Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076863/00223
Material Information
- Title:
- Leeward Islands gazette
- Added title page title:
- Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
- Creator:
- Leeward Islands (West Indies)
- Place of Publication:
- [Antigua
- Publisher:
- Gov. Printing Office]
- Publication Date:
- Oct 7, 1954
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Law Leeward Islands (Federation) Montserrat
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt ) Official gazettes ( fast ) Gazettes ( fast ) newspaper ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- 1- , 1872-
- General Note:
- Two pages per frame.
- General Note:
- Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
- General Note:
- Weekly
- General Note:
- Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
- General Note:
- Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
- General Note:
- Some issues called "extraordinary."
- General Note:
- Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
- General Note:
- Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
- General Note:
- Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )
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It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has issued a Commission to
the Honourable P. D. MACDONALD,
C. M. G., appointing him to be
Governor’s Deputy during His
Excellency’s forthcoming absence
from Antigua, whilst paying a visit
to St. Kitts from the 8th to the 10th
October, 1954.
The Secretariat,
4th October, 1954.
No. 13/00061.
The Governor has been pleased to
appoint Mr. R. H. LOCKHART,
Crown Attorney, Antigua, to be an
official member of the Legislative
Council of that Presidency.
The Secretariat,
lst Ovtober, 1954.
_No. C, 18/00009.
The Governor in Council has been
pleased to appoint H. G. TYRELL
Esquire, to be a member of the
Antigua Electricity Board vice Mr. J.
C. MCMICHAEL deceased, for a term
of two years with effect from the
Ast October, 1954.
Administrator’s Office,
St. John’s,
30th September, 1954.
No. A.29/16
No. 88.
Appointments and transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—
ALFonso, L. N., to be Assistant
Superintendent of Police.
No. P.F. 516.
ALFONSO, L. N. Assistant Superinten-
dent of Police, to act as
Superintendent of Police.
Oct. 2
BLAKE, B. A., Acting P.O. Class II,
appointed P. O. Class II, Commie-
sioner’s Office, Virgin Islands.
April 2
jy NOV 195
XXXII. BHURSDAY, 7re OCTOBER, 1954. No. 47.
) Life. Clerk, Magistracy, No. 3 of 1954, “The Cinemato-
“SMior Clerk, Registrar’s graphs (General T.egislature Com-
ee A Antigua. Sept. 7 petency) (Rovocation of Declaration
Davis, Miss ©., Junior Clerk, Post
Office, Antigua confirmed in ap-
pointment. June 12
HaRriGan, N. i. A., to be Super-
vising Teacher, Virgin Islands.
August 17
HaRRIGAN, N. E. A., Supervising
Teacher, Virgin Islands, appointed
to act as Principal in the Commis-
sioner’s Office, Virgin Islands.
Sept. 1
JamgEs, A. ©. E., Junior Clerk,
Peasant Development Servioes,
Antigua, confirmed in appointment.
July 1
MEADE, C. N., Junior Clerk. Audit,
to be Senior Clerk Treasury,
Antigua. Oct. 1
Pexn, W. B., to be Junior Clerk,
Treasury, Virgin Islands, on proba-
tion. August 1
Scort, S. H., B.A., to be Headmaster,
Secondary School, Virgin Islands.
August 22
SHIRLEY, Miss G. to be Junior Clerk,
Treasury, Virgin Islands, on
probation. October 1
VANTERPOOL, Miss A., Student
Nurse, Virgin Islands, to be Nurse,
Cottage Hospital, Virgin Islands.
August 8
WHEATLEY, W. appointed to act as
Supervising Teacher, Virgin
Islands. Sept. 1
No. 89.
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Ordinances:—
No. 4 of 1954, ‘“‘The Cinemato-
graphs General (Legislature Com-
petency) (Revocation of Declaration
and Repeal) Ordinance, 1954.â€
St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla.
No. 4 of 1953, “The Trade and
Revenue (Amendment) Ordinance,
and Repeal) Ordinance, 1954.â€
Virgin Islands.
No. 12 of 1953, “The Customs
Surcharge Ordinance, 1933.â€
No. 90.
The following Ordinance and
Statutory Rules and Orders are cir-
culated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—
Virgin Isiands.
No. 8 of 1954, “The Protection of
Trees and Conservation of Soil and
Water Ordinance 1954’’.
11 pp. Price 13 cents.
Virgin Islands.
No. 13 of 1954, “ Proclamation
convoking the Legislative Council of
the Presidency.â€
1 pp. Price 3 cents.
No. 14 of 1954, ‘Proclamation
appointing a Session for the Legisla-
tive Council of the Presidency.â€
2 pp. Price 4 cents.
The report of a two-man Commis-
sion appointed in July, 1953, by the
Governor of the Leeward Islands, to
enquire into the cotton industry
of Montserrat, is published on the
2nd October.
The Commission which consisted
of Professor C. G. BEASLEY, C.M.G.,
Economic Adviser to the Comptroller
for Development and Welfare (Chair-
man), and Mr. S. A. SHOUTEN,
M.B.E., Agricultural Superintendent
of St. Lucia, was appointed at a
time when the industry was
experiencing many difficulties; and
its terms of reference were very wide.
They were:
To examine and report on the
organization of the cotton industry
in the Presidency of Montserrat,
including means and methods of
production, profits and their distri-
bution, wages and conditions of
work, the disposal of by-products,
and such other matters in relation
to the said industry including
ownership of land and the system
of metayage which you, the gaid
Commissioners, may consider
advisable to include in your
The recommendations of the Com-
mission include the establishment of
a statutory Cotton Marketing Board
in Montserrat, with the sole right
to buy and sell all cotton produced
in the island; the purchase of all
cotton by the United Kingdom
Government, at a stated minimum
price, for the next three seasons;
and the centralisation of processing
at two main ginneries. As regards
the general development of the
Presidency, the Commission recom-
mends the creation of a land
Authority, an expansion of the Agri-
cultural Department and the provision
of agricultural credit on a substantial
The report, which is on sale at
Hastings House, the headquarters of
the Development and Welfare Organi-
zation, and the Commissioner’s Office,
Montserrat, at a cost of $1.20, con-
tains a number of statistical tables
providing a great deal of information
concerning costs in the cotton indus-
try and other figures of land use,
wage rates and public finance.
The Seeretariat,
lst October, 1954.
Notice to Persons Ent tled
to Vote.
Section 43 (1).
Southern Electoral District.
All persons qualified as voters for
the election of a member of the
Legislative Council of Montserrat
residing in the Southern electoral
district of Montserrat who desire to
have their names inserted in the list
of voters for the said electoral district
are hereby required to deliver, or
cause to be delivered, their claims in
writing for that purpose on or before
the 21st day of October, 1954 to the
registering officer of the said electoral
district at Plymouth.
Every claimant to be registered as
a voter shall, if he igs able so to do,
with his own hand subscribe his
name and the date of such subscrip-
tion to the notice of his claim to be
registered ag a voter.
If any such claimant is unable by
reason of illiteracy, blindness or any
other physical cause to perform the
subscription mentioned in the pre-
ceding paragraph, such subscription
shall be performed on his behalf by
the registering officer who shall wit-
ness the same by subscribing his own
signature to the notice of-claim of.
such claimant.
Dated this 29th day of September,
Supervisor of Hlections.
Notice to Persons Entitled to
SrcTIon 43 (1).
Windward Electoral District.
All persons qualified as voters for
the election of a member of the
Legislative . Council of Montserrat
residing in the Windward electoral
district of Montserrat who desire to
have their names inserted in the ligt
of voters for the said electoral district
are hereby required to deliver, or
cause to be delivered, their claims in
writing for that purpose on or before
the 2Ist day of October, 1954 to the
registering officer of the said electoral
district at Harris Village.
livery claimant to be registered as
a voter shall, if he is able so to do,
with his own hand subscribe his
name and the date of such subserip-
tion to the notice of his claim to be
registered as a voter.
If any such claimant is unable by
reason of illiteracy, blindness or any
other physical cause to perform the
subscription mentioned in the pre-
ceding paragraph, such subscription
shall be performed on his behalf by
the registering officer who shall
witness the same by subscribing bis
own signature to the notice of claim
of such claimant.
Dated this 29th day of September,
Supervisor of Klections.
Notice t2 Persons Entitl:d to
SECTION 43 (1).
Central Electoral District.
All persons qualified as voters for
the election of a member of the
Legislative Council of Montserrat
residing in the Central electoral dis-
trict of Montserrat who desire to have
[7 October, 1954,
their names inserted in the list of
voters for the said electoral district
are hereby required to deliver, or °
cause to be delivered, their claims in
writing for that purpose on or before
the 21st day of October, 1954 to the
registering officer of the said electoral
district at Salem Village.
Every claimant to be registered ag a
voter shall, if he ig able so to do, with
his own hand subscribe his name and
the date of such subscription to the
notice of his claim to be registered ag
a voter.
If any such claimant is unable by
reason of illiteracy, blindness or any
other physical cause to perform the
subscription mentioned in the preced-
ing paragraph, such subscription shall
be performed on his behalf by the
registering officer who shall witness
the same by subscribing his own
signature to the notice of claim of
such claimant,
Dated this 29th day of September,
Supervisor of Llections.
Notice to Persons Entitled
to Vote.
Section 48 (1),
Northern Electoral District.
All persons qualified as voters for
the election of a member of the Le-
gislative Council of Montserrat resid-
ing in the Northern electoral district
of Montserrat who desire to have
their names inserted in the list of
voters for the said electoral district
are hereby required to deliver, or
cause to be delivered, their claims in
writing for that purpose on er before
the 21st day-of October, 1954 to the
registering officer of the said electoral
district at Saint John’s.
Every claimant to be registered as
a voter shall, if he is able so to do,
with his own hand subscribe his
name and the date of such subscrip-
tion to the notice of his claim to be
registered as a voter.
If any such claimant is unable by
reason of illiteracy, blindness or any
other physical cause to perform the
subscription mentioned in the pre-
ceding paragraph, such subscription
shall be performed on his behalf by
the registering officer who shall wit-
ness the same by subscribing his own
signature to the notice of claim of
such claimant.
Dated this 29th day of September,
Supervisor of Hlections.
7 October, 1954]
Tt is hereby notified for general
information that the members duly
elected to serve in the Legislative
Council of the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands for the undermentioned
electoral districts at an election held
on Thursday 30th September are as
The first District.
(The Western District & Jost Van
The second District.
{The Tortola Central District).
1. Hon. HowArD R. PENN, M.B.E.
The fourth District.
(The Hastorn District).
The fifth District.
(The Anegada & Virgin Gorda
Distr ici),
Supervisor of Elections.
The Secretariat,
5th October, 1954.
No. G, 18/00029-11
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
It is hereby notified for general
information that the tender for the
supply of 15,000 half bags of flour for
the period November 1954 to January
1955 has been awarded to the follow-
(Agents for Messrs. Atlantic Traders
Ltd. Halifax, Canada).
7500 bags of 100 Ibs. cach of
“ Golden Load†brand at $4.65 (Cana-
dian) C.I.F. Antigua.
Messrs. 8. R. MENDES, Lid.
(Agents for The Barrie Mills,
Toronto, Canada).
7500 bags of 100 Ibs. each of
“Morning Glory†brand at $4.71
(Canadian) C.1.F. Antigua.
Administrator’s Office,
1st Ootober, 1954.
No. A. 40/18.
It is hereby notified for general
information that with the approval of
His Honour the Acting Commis-
sioner, pursuant to Section 4 (2) of
the Vehicles and Road Traffic Ordi-
nance, 1951 (No. 4 of 1951), I hereby
appoint No. 305 Acting Corporal
A. P. SAMUEL to be Licensing Officer
Government Printer.—By Authority,
and No. 149 Police Constable J. N.
COOPER and No. 197 Police Consta-
ble GC. A. MANNIX to be Examining
Officers under the said Ordinance.
Trafic Commissioner.
Police Headquarters,
Plymouth, Montserrat.
Ith October, 1954.
—__— — - ~ as)
Central Experiment Staticr,
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954.
Jan. 5.41 3.60 241 1.98 3,04
Feb. 2.52 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45
Mar. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1,08
Apr. 2.44 216 3.14: 2,06 AY
May 9.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3,83
June 166 2.74 5.74 1.81 3.32
July 1,85 3.28 838 3.20 3.47
Aug. 10.71 9.18 843 3.15 5.93
Sept. 6.34 12.06 5.55 2.10 9.91
Oct. 2nd 08 24) .20bs 09) = 06
“Bhes 15.53 39.99 21.96 33.58
hy E, M. BLackman, E.D.
[Price 25 cents. ]
No. 8 of 1954. Protection of Trees and Conser-
vation of Soil and Water,
[ L.8. |
I Assrnv,
P. D. Macponarn,
Acting Governor.
dist August, 1954.
No. 8 of 1954.
An Ordinance to make provision for the protection
of specified trees and the conservation of soil
and water and for matters incidental thereto.
ENACTED by the Legislature of the Virgin
Islands as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Protection of Trees and Conservation of Soil and
Water Ordinance, 1954.
2. In this Ordinance unless the context
otherwise requires —
“Superintendent of Agriculture� means the
officer for the time being in charge of the
Agricultural Department of the Presi-
“crown land†includes—
(a) the waste or vacant land of the
Crown within the Presidency; and
(4) all lands now vested in Her
Majesty, or which may hereafter be so
vested, whether as bona vacantia or by
forfeiture, purchase or exchange;
‘livestock’ includes cattle, horses, mules,
asses, sheep, goats and swine;
‘private land’? means land other than crown
“* protected area ’’, ‘‘ forestry area†and “ water
> J
area’, mean, respectively, a protected
area, a forestry area and a water area
declared as such by an Order made under
section 3 of this Ordinance;
Short title,
Declaration ar
to areas and
2 Protection of Trees and Conser- No. 8 of 1954.
vation of Soil and Water.
“ protected tree’? means any tree which is of
economic value, or of scientific interest,
or of value in preserving the amenities of
a locality and which is declared by order
of the Governor in Council under section
3 of this Ordinance to be a protected tree
for the purposes of this Ordinance;
3. (1) Subject to the provisions of section 4
of this Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the Governor
in Council by Order from time to time to declare—
a) any tree to be a protected tree; or
y P
(6) any land to be a protected area or a
forestry area or a water area,
for the purposes of this Ordinance.
(2) Every Order made under this section
shall clearly specify the protected tree and describe
the area to which it relates; and the Superintendent
of Agriculture shall, in the case of such protected
tree, protected aren, forestry area or water area,
after the publication of the Order cause the said
tree or areas to be indicated by marks, painted
posts or other signs so that they may be readily
(3) Any Order made under this section may
exempt either the whole or any part or parts of an
area to which the Order relates from any of the
restrictions imposed by section 5 of this Ordinance
on the use to which land or its produce in the area
may be put.
(4) Every Order made under this section may
be cancelled or varied in like manner.
(5) Every Order made under this section
shall be published either in the Gazette or by post-
ing copies thereof on the doors of any court house,
church, chapel, school-house or other building in
the Presidency which in the opinion of the
Commissioner will give publicity thereto or by
both gazetting and posting, as the Commissioner
may decide:
No. 8 of 1954. Protection of Trecs and Oonser- 3
vation of Soil and Water.
Provided that in places where there is no
building as aforesaid a copy of the Order may
be affixed to a board and fastened up in a conspicu-
ous place.
4. (1) Before making any Order under the
provisions of section 8 of this Ordinance, the
Governor in Council shall satisfy himself that the
decluration of the area under the Order. is
hecessary —
(a) in the case of a protected area, in
order to maintain and preserve protected trees
growing therein;
(4) in the case of a forestry area, in
order to—
(i) prevent the de-afforestation and
denudation of land on steep slopes,
(ii) prevent soil erosion and the deposit
of carth, mud, stones and sand upon
argricultural land, or
(ii) protect roads and highways;
(«) in the case of a water area, in order
(i) maintan water supplies within the
area or on land adjacent to it, or—
(11) maintain such supplies in guts,
springs, streams, watercourses or
Veservoirs, OF
(iii) prevent the silting of sources — of
water supply, or
(iv) prevent or reduce the pollution of
any water supply.
(2) Before making any Order, as aforesaid,
the overnor im Council shall request the Superin-
tendent of Agriculture to mquire Into the necessity
of making the Order, and thereupon the Superin-
tendent of Agriculture shall hold, or shall depute
Purposes for
which areas
may be
VInGIN 4 Protection o7 Urees and Conser- No. 8 of 1954.
ISLANDS vation of Soiland Water.
an officer to hold, a public inquiry into the
necessity for making the Order, and the Superin-
tendent of Agriculture or officer so deputed as the
case may be, shall report his findings to the
Governor in Council.
(3) The validity of any Order made under
section 3 of this Ordinance shall not be impugned
on the grounds that there was no necessity for its
being made or that the findings of the Superin-
tendent of Agriculture or officer as†aforesaid
were at variance with the Order as made.
Acts forbidden 5. (1) Subject to the provisions of section 6
ha of this Ordinance, no persou shall, except to the
extent to which an exemption in an Order muy
otherwise allow, do any of the following acts, that
18 to Say—
(a) in a protected area fell, cut, girdle,
bark, lop, tap, bleed, burn, injure or remove
any protected tree growing therein:
(6) ina forestry area—
(i) fell, cut, girdle, bark, lop, tap or
bleed or in any way injure any
tree, or
(ii) kindle, keep or carry any fire; or
(iii) depasture any livestock or permit
any livestock to trespass;
(c) ina water arca—
(i) fell, cut, girdle, bark, lop, tap or
bleed any tree or in any way injure
any tree, or
(ii) kindle, keep or carry any fire, or
(ii) depasture any livestock or permit
any livestock to trespass, or
(iv) clear any land for cultivation, pas-
turave, or any other purpose, or
(v) pollute in any way the water therein.
No. dS of 1954. Protection of Trees and Conser- > VIRGIN
vation of Soiland Water. Ispaxps
(2) Any person who does any act forbidden
to be done by subsection (1) of this section shall be
guilty of an ‘offence avaint this Ordinance
6. (1) The Superintendent of Agriculture Licence by
may in his discretion issue licences on ancl terms eee
and conditions us he may think fit to do all or ny Agriculture,
of the nets forbidden to be done by section 5 of
this Ordinance and may by endorsement on a
subsisting licence extend the period for which such
licence shall be valid.
(2) A licence under subsection (1) of this
seetion, When it has reference to an aet to be done
ina protected area, shall be issued culy for specified
protected trees. endl no licence to cut any protected
tree i a protected area shall be issued until the
Superintendent of Avriculture, or some other officer
generally or specially authorised by him, has
i arked the tree to which the licence relutes.
(3) The Superintendent of Agriculture may
refuse to issue a licence without giving the reasons
for his refusal, but an appeal shall lie from such
refusal to the Governor in Couneil whose decision
shall be final.
7. In order to achieve all or any of the Works ix
purposes specified in regard to water areas Ta apeaceane te
paragraph (¢) of subsection ( (1) of section 4 of this sonrees.
Ordinance, or in order to implement any Regula-
tions a vy the Governor in Council ‘under sec-
tion 14 of this Ordinance, the Commissioner may
direct that such works ag he may deem necessary
shall be carried out in any water area or at or around
any source of water supply in such maaner as he
may preseribe. :
8. The Commissioner or the Superintendent Entry on
of Agriculture or ay person authorised by either Private tans.
of them in writing in that behalf may, after due
notice has been given to the’ owner or occupier
thereof, enter any private land for any of the
following purposes, that 1s to say—
water aroas ct
S Protection of Trees and Conser- No. Sof Vie
vation of Suit and Water,
(a) through the declaration of any area
‘to be 2 protected area; or
(6) on account of the refusal to grant or
extend the validity of a licence under section
6 of this Ordinance; or
(c) caused by or arising out of any work
executed under section 7 of this Ordinance; or
(d) as a result of entry on land under
section 8 of this Ordinance: or
(e) by reason of the provisions of any
regulation made under section 14 of this
(2) When the owner of any private land
which is included within a protected area or forestry
area or water area claims that he ought to be
pecuniarily compensated for loss suffered or likely
to be suffered as a result of such inclusion, he shall
within three months of the making of thie Order
lodge at the Commissioner’s office a statement of
his claim with full particulars of his estimated loss.
(3) Within thirty days of such claim being
lodged as aforesaid the Commissioner shall ap point
a Board consisting of—
(a) « Government officer chosen by hin;
(6) such person as the claimant may
nominate; and
(c) such other person, as may be agreed
upon between the Commissioner and the
claimant who shall be Chairman of the Board.
(4) The Board shall hear the claimant and
such persons as he may bring before the Board and
such Government officers as 6 Commissioner may
direct to appear before the Board and shall make
recommendations in accordance with the provisions
of this section of this Ordinance as to the compensa-
tion, if any, to be paid to the claimant and shall
forward their recommendations in the ferm of a
report through the Commissioner to the Governor
in Council.
No. 8 of 1954. Protection of Tires and Conser- 9
vation of Soil and Water.
(5) In making recommendations under subsec-
tion (4) of this section the Board shall—
(2) not take into account—
(i) any remote, contingent or possible
uses to which the land might in
future be put, and
(ii) any loss suffered as a result of a
change of system in cases where the
effect of the inclusion of the land
within a prohibited, forestry or
water area is to compel the owner
to adopt a better system of hus-
bandry than he had practised before,
or when it may reasonably be
expected that the inclusion will have
that effect;
(b) have reg wd to—
(i) the actual use of the land at the date
when the Order was made and
during the three years immediately
preceding that date, and
(ii) evidence adduced, if any, as to the
progressive deterioration of the land
through soil erosion or other causes
which might reasonably be expected
to be arrested by its inclusion within
the area;
(c) assume, unless in any case the
Superintendent of Agriculture shall indicate
to the Board that the forest cover on the land
ought, by reason of the steepness or otherwise
of the said land, to be permanently left
undisturbed, that the forest produce of the
of the land will in the future accrue to the
owner under a proper system of selective
felling by means of licences to fell trees to be
issued from time to time under section 6 of
this Ordinance.
Power to make
10 Protection of Trees and Cunser- No. 8 of 1954.
vation of Soil and Water.
(6) Before recommending pecuniary compen-
gation the Board shall consider whether, without
prejudice to the objects ror which the Order was
made, the loss could not be made good to the owner,
in whole or in part, by the addition to the Order of
an exemption under subsection (3) of section 3 of
this Ordinance or by the issue of licences under
section 6 thereof.
(7) The Governor in Council shall consider
every report forwarded under the provisions of
subsection (4) of this section and shall decide what
compensation, if any, shall be paid, and the decision
of the Governor in Council shall be final.
(8) It shall be lawful for the Commissioner to
direct the Treasurer to pay from the general revenue
of the Presidency as compensation to the owner of
the land such sum of money as may be decided by
the Governor in Council under subsection (7) of
this section.
(9) In this section, the word “owner†shall
include a tenant whose contract of tenancy is for
such a period as to vive him the right to occupy the
land for five years or more from the date when the
Order is made.
14. (1) The Governor in Council may make
Regulations permitting, prohibiting, regulating or
controlling the access of persons or livestock to any
source of water supply, or restricting the use thereof
to particular classes of persons or types of con-
sumers, or prescribing the charges, if any, to be
made for the water, whether or not the source is on
crown or private land or whether or not it is in-
cluded in a water area; and such Regulations may
be made in respect of a particular source or sources
or generally for all sources or for all sources of a
particular type.
(2) The Governor in Council may attach to
any breach of any Regulations made under thia
section a fine no; exceeding eighty-five dollars or 4
term of impriso.iment not exceeding three months
or both such fine and imprisonment,
No. 8 of 1954. Protection of Trees and Conser- 11 Virain
vation of Soil and Water. ISLANDS.
(3) All Regulations made under this section
shall be published in the same manner provided for
the publication of Orders by subsection (5) of sec-
tion 3 of this Ordinance.
15. Any person guilty of an offence against Penalties.
this Ordinance shall on summary conviction be
liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred and
seventy dollars or to « term of imprisonment not
exceeding six months or to both such fine and
16. This Ordinance shall come into operation Commence-
on a day to be appointed by the Governor by â„¢?*
proclamation published in the Gazefte.
H. A. C. Howarp,
Passed the Legislative Council this 17th day
of June, 1954.
H. O. Creque,
Clerk of the Council.
p ed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
3M BnuacKkMAN, Government Printer, --By Authority.
490 —10,54, [Price 13 cents. ]
1954, No. 18.
K. W. Biacksurne,
WHEREAS it is provided by section 25 (1) of the Virgin
Islands Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1954, that the
Governor my at any time, by proclamation, summon, proro-
gue or dissolve the Levislative Council of the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands:
AND WHEREAS it is expedient that the said Council
should be summoned:
NOW, CHEREFORE, L do by this my proclamation
summon the Legislative Council of the Pr ‘esidency of the Vir-
gin Islands to meet at Saint George’s Hall in the town of Road
Towa, Tortola, in the Presidency aforesaid at 10 0’clock in’ the
forenoon on Saturday the 16th day of October, 1954 for the
despatch of public business.
AND the Members of the said Council and all other Her
Majesty’s Officers and loving subjects in the said Presidency
and all those whom it may concern are hereby required to take
due notices hereof and to zive their ready obedience accordingly.
GIVEN at the Government House, Antigua, this 7th day of
October, 1954, and in the third year of Her Majesty’s
Printed at the Governmont Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuAckMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
18/00054—480—9.54. (Price 3 cents.)
1954, No. 14.
H. A. C. Howarp,
WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 25 (1)
of the Virgin Islands Constitution and Elections Ordinance,
1954, the Governor by proclamation dated the 7th day of
October, 1954 has summoned the Legislative Council of the
Presidency of the Virgin Islands to meet on the 16th day of
October, 1954:
AND WHEREAS it is provided by section 18 of the
suid Ordinance that the sessions of the said Council shall be
held at such times and places as the Commissioner shall from
time to time by proclamation appoint:
AND WHEREAS it is expedient that a session of the
said Council should now be held.
NOW, THEREFORE, I do by this my proclamation
hereby appoint that a session of the Legislative Council of the
Presidency of the Virgin Islands shall be held and that the
first meeting thereof shall commence with « sitting of the
Council at Saint George’s Hall in the town of Road Town,
‘Tortola, in the Presidency aforesaid at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
on Saturday the 16th day of October, 1954, for the despatch of
public business.
AND the Members of the said Council and all other Her
Majesty’s Officers and loving subjects in the said Presidency
and all those whom it may concern are hereby required to take
due notice hereof and to give their ready obedience accordingly.
GIVEN at the Commissioner’s Office, at Tortola, in
the Virgin Islands this 7th day of October,
1954, and in the third year of Her Majes-
ty’s reign.
Printed at the Government Printing Office Leeward Islands,
by E. M, BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
18/00054—480—10.54. [Price 4 cents]
Full Text |
It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has issued a Commission to
the Honourable P. D. MACDONALD,
C. M. G., appointing him to be
Governor’s Deputy during His
Excellency’s forthcoming absence
from Antigua, whilst paying a visit
to St. Kitts from the 8th to the 10th
October, 1954.
The Secretariat,
4th October, 1954.
No. 13/00061.
The Governor has been pleased to
appoint Mr. R. H. LOCKHART,
Crown Attorney, Antigua, to be an
official member of the Legislative
Council of that Presidency.
The Secretariat,
lst Ovtober, 1954.
_No. C, 18/00009.
The Governor in Council has been
pleased to appoint H. G. TYRELL
Esquire, to be a member of the
Antigua Electricity Board vice Mr. J.
C. MCMICHAEL deceased, for a term
of two years with effect from the
Ast October, 1954.
Administrator’s Office,
St. John’s,
30th September, 1954.
No. A.29/16
No. 88.
Appointments and transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—
ALFonso, L. N., to be Assistant
Superintendent of Police.
No. P.F. 516.
ALFONSO, L. N. Assistant Superinten-
dent of Police, to act as
Superintendent of Police.
Oct. 2
BLAKE, B. A., Acting P.O. Class II,
appointed P. O. Class II, Commie-
sioner’s Office, Virgin Islands.
April 2
jy NOV 195
XXXII. BHURSDAY, 7re OCTOBER, 1954. No. 47.
) Life. Clerk, Magistracy, No. 3 of 1954, “The Cinemato-
“SMior Clerk, Registrar’s graphs (General T.egislature Com-
ee A Antigua. Sept. 7 petency) (Rovocation of Declaration
Davis, Miss ©., Junior Clerk, Post
Office, Antigua confirmed in ap-
pointment. June 12
HaRriGan, N. i. A., to be Super-
vising Teacher, Virgin Islands.
August 17
HaRRIGAN, N. E. A., Supervising
Teacher, Virgin Islands, appointed
to act as Principal in the Commis-
sioner’s Office, Virgin Islands.
Sept. 1
JamgEs, A. ©. E., Junior Clerk,
Peasant Development Servioes,
Antigua, confirmed in appointment.
July 1
MEADE, C. N., Junior Clerk. Audit,
to be Senior Clerk Treasury,
Antigua. Oct. 1
Pexn, W. B., to be Junior Clerk,
Treasury, Virgin Islands, on proba-
tion. August 1
Scort, S. H., B.A., to be Headmaster,
Secondary School, Virgin Islands.
August 22
SHIRLEY, Miss G. to be Junior Clerk,
Treasury, Virgin Islands, on
probation. October 1
VANTERPOOL, Miss A., Student
Nurse, Virgin Islands, to be Nurse,
Cottage Hospital, Virgin Islands.
August 8
WHEATLEY, W. appointed to act as
Supervising Teacher, Virgin
Islands. Sept. 1
No. 89.
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Ordinances:—
No. 4 of 1954, ‘“‘The Cinemato-
graphs General (Legislature Com-
petency) (Revocation of Declaration
and Repeal) Ordinance, 1954.â€
St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla.
No. 4 of 1953, “The Trade and
Revenue (Amendment) Ordinance,
and Repeal) Ordinance, 1954.â€
Virgin Islands.
No. 12 of 1953, “The Customs
Surcharge Ordinance, 1933.â€
No. 90.
The following Ordinance and
Statutory Rules and Orders are cir-
culated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—
Virgin Isiands.
No. 8 of 1954, “The Protection of
Trees and Conservation of Soil and
Water Ordinance 1954’’.
11 pp. Price 13 cents.
Virgin Islands.
No. 13 of 1954, “ Proclamation
convoking the Legislative Council of
the Presidency.â€
1 pp. Price 3 cents.
No. 14 of 1954, ‘Proclamation
appointing a Session for the Legisla-
tive Council of the Presidency.â€
2 pp. Price 4 cents.
The report of a two-man Commis-
sion appointed in July, 1953, by the
Governor of the Leeward Islands, to
enquire into the cotton industry
of Montserrat, is published on the
2nd October.
The Commission which consisted
of Professor C. G. BEASLEY, C.M.G.,
Economic Adviser to the Comptroller
for Development and Welfare (Chair-
man), and Mr. S. A. SHOUTEN,
M.B.E., Agricultural Superintendent
of St. Lucia, was appointed at a
time when the industry was
experiencing many difficulties; and
its terms of reference were very wide.
They were:
To examine and report on the
organization of the cotton industry
in the Presidency of Montserrat,
including means and methods of
production, profits and their distri-
bution, wages and conditions of
work, the disposal of by-products,
and such other matters in relation
to the said industry including
ownership of land and the system
of metayage which you, the gaid
Commissioners, may consider
advisable to include in your
The recommendations of the Com-
mission include the establishment of
a statutory Cotton Marketing Board
in Montserrat, with the sole right
to buy and sell all cotton produced
in the island; the purchase of all
cotton by the United Kingdom
Government, at a stated minimum
price, for the next three seasons;
and the centralisation of processing
at two main ginneries. As regards
the general development of the
Presidency, the Commission recom-
mends the creation of a land
Authority, an expansion of the Agri-
cultural Department and the provision
of agricultural credit on a substantial
The report, which is on sale at
Hastings House, the headquarters of
the Development and Welfare Organi-
zation, and the Commissioner’s Office,
Montserrat, at a cost of $1.20, con-
tains a number of statistical tables
providing a great deal of information
concerning costs in the cotton indus-
try and other figures of land use,
wage rates and public finance.
The Seeretariat,
lst October, 1954.
Notice to Persons Ent tled
to Vote.
Section 43 (1).
Southern Electoral District.
All persons qualified as voters for
the election of a member of the
Legislative Council of Montserrat
residing in the Southern electoral
district of Montserrat who desire to
have their names inserted in the list
of voters for the said electoral district
are hereby required to deliver, or
cause to be delivered, their claims in
writing for that purpose on or before
the 21st day of October, 1954 to the
registering officer of the said electoral
district at Plymouth.
Every claimant to be registered as
a voter shall, if he igs able so to do,
with his own hand subscribe his
name and the date of such subscrip-
tion to the notice of his claim to be
registered ag a voter.
If any such claimant is unable by
reason of illiteracy, blindness or any
other physical cause to perform the
subscription mentioned in the pre-
ceding paragraph, such subscription
shall be performed on his behalf by
the registering officer who shall wit-
ness the same by subscribing his own
signature to the notice of-claim of.
such claimant.
Dated this 29th day of September,
Supervisor of Hlections.
Notice to Persons Entitled to
SrcTIon 43 (1).
Windward Electoral District.
All persons qualified as voters for
the election of a member of the
Legislative . Council of Montserrat
residing in the Windward electoral
district of Montserrat who desire to
have their names inserted in the ligt
of voters for the said electoral district
are hereby required to deliver, or
cause to be delivered, their claims in
writing for that purpose on or before
the 2Ist day of October, 1954 to the
registering officer of the said electoral
district at Harris Village.
livery claimant to be registered as
a voter shall, if he is able so to do,
with his own hand subscribe his
name and the date of such subserip-
tion to the notice of his claim to be
registered as a voter.
If any such claimant is unable by
reason of illiteracy, blindness or any
other physical cause to perform the
subscription mentioned in the pre-
ceding paragraph, such subscription
shall be performed on his behalf by
the registering officer who shall
witness the same by subscribing bis
own signature to the notice of claim
of such claimant.
Dated this 29th day of September,
Supervisor of Klections.
Notice t2 Persons Entitl:d to
SECTION 43 (1).
Central Electoral District.
All persons qualified as voters for
the election of a member of the
Legislative Council of Montserrat
residing in the Central electoral dis-
trict of Montserrat who desire to have
[7 October, 1954,
their names inserted in the list of
voters for the said electoral district
are hereby required to deliver, or °
cause to be delivered, their claims in
writing for that purpose on or before
the 21st day of October, 1954 to the
registering officer of the said electoral
district at Salem Village.
Every claimant to be registered ag a
voter shall, if he ig able so to do, with
his own hand subscribe his name and
the date of such subscription to the
notice of his claim to be registered ag
a voter.
If any such claimant is unable by
reason of illiteracy, blindness or any
other physical cause to perform the
subscription mentioned in the preced-
ing paragraph, such subscription shall
be performed on his behalf by the
registering officer who shall witness
the same by subscribing his own
signature to the notice of claim of
such claimant,
Dated this 29th day of September,
Supervisor of Llections.
Notice to Persons Entitled
to Vote.
Section 48 (1),
Northern Electoral District.
All persons qualified as voters for
the election of a member of the Le-
gislative Council of Montserrat resid-
ing in the Northern electoral district
of Montserrat who desire to have
their names inserted in the list of
voters for the said electoral district
are hereby required to deliver, or
cause to be delivered, their claims in
writing for that purpose on er before
the 21st day-of October, 1954 to the
registering officer of the said electoral
district at Saint John’s.
Every claimant to be registered as
a voter shall, if he is able so to do,
with his own hand subscribe his
name and the date of such subscrip-
tion to the notice of his claim to be
registered as a voter.
If any such claimant is unable by
reason of illiteracy, blindness or any
other physical cause to perform the
subscription mentioned in the pre-
ceding paragraph, such subscription
shall be performed on his behalf by
the registering officer who shall wit-
ness the same by subscribing his own
signature to the notice of claim of
such claimant.
Dated this 29th day of September,
Supervisor of Hlections.
7 October, 1954]
Tt is hereby notified for general
information that the members duly
elected to serve in the Legislative
Council of the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands for the undermentioned
electoral districts at an election held
on Thursday 30th September are as
The first District.
(The Western District & Jost Van
The second District.
{The Tortola Central District).
1. Hon. HowArD R. PENN, M.B.E.
The fourth District.
(The Hastorn District).
The fifth District.
(The Anegada & Virgin Gorda
Distr ici),
Supervisor of Elections.
The Secretariat,
5th October, 1954.
No. G, 18/00029-11
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
It is hereby notified for general
information that the tender for the
supply of 15,000 half bags of flour for
the period November 1954 to January
1955 has been awarded to the follow-
(Agents for Messrs. Atlantic Traders
Ltd. Halifax, Canada).
7500 bags of 100 Ibs. cach of
“ Golden Load†brand at $4.65 (Cana-
dian) C.I.F. Antigua.
Messrs. 8. R. MENDES, Lid.
(Agents for The Barrie Mills,
Toronto, Canada).
7500 bags of 100 Ibs. each of
“Morning Glory†brand at $4.71
(Canadian) C.1.F. Antigua.
Administrator’s Office,
1st Ootober, 1954.
No. A. 40/18.
It is hereby notified for general
information that with the approval of
His Honour the Acting Commis-
sioner, pursuant to Section 4 (2) of
the Vehicles and Road Traffic Ordi-
nance, 1951 (No. 4 of 1951), I hereby
appoint No. 305 Acting Corporal
A. P. SAMUEL to be Licensing Officer
Government Printer.—By Authority,
and No. 149 Police Constable J. N.
COOPER and No. 197 Police Consta-
ble GC. A. MANNIX to be Examining
Officers under the said Ordinance.
Trafic Commissioner.
Police Headquarters,
Plymouth, Montserrat.
Ith October, 1954.
—__— — - ~ as)
Central Experiment Staticr,
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954.
Jan. 5.41 3.60 241 1.98 3,04
Feb. 2.52 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45
Mar. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1,08
Apr. 2.44 216 3.14: 2,06 AY
May 9.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3,83
June 166 2.74 5.74 1.81 3.32
July 1,85 3.28 838 3.20 3.47
Aug. 10.71 9.18 843 3.15 5.93
Sept. 6.34 12.06 5.55 2.10 9.91
Oct. 2nd 08 24) .20bs 09) = 06
“Bhes 15.53 39.99 21.96 33.58
hy E, M. BLackman, E.D.
[Price 25 cents. ]
No. 8 of 1954. Protection of Trees and Conser-
vation of Soil and Water,
[ L.8. |
I Assrnv,
P. D. Macponarn,
Acting Governor.
dist August, 1954.
No. 8 of 1954.
An Ordinance to make provision for the protection
of specified trees and the conservation of soil
and water and for matters incidental thereto.
ENACTED by the Legislature of the Virgin
Islands as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Protection of Trees and Conservation of Soil and
Water Ordinance, 1954.
2. In this Ordinance unless the context
otherwise requires —
“Superintendent of Agriculture� means the
officer for the time being in charge of the
Agricultural Department of the Presi-
“crown land†includes—
(a) the waste or vacant land of the
Crown within the Presidency; and
(4) all lands now vested in Her
Majesty, or which may hereafter be so
vested, whether as bona vacantia or by
forfeiture, purchase or exchange;
‘livestock’ includes cattle, horses, mules,
asses, sheep, goats and swine;
‘private land’? means land other than crown
“* protected area ’’, ‘‘ forestry area†and “ water
> J
area’, mean, respectively, a protected
area, a forestry area and a water area
declared as such by an Order made under
section 3 of this Ordinance;
Short title,
Declaration ar
to areas and
2 Protection of Trees and Conser- No. 8 of 1954.
vation of Soil and Water.
“ protected tree’? means any tree which is of
economic value, or of scientific interest,
or of value in preserving the amenities of
a locality and which is declared by order
of the Governor in Council under section
3 of this Ordinance to be a protected tree
for the purposes of this Ordinance;
3. (1) Subject to the provisions of section 4
of this Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the Governor
in Council by Order from time to time to declare—
a) any tree to be a protected tree; or
y P
(6) any land to be a protected area or a
forestry area or a water area,
for the purposes of this Ordinance.
(2) Every Order made under this section
shall clearly specify the protected tree and describe
the area to which it relates; and the Superintendent
of Agriculture shall, in the case of such protected
tree, protected aren, forestry area or water area,
after the publication of the Order cause the said
tree or areas to be indicated by marks, painted
posts or other signs so that they may be readily
(3) Any Order made under this section may
exempt either the whole or any part or parts of an
area to which the Order relates from any of the
restrictions imposed by section 5 of this Ordinance
on the use to which land or its produce in the area
may be put.
(4) Every Order made under this section may
be cancelled or varied in like manner.
(5) Every Order made under this section
shall be published either in the Gazette or by post-
ing copies thereof on the doors of any court house,
church, chapel, school-house or other building in
the Presidency which in the opinion of the
Commissioner will give publicity thereto or by
both gazetting and posting, as the Commissioner
may decide:
No. 8 of 1954. Protection of Trecs and Oonser- 3
vation of Soil and Water.
Provided that in places where there is no
building as aforesaid a copy of the Order may
be affixed to a board and fastened up in a conspicu-
ous place.
4. (1) Before making any Order under the
provisions of section 8 of this Ordinance, the
Governor in Council shall satisfy himself that the
decluration of the area under the Order. is
hecessary —
(a) in the case of a protected area, in
order to maintain and preserve protected trees
growing therein;
(4) in the case of a forestry area, in
order to—
(i) prevent the de-afforestation and
denudation of land on steep slopes,
(ii) prevent soil erosion and the deposit
of carth, mud, stones and sand upon
argricultural land, or
(ii) protect roads and highways;
(«) in the case of a water area, in order
(i) maintan water supplies within the
area or on land adjacent to it, or—
(11) maintain such supplies in guts,
springs, streams, watercourses or
Veservoirs, OF
(iii) prevent the silting of sources — of
water supply, or
(iv) prevent or reduce the pollution of
any water supply.
(2) Before making any Order, as aforesaid,
the overnor im Council shall request the Superin-
tendent of Agriculture to mquire Into the necessity
of making the Order, and thereupon the Superin-
tendent of Agriculture shall hold, or shall depute
Purposes for
which areas
may be
VInGIN 4 Protection o7 Urees and Conser- No. 8 of 1954.
ISLANDS vation of Soiland Water.
an officer to hold, a public inquiry into the
necessity for making the Order, and the Superin-
tendent of Agriculture or officer so deputed as the
case may be, shall report his findings to the
Governor in Council.
(3) The validity of any Order made under
section 3 of this Ordinance shall not be impugned
on the grounds that there was no necessity for its
being made or that the findings of the Superin-
tendent of Agriculture or officer as†aforesaid
were at variance with the Order as made.
Acts forbidden 5. (1) Subject to the provisions of section 6
ha of this Ordinance, no persou shall, except to the
extent to which an exemption in an Order muy
otherwise allow, do any of the following acts, that
18 to Say—
(a) in a protected area fell, cut, girdle,
bark, lop, tap, bleed, burn, injure or remove
any protected tree growing therein:
(6) ina forestry area—
(i) fell, cut, girdle, bark, lop, tap or
bleed or in any way injure any
tree, or
(ii) kindle, keep or carry any fire; or
(iii) depasture any livestock or permit
any livestock to trespass;
(c) ina water arca—
(i) fell, cut, girdle, bark, lop, tap or
bleed any tree or in any way injure
any tree, or
(ii) kindle, keep or carry any fire, or
(ii) depasture any livestock or permit
any livestock to trespass, or
(iv) clear any land for cultivation, pas-
turave, or any other purpose, or
(v) pollute in any way the water therein.
No. dS of 1954. Protection of Trees and Conser- > VIRGIN
vation of Soiland Water. Ispaxps
(2) Any person who does any act forbidden
to be done by subsection (1) of this section shall be
guilty of an ‘offence avaint this Ordinance
6. (1) The Superintendent of Agriculture Licence by
may in his discretion issue licences on ancl terms eee
and conditions us he may think fit to do all or ny Agriculture,
of the nets forbidden to be done by section 5 of
this Ordinance and may by endorsement on a
subsisting licence extend the period for which such
licence shall be valid.
(2) A licence under subsection (1) of this
seetion, When it has reference to an aet to be done
ina protected area, shall be issued culy for specified
protected trees. endl no licence to cut any protected
tree i a protected area shall be issued until the
Superintendent of Avriculture, or some other officer
generally or specially authorised by him, has
i arked the tree to which the licence relutes.
(3) The Superintendent of Agriculture may
refuse to issue a licence without giving the reasons
for his refusal, but an appeal shall lie from such
refusal to the Governor in Couneil whose decision
shall be final.
7. In order to achieve all or any of the Works ix
purposes specified in regard to water areas Ta apeaceane te
paragraph (¢) of subsection ( (1) of section 4 of this sonrees.
Ordinance, or in order to implement any Regula-
tions a vy the Governor in Council ‘under sec-
tion 14 of this Ordinance, the Commissioner may
direct that such works ag he may deem necessary
shall be carried out in any water area or at or around
any source of water supply in such maaner as he
may preseribe. :
8. The Commissioner or the Superintendent Entry on
of Agriculture or ay person authorised by either Private tans.
of them in writing in that behalf may, after due
notice has been given to the’ owner or occupier
thereof, enter any private land for any of the
following purposes, that 1s to say—
water aroas ct
S Protection of Trees and Conser- No. Sof Vie
vation of Suit and Water,
(a) through the declaration of any area
‘to be 2 protected area; or
(6) on account of the refusal to grant or
extend the validity of a licence under section
6 of this Ordinance; or
(c) caused by or arising out of any work
executed under section 7 of this Ordinance; or
(d) as a result of entry on land under
section 8 of this Ordinance: or
(e) by reason of the provisions of any
regulation made under section 14 of this
(2) When the owner of any private land
which is included within a protected area or forestry
area or water area claims that he ought to be
pecuniarily compensated for loss suffered or likely
to be suffered as a result of such inclusion, he shall
within three months of the making of thie Order
lodge at the Commissioner’s office a statement of
his claim with full particulars of his estimated loss.
(3) Within thirty days of such claim being
lodged as aforesaid the Commissioner shall ap point
a Board consisting of—
(a) « Government officer chosen by hin;
(6) such person as the claimant may
nominate; and
(c) such other person, as may be agreed
upon between the Commissioner and the
claimant who shall be Chairman of the Board.
(4) The Board shall hear the claimant and
such persons as he may bring before the Board and
such Government officers as 6 Commissioner may
direct to appear before the Board and shall make
recommendations in accordance with the provisions
of this section of this Ordinance as to the compensa-
tion, if any, to be paid to the claimant and shall
forward their recommendations in the ferm of a
report through the Commissioner to the Governor
in Council.
No. 8 of 1954. Protection of Tires and Conser- 9
vation of Soil and Water.
(5) In making recommendations under subsec-
tion (4) of this section the Board shall—
(2) not take into account—
(i) any remote, contingent or possible
uses to which the land might in
future be put, and
(ii) any loss suffered as a result of a
change of system in cases where the
effect of the inclusion of the land
within a prohibited, forestry or
water area is to compel the owner
to adopt a better system of hus-
bandry than he had practised before,
or when it may reasonably be
expected that the inclusion will have
that effect;
(b) have reg wd to—
(i) the actual use of the land at the date
when the Order was made and
during the three years immediately
preceding that date, and
(ii) evidence adduced, if any, as to the
progressive deterioration of the land
through soil erosion or other causes
which might reasonably be expected
to be arrested by its inclusion within
the area;
(c) assume, unless in any case the
Superintendent of Agriculture shall indicate
to the Board that the forest cover on the land
ought, by reason of the steepness or otherwise
of the said land, to be permanently left
undisturbed, that the forest produce of the
of the land will in the future accrue to the
owner under a proper system of selective
felling by means of licences to fell trees to be
issued from time to time under section 6 of
this Ordinance.
Power to make
10 Protection of Trees and Cunser- No. 8 of 1954.
vation of Soil and Water.
(6) Before recommending pecuniary compen-
gation the Board shall consider whether, without
prejudice to the objects ror which the Order was
made, the loss could not be made good to the owner,
in whole or in part, by the addition to the Order of
an exemption under subsection (3) of section 3 of
this Ordinance or by the issue of licences under
section 6 thereof.
(7) The Governor in Council shall consider
every report forwarded under the provisions of
subsection (4) of this section and shall decide what
compensation, if any, shall be paid, and the decision
of the Governor in Council shall be final.
(8) It shall be lawful for the Commissioner to
direct the Treasurer to pay from the general revenue
of the Presidency as compensation to the owner of
the land such sum of money as may be decided by
the Governor in Council under subsection (7) of
this section.
(9) In this section, the word “owner†shall
include a tenant whose contract of tenancy is for
such a period as to vive him the right to occupy the
land for five years or more from the date when the
Order is made.
14. (1) The Governor in Council may make
Regulations permitting, prohibiting, regulating or
controlling the access of persons or livestock to any
source of water supply, or restricting the use thereof
to particular classes of persons or types of con-
sumers, or prescribing the charges, if any, to be
made for the water, whether or not the source is on
crown or private land or whether or not it is in-
cluded in a water area; and such Regulations may
be made in respect of a particular source or sources
or generally for all sources or for all sources of a
particular type.
(2) The Governor in Council may attach to
any breach of any Regulations made under thia
section a fine no; exceeding eighty-five dollars or 4
term of impriso.iment not exceeding three months
or both such fine and imprisonment,
No. 8 of 1954. Protection of Trees and Conser- 11 Virain
vation of Soil and Water. ISLANDS.
(3) All Regulations made under this section
shall be published in the same manner provided for
the publication of Orders by subsection (5) of sec-
tion 3 of this Ordinance.
15. Any person guilty of an offence against Penalties.
this Ordinance shall on summary conviction be
liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred and
seventy dollars or to « term of imprisonment not
exceeding six months or to both such fine and
16. This Ordinance shall come into operation Commence-
on a day to be appointed by the Governor by â„¢?*
proclamation published in the Gazefte.
H. A. C. Howarp,
Passed the Legislative Council this 17th day
of June, 1954.
H. O. Creque,
Clerk of the Council.
p ed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
3M BnuacKkMAN, Government Printer, --By Authority.
490 —10,54, [Price 13 cents. ]
1954, No. 18.
K. W. Biacksurne,
WHEREAS it is provided by section 25 (1) of the Virgin
Islands Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1954, that the
Governor my at any time, by proclamation, summon, proro-
gue or dissolve the Levislative Council of the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands:
AND WHEREAS it is expedient that the said Council
should be summoned:
NOW, CHEREFORE, L do by this my proclamation
summon the Legislative Council of the Pr ‘esidency of the Vir-
gin Islands to meet at Saint George’s Hall in the town of Road
Towa, Tortola, in the Presidency aforesaid at 10 0’clock in’ the
forenoon on Saturday the 16th day of October, 1954 for the
despatch of public business.
AND the Members of the said Council and all other Her
Majesty’s Officers and loving subjects in the said Presidency
and all those whom it may concern are hereby required to take
due notices hereof and to zive their ready obedience accordingly.
GIVEN at the Government House, Antigua, this 7th day of
October, 1954, and in the third year of Her Majesty’s
Printed at the Governmont Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuAckMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
18/00054—480—9.54. (Price 3 cents.)
1954, No. 14.
H. A. C. Howarp,
WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 25 (1)
of the Virgin Islands Constitution and Elections Ordinance,
1954, the Governor by proclamation dated the 7th day of
October, 1954 has summoned the Legislative Council of the
Presidency of the Virgin Islands to meet on the 16th day of
October, 1954:
AND WHEREAS it is provided by section 18 of the
suid Ordinance that the sessions of the said Council shall be
held at such times and places as the Commissioner shall from
time to time by proclamation appoint:
AND WHEREAS it is expedient that a session of the
said Council should now be held.
NOW, THEREFORE, I do by this my proclamation
hereby appoint that a session of the Legislative Council of the
Presidency of the Virgin Islands shall be held and that the
first meeting thereof shall commence with « sitting of the
Council at Saint George’s Hall in the town of Road Town,
‘Tortola, in the Presidency aforesaid at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
on Saturday the 16th day of October, 1954, for the despatch of
public business.
AND the Members of the said Council and all other Her
Majesty’s Officers and loving subjects in the said Presidency
and all those whom it may concern are hereby required to take
due notice hereof and to give their ready obedience accordingly.
GIVEN at the Commissioner’s Office, at Tortola, in
the Virgin Islands this 7th day of October,
1954, and in the third year of Her Majes-
ty’s reign.
Printed at the Government Printing Office Leeward Islands,
by E. M, BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
18/00054—480—10.54. [Price 4 cents]