Kc *'*
---- "W .--_
tu b i i e b
Administrator's Office
8th August, 1950.
The Administrator announces with re-
gret the death of Mr. CAYwoUs PROSPER,
District Sanitary Inspector, Coulibistrie,
at Guadeloupe, on the 26th day of June,
By Order,
Gove, nmeit Secreti, y.
Administralo 's Office,
8th August, 1950.
THE following particulars relating to
appointments etc. in Ihe public service,
are published for general information :-
ADAMS Mr. H. appointed Assistant Fore-
man Public Works Department.
1st January, 1950.
HiENRY, Miss ENA, G.S.O. Class III, Nurse
Roseau Hospital, Medical Department,
vacation leave from 5th August to
30th August, 1950 inclusive.
E. 230
KOYER, Mrs. RUTH, G.S.O. Class II, Tele-
phone Operator Public Works De-
partment, vacation leave from 5th
August to 30th August, 1950 inclusive.
E. 198
RICHARDS. Mr. ERIC R. L. 1st Class Clerk,
Treasury Department vacation leave
from 1st August to 16th September,
1950 inclusive.
VANTERPOOL, Mr. J. B. G. S. O. Class II,
Excise Officer, Treasury and Customs
Department, vacation leave from 8th
August to 31st August, 1950 inclusive.
E. 409
fc.'l ^
pC7/0 '
GUST 14, 1950.
No. 40
Ad mii trator's Office,
bth August 1950.
It is notified for general information
that Senor ADOLFo A. HOLLINI has been
appointed as Consul-General of the Argen-
tine in London and that his commission
of appointment describes his district as
including tie territories, colonies or
possessions of Great Britain not at present
within the district of an Argentine con-
sular officer."
Administrator's Office,
1lth August, 1950.
It is notified for general information
that the Secretary of State for the Colon-
ies has notified His Excellency the Gov-
ern r that the King will not be advised to
exercise His Majesty's power of disallow_
ance with respect to the undermentioned
Ordinance passed by the Legislative
Council of Dominica:-
No. 1 of 1950. The Police (Amendment)
Ordinance 1950.
Administrator, 's C.fce
l th August, 1950.
THE undermentioned draft Bills which
it is proposed to introduce in the Legisla-
tive Council, are published for general in
formation with this issue of the Qficiq,
An Ordinance to amend the Customs
Import and Export Tariff Consolidation
Ordinance 1930.
An Ordinance to amend the Appropria-
tion (1950) Ordinance, 1949.
b v _q tI Ij a r i t v .
An Ordinance to amend the Education Registration Act, Chapter 99,
Ordinance 1949. 784/50..
790/44. An Ordinance to implement an agree.
An Ordinance to amend further the ment to provide for a uniform currency
Tobacco Ordinance, 1939. in the Eastern Group of the British Carib-
387/46. bean Territories.
An Ordinance to amend the Title by 256/50.
In the Supreme Court of the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands
Dominica Circuit
In the matter of the Escheat Act, 1932
In the matter of the Estate of GEORGE ANDREW FOYE, of the the
town of Roseau, in the Colony of Dominica, deceased.
GEORGE VI. By the Grace of GOD of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain, Ireland, and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defend-
er of the Faith.
To all persons claiming to be entitled to the real property hereinafter
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to us-that GEORGE ANDREW
FoYEi, late of the town of Roseau in the Colony of Dominica, died seized
and possessed in fee of all that piece or parcel of land situate in Kings Lane
in the town of Roseau, in the Colony of Dominica,containing 560 square feet
being 28 feet in. length along Kings' Lane and 20 feet in depth.and that the
said GEORGE ANDREW FOYE died without heirs inheritable to him whereby
the said real property ought to be escheated, that proceedings will be taken
to have the said real property escheated to us at a sitting of the Supreme
Court to be holden at the town of Roseau in the Colony of Dominica on the
15th day of November, 1950. and you are hereby further warned that if
you fail to appear at the said Court to be holden as aforesaid the said pro-
ceedings will be heard and taken without you.
WITNESS His Honour Alexander Raphael Cools-Lartigue, Judge of
Our said Court of 13th day of July, 1950.
In the matter of the Escheat Act, 1932
In the matter of the Estate of GEORGE ANDREW FOYE, of the town
of Roseau, in the Colony of Dominica, deceased.
To all persons claiming to be entitled to the real property of the estate
of the above named deceased.
TAKE NOTICE that proceedings have been commenced in the Domin-
ica Circuit of the Supreme Court of the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands by Writ of that Court issued and dated the 13th day of July, 1950
whereby it being made to appear to the said Court that GEORGE ANDREW
FOYE, late of the town of Roseau, in the Colony of Dominica, died on the
20th day of September 1940, seized in his demesne as of fee of all that piece
or parcel of land situate in Kings' Lane in the town of:Koseau in the Colony
of Dominica containing 560 square feet being 28 feet in length along Kings'
Lane and 20 feet in depth, intestate and without heirs inheritable to him
it is claimed that the said real property should be escheated to the Crown.
All persons claiming title to or in any of the property sought to be es-
cheated are hereby required within three months after the return of the
said Writ of Summons to appear to the said Writ and contest the right of
the Crown to escheat such property, and in default of so doing the Crown
Attorney of Dominica may apply to the Court to set the said cause down
for hearing ex parte and decision given accordingly.
Dated this 13th day of July, 1950
In the Supreme Court of the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands
Dominica Circuit
In the matter of the Escheat Act, 1932
In the matter of the Estate of JAMES FRANCIS of the Parish of St.
George in the Colony of Dominica, deceased.
GEORGE VI. By the Grace of GOD of the United Kingdom of Great
Brita'n, Ireland, and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defend-
er of the Faith.
To all persons claiming to be entitled to the personal property herein-
after described.
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to us that JAMES FRANCIS, late
of the Parish of St. George in the Colony of Dominica, died possessing one
lw:,-ron:ed house situate at River Bank in the town of Roseau. in the
Parish of St George aforesaid, one cow, four sheep, and cer ain moneys on
deposit at the Barcia s Bank in the Colony of Dominica, and that the said
JAMES FRANCIS died without heirs inheitabie to him whereby the said per-
sonal property ought to be escheated, that proceedings will he taken to have
the said personal property escheated to us at a sitting of the Supreme
Court to be holden at the town of Roseau in t',e 'olony of Dominica on the
15th day of November. t950, and you are hereby further warned that if you
fail to appear at the said Court to be holden as aforesaid the said proceed.
ings will be heard and taken without you.
WITNESS His Honour Alexander Raphael Cools-Lartigue, Judge of
Our said Court of 13th day of July, 1950.
In the matter of the Escheat Act, 1932
In the matter of the Estate of JAMES FRANCIS of the Parish of St.
George in the Colony of Dominica, deceased.
To all persons claiming to be entitled to the personal property of the
estate of the above named deceased.
TAKE NOTICE that proceedings have been commenced in the Domin-
ica Circuit of the Supreme Court of the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands by Writ of that Court issued and dated the 13th day of July, 1950
whereby it being made to appear to the said Court that JAMES FRANCIS,
late of the Parish of St. George in the Colony of Dominica, died on the 3rd
day of August, 1948, possessing one two-roomed house situate at River
Bank in the town of Roseau, in the Parish of St. George aforesaid, one
cow, four sheep, and certain moneys on deposit at the Barclays Bank in the
Colony of Dominica, intestate and without heirs inheritable to him, it is
claimed that the said personal property should be escheated to the Crown.
All persons claiming title to or in any of the property sought to be es-
cheated are hereby required within three months after the return of the
said Writ of Summons to appear to the said Writ and contest the right of
the Crown to escheat such property, and in default of so doing the Crown
Attorney of Dominica may apply to the Court to set the said cause down
for hearing ex parte and decision given accordingly.
Bated this 13th day of July, 1950.
In the Supreme Court of the Windward Islands
and Leeward IslandsL.
Dominica Circuit
In the matter of the Escheat Act, 1932
In the matter of the Estate of THOMAS HOWELL VANTERPOOL of
the Parish of St. George, in the Colony of Dominica, deceased.
GEORGE VI. By the Grace of GOD of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain, Ireland, and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King,
Defender of the Faith.
To all persons claiming to be entitled to the real and personal property
hereinafter described.
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to us that THOMAS HOWEI L
VANTERPOOL, late of the Parish of St. George in the C ilony of Dominica,
died seized and possessed in fee of three acres of land at Trafalgar, one
small two-room house in Field Lane, and certain moneys on deposit at the
Royal Bank of Canada and Barclays Bank respectively, and that the said
THOMAS HOWELL VANTERPOOL died without heirs inheritable to him
whereby the real and personal property ought to be escheated, that pro-
ceedings will be taken to have the said real and personal property esceated
to us at a sitting of the Supreme Court to be holden at the town of Roseau
in the Colony of Dominica on the 15th day of November, 1950, and you are
hereby further warned that if you fail to appear at the said Court to be
holden as aforesaid the said proceedings will be heard and taken without
WITNESS His Honour Alexander Raphael Cools-Lartigue, Judge of
Our said Court of 13th day of July, 1950.
In the matter of the Escheat Act, 1932
In the matter of the Estate of THOMAS HOWELL VANTERPOOL of
the Parish of St. Ceorge, in the Colony of Dominica, deceased.
To all persons claiming to be entitled to the real and personal property
of the estate of the above named. deceased.
TAKE NOTICE that proceedings have been commenced in the Domin-
ica Circuit of the Supreme Court of the Windward Islands and Leeward
Islands by Writ of that Court issued and dated the 13th day of July, 1950
whereby it being made to appear to the said Court that THOMAS HOWELL
VANTERPOOL late of the Parish of St. George, in the Colony of Dominica,
died on the 11th day of November, 1948, seized and possessed in fee of
three (3) acres of land at Trafalgar, one (1) small two-room house in Field
Lane, and certain moneys on deposit at the Royal Bank of Canada and Ba -
clays Bank respectively, intestate and without heirs inheritable to him. it
is claimed that the said real and personal property should be escheated to
the Crown.
All persons claiming title to or in any of the property sought to be es-
cheated are hereby required within three months after the return of the
said Writ of Summons to appear to the said Writ and contest the right of
the Crown to escheat such property, and in default of so doing the Crown
Attorney of Dominica may apply to the Court to set the said cause down.
for hearing ex parte and decision given accordingly,
Dated this 13th day of July, 1950.
Administr-tor's Office.
14th August, 1950.
IT is hereby notified for general informa-
tion that a meeting of the Legislative
Council of this Colony will be hel-d at the
Court House, Roseau, on Thursday the
24th August. 1950. at 10.30 a m.
The Order of the Day for this Meeting
is published with this issue of the Ojticul
14th August, 1950.
For a Meeting of the Legislative
Council to be held at the Court House,
Roseau, on Thursday, 24th August,
1950, at 10.30 a.m.
1. Prayer
2. Confirmation of Minutes of meeting
held on 25th May, 1950.
3. Papers to be laid:
S.R & O's Nos. 10, 12, 13, 14, and
15 of 1950;
(a) Report of the Director General
of Colonial Audit 1947.;
(b) Annual Accounts for 1948 ;
(c) Report of the Principal Auditor
1938 ;
(d) Report of the Director General
of Colonial Audit 1948 ;
(e) Report on the Social Welfare
Department 1948 ;
(f) Report on the Medical and Sani-
tary Department 1948.
4. Notices including those of questions
to be asked.
5. Questions to be asked.
6 Motions.
(a) Official.
Resolution re Supplementary Votes
-b) Un.-Official
Resolution by Honourable G.Austin
Winston re Report of British Carib.
bean Standing Closer Association
7. BILLS:-
(1) An Ordinance to further amend
the Pensions Ordinance, 1944.
(2) An Ordinance to amend the Ap-
propriation (1950) Ordinance,
<3) An Ordinance further to amend
the Customs Import and Export
Tariff Consolidation Ordinance,
(4) An Ordinance to ramend further
the Education Ordinance, 1950
(5) An Ordinance to amend further
the Tobacco Ordinance, 1939.
<6) An Ordin;nce to amend the
Title by Registration Act, Chap-
ter 99.
(7) An Ordinance to implement
an agreement to provide for a
uniform currency in the Eastern
Group of the British Caribbean
(8) An Ordinance to amend the
Labour Statistics Ordinance.,
1948 (Ordinance No. 5 of 1948).
8. Other business
By Order,
Givernmeit S. crttarLu.
The Registration of United Kingdom
Trade M-arks Ordinaee. 1.946
APPLICATION is hereby made for the
Registration, in the Register of the United
Kingdom Trade Mark No. 511841 register-
ed on the 4th of Ap il, 1.130, and for the
issue to us of a Certificate ef Registration
in the Colony of Doirinica. for the said
trade mark.
Dated the 3"th day of May, 1950
Agent for: I-etroleum Marketing
Company .(W st Indies) limitedd
To the Registrar of Trade Marks,
The Registration of United Kingdom
Tiade Marks Ordinance, 1946
APPLICATION is hereby made for the
'Registration, in the Register, of the
iUnited Kingdom Trade Mark No. 511839
registered on tOe 4th of A.pril. 193i .and
for the issue to us of a certificate .f
,Registration in the t'ol:ny of I)omninica
for the said Trade Mark.
Dated the 30t.h day of May. 1950
Agent for: Petroleum Marketing
Company (West Indies) Limited
To the Registr;r of Trade Marks,
Date Day.
July 1 Sat.
2 Sun.
,, Mon.
4 Tues.
5 Wed.
6 Thurs.
7 Fri.
8 Sat.
9 Sun.
10 Mon.
11 Tues.
12 Wed
13 Thurs.
14 Fri
15 Sat.
16 Sun.
17 Mon.
18 Tues.
19 Wed.
20 Thurs.
21 Fri.
22 Sat.
28 Sun.
24 Mon.
25 Tues.
26 Wed.
27 Thurs.
28 Fri.
29 Sat.
38 Sun,
31 Mon.
9a.m. 3 p.m.
81 -
8! 86
85 88
81 87
81 87
81 85
81 -
83 80
80 85
81 86
80 84
8 85
83 86
88 81
80 83
79 84
83 82
84 -
83 87
80 87
83 87
80 86
82 87
84 -
82 86
9 a.m. 3p.m.
9a.m. 3 p.m
Thermometer. Reduced to SO Fh.
and Sea Level.
Max'm. Miu'm. 9 a m. 3 p.m.
80 01
29 84
29 93
Rainfall for the
Year 1950.
3. 75
10. 7
52. 11
Rainfall for the
Year 1949.
January 2.06
February 6.44
March 2 73
April 1.46
May 2. 58
June 13. 02
July 11.41
39. 70
14 Ur 41*& *'U,
.U V" a 4
'x '.i^^ ,"*, -. '*nt~arp WB^
*.-.-/*'wy^ 3 w ,1Jmwa w
b M_>**' 'ia~tw '
.L -era $0
Ins. Pts. Mths. Ins. Pts.
< '
No. of 1950
AN ORDINANCE further to amend the Cus-
toms Import and Export Tariff Consol-
idation Ordinance, 1930.
[Gazetted 1950]
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Legislative Council of Dominica as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Customs Short title
Import and Export Tariff Consolidation (Amendment
No. 3) Ordinance, 1950, and shall be read as one with
the Customs Import and Export Consolidation Ordin- Dominica 0
11of 1931,
ance, 1930, as amended, (hereinafter referred to as the 1932,16 f 1
4 of 1933,
principal Ordinance.) 193 4, of
2. For item 62 of the second schedule to the prin-
cipal Ordinance the following shall be substituted--
62. EVERYTHING of whatsoever description
except tobacco which the importer shall
prove to the satisfaction of the Collector
of Customs to be imported solely for the
purpose of manufacturing produce upon
which either Export or Excise duty will
become payable when the process of man-
ufacture shall have been completed, in-
cluding 'cigar fillings, paper material for
finishing cigars and cigar boxes, and paper
for the wrapping and packing of fruit for
export and ecuelling pans.
Passed by the Legislative Council this day
of 1950.
1940, 4 of 1 41,
4 of 1942, 6 of
1944, 6 of 194l.
7 of 1945. 7 of
1947, 16. 23 &
24 of 1949
Repeal and re-
placement :of
item 62 of the
second sche-
dule to the
Clerk of the Council.
The object of this' Iill is to amend item 62 of the principal
Ordina1'lce -to make provision for the exemption from duty on
paper materials used for finishing cigars and cigar boxes.
Acting Crown Attorney.
2 of
5 of
1 of
No. of 1950
AN ORDINANCE to amend The Education Ordi.
nance, 1949.
[Gazetted 1950.]
BE Ir ENACTED by the Governor with the advice and
consent of the L3gislative Conncil of D.)minica as follows :-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Education Short Title
(Amendment) Ordinance 1950 and shall be read as one with ord. No s of
the Education Ordinance, 1919 (hereinafter called the
principal Ordinance.
2 Section two of the principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment of
amended :- noaf
(a) by deleting the expression Educational Dis-
trict Officer".
(b) by substituting the word "let" for the words
"leased or tenanted" in the definition of the
expression "Proprietor".
3. Subsections (a) and (b) of section twenty of the princi"* Ansmet of
pal Ordinance are hereby deleted and the following substitu t- principal Ord.
ed therefor:-
20. (a) The Government of Dominica may award an
nually to pupils of elementary schools a number. of
scholarships tenable at any recognized secondary
school in accordance with regulations made under
section 37 of this Ordinance.
(b) Scholarships may be awarded on tne results of
an annual competitive examination in special cases
or by selection of deserving pupils as to the Govern-
or in Council may be deemed advisable.
4, Section thirty of the principal Ordinance is hereby Amendment Iot
amended by deleting the words" or the Educational Officer prin cpal rO
or any other officer of the Department duly authorized "
wherever these words occur.
5. Paragraph (c) of substation (2) of section thirty of
the principal Ordinance is hereby amended by substituting
the words any school attendance officer for the words
Teachers or School Atteadanee Officers" occurring in the
and second lines thereof.
6. 'The marginal note to subsection (1) of section thirty- Amendment of
three of the principal Ordinance is hereby deleted and the principal Ord
following substituted therefore : eai38n ote
Persons convicted of certain offences not to be
employed as teachers without permission of Gov-
Provided that nothing in this Ordinance shall make any
marginal note part of the principal Ordinanoe or of this
Ordinance, or make any marginal note affect the construction
of either Ordinance.
Passed this day of 195
790/44. Clerk of the Legislative Council.
SThe object of this Bill is to give effect to certain observations made
by the Secretary of State.
Crewn Attorney,
No. of 1950.
AN ORDINANCE to amend further the Tobac-
co Ordinance, 1939.
[Gazetted 1950]
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor, with the ad-
vice and consent of the Legislative Council of Dominica
as follows:--
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Tobacco Short title
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1950, and shall be read as
one with the Tobacco Ordinance 1939 as amended (here. ord. 6 of 1a39
inafter referred to as the principal Ordinance.)
2. Schedule F to tho principal Ordinance as amend- Amendfment 1
ed ishereby further amended by substituting the figure pnch, to
"1/9" for the figure "Is." opposite "Cigars". Orofanc~9l
5of 1942
3. The rates of Excise Duty payable as set out in Increase in
rates of Ex cise
Schedule F to the principal Ordinance shall be increased Dty Schedule
F to principal
by twelve and a half per centum. Ordinance
Passed by the Legislative Council this day
of 1950.
Clerk of the Legislat.ve Council
The object of this Bill is to increase the Excise Duty on Cig-
ars as approved by the Governor in Council to compensate for the
loss of. revenue brought about by the exemption from Import
Duty on cigar fillings.
Crown Attorney.
No. of 1950.
AN ORDINANCE to amend the Title by Registra-
tion Act, Chapter 99.
[Gazetted 1950]
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor with the advice and
consent of the Legislative Council of Dominica as follows :-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Title by Registra- short Title.
tion Act (Amendment) Ordinance, 1950, and shall be read and
construed as one with the Title by Registration Act (Chapter
99) as amended hereinafter referred to as the Principal Act.
2. Where one or more and the same person er persons are wo of r
the holders of two or more Certificates of Title relating te adjacent pear
eels owned by
contiguous parcels of land, it shall be lawful for the Registrar one or more
persons can be
of Titles at the request of that person or persons to issue to held ude one
such person or persons one Certificate of Title in respect of all icate o
the parcels of such land in substitution for the several Certifi-
cates of Title,
3. Where a Certificate of Title has been issued under the issue of new
certificate of
Principal Act without a Plan attached it shall be lawful for Titlewith plan
the Registrar of Titles at the request of the Registered attached
Proprietor to issue to such Registered Proprietor a new Cer-
tificate of Title with Plan attached.
4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained Reanet or
in the Principal Act, from and after the commencement :of rst Cert-
this Ordinance every request for the issue of a First Certificate to be accompa-
aied by Plan.
of Title and, when there is no plan attached to the Certificate
of Title, every application made under Section 3 of this Ordi.
nance and Section 144 of the Principal Act for the issue of a
New Certificate of Title and every transfer and every request
for transmission of land registered under the Principal Act
and every request from the issue of a new Certificate of Title
under the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of this Ordinance
shall he accompanied by three plans of the land to be des-
dribed in the Cettificate of Title, two of which shaU be
attached to the original and duplicate Certificates of Title
when issued.
5. Sub-sections (i), (6), (7) and (8) of Section Twelve d
Ordinance No.
of the Principal Act, as substituted by the Title by Registra- 2 of 149.
tion Act (Amendment) Ordinance, 1949. shall have effect,
mutatis mutandis on every application or request made
under Section 2, 3 and 4 of this Ordinance.
Partition. 6. Where an Order for the Partition of land registered
under tho Title by Registration Act is made by the Court the
the Writ of Partition directed to the Provost Marshal shall be
sufficient to authorise the Provost Marshal to transfer to the
several parties amongst whom the land has been partitioned
their respective portions, and the Registrar of Titles shall at
the request of the Provost Marshal issue Certificates of Title
to the said parties for their respective portions at their
Rectification of 7. If it is proved to the satisfaction of the Court or a
Judge that any error or discrepancy appears on a plan regis-
tered under the Principal Act he may direct such inquiry as
he may think fit to be trade into the circumstances of the case
and upon proof of such error or discrepancy order that the
plan be corrected or rectified or that a new plan be
made and substituted for the former. Provided that
on every such inquiry four weeks notice shall be given to the
the owners or occupiers of lands adjacent to the portion of
land comprised in the Plan to be corrected or rectified and
likely to be affected by such correction or rectifcation and
provided further that when a new Plan is ordered Section 5
of this Ordinance. shall also apply t' this Section,
Repeal of 8 The Firth Schedule to the Principal Act as substituted
'Schedule to
Ordinance No..by The Title by Registration Act (Amendment) Ordinance,
1949, is hereby repealed and the following Schedule is substi.
tuted therefore:
1. Fee based upon the Value of the Land at the Following Scales
First Certificate and Transfer subsequent to First Certificate.
For the first 100 4, 4. 0
,, ,, second 100 2. 2. 0
,, ,,next 800 1 % of actual amount
,, each succeeding 1000 or
part thereof 1%
2. Transmission- Taking out Title,
Consolidation of Titles, Obtaining
New Certificate of Title with Plan
attached and in the case of Crop
(one-half of the sums specified in
the several categories in respect of
a First Certificate of Title and
Transfer subsequent to First Certi-
3. Mortgages, Transfer of Mortgages
and Incumbrances
For the first 100 minimum fee
,, ,next 909
,, all amounts in excess of 1000
4. Discharge of Mortgage and Caveats
For endorsement of discharge
Entering, Withdrawing or removing caveats
3. 3. 0
One per cent,
One-half of 1 per cent
2. 2. 0
2. 2. 0
5. Sale of incumbered lane and estate
(1) A fee under the following based
upon the sale value of the property sold
For the first 100 5 per cent
,, next 100 4 per cent
S,, next 400 3 per cent
S,, next 3,400 2 per cent
Small amounts in excess of 4,000 Half of 1 per cent
(2) For each additional application
for or incidental to sale of incumbered
land and estate such fee not exceeding
three guineas as the Court may allow.
6. (I) For replacement of a lost Certfi-
cate of Title 3. 3. 0
(2) Correction or rectification of
Plan (without new Plan) 5. 5. 0
(3) Any work performed under this Such fee as may be
Ordinance not provided for by this Schedule. allowed bo the Court
7. The above scales saall not include payment for professional ser-
vices rendered in respect of contentious litigation arising between
parties, or the customary commission payable for carrying through
negotiations for purchase, sale or loan.
8., (1) If.the practitioner and the client cannot agree upon the value
of the land or incumbrance, the question shall be referred to the
Registrar of Titles, who shall fix the value for the purposes of this
Schedule, and for so doing he may require such evidence by affidavit
or otherwise as he may think fit.
(2) Where the value of the land or incumbrance fixed by the Regis-
trar of Titles exceeds one thousand poundseither party, if,dissatisfied
therewith. may appeal to a Judge to review the valuation and fix the
value of the land or incumbrance:
(3) The property value of incumberauces shall be taken at ten years
of the annual sum chargeable on the estate value or whole value of
instalments secured.
9. This Ordinance shall extend to all requests and applications
under the Principal Act pending before the Registrar of Titles at the
passing hereof.
Passed this day of 1950
784/50, Clerk of the. Legislative Council
The objectof this Bill is to authorise the consolidation of two or more
Certificates of Title in respect of adjoining lands andto effect certain
other amendments to the Title by Registration Act, Chapter 99.
Crown Attorney.
No. of 1950
AN ORDINANCE to amend the Appropriation
(1950) Ordinance, 1949.
(Gazetted 1950).
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Legislative Council of Dominica as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Appropria- ShortTitle
tion (Amendment) Ordinance, 1950. and shall be read
as one with the Appropriation (1950) Ordinance, 1949,
(hereinafter referred to as the principal Ordinance).
2. For sections 2 and 3 of the principal Ordinance Repeal and
the following shall be substituted-- ectione e and
3 of principal
Appropriation.. 2. There shall be and there is Ordinance.
hereby granted to His Majesty the
King, for and during the period from
the 1st January, 1950, to the 31st
December, 1950 inclusive,. the sum of
two million, two hundred and sixteen
thousand, eight hundred and twenty
dollars, over and above the sums
-granted and provided under the Acts
and Ordinances in force in the Col-
-ony, to -be applied and expended in
the manner and for the services set
forth in the Schedule hereto.
Sum charged 3. The said sum of two million,
on General two hundred and sixteen thousand
Revenue. eight hundred and twenty dollars
shall be, and the same is hereby de-
clared to be charged upon and Imade
payable from and out of the General
Revenue and other funds of the said
3. The schedule to the principal Ordinance is Repeal and
replacement of
hereby repealed and the following substituted therefore Schedte to
The Governor
Central Housing
Pensions ..
Police ..
Port & Marine
Post Office
Prisons ..
Public Debt
Public Library
Public Works
o *.
Public Works Annually Recurrent
Public Works Extraordinary
Supply Control ..
Telephones ... .
Treasury .. ..
Total Local Expenditure
Colonial Development & Welfare
Total Expenditure
Passed by the Legislative Council this day
of ,1950.
Clerk of the Legislative Couneil'
The object of this Bill is to amend the principal Ordinance
in order to correct an error in relation to items 3, 22 and 28
of the Schedule to the principal Ordinance as the Amounts
assigned to these items included sums already provided for
under law.
Acting Crown Attorney
No. of 1950.
A N ORDINANCE to implement an agreement
to provide for a uniform currency in the
Eastern Group of the British Caribbean
[On Proclamation.]
WHEREAS Government currency notes are issued No, 12-1937.
in the Colony of Barbados under the authority of the (Barbados.
Government Currency Notes (Barbados) Act, 1937, in Ne. 4of 1937.
I Br. Guiana )
the Colony of British Guiana under the authority of the
Government Currency Notes Ordinance, 1937, and in
the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago under the authority c iapte 3.
of the Government Currency Notes Ordinance;
AND WHEREAS by enactments of the Colonies of
Barbados, British Guiana and Trinidad and Tobago,
.Government currency notes issued in any one of them
are legal tender in all of them for the payment of any
AND WHEREAS by enactments of the Colonies of
the Leeward Islands and of the Colonies of Grenada, St.
Vincent, St. Lucia and Dominica comprising the Wind-
ward Islands, Government currency notes issued in the
Colony of Trinidad and Tobago are legal tender in the
Leeward Islands and in the Windward Islands for the
payment of any amount ;
AND WHEREAS the Currency Conference held at
Barbados in May, 1946, recommended in their Report
that a unified system of currency notes and coin for the
Eastern Group of the British Caribbean Territories, that
is to say, Barbados, British Guiana, the Leeward Is-
lands, Trinidad and Tobago, and Grenada, St. Vincent,
St. Lucia and Dominica comprising the Windward Is-
lands, be established ;
AND WHEREAS the Legislatures of the respective
Colonies comprising the Eastern Group of the British
Caribbean Territories have, by resolution, approved of
the establishment, in accordance with the recommenda-
tions contained in the Report of the Currency COL
ference, of a unified system of currency notes and coin
for the Eastern Group of the British Caribbean Terri-
First Schedule AND WHEREAS the recommendations of the Cur-
rency Conference are embodied in the Agreement the
terms of which are set out in the First Schedule to this
with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council of
Dominica as follows:-
Short Title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Currency
Ordinance, 1950.
Interpretation 2, In this Ordinance--
"Agreement" means the Agreement set out in
the First Schedule hereto;
"Board" means the Board of Commissioners
established in accordance with the terms of the Agree-
"Coin" means any coin provided, issued or re-
issued under the provisions of this Ordinance;
"Currency note" means any note provided,
issued or re-issued under the provisions of this Ordin-
"Currency fund" means the currency fund
established in accordance with Article 3 of the Agree-
"Income account" means the currency fund in-
come account established in accordance with Article 4
of the Agreement.
Agreement to 3. The provisions of the Agreement set out in the
have ore First Schedule hereto, made between the Governments
First Schedule. Of the Colonies of--
(a) Barbados,
(b) British Guiana,
(c) the Leeward Islands,
(d) Trinidad and Tobago,
(e) Grenada, St, Vincent, St. Lucia and Domi-
nica comprising the Windward Islands--
shall have the force of law as if enacted in this Ordin-
4. (1) On the commencement of this Ordinance, in
so far as it relates to currency notes--
(a) the Board shall, subject to the provisions of
this Ordinance, have the sole right power
and authority to provide issue and re-issue
currency notes in the Colony.
Board to have
sole right to
issue and re-
issue currency
notes and coin
in the Colony.
(b) No Banker shall, in the Colony, issue or re- The Bak
issue any bank note within the meaning of N"it"..t'
thp Bank Notes Act.
(2) Currency notes which are legal tender un- savinofe x.t-
der the Trinidad Currency Notes Act, 1939, shall be ~ .es"","At
deemed for the purposes of this Ordinance to have been No. of 1939.
issued under this Ordinance.
(3) On the commencement of this Ordinance,
in so far as it relates to coin, the Board shall, subject to
the provisions of this Ordinance, have the sole right
power and authority to provide, issue and re-issue coin
in the Colony.
5. (1) Currency notes issued under this Ordinance ,ue...d form
shall be of the denominations specified in the Agreement rnote d in.
and be of such form and design and printed from such
plates and on such paper and be authenticated in such
manner as may from time to time be approved by the
Secretary of State.
(2) The plates shall be prepared and kept and
the notes printed, authenticated, issued and cancelled in
the manner and in accordance with conditions prescrib-
ed by Regulations made under section'12 for the purpose
of preventing fraud and improper use.
(3) Coin issued under this Ordinance shall be of
the denominations and weight and be made of such
metal or metals as are specified in the Second Schedule
as amended from time-to time under the provisions of
sub-section 4 of this section and be of such form and
design as may be prescribed.
(4) The Governor may, after consultation with
the Board and with the approval of the Secretary of
State, make regulations amending the Second Schedule
6. (1) Currency notes shall be legal tender in the Legal Tendr.
Colony for the payment of any amount.
(2) Coin shall, if the coins have not been ille-
gally dealt with, be legal tender to an amount not ex-
ceeding in the case of coins of a denomination of not less'
than twenty cents, ten dollars, and in the case of coins
of a lower denomination, two dollars.
(3) For the purposes of this Ordinance, a coin
shall be deemed to have been illegally dealt with where
the coin has been impaired, diminished or lightened
otherwise than by fair wear and tear, or has been defaced
by having any name, word, device or number stamped
or engraved thereon, whether. the coin has or has not
been thereby diminished or lightened.
conversion of 7. (1) The Board shall issue on demand to any per-
currency notes
"nd oin into son desiring to receive currency notes in the Colony,
sterling and
vice versa currency notes to the equivalent value (at the rate of one
dollar for four shillings and two pence) of sums in
sterling lodged with the Crown Agents in London by the
said person, and shall pay on demand through the Crown
Agents to any person desiring to receive sterling in
London the equivalent value calculated as, aforesaid of
currency notes lodged with the Board in the Colony by
the said person.
Provided that--
(a) no person shall be entitled to lodge with the
Crown Agents for the Board as the case may
be less than such minimum sum as may from
time to time be prescribed for the purpose
of obtaining currency notes or sterling as
the case may be, and
(b) the Board shall be en itled to charge and
levy from any person obtaining currency
notes or sterling commission at such rate or
rates as the Board nmay think fit not exceed-
ing three quarters per centum and in addi-
tion the cost of any telegrams sent by the
Board, or by the Crown Agents in connec-
tion with any transfer as above described.
(2) The Board may, at its option, issue and re-
ceive coin in the same manner and subject to the same
conditions as are prescribed in subsection (1) of this sec-
tion for the issue and receipt of currency notes.
Meeting of 8. Any sum which. is required to meet any defi-
u dorIneome ciency in the Currency Fund or the Inc me Accountand
Account, which the Colony is liable to make good under the terms
of the Agreement shall forthwith on the demand of the
Board be issued under the warrant of the Governor out
of the general revenue.
Demonetisa- 9. The Governor may, after consultation with the
ynotfesand Board, by Proclamation issued with the approval of the
coin. Secretary of State, declare thac any currency notes or
coin shall cease to be legal tender and priviie for any
matters incidental to the calling in and demonetisation
of such notes or coin, and any such Proclamation shall
have effect as from the date thereof or from such later
date as may be specified : Provided that the holders of
any such notes or coin shall be entitled at any time after
they have ceased to be legal tender to claim payment of
the face value thereof from the Board.
payable tot 10. (1) On the commencement of this Ordinance in
demand. so far as it relates to currency notes, no person shall
draw,.accept, make or issue any bill of exchange, pro-
missory note or engagement for the payment of money
payable to bearer on demand or borrow, owe or take up
any sum or sums of money on any bill of exchange, pro-
missory note or engagement for the payment of money
payable only to bearer on demand of any such person.
Provided that--
(a) cheques or drafts payable to bearer on de-
mand may be drawn on bankers or agents
by their customers or constituents in respect
of moneys in the hands of these bankers or
agents held by them at the disposal of the
person drawing such cheques or drafts; and
(b) bank notes issued before the c6mmence-
ment of this Ordinance by banks duly au-
thorised by law so to do shall be exempt
from the operation of this section subject to
the provisions of paragraph (b) of section
(2) Any person contravenifig the provisions of
this section shall, notwithstanding anything to the con-
trary in any other law, be liable on summary conviction
to a fine of two hundred and fifty dollars or of a sum
equal to twice the amount of the bill, note or engage-
ment in respect whereof the offenceis committed which-
ever is the greater notwithstanding that the amount of
such fine may be in excess of the ordinary jurisdiction of
a Magistrate's Court:
(3) A prosecution under this section shall not
be instituted except by the Board or by an agent duly
authorised by the Board-in writing.
11. For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared currenyNot
that currency notes under this Ordinance shall be deem- dr this
ed to be bank notes within the meaning of sections 15, cf 5
16, 17, 19 and 20 of the Forgery Act and section 2 (1) of 29 93
the Counterfeit Currency (Convention) Act, 1937.
12. The Governor may, after consultation with the R .
Board and with the approval of the Secretary of State,
make Regulations:--
(a) prescribing anything which by this Ordin-
ance is to be prescribed; and
(b) generally for the better carrying into effect
of the provisions of this Ordinance.
13. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed as
affeeting the rights which Barclays Bank (Dominion, '
Colonial and Overseas), formerly the Colonial Bank,
may have at the commencement of this Ordinance to
issue or re-issue bank notes in the Colony.
osnce-. 14. (1) This Ordinance, in so far as it relates to
ment. currency notes, shall come into operation on such date
.as the Governor shall by Proclamation published in the
Gazette appoint.
(2) This Ordinance, in so far as it relates to
coin, shall come into operation on such date as the Gov-
ernor shall by Proclamation published in theaGazette
Repeal 15. The Trinidad Currency Notes Act, 1939, is'
L. Act 1/1939.
L. Act/199. hereby repealed.
Passed this day of 1950.
Clerk of the Leyislative Council.
An Agreement made between the Governments of
the Colonies of Barbados, British Guiana, the Leeward
Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Colonies of Gren-
ada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia and Dominica, comprising the
Windward Islands.
Whereas it is desired to constitute a Board of Com-
missioners to provide for and control the supply of cur-
rency to the territories administered by the Governments
participating in this Xgreement:
It is hereby agreed as follows :-
constitution of 1. (1) There shall be constituted a Board of Com-
soard of com- missioners of Currency to be styled the 'Board of Com-
mnissioners of
Currency. missioners of Currency, British Caribbean Territories
(Eastern Group)" (hereinafter referred to as "The
Board") which shall consist of five members to be ap-
pointed by the Secretary of State, the Governors of Bar-
bados, British Guiana, the Leeward Islands, Trinidad
and Tobago and the Windward Islands, each. having the
right to nominate one such member to represent his
respective territory.
(2) The Board shall elect one of its member to
be Chairman.
(3) The term of office of the members and the
Chairman shall be three years, subject to their continu-
ing resident within the territory they respectively repre-
sent. Subject to the foregoing conditions each member
shall be eligible for re-appointment.
(4) In addition to the five members appointed
under paragraph (1) there shall be an Executive Officer
of the Board of which he' shall be a member with the
title of "Executive Commissioner" and the right to vote.
The said Executive Commissioner shall be appointed by
the Secretary of State. He shall be responsible, subject
to the direction of;the Board, for all executive matters
connected with the procurement, issue, retirement, dis-
tribution and holding of the Board's notes and coin.
(5) The Chairman and members of the Board
shall be paid such remuneration and allowances as may
from time to time be determined by the Secretary of
(6) Any duty devolving and any power con-
ferred on the Board may be discharged or exercised by
any three members, and, in the absenceof the Chairman
elected under paragraph (2), members may for the pur-
pose of any particular meeting elect a Chairman ad hoe.
The Chairman shall have an original and a casting vote.
(7) The Board shall establish its headquarters
at Trinidad and offices at such other places as may be
required and may employ such agents, officers and per-
sons as may be required.
(8) If any member of the Board is for the time
being unable to act the Governor by whom he has been
nominated may appoint a fit person to act in his place
during such inability.
(9) The Board and its officers and servants shall
be deemed to he public servants for the purpose of the
criminal law in force in the territories of the participat--
ing Governments
2. (1) The Board shall have the sole right to issue od taoh.a
currency notes and coin in the territories administered sose r'retr,
by the participating Governments who shall not issue
any such notes or coin nor authorise such issue by other
(2) The Board shall assume all the liabilities,
obligations and responsibilities of the currency authori-
ties of Barbados, British Guiana and Trinidad and Tobago
with respect to the Government currency notes which
have been issued and are in circulation on the coming
into force of this Agreement. The said currency au-
thorities shall transfer to the Board sterling in London
or investments out' of the existing respective Note
Security Funds to an aggregate market value agreed by
the Board to be the equivalent of the amount of the note
liability so assumed by the Board,
(3) The Governments of Barbados, British
Guiana and Trinidad and Tobago shall take all necessary
measures to demonetise and facilitate the withdrawal by
the Board of the currency notes issued by their respec-
tive currency authorities and in circulation and shall in
due course repeal the Ordinances under the authority of
which such notes have been issued.
(4) The participating Governments as and when
.circumstances permit shall demonetise and procure the
withdrawal and appropriate disposal, under arrange-
ments with His Majesty's Government in the United
Kingdom, of the United Kingdom coin now in current
circulation in the territories administered by them.
(5) The notes and coin to be issued by the Board
shall be in the following denominations :-
Notes. Coin.
100 dollars 50 cents
20 dollars 20 cents
10 dollars 10 cents
5 dollars 5 cents
2 dollars 1 cent
1 dollar I cent
Provided that notes and coin of other denomina-
tions may be issued as required with the approval of the
Secretary of State ; such notes and coin to be in dollars
at the rate of 100 cents for each dollar of the value equi-
valent to four shillings and two pence of sterling in
currency 3. (1) The Board shall establish and maintain a
Fund. Fund to be called "The Currency Fund" (hereinafter
referred to as "The Fund") which shall be held in Lon-
don by the Crown Agents for meeting the redemption o f
currency and shall not be applied for any other purposes
except as provided in this Agreement.
(2) The sterling in London or investments trans-
ferred to the Board in accordance with Article 2 (2) of
this Agreement shall be held for the account of the Fund
which shall be credited with the amount thereof at the
agreed aggregate market value
(3) There shall further be paid into the Fund :
(a) all sterling received in exchange for
currency notes or coin ;
(b) the proceeds of any transactions under
paragraph 6 of this Article, less all
expenses incurred in connection there-
(4) The Fund may be invested in sterling
securities of or guaranteed by the Government of any
part of the British Empire (except the participating
Governments) or such ether securities as, with the ap-
proval of the Secretary of State, may be selected by the
Crown Agents:
Provided that a proportion of the Fund shall be
held in London in liquid form and sueh proportion may
be determined and varied from time to time with the
approval of the Secretary of State by the Board.
(5) The liquid portion of the Fund may be held
in cash or on deposit at the Bank of England or in Trea-
sury Bills or may be lent out at call or for short terms in
such ways or invested in such readily realizable securi-
ties as may be approved by the Secretary of State.
(6) Notwithstanding anything in the preceding
paragraphs contained, the Board may-
(a) use any coins held for the account of the
Fund for the purpose of having them re-
minted and coined into current coin;
(b) pay from the fund the cost of the purchase
of metal to be minted into current coin; and
(c) sell any coins held for the account of th6
Fund provided that the proceeds of any such
transactions shall be paid into the Fund.
(7) The value of the Fund for any of the pur-
pos-s of this Agreement shall be the current realisable
value of the whole of the assets held in the Fund, invest-
ments of the Fund being valued at the current market
price at the time of valuation.
4, (1) The Board shall open and maintain an ac- CurrencyFund
count to be called the "Currency Fund Income Account" Account.
(hereinafter referred to as the "Income Account") into
which shall be paid all dividends, interest or other re-
venue derived from investments or from the employ-
mu nt in any other manner of the moneys of the Fund
and all commissions paid tothe Board in connection with
the issue or redemption of currency notes or coin.
(2) There shall be charged upon the Income
(a) all the expenses other than the expenses re-
ferred to in Article 3 incurred by the Board
and by the Crown Agents in the preparation,
transport, issue, redemption and demone-
tisation of currency notes and coin and the
transaction of any business relating thereto;
(b) any expenses incurred by the Board for the
protection of the currency against counter-
feiting or forgery of coins or notes; and
(c) a sum equal to one per centum of the value
of the Fund at the end of each year calcu-
lated in accordance with Article 3 (7) of
this Agreement which shall be paid annu-
ally into the Fund.
Provided that the Board may, with the approval
of the Secretary of State, direct that any expenditure of
an exceptional nature may be charged upon the Fund
and not upon the Income Account.
(3) If on the last day in any year there is a sur-
plus in the Income Account it shall be paid to the credit
of an account to be called the "British Caribbean Terri-
tories (Eastern Group) (Currency Surplus) Account"
(hereinafter referred to as the "Surplus Account" to be
set upfas provided in Article 5 of this Agreement; but
if on the last day in any year there is a deficiency in the
Income Account it shall be met according to the scale
prescribed in Article 5 (2) from any sums standing to the
credit of the Governments concerned in the Surplus
Account or from moneys to be appropriated and paid
from the revenues of the Governments. If any Govern-
ment should default on any payment due under this
paragraph, the amount in default may be recovered from
any subsequent payment due to that Government out of
the Surplus Account as provided in Article 5 of th*s.
Provided that--
(a) if on the last day in any year the face value
of the currency notes and current coin in
circulation exceeds the value of the Fund
calculated in accordance with Article 3 (7)
of this Agreement there shall be paid into
the Fund the whole of the said surplus in
the Income Account or such part thereof as
shall make up the moneys of the Fund as
aforesaid to an amount equal to the face
value of the currency notes and current coil
in circulation; and
(b) -if on the last day in any year the value of
the Fund so calculated exceeds one hundred
and ten per centum of the face value of the
currency notes and current coin in circula-
tion the Board may with tile sanction of the
Secretary of State direct-
(i) that the wholeior part of the excess
over one hundred and ten per centum
shall be transferred from the Fund to
the Income Acceunt; and
(ii) that the annual appropriation out of
the Income Account of one per cen-
tum aforesaid shall be wholly or par-
tially discontinued for so long as it
shall appear that the necessity for
such annual appropriation no longer
5. (1) There shall be set up a British Caribbean British Carib-
Territories (Eastern Group) (Currency Surplus) Account, stories (Eatern
into whichshall be paid any surplus in the Income Ac- Group)
count arising as provided in Article 4.
(2) The participating Governments shall be en-
titled to share in the Surplus Account according to the
following scale:-
Trinidad and Tobago 55 per cent
British Guiana 25 ,,,,
Barbados 10 ,,,,
Leeward Islands
Antigua 1.8
St. Kitts 1.6
Montserrat 0.6 4 per cent
Windward Islands
St. Lucia 2.4
Dominica 0.9
St. Vincent 1.2
Grenada 1.5 6 ,,,,
100 per cent
Provided that if, on the expiration of a period of two
years of the quinquennial period commencing from the
first day of January, 1951, a new scale is agreed upon
that new scale should be substituted for the above and
shall remain in force until the end of the quinquennial
period; but provided further that if at the end of any
such quinquennial period no such agreement is reached
the scale then in force shall continue in operation for the
next quinquennial period.
(3) Each of the participating Governments shall
authorise from time to time the Board to pay out of its
share of the sums standing to the credit of the Sarplus
Account its share of such charges in addition to the
charges referred to in Article 4 of this Agreement as the
Governments may from time to time agree should be so
(4) Any balance remaining in the Surplus Ac-
count to the credit of any participating Government as
the end of any year after the payment of any charges at
provided in paragraph (3) of this Article shall be paid
to that Government on demand.
6. (1) If the assets-of the Fund should at any time Meeting of
deficiencies in
prove inadequate to meet legal demands upon the Board the Currency
for the conversion of currency into sterling, each parti-
cipating Government shall be liable to meet any defi-
ciency in the Fund.
(2) If the value of the Fund calculated as pro-
vided in Article 3 (7) shall at any time be less than the
face value of the currency notes and current coin in cir-
culation and in the opinion of the Secretary of State it
shall be necessary to make up such deficiency in the
Fund either wholly or partly each participating Govern-
ment shall be liable for the sum which in the opinion of
the Secretary of State is required to be paid into the
(3) Any liability under paragraphs (1) and (2)
of this Article shall be apportioned between the partici-
pating Governments according to the scale prescribed in
Article 5 (2).
(4) Should one or more of the participating
Governments make default in respect of the above im,-
posed obligation the other participating Governments
shall be liable to make good such default each in the pro-
portion which its liability as set out in the scale bears to
the total liability of such non-defaulting Governments.
Provided that in the event of a default being so
made good any sums due thereafter to the defaulting
Government or Governments from the Surplus Account
shall be paid to the Governments which have made good
such defaults in the like proportions until the amount so
made good by them has been refunded.
Accounts and 7. (1) The accounts of all transactions of the Board
return.. shall be audited once in every year by such persons and
in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary of
State may prescribe.
(2) An abstract of such accounts shall be as
soon as may be after' sach audit published in the Gazette
of each participating Government.
(3) The Board shall on the first day of each
month make up and as soon as may be thereafter publish
in the Gazette of each participating Government, an ab-
stract showing the whole amount of currency notes in
circulation on the said day and the average amount in
circulation during the previous month.
(4) The Board shall also publish half yearly in
the Gazette of each participating Government an abstract
(a) the amount of the liquid portion of the
(b) the nominal value and price paid for and the
latest known market price of.the securities
belonging to.the Fund.
(5) The amount of notes in circulation at a par-
ticular date shall be deemed to be the total nominal
amount of notes issued prior to that date by the Board
after deducting the total nominal amount of notes re-
ceived by the Board prior to that date.
(6) The said abstracts shall from time to time
and at least once a quarter be verified by a Board of Sur-
vey appointed in accordance with such regulations as the
Secretary of State may prescribe.
8. The Government of Trinidad and Tobago, having
undertaken to advance such funds as may be necessary
to repay preliminary expenses and initial expenditure in
connection with the establishment of the unified cur-
rency, the Board shall reimburse the Government of
Trinidad and Tobago the amount of such advances.
ment of Gov-
ernment of
Trinidad and
9. Any dispute arising from the interpretation of Settlementof
this Agreement shall be referred to the Secretary ofdispute
State whose decision shall be final and binding on all the
Governments concerned,
Second Schedule "sections 5 (3)"
Coins of the Eastern Group of the British Caribbenn Territories.
Part I.
Proportion of
dollar for which
Standard Remedy
*weight allowance
.50 Fifty-cent piece 240 1 piece Cupro-Nickel
.20 Twenty-cent piece 96 in Cpper 75%
.10 Ten-cent piece 48 40 Nickel 25%
.05 Five-cent piece 24
Part 2.
Proportion of
dollar for which
One-cent piece
Half-cent piece
Standard Remedy n Composition
weight allowance
1 piece in
The Currency Conference held at Barbados in May, 1946, re-
commended, on the terms and conditions set out in their report,
the establishment of a unified system of currency notes and coin
for Barbados, British Guiana, the Leeward Islands, Trinidad and
Tobago and the Windward Islands.
2. The report has been accepted by the Legislatures of the
Colonies concerned and was accepted in this Colony on the 3rd
day of September, 1946.
3. The recommendations set out in the report have been em-
bodied in the Agreement which is in the First Schedule to the Bill.
4. The object of this Bill is to carry into effect the report of
the Currency Conference.
5. Clause 14 of the Bill provides that the Ordinance shall
come into operation on such date as the Governor shall by pro-
clamation appoint. A proclamation may be issued in respect of
currency n3tes only, or in respect of coin only.
Crown Attorney.
ECIAL FUNDS: $ c. $ c. CASH: $ c. $ c
savings Bank ... ... ... .. ... ... 320,645 76 In hand ... 12.673 63
Depreciation Fund Electric Light Plant... ... 14,012 92 Bank ... ... ... ... 40,141 30
Development & Welfare Schemes Sub Accountants ... ... ... ... 3,800 66
unspent advances ... ... ... 38,729 46 373,388 14 Crown Agents ..... ... ... ... 426 58 0,42 22
.02 !~108 03 1
Deposits ... ... ......
Bills drawn on Crown Agents
38,544 00
Joint Colonial Fund
lus at 1st January, 1919 ... ... ... 112,503 71
uct Deficit at 31st Dec., 1949 ... ... 85,777 08 26,7,6 63 INVESTMENTS:
On behalf of Savings Bank ... ... .. ... 291,313 36
On behalf of Electric Light Depreciation Fund... 14,012 92 305,326 28
4 1, j 76 64,766
$ 641,766 80 4,7
The above statement is exclusive of the Funded Public Debt which was $110,400 00 at 31st December, 1949. Thn Sinking Fund in respect of this Debt amounted to
$30,320.90 at the same date. Outstanding Loans from Imperial Funds which do not form part of the Funded Public Debt, totalled $117,087 92 at 31st
December, 1949.
The General Revenue Balance is understated by an amount of $31,898.11 being the net under issue from Colonial Office vo'e3 in respect of Colonial Development
and Welfare schemes at 31st December. 1949.
Ag, Accountant. Ag. Financial Secretary.
T. D. TOWERS, -- Audilor, Windward Islands.
31st July, 19J0.
6ih June, 1950.
SPECIAL FUNDS: $ c. $ c. CASH: $ c. $ c.
Savings Bank ... ... ... ... ... 316,144 19 In hand ... ... ... ... .. ... 1,727 10
S Depreciation Fund Electric Light Plant... ... 14,012 92 Bank ... ... ... ... ... 20,715 07
Development & Welfare Schemes Sub Accountants ... ...... 3,686 87
unspent advances ... ... ... ... 38,729 46 368,886 57 Imprest .. ... ... ... .. .. 7,369 11
E-4 Remittances ... ... ... ... ... 21 00
Deposits... ... ... ... ... ... 205,749 17
Crown Agents ... .. ... ... ... 1,399 48
Bills drawn on Crown Agents .. ... .. 144 00
SJoint Colonial Fund ... ... ... ... 38,400 00 73,318 63
S Surplus at 1st January, 1950 ... .. ... 26,726 63 Advances ... ... ... ... ... ... 203,658 01
Deduct Deficit at 31st January, 1950 ... ... 19,203 45 7,523 18
On behalf of Savings Bank ... ...... ... 291,313 36
On behalf of Electric Light Depreciation Fund... 14,012 92 305,326 28
0 $ 582,302 92 $ 582,302 92
NOTE The above statement is exclusive of the Funded Public Debt which was $110,400.00 at 31st January, 1950. Th~ Sinking Fund in respect of this Debt amounted
to $30,320.90 at the same date.
Accountant. Financial Secretary.
26th June, 1950.
SPECIAL FUNDS: $ c. $ c. CASH:- $ c. $ c.
Savings Bank ... ... ... ... ... .. 321,989 71 In hand .. ... ...... ... 1,211 77
Depreciation Fund Electric Light Plant... ... 14,012 92 Bank ... .... 18,414 38
Development & Welfare Schemes Sub Accountants ...... ... .. 5,049 45
unspent advances ... ... ... .. 88,729 46 374,732 09 Remittances ... .. .. ... ... 20 76
Imprest 1 ... ... ... ... .. 7,390 67
Deposits... ... ... ... 203,469 85 Crown Agen's (Current %) ... .. ... 3,683 58
Bills drawn on Crown Agents ... ... ... 144 00 Joint Colonial Fund ... .. ... ... 10,200 (0 54,970 61
NoTE The above statement is exclusive of the
$29,013.12 at the same date.
On behalf of Savings Bank ... ... ...
On behalf of Electric Light Depreciation Fund...
Surplus at Ist January, 19'0 .. ... ..
Deduct Deficit at '8th Feb., 1950
290,330 38
14.012 92
26,726 6;i
55,504 81
190,253 85
304,343 30
28,778 18
578,345 94 I578,345 94
Funded Public Debt which was $110,400.00 at 28th February, 190 The Sinking Fund in respect of this Debt amounted to
15lh July, 1950
Financial Secr etalry.
.1. ... ...
Savings Bank ......... ...
Depreciation Fund Electric Light Plant...
Development & Welfare Schemes
unspent advances ... ...
Deposits .. ... ...
Bills drawn on Crown Agents
... 118,889 46
$ c.
467,787 96
205,622 49
144 00
In hand ... ... ... ..
Bank ... ... ...
Sub Accountants ... ..... ...
Remittances ... .. ... ... ...
Imprest ... ... ... ...
Crown Agents (Current %) ...
Joint Colonial Fund ......
Advances ... ... ...
On behalf of Savings Bank ... ...
On behalf of Electric Light Depreciation Fund..
Surplus at Ist January, 1950 ... ...
Deduct Deficit at 31st March, 1950 ... ...
$ c.
$ c.
2,655 61
12,068 72
7,958 34
806 91
7,358 96
1,341 50
62,400 00
290,330 38
14,012 92
26,726 63
106,768 97
673,554 45 673,554 45
The above statement is exclusive of the Public Debt which was $110,400.00 at 31st March, 1950. The Sinking Fund in respect of this Debt amounted to $29,013.12
at the same date.
31st July, 1950
Financial Secretary.
94,090 04
195,078 77
304,343 30
80,042 34