The official gazette

Material Information

The official gazette
Place of Publication:
BridgetownBarbados Published by authority
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 33-42 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Law -- Periodicals -- Barbados ( lcsh )
Politics and government -- Periodicals -- Barbados ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )


General Note:
Caption title.
General Note:
Supplements issued for some of the numbers.

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
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University of Florida
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Full Text



$a tte



Gazette Notices
Acting Appointments:
Orville Belle and Blair Haynes in post of
Senior Inspector, Inland Revenue Dept.
A. K. Bradshaw, as Administrative Assistant
Ministry of Finance........................
Desmond Johnson, as Assistant Commissioner,
Inland Revenue Department...............
F. H. Thorne as Assistant Secretary, Ministry
of Labour, National Insurance & Housing
Appointment on Secondment: Ian De.V. Archer,
Senior Crown Council..............................
Barbados Regiment: Lieutenant Colonel
O. F. C. Walcott as Commanding Officer
Land Acquisition re land at Saint Joseph for
Construction of school.............................
Notice of Special Sitting of Licensing Authority,
District "C"......... ............ ....................
Register of persons registered as citizens of
Barbados............................................. 6:
Resignations of two persons from Public Utilities
Resignations from the Public Service:
Victor Bryan, Clerical Officer; Michael Browne,
Clerical Officer; Martin Deane, Teacher;
Carmen Harris, Staff Nurse; Valerie Hunte,
Clerical Officer; Mrs. Hilda Mason, Typist;
Malta Roach, Clerical Officer;
Marcia Skeete, Clerical Officer................
Therapeutic Substances Act, 1949.....................
Vacant posts of Physician, Kingston General
Hospital & Senior Medical Officer, St. Vincent
Senate Debates for August 22, 1968
Legal Supplement
S.I. 1969 No. 113: Consumption Tax Order, 1969.

Acting Appointments

629 F. H. Thorne, Chief Clerk and Account-
629 ant, Judiciary, has been appointed to act as

33, 634


Acting Appointment

Artemus K. Bradshaw, Senior Clerk, has
been appointed to act as Administrative
Assistant, Ministry of Finance, with effect
from 1st May, 1969 until further notice.

(M. P. 1515/39/7/6)

>\ 3a 4.* 3`
Q ^ra P

Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Labour,
National Insurance and Housing with effect
from 1st July, 1969, until further notice.

(M. P. P. 1658)

Desmond Johnson, Senior Inspector has
been appointed to act as Assistant Commis-
sioner, Inland Revenue with effect from 1st
May, 1969 until further notice.

Orville O. Belle, Inspector has been ap-
pointed to act as Senior Inspector, Inland
Revenue with effect from 1st May, 1969 until
further notice.

Blair E. Haynes, Inspector, has been ap-
pointed to act as Senior Inspector, Inland
Revenue with effe om 1st May, 1969 until
further noti \"ERS/

(M. P. /39/ Vol. II)


'NO. S4





Miss Marcia Skeete, Clerical Officer,
Waterworks Department, has resigned from
the Public Service with effect from 1st July,

(M. P. P. 8133)

Mrs. Hilda J. Mason, Typist, Ministry
of Health and Community Development, has
resigned from the Public Service with effect
from 1st July, 1969.

(M. P. P. 9122)

Miss Malta Roach, Clerical Officer,
Registration Office, has resigned from the
Public Service with effect from 1st June,

(M. P. P. 9058)

Carmen E. Harris, Staff Nurse, Queen
Elizabeth Hospital, resigned from the Public
Service with effect from 24th May, 1969.

(M. P. P. 9089)

Victor O. Bryan, Clerical Officer, Minis-
try of Health and Community Development,
resigned from the Public Service with effect
from 1st July, 1969.

(M. P. P. 9357)

Miss Valerie Hunte, Clerical Officer,
Accountant General's Office, resigns from
the Public Service with effect from 15th
July, 1969.

Martin Deane, Teacher, St. Bernard's
Primary School resigned from the Public
Service with effectfrom 1st September, 1968.

(M. P. P. 9052)

Michael H. Browne, Clerical Officer,
Ministry of Health and Community Develop-
ment, resigns from the Public Service with
effect from 8th July, 1969.

(M. P. P.9250)

Resignations from the Public Utilities

The following persons have tendered
their resignations from the Public Utilities
Board, with effect from 20th June, 1969:-

Mr. E. J. E. Haynes
Mr. N. D. Tudor

(M. P. 1028/1 Vol. IV)

Appointment On Secondment
lan DeV. Archer, Crown Counsel, has
been seconded to the temporary post of
Senior Crown Counsel, Legal Department,
with effect from 1st June, 1969 until further

(M. P. 1515/39/22)

Therapeutic Substances Act, 1949
The following firm has been added to the
list of manufacturing firms approved for the
importation of any drug or therapeutic sub-
stance into Barbados:-

G. D. Searle & Co. Ltd.,
Lane End Road,
High Wycombe,

(M. P. P. 8950)

July 7, 1969


(M. P. 23B2)

July 7 1969

Barbados Regiment Acting Appointment

His Excellency the Acting Governor-
General has been pleased to approve the
temporary appointment of Lieutenant Colonel
O. F. C.Walcott, O.B.E., E.D., as Command-
ing Officer of the Barbados Regiment, under
the provisions of section 5 of the Volunteer
Act, 1909, for the period 1st July, 1969 to
31st December, 1969.

(M. P. 5318/13)

Notice of Special Sitting of Licensing
(The Liquor Licences Act, 1967)
Notice is hereby given that a Special
Sitting of the Licensing Authority for Dis-
trict "C" will be held at Magistrate's Court,
District "C" on Wednesday the 30th day of
July, at 9.00 a.m. for the purpose of granting
Licences, Transfers of Licences and orders
for the Registration of Clubs under the above

Dated at Magistrate's Court, District
"C", this 30th day of June, 1969.

Clerk to the Licensing Authority
District "C".
July, 1969.



(Notice Under Section 3)

pears to the Minister responsible for Lands
that the parcel of Land described in the Sche-
dule hereto and situate in the parish of Saint
Joseph is likely to be needed for purposes
which in the opinion of the Minister are pub-
lic purposes: namely, for the purpose of
construction of a school.


ALL THAT certain piece or parcel of
land situate in the parish of Saint Joseph in
this Island and containing by estimation 7
Acres or thereabouts Abutting and Bounding
on lands of Clement Rock Plantation on other
lands of Lammings Plantation and on the pub-
lic road or however else the same may abut
and bound.

Dated this 2nd day of July, One thousand
nine hundred and sixty-nine at Government
Headquarters, Bay Street in the parish of
Saint Michael in this Island of Barbados.

Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Home Affairs.

July 7
9 691


OFFICIAL GAET Jul 7. 1969 Ir



Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the above



Sa lry:


Applicants should possess qualifications registerable in the
United Kingdom and should also possess the M.R.C.P. or
equivalent graduate qualification. They should have worked
as a Specialist Physician for at least three years.

$8,400 per annum. O.S.A.S. allowances are also payableif
the successful candidate qualifies.

The appointment may be either on a permanent and pension-
able basis or on contract for a specified period.

Full details of the post may be obtained from the Chief Personnel
Officer, "Flodden", Culloden Road, St. Michael.

Applications should reach the Establishment Officer, Establishment
and Personnel Division, Kingston, St. Vincent, not later than 31st July, 1969.


Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the above

Qua lfication:



Medical qualifications which are registerable in the United
Kingdom. Qualifications and experience in Public Health are
also desirable. Previous experience of Medical Adminis-
tration in the Caribbean Area would be an advantage.

$9,600 (2,000) per annum. O.S.A.S. allowances are also
payable if the successful candidate qualifies.

The appointment may be either on a permanent and pension-
able basis or on contract for a specified period.

Full details of the post may be obtained from the Chief Personnel
Officer, "Flodden", Culloden Road, St. Michael.

Applications should reach the Establishment Officer, Establishment
and Personnel. Division, Kingston, St. Vincent, not later than 31st August, 1969.

July 7. 1969





Section of Act
PLACE of Constitu-
NAME OF ADDRESS tion under
BIRTH which Reg-

Enid Berryl Birch also
E. Beryl Hyacinth Birch
Anastasie Best also called
Iola Veronica Best
Gertrude Greta Daphne
Hanna Victoria Brathwaite
Joana Husbands also called
Jane Husbands

Patricia Joan Theresa

Val Sylvia Jones
Dorothy Holder

Celia Muriel Blanchard

Desiree Paula Martindale
Myrtle Swaby nee Jones
Marjorie Harman Skinner

Ingrid Joseph

Josephine Weekes
Olive Medea Gumbs
Hasan Mohamed Bhoola
Mohmed Ebrahim Esopjee

Clara Richardson Nicholas

Rodolph Anson

Hugh Gladstone Roy
Marie Veronica Louis
Marjorie Smith



St. Lucia



St. Vincent
St. Lucia




St. Lucia



St. Lucia


St. Lucia

Appleby Gap, St. James, Barbados

Flagstaff Road, St. Michael

Road View, St. Peter
St. Mark's Vicarage, St. John

"Ashton", Harts Gap, Christ

"Devon", 9th Avenue, Belleville,
St. Michael
Villa Road, Brittons Hill, St. Mich.
52 St. Paul's Ave., Bay Land, St.
Grey House, Marine Gardens,
Flat 16A, The Garrison, St. Mich.
"Edward Vl11", Worthing Ch. Ch.
Managua, Nicaragua, Central
"Selah", Palm Beach, Hastings
Ch. Ch.
Queen Street, St. Michael
Constitution Road, St. Michael
Tudor Bridge, St. Michael

St. Mary's Row, Bridgetown, St.
74D, Parkinson Field, Pine Housing
Area, St. Michael
Mill Yard Road, Brittons Hill, St.
1156W, 12th Ave., Vancouver 9,
B. C. Canada
Lower Carlton, St. James
Thorpes, St. James




3(1) Con.

3(1) Con.

3(1) Con.
3(1) Con.

Sec. 3(1) Con.

Sec. 3(1) Con.
Sec. 3(1) Con.

Sec. 3(1) Con.

Sec. 3(1) Con.
Sec. 3(1) Con.
Sec. 3(2) Con.

Sec. 3(1) Con.

Sec.3(2) Con..
Sec. 3(2) Con.
Sec. 3(2) Con.
Sec. 3(2) Con.





3(2) Con.

3(2) Con.

3(2) Con.

3(2) Con.
3(2) Con.
3(2) Con.

July 7, '1969





PLACE Section of Act
of Constitu-
NAME OF ADDRESS tion under
which Reg-

Marie Rita Claire Worme
Blanche Husbands
Doreen Matilda Goddard

Burnett Benson Gajadhar
Philomene Tifrere

Linalt Esmie Benjamin
Augustus Thomas Austin
Marie Theodora Edward
Pearl Patricia Whyke
Havaboo Ibrahim Adam
Zephir Pancrace Sumrah

Pearl Beatrice St. Hill
Roger Arundel Farnum
Hesketh Alexander
Beatrice Christina Straughn
George Kenneth Johnson

Georges Clive Alphonse

Jean Cynthia Robinson

St. Vincent

St. Lucia
St. Lucia

St. Vincent
St. Lucia
St. Lucia

U. S. A.

St. Lucia


Southern Surf, Rockley, Ch. Ch.
Club Morgan, St. Michael
No. 52 Deacon's Housing Area, St.
Arthur Seat, St, Thomas
30 Brecon Rd., Grazettes Housing
area, St. Michael
Hinds Hill, Cave Hill, St. Michael
Westbury Road, St. Michael
Jessamy Lane, St. Michael
Upper Hindsbury Rd., St. Michael
Lakes Folly, St. Michael
2nd Avenue, Park Rd., Bush Hall,
St. Michael.
Savannah Rd., Bush Hall, St. Mich.
"Brandford", Pine Rd., St. Mich.
Beckwith Street, St. Michael
Green Hill, St. Michael
"Bowden", Hastings, Christ
"River View", River Road, St.
"Garden House", St. George.

Sec. 3(1) Con.
Sec. 3(1) Con.

Sec. 3(1) Con.
Sec. 3(2) Con.

Sec. 3(2) Con.
Sec. 3(2) Con.
Sec. 3(2) Con.
Sec. 3(2) Con.
Sec. 3(2) Con.
Sec. 5(1) Act.
Sec. 4 of Act.

Sec. 3(1) Con.
Sec. 3(2) Con.
Sec. 3(2) Con.
Sec. 3(2) Con.

Sec. 3(2) Con.
Sec. 4 of Act.

Sec. 3(1) Con.

Government Printing Office.

July 7, '1969







Thursday, August 22, 1968.
The Senate met in the Senate Chamber, Public
Buildings, at 2 o'clock p.m. today.


His Honour Senator E. S. ROBINSON, C.B.E.,
(President); His Honour Senator C. Asquith PHILLIPS,
B.A., (Deputy President); Senator the Honourable
F. G. SMITH, Q. C. (Attorney General); Senator the
Honourable L. E. SANDIFORD, M,A. (Minister of
Education); Senator H. Odessa GITTENS, M.R.S.H.
(Parliamentary Secretary); Senator C. L. BRAHWAITE;
Senator F. C. H. CAREW; Senator S. V. ASHBY;
Senator P. G. MORGAN; Senator F. L. WALCOTT,
O.B.E.; Senator M. A. KING; Senator H. F. ALK.NS;
Senator E. Lisle WARD; 'SenatorW. W. BLACKMAN,
M.B.E.; Senator D. A. WILES, C.M.G., O.B.E.; Sena-
tor S. A. BLANCHETTE; Senator Erma V. ROCK;
Senator N. A. BARROW, B.A.; Senator R. G. MAPP.


Senator the Honourable P. M. GREAVES, B. A.,
(Minister of Home Affairs); SenatorDr. R. B. CADDLE,
B.Sc., M.B.B.S.

Prayers were said.


Senator the Honourable F. G. Smith offered an
excuse for the absence of Senator the Honourable P.M.
Greaves, Minister of Home Affairs and Leaderofthe
Senate, who was out of the country on Government


Senator the Honourable F. G. Smith, Attorney
General, laid the following papers:-

1. The Civil Establishment (General) (Amend-
ment) (No. 4) Order, 1968.

2. The Wireless Telegraphy (Amateur Trans-
mitter) (Amendment) Regulatiouns, 1968.


The President called the first Order A Reso-
lution to place the sum of $370,000 at the disposal
of the Government to supplement the Estimates
1968-69 Part 1 Current a. shown i.n the Supple-
mentary Estimates 1968-69 No. 17 which form the
Schedule to the Resolution.

Mr. President, This Resolution is for the sum of
$370,000 to finance the operations of the Barbados
Community College. This Senate, some few weeks
ago, gave consideration to the Bill which set out
the objects and reasons for the establishment of
the College, and there was a very full debate on
the proposals to establish this College.

I do not think that there is any need for me to go
over the ground which has already been gone over;
but I would, however, like to saythatthe Addendum to
the Resolution sets out quite clearly the type of or-
ganisation which would be in operation at the Barba-
dos Community College.

The College will be established in six fields -
Agriculture, Commerce, Fine Arts, Liberal Arts,
Science and Technology. However, at the outset, the
divisions of Commerce, Liberal Arts and Science will
be in operation, the other divisions being phased in
as the. occasion requires.

The purpose of this Resolution is to provide the
staff to carry on the operations of the College. In
charge of the College will be a Principalwho will be
assisted by two Senior Tutors, Six Tutors, thirteen
Assistant Tutors, one Registrar/Bursar, two Steno-
graphers, one Supervisor, one Laboratory Technician,
one Driver/Messenger, two Cleaners, two Grounds-
men, one Watchman and a Relief Watchman.

Sir, funds are also needed to make provision
for the non-recurrent costs of the Community College
for such matters as desks, laboratoryequipment and
library books, and sums to pay for electricity, water,
gas and other services and capital sums forthe pre-
paration of the buildings, for classrooms and the
Laboratory and maintenance of the grounds.


This is all estimated at the sum of $370,000.

Mr. President, as you are aware, this Govern-
ment is very much concerned about the provision of
adequate educational facilities for the sons and
daughters of the citizens of this country; and this re-
quest for the sum of $370,000 is in execution of this
policy of providing adequate facilities so that our
citizens can have the training in those skills which we
consider necessary for the development and progress
of our community.

The students for the Community College will be
selected from those persons who have the necessary
qualifications whether they are adolescents or adults
and whether they are in schools with existing Sixth
Forms or in schools that do not have any Sixth Forms.
This includes students at private secondary schools
who may have the necessary qualifications.

In this connection Iwould like to say that it is the
intention of the Government to award an additional
450 exhibitions to the 17 approved independent schools
in this country. This is beingdone, orwill be done in
the interest of seeing that as many of our pupils of the
11 plus age group get the benefit of the Grammar
School type of education and ensure that the demands
of our nation for trained manpower can be satisfied,
and that we will have a larger reservoir from which
to draw for our trained manpower requirements.

The College will be in operation from the begin-
ning of the academic year, that is, September this
year, and a Resolution will be brought to the Legis-
lature for funds to implement this programme.

Mr. President, as I said, there is no need to go
over the reasons forthe establishment of this College.
I would therefore like to invite this Honourable Cham-
ber to concur in this Resolution.

I move, Sir, that the Resolution be concurred in.

Senator H. Odessa Gittens seconded the motion.

SENATOR H. F. ALKINS: Mr. President, -Ihad
no intention of leading off the debate on this subject,
but it looks as if I shall have to do so. When the idea
of the Community College was discussed some weeks
ago one of the criticisms which I made at that time
was the fact that everything seems to have been rushed
and the public did not have the necessary background

It is true that the Hon. Minister of Education in
this Chamber has given very full details of his plans
in connection with this College; but unfortunately the
Press does not see fitto carry reports of any debates
in the Legislature and the public does not get the bene -
fit of the full explanations which the Minister has been
from time to time giving to this House.
It seems to be unfortunate that the establishment
of the Community College was not the subject of the
publication of a Government White Paper setting out
the aims and objects and how the students would be
selected etc.

Now, Sir, as the Hon. Minister has quite rightly
said, were not today going into the pros and cons of
the establishment of a Community College. I think
that we have accepted the idea of the Community
College, and indeed this ideahas considerable merit.

Today we are considering a Resolution for the
provision of funds, and before I comment on this Reso-
lution, I think I must say that it appears that what I
said on the last occasion about the questionoftiming
I will have to say again, because it is obvious that the
majority of the near $166,000 required for the College
quite apart from the provision for staff salaries -
for conversion, equipment, furnishing and main-
tenance of the building will have to be spent between
now and the 1st of October. I think that that re-inforces
my contention that this whole thing has been rushed.

I see no reason why a lot of this could not have
been worked out before, long before, and brought to
the Legislature. I think that that is normal criticism
because normally one would expect that when money
is required for a particular purpose which has to be
completed within a matter of five weeks, it will be
spent in that five weeks.

SI think, Sir, that it is obvious to anyone that it
could not be possible to spend this money in that time.

Now, Sir, the College is going to start with the
divisions of Commerce, Liberal Arts and Science.
Liberal Arts and Science make sense; but Iwonder if
the Minister in his reply would dilate a bit on what
he means by Commerce. Commercial education is a
field that is difficult of definition and members of the
public like myself would like to know what are the pro-
posals and the particular aspects of Commerce and
at what level that will be taught, and also whether tu-
tors are available etc.

The Liberal Arts and Science Divisions would I
take it would be the normal work done in the Sixth
Form Grammar Schools. I am raising these queries
because to me the main justification forthis Commun-
ity College is that it should provide education in fields
not adequately provided for before.

If anyone were to ask the average Barbadianwhat
is the weakness of the education system in Barbados
I think that the general answerwould be that we devote
a great deal of attention to the Grammar School type
of education and too little to the type of education that
is needed in the context of modern requirements; and
so people are looking more and more, not to what you
are going to do on the purely academic side, but what
you are going to do about the other aspects of educa-
tion which, in our view are not adequately catered
for in the existing system.

We are, Sir, part of the Western Hemisphere and
our links are largely with North America. I think
that the tendency is to look towards NorthAmerica in
the field of business and Commerce, and becausewe
are trying to industrialise Barbados we must try to
bet trained personnel to fit into that scheme of things.


Even in Britain I think it is true that the authori-,
ties are looking to the North American authorities for
this type of education and the Canadains are looking
towards Britain. Being somewhere between the two, we
can benefit from both types of education, andone
hopes that the Community College will develop along
these lines.

One presumes that the question of staff has been
gone into very carefully. I will make no attempt to
go into the numbers required. But what I would like
to know is whether this is the staff that it is proposed
to start with at the beginning or is it the staff that
you expect will be required within the next year or
the next two years? And is it proposed to go on
adding to it as the. numbers of students grow? I think
that that again is a reasonable question and one to
which people would like to know the answer.

Now, Sir, a big question that will arise out of this
Resolution is the differential in salaries between those
proposed for the Community College and those in
existence at existing grammar schools. On the whole,
although I have not gone very carefully into the de-
tails, I gather that these salaries are slightly higher
than comparative salaries in the existing grammar
schools and this differential in salaries is not an
easy one to solve.

It has been raised from time to time even in the
grammar schools themselves and it is not one to which
one can give an easy answer. The point is that the
Community College, if it is to be successful, has to
prove its merits certainlywithin the next two to three
years, and it will dependvery heavily on the quality of
its staff in the beginning. It must therefore have staff
of the highest quality and thatwould be a justification
for paying salaries over those at present being paid.

On the other hand, it can be said that the Sixth
Forms in the existing schools will have to carry on
for a number of years until the college proves its
worth as a place of education to which people will
want to send their children instead of to Harrison
College, Lodge School etc.

A good case could be made out for giving the
existing Sixth Forms the same quality staff. I myself
would consider arguments for that as valid as for the
Community College. There is also the argument that
the college will have to depend on existing staff for
its own staff; and there is the dangerof denuding the
existing schools of their best and most qualified staff.
There is a body of opinion which feels with a certain
amount of validity that you may build up your A Level
at the expense of the O Level.

As a matter of fact, Sir, your A Level education
will not be successful unless you have the proper
material coming up from the O Level.

It may be that the people are available to staff
adequately both the existing Sixth Forms in grammar
schools and the Community College itself and that
there is justification for special rates at this insti-

tution. On the whole, I feel that the rates proposed
are not unreasonable in the light of the circumstances

I understand that it is proposed to admit students
who have gained four 0 Level subjects at one sitting.
I would have thought that it would have been better to
specify the four, and I wonder if the Minister would
explain if consideration has been given to specifying
the four subjects and why it was decidedto just leave
it at four.

The Minister in the course of his comments re-
marked that it was the intention of the Government to
provide an additional 450 exhibitions to approved pri-
vate secondary schools. I take it that this means that
450 pupils going to these approved schools will get
their tuition free.

I think that this is a welcome stepbecause a lot
of taxpayers are subscribing to the education of chil-
dren at the Government-aided secondary schools at
the moment, and at the same time are having to pay
a very high scale of fees to get some form of second-
ary education for their own children.

It is obviously very difficult for them, and I think
that any attempt on the part of the Government to ease
this situation would be very helpful.

I think that is all I would have to say on this reso-
lution, we have already agreed on the principle of the
Community College. On the question of the provision
of buildings and so on, I see they.are starting, for ex-
ample, in Science. As I understand it again this is the
information I have been able to gather it is proposed
to start this college five weeks from now at She rbourne.
One presumes that there will be frantic preparations,
renovations, moving in of furniture, etc. I do not know
how long it is intended that the College remain at
Sherbourne, I gather that it is to be removed to the
Eyrie, but it is impossible to get in there at the moment
because one of the schools in that neighbourhoodhas
had to be accommodated there. I am hoping that it
is not proposed to establish a Physics laboratory or a
Chemistry laboratory at Sherbourne, because to put
down a proper laboratory for A level work is a very
expensive business and laboratories cannot be moved
with ease from place to place.

Is it proposed to put down laboratories? If so,
one hopes that the barest minimum expense will be
made on such laboratories, and only on such items as
can be moved. Or, is it proposed to use laboratory
accommodation elsewhere. If so, where is it to be
found? One would like to hear an answer to this.
Similarly with the equipment and furniture and repairs
to the building. One would only hope thatevery effort
will be made to push on with the main buildings to
which the community college will be eventually moved.

As Imentioned, Sir, I am not opposed to the Reso-
lution. We have agreed on the establishment of the
college and the staff and so onwill have to be pro-
vided. It would be interesting to know whether they


have managed to secure the services of a Principal,
I do not know, I believe he wouldhave to be appointed
because he inturnwill have to assist in the nomination
of the staff and there are only five weeks to do it in.
We would welcome some information as to what has
happened in this regard. Are the services of the Prin-
cipal tobe made available immediately? I think these
are reasonable questions at this stage in view of the
very short space of time that remains between the
passing of this resolution and the adyertisedopening
of the College.

SENATOR F. L. WALCOTT: Mr. President, I
have a few comments to make on this resolution. I
think the Minister will have to answer some questions
in addition to what the Honourable Senator Alkins has
asked. I agree with the substance of what Senator
Alkins has put forward, although there are shades of
opinion. I am not going to deal with the subjects of
Fine Arts, Liberal Arts and Science, I am going to
deal with Agriculture, Commerce and Technology, and
I am going to take up where Senator Alkins left off.
I must warn the Minister and Government Govern-
ments in Barbados like going in for oldbuildings too
much and say that they are cheaper than new buildings.

I have on several occasions criticised that non-
sense in Fontabelle that they bought for a Labour
Department. It has proved to be a waste of public
funds. There is nowhere in Sherbourne that is going
to be suitable for a school otherthanto pull it down
and build a school up there, if you are going to take
Sherbourne and make it into a school, I would eject
all the residents in the buildings around the Garrison
including the Attorney General......

On a point of order, I am living in a house in the
Garrison because I am married to a doctor who is
entitled to a house.

SENATOR F. L. WALCOTT: I am surprised to
hear the Attorney General rise onapointof order as
if the others who are living in the houses at the Gar-
rison are not living in these houses on the same basis,
he has no greater claim to living in a house.

If you are talking about a school I would go to the
Garrison and eject all the people out of those houses
and utilise the space for this purpose. If we are think-
ing about old buildings, these are old buildings and are
more suitable for conversion, but even then I would
not do that inrview of the fact that you will have to do
some renovations. I have been told the Government has
been advised on all of these buildings around here, I
am wondering why the Government if a school is
going to be perpetuated why not build a new school
and give it the same name ratherthanpatch up these
old buildings around here, the next 100 years you will
be talking about the same school, so I do not under-
stand the reason for looking around the place for these
old buildings.

This brings me to anotherpoint, and I have some
very harsh ideas aboit it in some respects, people
believe that education and schools at one stage they

should be given the right to send their children where
they would like to send them, and at another stage,
that when people have chosen these schools then you
are going to do something else about it. What the Gov-
ernment should do, some of these schools should be
closed on health grounds, some of them are unsuitable
to be housing so many children and not have proper
latrine and toilet facilities. The facilities that exist
in some of the so-called secondary schools, a man
opening a rum shop has to comply with certain legal
requirements, and I hope that who is responsible for
health in this country do not wait until an outbreak of
an epidemic of typhoid fever takes place then to
examine the schools.

The people are paying high fees to these schools,
but why are they paying such high fees? I see that the
Principal of this college is going to get $10,000. Are
you suggesting some of these Principals at these
schools are receiving more than $10,000? I want to
know what justification you would give for any man who
will make $10,000 that you are taking public funds and
underwritingthe specific salary of $10,000 and ov eJ
On what grounds? If you have to take over the
schools, you do not have enough accommodation in
your own schools for the children. It is a matter for
you to determine, that is something you should look
into, but it is purely a matter of how you regard
I heard Senator Barrow on one occasion speaking
about the kind of private schools where the children
get better facilities to permit them to get into the
secondary schools, that is a kind of affluence. The
children who went to elementary schools and are now
parents are more affluent than their parents were,
and they are not sending their children to the same
schools they went to. Parents feel that to send their
children to private schools and pay $25 or $30 a month
is better, because it is not a question of not getting
into the schools because you can get into any ele-
mentary school at five or six, you do not have to take
a screening test. These schools are no longer good
enough for their children, we have to live with that
sort of affluence. What is the Government going to do,
close down the private schools or subsidise them? I
think you have to take a verygoodlook on this whole
question of how you are going to spend money on edu-
cation, if people are going to feel free to have certain
educational institutions that they are going to send
their children to, you approve of the standard. I un-
derstand the Government has a system of approving
of some of the secondary private schools. I do not
know if the approval is a general approval or if it is
question of the subjects, teachers and the quality
of needs that they are going to meet, or if it includes
sanitary and all other facilities a child should live

We all know that the community college, as it is
something new, will be open to criticism by the com-
munity. It is everybody's college and soonyouwill get
everybody wanting to get in. It will be the thing. If
you are really going outside the name 'college',
Harrison Cellege, Lodge School, Combermere, you
are not giving the schools that sort of personality
any more, you are going for the impersonal things,

and the community college will embrace the com--
munity, but I would like to say to the Minister who
is in our Chamber, fortunately we can speak to the
Minister of Education direct and he can answer us
direct, I would like to inform the Minister that in my
view if this College is to provide courses in fields like
Agriculture, Commerce and Technology, Iwouldlike
to hear the Minister say something more on that. I must
make it clear that the operation of a school of this
character, and the administrative arrangements that
you are going to provide should be wide enough to
cover these things that the Minister has statedhere,
and I am making this as a bold criticism, to admin-
ister the community college and I know that there
has been a conspicuous omission from the board of
this college, and I want to saywhy I do not regard a
matter of this kind, the size of any organisation with
25,000 members in it is not represented on the board.
When you have 25,000 members in any single organi-
sation in Barbados you have nearly one tenth of the
total population, including the little children in the
Mental Hospital and those in the other institutions
and Her Majesty's Prisons, so I cannot see how you
can have a college like this to deal with such things
like Agriculture and Technology and not have the
Union represented on the board. In the United King-
dom they have reached the stage where the British
Trade Union Council is never left out, theywill have
a representative on the Bank of England as a per-
manent member of the Bank of England, a member
of their Council is one of the representatives of the
Bank of England. Do not ask them how much money they
have, they have none.

I am surprised to find that at the beginning where
you are embracing the community you are going to
leave a very essential element out. We do not deny
the quality of the persons who have been selected
from any other organisation, even the teachers who
only come forward when a salaries revision is taking
place, they do not have any record of putting some-
thing positive down. I will agree with the projection
in having something that will bring a new dimension
into our thinking.

I would like to know when it comes to Agricul-
ture what you mean here by Agriculture in this com-
munity college. Is it going to be the type of agricul-
tural education that would assist your agricultural
department and the community in having better peo-
ple at the middle level so that you can have people
entering agriculture at a relatively early stage of their
life with some scientific background of agriculture
so that you do not have to wait until a man goes to a
university and come back? Similarly, in Commerce,
Senator Alkins says it is averywide field and within
the context of the community college what do you mean
by commerce? What kind of subjects and at what
level are you going to be dealing with? In the field of
secretaries and stenographers, at what level are you
going to think in terms of education? The other one is
technology. Technology again covers avery wide field,

What aspects of technology you will be dealing with?
It is on these three grounds I feel that there should
be included new dimensions in your educational sys-
tem. I do not accept any excuse with regard to the
statement that big and powerful organizations are
left out in the education field.

On the question of salaries I would say the Gov-
ernment has got a lot of advice when dealing with
salaries. They open up themselves unfortunately to
a very dangerous situation if they cannot justify the
differential in these salaries, but the teachers are to
blame. They do not even know how to deal with their
own case. If you have amanwitha first class honours
degree teaching at the community college, how are you
going to justify paying him more than person deal-
ing with the same subject at another school? It is imi-
possible to justify two different salaries for the same
job. That is going to be the problem.

I do not know if the community college is going
to teach on Saturday. If that is so, then the Minister
has a very good case to say that the teachers do not
have the same vacation. They get a long vacation of
13 weeks a year and these people are only entitled to
3 weeks year, so the conditions of employment would
be different. The Ministerwould have avery good case
provided the conditions of employment differ, there
can be no question of comparison so that the differen-
tial makes up for the extra remuneration, so that the
Minister has a very good answer. I am not defending
the teachers, I am only saying that the Minister may
have that answer, but I feel what I have asked the
Minister would not be too difficult. I hope that the
Minister would look into this very carefully.

SENATOR W. W. BLACKMAN: Mr. President, -
The chief points on this Resolution have been made
by the last two speakers; but I want to say that a lot
of the criticism in this chamber could have been
avoided if we had been given more facts.

Here we are spending $370,000 andwe only have
three lines of Addendum. (A MEMBER: Turnover the
page). This is a far-reaching matter and we have
little or no information on it. We see here provision
for two Senior Tutors, six Tutors, thirteenAssistant
Tutors, and we do not know if it is fof a/year or two
years. We do not know on what basis the Minister has
arrived at these figures. What is the number of
pupils expected to be at this College? When-are the
buildings likely to be completed?

We know nothing new about this matter. We are
told that the establishment of the College will be
phased so that the divisions dealing with Commerce,
Liberal Arts and Science will be opened early in
October. That is nothing new andI am sure that there
will be nothing new for the next two or three years.

The whole matter has been rushed unduly and
for what purpose no one can tell. We are here in this

quandary not knowing what to do. The Minister said
that the Government is concerned about providing an
adequate education for the sons and daughters of the
citizens of Barbados. That should be the object of
any Government.

As a school boy I learned that money spent on
education in a country was well spent; but one must
wonder, Mr. President, about the children of the 11
plus age group where 10,000 sit the entrance exam-
ination and only about 100 will go to the Government-
aided Grammar Schools and 450 will be sent to the
approved schools. What of the other 4507 Whateduca-
tion will they get?

This money could provide two first class Com-
prehensive Schools one in St. George and one in St.
Peter which would help stop the scrambling of chil-
dren trying to catch buses.

Senator Blackman that the principle of the establish-
ment of a Community College has already been decided
on. This is only a matter of providing staff and reno-
vating the building.

SENATOR W. W. BLACKMAN: I thankyouforyour
ruling, Sir. But the Minister said that 450 places in
approved schools would be provided. There are many
others who need these facilities. As to salaries, of
course Senator Walcott is accustomed to salary nego-
tiations. We have always been in the habit of putting
up a certain set, and the rest will follow. As soon as
you put up these salaries for tutors at the Commu-
nity College the other teachers will start the pressure.

Education at this college cannot be divorced from
other forms of education and I know that teachers
from the primary schools up will come forwardwith
first class requests for increased salaries. If these
salaries are just based on qualifications I think that
teachers will have a first class case.

There is not much that anyone can say on this.
This has been agreed to already. I hope that it will
not prove detrimental to O Level education. In fact
I hope that the small schools will be able to keep
their masters and head mistresses so that they will
not become weaker, and so that we will not have a
top, because that very topwould be doomed to failure.

SENATOR N. A. BARROW: Mr. President, This
Resolution before us is one step further, becausewe
move now to provision for the Barbados Community
College. Some of us had some idea as to what kind of
provision would be made when we saw the advertise-
ments published before Parliament was asked for the

We appreciate the fact that if we are going to do
things in this sortof rushtherewouldbe need to pub-
lish the advertisements before the proper time, and
we also appreciate that as long as you are going to be
rushed there will be certain anomalies. Howeveryou
try to explain it, this business of salary constitutes a
serious anomaly because it starts offwiththe princi-

ple that the post of Principal corresponds with the
post of Headmaster of Harrison College, and the posts
of Senior Tutors with that of the Deputy Headmaster
of Harrison College. After that nothing else in the
present structure is related.

As soon as you relate the heads of the Commu-
nity College to the heads of Harrison College you im-
mediately outline the relationship of the Community
College to the other teaching institutions of the island.
We cannot say that the relationship exists here and
not further down.

This leads us to whether we are justified in pay-
ing people teaching at the Sixth Form level at the
Community College more money, even if the basic
qualifications are the same, than people teaching the
same subjects at Sixth Form level plus performing
additional duties at other Grammar Schools in the

These people are required to have a work load
of 24 contact hours with students week. Anyone who
has done Sixth Form teaching at all is aware of the
need for careful preparation and even if you put
down on paper what looks like an impressive work
load, there is so much that you can do beyond that

There is a limit to the number of Sixth Form
hours that any teacher will undertake in a week, and
if we examine the present work load of Sixth Form
staff we will appreciate that a lot of the additional
work they do makes their work more interesting, and
if you remove that it will only meanthat they will be
doing the same thing over and over again.

Mr. President, there clearly exists an anoma-
lous situation. It is impossible to justify paying some-
one who has for a number of years qualified not only
to be ateacherof particular subjectwith the respon-
sibility which that carries, a maximum of $960 in the
Grammar Schools and paying a maximum of $710 to
one at the Community College whenthe teacherat the
Grammar School will certainly be a person of far
greater stature than the one whose maximum is $710.

As soon as the Government sets these salaries
they are asking the rest of the teaching staff to seek
to have their salaries revised in the light of the sala-
ries to be paid to Assistant Tutors at the Community
College; and if we are to judge by what little informa-
tion is available, it does not necessarily mean that
they will be able to achieve the seniority which will
be considered; because already telephones have
started buzzing, and one member of the Board was
heard telephoning people asking why they had not ap-
plied, why have we not got your application yet?

If the Honourable Attorney General wants me to
call names I can call names. He can scoff. If we are
going to take what information we already have it is
clear that this salary scale will put teachers at the
Community College out of line with members of Gram-
mar Schools staffs, and these persons will not even be
in a standing of seniority.

The Government should have proceeded with
greater care and taken more time for the whole
project. This can only invite teachers at otherinsti-
tutions to apply for more pay.

Another point is that which Senator Walcott
raised, that there are no trade unionists on the Board.
I agree with Senator Walcott that if an institution of
this nature is going to be of any real importance to
the community, the accent will have to be on its adult
rather than its adolescent activities. It should take up
people where there is a real gap inthe society, per-
haps people who are not yet at 0 level, but people who
will be of particular value in planning an institution of
this nature, and people who will understand the role
of community education.

The trade union movement must have its educa-
tional experts. There has been a Board of Selectors
in which there is an obvious absence of teaching ex-
perience in Elementary Schools. Also there should
be someone on the Board with experience inteaching
in Secondary Schools. O Level education is a second-
ary school matter.

I am not sure what we are doing with two lawyers on
the Board. The point is that we must get on this Board
the type of experience which will be of some value. I,
of course, do not subscribe to the view that the type
of Board set up is the type that we should have.

In my view educational matters should be taken
away from the other type of administration and there
should be a Teaching Service Commission. As I have
said already, I do not think that the difficulty in set-
ting up such a Commission is insuperable; butif you
must have a Board, have one that will do a proper job.
We have far too many examples of Boards doing poor

the personnel of the Board is not before the Senate.
I have given the Senator some latitude, but I would
like him to confine his remarks to the provision of
staff and the conversion and use of the building for
this college.

SENATOR N. A. BARROW: Iwill, Sir. One has to
be involved with the cost of running this institution,
with the conversion of the building and things of that
kind, and whether we have a good Board or not is
essential to the running of the institution, to whether
the expenditure on buildings and on tutors is justified
so that they can do the job efficiently.

There has been no time to considerthese things.
The first time that we had a clear statement of policy
from the Minister was the other afternoon. Until then
we certainly did not know what the Community College
would be and any comments thatwe had to make were
so to speak based on guess work.

I want to take up'the ,point of the 11 plus which
the Minister raised. If you are going to have this type
of institution let it grow out of a rationalisation of the
existing institutions so that we can have something

which the taxpayers can pay for without the drain
which the Community College will put on their pockets.

While we are spending a great deal of money
every year on the Grammar Schools, andthiswill be
continued, because the Minister has not so far told
us whether he plans a centralisation of Sixth Form
education, we will be adding another burden to our
existing system.

reminded the Senator that the principle of the estab-
lishment of the Community College has been already
agreed upon.

SENATOR N. A. BARROW: I am not questioning
that, Sir. I have said that there was not adequate in-
formation on which to analyse whether this would be
more costly or less costly. There was a guess that
it might cost as high as $500,000. Todaywe are being
asked to vote $370,000 not that that is all that will be
necessary. It will involve us inalotof additional ex-
penditure when an alternative would be much cheaper.

I think, Sir, that that arises from the Resolution.
There is no point my carrying on further. I under-
stand that the Minister said that 450 more scholar-
ships to children who have failed to make it into the
Government schools.

I would like to let the Minister know that this will
do nothing to improve the lot of those unfortunate
children who suffer because of our present educa-
tional system. It is time to get down to grips with
what is happening at the 11 plus age.

When you have 11,000 starting and 2,000 ending
up, and giving 450 additional places in approved pri-
vate secondary schools, you are merely saying that
instead of 9,000, there are 8,500 forwhom there is no
provision and about 1,200 for whom there is inade-
quate provision.

I have taught at a private secondary school. Some
of them dotheirbest. The point is that we have a sys-
tem where the Government cannot or will not treat
seriously the problem of children at the age of 1" to
12, and there is little orno controlover the stand rd
of education in the private secondary schools. Some
of them are lacking in the most elementary facilities;
and yet the Government is channeling children into
these schools.

Government says they are going to grant 450
more exhibitions, some sort of reward for children
who have done well enough to merit some type of
secondary education. 450 more must now be chan-
nelled into an area over which you have no control
an area where you are not sure what the standards
existing are, an area in which Government cannot
see its way to give assistance to the point of paying
the salary of even one graduate teacher. Government
pays the salary of one under graduate teacher to
every 200 pupils between the ages of 12 and 18; one
to 200 and not even the systems by which one gra-
duate teacher Government cannot at the same time


demand any kind of control, but it is unfair to the
taxpayers of this country to tell them that they must
for ever have to put up with this kind of thing, and
they are the people breaking their backs to build up
this country, and every time you come to talk about
something serious about the 11 plus situation you
hear of more exhibitions, I suppose the Government
will say instead of paying a graduate teacher in every
200 they will pay for one in 100. Thepeople who put
their children there are not good enough to be taught
by graduates, the assistance must be limited purely
to under graduate teachers and at the rate of one to

If you are serious about the problem you cannot
tell people that you come out with two O Levels, one
in Scripture and one inDomestic Subjects, and some-
body else no O Levels, but one A Level. This is exact-
ly what has happened. (ASIDES) I did notwish to con-
tinue, but some people do not like to hear the truth,
it is very interesting howthe Attorney General seems
to take on the role of an ostrich, if you hide from the
problem people will do the same thing and they would
not see it.

Mr. President, whatever we are settingout to do
we have to wish the Minister better luck in the Com-
munity College in so faras certain problems are con-

SENATOR D. A. WILES: Mr. President, I am
somewhat at a disadvantage because I was not here
when the Honourable Minister introduced the reso-
lution, he may have already replied to what I would
ask. As you know, Mr. President, there has been
sone public comment concerning the salary scales
now before us and it is thought thatwhen those salary
scales are approved it may leadto a brain drain from
our established secondary schools to the community
college, and no doubt the Honourable Minister, for
whom I have the greatest respect as an experienced
teacher, has taken all this into account. We all wish
this college to get off to a good start, a flying start,
and I may be a little late in making this suggestion,
but I was wondering whether the Minister might con-
sider in such a matter as this putting out a White Pa-
per where all and sundry......

Mr. PRESIDENT: Senator Alkins has already
mentioned this.

SENATOR D. A. WILES: I am sorry, but I look
forward to hearing the Minister's reassurance that
he has given these points his consideration and I am
sure that he will take every possible care to ensure
that the community college really gets off to a flying
start and that the general public understands exactly
what we are doing now.

Mr. President, quite a number of points have been
raised during this debate. I would like to restrict
myself to those questions which by and large relate
to the resolution which is under discussion.

I did in my opening address state that some 450
exhibitions will be granted to the approved indepen-
dent schools from this coming September; those exhi-
bitions will be on the same basis as the approximately
15,00 which are already awarded, that is on the basis
of $25 perterm for the personswho are awardedthese
scholarships. Senator Alkins raised a number of
points, the first one concerned his belief that the
money provided cannot be spent by October 1968. I,
would like to assure Senator Alkins that there is no
intention of spending all of this money by October
1968. The funds which are asked for relate to the
financial year 1968-69, this is a Resolution in re-
spect of the financial year 1968-69,

Senator Alkins wanted to know what was meant
by Commerce in the advertisement inviting persons
to apply for the positions on the teaching staff; these
subjects were set out in that advertisement and these
are the subjects which I expect will be taught; in the
divisionof Commerce: Economics, Accounting, Sta-
tistics, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and
other courses in secretarial science. This is at the
outset. The college of course is now about to start and
in time this particular division, as indeed the other
divisions, will embark on additional subjects depend-
ing upon the requirements of the community in which
we live.

Already I have had discussions with university
in Canada concerning the introduction of other busi-
ness courses particularly at the middle levels of
management. I simply mention this as an indication
that the subjects which I have just oulined are not
the subjects which will be taught in this particular
division in perpetuity. This will be agrowinginstitu-
tion and it will respond to the needs of the community as
those needs are expressed. While on this particular
point, there is very little at this momentwhich I could
usefully say about the introduction of the other divi-
sions of Agriculture and Technology. I have stated
that the other divisions will be phased in as occasion
requires and that this phasing in period will be done
in consultation with the various institutions which
Government has provided in this community inwhich
we live in these matters.

The staff was predicated on the basis of a maxi-
mum of 350 students. A number of Senators raised
the question of differential which exists between the
grammar schools and the community college. I do
not want to get bogged downwith any discussion as to
whether this is a sixth form or a community college
or whatever they want to call it. As far as I am con-
cerned, and as far as the Government is concerned,
this is a new institution in the educational system of
our country. There is nothing like it in our system,
there is therefore very little point in going into ob-
struse arguments trying to compare whatgoes onin
this particular institution with what already exists.
It is an entirely new institution and it has given this
Government the opportunity to provide from the out-
set the type of salary structure which any teacher
may say in the context of our economy this is a rea-
sonable salarywhichwe would like toworkfor in the
year 1968. This is a new institution and we feel that

the salaries may be put there because it is a new in-
stitution and secondly the full time staff at this college
will be called upon to teach both during the day and
during the evening. The courses will be offered during
the day and during the evening. This is not now the
case in any of the existing secondary schools and we
feel that this is one of the reasons why the salaries
should be placed at this particular level.

There was a request that I specify the four 'O'
Level subjects which will be required for entry to
this institution. I do not propose when I am issuing
the Order on this particular matter to specify the
subjects because I do not believe that at this institution
persons should be excluded from tuition at this college
because they may not have maybe Additional Mathema -
tics or Chemistry as the case may be. So long as you
have four 'O' Level subjects at one sitting, or five
or more '0' level subjects or theirequivalent at more
than one sitting, you cango inthis college and pursue
the course which you feel will be in the interest of
your own personal development.

The question was raised about the establishment
of laboratory facilities at Sherbourne. Iwouldlike to
assure the Senator that the siting of the community
college at Sherbourne is a temporary measure, the
permanent site for the community college is at the
Eyrie and no more expansion than is necessary will
be utilised at the site at Sherbourne. Understand that
the Board of Management, which I would like to say I
have every confidence in the expertise and quality of
the Board of Management, have already given con-
sideration to this question and to the point of having
the installations at Sherbourne as economical as pos-
sible, and they are already considering usingexisting
laboratory facilities which are at the site formerly
used by the University of the West Indies at the

There was a question raised about the selection
of staff. I am not in a position to say anything about
the selection of staff inasmuch as the Board has not
officially referred anything on this particularmatter
to me. As you will realise, Mr. President, the Act
under which this Board operates gives power forthe
selection and the recruitment of staff to the Board of
Management, and it is only in the case of the Princi-
pal that the prior approval of the Minister has to be
sought. No matter in this connection has been referred
to me officially and hence I am not in a position to
make any comment on the selection of staff.

I, too, Mr. President, share with SenatorWalcott
the feeling that it is not necessarily the best invest-
ment of funds to go in for the purchase of old build-
ings. I would like to state thatitwas very convenient
for this Government to have the community college
start at Sherbourne because at least there was an
existing building there, and we could not have a new
structure from the outset. There is nothing unusual
about this, many institutions at the primary, second-
ary and other levels have started in buildings which
were not specially designed for educational purposes.
There are some 11 acres or so at Sherbourne, and

new buildings to house the community college at the
Eyrie will in time go up at that particular site.

I do not want to say anything more on the ques-
tion of the 450 exhibitions at this particular stage
because as I indicated already the resolution for sup-
plementary provision will come before Parliament
and that will present the occasion for members to
raise questions under this particular item and these
will be dealt with.

Mr. President, I believe that education of the citi-
zens of this country is one of the most important
functions which this Government has undertaken and
will continue to undertake. Education is the business
of the community, and I believe certainly that the
widest possible consultation should be entered upon
when educational projects are being considered. It
was for this reason that I established a Consultative
Committee, Advisory Committee on the establishment
of both the trades training centre and the Barbados
Community College. I think I am right in saying that
the Barbados Workers Union was invitedto serve on
both of these committees. It is true, Mr. President,
that the representatives of the Barbados Workers
Union did not give the advisory committee of the com-
munity college as much advice as would have been
expected in the circumstances because of certain con-
ditions beyond my control. I am not stating this as any
reason why the Barbados Workers Union or a repre-
sentative of the Barbados Workers Union has not been
included on the Board of Management of the Barbados
Community College, the fact is that from a review of
the minutes of those present at the meeting of the
advisory committee, I think the Barbados Workers
Union was more conspicuous by absence than pre-
sence. I would like to state that leadership.....

SENATOR F. L. WALCOTT: On apointof order,
it should be made clear that there is no such thing as
the Barbados Workers Union representative on this
Community College. An advisory committee was set
up, the members were appointed by name, the man
was ill and therefore it could not be expected that
an ill person could go and he was very seriously ill

Mr. President, I am very glad to have this explana-
tion. I said that this was all due to circumstances
beyond my control. I had no control over the matter
at all. I know that Senator Walcott himself was out of
the country and the persondesignatedto serve on. this
committee was ill. I just wanted to make the point,
Mr. President, that leadership in this community
is extremely important, and the Barbados Workers
Union with its 25,000 members just over 25,000
members must develop resources of leadership in
greater depth. This is at present evident and I would
hope that the establishment of the Barbados Commu-
nity College will assist in this particular direction.
Mr. President,......
SENATOR R. G. MAPP: On a point of order, is
the Honourable Minister saying that there is only one
leader at the Barbados Workers Union capable of

sitting on this Board? Tell me, is there only one per-
son capable of exercising leadership and giving the
necessary help and assistance on a Baordofthis na-
ture? A point of explanation.

Senator Blackman has seen fit to describe the Bar-
bados Community College as a figment of my imagi-
nation, a dream of the Minister of Education which
has landed in a quandary some.......

Senator W. W. BLACKMAN: Mr. President, I
did not say it would land anybody in a quandary.

I would like to state I make no bones about this, I
am very happy that. through the grace of God I have
some imagination. Those who have been deprived of
that quality I would hope that it is not too late for them
to try to develop that particular quality. I am happy,
on this particular point, to know that in the columns
of one page of the Advocate-News that one correspon-
dent, Mr. Courtenay Blackman, I think, Mr. Presi-
dent, he is the son of the Honourable Senator, express-
ed his agreement with the establishment of the Barba-
dos community college and indeed he would have gone
much further, he was urging the Ministertogo much
further to even abolishing advanced level examina-
tions or something along those lines.

I think, Sir, that I have dealt with most of the ques-
tions which have been raised, and I am hoping that
now that the money will be provided, this college will
be able to get down to the business of providing the
facilities and opportunities which are so sorely needed
in our community.

I thank you.

The question that the Resolution be concurred in
was put and agreed to.


On the motion of Senator the Honourable F. G.
Smith seconded by Senator the Honourable L. E.
Sandiford the Senate adjourned for 25 minutes.


On the resumption:


SThe President called the secondOrder -A Reso-
lution to place the sum of $990 at the disposal of the
Government to supplement the Estimates 1968-69,
Part 1 Current as shown in the Supplementary
Estimates 1968-69 No. 18 which form the Schedule
to the Resolution.

President, Earlier this yearthe honourable Senate
concurred in a Resolution from the Other Place to
increase the amount of staffinthe Training Unit. The

Resolution before us today is one that necessarily
follows inasmuch as there was no provision made in
the Estimates for the furnishing and equipment needed
to meet the requirements of this additional staff.

It will be seen from the Addendum that the items
required are four desks, four swivel chairs, two
typists desks and two typists chairs. You know that
Civil Servants like this idea of swivel chairs so that
they can swing around if members of the public come
to annoy them as they seem to think.

I move, Sir, that the Resolution be concurred in.

Senator the Honourable L. E. Sandiford seconded
the motion.

The question was put and agreed to.


The President called the third Order A Reso-
lution to place the sum of $10,660 at the disposal of
the Government to supplement the Estimates 1908-
69, Part II Capital as shown in the Supplementary
Estimates 1968-69 No. 19 which form the Schedule
to the Resolution.

Mr. President, Again, Sir, as youwillsee, the Ad-
dendum clearly sets out the purpose of this Re solution.
The sum required is to enable the award of a con-
tract for the construction of quarters for an Assist-
ant Medical Superintendent at the Mental Hospital.

As Senators are aware, one of the terms and con-
ditions for medical officers at these institutions is the
provision of quarters. As I mentioned earlier I hap-
pen to be occupying a Government house because my
wife is a medical officer.

The Resolution before the Senate is to meet the
cost of the house which is needed, as the Govern-
ment is concerned with the Mental Hospital and takes
an interest in the mental health of the community.

The reason for this request, Sir, is that in the
Estimates of Expenditure for 1968-69provisionswas
made of $30,000 under Item 4 of the Capital Head 103
for the construction of these quarters. The matter
was referred to the Planning Committee and it was
agreed that tenders should be invited.

Among the tenders sent in the lowest was for
$40,660. There was only an amount of $30,000 in the
Estimates. Sin:e the Tenders Committee as well as
the Economic Planning Unit thought that the amount
was reasonable with building costs as they are today,
it was decided that this tender should be awarded.

-- ... II. I

There is need for the provision of this extra.
amount so that the work can be proceeded with
without undue delay. This is the lowest tender and
it is from a reputable construction firm.

I beg to move that the Resolution be concurred in.

Senator the Hon. L. E. Sandiford seconded the

SENATOR H. F. ALKINS: Mr. President, I
would like to enquire whether it is an intention of
policy that from now on this kind of work formerly
done by the Ministry of Communications and Works
will be shared by private enterprise?

ience of this Government has shown that if its capi-
tal works are to keep pace with the requirements of
the community it is absolutely necessary that work
should be given out to tender on occasions.

Of course we have got to rely on the engineers
in the Public Works that Government projections
will be within the time limit to meet the requirements.
We have just got money from the British Government
for two health centres. If what the contractors charge
is beyond the vote we refer it to the Public Works
Department and see if they can do it within a certain

I think that Senators will appreciate that a lot
of the money voted for capital works has not been
spent because of the inability of the Public Works
to carry out the work. I think, however, that each
case will have to depend on its merits.

SENATOR F. L. WALCOTT: Mr. President, I
want to say that there is a tendency on the part of
some of these contractors who when they get con-
tracts like this from the Government will run into
trouble. They get a contract from the Government and
then they want to push the workers around. I want to
sound a note of warning to some of them. I want to
let them see what it means not to be able to operate
for a day or two.

When they get a contract a fair wages clause
should be put in and workers should not be frightened
off from joining the workers' organisation of their own
free will and choice, or be told that if they join the
Union they will be dismissed. I think that we will
have to make an example of one or two of these
people. Only yesterday we had an example.

Another thing I want to say is that if this is
Government land that this house is being built on this
is by no means just a consequential amount of $40,000.
If you are putting up a $40,000 house it must be on
some sort of land which must have some value. It
may be that the property is really worth $55,000.
I would like to know if the Government is satisfied
that this is the total expenditure.

We heard a lot the other day about the price of a
property in New York, and if you take it dollar for

dollar this is about $60,000. I am in favour of giving
it out to private contract. I like the idea of the Gov-
ernment sharing some of this work inthe community
because it is spending it in Barbados; but at the same
time I repeat that there shouldbe affair wages clause
in these contracts and I object to the attitude of some
employers who want to deprive workers of the right
of joining an organisation. Let them know that workers
will not be victimised because these employers are
spending public funds.

The question that the Resolution be concurred in was
put and agreed to.


The President called the fourth Order A Reso-
lution to place the sum of $18,448 at the disposal of
the Government to supplement the Estimates 1968-69,
Part 1 Current as shown in the Supplementary
Estimates 1968-69 No.20 which form the Schedule
to the Resolution.

dent, This Resolution is divided into two parts and
it affects two overseas missions of the Barbados
Government. The sum of $6,048 is required as the
Addendum clearly says, the increasing volume of
work in the Passport Section of the Mission has
necessitated the assignment of two of the three
Clerical Officers now employed by the Mission to
that Section. The remaining Officer has had to cope
with all the work of the Registry, and no Clerical
Officer is available to assist in the Students Division
with the large volume of its work. The result has
been that a not inconsiderable portion of the time of
the diplomatic officers is being spent on routine
clerical work.

Supplementary provision of $6,049 is requiredto
meet the salaries of two additional clerical officers
at 18 each per week for the period August 1968 -
March 1969.

Well, Sir, the High Commissioner for Barbados
who is also the High Commissioner for Guyana, has
made representations for an increase in the staiL at
the level suggested in the Resolution.

This Government would like to go on record in
saying that it is entirely satisfied with the work that
is being done by the present High Commissioner
in the U.K. He has undoubted ability and charm and
is skilled in protocol, and has contact with all the
appropriate agencies. The Government is satisfied
with the work that he is doing and the Government
intends to let it continue to be so.

Barbados is a newly independent country and any
Barbadian who has a sense of pride would want a
Barbadian passport; and therefore it will be ap-
preciated that these Barbadians in England who have
not been brain washed and who are not lukewarm in
national pride will want to get such a passport.

_ _I ____ ~~ ___I_

Barbados has an area of only 166 square miles
but it is an independent nation. When you travel
people will get to know where Barbados is. It is not
as big as Czechoslovakia, but it is one of the indepen-
dent countries of the world. I very much abhor any
suggestion that Barbadians in the U. K. should rush
to the Home Office for British passports. Iwould, fire
any High Commissioner who told them to get a U. K.
passport rather than their own. He would be encourag-
ing disloyalty.

Barbadians must have a sense of pride. People
who are injected with this false sense of what is
right and what is national should not spread false
rumours that Barbadians should get British pass-
ports. Since the Immigration Act was passed in
Britain I do not see why I would want a British
passport. What sense of pride would Ihave? Because
of the Immigration Act my fellow countrymen cannot
go to the former Mother Country.

Pride does not depend on the size or wealth
of your country. You must have it in your heart or
you do not have it. Why should a Barbadian in Bri-
tain rush to get a British passport. It cannot take
you to Gibraltar if you pass through Spain. With a
Barbados passport you can get to Gibraltar even if
the Customs Officer has to look at a map to see
where Barbados is.

This Government is so keen on Barbadians
returning home and bringing back their knowledge
and. skills and even their wealth, that we have ap-
preciated that there are circumstances which force
people to take out citizenship of another country.

It appreciates that one may be living in a
country which does not permit dual citizenship and
therefore you have out the citizenship of that
country to make your position clear. Consequently,
this Government has laid down as a matter of policy
that once a Barbadian, always a Barbadian. So even
people who went to America which does not permit
dual, citizenship will be allowed to come back and
live in Barbados, the island in which theywere born.

I think that the Senate will appreciate the in-
crease in the number of passports to be issued. In
England and America there are still Barbadians who
are proud to be Barbadians and for whom Barbados
is still the world.

The second part of the Resolution affects the
Barbadian Consul General in the U.S. There again
we have Barbadians in America who are so happy
to find that Barbados is an independent country that
they are making use of the offices in that country.

As you will see from the Addendum, no provi-
sion has been included under Item 45 Non Estab-
lished Staff, to meet the salary and allowance of
the Security Officer/Driver at the Consulate -General
in New York. This officer is paid an annual salary
of U.S. $4,820, plus a weekly allowance of U.S. $25
in lieu of overtime. Total emoluments are therefore
U.S. $6,120 per annum.

In addition to driving the official car, this officer
is responsible for the security of the officers and
equipment of the Consulate General and the Perma-
nent Mission to the United Nations. He is also re-
sponsible for the protection of Barbadian officials and
dignitaries during their visits to the United States of

Taking into consideration anticipated savings
under this Item it is estimated that supplementary
provision of E.C. $6,400 is required to meet the
emoluments of the Security Officer/Driver during
the year 1968-69.


The current work load at the Consulate General
is beyond the capacity of the staff presently em-
ployed and it is proposed to employ an additional
stenotypist to the Non Established Staff at the Con-
sulate General at the rate of U.S. $4,160 per annum.
The sum of E.C. $6,000 is required to meet the salary
of this officer for the period August 1968, to March

It will be appreciated by Senators that when
you are hiring people in the U. S. you cannot pay
them the rates that you pay in Barbados. You cannot
get a chauffeur forE.C.$25to $30 week in the U.S.A.
The wages that he gets must bear some relationship
to the wages paid in the U. S. A. to comparable

As will be seen, the salary recommended for
the additional stenotypist is E. C. $6,000 a year. In
terms of American currency that is only $3,000. In
the case of the Security Officer/Driver his figure
is an annual salary of U.S. $4,820 with a weekly
allowance of $25 a week in lieu of overtime, bring-
ing his total emoluments to $6,020.

As I have said before, people in Barbados must
appreciate that Independence must carry a price. If
you are going to hold your head high you cannot do
it by lowering your services. Independence must
carry a price, and one of the prices that you must
pay is the establishment of properly run, efficient
overseas offices in the countries where your coun-
try is represented. The Government has to provide
offices in keeping with our dignity and which can
give a good projection of our image.

I move, Sir, that the Senate concur in the Reso-

SENATOR H. F. ALKINS: Mr. President, -'I
am puzzled as to the duties of the Security Officer/
Driver. I gather that he drives the car and that he
is also responsible for the securtiy of the officers
and equipment of the Consulate General Whatbeats
me is that he ,is also responsible for the protection of
Barbadian officials and dignataries during theirvisits
to the U. S. A.

Does that mean that if the Prime Minister went
to the U. S. and visited Montana this officer would


have to go with him? Suppose a half dozen Barbadian
officials went to the U. S., would he have to go with
them all?

sense I believe that Security Officer is a misnomer;
but in the recommendations for setting up the post
he is designated Security Officer/Driver in the sense
that he has to assume responsibility for the general
security of the officers.

It is well known that if anyone of any status goes
to a country that country sees after his security. If
the Prime Minister went to the U. S. A. they would
see that he gets proper security. It is something
that we do in Barbados for persons whose death
might create an international incident.

This officer alone will not be expected to pro-
vide security. The U.S. Government will see that
the necessary security arrangements are made; but
in so far as he may be transporting a dignatary he
might be said to be expected to contribute to the
security of this person. He is not seeing after se-
curity in the sense of the F. B. I. or to the extent
to which the President is surrounded.

SENATOR H. F. ALKINS: I would like to thank
the Attorney General for his explanation. It did seem
to me like padding to justify the salary.

SENATOR F. L. WALCOTT: Mr. President, -If
you know anything about salaries in America may
be the Attorney General does not know enough about
that let me inform Senator Alkins that $150 a week
in New York is not regarded as extraordinary for a
driver. Drivers in New York get $200 a week.
Multiply that by 52 weeks. In Barbados that would
be talking about the salary of a schoolmaster.

The driver is a Barbadian. For security reasons
they wanted a Barbadian. It should be made known that
the officers which the Barbados Mission occupies
are next door to a radio station which operates on
the same floor. A man went into the station and held
up the people. That is what the need for security means
in the U. S. There canbe a hold up next door. There
is no secrecy about that, and this is no padding.

Another point about wages is that on Saturdays
you do not work for the same rate because New
York is a 40 hour week city. The post means that if
the Consul General, or if the Prime Minister or an-
other official goes there and this officer is driving
these people he gives them a certain amount of pro-
tection. As the Attorney General explained, it is not
the type of protection given by the F. B. I.

He is more than an ordinary driver who sits in
a car waiting to be toldwhere to go. If he carries
officials to the airport, for instance, he is expected
to help them. But even if he was just a driver, I
would not like members of the Senate to believe that
he can be paid any foolish price.

If you do not want to get an American driver,
Barbadians who are living in the U. S. are not look-

ing for drivers' jobs, and the ones who will drive will
have to be paid. You cannot get anyone for a salary
of less than $150 a week.

The question that the Resolution be concurred
in was put and agreed to.

His Honour the President called the fifth order
of the day a Bill to amend the police Act, 1961.

Mr. President, the Bill clearly explains its purpose
in the Objects and Reasons. It will be noted that one
is to correct an error which was made. On a recent
examination of the Act it was discovered that there
are two matters which need correction, section 29,
and in section 96 of the Constitution an attempt was
made to bring this into conformity with the Consti-
tution. The second purpose of the amendment is to
amend section 60 which has been causing a serious
inconvenience to the Police Force. As you know,
stolen property is recovered and the judge can make
an order that restitution be made. As the'Act now
reads, the section applies only to property coming
into the possession of the police force after the com-
mencement of that Act. As I say it is just to correct
the errors and it is a very short Bill which Honourable
Senators will see amends sections 29 and 60. I there-
fore move that this Bill be read a second time.

SENATOR F. C. H. CAREW: I beg to second that.

PHILLIPS: Mr. President, this Bill is a short one
and makes certain amendments to the Police Act,
1961. The Police Act 1961 is a consolidated act, and
in fact it is the police charge because it deals with
the bodies and institutions of the force, matters of
discipline, etc., and the amendment to section 29 in
my submission should not only necessarily be be-
cause of the present Constitution of this island, but
indeed it makes a change which is not in keeping
with the recommendations of the Commission ap-
pointed in 1966 to enquire into the administration
and conditions of service. Because that now the
powers of discipline under section 29 are in the
hands of the Governor-General, this is in keeping
with the recommendations of the Commissioners,
but it seems to me that the time has come when
amendments to the Police Act, 1961 should go much
further than making adjustments on technicalities,
making adjustments made necessary because of the
Constitution of Barbados but that we should have the
kind of amendments which seek to implement the full
or at least to a much largerextentthe recommenda-
tions of this particular Commission.

Surprisingly, Sir, I should like to draw the atten-
tion of this Honourable Chamber to a situation which
I think is a serious one with respect to the Police
Force in this island. According to the figures which
are available to me, the total establishment of the
Police Force comprises some 750 persons; 694 of
this number are engaged in strictly police duties,
the others are clerks, and the like, so that in fact
we have a situation where there are 694 engaged
in police duties to a total population of 250,000. It

is evident that there must be still considerable dis-
satisfaction amongst the ranks of the Police Force,
because there are a numberof withdrawals of police-
men from the force year by year. So far this year
there have been 25 withdrawals and this number
does not include resignations from members of the
force who have reached retiring age. This numbers
restricted to men who have come into the force and.
for a variety of reasons have withdrawn. 25 so far
this year and it is extremely likely that by the end
of the year there will be another 25. Either last
year or the year before there were 75 withdrawals.
Apart frdm the wastage of money that this must
entail with training of policemen and then having
withdrawals, it also raises a greater issue and it is
this, that the present ratio of policemen to the pop-
ulation is unsatisfactory. The numbers of the force,
I have been given to understand, are inadequate to
cope with the ever increasing work which the force
is expected to carry out.

As far back as 1945 attention was drawn to the
situation that the numbers of members of the police
force was inadequate, and the establishment was 694
then; the population was 245,000. Not only is the
number inadequate, I do not think there can be any
doubt about this, we all know the sort of duties the
policemen have to perform, maintaining law and
order, investigating crime, prosecuting criminal
charges, traffic, etc., and with the greater develop-
ment of this island each of these various aspects is
becoming greater and greater, and on top of all this,
we have police engaged inwork dealingwith immigra-
tion, the issue of passports, and the position here is
acute. This is a subject in itself. The point is that the
number of policemen today is inadequate to cope with
the ever increasing duties, and also the develop-
ment is another thing which must give grounds for
concern. There are 17 police stations in this island,
and as far back as 1945 in Superintendent Calver's
report, attention was not altogether satisfactory.

In the case of invasion, however unlikely, police -
men will be required to perform military duties, they
can be called upon to do so. Ido not think that it is a
situation which is unlikely and therefore I would like
that a recommendation which was made by the Com-
mission be considered as a matter of immediate
urgency. The recommendation to which I refer is the
one which states that there should be a survey of
police staff requirements including the overall
number of posts in each rank, distribution and the
need for relief posts, and it seems to me that if
amendments such as we are getting from time to
time to the Police Act are to be meaningful, that
they must be put forward within the context of an
overall examination of the police force as regards
number and deployment. I know that the Police
Association has supported this recommendation, and
indeed has suggested that an expert should be re-
quested from the United Kingdom Ministry of Over-
seas Development, through the particular Minis-
try, to make available the services of this kind
from time to time.

I am grateful to you, Sir, for allowing me to
stray a little from the subject matter in order to

draw this to the attention of this Honourable House,
and I hope that the Minister responsible would ac-
cept what I am saying in the spirit in'which I say it,
and that his reaction will not be to make a comment
that there is no need for panic.

SENATOR F. L. WALCOTT: I would just like
to underline one thing Senator Phillips has said and
I hope that the Government will pay attention to
this in dealing with the Police Act. It is time that we
get down to serious business and do not talk about
independence but only in terms of preservation of
law'and order. We have 600 men and they have not
yet been dignified with the sort of conditions of
employment and salary and so forth that they should
have, and they have to putupwitha lot of criticism,
even by lawyers. I am pleased to see that Senator
Phillips took the stand he did. Policemen are still
under-paid and if in a force of 600 you are going
to get a percentage, not of wastage, but a percentage
of withdrawal as high as you get there, where there
is a labour force that is comparatively high, looking
for jobs, then it says that the police force in Bar-
bados is unattractive and it is maintaining person-
nel in a high age group, because the young people
are not remaining in the service, and when the old
policemen get too old the young ones will not be
there, and the police force will be taken over from
the outside and not from the inside.

I hope that the Government will pay attention to
that and do not think that what has happened in the
other territories cannot happen here also, and if
you have a badly run police force your independence
is just a memory.

Mr. President, I do appreciate what the Honourable
Senators have said, and I can assure them that this
whole question of the inadequacy of the numbers in
the force, as well as the conditions under which they
live, and all the matters in the report of the Com-
mission are being seriouslylooked into by the Gov-
ernment in consultation with the Commissioner of
Police. The question of their material comfort has
got to be faced up to, because it shocked me when
I came back here to find that policemen were still
using cots, and we shallget ridof these antiquated
things and bring them to the stage that is recom-
mended by Honourable Senators.

We are discussing the strength of the police
force, and we have to find the correct way as to
what in terms of the population is a reasonable
number, and as I say the Government is concerned
about the police force, and the question of a happy
and contented police force is a matter which is be-
fore the Government's mind, and especially before
my mind.

Now I will say this without disrespect, that if I
were not fortunate to get a profession, at least the
police force is not one which I would readily accept
because apart from my other deficiency, my middle
name is "Sleepy" and I can appreciate that night
time is the time when I should be in bed. I know for
a fact that the Minister of Home Affair s i t th-

I _

moment engaged in discussing the strength of the
force and its equipment, and recommendations will
be submitted to the Cabinet in a short time.

I think the Police Commissioner and the Police
Federation have been taking into account and have
been discussing with their body the best way to
implement the recommendations of the Commis-
sioner in order to make them more happy. We hope
we will get less withdrawals now because the em-
igration to England has been stopped. I think it may
be fairly said that the police force in the entire
West Indies is suffering from this same problem. In
the days gone by when you could save enough to get
to England, quite a few joined the force to raise the
necessary passage money to go to England, but as
I say in due course we do hope to come to this Hon-
ourable Chamber with a resolution both for an in-
crease in the numbers of the Police force and also
resolutions from time to time dealing with their
comfort and the conditions under which they work.
I think the Honourable Senate will remember only
this year resolutions were before this Honourable
Chamber for increases in laundry allowances, uni-
form allowances and other amenities for policemen.
We are conscious that a contented police force give
of their best for the maintenance of law and order
and we shall do our best to keep them contented.

The question that the Bill be read a second time
was put to the Senate and agreed to, and the Senate
went into Committee on the Bill, Senator C, Asquith
Phillips in the Chair.

The clauses of the Bill were called and passed.

On the motion of Senator the Honourable F. G.
Smith, seconded by Senator F. C. H. Carew, the
passing of the Bill in Committee was reported
to the Senate.

On the motion of Senator the Honourable F. G.
Smith, seconded by Senator F. C. H. Carew, the
Bill was read a third time and passed.

His Honour the President called the sixth order
of the day a Bill to amend the Public Employees
Pensions Act, 1961.

Mr. President, this Bill again sets out very clearly
in the Objects and Reasons why it is necessaryto
bring it before this Chamber. Section 10 of the Act
provides that a gratuity or pension shall not be as-
signable or transferable except for the purpose of
satisfying a debt due to the Crown and for other
purposes therein specified.

It is clear that in this community where housing
is a necessity that if an employee is about to retire
and is entitled to a gratuity he should not be allowed
to owe the Authority any large sums of money be-
cause once he has got it he is not likely to pay back
the Housing Authority. The Housing Authority has
so much money out in arrears already that every
little bit is a help, so the purpose of this amendment

is to make sure that those who draw taxpayers'
money are not allowed to draw this money and not
pay their debt to the Authority. I therefore beg to
move that this Bill be read a second time.

SENATOR C. L. BRATHWAITE: I beg to second

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: Mr. President, just a
few remarks. Complaints have been recurring in
recent years that these loans which are made avail-
able to public employees are not being made avail-
able in fair proportion, specially to those who are
in greater need of it. In other words, there are cer-
tain public employees who can more readily get a
loan thaa others who are in greater need of it. I
have heard, Sir, that in recent years and especial-
ly in recent times that people are very dissatisfied,
especially the public employees in the lowerbracket.
I do not know how the Attorney General will explain
the position. I do not know if it is administered as
it used to be. I do not know the basis on which the
loans are granted. I hope that the basis is a fair one
and we do not have any political interference ......

Mr. PRESIDENT: I would like to draw to the
Honourable Senator's attention that this Bill deals
with the collection of debts to the Housing Authority,
it has nothing to do with the granting of loans.

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: Youwill appreciate, Sir,
that there is not much difference between the two. I
would not dwell on it too long, I am just warning -
as I say, it does lead to some dissatisfaction because
it has happened, you get the feeling you might be able
to puz a satisfactory face on it by giving a satisfac-
tory explanation, maybe the money is not there, but
I think it will be good to tell the Senate if that is so.
He will be excusing himself. The point is that there
is this feeling among employees in the lower order
that they are being denied while theirneed is great,
and more attention is being paid to the people at the

I know that the Honourable Senator Walcott
raised in the Other Place when I was in Government
something concerning an officer which I had investi-
gated. The point is that I did not ignore it because I
realized what would happen if these things were true,
so I am just drawing this quietly to the attention of
the Honourable Senator. There is a lot could be said
If we could talk about other employees, but we are
concerned with public employees, so I am ;sticking'
directly to that.

- for once I agree with the last Senator who spoke
because these rumours go around. Just recently two
gentlemen came to see me and said that they had
heard that people could not be employedatthe Hous-
ing Authority if they were not members of the Bar-
bados Labour Party. I would like Senator Mapp to
answer that charge.

SENATOR F L. WALCOTT: Mr. President, -
I agree in principle that if a public employee owes


-the Housing Authority money and the Authority is
also making loans to other people there should be
legislation which makes it compulsory or obligatory
like in the case of Income Tax for deduction arrange-
ments to be made.

I feel, Mr. President that it will bring back to
the Authority hundreds of thousands of dollars an-
nually for revolving purposes and therefore it will
help the community.

since the abolition of the former Public Officers
Housing Board in 1958 and the amalgamation of the
Department with the Housing Authority, the Accoun-
tant General who had power to deduct compulsorily
from the gratuities of officers who had loans, and
who had resigned or died, lost the power by virtue
of the change in the Act.

Consequently several officers have resigned
from the Service of the Government owing large
sums of money which could not be compulsorily
deducted from their gratuities, and the Housing
Authority has been forced to foreclose several
mortgages. We also had to have Solicitors collect-
ing this money. It is now'proposed to amend the
Pensions Act, restoring this authority to the Ac-
countant General.

Hitherto the funds used for Public Officers'
Housing came from the Central Government and
constituted a public debt.

Today the funds are obtained from a loan bor-
rowed by the Housing Authority which is a statutory

Under the circumstances the Accountant General
could not compulsorily collect these debts, unless
authority is given to him by an amendment to the
Act. This amendment will be of great help to the
Authority. I think that Senator Mapp knows the
composition of the Committee, and I do not think
that he really believes that they would be guilty of
what he suggested.

The question that the Bill be read a second time
was put to the Senate and agreed to.

On the motion of Senator the Honourable F. G.
Smith, seconded by Senator C. L. Brathwaite, the
Senate went into Committee on the Bill, Senator C.
Asquith Phillips in the Chair.

Clauses 1 and 2 of the Bill were called and
passed without debate.

The question that the passing of the Bill be re-
ported to the Senate was put and agreed to.'

His Honour the President resumed the Chair
and the passing of the Bill in Committee was report-
ed accordingly.

On the motion of Senator the Honourable F. G.
Smith, seconded by Senator C. L. Brathwaite, the
Bill was read a third time and passed.


The President called the seventh Order A Bill
to amend the Pensiosn Act, 1947.

dent, This Bill which seeks to amend Section 12 of
the Pensions Act of 1947 is similar to the one just
passed by the Senate in that it makes provision for the
deduction from the gratuity of an officer for the satis-
faction of an account owed to the Housing Authority.

I move, Sir, that the Bill be read a second time.

Senator C. L. Brathwaite seconded the motion.

The question was put to the Senate and agreed to.

On the motion of Senator the Honourable F. G.
Smith, seconded by Senator C. L. Brathwaite, the
Senate went into Committee on the Bill, Senator C.
Asquith Phillips in the Chair.

Clauses 1 and 2 of the Billwere called and pass-
ed without debate.

The question that the passing of the Bill be re-
ported to the Senate was put and agreed to.

His Honour the President resumed the Chair and
the passing of the Bill in Committee was reported

On the motion of Senator the Honourable F. G.
Smith, seconded by Senator C. L. Brathwaite, the
Bill was read a third time and passed.


The President called the eighth Order A Bill
to amend the Medical Registration Act.

dent, The age of the Principal Act is some indica-
tion that since that Act was passed alot of water has
passed under the bridge. We have reached the stage
where heart transplants are becoming very common.
In 1911 we did not have the University of the West
Indies, and quite a few of the universities that were
in their infancy at that time have grown to be insti-
tutions from which a medical degree is recognized
throughout the world.

In this Bill, as in other professional Bills, you
will not find any, provision for professional ethics
or discipline or other matters which need changing.
At the present moment it is necessary to amend the
1911 Act, and you will see from the Objects and
Reasons that it is to provide for temporary reg-
istration without fee for medical practitioners whe-

other or not entitled to be registered under the
present provisions of the Act if they satisfy the
Medical Assessors -

(a) that they are qualified to practise as
such in any country; and

(b) that they are engaged in Barbados -

(i) in doing special work in Public Health
or research which is sponsored by the
University of the West Indies, the World
Health Organisation, the Rockefeller
Foundation or any such other organisa-
tion approved by the Minister after con-
sultation with the Medical Assessors; or

(ii) in full time employment by the Peace
Corps to render medical services ex-
clusively and without fee to members of
that organisation; or

(iii) under full time employment with the
Crown, in work under the supervision of
a medical practitioner registered under
section 4 of the Act.

We are members of the Pan American Health
Organisation and the World Health Organisation, and
we are also members of the Organisation of Amer-
ican States. Naturally there will be coming to Bar-
bados from time to time for one reason or another
persons who are doctors in Latin America and
other parts of the world who, as long as the law
remains as it is, cannot give Barbados their
specialised knowledge in any particular field
because of the restrictions on registration.

On the other hand, we restrict them from
flooding the local market because they must be
engaged in the work of some international organ-
isation and also in the Peace Corps. In June the
Peace Corps was able to recruit a doctor with 30
years experience in California who was unable to
practise here. This is one of the cases in which
this amendment can do no harm.

As regards the provision for doctors under
full time employment with the Crown under the
supervision of a medical practitioner registered
under Section 4 of the Act, we suspect that there
may be persons whom we can bring into general
registration who may have a medical degree from
an institution about which we have some doubt
about its quality or an institution which does not
have the same high reputation as say, London
University or other reputable institutions.

We could allow him to practise at the Hos-
pital provided that his qualifications are suitable
to the Medical Assessors, and he must work under
the supervision of a doctor who has been registered
under the Act.

I know that PAHO is going to give to the
4ocal Medical Board a list of all these institu-

tions throughout the world, where they think that
registrations are first rate. Here we will have
to set up a State Board as is the practise in other
countries and in due course this will be incorpor-
ated in Legislation.

Sir, the main purpose of this amendment is
to meet the demands of institutions and overseas
organizations who run courses and whose doctors
may be called upon to demonstrate their skill
in some medical or surgical field, but who will
not be allowed to do it without this amendment
to the Act.

I move, Sir, that the Bill be read a second time.

Senator the Hon. L. E. Sandiford seconded the
SENATOR R. G. MAPP: Mr. President, The
Attorney General has quoted an instance of a doctor
from California who was in the medical service for
30years andwhowas employed by the Peace Corps
to come here. I do not know if he is still here.
(An ASIDE: He has gone). I wonder if the Honour-
able member knows what is the policy of the Peace

Apparently the Peace Corps employs these
medical people and pays them and they run services
free for members of that organisation. I wonder if
the honourable member can tell us if the Peace
Corps appreciate that we have good doctors in this

I hope that this is not an exclusive provision
allowing people whom the Peace Corps employs to
come from the U.S.A. If the Peace Corps wants
to pay medical men in this island there are quali-
fied doctors in this island who can do, I believe
just as good a job as any American doctor. If you
begin to dump these people here who next will
you dump? Lawyers?

I am not trying to denigrate the Peace Corps.
is just like American propaganda. It must always be
right. If you hear propaganda from Russia it will
be the same always right; but do not let people
swallow it. They can commit just as much crime
as the North Vietnamese, or the Germans in the
last war and all of them are similar to Russia who
is now putting Czechoslovakia in her place, and
suppressing her people to a degree not even known
by the capitalists countries. That is the kind of
world we are living in.

The Peace Corps is also a propaganda agency.
All of this is part of the cold war and the war of
ideologies; but do not let them dump doctors on us
as well. Tell the Peace Corps that there are
qualified doctors here to whom they can give the
facilities if they want to. We do not need to have
a doctor coming from as far as California.

Generally, we agree with the principle of the

~ ___ ~ ~ ~

dent, Senator Mapp has raised an interesting
point although, perhaps, the strongest argument
against it is that he raised it. I do not agree that
any group, even the Peace Corps, should have the
services of doctors under conditions which give
them privileges.

After all, Sir, every person in this community
should come under the provision'of the law. The
law should apply equally to all. I understand of
course that with a group like the Peace Corps,
if you want their services then presumably one has
got to accept certain conditions and it may well be
that one of the conditions of having the Peace
Corps here is that they should be allowed to have
their own medical officers.

Sir, I have no quarrel with the Peace Corps.
Senator Mapp was getting all excited. I have no
concern about or even interest in the Peace Corps
but I do not like a situation in which this Act must
be amended to give a special privilege.

This country, as the hon Attorney General is
so fond of reminding us, is a sovereign independent
nation. Even if the Peace Corps may be giving
us aid, they should be prepared to accept that in
this country we have qualified professional people.
We have certain standards, and if they come here
it is excepted that they will abide by the law and
accept the services of our community.

An interesting situation may arise where you
have a death and in court the question of the medical
competence or otherwise of the doctor is ques-
tioned, because the Peace Corps is still under the
jurisdiction of this country.

I can understand why. it is necessary to have a
provision of this nature in this Bill, but I am not
happy about it at all. You can push the argument
a bit further. If a concession like this is made
to the Peace Corps what about certain sects or
groups who may be Barbadians?Suppose you had
some religious group who wanted to have someone
perform certain services for them who could not
meet the requirements of registration? (An ASIDE
Jehovah's Witnesses). I am not prepared to single
out any particular group or sect.

Sir, I am only asking suppose a body of persons
got together and said that they wanted Mr. X and
they did not want anyone else regardless of wheth-
er or not that person could measure up to the
standards of registration, Has the Government
concerned itself about this? It seems to me that
there are certain basic essentials in a community
that the Government must always be concerned about.
That is why I agree with Senator Mapp.

SENATOR H. F. ALKINS: Mr. President,
Although the last two speakers seemed to assume
that Provision B is the only provision, it seems
to me that we have to concern ourselves with A as
-well. The applicant, under this Bill, has to prove

that he is qualified to practise anywhere on earth.
I want to know if that means what it says.

SENATOR M. A. KING: The first paragraph
says that the person should be equipped to prac-
tise as a medical practitioner in any country.
What is the interpretation there? If he proves that
he is qualified to practise in Timbuktoo he is
entitled to practise in Barbados? That would seem
to me to be the first requirement. I would like to
go on to deal with the particular clause which
seems to have caused Senator Phillips some
concern, and that is the one dealing with the Peace
Corps. I do not think it is in anyway serious,
the fact is that the medical practitioner must be
a qualified person, and in addition to rendering
exclusive services in the Peace Corps, I do not
see how this affects this country in any way. It
does not really matter because the Peace Corps
is providing the service or services which are
being provided for the Peace Corps. I do not think
it is a matter: which should be of great concern
to us.

Mr. President, I have noted the concern of Hon-
ourable Senators. I have not seen the agreement
signed with the Peace Corps and I do not know
what they are entitled to sign. Suppose a man
is recruited in England as a doctor, or a doctor
from the State of New York if he comes here and then
applies for registration under the 1944 6 Act
he can practise, he can make money. As I say
I do not know what privileges the Peace Corps
have, this was never raised apparently in the
Other Place, and I am not in a position to say
what was agreed upon. A doctor here is a doctor
in the entire Eastern Caribbean, so that very
often he is in St. Lucia, Antigua and then the Peace
Corps have a doctor to deal with the cases while
he is away. These doctors are not coming in to
compete and I do not think this concession to them
will do any harm.

to clear up two points with regard to this Bill.
One of the terms of the Peace Corps is that any
money which they would normally draw as a salary
a specified amount of a living wage they have
sublimated part of this towards the running of their
organisation. The doctors who will be coming have
also sublimated their pay to come out and do their
service and I think that Senator King has wisely
said that this Government loses nothing and stands
to gain a lot. We nearly had a crisis with the medi-
cal profession here and the doctors were not avail-
able, and I would like to tell Senator Mapp that we
have not got a barrage of doctors to call upon. If
you go to a doctor's office you have to spend a day
there before you can see him, so I do not see where
all these doctors are available for this Peace Corps
The question that the Bill be read a second time
was put to the Senate and agreed to, and the Senate
went into Committee on the Bill, Senator C. Asquith
Phillips in the Chair.

Clauses 1 to 3 were called and passed.

On the motion of Senator the Honourable F. G.
Smith, seconded by Senator the Honourable L. E.
Sandiford, it was agreed that the Schedule stand
part of the Bill.

On the motion of Senator the Honourable F. G.
Smith seconded by Senator the Honourable L. E.
Sandiford, it was agreed that the passing of the Bill
in Committee be reported to the Senate.

On the motion of Senator the Honourable F. G.
Smith, seconded by Senator the Honourable L. E.
Sandiford, the Bill was read a third time and passed.


Mr. President, this completes Government business
on the Order Paper for today and I should like to
apologise for calling this meeting so early in the day
but I think that the time we have finished would prove
that my foresight was right. I can assure Honourable
Senators that any inconvenience they have suffered
I do greatly appreciate since it is not the usual hour
we are asked to come to this Honourable Senate. I
therefore move that this Senate do now adjourn.
SANDIFORD: I beg to second that.

The question was put to the Senate and agreed to,
and His Honour the President adjourned the Senate

Statutory Instruments Supplement No. 43
Supplement to Official Gazette No. 54 dated 7th July, 1969.

S.I. 1969 No. 113

The Consumption Tax Act, 1962 (Act 1962-22)


The Minister in exercise of the powers conferred
on him. by Section 3 of the Consumption Tax Act,
1962 hereby makes the following Order:-

1. This Order may be cited as the Consumption
Tax Order, 1969.

2. The Schedule to the Consumption Tax Act,
1962 is amended as follows -

(a) by deleting therefrom the items of goods
and rates of tax set out in the First Sche-
dule to this Order; and

(b) by adding thereto in the appropriate al-
phabetical order the items of goods and
rates of tax set out in the Second Schedule
to this Order.

3. This Order shall come into operation on 1st
July, 1969.



Refrigerators and Refrigerating Equipment
Whisky not exceeding strength of proof
Whisky exceeding strength of proof
Brandy not exceeding strength of proof
Brandy exceeding strength of proof
Gin not exceeding strength of proof
Gin exceeding strength of proof
Vodka not exceeding strength of proof
Vodka exceeding strength of proof

(Paragraph 2(a)
20% of value
$5 per gallon
$5 per proof gallon
$5 per gallon
$5 per proof gallon
$4 per gallon
$4 per proof gallon
$4 per gallon
$4 per proof gallon



Refrigerators (other than domestic type refrigerators)
and refrigerating equipment
Refrigerators (domestic)

(Paragraph 2 (b)

10% of value
20% of value
$6.60 per proof gallon
$6.60 per proof gallon
$4,80 per proof gallon
$5.50 per proof gallon

Made by the Minister this 30th day of June, 1969.

Minister of Finance.