Leeward Islands gazette

Material Information

Leeward Islands gazette
Leeward Islands (West Indies)
Place of Publication:
Gov. Printing Office]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
reels. : ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Leeward Islands (Federation)
Official gazettes ( fast )
Gazettes ( fast )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
newspaper ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
1- , 1872-
General Note:
Two pages per frame.
General Note:
Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
General Note:
General Note:
Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
General Note:
Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
General Note:
Some issues called "extraordinary."
General Note:
Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
General Note:
Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
General Note:
Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )

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Succeeded by:
Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette


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Published by Authority.

THURSDAY, 3rxp JUNE, 1954.

No. 26.


By virtue of the provisions of
Section 3 of the Quarantine Act,
No. 25 of 1944, as amended by Act
No. 10 of 1950, the Governor has been
pleased to appoint Dr. EH. O. JACOBS
to be Quarantine Authority for the
Presidency of the Virgin Islands, in
place of Dr. J. D. ROSANELLI, with
effect from the 29th May, 1954.

The Secretariat,
1st June. 1954.
Ref. No. 13/00096.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency has issued
a Commission appointing Mr. N. A.
_ BERRIDGE, Registrar, Antigua, to act
as Additional Magistrate in and for
Magisterial Districts “A” and “B”
with effect from the 30th May, 1954.

The Secretariat,
2nd June, 1954.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that Senhor ROBERTO CHALU
PACHECO has been accorded formal
recognition as’ Brazilian Consul at
Trinidad with jurisdiction including
the Leeward Islands.

The Secretariat,
23th May, 1954.
Ref. No. 19/00009.

The Administrator of Antigua has
been pleased to appoint the Colonial
Engineer (Mr. R. TAYLOR) to be a
Commissioner of the City of St. John

for a period of one year from the Ist.

June, 1954.

Administrator’s Office,
31st May, 1954.
Ref, No. A. 50/16.

No. 48.

Appointments and transfers, etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated are published for
general information :—

BLANCHARD, E. H., Principal Clerk,
Customs, to be also Harbour Master,
Customs. April 1


398. T1097


BLACKETT, A. W., to be School As-
sistant (Secondary Graduate), Ed-
ucation Department. April 15

BERRIDGE, N. A., Registrar, Antigua,
to act Additional Magistrate, Anti-
gua. May 30

HAMILTON, J., to be Apprentice,
Government Printing Office, on
probation. June 1

Ref. No. 19/00009.

La BARRIE, G. V., Superintendent of
Public Works, to be Assistant En-
gineer. Jan. 1

PUNTER, G., P.O. Class I, Municipal,
to be Market Clerk, Municipal.
Jan. 1

SHEPPARD, G., Acting P.O. Class II,
Municipal, to be P.O. Class I,
Municipal. Jan. J.

WALTERS C., P.O. Class III, Labour

Department, to be Petty Officer
Class II, Registrar’s Office.
Oct. 1, 1953

WALTERS, C., Uncertificated Teacher,
to be Certificated Assistant Teacher,
Class IT. May 1

WILLIAM, Miss I., Grade I Certifi-
cated Teacher (Assistant), to be
Head Teacher Grade I (Certificated
Elementary School Teacher) Edu-
cation Department. May 1


No. 49.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Acts:—

Leeward Islands.

No. 1 of 1954, ‘“‘The Infants Pro-
tection (Repeal) Act, 1954”.

No. 3 of 1954, “The Larceny
(Amendment) Act, 1954”.

No. 5 of 1954, ‘‘The Immigration
and Passports (Amendment) Act,

No. 6 of 1954, ‘The Predial
Larceny (Prevention) Act, 1954”.
No. 8 of 1954, “The Medical

(Amendment) Act, 1954”.

No. 50.

The Governor has been pleased
this day to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinance:—

No. 7 of 1954, “The Interpretation

of Laws (Amendment) Or-linance,
1954.” Jun. 1
No. 51.

The following Ordinance and Stat-
utory Rules and Orders are circulated

with this Gazette and form part
thereof :—

No. 7 of 1954, “The Interpretation
of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954.” 8pp. Price 10 cents.


General Government.

No. 16 of 1954, ‘The Public
Officers (Discipline) (Revocation),
Regulations, 1954.”

lpp. Price 3 cents.

No. 17 of 1954, ‘The Prison
(Amendment) Rules and Regulations,
1954.” 2pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 18 of 1954, “The Antigua
Jurors (Allowances) Rules, 1954.”

lpp. Frice 3 cents.

No. 19 of 1954, ‘The Saint Chris-

topher Jurors (Allowances) Rules,

1954.” lpp. Price 3 cents.

No. 20 of 1954, “The Nevis Jurors
(Allowances) Rules, 1954.”

Ipp. Price 3 cents.

No. 21 of 1954, The Virgin Islands

Jurors (Allowances) (Amendment)

Rules, 1954.” lpp. Price 3 cents.

Registrar General's Office,

In accordance with the provisions
of Section 16 of the Marriage Ordi-
nance, 1923, the following Building
has been registered in the Presidency
of Antigua as a Building where Banns
of Marriage may be published.

“Shiloh” Gospel Hall,
Street, St. John’s.

Dated this 20th day of May, 1954.

Ag. Registrar General.



ANTIGUA, 17th May, 1954.

LIMITED, of Lot 22, Church Street,
Georgetown, British Guiana have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—




eh Eiri ai
cd baited emer

in Class 43, that is to say: Gin.

The Applicants claim tbat they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 10
months before the date of their said

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade


Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.


Schedule of Applications for
Certificate of Title, ete.

Jancellation of Certificate of Title
of 30th September, 1938, for Register
Book O, Folio 51 which said certifi-
cate appears to have been lost for all
that Plantation or Estate called Clare-
mont Estate in the Parish of St.
Mary in the Island of Antigua as the
same is delineated on the map or
plan of the said Estate dated in 1938
drawn by W. J. Essex, Licensed
Surveyor and issue of a new Certifi-
cate of Title to CATHERINE MARY
Executors of the Estate of WILLIAM
THOMAS ABBOTT, deceased.

Ag. Registrar of Titles.

Crown Lands Applications

Applications in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this offiee in relation
to any such application.


Such applications will be inserted
in at least two separate issues of the
Gazette before they will be dealt
with by the Governor, xo that appli-
cants must be prepared for this delay.

The undermentioned applications
are hereby notified.

By Order,

E. T. Henry,
Clerk to the Administrator,

Administrator’s Office,
29th May, 1954.


All those pieces or parcels of land
situate at New Winthorpes in the
Parish of Saint George in the Island
of Antigua all as the same are
delineated on maps or plans of the
said area prepared by Mr. EARNEST
A. GoviA, Licensed Surveyor and
containing the areas set out as fol-

Plot No, A27 2400 Square feet
, —-A28 2400 <
, Bz 2400 A
» B 2400 s
» B4 2400 i
» BS 2406
» B6 2400 -
» B7 2400 _
ss B8 2400 7s
» Bg 2400 s
» Blo 2400 .
» Bll 2400 "
» Bl2 2400 -
» Bis 2400 s
» Bl4 2400 is
» Bs 2400 ,
» Bil6 2400 s
» BI 2400 a
» B20 2400 S
» Bee 2400 3
» Best 2400 s
* B25 2400 a
» O12 2400 ‘i
» GLB 2400 A
» ©20 2400 ‘i
~ (C21 2460 As
O22 2400 =
» «CBE 4800 -
» Dil&eD2 5548 ‘5
» D38&D8 3650&3150 ,,
» D4&D6 2580&2365 ,,
6 D9 3150 ‘4
» D10 2632 i
» Eu 3024 f
» El 3038 a
» BB 2400 .
» 5B 2400 2
» 5b 1929 hs
» #16 1929 is,
» Elva 1929 “
, E17B 1929 7
so OX 2400 x
" X2 2400 5
» XB 240 i
» x4 2400 ¥,
» | (XS 2160 .
» XT 2160 oa
» x8 2240 i
» X10 2080 5
» xi 2080 .
» Xxil2 2400 3
» XB 2400 ss
. X14&X9 4800 3

Crown Land Applications

Applications in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this Office in relation
to any such application.

_C. Topp, Licensed.

{3 June, 1954.

Such applications will be inserted
in at least three separaate issues of
the Gazette before they will be dealt
with by the Governor.

The under-mentioned application i is
hereby notified.

By Order,
Chief Clerk.
Commissioner’s Office,
Plymouth, Montserrat,
18th May, 1954.


That piece or parcel of land, being
Crown Land, situate at the Bend,
Victoria Village, in the Parish of
St. Anthony, all as the same is deli-
neated on the plan thereof by Mr. D.
Surveyor, and
containing an area of approximately
1280 square feet.

Ref. No, 46/00032.


Tenders are invited for comprehen-
sive insurance coverage, i.e. Fire,
Hurricane and/or Earthquake on
Government Buildings in Antigua
and Barbuda, The insurable values
of the Buildings to be insured are in
the neighbourhood of $1,500,000.

2. In view of the large number
of buildings which are to be insured
all tenders should provide to exempt
Government from the usual provi-
sions of —

(a) the average clause which pro.
vides that claims will be enter-
tained only to the extent of the
‘relation which the same bears to
the total value of the property
insured; and

- (b) the excess clause which pro-
vides that a deduction of 1% of the
amount insured (or £25 whichever
is less) shall be made upon every
claim submitted,

without the payment of an additional


3. YVhe contract of insurance
should provide for the deletion there.
from during its continuance of in-
sured buildings which have been
demolished or disposed of by Govern-
ment, and the addition of any build.
ing and for the adjustment of the
appropriate premium in such cases.

4. The present schedule of the
properties to be insured and their
respective insurable values may be
inspected at the office of the Colonial
Engineer, Public Works Department,
St. John’s, during the normal office

7 June, 1954]

5. Tenders should’ be in gealed
envelopes marked “Tender for In-
surance of Government Buildings”
and should be addrogsed to the
Administrator’s Office to reach the
office not later than mid-day on the
Ist day of July, 1954.

6. Government does not bind it-
‘self to accept the lowest or any

Administrator’s Office,

Lith May, 1954.

Ref. A. 66/13—II.


The Inspector of Weights and
Measures shall attend for the pur-
pose of examining, weighing and
stamping Weights and Measures and


Weighing Instruments at the follow-
ing times and places:—

(1) At the Police Station, Parham,
on Tuesday the lst June, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.

(2) At the Police Station, Willikies,
on Friday the 4th June, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.

(3) At the Police Station, Bolans,
on Tuesday the 8th June, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.

(4) At the Police Station, All
Saints, on Friday the 11th June, from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

(5) In the City of St. John at the
Police Station on every day except

- Saturdays and Sundays during the

the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th
June from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Provided that should any of the
days prescribed above for the Inspec-
tor’s attendance at Parham, Willikies,
Bolans and All Saints fall on a Bank
Holiday, the Inspector shall attend on
the following day instead.

Inspector of Weights & Measures.

Police Headquarters,
Sth May, 1954.


Centra] Experiment Station,

1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
Jan. 541 3.60 241 1.98 3,04
Feb, 2.52 188 1.60 1.02 2,45
Mar, 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1,08
Apr. 244 2.16 3.14 2.06 49
May29 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.48 3.83

14.01 19.27 11.84 12.09 10.89

Antigua Air Mail Postal Rates.

Notice is hereby given that the Governor in Council in exercise of the powers vested in
him by paragraph (1) of rule 17 of the Post Office Rules, 1934 (S. R. & O. 1934, No. 85), as
amended, has prescribe ! that the undermentioned rates shall as and from the 10th day of June,
1954, be the air mail rates of postage on air mail postal packets and parcels despatched from the
Presidency of Antigua to the Presidency of Montserrat:—

West Indies, North and South America.


Printed Papers, etc.

Country of Destina-| Letters Post Cards. Air Letters. & small packets Al pel
tion. per 4 oz. pene oF. per 4 lb.
$ ¢. Pitas | $ ¢. $e; $ c,
Montserrat 4 2 | 3 3 14
Dated this 31st day of May, 1954.
A. E. Penn,

Clerk of the Council.


Control of Imports and Exports

Notice No. 2 of 1954

Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each ““E” grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.I.F. Antigua and should
include agents commission. Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any
proportion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.

2. The “FE” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not
lower in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard:—

Maximum moisture oe 14°00 %
Maximum ash a 52%
Minimum protein oe 12°00 %

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—

Minimum. Maximum.

Thiamine 2°0 2°5 milligrams for each lb. flour
Riboflavine eZ a Ora ” ” ”
Niacine 16:0 20°0 ” ” ”
Tron 13'0 16:5 a i a
With Calcium Car-

bonate 500 600

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name
should be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard
and duly notarised must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to
arrange for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.

Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is
enriched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour” must be stencilled on each bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped at rate of 5,000 half
bags of 100 lb each month commencing early August 1954 and ending in October 1954. A notice of
the award will be made and the price accepted by Government.

4. Tenders should be in a sealed enveloped marked “ Tenders for flour” and should be
addressed to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than
4 p.m. on 30th June, 1954.

5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

Administrator's Office,
25th May, 1954.

Ref. No. A.40/18.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by BE, M. Brackman, E.D,,
Government Printer.—By Authority,

[Prive 35 cents]

No. 7 of 1954. Interpretation vj Laws

I Assenrv,
K. W. Buackpurye,
Ist June, 1954.

No. 7 of 1954.

An Ordinance to amend further the Interpretation
of Laws Act, 1898.

BE IT ORDAINED by the Governor and
Legislative Council of Montserrat as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Interpretation of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954 and shall be read as one with the Interpreta-
tion of Laws Ordinance 1898, as amended, herein-
after called the Principal Ordinance.

2. Section 10 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended as follows: —

(a) by the renumbering of the section as
subsection (1) of section 10;

(6) by the addition of the following as
subsections (2) and (3) respectively:—

““(2) All acts done and performed by the
person acting for, and doing the duty of, any


Short title.




of Section 10
of Principal


public officer who. has obtained leave of |

absence within the period for which such leave

has been granted, shall be good, valid and —

effectual for all purposes whatsoever, notwith-
standing that such public officer may be with-
in the Presidency at the time when such acts
were done and performed.

(3) Unlesa the contrary intention ap-
pears, where any Ordinance whether passed
before or after the commencement of this
Ordinance, contains a reference to the Attor-
ney-General, the reference shall, in the absence
of the Attorney-General from the Presidency,

MONTSERRAT. Interpretation of Laws No. 7 of 1954.

be construed to include a reference to the
Crown Attorney present in the Presidency as
the Attorney Generals’s deputy.”

Aanendment 8. Subsection (3) of section 11 of the Prin-
Salat cipal Ordinance is hereby repealed and replaced as
Principal follows: —

_ Ordinance,

‘©(3) Where any Ordinance, whether
passed before or after the commencement of
this Ordinance, confers power on any authority
to make or issug any instrument (that is to
say, any regulation, rule, by-law, proclama-
tion, order-in-council or order) the following
provisions shall, unless the contrary intention
appears, have effect with reference to the
making, issue and operation of such instru-

(a) any instrument as aforesaid may at
any time be amended, varied, rescinded or
revoked by the. same authority and in the
same manner by and in which it was made;

(6) there may be annexed to the breach
of any regulation, rule, by-law, order-in-
council or order such penalty not exceeding
forty-eight dollars as the authority making

the regulation, rule, by-law, order-in-council
or order may think fit;

(c) where any Ordinance confers power
on any authority to make any regulation, rule,
by-law, order-in-council or order for any
general purpose, and also for any special pur-
poses incidental thereto, the enumeration of
the special purposes shall not be deemed to
derogate from the generality of the powers
conferred with reference to the general pur-

(d) no regulation, rule, by-law, order-in-
council or order shall be inconsistent with the
provisions of any Ordinance.”

No. 7 of 1954. Interpretation of Laws 3 Montserrat.

4. Section 18 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment

7 . or section
hereby amended as follows: — ee
: ; p Principal

(a) by the substitution of the following Ordinance.

for paragraph 6 thereof—

(6) The expression “ Governor”’ shall
mean the. Officer for the time being adminis-
tering the Government of the Presidency ;”

(6) by the substitution of the expression
‘the Governor ” for the expression “ a Gover-
nor” appearing in the definition of the
expression ‘“ Justice of the Peace’; and

_(c) by the addition thereto of the follow-
ing paragraphs immediately after paragraph
‘“©(33) The expression “ Act” shall in-
clude Ordinance and private Act or Ordinance,
und any regulation, rule, by-law, proclama-
tion, order-in-council or order. made under the
authority of any Act or Ordinance;

(34) The expression “Chief Justice”

‘ shall mean the Chief Justice of the Supreme

Court of the Windward Islands and Leeward

(35) The expression ‘‘ Commissioner ”
shall mean the Commissioner of the Presi-
dency and shall include every person for the
time being acting as Commissioner in _ his
stead ;

. (86) The expression “law” shall in-
clude any Ordinance, Federal Act or Act of
the Imperial Parliament and any regulation,

_ rule, by-law, proclamation, order-in-council,
order, scheme or direction made or given

under the authority of any law;

(37) The expression ‘The Legislative
Council” shall mean the Legislative Council
constituted for the Presidency ;

(38) The expression “ Ordinance ’”’ shall
include private Ordinance and any Act or

Montserrat. 4

Insertion of

Interpretation of Laws No. 7 of 1954

private Act of the Legislature of Montserrat
and any regulation, rule, by-law, proclama-
tion, order-in-council or order made under the
authority of any such Act or Ordinance;

(39) The expression “ prescribed” shall
mean prescribed by an Ordinance in which the

said expression occurs or by any regulation, -

rule, by-law, order-in-council, order, or form
of notice issued or inade thereunder and in
relation to any regulation, rule, order-in-
council or order shall mean prescribed by the
Governor in Council unless some other
authority is mentioned in the Ordinance;

40) The expression “ subsidiary legisla-
I y 1eg

tion ” shall mean any regulation, rule, by-law,

proclamation, order-in-council, order, direction, ~

notice, or other instrument made under any
Ordinance or other lawful authority and havy-
ing legislative effect.”

5. The following new sections shall be in-

new sections ~— serted in the Principal Ordinance immediately after

in Principal

Ordinance. section 18 thereof:—

“Change in
title of public

18A. Whenever the Governor considers
it necessary to change the title of any public
office, he shall cause a notice to that effect to
be published in the (/azefte setting out the

former title and the substituted title ‘or titles

of such office, and declaring that such change

of title shall take effect or shall be deemed to.

have taken effect, from a date specified in
such notice, and with effect from such date—

(a) where the change in title con-
sists in the substitution of a single title
for the former title, the substituted title
shall replace the former title wherever
the former title appears in any Ordinance
or in any deed or other instrument made
or issued pursuant to or consequent upon
any such Ordinance; and

(4) where the change in title con-
sists in the subsiitution of two or more

in 4.

No. 7 of 1954. Lnterpretation of Laws 5 Monserrat.

titles for the former title, the former title
shall be replaced, in the provisions of any
such Ordinance, deed or other instrument
as may be specified in such notice, by
such substituted title as may be specified
in such notice.

18B. No Ordinance shall in any manner _ Rights of the
whatsoever affect the rights of the Crown un- °°%™
less it is therein expressly provided or unless
it appears by necessary implication that the
Crown is bound thereby.

i8C. When a substantive holder of any Appointment
office constituted by or under any Ordinance ‘pyeneesor ©
is on leave of absence pending relinquishment leave of

oon P Es y nes . , absence prior
of his office, it shall be lawful for another {6 retirement
person to be appointed substantively to the of substantive
same ottice holder.

18D. Where by or under any Ordinance Appointment
the Governor or any public officer or body is re
empowered to appoint or name a person to ~
have and exercise any powers or perform uny
duties the Governor or such public officer or
body may either appoint a person by name or
direct the person for the time being holding
the office designated by the Governor or by
such public officer or body to have and
exercise such powers and perform such duties;
and thereupon or from the date specified by
the Governor or by such public officer or body,
the person appointed by name or the person
for the time being holding the office aforesaid
shal] have and may exercise such powers and
perform such duties accordingly.

18K. Where any Ordinance confers upon Power to

any person or authority power to make Bi eeaioea

appointments to any office or place the power to remove, ete.

shal’ be construed as including the power to

remove or suspend any person appointed, and
- to re-appoint or reinstate him and to appoint

another person temporarily in the place of any

person so reincved or suspended or in place of

any holder of the office or place, who has died

or is ill or absent, and to appoint another


Power of
Governor to
provide for
execution of
duties of
publio offieer
during tempo-
rary ubsence
or inability.

Power of
the Governor
to appoint
public officer
,as such to ;
serve on board
and to appoint

Interpretation of Laws No. 7 of 1954.


person temporarily to fill any vacancy in the
office or place arising from any other cause:

Provided that where the power of the
person or authority to make any such appuint-
ment is only exercisable upon the recommen-
dation or subject to the approval, consent or
concurrence of some other person or authority
the power of removal shall, unless the contrary

- intention appears, only be exercisable upon the

recommendation of or subject to the approval,
consent or concurrence of that other person or

18F. Where by or under any Ordinunce
any powers are conferred or any duties are
imposed upon a public officer, the Governor
may direct that if during any period owing to
absence or inability to act from illness or any -
other cause such public officer shall be unable
to exercise the powers or perform the duties of
his office in any place under his jurisdiction or
control, such powers shall be had and may ~

‘be exercised and such duties shall be performed

in such place by the person named by, or by
the public officer holding the office designated
by the Governor; und thereupon such person
or public officer during any period as aforesaid
shall have and may exercise the powers and
shall perform the duties aforesaid, subject to
such conditions, exceptions, and qualifications.
as the Governor may direct.

18G. (1) Where by or under any Ordi-
nance power is given to the Governor to
appoint any persons to be members of any
board, commission, committee or similar body
it shall be lawful for the Governor, in the
absence of any provision to the contrary, to
so appoint, by his official designation, any
public officer, and, on such appointment and
until such appointment shall be cancelled or
otherwise determined, the person for the time
being filling the office in question shall be a
member of such board, commission, committee
or similar body.

No. 7 of 1954.

Interpretation of Lauws 7

(2) Where by or under any Ordinance |

power is given to the Governor to appoint any
_ board, commission, committee or similar body,
it shall be lawful for the Governor, in the
absence of any provision to the contrary, to
appoint a chairman of such board, commission,
committee or similar body.

18H. Where by or under any Ordinance
any board, commission, committee or similar
body, whether corporate or unincorporate, is
established, then unless the contrary intention
appears, the powers of such board, commission,
committee or similar body shall not:be affected


(a) any. vacancy in the membership
thereof; :

(6) the fact that it is afterwards
discovered that there was some defect in
the appointment or qualification of a
person purporting to be a member there-
of; or

(c) the fact that there was any
minor irregularity in the convening of any
meeting thereof.

181. Save as is otherwise expressly
provided by any Ordinance, whenever any act
or thing is required to be done by more than
two persons, a majority of them may do it.

18J. Whenever any Act of the Imperial
Parliament is extended to the Presidency such
Act shall be read with such formal alterations
as to names, localities, courts, officers, persons,
moneys, penalties and otherwise as may be
necessary to make the same applicable to the

6. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is

hereby repealed.


Powers of a
board, eto. not
atfected by
vacancy, ete.

Power of
majority of
more than
two persons,

Imperial Acts
to be read.
with neoessary


MONTSERRAT. 8 Interpretation of Laws No. 7 of 1954.

Commence- * 7. This Ordinance shall come into operation
eae on a day to be appointed by the Governor by
proclamation published in the Grazette.


Passed the Legislative Council this 20th day
of May, 1954.

Jas. H. Carrot,
Clerk of the Council,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Brackmayn, E.D., Government Printer.—By Authority.

490—6.54, [Price 10 cents.]



1954, No. 16.


‘Tue Pusiic Orricers (Discirtinz) (Revocation) Rze@uta-
TIONS, 1954, paTED May 31, 1954, MADE BY THE

1. Crrarion. These Regulations may be cited as the
Public Officers (Discipline) (Revocation) Regulations, 1954.

2. Ruvocation. The Public Officers (Discipline)
Regulations, 1935 (S.R. & O. 1935, No. 2) are hereby revoked.

Made by the Governor this 31st day of Muy, 1954.

K. W. Briackporne,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M, BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

13/00248—490—6.54. [Price 3 cents. ]



1954, No. 17.

Tur Prison (AMeNpwent) Runes and REGULATIONS, 1954,
patep May 81, 1954, mapE BY THE GOVERNOR IN
Prisons Act (Car. 88),

1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the Prison

(Amendment) Rules and Regulations, 1954.

The Rules and Regulations for the Government of the
Prisons made by the Governor in Council on the 18th day
of August, 1909, and any amendments thereto, are herein-
after called the Principal Regulations.

2, Amendment of Principal Regulations.
The Principal Regulations are hereby amended as follows:—

a) by. renumbering regulation 212 as subregula- ‘
tion (1) of the regulation;
(6) by the deletion of paragraphs (xxviii) and
(xxix) and the substitution therefor of the following—

“‘(xxviii) Disobedience of, or negligence with res-
pect to, these Rules and Regulations or any
lawful order given by any person in authority
connected with the Prison;

(xxix) Conduct to the prejudice of good order or

prison discipline, :

the Officer in charge of Prison discipline or the Keeper
may, unless such Officer or Keeper considers the offence
to be of a serious nature, impose a fine not exceeding
five dollars for each such offence. [f such Officer cr
Keeper considers the offence to be of a serious nature
he shall report the matter to the Chairman of the
Visiting Justices, who may summon a meeting of the
Visiting Justices and cause an inquiry upon oath to be
made before them and if after such inquiry the Visiting
Justices are satisfied that the offence with which the
officer has been charged he proved to their satisfaction —
they may award any of the following punishments—


(i) ) reduction in rank or grade;
(11) suspension, stoppage or deferment of increment;
(iii) forfeiture of good conduct pay or of any bene-
fit arising from service;
(iv) forfeiture of not more thun half a month’s
salary ;
(v) admonition;
(vi) reprimand;
(vii) severe reprimand;
(viii) recommendation for dismissal.” ; and
(«) by the addition of the following subregulations
as sub-regulations (2), (3) and (4)— /
(2) Any subordinate officer against whom any
such fine is imposed or any such punishment awarded
may, within seven’ days of his conviction, appeal in
writing to the Governor, and the (rovernor, may
allow the appeal, reduce or confirm the fine or punish-
ment or make such other order as he may deem fit.

(3) Where an offence against a subordinate ofticer
is to be tried by the Visiting Justices the Officer in
charge of Prison discipline or “the Keeper may suspend
such subordinate officer from his duties pending the
decision of the Visiting Justices or the Governor, as
the case may be, and while his suspension continues
such subordinate officer shall be allowed to receive such
portion of his salary, not being less than one half, as
the Governor shall think fit.

(4) Where a subordinate officer has heen guilty
of and fined for any offence under subregulation (1) of
this regulation, the name of the offender, the date and
description of the offence, the amount of the fine and
the authority by whom NS was punished shall be entered
in the subordinate officers’ Punishment Book,”

3. Revocation. The Prison Amendment Rules,
1926 (S.R: & O. 1926 No. 11) are hereby revoked.

Made by the Governor in Council this 31st ey of
May, 1954.
A. K. PEnn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands:
by E, M, BLACK AN, Government Printer.—By Authority. 5
1954, 2 :
64/00001—490—6.54 Price 4 cents,



1064, No. 18.

as et

_ Tue Antigua Jurors (ALLowayces) Runes, 1954, paTEp
UNDER SECTION 47 or tuk Jury Acr (Cav. 56).

1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the Antigua
Jurors (Allowances) Rules, 1954.

2. Jurors’ Allowances. (1) Every juror residing
outside the limits of the City of Saint John and attending the
Circuit Court in the Presi lency of Antigua for the trial of
criminal causes in pursuance of a summons under the Jury Act
shall be entitled to receive as compensation for loss of time an
allowance of one dollar and fifty cents a day or part of a day
for each day he is required to attend and does attend a session.

(2) Every such juror shall be paid a travelling allowance
of twenty-four cents for every mile or part of a mile travelled
to and from the Court exclusive of the first mile to and from the
Court House.

3. Revocation. The Antigua Jurors (Travelling
Allowance) Rules, 1943, (S.R. & O. 1943, No. 7) are hereby

Made by the Governor in Council this 31st day of May,

A. KE. Peny,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuAckmMAn, Government Printer.—By Authority.
31/00229—490—6.54. Price 3 cents.


1954, No. 19.

THe Saint Curistopxer Jurors (Attowances) Rutus,
1954, paTeD May 381, 1954, MADE BY THE GoVERNOR

(Cav. 56).

1. Crration. These Rules may be cited as the Saint
Christopher Jurors (Allowances) Rules, 1954.

2. Jurors’ Attowances. (1) Every juror residing
outside the Town of Basseterre and attending the Circuit Court
in the Saint Christopher Circuit for the trial of criminal causes
in pursuance of a summons under the Jury Act shall be entitled
to receive us commpensation for loss of time an allowance of one
dollar and fifty cents a day or part of a day for each day he is
required to attend and does attend a session.

(2) Every such juror shall be paid a travelling allowance
of twenty-four cents for every mile or part of a mile travelled
to and from the Court exclusive of the first mile to and from

the Court House.

. 8. Revocation. The Saint Christopher Jurors (Travel-
ling Allowance) Rules, 1943, (S.R. & O. 1943, No. 11) are
hereby revoked. :

Made by the Governor in Council this 31st day of May,
A. E. Penn,
Clerk of Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer—By Authority.
31/00229—490—6.54 Price 3 cents.



1954, No. 20.

Tue Nevis Jurors (Antowances) Runes, 1954, parep May
SECTION 47 oF THE JURY Act, (Cap. 56).

1. Citation. These Rules may be cited us the Nevis
Jurors (Allowances) Rules, 1954.

2. Jurors’ Allowances. (1) Every juror residing
outside the Town of Charlestown and attending the Circuit
Court in the Nevis Cireuit for the trial of criminal causes in
pursuance of a summons under the Jury Act shall be entitled
to receive as compensation for loss of time an allowance of one
dollar and fifty cents a day or part of a day for each day he is
required to attend and does attend a session.

(2) Every such juror shall be paid a travelling allowance
of twenty-four cents for every mile or part of a mile travelled
to and from the Court exclusive of the first mile to and from
the Court House.

3. Revocation. The Nevis Jurors (Travelling
Allowance) Rules, 1949 (S. R. & O. 1949, No. 16) are hereby

Made by the Governor in Council this 31st day of May,

A. E. Penny,
Clerk of the Couneil.

Printed ab the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by EB. M. Buaoxman, E.}), Government Printer.—By Authority.
31/00229__490—6.54. [Price 3 cents. |



1954, No. eh

Tue Viren Isuanps Jurors (ALLOWANCES) (AMENDMENT)
Ruvrs, 1954, patep May 31, 1954, MADE BY THE
Act (Cap. 56).


1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the Virgin
Islands Jurors (Allowances) (Amendment) Rules, 1954, and
shall be read as one with the Virgin Lslands Jurors (Al lows ances)
Rules, 1950 (S. R. & O. 1950 No. 12) hereinafter called the
Princip: al Rules.

2. Amendment. Rule 2 of the Principal Rules is
hereby amended—

(a). by the substitution of the words “ two dollars and
fifty-six cents ” for the words “ one dollar and thirty-seven
cents’ appearing in sub-rule (1) thereof; and

(b) by the subsitution of the word “seventeen” for
the word “nine” appearing in sub-rule (2) thereof.

Made by the Governor in Council this 31st day of May,
' A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
5 1954,
31/00229 —490—6.54. Price 3 cents,

Full Text




Published by Authority.

THURSDAY, 3rxp JUNE, 1954.

No. 26.


By virtue of the provisions of
Section 3 of the Quarantine Act,
No. 25 of 1944, as amended by Act
No. 10 of 1950, the Governor has been
pleased to appoint Dr. EH. O. JACOBS
to be Quarantine Authority for the
Presidency of the Virgin Islands, in
place of Dr. J. D. ROSANELLI, with
effect from the 29th May, 1954.

The Secretariat,
1st June. 1954.
Ref. No. 13/00096.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency has issued
a Commission appointing Mr. N. A.
_ BERRIDGE, Registrar, Antigua, to act
as Additional Magistrate in and for
Magisterial Districts “A” and “B”
with effect from the 30th May, 1954.

The Secretariat,
2nd June, 1954.

It is notified for general informa-
tion that Senhor ROBERTO CHALU
PACHECO has been accorded formal
recognition as’ Brazilian Consul at
Trinidad with jurisdiction including
the Leeward Islands.

The Secretariat,
23th May, 1954.
Ref. No. 19/00009.

The Administrator of Antigua has
been pleased to appoint the Colonial
Engineer (Mr. R. TAYLOR) to be a
Commissioner of the City of St. John

for a period of one year from the Ist.

June, 1954.

Administrator’s Office,
31st May, 1954.
Ref, No. A. 50/16.

No. 48.

Appointments and transfers, etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated are published for
general information :—

BLANCHARD, E. H., Principal Clerk,
Customs, to be also Harbour Master,
Customs. April 1


398. T1097


BLACKETT, A. W., to be School As-
sistant (Secondary Graduate), Ed-
ucation Department. April 15

BERRIDGE, N. A., Registrar, Antigua,
to act Additional Magistrate, Anti-
gua. May 30

HAMILTON, J., to be Apprentice,
Government Printing Office, on
probation. June 1

Ref. No. 19/00009.

La BARRIE, G. V., Superintendent of
Public Works, to be Assistant En-
gineer. Jan. 1

PUNTER, G., P.O. Class I, Municipal,
to be Market Clerk, Municipal.
Jan. 1

SHEPPARD, G., Acting P.O. Class II,
Municipal, to be P.O. Class I,
Municipal. Jan. J.

WALTERS C., P.O. Class III, Labour

Department, to be Petty Officer
Class II, Registrar’s Office.
Oct. 1, 1953

WALTERS, C., Uncertificated Teacher,
to be Certificated Assistant Teacher,
Class IT. May 1

WILLIAM, Miss I., Grade I Certifi-
cated Teacher (Assistant), to be
Head Teacher Grade I (Certificated
Elementary School Teacher) Edu-
cation Department. May 1


No. 49.

The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Acts:—

Leeward Islands.

No. 1 of 1954, ‘“‘The Infants Pro-
tection (Repeal) Act, 1954”.

No. 3 of 1954, “The Larceny
(Amendment) Act, 1954”.

No. 5 of 1954, ‘‘The Immigration
and Passports (Amendment) Act,

No. 6 of 1954, ‘The Predial
Larceny (Prevention) Act, 1954”.
No. 8 of 1954, “The Medical

(Amendment) Act, 1954”.

No. 50.

The Governor has been pleased
this day to assent to the undermen-
tioned Ordinance:—

No. 7 of 1954, “The Interpretation

of Laws (Amendment) Or-linance,
1954.” Jun. 1
No. 51.

The following Ordinance and Stat-
utory Rules and Orders are circulated

with this Gazette and form part
thereof :—

No. 7 of 1954, “The Interpretation
of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954.” 8pp. Price 10 cents.


General Government.

No. 16 of 1954, ‘The Public
Officers (Discipline) (Revocation),
Regulations, 1954.”

lpp. Price 3 cents.

No. 17 of 1954, ‘The Prison
(Amendment) Rules and Regulations,
1954.” 2pp. Price 4 cents.

No. 18 of 1954, “The Antigua
Jurors (Allowances) Rules, 1954.”

lpp. Frice 3 cents.

No. 19 of 1954, ‘The Saint Chris-

topher Jurors (Allowances) Rules,

1954.” lpp. Price 3 cents.

No. 20 of 1954, “The Nevis Jurors
(Allowances) Rules, 1954.”

Ipp. Price 3 cents.

No. 21 of 1954, The Virgin Islands

Jurors (Allowances) (Amendment)

Rules, 1954.” lpp. Price 3 cents.

Registrar General's Office,

In accordance with the provisions
of Section 16 of the Marriage Ordi-
nance, 1923, the following Building
has been registered in the Presidency
of Antigua as a Building where Banns
of Marriage may be published.

“Shiloh” Gospel Hall,
Street, St. John’s.

Dated this 20th day of May, 1954.

Ag. Registrar General.


ANTIGUA, 17th May, 1954.

LIMITED, of Lot 22, Church Street,
Georgetown, British Guiana have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—




eh Eiri ai
cd baited emer

in Class 43, that is to say: Gin.

The Applicants claim tbat they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for 10
months before the date of their said

Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade


Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.


Schedule of Applications for
Certificate of Title, ete.

Jancellation of Certificate of Title
of 30th September, 1938, for Register
Book O, Folio 51 which said certifi-
cate appears to have been lost for all
that Plantation or Estate called Clare-
mont Estate in the Parish of St.
Mary in the Island of Antigua as the
same is delineated on the map or
plan of the said Estate dated in 1938
drawn by W. J. Essex, Licensed
Surveyor and issue of a new Certifi-
cate of Title to CATHERINE MARY
Executors of the Estate of WILLIAM
THOMAS ABBOTT, deceased.

Ag. Registrar of Titles.

Crown Lands Applications

Applications in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this offiee in relation
to any such application.


Such applications will be inserted
in at least two separate issues of the
Gazette before they will be dealt
with by the Governor, xo that appli-
cants must be prepared for this delay.

The undermentioned applications
are hereby notified.

By Order,

E. T. Henry,
Clerk to the Administrator,

Administrator’s Office,
29th May, 1954.


All those pieces or parcels of land
situate at New Winthorpes in the
Parish of Saint George in the Island
of Antigua all as the same are
delineated on maps or plans of the
said area prepared by Mr. EARNEST
A. GoviA, Licensed Surveyor and
containing the areas set out as fol-

Plot No, A27 2400 Square feet
, —-A28 2400 <
, Bz 2400 A
» B 2400 s
» B4 2400 i
» BS 2406
» B6 2400 -
» B7 2400 _
ss B8 2400 7s
» Bg 2400 s
» Blo 2400 .
» Bll 2400 "
» Bl2 2400 -
» Bis 2400 s
» Bl4 2400 is
» Bs 2400 ,
» Bil6 2400 s
» BI 2400 a
» B20 2400 S
» Bee 2400 3
» Best 2400 s
* B25 2400 a
» O12 2400 ‘i
» GLB 2400 A
» ©20 2400 ‘i
~ (C21 2460 As
O22 2400 =
» «CBE 4800 -
» Dil&eD2 5548 ‘5
» D38&D8 3650&3150 ,,
» D4&D6 2580&2365 ,,
6 D9 3150 ‘4
» D10 2632 i
» Eu 3024 f
» El 3038 a
» BB 2400 .
» 5B 2400 2
» 5b 1929 hs
» #16 1929 is,
» Elva 1929 “
, E17B 1929 7
so OX 2400 x
" X2 2400 5
» XB 240 i
» x4 2400 ¥,
» | (XS 2160 .
» XT 2160 oa
» x8 2240 i
» X10 2080 5
» xi 2080 .
» Xxil2 2400 3
» XB 2400 ss
. X14&X9 4800 3

Crown Land Applications

Applications in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this Office in relation
to any such application.

_C. Topp, Licensed.

{3 June, 1954.

Such applications will be inserted
in at least three separaate issues of
the Gazette before they will be dealt
with by the Governor.

The under-mentioned application i is
hereby notified.

By Order,
Chief Clerk.
Commissioner’s Office,
Plymouth, Montserrat,
18th May, 1954.


That piece or parcel of land, being
Crown Land, situate at the Bend,
Victoria Village, in the Parish of
St. Anthony, all as the same is deli-
neated on the plan thereof by Mr. D.
Surveyor, and
containing an area of approximately
1280 square feet.

Ref. No, 46/00032.


Tenders are invited for comprehen-
sive insurance coverage, i.e. Fire,
Hurricane and/or Earthquake on
Government Buildings in Antigua
and Barbuda, The insurable values
of the Buildings to be insured are in
the neighbourhood of $1,500,000.

2. In view of the large number
of buildings which are to be insured
all tenders should provide to exempt
Government from the usual provi-
sions of —

(a) the average clause which pro.
vides that claims will be enter-
tained only to the extent of the
‘relation which the same bears to
the total value of the property
insured; and

- (b) the excess clause which pro-
vides that a deduction of 1% of the
amount insured (or £25 whichever
is less) shall be made upon every
claim submitted,

without the payment of an additional


3. YVhe contract of insurance
should provide for the deletion there.
from during its continuance of in-
sured buildings which have been
demolished or disposed of by Govern-
ment, and the addition of any build.
ing and for the adjustment of the
appropriate premium in such cases.

4. The present schedule of the
properties to be insured and their
respective insurable values may be
inspected at the office of the Colonial
Engineer, Public Works Department,
St. John’s, during the normal office
7 June, 1954]

5. Tenders should’ be in gealed
envelopes marked “Tender for In-
surance of Government Buildings”
and should be addrogsed to the
Administrator’s Office to reach the
office not later than mid-day on the
Ist day of July, 1954.

6. Government does not bind it-
‘self to accept the lowest or any

Administrator’s Office,

Lith May, 1954.

Ref. A. 66/13—II.


The Inspector of Weights and
Measures shall attend for the pur-
pose of examining, weighing and
stamping Weights and Measures and


Weighing Instruments at the follow-
ing times and places:—

(1) At the Police Station, Parham,
on Tuesday the lst June, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.

(2) At the Police Station, Willikies,
on Friday the 4th June, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.

(3) At the Police Station, Bolans,
on Tuesday the 8th June, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.

(4) At the Police Station, All
Saints, on Friday the 11th June, from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

(5) In the City of St. John at the
Police Station on every day except

- Saturdays and Sundays during the

the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th
June from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Provided that should any of the
days prescribed above for the Inspec-
tor’s attendance at Parham, Willikies,
Bolans and All Saints fall on a Bank
Holiday, the Inspector shall attend on
the following day instead.

Inspector of Weights & Measures.

Police Headquarters,
Sth May, 1954.


Centra] Experiment Station,

1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
Jan. 541 3.60 241 1.98 3,04
Feb, 2.52 188 1.60 1.02 2,45
Mar, 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1,08
Apr. 244 2.16 3.14 2.06 49
May29 2.06 10.54 3.07 1.48 3.83

14.01 19.27 11.84 12.09 10.89

Antigua Air Mail Postal Rates.

Notice is hereby given that the Governor in Council in exercise of the powers vested in
him by paragraph (1) of rule 17 of the Post Office Rules, 1934 (S. R. & O. 1934, No. 85), as
amended, has prescribe ! that the undermentioned rates shall as and from the 10th day of June,
1954, be the air mail rates of postage on air mail postal packets and parcels despatched from the
Presidency of Antigua to the Presidency of Montserrat:—

West Indies, North and South America.


Printed Papers, etc.

Country of Destina-| Letters Post Cards. Air Letters. & small packets Al pel
tion. per 4 oz. pene oF. per 4 lb.
$ ¢. Pitas | $ ¢. $e; $ c,
Montserrat 4 2 | 3 3 14
Dated this 31st day of May, 1954.
A. E. Penn,

Clerk of the Council.

Control of Imports and Exports

Notice No. 2 of 1954

Tenders are invited for the supply of 15,000 half bags of 100 lb each ““E” grade flour from
Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.I.F. Antigua and should
include agents commission. Tenders should indicate whether they would be prepared to accept any
proportion of the 15,000 bags say 5,000 bags and if so at what price.

2. The “FE” grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not
lower in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard:—

Maximum moisture oe 14°00 %
Maximum ash a 52%
Minimum protein oe 12°00 %

All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—

Minimum. Maximum.

Thiamine 2°0 2°5 milligrams for each lb. flour
Riboflavine eZ a Ora ” ” ”
Niacine 16:0 20°0 ” ” ”
Tron 13'0 16:5 a i a
With Calcium Car-

bonate 500 600

The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name
should be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard
and duly notarised must accompany documents. The Supply Officer however, exercises the right to
arrange for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.

Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is
enriched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour” must be stencilled on each bag.

3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped at rate of 5,000 half
bags of 100 lb each month commencing early August 1954 and ending in October 1954. A notice of
the award will be made and the price accepted by Government.

4. Tenders should be in a sealed enveloped marked “ Tenders for flour” and should be
addressed to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than
4 p.m. on 30th June, 1954.

5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

Administrator's Office,
25th May, 1954.

Ref. No. A.40/18.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by BE, M. Brackman, E.D,,
Government Printer.—By Authority,

[Prive 35 cents]
No. 7 of 1954. Interpretation vj Laws

I Assenrv,
K. W. Buackpurye,
Ist June, 1954.

No. 7 of 1954.

An Ordinance to amend further the Interpretation
of Laws Act, 1898.

BE IT ORDAINED by the Governor and
Legislative Council of Montserrat as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Interpretation of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954 and shall be read as one with the Interpreta-
tion of Laws Ordinance 1898, as amended, herein-
after called the Principal Ordinance.

2. Section 10 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended as follows: —

(a) by the renumbering of the section as
subsection (1) of section 10;

(6) by the addition of the following as
subsections (2) and (3) respectively:—

““(2) All acts done and performed by the
person acting for, and doing the duty of, any


Short title.




of Section 10
of Principal


public officer who. has obtained leave of |

absence within the period for which such leave

has been granted, shall be good, valid and —

effectual for all purposes whatsoever, notwith-
standing that such public officer may be with-
in the Presidency at the time when such acts
were done and performed.

(3) Unlesa the contrary intention ap-
pears, where any Ordinance whether passed
before or after the commencement of this
Ordinance, contains a reference to the Attor-
ney-General, the reference shall, in the absence
of the Attorney-General from the Presidency,
MONTSERRAT. Interpretation of Laws No. 7 of 1954.

be construed to include a reference to the
Crown Attorney present in the Presidency as
the Attorney Generals’s deputy.”

Aanendment 8. Subsection (3) of section 11 of the Prin-
Salat cipal Ordinance is hereby repealed and replaced as
Principal follows: —

_ Ordinance,

‘©(3) Where any Ordinance, whether
passed before or after the commencement of
this Ordinance, confers power on any authority
to make or issug any instrument (that is to
say, any regulation, rule, by-law, proclama-
tion, order-in-council or order) the following
provisions shall, unless the contrary intention
appears, have effect with reference to the
making, issue and operation of such instru-

(a) any instrument as aforesaid may at
any time be amended, varied, rescinded or
revoked by the. same authority and in the
same manner by and in which it was made;

(6) there may be annexed to the breach
of any regulation, rule, by-law, order-in-
council or order such penalty not exceeding
forty-eight dollars as the authority making

the regulation, rule, by-law, order-in-council
or order may think fit;

(c) where any Ordinance confers power
on any authority to make any regulation, rule,
by-law, order-in-council or order for any
general purpose, and also for any special pur-
poses incidental thereto, the enumeration of
the special purposes shall not be deemed to
derogate from the generality of the powers
conferred with reference to the general pur-

(d) no regulation, rule, by-law, order-in-
council or order shall be inconsistent with the
provisions of any Ordinance.”
No. 7 of 1954. Interpretation of Laws 3 Montserrat.

4. Section 18 of the Principal Ordinance is Amendment

7 . or section
hereby amended as follows: — ee
: ; p Principal

(a) by the substitution of the following Ordinance.

for paragraph 6 thereof—

(6) The expression “ Governor”’ shall
mean the. Officer for the time being adminis-
tering the Government of the Presidency ;”

(6) by the substitution of the expression
‘the Governor ” for the expression “ a Gover-
nor” appearing in the definition of the
expression ‘“ Justice of the Peace’; and

_(c) by the addition thereto of the follow-
ing paragraphs immediately after paragraph
‘“©(33) The expression “ Act” shall in-
clude Ordinance and private Act or Ordinance,
und any regulation, rule, by-law, proclama-
tion, order-in-council or order. made under the
authority of any Act or Ordinance;

(34) The expression “Chief Justice”

‘ shall mean the Chief Justice of the Supreme

Court of the Windward Islands and Leeward

(35) The expression ‘‘ Commissioner ”
shall mean the Commissioner of the Presi-
dency and shall include every person for the
time being acting as Commissioner in _ his
stead ;

. (86) The expression “law” shall in-
clude any Ordinance, Federal Act or Act of
the Imperial Parliament and any regulation,

_ rule, by-law, proclamation, order-in-council,
order, scheme or direction made or given

under the authority of any law;

(37) The expression ‘The Legislative
Council” shall mean the Legislative Council
constituted for the Presidency ;

(38) The expression “ Ordinance ’”’ shall
include private Ordinance and any Act or
Montserrat. 4

Insertion of

Interpretation of Laws No. 7 of 1954

private Act of the Legislature of Montserrat
and any regulation, rule, by-law, proclama-
tion, order-in-council or order made under the
authority of any such Act or Ordinance;

(39) The expression “ prescribed” shall
mean prescribed by an Ordinance in which the

said expression occurs or by any regulation, -

rule, by-law, order-in-council, order, or form
of notice issued or inade thereunder and in
relation to any regulation, rule, order-in-
council or order shall mean prescribed by the
Governor in Council unless some other
authority is mentioned in the Ordinance;

40) The expression “ subsidiary legisla-
I y 1eg

tion ” shall mean any regulation, rule, by-law,

proclamation, order-in-council, order, direction, ~

notice, or other instrument made under any
Ordinance or other lawful authority and havy-
ing legislative effect.”

5. The following new sections shall be in-

new sections ~— serted in the Principal Ordinance immediately after

in Principal

Ordinance. section 18 thereof:—

“Change in
title of public

18A. Whenever the Governor considers
it necessary to change the title of any public
office, he shall cause a notice to that effect to
be published in the (/azefte setting out the

former title and the substituted title ‘or titles

of such office, and declaring that such change

of title shall take effect or shall be deemed to.

have taken effect, from a date specified in
such notice, and with effect from such date—

(a) where the change in title con-
sists in the substitution of a single title
for the former title, the substituted title
shall replace the former title wherever
the former title appears in any Ordinance
or in any deed or other instrument made
or issued pursuant to or consequent upon
any such Ordinance; and

(4) where the change in title con-
sists in the subsiitution of two or more

in 4.
No. 7 of 1954. Lnterpretation of Laws 5 Monserrat.

titles for the former title, the former title
shall be replaced, in the provisions of any
such Ordinance, deed or other instrument
as may be specified in such notice, by
such substituted title as may be specified
in such notice.

18B. No Ordinance shall in any manner _ Rights of the
whatsoever affect the rights of the Crown un- °°%™
less it is therein expressly provided or unless
it appears by necessary implication that the
Crown is bound thereby.

i8C. When a substantive holder of any Appointment
office constituted by or under any Ordinance ‘pyeneesor ©
is on leave of absence pending relinquishment leave of

oon P Es y nes . , absence prior
of his office, it shall be lawful for another {6 retirement
person to be appointed substantively to the of substantive
same ottice holder.

18D. Where by or under any Ordinance Appointment
the Governor or any public officer or body is re
empowered to appoint or name a person to ~
have and exercise any powers or perform uny
duties the Governor or such public officer or
body may either appoint a person by name or
direct the person for the time being holding
the office designated by the Governor or by
such public officer or body to have and
exercise such powers and perform such duties;
and thereupon or from the date specified by
the Governor or by such public officer or body,
the person appointed by name or the person
for the time being holding the office aforesaid
shal] have and may exercise such powers and
perform such duties accordingly.

18K. Where any Ordinance confers upon Power to

any person or authority power to make Bi eeaioea

appointments to any office or place the power to remove, ete.

shal’ be construed as including the power to

remove or suspend any person appointed, and
- to re-appoint or reinstate him and to appoint

another person temporarily in the place of any

person so reincved or suspended or in place of

any holder of the office or place, who has died

or is ill or absent, and to appoint another

Power of
Governor to
provide for
execution of
duties of
publio offieer
during tempo-
rary ubsence
or inability.

Power of
the Governor
to appoint
public officer
,as such to ;
serve on board
and to appoint

Interpretation of Laws No. 7 of 1954.


person temporarily to fill any vacancy in the
office or place arising from any other cause:

Provided that where the power of the
person or authority to make any such appuint-
ment is only exercisable upon the recommen-
dation or subject to the approval, consent or
concurrence of some other person or authority
the power of removal shall, unless the contrary

- intention appears, only be exercisable upon the

recommendation of or subject to the approval,
consent or concurrence of that other person or

18F. Where by or under any Ordinunce
any powers are conferred or any duties are
imposed upon a public officer, the Governor
may direct that if during any period owing to
absence or inability to act from illness or any -
other cause such public officer shall be unable
to exercise the powers or perform the duties of
his office in any place under his jurisdiction or
control, such powers shall be had and may ~

‘be exercised and such duties shall be performed

in such place by the person named by, or by
the public officer holding the office designated
by the Governor; und thereupon such person
or public officer during any period as aforesaid
shall have and may exercise the powers and
shall perform the duties aforesaid, subject to
such conditions, exceptions, and qualifications.
as the Governor may direct.

18G. (1) Where by or under any Ordi-
nance power is given to the Governor to
appoint any persons to be members of any
board, commission, committee or similar body
it shall be lawful for the Governor, in the
absence of any provision to the contrary, to
so appoint, by his official designation, any
public officer, and, on such appointment and
until such appointment shall be cancelled or
otherwise determined, the person for the time
being filling the office in question shall be a
member of such board, commission, committee
or similar body.
No. 7 of 1954.

Interpretation of Lauws 7

(2) Where by or under any Ordinance |

power is given to the Governor to appoint any
_ board, commission, committee or similar body,
it shall be lawful for the Governor, in the
absence of any provision to the contrary, to
appoint a chairman of such board, commission,
committee or similar body.

18H. Where by or under any Ordinance
any board, commission, committee or similar
body, whether corporate or unincorporate, is
established, then unless the contrary intention
appears, the powers of such board, commission,
committee or similar body shall not:be affected


(a) any. vacancy in the membership
thereof; :

(6) the fact that it is afterwards
discovered that there was some defect in
the appointment or qualification of a
person purporting to be a member there-
of; or

(c) the fact that there was any
minor irregularity in the convening of any
meeting thereof.

181. Save as is otherwise expressly
provided by any Ordinance, whenever any act
or thing is required to be done by more than
two persons, a majority of them may do it.

18J. Whenever any Act of the Imperial
Parliament is extended to the Presidency such
Act shall be read with such formal alterations
as to names, localities, courts, officers, persons,
moneys, penalties and otherwise as may be
necessary to make the same applicable to the

6. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is

hereby repealed.


Powers of a
board, eto. not
atfected by
vacancy, ete.

Power of
majority of
more than
two persons,

Imperial Acts
to be read.
with neoessary

MONTSERRAT. 8 Interpretation of Laws No. 7 of 1954.

Commence- * 7. This Ordinance shall come into operation
eae on a day to be appointed by the Governor by
proclamation published in the Grazette.


Passed the Legislative Council this 20th day
of May, 1954.

Jas. H. Carrot,
Clerk of the Council,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Brackmayn, E.D., Government Printer.—By Authority.

490—6.54, [Price 10 cents.]


1954, No. 16.


‘Tue Pusiic Orricers (Discirtinz) (Revocation) Rze@uta-
TIONS, 1954, paTED May 31, 1954, MADE BY THE

1. Crrarion. These Regulations may be cited as the
Public Officers (Discipline) (Revocation) Regulations, 1954.

2. Ruvocation. The Public Officers (Discipline)
Regulations, 1935 (S.R. & O. 1935, No. 2) are hereby revoked.

Made by the Governor this 31st day of Muy, 1954.

K. W. Briackporne,

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M, BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.

13/00248—490—6.54. [Price 3 cents. ]


1954, No. 17.

Tur Prison (AMeNpwent) Runes and REGULATIONS, 1954,
patep May 81, 1954, mapE BY THE GOVERNOR IN
Prisons Act (Car. 88),

1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the Prison

(Amendment) Rules and Regulations, 1954.

The Rules and Regulations for the Government of the
Prisons made by the Governor in Council on the 18th day
of August, 1909, and any amendments thereto, are herein-
after called the Principal Regulations.

2, Amendment of Principal Regulations.
The Principal Regulations are hereby amended as follows:—

a) by. renumbering regulation 212 as subregula- ‘
tion (1) of the regulation;
(6) by the deletion of paragraphs (xxviii) and
(xxix) and the substitution therefor of the following—

“‘(xxviii) Disobedience of, or negligence with res-
pect to, these Rules and Regulations or any
lawful order given by any person in authority
connected with the Prison;

(xxix) Conduct to the prejudice of good order or

prison discipline, :

the Officer in charge of Prison discipline or the Keeper
may, unless such Officer or Keeper considers the offence
to be of a serious nature, impose a fine not exceeding
five dollars for each such offence. [f such Officer cr
Keeper considers the offence to be of a serious nature
he shall report the matter to the Chairman of the
Visiting Justices, who may summon a meeting of the
Visiting Justices and cause an inquiry upon oath to be
made before them and if after such inquiry the Visiting
Justices are satisfied that the offence with which the
officer has been charged he proved to their satisfaction —
they may award any of the following punishments—

(i) ) reduction in rank or grade;
(11) suspension, stoppage or deferment of increment;
(iii) forfeiture of good conduct pay or of any bene-
fit arising from service;
(iv) forfeiture of not more thun half a month’s
salary ;
(v) admonition;
(vi) reprimand;
(vii) severe reprimand;
(viii) recommendation for dismissal.” ; and
(«) by the addition of the following subregulations
as sub-regulations (2), (3) and (4)— /
(2) Any subordinate officer against whom any
such fine is imposed or any such punishment awarded
may, within seven’ days of his conviction, appeal in
writing to the Governor, and the (rovernor, may
allow the appeal, reduce or confirm the fine or punish-
ment or make such other order as he may deem fit.

(3) Where an offence against a subordinate ofticer
is to be tried by the Visiting Justices the Officer in
charge of Prison discipline or “the Keeper may suspend
such subordinate officer from his duties pending the
decision of the Visiting Justices or the Governor, as
the case may be, and while his suspension continues
such subordinate officer shall be allowed to receive such
portion of his salary, not being less than one half, as
the Governor shall think fit.

(4) Where a subordinate officer has heen guilty
of and fined for any offence under subregulation (1) of
this regulation, the name of the offender, the date and
description of the offence, the amount of the fine and
the authority by whom NS was punished shall be entered
in the subordinate officers’ Punishment Book,”

3. Revocation. The Prison Amendment Rules,
1926 (S.R: & O. 1926 No. 11) are hereby revoked.

Made by the Governor in Council this 31st ey of
May, 1954.
A. K. PEnn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands:
by E, M, BLACK AN, Government Printer.—By Authority. 5
1954, 2 :
64/00001—490—6.54 Price 4 cents,


1064, No. 18.

as et

_ Tue Antigua Jurors (ALLowayces) Runes, 1954, paTEp
UNDER SECTION 47 or tuk Jury Acr (Cav. 56).

1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the Antigua
Jurors (Allowances) Rules, 1954.

2. Jurors’ Allowances. (1) Every juror residing
outside the limits of the City of Saint John and attending the
Circuit Court in the Presi lency of Antigua for the trial of
criminal causes in pursuance of a summons under the Jury Act
shall be entitled to receive as compensation for loss of time an
allowance of one dollar and fifty cents a day or part of a day
for each day he is required to attend and does attend a session.

(2) Every such juror shall be paid a travelling allowance
of twenty-four cents for every mile or part of a mile travelled
to and from the Court exclusive of the first mile to and from the
Court House.

3. Revocation. The Antigua Jurors (Travelling
Allowance) Rules, 1943, (S.R. & O. 1943, No. 7) are hereby

Made by the Governor in Council this 31st day of May,

A. KE. Peny,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. BuAckmMAn, Government Printer.—By Authority.
31/00229—490—6.54. Price 3 cents.

1954, No. 19.

THe Saint Curistopxer Jurors (Attowances) Rutus,
1954, paTeD May 381, 1954, MADE BY THE GoVERNOR

(Cav. 56).

1. Crration. These Rules may be cited as the Saint
Christopher Jurors (Allowances) Rules, 1954.

2. Jurors’ Attowances. (1) Every juror residing
outside the Town of Basseterre and attending the Circuit Court
in the Saint Christopher Circuit for the trial of criminal causes
in pursuance of a summons under the Jury Act shall be entitled
to receive us commpensation for loss of time an allowance of one
dollar and fifty cents a day or part of a day for each day he is
required to attend and does attend a session.

(2) Every such juror shall be paid a travelling allowance
of twenty-four cents for every mile or part of a mile travelled
to and from the Court exclusive of the first mile to and from

the Court House.

. 8. Revocation. The Saint Christopher Jurors (Travel-
ling Allowance) Rules, 1943, (S.R. & O. 1943, No. 11) are
hereby revoked. :

Made by the Governor in Council this 31st day of May,
A. E. Penn,
Clerk of Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackman, Government Printer—By Authority.
31/00229—490—6.54 Price 3 cents.


1954, No. 20.

Tue Nevis Jurors (Antowances) Runes, 1954, parep May
SECTION 47 oF THE JURY Act, (Cap. 56).

1. Citation. These Rules may be cited us the Nevis
Jurors (Allowances) Rules, 1954.

2. Jurors’ Allowances. (1) Every juror residing
outside the Town of Charlestown and attending the Circuit
Court in the Nevis Cireuit for the trial of criminal causes in
pursuance of a summons under the Jury Act shall be entitled
to receive as compensation for loss of time an allowance of one
dollar and fifty cents a day or part of a day for each day he is
required to attend and does attend a session.

(2) Every such juror shall be paid a travelling allowance
of twenty-four cents for every mile or part of a mile travelled
to and from the Court exclusive of the first mile to and from
the Court House.

3. Revocation. The Nevis Jurors (Travelling
Allowance) Rules, 1949 (S. R. & O. 1949, No. 16) are hereby

Made by the Governor in Council this 31st day of May,

A. E. Penny,
Clerk of the Couneil.

Printed ab the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by EB. M. Buaoxman, E.}), Government Printer.—By Authority.
31/00229__490—6.54. [Price 3 cents. |


1954, No. eh

Tue Viren Isuanps Jurors (ALLOWANCES) (AMENDMENT)
Ruvrs, 1954, patep May 31, 1954, MADE BY THE
Act (Cap. 56).


1. Citation. These Rules may be cited as the Virgin
Islands Jurors (Allowances) (Amendment) Rules, 1954, and
shall be read as one with the Virgin Lslands Jurors (Al lows ances)
Rules, 1950 (S. R. & O. 1950 No. 12) hereinafter called the
Princip: al Rules.

2. Amendment. Rule 2 of the Principal Rules is
hereby amended—

(a). by the substitution of the words “ two dollars and
fifty-six cents ” for the words “ one dollar and thirty-seven
cents’ appearing in sub-rule (1) thereof; and

(b) by the subsitution of the word “seventeen” for
the word “nine” appearing in sub-rule (2) thereof.

Made by the Governor in Council this 31st day of May,
' A. E. Penn,
Clerk of the Council.

Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E. M. BLACKMAN, Government Printer.—By Authority.
5 1954,
31/00229 —490—6.54. Price 3 cents,