ui'uibl eb bi Autfjorit p
Government Notices.
Administrator's Office,
9th February. 1950.
THERE will be sold at the Sub-Treasury,
Portsmouth, on Friday, the 24th day of
February, 1050 the following goods seized
by the Police and forfeited by the Magis-
trate District '"G".
2 half'bags flour
(+ection 68 of Ordinance.No. 5 of.1949)
Acting Flnancial Secretary, .
Administrator's Ofice,
10th Februa.y, 1950.
THE Administrator has been pleased to
appoint the following persons to be mem-
bers of the Giraudel Village Board:-
Mr. Arnold Alfred (Chairman)
Mr Charles Giraudel
Mr. Randolph Joseph
Mrs. E. Honeychurch
Mr James Chaseaa.
Mr. Norman Bell
Miss Agnes Letang
Mr. Charles John Baptiste.
By Order.
Acting Govern'ment Secretary.
Adminidtratot's Office,
14th February, 1D50
IT is hereby notified, for general infor.
nation, that Miss Lily A. Olson a Vice
Consul of the United States of American
has been assigned to Port of Spain, to re-
place Vice Consul Raymond Bastianello
who left Port of Spain on October 12,
l4.7 w to
p Tcqo
Administrator's Office,
15th February. 1950
THE following particulars relating to
appointments, etc., in the public service
are published for general information:--
IV Roseau Hospital,.. vacation leave
from 11th February to lst March 11)50
E. f43.
GUISTE C. H. E., Head Teacher Ordinary
Grade, St Joseph Government School,
appointed. Head Teacher .Selected
S.Grade St. Joseph Government School.
1st. January, 1950.
IV N-urse Roseau-Hospital, vacation
leave from 14th February to tlie 1st
March 1950 inclusive.
E. 612. ....
PE'TI:RS, Miss URSULA G.. G. S. O. Class(
III Telephone Operator, Portsmouth,
vacation leave from 18th February to
8th March 1950 inclusive.
E. 551
er Ordinary Grade, Roseau (Girls'.
appointed Head Teacher Selected
Grade Roseau Girls'.
1st January, 1950.
ST. LUCE, GERALD, Head Teacher Ordin-
ary Grade, Delices government School,
appointed Head Teacher Selected
Giade, Delices Government School.
1st January, 1950
Admiistrator's Of/ice.
16th February. 1950.
Tiill: following Statutory Rules and
Orders are circulated with and form parc
of this Gazette: .--
No. 49 or 1949 The Public Health
Regulations, 1949.
Adminissrator's 9Ofice,
16th February, 1950
As recommended at West Indian Gov.
ernors' Conference held in Barbados in
November 19-1), there will be held in Bar-
bados March 7th a Conference of Senior
Responsible Officials the purpose of which
will be to review in detail the effects of
Revaluation of Sterling on Public Finance
and General Economy in the Region and
to consider and recommend to Govern'
ment, in the light of that view what Gov'
ernmental action, whether conjointly or
individually is called for. The Revaluation
Conference will be Official but it will take
into full consideration the views in so far
they are available of representative un-
official organizations.
2. Unofficial bodies are requested to
submit their views in writing to the Ad-
ministrator, Administrator's Office, Roseau
not later than Saturday the 25th Febru.
ary, 1950.
By Order,
Acting Government Secretary.
C. 14/50
3rd February, 1950.
THE attention of owners of licensed
warehouses is called to Ordinance No. 5 of
1949, Section 38. ALL GOODS BONDED
Acting Financial Secretary.
H. M. S. Snipe wearing the flag of the
Commander-in-Chief, America and West
Indies Squadron will be visiting Dominica
from the 28th February to the Ist March,
H M S. Snipe is a fast long range fri.
gate of the Royal Navy, commissioned ii
August, 1946, and built by Messrs Denny
Bros. of Dumbarton, Scotland. The dis-
placement is about 2 000 tons length 300
feet and beam 3S feet. The complement
is ;70 officers and men.
H M.S Snipe last visited Dominica in
August 1948.
C. 9/50.
Application for Registration
The Registration of United King-
dom Trade Marks Ordinance, 1946
Application is' hereby made for the
Registration, in the Register, of the Unit-
ed Kingdom Trade Mark No. 297648 in
class 47 (Schedule 111), registered on the
30th day of August, 1949 and for the issue
to me of a Certificate of Registration in
the Colony of Dominica for the said Trade
Dated the 12th day of January 1950
To the Registrar of 2rade Marks,
Comparative Return of Principal Domestic Imports.
Food, Drink & Tobacco.
Cattle, horned No.
Beer & Ale Stout &
Porter gals.
Biscuits, Bread & Cakes:
Unsweet'ed in brls. lbs.
do. in tins
Cocoa--Preared ,,
Coffee Prepared ,,
Confectionery ,,
Fish :
Canned lbs
.Dried & Salted ,,
Pickled Elerrings ,,
Fruits:- Dried
Grain, Flour Pulse &
Preparations thereof:
Rice lbs.
Flour Bags of )8 lbs.
Corneal ,,
Beans & Peas Ibs.
Macaroni & Vermicelli ,,
Jams, Jellies & Preserved
Jams & Jellies lbs.
Canned & bottled
Lard & Substitutes lbs.
Meats: Beef
Milk, Condensed lbs.
Oils Edible gals.
Pickles, Condiments &
Sauces val.
Salt: Coarse brls.
Fine lbs.
Spirits & Bitters :
Litters gals.
Brandy gals.
Cordials & Liqueurs ,,
Sugar: Refined lbs.
Tea lbs.
Tobacco & Snuff :
Manuf.: Cigarettes lbs.
Canned lbs.
Onions & Garlic lbs
Potatoes lbs
Vinegar val.
Claret gals.
Value Quantity
1, 81
391 '
10 i
1011 I
Quantity Value Quantity
29 -
Grease lbs
Plants, Seeds & Bulbs val.
Resin, Tar & Pitch
Pitch Pine ft.
Spruce & White Pine ft.
Shingles M.
Shirts doz.
Vests & Bloomers ,
Other val.
Arms, Ammunition &
Explosives val.
Bags & Sacks (empty) ,,
Blacking & Polishes
Books, Printed
Boots,Shoes&Slippers prs.o
Canilles: Tallow lbs
Carriages, Uarts &
Bicycles No.
Motor Cycles No.
Motor Cars No.
Motor Lorries
Motor Parts (Car)val.
Other & Parts
Tyres & Tubes
Cement per 400 Ibs
Chemicals& Insecticides v.
Cinematograph. Films ft
Cordage & Twine val.
Cotton Manufactures:
., Piece Goods yds.
Artificial Silk Piece
Goods yds.
Cutlery val.
Electrical Supplies
Glass & Glassware
Hats, Caps & Bonnets ,,
Hemp, Tow & Manufs.,
Hosiery: Cotton & Art.
India Rubber & Gutta
Percha Manufactures ,,
Lamps, Lanterns &
Accessories val.
Leather Manufactures ,,
Linen ditto
Manures tons
Matches gross
Medicines & Drugs val.
Metal Manufactures:
Iron & Steel val.
Oils: Fuel & Gas gals.
Packages, M.T. No.
Paints, Colours &c. lbs
Turpentine gals.
Carried Forward ...
Quantity Value Quantity Value
___ 1$ $
Quantity Value Quantity Value
$ $
__ r_$ _,. _
194 9 1950.
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
$ $$ $
TOTAL Brought Forward 107,497 294,791
Paper Manufactures val. -t)9 00
Perfumery &c. ,, 180 210
Silk Manufacture
Soap: Common Ibs. 8 056 1,910 9,187 1,-57
Fancy ,, 738 416 471 341
Spirits: Medicinal gals : 34
Perfumed ,, 130 .2-
Stationery, (Govt.) val. 48 123
Other ,, 1,928 1,o:0
Umbrellas ,, 3L3
Wool & Woollen
Manufactures ,, 1.90i 705
Animals: Asses No.
Dogs ,, 1 .1 1 40
Parcels Post val. 7,268 I 7,894
II, II, IV. & V. 87,732 96,201
GRAND TOTAL ... 122,424 307,495.
_____________________________________ I ______ ____ J ______'
A. D. BOYD,-Ag. Financial S'cretary.
Comparative Return of Domestic Produce Shipped.
,Class I.
Cocoa, Raw lbs.
Coffee ,, lbs.
Fruits & Nuts: Fresh :
Avocado Pears T/crates
Bananas, bunches
Coconuts No.
Grapefruit C/crates
Lemons, ,,
Limes, Green bris.
Mangoes C/crates
Oranges brls.
Do. C/crates
Others val.
Fruits & Nuts: Preserved:
Pickled Limes brls.
Do. Tamarinds ,,
Fruit Juices:
Lime Juice, Cone. gals.
Do. Cordial ,,
f Do. Raw
Honey lbs.
Spices: Ginger lbs.
Spirits: Rum gals.
Tobacco & Snuff:
Cigars lbs.
Black Leaf
Vegetables; Onions val.
Class II.
Copra lbs. I
Hides & Skins No.
Leather,Unmanufctd. lbs.
Oils Essential:
In soln. in L. Juice lbs.
Turtle Shells
Wood & Timber:
Firewood cords
Hardwood ft.
Class III.
Baskets No.
Bay Rum gals.
Canoes No.
Canoe Shells No.
Charcoal lbs.
Oils Essential:
Bay Oil lbs.
Grapefruit Oil
Lime Oil, Distilled
Do. Ecuelled
Orange Oil
TOTAL ... $
January Total to date.
Quantity F B Quantity FO B
Value Value
$ $
18 661
January Total to date.
|! ------- -------
Quantity F B Quantity F 0 O
Value Value
44,500 19,05
44,500 19,052
I ---!--
t Quantity and value of oil in solution deducted and given separately under "Oils."
A. D. BOYD,-Ag. Financial Secretary.
9. 2. .50
o i
RP. native Thermometer. reCuced to t Fh. Rainf.,ll for the Rainfall for the
Humidity. and Sea Level. sir fall Ytar 1949. Year 1948.
7. Wet.
9a.m. 3p m. Max'm. Miu'm 9 a m. 3 pm. .
3pm 9a.m. 3pm. Mths. Ins. Pts Mth/ Ins. Its.
___ i- ---- I -_
86 73 77 84 62 87 70 29.90 29 86 .Co January 2. (6 J:ruary 5.95
81 71 75 80 62 85 70 29 95 29 E8 .(0 Febrvaly 6. 44 Felbruary 4 54
73 67 72 29.95 .0 MaIch 2 7:1 Match 1 48
S nil 1 t A,,,;1 9 11
Dec 1 Thurs.
,2 Fri.
3 Sat.
4 Sun
5i Mon.
,,6 Tues.
,, 8 Thurs.
,, 9 Fri.
,10 Sat.
11 Sun.
12; Mon.
,, 13 Tues.
,14 Wed.
15 Thurs.
16 Fri.
17 Sat,
18 Sun.
19 Mon.
201 Tues.
,, 21 Wed.
22, Thurs.
23 Fri.
,24 Sat.
,, 25 Sun.
,26 Mon.
,27 Tnes.
S28 Wed
29 ThurS.
30 Fri.
311 Sat.
29.95 29.8 8
29.95 29.8
2995 12983
29.95 29 84
29 96 29.C.O
29.96 -
"9.86 2983
29 81 29.75
29 86 29 78
29 86 29.,I 3
2991 9 9 5
29 91
29 80 29. 7
29.80 29 78
29 E5 29. :;
19 85 29 80
: :.91 29 85
'9 9o
29.91 29 F5
29.06 29 85
"29.96 29 90
29.96 -
.c 0
.4 0
.( 0
j May 2. f8 May 4.60
June 13 02 Jut e 6. 12
July 11.41 July 12 84
Augusi 9 ,9 August 8.41
Septrml er 12. 75, September 8. 67
Oct( ler 9. 32 October 8. 40
SNovember 2 68 November 9. 37
Decen ber 5 81 December 6.97
79. f 5 7. 46
Agric'iu.ral Suverin tendent.
75 77 76 59
74 76 67 57
74 75 76 F9
75 74 85 64
74 74 57 (:4
74 89 -
72 75 84 76
72 74 89 59
71 75 79 64
71 74 77 59
67 73 62 57
70 72 -
75 76 80 67
75 78 72 70
74 75 76 (64
75 76 80 61
73 75 89 64
76 84 -
73 74 89 68
74 7: 84 67
74 75 85 72
70 78 -
1949, No. 49
The Public Health Regulations, 1949 made by the Central Board
of Health under section 11 of the Medical and Sanitary Ser-
vices Ordinance, 1935 (Ord. No. 9 of 1935).
(Gazetted )
22nd February,.1950.
1. Short Title. These Regulations may be cited as the Pub-
lic Health Regulations, 1949.
2. Interpretation. In these Regulations -
(1) (a) "Board" means the Central Board of Health.
(b) "Inspecting Officer" means such person as the
Local Authority may from time to time appoint
for the purposes of any part of these Regula-
(c) "Local Authority" means-
(a) The Roseau Town Council, The Ports
mouth Town Board, and all Village Boards,
subject in every case to the directions of
the Medical Officer of Health or his duly
authorised deputy or agent;
(b) in other cases, the Medical Officer of
Health, and shall include his duly appoint-
ed deputy or agent.
(2) For the purposes of Part II thereof-
(a) "Nuisance" means-
(a) any premises or part thereof of such con-
struction or in such state as to be offensive
to the public or injurious to health;
(b) any street, ditch, sink, cistern, pool, bor-
row-pit, 'atercourse, drain, gutter, privy,
dustbin, or manure pit so foul or in such
a state or so situated as to be offensive to
the public or injurious to health;
(c) any stable, cowshed, pigsty, or any build-
ing in which any animal or animals is or
are kept in such a manner or in such num-
bers as to be offensive to the public and in-
jurious to health.
(d) any animal so kept as to be offensive to
the public and injurious to health;
(e) any accumulation or deposit of any ma-
terial wherever situate, which is offensive
to the public or injurious to health;
(f) any work, manufactory, trade or business
injurious to the health of the neighbour.
hood or so conducted so as to be offensive
to the public and injurious to health;
(g) any house or part of a house Or other
structure used for human habitation so
overcrowded as to be injqriou-s to the
health of inmates, whether or not members
of the same family;
(h) any school house, workroom, shop, office,
factory, workshop, warehouse or other place
of business-
(i) so unclean as to be offensive to the
public or injurious to health; or
(ii) not so ventilated as to render harm-
less, as far as practicable, all gases,
vapours, dust or other impurities
which may be generated in the course
of the work carried on therein and
which are offensive to the public or
injurious to health; or
(iii) so overcrowded as to be injurious to
the health of the persons employed
therein; or
(iv) not provided with sufficient privy ac-
(i) any trade or business so carried on as to
be unnecessarily offensive to the public or
injurious to health;
(j) the drainage refuse or washing of any
town village or building, or any faecal mat-
ter falling into any harbour, river, water-
course, ravine, pond or ditch or foreshore
so as to be offensive to the public or in-
jurious to health;
(k) any churchyard, cemetery, or place of
sepulture so situated or so overcrowded
or otherwise so conducted as to be offensive
to the public or injurious to health;
(1) any well or water supply injurious to
(m) any chimney emitting black smoke in such
quantity as to be offensive to the public;
Provided that
(a) any accumulation or deposit necessary
for the effective carrying on of any
business in a manufactory shall not
be deemed to be a nuisance if it is
satisfactorily established that the
accumulation or deposit has not been
longer than is necessary for the pur-
pose of the business or manufactory
and that the best available means have
been taken for preventing injury to
health thereby; and
(b) in considering whether any dwelling
house or part thereof used as a fac-
tory, workshop or workplace or wheth-
er any factory, workshop or work-
place used as a dwelling house is a
nuisance by means of overcrowding it
shall be lawful for the court to have
regard for the 'diciumstances of such
(3) For the purposes of Part VIII thereof-
"Analyst" means any person possessing competent
skill and knowledge to analyse all articles of
food and drugs imported into or sold in the
Colony and shall include any person appointed
by the Governor for that purpose.
"Butter" means the substance usually known as
butter, made exclusively from milk or cream
or both, with or without the addition or colour-
ing matter.
"Deal" and "dealing" include dealing whether by
wholesale or retail, or as a manufacturer or
importer or as a consignor or consignee or as
a commission agent or otherwise.
"Drug" includes medicine for internal or exter-
nal use.
"Food" includes every article made for food ,or
drink by man other than drugs or water, and
any article 'which ordinarily enters into or is
used in composition or preparation of food;
and also includes flavouring matters or condi-
ments and, cocoa beans in any stage of prepara-
tion for sale or export.
"Lard" means the substance usually known as lard
made from the pure fat of swine unmixed with
any other oil or fat.
"Lard Substitute" includes any substance, com-
pound or mixture prepared in imitation of
"Margarine" includes any substance, compound or
mixture prepared in imitation of butter and
whether mixed with butter or not.
"Sweet Oil", "Salad Oil" and other indefinite
names applied to oil dealt in or used as a sub-
stitute for olive oil shall, unless sold under
labels clearly denoting their nature, origin, or
composition, be deemed to mean pure olive oil
unmixed with any other oil or substance what-
"Vessel" includes demi-jean, bottle or any other
vessel used or capable of being used for the
purpose of containing liquids.
(4) For the purposes of Part IX thereof-
"Bakery" means any place in which is commonly
baked or exposed or offered for sale, or depos-
ited for the purposes of sale otr has been recently
sold for human consumption, bread in the bak-
ing or selling of which a trade is carried on
"Bread" includes biscuits, cakes and confectionery.
"Bread Seller" means any person who offers bread
for sale.
"Employed" as applied to any person in relation
to bakeries includes any person working in a
bakery whether he receives wages or not.
(5) For the purposes of Part X thereof-
"Adulterated," "unwholesome," "impure"
(a) milk containing less than 3% of milk fat.
(b) milk containing less than 8,5% of milk solids
other than milk fat.
(c) milk in any stage of putrefaction.
(d) milk that has been diluted with any fluid or
to which any foreign substance has been added
(e) milk from any diseased cow.
(f) milk produced under conditions deemed un-
satisfactory by the TLoal Authority, or which
has been contaminated by contact with any
unclean substance or by being handled by any
unclean person suffering from any infectious
or contagious disease.
(g) milk drawn from any cow within 20 days be-
fore or 10 days after parturition.
"Cowkeeper" means the person in whose name is
registered any milking place, or any pasture
in which milking cows are kept.
"Dairy" includes any place where milk is kept for
sale and every room where such milk is stored.
"Dairyman" shall mean the person in whose name
a dairy is registered.
"Messenger" means any person carrying milk to or
for a milk vendor without power to sell such
"Milker" means any person who extracts from the
udder of a cow milk intended for sale.
"Milking Place" means a place where cows are
milked as a source of milk for sale.
"Milk Vendor" includes every person licensed to
sell milk or offer milk for sale.
"Pasture" includes any pasture or like place wheth-
er open or enclosed, where milking cows are
kept as a source of milk for sale.
(6) For the purposes of Part XI thereof-
"Communicable disease" means any of the follow-
ing diseases:
Acute Anterior Mumps
Poliomyelitis or Puerperal Fever
infantile paralysis Rabies
Anthrax Relapsing Fever
Cerebrospinal Scarlet Fever
meningitis Tuberculosis, pul-
monary or Laryn-
Chicken pox geal
Dengue Typhoid and the
Encephalitis para-typhoid
lethargic fevers
German measles Undulant Fever
Glanders Venereal disease
Leprosy Whooping Cough
Measles. Yaws.
"Contact" means a person who, in the opinion of
the Medical Officer in charge of a patient suf-
fering from a communicable disease, or from
a dangerous infectious disease, has been ex-
posed to infection by or through such patient.
"Dangerous infectious disease" means one of the
following diseases:
Cholera Typhus
Plague Yellow Fever
Small Pox
"Isolation Station" includes any premises, house,
room or place in which any patient or contact
is isolated.
"Observatiou Station" includes any premises,
house, room or place in which any contact is
placed under observation.
S"Oeeupier" includes the owner of a house or any
person in possession of any part thereof in
which a party suffering from a communicable
or dangerous infectious disease is, and, in the
ease of a house, the whole or any part of which
is let to lodgers, the person receiving the rent
payable by the tenants or lodgers either on his
own account or as agent of another person.
"Patient" means a person who, in the opinion of
a registered medical practitioner presents symp-
toms of a communicable or of a dangerous in-
fectious disease.
"Public Vehicle" means any motor car, bus or
other conveyance used for the conveyance of
the public for money.
"Small Pox" includes Alastria and other anomal-
ous forms of varioloid disease.
3. Local Authority to inspect district for detection of
Nuisances. It shall be the duty of every Local Authority to
cause to be made from time to time inspection of its district with
a view to ascertaining what nuisances exist calling for abate-
ment under the powers of this Part of these Regulations. for the
purpose of abating the same, and otherwise to put in force the
powers vested in them relating to public health, so as to secure
the proper sanitary condition of all premises within their dis-
4. Duty of Board to cause inspection for detection of
Nuisances. It shall be the duty of the Board to cause inspection
to be made from time to time, with a view to ascertaining what
nuisances exist calling for abatement under the powers of these
Regulations, and to enforce the provisions of these Regulations
in order to abate the'same. '
5. Information of nuisances to Local Authority. Informa-
tion of a nuisance liable to be dealt with summarily under this
Part of these Regulations in the district of a Local Authority
tmay be given tQ that authority by any person and it shall be the
duty of every officer of that authority to give that information.
6. Local Authority to serve notice requiring abatementt of
nuisance. On the receipt of any information respecting the
existence of a nuisance the Local Authority shall. if satisfied of
the existence of a nuisance, serve a notice in writing on the per-
son by whose act, default or sufferance the nuisance arises or
continues, or, if such person ca not be found, on"thbe owner or
occupier of the permises on which the nuisance arises, requiring
him to abate the same within a time to be specified in the notice,
and to execute such works and do such things as may be necessary
for that purpose:
Provided that -
(a) where the nuisance arises from, defective construc-
tion of any structural convenience or where there
is no occupier of the permises, notice under this
section shall be served on the owner;
(b) where the person causing the nuisance cannot be
found and it is clear that the nuisance does not
arise or continue by the act, default, or sufferance
of the owner or occupier of the premises, the Local
Authority may itself abate the same, and may do
what is necessary to prevent the recurrence thereof.
7. On non-compliance with notice complaint to be made
to Magistrate. If the person on whom a notice to abate a nui-
sance has been served makes default in complying with any of
the requisitions thereof within the time specified, or if the nui-
sance, although abated since the service of the notice, is, in the
opinion of the Local Authority likely to recur on the same pre-
mises, the Local Authority shall cause a complaint relating to
such nuisance to be made before a Magistrate and such Magis-
trate shall thereupon issue a summons requiring the person on
whom the notice was served to appear before him.
8. Power of Court of summary jurisdiction to make order
dealing with nuisance. (1) If the Court is satisfied that the al-
leged nuisance exists, that although abated it is likely to recur
on the same premises, the Court may make an order on such
(a) requiring him to comply with all or any of the re-
quisitions of the notice, or otherwise to abate the
nuisance within a time specified in the order, and"
to do any works necessary for that. purpose; or
(b) prohibiting the recurrence of the nuisance and di-
recting the execution of any works necessary to pre-
vent the recurrence, or
(c) both requiring abatement of the nuisance and:pro-
hibiting the recurrence thereof.
(2) In addition to any fine which may be imposed on
the person on whom the order is made the Court may also give
directions as to the payment of all costs incurred ior abatement
or prohibition of the nuisance..
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the immediately
preceding paragraph of this Regulation the Court may order the
closing down of any premises in such an insanitary condition as,
in the opinion of the Court, to constitute a nuisance.
9. Penalty for injuring privy, etc., so as to cause nuisance.
If a person causes any drain, privy or dustbin to be a nuisance
or injurious to health by wilfully destroying or damaging the
same, or any water supply, apparatus, pipe, or work connected
therewith, by wilfully stopping up or interfering with or im-
properly using the same, he shall be guilty of an offence against
these Regulations.
10. When order may be addressed to Local Authority.
Where it appears to the satisfaction of the Magistrate that the
person by whose act, default or sufferance a nuisance liable to
be dealt with summarily under this Part of these Regulations
arises or the owner or occupier of the premises is not known or
cannot be found, then the order for the abatement of the nuisance
may be addressed to, and if so addressed, shall be executed by,
the Local Authority.
11. Power of entry. The Local Authority shall have the
right to enter any premises-
(1) for the purpose of ascertaining the existence there-
on of any nuisance liable to be dealt with sum-
marily under this part of these Regulations, at any
hour by day, or in the case of a nuisance arising
in respect of any business, then at any time when
that business is in progress or is usually carried
on; and
i2) where under this -Part of these Regulations, a nui-
sance has been ascertained to exist, or a nuisance
order has been made, then at any such hour as
aforesaid, until the nuisance is abated, or the clos-
ing order is cancelled, as the ease may be; and
(3) where a nuisance order has not been complied with
or has been infringed, at all reasonable hours, in-
eluding all hours during which business therein
is in progress or is usually carried on, for the pur-
pose of executing the order.
12. Penalty for contravention of order of Court. Any
person not obeying an order to comply with the requisitions of
the Local Authority or otherwise to abate the nuisance, shall, if
he fails to satisfy the Court that he has used all due diligence to
carry out such order, be guilty of an offence against these Regu-
lations and the Sanitary Authority may enter the premises to
which any order relates and abate the nuisance, and do whatever
may be necessary in execution of such order, and recover in a
summary manner the expenses incurred from the person on
whom the order is made.
13. Offensive Trades. It shall be an offence to establish
or carry on an offensive trade anywhere within the district of a
Local Authority without the consent in writing of such Local
Provided that with respect to offensive trades heretofore or
hereinafter lawfully established within their district, the Local
Authority may make by-laws as to the conditions subject to
which and the places in which such trades may be carried on,
in order to prevent or diminish the offensiveness of the trades
and to safeguard the public health.
14. Duty of Local Authority to provide for scavenging and
cleansing. A Local Authority may, and shall when and as the
Board may direct, undertake or contract for the efficient execu-
tion of the following services within its district or any specific
part of its district:-
(i) The removal of house refuse and other rubbish
from any premises;
(ii) The supply or sale po disinfectants for' use in
privies or in any specified class or description of
(iii) The cleansing and disinfection of buildings or
parts thereof, the cleansing and disinfection of
privies, dustbins, and drains, and the collection,
removal, and disposal of night soil, upon such
charges as the Local Authority may from time to
time fix;
(iv) The sweeping, cleansing and watering of streets;
(v) The provision and maintenance in sanitary condi-
tions of suitable places, buildings and appliances
for the deposit or destruction of refuse, rubbish
and night soil.
15. Procedure when Local Authority undertakes or con-
tracts for work. In every case where the Local Authority has
itself undertaken or contracted for the execution of any of the
services, the following provisions shall apply:-
(i) The service shall be executed promptly, efficiently,
and in any case where the performance of duties is
contracted for at regular and prescribed intervals
to the satisfaction of the Local Authority;
(ii) If, in respect of any premises, default is made in
executing any such service efficiently, or at the
prescribed intervals, and by reason thereof refuse,
rubbish or nightsoil has accumulated, or any privy,
dustbin, or drain is offensive or is not cleaned, the
occupier of the house or an officer of the board,
may serve notice thereof on the Local Authority;
(iii) If the notice is served as aforesaid, the Local Au-
thority shall forthwith inform the contractor (if
(iv) If such notice is served on the Local Authority and
paragraph (iii) of this Regulation has been com-
plied with, then, unless within forty-eight hours
after the notice has been served the requisite ser-
vice is done and the cause of the complaint is re-
moved, the person in default shall be guilty of an
offence against these Regulations and any fine im-
posed may be in respect of each day that the re-
quisite service remains undone;
(v) For the purposes of the last preceding paragraph
the person in default means the contractor if the
service is being executed by contract, or the officer
in charge of the service if it is being executed by
the Local Authority.
16. By-laws imposing duty on occupier. Where the Local
Authority does not itself undertake or contract for the service
of cleansing privies, dustbins, or drains belonging to any prem-
ises, removing house refuse, rubbish, or nightsoil from any prem-
ises, or cleansing footways or pavement, it may and shall, when-
ever the Board so recommends, make by-laws, imposing on the
owner or occupier of such premises the duty of effectually doing
such service in such manner and at such regular intervals as are
prescribed by such by-laws.
17. Power of Local Authority to make by-laws. The Local
Authority may, if directed by the Board, make by-laws for the
whole or any Part of its District as to all or any of the following
matters, that is to say:-
(i) Preventing the accumulation of dust, filth, ashes,
and refuse on premises and the duties of owners
or occupiers with regard thereto;
(ii) For prescribing the size, material, and make of
dustbins or moveable receptacles for refuse to be
provided by owners or occupiers of premises, and
the places where, and the times at which, such dust-
bins or receptacles shall be deposited for facilitat-
ing the removal of their contents by the Local Au-
thority, and shall provide and maintain in proper
and convenient situations in its district sufficient
privies and dustbins for the public use;
(iii) The duties of owners or occupiers in connection
with house refuse, so as to facilitate the removal of
it by the scavengers;
(iv) Regulating or preventing the keeping of live or
dead animals where the keeping of them (although
not prohibited by law) is or is likely to be a nui-
sance or injurious to health;
(v) Regulating the situation, construction, drainage
and use of stables, and disposal of manure;
(vi) For prescribing the times for the removal or ca.r-
riage through the streets of any faecal or offensive
matter or liquid, whether such matter or liquid shall
be in course of removal or carriage from within or
without or through its district;
(vii) For providing that the vessel, receptacle, cart or
carriage used therefore shall be properly construct-
ed and covered so as to prevent the escape of any
such matter or liquid;
(viii) For compelling the cleansing of any place whereon
such matter or liquid shall have been dropped or
spilt in such removal or carriage;
(ix) For prescribing that no person shall engage in the
business of carrying or removing faecal or offensive
matter or liquid except with a permit from the
Local Authority;
(x) For prescribing the fees payable for all licences
under these Regulations.
18. Offences. Every person commits an offence against
these regulations who:-
(i) Throws or lays any dirt, manure, litter, rubbish,
urine, night-soil, carrion, offal, trees, brushwood,
bush, decayed vegetables, fish or meat, or any
other dirty or offensive matter or fluid whatsoever,
in or on any street, road, stream, or public place,
or near to any inhabited building or allows or
causes to fall or run into any street, road, stream
or public place any such matter or things;
(ii) Permits any offensive matter or thing to run from
any manufactory, slaughter house, butcher shop,
yard, premises or other place whatsoever into any
street, road, stream or public place or into the
premises of any other person, or so as to be a nui,
sance to any person passing on any street or road;
(iii) Neglects to keep all privies, drains, cesspools and
other like places cleaned and disinfected to the
satisfaction of the Local Authority;
(iv) Deposits night-soil, sweepings, rubbish and any
other kind of refuse matter in any other place
than the place specially set apart for such purpose
by the Local Authority.
19. Premises to be kept in sanitary condition.
(i) Any premises whidh are in a filthy state, and, in
the opinion of the Local Authority, is injurious to
health, shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected
in such manner and within such reasonable time,
as the Local Authority shall direct;
(ii) The occupier of every house shall keep thoroughly
clean such house, and all the yards, cellars, and all
other places attached or belonging to such house,
and shall deposit all sweepings of yards and other
places aforesaid, and all rubbish, at any place ap-
pointed for that purpose by the Local Authority;
(iii) In all cases where one or more persons occupy the
same premises, or where any houses o) premises
are let out in tenements where there is a common
yard, cellar, basement, entrance, lane or alley, the
owner and each and all tenants thereof using such
yard, cellar, basement, entrance, land or alley shall
be responsible for their good order and cleanliness:
(iv) In all cases where, by these Regulations, the occu-
piers of the premises are bound to perform any
act, if there shall be no occupier or if there is a
difficulty in ascertaining who is the occupier, the
owner of such premises shall be liable;
(v) .h the case of buildings, yards, and places of a
public character, such as, churches, chapels, schools,
graveyards, and other places of a similar nature,
whether in use or not the person or persons in
charge of such buildings, yards, or other places,
shall be deemed to be the occupier.
20. Sitting of Privies. No privy except a water closet
shall be nearer than 12 feet from any dwelling or kitchen form-
ing part thereof or 6 feet from any bounda-ry or 100 feet from
any river or stream used as source of drinking water; where the
area does not at present permit or is found impracticable, each
such ease shall be considered on its merits by the Local authority.
21. Site and design of privies. Every privy building shall
be of such size and construction of such design and materials as
the Local Authority may approve.
22. Exclusion of insects. The access of flies and other
insects to the contents of any water closet, pit or pail closet shall
be prevented to the satisfaction of the Local Authority.
23. Height of privy floor. The floor of the privy shall be
at a height of not less than 12 inches above the level of the sur-
face of the ground adjoining the privy.
24. Va rety of privy. The varieties of privy may be pit
or trench, pail or water closet, and shall in each ease be subject
to the approval of the Local Authority.
25. Size qp pit. Every pit shall be 8 feet deep and 2 feet
by 2 feet for a small dwelling or such other size and depth as
may be directed by the Local Authority.
26. Exclusion of waste water. A raised concrete or tapia
wall or properly rammed earth bank not less than 12 inches
above ground level shall be built around the top of each pit so
as effectively to prevent the entrance of storm or waste water
or other damage.
27. Contents not to be exposed to rvn. The Contents shall
at no time be exposed to any rainfall or to the drainage of any
storm or waste water or other drainage.
28. Oonstruction of pit. Every pit shall be so constructed
as to afford easy meals of access for the purpose of emptying,
cleansing, and removal of filth therefrom if necessary, without
such filth being carried through any dwelling house or public
29. Procedure when pit filled. Whenever any pit in use
on any ,premises shall have been filled to within 18 inches
of the surface of the ground (or such other depth as may be
directed by the Local Authority) sauh pit shall forthwith be
filled with earth by the owner or occupier of such premises, or
emptied cleansed and disinfected, and the contents carried away
to a place of disposal approved by the Local Authority.
30. 'Provision of new pit. Before any pit shall be filled
with earth as required by the last preceding regulation a fresh
pit shall be provided by the owner of such premises, and the
privy building shall be erected over it and maintained in ac-
cordance with the provisions of these regulations.
31. Provision for movable receptacles. Movable recepta-
cles such as metal pails or buckets when used shall fit properly
under the privy seat and there shall be ready access from the
back of the privy to the pail for the purpose of removal and
cleansing. In exceptional cases, with the approval of the Local
Authority, access may be from the front. Pails shall be pro-
vided with properly fitting covers when not in actual use.
32. No receptacle to become full. No pail shall be allowed
to become full but shall be removed with the contents from
the premises and replaced by a clean pail at such intervals as
the Local Authority may approve, and not less than twice in
every week. Pails shall not be cleansed or washed on the pre-
mises but only at the place of disposal.
33. Disposal of contents of pail. The contents of a pail shall
be disposed of by removal in closed receptacles to the place of
disposal and there buried or burnt or otherwise disposed of to
the satisfaction of the Local Authority.
34. Water Closet. Where there is a sufficient supply of
water the owner or occupier may construct a water Closet with
suitable W.C. basin, flush tank, soil pipe, traps or pny other
necessary apparatus in connection with a dwelling house.
35 Discharge of Water Closet. Subject to the approval of
the Lo'al Authority in each case the water closet shall discharge
through the soil pipe and underground pipe or drain into the
sea or into a ventilated cesspool or soak-away pit with gravel
bottom or septic tank.
Provided that a privy building may be erected directly over
the tank.
36. Septic Tank. In the case of septic tank or any modifi-
aatiou of a septic tank, arrangements shall be made to the satis-
faction of the Local Authority for the provision of underground
or subsoil drains for the absorption and soaking away of the
effluent or of a suitable catchpit or movable receptacle for re-
ceiving the effluent which shall be disinfected and safely disposed
of in such a manner as the Local Authority !hall approve.
37. Oleansing of cesspool. etc. The owner or occupier of
any premises shall whenever required by the Local Authority
thoroughly cleanse every cesspool soak-away pit belonging to such
premises, and shall have such cesspool or soak-away pit and con-
tents, if any, regularly disinfected.
38. Fittings, accessories to be kept in sanitary conditions.
The owner or occupier of any premises shall keip every privy
(and every pit) and all fittings and accessories appurtenant
thereto in or on such premises clean and in a sanitary condition to
the satisfaction of the Local Authority, and for that purpose shall
cleanse the flooring, seats and internal walls or partitions of
every privy and shall apply oil or other substance to every pit
belonging to such premises in such a manner and as often as
the Locai Authority may require.
39. Privies to be limewashcd. Every privy shall be lime-
washed internally and oxtPi'ially whenever necessary to keep it
ir a clean and sanitary condition to the satisfaction of the Local
40. Privy to be kept in repair. The owner of any premises
shall maintain in proper condition and repair every privy and
accessories thereto belouming to such premises.
41. Privies to be supplied.
(i) Every building where persons are employed or are
intended to be employed in any trade, business,
manufacture or as labourers shall be provided with
sufficient and suitable accommodation in the way
of sanitary conveniences, of such description
and construction and quantity as is approved for the
time being by the Local Authority having regard
to the number of persons employed or in attend-
ance at such building, and also, where persons of
both sexes are employed, or intended to be employed,
or in attendance, with proper separate accommoda-
tion for persons of each sex.
(ii) It shall be the duty of every Local Authority to
report to the Board whenever they have reason to
believe that the privy accommodation of any build-
ing is insufficient or unsuitable by reason of the
number of persons residing or employed in such.
(iii) On receipt of any such report, the Board or its
agents, if satisfied as to the want of proper accom-
modation shall serve a notice on the owner or oc-
'cupier of the building, requiring him to provide
and maintain in a sanitary condition sufficient and
suitable accommodation for the use of persons re-
siding in and employed on the building in the form
to be prescribed and within a period to be specified
in the noti:'e, or, requiring him to put and maintain
any existing privy accommodation in a clean and
efficient condition.
(iv) When privy accommodation shall have been pro-
vided in accordance with the Regulations immedi-
ately preceding, the Local Authority may cause
public notices to be affixed on the building, as afore-
42. Reconstruction of existing privies. The owner of every
privy existing at the date at which these regulations come into
operation shall before the expiration of six months from and
after such date of confirmation, cause the same to be reconstruct-
ed in such a manner that the requirements of these regulations
are complied with.
43. (1) House to be provided with privy etc. Every dwell-
ing-house shall be provided with a sufficient privy and with
proper drains for the efficient carrying off of storm and slop
water to the satisfaction of the Local Authority.
(2) No dwelling-house shall be erected or rebuilt, nor
shall any building be occupied as nor be converted by alteration
into a dwelling-house, unless the same is provided with a sufficient
privy and proper drains for the efficient carrying off of storm
and slop water to the satisfaction of the Local Authority.
44. When Pirivy sufficient. A privy shall not be deemed to
be sufficient within the meaning of these Regulations unless it is
of such class or description, and is furnished with such coverings,
fittings, and connections, as the Local Authority, may direct.
45. Local Authority may enforce provisions of privy accom-
modation. If a house within the district of a Local Authority
appears to such Authority by the report of the Medical Officer
of Health or Sanitary Inspector to be without sufficient privy
accommodation, the Local Authority shall by written notice
addressed to the owner or occupier of such house, within. a
reasonable time therein specified, provide a sufficient privy.
46. Provision for filling up cesspits and wells.
(i) If it shall appear to the Local Authority by the report
of the Medical Officer of Health, or Sanitary Inspector that any
cesspit or other receptacle used or formerly used as a receptacle
for excreta or other offensive matter or for the whole or any
part of the drainage of a house, or that any well or disused well
belonging to any such house or part of a house is prejudicial to
health, or be otherwise objectionable for sanitary .reasons, and
that it is desirable that the same should be filled up or removed
or so altered as to remove any such objection as aforesaid, the
Local Authority may, if they think fit, by notice in writing, re-
quire the owner or occupier of such house or part of a. house.
within a reasonable time to be specified in the notice, to cause
such cesspit, receptacle, or well to be filled up ot removed and
any drain communicating therewith to he effectually disconnect-
ed, destroyed or taken away to cause such cesspit, receptacle.
or well to be so altered as to remove any such objection as afore-
(ii) Where it appears that any such cesspit, receptacle, or
well is used in common by the occupiers of two or more houses,
or parts of houses, the notice for 'filling iip or removal of any
such cesspit, receptacle, or well may be served on any one or
more of the owners or occupiers of such houses, and it shall not
be necessary to serve such notice on all such owners or occupiers.
(iii) In addition to any penalty which may be imposed for
default in complying with the requisitions of a notice under this
regulation, the Local Authority may itself carry out the requi-
sitions and may recover the expenses incurred in so doing from
the owner or occupier in default as a simple contract.
47. Depositing excreta or defecating, except in privy. Any
person who deposits human excreta or defecates anywhere ex-
cept in a properly constructed privy when such is available,
shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
48. Penalty for defecting in places other than places pro-
vided. on an estate for the purpose.
(i) When privy accommodation shall have been provided in
accordance with thcse Regulations, the Local Authority may
cause public notices to be affixed on the estate prohibiting all
persons from defecating in any place other than the place pro-
vided for the purpose.
(ii) Every person who misuses any privy accommodation
provided under this Ordinance, or who disobeys the public
notices affixed on the estate as aforesaid, shall be guilty of an
offence against these Regulations.
49. Prov;sion of privies for School.
(i) Every school shall be provided by theimanagers or such
other persons having the control thereof with sufficient and suit-
able privy accommodation for the use of the teaching staff and
of the pupils; and such accommodation shall be provided separ-
ately for each sex.
(ii) It shall be the duty of the managers or such other per-
sons having the control of a school to keep the privy accommo-
dation aforesaid in a clean and sanitary condition.
(iii) Any member of the staff of a school, misusing such
privy accommodation, or defecating in any place near to the
schoolhouse other than the place provided for the purpose,
shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations; any
teacher who during school hours or while a pupil is under his
control shall not take every reasonable precaution to prevent a
pupil from misusing the privy accommodation or from defecat-
ing in any place near to the school house other than the. place
provided as aforesaid, shall be guilty of an offence against these
50. Cemutehry to be approved by Local Authority. It shall
not be lawful for any person to bury or inter the body of any
person except in a Cemetery or other place provided or approv-
ed by the Local Authority.
50A. Change of Bairial Grounds. Where it appears to a
Local Authority that any cemetery or burial ground is inade-
quate and would thereby endanger the public health, by further
burial therein, it shall be the duty of the Local Authority to
notify the proper authorities with a view to another site being
chosen for a cemetery or burial ground.
51. Discontinuance by Order of Local Authority of burials
in a burial ground. In case it shall appear to the Local Author-
ity upon representation made or otherwise that for the protection
of public health, burials in any cemetery or burial ground should
be wholly discontinued, or should be discontinued subject to any
exception or qualification, it shall be lawful for the Local Author-
ity to order that after a time mentioned in the order burials in
such cemetery or burial ground shall be discontinued wholly or
subject to any exceptions or qualifications mentioned in such
order, and so from time to time as circumstances may require.
52. Penalty on persons burying contrary to the Provisions
of orders. If any person, after the time mentioned in
any order under this part of these Regulations for the discon-
tinuance of burials in any cemetery or burial ground, knowingly
and wilfully buries anybody, or in anywise acts or assists in the
burial of anybody in such cemetery or burial ground in viola-
tion of the provisions of any such order, every person so offend-
ing shall be guilty of an affenee against these Regulations.
58. Power of Local Authority to make by-laws. The Local
Authority may make by-laws for the management, regulations
and control of public and private cemeteries and burial grounds
and with respect to the burial of bodies.
:4. Prior notice of burial elsewhere than in duly appointed
cemetery. (1) No burial shall take place within .the limits of
any district otherwise than in the cemeteries duly appointed for
the purppoe and church vaults, and no grave shall be dug unless
and until notice in writing shall have-been given to the Local
Authority by, or on behalf of, the Priest or Minister of the
Denomination in whose cemetery it is intended to dig such grave.
(2) Upon receipt of such notice the Local Authority shall
be satisfied that the provisions have been strictly complied with.
(3) Every person responsible for the contravention of this
section shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
55. Site of ~iCfeterU .
(a) The site of a Cemetery must be approved by the Local
Authority and must not be in such a position as to tbreaten the
pollution of any river, well or other water supply or endanger
the health of the public in any way.
(b) No ground shall be used for burial within a hundred
yards of a dwelling" house without the written consent of the
owner or occupier subject to the approval of the Local Authority.
(c) No grave or vault in any cemetery or burial place shall
be re-opened unless the last internment of the corpse shall have
taken place at least eight years before and such grave or vault
shall not even then be re-opened without the permission of the
Local Authority.
56. Power of Local Authority to close cemetery. If the site
of any burial ground or cemetery is not approved by the Local
Authority the burial ground or cemetery may be closed by order
of the Local Authority.
57. Cemetery to be surround ld by wall or fence. Cemeteries
and burial grounds& must be surrounded by durable fence or wall
which shall be at least 4j feet high and maintained in good repair.
58. Size of graves. Every grave for a coffin more than 3
feet long shall be dug to a depth of 7 feet from the surface of the
ground, and for a coffin 3 feet long and under to a depth of 6 feet.
Graves must be at least 2 feet apart on each side and at each end.
59. Duties of grave-diggers. The duties of the grave-diggers
shall be as follows:-
(a) Prepare all graves, digging them to the proper
depth and closing them after funerals;
(b) Attend at all funerals and assist when required in
carrying the corpse from the hearse to the grave;
(c) Assist in keeping clean the ground,: walks and graves,
and in the care of the Cemetery generally;
(d) Perform any other work about the Cemetery as he
is directed.
60. Disposal of corps brought into t1h Coloity. When a
dead human body is brought into the Colony for burial such dead
human body shall be brought here in an impermeable coffin and
should be accompanied by a death certificate showing the cause
of death.
61. Duty of master of ship bringing in dead body. It shall
be the duty of the master of every ship which has brought a dead
human body into any Port of the Colony to give notice of that
fact to the Harbour Master immediately after such officer has
boarded such ship.
62. Duty of Harbour Master. It shall be the duty of the
Harbour Master to inform the Local Authority through the Port
Health Officer of the arrival in the Colony of a dead human body,
and the person to whom the dead body is consigned.
63. Body to be delivered to Local:Authority. The Master
of the ship shall not deliver such dead body to any person other
than the Local Authority or some person authorised by the Local
64. Local Authority responsible for disposal of body. Sub-
ject as is hereinafter provided-
(1) The Local Authority shall take control of such dead
human body brought into any Port of the Colony
from some other Colony or Country and shall cause
it to be immediately conveyed to a public mortuary
or other place sanctioned by the Senior Medical
Officer and no such body shall be removed from such
mortuary or other place except for the purpose of
being forthwith buried in the nearest public
(2) The coffin containing any such dead body may not
be opened.
Provided that if the Senior Medical Officer is satisfied upon
a report from the Port Health Officer that the burial of any such
dead body in some cemetery other than the nearest as aforesaid,
or the opening of the coffin, involves no risk of communicating
infectious disease or of spreading infection, he may grant per-
mission in writing either for (a) removal for burial to some other
specified cemetery; or (b) opening the coffin; or (c) both such
removal and opening.
65. Meaning of Tank. For the purposes of this part of
these Regulations, the expression "tank" includes any receptacle,
whether movable or fixed, and whether made of wood, metal, stone,
brick, concrete or other material.
66. Polluting water supply. Every person who in any
(i) defiles or pollutes any well, watercourse, spring,
stream, lake, pond or reservoir forming part of
the water supply of the district of a Local
Authority; or
(ii) permits or suffers drainage other than natural
draiuage or refuse from his land or premises or
any polluting solid or liquid or thing to flow into
or be deposited in such well, watercourse, spring,
stream, lake, pond or reservoir;
(iii)- Washes or causes to be washed any clothes, ani-
mal or thing, or bathes or causes to be bathed any
person in any well, water-course, spring, stream,
lake, pond or reservoir excepting the points
specially set aside for these purposes by the Local
shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
67. General control. The Local Authority shall, for all the
purposes of these Regulations, be deemed to have sanitary con-
trol of all weDf, water-courses, springs, streams, lakes, ponds
and reservoirs within their district.
68. Power to make ib-lan w. A Local Authority may sake
by-laws :-
(i) For the securing the cleanliness and freedom
from pollution of wells, streams, springs and tanks
for storing water used or likely to be used by man
for drinking or domestic purposes or for manu-
facturing drink for the use of man; and in such
by-laws may prescribe the means by which such
streams, springs, wells and tanks shall be made
and kept clean and free from pollution.
(ii) For prescribing the size and method of.connecting
to the roofs, of the gutters and pipes of such tanks.
the apparatus for drawing off water and the
appliances for discharging the overflow.
(iii) For the covering of tanks and the prevention
therein of mosquito breeding.
69. Provision for securing water supply for schoolhouses,
etc. (1) It shall not be lawful, except with the permission of
the Board, for any person having the control of pny school-house.
.or of any building built for the purposes of public entertainment,
to permit the same to be used, unless:-
(a) a sufficient tank has been erected to the satisfaction
of the Local Authority; and
(b) such tank has been connected with such school-
house or building by proper gutters and pipes, of
sufficient size to receive the rain falling on the roof
and to convey the same to such tank,
70. Power of Local Authority to erect and maitltain tanks.
Every Local Authority may, and shall, when required by the
Board construct and maintain such tanks and reservoirs for the
storage of rain or fresh water as may be necessary and may sell
t be water so stored or permit the free use thereof.
71. Power of Local AutIhority to use roof of school, etc.
to collect water for tank.
(i) Any Local Authority may, for the purpose of col-
lecting and storing rain water, attach gutters to the
roof of aly school or any building used for public
entertainment, within theit district and convey the
water collected thereby by pipes to tanks or reser-
voirs maintained by them, unless there is a tank
connected with such school or building of sufficient
Ssle to contain file gallons of water for every square
foot of the horizontal area coe'ered by the roof there-
(lii The ficers rf every Local Authority may, at all
reasonable ties, enter on the land whereon is such
school or building, or on the land used therewith
and may erect tanks thereon, and may so attach such
gutters and lay down such pipes over, or on, or
under such land, and may at all reasonable times
enter on such land and examine and repair such
tanks, gutters and pipes.
.71 Pemtlfif on peVaft foIoUn*g 6W409 ifting water, etc.
Every person who-
(i) wilfully fouls any *irder i ad taaik, & reservoir; or
(ii) wilfully wasitd aiy w atr *t6ted in a tank or
reseidoitr o
(iii) wilfully damages any tank or reservoir or any
gtitering, pipe, cover, platform, roof, tap or pump
connected therewith
shall be guilty of an offeice against thd9e igulations:
Provided that in addition he may be ordered by the Magis-
trate to pay to the person aggrieved such sum not exceeding
twenty-four dollars, by way of compensation for so foul-
ing or wasting ;sueh water as the Magistrate may consider
adequate, and in the case of damage, to pay to such person
the cost of repairing the same and such cost shall be aseer
tained and determined by the Magistrate and all sums so
ordered to be paid mtay b recovered in the same manner as
the penalty.
73.8 Ta#iks~ etce to bee fitted with pulwp or tap. The
owner of any tank or cistern used for storing water for
drinking purposes shall keep such tank or cistern properly
fitted with a pump. or tap.-
74. Duties drf B6 ef a4n/or occupiers of pre-tises.
(1) The ocdupier of any premises on which there
is any tank, cistern barrel or other like ree6ptacle for storing
water used for drinking shall once in each Week pour into such
tank, etc. a sufficient quantity of oil to co'er the surface
of the water therein contained.
Provided that this paragraph shall not apply t6
any dripstone, bucket, goblet or other small receptacle con-
taining drinking water for immediate use,
(2) The owner of any house or building shall main-
tain in good order, and the occupier of any house or building
or the owner thereof, shall keep free from obstruction all
waterheads, roof, gutters, or down pipes attached thereto, so
as to allow of the ready passage of all water coming from the
roof of gnch h6ude or building.
(3) Th ieeupiet or owner, of any pretilses on which
there is any tank, disttea, barrel, or other like receptale for
storing water not used for driining or hi which thW'e is any
pond, well, spring or artificial 6te*Vati6n made f6r any pur-
pose, shall either
(a) keep the same stocked with mosquito des-
troying fish, or
(b) keep the same covered with a film of kero-
sene oil, or
(c) have the same treated with larvicide once
a week at least, or
(d) take such other steps as may be prescribed
by the Local Authority to prevent effectually
mosquito breeding.
(4) The occupier or the owner of any premises:-
(a) shall keep the same free of any waste or
stagnant water in which mosquito mjay
(b) shall keep the same free from all articles,
appliances, trees, plants, bottles, tins, boxes,
barrels, conch shells, coconut shells, or any
other article of a like nature, which may
retain water in which mosquitoes may breed;
(c) shall keep cut any grass, bush or under-
growth around the same liable to harbour
(d) shall keep in good repair and free from ob-
struction all eaves and gutters to allow a ready
passage of water from the roofs of houses;
(e) shall keep same free from any trench, gutter,
privy or cesspool, harbouring or likely to har-
bour mosquito larvae;
(f) shall provide same with proper and efficient
drains to carry off water from the premises; or
(g) shall keep properly graded and free from ob-
struction any drain or ditch, whether open or
closed, above, or beneath the surface of the
(5) Any occupier or owner of any such premises who
shall fail to fill up all drains, ditches, pools, holes, pits, irregu-
larities and depressions in the ground or surface of such pre-
mises or lot which may be of such a nature as to cause or allow
of the accumulation or stagnation of water therein shall be guilty
of an offence against these regulations.
(6) Where in any district any canal or ditch or
artificial waterway or an estate or plantation is serving or is
liable to serve as a breeding place or harbourage for mosquitoes
by reason of the over-growth or the presence of any bush, weeds,
grass or other vegetation or obstruction of any kind, either on
its banks or its bed the Local Authority shall have the power
by written notice to the owner or person in charge to order that
such bush, weeds, grass or other vegetation be cut or removed
or any such obstruction removed so as to provide a free flow of
water and to prevent mosquito breeding.
75. Right of entry etc.
(1) It shall be lawful for a Local Authority or any of
its agents to enter upon any premises at any time between the
hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. for the purpose of ascertaining whether
there has been compliance with the provisions of this part of
these Regulations.
(2) It shall be lawful for the Local Authority or any
of its agents at such intervals as it deems fit to take any measure
which the owner or occupier of any premises house o~, building
or the owner of any cistern or tank is required by any of the pro-
visions of this part of these Regulations to take;
Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall
exempt such owner or occupier from any liability to conviction
and punishment which he may have incurred under this part of
these Regulations.
76. License to be obtained from Local Authority. No per-
son shall carry on an ice or aerated water factory without having
first obtained a licence so to do from the Local Authority.
77. Application for Licence to be in writing. Every appli-
cation for a licence shall be in writing and shall set out particu-
lars of the building, its. suitability for the purpose and its situa-
78. Local Authority to inspect premises. It shall be the
duty of the: Local Authority within 14 days of the receipt of any
such application to inspect or cause to be inspected the premises
in respect of which the licence is sought and upon being satisfied
of the..sanitary condition of the premises and that the provisions
of this part of the Regulations have been complied with, issue
a licence in respect of such premises and register the same in
the name of the applicant.
79. Right of appeal to Board. Any applicant for a licence
aggrieved by a decision of the Local Authority may appeal to
the Board whose decision shall be final.
80. Requirements to be satisfied.
(a) Every ice and aerated water factor shall have
concrete floors and every syrup-room shall be fly-
(b) All bottles shall be cleansed and sterilized by boil-
ing water or steam.
S (c) All machinery shall be so protected as to ensure
the safety of those working in the factory and all
bottles when being filled shall be covered by an
efficient guard.
81. Right of entry to factory. The Local Authority or its
duly authorised agent may enter any premises used as an ice or
aerated water Factory for the purpose of inspecting such fac-
tory and the machine and bottles used therein between the hours
of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. or at any other time when work is taking
82. Owner to put factory in sanitary condition. If any ice
or aerate4 water Factory is found to be unsanitary the owner or
manager on being called upon shall within twelve hours cause
such premises to be in a proper Sanitary condition.
83. Source of water supply. Every ice and aerated water
Factory shall have its supply of water taken direct from a service
tap in the said premises, or from any cistern in the said premises,
such water intended to be used in the manufacture of ice or
aerated products shall be either distilled or duly filtered before
use and shall not he passed through pipes or allowed to collect
in any vessel made of any material capable of contaminating the
products of such Factory.
84. Fillers to be used. (a) All filters used in any Factory
must be approved by the Local Authority; and any owner or man-
ager using any filter after intimation in writing to him that the
Local Authority disapproves of the same shall be guilty of an
offence against these Regulations.
(b) The filters shall be periodically cleaned and ster-
ilized to the satisfaction of the Local Authority.
85. Employees to have medical certificate. Every person
employed in any premises used for the purpose of making ice
or aerated water shall firpt be examined by a Medical Practi-
tioner and able to produce a Medical Certificate showing he does
not suffer from any communicable disease or dangerous infectious
disease. The fee for such certificate shall be 96e.
86. When viaploqees noat to be cniploUed. No person who is
suffering from any conununicable disease or Dangeroup infectious
disease shall be employed in or about any ice or aerated water
87. Inspection of emiploUoes. (a) The Local Authority or
Its duly authorized agent or deputy may enter, at any reasonable
time, premises used as an ice or aerated Factory for the purpose
of inspecting any persons employed in making of ice or aer-
ated water, and if he has reasonable cause to believe that any such
person so engaged is suffering from. any egmnmijqcable disease
or Dangerous riuiftiots disease he shall have the power to call
upon the person so suspected to furnish him with the Medical
Certificate of health.
88. Power of Local Authority to destroy chemical, etc.
Should 5sch person be found to be suffering from any communica-
ble disease or Dangerous infectious disease it shall be lawful for
the Local Authority to destroy or cause to be destroyed any
syrup, chemicals or other substance in the making of ice or aerated
water, in which such person was employed.
89. Offences. If, after receiving such a report as is referred
to in these Regulations, the owner or manager continues to employ
such. suspected person who shpal be proved to be suffering as
aorsid, the paid owner or manager shall be guilty of an offence
against these Regulations.
90. standards. It shall be lawful for the Governor in
Council, by Order, to fix standards for any article of food or any
drugs; provided always,, that any such article: fQ which a stan-
dard is not fixed shall be dealt with as provided in these Regula-
..i. Failure to comply with standard fixed. Any person
whosell, to the prejudice of the purchaser any articles of food or
#ug which does not comply with the standard fixed therefore
under the provisions of these Regulations shall be guilty of an
offence against these Regulations.
92. Reports to Analyst to the Governor. It shall be the duty
of the Analyst to transmit to the governor a quarterly report
specifying .the names, of all the, persons charged with offences
against this part of these Regulations, the articles of food or drugs
analysed, the nature and extent of adulteration found upon
analysis, the person or functionary or officer by whom the sample
was. taken.for analysis, the result of the prosecution, and the
penalties, if any imposed.
93. Saniples for Analysis. The following officers and per-
sons who are in these lRegulations referred to as "functionaries"
that isto say :-
(a) Any commissioned or non-commissioned officer of
Constabulary, or any constable or other person in
that behalf authorized in writing under the hand
of any commissioned or non-commissioned officer of
Constabulary; or
(b) The Collector of Customs or any officer in that be-
half authorised by the Collector of Customs; or
(c) The Senior Medical Officer or District Medical
Officer, or any person in that behalf authorised in
writing under the hand of the Senior Medical
Officer r District Medical Officer; or
(d) Anyperson or persons in that behalf authorized in
writing by the Local Authority; or
(e) Any person or persons in that behalf authorised in
writing by the Board.
94. Power to obtain Analysis. Any purchase of an article or a drug shall, on payment to the analyst of such fee as
the 'Governor in Council may by regulation prescribe, be entitled
to have such article or food or drug analysed by such analyst, and
to receive from him a certificate of the result of analysis.
95, Certificate of the Analyst. In any proceeding under
this part of these Regulations the certificate of the analyst of the
result of the analysis shall be sufficient evidence of the facts
therein stated.
96. Vendors of food to obtain medical certificate. Every
vendor of food stuff shall obtain a licence from the Local Author-
ity upon the production of a medical certificate stating that the
applicant is free from any communicable or dangerous infectious
disease. During the time the vendor is handling and distribut-
ing food, he shall wear a clean washable white apron extending
from top of the chest to the knee. The fee for such certificate
shall be 96c.
97. Importation of articles below standard.
(1) If there is imported into the Colony, any of the
articles for which standards are fixed under Regulation 92 of
these Regulations and if it is certified by the Senior Medical
Officer that such article does not comply with any such standard,
the importer shall, unless such article is imported in packages or
vessels conspicuously and durably marked so as to show the nature
and extent of its variation from such standard, be guilty of an
offence against these Regulations.
(2) Any article in respect of which an offence under
the preceding paragraph of this Regulation is committed shall,
whether proceedings have or have not been taken against the im-
porter thereof, be forfeited.
98. Adulteration of food, etc.
(1) It shall be an offence against these Regulations for
any person-
(a) to mix, stain, or powder, or order or permit any
other person to mix, colour, stain, or powder, any
article of food, with any ingredient or material so
as to render the article injurious to health with
intent that the same may be sold in that state; and
no person shall sell any such article so mixed, col-
oured, stained or powdered;
(b) except for the purpose of compounding as in these
Regulations described to mix, colour, stain, or
powder, or order or permit any other person to mix,
colour, stain or powder, any drug with any ingredi-
ent or material so as to affect injuriously the quality
or potency of such drug, with intent that the same
may be sold in that state; and no person shall sell
any drug so mixed, coloured, stained or powdered.
(2) For the purposes of the immediately preceding para-
graphs the quality or potency of a drug shall be deemed to have
been injuriously affected under the following circumstances, that
is to say :-
(a) If, when sold under or by a name not recognized in
the British Pharmacopoeia it differs from the stan-
dard or strength, quality or purity therein specified.
(b) If, when sold under or by a name not recognized in
the British Pharmacopoeia but to be found in some
other Pharmacopoeia, whether of the United King-
dom or of any foreign country, it differs materially
from the standard of strength, quality or purity
therein specified, or
(c) If its strength, quality or purity falls below the
professed standard under which it is sold;
Provided always that the circumstances above enumerated
shall not in any way affect or restrict the general operation of the
provisions of any of these Regulations.
99. Forfeiture of adulterated food or drugs. All articles of
food found to be mixed, stained, coloured, or powdered so as to
be injurious to health, and all drugs found to be mixed, stained
coloured or powdered so that the quality or potency of such drug
is injuriously affected and in respect of which any person shall
have been convicted, shall be absolutely forfeited and shall forth-
with be destroyed.
100. Exemption. No person shall be liable to be convicted
under Regulation 98 inrespect of the sale of any article food or
drug, if he shows to the satisfaction of the Magistrate before whom
he is charged that he did not know that the article of food or drug
sold by him was mixed, coloured, stained or powdered, contrary
to the provisions of such Regulation, and that he could not, with
usual caution and diligence, have obtained such knowledge.
101. Offences. Any person who to the prejudice of the
purchaser sells -
(a) any milk diluted with water or mixed or adulter-
ated with any substance or thing; or
(b) any butter or lard which is not of the nature, or
not of the substance, or not of the quality defined
by paragraph 3 of regulation 2 of these Regula-
(c) any rum, whisky, brandy or gin of a lower strength
than is hereinafter limited and prescribed by para-
graph (b) of the proviso hereto;
(d) any article of food or drug liable to Customs duty
on importation which is found on analysis to con-
tain or to be mixed with or adulterated with any
article, substance, or thing admitted at a lower rate
of duty or free of duty; or
(e) any article of food or drug which is either not of
the nature, or not of the substance, or not of the
quality demanded by such purchaser;
(f) any compounded article of food or compounded drug
which is not composed of ingredients in accordance
with demands of the purchaser;
shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations;
Provided an offence shall not be deemed to have been com-
mitted in any of the following cases, that is to say :-
(a) Where any matter or ingredient not injurious to
health is added to an article of food or drug be-
cause the same is required for the production or
preparation of such article or drug as an article of
commerce in a state fit for carriage or consumption,
and not fraudently to increase the bulk, weight, or
measure of the food or drug or conceal the inferior
quality thereof;
(b) Where water only is added to any rum, brandy or
whisky, but not so as to reduce the strength of the
spirit more than 25 degrees under proof; or to any
ain. but not so as to reduce the strength of the spirit
more than 35 degrees under proof. The strength
of such spirits shall be ascertained and determined
by means of a Sykes Hydrometer:,
(c) Where the drug or food is a proprietary medicine
or is the subject of a patent in force and is supplied
in the state required by the specification of the
(d) Where the food or drug is compounded as in these
Regulations mentioned;
(e) Where the food or drug is unavoidably mixed with
some extraneous matter in the process of collection
or preparation;
(f) Where the food or drug was entrusted to some per-
son for sale or delivery and was or might have been
received by such person of the nature, substance,
and quality demanded by the purchaser, and was,
after or at the time of reception by such person and
without the knowledge or consent of the person by
whom he was entrusted, altered or permitted to be
(g) Where a person mixed any article of food or drug
with any .matter or ingredient not injurious to
health and not fraudulently to increase its bulk,
weight or measure, or to conceal its inferior
quality, if at the time of the sale of such article or
drug he gives to the person purchasing the same
notice by label, distinctly, legibly piiiinted in capital
letters not less than one quarter inech square on or
withthe 'article or drug to the effect that the same
is mixed.
102. Alteration of food or drug. Any person who-
(1) being entrusted with any article of food or drug,
alters thes-same'or permits it to be altered so as injuriously to
affect its nature or its substance or its quality, with intent that
the same may be sold without notice in its altered state;
(2) with intent that the same may be sold without notice
in its altered state, abstract from an article of food any part of
it so as injuriously to affect its nature or its substance or its
shall be'guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
103. Dealing in substitutes for vinegar. No person shall
deal in any substance purporting to be, and resembling or intend-
ed'to resemble di6 to be or pass 'as vinegar or live oil, and as the
ease may be, unless the package or vessel which contains the par-
ticular substance is distinctly and legibly labelled, branded, or
marked in sich manner as clearly to indicate its nature, origin or
104. Power of Local Auithority to enter premises. A local
Authority or any of its agents may, at all reasonable times, enter
any premises and inspect and examine, and may inanystreet or
other public place inspect and examine:-
(a) any article, whether solid or liquid, intended for
the food of man and sold or exposed for sale or de-
posited in any place, or in course of transmission
for the purpose of sale or of preparation for sale;
(b) any live animal or dead animal or part thereof in-
tended for the food of man which is sold or exposed
for sale, or deposited in any place, or is in course
of transmission for the purpose of sale or of prepa-
ration for sale.
105. Burden of proof. The proof that any article or live
animal or dead animal or part thereof was not sold or exposed or
deposited or in course-of transmission for any purpose in the last
preceding sub-section mentioned, or was not intended for the food
of man, shall rest upon the person alleging the same.
106. Power of Local Authority to seize articles of food, etc.
If anyfarticle or live animal or dead animal or part thereof as
aforesaid appears to the Local Authority or any of its agents to
be diseased or unsound or unwholesome or unfit for the food of
maln,;he*may' seize and carry away the same himself or by his
assistants, and may cause the same to be destroyed or may order
the same or any part thereof to be kept apart and dealt with ac-
cording to his directions :
: Provided that if the local Authority or any of its agents
be not a medical practitioner or veterinary surgeon, he shall have
no power to order the destruction of any such article or live ani-
mal or dead animal or part thereof, excepting on the instructions
of a medical practitioner or veterinary surgeon.
107. Recovery of expenses incurred. The expenses incurred
in destroying any such article or live animal or dead -animal or
part thereof as aforesaid, or in having the same kept apart and
dealt with-according to the directions of the local Authority or
any of its agents, shall be a debt due by the owner and may be
recovered on the information of the Local Authority or any of
its Ageiits as a simple contract debt from the owner or from the
person who is in possession of such article or live6animal or dead
animal or part thereof.' -' :
108. Licence to keep bakery. No person shall use or keep
any place as a bakery without having first obtained a licence so
to dft
Vi: U i
109. Application for licence to be in writing. Every appli-
cation for a licence shall be in writing and shall set out particulars
of the premises, its suitability for the purpose and its situation.
110. Local Authority to inspect premises. It shall be the
duty of the Local Authority within 14 days of the receipt of any
such application to inspect or cause to be inspected the premises
in respect of which the licence is sought and upon being satisfied
of the sanitary condition of the premises and that the provisions
of this part of these Regulations have been complied with shall
issue a licence in respect of such premises and register the same
in the name of the applicant.
111. Offences. Any Owner who -
(a) fails to keep clean and 'in a sanitary condition the
bakery, bakehouse, oven-room or out-office and does
not screen or cause to be screened bakeries so as to
render them flyproof;
(b) fails to keep the floor of such bakery clean and
free from dirt, ashes or other accumulation of de-
caying animal or vegetable matter;
(e) permits the accumulation of any dirt, ashes, refuse
or other accumulation of decaying animal or vege-
table matter within other parts of the bakery;
(d) has any privy, cesspit, dust-bin or other receptacle
within such bake-house, oven room or out-offices or
at such distance from the said bake-house or oven
room as may be not approved by the local Authority;
(e) knowingly employs any baker or other servant in the
preparation or sale of his goods who has not a
certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner
showing that he is free from any communicable
disease or dangerous infectious disease;
(f) allows any person to enter the bake-house or oven-
room unless clothed in clean garments;
(g) allows any baker or assistant baker to practise his or
her trade unless clothed in a clean cap and apron;
(h) allows any person to use any part of the premises
as a sleeping place;
(i) fails to provide washing accommodation for the use
of the establishment;
(j) allows any animal of any kind whatsoever to be on
the premises;
(k) fails to keep any cistern or pipe for supplying
water to the bakery separate and distinct from any
cistern or pipe for supplying water direct to a privy;
(1) allows any drain or pipe for carrying off faecal
matter or sewage to have an opening with the
shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
112. Bakers.
(a) No person shall make or bake bread or assist in
doing so unless licensed by the Local Authority.
(b) Such licence shall be granted upon the production
of a Medical Certificate stating that the applicant
is free from any form of communicable disease or
Dangerous infectious disease and shall be renewable
half-yearly on the 1st day of January and the 1st
day of July in each year or within two weeks of
such dates respectively.
The fee for a medical certificate in respect of a
baker shall be 96c. and in respect of a baker's as-
sistant 48c.
(c) The holder of, any licence under this section shall
be entitled to make and bake bread only on premises
approved and licensed for that purpose.
(d) A baker's assistant shall be entitled to make and
bake bread for a licenced baker only.
113. Power of entry into bakeries. For the purpose of the
enforcement of these Regulation--
(1) (a) The Local Authority or any of its agents or any
member of the Police Force shall have the power to enter at any
time, into any shop, bakery, bake house, oven room or any other
part of the premises for the purpose etc. and, if there is reason-
able cause to believe that any person engaged in the baking or
selling of bread is suffering from any communicable disease or
Dangerous infectious disease call upon the suspected person to
furnish a Medical Certificate of Health.
(b) If the person so called upon fails to furnish a
satisfactory Medical Certificate that he is free from communi-
cable disease or Dangerous infectious disease, it shall be lawful
for the licensee, or his employer to dismiss him summarily.
(c) Should such person be found to be suffering
from any communicable disease or Dangerous infectious disease,
it shall be lawful for the local Authority to seize, and destroy
any mixture of dough, preparation of yeast and bread, in the
making, baking or selling of which such person was employed.
(d) If, after receiving such a report as is referred
to in this Regulation, the owner or occupier of the premises li-
censed as a bakery or the employer employs in his premises used
for making, baking or selling of bread, such suspected person
aforesaid who shall be proved to be suffering as aforesaid, the said
licensee or employer shall be guilty of an offence.
(2) (a' The Local Authority or any of its Agents shall
have the power to enter at any reasonable time and inspect any
shop, bakery, bake house, oven room, or any out-office kept or
used for the making, baking or sale of bread, or the storing of any
article whatsoever to be used as aforesaid, or any place for the
accommodation of persons engaged in the making, makingg or sale
of bread, and if any such articles or any mixture of dough, pre-
paration of yeast or any articles to be used for the making or
baking of bread, or any place for the accommodation of persons
engaged in the making or baking of bread are or is unfit for such
purpose, such articles -
(i) may be seized by the Local Authority;
(ii) may be submitted by the Local Authority for examin-
ation by Medical Officer of Health or his deputy who
shall, if it is his opinion that such article is unfit to
be used in the making or baking of bread, grant a
certificate to that effect;
(ili) ua; be carried away, and submitted to the Magis-
trate of the district, who, upon production of the cer-
tificate of the Medical Officer of Health or his deputy
that such article is unfit to be used shall condemn the
same to be destroyed.
Provided always that the baker or other person to whom the
articles belong shall be afforded an opportunity of being heard
before the decision of the Magistrate upon the condition of the
articles or materials so seized; and provided also that the owner
of such articles may in addition to the loss thereof be subject to a
fine not exceeding twenty-four dollars.
114. Power to prohibit baking on ceria;1 premises. It shall
be lawful for the Local Authority to. prohibit the making or bak-
ing of bread in any premises which have been found on more than
one occasion to be in an insanitary or filthy condition.
S115. Place of sale of bread. Bread shall not be kept or
offered for sale in any place,,-ywJere,,any person is or resides who
suffers from any communicable disease or is otherwise not in a
fit state of health to do so.
116. Infected persons not io sell bread. No person shall sell
bread who suffers from or resides with any person who suffers
from any communicable disease or Dangerous infectious disease
or is otherwise not in a fit taite of health to do so.
S..,,117. Duties of bread seller. Every person who sells brea?
(a) be clothed in clean garments and keep his hands
clean at all times;
(b) see that the basket or other receptacle and any
cloth or other covering used for the purpose is at
all times clean;
(c) not allow any other person to touch or handle any
bread not sold or delivered to such person or which
is to be sold or offered for sale to other persons;
(d) see that the basket, or other receptacle in which
bread is kept is suitably covered to prevent the
access of flies to the, bread, and for that purpose he
shall carry, out any directions issued or made or
given to him, by the local Authority as to such
covering or mode of covering;
(e) be: proved, with a certificate from a Resident Medi-
cal.Practitioner that he is in a fit state of health to
S engage in the occupation of a bread-seller. A fee
of forty-eight cents (48e.) shall be payable for such
certificate in the same manner as provided under
these Regulations.
..118. Offence. Any person whoknowingly employs a bread
seller who does not conform to the conditions prescribed by these
Regulations shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations
119. Licences. No person shall-
(1) keep a dairy or a milking place, or
(2) carry or offer milk for sale, or
(3) act as a messenger
without having first obtained a licence to do so in the manner
hereinafter provided.
120. Applications for licence. (1) Every application for
a licence shall be in writing and shall be accompanied -
(a) in the ease of a dairy, by (a) individual certificate
signed by a Registered Medical Practitioner that the
applicant and all persons handling the milk are free
from any communicable disease or Dangerous
infectious disease and fit to be so employed, the fee
for such certificate shall be 96c. (b) a certificate
signed by an inspecting officer that the premises
satisfy the requirements of these Regulations;
(b) in the case of a milking place, by (a) individual
certificate signed by a Registered Medical Practi-
tioner that the applicant and all persons employed
in milking or attending the cows are free from any
communicable disease or Dangerous infectious dis-
ease and are fit to be so employed (b) a certificate
from an inspecting officer that the milking place
complies with the prescribed requirements and is
situated on an approved site. The fee for a Medical
certificate under this sub-section shall be 96e.:
(c) in the case of a milk vendor or messenger, by a cer-
tificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner that
the applicant is free from any communicable disease
or Dangerous infectious disease and is fit to be so
employed. In the case of a milk vendor the fee for
such certificate shall be 96e.
(2) Within 14 days of the receipt of an application for,;a
licence to keep a dairy or milking place, the local Authority shall
inspect or cause to be inspected the place where it is proposed to
keep such dairy or milking place and upon being satisfied of the
sanitary condition of such place and that the provisions of this
part of these Regulations have been complied with, shall issue a
licence in respect of such place.
121. Duty of Local Authority. (1) It shall be the duty of
the Local Authority on issuing every such licence to make the
appropriate entry in the appropriate register to be kept for the
purpose and to endorse on every licence issued the name of the
cowkeeper and the situation of the milking place from which the
milk is to be obtained.
(2) Every registration and every licence shall expire
on the of June and the 31st day of December in the year
in which such registration or licence was affected or issued as the
case may be.
122. Change of source of milk supply. (1) It shall be an
offeuce for any milk vendor to obtain milk from any source other
than that endorsed upon his licence without previously applying
to the Local Authority for approval and having such other source
endorsed upon his licence.
(2) Every milk vendor shall, whenever he ceases to take
milk from any source which has been approved, immediately
notify the Local Authority who shall endorse his licence accord-
123. Powers of Local Authority. The power of the Local
Authority to issue any licence under this part of these Regula-
tions shall include the power to amend or vary or cancel for good
cause shewn any licence so issued.
124. Siting and size of cattle pens. (1) No cattle pen shall
be erected in areas except those which may be prescribed by the
Local Authority.
(2) Every cattle pen shall for every cow kept for milk
for sale contain not less than 40 square superficial feet and 300
cubic feet capacity or air space and not less than 2 square feet
ventilating space in window, jalousie, lattice or other aperture
opening to the external air.
125. Construction of cattle pen. Every such cattle pen
shall be floored with concrete tiles, bricks laid in cement, or
asphalt, or other material approved by the Local Authority or its
agent, so graded towards the grip or channel gutter at the back,
that no liquid matter can remain on the floor, the grip or channel
shall be formed with a proper uniform fall. Satisfactory lawful
provision, having regard to the local conditions, must be made
for any discharge of liquid matter. The walls, if any, shall be
made of impervious material other than wood for a height of
four feet from the floor. The walls, if any, and drains shall be
adequately and regularly flushed with water and cleansed. Every
such cattlepen shall be provided with a properly constructed and
water-tight roof.
126. Provision of receptacle for refuse. Every such cattle
pen shall be provided with a proper receptacle or dungstead for
the reception-of dung or other refuse. Every such receptacle or
dungstead shall not be less than ten feet distant from the cattle-
pen, and shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the inspecting
officer. The dung shall be cleared as often as may be necessary,
and removed from inside the cattlepen at least once daily.
127. Cattle pen and cows to be kept clean. It shall be the
duty of the cowkeeper-
(a) to keep each cattle pen under his control thoroughly
clean and disinfected with lime-wash containing 5
per centum crude carbolic acid or such other disin-
fectant as may be prescribed by the local Authority.
(b) to cause each such cattle pen to be so disinfected
at least once in every three months.
(c) to keep any cow in any milking-place in so clean a
condition that the milk is not exposed to infection
or contamination.
128. Duties of cowkeeper and dairyman. (1) It shall be
an offence for any cowkeeper or dairyman to -
(a) Cause or suffer any person to milk cows or to handle
vessels used for containing milk for sale, or in any
way to take part or assist in the conduct of such
trade or business, unless such person has been
certified as fit by a Regisiered Medical Practitioner.
(b) Cause or suffer any person, notwithstanding that
he has been duly certified as aforesaid, who at any
time appears to be suffering from any communicable
or dangerous infectious disease, to milk cows, or to
handle vessels used for containing milk for sale, or
in any way to take part or assist in the conduct of
such trade or business.
(c) Permit any water-closet, earth-closet, privy, cess-
pool or urinal to be situated within, communicate
directly with, or ventilate into any dairy.
(d) Use any dairy, or permit the same to be used, as a
sleeping apartment, or for any purpose incompati-
ble with the proper preservation of the cleanliness
of such dairy and of the milk vessels and milk there-
in, or in any manner likely to cause contamination
of the milk therein.
(e) Convey or carry, or permit to be conveyed or
carried, through any dairy, any excremnental or
offensive matter or any soiled bed, body or other
(f) Wash, or permit any other person to wash, any bed,
body, or other clothing, or permit the same to be
hung up to dry, in any dairy.
(g) Carry on, within any dairy, any trade or business
of such a nature as would tend to contaminate the
(h) Keep milk for sale or storage in any place where it
would be liable to become infected or contaminated
by gases or effluvia arising from any sewer, drain,
cess pit or closet, or by any offensive effluvia from
putrid or offensive substances, or by impure air, or
by any offensive deleterious gases or substances.
(i) Permit milk to be stored or carried in lead vessel.
(j) Keep or allow any swine, to be or remain in or
about any dairy.
(2) No person shall milk cows or handle vessels used
for containing milk for sale, or in any way take part or assist
in the conduct of such trade or business if at any time he appears
to be suffering from any communicable or dangerous infectious
129. Powers of Inspection. (1) The Local Authority and
any of its officers whether or not such officer has been appointed
to be an inspecting officer shall at all reasonable times have the
right to enter upon all dairies, pastures, cattlepens and milking
places for the purpose of seeing that the provision of this part
of these Regulations are complied with.
S (2) Any person who refuses admission to any such per-
son so entering or in any way obstructs or impedes such person
shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
130. Reports by Inspecting Officer. The inspecting officer
shall report to the Local Authority -
(1) any milking or pasture which he may find during
the course of his inspection to be not in conformity with these
Regulations or the sanitary condition of which is unsatisfactory,
(2) any pasture, the condition of which is not satis-
131. Inspection of animals. All cattle shall be inspected
and examined by an inspecting officer free of cost to the owners
of the animals at intervals of not longer than six months. When-
ever notice has been given by an inspecting officer of his intention
to inspect the rattle of a cow-keeper, the cow-keeper shall for
the purpose of such inspection keep all his cattle penned or
132. Notification of diseases. (1) If at any time disease
exists among the cattle in any place the cow-keeper shall of the
(2) The inspecting officer may cause the immediate
removal of such diseased animal, or any other animal he has found
diseased on routine inspection and such animal shall be kept
(3) All milk from such diseased animal or animals and
from such milking place shall be destroyed or otherwise disposed
of to the satisfaction of the Local Authority, until the milking
place is adequately disinfected.
133. Sale and tfeslng of ;ilk. (1) Any person who shall
sell or offer for sale as milk or pure milk any adulterated impov-
erished, or skimmed milk, or who shall have in his possession any
adulterated, impoverished, or skimmed milk for the purpose of
human consumption, except in receptacles conspicuously marked
with a name or description indicating that the milk has been so
treated, shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
(2) The Local Authority or its agents, the Superin-
tendent of Police or any Medical Officer, Sanitary Officer, Justice
of the Peace or Constable may stop any person conveying or
having in his possession any milk which he suspects is intended
for sale, and may at all reasonable times enter into any dairy and
may examine and test or cause to be examined and tested any milk
being conveyed or found in such dairy as the case may be and
may take samples thereof.
(3) Any milk which, when tested by a person appointed
for the purpose by the Governor or Local Authority, fails to
satisfy any other test prescribed by the Local Authority for the
time being, shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to
be impoverished or adulterated milk.
(4) The burden of proving that any milk being con-
veyed or found in the possession of any person or found in any
dairy, was intended for sale shall be upon the person alleging the
(5) Where any person is charged with having in his
possession or with conveying in any manner any milk which it is
suspected has been sold or offered for sale and such person
declares that he purchased or received the same from some other
person, or that he was employed as a carrier, agent, or servant,
or to convey the same for some other person, it shall be lawful for
the Court to cause every such other person and also if necessary
every former or other person through whose possession such milk
has passed, to be brought before it and to examine witnesses upon
oath touching the same; and if it appears to the court that any
person has had possession of such milk. every such person shall
be deemed to have had possession of such milk at the time and
place when and where the same was found or seized, and he shall
be liable to punishment accordingly.
(6) Possession by any servant or agent shall be deemed
to be the possession of both the owner and the servant or agent.
(7) Any person who shall obstruct or hinder any per-
son acting under authority of this section shall be guilty of an
offence against these Regulations.
134. Containers. (1) Milk shall only be kept or offered
for sale or transported in a receptacle of a pattern approved by
tBe Local Authority.
(2) All such receptacles should be sterilized by boiling
water or steam immediately after use.
(3) Every such receptacle shall be closed by a well fit-
ting lid properly secured by padlock or other approved means or
(4) Any licensee or other person who unlawfully opens
or tampers with such receptacle or its milk contents shall be
guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
(5) Milk in transit and intended for sale shall be con-
veyed in a suitable container closed by a well fitting lid properly
secured by padlock or other approved means or manner.
135.1.. .Jeasures for sale of milk. (1) Measures for the sale
of milk shall be of a material and pattern approved by the Local
Authority and shall be sterilized by boiling water or steam.
(2) A milk vendor shall keep his measures in a clean
and sanitary condition at all times, and shall not cause, or suffer
the same to be exposed to infection or contamination.
136. Declaration of communicable disease. 'The Governor
may upon the certificate of the Senior Medical Officer, by proclam-
ation, declare any disease (in addition to the diseases specifically
mentioned in regulation 2 of these Regulations) to be a communi-
cable disease or a dangerous infectious disease within the mean-
ing of these Regulations, and so long as the proclamation remains
unrevoked the disease specified therein shall be deemed to be a
communicable disease or a dangerous infectious disease, as the
case may be.
137. Power of Go,,'lror in certain cases. The Governor
shall have power-
(i) to cause to be provided in such parts of the Colony
as he may deem fit, one or more hospitals or
camps or other places for the reception and iso-
lation of persons suffering from communicable
or dangerous infectious diseases;
(ii) to expend from the public funds of the Colony
such sums of. money as may be necessary for the
purpose of carrying out the provisions of this
part of these Regulations or any By-Laws made
(iii) to do all such other matters and things as the
Governor may deem necessary for the protection
of the public health.
138. Power of Board to deal with dangerous infectious
diseases. The Board or the Local Authority subject to the prior
approval of the Board shall have the direction of all measures
dealing with dangerous infectious diseases and may make rules
with regard to the control of any dangerous infectious disease,
for all or any of the following purposes :-
(a) The restraint, segregation, isolation and compulsory
treatment of persons suffering from any dangerous infectious
disease, or likely from expostue to infection to suffer from any
such disease;
(b) The removal to, and detention in hospital or such
other approved place by the Governor in Council and the cura-
tive treatment of persons suffering from any dangerous infectious
(c) The removal, disinfection, and/or destruction of
personal effects, goods, houses, and other property exposed to
infection from any dangerous infectious disease;
(d) The speedy burial or cremation of the dead, and in
such last mentioned case the provision of crematoria;
(e) House to house visitation and inspection;
(f) The provision of medical aid and accommodation;
(g) The promotion of cleanliness, ventilation and dis-
(h) The prevention of the spread of dangerous infec-
tious diseases, as well on the seas and rivers and waters of the
Colony, and on the high seas within three miles of the coast
thereof, as on,land;
(i) The doing of any such matter or thing as may
appear advisable for preventing or checking such diseases.
139. Notification of co,,taiu cable or dangerous infectious
diseases.. The notification of a case of communicable or of dan-
gerous infectious disease shall be compulsory. The persons here-
inafter mentioned as soon as they respectively become aware of
the case, shall send notice thereof to the Senior Medical Officer,
the Medical Officer of the District in which such case occurs, or
to the nearest Police Station-
(a) The Medical Practitioner, if any, attending the
person so suffering;
(b) The person so suffering, if an adult;
(c) The head of the family with whom, such person is
(d) The owner or occupier of any premises, house or
room in which such case occurs, or any other person
who may become aware of the occurence of any
such case.
140. Police to inform District Medical Oficer. The officer
in charge of a Police Station upon being notified of the occur-
rence of a case of communicable or dangerous infectious disease
shall forthwith inform the Medical Officer of the District in which
such ease occurs.
141. Measures to be taken in case of a dangerous infectious
disease. If any Medical Officer is satisfied that any person pre-
sents symptoms of a dangerous infectious disease he shall -
(i) forthwith notify the Senior Medical Officer who
shall immediately report the same to the
(ii) cause the patient to be isolated in the same prem-
ises, house or room in which the patient then is,
if in his opinion, such premises, house or room
is so situated as to permit of the effectual isola-
tion of the patient; if he is satisfied that the
patient cannot be effectually isolated in such
premises, house or room, he shall cause the patient
to be removed to an Isolation Station and there
isolated until the Medical Officer in charge of
such Station is satisfied that the patient is no
longer infectious;
(iii) cause the immediate attendants of any such
patient to be isolated in the same premises, house
or room with the patient or in some other Isola-
tion Station, as he shall think fit, the period of
isolation of such attendants being -
(a) in the case of Cholera .. .. 5 days
(b) ,, ,, ,, ,, Plague .. .. 6 days
(e) ,, ,, ,, ,, Small pox .. 14 days
(d) ,,,, Typhus fever .. 12 days
(e) ,, ,, ,, ,, Yellow fever .. 6 days
(iv) cause contacts, other than the patient's immediate
attendants, to be isolated for the aforesaid respec-
tive periods in the Isolation Station, or placed
under observation for the same periods in the
Observation Station, unless he is satisfied that
they are immune; .
(v) cause the elotnes of all patents and contacts, and
all articles which in his opinion, have been infect-
ed by patients or contacts, to be disinfected or
destroyed as he shall think fit;
(vi) cause all contacts, in the case of Small pox, Chol-
era and Yellow fever to be vaccinated or re-
vacinated; and in the case of Plague, to be
inoculated with a preventive serum.
142. Patients and Contacts to be visited daily. Patients
presenting symptoms of a dangerous infectious disease and con-
tacts shall be visited daily by a Medical Officer, who shall, if he
deems necessary, collect faeces or other specimens from patients
or contacts for bacteriological examination.
145. Liberation of Contacts subject to surveillance. A con-
tact may be liberated or exempted from isolation, but subject to
surveillance, at the discretion of the Medical Officer in charge.
Before so liberating or exempting a contact a Medical Officer
must be satisfied that it is reasonable that the contact will duly
comply with the conditions of surveillance, and such liberation
or exemption shall be subject to the following conditions :-
(a) The contact mimst give the Medical Officer his full
name and the address of his usual place of abode;
(b) The period of surveillance shall be -
In the case of Cholera .. .. 5 days
., Plague .. 6 days
,, ,, Small Pox .. 14 days
S ,, ,, Yellow fever .. 6 days
:, Typhus fever .. 12 days
(c) During surveillance the contact shall reside at such
place and remain within such area as the Medical
Officer shall prescribe;
(d) During surveillance the contact shall present him-
self to the Medical Officer for medical supervision
at such place and at such hour and so many times
daily as the Medical Officer shall direct;
(e) The Medical Officer may require the contact to de-
posit with him a sum not exceeding twenty pounds
which sum may, at the discretion of the Medical
Officer, be forfeited if the contact shall fail to com-
ply in any particular with the terms of the last
preceding condition in paragraph (d) above; and
such forfeiture shall be in addition to any penalty
which the contact may incur for any breach of these
(f) If, after such liberation or exemption, the contact
shall, in the opinion of the Medical Officer, fail to
comply in any particular instance with any of the
above conditions, the Medical Officer may, in addi-
tion to the forfeiture aforesaid, cause the contact to
be placed and detained in isolation for the re-
mainder of the period prescribed in Regulation 141
(iii) above.
144. Provision of necessaries to persons in isolation or under
observation. The Medical Officer in charge may cause necessar-
ies to be provided for persons in isolation or under observation,
if, in his opinion, they are unable to provide for themselves on
account of poverty or other good cause.
145. Duties of Medical Oficer in charge of Patients.
Patients shall be under the care and direction of the Medical Offi-
cer in charge, who shall see to the general sanitary management
of each case, to the disinfection of the infected houses and articles
and to the disposal of all discharges.
146. Daily house to house inspection during epidemics of
dangerous infectious diseases.
(1) If a dangerous infectious disease becomes epidemic
a house to house inspection of the infected district shall be made
daily by the Local Authority. It shall be the duty of the Local
Authority to report to the Medical Officer of Health any case of
illness found, and they shall also send general reports of such
inspections to the District Medical Officer at such times as he
shall direct.
147. Notification, etc. of deaths from dangerous infectious
(1) In the event of death from a dangerous infectious
disease, the head of the household or the occupier
of the premises, house or room in which the death
occurred, or the person last in charge of the de-
ceased as the case may be shall forthwith give
notice of the death at the nearest Police Station.
(2) It shall be the duty of such person-
(a) to wrap the body in a sheet soaked in a dis-
infectant approved by the Medical Officer and place
it or cause it to be placed in a wooden coffin,
(b) to remove it or cause it to be removed as soon
as practicable to a place appointed by the Medical
Officer of Health or by the Local Authority and
approved by the Governor for the burial of persons
dying from such diseases, or in case of emergency
to any place of burial at any time as prescribed by
a Medical Officer, and
(c) to bury it or cause it to be buried in a grave
unless otherwise prescribed, not less than seven feet
deep and in quick lime if possible.
148. Re-opening of Graves. No grave in which the body of
a person dying from any communicable or dangerous infectious
disease shall have been buried shallbe re-opened for any reason
whatsoever, except by the order of a Coroner or other lawful
149. Holding of Wakes forbidden. The holding of wakes
and/or exposure of the corpse of any person who has died from
any communicable or dangerous infectious disease to visitors at
the house, room, yard or mortuary are prohibited.
150. Prohibition of entry into premises where a death from
a dangerous infectious disease has occurred.
(1) No person, unless authorised by a Medical Officer
in charge, shall enter any premises, house or room, in which a
death from a dangerous infectious disease has occurred before the
same shall have been disinfected;
(2) Any person so entering shall be liable to be treated
as a contact in addition to any penalty which he may incur for
a breach of this Regulation.
151. Power of Medical Officer to perform Autopsy. Every
Medical Officer shall have power, if he deems it necessary to make
an anatomical examination of the body of any person whom he
suspects to have died of any communicable or dangerous infecti-
ous disease.
152. Power of Medical Officer to order speedy burial or
cremation. Every Medical Officer shall have power to order the
speedy burial or, in the case of a serious epidemic and with the
approval of the Medical Officer of Health, cremation of the body
of any person who has died from Cholera, Plague, Small pox,
Typhus or Yellow Fever.
153. Bodies of persons dying of communicable or dangerous
infectious disease in Hospital, etc., to be removed only for burial.
If any person shall die from any communicable or dangerous
infectious disease in any hospital or place of temporary accom-
modation for the sick, and the Medical Officer in charge of such
hospital or place shall certify that in his opinion it is undesir-
able, in order to prevent the risk of communicating or spread-
ing infection, that the body should be removed from such hos-
pital or place except for the purpose of being forthwith buried,
it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to remove such
body from such hospital or place except for the last mentioned
purpose; and when the body is taken out of such hospital or
place for that purpose it shall be forthwith carried or taken
direct to some cemetery or place of burial; provided that no-
thing in this Regulation shall prevent the removal of any dead
body from any hospital or temporary place of accommodation
for the sick to any mortuary, and such mortuary shall, for the
purposes of this Regulation, be deemed to be part of such hospi-
tal or place as aforesaid.
154. Power of Medical Oficer to take measures against.
mosquitoes in case of Yellow fever. For the purpose of des-
troying mosquitoes, the Medical Officer of Health or the Local
Authority or agent shall have power to take any steps which
may be deemed necessary for disinfecting by fumigating or
otherwise, and for screening, any house or premises in which
a patient suspected of having Yellow fever has been or is, or
any other houses or premises which, in his opinion, are within
range of infection from such house or premises.
155. Power of entry by Medical Officer of Health. (i)
The Medical Officer of Health or a registered medical practi
tioner may at any time enter and inspect premises in the dis-
trict in which he has reason to believe that any communicable
or dangerous infectious disease exists, or has recently existed,
and may examine any person found on such premises with a
view to ascertaining whether such person is suffering or has
recently suffered, from any communicable or dangerous infec-
tious disease and may also examine any dead body found on
such premises; and in the event of admission, inspection or
examination being refused, the Magistrate of the district may
grant a warrant authorising such entry, inspection, and exam-
ination, and, on such warrant being exhibited, any person re-
fusing to admit such Medical Officer of Health or his deputy
or registered medical practitioner to such premises, or ob-
structing him in making the inspection or examination afore-
said, shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
(ii) Such Medical Officer of Health or registered
Medical Practitioner may, for the purpose of examination, order
the removal of the body of any person suspected to have died
of any communicable or dangerous infectious disease
156. Power of Medical Officer of Health to order evacua-
tion of houses. It shall be lawful for the Medical Officer of
Health with the approval of the Governor, to order the evacua-
tion of any houses or premises which, in his opinion, are within
range of infection from any house or premises in which a pa-
tient suspected of having Yellow Fever has been or is.
157. Guarding of isolation Stations. All houses, premises
or places where patients are isolated shall be guarded by a
Police Officer, local constable or other special constable ap-
pointed for that purpose, whose duty it shall be to enforce such
isolation; and no person whatsoever, except the Medical Officer
in charge or such other person as may be authorised by him,
shall enter or quit any such house, premises or place.
158. Power of Medical Officer of Health to declare pro-
hibited areas. (1) The Medical Officer of Health may with the
approval of the Governor declare as prohibited area any town,
village or place where a communicable or dangerous infectious
disease has occurred. When such declaration has been made
it shall be lawful for the Board to make rules providing for the
following matters:-
(i) the inspection and granting of passes to per-
sons travelling by air, sea or land from such
place where the communicable or dangerous
infectious disease has occurred; or
(ii) the establishment of cordon round any place
where a communicable or dangerous infec-
tious disease has occurred or otherwise pre-
vent persons departing from or going to such
(2) Any person who may leave, attempt to leave oa
enter any place which has been declared to be a prohibited area
shall be guilty of an, offence against these Regulations and if
found in. the act of leaving, attempting to leave, entering
auch place such person may be arrested without warrant by any
Police officer or constable or local constable.
159. Power of Governor to impose compulsory vaccination.
In the event of an outbreak of Smallpox in the Colony the
Governor by and with the advice of the Senior Medical Officer
shall have power to impose compulsory vaccination or re-vac-
cination as the ease may be on the members of the area affected
or threatened to be affected.
160. Power of Medical Oficer of Health to issue directions
to arrivals from without the Colony. (1) The Medical Officer
of Health may, on the arrival in the Colony of any person or.
persons from any place without tha Colony where any com-
municable or dangerous infectious disease is known to be pre-
valent, give directions to such person or persons for the safe-
guarding of the Public Health.
(2) Failure to comply with such directions shall be
deemed to be an offence against these Regulations.
161. Duties and powers of Medical Officers in cases ofl
diseases other than dangerous infectious diseases. (1) Upon
the notification or discovery of any case of communicable dis-
ease the Medical Officer of the District in which such case occurs
shall immediately report the same to the Senior Medical Officer.
Every Medical Officer shall have power to issue directions
through a Sanitary Officer or otherwise, prescribing the degree
of isolation of patients and immediate attendants which shall
he necessary, the general sanitary management of each case, the
disinfection of houses, premises, clothing, bedding or other
articles likely to retain infection, and the disposal of all dis-
charges; and such directions shall be carried out by all persons
to whom they shall be communicated, and by all persons con-
(2) If in his opinion the patient cannot be effectually isolated
in the same premises, house or room in which he is. the Medijal
Officer-in-charge may cause him to be removed to a hospital or
Isolation Station .and there isolated until the Medical Officer in
charge of such hospital or isolation Station is satisfied that the
patient is no longer infectious or contagious.
(3) The attendants of such patient and any other contacts
may be subject to surveillance-
(a) in the case of Acute Anterior Polomyclitis, Cerebro-
Spinal Meningitis, Dengue, Diphtheria. Erysipelas
and other Streptocoeial infections, Glanders, Re-
lapsing Fever or Scarlet Fever for a period not ex-
ceeding seven days.
(b) in the case of Chicken Pox, German Measles,
Measles, Mumps, Typhoid Fever, the para-typhoid
fever or Whooping Cough for a period not exceed-
ing twenty-one days,
such period of surveillance to be reckoned in each ease from
the last day on which the patient was, in the opinion of the
Medical Officer in charge, exposed to infection by or through
such patient.
(4) In the eage of a patient suffering from or suspected
to be suffering from Diphtheria, Typhoid or the para-typhoid
fevers, attendants and contacts may be required to be inocu-
lated against the disease.
162. Infected person not to carry on occupation. Any
person who -
(1) knowing himself to be suffering from a communi-
cable or dangerous infectious disease, or
(2) is nursing or attending on a case of communica-
able or dangerous infectious disease,
milks any animal or engages in any occupation connected with
food or carries on any trade or business in such a manner as
it is likely to spread the disease shall be guilty of an offence
against these Regulations.
Any person who -
(1) while suffering from any communicable or dan-
gerous infectious disease wilfully exposes himself
without proper precautions against. the disease in
any street, road, public place. shop, hotel, or pub-
lie conveyance, or
(2) being in charge of any person so suffering exposes
such sufferer or causes such sufferer to be exposed.
shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
163. Infected clothes not to be sent to laundry, etc.
(1) Any person who -
(a) gives, lends, sells, transmits or exposes without pre-
vious disinfection to the satisfaction of the Medical
Officer of Health or of the Local Authority or its
duly authorised agent, any bedding, clothes, rugs or
other things which have been exposed to infection
from any communicable or,dangerous infectious
disease, or
(b) sends or delivers to any public wash-house or to any
laundry or gives to any person for the purpose of
being washed, any bedding, clothes or other things
which he knows to have been exposed to infection
from any communicable or dangerous infectious
disease, unless they have been disinfected by or to
the satisfaction of the Medical Officer of Health or
the Local Authority or its duly authorized ag~rnt.
shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
(2) The Local Authority, may on the application of any
person, pay the expenses of the disinfection of any such bedding,
clothes or other things, if carried out by a Sanitary Inspector act-
ing under or by virtue of the instructions of the Local Authority.
164. Disinfection of premises to prevent or chlck spread of
communicable disease. (1) Where the Medical officer of Health
or a Local Authority,; on the certificate of a Medical Officer, is
satisfied that the cleansing or disinfection of any premises or part
thereof or any articles therein likely to retain infection, or the
destruction of such articles, would tend to prevent or cheek any
infectious or contagious disease, the Medical Officer of Health or
Local Authority shall serve a notice on the occupier or, if the
premises are unoccupied, on the owner of the premises requiring
the cleansing or disinfection of such premises or part thereof or
the cleansing or destruction of such articles as the case may be
within the time specified in the notice.
(2) Such premises or part thereof or articles may be
cleansed, disinfected or destroyed as the case may be by the Medi-
cal Officer of Health, or the Local Authority at the cost of such
owner or occupier; provided always, that if, in the opinion of the
Medical Officer of Health, or Local Authority, the owner or occu-
pier is unable effectually to cleanse or disinfect any such article,
the same may without such notice be cleansed, disinfected or des-
troyed by the Medical Officer of Health or the Local Authority,
at his expense.
165. Child suffering from communicable or dangerous infec-
tious disease not to attend school. No person, being the parent or
having the charge of a child who is or had been suffering from
any communicable or dangerous infectious disease or has been
exposed to infection from such disease, shall, after a notice from
a Medical Officer that the child is not to be sent to school, permits
such child to attend school without having procured from such
Medical Officer a certificate (which shall be granted free of charge
upon application) that in his opinion such child may attend with-
out undue risk of communicating such disease to others.
166. List of Scholars to be furnished where scholar in school
is suffering from a communicable or dangerous infectious disease.
(i) The principal of a school attended by any scholar
who is suffering from a communicable or dangerous infectious
disease, shall, if required by the Medical Officer of Health, furnish
to him within a reasonable time fixed by him a complete list of
the names and addresses of scholars in or attending at the school
or any specified department thereof other than boarders.
(ii) The principal of a school who fails to comply with
any of the provisions of this regulation shall be guilty in respect
of each occasion of an offence against these Regulations.
(iii) In this regulation, the expression "the principal"
means the person in charge of the school, and includes, where the
school is divided into departments, and there is no single person
at the head of the whole school, as respects each department, the
head of that department.
167. Provisions as to Library Books. (1) No person suffer-
ing from a communicable or dangerous infections disease shall
take or use any book or cause any book to be taken for his use
from any public or circulating library.
(2) No person shall permit any book which has been
taken from a public or circulating library, and is under 'his con-
trol, to be used by any person whom he knows to be suffering from
a communicable or dangerous infectious disease.
(3) No person shall return to any public or circulating
library any book which he knows to have been exposed to infec-
tion from any disease, or permit any such book which is under his
control to be so returned, but shall give notice to the Medical
Officer of health that the book has been exposed to infection, and
the Medical Officer of Health shall cause the book to be disinfect-
ed and returned to the Library or to be destroyed.
(4) The Medical Officer of Health shall, out of the
revenue of the Colony, pay to the library from which the book
was procured the value of any book destroyed under the power
given by this Regulation.
(5) In this Regulation, the term "book" includes news-
papers, magazines, and other periodicals.
168. Provisions as to conveyance of persons suffering from
communicable or dangerous infectious disease in public vehicles.
(1) No owner or driver of a public vehicle shall know-
ingly convey, and no other person shall knowingly place in such
irehicle, a person suffering from any communicable or dangerous
infectious disease; and no person suffering from any such disease
shall enter any such vehicle.
(2) Every owner or driver of a public vehicle shall im-
mediately provide for disinfection of such vehicle to the satisfac-
tion of the Medical Officer of Health or the Local Authority after
it has to his knowledge conveyed any person suffering from any
such disease.
(3) No owner or driver of a public vehicle shall be re-
quired to convey any person so suffering until he has been paid
a sum sufficient to cover any loss or expense incurred by him in
carrying into effect the provisions of this Regulation.
(4) It shall be the duty of the Medical Officer of Health
or the Local Authority, when so requested by the owner or driver
of any such vehicle, to provide for the disinfection of the same
free of charge, except in cases where the owner or driver con-'
veyed a person knowing that he was suffering from such a disease.
169. Power of Magistrate to order removal of dead body.
(1) Where either
(a) the body of a person who had died of any communi-
cable or dangerous infectious disease is retained in
a room in which persons live or sleep; or
(b) the body of a person who had died of any communi-
cable or dangerous infectious disease is retained,
without the sanction in writing of the Medical
Officer of Health or any Medical Practitioner for
more than forty-eight hours, elsewhere than in a
room not used at the time as a dwelling place, sleep-
ing place or work-room; or
(c) any dead body is retained in any house or room or
ship under circumstances which, if continued, may
endanger the health of the inmates thereof or of any
adjoining or neighboring house or building; or
(d) any dead body found within the district is unclaim-
ed or no sufficient person undertakes to bury it,
a Magistrate may, on a certificate signed by the Medical Officer
of Health or other Registered medical practitioner, direct that
the body be removed, at the cost of the Local Authority, to any
available mortuary, and be buried within the time limited by the
Magistrate; aud may, if it is the body of a person who has died
of a communicable or dangerous infectious disease, or if he
considers immediate burial necessary, direct that the body be
buried immediately without removal to the mortuary.
(2) Any person who obstructs the execution of any
direction given by a Magistrate under this Regulation shall be
guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
170. Provisions as to occupation, etc., of houses in which,
any communicable or dangerous infectious disease has occurred.
(1) No person shall vacate any premises, house or
room in which any person has, within six weeks previously
been suffering from any communicable or dangerous infectious
disease, without having such premises, house or room, and all
articles therein liable to retain infection, disinfected to the
satisfaction of the Medical Officer of Health or the Local Au-
thority; or without first giving the owner of sudh premises,
house oi room, notice of the existence of such disease.
(2) No person shall knowingly let for hire any premises,
house or room in which any person has been suffering from any
communicable or dangerous infectious disease, without having
such premises, house or room, and all articles therein likely to
retain infection, disinfected to the satisfaction of the Medical
Officer of Health or the Local Authority.
171. Power of Medical Officer of Health to close schools,
(1) It shall be lawful for the Medical Officer of Health
with the approval of the Governor in Council whenever it shall be
considered necessary to do so in order to prevent the spread of
any communicable or dangerous infectious disease to issue orders
or directions to be published in the Gazette for the closing of
Schools or other institutions, places of public entertainment or
other places where gatherings of persons take place, or for the
cessation of holding church services, or meetings of societies or
other associations, or other public gatherings during such period
and under such condition, if any, as may be deemed necessary and
until the dangerof the spread of such diseases in such cases shall
be considered to be past.
(2) Every person who contravenes any such order or
direction shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.
172. Control of infectious persons. A person suffering
from a communicable or dangerous infectious disease shall not-
(a) knowingly expose another person to risk of infec-
tion by his presence in any store, shop or public
place and any person having the care of a patient
shall not knowingly cause or permit the patient
to expose others to the danger of infection;
(b) carry on any trade or occupation which he cannot
engage in without risk of spreading the disease;
(c) attend any school; .
(d) enter .any conveyance used for the conveyance of
persons at separate fares or enter any public con-
veyance without notifying ,the driver that he is
so suffering. Any public conveyance used by a
person suffering from a communicable or danger-
ous infectious disease must be disinfected before
it is further used.
173. General Power to enter and carry out wozrk. For the
purposes of this part of these Regulations, any person author-
ised to act under the provisions hereof or of any rules made
in pursuance of any authority contained in this part of these
Regulations may at any time, with or without assistance-
(i) enter on lands and buildings and inspect and exam-
ine the same and all things thereon or therein;
(ii). do on any land or in any building any sanitary
or other work authorised or directed;
(iii) generally do, with respect to persons, places, lands,
buildings, animals, or things, whatever is neces-
sary or expedient in order to carry out the fore-
going provisions of this part of these Regulations
or any direction or requirement given or arising
174. Power to make regulations for prevention of com-
municable or dangerous infections diseases. The Local Au-
thority subject to the approval Of the Board may make Rules
for the treatment of persons affected with any epidemic, en-
demic or infectious disease and for the prevention of such dis-
eases, and more particularly-
(a) for the isolation and detention of persons suffering
from such diseases, and
(b) for declaring any area adjoining an isolation hos-
pital to be an area within which no article, whether
solid or liquid, intended for the food of man shall
be exposed for sale.
175. Power to make regulations for prevention of formid-
able diseases. Whenever any part of the Colony appears to be
threatened with or affected by any formidable epidemic, endemic
or infectious disease, the Board subject to approval of Gov-
ernor, may make rules for all or any of the following purposes;
(i) for compulsory treatment of communicable or dan-
gerous infectious diseases declared by the Governor
in Council;
(ii) for the speedy interment of the dead;
(iii) for house to house visitation;
S' (iv) for provisions of medical aid and hospital accom-
Smodation, for the promotion of cleansing, venti-
nation, and disinfection and for guarding against
the spread of disease; i
(v) for the isolation and detention of persons suffering
from. or suspected to have been infected by such
(vi) for any such matters or things as may appear
advisable for preventing or checking such disease;
and may by order declare all or any of the rules made to be
in force within the whole or any part or parts of the Colony
to which these Regulations apply and to apply to any ships or
vessels, whether on inland waters, or on arms or parts of the
sea within the jurisdiction of the Colony. for the peribrl in such
order mentioned; and may by any subsequent order abridge or
extend such period.
176. Compulsory treatment to be free. The treatment of
all cases of communicable or dangerous infectious disease shall
be free and compulsory but nothing in these Regulations shall
prevent a private medical practitioner from treating such dis-
eases and charging therefore.
177. (a) Failure to repair to Medical Officer. It shall be
lawful for any officer in charge of a Police Station to require
any person whom he may have reasonable grounds for believ-
ing is suffering from a communicable or dangerous infectious
disease to repair or to be removed to a medical officer and any-
one failing to comply with this provision shall be liable on con-
viction, on the complaint of the Senior Medical Officer, to a
fine not exceeding Fourteen dollars and forty cents or to impris-
onment for a period not exceeding three months, and to compul-
sory treatment when necessary.
(b) Power to search for persons hiding. It shall be
lawful for any officer in charge of a Police Station who has good
reason to believe that any person suffering from a communicable
or dangerous infectious disease is hidihg in any house or place,
to enter such house or place in the day time to search for such
person, and if such person shall be found, to instruct such person
to appear before the Medical Officer of the district; any person
who does not comply with such instructions shall be guilty of an
offence against these Regulations.
S (c) Persons found hiding to be detained. If upon exam-
ination bythe Medical Officer as is prescribed in the last pre-
ceding paragraph hereof such person is found to be suffering
from a communicable or dangerous infectious disease, such per-
son shall be detained and treated in the manner prescribed in
Regulation 141 of these Regulations.
(d) .Discontinuing treatment. Every person who is
undergoing treatment for a communicable or dangerous infecti-
ous disease and discontinues such treatment or fails to repair to
the Medical Officer of the district at the appointed times, with-
out the authority of such Medical Officer, shall, on the complaint
of the Senior Medical Officer, be liable to imprisonment and to
compulsory treatment during such period of imprisonment; which
shall be for a period of three months or of such time as such per-
son shall be deemed cured, whichever period shall be the shorter.
(e) Persons leaving places of isolation etc. Every per-
son who shall leave or run away from any places of isolation or
of residence as mentioned in Regulations 141 and 143 of these
Regulations without the permission of the Medical Officer in
charge thereof, shall, on the complaint of the Senior Medical Offi-
cer, be liable to imprisonment and to compulsory treatment dur-
ing such period of imprisonment, which shall be for a period of
three months, or of such time as such person shall be deemed to
be cured, whichever period shall be the shorter.
(f) Concealing etc. of cases of Communicable or Dan-
gerous infectious disease. Every person who shall harbour, con-
ceal, remove, entice away or receive any person suffering from
a communicable or dangerous infectious disease or shall be under
treatment in any places of isolation or residence mentioned in
Regulations 141 and 143 of these Regulations, or who shall enter
or visit such place of isolation or residence without the permission
of the Medical Officer in charge thereof, shall be, on the Com-
plaint of the Senior Medical Officer, be liable to a fine not exceed-
ing Twenty-four dollars or to imprisonment with or without hard
labour for a term not exceeding three months.
(g) Penalty for' obstruction. Whoever shall obstruct
any person employed or empowered to act in the execution of his
or her duty imposed under the provisions of these Regulations,
shall be liable, on the Complaint of the Senior Medical Officer,
to a fine not exceeding Twenty-four dollars or to imprisonment
with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding three
178. Power to provide slaughter-houses. 1. (1) The Local
Authority of any town or rural district may, provide one or more
slaughter-houses in such district, and from and after the pro-
vision of any such slaughter-house, it shall not be lawful for any
person to slaughter any animal intended for the food of man in
any place within the district except in such slaughter-house;
(2) Any person acting in contravention of the pro-
visions of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence against
these Regulations.
2. Meaning of "animal". For the purposes of this
part of these regulations, "animal" means any bull, cow, ox,
steer, bullock, heifer, calf, sheep, lamb, pig, or goat, and any
other animal which by proclamation, the Governor in Executive
Council may declare to be included in such term.
179. Power to ,ialk By-laws. Any such Local Authority
subject to the approval of the Board as aforesaid may make by.
laws for regulating the use of any slaugbter-houses provided,
and of all buildings, stalls, pens, slaughtering places, or other
parts thereof, and the approaches thereto, and any pastures
attached thereto, and specifically for all or any of the following
purposes, namely :-
(a) For regulating the manner of occupying and using
slaughter-houses, and the inspection and slaughter-
ing of animals therein;
(b) For the licensing of slaughter-men and the sus-
pension, revocation, and cancellation of such
(c) For fixing the hours at which such slaughter-houses
shall be opened and closed;
(e) For fixing the times when, and prescribing the con-
ditions and requirements under and subject to
which carcasses and other parts of any animals
slaughtered in such slaughter-houses shall be
removed therefrom;
(f) For dealing with any animal which may be found
to be;
(g) For regulating the feeding and watering of animals
brought therein and for preventing cruelty therein;
(h) For regulating and fixing the charges for the use
of all scales provided by the Local Authority;
(i) For preventing nuisances and obstructions in any
such slaughter-houses or any part thereof or the
approaches thereto, or the grounds around the
slaughter-house buildings, and; for the summary
ejection from such slaughter-houses approaches, or
grounds of any person or persons found fighting
or behaving in a disorderly or riotous manner or
creating any disturbance therein.
180. Default of owners in complying with by-laws. Where
any owner makes default in complying with any by-law made
under this part of these Regulations imposing any duty on hifm
with respect to any animal belonging to him, it shall be lawful
for the Local Authority, without prejudice to their rights to
institute summary proceedings for the breach of such by-laws,
to undertake the execution of such duty, and the expenses incur-
red for the purpose shall be recoverable as a simple contract debt.
181. ProWib;t;on. No Swine shall be kept within the bound-
aries of any Town.
182. Pigsties. Any person may keep pigs in any rural
district of the Colony provided that, in doing so, he shall erect
a Pigsty and comply with any directions given by the Local
Authority or any of its agents which may appear to be necessary
for the safe-guarding of the public health.
183. Situation of rigslies. No pigsty shall be erected or
maintained at a distance less t hau 30 feet from any public road
or any house or kitchen forming part thereof or from any cow-
shed nor in such a situation as to be likely to pollute any well or
source of water supply for domestic or dairy purposes, except
with the express consent of the Local Authority.
184. Construction of Pigsties. The floor of any pigsty shall
not in any part be below the level of adjoining ground; it shall
be so lain with stone, concrete or other like material, as to be
impervious to moisture, and the surface shall be so graded that
the liquid matter shall flow toward a channel leading to a catch
pit outside the pigsty.
185. Cleansing of Pigsties. Every owner of a pigsty and
every person for the time being having the care and control of
any such pigsty or any pigs therein, shall cause the floor and
partitions of such pigsty to be thoroughly cleansed daily. He
shall take all necessary steps to prevent the pollution of the
ground immediately around such pigsty.
186. Erection of buildings, etc. to be authorised. No per-
son shall in any Town or Village commence to build any house,
wall, gallery, fence, steps, stair-case or other erection or to lay
any stone or pavement or to close in any gallery or covered way
or any open space or to make to project any part of any building
in upon or over any land, without having first submitted to the
Local Authority a proper plan or description of such building
or construction and obtained the permission in writing of the
Local Authority.
187. Re-erection of buildings, etc. No person shall pull
down and re-erect any wall, fence, house or other structure with-
out first having obtained permission in writing from the Local
188. Use of refuse to fill land. It shall be an offence-
(1) to fill up or to raise the level of any land to be used
as a building site with refuse matter containing or
impregnated with faecal, animal, or vegetable mat-
ter except with the sanction of the Local authority;
(2) to erect any new building on any ground which has
been filled up with any such refuse matter or upon
which any such refuse matter has been deposited,
unless and until such refuse matter shall have been
properly removed by excavation or otherwise, or
shall have been rendered or become innocuous to
the satisfaction of the Local Authority.
189 Swampy and low-lying sites. No site which is below
the level of the adjacent streets or land and actually or liable
to be in a swampy condition shall be built upon until the same
shall have been filled in, levelled and drained to the satisfaction
of the Local Authority.
190. Houses in filthy or unwholesome condition.
(i) Where on the certificate of a Registered Medical
Practitioner it appears to any Local Authority that
any house or part thereof is in such a filthy or un-
wholesome condition that the health of any person
is affected or endangered thereby, or that the lime-
washing, cleansing, or purifying of any house or
part thereof would tend to prevent or check infec-
tious disease the Local Authority shall give notice in
writing to the owner or occupier of such house or
part thereof to limewash, cleanse, or purify the
same, or take such action as may be prescribed
by Local Authority so as to render that building
(ii) If the person to whom notice is so given fails to com-
ply therewith within the time therein specified, he
shall be guilty of an offence against these Regula-
Provided that the Local Authority may, if they
think fit, cause such house or part thereof to be
limewashed, cleansed, or purified, and may recov-
er the expenses incurred in so doing from the
person in default as a simple contract debt.
191. Power to make by-laws. (i) Thr- Local Authority sub-
ject to the approval by the Board may make by-laws for the whole
or any part of their district, as to all or any of the following
matters in relating to houses and buildings intended for human
habitation, that is to say :-
(a) The drainage of the subsoil of sites;
(b) The height of the ground floor of the building above
the ground;
(c) The ventilation of and the sufficiency of the space
about buildings to secure a free circulation of air;
(d) The structure of foundation, walls, and roof of
new buildings for the purposes of health.
(ii) By-laws made by the Local Authority with respect
to (c) shall not apply to buildings and houses already in exist-
ence unless specifically so provided therein.
192. Demolition of buildings, etc. (i) Where it shall ap-
pear to the Local Authority, that any unoccupied house or any
other erection or structure whatsoever, not being an occupied
house, is in a ruinous condition the Local Authority may cause to
be served upon the owner of the house, erection or structure, a
hbtice in writing stating that in the opinion of the Local Author-
ity such house, erection or structure is in a ruinous condition and
requiring him to demolish the same and to remove the materials
arising from such demolition within 4 calendar months from the
date of the service of such notice unless within two calendar
months of such date he shows sufficient cause why he should not
be required to effect such demolition and removal.
(ii) If the owner fails to satisfy the Local Authority
within the said period of two calendar months that he should not
be required to effect such demolition and removal and does not
effect the same within the said period of four calendar months
the owner shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations,
and it shall be lawful for the Local Authority to demolish such
building, erection or structure, and to remove the materials aris-
ing from such demolition. The Local Authority may thereupon
sell such materials, if the same are saleable, and after deducting
the expenses incident to such demolition, removal and sale shall
pay over the balance, if any, of the proceeds of such sale to the
owner. If the amount realized by the sale of such materials is
not sufficient to cover such expenses, the deficiency shall be
recoverable from the owner as a simple contract debt.
193. Removal etc., of buildings. Every person who intends
to remove a building on to any land, or to erect a new building
on any land or to re-build an old building so that the same will
be substantially changed, shall, before beginning to remove the
building or to execute any work in connection with the new build-
ing, or rebuilt building;
(a) give to the Local Authority, a notice in writing of
such intention, and
(b) at the same time deliver to the Local Authority a
written statement of particulars of the building or
new building or rebuilt building disclosing the po-
sition, form and dimensions of such building and
in the case of a new building or rebuilt building
containing a description of the materials of or with
which it is intended that such new building or rebuilt
building shall be constructed.
194. Penalty. Any person who commits an offence against
these Regulations for which no special penalty is provided by
these Regulations shall be liable on summary conviction by a
Magistrate to a fine not exceeding Twenty-four dollars or to im-
prisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding
three months.
Made by the Central Board of Health this 13th day of
November, 1947.
(Sgd.) L. P. YOUNGLAO,
Chairman of the Board.
Approved by the Legislative Council this
24th day of November, 1949
Clerk of the Legislative Council.