Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076863/00193
Material Information
- Title:
- Leeward Islands gazette
- Added title page title:
- Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
- Creator:
- Leeward Islands (West Indies)
- Place of Publication:
- [Antigua
- Publisher:
- Gov. Printing Office]
- Publication Date:
- Apr 8, 1954
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Law Leeward Islands (Federation) Montserrat
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt ) Official gazettes ( fast ) Gazettes ( fast ) newspaper ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- 1- , 1872-
- General Note:
- Two pages per frame.
- General Note:
- Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
- General Note:
- Weekly
- General Note:
- Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
- General Note:
- Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
- General Note:
- Some issues called "extraordinary."
- General Note:
- Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
- General Note:
- Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
- General Note:
- Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )
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The Marriage Ordinance, 1924.
It is notified that the Reverend
RAYMOND WARNER has been ap-
pointed a Marriage Officer for the
Presidency of the Virgin Isiands with
effect from the 26th March, 1954.
Ref. No, 8/00012.
No. 32.
Appointments and transfers, etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated are published for
general information :—
FRANCIS, Miss B., to be Junior Clerk,
Secretariat, on probation.
Sept 2, 1953
No. 33.
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be. exercised in respect of the
undernientioned Acts:—
Leeward Islands.
No. 2 of 1954, “The Leeward
Islands Scholarship (Amendment) Act,
No. 7 of 1954, “The Agricultural
Small Holdings (Amendment) Act,
No. 9 of 1954, “ The Title by Regis-
tration (Amendment) Act, 1954.â€
No. 10 of 1954, “ The Appropria-
tion Act, 1954.â€
No. 34.
The following Bills which are to be
introduced in the Legislative Council
of Antigua, are circulated with this
Gazette and form part thereof :—
“The Cinematographs (General
Legislature Competency) (Revocation
of Declaration and Repeal) Ordinance,
“The Minerals (Vesting) (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
“The Petroleum (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1954.â€
Se. 72a FZ
General (Open) Import Licence
No. 1 of 1954.
In pursuance of the powers con-
ferred upon him by the Defence
(Import and Export Restriction)
Regulations, 1945, permission is
hereby granted by the Governor to
any person to import any of the goods
set out in the Schedule hereto con-
signed and originating in any country
or territory, provided that:—
(i) such goods are wholly pro-
duced in the country or terri-
tory from which they are
(ii) there is a certificate of origin
in respect of the goods import-
ed; and
(iii) payment is to be made to the
country or territory of origin
of such goods. Any payments
to a country or territory other
than the country of origin of
the goods will require the
prior approval of the Compe-
tent Authority in the Presi-
dency into which the goods
are to be imported.
(1) Tinplate, terneplate or black
(2) Semi-manufactured copper;
(3) Semi-manufactured zine;
(4) Semi-manufactured nickel;
(5) Borax;
(6) Borie acid;
(7) Newsprint;
(8) Jute goods;
(9) Onions;
(10) Dried, smoked, pickled and
salted fish;
(11) Potatoes;
(12) Animal feeding stuffs exclud-
ing coconut meal, cotton seed meal,
wheat and wheat flour;
(13) Finished steel (excluding
fabricated steel) as under—
(a) heavy steel products includ-
ing rails, sleepers, etc., and heavy
and medium plate;
(>) light rolled products includ-
ing bars, rods, hoops, and strips;
(c) steel sheets;
(d) wire, plain and barbed other
than insulated wire;
(e) wire rods;
(f) tubes and pipes including
tube fittings;
(g) tyres, wheels and axles;
(A) steel forgings;
(2) nails, screws, nuts and bolts:
(14) Kraft paper;
(15) Cheese;
(16) Fish, canned:
(17) Meat;
(18) Milk, powdered and canned;
(19) Split peas.
The General (Open) Import Licence
No. 2 of 1952 issued by order of the
Governor in respect of the Presidency
of Montserrat, dated the 14th day of
February, 1952, is hereby revoked.
Dated this 9th day of March, 1954.
By Order of the Governor.
Supply Officer.
Supply Office,
General (Open) Import Licence
No. 2 of 1954.
In pursuance of the powers conferred
upon him by the Defence (Import and
Export Restriction) Regulations, 1943,
permission is hereby granted by the
Governor to any person to import
goods consigned from and originating
in any country or territory other
Albania, Argentina, Bolivia,
Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia,
Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
El Salvador, French Somaliland,
Germany (Russian Zone), Guate-
mala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary,
Iran, Japan, Korea, Liberia, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Panama, Phillipines,
Poland, Rumania, Tangier, United
States of America, Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics, Venezuela,
with the exception of the goods set
out in the Schedule:
Provided that nothing in this
licence shall be construed as author-
ising the importation of goods the
entry of which is prohibited or
restricted under any other legislative
enactment at present in force:
Provided further that no person
shall be authorised to import any
goods consigned from and originating
in the United Kingdom or any British
Colony save in accordance with the
provisions of the above mentioned
Coke and patent fuel
Fats and oils, edible and non-edible
including shortening and margarine
but excluding castor beans and castor
oil, spermoil, tang oil, tessica oil and
oil bearing seeds.
Flour wheaten
Gold bullion and fully or semi-
manufactured gold, including jewel-
Lumber and wood products exclud-
ing furniture
Milk (all kinds) excluding pow-
dered and canned milk
Milk based infants and invalid
Motor vehicles and parts other
than motor cycles and tricars
Paper and paper products excluding
newsprint and kraft paper
Petroleum and petroleum products
Soap (all kinds)
Steel, manufactured or semi-manu-
Sugar ,
Tobacco, manufactured including
cigarettes and unmanufactured
The General (Open) Import Licence
No. 1 of 1952 dated the 14th day of
February, 1952, and the General
Import Licence for the importation
of Coronation Souvenirs dated the
7th day of February, 1953, issued by
order of the Governor in respect of
the Presidency of Montserrat are
hereby revoked.
Dated this 9th day of March, 1954.
By order of the Governor
Supply Offiaer.
Supply Office,
Crown Land Applications.
Applications in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this Office in relation
to any such application.
Such applications will be inserted
in at least three separate issues of the
Gazette before they will be dealt with
by the Governor, so that applicants
must be prepared for this delay.
The nudermentioned applications
are hereby notified.
By Order,
Acting Clerk to the Administrator.
Administrator’s Office,
3rd April, 1954.
All those pieces or parcels of land
situate at Matthews Esiate in the
Parish of Saint Paul in the
Island of Antigua all as the same are
delineated on maps or plans of the
said area prepared by Mr. Michael
St. Clair Batson, Licensed Surveyor
and containing the areas set out as
Lot No. 1C 1.300- Acres
††2A 4.233 â€
»- » 2B 6.164 ,,
gi gg LOE 4.553 ,,
45 » 4A 2.472 ,,
we 4p ae 2.252 = ,,
» » 4B 0.786 ,,
io a UAC 2.946 ,,
» « 4D 3.351 ,,
» » 4H 3.098 ,,
» « 48 1.564,
- » oA 4.838 ,,
» » 8B 0.981 ,,
+ ee LOC 4.208 ,,
» » 6B 1.289 ,,
» » 6B 2.367 ,,
io ae CEA 3.772 ,,
7 » @B 6.180 ,,
» 9» SB 3.836 ,,
» » 110 2.810 ,,
He. oh ER 4.584 ,,
59:8 gp cho 1.325 __,,
vee? hg LO: 1.636 _,,
saa. aed 4.406 ,,
a 1.283 ,,
5 eed 0.986 ,,
» 9» 26 1.857 ,,
3 ay RE 2.216 ,,
4 re 28 2.692,
4) sp 29 1458 ,,
4b - 99 82 2.527 ,,
Sy ago 2.276 ,,
» 9 6 1.977 ,,
» oy OT 2.337 ,,
ane 7.449,
» 9 40 3.350 ,,
>» oy 42 3.691 ,,
» 9 43 5.456 ,,
» oy 4D 4.702 ,,
» 9 48 3.750,
“(ay D2 4.113 ,,
oo 6 3.613 ,,
sy 4 08 4.234 ,,
no OD 3.680 ,,
» 9 «60 3,656 ,,
††62 4.550 â€
9 45638 4.622 ,,
oi » 65 2.961,
» ~~ «66 3.341 ,,
ae 5 OT 2.303 ,,
oy «68 5.092 ,,
» 9 69 2.379 ,,
fe a ae 1.005 ,,
jem ae tD 1.103 ,,
eer ae i 0.916 ,,
Oo 18 1.162 ,,
se Re 11604,
ay oy 84 0.594 ,,
si ay OL 0.519 ,,
» » 89 0.814 ,,
» vv 90 0.960 ,,
» oy DA 0.704 =,
» 9 95 1.684 ,,
v9, 100 0.730 ,,
» 101 2.193 ,,
[S April, 1954.
In the matter of the Estate of
Bertram Anderson Weekes,
To all Creditors of the above Estate.
You are hereby notified that you
are to come in and prove your debts
and file your claims at the office of
the Administrator of Estates at the
Court House in the town of Basseterre
in the ‘Island of Saint Christopher
against the said estate.
Creditors resident within the Colo-
ny of the Leeward Islands are to file
their claims within four months after
the 3lst day of March, 1954.
Creditors resident out of the said
Colony are to file their claims within
eight months from the said 31st day
of March, 1954.
that any creditors failing to file their
claims within the time above speci-
fied will be exelnded from any bene-
fits arising from the said Estate.
All persons indebted to the suid
deceased are requested to pay the
amount of their respective debts to
Dated the 31st day of March, 1954.
Administrator of Estates.
Ref. No. 36/00004,
ANTIGUA, 17th March, 1954,
LIMITED of 41 Welbeck Street,
London W.I. England have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—
in Class 18 that is to say:—
“Non portable buildings and parts
thereof all of metals: portable build-
ings and non metallic materials for
use in building and construction.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for Ten
years before the date of their said
Any person may within ‘three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in «duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade
Mark. cs
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.
- -
8 April, 1954.]
Crown Land Applications
Applications in connexion with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this office in rela-
tion to any such application.
Applications should set cut the
‘purpose for which the land ig required
and submit in some detail the pro-
posals for developing it, stating the
nature of the development, the period
in which it will be carried out and
the minimum expenditure estimated
to effect the scheme.
The undermentioned application is
hereby notified.
By Order,
Clerk to the Commissioner.
-Commissioner’s Office,
British Virgin Islands.
18th March, 1954.
All that plot of land situate oppo-
site the yard of the Public Works
Store at Road Town, Tortola in the
Presidency of the Virgin Islands con-
taining 180 square yards more or less
and measuring on the NORTH side
21 feet and bounded thereon by an
area of Crown land and meaguring on
the SOUTH 8 feet and bounded
thereon by a fringe of mangrove
swamp and measuring on the EAST
111 feet and bounded thereon by the
sea and measuring on the WEST 108
feet and bounded thereon hy the
public road.
Ref. No, 46/00003.
Sale of Goods in Queen’s Ware-
house under the provisions
of the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance No. 8 of 1900.
All goods which, at the 31st Decem-
ber, 1953, had been over three months
in the Queen’s Warehouse will be sold
by Public Auction on Thursday, 15th
April, 1954, at 2.30 p.m. unless the
owners or consignees thereof pay the
duties and remove the goods from the
The list of goods liable for sale
under the terms of this Notice will he
published by copies thereof being
exposed on the main doors of the
Collector of Customs Office and the
_-Queen’s Warehouse.
Collector of Customs.
25th March, 1954.
Ref. No. 65/7-TIT.
The Trade and Revenue Ordi-
nance, No. 8 of 1900.
Under the provisions of Section
48 of this Ordinance the confiscated
goods described below will be sold by
public auction at the Harbour Master’s
Office on Thursday, 15th April, 1954,
at 3.00 p.m. ;
One (1) Lot Lamp Burners.
One (1) Lot Soap, Cocca, ete.,
One (1) Bottle Rum Punch.
‘Twenty eight (28) Bottles Brandy.
Eleven (11) Bottles Mount Gay
Collector uf Customs.
25th March, 1954.
Regional Economic Committee
of the British West Indies,
British Guiana and British
The Regional Economic Committee
invites applicetions from suitably
qualified persons for the following
at an annual salary in the scale of
$3,600 x 150—g4,800 (Can.) plus a
represcntation allowance of $1,400
(Can.) perannum. A house allow-
auce of $1,200 (Can.) p.a. and a child
allowance of $500 (Can.) p.a. for
each dependent child under 18 years
of age, up to three in all, are payable.
Salary and allowances are tax free in
Canada. Passages on assumption and
termination of appointment for the
Assistant Trade Commissioner and
family up to five in all from and to
the place of engagement will be paid
by the Committee.
The post dees not at present carry
pension or super-annuation rights.
The appointment will be for a period
of two years in the first instance.
Candidates should possess a sound
knowledge of office organisation and
administrative experience in relation
to trade and commercial matters.
They should also be proficient in the
assembly and presentation of statisti-
cal material, commodity market re-
ports, publicity material etc. Pre-
ference will be given to candidates
holding special qualifications in trade
and Commerce.
The Committee reserves the right
to fill the post by invitation if no
suitable application is received.
Applications furnishing full details
of candidates’ education, special
qualifications and experience, together
with supporting documents and
names of two referees, should be
addressed to the Executive Secretary,
Regional Economic Committee,
Hastings House, Barbados, before
lith May, 1954.
Ref. No. 77/00030.
Agricultural Scholarship ten-
able at the Imperial College
of Tropical Agriculture.
1. Applications are invited for a
scholarship tenable at the Imperial
College of Tropical Agriculture Trini-
dad, to be awarded, by the Govern-
ment of the Leeward Islands in
respect of the year 1954.
2. Applications must be submitted
to the Colonial Secretary through—
(a) the Headmaster of the school
at which the applicant is being or
has been taught, or
(b) the Administrator or Com-
missioner of the Presidency con-
before the Ist May, 1954.
Application forms shonld be ob-
tained from the office of administra-
tion of the Presidency in which the
applicant resides.
3. The successful candidate will
be required to sign an undertaking to
serve for three years in the Leeward
Islands upon the successful comple-
tion of his course of study if offered
suitable employment.
The Secretariat,
Leeward Islands,
At Antigua.
17th March, 1954.
Ref. No. 28/0157.
In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
that in pursuance of Rules made by
the Chief Justice under section 16 of
the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands Courts Order in Council,
1939, on the 24th day of September,
1941, as amended, The Honourable
the Acting Chief Justice selected for
the sitting of the Court in the Antigua
Circuit has appointed the undermen-
tioned day on which the ensuing
Circuit shall sit in the Presidency,
that is to say:—
On Tuesday the 25th day of May,
1954, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.
Dated the 6th day of April, 1954.
Acting Registrar, Antigua Circwite
Centra] Experiment Station,
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
Jan. 5.41 3.60 2.41 1.93 3.04
Feb. 2.52 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45
Mar. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08
Apr. 3 .00 00 00.00 00
951 657 5.63 6.57
a «
A.D. 1954.
Notice is hereby given that the Honourable Acting Chief Justice has appointed the undermentioned sitting
of the Court at which the following causes will be heard.
The hour at which the Court will sit will be 9.30 o’clock in the forenoon in each case.
Petitioner. Respondent. Date.
Arnold Watson Howell Rock Ruth Drayton Rock - 22/4/54
Gerald Kaspar Richards Audrey Irene Richards Pe
Rolston Rupert Gordon Viola Mathilda Gordon â€
Esau Emanuel Dabrio Alberta Dabrio os
Hilton James Moore Claris Olivia Moore 7
Walter Theophilus Philip Ella Flocibel Philip 3
Arnold Edgar Davis Lily May Viola Davis 26/4/54
Dated the 6th day of April, 1954.
Acting Registrar.
A.D. 1954. —
Notice is hereby given that the Honourable Acting Chief Justice has appointed the undermentioned sitting
of the Court at which the following causes will be heard.
The hour at which the Court will sit will be 9.30 o’clock in the forenoon in each cage.
Plaintiff. Defendant. Date.
George Aricique Burton Richards 20/4/54
Samuel Warner i Norris Simon 7
Hubert Gordon Theophilus Joseph 4
Edward Alexander Hill Beryl Corraire t
Wycliffe Francis Thomas Pelle 3
Timothy Thomas Rachael George %
George Ferris Maude James 7
Hubert A. Brown Matthias C. Christian Fr
Rachael Spencer D. Burns alias Papa Burns and
Harold Weekes Ae
Tris Alexander Norris Mussington 21/4/54
Allan Joseph Lennie Adams i"
Marion Peters Clyde Simon, John Hunt,
Clarence Joseph, Annie
O’Garo, Adella Richards &
Adriana Hunt
Benjamin Bascum Charles Brown
(Executor of the Est. of
Hagar Brown)
Jacob Francis Millicent Sutherland
Joseph Greenaway Violet Elizey
Dated the 6th day of April, 1954.
Acting Registrar.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islunds, by E. M. BLACKMAN, ED,
Government Printer.—By Authority.
[Price 6 cents.]
Supplement to the Leeward Islands Gazette
O7 Thursday the 8th day of Apri’, 1954.
Speech of the Administrator to the Legislative Council of Antigua.
Ist February, 1954.
Honourable Members of Council,
For the sixth and last time it is my privilege and duty to make my annual review of the affairs
of Antigua and this circumstance seems to make it appropriate to review the whole six yeurs in which I
have been associated with you. It would be possible to take a pessimistic view. I remember that when
I called at the Colonial Office on my way here to learn about the problems that awaited me in Antigua I
was told that the three main requirements were a new Hospital, a New Water Supply, anda new Telephone
System. I was told that Electricity in St. John’s was 220 volts D.C. but was about to be converted to
A.C. The most important political question was Federation of the West Indies, which it was hoped
would be realised in two or three years time. The same brief might do pretty well for my successor.
On the other hand on reading through my five previous speeches to you I find I can take a
rather more cheerful view of progress made. On looking at my first speech to you made after I had
been here for nearly a year, 1 am reminded that we had just passed through “the longest drought m
recent history.†In the last year we have had the most intense drought, that is the lowest rainfall in
any one year, of the present century. Those of us who saw both can have no doubt that the effects of
the former drought were far worse. Five years ago I referred to the city receiving only 100,000 gal-
lons of water every three days. During the recent drought the supply uever dropped below 20,000
gallons every day except for three days when somebody broke the pipe. Until June we were still draw-
ing from Body Ponds and this was due to the cleaning of those ponds undertaken in 1948. The main-
tenance of a higher rate of supply after that was due to the wells that have been drilled with Colonial
Development & Welfare money in the Bendals area. Therefore, though much remains to do, some
definite progress has been made and—most important of all—we now know how that problem can be
finally solved and that it can be solved with money that is likely to be made available.
Unfortunately building costs here are so high that we have had to abandon the dream of a
magnificent hospital in a single building such as those of which we see pictures in other colonies, but we
are proceeding steadily with more modest constructions which have already substantially improved the
care of the sick. A new kitchen with a new cook has made a real difference to the food in the hospital,
while the new T.B. Ward isa cheerful place from which many who are stricken with this formerly dread
disease return to a useful life.
Of the telephone system I hesitate to say more than that the need for a new one is more evi-
dent and urgent even than it was in 1947. There do however seem to be better grounds for hope that
my successor will see it during his term of office. Mr. Maile’s scheme has been examined by Messrs.
Preece, Cardew and Ryder, consultants to the Crown Agents on such matters, They have pronounced
the scheme generally sound and have kindly offered to send one of their engineers to Antigua for a
short visit to determine certain details of the equipment required. The Secretary of State’s approval to
proceed is now awaited. The electricity conversion is almost as close before my eyes as the promised
land was to Moses. There is therefure a good hope that Mr. Lovelace’s successor may have to worry
about none of these things.
I see that as far back as 1948 I expressed the view that a substantial improvement in housing
was the most serious need of Antigua and I continued to say this on the rare occasions that ojportunity
offered until the Hurricane of 1950 gave us our chance and I expressed the hope that I should see
thousands living in better houses before I leave Antigua. It is one of few hopes that have been granted.
Indeed the progress that I see in housing, not only that undertaken by the Labour Welfare Fund
(partly at least at my suggestion) and by the Central Housing & Planning Authority in the Hurricane
Rehousing Programme, but also the slightly more ambitious efforts of private individuals whom fortune
or hard work has placed in a position to afford something a little better, gives me greater satisfaction
than anything else that has taken place recently. Once more J should like to thank the Central Housing
and planning Authority and the Labour Welfare Committee for these results.
These are not matters for which I personally claim any credit—except the Electricity Conver-
sion, which I do not think would have reached the stage it has i€ I had not shown a little courage and
done a little extra work in persuading the Secretary of State to allow us to buy the installations at the
Base. That Advance has been paid off and the Government remains in possession of quite substantial
assets. In my first speech I stated that it was my aim rather to improve the efficiency and economy of the
existing activities of Government. There may be those who think I have not had much success and
indeed achievement fall far short of the hopes I entertained in my early enthusiasm. Whenever I hoped
to concentrate my attention on such matters a fresh distraction arose—the closing of Coolidge Field in
1949, the hurricane in 1950, industrial disputes in 1951 all claimed an unexpected share of Government
time. I referred in 1948 to the quality of the civil service and shortly afterwards I secured the es-
tablishment of the Appointments and Promotions Boards which have both raised the standard of entrants
to the Civil Service and if they have not given complete satisfaction to those within the service they
have reduced the suspicion of favouritism. I was the first to propose a Salaries and Reorganisation
Commission. It was 34 years before the report was received and implementation of the report is not
yet complete, but although grumbles are still to be heard from those for whom the event has fallen
short of their expectations, the satisfaction that it has given is reflected in the better type of candidate
that has been applying for clerical appointments in the last two years. It takes years to build up an
efficient staff, but I believe that a beginuing has been made. I cannot determine to what extent my
efforts towards securing economy have borne fruit. Their results have been swallowed up in the in-
crease in the cost of living and other inevitable expenditure, but if the attitude to some forms of ex-
penditure had continued as I found it I feel sure you would be facing graver financial difficulties today.
Most government officers do at least understand that they have to keep expenditure within the amounts
voted and even cheese-parings are a useful ingredient in a savoury dish.
I hope you will have no occasion to regret my consistent support of the expansion of agricul-
tural credit, which I am sure has enabled production to be maintained at a higher level. The accounts
do not enable us to tell exactly how recovery of these loans goes, but I am convinced from all the facts
that are known that the security is generally sound and that irrecoverable loans will be well covered by
the interest of 6% that is charged. In saying this I am not allowing for a total failure of crops; and
bad years such as this will inevitably entail restriction of credit in accordance with the expectation of
In my first speech to you I referred to the extent to which smuggling deprives the Gov-
ernment of the means to carry out much that is needed. From time to time I have renewed this
theme and in 1952 certain steps were taken to combat the practice. That these have been worth
while has been demonstrated in increased import duties, but there is unfortunately ample evidence
that tley have not been entirely effective. We hope for some further results from the reorgani-
sation of our Customs Department, from the new Police launch, and other measures. I know that
you all join me in appreciation cf the zeal of those officers who have brought about this improve-
ment and you have yourselves assisted in the most important measure of all—the influence of pub-
lic opinion against smuggling. This is a matter in which we must not relent or relax. If smug-
gling stopped entirely we could pvy for the full medical service which still eludes our grasp.
From the mention of smuggling iny mind turns easily to Barbuda, to which I am glad to
say rather.more attention has been given for the last year or two (though I do not subscribe to the
theory that it was ever seriously neglected). ‘There has been several hitches, of which I hope the last
is now overcome, in the erection of the windmill which will enable them to increase vegetable pro-
duction. A steel charcoal kiln has now arrived and I hope to visit Barbuda next week to inaugu-
rate its use. We have sent there for a time a Warden who is also a wireless expert and I believe that
the radio-telephone is now working satisfactorily. Lastly I have just received an intimation that
the Secretary of State has approved the expenditure of £7,600 on a Livestock scheme for Barbuda.
Work will start shortly. Its success will depend on the co-operation of the people there—particu-
larly in the elimination of surplus donkeys which now devour the pasture on which more useful
animals might thrive. We are doing what we can to find a market for them, but I fear that this
may be only partly successful, for the donkey is fast becoming obsolete and the Barbudans may
have to learn what industrialists know, that when you have obsolete plant, it is cheaper to write it
I have from time to time remarked upon the roads and I have even found time to give
some personal thought and attention to the problem. I instituted the system of having a list of all
the roads, a record of what is spent on them, and a programme of what should be spent on each in
any year. This was not a stroke of genius; it was mere common sense: indeed it is the practice in
any well-managed administration. But it was not formerly in force in Antigua and expenditure
was concentrated on a few roads which came under special notice while others were allowed to go
from bad to worse. It gives me great satisfaction to note that the Public Works Committee is
carrying on the practice which I started and that this little improvement will not fade with my
2 Better allocation of funds between roads, however, was far from enough and the wet
weather of 1951 and 1952 proved what I had long suspected that the methods and organisation of
our road were at fault. I do not necessarily mean that those in charge of the work were not doing
their best or even that they did not know their job. But there were many instances in which
much money was spent with insufficient result. ‘This was partly because it was physically impos-
sible for the Superintendent of Public Works to see sufficiently often what was happening or to
plan the work in the most economical way. A number of experiments carried out, some at his
suggestion and some at ours, have indicated improved methods. We think that the system of road-
men (or cantoniers) making the necessary patch in time has done some good. ‘The arrival of the
Colonial Engineer and the reorganisation of the Public Works Department offers hope of more
rapid improvement in the future. It appears that some economy and efficiency can be achieved by
more mechanisation, but I am convinced that the greatest difference in results will be found when
the man with the pick and shovel achieves more. It is hard to measure output per man in road-
work, but it must be recognised that in Antigua-it is not good enough. ‘This is not entirely the
fault of the men. The greatest fault in my view is that those working on the roads have not been
encouraged to take an intelligent interest in what they are doing. Road-making is as much a craft
as carpentry and the man who is making them should use his imagination to tell him what will
happen to his handiwork when the rain falls, when the wheels roll over the surface, and when the
sun beats down on it. He should not leave it until he is satisfied that it will stand up creditably to
these hazards and when he passes that way again some weeks or months later he should note with
pride or shame how it has worn. The Foremen should understand more fully the programme in
which they are taking part, the amount of money available, and how much they are expected to do
with it. They should know that promotion will depend upon achievement. There are amongst
our road labourers and foremen those who only need better instruction and more regular supply of
materials to produce results. But I am sorry to say that there are also time-servers, clock-watch-
ers, and even slackers and it is the duty of the Colonial Engineer and his staff with our unanimous
sapport to eliminate these. The burden of unproductive labour is too great for Antigua to bear.
The necessary measures will of course be unpopular. They will be embarrassing to some honour-
able members, because those who lose their cushy jobs will undoubtedly complain to the Trade
Union. It will be the duty of the trade union officers to investigate these complaints and satisfy
themselves and their other members that any measures taken by the department are just. But I
believe that the Trade Union as a whole now recognises that a better standard of living depends
chiefly on output and in the long view this is not less true of road-work than of the sugar industry.
Better roads are the first contribution that the Government should make to the ‘fourist Industry
and I should like every road-worker to feel not only that it is up to him to ease and cheapen the
journeys of his fellow Antiguans about the island but also that he is making a job for another man
in driving or servicing cars, in building or staffing hotels which good roads will undoubtedly
Well! Here I am back on the major theme with which I have annually wearied you since my
speech in December 1950. I still believe that the Tourist Industry is the secondary industry that can
give employment to the greatest number of our growing population and I am very glad to note that a
good number of other people have come to think so too. If I have contributed anything to what is yet
hardly more than a new attitude I believe | have done Antigua some service. ' Visible results are not yet
enough. The Beach Guest House and certain enlargements to small establishments in St. John’s are
welcome, but-we were still unable to accommodate properly all the visitors who came to see our cricket
match. I therefore welcome the new White Sands Hotel, a slightly larger venture, and hope that it will
enjoy enough success to encourage others to bolder enterprise. ‘The Tourist Committee and the
Government are continuing their efforts in as many ways as we think prudent to encourage further
enterprise whether great or small. If any visitors like to build houses we have quite a choice of sites
immediately available to offer them. ven without the grant-in-aid our revenue is now three times what
it was in 1948. There has been no significant increase in taxation and this must surely be in part
attributable to the tourist industry. A greater part, I know, is attributable to increased cultivation and
to more efficient cultivation. Part, [ ain sorry to say, is attributable to inflation, over which we have
had practically no control, but when we take into account the closure of the American Base in the same
period it seems to me a significant increase.
I should like at this point to congratulate the Industrial Development Board on the start it has
made. As yet, no doubt, it has had little economic effect in terms of dollars, but it is providing a few
jobs where there were none before and what it has done is therefore wholly gain. I wish it every success
and greater returns in the future.
There is one matter which I would rather see put right by the people concerned than by the
Government, though I am sure that the Police and Magistrates will do what they can, and that is the
number of traffic accidents. I believe that the main reason for this is that too many drivers have never
bothered to learn how to handle their cars. As I drive about Antigua I see evidence again and again
‘that many drivers do not know where their wheels are. When you walk down the High Street, note
the number of cars that are parked more than a foot away from the pavement. This is not, I think,
because the drivers are wilfully inconsiderate of the need of others for the middle of the road, but
because they simply do not know where their rear wheels are. The majority of serious accidents seem
to arise from people who for the same reason run their wheels into culverts, ditches, and other cars.
Some too, I regret to say, render their judgment worse by rum and | fear that we ought to regard
driving a car under the influence of drink as a more serious crime than we do. In England it isa
common practice, which is never misunderstood, for a man who is offered a drink to say ‘Sorry! I’m
driving.†If that had been observed here a few people who are now dead might yet be alive.
I have already announced my retirement later this year. It now seems likely that my
successor will be ready to come some time in June und I have therefore four months more to do that
which I ought to have done and undo that which I ought not to have done (as one of you has expressed
a hope I will). No doubt an appropriate occasion will arise to say farewell and I shall keep reflections
appropriate to such an occasion until then. But I fear I must deny rumours that I propose to settle
in Antigua, because firmly though I believe in its climate for others, I am unfortunately one of those
who can only maintain vigorous health in a cold climate. I should be sorry to think that I would never
be able to see either my friends here or my favourite haunts again, but that would necessarily depend on
whether I could save up the considerable cost of a passage—and upon hotels at rates proportionate to a
colonial officer’s pension.
I have not this year any great message with which to conclude. The evil spirit of jealousy
and unworthy suspicions which formerly embittered our political and industrial relations has this year
had a brief manifestation against the selector of the Leeward Islands Cricket XI. This is no less
deplorable than it was before, but I dare to hope that like a bad cold which may start in the stomach,
move on to the throat, and finally pass out through the nose, this disease of the body politic is also in
its last throes. Not only I, but you also have much work yet to do and we shall do it better if we both
show and receive good will. Antigua is already a happier place than it was. It is in the power of the
people of Antigua to make it happier still.
Report by the Committee appointed to draft a reply to the President's Address
delivered at the meeting of Legislative Council held on the ist
February, 1954.
Your Honour,
We have followed with interest your annual review of the affairs of Antigua and have noted
that at the end of your six years of Administration, althongh you have expressed the possibility of
taking a pessimistic view, yet there have been important developments that points towards progress in
many fields and which have given us an optimistic outlook for the future. Your brief at the Colonial
Office six years ago, we agree, might well do for your successor. But apart from a new Telephone
System we have seen definite improvements in the Water Supply and in the Holberton Hospital. The
progress in converting the City supply of Electricity to A. C. has been impeded by shipping difficulties
but here again substantial work has already been done.
We must agree with Your Honour that progress has been seen in our Water supply and we
are keeping a constant watch on this essential service, which, when finally solved, will be one of the
greatest blessings to ever fall on this Island. The solution is not only in finding the water however, we.
have ample evidence that water is in the Island, but it depends on the speed in which we can make this
water available to the inhabitants. Ifa proper water programme can be put into operation it might be
that before your successor leaves, Antigua might not only have a continuous adequate supply of water
for domestic and Industrial use, but plans might also be available for channelling some of our water for
irrigation purposes.
Slowly but surely the new additions to the Holberton Hospital are going up. We regret that
work is not further advanced because we know that the necessary funds are avuilable. We are hoping
that by the end of 1954 all important construction work on the Hospital will be completed so that the
sick of the Island who have heen compelled to suffer long because of the lack of space in the present
buildings will soon have the opportunity to enjoy a new and better service.
Our telephone System is the worst anywhere in the world. We are satisfied that Your
Honour who must have experienced its many short comings and might have over heard through it many
conversations meant for private ears, realises the urgent need for a New Service. It would have been a
great achievement of Your Honour’s Administration to see a new service installed while you were here,
but we hope you have laid the proper foundation so that this service will not be long delayed.
The City and Country Districts have been waiting long for the supply of A.C. Current. We
appreciate the difficulties the Antigua Electricity Board have had in the shipment of supplies and in the
loss of their Manager during this stage of their development. Now that a new Manager has arrived we
are looking to the Board to tackle the job with all the vigour possible so that the long awaited light
might bring new life even to the remotest village in the Island. .
We also join with you in expressing our satisfaction of the progress of the Housing
Programmes in the Island. We realise it will take many years of strenuous efforts to bring about a
general Island wide Housing improvement, but the stage is already set, and we are sure the Labour
Welfare Fund Committee, the Central Housing and Planning Authority and other private individuals
will continue to exercise the same interest they have shown in building better houses and providing more
orderly land development. We would also like to mention the Slum Clearance at Garlings Land and the
good work so far done by the Authority. We hope that Government will continue to provide the
necessary assistance to eliminate the many slums that obtain in the City and other areas.
An efficient Civil Service is an asset to any Country. We are satisfied that the various
measures adopted in reorganisation and adjustment of Salaries were meant to build up the Standard of
the Service and to provide a greater measure of satisfaction to Civil Servants. We hope we can rely on
the Civil Service to play its part properly.
Without the expansion of Agricultural credit we could not have reached the high peak of
production of the past few years. We appreciate highly the support you have given to this expansion
and hope it will be the guiding principle of your Successor. In the absence of Agricultural Loan Banks,
or Co-operatives it is our conviction that Government must shoulder the responsibility to assist peasant
Development and with the acquisition of new lands we hope that provided the demand is justified
Government will make it possible to provide further credit facilities for those who are in need.
We support the policy to improve the economy of Barbuda and we are sure the expenditure of
£7,600 on the Livestock Industry will bring a new lease of life to this Island. We know too, that it
will need the co-operation of the people to make a success out of the efforts exerted and we hope the
Barbudians will give the necessary response.
We too are satisfied with the improvement of our roads and we welcome the arrival of Mr.
Taylor the new Colonial engineer. We are relying on him to make use of all the ideas he had at his
command and whatever new ones he has conceived since his arrival to assist us in building up the
efficiency of the newly reorganised Department of Public Works.
New and some important faces have been seen in the Island in greater numbers and we are at
last seeing the start of a Tourist Industry. We have to thank you for the efforts you have exerted in
this field and we realise that they have begun to pay dividends. We join you also in congratulating the
new Hotel ventures of the Beach Guest House and White Sands Hotel. We hope that the example of
these two will be a stimulus to greater efforts on the part of other people. The Government must also
play an even more important part in promoting the hotel Industry and should do all possible to bolster
the confidence of would-be investors. Like you we are confident that Tourism could become a major
Industry in Antigua and we hope that before long many people will be so converted that we will see
rising all over the Island, hotels able to accommodate the many people who would like to come here.
The sudden announcement of your retirement has taken us by surprise. We have grown
accustomed to the manner in which you have conducted the business of the Administration and although
we have not always seen eye to eye in all matters, yet we have appreciated the contributions you have
made on the many occasions when vour decisions have been necessary. You came to us when there were
constant open Industrial strifes, you are leaving us at a time when there is hope that this phase of our
Industrial relationship has been passed and the stage set for progress in the economic and Political fields.
We are sorry we cannot extend to you an invitation to remain in Antigua and enjoy the natural
blessings of climate, sea bathing and other things that you yourself have advocated for others, seeing that
you retain more vigorous health ina cold country. We hope you will take away with you many
pleasant memories of this Island and its people and that you will enjoy a happy and useful retirement.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. M, BLackMay, E.D.,
Government Printer.—By Authority,
[Prive 7 cents}
No. of 1954. QCinematographs (General Legislature ANTIQUA.
Competency) (Revocation of Declara-
tion and Tapea}).
No. of 1954.
An Ordinance to revoke the declaration embodied
in the Cinematographs (General Legislature
Competency) Ordinance, 1931 and to repeal
the said Ordinance.
WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Preamble.
paragraph (r) of subsection (1) of section 10 of
the Leeward Islands the Acts, 1871 to 1950, the
Legislature of the Presidency by the Cinemato-
graphs (General Legislature Competency) Ordi- .
nance, 1931, declared that it shall be within the
competency of the General Legislature to make
laws for the Colony or any part thereof
controlling the use, housing, censorship and
licensing of all cinematographs or cinematograph
exhibitions or persons carrying’on the business of
exhibiting films, or any other matter or thing in
connection with the use and control of cinemato-
AND WHEREAS it is now considered
desirable to revoke the said declaration and to
repeal the Cinematographs ((eneral Legislature
Competency) Ordinance, 1931:
Governor and Legislative Council of Antigua as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the short title.
X Cinematographs (General Legislature Competency)
328. 7299
ANTIGUA. 2 Oinematographs (General Legislature No. of 1954,
Competency) (Revocation of Dectara-
. hon and Repeal).
(Revocation of Declaration and Repeal) Ordinance,
Revocation 2. The declaration embodied in section 2 of
age the Cinematographs (General Legislature Com-
6/1931, petency) Ordinance, 1931, is hereby revoked and
the said Ordinance is hereby repealed.
ee 3. The Cinematographs (General Legisla-
ture Competency) (Repeal) Ordinance, 1952 is
hereby repealed.
Paysed the Legislative Council this†day
of 1954. :
Clerk of the Counedl.
Subsection (2) of section 10 of the Leeward Islands Act
1871 to 1950 provides that, where in consequence of a declara-
tion made by the Island Legislature of any Presidency in
pursuance of paragraph (r) of subsection (1) of the said
_section, any subject shall be within the competency of the
General Legislature, that subject shall cease as respects that
Presidency, to be within the competency of the General
Legislature if the Island Legislature shall revoke such declara-
tion and repeal any enactment in which it is embodied.
2. The Secretary of State has drawn attention to the
fact that the Cinematographs (General Legislature Competency )
(Repeal) Ordinance, 1952, which purported to repeal the
Cinematographs (General Legislature Competency) Ordinance,
1931, did not provide for the revocation of the declaration
embodied in the latter Ordinance.
3. This Bill, which is in conformity with section 10 (2)
of the Leeward Islands Acts 1871 to 1950, seeks to remedy
that error.
C. A. Ketsicx,
‘11th February, 1954. Crown Attorney.
_ Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by E, M. Brackman, E. D., Governmeiit Printer.— By Authority;
1954, ‘ ‘
—320—4,54. Price 4 cents,
Minerals (Vesting) (Amendment). No. of 1954.
No. of 1954,
Ordinance to amend further the Minerals
(Vesting) Ordinance, 1948.
BE 1T ORDAINED by the Governor and
Legislative Council of Antigua as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Minerals (Vesting) (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954,
and shall be read as one with the Minerals (Vest-
ing) Ordinance, 1948, as amended, hereinafter
‘called the Principal Ordinance.
8 2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby ainended by the insertion of the following
definition hetween the definitions of the expressions
‘to mine†and “ Treasurer â€â€™:—
“to prospect†with its grammatical
variations and cognate expressions means to
search for minerals and includes such working
as is reasonably necessary to enable the pros-
pector to test the mineral-bearing qualities of
the land;â€â€™.
8. Section 4 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended as follows:—
(a)~by the insertion of the words “ pros-
pecting and†between the words “of†and
“mining †in the marginal note thereto;
Short title.
Amendment of
section 2 of
the Principal
Amendment of
section 4 of
the Principal
Antigua. 2 Minerals (Vesting) (Amendment) No. of 1954.
(b) by the insertion of the words “ pros-_
pect for or†between the words “shall†and
“mine†in sub-section (1) thereof;
(c) by the substitution of a full-stop for
the colon at the end of subsection (1) thereof;
(d) by the substitution of the words
“prospecting for or mining of anyâ€â€™ for the.
words “ mining for†in subsection (8) there--
of. . . .
pavelitntion 4, The following section is hereby substi-
of section 5 of 7 ~ oo. :
the Principal tuted for section 5 of the Principal Ordinance:—_
“Payment of 5. Where a licence to mine is granted
royalties un- 7 a :
der mining Under section 4 of this Ordinance there shall
Mieences be paid to the Government of the Presidency
by the licensee in respect of minerals mined
by virtue of that licence such royalties as may
be prescribed, and different royalties may be
prescribed for different minerals.â€
omar 5. Section 8 of the Principal Ordinance is
section 8 of
the Principal hereby amended by the substitution of the worde
Ordinance. = “the forms of licence to prospect for minerals -
and†for the words “a form of licence†appearing
therein. ,
Caan 6. This Ordinance shall ke deemed to have
had effect as from the Ist day of August, 1953.
Passed the Legislative Council this day
of 1954.
Clerk of the Council.
No. of 1954. Minerals (Vesting) (Amendment) 3 AnTicua.
The object of this Bill is to amend the Minerals (Vesting)
Ordinance, 1948 (No. 1 of 1949) by making provision for the
granting of licences to prospect for, as well as to mine, miner-
2, Retrospective effect is being given to these provisions
to validate the grant of a prospective licence issued in August
C. A. KeExsick,
. Crown Attorney.
11th February, 1954.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M. Buaceman, E.D., Government Printer.—By Authority.
—*320—4.54. Price 5 cents.
No. of 1954. Petroleum (clmendment),
No. of 1954,
An Ordinance to amend the Petroleum Ordinance,
BE IT ORPAINED by the Governor and
Legislative Council of Antigua as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Petroleum (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954, and
shall be read as one with the Petroleum Ordinance,
1949, hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance.
2. Section 17 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by the insertion between the
words “Ordinance†and “shall†in the second
line thereof of the words “for which no special
penalty is providedâ€.
_ &. The Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by the insertion of the following new
sections numbered 12A and 12B respectively
between sections 12 and 138—
“12A.° (1) Whenever any accident which
occasions loss of life or personal injury occurs
by explosion or fire in or about or in connec-
tion with any Government petroleum ware-
"house, licensed petroleum warehouse, specially
licensed tank, supply pump, garage, service
station or bulk storage installation, the occu-
pier or person in charge of such premises
shall, if the explosion or fire involved volatile
Short Title.
of section 17
of Principal
Insertion of
new sections
in Principal
Notice to be
given of acci-
dents con-.
nected with
Enquiry into
with volatile
Petroleum (Amendment). No. of 1954.
petroleum, forthwith send or cause to be sent
to the Labour Commissioner of the Presidency
notice of the accident and of the loss of life or
personal injury.
(2) Where, in, about, or in connection
with any ship or vehicle on which volatile
petroleum is being conveyed or loaded or from
which petroleum is being unloaded, any accident
which occasions loss of life or personal injury
occure by explosion or by fire, the owner or
person in charge or master of the ship or
vehicle shall, if the explosion or fire involved
volatile petroleum, forthwith send or cause to
be sent to the Labour Commissioner of the
Presidency notice of the accident and of the
loss of life or personal injury, but this provi-
sion shall not apply where the volatile petro-
leam conveyed or loaded on, or unloaded
from the ship or vehicle or in any case in
which such notice as aforesaid is otherwise
required by law to be sent to some Govern-
ment officer or department.
(3) Every such occupier, owner, person
in charge or master as aforcsuid who fails to
comply with any of the provisions-of this sec-
tion shall be liable on summary conviction to
a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.
12B. (1) The Governor. in Council
may, when he considers it expedient to do so,
direct a formal investigation to be held into
any accident of which notice is required by
this Ordinance to be given to the Labour
Commissioner of the Presidency, and into its
causes and circumstances, and with respect to
any such investigation the following provi-
sions shall have effect—
(a) the Governor may appoint a com-
petent person to hold the investigation, and
may appoint any person possessing legal or
special knowledge to act as assessor in. holding
the investigation ;
(+) the person or persons so-appointed
(hereafter in this section referred to as “ the
of 1954. Pecroleum (Amendment). 3
court’â€â€™) shall hold the investigation in ‘open
court in such manner and under such condi-
tions as the court may think most effectual
for ascertaining the causes and. circumstances
of the accident and for enabling the court to
make the report in this section mentioned;
(c) the court shall have for the purposes
of the investigation all the powers of a
Magistrate’s Court when exercising criminal
jurisdiction and, in addition, power—
(i) to enter and inspect any place or
building the entry or inspection
whereof appears to the court requi-
site for the said purposes;
(ii) by summons signed by the court to
require the attendance of all such
persons as it thinks fit to: call before
it and examine for the said purposes,
and to require answers or returns to
such enquiries as it thinks fit to
. make;
(iii) to require the production of all books,
papers, and documents which it
considers relevant;
(iv) to administer an oath and require any
person examined to make and sign -
a declaration of the truth of the
statements made by him in his
(d) persons attending as witnesses before
the court shall be allowed such allowances,
travelling expenses and fees as would be
allowed to witnesses summoned to attend the
Circuit Court on a criminal trial and in case
of dispute as to the amount to be allowed,
the dispute shall be referred by the court to
the Registrar, who, on request signed by the
court, shall ascertain and certify the proper
amount of such allowances travelling expenses
and fees;
(e) the court shall make a report to the
Governor in Council stating the causes and
ew Ms
Petroleum (Amendment). No. — of 1954..
circumstances of the accident and adding any
observations which the court thinks right to
(/) the court may require the expenses
incurred in and abont an investigation under
this section (including the remuneration of
any persons appointed to act as assessors)
to be paid in whole or part by any person
summoned before it who appears to the court
to be, by reason of any act or default on his
part or on the part of any servant or agent of
his, responsible in any degree for the occur-
rence of the accident, but any such expenses
not required to be so paid shall be paid out of
the general revenues of the Presidency;
(y) any person who without reasonable
excuse (proof whereof shall lie on him) either
fails, after having had the allowances, travel-
ling expenses and fees (if any) to which he is
entitled tendered to him, to comply with any
summious or requisition of the court, or, pre-
vents or impedes the court im the execution of
its duty, shall be guilty of an offence, and
shall be liable on summary ¢onviction to a
fine not exceeding fifty dollars or to imprison-
ment for a term not exceeding three months,
and, in the case of a failure to comply with
the requisition for making any return or pro-
ducing any document, if the failure in respect
of which a person was so convicted is con-
tinued after the conviction, he shall be guilty
of a further offence and. shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine of twenty-five
dollars for every day on which the failure was
so continued.
(2) The Governor in Council may cause the
report of the court to be made public at such time
and in such manner as he thinks fit.â€
President. ~
No. of 1954. = Petroleum (Amendment). 5h ANTIGUA.
Passed the Legislative Council the . day of
Clerk of the Council.
The purpose of this bill is to amend the Petroleum Ordi-
nance, 1949, upon the advice of the Secretary of State, soas to
incorporate provisions—
(a) requiring notice to be sent to the Labour Com- —
missioner of any accident involving volatile petroleum at
a licensed warehouse or on a ship or vehicle which causes
loss of life or personal injury ;
(6) empowering the Governor in Council to cause
formal investigations to be held into such accidents;
(¢) prescribing the procedure for such investigations.
Acting Crown Attorney,
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E. M. Buackatan, E.D., Government Printer. —By Authority.
1954. .
—320—4.54, Price ¢ cents.
Full Text |
The Marriage Ordinance, 1924.
It is notified that the Reverend
RAYMOND WARNER has been ap-
pointed a Marriage Officer for the
Presidency of the Virgin Isiands with
effect from the 26th March, 1954.
Ref. No, 8/00012.
No. 32.
Appointments and transfers, etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated are published for
general information :—
FRANCIS, Miss B., to be Junior Clerk,
Secretariat, on probation.
Sept 2, 1953
No. 33.
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be. exercised in respect of the
undernientioned Acts:—
Leeward Islands.
No. 2 of 1954, “The Leeward
Islands Scholarship (Amendment) Act,
No. 7 of 1954, “The Agricultural
Small Holdings (Amendment) Act,
No. 9 of 1954, “ The Title by Regis-
tration (Amendment) Act, 1954.â€
No. 10 of 1954, “ The Appropria-
tion Act, 1954.â€
No. 34.
The following Bills which are to be
introduced in the Legislative Council
of Antigua, are circulated with this
Gazette and form part thereof :—
“The Cinematographs (General
Legislature Competency) (Revocation
of Declaration and Repeal) Ordinance,
“The Minerals (Vesting) (Amend-
ment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
“The Petroleum (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1954.â€
Se. 72a FZ
General (Open) Import Licence
No. 1 of 1954.
In pursuance of the powers con-
ferred upon him by the Defence
(Import and Export Restriction)
Regulations, 1945, permission is
hereby granted by the Governor to
any person to import any of the goods
set out in the Schedule hereto con-
signed and originating in any country
or territory, provided that:—
(i) such goods are wholly pro-
duced in the country or terri-
tory from which they are
(ii) there is a certificate of origin
in respect of the goods import-
ed; and
(iii) payment is to be made to the
country or territory of origin
of such goods. Any payments
to a country or territory other
than the country of origin of
the goods will require the
prior approval of the Compe-
tent Authority in the Presi-
dency into which the goods
are to be imported.
(1) Tinplate, terneplate or black
(2) Semi-manufactured copper;
(3) Semi-manufactured zine;
(4) Semi-manufactured nickel;
(5) Borax;
(6) Borie acid;
(7) Newsprint;
(8) Jute goods;
(9) Onions;
(10) Dried, smoked, pickled and
salted fish;
(11) Potatoes;
(12) Animal feeding stuffs exclud-
ing coconut meal, cotton seed meal,
wheat and wheat flour;
(13) Finished steel (excluding
fabricated steel) as under—
(a) heavy steel products includ-
ing rails, sleepers, etc., and heavy
and medium plate;
(>) light rolled products includ-
ing bars, rods, hoops, and strips;
(c) steel sheets;
(d) wire, plain and barbed other
than insulated wire;
(e) wire rods;
(f) tubes and pipes including
tube fittings;
(g) tyres, wheels and axles;
(A) steel forgings;
(2) nails, screws, nuts and bolts:
(14) Kraft paper;
(15) Cheese;
(16) Fish, canned:
(17) Meat;
(18) Milk, powdered and canned;
(19) Split peas.
The General (Open) Import Licence
No. 2 of 1952 issued by order of the
Governor in respect of the Presidency
of Montserrat, dated the 14th day of
February, 1952, is hereby revoked.
Dated this 9th day of March, 1954.
By Order of the Governor.
Supply Officer.
Supply Office,
General (Open) Import Licence
No. 2 of 1954.
In pursuance of the powers conferred
upon him by the Defence (Import and
Export Restriction) Regulations, 1943,
permission is hereby granted by the
Governor to any person to import
goods consigned from and originating
in any country or territory other
Albania, Argentina, Bolivia,
Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia,
Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
El Salvador, French Somaliland,
Germany (Russian Zone), Guate-
mala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary,
Iran, Japan, Korea, Liberia, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Panama, Phillipines,
Poland, Rumania, Tangier, United
States of America, Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics, Venezuela,
with the exception of the goods set
out in the Schedule:
Provided that nothing in this
licence shall be construed as author-
ising the importation of goods the
entry of which is prohibited or
restricted under any other legislative
enactment at present in force:
Provided further that no person
shall be authorised to import any
goods consigned from and originating
in the United Kingdom or any British
Colony save in accordance with the
provisions of the above mentioned
Coke and patent fuel
Fats and oils, edible and non-edible
including shortening and margarine
but excluding castor beans and castor
oil, spermoil, tang oil, tessica oil and
oil bearing seeds.
Flour wheaten
Gold bullion and fully or semi-
manufactured gold, including jewel-
Lumber and wood products exclud-
ing furniture
Milk (all kinds) excluding pow-
dered and canned milk
Milk based infants and invalid
Motor vehicles and parts other
than motor cycles and tricars
Paper and paper products excluding
newsprint and kraft paper
Petroleum and petroleum products
Soap (all kinds)
Steel, manufactured or semi-manu-
Sugar ,
Tobacco, manufactured including
cigarettes and unmanufactured
The General (Open) Import Licence
No. 1 of 1952 dated the 14th day of
February, 1952, and the General
Import Licence for the importation
of Coronation Souvenirs dated the
7th day of February, 1953, issued by
order of the Governor in respect of
the Presidency of Montserrat are
hereby revoked.
Dated this 9th day of March, 1954.
By order of the Governor
Supply Offiaer.
Supply Office,
Crown Land Applications.
Applications in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this Office in relation
to any such application.
Such applications will be inserted
in at least three separate issues of the
Gazette before they will be dealt with
by the Governor, so that applicants
must be prepared for this delay.
The nudermentioned applications
are hereby notified.
By Order,
Acting Clerk to the Administrator.
Administrator’s Office,
3rd April, 1954.
All those pieces or parcels of land
situate at Matthews Esiate in the
Parish of Saint Paul in the
Island of Antigua all as the same are
delineated on maps or plans of the
said area prepared by Mr. Michael
St. Clair Batson, Licensed Surveyor
and containing the areas set out as
Lot No. 1C 1.300- Acres
††2A 4.233 â€
»- » 2B 6.164 ,,
gi gg LOE 4.553 ,,
45 » 4A 2.472 ,,
we 4p ae 2.252 = ,,
» » 4B 0.786 ,,
io a UAC 2.946 ,,
» « 4D 3.351 ,,
» » 4H 3.098 ,,
» « 48 1.564,
- » oA 4.838 ,,
» » 8B 0.981 ,,
+ ee LOC 4.208 ,,
» » 6B 1.289 ,,
» » 6B 2.367 ,,
io ae CEA 3.772 ,,
7 » @B 6.180 ,,
» 9» SB 3.836 ,,
» » 110 2.810 ,,
He. oh ER 4.584 ,,
59:8 gp cho 1.325 __,,
vee? hg LO: 1.636 _,,
saa. aed 4.406 ,,
a 1.283 ,,
5 eed 0.986 ,,
» 9» 26 1.857 ,,
3 ay RE 2.216 ,,
4 re 28 2.692,
4) sp 29 1458 ,,
4b - 99 82 2.527 ,,
Sy ago 2.276 ,,
» 9 6 1.977 ,,
» oy OT 2.337 ,,
ane 7.449,
» 9 40 3.350 ,,
>» oy 42 3.691 ,,
» 9 43 5.456 ,,
» oy 4D 4.702 ,,
» 9 48 3.750,
“(ay D2 4.113 ,,
oo 6 3.613 ,,
sy 4 08 4.234 ,,
no OD 3.680 ,,
» 9 «60 3,656 ,,
††62 4.550 â€
9 45638 4.622 ,,
oi » 65 2.961,
» ~~ «66 3.341 ,,
ae 5 OT 2.303 ,,
oy «68 5.092 ,,
» 9 69 2.379 ,,
fe a ae 1.005 ,,
jem ae tD 1.103 ,,
eer ae i 0.916 ,,
Oo 18 1.162 ,,
se Re 11604,
ay oy 84 0.594 ,,
si ay OL 0.519 ,,
» » 89 0.814 ,,
» vv 90 0.960 ,,
» oy DA 0.704 =,
» 9 95 1.684 ,,
v9, 100 0.730 ,,
» 101 2.193 ,,
[S April, 1954.
In the matter of the Estate of
Bertram Anderson Weekes,
To all Creditors of the above Estate.
You are hereby notified that you
are to come in and prove your debts
and file your claims at the office of
the Administrator of Estates at the
Court House in the town of Basseterre
in the ‘Island of Saint Christopher
against the said estate.
Creditors resident within the Colo-
ny of the Leeward Islands are to file
their claims within four months after
the 3lst day of March, 1954.
Creditors resident out of the said
Colony are to file their claims within
eight months from the said 31st day
of March, 1954.
that any creditors failing to file their
claims within the time above speci-
fied will be exelnded from any bene-
fits arising from the said Estate.
All persons indebted to the suid
deceased are requested to pay the
amount of their respective debts to
Dated the 31st day of March, 1954.
Administrator of Estates.
Ref. No. 36/00004,
ANTIGUA, 17th March, 1954,
LIMITED of 41 Welbeck Street,
London W.I. England have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—
in Class 18 that is to say:—
“Non portable buildings and parts
thereof all of metals: portable build-
ings and non metallic materials for
use in building and construction.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for Ten
years before the date of their said
Any person may within ‘three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in «duplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade
Mark. cs
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.
- -
8 April, 1954.]
Crown Land Applications
Applications in connexion with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this office in rela-
tion to any such application.
Applications should set cut the
‘purpose for which the land ig required
and submit in some detail the pro-
posals for developing it, stating the
nature of the development, the period
in which it will be carried out and
the minimum expenditure estimated
to effect the scheme.
The undermentioned application is
hereby notified.
By Order,
Clerk to the Commissioner.
-Commissioner’s Office,
British Virgin Islands.
18th March, 1954.
All that plot of land situate oppo-
site the yard of the Public Works
Store at Road Town, Tortola in the
Presidency of the Virgin Islands con-
taining 180 square yards more or less
and measuring on the NORTH side
21 feet and bounded thereon by an
area of Crown land and meaguring on
the SOUTH 8 feet and bounded
thereon by a fringe of mangrove
swamp and measuring on the EAST
111 feet and bounded thereon by the
sea and measuring on the WEST 108
feet and bounded thereon hy the
public road.
Ref. No, 46/00003.
Sale of Goods in Queen’s Ware-
house under the provisions
of the Trade and Revenue
Ordinance No. 8 of 1900.
All goods which, at the 31st Decem-
ber, 1953, had been over three months
in the Queen’s Warehouse will be sold
by Public Auction on Thursday, 15th
April, 1954, at 2.30 p.m. unless the
owners or consignees thereof pay the
duties and remove the goods from the
The list of goods liable for sale
under the terms of this Notice will he
published by copies thereof being
exposed on the main doors of the
Collector of Customs Office and the
_-Queen’s Warehouse.
Collector of Customs.
25th March, 1954.
Ref. No. 65/7-TIT.
The Trade and Revenue Ordi-
nance, No. 8 of 1900.
Under the provisions of Section
48 of this Ordinance the confiscated
goods described below will be sold by
public auction at the Harbour Master’s
Office on Thursday, 15th April, 1954,
at 3.00 p.m. ;
One (1) Lot Lamp Burners.
One (1) Lot Soap, Cocca, ete.,
One (1) Bottle Rum Punch.
‘Twenty eight (28) Bottles Brandy.
Eleven (11) Bottles Mount Gay
Collector uf Customs.
25th March, 1954.
Regional Economic Committee
of the British West Indies,
British Guiana and British
The Regional Economic Committee
invites applicetions from suitably
qualified persons for the following
at an annual salary in the scale of
$3,600 x 150—g4,800 (Can.) plus a
represcntation allowance of $1,400
(Can.) perannum. A house allow-
auce of $1,200 (Can.) p.a. and a child
allowance of $500 (Can.) p.a. for
each dependent child under 18 years
of age, up to three in all, are payable.
Salary and allowances are tax free in
Canada. Passages on assumption and
termination of appointment for the
Assistant Trade Commissioner and
family up to five in all from and to
the place of engagement will be paid
by the Committee.
The post dees not at present carry
pension or super-annuation rights.
The appointment will be for a period
of two years in the first instance.
Candidates should possess a sound
knowledge of office organisation and
administrative experience in relation
to trade and commercial matters.
They should also be proficient in the
assembly and presentation of statisti-
cal material, commodity market re-
ports, publicity material etc. Pre-
ference will be given to candidates
holding special qualifications in trade
and Commerce.
The Committee reserves the right
to fill the post by invitation if no
suitable application is received.
Applications furnishing full details
of candidates’ education, special
qualifications and experience, together
with supporting documents and
names of two referees, should be
addressed to the Executive Secretary,
Regional Economic Committee,
Hastings House, Barbados, before
lith May, 1954.
Ref. No. 77/00030.
Agricultural Scholarship ten-
able at the Imperial College
of Tropical Agriculture.
1. Applications are invited for a
scholarship tenable at the Imperial
College of Tropical Agriculture Trini-
dad, to be awarded, by the Govern-
ment of the Leeward Islands in
respect of the year 1954.
2. Applications must be submitted
to the Colonial Secretary through—
(a) the Headmaster of the school
at which the applicant is being or
has been taught, or
(b) the Administrator or Com-
missioner of the Presidency con-
before the Ist May, 1954.
Application forms shonld be ob-
tained from the office of administra-
tion of the Presidency in which the
applicant resides.
3. The successful candidate will
be required to sign an undertaking to
serve for three years in the Leeward
Islands upon the successful comple-
tion of his course of study if offered
suitable employment.
The Secretariat,
Leeward Islands,
At Antigua.
17th March, 1954.
Ref. No. 28/0157.
In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
that in pursuance of Rules made by
the Chief Justice under section 16 of
the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands Courts Order in Council,
1939, on the 24th day of September,
1941, as amended, The Honourable
the Acting Chief Justice selected for
the sitting of the Court in the Antigua
Circuit has appointed the undermen-
tioned day on which the ensuing
Circuit shall sit in the Presidency,
that is to say:—
On Tuesday the 25th day of May,
1954, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.
Dated the 6th day of April, 1954.
Acting Registrar, Antigua Circwite
Centra] Experiment Station,
1950, 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954,
Jan. 5.41 3.60 2.41 1.93 3.04
Feb. 2.52 1.88 1.60 1.02 2.45
Mar. 1.58 1.09 1.62 5.60 1.08
Apr. 3 .00 00 00.00 00
951 657 5.63 6.57
a «
A.D. 1954.
Notice is hereby given that the Honourable Acting Chief Justice has appointed the undermentioned sitting
of the Court at which the following causes will be heard.
The hour at which the Court will sit will be 9.30 o’clock in the forenoon in each case.
Petitioner. Respondent. Date.
Arnold Watson Howell Rock Ruth Drayton Rock - 22/4/54
Gerald Kaspar Richards Audrey Irene Richards Pe
Rolston Rupert Gordon Viola Mathilda Gordon â€
Esau Emanuel Dabrio Alberta Dabrio os
Hilton James Moore Claris Olivia Moore 7
Walter Theophilus Philip Ella Flocibel Philip 3
Arnold Edgar Davis Lily May Viola Davis 26/4/54
Dated the 6th day of April, 1954.
Acting Registrar.
A.D. 1954. —
Notice is hereby given that the Honourable Acting Chief Justice has appointed the undermentioned sitting
of the Court at which the following causes will be heard.
The hour at which the Court will sit will be 9.30 o’clock in the forenoon in each cage.
Plaintiff. Defendant. Date.
George Aricique Burton Richards 20/4/54
Samuel Warner i Norris Simon 7
Hubert Gordon Theophilus Joseph 4
Edward Alexander Hill Beryl Corraire t
Wycliffe Francis Thomas Pelle 3
Timothy Thomas Rachael George %
George Ferris Maude James 7
Hubert A. Brown Matthias C. Christian Fr
Rachael Spencer D. Burns alias Papa Burns and
Harold Weekes Ae
Tris Alexander Norris Mussington 21/4/54
Allan Joseph Lennie Adams i"
Marion Peters Clyde Simon, John Hunt,
Clarence Joseph, Annie
O’Garo, Adella Richards &
Adriana Hunt
Benjamin Bascum Charles Brown
(Executor of the Est. of
Hagar Brown)
Jacob Francis Millicent Sutherland
Joseph Greenaway Violet Elizey
Dated the 6th day of April, 1954.
Acting Registrar.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islunds, by E. M. BLACKMAN, ED,
Government Printer.—By Authority.
[Price 6 cents.]
Supplement to the Leeward Islands Gazette
O7 Thursday the 8th day of Apri’, 1954.
Speech of the Administrator to the Legislative Council of Antigua.
Ist February, 1954.
Honourable Members of Council,
For the sixth and last time it is my privilege and duty to make my annual review of the affairs
of Antigua and this circumstance seems to make it appropriate to review the whole six yeurs in which I
have been associated with you. It would be possible to take a pessimistic view. I remember that when
I called at the Colonial Office on my way here to learn about the problems that awaited me in Antigua I
was told that the three main requirements were a new Hospital, a New Water Supply, anda new Telephone
System. I was told that Electricity in St. John’s was 220 volts D.C. but was about to be converted to
A.C. The most important political question was Federation of the West Indies, which it was hoped
would be realised in two or three years time. The same brief might do pretty well for my successor.
On the other hand on reading through my five previous speeches to you I find I can take a
rather more cheerful view of progress made. On looking at my first speech to you made after I had
been here for nearly a year, 1 am reminded that we had just passed through “the longest drought m
recent history.†In the last year we have had the most intense drought, that is the lowest rainfall in
any one year, of the present century. Those of us who saw both can have no doubt that the effects of
the former drought were far worse. Five years ago I referred to the city receiving only 100,000 gal-
lons of water every three days. During the recent drought the supply uever dropped below 20,000
gallons every day except for three days when somebody broke the pipe. Until June we were still draw-
ing from Body Ponds and this was due to the cleaning of those ponds undertaken in 1948. The main-
tenance of a higher rate of supply after that was due to the wells that have been drilled with Colonial
Development & Welfare money in the Bendals area. Therefore, though much remains to do, some
definite progress has been made and—most important of all—we now know how that problem can be
finally solved and that it can be solved with money that is likely to be made available.
Unfortunately building costs here are so high that we have had to abandon the dream of a
magnificent hospital in a single building such as those of which we see pictures in other colonies, but we
are proceeding steadily with more modest constructions which have already substantially improved the
care of the sick. A new kitchen with a new cook has made a real difference to the food in the hospital,
while the new T.B. Ward isa cheerful place from which many who are stricken with this formerly dread
disease return to a useful life.
Of the telephone system I hesitate to say more than that the need for a new one is more evi-
dent and urgent even than it was in 1947. There do however seem to be better grounds for hope that
my successor will see it during his term of office. Mr. Maile’s scheme has been examined by Messrs.
Preece, Cardew and Ryder, consultants to the Crown Agents on such matters, They have pronounced
the scheme generally sound and have kindly offered to send one of their engineers to Antigua for a
short visit to determine certain details of the equipment required. The Secretary of State’s approval to
proceed is now awaited. The electricity conversion is almost as close before my eyes as the promised
land was to Moses. There is therefure a good hope that Mr. Lovelace’s successor may have to worry
about none of these things.
I see that as far back as 1948 I expressed the view that a substantial improvement in housing
was the most serious need of Antigua and I continued to say this on the rare occasions that ojportunity
offered until the Hurricane of 1950 gave us our chance and I expressed the hope that I should see
thousands living in better houses before I leave Antigua. It is one of few hopes that have been granted.
Indeed the progress that I see in housing, not only that undertaken by the Labour Welfare Fund
(partly at least at my suggestion) and by the Central Housing & Planning Authority in the Hurricane
Rehousing Programme, but also the slightly more ambitious efforts of private individuals whom fortune
or hard work has placed in a position to afford something a little better, gives me greater satisfaction
than anything else that has taken place recently. Once more J should like to thank the Central Housing
and planning Authority and the Labour Welfare Committee for these results.
These are not matters for which I personally claim any credit—except the Electricity Conver-
sion, which I do not think would have reached the stage it has i€ I had not shown a little courage and
done a little extra work in persuading the Secretary of State to allow us to buy the installations at the
Base. That Advance has been paid off and the Government remains in possession of quite substantial
assets. In my first speech I stated that it was my aim rather to improve the efficiency and economy of the
existing activities of Government. There may be those who think I have not had much success and
indeed achievement fall far short of the hopes I entertained in my early enthusiasm. Whenever I hoped
to concentrate my attention on such matters a fresh distraction arose—the closing of Coolidge Field in
1949, the hurricane in 1950, industrial disputes in 1951 all claimed an unexpected share of Government
time. I referred in 1948 to the quality of the civil service and shortly afterwards I secured the es-
tablishment of the Appointments and Promotions Boards which have both raised the standard of entrants
to the Civil Service and if they have not given complete satisfaction to those within the service they
have reduced the suspicion of favouritism. I was the first to propose a Salaries and Reorganisation
Commission. It was 34 years before the report was received and implementation of the report is not
yet complete, but although grumbles are still to be heard from those for whom the event has fallen
short of their expectations, the satisfaction that it has given is reflected in the better type of candidate
that has been applying for clerical appointments in the last two years. It takes years to build up an
efficient staff, but I believe that a beginuing has been made. I cannot determine to what extent my
efforts towards securing economy have borne fruit. Their results have been swallowed up in the in-
crease in the cost of living and other inevitable expenditure, but if the attitude to some forms of ex-
penditure had continued as I found it I feel sure you would be facing graver financial difficulties today.
Most government officers do at least understand that they have to keep expenditure within the amounts
voted and even cheese-parings are a useful ingredient in a savoury dish.
I hope you will have no occasion to regret my consistent support of the expansion of agricul-
tural credit, which I am sure has enabled production to be maintained at a higher level. The accounts
do not enable us to tell exactly how recovery of these loans goes, but I am convinced from all the facts
that are known that the security is generally sound and that irrecoverable loans will be well covered by
the interest of 6% that is charged. In saying this I am not allowing for a total failure of crops; and
bad years such as this will inevitably entail restriction of credit in accordance with the expectation of
In my first speech to you I referred to the extent to which smuggling deprives the Gov-
ernment of the means to carry out much that is needed. From time to time I have renewed this
theme and in 1952 certain steps were taken to combat the practice. That these have been worth
while has been demonstrated in increased import duties, but there is unfortunately ample evidence
that tley have not been entirely effective. We hope for some further results from the reorgani-
sation of our Customs Department, from the new Police launch, and other measures. I know that
you all join me in appreciation cf the zeal of those officers who have brought about this improve-
ment and you have yourselves assisted in the most important measure of all—the influence of pub-
lic opinion against smuggling. This is a matter in which we must not relent or relax. If smug-
gling stopped entirely we could pvy for the full medical service which still eludes our grasp.
From the mention of smuggling iny mind turns easily to Barbuda, to which I am glad to
say rather.more attention has been given for the last year or two (though I do not subscribe to the
theory that it was ever seriously neglected). ‘There has been several hitches, of which I hope the last
is now overcome, in the erection of the windmill which will enable them to increase vegetable pro-
duction. A steel charcoal kiln has now arrived and I hope to visit Barbuda next week to inaugu-
rate its use. We have sent there for a time a Warden who is also a wireless expert and I believe that
the radio-telephone is now working satisfactorily. Lastly I have just received an intimation that
the Secretary of State has approved the expenditure of £7,600 on a Livestock scheme for Barbuda.
Work will start shortly. Its success will depend on the co-operation of the people there—particu-
larly in the elimination of surplus donkeys which now devour the pasture on which more useful
animals might thrive. We are doing what we can to find a market for them, but I fear that this
may be only partly successful, for the donkey is fast becoming obsolete and the Barbudans may
have to learn what industrialists know, that when you have obsolete plant, it is cheaper to write it
I have from time to time remarked upon the roads and I have even found time to give
some personal thought and attention to the problem. I instituted the system of having a list of all
the roads, a record of what is spent on them, and a programme of what should be spent on each in
any year. This was not a stroke of genius; it was mere common sense: indeed it is the practice in
any well-managed administration. But it was not formerly in force in Antigua and expenditure
was concentrated on a few roads which came under special notice while others were allowed to go
from bad to worse. It gives me great satisfaction to note that the Public Works Committee is
carrying on the practice which I started and that this little improvement will not fade with my
2 Better allocation of funds between roads, however, was far from enough and the wet
weather of 1951 and 1952 proved what I had long suspected that the methods and organisation of
our road were at fault. I do not necessarily mean that those in charge of the work were not doing
their best or even that they did not know their job. But there were many instances in which
much money was spent with insufficient result. ‘This was partly because it was physically impos-
sible for the Superintendent of Public Works to see sufficiently often what was happening or to
plan the work in the most economical way. A number of experiments carried out, some at his
suggestion and some at ours, have indicated improved methods. We think that the system of road-
men (or cantoniers) making the necessary patch in time has done some good. ‘The arrival of the
Colonial Engineer and the reorganisation of the Public Works Department offers hope of more
rapid improvement in the future. It appears that some economy and efficiency can be achieved by
more mechanisation, but I am convinced that the greatest difference in results will be found when
the man with the pick and shovel achieves more. It is hard to measure output per man in road-
work, but it must be recognised that in Antigua-it is not good enough. ‘This is not entirely the
fault of the men. The greatest fault in my view is that those working on the roads have not been
encouraged to take an intelligent interest in what they are doing. Road-making is as much a craft
as carpentry and the man who is making them should use his imagination to tell him what will
happen to his handiwork when the rain falls, when the wheels roll over the surface, and when the
sun beats down on it. He should not leave it until he is satisfied that it will stand up creditably to
these hazards and when he passes that way again some weeks or months later he should note with
pride or shame how it has worn. The Foremen should understand more fully the programme in
which they are taking part, the amount of money available, and how much they are expected to do
with it. They should know that promotion will depend upon achievement. There are amongst
our road labourers and foremen those who only need better instruction and more regular supply of
materials to produce results. But I am sorry to say that there are also time-servers, clock-watch-
ers, and even slackers and it is the duty of the Colonial Engineer and his staff with our unanimous
sapport to eliminate these. The burden of unproductive labour is too great for Antigua to bear.
The necessary measures will of course be unpopular. They will be embarrassing to some honour-
able members, because those who lose their cushy jobs will undoubtedly complain to the Trade
Union. It will be the duty of the trade union officers to investigate these complaints and satisfy
themselves and their other members that any measures taken by the department are just. But I
believe that the Trade Union as a whole now recognises that a better standard of living depends
chiefly on output and in the long view this is not less true of road-work than of the sugar industry.
Better roads are the first contribution that the Government should make to the ‘fourist Industry
and I should like every road-worker to feel not only that it is up to him to ease and cheapen the
journeys of his fellow Antiguans about the island but also that he is making a job for another man
in driving or servicing cars, in building or staffing hotels which good roads will undoubtedly
Well! Here I am back on the major theme with which I have annually wearied you since my
speech in December 1950. I still believe that the Tourist Industry is the secondary industry that can
give employment to the greatest number of our growing population and I am very glad to note that a
good number of other people have come to think so too. If I have contributed anything to what is yet
hardly more than a new attitude I believe | have done Antigua some service. ' Visible results are not yet
enough. The Beach Guest House and certain enlargements to small establishments in St. John’s are
welcome, but-we were still unable to accommodate properly all the visitors who came to see our cricket
match. I therefore welcome the new White Sands Hotel, a slightly larger venture, and hope that it will
enjoy enough success to encourage others to bolder enterprise. ‘The Tourist Committee and the
Government are continuing their efforts in as many ways as we think prudent to encourage further
enterprise whether great or small. If any visitors like to build houses we have quite a choice of sites
immediately available to offer them. ven without the grant-in-aid our revenue is now three times what
it was in 1948. There has been no significant increase in taxation and this must surely be in part
attributable to the tourist industry. A greater part, I know, is attributable to increased cultivation and
to more efficient cultivation. Part, [ ain sorry to say, is attributable to inflation, over which we have
had practically no control, but when we take into account the closure of the American Base in the same
period it seems to me a significant increase.
I should like at this point to congratulate the Industrial Development Board on the start it has
made. As yet, no doubt, it has had little economic effect in terms of dollars, but it is providing a few
jobs where there were none before and what it has done is therefore wholly gain. I wish it every success
and greater returns in the future.
There is one matter which I would rather see put right by the people concerned than by the
Government, though I am sure that the Police and Magistrates will do what they can, and that is the
number of traffic accidents. I believe that the main reason for this is that too many drivers have never
bothered to learn how to handle their cars. As I drive about Antigua I see evidence again and again
‘that many drivers do not know where their wheels are. When you walk down the High Street, note
the number of cars that are parked more than a foot away from the pavement. This is not, I think,
because the drivers are wilfully inconsiderate of the need of others for the middle of the road, but
because they simply do not know where their rear wheels are. The majority of serious accidents seem
to arise from people who for the same reason run their wheels into culverts, ditches, and other cars.
Some too, I regret to say, render their judgment worse by rum and | fear that we ought to regard
driving a car under the influence of drink as a more serious crime than we do. In England it isa
common practice, which is never misunderstood, for a man who is offered a drink to say ‘Sorry! I’m
driving.†If that had been observed here a few people who are now dead might yet be alive.
I have already announced my retirement later this year. It now seems likely that my
successor will be ready to come some time in June und I have therefore four months more to do that
which I ought to have done and undo that which I ought not to have done (as one of you has expressed
a hope I will). No doubt an appropriate occasion will arise to say farewell and I shall keep reflections
appropriate to such an occasion until then. But I fear I must deny rumours that I propose to settle
in Antigua, because firmly though I believe in its climate for others, I am unfortunately one of those
who can only maintain vigorous health in a cold climate. I should be sorry to think that I would never
be able to see either my friends here or my favourite haunts again, but that would necessarily depend on
whether I could save up the considerable cost of a passage—and upon hotels at rates proportionate to a
colonial officer’s pension.
I have not this year any great message with which to conclude. The evil spirit of jealousy
and unworthy suspicions which formerly embittered our political and industrial relations has this year
had a brief manifestation against the selector of the Leeward Islands Cricket XI. This is no less
deplorable than it was before, but I dare to hope that like a bad cold which may start in the stomach,
move on to the throat, and finally pass out through the nose, this disease of the body politic is also in
its last throes. Not only I, but you also have much work yet to do and we shall do it better if we both
show and receive good will. Antigua is already a happier place than it was. It is in the power of the
people of Antigua to make it happier still.
Report by the Committee appointed to draft a reply to the President's Address
delivered at the meeting of Legislative Council held on the ist
February, 1954.
Your Honour,
We have followed with interest your annual review of the affairs of Antigua and have noted
that at the end of your six years of Administration, althongh you have expressed the possibility of
taking a pessimistic view, yet there have been important developments that points towards progress in
many fields and which have given us an optimistic outlook for the future. Your brief at the Colonial
Office six years ago, we agree, might well do for your successor. But apart from a new Telephone
System we have seen definite improvements in the Water Supply and in the Holberton Hospital. The
progress in converting the City supply of Electricity to A. C. has been impeded by shipping difficulties
but here again substantial work has already been done.
We must agree with Your Honour that progress has been seen in our Water supply and we
are keeping a constant watch on this essential service, which, when finally solved, will be one of the
greatest blessings to ever fall on this Island. The solution is not only in finding the water however, we.
have ample evidence that water is in the Island, but it depends on the speed in which we can make this
water available to the inhabitants. Ifa proper water programme can be put into operation it might be
that before your successor leaves, Antigua might not only have a continuous adequate supply of water
for domestic and Industrial use, but plans might also be available for channelling some of our water for
irrigation purposes.
Slowly but surely the new additions to the Holberton Hospital are going up. We regret that
work is not further advanced because we know that the necessary funds are avuilable. We are hoping
that by the end of 1954 all important construction work on the Hospital will be completed so that the
sick of the Island who have heen compelled to suffer long because of the lack of space in the present
buildings will soon have the opportunity to enjoy a new and better service.
Our telephone System is the worst anywhere in the world. We are satisfied that Your
Honour who must have experienced its many short comings and might have over heard through it many
conversations meant for private ears, realises the urgent need for a New Service. It would have been a
great achievement of Your Honour’s Administration to see a new service installed while you were here,
but we hope you have laid the proper foundation so that this service will not be long delayed.
The City and Country Districts have been waiting long for the supply of A.C. Current. We
appreciate the difficulties the Antigua Electricity Board have had in the shipment of supplies and in the
loss of their Manager during this stage of their development. Now that a new Manager has arrived we
are looking to the Board to tackle the job with all the vigour possible so that the long awaited light
might bring new life even to the remotest village in the Island. .
We also join with you in expressing our satisfaction of the progress of the Housing
Programmes in the Island. We realise it will take many years of strenuous efforts to bring about a
general Island wide Housing improvement, but the stage is already set, and we are sure the Labour
Welfare Fund Committee, the Central Housing and Planning Authority and other private individuals
will continue to exercise the same interest they have shown in building better houses and providing more
orderly land development. We would also like to mention the Slum Clearance at Garlings Land and the
good work so far done by the Authority. We hope that Government will continue to provide the
necessary assistance to eliminate the many slums that obtain in the City and other areas.
An efficient Civil Service is an asset to any Country. We are satisfied that the various
measures adopted in reorganisation and adjustment of Salaries were meant to build up the Standard of
the Service and to provide a greater measure of satisfaction to Civil Servants. We hope we can rely on
the Civil Service to play its part properly.
Without the expansion of Agricultural credit we could not have reached the high peak of
production of the past few years. We appreciate highly the support you have given to this expansion
and hope it will be the guiding principle of your Successor. In the absence of Agricultural Loan Banks,
or Co-operatives it is our conviction that Government must shoulder the responsibility to assist peasant
Development and with the acquisition of new lands we hope that provided the demand is justified
Government will make it possible to provide further credit facilities for those who are in need.
We support the policy to improve the economy of Barbuda and we are sure the expenditure of
£7,600 on the Livestock Industry will bring a new lease of life to this Island. We know too, that it
will need the co-operation of the people to make a success out of the efforts exerted and we hope the
Barbudians will give the necessary response.
We too are satisfied with the improvement of our roads and we welcome the arrival of Mr.
Taylor the new Colonial engineer. We are relying on him to make use of all the ideas he had at his
command and whatever new ones he has conceived since his arrival to assist us in building up the
efficiency of the newly reorganised Department of Public Works.
New and some important faces have been seen in the Island in greater numbers and we are at
last seeing the start of a Tourist Industry. We have to thank you for the efforts you have exerted in
this field and we realise that they have begun to pay dividends. We join you also in congratulating the
new Hotel ventures of the Beach Guest House and White Sands Hotel. We hope that the example of
these two will be a stimulus to greater efforts on the part of other people. The Government must also
play an even more important part in promoting the hotel Industry and should do all possible to bolster
the confidence of would-be investors. Like you we are confident that Tourism could become a major
Industry in Antigua and we hope that before long many people will be so converted that we will see
rising all over the Island, hotels able to accommodate the many people who would like to come here.
The sudden announcement of your retirement has taken us by surprise. We have grown
accustomed to the manner in which you have conducted the business of the Administration and although
we have not always seen eye to eye in all matters, yet we have appreciated the contributions you have
made on the many occasions when vour decisions have been necessary. You came to us when there were
constant open Industrial strifes, you are leaving us at a time when there is hope that this phase of our
Industrial relationship has been passed and the stage set for progress in the economic and Political fields.
We are sorry we cannot extend to you an invitation to remain in Antigua and enjoy the natural
blessings of climate, sea bathing and other things that you yourself have advocated for others, seeing that
you retain more vigorous health ina cold country. We hope you will take away with you many
pleasant memories of this Island and its people and that you will enjoy a happy and useful retirement.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E. M, BLackMay, E.D.,
Government Printer.—By Authority,
[Prive 7 cents}
No. of 1954. QCinematographs (General Legislature ANTIQUA.
Competency) (Revocation of Declara-
tion and Tapea}).
No. of 1954.
An Ordinance to revoke the declaration embodied
in the Cinematographs (General Legislature
Competency) Ordinance, 1931 and to repeal
the said Ordinance.
WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Preamble.
paragraph (r) of subsection (1) of section 10 of
the Leeward Islands the Acts, 1871 to 1950, the
Legislature of the Presidency by the Cinemato-
graphs (General Legislature Competency) Ordi- .
nance, 1931, declared that it shall be within the
competency of the General Legislature to make
laws for the Colony or any part thereof
controlling the use, housing, censorship and
licensing of all cinematographs or cinematograph
exhibitions or persons carrying’on the business of
exhibiting films, or any other matter or thing in
connection with the use and control of cinemato-
AND WHEREAS it is now considered
desirable to revoke the said declaration and to
repeal the Cinematographs ((eneral Legislature
Competency) Ordinance, 1931:
Governor and Legislative Council of Antigua as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the short title.
X Cinematographs (General Legislature Competency)
328. 7299
ANTIGUA. 2 Oinematographs (General Legislature No. of 1954,
Competency) (Revocation of Dectara-
. hon and Repeal).
(Revocation of Declaration and Repeal) Ordinance,
Revocation 2. The declaration embodied in section 2 of
age the Cinematographs (General Legislature Com-
6/1931, petency) Ordinance, 1931, is hereby revoked and
the said Ordinance is hereby repealed.
ee 3. The Cinematographs (General Legisla-
ture Competency) (Repeal) Ordinance, 1952 is
hereby repealed.
Paysed the Legislative Council this†day
of 1954. :
Clerk of the Counedl.
Subsection (2) of section 10 of the Leeward Islands Act
1871 to 1950 provides that, where in consequence of a declara-
tion made by the Island Legislature of any Presidency in
pursuance of paragraph (r) of subsection (1) of the said
_section, any subject shall be within the competency of the
General Legislature, that subject shall cease as respects that
Presidency, to be within the competency of the General
Legislature if the Island Legislature shall revoke such declara-
tion and repeal any enactment in which it is embodied.
2. The Secretary of State has drawn attention to the
fact that the Cinematographs (General Legislature Competency )
(Repeal) Ordinance, 1952, which purported to repeal the
Cinematographs (General Legislature Competency) Ordinance,
1931, did not provide for the revocation of the declaration
embodied in the latter Ordinance.
3. This Bill, which is in conformity with section 10 (2)
of the Leeward Islands Acts 1871 to 1950, seeks to remedy
that error.
C. A. Ketsicx,
‘11th February, 1954. Crown Attorney.
_ Printed at the Government Printing Office. Leeward Islands,
by E, M. Brackman, E. D., Governmeiit Printer.— By Authority;
1954, ‘ ‘
—320—4,54. Price 4 cents,
Minerals (Vesting) (Amendment). No. of 1954.
No. of 1954,
Ordinance to amend further the Minerals
(Vesting) Ordinance, 1948.
BE 1T ORDAINED by the Governor and
Legislative Council of Antigua as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Minerals (Vesting) (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954,
and shall be read as one with the Minerals (Vest-
ing) Ordinance, 1948, as amended, hereinafter
‘called the Principal Ordinance.
8 2. Section 2 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby ainended by the insertion of the following
definition hetween the definitions of the expressions
‘to mine†and “ Treasurer â€â€™:—
“to prospect†with its grammatical
variations and cognate expressions means to
search for minerals and includes such working
as is reasonably necessary to enable the pros-
pector to test the mineral-bearing qualities of
the land;â€â€™.
8. Section 4 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended as follows:—
(a)~by the insertion of the words “ pros-
pecting and†between the words “of†and
“mining †in the marginal note thereto;
Short title.
Amendment of
section 2 of
the Principal
Amendment of
section 4 of
the Principal
Antigua. 2 Minerals (Vesting) (Amendment) No. of 1954.
(b) by the insertion of the words “ pros-_
pect for or†between the words “shall†and
“mine†in sub-section (1) thereof;
(c) by the substitution of a full-stop for
the colon at the end of subsection (1) thereof;
(d) by the substitution of the words
“prospecting for or mining of anyâ€â€™ for the.
words “ mining for†in subsection (8) there--
of. . . .
pavelitntion 4, The following section is hereby substi-
of section 5 of 7 ~ oo. :
the Principal tuted for section 5 of the Principal Ordinance:—_
“Payment of 5. Where a licence to mine is granted
royalties un- 7 a :
der mining Under section 4 of this Ordinance there shall
Mieences be paid to the Government of the Presidency
by the licensee in respect of minerals mined
by virtue of that licence such royalties as may
be prescribed, and different royalties may be
prescribed for different minerals.â€
omar 5. Section 8 of the Principal Ordinance is
section 8 of
the Principal hereby amended by the substitution of the worde
Ordinance. = “the forms of licence to prospect for minerals -
and†for the words “a form of licence†appearing
therein. ,
Caan 6. This Ordinance shall ke deemed to have
had effect as from the Ist day of August, 1953.
Passed the Legislative Council this day
of 1954.
Clerk of the Council.
No. of 1954. Minerals (Vesting) (Amendment) 3 AnTicua.
The object of this Bill is to amend the Minerals (Vesting)
Ordinance, 1948 (No. 1 of 1949) by making provision for the
granting of licences to prospect for, as well as to mine, miner-
2, Retrospective effect is being given to these provisions
to validate the grant of a prospective licence issued in August
C. A. KeExsick,
. Crown Attorney.
11th February, 1954.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E, M. Buaceman, E.D., Government Printer.—By Authority.
—*320—4.54. Price 5 cents.
No. of 1954. Petroleum (clmendment),
No. of 1954,
An Ordinance to amend the Petroleum Ordinance,
BE IT ORPAINED by the Governor and
Legislative Council of Antigua as follows:—
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the
Petroleum (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954, and
shall be read as one with the Petroleum Ordinance,
1949, hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance.
2. Section 17 of the Principal Ordinance is
hereby amended by the insertion between the
words “Ordinance†and “shall†in the second
line thereof of the words “for which no special
penalty is providedâ€.
_ &. The Principal Ordinance is hereby
amended by the insertion of the following new
sections numbered 12A and 12B respectively
between sections 12 and 138—
“12A.° (1) Whenever any accident which
occasions loss of life or personal injury occurs
by explosion or fire in or about or in connec-
tion with any Government petroleum ware-
"house, licensed petroleum warehouse, specially
licensed tank, supply pump, garage, service
station or bulk storage installation, the occu-
pier or person in charge of such premises
shall, if the explosion or fire involved volatile
Short Title.
of section 17
of Principal
Insertion of
new sections
in Principal
Notice to be
given of acci-
dents con-.
nected with
Enquiry into
with volatile
Petroleum (Amendment). No. of 1954.
petroleum, forthwith send or cause to be sent
to the Labour Commissioner of the Presidency
notice of the accident and of the loss of life or
personal injury.
(2) Where, in, about, or in connection
with any ship or vehicle on which volatile
petroleum is being conveyed or loaded or from
which petroleum is being unloaded, any accident
which occasions loss of life or personal injury
occure by explosion or by fire, the owner or
person in charge or master of the ship or
vehicle shall, if the explosion or fire involved
volatile petroleum, forthwith send or cause to
be sent to the Labour Commissioner of the
Presidency notice of the accident and of the
loss of life or personal injury, but this provi-
sion shall not apply where the volatile petro-
leam conveyed or loaded on, or unloaded
from the ship or vehicle or in any case in
which such notice as aforesaid is otherwise
required by law to be sent to some Govern-
ment officer or department.
(3) Every such occupier, owner, person
in charge or master as aforcsuid who fails to
comply with any of the provisions-of this sec-
tion shall be liable on summary conviction to
a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.
12B. (1) The Governor. in Council
may, when he considers it expedient to do so,
direct a formal investigation to be held into
any accident of which notice is required by
this Ordinance to be given to the Labour
Commissioner of the Presidency, and into its
causes and circumstances, and with respect to
any such investigation the following provi-
sions shall have effect—
(a) the Governor may appoint a com-
petent person to hold the investigation, and
may appoint any person possessing legal or
special knowledge to act as assessor in. holding
the investigation ;
(+) the person or persons so-appointed
(hereafter in this section referred to as “ the
of 1954. Pecroleum (Amendment). 3
court’â€â€™) shall hold the investigation in ‘open
court in such manner and under such condi-
tions as the court may think most effectual
for ascertaining the causes and. circumstances
of the accident and for enabling the court to
make the report in this section mentioned;
(c) the court shall have for the purposes
of the investigation all the powers of a
Magistrate’s Court when exercising criminal
jurisdiction and, in addition, power—
(i) to enter and inspect any place or
building the entry or inspection
whereof appears to the court requi-
site for the said purposes;
(ii) by summons signed by the court to
require the attendance of all such
persons as it thinks fit to: call before
it and examine for the said purposes,
and to require answers or returns to
such enquiries as it thinks fit to
. make;
(iii) to require the production of all books,
papers, and documents which it
considers relevant;
(iv) to administer an oath and require any
person examined to make and sign -
a declaration of the truth of the
statements made by him in his
(d) persons attending as witnesses before
the court shall be allowed such allowances,
travelling expenses and fees as would be
allowed to witnesses summoned to attend the
Circuit Court on a criminal trial and in case
of dispute as to the amount to be allowed,
the dispute shall be referred by the court to
the Registrar, who, on request signed by the
court, shall ascertain and certify the proper
amount of such allowances travelling expenses
and fees;
(e) the court shall make a report to the
Governor in Council stating the causes and
ew Ms
Petroleum (Amendment). No. — of 1954..
circumstances of the accident and adding any
observations which the court thinks right to
(/) the court may require the expenses
incurred in and abont an investigation under
this section (including the remuneration of
any persons appointed to act as assessors)
to be paid in whole or part by any person
summoned before it who appears to the court
to be, by reason of any act or default on his
part or on the part of any servant or agent of
his, responsible in any degree for the occur-
rence of the accident, but any such expenses
not required to be so paid shall be paid out of
the general revenues of the Presidency;
(y) any person who without reasonable
excuse (proof whereof shall lie on him) either
fails, after having had the allowances, travel-
ling expenses and fees (if any) to which he is
entitled tendered to him, to comply with any
summious or requisition of the court, or, pre-
vents or impedes the court im the execution of
its duty, shall be guilty of an offence, and
shall be liable on summary ¢onviction to a
fine not exceeding fifty dollars or to imprison-
ment for a term not exceeding three months,
and, in the case of a failure to comply with
the requisition for making any return or pro-
ducing any document, if the failure in respect
of which a person was so convicted is con-
tinued after the conviction, he shall be guilty
of a further offence and. shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine of twenty-five
dollars for every day on which the failure was
so continued.
(2) The Governor in Council may cause the
report of the court to be made public at such time
and in such manner as he thinks fit.â€
President. ~
No. of 1954. = Petroleum (Amendment). 5h ANTIGUA.
Passed the Legislative Council the . day of
Clerk of the Council.
The purpose of this bill is to amend the Petroleum Ordi-
nance, 1949, upon the advice of the Secretary of State, soas to
incorporate provisions—
(a) requiring notice to be sent to the Labour Com- —
missioner of any accident involving volatile petroleum at
a licensed warehouse or on a ship or vehicle which causes
loss of life or personal injury ;
(6) empowering the Governor in Council to cause
formal investigations to be held into such accidents;
(¢) prescribing the procedure for such investigations.
Acting Crown Attorney,
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands.
by E. M. Buackatan, E.D., Government Printer. —By Authority.
1954. .
—320—4.54, Price ¢ cents.