Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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formation that His
the Governor, Sir
expected to return from the
Kingdom on Saturday, the
September, 1954.

The Secretariat,

} 1st September, 1954.

.P. PF. 34.



Acting Governor.

WHEREAS by section 107 of the
Virgin Islands Constitution and Elec-
tions Ordinance, 1954 (No. 7/1954) it
is provided that the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on such day
as the Governor may by Proclamation
published in the Gazette appoint and
that different days may be appointed
for the purpose of different provisions
of ihe said Ordinance:

AND WHEREAS by a Proclama-
tion dated 18th June, 1954 (S.R. & O.
1954, No. 7 of the Virgin Islands)
issued by the Governor of the Lee-
ward Islands, section 2 and Part III
of the said Ordinance were brought
into operation on the 19th day of
June, 1954:

AND WHEREAS it is expedient
that the remaining provisions of the
said Ordinance should now be brought
into operation.

of the Most Distinguished Order of
Saint Michael and Saint George,
Acting Governor and Commander in
Chief in and over the Colony of the
Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral of
the same, do by this my Proclama-
tion declare that the Virgin Islands
Constitution and Elections Ordinance,
1954 (No. 7/1954) other than section
2 and Part III of the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on the 2nd
dav of September, 1954.




Published by Authority.


AND all Her Majesty’s loving sub-
jeetini the Presidency of the Virgin
Mad all others whom it may

ereby required to take
eANreof and to give their

ready obe on

Government House,
is 30th day of August,
in the third year of



WHEREAS by section 19 of the
Fire Brigades Ordinance, 1953 (No.
11 of 1953) it is provided that the
said Ordinance shall come into opera-
tion on such day as the Governor
may appoint by proclamation in the

LovELACE, a Member of the Most
Excellent Order of the British Empire,
Administrator of the Presidency of
Antigua, do by this my proclamation
declare that the said Ordinance shall
come into operation on the 15th day
of September, 1954.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving
subjects in the Presidency of Antigua
and all others are hereby required to
take due notice hereof and to give
their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Administrator’s Office,
Antigua, this 26th day of
August, 1954, in the third year
of Her Majesty’s reign.





WHEREAS it is provided by sub-
section (3) of section 49 of the Virgin
Islands Constitution and Elections
Ordinance, 1954 (No. 7/1954) that the
copy of the list of voters for an elec-
toral district transmitted to the Su-

No. 42.

pervisor of Elections by the Revising
Officer shall be deemed to be the
Register of Voters for thet electoral
district and shall come into force on
such date as the Commissioner may
by Proclamation appoint.

missoner of the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands, do hereby appoint
Thursday the 2nd day of September,
1954 as the date on which the Regis-
ter of Voters for each electoral dis- °
trict in the Presidency shall come
into force.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving sub-
jects in the Presidency of the Virgin
Islands and all others whom it may
concern are hereby required to take
due notice hereof and to give their
ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Oommisstoner’s
Office at Tortola in the Virgin Is-
lands this 30th day of August, 1954,
and in the third year of Her Maj-
esty’s reign.


His Excellency the Acting Governor
has been pleased to appoint Mr. N. E.
A. HARRIGAN to be an Official
Member of the Executive Council of
the Virgin Islands, in the place of
Mr. McW. ToDMAN, with effect from
the Ist September, 1954, and until
the Ist October, 1955, or the return
of Mr. TODMAN, whichever is the

The Secretariat,
27th August, 1954.

Ref. No. C. 18/00008.

In accordance with the provisions
of Section 12 of the Land Acquisition
Act No. 11 of 1944, His Excellency
the Acting Governor has caused a
Board of Assessment to be appointed
to determine all questions and claims
relating to the payment of compen-
sation in connexion with the acquisi-
tion of a part of Dagenham Estate in
the Presidency of Montserrat for the
purpose of erecting a Secondary/Se-
nior School. b

2. ae a will be constituted

The Honourable Mr. Justice
W. A. DATE, Chairman;

Mr. W. O. PETERS, appointed
by the Governor; and,

Mr. PauL HOLLENDER, nomi-
nated by the owners of the
land to be acquired.

The Secretariat,

30th August, 1954.
(C.8.0. M.P. 66/00021—IT),

No. &l.

The following Acts and Statutory
Rules and Orders are circulated with
this Gazette and form part thereof:—

Leeward Islands.

No. 11 of 1954, ‘The Currency
(Amendment) Act, 1954.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.
No. 12 of 1954, “The Virgin Is-
lands (Commissioner of the Supreme
Court) Validation Act, 1954.”
3 pp. Price 5 cenis.
No. 13 of 1954, “The Magistrate’s
Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act,
1954.” 17 pp Price 19 cents.

No. 14 of 1954, ‘The Forgery Act,
1954.” 16 pp Price 13 cents.

No. 15 of 1954, “The Evidence
Amendment) Act, 1954.”

2 pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 16 of 1954, “ The Travelling

and Subsistence Allowance (Repeal)

Act, 1954.” lpp Price 3 cents.

No. 17 of 1954, “The Dangerous
Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1954.”

4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 18 of 1954, “The Telecommu-

nications (Amendment) Act, 1954.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 19 of 1954, “The Public Holi-
days Act, 1954.” 4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 20 of 1954, “The Small Tene-
ments, (Amendment) Act, 1954.”
4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 21 of 1954, “The Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1952) Act, 1954.’
2 pp. Price 4 cents.


General Government.

No. 35 of 1954, “The Leeward
slands Scholarship Rules, 1954.”

4 pp. Price 6 cents. -

No. 36 of 1954, ‘The Colonial
Lunatic Asylum (Maintenance) Regu-

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

lations, 1904.”
>-, Antigua.

No. 18 of 1954, “The Sugar Export
Cess (Amendment) Regulations,
1954.” 1 pp. Price 3 cents.

No. 19 of 1954, “The Animals
(Importation) Control (Amendment
No. 2) Regulations. 1954.”

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

the } - * Ee ee
stanaing to the credit of the Price
Stabilization fund being diverted to
the Rehabilitation Fund and Labour
Welfare Fund.

2. The Sugar Export Cess Regula-
tions, 1947, have accordingly been
amended to allow the Governor-in-
Council to allocate any portion of the
Price Stabilization Fund to be paid
to the Rehabilitation or Labour
Welfare Funds for meeting any
special needs of the sugar industry.

3. The above diversion is mainly
because of current economic condi-
tions in Antigna owing to drought.
It will also agsist the sugar industry
to tide over a particularly difficult
year aud will, it is hopéd, put more
money in circulation

Administrator's O ffice,
St. John’s,

27th August, 1954.

Ref. No. A. 71/8—IL.

Tenders for Groceries etc.

The following tenders have been
accepted for the period ending 31st
December, 1954 for the supply of the
undermentioned items to Government
Institutions :—

Milk delivered at 14c. per bottle.

Milk delivered at 14c. per bottle.

Bread delivered at 15c. per Ib.

Meat—Beef (Steak)—46c. per lb.
Sirloin 35c. per lb.

Liver 29e. ” ”
Pork 36¢. ,, »

Cornmeal (Imported) at $12.48 per
100 Ib. bag.

Cornmeal (Local) at -$12.00 per
100 Ib. bag.

JOSEPH Dew & Son, LTD.—
Kerosene oil at wholesale price on
the date of delivery, less 24% and less

Administrator's Office,
St. John’s,
Antigua. —_
96th August, 1954.
Ref. No. A‘ 41/36.

N.B. This notice is in substitution
Sor that dated 20th August,
1954, which appeared in
Gazette of Thursday 26th
August, 1954.

pee creme

eS 4
. | werk PICTURES COR-
PORATION of 729 Seventh Avenue,
New York, State or Wow -Vowl-, Tg
have applied for Registration of one ~~
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-
ing:-— .

when most .

in Class VIII that is to say:— Motion
picture films with or without sound,
words and music.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 14 years
before the date of their said Appli-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the “ Leeward Islands Gazette, give———
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks.

Office, Antigua, of opposition to regis-
tration of the said Trade Mark.


Aoting Registrar of Trade Marks, ’



Crown Land Applications *
‘Applications in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the *
Gazette for the purpose of giving any

person an opportunity of making any
representation to this Office in rela-
tion to any such application.

Such applications will be inserted
in at least three separate issues of the
Gazette before they will be dealt with
by the Governor, so that applicanta
must be prepared for this delay.

The undermentioned applications
are hereby notified.

By Order,
EB. T. Henry,
Clerk to the Administrator. |

Administrator’s Office,
14th August, 1954.

Ref. No. A. 46/27.

2 September, 1954]

To Purchase.

All those pieces or pareels of land
gituate at Matthews Estate in the
Parish of Saint Paul in the Island of
Antigua allas the same are delineated
on maps or plans of the said area
prepared by Mr. MICHAEL Sir. CLAIR
Batson Licensed Surveyor and con-
taining the areas set out as follows:—

Lot No. 9B 4.318 acres
so ~6LOA 3.920 ,,
» 9 «46 5,000 sy. ft.
yy OO 2.532 aores
yoo OL 0.795 ,,
yo 88 1.083 ,,
og NS J64,,
9 a? 102 L.951 ”
” 99 103 0.849 9
ay ay OD 1.330 ,,

Vacancy for Quantity Survey-
or, Housing Department,
British Guiana.

Applications are invited from suita-
bly qualified persons for the post of
Quantity Surveyor, Housing Depart-
ment, British Guiana.

2. The post is on the permanent
and pensionable establishment of the
Colony and is at present on the salary
scale $3,600 (£750) x $144 (£30)—
$4,320 (£900) per annum, plus a
temporary cost of living allowance of
$300 (£62 10s.) per annum, but some
improvement in these emoluments
may be expected to result from the
general revision of the salaries of
public officers now being undertaken.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands


3. The duties of the post require
that applicants should possess a sound
knowledge of surveying and’ valua-
tion of properties, taking off quanti-
ties from architectural drawings and
specifications, measuring variations
on building contracts, measuring
work executed and preparing esti-
mates for works and bills of quanti-
ties. The candidate selected will also
be required to undertake such other
duties as may from time to time be
required of him by the Chief Archi-
tect or other duly authorised officer.


Candidates should be qualified
Quantity Surveyors holding a certifi-
cate as a Corporate Member of the
Royal Institution of Chartered Sur-
veyors, or an approved qualification
of similar status,

4. Applicants should preferably
be between the ages of 25 and 40

do. The successful candidate will
be required to pass the usual medical
examination for admission to the
Public Service and may be required
to serve a probationary period of one
year in the first instance. He will
be subject on appointment to the
Colonial Regulations and to local
General Orders and instructions in
force for the time being in so far as
they are applicable.

6. Vacation leave is earned at tha
rate of five days for each completed
month of resident service up to a
maximum of six months, subject to a


Government Printer.—By Authority.


minimum tour of two years’ resident
service. The officer would also be
eligible for ‘‘assisted passages”’ for
himself and wife only when travel-
ling to and from leave, subject to the”
provision of funds annually by the
Legislative Council and to the re-
quirements of the Public Officers
Leave (Passages) Regulations.

7. Applications stating name in
full, date and year of birth, qualifica-
tions and experience, and accom-
panied by copies of at least two
recent testimonials, should _ be
addressed to the Chief Establishment
Officer, Central Secretariat—Estab-
lishment Department, and must reach
him not later than the 31st August,

8. Candidates already in the Pub-
lic Service must submit their applica-
tions through the normal official

Ref. No, 13/00004—IL.

Central Experiment Station,


1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
Jan. 541 3.60 241 1,938 3.04
Feb. 2.52 188 1.60 1.02 2.45
Mar. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08
Apr. 244 216 B14 2.06 49
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3,838
June 166 2.74 5.74 1381 3.32
July 1.85 3.28 8.38 320 3.47
Aug. 28 10.71 7.38 4,62 2.99 2.68

28.23 32.67 30,61 19.61 20.36

» by E, M. BLackmany, E.D,

[Prive 99 cents. ]


No 11 of 1954,

[Ls s

P. D. Macpoxarn,
Acting (Governor.
28th August, 154,

No. 11 of 1954.

An Act to amend the Currency Act, 1950.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward
Islands as follows:—-

1. This Act may be cited as the Currency
(Amendment) Act, 1954, and shall be read as one
with the Currency Act, 1950, hereinafter called the
Principal Act.

2. The following section is hereby substi-
tuted for section 1} of ths Principal Act:—

Currcney (Amerdinent),

“11. I[fany person makes or causes to be
made or uses for any purpose whatsoever, or
utters any document purpor ting to be or in
any way resembling or so nearly reseinbling
as to be Calcuiated: to deceive, any currency
note or any part thereof, he shal be liable on
summary conviction in respect of each such
document to a fine of one hundred dollars and
the court shall order the document in respect
of which the offence was committed and any
copies of that document and any plates,
blocks, dies, or other instruments used for or
capable of being used for printing or repro-
ducing any such document which are in the
possession of such offender, to be delivered to
the Board or to any person authorised by the
Board to receive them.”

3. The Principal Act is hereby amended by
the insertion therein immediately after section 11
of the following section as section 1] A:—

“1A, Whosoever without lawful au-
thority or excuse (the proof whereof shall
lie on the persons accused) mutilates, cuts,
tears or perforates with holes any currency


Short title.

of section 1]
of the Princi-
pal Act.
Imitation of

Insertion of
new section
in the Prin-
cipal Act.

or defacing

Leewarn 2 Currency (Amendment). No. 11 of 1954.

pote or in any way defaces a currency
note whether by writing, printing, drawing
or stamping thereon, or by attaching or
affixing thereto anything in the nature or
forin of an advertisement, shall on summary
conviction be liable to a fine of twenty-four

Maurice H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

A. [. PENN,
(lerk of the Counetl.

heanted at the Government Printing Oiice. Leeward Islands,
by EM. BhackMas. ED... trovoriment Vriater.--By Authority.
24/00003-—-40— 8.54. [Price 3 cents. |

No, 12 of 1954.0 Virgin Islands (Canmetss’oner of the
Supreme Court) Validulton,

P. D. Macvonatn,
Acting Governor.
28th August, 1954.

No, 12 of 1954.

An Act to confirm and validate all the rights,
powers, acts and duties of the Magistrate for
District “J”? exercised and undertaken as a
Cominissioner of the Supreme Court of the
Leeward Islands and as a Commissioner of
the Supreme Court of the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands in the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands between the 28th day of June,
1938 and the 2&th day of August, 1943.
WHEREAS it was provided by subsection

(1) of section 9A of the puprome Court Act

(Cap. 22) as enacted by section 2 of the Supreme

Court (Amendment) Act, 1987, that for the pre-

vention of delay in the nein ele on of justice,

the Governor may, by a Commission under his

hand and the Public Seal of the Colony, appoint a

fit and proper person to be a Commissioner of the

Supreme Court in any Presidency for the trial and

determination, in the absence of a Judge from the

Presidency, a such causes and Tater mentioned

in subsection three thereof as may be specified in

such Commission:

AND WHERIAS by virtue of the power
and authority vested in him by the said section 9A
the Governor by a Commission under his hand and
the Public Seal of the Colony bearing date the
28th day of June, 1938, appointed the Magistrate
for District ‘J’? to be «a Commissioner of the
Supreme Court of the Leeward Islands in the Presi-
dency of the Virgin Islands for the trial and
determination in the absence of a Judge of the said
Court from the said Presidency, of all or any of
the causes and matters mentioned in paragraphs
(a), (6), (ec) and (¢) of subsection (8) of section
9A of the said Act:






2 Virgin Islands (Commissioner of the No. 12 of 1954.
Supreme Court) Validation.

AND WHEREAS doubts have arisen as to
whether the said section 9A conferred power on
the Governor to make the appointments thereby
authorised by office as well as by name:

AND WHEREAS the said Supreme Court
Act (Cap. 22) was repealed by the Supreme Court
Act passed in the year 1939 (hereinafter called.
the Act of 1989) which latter Act came into force
on the lst day of January, 1940, and by virtue of
such repeal all appointments made under the
repealed Act became null and void:

AND WHEREAS the Commissioner of the
Virgin Islands as ex officio Magistrate for District
“J? in the purported exercise of the powers con-
ferred on such Magistrate by the Commission of
the 28th day of June, 1938, did, between the 28th
day of June, 1988 and the 28th dav of August,
194, purport to exercise and perform in the Presi-
deney of the Virgin Islands in the absence theres
from of a Judge of the Supreme Court of the
Leeward Islands, and of the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and Leeward Islands, the
powers, rights, acts and duties which may be
exercised and performed by a Commissioner of the
said Courts in the Presidency of the Virgin Islands
duly appointed by the Governor respectively under
section 9A of the Supreme Court Act (Cap. 22)
and under section + of the Act of 19389 in the
mistaken belief that he was empowered to exercise
and perform the same:

— AND WHEREAS it is expedient in the in-
terests of the community of the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands to remove all such doubts, to validate
the said appointment and to confirm and validate
the purported exercise by the said Magistrate for
District “J” of the powers, rights, acts and duties
of a Commissioner of the said Supreme Courts as
if the said Magistrate had been properly and legally
appointed 1 Commissioner of the Supreme Court
in the Presidency of the Virgin Islands between
the 28th day of June, 1988 and the 28th day of
August, 1943: ‘


No. 12 of 1954. Virgin Islands (Commissioner of the 3
Supreme Court) Validation.

KNACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward
Islands as follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Virgin
Islands (Commissioner of the Supreme Court)
Validation Act, 1954.

2. All rights, powers, acts and duties exer-
cised and undertaken or purported to have been
exercised and undertaken by the Magistrate for
District J” as a Commissioner of the Supreme
Court of the Leeward Islands and as a Commis-
sioner of the Supreme Court of the Windward Is-
lands and Leeward Islands in the Presidency of
the Virgin Islands between the 28th day of June,
1988 and the 28th day of August, 1948, are
hereby confirmed and validated as fully and
effectually as if the provisions of section 3 of the
Supreme Court Act (Cap. 22) and of section 4 of
the Act of 1989 had been strictly observed and
followed and the persons per forming the duties of
Magistrate for District “J” had been properly and
legally appointed as Commissioners of the said
Courts in the Presidency of the Virgin [slands, at
the times when such rights, powers, acts and
duties had been exercised and undertaken or had
been purported to have been exercised and under-

Mauricr H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

A. E. Prxn,
Clerk of the Council,



Short title.



Printed at the Govornment Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackm an. E.D., Government Printer.—By Authority,


47/00283- 400— 8.54, [Price 5 cants.]

No. 18 of 1954. Magistrate's Code of Procedure


P. D. Macponarn,
Acting (rovernor.
28th August, L954,


No. 13) of 1954.

An Act to amend further the Magistrate’s Code
of Procedure Act and to effeer certain con-
sequential amendments to local Acts,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands.

1. This Aet may be cited as the Magis-
trate’s Code of Procedure (Amendinent) Act,
1954, and shall be read as one with the Magis-
trate’s Code of Procedure Act, as amended, here-
inafter called the Principal Act.

2. (1) The Principal Act is hereby ameud-
ed by the insertion therein, immediately after
section 12, of the following section as section


“2A. (1) Every District Mavistrate
shall be er officio a Justice of the Peace of the
Presidency in which his district iq situate.

(2) Except as is ana vl provided in
any Act the Governor may, by Warrant under
his hand, appoint any fit nnd proper person to
he a Justice of the Peace for any Presidency
and may, in like manner, for such cause as

may appear to him sufficient, remove any
Justice of the Peace from his office.

(3) Every appointment or removal of
a Justice of the Peace shall be notified in the


Short title.

Cap. 61.

Insertion of
new section
in the Princi-
pal Act.

Justices of
the Peace.


of appoint-
ments of
Justices of
the Peace,

Amendment of
section 19 of

the Principal


of section 33 of
the Principal


2 Magistrate’s Code of Procedure No. 18 of 1954.

(2) It is hereby declared that any person
who, on the coming into force of this Act, was
duly appointed or gazetted as a Justice . the
Peace in and for any Presidency, shall continue
to hold such appointment and be deemed to have
been appointed a Justice of the Peace in aceord-
ance with the provisions of section 12A of the
Principal Act.

8. Section 19 of the Principal Act i is hereby
amended by the substitution of the words “ Justices
of the Peace” for the words * Justices in the
general commission of the — peace” appearing

4. The following section is bereby substi-
tuted for section 33 of ie rincipal Act:—

information 333. (1) It shall be lawful for any

and complaint.

person to make a complaint against
any person committing an olfence
punishable on summary conviction
unless it appears from the enactment
on which the complaint is founded
that any complaint for sueh offence
shall be made only by a particular
person or class of persons.

(2) (a) It shall be lawful for any
police officer, to lay any information or
make any complaint in the name of
the police officer in charge of the
Division in the Magisteri al district
where such information or complaint is
to be tried or inquired into, and eon-

duct any such proceedings on his

(4) Every such information or
com piaint shai) ve Signed by the police
officer laying or making the same and


13 of 1954. Magistrate’s Code of Procedure 3

such police officer shall be deemed for
all purposes of this Act other than
those specitied in this subsection to be
the complainant; and proceedings un-
dev any such information or complaint
shall not lapse or be determined by
reason of any change of the police
officer in charge as aforesaid.

(°) No such proceedings shall be
dismissed by reason only of the failare
of the police officer in charge as afore-
said to appear in person or by counsel
or solicitor, provided he be represented
by any police officer for the time being
present in Court.”

5. The Principal Act is hereby amended by

the insertion therein, immediately after section 95,
of the following section as section 95A:—

“95A. Where a complaint is laid by one
or more parties against another party or par-
tics, and there is a cross complaint by the
defendant or defendants in such first named
case cither by himself or themselves or
together with another person or other persons
against the complainant or complainants In
the first named case either by himself or
themselves or together with another person or
other persons, and such cross complaints are
with reference to the same matter, the Magis-
trate may, if he thinks fit, hear and determine
such complaints at one and the same time.”.

6. Section 99 of the Principal Act is here-

by amended by the insertion of a comima after
the word “shall” between the words ‘‘ convic-

tion ”’

and “afterwards”? and by the addition

thereafter of the following :—-

“subject to any rules made in pursuance
of this Act,’’.


Insertion of
new section in
the Prinoipal

Cross coms

Amendment of
section 99 of
the Principal

Leeward 4° Slagistrate’s Code of Procedure No. 13 of 1954,

ISLANDS. (Amendment).

pete! 7. Sections 100 and 101 of the Principal
sections 100 and

1UL of the Act are hereby amended by the substitution of

Principal Act. the words “twenty- four dollars” for the words
“ forty shillings” respectively appearing therein,

Substitution of 8. The followine scetion is hereby substi-
ction 107 of
the Principar tuted for section 107 of the Principal Act:—-


Pieces “107. (1) Where a sentence of impris-

imprisonment Onment for a summary offence is passed on
any person the Magistrate may order that
the sentence shall commence at the expira-
tion of any other term of imprisoninent to
which that person has been previously
sentenced, so, however, that where two or
more sentences of a Magistrate are ordered
to run consecutively the aggregate term of
Ln prisonment shall not exceed six months,
unless such sentences include at least-—

(a) two sentences for indictable
offences dealt with summarily by con-
sent; or

(/) a sentence for an offence for
which the Magistrate was empowered
to order a term of imprisonment. of
more than six months,

in which ease the aggregate term of impris:
onment shall not exccel, twelve months.

(2) In subsection (1) of this section
“sentence of imprisonment” includes cases
where imprisonment is imposed on any per-
son either with or without the option ofa
fine, or in respect of non-payment of
any sum of money, or for failing to do or
abstaining from doing any act or thing
required to he done oy jeft undone.

(3) Where a person has been sen-
tenced to imprisonment in default of
payment of a fine, the Magistrate may,
notwithstanding the provisions of sub-
section (1) of this section, order that

No. 18 of 1954. Mayistrate’s Code of Procedure 5

the sentence shall begin at the expiration
of any term of imprisonment imposed
for that offence on that person in addition
to the fine.”’.

_ 9. Section 108 of the Principal Act is
hereby amended by the insertion of a full-stop
after the word ‘directed’ and the deletion of
all the words appearing thereafter to the end of
the section.

10. Section of the Principal Act is
hereby amended by the deletion of all the words
commencing with the words “and pay” to. the
end of the section and by the substitution therefor
of the following :—



“such sum or imstalment to the Magistrate or
to his clerk, if he has a clerk, and pay over
the same into the Public Treasury of the
Presidency wherein such stm or instalment
is paid or, if the Magistrate shall so direct,
to the Mavistrate or to his clerk.”,

11. The following seetion is hereby substi-
tuted for seetion 130 of the Principal Act:—-

“130. (1) Any married person (in this
section hereinafter called “the applicant’)
Whose husband or wife, as the case may be,
(in this section hereinafter called “the
defendant ”?)—

(a) has been guilty of adultery; or

(4) has deserted the appleant; or
(eo) has been convicted summarily
ofan ageravated assault on the applicant
Within the meaning of scetion 41 of the
Olfences aginst the Person Aet: or

(@) has been convicted on tndict-
ment of ait assault tpon the vpplicant: or

(2) has been guilty of — persistent

cruelty to the appleatit or to the children
of the applicant: or


Amendment of
section 10S of
the Principal

Amendment of
section 122 of
the Principal



of sevtion 130
of the Prine:
pol Act.

Order rela
ting to aepara-
tion and

Cap 41.

Leeward 6 Magistrates Code of Procedure No. 18 of 1954.
ISLANDS. (Amendment).

(7) being under a duty to provide
reasonable maintenance for the applicant
and the children of the applicant, has
wilfully neglected or refused to do so; or

(gy) is an habitual drunkard,

may apply to a Magistrate for an order under
this Part of this Act.

(2) Any married woman whose hus-
(a) has compelled her to submit to
prostitution; or

(6) while sullering from venereal
disease and knowing that he was so
suffering, bas insisted on having’ sexual
intercourse with her,

way also apply to a Magistrate for an order
under this Part of this Act,

(3) Por the purposes of this section—

(a) where the husband has, in the
opinion Of the Magistrate, been guilty of
such conduct as was likely to result and
has resulted in his wife submitting her-
self to prostitution he shall be deemed to
have compelled her so to submit herself;

(/) an habitual drunkard shall be
deemed to he a person who by reason of
habitual intemperate drinking of intoxi-
cating liquors or habitual taking or
using, except on medical advice, of dan-
verous drues within the meanine of the

23/1937. Daneerous Drugs Act, 1937, is at times
daneerous to obimself er herself or
to others or incapable of manaving
himself or herself or his or her affairs;

(e) where the applicant is entitled
toapply for on order or orders under
this section on the ground of the convic-
tion vf the defetidant upon indictinent,

No. 13 of 1954. Mayistrate’s Code of Procedure 7 Leeward
(Amendment). ISLANDS.

the applicant may apply to the Court
before which the defendant has been
convicted, and that Court shall for the
purposes of this section become
a Magistrate’s Court and have the power
without a jury to hear an application
and make the order or orders applied for.

(4) The Magistrate to whom any appli-
cation under this section 1s inade may make an
order or orders containing all or any of the
provisions following, usmely—

(a) that the applicant be no longer
bound to cohabit with the defendant
(which provision while in force sball
have the separation on the ground of cruelty);

(4) that the legal custody of any
children of the marriage while under the
age of sixteei years be committed to the

(«) that the defendant shall pay to
the applicant personally, or for the use
of the applicant to any officer of the
Court or third person on behalf of the
ap plicant, such weekly sum, not exceed-
ing ten dollars, as the Magistrate having
regard to the means both of the applicant
and the defendant, ccnsiders reasonable:

Provided however that where the
defendant is the wife of the applicant
the Magistrate shall not make an order
ander this paragraph unless he is
satisfied that the applicant is by rea-
sou of illness or physical or mental
disability unable to maintain himself,

(¢) that the defendant shall pay to
the applicant, or to an officer of the
Court er third person on behalf of the
applicant, a weekly sum not exceeding
two dollars and forty cents for the
maintenance of each of the children of
the marriage until cach such child
attams (he age of sixtecu years;

Leeward 8 Jayistrate’s (ode of Procedure No. 18 of 1954.
IstaNnps. (Amendment).

(e) for payment by the applicant
or defendant, as the cxse may be, or
hoth of them, of the costs of the appli-
cation and any rensonable costs of
either of the parties as the Magistrate
may think fit.

(5) No order shall be made under para-
graph (c) of subsection (4) of this section
where it is proved that the applicant has
committed an act of adultery:

Provided that the defendant has not
condoned, or connived at, or by his or her
wilful neglect conduced to such act of

(6) A Magistrate, acting within the
district in which any order under this sec-
tion has been made, may on the applieation
of the wife or husband, and upon cause
being shown upon fresh evidence to the
satisfaction of the Magistrate, at any time,
alter, vary or discharge any such order and
may Upon such application from time to
time Increase or diminish the amount of any
weekly payment ordered to be made: :

Provided that the amount payable by
anv such order shall not be increased
bevond the limits set forth in subsection
(4) of this seetion.

(7) if any person on whose applica-
tion an order has been made under this
section, shall voluntarily resume cohabita-
tion with her husband or his wife, as the
case may be, or shall commit an act of
adultery, such order shall on proof thereof
be discharged:

Provided that the Magistrate may. if
he thinks fit—

(i) refuse to discharge such order
in the case of a wile who has
conunitted adultery if in his
opinion such aet of adultery

as aforesaid was condueed to
by the failure of the busband
to make such payments as in

No, 18 of 1954. Mayistrale’s Code of Procedure 9 Lerwarp
(Amendment). ISLANDS,

his opinion he was able to
make under the illor:

(ii) in the event of the order being
discharged, make a new order
that the defend ant shall pay
to the applicant, or to an offi-
cer of the Court or third per-
son. ou bebalf of the applicant,
aw weekly sum not exceeding
two dollars and forty cents for
the maintenance of each of
the children of the marriage
until cach such child attains
the age of sixteen years,

(8) No order made under this section

shall be enforceable and no liability shall
accrue under any such order while the
applicant with respect to whom the order
was made resides with the defendant and
any such order shall cease to have effect if
fora period of three months alter it is made
stich applicant continues to reside with the
: (9) In this section the term “ children
of the marriage” shall include ev ery child
(whether legitimate or illegitimate) whom
the applicant or defendant is liable under
any law to maintain and who has heen
living with them as part of the hushand’s

12. TT ie following section is her eby substi- substitution
tuted for section 18” of ‘the Principal Act:— of section (32
of the Prine
pal Act.

132. Where on the hearing of any interim
application for a maintenance order the rer.
application is adjourned for any period
excecding fourteen days, the Magistrate
may order that the defen lant do pay to the
person in rt or whom the order is
sought to be made, or to an officer of oe
Court or third person on behalf of such per
son, a weekly sum, not execeding the sum
which might he ordered to be paid under
a final order, which interim order shall be





Magistrates Code of Procedure No. 18 of 1954


this section it shall be executed by the

(3) In any case where, owing to
the time and place of arrest of the
judgment debtor, if is not practicable or
convenient to convey him to the prison
to which he is by such warrant com-
mitted, the bailiff effecting the arrest
shali convey him to the nearest police
station in the locality where such
arrest was made; and it shall be lawful
for the police officer in charge of such
station to detain such judgement debtor
in some secure place of confinement at
such station until such hour, not later
than twelve noon of the day fol-
lowing that on which he is arrested,
and as soon as may be convenient
thereafter the judgment debtor shall be
conveyed to prison as directed by the
warrant of commitment.

(4) When any person who has
been detained at a police station as pro-
vided in subsection (3) of this section
is thereafter conveyed to the prison. to
be imprisoned by virtue of such war-
rant of commitment the bailiff shall
endorse on such warrant the day on,
and the bour at, which such person
was arrested by virtue thereof; and the
imprisonment shall be computed from
such day and inclusive thereof,

(5) Where a Magistrate either be-
fore or after the commencement of this
Act makes an order for the payment
either in one swum or by instalments or
any judgment debt and costs, such
order inay, on the application cither of
the judgment debtor or judgment,
creditor and upon cause being shown
upon fresh evidence to the satisfaction
of the Magistrate, be varied or altered
by him. by ordering the amount due
wud unpaid Cf payable in one sum) to

No. 13 of 195-4. Mayistrate’s Code of Procedure 13° LEEWARD
(Amendment), IsLaNnDs.

be paid by instalments, or if the said
amount is atready payable in instal-
ments, he may inerease or decrease the
amount of such instalments.”

18. The following sections are hereby substitution

substituted for sections 172, 173 and 174 of the ofsections 172.

eas 178 and 174 of

Principal Act:— the Principal

“172. (1) Where a Magistrate refuses Appeal
to make a conviction the complainant may,
subject to the provisions of subsection (4)
of this section, appeal to a Judge against
such decision.

(2) Where a Magistrate makes a con-
viction the party against whom the convic-
tion is made may, subject to the provisions
of subsection (4) of this section, appeal to a
Judge against such decision.

(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-
section (4) of this section there shall bea
right of appeal to a Judge from any judg-
ment or order of a Magistrate in any civil
proceedings where the sum claimed and the
costs, if any, exceed three dollars and sixty

(4) An appeal under this section shall
be to the Judge who shall after the expira-
tion of thirty days from the day on which
the decision of the Magistrate was first
given hold a sitting of either a Cireuit
Court or a Court of Summarys Jnrisdiction
in the Cireuit containing the district in
which the Magistra.e’s decision was given.

173. Every appeal shall be either by Appeal Ns,
way of motion or special case as hereinafter 390° P°""

174. An appeal, whether by way of Appeal ope-
motion or special case. shall have the effect "ss"
of suspending the execution of the decision,
judgement or order appealed from until the
final determination of such appeal.”.

Lerwarpn Li Ma pistrate’s Code of Provedure No. 18 of 195-4.


of section 175
of the Princi-
pal Act.

of section 180
of the Princi-
pal Act.

* Special Case,


19. Section 175 of the Principal Act is

hereby amended as follows:--

(a) by the substitution of the words
‘“ Where an appeal is by way of motion the’
for the word The” at the beginning of
the section;

(l) by the substitution of a colon for
the full-stop at the end thereof and the
addition thereto of the following proviso:—

“Provided that in the case of an
appeal from a decision of the Magistrate of
district “J the said notice shall be served
within twenty-eight days after the day on
which the Magistrate has given his deci-

20. The following section is hereby sub-

stituted for section 180 of the Principal Act:—

180. (1) After the hearing and deter-
mination of any complaint, the Magistrate
may, in his discretion, on the application of
either party to such complaint or their
solicitor, or of his own motion without such
application, state a case on any point of law
arising in the case for the opinion of a
Judge. The statement of facts im such case
so stated shall, for the purpose of the deter-
mination thereof, be conclusive.

(2) Where such party (hereinafter
called ‘‘the appellant’) makes application
to a Magistrate to state a case the appellant
shail within fourteen days after the day on
which the Magistrate has given his decision,
in the manner and form prescribed by sec-
tions 175 and 177 of this Act, serve a notice
of appeal on ‘he other party and on the

Provided that im the case of an appeal
from a decision of the Magistrate of district
“J” the said notice shall be served within
twenty-eight days atter the day on which
the Magistrate has given his decision,


13 of 195 I, Ja: ysird ite’ s Co fp of firs ov Ure 15 )
( dinendinent),

The provisions of sections 178 and
179 of this Act shali apply in respect of any
such appeal.

(4) Nothing herein contained shall be
construed to prevent either party in sucha
case appealing within the time specified in
section 175 of this Act as to any determina-
tion offact or any question of law not raised
in the case stated by the Magistrate; but
such appeal shall be in such event indepen-
dent of the case stated.

(5) (a) The Attorney General may, by
notice in writing under his hand, require a
Magistrate to state a case on any point of
law, and, on receipt of such notice, the
Magistrate shall state such case accordingly.

(6) In this subsection the expression
“ Attorney General” includes the
Crown Attorney of a Presidency.

(6) The Judge may remit any case
stated ander the provisions of this section to
the Magistrate stating the same for further
informat tion from such Magistrate.

(7) If on application being duly made
toa Magistrate to state a case such Magis-
trate declines so to do, the appellant may
apply to the Supreme Court or to any Judge
thereof for an order requiring the case to be

21. Section 181 of the Principal Act is

hereby amended by the deletion of all the words
before and including the words “as the case may


appearing therein and the substitution

therefor of the following:—

“The Magistrate upon receiving an
application, notice or order under the pro-
visions of section 180 of this Act or when of
his own motion he decides to state a case for
the opinion of a Judge”


Amendment of
section 181 of
the Principal


Leewarp 160 Meyistrate’s Code of Procedure No, 13 of 199 4,
ISLANDS, (Amendment).

Aiwendment of 22. Section 187 of the Principal Act is
section IS7 of 4 ; At wis ' Pe ~
tae Paneipal hereby amended as follows:
Aet, ~ 4 . .
(a) by the substitution of the words

“fifty dollars” for the words “ five pounds
five shillings ” appearing therein; and

(4) by the substitution of a colon for
the full-stop at the end thereof and by the
addition thereto of the following proviso:—

“Provided further that if on the
hearing of a special case the Judge
adjudges such appeal to have been
frivolous and vexatious the appellant or
the solicitor who made application for
the special case shall be liable, if the
Judge shall so think fit, to pay a sum
not exceeding seventy-two dollars as
costs of the appeal and such costs shall
be recoverable as hereinafter provided.’

Amendment of 283. Section 220 of the Principal Act is

section 220 of : _ wlac f _
te Posie hereby amended as follows: —

(a) by the substitution of the word
“(leclared ” for the word “ delared”
appearing therein; and
(4) by the insertion, between the words
“paid” and “to”, of the following
words :—
‘into the Public Treasury of the
Presidency where such sums are
paid, or if the Magistrate shall so
ay 7 24. Section 251 of the Principal Act is
stion 251 0 ‘ :
the Principal hereby amended by the substitution of the
Act. words ‘fourteen days” for the words “ seven

days’ appearing therein.

Amendmenbof 25. (1) Section 16 of the Interpretation
evs and Le o ® .

inane. of Laws Act is hereby amended by the deletion
Cap. 103, therefrom of the definition of the expression

“ Justice of the Peace”,

No. 13 of 195-4. Magistrate's Code ot Procedure i Lerwarp
(Amendment). IsLanDs.

(2) The Act and Ordinances specified in the
Schedule to this Act are hereby amended to the
extent mentioned in the fourth column thereof.

Maurice H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

A. KE. Pry,
Clerk of the Couneil.

No of -
Presidency. | ata Short title. Extent of amendment.
- mance, a | _
| |
Antigua 6/1896 The Interpretation |Paragraph (21) of sec-
_ of Laws Act, 1896. | tion 18 shall be de-

| leted.

Saint Christopher, 18/1896 The Interpretation |Paragraph (21) of sec-

Nevis and An-| of Laws Ordinance,| tion 17 shall be de-
guilla 1896. leted.

6/1898 The Interpretation Paragraph (21) of sec-
of Laws Ordinance, _ tion 18 shall be de-
1898. | leted.


1/1899 The Interpretation Paragraph (21) of see-
' of Laws Ordinance, tion 18 shall be de-
1898. leted.

Virgin Islands


Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BnactMAN. E.D., Government Printer. —By Authority.
47/00026—490-—8.54, Price 19 cents.

No. 14 of 1954. Forgevy,

[L.S. |
T Assunr,
P. D. Macnonarn,
Acting Governor.
28th August, 1954.

No. 14 of 1954.

An Act to consolidate, simplify, end amend the
law relatine to forgery aud kindred offences.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

Islands as follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Forgery
Act, 1954,

2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise

“bank note” includes any note or Dill of
exchange of the Bank of Mngland, or of
any person, body corporate, or company
carrying on the business of banking in
any part of the world, sand includes
“ bank bill *) “bank post bill’, blank
bank note” _ blank bank bill of exchange’
and * blank bank post bill”;


‘currency note” includes anv note legally
issued as currency by or under the
authority of the Government of, or any
law in force in, the Colony or any part
of the Commonwealth including any
British protectorate or protected state or
any territory administered by Her Majes-
ty’s Government in the United Kingdom
or by the Gcovernment of any part of the
Commonwealth under the trusteeship
system of the United Nations, or of any
foreign state, or of any part or colony or
dependency of any foreign state;


“die” includes any plate, type, tool, or
implement whatsover, and also any part
of any die, plate, type, tool, or imple-
ment, and any stamp or impression thereof
or any part of such stamp or impression;


Short Title,


LEEWARD 2 Forgery. No. 14 of 154.

‘document of title to goods” includes any
bill of lading, India warrant, dock
warrant, warehouse keeper’s certificate,
warrant. or order for the delivery or
transfer of any goods or valuable thing,
bought or sold) note, or any other
document used in the ordinary course of
business as proof of the possession or
control of goods, or authorising or pur-
porting to authorise, either hy endorse-
ment or by delivery, the possessor of
such document to transfer or receive any
goods thereby represented or therein
mentioned or referred to;

‘document of title of lands” includes any
Crown grant, certificate of title, deed,
map, roll, register, or instrument in
writing being or containing evidence of
the title or any part of the title to any
land or to any interest in or arising out
of any land, or any authenticated copy
thereof ;

‘revenue paper” means any paper provided
by the proper authority for the purpose
of being used for stamps, licences, per-
mits, post office money orders, or postal
orders, or for any purpose whatsover
pounced with the public revenue;

“ seal”? includes any stamp or impression of
a seal, or any stamp or impression made
or apparently intended to resemble the
stamp or impression of a seal, as well as
the seal itself;

“stamp” includes a stamp impressed by
means of a die as well as an adhesive

“Treasury bill’ includes [xchequer — bill,

Exchequer bond, Exchequer debenture,
and War bond;

“valuable security’ includes any writing
entitling or evidencing the title of any
person to any share or interest in any
public steck, annuity, fund, or debt of

No 14 of 1954, Forgery. 3

any part of the Commonwealth or of any
foreign state, or in any stock, annuity,
fund, or debt of any body corporate,
company, or society, whether within or
without the oe or to any
deposit. in any hank; and also includes
any scrip, debenture, bill, note, warrant,
order, or other security for the payment
of money, or any authority or request
for the payment of money or the delivery
or transfer of goods or chattels, or any
accountable receipt, release, or discharge,
or any receipt or other instruinent evi-
dencing the payment of money, or the
delivery of any chattel personal.

8. (1) For the purposes of this Act,
“forgery is the making of a false document in
order that it may be Gisvek as genuine, and, in the
case of the seals and dies mentioned in this Act,
the counterfeiting of a seal ov die: and forgery
with intent to defraud or deceive, as the case may
be, is punishable as in this Act provided,

(2) A document is false within the meaning
of this Act if the whole or any material part there-
of purports to be made by or on behalf or on
aceount of a person who did not make it nor
authorise its making; or if, though made by or on
behalf or on account of fhe person by whom or hy
Whose authority it purports to have ‘been made, the
time or place of making, where either is material,
or in the case of a document identified by number
or mark, the number or any distineuishing mark
identifying the document, 18 “falsely stated therein,
and i in particular a acca ent is false—

(a) if any material alteration, whether
by addition, insertion, obliteration, erasure,
removal, or otherwise, has been made therein;

(6) if the whole or some material part of
it purports to be made by or on behalf of a
fictitious or deceased person; or


Definition of
“forgery ”

“ False

LEEWARD 4 Forgery. No. 14 of 1954.

() if, though made in the name of an
existing person, itis made by him or by his
authority with the intention that it should
pass as having been made by some person,
real or fictitious, other than the person who
made or nitioriced it.

(3) For the purposes of this Act

(a) itis immaterial in what langrage a
document is expressed or in what place
within or without the Commonwealth it is
expressed to take effect;

(b) forgery of a document may be com-
plete even if the document when forged is
incomplete, or is not or does not purport to
be such a document as would be binding or
sufficient in law;

(c) the crossing on any cheque, draft on
a banker, post office money order, postal
order, coupon, or other document the crossing
of which is authorised or recognised by law,
shall be a material part of such cheque, draft,
order, coupon, or document;

(7) a document may be 4 false document
notwithstanding that it is not false in such a
manner as is described in subsection (2) of
this section.

Forgery of 4. (1) Forgery of the following documents,
certain docu- : . a rn 5 7 cA 7
ments with if committed w ith intent to defraud, shall be felony
intent to and punishable with imprisonment for life or for

defraud. any term—

(a) any will, codicil, or other testamen-
tary document, either of a dead or of a living
person, or any probate or letters of adminis-
tration, whether with or without the will
annexed ;

(4) any deed or bond, or any assignment
at law or in equity of any deed’ or bond, or
any attestation of the execution of any deed
or bond;

(«) any bank note, or any endorsement
on or assignment of any bank note:

No. 14 of 1954. Forgery. 5 LEEWARD

(d) any currency note.

(2) Forgery of the following documents, if
committed with intent to defraud, shall be felony
and punishable with imprisonment for any term
not exceeding fourteen years-—

(a) any valuable security or assignment
thereof or endorsement thereon, or where the
valuable security is a bill of ‘exchange, any
acceptance thereof ;

(>) any document of title to lands or
any tssigument thereof or endorsement there-

(v) any document of title to goods or
any assigument thereof or endorsement there-

(dq) any power of attorney or other
authority to transfer any share or interest in
any stock, annuity or public fund of the
United Kingdom or any part of the Common-
wealth or of any foreign state or country, or
to transfer any share or interest in the debt of
any public body, company, or society, Con
monwealth or foreign, or in the capital stock
of any such company or society, or to reccive
un dividend or money payable In respect of
such share or interest, or any attestation of
any such power of attorney cr other authority ;

2) any entry in any book or register
which is evidence of the title of any person to
any share or interest hereinbefore mentioned
or to any dividend or interest payable in
respect thereof:

(7) any policy of imsurance or any
‘assignment thereof or endorsement thereon ;

(7) any charter-party or any assignment
thereof ;

5. (1) Forgery of the following documents, Forgery of
op | : certain docu-
if committed with intent to defraud or deceive, ments with

shall be felony and punishable with imprisonment intent se
7 “pf a . ~ detyeu or
for life or for any term— decvive,



Norgery. No. 14 of 1954.

Any document whatsoever having there-
upon or nfiixed thereto the stamp or impres-
sion of the Public Seal of the Colony or of
any Presidency, the Great Seal of the United
Kingdom, Her Majesty’s Privy Seal, ally
Privy Signet of Her Majesty, Her Majesty’ s
Royal Sign Manual, any of ie Majesty’s Seals
appointed by the twenty- -fourth article of the
Union between England and Scotland to be
kept, used, and continued in Scotland.

(2) Forgery of the ee documents, if

committed with intent to defraud or deceive, shall
be felony and punishable with Aipripntie for
any term not exceeding fourteen years-—

(a) any register or record of births,
baptisms, namings, dedications, marriages,
deaths, burials, or cremations which now is,
or hereafter may be, by law authorised or
required to be kept i in ‘the Colony, relating’ to
any birth, baptism, naming, de: lication, marri-
ave, death, burial, or cremation, or any part
of anv such register, or any certitied copy of
any such register, or of any part thereof;

(+) any copy of any register of births,
baptisms, marriages, burials, or Gremauone
directed or required by law i be transmitted
to any registrar or other officer:

(ve) any wrapper or label provided by or
under the authority of the Governor or the
head of any department of the public service.

(3) Forgery of the following documents, if

committed with intent to defrand or deceive, shall
be felony and panishable with imprisonment for
any term hot exceeding seven years

(a) any offielal document whatsoever of
or belonging to any court of justice, or mace
or issued by auy Judge, Magistrate, oflicer, or

clerk of any such court;

No. 14 of 1954. Forgery. 7 Leewarp

()) any register or book kept under the
provisions of any law in or under the
authority of any court of justice;

(c) any certificate, office copy, or certified
copy of any such document, register, or book
or of any part thereof;

(7) any document which any person
authorised to udminister an oath under the
Commissioners for Oaths Act is authorised or Cap.
required by law to make or issue;


(©) any document made or issued by any
public officer or law officer of the Crown, or
any document upon which by the law or
usage at the time in force any court of justice
or any officer might act;

(7) any document or copy of a document
used or intended to be used in evidence in any
court of justice or any document which is
made evidence by law:

(7) any certificate required by any law
for the celebration of marriage;

(A) any licence for the celebration — of
marrige W hich may be given by law;

(7) any certificate, declaration, or order
under any law relating to vaccination or to the
registration of births or deaths;

(}) anv register book, builder's certificate,
surveyors certificate, certificate of registry,
declaration, bill of sale, instrament of mort-
gage, or certificate of mortgage or sale under 57 & 58 Vict,
Part | of the Merchant Shipping Act, L894, °°"
orany entry or endorscinent required by the
stid Part of the said Act to be made in or on
any of these documents:

(any permit, certiheate, Cr simuer
document made or granted by or under the
auchority of any law relating to customs;

(/) any certifieate of a Commnuisaioners
AL DOLLE edoundorsaned acting im execution of the
Income Pax Ordinances of any Presidency ;


untrue state-

Forgery of
with intent to
defraud or

Forgery of
seals and dies.

8 horgery. No. 14 of 1954.
(m) any certificate or
register issued by or under
Registrar General of any
otherwise provided for.

any copy of any
the authority of a
Presidency and not

6. The forgery of any passport, or the
making by any person of a statement which
is to his knowlege untrue for the purpose of
procuring a passport, whether for himself or any
other person, shall be a misdemeanor and punish-
able with imprisonment for any term not exceeding
two years.

7. Forgery of any document which is not
made felony under this Act or any other Jaw for

the time being i in force, if committed with intent to
defraud or deceive, shall be a misdemeanor and
punishable with imprisonment for any term not
exceeding two years.

8. (1) Forgery of the following seals, if
committed with intent to defraud or deceive, shall
be felony and punishable with imprisonment. for
life or for any term—

(a) the Public Seal of the Colony or of
any Presidency, the Great Seal of the United
Kingdom, Her Majesty's Privy Seal, any
Priv vy Signet of Her Majesty, Her Majesty’ s
Royal Sign Manual, any of Tier Majesty's
Seals appointed by the twenty-fourth article
of the Union between Eneland and Scotland
to be kept, used, and continued in Seoulan:: ;

(4) the seal of any court of justice.

(2) Forgery of the following seals, if commit-

ted with oa. to defraud or deccire, shall be
felony and punishable with imprisonment for
fourteen years-—
(a) the seal of a Registrar General of
any Presidency :
(4) the seal of a Registrar of the

Supreme Court:

() the seal cf any
veligiou, coasul,
notary public.


minister of
for oaths, or

No. 14 of 1954. Forgery. 9

(3) Forgery of the following dies, if commit-
ted with intent to defraud or deceive, shall be
felony and punishable with imprisonment for any
term not exceeding fourteen years—

(a) any stamp or die provided, made, or
used for the purpose of or in connection with

(4) any stamp or die provided, made, or
used in pursuance of the Stamp Act.

9. (1) Every person who utters any forged
document, seal, or die shall be guilty of an offence
of the like devree (whether felony or misdemeanor)
and on eer tiet on thereof shall be liable to the
same punishment as if he himself had forged the
document, seal or die.

(2) A person utters a forged document, seul,
or die, who, knowing the same to be forged, and
with either of the intents necessary to constitute
the offence of forging the said document, seal, or
die, uses, offers, publishes, delivers, disposes of,
tenders in payment or in exchange, exposes for
sale Gr exchange, exchanges, tenders in evidence, or
puts off the said forged document, seal, or die.

(3) It is immaterial where the document, seal,
or die was forged.

10. Every person shall be guilty of felony
and on conviction thereof shall be liable to
Imprisonment for any term not exceeding fourtecn
years, who, with intent to defraud, demunds,
receives, or obtains, or causes or procures to be
delivered, paid, or transferred to any person, or
endeavours to receive or obtain or to cause or
procure to be delivered, paid, or transferred to any
person, auy mouey, security for money, or other
property, real or personal—

(a) under, upon, or by virtue of any
forged instrument whatsoever, knowing the
sume to be forged;

(4) under, upon, or by virtue of any
probate or (ee of adminis: ration, knowing
the will, testament, codicil, or testamentary


Cap. 135.


Definition of

property on
forged docu-
ments, ete.


Possession of
forged docu-
ments. seals,
and dies.

Cap. 135,

Making or
having in
paper or ln-
plements for

10 Forge i. No. 14 of 1954.

writing on which such probate or letters of
administration shall have been obtained to
have been forged, or knowing such probate or
letters of administration to have been obtained
hy any false oath, affirmation, or affidavit.

11. (1) Every person shall be guilty of
felony and on conviction thereof shall be lable to
imprisonment for any term not exceeding fourteen
years, who, without lawful authority or excuse, the
proof whereof shall lie on the accused, purchases or
receives from any person, or has in his custedy or
possession, a forged bank note, or a forged
eurreney note, knowing the same to be forged.

(2) Every person shall be guilty of felony
and on conviction thereof shall be lable to
imprisonment for any term not exceeding fourteen
years, who, without lawful authority or excuse, the
proof whereof shall lie on the accused, and
knowing the same to be forged, has in his custody
Or pogsesslon—

(a) any forged die required or authorised
by Iuw to be used for the marking of gold or
silver plate, or of gold or silver wares, or any
ware of gold, silver, or base metal bearing the
impression of any such forged die;

(b) any forged stamp or die resembling
or intended to resemble either wholly or in
part any stump or die which at any time
whatever bas been or may be provided, made,
or used in pursuance of the Stamp Act:

(v) any forged wrapper or label provided
by or under the authority of the Governor or
ihe head of any department of the public

(7) any forged seal or die the forgery of
whieh with intent to de’raud or deceive 18
made punishable hy section & of this Act.

12.) Every person shall be guilty of felony
and on econvietion thereof shall be liable to
Imprisonment for any term not exceeding seven
years, who, without Fawful authority or excuse, the
proof whereof shall lie on the aecused—

No. 14 of 1954. horgery. 11 LeEwarp

(a) makes, uses, or knowingly has in bis

custody or possession any paper intended to
resemble and puss as

(i) special paper such as is provided and
used for making any bauk note, cur-
reucy note, Treasury bill, or Goy-
ernment debenture bond;

(ii) revenue paper;

(4) makes, uses, or knowingly has in his
custody or possession any frame, mould, or
instrument for making such paper, or for
producing in or on such paper any werds,
figures, letters, marks, lines, or devices peculiar
to and used in or on any such paper;

(c) engraves or in anywise makes upon
any plate, oud stone, or other materi, any
words, figures, ‘letters, marks, lines, or other
devices, the print whereof resembles in whole or
m part any words, figures, letters, marks, lines,
or devices peculiar fod nee in or on any bank
note, or currency note, or Government deben-
ture bond, orin or on any document entitling or
evidencing the title of any person to any share
or interest in any public stock, annuity, fund,

debt of any part of the Commonwealth er
of any foreign state, or in any stock annuity
fund, or debt of any body corporate, company,
or society, whether within or without the Com-
monwet alth;

(d) uses or knowingly has in his custody
or possession any plate, wood, stone, or other
material upon which any sue 4 words, figures,
letters, marks, lines, or devices have been
engraved or in anyvwise made as aforesaid ;

(e) uses cr knowingly bas in his custody
or possession avy paper upon Which any such
Words, figures, letters, tnarks, limes, Or devices
have heen printed or in anywise made as

(7) inakes, uses, or knowingly has in his
custody, or possession any unfinished or
Incomplete note purporting to be a currency


Purchasing or
having in
possession cere
tain paper
before it has
been duly
stamped and



12 Forgery. No. 14 of 1954.

note, or any paper with any word, figure,
device, or distinction peculiar to and appearing
in. the substance of paper used for any
currency note.

18. Every person shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be
liable to imprisonment for any term not exceeding
twe years, who, without lawful authority or excuse,
the proof whereof shall lie on the ace used, pur-
chases, receives, or knowingly bas in his custody or

(a) any oe paper provided and used
for making bank notes, currency notes,
Treasury Hills, and Government. debenture
bonds, or any revenue paper before such paper
has been duly stamped, signed, and issued for
public use;

(0) any die peculiarly used in the manu-
facture of any such paper.

14. (1) On conviction of a misdemeanor
punish able under this Act, the court, iustead of or
in addition to any other punishment which may
lawfully be imposed, may fine the offender.

(2) On conviction of a felony punishable
under this Act, the court, in addition to imposing
tn sentence of Imprisonment, may require the
offender to enter into his own recounisanees, with
or without surctics, for keeping the peace und
being of good behaviour.

(3) On convietion of a misdemeanor punish-
able under this Act, the court, instead of or in
uddition to any other punishinent which may
lawfally be imposed for the offence, may require
the offender to enter into his own recognisances,
with or without sureties, for keeping the peace and
being of good behaviour,

(4) } No person shall be imprisoned under this
section for more than one year for not finding

15. (1) Where the having any document,
seal, ov die in the custody or possession of any

No 14 of 1954, Forgery 13

person is in this Act expressed to be an offence, a
person shall be deemed to have a document, seal, or
die in his custody or possession if he—

(~) has it in his personal custody or
possession; or

(b) knowingly and wilfully has it in the
actual custody or possession of any other per-
son, or in any place, building, lodging, apart-
ment, field, or other place, whether open or
enclosed, and whether occupied by himself or

(2) It is immaterial whether the document,
matter, or thing is had in such custody, possession,
or place for the use of such person or for the use
or benefit of another person.

16. (1) If it shall be made to appear by
information on oath before a Magistrate that there
is reasonable cause to believe that any person has
in his custody or possession without lawful
authority or excuse—

(a) any bank note, currency note, Trea-
sury bill, or Government debenture bond: or

(4) any implement for making paper or
unitation of the paper used for bank notes,
currency notes, Treasury bills, or Government
debenture bonds; or .

(c) any material having thereon any
words, forms, devices, cr characters capable of
producing or intended to produce the impres-
sion of a bank note, currency note, Treasury
bill, or Government debenture bond; or

(7) any forged document, seal or die; or

(e) any machinery, implement, utensil,
or material used or intended to be used for the
forgery of any document;

the Magistrate may grant a warrant to search for
the same, and if the same shall be found on search,
it shall be lawful to seize it and carry it before a
Magistrate of the district in which the warrant was
issued to be by him disposed of according to law.




Disposal of

muterials. ete.,


etc.. to be
destroyed or
disposed of,

Form of
and proof of


l4 Forgery. No. 14 of 1654.

(2) Where any forged document Cineluding
any forged bank note, curreney note, Treasury bill,
or Government ¢ ebenture | On d), or any machinery,
implement, atensil, or material used or intended to
be used for the forgery of any such document, is
lawfully seized under a warrant granted in’ pur-
suance of subsection (1) of this section, or other-
wise, the doctument, machinery, implement, utensil
or material, as the case may be, shall be delivered
up to the Commissioner of Police, or to any person
authorised by lim to receive the same, by order of
the court before which the offender is tricd or, if
there is no trial, by order of a Magistrate.

(3) Every other document, seal, or die law-
fully seized ander such warrant, or otherwise, shall
be defaced and destroyed or ot herwise disposed of—

(a) by order of the court before which
the offender is tried:

(6) if there be no trial, by order of a

17. (1) En an indictment or information for
an offence against this Act with reference to any
document, seal, or die, it is sufficient to refer to the
document, seal or die by any name or designation
by which it is usually known, or by its purport,
without setting out any copy or facsimile of the
whole or any part of the document, seal, or die.

(2) Where an intent to defraud or an intent to
deceive 1s one of the constituent clements of
offence punishable under this Act, or under any
other law relating to forgery or any kindred offence
for the time being in force, it shall not be necessary
to allege in the indictment or to prove an intent to
defraud or deceive any particular person; and it
shall be sufficient to prove that the defendant did
the act charged with intent to defraud or to deceive,
as the case may require.

(3) If any person who is a member of any
co- partnership, or is one of two or more beneficial
owners of any property, forges any document,
matter, or thing with intent to defraud the co- part-
nership or the other beneficial owners, he shall be

No. 14 of 1954, Forgery. 15

liable to be dealt with, indicted. tried. and punished
as if he hi Ml not been or wes nota member of the
co-partnership or one of such beneficial owners.

18. (1) Where an offence against this Act
also by virtue of some other lave subjects the
offender to any forfeiture or disqualification, or to
any penalty other than Anprisonment or fine, the
liability of the offender to punishment under this
Act shall be in addition to and not in substitution
for his liability under such other law.

(2) Where an offence against this Act is by
any other Act, whether passed hefore or after the
commencement of this Act, inade panidiab’e on
summary conviction, proc cedinus may be taken
either under such other Act or under this Act.

19. The Acts specified in the second column
of the Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to
the extent specified in the third column thereof.

20. This Act shall come into operation on a
date to be fixed by the Governor by proclamation
published in the Gazet/e.

Maurice F. Davis,
Dejnity President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Council.



under other



LEEWARD 16 Forgery. No, 14 of =1954,
Chapter or number Short Title Extent of repeal
and year of Act
Cap. 35 The Forgery Act The whole Act,
8/1932 The Forgery (Amendment)
Act, 1982. The whole Act.
12/1937 The Forgery (Amendment)
Act, 1937, The whole Act.
29/1937 The Counterfeit
Currency (Convention)
Act, 1937. Sections 2 and 8.
1/1938 The Counterfeit
Currency (Convention)
(Amendment) Act, 1938. The whole Act.
HL941. The Counterfeit
Currency Act, L941. Sections 2 and 4.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M. BLackMAN, Government Printer.-Ry Authority.


[ Price 18 cents.]

No. 15 of 1954. heidence (Amendment)

P. D. Macponay,
Acting Governor.
28th August, 1954,

No. 15 of 1954.

An Act to nmend further the Evidence Act.

INACTID hy he G peninak of the Lee-
ward Islands as follows

1. This Act ‘any be cited as the Evidence
(Amendment) Act, 1954, and shall be read as one
with the Lvidence Act, as amended, hereinafter
ealled the Principal Act.

2. The Principal Act is hereby amended by

the insertion therein immediately after section 12

of the following sections as sections 12A, 12B and
12C respectiv rely: —

“1A. 1 ivery Judge shall take judicial

notice of the following faets:—

(a) all public Acts of the Imperial
Parliament whatever, unless the contrary
is expressly provided in any such Acts;

(6) all Orders of the Queen in
Council and statutory instruments of the
United Kingdom having effect in the

(c) the London Gazette, the Gazette
of the Colony or of any Presidency, and
the Government Gazette of any other
Colony or possession in Her Majesty’s

(d) all laws purporting to be printed
or published by authority or by the
Government Printer;

(e) all other matters which a Judge
is directed by any law to notice.


Short title.

Cap. 52.


Insertion of
new sections
in the Princi-
pal Act,

Facts of
which judicial
notice is to be


Proof of fact

Definition of

Evidence (Amendment) No. 15 of 1954.

12B. No evidence of any fact of which
judicial notice shall be taken need be given
by the party alleging its existence; but the
Judge, on being called upon to take judicial
notice thereof may, if he is unacquainted with
the fact, refer to any person or to any
document or book of reference for his satisfac-
tion in relation thereto, or may refuse to take
judicial notice thereof unless and until the
party calling upon him to take the notice
produces the document or book of reference.

12C. For the purpose of sections 12A
and 12B of this Act the term “Judge”
includes all persons authorised to take evidence
either by law or by consent of parties.”.

Mavrice H. Davis,
Deputy Fresident.

Passed the General Legislative Council this

24th day of August, 1954.

Clerk of the Council.


Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuackMaN, Government Printer.—By Authority.


47/00232 —490—8.54. Price 4 cents,

No. 16 of 1954. Travelling and Sihsistence LFEwarD
Allowances (Repeal) ISLANDS.
[L.S. |

P. D. Macnonatn,
Acting Governor.
28th August, 1954.

No. 16 of 1954.

An Act to repeal the Travelling and Subsistence
Allowances Act, 1947.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward
Tslands ag follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Travelling Short title,
and Subsistence Allowances (Repeal) Act, 195-4.

2, The Travelling and Subsistence Allow- Repeal.
ances Act, 1947 is hereby repealed. A/1947.

3. This Act shall come into operation on a Commence-
date to be fixed by the Governor by Proclamation ment.
published in the Gazette.

Mauricrt H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954,

A. i. Peyy,
Clerk of the Council.

Priated at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by FE. M. BrackMAN, Government Printer. -By Authority
: 19ok,

47/00309-—400—0.04, Price 3 conte.

No. 17 o£ 1954.0 Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) LEEWARD
[hs, |
L Assent,
P. D. Macpoxann,
Acting Governor,

28th August, 1954.
No. 17 of 1954.

An Act to amend further the Dangerous Drugs
Act, 1937,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the
Leeward [slands as follows:—

1. ‘This Act may be cited as the Dangerous Short title.
Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1954, and shall be 23/1937.
real as one with the Dangerous Druys Act, 4/194.
19387, as amended, hereinafter called the Prin- .
cipal Act.

2. Section 2 of the Principal Act shall amendment
have effect as if— of Bection 2
the Principal
(a) the following were substituted for

paragraph (/)-—

“(h) “Wegonine” means levo-
eegonine and includes any derivatives
of ecgonine from which it may be
recovered industrially.” ;

(>) references in paragraphs (4), (/)
and (m) respectively to the ‘Geneva Con-
vention (No. 1)”’, the ‘‘ Geneva Convention
(No. 2)’ and the * Hague Convention ”
were construed as references to those Con-
ventions as amended by the Protocol on
Narcotic Drugs signed at Lake Success,
New York, ov the 11th day of December,
1946; and

(«) the following were substituted for
paragraph (a)—


of section Lt
of the Princi-
pal Act,


of seetion 13
of the Princei-
pal Ver,

of seetion 4
of the Princi-
pal Act.


2 Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) No, U7 of 1954.
“Gry “Senior Medical Officer”
means the Senior Medical Offieer of

each and every of the Presidencies,
and, in ease there shall be no sueh
officer in any Presidency, any Medical
Officer appointed by the Governor for
the purposes of the administration of
this Act in such Presidency.”.

3. Section Ll of te Principal Act is here-
by amended by the substitution of the word
“Act? for the word * Ordinance” appearing
at the end thereof.

4. Subsection (2) of section 13 of the
Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitu-
uionof the words “Governor th Council” for
the word * Governor” appearing therein,

O. Section Lb of the
hereby aincnded as follows:—

Principal Aet is

(«) by deleting the words “ For the
purposes of the foregoing provisions ”
appearing in subsection (1) and all the
words followine thereafter to the end of
the subsection, and substituting therefor the
follow ine—

“For the purposes of this sub-
section, percentages, in the case of
morphine, shall be caleulated as in
respeet of anhydrous morphine and,
in the case of liquid preparations, shall,
unless other provision in that behalf is
made by riites made by the Governor
in Counce: be ealerlated on the basis
that a preparation contaiming one per
cent of a substance means a prepara-
tion in| which one gramme of the
substanoe, if a solid, or one millilitre of
the substance, ifa liquid, is contained
in every one handred millilitres of the
preparation, and so in proportion for
any greater or less percentage.’: and

(4) by substituting the following snb-
scecl ons for subsections (2), (8) avd (1)—

No. 17 of 1954. Dangerous Drugs (Amendinent) 3. LEEWARD

“(2) Tf it appears to the Governor
in Council that a new derivative of
morphine or cocaine or of any salts or
morphine or cocaine or any other
alkaloid of opitum or any other drug of
whatever kind—-

(a) is, or is likely to be,
productive,if improperly used, of

ill effects substantially of the same

character or nature as, or analogous

to, those produced by morphine or
cocaine; or

(4) is capable of being con-
verted into a substance which is,
or is likely to be, productive, if
improperly used, of such effects,

the Governor in Council may by order
declare that this Part of this Act shall
apply to that new derivative or alkaloid
oy other drug in the same manner as if
applies to the drugs mentioned in sub-
section (1) of this section.

(3) The Crovernor in Council may
hy order apply this Part of this
Act. with such modifications as may
he specified in’ the order, to any
of the following drugs, that Is to say,
methylnorphine (commonly known as
codeine), ethylmorphine (comunonty
known as dionin) and their respective

(4) Hf the Governor im Council
thinks fit by order to declare that
a findine with respect fo a preparation
containing any of the drugs to which
this Part of this Act applies has, in
pursuance of Article 8S of the Geneva
Convention (No, 1) been communicated
hy the Eeononve and Social Council of
the United Nations to the parties to the
sald Convertion, the provisions of this
Part of this Act shail, as from sueh
date as may be speetfied in the order,
cease to apoly to the preparation speci
fied therein.’,

Pusertion of
new heading
in the Prine
pal Act

of section 15
of the Prinei-+
pal Act.

4 Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) No. 17 of 1954.

6. ‘Vhe Principal Act is hereby amended
hy the insertion of the following new heading
immediately after section 14 thereof;—


7%. Section 15 of the Principal Act is
hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the substitution of the words
“Governor in Couneil” for the word
“Governor” and of the word * Order” for
the words “ Order-in-Council”” appearing in
subsection (1) thereof; and

(0) by the substitution of the following
for subsection (2) thereof—

“(2) If it is made to appear to
the Governor in Council tuat a decision
with respect to any such product as is
mentioned in subsection (1) of this
section has, in pursuance of Article 1]
of the Geneva Convention (No. 2),
been communicated by the Secretary-
General of the United Nations to the
parties to the said Convention, the
Governor in Council may, as the case
requires, by order, either declare that
the provisions of Part V of this Act
shall apply to that product in the same
manner as they apply to the drugs
mentioned in subsection (1) of section
1d.of this Act or apply the said Part V
to that product with such modifications
as may be specified in the order.”; and
(c) by the repeal of subsection (3)

Maurice H. Davis,
Deputy President.

’assed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

Clerk of the Council.


Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE. M, Beackman, Government Printer.--By Authority.


47/00157—490—8..54. [Price 8 cents]

No. 18 of 1954. Telecommuntcations (Amendment).

[| L.S.]
I Assent,
P. D. Macponatp,
Acting Governor.

28th August, 1954.

No. 18 of 1954.

An Act to amend further the Telecommunica-
tions Act, 1949.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands as follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Telecorn-
munications ( Amendment) Act, 1954, and shall
be read as one with the Tele ‘commiinications Act,
1949, as amended, hereinafter called the Princi-
pal Act.

2. Section 4 of the Principal Act is here-
by amended as follows:—

(a) by the renumbering of subsection
(2) as subsection (3);

(0) by the insertion of the words, brack-
ets and figure ‘subsection (1) of ” between
the word “of” and the word “this” in
subsection (3) as renumbered; and

(ce) by the addition next after subsec-
tion (1) thereof of the following subsection
as subsection (2):—

(2) In any ease in which it shall
appear to the Governor in Council of a
Presidency that no provision has been
made by Rules made under this Act for
the issue of an appropriate licence, or
that the circumstances of the case jus-
tify the issue of a special licence, the
Governor in Council may, notwith-
standing the provisions of section 6 of


Short title,


Amendment of
section 4 of the
Principal Act.

Leewarp 2 Telecommunications (Amendment). No. 18 of 1965,

this Act, issue a special licence for the
establishment of a telecommunication
station and the installation, working
and operation of telecommunication
apparatus therein on payment of such
fees and on such terms and conditions
as to the Governor in Council may
seem fit.”’.

Mavricr H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

A. Kk. Penn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M. BuackMAN, Government Printer... By Authority
A90—8.54 Price 4 cents.

19 of 1954, Public Holidays

I Assent,
P. D. Macponatp,
Acting Governor.
28th August, 1954.

No. 19 of 1954.

An Act to make provision for Public Holidays
and respecting obligations to make pay ments
and do other acts on such Public Holidays,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands as follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Public
TLolidays Act, 1954,

2. The several days in the Schedule to
this Act mentioned (which days are hereinafter
referred to as public holidays), shall be kept as
close holidays in all banks, shops or stores where
voods are sold, and at the several public offices
in the Colony, and all bills of exchange and
promissory notes which are dune and payable on
any such public holiday shall be payable and, in
case of non-payment, may be noted and protested
on the next following day, and not on any public
holiday; and any such noting or ot shall
he as valid as if made on the day on which the
bill or note was made due and payable: and for
all the purposes of this Act the day next follow-
ing a public holiday shall mean the next follow.
ing day ou which a hill of exchange may he law-
fully noted or protested.

3. When the day on which any notice of
dishonour of any unpaid bill of exchange or pro-
missory note should be given, or when the day
on which a bill of exchange or promissory note
should be presented or received for acceptance,
or accepted, or forwarded to any referee or
referees, is a public holiday, such notiec of dis-
honour shall be given and such bill of eachange



Shert title

Days noted in
Schedule to
be kept as

where day of
notice of dis-
honour or
falls on a


No persons
obliged to
make pay-
ment ete, on

Power to
Governor in
Council to
special public
holidays and
to change day
fixed fora

Power ot
Governor in
Council to
special pubhe
holidays for

2 Public Holidays. No. 19 of 1954.
or promissory note shail be presented or for-
warded on the day next following such public

4. No person shall be compellable to make
any payment or to do any act upon such public
holidays, which he would wot be compellable to
do or make on Christmas Day or Good Friday;
and the obligation to make such payment and do
such act shall apply to the day following such
public holiday, and the making of such payment
and doing such act on such following day shall
he equivalent to payment of the money or per-
formance of the act on the holiday.

5. it shall be lawful for the Governor from
time to time with the advice of the Executive
Council of the Leeward Islands to issue a

(a) appointing a special day or part of
a day to be reserved as a public holiday
throughout the Colony, and any day or part
of a day so appointed shall be kept as a
close holiday in all banks, shops, stoves and
public offiees aforesaid in the Colony, and
shall, as regards bills of exchange and pro-
muissory notes be deemed to be a public
holiday for all purposes of this Act;

(4) when it is made to appear to him
in any special case that in auy year it is
inexpedient that a day by this Act appointed
a public holiday should be a public holiday,
declaring that such day shall not in such
year be a public holiday, and appointing
such other day as to hini may seen fit to be
a public holiday, instead of such day, and
thereupon the day so appointed shall in such
year be substituted for the day originally
appointed by this Act.

6. [t shall be lawful for the Governor fron:
tune to time with the advice of the Executive
Council of a Presidency to issue a Proclamation
appointing a special day or part of a day to be
reserved asa public holiday in sach Presidency
and any day or part of a day so appointed shall

No. 19 of 1954. Publie Holidays. 2

be kept as a close holiday in all banks, shops,
stores and public offices aforesaid in the Presi-
dency and shall, as regards bills of exchange and
promissory notes be deemed to be a public holi-
day for all purposes of this Act.

?. Nothing in this Act shall —

(a) prevent the opening of a drug store
ov drug shop on a public holiday in case of
necessity for making up prescriptious and
supplying drugs;

(LJ) be deemed to prohibit the opening
of any public market or the sale at any place
of any article of food or drink up to the
hour of nine o’clock in the morning,

(c) prevent the opening on a public
holiday of any petrol station for the sale of
easolene, oil or motor accessories. or of
any garage for the purpose of effecting
emergency repairs to motor vehicles,

8. Notwithstanding anything contained in
this Act the Governor with the advice of the
Exeeutive Council of a Presidency, may from
time to time, by order published in the Gucefte
permit any class of shop or store specified in
such order to be kept open on a public holiday
for the sale of any article in such Presidency or
any part thereof during such hours and subject
to such terms and conditions as may be pre-
seribed by such order.

Y. For the purposes of sections 6 and 8 of
this Act the expression “ Governor ” shall mean
the officer for the time being administering the
government of a Presidency,

10. Any person after the coming Ito
operation of this Act who keeos open any bank,
shop, store or pubhe ofhee in contravention of
the provisions of this Act, or fails to comply
with the provisious of any order made under
section & of this Act shall be Hable on summary
conviction toa penalty not exceeding two hun-
dred ana fifty dollars



for opening of
shops and


Definition of
tor purposes
of sections 6
and 8,

Penalty for
opening on

Leewarp 4 Public (Holidays. No, 19 of 19354,

Reference to 11. Any reference in any Federal park holiday Loeal Act or subsidiary legislation to a bank
strued as holiday shall be construed as a reference to
reference to . ys . : Sthie Ae

publicholiday, ® Public holiday under this Act.

Repeal. 12. The Bank Holidays Act and the Bank
a. Holidays (Amendment) Act, 1937 are hereby

Commencement, 13. This Act shall come into operation on

a day to be appointed by the Governor by pro-
clamation published in the Guce/le.

Maurice H. Days,
Deputy President,

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1054,

Ik. A. PEnn,
Clerk of the Councse.


The anniversary of the birth of the Sovereign or the day, of which due
public notice shall be given, appointed to be kept as the Sovereign's

The anniversary of the birth of the Heir to the Throne.

The first day of January in each year.

Empire Day, being the twenty-fourth day of May.

If any of the abovementioned days fall on a Sunday the next
following Monday shall be a public holiday.

Boxing Day—that is the day after Christmas Day, but if Christmas Day
falls on a Saturday, then the next following Monday shall be a
public holiday, and if Cliristmas Day falls ona Sunday, then
the next following Monday and Tuesday shall be publie holidays.

Naster Monday.

Labour Day (the first Monday in May).

Whit Monday.

The first Monday in Augnst.

Nove: Sundays, Christmas Day and Good Friday are observed as
Common Law FElolidays.

Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leoward Islands.
by BE. M. BhackmaAN, Governinent Printer-—By Authority,
47/00301—490—8.54. [Price 6 cents]

No. 20 of 1954. Small Tenements (Amendment). Lrew.rp

{ L.8.]

TL Assent,
P. D. Macpnonarn,
Acting Governor.
28th August, 1954.

No. 20 of 1954,

An Act to amend the Small Tenements Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward
Islands as follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Small Short title.
Tenements (Amendment) Act, 1954, and shall be
read as one with the Small Tenements Act, herein- Cap. 68.
after called the Principal Act.

2. Section 2 of the Principal Act is hereby Amendment
amended by the substitution of the following Cate.
definition for the definition of “ Land” appearing’ cipal Act.


* The word ‘ Land” includes houses,
chattel or moveable housex, buildings and all
other corporeal hereditaments, but does not
include a small holding within the meaning
of the Agricultural Small Holdings Act,
1938:”. 12/1938,

8. Section 3 of the Principal Act is hereby rigeaninian
amended by the substitution of the words “two. of the Prin-
hundred dollars” for the words “twenty pounds” “pal Act.

appearing therein.

4. Section 6 of the Principal Act is hereby Amendment
nended as follows:— of seen
amended as : of the Prin-
cipal Act.
(a) by renumbering the existing section
as subseution (1);


Small Tenescnis (Amendment.) No. 20 of 1954

0) by inserting a comma in subsection
(1) of the section after the words “ the matter
and’ and immediately therealter the follow-
“subject to the succeeding ‘provi-
sions of this section, ’; and

(c) by na insertion of the following as
subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5) of the sec-

“ (2) Where the land to which the
tenancy relates is subject to the provi-
sions of any Federal Act or Local Act
restricting the rents payable therefor and
the recovery of the possession thereof,
no judgment or order shall be given or
made under subsection (1) of this section
unless the Magistrate is satisfied that
power has been conferred on him so to
do under the provisions of any such law.

(3) Where a chattel or moveable
house of a value of not less than fifty
dollars, which is not the property of the
landlord, (hereinafter in this section
referred to as “the premises’) hes heen
placed by a tenant or his predecessor in
title on the land in’ respect of which
possession is sought by the landlord and
such premises 1s used by the tenant as
his dwelling, no jadement or order shail
be given or made under subsection (1) of
this section unless the Magistrate is satis-
fied that—

(i) it is reasonable to give such
judgment or make such order
having regard to all the cir-

cumstances of the case; and

(ii) suitable alternative accommodation
in available for the tenant or
will be available fer him when
the judgment or order takes

N oO.

20 of 1954. Small Pevemeins (Amendment.) 9

(4) For the purposes of subsection
(8) of this section :—

(1) suitable alternative accommodation
means accommodation which is
reasonably suitable to the needs
of the tenant as regards rental
and to the needs of the tenant
and his family as regards proxi-
mity to place of work, as well
as character and extent mm rela-
tion to its use as a dwelling for
the tenant; and

(ii) the cnus of proof that a chattel
or moveable house is of «a value
less than fifty dollars shall be
on the landlord.

(5) Notwithstanding anything con-
tained in subsections (3) or (4) of this
seetion a judgment or order under sub-
section (1) of this section may be given
or made by the Magistrate, where he
considers it reasonable so to do, without
proof of suitable alternative accommoda-
tion where—

(i) the tenant has, within twelve
months of the filing of the
summons, been convicted of
predial larceny or of larceny
of cattle or of having in his
possession or under his con-
trol pradial produce which is
reasonably suspected to have
been stolen or unlawfully ob-
tained ; or

(ii) the tenant has been convicted of
using or allowing the premises
or any part thereof to be used
for an immiora. or illegal pur-
pose; OF

(iil) the tenant has committed acts cf

vaste or been guilty of neglect
or Gofauit whereby the premises
have been injuriously affected ;



of section 10
of the Prin-
aipal Act.

* Limit of

L Small Tenement: (Amendment) No. 20 of 1954,

(iv) the tenant or any person residing’
or lodging with him or being
his subtenant has been guilty
of conduct which is a nuisance
or annoyance to adjoining or
adjacent occupiers of such

5. The following section shall be substituted
for section 10 of the Principal Act:-——

10. Noclaim by the landlord against

Magistrate's the tenant to recover or to set off any arrears

jurisdiction in

claims for

of rent and mesne profits under section 9 of

improvements, this Act, aud no claim or crossclaim by the

arrears or

mesne profits, tenant against the landlord for unexhausted

of section 24
of the Princi¥
pal Act.

Repeal of Act
No, 13 of 1988,

by FE.

improvements under section 8 of this Act,
shall be entertained where such claim or cross-
claim exceeds the sum of ninety-six dollars.”.

6. Section 24 of the Principal Act is hereby
amended by the substitution of the words “ two
hundred dollars ” for the words “ twenty pounds”
appearing therein,

7. The Small Tenements (Amendment)
Act, 1988, is hereby repealed.

Mavuricre H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

A. KE. Pry,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
M. Buackman, E.D.. Government Printer.—--By Authority,

47/00235—490—8.54. [Price 6 conés.]

No. 21 of 1954. Stepplementar. Appropriation

[ Assent,
P. D. Macponatn,
Acting Governor.

28th August, 1954.

No. 21 of 1954.

An Act to sanction certain payments in excess
of the amount provided by law for the
service of the General Government for the
year ending on the thirty-first day of Decem-
ber, 1952.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

Islands as follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1952) Act, 1954.

2. The sums of money set forth in the First
Sebedule to this Act, paid under the Warrant of
the Governor for the services mentioned in that
Schedule, are hereby declared to be lawful expendi-
ture on account of the Government of this Colony
for the service of the year ending on the thirty-
first day of December, 1952, and their total amount
to be chargeable upon the several Presidencies in
the proportions specitied in the Second Schedule to
this Act.

Maorice H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Couneil this
24th day of August, 195-4.

A. E. Perry,
Clerk of the Council.


Short title.

of expéendi-

TLauwarRy 2 Supplementary Appropriation No. 21 of 1054.
ISLANDS, (1952).



II. Governor wee 695.60
III, Secretariat eee 116.97
VI. Judicial we 1280.37
XI. Education ve 120.20

XIV. Miscellaneous * ee 47158.67



. $

General Services to'o'o 19,896.84
St. Kitts:

General Services wee re?o 24,636.53

General Services tes robo 3,752.26
Virgin Islands:

General Services Le Bae 1,086.18


Printed at the Government Printing OMice, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BhackMaN, E.D. Government Printer. By Authority.
47/00008-—490—8.54. [Price 4 cents. }



1964, No. 35.


Tae Lerewarp Isnanps Scuonarsnip Runes, 1954, DATED
May 31, 1954, MapE By THE GOVERNOR LN CouNcIL
sHip Act, 1987 (6/1987).

1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the Leeward
Islands Scholarship Rules, 1954,

2. Value of Scholarship and Duration. (1!)
The basic value of a Leeward Islands Scholarship shall be the
sum of twelve hundred dollars per annum payable throughout
the duration of the course of study sanctioned, and in such
instalments as the Governor in Council may direct:

Provided that this amount may be increased from time
to time in the discretion of the Governor in Council to the
equivalent of rates approved by the Secretary of State for the
Colonies for Colonial Development and Welfare Scholars:

Provided further that in exercising such discretion there
shall be taken into account the ability of the parent or guardian
of the person to whom the Scholarship is awarded to contribute
towards the cost of such course of study.

(2) The period for which a Scholarship shall be awarded
shall not exceed six years.

3. Candidate's Application and Qualifica-
tions. Any person desiring to be a candidate shall be over
the age of sixteen years and under the age of nineteen years on
the 3ist day of December in the year in which the examination
for the award of the Scholarship is held, and must forward to
the Governor a written application together with:—

(a) evidence of British nationality;


(b) evidence of attendance ata school in the Colony
for not less than three vears immediately preceding the
date above named in this rule;

(¢) a birth or ae certificate, or, if the candidate
has not been born in the Colony, aher a birth or baptis-
mal certificate and a statutory declaration showing that
one of his pareuts was born in the Colony or has been
ordinarily resident in the Colony for five years next
preceding the date above named in this rule;

(d) w certificate from the Head of the school or
schools attended by him that during the period referred to
(6) his moral character and general conduct have been

4. Examination. The Examination for the Scholar-
ship shall be the Cambridge Higher School Certificate [Exam-
ination which shall be helt simultaneously in each Presidency
where there is a candidate for the Scholarship.

5. Award of Scholarship. The Scholarship shall
be awarded to the candidate who is reported by the Examiners
to have obtained the best results in the General paper, and in
subjects totalling six units in accordance with the Scheme of
Examination prescribed from time to time by the University of
Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate:

Provided that—

(a) it shall not be obligatory upon the Governor in

Council to award a Scholarship in any year if in the

opinion of the Governor in Council no ‘candidate has

appeared to be deserving of such award; and

(6) in case the Scholarship shall be withheld in any
year the Governor in Council may, in his discretion, award
un additional Scholarship in another year.

6. Choice of Course of Study and Selection
of Institution. The course of study, the approximate
dates at which it is to begin and end, ne the institution at
which it is to be followed, shall he sibbinjeted to the Governor
for his approval not less than six months before the date of the
beginning of the course proposed, and shall not be altered
without the approval of the Governor previously obtained.


(7. Keeping of Terms. A_ person to whom a
Scholarship has been awarded shall, from the beginning of the
approved course, and unless eceaccd by the Governor for any
proper cause, keep the ordinary terms of the approved educa-
tional inetieulion continuously until his Schclarship expires.


8. Supervision of Scholar. The holder of a
Scholarship shall place himself under the direction of a person
appointed or approved by the Governor as his Director, and
shall obey all instructions received from the Director, The
holder of a Scholarship shall at the end of every term, and
whenever the Governor may so order, transmit to the Governor
through the Director a report from the proper authority of the
approved institution upon his conduct and progress.

). Forfeiture of Scholarship. The Governor in
Council may order the forfeiture of a Scholarship or of any
part of it if the holder:—

(a) disobeys the instructions of his Director;

(0) fails to render satisfactory reports on his conduct
and progress;

(c) is expelled, rusticated or suspended from the
approved institution ;

(d) fails to pass the examinations prescribed for him
by the proper suthority of the institution;

(e) fails properly to keep the terms of the institution;

(7) begins any .course of study or accepts any
appointment which, in the opinion of the Governor in
Council, is prejudicial to the approved course of study;

(y) marries;

(h) fails to comply with any rule made under the
Leeward Islands Scholarship Act, 1987,

and the Scholarship may be forfeited by reason of any event
which in the opinion of the Governor in Council is prejudicial
to the objects for which the Scholarship was granted.

10. Manner of Payment of Scholarship. The
ralue of the Scholarship shall be paid te or on behalf of the
holder of the Scholarship in such instalments as the Governor
may direct, and shall normally be paid tpon receipt of the
reports required in rule 8: Provided that such payments may
be made in ndvance as the Governor nay deem necessary.

lt. Revocation. These Rules set ont in the Schedule
hereto are hereby revoked,


Made by the Governor in Council this 31st day of May,

A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Council,

Approved by the General Legislative Council this 24th
day of August, 1954,

A. IK. Pryy,
Clerk of the Council,


The Leeward Islands Scholarship Rules, 1937 (S. R. & O. 1937
No, 25).

The Leeward Islands Scholarship (Amendment) Rules, 1947
(S. R. & O. 1947, No. 30).

The Leeward Islands Scholarship (Amendment) Rules, 1948
(S. R. & O. 1948, No. 14).

The Leeward Islands Scholarship (Amendment No. 2) Rules, 1948
(S. R & O. 1948, No. 23).

The Leeward Islands Scholarship (Amendment) Rules, 1950
(S. R. & O. 1950, No. 33).

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
hy E. M. BLackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

28/00010—490—9.54. [Price 6 cents.)



1954, No. (386.

THe Conrostan Luyatic Asytum (Marnrenance) Recura-
TIONS, 1954, DATED January 7, 1954, MADE BY THE
Lunatics Act (Cap. 111).

1. Crration. These Regulations may be cited as the

Colonial Lunatic Asylum (Maintenance) Regulations, 1954.

2. Mainrenance or Luyarics. The payments to be
made for the maintenance and support of—

(a) pauper lunatics admitted to the Colonial Lunatie
Asylum shall be such sum as may be fixed by the Gover-
nor under section 43 of the Lunatics Act but not exceeding
in the aggregate the sum of $500 per annum; and

(+) Tate other than pauper lunatics admitted to
such Asylum shall he such sum as may from time to time
be the cost of maintenance and support of such persons
to be calculated by the Medical Superintendent but not
exceeding in the aggregate the sum of $750 per annum.

3. Revocation. Regulation 128 of the Regulations
for the Management of the Cansce Asylum in Antigua made
by the i ogernor | in Council on the 7th day of December, 1910,
is hereby revoked.

Made by the Governor in Council this 7th day of
January, 1954.

A. E. PEnn,
Clerk of the Couneil.

Approved by the General Legislative Council this 24th day
of August, 1954.
A. KE. Pry
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at tne Governm:nt Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by EL ¥. BoackmM an, B.D... Government Printer —--HKy Authority,

51/00061—490—-8.54. Price 3 cents,


1954, No. 18.

1954, DarED AuGust 17, 1954, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR
Cress Orpinanck, 1947 (No. 10 oF 1947).

1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as the
Sugar Export Cess (Amendment) Regulations, 1954, and
shall be read as one with the Sugar Export Cess Regulations,
19ts (S. KR. & O. L948 No. 5), as amended, hereinafter
called the Principal Regulations.

2, Amendment of regulation 4. Regulation 4
of the Principal Regulations is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the insertion at the end of paragraph (1)
thereof of the following:-—

“Any portion of the said Fund may with
the approval of the Governor in Coungil be paid
into either the Rehabilitation Fund or the Labour
Welfare Fund to be applied in accordance with
paragraphs (2) or (3) of this regulation for
meeting any special needs of the sugar industry.”;

(4) by the substitution of the following proviso for
the proviso to paragraph (2) thereof:—

“Provided that for the purposes of this
paragraph payments out of the said Fund may be
made to the Peasant Development Officer to be
utilised on behalf of sugar cane growers whose
cane is marketed through the Peasant Development

Made by the Governor in Couneil this 17th day of
August, 195k,
J. L. Ropinsoyr,
Clerk of the Couneal.

Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.— By Authority.
47/115 —490—8. 54. Price 3 cents,


1954, No. 19.

KeGuLaTions, 1954, parED AUGUST 17, 1954, MADE BY
1953 (No. 3 or 1953).

1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as the
Animals (Importation) Control (Amendment No. 2) legu-
lations, 1954, and shall be read as one with the Animals
(Importation) Control Regulations, 1953 (S. Rk. & O. 1958,
No. 14), hereinafter called the Principal Regulations.

2. Amendment of regulation 19. Revulation
19 of the Principal Regulations is hereby amended—

(a) by the substitution of the words ‘* prepared
from animal tissues for the words “tof any animal”
appearing in paragraph (2) thereof;

(6) by the insertion of the word and stop “ hor-
mones,”” between the words “as” and = “ vaceines”
appearing in paragraph (3) thereof.

3. Amendment of Sixth Schedule. The Sixth
Schedule to the Principal Regulations is hereby amended by
the deletion of the word “ Argentina” and the substitution
therefor of the words “ British Caribbean Territories ”.

Made by the Governor in Council this 17th day of
August, 1954.

J. L. Rosinson,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN. Governinent Printer. -By Authority.
47/1 32—490 —8.54. Price 3 cents, |

Full Text

formation that His
the Governor, Sir
expected to return from the
Kingdom on Saturday, the
September, 1954.

The Secretariat,

} 1st September, 1954.

.P. PF. 34.



Acting Governor.

WHEREAS by section 107 of the
Virgin Islands Constitution and Elec-
tions Ordinance, 1954 (No. 7/1954) it
is provided that the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on such day
as the Governor may by Proclamation
published in the Gazette appoint and
that different days may be appointed
for the purpose of different provisions
of ihe said Ordinance:

AND WHEREAS by a Proclama-
tion dated 18th June, 1954 (S.R. & O.
1954, No. 7 of the Virgin Islands)
issued by the Governor of the Lee-
ward Islands, section 2 and Part III
of the said Ordinance were brought
into operation on the 19th day of
June, 1954:

AND WHEREAS it is expedient
that the remaining provisions of the
said Ordinance should now be brought
into operation.

of the Most Distinguished Order of
Saint Michael and Saint George,
Acting Governor and Commander in
Chief in and over the Colony of the
Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral of
the same, do by this my Proclama-
tion declare that the Virgin Islands
Constitution and Elections Ordinance,
1954 (No. 7/1954) other than section
2 and Part III of the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on the 2nd
dav of September, 1954.




Published by Authority.


AND all Her Majesty’s loving sub-
jeetini the Presidency of the Virgin
Mad all others whom it may

ereby required to take
eANreof and to give their

ready obe on

Government House,
is 30th day of August,
in the third year of



WHEREAS by section 19 of the
Fire Brigades Ordinance, 1953 (No.
11 of 1953) it is provided that the
said Ordinance shall come into opera-
tion on such day as the Governor
may appoint by proclamation in the

LovELACE, a Member of the Most
Excellent Order of the British Empire,
Administrator of the Presidency of
Antigua, do by this my proclamation
declare that the said Ordinance shall
come into operation on the 15th day
of September, 1954.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving
subjects in the Presidency of Antigua
and all others are hereby required to
take due notice hereof and to give
their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Administrator’s Office,
Antigua, this 26th day of
August, 1954, in the third year
of Her Majesty’s reign.





WHEREAS it is provided by sub-
section (3) of section 49 of the Virgin
Islands Constitution and Elections
Ordinance, 1954 (No. 7/1954) that the
copy of the list of voters for an elec-
toral district transmitted to the Su-

No. 42.

pervisor of Elections by the Revising
Officer shall be deemed to be the
Register of Voters for thet electoral
district and shall come into force on
such date as the Commissioner may
by Proclamation appoint.

missoner of the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands, do hereby appoint
Thursday the 2nd day of September,
1954 as the date on which the Regis-
ter of Voters for each electoral dis- °
trict in the Presidency shall come
into force.

AND all Her Majesty’s loving sub-
jects in the Presidency of the Virgin
Islands and all others whom it may
concern are hereby required to take
due notice hereof and to give their
ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Oommisstoner’s
Office at Tortola in the Virgin Is-
lands this 30th day of August, 1954,
and in the third year of Her Maj-
esty’s reign.


His Excellency the Acting Governor
has been pleased to appoint Mr. N. E.
A. HARRIGAN to be an Official
Member of the Executive Council of
the Virgin Islands, in the place of
Mr. McW. ToDMAN, with effect from
the Ist September, 1954, and until
the Ist October, 1955, or the return
of Mr. TODMAN, whichever is the

The Secretariat,
27th August, 1954.

Ref. No. C. 18/00008.

In accordance with the provisions
of Section 12 of the Land Acquisition
Act No. 11 of 1944, His Excellency
the Acting Governor has caused a
Board of Assessment to be appointed
to determine all questions and claims
relating to the payment of compen-
sation in connexion with the acquisi-
tion of a part of Dagenham Estate in
the Presidency of Montserrat for the
purpose of erecting a Secondary/Se-
nior School. b

2. ae a will be constituted

The Honourable Mr. Justice
W. A. DATE, Chairman;
Mr. W. O. PETERS, appointed
by the Governor; and,

Mr. PauL HOLLENDER, nomi-
nated by the owners of the
land to be acquired.

The Secretariat,

30th August, 1954.
(C.8.0. M.P. 66/00021—IT),

No. &l.

The following Acts and Statutory
Rules and Orders are circulated with
this Gazette and form part thereof:—

Leeward Islands.

No. 11 of 1954, ‘The Currency
(Amendment) Act, 1954.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.
No. 12 of 1954, “The Virgin Is-
lands (Commissioner of the Supreme
Court) Validation Act, 1954.”
3 pp. Price 5 cenis.
No. 13 of 1954, “The Magistrate’s
Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act,
1954.” 17 pp Price 19 cents.

No. 14 of 1954, ‘The Forgery Act,
1954.” 16 pp Price 13 cents.

No. 15 of 1954, “The Evidence
Amendment) Act, 1954.”

2 pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 16 of 1954, “ The Travelling

and Subsistence Allowance (Repeal)

Act, 1954.” lpp Price 3 cents.

No. 17 of 1954, “The Dangerous
Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1954.”

4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 18 of 1954, “The Telecommu-

nications (Amendment) Act, 1954.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 19 of 1954, “The Public Holi-
days Act, 1954.” 4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 20 of 1954, “The Small Tene-
ments, (Amendment) Act, 1954.”
4 pp. Price 6 cents.

No. 21 of 1954, “The Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1952) Act, 1954.’
2 pp. Price 4 cents.


General Government.

No. 35 of 1954, “The Leeward
slands Scholarship Rules, 1954.”

4 pp. Price 6 cents. -

No. 36 of 1954, ‘The Colonial
Lunatic Asylum (Maintenance) Regu-

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

lations, 1904.”
>-, Antigua.

No. 18 of 1954, “The Sugar Export
Cess (Amendment) Regulations,
1954.” 1 pp. Price 3 cents.

No. 19 of 1954, “The Animals
(Importation) Control (Amendment
No. 2) Regulations. 1954.”

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

the } - * Ee ee
stanaing to the credit of the Price
Stabilization fund being diverted to
the Rehabilitation Fund and Labour
Welfare Fund.

2. The Sugar Export Cess Regula-
tions, 1947, have accordingly been
amended to allow the Governor-in-
Council to allocate any portion of the
Price Stabilization Fund to be paid
to the Rehabilitation or Labour
Welfare Funds for meeting any
special needs of the sugar industry.

3. The above diversion is mainly
because of current economic condi-
tions in Antigna owing to drought.
It will also agsist the sugar industry
to tide over a particularly difficult
year aud will, it is hopéd, put more
money in circulation

Administrator's O ffice,
St. John’s,

27th August, 1954.

Ref. No. A. 71/8—IL.

Tenders for Groceries etc.

The following tenders have been
accepted for the period ending 31st
December, 1954 for the supply of the
undermentioned items to Government
Institutions :—

Milk delivered at 14c. per bottle.

Milk delivered at 14c. per bottle.

Bread delivered at 15c. per Ib.

Meat—Beef (Steak)—46c. per lb.
Sirloin 35c. per lb.

Liver 29e. ” ”
Pork 36¢. ,, »

Cornmeal (Imported) at $12.48 per
100 Ib. bag.

Cornmeal (Local) at -$12.00 per
100 Ib. bag.

JOSEPH Dew & Son, LTD.—
Kerosene oil at wholesale price on
the date of delivery, less 24% and less

Administrator's Office,
St. John’s,
Antigua. —_
96th August, 1954.
Ref. No. A‘ 41/36.

N.B. This notice is in substitution
Sor that dated 20th August,
1954, which appeared in
Gazette of Thursday 26th
August, 1954.

pee creme

eS 4
. | werk PICTURES COR-
PORATION of 729 Seventh Avenue,
New York, State or Wow -Vowl-, Tg
have applied for Registration of one ~~
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-
ing:-— .

when most .

in Class VIII that is to say:— Motion
picture films with or without sound,
words and music.

The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 14 years
before the date of their said Appli-

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the “ Leeward Islands Gazette, give———
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks.

Office, Antigua, of opposition to regis-
tration of the said Trade Mark.


Aoting Registrar of Trade Marks, ’



Crown Land Applications *
‘Applications in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the *
Gazette for the purpose of giving any

person an opportunity of making any
representation to this Office in rela-
tion to any such application.

Such applications will be inserted
in at least three separate issues of the
Gazette before they will be dealt with
by the Governor, so that applicanta
must be prepared for this delay.

The undermentioned applications
are hereby notified.

By Order,
EB. T. Henry,
Clerk to the Administrator. |

Administrator’s Office,
14th August, 1954.

Ref. No. A. 46/27.

2 September, 1954]

To Purchase.

All those pieces or pareels of land
gituate at Matthews Estate in the
Parish of Saint Paul in the Island of
Antigua allas the same are delineated
on maps or plans of the said area
prepared by Mr. MICHAEL Sir. CLAIR
Batson Licensed Surveyor and con-
taining the areas set out as follows:—

Lot No. 9B 4.318 acres
so ~6LOA 3.920 ,,
» 9 «46 5,000 sy. ft.
yy OO 2.532 aores
yoo OL 0.795 ,,
yo 88 1.083 ,,
og NS J64,,
9 a? 102 L.951 ”
” 99 103 0.849 9
ay ay OD 1.330 ,,

Vacancy for Quantity Survey-
or, Housing Department,
British Guiana.

Applications are invited from suita-
bly qualified persons for the post of
Quantity Surveyor, Housing Depart-
ment, British Guiana.

2. The post is on the permanent
and pensionable establishment of the
Colony and is at present on the salary
scale $3,600 (£750) x $144 (£30)—
$4,320 (£900) per annum, plus a
temporary cost of living allowance of
$300 (£62 10s.) per annum, but some
improvement in these emoluments
may be expected to result from the
general revision of the salaries of
public officers now being undertaken.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands


3. The duties of the post require
that applicants should possess a sound
knowledge of surveying and’ valua-
tion of properties, taking off quanti-
ties from architectural drawings and
specifications, measuring variations
on building contracts, measuring
work executed and preparing esti-
mates for works and bills of quanti-
ties. The candidate selected will also
be required to undertake such other
duties as may from time to time be
required of him by the Chief Archi-
tect or other duly authorised officer.


Candidates should be qualified
Quantity Surveyors holding a certifi-
cate as a Corporate Member of the
Royal Institution of Chartered Sur-
veyors, or an approved qualification
of similar status,

4. Applicants should preferably
be between the ages of 25 and 40

do. The successful candidate will
be required to pass the usual medical
examination for admission to the
Public Service and may be required
to serve a probationary period of one
year in the first instance. He will
be subject on appointment to the
Colonial Regulations and to local
General Orders and instructions in
force for the time being in so far as
they are applicable.

6. Vacation leave is earned at tha
rate of five days for each completed
month of resident service up to a
maximum of six months, subject to a


Government Printer.—By Authority.


minimum tour of two years’ resident
service. The officer would also be
eligible for ‘‘assisted passages”’ for
himself and wife only when travel-
ling to and from leave, subject to the”
provision of funds annually by the
Legislative Council and to the re-
quirements of the Public Officers
Leave (Passages) Regulations.

7. Applications stating name in
full, date and year of birth, qualifica-
tions and experience, and accom-
panied by copies of at least two
recent testimonials, should _ be
addressed to the Chief Establishment
Officer, Central Secretariat—Estab-
lishment Department, and must reach
him not later than the 31st August,

8. Candidates already in the Pub-
lic Service must submit their applica-
tions through the normal official

Ref. No, 13/00004—IL.

Central Experiment Station,


1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
Jan. 541 3.60 241 1,938 3.04
Feb. 2.52 188 1.60 1.02 2.45
Mar. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08
Apr. 244 216 B14 2.06 49
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3,838
June 166 2.74 5.74 1381 3.32
July 1.85 3.28 8.38 320 3.47
Aug. 28 10.71 7.38 4,62 2.99 2.68

28.23 32.67 30,61 19.61 20.36

» by E, M. BLackmany, E.D,

[Prive 99 cents. ]

No 11 of 1954,

[Ls s

P. D. Macpoxarn,
Acting (Governor.
28th August, 154,

No. 11 of 1954.

An Act to amend the Currency Act, 1950.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward
Islands as follows:—-

1. This Act may be cited as the Currency
(Amendment) Act, 1954, and shall be read as one
with the Currency Act, 1950, hereinafter called the
Principal Act.

2. The following section is hereby substi-
tuted for section 1} of ths Principal Act:—

Currcney (Amerdinent),

“11. I[fany person makes or causes to be
made or uses for any purpose whatsoever, or
utters any document purpor ting to be or in
any way resembling or so nearly reseinbling
as to be Calcuiated: to deceive, any currency
note or any part thereof, he shal be liable on
summary conviction in respect of each such
document to a fine of one hundred dollars and
the court shall order the document in respect
of which the offence was committed and any
copies of that document and any plates,
blocks, dies, or other instruments used for or
capable of being used for printing or repro-
ducing any such document which are in the
possession of such offender, to be delivered to
the Board or to any person authorised by the
Board to receive them.”

3. The Principal Act is hereby amended by
the insertion therein immediately after section 11
of the following section as section 1] A:—

“1A, Whosoever without lawful au-
thority or excuse (the proof whereof shall
lie on the persons accused) mutilates, cuts,
tears or perforates with holes any currency


Short title.

of section 1]
of the Princi-
pal Act.
Imitation of

Insertion of
new section
in the Prin-
cipal Act.

or defacing
Leewarn 2 Currency (Amendment). No. 11 of 1954.

pote or in any way defaces a currency
note whether by writing, printing, drawing
or stamping thereon, or by attaching or
affixing thereto anything in the nature or
forin of an advertisement, shall on summary
conviction be liable to a fine of twenty-four

Maurice H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

A. [. PENN,
(lerk of the Counetl.

heanted at the Government Printing Oiice. Leeward Islands,
by EM. BhackMas. ED... trovoriment Vriater.--By Authority.
24/00003-—-40— 8.54. [Price 3 cents. |
No, 12 of 1954.0 Virgin Islands (Canmetss’oner of the
Supreme Court) Validulton,

P. D. Macvonatn,
Acting Governor.
28th August, 1954.

No, 12 of 1954.

An Act to confirm and validate all the rights,
powers, acts and duties of the Magistrate for
District “J”? exercised and undertaken as a
Cominissioner of the Supreme Court of the
Leeward Islands and as a Commissioner of
the Supreme Court of the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands in the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands between the 28th day of June,
1938 and the 2&th day of August, 1943.
WHEREAS it was provided by subsection

(1) of section 9A of the puprome Court Act

(Cap. 22) as enacted by section 2 of the Supreme

Court (Amendment) Act, 1987, that for the pre-

vention of delay in the nein ele on of justice,

the Governor may, by a Commission under his

hand and the Public Seal of the Colony, appoint a

fit and proper person to be a Commissioner of the

Supreme Court in any Presidency for the trial and

determination, in the absence of a Judge from the

Presidency, a such causes and Tater mentioned

in subsection three thereof as may be specified in

such Commission:

AND WHERIAS by virtue of the power
and authority vested in him by the said section 9A
the Governor by a Commission under his hand and
the Public Seal of the Colony bearing date the
28th day of June, 1938, appointed the Magistrate
for District ‘J’? to be «a Commissioner of the
Supreme Court of the Leeward Islands in the Presi-
dency of the Virgin Islands for the trial and
determination in the absence of a Judge of the said
Court from the said Presidency, of all or any of
the causes and matters mentioned in paragraphs
(a), (6), (ec) and (¢) of subsection (8) of section
9A of the said Act:





2 Virgin Islands (Commissioner of the No. 12 of 1954.
Supreme Court) Validation.

AND WHEREAS doubts have arisen as to
whether the said section 9A conferred power on
the Governor to make the appointments thereby
authorised by office as well as by name:

AND WHEREAS the said Supreme Court
Act (Cap. 22) was repealed by the Supreme Court
Act passed in the year 1939 (hereinafter called.
the Act of 1989) which latter Act came into force
on the lst day of January, 1940, and by virtue of
such repeal all appointments made under the
repealed Act became null and void:

AND WHEREAS the Commissioner of the
Virgin Islands as ex officio Magistrate for District
“J? in the purported exercise of the powers con-
ferred on such Magistrate by the Commission of
the 28th day of June, 1938, did, between the 28th
day of June, 1988 and the 28th dav of August,
194, purport to exercise and perform in the Presi-
deney of the Virgin Islands in the absence theres
from of a Judge of the Supreme Court of the
Leeward Islands, and of the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and Leeward Islands, the
powers, rights, acts and duties which may be
exercised and performed by a Commissioner of the
said Courts in the Presidency of the Virgin Islands
duly appointed by the Governor respectively under
section 9A of the Supreme Court Act (Cap. 22)
and under section + of the Act of 19389 in the
mistaken belief that he was empowered to exercise
and perform the same:

— AND WHEREAS it is expedient in the in-
terests of the community of the Presidency of the
Virgin Islands to remove all such doubts, to validate
the said appointment and to confirm and validate
the purported exercise by the said Magistrate for
District “J” of the powers, rights, acts and duties
of a Commissioner of the said Supreme Courts as
if the said Magistrate had been properly and legally
appointed 1 Commissioner of the Supreme Court
in the Presidency of the Virgin Islands between
the 28th day of June, 1988 and the 28th day of
August, 1943: ‘

No. 12 of 1954. Virgin Islands (Commissioner of the 3
Supreme Court) Validation.

KNACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward
Islands as follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Virgin
Islands (Commissioner of the Supreme Court)
Validation Act, 1954.

2. All rights, powers, acts and duties exer-
cised and undertaken or purported to have been
exercised and undertaken by the Magistrate for
District J” as a Commissioner of the Supreme
Court of the Leeward Islands and as a Commis-
sioner of the Supreme Court of the Windward Is-
lands and Leeward Islands in the Presidency of
the Virgin Islands between the 28th day of June,
1988 and the 28th day of August, 1948, are
hereby confirmed and validated as fully and
effectually as if the provisions of section 3 of the
Supreme Court Act (Cap. 22) and of section 4 of
the Act of 1989 had been strictly observed and
followed and the persons per forming the duties of
Magistrate for District “J” had been properly and
legally appointed as Commissioners of the said
Courts in the Presidency of the Virgin [slands, at
the times when such rights, powers, acts and
duties had been exercised and undertaken or had
been purported to have been exercised and under-

Mauricr H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

A. E. Prxn,
Clerk of the Council,



Short title.



Printed at the Govornment Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackm an. E.D., Government Printer.—By Authority,


47/00283- 400— 8.54, [Price 5 cants.]
No. 18 of 1954. Magistrate's Code of Procedure


P. D. Macponarn,
Acting (rovernor.
28th August, L954,


No. 13) of 1954.

An Act to amend further the Magistrate’s Code
of Procedure Act and to effeer certain con-
sequential amendments to local Acts,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands.

1. This Aet may be cited as the Magis-
trate’s Code of Procedure (Amendinent) Act,
1954, and shall be read as one with the Magis-
trate’s Code of Procedure Act, as amended, here-
inafter called the Principal Act.

2. (1) The Principal Act is hereby ameud-
ed by the insertion therein, immediately after
section 12, of the following section as section


“2A. (1) Every District Mavistrate
shall be er officio a Justice of the Peace of the
Presidency in which his district iq situate.

(2) Except as is ana vl provided in
any Act the Governor may, by Warrant under
his hand, appoint any fit nnd proper person to
he a Justice of the Peace for any Presidency
and may, in like manner, for such cause as

may appear to him sufficient, remove any
Justice of the Peace from his office.

(3) Every appointment or removal of
a Justice of the Peace shall be notified in the


Short title.

Cap. 61.

Insertion of
new section
in the Princi-
pal Act.

Justices of
the Peace.

of appoint-
ments of
Justices of
the Peace,

Amendment of
section 19 of

the Principal


of section 33 of
the Principal


2 Magistrate’s Code of Procedure No. 18 of 1954.

(2) It is hereby declared that any person
who, on the coming into force of this Act, was
duly appointed or gazetted as a Justice . the
Peace in and for any Presidency, shall continue
to hold such appointment and be deemed to have
been appointed a Justice of the Peace in aceord-
ance with the provisions of section 12A of the
Principal Act.

8. Section 19 of the Principal Act i is hereby
amended by the substitution of the words “ Justices
of the Peace” for the words * Justices in the
general commission of the — peace” appearing

4. The following section is bereby substi-
tuted for section 33 of ie rincipal Act:—

information 333. (1) It shall be lawful for any

and complaint.

person to make a complaint against
any person committing an olfence
punishable on summary conviction
unless it appears from the enactment
on which the complaint is founded
that any complaint for sueh offence
shall be made only by a particular
person or class of persons.

(2) (a) It shall be lawful for any
police officer, to lay any information or
make any complaint in the name of
the police officer in charge of the
Division in the Magisteri al district
where such information or complaint is
to be tried or inquired into, and eon-

duct any such proceedings on his

(4) Every such information or
com piaint shai) ve Signed by the police
officer laying or making the same and

13 of 1954. Magistrate’s Code of Procedure 3

such police officer shall be deemed for
all purposes of this Act other than
those specitied in this subsection to be
the complainant; and proceedings un-
dev any such information or complaint
shall not lapse or be determined by
reason of any change of the police
officer in charge as aforesaid.

(°) No such proceedings shall be
dismissed by reason only of the failare
of the police officer in charge as afore-
said to appear in person or by counsel
or solicitor, provided he be represented
by any police officer for the time being
present in Court.”

5. The Principal Act is hereby amended by

the insertion therein, immediately after section 95,
of the following section as section 95A:—

“95A. Where a complaint is laid by one
or more parties against another party or par-
tics, and there is a cross complaint by the
defendant or defendants in such first named
case cither by himself or themselves or
together with another person or other persons
against the complainant or complainants In
the first named case either by himself or
themselves or together with another person or
other persons, and such cross complaints are
with reference to the same matter, the Magis-
trate may, if he thinks fit, hear and determine
such complaints at one and the same time.”.

6. Section 99 of the Principal Act is here-

by amended by the insertion of a comima after
the word “shall” between the words ‘‘ convic-

tion ”’

and “afterwards”? and by the addition

thereafter of the following :—-

“subject to any rules made in pursuance
of this Act,’’.


Insertion of
new section in
the Prinoipal

Cross coms

Amendment of
section 99 of
the Principal
Leeward 4° Slagistrate’s Code of Procedure No. 13 of 1954,

ISLANDS. (Amendment).

pete! 7. Sections 100 and 101 of the Principal
sections 100 and

1UL of the Act are hereby amended by the substitution of

Principal Act. the words “twenty- four dollars” for the words
“ forty shillings” respectively appearing therein,

Substitution of 8. The followine scetion is hereby substi-
ction 107 of
the Principar tuted for section 107 of the Principal Act:—-


Pieces “107. (1) Where a sentence of impris-

imprisonment Onment for a summary offence is passed on
any person the Magistrate may order that
the sentence shall commence at the expira-
tion of any other term of imprisoninent to
which that person has been previously
sentenced, so, however, that where two or
more sentences of a Magistrate are ordered
to run consecutively the aggregate term of
Ln prisonment shall not exceed six months,
unless such sentences include at least-—

(a) two sentences for indictable
offences dealt with summarily by con-
sent; or

(/) a sentence for an offence for
which the Magistrate was empowered
to order a term of imprisonment. of
more than six months,

in which ease the aggregate term of impris:
onment shall not exccel, twelve months.

(2) In subsection (1) of this section
“sentence of imprisonment” includes cases
where imprisonment is imposed on any per-
son either with or without the option ofa
fine, or in respect of non-payment of
any sum of money, or for failing to do or
abstaining from doing any act or thing
required to he done oy jeft undone.

(3) Where a person has been sen-
tenced to imprisonment in default of
payment of a fine, the Magistrate may,
notwithstanding the provisions of sub-
section (1) of this section, order that
No. 18 of 1954. Mayistrate’s Code of Procedure 5

the sentence shall begin at the expiration
of any term of imprisonment imposed
for that offence on that person in addition
to the fine.”’.

_ 9. Section 108 of the Principal Act is
hereby amended by the insertion of a full-stop
after the word ‘directed’ and the deletion of
all the words appearing thereafter to the end of
the section.

10. Section of the Principal Act is
hereby amended by the deletion of all the words
commencing with the words “and pay” to. the
end of the section and by the substitution therefor
of the following :—



“such sum or imstalment to the Magistrate or
to his clerk, if he has a clerk, and pay over
the same into the Public Treasury of the
Presidency wherein such stm or instalment
is paid or, if the Magistrate shall so direct,
to the Mavistrate or to his clerk.”,

11. The following seetion is hereby substi-
tuted for seetion 130 of the Principal Act:—-

“130. (1) Any married person (in this
section hereinafter called “the applicant’)
Whose husband or wife, as the case may be,
(in this section hereinafter called “the
defendant ”?)—

(a) has been guilty of adultery; or

(4) has deserted the appleant; or
(eo) has been convicted summarily
ofan ageravated assault on the applicant
Within the meaning of scetion 41 of the
Olfences aginst the Person Aet: or

(@) has been convicted on tndict-
ment of ait assault tpon the vpplicant: or

(2) has been guilty of — persistent

cruelty to the appleatit or to the children
of the applicant: or


Amendment of
section 10S of
the Principal

Amendment of
section 122 of
the Principal



of sevtion 130
of the Prine:
pol Act.

Order rela
ting to aepara-
tion and

Cap 41.
Leeward 6 Magistrates Code of Procedure No. 18 of 1954.
ISLANDS. (Amendment).

(7) being under a duty to provide
reasonable maintenance for the applicant
and the children of the applicant, has
wilfully neglected or refused to do so; or

(gy) is an habitual drunkard,

may apply to a Magistrate for an order under
this Part of this Act.

(2) Any married woman whose hus-
(a) has compelled her to submit to
prostitution; or

(6) while sullering from venereal
disease and knowing that he was so
suffering, bas insisted on having’ sexual
intercourse with her,

way also apply to a Magistrate for an order
under this Part of this Act,

(3) Por the purposes of this section—

(a) where the husband has, in the
opinion Of the Magistrate, been guilty of
such conduct as was likely to result and
has resulted in his wife submitting her-
self to prostitution he shall be deemed to
have compelled her so to submit herself;

(/) an habitual drunkard shall be
deemed to he a person who by reason of
habitual intemperate drinking of intoxi-
cating liquors or habitual taking or
using, except on medical advice, of dan-
verous drues within the meanine of the

23/1937. Daneerous Drugs Act, 1937, is at times
daneerous to obimself er herself or
to others or incapable of manaving
himself or herself or his or her affairs;

(e) where the applicant is entitled
toapply for on order or orders under
this section on the ground of the convic-
tion vf the defetidant upon indictinent,

No. 13 of 1954. Mayistrate’s Code of Procedure 7 Leeward
(Amendment). ISLANDS.

the applicant may apply to the Court
before which the defendant has been
convicted, and that Court shall for the
purposes of this section become
a Magistrate’s Court and have the power
without a jury to hear an application
and make the order or orders applied for.

(4) The Magistrate to whom any appli-
cation under this section 1s inade may make an
order or orders containing all or any of the
provisions following, usmely—

(a) that the applicant be no longer
bound to cohabit with the defendant
(which provision while in force sball
have the separation on the ground of cruelty);

(4) that the legal custody of any
children of the marriage while under the
age of sixteei years be committed to the

(«) that the defendant shall pay to
the applicant personally, or for the use
of the applicant to any officer of the
Court or third person on behalf of the
ap plicant, such weekly sum, not exceed-
ing ten dollars, as the Magistrate having
regard to the means both of the applicant
and the defendant, ccnsiders reasonable:

Provided however that where the
defendant is the wife of the applicant
the Magistrate shall not make an order
ander this paragraph unless he is
satisfied that the applicant is by rea-
sou of illness or physical or mental
disability unable to maintain himself,

(¢) that the defendant shall pay to
the applicant, or to an officer of the
Court er third person on behalf of the
applicant, a weekly sum not exceeding
two dollars and forty cents for the
maintenance of each of the children of
the marriage until cach such child
attams (he age of sixtecu years;
Leeward 8 Jayistrate’s (ode of Procedure No. 18 of 1954.
IstaNnps. (Amendment).

(e) for payment by the applicant
or defendant, as the cxse may be, or
hoth of them, of the costs of the appli-
cation and any rensonable costs of
either of the parties as the Magistrate
may think fit.

(5) No order shall be made under para-
graph (c) of subsection (4) of this section
where it is proved that the applicant has
committed an act of adultery:

Provided that the defendant has not
condoned, or connived at, or by his or her
wilful neglect conduced to such act of

(6) A Magistrate, acting within the
district in which any order under this sec-
tion has been made, may on the applieation
of the wife or husband, and upon cause
being shown upon fresh evidence to the
satisfaction of the Magistrate, at any time,
alter, vary or discharge any such order and
may Upon such application from time to
time Increase or diminish the amount of any
weekly payment ordered to be made: :

Provided that the amount payable by
anv such order shall not be increased
bevond the limits set forth in subsection
(4) of this seetion.

(7) if any person on whose applica-
tion an order has been made under this
section, shall voluntarily resume cohabita-
tion with her husband or his wife, as the
case may be, or shall commit an act of
adultery, such order shall on proof thereof
be discharged:

Provided that the Magistrate may. if
he thinks fit—

(i) refuse to discharge such order
in the case of a wile who has
conunitted adultery if in his
opinion such aet of adultery

as aforesaid was condueed to
by the failure of the busband
to make such payments as in
No, 18 of 1954. Mayistrale’s Code of Procedure 9 Lerwarp
(Amendment). ISLANDS,

his opinion he was able to
make under the illor:

(ii) in the event of the order being
discharged, make a new order
that the defend ant shall pay
to the applicant, or to an offi-
cer of the Court or third per-
son. ou bebalf of the applicant,
aw weekly sum not exceeding
two dollars and forty cents for
the maintenance of each of
the children of the marriage
until cach such child attains
the age of sixteen years,

(8) No order made under this section

shall be enforceable and no liability shall
accrue under any such order while the
applicant with respect to whom the order
was made resides with the defendant and
any such order shall cease to have effect if
fora period of three months alter it is made
stich applicant continues to reside with the
: (9) In this section the term “ children
of the marriage” shall include ev ery child
(whether legitimate or illegitimate) whom
the applicant or defendant is liable under
any law to maintain and who has heen
living with them as part of the hushand’s

12. TT ie following section is her eby substi- substitution
tuted for section 18” of ‘the Principal Act:— of section (32
of the Prine
pal Act.

132. Where on the hearing of any interim
application for a maintenance order the rer.
application is adjourned for any period
excecding fourteen days, the Magistrate
may order that the defen lant do pay to the
person in rt or whom the order is
sought to be made, or to an officer of oe
Court or third person on behalf of such per
son, a weekly sum, not execeding the sum
which might he ordered to be paid under
a final order, which interim order shall be




Magistrates Code of Procedure No. 18 of 1954


this section it shall be executed by the

(3) In any case where, owing to
the time and place of arrest of the
judgment debtor, if is not practicable or
convenient to convey him to the prison
to which he is by such warrant com-
mitted, the bailiff effecting the arrest
shali convey him to the nearest police
station in the locality where such
arrest was made; and it shall be lawful
for the police officer in charge of such
station to detain such judgement debtor
in some secure place of confinement at
such station until such hour, not later
than twelve noon of the day fol-
lowing that on which he is arrested,
and as soon as may be convenient
thereafter the judgment debtor shall be
conveyed to prison as directed by the
warrant of commitment.

(4) When any person who has
been detained at a police station as pro-
vided in subsection (3) of this section
is thereafter conveyed to the prison. to
be imprisoned by virtue of such war-
rant of commitment the bailiff shall
endorse on such warrant the day on,
and the bour at, which such person
was arrested by virtue thereof; and the
imprisonment shall be computed from
such day and inclusive thereof,

(5) Where a Magistrate either be-
fore or after the commencement of this
Act makes an order for the payment
either in one swum or by instalments or
any judgment debt and costs, such
order inay, on the application cither of
the judgment debtor or judgment,
creditor and upon cause being shown
upon fresh evidence to the satisfaction
of the Magistrate, be varied or altered
by him. by ordering the amount due
wud unpaid Cf payable in one sum) to
No. 13 of 195-4. Mayistrate’s Code of Procedure 13° LEEWARD
(Amendment), IsLaNnDs.

be paid by instalments, or if the said
amount is atready payable in instal-
ments, he may inerease or decrease the
amount of such instalments.”

18. The following sections are hereby substitution

substituted for sections 172, 173 and 174 of the ofsections 172.

eas 178 and 174 of

Principal Act:— the Principal

“172. (1) Where a Magistrate refuses Appeal
to make a conviction the complainant may,
subject to the provisions of subsection (4)
of this section, appeal to a Judge against
such decision.

(2) Where a Magistrate makes a con-
viction the party against whom the convic-
tion is made may, subject to the provisions
of subsection (4) of this section, appeal to a
Judge against such decision.

(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-
section (4) of this section there shall bea
right of appeal to a Judge from any judg-
ment or order of a Magistrate in any civil
proceedings where the sum claimed and the
costs, if any, exceed three dollars and sixty

(4) An appeal under this section shall
be to the Judge who shall after the expira-
tion of thirty days from the day on which
the decision of the Magistrate was first
given hold a sitting of either a Cireuit
Court or a Court of Summarys Jnrisdiction
in the Cireuit containing the district in
which the Magistra.e’s decision was given.

173. Every appeal shall be either by Appeal Ns,
way of motion or special case as hereinafter 390° P°""

174. An appeal, whether by way of Appeal ope-
motion or special case. shall have the effect "ss"
of suspending the execution of the decision,
judgement or order appealed from until the
final determination of such appeal.”.
Lerwarpn Li Ma pistrate’s Code of Provedure No. 18 of 195-4.


of section 175
of the Princi-
pal Act.

of section 180
of the Princi-
pal Act.

* Special Case,


19. Section 175 of the Principal Act is

hereby amended as follows:--

(a) by the substitution of the words
‘“ Where an appeal is by way of motion the’
for the word The” at the beginning of
the section;

(l) by the substitution of a colon for
the full-stop at the end thereof and the
addition thereto of the following proviso:—

“Provided that in the case of an
appeal from a decision of the Magistrate of
district “J the said notice shall be served
within twenty-eight days after the day on
which the Magistrate has given his deci-

20. The following section is hereby sub-

stituted for section 180 of the Principal Act:—

180. (1) After the hearing and deter-
mination of any complaint, the Magistrate
may, in his discretion, on the application of
either party to such complaint or their
solicitor, or of his own motion without such
application, state a case on any point of law
arising in the case for the opinion of a
Judge. The statement of facts im such case
so stated shall, for the purpose of the deter-
mination thereof, be conclusive.

(2) Where such party (hereinafter
called ‘‘the appellant’) makes application
to a Magistrate to state a case the appellant
shail within fourteen days after the day on
which the Magistrate has given his decision,
in the manner and form prescribed by sec-
tions 175 and 177 of this Act, serve a notice
of appeal on ‘he other party and on the

Provided that im the case of an appeal
from a decision of the Magistrate of district
“J” the said notice shall be served within
twenty-eight days atter the day on which
the Magistrate has given his decision,

13 of 195 I, Ja: ysird ite’ s Co fp of firs ov Ure 15 )
( dinendinent),

The provisions of sections 178 and
179 of this Act shali apply in respect of any
such appeal.

(4) Nothing herein contained shall be
construed to prevent either party in sucha
case appealing within the time specified in
section 175 of this Act as to any determina-
tion offact or any question of law not raised
in the case stated by the Magistrate; but
such appeal shall be in such event indepen-
dent of the case stated.

(5) (a) The Attorney General may, by
notice in writing under his hand, require a
Magistrate to state a case on any point of
law, and, on receipt of such notice, the
Magistrate shall state such case accordingly.

(6) In this subsection the expression
“ Attorney General” includes the
Crown Attorney of a Presidency.

(6) The Judge may remit any case
stated ander the provisions of this section to
the Magistrate stating the same for further
informat tion from such Magistrate.

(7) If on application being duly made
toa Magistrate to state a case such Magis-
trate declines so to do, the appellant may
apply to the Supreme Court or to any Judge
thereof for an order requiring the case to be

21. Section 181 of the Principal Act is

hereby amended by the deletion of all the words
before and including the words “as the case may


appearing therein and the substitution

therefor of the following:—

“The Magistrate upon receiving an
application, notice or order under the pro-
visions of section 180 of this Act or when of
his own motion he decides to state a case for
the opinion of a Judge”


Amendment of
section 181 of
the Principal

Leewarp 160 Meyistrate’s Code of Procedure No, 13 of 199 4,
ISLANDS, (Amendment).

Aiwendment of 22. Section 187 of the Principal Act is
section IS7 of 4 ; At wis ' Pe ~
tae Paneipal hereby amended as follows:
Aet, ~ 4 . .
(a) by the substitution of the words

“fifty dollars” for the words “ five pounds
five shillings ” appearing therein; and

(4) by the substitution of a colon for
the full-stop at the end thereof and by the
addition thereto of the following proviso:—

“Provided further that if on the
hearing of a special case the Judge
adjudges such appeal to have been
frivolous and vexatious the appellant or
the solicitor who made application for
the special case shall be liable, if the
Judge shall so think fit, to pay a sum
not exceeding seventy-two dollars as
costs of the appeal and such costs shall
be recoverable as hereinafter provided.’

Amendment of 283. Section 220 of the Principal Act is

section 220 of : _ wlac f _
te Posie hereby amended as follows: —

(a) by the substitution of the word
“(leclared ” for the word “ delared”
appearing therein; and
(4) by the insertion, between the words
“paid” and “to”, of the following
words :—
‘into the Public Treasury of the
Presidency where such sums are
paid, or if the Magistrate shall so
ay 7 24. Section 251 of the Principal Act is
stion 251 0 ‘ :
the Principal hereby amended by the substitution of the
Act. words ‘fourteen days” for the words “ seven

days’ appearing therein.

Amendmenbof 25. (1) Section 16 of the Interpretation
evs and Le o ® .

inane. of Laws Act is hereby amended by the deletion
Cap. 103, therefrom of the definition of the expression

“ Justice of the Peace”,
No. 13 of 195-4. Magistrate's Code ot Procedure i Lerwarp
(Amendment). IsLanDs.

(2) The Act and Ordinances specified in the
Schedule to this Act are hereby amended to the
extent mentioned in the fourth column thereof.

Maurice H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

A. KE. Pry,
Clerk of the Couneil.

No of -
Presidency. | ata Short title. Extent of amendment.
- mance, a | _
| |
Antigua 6/1896 The Interpretation |Paragraph (21) of sec-
_ of Laws Act, 1896. | tion 18 shall be de-

| leted.

Saint Christopher, 18/1896 The Interpretation |Paragraph (21) of sec-

Nevis and An-| of Laws Ordinance,| tion 17 shall be de-
guilla 1896. leted.

6/1898 The Interpretation Paragraph (21) of sec-
of Laws Ordinance, _ tion 18 shall be de-
1898. | leted.


1/1899 The Interpretation Paragraph (21) of see-
' of Laws Ordinance, tion 18 shall be de-
1898. leted.

Virgin Islands


Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BnactMAN. E.D., Government Printer. —By Authority.
47/00026—490-—8.54, Price 19 cents.
No. 14 of 1954. Forgevy,

[L.S. |
T Assunr,
P. D. Macnonarn,
Acting Governor.
28th August, 1954.

No. 14 of 1954.

An Act to consolidate, simplify, end amend the
law relatine to forgery aud kindred offences.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

Islands as follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Forgery
Act, 1954,

2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise

“bank note” includes any note or Dill of
exchange of the Bank of Mngland, or of
any person, body corporate, or company
carrying on the business of banking in
any part of the world, sand includes
“ bank bill *) “bank post bill’, blank
bank note” _ blank bank bill of exchange’
and * blank bank post bill”;


‘currency note” includes anv note legally
issued as currency by or under the
authority of the Government of, or any
law in force in, the Colony or any part
of the Commonwealth including any
British protectorate or protected state or
any territory administered by Her Majes-
ty’s Government in the United Kingdom
or by the Gcovernment of any part of the
Commonwealth under the trusteeship
system of the United Nations, or of any
foreign state, or of any part or colony or
dependency of any foreign state;


“die” includes any plate, type, tool, or
implement whatsover, and also any part
of any die, plate, type, tool, or imple-
ment, and any stamp or impression thereof
or any part of such stamp or impression;


Short Title,

LEEWARD 2 Forgery. No. 14 of 154.

‘document of title to goods” includes any
bill of lading, India warrant, dock
warrant, warehouse keeper’s certificate,
warrant. or order for the delivery or
transfer of any goods or valuable thing,
bought or sold) note, or any other
document used in the ordinary course of
business as proof of the possession or
control of goods, or authorising or pur-
porting to authorise, either hy endorse-
ment or by delivery, the possessor of
such document to transfer or receive any
goods thereby represented or therein
mentioned or referred to;

‘document of title of lands” includes any
Crown grant, certificate of title, deed,
map, roll, register, or instrument in
writing being or containing evidence of
the title or any part of the title to any
land or to any interest in or arising out
of any land, or any authenticated copy
thereof ;

‘revenue paper” means any paper provided
by the proper authority for the purpose
of being used for stamps, licences, per-
mits, post office money orders, or postal
orders, or for any purpose whatsover
pounced with the public revenue;

“ seal”? includes any stamp or impression of
a seal, or any stamp or impression made
or apparently intended to resemble the
stamp or impression of a seal, as well as
the seal itself;

“stamp” includes a stamp impressed by
means of a die as well as an adhesive

“Treasury bill’ includes [xchequer — bill,

Exchequer bond, Exchequer debenture,
and War bond;

“valuable security’ includes any writing
entitling or evidencing the title of any
person to any share or interest in any
public steck, annuity, fund, or debt of
No 14 of 1954, Forgery. 3

any part of the Commonwealth or of any
foreign state, or in any stock, annuity,
fund, or debt of any body corporate,
company, or society, whether within or
without the oe or to any
deposit. in any hank; and also includes
any scrip, debenture, bill, note, warrant,
order, or other security for the payment
of money, or any authority or request
for the payment of money or the delivery
or transfer of goods or chattels, or any
accountable receipt, release, or discharge,
or any receipt or other instruinent evi-
dencing the payment of money, or the
delivery of any chattel personal.

8. (1) For the purposes of this Act,
“forgery is the making of a false document in
order that it may be Gisvek as genuine, and, in the
case of the seals and dies mentioned in this Act,
the counterfeiting of a seal ov die: and forgery
with intent to defraud or deceive, as the case may
be, is punishable as in this Act provided,

(2) A document is false within the meaning
of this Act if the whole or any material part there-
of purports to be made by or on behalf or on
aceount of a person who did not make it nor
authorise its making; or if, though made by or on
behalf or on account of fhe person by whom or hy
Whose authority it purports to have ‘been made, the
time or place of making, where either is material,
or in the case of a document identified by number
or mark, the number or any distineuishing mark
identifying the document, 18 “falsely stated therein,
and i in particular a acca ent is false—

(a) if any material alteration, whether
by addition, insertion, obliteration, erasure,
removal, or otherwise, has been made therein;

(6) if the whole or some material part of
it purports to be made by or on behalf of a
fictitious or deceased person; or


Definition of
“forgery ”

“ False
LEEWARD 4 Forgery. No. 14 of 1954.

() if, though made in the name of an
existing person, itis made by him or by his
authority with the intention that it should
pass as having been made by some person,
real or fictitious, other than the person who
made or nitioriced it.

(3) For the purposes of this Act

(a) itis immaterial in what langrage a
document is expressed or in what place
within or without the Commonwealth it is
expressed to take effect;

(b) forgery of a document may be com-
plete even if the document when forged is
incomplete, or is not or does not purport to
be such a document as would be binding or
sufficient in law;

(c) the crossing on any cheque, draft on
a banker, post office money order, postal
order, coupon, or other document the crossing
of which is authorised or recognised by law,
shall be a material part of such cheque, draft,
order, coupon, or document;

(7) a document may be 4 false document
notwithstanding that it is not false in such a
manner as is described in subsection (2) of
this section.

Forgery of 4. (1) Forgery of the following documents,
certain docu- : . a rn 5 7 cA 7
ments with if committed w ith intent to defraud, shall be felony
intent to and punishable with imprisonment for life or for

defraud. any term—

(a) any will, codicil, or other testamen-
tary document, either of a dead or of a living
person, or any probate or letters of adminis-
tration, whether with or without the will
annexed ;

(4) any deed or bond, or any assignment
at law or in equity of any deed’ or bond, or
any attestation of the execution of any deed
or bond;

(«) any bank note, or any endorsement
on or assignment of any bank note:
No. 14 of 1954. Forgery. 5 LEEWARD

(d) any currency note.

(2) Forgery of the following documents, if
committed with intent to defraud, shall be felony
and punishable with imprisonment for any term
not exceeding fourteen years-—

(a) any valuable security or assignment
thereof or endorsement thereon, or where the
valuable security is a bill of ‘exchange, any
acceptance thereof ;

(>) any document of title to lands or
any tssigument thereof or endorsement there-

(v) any document of title to goods or
any assigument thereof or endorsement there-

(dq) any power of attorney or other
authority to transfer any share or interest in
any stock, annuity or public fund of the
United Kingdom or any part of the Common-
wealth or of any foreign state or country, or
to transfer any share or interest in the debt of
any public body, company, or society, Con
monwealth or foreign, or in the capital stock
of any such company or society, or to reccive
un dividend or money payable In respect of
such share or interest, or any attestation of
any such power of attorney cr other authority ;

2) any entry in any book or register
which is evidence of the title of any person to
any share or interest hereinbefore mentioned
or to any dividend or interest payable in
respect thereof:

(7) any policy of imsurance or any
‘assignment thereof or endorsement thereon ;

(7) any charter-party or any assignment
thereof ;

5. (1) Forgery of the following documents, Forgery of
op | : certain docu-
if committed with intent to defraud or deceive, ments with

shall be felony and punishable with imprisonment intent se
7 “pf a . ~ detyeu or
for life or for any term— decvive,


Norgery. No. 14 of 1954.

Any document whatsoever having there-
upon or nfiixed thereto the stamp or impres-
sion of the Public Seal of the Colony or of
any Presidency, the Great Seal of the United
Kingdom, Her Majesty’s Privy Seal, ally
Privy Signet of Her Majesty, Her Majesty’ s
Royal Sign Manual, any of ie Majesty’s Seals
appointed by the twenty- -fourth article of the
Union between England and Scotland to be
kept, used, and continued in Scotland.

(2) Forgery of the ee documents, if

committed with intent to defraud or deceive, shall
be felony and punishable with Aipripntie for
any term not exceeding fourteen years-—

(a) any register or record of births,
baptisms, namings, dedications, marriages,
deaths, burials, or cremations which now is,
or hereafter may be, by law authorised or
required to be kept i in ‘the Colony, relating’ to
any birth, baptism, naming, de: lication, marri-
ave, death, burial, or cremation, or any part
of anv such register, or any certitied copy of
any such register, or of any part thereof;

(+) any copy of any register of births,
baptisms, marriages, burials, or Gremauone
directed or required by law i be transmitted
to any registrar or other officer:

(ve) any wrapper or label provided by or
under the authority of the Governor or the
head of any department of the public service.

(3) Forgery of the following documents, if

committed with intent to defrand or deceive, shall
be felony and panishable with imprisonment for
any term hot exceeding seven years

(a) any offielal document whatsoever of
or belonging to any court of justice, or mace
or issued by auy Judge, Magistrate, oflicer, or

clerk of any such court;
No. 14 of 1954. Forgery. 7 Leewarp

()) any register or book kept under the
provisions of any law in or under the
authority of any court of justice;

(c) any certificate, office copy, or certified
copy of any such document, register, or book
or of any part thereof;

(7) any document which any person
authorised to udminister an oath under the
Commissioners for Oaths Act is authorised or Cap.
required by law to make or issue;


(©) any document made or issued by any
public officer or law officer of the Crown, or
any document upon which by the law or
usage at the time in force any court of justice
or any officer might act;

(7) any document or copy of a document
used or intended to be used in evidence in any
court of justice or any document which is
made evidence by law:

(7) any certificate required by any law
for the celebration of marriage;

(A) any licence for the celebration — of
marrige W hich may be given by law;

(7) any certificate, declaration, or order
under any law relating to vaccination or to the
registration of births or deaths;

(}) anv register book, builder's certificate,
surveyors certificate, certificate of registry,
declaration, bill of sale, instrament of mort-
gage, or certificate of mortgage or sale under 57 & 58 Vict,
Part | of the Merchant Shipping Act, L894, °°"
orany entry or endorscinent required by the
stid Part of the said Act to be made in or on
any of these documents:

(any permit, certiheate, Cr simuer
document made or granted by or under the
auchority of any law relating to customs;

(/) any certifieate of a Commnuisaioners
AL DOLLE edoundorsaned acting im execution of the
Income Pax Ordinances of any Presidency ;

untrue state-

Forgery of
with intent to
defraud or

Forgery of
seals and dies.

8 horgery. No. 14 of 1954.
(m) any certificate or
register issued by or under
Registrar General of any
otherwise provided for.

any copy of any
the authority of a
Presidency and not

6. The forgery of any passport, or the
making by any person of a statement which
is to his knowlege untrue for the purpose of
procuring a passport, whether for himself or any
other person, shall be a misdemeanor and punish-
able with imprisonment for any term not exceeding
two years.

7. Forgery of any document which is not
made felony under this Act or any other Jaw for

the time being i in force, if committed with intent to
defraud or deceive, shall be a misdemeanor and
punishable with imprisonment for any term not
exceeding two years.

8. (1) Forgery of the following seals, if
committed with intent to defraud or deceive, shall
be felony and punishable with imprisonment. for
life or for any term—

(a) the Public Seal of the Colony or of
any Presidency, the Great Seal of the United
Kingdom, Her Majesty's Privy Seal, any
Priv vy Signet of Her Majesty, Her Majesty’ s
Royal Sign Manual, any of Tier Majesty's
Seals appointed by the twenty-fourth article
of the Union between Eneland and Scotland
to be kept, used, and continued in Seoulan:: ;

(4) the seal of any court of justice.

(2) Forgery of the following seals, if commit-

ted with oa. to defraud or deccire, shall be
felony and punishable with imprisonment for
fourteen years-—
(a) the seal of a Registrar General of
any Presidency :
(4) the seal of a Registrar of the

Supreme Court:

() the seal cf any
veligiou, coasul,
notary public.


minister of
for oaths, or
No. 14 of 1954. Forgery. 9

(3) Forgery of the following dies, if commit-
ted with intent to defraud or deceive, shall be
felony and punishable with imprisonment for any
term not exceeding fourteen years—

(a) any stamp or die provided, made, or
used for the purpose of or in connection with

(4) any stamp or die provided, made, or
used in pursuance of the Stamp Act.

9. (1) Every person who utters any forged
document, seal, or die shall be guilty of an offence
of the like devree (whether felony or misdemeanor)
and on eer tiet on thereof shall be liable to the
same punishment as if he himself had forged the
document, seal or die.

(2) A person utters a forged document, seul,
or die, who, knowing the same to be forged, and
with either of the intents necessary to constitute
the offence of forging the said document, seal, or
die, uses, offers, publishes, delivers, disposes of,
tenders in payment or in exchange, exposes for
sale Gr exchange, exchanges, tenders in evidence, or
puts off the said forged document, seal, or die.

(3) It is immaterial where the document, seal,
or die was forged.

10. Every person shall be guilty of felony
and on conviction thereof shall be liable to
Imprisonment for any term not exceeding fourtecn
years, who, with intent to defraud, demunds,
receives, or obtains, or causes or procures to be
delivered, paid, or transferred to any person, or
endeavours to receive or obtain or to cause or
procure to be delivered, paid, or transferred to any
person, auy mouey, security for money, or other
property, real or personal—

(a) under, upon, or by virtue of any
forged instrument whatsoever, knowing the
sume to be forged;

(4) under, upon, or by virtue of any
probate or (ee of adminis: ration, knowing
the will, testament, codicil, or testamentary


Cap. 135.


Definition of

property on
forged docu-
ments, ete.

Possession of
forged docu-
ments. seals,
and dies.

Cap. 135,

Making or
having in
paper or ln-
plements for

10 Forge i. No. 14 of 1954.

writing on which such probate or letters of
administration shall have been obtained to
have been forged, or knowing such probate or
letters of administration to have been obtained
hy any false oath, affirmation, or affidavit.

11. (1) Every person shall be guilty of
felony and on conviction thereof shall be lable to
imprisonment for any term not exceeding fourteen
years, who, without lawful authority or excuse, the
proof whereof shall lie on the accused, purchases or
receives from any person, or has in his custedy or
possession, a forged bank note, or a forged
eurreney note, knowing the same to be forged.

(2) Every person shall be guilty of felony
and on conviction thereof shall be lable to
imprisonment for any term not exceeding fourteen
years, who, without lawful authority or excuse, the
proof whereof shall lie on the accused, and
knowing the same to be forged, has in his custody
Or pogsesslon—

(a) any forged die required or authorised
by Iuw to be used for the marking of gold or
silver plate, or of gold or silver wares, or any
ware of gold, silver, or base metal bearing the
impression of any such forged die;

(b) any forged stamp or die resembling
or intended to resemble either wholly or in
part any stump or die which at any time
whatever bas been or may be provided, made,
or used in pursuance of the Stamp Act:

(v) any forged wrapper or label provided
by or under the authority of the Governor or
ihe head of any department of the public

(7) any forged seal or die the forgery of
whieh with intent to de’raud or deceive 18
made punishable hy section & of this Act.

12.) Every person shall be guilty of felony
and on econvietion thereof shall be liable to
Imprisonment for any term not exceeding seven
years, who, without Fawful authority or excuse, the
proof whereof shall lie on the aecused—
No. 14 of 1954. horgery. 11 LeEwarp

(a) makes, uses, or knowingly has in bis

custody or possession any paper intended to
resemble and puss as

(i) special paper such as is provided and
used for making any bauk note, cur-
reucy note, Treasury bill, or Goy-
ernment debenture bond;

(ii) revenue paper;

(4) makes, uses, or knowingly has in his
custody or possession any frame, mould, or
instrument for making such paper, or for
producing in or on such paper any werds,
figures, letters, marks, lines, or devices peculiar
to and used in or on any such paper;

(c) engraves or in anywise makes upon
any plate, oud stone, or other materi, any
words, figures, ‘letters, marks, lines, or other
devices, the print whereof resembles in whole or
m part any words, figures, letters, marks, lines,
or devices peculiar fod nee in or on any bank
note, or currency note, or Government deben-
ture bond, orin or on any document entitling or
evidencing the title of any person to any share
or interest in any public stock, annuity, fund,

debt of any part of the Commonwealth er
of any foreign state, or in any stock annuity
fund, or debt of any body corporate, company,
or society, whether within or without the Com-
monwet alth;

(d) uses or knowingly has in his custody
or possession any plate, wood, stone, or other
material upon which any sue 4 words, figures,
letters, marks, lines, or devices have been
engraved or in anyvwise made as aforesaid ;

(e) uses cr knowingly bas in his custody
or possession avy paper upon Which any such
Words, figures, letters, tnarks, limes, Or devices
have heen printed or in anywise made as

(7) inakes, uses, or knowingly has in his
custody, or possession any unfinished or
Incomplete note purporting to be a currency

Purchasing or
having in
possession cere
tain paper
before it has
been duly
stamped and



12 Forgery. No. 14 of 1954.

note, or any paper with any word, figure,
device, or distinction peculiar to and appearing
in. the substance of paper used for any
currency note.

18. Every person shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be
liable to imprisonment for any term not exceeding
twe years, who, without lawful authority or excuse,
the proof whereof shall lie on the ace used, pur-
chases, receives, or knowingly bas in his custody or

(a) any oe paper provided and used
for making bank notes, currency notes,
Treasury Hills, and Government. debenture
bonds, or any revenue paper before such paper
has been duly stamped, signed, and issued for
public use;

(0) any die peculiarly used in the manu-
facture of any such paper.

14. (1) On conviction of a misdemeanor
punish able under this Act, the court, iustead of or
in addition to any other punishment which may
lawfully be imposed, may fine the offender.

(2) On conviction of a felony punishable
under this Act, the court, in addition to imposing
tn sentence of Imprisonment, may require the
offender to enter into his own recounisanees, with
or without surctics, for keeping the peace und
being of good behaviour.

(3) On convietion of a misdemeanor punish-
able under this Act, the court, instead of or in
uddition to any other punishinent which may
lawfally be imposed for the offence, may require
the offender to enter into his own recognisances,
with or without sureties, for keeping the peace and
being of good behaviour,

(4) } No person shall be imprisoned under this
section for more than one year for not finding

15. (1) Where the having any document,
seal, ov die in the custody or possession of any
No 14 of 1954, Forgery 13

person is in this Act expressed to be an offence, a
person shall be deemed to have a document, seal, or
die in his custody or possession if he—

(~) has it in his personal custody or
possession; or

(b) knowingly and wilfully has it in the
actual custody or possession of any other per-
son, or in any place, building, lodging, apart-
ment, field, or other place, whether open or
enclosed, and whether occupied by himself or

(2) It is immaterial whether the document,
matter, or thing is had in such custody, possession,
or place for the use of such person or for the use
or benefit of another person.

16. (1) If it shall be made to appear by
information on oath before a Magistrate that there
is reasonable cause to believe that any person has
in his custody or possession without lawful
authority or excuse—

(a) any bank note, currency note, Trea-
sury bill, or Government debenture bond: or

(4) any implement for making paper or
unitation of the paper used for bank notes,
currency notes, Treasury bills, or Government
debenture bonds; or .

(c) any material having thereon any
words, forms, devices, cr characters capable of
producing or intended to produce the impres-
sion of a bank note, currency note, Treasury
bill, or Government debenture bond; or

(7) any forged document, seal or die; or

(e) any machinery, implement, utensil,
or material used or intended to be used for the
forgery of any document;

the Magistrate may grant a warrant to search for
the same, and if the same shall be found on search,
it shall be lawful to seize it and carry it before a
Magistrate of the district in which the warrant was
issued to be by him disposed of according to law.



Disposal of

muterials. ete.,


etc.. to be
destroyed or
disposed of,

Form of
and proof of


l4 Forgery. No. 14 of 1654.

(2) Where any forged document Cineluding
any forged bank note, curreney note, Treasury bill,
or Government ¢ ebenture | On d), or any machinery,
implement, atensil, or material used or intended to
be used for the forgery of any such document, is
lawfully seized under a warrant granted in’ pur-
suance of subsection (1) of this section, or other-
wise, the doctument, machinery, implement, utensil
or material, as the case may be, shall be delivered
up to the Commissioner of Police, or to any person
authorised by lim to receive the same, by order of
the court before which the offender is tricd or, if
there is no trial, by order of a Magistrate.

(3) Every other document, seal, or die law-
fully seized ander such warrant, or otherwise, shall
be defaced and destroyed or ot herwise disposed of—

(a) by order of the court before which
the offender is tried:

(6) if there be no trial, by order of a

17. (1) En an indictment or information for
an offence against this Act with reference to any
document, seal, or die, it is sufficient to refer to the
document, seal or die by any name or designation
by which it is usually known, or by its purport,
without setting out any copy or facsimile of the
whole or any part of the document, seal, or die.

(2) Where an intent to defraud or an intent to
deceive 1s one of the constituent clements of
offence punishable under this Act, or under any
other law relating to forgery or any kindred offence
for the time being in force, it shall not be necessary
to allege in the indictment or to prove an intent to
defraud or deceive any particular person; and it
shall be sufficient to prove that the defendant did
the act charged with intent to defraud or to deceive,
as the case may require.

(3) If any person who is a member of any
co- partnership, or is one of two or more beneficial
owners of any property, forges any document,
matter, or thing with intent to defraud the co- part-
nership or the other beneficial owners, he shall be
No. 14 of 1954, Forgery. 15

liable to be dealt with, indicted. tried. and punished
as if he hi Ml not been or wes nota member of the
co-partnership or one of such beneficial owners.

18. (1) Where an offence against this Act
also by virtue of some other lave subjects the
offender to any forfeiture or disqualification, or to
any penalty other than Anprisonment or fine, the
liability of the offender to punishment under this
Act shall be in addition to and not in substitution
for his liability under such other law.

(2) Where an offence against this Act is by
any other Act, whether passed hefore or after the
commencement of this Act, inade panidiab’e on
summary conviction, proc cedinus may be taken
either under such other Act or under this Act.

19. The Acts specified in the second column
of the Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to
the extent specified in the third column thereof.

20. This Act shall come into operation on a
date to be fixed by the Governor by proclamation
published in the Gazet/e.

Maurice F. Davis,
Dejnity President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Council.



under other



LEEWARD 16 Forgery. No, 14 of =1954,
Chapter or number Short Title Extent of repeal
and year of Act
Cap. 35 The Forgery Act The whole Act,
8/1932 The Forgery (Amendment)
Act, 1982. The whole Act.
12/1937 The Forgery (Amendment)
Act, 1937, The whole Act.
29/1937 The Counterfeit
Currency (Convention)
Act, 1937. Sections 2 and 8.
1/1938 The Counterfeit
Currency (Convention)
(Amendment) Act, 1938. The whole Act.
HL941. The Counterfeit
Currency Act, L941. Sections 2 and 4.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M. BLackMAN, Government Printer.-Ry Authority.


[ Price 18 cents.]
No. 15 of 1954. heidence (Amendment)

P. D. Macponay,
Acting Governor.
28th August, 1954,

No. 15 of 1954.

An Act to nmend further the Evidence Act.

INACTID hy he G peninak of the Lee-
ward Islands as follows

1. This Act ‘any be cited as the Evidence
(Amendment) Act, 1954, and shall be read as one
with the Lvidence Act, as amended, hereinafter
ealled the Principal Act.

2. The Principal Act is hereby amended by

the insertion therein immediately after section 12

of the following sections as sections 12A, 12B and
12C respectiv rely: —

“1A. 1 ivery Judge shall take judicial

notice of the following faets:—

(a) all public Acts of the Imperial
Parliament whatever, unless the contrary
is expressly provided in any such Acts;

(6) all Orders of the Queen in
Council and statutory instruments of the
United Kingdom having effect in the

(c) the London Gazette, the Gazette
of the Colony or of any Presidency, and
the Government Gazette of any other
Colony or possession in Her Majesty’s

(d) all laws purporting to be printed
or published by authority or by the
Government Printer;

(e) all other matters which a Judge
is directed by any law to notice.


Short title.

Cap. 52.


Insertion of
new sections
in the Princi-
pal Act,

Facts of
which judicial
notice is to be

Proof of fact

Definition of

Evidence (Amendment) No. 15 of 1954.

12B. No evidence of any fact of which
judicial notice shall be taken need be given
by the party alleging its existence; but the
Judge, on being called upon to take judicial
notice thereof may, if he is unacquainted with
the fact, refer to any person or to any
document or book of reference for his satisfac-
tion in relation thereto, or may refuse to take
judicial notice thereof unless and until the
party calling upon him to take the notice
produces the document or book of reference.

12C. For the purpose of sections 12A
and 12B of this Act the term “Judge”
includes all persons authorised to take evidence
either by law or by consent of parties.”.

Mavrice H. Davis,
Deputy Fresident.

Passed the General Legislative Council this

24th day of August, 1954.

Clerk of the Council.


Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuackMaN, Government Printer.—By Authority.


47/00232 —490—8.54. Price 4 cents,
No. 16 of 1954. Travelling and Sihsistence LFEwarD
Allowances (Repeal) ISLANDS.
[L.S. |

P. D. Macnonatn,
Acting Governor.
28th August, 1954.

No. 16 of 1954.

An Act to repeal the Travelling and Subsistence
Allowances Act, 1947.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward
Tslands ag follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Travelling Short title,
and Subsistence Allowances (Repeal) Act, 195-4.

2, The Travelling and Subsistence Allow- Repeal.
ances Act, 1947 is hereby repealed. A/1947.

3. This Act shall come into operation on a Commence-
date to be fixed by the Governor by Proclamation ment.
published in the Gazette.

Mauricrt H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954,

A. i. Peyy,
Clerk of the Council.

Priated at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by FE. M. BrackMAN, Government Printer. -By Authority
: 19ok,

47/00309-—400—0.04, Price 3 conte.
No. 17 o£ 1954.0 Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) LEEWARD
[hs, |
L Assent,
P. D. Macpoxann,
Acting Governor,

28th August, 1954.
No. 17 of 1954.

An Act to amend further the Dangerous Drugs
Act, 1937,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the
Leeward [slands as follows:—

1. ‘This Act may be cited as the Dangerous Short title.
Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1954, and shall be 23/1937.
real as one with the Dangerous Druys Act, 4/194.
19387, as amended, hereinafter called the Prin- .
cipal Act.

2. Section 2 of the Principal Act shall amendment
have effect as if— of Bection 2
the Principal
(a) the following were substituted for

paragraph (/)-—

“(h) “Wegonine” means levo-
eegonine and includes any derivatives
of ecgonine from which it may be
recovered industrially.” ;

(>) references in paragraphs (4), (/)
and (m) respectively to the ‘Geneva Con-
vention (No. 1)”’, the ‘‘ Geneva Convention
(No. 2)’ and the * Hague Convention ”
were construed as references to those Con-
ventions as amended by the Protocol on
Narcotic Drugs signed at Lake Success,
New York, ov the 11th day of December,
1946; and

(«) the following were substituted for
paragraph (a)—

of section Lt
of the Princi-
pal Act,


of seetion 13
of the Princei-
pal Ver,

of seetion 4
of the Princi-
pal Act.


2 Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) No, U7 of 1954.
“Gry “Senior Medical Officer”
means the Senior Medical Offieer of

each and every of the Presidencies,
and, in ease there shall be no sueh
officer in any Presidency, any Medical
Officer appointed by the Governor for
the purposes of the administration of
this Act in such Presidency.”.

3. Section Ll of te Principal Act is here-
by amended by the substitution of the word
“Act? for the word * Ordinance” appearing
at the end thereof.

4. Subsection (2) of section 13 of the
Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitu-
uionof the words “Governor th Council” for
the word * Governor” appearing therein,

O. Section Lb of the
hereby aincnded as follows:—

Principal Aet is

(«) by deleting the words “ For the
purposes of the foregoing provisions ”
appearing in subsection (1) and all the
words followine thereafter to the end of
the subsection, and substituting therefor the
follow ine—

“For the purposes of this sub-
section, percentages, in the case of
morphine, shall be caleulated as in
respeet of anhydrous morphine and,
in the case of liquid preparations, shall,
unless other provision in that behalf is
made by riites made by the Governor
in Counce: be ealerlated on the basis
that a preparation contaiming one per
cent of a substance means a prepara-
tion in| which one gramme of the
substanoe, if a solid, or one millilitre of
the substance, ifa liquid, is contained
in every one handred millilitres of the
preparation, and so in proportion for
any greater or less percentage.’: and

(4) by substituting the following snb-
scecl ons for subsections (2), (8) avd (1)—
No. 17 of 1954. Dangerous Drugs (Amendinent) 3. LEEWARD

“(2) Tf it appears to the Governor
in Council that a new derivative of
morphine or cocaine or of any salts or
morphine or cocaine or any other
alkaloid of opitum or any other drug of
whatever kind—-

(a) is, or is likely to be,
productive,if improperly used, of

ill effects substantially of the same

character or nature as, or analogous

to, those produced by morphine or
cocaine; or

(4) is capable of being con-
verted into a substance which is,
or is likely to be, productive, if
improperly used, of such effects,

the Governor in Council may by order
declare that this Part of this Act shall
apply to that new derivative or alkaloid
oy other drug in the same manner as if
applies to the drugs mentioned in sub-
section (1) of this section.

(3) The Crovernor in Council may
hy order apply this Part of this
Act. with such modifications as may
he specified in’ the order, to any
of the following drugs, that Is to say,
methylnorphine (commonly known as
codeine), ethylmorphine (comunonty
known as dionin) and their respective

(4) Hf the Governor im Council
thinks fit by order to declare that
a findine with respect fo a preparation
containing any of the drugs to which
this Part of this Act applies has, in
pursuance of Article 8S of the Geneva
Convention (No, 1) been communicated
hy the Eeononve and Social Council of
the United Nations to the parties to the
sald Convertion, the provisions of this
Part of this Act shail, as from sueh
date as may be speetfied in the order,
cease to apoly to the preparation speci
fied therein.’,
Pusertion of
new heading
in the Prine
pal Act

of section 15
of the Prinei-+
pal Act.

4 Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) No. 17 of 1954.

6. ‘Vhe Principal Act is hereby amended
hy the insertion of the following new heading
immediately after section 14 thereof;—


7%. Section 15 of the Principal Act is
hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the substitution of the words
“Governor in Couneil” for the word
“Governor” and of the word * Order” for
the words “ Order-in-Council”” appearing in
subsection (1) thereof; and

(0) by the substitution of the following
for subsection (2) thereof—

“(2) If it is made to appear to
the Governor in Council tuat a decision
with respect to any such product as is
mentioned in subsection (1) of this
section has, in pursuance of Article 1]
of the Geneva Convention (No. 2),
been communicated by the Secretary-
General of the United Nations to the
parties to the said Convention, the
Governor in Council may, as the case
requires, by order, either declare that
the provisions of Part V of this Act
shall apply to that product in the same
manner as they apply to the drugs
mentioned in subsection (1) of section
1d.of this Act or apply the said Part V
to that product with such modifications
as may be specified in the order.”; and
(c) by the repeal of subsection (3)

Maurice H. Davis,
Deputy President.

’assed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

Clerk of the Council.


Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by BE. M, Beackman, Government Printer.--By Authority.


47/00157—490—8..54. [Price 8 cents]
No. 18 of 1954. Telecommuntcations (Amendment).

[| L.S.]
I Assent,
P. D. Macponatp,
Acting Governor.

28th August, 1954.

No. 18 of 1954.

An Act to amend further the Telecommunica-
tions Act, 1949.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands as follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Telecorn-
munications ( Amendment) Act, 1954, and shall
be read as one with the Tele ‘commiinications Act,
1949, as amended, hereinafter called the Princi-
pal Act.

2. Section 4 of the Principal Act is here-
by amended as follows:—

(a) by the renumbering of subsection
(2) as subsection (3);

(0) by the insertion of the words, brack-
ets and figure ‘subsection (1) of ” between
the word “of” and the word “this” in
subsection (3) as renumbered; and

(ce) by the addition next after subsec-
tion (1) thereof of the following subsection
as subsection (2):—

(2) In any ease in which it shall
appear to the Governor in Council of a
Presidency that no provision has been
made by Rules made under this Act for
the issue of an appropriate licence, or
that the circumstances of the case jus-
tify the issue of a special licence, the
Governor in Council may, notwith-
standing the provisions of section 6 of


Short title,


Amendment of
section 4 of the
Principal Act.
Leewarp 2 Telecommunications (Amendment). No. 18 of 1965,

this Act, issue a special licence for the
establishment of a telecommunication
station and the installation, working
and operation of telecommunication
apparatus therein on payment of such
fees and on such terms and conditions
as to the Governor in Council may
seem fit.”’.

Mavricr H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

A. Kk. Penn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M. BuackMAN, Government Printer... By Authority
A90—8.54 Price 4 cents.
19 of 1954, Public Holidays

I Assent,
P. D. Macponatp,
Acting Governor.
28th August, 1954.

No. 19 of 1954.

An Act to make provision for Public Holidays
and respecting obligations to make pay ments
and do other acts on such Public Holidays,

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands as follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Public
TLolidays Act, 1954,

2. The several days in the Schedule to
this Act mentioned (which days are hereinafter
referred to as public holidays), shall be kept as
close holidays in all banks, shops or stores where
voods are sold, and at the several public offices
in the Colony, and all bills of exchange and
promissory notes which are dune and payable on
any such public holiday shall be payable and, in
case of non-payment, may be noted and protested
on the next following day, and not on any public
holiday; and any such noting or ot shall
he as valid as if made on the day on which the
bill or note was made due and payable: and for
all the purposes of this Act the day next follow-
ing a public holiday shall mean the next follow.
ing day ou which a hill of exchange may he law-
fully noted or protested.

3. When the day on which any notice of
dishonour of any unpaid bill of exchange or pro-
missory note should be given, or when the day
on which a bill of exchange or promissory note
should be presented or received for acceptance,
or accepted, or forwarded to any referee or
referees, is a public holiday, such notiec of dis-
honour shall be given and such bill of eachange



Shert title

Days noted in
Schedule to
be kept as

where day of
notice of dis-
honour or
falls on a

No persons
obliged to
make pay-
ment ete, on

Power to
Governor in
Council to
special public
holidays and
to change day
fixed fora

Power ot
Governor in
Council to
special pubhe
holidays for

2 Public Holidays. No. 19 of 1954.
or promissory note shail be presented or for-
warded on the day next following such public

4. No person shall be compellable to make
any payment or to do any act upon such public
holidays, which he would wot be compellable to
do or make on Christmas Day or Good Friday;
and the obligation to make such payment and do
such act shall apply to the day following such
public holiday, and the making of such payment
and doing such act on such following day shall
he equivalent to payment of the money or per-
formance of the act on the holiday.

5. it shall be lawful for the Governor from
time to time with the advice of the Executive
Council of the Leeward Islands to issue a

(a) appointing a special day or part of
a day to be reserved as a public holiday
throughout the Colony, and any day or part
of a day so appointed shall be kept as a
close holiday in all banks, shops, stoves and
public offiees aforesaid in the Colony, and
shall, as regards bills of exchange and pro-
muissory notes be deemed to be a public
holiday for all purposes of this Act;

(4) when it is made to appear to him
in any special case that in auy year it is
inexpedient that a day by this Act appointed
a public holiday should be a public holiday,
declaring that such day shall not in such
year be a public holiday, and appointing
such other day as to hini may seen fit to be
a public holiday, instead of such day, and
thereupon the day so appointed shall in such
year be substituted for the day originally
appointed by this Act.

6. [t shall be lawful for the Governor fron:
tune to time with the advice of the Executive
Council of a Presidency to issue a Proclamation
appointing a special day or part of a day to be
reserved asa public holiday in sach Presidency
and any day or part of a day so appointed shall
No. 19 of 1954. Publie Holidays. 2

be kept as a close holiday in all banks, shops,
stores and public offices aforesaid in the Presi-
dency and shall, as regards bills of exchange and
promissory notes be deemed to be a public holi-
day for all purposes of this Act.

?. Nothing in this Act shall —

(a) prevent the opening of a drug store
ov drug shop on a public holiday in case of
necessity for making up prescriptious and
supplying drugs;

(LJ) be deemed to prohibit the opening
of any public market or the sale at any place
of any article of food or drink up to the
hour of nine o’clock in the morning,

(c) prevent the opening on a public
holiday of any petrol station for the sale of
easolene, oil or motor accessories. or of
any garage for the purpose of effecting
emergency repairs to motor vehicles,

8. Notwithstanding anything contained in
this Act the Governor with the advice of the
Exeeutive Council of a Presidency, may from
time to time, by order published in the Gucefte
permit any class of shop or store specified in
such order to be kept open on a public holiday
for the sale of any article in such Presidency or
any part thereof during such hours and subject
to such terms and conditions as may be pre-
seribed by such order.

Y. For the purposes of sections 6 and 8 of
this Act the expression “ Governor ” shall mean
the officer for the time being administering the
government of a Presidency,

10. Any person after the coming Ito
operation of this Act who keeos open any bank,
shop, store or pubhe ofhee in contravention of
the provisions of this Act, or fails to comply
with the provisious of any order made under
section & of this Act shall be Hable on summary
conviction toa penalty not exceeding two hun-
dred ana fifty dollars



for opening of
shops and


Definition of
tor purposes
of sections 6
and 8,

Penalty for
opening on
Leewarp 4 Public (Holidays. No, 19 of 19354,

Reference to 11. Any reference in any Federal park holiday Loeal Act or subsidiary legislation to a bank
strued as holiday shall be construed as a reference to
reference to . ys . : Sthie Ae

publicholiday, ® Public holiday under this Act.

Repeal. 12. The Bank Holidays Act and the Bank
a. Holidays (Amendment) Act, 1937 are hereby

Commencement, 13. This Act shall come into operation on

a day to be appointed by the Governor by pro-
clamation published in the Guce/le.

Maurice H. Days,
Deputy President,

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1054,

Ik. A. PEnn,
Clerk of the Councse.


The anniversary of the birth of the Sovereign or the day, of which due
public notice shall be given, appointed to be kept as the Sovereign's

The anniversary of the birth of the Heir to the Throne.

The first day of January in each year.

Empire Day, being the twenty-fourth day of May.

If any of the abovementioned days fall on a Sunday the next
following Monday shall be a public holiday.

Boxing Day—that is the day after Christmas Day, but if Christmas Day
falls on a Saturday, then the next following Monday shall be a
public holiday, and if Cliristmas Day falls ona Sunday, then
the next following Monday and Tuesday shall be publie holidays.

Naster Monday.

Labour Day (the first Monday in May).

Whit Monday.

The first Monday in Augnst.

Nove: Sundays, Christmas Day and Good Friday are observed as
Common Law FElolidays.

Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leoward Islands.
by BE. M. BhackmaAN, Governinent Printer-—By Authority,
47/00301—490—8.54. [Price 6 cents]

No. 20 of 1954. Small Tenements (Amendment). Lrew.rp

{ L.8.]

TL Assent,
P. D. Macpnonarn,
Acting Governor.
28th August, 1954.

No. 20 of 1954,

An Act to amend the Small Tenements Act.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward
Islands as follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Small Short title.
Tenements (Amendment) Act, 1954, and shall be
read as one with the Small Tenements Act, herein- Cap. 68.
after called the Principal Act.

2. Section 2 of the Principal Act is hereby Amendment
amended by the substitution of the following Cate.
definition for the definition of “ Land” appearing’ cipal Act.


* The word ‘ Land” includes houses,
chattel or moveable housex, buildings and all
other corporeal hereditaments, but does not
include a small holding within the meaning
of the Agricultural Small Holdings Act,
1938:”. 12/1938,

8. Section 3 of the Principal Act is hereby rigeaninian
amended by the substitution of the words “two. of the Prin-
hundred dollars” for the words “twenty pounds” “pal Act.

appearing therein.

4. Section 6 of the Principal Act is hereby Amendment
nended as follows:— of seen
amended as : of the Prin-
cipal Act.
(a) by renumbering the existing section
as subseution (1);

Small Tenescnis (Amendment.) No. 20 of 1954

0) by inserting a comma in subsection
(1) of the section after the words “ the matter
and’ and immediately therealter the follow-
“subject to the succeeding ‘provi-
sions of this section, ’; and

(c) by na insertion of the following as
subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5) of the sec-

“ (2) Where the land to which the
tenancy relates is subject to the provi-
sions of any Federal Act or Local Act
restricting the rents payable therefor and
the recovery of the possession thereof,
no judgment or order shall be given or
made under subsection (1) of this section
unless the Magistrate is satisfied that
power has been conferred on him so to
do under the provisions of any such law.

(3) Where a chattel or moveable
house of a value of not less than fifty
dollars, which is not the property of the
landlord, (hereinafter in this section
referred to as “the premises’) hes heen
placed by a tenant or his predecessor in
title on the land in’ respect of which
possession is sought by the landlord and
such premises 1s used by the tenant as
his dwelling, no jadement or order shail
be given or made under subsection (1) of
this section unless the Magistrate is satis-
fied that—

(i) it is reasonable to give such
judgment or make such order
having regard to all the cir-

cumstances of the case; and

(ii) suitable alternative accommodation
in available for the tenant or
will be available fer him when
the judgment or order takes
N oO.

20 of 1954. Small Pevemeins (Amendment.) 9

(4) For the purposes of subsection
(8) of this section :—

(1) suitable alternative accommodation
means accommodation which is
reasonably suitable to the needs
of the tenant as regards rental
and to the needs of the tenant
and his family as regards proxi-
mity to place of work, as well
as character and extent mm rela-
tion to its use as a dwelling for
the tenant; and

(ii) the cnus of proof that a chattel
or moveable house is of «a value
less than fifty dollars shall be
on the landlord.

(5) Notwithstanding anything con-
tained in subsections (3) or (4) of this
seetion a judgment or order under sub-
section (1) of this section may be given
or made by the Magistrate, where he
considers it reasonable so to do, without
proof of suitable alternative accommoda-
tion where—

(i) the tenant has, within twelve
months of the filing of the
summons, been convicted of
predial larceny or of larceny
of cattle or of having in his
possession or under his con-
trol pradial produce which is
reasonably suspected to have
been stolen or unlawfully ob-
tained ; or

(ii) the tenant has been convicted of
using or allowing the premises
or any part thereof to be used
for an immiora. or illegal pur-
pose; OF

(iil) the tenant has committed acts cf

vaste or been guilty of neglect
or Gofauit whereby the premises
have been injuriously affected ;


of section 10
of the Prin-
aipal Act.

* Limit of

L Small Tenement: (Amendment) No. 20 of 1954,

(iv) the tenant or any person residing’
or lodging with him or being
his subtenant has been guilty
of conduct which is a nuisance
or annoyance to adjoining or
adjacent occupiers of such

5. The following section shall be substituted
for section 10 of the Principal Act:-——

10. Noclaim by the landlord against

Magistrate's the tenant to recover or to set off any arrears

jurisdiction in

claims for

of rent and mesne profits under section 9 of

improvements, this Act, aud no claim or crossclaim by the

arrears or

mesne profits, tenant against the landlord for unexhausted

of section 24
of the Princi¥
pal Act.

Repeal of Act
No, 13 of 1988,

by FE.

improvements under section 8 of this Act,
shall be entertained where such claim or cross-
claim exceeds the sum of ninety-six dollars.”.

6. Section 24 of the Principal Act is hereby
amended by the substitution of the words “ two
hundred dollars ” for the words “ twenty pounds”
appearing therein,

7. The Small Tenements (Amendment)
Act, 1988, is hereby repealed.

Mavuricre H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Council this
24th day of August, 1954.

A. KE. Pry,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
M. Buackman, E.D.. Government Printer.—--By Authority,

47/00235—490—8.54. [Price 6 conés.]
No. 21 of 1954. Stepplementar. Appropriation

[ Assent,
P. D. Macponatn,
Acting Governor.

28th August, 1954.

No. 21 of 1954.

An Act to sanction certain payments in excess
of the amount provided by law for the
service of the General Government for the
year ending on the thirty-first day of Decem-
ber, 1952.

ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward

Islands as follows:—

1. This Act may be cited as the Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1952) Act, 1954.

2. The sums of money set forth in the First
Sebedule to this Act, paid under the Warrant of
the Governor for the services mentioned in that
Schedule, are hereby declared to be lawful expendi-
ture on account of the Government of this Colony
for the service of the year ending on the thirty-
first day of December, 1952, and their total amount
to be chargeable upon the several Presidencies in
the proportions specitied in the Second Schedule to
this Act.

Maorice H. Davis,
Deputy President.

Passed the General Legislative Couneil this
24th day of August, 195-4.

A. E. Perry,
Clerk of the Council.


Short title.

of expéendi-
TLauwarRy 2 Supplementary Appropriation No. 21 of 1054.
ISLANDS, (1952).



II. Governor wee 695.60
III, Secretariat eee 116.97
VI. Judicial we 1280.37
XI. Education ve 120.20

XIV. Miscellaneous * ee 47158.67



. $

General Services to'o'o 19,896.84
St. Kitts:

General Services wee re?o 24,636.53

General Services tes robo 3,752.26
Virgin Islands:

General Services Le Bae 1,086.18


Printed at the Government Printing OMice, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BhackMaN, E.D. Government Printer. By Authority.
47/00008-—490—8.54. [Price 4 cents. }


1964, No. 35.


Tae Lerewarp Isnanps Scuonarsnip Runes, 1954, DATED
May 31, 1954, MapE By THE GOVERNOR LN CouNcIL
sHip Act, 1987 (6/1987).

1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the Leeward
Islands Scholarship Rules, 1954,

2. Value of Scholarship and Duration. (1!)
The basic value of a Leeward Islands Scholarship shall be the
sum of twelve hundred dollars per annum payable throughout
the duration of the course of study sanctioned, and in such
instalments as the Governor in Council may direct:

Provided that this amount may be increased from time
to time in the discretion of the Governor in Council to the
equivalent of rates approved by the Secretary of State for the
Colonies for Colonial Development and Welfare Scholars:

Provided further that in exercising such discretion there
shall be taken into account the ability of the parent or guardian
of the person to whom the Scholarship is awarded to contribute
towards the cost of such course of study.

(2) The period for which a Scholarship shall be awarded
shall not exceed six years.

3. Candidate's Application and Qualifica-
tions. Any person desiring to be a candidate shall be over
the age of sixteen years and under the age of nineteen years on
the 3ist day of December in the year in which the examination
for the award of the Scholarship is held, and must forward to
the Governor a written application together with:—

(a) evidence of British nationality;

(b) evidence of attendance ata school in the Colony
for not less than three vears immediately preceding the
date above named in this rule;

(¢) a birth or ae certificate, or, if the candidate
has not been born in the Colony, aher a birth or baptis-
mal certificate and a statutory declaration showing that
one of his pareuts was born in the Colony or has been
ordinarily resident in the Colony for five years next
preceding the date above named in this rule;

(d) w certificate from the Head of the school or
schools attended by him that during the period referred to
(6) his moral character and general conduct have been

4. Examination. The Examination for the Scholar-
ship shall be the Cambridge Higher School Certificate [Exam-
ination which shall be helt simultaneously in each Presidency
where there is a candidate for the Scholarship.

5. Award of Scholarship. The Scholarship shall
be awarded to the candidate who is reported by the Examiners
to have obtained the best results in the General paper, and in
subjects totalling six units in accordance with the Scheme of
Examination prescribed from time to time by the University of
Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate:

Provided that—

(a) it shall not be obligatory upon the Governor in

Council to award a Scholarship in any year if in the

opinion of the Governor in Council no ‘candidate has

appeared to be deserving of such award; and

(6) in case the Scholarship shall be withheld in any
year the Governor in Council may, in his discretion, award
un additional Scholarship in another year.

6. Choice of Course of Study and Selection
of Institution. The course of study, the approximate
dates at which it is to begin and end, ne the institution at
which it is to be followed, shall he sibbinjeted to the Governor
for his approval not less than six months before the date of the
beginning of the course proposed, and shall not be altered
without the approval of the Governor previously obtained.


(7. Keeping of Terms. A_ person to whom a
Scholarship has been awarded shall, from the beginning of the
approved course, and unless eceaccd by the Governor for any
proper cause, keep the ordinary terms of the approved educa-
tional inetieulion continuously until his Schclarship expires.

8. Supervision of Scholar. The holder of a
Scholarship shall place himself under the direction of a person
appointed or approved by the Governor as his Director, and
shall obey all instructions received from the Director, The
holder of a Scholarship shall at the end of every term, and
whenever the Governor may so order, transmit to the Governor
through the Director a report from the proper authority of the
approved institution upon his conduct and progress.

). Forfeiture of Scholarship. The Governor in
Council may order the forfeiture of a Scholarship or of any
part of it if the holder:—

(a) disobeys the instructions of his Director;

(0) fails to render satisfactory reports on his conduct
and progress;

(c) is expelled, rusticated or suspended from the
approved institution ;

(d) fails to pass the examinations prescribed for him
by the proper suthority of the institution;

(e) fails properly to keep the terms of the institution;

(7) begins any .course of study or accepts any
appointment which, in the opinion of the Governor in
Council, is prejudicial to the approved course of study;

(y) marries;

(h) fails to comply with any rule made under the
Leeward Islands Scholarship Act, 1987,

and the Scholarship may be forfeited by reason of any event
which in the opinion of the Governor in Council is prejudicial
to the objects for which the Scholarship was granted.

10. Manner of Payment of Scholarship. The
ralue of the Scholarship shall be paid te or on behalf of the
holder of the Scholarship in such instalments as the Governor
may direct, and shall normally be paid tpon receipt of the
reports required in rule 8: Provided that such payments may
be made in ndvance as the Governor nay deem necessary.

lt. Revocation. These Rules set ont in the Schedule
hereto are hereby revoked,

Made by the Governor in Council this 31st day of May,

A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Council,

Approved by the General Legislative Council this 24th
day of August, 1954,

A. IK. Pryy,
Clerk of the Council,


The Leeward Islands Scholarship Rules, 1937 (S. R. & O. 1937
No, 25).

The Leeward Islands Scholarship (Amendment) Rules, 1947
(S. R. & O. 1947, No. 30).

The Leeward Islands Scholarship (Amendment) Rules, 1948
(S. R. & O. 1948, No. 14).

The Leeward Islands Scholarship (Amendment No. 2) Rules, 1948
(S. R & O. 1948, No. 23).

The Leeward Islands Scholarship (Amendment) Rules, 1950
(S. R. & O. 1950, No. 33).

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
hy E. M. BLackMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

28/00010—490—9.54. [Price 6 cents.)


1954, No. (386.

THe Conrostan Luyatic Asytum (Marnrenance) Recura-
TIONS, 1954, DATED January 7, 1954, MADE BY THE
Lunatics Act (Cap. 111).

1. Crration. These Regulations may be cited as the

Colonial Lunatic Asylum (Maintenance) Regulations, 1954.

2. Mainrenance or Luyarics. The payments to be
made for the maintenance and support of—

(a) pauper lunatics admitted to the Colonial Lunatie
Asylum shall be such sum as may be fixed by the Gover-
nor under section 43 of the Lunatics Act but not exceeding
in the aggregate the sum of $500 per annum; and

(+) Tate other than pauper lunatics admitted to
such Asylum shall he such sum as may from time to time
be the cost of maintenance and support of such persons
to be calculated by the Medical Superintendent but not
exceeding in the aggregate the sum of $750 per annum.

3. Revocation. Regulation 128 of the Regulations
for the Management of the Cansce Asylum in Antigua made
by the i ogernor | in Council on the 7th day of December, 1910,
is hereby revoked.

Made by the Governor in Council this 7th day of
January, 1954.

A. E. PEnn,
Clerk of the Couneil.

Approved by the General Legislative Council this 24th day
of August, 1954.
A. KE. Pry
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at tne Governm:nt Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by EL ¥. BoackmM an, B.D... Government Printer —--HKy Authority,

51/00061—490—-8.54. Price 3 cents,

1954, No. 18.

1954, DarED AuGust 17, 1954, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR
Cress Orpinanck, 1947 (No. 10 oF 1947).

1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as the
Sugar Export Cess (Amendment) Regulations, 1954, and
shall be read as one with the Sugar Export Cess Regulations,
19ts (S. KR. & O. L948 No. 5), as amended, hereinafter
called the Principal Regulations.

2, Amendment of regulation 4. Regulation 4
of the Principal Regulations is hereby amended as follows:—

(a) by the insertion at the end of paragraph (1)
thereof of the following:-—

“Any portion of the said Fund may with
the approval of the Governor in Coungil be paid
into either the Rehabilitation Fund or the Labour
Welfare Fund to be applied in accordance with
paragraphs (2) or (3) of this regulation for
meeting any special needs of the sugar industry.”;

(4) by the substitution of the following proviso for
the proviso to paragraph (2) thereof:—

“Provided that for the purposes of this
paragraph payments out of the said Fund may be
made to the Peasant Development Officer to be
utilised on behalf of sugar cane growers whose
cane is marketed through the Peasant Development

Made by the Governor in Couneil this 17th day of
August, 195k,
J. L. Ropinsoyr,
Clerk of the Couneal.

Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.— By Authority.
47/115 —490—8. 54. Price 3 cents,

1954, No. 19.

KeGuLaTions, 1954, parED AUGUST 17, 1954, MADE BY
1953 (No. 3 or 1953).

1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as the
Animals (Importation) Control (Amendment No. 2) legu-
lations, 1954, and shall be read as one with the Animals
(Importation) Control Regulations, 1953 (S. Rk. & O. 1958,
No. 14), hereinafter called the Principal Regulations.

2. Amendment of regulation 19. Revulation
19 of the Principal Regulations is hereby amended—

(a) by the substitution of the words ‘* prepared
from animal tissues for the words “tof any animal”
appearing in paragraph (2) thereof;

(6) by the insertion of the word and stop “ hor-
mones,”” between the words “as” and = “ vaceines”
appearing in paragraph (3) thereof.

3. Amendment of Sixth Schedule. The Sixth
Schedule to the Principal Regulations is hereby amended by
the deletion of the word “ Argentina” and the substitution
therefor of the words “ British Caribbean Territories ”.

Made by the Governor in Council this 17th day of
August, 1954.

J. L. Rosinson,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN. Governinent Printer. -By Authority.
47/1 32—490 —8.54. Price 3 cents, |