Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076863/00225
Material Information
- Title:
- Leeward Islands gazette
- Added title page title:
- Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
- Creator:
- Leeward Islands (West Indies)
- Place of Publication:
- [Antigua
- Publisher:
- Gov. Printing Office]
- Publication Date:
- Oct 21, 1954
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Law Leeward Islands (Federation) Montserrat
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt ) Official gazettes ( fast ) Gazettes ( fast ) newspaper ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- 1- , 1872-
- General Note:
- Two pages per frame.
- General Note:
- Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
- General Note:
- Weekly
- General Note:
- Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
- General Note:
- Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
- General Note:
- Some issues called "extraordinary."
- General Note:
- Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
- General Note:
- Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
- General Note:
- Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )
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It is notified for general information
that His léxcellency the Governor has
issued a commission appointing the
Hon. E. A. THOMPSON to be the
Administrator’s Deputy within the
Presidency of Antigua during the
absence from the seat of Government
of the said Presidency of the Admin-
istrator on a visit to the island of
The Secretariat,
18th October, 1954.
No. 13/00264,
It is hereby notified for general in-
formation that His Excellency the
Governor has been pleased to appoint
the following persons to be Presiden-
tial Appointed Members of the new
Executive Council of the Virgin
(a) T. KE. A. PERKINS, Esq.
J.O. GEORGES, Esq. M.B.E.,
with effect from the 15th October,
(>) H. R. Pwny, Esq., M.B.E.
z and,
W. W. Smith, Esq.,
with effect from the 16th October,
2. It is also notified for general
information that the Hon. H. R.
PENN, M.B.E., will undertake the
duties of Member for Trade and Pro-
duction and that the Hon. W. W.
SMITH will undertake the duties of
Member for Public Works and Com-
The Secretariat,
18th October, 1954.
©. 18/00008.
It is notified for general informa-
tion that the Hon. H. R. PENN,
M.B.E., has been selected from
among the elected members of the
Virgin Islands Legislative Council to
be a Representative Member for that
Presidency on the General Legisla-
tive Council.
The Secretariat,
18th October, 1954.
©. 18/00013.
32F: F294 7
The Acting Commissioner of Mont-
serrat has appointed the Revd H. L. F.
BOLSTER to be a Marriage Officer
for that Presidency from the 15th
October, 1954.
WHEREAS under Section 3 of the
Cotton Planting (Regulation) Ordi-
nance 1931, (No. 1/1931) it is provided
that the Governor in Council may
from time to time by’ Proclamation
published in the Gazette and by
Public Notice, declare any period of
each year to be a close planting season
within the meaning of the said Ordi-
nance either for the whole Presidency
or for such area or areas thereof as
may be specified in such Proclamation;
Commander of the Most Distinguished
Order of Saint Michael and Saint
George and an Officer of the Most
Excellent Order of the British Em-
pire, Governor and Commander in
Chief in and over the Colony of the
Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral
of the same, with the advice of the
Executive Council of the Presidency
of Antigua, do, by this my Proclama-
tion declare that the period from the
16th day of October, 1954, to the 15th
day of August, 1955, inclusive, shall
be a close planting season within the
meaning of the said Ordinance for
the whole of the Presidency of Anti-
gua, excepting that area of land
situate at Friars Hill under the
control of the Central Cotton Station.
AND all Her Majesty’s loving
subjects in the said Presidency and
all others whom it may concern are
hereby required to take due notice
hereof .and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.
GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 7th day of October,
1954, in the third year of Her
Majesty’s reign.
Ref. No. A. 1/30—IV,
Acting Commissioner,
In exercise of the powers vested in
the Governor in Council by section 3
of the Cotton Protection Ordinance,
1922 (No. 1 of 1922), as amended by
the Cotton Protection (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1926 (No. 1 of 1926), I,
ALLAN LOUISY, Acting Commissioner
of the said Presidency, by and with
the advice of the Executive Council
of the said Presidency, do by this my
Proclamation declare that the period
from the 16th day of November, 1954,
to the 31st day of January, 1955, both
days inclusive, shall be a close season
within the meaning of the said Ordi-
nance for the whole of the Presidency
of Montserrat (except the Planting
Date Experimental Plots under Gov-
ernment control, to which this Pro-
clamation shall not apply).
And all Her Majesty’s loving sub-
jects in the said Presidency and all
others whom it may concern are
hereby required to take due no-
tice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.
GIVEN at the Commissioner’s Office,
Montserrat, this 8th day of
October, 1954, and in the third
year of Her Majesty’s reign.
Within the area of the Presidency
to which the Proclamation applies, it
is an offence—
(a) for any person, being an oc-
cupier of any land, to fail
competely to root up and burn
all Cotton, Okro and Sorrel plants
and all or any portion of the same
growing or remaining on any
such land occupied by him,
before the preparation for any
new crop of the land on which
the said plants and all or any
portion of the same are growing
or remaining, end before the first
day of the close season;
(6) for any person to sow or plant
or cause to be sown or planted
any Cotton, Okro or Sorre] plants
on any land, during the close
No. 95.
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the un-
dermentioned Acts and Ordinances:—
Leeward Islands.
No. 13 of 1954, ‘‘The Magistrate’s
Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act,
No. 18 of 1954, “The Telecommu-
nications (Amendment) Act, 1954.â€
No. 20 of 1954, ‘The Small Tene-
ments (Amendment) Act, 1954.â€
No. 3 of 1954, “he Denomination-
al School Teachers Pension (A mend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
No. 5 of 1954, “The Petroleum
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
St. Kitts-Nevis and Anguilla.
No. 7 of 1954, “The Electricity,
Ice and Cold Storage (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1954.â€
No. 6.
The following Statutory Rules and
Orders are circulated with this Gazette
and form part thereof:—
General Government.
No. 41 of 1954, “The Montserrat
Postal Service Rules and Regulations,
1954.†25 pp. Price 36 cents.
No. 42 of 1954, ‘The Montserrat
Jurors (Allowances) (Amendment)
Rales, 1954.†1 pp. Price 3 cents
Bank of Engiand
The following relaxation on the
import of sterling notes into the
United Kingdom has been announced.
“From 30th September, 1954,
Bank of England notes of £10 up-
wards and Bank of England notes of
£5 dated prior to the 2nd September,
1944, all of which have ceased to be
legal tender (but have remained
payable on presentation at the
Bank of England)-may be sent by
post from any territory to a banker
in the United Kingdom for collec-
tion. None of these notes has a
mettalic thread such as appears in
current £5 notes.
Notes should be despatched at the
risk. of the owner to the usual bank-
ing correspondents in the United
Kingdom of the owner or of the
owner’s local bank. Authorised
Banks are being given authority to
credit the proceeds of notes for
warded from outside the Scheduled
Territories to the type of account
appropriate to the country of the
The position of all other Bank of
England notes remains unchanged.
The prohibition on the import of
sterling notes (other than the notes
which are sent under this relaxa-
tion and except notes carried by
travellers to the value of £10 per
person) remains in force.â€
The notes covered by these arrange-
ments should not be taken to the
United Kingdom by travellers.
No. A. C. 24/44,
Virgin Islands Constitution and
Elections Ordinance, 1954.
The Commissioner of the Virgin
Islands has being pleased under Sec-
tion 39 of the Virgin Islands Consti-
tution and Elections Ordinance, 1954
(No. 7/1954) to appoint Mr. May-
Returning Officer for the Third
Electoral District of the Presidency
in the place of Mr. HENRY OSMOND
CREQUE whose appointment has been
1st October, 1954.
C. 18/00029—IT.
Virgin Islands Constitution and
Elestions Ordinance, 1954.
It is hereby notified for general in-
formation that the member duly
elected to serve in the Legislative
Council of the Presidency for the
Third Electoral District (The Tortola
North District) at an election held on
Thursday 7th October igs Mr. E.
Supervisor of Llections.
The Marr_age Ordinance, 1954.
Appointment under Section 3.
It is notified for general informa-
tion that the Reverend DouGguas
FELD and Reverend ERIc A. L.
CROMIE have been appointed Mar-
riage Officers for the Presidency of
the Virgin Islands with effect from
the 11th and 12th October, 1954. re-
Commissioner’s Office,
Virgin Islands.
13éh October, 1954.
owe 2f
[21 October, 1954.
In the Supreme Court the of
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
Circuit Court Notice.
in pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward Is-
- lands Courts Order in Council, 1939,
on the 24th day of September, 1941,
as amended, the Honourable the
Puisne Judge selected for the sitting
of the Court in the Montserrat Circuit
has appointed the undermentioned
day on which the ensuing Circuit
shall sit in the Presidency, that is to
say i—
On Friday the 29th day of October,
1954 at 11.00 o’clock in the forenoon.
ALLAN F. G. L. LouIsy,
Registrar, Montserrat Circuit.
Registrar's Office,
5th October, 1954.
M. 65A/8—IJI.
Crown Land Applications
Applications in connexion with
Crown lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this office in relation
to any such application.
Such applications will be inserted
in at least three separate issues of the
Gazette before they will be dealt with
by the Governor, so that applicants
must be prepared for this delay.
The undermentioned application is
hereby notified.
By Order,
Clerk to the Commissioner.
Commissioner's Office,
Virgin Islands.
10th September, 1954.
All that piece plot or portion of
foreshore land and land under the
sea contiguous and continuous with
the foreshore aforesaid situate at
Burt Point in Road Town in the
island of Tortola in the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands containing .516
of an acre and measuring from East
to West on the North side 20 feet;
from North to South on the Kast
side 500 feet; from East to West on
the South side 70 feet; from North to
South on the West side fronting the
public road 500 feet and butted and
bounded as follows, that is to say, on
the North by the sea; on the East by
the sea; on the South by the sea; on
the West by the public road.
Ref. No. 46/00003—II.
451 OMover, 1954]
Registrar General’s Office,
St. John’s, Antigua.
2nd October, 1954.
In accordance with the provisions
-of Section 16 of the Marriage
Ordinance, 1923, the foliowing
Building has been registered in the
Presidency of Antigna as a place of
Christian worship where Banns or
Announcements of Marriage may be
published :—
Tho Methodist Church at Freeman-
ville, Antigua.
H. 8S. L. MOsaiey,
Registrar General.
Town and Country Planning
Regulations 1953.
(Regulation 9 (1) ).
NOTICE is hereby given that a
certified copy of a draft resolution
and map for the preparation of a
scheme for the development of the
area herein deseribed will be open
for inspection at the office of the
Central Housing and Planning Au-
thority, High Street, St. John’s,
between the hours of 10 a.m. and
3 p.m. daily (except on Thursdays
and Saturdays when the hours will
be 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.).
ANY representation or objection
thereto should be sent in writing to
the Secretary and Executive Officer,
Central Authority, High Street, St.
John’s, within thirty days from the
date of this notice.
Lands at Villa Area formerly part
of the Villa Estate, comprising
approximately 65 acres bounded ag
follows: that is to say, on the north
by lands of CADMAN, MULCARE anid
others and the public road leading to
Fort JAMES, on the east by lands of
southeast and south by the ANTIGUA
SUGAR Factory Railway line lead-
ing to the Point Wharf and land
belonging to the City Commissioners
used asa refuse dump, and on the
west by the sea.
Dated this 12th day of October,
Secretary & Erecutive Officer
Central Authority.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Cen-
tral Authority under Section 5 (1) (0)
of the Town and Country Planning
Ordinance 1948, No. 4 of 1948, hereby
decide to prepare a scheme with
respect to lands at Villa Estate in the
Presidency of Antigua.
Dated the day of
Secretary & Executive Officer
Central Authority.
LAWTON have applied for registra-
tion in the Leeward Islands of
United Kingdom Patent No. 654,522
dated the 15th day of November,
1951 and issued on the 17th day of
October, 1951 and have filed in the
Registrar’s Office at the Court House,
St. John’s, Antigua, a complete
copy of the specifications and the
certificate of the Comptroller General
of the United Kingdom Patent Office
giving full particulars of this patent
which will be open to public
inspection at the said office at any
time between the hours of 10 a.m.
and 4 p.m. on working days except
on Thursdays and Saturdays when
the hours will be from 10 a.m. to
12 noon.
Any person may within two
months from the date of this adver-
tisement give notice to the Registrar
of opposition to the issue of a
certificate of registration upon any
of the grounds prescribed in section
10 of the Patents Act, 1906, for
opposition to the grant of Letters
Dated the 16th
day of October,
H.S. L. Mosetry,
Chief Registrar.
Registrar’s Office,
Oourt House,
St. Johiv’s, Antigun,
ANTIGUA, 29th September, 1954.
Madison Avenue, New York, State
of New York U.S.A. have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—
in Classy 42 that is to say: Milk and
milk and dairy products.
The Applicants claim that they have
used the said Trade Mark in respect
of the said goods for 8 years before
the date of their said Application.
Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigna, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade
Registrar of Trade Marks.
Central Experimont Station,
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
Jan. 5.41 8.60 241 1.938 3.04
Feb, E52 ASS! GOs sk 2Rmordb
Mar. 1.58 1,09" °1,62 -8,60., 1:08
Apr. 244 2.16 3.14 2.06 AY
May DOG M05 4350. ae OMS
June ges Oech beth aii B18}
July eS), 3.28 8.388 3.20 3.47
Aug. 10.7 9.18 8.43 3.16 De93)
Sept. O34 OG tb po m2 Oma Ok
Oct. 16th 1.58 3.08 2.26 23 4.384
36.15 49.61 42.20 22.19 37.86
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by FE. MM. BLackman, E.D,
Government Printer.—By Authority,
[Price 44 cents.]
. fe
1954, No. 41,
Montserrat Postal Service
Tur Monrserrat Postar Service Rutes anpd ReGurations, 1954
pated Oeroper 18, 1954, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR IN CoUNCIL
UNDER ‘rae Posr Orricr Acr (Car, 128).
1. Crration anp ApprricaTion. These Rules and Regulations
may be cited as the Montserrat Postal Service Rules and Megulations,
1954, and shall apply only to the Presidency of Montserrat.
2. Iyverprevation. In these Rules and Regulations, unless the
context requires otherwise—
‘*Comiissioner’†means the person for the time being filling the
office of Commissioner of the Presidency ;
‘letter’? includes every kind of postal packet, when despatched by
letter post;
“master†means the person having command or charge of a ship;
6 Dorcel’? mes any 1 pack nt | arcel st:
parcel" means any postal packet sent by parcel post;
“port†includes airport;
‘“‘ Postmaster’ means the person for the time being filling the
office of Postmaster of the Presidency ;
‘“‘ Presidency †means the Presidency of Montserrat;
“ship� means any schooner, sloop, boat, motor vessel, steamship
or other floating craft ond includes any description of nireraft,
3. Post Orrick Sus-pivisions. The post offices established
or hereafter to be established in the Presidency shall be divided into two
groups, namely, the General Post Office, and Sub-Post Offices.
2 rt
i. Genpran Posr Orrice, The head post office in the town of
Plymouth shall be the General Post Office for the Presideney and any
other post offices in the Presidency shall be managed and controlled
5. Sus-Posr Orricrs. The remaining post offices (other than the
General Post Office) in the Presidency shall be Sub: Post Offices as
specified in Schedule A hereto.
6. Sups-Posrmasters. ‘The persons in charge of Sub-Post Offices
shall be styled Sub-Postmasters and they shall render such accounts and
returns as the Postmaster may require.
7. Names or Post Orrices. The designations contained in
Sehedule A. hereto shall be the official names of the several Sub- Post
Offices and shall be used in all post marks and for all purposes, except
money order business,
8. Monry Orprer Orrice. The General Post Office is a money
order office, and shall be described in the heading of money order forms
as ‘ Montserratâ€,
9, ILours or Bustress on Week Days. (1) The post offices
of the Presidency shall be opened to the public from 8.15 a.m. to
3.30 p.m. except that on one day in each week, to be appointed by the
Commissioner, there shall be an early closing day when the hours of
business shall be from 8.15 a.m. to 11.80 a.m.
2) 'The hours for transacting money and postal order business
shall be fixed by the Postmaster subject to the spproval of the
10. Sonpays anp Hoxripays. Whenever the arrival or departure
of any ship with mails in the Presidency falls on a Sunday or a bank
holiday, or the exigencies of the postal service require that business be
transacted in the Presidency on a Sunday or a bank holiday, the
General Post Office of the Presidency may be opened on that day for the
receipt and delivery of mails, for the despatch of mails and for the
transaction of such other business as the Postmaster may think necessary
and expedient, for such time and during such hours as he may direct.
11. Dertvery ov Lerrers In Tne Town AND OUTSKIRTS.
Within the limita of the Town of Plymouth as defined by Regulation 388
of the Building and Sanitary (Amendment) Regulations, 1939 (8. R. &
O. 1939, No. 12) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and at the
places and on the days shown in Schedule B hereto, there shall be a
house to house delivery twice daily, commencing at such times ax may be
directed by the Postmaster.
12. Denivery or Letrers 1x Country Districts. (1) There
shall be no house to house delivery in the country districts. Letters
addressed to persons resident in these districts shall be forwarded to the
respective Sub-Post Offices to be called for on the days and at the places
as shown in Schedule B hereto.
(2) Sub-Postmasters will take all steps in their power to ensure
the speedy delivery of letters to the persons entitled to the same, and
they will take special care that registered letters are delivered only to
the addressees or persons duly authorised by the addressees, and they
shall take receipts for the same.
(3) Letters which remain unclaimed for one month shall be
returned to the General Post Office for disposal.
13. Iytayp Matis. (1) Every inland mail shall be accompanied
by a letter bill which shall bear a serial number commencing with the
number 1 on the first of January in each year. here shall be a
separate series in each despatching office for each office of destination,
(2) Letter bills shall be stamped with the post marks of the post
office of origin and of the office of destination, and shall contain the
following information viz: —the date of despateh, ‘the mode of conveyance,
a list of registered letters in the mail, total due for “taxed†letters in
the mail, The bills shall be signed by the despatching officer and the
receiving officer.
(8) A way bill shall be delivered with the mails to the person
conveying the mails, and on the conclusion of the journey the way bill
shall be returned to the office of origin.
(4) All persons receiving bags of mails shall give a receipt for the
same on the appropriate way bill.
(5) Empty bags when not used for the return mails shall be
returned as soon as possible to the General Post Office.
14. Exrernan Mains. (1) The hour for closing mails. shall be
fixed by the Postmaster.
(2) The ordinary posting box shall not be cleared after the hour
fixed for closing mails.
15. Way Bints. The Postmaster shall furnish the master (or
his agent) of every ship by which mails are conveyed with a way bill
specifying the numbers of bags of mails and their destinations and shall
obtain a receipt from such mactee or agent.
16. Untawrun Conveyance or Postar Packits. (1) No
person shall convey any postal packet to be posted on board any ship.
(2) The master of a ship or any person under his control shall not
receive on board that ship while in any port of the Presidency, postal
packets other than those despatched through the Post Office,
17. Governmenr Lerrers. (1) Government letters addressed
to British destinations, if duly franked, may be received unstamped.
Such letters should ‘ot be posted i ina ie ‘ter box, buat should be handed
in over the counter toa postal clerk, and the clerk reeciving the same
shall satisfy himself as far as possible that the letters are Government
(2) Government letters addressed to foreign countries (except
letters on postal business) shall not be received unless they are stamped
in the ordinary way. Such letters when duly stamped may be posted
in a letter box,
(3) Government parcels and Government air mail letters addressed
to any destination shall be stamped in the ordinary way.
(4) The responsibility for franking or stamping Government letters
rests with the head of department from which the letter originates.
(5 Government letters from the Governor or Colonial Secretary
or Commissioner are to be received irrespective of the ordinary hours.
(6) The heads of departments and others specified in Schedule C
hereto are entitled to frank Government letters as preseribed therein.
Letters from certain departments approved by the Governor or
Commissioner may be franked by means of a rubber stamp, subje ct
to the letter being initialled by some person emploved in the
department and where the initials are known to the Postmaster,
Tn other cases the letters should be signed by the franking othcer.
The name of the department of origin when printed on an envelope
shall not be regarded as a frank unless authenticated by a signature
or initials of an authorised officer.
18. Privare Boxes. (1) A private box into which letters
(and where practicable printed papers) on hand for the renter will
be sorted, to be fetched by him, may be rented at the General
Post Office.
(2) The charges for private boxes are payable in advance and
are as follows:—
For one year or less expiring 31st December next ensuing
For a large box 53.00
For a small box $2.00
. 5
(3) In the event of a key of a hox heing lost or mislaid the
renter shall be liable to pay for a new key, and for any alterations to
the lock necessary for security.
(4) When a private box is rented an amount of $2.40 in addition
to the rent of the box shall be deposited with the Postmaster by the
renter as a guarantee for the safe return of the key when the use of
the box is discontinued.
(5) Renters of private boxes are prohibited from using any key
except that regularly issued through the Post Office.
19. Arr Matis. Letters to be forwarded by air mail shall be
marked “By Air Mail†or ** Par Avion†and shall be transmitted by
air if the charges prepaid represent at least three quarters of the air
mail postage; but if they do not, the letter will be withheld from
the air mail and forwarded by ordinary means in which case the
inscription “ By Aiy Mail†oe “ Par Avion†should be deleted by
two thick parallel lines.
20. Atk Main Postace. (1) The rates of postage on postal
packets and parcels transmitted from the Presidency by air iail
shall be as set forth in Schedule D hereto with the addition (except
in the case of air mail to Antigua) of the air mail charge from
Montserrat to Antigua.
(2) The ee must be fully prepaid. Any postal packet or
pareel in respect of which the postage is insufficiently prepaid but
bears 75% or more of the postage will be surcharged with an amount
equivalent to double the deficiency and forw arded by air mail if it
is indicated thereon that the packet or parcel is intended for
conveyance by air.
21. Surrace Main Postage. (1) The prepaid rates of postage
on postal packets (other than parcels) and the special rate of postage
in respect of insured boxes intended for transmission from the
Presideney by surface mail shall be as sct forth in Schedule KE hereto.
(2) The prepaid ratés of postage on parcels intended for
transmission from the Presideney by surface mail and the limit ef
weight and of insurance value thereof shall be as set forth in
Schedule F hereto,
(3) The prepa rates of postage on postal packets of every kind
intended for transmission frem the Presideney by surface mail to
av point beyoud the Presideney and for outward transmission from
suca point by air mail shall be the surface mail postage rates
applicable to the point
of the air nail rates as sc’ ‘orth in Schedule D hereto,
6 * ;
(4) The charges to be made for the miscellaneous services
enumerated in Schedule G hereto shall be at the rates set forth in
the said Schedule.
22.) PosraL SvarioNery. («) Posteards shall be sold at a price
to be fixed by the Postmaster in addition to the postage value
represented by the stamp impressed thereon.
(1) Registration envelopes impressed with a six cents stamp
shall be stocked by Postmasters in the following sizes:—
Size F (about
Size G (about 6 inches)
Size H2 (about { inches)
Size kK (about 115 x G_ inches)
5; x 34 inches)
They shall be sold at the following prices:—
Size I 7 cents each
Size G8 cents each
Size 112 8 cents each
Size kX 10 cents each
(c) Airletter forms and postal envelopes (other than registered
envelopes) shall be sold at a price to be fixed by the Postmaster
in addition to the postage value represented by the stamp if any
impressed thereon.
(d) Embossed printed ov impressed postage stamps cut out of
postal envelopes or postcards issued by the post offices of the
Presidency may be used as adhesive siamps in payment of postage
charges provided they are not impericet, mutilated or defaced in
any way. Stamps indicat ting the payment of registration feo may
be used only for registered correspondence,
23. Postan Orpers. (1) British postal orders shall be issued
and paid at.money order offices, and at such post offices as may from
time to time be appointe ed therefor by the Governor in Couneil, by
a notification in the Gace//e in accordance with such arrangements as
may be made with the Postniaster General of the United Kingdom.
(2) The issue of postal orders in the Presidency shall be
re oe to the denominations set forth in Schedule H (a) hereto.
(5) Postage stamps may be affixed to postal orders issued in the
Presidency in extension of v alue as follows:—
(7) Postage stamps not exeeeding two m number and
10 cents in total value up to and including $1.08; and
(b) Postage stamps not exceeding three in number and
22 cents in total value to orders of denominations above 31.08.
(4) The rates of poundage set forth in Schedule Il (6) hereto
shall be payable on the several denominations of postal orders issued
in the Presidency.
24, Monzy Orprers. (1) The rates set forth in Scheduie I
hereto shall be the rates of commission on money orders issued in
the Presidency.
(2) Money orders issued in the Presidency for payment in
Canada or the United States of America shall be drawn in dollars,
and the amount of British West Indian currency deposited by the
remitters of such orders shall be converted into dollars at such rate
of exchange as may be preseribed by the Governor and published in
the Gacctie, or according to such table or formuia as may be
prescribed and published as aforesaid.
(3) Money orders issued in Canada or the United states drawn
in dollars shall be paid in the Presideney in British West Indian
currency converted. at such rate as may be prescribed by the
(iovernor and published in the Gazetfe, or according to such table
or formula as may be prescribed and published as aforesaid:
Provided that where in pursuance of any arrangement between
the postal administration of the Presidency or Colony and the postal
administration of the country concerned, the equivalent in British
West Indian curreney of any money order is fixed by the admunistra-
tion of origin, such equivalent in British West Indian currency shall
be paid as is indicated on the face of the order by the exchange office
of the administration of origin, or according to such information as
shall be furnished by the administration of origin, and in default
thereof as the Governor may prescribe.
(4) The Postmaster of the Presidency shall keep himself
constantly informed of the local bank rates for buying or selling
bills of exchange expressed in dollars drawn or payable ine Canada
and the United tates, respectively, and shall apply the rates of
conversion as may be prescribed from time fo time or according to
suck. instructions as he may receive.
(4) The Postmaster shall issue the necessary tustructions fot
the conversion of money orders drawn in dollars.
(6) A notice shall he exhibited in a conspicuous place in or
outside the General Post Office stating. for the information of the
pubic, the rates of conversion in respect of nioney orders drawn
in dollars,
8 a
(7) To facilitate examination by the Principal Auditor, the
Postmaster or person issting admoney order payable in the countries
named in sub-rule (2) of this Rule, shall note on the form of
requisition for the money order the current bauk rates for bills of
exchange as aforesaid.
(8S) In this Rule the expression “ United States of Americaâ€â€™
or “ United States†includes the following possessions of the United
States, ec: Alaska, Canal Zone, Hawai, Puerto Rico, Samoa, and
the Virgin Islands of the United States.
25. Powrr To Suspend Tssurs. In the event of sudden
fluctuations in the banking rate of exchange which might involve
loss to the postal administration in the seftlement of postal order or
money order transactions with other countries or colonies, the
Commissioner shall have power to suspend, in the Presidency, the
issue of postal orders, or money orders on any country or colony
pending the making of a rule by the Governor in Council preseribing
anew rate.
26. Repry-parp Postcvrps. Reply-paid posteards shall not
be issued in the Presidency. The reply halves of reply-paid postcards
issued by other postal. adininistrations shall he accepted subject to
the regulations of the Universal Postal Union.
27.) erty Covrons. Reply coupons shall not be issued in the
Presidency. Reply coupons issued in other countries of the Universal
Postal Union shall be exchangeable at any money order office in the
Presidency for stamps valued as follows:—
International Coupous 8 cents
Commonwealth Reply Coupons — 5 cents
28. Dimenstons or Posran Packets. (1) The maximum
dimensions of letters, printed papers, commercial papers, papers
impressed for the use of the blind, samples of merchandise and small
packets shall be as follows:—
Length, breadth aud depth combined, 3 feet, bat the greatest
dimension must not exceed 2 fect.
Tf in the form of a voll: lengtb and twice the diameter 3 feet 3
ins., but the greatest dimension inust not exceed 2 feet 8 ins,
(2) The dimensions of posteards shall be as follows:—
Minimum. 4 inches in length by 24 mches in width.
Maximum, 5% inches in leneth by +3 inches in width.
* 9
(3) Printed papers sent unenclosed in the form of cards whether
folded or not, shall be subject to the same minimum dimensions as
(4) The maximum dimensions of parcels shall be as follows:—
The length, breadth or depth shall not exceed 8 feet 6 inches,
and the length and girth combined shall not exceed 6 feet.
(5) The limits of weight of postal packets and parcels shall be as
(a) Letters and commercial papers, 4tb; printed papers, 631b:
Provided that the limit of weight for a printed volume sent singly
shall be 11 Ib.
(4) Papers impressed for the use of the blind, 15 th.
(«) Samples:
(1) to British destinations, 5 Tb.
(2) to other destinations, | Ih.
(d) Small packets: 2 th.
(e) Parcels: 22 1b or such lesser limit as may be applicable
to the postal administrations of destination.
29, CrarcresBLe Packers. Any postal packet which in the
opinion of the Postmaster contains any dutiable articles, or on which the
postage is insufficiently prepaid, and all small packets and incoming
parcels shall be withheld from delivery until the necessary charves have
been paid.
30. Novice To Appressers oF PosraLt Packers. A notice shall
be addressed as soon as possible after the receipt of the mails to the
addressee of any postal packet withheld from delivery, and of any
registered letter or incoming parcel.
parcel to be sent outside the Presidency shall! bear a customs Ceclaration
in the prescribed form setting out clearly the naine and address of the
sender, the office of origin, the contents of the parcel and the value
(1) Where a parcel arriving in the Presidency does not bear a customs
declaration, or where particulars as to contents and value of a parcel age
not clearly set out in the customs declaration or where the Postinaster or
officer deputed by him has reason to believe that other articles liable to
10 <
duty are contained in such parcel, or that the parcel is understated, he
may at his discretion require such parcel to be opened for inspection and
revaluation if necessary.
(2) In exceptional circumstances where an importer, at the time of
entry, is unable to produce any document required by these Rules and
Regulations the Collector of Customs or the Postmaster shall have
power to admit at the preferential rate of duty any goods which he is
satished are of Mmpire origin within the law for the time being in force
governing British Empire preferential customs duty.
33. Revatuation or Parcers. [Ef upon revaluation the addressee
is not satisfied that a fair value has been assessed he may appeal to the
Collector of Customs who may detain the goods and caase them to be
exiunined by three competent persous to be appoituted by the Collector of
34, Recorp or Parcers. There shall be kept in every parcel
post department a permanent record of all parcels arriving in the
Presidency through that department and such record shall show
par ticulars conforming to those mentioned on the customs declaration or
ascertained by inspection as hereinhefore provided, the date of arrival, the
name of the ship by which the parce! has arrived, and the duty paid
thereon. Hach parcel shall be eitered serially in the record and shall
bear a number corresponding to that entered in the record,
85. Novick or Arrivat or Parcers. (1) It shall be the duty
of the officer in charge of the parcel post department to notify the
addressee by a notice card of the arrival of each parcel unclaimed within
seven days of its arrival. A) second notice shall be issued fourtecu days
after the first notice, and a third notice twenty-eight days after the
second notice.
(2) In lieu of the third notice the Vostmaster may cause a list of
unclaimed parcels to be published in a conspicuous place in or outside the
Post Office.
86. Uncratwep Parcers, In the absence of a definite request for
abandonment, an unclaimed parecl, if undelivered at the original address
or the alternative address (if one is furnished) will withcut previous
notification be returned to the sender at his expense after 75 days of its
arrival in the Presidency.
veTuRNED Parcers. Any pareel which has originated m the
- 37, Re ep P I Any | ‘l which | ted m tl
Presideney and is retarned from the country of destination, wd watell
after notice given as provided in Rule 85 of these Rules and Regulations,
. ® ll
is not claimed by the sender within 75 days of its return to the
Presidency, shall be either: —
(a) sold by public auction if the contents of the parcel so
warrant, and the proceeds, after deducting expenses and post
office charyes, will be returned to the sender; or
(6) destroyed under the supervision of an officer of the
Post Office.
38. SekvicE or Norices. Any notice served upon the ad-lressce
of an incoming parcel or the sender of a returned parcel in person or
handed to a duly authorised agent of such addressee or sender or sent
through the post shall be deemed to have been properly served.
39, Saving as to C. 0. D. ann Inssurep Parcers. LKules 81
to 38 inclusive of these Rules and Regulations shall not affect the Rules
governing the exchange of cash on delivery or insured parcels.
40. C.O. D. Panrcens. (1) Parcels subject to the collection of
trade charges may be exchanged with other countries subject to such
arrangements or agreements as may be made with the countries
(2) The maximum amount of the trade charge in respect of a
parcel shall not exceed $192.
(3) The fees to be charged in respect of parcels subject to trade
charges shall be as set out in any such arrangement or agreement as is
referred to in sub-rule (1) of this Rule.
41. CLO, D. Srevicre wirn Grear Broraty. The Rules govern:
ing the exchange of postal parcels subject to trade charges between the
post. offices of (Creat Britain and the post offices of the Leeward
Islands, and the detailed regulations for carrying out such Rules, made
by the Governor in Council on the 8rd day of September, 1919, shall
continue to have full force and effect in the Presidency.
42. Insurep Arvicies. (1) Insured letters, boxes and parcels
shall be exchanged only with countries participating in the service.
(2) ‘The maximum iisured value of insured articles ip the
Presidency shall be $96.
(3) The charges upon insared letters, boxes and parcels must be
fully prepaid, and subject to sub-rule (3) of Rule 21 of these Riles and
Regulations shall consist of the insurance fee specified in paragraph 8 of
Schedule E hereto and in addition in respect of :—
(a) letters: the postage and fixed registration fee applicable to
a registered letter of the same weight and for the same destination,
13 * \
(6) boxes: the special postage fee specified in paragraph 9 of
Schedule E hereto, and the fixed registration feo.
(c) parcels: the postage applicable to an ordinary parcel of the
sume weight and for the same destination,
(4) Insured boxes shall not exceed two pounds in weight, nor
exceed 12 inches in length, 8 inches in breadth or 4 inches in depth.
(5) An insured box addressed to the Presidency or sent in transit
through the Presidency sball be accompanied by a customs Ceciavation in
the form prescribed. An insured. box posted in the Presidency shall be
accompanied by a customs declaration in the fort prescribed and of the
number required by the country of destination,
43. CoMPENSATION FoR Loss OR DAMAGE oF Parcets, (1) If
any uninsured parcel wile under the control of the General Post Office
be lost or damaged the Postmaster may pay to any person or persons
who may in the opinion of the Postmaster establish « reasonable claim to
compensation (having regard to the nature of the articles, the care with
which it was packed, snd other circumstances) such sum not exceeding
S7.68 for a parcel exceeding eleven pounds in weight or $4.80 for a
parcel not exceeding eleven pounds in weight, as he may think just.
(2) Inno case will compensation be given when such loss or damage
arises from any fault or neglect of the sender or from the nature of the
contents, or where the parcel eannot be accounted for in consequence of
the loss of official documents from any such cause.
(3) When it cannot be determined where the loss or damage
oceurred, compensation shall be borne equally by the despatching and
receiving administrations.
44. INDeMNITIES GN Respeca or ReGisrernd Articurs. The
maximum payment for the loss ob i registered article or for the loss of
the contents of a revistered letter, where pavable, is 818.92.
45. Gratorries ror Sea Carrtace. (1) The gratuities payable
to owners, masters or agents of ships conveying mails, inclading transit
mails, (other than ships under contract cr in respect of which isa subsidy
is paid or in respect of which other arrangements exist for the conveyance
of mails) shall not exceed the sates specified ta Schedule L hereto.
(2) The rates hereby authorised are in respect of the net weights
of correspondence and parcels, that is to say, the actual net weight
of the postal packets or parecls where easily ascertainable, or where
the net weight is not easily asecuininable the gross weroht, legs ten
per cent of the same, shall be deemed to be the uct weight,
; 13
46, Accotnts. The Postmaster shall reuder promptly to the
postal administrations or departments concerned all accounts, returns
and statements due to be rendered, and the several Sab Postinasters
shall keep such accounts and shall render such returns as the
Postmaster may require.
47. Sravisttcs. (1) Onee in each vear from the first to the
fourteenth day of Novenber inclusive or at such other period as
may be prescribed a strict account shall bo kept for statistical purposes
of the number despatched in the inland mails of each group of
postal packets, as follows: —
(a) letters, (6) posteards, (¢) printed papers, commercial
‘ Ss | xe le ay crmall y sk ats Y bli ] literat 1
papers and samples, (2) small packets, (¢) blind literature,
(/) external parcels, (vy) inland parcels. Registered articles
are to be included in the group to which they belone.
(2) During the statistical period special letter bills will be used,
on which the necessary partienlars will be entered: the number of
postal + cate (other than external parcels) thus ascertained will be
multiplied | 26, and the resalting figures will he regarded as the
approxi: ae eee: of postal packets despatched during the year
for the purposes of official and other returns.
(3) Similar records will be kept in the General Post Office in
respect of external mails:
Provided that in the case of external parcels the precise numbers
shall be recorded and entered in the returns,
(4) Where statistics are recorded in any year in accordance with
the International Postal Convention, it will not be necessary to
observe a special statistical period for colonial purposes in respect of
external mails, and the statisties recorded for international purposes
will be used for the purposes of official and other returns.
48. Convention or Brussrens. The Universal Postal Conven-
tion and the Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes
signed at Brussels on the 11th day of July, 1952, so far as the same
are applicable to the Colony, shall continue to have full foree and
effect in the Presidency.
49, Practice or Untrep Winapom Posy Orrick APPLIED,
= all matters not expressly provided for herein or in any Law, Rule
r Regulation relating to postal ailairs m foree in the Presidency, or
in oie Universal Postal Convention and the several Agreements and
Detailed Regulations made thereunder, or in any other Agreement,
Convention or Instructions, the Postmaster shall be guided by the
Country of Destination
(i) West Indies, North,
South and Central
By BW. TI. A:—
British Guiana
British Honduras
Dominican Republic
Leeward Islands:—
(Antigua, St. Kitts,
Nevis Anguilla)
St. Lucia
Trinidad & Tobago
Puerto Rico
United States
St. Vincent
By P. A. Ac—
British Guiana
Canal Zone
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
Dutch Guiana
Dutch West Indies:— ~
(Aruba, Bonaire,
Curacao, St. Martin)...
I] Salvador
French Guiana
French West Indies
Air Mail Postage.
Fates of Postage
per $ oz. cards Letters
COUN VEN O Vror or
Cr Orv on
co oO
(Rule 20)
Parcel Post Other postal
per + tb
per } 02.
(Max. weight
2 Lbs.)
SCHEDULE D. (Cont'd)
trates of Postage
Letters Post Air Parcel Post Other postal
Country of Destination per 4 oz, cards Letters per 4 tb packets
: per 4 02.
(i) West Indies, North, (Max. weight
South and Central 2 Ibs.)
America (cont’d):—
Cents, Cents, Cents. $ «& Cents.
By P. A. A:—(eont'd.)
Guatemala wee 30 14
Haiti vee 14 8
Honduras Republio .., 30 li
Jamaica we 14 8 8 1.32 3
Mexico (via Camaguay,
Havana & Merida)... 30 14
Nicaragua te 30 14
Panama a 18 8
Paraguay wee 30 14
Peru a 30 14
Puerto Rico tee 14 8
United States bes 18 8 1.00 6
Uruguay wee 30 14
Venezuela vas 14 8
Virgin Islands, British
(via Si. Thomas)... 14 8 )
Virgin Islands, U.S... 14 8
By Kol. M. from St. Kitts:—
Colombia ves 12 6
Dutch West Indies:—
(Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao
Saint Martin) a 8 4
By Other Air Lines:—
Bahamas tee 16 8 8
Bermuda wee 18 10 8
Canada ves 18 8 12
United States vee 18 8
SCHEDULE D--(cont'd)
Rates of Postage
Country of Destination | Letters per
| 3 oz.
a cin
Post Cards Air Letters
| Col, A. Col. B Col. A | Col. B | Col. A | Col. B
aoe = _ : eee | | . =
(ii) Europe: |
CG |e C0 OG C. C.
Albania wel 46 48 23 24 «12 1b
Austria we) AG) 48 23 24 «12 16
Belgium we) 46 45 23 24 12 16
Bulgaria 4600:« dS BO a 1B
Corsica wl 4605 48 23 Kk 126
Crete vel 46 48 2 24 «12 16
Czechoslovakia wl 46 48 23 24 —C 12 16
Denmark we) 46 48 230 12 16
Dodecanese Is. wel 46, 48 23 24 12 16
France we) 46 5 48 28 24 | 12 | 16
Germany wl 4605 48 238 24, 12 #16
Gibraltar ee ee ee) ey a
Great Britain .| 40 42 20, 21) «12 16
Greece we 460 48 28 24 | 12 16
Holland we] 46 48 | 23 24 12 16
Hungary we 460 48 2B | 24 oR 16
Iceland we 46060606¢« BB 24 12 16
Italy—Rome and South Italy
including Vatican City
Milan & North Italy . | 46 48 23 dk 12 = 16
Latvia ee) 46 48 23, 24 , 12 1b
Lithuania | 46 | 48 9 23 0 2k 12 16
Luxembourg we 46 48 |) 23 24 2 16
Malta wl 46 48 23 24 12 16
Norway we 46 48 23 24 12 16
Poland wl 46 48 ; 23) 24 12 16
Portugal we) 46 48 23 | 24 | 12 16
Roumania we 46 48 23 24 12 16
Spain we 46 48 23 l 24 12 16
Sweden .| 46 48 23) 24 12 16
Switzerland w| 46 48 23 | 24 12 16
Turkey we) OF | 56 27 | 28 12 16
U.S.S.R. we 460 48 2B 4 12 16
Yugoslavia we 46 | 48 230 12 16
(iii) Africa: |
Algeria a. (OF 56) 27 28 12 16
Belgian Congo via U.K. we TO 78 | 38, «38
British Somaliland via U.K. .... 68 70 34 5 35 12 16
Cameroons, French «70 72 |) 35 , 36) 12 16
Casablanea via U.K. we 46 48 23 4
Ethiopia we 68 70 34. 35
French Equatorial Africa we 70) «72 =| (85) 86 12 16
| |
eee lt} | td
SCHEDULE D—(cond’d)
Rates of Postage
Country of Destination | pe Dost-Carde ae Loner
| Col. A |e Col. B Col. A | Col. B Col, A | Col. B
iii) Africa:—(coni’:/) hoa | « C. C. C. | C.
French Guinea we) 10 720 3 | 36 12) 1b
French Somali Coast wa OF 56 27 28 Ie | 16
Gambia via U.K. | 58 60) 29) 300 WB
Gold Coast via U.K. we) 66 5 68 | 383 34 12. lo
Kenya via U.K. vf 68 7034 35 12 16
Liberia | 60 | 62] 3 1 ar
Morocco (French) we] OF 56 | 27 28 212 | Lb
Morocco (Spanish) via U.K. | 46 48 | 238 24 |
Nigeria v/a U.K. wel 66 6d 38 34 I 16
Port Etienne via U.K. we) OF 06, 27 28
Sierre Leone via U.K. | 76 7 | 38 | 29 12. 16
North Africa via U.K. wf 76 | 78 | 38 39 12.) 16
Southern Rhodesia via U.K. .,.| 74 76 37 38. «12 | lb
Sudan (French) w 7000-720) 35 BHD 16
Togo (French Sphere) we 70 72 85 BBR 1b
Tripoli via U.K. ww 46, 48 | 23 24 | 12 16
Tunisia | dt | 56 | 27 | 28 | 12 16
(iv) Other countries: ! | | |
Aden via U.K. veel O4 66 32 33 12 8
Arabia via U.K. wl 64 66 | 32 | 33
Australia wel T0072 35 | 36 12 16
Azores | 3d | 40 19 20
Bahrein via UL. .. «$60 | 62 5 30 3
Burma via U.K, .. 80 82. | 40 A]
Ceylon via U.K. we 680 82 40 41 | 12 16
China—Hong Kong .. 88 | 90 | 44 45 |
Cyprus via U.K. w| 58 | 60 | 29 30 | 12 | 6
Datch East Indies ma U.K. ae 90 | 92 45 45 |
Kyypt via U.K. we OA | Bb 27 28
Eritrea vza U.K. we §«§664) OB) 82 33
Fiji wl 88 58 29 28 12 ot
Fock Indo-China wl 70 72 | 35 86 12) 16
French Oceania we «SOF 682 40 41 12 16
Guam we 60 | 62 30 31
Hawaii aw BF | BH 17 Is |
India (French) a. TO 720, 3A 36) IR 16
India: Delhi, Caleutta via UK... 7000 72 30 36 |
Tran via ULK. we 60 60 | 30 |
Jraq via U.K. ww. «60 | 62 380 3l
Lebanon via U.K. we «OL 5 5G RT | 8
Malay States ota U.K. ne 88 | 90 | dk | 45 | 12 |] to
Malta ofa U.K. w 46 | 48 | 2B | 24 | 12 | 16
q# ©,
The rate shall be a vate for each copy, and if two or more copies are sent in a
single packet, each copy shall be liable to the same postage as if posted separately,
provided that in no case shall a copy or a packet of such copies be chargeable with
a higher rite than that chargeable on a printed paper of the same weight.
To destinations outside the Colony the rate shall be the game as for printed
(2) Other Newspapers—The rate shall be the same as that provided for
printed papers.
all places:—
For every two ounces or fraction thereof 2c.
Commercial Papers to all places:—
Not exceeding eight ounces wee 8c.
For every two ounces thereafter or fraction thereof oes 2c.
To all places:—
Not exceeding four ounces _ 4c.
For every two ounces thereafter or fraction thereof ee 2c.
To all places to which the service applies:—
Not exceeding eight ounces . 16e.
For every two ounces thereafter or fraction thereof see 4c.
6. BLIND LITERATURE. Packets containing papers impressed for use of the
To all places Free
To all places:—
Not exceeding one ounce oe 6c.
For every additional ounce or fraction thereof vee 4o.
Not exceeding $96 insured value .. 16¢.
Special rate of postage to all places to which the service applies:—
Not exceeding ten ounces 30c.
For every two ounces therefter or fraction thereof Les 6c.
(in addition to the insurance fee and registration fee.)
oo #8 23
SCHEDULE F (Rule 21 (2) )
Prepaid Raioe not t exceeding ee ls
s . |e 31° 3 o
Country of Destination and Route Per | | = 3.5 =o
Lib {aaa 3 Ib 7 1b Lim 22u4 eis as
lb | | 7 ia =
$8 O's C$ a8 c.§ cfs. $6
Within the Presidency or between
Presidencies os 12 224 3H 607 22) 96.00
Bahamas via Bermuda Pe 24 48 72 1.20) 22) 96.00
Barbados _ , 24 48 72 1.20) 22) 96.00
Bermuda san 24 48 72 1.20) 22) 96.00
British Guiana ie 24, 48 72 1.20) 22) 96.00
Canada “ah 48) 90 1.26 2.22) 15) 96.00
trenada Mes oa 48) 721.20) 22) 96.00
St. Lucia ae | 24. 48 721.20) 22) 96.00
St. Vincent wa) A 48 72 -1.20f 22) 96.00
Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire, Saba,
St. Eustatius, St. Martin, and | |
St. Barths via St. Witts ae , 24 48 7
Trinidad and Tobago se 24. 48 7
Jamaica, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao
via Trinidad (Insurance Jamaica | j
36) 54 721.26) *22| 96.00
1.20] 22) 96.00
1.20] 221 96.00
only) me
Jamaica via Bermuda Sa 2 48 721.20] 22) 96.00
Great Britain :— | |
Direct na 60 90 1.20 1.70} 221 96.00
Via Canada os | 1.06 1.80 2.46 3.90] 22] 96.00
» U.S.A. ee 1.20. 1.90 3.56 6.50) 22) 96.00
,, Barbados or Trinidad 72 1,24 1.56 2.36) 22) 96.00
Gnadeloupe “cs | 24, 48 72 ll
U.S.A. and U.S. Virgin Islands ..f 30) 18 | 22) 96.00
U.S. Possessions vie U.S.A. Alaska, |
Canal Zone, Guam, Havana, |
Philippines, Puerto Rico and . |
Samoa wef 42 | 36 | 22 96.00
Dutch Guiana via British Guiana : | 42 72)1.08 L.s6} 11) 96.00
Martinique via St. Lucia ae 48° 901.26 2.22) 11 96.00
H.M. Ships in foreign waters via : | |
London. oes 60, 1.20) 1.74 3.00 96.00
| |
\ \ )
*Parcels to Jamaica via Trinidad—Limit of weight Lb.
ZX © ow
SCHEDULE G. (Rule 21 (4) )
Miscellaneous Services
For the following services applicable to postal packets for all places:—
Registration Fees 6
Advices of Delivery of Registered Postal Packet 10
Enquiry as to alleged loss or non-delivery of Postal Packet 12
Certificate of posting of an unregistered Postal Packet 1
Undertaking to pay customs and other charges on a parcel 12
Cash on delivery service Posting fee on each Parcel 4
Delivery fee on each Parcel )
Minimum surcharge in respect of non-payment or insuffi-
cient prepayment of postage 1
SCHEDULE H (Rule 23)
Postal Orders
12¢, 24c, 3c, 480, 60c, 72c, 96ce, $1.20, $1.80, $2.40, $3, $3.60
$4.80 and $9.60.
Amount of Order Total Poundage payable
Value 12¢. to 24c. 3
» 36c. ,, $1.20 5
» $144 ,, $2.40 8
» $2.64 ,, $5.02 10
» $9.60 20
SCHEDULE I (Rule 24)
Money Orders—Rates of Commission
-Payable in the Presidency 2c. for each £1 or fraction
thereof, with a minimum
charge of bc.
Payable in other countries with which
Money Orders are exchanged Ac. for each £1 or fraction
thereof, with a minimum
charge of 8c.
For every two dollars or fraction thereof 2c.
~~ & Bz
Gratuities for Sea Carriage
Country to which shipped Articles
Other Presidencies in the
Leeward Islands Letters
U.S. Virgin Islands Other Postal
French West Indies, Dutch
West Indies Parcels
Other Countries Letters
Other Postal
(Rule 45)
Per Ib net weight 10c.
7 †le.
. â€Â» 30¢.
, » dhe
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leoward Islands,
by BE. M. BhackMan, Government Printer.—-By Authority.
[ Price 36 cents}
~® 2
1954. No. 42.
Ruies, 1954, patrn Ocroper 18, 1954, MADE BY THE
Acr (Car. 56),
1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the
Montserrat Jurors (Allowances) (Amendment) Rules, 1954,
and shall be read as one with the Montserrat Jurors
(Allowances) Rules, 1949 (8. R. & O. 1949 No. 38)
hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules.
2. Amendment of Rule 2 of the Principal
Rules. Sub-rule (1) of rule 2 of the Principal Rules is
hereby amended by the insertion of the words ‘and fifty
cents†between the word “dollarâ€? and the letter “aâ€
appearing therein.
Made by the Governor in Council this 18th day of
October, 1954.
A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by E M. Backman. Government Priater.--By Authority.
3100229480 10.54. (Price 3 cents.]
Full Text |
It is notified for general information
that His léxcellency the Governor has
issued a commission appointing the
Hon. E. A. THOMPSON to be the
Administrator’s Deputy within the
Presidency of Antigua during the
absence from the seat of Government
of the said Presidency of the Admin-
istrator on a visit to the island of
The Secretariat,
18th October, 1954.
No. 13/00264,
It is hereby notified for general in-
formation that His Excellency the
Governor has been pleased to appoint
the following persons to be Presiden-
tial Appointed Members of the new
Executive Council of the Virgin
(a) T. KE. A. PERKINS, Esq.
J.O. GEORGES, Esq. M.B.E.,
with effect from the 15th October,
(>) H. R. Pwny, Esq., M.B.E.
z and,
W. W. Smith, Esq.,
with effect from the 16th October,
2. It is also notified for general
information that the Hon. H. R.
PENN, M.B.E., will undertake the
duties of Member for Trade and Pro-
duction and that the Hon. W. W.
SMITH will undertake the duties of
Member for Public Works and Com-
The Secretariat,
18th October, 1954.
©. 18/00008.
It is notified for general informa-
tion that the Hon. H. R. PENN,
M.B.E., has been selected from
among the elected members of the
Virgin Islands Legislative Council to
be a Representative Member for that
Presidency on the General Legisla-
tive Council.
The Secretariat,
18th October, 1954.
©. 18/00013.
32F: F294 7
The Acting Commissioner of Mont-
serrat has appointed the Revd H. L. F.
BOLSTER to be a Marriage Officer
for that Presidency from the 15th
October, 1954.
WHEREAS under Section 3 of the
Cotton Planting (Regulation) Ordi-
nance 1931, (No. 1/1931) it is provided
that the Governor in Council may
from time to time by’ Proclamation
published in the Gazette and by
Public Notice, declare any period of
each year to be a close planting season
within the meaning of the said Ordi-
nance either for the whole Presidency
or for such area or areas thereof as
may be specified in such Proclamation;
Commander of the Most Distinguished
Order of Saint Michael and Saint
George and an Officer of the Most
Excellent Order of the British Em-
pire, Governor and Commander in
Chief in and over the Colony of the
Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral
of the same, with the advice of the
Executive Council of the Presidency
of Antigua, do, by this my Proclama-
tion declare that the period from the
16th day of October, 1954, to the 15th
day of August, 1955, inclusive, shall
be a close planting season within the
meaning of the said Ordinance for
the whole of the Presidency of Anti-
gua, excepting that area of land
situate at Friars Hill under the
control of the Central Cotton Station.
AND all Her Majesty’s loving
subjects in the said Presidency and
all others whom it may concern are
hereby required to take due notice
hereof .and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.
GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 7th day of October,
1954, in the third year of Her
Majesty’s reign.
Ref. No. A. 1/30—IV,
Acting Commissioner,
In exercise of the powers vested in
the Governor in Council by section 3
of the Cotton Protection Ordinance,
1922 (No. 1 of 1922), as amended by
the Cotton Protection (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1926 (No. 1 of 1926), I,
ALLAN LOUISY, Acting Commissioner
of the said Presidency, by and with
the advice of the Executive Council
of the said Presidency, do by this my
Proclamation declare that the period
from the 16th day of November, 1954,
to the 31st day of January, 1955, both
days inclusive, shall be a close season
within the meaning of the said Ordi-
nance for the whole of the Presidency
of Montserrat (except the Planting
Date Experimental Plots under Gov-
ernment control, to which this Pro-
clamation shall not apply).
And all Her Majesty’s loving sub-
jects in the said Presidency and all
others whom it may concern are
hereby required to take due no-
tice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.
GIVEN at the Commissioner’s Office,
Montserrat, this 8th day of
October, 1954, and in the third
year of Her Majesty’s reign.
Within the area of the Presidency
to which the Proclamation applies, it
is an offence—
(a) for any person, being an oc-
cupier of any land, to fail
competely to root up and burn
all Cotton, Okro and Sorrel plants
and all or any portion of the same
growing or remaining on any
such land occupied by him,
before the preparation for any
new crop of the land on which
the said plants and all or any
portion of the same are growing
or remaining, end before the first
day of the close season;
(6) for any person to sow or plant
or cause to be sown or planted
any Cotton, Okro or Sorre] plants
on any land, during the close
No. 95.
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the un-
dermentioned Acts and Ordinances:—
Leeward Islands.
No. 13 of 1954, ‘‘The Magistrate’s
Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act,
No. 18 of 1954, “The Telecommu-
nications (Amendment) Act, 1954.â€
No. 20 of 1954, ‘The Small Tene-
ments (Amendment) Act, 1954.â€
No. 3 of 1954, “he Denomination-
al School Teachers Pension (A mend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
No. 5 of 1954, “The Petroleum
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
St. Kitts-Nevis and Anguilla.
No. 7 of 1954, “The Electricity,
Ice and Cold Storage (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1954.â€
No. 6.
The following Statutory Rules and
Orders are circulated with this Gazette
and form part thereof:—
General Government.
No. 41 of 1954, “The Montserrat
Postal Service Rules and Regulations,
1954.†25 pp. Price 36 cents.
No. 42 of 1954, ‘The Montserrat
Jurors (Allowances) (Amendment)
Rales, 1954.†1 pp. Price 3 cents
Bank of Engiand
The following relaxation on the
import of sterling notes into the
United Kingdom has been announced.
“From 30th September, 1954,
Bank of England notes of £10 up-
wards and Bank of England notes of
£5 dated prior to the 2nd September,
1944, all of which have ceased to be
legal tender (but have remained
payable on presentation at the
Bank of England)-may be sent by
post from any territory to a banker
in the United Kingdom for collec-
tion. None of these notes has a
mettalic thread such as appears in
current £5 notes.
Notes should be despatched at the
risk. of the owner to the usual bank-
ing correspondents in the United
Kingdom of the owner or of the
owner’s local bank. Authorised
Banks are being given authority to
credit the proceeds of notes for
warded from outside the Scheduled
Territories to the type of account
appropriate to the country of the
The position of all other Bank of
England notes remains unchanged.
The prohibition on the import of
sterling notes (other than the notes
which are sent under this relaxa-
tion and except notes carried by
travellers to the value of £10 per
person) remains in force.â€
The notes covered by these arrange-
ments should not be taken to the
United Kingdom by travellers.
No. A. C. 24/44,
Virgin Islands Constitution and
Elections Ordinance, 1954.
The Commissioner of the Virgin
Islands has being pleased under Sec-
tion 39 of the Virgin Islands Consti-
tution and Elections Ordinance, 1954
(No. 7/1954) to appoint Mr. May-
Returning Officer for the Third
Electoral District of the Presidency
in the place of Mr. HENRY OSMOND
CREQUE whose appointment has been
1st October, 1954.
C. 18/00029—IT.
Virgin Islands Constitution and
Elestions Ordinance, 1954.
It is hereby notified for general in-
formation that the member duly
elected to serve in the Legislative
Council of the Presidency for the
Third Electoral District (The Tortola
North District) at an election held on
Thursday 7th October igs Mr. E.
Supervisor of Llections.
The Marr_age Ordinance, 1954.
Appointment under Section 3.
It is notified for general informa-
tion that the Reverend DouGguas
FELD and Reverend ERIc A. L.
CROMIE have been appointed Mar-
riage Officers for the Presidency of
the Virgin Islands with effect from
the 11th and 12th October, 1954. re-
Commissioner’s Office,
Virgin Islands.
13éh October, 1954.
owe 2f
[21 October, 1954.
In the Supreme Court the of
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
Circuit Court Notice.
in pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward Is-
- lands Courts Order in Council, 1939,
on the 24th day of September, 1941,
as amended, the Honourable the
Puisne Judge selected for the sitting
of the Court in the Montserrat Circuit
has appointed the undermentioned
day on which the ensuing Circuit
shall sit in the Presidency, that is to
say i—
On Friday the 29th day of October,
1954 at 11.00 o’clock in the forenoon.
ALLAN F. G. L. LouIsy,
Registrar, Montserrat Circuit.
Registrar's Office,
5th October, 1954.
M. 65A/8—IJI.
Crown Land Applications
Applications in connexion with
Crown lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this office in relation
to any such application.
Such applications will be inserted
in at least three separate issues of the
Gazette before they will be dealt with
by the Governor, so that applicants
must be prepared for this delay.
The undermentioned application is
hereby notified.
By Order,
Clerk to the Commissioner.
Commissioner's Office,
Virgin Islands.
10th September, 1954.
All that piece plot or portion of
foreshore land and land under the
sea contiguous and continuous with
the foreshore aforesaid situate at
Burt Point in Road Town in the
island of Tortola in the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands containing .516
of an acre and measuring from East
to West on the North side 20 feet;
from North to South on the Kast
side 500 feet; from East to West on
the South side 70 feet; from North to
South on the West side fronting the
public road 500 feet and butted and
bounded as follows, that is to say, on
the North by the sea; on the East by
the sea; on the South by the sea; on
the West by the public road.
Ref. No. 46/00003—II.
451 OMover, 1954]
Registrar General’s Office,
St. John’s, Antigua.
2nd October, 1954.
In accordance with the provisions
-of Section 16 of the Marriage
Ordinance, 1923, the foliowing
Building has been registered in the
Presidency of Antigna as a place of
Christian worship where Banns or
Announcements of Marriage may be
published :—
Tho Methodist Church at Freeman-
ville, Antigua.
H. 8S. L. MOsaiey,
Registrar General.
Town and Country Planning
Regulations 1953.
(Regulation 9 (1) ).
NOTICE is hereby given that a
certified copy of a draft resolution
and map for the preparation of a
scheme for the development of the
area herein deseribed will be open
for inspection at the office of the
Central Housing and Planning Au-
thority, High Street, St. John’s,
between the hours of 10 a.m. and
3 p.m. daily (except on Thursdays
and Saturdays when the hours will
be 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.).
ANY representation or objection
thereto should be sent in writing to
the Secretary and Executive Officer,
Central Authority, High Street, St.
John’s, within thirty days from the
date of this notice.
Lands at Villa Area formerly part
of the Villa Estate, comprising
approximately 65 acres bounded ag
follows: that is to say, on the north
by lands of CADMAN, MULCARE anid
others and the public road leading to
Fort JAMES, on the east by lands of
southeast and south by the ANTIGUA
SUGAR Factory Railway line lead-
ing to the Point Wharf and land
belonging to the City Commissioners
used asa refuse dump, and on the
west by the sea.
Dated this 12th day of October,
Secretary & Erecutive Officer
Central Authority.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Cen-
tral Authority under Section 5 (1) (0)
of the Town and Country Planning
Ordinance 1948, No. 4 of 1948, hereby
decide to prepare a scheme with
respect to lands at Villa Estate in the
Presidency of Antigua.
Dated the day of
Secretary & Executive Officer
Central Authority.
LAWTON have applied for registra-
tion in the Leeward Islands of
United Kingdom Patent No. 654,522
dated the 15th day of November,
1951 and issued on the 17th day of
October, 1951 and have filed in the
Registrar’s Office at the Court House,
St. John’s, Antigua, a complete
copy of the specifications and the
certificate of the Comptroller General
of the United Kingdom Patent Office
giving full particulars of this patent
which will be open to public
inspection at the said office at any
time between the hours of 10 a.m.
and 4 p.m. on working days except
on Thursdays and Saturdays when
the hours will be from 10 a.m. to
12 noon.
Any person may within two
months from the date of this adver-
tisement give notice to the Registrar
of opposition to the issue of a
certificate of registration upon any
of the grounds prescribed in section
10 of the Patents Act, 1906, for
opposition to the grant of Letters
Dated the 16th
day of October,
H.S. L. Mosetry,
Chief Registrar.
Registrar’s Office,
Oourt House,
St. Johiv’s, Antigun,
ANTIGUA, 29th September, 1954.
Madison Avenue, New York, State
of New York U.S.A. have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—
in Classy 42 that is to say: Milk and
milk and dairy products.
The Applicants claim that they have
used the said Trade Mark in respect
of the said goods for 8 years before
the date of their said Application.
Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigna, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade
Registrar of Trade Marks.
Central Experimont Station,
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
Jan. 5.41 8.60 241 1.938 3.04
Feb, E52 ASS! GOs sk 2Rmordb
Mar. 1.58 1,09" °1,62 -8,60., 1:08
Apr. 244 2.16 3.14 2.06 AY
May DOG M05 4350. ae OMS
June ges Oech beth aii B18}
July eS), 3.28 8.388 3.20 3.47
Aug. 10.7 9.18 8.43 3.16 De93)
Sept. O34 OG tb po m2 Oma Ok
Oct. 16th 1.58 3.08 2.26 23 4.384
36.15 49.61 42.20 22.19 37.86
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by FE. MM. BLackman, E.D,
Government Printer.—By Authority,
[Price 44 cents.]
. fe
1954, No. 41,
Montserrat Postal Service
Tur Monrserrat Postar Service Rutes anpd ReGurations, 1954
pated Oeroper 18, 1954, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR IN CoUNCIL
UNDER ‘rae Posr Orricr Acr (Car, 128).
1. Crration anp ApprricaTion. These Rules and Regulations
may be cited as the Montserrat Postal Service Rules and Megulations,
1954, and shall apply only to the Presidency of Montserrat.
2. Iyverprevation. In these Rules and Regulations, unless the
context requires otherwise—
‘*Comiissioner’†means the person for the time being filling the
office of Commissioner of the Presidency ;
‘letter’? includes every kind of postal packet, when despatched by
letter post;
“master†means the person having command or charge of a ship;
6 Dorcel’? mes any 1 pack nt | arcel st:
parcel" means any postal packet sent by parcel post;
“port†includes airport;
‘“‘ Postmaster’ means the person for the time being filling the
office of Postmaster of the Presidency ;
‘“‘ Presidency †means the Presidency of Montserrat;
“ship� means any schooner, sloop, boat, motor vessel, steamship
or other floating craft ond includes any description of nireraft,
3. Post Orrick Sus-pivisions. The post offices established
or hereafter to be established in the Presidency shall be divided into two
groups, namely, the General Post Office, and Sub-Post Offices.
2 rt
i. Genpran Posr Orrice, The head post office in the town of
Plymouth shall be the General Post Office for the Presideney and any
other post offices in the Presidency shall be managed and controlled
5. Sus-Posr Orricrs. The remaining post offices (other than the
General Post Office) in the Presidency shall be Sub: Post Offices as
specified in Schedule A hereto.
6. Sups-Posrmasters. ‘The persons in charge of Sub-Post Offices
shall be styled Sub-Postmasters and they shall render such accounts and
returns as the Postmaster may require.
7. Names or Post Orrices. The designations contained in
Sehedule A. hereto shall be the official names of the several Sub- Post
Offices and shall be used in all post marks and for all purposes, except
money order business,
8. Monry Orprer Orrice. The General Post Office is a money
order office, and shall be described in the heading of money order forms
as ‘ Montserratâ€,
9, ILours or Bustress on Week Days. (1) The post offices
of the Presidency shall be opened to the public from 8.15 a.m. to
3.30 p.m. except that on one day in each week, to be appointed by the
Commissioner, there shall be an early closing day when the hours of
business shall be from 8.15 a.m. to 11.80 a.m.
2) 'The hours for transacting money and postal order business
shall be fixed by the Postmaster subject to the spproval of the
10. Sonpays anp Hoxripays. Whenever the arrival or departure
of any ship with mails in the Presidency falls on a Sunday or a bank
holiday, or the exigencies of the postal service require that business be
transacted in the Presidency on a Sunday or a bank holiday, the
General Post Office of the Presidency may be opened on that day for the
receipt and delivery of mails, for the despatch of mails and for the
transaction of such other business as the Postmaster may think necessary
and expedient, for such time and during such hours as he may direct.
11. Dertvery ov Lerrers In Tne Town AND OUTSKIRTS.
Within the limita of the Town of Plymouth as defined by Regulation 388
of the Building and Sanitary (Amendment) Regulations, 1939 (8. R. &
O. 1939, No. 12) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and at the
places and on the days shown in Schedule B hereto, there shall be a
house to house delivery twice daily, commencing at such times ax may be
directed by the Postmaster.
12. Denivery or Letrers 1x Country Districts. (1) There
shall be no house to house delivery in the country districts. Letters
addressed to persons resident in these districts shall be forwarded to the
respective Sub-Post Offices to be called for on the days and at the places
as shown in Schedule B hereto.
(2) Sub-Postmasters will take all steps in their power to ensure
the speedy delivery of letters to the persons entitled to the same, and
they will take special care that registered letters are delivered only to
the addressees or persons duly authorised by the addressees, and they
shall take receipts for the same.
(3) Letters which remain unclaimed for one month shall be
returned to the General Post Office for disposal.
13. Iytayp Matis. (1) Every inland mail shall be accompanied
by a letter bill which shall bear a serial number commencing with the
number 1 on the first of January in each year. here shall be a
separate series in each despatching office for each office of destination,
(2) Letter bills shall be stamped with the post marks of the post
office of origin and of the office of destination, and shall contain the
following information viz: —the date of despateh, ‘the mode of conveyance,
a list of registered letters in the mail, total due for “taxed†letters in
the mail, The bills shall be signed by the despatching officer and the
receiving officer.
(8) A way bill shall be delivered with the mails to the person
conveying the mails, and on the conclusion of the journey the way bill
shall be returned to the office of origin.
(4) All persons receiving bags of mails shall give a receipt for the
same on the appropriate way bill.
(5) Empty bags when not used for the return mails shall be
returned as soon as possible to the General Post Office.
14. Exrernan Mains. (1) The hour for closing mails. shall be
fixed by the Postmaster.
(2) The ordinary posting box shall not be cleared after the hour
fixed for closing mails.
15. Way Bints. The Postmaster shall furnish the master (or
his agent) of every ship by which mails are conveyed with a way bill
specifying the numbers of bags of mails and their destinations and shall
obtain a receipt from such mactee or agent.
16. Untawrun Conveyance or Postar Packits. (1) No
person shall convey any postal packet to be posted on board any ship.
(2) The master of a ship or any person under his control shall not
receive on board that ship while in any port of the Presidency, postal
packets other than those despatched through the Post Office,
17. Governmenr Lerrers. (1) Government letters addressed
to British destinations, if duly franked, may be received unstamped.
Such letters should ‘ot be posted i ina ie ‘ter box, buat should be handed
in over the counter toa postal clerk, and the clerk reeciving the same
shall satisfy himself as far as possible that the letters are Government
(2) Government letters addressed to foreign countries (except
letters on postal business) shall not be received unless they are stamped
in the ordinary way. Such letters when duly stamped may be posted
in a letter box,
(3) Government parcels and Government air mail letters addressed
to any destination shall be stamped in the ordinary way.
(4) The responsibility for franking or stamping Government letters
rests with the head of department from which the letter originates.
(5 Government letters from the Governor or Colonial Secretary
or Commissioner are to be received irrespective of the ordinary hours.
(6) The heads of departments and others specified in Schedule C
hereto are entitled to frank Government letters as preseribed therein.
Letters from certain departments approved by the Governor or
Commissioner may be franked by means of a rubber stamp, subje ct
to the letter being initialled by some person emploved in the
department and where the initials are known to the Postmaster,
Tn other cases the letters should be signed by the franking othcer.
The name of the department of origin when printed on an envelope
shall not be regarded as a frank unless authenticated by a signature
or initials of an authorised officer.
18. Privare Boxes. (1) A private box into which letters
(and where practicable printed papers) on hand for the renter will
be sorted, to be fetched by him, may be rented at the General
Post Office.
(2) The charges for private boxes are payable in advance and
are as follows:—
For one year or less expiring 31st December next ensuing
For a large box 53.00
For a small box $2.00
. 5
(3) In the event of a key of a hox heing lost or mislaid the
renter shall be liable to pay for a new key, and for any alterations to
the lock necessary for security.
(4) When a private box is rented an amount of $2.40 in addition
to the rent of the box shall be deposited with the Postmaster by the
renter as a guarantee for the safe return of the key when the use of
the box is discontinued.
(5) Renters of private boxes are prohibited from using any key
except that regularly issued through the Post Office.
19. Arr Matis. Letters to be forwarded by air mail shall be
marked “By Air Mail†or ** Par Avion†and shall be transmitted by
air if the charges prepaid represent at least three quarters of the air
mail postage; but if they do not, the letter will be withheld from
the air mail and forwarded by ordinary means in which case the
inscription “ By Aiy Mail†oe “ Par Avion†should be deleted by
two thick parallel lines.
20. Atk Main Postace. (1) The rates of postage on postal
packets and parcels transmitted from the Presidency by air iail
shall be as set forth in Schedule D hereto with the addition (except
in the case of air mail to Antigua) of the air mail charge from
Montserrat to Antigua.
(2) The ee must be fully prepaid. Any postal packet or
pareel in respect of which the postage is insufficiently prepaid but
bears 75% or more of the postage will be surcharged with an amount
equivalent to double the deficiency and forw arded by air mail if it
is indicated thereon that the packet or parcel is intended for
conveyance by air.
21. Surrace Main Postage. (1) The prepaid rates of postage
on postal packets (other than parcels) and the special rate of postage
in respect of insured boxes intended for transmission from the
Presideney by surface mail shall be as sct forth in Schedule KE hereto.
(2) The prepaid ratés of postage on parcels intended for
transmission from the Presideney by surface mail and the limit ef
weight and of insurance value thereof shall be as set forth in
Schedule F hereto,
(3) The prepa rates of postage on postal packets of every kind
intended for transmission frem the Presideney by surface mail to
av point beyoud the Presideney and for outward transmission from
suca point by air mail shall be the surface mail postage rates
applicable to the point
of the air nail rates as sc’ ‘orth in Schedule D hereto,
6 * ;
(4) The charges to be made for the miscellaneous services
enumerated in Schedule G hereto shall be at the rates set forth in
the said Schedule.
22.) PosraL SvarioNery. («) Posteards shall be sold at a price
to be fixed by the Postmaster in addition to the postage value
represented by the stamp impressed thereon.
(1) Registration envelopes impressed with a six cents stamp
shall be stocked by Postmasters in the following sizes:—
Size F (about
Size G (about 6 inches)
Size H2 (about { inches)
Size kK (about 115 x G_ inches)
5; x 34 inches)
They shall be sold at the following prices:—
Size I 7 cents each
Size G8 cents each
Size 112 8 cents each
Size kX 10 cents each
(c) Airletter forms and postal envelopes (other than registered
envelopes) shall be sold at a price to be fixed by the Postmaster
in addition to the postage value represented by the stamp if any
impressed thereon.
(d) Embossed printed ov impressed postage stamps cut out of
postal envelopes or postcards issued by the post offices of the
Presidency may be used as adhesive siamps in payment of postage
charges provided they are not impericet, mutilated or defaced in
any way. Stamps indicat ting the payment of registration feo may
be used only for registered correspondence,
23. Postan Orpers. (1) British postal orders shall be issued
and paid at.money order offices, and at such post offices as may from
time to time be appointe ed therefor by the Governor in Couneil, by
a notification in the Gace//e in accordance with such arrangements as
may be made with the Postniaster General of the United Kingdom.
(2) The issue of postal orders in the Presidency shall be
re oe to the denominations set forth in Schedule H (a) hereto.
(5) Postage stamps may be affixed to postal orders issued in the
Presidency in extension of v alue as follows:—
(7) Postage stamps not exeeeding two m number and
10 cents in total value up to and including $1.08; and
(b) Postage stamps not exceeding three in number and
22 cents in total value to orders of denominations above 31.08.
(4) The rates of poundage set forth in Schedule Il (6) hereto
shall be payable on the several denominations of postal orders issued
in the Presidency.
24, Monzy Orprers. (1) The rates set forth in Scheduie I
hereto shall be the rates of commission on money orders issued in
the Presidency.
(2) Money orders issued in the Presidency for payment in
Canada or the United States of America shall be drawn in dollars,
and the amount of British West Indian currency deposited by the
remitters of such orders shall be converted into dollars at such rate
of exchange as may be preseribed by the Governor and published in
the Gacctie, or according to such table or formuia as may be
prescribed and published as aforesaid.
(3) Money orders issued in Canada or the United states drawn
in dollars shall be paid in the Presideney in British West Indian
currency converted. at such rate as may be prescribed by the
(iovernor and published in the Gazetfe, or according to such table
or formula as may be prescribed and published as aforesaid:
Provided that where in pursuance of any arrangement between
the postal administration of the Presidency or Colony and the postal
administration of the country concerned, the equivalent in British
West Indian curreney of any money order is fixed by the admunistra-
tion of origin, such equivalent in British West Indian currency shall
be paid as is indicated on the face of the order by the exchange office
of the administration of origin, or according to such information as
shall be furnished by the administration of origin, and in default
thereof as the Governor may prescribe.
(4) The Postmaster of the Presidency shall keep himself
constantly informed of the local bank rates for buying or selling
bills of exchange expressed in dollars drawn or payable ine Canada
and the United tates, respectively, and shall apply the rates of
conversion as may be prescribed from time fo time or according to
suck. instructions as he may receive.
(4) The Postmaster shall issue the necessary tustructions fot
the conversion of money orders drawn in dollars.
(6) A notice shall he exhibited in a conspicuous place in or
outside the General Post Office stating. for the information of the
pubic, the rates of conversion in respect of nioney orders drawn
in dollars,
8 a
(7) To facilitate examination by the Principal Auditor, the
Postmaster or person issting admoney order payable in the countries
named in sub-rule (2) of this Rule, shall note on the form of
requisition for the money order the current bauk rates for bills of
exchange as aforesaid.
(8S) In this Rule the expression “ United States of Americaâ€â€™
or “ United States†includes the following possessions of the United
States, ec: Alaska, Canal Zone, Hawai, Puerto Rico, Samoa, and
the Virgin Islands of the United States.
25. Powrr To Suspend Tssurs. In the event of sudden
fluctuations in the banking rate of exchange which might involve
loss to the postal administration in the seftlement of postal order or
money order transactions with other countries or colonies, the
Commissioner shall have power to suspend, in the Presidency, the
issue of postal orders, or money orders on any country or colony
pending the making of a rule by the Governor in Council preseribing
anew rate.
26. Repry-parp Postcvrps. Reply-paid posteards shall not
be issued in the Presidency. The reply halves of reply-paid postcards
issued by other postal. adininistrations shall he accepted subject to
the regulations of the Universal Postal Union.
27.) erty Covrons. Reply coupons shall not be issued in the
Presidency. Reply coupons issued in other countries of the Universal
Postal Union shall be exchangeable at any money order office in the
Presidency for stamps valued as follows:—
International Coupous 8 cents
Commonwealth Reply Coupons — 5 cents
28. Dimenstons or Posran Packets. (1) The maximum
dimensions of letters, printed papers, commercial papers, papers
impressed for the use of the blind, samples of merchandise and small
packets shall be as follows:—
Length, breadth aud depth combined, 3 feet, bat the greatest
dimension must not exceed 2 fect.
Tf in the form of a voll: lengtb and twice the diameter 3 feet 3
ins., but the greatest dimension inust not exceed 2 feet 8 ins,
(2) The dimensions of posteards shall be as follows:—
Minimum. 4 inches in length by 24 mches in width.
Maximum, 5% inches in leneth by +3 inches in width.
* 9
(3) Printed papers sent unenclosed in the form of cards whether
folded or not, shall be subject to the same minimum dimensions as
(4) The maximum dimensions of parcels shall be as follows:—
The length, breadth or depth shall not exceed 8 feet 6 inches,
and the length and girth combined shall not exceed 6 feet.
(5) The limits of weight of postal packets and parcels shall be as
(a) Letters and commercial papers, 4tb; printed papers, 631b:
Provided that the limit of weight for a printed volume sent singly
shall be 11 Ib.
(4) Papers impressed for the use of the blind, 15 th.
(«) Samples:
(1) to British destinations, 5 Tb.
(2) to other destinations, | Ih.
(d) Small packets: 2 th.
(e) Parcels: 22 1b or such lesser limit as may be applicable
to the postal administrations of destination.
29, CrarcresBLe Packers. Any postal packet which in the
opinion of the Postmaster contains any dutiable articles, or on which the
postage is insufficiently prepaid, and all small packets and incoming
parcels shall be withheld from delivery until the necessary charves have
been paid.
30. Novice To Appressers oF PosraLt Packers. A notice shall
be addressed as soon as possible after the receipt of the mails to the
addressee of any postal packet withheld from delivery, and of any
registered letter or incoming parcel.
parcel to be sent outside the Presidency shall! bear a customs Ceclaration
in the prescribed form setting out clearly the naine and address of the
sender, the office of origin, the contents of the parcel and the value
(1) Where a parcel arriving in the Presidency does not bear a customs
declaration, or where particulars as to contents and value of a parcel age
not clearly set out in the customs declaration or where the Postinaster or
officer deputed by him has reason to believe that other articles liable to
10 <
duty are contained in such parcel, or that the parcel is understated, he
may at his discretion require such parcel to be opened for inspection and
revaluation if necessary.
(2) In exceptional circumstances where an importer, at the time of
entry, is unable to produce any document required by these Rules and
Regulations the Collector of Customs or the Postmaster shall have
power to admit at the preferential rate of duty any goods which he is
satished are of Mmpire origin within the law for the time being in force
governing British Empire preferential customs duty.
33. Revatuation or Parcers. [Ef upon revaluation the addressee
is not satisfied that a fair value has been assessed he may appeal to the
Collector of Customs who may detain the goods and caase them to be
exiunined by three competent persous to be appoituted by the Collector of
34, Recorp or Parcers. There shall be kept in every parcel
post department a permanent record of all parcels arriving in the
Presidency through that department and such record shall show
par ticulars conforming to those mentioned on the customs declaration or
ascertained by inspection as hereinhefore provided, the date of arrival, the
name of the ship by which the parce! has arrived, and the duty paid
thereon. Hach parcel shall be eitered serially in the record and shall
bear a number corresponding to that entered in the record,
85. Novick or Arrivat or Parcers. (1) It shall be the duty
of the officer in charge of the parcel post department to notify the
addressee by a notice card of the arrival of each parcel unclaimed within
seven days of its arrival. A) second notice shall be issued fourtecu days
after the first notice, and a third notice twenty-eight days after the
second notice.
(2) In lieu of the third notice the Vostmaster may cause a list of
unclaimed parcels to be published in a conspicuous place in or outside the
Post Office.
86. Uncratwep Parcers, In the absence of a definite request for
abandonment, an unclaimed parecl, if undelivered at the original address
or the alternative address (if one is furnished) will withcut previous
notification be returned to the sender at his expense after 75 days of its
arrival in the Presidency.
veTuRNED Parcers. Any pareel which has originated m the
- 37, Re ep P I Any | ‘l which | ted m tl
Presideney and is retarned from the country of destination, wd watell
after notice given as provided in Rule 85 of these Rules and Regulations,
. ® ll
is not claimed by the sender within 75 days of its return to the
Presidency, shall be either: —
(a) sold by public auction if the contents of the parcel so
warrant, and the proceeds, after deducting expenses and post
office charyes, will be returned to the sender; or
(6) destroyed under the supervision of an officer of the
Post Office.
38. SekvicE or Norices. Any notice served upon the ad-lressce
of an incoming parcel or the sender of a returned parcel in person or
handed to a duly authorised agent of such addressee or sender or sent
through the post shall be deemed to have been properly served.
39, Saving as to C. 0. D. ann Inssurep Parcers. LKules 81
to 38 inclusive of these Rules and Regulations shall not affect the Rules
governing the exchange of cash on delivery or insured parcels.
40. C.O. D. Panrcens. (1) Parcels subject to the collection of
trade charges may be exchanged with other countries subject to such
arrangements or agreements as may be made with the countries
(2) The maximum amount of the trade charge in respect of a
parcel shall not exceed $192.
(3) The fees to be charged in respect of parcels subject to trade
charges shall be as set out in any such arrangement or agreement as is
referred to in sub-rule (1) of this Rule.
41. CLO, D. Srevicre wirn Grear Broraty. The Rules govern:
ing the exchange of postal parcels subject to trade charges between the
post. offices of (Creat Britain and the post offices of the Leeward
Islands, and the detailed regulations for carrying out such Rules, made
by the Governor in Council on the 8rd day of September, 1919, shall
continue to have full force and effect in the Presidency.
42. Insurep Arvicies. (1) Insured letters, boxes and parcels
shall be exchanged only with countries participating in the service.
(2) ‘The maximum iisured value of insured articles ip the
Presidency shall be $96.
(3) The charges upon insared letters, boxes and parcels must be
fully prepaid, and subject to sub-rule (3) of Rule 21 of these Riles and
Regulations shall consist of the insurance fee specified in paragraph 8 of
Schedule E hereto and in addition in respect of :—
(a) letters: the postage and fixed registration fee applicable to
a registered letter of the same weight and for the same destination,
13 * \
(6) boxes: the special postage fee specified in paragraph 9 of
Schedule E hereto, and the fixed registration feo.
(c) parcels: the postage applicable to an ordinary parcel of the
sume weight and for the same destination,
(4) Insured boxes shall not exceed two pounds in weight, nor
exceed 12 inches in length, 8 inches in breadth or 4 inches in depth.
(5) An insured box addressed to the Presidency or sent in transit
through the Presidency sball be accompanied by a customs Ceciavation in
the form prescribed. An insured. box posted in the Presidency shall be
accompanied by a customs declaration in the fort prescribed and of the
number required by the country of destination,
43. CoMPENSATION FoR Loss OR DAMAGE oF Parcets, (1) If
any uninsured parcel wile under the control of the General Post Office
be lost or damaged the Postmaster may pay to any person or persons
who may in the opinion of the Postmaster establish « reasonable claim to
compensation (having regard to the nature of the articles, the care with
which it was packed, snd other circumstances) such sum not exceeding
S7.68 for a parcel exceeding eleven pounds in weight or $4.80 for a
parcel not exceeding eleven pounds in weight, as he may think just.
(2) Inno case will compensation be given when such loss or damage
arises from any fault or neglect of the sender or from the nature of the
contents, or where the parcel eannot be accounted for in consequence of
the loss of official documents from any such cause.
(3) When it cannot be determined where the loss or damage
oceurred, compensation shall be borne equally by the despatching and
receiving administrations.
44. INDeMNITIES GN Respeca or ReGisrernd Articurs. The
maximum payment for the loss ob i registered article or for the loss of
the contents of a revistered letter, where pavable, is 818.92.
45. Gratorries ror Sea Carrtace. (1) The gratuities payable
to owners, masters or agents of ships conveying mails, inclading transit
mails, (other than ships under contract cr in respect of which isa subsidy
is paid or in respect of which other arrangements exist for the conveyance
of mails) shall not exceed the sates specified ta Schedule L hereto.
(2) The rates hereby authorised are in respect of the net weights
of correspondence and parcels, that is to say, the actual net weight
of the postal packets or parecls where easily ascertainable, or where
the net weight is not easily asecuininable the gross weroht, legs ten
per cent of the same, shall be deemed to be the uct weight,
; 13
46, Accotnts. The Postmaster shall reuder promptly to the
postal administrations or departments concerned all accounts, returns
and statements due to be rendered, and the several Sab Postinasters
shall keep such accounts and shall render such returns as the
Postmaster may require.
47. Sravisttcs. (1) Onee in each vear from the first to the
fourteenth day of Novenber inclusive or at such other period as
may be prescribed a strict account shall bo kept for statistical purposes
of the number despatched in the inland mails of each group of
postal packets, as follows: —
(a) letters, (6) posteards, (¢) printed papers, commercial
‘ Ss | xe le ay crmall y sk ats Y bli ] literat 1
papers and samples, (2) small packets, (¢) blind literature,
(/) external parcels, (vy) inland parcels. Registered articles
are to be included in the group to which they belone.
(2) During the statistical period special letter bills will be used,
on which the necessary partienlars will be entered: the number of
postal + cate (other than external parcels) thus ascertained will be
multiplied | 26, and the resalting figures will he regarded as the
approxi: ae eee: of postal packets despatched during the year
for the purposes of official and other returns.
(3) Similar records will be kept in the General Post Office in
respect of external mails:
Provided that in the case of external parcels the precise numbers
shall be recorded and entered in the returns,
(4) Where statistics are recorded in any year in accordance with
the International Postal Convention, it will not be necessary to
observe a special statistical period for colonial purposes in respect of
external mails, and the statisties recorded for international purposes
will be used for the purposes of official and other returns.
48. Convention or Brussrens. The Universal Postal Conven-
tion and the Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes
signed at Brussels on the 11th day of July, 1952, so far as the same
are applicable to the Colony, shall continue to have full foree and
effect in the Presidency.
49, Practice or Untrep Winapom Posy Orrick APPLIED,
= all matters not expressly provided for herein or in any Law, Rule
r Regulation relating to postal ailairs m foree in the Presidency, or
in oie Universal Postal Convention and the several Agreements and
Detailed Regulations made thereunder, or in any other Agreement,
Convention or Instructions, the Postmaster shall be guided by the
Country of Destination
(i) West Indies, North,
South and Central
By BW. TI. A:—
British Guiana
British Honduras
Dominican Republic
Leeward Islands:—
(Antigua, St. Kitts,
Nevis Anguilla)
St. Lucia
Trinidad & Tobago
Puerto Rico
United States
St. Vincent
By P. A. Ac—
British Guiana
Canal Zone
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
Dutch Guiana
Dutch West Indies:— ~
(Aruba, Bonaire,
Curacao, St. Martin)...
I] Salvador
French Guiana
French West Indies
Air Mail Postage.
Fates of Postage
per $ oz. cards Letters
COUN VEN O Vror or
Cr Orv on
co oO
(Rule 20)
Parcel Post Other postal
per + tb
per } 02.
(Max. weight
2 Lbs.)
SCHEDULE D. (Cont'd)
trates of Postage
Letters Post Air Parcel Post Other postal
Country of Destination per 4 oz, cards Letters per 4 tb packets
: per 4 02.
(i) West Indies, North, (Max. weight
South and Central 2 Ibs.)
America (cont’d):—
Cents, Cents, Cents. $ «& Cents.
By P. A. A:—(eont'd.)
Guatemala wee 30 14
Haiti vee 14 8
Honduras Republio .., 30 li
Jamaica we 14 8 8 1.32 3
Mexico (via Camaguay,
Havana & Merida)... 30 14
Nicaragua te 30 14
Panama a 18 8
Paraguay wee 30 14
Peru a 30 14
Puerto Rico tee 14 8
United States bes 18 8 1.00 6
Uruguay wee 30 14
Venezuela vas 14 8
Virgin Islands, British
(via Si. Thomas)... 14 8 )
Virgin Islands, U.S... 14 8
By Kol. M. from St. Kitts:—
Colombia ves 12 6
Dutch West Indies:—
(Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao
Saint Martin) a 8 4
By Other Air Lines:—
Bahamas tee 16 8 8
Bermuda wee 18 10 8
Canada ves 18 8 12
United States vee 18 8
SCHEDULE D--(cont'd)
Rates of Postage
Country of Destination | Letters per
| 3 oz.
a cin
Post Cards Air Letters
| Col, A. Col. B Col. A | Col. B | Col. A | Col. B
aoe = _ : eee | | . =
(ii) Europe: |
CG |e C0 OG C. C.
Albania wel 46 48 23 24 «12 1b
Austria we) AG) 48 23 24 «12 16
Belgium we) 46 45 23 24 12 16
Bulgaria 4600:« dS BO a 1B
Corsica wl 4605 48 23 Kk 126
Crete vel 46 48 2 24 «12 16
Czechoslovakia wl 46 48 23 24 —C 12 16
Denmark we) 46 48 230 12 16
Dodecanese Is. wel 46, 48 23 24 12 16
France we) 46 5 48 28 24 | 12 | 16
Germany wl 4605 48 238 24, 12 #16
Gibraltar ee ee ee) ey a
Great Britain .| 40 42 20, 21) «12 16
Greece we 460 48 28 24 | 12 16
Holland we] 46 48 | 23 24 12 16
Hungary we 460 48 2B | 24 oR 16
Iceland we 46060606¢« BB 24 12 16
Italy—Rome and South Italy
including Vatican City
Milan & North Italy . | 46 48 23 dk 12 = 16
Latvia ee) 46 48 23, 24 , 12 1b
Lithuania | 46 | 48 9 23 0 2k 12 16
Luxembourg we 46 48 |) 23 24 2 16
Malta wl 46 48 23 24 12 16
Norway we 46 48 23 24 12 16
Poland wl 46 48 ; 23) 24 12 16
Portugal we) 46 48 23 | 24 | 12 16
Roumania we 46 48 23 24 12 16
Spain we 46 48 23 l 24 12 16
Sweden .| 46 48 23) 24 12 16
Switzerland w| 46 48 23 | 24 12 16
Turkey we) OF | 56 27 | 28 12 16
U.S.S.R. we 460 48 2B 4 12 16
Yugoslavia we 46 | 48 230 12 16
(iii) Africa: |
Algeria a. (OF 56) 27 28 12 16
Belgian Congo via U.K. we TO 78 | 38, «38
British Somaliland via U.K. .... 68 70 34 5 35 12 16
Cameroons, French «70 72 |) 35 , 36) 12 16
Casablanea via U.K. we 46 48 23 4
Ethiopia we 68 70 34. 35
French Equatorial Africa we 70) «72 =| (85) 86 12 16
| |
eee lt} | td
SCHEDULE D—(cond’d)
Rates of Postage
Country of Destination | pe Dost-Carde ae Loner
| Col. A |e Col. B Col. A | Col. B Col, A | Col. B
iii) Africa:—(coni’:/) hoa | « C. C. C. | C.
French Guinea we) 10 720 3 | 36 12) 1b
French Somali Coast wa OF 56 27 28 Ie | 16
Gambia via U.K. | 58 60) 29) 300 WB
Gold Coast via U.K. we) 66 5 68 | 383 34 12. lo
Kenya via U.K. vf 68 7034 35 12 16
Liberia | 60 | 62] 3 1 ar
Morocco (French) we] OF 56 | 27 28 212 | Lb
Morocco (Spanish) via U.K. | 46 48 | 238 24 |
Nigeria v/a U.K. wel 66 6d 38 34 I 16
Port Etienne via U.K. we) OF 06, 27 28
Sierre Leone via U.K. | 76 7 | 38 | 29 12. 16
North Africa via U.K. wf 76 | 78 | 38 39 12.) 16
Southern Rhodesia via U.K. .,.| 74 76 37 38. «12 | lb
Sudan (French) w 7000-720) 35 BHD 16
Togo (French Sphere) we 70 72 85 BBR 1b
Tripoli via U.K. ww 46, 48 | 23 24 | 12 16
Tunisia | dt | 56 | 27 | 28 | 12 16
(iv) Other countries: ! | | |
Aden via U.K. veel O4 66 32 33 12 8
Arabia via U.K. wl 64 66 | 32 | 33
Australia wel T0072 35 | 36 12 16
Azores | 3d | 40 19 20
Bahrein via UL. .. «$60 | 62 5 30 3
Burma via U.K, .. 80 82. | 40 A]
Ceylon via U.K. we 680 82 40 41 | 12 16
China—Hong Kong .. 88 | 90 | 44 45 |
Cyprus via U.K. w| 58 | 60 | 29 30 | 12 | 6
Datch East Indies ma U.K. ae 90 | 92 45 45 |
Kyypt via U.K. we OA | Bb 27 28
Eritrea vza U.K. we §«§664) OB) 82 33
Fiji wl 88 58 29 28 12 ot
Fock Indo-China wl 70 72 | 35 86 12) 16
French Oceania we «SOF 682 40 41 12 16
Guam we 60 | 62 30 31
Hawaii aw BF | BH 17 Is |
India (French) a. TO 720, 3A 36) IR 16
India: Delhi, Caleutta via UK... 7000 72 30 36 |
Tran via ULK. we 60 60 | 30 |
Jraq via U.K. ww. «60 | 62 380 3l
Lebanon via U.K. we «OL 5 5G RT | 8
Malay States ota U.K. ne 88 | 90 | dk | 45 | 12 |] to
Malta ofa U.K. w 46 | 48 | 2B | 24 | 12 | 16
q# ©,
The rate shall be a vate for each copy, and if two or more copies are sent in a
single packet, each copy shall be liable to the same postage as if posted separately,
provided that in no case shall a copy or a packet of such copies be chargeable with
a higher rite than that chargeable on a printed paper of the same weight.
To destinations outside the Colony the rate shall be the game as for printed
(2) Other Newspapers—The rate shall be the same as that provided for
printed papers.
all places:—
For every two ounces or fraction thereof 2c.
Commercial Papers to all places:—
Not exceeding eight ounces wee 8c.
For every two ounces thereafter or fraction thereof oes 2c.
To all places:—
Not exceeding four ounces _ 4c.
For every two ounces thereafter or fraction thereof ee 2c.
To all places to which the service applies:—
Not exceeding eight ounces . 16e.
For every two ounces thereafter or fraction thereof see 4c.
6. BLIND LITERATURE. Packets containing papers impressed for use of the
To all places Free
To all places:—
Not exceeding one ounce oe 6c.
For every additional ounce or fraction thereof vee 4o.
Not exceeding $96 insured value .. 16¢.
Special rate of postage to all places to which the service applies:—
Not exceeding ten ounces 30c.
For every two ounces therefter or fraction thereof Les 6c.
(in addition to the insurance fee and registration fee.)
oo #8 23
SCHEDULE F (Rule 21 (2) )
Prepaid Raioe not t exceeding ee ls
s . |e 31° 3 o
Country of Destination and Route Per | | = 3.5 =o
Lib {aaa 3 Ib 7 1b Lim 22u4 eis as
lb | | 7 ia =
$8 O's C$ a8 c.§ cfs. $6
Within the Presidency or between
Presidencies os 12 224 3H 607 22) 96.00
Bahamas via Bermuda Pe 24 48 72 1.20) 22) 96.00
Barbados _ , 24 48 72 1.20) 22) 96.00
Bermuda san 24 48 72 1.20) 22) 96.00
British Guiana ie 24, 48 72 1.20) 22) 96.00
Canada “ah 48) 90 1.26 2.22) 15) 96.00
trenada Mes oa 48) 721.20) 22) 96.00
St. Lucia ae | 24. 48 721.20) 22) 96.00
St. Vincent wa) A 48 72 -1.20f 22) 96.00
Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire, Saba,
St. Eustatius, St. Martin, and | |
St. Barths via St. Witts ae , 24 48 7
Trinidad and Tobago se 24. 48 7
Jamaica, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao
via Trinidad (Insurance Jamaica | j
36) 54 721.26) *22| 96.00
1.20] 22) 96.00
1.20] 221 96.00
only) me
Jamaica via Bermuda Sa 2 48 721.20] 22) 96.00
Great Britain :— | |
Direct na 60 90 1.20 1.70} 221 96.00
Via Canada os | 1.06 1.80 2.46 3.90] 22] 96.00
» U.S.A. ee 1.20. 1.90 3.56 6.50) 22) 96.00
,, Barbados or Trinidad 72 1,24 1.56 2.36) 22) 96.00
Gnadeloupe “cs | 24, 48 72 ll
U.S.A. and U.S. Virgin Islands ..f 30) 18 | 22) 96.00
U.S. Possessions vie U.S.A. Alaska, |
Canal Zone, Guam, Havana, |
Philippines, Puerto Rico and . |
Samoa wef 42 | 36 | 22 96.00
Dutch Guiana via British Guiana : | 42 72)1.08 L.s6} 11) 96.00
Martinique via St. Lucia ae 48° 901.26 2.22) 11 96.00
H.M. Ships in foreign waters via : | |
London. oes 60, 1.20) 1.74 3.00 96.00
| |
\ \ )
*Parcels to Jamaica via Trinidad—Limit of weight Lb.
ZX © ow
SCHEDULE G. (Rule 21 (4) )
Miscellaneous Services
For the following services applicable to postal packets for all places:—
Registration Fees 6
Advices of Delivery of Registered Postal Packet 10
Enquiry as to alleged loss or non-delivery of Postal Packet 12
Certificate of posting of an unregistered Postal Packet 1
Undertaking to pay customs and other charges on a parcel 12
Cash on delivery service Posting fee on each Parcel 4
Delivery fee on each Parcel )
Minimum surcharge in respect of non-payment or insuffi-
cient prepayment of postage 1
SCHEDULE H (Rule 23)
Postal Orders
12¢, 24c, 3c, 480, 60c, 72c, 96ce, $1.20, $1.80, $2.40, $3, $3.60
$4.80 and $9.60.
Amount of Order Total Poundage payable
Value 12¢. to 24c. 3
» 36c. ,, $1.20 5
» $144 ,, $2.40 8
» $2.64 ,, $5.02 10
» $9.60 20
SCHEDULE I (Rule 24)
Money Orders—Rates of Commission
-Payable in the Presidency 2c. for each £1 or fraction
thereof, with a minimum
charge of bc.
Payable in other countries with which
Money Orders are exchanged Ac. for each £1 or fraction
thereof, with a minimum
charge of 8c.
For every two dollars or fraction thereof 2c.
~~ & Bz
Gratuities for Sea Carriage
Country to which shipped Articles
Other Presidencies in the
Leeward Islands Letters
U.S. Virgin Islands Other Postal
French West Indies, Dutch
West Indies Parcels
Other Countries Letters
Other Postal
(Rule 45)
Per Ib net weight 10c.
7 †le.
. â€Â» 30¢.
, » dhe
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leoward Islands,
by BE. M. BhackMan, Government Printer.—-By Authority.
[ Price 36 cents}
~® 2
1954. No. 42.
Ruies, 1954, patrn Ocroper 18, 1954, MADE BY THE
Acr (Car. 56),
1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the
Montserrat Jurors (Allowances) (Amendment) Rules, 1954,
and shall be read as one with the Montserrat Jurors
(Allowances) Rules, 1949 (8. R. & O. 1949 No. 38)
hereinafter referred to as the Principal Rules.
2. Amendment of Rule 2 of the Principal
Rules. Sub-rule (1) of rule 2 of the Principal Rules is
hereby amended by the insertion of the words ‘and fifty
cents†between the word “dollarâ€? and the letter “aâ€
appearing therein.
Made by the Governor in Council this 18th day of
October, 1954.
A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by E M. Backman. Government Priater.--By Authority.
3100229480 10.54. (Price 3 cents.]