Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076863/00200
Material Information
- Title:
- Leeward Islands gazette
- Creator:
- Leeward Islands (West Indies)
- Place of Publication:
- [Antigua
- Publisher:
- Gov. Printing Office]
- Publication Date:
- May 27, 1954
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- reels. : ;
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Law Leeward Islands (Federation) Montserrat
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt ) Official gazettes ( fast ) Gazettes ( fast ) newspaper ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- 1- , 1872-
- General Note:
- Two pages per frame.
- General Note:
- Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
- General Note:
- Weekly
- General Note:
- Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
- General Note:
- Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
- General Note:
- Some issues called "extraordinary."
- General Note:
- Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
- General Note:
- Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
- General Note:
- Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )
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It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has refused his assent to
the Montserrat Crown Proceedings
(General Legislature Competency)
Ordinance, 1953, which was passed
, by the Montserrat Legislative Council
on the 29th day of December, 1953.
2. The circumstances of the
Governor's refusal to assent are as
follows. It was orginally proposed
that federal Crown Proceedings legis-
lation should be enacted by the
General Legislative Council. To en-
able this to. be done, the Presidential
Legislatures were invited to pass
legislation giving the Federal Govern-
ment competency in this respect.
Such legislation was passed by the
Montserrat Legislature, but sub-
sequently one of the Presidential
Governments decided that it preferred
not to give the Federal Government
competency in this matter. In the
circumstances, the only practicable
course is to enact Crown Proceedings
legislation on a presidential basis, and
the Presidential Legislatures are being
invited to take action accordingly.
3. As action is now to be taken on
a Presidential basis, no useful purpose
would be served by. the Governor
assenting to the Montserrat Com-
petency Ordinance mentioned above.
4. The Governor desires to express
his regret to the Montserrat Legisla-
tive Council that they should have
been put to the unnecessary trouble
of passing this legislation.
The Secretariat,
19th May. 1954.
0.8.0. M.P. 47/0303.
It is notified for general informa-
tion that Mr. K. L. Gorpon has
been appointed Puisne Jadge of the
Supreme Court of the Windward
Islands and Leeward Islands from the
14th May, 1954.
The Secretariat,
26th May, 1954.
Ref. No. P.F, 506,
Salk. 7277
Kh bh 7
Published by Authority. ~w_» 2â€
It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has appointed Lieutenant-
Surgeon W. B. R. Jones, M.B.E., of
the Montserrat Defence Force, to be
Captain Surgeon of the Force from the
27th February, 1954.
The Secretariat,
At Antigua.
22nd May, 1954.
Ref. No. 53/00018.
No. 47.
The following Ordinance is circu-
lated with this Gazette and forms
part thereof :—
Virgin Islands.
No.6 of 1954, ‘The Interpretation
of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954.†8 yp. Price 10 cents
Registrar Generals Office,
In accordance with the provisions
of Section 16 of the Marriage Ordi-
nance, 1923, the following Building
has been registered in the Presidency
of Antigua as a Building where Banns
of Marriage may be published.
“Shiloh†Gospel Hall,
Street, St. John’s.
Dated this 20th day of May, 1954.
Ag. Registrar General.
Schedule of Applications for
Certificate of Title, ete.
Cancellation of Certificate of Title
of 30th September, 1938, for Register
Book O, Folio 51 which said certifi-
cate appears to have been lost for all
that Plantation or Estate called Clare-
mont Hstate in the Parish of St.
Mary in the Island of Antigua ag the
same is delineated on the map or
plan of the said Estate dated in 1938
drawn by W. J. Essex, Licensed
Surveyor and issue of a new Certifi-
cate of Title to CATHERINE MARY
Executors of the Estate of WILLIAM
THOMAS ABBOTT, deceased.
Ag. Registrar of Titles.
THURSDAY, 27rn MAY, 1954.
No. 24.
Crown Land Applications
Applications in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazetie for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this Office in relation
to any such application.
Such applications will be inserted
in at least three separaate issues of
the Gazetie before they will be dealt
with by the Governor.
The under-mentioned application is
hereby notified.
By Order,
Js. H. Carrorr,
Chief Clerk.
Commissioner’s Of fica,
Plymouth, Montserrat,
18th May, 1954.
That piece or parcel of lund, being
Crown Land, situate at the Bend,
Victoria Village, in the Parish of
St. Anthony, all as the same is deli-
neated on the plan thereof by Mr. D.
C. Topp, Licensed Surveyor, and
containing an area of approximately
1280 square feet.
Ref. No. 46/00032.
Notice is hereby given that the
City Rate Assessment List for 1954
has been posted on the outer dcor of
the Treasury and at the City Com-
missioners Office.
The rate fixed on properties north
of the houses bordering on Alfred
Peters Street under an assessed
annual rental value of $48.00 ig 5%
and of $48.00 and over 74%. The
rate on all other property under an
assessed annual rental value of $48.00
is 10% and of $48.00 and over 15%.
Any person who objects to any
assessment in the said list must lodge
his objection in writing with the City
Clerk within fourteen days after the
date of this notice.
City Clerk.
City Commissioner's Office,
12th May, 1954,
ANTIGUA, 30th April, 1954.
of Imperial Chemical House, Mill-
bank, London, S8.W.1. England, have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—
in Class 50 that is to say:— Plastics,
synthetic resins; fire extinguishing
compositions, adhesive substances,
polishing preparations, and dust lay-
ing and absorbent preparations, syn-
thetic textile fibres, yarns, threads
and fabrics; materials for packing,
stopping and insulating; electrical
appliances and apparatus being manu-
factured from plastics; cardboard
boxes, lighter flints, sliding clasp
fasteners when manufactured from
plastic, articles manufactured from
leathercloth and similar coated fabrics.
Putty, roofing material.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the gaid Trade Mark in
respect of the. said goods for 25
-years before the date of their said
Ary person
months from the date of the first
-appearance of this advertisement in
the Leeward Isiands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade Mark.
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks,
Tenders are invited for comprehen-
sive insurance coverage, 2.e. Fire,
Hurricane andjor Earthquake on
Government Buildings in Antigua
and Barbuda. The insurable values
of the Buildings to be insured are in
the neighbourhood of $1,500,000.
9, In view of the large number
of buildings which are to be insured
all tendera should provide to exempt
Government from the usual provi-
sions of—
(a) the average clause which pro-
vides that claims will be enter-
tained only to the extent of the
relation which the same bears to
the total value of the property
insured; and ;
(b) the excess clause which pro-
vides that a deduction of 1% of the
amount ingured (or £25 whichever
is leas) shall be made upon every
claim submitted,
Printed at the Governmen
may within three .
3. 7
should m there-
from ¢ of in-
sured been
demo! ‘vern-
ment suttd=—
ing and for the adjustment of the
appropriate premium in such cages.
4. The present schedule of the
properties to be insured and their
respective insurable values may be
inspected at the office of the Colonial
Engineer, Public Works Department,
St. John’s, during the normal office
do. Tenders should be in sealed
envelopes marked “Tender for In-
surance of Government Buildingsâ€
and should be addressed to the
Administrator’s Office to reach the
office not later than mid-day on the
Ist day of July, 1954.
6. Government does not bind it-
self to accept the ‘lowest or any
Administrator’s Office,
15th May, 1954.
Ref. A. $6/13—IT.
The Inspector of Weights and
Measures shall attend for the
purpose of examining, weighing and
stamping Weights and Measures and
Weighing Instruments at the follow-
ing times and places:—
(1) At the Police Station, Parham,
on Tuesday the Ist June, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
(2) At the Police Station, Willikies,
on Friday the 4th June, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
(3) At the Police Station, Bolans,
on Tuesday the 8th June, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
(4) At the Police Station, All
Saints, on Friday the 11th June, from
10 am, to 4 p.m,
(5) In the City of St. John at the
Police Station on every day except
Saturdays and Sundays during the
the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th
June trom }0am.to4 pm. |
Provided that should any of the
days prescribed above for the Inspec-
tor’s attendance at Parham, Willikies,
Bolans and All Saints fall on a Bank
Holiday, the Inspector shall attend on
the following day instead.
Inspector of Weights & Measures.
Poiice Headquarters,
5th May, 1954.
Government Printer.—By Authority,
[27 May, 1954.
Statement of Currency Note
Circulation in the British
oes Soe a (East-
ern rou on ist
1954. ae
Average Circulation during March,
1954: .
Br. Caribbean Cur-
rency Notes 49,173,859.00
Gov’t Currency Notes 2,257,346.00
51,431,205.00 -
Br. Caribbean Currency Notes:—
Trinidad & Tobago
Montserrat) .. 24,076,067.00
Barbados ..- 6,042,500.00
British Guiana .. 12,750,785.00.
Grenada «+ 1,581,100.00
St. Vincent 526,400.00
St. Lucia 859,000.00
Dominica 943.400.00
Antigua 1.420.300.00
St. Kitts 1,516.500.00
Total Br. Caribbean
Currency Notes .. 49,716,052.00
Trinidad and Tobago
Government Note
Circulation ... 1,452,635.00
Barbados Government
Note Circulation 166,704.00
Br. Guiana Government
Note Circulation 570,701.00
Total Government
Note Circulation —..._ 2,190,040.00
Total circulation on
1st May, 1954 51,906,092.00
“ececutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.
British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad, B.W.T.
Ref. No. 24/00027
Centra] Experiment Station,
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
Jan. 5.41 3.60 241 1.93 3.04
Feb, 2.52 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45
May. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1,08
Apr. 2.44 2.16 3.14 2.06 AG
May 22. 32 10.54 2.76 140 3.46
19.97 19.27 11.53 12.01 10.52
t Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by EB. M. Buackman, £.D.,
[Price 14 cents }
ae = ~~ 5S
‘No.6 of 1954. Interpretation of Laws
(LS. |
I Assent, és
Kk. W. BLuackBurNE,
5th May, 1984.
No. 6 of 1954.
An Ordinance to amend further the Interpretation
‘of Laws Ordinance, 1898.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Governor and
Legislative Council of the Virgin Islands as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Interpretation of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954, and shall be read as one with the Interpreta-
tion of Laws Ordinance, 1898, as amended, herein-
after called the Principal Ordinance.
2. Section 1) of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended as follows:—
(a) by the renumbering of the section as
subsection (1) of section 10;
(6) by the addition of the following as
subsections (2) and (8) respectively :—
“(2)y All acts done and performed
by the person acting for, and doing the
duty of, any public officer who has
obtained leave of absence within the
period for- which such leave has been
granted, shall be good, valid and effectual
for all purposes whatsoever, notwith-
standing that such public officer may be
within the Presidency at the time when
such acts were done and performed.
(8) Unless the contrary intention
appears, where any Ordinance, whether
passed before or after the commencement
of this Ordinance, contains a reference to
the Attorney-General, the reference shall
Short title.
of section 10
of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-
nance. °
of seotion 11
of the Prin-
oipal Ordi-
2 Interpretation of Laws No. 6 of 1954,
- (Amendment)
in the absence of the Attorney-General
from the Presidency, be construed to in-
clude a reference to the Crown Attorney
present in the Presidency as the Attorney-
General’s deputy.â€.
3. Subsection (3) of section 11 of the Prin-
cipal Ordinance is hereby repeated and replaced as
(3) Where any Ordinance, whether
passed before or after the commencement of
this Ordinance, confers power on any authority
to make or issue any instrument (that is to
say, any regulation, rule, by-law, proclama-
tion, order-in-council or order) the following
provisions shall, unless the contrary intention
appears, have effect with reference to the
making, issue and operation of such instru-
(a) any instrument as aforesaid —
may at any time be amended, varied,
rescinded or revoked by the same author-
ity and in the same manner by and in
which it was made;
(b) there may be annexed to the
breach of any regulation, rule, by-law,
_ order-in-council or order such penalty
not exceeding forty-eight dollars as the
authority making the regulation, rule,
by-law, order-in-council or order may
think fit;
(c) where any Ordinance confers
power on any authority to make any
regulation, rule, by-law, order-in-council
or order for any general purpose, and
also for any special purposes incidental
thereto, the enumeration of the special
purposes shall not be deemed to derogate
from the generality of the powers con-
ferred with reference to the general pur-
' (d) no regulation, rule, by-law,
order-in-council or order shall be incon-
sistent with the provisions of any Ordi-
No. 6 of 1954. Interpretation of Laws ‘Sas
4. Section 18 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended as follows:—
(a) by the deletion of the words “ of
Great Britain and Ireland†in the definition
of the expression “‘ the Imperial Parliamentâ€;
(6) by the insertion immediately after
paragraph (4) thereof of the following para-
graphs numbered “(4A)†and “ (4B) â€:—
‘““(4A) The expression ‘“ Commis-
sioner†shall mean the Commissioner of
the Presidency and shall include every
person for the time being acting as Com-
missioner in his stead;
(4B) The expression ‘“‘ the Legisla-
tive Council†shall mean the Legislative:
Council constituted for the Presidency ;â€
(c) by the substitution of the following
for paragraph (6) thereof:—
(6) The expression ‘ Governorâ€
shall mean the Officer for the time being
administering the Government of the
Presidency ;â€
(a) by the substitution of the expression
‘‘the Governor†for the expression “a Gover-
nor†appearing in the definition of the
expression “ Justice of the Peace’; and
(e) by the addition thereto of the follow-
ing paragraphs immediately after paragraph
(33) The expression “ Act†shall
include Ordinance and private .Act or
Ordinance, and any regulation, rule, by-
law, proclamation, order-in-council or
order made under the authority of any
Act or Ordinance; :
(34) The expression “ Chief Justiceâ€
shall mean the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands;
of section 18
of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-
pea 4 Interpretation of Laiws No. 6 of 1954.
: (Amendment)
(85) The expression “law†shall
include any Ordinance, Federal Act or
Act of the Imperial Parliament and any
regulation, rale, ‘by-law, proclamation,
order-in-council, order, scheme or direc-
tion made or given under the authority
of any law;
(36) The expression “ Ordinance â€
shall include private Ordinance and any
Act or private Act of the Legislature of
the Virgin [slands and any regulation,
rule, by-law, proclamation, order-in-coun-
cil or order made under the authority of
any such Act or Ordinance;
a (37) The expression “ prescribed â€â€™
shall mean prescribed by an Ordinance in
which the said expression occurs or by
any regulation, rule, by-law, order-in-
council, order, or form of notice issued
or made thereunder and in relation to
any regulation, rule, order-in-council or
order shall mean prescribed by the Gover-
nor in Council unless some other authority
is mentioned in the Ordinance;
(38) The expression ‘subsidiary
legislation †shall mean any regulation,
rule, by-law, proclamation, order-in-coun-
cil, order, direction, notice or other in-
strument made under any Ordinance or
other lawful authority and having legis-
lative effect.â€â€™.
Insertion of 5. The following new sections shall be in-
new sections gerted in the Principal Ordinance immediately after:
cipal Ordi- section 18 thereof—
“Change in ISA. Whenever the Governor considers
title of pub-
Nocatee. it necessary to change the title of any public
office, he shall cause a notice to that effect to
be published in the (/aze//e setting out the
former title and the substituted title or titles
of such office, and declaring that such change
of title shall take effect, or shall be deemed to
No. 6 of 1954. /nterpretation of Laws
have taken effect, from a date specified in
such notice, and with effect from such date—
(a) where the change in title con-
sists in substitution of a single title for
the former title, the substituted | title
shall replace the former title wherever
the former title appears in any Ordinance
or in any deed or other instrument made
or issued pursuant to or consequent upon
any such Ordinance; and
(b) where the change in title con-
sists in the substitution of two or more
titles for the former title, the former title
shall be replaced, in the provisions of any
such Ordinance, deed or other instrument
as may be specified in such notice, by
such substituted title as may be specified
in such notice.
18B. No Ordinance shall in any manner
whatsoever affect the rights of the Crown
unless it is therein expressly provided or
unless it appears by necessary implication that
the Crown is bound thereby.
18C. When a substantive holder of any
office constituted by or under any Ordinance
is on leave of absence pending relinquishment
of his office it shall be lawful for another
person to be appointed substantively to the
same office.
18D. Where by or under any Ordinance
the Governor or any public officer or body is
empowered to appoint or name a person to
have and exercise any powers or perform
any duties the Governor or such public officer
or body may either appoint a person by name
or direct the person for the time being holding
the office designated by the Governor or by
such public officer or holy to have and exer-
cise such powers and perform such duties; and
thereupon or from the date specified by the
Governor or by such public officer or body,
the person appointed by name or the person
Rights of the
of succesror
to office dur-
ing leave of
absence prior
to retirement
of substantive
of officers by
name or office.
Power to ap-
point includes
power to re-
move, eto,
‘Power of Gov-
ernor to pro-
vide for execu-
tion of duties
of public offi-
eer luring
absence or
Interpretation of Laws — No. 6 of 1954.
for the time being holding the office aforesaid
shall have and may exercise such powers and
perform such duties accordingly.
18li. Where any Ordinance confers
upon any person or authority power to make
appointments to any office or place the power
shall be construed as including the power to
remove or suspend any person appointed, and
to reappoint or reinstate him, and to appoint
another person temporarily in the place of any
person so removed or suspended or in place of
‘any holder of the office or place, who has died
or is ill or absent, and to appoint another
person temporarily to fill any vacancy in the
office or place arising from any other cause:
Provided that where the power of the
person or authority to make any such appoint-
ment is only exercisable upon the recommen-
dation or subject to the approval, consent or
concurrence of some other person or authority
the power of removal shall, unless the contrary
intention appears, only be exercisable upon
the recommendation of or subject to the
approval, consent or concurrence of that other
person or authority.
18F. Where by or under any Ordinance
any powers are conferred or any duties are
imposed upon a public officer, the Governor
may direct that if during any period owing to
absence or inability to act from ilness or any
other cause such public officer shall be unable
to exercise the powers or perform the duties
of his office in any place under his jurisdiction
or control, such powers shall be had and may
be exercised and such duties shall be performed
in such plece by the person named by, or by
the public officer holding the office designated
by, the Governor; and thereupon such person
or public officer, during any period as afore-
said shall have and may exercise the powers
and shall perforin the duties aforesaid, subject -
to such conditions, exceptions, and qualifica-
tions as the Governor may direct.
e. ae :
No, 6 of 1954. /nterpretation of Laws 7 VIRGIN
aera : } ISLANDS,
( dmendment)
18G. (1) Where by or under any Ordi- Power to the
nance power is given to the Governor to AR
appoint any persons to be members of any lic officer as
board, commission, committee or similar body %*h te serve
it shall be lawful for the Governor, in the to appoiut
absence of any provision to the contrary, toon
appoint, by his official designation, any public
officer, and, on such appointment and until
such appointment shall be cancelled or other-
wise determined, the person for the time being
filling the office in question shall be a member
of such board, commission, committee or
similar body.
(2) Where by or under any Ordinance
power is given to the Governor to appoint any
board, commission, committee or similar body,
it shall be lawful for the Governor, in the
absence of any provision to the contrary, to
appoint « chairman of such board, commission,
committee or similar body.
18H. Where by or under any Ordinance Power of a
any board, commission, committee or similar ie
body, whether corporate or unincorporate, is by vacancy,
established, then, unless the contrary intention “
appears, the powers of such board, commis-
sion, committee or similar body shall not be
affected by—
(a) any vacancy in the membership
(>) the fact that it is afterwards
discovered that there was some defect in
the appointment or qualification of a per-
son purporting to be a member thereof;
(c) the fact that there was any
minor irregularity in the convening of
any meeting thereof.
18]. Save as is otherwise expressly pro- Powor of
‘ided by r Ordi h 6 t or majority of
eee DY any romance, whenever any act Or sore than
thing is required to be done by more than two two persons.
persons, a majority of them may do it.
~ Fe
Nea 8 Interpretation of Laws No, 6 of 1954,
oe (Amendment)
Imperial Acta 18J. Whenever any Act of the Imperial’
eaetiaere can Parliament is extended to the Presidency such
TORAH ORE ONS) Act shall be read with such formal alterations
as to names, localities, courts, officers, persons,
moneys, penalties and otherwise as may be
necessary to make the same applicable to the
Repeal. 6. Section 3 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby repealed.
Commence- 7. This Ordinance shall come into operation
neers on a day to be appointed by the Governor by
‘ proclamation published in the Gazette.
H. A. C. Howarp,
Passed the Legislative Council this 26th day
of April, 1954.
H. O. CreqQus,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by B. M. Brackman, E.D., Government Printer..--By Authority.
1954, 3
490—5.54. Price 10 cents. .
Full Text |
It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has refused his assent to
the Montserrat Crown Proceedings
(General Legislature Competency)
Ordinance, 1953, which was passed
, by the Montserrat Legislative Council
on the 29th day of December, 1953.
2. The circumstances of the
Governor's refusal to assent are as
follows. It was orginally proposed
that federal Crown Proceedings legis-
lation should be enacted by the
General Legislative Council. To en-
able this to. be done, the Presidential
Legislatures were invited to pass
legislation giving the Federal Govern-
ment competency in this respect.
Such legislation was passed by the
Montserrat Legislature, but sub-
sequently one of the Presidential
Governments decided that it preferred
not to give the Federal Government
competency in this matter. In the
circumstances, the only practicable
course is to enact Crown Proceedings
legislation on a presidential basis, and
the Presidential Legislatures are being
invited to take action accordingly.
3. As action is now to be taken on
a Presidential basis, no useful purpose
would be served by. the Governor
assenting to the Montserrat Com-
petency Ordinance mentioned above.
4. The Governor desires to express
his regret to the Montserrat Legisla-
tive Council that they should have
been put to the unnecessary trouble
of passing this legislation.
The Secretariat,
19th May. 1954.
0.8.0. M.P. 47/0303.
It is notified for general informa-
tion that Mr. K. L. Gorpon has
been appointed Puisne Jadge of the
Supreme Court of the Windward
Islands and Leeward Islands from the
14th May, 1954.
The Secretariat,
26th May, 1954.
Ref. No. P.F, 506,
Salk. 7277
Kh bh 7
Published by Authority. ~w_» 2â€
It is hereby notified for general
information that His Excellency the
Governor has appointed Lieutenant-
Surgeon W. B. R. Jones, M.B.E., of
the Montserrat Defence Force, to be
Captain Surgeon of the Force from the
27th February, 1954.
The Secretariat,
At Antigua.
22nd May, 1954.
Ref. No. 53/00018.
No. 47.
The following Ordinance is circu-
lated with this Gazette and forms
part thereof :—
Virgin Islands.
No.6 of 1954, ‘The Interpretation
of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954.†8 yp. Price 10 cents
Registrar Generals Office,
In accordance with the provisions
of Section 16 of the Marriage Ordi-
nance, 1923, the following Building
has been registered in the Presidency
of Antigua as a Building where Banns
of Marriage may be published.
“Shiloh†Gospel Hall,
Street, St. John’s.
Dated this 20th day of May, 1954.
Ag. Registrar General.
Schedule of Applications for
Certificate of Title, ete.
Cancellation of Certificate of Title
of 30th September, 1938, for Register
Book O, Folio 51 which said certifi-
cate appears to have been lost for all
that Plantation or Estate called Clare-
mont Hstate in the Parish of St.
Mary in the Island of Antigua ag the
same is delineated on the map or
plan of the said Estate dated in 1938
drawn by W. J. Essex, Licensed
Surveyor and issue of a new Certifi-
cate of Title to CATHERINE MARY
Executors of the Estate of WILLIAM
THOMAS ABBOTT, deceased.
Ag. Registrar of Titles.
THURSDAY, 27rn MAY, 1954.
No. 24.
Crown Land Applications
Applications in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazetie for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this Office in relation
to any such application.
Such applications will be inserted
in at least three separaate issues of
the Gazetie before they will be dealt
with by the Governor.
The under-mentioned application is
hereby notified.
By Order,
Js. H. Carrorr,
Chief Clerk.
Commissioner’s Of fica,
Plymouth, Montserrat,
18th May, 1954.
That piece or parcel of lund, being
Crown Land, situate at the Bend,
Victoria Village, in the Parish of
St. Anthony, all as the same is deli-
neated on the plan thereof by Mr. D.
C. Topp, Licensed Surveyor, and
containing an area of approximately
1280 square feet.
Ref. No. 46/00032.
Notice is hereby given that the
City Rate Assessment List for 1954
has been posted on the outer dcor of
the Treasury and at the City Com-
missioners Office.
The rate fixed on properties north
of the houses bordering on Alfred
Peters Street under an assessed
annual rental value of $48.00 ig 5%
and of $48.00 and over 74%. The
rate on all other property under an
assessed annual rental value of $48.00
is 10% and of $48.00 and over 15%.
Any person who objects to any
assessment in the said list must lodge
his objection in writing with the City
Clerk within fourteen days after the
date of this notice.
City Clerk.
City Commissioner's Office,
12th May, 1954,
ANTIGUA, 30th April, 1954.
of Imperial Chemical House, Mill-
bank, London, S8.W.1. England, have
applied for Registration of one Trade
Mark consisting of the following:—
in Class 50 that is to say:— Plastics,
synthetic resins; fire extinguishing
compositions, adhesive substances,
polishing preparations, and dust lay-
ing and absorbent preparations, syn-
thetic textile fibres, yarns, threads
and fabrics; materials for packing,
stopping and insulating; electrical
appliances and apparatus being manu-
factured from plastics; cardboard
boxes, lighter flints, sliding clasp
fasteners when manufactured from
plastic, articles manufactured from
leathercloth and similar coated fabrics.
Putty, roofing material.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the gaid Trade Mark in
respect of the. said goods for 25
-years before the date of their said
Ary person
months from the date of the first
-appearance of this advertisement in
the Leeward Isiands Gazette, give
notice in duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition to
registration of the said Trade Mark.
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks,
Tenders are invited for comprehen-
sive insurance coverage, 2.e. Fire,
Hurricane andjor Earthquake on
Government Buildings in Antigua
and Barbuda. The insurable values
of the Buildings to be insured are in
the neighbourhood of $1,500,000.
9, In view of the large number
of buildings which are to be insured
all tendera should provide to exempt
Government from the usual provi-
sions of—
(a) the average clause which pro-
vides that claims will be enter-
tained only to the extent of the
relation which the same bears to
the total value of the property
insured; and ;
(b) the excess clause which pro-
vides that a deduction of 1% of the
amount ingured (or £25 whichever
is leas) shall be made upon every
claim submitted,
Printed at the Governmen
may within three .
3. 7
should m there-
from ¢ of in-
sured been
demo! ‘vern-
ment suttd=—
ing and for the adjustment of the
appropriate premium in such cages.
4. The present schedule of the
properties to be insured and their
respective insurable values may be
inspected at the office of the Colonial
Engineer, Public Works Department,
St. John’s, during the normal office
do. Tenders should be in sealed
envelopes marked “Tender for In-
surance of Government Buildingsâ€
and should be addressed to the
Administrator’s Office to reach the
office not later than mid-day on the
Ist day of July, 1954.
6. Government does not bind it-
self to accept the ‘lowest or any
Administrator’s Office,
15th May, 1954.
Ref. A. $6/13—IT.
The Inspector of Weights and
Measures shall attend for the
purpose of examining, weighing and
stamping Weights and Measures and
Weighing Instruments at the follow-
ing times and places:—
(1) At the Police Station, Parham,
on Tuesday the Ist June, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
(2) At the Police Station, Willikies,
on Friday the 4th June, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
(3) At the Police Station, Bolans,
on Tuesday the 8th June, from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
(4) At the Police Station, All
Saints, on Friday the 11th June, from
10 am, to 4 p.m,
(5) In the City of St. John at the
Police Station on every day except
Saturdays and Sundays during the
the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th
June trom }0am.to4 pm. |
Provided that should any of the
days prescribed above for the Inspec-
tor’s attendance at Parham, Willikies,
Bolans and All Saints fall on a Bank
Holiday, the Inspector shall attend on
the following day instead.
Inspector of Weights & Measures.
Poiice Headquarters,
5th May, 1954.
Government Printer.—By Authority,
[27 May, 1954.
Statement of Currency Note
Circulation in the British
oes Soe a (East-
ern rou on ist
1954. ae
Average Circulation during March,
1954: .
Br. Caribbean Cur-
rency Notes 49,173,859.00
Gov’t Currency Notes 2,257,346.00
51,431,205.00 -
Br. Caribbean Currency Notes:—
Trinidad & Tobago
Montserrat) .. 24,076,067.00
Barbados ..- 6,042,500.00
British Guiana .. 12,750,785.00.
Grenada «+ 1,581,100.00
St. Vincent 526,400.00
St. Lucia 859,000.00
Dominica 943.400.00
Antigua 1.420.300.00
St. Kitts 1,516.500.00
Total Br. Caribbean
Currency Notes .. 49,716,052.00
Trinidad and Tobago
Government Note
Circulation ... 1,452,635.00
Barbados Government
Note Circulation 166,704.00
Br. Guiana Government
Note Circulation 570,701.00
Total Government
Note Circulation —..._ 2,190,040.00
Total circulation on
1st May, 1954 51,906,092.00
“ececutive Commissioner,
British Caribbean
Currency Board.
British Caribbean Currency Board,
Treasury Chambers,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad, B.W.T.
Ref. No. 24/00027
Centra] Experiment Station,
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
Jan. 5.41 3.60 241 1.93 3.04
Feb, 2.52 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45
May. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1,08
Apr. 2.44 2.16 3.14 2.06 AG
May 22. 32 10.54 2.76 140 3.46
19.97 19.27 11.53 12.01 10.52
t Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by EB. M. Buackman, £.D.,
[Price 14 cents }
ae = ~~ 5S
‘No.6 of 1954. Interpretation of Laws
(LS. |
I Assent, és
Kk. W. BLuackBurNE,
5th May, 1984.
No. 6 of 1954.
An Ordinance to amend further the Interpretation
‘of Laws Ordinance, 1898.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Governor and
Legislative Council of the Virgin Islands as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Interpretation of Laws (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954, and shall be read as one with the Interpreta-
tion of Laws Ordinance, 1898, as amended, herein-
after called the Principal Ordinance.
2. Section 1) of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended as follows:—
(a) by the renumbering of the section as
subsection (1) of section 10;
(6) by the addition of the following as
subsections (2) and (8) respectively :—
“(2)y All acts done and performed
by the person acting for, and doing the
duty of, any public officer who has
obtained leave of absence within the
period for- which such leave has been
granted, shall be good, valid and effectual
for all purposes whatsoever, notwith-
standing that such public officer may be
within the Presidency at the time when
such acts were done and performed.
(8) Unless the contrary intention
appears, where any Ordinance, whether
passed before or after the commencement
of this Ordinance, contains a reference to
the Attorney-General, the reference shall
Short title.
of section 10
of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-
nance. °
of seotion 11
of the Prin-
oipal Ordi-
2 Interpretation of Laws No. 6 of 1954,
- (Amendment)
in the absence of the Attorney-General
from the Presidency, be construed to in-
clude a reference to the Crown Attorney
present in the Presidency as the Attorney-
General’s deputy.â€.
3. Subsection (3) of section 11 of the Prin-
cipal Ordinance is hereby repeated and replaced as
(3) Where any Ordinance, whether
passed before or after the commencement of
this Ordinance, confers power on any authority
to make or issue any instrument (that is to
say, any regulation, rule, by-law, proclama-
tion, order-in-council or order) the following
provisions shall, unless the contrary intention
appears, have effect with reference to the
making, issue and operation of such instru-
(a) any instrument as aforesaid —
may at any time be amended, varied,
rescinded or revoked by the same author-
ity and in the same manner by and in
which it was made;
(b) there may be annexed to the
breach of any regulation, rule, by-law,
_ order-in-council or order such penalty
not exceeding forty-eight dollars as the
authority making the regulation, rule,
by-law, order-in-council or order may
think fit;
(c) where any Ordinance confers
power on any authority to make any
regulation, rule, by-law, order-in-council
or order for any general purpose, and
also for any special purposes incidental
thereto, the enumeration of the special
purposes shall not be deemed to derogate
from the generality of the powers con-
ferred with reference to the general pur-
' (d) no regulation, rule, by-law,
order-in-council or order shall be incon-
sistent with the provisions of any Ordi-
No. 6 of 1954. Interpretation of Laws ‘Sas
4. Section 18 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended as follows:—
(a) by the deletion of the words “ of
Great Britain and Ireland†in the definition
of the expression “‘ the Imperial Parliamentâ€;
(6) by the insertion immediately after
paragraph (4) thereof of the following para-
graphs numbered “(4A)†and “ (4B) â€:—
‘““(4A) The expression ‘“ Commis-
sioner†shall mean the Commissioner of
the Presidency and shall include every
person for the time being acting as Com-
missioner in his stead;
(4B) The expression ‘“‘ the Legisla-
tive Council†shall mean the Legislative:
Council constituted for the Presidency ;â€
(c) by the substitution of the following
for paragraph (6) thereof:—
(6) The expression ‘ Governorâ€
shall mean the Officer for the time being
administering the Government of the
Presidency ;â€
(a) by the substitution of the expression
‘‘the Governor†for the expression “a Gover-
nor†appearing in the definition of the
expression “ Justice of the Peace’; and
(e) by the addition thereto of the follow-
ing paragraphs immediately after paragraph
(33) The expression “ Act†shall
include Ordinance and private .Act or
Ordinance, and any regulation, rule, by-
law, proclamation, order-in-council or
order made under the authority of any
Act or Ordinance; :
(34) The expression “ Chief Justiceâ€
shall mean the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands;
of section 18
of the Prin-
cipal Ordi-
pea 4 Interpretation of Laiws No. 6 of 1954.
: (Amendment)
(85) The expression “law†shall
include any Ordinance, Federal Act or
Act of the Imperial Parliament and any
regulation, rale, ‘by-law, proclamation,
order-in-council, order, scheme or direc-
tion made or given under the authority
of any law;
(36) The expression “ Ordinance â€
shall include private Ordinance and any
Act or private Act of the Legislature of
the Virgin [slands and any regulation,
rule, by-law, proclamation, order-in-coun-
cil or order made under the authority of
any such Act or Ordinance;
a (37) The expression “ prescribed â€â€™
shall mean prescribed by an Ordinance in
which the said expression occurs or by
any regulation, rule, by-law, order-in-
council, order, or form of notice issued
or made thereunder and in relation to
any regulation, rule, order-in-council or
order shall mean prescribed by the Gover-
nor in Council unless some other authority
is mentioned in the Ordinance;
(38) The expression ‘subsidiary
legislation †shall mean any regulation,
rule, by-law, proclamation, order-in-coun-
cil, order, direction, notice or other in-
strument made under any Ordinance or
other lawful authority and having legis-
lative effect.â€â€™.
Insertion of 5. The following new sections shall be in-
new sections gerted in the Principal Ordinance immediately after:
cipal Ordi- section 18 thereof—
“Change in ISA. Whenever the Governor considers
title of pub-
Nocatee. it necessary to change the title of any public
office, he shall cause a notice to that effect to
be published in the (/aze//e setting out the
former title and the substituted title or titles
of such office, and declaring that such change
of title shall take effect, or shall be deemed to
No. 6 of 1954. /nterpretation of Laws
have taken effect, from a date specified in
such notice, and with effect from such date—
(a) where the change in title con-
sists in substitution of a single title for
the former title, the substituted | title
shall replace the former title wherever
the former title appears in any Ordinance
or in any deed or other instrument made
or issued pursuant to or consequent upon
any such Ordinance; and
(b) where the change in title con-
sists in the substitution of two or more
titles for the former title, the former title
shall be replaced, in the provisions of any
such Ordinance, deed or other instrument
as may be specified in such notice, by
such substituted title as may be specified
in such notice.
18B. No Ordinance shall in any manner
whatsoever affect the rights of the Crown
unless it is therein expressly provided or
unless it appears by necessary implication that
the Crown is bound thereby.
18C. When a substantive holder of any
office constituted by or under any Ordinance
is on leave of absence pending relinquishment
of his office it shall be lawful for another
person to be appointed substantively to the
same office.
18D. Where by or under any Ordinance
the Governor or any public officer or body is
empowered to appoint or name a person to
have and exercise any powers or perform
any duties the Governor or such public officer
or body may either appoint a person by name
or direct the person for the time being holding
the office designated by the Governor or by
such public officer or holy to have and exer-
cise such powers and perform such duties; and
thereupon or from the date specified by the
Governor or by such public officer or body,
the person appointed by name or the person
Rights of the
of succesror
to office dur-
ing leave of
absence prior
to retirement
of substantive
of officers by
name or office.
Power to ap-
point includes
power to re-
move, eto,
‘Power of Gov-
ernor to pro-
vide for execu-
tion of duties
of public offi-
eer luring
absence or
Interpretation of Laws — No. 6 of 1954.
for the time being holding the office aforesaid
shall have and may exercise such powers and
perform such duties accordingly.
18li. Where any Ordinance confers
upon any person or authority power to make
appointments to any office or place the power
shall be construed as including the power to
remove or suspend any person appointed, and
to reappoint or reinstate him, and to appoint
another person temporarily in the place of any
person so removed or suspended or in place of
‘any holder of the office or place, who has died
or is ill or absent, and to appoint another
person temporarily to fill any vacancy in the
office or place arising from any other cause:
Provided that where the power of the
person or authority to make any such appoint-
ment is only exercisable upon the recommen-
dation or subject to the approval, consent or
concurrence of some other person or authority
the power of removal shall, unless the contrary
intention appears, only be exercisable upon
the recommendation of or subject to the
approval, consent or concurrence of that other
person or authority.
18F. Where by or under any Ordinance
any powers are conferred or any duties are
imposed upon a public officer, the Governor
may direct that if during any period owing to
absence or inability to act from ilness or any
other cause such public officer shall be unable
to exercise the powers or perform the duties
of his office in any place under his jurisdiction
or control, such powers shall be had and may
be exercised and such duties shall be performed
in such plece by the person named by, or by
the public officer holding the office designated
by, the Governor; and thereupon such person
or public officer, during any period as afore-
said shall have and may exercise the powers
and shall perforin the duties aforesaid, subject -
to such conditions, exceptions, and qualifica-
tions as the Governor may direct.
e. ae :
No, 6 of 1954. /nterpretation of Laws 7 VIRGIN
aera : } ISLANDS,
( dmendment)
18G. (1) Where by or under any Ordi- Power to the
nance power is given to the Governor to AR
appoint any persons to be members of any lic officer as
board, commission, committee or similar body %*h te serve
it shall be lawful for the Governor, in the to appoiut
absence of any provision to the contrary, toon
appoint, by his official designation, any public
officer, and, on such appointment and until
such appointment shall be cancelled or other-
wise determined, the person for the time being
filling the office in question shall be a member
of such board, commission, committee or
similar body.
(2) Where by or under any Ordinance
power is given to the Governor to appoint any
board, commission, committee or similar body,
it shall be lawful for the Governor, in the
absence of any provision to the contrary, to
appoint « chairman of such board, commission,
committee or similar body.
18H. Where by or under any Ordinance Power of a
any board, commission, committee or similar ie
body, whether corporate or unincorporate, is by vacancy,
established, then, unless the contrary intention “
appears, the powers of such board, commis-
sion, committee or similar body shall not be
affected by—
(a) any vacancy in the membership
(>) the fact that it is afterwards
discovered that there was some defect in
the appointment or qualification of a per-
son purporting to be a member thereof;
(c) the fact that there was any
minor irregularity in the convening of
any meeting thereof.
18]. Save as is otherwise expressly pro- Powor of
‘ided by r Ordi h 6 t or majority of
eee DY any romance, whenever any act Or sore than
thing is required to be done by more than two two persons.
persons, a majority of them may do it.
~ Fe
Nea 8 Interpretation of Laws No, 6 of 1954,
oe (Amendment)
Imperial Acta 18J. Whenever any Act of the Imperial’
eaetiaere can Parliament is extended to the Presidency such
TORAH ORE ONS) Act shall be read with such formal alterations
as to names, localities, courts, officers, persons,
moneys, penalties and otherwise as may be
necessary to make the same applicable to the
Repeal. 6. Section 3 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby repealed.
Commence- 7. This Ordinance shall come into operation
neers on a day to be appointed by the Governor by
‘ proclamation published in the Gazette.
H. A. C. Howarp,
Passed the Legislative Council this 26th day
of April, 1954.
H. O. CreqQus,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by B. M. Brackman, E.D., Government Printer..--By Authority.
1954, 3
490—5.54. Price 10 cents. .