Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Added title page title:
Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 online resource


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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by Authority.
No. 29.

THURSDAY, 17rn JUNE, 1954.


It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency has appoint-
ed the Hon. E. A. THOMPSON, to act
as Administrator of Antigua with
effect from the 14th June, 1954, un-
til such time as the Administrator,
Antigua, designate assumes the duties
of his new post.

The Sceretariat,
15th June, 1954. .
C 13/00007—-II-

The Governor has been pleased to

' appoint the Hon. R. E. KELSsICK,

O.B.E., to be a member of the Execu-
tive ’ Council of St. Kitts-Nevis:

- Angnilla, until the 26th January,


The Secretariat,

11ih June, 1954.
Ref. No. 18/00006.

It is hereby notified for general
information that. His Excellency the
Governor has awarded the three year
scholarship at the Imperial College of
Tropical Agriculture in Trinidad,
commencing in 1954, to Mr. N. 8.
WHITE of Antigua.

The Secretariat,
14th June, 1954.
Ref. No. 28/00157.

The Administrator of Antigua has
appointed the undermentioned to be
‘Marriage Officers for the Presidency
of. Antigua:


Administ ator’ 3 Office, -

11th ae. 1954.
Ref. No. A, 8/4.

. No. 53.

. Appointments and transfers, etc.,
in the:public service, with effect from
the dates stated are published for
general information :—

SELKRIDGE, O., P.O. Cl. HJ, Customs

Excise and Port, Antigua, trans-

ferred to Prison, Antigua. Jun. 1
Ref. No. AE. 2968.




No. 54.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Ordinance:—


No. 7 of 1953 “The Supplementary
Appropriation (1952) Ordinance, 1953.

No. 55.
The following Statutory Rules and
Orders and Letters Patent and Royal

Instructions, 1953 are published with
this Gazette and form part thereof:—

General Government.

No. 22 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 4, 1954 bringing into operation
the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-
ment) Act, 1953 (No. 10 of 1953).

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

No. 23 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 4, 1954 bringing into operation
the Delegation of Powers (Amend-
ment) Act, 1953 (No. 11 of 1953).

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

No, 24 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 8, 1954 bringing into operation
the Leeward Islands Letters Patent,
1953. 1 pp. Price 3 cents.


No. 17 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 4, 1954 bringing into operation
paragraph (a) of Interpretation of
Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1953
(No. 16 of 1953).

l pp. Price 3 cents.

St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla.

No. 7 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 4, 1954 bringing into operation
the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954 (No. 4 of 1954)

1 pp. Price 3 cents.


No. 1 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 4, 1954 bringing into operation
the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954 (No. 7 of 1954)

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

Virgin Istands.

No. 6 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 4, 1954 bringing into operation
the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954, (No. 6 of
1954). 1 pp. Price 3 cenis.

The Leeward Islands Letters Patent
and Royal Instructions, 1953.

40 pp. Price 48 cends.



Acting Commissioner.

In exercise of the powers vested in
the Governor-in-Councii by section 3
of the Cotton Planting (Regulation)
Ordinance, 1926, (No. 7 of 1926),
Esquire, Acting Commissioner of the
Presidency of Montserrat, by and with
the advice of the Executive Council of
the said Presidency, do hereby declare
that the period from the first day of
June, 1954 to the thirty-first day of
January, 1955, both days inclusive, is
and shall be a close planting season
within the meaning of the said Ordi-
nance throughout the said Presidency
and every part ‘thereof except in the
Planting Date Experimental plot at
the Grove Botanic Station to which
this proclamation shall not apply. |

GIVEN at the Commissioners Office,
Montserrat, this 3lst day of
May, 1954, and in the third year
of Her Majesty’s reign.





In exercise of the powers vested in
the Governor-in-Council by the
Burial Grounds Ordinance, 1944, and
otherwise, I CHARLESWORTH Ross,
Esquire, Commissioner of the Presi-
dency of Mentserrat, by and with the ©
advice of the Executive Council of
the said Presidency, do hereby license
and proclaim that parcel of land set
forth and described in the Schedule
hereto, not being within the town of



Plymouth or within a distance of

. Between the

‘services will be required.
- to. cover the fees will be required to

half a mile from the limits thereof,

“@8 a private burial ground for the

purpose of, and for use as, a Metho-
dist burial ground.

And the same is hereby licensed
. and proclaimed accordiugly and all
Her Majest$’s loving subjects in the
said Presidency and ail others whom
it may concern are hereby required
to take. due notice and to govern
themselves accordingly.


All That plot of land adjacent to
the Methodist Church at Judy ‘Piece
in the parish of Saint Peter in the
Presidency of Montserrat containing
approximately one half acre and
bounded on the North-Hast and West
by. land owned by Mr. Lee of Blakes
and on the South by a public path-

GIVEN at the Commissioner's Office,
Montserrat, this 29th day of
May, 1954, and in the third
year of Her Majesty’s reign.


It is notified for general informa-
tion ‘that, with effect from the 1st
_ July, 1954, fees will be charged for
_the services of subordinate pplice
officers and constables -at private
gatherings such as dances, inside
cinemas, race meetings, games, etc.,
or in a ship at the request of the cap-

- tain or agent, in accordance wwith the

following schedule:—

In respect of each subordinate

officer or constable:—

48 cenis for the first
hour or part thereof

“hours of 6 and 24 cents for each

am. &6p.m, succeeding hour or
part thereof; |

: 72 cents for the first

between the hour or part thereof

hours of 6 and 48 cents for each

p.m.&6a.m. succeeding hour or

part thereof.

g. Persons applying for the ser-

.vices of subordinate police officers or
-constables to perform duties at private

functions as above should state the
number of men. required and the
approximate period for which their
An amount

be. paid in advance. The full amount
of the fees will be paid to the subordi-
nate police officers and constables
performing the duty.
Fhe Secretariat,

| Antigua,

28th May, 1954.


Crown, ‘Lands Appiugtions

Apilipations in connectiott with
Crown: “Laiids ‘are — notified. in the
Gazettée-for the purpose of giving any opportunity of making any
representation to this office in relation
to any such application. — a ‘

Such applications will be inserted
in at least two separate issues of the
Gazette before they will be dealt

‘with by the Governor, so that appli-

cants must be prepared for this delay.

The undermentioned applications
‘are hereby notified. ,


By Order,
B. T. Henry,

Clerk to the Administrator,

Administrator’s Office,
29th May, 1954.


All those pieces or parcels of land
situate at New Winthorpes in the
Parish of Saint George in the Island
of Antigua all as the same are
delineated on maps or plans of the

_Said area prepared by Mr. EARNEST
A. Govra, Licensed Surveyor and

containing the areas set out as fol-

Plot No, A27 2400 Square feet

» ARs 2400 ,
, B 2400 | "
BB 2400 "
» ‘B4 2400 »
» Bo 2406 i,
» B6 2400 ”
, BT 2400 *
. B8 2400 n
» B9 2400 ”
» Blo 2400 ”
» BU 2400 h
» Bile 2400
» BIB 2400 *
» Bla 2400 »
» Bi 24U0 ”
; BIG 2400 »
» B17 2400 .
>» B20 2400,
» ~—- BBB 2400 .
» Bre 2400 .
» ~—-B&S 2400 ”
» «6 2400 "
(OL 2400 .
+ 20 2400 .
3 C2L 2400 ”
4 C2 | 2400 ”
a» «—-« ON3&PA 4800,
» Died 5548 "
» D8é&D8 3650&3150 .,,
» D4&D6 258062365 |,
~» D9 3150 .
» D10 2632 ‘
» Bu 3024. "
»~©-El2 . 3038
» Els 2400 ”
» El4 2400 »
» EW 1929 .
» Et6 1929 "
» EVA 1929 "
s Ei7B 1929 ”
,, xl - 2400 yy
» Xe 2400 »
» XB 2400 "
» x4 2400 i
” Xb 2160. ”
» XT, 2160" "
” Xs 2240 s
3 =~. X10 2080 .
» Xi 2080
» | COKIQ 2400 *
» XB 2400 .
» Xi4eX9 4800. 3


(17 June, 1954. ©
ANTIGUA, 17th May, 1954.
LIMITED, of Lot 22, Church Street,
Georgetown, British Guiana “have

applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:- —






i, iste): eo ede -

y CLeaeEd: esi E i . a

in: Class 43, that isto say: Gin.

- Fhe Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in-
respect of. the said goods. for: 10
months before the date of their said

Any person may within three’
months from the date of the first
appearance of. this Advertisement in. -.
the Leeward Islands Gazetie, give -
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office. Antigua, of opposition.
to registration of the said ‘Trade

_ J. D. B. RENWIoK,
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.


Schedule of Applications for
Certificate of Title, ete.

Cancellation of Certificate of Title
of 30th September, 1938, for Register:
Book 0, Folio-5L which said certifi.
cate appears to have been lost for alt
that Plantation or Estate called Clare.
mont Estate in the Parish of St.
Mary in the Island of Antigua as the
same is delineated. on the map. OF
plan of the said Estate dated in 1938.
drawn by W. J.. Essex, Licensed
Surveyor and issue of a new Certifi.’.
cate of Title to CATHERINE MARY ~
Executors of the Estate of WILLIAM:
THOMAS ABBOTT, deceased. -


Ag. Registrar of Titléss

17 June, ' 1954]

In the Matter of:the Estate of
Kathleen Louisa Gray,

(Unrepresented ).
To all Creditors of the above ‘Estate.

You are hereby notified that you

- are to come in and prove your debts

gnd file your claims at the office of

- the Administrator of Estates at the

Court House in the town of Plymouth

‘in the island of Montserrat against
the said estate.

Jreditors resident within the Col-
ony of the Leeward Islands are to file
their claims within four months after
the 15th day of May, 1954.

' Creditors resident out of the said

Colony are to file their claims within

- eight months from the said 15th day
- of May, 1954. ,

that any creditors failing to file their
claims within the time above specified

“will be excluded from any benefits
arising from the said Estate.

All persons indebted to the. said
deceased are requested to pay the

amount of their respective debts |

“40 me.
Dated the 10th day of May, 1954.

Administrator of Estates.



Vacancy for the Post of .

Applications are invited from suita-
bly qualified candidates for appoint-
ment to the post of Engineer-in-
Charge of the Windward Islands
Broadeasting Station, St. George’s,

2. The salary of the post is $4320
per annum. Quarters are not pro-

3. The appointment is non-pen-
sionable, and will be on probation for
six months in the first instance.
Subject to satisfactory completion of
the probationary period, appointment
will be on contract for three years.
The officer will be subject to the
Colonial Regulations and local Gen-
eral Orders for the time being in
force, in so.far as they are applicable.

4. Candidates should preferably
hold a degree in Radio or Electrical
Engineering, or equivalent qualifica-
tions, and have at least two years
practical experience in the operation

and maintenance of H.F. transmitters

up to S5KW, the practical and theoret-
ical design of transmitting and
receiving aerial arrays anid feeders;
and all types of L.F. equipment.
Candidates without a degree, but who
have passed a recognised full-time

7 115

course in radio and electrical engin.
eering, and additionally have several
years professional experience in the
above fields; including at least one
year in a supervisory capacity, will
be considered for the post.

5. Free first class passages willbe
provided for the officer, his wife and
children, on first appointment and on
satisfactory termination of his con.
tract. .

6. Vacation leave on full salary
will be granted at the rate of one
week for each completed period of
three months resident service.

7. Applications should be addregs-
ed to the Chief Secretary, Windward
Islands, Grenada, B.W.L.,. and should
reach him not later than the 20th
July, 1954.

No. 18/00004—1.

Central Sxperiment Station,

1950, 1951. 1952. 1968. 1954.
Jan. 5.41 3.60 241 1.938 3,08
Feb, 2.52 1:88 1.60 1.02 2.45
Mar. 158 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08
Apry 244 216 3.14 206 49
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 (1.80 3.83
June,12 981.32 1.55 49 = «1.86
14.99 20.59 13.39 12.60 12.25


Control of Imports and Exports

Notice No. 2 of 1954

Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “EH” grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills, Quotations should be C.LF. Antigua and should

. include agents commission. Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any -

proportion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.

2. The “¥.” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not.
lower in grado than ‘No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard :—

Maximum moisture vee 14°00 %
Maximum ash wee 527
Minimum protein we 12004

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—

Minimum. Maximum.

Thiamine 2°C 2°5 milligrams for each lb. flour
Riboflavine 12 15 ” ” ”
Niacine 16:0 20°0 ” ” ”
Tron 13:0 | 16°5 39 : ” ”
With Calcium Car- | .
bonate 500 600 ” ” ”

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name-

should be stated in the tender. Chemist’ s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard

and duly notarised must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to
arrange for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.

Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is
enriched and ‘Vitamin Enriched Flour ” must be stencilled on each bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped at rate of 5,000 half
bags of 100 ib each month commencing early August 1954 and ending in October 1954. A notice of

the award will be made and the price accepted by Governmeut.

4, Tenders should be in a sealed enveloped marked “ Tenders for flour” and should be-

. addressed to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than.

A p.m. on 30th Jnne, 1954.
5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender,

Administrator's Office,
25th May, 1954.

Ref. No. A.40/18,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. M. BLackMAN, . HD es
Government Printer.—By Authority,

[Price 75 cente}

Y 1964, No. 22

1953). RS


K. W. BuacksurNE,

WHEREAS by section 3 of the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-
ment) Act, 1953 (No. 10 of 1953) it is provided that the said Act
. shall come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Governor
Ee " by proclamation published in the Gazette.

on NOW, THEREFORE, 1, Kennera Witrtam BLackBurNE, @

4 Knight Commander of the Most. Distinguished Order of Saint Mich-
ael and Saint George; an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the -
British Empire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the
Colony of the Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral of the same, do by
this my proclamation declare that the said Act shall come into opera- °
tion on the 24th day of June 1954.

AND all Her Majesty’s officers and loving subjects ‘in the said
Colony and all others whom it may concern are hereby required to
take due notice hereof and to give their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the (/overnment House, Antigua, this 4th day.
of June 1954, and in the third year of Her Majesty’s


Se La etcernat este .
4 ci Sir

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E, M. BhackMAN, Government Printer.—By Autliority:
1954, mo
47/00202—460—6.54. _ Price 3 cents.





1954, No. 23.

DELEGATION OF Powers (AMENDMENT) Act, 1953 (No. 11 oF
1953). .


K. W. BrackBurngE,

WHEREAS by section 4 of the Delegation of Powers (Amend-
ment) Act, 1953 (No. 11 of 1958) it is provided that the said Act
shall come into oporation on a day to be appointed by the Governor
by proclamation published in the Gazelte.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kenneve Wittiam BLAcKBURNE, &
Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Mich-
ael and Saint George, an Officer of the Most Mxcellent Order of the
British Empire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the
Colony of the Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral of the same, do by
this my proclamation declare that the said Act shall come into opera-
tion on the 24th day of June, 1954.

AND all Her Majesty’s officers and loving subjects in the said
Colony and all others whom it may concern are hereby required to
take due notice hereof and to give their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Government House, Antigua, this 4th day
of June 1954, and in the third year of Her Majesty’s



, Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
Xx by B.M. Buackman, ED. Government Printer,—By Authority.

, ‘ 1954.

L 4Â¥S$7&

[Price 3 cents.) —


1964, No. 24.

Lreewarp Isnanps Letters Patent, 1953.


K. W. Buackpurne,

In exercise of the powers vested in the Governor by Article 2 of
the Letters Patent: passed under the Great Seal of the Realm constituting
the office of Governor and Commander in Chief of the Leeward Islands
and making certain provisions for the Government thereof, bearing date

_at Westminster the twenty-first day of December, 1958, I, Kennera- —

Witttam Bracksurne, a Knight Commander of the Distinguished
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, an Officer of the Most Exeel-
- lent Order of the British Empire, Governor and Commander in Chief in
and over the Colony of the Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral of the
same, do hereby order and proclaim that the said Letters Patent shall
come into operation on Thursday the.24th day of June, 1954.

GIVEN at the Government House, Antigua, this 8th' day of
June, 1954, and in the third year of Her Majesty’s reign.


Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
xX by E. M. BLacKMAN, Government Printer—By Authority.

©. 18/00032-I1—460—6.54. : Price 3 cents,

328.9297 |



: 1954, No. 17.

or Laws (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE, 1953 (No. 16 oF 19538).


K. W. Buacksurng,

WHEREAS by subsection (2) of section 4 of the Interpretation of.
Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1953 (No 16 of 1953) it is provided.
that paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 4 of the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Governor by
proclamation published in the Gazette.

NOW, THEREFORE, J], Kennera Wriuiiam BLAcKBURNE, a
Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael
and Saint George, an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British
Empire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colony of
the Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral of the same, do by this my
proclamation declare that paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 4 of
the said Ordinance shall come into operation on the 24th day of June,

AND all Her Majesty’s officers and loving subjects in the Presi-
dency of Antigua and all othérs whom it may concern are hereby
required to take due notice hereof and to give their ready obedience

GIVEN at the Government House, Antigua, this 4th day of °
June, 1954, and in the third year of Her Majesty’s reign.



Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands:
xX by E, M. BLackMAN, Government Printer;—By Authority:
- 1964. . .
47/00215—460—6.54 Price 3 cents:

— 3287297 |

Publication Not Available

Supplement to
Leeward Islands Gazette
v. 82 no. 29, June 17, 1954

Montserrat Statutory Rules
and Orders
No. 1 of 1954



1954, No. 7.

(No. 4/1954).


K.W. Biacksurne,

WHEREAS by section 7 of the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-.
ment) Ordinance, 1954 (Saint Christopher, Nevis and Anguilla No. 4
of 1954) it is provided that the said Ordinance shall come into operation
on such a day as the Governor may appoint by proclamation published ,
in the Gazette:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kennerg Witiiam BLackBurne, a
Knight. Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael
and Saint George, an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British -
Empire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colony of
the Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral of the same, do by this my
proclamation declare that the said Ordinance shall come into operation
on the 24th day of June, 1964.

Bo, 727 AND all Her Majesty’s officers aud loving subjects in the Presi-
/ ys? dency of Saint Christopher, Nevia and Anguilla and all others whom it

* may concern’ are hereby required to take due notice hereof and to give
their ready obedience accordingly.

1954, No. 6.

6 oF 1954).


Kk. W. BriackBurng,

WHEREAS by section 7 of the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954 (Virgin Islands No. 6 of 1954) it is provided
that the said Ordinance shall come into operation on such day as the
Governor may appoint by proclamation published in the Gazette:

NOW, THEREFORE, [, Kennerae Wiiriam BrLackBuRNE, a
Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Mich-
ael and Saint ueorge, an Officer of the ‘Most Excellent Order of the
British Empire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the
Colony of the Leeward [slauds and Vict Admiral of the same, do by
this my proclamation declare that the said Ordinance shall come into
operation on the 24th day uf June 1954.

AND all Her Majesty’s officers and loving subjects in the Presi-
dency of the Virgin Islands and all others whom. it may concern are
hereby required fo take due notice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Government House, Antigua, this 4th day of
June 1954, and in the third year of Her Majesty's reign.



The Secretariat, oo


8th June, 1954.

His Excellency the Governor hereby directs the publication’ for _
general information of the Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal .
of the Realm constituting the office of Governor and Commander in-
Chief of the; Leeward Islands and making certain provisions for the
Goverument thereof, bearing date at Westminster the 21st day of
December, 1953, which comes into operation by proclamation on

Thursday the 24th day of June, 1954.

His Excellency has also directed-that these Letters Patent shall be . 7
read and ‘proclaimed in each Presidency of the Colony at'a place and

time to be fixed by the Administrator or Commissioner thereof.
By Command,

P. D. Macponaxp,

Colonial Secretary.
C. 18/00032—IT, ,


LETTERS PATENT passed under the Great Seal of the
Realm constituting the Office of Governor and Com-
mander-in:Chief of the Leeward Islands and making
certain provisions for the GOvernment thereof.

Dated 21st December, 19538.

Evizapera THE Seconp, by the Grace of God of the United

' Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of

Our other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the
Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.


Whereas under and by virtue of the Leeward Islands Act,
187% (a), as amended by certain Acts of the Governor and
General Legislative Council of the Leeward Islands, Our
Leeward Islands form one Colony consisting of four Presidencies
namely, Antigua, Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, with
their respective Dependencies, Montserrat, and the Virgin

And Whereas, by the Letters Patent mentioned in the
First Schedule to these Our Letters the Office of Governor and
Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands is constituted and
provision is made for the Government thereof:


And Whereas We are minded to make other provision |

for the matters aforesaid:

Now Know Ye that We do declare Our Will and pleasure
aa Follows:—

-1.—(1) In these Our Letters, unless the context other-
wise requires:—

‘“‘a Secretary of State” means one of Our Principal
Secretaries of State;

‘‘ Administrator’? means the Administrator of the Presi-
dency of Antigua or the Administrator of the Presi-
dency of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, as

the case may require, and includes any person for —

the time being acting as Administrator;

(a) 34 & 35 Viet, ¢, 107,


AES TERE ENE Bay Oe Te tet


‘’Commissioners”’ means the Commissioner of the Presi-

dency of Montserrat or the Commissioner of the:

Presidency of the Virgin Islands, as the case may
require, and includes any person for the time being
acting as Commissioner; .

“ Dependency’ means any island administered with the
Presidency of Antigua, or with the Presidency. of
Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla;

“ Presidency’ means one of ‘the four Presidencies of
Antigua, Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla,
Montserrat, and the Virgin Islands, with its Depen-
dencies (if any);

“the Colony” means the Colony of the Leeward Islands
consisting of the four Presidencies;

‘ the existing Instructions ’’ means the Instructions passed

under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet rhentioned
in the Second Schedule to these Our Letters;

“the existing Letters, Patent’? mean the Letters Patent

mentioned in the First Schedule to these Our Letters;

“the Gazette’? means the official publication printed and
published in ‘the Colony under the title of ‘The
Leeward Islands Gazette’:

Provided that in the Presidency of Saint Christo-

. pher Nevis and Anguilla, “The Gazette” shall

also include the Official Gazette published in that
Presidency. .

© the Governor” means the Governor and Commander-in-
Chief of the Colony, and includes the officer for the

time being administering the Government of the”

Colony, and, to the extent to which a Deputy for
the Governor is authorised to act, that Deputy.

(2) Save as is in these Our Letters otherwise provided or
required by the context the Interpretation Act, 1889(b), shall
apply for the interpretation of these Our Letters as it applies
for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

Short title. © These Our Letters may be cited as the Leeward
and com-

_mence- Islands Letters Patent, 1953. They shall come into operation

ment. on a day to be appointed by the Governor by Proclamation
published in | the Gazette.



(bd) 88 & 58 Vict, o, 63,

apy ene ER TT ITI ee at me 7 oath ul

dae ne eee tthe tnd

8. Subject to the provisions of Article 13 of these Our
Letters the existing Letters Patent are hereby revoked, but
without prejudice to anything lawfully done thereunder.

4. There shall be a Governor and Commander-in-Chief
- in and over the Colony, and: appointments to the said Office
shall be made by Commission under Our Sign Manual and
Signet. ‘ \

5. We do hereby authorize, empower and command the
Governor to do all things belonging to his Office in accordance

with these Our Letters, such Commission as aforesaid, and -

such Instructions as may from time to time be given to him
by Us under Our Sign Manual and Signet or through a Secre-
tary of State, and in accordance with such Orders in Our

Privy Council and other laws as may from time to time be in

force in the Colony.

6. Every person appointed to fill the office of Governor
shall, with all due solemnity, before entering on any of the duties
of his Office, cause the Commission appointing him -to be
Governor to be read and published at the seat of Government,
in the presence of the Chief Justice, or of some other Judge
of the Supreme Court of the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands, if able to attend, and of such Members of the Execu-
tive Council of the Colony as can conveniently attend: which
being’ done, he shall thereupon take before them the Oath of
Allegiance and the Oath for the due execution of the Office of
Governor, in the forms set out in the Third Schedule to these
Our Letters, which Oaths the said Chief Justice or Judge or,
if they be unavoidably absent, the senior Member of the said
Executive Council then present, is hereby required to administer.

7-—(1) Whenever the Office of Governor is vacant, or
the Governor is absent from the Colony, or is from any cause
prevented from, or incapable of performing the functions of his
Office, the Government of the Colony shall, during Our
pleasure, be administered by—

(a) such person as We may appoint under Our Sign
Manual and Signet, and if there be more than one person
so appointed, in the order stated in the Instrument or
Instruments of Appointment; or

(6) if there be no person in the Colony so appointed
and capable of discharging. the duties of administration,
such person as We may designate by Instructions through
a Secretary of State;-or ,

tion of

Office of

Governor's —

tion of
sion and
and taking
of Onthe,

to the

ment of
Deputy to


(c) if there be no person in the Coloiy so appointed
or designated and capable of discharging the duties of.
administration, the senior, in accordance with the order
herein appearing, of the following officers who is in the
Colony and so capable, that is to say:—

First, the person who holds the substantive appoint-
ment of Colonial Secretary ;

Secondly, the persons who hold the substantive
appointments of Administrator of Antigua and Adminis-
trator of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, in the
order of seniority assigned by Us, or, in defnult thereof,
in the order of the respective dates of their first appoint-
ments as Administrator in the Colony;

_ Thirdly, the senior Member of the Executive Council
of the Colony.

(2) Before assuming the administration of the Government
any such person as aforesaid shall, in that one of the Presidencies
in which he shall be at the occurrence of the event by virtue of
which he is empowered to administer the Governnient or at
which he shall first arrive thereafter, in the form and manner
prescribed in these Onr Letters, take the caths herein directed
to be taken by the Governor; which being done, We do hereby
authorise empower and command such person, subject, if-he is

- appointed as aforesaid under Our Sign Manual and Signet, to.
. the terms of his appointment, during Our pleasure, to do all

things that belong to the Office of Governor as provided in
these Our Letters.

(3) Any such person as aforesaid shall not continue to
administer the Government after the Governor or some other
officer having a prior right to xdminister the same has notified
that he is about to assume, or resume, the administration.

(4) The Governor or any other person as aforesaid shall
not be regarded as absent from the Colony or prevented from,
or incapable of, acting in the duties of his Office for the purpose
of this Article during his passage from one part of the Colony
to another or when there is a. subsisting appointment of
a Deputy under Article 8 of these Our Letters.

8.—(1) Whenever the Governor—

(a) has occasion to be ubsent from the seat of Gov- |
ernment but not from the Colony; or


(5) has occasion to be absent from the Colony for
a period which he has reason to believe will be of short
duration; or

(c) by reason of illness, which he has reason to
believe will be of short duration, considers it desirable
so to do,

he may, by Instrument under the: Public Seal of the Colony,
appoint any person in the Colony to be his: Deputy during

_ such absence or illness, and in that capacity to exercise and

perform for and on behalf of the Governor during such
absence or illness all such powers.and functions vested in the
Governor as shall be specified by such Instrument.

(2) By the appointment of a Deputy as aforesaid the
power and authority of the Governor shall not be abridged,
altered, or in any way affected otherwise than as We may at

any time hereafter think proper to direct; and every Deputy

shall conform to and observe all such instructions as. the
Governor shall from time to time address to him for his

’ . guidance.

(3) Any appointment under this Article may at any time
be revoked by the Governor or by a Secretary of State and, in
case of absence as aforesaid, sHfall cease and determine upon the
return of the Governor to the seat of .Government or tu the
Colony, as the case may be.

-9.—(1) There shall be in each of the Presidencies of
Antigua and Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla an Admin-
istrator and in each of the Presidencies of Montserrat and the
Virgin Islands a Commissioner, appointed by the Governor by
Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony. Every such
officer shall hold his office-during Our pleasure, and shall
administer the Government of the Presidency coneerned except
when the Governor, being there present, otherwise directs.

___ (2) Whenever and so long as there shall be no person in
a Presidency appointed in accordance with the provisions of

‘paragraph (1) of this Article and capable of discharging the

duties of administration, such person as the Governor may
appoint in writing shall act'as Administrator or Commissioner
as the case may be.

— (8) Tt shall be lawful for the Governor from time to
time in writing to appoint some person to act as Administrator

7 in place of the Administrator of Antigua or the Administrator

stration of
the Gov-
ernment of
the respec-
tive Presi-

of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, as the case may be,
for any period during which the person holding the substantive
appointment of Administrator is administering the Government

of the Colony, notwithstanding that such last mentioned person
may be in the Presidency concerned,

(4) (a) Whenever an Administrator of a Presidency
has occasion to leave the seat of Government of that Presidency
to. visit another Island of the Presidency, or one of the
Dependencies thereof, the Governor may, subject to any
Instructions given to him under Our Royal Sign Manual and
Signet, or through a Secretary of State, by Instrument under
the Public Seal of the Colony appoint any person to be the
Administrator’s Deputy within the Presidency, or any part
thereof, for the duration of such visit, and in that capacity
to exercise, perform and execute for and on behalf of the
Administrator during such visit all such powers and authorities
vested in the Administrator aa shall in and by such Instrument
‘be specified.

(b) By the appointment of a Deputy as aforesaid: the
power and authority of the Administrator shall not be abridged,
altered, or in anv way affected otherwise than as the Governor
may at any time think proper to direct, and every such Deputy
shall, subject to the provisions of the Instrument appointing
him, conform to and observe all such instructions as the
Governor or Administrator shall from time to time address
to him for his guidance. .

(c) Any appointment under sub-paragraph (a) of this
paragraph may. at any time berevoked by the Governor and
shall cease and determine upon the return of: the Administrator
concerned from such visit. oo

(5) Every Administrator and Commissioner before as-
suming the administration of any Presidency shall, in the form

and manner prescribed in these Our Letters, take the Oaths

herein directed to be taken by the Governor with the substitu-
tion, in the second Oath set out in the Third Schedule hereto,
for the words “the Office.of Governor,” of a reference to the
Office of Administrator or Commissioner, as the case may be, ©
of the Presidency concerned.

(6) The Oaths having been taken in accordance with the |

provisions of paragraph (5) of this Article, We do hereby

authorize, empower and command every such Administrator
and Commissioner, subject té the terms of his appointment, and


the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article, during Our
pleasure, to do within the Presidency, the Government of which
he is authorized to administer, so far as the same can be done
therein, and for such time as he is authorized by this Article to
administer the Government—

(a) in the case of an Administrator, all things that


belong to the Office of Governor, except the power of -

pardoning persons sentenced to death, as provided in these
Our Letters; and

(6) in the case of a Commissioner, such things
belonging to the Office of Governor as the Governor may
from time to time think fit to assign to him.

10. The Administrators and Commissioners shall, in
discharge of their respective Offices, conform to and observe all
such lawful instructions as the Governor shall address to them
for their guidance; subject to and in accordance with such
Instructions as may from time to time be given to the Governor
under Our Sign Manual and Signet, or through a Secretary of

11.—(1) The Governor shall keep and use the Public Seal
_ of the Colony, and the Public Seals of the Presidencies of
Montserrat and the Virgin Islands, for sealing all things
whatsoever that shall pass the said Seals.

(2) The Administrators of the Presidencies of Antigua and
Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla shall keep the Public
Seals of such Presidencies, and shall use the said Seals for all
such purposes as aforesaid:

Provided that when the Governor shall be in either of the
two last mentioned Presidencies, the Administrator shall, when-
ever he shall be so required by the Governor, deliver up to him
the Public Seal of that Presidency, and the Governor shall use
it for all such purposes as aforesaid.

12. In accordance with the Leeward Islands Acts, 1871
to 1950 as amended, We do hereby delegate to the Governor,
but subject always to the provisions of the said Acts, and to any
Instructions addressed to him under Our Sign Manual and
Signet, or through a Secretary of State, the power of appoint-
ing from time to time such officers of the General Government
as he may think requisite for the conduct of the Government of

the Colony.

and Gom-
to conform


to Gov-

of power to

tion of


Grants of
. lands,


13.—(1). There shall be an Executive Council in and for
each of the Presidencies which shall consist in each case of such

Councils of persons as We shall direct by any Instructions under Our Sign

- Manual and Signet:

Provided, however, that notwithstanding anything con- .

tained in these Our Letters or in any [nstructions passed under
Our Sign Manual. and Sigriet, until such day as the Governor
shall by Order under his hand appoint:—

(a) the Executive Council established for each

Presidency by the existing Letters Patent and constituted ©

in accordance with the provisions of the existing Instruc-
tions shall continue to be the Executive Council of that
Presidency ar.d shall be constituted and shall perform its
functions as if the existing Instructions had not been
revoked, and as if no other Instructions under Our Sign
Manual and Signet had been issued to the Governor;

(#) any person who immediately betore. the com-

mencement of these Our Letters was a Member of. any.

such Executive Council shall not cease to be a. Member
thereof by reason only of anything contained either in
these Our Letters. or in any Instructions under Our Sign
Manual and Signet revoking or amending the existing

(2) In exercising his powers under paragraph (1) of this:

Article the Governor may appoint different. days in respect. of
different Presidencies.

(3) The Members of such Executive Councils shall hold '

their seats in the said Councils for such period and upon such
conditions as may be specified in such Iustructions as. are
referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article.

(4) The said Executive Councils shall not be disqualified
for the transaction of business by reason of any vacancies in the
membership of the said Councils, including any vacancies not
filled. when the said Councils are first constituted or are
reconstituted at any time; and any procsedings therein shall be
valid notwithstanding that some person who was not entitled to
do so sat or voted in the Council attended or otherwise took
part in the proceedings.

14. Subject to any Act or Ordinance for the time being

in force and to any Instructions given to him by Us under Our -

Sign Manual aud Signet, or through a Secretary of State, the


Governor may, in Our name and on Our behalf, make and
execute, under the Public Seal of any of the Presidencies,
grants and dispositions of any lands or other immovable
property within such Presidencies which may lawfully be
granted or disposed of by Us.

15. The Governor in Our name and on Our behalf ma
constitute and appoint all such Judges, and such other Officers
in any of the Presidencies, as may be lawfully constituted or
appointed by Us, al! of whom, unless otherwise provided by law,
shall hold their offices during Our pleasure.

‘16. Subject to the provisions of any law or rules or
regulations for the time being in force and to such Instructions
as may from time to time be given to him by Us under Our

, Appoint-

ment of
Judges and


Sign Manual and Signet or through a Secretary of State, the |

Governor may, upon sufficient-cause to him appearing, dismiss

or suspend from the exercise of his office any person holding ~

any public office under the Government of the Colony or of any
of the Presidencies, or may take with respect to such person
such other disciplinary action as may seem to him desirable.

17. When any crime has been committed for which the
offender may be tried within the Colony, the Governor may, as
he shall see fit, in Our name and on Our behalf, grant a pardon
to any accomplice in such offence who shall give such informa-
tion as shall lead to the conviction of the principal offender;-or
of any of the principal offenders if more than one; and further,
may grant to any offender convicted of any such offence in any
Court within the Colony a pardon, either free or subject to
lawful conditions, or any respite, either indefinite or for such
period as the. Governor’ may think fit, of the execution of any
sentence passed on such offender, and may remit the whole or
any part of such sentence or of any penalties or forfeiture
otherwise due to Us.

18. When a substantive holder of any otfice constituted
by or under these Our Letters is on leave of absence pending
relinquishment of his office it shall be lawful for another person
to be appointed substantively to the same office.

19. We do hereby require and command all Our Officers,
Civil and Military, and all other the inhabitants of the Colony
to be obedient, aiding «and assisting unto the Governor, and
unto the Administrators and Commissioners.

Grant of

tive holder
of office on

Officers and
others to
obey and
assist the
atrat ors

‘and Oom- - ¢



tien of

power to-

amend or


tion and
tion of

_tor or Commissioner, as the case may. be, of each of the

10 -
20. “We do hereby reserve to Ourselves, Our Heirs and |

Successors full power and authority to amend, add to, or revoke
these Our Letters as to Us or Them shall seem fit,

21.—(1) These Our Letters shall be published in the
Gazette and shall be read and proclaimed at such place or places
within the Colony as the Governor shall think fit,

(2) These Our Letters shall be preserved within the
Presidency of Antigua, and a full and exact copy thereof shall
be deposited and duly recorded in the office of the Administra-

Presidencies of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, Mont- -
serrat and the Virgin Islands, and so long as these Our Letters
remain in force, every copy thereof so recorded as aforesaid
shall, within the Presidency in which the same is recorded,
have the same force, virtue and effect as these Our Letters.

In witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to
be made Patent.

Witness Ourself at Westminster, the twenty-first day of -
December in the second. year of Our Reign.

By Warrant under the handa of the Counsellors of State.



Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the Realm constitu-
ting the Office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward
Islands and dated the seventeenth day of November, 1936.

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the Realm dated the
twenty-eighth day of December, 1939, amending the aforesaid Letters
Patent of the seventeenth day of November, 1936,

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the Realm dated the
twelfth day of July, 1943, amending the aforesaid Letters Patent of the
seventeenth day of November, 1936.

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the Realm dated the
fifteenth day of January, 1951, amending the aforesaid Letters Patent
of the seventeenth day of November, 1936,,


Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet to the
Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands and dated
the seventeenth day of November, 1936.

Additional Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and
Signet and dated the twenty-eighth day of December, 1939, amending
the aforesail Instructions of the seventeenth day of November, 1936.

Additional Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and
Signet and dated the twelfth day of July, 19143, amending the aforesai:
Instructions of the the seventeenth day of November, 1936.

Additional Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and
Signet and dated the thirtieth day of December, 1950, amending the
aforesaid Instructions of the seventeenth day of November, 1936.

“ Additional Instructions passed under Our Sign Manual and Signet
and dated the twenty-second day of February, 1952, amending the
aforesaid Instructions of the seventeenth day of November, 1936,


To .eesescecceccscscceesceserennees do swear that I will be faithful and bear
true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second Her Heirs
and Successors, according to Law. So help me God.


Losseescecuceseeses sae we uaeseeeenees do swear that I will well and truly serve
Her Majesty Queen Blizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors, in
Office of the Governor. So help me God,

The Secretariat,
; 8th June, 1954.

His Excellency the Governor directs the publication for general
information of the Royal Instructions passed under the Royal Sign
Manual and Signet to the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the ,
Leeward Islands given on the 21st day of December, 1953, and which
come into force on Thursday the 24th day of June,-1954, under the

Letters Patent read and proclaimed and coming into force on that day.

By Command,

P. D. Macnonatn,
Colonial Secretary.

C. 19/00032—TII.


INSTRUCTIONS passed under the Royal Sign Manual
and Signet to the Governor and Commander-in-Ohief
of the Lesward Islands.

ELIZABETH, R. Signed on behalf
MARGARET. of Her Majesty.

Dated 21st December, 1953.

Instructions to Our Governor and Commander-in-Chief in
and over the Leeward Islands, or other Officer for the
time being administering the Government of Our said

Whereas by the Leeward Islands Letters Patent, 1953
(hereinafter called “the Letters Patent”), We have ordered
and declared that there shall be a Governor and. Commander-
in-Chief in and over Our Colony of the Leeward Islands:

And Whereas We have thereby authorized, commanded
and empowered the Governor to do all things belonging to -his
Office in accordance with such‘Instructions as may from time
_ to time be given to him by Js under Our Sign Manual and

Signet: -

And Whereas it is provided by section 4 of the Leeward
Islands Act, 1871, as amended, that there shall be in and for
the Colony of the Leeward Islands an Executive Council,
constituted in such manner, and having such functions, as may
be prescribed by Instructions under ‘Our Sign Manual and

And Whereas certain Instructions under Our Sign Manual
and Signet were issued to the Governor on the seventeenth day
of November, 1936; and whereas such Instructions were
amended by Additional Instructions issued on the twenty-
eighth day of December, 1939, the twelfth day of J uly, 1943,
the thirtieth day of Décember, 1950, and the twenty-second
day of February, 1952:

And Whereas We are minded to substitute fresh Instruc-
tions for the aforesaid Instructions and Additional Instructions
(hereinafter together called “ the existing Instructions ”):

Oatha to be
tered by

Seat of

to visit the

_ cles every

tions to be
by Admin-
and Com-


Now, therefore, as from the date of the coming into force
of the Letters Patent, subject as mentioned in the proviso to
clause 9 of these Instructions and in the proviso to paragraph
(1) of Article 13 of the Letters Patent, We do hereby revoke

the existing Instructions, but without prejudice to anything”

lawfully done thereunder, and instead thereof We do hereby
direct and enjoin and declare Our will and pleasure as

Parr I

1. The Governor may, whenever he thinks fit, require
any person in the public service to take the Oath of Allegiance
in the form set out in the Third Schedule to the Letters
Patent, together with such other Oath or Oaths as may from
time to time be prescribed by any laws in force in the Colony
or in any of the Presidencies. The Governor shall administer
such Oaths, or cause them tobe administered by some public

2. The Governor shall ordinarily reside in the Presi-
dency of Antigua except when the interest of Our service
appear to him to require his presence in any other of the

_ Presidencies.

3. Once at least in each year, at such time of the year as
shall be found most convenient, the Governor shall visit each. of
the Presidencies, other than the Presidency of Antigua,
remaining in each of the Presidencies during such a period as
he may consider necessary in the interests of Our service.

4. Such powers and authorities belonging to the Office

of Governor as are for the time being exercisable by the

Administrator or. Commissioner of a Presidency, shall, in
respect of the administration of the Government of: such

Presidency, be exercised by such Administrator or Commis- |

sioner, subject to and in accordance with these Our Instructions
and any general or special instructions which the Governor may
from time to time think fit to give him for his guidance, and,

in the case of a person appointed as Administrator or Commis-'

sioner by the Governor, subject to and in accordance with the
terms of his appointment,


ce a ap r Bt


5. Every Administrator and Commissioner shall corres-
pond with the Governor on all subjects connected with his
Office, and shall transmit to him all official reports and
information touching the same, and (subject to the provisions
of clause 7 of these Instructions) shall apply to the (tovernor
for all such instructions as he may require for his guidance in
the discharge of his Office, and shall conform to and obey all
lawful instructions that the Governor shall address to him:

Provided that an Administrator or Commissioner may, if
so directed by the Governor, correspond on particular questions
directly with Us through a Secretary of State.

6. The Governor shall transmit to Us, through a
Secretary of State by the first convenient opportunity, copies
of all important despatches, reports and communications
received by him from each Administrator or Commissioner, and
of all important instructions or communications addressed by
him to each such Officer.

7. If in any emergency it is necessary that instructions
should be obtained from Us without delay, an Administrator or
Commissioner may apply to Us, through a Secretary of State,
for instructions in the matter;. but in every such case the
Administrator or Commissioner shall forthwith transmit to the
Governor a copy of every despatch or communication which he
has so addressed to Us. .

8.—(1) Whenever there is a subsisting appointment of a
Deputy to the Governor or to‘ an Administrator under the
Letters Patent, these Instructions, so far as they apply to any
matter or thing to be done, or any powers or functions to be
exercised or performed, by such Deputy, shall be deemed to be
addressed to, and shall be observed by, such Deputy.

(2) Any such Deputy to the Governor may, if he thinks
fit, apply to Us through a Secretary of State for instructions in
any matter; but he shall forthwith transmit to the Governor a
copy of every despatch or other communication so addressed to


Parr II


The Executive Council for the Colony

9. The Executive Council for the Colony shall consist of
six ev-oficio Members, one Official Mem ber, one Nominated
Member and six Elected Members:

- Adminis-
tratora and
to conform
to Gov-

eto., from .

and Com-
to be sent

may seek
tions direct
from a
ot State in

tions to be -
by Deputy.

Couneil for _
the Colony,

. Ex-officio


_ Nominated
- Member.


' ‘Tenure of
Office. -

Provided that, notwithstanding anything contained in
these Instructions, until such day as the Governor shall by
Order under his hand appoint, the Kxecutive Council of the
Colony constituted in pursuance of clause 8 of the existing
Instructions, shall continue to be the Executive Council of the
Colony and shall be constituted and shall perform its functions
as if the existing Instructions had not been revoked, and as if
no other Instructione under Our Sign Manual and Signet had

been issued to the Governor.

10. The ex-officio ‘Members of the Executive Council
shall be the Colonial Secretary, the Administrator of ‘Antigua,
the Administrator of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, the.
Attorney-General, the Commissioner of Montserrat and the
Commissioner of the Virgin Islands.

11.—(1) The Official Member of the Executive Council
shall be a public officer and shall be appointed either by name
or by reference to his office by the Governor by Instrument

under the Public Seal of the Colony.

(2) The Governor shall forthwith report to Us through a
Secretary of State the appointment of any person to be the
Official Member of the Executive Council.

12.—(1) The Nominated Member of the Executive
Council shall be a person who is a nominated member of the
General Legislative Council and shall be appointed by the
Governor, by Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony.

(2) The Governor shall forthwith report to Us through
a Secretary of State the appointment of any person to be the

- Nominated Member of the Executive Council.

13.—(1) The Elected Members of the Executive Council
shall be persons who are representative members of the General
Legislative Council and shall be elected to the Executive
Council in‘accordance with the provisions of this clause.

(2) The nominated and representative members of ‘the
General Legislative Council shall, not later than its third sitting
after the coming into force of any Order made by the Governor
under clause 9 of these Instructions and after every dissolution
of the Council, elect from among its representative members six
persons to be Elected Members of the Executive Council.

14.—(1) Subject to the provisions of these Instructions
the Official Member and the Nominated Member shall hold their
seats in the Executive Council during Our pleasure,

a Rt ——F


(2) The seat of the Official Member of the Executive
Council shall, if he is appointed by name, become vacant—

(a) upon his death; or

(4) if he shall, by writing under his hand addressed
to the Governor, resign his seat in the Executive Council,
and if his resignation shall be accepted by the Governor; or

(c) if he shall be absent from the Colony without the
written permission of the Governor; or

(d) if he shall cease to hold a public office.

' (8) The seat of the Nominated Member or of an Elected
Member of the Executive Council shall become vacant— ~

(a) ifthe shall cease to be a Member of the General
Legislative Council:

Provided that, if a Member of the Execulive Council
shall cease to be a member of the General Legislative
Council by reason of the dissolution thereof, he shall not
on that account vacate his seat in the Executive Council
util such time as the General Legislative Council shall,
after such dissolution, elect any persons to be Members of
the Executive Council in pursuance of paragraph (2) of
clause 13 of these Instructions; or

(6) if he shall, by writing under his hand addressed
to the Governor, resign his seat in the Executive Council;

(c) if he shall be absent from the Colony without the
written permission of the Governor. °

"(4) (a) The General Legislative Council may, by resolu-
tion passed in manner provided in sub-paragraph (6) of this
paragraph, revoke the election to the Executive Council of any
Elected Member thereof, and upon the passing of such resolu-
tion, the seat of such Member in the Executive Council -st
become vacant.

(6) The passing of such a resolution shall
casting in favour thereof of the votes of not ”
thirds of all the nominated and representativ
General Legislative Council other than th
who shall not be entitled to vote on sr

sion of
Othcial or
and illness
‘of Mem-

Decision of
question as

to member- . p

(5) Any person vacating a seat as an Official, Nominated

or’ Elected Member of the Executive Council may, if qualified,
again be appointed or elected from time to time.

15.—(1) (a) The Governor may, by Instrument under
the Public Seal of the Colony, suspend the Official Member or
the Nominated Member from the exercise ‘of his functions as a
Member of the Executive Council; and while such suspension
is in force the person suspended shall not sit in, or take part in
the proceedings of, the Executive Council.

(b) Every such suspension shall forthwith be reported by
the Governor to Us through a Secretary of State, and shall
remain in force unless and until it shall be removed by the
Governor by an Instrument under the said Seal, or by Us,
through a Secretary of State, or the person suspended ceases to


be a Member of the Executive Council. ;

(2) The Governor may, by Instrument under the Public -
Seal of the Colony, declare the Official Member, the Nominated
Member or an Elected Member to be, by reason of illness,
temporarily incapable of discharging his functions-as a Member
of the Executive Council; and thereupon such Member shall
not sit in, or take part in the proceedings of, the Executive
Council until he is declared in manner aforesaid again to be
capable of discharging his said functions.

16. All questions which may arise as to the right of any
erson to be or remain a Member of the Executive Council

ship of the shall be referred to and determined by the Governor.
Council. .
Filling of 17.—(1) Whenever the seat of the Official Member or
Facancies the Nominated Member -of the Executive Council becomes
, Executive vacant the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the
Council. Governor in accordance with the provisions of these Instruc-
. tions.
(2) Whenever the seat of an Elected Member of the
Executive Council becomes vacant from any cause other than
the dissolution of the General Legislative Council, the nomi-
nated and representative members of the General Legislative
Couneil shall, as soon as convenient, elect a person from among
its representative members to fill the vacancy in the manner
provided in clause 19 of these Instructions.
Temporary 18.—(1) Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the num-
Members. ber of persons sitting in the Executive Council by reason of the
fact that— .
- OS. 4
3 “of? Jo W Mo, _
9p? ey, Seg ig Ym
Bo 8 Gy Te Oi yw



(a) an ex-officio Member is administering the Gov-
ernment of the Colony; or

(6) one person is lawfully discharging the functions.
of more than one of the offices the holders of which are
specified in clause 10 of these Instructions; or

(c) no person is lawfully discharging the functions
of one of those offices; or

(d). the Official Member is lawfully discharging the

functions of one of those offices; or

« (e) the Official Member or the Nominated Member is
suspended from the exercise of his functions as a Member
under paragraph (1) of clause 15 of these Instructions; or

(7) a Member is declared by the Governor under
paragraph (2) of clause 15 of these Instructions to be, by
reason of illness, temporarily incapable of discharging his
functions asa Member; or

(g) the seat of the Official Member or the Nominated
Member is vacant for any cause; or

(A) a Member is absent from the Colony;

the provisions of paragraph (2) of this clause shall have effect.

(2) (a) If the vacancy is in the number of persons sitting
in the Executive Council as ea-officie Members, the Governor
may appoint a person who is a public officer to be a Temporary
Member of the Executive Council for the period of such

(6) If the vacancy is in respect of the person sitting in the
Executive Council as the Official Member the Governor may
appoint # person who is « public officer to be a Temporary
Member of the Executive Council for the period of such ,va-
cancy. Any such person may be appointed either by name or
by reference to his office.

\ (c) If the vacancy is in respect of the person sitting in the
ExecutiveCouncil as the Nominated Member, the Governor
may appoint a person to be a Temporary Member of the
Executive Council for the period of such vacancy.

(d) If the vacancy is in the number of persons sitting in
the Executive Council as Elected Members, then, if the Gov-
ernor shall inform the General Legislative Council by message

that it ig desirable that a person should be elected to be a Tem-


porary Member of the Executive Council for the period of
such vacancy, the nominated and representative members of

‘the General Legislative Council may elect a person from among -
the representative members of the Council to be a Temporary

Member of the Executive Council. Cee

(e) Every appointment made under sub-paragraph (a),

sub-paragraph (6) or sub-paragraph (c) hereof shall. be made

‘ by the Governor by Instrument under the Public Seal of the

(3) Every person so appointed or elected shal], so long as
his appointment or election shall subsist, be to all intents and

(a) in the case of a vacancy in respect of the persons
sitting in the Executive Council as e2-officio Members, an
ex-officio Member;

(5) in the case of a vacancy in respect of the person

sitting in the Executive Council .as Official Member, the.

Official Member;

(c) in the case of a vacancy in respect of the person
sitting in the Executive Council as Nominated Member,
the Nominated Member; and

(d) in the case of « vacancy in the number of persons
sitting in the Executive Council as Elected Members, an

Elected Member;

and subject to the provisions of this clause the provisions of
clauses 14 and 15 of these Instructions shall apply accordingly.


(4) (a) The Governor shall forthwith report every ap-
pointment made by him under this clause to Us through a
Secretary of State, and every person so appointed shall hold
his appointment during Our pleasure. ‘

(6) Any such appointment may be revoked by the Gov-
ernor by Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony.

(5) An appointment by the Governor made under this
clause shall cease to have effect on notification by the Governor
to the person of its revocation by him, and any appointment or

election made under this clause shall cease to have effect on its

supersession by the definitive appointment or election, as the
case may be, of a person to fill the vacancy, or when the va-
cancy shall otherwise cease to exist,

. . a ‘ ee fee eh
a IT eT + T |


19. In any election of a Member of the Executive Coun-
cil under paragraph (2) of clause 13, paragraph (2) of clause
17, or sub-paragraph ‘(d) of paragraph (2) of clause 18 of
» these Instructions, or on any resolution for the removal of an
Elected Member of the Executive Council under paragraph (4)

and representative Members of the General Iegislative Council
- Shall be given by ballot in such manner as not to disclose how
any particular Member shall vote.

20.—(1) The Members of the Fxecutive Council shall
have seniority and precedence as We may specially assign, and,
in default thereof, as follows:—

First, the ex-officio Members, in the order in which
they are referred to in clause 10 of these Instructions:

Provided that, unless We shall otherwise direct, the

Method of
and re-

Members. '.

of clause 14 of these Instructions, the votes of the nominated ~

of Mem-

persons for the time being holding the substantive ap-

pointments of Administrator of Antigua and Administra-
tor of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla shall have
precedence over any persons acting in either of those
offices and between themselves according to the respective
dates of their appointments as Administrator in the
_ Colony, and any persons so acting shall have precedence
‘in such order as may be assigned by the Governor;

Secondly, the Official Member;

Thirdly, Members temporarily appointed under clause
18 of these Instructions to fill a vacancy in the number of
persons sitting in the Executive Council as. ex-officiv
Members the Official Member, in such order as may
be assigned by the Governor;

Fourthly, the Nominated Member and the Elected
. Members, according to the length of time for which they
have been continuously Members of the Executive Council,
Members who have been continuously Members for the
same length of time taking precedence according to al-
phabetical order of their names;

. Fifthly, Members temporarily appointed or elected
under clause 18 of these Instructions to fill vacancy in
the number of persons sitting in the Executive Council as
‘the Nominated Member or Elected Members, in such order
as may be assigned by the Governor,


ing of per-
sone to

may trans-
act busi-
ness not-
ing vacan-

_ Presiding
in Execu-


(2) In ascertaining, for the puryoses of paragraph (1) \

of this clause, the length of time for which any person shall
have been continuously a Member of the Executive Council—

(a) no account shall be taken of any interval be-
tween the vacation by that person of his seat in the
Executive Council in consequence of the dissolution of
the General Legislative Council and the date of his ap-
pointment or election to filla vacancy in the Executive
Council caused by that dissolution; and _

(5) if any person, having been, for any period im-
mediately before the date upon which the Executive
Council constituted for the Colony in pursuance of clause
8 of the existing Instructions ceases to exist, a Member
of that Council, becomes a Member of the Executive
Council as first constituted under these Instructions, ‘he
shall be deemed to have been a Member of the Executive
Council during. that period; and no account shall be taken
of any interval between the end of that period and the
date upon which such person is first appointed or ‘elected
as a Member of the Executive Council under these In-
structions. -

21. Whenever upon any special occasion the Governor
desires to obtain the advice of any person in the Colony re-
lating to affairs therein, he may, in writing, summon such
person to the Executive Council for such special occasion.

22. The Executive Couneil shall not be disqualified for
the transaction of business by reason of any vacancies in the
membership of the said Council, including any vacancies not
filled when the said Council is first constituted or is reconsti-
tuted at any time; and any proceedings.therein shall be. valid
notwithstanding that some person, who was not entitled so to

do, sat or voted in the Council or otherwise took part in the ©
‘ proceedings. .

28. The Governor shall, so far as practicable, attend
and preside at all meetings of the Executive Council, and in
his absence such Member as the Governor may appoint or, in
the absence of such Member-or if no Member be so appointed,
the Member present who stands first in order of precedence,

' shall preside.

Meetings of
the Execu-
tive Coun-


24.—(1) There shall be two kinds of meetings of the

Executive Council, ordinary. meetings and extraordinary.


Eh Toa Uae ee E ot rey ~ ret T



(2) For every ordinary meeting a notice shall be posted
to every Member present in the Colony in sufficient time for

every such Member who is absent from the Presidency in .

which the meeting is held to attend after receiving such notice.

(3) An extraordinary meeting may be held whenever the
Governor considers it necessary on account of the urgency of
the business to be transacted.

(4) For every extraordinary meeting a notice shall be
posted to every Member present in the Colony, and such meet-
ing may be held, although sufficient time may not have elasped
-between the sending of the notices and the date of the meet-
ing for Members absent from the Presidency in which the
meeting is held to attend the meeting,

Part III


The Executive Councils of the Presidencies

25.—(1) The Executive Council of the Presidency of
- Antigua shall consist of one ex-officio Member (if the Governor
is present in the said Executive Council), two Presidential
Official Members, one Nominated Member, and three Elected

Provided that the Governor may, at any time, increase
the number of Presidential Official Members to three by the
appointment of an additional Presidential Official Member.

(2) The Executive Council of the Presidency of Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla shall consist of one ex-officio
Member (if the Governor is present in the said Executive
Council), three Presidential Official Members, one Nominated
Member, and three Elected Members:

Provided that whenever the number of Elected Members
of the said Executive Council does not include a persen who
has been elected t» the Legislative Council of the said Presi-
dency to represent an electoral district in fhe Island of Nevis

Couneile of

_ then the number of Elected Members of the said Executive -
- Council shall be increased by the election thereto by the nomi- ©

nated and elected members of the said Legislative Council of
an additional Member from amony the elected members repre-
senting Nevis on the said Legislative Council,


tial Official




. (8) The Executive Council of the Presidency of Mont-.

serrat shall consist of one ex-oficiv Member (if the Governor
is present in the said Executive Council), two Presidential

Official Members, one Nominated Member and two Elected


(4) (a4) The Executive Council of the Presidency of the —

Virgin [slands shall consist of one ea-officio’ Member (if the
Governor is present in the said Executive Council), and . of
such persons as We may from time to-time appoint by any
Instructions or Warrants under Our Sign Manual and Signét,
or as the Governor may appoint by ‘Instrument under the

Public Seal of the Colony. Every person so appointed shall

be styled a Presidential Appointed Member,

(6) The Governor shall forthwith report to Us through a
Secretary of State every appointment made under sub-paragraph
(a) of this paragraph.

26. Where the Governor is present in any Presidential
Executive Council, the Administrator or Commissioner, as the
case may be, shall be the ew-officio Member of the Council


2'7.—(1) Every Presidential Official Member shall be a
public officer, and shall be appointed either by name or by
reference to his office by the Governor by Instrument under
the Public Seal of the Colony.

(2) The Governor shall forthwith report to Us through a
Secretary of State every appointment made under paragraph
(1) of this clause.

28.—(1) The Nominated Member of a Presidential
Executive Council shall be a person who is a nominated
member of the Legislative Council of the Presidency concerned,
and shull be appointed by the Governor by Intrument under
the Public Seal of the Colony.

(2) The Governor shall forthwith report to Us through a

Secretary of State every appointment made. under paragraph’

(1) of this clause 4

29.—(1) The Elected Members of a Presidential Execu-
tive Council shall be persons who are elected members of the
Legislative Council of the Presidency concerned and shall be
elected to the Executive Council of stich Presidency in accord-
ance with the provisions of thie clause,



(2) The nominated and elected members of each Presiden:

4 tial Legislative Council (other than that of the Virgin Islands)

: shall, not later than the third sitting of that Council after the

coming into force of any Order made by the Governor under

« Article 13 of the Letters Patent and after any dissolution

thereof, elect from among the elected members of that Council

such number of persons as is specified in clause 25 of these

Instructions to be Elected Members of the Executive Council
- of the Presidency concerned.

30.—(1) Subject to the provisions of these Instructions Tenure of
the Presidential Official Members, the Presidential Appointed °-
Members, and the Nominated Members shall hold their seats in
the Presidential Executive Councils during Our pleasure.

(2) The seat of a Presidential Official Member, if he is .
appointed by name, or of a Presidential Appointed Member
shall become vacant—

(a) upon his death; or

(>) if he shall, by writing under his hand .addressed ~
‘to the Governor, resign his seat in the Presidential Execu- -
tive Council, and if his resignation shall be accepted by the
Governor; or

(c) if he shall be absent from the Presidency con-
cerned without the written permission of the Governor, or
of the Administrator or Commissioner of the said Presi-
dency; or

(d) if, being a Presidential Official Member, he shall
cease to hold a public office.

(3) The seat of a Nominated Member or of an Elected
Member of a Presidential Executive Council shall become
vacant— ‘
(a) if he shall cease to be a Member of the Legisla-
‘tive Council of the Presidency concerned:

Provided that, if a Member of a Presidential Execu-
| tive Council shall cease to be a member of the Presidential

Legislative Council by reason of the dissolution thereof, he

shall not on that account vacate his seat in the Presidential
. Executive Council until such time as the nominated and
'* "elected members of the Presidential Legislative Council
, shall, after such dissolution, elect any person to bea Mem-
ih ber of the Presidential Executive Council in pursuance of
paragraph (2) of clause 29 of these Instructions; or

of Presi-
* dential
. Official, .

or Nomina-

ted Mem-

(6) if he shall by writing under his hand addressed to

the Governor, resign his seat in the Presidential Executive
Council; or

(c) if he shall be absent from the Presidency con-
cerned without the written permission of the Governor,

or of the Administrator or Commissioner of the said


(4) (a) Any Presidential Legislative Council may, by
resolution passed in the manner provided in sub-paragraph (6)
of this paragraph, revoke the election to the Presidential
Executive Council of any Elected Member thereof, and, upon~
the passing of such resolution, the seat of such Member in the

~ Presidential Executive Council.shall become vacant.

6) The passing of such a resolution shall require the cast- -
} g q

ing in favour thereof of the votes of not less than two-thirds of
all the nominated and elected members of the Presidential
Legislative Council other than the presiding Member, who shall
not be entitled to vote on such a resolution. -

(5) Any person vacating a seat as a Presidential Official,
Presidential Appointed, Nominated or Elected Member of a

Presidential Executive Council may, if qnalified, be again .

appointed or elected from time to time.

831.—(1) (a) The Governor may, by Instrument under
the Public Seal of the Colony, suspend a Presidential Official
Member or a Presidential Appointed Member, or a Nominated

Member from the exercise of his functions as a Member of a”

Presidential Executive Council; and while such suspension is in
force the person suspended shall not sit in, or take part in the
proceedings of, a Presidential Executive Council.

(6) Every.such suspension shall forthwith be reported by
the Governor to Us through a Secretary of State, and shall
remain in force unless and until it shall be removed by the
Governor by Instrument under the said Seal, or by Us, through
a Secretary of State, or the person suspended ceases to be a
Member of a Presidential Executive Council.

(2) The Governor may, by Instrument under the Public
Seal of the Colony, declare a Presidential Official Member, a
Presidential Appointed Member, a Nominated Member or an-
Elected Member to be, by reason of illness, temporarily incapa-
ble of discharging his functions as a Member of a Presidential

Executive Council; and thereupon such Member shall not sit in, ©

capable of discharging his said functions.


‘or take part in the proceedings of, a Presidential Executive

Council until he is declared in manner -afvresaid again to be

32. All questions which may arise as to the right of any
person to be or remain a Member of a Presidential Executive
Council shall be referred to and determined by the Governor.

33.—(1) Whenever the seat of a Presidential (Official
Member, a Presidential Appointed Member, or a Nominated
Member of a Presidential Execative Council becomes vacant the
vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Governor in
accordance with the provisions of these Instructions.

(2) Whenever the seat of an Elected Member of a Presi-
dential Executive Council becomes vacant from any cause
other than the dissolution of the Legislative Council of that
Presidency, the nominated and elected members of such

Legislative Council shall, as soon as convenient, elect a person
from among its elected members to fill the vacancy.

34.—(1) Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the num-
ber of persons sitting in a Presidential Executive Council by

_ reason of the fact that—

(a) a Presidential Official Member is lawfully dia-
charging the functions. of the office of Administrator; or

(6) a Presidential Official Member, or a Presidential
Appointed Member, is lawfully discharging the functions of
the office of Commissioner; or

(c) a Presidential Official Member appointed by
reference to his office is lawfully discharging the functions
of the office of more than one Presidential Official
Member; or

(d) a, Presidential Official Member is appointed by
reference to his office and no person is lawfully discharging
- the functions of that office; or

(e) a Presidential Official Member, a Presidential
Appointed Member, or a Nominated Member is suspended
fgom the exercise of his functions as a Member under
paragraph (1) of clause 31 of these Ingtructions; or

Decision of
as to mem-
bership of
tial Execu-
tive Coun-

Filling of
in Presi-

Temporary ©


(f) a Member is declared by the Governor under
subsection (2) of clause 31 of these Instructions to be,
by reason of illness, temporarily incapable of discharging
his functions as a Member; or .

(g) the seat of a Presidential Official. Member, a

Presidential Appointed Member, or the Nominated Mem-

ber is vacant for any cause; or

(hk) a Member is absent from the Colony ;

the provisions of paragraph (2) of this clause shall have effect.

(2) (a) If the vacancy is in the number of persons sitting
in a Presidential Fixecutive Council as Presidential Official
Members, the Governor may appoint a person who is a public

officer to bea ‘Temporary Member of that Executive Council

for the period of such vacancy. Any such person may be
appointed either by name or by reference to his office.

(b) If the vacancy is in the number of persons sitting in
the Executive Council of the Virgin Islands as Presidential

Appointed Members, the Governor may appoint a person to be —

a Temporary Member of that Executive Council for the period
of such vacancy.

(c) If the vacancy is in respect of the person sitting in a
Presidential Executive Council as the Presidential Nominated
Member, the Governor. may appoint a person who is a nomi-
nated member of the Legislative Council of the Presidency

concerned to be a Temporary Member of the Executive Council

of that Presidency for the period of such vacancy.

(d) If the vacancy ina Presidential Executive Council is
in respect of the persons sitting in the said Hxecutive Council as
Presidential Elected Members, then, if the Governor shall
inform the Legislative Council of the Presidency concerned by
message that it is desirable that a person should be elected to be
a ‘Temporary Member of the Executive Council ‘of that
Presidency for the period of such vacancy, the nominated and
elected members of the Legislative Council of such Presideney

may elect a person from among the elected members thereof —

to be a Temporary Member of the Executive Council of that
Presidency for the period of such vacancy. :

(e) Every appointment made under sub-paragraph (a);

sub-paragraph (6) or sub-paragraph (c) hereof shall be made by.

the Governor by Instrument under the Public Seal of the


ee Pt a Ag BL Yip pone dl



(3) Every person so appointed or elected shall, so long as

his appointment or eleetion shall subsist, be to all intents and |

purposes— .
(a) in the case of a vacancy in respect of a person
sitting ina Presidential Executive Council asa Presidential
Official Member, a Presidential Official Member;

(6) in the case of a vacancy in respect of 4 person
sitting in a Presidential Executive Council as a Presiden-
tial Appointed Member, a Presidential Appointed

(c) in the case.of a vacancy in respect of the person
sitting in a Presidential Executive Council as Nominated
Member, the Nominated Member; and

| (d) in the case of a vacancy in the number of persons
sitting in a Presidential Executive Council as Elected
Members, an Elected Member;

and subject to the provisions of this clause the provisions of
clauses 30 and 31 of these Instructions shall apply accordingly.

(4) (a) The Governor shall forthwith report every
appointment made by him under this clause to Us through a

Secretary of State, and every person so appointed shall hold his —

appointment during Our pleasure.

(6) Any such appointment may be revoked by the.

Governor by Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony.

(5) An appointment by the Governor made under this
clause shall cease to have effect on notification by the Governor
to the person appointed of its revocation by him, and any
appointment or election made under this clause shall cease to
have effect on its supersession by the definitive appointment or
election, as the case may be, of a person to fill the vacancy,
or when the vacancy shall otherwise cease to exist.

835. In any election of a Member of a Presidential
Executive Council under paragraph (2) of clause 29, paragraph
(2) of clause 33, or sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph (2) of
clause 34 of these Instructions, or on any resolution for the

removal of an Elected Member of a Presidential Executive

Council under paragraph (4) of clause 30 of these Instructions,
the votes of the nominated and elected members of the Presi-
dential Legislative Council concerned shall be given by ballot
in such manner as not to disclose how any particular member
shall vote, 7

Method of
removal of
Members, -



{ | Breeedence 86.—(1) The Members of each Presidential Executive -
fj. efmem- Council shall have seniority and precedence as We may

ae specially assign, and, in default thereof as follows:— ~

: First, the ex-officio Memher, if any;

S Secondly, the Presidential Official Members and
Pe the Presidential Appointed Members, as the case may
. be, according to the priority of their respective appoint-
E ments, or, if appointed by the same Instrnment accord-
E ing to the order in which they are named therein;

-Thirdly, Members temporarily appointed under
an clause 34 of these Instructions to fill a vacancy in the
. number of persous sitting in the Presidential Executive
Council as Presidential Official Members, or Presidential
Appointed Members, as the case may be, in such order
- as may be assigned by the Governor;

eels aia

Members, according to the length of time for which
they have been continuously Members of the Presidential
Executive Council, Members who have been. contin-
uously Members for the same length of time taking
precedence according to the alphabetical order of their

Fifthly, Members temporarily appointed or elected
under clause 34 of these Instructions to fill a vacancy
in the number of persons sitting in the Presidential
Kxecutive Council as the Nominated Member or Elected


(2) In ascertaining, for the purpose of paragraph (1)
of this clause, the length of time for which any person shall
have been continuously a Member of a Presidential Execu-
tive Council—

(a) no account shall be taken of any interval
between the vacation by that person of his seat in the

dissolution of the Presidential Legislative Council
concerned and the date of his appointment or election
to fill a vacancy in the Presidential Executive Council
caused by that ‘dissolution; and


re ' Fourthly, the Nominated Member and the Elected —

Members in such order as may be assigned. by the

Presidential Executive Council in consequence of the


(b) if any person, having been, for any period
immediately before the date upon which an Ixecutive
Council constituted for a Presidency in pursuance of

clause 10 of the existing Instructions ceases to exist, —

a Member of that Council, becomes a Member of
a. Presidential Executive Council as first constituted
under these Instructions, he shall be deemed to have
been a Member of the Presidential Executive Council
during that period; and no account shall be taken of
any interval between the end of that period and the
date upon which such person is first appointed or
elected as a Member of the Presidential Exeegutive
Council under these Instructions.

37. Whenever upon any special occasion the Governor,

Administrator or Commissioner desires to obtain the advice
of any person within a Presidency relating to affairs therein,

he may, in writing, summon such person to the Executive

Council of that Presidency for such special occasion.

38.—(1) The Governor shall, so far as he considers it
necessary for the exercise of his powers and the performance
of his duties, attend the meetings of the Executive Council
of a Presidency in which he is for the time being present,
and whenever he shall so attend, he shall preside.

' (2) Every Administrator and Commissioner shall, so
far as is practicable, attend at all meetings of the Executive
Council of the Presidency of which he is {he Administrator
or Commissioner, as the case may he; and whenever he shall
so attend he shall preside unless the Governor be present.

(3) In the absence of the Governor and of the
Administrator or Commissioner, as the case may be, such
Member as the Governor may-appoint, or in default of such
appointment or in the ahsence of any Member so appointed,
the Member of the Presidential Executive Council present
who stands first in order of precedence shall preside.

839. It shall not be necessary to summon to any
meeting of a Presidential Executive Council any Member
of such Council who is absent from the Presidency concerned.

_ meeting, ‘

ing of per-
sons to
Councils? |

Presiding -
in Presi-

from Preri-
dency need
not be awm-
moned to

to com-

municate -

tions to

and Execu-
tive Coun-

ing and
quorum of:
Council of
the Colony.

quorum of
tial Exeou-
tive Coun-

. Minutes.


‘ Governor,

_ Adminis-

and Com-
shall con-
sult Colony
and Presi-

_ Executive

Part [V



40. The Governor shall forthwith communicate to
the Administrators, Commissioners and to the Executive
Council of the Colony and to the Presidential Executive
Councils these Uur Instructions and likewise all such others
from time to time as We may direct, -or as he shall find
eonvenient for Our service to impart to them.

41.—(1) The Executive Council of the Colony shall

not be summoned except by the authority of the Governor.

(2) No business except that of adjournment shall be
transacted in the said Executive Council if objection is taken
by any Member present that there are less than two Members
present besides the Governor or other Member presiding.

42—(1) A Presidential Executive Council shall not:

be summoned except by the authority of the Governor or of |

the Administrator, or the Commissioner, as the case may be.

‘, (2) No business except that of adjournment shall be
transacted in a Presidential Executive Council if objection
is taken by any Member present that there are less than
two Members present besides the Governor or the Adminis-
trator, Commissioner or other Member presiding.

43. Minutes shall be kept of all the proceedings of
the Executive Council of the Colony and of each Presidential
Executive Council; at every meeting of each Council the
minutes of the last preceding meeting shall be confirmed,
with or without amendment, as the case may require, before
the Council proceeds to the despatch of other business.

44.—(1) In the exercise of his powers and the per-
formance of his duties the Governor shall, subject to the
provisions of paragraph (8) of this clause—

(a) in all cases not relating exclusively to any one

Presidency, consult with the Executive Council of
the Colony; and . .

(b) in all cases relating exclusively to any one
Presidency, consult with the Presidential Executive
Council concerned,


(2) In the exercise of his powers and the performance of
. his duties the Administrator or Commissioner of each Presi-
* dency shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph (3) of this

+Clause, consult with the Executive Council of such Presidency. .

(3) The Governor shall not be obliged to consult with the
~. Executive Council of the Colony, orany Presidential Executive
. Council, and the Administrator or Commissioner shall not be
“obliged to consult with the Executive Council of his Presidency
in any case—
- (a) which is of such a nature that, in his judgment,
Our service would sustain material harm by such consul-
tation; or
(6) in which the matters to be decided are, in his
judgment, too unimportant to warrant such consultation; or
(c) in which the matters to be decided are, in his
judgment, too urgent to admit of such consultation by the
time within which it may be necessary for him to act.
‘In every case falling within subparagraph (c) of this paragraph’
the Governor, or the Administrator or Commissioner, as the
case may be, shall as soon as practicable, communicate to the
- Executive Council of the Colony or the Presidential Executive
' Council concerned, the measures which he shall have taken with
4he reasons therefor.

45. The Governor, in the case of the Executive Council’

of the Colony and the Governor, the Administrator, or Com-
missioner, in the case of a Presidential Executive Council, shall
alone be entitled to submit questions to the said Executive
Councils for their advice or decision; but if the Governor,
- Administrator, or Commissioner, decline to submit any question
to an. Executive Council when requested in writing by any
Member thereof so to do, it shall be competent to such Member
to require that there be recorded upon the minutes his written
application, together with the answer returned by the Governor,

trators and
and Com-
missioners *
to propose —

Administrator, or Commissioner, to the same. N

46.—(1) The Governor, or Administrator, or Commis- ’

sioner, may act in opposition to the advice given to him by the
-Members of the Executive Council or Presidential Executive
Council, as the case may be, if he shall in any case deem it right
so to do; but in any such case the Governor shall at the first
_ convenient opportunity report the matter to Us, through a

Secretary of State, with the reasons for such action, and when.

. an Administrator or Commissioner so acts, he shall report the
” matter to the Governor at the first convenient opportunity, with
« he reasons for such action, -

trator or
may act it
to Execu-
tive Coun- -


(2) Whenever the Governor or Administrator or Commis-
sioner shall so act against the advice of any such Executive » |
Council any Member of such Executive Council.may require
that there shall be recorded upon the iminutes any advice or
opinion which he may give upon the question at issue and the 4 —
reasons therefor. ,

‘Rulestobe 47. In the making of laws for the Colony and the Presi-
observed in dencies, the following rules are to be observed as far as practi- 7
mentof cable:—

eT ere in

(a) Laws passed by the General Legislative Council
shall be styled “ Acts” and laws passed by a Presidential
roe Legislative Council shall be styled “ Ordinances”.

_ (6) Matters having no proper relation to each other
shall not be provided for by the same Act or Ordinance;
no Act or Ordinance shall contain anything foreign to
what the title of the Act or Ordinance imports; and no
provision having indefinite duration shall be included in
any Act or Ordinance expressed to have limited duration.


(c) The words of enactment shall be:—


(i) in the case of laws made for the Colony,
“Iunacted by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands”’;

(ii) in the case of laws made for the Presidencies,

- “ Enacted by the Legislature of (the Presidency
in which the Ordinance is passed)”.

(d) All laws shall be distinguished by titles, and
shall be divided into successive sections consecutively
numbered, and to every section there shall be annexed in
the margin a short summary of ite contents,

(e) Laws shall be numbered consecutively in a sepa-
rate series for the Colony and for each of the Presidencies,
for each year, commencing with the number one, so that:-— ,


(i) a law assented to by the Governor shall be -
included in the series for the year in which
itis passed, or is deemed to have been passed,
by the Legislative Council concerned, and its
position in that series shall be determined
with reference to the day on which the. ‘¢j

o Governor shall have given his assent thereto; - =|


(ii) a law assented to by Us through a Secretary
of State shall be included in the series for

signified Our assent thereto by Proclamation
in the Gazette, and its position in such
series shall be determined with reference to

- the date on which Our assent shall have
been so signified,

(7) All laws shall be published in the Gazette. —

(y) Copies of all laws shall be printed, and shall bear

the following:—

(i) in the case of a law assented tu by the
Governor, particulars of the day on which
the (Governor shall have given his assent

thereto; ,,

(ii) in the case of a law assented to by Us
through a Secretary of State, particulars of
the day on which the Governor shall have
signified Our assent thereto by Proclamation
in the Gazette;

(iii) particulars of the day on which each law shall
have cotne into operation, or, if that day
shall not have been determined, a reference
to any provision in the law whereby it may
be determined.

48 The Governor shall not, without having previously

obtained Our Instructions through a Secretary of State, assent

to any Bill within any of the following classes, unless such Bill
shall contain a clause suspending the operation thereof until the
signification of Our pleasure thereon, that is to say:—

(a) any Bill for the divorce of married persons;

(6) any Bill whereby any grant of land or money or
other donation may be made to himself or to an Adminia-
trator or toa Commissioner;

. (c) any Bill affecting the currency of the Colony or
relating to the issue of bank notes;

the year in which the Governor shall have

Bills not to

‘be assented

to without
Tnatruc- © -
tions, |

(d) any Bill establishing anv banking association, or

amending or altering the constitution, powers or privileges
of any banking association;

_ Private



(e) any Bill imposing differential duties ;

(7) any Bill the provisions of which shall appear to
him inconsistent with obligations imposed upon Us by
Treaty ; os ;

(y) any Bill affecting the discipline or control of Our
Forces by land or sea or air; po

(h) any Bill of an extraordinary nature and import-
ance whereby Our prerogative, or the rights or property of
Our subjects not residing in the Colony, or the trade or.
transport or communications of any part of Our dominions
may be prejudiced ; |

(i) any Bill whereby persons of any racial or religious
community may be made liable to any disabilities or
restrictions to which persons of other such communities are
not also made liable, or may be granted advantages which
are not enjoyed by persona of other such communities;

(j) any Bill containing provisions to which Our
assent has been once refused, or which have been
disallowed by Us:

Provided that the Governor may, without such Instructions
as aforesaid and although the Bill contains no such clause as
aforesaid, assent in Our name to any Bill falling within any of
the classes described in this clause (except a Bill the provisions
of which appear to him to be inconsistent with any obligations
imposed upon Us by Treaty), if he shall have satisfied himself.
that an urgent necessity exists requiring that the Bill be
brought into immediate operation; but in any such case he shall
forthwith transmit to Us the Bill to which he shall have
assented tovether with his reasons for so assenting.

49.—(1) Every Bill, not being a Government measure,
intended to affect or benefit some particular person, association,
or corporate body, shall contain a section saving the rights of
Us, Our Heirs and Successors, all bodies politic and corporate,

_and all others, except such as are mentioned in the Bill and

those claiming by, from or under them.


(2) No such Bill shall be introduced into the General
Legislative Council or any Presidential Legislative Council until
due notice has been given by not less than three’ successive
publications of the Bill in the Gazette; and the Governor shall
not assent thereto in Our name unless it has been so published.
A certificate under the hand of the Governor signifying that
such publication has been made shall be transmitted to Ug with
the Bill, Act or Ordinance,


50. When any Act or Ordinance shall have been enacted,
the Governor shall forthwith transmit to Us, through a
Secretary of State, for the signification of Our pleasure, a
transcript in duplicate of the Act or Ordinance, duly authenti-
cated under the Public Seal of the Colony or of the Presidency
concerned, as the case may be, and by his own signature,
together with an explanation of the reasons and occasion for the
enactment of the Act or Ordinance.

51. As soon as practicable after the commencement of
each year, the Governor shall cause a complete collection of all
Acts of the Colony and of all Ordinances of the - Presidencies
enacted during the preceding year to be published, for general

52. Twice in each year the Governor shall transmit to
Us, through a Secretary of State, fair copies of the Minutes of
the proceedings of the General Legislative Council and of each
of the Presidential Legislative Councils. . .

58. Every appointment by the Governor of any person
to any office or employment shall, unless otherwise provided by
law, be expressed to be during pleasure only.

, 64. Neither the Governor, nor-an Administrator, nor a
Commissioner, shall either directly or indirectly, purchase for
himself any lands or building to Us belonging in the Colony
without Our special permission given through a Secretary of

55.—(1) Whenever any offender shall have been con-
demned by the sentence of any Civil Court within the Colony
to suffer death, the Governor shall call upon the Judge who
presided at the trial to make to hima written report of the case
of such offender, and shall cause such report to be taken into
consideration ata meeting of the Executive Council, and he
_ may cause the said Judge to be specially summoned to attend
at Buch meeting and to produce his notes thereat.

(2) The Governor shall not pardon or reprieve any such
offender unless it shall appear to him expedient so to do, upon
receiving the advice of the [xecutive Council thereon; but in all
such cases the Governor is to decide either to extend or to
withhold a pardon or reprieve, -according to his own deliberate
judgment, whether the Members of the Executive Council
concur therein or otherwise; causing, nevertheless, to be entered
on the Minutes of the Executive Council a statement of his
reasons at length, in case he should decide any such question in

to be sent
home duly

Collection -
of Laws to
be publish-
ad every

Minutes te
be sent

mente to be
made dur- -
tion of


of power of
pardon in

opposition to the judgment of the majority of the Members -

thereof, -

abaence, -

Absence of
trators and
gioners, -


the Colony each year. :


56. Except in circumstances in which he is not regarded .

"aa absent from the Colony for the purposes of Article 7 of the
‘Letters Patent, the Governor shall not quit the Colony without
having first obtained leave from Us for so doing through a
Secretary of State. _

5'7.—(1) An Administrator or Commissioner of any
Presidency shall not absent himgelf from such Presidency
without having first obtained leave from the Governor. .

_ (2) Every Administrator and Commissioner > of a
Presidency shall, unless the Governor has consented. to his

‘absence, attend all meetings of the General Legislative Council

and at least two ordinary meetings of the Executive Council of

- §8.—(1) In these Instructions,. unless the context other-
wise requires— -

“a Secretary of State’? means one of Our Principal
Secretaries of State; -

‘“¢ Administrator’. means the Administrator of the Presi-
dency of Antigua or the Administrator of the Presi-
dency of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, as the
case may require;

‘*Commissioner”’ means the ‘Commissioner of the Presi-
dency of Montserrat or the Commissioner of the.
‘Presidency of the Virgin Islands as the case may —
require; _

‘Dependency ’’ means any island administered with the
Presidency of Antigua, or with the. Presidency of
Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla; mo,

“General Legislative Council” means the General Legis-
lative Council of the Colony established under the
Leeward Islands Acts 1871 to 1950 as amended;

“meeting” means any sitting or sittings of the General
Legislative Council or of any Presidential Legislative
Council commencing when the Council first meets
after being summoned at any time and terminating
~when the Council is adjourned sine die. or at the
conclusion of a session; ,

Presidency’? means one of the four Presidencies of
Antigua, Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla,
Montserrat, and the Virgin Islands, with its Depen-
dencies (if any);


“ Presidential Executive Council’? means the Executive
Council of a Presidency ;

“* Presidential Legislative Council”. means the Legislative
Council of a Presidency ;

“ public office” means any office of emolument in the
public service;

“‘ public officer’? means the holder of any public office and

includes any person appointed to act in such office;.

“session”? means the sittings of the General Legislative
Council, or of a Presidential Legislative Council,
commencing after a-prorogation or dissolution of that
Council, and terminating when that Council is
prorogued, or is dissolved without having been
prorogued ;

“sitting” means a period when the General Legislative
Council, or a Presidential Legislative Council, is
sitting continuously without adjournment, - and
includes a period during which any such. Council is in
committee; .

“the Colony” means the Colony of the Leeward Islands
consisting of the four. Presidencies;

“the Executive Council’? means the Executive Council of
the Colony;

“the Gazette” means the official publication printed and —
published in the Colony under the title of ‘the Lee-.
_ ward Islands Gazette’;

Provided that in the Presidency of Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, ‘the Gazette’ shall
also include the Official Gazette published in that
Presidency ;

“the Governor” means the Governor and Commander-in-
Chief of the Colony, and includes the officer for the
‘time being administering the Government and, to the
extent. to which a Deputy for the Governor is
authorised to act, that Deputy;

“the public service’ means the service of the Crown in
respect of the Government of the Colony or of any of
the Presidencies, .

. , 40

' (2) Reference in these Instructions to Our dominions.
shall have effect as if it included a reference to all British:
protectorates and British protected states and to all territories
administered by the Government of any part of Our dominions
under the trusteeship system of the United Nations.

(3) For the purposes of these Instructions, any reference
toany public officer by the term designating his office means
the person for the time being lawfully discharging the functions ~
of that office. -

(4) For the purposes of these Instructions a person shall
not be considered to hold a public office if he is op leave of

_ absence pending relinquishment of such office or by reason only.

that he is in receipt of a pension or other like allowance in
respect of service under the Crown; and if it shall Be declared ©
by any law in force in the Colony, or in any Presidency, that

. an office shall not be a public office for all or any of the —

52 & 53
Vict. c. 63..

‘purposes of these Instructions, these Instructions shall have

effect accordingly as if such law were enacted herein.

(5) Save as in these Instructions otherwise provided or =:
required by the context, the Interpretation Act, 1889, shall.
apply‘for the interpretation of these Instructions as it applies -
for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

Given at Our Court at St, James’ this Twenty-first
day of December in the Second year of Our
Reign. -

Full Text


by Authority.
No. 29.

THURSDAY, 17rn JUNE, 1954.


It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency has appoint-
ed the Hon. E. A. THOMPSON, to act
as Administrator of Antigua with
effect from the 14th June, 1954, un-
til such time as the Administrator,
Antigua, designate assumes the duties
of his new post.

The Sceretariat,
15th June, 1954. .
C 13/00007—-II-

The Governor has been pleased to

' appoint the Hon. R. E. KELSsICK,

O.B.E., to be a member of the Execu-
tive ’ Council of St. Kitts-Nevis:

- Angnilla, until the 26th January,


The Secretariat,

11ih June, 1954.
Ref. No. 18/00006.

It is hereby notified for general
information that. His Excellency the
Governor has awarded the three year
scholarship at the Imperial College of
Tropical Agriculture in Trinidad,
commencing in 1954, to Mr. N. 8.
WHITE of Antigua.

The Secretariat,
14th June, 1954.
Ref. No. 28/00157.

The Administrator of Antigua has
appointed the undermentioned to be
‘Marriage Officers for the Presidency
of. Antigua:


Administ ator’ 3 Office, -

11th ae. 1954.
Ref. No. A, 8/4.

. No. 53.

. Appointments and transfers, etc.,
in the:public service, with effect from
the dates stated are published for
general information :—

SELKRIDGE, O., P.O. Cl. HJ, Customs

Excise and Port, Antigua, trans-

ferred to Prison, Antigua. Jun. 1
Ref. No. AE. 2968.




No. 54.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Ordinance:—


No. 7 of 1953 “The Supplementary
Appropriation (1952) Ordinance, 1953.

No. 55.
The following Statutory Rules and
Orders and Letters Patent and Royal

Instructions, 1953 are published with
this Gazette and form part thereof:—

General Government.

No. 22 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 4, 1954 bringing into operation
the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-
ment) Act, 1953 (No. 10 of 1953).

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

No. 23 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 4, 1954 bringing into operation
the Delegation of Powers (Amend-
ment) Act, 1953 (No. 11 of 1953).

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

No, 24 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 8, 1954 bringing into operation
the Leeward Islands Letters Patent,
1953. 1 pp. Price 3 cents.


No. 17 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 4, 1954 bringing into operation
paragraph (a) of Interpretation of
Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1953
(No. 16 of 1953).

l pp. Price 3 cents.

St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla.

No. 7 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 4, 1954 bringing into operation
the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954 (No. 4 of 1954)

1 pp. Price 3 cents.


No. 1 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 4, 1954 bringing into operation
the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954 (No. 7 of 1954)

1 pp. Price 3 cents.

Virgin Istands.

No. 6 of 1954, Proclamation dated
June 4, 1954 bringing into operation
the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954, (No. 6 of
1954). 1 pp. Price 3 cenis.

The Leeward Islands Letters Patent
and Royal Instructions, 1953.

40 pp. Price 48 cends.



Acting Commissioner.

In exercise of the powers vested in
the Governor-in-Councii by section 3
of the Cotton Planting (Regulation)
Ordinance, 1926, (No. 7 of 1926),
Esquire, Acting Commissioner of the
Presidency of Montserrat, by and with
the advice of the Executive Council of
the said Presidency, do hereby declare
that the period from the first day of
June, 1954 to the thirty-first day of
January, 1955, both days inclusive, is
and shall be a close planting season
within the meaning of the said Ordi-
nance throughout the said Presidency
and every part ‘thereof except in the
Planting Date Experimental plot at
the Grove Botanic Station to which
this proclamation shall not apply. |

GIVEN at the Commissioners Office,
Montserrat, this 3lst day of
May, 1954, and in the third year
of Her Majesty’s reign.





In exercise of the powers vested in
the Governor-in-Council by the
Burial Grounds Ordinance, 1944, and
otherwise, I CHARLESWORTH Ross,
Esquire, Commissioner of the Presi-
dency of Mentserrat, by and with the ©
advice of the Executive Council of
the said Presidency, do hereby license
and proclaim that parcel of land set
forth and described in the Schedule
hereto, not being within the town of


Plymouth or within a distance of

. Between the

‘services will be required.
- to. cover the fees will be required to

half a mile from the limits thereof,

“@8 a private burial ground for the

purpose of, and for use as, a Metho-
dist burial ground.

And the same is hereby licensed
. and proclaimed accordiugly and all
Her Majest$’s loving subjects in the
said Presidency and ail others whom
it may concern are hereby required
to take. due notice and to govern
themselves accordingly.


All That plot of land adjacent to
the Methodist Church at Judy ‘Piece
in the parish of Saint Peter in the
Presidency of Montserrat containing
approximately one half acre and
bounded on the North-Hast and West
by. land owned by Mr. Lee of Blakes
and on the South by a public path-

GIVEN at the Commissioner's Office,
Montserrat, this 29th day of
May, 1954, and in the third
year of Her Majesty’s reign.


It is notified for general informa-
tion ‘that, with effect from the 1st
_ July, 1954, fees will be charged for
_the services of subordinate pplice
officers and constables -at private
gatherings such as dances, inside
cinemas, race meetings, games, etc.,
or in a ship at the request of the cap-

- tain or agent, in accordance wwith the

following schedule:—

In respect of each subordinate

officer or constable:—

48 cenis for the first
hour or part thereof

“hours of 6 and 24 cents for each

am. &6p.m, succeeding hour or
part thereof; |

: 72 cents for the first

between the hour or part thereof

hours of 6 and 48 cents for each

p.m.&6a.m. succeeding hour or

part thereof.

g. Persons applying for the ser-

.vices of subordinate police officers or
-constables to perform duties at private

functions as above should state the
number of men. required and the
approximate period for which their
An amount

be. paid in advance. The full amount
of the fees will be paid to the subordi-
nate police officers and constables
performing the duty.
Fhe Secretariat,

| Antigua,

28th May, 1954.


Crown, ‘Lands Appiugtions

Apilipations in connectiott with
Crown: “Laiids ‘are — notified. in the
Gazettée-for the purpose of giving any opportunity of making any
representation to this office in relation
to any such application. — a ‘

Such applications will be inserted
in at least two separate issues of the
Gazette before they will be dealt

‘with by the Governor, so that appli-

cants must be prepared for this delay.

The undermentioned applications
‘are hereby notified. ,


By Order,
B. T. Henry,

Clerk to the Administrator,

Administrator’s Office,
29th May, 1954.


All those pieces or parcels of land
situate at New Winthorpes in the
Parish of Saint George in the Island
of Antigua all as the same are
delineated on maps or plans of the

_Said area prepared by Mr. EARNEST
A. Govra, Licensed Surveyor and

containing the areas set out as fol-

Plot No, A27 2400 Square feet

» ARs 2400 ,
, B 2400 | "
BB 2400 "
» ‘B4 2400 »
» Bo 2406 i,
» B6 2400 ”
, BT 2400 *
. B8 2400 n
» B9 2400 ”
» Blo 2400 ”
» BU 2400 h
» Bile 2400
» BIB 2400 *
» Bla 2400 »
» Bi 24U0 ”
; BIG 2400 »
» B17 2400 .
>» B20 2400,
» ~—- BBB 2400 .
» Bre 2400 .
» ~—-B&S 2400 ”
» «6 2400 "
(OL 2400 .
+ 20 2400 .
3 C2L 2400 ”
4 C2 | 2400 ”
a» «—-« ON3&PA 4800,
» Died 5548 "
» D8é&D8 3650&3150 .,,
» D4&D6 258062365 |,
~» D9 3150 .
» D10 2632 ‘
» Bu 3024. "
»~©-El2 . 3038
» Els 2400 ”
» El4 2400 »
» EW 1929 .
» Et6 1929 "
» EVA 1929 "
s Ei7B 1929 ”
,, xl - 2400 yy
» Xe 2400 »
» XB 2400 "
» x4 2400 i
” Xb 2160. ”
» XT, 2160" "
” Xs 2240 s
3 =~. X10 2080 .
» Xi 2080
» | COKIQ 2400 *
» XB 2400 .
» Xi4eX9 4800. 3


(17 June, 1954. ©
ANTIGUA, 17th May, 1954.
LIMITED, of Lot 22, Church Street,
Georgetown, British Guiana “have

applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:- —






i, iste): eo ede -

y CLeaeEd: esi E i . a

in: Class 43, that isto say: Gin.

- Fhe Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in-
respect of. the said goods. for: 10
months before the date of their said

Any person may within three’
months from the date of the first
appearance of. this Advertisement in. -.
the Leeward Islands Gazetie, give -
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office. Antigua, of opposition.
to registration of the said ‘Trade

_ J. D. B. RENWIoK,
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.


Schedule of Applications for
Certificate of Title, ete.

Cancellation of Certificate of Title
of 30th September, 1938, for Register:
Book 0, Folio-5L which said certifi.
cate appears to have been lost for alt
that Plantation or Estate called Clare.
mont Estate in the Parish of St.
Mary in the Island of Antigua as the
same is delineated. on the map. OF
plan of the said Estate dated in 1938.
drawn by W. J.. Essex, Licensed
Surveyor and issue of a new Certifi.’.
cate of Title to CATHERINE MARY ~
Executors of the Estate of WILLIAM:
THOMAS ABBOTT, deceased. -


Ag. Registrar of Titléss
17 June, ' 1954]

In the Matter of:the Estate of
Kathleen Louisa Gray,

(Unrepresented ).
To all Creditors of the above ‘Estate.

You are hereby notified that you

- are to come in and prove your debts

gnd file your claims at the office of

- the Administrator of Estates at the

Court House in the town of Plymouth

‘in the island of Montserrat against
the said estate.

Jreditors resident within the Col-
ony of the Leeward Islands are to file
their claims within four months after
the 15th day of May, 1954.

' Creditors resident out of the said

Colony are to file their claims within

- eight months from the said 15th day
- of May, 1954. ,

that any creditors failing to file their
claims within the time above specified

“will be excluded from any benefits
arising from the said Estate.

All persons indebted to the. said
deceased are requested to pay the

amount of their respective debts |

“40 me.
Dated the 10th day of May, 1954.

Administrator of Estates.



Vacancy for the Post of .

Applications are invited from suita-
bly qualified candidates for appoint-
ment to the post of Engineer-in-
Charge of the Windward Islands
Broadeasting Station, St. George’s,

2. The salary of the post is $4320
per annum. Quarters are not pro-

3. The appointment is non-pen-
sionable, and will be on probation for
six months in the first instance.
Subject to satisfactory completion of
the probationary period, appointment
will be on contract for three years.
The officer will be subject to the
Colonial Regulations and local Gen-
eral Orders for the time being in
force, in so.far as they are applicable.

4. Candidates should preferably
hold a degree in Radio or Electrical
Engineering, or equivalent qualifica-
tions, and have at least two years
practical experience in the operation

and maintenance of H.F. transmitters

up to S5KW, the practical and theoret-
ical design of transmitting and
receiving aerial arrays anid feeders;
and all types of L.F. equipment.
Candidates without a degree, but who
have passed a recognised full-time

7 115

course in radio and electrical engin.
eering, and additionally have several
years professional experience in the
above fields; including at least one
year in a supervisory capacity, will
be considered for the post.

5. Free first class passages willbe
provided for the officer, his wife and
children, on first appointment and on
satisfactory termination of his con.
tract. .

6. Vacation leave on full salary
will be granted at the rate of one
week for each completed period of
three months resident service.

7. Applications should be addregs-
ed to the Chief Secretary, Windward
Islands, Grenada, B.W.L.,. and should
reach him not later than the 20th
July, 1954.

No. 18/00004—1.

Central Sxperiment Station,

1950, 1951. 1952. 1968. 1954.
Jan. 5.41 3.60 241 1.938 3,08
Feb, 2.52 1:88 1.60 1.02 2.45
Mar. 158 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08
Apry 244 216 3.14 206 49
May 2.06 10.54 3.07 (1.80 3.83
June,12 981.32 1.55 49 = «1.86
14.99 20.59 13.39 12.60 12.25


Control of Imports and Exports

Notice No. 2 of 1954

Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each “EH” grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills, Quotations should be C.LF. Antigua and should

. include agents commission. Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any -

proportion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.

2. The “¥.” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not.
lower in grado than ‘No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard :—

Maximum moisture vee 14°00 %
Maximum ash wee 527
Minimum protein we 12004

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—

Minimum. Maximum.

Thiamine 2°C 2°5 milligrams for each lb. flour
Riboflavine 12 15 ” ” ”
Niacine 16:0 20°0 ” ” ”
Tron 13:0 | 16°5 39 : ” ”
With Calcium Car- | .
bonate 500 600 ” ” ”

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name-

should be stated in the tender. Chemist’ s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard

and duly notarised must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to
arrange for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.

Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is
enriched and ‘Vitamin Enriched Flour ” must be stencilled on each bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped at rate of 5,000 half
bags of 100 ib each month commencing early August 1954 and ending in October 1954. A notice of

the award will be made and the price accepted by Governmeut.

4, Tenders should be in a sealed enveloped marked “ Tenders for flour” and should be-

. addressed to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than.

A p.m. on 30th Jnne, 1954.
5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender,

Administrator's Office,
25th May, 1954.

Ref. No. A.40/18,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. M. BLackMAN, . HD es
Government Printer.—By Authority,

[Price 75 cente}

Y 1964, No. 22

1953). RS


K. W. BuacksurNE,

WHEREAS by section 3 of the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-
ment) Act, 1953 (No. 10 of 1953) it is provided that the said Act
. shall come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Governor
Ee " by proclamation published in the Gazette.

on NOW, THEREFORE, 1, Kennera Witrtam BLackBurNE, @

4 Knight Commander of the Most. Distinguished Order of Saint Mich-
ael and Saint George; an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the -
British Empire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the
Colony of the Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral of the same, do by
this my proclamation declare that the said Act shall come into opera- °
tion on the 24th day of June 1954.

AND all Her Majesty’s officers and loving subjects ‘in the said
Colony and all others whom it may concern are hereby required to
take due notice hereof and to give their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the (/overnment House, Antigua, this 4th day.
of June 1954, and in the third year of Her Majesty’s


Se La etcernat este .
4 ci Sir

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E, M. BhackMAN, Government Printer.—By Autliority:
1954, mo
47/00202—460—6.54. _ Price 3 cents.





1954, No. 23.

DELEGATION OF Powers (AMENDMENT) Act, 1953 (No. 11 oF
1953). .


K. W. BrackBurngE,

WHEREAS by section 4 of the Delegation of Powers (Amend-
ment) Act, 1953 (No. 11 of 1958) it is provided that the said Act
shall come into oporation on a day to be appointed by the Governor
by proclamation published in the Gazelte.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kenneve Wittiam BLAcKBURNE, &
Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Mich-
ael and Saint George, an Officer of the Most Mxcellent Order of the
British Empire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the
Colony of the Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral of the same, do by
this my proclamation declare that the said Act shall come into opera-
tion on the 24th day of June, 1954.

AND all Her Majesty’s officers and loving subjects in the said
Colony and all others whom it may concern are hereby required to
take due notice hereof and to give their ready obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Government House, Antigua, this 4th day
of June 1954, and in the third year of Her Majesty’s



, Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
Xx by B.M. Buackman, ED. Government Printer,—By Authority.

, ‘ 1954.

L 4Â¥S$7&

[Price 3 cents.) —


1964, No. 24.

Lreewarp Isnanps Letters Patent, 1953.


K. W. Buackpurne,

In exercise of the powers vested in the Governor by Article 2 of
the Letters Patent: passed under the Great Seal of the Realm constituting
the office of Governor and Commander in Chief of the Leeward Islands
and making certain provisions for the Government thereof, bearing date

_at Westminster the twenty-first day of December, 1958, I, Kennera- —

Witttam Bracksurne, a Knight Commander of the Distinguished
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, an Officer of the Most Exeel-
- lent Order of the British Empire, Governor and Commander in Chief in
and over the Colony of the Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral of the
same, do hereby order and proclaim that the said Letters Patent shall
come into operation on Thursday the.24th day of June, 1954.

GIVEN at the Government House, Antigua, this 8th' day of
June, 1954, and in the third year of Her Majesty’s reign.


Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
xX by E. M. BLacKMAN, Government Printer—By Authority.

©. 18/00032-I1—460—6.54. : Price 3 cents,

328.9297 |



: 1954, No. 17.

or Laws (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE, 1953 (No. 16 oF 19538).


K. W. Buacksurng,

WHEREAS by subsection (2) of section 4 of the Interpretation of.
Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1953 (No 16 of 1953) it is provided.
that paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 4 of the said Ordinance
shall come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Governor by
proclamation published in the Gazette.

NOW, THEREFORE, J], Kennera Wriuiiam BLAcKBURNE, a
Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael
and Saint George, an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British
Empire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colony of
the Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral of the same, do by this my
proclamation declare that paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 4 of
the said Ordinance shall come into operation on the 24th day of June,

AND all Her Majesty’s officers and loving subjects in the Presi-
dency of Antigua and all othérs whom it may concern are hereby
required to take due notice hereof and to give their ready obedience

GIVEN at the Government House, Antigua, this 4th day of °
June, 1954, and in the third year of Her Majesty’s reign.



Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands:
xX by E, M. BLackMAN, Government Printer;—By Authority:
- 1964. . .
47/00215—460—6.54 Price 3 cents:

— 3287297 |

Publication Not Available

Supplement to
Leeward Islands Gazette
v. 82 no. 29, June 17, 1954

Montserrat Statutory Rules
and Orders
No. 1 of 1954



1954, No. 7.

(No. 4/1954).


K.W. Biacksurne,

WHEREAS by section 7 of the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-.
ment) Ordinance, 1954 (Saint Christopher, Nevis and Anguilla No. 4
of 1954) it is provided that the said Ordinance shall come into operation
on such a day as the Governor may appoint by proclamation published ,
in the Gazette:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kennerg Witiiam BLackBurne, a
Knight. Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael
and Saint George, an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British -
Empire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Colony of
the Leeward Islands and Vice Admiral of the same, do by this my
proclamation declare that the said Ordinance shall come into operation
on the 24th day of June, 1964.

Bo, 727 AND all Her Majesty’s officers aud loving subjects in the Presi-
/ ys? dency of Saint Christopher, Nevia and Anguilla and all others whom it

* may concern’ are hereby required to take due notice hereof and to give
their ready obedience accordingly.

1954, No. 6.

6 oF 1954).


Kk. W. BriackBurng,

WHEREAS by section 7 of the Interpretation of Laws (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954 (Virgin Islands No. 6 of 1954) it is provided
that the said Ordinance shall come into operation on such day as the
Governor may appoint by proclamation published in the Gazette:

NOW, THEREFORE, [, Kennerae Wiiriam BrLackBuRNE, a
Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Mich-
ael and Saint ueorge, an Officer of the ‘Most Excellent Order of the
British Empire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the
Colony of the Leeward [slauds and Vict Admiral of the same, do by
this my proclamation declare that the said Ordinance shall come into
operation on the 24th day uf June 1954.

AND all Her Majesty’s officers and loving subjects in the Presi-
dency of the Virgin Islands and all others whom. it may concern are
hereby required fo take due notice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.

GIVEN at the Government House, Antigua, this 4th day of
June 1954, and in the third year of Her Majesty's reign.



The Secretariat, oo


8th June, 1954.

His Excellency the Governor hereby directs the publication’ for _
general information of the Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal .
of the Realm constituting the office of Governor and Commander in-
Chief of the; Leeward Islands and making certain provisions for the
Goverument thereof, bearing date at Westminster the 21st day of
December, 1953, which comes into operation by proclamation on

Thursday the 24th day of June, 1954.

His Excellency has also directed-that these Letters Patent shall be . 7
read and ‘proclaimed in each Presidency of the Colony at'a place and

time to be fixed by the Administrator or Commissioner thereof.
By Command,

P. D. Macponaxp,

Colonial Secretary.
C. 18/00032—IT, ,


LETTERS PATENT passed under the Great Seal of the
Realm constituting the Office of Governor and Com-
mander-in:Chief of the Leeward Islands and making
certain provisions for the GOvernment thereof.

Dated 21st December, 19538.

Evizapera THE Seconp, by the Grace of God of the United

' Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of

Our other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the
Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.


Whereas under and by virtue of the Leeward Islands Act,
187% (a), as amended by certain Acts of the Governor and
General Legislative Council of the Leeward Islands, Our
Leeward Islands form one Colony consisting of four Presidencies
namely, Antigua, Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, with
their respective Dependencies, Montserrat, and the Virgin

And Whereas, by the Letters Patent mentioned in the
First Schedule to these Our Letters the Office of Governor and
Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands is constituted and
provision is made for the Government thereof:


And Whereas We are minded to make other provision |

for the matters aforesaid:

Now Know Ye that We do declare Our Will and pleasure
aa Follows:—

-1.—(1) In these Our Letters, unless the context other-
wise requires:—

‘“‘a Secretary of State” means one of Our Principal
Secretaries of State;

‘‘ Administrator’? means the Administrator of the Presi-
dency of Antigua or the Administrator of the Presi-
dency of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, as

the case may require, and includes any person for —

the time being acting as Administrator;

(a) 34 & 35 Viet, ¢, 107,


AES TERE ENE Bay Oe Te tet


‘’Commissioners”’ means the Commissioner of the Presi-

dency of Montserrat or the Commissioner of the:

Presidency of the Virgin Islands, as the case may
require, and includes any person for the time being
acting as Commissioner; .

“ Dependency’ means any island administered with the
Presidency of Antigua, or with the Presidency. of
Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla;

“ Presidency’ means one of ‘the four Presidencies of
Antigua, Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla,
Montserrat, and the Virgin Islands, with its Depen-
dencies (if any);

“the Colony” means the Colony of the Leeward Islands
consisting of the four Presidencies;

‘ the existing Instructions ’’ means the Instructions passed

under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet rhentioned
in the Second Schedule to these Our Letters;

“the existing Letters, Patent’? mean the Letters Patent

mentioned in the First Schedule to these Our Letters;

“the Gazette’? means the official publication printed and
published in ‘the Colony under the title of ‘The
Leeward Islands Gazette’:

Provided that in the Presidency of Saint Christo-

. pher Nevis and Anguilla, “The Gazette” shall

also include the Official Gazette published in that
Presidency. .

© the Governor” means the Governor and Commander-in-
Chief of the Colony, and includes the officer for the

time being administering the Government of the”

Colony, and, to the extent to which a Deputy for
the Governor is authorised to act, that Deputy.

(2) Save as is in these Our Letters otherwise provided or
required by the context the Interpretation Act, 1889(b), shall
apply for the interpretation of these Our Letters as it applies
for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

Short title. © These Our Letters may be cited as the Leeward
and com-

_mence- Islands Letters Patent, 1953. They shall come into operation

ment. on a day to be appointed by the Governor by Proclamation
published in | the Gazette.



(bd) 88 & 58 Vict, o, 63,

apy ene ER TT ITI ee at me 7 oath ul

dae ne eee tthe tnd

8. Subject to the provisions of Article 13 of these Our
Letters the existing Letters Patent are hereby revoked, but
without prejudice to anything lawfully done thereunder.

4. There shall be a Governor and Commander-in-Chief
- in and over the Colony, and: appointments to the said Office
shall be made by Commission under Our Sign Manual and
Signet. ‘ \

5. We do hereby authorize, empower and command the
Governor to do all things belonging to his Office in accordance

with these Our Letters, such Commission as aforesaid, and -

such Instructions as may from time to time be given to him
by Us under Our Sign Manual and Signet or through a Secre-
tary of State, and in accordance with such Orders in Our

Privy Council and other laws as may from time to time be in

force in the Colony.

6. Every person appointed to fill the office of Governor
shall, with all due solemnity, before entering on any of the duties
of his Office, cause the Commission appointing him -to be
Governor to be read and published at the seat of Government,
in the presence of the Chief Justice, or of some other Judge
of the Supreme Court of the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands, if able to attend, and of such Members of the Execu-
tive Council of the Colony as can conveniently attend: which
being’ done, he shall thereupon take before them the Oath of
Allegiance and the Oath for the due execution of the Office of
Governor, in the forms set out in the Third Schedule to these
Our Letters, which Oaths the said Chief Justice or Judge or,
if they be unavoidably absent, the senior Member of the said
Executive Council then present, is hereby required to administer.

7-—(1) Whenever the Office of Governor is vacant, or
the Governor is absent from the Colony, or is from any cause
prevented from, or incapable of performing the functions of his
Office, the Government of the Colony shall, during Our
pleasure, be administered by—

(a) such person as We may appoint under Our Sign
Manual and Signet, and if there be more than one person
so appointed, in the order stated in the Instrument or
Instruments of Appointment; or

(6) if there be no person in the Colony so appointed
and capable of discharging. the duties of administration,
such person as We may designate by Instructions through
a Secretary of State;-or ,

tion of

Office of

Governor's —

tion of
sion and
and taking
of Onthe,

to the

ment of
Deputy to


(c) if there be no person in the Coloiy so appointed
or designated and capable of discharging the duties of.
administration, the senior, in accordance with the order
herein appearing, of the following officers who is in the
Colony and so capable, that is to say:—

First, the person who holds the substantive appoint-
ment of Colonial Secretary ;

Secondly, the persons who hold the substantive
appointments of Administrator of Antigua and Adminis-
trator of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, in the
order of seniority assigned by Us, or, in defnult thereof,
in the order of the respective dates of their first appoint-
ments as Administrator in the Colony;

_ Thirdly, the senior Member of the Executive Council
of the Colony.

(2) Before assuming the administration of the Government
any such person as aforesaid shall, in that one of the Presidencies
in which he shall be at the occurrence of the event by virtue of
which he is empowered to administer the Governnient or at
which he shall first arrive thereafter, in the form and manner
prescribed in these Onr Letters, take the caths herein directed
to be taken by the Governor; which being done, We do hereby
authorise empower and command such person, subject, if-he is

- appointed as aforesaid under Our Sign Manual and Signet, to.
. the terms of his appointment, during Our pleasure, to do all

things that belong to the Office of Governor as provided in
these Our Letters.

(3) Any such person as aforesaid shall not continue to
administer the Government after the Governor or some other
officer having a prior right to xdminister the same has notified
that he is about to assume, or resume, the administration.

(4) The Governor or any other person as aforesaid shall
not be regarded as absent from the Colony or prevented from,
or incapable of, acting in the duties of his Office for the purpose
of this Article during his passage from one part of the Colony
to another or when there is a. subsisting appointment of
a Deputy under Article 8 of these Our Letters.

8.—(1) Whenever the Governor—

(a) has occasion to be ubsent from the seat of Gov- |
ernment but not from the Colony; or


(5) has occasion to be absent from the Colony for
a period which he has reason to believe will be of short
duration; or

(c) by reason of illness, which he has reason to
believe will be of short duration, considers it desirable
so to do,

he may, by Instrument under the: Public Seal of the Colony,
appoint any person in the Colony to be his: Deputy during

_ such absence or illness, and in that capacity to exercise and

perform for and on behalf of the Governor during such
absence or illness all such powers.and functions vested in the
Governor as shall be specified by such Instrument.

(2) By the appointment of a Deputy as aforesaid the
power and authority of the Governor shall not be abridged,
altered, or in any way affected otherwise than as We may at

any time hereafter think proper to direct; and every Deputy

shall conform to and observe all such instructions as. the
Governor shall from time to time address to him for his

’ . guidance.

(3) Any appointment under this Article may at any time
be revoked by the Governor or by a Secretary of State and, in
case of absence as aforesaid, sHfall cease and determine upon the
return of the Governor to the seat of .Government or tu the
Colony, as the case may be.

-9.—(1) There shall be in each of the Presidencies of
Antigua and Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla an Admin-
istrator and in each of the Presidencies of Montserrat and the
Virgin Islands a Commissioner, appointed by the Governor by
Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony. Every such
officer shall hold his office-during Our pleasure, and shall
administer the Government of the Presidency coneerned except
when the Governor, being there present, otherwise directs.

___ (2) Whenever and so long as there shall be no person in
a Presidency appointed in accordance with the provisions of

‘paragraph (1) of this Article and capable of discharging the

duties of administration, such person as the Governor may
appoint in writing shall act'as Administrator or Commissioner
as the case may be.

— (8) Tt shall be lawful for the Governor from time to
time in writing to appoint some person to act as Administrator

7 in place of the Administrator of Antigua or the Administrator

stration of
the Gov-
ernment of
the respec-
tive Presi-

of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, as the case may be,
for any period during which the person holding the substantive
appointment of Administrator is administering the Government

of the Colony, notwithstanding that such last mentioned person
may be in the Presidency concerned,

(4) (a) Whenever an Administrator of a Presidency
has occasion to leave the seat of Government of that Presidency
to. visit another Island of the Presidency, or one of the
Dependencies thereof, the Governor may, subject to any
Instructions given to him under Our Royal Sign Manual and
Signet, or through a Secretary of State, by Instrument under
the Public Seal of the Colony appoint any person to be the
Administrator’s Deputy within the Presidency, or any part
thereof, for the duration of such visit, and in that capacity
to exercise, perform and execute for and on behalf of the
Administrator during such visit all such powers and authorities
vested in the Administrator aa shall in and by such Instrument
‘be specified.

(b) By the appointment of a Deputy as aforesaid: the
power and authority of the Administrator shall not be abridged,
altered, or in anv way affected otherwise than as the Governor
may at any time think proper to direct, and every such Deputy
shall, subject to the provisions of the Instrument appointing
him, conform to and observe all such instructions as the
Governor or Administrator shall from time to time address
to him for his guidance. .

(c) Any appointment under sub-paragraph (a) of this
paragraph may. at any time berevoked by the Governor and
shall cease and determine upon the return of: the Administrator
concerned from such visit. oo

(5) Every Administrator and Commissioner before as-
suming the administration of any Presidency shall, in the form

and manner prescribed in these Our Letters, take the Oaths

herein directed to be taken by the Governor with the substitu-
tion, in the second Oath set out in the Third Schedule hereto,
for the words “the Office.of Governor,” of a reference to the
Office of Administrator or Commissioner, as the case may be, ©
of the Presidency concerned.

(6) The Oaths having been taken in accordance with the |

provisions of paragraph (5) of this Article, We do hereby

authorize, empower and command every such Administrator
and Commissioner, subject té the terms of his appointment, and


the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article, during Our
pleasure, to do within the Presidency, the Government of which
he is authorized to administer, so far as the same can be done
therein, and for such time as he is authorized by this Article to
administer the Government—

(a) in the case of an Administrator, all things that


belong to the Office of Governor, except the power of -

pardoning persons sentenced to death, as provided in these
Our Letters; and

(6) in the case of a Commissioner, such things
belonging to the Office of Governor as the Governor may
from time to time think fit to assign to him.

10. The Administrators and Commissioners shall, in
discharge of their respective Offices, conform to and observe all
such lawful instructions as the Governor shall address to them
for their guidance; subject to and in accordance with such
Instructions as may from time to time be given to the Governor
under Our Sign Manual and Signet, or through a Secretary of

11.—(1) The Governor shall keep and use the Public Seal
_ of the Colony, and the Public Seals of the Presidencies of
Montserrat and the Virgin Islands, for sealing all things
whatsoever that shall pass the said Seals.

(2) The Administrators of the Presidencies of Antigua and
Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla shall keep the Public
Seals of such Presidencies, and shall use the said Seals for all
such purposes as aforesaid:

Provided that when the Governor shall be in either of the
two last mentioned Presidencies, the Administrator shall, when-
ever he shall be so required by the Governor, deliver up to him
the Public Seal of that Presidency, and the Governor shall use
it for all such purposes as aforesaid.

12. In accordance with the Leeward Islands Acts, 1871
to 1950 as amended, We do hereby delegate to the Governor,
but subject always to the provisions of the said Acts, and to any
Instructions addressed to him under Our Sign Manual and
Signet, or through a Secretary of State, the power of appoint-
ing from time to time such officers of the General Government
as he may think requisite for the conduct of the Government of

the Colony.

and Gom-
to conform


to Gov-

of power to

tion of


Grants of
. lands,


13.—(1). There shall be an Executive Council in and for
each of the Presidencies which shall consist in each case of such

Councils of persons as We shall direct by any Instructions under Our Sign

- Manual and Signet:

Provided, however, that notwithstanding anything con- .

tained in these Our Letters or in any [nstructions passed under
Our Sign Manual. and Sigriet, until such day as the Governor
shall by Order under his hand appoint:—

(a) the Executive Council established for each

Presidency by the existing Letters Patent and constituted ©

in accordance with the provisions of the existing Instruc-
tions shall continue to be the Executive Council of that
Presidency ar.d shall be constituted and shall perform its
functions as if the existing Instructions had not been
revoked, and as if no other Instructions under Our Sign
Manual and Signet had been issued to the Governor;

(#) any person who immediately betore. the com-

mencement of these Our Letters was a Member of. any.

such Executive Council shall not cease to be a. Member
thereof by reason only of anything contained either in
these Our Letters. or in any Instructions under Our Sign
Manual and Signet revoking or amending the existing

(2) In exercising his powers under paragraph (1) of this:

Article the Governor may appoint different. days in respect. of
different Presidencies.

(3) The Members of such Executive Councils shall hold '

their seats in the said Councils for such period and upon such
conditions as may be specified in such Iustructions as. are
referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article.

(4) The said Executive Councils shall not be disqualified
for the transaction of business by reason of any vacancies in the
membership of the said Councils, including any vacancies not
filled. when the said Councils are first constituted or are
reconstituted at any time; and any procsedings therein shall be
valid notwithstanding that some person who was not entitled to
do so sat or voted in the Council attended or otherwise took
part in the proceedings.

14. Subject to any Act or Ordinance for the time being

in force and to any Instructions given to him by Us under Our -

Sign Manual aud Signet, or through a Secretary of State, the


Governor may, in Our name and on Our behalf, make and
execute, under the Public Seal of any of the Presidencies,
grants and dispositions of any lands or other immovable
property within such Presidencies which may lawfully be
granted or disposed of by Us.

15. The Governor in Our name and on Our behalf ma
constitute and appoint all such Judges, and such other Officers
in any of the Presidencies, as may be lawfully constituted or
appointed by Us, al! of whom, unless otherwise provided by law,
shall hold their offices during Our pleasure.

‘16. Subject to the provisions of any law or rules or
regulations for the time being in force and to such Instructions
as may from time to time be given to him by Us under Our

, Appoint-

ment of
Judges and


Sign Manual and Signet or through a Secretary of State, the |

Governor may, upon sufficient-cause to him appearing, dismiss

or suspend from the exercise of his office any person holding ~

any public office under the Government of the Colony or of any
of the Presidencies, or may take with respect to such person
such other disciplinary action as may seem to him desirable.

17. When any crime has been committed for which the
offender may be tried within the Colony, the Governor may, as
he shall see fit, in Our name and on Our behalf, grant a pardon
to any accomplice in such offence who shall give such informa-
tion as shall lead to the conviction of the principal offender;-or
of any of the principal offenders if more than one; and further,
may grant to any offender convicted of any such offence in any
Court within the Colony a pardon, either free or subject to
lawful conditions, or any respite, either indefinite or for such
period as the. Governor’ may think fit, of the execution of any
sentence passed on such offender, and may remit the whole or
any part of such sentence or of any penalties or forfeiture
otherwise due to Us.

18. When a substantive holder of any otfice constituted
by or under these Our Letters is on leave of absence pending
relinquishment of his office it shall be lawful for another person
to be appointed substantively to the same office.

19. We do hereby require and command all Our Officers,
Civil and Military, and all other the inhabitants of the Colony
to be obedient, aiding «and assisting unto the Governor, and
unto the Administrators and Commissioners.

Grant of

tive holder
of office on

Officers and
others to
obey and
assist the
atrat ors

‘and Oom- - ¢



tien of

power to-

amend or


tion and
tion of

_tor or Commissioner, as the case may. be, of each of the

10 -
20. “We do hereby reserve to Ourselves, Our Heirs and |

Successors full power and authority to amend, add to, or revoke
these Our Letters as to Us or Them shall seem fit,

21.—(1) These Our Letters shall be published in the
Gazette and shall be read and proclaimed at such place or places
within the Colony as the Governor shall think fit,

(2) These Our Letters shall be preserved within the
Presidency of Antigua, and a full and exact copy thereof shall
be deposited and duly recorded in the office of the Administra-

Presidencies of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, Mont- -
serrat and the Virgin Islands, and so long as these Our Letters
remain in force, every copy thereof so recorded as aforesaid
shall, within the Presidency in which the same is recorded,
have the same force, virtue and effect as these Our Letters.

In witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to
be made Patent.

Witness Ourself at Westminster, the twenty-first day of -
December in the second. year of Our Reign.

By Warrant under the handa of the Counsellors of State.



Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the Realm constitu-
ting the Office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward
Islands and dated the seventeenth day of November, 1936.

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the Realm dated the
twenty-eighth day of December, 1939, amending the aforesaid Letters
Patent of the seventeenth day of November, 1936,

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the Realm dated the
twelfth day of July, 1943, amending the aforesaid Letters Patent of the
seventeenth day of November, 1936.

Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the Realm dated the
fifteenth day of January, 1951, amending the aforesaid Letters Patent
of the seventeenth day of November, 1936,,


Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet to the
Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands and dated
the seventeenth day of November, 1936.

Additional Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and
Signet and dated the twenty-eighth day of December, 1939, amending
the aforesail Instructions of the seventeenth day of November, 1936.

Additional Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and
Signet and dated the twelfth day of July, 19143, amending the aforesai:
Instructions of the the seventeenth day of November, 1936.

Additional Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and
Signet and dated the thirtieth day of December, 1950, amending the
aforesaid Instructions of the seventeenth day of November, 1936.

“ Additional Instructions passed under Our Sign Manual and Signet
and dated the twenty-second day of February, 1952, amending the
aforesaid Instructions of the seventeenth day of November, 1936,


To .eesescecceccscscceesceserennees do swear that I will be faithful and bear
true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second Her Heirs
and Successors, according to Law. So help me God.


Losseescecuceseeses sae we uaeseeeenees do swear that I will well and truly serve
Her Majesty Queen Blizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors, in
Office of the Governor. So help me God,

The Secretariat,
; 8th June, 1954.

His Excellency the Governor directs the publication for general
information of the Royal Instructions passed under the Royal Sign
Manual and Signet to the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the ,
Leeward Islands given on the 21st day of December, 1953, and which
come into force on Thursday the 24th day of June,-1954, under the

Letters Patent read and proclaimed and coming into force on that day.

By Command,

P. D. Macnonatn,
Colonial Secretary.

C. 19/00032—TII.


INSTRUCTIONS passed under the Royal Sign Manual
and Signet to the Governor and Commander-in-Ohief
of the Lesward Islands.

ELIZABETH, R. Signed on behalf
MARGARET. of Her Majesty.

Dated 21st December, 1953.

Instructions to Our Governor and Commander-in-Chief in
and over the Leeward Islands, or other Officer for the
time being administering the Government of Our said

Whereas by the Leeward Islands Letters Patent, 1953
(hereinafter called “the Letters Patent”), We have ordered
and declared that there shall be a Governor and. Commander-
in-Chief in and over Our Colony of the Leeward Islands:

And Whereas We have thereby authorized, commanded
and empowered the Governor to do all things belonging to -his
Office in accordance with such‘Instructions as may from time
_ to time be given to him by Js under Our Sign Manual and

Signet: -

And Whereas it is provided by section 4 of the Leeward
Islands Act, 1871, as amended, that there shall be in and for
the Colony of the Leeward Islands an Executive Council,
constituted in such manner, and having such functions, as may
be prescribed by Instructions under ‘Our Sign Manual and

And Whereas certain Instructions under Our Sign Manual
and Signet were issued to the Governor on the seventeenth day
of November, 1936; and whereas such Instructions were
amended by Additional Instructions issued on the twenty-
eighth day of December, 1939, the twelfth day of J uly, 1943,
the thirtieth day of Décember, 1950, and the twenty-second
day of February, 1952:

And Whereas We are minded to substitute fresh Instruc-
tions for the aforesaid Instructions and Additional Instructions
(hereinafter together called “ the existing Instructions ”):

Oatha to be
tered by

Seat of

to visit the

_ cles every

tions to be
by Admin-
and Com-


Now, therefore, as from the date of the coming into force
of the Letters Patent, subject as mentioned in the proviso to
clause 9 of these Instructions and in the proviso to paragraph
(1) of Article 13 of the Letters Patent, We do hereby revoke

the existing Instructions, but without prejudice to anything”

lawfully done thereunder, and instead thereof We do hereby
direct and enjoin and declare Our will and pleasure as

Parr I

1. The Governor may, whenever he thinks fit, require
any person in the public service to take the Oath of Allegiance
in the form set out in the Third Schedule to the Letters
Patent, together with such other Oath or Oaths as may from
time to time be prescribed by any laws in force in the Colony
or in any of the Presidencies. The Governor shall administer
such Oaths, or cause them tobe administered by some public

2. The Governor shall ordinarily reside in the Presi-
dency of Antigua except when the interest of Our service
appear to him to require his presence in any other of the

_ Presidencies.

3. Once at least in each year, at such time of the year as
shall be found most convenient, the Governor shall visit each. of
the Presidencies, other than the Presidency of Antigua,
remaining in each of the Presidencies during such a period as
he may consider necessary in the interests of Our service.

4. Such powers and authorities belonging to the Office

of Governor as are for the time being exercisable by the

Administrator or. Commissioner of a Presidency, shall, in
respect of the administration of the Government of: such

Presidency, be exercised by such Administrator or Commis- |

sioner, subject to and in accordance with these Our Instructions
and any general or special instructions which the Governor may
from time to time think fit to give him for his guidance, and,

in the case of a person appointed as Administrator or Commis-'

sioner by the Governor, subject to and in accordance with the
terms of his appointment,


ce a ap r Bt


5. Every Administrator and Commissioner shall corres-
pond with the Governor on all subjects connected with his
Office, and shall transmit to him all official reports and
information touching the same, and (subject to the provisions
of clause 7 of these Instructions) shall apply to the (tovernor
for all such instructions as he may require for his guidance in
the discharge of his Office, and shall conform to and obey all
lawful instructions that the Governor shall address to him:

Provided that an Administrator or Commissioner may, if
so directed by the Governor, correspond on particular questions
directly with Us through a Secretary of State.

6. The Governor shall transmit to Us, through a
Secretary of State by the first convenient opportunity, copies
of all important despatches, reports and communications
received by him from each Administrator or Commissioner, and
of all important instructions or communications addressed by
him to each such Officer.

7. If in any emergency it is necessary that instructions
should be obtained from Us without delay, an Administrator or
Commissioner may apply to Us, through a Secretary of State,
for instructions in the matter;. but in every such case the
Administrator or Commissioner shall forthwith transmit to the
Governor a copy of every despatch or communication which he
has so addressed to Us. .

8.—(1) Whenever there is a subsisting appointment of a
Deputy to the Governor or to‘ an Administrator under the
Letters Patent, these Instructions, so far as they apply to any
matter or thing to be done, or any powers or functions to be
exercised or performed, by such Deputy, shall be deemed to be
addressed to, and shall be observed by, such Deputy.

(2) Any such Deputy to the Governor may, if he thinks
fit, apply to Us through a Secretary of State for instructions in
any matter; but he shall forthwith transmit to the Governor a
copy of every despatch or other communication so addressed to


Parr II


The Executive Council for the Colony

9. The Executive Council for the Colony shall consist of
six ev-oficio Members, one Official Mem ber, one Nominated
Member and six Elected Members:

- Adminis-
tratora and
to conform
to Gov-

eto., from .

and Com-
to be sent

may seek
tions direct
from a
ot State in

tions to be -
by Deputy.

Couneil for _
the Colony,

. Ex-officio


_ Nominated
- Member.


' ‘Tenure of
Office. -

Provided that, notwithstanding anything contained in
these Instructions, until such day as the Governor shall by
Order under his hand appoint, the Kxecutive Council of the
Colony constituted in pursuance of clause 8 of the existing
Instructions, shall continue to be the Executive Council of the
Colony and shall be constituted and shall perform its functions
as if the existing Instructions had not been revoked, and as if
no other Instructione under Our Sign Manual and Signet had

been issued to the Governor.

10. The ex-officio ‘Members of the Executive Council
shall be the Colonial Secretary, the Administrator of ‘Antigua,
the Administrator of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, the.
Attorney-General, the Commissioner of Montserrat and the
Commissioner of the Virgin Islands.

11.—(1) The Official Member of the Executive Council
shall be a public officer and shall be appointed either by name
or by reference to his office by the Governor by Instrument

under the Public Seal of the Colony.

(2) The Governor shall forthwith report to Us through a
Secretary of State the appointment of any person to be the
Official Member of the Executive Council.

12.—(1) The Nominated Member of the Executive
Council shall be a person who is a nominated member of the
General Legislative Council and shall be appointed by the
Governor, by Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony.

(2) The Governor shall forthwith report to Us through
a Secretary of State the appointment of any person to be the

- Nominated Member of the Executive Council.

13.—(1) The Elected Members of the Executive Council
shall be persons who are representative members of the General
Legislative Council and shall be elected to the Executive
Council in‘accordance with the provisions of this clause.

(2) The nominated and representative members of ‘the
General Legislative Council shall, not later than its third sitting
after the coming into force of any Order made by the Governor
under clause 9 of these Instructions and after every dissolution
of the Council, elect from among its representative members six
persons to be Elected Members of the Executive Council.

14.—(1) Subject to the provisions of these Instructions
the Official Member and the Nominated Member shall hold their
seats in the Executive Council during Our pleasure,

a Rt ——F


(2) The seat of the Official Member of the Executive
Council shall, if he is appointed by name, become vacant—

(a) upon his death; or

(4) if he shall, by writing under his hand addressed
to the Governor, resign his seat in the Executive Council,
and if his resignation shall be accepted by the Governor; or

(c) if he shall be absent from the Colony without the
written permission of the Governor; or

(d) if he shall cease to hold a public office.

' (8) The seat of the Nominated Member or of an Elected
Member of the Executive Council shall become vacant— ~

(a) ifthe shall cease to be a Member of the General
Legislative Council:

Provided that, if a Member of the Execulive Council
shall cease to be a member of the General Legislative
Council by reason of the dissolution thereof, he shall not
on that account vacate his seat in the Executive Council
util such time as the General Legislative Council shall,
after such dissolution, elect any persons to be Members of
the Executive Council in pursuance of paragraph (2) of
clause 13 of these Instructions; or

(6) if he shall, by writing under his hand addressed
to the Governor, resign his seat in the Executive Council;

(c) if he shall be absent from the Colony without the
written permission of the Governor. °

"(4) (a) The General Legislative Council may, by resolu-
tion passed in manner provided in sub-paragraph (6) of this
paragraph, revoke the election to the Executive Council of any
Elected Member thereof, and upon the passing of such resolu-
tion, the seat of such Member in the Executive Council -st
become vacant.

(6) The passing of such a resolution shall
casting in favour thereof of the votes of not ”
thirds of all the nominated and representativ
General Legislative Council other than th
who shall not be entitled to vote on sr

sion of
Othcial or
and illness
‘of Mem-

Decision of
question as

to member- . p

(5) Any person vacating a seat as an Official, Nominated

or’ Elected Member of the Executive Council may, if qualified,
again be appointed or elected from time to time.

15.—(1) (a) The Governor may, by Instrument under
the Public Seal of the Colony, suspend the Official Member or
the Nominated Member from the exercise ‘of his functions as a
Member of the Executive Council; and while such suspension
is in force the person suspended shall not sit in, or take part in
the proceedings of, the Executive Council.

(b) Every such suspension shall forthwith be reported by
the Governor to Us through a Secretary of State, and shall
remain in force unless and until it shall be removed by the
Governor by an Instrument under the said Seal, or by Us,
through a Secretary of State, or the person suspended ceases to


be a Member of the Executive Council. ;

(2) The Governor may, by Instrument under the Public -
Seal of the Colony, declare the Official Member, the Nominated
Member or an Elected Member to be, by reason of illness,
temporarily incapable of discharging his functions-as a Member
of the Executive Council; and thereupon such Member shall
not sit in, or take part in the proceedings of, the Executive
Council until he is declared in manner aforesaid again to be
capable of discharging his said functions.

16. All questions which may arise as to the right of any
erson to be or remain a Member of the Executive Council

ship of the shall be referred to and determined by the Governor.
Council. .
Filling of 17.—(1) Whenever the seat of the Official Member or
Facancies the Nominated Member -of the Executive Council becomes
, Executive vacant the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the
Council. Governor in accordance with the provisions of these Instruc-
. tions.
(2) Whenever the seat of an Elected Member of the
Executive Council becomes vacant from any cause other than
the dissolution of the General Legislative Council, the nomi-
nated and representative members of the General Legislative
Couneil shall, as soon as convenient, elect a person from among
its representative members to fill the vacancy in the manner
provided in clause 19 of these Instructions.
Temporary 18.—(1) Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the num-
Members. ber of persons sitting in the Executive Council by reason of the
fact that— .
- OS. 4
3 “of? Jo W Mo, _
9p? ey, Seg ig Ym
Bo 8 Gy Te Oi yw



(a) an ex-officio Member is administering the Gov-
ernment of the Colony; or

(6) one person is lawfully discharging the functions.
of more than one of the offices the holders of which are
specified in clause 10 of these Instructions; or

(c) no person is lawfully discharging the functions
of one of those offices; or

(d). the Official Member is lawfully discharging the

functions of one of those offices; or

« (e) the Official Member or the Nominated Member is
suspended from the exercise of his functions as a Member
under paragraph (1) of clause 15 of these Instructions; or

(7) a Member is declared by the Governor under
paragraph (2) of clause 15 of these Instructions to be, by
reason of illness, temporarily incapable of discharging his
functions asa Member; or

(g) the seat of the Official Member or the Nominated
Member is vacant for any cause; or

(A) a Member is absent from the Colony;

the provisions of paragraph (2) of this clause shall have effect.

(2) (a) If the vacancy is in the number of persons sitting
in the Executive Council as ea-officie Members, the Governor
may appoint a person who is a public officer to be a Temporary
Member of the Executive Council for the period of such

(6) If the vacancy is in respect of the person sitting in the
Executive Council as the Official Member the Governor may
appoint # person who is « public officer to be a Temporary
Member of the Executive Council for the period of such ,va-
cancy. Any such person may be appointed either by name or
by reference to his office.

\ (c) If the vacancy is in respect of the person sitting in the
ExecutiveCouncil as the Nominated Member, the Governor
may appoint a person to be a Temporary Member of the
Executive Council for the period of such vacancy.

(d) If the vacancy is in the number of persons sitting in
the Executive Council as Elected Members, then, if the Gov-
ernor shall inform the General Legislative Council by message

that it ig desirable that a person should be elected to be a Tem-


porary Member of the Executive Council for the period of
such vacancy, the nominated and representative members of

‘the General Legislative Council may elect a person from among -
the representative members of the Council to be a Temporary

Member of the Executive Council. Cee

(e) Every appointment made under sub-paragraph (a),

sub-paragraph (6) or sub-paragraph (c) hereof shall. be made

‘ by the Governor by Instrument under the Public Seal of the

(3) Every person so appointed or elected shal], so long as
his appointment or election shall subsist, be to all intents and

(a) in the case of a vacancy in respect of the persons
sitting in the Executive Council as e2-officio Members, an
ex-officio Member;

(5) in the case of a vacancy in respect of the person

sitting in the Executive Council .as Official Member, the.

Official Member;

(c) in the case of a vacancy in respect of the person
sitting in the Executive Council as Nominated Member,
the Nominated Member; and

(d) in the case of « vacancy in the number of persons
sitting in the Executive Council as Elected Members, an

Elected Member;

and subject to the provisions of this clause the provisions of
clauses 14 and 15 of these Instructions shall apply accordingly.


(4) (a) The Governor shall forthwith report every ap-
pointment made by him under this clause to Us through a
Secretary of State, and every person so appointed shall hold
his appointment during Our pleasure. ‘

(6) Any such appointment may be revoked by the Gov-
ernor by Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony.

(5) An appointment by the Governor made under this
clause shall cease to have effect on notification by the Governor
to the person of its revocation by him, and any appointment or

election made under this clause shall cease to have effect on its

supersession by the definitive appointment or election, as the
case may be, of a person to fill the vacancy, or when the va-
cancy shall otherwise cease to exist,

. . a ‘ ee fee eh
a IT eT + T |


19. In any election of a Member of the Executive Coun-
cil under paragraph (2) of clause 13, paragraph (2) of clause
17, or sub-paragraph ‘(d) of paragraph (2) of clause 18 of
» these Instructions, or on any resolution for the removal of an
Elected Member of the Executive Council under paragraph (4)

and representative Members of the General Iegislative Council
- Shall be given by ballot in such manner as not to disclose how
any particular Member shall vote.

20.—(1) The Members of the Fxecutive Council shall
have seniority and precedence as We may specially assign, and,
in default thereof, as follows:—

First, the ex-officio Members, in the order in which
they are referred to in clause 10 of these Instructions:

Provided that, unless We shall otherwise direct, the

Method of
and re-

Members. '.

of clause 14 of these Instructions, the votes of the nominated ~

of Mem-

persons for the time being holding the substantive ap-

pointments of Administrator of Antigua and Administra-
tor of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla shall have
precedence over any persons acting in either of those
offices and between themselves according to the respective
dates of their appointments as Administrator in the
_ Colony, and any persons so acting shall have precedence
‘in such order as may be assigned by the Governor;

Secondly, the Official Member;

Thirdly, Members temporarily appointed under clause
18 of these Instructions to fill a vacancy in the number of
persons sitting in the Executive Council as. ex-officiv
Members the Official Member, in such order as may
be assigned by the Governor;

Fourthly, the Nominated Member and the Elected
. Members, according to the length of time for which they
have been continuously Members of the Executive Council,
Members who have been continuously Members for the
same length of time taking precedence according to al-
phabetical order of their names;

. Fifthly, Members temporarily appointed or elected
under clause 18 of these Instructions to fill vacancy in
the number of persons sitting in the Executive Council as
‘the Nominated Member or Elected Members, in such order
as may be assigned by the Governor,


ing of per-
sone to

may trans-
act busi-
ness not-
ing vacan-

_ Presiding
in Execu-


(2) In ascertaining, for the puryoses of paragraph (1) \

of this clause, the length of time for which any person shall
have been continuously a Member of the Executive Council—

(a) no account shall be taken of any interval be-
tween the vacation by that person of his seat in the
Executive Council in consequence of the dissolution of
the General Legislative Council and the date of his ap-
pointment or election to filla vacancy in the Executive
Council caused by that dissolution; and _

(5) if any person, having been, for any period im-
mediately before the date upon which the Executive
Council constituted for the Colony in pursuance of clause
8 of the existing Instructions ceases to exist, a Member
of that Council, becomes a Member of the Executive
Council as first constituted under these Instructions, ‘he
shall be deemed to have been a Member of the Executive
Council during. that period; and no account shall be taken
of any interval between the end of that period and the
date upon which such person is first appointed or ‘elected
as a Member of the Executive Council under these In-
structions. -

21. Whenever upon any special occasion the Governor
desires to obtain the advice of any person in the Colony re-
lating to affairs therein, he may, in writing, summon such
person to the Executive Council for such special occasion.

22. The Executive Couneil shall not be disqualified for
the transaction of business by reason of any vacancies in the
membership of the said Council, including any vacancies not
filled when the said Council is first constituted or is reconsti-
tuted at any time; and any proceedings.therein shall be. valid
notwithstanding that some person, who was not entitled so to

do, sat or voted in the Council or otherwise took part in the ©
‘ proceedings. .

28. The Governor shall, so far as practicable, attend
and preside at all meetings of the Executive Council, and in
his absence such Member as the Governor may appoint or, in
the absence of such Member-or if no Member be so appointed,
the Member present who stands first in order of precedence,

' shall preside.

Meetings of
the Execu-
tive Coun-


24.—(1) There shall be two kinds of meetings of the

Executive Council, ordinary. meetings and extraordinary.


Eh Toa Uae ee E ot rey ~ ret T



(2) For every ordinary meeting a notice shall be posted
to every Member present in the Colony in sufficient time for

every such Member who is absent from the Presidency in .

which the meeting is held to attend after receiving such notice.

(3) An extraordinary meeting may be held whenever the
Governor considers it necessary on account of the urgency of
the business to be transacted.

(4) For every extraordinary meeting a notice shall be
posted to every Member present in the Colony, and such meet-
ing may be held, although sufficient time may not have elasped
-between the sending of the notices and the date of the meet-
ing for Members absent from the Presidency in which the
meeting is held to attend the meeting,

Part III


The Executive Councils of the Presidencies

25.—(1) The Executive Council of the Presidency of
- Antigua shall consist of one ex-officio Member (if the Governor
is present in the said Executive Council), two Presidential
Official Members, one Nominated Member, and three Elected

Provided that the Governor may, at any time, increase
the number of Presidential Official Members to three by the
appointment of an additional Presidential Official Member.

(2) The Executive Council of the Presidency of Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla shall consist of one ex-officio
Member (if the Governor is present in the said Executive
Council), three Presidential Official Members, one Nominated
Member, and three Elected Members:

Provided that whenever the number of Elected Members
of the said Executive Council does not include a persen who
has been elected t» the Legislative Council of the said Presi-
dency to represent an electoral district in fhe Island of Nevis

Couneile of

_ then the number of Elected Members of the said Executive -
- Council shall be increased by the election thereto by the nomi- ©

nated and elected members of the said Legislative Council of
an additional Member from amony the elected members repre-
senting Nevis on the said Legislative Council,


tial Official




. (8) The Executive Council of the Presidency of Mont-.

serrat shall consist of one ex-oficiv Member (if the Governor
is present in the said Executive Council), two Presidential

Official Members, one Nominated Member and two Elected


(4) (a4) The Executive Council of the Presidency of the —

Virgin [slands shall consist of one ea-officio’ Member (if the
Governor is present in the said Executive Council), and . of
such persons as We may from time to-time appoint by any
Instructions or Warrants under Our Sign Manual and Signét,
or as the Governor may appoint by ‘Instrument under the

Public Seal of the Colony. Every person so appointed shall

be styled a Presidential Appointed Member,

(6) The Governor shall forthwith report to Us through a
Secretary of State every appointment made under sub-paragraph
(a) of this paragraph.

26. Where the Governor is present in any Presidential
Executive Council, the Administrator or Commissioner, as the
case may be, shall be the ew-officio Member of the Council


2'7.—(1) Every Presidential Official Member shall be a
public officer, and shall be appointed either by name or by
reference to his office by the Governor by Instrument under
the Public Seal of the Colony.

(2) The Governor shall forthwith report to Us through a
Secretary of State every appointment made under paragraph
(1) of this clause.

28.—(1) The Nominated Member of a Presidential
Executive Council shall be a person who is a nominated
member of the Legislative Council of the Presidency concerned,
and shull be appointed by the Governor by Intrument under
the Public Seal of the Colony.

(2) The Governor shall forthwith report to Us through a

Secretary of State every appointment made. under paragraph’

(1) of this clause 4

29.—(1) The Elected Members of a Presidential Execu-
tive Council shall be persons who are elected members of the
Legislative Council of the Presidency concerned and shall be
elected to the Executive Council of stich Presidency in accord-
ance with the provisions of thie clause,



(2) The nominated and elected members of each Presiden:

4 tial Legislative Council (other than that of the Virgin Islands)

: shall, not later than the third sitting of that Council after the

coming into force of any Order made by the Governor under

« Article 13 of the Letters Patent and after any dissolution

thereof, elect from among the elected members of that Council

such number of persons as is specified in clause 25 of these

Instructions to be Elected Members of the Executive Council
- of the Presidency concerned.

30.—(1) Subject to the provisions of these Instructions Tenure of
the Presidential Official Members, the Presidential Appointed °-
Members, and the Nominated Members shall hold their seats in
the Presidential Executive Councils during Our pleasure.

(2) The seat of a Presidential Official Member, if he is .
appointed by name, or of a Presidential Appointed Member
shall become vacant—

(a) upon his death; or

(>) if he shall, by writing under his hand .addressed ~
‘to the Governor, resign his seat in the Presidential Execu- -
tive Council, and if his resignation shall be accepted by the
Governor; or

(c) if he shall be absent from the Presidency con-
cerned without the written permission of the Governor, or
of the Administrator or Commissioner of the said Presi-
dency; or

(d) if, being a Presidential Official Member, he shall
cease to hold a public office.

(3) The seat of a Nominated Member or of an Elected
Member of a Presidential Executive Council shall become
vacant— ‘
(a) if he shall cease to be a Member of the Legisla-
‘tive Council of the Presidency concerned:

Provided that, if a Member of a Presidential Execu-
| tive Council shall cease to be a member of the Presidential

Legislative Council by reason of the dissolution thereof, he

shall not on that account vacate his seat in the Presidential
. Executive Council until such time as the nominated and
'* "elected members of the Presidential Legislative Council
, shall, after such dissolution, elect any person to bea Mem-
ih ber of the Presidential Executive Council in pursuance of
paragraph (2) of clause 29 of these Instructions; or

of Presi-
* dential
. Official, .

or Nomina-

ted Mem-

(6) if he shall by writing under his hand addressed to

the Governor, resign his seat in the Presidential Executive
Council; or

(c) if he shall be absent from the Presidency con-
cerned without the written permission of the Governor,

or of the Administrator or Commissioner of the said


(4) (a) Any Presidential Legislative Council may, by
resolution passed in the manner provided in sub-paragraph (6)
of this paragraph, revoke the election to the Presidential
Executive Council of any Elected Member thereof, and, upon~
the passing of such resolution, the seat of such Member in the

~ Presidential Executive Council.shall become vacant.

6) The passing of such a resolution shall require the cast- -
} g q

ing in favour thereof of the votes of not less than two-thirds of
all the nominated and elected members of the Presidential
Legislative Council other than the presiding Member, who shall
not be entitled to vote on such a resolution. -

(5) Any person vacating a seat as a Presidential Official,
Presidential Appointed, Nominated or Elected Member of a

Presidential Executive Council may, if qnalified, be again .

appointed or elected from time to time.

831.—(1) (a) The Governor may, by Instrument under
the Public Seal of the Colony, suspend a Presidential Official
Member or a Presidential Appointed Member, or a Nominated

Member from the exercise of his functions as a Member of a”

Presidential Executive Council; and while such suspension is in
force the person suspended shall not sit in, or take part in the
proceedings of, a Presidential Executive Council.

(6) Every.such suspension shall forthwith be reported by
the Governor to Us through a Secretary of State, and shall
remain in force unless and until it shall be removed by the
Governor by Instrument under the said Seal, or by Us, through
a Secretary of State, or the person suspended ceases to be a
Member of a Presidential Executive Council.

(2) The Governor may, by Instrument under the Public
Seal of the Colony, declare a Presidential Official Member, a
Presidential Appointed Member, a Nominated Member or an-
Elected Member to be, by reason of illness, temporarily incapa-
ble of discharging his functions as a Member of a Presidential

Executive Council; and thereupon such Member shall not sit in, ©

capable of discharging his said functions.


‘or take part in the proceedings of, a Presidential Executive

Council until he is declared in manner -afvresaid again to be

32. All questions which may arise as to the right of any
person to be or remain a Member of a Presidential Executive
Council shall be referred to and determined by the Governor.

33.—(1) Whenever the seat of a Presidential (Official
Member, a Presidential Appointed Member, or a Nominated
Member of a Presidential Execative Council becomes vacant the
vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Governor in
accordance with the provisions of these Instructions.

(2) Whenever the seat of an Elected Member of a Presi-
dential Executive Council becomes vacant from any cause
other than the dissolution of the Legislative Council of that
Presidency, the nominated and elected members of such

Legislative Council shall, as soon as convenient, elect a person
from among its elected members to fill the vacancy.

34.—(1) Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the num-
ber of persons sitting in a Presidential Executive Council by

_ reason of the fact that—

(a) a Presidential Official Member is lawfully dia-
charging the functions. of the office of Administrator; or

(6) a Presidential Official Member, or a Presidential
Appointed Member, is lawfully discharging the functions of
the office of Commissioner; or

(c) a Presidential Official Member appointed by
reference to his office is lawfully discharging the functions
of the office of more than one Presidential Official
Member; or

(d) a, Presidential Official Member is appointed by
reference to his office and no person is lawfully discharging
- the functions of that office; or

(e) a Presidential Official Member, a Presidential
Appointed Member, or a Nominated Member is suspended
fgom the exercise of his functions as a Member under
paragraph (1) of clause 31 of these Ingtructions; or

Decision of
as to mem-
bership of
tial Execu-
tive Coun-

Filling of
in Presi-

Temporary ©


(f) a Member is declared by the Governor under
subsection (2) of clause 31 of these Instructions to be,
by reason of illness, temporarily incapable of discharging
his functions as a Member; or .

(g) the seat of a Presidential Official. Member, a

Presidential Appointed Member, or the Nominated Mem-

ber is vacant for any cause; or

(hk) a Member is absent from the Colony ;

the provisions of paragraph (2) of this clause shall have effect.

(2) (a) If the vacancy is in the number of persons sitting
in a Presidential Fixecutive Council as Presidential Official
Members, the Governor may appoint a person who is a public

officer to bea ‘Temporary Member of that Executive Council

for the period of such vacancy. Any such person may be
appointed either by name or by reference to his office.

(b) If the vacancy is in the number of persons sitting in
the Executive Council of the Virgin Islands as Presidential

Appointed Members, the Governor may appoint a person to be —

a Temporary Member of that Executive Council for the period
of such vacancy.

(c) If the vacancy is in respect of the person sitting in a
Presidential Executive Council as the Presidential Nominated
Member, the Governor. may appoint a person who is a nomi-
nated member of the Legislative Council of the Presidency

concerned to be a Temporary Member of the Executive Council

of that Presidency for the period of such vacancy.

(d) If the vacancy ina Presidential Executive Council is
in respect of the persons sitting in the said Hxecutive Council as
Presidential Elected Members, then, if the Governor shall
inform the Legislative Council of the Presidency concerned by
message that it is desirable that a person should be elected to be
a ‘Temporary Member of the Executive Council ‘of that
Presidency for the period of such vacancy, the nominated and
elected members of the Legislative Council of such Presideney

may elect a person from among the elected members thereof —

to be a Temporary Member of the Executive Council of that
Presidency for the period of such vacancy. :

(e) Every appointment made under sub-paragraph (a);

sub-paragraph (6) or sub-paragraph (c) hereof shall be made by.

the Governor by Instrument under the Public Seal of the


ee Pt a Ag BL Yip pone dl



(3) Every person so appointed or elected shall, so long as

his appointment or eleetion shall subsist, be to all intents and |

purposes— .
(a) in the case of a vacancy in respect of a person
sitting ina Presidential Executive Council asa Presidential
Official Member, a Presidential Official Member;

(6) in the case of a vacancy in respect of 4 person
sitting in a Presidential Executive Council as a Presiden-
tial Appointed Member, a Presidential Appointed

(c) in the case.of a vacancy in respect of the person
sitting in a Presidential Executive Council as Nominated
Member, the Nominated Member; and

| (d) in the case of a vacancy in the number of persons
sitting in a Presidential Executive Council as Elected
Members, an Elected Member;

and subject to the provisions of this clause the provisions of
clauses 30 and 31 of these Instructions shall apply accordingly.

(4) (a) The Governor shall forthwith report every
appointment made by him under this clause to Us through a

Secretary of State, and every person so appointed shall hold his —

appointment during Our pleasure.

(6) Any such appointment may be revoked by the.

Governor by Instrument under the Public Seal of the Colony.

(5) An appointment by the Governor made under this
clause shall cease to have effect on notification by the Governor
to the person appointed of its revocation by him, and any
appointment or election made under this clause shall cease to
have effect on its supersession by the definitive appointment or
election, as the case may be, of a person to fill the vacancy,
or when the vacancy shall otherwise cease to exist.

835. In any election of a Member of a Presidential
Executive Council under paragraph (2) of clause 29, paragraph
(2) of clause 33, or sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph (2) of
clause 34 of these Instructions, or on any resolution for the

removal of an Elected Member of a Presidential Executive

Council under paragraph (4) of clause 30 of these Instructions,
the votes of the nominated and elected members of the Presi-
dential Legislative Council concerned shall be given by ballot
in such manner as not to disclose how any particular member
shall vote, 7

Method of
removal of
Members, -



{ | Breeedence 86.—(1) The Members of each Presidential Executive -
fj. efmem- Council shall have seniority and precedence as We may

ae specially assign, and, in default thereof as follows:— ~

: First, the ex-officio Memher, if any;

S Secondly, the Presidential Official Members and
Pe the Presidential Appointed Members, as the case may
. be, according to the priority of their respective appoint-
E ments, or, if appointed by the same Instrnment accord-
E ing to the order in which they are named therein;

-Thirdly, Members temporarily appointed under
an clause 34 of these Instructions to fill a vacancy in the
. number of persous sitting in the Presidential Executive
Council as Presidential Official Members, or Presidential
Appointed Members, as the case may be, in such order
- as may be assigned by the Governor;

eels aia

Members, according to the length of time for which
they have been continuously Members of the Presidential
Executive Council, Members who have been. contin-
uously Members for the same length of time taking
precedence according to the alphabetical order of their

Fifthly, Members temporarily appointed or elected
under clause 34 of these Instructions to fill a vacancy
in the number of persons sitting in the Presidential
Kxecutive Council as the Nominated Member or Elected


(2) In ascertaining, for the purpose of paragraph (1)
of this clause, the length of time for which any person shall
have been continuously a Member of a Presidential Execu-
tive Council—

(a) no account shall be taken of any interval
between the vacation by that person of his seat in the

dissolution of the Presidential Legislative Council
concerned and the date of his appointment or election
to fill a vacancy in the Presidential Executive Council
caused by that ‘dissolution; and


re ' Fourthly, the Nominated Member and the Elected —

Members in such order as may be assigned. by the

Presidential Executive Council in consequence of the


(b) if any person, having been, for any period
immediately before the date upon which an Ixecutive
Council constituted for a Presidency in pursuance of

clause 10 of the existing Instructions ceases to exist, —

a Member of that Council, becomes a Member of
a. Presidential Executive Council as first constituted
under these Instructions, he shall be deemed to have
been a Member of the Presidential Executive Council
during that period; and no account shall be taken of
any interval between the end of that period and the
date upon which such person is first appointed or
elected as a Member of the Presidential Exeegutive
Council under these Instructions.

37. Whenever upon any special occasion the Governor,

Administrator or Commissioner desires to obtain the advice
of any person within a Presidency relating to affairs therein,

he may, in writing, summon such person to the Executive

Council of that Presidency for such special occasion.

38.—(1) The Governor shall, so far as he considers it
necessary for the exercise of his powers and the performance
of his duties, attend the meetings of the Executive Council
of a Presidency in which he is for the time being present,
and whenever he shall so attend, he shall preside.

' (2) Every Administrator and Commissioner shall, so
far as is practicable, attend at all meetings of the Executive
Council of the Presidency of which he is {he Administrator
or Commissioner, as the case may he; and whenever he shall
so attend he shall preside unless the Governor be present.

(3) In the absence of the Governor and of the
Administrator or Commissioner, as the case may be, such
Member as the Governor may-appoint, or in default of such
appointment or in the ahsence of any Member so appointed,
the Member of the Presidential Executive Council present
who stands first in order of precedence shall preside.

839. It shall not be necessary to summon to any
meeting of a Presidential Executive Council any Member
of such Council who is absent from the Presidency concerned.

_ meeting, ‘

ing of per-
sons to
Councils? |

Presiding -
in Presi-

from Preri-
dency need
not be awm-
moned to

to com-

municate -

tions to

and Execu-
tive Coun-

ing and
quorum of:
Council of
the Colony.

quorum of
tial Exeou-
tive Coun-

. Minutes.


‘ Governor,

_ Adminis-

and Com-
shall con-
sult Colony
and Presi-

_ Executive

Part [V



40. The Governor shall forthwith communicate to
the Administrators, Commissioners and to the Executive
Council of the Colony and to the Presidential Executive
Councils these Uur Instructions and likewise all such others
from time to time as We may direct, -or as he shall find
eonvenient for Our service to impart to them.

41.—(1) The Executive Council of the Colony shall

not be summoned except by the authority of the Governor.

(2) No business except that of adjournment shall be
transacted in the said Executive Council if objection is taken
by any Member present that there are less than two Members
present besides the Governor or other Member presiding.

42—(1) A Presidential Executive Council shall not:

be summoned except by the authority of the Governor or of |

the Administrator, or the Commissioner, as the case may be.

‘, (2) No business except that of adjournment shall be
transacted in a Presidential Executive Council if objection
is taken by any Member present that there are less than
two Members present besides the Governor or the Adminis-
trator, Commissioner or other Member presiding.

43. Minutes shall be kept of all the proceedings of
the Executive Council of the Colony and of each Presidential
Executive Council; at every meeting of each Council the
minutes of the last preceding meeting shall be confirmed,
with or without amendment, as the case may require, before
the Council proceeds to the despatch of other business.

44.—(1) In the exercise of his powers and the per-
formance of his duties the Governor shall, subject to the
provisions of paragraph (8) of this clause—

(a) in all cases not relating exclusively to any one

Presidency, consult with the Executive Council of
the Colony; and . .

(b) in all cases relating exclusively to any one
Presidency, consult with the Presidential Executive
Council concerned,


(2) In the exercise of his powers and the performance of
. his duties the Administrator or Commissioner of each Presi-
* dency shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph (3) of this

+Clause, consult with the Executive Council of such Presidency. .

(3) The Governor shall not be obliged to consult with the
~. Executive Council of the Colony, orany Presidential Executive
. Council, and the Administrator or Commissioner shall not be
“obliged to consult with the Executive Council of his Presidency
in any case—
- (a) which is of such a nature that, in his judgment,
Our service would sustain material harm by such consul-
tation; or
(6) in which the matters to be decided are, in his
judgment, too unimportant to warrant such consultation; or
(c) in which the matters to be decided are, in his
judgment, too urgent to admit of such consultation by the
time within which it may be necessary for him to act.
‘In every case falling within subparagraph (c) of this paragraph’
the Governor, or the Administrator or Commissioner, as the
case may be, shall as soon as practicable, communicate to the
- Executive Council of the Colony or the Presidential Executive
' Council concerned, the measures which he shall have taken with
4he reasons therefor.

45. The Governor, in the case of the Executive Council’

of the Colony and the Governor, the Administrator, or Com-
missioner, in the case of a Presidential Executive Council, shall
alone be entitled to submit questions to the said Executive
Councils for their advice or decision; but if the Governor,
- Administrator, or Commissioner, decline to submit any question
to an. Executive Council when requested in writing by any
Member thereof so to do, it shall be competent to such Member
to require that there be recorded upon the minutes his written
application, together with the answer returned by the Governor,

trators and
and Com-
missioners *
to propose —

Administrator, or Commissioner, to the same. N

46.—(1) The Governor, or Administrator, or Commis- ’

sioner, may act in opposition to the advice given to him by the
-Members of the Executive Council or Presidential Executive
Council, as the case may be, if he shall in any case deem it right
so to do; but in any such case the Governor shall at the first
_ convenient opportunity report the matter to Us, through a

Secretary of State, with the reasons for such action, and when.

. an Administrator or Commissioner so acts, he shall report the
” matter to the Governor at the first convenient opportunity, with
« he reasons for such action, -

trator or
may act it
to Execu-
tive Coun- -


(2) Whenever the Governor or Administrator or Commis-
sioner shall so act against the advice of any such Executive » |
Council any Member of such Executive Council.may require
that there shall be recorded upon the iminutes any advice or
opinion which he may give upon the question at issue and the 4 —
reasons therefor. ,

‘Rulestobe 47. In the making of laws for the Colony and the Presi-
observed in dencies, the following rules are to be observed as far as practi- 7
mentof cable:—

eT ere in

(a) Laws passed by the General Legislative Council
shall be styled “ Acts” and laws passed by a Presidential
roe Legislative Council shall be styled “ Ordinances”.

_ (6) Matters having no proper relation to each other
shall not be provided for by the same Act or Ordinance;
no Act or Ordinance shall contain anything foreign to
what the title of the Act or Ordinance imports; and no
provision having indefinite duration shall be included in
any Act or Ordinance expressed to have limited duration.


(c) The words of enactment shall be:—


(i) in the case of laws made for the Colony,
“Iunacted by the Legislature of the Lee-
ward Islands”’;

(ii) in the case of laws made for the Presidencies,

- “ Enacted by the Legislature of (the Presidency
in which the Ordinance is passed)”.

(d) All laws shall be distinguished by titles, and
shall be divided into successive sections consecutively
numbered, and to every section there shall be annexed in
the margin a short summary of ite contents,

(e) Laws shall be numbered consecutively in a sepa-
rate series for the Colony and for each of the Presidencies,
for each year, commencing with the number one, so that:-— ,


(i) a law assented to by the Governor shall be -
included in the series for the year in which
itis passed, or is deemed to have been passed,
by the Legislative Council concerned, and its
position in that series shall be determined
with reference to the day on which the. ‘¢j

o Governor shall have given his assent thereto; - =|


(ii) a law assented to by Us through a Secretary
of State shall be included in the series for

signified Our assent thereto by Proclamation
in the Gazette, and its position in such
series shall be determined with reference to

- the date on which Our assent shall have
been so signified,

(7) All laws shall be published in the Gazette. —

(y) Copies of all laws shall be printed, and shall bear

the following:—

(i) in the case of a law assented tu by the
Governor, particulars of the day on which
the (Governor shall have given his assent

thereto; ,,

(ii) in the case of a law assented to by Us
through a Secretary of State, particulars of
the day on which the Governor shall have
signified Our assent thereto by Proclamation
in the Gazette;

(iii) particulars of the day on which each law shall
have cotne into operation, or, if that day
shall not have been determined, a reference
to any provision in the law whereby it may
be determined.

48 The Governor shall not, without having previously

obtained Our Instructions through a Secretary of State, assent

to any Bill within any of the following classes, unless such Bill
shall contain a clause suspending the operation thereof until the
signification of Our pleasure thereon, that is to say:—

(a) any Bill for the divorce of married persons;

(6) any Bill whereby any grant of land or money or
other donation may be made to himself or to an Adminia-
trator or toa Commissioner;

. (c) any Bill affecting the currency of the Colony or
relating to the issue of bank notes;

the year in which the Governor shall have

Bills not to

‘be assented

to without
Tnatruc- © -
tions, |

(d) any Bill establishing anv banking association, or

amending or altering the constitution, powers or privileges
of any banking association;
_ Private



(e) any Bill imposing differential duties ;

(7) any Bill the provisions of which shall appear to
him inconsistent with obligations imposed upon Us by
Treaty ; os ;

(y) any Bill affecting the discipline or control of Our
Forces by land or sea or air; po

(h) any Bill of an extraordinary nature and import-
ance whereby Our prerogative, or the rights or property of
Our subjects not residing in the Colony, or the trade or.
transport or communications of any part of Our dominions
may be prejudiced ; |

(i) any Bill whereby persons of any racial or religious
community may be made liable to any disabilities or
restrictions to which persons of other such communities are
not also made liable, or may be granted advantages which
are not enjoyed by persona of other such communities;

(j) any Bill containing provisions to which Our
assent has been once refused, or which have been
disallowed by Us:

Provided that the Governor may, without such Instructions
as aforesaid and although the Bill contains no such clause as
aforesaid, assent in Our name to any Bill falling within any of
the classes described in this clause (except a Bill the provisions
of which appear to him to be inconsistent with any obligations
imposed upon Us by Treaty), if he shall have satisfied himself.
that an urgent necessity exists requiring that the Bill be
brought into immediate operation; but in any such case he shall
forthwith transmit to Us the Bill to which he shall have
assented tovether with his reasons for so assenting.

49.—(1) Every Bill, not being a Government measure,
intended to affect or benefit some particular person, association,
or corporate body, shall contain a section saving the rights of
Us, Our Heirs and Successors, all bodies politic and corporate,

_and all others, except such as are mentioned in the Bill and

those claiming by, from or under them.


(2) No such Bill shall be introduced into the General
Legislative Council or any Presidential Legislative Council until
due notice has been given by not less than three’ successive
publications of the Bill in the Gazette; and the Governor shall
not assent thereto in Our name unless it has been so published.
A certificate under the hand of the Governor signifying that
such publication has been made shall be transmitted to Ug with
the Bill, Act or Ordinance,

50. When any Act or Ordinance shall have been enacted,
the Governor shall forthwith transmit to Us, through a
Secretary of State, for the signification of Our pleasure, a
transcript in duplicate of the Act or Ordinance, duly authenti-
cated under the Public Seal of the Colony or of the Presidency
concerned, as the case may be, and by his own signature,
together with an explanation of the reasons and occasion for the
enactment of the Act or Ordinance.

51. As soon as practicable after the commencement of
each year, the Governor shall cause a complete collection of all
Acts of the Colony and of all Ordinances of the - Presidencies
enacted during the preceding year to be published, for general

52. Twice in each year the Governor shall transmit to
Us, through a Secretary of State, fair copies of the Minutes of
the proceedings of the General Legislative Council and of each
of the Presidential Legislative Councils. . .

58. Every appointment by the Governor of any person
to any office or employment shall, unless otherwise provided by
law, be expressed to be during pleasure only.

, 64. Neither the Governor, nor-an Administrator, nor a
Commissioner, shall either directly or indirectly, purchase for
himself any lands or building to Us belonging in the Colony
without Our special permission given through a Secretary of

55.—(1) Whenever any offender shall have been con-
demned by the sentence of any Civil Court within the Colony
to suffer death, the Governor shall call upon the Judge who
presided at the trial to make to hima written report of the case
of such offender, and shall cause such report to be taken into
consideration ata meeting of the Executive Council, and he
_ may cause the said Judge to be specially summoned to attend
at Buch meeting and to produce his notes thereat.

(2) The Governor shall not pardon or reprieve any such
offender unless it shall appear to him expedient so to do, upon
receiving the advice of the [xecutive Council thereon; but in all
such cases the Governor is to decide either to extend or to
withhold a pardon or reprieve, -according to his own deliberate
judgment, whether the Members of the Executive Council
concur therein or otherwise; causing, nevertheless, to be entered
on the Minutes of the Executive Council a statement of his
reasons at length, in case he should decide any such question in

to be sent
home duly

Collection -
of Laws to
be publish-
ad every

Minutes te
be sent

mente to be
made dur- -
tion of


of power of
pardon in

opposition to the judgment of the majority of the Members -

thereof, -
abaence, -

Absence of
trators and
gioners, -


the Colony each year. :


56. Except in circumstances in which he is not regarded .

"aa absent from the Colony for the purposes of Article 7 of the
‘Letters Patent, the Governor shall not quit the Colony without
having first obtained leave from Us for so doing through a
Secretary of State. _

5'7.—(1) An Administrator or Commissioner of any
Presidency shall not absent himgelf from such Presidency
without having first obtained leave from the Governor. .

_ (2) Every Administrator and Commissioner > of a
Presidency shall, unless the Governor has consented. to his

‘absence, attend all meetings of the General Legislative Council

and at least two ordinary meetings of the Executive Council of

- §8.—(1) In these Instructions,. unless the context other-
wise requires— -

“a Secretary of State’? means one of Our Principal
Secretaries of State; -

‘“¢ Administrator’. means the Administrator of the Presi-
dency of Antigua or the Administrator of the Presi-
dency of Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, as the
case may require;

‘*Commissioner”’ means the ‘Commissioner of the Presi-
dency of Montserrat or the Commissioner of the.
‘Presidency of the Virgin Islands as the case may —
require; _

‘Dependency ’’ means any island administered with the
Presidency of Antigua, or with the. Presidency of
Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla; mo,

“General Legislative Council” means the General Legis-
lative Council of the Colony established under the
Leeward Islands Acts 1871 to 1950 as amended;

“meeting” means any sitting or sittings of the General
Legislative Council or of any Presidential Legislative
Council commencing when the Council first meets
after being summoned at any time and terminating
~when the Council is adjourned sine die. or at the
conclusion of a session; ,

Presidency’? means one of the four Presidencies of
Antigua, Saint Christopher Nevis and Anguilla,
Montserrat, and the Virgin Islands, with its Depen-
dencies (if any);

“ Presidential Executive Council’? means the Executive
Council of a Presidency ;

“* Presidential Legislative Council”. means the Legislative
Council of a Presidency ;

“ public office” means any office of emolument in the
public service;

“‘ public officer’? means the holder of any public office and

includes any person appointed to act in such office;.

“session”? means the sittings of the General Legislative
Council, or of a Presidential Legislative Council,
commencing after a-prorogation or dissolution of that
Council, and terminating when that Council is
prorogued, or is dissolved without having been
prorogued ;

“sitting” means a period when the General Legislative
Council, or a Presidential Legislative Council, is
sitting continuously without adjournment, - and
includes a period during which any such. Council is in
committee; .

“the Colony” means the Colony of the Leeward Islands
consisting of the four. Presidencies;

“the Executive Council’? means the Executive Council of
the Colony;

“the Gazette” means the official publication printed and —
published in the Colony under the title of ‘the Lee-.
_ ward Islands Gazette’;

Provided that in the Presidency of Saint
Christopher Nevis and Anguilla, ‘the Gazette’ shall
also include the Official Gazette published in that
Presidency ;

“the Governor” means the Governor and Commander-in-
Chief of the Colony, and includes the officer for the
‘time being administering the Government and, to the
extent. to which a Deputy for the Governor is
authorised to act, that Deputy;

“the public service’ means the service of the Crown in
respect of the Government of the Colony or of any of
the Presidencies, .
. , 40

' (2) Reference in these Instructions to Our dominions.
shall have effect as if it included a reference to all British:
protectorates and British protected states and to all territories
administered by the Government of any part of Our dominions
under the trusteeship system of the United Nations.

(3) For the purposes of these Instructions, any reference
toany public officer by the term designating his office means
the person for the time being lawfully discharging the functions ~
of that office. -

(4) For the purposes of these Instructions a person shall
not be considered to hold a public office if he is op leave of

_ absence pending relinquishment of such office or by reason only.

that he is in receipt of a pension or other like allowance in
respect of service under the Crown; and if it shall Be declared ©
by any law in force in the Colony, or in any Presidency, that

. an office shall not be a public office for all or any of the —

52 & 53
Vict. c. 63..

‘purposes of these Instructions, these Instructions shall have

effect accordingly as if such law were enacted herein.

(5) Save as in these Instructions otherwise provided or =:
required by the context, the Interpretation Act, 1889, shall.
apply‘for the interpretation of these Instructions as it applies -
for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

Given at Our Court at St, James’ this Twenty-first
day of December in the Second year of Our
Reign. -