Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076863/00188
Material Information
- Title:
- Leeward Islands gazette
- Added title page title:
- Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette
- Creator:
- Leeward Islands (West Indies)
- Place of Publication:
- [Antigua
- Publisher:
- Gov. Printing Office]
- Publication Date:
- Feb 25, 1954
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Politics and government -- Leeward Islands (West Indies) ( lcsh )
Law Leeward Islands (Federation) Montserrat
- Genre:
- serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt ) Official gazettes ( fast ) Gazettes ( fast ) newspaper ( marcgt )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- 1- , 1872-
- General Note:
- Two pages per frame.
- General Note:
- Supplements, issued with some numbers, contain departmental reports, Meteorological registers, ordinances, statutory rules and orders, etc., of Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands.
- General Note:
- Weekly
- General Note:
- Published by Authority, <27th March, 1941>-28th June, 1956.
- General Note:
- Open access via Digital Library of the Caribbean.
- General Note:
- Some issues called "extraordinary."
- General Note:
- Occasionally issued with "Supplement to the Leeward Islands gazette."
- General Note:
- Vol. 18, no. 10 (13th March 1890); title from caption (viewed July 10, 2023).
- General Note:
- Vol. 84, no. 30 (28th June, 1956) (viewed July 10, 2023).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 001724221 ( ALEPH )
AJD6739 ( NOTIS )
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Published by Authority.
No. 11.
His Excellency has appointed the
Veterinary Officer to be an Inspector
under section 3 (1) of the Animals
(Diseases and Importation) Ordinance,
1953, (No. 3 of 1953) with effect
from the 18th February, 1954.
The Seorctarivai,
19th February, 1954.
Workmen’s Compensation Act.
The attention of persons in Anti-
gua employing workmen, defined by
the Workmen’s Compensation Act,
1937, is directed to the notice dated
12th February, 1953 published in
the Leeward Islands Gazette on the
26th February, 1953 whereby such
persons are required to render, on or
before the 15th day of February in
every year to the Labour Commis-
sioner, a correct return in respect of
the preceding calendar year specify-
(a) The total number of injuries
to workmen during the year in
respect of which compensation has
been paid;
(b) The number of fatal injuries
included uncer (a);
(c) The total amount paid in full
settlement of claim for compensa-
tion in respect of non-fatal injuries:
(ad) The total amount paid to
dependents in respect of fatal in-
(e) The number of non-fatal in-
juries which have been classified
as of a permanent nature:
(f) Full details respecting any
payment of compensation being
made on account of temporary dis-
ablement under section (4) (2) (a).
Dated the Sth day of February,
R. Str. J. O. WAYNE,
Ref. No. A 47/8.
The Commissioner of Montserrat
records with regret the death, on 11th
February, 1954, of Nurse JOSEPHINE
SAMUEL, District Midwife, Bethel.
Ret; MLE, 296,
GRE 72.77
4 Ma mn ff
No. 15.
Appointments and transfers, etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated are published for
general information:—
AMBROSE, H., Junior Clerk, Market-
ing Dept., to be Senior Clerk,
Peasant Development Division,
Agricultural Dept., Antigua.
Jan. |
ELwin, J. H., Principal, Attorney
General’s Office. to be Assistant
Administrative Secretary, Antigua.
Nov. 28, 1953
FRANCIS, L., to be P.O. Cl. II, Public
Works Dept., Antigua. Jan. 1
Francis, J., to be P.O. Cl. II, Public
Works Dept., Antigua. Jan. 1
GARDENER, D., Junior Clerk, Cus-
toms, to be Senior Clerk, Peasant
Development Division, Agricul-
tural Dept., Antigua. Jan. 1
GEoRGES, ©. E.. Principal, Treasury,
to act Assistant Accountant, Treas-
ury. Feb. 15
Georce. McC.. Principal. Marketing
Dept., to be Chief Accountant,
Peasant Development Division
Agricultural Dept., Antigua,
Jan. 1
Gorkg, L., Secretary, Water Board,
to be Inspector of Works, Public
Works Dept., Antigua. Jan. 1
Henry. FE. 'T., Senior Clerk, Admin-
istration, Antigua, to be Acting
Clerk to the Antigua Executive and
Legislative Councils. Feb. 19
Henry. E. T., Junior Clerk, Market-
ing Dept.. to be Senior Clerk,
Administration, Antigua. Jan. 1
Ho, G., Senior Clerk, Customs, to act
Principal, (Harbour Master) Cus-
toms, Antigua. Nov. 23, 1953
JEFFERY, H., to be Customs Guard,
Customs, Antigua. Jan. 29
LOCKER, W., to be P.O. Cl, II, Pub-
lic Works Dept., Antigua. Jan. 1
MACK, J., to be P.O. Cl. III, Central
Lunatic Asylum, Antigua.
Dec. 1, 1953
PrRSTAINA, E. O., Senior Clerk, Treas-
ury, to act Principal, Administra-
tion, Antigua. Nov. 1], 1953
Renwick, J. D. B., to be Acting
Registrar, Antigua. Feb. IL
RiutEy, P. R., Junior Clerk, Mont-
serrat, to be Senior Clerk, Peasant
Development Division, Agricul-
tural Department, Antigua.
Jan. 1
SPENCER, E., to be P.O. Cl. ITI,
Municipal, Antigua. Jan. 1
THIBOU, G. A., Senior Clerk, Admin-
istration, seconded as Warden. Bar-
buda, to be Principal, Administra-
tion, Antigua, and to remain on
secondment. Nov. 23, 1953
Wituiams, D. E., Junior Clerk,
to be Senior Clerk, Public Works
Dept., Antigua. Jan. 1
WILLIAMS, G., to be Customs Guard,
Customs, Antigua. Jan. 29
WINTER, P., Junior Clerk, Water
Board, to be Senior Clerk, Muni-
cipal, Antigua. Jan. 1
Administrators Office,
16th February, 1954.
Ref. No.
No. 16. .
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Acts:—
Leeward Islands.
No. 10 of 1953, “ The Interpreta-
tien of Laws (Amendment) Act,
No. 11 of 1953, “The Delegation
of Powers (Amendment) Act, 1953.â€
No. 17.
The Governor has been pleased this
day to assent to the undermentioned
No. 1 of 1954, ‘‘ The Appropriation
Ordinance, 1954.†Feb. 19
Virgin Istands.
No. 1 of 1954, “The Denomina-
tional School Teachers Pension
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
Feb. 18
No. 2 of 1954, “The Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1952) Ordinance,
1954.†Feb. 18
No. 3 of 1954, ‘The Crown Pro-
ceedings (General Legislature Com-
petency) Ordinance, 1954.†Feb. 19
No. 4 of 1954, “The Customs
Duties (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954.†Feb. 22
No. 18
The following Ordinances and
Statutory Rules and Orders are cir-
enlated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—
Virgin Islands.
No. 1 of 1954, “The Denomi-
mational School Teachers Pension
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
1 pp. Price 3 cents
No. 2 of 1954, “The Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1952) Ordinance,
1954.†2 pp. Price 4 cents
No. 3 of 1954, “The Crown Pro-
ceedings (General Legislature Com-
pentency) Ordinance, 1954.â€
1 pp. Price 3 cents
No. 4 of 1954, “The Ous-
toms Duties (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954.†2 pp. Price 4 cents
Virgin Islands.
No. 1 of 1954, “The Treasury
Rules, 1953.†5 pp. Price 7 cents —
No. 2 of 1954, ‘“‘ The Encourage-
ment of Industries (Manufacture of
Ladies, Men’s and Children’s Slippers)
Order, 1953.†1 pp. Price = cents
No. 3 of 1954, “The Encourage-
ment of Industries (Gustave of the
Virgin Islands Incorporated) (Mannu-
facture of Ladies, Men’s and Uhil-
dren’s Slippers) Order, 1953.â€
1 pp. Price 3 cents
Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance, 1950.
In pursuance of the requirements
of section 3 (2) (a) of the Aid to
Pioneer Industries Ordinance, 1950,
it is hereby notified for general infor-
mation that the Governor in Council
proposes to make the undermentioned
Order under section 3 (1) of the said
2. Any person who objects to the
making of such Order shall give
notice in writing of his objection and
of the grounds on which he relies in
support thereof to the Clerk of the
Executive Council on or before the
Ist day of March, 1954.
Clerk of Executive Council.
The Aid to Pioneer Industries (Manu-
facture of Malt Liquors) Order,
1954 dated made
by the Governor in Council under
section 3 (1) of the Aid to Pioneer
Industries Ordinance, 1950 (No. 9
of 195).
1. Crration. This Order may be
cited as the Aid to Pioneer Industries
(Manufacture of Malt Liquors) Order,
DUSTRY. The manufacture of Malt
Liquors is hereby declared to be a
pioneer industry for the purposes of
the Aid to Pioneer Industries Ordi-
nance, 1950, and the following prod-
uets are hereby declared to be
pioneer products for the said pur-
poses :—
Made by the Governor in Council
this day of 1954.
Clerk of Executive Council.
Ref. No. A 42/57.
Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance, 1950.
In pursuance of the requirements
of section 3 (2) (a) of the Aid to
Pioneer Industries Ordinance, 1950,
it is hereby notified for general
information that the Governor in
Council proposes to make the under-
men ioned Order under section 3 (1)
of the said Ordinance.
2. Any person who objects to the
making of such Order shall give
notice in writing of his objection and
of the grounds on which he relies in
support thereof to the Clerk of the
Executive Council on or before the
Ist day of March, 1954.
Clerk of Hxecutive Council.
The Aid to Pioneer Industries (Pro-
cessing of Meat) Order, 1954,
dated made by the
Governor in Council under section
3 (1) of the Aid to Pioneer Indus-
tries Ordinance 1950 (No. 9 of
1. CrratTion. This Order may
be cited as the Aid to Pioneer Indus-
tries (Processing of Meat) Order, 1954.
processing of Meat is hereby declared
to be a pioneer industry for the
purposes of the Ai-! to Pioneer Indus-
tries Ordinance, 1950, and the follow-
[25 February, 1954.
ing products are hereby declared
to be pioneer products for the said
Processed Meat
Brawn, and
Bone meal fertilizer.
Made by the Governor in Council
this day of 1954.
Clerk of Executive Counetl.
Ref. No. A. 42/57.
Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance, 1950.
In pursuance of the requirements
of section 3 (2) («) of the Aid to
Pioneer Industries Ordinance; 1950,
it is hereby notified for general infor-
mation that the Governor in Council
proposes to make the undermentioned
Order under section 3 (1) of the said
2. Any person who objects to the
making of such Order shall give
notice in writing of his objection and
of the grounds on which he relies in
support thereof. to the Clerk of the
Executive Council on or before the
Ist day of March, 1954.
Clerk of Hxecutive Counsil.
The Aid to Pioneer Industries (Manu-
facture of Vegetable Oil) Order,
1954 dated made by the
Jovernor in Council under section
3 (1) of the Aid to Pioneer Indus-
tries Ordinance 1950 (No. 9 of
1. Ciration. This Order may
be cited as the Aid to Pioneer Indus-
tries (Manufacture of Vegetable Oil)
Order, 1954.
TRY. The extraction and refining of
vegetable oil is hereby declared to be
a pioneer industry for the purposes
of the Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance, 1950, and the following
product is hereby declared to bea
pioneer product for the said pur-
Vegetable Oil.
Made by the Governor in Councih
this day of , 1954,
Clerk of Haecutive. Council.
Ref. No. A. 42/58.
25 February, 1954.]
In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
Circuit Court Notice.
in pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under Section 16,of the
Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands Courts Order in Couneil,
1939, on the 24th day of September,
1941, as amended, the Honourable
the Puisne Judge selected for the
sitting of the Court in the Montserrat
Circuit has appointed the under-
mentioned day on which the ensuing
Circuit shall sit in the Presidency,
that i is to gay :—
On Monday the 8th day of March,
1954 at 11.00 o’clock in the forenoon.
Registrar, Montserrat Cirewtt.
Kegisirar’s Office,
16th February, 1954.
Tenders are iuvited for the follow-
ing articles salvaged from the wrecked
schooner * United Pilgrims â€:—
1 Cage Anchor —
1 Main Anchor
1 Pump
1 Roll Wire Rope
2 Jib Stays
Main Shrouds
Steering Wheel
Chain Piates
Long Anchor Chain
Jib Boom
Dork DO = =H He WOH 0D
1 Foresail Boom
2. These articles may be inspected
at the government warehouse at any
time during business hours. Further
particulars may be obtained on appli-
cation at the Treasurer’s Office, Mont-
3. Tenders should be in sealed
envelopes addressed to the under-
signed and should be despatched in
time to be received not later than the
15th March, 1954. All such enve-
lopes should be clearly marked on
the outside ‘‘ United Pilgrims â€â€™.
4, Ido not bind myself to accept
the highest or any tender.
By Order,
Ag. Treasurer & Receiver of Wrecks.
Plymouth, Montserrat,
10th February, 1954.
Crown Land Applications.
Applications in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this Office in rela-
tion to any such application.
Such applications will be inserted
in at least three separate issues of the
Gazette before they will be dealt
with by the Governor, so that appli-
cants must be prepared for this delay.
The undermentioned application is
hereby notified.
By Order,
Acting Clerk to the Administrator.
Administrators Office,
18th February, 1954.
All that piece or parcel of land
situate at Matthews Estate in the
Parish of Saint Paul in the Island of
Antigua all as the same are dileneated
on a map or plan of the said area
prepared by Mr. MICHAKL ST. CLAIR
Batson, Licensed Surveyor, and con-
taining the area set out and bounded
as follows:—
Lot No. Area,
51 3°735 acres
North by Lot
29, South by
Lot 50, East
by Crown
Lands and
West by a
Ref, No. A. 46/27.
St. Kitts, Nevis & Anguilla
Postage Stamps.
It is hereby notified for general
information that postage stamps of
the values specified below for use in
the Presidency of St. Kitts, Nevis
and Anguilla will be released for sale
in that Presidency on the Ist March,
3 cents; 4 cents;
1 cent; 2 cents:
> cents; 6 cents and 12 cents,
The designs of these stamps are
identical with those of the current
main issue except that the Portrait of
Her Majesty Queen ELIZABETH IIT
replaces that of His Late Majesty
King GeorGE VI.
The Secretariat,
Leeward Islands,
At Antigua.
18th February, 1954,
Ref. No. 62/00010.
Re death of EMANUEL GOVIA,
late of St. Paul’s Village, in
the island of Saint Christo-
pher, a workman lately em-
ployed at Belmont Estate,
which death occurred on the
13th day of January, 1954.
COMPENSATION in the above
maiter having been deposited with
me under Section 8 of the Work-
men’s Compensation Act, the De-
pendants of the said EMANUEL
Govt, deceased, are hereby required
to appear before the Commission-
er on SATURDAY, the 27th day of
FEBRUARY, 1954, at 10 oclock in
the forenoon at the Court House
Basseterre, when the Conmissioner
will proceed to determine the distri-
bution thereof.
PROOF of relationship of depen-
dants to the deceased will be required
by the Commissioner to be furnished
by the claimants at the enquiry. such
proof to be in the form of Certificates
of Birth and Marriage as in the cir-
cumstances be necessary.
A CLAIMANT for funeral ex-
penses of the deceased must submit
and prove his claim to the Registrar
before the 26th day of February,
Dated the 26th day of Jannary,
Registrar of the Supreme Court.
Ref. No. A 36/00004.
Vacancy for an Art Master at
the Queen’s College for Boys,
British Guiana.
Applications are invited from
suitably qualified candidates for
appointment to a post of Art Master,
Queen’s College, which will shortly
become vacant.
2. The salary of the post is in the
scale $3,000 x $120— $3,600/x $144—
$4,320]x $240—$4,800 per annum and
a temporary cost-of-living allowance
of $240 per annum is also payable.
3. Candidates should possess at
least the Art Teachers Diploma
(England) or its equivalent, xwarded
after a course of 4—5 years at a
recognised Art School in the British
Commonwealth. Candidates must
have had several years teaching
experience in a Secondary School.
4. The person selected must be
prepared to take an active interest in
the school games-—cricket, football,
hockey—and in some of the other
extra mural activities, eg., dramatic
and debating societies, science club,
Cadet Corps, Scouts.
_5. The appointment will be pen-
sionable, subject to satisfactory service
during a probationary period of two
years, and the person selected will be
subject to the Colonial Regulations
and to local General Orders and
instructions in force for the time being
in so far as they are applicable. He
married, for his wife also) when
granted leave of absence, subject to
the provision of funds annually by
the Legislative Council and to the
requirements of the Public Officers
Leave (Passages) Regulations, 1952.
6. Applications should be sub-
(25 February, 1954.
Central Experiment Station,
1951. 1952. 1953.
will also be eligible for vacation leave mitted to the Principal of Queen’s 1950. 1954,
at the rate of five days for each College, British Guiana not later than jy 3 41 3.60 2.4 3.0
completed month of resident service the 15th of March, 1954, giving full ee ee Deg Are ie
up toa maximum of six months, details of the offieer’s experience and Feb, 20 2.52 1.09 1.60 85 (1.98
subject to the completion of a mini- qualifications together with copies of aE ria
muni tour of service of two years. testimenials and a recent photograph ; : oe
The officer will be eligible for assisted of the candidate. i a OR ee one
passages for himself (and, if heis Ref. No. 13/00004.
All figures in British West Indian dollars.
Number of reporting banks: 4.
Figures for end of quarter 30th September, 1953.
1. Notes in circulation Nil 1. Cash (in Treasury) 104,140.58
2. Deposits 1,968,103 .48 | 2. Balances due by other banks
(i) Demand —Nil in Colony Nil
(ii) Time —Nil
(iii) Savings 1,968,108.48
3. Balances due to 3. Balances due from banks abroad
(a) Other banks in Colony Nil and other short claims Nil
(b) Banks abroad Nil
4. Other Liabilities 128,053.40 4. Loans and Advances Nil
5. Investments 1,819,895.77
(a) Local 269,415.12
(0) Other 1,550,480.65
6. Other Assets
Total Liabilities
Total Assets
-95 February, 1954.] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 51
Control of Imports and Exports
Notice No. 1 of 1954
Tenders are invited for the supply of 14,000 half bags of 100 lb. each “ grade flour from
‘Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.I.F. Montreal, Halifax or
St. John and should include agents commission.
yt 9?
2. The “EE†grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard:—
Maximum moisture 14.00%
Maximum ash. 52%
Mini:num protein 12.00%
All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—
Minimum Maximum
Thiamine 2.0 2.5 milligrams for each lb, flour
Riboflavine 1.2 1.5 5 Us. Jaye haga! abe
Niacine 16.6 20.0 3 Bagh “es Uae xa
Tron 13.0 16.5 “ Gag. aR, a
With Calcium
Carbonate 500 600 $ oe “arity 98
‘The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
‘be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
-duly {notarized must accompany documents. The (Supply Officer) however, exercises the right to
arrange for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.
et es oh eral
ae Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is
enriched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour†must be stencilled on each bag.
3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped at rate of 5,000 half
bags of 100 Ib. each month commencing early May 1954 and ending in July 1954.
4. Tenders should be in sealed envelopes marked “ ‘lenders for flour’? and should be
addressed to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than
4 p.m. on 3lst March, 1954.
5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Administrator's Office,
Â¥ Antigua.
LLth February, 1954.
Ref, No. A, 40/18
Appeal No. 9 of 19538
Epwarp MarsH Appellant
AGRETTA Marsu Respondent
Before: DATH, J.
8. T. Curistran for Appellant.
EK. Ei. Harney for Respondent.
The appellant was brought before the then Acting Magistrate of District ““B†to show cause-
why an order for the maintenance of his wife on the ground of desertion should not be made against him..
The facts found by the learned Magistrate may brietly be stated thus: The appellant and the
respondent were married on 20th June, 1912, and lived together until 21st October, 1916. During that
period the appellant ill-treated the respondent. He left the matrimonial home in 1916 and went to
Bermuda, where he remained until January 1920, when he returned home. He again left the matrimo-
nial home at Easter, 1920, and went to Bermuda, returning to Antigua in July, 1936. Since his return
he has been living with another woman and has at no time lived with the respondent; nor has he shown
any intention of resuming cohabitation with her. Between 1920 and 1936 he sent her only 14/-.
Since his return in 1936 he has been making small periodic payments.
On these facts the learned Magistrate found that the appellant had continuously deserted the
respondent from Easter 192() up to the date of the trial of the case, and ordered him to pay her the sum
of 10/- weekly as from 17th April, 1952, and costs $9.60.
Two grounds of appeal were advanced in this Court on behalf of the appellant:
(1) That there is no evidence in corroboration of the respondents allegation of desertion.
(2) That the formal order drawn up by the Magistrate does not set forth the date of the
commencement of desertion.
[t is not open to question that “ Courts of Summary Jurisdiction should follow the practice of
the Divorce Court not to act, in general, upon the uncorroborated testimony of either of the partiesâ€.
Having regard to the evidence given by the appellant himself, however, I can see no merit in the first
ground of appeal.
As regards the second limb of the appellant’s case, I agree with Mr. Christian that the order
drawn up in the District Court should have included the date of the comme:icement of desertion. But
that date is easily ascertainable from the evidence and the Magistrate’s Reasons for Decision, and this
Court has power to remedy the defect which it now does by inserting in the first paragraph of the order
the words “since Kaster, 1920,†immediately after the words “is hereby adjudged to have deserted his
wife Agretta Marsh.â€
The appeal is dismissed and, subject to the amendment indicated, the order made by the
Magistrate is affirmed.
W. A. Date,
7th January, 1954. Puisne Judge.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islunds, by E, M, BLackman, ED,
Government Printer.—By Authority.
[Price 35 cenis.
No. 1 of 1954. Denominational School Teachers ‘ViRaIN
Pension (Amendment).
[L.8.} 4
I Assent, :
K. W. Biacksurne, sj
_ Governor. q
18th February, 195
An Ordinance to amend further the Denominas
tional Schocl Teachers Pension Ordinance,
BichE ORDAENED by. theiGorerier and
Legislative Council of the Virgin Islands as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the short title,
Denominational School Teachers Pension (Amend- {/1$31-
ment) Ordinance, 1954, and shall be read as one 1/T948.
with the Denominational School Teachers Pension 2/1949.
Ordinance, 1931, as amended, hereinafter called
the Principal Ordinance.
, &. Section 23 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment
i shall have effect and shall be deemed always to a eemat
have had effect as if-— pal Ordinance,
(a) a colon were substituted for the full-
stop at the end thereof; and
(6) the following proviso were inserted
immediately thereafter—
; “ Provided further that when the
name of any school is added to the
Schedule such addition shall take effect
. as if the name of such school had. been
inserted in the Schedule at the ecom-
mencement of this Ordinance.â€
E. A. Evetryn,
Passed the Legislative Council this 5th day
of February, 1954.
H. O. Crequz,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackuan, E.D., Government Printer—By Authority.
(10279 —490—2.54. [Price 3 aenie.]
2 LF. I2F97
biG Ed Le seccircrin,
No. 2 0f 1954, Supplementary Appropriation
| L.S.]
I AssEnt,
K, W. Bracxsurng,
18th February, 1954.
No. 2 of 1954.
An Ordinance to sanction certain payments from
the Public Treasury in excess of the sums
placed on the Estimates for the year ended
on the thirty-first day of December, 1952.
‘BE IT ORDAINED by the Governor and
the Legislative Council of the Virgin Islands as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Snp-
plementary Appropriation (1952) Ordinance, 1954.
2. The various sums set forth in the
Schedule to this Ordinance amounting in all to
Twenty-five thousand, one hundred and eighty-four
dollars and sixty-eight cents and drawn from the
Public Treasury for the service of the year ended on
thé 31st day of December, 1952, under the warrant
of the Governor, but not provided for in the-Esti-
mates for the said year, are hereby declared to have
been lawfully expended for the services mentioned
in the said Schedule.
-E. A. Evetyn,
X Passed the Legislative Council the 5th day
of February, 1954.
Bak, 7299 a ae as :
LÂ¥87L. Merk of the Council,
Short title,
Legalization of
Viren 9 Supplementary Appropriation. No. 2 of 1954.
Head. Service. Amount.
V1. Education, Secondary w= 340.81
VIII. Miscellaneous .. 656.26
X. Post Office vee 1,275.37
XII. Public Works Recurrent .. 61,758.66
XIII. Public Works Extraordinary _.. 15,153.58
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
. by &. M. Buackay, ELD. Gotemnert Priater.—By Authority.
47/00140—490-~-2.54., [Price 4 cents. ]
No. 2 0f 1954, Crown Proceedings (General VIRGIN
Legislature Competency). ISLANDS,
[L.S. ]
I Assent,
K. W. Brackpurne,
19th Febrnary, 1954.
No. 3 of 1954.
An Ordinance to declare legislation with respect to
the civil liabilities and rights of the Crown,
civil proceedings by and against tbe Crown
and the civil liabilities of persons other than
the Crown in cases involving the affairs or
property of the Crown, to be within the com-
petency of the General Legislature.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Governor and
Legislative Council of the Virgin Istunds as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title,
Crown Proceedings (General Legislature Compe-
tency) Ordinance, 1964.
2. Itis hereby declared to be and it shall Gener Legis-
b2 within the competency of the General Legisla- ieeeeans
ture to make laws for the Presidency with respect make laws
to the civil linbilities and rights of the Crown, eee:
civil proceedings by and against the Crown, and _ proceedings.
the civil liabilities of persons other than the Crown |
in cases involving the affairs or property of the
Crown, and for purposes connected with the
‘matters aforesaid.
E. A. Evenyy,
Passed the Legislative Council this 5th day
of February, 1954,
| H. QO. Crequn,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by, M, BLhackm.an, Government Printer.—By Authority.
yu: 5—490—L54, Price 3 centé.
Le? 7 £.
No, 4 of 1954, Customs Duties Anecinent): VIRGIN
I Assent,
Kk. W. Buacksurng,
_ Governor.
22nd February, 1954.
No. 4 of 1954.
An Ordinance to amend further the Customs
Duties Ordinance, 1927.
BE [T ORDAINED by the Governor and
Legislative Council of the Virgin Islands as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Customs Duties (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954,
and shall be read as one with the Customs Duties 9/1927.
Ordinance, 1927, as amended, hereinafter called the
Principal Ordinance.
2. The Principal Ordinance is hereby amend- Insertion of,
ed by the insertion therein immediately after tho Prinoipal
section 18A of the following section as section Ordinance.
18B:— ;
“18B. (1) Every resolution passed by Publication
the Legislative Council in pursuance of the °f tesclutions,
powers conferred by subsection (3) of section
4 aud section 184. of this Ordinance shall be
published in the Gazette and shall take effect
from the date of such publication.
(2) A copy of every such resolution shall,
as soon as practicable after the passing thereof,
be posted on the door of the Treasury build-
ing at Road Town, and of every court house, °
church, chapel, school-room, and such other
building i in the Presidency as, in the opinion
of the Collector of Sones will give publi-
city to such resolution.â€
3. (1) Section 4 of the Customs Duties Amendment
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1952 is hereby amended (neon et
by the substitution of a colon for the full-stop at 6 of 1952
the end thereof and by the addition thereafter of :
X the following proviso:—
328. 97297
VIRGIN 2 Customs Duties (Amendment) No. 4 of 1954.
“ Provided that the orders specified in the
Schedule to this Ordinance, made under
.and by virtue of section 18A as enacted by
section 2 of the said Ordinance hereby repealed,
shall be deemed to have been made under and
by virtue of section 18A as enacted by section
3 of this Ordinance and shall continue in*
(2) This section shall be deemed to have
had effect as from the 3rd day of December,
E. A. Everyy,
Passed the Legislative Council this 5th day of
February, 1954.
H. O. Crequr,
Clerk of the Council.
The Sea Island Cotton Goods exemption from Duty Order, 1137
(S. R. & O. 1937 No. 4).
The Oustoms Duties Order, 1938 (S. R. & O. 1988 No. 1).
The Customs Duties Order, 1940 (S. R. & O, 1940 No. 3).
The Customs Duties (Exemption) Order, 1952 (S. R. & O. 1952
No. 2).
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Ialands,
hy E. M. BuackMaAyN, E.D.. Government Printer... By Authority.
47/00138—490—2.54. [Price 4 cents.]
EEN tet ane Capon ee ~
1954, No. 1.
Tae Treasury Ruves, 1953, patep Decemper, 22, 1953,
1892, (No. 2 or 1892) as AMENDED.
1. Citation. These Rules shall be cited as the
Treasury Rules, 1953.
2. Hours of Business. The Treasury shall be open
to the public for the transaction of business daily, Sundays and
public or bank holidays excepted, during the following hours:—-
On each day of the week, except Saturday, from 9.00
a.m. until 3.00 p.m.
On Saturdays from 9,00 am until 12.00 noon.
3, Attendance of Officers. The Officers of the
Department shall attend at the Treasury daily, Sundays and
public or bank holidays excepted, during the following hours:;—
On each day of the week, except Saturday, from 8,00
a.m. until 3.30 p.m.
On Saturdays from 9.00 a.m. until 12.30 p.m.
There shall be an interval of one hour between
12 noon and 1.00 p.m. for lunch, except on
4, After Hours Attendance. The Treasurer may
require the attendance of any officer before or after the usual
office hours, and he may further require any officer to render
such assistance as may be necessary to prevent the work of the
department falling into arrear,
5. Control of Department. The Treasurer shall
have the entire management of the Departinent and shall in
every particular be responsible for the efficient performance of
the duties of the respective officers.
pr? 72997
6. Control in absence of Treasurer. In the
event of iilness of the Treasurer or whenever he is absent from
the office, the control of the department shall devolve upon
the officer next in seniority, unless the Governor shall otherwise
7. Signing of Cheques. Cheques drawn against
the Treasury and Savings Bank funds shall be signed by the
Treasurer and countersiened by an officer nominated for the
purpose by the Governor.
8. Adhesive Stamps. Adhesive stamps authorised
for use in the Presidency shall be kept and issued by the
Treasurer in such quantities as he thinks advisable.
9. Outdoor Duties. The Treasurer shall detail an
officer or officers for the performance of outdoor duties and the
officer or officers so detailed shall attend at the Treasury daily,
Sundays and public or bank holidays excepted, during the
following hours:—
On each day of the week except Saturdays, from
8.00 a.m. until 3.30 p.m.
On Saturdays from 9.00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.,
and shall during these hours, superintend the lunding or ship-
ment, of goods and perform such other duties relating to the
collection and protection of the Revenue as the Treasurer shall
determine. An interval of one hour from 12.00 to 1.00 p.m.
shall be allowed for lunch.
10. Overtime Pay. The officer or officers for the
time being performing outdoor duty and in charge of. any
steamer or other vessel, whose services are requisitioned for the
examination of passengers baggage before or after the usual
office hours, shall be paid overtime according to the scale set out
in rule 20.
11. Execution of Warrants. When a warrant
shall have passed the Treasury a copy thereof shall be given to
an officer performing outdoor duties who shall proceed to execute .
it and shall indorse thereon the particulars of the receipt or
delivery as the case may be. No warrants (except only warrants
for bond or transhipment) shall be executed unless it bears the
initial of the Cashier. '
12. Warehousing of Goods. All goods entered to
be warehoused shall be conveyed to the warehouse on the day
on which -they are landed (or in the case of goods landed by
steamers and kept in custody of the customs, on the day in
which the warehouse warrant is passed) and no greater
quantity of such goods shall be allowed to be landed on any
day than can be examined and received into the warehouse
within the usual hours of business.
13. Inspection of Warehouses. The officer or
officers for the time being performing outdoor duties shull from
time to time visit the bonded warehouses, and shall at the end
of each month prepare a return of the contents of each ware-
house, and shall compare the same with the warehouse book,
and if there be any discrepancy shall report the same to the
Treasurer. ‘
14. Attendance of Officers. [ach Treasury officer
shall on arriving at and leaving the office, sign the Attendance
Book stating the time of arrival and departure.
15. Officers not to accept Gifts. No Treasury
officer shall receive directly or indirectly from any merchant or
from any master or consignee of any vessel any fee, gratuity or
16. Attendance to Public by Officers. All
necessary despatch and accommodation shall be given to the
business of the merchants consistent with the safety of the
Revenue observing that each individual is to be attended to in
his proper turn and that no undue preference is to be shown.
17. Landing of Passengers and Landing and
Shipment of Cargo before or after hours. When-
ever the agent or master of any steamer or other vessel is desir-
ous of allowing passengers to be landed, or cargo to be landed
or shipped, before or after the usual hours of business, he shall
inake application in writing to the Treasurer, stating the time at
which he is desirous of landing the passengers or cargo, or of
shipping cargo, and the place or places where the cargo is to be
landed or shipped, and the Treasurer, on being satisfied that a
sum suthcient to cover all fees has been deposited or paid, or:
that a sufficient guarantee for the payment of fees has been
given by the agent or master may grant permission accordingly.
18. Entering and Clearing of Vessels before
or after hours. Whenever the agent or master of any
vessel is desirous of entering or clearing his vessel before or
after the usual office hours he shall make application to the
Treasurer, who, on being satisfied that ali fees payable, and all
duties in respect of the cargo of the vessel, have been duly paid,
may grant permission accordingly,
Bema, te
19. After Hours Fees. The following fees shall be
payable for the services provided for in rules 17 and 18 hereof;
(a) For every permission to enter or clear—
1, During overtime hours:
, $
- (i) by vessels of and under 20 tons ... 0.17
(ii) by vessels over 20 tons but
under 50 tons we 0.34
(iii) by vessels of and over 50 tons = :.. 0.69
2. During special hours:
(i) by vessels of and under 20 tons... 0.26
(ii) by vessels over 20 tons but
under 50 tons va SOUD2
(iii) -by vessels of 50 tons and over... 1.03
(b) For attendance on vessels receiving passengers and
luggage or receiving and shipping cargo, per hour (or part
of an hour) for each officer in attendance:—
(i) during overtime hours Sans eas:
(ii) during special hours 2.06
For the purpose of this section “overtime hours†shall mean
the hours between 6.00 a.m. and 8.00 a.m. and between 3.30
p.m. and 10.00 p.m. on ordinary working days, and between
6.00 a.m, and 10.00 p.m, on Sundays and public or bank holi-
days. ‘Special hours†shall mean the hours between 10.00
p-m. and 6.00 a.m. on any night.
20. Overtime pay to Officers. (a) No overtime
fee shall be paid to officers for grantiug permission to enter or
clear vessels.
(6) The fees payable to officers for attendance on
vessels shall be for each vessel —
(i) during overtime hours except
Sundays a AUS
(ii) on Sundays aa 0S
(iii) during special hours eon ialaee
21 Payment of Aid-Waiters. In case of permis-
sion to land goods at an out-bay from any vessel the amonnt
payable to the Aid-waiter shall be paid to the Treasurer by the
Master, Consignee or Agent of such vessel before such permis-
sion is granted; in other cases the amount payable to the Aid-
waiter shall be paid from public funds,
A wn & wo
& 9
22. Revocation. The Rules for the government of
the Treasury made under the Treasury Ordinance, 1892, and
dated the 5th day of October 1917 are hereby revoked.
23. Commencement. These’ Rules shall come into
operation on the Ist day of January, 1954.
Dated the 22nd day of December, 1955.
EK. A. Evetyn,
Acting Commissioner.
ae . ANTIGUA. :
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Backman, H.D.. Government Printer.—By Authority.
31/00250—490—2.54. Price 7 cents
1954, No. 2.
Tur EncouraGement oF Inpusrries. {MANUFACTURE OF
Lapres’, Men’s anp CaILpREN’s Siippers) ORpER,
1953, paTepD DecemBer 22, 1953, MADE BY THE
EncournaGEMenT oF Inpustries OrrinaNncE, 1953 (No.
- 10 oF 1953).
1. Citation. This Order may be cited as the Encour-
agement of Industries (Manufacture of Ladies’, Men’s and Chil-
dren’s Slippers) Order, 1953.
2. Declaration of Pioneer Industry and Prod-
oy, ucts. The manufacture of Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s
Slippers is hereby declared to be a pioneer industry for the pur-
poses of the Encouragement of Industries Ordimance, 1953,
(No. 10 of 1953) and Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Slippers
are hereby declared to be pioneer products for the said purpose.
Made by the Governor in Council this 22nd day of Decem-
ber, £953. : ,
_ M. Tittey,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands
by E. M. Busckuasn, E.D:, Government Printer.—By Authority.
195 4.
YX 47/00136—499 —2.5$. [Price 3 conts.]
1954, No. 8.
Tus EncouraGement or [ypustriss (Gustave or THE VIR-
cin Isuanps IncorroraTep) (Manuractore or Lapigs’,
DicemBer 22, 1953, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR IN
ment of [npustares Orpiyance, 1953 (No. 10/1953).
1, Gitation. This Order may be cited as the Encour-
avement of [ndustries (Gustave of the Virgin Islands Incorpo-
rated) (Manufacture of Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Slippers)
Order, 1953.
2. Declaration of Pioneer Manufacturer.
Gustave of the Virgin Islands Incorporated is hereby declared,
with efect from the 22nd day of December, 1953, to be a
pioneer munufacturer for the purposes of the Encouragement
of [Industries Ordinance, 1953 in relation to its pioneer factory
situate at Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, and in
relation to the manufacture of the following pioneer products,
nanely, Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Slippers, the manufac-
tare of which was declared to be a pioneer industry by the
Encouragement of [ndustries (Manufacture of Ladies’, Men’s
and Children’s Slippers) Order, 1953; and the production day
of the said Gustave of the Virgin Islands Incorporated in
ralation to the above mentioned pioneer products is declared to
be the L5th day of January, 1954.
Made by the Governor in Council this 22nd day of
December, 1953.
M. Titty,
Clerk of the Couneil.
Printed .at.the Guverument Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. Buacuwan, E.D., Government Printer.—By Authority.
X 47]00136 —490—2.54. Price 3 conta.
R28.97 277
Full Text |
Published by Authority.
No. 11.
His Excellency has appointed the
Veterinary Officer to be an Inspector
under section 3 (1) of the Animals
(Diseases and Importation) Ordinance,
1953, (No. 3 of 1953) with effect
from the 18th February, 1954.
The Seorctarivai,
19th February, 1954.
Workmen’s Compensation Act.
The attention of persons in Anti-
gua employing workmen, defined by
the Workmen’s Compensation Act,
1937, is directed to the notice dated
12th February, 1953 published in
the Leeward Islands Gazette on the
26th February, 1953 whereby such
persons are required to render, on or
before the 15th day of February in
every year to the Labour Commis-
sioner, a correct return in respect of
the preceding calendar year specify-
(a) The total number of injuries
to workmen during the year in
respect of which compensation has
been paid;
(b) The number of fatal injuries
included uncer (a);
(c) The total amount paid in full
settlement of claim for compensa-
tion in respect of non-fatal injuries:
(ad) The total amount paid to
dependents in respect of fatal in-
(e) The number of non-fatal in-
juries which have been classified
as of a permanent nature:
(f) Full details respecting any
payment of compensation being
made on account of temporary dis-
ablement under section (4) (2) (a).
Dated the Sth day of February,
R. Str. J. O. WAYNE,
Ref. No. A 47/8.
The Commissioner of Montserrat
records with regret the death, on 11th
February, 1954, of Nurse JOSEPHINE
SAMUEL, District Midwife, Bethel.
Ret; MLE, 296,
GRE 72.77
4 Ma mn ff
No. 15.
Appointments and transfers, etc.,
in the public service, with effect from
the dates stated are published for
general information:—
AMBROSE, H., Junior Clerk, Market-
ing Dept., to be Senior Clerk,
Peasant Development Division,
Agricultural Dept., Antigua.
Jan. |
ELwin, J. H., Principal, Attorney
General’s Office. to be Assistant
Administrative Secretary, Antigua.
Nov. 28, 1953
FRANCIS, L., to be P.O. Cl. II, Public
Works Dept., Antigua. Jan. 1
Francis, J., to be P.O. Cl. II, Public
Works Dept., Antigua. Jan. 1
GARDENER, D., Junior Clerk, Cus-
toms, to be Senior Clerk, Peasant
Development Division, Agricul-
tural Dept., Antigua. Jan. 1
GEoRGES, ©. E.. Principal, Treasury,
to act Assistant Accountant, Treas-
ury. Feb. 15
Georce. McC.. Principal. Marketing
Dept., to be Chief Accountant,
Peasant Development Division
Agricultural Dept., Antigua,
Jan. 1
Gorkg, L., Secretary, Water Board,
to be Inspector of Works, Public
Works Dept., Antigua. Jan. 1
Henry. FE. 'T., Senior Clerk, Admin-
istration, Antigua, to be Acting
Clerk to the Antigua Executive and
Legislative Councils. Feb. 19
Henry. E. T., Junior Clerk, Market-
ing Dept.. to be Senior Clerk,
Administration, Antigua. Jan. 1
Ho, G., Senior Clerk, Customs, to act
Principal, (Harbour Master) Cus-
toms, Antigua. Nov. 23, 1953
JEFFERY, H., to be Customs Guard,
Customs, Antigua. Jan. 29
LOCKER, W., to be P.O. Cl, II, Pub-
lic Works Dept., Antigua. Jan. 1
MACK, J., to be P.O. Cl. III, Central
Lunatic Asylum, Antigua.
Dec. 1, 1953
PrRSTAINA, E. O., Senior Clerk, Treas-
ury, to act Principal, Administra-
tion, Antigua. Nov. 1], 1953
Renwick, J. D. B., to be Acting
Registrar, Antigua. Feb. IL
RiutEy, P. R., Junior Clerk, Mont-
serrat, to be Senior Clerk, Peasant
Development Division, Agricul-
tural Department, Antigua.
Jan. 1
SPENCER, E., to be P.O. Cl. ITI,
Municipal, Antigua. Jan. 1
THIBOU, G. A., Senior Clerk, Admin-
istration, seconded as Warden. Bar-
buda, to be Principal, Administra-
tion, Antigua, and to remain on
secondment. Nov. 23, 1953
Wituiams, D. E., Junior Clerk,
to be Senior Clerk, Public Works
Dept., Antigua. Jan. 1
WILLIAMS, G., to be Customs Guard,
Customs, Antigua. Jan. 29
WINTER, P., Junior Clerk, Water
Board, to be Senior Clerk, Muni-
cipal, Antigua. Jan. 1
Administrators Office,
16th February, 1954.
Ref. No.
No. 16. .
The Secretary of State for the
Colonies has informed the Governor
that the power of disallowance will
not be exercised in respect of the
undermentioned Acts:—
Leeward Islands.
No. 10 of 1953, “ The Interpreta-
tien of Laws (Amendment) Act,
No. 11 of 1953, “The Delegation
of Powers (Amendment) Act, 1953.â€
No. 17.
The Governor has been pleased this
day to assent to the undermentioned
No. 1 of 1954, ‘‘ The Appropriation
Ordinance, 1954.†Feb. 19
Virgin Istands.
No. 1 of 1954, “The Denomina-
tional School Teachers Pension
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
Feb. 18
No. 2 of 1954, “The Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1952) Ordinance,
1954.†Feb. 18
No. 3 of 1954, ‘The Crown Pro-
ceedings (General Legislature Com-
petency) Ordinance, 1954.†Feb. 19
No. 4 of 1954, “The Customs
Duties (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954.†Feb. 22
No. 18
The following Ordinances and
Statutory Rules and Orders are cir-
enlated with this Gazette and form
part thereof:—
Virgin Islands.
No. 1 of 1954, “The Denomi-
mational School Teachers Pension
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1954.â€
1 pp. Price 3 cents
No. 2 of 1954, “The Supplemen-
tary Appropriation (1952) Ordinance,
1954.†2 pp. Price 4 cents
No. 3 of 1954, “The Crown Pro-
ceedings (General Legislature Com-
pentency) Ordinance, 1954.â€
1 pp. Price 3 cents
No. 4 of 1954, “The Ous-
toms Duties (Amendment) Ordinance,
1954.†2 pp. Price 4 cents
Virgin Islands.
No. 1 of 1954, “The Treasury
Rules, 1953.†5 pp. Price 7 cents —
No. 2 of 1954, ‘“‘ The Encourage-
ment of Industries (Manufacture of
Ladies, Men’s and Children’s Slippers)
Order, 1953.†1 pp. Price = cents
No. 3 of 1954, “The Encourage-
ment of Industries (Gustave of the
Virgin Islands Incorporated) (Mannu-
facture of Ladies, Men’s and Uhil-
dren’s Slippers) Order, 1953.â€
1 pp. Price 3 cents
Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance, 1950.
In pursuance of the requirements
of section 3 (2) (a) of the Aid to
Pioneer Industries Ordinance, 1950,
it is hereby notified for general infor-
mation that the Governor in Council
proposes to make the undermentioned
Order under section 3 (1) of the said
2. Any person who objects to the
making of such Order shall give
notice in writing of his objection and
of the grounds on which he relies in
support thereof to the Clerk of the
Executive Council on or before the
Ist day of March, 1954.
Clerk of Executive Council.
The Aid to Pioneer Industries (Manu-
facture of Malt Liquors) Order,
1954 dated made
by the Governor in Council under
section 3 (1) of the Aid to Pioneer
Industries Ordinance, 1950 (No. 9
of 195).
1. Crration. This Order may be
cited as the Aid to Pioneer Industries
(Manufacture of Malt Liquors) Order,
DUSTRY. The manufacture of Malt
Liquors is hereby declared to be a
pioneer industry for the purposes of
the Aid to Pioneer Industries Ordi-
nance, 1950, and the following prod-
uets are hereby declared to be
pioneer products for the said pur-
poses :—
Made by the Governor in Council
this day of 1954.
Clerk of Executive Council.
Ref. No. A 42/57.
Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance, 1950.
In pursuance of the requirements
of section 3 (2) (a) of the Aid to
Pioneer Industries Ordinance, 1950,
it is hereby notified for general
information that the Governor in
Council proposes to make the under-
men ioned Order under section 3 (1)
of the said Ordinance.
2. Any person who objects to the
making of such Order shall give
notice in writing of his objection and
of the grounds on which he relies in
support thereof to the Clerk of the
Executive Council on or before the
Ist day of March, 1954.
Clerk of Hxecutive Council.
The Aid to Pioneer Industries (Pro-
cessing of Meat) Order, 1954,
dated made by the
Governor in Council under section
3 (1) of the Aid to Pioneer Indus-
tries Ordinance 1950 (No. 9 of
1. CrratTion. This Order may
be cited as the Aid to Pioneer Indus-
tries (Processing of Meat) Order, 1954.
processing of Meat is hereby declared
to be a pioneer industry for the
purposes of the Ai-! to Pioneer Indus-
tries Ordinance, 1950, and the follow-
[25 February, 1954.
ing products are hereby declared
to be pioneer products for the said
Processed Meat
Brawn, and
Bone meal fertilizer.
Made by the Governor in Council
this day of 1954.
Clerk of Executive Counetl.
Ref. No. A. 42/57.
Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance, 1950.
In pursuance of the requirements
of section 3 (2) («) of the Aid to
Pioneer Industries Ordinance; 1950,
it is hereby notified for general infor-
mation that the Governor in Council
proposes to make the undermentioned
Order under section 3 (1) of the said
2. Any person who objects to the
making of such Order shall give
notice in writing of his objection and
of the grounds on which he relies in
support thereof. to the Clerk of the
Executive Council on or before the
Ist day of March, 1954.
Clerk of Hxecutive Counsil.
The Aid to Pioneer Industries (Manu-
facture of Vegetable Oil) Order,
1954 dated made by the
Jovernor in Council under section
3 (1) of the Aid to Pioneer Indus-
tries Ordinance 1950 (No. 9 of
1. Ciration. This Order may
be cited as the Aid to Pioneer Indus-
tries (Manufacture of Vegetable Oil)
Order, 1954.
TRY. The extraction and refining of
vegetable oil is hereby declared to be
a pioneer industry for the purposes
of the Aid to Pioneer Industries
Ordinance, 1950, and the following
product is hereby declared to bea
pioneer product for the said pur-
Vegetable Oil.
Made by the Governor in Councih
this day of , 1954,
Clerk of Haecutive. Council.
Ref. No. A. 42/58.
25 February, 1954.]
In the Supreme Court of the
Windward Islands and
Leeward Islands.
Circuit Court Notice.
in pursuance of Rules made by the
Chief Justice under Section 16,of the
Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands Courts Order in Couneil,
1939, on the 24th day of September,
1941, as amended, the Honourable
the Puisne Judge selected for the
sitting of the Court in the Montserrat
Circuit has appointed the under-
mentioned day on which the ensuing
Circuit shall sit in the Presidency,
that i is to gay :—
On Monday the 8th day of March,
1954 at 11.00 o’clock in the forenoon.
Registrar, Montserrat Cirewtt.
Kegisirar’s Office,
16th February, 1954.
Tenders are iuvited for the follow-
ing articles salvaged from the wrecked
schooner * United Pilgrims â€:—
1 Cage Anchor —
1 Main Anchor
1 Pump
1 Roll Wire Rope
2 Jib Stays
Main Shrouds
Steering Wheel
Chain Piates
Long Anchor Chain
Jib Boom
Dork DO = =H He WOH 0D
1 Foresail Boom
2. These articles may be inspected
at the government warehouse at any
time during business hours. Further
particulars may be obtained on appli-
cation at the Treasurer’s Office, Mont-
3. Tenders should be in sealed
envelopes addressed to the under-
signed and should be despatched in
time to be received not later than the
15th March, 1954. All such enve-
lopes should be clearly marked on
the outside ‘‘ United Pilgrims â€â€™.
4, Ido not bind myself to accept
the highest or any tender.
By Order,
Ag. Treasurer & Receiver of Wrecks.
Plymouth, Montserrat,
10th February, 1954.
Crown Land Applications.
Applications in connection with
Crown Lands are notified in the
Gazette for the purpose of giving any
person an opportunity of making any
representation to this Office in rela-
tion to any such application.
Such applications will be inserted
in at least three separate issues of the
Gazette before they will be dealt
with by the Governor, so that appli-
cants must be prepared for this delay.
The undermentioned application is
hereby notified.
By Order,
Acting Clerk to the Administrator.
Administrators Office,
18th February, 1954.
All that piece or parcel of land
situate at Matthews Estate in the
Parish of Saint Paul in the Island of
Antigua all as the same are dileneated
on a map or plan of the said area
prepared by Mr. MICHAKL ST. CLAIR
Batson, Licensed Surveyor, and con-
taining the area set out and bounded
as follows:—
Lot No. Area,
51 3°735 acres
North by Lot
29, South by
Lot 50, East
by Crown
Lands and
West by a
Ref, No. A. 46/27.
St. Kitts, Nevis & Anguilla
Postage Stamps.
It is hereby notified for general
information that postage stamps of
the values specified below for use in
the Presidency of St. Kitts, Nevis
and Anguilla will be released for sale
in that Presidency on the Ist March,
3 cents; 4 cents;
1 cent; 2 cents:
> cents; 6 cents and 12 cents,
The designs of these stamps are
identical with those of the current
main issue except that the Portrait of
Her Majesty Queen ELIZABETH IIT
replaces that of His Late Majesty
King GeorGE VI.
The Secretariat,
Leeward Islands,
At Antigua.
18th February, 1954,
Ref. No. 62/00010.
Re death of EMANUEL GOVIA,
late of St. Paul’s Village, in
the island of Saint Christo-
pher, a workman lately em-
ployed at Belmont Estate,
which death occurred on the
13th day of January, 1954.
COMPENSATION in the above
maiter having been deposited with
me under Section 8 of the Work-
men’s Compensation Act, the De-
pendants of the said EMANUEL
Govt, deceased, are hereby required
to appear before the Commission-
er on SATURDAY, the 27th day of
FEBRUARY, 1954, at 10 oclock in
the forenoon at the Court House
Basseterre, when the Conmissioner
will proceed to determine the distri-
bution thereof.
PROOF of relationship of depen-
dants to the deceased will be required
by the Commissioner to be furnished
by the claimants at the enquiry. such
proof to be in the form of Certificates
of Birth and Marriage as in the cir-
cumstances be necessary.
A CLAIMANT for funeral ex-
penses of the deceased must submit
and prove his claim to the Registrar
before the 26th day of February,
Dated the 26th day of Jannary,
Registrar of the Supreme Court.
Ref. No. A 36/00004.
Vacancy for an Art Master at
the Queen’s College for Boys,
British Guiana.
Applications are invited from
suitably qualified candidates for
appointment to a post of Art Master,
Queen’s College, which will shortly
become vacant.
2. The salary of the post is in the
scale $3,000 x $120— $3,600/x $144—
$4,320]x $240—$4,800 per annum and
a temporary cost-of-living allowance
of $240 per annum is also payable.
3. Candidates should possess at
least the Art Teachers Diploma
(England) or its equivalent, xwarded
after a course of 4—5 years at a
recognised Art School in the British
Commonwealth. Candidates must
have had several years teaching
experience in a Secondary School.
4. The person selected must be
prepared to take an active interest in
the school games-—cricket, football,
hockey—and in some of the other
extra mural activities, eg., dramatic
and debating societies, science club,
Cadet Corps, Scouts.
_5. The appointment will be pen-
sionable, subject to satisfactory service
during a probationary period of two
years, and the person selected will be
subject to the Colonial Regulations
and to local General Orders and
instructions in force for the time being
in so far as they are applicable. He
married, for his wife also) when
granted leave of absence, subject to
the provision of funds annually by
the Legislative Council and to the
requirements of the Public Officers
Leave (Passages) Regulations, 1952.
6. Applications should be sub-
(25 February, 1954.
Central Experiment Station,
1951. 1952. 1953.
will also be eligible for vacation leave mitted to the Principal of Queen’s 1950. 1954,
at the rate of five days for each College, British Guiana not later than jy 3 41 3.60 2.4 3.0
completed month of resident service the 15th of March, 1954, giving full ee ee Deg Are ie
up toa maximum of six months, details of the offieer’s experience and Feb, 20 2.52 1.09 1.60 85 (1.98
subject to the completion of a mini- qualifications together with copies of aE ria
muni tour of service of two years. testimenials and a recent photograph ; : oe
The officer will be eligible for assisted of the candidate. i a OR ee one
passages for himself (and, if heis Ref. No. 13/00004.
All figures in British West Indian dollars.
Number of reporting banks: 4.
Figures for end of quarter 30th September, 1953.
1. Notes in circulation Nil 1. Cash (in Treasury) 104,140.58
2. Deposits 1,968,103 .48 | 2. Balances due by other banks
(i) Demand —Nil in Colony Nil
(ii) Time —Nil
(iii) Savings 1,968,108.48
3. Balances due to 3. Balances due from banks abroad
(a) Other banks in Colony Nil and other short claims Nil
(b) Banks abroad Nil
4. Other Liabilities 128,053.40 4. Loans and Advances Nil
5. Investments 1,819,895.77
(a) Local 269,415.12
(0) Other 1,550,480.65
6. Other Assets
Total Liabilities
Total Assets
-95 February, 1954.] THE LEEWARD ISLANDS GAZETTE. 51
Control of Imports and Exports
Notice No. 1 of 1954
Tenders are invited for the supply of 14,000 half bags of 100 lb. each “ grade flour from
‘Local Commission Agents of Canadian Flour Mills. Quotations should be C.I.F. Montreal, Halifax or
St. John and should include agents commission.
yt 9?
2. The “EE†grade flour must be milled solely from Canadian Hard Spring Wheat not lower
in grade than No. 3 northern and must be of the following minimum standard:—
Maximum moisture 14.00%
Maximum ash. 52%
Mini:num protein 12.00%
All flour to be enriched in accordance with the following:—
Minimum Maximum
Thiamine 2.0 2.5 milligrams for each lb, flour
Riboflavine 1.2 1.5 5 Us. Jaye haga! abe
Niacine 16.6 20.0 3 Bagh “es Uae xa
Tron 13.0 16.5 “ Gag. aR, a
With Calcium
Carbonate 500 600 $ oe “arity 98
‘The name of the miller, analysis of the flour, the enrichment standard and brand name should
‘be stated in the tender. Chemist’s certificate showing analysis of the flour, enrichment standard and
-duly {notarized must accompany documents. The (Supply Officer) however, exercises the right to
arrange for samples to be drawn and analysed on his behalf.
et es oh eral
ae Shipping documents must include date of shipment of all flour and must indicate that it is
enriched and “ Vitamin Enriched Flour†must be stencilled on each bag.
3. Flour to be loaded at Montreal, Halifax or St. John and shipped at rate of 5,000 half
bags of 100 Ib. each month commencing early May 1954 and ending in July 1954.
4. Tenders should be in sealed envelopes marked “ ‘lenders for flour’? and should be
addressed to His Honour the Administrator and should reach the Administrator’s Office not later than
4 p.m. on 3lst March, 1954.
5. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Administrator's Office,
Â¥ Antigua.
LLth February, 1954.
Ref, No. A, 40/18
Appeal No. 9 of 19538
Epwarp MarsH Appellant
AGRETTA Marsu Respondent
Before: DATH, J.
8. T. Curistran for Appellant.
EK. Ei. Harney for Respondent.
The appellant was brought before the then Acting Magistrate of District ““B†to show cause-
why an order for the maintenance of his wife on the ground of desertion should not be made against him..
The facts found by the learned Magistrate may brietly be stated thus: The appellant and the
respondent were married on 20th June, 1912, and lived together until 21st October, 1916. During that
period the appellant ill-treated the respondent. He left the matrimonial home in 1916 and went to
Bermuda, where he remained until January 1920, when he returned home. He again left the matrimo-
nial home at Easter, 1920, and went to Bermuda, returning to Antigua in July, 1936. Since his return
he has been living with another woman and has at no time lived with the respondent; nor has he shown
any intention of resuming cohabitation with her. Between 1920 and 1936 he sent her only 14/-.
Since his return in 1936 he has been making small periodic payments.
On these facts the learned Magistrate found that the appellant had continuously deserted the
respondent from Easter 192() up to the date of the trial of the case, and ordered him to pay her the sum
of 10/- weekly as from 17th April, 1952, and costs $9.60.
Two grounds of appeal were advanced in this Court on behalf of the appellant:
(1) That there is no evidence in corroboration of the respondents allegation of desertion.
(2) That the formal order drawn up by the Magistrate does not set forth the date of the
commencement of desertion.
[t is not open to question that “ Courts of Summary Jurisdiction should follow the practice of
the Divorce Court not to act, in general, upon the uncorroborated testimony of either of the partiesâ€.
Having regard to the evidence given by the appellant himself, however, I can see no merit in the first
ground of appeal.
As regards the second limb of the appellant’s case, I agree with Mr. Christian that the order
drawn up in the District Court should have included the date of the comme:icement of desertion. But
that date is easily ascertainable from the evidence and the Magistrate’s Reasons for Decision, and this
Court has power to remedy the defect which it now does by inserting in the first paragraph of the order
the words “since Kaster, 1920,†immediately after the words “is hereby adjudged to have deserted his
wife Agretta Marsh.â€
The appeal is dismissed and, subject to the amendment indicated, the order made by the
Magistrate is affirmed.
W. A. Date,
7th January, 1954. Puisne Judge.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islunds, by E, M, BLackman, ED,
Government Printer.—By Authority.
[Price 35 cenis.
No. 1 of 1954. Denominational School Teachers ‘ViRaIN
Pension (Amendment).
[L.8.} 4
I Assent, :
K. W. Biacksurne, sj
_ Governor. q
18th February, 195
An Ordinance to amend further the Denominas
tional Schocl Teachers Pension Ordinance,
BichE ORDAENED by. theiGorerier and
Legislative Council of the Virgin Islands as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the short title,
Denominational School Teachers Pension (Amend- {/1$31-
ment) Ordinance, 1954, and shall be read as one 1/T948.
with the Denominational School Teachers Pension 2/1949.
Ordinance, 1931, as amended, hereinafter called
the Principal Ordinance.
, &. Section 23 of the Principal Ordinance Amendment
i shall have effect and shall be deemed always to a eemat
have had effect as if-— pal Ordinance,
(a) a colon were substituted for the full-
stop at the end thereof; and
(6) the following proviso were inserted
immediately thereafter—
; “ Provided further that when the
name of any school is added to the
Schedule such addition shall take effect
. as if the name of such school had. been
inserted in the Schedule at the ecom-
mencement of this Ordinance.â€
E. A. Evetryn,
Passed the Legislative Council this 5th day
of February, 1954.
H. O. Crequz,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Buackuan, E.D., Government Printer—By Authority.
(10279 —490—2.54. [Price 3 aenie.]
2 LF. I2F97
biG Ed Le seccircrin,
No. 2 0f 1954, Supplementary Appropriation
| L.S.]
I AssEnt,
K, W. Bracxsurng,
18th February, 1954.
No. 2 of 1954.
An Ordinance to sanction certain payments from
the Public Treasury in excess of the sums
placed on the Estimates for the year ended
on the thirty-first day of December, 1952.
‘BE IT ORDAINED by the Governor and
the Legislative Council of the Virgin Islands as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Snp-
plementary Appropriation (1952) Ordinance, 1954.
2. The various sums set forth in the
Schedule to this Ordinance amounting in all to
Twenty-five thousand, one hundred and eighty-four
dollars and sixty-eight cents and drawn from the
Public Treasury for the service of the year ended on
thé 31st day of December, 1952, under the warrant
of the Governor, but not provided for in the-Esti-
mates for the said year, are hereby declared to have
been lawfully expended for the services mentioned
in the said Schedule.
-E. A. Evetyn,
X Passed the Legislative Council the 5th day
of February, 1954.
Bak, 7299 a ae as :
LÂ¥87L. Merk of the Council,
Short title,
Legalization of
Viren 9 Supplementary Appropriation. No. 2 of 1954.
Head. Service. Amount.
V1. Education, Secondary w= 340.81
VIII. Miscellaneous .. 656.26
X. Post Office vee 1,275.37
XII. Public Works Recurrent .. 61,758.66
XIII. Public Works Extraordinary _.. 15,153.58
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
. by &. M. Buackay, ELD. Gotemnert Priater.—By Authority.
47/00140—490-~-2.54., [Price 4 cents. ]
No. 2 0f 1954, Crown Proceedings (General VIRGIN
Legislature Competency). ISLANDS,
[L.S. ]
I Assent,
K. W. Brackpurne,
19th Febrnary, 1954.
No. 3 of 1954.
An Ordinance to declare legislation with respect to
the civil liabilities and rights of the Crown,
civil proceedings by and against tbe Crown
and the civil liabilities of persons other than
the Crown in cases involving the affairs or
property of the Crown, to be within the com-
petency of the General Legislature.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Governor and
Legislative Council of the Virgin Istunds as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title,
Crown Proceedings (General Legislature Compe-
tency) Ordinance, 1964.
2. Itis hereby declared to be and it shall Gener Legis-
b2 within the competency of the General Legisla- ieeeeans
ture to make laws for the Presidency with respect make laws
to the civil linbilities and rights of the Crown, eee:
civil proceedings by and against the Crown, and _ proceedings.
the civil liabilities of persons other than the Crown |
in cases involving the affairs or property of the
Crown, and for purposes connected with the
‘matters aforesaid.
E. A. Evenyy,
Passed the Legislative Council this 5th day
of February, 1954,
| H. QO. Crequn,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by, M, BLhackm.an, Government Printer.—By Authority.
yu: 5—490—L54, Price 3 centé.
Le? 7 £.
No, 4 of 1954, Customs Duties Anecinent): VIRGIN
I Assent,
Kk. W. Buacksurng,
_ Governor.
22nd February, 1954.
No. 4 of 1954.
An Ordinance to amend further the Customs
Duties Ordinance, 1927.
BE [T ORDAINED by the Governor and
Legislative Council of the Virgin Islands as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Short title.
Customs Duties (Amendment) Ordinance, 1954,
and shall be read as one with the Customs Duties 9/1927.
Ordinance, 1927, as amended, hereinafter called the
Principal Ordinance.
2. The Principal Ordinance is hereby amend- Insertion of,
ed by the insertion therein immediately after tho Prinoipal
section 18A of the following section as section Ordinance.
18B:— ;
“18B. (1) Every resolution passed by Publication
the Legislative Council in pursuance of the °f tesclutions,
powers conferred by subsection (3) of section
4 aud section 184. of this Ordinance shall be
published in the Gazette and shall take effect
from the date of such publication.
(2) A copy of every such resolution shall,
as soon as practicable after the passing thereof,
be posted on the door of the Treasury build-
ing at Road Town, and of every court house, °
church, chapel, school-room, and such other
building i in the Presidency as, in the opinion
of the Collector of Sones will give publi-
city to such resolution.â€
3. (1) Section 4 of the Customs Duties Amendment
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1952 is hereby amended (neon et
by the substitution of a colon for the full-stop at 6 of 1952
the end thereof and by the addition thereafter of :
X the following proviso:—
328. 97297
VIRGIN 2 Customs Duties (Amendment) No. 4 of 1954.
“ Provided that the orders specified in the
Schedule to this Ordinance, made under
.and by virtue of section 18A as enacted by
section 2 of the said Ordinance hereby repealed,
shall be deemed to have been made under and
by virtue of section 18A as enacted by section
3 of this Ordinance and shall continue in*
(2) This section shall be deemed to have
had effect as from the 3rd day of December,
E. A. Everyy,
Passed the Legislative Council this 5th day of
February, 1954.
H. O. Crequr,
Clerk of the Council.
The Sea Island Cotton Goods exemption from Duty Order, 1137
(S. R. & O. 1937 No. 4).
The Oustoms Duties Order, 1938 (S. R. & O. 1988 No. 1).
The Customs Duties Order, 1940 (S. R. & O, 1940 No. 3).
The Customs Duties (Exemption) Order, 1952 (S. R. & O. 1952
No. 2).
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Ialands,
hy E. M. BuackMaAyN, E.D.. Government Printer... By Authority.
47/00138—490—2.54. [Price 4 cents.]
EEN tet ane Capon ee ~
1954, No. 1.
Tae Treasury Ruves, 1953, patep Decemper, 22, 1953,
1892, (No. 2 or 1892) as AMENDED.
1. Citation. These Rules shall be cited as the
Treasury Rules, 1953.
2. Hours of Business. The Treasury shall be open
to the public for the transaction of business daily, Sundays and
public or bank holidays excepted, during the following hours:—-
On each day of the week, except Saturday, from 9.00
a.m. until 3.00 p.m.
On Saturdays from 9,00 am until 12.00 noon.
3, Attendance of Officers. The Officers of the
Department shall attend at the Treasury daily, Sundays and
public or bank holidays excepted, during the following hours:;—
On each day of the week, except Saturday, from 8,00
a.m. until 3.30 p.m.
On Saturdays from 9.00 a.m. until 12.30 p.m.
There shall be an interval of one hour between
12 noon and 1.00 p.m. for lunch, except on
4, After Hours Attendance. The Treasurer may
require the attendance of any officer before or after the usual
office hours, and he may further require any officer to render
such assistance as may be necessary to prevent the work of the
department falling into arrear,
5. Control of Department. The Treasurer shall
have the entire management of the Departinent and shall in
every particular be responsible for the efficient performance of
the duties of the respective officers.
pr? 72997
6. Control in absence of Treasurer. In the
event of iilness of the Treasurer or whenever he is absent from
the office, the control of the department shall devolve upon
the officer next in seniority, unless the Governor shall otherwise
7. Signing of Cheques. Cheques drawn against
the Treasury and Savings Bank funds shall be signed by the
Treasurer and countersiened by an officer nominated for the
purpose by the Governor.
8. Adhesive Stamps. Adhesive stamps authorised
for use in the Presidency shall be kept and issued by the
Treasurer in such quantities as he thinks advisable.
9. Outdoor Duties. The Treasurer shall detail an
officer or officers for the performance of outdoor duties and the
officer or officers so detailed shall attend at the Treasury daily,
Sundays and public or bank holidays excepted, during the
following hours:—
On each day of the week except Saturdays, from
8.00 a.m. until 3.30 p.m.
On Saturdays from 9.00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.,
and shall during these hours, superintend the lunding or ship-
ment, of goods and perform such other duties relating to the
collection and protection of the Revenue as the Treasurer shall
determine. An interval of one hour from 12.00 to 1.00 p.m.
shall be allowed for lunch.
10. Overtime Pay. The officer or officers for the
time being performing outdoor duty and in charge of. any
steamer or other vessel, whose services are requisitioned for the
examination of passengers baggage before or after the usual
office hours, shall be paid overtime according to the scale set out
in rule 20.
11. Execution of Warrants. When a warrant
shall have passed the Treasury a copy thereof shall be given to
an officer performing outdoor duties who shall proceed to execute .
it and shall indorse thereon the particulars of the receipt or
delivery as the case may be. No warrants (except only warrants
for bond or transhipment) shall be executed unless it bears the
initial of the Cashier. '
12. Warehousing of Goods. All goods entered to
be warehoused shall be conveyed to the warehouse on the day
on which -they are landed (or in the case of goods landed by
steamers and kept in custody of the customs, on the day in
which the warehouse warrant is passed) and no greater
quantity of such goods shall be allowed to be landed on any
day than can be examined and received into the warehouse
within the usual hours of business.
13. Inspection of Warehouses. The officer or
officers for the time being performing outdoor duties shull from
time to time visit the bonded warehouses, and shall at the end
of each month prepare a return of the contents of each ware-
house, and shall compare the same with the warehouse book,
and if there be any discrepancy shall report the same to the
Treasurer. ‘
14. Attendance of Officers. [ach Treasury officer
shall on arriving at and leaving the office, sign the Attendance
Book stating the time of arrival and departure.
15. Officers not to accept Gifts. No Treasury
officer shall receive directly or indirectly from any merchant or
from any master or consignee of any vessel any fee, gratuity or
16. Attendance to Public by Officers. All
necessary despatch and accommodation shall be given to the
business of the merchants consistent with the safety of the
Revenue observing that each individual is to be attended to in
his proper turn and that no undue preference is to be shown.
17. Landing of Passengers and Landing and
Shipment of Cargo before or after hours. When-
ever the agent or master of any steamer or other vessel is desir-
ous of allowing passengers to be landed, or cargo to be landed
or shipped, before or after the usual hours of business, he shall
inake application in writing to the Treasurer, stating the time at
which he is desirous of landing the passengers or cargo, or of
shipping cargo, and the place or places where the cargo is to be
landed or shipped, and the Treasurer, on being satisfied that a
sum suthcient to cover all fees has been deposited or paid, or:
that a sufficient guarantee for the payment of fees has been
given by the agent or master may grant permission accordingly.
18. Entering and Clearing of Vessels before
or after hours. Whenever the agent or master of any
vessel is desirous of entering or clearing his vessel before or
after the usual office hours he shall make application to the
Treasurer, who, on being satisfied that ali fees payable, and all
duties in respect of the cargo of the vessel, have been duly paid,
may grant permission accordingly,
Bema, te
19. After Hours Fees. The following fees shall be
payable for the services provided for in rules 17 and 18 hereof;
(a) For every permission to enter or clear—
1, During overtime hours:
, $
- (i) by vessels of and under 20 tons ... 0.17
(ii) by vessels over 20 tons but
under 50 tons we 0.34
(iii) by vessels of and over 50 tons = :.. 0.69
2. During special hours:
(i) by vessels of and under 20 tons... 0.26
(ii) by vessels over 20 tons but
under 50 tons va SOUD2
(iii) -by vessels of 50 tons and over... 1.03
(b) For attendance on vessels receiving passengers and
luggage or receiving and shipping cargo, per hour (or part
of an hour) for each officer in attendance:—
(i) during overtime hours Sans eas:
(ii) during special hours 2.06
For the purpose of this section “overtime hours†shall mean
the hours between 6.00 a.m. and 8.00 a.m. and between 3.30
p.m. and 10.00 p.m. on ordinary working days, and between
6.00 a.m, and 10.00 p.m, on Sundays and public or bank holi-
days. ‘Special hours†shall mean the hours between 10.00
p-m. and 6.00 a.m. on any night.
20. Overtime pay to Officers. (a) No overtime
fee shall be paid to officers for grantiug permission to enter or
clear vessels.
(6) The fees payable to officers for attendance on
vessels shall be for each vessel —
(i) during overtime hours except
Sundays a AUS
(ii) on Sundays aa 0S
(iii) during special hours eon ialaee
21 Payment of Aid-Waiters. In case of permis-
sion to land goods at an out-bay from any vessel the amonnt
payable to the Aid-waiter shall be paid to the Treasurer by the
Master, Consignee or Agent of such vessel before such permis-
sion is granted; in other cases the amount payable to the Aid-
waiter shall be paid from public funds,
A wn & wo
& 9
22. Revocation. The Rules for the government of
the Treasury made under the Treasury Ordinance, 1892, and
dated the 5th day of October 1917 are hereby revoked.
23. Commencement. These’ Rules shall come into
operation on the Ist day of January, 1954.
Dated the 22nd day of December, 1955.
EK. A. Evetyn,
Acting Commissioner.
ae . ANTIGUA. :
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. M. Backman, H.D.. Government Printer.—By Authority.
31/00250—490—2.54. Price 7 cents
1954, No. 2.
Tur EncouraGement oF Inpusrries. {MANUFACTURE OF
Lapres’, Men’s anp CaILpREN’s Siippers) ORpER,
1953, paTepD DecemBer 22, 1953, MADE BY THE
EncournaGEMenT oF Inpustries OrrinaNncE, 1953 (No.
- 10 oF 1953).
1. Citation. This Order may be cited as the Encour-
agement of Industries (Manufacture of Ladies’, Men’s and Chil-
dren’s Slippers) Order, 1953.
2. Declaration of Pioneer Industry and Prod-
oy, ucts. The manufacture of Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s
Slippers is hereby declared to be a pioneer industry for the pur-
poses of the Encouragement of Industries Ordimance, 1953,
(No. 10 of 1953) and Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Slippers
are hereby declared to be pioneer products for the said purpose.
Made by the Governor in Council this 22nd day of Decem-
ber, £953. : ,
_ M. Tittey,
Clerk of the Council.
Printed at the Government Printing Office, Leeward Islands
by E. M. Busckuasn, E.D:, Government Printer.—By Authority.
195 4.
YX 47/00136—499 —2.5$. [Price 3 conts.]
1954, No. 8.
Tus EncouraGement or [ypustriss (Gustave or THE VIR-
cin Isuanps IncorroraTep) (Manuractore or Lapigs’,
DicemBer 22, 1953, MADE BY THE GOVERNOR IN
ment of [npustares Orpiyance, 1953 (No. 10/1953).
1, Gitation. This Order may be cited as the Encour-
avement of [ndustries (Gustave of the Virgin Islands Incorpo-
rated) (Manufacture of Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Slippers)
Order, 1953.
2. Declaration of Pioneer Manufacturer.
Gustave of the Virgin Islands Incorporated is hereby declared,
with efect from the 22nd day of December, 1953, to be a
pioneer munufacturer for the purposes of the Encouragement
of [Industries Ordinance, 1953 in relation to its pioneer factory
situate at Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, and in
relation to the manufacture of the following pioneer products,
nanely, Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Slippers, the manufac-
tare of which was declared to be a pioneer industry by the
Encouragement of [ndustries (Manufacture of Ladies’, Men’s
and Children’s Slippers) Order, 1953; and the production day
of the said Gustave of the Virgin Islands Incorporated in
ralation to the above mentioned pioneer products is declared to
be the L5th day of January, 1954.
Made by the Governor in Council this 22nd day of
December, 1953.
M. Titty,
Clerk of the Couneil.
Printed .at.the Guverument Printing Office, Leeward Islands,
by E. Buacuwan, E.D., Government Printer.—By Authority.
X 47]00136 —490—2.54. Price 3 conta.
R28.97 277