Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076863/00215
Material Information
- Title:
- Leeward Islands gazette
- Added title page title:
- Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
- Creator:
- Leeward Islands (West Indies)
- Place of Publication:
- [Antigua
- Publisher:
- Gov. Printing Office]
- Publication Date:
- Aug 19, 1954
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Law Leeward Islands (Federation) Montserrat
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt ) Official gazettes ( fast ) Gazettes ( fast ) newspaper ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- 1- , 1872-
- General Note:
- Two pages per frame.
- General Note:
- Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
- General Note:
- Weekly
- General Note:
- Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
- General Note:
- Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
- General Note:
- Some issues called "extraordinary."
- General Note:
- Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
- General Note:
- Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
- General Note:
- Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )
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20 Str lueues
Li kWwaARD
VBublished by Authority.
No. 39.
The Governor of the Leeward Is-
lands records with regret the death
on the 17th Angust, 1984, of the
Honourable Mr. Justice WOODING,
Q.C., Puisne Judge of the Windward
and Leeward Islands.
The Secretariat,
17th August, 1954.
P.F. 39.
It is hereby notified for general
information that the following ap-
pointments have been made:—
(@) Mr. J. D. B. RENWICK, B.A.,
Acting Registrar, Antigua, to be
Additional Magistrate, Antigua, in
place of Mr. N. A. BERRIDGE; and,
(b) Mr. H.L. 8. Moseuey, M.A.,
B.C.L. (Dunelm), Senior Assistant
Master, St. Vincent Grammar
School, to be Registrar, Antigua,
in place of Mr. RENWICK.
The Secretariut,
16th August, 1954.
Ref. No. C. 13/00098.
The Administrator of Antigua has
been pleased to appoint the Senior
Medical Officer to be a Commissioner
of the City of St. John for the period
12th August, 1954 to 3lst December,
Administrator's Office,
St. John's,
llth August, 1954.
Ref. No. A. 50/16-I1.
It is notified for general informa-
tion that Mrs. VIOLET VIOLDIA
Puinip of St. Johnston’s Village,
Antigua, was registered on the 16th
day of August, 1954, as a citizen of
the United Kingdom and Colonies
under the British Nationality Act,
The Secretariat,
16th August, 1954.
Ref. No. 55/00019.
Appointinents and transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—
ALLEN, Miss OC. M. E., Student Nurse,
Glendon Hospital, Montserrat, to
be Staff Nurse, Glendon Hospital,
Montserrat. Ang. 16
M. E. 258.
BRAMBLE, Miss M. E., Student Nurse,
Glendon Hospital, Montserrat, to
be Staff Nurse, Glendon Hospital,
Montserrat. June 29
M. E. 233.
Dats, The Honourable Mr. Justice
W. A., appointed to act as Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court of
the Windward and Leeward Islands
during the absence of the Hon.
Chief Justice in the United King-
dom. Aug. 15
Ref. No. C. 13/00061.
JEFFERS, A. B., to be Junior Clerk,
Treasury Department, Montserrat.
June 24
M. E. 345.
RICHARDSON, Miss I., Staff Nurse,
Glendon Hospital, Montserrat,
resigned. Aug. 15
M. E. 183.
No. 77.
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exereised in respect of the
undermentioned Ordinance:—
St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla.
No. 1 of 1954, “The Animal
(Diseases and Importation) Ordi-
nance, 1954.â€
No. 78.
The Governor has this day been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinanoes:—
No. 6 of 1954, ‘“‘ The Development
(Telephone) Loan Ordinance, 1954â€.
Aug. 14
No. 11 of 1954, “The Hotels Aid
Ordinance â€
Aug. 13
No. 79.
The following Ordinance is cireu-
lated with this Gazette and forms
part thereof :—
No. 6 of 1954, **The Development
(Telephone) Loan Ordinance, 1954â€,
4 pp. Price 6 cents.
ANTIGUA, 16th August, 1954.
PORATION of 729 Seventh Avenue,
New York, State of New York, U.s.A.
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-
in Class VIII that is to say:— Motion
picture films with or without sound,
words and music.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 14 years
before the date of their said Appli-
Any* person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the“ Leeward Islands Gazette,†give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of oppositiun to regis-
tration of the said Trade Mark.
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.
158 THE
In the Matter of the Estate of
Kathleen Louisa Gray, late of
the Town of Plymouth in the
Island of Montserrat, deceased.
There will be sold by Public Auc-
tion at the Old Secondary School
Annex at Webb's Extension on Wed-
nesday ine Ist September, 1954 at the
hour of ° o’clock in tho afternoon:—
All furniture, honsehold effects and
sundry other articles belonging to the
above-mentioned estate,
Administrator of Estates.
M. 65A/8—1V,
Crown Land Applications
Applicatious in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazeiie for the purpose of giving any
person an opportinity of making any
representation to this Office in rela-
tion to any such application.
Such applications will be inserted
in ai least three separate issues of the
Gazelte before they will be dealt with
by the Governor, so that applicants
inust be prepared for this delay.
are hereby notified.
underimentioned applications
By Order,
iE. T. Henry,
Olerk to the Administivator,
Administrator's Office,
ldth August, 1954.
Ref. No. A. 46/27,
To Purchase.
All those pieces or parcels of land
situate at Matthews Hstate in the
Parish of Saint Paulin the Island of
Antigua allas the same are delineated
on maps or plans of the said area
prepared by Mr. MICHAEL ST. CLAIR
BATSON Licensed Surveyor and con-
taining the areas sect ont as follows:—
Lor No. 9B 4.318 acres
» oy «610A 3.920 ,,
oy AG 5,000 sq. ft.
i cae 8 2.932 acres
De. its ChE 0.795 ,,
Hy) 9 OO 1.083 ,,
yo 38 64 â€
ys. ay LOZ 0D) Like:
5 108 0.849 ,,
††105 1.330 â€
Control of Imports and
Notice No. 8 of 1954.
Tenders are inviied for the supply
of five thousand half bags of 100 Ib
each “18†grade flour from Local
Commission Agents of Canadian
Flour Mills. Quotations should be
C.LF. ANTIGUA and should inelude
agent’s commission.
2. The conditions stated in para-
graph 2 of the Tender for Flour
notice of the 25th May, 1954, apply
to this notice.
3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal,
Halifax or St. John and shipped to
arrive in Antigua not later than the
26th September, 1954. A notice of
the award and the price accepted by
Government will be published.
3. 'Fonders should be in sealed
envelopes marked ‘Tenders — for
flour†and should he adidressed to
His Honour the Administrator and
showidl reach the Adininistrator’s
Office not Jater than 4 p.m. on 25th
August, 1954.
5. Government does not bind it-
self to aceept the lowest any
Admintisirator’s Office,
16th August, 1954.
Ref. No. A. 40/18.
British Caribbean Air Trans-
port Advisory Council
The Council invites applications
from suitably qualified persons for
the following post:
TARY (Civil Aviation) at an annual
salary in scale £900 x 50—£1,000
perannum, Passages on assumiption
and termination of appointment for
the Administrative Secretary and
family up to five m all from and to
tne place of engagement will be
paid by the Conneil,
The post does not at present carry
pension or superannuation rights,
The appointment will be for a period
of three years in the first instance.
Candidates should possess know-
ledge and experience in office
miunagement and also some experience
in aeronautical practice and proce-
dures and a knowledge of the civil
aviation pattern in the British West
The Council reserves the right to
fill the post by invitation if no suita-
ble application is received.
[19 August, 1954.
Applications furnishing full details
of candidates’ education, special quali-
fications and experience, together
with supporting documents and names
of two referees, should Le addressed
to the Executive Secretary, Regional
Economic Conmittee, Hastings
House, Barbados, before 15th Septem-
ber, 1954.
Post of Agricultural Cfiicer,
Grenada, B. W.I.
“Applications are invited for the
vacant post of Agricultural Officer in
the Department of Grenada, B.W.I.
The post, which is pensionable
carries a salary scale of $3300 rising
by annual ineresnenis of $120 to
$4820 (£700 x £25 £900). Consider-
ation will be given to the appointment
of an applicant ata point in excess of
the minimum, if circumstances
Quarters are provided for which
rent, at the rate of 10% of salary oer
5% the assessed value of the
quarters, Whichever is less, is payable
per annum,
‘ of
The offieer will be required to
keep a car and will be entitled toa
travelling allowance at present at the
rate of $1276 per annum. Govern-
ment will be prepared to approve a
joan te enable the officer to purchase
a Car.
Applications should have as a
minimum qualification the Diploma
of the tiuperial College of Tropical
Agricuiture or cauivalent degree and
should have had considerable experi-
ence as au officer of a Department of
Agriculture. Experience in Applied
Research and Agricultural Extension
work would be advantages as would
general administrative experience,
The duties of the officer will be
those assigned to him by the Superin-
tendent of Agriculture to whom he
will be directly responsible. Such
duties will inelnde the direction of
Agricultural Extension and_ Soil
Conservation programmes, the res-
ponsibility for certain field experi-
ments and trials. as wellas general
work of an administrative nature.
The Agricultural Officer will be
deputy to the Superintendent of
Agriculture for whom he will act as
occasion demands. The officer will
be subject to the Colonial Regulations
and to the General Orders of the ~
Applications must bein the hand-
writing of the applicant who should
give the following particulars about
(a) Age;
(6) Schools, colleges ete. at
which educated, and certificates
and qualifications obtained, with
19 August, 1954]
(c) Nature of present and past
employment, with dates;
(Z2) Kmoluments earned in
present post (or in post in which
last employed, if unemployed);
(e) Past experience in work
similar to that required in the post
now advertised;
(7) Marital Status and number
of children.
Applicants should also furnish
testimonials (which will not be
returned) certified as true copies by a
Justice of the Peace, Minister of
Religion or Head of a Government
Applications which do not coutain
the required information will not be
Applications should be addressed
to the Superintendent of Agriculture,
Botanic Gardens, St. George’s, Gre-
nada, and should reach that address
not later than 15th September, 1954.
Government Office,
Grenada, B.W.L.
29th July, 1954.
Ref. No. 13/00004—IT.
Vacant Post of Assistant
Superintendent of Works,
Public Works Department,
St’ Vincent.
Applications are invited for the
vacant post of Assistant Superinten-
dent of Public Works, St. Vincent,
British West Indies.
2. The salary of the post, which is
pensionable, is in the scale $2,880 per
annum, rising by annual increments
of $120 to $3,600 per annum.
3. No Cost of Living Allowance is
4. Quarters are not provided.
5. A transport allowance of $1,020
per annum is payable in res;ect of a
motor car maintained by the officer
for official travelling.
6. Applicants should havea work-
ing knowledge of the planning,
estimating, setting out and construc-
tion of buildings, bridges, roads and
waterworks and their maintenance.
7. Previous experience in a Vublic
Works Department or with + reput-
able firm of Building Contractors, and
experience in the field organisation of
Works and Labour will be taken into
8. ‘The person appointed will be
liable to transfer to a similar post of
equivalent status in the Windward
9. Applications must be addressed
to the Assistant Administrator and
Establishinent Officer, Government
Office, Kingstown, St. Vincent, and
must reach him not later than 31st
August, 1954,
August, 1954.
Ref, No. A. C. 13/89.
Vacant post of French Mistress,
Bishops’ High School for
Girls, British Guiana.
Applications are invited from suit-
ably qualified persons for appointment
to the post of French Mistress,
Bishops’ High School for Girls,
British Guiana.
2. The duties are to teach mainly
French, including sixth form work
to the standard of the Advanced
Level of the General Certificate of
Education of London University.
The person appointed will he expected
to take part in some of the extra-
curritular activities of the school in
addition to her teaching duties.
3. Candidates should possess an
honours degree in French, or a good
General Arts degree, with Trench as
one subject. Preference will be given
to a candidate who has cither some
teaching experience or a teacher’s
diploma. It would be an advantage
if the candidate has resided for some
time in France or in a_ French-
speaking territory.
4. The successtul candidate will
be allowed a commencing — salary
within the scale £500 x £25—£625
per annum appropriate to her experi-
ence andjfor qualifications and at
present a temporary cost of living
allowance at the rate of £62. 10s.
per annum is also payable. Some
improvement In these emoluments
may however be expected to result
from the general revision of the
salaries of public officers now being
5. The appointment would nor-
mally he pensionable. subject to the
candidate’s medical fitness and to
satisfactory service during a proba-
tionary period of three years, but the
successful candidate could, if she ‘so
preferred, be appointed on a three-
year contract, in which case she
would be granted on the satisfactory
conclusion of her period of contract
service a gratuity calculated at the
rate of 224% of basic salary for each
completed period of three months’
service, including approved leave.
6. The successful candidate will
be subject on appointment to the
Colonial Regulations and local General
Orders and instructions in force for
the time being in so far as they are
7. Vacation leave (for both ‘pen
sionable†and “contract†staff is)
earned at the rate of five days for
each completed month - of resident
service up to a maximum of six
months, subject to a minimum tour
of two years resident service.
8. A pensionable appointee would
be eligible for ‘assisted passagesâ€
when travelling to and from leave,
subject to the provision of funds an-
nually by the Legislative Council and
to the reqvirements of the Public
Officers Leave (Passage) Regulations.
9. Tf recruited from overseas for
service on contract, the Mistress would
be provided by Government with a
passage to British Guiana in order to
take up her appointment and with
a passage back to the place from
which she was recruited on the
satisfactory completion of her con-
10. Applications should be addregs-
ed to the Headmistress, Bishops’ High
School for Girls, British Guiana, in
time to reach her not later than the
15th of August, 1954. (Copies and
not originals of certificates and testi-
monials should be submitted).
(PSC. No, 35/21/2/2/7 V).
Central] Experiment Station,
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
Jan. 5.41 3.60 241 1.93 3.94
Feb. 2.52 1.85 1.60 1.02 245
Mar. 158 1.09 1.62 5.60 1,08
Apr. 244 2.16 3.14 2.06 AY
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3.83
June 1660 2.74 574 1.31 3.382
July 1.85 3.28 838 320 3.47
Aug. 14 1.13 $3 2.59 1.90 1.74
18.65 26.12 28.55 18.52 19.42
Pyinted at the Government Printing Offiee, Leeward Islands, by E. M. Buackmay, E.D,
Government Printer.—By Authority,
1954 :
[Price 11 cents.]
No. 6 of LOS. Developinent ( Felephone) Loan.
[ AssEen'r,
KX. W. Bruackperne,
14th August, 1954.
[14th August, 1954.]
No. 6 of 1954.
An Ordinance to make provision for raising a
loan of two hundred and sixteen thousand
dollars for the purpose of financing the re-
organisation of the telephone sy stem in the
Island of Antigua,
WHERICAS it is expedient to raise a loan
of two hundred and sixteen thousand dollars for
the purpose specified in the Schedule hereto:
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows: ~~
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the De-
velopment (Telephone) Loan Ordinanee, 1954.
2. The Governor is hereby anthorised to:
raise a loan of an amount sufficient to produce
as nearly as may be the sum of two hundred and
sixteen thousand dollars and such further sums
as may be necessary to defray the expenses of
3. The principal moneys and interest re-
presented by the loan issued under the provisions
of this Ordinance are hereby charged upon and
shall be payable out of the eeneral revenues and
assets of the Presidency.
4. The loan hereby authorised or any part
of tt may be raised in London under the provi-
sions of the General Loan and Stoek Ordinanee,
Short title.
Authority to
Governor to
Security for
Method of
raising loan,
of Joan,
of sinking
fund and
payment of
2 No. Gof 1954. Development (Telephone) Loan.
1950 or, notwithstanding anything to the con-
trary in the said Ordinance, independently of
that Ordinance, as the Governor or the Crown
Agents for Oversea Governments and Adminis-
trations (hercinafter referred to as the Crown
Aveuts) acting ov his behalf may decide.
5. (1) Any sum raised to defray the ex-
penses of issue shall be applied only to that
(2) Save as aforesaid, the money to be bor-
rowed under the authority of this Ordinance
shall be appropriated and applied to the purpose
specified in the Schedule hereto.
6. (1) If any loan hereby authorised is
raised -inder the provisions of the General Loan
and Stock Ordinance, 1950, then the contribu-
tion to sinking fund as contemplated by the
provisions of sections 14 and 258 of the said
Ordinance, a8 the case may be, shall commence
in respect of any issue under this Ordinance not
later than one year after the date from which
the interest on such issue shall commence to
(2) If any loan hereby authorised is raised
independently of the General Loan and Stock
Ordinance, 1950, then the following provisions
shall apply :—
(a) So long as any portion of the loan
remains outstanding the Governor shall in
each half-year ending with the day on
which the interest on the loan falls due ap-
propriate out of the general revenues and
assets of the residency a sum equal to one
half-year’s interest on the whoie of the loan
outstanding and shall remit that sum to the
Crown Avonts at sttch time as will enable
them to pay theveout the then current hali-
year’s interest on the day on which it falls
(6) The Governor shall also in each
hail vear ending as aforesaid appropriate
out of the said revenues and assets of the
No. 6 of 1954. Development (Telephone) Loan. 3 ANTIATA.
Presidency tor the formation of a sinking
fund for the repayment of the loan at par
an additional sum in respect of the total
nominal amount of the loan outstanding
equal to one-hall of the annual contribution
to be decided upon by the Governor on the
issue of the loan and shall remit that sum to
the Crown Agents with the remittance here-
inbefore mentioned:
Provided that the said contribution
shall commence not later than one year
after the date from which the interest on
the loan shail commence to run.
(c) The aforesaid contribution shall be
not less than such amount as may be deters
mined with the approval of the Secretary of
State to be sullicient to redeem the loan at.
its due date.
(d) The Crown Agents shall place at
interest or invest so much of the money so
remitted to them as aforesaid as shall not be
reqtured for the payment of interest for the
eurrent half-year in the purchase ot such
securities as may be approved by the Secre-
tary of State as a sinking fund for the final
extinction of the debt and the Crown Agents
shall also place at interest or invest the
dividends, interest or produce of snch
investments in the purchase of like securi-
ties and may from time to time with the
approval of the Secretary of State change
any such investments and shall hold such
funds in trust for the repayment of the
principal moneys for the time being repre-
sented by the loan.
(e) Incase the sinking fund provided
for by this Ordinance shail be insufficent for
the payment of all the principal MONEYS
borrowed under the authority of this Ordi-
nanee at the time fhe same shall have he-
come due the (rovernor shall make good the
deticiencies out of the general revenues and
assets of the Presidency,
Antigua, { Derelopment (Telephone) Loan. No. 6 of 1954.
Passed the Lesislative Council this 4th day
of August, 1964.
J. L. Ropryson,
Clerk of the Council.
For the reorganisation of the tele-
phone system in the Island of Antigua. . $216,000.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer, ~Py Authority.
—490.-8.54 Frice 6 cents,
Full Text |
20 Str lueues
Li kWwaARD
VBublished by Authority.
No. 39.
The Governor of the Leeward Is-
lands records with regret the death
on the 17th Angust, 1984, of the
Honourable Mr. Justice WOODING,
Q.C., Puisne Judge of the Windward
and Leeward Islands.
The Secretariat,
17th August, 1954.
P.F. 39.
It is hereby notified for general
information that the following ap-
pointments have been made:—
(@) Mr. J. D. B. RENWICK, B.A.,
Acting Registrar, Antigua, to be
Additional Magistrate, Antigua, in
place of Mr. N. A. BERRIDGE; and,
(b) Mr. H.L. 8. Moseuey, M.A.,
B.C.L. (Dunelm), Senior Assistant
Master, St. Vincent Grammar
School, to be Registrar, Antigua,
in place of Mr. RENWICK.
The Secretariut,
16th August, 1954.
Ref. No. C. 13/00098.
The Administrator of Antigua has
been pleased to appoint the Senior
Medical Officer to be a Commissioner
of the City of St. John for the period
12th August, 1954 to 3lst December,
Administrator's Office,
St. John's,
llth August, 1954.
Ref. No. A. 50/16-I1.
It is notified for general informa-
tion that Mrs. VIOLET VIOLDIA
Puinip of St. Johnston’s Village,
Antigua, was registered on the 16th
day of August, 1954, as a citizen of
the United Kingdom and Colonies
under the British Nationality Act,
The Secretariat,
16th August, 1954.
Ref. No. 55/00019.
Appointinents and transfers etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—
ALLEN, Miss OC. M. E., Student Nurse,
Glendon Hospital, Montserrat, to
be Staff Nurse, Glendon Hospital,
Montserrat. Ang. 16
M. E. 258.
BRAMBLE, Miss M. E., Student Nurse,
Glendon Hospital, Montserrat, to
be Staff Nurse, Glendon Hospital,
Montserrat. June 29
M. E. 233.
Dats, The Honourable Mr. Justice
W. A., appointed to act as Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court of
the Windward and Leeward Islands
during the absence of the Hon.
Chief Justice in the United King-
dom. Aug. 15
Ref. No. C. 13/00061.
JEFFERS, A. B., to be Junior Clerk,
Treasury Department, Montserrat.
June 24
M. E. 345.
RICHARDSON, Miss I., Staff Nurse,
Glendon Hospital, Montserrat,
resigned. Aug. 15
M. E. 183.
No. 77.
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exereised in respect of the
undermentioned Ordinance:—
St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla.
No. 1 of 1954, “The Animal
(Diseases and Importation) Ordi-
nance, 1954.â€
No. 78.
The Governor has this day been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinanoes:—
No. 6 of 1954, ‘“‘ The Development
(Telephone) Loan Ordinance, 1954â€.
Aug. 14
No. 11 of 1954, “The Hotels Aid
Ordinance â€
Aug. 13
No. 79.
The following Ordinance is cireu-
lated with this Gazette and forms
part thereof :—
No. 6 of 1954, **The Development
(Telephone) Loan Ordinance, 1954â€,
4 pp. Price 6 cents.
ANTIGUA, 16th August, 1954.
PORATION of 729 Seventh Avenue,
New York, State of New York, U.s.A.
have applied for Registration of one
Trade Mark consisting of the follow-
in Class VIII that is to say:— Motion
picture films with or without sound,
words and music.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 14 years
before the date of their said Appli-
Any* person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the“ Leeward Islands Gazette,†give
notice in duplicate at the Trade Marks
Office, Antigua, of oppositiun to regis-
tration of the said Trade Mark.
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.
158 THE
In the Matter of the Estate of
Kathleen Louisa Gray, late of
the Town of Plymouth in the
Island of Montserrat, deceased.
There will be sold by Public Auc-
tion at the Old Secondary School
Annex at Webb's Extension on Wed-
nesday ine Ist September, 1954 at the
hour of ° o’clock in tho afternoon:—
All furniture, honsehold effects and
sundry other articles belonging to the
above-mentioned estate,
Administrator of Estates.
M. 65A/8—1V,
Crown Land Applications
Applicatious in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazeiie for the purpose of giving any
person an opportinity of making any
representation to this Office in rela-
tion to any such application.
Such applications will be inserted
in ai least three separate issues of the
Gazelte before they will be dealt with
by the Governor, so that applicants
inust be prepared for this delay.
are hereby notified.
underimentioned applications
By Order,
iE. T. Henry,
Olerk to the Administivator,
Administrator's Office,
ldth August, 1954.
Ref. No. A. 46/27,
To Purchase.
All those pieces or parcels of land
situate at Matthews Hstate in the
Parish of Saint Paulin the Island of
Antigua allas the same are delineated
on maps or plans of the said area
prepared by Mr. MICHAEL ST. CLAIR
BATSON Licensed Surveyor and con-
taining the areas sect ont as follows:—
Lor No. 9B 4.318 acres
» oy «610A 3.920 ,,
oy AG 5,000 sq. ft.
i cae 8 2.932 acres
De. its ChE 0.795 ,,
Hy) 9 OO 1.083 ,,
yo 38 64 â€
ys. ay LOZ 0D) Like:
5 108 0.849 ,,
††105 1.330 â€
Control of Imports and
Notice No. 8 of 1954.
Tenders are inviied for the supply
of five thousand half bags of 100 Ib
each “18†grade flour from Local
Commission Agents of Canadian
Flour Mills. Quotations should be
C.LF. ANTIGUA and should inelude
agent’s commission.
2. The conditions stated in para-
graph 2 of the Tender for Flour
notice of the 25th May, 1954, apply
to this notice.
3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal,
Halifax or St. John and shipped to
arrive in Antigua not later than the
26th September, 1954. A notice of
the award and the price accepted by
Government will be published.
3. 'Fonders should be in sealed
envelopes marked ‘Tenders — for
flour†and should he adidressed to
His Honour the Administrator and
showidl reach the Adininistrator’s
Office not Jater than 4 p.m. on 25th
August, 1954.
5. Government does not bind it-
self to aceept the lowest any
Admintisirator’s Office,
16th August, 1954.
Ref. No. A. 40/18.
British Caribbean Air Trans-
port Advisory Council
The Council invites applications
from suitably qualified persons for
the following post:
TARY (Civil Aviation) at an annual
salary in scale £900 x 50—£1,000
perannum, Passages on assumiption
and termination of appointment for
the Administrative Secretary and
family up to five m all from and to
tne place of engagement will be
paid by the Conneil,
The post does not at present carry
pension or superannuation rights,
The appointment will be for a period
of three years in the first instance.
Candidates should possess know-
ledge and experience in office
miunagement and also some experience
in aeronautical practice and proce-
dures and a knowledge of the civil
aviation pattern in the British West
The Council reserves the right to
fill the post by invitation if no suita-
ble application is received.
[19 August, 1954.
Applications furnishing full details
of candidates’ education, special quali-
fications and experience, together
with supporting documents and names
of two referees, should Le addressed
to the Executive Secretary, Regional
Economic Conmittee, Hastings
House, Barbados, before 15th Septem-
ber, 1954.
Post of Agricultural Cfiicer,
Grenada, B. W.I.
“Applications are invited for the
vacant post of Agricultural Officer in
the Department of Grenada, B.W.I.
The post, which is pensionable
carries a salary scale of $3300 rising
by annual ineresnenis of $120 to
$4820 (£700 x £25 £900). Consider-
ation will be given to the appointment
of an applicant ata point in excess of
the minimum, if circumstances
Quarters are provided for which
rent, at the rate of 10% of salary oer
5% the assessed value of the
quarters, Whichever is less, is payable
per annum,
‘ of
The offieer will be required to
keep a car and will be entitled toa
travelling allowance at present at the
rate of $1276 per annum. Govern-
ment will be prepared to approve a
joan te enable the officer to purchase
a Car.
Applications should have as a
minimum qualification the Diploma
of the tiuperial College of Tropical
Agricuiture or cauivalent degree and
should have had considerable experi-
ence as au officer of a Department of
Agriculture. Experience in Applied
Research and Agricultural Extension
work would be advantages as would
general administrative experience,
The duties of the officer will be
those assigned to him by the Superin-
tendent of Agriculture to whom he
will be directly responsible. Such
duties will inelnde the direction of
Agricultural Extension and_ Soil
Conservation programmes, the res-
ponsibility for certain field experi-
ments and trials. as wellas general
work of an administrative nature.
The Agricultural Officer will be
deputy to the Superintendent of
Agriculture for whom he will act as
occasion demands. The officer will
be subject to the Colonial Regulations
and to the General Orders of the ~
Applications must bein the hand-
writing of the applicant who should
give the following particulars about
(a) Age;
(6) Schools, colleges ete. at
which educated, and certificates
and qualifications obtained, with
19 August, 1954]
(c) Nature of present and past
employment, with dates;
(Z2) Kmoluments earned in
present post (or in post in which
last employed, if unemployed);
(e) Past experience in work
similar to that required in the post
now advertised;
(7) Marital Status and number
of children.
Applicants should also furnish
testimonials (which will not be
returned) certified as true copies by a
Justice of the Peace, Minister of
Religion or Head of a Government
Applications which do not coutain
the required information will not be
Applications should be addressed
to the Superintendent of Agriculture,
Botanic Gardens, St. George’s, Gre-
nada, and should reach that address
not later than 15th September, 1954.
Government Office,
Grenada, B.W.L.
29th July, 1954.
Ref. No. 13/00004—IT.
Vacant Post of Assistant
Superintendent of Works,
Public Works Department,
St’ Vincent.
Applications are invited for the
vacant post of Assistant Superinten-
dent of Public Works, St. Vincent,
British West Indies.
2. The salary of the post, which is
pensionable, is in the scale $2,880 per
annum, rising by annual increments
of $120 to $3,600 per annum.
3. No Cost of Living Allowance is
4. Quarters are not provided.
5. A transport allowance of $1,020
per annum is payable in res;ect of a
motor car maintained by the officer
for official travelling.
6. Applicants should havea work-
ing knowledge of the planning,
estimating, setting out and construc-
tion of buildings, bridges, roads and
waterworks and their maintenance.
7. Previous experience in a Vublic
Works Department or with + reput-
able firm of Building Contractors, and
experience in the field organisation of
Works and Labour will be taken into
8. ‘The person appointed will be
liable to transfer to a similar post of
equivalent status in the Windward
9. Applications must be addressed
to the Assistant Administrator and
Establishinent Officer, Government
Office, Kingstown, St. Vincent, and
must reach him not later than 31st
August, 1954,
August, 1954.
Ref, No. A. C. 13/89.
Vacant post of French Mistress,
Bishops’ High School for
Girls, British Guiana.
Applications are invited from suit-
ably qualified persons for appointment
to the post of French Mistress,
Bishops’ High School for Girls,
British Guiana.
2. The duties are to teach mainly
French, including sixth form work
to the standard of the Advanced
Level of the General Certificate of
Education of London University.
The person appointed will he expected
to take part in some of the extra-
curritular activities of the school in
addition to her teaching duties.
3. Candidates should possess an
honours degree in French, or a good
General Arts degree, with Trench as
one subject. Preference will be given
to a candidate who has cither some
teaching experience or a teacher’s
diploma. It would be an advantage
if the candidate has resided for some
time in France or in a_ French-
speaking territory.
4. The successtul candidate will
be allowed a commencing — salary
within the scale £500 x £25—£625
per annum appropriate to her experi-
ence andjfor qualifications and at
present a temporary cost of living
allowance at the rate of £62. 10s.
per annum is also payable. Some
improvement In these emoluments
may however be expected to result
from the general revision of the
salaries of public officers now being
5. The appointment would nor-
mally he pensionable. subject to the
candidate’s medical fitness and to
satisfactory service during a proba-
tionary period of three years, but the
successful candidate could, if she ‘so
preferred, be appointed on a three-
year contract, in which case she
would be granted on the satisfactory
conclusion of her period of contract
service a gratuity calculated at the
rate of 224% of basic salary for each
completed period of three months’
service, including approved leave.
6. The successful candidate will
be subject on appointment to the
Colonial Regulations and local General
Orders and instructions in force for
the time being in so far as they are
7. Vacation leave (for both ‘pen
sionable†and “contract†staff is)
earned at the rate of five days for
each completed month - of resident
service up to a maximum of six
months, subject to a minimum tour
of two years resident service.
8. A pensionable appointee would
be eligible for ‘assisted passagesâ€
when travelling to and from leave,
subject to the provision of funds an-
nually by the Legislative Council and
to the reqvirements of the Public
Officers Leave (Passage) Regulations.
9. Tf recruited from overseas for
service on contract, the Mistress would
be provided by Government with a
passage to British Guiana in order to
take up her appointment and with
a passage back to the place from
which she was recruited on the
satisfactory completion of her con-
10. Applications should be addregs-
ed to the Headmistress, Bishops’ High
School for Girls, British Guiana, in
time to reach her not later than the
15th of August, 1954. (Copies and
not originals of certificates and testi-
monials should be submitted).
(PSC. No, 35/21/2/2/7 V).
Central] Experiment Station,
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
Jan. 5.41 3.60 241 1.93 3.94
Feb. 2.52 1.85 1.60 1.02 245
Mar. 158 1.09 1.62 5.60 1,08
Apr. 244 2.16 3.14 2.06 AY
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3.83
June 1660 2.74 574 1.31 3.382
July 1.85 3.28 838 320 3.47
Aug. 14 1.13 $3 2.59 1.90 1.74
18.65 26.12 28.55 18.52 19.42
Pyinted at the Government Printing Offiee, Leeward Islands, by E. M. Buackmay, E.D,
Government Printer.—By Authority,
1954 :
[Price 11 cents.]
No. 6 of LOS. Developinent ( Felephone) Loan.
[ AssEen'r,
KX. W. Bruackperne,
14th August, 1954.
[14th August, 1954.]
No. 6 of 1954.
An Ordinance to make provision for raising a
loan of two hundred and sixteen thousand
dollars for the purpose of financing the re-
organisation of the telephone sy stem in the
Island of Antigua,
WHERICAS it is expedient to raise a loan
of two hundred and sixteen thousand dollars for
the purpose specified in the Schedule hereto:
ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows: ~~
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the De-
velopment (Telephone) Loan Ordinanee, 1954.
2. The Governor is hereby anthorised to:
raise a loan of an amount sufficient to produce
as nearly as may be the sum of two hundred and
sixteen thousand dollars and such further sums
as may be necessary to defray the expenses of
3. The principal moneys and interest re-
presented by the loan issued under the provisions
of this Ordinance are hereby charged upon and
shall be payable out of the eeneral revenues and
assets of the Presidency.
4. The loan hereby authorised or any part
of tt may be raised in London under the provi-
sions of the General Loan and Stoek Ordinanee,
Short title.
Authority to
Governor to
Security for
Method of
raising loan,
of Joan,
of sinking
fund and
payment of
2 No. Gof 1954. Development (Telephone) Loan.
1950 or, notwithstanding anything to the con-
trary in the said Ordinance, independently of
that Ordinance, as the Governor or the Crown
Agents for Oversea Governments and Adminis-
trations (hercinafter referred to as the Crown
Aveuts) acting ov his behalf may decide.
5. (1) Any sum raised to defray the ex-
penses of issue shall be applied only to that
(2) Save as aforesaid, the money to be bor-
rowed under the authority of this Ordinance
shall be appropriated and applied to the purpose
specified in the Schedule hereto.
6. (1) If any loan hereby authorised is
raised -inder the provisions of the General Loan
and Stock Ordinance, 1950, then the contribu-
tion to sinking fund as contemplated by the
provisions of sections 14 and 258 of the said
Ordinance, a8 the case may be, shall commence
in respect of any issue under this Ordinance not
later than one year after the date from which
the interest on such issue shall commence to
(2) If any loan hereby authorised is raised
independently of the General Loan and Stock
Ordinance, 1950, then the following provisions
shall apply :—
(a) So long as any portion of the loan
remains outstanding the Governor shall in
each half-year ending with the day on
which the interest on the loan falls due ap-
propriate out of the general revenues and
assets of the residency a sum equal to one
half-year’s interest on the whoie of the loan
outstanding and shall remit that sum to the
Crown Avonts at sttch time as will enable
them to pay theveout the then current hali-
year’s interest on the day on which it falls
(6) The Governor shall also in each
hail vear ending as aforesaid appropriate
out of the said revenues and assets of the
No. 6 of 1954. Development (Telephone) Loan. 3 ANTIATA.
Presidency tor the formation of a sinking
fund for the repayment of the loan at par
an additional sum in respect of the total
nominal amount of the loan outstanding
equal to one-hall of the annual contribution
to be decided upon by the Governor on the
issue of the loan and shall remit that sum to
the Crown Agents with the remittance here-
inbefore mentioned:
Provided that the said contribution
shall commence not later than one year
after the date from which the interest on
the loan shail commence to run.
(c) The aforesaid contribution shall be
not less than such amount as may be deters
mined with the approval of the Secretary of
State to be sullicient to redeem the loan at.
its due date.
(d) The Crown Agents shall place at
interest or invest so much of the money so
remitted to them as aforesaid as shall not be
reqtured for the payment of interest for the
eurrent half-year in the purchase ot such
securities as may be approved by the Secre-
tary of State as a sinking fund for the final
extinction of the debt and the Crown Agents
shall also place at interest or invest the
dividends, interest or produce of snch
investments in the purchase of like securi-
ties and may from time to time with the
approval of the Secretary of State change
any such investments and shall hold such
funds in trust for the repayment of the
principal moneys for the time being repre-
sented by the loan.
(e) Incase the sinking fund provided
for by this Ordinance shail be insufficent for
the payment of all the principal MONEYS
borrowed under the authority of this Ordi-
nanee at the time fhe same shall have he-
come due the (rovernor shall make good the
deticiencies out of the general revenues and
assets of the Presidency,
Antigua, { Derelopment (Telephone) Loan. No. 6 of 1954.
Passed the Lesislative Council this 4th day
of August, 1964.
J. L. Ropryson,
Clerk of the Council.
For the reorganisation of the tele-
phone system in the Island of Antigua. . $216,000.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer, ~Py Authority.
—490.-8.54 Frice 6 cents,