Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

Related Items

Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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published by Authority.

No. 45.

It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has issued a Commission to
the Honourable P. D, MACDONALD,
C. M. G., appointing him to be
Governor’s Deputy during His Excel-
lency’s forthcoming absence from
Antigua, whilst paying a visit to St.
Kitts from the 24th to the 28th
September, 1954.

The Secretariat,
21th September, 1954.

Ref. No. 13/00061.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that Sir DONALD JACKSON,
Chief Justice of the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands returned from
the United Kingdom and resumed
duty with effect from the 12th
September, 1954.

The Secretariat,
20th September, 1954.
Ref. No. C. P.F. 16.

The following amendment to Colo-
nial Regulation 33 is published for
general information:——

“Colonial Regulation 33.

The Governor shall, gave as other-
wise directed by the Secretary
of State, furnish annually a confi-
dential report in the prescribed
form on every officer falling
within the following categories:—

(@) Officers who have been
selected for permanent appoint-
ment by the Secretary of State
from the time when they are
confirmed in their appoint-

(5) Other officers who desire
to be considered for transfer and
are drawing basic salaries of
£1,000 per annum or over”.

The Secretariat,
17th September, 1954.

Ref. No. 13/0070.




O. E. Hrnry,

Ag. Commissioner.

WHEREAS by section 43 of the
Montserrat Constitution and Elections

Ordinance, 1952, (No. 1 of 1952) it is

provided that subject as hereinafter
in that section provided, the Super-
visor of Elections shall in such
month in such years as the Commis-
sioner by proclamation may appoint
and in no case being more than three
years after the date of the return of
the first writ at the last preceding
general election publish a notice in
the form set out as Form No. 1 in the
Second Schedule to the said Ordi-
nance, in the Gazctte and in one or
more newspapers published in the
Presidency requiring within twenty-
one days after the first publication of
the said notice every person who
claims to be entitled to vote at an
election to deliver to the registering
officer of the electoral district in
which such person resides notice of
his claim to be registered as a voter.

AND WHEREAS it is expedient
that such notice as aforesaid to
persons entitled to vote should be
published in the month of September,

NOW THEREFORE I do by this
my Proclamation appoint the month
of September, 1954 as the month in
which the Supervisor of Elections
shall publish a notice to persons
entitled to vote in the prescribed

form as provided in the said
AND all Her Majesty’s loving

subjects in the said Preyidency and
all others whom it may concern are
hereby required to take due notice
hereof and give their ready obedience

GIVEN at the Commissioner’s Office,
Montserrat, this 18th day of

September, 1954, and in the
third year of Her Majesty’s




H. A. C. Howarp,

WHEREAS by section 16 of the
Protection of ‘Trees and Conservation
of Soil and Water Ordinance, 1954, it
is provided that the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on a day to
be appointed by the Governor by
proclamation published in the

Officer for the time being administer-
ing the Government of the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands, do by this my
proclamation declare that the said

sdinance shall come into operation
on the 24th day of September, 1954.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving
subjects in the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands and all others whom
it may concern are hereby required
to take due notice hereof and give
their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Commissioner’s Office,
at Tortola in the Virgin Islands
this 20th day of September, 1954
and in the third year of Her
Majesty’s reign.


No. 86.

Appointments and transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information:—

MEADE, A. R. ‘C., Senior Clerk,
Registrar’s Office, Antigua, to be
Prinoipal, Attorney General’s

September 7

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.


in pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward Is-
lands Courts Order in Council, 1939,
on the 24th day of September, 1941,


as amended, the Honourable the
Puisne Judge selected for the sitting
of the Court in the Antigua Circuit
has appointe| the undermentioned
day on which the ensuing Circuit
shall sit in the Presidency, that is
to gay :—

On Menday the 4th day of October,
1954, at 10 o’elock in the forenoon.

Dated the 7th day of September,

dg. Registrar, Antigua Circutt.


The Patents Act, 1906, Cap.
147, Federal Act.

Acceptance of Complete Specification.

In the matter of an applica-
tion by Mathieson Chemical
Corporation, of Ten Light
Street. Baltimore 3 State of
Maryland, United States of
America, for Letters Patent
for an Invention for ‘ Im-
provement relating to skin-
protective lotions. ”

Notice is hereby given that the
Complete Specification left with the
above application on the 18th day of
Auyuat, 1954, has been accepted and
that the said application and specifi-
cation will be open to public inspec-
tion at any time between the hours of
10 am. and 4 p.m. on all working
days except Thursdays and Saturdays
when the hours will be from 10 a.m.
to 1 p.m.

Any person desiring to oppose the
grant of Letters Patent on the above
appliction on any of the grounds allow-
ed by the above cited Act may give
notice of such opposition in the
prescribed manner at the Registrar’s
Office ebovementioned at any time
within thrae months from the date of
this advertisement.

Ag. Registrar of Patents.

Registrar’s Office,
St. John’s, Antigurt,
30th August, 1954.

ANTIGUA, 30th August, 1954.

of Morton Grove, State of Illinois,
United States of America have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—


in"Class 3 that is to say: Pharmaceu-
tical and medicinal preparations,
including fluids for parenteral use
comprising water for injection; dext-
rose. in water; dextrose and sodium


chloride in water; sodium chloride
in water; dextrose and vitamins in
water; dextrose, sodium chloride and
vitamins in water; dextrose, alcohol,
sodium chloride, and vitamins in
water; dextrose; alcohol, and vita-
mins in water; sodium chloride, po-
tassium chloride, and calcium chloride
in water; dextrose, sodium chloride,
potassium chloride, and calcium chlo-
ride in water; sodium R-lactate in
water; sodium R-lactate, sodium chlo-
ride, potassium chloride, and calcium
chloride in water; sodium R-lactate,
sodium chloride, potassium chloride,
calcium chloride, and dextrose in
water; dextrose, alcohol, and sodium
chloride in water; dextrose and alco-
hol in water; hydrolyzed protein in
water; dextrose and protein hydroly-
gate in water; alcohol, dextrose, and
protein hydrolysate in water: acacia
and sodium chloride in water; invert
sugar in water; histamine diphos-
phate and potassium chloride in
water; histamine diphosphate and
sodium chloride in water; sodium
sulfate in water; injectable pyrogen;
sterile nonpyrogenic distilled water
used as a diluent for parenteral
injection solutions, and medical prep-
aritions for tropical application
comprising pectin jelly.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods since Octo-
ber 19, 1931, before the date of their
said Application.

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade Mark.


Ag. Registrar of Trade Marks.


ANTIGUA, 2nd September, 1954.

PANY LIMITED, of Welwyn Garden
City, Hertfordshire, England, have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—


in Class 42 that is to say: Substances
used as food or ingredients in food,
biscuits, cakes, cereal foods products
and bakery products.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods since 13th
April, 1953, before the date of their
said Application.

[23 September, aa

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Guzette. give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to regis-

tration of the said Trade Mark.


Acting Registrar of Tirade Marks.


ANTIGUA, 2nd September, L954.

of Parkhouse Works, Parkhouse
Street, Camberwell, London, S.K. 5,
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-


in Class 42 that is to say: ‘t Substances
used as food or as ingredients in

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said ‘Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 24 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade Mark.

Ag. Registrar of Trade Marks.

Hours of Business on Week

In is notified for general informa-
tion that in accordance with the
provisions of paragraph 10 of the
Antigua Postal Services Rules and
Regulations 1954 (S, R. & O. No. 34
of 1934) which come into effect on
the 13th day of September, 1954, the
General Post Office, St. John’s, shall
be opened to the Public from 8.15
am. to 3.30 p.m. on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays,
and Fridays; and from 8.15 to 11.30
a.m. on Saturdays.

Money Order and Postal Order
business will be transacted from 9.00
am. to 2.30 p.m. on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays,
and Fridays (except between the
hours of 12 noon and 1.00 p.m.) and
from 9.00 to 11.00 a.m. on Saturdays.

Ag. Postmaster.

General Post Office,
6th September, 1954.

23 September, 1954.

.Statement of Currency Note
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
ern Group) on ist September,

Average Circulation during July:—


Br. Carihbean Cur- ;
rency Notes 49,575,799.00
Gov't Currency Notes 2,064,325.00


Br. Caribbean Currency Notes:—


Trinidad & Tobago


Montserrat) ... 24,161,114.00
Barbados 5,459,900.00
British Guiana .. 12,207,785.00
Grenada 1,788,100-00
St. Vincent 526,400.00
St. Lucia 861,000.00
Dominica 995,400.00
Antigua 1,423.300.00
St. Kitts


Total Br. Caribbean

Currency Notes ... 48,942,499.00

Trinidad and Tobago
Government Note

circulation ... 1,847,200.00
Barbados Government
Note circulation 155,625.00

Br. Guiana Government

Note circulation 509,768.00

Total Government


The Vehicles and Road Traffic
Ordinance 1946.

By virtue of the powers conferred
on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles &
Road Traffic Ordinance 1946 (No. 5
of 1946) I hereby fix the period
hereunder for the lighting of vehicles.

Until further notice, the lighting
of vehicles shall be from 6.30 p.m.
to 5.30 a.m.

Dated the 8th day of September,

Trafic Commissioner.

Tenders are invited for the purchse
of nine Cane Oarts (5 steel, 3 Wooden
& 1 Nabor Cart) lying outside the
Peasant Development Office. Tenders
for the abovementioned Equipment,
shonld be submitted to reach the
Peasant Development Office not later
that the 30th September 1954. The
successful tenderer will be expected
to remove the carts as soon as possible
after the tender has been accepted.

Any would be tenderer may in-
spect the carts whenever they wish.
Government does not bind itself to
accept the highest or any tender.

Administrator’s O fjice,
14th September, 1954.

(ii) Watson’s Autonome II Motor-
Driven Couch with tube

(iii) Upright Chest and Sinus stand
incorporating vertically
mounted Potter Bucky Dia-
phragm complete with ad-

justable chair.

(iv) Accessories for above equip-
ment including overhead
shockproof system, tubes, etc.

2. This equipment, which may
be inspected on application to the
Specialist Radiologist, General Hospi-
tal, will shortly be dismantled, and
the purchaser will be responsible for
its removal from the Hospital.

3. Tenders should be in sealed
envelopes marked “ Tender for X-Ray
Equipment”? and addressed to the
Chief Secretary, Public Buildings,
Bridgetown, Barbados, to reach him
not later than the 15th September,

4. The Government does not bind
itself to accept the highest or any

Ref. No. A. 66/46.


Centra] Experiment Station,

Note circulation .-- 2,012,593.00 ‘
ed pens Ref. No. A. 66/146. Antigua.
Total circulation on a
1st 8 , 1954 50,955,092. ;
pufeeprombor 19 ee Sale of X-Ray Equipment. 1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954.
L. SPENCE, Jan. 5.41 3.60 241 1.98 3.04
Executive Commissioner, Tenders are invited for the pur- a ae a ae ae a
British Caribbean chase of the Main X-Ray Diagnostic ie Sue Mig: Sedan: | eas
Currency Board. equipment which was installed atthe May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3,88
Barbados General Hospital in 1941, June Hee a aC yee oe
fish Cari . ‘d isti = Jul 185 3.28 8. 20 38,
eo Egatd,; consietn sO! ae: 10.71 9.18 843 3.15 5.63
Port of Spain, (i) Watson’s Roentgen 1V High Sept. 18, ee a4 ey ce
Trinidad, B.W.1. Tension Generator with Con 32.65 39.22 37.21 21.57 31.34
Ref. No. 24/00027. trol Table. ee
(ArtictE 7 (4) or First ScHEpuLE To THE CuRRENCY ORDINANCE, 1950.
$ $
Notes in circulation at 30th June, 1954 51,738,092.00
Currency Fund:
Securities held by Crown Agents (market value at
30th June, 1954) 48,064,975.92
On deposit in Crown Agents Joint Colonial Fund 5,336,836.32
On deposit with Accountant General, Trinidad
and Tobago 518,293.86 53,920,106.10
- 2,182,014.10

Excess of Currency Fund over Note circulation

188 THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. [23 September, 1954.

Securities held by Crown Agents for Oversca Governments and Administrations on behalf
of the British Caribbean Currency Fund at 380th June, 1954.


Value at 30th


Description of Stock. | Nominal Value. Price Paid. | June, 1954.
£ s. dy £ os. d. | £ os. d.
Australia 34% 1954/59 .., 53,979 18 | 64,061 16 1. 54,2749 16 9
“ 3 ,, 1955/58 ... 94,263 2 7 95,911 13 6 | 96,268 2 7
i 3¢ 5, 1956/61 ... 12,394 0 5 12,394 0 5 | 12,332 1 = O
: 34, 1958/60...) 15,339 5 10 15,147 11 0 15,09 4 0
a 4, gous 81,000 0. 0 32,045 5 0 81,155 0 0
. 32, 1981/66 | 97,719 2 2) 9649712 4 96,253 6 5
: 3 4, 1963/65 16,124 18 8 15,298 10 7, 15,238 1 3
“ 3: ,, 1965/69... 87,885 5 2 35,285 12 1 84,955 4 4
. 3, 1964/66 ... 3,195 17 2 2980 2 9 3020 1 9
. 3, ee 83,278 10 0 30,990 12 1, 80,782 12. 8
a 28, 1967/71... 3,896 17 11 2989 5 4, 2955 6 O
. Bde OTOL Uses 42,217 15 7 37,521 1 0 87,151 12 11
Barking 3h, 1954/59... 13,000 0 0 15,162 10 0 18,130 0 0
Blackburn 23 ,, 1960/65 ..., 7,700 0 0 7,170 12 6! - 7,318 0 O
Black pool 3 ,, 1957... 712 1 10 qlz 110; 712 110
Belfast 23 ,, 1963/66 ... 3,770 7 11 3,454 12 6 3,431 1 2
Bootle 34 ,, 1958/62 ... 6,228 16 2 6,150 19 0° 6,228 16 2
Bradford 34 ,, 1972/82 5.996 4 5 5,718 17 11 | 5,686 8 11
British Gas 4 ,, 1969/72 ..., 300,000 0 0 302,625 0 0); 315,000 0 0
British Transport Ao, 1972/77 2.) 828,474 14 2 329,696 2 2, 329,696 2 2
Ceylon 3h, 1954/59 17,168 16 11 17,383 9 1. 16911 6 8
‘a ot» 1959 ee 7,472 3 8 7,500 4 1) 7.210 18 2
” 3 ,, 1959/64 ... 16,751 18 0 16,250 17) 2, 15,560 138° 4
. 5 ,, 1960/70 13,200 0 0 14,5°3 10 0 18,926 0 0
o 42 ,, 1965 18,047 a7 2 90,033 2 5 1876915 5
Consols 4 ,, 1957 or after 17,397 5 1 17,038 8 8) 16,701 7 3
Cyprus 4 ,, a = 4,724 5 8 4,848 5 5) 4,747 17 8
e 33.,, 1969/71 ...) 107,844 12 8 95,000 0 0 | 100,867 4 8
Conversion Steck 2 ,, 1958/59 .... 100,000 0 0 99,500 0 0} 160,000 0 0

East Africa High
148,372 9 10 186,855 11

Commission 33 ,, 1966/68 .... 144,820 14 0 | 3
do Be, 1968/70...) 53,831 2 1 48.028 0 1. 50,870 7 10
do 44 ,, 1964/69 .... 100,000 0 0 99,500 0 0 104,000 0 0
do 4 ,, 1968/71...) 184535 16 5| 19878912 8! 18951715 8
Federated Malay States 38) ,, 1960/70 ..., 30,964 19 6 27,089 16 0. 26,520 4 6
Funding 23, 1952/57 ... 70,000 O 0 71,181 5 8} 70,525 0 0
3 24 ,, 1956/61 .... 1,968,918 7 10 | 1,867,588 16 i | 1,988,607 11 6
. 3, 1959/69 ...). 50,000 0 0 47000 0 0. 48,000 0 0
: Bo 1966/68 ..} 233,869 5 8 | 920,275 ly 8 925.683 17 2
Gold Coast 3 4, 1954/59 .. 41,004 10 6 40,359 14 10 | 39,979 8 3
ue oe 44, 1956 ...| 34,729 18 3 36,900 10 8 35,771 16 2
. 44 ,, 1960/70 ... L879 10 5 2015 15 9) 1,907 14 3
os Sap HOGS: «2a 2188 16 6 2134 2 1) 2101 5 5
Huddersfield 3% ,, 1958/63 ... 10,000 0 9 16,157 10 0 10,100 0 9
Hull 35 ,, 1958/63 ... 6,459 13 4 6,483 17 10 6,459 138 4
: 34, 1960/70 ... 9,162 15. 4 8,910 15 10 8.979 10 3
Ilkeston 8h, 1959/64 ... 4,993 10 8 5,080 19 8 4,943 11 11
Kenya 45 ,, 1961/71 .. 10,264 17 11 11,0384 15 3 10,521 10 4
‘ 22, 1965/70...) 185,382 9 2| 11558215 5! 114898 8 7
. 22 ,, 1971/76 ... 2.429 10 9 2,150 2 10 2,028 13 8
: 34, 1973/78 .... 170,488 0 1] 166,225 16 1]| 156,848.19 8
‘s 43 ,, 1971/78 .. 275,184 4 7 274,308 6 2 287,567 10 5
ey ae 38 % 1955/58 .. 5,389 11 10 5,876 2 4 5,289 11 10
ondon Elec. Trans.
Finance Corp. 23, 1950/55 .... 17,009 7 8 16,541 12 1 16,754 4 5
Carried forward re
a a ee



23 September, 1954. ]

Securities held by Crown Agents, etc.

Description of Stock. Nominal Value. | ~ Price Paid.


| Value at 30th
June, 1954

£ os d.. & s. d.

Brought forward ir
Malays 3 ¥ 1974/76...) 166,048 611) 140,487 0 4
Mauritius 34 ,, 1957/62 ... 5,000 0 O0- 4,950 0 90
31, 1968/68... 70,049 15 4 68,955 4 9

National Defence


(Assented Conversion) 2, 1954/58... 99,506 5 38 99,918 9 8)
National War Bonds 24 ,, 1954/56 .... 1,245,067 12) 1) 1,258,804 15 9
Newport (MON) 3. 1952/55... «14,924 2 1 15,054 13 10
New Zealand 3, 992/65... 25,256 138 0 25,522 6 0O|
‘. ‘ 3L, 1985/60... 20,828 411) 21,140 13 5
. . 5, 1986/71 16,000 0 0 17,320 0 0
- : 34 ,, 1960/64 30,848 1 7 31,170 15 9
3 3 3 1962/65... «17,263 15 9 ~—-17,006 16 0
2 : 31, 1963]o6 ...| 735 12 11 715 8 4
. : 3. 1966/68... 17,485 6 9 1647918 7
: , 3% 1973/77 24.471 1310, 21,840 19 9
Nigeria 3 4, 1955 25,152 S 5 25,781 4 8 |
3 4 ,, 1968 40,331 19 9 43,003 19 8 |

7 3h, 1964/66 56,000 0 0) 48,625 6 2

: 3, 1975/77 31348 3 7 27,821 10 2
Northern Rhodesia 8 ,, 1963/65 ...) 6,813 12 5 S541 1 6.
. : 31. 1955/65 ..., 12,670 7 1i| 12,607 011

: 34, 1970/72 338,238 010 833,587 5 5

" 43 ,, 1965/70...) 200,000 0 0, 200,000 0 0
Northern ireland B34, 1965/70... 4,925 18 1! 4,771 14 7
Palestine Gta, Oe 34 1962/67. 6,253 2 10 6,831 1°41
Portsmouth be 4, 1972/82 . 1,624 14 8 | 1,539 8 8)
Savings Bonds Qt 1964/67 ... 2,202 15 7 1,997 12 11
. . 3. 1955/65 ...| 1,056,182 11 10) 1,027,187 11 5
: : 3.” 19G0/70 ..., -1O4dTT 2 GB) 96,314 17 0 |

: : 3, 1965/75 . 33,303 18 38 29,890 5 2
Serial Funding 3 , 1955 ...) 671,621 11 2 681,867 6 5
Sierra Leone 84 .,, 1958/63 .. S16 7 lv, 509 8 0
South Africa 84,, 1953/73 .. 9,000 0 07 8,685 9 0
- 6 34, 1954/59 .. 1916 9 8 1,98017 2)

. . 8, 195d id .. 6,000 0 0, 5670 0 0
Southampton 3 4, 1959/64 ...| 32,3806 14 2) 11,660 120 1
Southshields 3 ,, 1956/58 ...| 4,072 17 2 | 4,098 6 3 |
Southern Rhodesia 34 ,, 1961/66 .... 6740 0 O.| 6,73) 1L 6.
Swansea 3, 1955/65 ... 3,957 17 0} 3,715 8 8
Tanganyika 42 1967/72... 178,054 15 8 = 174,568 16 1
Uganda 31, 1966/69 ..., 827,122 10 1 291.249 6 7
War Loan 3. 1955/59... 988,302 &£ 7) 295,518 11 0

£ 8
134,499 3
4.925 0

99,057 19

1,254,405 12

(4,924 2
25,256 18
21,036 10
16,640 0
30,997 5
16,834 2
709 18
16,523 12
91,902 3
25,403 18
41,138 12
48,000 0
26,802 18
6,302 12
12,290 5
316,252 11
207,000 0

4,753 5
5.909 4
1,527 5
2.070 12

1,061,468 10

99.953 5
30,806 2
681,695 17

795 19
8.370 0
1,897 6

5,550 0
12,060 11
4,113 11
6,504 2
3,799 10
180,725 12
309,130 15
294,068 5







| |
|——— |

10,095,489 9 0 | 9,835,219 0 4


On deposit in Joint Colonial Fund 1,111,840 18 0 1,111,840 18 07
On deposit with Accountant General,
Trinidad and Tobavo. = «107,977 17 «9 =~ (107,977 179
fe Peden
Tota ...11,315,308 + 9 11,058,087 16 1 |
Conversion at rate of 4/2 to $1.00 $54,313,479.54 $53,078,581.46

British Caribbean Currency Board,

25th August, 1954.

ee ee ee

10,013,536 18 0
21,111,840 18 0

107,977 17 9

11,233,355 8 9


Leecutive Commissioner.


[23 September, 1954,


A.D. 1954.

Notice is hereby given that the Honourable the Puisne J udge has appointed the undermen-
tioned sitting of the Court at which the following cases will be heard.

The Court will sit at 9.30 o’clock in the forenoon on Friday the 1st day of October, 1954.


Aubrey Challenger
Albert and Edith Quelch
Samuel Philip

Arnold Jurvis

Wesley C. Wynter

James Adolphus N. Brown
Brown & Company Ltd.
Maurice Michael

James Adolphus N. Brown
George Francis

Ruby Versailles

John Rowan Henry

John Rowan Henry
Samuel Daniel

Hezekiah Charles

Lake Company Ltd.

Lake Company Ltd.
Samuel Joseph

Arthur Ernest Bird
Josiah Manasseh
Cassandra Turner

Joseph Dew & Son Ltd.
Messrs. Brown & Co. Ltd.
Fabian Bento

Theresa Frederick

Geo. W. Bennett Bryson & Co. Ltd.
Almeda Roberts

Walter Lewis

Oscar Hunte

Ruby Versailles

Eunice Ladoo

Maurice Karam
Josephine Hunte

Dated the 14th day of September, 1954.


John Vieira

Dorothy Agatha and Naomi Joseph
Lucy Williams
Naomi Henry and Enoch Pelle
Samuel Burns
Adolphus Thomas
Rupert A. Thompson
Ronald De Silvia
Marjorie Gordon
George Gordon
Kitchener Dowe
Augustus Daniel
Winston Stevens
Cleveland George
Christopher Roberts
Edgar Edwards
Hubert Gordon
Robert Bascus
Rupert C. Benjamin
John Henry

John I. E. Turner
Lauriston Potter
Joseph Greenaway
Elvan Brookes
William Matthew
Herman Lewis

Paul Robinson
Hubert Philip

John Henry and Mary Solomon
Kitchener Dowe
Kitchener Dowe
Alexander Aaron
Percival Price

(Sd.) H. S. L. Mossgzey,
Registrar, Supreme Court, Antigua.

23 September, 1954] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 191
Antigua, 2nd September, 1954.

ARTHUR FRANCIS ALEXANDER TURNER of St. John’s, Antigua, has applied for
Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:—

in Class 44 that is to say: In the bottling of natural and mineral waters including ginger beer.

The Applicant claims that he has not used the said Trade Mark in respect of the said goods
before the date of his said Application.

Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this Advertise-
ment in the Leeward Islands Gazette, give notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks Office, Antigua, of
opposition to registration of the said Trade Mark.

J. D. B. Renwicx,
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.

" *

Se :
ate tae a
ly2 THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 23 September, 1954.

Coutrol of Imports and Exports

Notice No. 4-o0f 1954

Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “E” grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.L.F. Antigua and should
include agents commission. ‘lenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.

2. The “E” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower:
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard :—

Maximum moisture oe 14.00%
Maximum ash aes 52%
Minimum protein ie 12.00%

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—

Minimum. Maximum.
Thiamine 2.0 2.5 milligrams for each Ib. flour
Riboflavine 1.2 1.5 3 : ”
Niacine 16.0 20.0 s ” 5
Tron 13.0 16.5 ” 5 »
With Calcium Car-
bonute 500 600

” ” ”

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
duly notarised must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to arrange
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf. ‘

Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is en-
riched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour” must be stencilled on each bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped at rate of 5,000 half
bags of 100 lb each month commencing early November 1954 and ending in January 1955. A. notice
of the award will be made and the price accepted by Government.

4. Tenders should be in a sealed envelope marked “ Tenders for flour” and should be addressed.
to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 12 noon on
the 30th September, 1954.

5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

Administrator’s Office,
25th May, 1954.

Ref. No. A.40/18.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by{E. M, Buackman, E.D,
Government Printer—By Authority,
[Prive 10 cents. }:

Full Text




published by Authority.

No. 45.

It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has issued a Commission to
the Honourable P. D, MACDONALD,
C. M. G., appointing him to be
Governor’s Deputy during His Excel-
lency’s forthcoming absence from
Antigua, whilst paying a visit to St.
Kitts from the 24th to the 28th
September, 1954.

The Secretariat,
21th September, 1954.

Ref. No. 13/00061.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that Sir DONALD JACKSON,
Chief Justice of the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands returned from
the United Kingdom and resumed
duty with effect from the 12th
September, 1954.

The Secretariat,
20th September, 1954.
Ref. No. C. P.F. 16.

The following amendment to Colo-
nial Regulation 33 is published for
general information:——

“Colonial Regulation 33.

The Governor shall, gave as other-
wise directed by the Secretary
of State, furnish annually a confi-
dential report in the prescribed
form on every officer falling
within the following categories:—

(@) Officers who have been
selected for permanent appoint-
ment by the Secretary of State
from the time when they are
confirmed in their appoint-

(5) Other officers who desire
to be considered for transfer and
are drawing basic salaries of
£1,000 per annum or over”.

The Secretariat,
17th September, 1954.

Ref. No. 13/0070.




O. E. Hrnry,

Ag. Commissioner.

WHEREAS by section 43 of the
Montserrat Constitution and Elections

Ordinance, 1952, (No. 1 of 1952) it is

provided that subject as hereinafter
in that section provided, the Super-
visor of Elections shall in such
month in such years as the Commis-
sioner by proclamation may appoint
and in no case being more than three
years after the date of the return of
the first writ at the last preceding
general election publish a notice in
the form set out as Form No. 1 in the
Second Schedule to the said Ordi-
nance, in the Gazctte and in one or
more newspapers published in the
Presidency requiring within twenty-
one days after the first publication of
the said notice every person who
claims to be entitled to vote at an
election to deliver to the registering
officer of the electoral district in
which such person resides notice of
his claim to be registered as a voter.

AND WHEREAS it is expedient
that such notice as aforesaid to
persons entitled to vote should be
published in the month of September,

NOW THEREFORE I do by this
my Proclamation appoint the month
of September, 1954 as the month in
which the Supervisor of Elections
shall publish a notice to persons
entitled to vote in the prescribed

form as provided in the said
AND all Her Majesty’s loving

subjects in the said Preyidency and
all others whom it may concern are
hereby required to take due notice
hereof and give their ready obedience

GIVEN at the Commissioner’s Office,
Montserrat, this 18th day of

September, 1954, and in the
third year of Her Majesty’s




H. A. C. Howarp,

WHEREAS by section 16 of the
Protection of ‘Trees and Conservation
of Soil and Water Ordinance, 1954, it
is provided that the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on a day to
be appointed by the Governor by
proclamation published in the

Officer for the time being administer-
ing the Government of the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands, do by this my
proclamation declare that the said

sdinance shall come into operation
on the 24th day of September, 1954.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving
subjects in the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands and all others whom
it may concern are hereby required
to take due notice hereof and give
their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Commissioner’s Office,
at Tortola in the Virgin Islands
this 20th day of September, 1954
and in the third year of Her
Majesty’s reign.


No. 86.

Appointments and transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information:—

MEADE, A. R. ‘C., Senior Clerk,
Registrar’s Office, Antigua, to be
Prinoipal, Attorney General’s

September 7

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.


in pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward Is-
lands Courts Order in Council, 1939,
on the 24th day of September, 1941,


as amended, the Honourable the
Puisne Judge selected for the sitting
of the Court in the Antigua Circuit
has appointe| the undermentioned
day on which the ensuing Circuit
shall sit in the Presidency, that is
to gay :—

On Menday the 4th day of October,
1954, at 10 o’elock in the forenoon.

Dated the 7th day of September,

dg. Registrar, Antigua Circutt.


The Patents Act, 1906, Cap.
147, Federal Act.

Acceptance of Complete Specification.

In the matter of an applica-
tion by Mathieson Chemical
Corporation, of Ten Light
Street. Baltimore 3 State of
Maryland, United States of
America, for Letters Patent
for an Invention for ‘ Im-
provement relating to skin-
protective lotions. ”

Notice is hereby given that the
Complete Specification left with the
above application on the 18th day of
Auyuat, 1954, has been accepted and
that the said application and specifi-
cation will be open to public inspec-
tion at any time between the hours of
10 am. and 4 p.m. on all working
days except Thursdays and Saturdays
when the hours will be from 10 a.m.
to 1 p.m.

Any person desiring to oppose the
grant of Letters Patent on the above
appliction on any of the grounds allow-
ed by the above cited Act may give
notice of such opposition in the
prescribed manner at the Registrar’s
Office ebovementioned at any time
within thrae months from the date of
this advertisement.

Ag. Registrar of Patents.

Registrar’s Office,
St. John’s, Antigurt,
30th August, 1954.

ANTIGUA, 30th August, 1954.

of Morton Grove, State of Illinois,
United States of America have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—


in"Class 3 that is to say: Pharmaceu-
tical and medicinal preparations,
including fluids for parenteral use
comprising water for injection; dext-
rose. in water; dextrose and sodium


chloride in water; sodium chloride
in water; dextrose and vitamins in
water; dextrose, sodium chloride and
vitamins in water; dextrose, alcohol,
sodium chloride, and vitamins in
water; dextrose; alcohol, and vita-
mins in water; sodium chloride, po-
tassium chloride, and calcium chloride
in water; dextrose, sodium chloride,
potassium chloride, and calcium chlo-
ride in water; sodium R-lactate in
water; sodium R-lactate, sodium chlo-
ride, potassium chloride, and calcium
chloride in water; sodium R-lactate,
sodium chloride, potassium chloride,
calcium chloride, and dextrose in
water; dextrose, alcohol, and sodium
chloride in water; dextrose and alco-
hol in water; hydrolyzed protein in
water; dextrose and protein hydroly-
gate in water; alcohol, dextrose, and
protein hydrolysate in water: acacia
and sodium chloride in water; invert
sugar in water; histamine diphos-
phate and potassium chloride in
water; histamine diphosphate and
sodium chloride in water; sodium
sulfate in water; injectable pyrogen;
sterile nonpyrogenic distilled water
used as a diluent for parenteral
injection solutions, and medical prep-
aritions for tropical application
comprising pectin jelly.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods since Octo-
ber 19, 1931, before the date of their
said Application.

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade Mark.


Ag. Registrar of Trade Marks.


ANTIGUA, 2nd September, 1954.

PANY LIMITED, of Welwyn Garden
City, Hertfordshire, England, have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—


in Class 42 that is to say: Substances
used as food or ingredients in food,
biscuits, cakes, cereal foods products
and bakery products.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods since 13th
April, 1953, before the date of their
said Application.

[23 September, aa

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Guzette. give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of opposition to regis-

tration of the said Trade Mark.


Acting Registrar of Tirade Marks.


ANTIGUA, 2nd September, L954.

of Parkhouse Works, Parkhouse
Street, Camberwell, London, S.K. 5,
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-


in Class 42 that is to say: ‘t Substances
used as food or as ingredients in

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said ‘Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 24 years
before the date of their said Applica-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade Mark.

Ag. Registrar of Trade Marks.

Hours of Business on Week

In is notified for general informa-
tion that in accordance with the
provisions of paragraph 10 of the
Antigua Postal Services Rules and
Regulations 1954 (S, R. & O. No. 34
of 1934) which come into effect on
the 13th day of September, 1954, the
General Post Office, St. John’s, shall
be opened to the Public from 8.15
am. to 3.30 p.m. on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays,
and Fridays; and from 8.15 to 11.30
a.m. on Saturdays.

Money Order and Postal Order
business will be transacted from 9.00
am. to 2.30 p.m. on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays,
and Fridays (except between the
hours of 12 noon and 1.00 p.m.) and
from 9.00 to 11.00 a.m. on Saturdays.

Ag. Postmaster.

General Post Office,
6th September, 1954.
23 September, 1954.

.Statement of Currency Note
Circulation in the British
Caribbean Territories (East-
ern Group) on ist September,

Average Circulation during July:—


Br. Carihbean Cur- ;
rency Notes 49,575,799.00
Gov't Currency Notes 2,064,325.00


Br. Caribbean Currency Notes:—


Trinidad & Tobago


Montserrat) ... 24,161,114.00
Barbados 5,459,900.00
British Guiana .. 12,207,785.00
Grenada 1,788,100-00
St. Vincent 526,400.00
St. Lucia 861,000.00
Dominica 995,400.00
Antigua 1,423.300.00
St. Kitts


Total Br. Caribbean

Currency Notes ... 48,942,499.00

Trinidad and Tobago
Government Note

circulation ... 1,847,200.00
Barbados Government
Note circulation 155,625.00

Br. Guiana Government

Note circulation 509,768.00

Total Government


The Vehicles and Road Traffic
Ordinance 1946.

By virtue of the powers conferred
on me in Section 2 of the Vehicles &
Road Traffic Ordinance 1946 (No. 5
of 1946) I hereby fix the period
hereunder for the lighting of vehicles.

Until further notice, the lighting
of vehicles shall be from 6.30 p.m.
to 5.30 a.m.

Dated the 8th day of September,

Trafic Commissioner.

Tenders are invited for the purchse
of nine Cane Oarts (5 steel, 3 Wooden
& 1 Nabor Cart) lying outside the
Peasant Development Office. Tenders
for the abovementioned Equipment,
shonld be submitted to reach the
Peasant Development Office not later
that the 30th September 1954. The
successful tenderer will be expected
to remove the carts as soon as possible
after the tender has been accepted.

Any would be tenderer may in-
spect the carts whenever they wish.
Government does not bind itself to
accept the highest or any tender.

Administrator’s O fjice,
14th September, 1954.

(ii) Watson’s Autonome II Motor-
Driven Couch with tube

(iii) Upright Chest and Sinus stand
incorporating vertically
mounted Potter Bucky Dia-
phragm complete with ad-

justable chair.

(iv) Accessories for above equip-
ment including overhead
shockproof system, tubes, etc.

2. This equipment, which may
be inspected on application to the
Specialist Radiologist, General Hospi-
tal, will shortly be dismantled, and
the purchaser will be responsible for
its removal from the Hospital.

3. Tenders should be in sealed
envelopes marked “ Tender for X-Ray
Equipment”? and addressed to the
Chief Secretary, Public Buildings,
Bridgetown, Barbados, to reach him
not later than the 15th September,

4. The Government does not bind
itself to accept the highest or any

Ref. No. A. 66/46.


Centra] Experiment Station,

Note circulation .-- 2,012,593.00 ‘
ed pens Ref. No. A. 66/146. Antigua.
Total circulation on a
1st 8 , 1954 50,955,092. ;
pufeeprombor 19 ee Sale of X-Ray Equipment. 1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954.
L. SPENCE, Jan. 5.41 3.60 241 1.98 3.04
Executive Commissioner, Tenders are invited for the pur- a ae a ae ae a
British Caribbean chase of the Main X-Ray Diagnostic ie Sue Mig: Sedan: | eas
Currency Board. equipment which was installed atthe May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3,88
Barbados General Hospital in 1941, June Hee a aC yee oe
fish Cari . ‘d isti = Jul 185 3.28 8. 20 38,
eo Egatd,; consietn sO! ae: 10.71 9.18 843 3.15 5.63
Port of Spain, (i) Watson’s Roentgen 1V High Sept. 18, ee a4 ey ce
Trinidad, B.W.1. Tension Generator with Con 32.65 39.22 37.21 21.57 31.34
Ref. No. 24/00027. trol Table. ee
(ArtictE 7 (4) or First ScHEpuLE To THE CuRRENCY ORDINANCE, 1950.
$ $
Notes in circulation at 30th June, 1954 51,738,092.00
Currency Fund:
Securities held by Crown Agents (market value at
30th June, 1954) 48,064,975.92
On deposit in Crown Agents Joint Colonial Fund 5,336,836.32
On deposit with Accountant General, Trinidad
and Tobago 518,293.86 53,920,106.10
- 2,182,014.10

Excess of Currency Fund over Note circulation
188 THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. [23 September, 1954.

Securities held by Crown Agents for Oversca Governments and Administrations on behalf
of the British Caribbean Currency Fund at 380th June, 1954.


Value at 30th


Description of Stock. | Nominal Value. Price Paid. | June, 1954.
£ s. dy £ os. d. | £ os. d.
Australia 34% 1954/59 .., 53,979 18 | 64,061 16 1. 54,2749 16 9
“ 3 ,, 1955/58 ... 94,263 2 7 95,911 13 6 | 96,268 2 7
i 3¢ 5, 1956/61 ... 12,394 0 5 12,394 0 5 | 12,332 1 = O
: 34, 1958/60...) 15,339 5 10 15,147 11 0 15,09 4 0
a 4, gous 81,000 0. 0 32,045 5 0 81,155 0 0
. 32, 1981/66 | 97,719 2 2) 9649712 4 96,253 6 5
: 3 4, 1963/65 16,124 18 8 15,298 10 7, 15,238 1 3
“ 3: ,, 1965/69... 87,885 5 2 35,285 12 1 84,955 4 4
. 3, 1964/66 ... 3,195 17 2 2980 2 9 3020 1 9
. 3, ee 83,278 10 0 30,990 12 1, 80,782 12. 8
a 28, 1967/71... 3,896 17 11 2989 5 4, 2955 6 O
. Bde OTOL Uses 42,217 15 7 37,521 1 0 87,151 12 11
Barking 3h, 1954/59... 13,000 0 0 15,162 10 0 18,130 0 0
Blackburn 23 ,, 1960/65 ..., 7,700 0 0 7,170 12 6! - 7,318 0 O
Black pool 3 ,, 1957... 712 1 10 qlz 110; 712 110
Belfast 23 ,, 1963/66 ... 3,770 7 11 3,454 12 6 3,431 1 2
Bootle 34 ,, 1958/62 ... 6,228 16 2 6,150 19 0° 6,228 16 2
Bradford 34 ,, 1972/82 5.996 4 5 5,718 17 11 | 5,686 8 11
British Gas 4 ,, 1969/72 ..., 300,000 0 0 302,625 0 0); 315,000 0 0
British Transport Ao, 1972/77 2.) 828,474 14 2 329,696 2 2, 329,696 2 2
Ceylon 3h, 1954/59 17,168 16 11 17,383 9 1. 16911 6 8
‘a ot» 1959 ee 7,472 3 8 7,500 4 1) 7.210 18 2
” 3 ,, 1959/64 ... 16,751 18 0 16,250 17) 2, 15,560 138° 4
. 5 ,, 1960/70 13,200 0 0 14,5°3 10 0 18,926 0 0
o 42 ,, 1965 18,047 a7 2 90,033 2 5 1876915 5
Consols 4 ,, 1957 or after 17,397 5 1 17,038 8 8) 16,701 7 3
Cyprus 4 ,, a = 4,724 5 8 4,848 5 5) 4,747 17 8
e 33.,, 1969/71 ...) 107,844 12 8 95,000 0 0 | 100,867 4 8
Conversion Steck 2 ,, 1958/59 .... 100,000 0 0 99,500 0 0} 160,000 0 0

East Africa High
148,372 9 10 186,855 11

Commission 33 ,, 1966/68 .... 144,820 14 0 | 3
do Be, 1968/70...) 53,831 2 1 48.028 0 1. 50,870 7 10
do 44 ,, 1964/69 .... 100,000 0 0 99,500 0 0 104,000 0 0
do 4 ,, 1968/71...) 184535 16 5| 19878912 8! 18951715 8
Federated Malay States 38) ,, 1960/70 ..., 30,964 19 6 27,089 16 0. 26,520 4 6
Funding 23, 1952/57 ... 70,000 O 0 71,181 5 8} 70,525 0 0
3 24 ,, 1956/61 .... 1,968,918 7 10 | 1,867,588 16 i | 1,988,607 11 6
. 3, 1959/69 ...). 50,000 0 0 47000 0 0. 48,000 0 0
: Bo 1966/68 ..} 233,869 5 8 | 920,275 ly 8 925.683 17 2
Gold Coast 3 4, 1954/59 .. 41,004 10 6 40,359 14 10 | 39,979 8 3
ue oe 44, 1956 ...| 34,729 18 3 36,900 10 8 35,771 16 2
. 44 ,, 1960/70 ... L879 10 5 2015 15 9) 1,907 14 3
os Sap HOGS: «2a 2188 16 6 2134 2 1) 2101 5 5
Huddersfield 3% ,, 1958/63 ... 10,000 0 9 16,157 10 0 10,100 0 9
Hull 35 ,, 1958/63 ... 6,459 13 4 6,483 17 10 6,459 138 4
: 34, 1960/70 ... 9,162 15. 4 8,910 15 10 8.979 10 3
Ilkeston 8h, 1959/64 ... 4,993 10 8 5,080 19 8 4,943 11 11
Kenya 45 ,, 1961/71 .. 10,264 17 11 11,0384 15 3 10,521 10 4
‘ 22, 1965/70...) 185,382 9 2| 11558215 5! 114898 8 7
. 22 ,, 1971/76 ... 2.429 10 9 2,150 2 10 2,028 13 8
: 34, 1973/78 .... 170,488 0 1] 166,225 16 1]| 156,848.19 8
‘s 43 ,, 1971/78 .. 275,184 4 7 274,308 6 2 287,567 10 5
ey ae 38 % 1955/58 .. 5,389 11 10 5,876 2 4 5,289 11 10
ondon Elec. Trans.
Finance Corp. 23, 1950/55 .... 17,009 7 8 16,541 12 1 16,754 4 5
Carried forward re
a a ee



23 September, 1954. ]

Securities held by Crown Agents, etc.

Description of Stock. Nominal Value. | ~ Price Paid.


| Value at 30th
June, 1954

£ os d.. & s. d.

Brought forward ir
Malays 3 ¥ 1974/76...) 166,048 611) 140,487 0 4
Mauritius 34 ,, 1957/62 ... 5,000 0 O0- 4,950 0 90
31, 1968/68... 70,049 15 4 68,955 4 9

National Defence


(Assented Conversion) 2, 1954/58... 99,506 5 38 99,918 9 8)
National War Bonds 24 ,, 1954/56 .... 1,245,067 12) 1) 1,258,804 15 9
Newport (MON) 3. 1952/55... «14,924 2 1 15,054 13 10
New Zealand 3, 992/65... 25,256 138 0 25,522 6 0O|
‘. ‘ 3L, 1985/60... 20,828 411) 21,140 13 5
. . 5, 1986/71 16,000 0 0 17,320 0 0
- : 34 ,, 1960/64 30,848 1 7 31,170 15 9
3 3 3 1962/65... «17,263 15 9 ~—-17,006 16 0
2 : 31, 1963]o6 ...| 735 12 11 715 8 4
. : 3. 1966/68... 17,485 6 9 1647918 7
: , 3% 1973/77 24.471 1310, 21,840 19 9
Nigeria 3 4, 1955 25,152 S 5 25,781 4 8 |
3 4 ,, 1968 40,331 19 9 43,003 19 8 |

7 3h, 1964/66 56,000 0 0) 48,625 6 2

: 3, 1975/77 31348 3 7 27,821 10 2
Northern Rhodesia 8 ,, 1963/65 ...) 6,813 12 5 S541 1 6.
. : 31. 1955/65 ..., 12,670 7 1i| 12,607 011

: 34, 1970/72 338,238 010 833,587 5 5

" 43 ,, 1965/70...) 200,000 0 0, 200,000 0 0
Northern ireland B34, 1965/70... 4,925 18 1! 4,771 14 7
Palestine Gta, Oe 34 1962/67. 6,253 2 10 6,831 1°41
Portsmouth be 4, 1972/82 . 1,624 14 8 | 1,539 8 8)
Savings Bonds Qt 1964/67 ... 2,202 15 7 1,997 12 11
. . 3. 1955/65 ...| 1,056,182 11 10) 1,027,187 11 5
: : 3.” 19G0/70 ..., -1O4dTT 2 GB) 96,314 17 0 |

: : 3, 1965/75 . 33,303 18 38 29,890 5 2
Serial Funding 3 , 1955 ...) 671,621 11 2 681,867 6 5
Sierra Leone 84 .,, 1958/63 .. S16 7 lv, 509 8 0
South Africa 84,, 1953/73 .. 9,000 0 07 8,685 9 0
- 6 34, 1954/59 .. 1916 9 8 1,98017 2)

. . 8, 195d id .. 6,000 0 0, 5670 0 0
Southampton 3 4, 1959/64 ...| 32,3806 14 2) 11,660 120 1
Southshields 3 ,, 1956/58 ...| 4,072 17 2 | 4,098 6 3 |
Southern Rhodesia 34 ,, 1961/66 .... 6740 0 O.| 6,73) 1L 6.
Swansea 3, 1955/65 ... 3,957 17 0} 3,715 8 8
Tanganyika 42 1967/72... 178,054 15 8 = 174,568 16 1
Uganda 31, 1966/69 ..., 827,122 10 1 291.249 6 7
War Loan 3. 1955/59... 988,302 &£ 7) 295,518 11 0

£ 8
134,499 3
4.925 0

99,057 19

1,254,405 12

(4,924 2
25,256 18
21,036 10
16,640 0
30,997 5
16,834 2
709 18
16,523 12
91,902 3
25,403 18
41,138 12
48,000 0
26,802 18
6,302 12
12,290 5
316,252 11
207,000 0

4,753 5
5.909 4
1,527 5
2.070 12

1,061,468 10

99.953 5
30,806 2
681,695 17

795 19
8.370 0
1,897 6

5,550 0
12,060 11
4,113 11
6,504 2
3,799 10
180,725 12
309,130 15
294,068 5







| |
|——— |

10,095,489 9 0 | 9,835,219 0 4


On deposit in Joint Colonial Fund 1,111,840 18 0 1,111,840 18 07
On deposit with Accountant General,
Trinidad and Tobavo. = «107,977 17 «9 =~ (107,977 179
fe Peden
Tota ...11,315,308 + 9 11,058,087 16 1 |
Conversion at rate of 4/2 to $1.00 $54,313,479.54 $53,078,581.46

British Caribbean Currency Board,

25th August, 1954.

ee ee ee

10,013,536 18 0
21,111,840 18 0

107,977 17 9

11,233,355 8 9


Leecutive Commissioner.

[23 September, 1954,


A.D. 1954.

Notice is hereby given that the Honourable the Puisne J udge has appointed the undermen-
tioned sitting of the Court at which the following cases will be heard.

The Court will sit at 9.30 o’clock in the forenoon on Friday the 1st day of October, 1954.


Aubrey Challenger
Albert and Edith Quelch
Samuel Philip

Arnold Jurvis

Wesley C. Wynter

James Adolphus N. Brown
Brown & Company Ltd.
Maurice Michael

James Adolphus N. Brown
George Francis

Ruby Versailles

John Rowan Henry

John Rowan Henry
Samuel Daniel

Hezekiah Charles

Lake Company Ltd.

Lake Company Ltd.
Samuel Joseph

Arthur Ernest Bird
Josiah Manasseh
Cassandra Turner

Joseph Dew & Son Ltd.
Messrs. Brown & Co. Ltd.
Fabian Bento

Theresa Frederick

Geo. W. Bennett Bryson & Co. Ltd.
Almeda Roberts

Walter Lewis

Oscar Hunte

Ruby Versailles

Eunice Ladoo

Maurice Karam
Josephine Hunte

Dated the 14th day of September, 1954.


John Vieira

Dorothy Agatha and Naomi Joseph
Lucy Williams
Naomi Henry and Enoch Pelle
Samuel Burns
Adolphus Thomas
Rupert A. Thompson
Ronald De Silvia
Marjorie Gordon
George Gordon
Kitchener Dowe
Augustus Daniel
Winston Stevens
Cleveland George
Christopher Roberts
Edgar Edwards
Hubert Gordon
Robert Bascus
Rupert C. Benjamin
John Henry

John I. E. Turner
Lauriston Potter
Joseph Greenaway
Elvan Brookes
William Matthew
Herman Lewis

Paul Robinson
Hubert Philip

John Henry and Mary Solomon
Kitchener Dowe
Kitchener Dowe
Alexander Aaron
Percival Price

(Sd.) H. S. L. Mossgzey,
Registrar, Supreme Court, Antigua.
23 September, 1954] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 191
Antigua, 2nd September, 1954.

ARTHUR FRANCIS ALEXANDER TURNER of St. John’s, Antigua, has applied for
Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:—

in Class 44 that is to say: In the bottling of natural and mineral waters including ginger beer.

The Applicant claims that he has not used the said Trade Mark in respect of the said goods
before the date of his said Application.

Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this Advertise-
ment in the Leeward Islands Gazette, give notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks Office, Antigua, of
opposition to registration of the said Trade Mark.

J. D. B. Renwicx,
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.
" *

Se :
ate tae a
ly2 THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 23 September, 1954.

Coutrol of Imports and Exports

Notice No. 4-o0f 1954

Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “E” grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.L.F. Antigua and should
include agents commission. ‘lenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any pro-
portion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.

2. The “E” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower:
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard :—

Maximum moisture oe 14.00%
Maximum ash aes 52%
Minimum protein ie 12.00%

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—

Minimum. Maximum.
Thiamine 2.0 2.5 milligrams for each Ib. flour
Riboflavine 1.2 1.5 3 : ”
Niacine 16.0 20.0 s ” 5
Tron 13.0 16.5 ” 5 »
With Calcium Car-
bonute 500 600

” ” ”

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
duly notarised must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to arrange
for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf. ‘

Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is en-
riched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour” must be stencilled on each bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped at rate of 5,000 half
bags of 100 lb each month commencing early November 1954 and ending in January 1955. A. notice
of the award will be made and the price accepted by Government.

4. Tenders should be in a sealed envelope marked “ Tenders for flour” and should be addressed.
to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than 12 noon on
the 30th September, 1954.

5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

Administrator’s Office,
25th May, 1954.

Ref. No. A.40/18.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by{E. M, Buackman, E.D,
Government Printer—By Authority,
[Prive 10 cents. }: