The official gazette

Material Information

The official gazette
Place of Publication:
BridgetownBarbados Published by authority
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 33-42 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Law -- Periodicals -- Barbados ( lcsh )
Politics and government -- Periodicals -- Barbados ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )


General Note:
Caption title.
General Note:
Supplements issued for some of the numbers.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. This item may be protected by copyright but is made available here under a claim of fair use (17 U.S.C. §107) for non-profit research and educational purposes. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
001043625 ( ALEPH )
12594829 ( OCLC )
AFC6434 ( NOTIS )

Full Text

NO. 4'9 .





Gazette Notices
A Bill re W.I. Hospital Fund Limited Act............. 587
Acting Appointments: G. H. Edwards to act as
Assistant Secretary, Ministry of
Home Affairs.............................. 571
F. H. Thorne to act as Assistant Secretary
Ministry of Labour & National Insurance 571
Appointments: Geoffrey B. King & David P. Alleyne
as Auditor, Auditor General's Department 571
Consular: C. B. Sisnett as temporary Agent for
France at Bridgetown .......................... 572
Income tax Notice re Payment of Income Tax by
30th June, 1969.................................... 586
Industrial Incentives re Turkish Terry Towels etc. 578
re Cooking and Table Butter................... 578
In the Supreme Court: Blades vs Tudor............. 573
Blackman vs Blackman; Foster vs Butcher 575, 576
Goodridge vs Jordan; Hewitt vs Clarke...... 577
Harris vs Haynes; Jules vs Flemming et al 575, 576
Niles vs Nightengale ........................... 572
Scantlebury vs Jackman, Watson vs Hall.... 573, 574
Probate Advertisement dated 12th June, 1969...... 589, 590
Resignation: Clement St.C. Howell, Clerical
Officer from the Public Service ............... 572
Trade Marks: "Coruba", "Kellogg", etc........... 579, 585
Vacant Posts in the Public Service (2)............. 572, 588
A Bill re an additional sum of money for year ended 31/3/69
A Bill to amend the Landlord and Tenant Act, 1897.
A Bill to amend the PettfIDebt Act, 1899.
A Bill to amend the Provost Marshal's Act, 1904.
A Bill to amend the Passports and Travel Documents (Fees)
Act, 1967.
A Bill re establishment of a Sanitation and Cemeteries etc.
A Bill re Child Care Board etc.
A Bill re Statutory Boards Service Commission etc.
-A Bill re National Assistance etc.
A Bill re grant and payment of pension and gratuities to
(Permanent Employees)
A Bill re grant and payment of pension and gratuities to
(Casual Employees)

Senate Debates for 3rd July, 1968
Legal Supplement
S.I. 1969 No. 101: Approved Developers (Exemption from
Development duty) (Cave Hill) Order, 1969.
S.I. 1969 No. 102: Barbados Fancy Molasses Production and
Export (Administration of Fund) Regulations, 1969
S.I. 1969 No. 103 Land Acquisition re land at Saint Michael
for the purpose of Highway improvement.



Acting Appointments

G. H. Edwards, Administrative Assis-
tant has been appointed to act as Assistant
Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs with
effect from 26th May, 1969 until further no-

(M. P. 1515/39/21/7)

F. H. Thorne, Chief Clerk and Accountant,
Magistrates' Courts, has been appointed to act
as Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Agricul-
ture, Labour & National Insurance with effect
from 1st May, 1969 until further notice.

(M. P. 1515/39/18/4 T. 2)


The following persons have been appointed
to the post of Auditor, Auditor General's De-
partment, with effect from 1st June, 1969:

Mr. Geoffrey B. King,
Mr. David P. Alle

(M. P. 2909/3) /7

~~3:. P oB
^3^^ o2



, ............. _

Clement St. C. Howell, Clerical Officer,
has resigned from the Public Seryice, with
effect from 8th June, 1969.

(M.P. 8135)

The Government of Barbados has been
pleased to accord Mr. C. B. Sisnett recog-
nition in his capacity as temporary Consular
Agent for France at Bridgetown, Barbados,
consequent upon the departure of Mr. Georges
Pacquier on 14th June, 1969.

M.P. 9007/21

Vacant Post In the Public Service

Staff Nurse, Health Centres (for School
Ophthalmic Service)

Salary Scale $2,340 3,420
Further particulars are obtained from Ser-
vice Commissions Department,
"Flodden", Culloden Road.
Closing date for applications: 1st July, 1969.
(M. P. 5968/5)



(Act 1957 40)
ATION: Shopkeeper
!SS: Charles Rowe Bridge,
St. George.
SES: A Wall building & Board
attached situated in
Charles Rowe Bridge in
the parish of Saint

Dated this 31st day of March 1969.

This Application for a Retail Liquor Li-
cence willbe considered at a Licensing Court
to be held at Magistrate's Court Dist. "B"
on Monday the 23rd day of June 1969 at 9
o'clock a.m.

Clerk to Licensing Authority.



High Ccurt

No. 250 of 1969





Any person having any claim, lien or
charge against the property described here-
under shall submit such claim duly authen-
ticated on oath to me on or before the 21st
day of August 1969.

PROPERTY: ALL THAT certain piece
or parcel of land situate at Bank Hall in the
parish of Saint Michael in this Island contain-
ing by admeasurement twenty-two perches or
thereabouts abutting and bounding on lands of
F. A. Moore, on lands of one Yearwood, on
lands now or late of P. Thorne and on the
public road or. however else the same may
abut and bound with the appurtenances.


Dated this 16th day of June 1969.

Registrar of the Supreme Court.

_ __

June 19, 1969



________________________ I.,"




High Court

No. 249 of 1969





Any person having any claim, lien or
charge against the property described here-
under shall submit such claim duly authen-
ticated on oath to me on or before the 21st
day of August 1969.

PROPERTY: ALL THAT certain piece
or parcel of land situate at Goodland in the
parish of Saint Michael and Island aforesaid
containing by admeasurement 2,856 square
feet or thereabouts (inclusive of 456 square
feet in roadway) abutting and bounding on
lands of Gertrude Blades, on a right of way
12 feet wide, on lands of Charles Wilson, and
on another right of way 12 feet wide now a
public road, or however else the same may
abut and bound with the appurtenances.

Dated this 16th day of June 1969.

Registrar of the Supreme Court.

High Court

No. 237 of 1969
Any person having any claim, lien or
charge against the property described here-
under shall submit such claim duly authen-
ticated on oath to me on or before the 21st
day of August 1969.
PROPERTY: ALL THAT certain piece
or parcel of land situate at the Corner of
Cypress and Wellington Street in the City of
:Bridgetown in this Island containing by ad-
measurement One thousand nine hundred and
forty square feet or thereabouts Abutting and
Bounding on lands now or late of one Adolphus
Browne on lands now or late of Mrs. Meta
Knight and on the Public Road called Cypress
Street and on another Public Road called
Wellington Street or however else the same
may abut Together with the dwellinghouse
thereon and all other erections and build-
Dated this 16th day of June 1969
Registrar of the Supreme Court.

June 19, 1969


. I *a




High Court

No. 236 of 1969




Any person having any claim, lien or
charge against the property described here-
under shall submit such claim duly authen-
ticated on oath to me on or before the 21st
day of August 1969.

piece or parcelof land situate at Hall's Vill-
age in the parish of Saint James in this Island
containing by admeasurement One acre one
rood thirty-two perches or thereabouts (in-
clusive of portions of the right of way five
feet wide the road in common seventeen feet
wide and the road in common twelve feet wide
hereinafter mentioned) Abutting and Bound-
ing towards the North on lands of the estate
of Elvira Sivers, deceased and on lands of
L. Carmichael towards the West on lands of
the estate of Eleanor Gibson, deceased, to-
wards the South on the public bath on lands
of Prior Park Plantation but separated there-
from by the said right of way five feet wide
on lands of Joseph R. P. Hall and on lands of
Arthur Archer et al but separated therefrom
by the road in common seventeen feet wide

and towards the East on the said road in
common twelve feet wide which leads to the
public road or however else the same may
abut and bound Together with the message
or dwellinghouse thereon and all and singular
other the buildings and erections thereon
erected and built standing and being with the
appurtenances and SECONDLY ALL THAT
certain piece or parcel of land situate at
Hall's Village in the parish of Saint James
in this Island containing by admeasurement
Seven thousand five hundred and forty-three
square feet or thereabouts (inclusive of por-
tions of the right of way five feet wide and the
road in common seventeen feet wide herein-
after mentioned) Abutting and Bounding to-
wards the North on the reminder of the said
road in common seventeen f-et wide towards
the West on other portions of the said road in
common seventeen feet wide and on lands of
Joseph R. P. Hall towards the South on lands
of Prior Park Plantation but separated there-
from by the said right of way five feet wide
and towards the East on lands of Arthur
Archer et al but separated therefrom by the
remainder of the said right of way five feet
wide or however else the same may abut and

$ 1, 200.00

Dated this 16th day of June 1969.

Registrar of the Supreme Court.

June 19, 1969


Jun 19,P .199 OFICA GZET


High Court

No. 225 of 1969




Any person having any claim, lien or
charge against the property described here-
under shall submit such claim duly authen-
ticated on oath to me on or before the 21st
day of August 1969.

PROPERTY: ALL THAT certain piece
or parcel of land situate at Maycocks Road
Checker Hall in the Parish of Saint Lucy and
Island aforesaid containing by admeasure-
ment Two RoodsTwo perches or thereabouts
(inclusive of Two perches in the area of the
Road) Abutting and Bounding on lands of
Ronald Hinds on lands of the estate of Ivan
Sobers deceased on lands of Ramsay Watson
and on the Public Road called Maycocks Road
aforesaid or however else the same may abut
and bound.

Dated this 10th day of June 1969.

Register of the Supreme Court.



High Court

No. 226 of 1969




Any person having any claim, lien or
charge against the property described here-
under shall submit such claim duly authen-
ticated on oath to me on or before the 21st
day of August 1969.

PROPERTY: ALL THAT certain piece
or parcel of land situate at Hoytes Village
in the parish of Saint James and Island afore-
said containing by admeasurement Twenty
seven thousand four hundred and sixteen
square feet or thereabouts Abutting and
Bounding on lands now or late of A. Chandler
on lands now or late of one Maynard on lands
now or late of E. Ward on lands now or late
of R. Morris on lands now or late of one
Martin and on a road in common or however
else the same may abut and bound.

Dated this 10th day of June 1969.

Registrar of the Supreme Court.


June 19, -1969


OFIIA AZTE ue 9 16



High Court

No. 43 of 1969





The undermentioned property will be set
up for sale at the Registration Office on the
11th day of July at 2 p. m.and if not then sold
it will be set up for sale on each succeeding
Friday at 2 p.m. until sold.

or parcel of land situate at Mayers Land,
Government Hill in the parish of Saint Mich-
ael in this Island containing by admeasure-
ment 1858 square feet of land or thereabouts
be the same more or less abutting and bound-
ing on lands of one Cyrus, on lands of J. E.
Mayers deceased on lands of Albertha
Harewood deceased, and on a road in common
called Branker Gap leading on the Public Road
called Gittens Road or however else the same
may abutt and bound.

UPSET PRICE: $800.00
Dated this 4th day of June 1969.

Registrar of the Supreme Court.



High Ccurt

No. 57 of 1969


& MIRIAM REID: Defendant

The undermentioned property will be set
up for sale at the Registration Office on the
11th day of July 1969 at 2 p.m. and if not then
sold it will be set up for sale on each succeed-
ing Friday at 2 p.m. until sold.
PROPERTY: ALL THAT certain piece
or parcel of land (formerly part of the lands
of a place called "The Villa" ituate at Brit-
tons Cross Road in the parish of Saint Mich-
ael and Island aforesaid containing by ad-
measurement Two thousand two hundred and
fifty square feet or thereabouts (in which area
is included two hundred square feet in a road
hereinafter mentioned ) Abutting and Bounding
on lands now or late of one Alleyne on lands
now or late of one Phillips on a road on lands
now or late of one Toppin and on the said road
hereinbefore mentioned or however else the
same may abut and bound.
UPSET PRICE: $2,000.00
Dated this 4th day of June 1969.
Registrar of the Supreme Court.


June 19, 1969


June 19, 1969




High Coat

No. 244 of 1969



Any person having any claim, lien or
charge against the property described here-
under shall submit such claim duly authen-
ticated on oath to me on or before the 21st
day of August 1969.

PROPERTY: ALL THAT certain piece
or parcel of land situate at Cave Hill in the
parish of SaintMichael in this Island contain-
ing by admeasurement Forty three thousand
and Eighty two square feet of land Abutting
and bounding on lands of one Mr. Brookes
on lands of Alice Lawrence on lands of the
Government of Barbados and on the Campus
of the University of the West Indies at Cave
Hill or however else the same may abut and

Dated this 16th day of June 1969.

Registrar of the Supreme Court.

High Caort

No. 524 of 1968.




The undermentioned property will be set
up for sale at the Registration Office on the
11th day of July 1969 at 2 p.m. and if not then
sold it will be set up for sale on each suc-
ceeding Friday at 2 p.m. until sold.

PROPERTY: ALL THAT certain piece
or parcel of land situate at Station Hill in the
Parish of Saint Michael and Island of Barba-
dos aforesaid containing by admeasurement
six thousand one hundred and twenty -seven
square feet or thereabouts abutting and bound-
ing on lands of E. B. Grant on lands of Glen-
dairy Prison on lands of Victor Harris and
on the Public Road called Station Hill afore-
said or however else the same may abut and

UPSET PRICE $ 3,700.00
Dated this 4th day of June 1969.

Registrar of the Supreme Court.


-- -- ----- -- I Irli~ll

0101 ... ...... II




(Section 6)


The Prime Minister and Minister of Fi-
nance pursuant to Section 6 of the Industrial
Incentives Act, 1963, hereby gives notice that
he is about to be asked to consider whether
for the purposes of the abovementioned Act,
the following product should be an approved
product and whether the following company
should be an approved enterprise in respect
of the relevant product.

Any person interested in the manufacture
or importation of the product who objects to
it being declared an approved product or the
company being declared an approved enter-
prise for the purposes of the Industrial In-
centives Act, 1963, should forward to the
Director, Economic Planning Unit, Office of
the Prime Minister and a copy to the Mana-
ger, Barbados Industrial Development Cor-
poration, to reach them on or before Tuesday
June 24th, 1969, a statement in writing setting
forth the grounds of his objection.


Relevant Product:
Turkish-Terry Towels
and towelling.

(Section 6)


The Prime Minister and Minister of Fi-
nance pursuant to Section 6 of the Industrial
Incentives Act, 1963, hereby gives notice that
he is about to be asked to consider whether
for the purposes of the abovementioned Act,
the following product should be an approved
product and whether the following company
should be an approved enterprise in respect
of the relevant product.

Any person interested in the manufac-
ture or importation of the product who objects
to it being declared an approved product or
the company being declared an approved
enterprise for the purposes of the Industrial
Incentives Act, 1963, should forward to the
Director, Economic Planning Unit, Office of
the Prime Minister and a copy to the Mana-
poration, to reach them on or before Friday
June 27th, 1969, a statement in writing set-
ting forth the grounds of his objection.

Company: Relevant Product:
C. Murphy & Co. Cooking and Table
(B'dos) Ltd. Butter.


June 19, 1969


NOTICE NO. 398 (third publication)


THAT The Rum Company (Jamaica) Lim-
ited a Company incorporated under the Com-
panies Law of Jamaica, whose trade or
business address is 32/34 Port Royal Street,
Kingston, Jamaica trading as Manufacturers
and Merchants, has applied for the registra -
tion of a trade mark in Part "A" of Register
in respect of Rum and will be entitled to
register the same after one month from the
12th day of June 1969 unless some person
shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate
to me at my office of opposition of such regis-
tration. The trade mark can be seen on appli-
cation at my office.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

NOTICE NO. 399 (third publication)


THAT The Rum Company(Jamaica) Lim-
ited a Company incorporated under the Com-
panies Law of Jamaica whose trade or
business address is 32/34 Port Royal Street,
Kingston, Jamaica trading as Manufacturers
and Merchants, has applied for the registra-
tion of a trade mark in Part "A' of Register
in respect of Rum and will be entitled to
register the same after one month from the
12th day of June 1969 unless some person
shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate
to me at my office of opposition of such regis-
tration. The trade mark can be seen on appli-
cation at my office.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

June 19, 1969


, ll.


NOTICE NO. 400'(third publication)


:THAT Kellogg Company, a Company in-;
corporated under the laws of the State of
Delaware, United States of America, whose
address is 235 Porter Street, Battle Creek,
Michigan, United States of America, has ap-
F lied for the .registration of a trade mark in
Part "A" of Register in respect of meat, fish
poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved
dried and cooked fruit and vegetables; jellies,
jams; eggs, milk and other dairy products;
edible oils and fats; preserves pickles; cof-
fee, tea cocoa, sugar, rice tapioca,' sago,
coffee substitutes; flour and preparations
made from cereals; bread, biscuits, cakes,
pastry and confectionary, ices; honey, treacle;
yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; pepper,
.inegar, sauces; spices; ice, and will be en-
titled to register the same after one month
from the 12th day of June 1969 unless some
person shall in the meantime give notice in
duplicate to me at my office of opposition of
such registration. The trade mark can be
seen on application at my office.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

NOTICE NO. 401 (third publication)


THAT Kellogg Company, a Company in-
corporated under theI laws of the State of
Delaware, United States of(Armerica, whose
address is 235 Porter Street, Battle Creek,
Michigan, United States of America, has ap-
plied for the registration of a trade mark in
Part "A" of Register in respect of meat, fish,
poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved,
dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jel-
lies, jams; eggs, milk and other dairy pro-
ducts; edible oils and fats; preserves,
pickles; coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tap-
ioca,, sago, coffee substitutes; flour, and
preparations made from cereals; bread biB-
cuits, cakes, pastry and confectionery, ices;
honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt,
mustard; pepper, sauces; spices; ice, and will
be entitled to register the same after one
month from the 12th day of June 1969 unless
some person shall in the meantime give notice
in duplicate to me at my office of opposition
of such registration. The trade mark can be
seen on application at my office.

Daie-this 2Zth day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.


June 19, 1969

,ut 19, .16 OEFCIA I..

NOTICE NO. 402 (third publication)


That Thomas French & Sons Limited a
British Company whose trade or business
address is Chester Road, Manchester 15,
England has applied for the registration of
a trade mark in Part "A" of Register in
respect of Curtain Heading Tape and will be
entitled to register the same after one month
from the 12th day of June 1969 unless some
person shall in the -meantime give notice in
duplicate to me at my office of opposition of
such registration. The trade mark can, be
seen on application at my office.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

NOTICE NO. 403 (third publication)



trade or business address is Zeibstr. 13,
Hannover in the Federal Republic of Ger-
many, has applied for the registration of a
trade mark in Part "A" of Register in re-
spect of Perfumes, Nonmedicated toilet pre-
parations, Cosmetic preparations, Essential
Oils, Soaps, dentifrices and preparations for
the hair, Pharmaceutical and Sanitary sub-
stances and disinfectants, and will be entitled

to register the same after one month from the
12th day of June 1969 unless some person
shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate
to me at my office of opposition of such reg-
istration. The trade mark can be seen on ap-
plication at my office.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

NOTICE NO. 404(third publication)


THAT Avis Rent-a-Car System, Inc. a
corporation of the State of Delaware,, United.
States of America, whose trade of business
address is 900 Old Country Road Garden':
City, New York 11534, United States-of.
America; a motor vehicle hiring Company
has applied for the registration of a trade
mark in Part "A" of Register in respectof
Printed publications and will be entitled to
register the same after one month from the
12th day of June 1969 unless some person
shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate.
to me at my office of opposition of such regis-.
tration. The trade mark can be seen on appli,
cation at my office.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.,

June 19i 1969



OFFCIA GAET Jun 19, 196

NOTICE NO. 405 (third publication)


::-^ --^~ ; 'X

THAT Kellogg Company, a Company in-
corporated under the laws of State of Del -
aware, United States of America, whose trade
or business address is 235 Porter' Street,
Battle Creek, Michigan, United States of
America, has applied for the registration of a
trade mark in Part "A" of Register in re-
spect of meat, fish, poultry and game; meat
extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits
and vegetables; jellies, jams, eggs, milk and
other dairy products; edible oils and fats;
preserves, pickles; coffee, tea, cocoa,
sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee substitutes
flour, and preparations made from cereals;
bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry and confection-
ery, ices, honey, treacle, yeast, baking-pow-
der; salt, mustard; pepper, vinegar, sauces;
spices; ice, and will be entitled to register
the same after one month from the 12th day
of June 1969 unless some person shall in the
meantime give notice in duplicate to me at my
office of opposition of such registration. The
trade mark can be seen on application at my

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

NOTICE NO. 406 (third publication)


THAT Kellogg Company, a Company in-
corporated under the laws of State of Dela-
ware, United States of America, whose trade
or business address is 235 Porter Street,
Battle Creek, Michigan, United States of
America, has applied for the registration of
a trade mark in Part "A" of Register in re-
spect of meat, fish, poultry and game; meat
extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits
and vegetables; jellies, jams, eggs, milk and
other dairy products; edible oils and fats;
preserves, pickles; coffee, tea, cocoa, sug-
ar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee substitutes;
flour, and preparations made from cereals;
bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry and confec -
tionary, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-
powder; salt, mustard; pepper, vinegar,
sauces; spices; ice, and will be entitled to
register the same after one month from the
12th day of June 1969 unless some person
shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate
to me at my office of opposition of such regis-
tration. The trade mark can be seen on ap-
plication at my office.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

June 19, 1969


June 19, 196 OFIILGAl 8

NOTICE NO. 407 (third publication)


THAT The Coca-Cola Company, a cor-
poration organized and existing under the
laws of the State of Delaware, United States
of America, whose trade or business address
is 515 Madison Avenue, New York United
States of America, trading as Manufacturers,
has applied for the registration of a trade
mark in Part "A" of Register in respect of
Non-alchololic beverages and preparations
for making the same, and will be entitled to
register the same after one month from the
12th day of June 1969 unless some person
shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate
to me at my office ofopposition of such regis-
tration. The trade mark can be seen on appli-
cation at my office. The applicants disclaim
any exclusive right to the use of the word
"TONIC" and the device of a bottle.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

NOTICE NO. 408 (third publication)




THAT The Rum Company (Jamaica) Lim-
ited a Company incorporated under the Com-
panies Law of Jamaica and whose trade or
business address is 32/34 Port Royal Street,
Kingston, Jamaica trading as Manufacturers
and Merchants, has applied for the registra-
tion of a trade mark in Part "A" of Register
in respect of Rum and will be entitled to
register the same after one month from the
12th day of June 1969 unless some person
shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate
to me at my office of opposition of such regis-
tration. The trade mark can be seen on appli-
cation at my office.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

June 19, 1969




NOTICE NO. 409 (third publication)


THAT Kellogg Company, a Company in-
corporated under the laws of the State of
Delaware, United States of America; whose
trade or business address is 235 Porter
Street, Battle Creek Michigan, United
States of America, has applied for the reg-
istration of a trade mark in Part"A" of
Register in respect of meat, fish, poultry and
game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and
cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams,
eggs, milk and other dairy products; edible
oils and fats; preserves, pickles; coffee, tea,
cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, coffee sub-
stitutes; flour, and preparations made from
cereals; bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry and
confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast,
baking-powder; salt, mustard; pepper, vine-
gar, sauces; spices; ice, and will be entitled
to register the same after one month from
the 12th day of June 1969 unless some person

shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate
to me at my office of opposition of such reg-
istration. The trade mark can be seen on
application at my office.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

NOTICE NO.410 i (third publication)


whose trade or business address is 61 Darm-
stadt, Berliner Allee 65, in the Federal Re-
public of Germany, has applied for the
registration of a trade mark in Part "A" of
Register in respect of bleaching preparations
and other substances for laundry use; clean-
ing polishing, scouring and abrasive prepar-
ations; soaps, perfumery, essential oils,
cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices, products i
for cleaning, conditioning and embellishing
the hair, and will be entitled to register the
same after one month from the 12th day of
June 1969 unless some person shall in the
meantime give notice in duplicate to me at
my office of opposition of such registration.
The trade mark canbe seen onapplication at
my office.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Regsitrar of Trade Marks.


June 19, 1969


NOTICE NO. 411 (third publication)


That Thomas French & Sons Limited a
British Company whose trade or business ad-
dress is Chester Road, Manchester 15
England has applied for the registration of
a trade mark in Part "A" of Register in
respect of Curtain in suspension fittings of
common metal and of moulded plastic mater-
ials and will be entitled to register the same
after one month from the 12th day of June
1969 unless some person shall in the mean-
time give notice in duplicate to me at my
office of opposition of such registration. The
trade mark can be seen on application at my

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

NOTICE NO. 412 (third publication)


whose trade of business address is 61 Darm-
stadt, Berliner Allee 65, in the Federal Re-
public of Germany, has applied for the
registration of a trade mark in Part "A" of
Register in respect of bleaching preparations
and other substances for laundry use; clean-
ing, polishing, scouring and abrasive pre-
parations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils,
cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices, pro-
ducts for cleaning, conditioning and embell-
ishing the hair, and will be entitled to register

the same after one month from the 12th day
of June 1969 unless some person shall in the
meantime give notice in duplicate to me at
my office of opposition of such registration.
The trade mark canbe seen on application at
my office.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

NOTICE NO. 413 (third publication)



THAT The Coca-Cola Company a corpor-
ation organized and existing under the laws
of the State of Delaware whose trade or bus-
iness address is 515 Madison Avenue, Cityof
New York, State of New York 10022 Manufac-
turers and Merchants has applied for the
registration of a trade mark in Part "A" of
Register in respect of non-alchololic bever-
ages and preparations for such beverages
and will be entitled to register the same after
one month from the 12th day of June 1969
unless some person shall in the meantime
give notice in duplicate to me at my office of
opposition of such registration. The trade
mark can be seen on application at my office.

Dated this 27th day of May 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

June 19, 969,



Income Tax Notice


Income taxpayers are hereby reminded that in respect of re-
turns of income (for income year 1968) filed on or before 30th April,
1969, one half (1/2) of the tax estimated and unpaid is now payable on or
before 30th June, 1969.

2. Please pay early and by cheque or Postal Order if you can.
Do not remit cash through the post.

3. Failure to pay the tax by 30th June, 1969 will result in the
imposition of the following penalties:-

(a) 5% of the amount due and unpaid or $10.00 whichever is the

(b) interest at the rate of 1% per month calculated for each month
during which any amount of tax and penalty remained unpaid on the
largest amount of tax and penalty that was due and unpaid at any time
in that month.

(Sgd.) W. A. GITTENS
Commissioner of Inland Revenue.


e nisI 19 1969

Iune 19, 1969. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 587

Introduced by Ernest Mottley Esquire, M.P., on
the 10th June, 1969 and it was read a first time the
same day.

A Bill intituled
An Act to repeal the West Indies Hospital Fund
Limited Act, 1964.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados, and by
the authority of the same as follows:-
1. This Act may be cited as the West Indies Short title.
Hospital Fund Limited (Repeal) Act, 1969.
2. Subject to the provisions of Section 3 of this Repeal of
Act, the West Indies Hospital Fund Limited Act, 1964 Act 1904-20.
is hereby repealed.
3. The repeal mentioned in Section 2 of this Act Savings.
shall not affect the provisions of Sections 4, 5 and 6
of the West Indies Hospital Fund Limited Act, 1964
with respect to the payment of all or any monies due
to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue at the date of
repeal by virtue of the provisions of the said Act, nor
any liability incurred by nor penalty imposed upon the
Company or any person whatsoever under or by virtue
of the said provisions; and without prejudice to the
generality of the above, all of the provisions con-
tained in the said Act for compelling and enforcing
the payment of any monies due under the said Act
shall have force and effect as if this Act had not
been passed.

afltflt A, d'O A Pf" lq

5 588 urrlLIAL UALL II E. ..,V


Vacant posts In the Valuation Division, Ministry of Finance, Barbados

(1) Deputy Commissioner of Valuations
Salary: $9,600 per annum.

(2) Supervising Valuer
Salary Scale: $6,840 x 240 8,040

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for appointment
to the above posts.

The appointment which is subject to medical fitness may be either on a
permanent and pensionable basis or on agreement for a period of two years.

Applicants should possess one of the following qualifications:

(a) A Degree in Estate Management or Land Economy or Associate
of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors;

(b) Associate of Chartered Auctioneers and Estate Agents Institute;

(c) Associate of the Commonwealth Institute of Valuers.
Applications from persons possessing other qualifications in valua-
tion, or Land Economy will also be considered.

Application forms (S. C. 21) and full details of posts may be obtained
from the Service Commissions Department, "Flodden", Culloden Road, St.
Michael, Barbados.

Application forms should reach the Chief Personnel Officer, Service
Commissions Department, "Flodden", Culloden Road, St. Michael, Barbados,
not lateerthan 19th July, 1969.

Service Commissions Department,
11th June, 1969.

e nuJ 19 1969

S". .


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applications have been made
for the following Grants of Probate and Administration namely :-

PROBATE of the Will dated the 14th day of March, 1952 of ELOISE ROSINA COLLYMORE
late of Jackmans in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died on the 29th
day of November, 1966, by EGBERT ARRINDELL COLLYMORE, the sole Executor
named in the Will of the said deceased.

PROBATE of the Will dated the 28th day of May, 1959 of HARRY ST. GEORGE WARD
late of Durants Plantation in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died on
the 7th day of December, 1968, by AILEEN DeCOVERLEY WARD and JULIAN
HARRY BOWEN WARD, the Executors named in the Will of the said deceased.

PROBATE of the Will dated the 9th day of April, 1964 of DAISY IRENE BY-NOE late of the
parish of Christ Church in this Island who died on the loth day of October, 1968, by
DAISY DORIS RICE and MARGARET MURIEL KING, two of the Executors named in
the Will of the said deceased.

PROBATE of :he Will dated the 18th day of October, 1961 of LEOTTA GERALDINE
WILLIAMS late of Hastings in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died
on the 24th day of October, 1968, by BERTRAM LEROY BANFIELD, one of the
Executors named in the Will of the said deceased.

PROBATE of the Will dated the 7th day of January, 1966 of JOHN PERCY ELLIOT
WILLIAMS late of Bushy Park Plantation in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island
who died on the 8th day of March, 1968, by RICHARD AUBREY WILLIAMS and
CHARLES OTHNEIL WILLIAMS, two of the Executors named in the Will of the said

PROBATE of the Will dated the 27th day of January, 1961 of BLANCHE EVELYN
LANGDALE COX late of Dunloe Flat, Henry's Lane in the parish of Saint Michael
in this Island who died on the 3rd day of February, 1967, by ALAN PERCY COX, one
of the Executors named in the Will of the said deceased.

PROBATE of the Will dated the 16th day of October, 1967 of SEIBERT ADOLPHUS
KNIGHT late of Airy Hill in the parish of Saint Joseph in this Island who died on the
12th day of November, 1968, by MALCOLM McDONALD MARSHALL, the sole
Executor named in the Will of the said deceased.

June 19, 19691



PROBATE of the Will dated the 15th day of May, 1959 of ALONZA WILKINSON WALCOTT
late of Marine Road, Bush Hall in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who
died on the 19th day of May, 1968 by VIOLET DAISY WALCOTT and ROY EVERTON
WALCOTT, the Executors named in the Will of the said deceased.

of Stroud Land in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island who died on the 4th day of
February, 1968 by BERTIE YOUNG, the Attorney on record in this Island of
DARNLEY WILSON BROWNE, the heir-at-law of the said deceased.

in the parish of Saint Philip in this Island vho died on the 27th day of November,
1961 by VIOLET ELISE O'NEAL the Attorney on record in this Island of GEORGE
ELLIOTT O'NEAL, son of the said deceased.

Estate of ELEAZAR MOORE late of Clapham in the parish of Saint Michael in this
Island who died on the 27th day of July, 1934, by LAMBERT SIDNOE MOORE, son
and a beneficiary of the said deceased.

UNLESS CAVEAT is lodged within fourteen days from the date of this Advertise-
ment with the Registrar of the Supreme Court through whom the abovenamed applications
have been made Probate and Administration will be granted accordingly.

Dated this 12th day of June, 1969.


Government Printing Office.


June 19, 1969

This Bill is the Final Appropriation Bill in respect
of the Financial year which ended on the 31st day of
March, 1969, and would provide for the grant from
the Consolidated Fund of the sum of $7,050,458 and
for the appropriation of such sum for the services and
purposes set out in the Schedule.

Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.

2. Supplementary grant of $7,050,458.
3. Date on which grant takes effect.

4. Appropriation of sum granted.


A Bill intituled
An Act to grant an additional sum of money out of
the Consolidated Fund and appropriate the same for
the service of the Island for the year ended the 31st
March, 1969.

WHEREAS the sum of money granted out of the Preamble.
Consolidated Fund by the Appropriation Act, 1968,
for the service of the Island for the year ended 31st
March, 1969 has proved insufficient to meet the de-
mands of such service,

AND WHEREAS certain Resolutions were passed
during the year ended the 31st March, 1969 and sub-
sequently granting additional sums out of the Consoli-
dated Fund for the service of that year and it is

Short title.

grant of

Date on which
grant takes

of sum granted.

deemed expedient to appropriate the same in the man-
ner hereinafter mentioned:

Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate and House of Assembly of
Barbados and by the authority of the same as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as the Final Appropria-
tion (1968-69) Act, 1969.

2. The Accountant General may on the warrant of
the Minister or some person authorised by the Minister
in writing, issue out of the Consolidated Fund and
apply for making good the supply granted for the ser-
vice of the year ended on 31st March, 1969 the sum
of seven million fifty thousand four hundred and fifty-
eight dollars.

3. The sum granted by this Act shall be deemed
to have been granted on 1st April, 1968 in addition to
the sum granted by the Appropriation Act, 1968.

4. The sum granted by this Act out of the Con-
solidated Fund for making good the supply granted
for the purpose aforesaid is appropriated and shall
be deemed to have been appropriated as from 1st
April, 1968 for the purposes expressed in the Schedule.


Readthree times and passed the House of Assem-
bly this day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty- nine.


Read three times and passed the Senate this
day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine.




Head 2 Service Commissions .. 65,787
Head 3 Parliament .. *- .. 46,735
Head 5 Judiciary .. o* .. 9,587
Head 7 Registration ** .. 6,374
Head 9 Ministry of Finance .. 77,272
Head 10 Accountant General .... 2,874
Head 11 Pensions .. .. 59,547
Head 13 Customs .... .. 26,026
Head 14 Inland Revenue .. 12,739
Head 15 Statistical Services .. 1,320
Head 16 Office of the Prime Minister .... 88,174
Head 18 Economic Planning Unit ... 38,875
Head 20 Civil Aviation .... 2,234
Head 21 Establishments Division .... 45,500
Head 22 Ministry of External Affairs ... 252,634
Head 23 Ministry of Home Affairs .... 7,103
Head 24 Lands and Surveys .... 2,148
Head 25 Police ..... 21,131
Head 26 Fire Service .... 3,090
Head 27 Town and Country Planning .... 160
Head 28 Prisons ...... 4,600
Head 30 Printing Office .... 29,000
Head 31 Ministry of Agriculture, Labour & National
Insurance .... 58,887
Head 34 Ministry of Communications and Works .. 148,317
Head.35 Waterworks .. ... 498,662
Head 37 Electrical Inspection .... 2,619
Head 38 Ministry of Education
(1) General Administration .. 5,847
(3) Technical Institute .. 29,331
(4) Housecraft Centre .... 495



Head 39
Head 40
Head 43
Head 44
Head 48

Section 4

(5) Schools .... 594,071
(7) Public Library .... 220
Ecclesiastical .... 84,229
Ministry of Health & Community Development 159,783
Queen Elizabeth Hospital .... 375,052
Mental Hospital .. 44,703
Ministry of Trade, Tourism, Co-operatives &
Fisheries .... 1,200


Head 1 Post Office




Head 102
Head 103
Head 104
Head 105
Head 108
Head 109

Ministry of Communications & Works
Ministry of Health and Community Development
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Home Affairs ..
Ministry of External Affairs ..
Ministry of Finance ..








intituled an Act to grant an additional sum
of money out of the Consolidated Fund and
appropriate the same for the service of the
Island for the year ended the 31st March,

Government Printing Office.

)K 3aF.702qe

Under section 35 of the Landlord and Tenant Act,
1897-2 where a tenant refuses todeliver up possession
of premises to the landlord after the tenancy has de-
termined, the landlord may only make application to
the Magistrate for an order for recovery of possession
where the annual rent of the tenement does not exceed
This Bill would amend the said Act to increase
the jurisdiction of the Magistrates so as to enable
application to be made to the Magistrates sitting in
the exercise of their civil jurisdiction for recovery
of possession of a tenement where the annual rent
does not exceed $1,000.

Arrangement of Sections


1. Short title.

2. Amendment to section 35 of Act 1897-2.

A Bill intituled
An Act to amend the Landlord and Tenant Act,

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados and by
the Authority of the same as follows:-
1. This Act may be cited as the Landlord and short title.
Tenant (Amendment) &ct, 1969.
2. Section 35 of the Landlord and Tenant Act, Amendment to
1897 is hereby amended as follows sAi 897-2.

(a) by deleting the words "fifty pounds" ap-
pearing in the fifth line thereof and sub-
stituting the words "one thousand dollars";

(b) by numbering the existing section as sub-
section (1) thereof;

(c) by inserting immediately after subsection
(1) thereof the following as subsection (2) -
"(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of
any enactment to the contrary, any com-
plaint made to a magistrate under this
section shall be heard before a magis-
trate sitting in the exercise of his civil

Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly this day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine.


Read three times and passed the Senate this
day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine.



intituled an Actto amend the Landlord and
Tenant Act, 1897.

Government Printing Office.

'0&A& C ^a


This Bill would amend the Petty Debt Act, 1899-3
to increase the civil jurisdiction of the magistrates'
courts from $250 to $1,000 so as to allow larger debts
to be collected in those courts and so save litigants
the expense of proceeding in the High Court where
the debt does not exceed $1,000.

Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.

2. Amendment of sections 21, 22, 28 and 40 of
Act 1899-3.


A Bill intituled

An Act to amend the Petty Debt Act, 1899.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados and by
the authority of the same as follows:-

1. This Act may be cited as the Petty Debt short title.
(Amendment) Act, 1969.

2. The Petty Debt Act 1899 is hereby amended
by substituting the words "one thousand dollars"
for the words "two hundred and fifty dollars" where-
ever the latter words appear in sections 21, 22, 28
and 40.

Amendment of
sections 21, 22,
28 and 40 of Act


Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly this day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine.


Read three times and passed the Senate this
day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine.




intituled an Act to amend the Petty Debt
Act, 1899.

Government Printing Office.

NSczP. Pb2f

Section 50 of the Provost Marshal's Act, 1904-6
provides that where lands or houses attached under
execution are in the opinion of the Provost Marshal
of the value of not more than fifty pounds, the Provost
Marshal shall sell such land or houses without re-
serve at public auction and convey such property
to the purchasers thereof.

This Bill would amend the said Act so as to per-
mit the Provost Marshal in accordance with the
provisions of section 50 to sell such land or houses
and to grant conveyances where the value of the pro-
perty does not exceed $2,000.

Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.

2. Amendment to section 50(1) of Act 1904-6.


A Bill intituled

An Act to amend the Provost Marshal's Act, 1904.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados and by
the authority of the same as follows:-

1. This Act may be cited as the Provost Marshal's Short title.
(Amendment) Act, 1969.

2. Section 50(1) of the Provost Marshal's Act,
1904 is hereby amended by deleting the words "fifty
pounds" appearing in line 6 thereof and substi-
tuting therefore the words "two thousand dollars".

Amendment to
section 50(1)
of Act 1904-6.


Read three times and passed the House of As-
sembly this day of one thou-
sand nine hundred and sixty-nine.


Read three times and passed the Senate this
day of one thousand
nine hundred and sixty-nine.




intituled an Act to amend the Provost Marshal's
Act, 1904.

Government Printing Office.

(;-p.8 7a-MiB

This Bill would amend section 3 of the Passports
and Travel Documents (Fees) Act, 1967 (1967-43)
in order to enable the Minister to waive the fees
payable thereunder in respect of such categories of
passports and travel documents as he thinks fit, in
particular, in respect of diplomatic and official pass-

Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.

2. Amendment of section 3 of Act 1967-43.

A Bill intituled
An Act to amend the Passports and Travel Docu-
ments (Fe es) Act, 1967.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados and by the
authority of the same as follows:-

1. This Act may be cited as the Passports and Short title.
Travel Documents (Fees) (Amendment) Act, 1969.

2. Section 3 of the Passports and Travel Docu- Amendment of
section 3 of
ments (Fees) Act, 1967 is hereby amended Act n197-43.

(a) by renumbering the existing section as sub-
section (1) thereof; and

(b) by inserting immediately thereafter the
following as subsection (2) thereof -

"(2) The Minister may waive any fee
payable under subsection (1) in respect
of such categories of passports and
travel documents as he thinks fit."

Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly this day of one thou-
sand nine hundred and sixty-nine.

S speaker.

Read three times and passed the Senate this
day of one thousand
nine hundred and sixty-nine.




intituled an Act to amend the Passports and
Travel Documents (Fees) Act, 1967.

3c )a 1 7Q 9 0
6.A ?

This Bill seeks to establish a Board to be known
as the Sanitation and Cemeteries Board with respon-
sibility for refuse collection and disposal, public baths
and conveniences, cemeteries and burial grounds.
These functions have been the responsibility of the
Interim Commissioner since the dissolution of the Lo-
cal Government Councils.

Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.

2. Interpretation.

Establishment of the Sanitation and Cemeteries Board
3. Establishment of the Sanitation and Cemeteries

4. Functions of the Board.

5. Regulations.
6. Fees.

7. Accounts and Audit.

8. Expenses.

9. Reports.


10. Minister may give directions to Board or Com-

11. Chief Medical Officer to attend meetings of

12. Transfer to Crown of assets and liabilities of
Interim Commissioner.

13. Transfer of officers of the Interim Commis-
sioner to the Sanitation and Cemeteries Board.

14. Power to remove difficulties.

15. Commencement.

A Bill intituled

An Act to make provision for the establishment of
a Sanitation and Cemeteries Board to perform some of
the functions previously performed by the Interim Com-

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados, and by
the authority of the same as follows:-
1. This Act may be cited as the Sanitation and Short title.
Cemeteries Board Act, 1969.

2. For the purposes of this Act Interpretation.

"appointed day" means the first day of July,


"Board" means the Sanitation and Cemeteries
"Interim Commissioner" means the person for
the time being designated by the Cabinet to the
office of Interim Commissioner for Local Gov-
ernment established under section 5 of the
Local Government Councils (Dissolution and
Act 1967-20. Interim Commissioner) Act, 1967;
"the Minister" means the Minister for the time
being responsible for Health.

Establishment of the Sanitation and Cemeteries Board

3.(1) For the purposes of this Act there shall be Establishment
established a Board to be known as the Sanitation and of the Sanita-
Cemeteries Board. teries Boand.
reties Board.

(2) The provisions of the Schedule shall have
effect with respect to the constitution of the Board
and otherwise in relation thereto.
4. (1) The functions of the Board shall be -
(a) to remove house rubbish and other rub-
bish from any premises;
(b) to sweep, cleanse and water streets;

(c) to provide and maintain in a sanitary
condition suitable places, buildings and
appliances for the deposit or destruction
of refuse and rubbish;
(d) to provide and maintain public baths and
public sanitary conveniences;

(e) to provide and maintain cemeteries, bu.
rial grounds and crematoria.
(2) In the exercise of its functions under sub-
section (1), the Board shall act in accordance with the
provisions of the Iealth Services Act, 1969, and any Act 1969-
regulations made thereunder.

(3) The Board may, subject to the approval of
the Minister, make bye-laws for the conduct and man -
agement of its services.

.Regulations. 5. The Minister may make regulations prescribing-
(a) the fees chargeable by the Board;
(b) the terms and conditions on which such fees
shall be paid.

Fees. 6. The Board may, in accordance with regula-
tions made under section 5, charge fees for the per-
formance of any of its functions under this Act.

Accounts and 7)1) The Board shall keep proper accounts and
Audit, adequate financial and other records in relation there-
to and shall prepare a statement of accounts in re-
spect of each financial year.

(2) The Board shall, within three months after
the end of each financial year, submit its accounts to
the Auditor-General for audit and at the same time
send a copy thereof to the Minister.
(3) The Auditor-General shall, as soon as may-
be after the receipt of the accounts of the Board, audit
the accounts and submit a report thereon to the Min-
ister and to the Board.
Expenses. 8. The expenses of the Board and of the carry-
ing out of this Act shall be defrayed out of moneys
voted for the purpose by Parliament.

Reports. 9. Not later than the 30th June in each year after
the first year following the commencement of this Act,
the Board shall submit to the Minister a report on its
activities in the last preceding financial year.



10. The Minister may give directions to the Board
or any Committee appointed by the Board as to the
exercise and performance of any of its functions under
this Act and the Board or Committee shall give ef-
fect to any such directions.

11. In the exercise of its functions under this
Act, the Board or any Committee appointed by the
Board shall invite the Chief Medical Officer or his
nominee to attend every meeting thereof which is
concerned with any matter relating to its functions
and the Chief Medical Officer or his nominee may
attend any such meeting.

12.(1) All property (including rights) vested im-
mediately before the appointed day in the Interim
Commissioner in respect of functions presently dis-
charged by him under the Local Government Act,
1958-55, the Public Health Act, 1954-52, and the
Public Assistance Act, 1954-53 and other enactments
relating thereto and which by this Act are to be dis-
charged by the Board shall, on the appointed day,
vest in the Crown.

(2) All liabilities incurred by or on behalf of
the Interim Commissioner in respect of functions
presently discharged by him under the Local Gov-
ernment Act, 1958-55, the Public Health Act, 1954-52
and the Public Assistance Act, 1954-53 and other
enactments relating thereto and which by this Act
are to be discharged by the Board and subsisting im-
mediately before the appointed day shall, as from

Minister may
give directions
to Board or

Chief Medical
Officer may at-
tend meetings
of Board.

Transfer to
Crown of assets
and liabilities of
Interim Commis -

that day, have effect as if they had been incurred by
or on behalf of the Crown.

(3) All books, records, furniture, equipment
and other things relating to the services to be trans-
ferred to the Board in the possession of the Interim
Commissioner immediately before the appointed day
shall forthwith be delivered to the Board.

(4) Any contract made by or on behalf of the
Interim Commissioner in respect of services to be
transferred to the Board before the appointed day shall,
as from that day, be construed with such modifica-
tions and adaptations as may be necessary to give
effect to the foregoing provisions of this section.

(5) Without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing provisions of this section the Crown shall
have the like rights, powers, and remedies (including
in particular rights and powers as to the taking or
resisting of legal proceedings) for ascertaining, per-
fecting or enforcing any rights or liabilities vested or
attaching to the Crown by virtue of this section as
if they had at all times been rights or liabilities of the

(6) All civil proceedings commenced before
the appointed day in any court in Barbados by or
against the Interim Commissioner in respect of ser-
vices to be transferred to the Board may be continued
by or against the Crown, and any such proceedings
may be amended accordingly.

Transfer of of- 13. Any person who immediately before the ap-
finter of the pointed day is employed as an officer or servant of
missioner to the Interim Commissioner in respect of the services
the Sanitation
and Cemeteries to be transferred to the Board shall on that day be
Board. transferred to the service of the Board and shall be

employed by the Board on such terms and conditions
as the Minister may approve.

14. If any difficulty arises in connection with the Power to
move difficul-
operation of any of the provisions of this Act, the ties.
Minister may make such order for removing the diffi-
culty as he may judge necessary for that purpose and
any such order may modify the provisions of this Act
so far as may appear to the Minister to be necessary
or expedient for removing the difficulty:
Provided that the Minister shall not exercise
the powers conferred by this section after the ex-
piration of a period of one year from the appointed

15. This Act shall come into operation on such commencement.
day as the Governor-General may by proclamation

Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly this day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine.

Read three times and passed the Senate this
day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine.




Section 3


1. The Board shall consist of a chairman and not less than seven and
not more than eleven other members, all of whom shall be appointed by the
Minister by instrument in writing.

2. Members of the Board shall appoint one from among themselves to
to be deputy chairman.

3. Members of the Board shall, subject to paragraphs 4 and 6, hold
office for three years but shall be eligible for re-appointment.

4. A member may at any time resign his office by instrument in writing
addressed to the chairman, who shall forthwith cause the same to be for-
warded to the Minister, and upon the date of the receipt by the- chairman of
such instrument such member shall cease to be a member of the Board.

5. (1) The chairman may at any time resign his office as such by instru-
ment in writing addressed to the Minister and such resignation shall take
effect as from the date of the receipt of such instrument by the Minister.

(2) If the chairman ceases to be chairman, he shall also cease to be
a member.

6. The Minister may by instrument in writing at any time revoke the
appointment of the chairman or any member if he thinks it expedient so to do.

7. Any member who is absent from Barbados without leave of the Min-
ister or fails without reasonable excuse to attend three consecutive meetings
of the Board shall cease to be a member thereof.

8. Whenever there is a vacancy in the membership of the Board the
Minister may fill the vacancy.

9. The Board shall meet at least once a month for the transaction of
business and such meetings shall be held at such places and times and on
such days as the Board may determine.

10. The chairman, or'in the event of his being absent from Barbados or
for any reason whatsoever unable to act, the deputy chairman, may at any'
time call a special meeting and shall call a special meeting within seven
days of a requisition for that purpose addressed to him in writing by three
or more members of the Board.

11. The chairman, or in his absence the deputy chairman, shall pre-
side at all meetings of the Board.

12. Four members of the Board shall form a quorum, one of whom shall
be the chairman or the deputy chairman.

13. The decisions of the Board shall be by a majority of votes and,
in addition to an original vote, in any case in which the voting is equal
the chairman or deputy chairman presiding at the meeting shall have a second
or casting vote.

14. The appointment, removal, death or resignation of the chairman or
any member shall be notified in the Official Gazette.

15. The Board may appoint a Committee for any of the purposes of
the Board which in its opinion would be better regulated or managed by means
of a Committee and may delegate any of its powers to a Committee, as it
thinks fit.

16. The Board may appoint and employ such officers and servants as
the Board deems necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act, sub-
ject to the approval of the Statutory Boards Service Commission.

17. The terms and conditions of employment of all officers and ser-
vants of the Board shall be subject to the approval of the Minister.

18. Members of the Board shall be eligible for such remuneration as
the Minister may determine.




intituled an Act to make provision for the
establishment of a Sanitation and Cem-
eteries Board to perform some of the
functions previously performed by the
Interim Commissioner.

Notice of this Bill was given on 10th June,

Government Printing Office.

S 7sg7dF



At present Children's Homes and Day Nurseries
are operated by the Interim Commissioner, the Hous-
ing Authority and by voluntary organizations. The
Government, the Interim Commissioner and the Hous-
ing Authority render direct and indirect assistance
to voluntary organizations operating Day Nurseries
and Baby Clinics. In the case of the Government and
the Interim Commissioner the assistance takes the
form of cash grants, while the Housing Authority pro-
vides buildings rent free, pays staff salaries, light
and water rates, and provides for the maintenance of
This Bill seeks to establish a Board to be known
as the Child Care Board with responsibility for the
management of the Children's Homes and Day Nur-
series now operated by the Interim Commissioner and
the Housing Authority. The Board will also have the
power to make grants to voluntary organizations
operating Child Care Institutions.
In addition, this Bill provides for the registration
of Child Care Institutions, and makes the Board
responsible for prescribing the minimum standards
in the organisation and administration of such Insti-


>X:; )J

Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.

2. Interpretation.

Establishment of the Child Care Board

3. Establishment of Child Care Board.

4. Functions of Child Care Board.

5. Accounts and Audit.

6. Expenses
7. Reports


8. Registration, organisation and administration
of voluntary Child Care Institutions.

9. Transfer to Crown of assets and liabilities
of Interim Commissioner.

10. Transfer of some officers of the Interim Com-
missioner and Housing Authority to the ser-
vice of the Child Care Board.

Arrangement of Sections

PART II Continued

Power to remove difficulties.







A Bill intituled
An Act to make provision for the establishment of
a Child Care Board to perform some of the functions
previously performed by the Interim Commissioner
and the Housing Authority; to provide for the regis-
tration of Voluntary Child Care Institutions; and
for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados, and by
the authority of the same as follows -
1. This Act may be cited as the Child Care Board Short title.
Act, 1969.

Interpretation. 2. For the purposes of this Act -

"appointed day" means the first of July,
"Board" means the Child Care Board;

"Child Care Institution" or "Institution"
includes a Children's Home, a Day Nursery,
a Reception Centre or a Child Care Centre;

"Housing Authority" means the Authority
established by the Housing Act, 1955-40;

"Interim Commissioner" means the person for
the time being designated by the Cabinet to
the office of Interim Commissioner for Local
Government established under section 5 of
the Local Government Councils (Dissolution
Act 1967-20, and Interim Commissioner) Act, 1967;

"Minister" means the Minister for the time
being responsible for Community Develop-


Establishment of the Child Care Board

3. (1) For the purposes of this Act there shall be Establishment
of Child Care
established a Board to be known as the Child Care ooard.
(2) The provisions of the First Schedule to First
this Act shall have effect with respect to the consti- Schedule.
tution of theBoard and otherwise in relation thereto.

4. (1) The functions of the Board shall be:- Iunctions of
Child Care
(a) to provide and maintain Child Care In- 'oard
stitutions for the safe keeping of
children in need of care and protection;

(b) to make grants to voluntary organisa-
tions or bodies operating Child Care

(2) The Board may, subject to the approval of
the Minister, make bye-laws generally for the conduct
and management of its services and, without prejudice
to the generality of the foregoing, may make bye-
laws -

(a) prescribing the procedure for admission
to and discharge from Child Care Insti-

(b) prescribing the fees payable for ad-
mission and care of children at Child
Care Institutions.

5. (1) The Board shall keep proper accounts and Accounts and
adequate financial and other records in relation there- Audit.

to and shall prepare a statement of accounts in
respect of each financial year.

(2) The Board shall, within three months after
the end of each financial year, submit its accounts to
the Auditor-General for audit and at the same time
send a copy thereof to the Minister.

(3) The Auditor-General shall, as soon as
may be after the receipt of the accounts of the Board,
audit the accounts and submit a report thereon to the
Minister and to the Board.

(4) Copies of every such statement and report
shall be laid before Parliament as soon as may be

Expenses. 6. The expenses of the Board and of the carrying
out of this Act shall be defrayed out of money voted
for the purpose by Parliament.

Reports. 7. Not later than the 30th June in each year
after the first year following the commencement of this
Act the Board shall submit to the Minister a report
on its activities in the last preceding financial year.



8. The provisions of the Second Schedule to this
Act shall have effect with respect to the registration,
organisation and administration of Voluntary Child
Care Institutions.

9. (1) All property (including rights) vested imme-
diately before the appointed day in the Interim Com-
missioner in respect of functions presently discharged
by him under the Local Government Act, 1958-55, the
Public Health Act, 1954-52, and the Public Assist-
ance Act, 1954-53 and other enactments relating
thereto and which by this Act are to be discharged
by the Board shall on the appointed day vest in the

(2) All liabilities incurred by or on behalf of
the Interim Commissioner in respect of functions
presently discharged by him under the Local Gov-
ernment Act, 1958-55, the Public Health Act,
1954-52 and the Public Assistance Act, 1954-53
and other enactments relating thereto and which by
this Act are to be discharged by the Board and sub-
sisting immediately before the appointed day shall,
as from that day, have effect as if they had been
incurred by or on behalf of the Crown.

(3) All books, records, furniture, equipment and
other things relating to the services to be transferred
to the Board in the possession of the Interim Com-
missioner or the Housing Authority immediately be-

and administra-
tion of voluntary
Child Care
Transfer to
Crown of assets
and liabilities
of Interim

fore the appointed day, shall forthwith be delivered
to the Board.

(4) Any contract made by or on behalf of the
Interim Commissioner or the Housing Authority in
respect of services to be transferred to the Board
before the appointed day shall, as from that day, be
construed with such modifications and adaptations
as may be necessary to give effect to the foregoing
provisions of this section.

(5) Without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing provisions of this section the Crown shall
have the like rights, powers and remedies (including
in particular rights and powers as to the taking or
resisting of legal proceedings) for ascertaining,
perfecting or enforcing any rights or liabilities vested
or attaching to the Crown by virtue of this section
as if they had at all times been rights or liabilities
of the Crown.

(6) All civil proceedings commenced before
the appointed day in any court in Barbados by or
against the Interim Commissioner in respect of ser-
vices to be transferred to the Board may be con-
tinued by or against the Crown, and any such
proceedings may be amended accordingly.

Transfer of 10. Any person who immediately before the ap-
some officers pointed day is employed as an officer or servant of
of the Interim
Commissioner the Interim Commissioner or the Housing Authority
and Housing in respect of the services to be transferred to the
Authority to
service of the Board shall on that day be transferred to the-service
Child Care of. the Board and shall be. employed by the Board on

such terms and conditions as the Minister may

11. If any difficulty arises in connection with Power to
the operation of any of the provisions of this Act, the difficulties.
Minister may make such order for removing the
difficulty as he may judge necessary for that purpose,
and any such order may modify the provisions of this
Act as far as may appear to the Minister to be
necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty:

Provided that the Minister shall not exercise
the powers conferred by this section after the expira-
tion of a period of one year from the appointed day.

12. This Act shall come into operation on such Commencement.
day as the Governor-General may by proclamation

Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly this day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine.


Read three times and passed the Senate this
day of one thou-
sand nine hundred and sixty-nine.



Constitution, Procedure, Officers and Servants of the Board

1. The Board shall consist of a chairman and not less than seven and
not more than eleven other members, all of whom shall be appointed by the
Minister by instrument in writing.

2. Members of the Board shall appoint one from among themselves
to be deputy chairman.

3. Members of the Board shall, subject to paragraphs 4 and 6, hold
office for three years but shall be eligible for re-appointment.

4. A member may at any time resign his office by instrument in writing
addressed to the chairman, who shall forthwith cause the same to be for-
warded to the Minister, and upon the date of thereceipt by the chairman of
such instrument such member shall cease to be a member of the Board.

5.(1) The chairman may at any time resign his office as such by
instrument in writing addressed to the Minister and such resignation shall
take effect as from the date of the receipt of such instrument by the Minister.

(2) If the chairman ceases to be chairman, he shall also cease to be a

6. The Minister may by instrument in writing at any time revoke the
appointment of the chairman or any member if he thinks it expedient so to

7. Any member who is absent from Barbados without leave of the
Minister or fails without reasonable excuse to attend three consecutive
meetings of the Board shall cease to be a member thereof.

8. Whenever there is a vacancy in the membership of the Board the
Minister may fill the vacancy.

9. The Board shall meet at least once a month for the transaction of
business and such meetings shall be held at such places and times and on
such days as the Board may determine.


10. The chairman, or in the event of his being absent from Barbados
or for any reason whatsoever unable to act, the deputy chairman, may at any
time call a special meeting and shall call a special meeting within seven
days of a requisition for that purpose addressed to him in writing by three
or more members of the Board.

11. The chairman, or in his absence the deputy chairman, shall preside
at all meetings of the Board.

12. Four members of the Board shall form a quorum, one of whom shall
be the chairman or the deputy chairman.

13. The decisions of the Board shall be by a majority of votes and,
in addition to an original vote, in any case in which the voting is equal the
chairman or deputy chairman presiding at the meeting shall have a second
or casting vote.

14. The appointment, removal, death or resignation of the chairman
or any member shall be notified in the Official Gazette.

15. The Board may appoint a Committee for any of the purposes of
the Board which in its opinion would be better regulated or managed by
means of a Committee and may delegate any of its powers to a Committee,
as it thinks fit.

16. The Board may appoint and employ such officers and servants as
the Board deems necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act, subject
to the approval of the Statutory Boards Service Commission.

17. The terms and conditions of employment of all officers and ser-
vants of the Board shall be subject to the approval of the Minister.

18. Members of the Board shall be eligible for such remuneration as
the Minister may determine.

Section 8
Registration, Organisation and Administration of Voluntary
Child Care Institutions

Registration of 1. (1) As from the commencement of this Act, no Voluntary Child Care
Voluntary Child Institutions shall be carried on unless it is for the time being registered in
Care Institutions.
a register to be kept by the Board.

(2) Application for registration under this paragraph shall be made
by any person receiving or proposing to receive children in a Child Care
Institution and shall be made in such manner and accompanied by such
particulars, as the Board may by bye-laws prescribe.

(3) On an application duly made under sub-paragraph (2) the Board shall
decide whether to grant or refuse the application.

Power to 2. The Board may, in respect of any Child Care Institution registered
impose re- under paragraph I, impose requirements for securing -
quirements in
connection (a) that a person with such may be specified
with registra-
tion. by the Board shall be in charge of the Institution and of the
persons employed threat;

(b) that the Institution shall be adequately staffed both in respect
of the number and the qualifications or the experience of the
persons employed threat and adequately equipped;

(c) that there shall be adequate arrangements for feeding children
in the Institutions and that an adequate and suitable diet shall
be provided for them;

(d) that the accommodation is adequate for the number of children
received in the Institution;

(e) that adequate precautions are taken against the exposure of
the children received in the Institution to infectious diseases.

(f) that the Institution and the equipment thereof shall be main-
tained in a clean and sanitary condition.

3.(1) The Board shall issue certificates of registration under paragraph Certificate of
1 and any such certificate shall specify the situation of the Institution to registration.
which the registration relates, the name and address of the person in charge
of the Institution and any requirements imposed under paragraph 2.

(2) On any change occurring in the circumstances particulars of
which are stated in a certificate issued under this paragraph, the Board shall
issue an amended certificate.

4. If after the expiration of six months from the commencement of this Penalties for
Act any person failure to
register and
(a) carries on a Child Care Institution (whether established be- for breach of
fore or after the commencement of this Act) which is not underpara
registered under this Schedule; or graph 2.

(b) contravenes or fails to comply with anyrequirement imposed
under paragraph 2,
he shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine
not exceeding 120 dollars or, in the case of second or subsequent offence
to a fine not exceeding 240 dollars or to imprisonment for a term not ex-
ceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

5. Any person carrying on an existing Child Care Institution shall Transitional
within three months of the coming into operation of this Act register such provisions or
existing Insti-
Institution. tutions.

6. Where Repeal and
cancellation of
(a) an application for registration is refused; or registration and
imposition of
(b) a registration is cancelled; or requirements.

(c) anyrequirement is imposed under paragraph 2,
the Board shall notify the applicant or the person carrying on the Institution
of the reasons for such refusal, cancellation or imposition.

7.(1) Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Board made under Appeals.
paragraph 6 may appeal to the Minister in the prescribed manner within the
time prescribed or within such further time as the Minister may in his dis-
cretion allow.


(2) Where an appeal is brought under sub-paragraph (1) the Minister
may allow or dismiss the appeal.

(3) The decision of the Minister on any such appeal shall be final.

Cancellation of 8. Where there has been a contravention of or noncompliance with
registration. any requirement imposed under paragraph 2 in relation to any Institution
registered under paragraph 1,the Board may cancel the registration.

Power of 9.(1) Any person authorised in writing by the Board may, at all reason-
entry and able times on production of his authority enter and inspect any Child Care
inspection of
authorized Institution, the children so received therein and the arrangements made for
persons, their welfare.

(2) Any person who without lawful excuse resists or obstructs any
person acting in the exercise of his functions under this Schedule shall be
guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceed-
ing fifty dollars.

This Bill seeks to establish a Statutory Boards
Service Commission with authority for appointments,
transfers, promotions and discipline of the permanent
staff of the Statutory Boards established for the pur-
pose of taking over certain of the functions previously
exercised by the Interim Commissioner.

Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.

2. Interpretation.
3. Establishment of Statutory Boards Service

4. Constitution of the Statutory Boards Service

5. Appointment of Secretary.

6. Remuneration of members and secretary of
the Statutory Boards Service Commission and
expenses of the Commission.

7. Oath to be taken by members and secretary.
8. Disqualification of members and secretary
for appointment to and from holding certain
offices etc.
9. Protection of members and secretary.
10. Matters required to be referred to the Service
Commission by a Board.

11. Suspension of officers by Boards etc.

12. Offence for giving false information to the
Statutory Boards Service Commission.
13. Communications of the Statutory Boards Ser-
vice Commission to be privileged.
14. Publications and disclosure of information
to unauthorised persons prohibited.


15. Offence to influence or attempt to influence
the Statutory Boards Service Commission.
16. No prosecution without .the permission of the
Director of Public Prosecutions.
17. Power to make regulations,
18. Power to Minister to amend First Schedule.
19. Commencement.
First Schedule.
Second Schedule.

A Bill intituled

An Act to provide for the establishment of a Statu-
tory Boards Service Commission and to make provision
in respect of matters relating to the terms and con-
ditions of service of persons employed in the service
of Statutory Boards.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados and by
the authority of the same as follows:-

1. This Act may be cited as the Statutory Boards Short title.
Service Commission Act, 1969.

Interpretation. 2. For the purposes of this Act-
"Commission" means the Statutory Boards Ser-
vice Commission established under the pro-
visions of section 3;
"member of the Commission" includes a tem-
porary chairman or member appointed under
Section 4(4);

"Minister" means the Minister responsible for

"officer" means a person employed in the ser-
vice of aStatutory Board and includes a servant;

"service of the Board" means service as an
employee of a Statutory Board whether on a
permanent or a part-time basis;

"Statutory Board" or "Board" means a Statu-
tory Board specified in the First Schedule.
Establishment of 3. There shall be established a Statutory Boards
Statutory Boards Service Commission with such powers, duties and
Service Commission.
functions as are prescribed by this Act and any regu-
lations made thereunder.
Constitution of the 4.(1) The Commission shall consist of a chair-
Statutory Boards man and not less than three other members all of whom
Service Commission.
shall be appointed by the Governor-General:

Provided that no member of the Commission
shall be a member of a Board.

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, each
member of the Commission shall, unless he resigns
his office or is removed, hold office for a period of
three years from the date of his appointment and shall
be eligible for re-appointment.

(3) If any member of the Commission is absent
from Barbados for a period of more than three months
without leave of the Governor-General, a vacancy
shall be deemed to arise in the office of such member.

(4) If during any period the chairman or any
other member of the Commission is unable, owing to
his absence from Barbados or to illness or to any
other cause, -to perform his duties or discharge his
functions or exercise his powers in the manner pre-
scribed by this Act or any regulations made there-
under, the Governor-General may appoint as a temporary
chairman or temporary member a person, not being a
member of a Board, to perform the duties, discharge
the functions and exercise the powers of such chair-
man or member during such period as such chairman
or member is so absent or disabled.

(5) Three members of the Commission shall
constitute a quorum.

(6) Subject to the provisions of this Act and of
any regulations made thereunder, meetings of the Com-
mission shall be summoned and the proceedings there-
at shall be conducted in such manner as the Commission
think fit.

5. The Governor-General may, if he thinks fit,
appoint a fit and proper person to be secretary to the

6. The members and secretary of the Commission
may be paid such remuneration and allowances as
the Minister may from time to time determine and all
such remuneration and allowances and any expenses
of the Commission shall be defrayed out of moneys
voted for the purpose by Parliament.

Appointment of

Remuneration of
members and
secretary of the
Statutory Boards
Service Commission
and expenses of
the Commission.

Oath to be
taken by members
and secretary.

Second Schedule

of members and
secretary of Com-
mission for
appointment to
and for holding
certain offices

Protection of
members and

Matters re-
quired to be
referred to the
Service Com-
mission by a

7. The members and secretary of the Commission
shall on being appointed to serve on the Commission
or as secretary to the Commission take an oath or
make an affirmation in the form in the Second Schedule
and such oath or affirmation shall be administered
in the case of the chairman of the Commission by a
Justice of the Peace and in the case of any other
member or the secretary by the chairman or a Justice
of the Peace.

8. (1) No member of the Commission nor the secre-
tary may be or become a member of the Executive of
any association of officers and if upon appointment
to the Commission or as secretary to the Commission
he is a member of such Executive he shall, on such
appointment, be deemed to have vacated his office as
a member of such Executive.

(2) No member of the Commission nor the secre-
tary may, except with the permission of the Commission,
attend any meeting of an association of officers or of
the Executive thereof.

9. Every member of the Commission and the secre-
tary thereof shall have the like protection and privi-
leges in case of any action or suit brought against him
for any act done as is by law given to any magistrate
acting in the execution of his office.

10. (1) Where any Statutory Board is authorised by
any enactment or is otherwise empowered to appoint
persons to be or to act as officers and to transfer,
promote, remove and exercise disciplinary control
over persons so appointed then such power or authority
shall be exercised by the Board acting in accordance
with the advice of the Commission.

(2) Where by any enactment or any subsidiary
legislation a Statutory Board is required to exercise
any powers or perform any duties which are expressed
to be exercisable by or to be performed by a Board
in accordance with the advice of the Commission,
the Board shall exercise those powers and perform
those duties in accordance with the advice of the

(3) Where in any case a Board is dissatisfied
with any decision made by the Commission, .it may
refer back once only to the Commission the matter
to which such decision relates for reconsideration
by the Commission if in the opinion of the Board there
are additional grounds for giving effect to the proposal
of the Board, but thereafter shall act in accordance
with the advice of the Commission.

11.(1) When and as often as a Board considers Suspension of
itnecessary for the efficient discharge of the functions ofrd etc
of the Board that an officer who holds an office to
which this section applies should be dismissed from
the service of the Board or should otherwise be dis-
ciplined, the Board may, before reporting the matter
pursuant to subsection (4), suspend the officer from
the exercise of his duties in the service of the Board
until the matter has been finally disposed of.
(2) This section applies to an office to which
by virtue of theprovisionsof any Act or any subsidiary
legislation the Board are authorised to make an ap-

(3) An officer who has been suspended pursuant
to the provisions of subsection (1) shall, during the
period of his suspension, receive one half of the
emoluments of his office.

(4) Where under and by virtue of the provisions
of subsection (1) an officer is suspended or a Board
should decide that an officer be dismissed or other-
wise disciplined but do not suspend him the Board
shall, forthwith upon such suspension or decision,
report the same and the circumstances thereof to the
Commission, where the officer was appointed to the
service of the Board by the Board under and by virtue
of the provisions of any Act or subsidiary legislation
whereby the Board was authorised to make such ap-

(5) Subject to subsection (6) not more than
twenty-eight days after a Board under and by virtue
of subsection (1) suspends an officer or decides that
an officer should be dismissed or otherwise disci-
plined but not suspended, the Board shall inform the
Commission in writing of any disciplinary action,
which, in the opinion of the Board, ,should be taken
against the officer in connection with such suspen-
sion or decision.

(6) The Commission may, at the request of the
Board, extend the period of twenty-eight days men-
tioned in subsection (5), either before or after the
expiration of that period,, for such periods, not ex-
ceeding fourteen days on any one occasion, as the
Commission may think fit.

(7) Where a report is made pursuant to the pro-
visions of subsection (4) and consideration of the same-

(a) does not result in the dismissal of the
officer or in any other disciplinary
action being taken against him, .he shall
be entitled to the full amount of the

emoluments which he would have re-
ceived if he had not been suspended
from the exercise of his duties in the
service of the Board;

(b) results in the dismissal of the officer
or in other disciplinary action being
taken against him, he shall not be en--
titled to any part of the emoluments
stopped under and by virtue of subsec-
tion (3) unless the Commission other-
wise directs.

12. Any person who, in connection with an ap-
plication by any person for employment or appointment
in the service of a Board or with any matter upon which
it is the duty of the Commission to direct a Board,
wilfully gives to the Commission or to any member
thereof or to any person or persons appointed by any
regulation made under this Act to assist the Commis-
sion in the exercise of its functions or the discharge
of its duties, any information which is false or mis-
leading in any material particular, shall be guilty of
an offence and liable on summary conviction to im-
prisonment for a period not exceeding one year or to
a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or to both
such imprisonment and fine.

13. No person shall in any legal proceedings be
permitted or compelled to produce or disclose any
communication, written or oral, which has taken place
between the Commission or any member of the Com-
mission and a Board, or the secretary of the Commission
or any communication between members of the Com-
mission in exercise of or iri connection with the ex-
ercise of the functions of the Commission, unless

Offence for
giving false in-
formation to the
Statutory Boards
Service Commis-

of the Statutory
Boards Service
Commission to
be privileged.

Publication and
disclosure of in-
formation to un-
authorised per-
sons prohibited.

Offence to in-
fluence or at-
tempt to influ-
ence the Statu-
tory Boards

the Governor-General shall in writing consent to such
production and disclosure.

14. (1) No member of the Commission nor the sec-
retary thereof nor any other person shall, .without the
written permission of the Governor-General publish
or disclose to any unauthorised person or otherwise
than in the course of duty the contents or any part
of the contents of any document, communication or
information whatsoever which has come to his know-
ledge in the course of his duties under this Act or
under any regulation made under this Act, and any
person who knowingly acts in contravention of the
provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence
and liable on summary conviction to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding one year or to a fine not ex-
ceeding one thousand dollars or to both such imprison-
ment and fine.

(2) If any person having possession of any in-
formation which to his knowledge has been disclosed
in contravention of the provisions of subsection (1),
publishes or communicates to any other person other-
wise than for the purpose of any prosecution under
this Act any such information, he shall be guilty of an
offence and liable on summary conviction to imprison-
ment for a term not exceeding one year or to a fine
not exceeding one thousand dollars or to both such
imprisonment and fine.

15. Every person whco otherwise than in the course
of his duty, directly or indirectly by himself or by
any other person in any matter whatsoever influences
or attempts to influence any decision of the Com-
mission or any member thereof shall be guilty of an

offence and liable on summary conviction to imprison-
ment for a period not exceeding two years or to a fine
not exceeding two thousand dollars or to both such
imprisonment and fine:

Provided that nothing in this section
shall prohibit any person from giving a certificate or
testimonial to any applicant or candidate for service
under a Board.

16. A prosecution under this Act shall not be No prosecution
without permis-
instituted except by or with the consent of the Di- sion of Director
rector of Public Prosecutions. of Public Pro-
17. (1) The Minister may make regulations provid- power to make
ing for- regulations.
ing for -
(a) the time, place, and manner, when,
where and in which the Commission
shall exercise its functions and duties;

(b) the Commission being assisted by such
persons or classes of persons as may
be prescribed in the performance of all
or any of its functions and duties;

(c) the conduct of examinations and inter-
viewing of officers or candidates for
service under a Board by the Commis-
sion or such persons or classes of
persons as may be prescribed;

(d) the method of recruitment to any office
under the service of a Board;

(e) the rates of travelling allowance that
may be paid by a Board to officers;

(f) the classes of officers to whom rates
of travelling allowance may be paid
by a Board and the terms and conditions
subject to which such rates may be

(g) the period of leave in each year or over
any other specified period that may be
granted to any officer of a Board and
the purposes for which and the terms
and conditions subject to which such
leave may be granted;
(h) the salary scale attaching to any office
to which any officer may be appointed
in the service of a Board;

(i) generally with respect to any matter
relating to the terms and conditions
of service of any officer of a Board.

(2) Regulations made under the provisions of
paragraphs (e) to (i) inclusive of these regulations shall
on their coming into force apply to all officers of a
Board to whom they relate whether or not such of-
ficers were in the service of the Board prior to the
coming into force of such regulations and different
regulations maybe made in respect of different Boards.
Power of Minis- 18. The Minister may by order amend the First
iter to Scde. Schedule by adding thereto or deleting therefrom the
name of any Statutory Board:
Provided that, if such Board is subject to
another Minister, the Minister -hall consult with that

19. This Act shall come into operation on such commencement.
day as the Governor-General may appoint by proclama-

Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly this day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine.

Read three times nad passed the Senate this
day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine.




Child Care Board

Sanitation and Cemeteries Board

Section 2

(Established by the Child Care Board
Act, 1969)

(Established by the Sanitation and Ce-
meteries Board Act, 1969)



Section 7

I ......... ...... .................... ......... ... .. .. .. ......... ...... having

been appointed as chairman of the Statutory Boards Service

Member/Secretary to

Commission do Swear that I will freely

solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm

and without fear or favour, affection or ill-will, give my counsel and advice

in connection withall such matters as may be referred to the Statutory Boards

Service Commission under the Statutory Boards Service Commission Act,

1969, and that I will not directly or indirectly reveal any such matters to

any unauthorised person or otherwise than in the course of my duty.

Sworn before me this day of


Justice of the Peace/Chairman
of the Statutory Boards
Service Commission


intituled an Act to provide for the establishment
of a Statutory Boards Service Commission and
to make provision in respect of matters relating
to the terms and conditions of service of person
employed in the service of Statutory Boards.

Printing Office.


This Bill would amend and consolidate the law
relating to Public Assistance and the payment of
Old Age Pensions. It would repeal the Old Age Pen-
sion Act, 1937 (1937-13) and the Public Assistance
Act, 1954 (1954-53) and make provision for National
Assistance and the payment of Old Age Pensions to
the poor of Barbados. As from the appointed day the
functions of the Interim Commissioner for Local Gov-
ernment in respect of non-medical assistance under
the Public Assistance Act, 1954 and the functions of
the Old Age Pension. Enquiry Officers and the Pen-
sion Claims Committees under the Old Age Pension
Act, 1937 would be transferred to the Minister.


Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.

2. Interpretation,

Functions of the Minister
3. Functions of Minister.

Establishment of the National Assistance Board

4. Establishment of National Assistance Board.
Casual Vacancy. Quorum. Vote of Chair-
man. Meetings. Remuneration.
5. Functions of Board.

6. Reports.

Functions of Chief Welfare Officer and Appeals

7. Functions of Chief Welfare Officer.
8. Functions of Chief Welfare Officer in relation
to National Assistance. Delegation of

Arrangement of Sections.


PART IV Cont'd.

9. Appeal by aggrieved applicants.
10. Appointment of Appeal Committees.
11. Committee may confirm or vary the decision
appealed against.


Old Age Pensions
12. Provision for payment of old age pension.
13. Assignment of pension void.
14. Processing of application and award of Old
Age Pension.
15. Power to raise questions.
16. Receipt of old age pension not to constitute
17. Disposal of pension due and owing to any
pensioner dying intestate.

18. Regulations.

19. Transfer of functions to Minister.
20. Vesting of property etc. in Crown.

Arrangement of Sections


PART VI Cont'd.

21. Pensions of officers of Interim Commissioner.

22. Power to remove difficulties.

23. Expenses.

24. Repeal of Acts 1937-13 and 1954-53.

25. Commencement.

A Bill intituled
An Act to provide for National Assistance and
the payment of Old Age Pe nsions to the poor of Bar-

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados, and by
the authority of the same as follows:-
1. This Act may be cited as the National As- short tite.
distance Act, 1969.


Interpretation. 2. For the purposes of this Act -
"Appeal Committee" and "Committee" means
an Appeal Committee appointed under
section 9;
"appointed day" means the 1st July, 1969;
"Interim Commissioner" means the person for
the time being designated by the Cabinet
to the office of Interim Commissioner for
Local Government established under sec-
tion 5 of the Local Government Councils
1967-20. (Dissolution and Interim Commissioner)
Act, 1967;
"Minister" means the Minister for the time
being responsible for National Assistance;
"National Assistance" means relief in any
form granted to a person in accordance
with the provisions of this Act and of any
regulations made thereunder and unless the
context otherwise requires includes Old
Age Pensions provided for under Part V;
"National Assistance Board" and "the Board"
means the National Assistance Board es-
tablished under Section 4;
"Old Age Pension" means a non-contribu-
tory old age pension payment of which is
provided for under section 12.


Functions of the Minister
3. The Minister shall generally be responsible Functions of
for the administration of the provisions of this Act Minister.
and without limiting the generality of the foregoing
his functions shall include the provision of such as-
sistance as may be necessary for persons in need
either by the grant of money or by non-medical as-
sistance in kind, including the administration of Old
Age Pensions and the burial of poor persons.

of National

Casual Vacancy.


Vote of




Establishment of the National Assistance Board

4.(1) For the purposes of this Act there shall be
established a National Assistance Board (hereinafter
referred to as the Board) which shall consist of a
Chairman, a Deputy Chairman and five other members,
all of whom shall be appointed by the Minister.

(2) Members of the Board shall hold office for
three years but shall be eligible for re-appointment.

(3) A vacancy shall be deemed to arise in the
membership of the Board in the case of the death or
resignation of a member, or his absence from Barba-
dos without leave of the Minister, or his failure to
attend three consecutive meetings of the Board un-
less such failure to attend was approved by the Min-

(4) Four members of the Board shall form a
quorum one of whom shall be the Chairman or the
Deputy Chairman.

(5) At any meeting of the Board the Chairman
shall, in case of an equality of votes, have a second
or casting vote.

(6) Meetings of the Board shall be summoned
on the initiative of the Chairman or ,at the written
request of two or more members of the Board. The
Chairman shall summon a meeting of the Board at
least once in every three months.

(7) Members of the Board shall be eligible for
such remuneration as the Minister may determine.