Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076863/00214
Material Information
- Title:
- Leeward Islands gazette
- Added title page title:
- Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
- Creator:
- Leeward Islands (West Indies)
- Place of Publication:
- [Antigua
- Publisher:
- Gov. Printing Office]
- Publication Date:
- Aug 12, 1954
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Law Leeward Islands (Federation) Montserrat
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt ) Official gazettes ( fast ) Gazettes ( fast ) newspaper ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- 1- , 1872-
- General Note:
- Two pages per frame.
- General Note:
- Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
- General Note:
- Weekly
- General Note:
- Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
- General Note:
- Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
- General Note:
- Some issues called "extraordinary."
- General Note:
- Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
- General Note:
- Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
- General Note:
- Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )
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It is notified for general inforiia-
tion that the Goevernor’s Deputy has
issued a Commission appointing Mr.
A. F. L. LOuIsy as Additional Magis-
trate in and for the Magisterial Dis-
trict “LL†(Barbuda) from the 17th
July, 1954.
The Secretariat,
10th August, 1954.
Ret. No. 13/v0247.
With reference to the Notice
published in the Leeward Islands
Gazette of the 15th January, 1953, it
igs notified for general information
that, pending the issue of Her Majes-
ty’s Exequatur, Lieutenant Colonel
Heenan ALBORNOZ-NINO has been
accorded provisional recognition as
Venezuclan Consul-General at Port of
Spain, ‘Trinidad, in place of Dr.
The Secretariat,
at Antigua.
9th August, 1954.
Ref. No. 19/00009
It is notified for general informa-
tion that Dr. R. H. G. PERKS, resident
at Swetes, assumed office as District
Medical Officer District No. 5 (St.
Pauls) on July 26th 1954 and that Dr.
B. K. ATTLEE (Mrs. PERKS) also
resident at Swetes, assumed office on
July 26th 1954 as District Medical
Officer, District No. 4 (Windward).
Administrator's Office,
St. John’s,
9th August, 1954.
5 A/004.
The Administrator of Antigua has
been pleased to appoint the Additional
Magistrate, Distriets “A†and “Bâ€
to be a Rent Commissioner and Chair-
man of the Rent Commissioners for
the Presidency of Antigua from the
Ist August, 1954.
Administrator's Office,
St. John’s,
10th August, 1954.
Ref, No. A. 38/15.
; â„¢
228. 72.77
y/ 4
Published by Authority.
The Administrator of Antigua has
appointed Mrs. VIOLE'r GOODWIN of
All Saints to be Assistant Registrar of
Births, Deaths and Marriages for the
Parish of Saint Paul with effect from
12th August, 1954.
Administrators Otjee,
6thAwgust, 1954.
Ref. No. A. 47/23
No. 73.
Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—
ARMSTRONG, J.. P. O. Cl. III, to be
bk. 0. Cl. I, Central Lunatic Asy-
lum, Antigua. Aug. 1
ATYrLKE, Dr. B. K., (Mrs. PERKs), to
be Medical Officer, Antigua.
June 29
Francis, W. C., to be Foreman,
Latrine System, Municipal, Anti-
gua. July 16
GREEN, E., P. O. Cl. ITI, to be P.O.
Cl. II, Municipal, Antigua.
Jan. 1
Hopkins, Miss I., P. O. Cl. III, to
ba P. O. Cl. II, Central Lunatic
Asylum, Antigua. Aug. 1
PERKS, R. H. G., to be District Medi-
cal Officer, Antigua. June l
Swirt., Miss M., to be Junior Clerk,
Municipal. Antigua. July 1
No. 74. “3
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Ordinance:—
Virgin Islands.
No. 1 of 1954, ‘‘The Denomina-
tional School Teachers Pension
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.
No. 75. can
The Governor has this day been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinance:—
No. 10 of 1954, “The Cotton
Export Duty (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1954.†July 26
No. 38.
ANTIGUA, 27th July, 1954.
Works, Hampstead Road. London,
N. W., England, have applied for
Registration of two Trade Marks
consisting of the following:—
Mamber One
in Class 42 that is to say:—
Tobacco whether manufactured or
The Applicants claim that they have
used the said Trade Mark in respect
of the said goods for thirty & four
years respectively before the date of
their said Application.
Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to reyvistration of the said Trade Mark.
Ag. Registrar of Trade Murks.
ANTIGUA, 19th July, 1954.
of 800 Davis Street, San Leandro,
State of California, United States of
America, have applied for Negistra-
tion of one Trade Mark ccnsisting of
the following:—
in Classes 6 and 7, that is to say:
Class 6, —Machinery of sil kinds,
and parts of machinery, except
agricultural and horticultural
machines and their parts.
Class 7 -~Agricultural and horti-
cultural machinery, and parts of
such machinery.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for four and
one and a half years respectively
before ithe date of their said
Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Lesward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade
Ag. Registrar of Trade Marks.
ANTIGUA, 19th July, 1954.
LIMITED, of Kersal Vaie Works,
Moor Lane, Kersal, Manchester,
England, have applied for Registra-
tion of one Trade Mark consisting of
the following:-—
in class 48 that is to say:—Perfumery
(including toilet articles, preparations
for the teeth and hair and perfumed
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 12 years
before the date of their said
Any person may within three
monihs from the date of the first
apperance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.
Registrar Generals Office,
In accordance with the provisions
of Section 16 of the Marriage Ordi-
pance, 1923, the following building
has been registered in the Presidency
of Antigua asa building where Banns
of Marriage may be published.
Seventh Day Adventists Church,
Cedar Grove, Antigua.
Dated the 5th day of August, 1954.
Ag. Registrar-General
In the Matter of the Estate of.
Kathleen Louisa Gray, late of
the Town of Plymouth in the
Island of Montserrat, deceased.
(Unrepresented). —
There will be sold by Public Auc-
tion at the Old Secondary Sehool
Annex at Webb’s Extension on Wed-
nesday the Ist September, 1954 at the
hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoun:—
All furniture, honsehold effects and
sundry other articles belonging to the
above-mentioned estate.
Administrator of Estates.
M. 65A/8—1V,
Vacant Post of Assistant
Director of Land
Settlement (Agricultural).
applications are invited from suit-
ably qualified candidates wishing to
secure appointment to the vacant post
of Assistant Director of Land Settle-
ment (Agricultural), British Guiana.
2. The post carries a fixed pension-
able salary of £1,100 ($5,280) per
annum (scale A 12) plus a temporary
cost-of-living allowance at the rate of
£62. 10s. ($300) per annum, but the
emoluments offered may be increased
asa result of the general revision of
3. The Assistant Director of Land
Settlement (Agricultural) will be
required to assist the Director of the
newly established Land Settlement
Department in the implementation of,
and in the management and supervi-
sion of the land settlement schemes in
the Colony. The main initial duty of
the Department would be to study
and frame definite policies for adop-
tion by the Government with respect
of land settlement and tenure,
The officer will be required! to
undertake the general supervision of
agricullural activities of settlers. He
should possess a recognised qualifica-
tion in Agriculture. Experience in
peasant agricniture with special
referenece to land settlements would
be an advantage.
4. The appointment would nor-
mally be pensionable, subject to the
candidate’s medical fitness and, where
necessary, to satisfactory service dur-
ing a probationery period of three
years, but the candidate could, if he
so preferred, be appointed on a three
year contract which might be renewed
for a further period or periods. Un-
der present terms on the satisfactory
completion of his contract service, he
would be paid a gratuity calculated
at the rate 223% of basic salary for
each completed period of three
months’ service, including approved
“are applicable.
12 August, 1954.
&. The person selected for the
appointment will he subject to the
Colonial Regulations aud to local Gen-
eral Orders and instructions in force
for the time being in so far as they
An officer placed on
the pensionable Establishment will be
eligible for vacation leave at the rate
of five days for each completed month
of resident service up to a maximnm
of six months, subject to the com-
pletion of a minimum tour of ‘service
of two years. If married, a pension-
able officer would also.be eligible for
the grant of assisted leave passages for
himself and his wife when granted
vacation leave, subject to the provi-
sion of funds annually by the Legis-
lature and to the requirements of
the Public Officers (Leave) Passages
Regulations, 1952.
6. In the case of an officer selected
from overseas, free passages to the
Colony will be furnished for himself
and his wife aud children (if any) not
exceeding five persons in all provided
they either accompany him to British
Guiana or proceed to join him within
twelve months after the date ot his
departure for the Colony. If he is
serving on contract, the officer and his
family, up toa hiit of five persons,
will also be provided at the Colony’s
expense with passages back to the
country from which he was recruited
on the satisfactery conclusion of his
contract. He will also earn vacation
leave on the same basis as is laid down
in paragraph 5 above for an officer on
the Pensionable Establishinent.
7. All applications must be ad-
dressed to the Chief Establishment
Officer, Central Seeretariat, British
Guiana, and should reach him not
later than the loth of Angnest, 1954.
Copies and not originals of testi-
monials and certificates shonld be
& It should be noted that the
appointment of any person to this post
is snbject to the approval of the
Secretary of State for the Colonies,
who may decide to select some other
9, Applicants already in the em-
ployment of Government should sub-
mit their applications through the
normal official channels.
Establishment Department,
Central Seoreiariat.
July, 1954.
(M. P. C.
Applications are invited from quali-
fied persons (men or women) for
appointment as Administative Assist-
ants (Cadet) in the Administative
Service of the Government of Jamiaca.
The post is non-pensionable and
carries a salery of £500 a year.
Successful candidates, provided they
pass the prescribed medical examina-
tion, will be appointed on probation
for a period of three yearsand if their
12 August, 1954. ]
service is satisfactory will be eligible
for appointment to the pensionable
post of Administrative Assistant
(£620-25-770-920): promotion to the
post of Administrative Assistant will
normally take place at the end of the
probationary period, but cadets show-
ing Administrative ability may be
considered for such promotion before
the end of this period.
Cadets will normally be attached on
appointment either to the Colonial
Secretary’s Office or to one of the
Ministries, and will be liable to
transfer between one Ministry and
another in order to gain experience.
Cadets may be required to take a
course of training in the United King-
dom after serving for about a year; this
training will usually take the form of
the Overseas Training Course “ A†at
Oxford or Cambridge; free passages to
and from the United Kingdom will
be provided and subsistence al!owance
Candidates should possess a recog-
nised University degree and should not
be less than 21 years of age or older
than 26 years of age at the date of .
application. Applications in writing
should be forwarded to reach the
Colonial Secretary’s Office (Establish-
ments Branch), Kingston, Jamaica,
not later than the 30th of September,
Aoting Colonial Secretary,
Vacant post of French Mistress,
Bishops’ High School for
Girls, British Guiana.
Applications are invited from suit-
ably qualified persons for appointment
to the post of French Mistress,
Bishops’ High School for Girls,
British Guiana.
2. The duties are to teach mainly
French, including sixth form work
to the standard of the Advanced
Level of the General Certificate of
Education of London University.
The person appointed will be expected
to take part in some of the extra-
curricular activities of the school in
addition to her teaching duties.
3. Candidates should possess an
honours degree in French, or a good
General Arts degree, with French as
one subject. Preference will be given
to a candidate who has either some
teaching experience or a teacher’s
diploma. It would be an advantage
if the candidate has resided for some
time in France or in a_ French-
speaking territory.
4, The successful candidate will
be allowed a commencing salary
within the scale £500 x £25—£625
per annum appropriate to her experi-
ence andjor qualifications and at
present a temporary cost of living
allowance at the rate of £62. 10s.
per annum is also payable. Some
improvement in these_ emoluments
may however be expected to result
from the general revision of the
salaries of public officers now being
5. The appointment would ner-
inally be pensionable, subject to the
candidate’s medical fitness and to
satisfactory service during a proba-
tionary period of three years, but the
successful candidate could, if she so
preferred, be appointed on a three-
year contract, in which case she
would be granted on the satisfactory
conclusion of her period of contract
service a gratuity calculated at the
rate of 224% of basic salary for each
completed period of three months’
service, including approved leave.
6. The successful candidate will
be subject on appointment to the
Colonial Regulations and local General
Orders and instructions in force for
the time being in so far as they are
7. Vacation leave (for both “pen
sionable†and ‘contract’ staff) is
earned at the rate of five days for
each completed month of resident
service up to a maximum of six
months, subject to a minimum tour
of two years resident service.
8. A pensionable appointee would
be eligible for ‘assisted passagesâ€
when travelling to and from leave,
subject to the provision of funds an-
nually by the Legislative Council and
to the requirements of the Public
Officers Leave (Passage) Regulations.
9. Tf recruited from overseas for
service on contract, the Mistress would
be provided by Government with a
passage to British Guiana in order to
take up her appointment and with
a passage back to the place from
which she was recruited on the
satisfactory completion of her con-
10. Applications should be addregs-
ed to the Headmistress, Bishops’ High
School for Girls, British Guiana, in
time to reach her not later than the
15th of August, 1954. (Copies and
not originals of certificates and testi-
monials should be submitted).
(PSO. No. 35/21/2/2/7 V).
Central Experiment Station,
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953, i954,
Jan. 541 3.60 241 1.98 3,04
Feb. 2.52 1.88 1.60 1.02 2,45
Mar. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1,08
Apr. 244 2.16 3.14 2.06 AQ
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3,83
June 1.66 2.74 5.74 1.381 3.32
July 185 3.28 838 3.20 3.47
Aug. 7 6622184678
18.18 25.51 27.30 17.29 19.03
154 THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. {12 August, 1952.
All figures in B. W. I. dollars,
Number of reporting banks: 2 (Barclays Bank (D.C, & 0.) and Royal Bank of Canada).
Figures for end of quarter 80th June, 1954.
$ |
Notes in circulation 10,045.00 , 1. Cash 1,049,453,82
| 2. Balances due by other banks in Colony 1,467.58
Deposits 10,109,083.77 3. Balances due from banks abroad
(i) Demand 3,835,746.39 and other short claims 7,590,665.23
(ii) Time 300,020.92 4. Loans and Advances 1,361,125.48
(iii) Savings 5,973,316.46 To:
(i) Primary production (including
Balances due to processing of primary
(a) Other banks in Colony 212,094.39 products) 6,569.83
(>) Banks abroad 237,052.66 (ii) Other Industries (includ-
ing Commerce
4. Other Liabilities, ete. 361,133.69 Transportation and
Distribution) 827,610.32
(iii) Other Advances 526,945.33
5. Investments
(a) Local _
(b) Other _
6. Other Assets 926,217.40
Total Liabilities 10,929,409.51 Total Assets 10,929,409.51
1. At the beginning of the Hurricane Season the public are advised to take measures to
safeguard their homes in the event of a storm. Supplementing lights should be provided by per-
sons using the town Electricity, as this supply will be turned off during « severe hurricane.
2. Owners of Barometers should take readings daily at LO a.m. and 4 p.m. and 10 p.m.
Any change lower than the usual diurnal one of 0°10 inch should be regarded with suspicion.
3. The masters of Agents of Shipping if in doubt should communicate with the Harbour
Master for information.
4. When barring up a house, on indication of bad weather, begin with the side facing
the direction of the prevailing wind. which varies from North West to North East. Should the
centre of the storm pass over the island there will bea short period of calm during which the
Northern side of the building could be opened up and the Southern and Westerly sides closed.
Very often there is no calm, and under such circumstances it is wise to have everything securely
Storm Warning Signals.
The following signals displayed at the Harbour Master’s Office, Goat Hill and Police
Headquarters denote the approach of disturbed weather:—
A. A Red Flag with black square on centre means Tropical disturbance reported;
likely to affect island of Antigua—CAUTION ADVISED.
B. TWO ved flags, with black squares in centre—HURRICANI S!IGNAL—
Two DETONATING Rockets will be Fired from the Harbour Master’s Office to warn
The Police will go through St. John’s and Villages sounding their whistles.
Telephone Exchanges will inform Subscribers.
After a hurricane warning has been received the news will be broadcast by Radio on
a frequency of 5740 Kjes (52.26 metres) Every hour ON the hour.
Administrator's Office,
7th August, 1954.
Ref. No. A. 52/6—-IT.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. M. BLACKMAN, E.D,
Government Printer.—-By Authority
[Price 7 cents.)
Full Text |
It is notified for general inforiia-
tion that the Goevernor’s Deputy has
issued a Commission appointing Mr.
A. F. L. LOuIsy as Additional Magis-
trate in and for the Magisterial Dis-
trict “LL†(Barbuda) from the 17th
July, 1954.
The Secretariat,
10th August, 1954.
Ret. No. 13/v0247.
With reference to the Notice
published in the Leeward Islands
Gazette of the 15th January, 1953, it
igs notified for general information
that, pending the issue of Her Majes-
ty’s Exequatur, Lieutenant Colonel
Heenan ALBORNOZ-NINO has been
accorded provisional recognition as
Venezuclan Consul-General at Port of
Spain, ‘Trinidad, in place of Dr.
The Secretariat,
at Antigua.
9th August, 1954.
Ref. No. 19/00009
It is notified for general informa-
tion that Dr. R. H. G. PERKS, resident
at Swetes, assumed office as District
Medical Officer District No. 5 (St.
Pauls) on July 26th 1954 and that Dr.
B. K. ATTLEE (Mrs. PERKS) also
resident at Swetes, assumed office on
July 26th 1954 as District Medical
Officer, District No. 4 (Windward).
Administrator's Office,
St. John’s,
9th August, 1954.
5 A/004.
The Administrator of Antigua has
been pleased to appoint the Additional
Magistrate, Distriets “A†and “Bâ€
to be a Rent Commissioner and Chair-
man of the Rent Commissioners for
the Presidency of Antigua from the
Ist August, 1954.
Administrator's Office,
St. John’s,
10th August, 1954.
Ref, No. A. 38/15.
; â„¢
228. 72.77
y/ 4
Published by Authority.
The Administrator of Antigua has
appointed Mrs. VIOLE'r GOODWIN of
All Saints to be Assistant Registrar of
Births, Deaths and Marriages for the
Parish of Saint Paul with effect from
12th August, 1954.
Administrators Otjee,
6thAwgust, 1954.
Ref. No. A. 47/23
No. 73.
Appointments and transfers ete.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated, are published for
general information :—
ARMSTRONG, J.. P. O. Cl. III, to be
bk. 0. Cl. I, Central Lunatic Asy-
lum, Antigua. Aug. 1
ATYrLKE, Dr. B. K., (Mrs. PERKs), to
be Medical Officer, Antigua.
June 29
Francis, W. C., to be Foreman,
Latrine System, Municipal, Anti-
gua. July 16
GREEN, E., P. O. Cl. ITI, to be P.O.
Cl. II, Municipal, Antigua.
Jan. 1
Hopkins, Miss I., P. O. Cl. III, to
ba P. O. Cl. II, Central Lunatic
Asylum, Antigua. Aug. 1
PERKS, R. H. G., to be District Medi-
cal Officer, Antigua. June l
Swirt., Miss M., to be Junior Clerk,
Municipal. Antigua. July 1
No. 74. “3
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Ordinance:—
Virgin Islands.
No. 1 of 1954, ‘‘The Denomina-
tional School Teachers Pension
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.
No. 75. can
The Governor has this day been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinance:—
No. 10 of 1954, “The Cotton
Export Duty (Amendment) Ordi-
nance, 1954.†July 26
No. 38.
ANTIGUA, 27th July, 1954.
Works, Hampstead Road. London,
N. W., England, have applied for
Registration of two Trade Marks
consisting of the following:—
Mamber One
in Class 42 that is to say:—
Tobacco whether manufactured or
The Applicants claim that they have
used the said Trade Mark in respect
of the said goods for thirty & four
years respectively before the date of
their said Application.
Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to reyvistration of the said Trade Mark.
Ag. Registrar of Trade Murks.
ANTIGUA, 19th July, 1954.
of 800 Davis Street, San Leandro,
State of California, United States of
America, have applied for Negistra-
tion of one Trade Mark ccnsisting of
the following:—
in Classes 6 and 7, that is to say:
Class 6, —Machinery of sil kinds,
and parts of machinery, except
agricultural and horticultural
machines and their parts.
Class 7 -~Agricultural and horti-
cultural machinery, and parts of
such machinery.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for four and
one and a half years respectively
before ithe date of their said
Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Lesward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade
Ag. Registrar of Trade Marks.
ANTIGUA, 19th July, 1954.
LIMITED, of Kersal Vaie Works,
Moor Lane, Kersal, Manchester,
England, have applied for Registra-
tion of one Trade Mark consisting of
the following:-—
in class 48 that is to say:—Perfumery
(including toilet articles, preparations
for the teeth and hair and perfumed
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 12 years
before the date of their said
Any person may within three
monihs from the date of the first
apperance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.
Registrar Generals Office,
In accordance with the provisions
of Section 16 of the Marriage Ordi-
pance, 1923, the following building
has been registered in the Presidency
of Antigua asa building where Banns
of Marriage may be published.
Seventh Day Adventists Church,
Cedar Grove, Antigua.
Dated the 5th day of August, 1954.
Ag. Registrar-General
In the Matter of the Estate of.
Kathleen Louisa Gray, late of
the Town of Plymouth in the
Island of Montserrat, deceased.
(Unrepresented). —
There will be sold by Public Auc-
tion at the Old Secondary Sehool
Annex at Webb’s Extension on Wed-
nesday the Ist September, 1954 at the
hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoun:—
All furniture, honsehold effects and
sundry other articles belonging to the
above-mentioned estate.
Administrator of Estates.
M. 65A/8—1V,
Vacant Post of Assistant
Director of Land
Settlement (Agricultural).
applications are invited from suit-
ably qualified candidates wishing to
secure appointment to the vacant post
of Assistant Director of Land Settle-
ment (Agricultural), British Guiana.
2. The post carries a fixed pension-
able salary of £1,100 ($5,280) per
annum (scale A 12) plus a temporary
cost-of-living allowance at the rate of
£62. 10s. ($300) per annum, but the
emoluments offered may be increased
asa result of the general revision of
3. The Assistant Director of Land
Settlement (Agricultural) will be
required to assist the Director of the
newly established Land Settlement
Department in the implementation of,
and in the management and supervi-
sion of the land settlement schemes in
the Colony. The main initial duty of
the Department would be to study
and frame definite policies for adop-
tion by the Government with respect
of land settlement and tenure,
The officer will be required! to
undertake the general supervision of
agricullural activities of settlers. He
should possess a recognised qualifica-
tion in Agriculture. Experience in
peasant agricniture with special
referenece to land settlements would
be an advantage.
4. The appointment would nor-
mally be pensionable, subject to the
candidate’s medical fitness and, where
necessary, to satisfactory service dur-
ing a probationery period of three
years, but the candidate could, if he
so preferred, be appointed on a three
year contract which might be renewed
for a further period or periods. Un-
der present terms on the satisfactory
completion of his contract service, he
would be paid a gratuity calculated
at the rate 223% of basic salary for
each completed period of three
months’ service, including approved
“are applicable.
12 August, 1954.
&. The person selected for the
appointment will he subject to the
Colonial Regulations aud to local Gen-
eral Orders and instructions in force
for the time being in so far as they
An officer placed on
the pensionable Establishment will be
eligible for vacation leave at the rate
of five days for each completed month
of resident service up to a maximnm
of six months, subject to the com-
pletion of a minimum tour of ‘service
of two years. If married, a pension-
able officer would also.be eligible for
the grant of assisted leave passages for
himself and his wife when granted
vacation leave, subject to the provi-
sion of funds annually by the Legis-
lature and to the requirements of
the Public Officers (Leave) Passages
Regulations, 1952.
6. In the case of an officer selected
from overseas, free passages to the
Colony will be furnished for himself
and his wife aud children (if any) not
exceeding five persons in all provided
they either accompany him to British
Guiana or proceed to join him within
twelve months after the date ot his
departure for the Colony. If he is
serving on contract, the officer and his
family, up toa hiit of five persons,
will also be provided at the Colony’s
expense with passages back to the
country from which he was recruited
on the satisfactery conclusion of his
contract. He will also earn vacation
leave on the same basis as is laid down
in paragraph 5 above for an officer on
the Pensionable Establishinent.
7. All applications must be ad-
dressed to the Chief Establishment
Officer, Central Seeretariat, British
Guiana, and should reach him not
later than the loth of Angnest, 1954.
Copies and not originals of testi-
monials and certificates shonld be
& It should be noted that the
appointment of any person to this post
is snbject to the approval of the
Secretary of State for the Colonies,
who may decide to select some other
9, Applicants already in the em-
ployment of Government should sub-
mit their applications through the
normal official channels.
Establishment Department,
Central Seoreiariat.
July, 1954.
(M. P. C.
Applications are invited from quali-
fied persons (men or women) for
appointment as Administative Assist-
ants (Cadet) in the Administative
Service of the Government of Jamiaca.
The post is non-pensionable and
carries a salery of £500 a year.
Successful candidates, provided they
pass the prescribed medical examina-
tion, will be appointed on probation
for a period of three yearsand if their
12 August, 1954. ]
service is satisfactory will be eligible
for appointment to the pensionable
post of Administrative Assistant
(£620-25-770-920): promotion to the
post of Administrative Assistant will
normally take place at the end of the
probationary period, but cadets show-
ing Administrative ability may be
considered for such promotion before
the end of this period.
Cadets will normally be attached on
appointment either to the Colonial
Secretary’s Office or to one of the
Ministries, and will be liable to
transfer between one Ministry and
another in order to gain experience.
Cadets may be required to take a
course of training in the United King-
dom after serving for about a year; this
training will usually take the form of
the Overseas Training Course “ A†at
Oxford or Cambridge; free passages to
and from the United Kingdom will
be provided and subsistence al!owance
Candidates should possess a recog-
nised University degree and should not
be less than 21 years of age or older
than 26 years of age at the date of .
application. Applications in writing
should be forwarded to reach the
Colonial Secretary’s Office (Establish-
ments Branch), Kingston, Jamaica,
not later than the 30th of September,
Aoting Colonial Secretary,
Vacant post of French Mistress,
Bishops’ High School for
Girls, British Guiana.
Applications are invited from suit-
ably qualified persons for appointment
to the post of French Mistress,
Bishops’ High School for Girls,
British Guiana.
2. The duties are to teach mainly
French, including sixth form work
to the standard of the Advanced
Level of the General Certificate of
Education of London University.
The person appointed will be expected
to take part in some of the extra-
curricular activities of the school in
addition to her teaching duties.
3. Candidates should possess an
honours degree in French, or a good
General Arts degree, with French as
one subject. Preference will be given
to a candidate who has either some
teaching experience or a teacher’s
diploma. It would be an advantage
if the candidate has resided for some
time in France or in a_ French-
speaking territory.
4, The successful candidate will
be allowed a commencing salary
within the scale £500 x £25—£625
per annum appropriate to her experi-
ence andjor qualifications and at
present a temporary cost of living
allowance at the rate of £62. 10s.
per annum is also payable. Some
improvement in these_ emoluments
may however be expected to result
from the general revision of the
salaries of public officers now being
5. The appointment would ner-
inally be pensionable, subject to the
candidate’s medical fitness and to
satisfactory service during a proba-
tionary period of three years, but the
successful candidate could, if she so
preferred, be appointed on a three-
year contract, in which case she
would be granted on the satisfactory
conclusion of her period of contract
service a gratuity calculated at the
rate of 224% of basic salary for each
completed period of three months’
service, including approved leave.
6. The successful candidate will
be subject on appointment to the
Colonial Regulations and local General
Orders and instructions in force for
the time being in so far as they are
7. Vacation leave (for both “pen
sionable†and ‘contract’ staff) is
earned at the rate of five days for
each completed month of resident
service up to a maximum of six
months, subject to a minimum tour
of two years resident service.
8. A pensionable appointee would
be eligible for ‘assisted passagesâ€
when travelling to and from leave,
subject to the provision of funds an-
nually by the Legislative Council and
to the requirements of the Public
Officers Leave (Passage) Regulations.
9. Tf recruited from overseas for
service on contract, the Mistress would
be provided by Government with a
passage to British Guiana in order to
take up her appointment and with
a passage back to the place from
which she was recruited on the
satisfactory completion of her con-
10. Applications should be addregs-
ed to the Headmistress, Bishops’ High
School for Girls, British Guiana, in
time to reach her not later than the
15th of August, 1954. (Copies and
not originals of certificates and testi-
monials should be submitted).
(PSO. No. 35/21/2/2/7 V).
Central Experiment Station,
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953, i954,
Jan. 541 3.60 241 1.98 3,04
Feb. 2.52 1.88 1.60 1.02 2,45
Mar. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1,08
Apr. 244 2.16 3.14 2.06 AQ
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 3,83
June 1.66 2.74 5.74 1.381 3.32
July 185 3.28 838 3.20 3.47
Aug. 7 6622184678
18.18 25.51 27.30 17.29 19.03
154 THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. {12 August, 1952.
All figures in B. W. I. dollars,
Number of reporting banks: 2 (Barclays Bank (D.C, & 0.) and Royal Bank of Canada).
Figures for end of quarter 80th June, 1954.
$ |
Notes in circulation 10,045.00 , 1. Cash 1,049,453,82
| 2. Balances due by other banks in Colony 1,467.58
Deposits 10,109,083.77 3. Balances due from banks abroad
(i) Demand 3,835,746.39 and other short claims 7,590,665.23
(ii) Time 300,020.92 4. Loans and Advances 1,361,125.48
(iii) Savings 5,973,316.46 To:
(i) Primary production (including
Balances due to processing of primary
(a) Other banks in Colony 212,094.39 products) 6,569.83
(>) Banks abroad 237,052.66 (ii) Other Industries (includ-
ing Commerce
4. Other Liabilities, ete. 361,133.69 Transportation and
Distribution) 827,610.32
(iii) Other Advances 526,945.33
5. Investments
(a) Local _
(b) Other _
6. Other Assets 926,217.40
Total Liabilities 10,929,409.51 Total Assets 10,929,409.51
1. At the beginning of the Hurricane Season the public are advised to take measures to
safeguard their homes in the event of a storm. Supplementing lights should be provided by per-
sons using the town Electricity, as this supply will be turned off during « severe hurricane.
2. Owners of Barometers should take readings daily at LO a.m. and 4 p.m. and 10 p.m.
Any change lower than the usual diurnal one of 0°10 inch should be regarded with suspicion.
3. The masters of Agents of Shipping if in doubt should communicate with the Harbour
Master for information.
4. When barring up a house, on indication of bad weather, begin with the side facing
the direction of the prevailing wind. which varies from North West to North East. Should the
centre of the storm pass over the island there will bea short period of calm during which the
Northern side of the building could be opened up and the Southern and Westerly sides closed.
Very often there is no calm, and under such circumstances it is wise to have everything securely
Storm Warning Signals.
The following signals displayed at the Harbour Master’s Office, Goat Hill and Police
Headquarters denote the approach of disturbed weather:—
A. A Red Flag with black square on centre means Tropical disturbance reported;
likely to affect island of Antigua—CAUTION ADVISED.
B. TWO ved flags, with black squares in centre—HURRICANI S!IGNAL—
Two DETONATING Rockets will be Fired from the Harbour Master’s Office to warn
The Police will go through St. John’s and Villages sounding their whistles.
Telephone Exchanges will inform Subscribers.
After a hurricane warning has been received the news will be broadcast by Radio on
a frequency of 5740 Kjes (52.26 metres) Every hour ON the hour.
Administrator's Office,
7th August, 1954.
Ref. No. A. 52/6—-IT.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. M. BLACKMAN, E.D,
Government Printer.—-By Authority
[Price 7 cents.)