Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076863/00191
Material Information
- Title:
- Leeward Islands gazette
- Added title page title:
- Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
- Creator:
- Leeward Islands (West Indies)
- Place of Publication:
- [Antigua
- Publisher:
- Gov. Printing Office]
- Publication Date:
- Mar 25, 1954
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Law Leeward Islands (Federation) Montserrat
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt ) Official gazettes ( fast ) Gazettes ( fast ) newspaper ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- 1- , 1872-
- General Note:
- Two pages per frame.
- General Note:
- Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
- General Note:
- Weekly
- General Note:
- Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
- General Note:
- Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
- General Note:
- Some issues called "extraordinary."
- General Note:
- Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
- General Note:
- Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
- General Note:
- Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).
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- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
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Published by Authority.
THURSDAY, 25rn MAKCH, 1954.
No. 15.
WHEREAS it is provided by the
Bank Holidays Act (Cap. 114) that
the day on which the anniversary of
the birth of the Sovereign falls shall
be a bank holiday in the Colony:
AND WHEREAS by section 7 of
the said Act it is further provided
that it shall be lawful for the Gover-
nor with the advice of the Executive
Council of the Leeward Islands, from
time to time, when it is made to
appear to him in Council, in any
special case, that in any year it is
inexpedient that a day by the said
Act appointed a bank holiday should
be a bank holiday, to declare that
such day shall not in such year be a
bank holiday, and to appoint such
other day as to him in Council may
seem fit to be a bank holiday instead
of such day, and that thereupon the
day 80 appointed shall in such year
be substituted for the day originally
appointed by the said Act:
AND WHEREAS it is inexpedient
that the anniversary of the birth of
Our Sovereign Lady the Queen should
be kept as a bank holiday in this year
on the 21st day of April.
NOW, THEREFORE, I do hereby,
by and with the advice of the Execu-
tive Council of the Leeward Islands
and in exercise of the powers con-
ferred by the said Act, declare that
Wednesday the 21st day of April
shall not in this year be a bank holi-
day, and appoint instead Thursday
the 10th day of June, 1954, as a day
to be kept as a bank holiday through-
out the Colony of the Leeward Is-
And all Her Majesty’s loving sub-
jects in the said Colony and all others
whom it may concern are hereby
required to take due notice hereof
and to give their ready obedience
GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 22nd day of March,
1954, and in the third year of
Her Majesty’s reign.
Ref. No. §9/00003.
B78. 720)
IN EXERCISE of the powers con-
ferred by section 12 of the Bank
Holidays Act (Cap. 114) it is hereby
notified that the Governor with the
advice’ of the Executive Council of
the Leeward Islands hereby directs
that, consequent on the appointment
under section 7 of the said Act of
Thursday the 10th day of June, 1954,
asa bank holiday in celebration of
the anniversary of the birth of Her
Most Gracious Majesty Queen ELiza-
BETH the Second, instead of the 21st
day of April, the date of the birth of
Her Majesty, the Bank Holidays Act
shall, for the purpose of extending
the aforesaid bank holiday through-
out the Colony, apply to the whole
of the Presidencies of Antigua, Mont-
gerrat and Saint Christopher, Nevis
and Anguilla and to the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands.
Dated this 22nd day of March,
By His Excellency’s Command,
Acting Colonial Secretary.
It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency the Governor
has issued a Commission appointing —
(a) His Honour R. St. J. 0. WAYNE
to be Governor’s Deputy dur-
ing Hie Excellency’s absence
from Antigua whilst paying a
visit to the Presidency of St.
Kitts on the 26th March until
the resumption of duty of the
Honourable P. D. MACDONALD
C.M.G.: and on such resump-
(b) the Honourable P. D. Mac-
DONALD, C.M.G., to be Gover-
nor’s Deputy during such ab-
sence and until His Excel-
lency’s return on the 11th
April, 1954.
The Secretariat,
18th March, 1954.
Ref. No. 13/00061.
Electricity Board.
His Excellency the Governor in
Council has been pleased to appoint
the following to be members of the
Antigua Electricity Board for a fur-
ther period of two years with effect
from Ist March, 1954.
Hon. E. H. LAKE (Chairman).
L. Hurst, Esq.
His Excellency the Governor in
Council has been pleased to appoint
J.L. E. JeFFERY, Esq., O.B.E., to be
a member of the Antigua Electricity
Board fora further term of 2 years
with effect from the 14th March,
Administrator's Office,
23rd March, 1954.
Ref. No A. 5770.
No. 26.
Appointments and transfers, etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated are published for
general information :—
Brown, C. W. R., Acting Junior
Clerk, Customs Dept., to be Junior
Clerk, Public Works, Dept.
Mar. 1
PHILBERT, H., P.O. Cl. ITI, seconded
to the post of temporary Protection
Officer, Agricultural Dept.
: Mar. 22
STEVENS, C. MCA., Collector of
Customs, to be Supply Officer, and
Collector of Customs.
Nov. 23, 1953
Kirnon, K., temp. Clerk, Housing
Executive. Office, to be Junior
Clerk, Post Office, and seconded to
Housing Office. March 6
No. 27.
The Governor has beer pleased this
day to assent to the undermentioned
No. 5 of 1954, ‘The Labour
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
Mar. 18
6 of 1954, “The Board of
(Amendment) Ordinance,
Mar. 18
No. 28.
The following Ordinance is circu-
lated with this Gazette and forms
part thereof:—
Virgin Islands.
No. 5 of 1954, “The Appropriation
Or linance, 1954.†2 pp. Price 4 cents.
64 _ ‘THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. [25 March, 1954.
COPY of the Medical Register published in accordance with the provisions of Section 20 (1) of
The Medical Act, 1937.
| eee | ae ts | |
| | y
ese Date of | Number of
f | i Description and Date fn Certificate; Dated
Name Address of Oualsaenion ees | of Regis- Gazetted Remarks
10n tration |
at = Silt ! s et Se Mowe SS 2S a : *
Armour, Reginald Portsmouth, M.C.P.S., Saskatchewan Il June, | 75. | See. 11
Fitzroy , Dominica | 1925 | 1938
Bailey, Clarence Hric British Guiana M.B., Ch.B., Edin. 1931 21 March, 1 | is
Stanley ' D.T.M. & H., Edin. 1932! 1938
: | | D.P.H. 1939 | 30 Aug.,
| | !
Boyd, Algenon I. W. ..., Antigua | M-R.C.S., L-R.C-P. 1940) | 14 Feb, | 140
Boyd, Philip Irving ...| St. Kitts M.R.G.S., L-R.C.P. 8 Oct, 92 |
M.B., B.S. 1935 1938 |
M.D. 1937 |
Brown, Caroline Matilda...) Trinidad L.R.C.P. Edin. 1939 25 July, 102 | 27 July,
L-R.C.S. Edin. 1939 1939 | , 1939 |
L.R.F.P. & S. Glas. 1939 |
Brown, Roland Edmund _...| Montserrat M.-R.C-S., Eng., 1933 7 March, 154 115 Mar., |
M.-R.C.P., Lond., 1933 195] | L950.
Charles, Lawrence Justin ...{ British Guiana M.B., Ch.B. Edin. 1938 7 Oct, 104 | 12 Oct., |
D.T.M. L’pool 1938 1939 ; 1939 |
D.T-H. L’pool 1939 |
Charles, Rennie Martin Dominica L-R.O-P. Edin. 1939 23 Dec., 109 | 28 Dee., |
Francis | L-R.C.S., Edin. 1939 F 1939 1939
: | | L-R-F.P. & S. Glas. 1939 |
Edwards, Archibald Carlyle | Barbados M.B. Ch.B., Edin. 1927 21 March, 2 x
D.T.M. Liv. 1934 1938
Gillett, Aubrey Scott a Dominica F.R.C.S., Edin. 1919 29 March, | 92 | es
L-R.C-P. Lond. 191] 1938 |
M-R-C.S., Eng, 1911 | | :
Garrard, Edward Brown _ ...; Roseau, M.R-C.S., Hng., 1909 ® April, 30 | | si
Dominica L-R-C.P., Lond. 1909 1938
Griffin, Charles Norman ea Antigua M.D., C.M., McGill 1922 | 22 April, 44 | a
M.-P-H., Johns Hopkins 1938
Univ. U.S.A., 1942 |
| |
Griffith, Mansergh | St. Kitts L-R.C.P., Edin. 1939 31 March, 114 |9 Apr., |
Frederick Haines L.R-C.S., Edin. 1939 1942 | 1942. |
L-R.F.P.S., Glas. 1939 |
| (
Georges, Reginald Herpert | British Guiana | L-R.C.P., Edin. 1940 1 March, ; 125 |
L-R.C.S., Edin. 1940 1945 |
LR.F.P.S., Glas. |
Jackson, John Ramicar _ ...) Antigua M-R.C.S. Eng. 13 May, 129
L-R.-C.P. Lon. 1946
D.T.M. & H., Lon-
Jones, Wilfred Basil Ralph | Montserrat M.-R.C-S., 1927 3) April, 29 â€
L-R.C.P., 1927 1938 |
Johnson, William ...| Antigua L.M.S.S.A. Lon. 1926 21 Feb., | 166 | 26 Feb.,
1953 1953
Joseph, William Thomas...) Antigua M.B., B-Ch., B.A.O. Bel., | 5 Oct. ; 169 |
1946 | 1953" °*| |
D.T.M. & H. Liv 1946 | 3
| D-RC.0.G. Eng. 1952 |
Kelsick, Henry Earle ...| Charlestown, M.B., Ch.B., Seot-. 1942 '15 Dee., | 139 Dee.,
Nevis | 1947 | 1947
- 25 March, 1954. ] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 65
COPY of the Medical Register—(coni’d.)
| ah, Date of | Number of
Bees | Description and Date -,. |Certificate) Date
Name Address. Gf @ualitiications a a | of Regis- | Gazetted Remarks.
10n. tration,
mm | | a
Keevill, Arthur James .... Antigua M.R.C.S., Eng., 1922, | 5 Feb., 165 | 26 Feb.,
D.T.M.H. Eng. 1923 1953 1953
L-R.C.P., Lond. 1922 |
M.B. Ch.B., Brist-
i |
Lewis, Leon Ferdinand Earl | Grand Bay, | LR.C.P., Lond. 1934 | 22 April, 46
Dominica M.R.C.S., Eng-, 1933 | 1938
Lake, Arthur Wilfred St. Kitts | B-Se., MeGill 1934 | 30 Nov., 96
Lawson M.D., C.M., MeGill 1937 | 1938
Lambert, Melville Arnold ...| Antigua M.D. Ch.B., St- Andrews | 5 March, 145
1946 | 1949 |
Locker, Charles Raymond ...| Antigua M.B., Ch.B., Bel. 1950 21 Feb., 167 | 26 Feb.,
D.T.M. & H., Liv. 1951 | 1953 1953
Margetson, Noel James Antigua M.C.P.S., Ont-, 1922 _7 April, 31 Sec. 11
Linnington, M.B.E. M.D., C.M., Cda-. 1922 1938
F.R.C.S., Edin. 1935
McLean, Geo. D. .| Sandy Point, M.R.C.S., Eng. 8 Oct., 90 *
St. Kitts | L.R.C.P., Lond. 1931 | = 1938 |
| D.T.M., & H, Lond. 1937 | |
McDonald, Alfred P. | Anguilla L-R.C.P., Edin. 1931 ' 8 Oct., 93 OO
L.R.C.S. 7 | 1939
L.R.F.P.S. †| |
Milburn, Leslie .| Basseterre, M.-R.C.S., Eng., 1900 | 12 June, | 101 | 5
St. Kitts L-.R-C.P., Lond. ,, 1939
D.P.H., 19038
Moore, Reginald H. .| Montserrat | M-O. Howard Med. Coll. 28 Jan., 120 Feb.,
i 1932 | 1944 1944
Ogilvie, Duncan |
Collingwood, M.C. .| Montserrat M.-R.C.S., Eng., 1915 7 April, 32 %
L-R.C.P., Lond. ,, 1938
L.M.S.S.A. i
O’Mahoney, Joseph Patrick | St. Kitts N.B. Nat. Univ., Ireland 25 Feb., 99 |
1925 1939
| Ch. B. 1925
| B.A.O.
O’Reilly, Gweneth Louise | Antigua | M.B., Ch. B., D.O-R.C.0.G., 28 Dee., | 171
Bel. 1953 1953
Rosanelli, Irmraud .| Tortola M.D. Graz. 1941 28 June, | 160
Roganelli, Johannes David | Tortola M.D. Graz. 1941 28 June, 161
Simon, Keith Myric Benoit | Roseau M.B. Toronto, 1913 28 March, 19 3
Dominica M.D. : †1938
M.C.P. & 8S-, Ont. 1914
L.M.C., Can., 1913
: D.P.H., Eng., 1919
M.D. Haiti, 1929
Stevens, Conrad Evan Elwin | St Kitts M.B., Belfast, 1930 6 May, 58 ms
B. Ch.,_,, 35 1938 |
B.A.O., 4, ‘ |
Â¥F.R.C.8., Edin 1947 15 Dec., | Sec. 14
1947 |
Slack W. A. | St. Kitts M.B. Ch. B. Edin. 1919 8 Oct., 1938) 89 | See. 11
Strisiver, Edgar Victor .| Basseterre, M.D., Berlin. 1925 3 May, 100 3 May,
St. Kitts L-R.C.S., Edin., 1938 1939 1939
L-R-C-P., ,, 7
L-R.-F.P. & S. Glas- 1938
COPY of the Medical Register— (con?’d.)
D D Date of Number of Dat
+ es escription and Date «inn | Certificate ate |
Name Address GF Qualifications Registra of Regis- Gazetted Remarks
tion tration
Solomon, Patrick Vincent Trinidad L-R.C.P., Edin. 1934 13 Nov., 106 16 Noy.,
Joseph . L-R-CS., ., 1939 1939
L-R-F.P. & S. Glas. 1934
Thompson, James White “| Basseterre, M.B., Ch. B., Glas. 1904 25 May, 70 | See. 11
| Kitts D.T.M. & H. 1938
Tomlinson, Harold Arthur | St. John’s M.D. New York Univ., 3 March, 153 15 Mar.,
Alistare -| Antigua 1949 1951 1951
Trapl, Herbert .| Basseterre M.V.D., Prague 17 Dec., 158 Dec.,
St. Kitts D.T.M. & H. Hamburg 1951 1951
Walezak, Z. P. .| Nevis M.B., Ch. B.. Edin., 1942 16 Sep., 147 > .
Wailling, Donald Percy -| British Guiana M.-R.C.S., 1927 6 May, aD 4
L-R.C-P., ,, 1938
Wynter, Luther Reginald ...| St. John’s Dr. Med. & Surg. 22 June, 81 “
Antigua Dalhousie, 1925 1938
L.M.S., Nova Scotia, 1925
| L.M.S., Ont. 1925
Wilkelhaken, Leon .| Gingerland, M.D., Warsaw, 1924 15 Dee., 138 | Dec.
Nevis | 1947 1947
Wisinger, Zoltan | St. John’s, | M.D., Vienna, 1933 12 Sept., 116 | 8 Oct., |}
' Antigna | M.D., Genoa, 1934. , 1942 | 1942
| | D.D.S., Bologna, 1936 ! |
| | | | |
Younglao, Leonard Paul...) Reseau, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., | 22 April, 45 2
ba Dominica Treland, 1938 1938
; | D.T.M & H., 1935 |
as i
Boyd, David E. W. .| Basseterre, | D.D.S. Toronto 17 Dee., 157 See. L1
St. Kitts 1951
Christian, Reginald Sydney | Antigua D.D.S. Howard 30 May, 159
Christian, Donald Leslie .| Antigua D.D.S. Howard 1952 19 Aug., 168
Howell, Joseph A. .| St. John’s Licence to practice as a- | 21 March, 7 nt
Antigua Dentist dated 7 March, 1938
Hardie, John Blair (Capt) Br. Mil. Hd. Qrts.| L.D.S8., Eng., 1938 30 July, 118 |5 Aug., ah
L. Is. St. Kitts R.C.S., England, 1938 1943 1943
Kirton, Leonard 8. .| Dominica (late Licence by Adm. D/ca. 16 Jan., 97 Apptd. by
of LeNoule Dated 15 Dee. 1918 1939 Medical
Gaudeloupe) / | ete Board
Peo £3. 3. 0.
Losada, N. Moure .| Basseterre, Doctor of Dental Surgery,| 30 Nov., 94 | See. 11
St. Kitts | Dalhousie, 1925 1938
Sabsook, Wilmot S. | Basseterre, D.D.S., Howard 1944 27 Dee.. 130 Jan.
| St. Witts , 1938 1947
Stevens, Cecil .. Nevis D.D.S., Howard, 1953 28 Dee., 172 |
: 1 1953
25 March, 1954.]
COPY of the Medical Register—(cont’d).
ee Date of Number of
Description and Date 4, |Certificate| Date
Name Address. of Qualifications. Registra- | of Regis- |Gazetted Remarks
tion | tration
: a
| | |
Wilkin, Arthur Edmund | Basseterre, Licence to practice | 19 April, 41 | Sec. 11
| St. Kitts dated 23 Oct., 1918 1938
Wisinger, Zoltan ...| Antigua D.D.S., (Bologna) 1936 8 Aug., | 146 | | 3
fs | — 1949 oe | oa
DeFreitas, Robert .| St. Thomas Bachelor of Optometry 19 July. 163
, 1952
Howell, Joseph A. .| St. John’s
Antigua Diploma from Philadel- 6 Oct., 84 Lr. from
phia Optical College, 1938 Fed. Sec.
dated 23 Apr., 1925 dated
Graduate in Optometry 6-10.38
Teodorini, Osmond .| New York City
U.S.A. (now) | Dr. of Optometrical 7 Sept., 83 | 29.9.38 | pd. £3. 3.
St. John’s, Science Diploma from
Antigua New York Institute of
Optometry dated 31 Dec.
Alexander, Tyrell ...| Grand Bay, Licence by Govr. dated 22 April., jt See. 11
Dominica, 6 March, 1931 | 1938
Alleyne, Arthur Deighton St. John’s, Certificate B’dos 28 Jan., | 26 July, 135 | 31.7.47
Antigua 1939 | ~ 1947
Ambrose, Jasper Horatio ...| Roseau, Licence by Govr., dated 6 May, 63 Sec. 11
Dominica 12 Apr. 1920 1938
Andrew, Unsworth Kingston| Marigot, Cert. of competency 4 Oct.. 103 | 12 Oct.,
Dominica dated 4.9.39 1939 1939
Athill, Newton Evans
Hezekiah ...| Basseterre, Licence by Govr., dated 10 Sept., 112
St. Kitts 18.1.18 1940 ,
Bart, Frederick ...| Basseterre, Cert. of Competency 16 Oct., 164
: St. Kitts 3.10.52 1952
Bart, Sydney Irving ...| Basseterre, Cert. of Competency | 6 June, 115 |25 June,
St. Kitts dated 30.5.42 1942 1942
Bertrand, Tyrel Michael ...}| Portsmouth, Licence by Govr., dated 6 May, 66 3
Dominica 8 Oct., 1919 1938
Challenger, Donald
Alexander ...| St. John’s, Licence by Govr., dated 32 March, 16 3
Antigua 20 Dee., 1937 1938
Callendar, Huntley Fitzroy | Plymouth, Licence dated 22.2.37 7 April, 34. os
Montserrat 1938
Charles, Clifford Arthur ...| Antigua Cert. of Competency 16 April, 131 | April,
dated 1 April, 1947 1947 1947 |
Charles, Patrick Andrew ...| Roseau,
Dominica Licence dated 19.9.33 11 June, 76 *
Christmas, Cardinal W. _...| Basseterre, | Cert. of Competency 24 Nov., 127 | 29 Nov., As
St. Kitts | dated 7 Nov., 1945 1945 1945
Claxton, Hugh F. ‘Cert. of Competency 2 Nov. 170
a Nevis
dated 5.10.53
Davis, Montague Lestrod
Edwards, John Jacob
Elmes, Claude McWilliam ...
Edwards, Burnell Wycliffe. s
Edwards, Robert Dallas
Edwards, Heron Roy
Edwards, Ernest Hilary
Edwards, Eric Conrod
Kdwards, Joseph Hamilton
Evelyn, Arthur L.
Francis, Cassilla
Ferguson, David L. M.
Gardner, Robert Samuel
Green, Louis Oliver
Green, Vivian Angelo
Guimbs, Marion Wilhelmina
Hardiman, Basil
Howell, Joseph A.
Howell, Annie Eugenie
Howell, Charlotte Alberta ...;
Hamilton, Kdwin
Hill, Eric R. F. u5
Henry, Iris Mildred Victoria
(Now Mrs. Wynter)
Jarvis, Walter
COPY of the Medical Register—(cont’d.)
St. John’s,
.| Parham,
St. Kitts
.| Rosean,
.| Freetown,
..| Roseau
..| Basseterre,
St. Kitts
' Basseterre,
St. Kitts
. Charlestown,
| St. Jobn’s,
.| Basseterre,
St. Kitts
.| Parham,
.| Roseau,
.| Roseau,
St. Kitts
.| Bagseterre,
St. Kitts
..{ St. John’s,
.| Charlestown,
.| Cavon,
St. Kitts
| Barbuda
7 St. John’s
.| St. John’s
Description and Date
of Qualification
[25 March 1954.
Date of
Number of
| Cert. of Competency
dated 1 June. 1950
| Licence dated
8 January, 1908
Licence by Govr., dated
30 June, 1933
Licence dated 31 March,
| 1926
Licence by Govr., dated
30 July, 1929
Licence by Govr., dated
27 Jan., 1909
Licence by Ag. Govr.,
dated 26 June, 1935
Licence by Govr., dated
27 July, 1937
Licence by Govr., dated
Decr., 1932
Cert. of Competency
dated 16 August, 1950
Cert. of Competency
dated 10.11.39
Cert. of Competency
dated 7.11.44
' Certificate of Competency
| dated 12.4.40
' Licence by Govr., dated
! 30 April, 1935
Licence by Govr., dated
21 June, 1937
Licence by Govr., dated
16 Jan., 1928
Certificate of Competency
| dated 30 Sept.. 1948
Licence dated
13 August, 1906
Licence dated
24 Dec., 1919
Licence by Govr., dated
20 Nov.. 1931
Licence by Govr., dated
14 Feb., 1898
Cert. of Competency
dated 6 Oct., 1939
Cert. of Competency
dated 21 Oct.. 1944
Licence by Govr., dated
12 Nov., 1934
- 4, | Certificate} Date | ;
Registra- of Regis- | Gazetted Remarks
tion tration '
12 June, 149 |15 June,|
1950 1950
21 March, 8 | Sec- 11.
1938 |
5 April, 25 |
1938 |
7 April, 35 29
6 May, 64 â€
6 May, 67 s
11 June, 77 â€
8 Oct., 85 | â€
8 Oct., 86 â€
1937 |
6 Oct., 151) | 12 Oct., :
1950 1950
l17Nov, | 107 B0Nov,|/ 4
, 1939 1939
24 Nov., 128 | 29 Nov.,
1945 | 1945
| |
24 Apr., 110 \ 5
| 1940 ;
22 Apr., 5B | us ge
| 1938
6 May, 65 ss
| 1938
(3 Aug., 82 | ss
| 1938
1 Oct., 143
21 March, 6 2
1938 |
| 28 March, 2] -
| |
28 March, 22 a
| 30 Nov., 95 ig
| 1038
|7 May, 9, 113. | 15 May,| By Exami-
| 194] 1941 ination.
' 23 Oct. 124 | Nov.,
| 1944 1944
| 21 Mareh, 10
COPY of the Medical Register. -(cont’d.)
Anil: Date of |Number of
Description and Date | : | Certificate! Date
Name. Address. of Qualifications: | Registra- Gf Regis- |Gazetted Remarks.
tion. | tration.
woe im Soe an | |
Joseph, James Irving C. L. A- Licence by Acting Govr., | 5 April, 26 See. 11
Sebastian Antigua dated 18 Oct-, 1917 1938
Joseph, Maria F. .| Charlestown, Licence by Govr., dated 8 April, 27 3
Nevis 28 May, 1920 | 19388
Joseph, William S. .| Charlestown, Licence by Govr., datel (65 April, | 28 7
| Nevis 25 May, 1923 1938
Jeffers, Peter Patrick .| Jubilee Town, Licence by Govyr., dated 7 April 36 a
' Montserrat 11 Feb., 1935 1938
Jeffers, William Agustus .... Plymouth, Licence by Govr., dated = 7 April, | 37 | a
Montserrat 5 Dec., 1934 / 1938 |
Joseph, John Henry Sully .... Roseau, Licence by Adm., dated | 6 May, 62 | ‘
' Dominica 10 Jan., 1911 1938 |
John, Fanny Drucilla al Basseterre, Licence by Adin., dated | 6 May, 69 | -
| St. Kitts 22 Dec., 1915 ) I9BB | |
| | \ |
James, Christopher Oliver | Rosean, Cert. of Competency Med. 14 June, 78 | 18.8.38 iPad. Fees by
Dominica Board Dominica dated 1938 examina-
8 June, 1938 | tion.
Laurent, Joseph ...| St. John’s, | Cert. of Competency 17 Dee., | 144 |
| Antigua dated 1 Nov., 1947 £1948 | |
Lewis, Rupert Emanuel oi St. John’s Licence by Govr.. dated 21 March, | 11 Sec. 11
Antigua 19 Nov., 1932 1938
i {
Lockhart, Ryes ...| Roseau Licence by Acting Govr., | 22 April, 50. | 5
Dominica | dated 5 April, 1914 | 1938 | |
| \ |
Michael, Arthur _..| St. John’s, Licence by Govr., dated | 21 March, | 12 | 5
Antigua 10 Aug., 1929 1938 | |
| | |
Mingo, Dennis Charlesworth Nevis ' Cert. of Competency | 14 May, 133 | 21.5.47 “7
; 1 April, 1947 | 1947 |
| |
Malone, Lincoln Adolph ... Plymouth, i Licence dated {) May, 1935 | 20 Dec., 108
Montserrat ; 1939 |
Olivacce, Connel Joseph .| Anguilla | Diploma Roseau Hospital — 10 July, ; 134 ‘17.10.47.
' Dominica, 1929 1947 | \
O’Neal, Joseph Reynold .| Tortola, | Licence by Govr., dated | 28 March, | 20 Sec. 11
Virgin Islands = 27 Oct., 1987 ; 1988
| |
Phillip, Charles Hubert __...| St. John’s, | Licence by Govr., dated 5 April, 24 ee
Antigua | 28 Feb., 1938 1938
Philip, George Edward ...| Plymouth, ‘Licence by Gov., dated 7 April, 38 s
| Montserrat 31 March, 1026 ~ 1938 | |
~ | i
Philip, Henry Isaiah .| St. John’s. | Licence by Govr., dated 10 Sep., 16 “%
Antigua ~ | 30 Sept., 1917 1947
Payne, Arnold A. ..| Sandy Point, | Licence by Govr., dated 8 Oct., 87 a
St. Icitts 24 Jan., 1938 19338
Richards, Luther Eardley .
Adolphus ...| St. John’s, Licence by Gov., dated (21 March,| Le ar
Antigua 20 Oct., 1924 © 1938
Richards, Simon Alexander Bolans, Antigua | Licence by Gov., dated 19 April, 43 | ie
29 Oct., 1937 1938 |
Rock, A. W. Howell St. John’s, Licence by Govr., dated 5 March, 141 -
Antigua Ist May, 1922 1948
Romeo, Arthur Robert ...| Ottos, Antigua Certificate of Competency 16 Nov., | 119 Nov., | By Exam-
dated 25 Sept., 1943 | 1943 1943 ination.
Samuel, George Albert
Sheill, Matthew Dowdy
Samuel, Manns Robert
Severin, Bernard Alexander
COPY of the Medical Register—(Cont’.)
Stowe, Cyril Sandford Henry) Portsmouth,
Seaton, William Arnold
Skerritt, John Hugh
Skerritt, Arthur Victor
Skerritt, Eric
Skerritt, Joseph Arthur
Saunders, Peter Y
Stephens, Moses Walter
Stevens, James Henry
Sebastian, Joseph Matthew
Sebastian, Cuthbert
Simmons, Albert C.
Tavernier, Edmund
Taylor, Alfred Sylvester
Thomas, Edwin Leopold
Vanier, John George
Walker, Cecil Michael
Watty, Allan Robert
Williams, Mina
Wilson, John H.,
fF “Number of
of qualification Br of Regis-
tion. tration.
..| Basseterre, — | Certificate of Competency | 15 May, | 122 —
St. Kitts dated 10 May, 1944 1944 |
.| St. John’s, Licence by Govr., dated 21 March,| 14
Antigua 17 July, 1930 1948
| ;
wee! Roseau, Licence by Govr., dated 22 April, 48
Dominica | 25 Sept., 1915 1938
Portsmouth, Licence by Acting Govr. | 22 April, | 49
| Dominica dated 2 Nov., 1921 1938
Licence by Govr., dated 22 April, | 52
| Dominica 11 Aug., 1927 1938
...| Basseterre, Licence by Govr., dated 6 May, 68
St. Kitts 24 April, 1935 1938 ‘
...| Basseterre, Licence by Govr., dated 25 May, 72
St. Kitts 19 July, 1931 19338
., Basscterre, Licence by Govr., dated 25 May, 73
St. Kitts 20 Nov., 1918 1938
.| Basseterre, Cert. of Competency 12 April, | 126
St. Kitts dated 9 April, 1945 1945
.| Basseterre. Cert. of Competency 10 May, 132
St. Kitts 6 May, 1947 1947
.| Cunningham Licence by Govr., dated 14 June, 80
Hospital 25 April, 1935 1938
St. Kitts ‘
Cedar Grove, Cert. of Competency 16 August} 150
Antigua 15 Aug., 1950 1950
Charlestown, Licence by Govr., dated 8 Oct., 91
Nevis 27 Jan., 1898 1938
Basseterre, Cert. of Competency oD July, 111
St. Kitts dated 29 April, 1940 1940
Basseterre, Cert. of Competency 22 March,| 117
St. Kitts dated 16 March, J943 1943
Basseterre, Cert. of Competency 20 August} 155
St. Kitts dated 1951
Roseau, Licence by Govr. dated 6 May, 61
Dominica 20 April, 1938 1938
Tortola, Cert. of Competency jt Jul., 1942) 162
Hospital, Cert. of Competency ; 10 Nov., | 105
Antigua dated 10 Nov., 1939 1939
Montserrat Licence by Govr., dated 14 June, 123
Aug. 1920 1944
Gray’s Hill, Cert. of Competency 3 Feb., 121
Antigua dated 1 Feb., 1944 1944
Portsmouth, Licence by Govr., dated 14 June, 79
Dominica 3 May, 1934 1938
Montserrat Licence by Govr., dated 8 Oct., 88
9 Feb., 1927 1938
Basseterre, Cert. of Competency 27 Nov., | 137
St. Kitts 19 Nov., 1947 1947 |
25 March, 1954}
19 Apr.,
22 May, |
24 Aug.,
25 Mar,,
13 Sep.,
16 Nov.,
_ All persons registered are requested to notify the
10th March, 1954.
Acting Chief Registrar, Leeward Islands.
Sec. 11
Sec. 11
| By Exam-
Registrar at an early date of any changes of address.
25 March, 1954. |
Agricultural Scholarship ten-
able at the Imperial College
of Tropical Agriculture.
1. Applications are invited for a
scholarship tenable at the Imperial
College of Tropical Agriculture Trini-
dad, to be awarded by the Govern-
ment of the Leeward Islands in
respect of the year 1954.
2. Applications must be submitted
to the Colonial Secretary through—
(a) the Headmaster of the school
at which the applicant is being or
has been taught, or
(6) the Administrator or Com-
missioner of the Presidency con-
before the Ist May, 1954.
Application forms should be ob-
tained from the office of administra-
tion of the Presidency in which the
applicant resides.
3. The successful candidate will
be required to sign an undertaking to
serve for three years in the Leeward
Islands upon the successful comple-
tion of hig course of study if offered
suitable employment.
The Secretariat,
Leeward Islands,
At Antigua.
17th March, 1954.
Ref. No. 28/00157.
Central Experiment Station,
W959, A951, 152. 1953, 1954.
Jan, 54l 3.60 2.41 3,93 3.94
Feb, 9.52 1,88 1.60 1.02 2,45
Mar. 20 1.10 95 76 3.82 .28
9.03 643 4.77 6.77 5.77
Crown Land Applications
Applications in connexion with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this office in rela-
tion to any such application.
Applications should set out the
purpose for which the land is required
and submit in some detail the pro-
prosals for developing it, stating the
nature of the development, the period
in which it will be carried out and
the minimum expenditure estimated
to effect the scheme.
The undermentioned application is
hereby notified.
By Order,
dlerk to the Commissioner.
Commissioner's Office,
British Virgin Islands.
18th March, 1954.
All that plot of land situate oppo-
site the yard of the Public Works
Store at Road ‘Town, Tortola in the
Presidency of the Virgin Islands con-
taining 180 square yards more or less
and measuring on the NORTH side
21 feet and bounded thereon by an
area of Crown land and measuring on
the SOUTH 8 feet and bounded
thereon by a fringe of mangrove
swamp and measuring on the EAST
111 feet and bounded thereon by the
sea and measuring on the WEST 108
feet and bounded thereon by the
public road. ,
Ref. No, 46/06003.
ANTIGUA, 17th March, 1954.
LIMITED of 41 Welbeck Street,
London W. 1. England have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—
in Class 18 that is to say:—
“Non portable buildings anu parts
thereof all of metals: portable build-
ings and non metallic materials for
use in building and construction.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for Ten
years before the date of their said
Application. ;
Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in «luplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.
In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
that in pursuance of Rules made by
the Chief Justice under Section 16 of
the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands (Courts) Order in Council,
1939, and duly approved as therein
provided on the 16th day of October,
A.D. 1941, His Lordship the Acting
Chief Justice has appointed the day
of the month on which the ensuing
Circuit Court shall sit as follows, that
is to say:—
The Virgin Islands Circuit on
Thursday the Ist day of April, 1954,
at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.
Dated the 11th day of March, 1954.
Acting Reyistrar.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, M. Buacnsray, ED,
Government Printer.—Ibv Authority.
{Price 15 cents.)
Full Text |
Published by Authority.
THURSDAY, 25rn MAKCH, 1954.
No. 15.
WHEREAS it is provided by the
Bank Holidays Act (Cap. 114) that
the day on which the anniversary of
the birth of the Sovereign falls shall
be a bank holiday in the Colony:
AND WHEREAS by section 7 of
the said Act it is further provided
that it shall be lawful for the Gover-
nor with the advice of the Executive
Council of the Leeward Islands, from
time to time, when it is made to
appear to him in Council, in any
special case, that in any year it is
inexpedient that a day by the said
Act appointed a bank holiday should
be a bank holiday, to declare that
such day shall not in such year be a
bank holiday, and to appoint such
other day as to him in Council may
seem fit to be a bank holiday instead
of such day, and that thereupon the
day 80 appointed shall in such year
be substituted for the day originally
appointed by the said Act:
AND WHEREAS it is inexpedient
that the anniversary of the birth of
Our Sovereign Lady the Queen should
be kept as a bank holiday in this year
on the 21st day of April.
NOW, THEREFORE, I do hereby,
by and with the advice of the Execu-
tive Council of the Leeward Islands
and in exercise of the powers con-
ferred by the said Act, declare that
Wednesday the 21st day of April
shall not in this year be a bank holi-
day, and appoint instead Thursday
the 10th day of June, 1954, as a day
to be kept as a bank holiday through-
out the Colony of the Leeward Is-
And all Her Majesty’s loving sub-
jects in the said Colony and all others
whom it may concern are hereby
required to take due notice hereof
and to give their ready obedience
GIVEN at the Government House,
Antigua, this 22nd day of March,
1954, and in the third year of
Her Majesty’s reign.
Ref. No. §9/00003.
B78. 720)
IN EXERCISE of the powers con-
ferred by section 12 of the Bank
Holidays Act (Cap. 114) it is hereby
notified that the Governor with the
advice’ of the Executive Council of
the Leeward Islands hereby directs
that, consequent on the appointment
under section 7 of the said Act of
Thursday the 10th day of June, 1954,
asa bank holiday in celebration of
the anniversary of the birth of Her
Most Gracious Majesty Queen ELiza-
BETH the Second, instead of the 21st
day of April, the date of the birth of
Her Majesty, the Bank Holidays Act
shall, for the purpose of extending
the aforesaid bank holiday through-
out the Colony, apply to the whole
of the Presidencies of Antigua, Mont-
gerrat and Saint Christopher, Nevis
and Anguilla and to the Presidency
of the Virgin Islands.
Dated this 22nd day of March,
By His Excellency’s Command,
Acting Colonial Secretary.
It is notified for general informa-
tion that His Excellency the Governor
has issued a Commission appointing —
(a) His Honour R. St. J. 0. WAYNE
to be Governor’s Deputy dur-
ing Hie Excellency’s absence
from Antigua whilst paying a
visit to the Presidency of St.
Kitts on the 26th March until
the resumption of duty of the
Honourable P. D. MACDONALD
C.M.G.: and on such resump-
(b) the Honourable P. D. Mac-
DONALD, C.M.G., to be Gover-
nor’s Deputy during such ab-
sence and until His Excel-
lency’s return on the 11th
April, 1954.
The Secretariat,
18th March, 1954.
Ref. No. 13/00061.
Electricity Board.
His Excellency the Governor in
Council has been pleased to appoint
the following to be members of the
Antigua Electricity Board for a fur-
ther period of two years with effect
from Ist March, 1954.
Hon. E. H. LAKE (Chairman).
L. Hurst, Esq.
His Excellency the Governor in
Council has been pleased to appoint
J.L. E. JeFFERY, Esq., O.B.E., to be
a member of the Antigua Electricity
Board fora further term of 2 years
with effect from the 14th March,
Administrator's Office,
23rd March, 1954.
Ref. No A. 5770.
No. 26.
Appointments and transfers, etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated are published for
general information :—
Brown, C. W. R., Acting Junior
Clerk, Customs Dept., to be Junior
Clerk, Public Works, Dept.
Mar. 1
PHILBERT, H., P.O. Cl. ITI, seconded
to the post of temporary Protection
Officer, Agricultural Dept.
: Mar. 22
STEVENS, C. MCA., Collector of
Customs, to be Supply Officer, and
Collector of Customs.
Nov. 23, 1953
Kirnon, K., temp. Clerk, Housing
Executive. Office, to be Junior
Clerk, Post Office, and seconded to
Housing Office. March 6
No. 27.
The Governor has beer pleased this
day to assent to the undermentioned
No. 5 of 1954, ‘The Labour
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
Mar. 18
6 of 1954, “The Board of
(Amendment) Ordinance,
Mar. 18
No. 28.
The following Ordinance is circu-
lated with this Gazette and forms
part thereof:—
Virgin Islands.
No. 5 of 1954, “The Appropriation
Or linance, 1954.†2 pp. Price 4 cents.
64 _ ‘THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. [25 March, 1954.
COPY of the Medical Register published in accordance with the provisions of Section 20 (1) of
The Medical Act, 1937.
| eee | ae ts | |
| | y
ese Date of | Number of
f | i Description and Date fn Certificate; Dated
Name Address of Oualsaenion ees | of Regis- Gazetted Remarks
10n tration |
at = Silt ! s et Se Mowe SS 2S a : *
Armour, Reginald Portsmouth, M.C.P.S., Saskatchewan Il June, | 75. | See. 11
Fitzroy , Dominica | 1925 | 1938
Bailey, Clarence Hric British Guiana M.B., Ch.B., Edin. 1931 21 March, 1 | is
Stanley ' D.T.M. & H., Edin. 1932! 1938
: | | D.P.H. 1939 | 30 Aug.,
| | !
Boyd, Algenon I. W. ..., Antigua | M-R.C.S., L-R.C-P. 1940) | 14 Feb, | 140
Boyd, Philip Irving ...| St. Kitts M.R.G.S., L-R.C.P. 8 Oct, 92 |
M.B., B.S. 1935 1938 |
M.D. 1937 |
Brown, Caroline Matilda...) Trinidad L.R.C.P. Edin. 1939 25 July, 102 | 27 July,
L-R.C.S. Edin. 1939 1939 | , 1939 |
L.R.F.P. & S. Glas. 1939 |
Brown, Roland Edmund _...| Montserrat M.-R.C-S., Eng., 1933 7 March, 154 115 Mar., |
M.-R.C.P., Lond., 1933 195] | L950.
Charles, Lawrence Justin ...{ British Guiana M.B., Ch.B. Edin. 1938 7 Oct, 104 | 12 Oct., |
D.T.M. L’pool 1938 1939 ; 1939 |
D.T-H. L’pool 1939 |
Charles, Rennie Martin Dominica L-R.O-P. Edin. 1939 23 Dec., 109 | 28 Dee., |
Francis | L-R.C.S., Edin. 1939 F 1939 1939
: | | L-R-F.P. & S. Glas. 1939 |
Edwards, Archibald Carlyle | Barbados M.B. Ch.B., Edin. 1927 21 March, 2 x
D.T.M. Liv. 1934 1938
Gillett, Aubrey Scott a Dominica F.R.C.S., Edin. 1919 29 March, | 92 | es
L-R.C-P. Lond. 191] 1938 |
M-R-C.S., Eng, 1911 | | :
Garrard, Edward Brown _ ...; Roseau, M.R-C.S., Hng., 1909 ® April, 30 | | si
Dominica L-R-C.P., Lond. 1909 1938
Griffin, Charles Norman ea Antigua M.D., C.M., McGill 1922 | 22 April, 44 | a
M.-P-H., Johns Hopkins 1938
Univ. U.S.A., 1942 |
| |
Griffith, Mansergh | St. Kitts L-R.C.P., Edin. 1939 31 March, 114 |9 Apr., |
Frederick Haines L.R-C.S., Edin. 1939 1942 | 1942. |
L-R.F.P.S., Glas. 1939 |
| (
Georges, Reginald Herpert | British Guiana | L-R.C.P., Edin. 1940 1 March, ; 125 |
L-R.C.S., Edin. 1940 1945 |
LR.F.P.S., Glas. |
Jackson, John Ramicar _ ...) Antigua M-R.C.S. Eng. 13 May, 129
L-R.-C.P. Lon. 1946
D.T.M. & H., Lon-
Jones, Wilfred Basil Ralph | Montserrat M.-R.C-S., 1927 3) April, 29 â€
L-R.C.P., 1927 1938 |
Johnson, William ...| Antigua L.M.S.S.A. Lon. 1926 21 Feb., | 166 | 26 Feb.,
1953 1953
Joseph, William Thomas...) Antigua M.B., B-Ch., B.A.O. Bel., | 5 Oct. ; 169 |
1946 | 1953" °*| |
D.T.M. & H. Liv 1946 | 3
| D-RC.0.G. Eng. 1952 |
Kelsick, Henry Earle ...| Charlestown, M.B., Ch.B., Seot-. 1942 '15 Dee., | 139 Dee.,
Nevis | 1947 | 1947
- 25 March, 1954. ] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 65
COPY of the Medical Register—(coni’d.)
| ah, Date of | Number of
Bees | Description and Date -,. |Certificate) Date
Name Address. Gf @ualitiications a a | of Regis- | Gazetted Remarks.
10n. tration,
mm | | a
Keevill, Arthur James .... Antigua M.R.C.S., Eng., 1922, | 5 Feb., 165 | 26 Feb.,
D.T.M.H. Eng. 1923 1953 1953
L-R.C.P., Lond. 1922 |
M.B. Ch.B., Brist-
i |
Lewis, Leon Ferdinand Earl | Grand Bay, | LR.C.P., Lond. 1934 | 22 April, 46
Dominica M.R.C.S., Eng-, 1933 | 1938
Lake, Arthur Wilfred St. Kitts | B-Se., MeGill 1934 | 30 Nov., 96
Lawson M.D., C.M., MeGill 1937 | 1938
Lambert, Melville Arnold ...| Antigua M.D. Ch.B., St- Andrews | 5 March, 145
1946 | 1949 |
Locker, Charles Raymond ...| Antigua M.B., Ch.B., Bel. 1950 21 Feb., 167 | 26 Feb.,
D.T.M. & H., Liv. 1951 | 1953 1953
Margetson, Noel James Antigua M.C.P.S., Ont-, 1922 _7 April, 31 Sec. 11
Linnington, M.B.E. M.D., C.M., Cda-. 1922 1938
F.R.C.S., Edin. 1935
McLean, Geo. D. .| Sandy Point, M.R.C.S., Eng. 8 Oct., 90 *
St. Kitts | L.R.C.P., Lond. 1931 | = 1938 |
| D.T.M., & H, Lond. 1937 | |
McDonald, Alfred P. | Anguilla L-R.C.P., Edin. 1931 ' 8 Oct., 93 OO
L.R.C.S. 7 | 1939
L.R.F.P.S. †| |
Milburn, Leslie .| Basseterre, M.-R.C.S., Eng., 1900 | 12 June, | 101 | 5
St. Kitts L-.R-C.P., Lond. ,, 1939
D.P.H., 19038
Moore, Reginald H. .| Montserrat | M-O. Howard Med. Coll. 28 Jan., 120 Feb.,
i 1932 | 1944 1944
Ogilvie, Duncan |
Collingwood, M.C. .| Montserrat M.-R.C.S., Eng., 1915 7 April, 32 %
L-R.C.P., Lond. ,, 1938
L.M.S.S.A. i
O’Mahoney, Joseph Patrick | St. Kitts N.B. Nat. Univ., Ireland 25 Feb., 99 |
1925 1939
| Ch. B. 1925
| B.A.O.
O’Reilly, Gweneth Louise | Antigua | M.B., Ch. B., D.O-R.C.0.G., 28 Dee., | 171
Bel. 1953 1953
Rosanelli, Irmraud .| Tortola M.D. Graz. 1941 28 June, | 160
Roganelli, Johannes David | Tortola M.D. Graz. 1941 28 June, 161
Simon, Keith Myric Benoit | Roseau M.B. Toronto, 1913 28 March, 19 3
Dominica M.D. : †1938
M.C.P. & 8S-, Ont. 1914
L.M.C., Can., 1913
: D.P.H., Eng., 1919
M.D. Haiti, 1929
Stevens, Conrad Evan Elwin | St Kitts M.B., Belfast, 1930 6 May, 58 ms
B. Ch.,_,, 35 1938 |
B.A.O., 4, ‘ |
Â¥F.R.C.8., Edin 1947 15 Dec., | Sec. 14
1947 |
Slack W. A. | St. Kitts M.B. Ch. B. Edin. 1919 8 Oct., 1938) 89 | See. 11
Strisiver, Edgar Victor .| Basseterre, M.D., Berlin. 1925 3 May, 100 3 May,
St. Kitts L-R.C.S., Edin., 1938 1939 1939
L-R-C-P., ,, 7
L-R.-F.P. & S. Glas- 1938
COPY of the Medical Register— (con?’d.)
D D Date of Number of Dat
+ es escription and Date «inn | Certificate ate |
Name Address GF Qualifications Registra of Regis- Gazetted Remarks
tion tration
Solomon, Patrick Vincent Trinidad L-R.C.P., Edin. 1934 13 Nov., 106 16 Noy.,
Joseph . L-R-CS., ., 1939 1939
L-R-F.P. & S. Glas. 1934
Thompson, James White “| Basseterre, M.B., Ch. B., Glas. 1904 25 May, 70 | See. 11
| Kitts D.T.M. & H. 1938
Tomlinson, Harold Arthur | St. John’s M.D. New York Univ., 3 March, 153 15 Mar.,
Alistare -| Antigua 1949 1951 1951
Trapl, Herbert .| Basseterre M.V.D., Prague 17 Dec., 158 Dec.,
St. Kitts D.T.M. & H. Hamburg 1951 1951
Walezak, Z. P. .| Nevis M.B., Ch. B.. Edin., 1942 16 Sep., 147 > .
Wailling, Donald Percy -| British Guiana M.-R.C.S., 1927 6 May, aD 4
L-R.C-P., ,, 1938
Wynter, Luther Reginald ...| St. John’s Dr. Med. & Surg. 22 June, 81 “
Antigua Dalhousie, 1925 1938
L.M.S., Nova Scotia, 1925
| L.M.S., Ont. 1925
Wilkelhaken, Leon .| Gingerland, M.D., Warsaw, 1924 15 Dee., 138 | Dec.
Nevis | 1947 1947
Wisinger, Zoltan | St. John’s, | M.D., Vienna, 1933 12 Sept., 116 | 8 Oct., |}
' Antigna | M.D., Genoa, 1934. , 1942 | 1942
| | D.D.S., Bologna, 1936 ! |
| | | | |
Younglao, Leonard Paul...) Reseau, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., | 22 April, 45 2
ba Dominica Treland, 1938 1938
; | D.T.M & H., 1935 |
as i
Boyd, David E. W. .| Basseterre, | D.D.S. Toronto 17 Dee., 157 See. L1
St. Kitts 1951
Christian, Reginald Sydney | Antigua D.D.S. Howard 30 May, 159
Christian, Donald Leslie .| Antigua D.D.S. Howard 1952 19 Aug., 168
Howell, Joseph A. .| St. John’s Licence to practice as a- | 21 March, 7 nt
Antigua Dentist dated 7 March, 1938
Hardie, John Blair (Capt) Br. Mil. Hd. Qrts.| L.D.S8., Eng., 1938 30 July, 118 |5 Aug., ah
L. Is. St. Kitts R.C.S., England, 1938 1943 1943
Kirton, Leonard 8. .| Dominica (late Licence by Adm. D/ca. 16 Jan., 97 Apptd. by
of LeNoule Dated 15 Dee. 1918 1939 Medical
Gaudeloupe) / | ete Board
Peo £3. 3. 0.
Losada, N. Moure .| Basseterre, Doctor of Dental Surgery,| 30 Nov., 94 | See. 11
St. Kitts | Dalhousie, 1925 1938
Sabsook, Wilmot S. | Basseterre, D.D.S., Howard 1944 27 Dee.. 130 Jan.
| St. Witts , 1938 1947
Stevens, Cecil .. Nevis D.D.S., Howard, 1953 28 Dee., 172 |
: 1 1953
25 March, 1954.]
COPY of the Medical Register—(cont’d).
ee Date of Number of
Description and Date 4, |Certificate| Date
Name Address. of Qualifications. Registra- | of Regis- |Gazetted Remarks
tion | tration
: a
| | |
Wilkin, Arthur Edmund | Basseterre, Licence to practice | 19 April, 41 | Sec. 11
| St. Kitts dated 23 Oct., 1918 1938
Wisinger, Zoltan ...| Antigua D.D.S., (Bologna) 1936 8 Aug., | 146 | | 3
fs | — 1949 oe | oa
DeFreitas, Robert .| St. Thomas Bachelor of Optometry 19 July. 163
, 1952
Howell, Joseph A. .| St. John’s
Antigua Diploma from Philadel- 6 Oct., 84 Lr. from
phia Optical College, 1938 Fed. Sec.
dated 23 Apr., 1925 dated
Graduate in Optometry 6-10.38
Teodorini, Osmond .| New York City
U.S.A. (now) | Dr. of Optometrical 7 Sept., 83 | 29.9.38 | pd. £3. 3.
St. John’s, Science Diploma from
Antigua New York Institute of
Optometry dated 31 Dec.
Alexander, Tyrell ...| Grand Bay, Licence by Govr. dated 22 April., jt See. 11
Dominica, 6 March, 1931 | 1938
Alleyne, Arthur Deighton St. John’s, Certificate B’dos 28 Jan., | 26 July, 135 | 31.7.47
Antigua 1939 | ~ 1947
Ambrose, Jasper Horatio ...| Roseau, Licence by Govr., dated 6 May, 63 Sec. 11
Dominica 12 Apr. 1920 1938
Andrew, Unsworth Kingston| Marigot, Cert. of competency 4 Oct.. 103 | 12 Oct.,
Dominica dated 4.9.39 1939 1939
Athill, Newton Evans
Hezekiah ...| Basseterre, Licence by Govr., dated 10 Sept., 112
St. Kitts 18.1.18 1940 ,
Bart, Frederick ...| Basseterre, Cert. of Competency 16 Oct., 164
: St. Kitts 3.10.52 1952
Bart, Sydney Irving ...| Basseterre, Cert. of Competency | 6 June, 115 |25 June,
St. Kitts dated 30.5.42 1942 1942
Bertrand, Tyrel Michael ...}| Portsmouth, Licence by Govr., dated 6 May, 66 3
Dominica 8 Oct., 1919 1938
Challenger, Donald
Alexander ...| St. John’s, Licence by Govr., dated 32 March, 16 3
Antigua 20 Dee., 1937 1938
Callendar, Huntley Fitzroy | Plymouth, Licence dated 22.2.37 7 April, 34. os
Montserrat 1938
Charles, Clifford Arthur ...| Antigua Cert. of Competency 16 April, 131 | April,
dated 1 April, 1947 1947 1947 |
Charles, Patrick Andrew ...| Roseau,
Dominica Licence dated 19.9.33 11 June, 76 *
Christmas, Cardinal W. _...| Basseterre, | Cert. of Competency 24 Nov., 127 | 29 Nov., As
St. Kitts | dated 7 Nov., 1945 1945 1945
Claxton, Hugh F. ‘Cert. of Competency 2 Nov. 170
a Nevis
dated 5.10.53
Davis, Montague Lestrod
Edwards, John Jacob
Elmes, Claude McWilliam ...
Edwards, Burnell Wycliffe. s
Edwards, Robert Dallas
Edwards, Heron Roy
Edwards, Ernest Hilary
Edwards, Eric Conrod
Kdwards, Joseph Hamilton
Evelyn, Arthur L.
Francis, Cassilla
Ferguson, David L. M.
Gardner, Robert Samuel
Green, Louis Oliver
Green, Vivian Angelo
Guimbs, Marion Wilhelmina
Hardiman, Basil
Howell, Joseph A.
Howell, Annie Eugenie
Howell, Charlotte Alberta ...;
Hamilton, Kdwin
Hill, Eric R. F. u5
Henry, Iris Mildred Victoria
(Now Mrs. Wynter)
Jarvis, Walter
COPY of the Medical Register—(cont’d.)
St. John’s,
.| Parham,
St. Kitts
.| Rosean,
.| Freetown,
..| Roseau
..| Basseterre,
St. Kitts
' Basseterre,
St. Kitts
. Charlestown,
| St. Jobn’s,
.| Basseterre,
St. Kitts
.| Parham,
.| Roseau,
.| Roseau,
St. Kitts
.| Bagseterre,
St. Kitts
..{ St. John’s,
.| Charlestown,
.| Cavon,
St. Kitts
| Barbuda
7 St. John’s
.| St. John’s
Description and Date
of Qualification
[25 March 1954.
Date of
Number of
| Cert. of Competency
dated 1 June. 1950
| Licence dated
8 January, 1908
Licence by Govr., dated
30 June, 1933
Licence dated 31 March,
| 1926
Licence by Govr., dated
30 July, 1929
Licence by Govr., dated
27 Jan., 1909
Licence by Ag. Govr.,
dated 26 June, 1935
Licence by Govr., dated
27 July, 1937
Licence by Govr., dated
Decr., 1932
Cert. of Competency
dated 16 August, 1950
Cert. of Competency
dated 10.11.39
Cert. of Competency
dated 7.11.44
' Certificate of Competency
| dated 12.4.40
' Licence by Govr., dated
! 30 April, 1935
Licence by Govr., dated
21 June, 1937
Licence by Govr., dated
16 Jan., 1928
Certificate of Competency
| dated 30 Sept.. 1948
Licence dated
13 August, 1906
Licence dated
24 Dec., 1919
Licence by Govr., dated
20 Nov.. 1931
Licence by Govr., dated
14 Feb., 1898
Cert. of Competency
dated 6 Oct., 1939
Cert. of Competency
dated 21 Oct.. 1944
Licence by Govr., dated
12 Nov., 1934
- 4, | Certificate} Date | ;
Registra- of Regis- | Gazetted Remarks
tion tration '
12 June, 149 |15 June,|
1950 1950
21 March, 8 | Sec- 11.
1938 |
5 April, 25 |
1938 |
7 April, 35 29
6 May, 64 â€
6 May, 67 s
11 June, 77 â€
8 Oct., 85 | â€
8 Oct., 86 â€
1937 |
6 Oct., 151) | 12 Oct., :
1950 1950
l17Nov, | 107 B0Nov,|/ 4
, 1939 1939
24 Nov., 128 | 29 Nov.,
1945 | 1945
| |
24 Apr., 110 \ 5
| 1940 ;
22 Apr., 5B | us ge
| 1938
6 May, 65 ss
| 1938
(3 Aug., 82 | ss
| 1938
1 Oct., 143
21 March, 6 2
1938 |
| 28 March, 2] -
| |
28 March, 22 a
| 30 Nov., 95 ig
| 1038
|7 May, 9, 113. | 15 May,| By Exami-
| 194] 1941 ination.
' 23 Oct. 124 | Nov.,
| 1944 1944
| 21 Mareh, 10
COPY of the Medical Register. -(cont’d.)
Anil: Date of |Number of
Description and Date | : | Certificate! Date
Name. Address. of Qualifications: | Registra- Gf Regis- |Gazetted Remarks.
tion. | tration.
woe im Soe an | |
Joseph, James Irving C. L. A- Licence by Acting Govr., | 5 April, 26 See. 11
Sebastian Antigua dated 18 Oct-, 1917 1938
Joseph, Maria F. .| Charlestown, Licence by Govr., dated 8 April, 27 3
Nevis 28 May, 1920 | 19388
Joseph, William S. .| Charlestown, Licence by Govr., datel (65 April, | 28 7
| Nevis 25 May, 1923 1938
Jeffers, Peter Patrick .| Jubilee Town, Licence by Govyr., dated 7 April 36 a
' Montserrat 11 Feb., 1935 1938
Jeffers, William Agustus .... Plymouth, Licence by Govr., dated = 7 April, | 37 | a
Montserrat 5 Dec., 1934 / 1938 |
Joseph, John Henry Sully .... Roseau, Licence by Adm., dated | 6 May, 62 | ‘
' Dominica 10 Jan., 1911 1938 |
John, Fanny Drucilla al Basseterre, Licence by Adin., dated | 6 May, 69 | -
| St. Kitts 22 Dec., 1915 ) I9BB | |
| | \ |
James, Christopher Oliver | Rosean, Cert. of Competency Med. 14 June, 78 | 18.8.38 iPad. Fees by
Dominica Board Dominica dated 1938 examina-
8 June, 1938 | tion.
Laurent, Joseph ...| St. John’s, | Cert. of Competency 17 Dee., | 144 |
| Antigua dated 1 Nov., 1947 £1948 | |
Lewis, Rupert Emanuel oi St. John’s Licence by Govr.. dated 21 March, | 11 Sec. 11
Antigua 19 Nov., 1932 1938
i {
Lockhart, Ryes ...| Roseau Licence by Acting Govr., | 22 April, 50. | 5
Dominica | dated 5 April, 1914 | 1938 | |
| \ |
Michael, Arthur _..| St. John’s, Licence by Govr., dated | 21 March, | 12 | 5
Antigua 10 Aug., 1929 1938 | |
| | |
Mingo, Dennis Charlesworth Nevis ' Cert. of Competency | 14 May, 133 | 21.5.47 “7
; 1 April, 1947 | 1947 |
| |
Malone, Lincoln Adolph ... Plymouth, i Licence dated {) May, 1935 | 20 Dec., 108
Montserrat ; 1939 |
Olivacce, Connel Joseph .| Anguilla | Diploma Roseau Hospital — 10 July, ; 134 ‘17.10.47.
' Dominica, 1929 1947 | \
O’Neal, Joseph Reynold .| Tortola, | Licence by Govr., dated | 28 March, | 20 Sec. 11
Virgin Islands = 27 Oct., 1987 ; 1988
| |
Phillip, Charles Hubert __...| St. John’s, | Licence by Govr., dated 5 April, 24 ee
Antigua | 28 Feb., 1938 1938
Philip, George Edward ...| Plymouth, ‘Licence by Gov., dated 7 April, 38 s
| Montserrat 31 March, 1026 ~ 1938 | |
~ | i
Philip, Henry Isaiah .| St. John’s. | Licence by Govr., dated 10 Sep., 16 “%
Antigua ~ | 30 Sept., 1917 1947
Payne, Arnold A. ..| Sandy Point, | Licence by Govr., dated 8 Oct., 87 a
St. Icitts 24 Jan., 1938 19338
Richards, Luther Eardley .
Adolphus ...| St. John’s, Licence by Gov., dated (21 March,| Le ar
Antigua 20 Oct., 1924 © 1938
Richards, Simon Alexander Bolans, Antigua | Licence by Gov., dated 19 April, 43 | ie
29 Oct., 1937 1938 |
Rock, A. W. Howell St. John’s, Licence by Govr., dated 5 March, 141 -
Antigua Ist May, 1922 1948
Romeo, Arthur Robert ...| Ottos, Antigua Certificate of Competency 16 Nov., | 119 Nov., | By Exam-
dated 25 Sept., 1943 | 1943 1943 ination.
Samuel, George Albert
Sheill, Matthew Dowdy
Samuel, Manns Robert
Severin, Bernard Alexander
COPY of the Medical Register—(Cont’.)
Stowe, Cyril Sandford Henry) Portsmouth,
Seaton, William Arnold
Skerritt, John Hugh
Skerritt, Arthur Victor
Skerritt, Eric
Skerritt, Joseph Arthur
Saunders, Peter Y
Stephens, Moses Walter
Stevens, James Henry
Sebastian, Joseph Matthew
Sebastian, Cuthbert
Simmons, Albert C.
Tavernier, Edmund
Taylor, Alfred Sylvester
Thomas, Edwin Leopold
Vanier, John George
Walker, Cecil Michael
Watty, Allan Robert
Williams, Mina
Wilson, John H.,
fF “Number of
of qualification Br of Regis-
tion. tration.
..| Basseterre, — | Certificate of Competency | 15 May, | 122 —
St. Kitts dated 10 May, 1944 1944 |
.| St. John’s, Licence by Govr., dated 21 March,| 14
Antigua 17 July, 1930 1948
| ;
wee! Roseau, Licence by Govr., dated 22 April, 48
Dominica | 25 Sept., 1915 1938
Portsmouth, Licence by Acting Govr. | 22 April, | 49
| Dominica dated 2 Nov., 1921 1938
Licence by Govr., dated 22 April, | 52
| Dominica 11 Aug., 1927 1938
...| Basseterre, Licence by Govr., dated 6 May, 68
St. Kitts 24 April, 1935 1938 ‘
...| Basseterre, Licence by Govr., dated 25 May, 72
St. Kitts 19 July, 1931 19338
., Basscterre, Licence by Govr., dated 25 May, 73
St. Kitts 20 Nov., 1918 1938
.| Basseterre, Cert. of Competency 12 April, | 126
St. Kitts dated 9 April, 1945 1945
.| Basseterre. Cert. of Competency 10 May, 132
St. Kitts 6 May, 1947 1947
.| Cunningham Licence by Govr., dated 14 June, 80
Hospital 25 April, 1935 1938
St. Kitts ‘
Cedar Grove, Cert. of Competency 16 August} 150
Antigua 15 Aug., 1950 1950
Charlestown, Licence by Govr., dated 8 Oct., 91
Nevis 27 Jan., 1898 1938
Basseterre, Cert. of Competency oD July, 111
St. Kitts dated 29 April, 1940 1940
Basseterre, Cert. of Competency 22 March,| 117
St. Kitts dated 16 March, J943 1943
Basseterre, Cert. of Competency 20 August} 155
St. Kitts dated 1951
Roseau, Licence by Govr. dated 6 May, 61
Dominica 20 April, 1938 1938
Tortola, Cert. of Competency jt Jul., 1942) 162
Hospital, Cert. of Competency ; 10 Nov., | 105
Antigua dated 10 Nov., 1939 1939
Montserrat Licence by Govr., dated 14 June, 123
Aug. 1920 1944
Gray’s Hill, Cert. of Competency 3 Feb., 121
Antigua dated 1 Feb., 1944 1944
Portsmouth, Licence by Govr., dated 14 June, 79
Dominica 3 May, 1934 1938
Montserrat Licence by Govr., dated 8 Oct., 88
9 Feb., 1927 1938
Basseterre, Cert. of Competency 27 Nov., | 137
St. Kitts 19 Nov., 1947 1947 |
25 March, 1954}
19 Apr.,
22 May, |
24 Aug.,
25 Mar,,
13 Sep.,
16 Nov.,
_ All persons registered are requested to notify the
10th March, 1954.
Acting Chief Registrar, Leeward Islands.
Sec. 11
Sec. 11
| By Exam-
Registrar at an early date of any changes of address.
25 March, 1954. |
Agricultural Scholarship ten-
able at the Imperial College
of Tropical Agriculture.
1. Applications are invited for a
scholarship tenable at the Imperial
College of Tropical Agriculture Trini-
dad, to be awarded by the Govern-
ment of the Leeward Islands in
respect of the year 1954.
2. Applications must be submitted
to the Colonial Secretary through—
(a) the Headmaster of the school
at which the applicant is being or
has been taught, or
(6) the Administrator or Com-
missioner of the Presidency con-
before the Ist May, 1954.
Application forms should be ob-
tained from the office of administra-
tion of the Presidency in which the
applicant resides.
3. The successful candidate will
be required to sign an undertaking to
serve for three years in the Leeward
Islands upon the successful comple-
tion of hig course of study if offered
suitable employment.
The Secretariat,
Leeward Islands,
At Antigua.
17th March, 1954.
Ref. No. 28/00157.
Central Experiment Station,
W959, A951, 152. 1953, 1954.
Jan, 54l 3.60 2.41 3,93 3.94
Feb, 9.52 1,88 1.60 1.02 2,45
Mar. 20 1.10 95 76 3.82 .28
9.03 643 4.77 6.77 5.77
Crown Land Applications
Applications in connexion with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this office in rela-
tion to any such application.
Applications should set out the
purpose for which the land is required
and submit in some detail the pro-
prosals for developing it, stating the
nature of the development, the period
in which it will be carried out and
the minimum expenditure estimated
to effect the scheme.
The undermentioned application is
hereby notified.
By Order,
dlerk to the Commissioner.
Commissioner's Office,
British Virgin Islands.
18th March, 1954.
All that plot of land situate oppo-
site the yard of the Public Works
Store at Road ‘Town, Tortola in the
Presidency of the Virgin Islands con-
taining 180 square yards more or less
and measuring on the NORTH side
21 feet and bounded thereon by an
area of Crown land and measuring on
the SOUTH 8 feet and bounded
thereon by a fringe of mangrove
swamp and measuring on the EAST
111 feet and bounded thereon by the
sea and measuring on the WEST 108
feet and bounded thereon by the
public road. ,
Ref. No, 46/06003.
ANTIGUA, 17th March, 1954.
LIMITED of 41 Welbeck Street,
London W. 1. England have applied
for Registration of one Trade Mark
consisting of the following:—
in Class 18 that is to say:—
“Non portable buildings anu parts
thereof all of metals: portable build-
ings and non metallic materials for
use in building and construction.
The Applicants claim that they
have used the said Trade Mark in
respect of the said goods for Ten
years before the date of their said
Application. ;
Any person may within three
months from the date of the first
appearance of this Advertisement in
the Leeward Islands Gazette, give
notice in «luplicate at the Trade
Marks Office, Antigua, of opposition
to registration of the said Trade
Acting Registrar of Trade Marks.
In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
that in pursuance of Rules made by
the Chief Justice under Section 16 of
the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands (Courts) Order in Council,
1939, and duly approved as therein
provided on the 16th day of October,
A.D. 1941, His Lordship the Acting
Chief Justice has appointed the day
of the month on which the ensuing
Circuit Court shall sit as follows, that
is to say:—
The Virgin Islands Circuit on
Thursday the Ist day of April, 1954,
at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.
Dated the 11th day of March, 1954.
Acting Reyistrar.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands, by E, M. Buacnsray, ED,
Government Printer.—Ibv Authority.
{Price 15 cents.)