Official gazette - Dominica

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Official gazette - Dominica
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Subjects / Keywords:
Politics and government -- Dominica ( lcsh )
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Dates or Sequential Designation:
v. 1- April 5, 1865-

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tu b I i st;j e b br2 u t bt o r i t r v


Government Notices.
Adnti,izstrator's Office
23rd February, 1950.
OWING to the cancellation of the visit to
I Hribli Honduras her I~oyal Highness the
PRINCES.S ALICE and the E rl of Athlone
in i.i.iM.S ".Glasgow" will now visit all
tie Windward Islands. The itinerary will
ue as follows:-
2uth l''ebruary --omrinica
2,th February --S Lucia
2nd ,v.arch -St. Vincent
31 d March -Grenada, until
7th March, when oi ll.nyal Party will
visit. Barbado, a in i ie o, lginal itinerary.
Z between lIomulnica and St. Lucia
Her Royal lighnreSs will have opportuni.
ty of seeing mviartiiiique and the journey
from zt. VincrCiL Lo 'irenada will take the
Royal Party through the beautiful,Grena.
3. The Royal Party accompanied by His
Excellency the Governor and Mrs. Arun.
dell will be landing at the wnarf at
Roseau at 3.3u p.m. on Sunday 26th,
February. A Police Guard of Honour and
the Boy Scouts and Girl Gu'des will be
paraded. Members of Executive Council
and their wives, His tonour the Puisne
Judge, members of Legislative Council
and their wives, the heads of the three
Churches, and members of the Roseau
Town councill and their wives will be pre-
sented. After the presentation the Party
will drive to Government House.
4. After tea at Government House the
Royal Party will go for .a drive in the
country passing through Roseau by the
Market Square. King George V Street
and Queen Mary Street and Goodwill,

D 32-V07X91
S7 to

;DAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1950. No. 9

About one hour later they will return to
Roseau by way of Goodwill, Queen Mary
Street, New Street, Old Street and Market
Square. It is hoped that as many people
as possible along this route will decorate
their houses
5. A full programme is being arranged
for Mondnyand the Royal Party will be
leaving on Tuesday morning.
Administrator's Orhce,
23;rd February, 1950.
PRINCESS ALICE, Countess.of Athlone
who was installed as Chancellor of the
University College of the West Indies at
Jamaica on February 16th, 1!50, is one of
QUEEN VICTORIA'S grand-daughters and a
most popular member of the Royal Fam-
ily. Her father, PRINCE LEOPOLD, Duke
of Albany, died in 1884 when his baby
daughter was only one year old. Her
mother, Duchess of Albany, lived in deep
retirement after her husband's death, and
the little princess was reared in simplicity
at Clermont a country house at lEsher in
the English county of Surrey.
PRINCESS ALICE was seen seldom by the
public until she was grown-up, when they
realized with pleasure that this little-
known princess was a beautiful and grace-
ful young woman with golden hair, blue
eyes. fair skin and a charming smile.
MARY'S brother, the 1iarl of Athlone. He
was then PRINCE ALEXANDER of Teck and
an officer in the British Army. The
young couple had many tastes in common
and both were determined to work for
and serve less fortunate people. The re-
cord of their lives, both in Britain and


overseas for many years, shows how ggiC
cessfully they have identified themeivess
with many good causes; never spring
themselves and striving to give real practi-
cal help On one occasion PRIfp3Ea,
ALICE personally signed 5,000 letters of
appeal to raise funds for an educatiinoal
purpose Child welfare, homes for aged,
people and educational facilities are among
the causes which have lain nearest hgr
A Fluent Public Speaker
PRINCESS ALICE has become a Q ent
public speaker who is never at a loss for
a word. When she meets a has the happy knack of making him feel
at ease so that w-hen they part he has the
feeling that he has aequire anew frjendl.
In 19'2 KING GEORG V appote4 the
Earl of Athlotse as Governor-General of
the Union of South Africa. PRINCESS
ALICE accompanied her husband to that
country, and soon won the hearts of South
Africans. In order to talk to as many of
tht people as possible e he arod Afri-
kaans. While in the Union of South
Africa a great .srrow c~ai to. he pri#i s
and her hu~iband. Tiier only son, Lord
Trematon, who was wiarly 21 y~ars old,
was injrel in a car aceiient in t0e Spu Ah
of ,Franxe ad did no recover ffrm his.
injuries. The bereaved parents rtuf$ne
to jBritain fr a few booths,
When they retr,iaed to the Urion of
South Africa, with their wly syrviviiPgy
child, Lady May Cambridge. the Earl of
Athlone tad on his itaff a new aide-de-
camp. a young soldier named Henry Abel
Smith. Romance soon knocked at the
doors of Goyvrawaent Hause in Pretoria,
and it 1'931 Lad~y May and Captajn(,(ntw
Lieutenant-ColoneJ) Abel Srith were ma,r-
ried. Today Princess Alice has a bevy of
delightful grandchildren in whom .ghe
takes a keen interest.
Home in Kensington Palpce
A wing in old Kensington Palace, where.
QUEN VKllQ TWA p4asad.her girlhood, has
always been the London hqrme f PRINQESS
ALuC anit the Earl of bl~lpe. OQn ,of
its treasures s A protj.ait of PRINGCIES
AL GE by the distinguished artist, the late
Philip de 4LazQo.. which shows her as a
beautiful, fair-hairedl woAjia.
During World War 1I. ir 1990, ,no-eher
most iiparitant ,dr .ty.aWaiied Pitsi. ilOn
ALUC. She accoimnanied tlte Earl of AMth-
lone toCaaa~a, when hbe h meorvee~Iepor-
Generai of tbht great QC9o aRmwe lqR*
cow.-. D.Iuriqng ,tlieatest-iew ysea-s ae
travelled a.y thousands opfnilf s e~osS
Cana da she, madwe 4rwi abe ;ne\W
friends and'.ws always .ready to sa piort
charitable causes.
At 'the oend Lof :WWld War 11 Princess
A I le.and,the Earlof 4thlone:apent a well-
eartpd hlbiday inA.theiWest -Indies. Prin-
ces, Alice:had an uifsnrgettable experience

. '. N-M# in the Bahamas. She donned a
diving suit and strolled among the coral
growths beneath the sea. Afterwards
she s4id he had been thrilled by the
h.auty of -he underseas world No doubt
as she trayels to Jamaica she will recall
thiis thrilling adventure. She will be ac-
Ciiimpiniedl by the Earl of Athlone who is
the Chancellor of London University.

Administrator's office ,
.3rd February, 1950

K.G:, P.C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., D.S.O.,
THE EARL of ATl .h'N.E brother of
QUEEN MA)ly anl third.1 onr pf thR late
Duke of Teck, was born at Kensington
Palace on April 14th 1874. Until the age
of forty-threp he bore the title of PRIN'E
ALEXANDER of Teck; during the first
world war he, in common with oher kips-
men of the King, renounced his royal title
of German origin He took the surname
of Cambridge, and was created E~rj of
He married PRINCESS ALISE of Albany
granddaughter of QUEEN VICTORIA in
1904. Theirnmarriage has lwen a long and
happy partnership much of which has been
spent ii representing H. M. the King in
different pats of the Com-monwealth
fhe Earl paid a tribute to his wife when
ai Charnellor of fthe University of London
he conferred an honorary degree on her
in 1934, saying: If I have been at any
tire of any little help to my country and
my feltowmen, 75% of the credit at the
very least estimate. is due to PRINCESS
The Earl ,began his career as a soldier
Hie was educated at Eton, first Prince
of the Roy-al Family to go there, and at, being gazetted to the 7th Hus-
sate. :He joined his regiment in India'
went wit-h hem to Natal, and later took
pait 4in the ifrta-bele campaign. fHe dis-
tinguished himself in the fighting, ,nce
aawhed to the relief of ,olone! (later 6en-
eral)' Ba4en-Powell when the latter was
sqarely beset in a mountain attack, and
wq .two mentions in despitche. -Baden-
Powell wrote of h-i-m in his book on the
caimpaignr: :"The Prince never spared
himself when there was heavy work to be
done; and after a heavy spell of night
work he would- just lie down upon, the
ground to refeperate himself with a good
sleep,,ioo tied to be disturbed by the flies
playing about his bare legs or the ants
enterHin through the gaping slits of his
At the beginning of the ,Boer War the
Prince transf-?rred to the Innikilling
Dragoops, "because they were due to go
out to South Africa before his own regi-


FEBRUARY 23,1950


ment, which he rejoined later. He won a
further "mention" and the D. S. 0. in
this war.
He was appointed Governor-General of
Canada first in 1914 -the position he was
to bold a quarter of a century later but
did not then take it up owing to the out.
break of war, for rhe went to France in.
stead with the Life Guards. He won
further mentions and a brevet-colonelcy.
and became a byword for his extreme
coolness under fire. After holding various
staff appointments he ended the war as
Brigadier-General and head of the British
Military Mission to the I'elgian Army He
was made an honorary Major-General in
In this year the Earl of Athlone went
out to South Africa as Governor-General.
During nis term of office he ano Princess
Alice won a very special place in the
hearts of the South Africans. He delight.
ed them by learning to speak Afrikaans;
their first intimation of this accomplish
ment was when, in the middle of a public
address, he stopped speaking English, and
with the mark "now I shall speak
AfTiikaans," finished his speech in that
language His audience, most of whom
were Afrikaans-speakers, cheered him to
the echo "'hey could stay here for good
as far as we are concerned," said many
South Africans, and in fact the Earl's
term of office was prolonged for two years
at the request of the Union Govenerent,
headed in those days by General Hertzog.
During the years that he was t-overnor.
General the controversy over the union
flag-which came near to stirring up civil
war- blew up in South Africa, and its
ultimate settlement cwed much to his
personal intervention.
The Earl of Athlone and his wife re-
turned horne in 1930, making on their
way a tour through Africa, Palestine
Transjordan and Turkey. where they visit
ed Kernel lasha. Pack in London, the
Earl was appointed Governor and Consta.
bie of Windsor Castle, a post he held till
1940, and took up many public duties
Hospital work has always interested him,
and he had been from 1l,10 to 1924 Chair-
man of Middlesex Hospital, interested
himself in every aspect of the Hospital's
work, and launched the appeal which
brought it 90.000. In 1934 he was ap-
pointed Chairman of the Joint Committee
on Midwifery, set up to enquire into the
problems of maternal mortality, and three

FEBRUARY 23, 1950. 46

years later he was Chairman of the Com-
mittee set up to enquire into the status
and recruitment of nurses He also, in
193i. became Chairm:n of the Joint Ad-
visory Committee of the National Playing
fields Association and the Central Councii
for Recreative Physical Training. In 1932
he became Chancellor of London Universi-
ty, a position he still hold-.
The Earl has always been a great travel-
ler. In 1938 he and PrincessAlice went
out to Saudi Arabia at the invitation of
King Ibn Saud and travelled by motor
caravan across the desert from Jeddah to
Riyadh They were entertained at Jeddah
by King Abdul Aziz, the first time a
woman had ever been guest at a public
banquet there. A year later the Athlones
returned to the Middle East, to represent
H.M. the King on the occasion of the
marriage of the Crown Prince of Iran.
From 1940 to 1946 the Earl of Athlone
was Governor General of Canada and he
and Princess Alice repeated the personal
success which they had in South Africa
The Earl visited the United States on vari-
ous occasions and conferred with President
lRosevelt and later with President Tru-
man, and he entertained in Canada the
Inter-Allied Statesmen who came there
for the various conferences. He interested
himself in Canada's war efforts, and on
his departure said he was proud to have
been t anada's Governor-General during
the war because it had given him the
opportunity of seeing the wonderful con-
tribution which Canadians made towards
its successful prosecution.
Since leaving Canada the Earl of
Athione and Pi incess Alice have revisited
South Africa were the Government have
presented them with a house in Cape
Town, and have travelled widely in
Europe Immediately before their de-
parture from Canada they made a tour in
the West Indies, which they had visited
earlier, before the war; it is not as
strangers, therefore, that they return for
the installation of Princess Alice as Chan-
cellor of the University College of the
West Indies.

I he Earl of Athlone has been Personal
A.l).C. to the King since 19i9. He was
sworn of the Privy Council in 1931. He
is Bailiff Giand Cross of the order of St.
John of Jerusalem, and has been since
1936 Randnd Master of the Order of St.
M ichael and St. George.

Printed at the BULLETIN OFFIC,. Roseau, by G. A J\AM.ESS -By Authority