Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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. Prrblished. by Authority.
JULY, 1954. No. 35.


IN EXEROCISE®E of the powers con-

ferred by section 12 of the Bank
Holidays Act (Cap. 114) it is hereby
notified that the Governor with the
advice of the Hxecutive Council of
the Leeward Islands hereby directs
that consequent on the appointment
under section 6 of the said Act of
Wednesday the 2&%th day of July,
1954, as a Bank Holiday, being the
date on which the Leeward Islands
Cricket Tournament is scehduled to
commence in St, Kitts, the Bank
Holidays Act shall for the purpose of
extending the aforesaid Bank Holi-
day throughout the Presidency of
Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla,
apply to the whole of the said Presi-

Dated this 22nd day of July, 1954.
By His Excellency’s Command,

Colonial Secretary.



I, considering that it is desirable
that Wednesday the 28th day of July,
1954, should be observed as a Bank
Holiday in the Presidency of Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla in
the Colony of the Leeward Islands,
and in pursuance of the provisions of
the Bank Holidays Act (Cap. 114),
do hereby, by and with the advice of
the Executive Couucil of the said
Colony, and in exercise of the powers
conferred by the Act aforesaid, ap-
point Wednesday the 28th day of
July, 1954, as a special day to be re-
served aga Bank Holiday in the said
Presidency, under and in accordance
with the said Act, and I do by this
my Proclamation command the said
day to be so reserved and kept, and
all Her Majesty’s loving subjects in
the said Presidency to order them-
selves accordingly.

GVEN under my hand at the Gov-
ermment House, Antigua, this
22nd day of July, 1954, and in
the third year of Her Majesty’s


7x 77

It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency has issued a
Commission appointing Mr. 8. L.
ATHILL, 1.8.0., M.B.E., to act as
Additional Magistrate in and for the
Magisterial Districts “A” and “B”
with effect from the 16th July, 1954.

The Secretariat,
15th July, 1954.
Ref. No. C. 13/00083.

The Governor has this day been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinances:—


No. 2 of 1954, “The Minerals
(Vesting) (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954.” July 15

No. 3 of 1954, “The Denomina-
tional School Teachers Pension
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”

Jaly 15

No. 4 of 1954, “The Cinemato-
graphs (General Legislature Compe-
tency) (Revocation of Declaration and
Repeal) Ordinance, 1954.” July 15

No. 5 of 1954, ‘The Petroleum
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”
July 15

No. 68.

The following Ordinances and
Statutory Rule and Order are cir-
culated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—


No. 1 of 1954, ‘‘ The Appropriation
Ordinance, 1954.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.


No. 9 of 1954, ‘‘The Montserrat
Constitution and Elections (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954.”

4 pp. Price 6 cents.

General Government.

No. 28 of 1954,‘ The Air Naviga-
tion (Radio) Regulations, 1954.”
28 pp. Price 30 cents.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and

Leeward Islands.


A. D. 1954.

NOTICE is hereby given that in
pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands (Courts) Order-in-Council,
1939 and duly approved as therein:
provided on the 16th day of October,
A. D. 1941, The Honourable the
Puisne Judge selected for the sitting
of the Court in the Saint Christopher
Circuit has appointed the day of the
month on which the ensuing Circuit
Court shall sit as follows, that is to
Bay i-—

The Saint Christopher Circuit on
MONDAY the 26th day of July, 1054
at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.

Dated the Ist day of July, 1954.

Registrar of the Supreme Court.

In the Matter of the Estate of

Kathleen Louisa Gray,
(Unrepresented ).

To all Creditors of the above Estate.

You are hereby notified that you
are to come in and prove your debts
and file your claims at the office of
the Administrator of Estates at the
Court House in the town of Plymouth
in the island of Montserrat agninst
the said estate.

Creditors resident within the Col-
ony of the Leeward Islands are to file
their claims within four months after
the 15th day of May, 1954.

Creditors resident out of the said
Colony are to file their claims within
eight months from the said 15th day
of May, 1954.

that any creditors failing to file their
claims within the time above specified


will be excluded from any benefits
arising from the said Estate.


All persons indebted to the said
deceased are requested to pay the
amount of their respective debts
to me.

Dated the 10th day of May, 1954.


Administrator of Estates.


It is hereby notified for general
information that an examination for a
number of Government Scholarships
to the Autigua Grammar School and
the Antigua Girls’ High School will
be held at the St. John’s Boys’ School-
room) on Wednesday, Ist September,

Qualification of Candidates

2. Candidates shall be qualified to
take the examination who:—

(a) will be over 9 but less than
13 years of age on 31st December,


(0) have attended a school in the
Colony for a period of three years
immediately precesding the 31st
December, 1954 the last twelve
months being at a school in

(c) are in need of financial assist-
ance to enter upon and complete a
Secondary School course;

(a) are British subjects.

3. Applications must be made to
the Inspector of Schools not later than
Saturday, 14th August, 1954.

Applications must be accompan-
ied by a birth or baptismal certificate,
a medical certificate of good health,
certificate from Head Teachers of
Schools certifying regular attendance
for three previous years and good
behaviour of the candidate, and evi-
dence of the need for financial
assistance to parents or guardians to
pay for Secondary education.

Application forms can be obtain
ed from the Inspector of Schools.


4. (a) Arithmetic, including nu-
meration and notation, length,


[22 July, 1954.

time, weight (English



Money (Engish and American -

units), and the application of the
four rules to them with simple,
vulgar and decimal fractions

(5) (i) English Test of candidates

comprehension of a short story

read to or by them.

(ii) Simple exercises in En-
glish Grammar

(c) Writing from dictation

(2) West Indian History and

Inspector of Schools.


Central Experiment Station,


1950, 1951. 1952. 1953, 4954,
Jan. 5.41 3.60 2.41 1.98 3.04
Feb, 2.52 1.88 1.60 1.02 245.
Mar. 158 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08
Apr. 244° 216 3.14 2.06 AY
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 . 3.83
June 166 2.74 5.74 131 3.32
July 17, 1.10 189 802 228 1.97

16.77 23,90 25.60 15.65 16.18 .

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. M. BLacKMAN, E.D,

Government Printer.—By Authority,

[Prive 44 cents.]


No. 1 of 1954. Appropriation, ANTIGUA.

I Assent,
19th February, 1954.

No. 1 of 1954.

An Ordinance to provide for the services of the
Presidency of Antigua for the year ending on
the 81st day of December, 1954. ~

BE IT ORDAINED by the Governor and

Legislative Council of Antigua as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Appropriation Ordinance, 1954.

2. There shall be and there is hereby grant- Appropriation.
ed to Her Majesty the Queen for the service of the
Presidency of Antigua for the year ending on the
thirty-first day of December, 1954, the sum of
five million, six hundred and ninety-five thous-
and, eight hundred and sixty-one dollars over and
above the sums granted and provided under the
Acts and Ordinances in force in the Colony and
this Presidency, to be applied and expended in the

- manner and for the services set forth in the Schedule

3, The said sum of five million, six a
hundred and ninety-five thousand, eight hundred Rovenno.
and sixty-one dollars shall be and the same is
hereby declared to be charged upon and made pay-
able from and out of the General Revenue and
other funds of the said Presidency.

4. The Chief Accountant of the said Presi- Payments
: .! : : how made
dency is hereby authorised and required from time
to time upon the order of the Governor to pay the
annual sums appropriated by and in the said
Schedule to the several services therein mentioned,
as the said order or warrant shall direct out of the

ANTIGUA, 2 | Appropriation. No. 1 of 1954.

General Revenue and other funds of the said
Presidency without further order or formality.

Cominence- 5. This Ordinance shall be deemed to have


had effect as from the Ist day of January, 1964.

R. St. J. O. Wayne,

Passed the Legislative Council the 1st day of
February, 1954.

J. L. Roptnson,
Clerk of the Council.

No. Service. ; Amount.
. $
1. Charges on Account cf Public Debt Be 24622
2. , Pensions and Gratuities ae 61490
3. Federal Contribution w. — 268792
4, Administration “... 137811
5. Barbuda oe 33827
6. Customs Excise Port & Supply ome 54088
7. Agriculture ; ... 2452759
8. Registrar & Provost Marshal ie 18533
9. Magistrates aa 18245
19. Police ; Be 78808
Ll. Prison and Training School a3 68268
12. Medical ee 180068
13. Hospital & Charitable Institutions . 363467
14. Education -. 326089
15. Government Undertakings om 19029
16. Municipa? - 151481
17. Treasury an 34810 |
18. Labour ee 22350
19. Publie Library cae 9718
21. Military as 7224
22. Miscellaneous .. 161601
23. Post Office & Telephones .. 135198
24. Public Works Dept. oe 82785
25. Public Works Recurrent .. 452485
26. Public Works Extraordinary .. 177010
27. Coolidge Air Base Bee 17670
29. Colonial Development Schemes = 801695
30. Deferred Maintenance ae 35938 -
Total .. 9695861

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E. M Buackman, E.D., Government Printer.—By Authority.
—-480 —7.54. [Price 4 cents. ]

No, 9 of 1954.

Montserrat Constitution and
Elections (Amendment).

[ AsSENT, |
K. W, Bracksurne,
25th June, 1954,

NeeOvoG oo

_An Ordinance to amend the Montserrat Consti-
tution and Elections Ordinance, 1952.

BEIT ORDAINED by the Governor and
' Legislative Council of Montserrat as follows:—

-1. This Ordinance may be cited as the

’ Montserrat Constitution and Elections (Amend-

ment) Ordinance, 1958, and shall be read-as one
with the Montserrat Constitution and Elections
Ordinance, 1952, hereinafter called the Principal

2: Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is

_. hereby amended by the deletion therefrom of

. the definition ‘of the expression “ polling divi-
sion”, :

_ 8. Section 4 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by the substitution of the word
“official” for the word “ex-officio” appearing

_ 4. The following section is hereby substi-
tuted for section 5 of the Principal Ordinance:—

“5. (1) The official members of the
Council shall be such persons holding office
~ in the public service as may be appointed
by office or by name by the Governor by
Instrument under the Public Seal of the
(2) The Governor shall forthwith re-
port to Her Majesty through a Secretary of
- State every appointment made under this
section.” a


Short title.

of section 2
of the Prin-
cipal Ordi- ©

of section 4
of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-

of section 5
of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-


Montseerat. 2 Montserrat (‘onstitution and No. 9 of 1954.
Elections (Amendment).
Seen 5. The following section is hereby substi-
of section 8 =
ofthe Prin. tuted for section 8 of the Principal Ordinance: —
vipal Ordi-
recon ene 8. After the Commissioner, the official
0. a .
Seen members of the Council shall take pre-

of section 12
of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-

of section 16
of the Princi-
pal Ordinance.

of section 20
of the Princi-
pal Ordinance.

cedence as Her Majesty may specially
assign, and in default thereof—

Firstly, the official members according
to the priority of the Instruments appoint-
ing them to be members or, if appointed by -
the said Instrument, according to the order
in which they are named therein;

Secondly, persons temporarily appoint-
ed under section 15 of this Ordinance to fill
vacancies in the Council as official members
in such order as the Governor may assign.”


6. The following subsection is
substituted for subsection (4) of section 12
the Principal Ordinance:—

“(4) A nominated member may by
writing under his hand addressed to the
Governor, and an elected member may by
writing under his hand addressed to the
Commissioner, resign his seat on the Coun-
cil. The seat of any such nominated
member shall become vacant upon the
acceptance of his resignation by the Gover-
nor, and the seat of an elected member
shall become vacant upon the receipt of his
resignation by the Commissioner.”

”. Section 16 of the Principal Ordinance
is hereby amended by the substitution of the
word “official” for the word “ex-officio”
wherever that word appears therein.

8. Section 20 of ‘the Principal Ordinance
is hereby amended by the substitution of the |
word “official” for the word “ex- -othicio ”
appearing therein.


No. 9 of 1954. Montserrat Constitution and 3

Elections (Amendment).

9. The following section is hereby sub-
stituted for section 24 of the Principal Ordi-

“24, (1) Subject to the provisions of
section 31 of this Ordinance and of any
Instructions under Her Majesty’s Sign
Manual and Signet, all questions proposed
for decision in the Council shall be deter-
mined by a majority of votes of those
present and voting.

(2) Subject to the provisions of any

instructions as aforesaid the Commissioner ©

or other member presiding shall not have
an original vote on any question, but shall
have a castiny vote if the votes shall be
equally divided.”

10. Subsection (2) of section 49 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
substitution of the words and number ‘“ Regis-
tration Unit V” for the word and number
“ Registration V” appearing in paragraph (4)

11. Subsection (6) of section 50 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
substitution of the words “that candidate” for
the words “that candidates’ appearing therein.

12. The Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by the insertion therein, immediately
after section 64 of the following new section as
section 64A:—

644A, No person shall vote for the
election of more candidates than there are
seats to be filled.”

18. Subsection (2) of section 65 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
substitution of the word and number “ seetion

66” for the word and number “section 67".

appearing therein


of section 24
of the Princi-
pal Ordinance.


of section 49
of the Princi-
pal Ordinance.

of section 50
of the Princi-
pal Ordinance,

Insertion of

~ new section

in the Princi-
pal Ordinance.

Restriction of

of section 65
of the Princi-
pal Ordinance,



section 66 of
the Principal

of section 70
of the Prinei-

pal Ordinance.

of section 73
of the Princi-

pal Ordinance.


4 Montserrat Constitution and No. 9 of 1954,
Elections (Amendment),

14. Subsection (1) of section 66 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
substitution of the word and number “section
65” for the word and number “section 66 ”
appearing therein, .

15. Subsection (1) of section 70 of the
Principal Ordinance ig hereby amended by the
substitution of the words “ polling station” for
the words “polling division” appearing ia
paragraph (a) thereof.

16. Subsection (1) of section 73 of the —

Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
insertion, between the comma and for the word
“the” appearing in the second line thereof, of
the following:— —

“the Supervisor of Elections, the re-
turning officer of the electoral district,”’.

CuarLEeswortH Ross,

Passed the Legislative Council this 20th
day of May, 1954.
* Js. H. Carrort,

Clerk of the Council.


Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
1954, i


[Price 6 cents.)




1954, No. 28.

Tue Arr Navigation (Rapio) Recunations, 1954, paTrp Jory 8,

1, Crrarion. These Regulations may be cited as the Air Naviga-
tion (Radio) Regulations, 1954. -

Section I.


2. InrerereTATION. (1) In these Regulations, unless the context
otherwise requires—

“ Aeronautical Land Station” means a land radio station perform-
ing an aeronautical mobile service with aircraft stations; if,
however, it also performs other services, it shall be deemed to
be an aeronautical land, station only during the period of its
service with aircraft stations;

“ Aircraft Radio Station’? means a radio station on board an air-

“ Air Traffic Control” means a service established to promote the
safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic;

“British Civil Radio Airworthiness Requirements” means the
requirements described by that title which are incorporated in
the “ British Civil Airworthiness Requirements’? published by
the Air Registration Board, Brettenham House, Lancaster

Place, Strand, London, W.C. 2;

“ Qivil Aviation Communications Handbook” means the ‘Civil
Aviation Communications Handbook (M.C.A.P. 5) Second
Edition, published by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office;

“‘ Designated international airport ” means an airport designated by
a Contracting State as available for use by internatioaal air


‘Flight radio operator’s licence’? means 2 licence granted by the
Governor under Article 20 of the Order to operate radio
apparatus in aircraft registered in the Colony;

‘ Licensed operator ” means the holder of a flight radio operator’s
licence ;

‘‘ Radio navigation apparatus’ means radio apparatus designed to
assist the navigation of the aircraft;

‘Rating’ means an entry in a licence specifying a privilege or
limiting’ the effect of a privilege conferred by the licence;

‘‘ Schedule journey’ has the meaning assigned to it by subsection
(2) of section 28 of the Civil Aviation Act, 1946, (9 & 10 Geo.
6. c. 70) and does not include a journey made for any of the
purposes specified in subsection (3) of that section;

‘“‘The Order” means the Colonial Air Navigation Order, 1949.
(2) In these Regulations references to:—

Passengers carried “ for hire or reward” do not include references
to any person when being carried within the Colony in an aircraft owned
by a member of any of Her Majesty’s Forces or Civil Service where no
payment is made to the owner in respect of such carriage otherwise than
by way of an allowance payable under Regulations applicable to him as
such member, but include references to persons carried in aircraft for the
purposes of instruction in flying for which payment is made except
when the aircraft is a glider belonging to or being flown under arrange-
ments made by a gliding club of which both the person giving and the
person receiving the instruction are members;

“the Colony ” includes references to the territorial waters adjacent
to the Colony.

(3) Other expressions in these Regulations have the same respective
meanings as in the Order.

3. Unless the context otherwise requires, these Regulations apply
only to and in relation to aircraft registered in the Colony.

4. In the radiocommunication service of air navigation, type B
waves are prohibited.

5. For the purposes of these Regulations, frequencies shall be
measured by the standard of measurement for the time being in use by
the Government or other authority designated by the Governor.


Section II.

6. (1) Except as provided in this regulation and in regulation 7,
radio apparatus shall not be installed in any aircraft unless the apparatus
and the installation thereof comply with the following requirements:—

(a) The apparatus shall be of a type approved in writing by
the Governor as satisfying ‘“ British Civil Radio Airworthiness
Requirements ” and as being suitable for the purpose for which it
is intended to be used;

(6) The apparatus shall have been constructed, tested and
inspected in accordance with all relevant requirements of ‘“ British
Civil Radio Airworthiness Requirements ” in a manner approved in
writing by the Governor; and

(c) The apparatus shall be installed in the aircraft in a manner.
approved in writing by the Governor as complying with all relevant
requirements of the subsections of “ British Civil Radio Airworthi-
ness Kequirements’’ concerning Installation (Radio Apparatus).
Any such approval given for the purpose of this requirement shall
remain in force for such period, not exceeding twelve months as
may be shown therein, but may be renewed from time to time on
application to the Governor:

Provided that the requirements of this paragraph shall not be
deemed to apply to self-contained portable receivers which are not
attached physically or connected electrically to the aircraft or its
electrical system.

(2) References in paragraph (1) of this regulation to “ British
Civil Radio Airworthiness Requirements” shall be construed as refer-
ences to those requirements as from time to time amended.

7. (1) Where radio apparatus manufactured elsewhere than in the
United Kingdom is installed in an aircraft and in respect of such appara-
tus a document has been issued by the competent authorities of the State
in which it was manufactured certifying that the apparatus is of a type
approved by them, the Governor may, if he is satisfied that the appara-
tus has been designed and constructed to standards not lower than those
required in respect of similar types of apparatus manufactured in the
United Kingdom, and subject to such conditions as he thinks fit, confer
on such document the same validity as if it had been issued in accord-
ance with the provisions of paragraph (1) (a) of regulation 6.

(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) (c) of regulation 6 shall apply
to such apparatus and to the installation of such apparatus in the air-


Section III.

CompuLsoRY CARRIAGE IN Arrcrarr or Rapio APPARATUS

8. (1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (3) of this regula-
tion and to the provisions of regulation 9 and the proviso to regula-
tion 10:—

A. No aircraft shall csrry ont a flight—

(i) in circumstances which require it to communicate by
radio with Air Traffic Control in order to comply
with the Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control in
Schedule IT to the Order unless it is equipped with
radio apparatus capable of maintaining two-way
communication with the appropriate aeronautical land
stations at any time during the flight; or

(ii) under Instrument Flight Rules within a control area
or a control zone unless it is equipped with radio
navigation apparatus capable of enabling the aircraft
to be navigated in accordance with the flight plan
submitted to the appropriate Air Traffic Control and’
with any instructions received from Control.

B. No public transport aircraft, except a public transport aircraft
which is being used solely for the purpose of training any persons
carried therein, in addition to the personnel thereof, to perform duties in
an aircraft, shall carry out a flight—

(i) Under Instrument Flight Rules outside control areas
and control zones unless it is equipped with radio
apparatus capable of maintaining two-way communi-
cation with at least one aeronautical land station at
any time during the flight and of enabling the air-
craft to be navigated in accordance with the plan for
the flight.

(ii) under Visual Flight Rules over a route where naviga-
tion is not vr cannot be effected by visual reference to
landmarks unless it is equipped with radio apparatus
capable of maintaining two-way communication with
at least one aeronautical land station at any time
during the flight and of enabling the aircraft to be
navigated in accordance with its operational flight


(ii) under Visual Flight Rules or Instrument Flight Rules
unless it is equipped with radio apparatus capable of
maintaining two-way communication with the appro-
priate aeronautical land station for purposes of aero-
drome control or approach control when arriving at
or departing from a designated international airport
or an aerodrome in the Colony which has been notified
for the purposes of this requirement;

(iv) under Visual Flight Rules over water beyond gliding
distance from the nearest shore unless it is euipped
with radio apparatus capable of maintaining con-
tinuous communication with an aeronautical land
station or of being operated on the international
distress frequency for the sending of messages;

(v) under Instrument Flight Rules unless it is equipped
with radio apparatus capable of receiving messages
containing meteorological information transmitted by
aeronautical land stations for the assistance of air-
craft; provided that, if the said messages can be
received by means of the radio apparatus carried in
the aircraft in accordance with sub-paragraph B (i)
of paragraph (1) of this regulation additional appara-
tus for the purpose of this subparagraph need not be
provided; or

(vi) in the course of which it may have to land at an aero-
drome in IFR weather conditions unless it is equipped
with radio apparatus capable of receiving signals
transmitted by an aeronautical land station for the
purpose of guiding the aircraft to a point above the
aerodrome from which a visual landing can be

(2) Radio apparatus carried in aircraft in accordance with the
requirements of this regulation shall be in working order and shall be
as notified in respect of the type of apparatus and the radio frequency
employed, or, if no such notification is made, shall be suitable for satis-
factory operation at the altitude or altitudes at which the flight 1s
planned to be carried out and in the conditions obtaining on the Toute to
be flown.

(3) In exceptional circumstances exemption from compliance with’
all or any of the requirements of this regulation and of regulation 9 may
be granted by the Governor in respect of any aircraft or type of aircraft
and subject to any conditious lhe may think fit. In particular, the


Governor may grant such exemption in any case where, owing to the
absence of radio facilities available for air nav igation, it appears to him
that the carriage in the aircraft of radio navigation apparatus would
serve no useful purpose.

9. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (3) of regulation 8 and -
the proviso to regulation 10, the following requirements of this reenla-
tion relating to the carriage of licensed flight radio operators shall apply
in respect of aircraft required to be equipped with radio apparatus in
accordance with the provisions of regulation 8:—

(a) the aircraft shall carry at least one licensed flight radio
operator qualified under the terms of his licence to operate, for the
sending and receiving of morse or spoken messages, the radio
apparatus with which the aircraft is equipped;

(}) if the aircraft carries out two-way communication by means
of morse code and is flown under Instrument Flight Rules within
a control area or a control zone, the flight radiotelegraphy operator
shall be a separate person from any other member of the operating
crew and, while on duty as a flight radiotelegraphy operator, shall
not carry out any duties in the aircraft other than those of a flight
radiotelegraphy operator;

(c) if the aircraft carries out two-way communication by
means of morse code as distinct from spoken messages, the flight
radio operator (if he is the holder of the appropriate pilot’s licence)
shall not act in the capacity of pilot of the aircraft except in case of
emergency and as a telnporary measure;

(d) if the aircraft is employed on a scheduled journey the
Governor may, at his discretion, require further conditions to be
complied with in respect of the flight radio operators and the radio
apparatus to be carried in the aircraft, according to the particular
circumstances of the case.

10. The following provisions of this regulation shall apply to
flights on which the requirements specified in regulations 8 and 9 are
required to be complied with:— ;

(a) before commencing on any such flight, the person in
command of the aircraft shall satisfy himself that the aircraft is
equipped with radio apparatus in accordance with the requirements
of regulation 8, and that such apparatus is fit in every way for. the
flight and in the case of a public transport nircraft that a certificate
of serviceability has been issued in accordance with the provisions of
paragraph (2) of regulation 12, and is in force. If a flight radio-
telegraphy operator other than the pilot is to be carried on such


flight, he shall be responsible for furnishing such information to the
person in command as will enable him to satisfy himself.

(6) If the radio apparatus becomes defective during the flight
the aircraft shall comply with such of the Rules of the Air in
Schedule II to the Order as may be appropriate in the circumstances
of the case:

Provided that nothing in this regulation or in regulations 8 and 9
shall be deemed to prevent an aircraft, the radio apparatus installed in
which is defective, from exceptionally undertaking or continuing a flight
‘to the nearest convenicnt place at which the defect can be remedied, if
the person in command of the aircraft is satisfied that such flight can
safely be performed having regard to the circumstances and exigencies of
the case.

Section IV.


11. (1) The provisions of this Regulation shall apply to aircraft
stations installed in public transport aircraft.

(2) The aircraft station shall be examined at intervals in accordance
_ with a maintainance schedule approved by the Governor, and for this
purpose there should be provided, by the operator of the sircraft, for the
use of persons employed on the maintenance of the aircraft station, data
in the form of manuals or other suitable publications, giving essential
information xs to the operation and procedures necessary for the servi-
cing and maintenance of the aircraft station. The examination shall
extend to all accessories on hoard the aircraft installed to ensure the
efficient working of the aircraft station and its correct tuning and shall
include the bonding of the aircraft station.

(3) The place and date of every such examination and of any other
examination and of any action taken to rectify defects shall be recorded
and certified in a suitable book by the holder of an aircraft radio muain-
tenance engineer’s licence granted or rendered valid by the Governor.

12. (1) The provisions of this regulation shall apply to flights by
public transport aircraft in circumstances in which the carriage of radio
equipment is prescribed by regulation 5. ;

(2) Except ae provided by paragraph (6) of this regulation, no
such flight shall be commenced unless the aircraft station is fully service-
able and has been examined and found to have been maintained in
accordance with the maintenance schedule prescribed in paragraph (2) of
regulation 11 and a certificate of serviceability in the following form, or

S 2

in such other form as may be approved by the Governor as suitable for
the purpose, is in force:— ;

Atrcrarr Rapio Station CEerTirIcaTe of SERVICEABILITY.
Bancraft Ty pect sssevisresen dente -Registration Marks..............s06-

I hereby certify that, with the exception of the items listed below,
the radio station in the*above aircraft is fully serviceable and that all
maintenance and examination in accordance with thie approved main-
tenance schedule for that station has been carried out and that all aijust-
ments and rectifications found necessary have been made and examined
to my satisfaction. :

(Give details, in the space below, of any unserviceable apparatus,
If none write “‘ no items unserviceable ”’).

SISMed has ussecdecsaes concrseaseenn oe cee

Dated at........ Sei tots a eUDISi ice paccOSy. Ol sosgn pawn era a mene 19
Number of Aircraft Radio Maintenance Eingineer’s Licence.............+-

(3) (i) Prior to the issue of a certificate of serviceability the
operator of the aircraft shall furnish such information ay may be
necessary to enable the aircraft radio maintenance engineer, who is to
sign the certificate, to be satisfied that up to the time of issue of such
certificate all maintenance and examination required to be carried out in
accordance with the approved maintenance schedule for the aircraft
station has been so carried out.

(ii) A certificate of serviceability, which shall be prepared in ink or
indelible pencil, shall be issued at such periods as may be laid down in
the maintenance schedule for the aircraft station.

(ii) A certificate of serviceability issued by the holder of an
aircraft radio maintenance engineer’s licence granted or rendered valid by
the Governor, shall be made-out in the prescribed manner and in dupli-
cate, and shall come into force immediately after it has been issued,

(iv) [he duplicate copy of a certificate of serviceability shall be .
carried in the aircraft and shall he kept with the journey log book of the
aircraft, whenever such log book is required to be carried in the aircraft,
until a further certificate is issued. The top copy of the certificate shall
be retained by the operator of the aircraft and preserved by him for a
minimum period of six months.

(4) A certificate of serviceability shall cease to be in force at a time
when « new certificate is required to be issued in accordance with the


terms of the approved maintenance schedule oe the aircraft station to
which it relates:
Provided that, if the aircraft station eens a serious defect,
the certificate of serviceability shall cease to be in force at the time
at which such a defect occurs.

(5) For the purpose of paragraph (4) of this regulation the expres-
sion “ serious defect’ means such a defect as would not, in accordance
with ordinary aeronautical practice, be remedied by the operating crew.

(6) (i) If any of the radio apparatus comprising an aircraft station
is unserviceable, details of the defective apparatus shall be recorded in
the certificate of serviceability and the aircraft may then fly provided

‘ that the circumstances of the flight are such that carriage in the aircraft
of radio apparatus of that type is not compulsory under the provisions
of regulation 8.

(ii) Exceptionally, when an aircraft is located away from its
operating base and through unforeseen circumstances, a certificate of
serviceability relating to the aircraft station installed therein ceases to be
in force and facilities for complying with the provision of paragraphs (2)
and (3) of this regulation are not available, the aircraft may continue to
fly without 2 further certificate having been isaued until it arrives at a
place where such facilities: are available, provided’ that the person in
command thereof is satisfied that the aircraft station, or such of the radio
apparatus thereof as is required to be carried under the provisions
of regulation 8, is functioning satisfactorily.

(7) On the completion of every flight a flight radio operator carried
on that flight shall record. whether the aircraft station was functioning
satisfactorily during the flight, and, in the event of any defect having
been disclosed, shall record the marae of the defect. “ The record shall
be handed by the person in command of the aircraft to the operator of
the aircraft and shall be preserved by him for a minimum period of six

13. (1) The provisions of this regulation shall apply to radio
apparatus installed or intended to be installed in public transport


(2) Except as provided by paragraph (6) of this regulation the
overhaul, repair, re ‘placement or modieation of such apparatus, excluding
such minor repairs as would in accordance with ordinary aerona‘atical
practice be carried out by the operating crew, shall only he undertaken
by, or ander the ee of, the holder of an aireraft radio main-
tenance envineer’s licence granted or rendered valid by the Governor or
by a person or firm appre wed for this purpose by the Governor (herein.
after in this regulation called an ‘approved person or firm a


(3) The work shall be carried out in all essential respects in accord-
ance with the design approved by the Governor in conformity with
which the apparatus was constructed, including such modifications as
have been so approved for embodiment therein or alternatively, shall be
undertaken in accordance with any requirements made by the Governor.

(4) All materials used shall be as approved by the Governor for
the design in conformity with which the apparatus Was constructed, or
as otherwise so approved.

(5) Particulars of any overhaul, repair, replacement or modification
shall be recorded and certified in a suitable book by the holder of an air-
craft radio maintenance engineer's licence granted or rendered valid by
the Governor, or by or on behalf of an approved person or firm. This
certification shall be in the following form,. or in such other form as may
be approved by the Governor as suitable for the purpose:—

AtrcraFt Kapio Station on Arrcrart Rapio APPARATUS

Aireraft Type........... slsdenetacepaiauecins Registration Marks...

Details of Aircraft Radio Apparatus

[ hereby certify that in carrying out the overhaul, repair, replace-
ment or modification specified below, all the conditions and requirements
of the Air Navigation (Radio) Regulations for the time being in force
which are applicable thereto have been complied with.

(Give details in the space below)

Dated at........... tate Paeeeael von b OS eebienelezss day ofits, siibettt vena toei eee 19.

Number of Aircraft Radio Maintenance Engineer’s Licence........


If the person certifying does not hold a valid Aircraft Radio Main-
tenance Enginecer’s Licence, but is authorised by an approved person or

firm to sign the certificate on their behalf, the following additional
details shall be given:— |

Gi) Name of approved person or firm

(11) Address of approved person of firm


(6) (i) Exceptionally, when an aircraft is located away from its
operating base, the person in command of the aircraft may, in emergency
only, authorise the temporary repair of the aircraft station iustalled
therein to be undertaken by a person other than as specified in paragragh
(2) of this regulation.

(ii) In such cases particulars of the occurtence and of the work
carried out shall be recorded in a suitable book by a flight radio operator
carried in the aircraft and this book shall be handed by the person in
command of the aircraft to the operator of the aircraft at the earliest
opportunity. The operator of the aircraft shall cause the aircraft station
to be examined by a person in possession of an aircraft radio maintenance
engineer’s licence granted or rendered valid by the Governor, or by an
approved person or firm, as soon as possible after such an occurrence.

(7) All records relating to overhaul, repair, replacement or modifi-
cation shall be retained by the operator of the aircraft in which the
apparatus is installed, or intended to be installed, and shall be preserved
by him for a minimum period of two years.

14, The operator of an aircraft registered in the Colony shall, on
demand made by persons authorised in writing for this purpose by the
Governor, produce or cause to be produced any record or certificate
made or given in accordance with the requirements prescribed in regula-

-tions 11, 12 and 13.

15, Any aircraft station (other than an aircraft station comprising
only the radio apparatus specified in the proviso to paragraph (1) of
regulation 6) may be inspected by persons authorised in writing for
this purpose by the Governor in order to ensure that its nature, installa-
- tion and condition are such that it can be employed without prejudice to
the safety of the aircraft or to the efficiency of the radio services. In
addition, any aircraft station may be inspected by persons authorised by
a telecommunication officer in accordance with the terms of the aircraft
station licence.

Section V.


16. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, radio apparatus
in aircraft shall be operated in compliance with these Regulations and in
conformity with—

(a) the conditions contained in the licence issued by a tele-
communication officer or other authority designated by the Gover-
nor in respect of the use of radio apparatus in the aircraft; and

: (b) the instructions contained in Chapters III, IV, IX, XT,
XVI to XX inclusive and XXIII to XXVIII inclusive, of the


“Civil Aviation Communications Handbook,” which instructions
shall be deemed to be comprised in these Kegulations:

Provided that nothing in these Regulations shall exempt an
aircraft, when flying outside-the Colony, from complying with any
regulations in force in the country flown over.

_ 1%. Except that watch may be discontinued for reasons of safety
(e.g. danger of lightning or danger arising from a defect in the aircraft
station ay mentioned in regulation 19) and subject to the provisions of
regulation 20—

(a) every-aircraft, required by Section III of these Regula-

tions to be equipped with radio apparatus; and

(/) every aircraft, whether registered in the Colony or else-
where, flying in circumstances which require it to communicate with
Air Traffic Control in order to comply with the Rules of the air in
Schedule II to the Order, ;

shall carry Gut a continuous watch on the calling frequency in use in the
area flown over, unless it has been exempted therefrom by the aeronau-
tical land station with which it is in communication.

18. No aircraft, whether registered in the Colony or elsewhere, or-

unregistered, shall send radio messayes or signuls while flying within the
Colony except in accordance with the conditions of the aircraft station
licence und in the following circumstances:—


(a) when sending is necessary to ensure the safety of any air-

craft or of persons on board aircraft; or

(4) when sending is necessary in order to comply with the
instructions contained in Chapters II], IX, XI, XVI, XIX, XX
and XXIII to XXVIIT inclusive, of the “Civil Aviation
Communications Handbook ”’; or

‘(¢) when sending is required by the procedure prevailing on
the route on which the aircraft is flying; or

(d) in accordance with a special permission in writing given:
by the Governor. os

19. An aircraft which is equipped with an aircraft station having
a defect such as to impair the safety of the aircraft shall not undertake
any fight uatil rhe aircraft station has been rendered safe, or, if such
defect occurs during flight, shall land as soon as possible unless the air-
craft station can be and is speedily rendered safe during flight.


20. An aircraft station which is in such a condition that it cannot
be employed without causing interference to the efficiency of the-
radiocommunication service of air navigation shall not be used (a) in an
aircraft registered in the Colony wherever the aircraft may be, or (6) in
an aircraft registered elsewhere than in the Colony or in an unregistered
aircraft, when such aircraft is flying within the Colony.

21. The use by aircraft stations of the calling and distress wave
' for ships—500 ke/s (600 metres)—shall be confined to Type A2 Emis-
sion except in a case of urgency when, if the use of this type of emis-
sion is impracticable, use may be made of Type A3 for the sending and
receiving of spoken messages.

22. Radio apparatus installed in an aircraft shall not be operated
for the purpose of sending morse and spoken messages otherwise than
by a licensed flight radio operator and in accordance with the privileges
attaching to his licence: “y aed

Provided that—

(i) if a licensed flight radio operator has become incnpaci-
- tated during a flight the person in command of the
aircraft may, as a temporary measure, authorise a
person not licensed for the purpose to work the
apparatus for sending and receiving distress, urgency
‘and safety messages, messages relating thereto and
messages or signals regarding the navigation of the


(ii) the Governor may, at his discretion, grant permission
to purticular persons, or to persons of such classes or
description as he may specify, not being licensed
flight radio operators, to operate radio apparatus in
aircraft for sending spoken messages to aeronautical
land stations in the Colony, or to aircraft flying
within the Colony, on frequencies above 60 mes.
that are not regarded internationally as frequencies
to be used by aircraft on international flights. Any
such apparatus worked by unlicensed operators shall
be incapable of easy adjustment for changing frequen-
cies to any other than those for which the apparatus
is licensed, and shall be worked in accordance with
such conditions as may be attached to the permission.

Section VI.
TrLecomMMunication Loc Books.

23. . With reference to Article 24 (3) of the Order, telecommunica-
tion log books shall be kept by the persons and entries in such books


shall include the particulars and be made and signed in the form and

manner specified in Chapter TIT of the “ Civil Aviation Communications

Handbook ”’,
Section VII.

Licensinc or Fruignut Rapio Operators.

24. With reference to Article 20 of the Order, application for the
grant or renewal of a licence to act in the capacity of flight radio
operator, or for an extension of a rating included in such a lizence,
should be made to the Airport Manager on a form which will be
supplied by him on request.

Minimum AGEs.

25. Licences may be granted only to applicants who have reached
the minimum ages indicated below:—

(i) For a flight radiotelephony operator’s
restricted licence .. 17 years

(ii) For a general flight radiotelephony
operator’s licence ..» 18 years

(iii) For a first class flight radiotelegraphy
operator’s licence (temporary) _ ++ 18 years

(iv) For a first class flight radiotelegraphy

operator’s licence. .. 20 years

26. An applicant for the grant of a flight radio operator’s licence
shall be required to satisfy the following conditions:

(i) be a natural-born British subject whose father or
mother is (or was at death) a British subject, or
irrespective of parents’ nationality, a British subject
(natural-born or naturalised) who has been either
resident in the British dominions or employed in the
service of the Crown for five of the preceding eight
years, or has in some other way satisfactorily demon-
strated his close connection with the British Common-
wealth; .

(ii) satisfy the requirements in respect of technical com--
petency specified in regulation 29;

(iii) in the case of an applicant for a first class flight radio-
telegraphy operator’s licence (temporary) or a flight.
radiotelegraphy operator’s licence, pass a medical
examination in accordance with regulations 31 to 36;


(iv) in the case of an applicant for a first class flight radio-
telegraphy operator’s licence, produce evidence of
radio experience in accordance with regulation 37;

(v) give a written undertaking to preserve the secrecy of


27. The aircraft radio apparatus for the operation of which a flight
radio operator’s licence is valid shall be as specified in the certiticate of
competency. ;

28. (1) A flight radiotelephony operator’s restricted licence entitles :
the holder to operate, in accordance with the terms of the licence, radio-
telephony apparatus on board any aircraft:

Provided that— ,
(i) the power delivered to the aerial by the transmitter in
the absence of modulation does not exceed 50 watts;
or ,

(ii) the power delivered to the aerial by the transmitter
in the absence of modulation does not exceed 250
watts, and

(a) the operation of the transmitter requires
only the use of simple external switching devices;

({b) the frequencies cannot be adjusted manually
by the operator; and

(c) the stability of the frequencies must be
maintained automatically by the transmitter.

(2) A general flight radiotelephony operator’s licence entitles the
holder to operate, in accordance with the terms of the licence, radiotele-
‘phony apparatus on board any aircraft.

(8) A first class flight radiotelegraphy operator’s licence (tempo-
rary) entitles the holder to operate, in accordance with the terms of the
licence, radiotelegraphy or radiotelephony apparatus on board any air-
craft but only under the supervision of a person who is the holder of a
first class flight radiotelegraphy operator’s licence.

(4) A first class flight radiotelegraphy operator,s licence entitles the
holder to operate, in accordance with the terms of the licence, radio
apparatus on board any aircraft.



29. (1) General Hight Radiotelephony Operator. The applicant
shall be required to satisfy the Governor, by examination or otherwise,
of his technical competency in the following matters: —.

(a) knowledge of the elementary principles of radiotclephony ;

(6) detail knowledge of the practical operation and adjustment
of radio-telephone apparatus;

(«) ability to send correctly and to receive correctly messages
by radiotelephony ;

(d) knowledge of the Radio Regulations annexed to the Inter-
national Telecommunication Convention applying to radio telephony
communications and particularly of that part of those Regulations
relating to the safety of life, and of the special instructions and
operating procedures applying to radiotelephony communications in
the radiocommunication service in air navigation, as contained in the
handbook “ Radiotelephony Procedure” (M.C. A. P. 46). published
by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

(2) Restricted Flight Radiotelephony Operator. The applicant
shall be required to satisfy the Governor, by examination or otherwise,
of his competency in the following matters:—

(a) practical knowledge of radiotelephony operation and

(6) ability to send correctly and to receive correctly messages
by radiotelephony; and

(c) knowledge of the Radio Regulations annexed to the Inter-
national Telecommunication Convention applying to radiotelephony
communications and particularly of that part of those R egulations
relating to the safety of life, and of the special instructions and
operating procedures applying to radiotelephony communications in
the radio-communication service in air navigation, as contained in
the handbook ‘ Radiotelephony Procedure ” mele Cx. 46) published
by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

(3) First Class Flight Radivteleqraphy Operator (Temporary).
The applicant shall be required to satisfy the Governor, by examination
or otherwise, of his technical competency in the following matters: —

(a) theoretical and practical knowledge of the general principles
of electricity, of the theory of radio in relation to the sending and
receiving of morse and spoken messages and air navigation, and of


the adjustment of and practical working of the principal radio
apparatus used in aircraft stations including apparatus for direction
finding and the taking of direction finding bearings;

(b) theoretical and practical knowledge of the accessory
apparatus, such as motor-generators, accumulators, etc., used in the
operation and adjustment of the apparatus specified in (a) of this
paragraph; .

(c) practical knowledge necessary to effect during flight with
the means available on board, the repair of damage which may occur
to the radio apparatus;

(d) ability to send correctly and to receive correctly by ear,
code groups (mixed letters, figures and punctuation marks) at a
speed of 20 groups per minute, and of a plain language passage in
English ata speed of 25 words per minute. Hach code group must
comprise five characters, each figure or punctuation mark counting
as two characters. The passage in plain language must average
five Characters to the word. The duration of each test of sending
and receiving will asa rule be five minutes;

(e) ability to transmit correctly and to receive correctly tele-
phonic communications;

(f) knowlege of the-Radio Regulations annexed to the Inter-
national Telecommunication Convention applying to radio-communi-
cations and particularly of that part of those Regulations relating
to the safety of life; knowledge of the documents relating to charges
for radiotelegraphy communications*; knowledge of “the special
instructions and operating procedures applying to the tadiocommuni-
cation service in air navigation, as contained in Chapters III, IV,
IX, XI, XVI, to XX inclusive and XXIII to XXVIII. inclusive,
of the “ Civil Aviation Communications Handbook ”;

(g) knowledge of the general geography of the world, of the
principal air navigation routes, and of the most important telecom-
munication routes.

. (4) First Class Flight Radiotelegraphy Operator. The applicant
must be the holder of a first class flight radiotelegraphy operator’s
licence (temporary ). :

(5) Certificate of competency. A certificate of competency will
will be issued to an applicant who satisfies the Governor as to his techni-
cal competency in the foregoing matters.

* This knowledge is required only in the case of operators. handling public correspondence.


(6) Extension of Radio Apparatus Rating. An applicant may bé .

examined in special radiocommunication or radio navigation systems not —
covered by the basic examination and, if successful, an appropriate entry
will be made in the certificate of competency. For the purpose of
obtaining such an entry in respect of particular radio navigation systeme
an applicant may be required-to satisfy the Governor that he has elemen-
tary knowledge of air navigation.

30. Syllabuses and particulars of the examination referred to in —

regulation 29 may be obtained on application to the Airport Manager.
Mepicat RequiReMENTS

31. (a) A person applying for the grant or renewal of a first class
flight radiotelegraphy operator’s licence (temporary) or a first class
flight radiotelegraphy operator’s licence shall be required to undergo a
medical examination to ascertain whether his physical condition conforms —
with the standard of fitness, z.e. physical, visual, colour perception and
hearing, specified in regulation 36: :

Provided that an applicant who does not satisfy the specified medical
requirements may, at the discretion of the Governor, be accepted as
eligible for the grant or renewal of a licence so far as medical require-
ments are concerned if the licence is to be restricted to flying within the
Colony. Any licence granted or renewed in accordance with this proviso —
may be made subject to such conditions and restrictions as the Governor
may consider appropriate in the particular case.

(6) The - medical examination shall be conducted by specially

_qualified medically officers appointed by or acting under the authority

of the Governor. Applications for examination should be made to the
Airport Manager. - .

32. Hvery applicant who presents himself for medical examination
for the grant or renewal of a licence shall be required to furnish to the
~ medical examiner a declaration signed by him stating whether he has
previously undergone such medical examination and, if so, where, when
and with what result. A false declaration may entail the cancellation of
any licence granted or renewed as a result of the examination.

33, If the holder of a licence is aware, or has reasonable grounds |
to suspect, that his physical, aural or eye condition has deteriorated in
any respect, even if only temporarily as a result of a common minor
ailment, so that it may be below the standard of medical fitness required -
for the grant of such licence, he shall not act in any capacity for which
he is so. licensed until he is satisfied that his condition has been restored
to ine required standard.

34. (1) If the holder of a licence—

(a) suffers any personal injury as the result of an accident
occurring while he is acting in any capacity for which he is licensed;

(>) suffers any personal injury involving incapacity for work
“as the result of an accident occurring otherwise than while he is
acting in any capacity for which he is licensed; or .

(c) suffers from any illness involving incapacity for work dur-
ing twenty days or more, :

he shall send notification of the occurrence, in writing, to the Airport
Manager, as soon as possible in case of accident, and, in the case of illness,
as soon as the said period of twenty days has elapsed.

(2) The holder of a licence may, after suffering any such personal
injury or illness as aforesaid, be required to undergo a full or partial
medical examination. He shall not, therefore, resume acting in any
capacity for which he is licensed until he has either been examiued and
pronounced fit or notified that an examination is not required. - °

(3) Pregnancy- shall be regarded as incapacitating the holder of a
licence from carrying out flying duties. As soon as the condition has
been diagnosed the holder of a licence shall cease flying and shall not
again fly until she has, in due course, been examined and pronounced fit.

(4) Whenever the holder of a licence has performed:a total of 125°
hours’. flying in the capacity of a member of the operating crew of a
flying machine or glider within any period of thirty consecutive days
since his last medical examination under these Regulations, he shall not
continue to act in that capacity until he has been re-examined and -
pronounced fit: :

Provided that in exceptional circumstances relaxations of the
requirements of this paragraph may be made at the discretion of the
Governor. ;

~ (5) The medical examinations required for the purpose of this
regulation shall be in accordance with the same conditions and standards
as for the grant or renewal of a licence, except, however, as provided, by
regulation 35. __ Si

35. If an applicent for the renewal of a licence is for the time
being acting 483 a member of the operating crew of an aircraft ina region
distant from official medical centres the medical examination which he
should normally pass to obtain renewal of the licence may exceptionally,
atthe discretion of the Governor— :

(a) be deferred once for a period of six months in the case of a
member of the operating crew of a private aircraft; or


(4) be deferred for two consecutive periods of three months
each in the case of a member of the operating crew of ai public
transport or zrial work aircraft, on condition that the applicant.
obtains locally on each occasion a satisfactory medical certificate
after having been examined by a qualified medical officer.

36: The medical examination and assessment will be based on the
following requirementa of mental and physical fitness:—


(i) The applicant shall be required to be free from any
congenital or acquired disability causing such degree
of functional incapacity as is considered by the
medical examiner likely to interfere, in the case of
piloting, with the safe handling of an aircraft at.any
‘altitude throughout a prolonged or difficult flight or,
in the case of members of the operating crew of an
aircraft other than pilots, with the efficient per-

‘formance of the duties to be carried out when
exercising the privileges of licence.

(ii) The medical examination will include a full enquiry
into the family and personal history of the applicant.
The information obtained shall be given in a state-
ment made and signed by him and will be taken into
consideration by the medical examiner, .


The applicant shall have no history of significant mental or nervous
trouble. He shall be required to be free from any disability of the
nervous system considered by the medical examiner to be of such degree
as likely to interfere with efficient function during. prolonged flight.
Cases in which syphilis, past or present, has affected the central nervous
system will be assessed as permanently unfit.


(i) Cases of simple concussion or simple fracture of the
skull without associated intracranial injury will be
assessed as temporarily unfit for a period of not less
than two months from the date of the concussion or
fracture. When the licence is renewed, it will be
made valid only for a period of two months in the first:
instance. Thereafter its validity will be restricted. to
consecutive periods of two months until the medical


examiner reports that he has good reason to presume
that the after-effects of the concussion or fracture are
no longer likely to cause a sudden incapacity in flight.

(ii) Cases of head injury associated with intracranial
injuries will be assessed as permanently unfit if a
local lesion of the brain persists.

(iii) Cases of head injury in which there has been an
operation on the skull with loss of bony substance
involving the two tables of the cranial vault will be
assessed as permanently unfit.

(iv) Cases of head injury associated with a lesion of the
dura mater will be assessed as permanently unfit
even if a bone graft has been done.


The applicant shall neither suffer from any wound or injury, nor
have undergone any operation, nor possess any abnormality, congenital
or acquired, which is considered by the medicul examiner likely to
interfere with the efficient performance of the duties to be carried out
when exercising the privileges of the licence. .

Cases in which there is any signficant anatomical or functional lesion
in the walls of any part of the digestive tract, any stricture, any calculus
or foreign body, any significant peritoneal lesion, established by clinical
or laboratory examinations, will be assessed as unfit. An applicant who
has undergone a major surgical operation on the biliary passages or the
digestive tract, except for appendicitis, which has involved a total or
partial excision or a diversion of any of these organs will be assessed as
unfit unless a period of one year has elapsed since the surgical operation
and the effects of the operation are not considered liable to cause sudden
incapacity in-the air, provided that this period of one year may be
shortened on the production of an attestation made by a surgeon having
knowledge of the nature of the disease which necessitated the operation,
certifying that no immediate or future after-effects are to be feared.

(e) GenpraL MepicaL EXxaMInaTIon,

The applicant shall not suffer from any disease or disability which
renders him liable suddenly to become incompetent in the performance of
the duties to be carried out when exercising the privileges of the licence.


There shall be no. significant cardiovascular abnormality. The

systolic and diastolic blood pressures shall be within normal limits,


There shall be no acute disahility of the lungs nor any active disease
of the structures of the lungs, mediastinum or pleura. In the case of
an examination for the first grant of a licence, radioscopy will form part
of the chest examination. Ladiography will form a part of the medical

exaniination in all doubtful clinical cases.

_ Cases of active pulmonary tuberculosis, however diagnosed, will be
assessed as unfit. Cases.of quiescent or healed lesions which are known
to be tuberculous, or are .presumably tubercvious, in origin may be
assessed as fit. Cases of doubt about the activity of a lesion, where
symptoms of activity of the disease are lacking, clinically, will be assessed
as temporarily unfit for a period of not less than three months from the
date of the medical examination. At the end of the three months’ period, a
further radiographic record will be made and compared carefully with
the original. If there is no sign of extension of the disease and there
are no general symptoms or symptoms referable to the chest, the applicant

may be.assessed as fit, but where the licence is renewed in these circum-.

‘stances, it will be made valid only for-a period of three months in the
first instance. Thereafter, provided there continues to be no sign of
‘ extension of the shown by radiographic examinations carried
out at-the end of each three months’ period, the validity of the licence
will be restricted to consecutive. periods of three months. "When the
applicant has been under observation under this‘scheme for a total period
of at least two years and comparison of all the radiographic records shows
no changes or only retrogression of the lesion, the lesion will be regarded
as ‘quiescent ” or “ healed ”. i

Cases of disease of, or of significant impairment of the functioning
of the liver, biliary passages or pancreas will be assessed as unfit.
Cases of diabetes will also be assessed aa unfit.

The applicant shall be required to be free from disease of the
urogenital tract. ‘

An applicant for the first grant of a licence who has a personal
history of syphilis shall be required to furnish evidence, satisfactory to
the medical examiner, that he has undergone adequate treatment; this
evidence shall include the result of an examination of the blood and of
- the cerebrospinal fluid. An applicant showing any clinical signs of
active syphilis will be assessed as temporarily unfit for.a period. of not
less than three monthis frum the date of the medical examination, -At the
end of the three months’ period, provided the applicant furnishés proof,
satisfactory to the medical examiner, that he has undergone. adequate
treatment in the interim and that serological reaction for- syphilis is
-hegutive, he may be assessed as fit but, where a licence is: granted or
‘Tenewed in these circumstances, it will be made valid only for a period
of three months in the first instance. Thereafter, provided serological


Rhea ee a tie



reactions for syphilis continue to be neyative at the end of each three
months’ period, the validity of the Ticence will be. restricted to
consecutive periods of three months. When the applicant has been

~ under observation under this scheme for a total period of at least three

years and the serological reactions have continued to be negative, the
restriction on the period of validity of the licence may be‘removed. In
cases where the serological reaction for syphilis remains persistently
positive, examinations of the cerebro- spinal fluid at the end of each
period of six months with negative results may be accepted in lieu of
negative serological reactions ‘at the end of each period of three months.
Any evidence of syphilis of the central nervous system will be confirmed

by the result of an examination of the cerebro-spinal fluid.

The cases of applicants of the female sex who have undergone
gynecological or other surgical operations -wili be considered in-
dividually. Jn the event of presumed pregnancy the applicant will be
assessed as temporarily unfit until, at least, after the pregnancy has been
terminated; after confinement or miscarriage the candidate will not be
permitted to exercise the privileges of her licence until she has under-
gone a new medical examination and been assessed as fit.


There shall be no active pathological condition, acute or chronic, of
either eye or adnexe which is considered likely by the medical examiner
to interfere with its proper function. (ole: The details of the Visual
Standard are specified in paragraph B and those for Colour Perception
in paragraph C of this regulation).


There shall be—
(i) No active pathological process, acute or chronic, of the
internal ear or middle ear cleft;

(ii) No unhealed (unclosed) perforation of the biopic

(iii) No cbstruction of the Eustachian tubes;
(iv) No disturbances of the vestibular apparatus.

(Note: The details of the Hearing Standard are specified in para-
graph D of this regulation).


There shall be free nasal air entry on both sides. There shall be no
serious malformation or serious, acute or chronic, affection of the buceal.
cavity or upper respiratory tract.



The measurement of visual acuity will be made by means of a series
of optotypes of Landholt, or similar optotypes, illuminated at not less
than twelve lux and not more than twenty lux, and placed at a distance
of twenty feet from the applicant.

The applicant shall be required to have:—

(a) a visual acuity of at least 6/12 (20/40) in each eye sepa-
rately without correction:

(i) in the case of an applicant for the grant of a licence,
if the vision in either or both eyes is less than 6/12
(20/40) but not less than 6/24 (20/80) and can be
brought up to 6/6 (20/20) or better in each eye by
glasses, the applicant may be assessed as fit upon
condition that correcting glasses are worn while
exercising the privileges of the licence; and

(ii) in the case an applicant for the renewal of a licence,
if the vision in either or both eyes is less than 6/12
(20/40) but not less than 6/60 (20/200) and can be
brought up to 6/9 (20/30) or better in each eye by
glasses, the applicant may be assessed as fit upon
condition that correcting glasses are worn while
exercising the privileges of the licence, and that in
the case of any such applicant with vision in either
or both eyes less than 6/24 (20/80) he carries on his
person a spare set of correcting glasses.

(6) normal fields of vision, due allowance being made where
errors of refraction exist for those-areas not covered by the correct-
ing lenses.

C. - Cotour Percerrion STANDARD

The measurement of colour perception should be made by means of
a suitable lantern. When a lantern is used it should present the
light, transmitted by coloured screens lighted at five lux, for one second
and seen at a distance of twenty feet in an angle of three minutes.

The applicant shall be required to be able to distinguish easily signal
red, signal green and white. .

D. Herarinc STANDARD

The applicant shall be required not to have a loss in either ear of
more than twenty decibels at any one of the four frequencies, 500,


1,000, 2,000 and 3,000 cycles per second as measured by means of a
standard pure tone audiometer in a quiet room, that is, a room in which
the intensity level of the background noise is less than fifty decibels as
measured by a sound level meter.

Where, however, the applicant for the grant or renewal of a licence
fails to satisfy this standard the licence may. nevertheless be granted or
renewed provided that the applicant either—

(a) has not a loss in either ear of more than twenty decibels.
at any one of the three frequencies, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 cycles per
second, or of more than forty decibels/at the frequency of 3,000
cycles per second; or .

(5) demonstrates his ability, under practical or simulated
practical conditions, to receive spoken messages by radiotelephony
accurately in a complex noise background of an intensity level of not

~ less than 100 decibels, the intensity level of the spoken messages
being 8 decibels above the intensity level of the background noise,

and the Governor is satisfied that the applicant, by reason of his
-experience in radio reception, can competently perform the duties for.
vwhich the licence is desired,



37. (1) An applicant for the grant of a flight radiotelephony
“operator’s restricted licence or a general flight radio radiotelephony
operator’s licence shall not be required to furnish evidence of radio
expcrience, ‘

(2) An applicant for the grant of a first class flight radiotelegraphy-
“operator's licence (temporary) shall not be required to furnish evidence
of radio experience.

(3) An applicant for the grant of a first class flight radio-
telegraphy operator’s licence shall be required to furnish the following
evidence of radio experience: — .

(i) a minimun of two years’ manual radiotelegraphy
operating experience of a kind approved by the
Governor in the sronautical or marine mobile radio
services, or experience which in the opinion of the
Governor is of equivalent value. Such experience
must have been acquired during a period reasonably
recent in relation to the application and at least four
-months of it should normally have been obtained
during the twelve months immediately preceding the
date of the application;

wr? e


(ii) satisfactory evidence that he has performed the duties
of a temporary flight radiotelegraphy operator in
flight under the provisions of his temporary licence
for a minimum period of twenty-five hours during
the twelve months immediately preceding the date of

the application.


38. (1) The period for which a flight radio operator’s licence
may remain in force, following either the grant or any renewal thereof,
shall not exceed twelve months.

(2) An applicant for the renewal of a licence shall be required to
undergo a medical examination in accordance with regulations 31 to 36,
except. in the case of an applicant for the renewal of a flight radiotele-
phony operator’s restricted licence or a general flight radiotelephony
operator’s licence, and may, at the discretion of the Governor, be required
to undergo all or any part of the technical examinations specified for the
grant of a licence of the class to which the application relates.

(3) An applicant for the renewul of a flight radiotelephony operator’s
restricted licence or a general flight radiotelephony operator’s licence shall
be required to furnish evidence of having satisfactorily carried out radio
communication, under the provisions of his licence, during the six
months immediately preceding the date of the application,

(4) An applicant for the renewal of a first class flight radiotelegraphy
operator’s licence shall be required to farnish satisfactory evidence of
having been actively employed in the performance of appropriate radio
operating duties in the wronautical service for a period of not less than
two months during the twelve months immediately preceding the date of
the application: -

Provided that applications from persons unable to satisfy thesé
requirements may be dealt with at the discretion of the Governor.

Licensinc or Atrcrarr Ravio Mainrenance EncInrrrs.

39. With reference to Article 31 (3) of the Order, application for
the grant or renewal of a licence to act in the capacity of aircraft radio
maintenance engineer, or for an extension, of a rating included in such a
licence, should be made to the Airport Manager on a form which will be
supplied by him on request.


40. An applicant for the grant of an aircraft radio maintenance
engineer’s licence—

(a) must be not less than 21 years of age;

(6) must satisfy the Governor, by examination or otherwise, of -
his theorectical and practical knowledge of aircraft radio apparatus;

(c) muat produce satisfactory evidence of having had at least
ten hours’ flying experience on board aircraft equipped with radio
apparatus, during which he has studied the functioning and practical
operation of such apparatus; and

(d) must produce satisfactory evidence of having had not less
than three years’ practical experience of a kind approved by the
Governor in the servicing, maintenance and repair of aircraft radio
apparatus; such experience shall have been acquired during a period
reasonably recent in relation to the application.

41. -A syllabus and particulars of the examination referred to in
paragraph (6) of regulation 40 may be obtained on application to the
Airport Manager.


42. .A certificate of competency will be issued to an applicant who
satisfies the Governor as to his technical competency in the foregoing
matters. . ‘

Rapio Apparatus Rattne.

43. The aircraft radio apparatus for the maintenance, examination
and certification in working order of which an aircraft radio maintenance
engineer’s licence is valid shall be as specified in the certificate of

Exrenston oF Rapio Apparatus Ratina.

44, An applicant may be examined in respect of special radio-com-
tunication apparatus or radio navigation apparatus not covered by the
basic examination and, if successful, an appropriate entry will be made
in the certificate of competency.


~ 45. (1) The period for which an aircraft radio maintenance
engineer’s licence may remain in force, following either the grant or any
erenewal thereof, shall not exceed twelve months, .


(2) An applicant for the renewal of a licence—

(a) shall be required to furnish satisfactory evidence of having
been actively employed in the performance of appropriate radio
duties for a period of not less than two months during: the twelve
months immediately preceding the date of the application:

Provided that applications from persons unable to satisfy this
requirement may be dealt with at’ the discretion of the Governor;

(6) may, at the discretion of the Governor, be required to
undergo all or any part of the technical examination specified for the
grant of a licence.

Made by the Governor this 8th day of July, 1954.

K. W. BLackBuRNE,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLackman, E.D., Government Printer.—By Authority.

—500—7.54. 2 | Price 30 cents.

Full Text





. Prrblished. by Authority.
JULY, 1954. No. 35.


IN EXEROCISE®E of the powers con-

ferred by section 12 of the Bank
Holidays Act (Cap. 114) it is hereby
notified that the Governor with the
advice of the Hxecutive Council of
the Leeward Islands hereby directs
that consequent on the appointment
under section 6 of the said Act of
Wednesday the 2&%th day of July,
1954, as a Bank Holiday, being the
date on which the Leeward Islands
Cricket Tournament is scehduled to
commence in St, Kitts, the Bank
Holidays Act shall for the purpose of
extending the aforesaid Bank Holi-
day throughout the Presidency of
Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla,
apply to the whole of the said Presi-

Dated this 22nd day of July, 1954.
By His Excellency’s Command,

Colonial Secretary.



I, considering that it is desirable
that Wednesday the 28th day of July,
1954, should be observed as a Bank
Holiday in the Presidency of Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla in
the Colony of the Leeward Islands,
and in pursuance of the provisions of
the Bank Holidays Act (Cap. 114),
do hereby, by and with the advice of
the Executive Couucil of the said
Colony, and in exercise of the powers
conferred by the Act aforesaid, ap-
point Wednesday the 28th day of
July, 1954, as a special day to be re-
served aga Bank Holiday in the said
Presidency, under and in accordance
with the said Act, and I do by this
my Proclamation command the said
day to be so reserved and kept, and
all Her Majesty’s loving subjects in
the said Presidency to order them-
selves accordingly.

GVEN under my hand at the Gov-
ermment House, Antigua, this
22nd day of July, 1954, and in
the third year of Her Majesty’s


7x 77

It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency has issued a
Commission appointing Mr. 8. L.
ATHILL, 1.8.0., M.B.E., to act as
Additional Magistrate in and for the
Magisterial Districts “A” and “B”
with effect from the 16th July, 1954.

The Secretariat,
15th July, 1954.
Ref. No. C. 13/00083.

The Governor has this day been
pleased to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinances:—


No. 2 of 1954, “The Minerals
(Vesting) (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954.” July 15

No. 3 of 1954, “The Denomina-
tional School Teachers Pension
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”

Jaly 15

No. 4 of 1954, “The Cinemato-
graphs (General Legislature Compe-
tency) (Revocation of Declaration and
Repeal) Ordinance, 1954.” July 15

No. 5 of 1954, ‘The Petroleum
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.”
July 15

No. 68.

The following Ordinances and
Statutory Rule and Order are cir-
culated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—


No. 1 of 1954, ‘‘ The Appropriation
Ordinance, 1954.”
2 pp. Price 4 cents.


No. 9 of 1954, ‘‘The Montserrat
Constitution and Elections (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954.”

4 pp. Price 6 cents.

General Government.

No. 28 of 1954,‘ The Air Naviga-
tion (Radio) Regulations, 1954.”
28 pp. Price 30 cents.

In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and

Leeward Islands.


A. D. 1954.

NOTICE is hereby given that in
pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under Section 16 of the
Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands (Courts) Order-in-Council,
1939 and duly approved as therein:
provided on the 16th day of October,
A. D. 1941, The Honourable the
Puisne Judge selected for the sitting
of the Court in the Saint Christopher
Circuit has appointed the day of the
month on which the ensuing Circuit
Court shall sit as follows, that is to
Bay i-—

The Saint Christopher Circuit on
MONDAY the 26th day of July, 1054
at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.

Dated the Ist day of July, 1954.

Registrar of the Supreme Court.

In the Matter of the Estate of

Kathleen Louisa Gray,
(Unrepresented ).

To all Creditors of the above Estate.

You are hereby notified that you
are to come in and prove your debts
and file your claims at the office of
the Administrator of Estates at the
Court House in the town of Plymouth
in the island of Montserrat agninst
the said estate.

Creditors resident within the Col-
ony of the Leeward Islands are to file
their claims within four months after
the 15th day of May, 1954.

Creditors resident out of the said
Colony are to file their claims within
eight months from the said 15th day
of May, 1954.

that any creditors failing to file their
claims within the time above specified

will be excluded from any benefits
arising from the said Estate.


All persons indebted to the said
deceased are requested to pay the
amount of their respective debts
to me.

Dated the 10th day of May, 1954.


Administrator of Estates.


It is hereby notified for general
information that an examination for a
number of Government Scholarships
to the Autigua Grammar School and
the Antigua Girls’ High School will
be held at the St. John’s Boys’ School-
room) on Wednesday, Ist September,

Qualification of Candidates

2. Candidates shall be qualified to
take the examination who:—

(a) will be over 9 but less than
13 years of age on 31st December,


(0) have attended a school in the
Colony for a period of three years
immediately precesding the 31st
December, 1954 the last twelve
months being at a school in

(c) are in need of financial assist-
ance to enter upon and complete a
Secondary School course;

(a) are British subjects.

3. Applications must be made to
the Inspector of Schools not later than
Saturday, 14th August, 1954.

Applications must be accompan-
ied by a birth or baptismal certificate,
a medical certificate of good health,
certificate from Head Teachers of
Schools certifying regular attendance
for three previous years and good
behaviour of the candidate, and evi-
dence of the need for financial
assistance to parents or guardians to
pay for Secondary education.

Application forms can be obtain
ed from the Inspector of Schools.


4. (a) Arithmetic, including nu-
meration and notation, length,


[22 July, 1954.

time, weight (English



Money (Engish and American -

units), and the application of the
four rules to them with simple,
vulgar and decimal fractions

(5) (i) English Test of candidates

comprehension of a short story

read to or by them.

(ii) Simple exercises in En-
glish Grammar

(c) Writing from dictation

(2) West Indian History and

Inspector of Schools.


Central Experiment Station,


1950, 1951. 1952. 1953, 4954,
Jan. 5.41 3.60 2.41 1.98 3.04
Feb, 2.52 1.88 1.60 1.02 245.
Mar. 158 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08
Apr. 244° 216 3.14 2.06 AY
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.50 . 3.83
June 166 2.74 5.74 131 3.32
July 17, 1.10 189 802 228 1.97

16.77 23,90 25.60 15.65 16.18 .

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. M. BLacKMAN, E.D,

Government Printer.—By Authority,

[Prive 44 cents.]

No. 1 of 1954. Appropriation, ANTIGUA.

I Assent,
19th February, 1954.

No. 1 of 1954.

An Ordinance to provide for the services of the
Presidency of Antigua for the year ending on
the 81st day of December, 1954. ~

BE IT ORDAINED by the Governor and

Legislative Council of Antigua as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Appropriation Ordinance, 1954.

2. There shall be and there is hereby grant- Appropriation.
ed to Her Majesty the Queen for the service of the
Presidency of Antigua for the year ending on the
thirty-first day of December, 1954, the sum of
five million, six hundred and ninety-five thous-
and, eight hundred and sixty-one dollars over and
above the sums granted and provided under the
Acts and Ordinances in force in the Colony and
this Presidency, to be applied and expended in the

- manner and for the services set forth in the Schedule

3, The said sum of five million, six a
hundred and ninety-five thousand, eight hundred Rovenno.
and sixty-one dollars shall be and the same is
hereby declared to be charged upon and made pay-
able from and out of the General Revenue and
other funds of the said Presidency.

4. The Chief Accountant of the said Presi- Payments
: .! : : how made
dency is hereby authorised and required from time
to time upon the order of the Governor to pay the
annual sums appropriated by and in the said
Schedule to the several services therein mentioned,
as the said order or warrant shall direct out of the
ANTIGUA, 2 | Appropriation. No. 1 of 1954.

General Revenue and other funds of the said
Presidency without further order or formality.

Cominence- 5. This Ordinance shall be deemed to have


had effect as from the Ist day of January, 1964.

R. St. J. O. Wayne,

Passed the Legislative Council the 1st day of
February, 1954.

J. L. Roptnson,
Clerk of the Council.

No. Service. ; Amount.
. $
1. Charges on Account cf Public Debt Be 24622
2. , Pensions and Gratuities ae 61490
3. Federal Contribution w. — 268792
4, Administration “... 137811
5. Barbuda oe 33827
6. Customs Excise Port & Supply ome 54088
7. Agriculture ; ... 2452759
8. Registrar & Provost Marshal ie 18533
9. Magistrates aa 18245
19. Police ; Be 78808
Ll. Prison and Training School a3 68268
12. Medical ee 180068
13. Hospital & Charitable Institutions . 363467
14. Education -. 326089
15. Government Undertakings om 19029
16. Municipa? - 151481
17. Treasury an 34810 |
18. Labour ee 22350
19. Publie Library cae 9718
21. Military as 7224
22. Miscellaneous .. 161601
23. Post Office & Telephones .. 135198
24. Public Works Dept. oe 82785
25. Public Works Recurrent .. 452485
26. Public Works Extraordinary .. 177010
27. Coolidge Air Base Bee 17670
29. Colonial Development Schemes = 801695
30. Deferred Maintenance ae 35938 -
Total .. 9695861

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E. M Buackman, E.D., Government Printer.—By Authority.
—-480 —7.54. [Price 4 cents. ]
No, 9 of 1954.

Montserrat Constitution and
Elections (Amendment).

[ AsSENT, |
K. W, Bracksurne,
25th June, 1954,

NeeOvoG oo

_An Ordinance to amend the Montserrat Consti-
tution and Elections Ordinance, 1952.

BEIT ORDAINED by the Governor and
' Legislative Council of Montserrat as follows:—

-1. This Ordinance may be cited as the

’ Montserrat Constitution and Elections (Amend-

ment) Ordinance, 1958, and shall be read-as one
with the Montserrat Constitution and Elections
Ordinance, 1952, hereinafter called the Principal

2: Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is

_. hereby amended by the deletion therefrom of

. the definition ‘of the expression “ polling divi-
sion”, :

_ 8. Section 4 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by the substitution of the word
“official” for the word “ex-officio” appearing

_ 4. The following section is hereby substi-
tuted for section 5 of the Principal Ordinance:—

“5. (1) The official members of the
Council shall be such persons holding office
~ in the public service as may be appointed
by office or by name by the Governor by
Instrument under the Public Seal of the
(2) The Governor shall forthwith re-
port to Her Majesty through a Secretary of
- State every appointment made under this
section.” a


Short title.

of section 2
of the Prin-
cipal Ordi- ©

of section 4
of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-

of section 5
of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-

Montseerat. 2 Montserrat (‘onstitution and No. 9 of 1954.
Elections (Amendment).
Seen 5. The following section is hereby substi-
of section 8 =
ofthe Prin. tuted for section 8 of the Principal Ordinance: —
vipal Ordi-
recon ene 8. After the Commissioner, the official
0. a .
Seen members of the Council shall take pre-

of section 12
of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-

of section 16
of the Princi-
pal Ordinance.

of section 20
of the Princi-
pal Ordinance.

cedence as Her Majesty may specially
assign, and in default thereof—

Firstly, the official members according
to the priority of the Instruments appoint-
ing them to be members or, if appointed by -
the said Instrument, according to the order
in which they are named therein;

Secondly, persons temporarily appoint-
ed under section 15 of this Ordinance to fill
vacancies in the Council as official members
in such order as the Governor may assign.”


6. The following subsection is
substituted for subsection (4) of section 12
the Principal Ordinance:—

“(4) A nominated member may by
writing under his hand addressed to the
Governor, and an elected member may by
writing under his hand addressed to the
Commissioner, resign his seat on the Coun-
cil. The seat of any such nominated
member shall become vacant upon the
acceptance of his resignation by the Gover-
nor, and the seat of an elected member
shall become vacant upon the receipt of his
resignation by the Commissioner.”

”. Section 16 of the Principal Ordinance
is hereby amended by the substitution of the
word “official” for the word “ex-officio”
wherever that word appears therein.

8. Section 20 of ‘the Principal Ordinance
is hereby amended by the substitution of the |
word “official” for the word “ex- -othicio ”
appearing therein.

No. 9 of 1954. Montserrat Constitution and 3

Elections (Amendment).

9. The following section is hereby sub-
stituted for section 24 of the Principal Ordi-

“24, (1) Subject to the provisions of
section 31 of this Ordinance and of any
Instructions under Her Majesty’s Sign
Manual and Signet, all questions proposed
for decision in the Council shall be deter-
mined by a majority of votes of those
present and voting.

(2) Subject to the provisions of any

instructions as aforesaid the Commissioner ©

or other member presiding shall not have
an original vote on any question, but shall
have a castiny vote if the votes shall be
equally divided.”

10. Subsection (2) of section 49 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
substitution of the words and number ‘“ Regis-
tration Unit V” for the word and number
“ Registration V” appearing in paragraph (4)

11. Subsection (6) of section 50 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
substitution of the words “that candidate” for
the words “that candidates’ appearing therein.

12. The Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by the insertion therein, immediately
after section 64 of the following new section as
section 64A:—

644A, No person shall vote for the
election of more candidates than there are
seats to be filled.”

18. Subsection (2) of section 65 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
substitution of the word and number “ seetion

66” for the word and number “section 67".

appearing therein


of section 24
of the Princi-
pal Ordinance.


of section 49
of the Princi-
pal Ordinance.

of section 50
of the Princi-
pal Ordinance,

Insertion of

~ new section

in the Princi-
pal Ordinance.

Restriction of

of section 65
of the Princi-
pal Ordinance,


section 66 of
the Principal

of section 70
of the Prinei-

pal Ordinance.

of section 73
of the Princi-

pal Ordinance.


4 Montserrat Constitution and No. 9 of 1954,
Elections (Amendment),

14. Subsection (1) of section 66 of the
Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
substitution of the word and number “section
65” for the word and number “section 66 ”
appearing therein, .

15. Subsection (1) of section 70 of the
Principal Ordinance ig hereby amended by the
substitution of the words “ polling station” for
the words “polling division” appearing ia
paragraph (a) thereof.

16. Subsection (1) of section 73 of the —

Principal Ordinance is hereby amended by the
insertion, between the comma and for the word
“the” appearing in the second line thereof, of
the following:— —

“the Supervisor of Elections, the re-
turning officer of the electoral district,”’.

CuarLEeswortH Ross,

Passed the Legislative Council this 20th
day of May, 1954.
* Js. H. Carrort,

Clerk of the Council.


Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
1954, i


[Price 6 cents.)



1954, No. 28.

Tue Arr Navigation (Rapio) Recunations, 1954, paTrp Jory 8,

1, Crrarion. These Regulations may be cited as the Air Naviga-
tion (Radio) Regulations, 1954. -

Section I.


2. InrerereTATION. (1) In these Regulations, unless the context
otherwise requires—

“ Aeronautical Land Station” means a land radio station perform-
ing an aeronautical mobile service with aircraft stations; if,
however, it also performs other services, it shall be deemed to
be an aeronautical land, station only during the period of its
service with aircraft stations;

“ Aircraft Radio Station’? means a radio station on board an air-

“ Air Traffic Control” means a service established to promote the
safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic;

“British Civil Radio Airworthiness Requirements” means the
requirements described by that title which are incorporated in
the “ British Civil Airworthiness Requirements’? published by
the Air Registration Board, Brettenham House, Lancaster

Place, Strand, London, W.C. 2;

“ Qivil Aviation Communications Handbook” means the ‘Civil
Aviation Communications Handbook (M.C.A.P. 5) Second
Edition, published by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office;

“‘ Designated international airport ” means an airport designated by
a Contracting State as available for use by internatioaal air

‘Flight radio operator’s licence’? means 2 licence granted by the
Governor under Article 20 of the Order to operate radio
apparatus in aircraft registered in the Colony;

‘ Licensed operator ” means the holder of a flight radio operator’s
licence ;

‘‘ Radio navigation apparatus’ means radio apparatus designed to
assist the navigation of the aircraft;

‘Rating’ means an entry in a licence specifying a privilege or
limiting’ the effect of a privilege conferred by the licence;

‘‘ Schedule journey’ has the meaning assigned to it by subsection
(2) of section 28 of the Civil Aviation Act, 1946, (9 & 10 Geo.
6. c. 70) and does not include a journey made for any of the
purposes specified in subsection (3) of that section;

‘“‘The Order” means the Colonial Air Navigation Order, 1949.
(2) In these Regulations references to:—

Passengers carried “ for hire or reward” do not include references
to any person when being carried within the Colony in an aircraft owned
by a member of any of Her Majesty’s Forces or Civil Service where no
payment is made to the owner in respect of such carriage otherwise than
by way of an allowance payable under Regulations applicable to him as
such member, but include references to persons carried in aircraft for the
purposes of instruction in flying for which payment is made except
when the aircraft is a glider belonging to or being flown under arrange-
ments made by a gliding club of which both the person giving and the
person receiving the instruction are members;

“the Colony ” includes references to the territorial waters adjacent
to the Colony.

(3) Other expressions in these Regulations have the same respective
meanings as in the Order.

3. Unless the context otherwise requires, these Regulations apply
only to and in relation to aircraft registered in the Colony.

4. In the radiocommunication service of air navigation, type B
waves are prohibited.

5. For the purposes of these Regulations, frequencies shall be
measured by the standard of measurement for the time being in use by
the Government or other authority designated by the Governor.

Section II.

6. (1) Except as provided in this regulation and in regulation 7,
radio apparatus shall not be installed in any aircraft unless the apparatus
and the installation thereof comply with the following requirements:—

(a) The apparatus shall be of a type approved in writing by
the Governor as satisfying ‘“ British Civil Radio Airworthiness
Requirements ” and as being suitable for the purpose for which it
is intended to be used;

(6) The apparatus shall have been constructed, tested and
inspected in accordance with all relevant requirements of ‘“ British
Civil Radio Airworthiness Requirements ” in a manner approved in
writing by the Governor; and

(c) The apparatus shall be installed in the aircraft in a manner.
approved in writing by the Governor as complying with all relevant
requirements of the subsections of “ British Civil Radio Airworthi-
ness Kequirements’’ concerning Installation (Radio Apparatus).
Any such approval given for the purpose of this requirement shall
remain in force for such period, not exceeding twelve months as
may be shown therein, but may be renewed from time to time on
application to the Governor:

Provided that the requirements of this paragraph shall not be
deemed to apply to self-contained portable receivers which are not
attached physically or connected electrically to the aircraft or its
electrical system.

(2) References in paragraph (1) of this regulation to “ British
Civil Radio Airworthiness Requirements” shall be construed as refer-
ences to those requirements as from time to time amended.

7. (1) Where radio apparatus manufactured elsewhere than in the
United Kingdom is installed in an aircraft and in respect of such appara-
tus a document has been issued by the competent authorities of the State
in which it was manufactured certifying that the apparatus is of a type
approved by them, the Governor may, if he is satisfied that the appara-
tus has been designed and constructed to standards not lower than those
required in respect of similar types of apparatus manufactured in the
United Kingdom, and subject to such conditions as he thinks fit, confer
on such document the same validity as if it had been issued in accord-
ance with the provisions of paragraph (1) (a) of regulation 6.

(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) (c) of regulation 6 shall apply
to such apparatus and to the installation of such apparatus in the air-

Section III.

CompuLsoRY CARRIAGE IN Arrcrarr or Rapio APPARATUS

8. (1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (3) of this regula-
tion and to the provisions of regulation 9 and the proviso to regula-
tion 10:—

A. No aircraft shall csrry ont a flight—

(i) in circumstances which require it to communicate by
radio with Air Traffic Control in order to comply
with the Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control in
Schedule IT to the Order unless it is equipped with
radio apparatus capable of maintaining two-way
communication with the appropriate aeronautical land
stations at any time during the flight; or

(ii) under Instrument Flight Rules within a control area
or a control zone unless it is equipped with radio
navigation apparatus capable of enabling the aircraft
to be navigated in accordance with the flight plan
submitted to the appropriate Air Traffic Control and’
with any instructions received from Control.

B. No public transport aircraft, except a public transport aircraft
which is being used solely for the purpose of training any persons
carried therein, in addition to the personnel thereof, to perform duties in
an aircraft, shall carry out a flight—

(i) Under Instrument Flight Rules outside control areas
and control zones unless it is equipped with radio
apparatus capable of maintaining two-way communi-
cation with at least one aeronautical land station at
any time during the flight and of enabling the air-
craft to be navigated in accordance with the plan for
the flight.

(ii) under Visual Flight Rules over a route where naviga-
tion is not vr cannot be effected by visual reference to
landmarks unless it is equipped with radio apparatus
capable of maintaining two-way communication with
at least one aeronautical land station at any time
during the flight and of enabling the aircraft to be
navigated in accordance with its operational flight

(ii) under Visual Flight Rules or Instrument Flight Rules
unless it is equipped with radio apparatus capable of
maintaining two-way communication with the appro-
priate aeronautical land station for purposes of aero-
drome control or approach control when arriving at
or departing from a designated international airport
or an aerodrome in the Colony which has been notified
for the purposes of this requirement;

(iv) under Visual Flight Rules over water beyond gliding
distance from the nearest shore unless it is euipped
with radio apparatus capable of maintaining con-
tinuous communication with an aeronautical land
station or of being operated on the international
distress frequency for the sending of messages;

(v) under Instrument Flight Rules unless it is equipped
with radio apparatus capable of receiving messages
containing meteorological information transmitted by
aeronautical land stations for the assistance of air-
craft; provided that, if the said messages can be
received by means of the radio apparatus carried in
the aircraft in accordance with sub-paragraph B (i)
of paragraph (1) of this regulation additional appara-
tus for the purpose of this subparagraph need not be
provided; or

(vi) in the course of which it may have to land at an aero-
drome in IFR weather conditions unless it is equipped
with radio apparatus capable of receiving signals
transmitted by an aeronautical land station for the
purpose of guiding the aircraft to a point above the
aerodrome from which a visual landing can be

(2) Radio apparatus carried in aircraft in accordance with the
requirements of this regulation shall be in working order and shall be
as notified in respect of the type of apparatus and the radio frequency
employed, or, if no such notification is made, shall be suitable for satis-
factory operation at the altitude or altitudes at which the flight 1s
planned to be carried out and in the conditions obtaining on the Toute to
be flown.

(3) In exceptional circumstances exemption from compliance with’
all or any of the requirements of this regulation and of regulation 9 may
be granted by the Governor in respect of any aircraft or type of aircraft
and subject to any conditious lhe may think fit. In particular, the

Governor may grant such exemption in any case where, owing to the
absence of radio facilities available for air nav igation, it appears to him
that the carriage in the aircraft of radio navigation apparatus would
serve no useful purpose.

9. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (3) of regulation 8 and -
the proviso to regulation 10, the following requirements of this reenla-
tion relating to the carriage of licensed flight radio operators shall apply
in respect of aircraft required to be equipped with radio apparatus in
accordance with the provisions of regulation 8:—

(a) the aircraft shall carry at least one licensed flight radio
operator qualified under the terms of his licence to operate, for the
sending and receiving of morse or spoken messages, the radio
apparatus with which the aircraft is equipped;

(}) if the aircraft carries out two-way communication by means
of morse code and is flown under Instrument Flight Rules within
a control area or a control zone, the flight radiotelegraphy operator
shall be a separate person from any other member of the operating
crew and, while on duty as a flight radiotelegraphy operator, shall
not carry out any duties in the aircraft other than those of a flight
radiotelegraphy operator;

(c) if the aircraft carries out two-way communication by
means of morse code as distinct from spoken messages, the flight
radio operator (if he is the holder of the appropriate pilot’s licence)
shall not act in the capacity of pilot of the aircraft except in case of
emergency and as a telnporary measure;

(d) if the aircraft is employed on a scheduled journey the
Governor may, at his discretion, require further conditions to be
complied with in respect of the flight radio operators and the radio
apparatus to be carried in the aircraft, according to the particular
circumstances of the case.

10. The following provisions of this regulation shall apply to
flights on which the requirements specified in regulations 8 and 9 are
required to be complied with:— ;

(a) before commencing on any such flight, the person in
command of the aircraft shall satisfy himself that the aircraft is
equipped with radio apparatus in accordance with the requirements
of regulation 8, and that such apparatus is fit in every way for. the
flight and in the case of a public transport nircraft that a certificate
of serviceability has been issued in accordance with the provisions of
paragraph (2) of regulation 12, and is in force. If a flight radio-
telegraphy operator other than the pilot is to be carried on such

flight, he shall be responsible for furnishing such information to the
person in command as will enable him to satisfy himself.

(6) If the radio apparatus becomes defective during the flight
the aircraft shall comply with such of the Rules of the Air in
Schedule II to the Order as may be appropriate in the circumstances
of the case:

Provided that nothing in this regulation or in regulations 8 and 9
shall be deemed to prevent an aircraft, the radio apparatus installed in
which is defective, from exceptionally undertaking or continuing a flight
‘to the nearest convenicnt place at which the defect can be remedied, if
the person in command of the aircraft is satisfied that such flight can
safely be performed having regard to the circumstances and exigencies of
the case.

Section IV.


11. (1) The provisions of this Regulation shall apply to aircraft
stations installed in public transport aircraft.

(2) The aircraft station shall be examined at intervals in accordance
_ with a maintainance schedule approved by the Governor, and for this
purpose there should be provided, by the operator of the sircraft, for the
use of persons employed on the maintenance of the aircraft station, data
in the form of manuals or other suitable publications, giving essential
information xs to the operation and procedures necessary for the servi-
cing and maintenance of the aircraft station. The examination shall
extend to all accessories on hoard the aircraft installed to ensure the
efficient working of the aircraft station and its correct tuning and shall
include the bonding of the aircraft station.

(3) The place and date of every such examination and of any other
examination and of any action taken to rectify defects shall be recorded
and certified in a suitable book by the holder of an aircraft radio muain-
tenance engineer’s licence granted or rendered valid by the Governor.

12. (1) The provisions of this regulation shall apply to flights by
public transport aircraft in circumstances in which the carriage of radio
equipment is prescribed by regulation 5. ;

(2) Except ae provided by paragraph (6) of this regulation, no
such flight shall be commenced unless the aircraft station is fully service-
able and has been examined and found to have been maintained in
accordance with the maintenance schedule prescribed in paragraph (2) of
regulation 11 and a certificate of serviceability in the following form, or
S 2

in such other form as may be approved by the Governor as suitable for
the purpose, is in force:— ;

Atrcrarr Rapio Station CEerTirIcaTe of SERVICEABILITY.
Bancraft Ty pect sssevisresen dente -Registration Marks..............s06-

I hereby certify that, with the exception of the items listed below,
the radio station in the*above aircraft is fully serviceable and that all
maintenance and examination in accordance with thie approved main-
tenance schedule for that station has been carried out and that all aijust-
ments and rectifications found necessary have been made and examined
to my satisfaction. :

(Give details, in the space below, of any unserviceable apparatus,
If none write “‘ no items unserviceable ”’).

SISMed has ussecdecsaes concrseaseenn oe cee

Dated at........ Sei tots a eUDISi ice paccOSy. Ol sosgn pawn era a mene 19
Number of Aircraft Radio Maintenance Eingineer’s Licence.............+-

(3) (i) Prior to the issue of a certificate of serviceability the
operator of the aircraft shall furnish such information ay may be
necessary to enable the aircraft radio maintenance engineer, who is to
sign the certificate, to be satisfied that up to the time of issue of such
certificate all maintenance and examination required to be carried out in
accordance with the approved maintenance schedule for the aircraft
station has been so carried out.

(ii) A certificate of serviceability, which shall be prepared in ink or
indelible pencil, shall be issued at such periods as may be laid down in
the maintenance schedule for the aircraft station.

(ii) A certificate of serviceability issued by the holder of an
aircraft radio maintenance engineer’s licence granted or rendered valid by
the Governor, shall be made-out in the prescribed manner and in dupli-
cate, and shall come into force immediately after it has been issued,

(iv) [he duplicate copy of a certificate of serviceability shall be .
carried in the aircraft and shall he kept with the journey log book of the
aircraft, whenever such log book is required to be carried in the aircraft,
until a further certificate is issued. The top copy of the certificate shall
be retained by the operator of the aircraft and preserved by him for a
minimum period of six months.

(4) A certificate of serviceability shall cease to be in force at a time
when « new certificate is required to be issued in accordance with the

terms of the approved maintenance schedule oe the aircraft station to
which it relates:
Provided that, if the aircraft station eens a serious defect,
the certificate of serviceability shall cease to be in force at the time
at which such a defect occurs.

(5) For the purpose of paragraph (4) of this regulation the expres-
sion “ serious defect’ means such a defect as would not, in accordance
with ordinary aeronautical practice, be remedied by the operating crew.

(6) (i) If any of the radio apparatus comprising an aircraft station
is unserviceable, details of the defective apparatus shall be recorded in
the certificate of serviceability and the aircraft may then fly provided

‘ that the circumstances of the flight are such that carriage in the aircraft
of radio apparatus of that type is not compulsory under the provisions
of regulation 8.

(ii) Exceptionally, when an aircraft is located away from its
operating base and through unforeseen circumstances, a certificate of
serviceability relating to the aircraft station installed therein ceases to be
in force and facilities for complying with the provision of paragraphs (2)
and (3) of this regulation are not available, the aircraft may continue to
fly without 2 further certificate having been isaued until it arrives at a
place where such facilities: are available, provided’ that the person in
command thereof is satisfied that the aircraft station, or such of the radio
apparatus thereof as is required to be carried under the provisions
of regulation 8, is functioning satisfactorily.

(7) On the completion of every flight a flight radio operator carried
on that flight shall record. whether the aircraft station was functioning
satisfactorily during the flight, and, in the event of any defect having
been disclosed, shall record the marae of the defect. “ The record shall
be handed by the person in command of the aircraft to the operator of
the aircraft and shall be preserved by him for a minimum period of six

13. (1) The provisions of this regulation shall apply to radio
apparatus installed or intended to be installed in public transport


(2) Except as provided by paragraph (6) of this regulation the
overhaul, repair, re ‘placement or modieation of such apparatus, excluding
such minor repairs as would in accordance with ordinary aerona‘atical
practice be carried out by the operating crew, shall only he undertaken
by, or ander the ee of, the holder of an aireraft radio main-
tenance envineer’s licence granted or rendered valid by the Governor or
by a person or firm appre wed for this purpose by the Governor (herein.
after in this regulation called an ‘approved person or firm a


(3) The work shall be carried out in all essential respects in accord-
ance with the design approved by the Governor in conformity with
which the apparatus was constructed, including such modifications as
have been so approved for embodiment therein or alternatively, shall be
undertaken in accordance with any requirements made by the Governor.

(4) All materials used shall be as approved by the Governor for
the design in conformity with which the apparatus Was constructed, or
as otherwise so approved.

(5) Particulars of any overhaul, repair, replacement or modification
shall be recorded and certified in a suitable book by the holder of an air-
craft radio maintenance engineer's licence granted or rendered valid by
the Governor, or by or on behalf of an approved person or firm. This
certification shall be in the following form,. or in such other form as may
be approved by the Governor as suitable for the purpose:—

AtrcraFt Kapio Station on Arrcrart Rapio APPARATUS

Aireraft Type........... slsdenetacepaiauecins Registration Marks...

Details of Aircraft Radio Apparatus

[ hereby certify that in carrying out the overhaul, repair, replace-
ment or modification specified below, all the conditions and requirements
of the Air Navigation (Radio) Regulations for the time being in force
which are applicable thereto have been complied with.

(Give details in the space below)

Dated at........... tate Paeeeael von b OS eebienelezss day ofits, siibettt vena toei eee 19.

Number of Aircraft Radio Maintenance Engineer’s Licence........


If the person certifying does not hold a valid Aircraft Radio Main-
tenance Enginecer’s Licence, but is authorised by an approved person or

firm to sign the certificate on their behalf, the following additional
details shall be given:— |

Gi) Name of approved person or firm

(11) Address of approved person of firm


(6) (i) Exceptionally, when an aircraft is located away from its
operating base, the person in command of the aircraft may, in emergency
only, authorise the temporary repair of the aircraft station iustalled
therein to be undertaken by a person other than as specified in paragragh
(2) of this regulation.

(ii) In such cases particulars of the occurtence and of the work
carried out shall be recorded in a suitable book by a flight radio operator
carried in the aircraft and this book shall be handed by the person in
command of the aircraft to the operator of the aircraft at the earliest
opportunity. The operator of the aircraft shall cause the aircraft station
to be examined by a person in possession of an aircraft radio maintenance
engineer’s licence granted or rendered valid by the Governor, or by an
approved person or firm, as soon as possible after such an occurrence.

(7) All records relating to overhaul, repair, replacement or modifi-
cation shall be retained by the operator of the aircraft in which the
apparatus is installed, or intended to be installed, and shall be preserved
by him for a minimum period of two years.

14, The operator of an aircraft registered in the Colony shall, on
demand made by persons authorised in writing for this purpose by the
Governor, produce or cause to be produced any record or certificate
made or given in accordance with the requirements prescribed in regula-

-tions 11, 12 and 13.

15, Any aircraft station (other than an aircraft station comprising
only the radio apparatus specified in the proviso to paragraph (1) of
regulation 6) may be inspected by persons authorised in writing for
this purpose by the Governor in order to ensure that its nature, installa-
- tion and condition are such that it can be employed without prejudice to
the safety of the aircraft or to the efficiency of the radio services. In
addition, any aircraft station may be inspected by persons authorised by
a telecommunication officer in accordance with the terms of the aircraft
station licence.

Section V.


16. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, radio apparatus
in aircraft shall be operated in compliance with these Regulations and in
conformity with—

(a) the conditions contained in the licence issued by a tele-
communication officer or other authority designated by the Gover-
nor in respect of the use of radio apparatus in the aircraft; and

: (b) the instructions contained in Chapters III, IV, IX, XT,
XVI to XX inclusive and XXIII to XXVIII inclusive, of the


“Civil Aviation Communications Handbook,” which instructions
shall be deemed to be comprised in these Kegulations:

Provided that nothing in these Regulations shall exempt an
aircraft, when flying outside-the Colony, from complying with any
regulations in force in the country flown over.

_ 1%. Except that watch may be discontinued for reasons of safety
(e.g. danger of lightning or danger arising from a defect in the aircraft
station ay mentioned in regulation 19) and subject to the provisions of
regulation 20—

(a) every-aircraft, required by Section III of these Regula-

tions to be equipped with radio apparatus; and

(/) every aircraft, whether registered in the Colony or else-
where, flying in circumstances which require it to communicate with
Air Traffic Control in order to comply with the Rules of the air in
Schedule II to the Order, ;

shall carry Gut a continuous watch on the calling frequency in use in the
area flown over, unless it has been exempted therefrom by the aeronau-
tical land station with which it is in communication.

18. No aircraft, whether registered in the Colony or elsewhere, or-

unregistered, shall send radio messayes or signuls while flying within the
Colony except in accordance with the conditions of the aircraft station
licence und in the following circumstances:—


(a) when sending is necessary to ensure the safety of any air-

craft or of persons on board aircraft; or

(4) when sending is necessary in order to comply with the
instructions contained in Chapters II], IX, XI, XVI, XIX, XX
and XXIII to XXVIIT inclusive, of the “Civil Aviation
Communications Handbook ”’; or

‘(¢) when sending is required by the procedure prevailing on
the route on which the aircraft is flying; or

(d) in accordance with a special permission in writing given:
by the Governor. os

19. An aircraft which is equipped with an aircraft station having
a defect such as to impair the safety of the aircraft shall not undertake
any fight uatil rhe aircraft station has been rendered safe, or, if such
defect occurs during flight, shall land as soon as possible unless the air-
craft station can be and is speedily rendered safe during flight.

20. An aircraft station which is in such a condition that it cannot
be employed without causing interference to the efficiency of the-
radiocommunication service of air navigation shall not be used (a) in an
aircraft registered in the Colony wherever the aircraft may be, or (6) in
an aircraft registered elsewhere than in the Colony or in an unregistered
aircraft, when such aircraft is flying within the Colony.

21. The use by aircraft stations of the calling and distress wave
' for ships—500 ke/s (600 metres)—shall be confined to Type A2 Emis-
sion except in a case of urgency when, if the use of this type of emis-
sion is impracticable, use may be made of Type A3 for the sending and
receiving of spoken messages.

22. Radio apparatus installed in an aircraft shall not be operated
for the purpose of sending morse and spoken messages otherwise than
by a licensed flight radio operator and in accordance with the privileges
attaching to his licence: “y aed

Provided that—

(i) if a licensed flight radio operator has become incnpaci-
- tated during a flight the person in command of the
aircraft may, as a temporary measure, authorise a
person not licensed for the purpose to work the
apparatus for sending and receiving distress, urgency
‘and safety messages, messages relating thereto and
messages or signals regarding the navigation of the


(ii) the Governor may, at his discretion, grant permission
to purticular persons, or to persons of such classes or
description as he may specify, not being licensed
flight radio operators, to operate radio apparatus in
aircraft for sending spoken messages to aeronautical
land stations in the Colony, or to aircraft flying
within the Colony, on frequencies above 60 mes.
that are not regarded internationally as frequencies
to be used by aircraft on international flights. Any
such apparatus worked by unlicensed operators shall
be incapable of easy adjustment for changing frequen-
cies to any other than those for which the apparatus
is licensed, and shall be worked in accordance with
such conditions as may be attached to the permission.

Section VI.
TrLecomMMunication Loc Books.

23. . With reference to Article 24 (3) of the Order, telecommunica-
tion log books shall be kept by the persons and entries in such books

shall include the particulars and be made and signed in the form and

manner specified in Chapter TIT of the “ Civil Aviation Communications

Handbook ”’,
Section VII.

Licensinc or Fruignut Rapio Operators.

24. With reference to Article 20 of the Order, application for the
grant or renewal of a licence to act in the capacity of flight radio
operator, or for an extension of a rating included in such a lizence,
should be made to the Airport Manager on a form which will be
supplied by him on request.

Minimum AGEs.

25. Licences may be granted only to applicants who have reached
the minimum ages indicated below:—

(i) For a flight radiotelephony operator’s
restricted licence .. 17 years

(ii) For a general flight radiotelephony
operator’s licence ..» 18 years

(iii) For a first class flight radiotelegraphy
operator’s licence (temporary) _ ++ 18 years

(iv) For a first class flight radiotelegraphy

operator’s licence. .. 20 years

26. An applicant for the grant of a flight radio operator’s licence
shall be required to satisfy the following conditions:

(i) be a natural-born British subject whose father or
mother is (or was at death) a British subject, or
irrespective of parents’ nationality, a British subject
(natural-born or naturalised) who has been either
resident in the British dominions or employed in the
service of the Crown for five of the preceding eight
years, or has in some other way satisfactorily demon-
strated his close connection with the British Common-
wealth; .

(ii) satisfy the requirements in respect of technical com--
petency specified in regulation 29;

(iii) in the case of an applicant for a first class flight radio-
telegraphy operator’s licence (temporary) or a flight.
radiotelegraphy operator’s licence, pass a medical
examination in accordance with regulations 31 to 36;

(iv) in the case of an applicant for a first class flight radio-
telegraphy operator’s licence, produce evidence of
radio experience in accordance with regulation 37;

(v) give a written undertaking to preserve the secrecy of


27. The aircraft radio apparatus for the operation of which a flight
radio operator’s licence is valid shall be as specified in the certiticate of
competency. ;

28. (1) A flight radiotelephony operator’s restricted licence entitles :
the holder to operate, in accordance with the terms of the licence, radio-
telephony apparatus on board any aircraft:

Provided that— ,
(i) the power delivered to the aerial by the transmitter in
the absence of modulation does not exceed 50 watts;
or ,

(ii) the power delivered to the aerial by the transmitter
in the absence of modulation does not exceed 250
watts, and

(a) the operation of the transmitter requires
only the use of simple external switching devices;

({b) the frequencies cannot be adjusted manually
by the operator; and

(c) the stability of the frequencies must be
maintained automatically by the transmitter.

(2) A general flight radiotelephony operator’s licence entitles the
holder to operate, in accordance with the terms of the licence, radiotele-
‘phony apparatus on board any aircraft.

(8) A first class flight radiotelegraphy operator’s licence (tempo-
rary) entitles the holder to operate, in accordance with the terms of the
licence, radiotelegraphy or radiotelephony apparatus on board any air-
craft but only under the supervision of a person who is the holder of a
first class flight radiotelegraphy operator’s licence.

(4) A first class flight radiotelegraphy operator,s licence entitles the
holder to operate, in accordance with the terms of the licence, radio
apparatus on board any aircraft.


29. (1) General Hight Radiotelephony Operator. The applicant
shall be required to satisfy the Governor, by examination or otherwise,
of his technical competency in the following matters: —.

(a) knowledge of the elementary principles of radiotclephony ;

(6) detail knowledge of the practical operation and adjustment
of radio-telephone apparatus;

(«) ability to send correctly and to receive correctly messages
by radiotelephony ;

(d) knowledge of the Radio Regulations annexed to the Inter-
national Telecommunication Convention applying to radio telephony
communications and particularly of that part of those Regulations
relating to the safety of life, and of the special instructions and
operating procedures applying to radiotelephony communications in
the radiocommunication service in air navigation, as contained in the
handbook “ Radiotelephony Procedure” (M.C. A. P. 46). published
by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

(2) Restricted Flight Radiotelephony Operator. The applicant
shall be required to satisfy the Governor, by examination or otherwise,
of his competency in the following matters:—

(a) practical knowledge of radiotelephony operation and

(6) ability to send correctly and to receive correctly messages
by radiotelephony; and

(c) knowledge of the Radio Regulations annexed to the Inter-
national Telecommunication Convention applying to radiotelephony
communications and particularly of that part of those R egulations
relating to the safety of life, and of the special instructions and
operating procedures applying to radiotelephony communications in
the radio-communication service in air navigation, as contained in
the handbook ‘ Radiotelephony Procedure ” mele Cx. 46) published
by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

(3) First Class Flight Radivteleqraphy Operator (Temporary).
The applicant shall be required to satisfy the Governor, by examination
or otherwise, of his technical competency in the following matters: —

(a) theoretical and practical knowledge of the general principles
of electricity, of the theory of radio in relation to the sending and
receiving of morse and spoken messages and air navigation, and of

the adjustment of and practical working of the principal radio
apparatus used in aircraft stations including apparatus for direction
finding and the taking of direction finding bearings;

(b) theoretical and practical knowledge of the accessory
apparatus, such as motor-generators, accumulators, etc., used in the
operation and adjustment of the apparatus specified in (a) of this
paragraph; .

(c) practical knowledge necessary to effect during flight with
the means available on board, the repair of damage which may occur
to the radio apparatus;

(d) ability to send correctly and to receive correctly by ear,
code groups (mixed letters, figures and punctuation marks) at a
speed of 20 groups per minute, and of a plain language passage in
English ata speed of 25 words per minute. Hach code group must
comprise five characters, each figure or punctuation mark counting
as two characters. The passage in plain language must average
five Characters to the word. The duration of each test of sending
and receiving will asa rule be five minutes;

(e) ability to transmit correctly and to receive correctly tele-
phonic communications;

(f) knowlege of the-Radio Regulations annexed to the Inter-
national Telecommunication Convention applying to radio-communi-
cations and particularly of that part of those Regulations relating
to the safety of life; knowledge of the documents relating to charges
for radiotelegraphy communications*; knowledge of “the special
instructions and operating procedures applying to the tadiocommuni-
cation service in air navigation, as contained in Chapters III, IV,
IX, XI, XVI, to XX inclusive and XXIII to XXVIII. inclusive,
of the “ Civil Aviation Communications Handbook ”;

(g) knowledge of the general geography of the world, of the
principal air navigation routes, and of the most important telecom-
munication routes.

. (4) First Class Flight Radiotelegraphy Operator. The applicant
must be the holder of a first class flight radiotelegraphy operator’s
licence (temporary ). :

(5) Certificate of competency. A certificate of competency will
will be issued to an applicant who satisfies the Governor as to his techni-
cal competency in the foregoing matters.

* This knowledge is required only in the case of operators. handling public correspondence.

(6) Extension of Radio Apparatus Rating. An applicant may bé .

examined in special radiocommunication or radio navigation systems not —
covered by the basic examination and, if successful, an appropriate entry
will be made in the certificate of competency. For the purpose of
obtaining such an entry in respect of particular radio navigation systeme
an applicant may be required-to satisfy the Governor that he has elemen-
tary knowledge of air navigation.

30. Syllabuses and particulars of the examination referred to in —

regulation 29 may be obtained on application to the Airport Manager.
Mepicat RequiReMENTS

31. (a) A person applying for the grant or renewal of a first class
flight radiotelegraphy operator’s licence (temporary) or a first class
flight radiotelegraphy operator’s licence shall be required to undergo a
medical examination to ascertain whether his physical condition conforms —
with the standard of fitness, z.e. physical, visual, colour perception and
hearing, specified in regulation 36: :

Provided that an applicant who does not satisfy the specified medical
requirements may, at the discretion of the Governor, be accepted as
eligible for the grant or renewal of a licence so far as medical require-
ments are concerned if the licence is to be restricted to flying within the
Colony. Any licence granted or renewed in accordance with this proviso —
may be made subject to such conditions and restrictions as the Governor
may consider appropriate in the particular case.

(6) The - medical examination shall be conducted by specially

_qualified medically officers appointed by or acting under the authority

of the Governor. Applications for examination should be made to the
Airport Manager. - .

32. Hvery applicant who presents himself for medical examination
for the grant or renewal of a licence shall be required to furnish to the
~ medical examiner a declaration signed by him stating whether he has
previously undergone such medical examination and, if so, where, when
and with what result. A false declaration may entail the cancellation of
any licence granted or renewed as a result of the examination.

33, If the holder of a licence is aware, or has reasonable grounds |
to suspect, that his physical, aural or eye condition has deteriorated in
any respect, even if only temporarily as a result of a common minor
ailment, so that it may be below the standard of medical fitness required -
for the grant of such licence, he shall not act in any capacity for which
he is so. licensed until he is satisfied that his condition has been restored
to ine required standard.
34. (1) If the holder of a licence—

(a) suffers any personal injury as the result of an accident
occurring while he is acting in any capacity for which he is licensed;

(>) suffers any personal injury involving incapacity for work
“as the result of an accident occurring otherwise than while he is
acting in any capacity for which he is licensed; or .

(c) suffers from any illness involving incapacity for work dur-
ing twenty days or more, :

he shall send notification of the occurrence, in writing, to the Airport
Manager, as soon as possible in case of accident, and, in the case of illness,
as soon as the said period of twenty days has elapsed.

(2) The holder of a licence may, after suffering any such personal
injury or illness as aforesaid, be required to undergo a full or partial
medical examination. He shall not, therefore, resume acting in any
capacity for which he is licensed until he has either been examiued and
pronounced fit or notified that an examination is not required. - °

(3) Pregnancy- shall be regarded as incapacitating the holder of a
licence from carrying out flying duties. As soon as the condition has
been diagnosed the holder of a licence shall cease flying and shall not
again fly until she has, in due course, been examined and pronounced fit.

(4) Whenever the holder of a licence has performed:a total of 125°
hours’. flying in the capacity of a member of the operating crew of a
flying machine or glider within any period of thirty consecutive days
since his last medical examination under these Regulations, he shall not
continue to act in that capacity until he has been re-examined and -
pronounced fit: :

Provided that in exceptional circumstances relaxations of the
requirements of this paragraph may be made at the discretion of the
Governor. ;

~ (5) The medical examinations required for the purpose of this
regulation shall be in accordance with the same conditions and standards
as for the grant or renewal of a licence, except, however, as provided, by
regulation 35. __ Si

35. If an applicent for the renewal of a licence is for the time
being acting 483 a member of the operating crew of an aircraft ina region
distant from official medical centres the medical examination which he
should normally pass to obtain renewal of the licence may exceptionally,
atthe discretion of the Governor— :

(a) be deferred once for a period of six months in the case of a
member of the operating crew of a private aircraft; or

(4) be deferred for two consecutive periods of three months
each in the case of a member of the operating crew of ai public
transport or zrial work aircraft, on condition that the applicant.
obtains locally on each occasion a satisfactory medical certificate
after having been examined by a qualified medical officer.

36: The medical examination and assessment will be based on the
following requirementa of mental and physical fitness:—


(i) The applicant shall be required to be free from any
congenital or acquired disability causing such degree
of functional incapacity as is considered by the
medical examiner likely to interfere, in the case of
piloting, with the safe handling of an aircraft at.any
‘altitude throughout a prolonged or difficult flight or,
in the case of members of the operating crew of an
aircraft other than pilots, with the efficient per-

‘formance of the duties to be carried out when
exercising the privileges of licence.

(ii) The medical examination will include a full enquiry
into the family and personal history of the applicant.
The information obtained shall be given in a state-
ment made and signed by him and will be taken into
consideration by the medical examiner, .


The applicant shall have no history of significant mental or nervous
trouble. He shall be required to be free from any disability of the
nervous system considered by the medical examiner to be of such degree
as likely to interfere with efficient function during. prolonged flight.
Cases in which syphilis, past or present, has affected the central nervous
system will be assessed as permanently unfit.


(i) Cases of simple concussion or simple fracture of the
skull without associated intracranial injury will be
assessed as temporarily unfit for a period of not less
than two months from the date of the concussion or
fracture. When the licence is renewed, it will be
made valid only for a period of two months in the first:
instance. Thereafter its validity will be restricted. to
consecutive periods of two months until the medical

examiner reports that he has good reason to presume
that the after-effects of the concussion or fracture are
no longer likely to cause a sudden incapacity in flight.

(ii) Cases of head injury associated with intracranial
injuries will be assessed as permanently unfit if a
local lesion of the brain persists.

(iii) Cases of head injury in which there has been an
operation on the skull with loss of bony substance
involving the two tables of the cranial vault will be
assessed as permanently unfit.

(iv) Cases of head injury associated with a lesion of the
dura mater will be assessed as permanently unfit
even if a bone graft has been done.


The applicant shall neither suffer from any wound or injury, nor
have undergone any operation, nor possess any abnormality, congenital
or acquired, which is considered by the medicul examiner likely to
interfere with the efficient performance of the duties to be carried out
when exercising the privileges of the licence. .

Cases in which there is any signficant anatomical or functional lesion
in the walls of any part of the digestive tract, any stricture, any calculus
or foreign body, any significant peritoneal lesion, established by clinical
or laboratory examinations, will be assessed as unfit. An applicant who
has undergone a major surgical operation on the biliary passages or the
digestive tract, except for appendicitis, which has involved a total or
partial excision or a diversion of any of these organs will be assessed as
unfit unless a period of one year has elapsed since the surgical operation
and the effects of the operation are not considered liable to cause sudden
incapacity in-the air, provided that this period of one year may be
shortened on the production of an attestation made by a surgeon having
knowledge of the nature of the disease which necessitated the operation,
certifying that no immediate or future after-effects are to be feared.

(e) GenpraL MepicaL EXxaMInaTIon,

The applicant shall not suffer from any disease or disability which
renders him liable suddenly to become incompetent in the performance of
the duties to be carried out when exercising the privileges of the licence.


There shall be no. significant cardiovascular abnormality. The

systolic and diastolic blood pressures shall be within normal limits,

There shall be no acute disahility of the lungs nor any active disease
of the structures of the lungs, mediastinum or pleura. In the case of
an examination for the first grant of a licence, radioscopy will form part
of the chest examination. Ladiography will form a part of the medical

exaniination in all doubtful clinical cases.

_ Cases of active pulmonary tuberculosis, however diagnosed, will be
assessed as unfit. Cases.of quiescent or healed lesions which are known
to be tuberculous, or are .presumably tubercvious, in origin may be
assessed as fit. Cases of doubt about the activity of a lesion, where
symptoms of activity of the disease are lacking, clinically, will be assessed
as temporarily unfit for a period of not less than three months from the
date of the medical examination. At the end of the three months’ period, a
further radiographic record will be made and compared carefully with
the original. If there is no sign of extension of the disease and there
are no general symptoms or symptoms referable to the chest, the applicant

may be.assessed as fit, but where the licence is renewed in these circum-.

‘stances, it will be made valid only for-a period of three months in the
first instance. Thereafter, provided there continues to be no sign of
‘ extension of the shown by radiographic examinations carried
out at-the end of each three months’ period, the validity of the licence
will be restricted to consecutive. periods of three months. "When the
applicant has been under observation under this‘scheme for a total period
of at least two years and comparison of all the radiographic records shows
no changes or only retrogression of the lesion, the lesion will be regarded
as ‘quiescent ” or “ healed ”. i

Cases of disease of, or of significant impairment of the functioning
of the liver, biliary passages or pancreas will be assessed as unfit.
Cases of diabetes will also be assessed aa unfit.

The applicant shall be required to be free from disease of the
urogenital tract. ‘

An applicant for the first grant of a licence who has a personal
history of syphilis shall be required to furnish evidence, satisfactory to
the medical examiner, that he has undergone adequate treatment; this
evidence shall include the result of an examination of the blood and of
- the cerebrospinal fluid. An applicant showing any clinical signs of
active syphilis will be assessed as temporarily unfit for.a period. of not
less than three monthis frum the date of the medical examination, -At the
end of the three months’ period, provided the applicant furnishés proof,
satisfactory to the medical examiner, that he has undergone. adequate
treatment in the interim and that serological reaction for- syphilis is
-hegutive, he may be assessed as fit but, where a licence is: granted or
‘Tenewed in these circumstances, it will be made valid only for a period
of three months in the first instance. Thereafter, provided serological


Rhea ee a tie



reactions for syphilis continue to be neyative at the end of each three
months’ period, the validity of the Ticence will be. restricted to
consecutive periods of three months. When the applicant has been

~ under observation under this scheme for a total period of at least three

years and the serological reactions have continued to be negative, the
restriction on the period of validity of the licence may be‘removed. In
cases where the serological reaction for syphilis remains persistently
positive, examinations of the cerebro- spinal fluid at the end of each
period of six months with negative results may be accepted in lieu of
negative serological reactions ‘at the end of each period of three months.
Any evidence of syphilis of the central nervous system will be confirmed

by the result of an examination of the cerebro-spinal fluid.

The cases of applicants of the female sex who have undergone
gynecological or other surgical operations -wili be considered in-
dividually. Jn the event of presumed pregnancy the applicant will be
assessed as temporarily unfit until, at least, after the pregnancy has been
terminated; after confinement or miscarriage the candidate will not be
permitted to exercise the privileges of her licence until she has under-
gone a new medical examination and been assessed as fit.


There shall be no active pathological condition, acute or chronic, of
either eye or adnexe which is considered likely by the medical examiner
to interfere with its proper function. (ole: The details of the Visual
Standard are specified in paragraph B and those for Colour Perception
in paragraph C of this regulation).


There shall be—
(i) No active pathological process, acute or chronic, of the
internal ear or middle ear cleft;

(ii) No unhealed (unclosed) perforation of the biopic

(iii) No cbstruction of the Eustachian tubes;
(iv) No disturbances of the vestibular apparatus.

(Note: The details of the Hearing Standard are specified in para-
graph D of this regulation).


There shall be free nasal air entry on both sides. There shall be no
serious malformation or serious, acute or chronic, affection of the buceal.
cavity or upper respiratory tract.



The measurement of visual acuity will be made by means of a series
of optotypes of Landholt, or similar optotypes, illuminated at not less
than twelve lux and not more than twenty lux, and placed at a distance
of twenty feet from the applicant.

The applicant shall be required to have:—

(a) a visual acuity of at least 6/12 (20/40) in each eye sepa-
rately without correction:

(i) in the case of an applicant for the grant of a licence,
if the vision in either or both eyes is less than 6/12
(20/40) but not less than 6/24 (20/80) and can be
brought up to 6/6 (20/20) or better in each eye by
glasses, the applicant may be assessed as fit upon
condition that correcting glasses are worn while
exercising the privileges of the licence; and

(ii) in the case an applicant for the renewal of a licence,
if the vision in either or both eyes is less than 6/12
(20/40) but not less than 6/60 (20/200) and can be
brought up to 6/9 (20/30) or better in each eye by
glasses, the applicant may be assessed as fit upon
condition that correcting glasses are worn while
exercising the privileges of the licence, and that in
the case of any such applicant with vision in either
or both eyes less than 6/24 (20/80) he carries on his
person a spare set of correcting glasses.

(6) normal fields of vision, due allowance being made where
errors of refraction exist for those-areas not covered by the correct-
ing lenses.

C. - Cotour Percerrion STANDARD

The measurement of colour perception should be made by means of
a suitable lantern. When a lantern is used it should present the
light, transmitted by coloured screens lighted at five lux, for one second
and seen at a distance of twenty feet in an angle of three minutes.

The applicant shall be required to be able to distinguish easily signal
red, signal green and white. .

D. Herarinc STANDARD

The applicant shall be required not to have a loss in either ear of
more than twenty decibels at any one of the four frequencies, 500,

1,000, 2,000 and 3,000 cycles per second as measured by means of a
standard pure tone audiometer in a quiet room, that is, a room in which
the intensity level of the background noise is less than fifty decibels as
measured by a sound level meter.

Where, however, the applicant for the grant or renewal of a licence
fails to satisfy this standard the licence may. nevertheless be granted or
renewed provided that the applicant either—

(a) has not a loss in either ear of more than twenty decibels.
at any one of the three frequencies, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 cycles per
second, or of more than forty decibels/at the frequency of 3,000
cycles per second; or .

(5) demonstrates his ability, under practical or simulated
practical conditions, to receive spoken messages by radiotelephony
accurately in a complex noise background of an intensity level of not

~ less than 100 decibels, the intensity level of the spoken messages
being 8 decibels above the intensity level of the background noise,

and the Governor is satisfied that the applicant, by reason of his
-experience in radio reception, can competently perform the duties for.
vwhich the licence is desired,



37. (1) An applicant for the grant of a flight radiotelephony
“operator’s restricted licence or a general flight radio radiotelephony
operator’s licence shall not be required to furnish evidence of radio
expcrience, ‘

(2) An applicant for the grant of a first class flight radiotelegraphy-
“operator's licence (temporary) shall not be required to furnish evidence
of radio experience.

(3) An applicant for the grant of a first class flight radio-
telegraphy operator’s licence shall be required to furnish the following
evidence of radio experience: — .

(i) a minimun of two years’ manual radiotelegraphy
operating experience of a kind approved by the
Governor in the sronautical or marine mobile radio
services, or experience which in the opinion of the
Governor is of equivalent value. Such experience
must have been acquired during a period reasonably
recent in relation to the application and at least four
-months of it should normally have been obtained
during the twelve months immediately preceding the
date of the application;
wr? e


(ii) satisfactory evidence that he has performed the duties
of a temporary flight radiotelegraphy operator in
flight under the provisions of his temporary licence
for a minimum period of twenty-five hours during
the twelve months immediately preceding the date of

the application.


38. (1) The period for which a flight radio operator’s licence
may remain in force, following either the grant or any renewal thereof,
shall not exceed twelve months.

(2) An applicant for the renewal of a licence shall be required to
undergo a medical examination in accordance with regulations 31 to 36,
except. in the case of an applicant for the renewal of a flight radiotele-
phony operator’s restricted licence or a general flight radiotelephony
operator’s licence, and may, at the discretion of the Governor, be required
to undergo all or any part of the technical examinations specified for the
grant of a licence of the class to which the application relates.

(3) An applicant for the renewul of a flight radiotelephony operator’s
restricted licence or a general flight radiotelephony operator’s licence shall
be required to furnish evidence of having satisfactorily carried out radio
communication, under the provisions of his licence, during the six
months immediately preceding the date of the application,

(4) An applicant for the renewal of a first class flight radiotelegraphy
operator’s licence shall be required to farnish satisfactory evidence of
having been actively employed in the performance of appropriate radio
operating duties in the wronautical service for a period of not less than
two months during the twelve months immediately preceding the date of
the application: -

Provided that applications from persons unable to satisfy thesé
requirements may be dealt with at the discretion of the Governor.

Licensinc or Atrcrarr Ravio Mainrenance EncInrrrs.

39. With reference to Article 31 (3) of the Order, application for
the grant or renewal of a licence to act in the capacity of aircraft radio
maintenance engineer, or for an extension, of a rating included in such a
licence, should be made to the Airport Manager on a form which will be
supplied by him on request.

40. An applicant for the grant of an aircraft radio maintenance
engineer’s licence—

(a) must be not less than 21 years of age;

(6) must satisfy the Governor, by examination or otherwise, of -
his theorectical and practical knowledge of aircraft radio apparatus;

(c) muat produce satisfactory evidence of having had at least
ten hours’ flying experience on board aircraft equipped with radio
apparatus, during which he has studied the functioning and practical
operation of such apparatus; and

(d) must produce satisfactory evidence of having had not less
than three years’ practical experience of a kind approved by the
Governor in the servicing, maintenance and repair of aircraft radio
apparatus; such experience shall have been acquired during a period
reasonably recent in relation to the application.

41. -A syllabus and particulars of the examination referred to in
paragraph (6) of regulation 40 may be obtained on application to the
Airport Manager.


42. .A certificate of competency will be issued to an applicant who
satisfies the Governor as to his technical competency in the foregoing
matters. . ‘

Rapio Apparatus Rattne.

43. The aircraft radio apparatus for the maintenance, examination
and certification in working order of which an aircraft radio maintenance
engineer’s licence is valid shall be as specified in the certificate of

Exrenston oF Rapio Apparatus Ratina.

44, An applicant may be examined in respect of special radio-com-
tunication apparatus or radio navigation apparatus not covered by the
basic examination and, if successful, an appropriate entry will be made
in the certificate of competency.


~ 45. (1) The period for which an aircraft radio maintenance
engineer’s licence may remain in force, following either the grant or any
erenewal thereof, shall not exceed twelve months, .

(2) An applicant for the renewal of a licence—

(a) shall be required to furnish satisfactory evidence of having
been actively employed in the performance of appropriate radio
duties for a period of not less than two months during: the twelve
months immediately preceding the date of the application:

Provided that applications from persons unable to satisfy this
requirement may be dealt with at’ the discretion of the Governor;

(6) may, at the discretion of the Governor, be required to
undergo all or any part of the technical examination specified for the
grant of a licence.

Made by the Governor this 8th day of July, 1954.

K. W. BLackBuRNE,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BLackman, E.D., Government Printer.—By Authority.

—500—7.54. 2 | Price 30 cents.