments which, in the
opinion of the Governor,
would have been granted
to him, the annual pay
which would have been
so enjoyed shall be taken.

(iii) for the purposes of calcula-

ting pay for the computa-
tion of pensions under this
paragraph, an Inspector,
subordinate police officer or
constable shall be deemed
to have been on duty on
full pay throughout the
said three years:


LEnAWARD 6 Police (Amendment). No. of 1955.


Provided further that if
such one third is less than
the pay which would have
been enjoved by him at the
date of bis retirement, if he
had continued to hold any
rank from which he has
been transferred at any
time during such period of
three years, and had re-
ceived all increments which,
in the opinion of the Gover-
nor, would have been
granted to him, the annual
pay which would have been
enjoyed shall be taken.

Increase in 44B. very Inspector, subordinate
pension 1n .

cases of retire. POlice officer or constable who has been in
ment 2 find- the service of the Foree for more than ten
ings of a ‘
Medical Board but less than twenty years, and who retires
after more from the Foree on the findings of a Medical.
than ten but
less than twenty Board as provided in subsection (1) of section
years service, 46 of this Act may be granted a pension
aus if his service in the” Force had been*®

twenty years.”

Substitution 10. The following seetions shall be sub-
of sections 47 +, . : ioe , : yt 7
and 4gofthe Stituted for sections 47 and 48 of the Principal

Principal Act. A @t:-—

Rctinc ne 47. (1) This section shall apply to an
on account o . . *

injuries Inspector, subordinate police officer or
or lisease constable who while in the service of the

contracted in :
discharge of | Force either

(a) is permanently injured in the
actual discharge of his duty by some
injury specifically attributable to the
nature of bis duty which is not wholly
or mainly due to, or seriously aggra-
vated by, his own serious and culpable
negligence or misconduct; or

(b) contracts a disease to which
he is specifically exposed by the nature


of 1955. Police (Amendment).

of his duty, not being a disease wholly
or mainly due to, or seriously aggra-
vated by, his own serious and culpable
negligence or misconduct.

(2) In this section, unless the contrary
intention appears, references tu an Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable being
injured and to the date on which an injury 18
sustained shall respectively be construed as
including references to such Inspector, sub-
ordinate police officer or constable contracting
such a disease ax is mentioned in subsection
(1) of this section and to the date on which
such disease is contracted.

(3) Where an Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable to whom this section
applies is holding a pensionable office in which
he is confirmed—

(a) he may, if his retirement is
necessitated or materially accelerated by
his injury and he has been in the service
of the Force for Jess than ten years, be
granted, in lfew of any gratuity under
acction 46, a pension under section 44 as
if the words “for ten years and up-
wards’? were omitted from the said
section 44:

(b) he may be granted on retirement
an additional pension at the annual rate
of the proportion of his actual pay it the
date of his injury appropriate to his case
as shown in the following table: —

when his capacity to contribute to
his support 1s—

slightly impaired, forty four-
hundred-and-eightieths of a month's





Police (Amendment). No. of 1955.

impaired, eighty four-hundred-
and-eightieths of a month’s pay;

materially impaired, one-hun-
dred-and-twenty four-hundred-and-
eightieths of a month's pay;

totally destroyed, one-hun-
dred-and-sixty — four-hundred-and-
eightieths of a month’s pay:

Provided that the amount of the
additional pension may be reduced to
such an extent as the Governor. shall
think reasonable where the injury is not
the cause or the sole cause of retirement.

(4) If, for the purpose of assessing
the amount of any additional pension or
pension to be granted under paragraph (0)
of subsection (8) of this section any Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable to
whom this section applies, the degree of
permanent impairment of his capacity to
contribute to his support is in doubt, he may
be granted a provisional award to have effect
until such time as the degree of permanent
impairment can be determined.

(5) If an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable proceeding by a route
approved by the Governor to or from. the
Colony or from one Island in the Colony to
another, at the commencement or termination
of his service in the Colony, or of a period of
leave therefrom is permanently injured as the
result of damage to the vessel, aircraft or
vehicle, and the Governor is satisfied that such
damage or act is attributable to circumstances
arising out of any war in which Her Majesty
inay be engaged, such Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable shall be deemed for
the purposes of this section to have been
injured in the circumstances described in
subsection (1) of this section.


of 1955. Police (Amendment). 9

(G) An Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable whois permanently injured
while travelling by air in pursuance of official
instructions, and whose injury is not wholly
or mainly due to, or seriously ageravated by,
his own serious and culpable negligence or
miseonduet, shall be deemed for the purposes
of this section to bave been injured in the
circumstances described in subsection (1) of
this saction:

Provided that in such a case the rates of
pension prescribed in subgection (8) of this
section shall be sixty four-hundred-and-
elo@litieths, ene-hundred-and-twenty four-hun-
dred- and-eightieths, one- hundred-and-e ighty
four-hundred-and- cightieths and two- hundred-
and-forty — four- hundred-and- eightieths — res-

(7) Paragraph (b) of subsection (8)
of this section shall not apply in the case of
an Inspector, subordinate police officer or
corsteble selected for appointment in the
service of the Force on or atter the coming
into foree of the Principal Act who, in conse-
quence of his injury, is entitled to compensa-
tion under the Workmen’s Compensation Act,
1937 or any Act amending or replacing that

(8) (a) Where the Governor is
aitister that damages have been or
will be recovered by an Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable
in respect of an injury for which an
Nditore. pension or pension may be
vraied ander paragraph (6) of sub-
seceion (3) of this seetion, the Governor
may take the damages into account
against such additional pension or pension
iu such manner and to such extent as
he may think fit and may withhold or
reduce the additional pension or pension
accordingly ;




Right to take
reduced pen-
sion and

Police (Amendment). No. of 1955.

(b) For the purpose of this subsec-
tion an [nspeetor, subordinate police
officer or coustable shall be deemed to
recover damages whether they are paid
in pursuance of a judgment or order of
the Court or by way of settlement or
compromise of his claim and whether or
not proceedings are instituted to enforce
that claim. :

45. (1) Every Tuspeetor, subordi-
nate police officer or constable who becomes:
eligible for pension under the provisions of
this Part of this Act, may at his option
exercisable as in this section provided he
paid on his retirement a reduced pension
and gratuity in lieu of the pension provided
for by this Part of this Act.

(2) The option referred to in subsec-
tion (1) of this section shall be exercisable
not later than the day immediately preced-
ing the date cf retirement of such Inspec-
tor, subordinate police officer or constable:

Provided that the Governor may, if it
appears to him in all the circumstances
equitable so to do, allow such Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable to
exercise the option at any time letween the
date of retirement and the date of award of
pension under this Part of this Act.

(3) If an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable has exercised the option
his decision shall be irrevocable after the
date of his retirement.

(4+) If an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable who has not exercised
the option dies after the date of retirement
but before a pension has been awarded under
this Part of this Act, it shall be lawful for
the Governor to grant a gratuity and a
reduced pension as provided in subsection
(1) of this section as if the Inspector, sub-
ordinate police officer or constable had
excrcised the option before his death,

No. of 1955. Poltve (Amendment), 1]

(5) The date of the exercise of the
option by an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable shall be deemed to be
the date of the receipt of his written
notification addressed to the Comuissioner.

(6) The election exercised by any
Tuspector, subordinate police officer or
constuble to take on retirement a gratuity
and reduced pension under the Police
Pension Act 1929 in lieu of the pension
provided for by that Act is hereby revoked,
and such Inspector, subordinate ‘police ofticer
or constable may in lieu of such election,
eae the option referred to in subsection
(1) of this section and the provisions of this
section shall apply to him accordingly.

11. Section 45 of the Principal Act is
hereby amended by the substitution of the words
“twelve and one half’ for the word “ten’’
appearing therein.

12. The following sections shall be sub-
stituted for sections 50, 51 and 52 of the Prinei-
pal Act:—

“50. (1) (4) Subject to the provisions
of section 51.of this Act, where an Inspec-
tor, subordinate police officer or constable
who is not on probation or agreement dies
while in the service of the Force, it shall
he lawful for the Governor to grant to his
leval personal representative a gratuity of
an amount not exceeding either his annual
pay, or his commuted pension gratuity, if
any, whichever is the greater.

(2) For the purposes of this sub-

(i) Sunmoal pay means the pay which
would be taken for the — pur-
pose of computing any pension or
gratuity vranted to an Inspector,
subordinate police officer or con-



of section 49
of the Prin-
cipal Act,

of sections 60,
51 and 52 of
the Principal

where Inspec:
tor, subordi-
nute police
officer or con-
stable dies in
the service of
the Force or
after retire-


where death
due to injuries
received or
disease con-
tracted in the
discharge of


Police (Amendment). No. of 1955.

stable if he had retired from the
Force at the date of his death on
the findings of a Medical Board as
provided in subsection (1) of see-
tion 45 of this Act.


Gi) “commuted pension gratuity
means the gratuity, if any,
which might have been grant.
ed to an “Inspector, subordi-
nate police officer or constable
under section 48 of this Act if
his service had been wholly in
the Colony and if he had
retired from the Force at the
date of his death on the find-
ings of a Medical Board as
provided in subsection (1) of
section 45 of this Act and had
elected to receive a reduced
pension and gratuity.

(2) Where any such Inspector, sub-
ordinate police officer or constable to whom
a gratuity or other allowance has been
eranted under this Part of this Act dies
after retirement from the Force, and the
sums paid or payable to him at his death on
account of any pension, gratuity or other
allowance in ‘respect of his service in the
Force are less than the amount of the
annual pay enjoyed by him at the date of
his retirement, it shall be lawful for the
Governor to grant to his legal personal
representative a gratuity equal to the

51. Where an Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable dies—

(«) in the actual discharge of his
duty by some injury specifically attri-
butable to the nature of his duty which


of 1955. — Police (Amendment). 13

is not wholly or mainly due to, or
seriously aggravated by, his own
serious and culpable negligence or
misconduct; or

(6) as a result of contracting a
disease to which he is specifically
exposed by the nature of his duty, not
being a disease wholly or mainly due
to, or seriously aggravated by, his own
serious and culpable negligence or

while in the service of the Force, and such
death occurs within seven years of the date
of the injury or contracting the disease, it
shall be lawful for the Governor in_ his
discretion to grant to the legal personal
representative of such Inspector, subordi-
nate police officer or constable either a
gratuity of an amount to be at the discre-
tion of the Governor but not exceeding two
years’ pay of such Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable, or a gratuity
under the provisions of section 50 of this
Act, whichever is the greater.

52. (1) Where an Inspector, subordi-
nate police officer or constable dies—--

(a) in the actual discharge of his
duty by some injury specifically attribut-
able to the nature of his duty which is
not wholly or mainly due to, or seriously
avgravated by, his own serious and cul-
pable negligence or misconduct; or

(6) as a result of contracting a
disease to which he is specifically exposed
hy the nature of his duty, not being a
disease wholly or mainly due to, or
seriously aggravated by, his own serious

-and culpable negligence or misconduct,


Pension to
where Inspec-
tor, subordi-
nate police
officer or con-
stable dies as
a result of
injuries re-
ceived or
disease con-
tracted in the
discharge of
hia duties.



Police (Amendment). No. of L955.

while in the service of the Foree, and such
death occurs within seven years of the date of
the injury or contracting the disease, it shall be
lawful for the Governor to grant, in addition
to the grant, if any, made to his legal personal
representative under section 50 or section 51 of
this Act—

(i) if such Inspector, subordinate police
-ofticer or constable leaves a widow, a
pension to her while unmarried at a
rate not exceeding ten-sixtieths of
his pay at the date of the injury or
ninety-six dollars a year, whichever

is the greater;

(ii) if such Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable leaves a widow to
to whom a pension is granted under
the preceding paragraph and a child
or children, a pension in respect of
each child, until such child attains
the age of nineteen years, of an
amount not exceeding one-eighth
of the pension prescribed under the
preceding paragraph ;

(iii) if such Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable leaves a child or
children but does not leave a widow
or no pension is granted to the
widow, @ pension in respect of each
child until such child attains the age
of nineteen years, of double the
amount prescribed by the preceding

(iv) if such Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable leaves a child or
children and a widow to whom a
pension is granted under paragraph
(i) of this subsection and the widow
subsequently dies, a pension in re-
spect of each child as from the date

No. of 1955. Polive (Amendment). 15 Laewarp
of the death of the widow until such
child attains the age of nineteen
years, of double the amount pre-
scribed in paragraph (11) of this sub-
section ;

(v) if such Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable does not leave a
widow, or if no pension is granted to
his widow and if his mother were
wholly or mainly dependent on him
for her support, a pension to the
mother while without adequate means
of support, of an amount not exceed-
ing the pension which might have
been granted to his widow;

(vi) if such Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable does not leave a
widow or mother, or if no pension is
granted to his widow or mother, and
if his father were wholly or mainly
dependent on him for his support, a
pension to the father while without
adequate means of support, of an
amount not exceeding the pension
which might have been granted to
his widow;

(vii) if such Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable does not leave a
child or children who may be eligible
for a pension under the provisions of
this section, and if his brother or sis-
ter were wholly or mainly dependent
on him for support, a pension to
any brother or sister while without
adequate means of support, of an
amount not exceeding the pension
which might have been granted
under paragraphs (ii) and (iil) of
this subsection:

Provided that—

(a) if in the opinion of the Governor
there are compassionate grounds for so




Police (Amendment). No. ol 1945.

doing, he may grant to any child of such
Inspector, subordinate police officer or
constable being a child who at the date
of the death of such Inspector, subordinate
police office or constable was wholly or
mainly dependent on him for support
and who had attained the age of nineteen
years, a pension for such period as the
Governor may determine, of an amount
not exceeding the sepia which may be
granted under paragraph (11) of this
subsection ;

(6) where an Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable leaves a child
who was incapacitated at the time of such
Inspector’s, subordinate police officer’s or
constable’s death (hereinafter in this sec-
tion referred to us an “ incapacitated
child”) the Governor nay, notwithstand-
ing any pension which may have been
granted under paragraph (it) of this, sab-
section, grant an additional pension in
respect of such incapacitated child after
he has attained the ave of nineteen years
and so long as his incapacity shall con-
tinue, of an amount not exceeding one-
half of the pension which may be ranted

under paragraph (11) aforesaid :

(c) where compensation in respect
of the death is payable under the Work-
men’s Compensation Act, 1937, or any
Act amending or replacing the same, the
(governor may reduce the pension which
may be payable under this section to such
extent as he may consider reasonable;

(d) no pension shall be payable
under this subsection at any time in
respect of more than six children exciu-
sive of incapacitated children;

(e) in the case of a pension granted
under paragraph (v) of this subsection, if
the mother is a widow at the time of the
grant of the pension and subsequently
re-inarries such pensiou shall cease as

No. of 1955. Police (Amendment). 17 Leewanp
from the date of re-marriage; and if it
appears to the Governor at any time
that the mother is adequately pro-
vided with other means of support, such
pension shall cease as from such date as
the Governor may determine;

(7) a pension granted to a female
child under this section shall cease upon
the marriage of such child under the age
of nineteen years.

(2) If an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable proceeding by « route
approved by the Governor to or from the
Colony, or from one Island in the Colony to
another, at the commencement or termination
of his service in the Colony, or of a period

* of leave therefrom, dies as the result of
damage to the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in
which he is travelling, or of any act of violence
directed against such vessel, aircraft or vehicle,
and the Governor is satisfied that such damage
or act is attributable to circumstances arising
out of war in which Her Majesty may be
engaged, such officer shall be deemed, for the
purposes of this section, to have died in the
circumstances described in paragraph (a) of
subsection (1) of this section.

(3) If an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable dies as a result of an injury
received while travelling by air in pursuance
of official instructions, which injury is not
wholly or mainly due to, or seriously aggrava-
ted by, his own serious and culpable negligence
or misconduct, he shall be deemed to have died
in the circumstances described in paragraph
(a) of subsection (1) of this section:

Provided that in such a case the rates of
pension prescribed in paragraphs (i) and (ii)
of subsection (1) of this section shall be
fifteen-sixtieths and one-sixth respectively.



Police (Amendment). No. of 1955

(4) (a) Where the Governor is satisfied
that damages have been or will be recovered
in respect of the death for which an additional
pension or pension may be granted under
subsection (1) of this section, the Governor
may take those damages into account against
such additional pension or pension in such
manner and to such extent as he may think fit
and may withhold or reduce the additional
pension or pension accordingly.

(6) For the purposes of this subsec-
tion an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable shall be deemed to
recover damages whether they are paid
in pursuance of a judgment or order of a
Court or by way of settlement or compro-
mise of his claim and whether or not
proceedings are instituted to enforce that

(5) For the purposes of this section—
(a) the word “child” shall include—
(i) a posthumous child;

(ii) a step-child or illegitimate
child born before the date of
the injury or contracting the
disease, as the case may be,
and wholly or mainly depen-.
dent upon such Inspector,
subordinate police officer or
coustable for support; and

(iii) an adopted child, adopted in a
manner recognized by law,
before the date of the injury
or contracting the disease, as
the case may be, and depen-
dent as aforesaid ;

(b) the expression “ incapacitated ’’ means
in relation to a child, incapacitated by reason
of some specific bodily or mental disability of
earning his own living, and a child who is
in any event too young to earn his own living

No. of 1955. Police (Amendment). 19 Lemwarp

shall be treated as incapacitated for the pur-

poses of this section if it appears that, by

reason of any specific bodily or mental dis-

ability, he will be incapable of earning his own

living when he attains the age at which he

would otherwise be capable of doing so.”.

18. The following subsection is hereby Amendment
substituted for subsection (2) of section 59 of the oF seep n°
Principal Act:— cipal Act.

(2) No representation shall be made by
the Association in relation to any question of
discipline, promotion, transfer or leave unless
some question of principle is involved.”.

14. The following subsection is hereby Amendment
8 )

substituted for subsection (8) of section 63.4 of the ¢ —

Principal Act:— cipal Act

(3) Before—

(a) approving the reduction to a
lower grade for inefficiency of any sub-
ordinate police officer, as provided in
subsection (1) of this section; or

_(b) requiring any Inspector, sub-
ordinate police officer or constable to
retire from the Foree as provided in
subsection (2) of this section,

the Governor shall call for a full report
from the Commissioner, and, if after
considering the report and giving such
subordinate police officer, or such Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable, as
the circumstances may be, an opportunity
of submitting a reply to the complaint by
reason of which the reduetion to a lower
grade of such subordinate police officer or
the retirement of such Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable is contemplated,
the Governor is satisfied that sueh schordi-
nate police officer should he reduced to
a lower grade, or having regard as aforesaid,


of section
67(1) of the

Principal Act.

Minor amend-

ments of the

Principal Act.

20 Police (Amendment). No, of 1955.

that it is desirable in the interest of the
Forcé that such Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable should be retired,
the reduction to a lower grade of such
subordinate police officer or the retirement
of such Inspector, subordinate police officer
or constable shail have effect accordingly. ”.

15. Subsection (1) of section 67 of the
Principal Act is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the insertion therein after para-
vraph (6) of the following paragraph-—

“(v) the conditions subject to
which. repatriation expenses may be
paid to widows and dependants of
ileceased members of the Force.”;

66 ”

() by re-lettering paragraphs ‘“ (c)
and “(a)” as paragraphs ‘‘(d)” and “ (¢)”

16. The amendments specified in the
second column of the Schedule'to this Act, being
minor amendments to the Principal Act, shall
be suade in the provisions of that Act specified
in the first column of that Schedule.

17. This Act shall be deemed to have
come into operation on the Ist day of January,

Passed the General Legislative Council this

day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.

No. of 1955. Police (Amendment) —Q1._—sLxewanp


44, 45, 46, 55, 56, 57, 76(1)


84(4) and (5)




For the words “Governor in Council”
there shall be substituted. the word

The words “in the absence of the
Governor from the Presidency and
the expression “Governor in Council”
shall mean the Governor acting with the
advice of the Executive Council of the
Presidency in which such special con-
stable or additional constable was serving ”’
shall be omitted.

For the words “ Federal Treasurer” there
shall be submitted the words ‘“ Chief
Accountant of the Presidency of Antigua’.

Lrewsrn = QQ Police (Amendment) No. of 1955.



The objects of this Bil are—-

(a) to make the period of probation of police
officers above the rank of subordinate police officer
three years instead of two (clause 2) and that of
subordinate police officers and constables three years
instead of twelve months except in certain cases
(clause 3);

(6) to empower the Governor in the one case and
the Commissioner in the other to extend the period of
probation for a further period not exceeding six months
(clauses 2 and 3);

(c) to add to the list of punishments which may
be imposed under section 38 of the Act the punishment
of suspension, ‘leferment or stoppage of increments
(clause 6);

(d) to permit the punishment of suspension from
duty to be imposed on a subordinate police officer who
is found guilty of the breach of a disciplinary regula-
tion (clause 7);

The amendments in paragraphs (c) and (d) were
recommended by the Inspector (General of Colonial

(e) to allow an Inspector, subordinate police officer
or constable who being charged with an offence or
admitted to bail or not suspended to be employed on
full-time or part-time duty at full pay or half-pay as
the case may be (clause 7};

(f) to ensure when a subordinate police officer
retires as a result of the findings of a Medical Board
and is at the date of his retirement in receipt of less
than his whole pay, that his pension will be calculated
as if he were in receipt of his full pay (clause 8);

(y) to provide for the computation of an Inspector’s,
subordinate police officer’s or constable’s pension on the
basis of his pay and to permit increased pensions
calculated on twenty vears service to be given to such
ersons in cases of retirement on the findings of a
Medical Board where they have served for more than
ten but less than twenty years in the Force (clause 9);

(h) to assimilate the position of members of the
Police Force pensionable under the Principal Act to
that of civil servants under the Pensions Act 1947
(No. 12/1947) in respect of the payment of compensa:

No. of 1955. Police (Amendment?) 23.
tion where retirement is necessitated or accelerated by
injury in the course of duty; the time of exercising the
option to take a reduced pension and gratuity (clause
10); the increase in the multiplying factor for the
computation of reduced pension and gratuity, from
“10” to “125” (clause 11); the payment of gratuity
where an Inspector, subordinate police officer or con-
stable dies in the service of the Force and of pensions
to his dependants on his death (clause 12);

(i) to allow represe ntations to be made _by the
Police Welfare Association in matters relating to
discipline. promotion, trauster or leave only when a~
question of principle is mvolved (clause 13);

(/) to give a subordinate police officer an oppor-
tunity of making representations to the Governor
before he is reduced in rank (clause 14). Hitherto
representations could only be made where his retire-
ment was contemplated in the interest of the TForce
(clause 14);

(k) to permit the Governor in Council to make
regulations laving down the conditions subject to
which repatriation expenses mav be paid to the widows
and dependants of deceased members of the Force
(clause 15);

(7) to authorise the Governor to award pensions
and to exercise the powers under the Act now exercisa-
ble by the Governor in Council, except the power to
make regulations under section 67 (clause 16 and
Schedule); and

(m) to vest the power of granting pensions or
gratuities to special or additional constables or their
personal representatives in the case of death in the
Administrator or Commissioner of the Presidency in
which such special or additional constables are serving
(Clause 16 and Schedule) ;

(n) to substitute the Chief Accountant of Antigua
for the Federal Treasurer as the person authorised to
keep the accounts relating to the Police Reward Fund
(clause 16 and Schedule).

P. Crein Lewis,
22nd November, 1954. Attorney General.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BhnackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
47/00113—12.54. Price 25 cents.

No. Leeward Islands


-of 1955.

No. of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Leeward Islands Act.

ENACTED ~ by the Legislature of the
Leeward Islands.
1. This Act may be cited as the ieeward

Islands (Amendment) Act, 1954, and shall be read
as one with the Leeward Islands Acts, 1871 to
1950, as amended, hereinafter called the Principal

2. Subsection (1) of section 7A of the
Principal Act is hereby amended by the deletion
of the comma after the word “ Presidency in the
second line and of the words ‘“ having received
notice in writing to that effect from the representa-
tive member concerned, is satisfied that such”,
and the substitution therefor of the words
‘‘ig satisfied that a”’.

8. Section 7B of the Principal Act is hereby
amended as follows:—

(a) by repealing subsection (2) thereof;

(L) by deleting the figure and symbols
” appearing after the figure and letter


Short title,

34 & 35 Vict.
c. 107.

of section 7A
of the Prinoi-
pal Act.

of section 7B
of the Princi-
pal Act.

Legewarp 2 Leeward Islands No. — of 1955.

IsLaNnps. (Amendment).
Addition of 4. The following new sections shall be
new sections Sey as 7 . : : : E
to the Prine WSerted in the Principal Act immediately after
pal Act, section & thereof :—
* "Temporary 8 "henever > is ¢ %
Mies oie 3A. (1) W henever there is a vacancy
meinhers. in the number of persons sitting in the

Council as nominated members by reason of
the fact that—
(a) ‘ nominated member is absent
an the Leeward Tslands or is unable for
i“ cause o take his seat in the Council;
(6) the seat of a nominated member
is vacant for any cause other than the
dissolution of the Council,
the Governor may, by Instrument under the
Public Seal, appoint from among the nomi-
nated members of one of the Island Councils
a person to be a temporary member for the
period of such vacancy.

(2) The Governor shall report every
appointment made under this section to Her
Majesty through a Secretary of State, and
such appointment may (without prejudice to
anything done by virtue thereof) be revoked
by the Governor by Instrument under the
Public Seal.

(3) So long as his appointinent subsists,
& person appointed under this section shall,
for the purposes of this Act but subject to the
provisions of this section, be deemed to be
a nominated member of the Council and,
subject as aforesaid, the provisions of gub-
section (2) of section 8 of this Act shall apply
in relation to such person as they apply in
relation to a nominated inember appointed
under subsection (1) of the said section 8.

(4) An appointment made under this
section shall cease to have effeet on notification
by the Governor to the person appoin| ted of its
revocation by the Governor, or on its super-
session by the definitive appointment of a
person to fill the vacancy, or when the
vacancy shall otherwise cease to exist.

of 1955, Leeward Islands 3


SB. A person whose seat in the Council
has become vacant may, if qualified, again be
appointed or elected as a member of the
Council from time to time.”’.


The following section is hereby substi-

tuted for section 9A of the Principal Act:—

“9A. (1) Whenever there is a vacancy
in the number of persons sitting in the
Council as official members by reason of the
fact that—

(a) an official member is administer-
ing the General Government; or

(6) an official member is temporarily
unable to take his seat in the Council; or

(c) a person, who is an official
member by virtue of any of the provi-
sions of subsection’ (1) of section 9
of this Act, is performing the duties of
one or both of the offices by virtue of
the performance of which, under. the
provisions of that subsection, « person is
an official member; or

(d) no person is holding or perform-
ing the duties of any one of those
othces specified in or by reference to
Which an appointment bas been made
ander the said subsection (1),

the (sovernor may, subject to the provisions
of subsection (2) of this section, appoint a
person to be a temporary member of the
Couneil for the period of such vacancy.

(2) The person so appointed shall he
a person holding an office of emolument
under the Government of the Colony or of
any Presidency and may be appointed either
by name or by reference to his office and shall
be appointed by Instrument under the Public



ment and
re-election of

of section 9A
of the Princi-
pal Act.

official mem-



of section 10
of the Princi-

pal Act.


Leeward Tslands No. of 1955.
(A mendment).

(3) The Governor shall forthwith report
every appointment made under this section to
Her Majesty through a Secretary of State,
and such appointment may (without prejudice
to anything done by virtue thereof) be
revoked by the Governor by Instrument under
the Public Seal.

(4) So long as his appointment subsists,
a person appointed under this section shall,
for the purposes of this Act but subject to the
provisions of this section, be deemed to be an
official member of the Council and, subject
as aforesaid, the provisions of subsection (2)
of section 9 of this Act shall apply in relation
to such person as they apply in relation to an
official member appointed under subsection (1)
of the said section 9.

(5) An appointment made under this
section shall cease to have effect on notification
by the Governor to the person appointed of
its revocation by the Governor, or on its
supersession by the definitive appointment of
a person to fill the vacancy, or when the
vacancy shall otherwise cease to exist...

6. (1) Section 10 of the Principal Act is

hereby amended as follows:—

(a) in subsection (1)—

(i) by the deletion of paragraph (7);

(ii) by the deletion cf paragraph (m);

(iii) by re-lettering paragraphs (9)
to (J) as paragraphs (f') to (A) and
paragraphs (7) to (r) as paragraphs (/)
to (p);

(b) in subsection (2) by substituting the
letter “‘(p)” for the letter “ (r)”’.

(2) This section shall come into opera-
tion on a day to be appointed by the Governor
by Proclamation published in the Gazette,
and different days may be appointed for the
purpose of different provisions of this section.

No. — of 1955. Leeward [Islands 5

7. Subsection (1) of section 19 of the
Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitu-
tion of the words “ Section 11B of this Act and”
for the words “this Act und” appearing therein.

8. This Act, save as otherwise expressly
provided herein, shall come into operation on a
day to be appointed by the Governor by Proclama-
tion published in the Gazette.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Counedl.


The objects of this Bill are—


of section 19
of the Princi-
pal Act.


(«) to make it clear that a representative member
who vacates his seat by dissolution is in fact eligible for

re-election (clause 3);

(+) to make provision for the appointment of

temporary nominated members (clause 4);

(«) to fill a lacuna in section 9A (1) of the Act,

to replace the substance of the existing paragraphs (a) to
(d) but without reference to particular offices and to
provide for the contingencies which might arise where—

(1) a vacancy arises by reason of the fact that
an official member is administering the Government
of the Colony, e.g., where the substantive holder of
the office of Administrator is administering the
Government of the Colony;

(ii) where there is no holder of an office by
reference to which an appointment has been made
under paragraphs (a) and (6) of subsection (1) of
section 9 (clause 5);

Lerwarp~ 6 Leewurd Islands No. of 1955.
IsLaNDs. (Amendment).

(d) to deprive the General Legislative Council of the
power to legislate on the subjects of ‘education’ and
‘the establishment and regulation of a common convict
station and a3 common prison discipline’ as it has been
decided that such subjects should be dealt with in
Presidential legislation (clause 6);

(e) to amend section 19(1) of the Act so as to make
it clear that the provisions of this subsection in regard to
voting are to be subject to any provisions which may be
made by Royal Instructions on the same subject (clause 7);

(f) to place on an Administrator or Commissioner
the duty of satisfying himself that a representative
member is unable to take his seat on the Council. The
existing provision whereby an Administrator or Commis-
sioner had to be informed in writing by such member of
his inability to take his seat has been the cause of serious
difficulties in the past.

2. The amendments referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e)
have been approved by the Secretary of State in his despatch
Leeward Islands (General) No. 419 dated 6th August, 19538
and his telegram No. 438 Saving dated 12th August, 1954, to
the Governor of the Leeward Islands.

P. Cecit Lewis,
. Attorney General.
24th September, 1954.

Printed ut the Government Printing Offive, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuackMan, Government Printer—By Authority.
1 8/0001 1.—300—12.54. [Price 8 cents.


No. — of 1955. Small Charges (Amendment).

No. of 19565.

An Act to amend further the Small Charges Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the ~ Small
Charges (Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be
read os one with the Small Charges Act, as
amended, hereinafter called the Principal Act.

Short title.

Cap. 67.

2. Sections 2 and 15 of the Principal Act Repeat of sec-
ar, 2 7 tions 2 and 15
are hereby repealed. af ihe Pelee,
pal Act.
38. The following ssction is hereby substi- Substitution

of section 31
of the Princi-
pal Act.

tuted for section 31 of the Principal Act:-—


“31. Any person who commits any of
. trial of indict-

the offences created by sections 4, 6,7, 11, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19 and 25 of the Larceny Act,
1944 or who attempts to commit, aids, abets,
counsels or procures the commission of any
such offence where the amount or value of the
property in respect of which the offence is
committed in the opinion of the Magistrate
does not exceed one hundred dollars, shall be
liable to imprisonment for a term not exceed-
ing six months:

Provided that the Magistrate may in his
discretion abstain from trying the offence
summarily and may commit the offender for
trial for an indictable offence.”

able offences
created by
certain sec-
tions of the
Larceny Act.

Linxw ARD 2 Small Charges (

of section

4. Paragraph (a) of section 41 of the Prin-

‘i ofthe cipal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of

Principal the words “refuses to give his name or address, or”

ae, for the words “refuses to give his name, or”
appearing therein.

of section 44

5. The following section shall be substituted

of the Princi- for section 44 of the Principal Act:—

pal Act.

* Receiving
and being in
possession of
stolen or

44. (1) Any person who receiver any
property knowing the same to have been
stolen or obtained in any way whatsoever
under circumstances which amount to an
offence under sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19 and 25 of the Larceny Act, 1944
shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding six months: Provided that the

‘offence under the said Act was an offence

punishable on summary conviction.

(2) Where any person is charged with
an offence under subsection (1) of this section
the Magistrate may in his discretion abstain
from trying the offence summarily and may
commit the offender for trial for an indictable

(3) Any person having in his pos-
session, or conveying in any manner anything
which may reasonably be suspected of having
been stolen or unlawfully obtained, and who
shall not give an account satisfactory to the
Magistrate of how he came by the same, shall
be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty four
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three months.”


Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.

No. of 1955.) Small Charyes (Amendment). 3 apie


The objects of this Bill are—

(a) to repeal sections 2 and 15 of the
Principal Act.

The definition of “public place” will be
replaced by a definition included in the new
Interpretation and General Clauses Bill which
will shortly be enacted. In so far as section
15 is concerned, the reason for repealing this
seetion (which has been amended on three
separate occasions) is to permit Presidencies
to enact legislation suitable to their own pecu-
liar needs in relation to the planting of canes
near to towns;

(2) to extend the jurisdiction of Magis.
trates so as to enable them to try summarily
the indictable offences created by the sections
of the Larceny Act, 1944 mentioned in the
Bill, where the value or amount of the prop-
erty in question does not in the Magistrate’s
opinion exceed one hundred dollars. The
Magistrate is also given power to adjudicate
in cases of ‘receiving’ connected with the
gaid offences;

(ec) to correct an error in section 41 of
the Principal Act.

P. Cecin LEwIs,
Attorney General,

17th September, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLaAckMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
47/0005 1—12.54. {Price 4 cents.}

No. — of 1955. Llemeniary Education (Repeal) — vreware


No. of 1955,

An Act to repeal the Elementary Hducation Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Elementary Short title.
Education (Repeal) Act, 1955.

2. The Elementary Education Act, the Repeal.
Elementary Edueation Act, Amendment Act 1930 1030.
and the Kiementary Edueation (Amendment) Act, 6/195».

1939 are hereby repealed.

3. This Act shall come into operation on Commence-
a date to be appointed by the Governor by â„¢"*
Proclamation published in the Gazette.

Passed the General Legislative Council this

day of 1945,

Clerk of the Counetl.

arnt 2 Llementary Education (Repeal) No. of 1959,

The object of this Bill is to repeal the Klementary
Education Act and to replace it by Presidential legislation.

2. This Bill is to come into operation by Proclamation.
The insertion of a similar provision in the Presidential legisla-
tion will make possible the coming into operation of all these
measures at the same time.

P. Crctt Lewis,
Attorney General.

25th September, 1954.

Printed at tae Government Printing Office, Leoward Islands,
by E. M. BLAGKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
47/00076—12.54. [Price 4 vents. }

No. of 1959. Lividence (Amendmen: ).

No. of 1955.
An Act to amend further the Evidence Act.

KNACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Evidence
(Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Hvidence Act, as amended, hereinafter
called the Principal Act.

2. Section 12A of the Principal Act is here-
by amended by the substitution of the following
paragraph for paragraph

“(c¢) the London Gazette, the Gazette of
the Colony or of any Presidency thereof, the
Government Gazette of any other Colony in
Her Majesty’s dominions or of any territory
under Her Majesty’s protection or of a terri-
tory for the time being administered by the
Government of the United Kingdom under the
trusteeship system of the United Nations;”


Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


Short title.

Cap. 62.

of section J24
of the Princi-
pal Act.

LErEwarp 2 Hvidence (Amendment). No. of 1955.


The object of this Bill is to include the Government
Gazette of Protectorates, Protected States and Trust Territories
among the list of documents of which judicial notice shall be

2. This amendment was made in pursuance of a recom-
mendation contained in the Secretary of State’s despatch
No. 607 to the Governor of the Leeward Islands dated
16th October, 1954.

P. Ceci. Lewis,
Attorney Genera.

27th November, 1944.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E, M. BhackMAN. Government Printer,— By Authority.
47/00232.—12.54 Price 4 cents,

No. of 1955. Supreme Court

No. of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Supreme Court
Act, 1939,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the
Leeward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Supreme
Court (Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read
as one with the Supreme Court Act, 1989, as
amended, hereinafter called the Principal Act.

2. The following section shall be substituted
for section 9 of the Principal Aet:—

“9. (1) The office of every Revistrar
und Provost Marshal shall be kept open for
the transaction of business on every day of
the year except Sundays, Chrixtmas Day,
Good Friday and Public Holidays, during
such hours of the said days as may be ap-
pointed by the Governor by order under his

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of
any order made under subsection (1) of this
section, the Judge by whom any matter is
being heard, may direct any paid officer of
the Court to transact at any time, any busi-
ness which, in the opinion of the Judge, is
necessary or convenient, to facilitate the hear-


Short title.

_ 9/1948.

of seotion 9
of the Princi-
pal Act.

Hours of

LBEWARD 2 Supreme Court No, of 1955.

ing and determination of the matter in

question, or to carry into effect any order
made in connection therewith.”


Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


The object of this Bill is to amend section 9
of the Supreme Court Act, 1989 (No. 20/1930) to
permit the hours of business of the Registrar and
Provost Marshal to be fixed by order of the

It will thus be unnecessary in the future to
amend the Act itself if a change in the office hours
of the Registrar and Provost Marshal is required.

P. Cectn Lewis,
Altorney General.

November, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M. Buackman, Government Printer.—By Authority.

47/00096— —12.54. Price 4 cents,

No. of 1955. Pensions (/nerease).

No. of 1955.

An Act to amend the Pensions (Increase) Act,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Pensions
(Increase) Act, 1953 (Amendment) Act, 1955, and
shall be read as one with the Pensions (Increase)
Act, 1953, hereinafter referred to as the Principal

2. Subsection (1) of section 2 of the Princi-
pal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of
the following definition for the definition of the
expression ‘“ Gzovernor in Council” therein—

‘¢ “ Governor’ means, in the case of a pen-
sioner whose services were wholly under
the Government of a Presidency, the
officer for the time being administering
the Government of that Presidency, and
-in all other cases the Governor of the


3. Sections 3 and 4 of the Principal Act
are hereby amended by substituting the word
“‘Governor”’ for the words “ Governor in Council ”
wherever the latter words appear in the said sections.



Short title.


of section 2(1)
of the Princi-
pal Act.

of sections 8
and 4 of the
Principal Act

peewee 2 Pensions (Increase). No. of 1955.
Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


Under the Pensions Act, 1947 (No. 12/1947) it is proposed
to confer on the Governor of the Colony the authority to grant
pensions under that Act, except in the case of officers with
wholly Presidential service whose pensions will be granted by
the Administrator or Commissioner as the case may be.

2. This Bill is intended to bring the Pensions (Increase)
Act, 1953 (No. 20/1953) into line with the Pensions Act, 1947
(No. 12/1947) by ensuring that the persons authorised to grant
pensions under the Pensions Act, 1947 will be the same persons
to grant increases in pensions under the Pensions (Increase)
Act, 1953.

P. Crcrt Lewis,
Attorney (reneral.

22nd November, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by K. M. BuAcKMAN. B.D. Government Printer,—By Authority.
47/00230— = ---12.44. Price 4 cents.

No. of 1955. Pensions (Inerease).

No. of 1955.

An Act to amend the Pensions (Increase) Act,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward


1. This Act may be cited as the Pensions
(Increase) Act, 1947 (Amendment) Act, 1955, and
shall be read as one with the Pensions (Increase)
Act, 1947, hereinafter referred to as the Principal

2. Subsection (1) of section 2 of the Princi-
pal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of
the following definition for the definition of the
expression ‘ Governor in Council” therein—

“Governor” means, in the case of a pen-
sioner whose services are wholly under
the Government of a Presidency, the
officer for the time being administering
the Government of that ‘Presidency, and
in all other cases the Governor of the


3. Sections 3 and + of the Principal Act
are hereby amended by substituting the word
“ Governor ’”’ for the words “ Governor in Council ”
wherever the latter words appear in the said sections.



Short title.


of section 2 (1)
of the Princi-
pal Act.

of sections 3
and 4 of the
Principal Act.

Full Text

~ +
~ oe Se Bublished by Authority.
f) VOL. LEXXW WWURSDAY, 160 DECEMBER, 1954. No. 57.
iS " -R 539 ' —=%
in the itatter of Fhe HLana Acquisition Act, 1944,


In the Matter of a Declaration vivthe Gao¥ernor in Council with the approval of the Legis-
lative Council of the Presidency of-Montserrat in respect of all that portion of the Dagenham
Estate approximately 8} acres in area, situate at Plymouth in the Parish of St. Anthony in the
Presidency of Montserrat, measuring and bounded as follows, that is to say, on the north measur-
ing 416 feet 8 inches and bounded thereon by the main public road, on the south measuring 405
feet 8 inches ana bounded thereon by the lands of Dagenham Estate, on the east measuring 394
feet and bounded thereon by the lands of Dagenham Esiate, and on the west measuring 330 feet
and bounded thereon by the main public road.


The 33 acres of land the subject of these proceedings (hereinafter referred to as the
acquired land) is situated just outside the Town of Plymouth, its southern boundary being a mere
200 feet from the northern limits of the Town; on both its western and northern sides the land
abuts on the main public road leading to Plymouth.

By virtue of a declaration published in two issues of the Gazetfe in accordance with the
provisions of section 3 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1944 (hereinafter referred to as the Act), the
acquired land vested in the Crown on 8rd July, 1952. Thereafter compensation at the rate of
£220 per acre was offered by the Authorised Officer to the six persons holding interests in the
-and. Three of them accepted the offer and were compensated for their shares. The other three
(hereinafter referred to as the Claimants) are (a) Monica Howes, who owns 2/7 shares and 4/5 of
1/7 share (b) W. S. R. Howes, who owns 1/7 share, and (¢) Eva L. Wilkin who owns 1/7 share.
In claims filed by them under the Act the value of the acquired land is stated to be £400 per acre.
The only point now at issue is the value of the Jand.

The main rule for the assessment and award of compensation by a Board of Assessment in
a case of this kind is contained in section 19 (a) of the Act, which provides that “the value ot the
land shall, subject as hereinafter provided, be taken to be the amount which the land, if sold in
the open market by a willing seller, might have been expected to have realized at a date twelve
months prior to the date of the second publication in the Gazette of the declaration under section
3 of this Act”. The main principle by which the Board must be guided in applying this rule is
well settled and was reiterated by the West Indian Court of Appeal (St Christopher Circuit) as
recently as 10th December, 1953, in Kelsick v. Thurston & Co. Ltd. and others.

“In assessing compensation...... it must be assumed that the owner is offering the
property for sale of his own free will, but is taking all reasonable measures to ensure
a sale under the most favourable conditions. The compensation payable will be that
price which a properly qualified person, acquainted with all the essential facts
relevant to the property and to the existing state of the market, would expect to
realise under such circumstances”.

It is common ground that Dagenham Estate because of its rainfall, its situation with
regard to labour and transport, and the composition of its soil, forms part of the most valuable
cotton-growing land in the Presidency. Evidence was led on behalf of the Authorised Officer to
show that up to 0th September, 1952, the date on which he entered into possession of the acquired
land, that particular portion of the Estate contained a large quantity of stones and boulders and
was not thoroughly drained. We have carefully examined the submissions made in this connexion
but are unconvinced that even from a purely agricultural standpoint there was in fact any sub-
stantial difference in value between that area and the rest of the Estate. In any case, the view we
take is that the special value of the acquired land lies in its suitability for building purposes. Its
topography, proximity to the principal town of the Island, extensive road frontage on its western
and northern sides (being a corner plot), and access to the main water supply render it admirably
suited for use as a residential or commercial site.

AS: 727



[16 Deeember, 1954.

From the evidence given at this inquiry it is not open to doubt that the market values of
cotton lands in Montserrat and of building lands in and around the Town of Plymouth have

increased considerably during the past ten years or so.

We have also had evidence of the prices

obtained or obtainable for Dagenham land and other lands and the opinions of persons acquainted
with local land values as to the relative value of the acquired land and of lands in other areas.

After full analysis and consideration of all the evidence before us we have reached the
conclusion that the price which the Claimants might reasonably have expeeted for the acquired
land in the open market at the relevant date, namely 3rd July, 1951, is £580 per acre. We
accordingly assess the compensation payable to the Claimants as follows:—

(a) Monica Howrs bag
(b) W.S. R. Howns ene
(c) Eva L. Witkin



In exercise of the powers conferred on us by section 21 of the Act, we order payment of
interest to the Claimants at the rate of 4% per annum on the amount of compensation awarded,
calculated from the date upon which the Authorised Officer entered into possession of the acquired
land (20th September, 1952) until the date of the payment of the compensation.

The Authorised Officer must also pay to the Claimants the reasonable costs incurred by
them in or about the preparation and submission of their claims and the hearing of these proceed-
ings, such costs to be taxed by the Registrar of the Supreme Court (Montserrat Circuit).

(Sed.) W. A. Darr,

6th December, 195 t.



WHEREAS it is provided by sec-
tion 12 of the Leeward Islands Acts,
1871 to 1950, as amended, that the
General Legislative Council of the
Leeward Islands may from time to
time be convoked by Proclamation:

AND WHEREAS by section 14 of
the said Act it is further provided
that the place of meeting of the said
Council shall from time to time be
fixed by proclamation:

AND WHEREAS it is expedient
that the said Council should be

NOW, THEREFORE, I do by this
my Proclamation summon the said
General Legislative Council to meet
at the Court House in the City of
Saint John in the Presidency of
Antigua on Wednesday, the 5th day
of January, 1955, at nine thirty
o’clock in the forenoon, for the des-
patch of public business.

AND the members of the said
Council and all other Her Majesty’s
officers and loving subjects in the
Colony of the Leeward Islands and


(Sgd.) W. O. Prrers,


(Sgd.) Pau. HoLenpsr,

all others whom it may concern are
hereby required to take due notice
hereof and to give their ready obedi-
ence accordingly.

GIVEN under my hand at the
Government House, Antigua,
this 8th day of December, 1954,
and in the third year of Her
Majesty’s reign.


Ref, No, 18/00057.




WHEREAS the Legislative Council
of the Presidency of Montserrat has
been duly constituted under the
provisions of the Montserrat Consti-
tution and Elections Ordinance, 1952
(No. 1/1952):

AND WHEREAS it is provided,
inter alia, by subsection (1) of section
295 of the said Ordinance that the
Governor may at any time, by procla-
mation, prorogue the said Legislative

AND WHEREAS it appears ex-
pedient to prorogue the said Couucil:


NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise
of the powers in me vested as herein-
before recited I do hereby prorogue
the Legislative Council of the Presi-
dency of Montserrat until such further
date as may be appointed, by procla-
mation of the Commissioner under the
provisions of section 18 of the said
Ordinance, for the first sitting in the
next session of the said Council.

AND the members of the said
Council and all other Her Majesty’s
officers and loving subjects in the said
Presidency and all those whom it
may concern are hereby required to
take due notice hereof and to govern
themselves accordingly.

GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 13th day of
December, 1954, and in the third
year of Her Majesty’s reign.


Ref. No. 18/00053.




WHEREAS by section 3 of the
Travelling and Subsistence Allow-
ances (Repeal) Act, 1954 (No. 16/1954)
16 December, 1954. ]

it is provided that the said Act shall
come into operation ona day to be
fixed by the Governor by Proclama-
tion published in the Gazette.

Commander of the Most Distinguished
Order of Saint Michael and Saint
George, an Officer of the Most Excel-
lent Order of the British Empire,
Governor and Commander in Chief in
and over the Colony of the Leeward
Islands and Vice Admiral of the same,
do by this my Proclamation declare
that the said Act shall come into
operation on the Ist day of January,

AND all Her Majesty’s officers
and loving subjects in the said Colony
and all others whom it may concern
are hereby required to take due
notice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 8th day of Decem-
ber, 1954, and in the third year
of Her Majesty’s reign.

Ref. No. 47/00209.

Argentine Consular Repre-

It is notified for general informa-
tion that, pending the receipt of his
Commission of Appointment and the
subsequent issue of Her Majesty’s
Exequatur, Senor JORGE IGNACIO
NICOLINI has been accorded provi-
sional recognition as Consul-General
of the Argentine Republic in London
in place of Senor TAUREL with
jurisdiction including the United
Kingdom Overseas Territories not
already within the district of an
Argentine consular officer and with
general jurisdiction over the Argen-
tine consular officer at Hong Kone.

The Secretariat,
9th December, 1954.
Ref. No. 19/00009.

With reference to the Gazette
Notice of the 2nd November, 1954, it
is hereby notified for general infor-
mation that His Excellency has been
pleased to re-appoint the Hon. 8. T.
CHRISTIAN, O.B.E., as «a nominated
member of the General Legislative

2. His Excellency has also been
pleased to appoint the Hon. A. F. L.
LOUISY to be a temporary official
member, and the Hon. P. KE. RYAN
to be a nominated member, of the
General Legislative Council, with
effect from the 13th December, and
7th December, 1954, respectively.

The Secretariat,

_ 13th December, 1954.

Ref. No. C. 18/00013.


No. 114.

Appointments and transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—

Krrnon, H. E.. Senior Clerk, Audit
Office, dismissed from the Service,
October 29,

No. 115.

The following Ordinances are cir-
culated with this Gazette and form
part thereof :—


No. 14 of 1954, “The Central Li-
brary Ordinance, 1954.”
5 pp. Price 7 cents.

Virgin Isiands.

No. 9 of 1954, “The Motor Vehicles
Ordinance, 1954.”
27 pp. Price 29 cents.

No. 10 of 1954, “The Legislative
Council (Extension of Duration)
(Repeal) Ordinance 1954.

1 pp. Price 3 cents,

No. 11 of -1954, “The Labour
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”
3 pp. Price 5 cents.

No. 116.

The following Bills which are to be
introduced in the General Legislative
Council of the Leeward Islands are
published with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—

“The Pensions (Amendment) Act,

“The Police

(Amendment) Act,

“The Leeward Islands (Amend-
ment) Act, 1955.”

“The Small Charges (Amendment)
Act, 1955.”

“The Elementary Education (Re-
peal) Act, 1955.”

“The Evidence (Amendment) Act,

“The Supreme Court (Amendment)
Act, 1955.

“The Pensions (Increase) Act, 1953
(Amendment) Act, 1955.”

“The Pensions (Increase) Act, 1947,
(Amendment) Act, 1955.

“The Prison’s (Repeal) Act, 1955.”

“The Supplementary Appropriation
(1953) Act, 1955.”

- notice in


ANTIGUA, 3rd December, 1954.
ter House, 7, Millbank, London. S.W.
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-

in Class 45, that is to say:—Manufac-
tured Tobacco.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 19 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade

H. 8. L. Mossy,
Registrar of Trade Marks.

ANTIGUA, 3rd December, 1954.
LIMITED of 10—14 Duncan Street, -
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—

in Class 42 that is to say:—
Substances used as food or as

. ingredients in food.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for five
years before the date of their gaid

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade

H. 8. L. Moseiry,
Registrar of Trade Marks,

In the Supreme Court of the.
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.


in pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward Is-
lands Courts Order in Council, 1939,
on the 16th day of October, 1941, as
amended, the Honourable the Puisne
Judge selected for the sitting of the
Court in the Antigua Circuit has
appointed the undermentioned day
on which the ensuing Circuit shall sit
in the Presidency, that is to say:—

On Monday the 10th day of January,
1955, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.

Registrar, Antigua Circuit.

Registrar's Office,
24th November, 1954.

25th November, 1954.

Notice is hereby given that there
will be sold on the various premises
in the City of Saint John on Tuesday
the 21st day of December, 1954 at
12 o’clock noon, the Lands and
Tenements belonging to the persons
hereafter named.

Gwendolyn Simon,

Albertha Samuel, Charlotte Tobitt,
Reginald Mussington.


Hilda Hill, Peter Philip, Edward
Towsend, Kenneth. Murdoch, Alfred
0. Wallace.


John Lucas, Kenneth Murdoch,
Rosalind Morgan (2), Ickford Winter


Ickford Winter (2), Edward Lloyd,
Alfred Reynolds, Alice M. Smith.


Heirs of Joseph Thibou, Frances
Samuel, John Harris, Victoria James,
Ethel Hunte, Robert A. Carty,
Martha Byam, Francis James.


George H. Joseph, James B. . Hart,
Heirs of Rev. Francis, Jane Ann
Wilson, Jolin Dowe, Sydney Benja-
min, Louisa Semper.


Heirs of Daniel Peters, Henry



Samuel A. Joseph, James B. Hart.


Ernest Martin.


Gwen & P. Jordan, Estate of John
H. Moore.

James N. Webber, John Matthew,

‘Estate of Franklyn Carlisle, Samuel

Laviscount, Benjamin Lowen,


Iola Alexander, Adolphus
Reynolds, George Samuel, Heirs of
Joseph Ralph.

Heirs of Willock, Morris Gardner.

Heirs of L. Matthew,



Estate of Sarah James.
John Nascimento.

Antonetta Reid, George McAndrew,
Estate of John H. Moore.

Rev.'C. Francis.
Benjamin Lowen.
Tryphena Joseph.
Joseph Thomas.

Emily Athill, Ruby Hughes, M.
& OC, Walters.

16 December, 1954. |

George Farley.

Joseph Lewis.


Joseph Lewis.

Frank Henzell.

The same having been levied upon
to satisfy the City Rate due thereon
for the year 1954.


Provost Marshal.

Masters and Local Agents of all
Ships, Sailing Vessels and

All goods of any kind which are
not manifested, arriving in this presi-
dency from abroad must be pre-
sented to a Customs Officer at
the Airport or Port of Entry.

Officers, hostesses and other mem-
bers of the crews of ships and aircraft,
Agents’ clerks, stevedores, ships’
labourers and visitors to ships are
advised to take care to submit to the
Customs Officers on duty packages
and goods of all descriptions, which
they may bring ashore from any ship,
vessel or aircraft.

Failure to present such packages or
goods to a Customs Officer may
result in arrest of the person con-
cerned and seizure and confiscation
of the packages or goods.

The Collector of Customs, Customs
Officers and any member of the Police
Force, upon reasonable suspicion may
stop and examine any person carrying
any package to ascertain whether any
smuggled goods are contained therein.
(Section 44 of the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance No. 8 of 1900).

The Collector of Customs and any
persons authorised hy him may search
any person on board any vessel within
any port of this presidency, or any
person who has landed from any
vessel, provided he has reason to
suppose that such person is carrying
or has unenstomed or prohibited
goods about hig person. (Section 45
of Ordinance No. 8 of 1900).

Collector of Customs.

6th December, 1954.

Ref. No, A, 65/7-III.
[16 December, 1954.

The Governor has received from
the Inspector of Accidents of the Air
Registration Board in Trinidad the
report on the accident to the Cessna
Aircraft N3125A which occurred at
Olveston Airfield, Montsterrat, on the
28th May, 1954. Copies of this report
are available for inspection during
office hours at the Secretariat in
Antigua and the Commissioner’s
Office in Montserrat.

9. As regards the cause of the
accident, the Inspector has written
as follows:

“The cause of this accident was
the inability of the aircraft to attain
flying speed before reaching the
end of the runway. The following
factors were probably coutributory
causes :—

(i) the take-off! was attempted
down wind:

(ii) the aircraft was probably too
heavily loaded for the pre-
vailing conditions;

(iii) the flap setting used caused
a reduction in ground ac-

(iv) the absence of an overrun
area prevented the take-off
being abandoned.”

3. The Inspector's recommenda-
tions as regards the future use of
Olveston Airfield are as follows:

“Any further use of Olveston
Airfield as a place of landing and
departure for aircraft should be
subject to the following condi-

(i) the full length of the runway
should be completed and
prepared for use;

(ii) the trees at the eastern end
of the runway should be

(iii) an additional wind indicator
should be installed at the
eastern end of the runway;

(iv) an anemometer should be
provided to furnish the
pilot with details of wind

(v) the loaded weight of the
aircraft must be limited by
the pilot to ensure an ade-
quate margin of safety under
prevailing conditions.”

4. Early effect is being given to
the Inspector’s recommendations, In

(a) commercial flights by single-
engined aircraft will not be permit-
ted in and out of Olveston Airfield;


(b) take-off will not be permitted
under certain conditions of tail
wind. Such conditions will be
determined from the instruments
to be installed at the airfield, and
in accordance with prescribed
safety limits.

Ref. No. C. 7/0001].

Registrar General’s Offic:,
St. Johws, Antigua.
1st December, 1954.

In aceurdance with the provisions
of the Marriage Ordinance 1923 (No.
15 of 1923) Section 20 (1) notice is
hereby given that the building known
as Gospel Tabernacle situate in the
island of Barbuda has been deemed
disused for the public religious wor-
ship of the congregation on whose
behalf it was registered that is to say
the Christian Mission.

The registry of the said building
has been duly cancelled.

H. 8S. L. MOSELyY,
Registrar General.

In accordance with the provisions
of the Marriage Ordinance 1923
(No. 15 of 1923) Section 17 notice is
hereby given that the building known
as Gospel ‘Tabernacle situate in the
Island of Barbuda has been duly
registered asa place of public religious
worship by the congregation of the
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.

H. 8. L. MOSELY,
Registrar General.

Tenders are hereby invited for the
transport Ly motor car of public
officers travelling on duty for the
year ending 3lst December, 1955.

2. Such tenders should be in
respect of single journey from the
place where the public officer enters
the car to the place at which he leaves
it (.e. so much a mile for the single
journey) and charge for waiting if
any should be stated. Provided that
where the officer enters or leaves the
car outside the City limits a charge
may be made for the distance between
that point and St. John’s.

3. Government will not be pre-
cluded from hiring seats for public
officers in public service vehicle which
would otherwise be proceeding to the
officer’s destination where this will
result in an economy e.g. for customs
officer’s going to Coolidge Airfield on
duty in a car hired or used by the
Airline Agents.

4. Government reserves the right
to hire or use cars, or seats in cars,
other than the contractor’s cars, for
public officers proceeding on duties
connected with the Customs or


5. Government does not bind it-
self to accept the lowest or any

6. The Contractor will be expected
to provide prompt and efficient service
and any agreement entered into with
a contractor will be subject to the
following conditions:—-

(i) The Contractor shall whenever
required furnish a car;

If due notice of the require-
ment of a car has been given
and failing any satisfactory
explanation the Contractor’s
car arrives more than five
minutes after the required
time Government shall have
the right to deduct a penalty
not exceeding 10/- from any
of the sums due and owing to
the Contractor;


In the event of the Contrac-
tor’s car being more than 15
minutes late after the required
time Government may cancel
the contract on giving the
Contractor one week’s notice
in writing;


(iv) Government shall also have
the right to terminate the
contract on giving one week’s
notice in writing if the ‘service
is generally unreliable through
repeated unpunctuality, defec-
tive cars or other cause.

7. The tender should state the
number of cars to be at the disposal
of Government.

8. Alltenders should be addressed
to the Administrator in a sealed
envelope marked “ Tender for Official
Transport”? and should be lodged at
the Administrator’s Office not later
than 4 p.m. on Tuesday, 21st Decem-
ber, 1954.

By Order

for Administ1 ator.
Administrator's Office,
10th December, 1954.
Ref. No. A. 78/17.

Central Experiment Station,


1950. 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954.
Jan. 5.41 8.60 241 1.98 3.04
Feb. 2.52 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45
Mar. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08
Apr. 21400 4.16 3.14 2,06 49
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3.83
June 1.66 2.74 5.7 131 3.32
July 185 3.28 838 3.20 3.47
Aug. 10.71 9.18 843 3.18 5.93
Sept. 6.34 12.06 5.55 2.10 9.91
Oct. 5.13 3.90 5,19 85 (4,62
Nov. 4.43 3.67 5.19 5.24 1.54
Dec. lIth 1.67 443 1.52 118 1.19

46.00 58.538 61.84 29.14 40.87




Christian and Surname at length

Abbott, Leonard

Abbott, Norris

Abbott, Victor Gerald
Ackam, Hezekiah
Alexander, Foster

Allaway, Richard

Allen, Alfred

Ambrose, Maurice

Anselm, Ronald Alexander
Antonio, Lawrence
Antonio, Norris

Antonio, Clement

Antonio, Francis Earl
Anjo, Francis Roderiques
Anjo, Lawrence Roderiques .
Atbill, Wentworth a)

Bailey, Desmond

Bailey, Joseph

Bailey, Louis

Bailey, Donald

Barnes, Irving Edward Alexander



Place of Abode

‘| City
...| Sanderson
| Dalzells


, City


..| Cedar Grove
.| City



ah Belmont
...| Hodges Bay
.| City


ceol ogy
...| Delaps
.| City

teal) 49
...| Cedar Grove

Barretto, Angelo ..| Bolans
Barnes, Leonard ...| Cedar Grove
Baptist, James .| City
Barretto, John a

Barretto, Manoel wee 4s

Bell, Austin ...| Gunthorpes
Benjamin, Edgar Alexander .| City
Benjumin, Lewis Albert Emery i

Bento, Alvro 7

Bento, Fabian ”

Blackett, John

Blanchard, Morris

Boreham, Mark William
Boreham, Leonard

Bowry, Eric

Boxhill, Joun Carlisle

Bridges, Maurice

Bridges, Dennis

Brown, Arnold

Brown, Jr. James Adolphus Nibbs
Brown, Joshua

Brown. Ralph Arthur Lindsay
Browne, Robert

Brumant, Bruno ae
Bryson, Thomas Arbercrombie Hay .,.)
Buckley, Edgar
Burton, Joseph

..| Gunthorpes
.| City

. Potters



. ”
.| St. Johnstons

Bourne, Keith ...| City
Camacho, Alexander .| City

Camacho; John

Camacho, Vincent Joseph
Jarmichael, Victor

Carr, William

Caines, Elwood

Challenger, Aubrey
Chambers, Arnold Picart
Charles, Joseph A.

Chambers, Edmund
Christopher, Neville
Christian, Donald

Christian, Clarence

Christian, Morris

Coates, Cox

Cockburn, John Allan
Colbourne, Claxton Augustus os
Cooke, Walter R. see
Cools-Latigue, Hugh Joseph


.| Fairview
.| City
...| Ottos

.| Greenbay
...| airview
...{ All Saints

Parham Road

...| City
..| Nut Grove

Fort Road

.| Side Hill
.| City

.| Gunthorpes
.| City -

Comfort Hall

..| City






Peasant Proprietor






Rum Distiller



Bakery Manager

| Barber




Peasant Proprietor

Business Manager


Garage Proprietor
Laboratory Assistant

| Clerk




Builder & Contractor

| Sugar Curer

Cabinet Maker


THE YEAR 1955.



[16 December, 1954.]

Nature of Qualification

Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
3 £50 p.a.
i £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of ,,
Income of £150 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
53 £50 p.a.
Salary of ,,
Income of £150 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

9 99

Salary of £200 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

Income of £30 p.a.

” ”

Income of £50 p.a.
7 of £30 p.a
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Income of £150 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

” se

Salary of £200 p.a.
Income of £50 p.a.
Salary of ,,

Salary of £200 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
£50 p.a.

Salary of £50 p.a.

of £200 p.a.
£50 p.a.




Income of £50 p.a.
‘ £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of


: £30 p.a.
Income of £150 p.a
Salary of £50 p.a.

” ”

Income of £50 p.a.
» £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £200 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

9 ”












[16 December, 1954.

Christian and Surname at length

Cort, Lionel

Cort, Patrick

Crawford, Strickland Gerald
Crump, John Kdmund
Crump, Sherman
Cununings, Oliver

Danicl, Hesketh Maurice
Davis, Edward

Davis, Joseph Alexander
Davis, Walter O’ Million
Davis, Oliver

Denully, John

Derrick, Edwin George
Derrick, Arthur

Desuza, George
DeFrvitas, Allen

Dew, Ernest Dalmer
DeSilva, Ronald

Dias, John Baptiste
Dickenson, Denis
Dickenson, Moses, Mallalien
Dickenson, Francis C.
Doram, Donelley

Dow, Charlesworth
Dow, Guy

_ Edwards, Charles

Edwards, Alfonso DeShield
Edwards, Dennis

Edwards, Hubert

Evanson, John Allan

Farley, Ronald

Farara, Emanuel

Farara, Jayme

Farara, Quin

Fernandez, John Gilbert
Fernandez, Joseph
Francis, “ernley
Francis, Francis Alexis
Francis, Knella

Francis, William

Gabriel, Samuel Lewis Denis
Gardener, James

Gillead, Claxton

Gillead, Oscar

Gomes, Bernard

Gomes, Raymond

Gomes, Wilfred Alexander
Gomes, Arthur

Gomez, Kenneth

Gonsalves, Arnold
Gonsalves, Cyril

Gonsalves, Lawrence Arthur
Gonsalves, Morris
Gonsalves, Rophine
Goodwin, Basil Carodoc
Goodwin, Harry Leon
Goodwin, James Emanuel
Goodwin, Joseph Waneford
Gordon, Hubert Theophilus
Gordon, Stuart A.

Govia, Arthur

Gore, Rupert

Greenidge, Laurie

Hallpike, Charles Arthur Shand
Hamilton, Alfonso
Hampson, George Alexander
Heath, William Keathly
Hector, Rupert

Henry, Dennis

Henry, Ernest Victor

Jurors’ List for the year 1955—(cont’d).
arene a : —-—
Place of Abode Calling ' Nature of Qualification ie
| i marks
..| Gunthorpes Sugar Curer | Salary of £50 p.a.
aisle 9 ” | ” ”
.| City Shoemaker | Income of £30 p.a. |
.. Seatons Overseer Salary of £50 p.a.
..| Freetown Builder ' Income of ,,
.| Osborne Village Electrician ‘3
.| City Clerk | Salary 44 |
5 Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.
Builder & Contractor ; £150 p.a. S.J.
” ” | 9 ” S.J
7 Business Manager | + A S.J.
mil os | Bakery Manager Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.
.| Delaps Planter 5 > LSJ.
..-| Ottos Lane Watch Repairer Income of £50 p.a. :
dity | Distiller Salary 7
sal, abe | Electrician Income 7
...| Hodges Bay | Engineer Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.
.| City Clerk £50 p.a.
3 Mechanic Income of £30 p.a.
...| Jennings 3 7 £150 p.a. 1 S.J.
| City Clerk Fe £50 p.a.
...| Willocks | Overseer Salary of £50 p.a.
...| Ovals | Clerk % a
...| City bo. “ §
.| Ovals | Shopkeeper Income %
.| Parbam Clerk Salary 5
.| Ovals Aircraft Refneller ” a
: 3 Mechanic Income -
.| City Clerk | Salary _
. City | Printer | ” s
7 Business Manager Income of £150 p.a. S.J.
. 7 i Salary - S.J.
5 | Shopkeeper ‘Income _,, |
7 | Business Manager a £30 p.a. |
loo. 3 £150 p.a. | S.J
...| Long Lane | Planter ‘Salary of £50 p.a. |
...| City | Merchant [iw 45 a
.| Clave Hall | Mechanic 7 ”
.| Comfort Hall | Overseer 4 i
1 |
wee) City | ingineer Income of £30 p.a.
...| Newfield Shopkeeper ”
.| City Printer s £50 p.a.
.| Gray Farm Builder es ”
...| Blackmans ; Planter Salary of £30 p.a.
...| Newfield Shopkeeper Income +
.| City | Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Merchant Ineome of £150 p.a. 8.5
Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Shopkeeper Income 7
| Liberta 3 | Pe +i
.| City | Clerk Salary of £150 p.a. i S.J.
..| All Saints | Barber Income of £50 p.a.
..| Liberta | Shopkeeper 7 5
.| City | Clerk Salary -
5 | Baker Income of £30 p.a.
we) Parham Shopkeeper i =
w..| City Merchant - £150 p.a. i S.J.
veel CULV Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a
City Clerk oe :
.| City | Clerk | Income of £30 p.a.
wel ons Builder & Contractor a £150 p.a. 8.J
...| Gunthorpes | Mechanic “6 £30 p.a.
..| City Clerk ss £200 pa. S.J.
sch a | Shopkeeper 5 £50 p.a.
...| St. Claires | Manager s £50 p.a.
.| Ffryes | Land Proprietor Possessed of 100 acres S.J. -
- of land



16 December,

Jurors’ List for the year 1955 —(cont’d).


Christian and Surname at length, | Place of Abode. | Calling. Nature of Qualification. ee
: | |

a _ ~ y

Henry, Kenneth wee! City Tailor Income of £30 p.a, |

Henzell, Frank Louis Peregrine ...| Long Island | Business Manager Salary of £200 p.a. | S.J.

Hewlett, John Dalrymple ...| City Clerk » 7 £90 pau.

Hilaire, Francis s Dental Mechanic : + £90 pua. |

Hill, Denzil 7 Clerk ss », £00 p.a.

Hill, John Wentworth - Shopkeeper Income of £150 p.a. ‘S.J.

Horstord, Ivan 9 Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Humphrey, Maxwell $3 or » of £50 pa.

Ireland, George os Shopkeeper Income of £50 p.a. |

Treland, Hugh N 3 Mechanic £50 pa. |

Isaac, Ceeil Leonard 7 Clerk Salary of "£50 pa.

Isaac, Earl es | Shoemaker | Income of £30 p.a.

James, Alfred .| All Saints Shopkeeper Income of £30 p.a.

James, George L. ©. .../ Golden Grove Contractor 5 » £30 p.a.

James, Joshua A. ...| Factory Electrician 5 » £30 pa.

James, Cyril ..., City Tailor 4 », £30 p.a.

James, Samuel ...| Pigotts Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Jardine, Morris .| City Pg 5 » £30 p.a.

Jarvis, Walter Oliver Alexander 45 3 “5 », £50 p.a.

Jeffery, Alfred 45 Business Manager 3 » £40 p.a.

John, George Elisha George iy Merchant Income of £30 p.a. |

Johnson, Clarence os Stevedore | Salary of £50 p.a. |

Joseph, Alexis e Clerk fe 5 £50 p.a. |

Joseph, Dennis 3 Ship Contractor Income of £50 p.a.

Joseph, Thomas Gurthwick Josiah . Proprietor 5, £200 p.a. SSL

Joseph, Samuel! _ Garage Proprietor k 3s » £30 p.a.

Karam, Maurice “ Merchant +4 » £30 p.a.

Khoury, Elisha 7 Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Khoury, Mitchell 7 73 » ~~ 7 HOO pa.

Kirwan, Ashley gosh tts Mechanic | Income of £30 p.a.

Knowles, James .| Powells ' bo ys » £50 pa.

Knowles, Oliver al 243 Builder & Contractor | ,, » £30 pa.

Lake, Henzill ...| Kentish Village Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Lake, Arthur .... Vernons Road ‘i Salary of £50 p.a. |

Longford, Egbert .| Carlisle Planter [x “93 » £50 p.a. i

Laurent, Joseph .| City | Druggist 33 + £40 p.a. 4

Laviscount, John wl oy Mechanic » 4 £50 pwr. |

Lewis, George ». City Clerk Salary of £200 p.a. | S.J.

Lewis, Rupert wool a Druggist + » £50 p.a.

Lewis, Walter ..| Potters Shopkeeper Income of £50 p.a.

Lindsay, Eardly .| City Clerk 3 . £30 p.a,

Lindsay, Lawson ee re 9 » £50 p.a.

Looby, Ercille 5 Kentish Village : Salary of £50 p.a. |

Lord, Munro ...) Yorks Overseer 2 » £50 p.a.

Lovell, Harold . City, Insurance Agent Income of £30 p.a.

Luke, Richard Keathroy a Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Mack, .. Ottogs Joiner » 9 £50 pa.

Mannix, Henry Alford K S45 Clerk “ » £50 p.a.

Martin, Charles » 7 » 9 £50 pa.

Martin, Clement 7 7 _ » £50 p.a.

Martin, Desmond 4 ae » £50 p.a.

Martin, Euriel 3 Garage Proprietor fae ome of £30 p.a,

Martin, George * Proprietor - » £50 p.a,

Mirtin, Arthur - Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.

Mason, Keith A re | ogy, yy £50 p.a.

Mason, Ernest selec Mechanic , Income of £50 p.a.

Mason, Richard Stephen Smith ...) Sanderson Planter | Salary of £200 p.a. S.J.

Massiah, William Cornelius Adolphus | Pigotts Carpenter |g, ~~ gy £30 pa.

Matthew, Allen ..| City Clerk .. » £50 p.a.

Matthew, George os Dental Mechanic Income of £50 p.a.

Maithews, Griffith ...| Gunthorpes Mechanic Salary of £50 p.a. |

Matthews, Walter .| City Garage Proprietor | Income of £30 p.a.

Maynard, Edward Gerald + Clerk ; » £200 p.a. 1 S.J.

Maynard, George Edward 7: + _ » £200 p.a. i SJ.

Maynard, Lawrence 15s iow ” » £50 p.a.

Medhurst, Howard James ...| Belmont Secretary i" » £200 p.a. S.J.

McDonald. Miles ...| The Villa Clerk , » £50 p.a.

Mellanson, Carol .| Montpellier Overseer Salary of £50 p.a.

Mendes, Norris Ferdinand Joseph _...| City Garage Proprietor Income of £30 p.a.


16 December, 1954. ]

Christian and Surname at length.

Mendes, Stephen Roy
Merchant, Charles
Merchant, Joseph
McDonald, Frank

Michael, Claude

Michael, Joseph

Michael, Maurice

Michal, Melville Samuel
Michael, Mitchell

Michael, Selwyn

Moore, John Harold
Moore, Hilton

Moore, Walter
Mollyneaux, James
Murphy, Arthur Foster Wall
Murphy, Henry Owen
Murray, Casford Llewellyn
Myers, Joseph Adolphus

Nanton, Robert
Nunes, Francis

‘O'Reilly, Timothy
Owen, Charles
Parker, Walter
Parker, William
Pereira, Leonard
Pereira, Norris

Perry, Leopold Alexis
Perry. Krnest
Pestaina, Elpert
Pestaina, Raymond
Peters, Cecil Foster
Peters, G. L. Norris
Phillip, Theophilus W.
Phillip, Charles
Pigott, Arnold

Pigott, Emil Milo
Pratt, Hugh

Prince, Raiph

Punter, Percival

Raeburn, Raymond
Ramsay, Charles
Ramsay, Rupert
Reid, Lucien Mckinley
tichards, Albert
Richards, Berkley
Richards, Simon
Roberts, Arthur
Roberts, Douglas
Roherts. Samuel D.
Roberts, Watman
Rudd, Arthur

Salmon, Alfred

Samuel, Josiah
Saunders, Basil

Scholar, Harold
Scotland, Wesley
Scott-Johnston, Edward
Sebastian, John Eldridge
Semper, Charles

Semple, David Gordon
Shoul, Anthony

Shoul, John Ferdinand
Simon, Arnold

Slack, Noel Stevenson
Smith, Christopher
Smith, Robert Henry
Spencer, Colin

Spencer, Frederick Alex.
Stamers, Arthur

Swift, Thomas Alexander

Jurors’ List for the year 1955—(coné’a).

Place of Abode.


«| City

.| Ottes
...{ Ovals
«| Burkes

w| City
"|| Thibous
...| City
. 99

: Parham
...| City

.| Mont
wee} City
... Gilbert
a City
..., Fort Road
...| City

i Ottos Lane
.... Fort Road
.. City

.... Gunthorpes
...| City
.... Ottos Lane
..| City


St. Clair

... Willikies |
wt City |
eee! Fort Road |
wo City 1
es) Johnson’s Point |
ec Fort Road
.| City |
) Fort Road
.. Jennings
. Yorks
. City
3 |

7 |

sed oy |
.. ASE, |
..| City


.., North Sound
.| Gunthorpes
...| Hodges Bay |
...| Cedar Valley
...| City |
...| Gunthorpes
..| City |


Business Manager

Watch Repairer






Peasant Proprietor





| Clerk
| Overseer
| Shopkeeper


Watch Repairer



| Mechanic


' Clerk
| Barber
, Clerk


Sh opkeeper

Dis penser




Business Manager


Hotel Manager

Salary of £50 p.a.

Nature of Qualification.

Salary of £200 p.a.
£50 p.a.

” % os

” 9

” 9 9
1” 9” ”
Income of £30 p.a.

Salary of £200 p.a.
Income of £150 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.
>: £50 p.a.
‘3 » £200 p.a.
Income of £150 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

i yr
‘ » £200 p.a.

” ” £50 p.a.

Income of £50 p.a.

” oo ”

Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £50 p.a.

9 99 9
Salary of £50 p.a.

” ” ”

” . ”

. 9 >

” 9 29

Income of £150 p.a.

Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

39 oe 9 f


cP) $9 99
Tncome of £50 p.a.
Salary of £50 p.a.

Tico of £30 p.a.
Salary of £200 p.a.

Income of £50 p.a.
» £30 p.a.

a .

Salary of £50 p.a.
» £200 p.a.
Income of £30 na,

Salary of £50 p.a.
Income of £150 p.a.

Salary of £50 p.a.
. » £200 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £200 p.a.
% » £50 p.a.
Income of £30 p.a.
Salary of £200 p.a.

2 ” or









242 THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 16 December, 1954.
Jurors’ List for the year 1955—(coni’d).
Christian and Surname at length Place of Abode | Calling Nature of Qualification oe
| | i
esse aise ee ie = pes ——< sate. ane
Techeira, Kenneth | City Business Manager Salary of £150 p.a. S.J
Terry, Edward hl ay Carpenter | Income of £30 p.a.
Terry, Fitzroy = ” Clerk | Salary of £50 p.a.
Terry, James sal 4s Tailor ' Income of £30 p.a.
Thibou, Anderson | s Clerk Salary of £50 p.a.
Thibou, Icson Cox i as ON ”
Thibou, Percy | 45 los. os ”
Thomas, Gerald Edgar | 4, | Bank Cashier » =~ 5 £200 p.a, S.J.
Thomas, James | yy | Clerk » » £00 pia.
Thompson, Leslie Alfred a). 4s Merchant oy LLSO paa, S.J.
Tomlinson, Auckland veal 3s Clerk » yy £50 pa,
Turner, Alexander .. Hodges Bay Business Manager 95 £200 pa. S.J.
‘Turner, Edgar .... Johnson’s Point | Shipwright | Income of £30 p.a. '
Tully. Kenriek .., City | Artist Painter ” » £50 p.a. i
Wade. William ...| Ovals Electrician 7 7 . |
Wallace, Frederick Augustus ... City Clerk ' Salary of £50 p.a. i
Walker, Cecil “| ae Dispenser 34s :
Walker, Charles Frederick teak gs Photographer Income of £30 p.a. |
Walter, George -.| Barters Farmer i » £50 pa. |
Walter, Stanley | City _ Merchant ” 7 -
Watt, Charles Burkin Anderson toy ' Clerk | Salary of £200 p.a. | S.J
Weathered, Robert 3} 3h : " » oy £90 pa.
Westcott, Charles . Crosbies Planter ; = 3 |
White, Arthur ..| City ) Clerk ae 7
Williams, Wilfred beet a Garage Proprietor Income of £30 p.a. |
Wilson, Alexander Stanley 4 Gunthorpes Accountant Salary of £50 p.a. |
Winter, Igal | City ' Stevedore | s *
Yearwood, Keith ..| Gunthorpes | Overseer ray 3
Yearwood, Percy Hamble we] i Planter | » 95, £200 p.a. S.J.
York, William Anthony +++} City | Restaurant Proprietor) Income of £30 p,a.
Younis, Antoine asa <3 Merchant | iy 5 o
: |

The above are the persons whom it is proposed to insert in the Juror’s Register for the year 1955. The List
will be revised at the sitting of the Magistrate’s Court to be holden at the City of Saint John, in the Antigua Circuit,
on Thursday the 23rd day of December, 1954, at 9 o,clock in the forenoon, and the Magistrate may then make such |

changes therein as he may think fit, either by adding or striking out names, or otherwise.

Any person, whether

included or not included in the said list, may then appear, personally or by his Counsel or Solicitor, and claim that
he is, or ig not, liable to serve as a Common or Special Juror, as the cage may be, or, if unable to attend personally,
may give the Magistrate notice in writing of his claim, supporting it with sach evidence as he may think fit, and the

Magistrate will then, as far as he reasonably can, inquire into the claim.

The Magistrate’s decision in revising the

said ligt, will be conclusive, and all persons included in the said list, after it has been revised by the Magistrate, will
be liable during the year 1955 to be summoned and serve ay Common or Special Jurors, as the case may be, notwith-
standing any disqualifications or exemption other than illness or unavoidable accident.

Dated this 6th day of Decemnber, 1954.

_ H. L. S. MOSELEy,
Registrar for the Antigua Circutt.

16 December, 1954.] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE * Bb8

Control of Imports and Exports

Notice No. 5 of 1954

Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “E” grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.I.F. Antigua and should
include agents comuiussion. ‘Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.

2. The “KE” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard:—

Maximum moisture vue 14.00%
Maximum ash ne 52%
Minimum protein a 12.00%

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—

Minimum. Maximum.
Thiamine 2.0 2.5 milligrams for each Ib. flour
Riboflavine 1.2 1.5 ” 7 :
Niacine 16.0 20.0 ” ” ’
Tron 13.0 16.5 7 _ 5)
With Calcium Car-
bonate 500 600 ” ” ”

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
duly notarised must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to arrange
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.

Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is en-
riched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour” must be stencilled on each bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped to arrive in Antigua
during February, March and April, 1955 at a monthly rate of 5,000 half-bags of 100 lbs. each.

4. Tenders should be in a sealed envelope marked “ Tenders for Hour” and should be addressed
to His Honour the Administrator an] should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 12 noon on

the 31st December, 1934.
5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Adininistrator’s Office,

Vth December. 1954:

Ref. No. A.40/18,


Printed al he Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands, byfE. 4. BLACKMAN, E.D,
Goverument Printer. By Authority,

[Price 57 cents.]
Noa, 14 of 1954. Central Library.
| L.S. |

1 Assenv,
PD, Macposanp,
(sovernor’s Deputy.

20th November, 1954.

No. 14 of 1954.

An Ordinance to make provision for the
establishment of a Central Library in the

ENACTED by the Legislature of Montser-
rat as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Central Library Ordinance, 1954.

2. The Governor may out of such funds
as may be available to him for that purpose re-
organise and maintain the library facilities
authorised ander the Public Library Ordinance,
{981 and in addition may establish and main-
tain such other facilities and provide such other
services as in his opinion are desirable in order
to provide an efficient publie library and library
service throughout the Presidency to be called
“the Central Library of Montserrat’ and for
those purposes may enter into mutual arrange-
ments with other official and unofficial libraries
within and without the Presidency.

3. (1) For the purposes of this Ordinaice
there shall be established a Board to be styled
the Central Library Board hereinafter called
“the Board” and composed of not less than six
members nominated by the Governor, not less
than two members elected by the subscribing
members of the Central Library and such other
members as may be co-opted by the Board under
sub-section (2) of this section.

(2) The Board may, with the approval of
the Governor. co-opt as members, for a stated
period not excecding twelve months, persons


Short title.

ment of Cen-
tral Library.


Central Li-
brary Board,

Chairman of

Meetings of
the Board.


2 Central Library. No. 14 of 1954.

with expert knowledge or experience required
by the Board in the discharge of its duties.
The total number of members so co-opted shall
not exceed three.

(3) Phe period of serviee of nominated
and elected members of the Board shall be two
vears, but any member may be renominated or
re-elected as the case may be.

(+) Any member of the Board may resign
his seat bv letter addressed to the (governor, and
the Governor may at any time revoke any nomi-
nation which he has made.

(5) Any member of the Board who has
not, on the 31st day of December in each year,
attended at least one-third of the meetings of
the Board during the preceding twelve months
or during his tenure of oftice in such months,
shall be considered to have vacated his seat on
the Board, unless he has been absent owing to
ill-health or with the leave of the Governor.

(6) In case of the absence on leave or
owing to ill-health or any nominated member of
the Board, the Governor may appoint any per-
son suitably qualified to act in his stead.

(7) In the case of the absence on leave or
owing to ill-health of any elected, or co-opted
meniber of the Board, the subscribing members
shall elect and the Board may with the approval
of the Governor co-opt a suitably qualified per-
son to act in the stead of such elected member
or vo-opted member, as the case may be.

4. The (hairman of the Board shall be
nominated by the Governor. If he be absent
from any meeting, the Board may elect one of its
members as Chairman of that meeting.

5. (1) The Roard shall mect at such times
as nay be necessary or expedient for transacting
ity business.

(2) The Chairman may at any time sum-
mon a meeting of the Board and on a requisition
by any three meinbers he shall summon a meet.
» No. d4 of 1954. 9 Central Libaary. 3 MonTsERRaT,

ing. Such requisition shall state the object for
which the meeting is required to be summoned.

(3) Decisions of the Board may be taken at
meetings or, in cases in which the Chairman
shall so direct, by the recording of the opinions
of members on papers circulated among them
The Chairman may direct that papers shall not
be circulated to any member who through
interest, illness, absence from the Presidency or
otherwise is, in the opinion of the Chairman,
ineapacitated from voting on such papers.

(4) The quorum of the Bourd at any meeting
or for the purpose of voting on papers circulated
shall be three.

(5) The decision of the Board shall be by
the majority of votes. The Chairman shall have
an original vote and in any case in which the vot-
ing is equal he shall have a second or casting vote.

(6) The Librarian, or in his absence any
other suitable person appointed under section 8 of
this Ordinance, shall be Secretary to the Board
and shall attend each meeting of the Board and
may speak but shall have no vote.

(7) The Librarian shall keep a true account
of the proceedings of all meetings of the Board
and shall record the same in a minute book kept
for that purpose.

6. The Board shall be primarily a consulta- Status ef
tive body constituted to advise on any matter on
which concerns the Central Library of MLontserrat
or public libraries generally and which — the
Governor may include within its scope.

7. The functions of the Board shall be— ena of
(a) to advise the Governor in regard to
pablic hbrary policy and principles and_ to
submit its views on any ea, concerning
public libraries which the Governor may refer
to it or on any aspect of public library poliey
r administration which in its opinion requires

of Librarian,
Officers and



4 Central labrary. No. 14 of 1944,

(6) to undertake such executive duties
as the Governor may from time to time
impose, either indefinitely or for a stated

8. The Governor after consulting the Board
may appoint a Librarian and such other Officers
und servants as he may deem fit, for the purpose
of carrying out this Ordinance at such salaries as
he may, with the consent of the Legislative
Council from time to time direct.

9. 'The Governor in Council, after consult-
ing the Board, may make regulations—

(@) governing the use by any person or
body of persons of the library facilities provi-
ded under this Ordinance;

(0) prescribing the sums to be collected
in respect of subscriptions payable by the
subscribing members, fines or any Other mat-
ter or thing;

(c) prescribing ‘the duties and powers
of the Librarian and other officers and ser-
vants appointed under this Ordinance; and

(d¢) generally, for carrying out the pur-
poses of this Ordinance,

and may attach to the breach of any such regula-
tion a penalty not exceeding ten dollars recoverable
on summary conviction.

10. The expenses of carrying out this Ordi-
nance shall be defrayed out of —

(#) such moneys as may from time to
time be appropriated for the purpose by the
Legislative Council out of the general revenue
of the Presidency;

(6) subscriptions paid by subscribing

(¢) penalties and fines imposed and re-
covered under the provisions of any regula-
tions made under this Ordinance;
No. 14 of 1954. Central Library. 5

(d) gifts, grants, and bequests derived
from any public or private source.

11. (1) All penalties and fines imposed by
regulations made under the provisions of this Or-
dinance shall be recoverable in the manner provi-
ded by the Mayistrate’s Code of Procedure Act,
and proceedings may be instituted and conducted
by the Librarian or by any person authorised by
the Board either generally or for any particular

(2) All penalties and fines received by a
Magistrate under this Ordinance shall be paid by
nim co the Librarian,

12. The Public Library Ordinance, 1931, is
hereby repealed.
Aitan F. G. Loursy,

Passed the Legislative Council this 29th day
of October, 1954.

Jas. H. Carrort,
Cierk of the Council.



Recovery of

Cap, 61.


Printed at the ¢iovernment Printing Ottive, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLhackivan, Government Printer.—By Authority.


500— 12.54. [Prtee 7 cents.]

No. of 1954. Motor Vehrelos. Virais
| L.S.]
I Assent,

P. D. Macponarp,
Governor’s Deputy.
%th October, 1954.

No. 9 of 1954.

An Ordinance relating to the use, licensing, regis-
tration and operation of amotor vehicles. on
roads and for purposes connected therewith.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Virgin
Islands as follows:

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Motor Short title.
Vehicles Ordinance, 1934.

2. In this Ordinance, unless the context
otherwise requires—

“Commissioner”? means the person for the
time being holding the office of Com-
missioner of the Presidency «and includes
every person acting as Commissioner in
his stead;

“driver”, where a separate person acts as
steersman of a motor vehicle, includes that
person, as well as any other person
engaged in the driving of the motor
vehicle, and the expression “ drive ”’ shall
be construed accordingly ;

“motor cycle ” means a motor vehicle with less
than four wheels not equipped with means
of reversing and the weight of which
unladen does not exceed 8 ewt.;

‘motor vehicle’? means any mechanically
propelled vehicle intended or adapted for
use on roads;

‘overtaking ”’ includes passing or attempting
to pass any other vehicle proceeding in the
same direction;
VIRGIN ? Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of M54. *

“ owner’, in the case of a motor vehicle that
is registered, means the person in whose
name the vehicle is registered:

Provided that in the case of a motor
vehicle which is the subject of a hire
purchase agreement it means the person
in possession of the vehicle under the

Provided further that whenever the
registered owner of a motor vebicle is
absent froin the Presidency the person
in actual charge or possession of the
vehicle in the Presidency shall be deemed
to be the owner thereof;

“ pnrescribed ’ means prescribed by Regulations;
y tveg ;

“ Regulations” means Regulations made under
this Ordinance;

‘road ” means any street, road or open space
to which the public are granted access and
any bridge over which a road passes, and
includes any privately owned street, road
or open space to which the public are
granted access either generally or con-
ditionally ;

* section’? means section of this Ordinance;

‘traffic sign” includes all signals, warning
signposts, direction posts, signs, lines,
marks or other devices for the guidance
of persons using the road;

‘“ Treasurer’? meuns the officer for the time
being lawfully discharging the dutics of
Treasurer of the Presidency and includes
the Assistant Treasurer of the Presidency.

Establish. 8. (1) There shall be established as soon as
ao may be after the commencement of this Ordinance
Commission. a body to be called the Public Transport Com-
mission (hereinafter referred to as “the Com-
inission ”) consisting of not less than five persons,
one of whom shall be the Officer in charge of the
Virgin Islands Division of the Leeward Islands

Police Force, to be appointed by the Commissioner,
No* 9 of 1954. Motor Vehielos. 3 Vircis


(2) The Commissioner shell appoint one of
such persons to be chairman of the Commission.

(3) The Commissioner may appoint another
person in the place of any member of the Com-
mission who, throuch illness, sbsence from the
Presidency or for any other cause is unable to sit
on the Commission.

(4) The Commission may act by any three of
its members, and may so act notwithstanding any
vacancy in the number of members constituting the

(5) The Commission shall have power to
regulate its own procedure.

(6) The Commission may, from time to time,
delegate to any of its members the performance of
all or any of the duties and the exercise of all or
any of the powers vested in the Commission under
this Ordinance or of any Regulations.
4. It shall be the duty of the Commission— Duties of
(a) to regulate and control traffic on
roads ;
(6) to keep records of all accidents on
(c) to furnish annually to the Com-
missioner a report of all accidents on roads
which result in death or injury to persons, and
as far as practicable the causes attributable to
such accidents;

(d) to keep a Driver’s Offences Book;

(e) to issue licences and certificates of
registration in respect of vehieles, driver’s
licences and conductors’ licences;

(7) to keep a Register of —
(i) motor vehicles; and
(ii) licensed motor drivers;

(g) to examine and report upon the
condition, construction and equipment of any
motor vehicle;
Vials 4 Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 1954. *


(h) to test applicants for drivers’ licences
as to their competence to drive, and, if
satisfied, to grant the necessary certificate of
competency ;

(2) to perform all such other duties as are
or may be imposed upon it by this Ordinance.

Erection of 5. (1) The Commission may cause or permit
tatticsigns. traffic signs to be placed on or near any road.

(2) Traffic signs ereeted under subsection (1)
may be signs for any of the following purposes :-—

(a) to regulate the movement of motor
vehicles: :

(6) to indicate the route to be followed
by motor vehicles;

(c) to restrict or prohibit the use of any
part of any road by motor vehicles;

(d) to prohibit the driving of any motor
vehicles on any road otherwise than in a certain
direction ;

(¢) to indicate maximum speed limits in
any area or on any part of any road so that
motor vehicles driven in excess of such speed
shall be taken to have failed to conform to the
indication given by the sign;

(/) to restrict or prohibit the parking of
motor vehicles in any area or on any part of
any road.

(3) Traffic signs shall be of the kinds and of
the descriptions prescribed by Regulations.

Siens deemed 6. Iivery traffic sign placed on or near any
to be lawfully road, which is of a nd. ape or aie oe
rescribed, shall be deemed to have been lawfully
placed by the Corimission.

Signification 7. Regulations which prescribe the kinds and
ot indication descriptions of trai¥ic signs may prescribe that any
preseribed, sign or words or symbol or design shall be inter-
preted as giving a particular indication and may
prescribe and explain the action required to comply

with such indication.
No®9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles. 5

8. No person shall injure, deface, remove or
in any manner interfere with any traffic sign law-
fully placed on any road by or under the direction
of the Commission.

9. (1) Save as hereinafter provided in this
Ordinance, no person shall drive or, being the owner,
shall permit any other person to drive a motor
vehicle on a road unless such vehicle is registered
under this Ordinance, aud has affixed thereto in the
prescribed manner the prescribed indentification

Provided that no persou shall be lable to a
penalty for a breach of this section if he proves that
he has taken all reasonable steps to comply with its
requirements, and that the motor vehicle was being
driven ona road for the purpose of being registered,

(2). The onus of proving that a motor vehicle
has been registered shall be upon the owner of such

10. (1) No person shall drive, or, being the
owner, shall permit any other person to drive, a
motor vehicle on a road unless such vehicle is
licensed under the provisions of this Ordinance, and
if after the commencement of this Ordinance

(a) the owner of any motor vehicle keeps
for use or allows to be kept for use such
vehicle without having obtained, or otherwise
fails or omits to obtain, the relevant licence
prescribed in respect of that motor vehicle; or

(6) any motor vehicle is used upon any
read fora purpose which is not authorised by
the licence issued in respect thereof or in eon-
travention of any provisions ©! this Ordinance,

the owner or driver or other person in charge of
the motor vehicle who contravenes any of the
provisions of the foregoing paragrephs (a) and (0)
shall on summary conviction be liable to a penalty
not exceeding fifty dollars.

(2) Where the driver of any motor vehicle Is
charged with an offence under subsection (1) of this
section, it shall be lewful for the Magistrate to


with signs.

of motor

Livensing, ete.

and suspen-
sion of licence,

6 Motor Vehicles. No.9 of 1954.

order that a summons be issued against any person
alleged by the driver to be the owner of the motor
vehicle, making such alleged owner a co-defendant
in the case; and the Magistrate may, after hearing
the evidence and witnessess of all parties, make
such order in regard to the payment of any penalty
and costs as to the Mavistrate seems just.

(3) A person shall not be convicted of an
offence under this section if he proves that he has
not had » reasonable opportunity of obtaining a
licence for the motor vehicle and that such vehicle
was being driven for the purpose of obtaining a

(4) Every motor vehicle shall, in all proceed-
ings under this Ordinance, be deemed to be kept for
use, until the contrary be proved by the owner of
such vehicle.

(5) Upon any conviction for an offence under
paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section, the
Magistrate, in addition toany other penalty which
inay be imposed, unless such licence fee has been
paid subsequent to the commission of the offence,
shall order the owner of the motor vehicle to pay
into Court to the credit of the Treasurer the amount
of the relevant licence fee which would have been
payable if such licence had been taken out at the
proper time, and in default of payment of such
amount the owner shall be liable to imprisonment
with or without hard labour for a term not exceed-
ing three months.

11. (1) The Commission shall have power
to call up for examination af any time any
motor vehicle which it has reasou to believe is
not in a fit and proper state of repair or does not
conform to the provisions of this Ordinance or of
any Regulations as regards construction, equip-
ment, dimensions and maintenance.

(2) Tf upon such examination, the Com-
mission is satisfied that the motor vehicle is so
constructed or is in such a condition as to be a
source of danger to any person travelling in the
motor vehicle or to other users of the r 7 or to
be injurious to the roads themselves or ¢ tnerwise

No.9 of 1954. Motor Vehrelels. 7

contravenes anv provisions of this Ordinance or
any Regulations, the Commission may cancel or
suspend any licence subsisting in respect of such
vehicle, :

(3) A licence suspended by virtue of this
section shall, during the time of the suspension,
be of no effect.

12. (1) Where a motor vehicle is brought
into the Presidency for the purpose of being
used by the owner duri nga visit the Commission
inay issue to him a temporary licence to use the
motor vehicle for not imore than three months
on payment of the prescribed fee:

Provided that before a temporary licence is
issued, the visitor shall satisfy the Commission
that he holds a valid lieenee issued in the
country in which such motor vehicle was last

(2) A motor vehicle being used under the
authority of a temporary licence shall be subject
to such conditions as inay from time to time be
prescribed, and shail “bear the identification
marks of the country where it was last registered
together with such other distinguishing mark as
may be preseribed.

(3) No motor vehicle used under the
authority of a temporary licence shall be used
for hire or trade purposes.

13. (1) Saveas in this section provided,
no person shall drive a motor vehicle on any
road unless he is the holder of a driver’s licence
and no person shall employ anv other persor to
drive a motor vehicle on any road unless the
person so employed is the holder of a “Chauf-
feur’s Licence”: and if any person acts in con-
travention of the provisions of this section he
shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordi-

Provided that if the offender has been pre-
vionsly refused a driving licence or is disquali-
fied for holding or obtaining such a licenee he


Visitor’s tem-


Classes of

Foun ot

Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 195-4.

be arrested forthwith without a warrant

and he shall on summary conviction be liable to
imprisonment tor a term not exceeding six
months or toa fine net execeding five hundred

(2) For the purpose of learning to drive, a

person not having a driver's licence may—

(¢) use a motor evele upon such roads
and during such times as may be authorised
in writing by the Comunissiou;

(h) drive any motor vehicle upon such
roads and during such times as may be
avuthorvised in writing by the Commission, if
accompanied for the purpose of instruction
by a person holding a driver's licence and
sitting next to the driver. In such case both
the learner and the person accouipanying
him shall be jomtly aad severally Hable for
any offence against this Ordinance or of
any legalations eommitted during the
course of such instruction.

14. Wrivers’ licenees shall be of three

classes, that is to say——

(a) “A Motor Cyele Driver’s Licence”
which shall entitle the holder thereof to
drive a motor cycle, with or without a side-

(b) “A Private Driver's Licence”
which shall entitle the holder thereof to
drive, not for reward, such class or classes
of motor vehicles as may be specified in the
licence and which his driving test proves
him competent to drive;

(¢) “A Chaulfeur’s Licence? which
shall entitle the holder thereof to drive such
class or classes of motor vehicles as may be
specified in the licence and which his driv-
ing test prove him competent to drive,

18. Drivers’ Licences shall be such

form as may be prescribed and shall have attixved
thereto the signature of the holder thereol.



No. 9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles. 9

16. (1) A person shall be disqualificd for
holding or cbtaining a driver’s licence—

(a) if he is by a conviction under this
Ordinance or by an order of court thereun-
der disqualified for holding or obtaining a

(0) im respect of a motor cycle. if he is
under the age of sixteen years;

(e) in respect of any other motor
vehicle if he is under the age of eighteen

(d¢) if he is suffering from any disease
or other disability which in the opinion of
the Commission would be likely to cause
the driving of a motor vehicle by him to be
a source of danger to the public:

Provided that if a licence is refused by
virtue of this provision the applicant may
claim to be subjected to a test as to his fit-
hess or ability to drive a motor vehicle and
if he passes such test and is not otherwise
disqualified the licence shall not be refused
by reason only of the provision of this

(2) During such time as any driver's licence
is suspended the holder thereof shall be disquali-
fied for holding or obtaining a driver's licence.

17. (1) Tt shall be lawful for the Com-
mission to grant a temporary driver's licence
other than a Chaulfeur’s Licence for any period
not exceeding three months to any applicant for
the same, when it is shewn to its satisfaction
that the applicant is a bona fide visitor to the

(2) Such temporary driver's licence may he
granted with or without any driving test on the
part of the applicant, but shall be subject to
such Conditions as tay be stipulated on the
licence and to the payment of the prescribed fce.


Diss vali tion
tien for


of driver's

of driver’s
licence for


10 Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 1954

18. The driver of a motor vehicle shall,
on being so required by any police oilicer, pro-
duce his driver's licence for examination soas to
enable such police ofticer to ascertain the name
and address of the holder of the licence and the
date of issue of the same, and if he faiis so to do
he shall be liable on summary convietion to a
pevalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars:

Provided that, if. within forty-eight hours
after the production of his licence was required,
the holder produces the licence in person at such
police station as may be specified to him at the
time its production was required, he shall not be
charged under this section.

19. If it appears to the Cominission that
there is reason to believe that any person who
holds a driver's licenee is suffering from a
disease or physical disability likely to cause the
driving by him of a motor vehicle, heine a
vehicle of any such class or description as he is
authorised by the licence to drive, to be a source
of danger to the public, and if, on enquiring into
the matter, the Commission is satistied that the
holder of the licence is sulfering from such
disease or disability as aforesaid then whether or
not the holder of the licence so suffering as
aforesaid, has previously passed a driving test,
the Commission may, after givine to the holder
of the licence, notes of his intention so to do,
revoke the licence, and the holder shall on
receipt of such notice deliver the licence to the
Commission for cancellation.

20. (1) No person shall drive a motor
vehicle at a speed | greater than the speed speci-
fied in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance as
the maximum speed at which such vehicle may
be driven on a particular class of road,

(2) Any person who contravenes the pro-
visions of subsection (1) of this seetion shall be
guilty of an offence against this Ordinance.

(3) % person charged under this section
with the offence of driving a motor vehicle on a
road at a speed greater than the maximum speed
No. 9 of 1954. = Motor Vehicles, 11

allowed in the case of such vehiele shall net he
Hable to be convieted of the offence solely on i the
evidence of one witness to the effect that in the
opinion of the witness the person charged was
driving the vehicle at such greater speed.

(1) Any person being the owner of a motor
vehicle, who aids, abets, counsels or procures
any person who is employed by him to drive
such motor vehicle on a road to commit an
offence under this section shall be guilty of an
offence against this Ordinance.

(5) The Commission may, by order under
its hand, oe the driving of motor vehicles
over any bridge at a speed greater than that
specified in such order. Any such order shall
be published in the Gazetfe, and the limit of
speed to be observed shall be indicated on notice
hoards to be fixed at such bridge.

(6) The Governor in Council may by order
vary, or revoke any of the provisions of the
Second Schedule to this Ordinance.

21. (1) Any person who when driving or

attempting to drive, or when in charge of, a:

motor vehicle on a road is under the intluence
of drink or drug to suel an extent as to be in
rapable of having proper control of the vehicle,
shall be liable on summary conviction to a
penalty not exceeding two hundred and_ fifty
dollars or to imprisonment with or without
hard labour for a term not exeeeding four
months, and ui the case of a second or sub-
sequent convielion either to a penalty not,
exceeding five lumdred dollars cr to imprison-
ment fora term not exeeeding six months or to
hoth such penalty and imprisonment.

2) A person convicted of an offence under
this a shall, without prejudice to the power
of the Court to order a longer period of disquali-
fication, be disqualified fora period of twelve
months from the date of the convietion for
holding ov obtaining a driver's Ucence, aml on a
second conyiction tov a like offenee he shall be


Drivers when
influence of
liquor or

Reckless or


12 Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 1954.

permanently disqualified for holding or obtain-
ing a driver’s licence.

(3) Any police officer may arrest without
warrant any person committine an offence
under this section.

22. (1) Any person who drives a motor
vehicle on a road recklessly, or at a speed or in
a manner which is dangerous to the public,
having regard to all the cireumstances of the
case, including the nature, condition and use of
the road, and the amount of traffic which is
actually at the time, or which miglit reasonably
be expected to be, on the road, shall be liable—

(¢) on summary conviction to a
penalty not exceeding two hundred and
fitty dollars or to imprisonment with or
without hard labour fora term not exceed.
ing four months, and in the case of a second
or subsequent conviction either to a penalty
not exceeding four hundred dollars or to
imprisonment with or without hard labour
for a term not execeding six months or to
both such penalty and imprisonment;

(4) on conviction on indictment to
imprisonment with or without hard labour
for a term not exceeding two years, or toa
fine, or both such imprisonment and _ fine.

(2) A person convicted of an offence under
this section shall, without prejudice to the
power of the Court to order a Jonger period of
disqualification, be disqualified [or holding or
obtaining a driver's licence for a period of six
months from the date of the eonviction and on a
third conviction for a like offence he shall be
permanently disqualitied for holding or obtain-
ing a driver’s licence.

208. If any person drives a motor vehicle
en a road without due care and attention, or
without reasonable consideration for other per-
sons using the road, he shall be guilty of an
offence and snall be liable on stummary convic-
tion to a penalty not exceeding one bundred and

t ; 5


N®. 9 of 1954. Votor Vehicles, 13

twenty dollars and on a second or subsequent
conviction for a like offence to be disqualified
for holding or obtaining a driver’s licence for
such period as the Court shall think fit.

24. (1) Any person who promotes or
takes part in a race or trial of speed between
motor vehicles on a road shall be liable on sum-
mary conviction to a penalty not exceeding two
hundred and fifty dollars or to imprisonment
with or without hard labour for a term not
exceeding four months, or to both such penalty
and imprisonment,

(2) A person convicted of an offence under
this section shall, unless the Court for a special
reason thinks fit to order otherwise and without
prejudice to the power of the Court to order a
longer period of disqualification, be disqualified
for holding or obtaining a driver’s licence fora
period of twelve months from the date of the

25. Upon the trial of a person who is
indicated for manslaughter in cornection with
the driving of a motor vehicle by him, it shall
be lawful for the jury, if they are satisfied that
he is guilty of an offence under section 22 to
find him guilty of that offence, whether or not
the requirements of section 27 have been
satisfied as respects that offence.

26. Where a person is charged summarily
before a Magistrate with an offence under
section 22 (which relates to reckless or danger-
ous driving) and the Magistrate is of the opinion
that the offence is not proved, then at any time
duving the hearing or immediately thereafter,
the Magistrate may, without prejudice to any
other powers possessed by him, direct or allow a
charge for an offence under section 23 (which
relates to carcless driving) to be preferred forth-
with against the denfendant and may thereupon
proceed with that charge, so however that the
defendant or his solicitor or counsel shall be
informed of the new charge and be given an
opportunity, whether by way of cross-examin-


Racing and
spead trials.

Power to
conviet for
reckless or

Power to
proceed on
charge for
driving on
hearing of
charge under
section 22.

Warning of


14 Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 1954.

ing anv witness whose evidence, has already been
viven against the defendant or otherwise, of
answering the new charge, and the Magistrate
shall, if he considers that the defendant is
prejudiced in nis defence by reason of the new
charge being preferred, adjourn the hearing.

27. (1) Where a person is prosecuted for
an offence under any of the provisions of this
Ordinance relating respectively to the maximum
speed at which motor vehicles may be driven, to
reckless or dangerous driving, or to careless
driving, he shal] not be convicted unless either —

(a) he was warned at the time the
offence was committed that the question of
prosecuting him for an offence under some
one or other of the provisions aforesaid
would be taken into consideration; or

(0) within fourteen days of the com-
mission of the offence a summons for the
offence was served on him; or

(c) within the said fourteen days a
notice of the intended prosecution specify-
ing the natnre of the alleged offence and
the time and place where it is alleged to
have been committed was served on or sent
by registered post to him or the person
registered as the owner of the vehicle at the
time of the commission of the offence:

Provided that-—

(i} failure to comply with this
requirement shall not be a bar to the
conviction of the accused in any case
where the Court is satisfied that—

(a) neither the name and address
of the accused nor the name and
address of the registered owner of the
vehicle could with reasonable diligenec
have been ascertained in time for a
summons to be served or for a notice to

be served or sent as aforesaid; or


NO. 9 of 1954. Motor J ehieles. 15

(b) the accused by his ewn con-
duct contributed to the failure;

(ii) the a ent of this section
shall in every case be deemed to have
been complied with unless the contrary
is proved.

28. (1) If the driver of a motor vehicle
who is alleged to have committed an offence
under the foregoing provisions of this Ordinance
as to reckless or dangerous driving or careless
driving refuses. on being required by any per-
son having reasonable grounds for so requiring,
to vive his name and address, or gives a false
name and address, he shall be euilty of an
offence against this Ordinance.

(2) Any police officer may arrest without
warrant the driver of any motor vehicle who
within his view commits any offence under the
provisions of this Ordinance as to reckless or
dangerous driving or careless driving or racing
on a road, unless the driver either gives his
name and address or produces his driver's
licence for examination.

(3) Any person driving a motor vehicle on
a road shall stop the vehicle on heing so required
by a police officer or a local constable wearing
his hadge of office and if he fails so to do he
shall be liable on summary conviction to a
penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars.

29. (1) It shall not be lawful for more
than two persons to ride abreast on a road upon
a motor eyele:

Provided that a person shall- not be con-
victed under this section in respect of the over-
taking of two persons so viding where at the
point of overtaking on the road there is an
absence of other traffic.

(2) It shall not be lawful for any person
while riding a motor cycle on a road—

(a) to hold on to any other moving
vehicle or toany animal; or


Duty to give
namo and
address and to
stop. Power
of arrest in
COrtaiD cases,

on riding:
abreast hold-
ing on to
vehicle and
pillion ridine,

Duty to stop
in case of

16 Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 195¢h.

(6) to vide such motor eyele without at
least one hand being on the handle bar of such
motor cycle.

(3) Tt shall not be lawful for more than one
person in addition to the driver to be carried on any
two-wheeled motor cycle, nor shall it be lawful for
any such one person to be so carried otherwise than
sitting astride the motor evele and on a proper seat
sceurely fixed to the motor cycle behind the driver's

(4) [Ef any person contravenes the provisions
of this section he shall be liable on summary con-
viction to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars in the
ease of a first conviction and to a penalty not
exceeding twenty-five dollars in the case of a second
or subsequent conviction.

30. (1) (a) If in any case, owing to the
presence of a. motor vehicle on a road, an accident
occurs whereby damage or injury is caused to any
person, vehicle or animal, the driver of the motor
vehicle shall stop and, if required so to do by any
person having reasonable grounds for so requiring.
give his name and address and also the name and
address of the owner and the identification marks of
the vehicle.

(b) If in the case of any such accident as
aforesaid the driver of the motor vehicle for any
reason does not give his name and address to any
such person as aforesaid, he shall report the accident
at a police station or to a police officer as soon as
reasonably practicable, and in any case within
twenty-four hours of the occurrence thereof.

(c) In this section the expression “animal”
ineans any horse, cattle, ass, mule, sheep, goat or

(2) In the case of any such accident as afore-
said the Commission may direct enquiry to be made
into the cause of such accident by any police officer
or other person authorised by it in writing; and
such police officer or other person may, on produc-
tion if so required of his authority, inspect any
vehicle in connection with which the accident arose,
and for that purpose may enter at any reasonable

No“9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles. 7

time upon any premises where the vehicle is; and
if any person obstructs any person so authorised
in the performance of his duty under this subsection
he shall be guilty of an offence.

Ol. If any person—

(a) fradulently imitates, alters, mutilates,
destroys, or uses or fradulently lends or allows
to be used by any other person any identitica-
tion mark, motor vehicle licence, certificate of
reeistration or driving permit issued or deemed
to have been issued under this Ordinance: or

(4) without permission of the owner or
person in charge thereof, clanbs upon or into
or swings upon any motor vehicle, whether the
sane is im motion or stationary, sounds any
norn or other signalling device, or attempts to
manipulate any of the levers, the starter, brakes
or machinery thereof, or in any manner
damages, interferes or tampers with a motor
vehicle or puts in motion the engine thereof,
while it is standing; or

(c) throws any object at a motor vehicle
or at any person in or on such motor vehicle
or places any object in any road whereby
injury or damage to any motor vehicle may
be occasioned; or


(d) wilfully loiters or remains on any
roadway iv such a manner or in such cireum-
stances as to be likely to cause danger or
obstruction to persons driving or propelling
a motor vehicle on the road; or

(e) uses or drives or permits to be used
or driven any motor vehicle on a road in such
defective condition as regards its mechanical
fittings or otherwise as to be a source of danger
to its eceupants or the public; or

(7) being the owner of a motor vehicle
refuses on the request of any police officer—

(1) to give the name and address of
the driver thereof, such driver
having been authorised by such



imitation of

with motor


ete. causing

Using vehicle
in detective

Refusing in-

formation as
to identity of
Virwin 18

Riding on


Giving false

Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 195,

owner to drive the said motor
vehicle; or

(ii) to give all such information in
his possession as would assist in
the discovery or identity of the
driver; or

(vy) rides on the running board, wings or
fenders of a inotor vehicle or on the Gitte of
the vehicle except on a properly constructed
seat; or

(h) being ina motor vehicle in any way
obstructs the driver of such moter velicle
whilst the same is in motion; or

(7) in or in conneetion with application
for a motor vehicle licence or the registration
of a motor vehicle or a driving licence or in
connection with the endorsement of such a
licence, or any change or correction in a motor
vehicle licence or the registration of a motor
vehicle or in giving any information lawfully
demanded or required under this Orcinance
or any Regulations, makes any statement
which is to his knowledge false or in any
material respect misleading

he shall be guilty of an offence against this

Taking motor

S32. (1) If any person uses any motor

vehicle with- | Vehicle without the consent of the owner or other

out consent of

owner, lawful suthority, he shall be guilty of an offence
against this Ordinance:

Provided that the person shall not be convicted

under this section if he proves either—

,@) that he had good reason to believe,
and atid in fact believe, that the owner of the
vehicle would, had he been present, have
consented to the vehicle being used in the
manner in which it was used; or

(6) that he had reasonable cause to
believe and did in fact believe that he had
lawful authority to use the vehicle.
No® 9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles. 19

(2) If any person is convicted under this
section, the Magistrate may, if he thinks fit, either
in addition to or without inflicting any punishment,
order that the person convicted pay to the owner
of the vehicle either or both of the following sums,

a) such sum as, in the opinion of the

Magistrate, would have been charged if the

vehicle had been hired by the person convicted ;

(6) such sum as, in the opinion of the
Magistrate, represents fair compensation for
any damage done to the vehicle,

any payment of such sum shall be entorced in the
manner provided by the Magistrate’s Code of
Procedure Act for the enforcing of the payment of
a fine or order made on complaint.

(3) If on the trial of any indictment for steal-
ing any motor vehicle, the jury are of opinion that
the defendart was not guilty of stealing the vehicle,
but was guilty of an offence under this section, the
jury may find him guilty of an offence under this
section and thereupon he shall be liable to be
punished accordingly.

(4) Any police officer may arrest without
warrant any person reasonably suspected by him
of having committed an offence under this section.

363. The particulars of every conviction for
an offence under this Ordinance including the name
of the offender, and the number of his licence, if
any. shall be furnished by the Clerk or other Officer
of the Court in which the conviction is recorded to
the Commission, who shall enter the same in a book
to he called the Driver’s Offences Book.

34. (1) The Court before which a person is
eonvictel of any offence in connection with the
driving of 1 motor vehicle may, in addition to any
other penalty provided for such offence, and shall,
where so required by the provisions of this Ordi-
nance, order that the offender be disqualified for a
stated period or permanently from holding or
obtaining a driver’s licence cither generally or
limited to the driving of a motor vehicle of any


Cap. 61,

Drivers 7
Offences Book,

tion for

suspension of
licence pend-
ing determina-
tion of =~

application for

ZO Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 1954.

particular class or description; and if the offender
holds a driver’s licence the Court shall endorse upon
the licence particulars of the conviction.

(2) Where an order of disyualification is made
avast the holder of a driver's licence, the licence
shall be suspended so long as the disqualification
continues in force.

(3) A licence suspended by virtue of an order
of disqualification shall during the period of suspen-
sion be of no effect.

(4) A person who by virtue of an order of a
Court under this section is disqualified for holding
or obtaining a driver’s licence may appsal against
the order in the same manner as against a conviction,
and the Court may, if it thinks tit, pending the

appeal, suspend the operation of the order.

35. (1) If and when any person is charged
with manslaughter arising out of the use of any
motor vehicle or with contravening the provisions
of sections 21 and 22, it shall be lawful for the
Commission to order the. suspension of the driver’s
licence of the person so charged pending the deter-
uination of the charge.

(2) Any such licence so suspended shall on
demand by any police officer be surrendered to such
police officer who shall forthwith forward the same
to the Clerk of the Court before which the person
so charged is to appear.

(3) A licence suspended by virtue of this
section shall during the period of suxpension be of
no effect.

36. If any person who under the provisions
of this) Ordinance is disqualified for holding or
obtaining a driver's licence applies for or obtains a
licence while he is so disqualified; or if any person
while he is so disqualified drives a motor vehicle or,
if the disqualification is limited to the driving of a
motor vehicle of a particular class or description,
a motor vehicle of that class or deseription on a
road, or if any person who has been refused a
licence apples for or obtains a licence without
No. 9 of 1954. 9 Motor Vehicles. 21 Vrain


disclosing such refusal he shall he grilty of an
offence, and shall on summary ee be liable
to a penalty not exceeding two hundred and fifty
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
six months, or to both such penalty and imprison-
ment, and the licence obtained by any person so
disqualified, as aforesaid, shall be of no effect.

37. (1) An order that the particulars of any Provisions as
conviction or of any disqualification be endorsed on £0 endorse
any driver's licence held by the offender shall,
whether the offender is at the time the holder of the
licence or not, operate as an order that any licence
he may then hold or m: ny subsequently obtain shall
he so endorsed until he becomes entitled ander the
provisions of this section to have a licence issued to
him free from endorsement.

(2) Where an order is made requiring any
driver’s licence held by an offender to be endorsed,

(a) if the offender is at the time the
holder of a driver's licence, he shall, if so
required by the Court, produce the licence
within five days or such longer time as the
Court niay determine for the purpose of
endorsement; and

(4) if he is not then the holder of a
driver's licence. but subsequently obtains a
licence, he shall within five days after so
obtaining the licence produce it to the Court
for the purpose of endorsement, and if he fails
so to de, shall be guilty of an offence against
this Ordinance: ial if the licence is not pro-
duced for the purpose of endorsement within
such time as aforesaid, it shall be suspended
from the expiration of such time until it is
produced for the purpose of endorsement.

(5) On the issue of a new driver’s licence to
any person, the particulars endorsed on any
previous licence held by him shall be copied on
to the new licence onless he has previously
heecome entitled under the provisions of this
section to have a licence issucd to him free from


22 Motor Fehicles. No. 9 of 1974.

(4) if any person whose driver’s licence has
been ordered to he endorsed and who has not
previously become entitled under the provisions
of this section to have a licence issued to him
free from endorsement applies for or obtains a
licence without giving particuiars oi the order,
he shall he euilty of an offence avainst this Ordi-
nance, and any licence so obtained shall be of
no effect.

(5) Where a person, in respect of whom an
order has been made under this Ordinance
requiring the endorsement of any licence held
by him, has during a continuous period of two
years since the order was made had no barge
order made against him. he shall be entitled,
any time thereafter, subject to payment of the
prescribed fee, and subjeet to the surrender of
any subsisting licence, to have issued to him a
new licence free front. endorsement:

Provided that, in reckoning the said period
of two years, any period diving which the per-
son was by virtue of the order disqualitied for
holding or obtaining a driver’s leence shall be

(6) Where a Court orders particulars to be
endorsed on a driver’s licence held by any per-
son, or where by eon chon or order of a Court a
person is disqualified for holding or obtaining a
licence, the clerk or other officer of the Court
shall od a notice of the order to the Connunis-
sion, and, in any case where a person is so dis-
qualified, shall also on the production of the
licence for the purpose of endorsement retain the
licence and forward it to the Commission who
shall keep the licence until the disqualification
has expired or been removed, and the person
entitled to the licence has made a demand in
writing for its return to him.

(7) Where the disqualification to which a
person has become subject is limited to the
driving of a motor vehicle of a particular class
or description, the Comunission to whom that
person's licence has been forwarded under the

No. 9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles. 93

preceding subsection shall forthwith after the
receipt thereof issue to that person a new licence
on which there shall be indicated in the pre-
scribed manner the class or description of
vehicle which the holder of the licence is not
thereby authorised to drive, and the licence so
issued shall remain in force either for the un-
expected period of the original licence or for the
period of the disqualification, whichever is the

(8) Where on an appeal against any such
order the appeal is allowed, or where any such
conviction is quashed, the Court by which the
appeal is allowed or the conviction is quashed
shall send notice thereof forthwith to the Com-

38. (1) The fees specified in the First
schedule to this Ordinance shall be payable to
the Commission in respect of the several matters
to which they are applicable.

(2) All fees and duties received by the
Commission shall be paid into the Public Treas-
ury of the Presidency to the credit of the
General Kevenue,

(3) The Governor in Council may by order
amend, vary, suspend or revoke any or all of the
provisions of the First Schedule to this Ordi-

Provided that an order made under this
subsection shall be of no effect unless and until
approved by a resolution passed by the Legisla-
tive Council.

39. The contents of the Register of
Motor Vehicles, the Kegister of Licensed Motor
Drivers, and the Register of Drivers’ Offences
shall respectively be prime pacve evidence of the
facts contained therein in all proceedings under
this Ordinance.

40. (1) Ifa licence issued under the pro-

visions of this Ordinance or any Regulations is

lost, defaced, mutilated, or rendered illegible,


Fees and

evidence of


Power to

detain vehicle,

Exemption of
fire engines,
&e, from
speed limit.


: 7 ,*
24, Motor Vehicles. No. 9 of 1954

the Commission shall issue a duplicate licence
on payment of the prescribled fee.

(2) Where any licence which has been lost
is subsequently found, the holder of the dupli-
cate licence shall forthwith deliver up to the
Commission such duplicate.

41. (1) Itshall be lawful for any police officer
or any local constable wearing ‘his badge of
office to stop any motor vehicle on a road with a
view to ascertaining whether such vehicle is
being used in contravention of this Ordinance or
any Regulations, and in the event of any such
vehicle “being used on a road in such manner,
such police officer may take the vehicle or cause
it to be taken to any police station there to be
further examined or to be detained until the
vehicle and driver can be identified, as the case
nay be.

(2) Any person failing to comply with a
request to stop made under subsection (1) of this
section shall be guilty of an offence against this

(3) Any person authorised in writing by
the Commission may, at all reasonable times,
enter any premises for the purpose of inspect-
ing any motor vehicle on such premises.

42. The provisions of this Ordinance
imposing a speed limit on motor vehicles shall
not apply to any motor vehicle when it is being
used for fire brigade, ambwance or police pur-
poses, if the observance of those provisions
would he likely to hinder the use of the motor
vehicle for the purpose for which it is being
used on that occasion.

48. (1) The Governor in Council may
make Regulations for any of the purposes or
with reference to any of the matters following,
that is to say:—

(a) the registration of motor vehicles
and the particulars to be supplied upon
application for registration, and the man-
ner of verification thereof; the fees payable

Mo. 9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles. 25

on such registration and the classes of
motor vehicles which may he exempted
from the payment of such fees;

(b) licences to owners in respect of
motor vehicles registered and the issue,
renewal, transfer, and period of validity of
the licences;

(c) the fees to be paid upon any issue,
renewal or trausfer of a licence in respect
of motor vehicles and the remission of any
such fees:

(7) the examining and testing of motor
vehicles before registration or the issue or
renewal of certificates for the puposes of
ensuring in any case that the motor vehicle
is of such construction and in such condi-
tion as may be necessary to comply with any
regulations for the time being in force in
respect of the class of vehicle to which it

(e) licences to drivers of motor vehicles
and the issue and renewal of validity of the
licences and the fees to be paid upon any
such issue or renewal or upon any examina-
tion therefor:

(f) the forms to be used in connection
with all such licensing and registration ;

(y) the character and nature of horns
or other instruments capable of giving
audible and suthcient warning of motor
vehicles, and regulating and controlling
their use;

(?) the number, position and kind of
lights and refleetors to be carried on motor
vehicles and the times during which they
are to be exhibited;

(1) the inspection of motor vehicles
and the times, places and manner of such




Conflict of

26 Motor ‘Vehicles, No. 9 of 1954.

(/) the form of identification marks to
be fixed on motor vehicles in respect of
registration and licensing and the sizes and
colour of the letters of and the manner of
displaying such marks:

(4) passengers’ fares and tolls;

(4) the kinds and descriptions of traffie

(m) anything which by this Ordinance
may or is to be prescribed;

(2) generally, for the better earrying
out of the provisions of this Ordinance, and
in particular for the satiety, control and
regulation of traffic and the use of motor
vehicles on any road and the conditions
under which they may be used.

(2) There may be attached to any breach of
any yeg¢ulation mate under subsection (1) of
this section a penalty not exceedipy one hundred
and twenty dollars ov a term of imprisonment
not execeding six months.

44. (1) Any person who acts in contra.
vention of, or fails to coinply with any of the
provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of
an offence against this Ordinance

(2) Any person guilty of an offence against
this Ordinance far which no penalty is expressly
provided shall be liable on sitmmary conviction
to a penalty not exceeding onc hundred and
twenty dollars or to imprisoument for any term
not exceeding six months,

45. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect
any liability of the driver or the owner of a
motor vehicle undcr any other Act or Ordinance
or at common law.

46. Whenever the provisions of this
Ordinance or of any ltegulations nade there-
under are in coutlict witii the provisions of any
Not 9 of 1954. Motor Vehicles, 27 VIRGIN

other Ordinance relating to the control of motor

vehicles on a road the provisions of this Ordi-

nance and the Regulations made thereunder

shall prevail,

47. This Ordinance shall come into opera- Commence-

tion on such day as the Governor may appoint ™°"*
by proclamation published in the G'azelfe.
H. A. C. Howarn,
Passed the Legislative Conneil this 19th
day of August, 1954. .
H. O. CRrEQue,
Clerk of the Council.
1. Motor Cycle wa 5.14
2. Motor Cycle with side car oe 6.86
3. Motor Vehicle (other than a motor evcle not
used commercially) oe 10.29
4. Motor Vehicle (other than motor cycle) used
commercially .. L714
d. Driver’s Licences—
(a) Motor Cycle Driver’s Licence see 171
(6) Private Driver’s Licence ee 1.71
(c) Chantfeur’s Licence ee 3.43
(ad) Visitors temporary Licence ee 6
6. Registration of any motor vehicle oes 2.57
7. Transfer or amendment of registration or
licence Le wot
8. Driving test ae 1.71
9. Duplicate Certificate or licence vee AB


Limits of Speed.
Macimum Speed
Miles per hore.
1. On anv road within the limits of the Town of

toad ‘own, or ima town or village o 15
2. On all roads in the Presidency other than those
specified in paragraph L of this Schedule Le 30

Printed at the Government Printing Office Leeward Islands,
by TE. M Brack Man. Government Printer.--By Authority,

520-——12.54. . [ Price 29 cents]

No. LO of 1954. Legislative Council (Extension
of Duration) (Repeal).



P. D. MacponaLp,
Governor’s Deputy
25th November, 1954.


No. 10 of 1954.

An Ordinance to repeal the Legislative Council
(Extension of Duration) Ordinance, 1953.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Vir-
gin Islands.

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Legislative Council (Extension of Duration)
(Kepeal) Ordinance, 1954.

2. The Legislative Council (Extension of
Duration) Ordinance, 1953 is hereby repealed.

3. This Ordinance shall be deemed to have
come into operation on the 2nd day of September,

H. A. C. Howarp,

Passed the Legislative Council this 9th day
of November, 1954. —

H. O. Crequr,
Clerk of the Council.



Short title.



Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
hy E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.


18/00044—500— 12.54. [Price 3 cents.


No, 11 of 1954. Labour (Amendinent). VIRGIN

P. D. Macponaxp,
Governor’s Deputy.
26th November, 1954.

No. Ll of 1954.

An Ordinance to amend the Labour Ordinance,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Vir-
gin Islands as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Labour (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954, and shall
be read as one with the Labour Ordinance, 1950, sy1ysv.
hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance.

2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is an :

> oft section 2 0

hereby amended as follows:— the Prinvipal

(a) by the substitution for the definition
of the expression “employer” of the follow-
ing definition—

‘Cemployer ’’ means any person or
body of persons, corporate or
unincorporate, hiring or em-
ploying the labour or service
of any workman;’; and

(4) by the deletion of the words “ but
does not include a domestic servant”
appearing in the definition of the expression

8. Section 6 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment
: ac 2° of section 6 of
is hereby amended as follows: the Principal

(a) by the deletion of the words “ to
obtain and” appearing in paragraph (a) of
subsection (1) thereof;


Insertion of
New section in


Labour (Amendment). No Li of 1954.

(6) by the insertion of the werds
“other than domestie servants *~ between
the word “ workmen’ and the word ~ are”
appearing respectively in the second Line of
paragraphs (@) and “(d) of subsection (1)

(c) by the substitution of the words
“to require by notice” for the words * to
obtain and to require, by a notice ”, and by
the substitution of the words “three days
for the words ‘ twenty-four hours” appear-
ing in paragraph (¢) of subsection (1)

(@) by the re-lettering of paragraph (e)
of subsection (1) thereof ‘as paragraph (7)
and by the insertion of the following pare
graph as paragraph (¢)—

‘““(e) to require from any workman
information on all or any of
the matters referred to in the
foregoing paragraphs of this
subsection ;’;

(e) by the insertion of the words
“ ouilty of an offence against this Ordinance
and shall be’ between the word “be” and
the word “ liable” appearing hi ane ee in
subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) thereof;

(7) by the insertion of the words “or
workman ” between the word ‘ ‘employer ”
and the word ‘f who” appearing respectively
in subscetions (6) and (6) thereof,

4. After section 6 of the Paucipal Ordi-

the Principal nance the following section shall be inserted:—


“Liahitity of = 6A. Where any offence against


aeent, ete,

this Ordinance is proved to have been
committed with the eonsent or conni-
mee of, or to be attributable to anv
reckless nezleet of duty on the part of
the divecior, secretary, attorney, agent,
foreman, mianager oor clerk of an
empieyer, such person shall as well as

No. 11 of 1954. Labour (Aimendment). 3. VirGIn


iS pereey amended by the insertion of the word



the employer, be deemed to he guilty of

the offence and = shall be liable to
be proeceded against and punished

Section 8 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment
of section & of
. the Principal
between the word “to” and the word. Ordinance.

appearing in the last line thereof.

H. A. C. Howann,
Py esident.

Passed the Legislative Council this 10th day
of November, 195-4,

H. O. Crequn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Lecward Islands,
by BLM. BLACK WAN, Government Printer.--By Authority,

45/00006-—300-— L254, Price 5 cents,
No. © of 1955 Pensions (Amendiient)


No. of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Pensions Act, 1947.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands.

. 1Â¥' This Act may be cited as the Pensions
(Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Pensions Act, 1947, as amended, herein-
after called the Principal Act.

2. Section 2 of the Principal Act is hereby
amended as follows: —

(a) by the substitution of the words
“Her Majesty's” for the words ‘“ Her
Majesty’ in the twenty-fifth line of the
definition of ‘public service”? in subsection

(1) thereof;

(0) by the substitution of the following
subsection for subsection (2) thereof—

(2) Where the services of an
officer shall have been wholly under the
Government of a Presidency, the powers
vested in the Governor by this Act shall
be exercised, unless the Governor in any
particular case otherwise directs, by the
officer for the time being administering
the Government of that Presidency.”;

} yG
B25, 7297

> dp y 7 i
f #fe A
/ Te “a


Short title.


of section 2
of the Prin-
eipal Act.

Insertion of

Pensions (Amendment) No, of 1955

(ce) by the insertion after subsection (3)
of the following subsection—

““(4) The power vested in the
Governor in Council under subsection (1)
of this section to make an Order declaring
an office to be a pensionable office may, in
the case of an office which is wholly
under the Government of a Presidency,
be exercised by the officer for the time
being administering the Government of
that Presidency with the advice of the
Executive Council of such Presidency.”

3. After section 9 of the Principal Act the

new section — following section shall be inserted:—

in the Prin-
cipal Act.

©“ Increase in
pension in

cases of retire-

ment for ill
health with

more than ten

but less than
twenty years’


9A. Subject to the provisions of this
Act and of the Regulations contained in the
First Schedule thereto, every officer holding a
pensionable office in the Colony who has been
in the service of the Colony in a civil capacity
for more than ten but less than twenty years,
and who retires from the said service in the
circumstances mentioned in paragraph (e) ‘of
section 6 of this Act may, on retirement, be
granted a pension as if his pensionable service
had been twenty years.”

4. The following sections are hereby sub-

oe rere stituted for sections 16 and 17 of the Principal

and 17 of the

Principal Act. Act:—

where officer
dies in the
service or
after retire-

16. (1) (a) Where an officer holding a
pensionable office who is not on probation or
agreement, or an officer holding a_non-
pensionable office to which he has been
transferred from a pensionable office in which
he has been confirmed, dies while in the
service of the Colony, it shall be lawful for
the Governor to grant to his legal personal
representative a gratuity of an amount not
exceeding cither his annual pensionable emol-

uments, or his commuted pension gratuity, if
any, whichever is the greater,
No. of 1955 Pensions (Amendment) 3. Leewarp

(5) For the purposes of this subsection—

(i) “annual pensionable emolu-
ments’’ means the emoluments
which would be taken for the
purpose of computing any pen-
sion or gratuity granted to the
officer if he had retired at the
date of his death in the circum-
stances described in paragraph
(e) of section 6 of this Act;

(ii) “commuted pension gratuity ”
means the gratuity, if any,
which might have been granted
to the officer under regulation
24 of the Schedule to this Act
if his public service had been
wholly in the Colony and if he
had retired at the date of his
death in the circumstances des-
cribed in paragraph (¢) of sec-
tion 6 of this Act and had
elected to receive a gratuity and
reduced pension.

(2) Where any such officer to whom a
pension, gratuity or other allowance has been
granted under this Act dies after retirement
from the service of the Colony, and the sums
paid or payable to him at his death on account
of any pension, gratuity or other allowance in
respect of any public service are less than the
amount of the annual pensionable emoluments
enjoyed by him at the date of his retirement,
it shall be lawful for the Governor to grant to
his legal personal representative a gratuity
equal to the deficiency.

(3) The provisions of this section shall
not apply in the case of the death of any
officer where benefits corresponding to the
benefits which may be granted under this
section are payable ‘under the Colonial Super-
annuation Scheme in respect of such death,
LEEWARD 4 Pensions (Amendment) No. of 1955, ©
IsLANDs. :

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions con-
tained in subsections (1) and (2) of this
section the Governor may in any case where
the amount of the gratuity payable thereunder
does not exceed the sum of four hundred and
eighty dollars, dispense with the production of
probate or letters of administration and cause
the gratuity to be paid to the dependant or
dependants of the officer and, where there is
more than one such dependant, may divide the
gratuity among the dependauts in such pro-
portion as he may think fit.

pene 17. (1) Where an officer dies—
when an : : 7
ollicer dies as (a) in the actual discharge of his
sah duty by some injury specifically attribu-
injuries re- : . . .
calor table to the nature of his duty which is
a aa not wholly or mainly due to, or seriously
sracted im the . . .
discharge of aggravated by, his own serious and cul-
his duties. pable negligence or misconduct; or

(6) as a result of contracting a
disease to which he is specifically exposed
by the nature of his duty, not being a
disease wholly or mt inky due to, or
seriously aig by, his own serious
and culpable negligence or misconduct,

while in the service of the Government of the
Colony, and such death occurs within seven
years of the date of the injury or contracting
the disease, it shall be lawful for the Governor
to grant, in addition to the grant, if any, made
to his legal personal representative under
section 16 of this Act—

(i) if the deceased officer leaves a widow,
a pension to her, while unmarried at
a rate not exceeding ten-sixtieths of
his annual pensionable emoluments

of 1955.




Pensions (Amendment) 5

at the date of the i injury or ninety -
six dollars a year, whichever is the
greater ;

if the deceased officer leaves a widow
to whom « pension is granted under
the preceding paragraph and a child
or children, a pension in respect of
each child, until such child attains
the age of nineteen years, of an
amount not exceeding one-eighth of
the pension prescribed under the
preceding’ paragraph;

if the deceased officer leaves a child
or children, but does not leave a
widow, or no pension is granted to
the widow, a pension in respect of
each child, until such child attains
the age of ‘nineteen years, of double
the amount prescribed by the pre-
ceding paragraph;

if the deceased officer leaves a child
or children and a widow to whom a
pension is granted under paragraph
(i) of this subsection, and the widow
subsequently dies, a pension in
respect of each child as from the
date of the death of the widow
until such child attains the age of
nineteen years, of double the amount
prescribed in paragraph (ii) of this
subsection ;

if the deceased officer does not leave
« widow, or if no pension is granted
to his widow, and if his mother were
wholly or mainly dependent on him
for her support, a pension to the
mother, while without adequate
means of support, of an amount not
exceeding the pension which might
have been granted to his widow;




Pensions (Amendment) No. of 1955.

(vi) if the deceased officer does not leave
a widow or mother, or if no pension
is granted to his widow or mother,
and if his father were wholly or
mainly dependent on him for his
support, a pension to the father
while without adequate means of
support, of an amount not exceeding
the pension which might have been
granted to his widow;

(vil) if the deceased officer does not leave
a child or children who is or are
eligible for a pension under the pro-
visions of this section, and if his
brother or sister were wholly or
mainly dependent on him for sup-
port, a pension to any brother or
sister while without adequate means
of support, of an amount not exceed-
ing the pension which might have
been granted under paragraphs (ii)
and (iii) of this subsection:

Provided that—

(a) if in the opinion of the Gover-
nor there are compassionate grounds for
so doing, he may grant to any child of a
deceased officer being a child who at the
date of the death of the officer wax wholly
or mainly dependent on him for support
and who had attained the age of nineteen
years, a pension for such period as the
Governor may determine, of an amount
not exceeding the pension which may be
granted under paragraph (ii) of this

(6) where a deceased officer leaves a
child who was incapacitated at the time
of the officer’s death (hereinafter in this
section referred to as an ‘incapacitated
child’) the Governor may, notwithstand-
ing any pension which may have been
granted under paragraph (ii) of this
subsection, grant an additional pension in


of 1955, Pensions (Amendment) 7

‘respect of such incapacitated child after
he has attained the age of nineteen years
and so long as his incapacity shall con-
tinue, of an amount not execeding one-
half of the pension which may be granted
under paragraph (ii) aforesaid;

(«) where compensation in respect
of the death is payable under the Work-
men’s Compensation Act, 1987, or any
Act amending or replacing the same, the
(governor may reduce the pension which
may be par: able under this section to such
extent as he may consider reasonable;

(d) no pension shall be payable
under this subsection at any time in
respect of more than six children exclu-
sive of incapacitated children;

(e) in the case of a pension granted
under paragraph (v) of this subsection,
if the mother is a widew at the time of
the grant of the pen sion and subsequently
re-marries such pension shall cease “
from the date of re-marriage; and if 1
appears to the Governor at any bie
that the mother is adequately provided
with other means of support, such pension
shall cease as from such date «as the
Governor may determine;

7) ® pension granted to a female
child under this section shall cease upon
the marriage of such child under the age
of nineteen years.

(2) In the ese of an officer not holding
a pensionable office, the expression ‘' pension-
able emoluments” in the preceding subsection
shall mean the emoluments enjoyed by him
which would have been pensionable emolu-
ments if the office held by him had been a
pensionable office.

(3) Tf an officer proceeding by a route
approved by the Governor to or from the




Pensions (A mandment) No. of 1955,

Colony, or from one Island in the Colony to
another, at the commencement or termination
of his service in the Colony, or of a period of
leave therefrom, dies as the result of damage
to the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in which he is
travelling, or of any act of violence directed
against such vessel, aircraft or vehicle, and the
Governor is satisfied that such damage or act
is attributable to circumstances arising out of
war in which Her Majesty may be engaged,
such officer shall be deemed, for the purposes
of this section, to have died in the cireum-
stances described in paragraph (a) of sub-
section (1) of this section.

(4) An officer who dies as a result of an
injury received while travelling by air in pur-
suance of official instructions, which injury is
not wholly or mainly due to, or seriously
ageravated by, his own serious and culpable
negligence or misconduct, shall be deemed for
the purposes of this section to have died in
the circumstances described in paragraph (a)
of subsection (1) of this section:

Provided that in such a case the rates of
pension prescribed in paragraphs (i) and (ii)
of subsection (1) of this section shall be
fifteen-sixtieths and one-sixth respectively.

(5) (a) Where the Governor is satisfied
that damages have been or will be recovered
in respect of-the death for which an additional
pension or pension may be granted under
subsection (1) of this section, the Governor
may take those damages into account against
such additional pension or pension in such
manner and to such extent as he may think
fit and may withhold or reduce the additional
pension or pension accordingly.

(6) For the purposes of this subsection
an officer shall be deemed to recover damages
whether they are paid in pursuance of a
judgment or order of a comt or by way of
settlement or compromise of his claim and
whether or not proceedings are instituted to
enforce that claim,
~ No;


of 1955. Pensions (Amendment) 9

(6) For the purposes of this section—

(a) the word “child” shall in-
(i) a posthumous child;

(ii) a step-child or illegitimate
child born before the date of the
injury or contracting the disease, as
the case may be, and wholly or
mainly dependent upon the deceased
officer for support; and

(iii) an adopted child, adopted in
a manner recognized by law, before
the date of the injury or contracting
the disease, as the case may be, and
dependent as aforesaid ;

(b) the expression “ incapacitated ”
means in relation to a child, incapa-
ble by reason of some specific bodily or
mental disability of earning his own liv-
ing, anda child who is in any event too
young to earn his own living shall be
treated as incapacitated for the purposes
of this section if it appears that, by
reason of any specific bodily or mental
disability, he will be incapable of earning
bis own living when he attains the age
at which he would otherwise be capable
of doing so.”

The amendment specified in the second

column of the Schedule to this Act, being a minor
amendment to certain sections of the Principal Act,
shall be made in the provisions to that, Act specified

in the first column of that Schedule.

6. The Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1948 is

hereby repealed.

9. This Act shall come into cperation on the

1st day of January, 1955.



Minor amend-
ments to the
Principal Act.


LEEWARD 10 Pensions (Amendment) No. of 1955.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

‘Clerk of the Council.



3(1). 4(2), 5(2), 6(e), 7, 8 and LI

For the words ‘Governor in
| Council” there shall be substitu-
| ted the word “ Governor”.


The objects of this Bill are to make amendments to the
Pensions Act, 1947 (No. 12/1947) in order to give effect to
certain recommendations of the Secretary of State for the
Colonies respecting—

(a) the gratuity payable where an officer dies in the
service or after retirement (see Secretary of State’s Circular
Despatch No. 22/54 dated 8th March, 1954, Pensions
Legislation— Death ‘sratuities) ;

(6) the pension payable to dependants when an
officer dies as a result of injuries received or disease
contracted in the discharge of his duties (see Secretary of
State’s Circular Despatch No. 684/54 dated 24th July,
1954, United Kingdom Injury Warrant 1952);

(c) the payment of death gratuity without the
necessity for production of probate or J:tters of admin-
istration by a deceased officer’s legal personal re; resentative
(see Secretary of State’s saving telegram No. 103 dated
3rd March, 1958 to Officer Administering the Government
of the Leeward Islands).

2. The chief changes in the existing law which are
proposed by this Bill are—

(1) as regards death eratuities—
(a) the adoption of the proposal for the grant of a
gratuity to the estate of a deceased serving officer of
No. of 1955. Pensions (Amendment) Lt ear

either a year’s pensionable cmoluments or the pension
gratuity which he might have received had he retired at
the date of his death, whichever is the greater,

(b) dispensing with the necessity for production of
probate of letters of administration by a deceased officer's
legal personal representative so as to permit: payment of a
eratuity to be made to an officer’s dependants in cases
where the gratuity does not exceed four hundred and
eighty dollars (see section 17 (8) of Ch. 9 No. 6 of the
Revised Ordinances of Trinidad and Tobago 1950).

(2) as regards the pension payable to dependants of
officers dying as a result of injuries received in the discharge
of their duties—

(a) the extension of the principle of payment of
pensions to include the dependants of an officer who dies
as a result of contracting a disease to which he is specili-
sally exposed by the nature of his duty, not being a disease
wholly or mainly due to, or seriously aggravated by, his
own serious and culpable negligence or misconduct,

(b) the limitation of the period during which applica-
tion for such pensions may be considered; and accordingly
applications for the award of a pension will not be enter-
tained unless the death of the officer took place within
seven years of the date of the injury, or contracting the
disease, as the case may be,

(c) the increase of the minimum pension to a widow
from seventy-two to ninety-six dollars,

(d) the extension of the age beyond which a child
will not normally be eligible for a peusion, from eighteen
to ulneteen years,

(ce) the extension of the category of an_ officer’s
dependants io include bis father, brother or sister in
accordance with the provisions of the Bill,

(/) the granting of power to the Governor to award—

(i) a pension on compassionate grounds to a
child of the deceased who at the date of death
of the deceased was over the age of nine-
teen years and was wholly or mainly
dependent on the deceased; and
oe 1? Penarons (Amendnient) No. of 1955.

(ii) an additional pension to an incapacitated
child of the deceased to commence only
after he has attained the age of nineteen

(y) the reduction or withholding of any pension or
additional pension where compensation is payable under
the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1937, or damages
are or will be recovered in respect of the death of the

(h) the exclusion of an incapacitated child in taking
into account the number of children in respect of whom
pensions may be paid under the Act.

3, The amendments envisaged in paragraph 2 (2) (a) to
(A) are based on the provisions of the United Kingdom Injury
Warrant 1952 (Statutory Instrument 1952 No. 60) and the
Secretary of State’s circular despatch referred to in paragraph
1 (b) above.

4. A new section has been introduced into the Act
based on section 32 of the United Kingdom Superannuation
Act, 1949, whereby an officer who retires from the service on
the ground of ill health with more than ten but less than
twenty years’ service may be granted a pension as if he had
given twenty years’ service (Clause 3).

5. An entirely new principle has been introduced in that
the award of pensions and cognate functions hitherto vested in
the Governor in Council will now be exercised by the Gover-
nor (clause 5), but in cases where an officer’s service has been
wholly Presidential such functions will, unless the Governor
otherwise directs, be exercised by the Administrator or Com-
missioner (clause 2).

In this connection it should be noted that the power to
declare offices pensionable and to make Regulations under the
Act is still vested in the Governor in Council.

P. Ceci. Lewis,
Attorney General.

23rd November, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Backman, E.D., Government Printer — Ky Authority.
47/00075— —12.54. [Price 14 cents]

No, of 1955, Police (clmendment).

No. of 1955,

An Act to amend further the Police Act, 1951.

ENACTED by the Levislature of — the
Leeward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Police
(Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read as one

with the Police Act, 1951, as amended, herein-
after called the Principal Act.

2. The following section is hereby sub-
stituted for section 9 of the Principal Act:—--

“9 (1) Every police officer above the
rank of a subordinate police officer shall be
on probation during the first three years
after his appointment or for such longer
period, not exceeding six months, as_ the
Governor way in his discretion approve; and
if during such period, or any extension
thereof, he is found not to be fitted physically
or mentally, to perform the duties of his
office, or to be not likely to become an
efficient or well conducted police officer, his
services may be dispensed with by the
Governor. At the end of the period of
probation, or any extension thereof, if the
services of such police officer have not been
dispensed with, he shall be confirmed in his

(2) The provisions of subsection (1) of
this section shail not apply in the case of an
appointment by way of promotion or transfer
froim another police force. ”,


Short title.


of section 9 of
the Principal


Period of
probation on
of police
officer above
the rank of
police officer.
ot 1955.

LEEWARD 2 Police (Amendment). sxe.
Saar hnaa 8. The following section is hereby substi-
of the tuted for section 11 of the Principal Act:—

Principal Act.

“Terms of

11. Every subordinate police officer and

of section 12
of the

Principal Act,

of section 13
of the

Principal Act,

of section 33
of the

Principal Act.

constable shall be on probation during the
first three years of his service in the Force:

Provided that the Commissioner may in
his discretion—

(a) reduce the period of probation
to a period of not less than one year if
such police officer has served for a period
of not less than two years in the Force
on a previous occasion; or

(6) dispense with the period of
probation if, with the written consent of
the Chief Officer of Police of another
police force in the British West Indies,
such person has been transferred from
that police force after having completed
the required period of probation in such
police force; or

(c) extend the period of probation
for a further period not exceeding six

4. Section 12 of the Principal Act is hereby
amended by the insertion of the words “or any
extension thereof ” between the words ‘ probation ”
and “the” in the first line and between the words
“probation,” and ‘“‘if” in the eighth line thereof.

5. Subsection (1) of section 13 of the
Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitu-
tion of the words ‘or any extension thereof” for
the words “in the Force” appearing in the third
line thereof.

6. Subsection (1) of section 33 of the
Principal Act is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the insertion therein after para-

graph (a) of the following paragraph—

““(6) suspension, deferment
stoppage of increment;” ; and


of 1955. Police (Amendment). 3

(b) by re-lettering paragraphs (0), (¢),
(d) and (e) as paragraphs (¢), (d), (e) and
(7) respectively.

7. The following section is hereby sub-

stituted for section 37 of the Principal Act:—

“37. (1) An Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable against whom any complaint
or information for an offence punishable on
summary conviction or on indictment is laid,
or against whom a charge is made for breach
of any disciplinary regulution made under
this Act, may, pending, and until the final
determination of such complaint, information
or charge-—

(a) be suspended from duty and
placed on half-pay by the Commissioner
or the Gazetted Police Officer in charge
of the Division; or

(6) if admitted to bail and not so
suspended, be employed on full-time
duty, in which case he shall receive full
pay, or if employed on part-time duty
he shall receive a rate of pay (not being
less than half-pay) as the Commissioner
thinks fit.

(2) Tf an Inspector or a subordinate
police officer or constable is acquitted on any
complaint or information, or obtains a decision
in his favour on any charge, he shall be
entitled to receive all pay which has been
withheld from him; if he is convicted on such
complaint or information or does not obtain
a decision in his favour on such charge and
is subsequently dismissed, he shall not be
entitled to receive any pay so withheld.

(3) In the application of subsection (1)
of this section an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable shall not be deprived of
any part of the house and lodging allowance
or the use of any free quarters to which he
may be entitled.”’.


of section 37
of the
Principal Act.

during sus-
pension, ete.
LireWaARD 4 Police (Amendment). No. — of 1955.


Srila 8. The following section is hereby substi-
of the tuted for section 42 of the Principal Act:—
Principal Act.

a! 42. For the purposes of this Part of

this Act the word “pay” in relation to an
Inspector, subordinate police officer or con-
stable includes his salary, good conduct pay,
personal, detective, house and lodging allow-
ances (inclusive of the estimated value of
free quarters):

Provided that the amount to be allowed
for house and lodging allowance shall not
exceed one-sixth of the pay of such Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable.”’.

Insertion of 9. After section 44 of the Principal Act

new section in : : a Sncat edie
the Principat, the following sections shall be inserted:

oo 444A. For the purposes of computing
computation the amount of an Inspector's, subordinate
foenee police officer’s or constable’s pension or

gratuity —

(a) in the case of an Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable
who has held the same rank for a
period of three years immediately pre-
ceding the date of his retirement, the
full annual pay enjoyed by him at
that date in respect of that rank shall
be taken;

(b) in the case of an Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable
who at any time during such period of
three years has been transferred from
one rank to another but whose pay has
not been changed by reason of such
transfer or transfers, the full annual
pay enjoyed by him at the date of
retirement in respect of the rank then
held by him shall be taken;

of 1955.

Police (Amendment).

(c) in other cases one third of the
uggregate pay enjoyed by the Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable
in respect of his service during the
three years of his service immediately
preceding the date of his retirement
shall be taken:

Provided that—

(i) if such one third is less than

the highest annual pay
enjoyed by him at the date
of any transfer within such
period of three years then
the highest annual pay
shall be taken; and

(ii) if such one third is less than

the annual pay which
would have been enjoyed
by him at the date of his
retirement, if he had con-
tinued to hold any rank
from which he has been
transferred at any time dur-
ing such period of three
years and had received all
increments which, in the
opinion of the Governor,
would have been granted
to him, the annual pay
which would have been
so enjoyed shall be taken.

(iii) for the purposes of calcula-

ting pay for the computa-
tion of pensions under this
paragraph, an Inspector,
subordinate police officer or
constable shall be deemed
to have been on duty on
full pay throughout the
said three years:

LEnAWARD 6 Police (Amendment). No. of 1955.


Provided further that if
such one third is less than
the pay which would have
been enjoved by him at the
date of bis retirement, if he
had continued to hold any
rank from which he has
been transferred at any
time during such period of
three years, and had re-
ceived all increments which,
in the opinion of the Gover-
nor, would have been
granted to him, the annual
pay which would have been
enjoyed shall be taken.

Increase in 44B. very Inspector, subordinate
pension 1n .

cases of retire. POlice officer or constable who has been in
ment 2 find- the service of the Foree for more than ten
ings of a ‘
Medical Board but less than twenty years, and who retires
after more from the Foree on the findings of a Medical.
than ten but
less than twenty Board as provided in subsection (1) of section
years service, 46 of this Act may be granted a pension
aus if his service in the” Force had been*®

twenty years.”

Substitution 10. The following seetions shall be sub-
of sections 47 +, . : ioe , : yt 7
and 4gofthe Stituted for sections 47 and 48 of the Principal

Principal Act. A @t:-—

Rctinc ne 47. (1) This section shall apply to an
on account o . . *

injuries Inspector, subordinate police officer or
or lisease constable who while in the service of the

contracted in :
discharge of | Force either

(a) is permanently injured in the
actual discharge of his duty by some
injury specifically attributable to the
nature of bis duty which is not wholly
or mainly due to, or seriously aggra-
vated by, his own serious and culpable
negligence or misconduct; or

(b) contracts a disease to which
he is specifically exposed by the nature

of 1955. Police (Amendment).

of his duty, not being a disease wholly
or mainly due to, or seriously aggra-
vated by, his own serious and culpable
negligence or misconduct.

(2) In this section, unless the contrary
intention appears, references tu an Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable being
injured and to the date on which an injury 18
sustained shall respectively be construed as
including references to such Inspector, sub-
ordinate police officer or constable contracting
such a disease ax is mentioned in subsection
(1) of this section and to the date on which
such disease is contracted.

(3) Where an Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable to whom this section
applies is holding a pensionable office in which
he is confirmed—

(a) he may, if his retirement is
necessitated or materially accelerated by
his injury and he has been in the service
of the Force for Jess than ten years, be
granted, in lfew of any gratuity under
acction 46, a pension under section 44 as
if the words “for ten years and up-
wards’? were omitted from the said
section 44:

(b) he may be granted on retirement
an additional pension at the annual rate
of the proportion of his actual pay it the
date of his injury appropriate to his case
as shown in the following table: —

when his capacity to contribute to
his support 1s—

slightly impaired, forty four-
hundred-and-eightieths of a month's




Police (Amendment). No. of 1955.

impaired, eighty four-hundred-
and-eightieths of a month’s pay;

materially impaired, one-hun-
dred-and-twenty four-hundred-and-
eightieths of a month's pay;

totally destroyed, one-hun-
dred-and-sixty — four-hundred-and-
eightieths of a month’s pay:

Provided that the amount of the
additional pension may be reduced to
such an extent as the Governor. shall
think reasonable where the injury is not
the cause or the sole cause of retirement.

(4) If, for the purpose of assessing
the amount of any additional pension or
pension to be granted under paragraph (0)
of subsection (8) of this section any Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable to
whom this section applies, the degree of
permanent impairment of his capacity to
contribute to his support is in doubt, he may
be granted a provisional award to have effect
until such time as the degree of permanent
impairment can be determined.

(5) If an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable proceeding by a route
approved by the Governor to or from. the
Colony or from one Island in the Colony to
another, at the commencement or termination
of his service in the Colony, or of a period of
leave therefrom is permanently injured as the
result of damage to the vessel, aircraft or
vehicle, and the Governor is satisfied that such
damage or act is attributable to circumstances
arising out of any war in which Her Majesty
inay be engaged, such Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable shall be deemed for
the purposes of this section to have been
injured in the circumstances described in
subsection (1) of this section.

of 1955. Police (Amendment). 9

(G) An Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable whois permanently injured
while travelling by air in pursuance of official
instructions, and whose injury is not wholly
or mainly due to, or seriously ageravated by,
his own serious and culpable negligence or
miseonduet, shall be deemed for the purposes
of this section to bave been injured in the
circumstances described in subsection (1) of
this saction:

Provided that in such a case the rates of
pension prescribed in subgection (8) of this
section shall be sixty four-hundred-and-
elo@litieths, ene-hundred-and-twenty four-hun-
dred- and-eightieths, one- hundred-and-e ighty
four-hundred-and- cightieths and two- hundred-
and-forty — four- hundred-and- eightieths — res-

(7) Paragraph (b) of subsection (8)
of this section shall not apply in the case of
an Inspector, subordinate police officer or
corsteble selected for appointment in the
service of the Force on or atter the coming
into foree of the Principal Act who, in conse-
quence of his injury, is entitled to compensa-
tion under the Workmen’s Compensation Act,
1937 or any Act amending or replacing that

(8) (a) Where the Governor is
aitister that damages have been or
will be recovered by an Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable
in respect of an injury for which an
Nditore. pension or pension may be
vraied ander paragraph (6) of sub-
seceion (3) of this seetion, the Governor
may take the damages into account
against such additional pension or pension
iu such manner and to such extent as
he may think fit and may withhold or
reduce the additional pension or pension
accordingly ;



Right to take
reduced pen-
sion and

Police (Amendment). No. of 1955.

(b) For the purpose of this subsec-
tion an [nspeetor, subordinate police
officer or coustable shall be deemed to
recover damages whether they are paid
in pursuance of a judgment or order of
the Court or by way of settlement or
compromise of his claim and whether or
not proceedings are instituted to enforce
that claim. :

45. (1) Every Tuspeetor, subordi-
nate police officer or constable who becomes:
eligible for pension under the provisions of
this Part of this Act, may at his option
exercisable as in this section provided he
paid on his retirement a reduced pension
and gratuity in lieu of the pension provided
for by this Part of this Act.

(2) The option referred to in subsec-
tion (1) of this section shall be exercisable
not later than the day immediately preced-
ing the date cf retirement of such Inspec-
tor, subordinate police officer or constable:

Provided that the Governor may, if it
appears to him in all the circumstances
equitable so to do, allow such Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable to
exercise the option at any time letween the
date of retirement and the date of award of
pension under this Part of this Act.

(3) If an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable has exercised the option
his decision shall be irrevocable after the
date of his retirement.

(4+) If an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable who has not exercised
the option dies after the date of retirement
but before a pension has been awarded under
this Part of this Act, it shall be lawful for
the Governor to grant a gratuity and a
reduced pension as provided in subsection
(1) of this section as if the Inspector, sub-
ordinate police officer or constable had
excrcised the option before his death,
No. of 1955. Poltve (Amendment), 1]

(5) The date of the exercise of the
option by an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable shall be deemed to be
the date of the receipt of his written
notification addressed to the Comuissioner.

(6) The election exercised by any
Tuspector, subordinate police officer or
constuble to take on retirement a gratuity
and reduced pension under the Police
Pension Act 1929 in lieu of the pension
provided for by that Act is hereby revoked,
and such Inspector, subordinate ‘police ofticer
or constable may in lieu of such election,
eae the option referred to in subsection
(1) of this section and the provisions of this
section shall apply to him accordingly.

11. Section 45 of the Principal Act is
hereby amended by the substitution of the words
“twelve and one half’ for the word “ten’’
appearing therein.

12. The following sections shall be sub-
stituted for sections 50, 51 and 52 of the Prinei-
pal Act:—

“50. (1) (4) Subject to the provisions
of section 51.of this Act, where an Inspec-
tor, subordinate police officer or constable
who is not on probation or agreement dies
while in the service of the Force, it shall
he lawful for the Governor to grant to his
leval personal representative a gratuity of
an amount not exceeding either his annual
pay, or his commuted pension gratuity, if
any, whichever is the greater.

(2) For the purposes of this sub-

(i) Sunmoal pay means the pay which
would be taken for the — pur-
pose of computing any pension or
gratuity vranted to an Inspector,
subordinate police officer or con-



of section 49
of the Prin-
cipal Act,

of sections 60,
51 and 52 of
the Principal

where Inspec:
tor, subordi-
nute police
officer or con-
stable dies in
the service of
the Force or
after retire-

where death
due to injuries
received or
disease con-
tracted in the
discharge of


Police (Amendment). No. of 1955.

stable if he had retired from the
Force at the date of his death on
the findings of a Medical Board as
provided in subsection (1) of see-
tion 45 of this Act.


Gi) “commuted pension gratuity
means the gratuity, if any,
which might have been grant.
ed to an “Inspector, subordi-
nate police officer or constable
under section 48 of this Act if
his service had been wholly in
the Colony and if he had
retired from the Force at the
date of his death on the find-
ings of a Medical Board as
provided in subsection (1) of
section 45 of this Act and had
elected to receive a reduced
pension and gratuity.

(2) Where any such Inspector, sub-
ordinate police officer or constable to whom
a gratuity or other allowance has been
eranted under this Part of this Act dies
after retirement from the Force, and the
sums paid or payable to him at his death on
account of any pension, gratuity or other
allowance in ‘respect of his service in the
Force are less than the amount of the
annual pay enjoyed by him at the date of
his retirement, it shall be lawful for the
Governor to grant to his legal personal
representative a gratuity equal to the

51. Where an Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable dies—

(«) in the actual discharge of his
duty by some injury specifically attri-
butable to the nature of his duty which

of 1955. — Police (Amendment). 13

is not wholly or mainly due to, or
seriously aggravated by, his own
serious and culpable negligence or
misconduct; or

(6) as a result of contracting a
disease to which he is specifically
exposed by the nature of his duty, not
being a disease wholly or mainly due
to, or seriously aggravated by, his own
serious and culpable negligence or

while in the service of the Force, and such
death occurs within seven years of the date
of the injury or contracting the disease, it
shall be lawful for the Governor in_ his
discretion to grant to the legal personal
representative of such Inspector, subordi-
nate police officer or constable either a
gratuity of an amount to be at the discre-
tion of the Governor but not exceeding two
years’ pay of such Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable, or a gratuity
under the provisions of section 50 of this
Act, whichever is the greater.

52. (1) Where an Inspector, subordi-
nate police officer or constable dies—--

(a) in the actual discharge of his
duty by some injury specifically attribut-
able to the nature of his duty which is
not wholly or mainly due to, or seriously
avgravated by, his own serious and cul-
pable negligence or misconduct; or

(6) as a result of contracting a
disease to which he is specifically exposed
hy the nature of his duty, not being a
disease wholly or mainly due to, or
seriously aggravated by, his own serious

-and culpable negligence or misconduct,


Pension to
where Inspec-
tor, subordi-
nate police
officer or con-
stable dies as
a result of
injuries re-
ceived or
disease con-
tracted in the
discharge of
hia duties.


Police (Amendment). No. of L955.

while in the service of the Foree, and such
death occurs within seven years of the date of
the injury or contracting the disease, it shall be
lawful for the Governor to grant, in addition
to the grant, if any, made to his legal personal
representative under section 50 or section 51 of
this Act—

(i) if such Inspector, subordinate police
-ofticer or constable leaves a widow, a
pension to her while unmarried at a
rate not exceeding ten-sixtieths of
his pay at the date of the injury or
ninety-six dollars a year, whichever

is the greater;

(ii) if such Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable leaves a widow to
to whom a pension is granted under
the preceding paragraph and a child
or children, a pension in respect of
each child, until such child attains
the age of nineteen years, of an
amount not exceeding one-eighth
of the pension prescribed under the
preceding paragraph ;

(iii) if such Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable leaves a child or
children but does not leave a widow
or no pension is granted to the
widow, @ pension in respect of each
child until such child attains the age
of nineteen years, of double the
amount prescribed by the preceding

(iv) if such Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable leaves a child or
children and a widow to whom a
pension is granted under paragraph
(i) of this subsection and the widow
subsequently dies, a pension in re-
spect of each child as from the date
No. of 1955. Polive (Amendment). 15 Laewarp
of the death of the widow until such
child attains the age of nineteen
years, of double the amount pre-
scribed in paragraph (11) of this sub-
section ;

(v) if such Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable does not leave a
widow, or if no pension is granted to
his widow and if his mother were
wholly or mainly dependent on him
for her support, a pension to the
mother while without adequate means
of support, of an amount not exceed-
ing the pension which might have
been granted to his widow;

(vi) if such Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable does not leave a
widow or mother, or if no pension is
granted to his widow or mother, and
if his father were wholly or mainly
dependent on him for his support, a
pension to the father while without
adequate means of support, of an
amount not exceeding the pension
which might have been granted to
his widow;

(vii) if such Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable does not leave a
child or children who may be eligible
for a pension under the provisions of
this section, and if his brother or sis-
ter were wholly or mainly dependent
on him for support, a pension to
any brother or sister while without
adequate means of support, of an
amount not exceeding the pension
which might have been granted
under paragraphs (ii) and (iil) of
this subsection:

Provided that—

(a) if in the opinion of the Governor
there are compassionate grounds for so



Police (Amendment). No. ol 1945.

doing, he may grant to any child of such
Inspector, subordinate police officer or
constable being a child who at the date
of the death of such Inspector, subordinate
police office or constable was wholly or
mainly dependent on him for support
and who had attained the age of nineteen
years, a pension for such period as the
Governor may determine, of an amount
not exceeding the sepia which may be
granted under paragraph (11) of this
subsection ;

(6) where an Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable leaves a child
who was incapacitated at the time of such
Inspector’s, subordinate police officer’s or
constable’s death (hereinafter in this sec-
tion referred to us an “ incapacitated
child”) the Governor nay, notwithstand-
ing any pension which may have been
granted under paragraph (it) of this, sab-
section, grant an additional pension in
respect of such incapacitated child after
he has attained the ave of nineteen years
and so long as his incapacity shall con-
tinue, of an amount not exceeding one-
half of the pension which may be ranted

under paragraph (11) aforesaid :

(c) where compensation in respect
of the death is payable under the Work-
men’s Compensation Act, 1937, or any
Act amending or replacing the same, the
(governor may reduce the pension which
may be payable under this section to such
extent as he may consider reasonable;

(d) no pension shall be payable
under this subsection at any time in
respect of more than six children exciu-
sive of incapacitated children;

(e) in the case of a pension granted
under paragraph (v) of this subsection, if
the mother is a widow at the time of the
grant of the pension and subsequently
re-inarries such pensiou shall cease as
No. of 1955. Police (Amendment). 17 Leewanp
from the date of re-marriage; and if it
appears to the Governor at any time
that the mother is adequately pro-
vided with other means of support, such
pension shall cease as from such date as
the Governor may determine;

(7) a pension granted to a female
child under this section shall cease upon
the marriage of such child under the age
of nineteen years.

(2) If an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable proceeding by « route
approved by the Governor to or from the
Colony, or from one Island in the Colony to
another, at the commencement or termination
of his service in the Colony, or of a period

* of leave therefrom, dies as the result of
damage to the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in
which he is travelling, or of any act of violence
directed against such vessel, aircraft or vehicle,
and the Governor is satisfied that such damage
or act is attributable to circumstances arising
out of war in which Her Majesty may be
engaged, such officer shall be deemed, for the
purposes of this section, to have died in the
circumstances described in paragraph (a) of
subsection (1) of this section.

(3) If an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable dies as a result of an injury
received while travelling by air in pursuance
of official instructions, which injury is not
wholly or mainly due to, or seriously aggrava-
ted by, his own serious and culpable negligence
or misconduct, he shall be deemed to have died
in the circumstances described in paragraph
(a) of subsection (1) of this section:

Provided that in such a case the rates of
pension prescribed in paragraphs (i) and (ii)
of subsection (1) of this section shall be
fifteen-sixtieths and one-sixth respectively.


Police (Amendment). No. of 1955

(4) (a) Where the Governor is satisfied
that damages have been or will be recovered
in respect of the death for which an additional
pension or pension may be granted under
subsection (1) of this section, the Governor
may take those damages into account against
such additional pension or pension in such
manner and to such extent as he may think fit
and may withhold or reduce the additional
pension or pension accordingly.

(6) For the purposes of this subsec-
tion an Inspector, subordinate police
officer or constable shall be deemed to
recover damages whether they are paid
in pursuance of a judgment or order of a
Court or by way of settlement or compro-
mise of his claim and whether or not
proceedings are instituted to enforce that

(5) For the purposes of this section—
(a) the word “child” shall include—
(i) a posthumous child;

(ii) a step-child or illegitimate
child born before the date of
the injury or contracting the
disease, as the case may be,
and wholly or mainly depen-.
dent upon such Inspector,
subordinate police officer or
coustable for support; and

(iii) an adopted child, adopted in a
manner recognized by law,
before the date of the injury
or contracting the disease, as
the case may be, and depen-
dent as aforesaid ;

(b) the expression “ incapacitated ’’ means
in relation to a child, incapacitated by reason
of some specific bodily or mental disability of
earning his own living, and a child who is
in any event too young to earn his own living
No. of 1955. Police (Amendment). 19 Lemwarp

shall be treated as incapacitated for the pur-

poses of this section if it appears that, by

reason of any specific bodily or mental dis-

ability, he will be incapable of earning his own

living when he attains the age at which he

would otherwise be capable of doing so.”.

18. The following subsection is hereby Amendment
substituted for subsection (2) of section 59 of the oF seep n°
Principal Act:— cipal Act.

(2) No representation shall be made by
the Association in relation to any question of
discipline, promotion, transfer or leave unless
some question of principle is involved.”.

14. The following subsection is hereby Amendment
8 )

substituted for subsection (8) of section 63.4 of the ¢ —

Principal Act:— cipal Act

(3) Before—

(a) approving the reduction to a
lower grade for inefficiency of any sub-
ordinate police officer, as provided in
subsection (1) of this section; or

_(b) requiring any Inspector, sub-
ordinate police officer or constable to
retire from the Foree as provided in
subsection (2) of this section,

the Governor shall call for a full report
from the Commissioner, and, if after
considering the report and giving such
subordinate police officer, or such Inspector,
subordinate police officer or constable, as
the circumstances may be, an opportunity
of submitting a reply to the complaint by
reason of which the reduetion to a lower
grade of such subordinate police officer or
the retirement of such Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable is contemplated,
the Governor is satisfied that sueh schordi-
nate police officer should he reduced to
a lower grade, or having regard as aforesaid,

of section
67(1) of the

Principal Act.

Minor amend-

ments of the

Principal Act.

20 Police (Amendment). No, of 1955.

that it is desirable in the interest of the
Forcé that such Inspector, subordinate
police officer or constable should be retired,
the reduction to a lower grade of such
subordinate police officer or the retirement
of such Inspector, subordinate police officer
or constable shail have effect accordingly. ”.

15. Subsection (1) of section 67 of the
Principal Act is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the insertion therein after para-
vraph (6) of the following paragraph-—

“(v) the conditions subject to
which. repatriation expenses may be
paid to widows and dependants of
ileceased members of the Force.”;

66 ”

() by re-lettering paragraphs ‘“ (c)
and “(a)” as paragraphs ‘‘(d)” and “ (¢)”

16. The amendments specified in the
second column of the Schedule'to this Act, being
minor amendments to the Principal Act, shall
be suade in the provisions of that Act specified
in the first column of that Schedule.

17. This Act shall be deemed to have
come into operation on the Ist day of January,

Passed the General Legislative Council this

day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.
No. of 1955. Police (Amendment) —Q1._—sLxewanp


44, 45, 46, 55, 56, 57, 76(1)


84(4) and (5)




For the words “Governor in Council”
there shall be substituted. the word

The words “in the absence of the
Governor from the Presidency and
the expression “Governor in Council”
shall mean the Governor acting with the
advice of the Executive Council of the
Presidency in which such special con-
stable or additional constable was serving ”’
shall be omitted.

For the words “ Federal Treasurer” there
shall be submitted the words ‘“ Chief
Accountant of the Presidency of Antigua’.
Lrewsrn = QQ Police (Amendment) No. of 1955.



The objects of this Bil are—-

(a) to make the period of probation of police
officers above the rank of subordinate police officer
three years instead of two (clause 2) and that of
subordinate police officers and constables three years
instead of twelve months except in certain cases
(clause 3);

(6) to empower the Governor in the one case and
the Commissioner in the other to extend the period of
probation for a further period not exceeding six months
(clauses 2 and 3);

(c) to add to the list of punishments which may
be imposed under section 38 of the Act the punishment
of suspension, ‘leferment or stoppage of increments
(clause 6);

(d) to permit the punishment of suspension from
duty to be imposed on a subordinate police officer who
is found guilty of the breach of a disciplinary regula-
tion (clause 7);

The amendments in paragraphs (c) and (d) were
recommended by the Inspector (General of Colonial

(e) to allow an Inspector, subordinate police officer
or constable who being charged with an offence or
admitted to bail or not suspended to be employed on
full-time or part-time duty at full pay or half-pay as
the case may be (clause 7};

(f) to ensure when a subordinate police officer
retires as a result of the findings of a Medical Board
and is at the date of his retirement in receipt of less
than his whole pay, that his pension will be calculated
as if he were in receipt of his full pay (clause 8);

(y) to provide for the computation of an Inspector’s,
subordinate police officer’s or constable’s pension on the
basis of his pay and to permit increased pensions
calculated on twenty vears service to be given to such
ersons in cases of retirement on the findings of a
Medical Board where they have served for more than
ten but less than twenty years in the Force (clause 9);

(h) to assimilate the position of members of the
Police Force pensionable under the Principal Act to
that of civil servants under the Pensions Act 1947
(No. 12/1947) in respect of the payment of compensa:
No. of 1955. Police (Amendment?) 23.
tion where retirement is necessitated or accelerated by
injury in the course of duty; the time of exercising the
option to take a reduced pension and gratuity (clause
10); the increase in the multiplying factor for the
computation of reduced pension and gratuity, from
“10” to “125” (clause 11); the payment of gratuity
where an Inspector, subordinate police officer or con-
stable dies in the service of the Force and of pensions
to his dependants on his death (clause 12);

(i) to allow represe ntations to be made _by the
Police Welfare Association in matters relating to
discipline. promotion, trauster or leave only when a~
question of principle is mvolved (clause 13);

(/) to give a subordinate police officer an oppor-
tunity of making representations to the Governor
before he is reduced in rank (clause 14). Hitherto
representations could only be made where his retire-
ment was contemplated in the interest of the TForce
(clause 14);

(k) to permit the Governor in Council to make
regulations laving down the conditions subject to
which repatriation expenses mav be paid to the widows
and dependants of deceased members of the Force
(clause 15);

(7) to authorise the Governor to award pensions
and to exercise the powers under the Act now exercisa-
ble by the Governor in Council, except the power to
make regulations under section 67 (clause 16 and
Schedule); and

(m) to vest the power of granting pensions or
gratuities to special or additional constables or their
personal representatives in the case of death in the
Administrator or Commissioner of the Presidency in
which such special or additional constables are serving
(Clause 16 and Schedule) ;

(n) to substitute the Chief Accountant of Antigua
for the Federal Treasurer as the person authorised to
keep the accounts relating to the Police Reward Fund
(clause 16 and Schedule).

P. Crein Lewis,
22nd November, 1954. Attorney General.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BhnackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
47/00113—12.54. Price 25 cents.
No. Leeward Islands


-of 1955.

No. of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Leeward Islands Act.

ENACTED ~ by the Legislature of the
Leeward Islands.
1. This Act may be cited as the ieeward

Islands (Amendment) Act, 1954, and shall be read
as one with the Leeward Islands Acts, 1871 to
1950, as amended, hereinafter called the Principal

2. Subsection (1) of section 7A of the
Principal Act is hereby amended by the deletion
of the comma after the word “ Presidency in the
second line and of the words ‘“ having received
notice in writing to that effect from the representa-
tive member concerned, is satisfied that such”,
and the substitution therefor of the words
‘‘ig satisfied that a”’.

8. Section 7B of the Principal Act is hereby
amended as follows:—

(a) by repealing subsection (2) thereof;

(L) by deleting the figure and symbols
” appearing after the figure and letter


Short title,

34 & 35 Vict.
c. 107.

of section 7A
of the Prinoi-
pal Act.

of section 7B
of the Princi-
pal Act.
Legewarp 2 Leeward Islands No. — of 1955.

IsLaNnps. (Amendment).
Addition of 4. The following new sections shall be
new sections Sey as 7 . : : : E
to the Prine WSerted in the Principal Act immediately after
pal Act, section & thereof :—
* "Temporary 8 "henever > is ¢ %
Mies oie 3A. (1) W henever there is a vacancy
meinhers. in the number of persons sitting in the

Council as nominated members by reason of
the fact that—
(a) ‘ nominated member is absent
an the Leeward Tslands or is unable for
i“ cause o take his seat in the Council;
(6) the seat of a nominated member
is vacant for any cause other than the
dissolution of the Council,
the Governor may, by Instrument under the
Public Seal, appoint from among the nomi-
nated members of one of the Island Councils
a person to be a temporary member for the
period of such vacancy.

(2) The Governor shall report every
appointment made under this section to Her
Majesty through a Secretary of State, and
such appointment may (without prejudice to
anything done by virtue thereof) be revoked
by the Governor by Instrument under the
Public Seal.

(3) So long as his appointinent subsists,
& person appointed under this section shall,
for the purposes of this Act but subject to the
provisions of this section, be deemed to be
a nominated member of the Council and,
subject as aforesaid, the provisions of gub-
section (2) of section 8 of this Act shall apply
in relation to such person as they apply in
relation to a nominated inember appointed
under subsection (1) of the said section 8.

(4) An appointment made under this
section shall cease to have effeet on notification
by the Governor to the person appoin| ted of its
revocation by the Governor, or on its super-
session by the definitive appointment of a
person to fill the vacancy, or when the
vacancy shall otherwise cease to exist.
of 1955, Leeward Islands 3


SB. A person whose seat in the Council
has become vacant may, if qualified, again be
appointed or elected as a member of the
Council from time to time.”’.


The following section is hereby substi-

tuted for section 9A of the Principal Act:—

“9A. (1) Whenever there is a vacancy
in the number of persons sitting in the
Council as official members by reason of the
fact that—

(a) an official member is administer-
ing the General Government; or

(6) an official member is temporarily
unable to take his seat in the Council; or

(c) a person, who is an official
member by virtue of any of the provi-
sions of subsection’ (1) of section 9
of this Act, is performing the duties of
one or both of the offices by virtue of
the performance of which, under. the
provisions of that subsection, « person is
an official member; or

(d) no person is holding or perform-
ing the duties of any one of those
othces specified in or by reference to
Which an appointment bas been made
ander the said subsection (1),

the (sovernor may, subject to the provisions
of subsection (2) of this section, appoint a
person to be a temporary member of the
Couneil for the period of such vacancy.

(2) The person so appointed shall he
a person holding an office of emolument
under the Government of the Colony or of
any Presidency and may be appointed either
by name or by reference to his office and shall
be appointed by Instrument under the Public



ment and
re-election of

of section 9A
of the Princi-
pal Act.

official mem-


of section 10
of the Princi-

pal Act.


Leeward Tslands No. of 1955.
(A mendment).

(3) The Governor shall forthwith report
every appointment made under this section to
Her Majesty through a Secretary of State,
and such appointment may (without prejudice
to anything done by virtue thereof) be
revoked by the Governor by Instrument under
the Public Seal.

(4) So long as his appointment subsists,
a person appointed under this section shall,
for the purposes of this Act but subject to the
provisions of this section, be deemed to be an
official member of the Council and, subject
as aforesaid, the provisions of subsection (2)
of section 9 of this Act shall apply in relation
to such person as they apply in relation to an
official member appointed under subsection (1)
of the said section 9.

(5) An appointment made under this
section shall cease to have effect on notification
by the Governor to the person appointed of
its revocation by the Governor, or on its
supersession by the definitive appointment of
a person to fill the vacancy, or when the
vacancy shall otherwise cease to exist...

6. (1) Section 10 of the Principal Act is

hereby amended as follows:—

(a) in subsection (1)—

(i) by the deletion of paragraph (7);

(ii) by the deletion cf paragraph (m);

(iii) by re-lettering paragraphs (9)
to (J) as paragraphs (f') to (A) and
paragraphs (7) to (r) as paragraphs (/)
to (p);

(b) in subsection (2) by substituting the
letter “‘(p)” for the letter “ (r)”’.

(2) This section shall come into opera-
tion on a day to be appointed by the Governor
by Proclamation published in the Gazette,
and different days may be appointed for the
purpose of different provisions of this section.
No. — of 1955. Leeward [Islands 5

7. Subsection (1) of section 19 of the
Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitu-
tion of the words “ Section 11B of this Act and”
for the words “this Act und” appearing therein.

8. This Act, save as otherwise expressly
provided herein, shall come into operation on a
day to be appointed by the Governor by Proclama-
tion published in the Gazette.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Counedl.


The objects of this Bill are—


of section 19
of the Princi-
pal Act.


(«) to make it clear that a representative member
who vacates his seat by dissolution is in fact eligible for

re-election (clause 3);

(+) to make provision for the appointment of

temporary nominated members (clause 4);

(«) to fill a lacuna in section 9A (1) of the Act,

to replace the substance of the existing paragraphs (a) to
(d) but without reference to particular offices and to
provide for the contingencies which might arise where—

(1) a vacancy arises by reason of the fact that
an official member is administering the Government
of the Colony, e.g., where the substantive holder of
the office of Administrator is administering the
Government of the Colony;

(ii) where there is no holder of an office by
reference to which an appointment has been made
under paragraphs (a) and (6) of subsection (1) of
section 9 (clause 5);
Lerwarp~ 6 Leewurd Islands No. of 1955.
IsLaNDs. (Amendment).

(d) to deprive the General Legislative Council of the
power to legislate on the subjects of ‘education’ and
‘the establishment and regulation of a common convict
station and a3 common prison discipline’ as it has been
decided that such subjects should be dealt with in
Presidential legislation (clause 6);

(e) to amend section 19(1) of the Act so as to make
it clear that the provisions of this subsection in regard to
voting are to be subject to any provisions which may be
made by Royal Instructions on the same subject (clause 7);

(f) to place on an Administrator or Commissioner
the duty of satisfying himself that a representative
member is unable to take his seat on the Council. The
existing provision whereby an Administrator or Commis-
sioner had to be informed in writing by such member of
his inability to take his seat has been the cause of serious
difficulties in the past.

2. The amendments referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e)
have been approved by the Secretary of State in his despatch
Leeward Islands (General) No. 419 dated 6th August, 19538
and his telegram No. 438 Saving dated 12th August, 1954, to
the Governor of the Leeward Islands.

P. Cecit Lewis,
. Attorney General.
24th September, 1954.

Printed ut the Government Printing Offive, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuackMan, Government Printer—By Authority.
1 8/0001 1.—300—12.54. [Price 8 cents.

No. — of 1955. Small Charges (Amendment).

No. of 19565.

An Act to amend further the Small Charges Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the ~ Small
Charges (Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be
read os one with the Small Charges Act, as
amended, hereinafter called the Principal Act.

Short title.

Cap. 67.

2. Sections 2 and 15 of the Principal Act Repeat of sec-
ar, 2 7 tions 2 and 15
are hereby repealed. af ihe Pelee,
pal Act.
38. The following ssction is hereby substi- Substitution

of section 31
of the Princi-
pal Act.

tuted for section 31 of the Principal Act:-—


“31. Any person who commits any of
. trial of indict-

the offences created by sections 4, 6,7, 11, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19 and 25 of the Larceny Act,
1944 or who attempts to commit, aids, abets,
counsels or procures the commission of any
such offence where the amount or value of the
property in respect of which the offence is
committed in the opinion of the Magistrate
does not exceed one hundred dollars, shall be
liable to imprisonment for a term not exceed-
ing six months:

Provided that the Magistrate may in his
discretion abstain from trying the offence
summarily and may commit the offender for
trial for an indictable offence.”

able offences
created by
certain sec-
tions of the
Larceny Act.
Linxw ARD 2 Small Charges (

of section

4. Paragraph (a) of section 41 of the Prin-

‘i ofthe cipal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of

Principal the words “refuses to give his name or address, or”

ae, for the words “refuses to give his name, or”
appearing therein.

of section 44

5. The following section shall be substituted

of the Princi- for section 44 of the Principal Act:—

pal Act.

* Receiving
and being in
possession of
stolen or

44. (1) Any person who receiver any
property knowing the same to have been
stolen or obtained in any way whatsoever
under circumstances which amount to an
offence under sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19 and 25 of the Larceny Act, 1944
shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding six months: Provided that the

‘offence under the said Act was an offence

punishable on summary conviction.

(2) Where any person is charged with
an offence under subsection (1) of this section
the Magistrate may in his discretion abstain
from trying the offence summarily and may
commit the offender for trial for an indictable

(3) Any person having in his pos-
session, or conveying in any manner anything
which may reasonably be suspected of having
been stolen or unlawfully obtained, and who
shall not give an account satisfactory to the
Magistrate of how he came by the same, shall
be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty four
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three months.”


Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.
No. of 1955.) Small Charyes (Amendment). 3 apie


The objects of this Bill are—

(a) to repeal sections 2 and 15 of the
Principal Act.

The definition of “public place” will be
replaced by a definition included in the new
Interpretation and General Clauses Bill which
will shortly be enacted. In so far as section
15 is concerned, the reason for repealing this
seetion (which has been amended on three
separate occasions) is to permit Presidencies
to enact legislation suitable to their own pecu-
liar needs in relation to the planting of canes
near to towns;

(2) to extend the jurisdiction of Magis.
trates so as to enable them to try summarily
the indictable offences created by the sections
of the Larceny Act, 1944 mentioned in the
Bill, where the value or amount of the prop-
erty in question does not in the Magistrate’s
opinion exceed one hundred dollars. The
Magistrate is also given power to adjudicate
in cases of ‘receiving’ connected with the
gaid offences;

(ec) to correct an error in section 41 of
the Principal Act.

P. Cecin LEwIs,
Attorney General,

17th September, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLaAckMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
47/0005 1—12.54. {Price 4 cents.}
No. — of 1955. Llemeniary Education (Repeal) — vreware


No. of 1955,

An Act to repeal the Elementary Hducation Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Elementary Short title.
Education (Repeal) Act, 1955.

2. The Elementary Education Act, the Repeal.
Elementary Edueation Act, Amendment Act 1930 1030.
and the Kiementary Edueation (Amendment) Act, 6/195».

1939 are hereby repealed.

3. This Act shall come into operation on Commence-
a date to be appointed by the Governor by â„¢"*
Proclamation published in the Gazette.

Passed the General Legislative Council this

day of 1945,

Clerk of the Counetl.
arnt 2 Llementary Education (Repeal) No. of 1959,

The object of this Bill is to repeal the Klementary
Education Act and to replace it by Presidential legislation.

2. This Bill is to come into operation by Proclamation.
The insertion of a similar provision in the Presidential legisla-
tion will make possible the coming into operation of all these
measures at the same time.

P. Crctt Lewis,
Attorney General.

25th September, 1954.

Printed at tae Government Printing Office, Leoward Islands,
by E. M. BLAGKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
47/00076—12.54. [Price 4 vents. }

No. of 1959. Lividence (Amendmen: ).

No. of 1955.
An Act to amend further the Evidence Act.

KNACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Evidence
(Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read as one
with the Hvidence Act, as amended, hereinafter
called the Principal Act.

2. Section 12A of the Principal Act is here-
by amended by the substitution of the following
paragraph for paragraph

“(c¢) the London Gazette, the Gazette of
the Colony or of any Presidency thereof, the
Government Gazette of any other Colony in
Her Majesty’s dominions or of any territory
under Her Majesty’s protection or of a terri-
tory for the time being administered by the
Government of the United Kingdom under the
trusteeship system of the United Nations;”


Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


Short title.

Cap. 62.

of section J24
of the Princi-
pal Act.
LErEwarp 2 Hvidence (Amendment). No. of 1955.


The object of this Bill is to include the Government
Gazette of Protectorates, Protected States and Trust Territories
among the list of documents of which judicial notice shall be

2. This amendment was made in pursuance of a recom-
mendation contained in the Secretary of State’s despatch
No. 607 to the Governor of the Leeward Islands dated
16th October, 1954.

P. Ceci. Lewis,
Attorney Genera.

27th November, 1944.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E, M. BhackMAN. Government Printer,— By Authority.
47/00232.—12.54 Price 4 cents,
No. of 1955. Supreme Court

No. of 1955.

An Act to amend further the Supreme Court
Act, 1939,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the
Leeward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Supreme
Court (Amendment) Act, 1955, and shall be read
as one with the Supreme Court Act, 1989, as
amended, hereinafter called the Principal Act.

2. The following section shall be substituted
for section 9 of the Principal Aet:—

“9. (1) The office of every Revistrar
und Provost Marshal shall be kept open for
the transaction of business on every day of
the year except Sundays, Chrixtmas Day,
Good Friday and Public Holidays, during
such hours of the said days as may be ap-
pointed by the Governor by order under his

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of
any order made under subsection (1) of this
section, the Judge by whom any matter is
being heard, may direct any paid officer of
the Court to transact at any time, any busi-
ness which, in the opinion of the Judge, is
necessary or convenient, to facilitate the hear-


Short title.

_ 9/1948.

of seotion 9
of the Princi-
pal Act.

Hours of
LBEWARD 2 Supreme Court No, of 1955.

ing and determination of the matter in

question, or to carry into effect any order
made in connection therewith.”


Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


The object of this Bill is to amend section 9
of the Supreme Court Act, 1989 (No. 20/1930) to
permit the hours of business of the Registrar and
Provost Marshal to be fixed by order of the

It will thus be unnecessary in the future to
amend the Act itself if a change in the office hours
of the Registrar and Provost Marshal is required.

P. Cectn Lewis,
Altorney General.

November, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M. Buackman, Government Printer.—By Authority.

47/00096— —12.54. Price 4 cents,
No. of 1955. Pensions (/nerease).

No. of 1955.

An Act to amend the Pensions (Increase) Act,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Pensions
(Increase) Act, 1953 (Amendment) Act, 1955, and
shall be read as one with the Pensions (Increase)
Act, 1953, hereinafter referred to as the Principal

2. Subsection (1) of section 2 of the Princi-
pal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of
the following definition for the definition of the
expression ‘“ Gzovernor in Council” therein—

‘¢ “ Governor’ means, in the case of a pen-
sioner whose services were wholly under
the Government of a Presidency, the
officer for the time being administering
the Government of that Presidency, and
-in all other cases the Governor of the


3. Sections 3 and 4 of the Principal Act
are hereby amended by substituting the word
“‘Governor”’ for the words “ Governor in Council ”
wherever the latter words appear in the said sections.



Short title.


of section 2(1)
of the Princi-
pal Act.

of sections 8
and 4 of the
Principal Act
peewee 2 Pensions (Increase). No. of 1955.
Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


Under the Pensions Act, 1947 (No. 12/1947) it is proposed
to confer on the Governor of the Colony the authority to grant
pensions under that Act, except in the case of officers with
wholly Presidential service whose pensions will be granted by
the Administrator or Commissioner as the case may be.

2. This Bill is intended to bring the Pensions (Increase)
Act, 1953 (No. 20/1953) into line with the Pensions Act, 1947
(No. 12/1947) by ensuring that the persons authorised to grant
pensions under the Pensions Act, 1947 will be the same persons
to grant increases in pensions under the Pensions (Increase)
Act, 1953.

P. Crcrt Lewis,
Attorney (reneral.

22nd November, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by K. M. BuAcKMAN. B.D. Government Printer,—By Authority.
47/00230— = ---12.44. Price 4 cents.
No. of 1955. Pensions (Inerease).

No. of 1955.

An Act to amend the Pensions (Increase) Act,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward


1. This Act may be cited as the Pensions
(Increase) Act, 1947 (Amendment) Act, 1955, and
shall be read as one with the Pensions (Increase)
Act, 1947, hereinafter referred to as the Principal

2. Subsection (1) of section 2 of the Princi-
pal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of
the following definition for the definition of the
expression ‘ Governor in Council” therein—

“Governor” means, in the case of a pen-
sioner whose services are wholly under
the Government of a Presidency, the
officer for the time being administering
the Government of that ‘Presidency, and
in all other cases the Governor of the


3. Sections 3 and + of the Principal Act
are hereby amended by substituting the word
“ Governor ’”’ for the words “ Governor in Council ”
wherever the latter words appear in the said sections.



Short title.


of section 2 (1)
of the Princi-
pal Act.

of sections 3
and 4 of the
Principal Act.
LErwarp 2 Pensions (Increase). No. of 1925.
Passed the General Leyislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


Under the Pensions Act, 1947 (No. 12/1947) it is proposed
to confer on the (rovernor of the Colony the authority to grant
pensions under that Act, except in the case of officers with
wholly Presidential service whose pensions will be granted by
the Administrator or Commissicner as the case may be.

2. This Bill is intended to bring the Pensions (Increase)
Act, 1947 (No. 10/1947) into line with the Pensions Act, 1947
(No. 12/1917) by ensuring that the persons authorised to grant
pensions under the Pensions Act, 1947 will be the same persons

to grant increases in pensions under the Pensions (Increase)
Act, 1947.

P. Crcu, Lewis,
Attorney General.

22nd November, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by I M. BhackMAN, Government, Printer.--By Authority.

47/00230— 12.54. [Prive 4 vents. ]
No. of 1955. Prisons (Repeal)

No. of 1955.

‘An Act to repeal the Prisons Act, Cap. 85.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

1. This Act may be cited as the Prisons
(Repeal) Act, 1955.

2. The Prisons Act is hereby repealed.
8. Lhis Act shall come into operation on

u date to be appointed by the Governor by
Proclamation published in the ('acctte.


Passed the General Legislative Council this
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


Short title,

Cap, 85,


Lrisons (feepeal) No of 1955.

The object of this Bill is to repeal the Prisons Act,
Cap. 85, so as to permit legislation relating to prisons to be
enacted by the Presidencies of the Colony.

P. Cecit Lewis,

Attorney General.
19th July, 1954.

Printed at the Government Printing Gutce, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BnackWan, Government Printer.—By Authority.
47/00315— —12.54. [Price 4 cents.]
No. of 1955, Supplementary Approprtation

No. of 1955.

An Act to sanction certain payments in excess of
the amount provided by law for the service of
the General Government for the year ending
on the thirty-first day of December, 1953.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands.

1. This Act may be cited as the Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1953) Act, 1955.

2. Thesum of money set forth in the First
Schedule to this Act paid under the warrant of the
Governor for the services mentioned in that
Schedule, are hereby declared to be lawful expen-
diture on account of the Government of this Colony
for the service of the year ending on the thirty-
first day of December, 1953, and the sum of
Hight Thousand, Five Hundred and Five Dollars
being such part of their total amount as is
recoverable from the several Presidencies shall be
charged upon their funds in the proportions
specified in the Second Schedule hereto.

Passed the General Legislative Council the
day of 1955.

Clerk of the Council.


Short title.

of expendi-
LEEWARD 2 Supplementary Appropriation No. of 1955.
ISLANDS. (1958).


HEAD. , $
II. Governor wee 4,989.00
VI. Judicial . ses 2,428.00
VII. Legal bes 1,088.00

XIII. Development and Welfare
and other Imperial

Grants ae 44,147.00
— 52,652.00
en nnED A;
Antigua eee roe 3,036
St. Kitts-Nevis and
Anguilla eee roo'o 4,227
Montserrat ses to’s's 876
Virgin Islands rao 366

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by FE. M. BhackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority
47/00003 —-300 —. 12.54. [Price 4 cente. |