aubli 9beb bfp luti o ritp.
Government Notices.
Administrator's Ofice,
7th January, 1950.
IT is notified for general information
that the Superintendent of Police and any
member of the Dominica Police Force
whom he may depute, are hereby appoint-
ed Inspectors of Weights and Measures
for the Colony of Dominica.
By Order
Acting Government Secretary.
Administrator's Office,
11th January, 1950,
For the information of British owners
of property in Italy, Hungary, Rumania
or Bulgaria, who have in the past stated
that they wished to make claim under the
Peace Treaties in respect of war loss of or
damage to their property in those territory.
ies but who have not as yet completed
the revelent claim forms, it is announced
that His Majesty's Government are unable
to maintain'indefinitely the facilities at
present pridviaed for the channelling of
such claims to the- foreign Government
concerned.. Accordingly, an owner wish-
ing to make a claim who has not yet sent
a completed claim form to Administration
of Enemy3 Property Department., 32 War..
wick Street;. Londoin,, W. 1 should do-so;
before-March 31st.. 1950, if he wishes His
Majesty's ::Government to, present the
claim officially on his behalf.
British property owners wno have suf-
fered war loss or damage to their 'pro-
perty in any of those territories, and have
321.r 7A9Hll
JANUARY 16, 1950. No. 3
as yet taken no steps to claim compensa-
tion under the Peace Treaties. should; if
they wish to make use of the facilities
described above, write immediately to
Administration of Enemy Property De-
partment for the appropriate claims
forms and explanatory notes.
The right of claimants themselves to
make a compensation claim-direct to the
foreign Goverment concerned remains un.
affected by the withdrawal of the facilities
hitherto provided.
1184/45, __.
Administrator's Odice,
11th January, 1950.
THE following .particulars relating to
appointments, etc., in the public service
are published for general information:-
ALEXANDER, L. A., Public Health Nurse
Medical Department, vacation leave
from 3rd January, to the 2(th Janu.
ary 1950 inclusive.
E. 429
Class III, Audit Department, on two
years probation.
1st Novomber, 1949.
RoBIN, G. A., 3rd Class Clerk Treasury
Department, appointed Temporary
Second Class Cleric Customs D)epart-
1st July, 1919.
SEVERIN, W. 0., 1st Class Clerk Adminis-
trator's Office vacation leave from
16th January to-: the 8th February
1950 inclusive.
E 499.
YANKEY, ALFRED, 3rd Class-Clerk Magis.
trate's Court, vacation leave from (ith
January to the 27th,.April 150 inclu.
M. P 1595/19
Administrator's Olfice,
! .13th January, 1950.
IT is hereby notified for general inform-
ation that the following appointments
have been made under Dominica Ordinance
No. 5 of 1939:-
St. Joseph Village Board.
Edward Lestrade (Chairman)
Ralph A. Rossi
E. J. Charles
Rankin J. Noel
Edison Pierre
Edney Prosper
Miss Thelma Lestrade
Miss Edna Bertrand.
Administrator's Office,
16th January, 1950.
THE undermentioned draft Hill which it
is proposed to introduce in the Legisla-
tive Council, is published for general
information with this issue of the Official
An Ordinance to make provision for
raising a Loan to produce an amount
not exceeding One hundred and forty-
four thousand dollars for the purpose of
making advances to Planters in the Col-
THE undermentioned draft Bill which it
is proposed to introduce in.the Legislative
Council, is published for general informa-
tion with t his issue of the Official Gazette:
An Ordinance to confer upon the Con'
sular Officers of Foreign States with
which consular conventions are conclud-
ed by His Majesty certain powers relat-
ing to the administration of the estates
and property of deceased persons; and
to restrict the powers of constables and
other persons to enter the consular
offices of such states.
Administrator's Ofice,
16th January, 1950.
THE Minutes of a Meeting of the
finance Committee held on Friday. 5th
August, 1949, is published with this issue
of the Official Gazette for general infor-
Education Department,
APPLICATIONS are invited for the vacant
pensionable post of a Senior Master, Dom-
inica Grammar School. (The Government
Secondary School for boys). The average
attendance for 1948 was 140.
2. Qualifications. Applicants should
hold a university degree and be qualified to
teach Latin and English up to the Higher
School Certificate standard.
3, Salary. The salary scale is ($1920x
120-$2400), and consideration would be
given to appointing a suitable applicant at
an appropriate point in the scale in view
of his experience and qualification.
4. Bonus. A cost of living bonus is
payable at the rate of ten per cent on
5. Quarters. No quarters are provided
and no allowance is paid in lieu of such.
6. Leave. Leave is earned in accor-
dance with local regulations and provision
is made for assistance towards leave pas-
sage overseas.
7. Passage on Fzrst Appointment.
The Officers passage on first.appointment
will be paid, as well as that of hio wife
and children of School age not exceeding
four, if they accompany him or follow him
within twelve months from the date of his
first appointment.
8 Conditions of Service. The Officer
will be subject to Colonial Regulations and
local General Orders
9. Closing Date. Applications, stating
the applicant's age, qualifications and
teaching experience, and indicating the
earliest date on which he could assume
duty should be addressed to His Honour
the Administrator, Dominica. to arrive
not later than the 31st. of January 1950.
Education Officer
WITH reference to Part 1, Section 2 of
the Vehicles and Road Traffic Ordinance
No. 21 of 1949 of Dominica S.R & O No 53
of 1949 it is hereby notified. for general
information that until further notice in
the Official Gazette the hours of sunset
and sunrise shall be respectively 5.45 p M.
and 6.45 A. M.
In accordance with the above-mentioned
Ordinance Motor Vehicles will therefore
bear lights between the hours of 6.15 P.M.
and 6 15 A M
Ag. Supt. of Police
M P 549/37.
TENDERS are invited and will be re-
ceived up to 5th February. 1950, for the
purchase of the following Equipment:-
(a) 1 Quarry Unit complete with Rock
Crusher and Sand Washing Plant
consisting of 63 b. p. Caterpillar
Diesel Power Unit
1 Jaw Crusher-(10" shaft)
1 Head Frame
1 Tail Frame (Barber Greene)
1 Tyrook V~tiAng,Screqn
1 Sand Was'hi ig Unit
3 Belt Conveyors 24" x 280'
1 550 gallon Steel Tank
1275 gallon Fuel Storage Tank.
(b) 1 Rfad.M-akers Asphalt Plant com-
plete with 1,000 gallon Fuel Storage
Tank, and.1,000 gallon Asphalt Stor-
(c) 110 Drums Asphalt.
(d) 1 Incinerator of 5 ton capacity con-
sisting of
1 Electric Blower
1 509 gallon Steel Water Storage Tank
1 275 gallon Steel Oil Storage Tank
1 Garbage Sterilizer
1 Hot Wtr Tranli
1 Oil Burnaig Furnace
I Grease Interceptor.
The above .items are located at Beane
Field, Vieux Fort, and arrangements may
oe made for their inspection through the
Secretary, Beane Field Disposals Board,
Castries, St, Lucia.
Tenders ,should be addressed to the
Chairman, Beane Field Disposals Board.
Government Office, Castries, St. Lucia,
and should be marked Tender for Beane
Field Equipment."
In the Supreme Court of the
Windward 'Islands and
Leeward Islands,
Dominica Circuit
In the matter 6f the Escheat Act, 1932
S, and.
In the iatatenof.theEstate of OCTAVIA-
JOSEP'HifItihe parish of St. Andrew, in
the ColuinyOf Dominica, deceased
GEORGE VI by the Grace of GOD of
the United,,~Kingdom of Great Britan,
Ireland and the British Dominions beyond
the Seas, King. Defender of the Faith.
To all persons claiming to be entitled to
the lands and tenements hereinafter de-
scribed. ""
WHEREAS it has been made to appear
to us that Octavia Joseph, late of the
Parish of. St Andrew in the Colony of
Dominica, died seized and possessed in fee
of three pieces or portions of land situate
in the Parish of St. Andrew aforesaid, and
that the said Octavia Joseph died without
heirs inheritable to her whereby the said
pieces or portions of land ought to be
escheated, that proceedings will be taken
to have the said pieces or portions of land
escheated to us at a sitting of the Supreme
Court to be holden at the town of Roseau
in the Colony of Dominica on the 9th day
of January, 1950, and you are hereby
further warned that if you fail to appear
at the sai'falGurt to be holden as aforesaid
the said proceedings will be heard and
taken without you.
WITNESS His -Honour Alfred, Victor
Crane, Judge of Our said Court the 3rd
day of December, 1949.
In the Supreme Court of
the Windward Islands
and Leeward Islands
NOTICE is hereby given that in
pursuance of Rules made by the Chief-
Justice under Section 16 of the Lee-
ward Islands and Windward Islands
(Courts) Order in Council 19:39, His
Honour the Puisne Judge assigned to
the Dominica Circuit has appointed
Tuesday the 31st day of January
1950 at the hour of ten o'clock in the
forenoon and subsequent days for
sittings of the Court in its Criminai
Jurisdiction at the Court House at
Roseau within the Dominica Circuit.
Dated the 13th day of January, 1950
Acting -Registrar of the Sup enme
Court of the Windward Isdands
ai.d Leeward I~liads
( Dominica)
Trade Marks Office,
10th January. 1950
LIMITED of 710 Victoria Square, Mon-
treal, Quebec, Canada; Manufacturers.
have applied for the registration of one
trade mark consisting of the following
word and device
in Class XXIV, that is to say, Cotton
Textile Fabrics
The applicants claim to have used the
said trade mark for one month before the
19th day of February, 1948.
Any person may within three months
from the date of the first appearance of
this advertisement in the *Dominica
Official Gazette give notice, .in duplicate,
at the Trade Marks Office, Donmr ica, of
opposition to registration of the said Trade
Action' .Rogismrar cf Trade Mauks
Agent: W.F. HARR'SON Esq.,
1R seau.
__ _I__~ r
AUDIT No-- 892/A/2.
FOR THE PERIOD 13th OCTOBER 1945 to 30th June, 1948
THE accounts of the Dominica Workers Association for the period 13th October,
1945 to 30th June, 1948, have been examined.
2. This Union was registered on 25th June, 1946, and the appointment of the
Principal Auditor of the Windward Islands to audit the accounts of the Registerel
Trade Unions in this Colony appears in Official Gazette No. 31 of the 12th of July,'
3. The accounts have not been well kept, and some of the books are not in a form
capable of audit. No form of receipt Voucher for subscriptions or levies paid has
been produced. The Pass Books of the members which should contain a record of
these transactions, are not all available for audit. It is therefore not possible to
state that all cash received has been properly brought to account. There has also
been considerable delay in submitting the records for audit.
4. The Registered Office of the Association is in Roseau, and 8 other Branches
were formed.
5. The receipts of the Association have been collected at the Roseau Branch and
8 Branch Offices. Receipts for the period under review amounted to'287. 5 5
made up as follows:
1946 152. 17. 3
1947 111. 10. 3
1948 22. 17. 11 287. 5 5
A balance of 2. 2. 6 was brought forward from transactions prior to registration
in the books.
6. Included in the Receipts are following items which are classified as Other
Portsmouth June quarter 1946 2. 11. 4
'Dos d'Ane December ,, ,, 1. 2. 8
Marigot ,, 2. 17. 4 6. 11. 4
The above amounts appear to be net receipts from dances and other entertain-
ments. Statements of the gross receipts and expenditure have not been submitted.
S7. MARIGOT March Quarter 1947 3. 15. 0. Described as repayment of half
of defalcations of a former Secretary. So far as I am aware the balance of 3. 15. 0
still remains outstanding unrepaid.
S8. Two amounts appear in the accounts as Owed to the Association", have
not been,br'ought to account:-
Marigot 5. 4. 2
Portsmouth 10. 0. 2j 15. 4. 4j
It is understood, that these amounts, outstanding since 1946, are held by former
officers of the Association.
9. Expenditure for the three years under review amquated to 306. 1. 10 made
up as fellows: -
1946 116.. 3. 2
1947 153. 17. 7i
1948 36. 1, 0 306. 1 10
10. The Minutes of the Evecutive Committee authorising expenditure have been
seen. The Principal items are:-
(1) Rent of Registered Office
(2) Allowance to President
(3) Allowanoe to Secretary
(4) Field Manager Travelling and Subsistence Allowance
Rule 15 (3) of the Asseciation's Regulations provides for payment of Travelling
and Subsistence Allowances.
11. The authority of the Executive Committee has not been traced for the follow-
ing expenditure:-
Food for celebrations 2. 19. 7
Hire of launch 5. 19. 4j
SGroceries 14. 6j 9. 13, -
12. A co)n3iderable nu-n'3r of ptv.nnts far sauh allowne Cs nt supp!rtei
by Medical Certificates No Book has been kept to enable a proper check to be
made of this expenditure which amounted to 41t18 0.
Entries in the accounts show that payments were made during the quarters in
which expenditure was incurred.
Receipts submitted are made out as if the payments were made at the end of
each year. This procedure is irregular
14. BANK ACCOUNT The balance in this Pass Book when submitted to audit
was 44 cents A deposit of $47.08 was made on 5th April, 1947, and no further
deposits are recorded in the Pass 3ook.
It has not been found possible to connect withdrawals in the Pass Book and
expenditure in the accounts.
15. The transactions of the Bran:h w-re as folcluvj: -
Receipts 268. 1. 6
Expenditure 147. 14 10
Forwarded to Headquarters 120. 6. 8
16. Receipts and Expenditure at Headquarters may be summarized from the
books of the Association as under: -
Receipts Expenditure
296 17. 7 308 6. 7i
Deficit 11. 9. o4
308. 6 7* 308, 6. 7j
The deficit of 11. 9. 0 is stated to ba owed to the President."
17. Due to discrepancies between the books and other records submitted, a
Reconciliation of the closing (dr) balance of 11. 9. 01 with total Revenue and total
Expenditure is given below:-
Total Receipts 287 5 5 Total Expenditure 306. 1. 10
Add amounts in books
and not on statements II. 8. 8
.98. 14. 1
Less amounts on
Statements and not in books 4. 1 0
294. 13. 1
(Deficit) Balance 11. 8. 9
306. 1. 10 306. 1 10
Amount untraced 3-
18. The maximum number of members on the books of the Association during
the period under survey was 658, and the number of Pass Books received for exam-
ination was 229.
19. The Audit of the accounts of this Association has disclosed that accounting
arrangements and control are highly unsatisfactory.
20. If the receipt, custody and disposal of the funds and assets of this and other
similar bodies are to be satisfactorily controlled so as to preserve the interests of the
members to the highest degree, it is essential that a proper accounting. system
should be insisted upon in every case. Indeed it might even be suggested that the
adoption of such a system should be regarded as one of the essential conditions of
registration in future..
P incipol Auditor
Winsward, Islad's
Printed at the BULLETIN OFFICE, Roseau, by G. A. JAMES-By Authority
No. of 195.
AN ORDINANCE to make' provision for mais-
ing a Loan to produce an amount not
exceediig Onw hundred and fonty-fourw
thousand dollars for the purpose, of
making advances to Planters in the
[Gazetted 1950.]
WHEREAS it is expedient to raise a loan, of One
hundred and forty-four thousand dollarsfor thepurpose
specified in the schedule hereto :
BE IT ENACTED by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Legislative Council of Dominica as
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Agricultufal. short tie.
Credit (Loan) Ordinance, .1950.
2. The Governor is hereby authorized, to, issue. de- Authority to.
bentures or stock or both under the provisions of "The borrow by sale
of debentures
General Loan and InscriBedi Stock Ordinance, 1949," to of insribed
an amount sufficient to produce as nearly as may be these
sum of One hundred and forty-four thousand dollars,
and such further sum as may be necessary to defray the
expenses of the issue.
3. (1) Any sum raised to defray the expenses of Application of
issue shall be applied only to that purpose.
(2) Save as aforesaid the money borrowed un-
der this Ordinance shall be appropriated and applied to
the purpose specified in the schedule to this Ordinance:
Provided that the Governor may, with the prior
sanction of the Secretary of State for the Colonies,
utilise any savings in respect of the item in that sche-
dule to cover any excess of expenditure in respect of any
other development scheme in the Colony.
4. Contributions to sinking fund, as contemplated Commence-
by the provision of sections 14 and 28 of "The General t'ibtion to
Loan and Inscribed Stock Ordinance, 1949," shall com- Sinking Fund
mence in respect of any debentures or sto2k issued under
the Ordinance not later than three years after the date
from which the interest, on such debentures or stock
shall commence to run.
5. Pending the issue of the whole or any portion of Power to issue
Treasury Bills.
the loan hereby authorised, the Governor may, if neces-
sary, raise the instalments of the money as required by
the issue of Treasury Bills under the Presidential Trea-
sury Bills Ordinance, 1923.
The provision of funds for the purpose of making
advances to Planters in the Colony.
Passed by the Legislative Council this day of
Clerk of the Legislative Council.
One of the schemes in the Ten year Development Plan of the
Colony, is the development of Agriculture. It is felt that in order
to attain this end, some means should be provided whereby plan-
ters could avail themselves of obtaining advances for improving
their holdings.
2. This Bill is introduced in order to authorise the raising of
an amount for making such advances.
Acting Crown Attorney.
No. of 1950.
AN ORDINANCE to confer upon the Consular
Officers of Foreign States with which
consular conventions are concluded by
His Majesty certain powers relating to
the administration of the estates and
property of deceased persons; and to
restrict the powers of constables and
other persons to enter the consular offi-
ces of such states.
(Gazetted 1950.]
BE.IT ENACTED by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Legislative Council of Dominica as
follows :-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Consular short title
Conventions Ordinance, 1950.
2. (1) The sending State may acquire under such Powerof
sending state
form of tenure as it may choose, whether on lease, or in t" acEqurepro-
perty in the
full ownership, and may thus hold and occupy, either in ony. the
its own name or in the name of one or more natural or
judicial persons acting on its behalf, land, buildings,
parts of buildings, and appurtenances located in the
Colony and required by the sending state for the pur-
pose of a consular office, or of a residence for a consular
officer or employee, or for other purposes connected
(2) The Sending State shall, have the right to,
erect, for any of the purposes specified in subsection (1)
of this section, buildings and appurtenances on land
which it so owns or holds on lease, subject to compliance
with local building or town planning regulations to all
land in the area in which such land is situate.
3. No Stamp Duty or other similar charge of any Exemption
from duties un-
kind shall be collected from the sending state in respect der the Stamp
of transactions or instruments relating to the acquisi- Act Cap. 135
tion of real property for any of the purposes specified in
subsection (1) of the preceding section.
4. (1) Where any person who is a national of a Powers of
consular offi-
state to which this section applies is named as executor cersin rela-
S tions to pro-
in the will of a deceased person disposing of property in perty in
Dominica of
Dominica or is otherwise a person to whom a grant of deceased
representation to the estate in Dominica of a deceased persons.
person may be made, then if the Court is satisfied, on
the application of a consular officer of the said state,
that the said national is not resident in Dominica, and
if no application for a grant of such representation is
made by a person duly authorised by power of attorney
to act for him in that behalf, the Court shall make to
that officer any such grant of representation to the
estate of the deceased as would be made to him if he
were so authorised as aforesaid.
(2) Where any person who is a national of a
state to which this section applies-
(a) is entitled to any money or other property
in Dominica forming part of the estate of a
deceased person, or to receive payment in
Dominica of any money becoming due on
the death of a deceased person ; or
(b) is among the persons to whom any money
or other property of a deceased person may
under any Act or Ordinance, whether pass-
ed before or after the commencement of this
Ordinance, to be paid or delivered without
grant of probate or other proof of title,
then if the said national is not resident in Dominica, a
consular officer of that state shall have the like grant and
give a valid discharge for any such money or property
as if he were duly authorised by power of attorney to act
for him in that behalf :
Provided that no person shall be authorised or
required by this subsection to pay or deliver any money
or property to a consular officer if it is within his know-
ledge that any other person in Dominica has been ex-
pressly authorised to receive that money or property on
behalf of the said national.
(3) Notwithstanding any rule of law or practice
applicable to the Colony sureties shall not be required to
an administration bond given by a consular officer upon
the grant of administration by virtue of this section.
5. Notwithstanding any rule of law conferring im- supplementary
munity or privilege in respect of the official acts and section 4
documents of consular officers, a consular officer shall
not be entitled to any immunity or privilege in respect
of any act done by virtue of powers conferred on him
by or under section four of this Ordinance or in respect
of any document for the time being in his possession re-
lating thereto.
6. (1) Subject to the provisions of this section a Restricionof
consular office of a state to which this section applies n otr`ela-
Iion to conouiar
shall not be entered by a constable or other person act- o~C."oiar
ing in the execution of any warrant or other legal pow-
ers or in the exercise of powers conferred by or under
any enactment (whether passed before or after the com-
mencement of this Ordinance),or otherwise, except with
the consent of the consular officer in charge of that office
or if that consent is withheld or cannot be obtained, with
the consent of a Secretary of State:
Provided that the foregoing provisions of this
section shall not apply in relation to any entry effected -
(a) in pursuance of section 3 of the Fire D a No
Brigade Ordinance, 1906" (which confers
power to enter premises for the purpose of
extinguishing fire) or any other enactment
making provision corresponding with t::e
provisions of that section;
(b) by a constable having reasonable cause to
believe that a crime involving violence has
been or is being or is about to be committed
in the consular office;
(c) by any person entitled to enter by virtue of
any easement, contract or other private
(2) This section shall not apply to any consular
office which for the time being is in charge of a consu-
lar officer who is a citizen of the United Kingdom and
the Colonies or is not a national of the State by which
that office is maintained.
(3) For the purposes of this section the expres-
sion "consular office" means any building or part of a
building which is exclusively occupied for the purposes
of the official business of a consular officer.
7. (1) The Governor may by Order in Council Applicaton of
direct that section four or section six of this Ordinance Sections 4 &
shall apply to any foreign state specified in the Order,
being a state with which a consular convention provid-
ing for matters for which provision is made by those
sections has been concluded by His Majesty.
(2) Any Order in Council made under this sec-
tion may be revoked by a subsequent Order.
(3) Any Order in Council made under this sec-
tion shall be laid before the Leg's'ative Council after
being made.
Passed this day of ,1950.
Clerk of the Legislative Council.
The object of this Ordinance is to give full effect to the agree-
ment arrived at the Consular Convention between the United
Kingdom and the United States of America.
Acting Crown Attorney.
Minutes of Meeting of Finance
AT a meeting of the Finance Committee held at 10 a.m.
on Friday, 5th August, 1949, in the Administrator's Office.
Present :
His Honour C. A. HARNEY, Acting Administrator,
The Honourable E. L. ST.BERNARD, Acting Crown Attorney
,, ,, A. D. BOYD, Acting Treasurer,
t ,, C. A. H. DUPIGNY,
,, J. 0. AIRD,
By Invitation.
The Honourable W. F. HARRISON-Member of Executive
Mr. G. RODDAM, Technical Director, Colonial Develop-
ment Corporation.
Mr. J. GAYNER, Local Director, Colonial Development
On Leave :
The Honourable Mrs. ELMA NAPIER.
1059/48 His Honour introduced Messrs. G. RODDAM and J. GAYNER of
the Colonial Development Corporation and said that they were
here for a full and frank discussion on the agreements for the
schemes to be undertaken by the Corporation in the Colony. His
Honour spoke of the great interest that the Corporation was show-
ing in the development of the Colony and informed members that
they could ask Mr. RODDAM or Mr. GAYNER questions on the
Mr. WINSTON said that he was not present at the meeting of
the Finance Committee when the agreements had been approved,
but representations had been made to him in Barbados, which he
had cabled on to His Excellency the Governor.
Mr. WINSTON stated that His Excellency's reply to his cable
gave the assurance that the Legislative Council would have the
opportunity to debate the matter before the agreements were com-
pleted and requested that members should not be asked to take
decisions on the matter in Finance Committee.
Mr. WINSTON stressed that the coming of the Colonial Deve-
lopment Corporation to Dominica must be in keeping with the
Secretary of State's declaration and thought that it would be un-
fortunate if the advent of the Colonial Development Corporation
here was in the shadow of non-adherence to these things.
Mr. C. A. H. DUPIGNY contended that the Governor-in-Council
was the correct body to make decisions to be ratified by the Legis-
lature and did not see how the Legislative Council could make an
agreement. Mr. DUPIGNY stated that Legislative Council could
only ratify or throw out an agreement.
Mr. SHILLINGFORD agreed with Mr. DUPIGNY that that was
the regular method but he understood that Messrs. RODDAM and
GAYNER were meeting other parties and it seemed to him prema-
ture for Finance Committee to take decisions at this stage.
Mr. RODDAM explained that they had not met the Fruit Trade
Committee and did not intend discussing that Agreement before
doing so. With regard to the other parties, he explained that it
was not possible to discuss the details of the agreements with
them, and it was only intended to hear their grievances.
Mr. RODDAM suggested that a start should be made with the
Hydro-Electric Agreement and the clauses which were not accept-
able could be discussed.
The length of the- Franchise was discussed. The Committee
felt that a period of 50 years and then a renewal for a further 30
years was too long.
It was decided that the Franchise shall be for a period of 30
years in the first instance, subject to two renewals of 25 years
each. A revision of the Statutory Maximum rates to be under-
taken after the first 30 years and a complete revision of the entire
franchise at the end of the second period of 25 year.
Mr. WINSTON asked for the insertion of a clause giving Govern-
ment power to acquire the plant after 30 years.
Mr. RODDAM explained that he wou:d not be able toagree to
that because it required heavy capital expenditure to lay down a
Hydro-Electric plant and it took a long time to amortize such works.
Mr. RODDAM stated that the Corporation was not prepared to
consider such a clause until after a period of 55 years had elapsed.
He thought that the Clause could be easily drafted.
On the question of maximum rates, Mr. RODDAM said that
Hydro-Electric had been talked about a great eeal in Dominica,
but it did not represent a sound commercial deal. It was only by
including it in a grbup project that he was able to get the main
Board of the Colonial Devolopment Corporation to approve. Mr.
RODDAM pointed out that the Colonial Development Corporation
was.not normally interested in Public Utilities.
Mr. RODDAM said that he could not put up any lower rates to
his Board. It must be remembered that they were maximum
rates and he assured members that it would be the concern of the
Corporation to reduce the Statutory Lighting rate whenever pos-
Mr. RODDAM stated that readings would be taken monthly.
Mr. DUPIGNY asked the reasons for striking out Clause 'Q' and
was of the opinion that it was necessary to retain it.
Mr. RODDAM replied that it had been removed because it was
felt that it was causing some degree of alarm.
The Coancil agreed that it should be retained. Mr. WINSTON
Mr. AIRD, with His Honour's permission, retired from the
747/49 Goodwill.
Agreement for the purchase of the parcel of land enclosed in
the chain dotted line and designated "site reserved for factory
development (Colonial Development Corporation)" on the plan of
the Goodwill Housing Scheme-Roseau, was discussed.
Mr. WINSTON objected to the water rights of the Goodwill
Canal being given to the Colonial Development Corporation and
maintained that it should remain the property of the Goodwill
Estate who would accommodate the Colonial Development Corpora-
Mr. WINSTON said that the interest of the Colony must be pro-
tected and the retention of the water rights was necessary be-
cause of the proposed establishment of the Agricultural School at
Mr. RODDAM explained that the Corporation would be spend-
ing large sums of money in erecting a factory for Concentrates
and they would require the water and it was absolutely necessary
that they have the water rights.
Mr. RODDAM said that it was more urgent than anything else
that they should acquire the land so as to be in a position to make
a start. Offices to work in were required.
The Committee approved of the Agreement.
Mr. WINSTON charged that the portion of land marked out on
the plan for the Colonial Development Corporation was not the
portion agreed to by the Committee appointed for that purpose and
claimed that it was farcical to appoint such committees if their
proposals were changed.
Mr. WINSTON wished it be placed on record that these mea-
sures were weakening the confidence of the people in the adminis-
tration and he protested vehemently.
The Committee appointed Mr. H. D. SHILLINGFORD, C. B. E.,
and the Director of Works to value the property at Goodwill.
The meeting adjourned, aine die.
Clerk of the Council.
Confirmed this 24th day of August, 1949.
Acting Administrator.