The official gazette

Material Information

The official gazette
Place of Publication:
BridgetownBarbados Published by authority
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 33-42 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Law -- Periodicals -- Barbados ( lcsh )
Politics and government -- Periodicals -- Barbados ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )


General Note:
Caption title.
General Note:
Supplements issued for some of the numbers.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. This item may be protected by copyright but is made available here under a claim of fair use (17 U.S.C. §107) for non-profit research and educational purposes. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
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001043625 ( ALEPH )
12594829 ( OCLC )
AFC6434 ( NOTIS )

Full Text






Gazette Notices

Acting Appointments:
O. J. Alleyne as Principal, Government Industrial
Schools................................................... 406
C. H. Clarke as Financial Secretary................ 406
D. C. T. Grannum as Manager, Government Savings
Bank..................................................... 406
K. A. Hall as Port Manager, Port Department....... 406
Dr. Richard Haynes as Senior Physician Specialist
Queen Elizabeth Hospital.......................... 406
J. Husbands as Senior Parliamentary Counsel Legal
Department........................................... .. 406
E. C. S. McClean as Chief Public Health Inspector 406
Acting Appointments to the posts of Principal, Deputy
Principal and Tutor, Erdiston College................. 420
Dr. F. L. Albert; Dr. W. E. Daisley; Dr. A. D.
Ramcharan as Medical Officers, Q.E.H............. 405
L. A. Bourne; R. C. Gill to the posts of Town Planner,
Town and Country Planning Office.................. 406
Assignment: E. F. Belgrave as Magistrate, Dists.
"D" & "E"................................................ 406
Coin Continuation Board as at 31st March, 1969........... 417
Company Law Committee, 1967................................... 415
Diplomatic: Mr. Werner Klingeberg, Ambassador of Germany
to Barbados....................................... .......... 4
Executorial: Bertha Montague Browne........................... 415
Probate Advertisements dated 26th April and 2nd May,
1969................................. 418, 419
Resolution No. 37/1969 re C.E. (Gen.) (Amend.) (No. 3)
Order, 1969............... ........ ....................... 420
Statement of East Caribbean Currency Authority as at
31st March, 1969...................................... 416
Termination of Appointment:
E. McG. Brathwaite as Public Health Inspector 405
Winston T. Phillips as Public Health Inspector 406
Trade Marks: "Ariel"; "Century"; "Doric", etc...... 407-413
Legal Supplement
SI. 1969 No. 74: C.E. (Gen.) (Amend.) (No. 3) Order, 1969.
Acts:- 1969-17: Representation of the People (Amend.) Act
1969-18: National Emblems and National Anthem of
Barbados (Regulation) Act, 1969.
1969-19: Registers of Electors (Special Provi s
(Amend.) Act, 1969.

6 It0




Dr. F. L. Albert, has been appointed to
the post of Medical Officer, Queen Elizabeth
Hospital with effect from 1st January, 1969.

Dr. W. E. Daisley, has been appointed to
the post of Medical Officer, Queen Elizabeth
Hospital with effect from 1st January, 1969.

Dr. A. D. Ramcharan has been appointed
to the post of Medical Officer, Queen Eliza-
beth Hospital with effect from 1st January,

(M. P. 6936 Vol. IX)

Termination of Appointment

Mr. E. McG. Brathwaite's appointment
as Public Health Inspector, Ministry of Health
an" Community Development, has been ter-
nated with effect from 12th July, 1968.



* -q

NO. 37




Acting Appointments

Dr. Richard Haynes, Physician Specialist,
has been appointed to act as Senior Physician
Specialist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, with
effect from 9th April, 1969, until further

(M. P. 443/63/1 Vol. II)

J. Husbands, Parliamentary Counsel,
acted as Senior Parliamentary Counsel, Legal
Department, with effect from i4th April, 1969
to 27th April, 1969.

(M. P. 3654/13)

E. C. S. McClean, Senior Public Health
Inspector, Ministry of Health and Community
Development, has been appointed to act as
Chief Public Health Inspector with effect from
i1th April, 1969 to 30th May, 1969.
(M. P. 3658/12)

K. A. Hall, Administrative Superinten-
dent, Port Department, has been appointed to
act as Port Manager with effect from 11th
April, 1969 to 31st May, 1969.

(M. P. 4373/27/1)

0. J. Alleyne, Vice-Principal has been
appointed to act as Principal, Government
Industrial Schools, with effect from 16th April
to 27th July, 1969.

(M. P. 3652/8)

Appointm ents

The following persons have been ap-
pointed to the posts of Town Planner, Town
and Country Planning Office with effect from
1st April, 1969:-

L. A. Bourne
R. C. Gill

(M. P. 8952/3 Vol. II)


Mr. E. F. Belgrave has been assigned as
Magistrate, Districts "D" and "E" in con-
junction with his existing assignment as Mag-
istrate, Districts "A" and "F", with effect
from 30th April, 1969.

Termination of Appointment

Winston T. Phillips' appointment as
Public Health Inspector, Ministry of Health
and Community Development, has been ter-
minated with effectfrom 3rd December, 1968,

(M. P. P. 7305)

Acting Appointments

C. H. Clarke, Assistant Financial Sec-
retary, acted as Financial Secretary with
effect from 20th to 24th April, 1969.

(C.690 Vol. IV)

D. C. T. Grannum, Senior Assistant
Secretary, Ministry of Finance, has been ap-
pointed to act as Manager, Government Sav-
ings Bankwith effect from 1st May, 1969 until
further notice.

(M. P. 4992)

May 8, 41969






That Carter-Wallace, Inc. a corporation
organized and existing under the laws of
Delaware, United States of America whose
trade or business address is 767 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York, United States of
America, has applied for the registration of
trade mark in Part "A" in Registrar in re-
spect of medicinal and pharmaceutical pre-
parations and will be entitled to register the
same after one month from the 8th day of
May 1969 unless some person shall in the
meantime give notice in duplicate to me at
my office of opposition of such registration.
The trade mark can be seen on application at
my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.



That Carter-Wallace Inc. a corporation
organised and existing under the laws of
Delaware, United States of America whose
trade or business address is 767 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York, United States of
America, has applied for the registration of
a trade mark in Part "A" of Register in
respect of medical and pharmaceutical prepa-
rations and substances and will be entitled
to register the same after one month from
the 8th day of May 1969 unless some person

shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate
to me at my office of oppostiion of such re-
gistration. The trade mark can be seen on ap-
plication at my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.
Registrar of Trade Marks.


That Richardson-Merrell S.A. de C.V. a
corporation organised and existing under the
laws of Mexico whose trade or business ad-
dress is San Andres Atoto No. 326 Naucalpan
de Juarez, Mexico, trading as Manufacturers,
and Merchants, has applied for the registra-
tion of a trade mark in Part "A" of Register
in respect of Foods, beverages; ingredients
for preparing nutritional supplements and will
be entitled to register the same after one
month from the 8th day of May 1969 unless
some person shall in the meantime give no-
tice in duplicate to me at my office of op-
position of such registration. The trade mark
can be seen on application at my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.


May 8, 1969

Ma 8,969




That the Procter & Gamble Company, a
corporation of the State of Ohio, United
States of America, whose trade or business
address is Ohio, United States of America,
has applied for the registration of a trade
mark in Part "A" of Register in respect
of soaps, detergents and other cleaningpre-
parations for laundry and household use, and
bleaching preparations and other substances
for laundry use, and will be entitled to regis-
ter the same after one month from the 8th
day of May 1969 unless some person shall in
the meantime give notice in duplicate to me
at my office of opposition of such registration.
The trade mark can be seen on application at
my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.




That Emco Limited a corporation or-
ganized under the laws of the Province of
Ontario, Canada whose trade or business ad-
dress is Dundas Street, London, Ontario,
Canada has applied for the registration of a
trade mark in Part "A" of Register in
respect of valves for controlling fluid flow and
will be entitled to register the same after one
month from the 8th day of May 1969 unless

some person shall in the meantime give no-
tice in duplicate to me at my office of opposi-
tion of such registration. The trade mark can
be seen on application at my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.




That Musson Jamaica Ltd., a Company
incorporated in Jamaica, West Indies, whose
trade or business address is 168 Spanish
Town Road in the Parish of Saint Andrew,
Jamaica, West Indies has applied for the
registration of a trade mark in Part "A" of
Registrar in respect of meat, fish, poultry and
and game; meat extracts; preserved; dried
and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies,
jams; eggs milk and other dairy products;
edible oils and fats; preserves; pickles, and
willbe entitled to register the same after one
month from the 8th day of May 1969 unless
some person shall in the meantime give no-
tice in duplicate to me at my office of opposi-
tion of such registration. The trade mark can
be seen on application at my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.


May 8, 1969

ay 8,16 FICA AET




That Mowatt & Moore Limited a corpo-
ration organized and existing under the Laws
of Canada whose trade or business address is
115 Brunswick Boulevard, Pointe Claire,
Quebec, Canada, has applied for the registra-
tion of a trade mark in Part "A" of Register
in respect of pharmaceutical and veterinary
prepatations and will be entitled to register
the same after one month from the 8th day of
May 1969 unless some person shall in the
meantime give notice in duplicate to me at my
office of opposition of such registration. The
trade mark can be seen on application at my

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.




That Wellco Shoe (Jamaica) Limited a
Company incorporated under the laws of
Jamaica, whose trade or business address
is P. O. Box 21 Mona Post Office (Kingston 7)
St. Andrew, Jamaica has applied for the reg-
istration of a trade mark in Part "A" of
Register in respect of footwear and will be
entitled to register the same after one month
from the 8th day of May 1969 unless some
person shall in the meantime give notice in
duplicate to me at my office of opposition of

such registration. The Trade mark can be
seen on application at my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.



That Rothmans of Pall Mall Limited, a
company organised and existing under the
laws of Liechtenstein, whose trade or busi-
ness address is Staedtle, 380, Vaduz,
Liechtenstein, has applied for the registra-
tion of a trade mark in Part "A" of Register
in respect of Tobacco, Cigarettes and cigars,
andwill be entitled to register the same after
one month from the 8th day of May 1969 un-
less some person shall in the meantime give
notice in duplicate at me at my office of op-
position of such registration. The trade mark
can be seen on application at my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

May 8, 1969






That Emco Limited a corporation or-
ganized under the laws of the Province of
Ontario, Canada whose trade or business ad-
dress is Dundas Street, London, Ontario,
Canada has applied for the registration of a
trade mark in Part "A" of Register in re-
spect of plumbing fixtures, namely, lavatory
faucets, bath and shower fittings, deck faucets
and parts therefore, and will be entitled to re-
gister the same after one month from the 8th
day of May 1969 unless some person shall in
the meantime- give notice in duplicate to me
at my office of opposition of such registra-
tion. The trade mark can be seen on applica-
tion at my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.




That Mowatt & Moore Limited a corpo-
ration organized and existing under the laws
of Canada whose trade or business address
is 115 Brunswick Boulevard, Pointe Claire,
Quebec, Canada has applied for the registra-
tion of a trade mark in Part "A' of Register
in respect of pharmaceutical and veterinary
preparations and will be entitled to register

the same after one month from the 8th day of
May 1969 unless some person shall in the
meantime give notice in duplicate to me at my
office of opposition of such registration. The
trade mark can be seen on application atmy

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.




That British West Indian Airways Lim-
ited, a Company registered in Trinidad &
Tobago, whose trade or business address is
Kent House, Long Circular Road, Maraval,
Trinidad, has applied for the registration of
a trade mark in Part "A" of Register in
respect of Markings on all aircraft, all ser-
vices, advertising and sales promotional
material and will be entitled to register the
same after one month from the 8th day of May
1969 unless some person shall in the mean-
time give notice in duplicate to me at my of-
fice of opposition of such registration. The
trade mark can be seen on application at my

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

- -L --~ u, rvl

Mav R. iaOc

May 8. 1969





That Carter-Wallace Inc. a corporation
organized and existing under the laws of
Delaware, United States of America, whose
trade or business address is 767 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York, United States of
America, has applied for the registration of
a trade mark in Part "A" of Register in
respect of medicinal and pharmaceutical pre-
parations and substances and will be entitled
to register the same after one monthfrom
the 8th day of May 1969 unless some person
shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate
to me at my office of opposition of such regis-
tration. The trade mark can be seen on ap-
plication at my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969

Registrar of Trade Marks.




That Carter-Wallace Inc. a corporation
organized and existing under the laws of
S Delaware, United States of America whose
i trade or business address is 767 Fifth
Avenue, New York, New York, United States
of America has applied for the registration
of a trade mark in Part "A' of Register in


respect of medicinal and pharmaceutical pre-
parations and substances and will be entitled
to register the same after one month from the
8th day of May 1969 unless some person shall
in the meantime give notice in duplicate to me
atmy office of opposition of such registration.
The trade mark can be seen on application at
my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.




That Carter-Wallace Inc. a corporation
organized and existing under the laws of
Delaware, United States of America whose
trade or business address is 767 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York, United States of
America, has applied for the registration of
a trade mark in Part "A" of Registrar
in respect of medicinal and pharmaceutical
preparations and will be entitled to register
the same after one month from the 8th day of
May 1969 unless some person shall in the
meantime give notice in duplicate to me at my
office of opposition of such registration. The
trade mark can be seen on application at my

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.





That Mowatt & Moore Limited a corpor-

ation organized and existing under the laws of
Canada whose trade or business address is
115 Brunswick Boulevard, Point Claire,
Quebec Canada has applied for the registra-
tion of a trade mark in Part "A" of Register
in respect of pharmaceutical and veterinary
preparations and will be entitled to register the
same after one month from the 8th day of May
1969 unless some person shall in the mean-
time give notice in duplicate to my at my of-
fice of opposition of such registration. The
trade mark can be seen on application at my

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Register of Trade Marks.



That Mowatt and Moore Limited a cor-
poration organized and existing under the
laws of Canada whose trade or business ad-
dress is 115 Brunswick Boulevard, Pointe
Claire, Quebec, Canada has applied for the
registration of a trade mark in Part "A" of
register in respect of Pharmaceutical and
veterinary preparations and will be entitled
to register the same after one month from the

8th day of May 1969 unless some person shall
in the meantime give notice in duplicate to
me at my office of opposition of such registra-
tion. The trade mark can be seen on applica-
tion at my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1069

Registrar of Trade Marks.




That Mowatt & Moore Limited a corpo-
ration organized and existing under the laws
of Canada whose trade or business address is
115 Brunswick Boulevard, Pointe Claire,
Quebec, Canada has applied for the registra-
tion of a trade mark in Part "A" of Register
in respect of pharmaceutical and veterinary
preparations and will be entitled to register
the same after one month from the 8th day of
May 1969 unless some person shall in the
meantime give notice in duplicate to meat
my office of opposition of such registration.
The trade mark can be seen on application at
my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

May 8, 1969


I '

My. 8. 1969 FFICIL G T --




That Cyclax Limited, a British Company,
whose trade or business address is 65, South
Molton Street, London, W.I. England, trading
as Manufacturers and Merchants of Beauty
Preparations, has applied for the registration
of a trade mark in Part "A" of Register in
respect of Non-medicated toilet preparations;
soaps, perfumes, cosmetics, essential oils,
preparations for the hair, depilatory prepara-
tions; cosmetic powder compacts; Medicated
preparations for the skin and scalp; deodo -
rants; medicated bath preparations; eye lo-
tions, and will be entitled to register the same
after one month from the 8th day of May 1969
unless some person shall in the meantime give
notice in duplicate to me at my office of op-
position of such' registration. The trade mark
can be seen on application at my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.




That Colgate Palmolive Limited, aCom-
pany duly incorporated in Canada whose trade
or business address is 64 Colgate Avenue,
Toronto 8, Canada trading as Manufacturers
and Merchants has applied for the registra-
tion of a trade mark in Part "A" of Register
in respect of Detergents, detergents bars,
laundry soaps, laundry brightener, pre-soak-
ing products, powdered soaps, bleaches -li-
quid and powder, and all washing products and
will be entitled to register the same after one
month from the 8th day of May 1969 unless
some person shall in the meantime give no-
tice in duplicate to me at my office of opposi-
tion of such registration. The trade mark can
be seen on application at my office.

Dated this 14th day of April 1969.

Registrar of Trade Marks.

May 8. 1969



Government Notice


The following persons have been appointed to the posts of Clerical
Officer, in the General Service, with effect from 1st April, 1969:-

Mr. Luther J. Brathwaite
Mr. Audley R. Williams
Mr. Graham DeL. Austin
Mr. Seibert A. Brathwaite
Mr. David A. L. Bynoe
Mr. Haskell M. Carter
Mr. George P. M. Cobham
Mr. Harvey A. Brathwaite
Mr. Frederick A. Forde
Mr. Keith McP. Franklyn
Mr. Valence McD. Jordan
Mr. Richard S. Grannum
Mr. Edwin C. G. Cobham
Mr. Ernest A. Gibson
Mr. Hugh St. Clair Roach
Mr. Geoffrey A. D. Waithe
Mr. Tyrone S. Clarke
Mr. Maurice DeC. Kellman
Mr. Ralph H. Hinkson
Mr. Bentley H. Skeete
Mr. Michael E. Archer
Mr. Stanley W. Nicholls

Miss Jennifer K. Griffith
Miss Antoinette A. Forte
Miss Gladwin J. A. Sargeant
Miss Oriel Eudora Cummins
Miss Elza N. Thorne
Mrs. Jeanette R. Clarke
Miss Annette L. Ishmael
Miss Rosalind K. Thompson
Miss Laurel M. Young
Miss Amanda E. Sealy
Miss Jose B. R. Bourne
Miss Shirley O. Browne

Mr. Rudolph A. Parris
Mr. Stanton S. Archer
Mr. Emmerson J. Bellamy
Mr. Michael H. Browne
Mr. Virtus S. M. Hinds
Mr. John A. Chandler
Mr. Cecil A. Collymore
Mr. David R. Daisley
Mr. Silbert H. Cadogan
Mr. St. Leonard Steele
Mr. Sylvan A. Hunte
Mr. Carlos R. Mason
Mr. Stephen V. Johnson
Mr. Kenneth St. C. Parris
Mr. Ambrose A. Larrier
Mr. Kenrick DaC. Belgrave
Mr. Donville L. Johnson
Mr. Erskine A. B. Callender
Mr. Weston McA. L. Downes
Mr. St. Clair McV. A. Jones
Mr. Francis Pounder
Mr. Jeffrey C. Shepherd

Miss Betty Y. Holder
Miss Marva A. Rudder
Miss Delphine A. Thorpe
Miss Marva M. Greenidge
Miss Barbara C. Springer
Miss Evelyn V. Johnson
Miss Judith A. Hinds
Miss Annette S. Connell
Miss Daphne I. Bourne
Miss Petrona R. Alleyne
Miss Lorna D. Edwards

(M. P. 1310/39 Vol. XVI)


May 8, 1949

May 8 196OFC



The Committee established by the Gov-
ernment to examine and consider all aspects
of the law of Barbados relating to Companies
with particular reference to the Companies
Act, 1910-7, the Limited Partnership Act,
1913-2 and the Registration of Business Names
Act, 1940-6 and to recommend what changes
in the law are desirable, hereby invite inter-
ested persons to submit any proposals which
they may care to make for the revision of the
law relating to above matters.

The Committee would appreciate receiv-
ing memoranda in writing to reach the Secre-
tary not later than the 28th day of May, 1969.
Persons desirous of appearing in person
before the Committee should indicate their
desire in writing.

All correspondence should be addressed
to the Secretary, Company Law Committee,
Ministry of Trade, Tourism, Co-operatives
and Fisheries, Old Eye Hospital, Bay Street,
St. Michael.



Presentation of Credentials
His Excellency Mr. Werner Klingeberg,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten-
tiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to
Barbados, presented his credentials to the
Governor-General on Monday, 5th May, 1969.

NOTICE NO. 272 (second publication)


Re the Estate of



sons having any debt or claim upon or affect-
ing the Estate of Bertha Montague Browne,
late of 5 Orme Square, Bayswater, London
W.2, England, who died at St. Francis Hospi-
tal, Haywards Heath, Sussex, England, on the
2nd day of March 1966, are hereby requested
to send particulars of their Claims duly at-
tested to Barclays Bank D.C.O. at Roebuck
Street, Bridgetown, Barbados on or before the
29th day of May 1969, after which date we
shall proceed to distribute the assets of the
estate among the parties entitled thereto hav-
ing regard to the debts and claims only of
which we shall then have had notice; and that
we shall not be liable for assets so distributed
to any person of whose debt or claim we shall
we shall not have had notice at the time of
such distribution.

And all persons indebted to the said Es-
tate are requested to settle their accounts
without delay.

Dated this 21st day of March 1969.

Administrators with the Will annexed
of the Estate of Bertha Montague
Browne, deceased, by their Con-
stituted Attorneys on record.


(M. P. Ex-C. 20)


May 8 1969




Demand Liabilities:

EC $

EC $

Notes in Circulation 41,957,597

Bankers' Deposits 38,695,000

Bankers' Balances


General Reserve

Other Liabilities


25,023 82,233,028

Current Accounts and
Money at Call in London

United Kingdom Treasury Bills

Other United Kingdom
Government Securities ...

Commerical Banks' Balances*

2,372,027 Central Bank of Trinidad and
Tobago Notes* ... .


EC $

EC $






British Caribbean Currency Board Notes

Government Local Debentures

Local Treasury Bills

Other Assets






EC $87,556,082

EC $87,556,082

(Proportion of external assets to
demand liabilities 101.8%).
* Convertible into sterling on demand.
Acting Managing Director.

25th April, 1969

May 8, 1969O


AS AT 31ST MARCH, 1969

(Pursuant to the British Caribbean Currency Agreement 1964, Article 10 (3))






St. Kitts/Ne

St. Lucia

St. Vincent


Trinidad 8

$ 1

... ... 389,600.00

... ... 1,318,589.50

... ... ... 172,075.00

... ... 278,575.00

... ... ... 37,450.00

vis/Anguilla ... ... 179,400.00

... ... ... ... 191,700.00


... ... ... ... 460,217.00

Tobago ... ... 928,821.00

"Proof Sets"

$ t






Acting Executive Commissioner
Coin Continuation Board.


May 8, 1969


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applications have been made
for the following Grants of Probate and Administration namely :-

PROBATE of the Will dated the loth day of July, 1952, of CLARENCE IRVING SKINNER,
late of Glenboig, Strathclyde in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died
on the 3rd day of February 1969, by HILDA SKINNER, one of the Executors named
in the Will of the said deceased.

PROBATE of the Will dated the 27th day of August, 1968 of ESLIN DUNBAR BRACE, late
of Martin's Bay in the parish of Saint John in this Island who died on the 16th day of
December, 1968, by BARCLAYS BANK D.C.O., one of the Executors named in the
Will of the said deceased.

PROBATE of the Will dated the 7th day of May, 1961, of GERALDINE ELDICA GITTENS,
late of President Kennedy Drive in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who
died on the 15th day of October, 1967, by CHARLES LOMER ORVILLE ALLEYNE,
the sole Executor named in the Will of the said deceased.

of 24 St. Stephen's Road, Liecester, England who died on the 30th day of January,
1962, by HAROLD FITZGERALD ALONZA BELGRAVE, father of the said deceased.

Worthing View in the parish of Christ Church in this Island who died on the 15th day
of September, 1968, by PETRONEL LOUISE BUNYON, the constituted Attorney
on record in this Island of ALICE MARY SPENCER, widow of the said deceased.

ERNEST DALLAS BYNOE late of Brighton, Black Rock in the parish of Saint
Michael in this Island who died on the 10th day of May, 1958, by CYRIL EDMUND
STOUTE, the constituted Attorney on record in this Island of RUTH ELIZABETH
BYNOE, the sole Executrix named in the Will of the said deceased.

UNLESS CAVEAT is lodged within fourteen days from the date of this Advertisement
with the Registrar of the Supreme Court through whom the abovenamed applications have
been made Probate and Administration will be granted accordingly.

Dated this 26th day of April, 1969.



May 8, 1969

May 1969F


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applications have been made
for the following Grants of Probate and Administration namely :-

PROBATE of the will dated the 26th day of March, 1963, of FITZGERALD BEST, late of
Bryden's Avenue Brittons Hill in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died
on the 1st day of April, 1963, by HILDA BEST, the sole Executrix named in the Will
of the said deceased.

PROBATE of the Will dated the 30th day of January, 1960 of GEORGE COLERIDGE
GRIFFITH, late of this Island who died on the 26th day of February, 1969, by
MURIEL EDITHA GRIFFITH, the sole Executrix named in the Will of the said de-

Mount Standfast in the parish of Saint James in this Island who died on the 28th day
of September, 1968, by CLARICE ELIZABETH BECKLES, widow of the said deceased.

LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Estate of VIOLET PAYNE late of Nurse Land,
Tweedside Road in the parish of Saint Michael in this Island who died on the 6th day
of November, 1950, by CHESLEY BLACKMAN, nephew of the said deceased.

EILEEN FOSTER late of 1st Avenue, Bank Hall in the parish of Saint Michael in
this Island who died on the 3rd day of June, 1968, by HUGH MICHAEL SIMMONS,
one of the constituted Attorneys on record in this Island of BARBARA SMALL, the
sole Executrix named in the Will of the said deceased.

UNLESS CAVEAT is lodged within fourteen days from the date of this Advertisement
with the Registrar of the Supreme Court through whom the abovenamed applications
have been made Probate and Administration will be granted accordingly.

Dated this 2nd day of May, 1969.



May 8, 1969

42U .. ..



The following persons have been appointed to act as Tutor,
Erdiston College:
Name With effect from
Mr. V. DePeiza 16th September, 1968 to 4thJanuarv,

Mr. W. C. Edey

Miss J. V. Codrington

Mr. V. DePeiza

Mr. N. St. C. Daniel


1st October, 1968, until further
16th September, 1968, until further

5th January, 1969, until further notice.
1st March, 1969, until further

Kenneth L. Sealy, Tutor has been appointed to act as Deputy
Principal, Erdiston College with effect from 6th January, 1969 until
further notice.

Dalton Prescott, Senior Tutor has been appointed to act as
Principal, Erdiston College with effect from 6th January, 1969 until
further notice.

G. S. Blackman, Tutor has been appointed to act as Senior Tutor,
Erdiston College with effect from 6th January, 1969 until further notice.

(M. P. 3535/15)

Resolution No., 37/1969

M, P. 6000/1/T5


Resolved that the Order entitled "The Civil Establishment (General)
(Amendment) (No. 3) Order, 1969" made by the Prime Minister on the 28th day
of March, 1969, under the provisions of section 3 of the Civil Establishment Act,
1949, be approved.

Resolved that His Excellency the Governor-General be asked to assent
and take the necessary steps to give effect to this Resolution.

Approved by the House of Assembly this twenty-second day of April, 1969.


Approved by the Senate this thirtieth day of April, 1969.


I assent,
2nd May, 1969.

Government Printing Office.

May 8, 1969


Statutory Instruments Supplement No. 27
Supplement to Official Gazette No. 37 dated 8th May, 1969

S.I. 1969 No. 74
The Civil Establishment Act, 1949 (1949-5)

MENT) (NO. 3) ORDER, 1969
The Prime Minister in exercise of the powers
conferred on him by section 3 of the Civil Establish-
ment Act, 1949, hereby makes the following Order.
1. This Order may be cited as the Civil Es-
tablishment (General) (Amendment) (No. 3) Order, 1969.

2. In Schedule A to the Civil Establishment
(General) Order, 1956 there shall be made the amend-
ments directed to be made therein by the Schedule to
this Order.
3. This Order shall come into operation on the
first day of April, 1969.

(Paragraph 2)
Reference to place for Amendment
making amendment
Item 5 Substitute the figure "7" for the figure "6"
appearing in the column headed "Number of
Offices" opposite to the office 1L

Item 5 Substitute the figure "4" f e figu
appearing in the column he e 'Jnmber of
Offices" opposite to the office erintendent!?

>KUa 7 9
^ ^iZZr ~


SCHEDULE Continued

(Paragraph 2)
Reference to place for Amendment
making Amendment

13. POLICE Cont'd.

Items 8 and 9 Substitute the figure "8" for the figure "7"
appearing in the column headed "Number of
Offices" opposite to the office "Assistant
Superintendent '.

Item 10 Substitute the figures "16" for the figures "13"
appearing in the column headed "Number of
Officer" opposite to the office "Inspector".

Item 12 Substitute the figures "22" for the figures
"21" appearing in the column headed "Number
of Offices" opposite to the office "Station

Item 13 Substitute the figures "29" for the figures
"27" appearing in the column headed "Number
of Offices" opposite to the office "Sergeant".

Item 14 Substitute the figures "99" for the figures
"89" appearing in the column headed "Number
of Offices" opposite to the office "Corporal".

Item 15 Substitute the figures "469" for the figures
"435" appearing in the column headed "Number
of Offices" opposite to the office "Constable".

Item 18 Substitute the figure "6" for the figure "5"
appearing in the column headed "Number of
Offices" opposite to the office "Senior Writ

Item 19,: Substitute the figures "44" for the figures "40"
appearing in the column headed "Number of
Offices" opposite to the office "Writ Server".


SCHEDULE Concluded

Reference to place for
making amendment

13. POLICE Cont'd.

After Item 20

(Paragraph 2)


Add -


Item 4

Items 5, 6, 7 and 8

"20A. Accountant .............. G. 5-4........1
20B. Assistant Accountant G. 7-6....... 2"

Substitute the figures "548" for the figures
"529" appearing in the column headed "Number
of Offices" opposite to the office "Clerical

Substitute the figures "155" for the figures
"152" appearing in the column headed "Number
of Offices" opposite to the offices "Secretary,
Stenographer, Grade "A", Stenographer, Grade
"B", Typist".

Made as aforesaid this twenty-eighth day of March,

Prime Minister.

Supplement to Official Gazette dated 8th May, 1969

ACT, 1969-17
Arrangement of Sections
1. Short title.
2. Amendment of section 2 of Act 1957-50.
3. Repeal and replacement of sections 3 and 4
of Act 1957-50.
4. Amendment of section 5 of Act 1957-50.
5. Repeal and replacement of Part II of Act
6. Amendment of section 24 of Act 1957-50.
7. Repeal and replacement of section 27 of Act
8. Amendment of section 35 of Act 1957-50.
9. Amendment of section 48(2) of Act 1967-50.
10. Amendment of section 60(2) of Act 1957-50.
11. Amendment of section 89 of Act 1957-50.
12. Repeal of section 94 of Act 1957-50.
13. Amendment of section 96 of Act 1957-50.
14. Amendment of section 99 of Act 1957-50.
15. Amendment of section 101 of Act 1957-50.
16. Amendment to First and Second Schedules
of Act 1957-50.
17. Amendment of Fourth Schedule of Act 1957-50
18. Saving.
19. Transitional provisions relating to bye-elec 0
3 Jl /
/3^^ 9 "^


I assent,
28th April, 1969.

1969 17

An Act to amend the Representation of the People
Act, 1957.
(8th May, 1969) Commencement.
BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados, and by
the authority of the same, as follows:-

1. This Act may be cited as the Representation Short title.
of the People (Amendment) Act, 1969.

2. Section 2 of the Representation of the People Amendment of
section 2 of
Act, 1957 (hereinafter referred to as "the principal Act 19s2-50.
Act") is hereby amended as follows -

(a) in subsection (1) thereof -



(i) by deleting therefrom the definitions
of "City of Bridgetown", "Constituen-
cy", "Corporate office", "election",
and "public office" and by inserting
therein in their appropriate alpha-
betical order the following definitions -

"Chief Registering Officer"
means the Chief Registering Officer
appointed under section 9 or any
person acting in that office;
"Constituency" means a con-
stituency specified in the Fourth
"election" means an election of
a member to serve in the House of
Assembly for a constituency;

"Minister" means the Minister
responsible for Home Affairs;
"Registering Officer" means a
Registering Officer appointed under
section 9 to be the registering of-
ficer for a constituency or a person
acting in that office;
(ii) by deleting from the definition of
"election officer" the words "re-
vising officer" and substituting
therefore the words "Chief Register-
ing Officer";

(iii) by deleting. from the definition of
"polling district" the words "section


eleven" and substituting therefore
the words "section 16";

(b) by deleting sub-sections (2) and (4) thereof
and renumbering sub-section (3) as sub-
section (2).

3. Sections 3 and 4 of the principal Act are here-
by repealed and the following sections substituted
therefore -

Repeal and
replacement of
sections 3 and 4
of Act 1957-50.


for election to
House of Assem-
bly of Common-
wealth citizens
other than oiti-
zens of Barbados.

4. Section
as follows -

3. (1) The Island is hereby divided
into twenty-four constituencies, the
names and boundaries of which are
set out in the Fourth Schedule.

(2) Each constituency shall
return one member to serve in the
House of Assembly.

4. The period of residence in
Barbados which, for the purposes of
section 43 of the Constitution, quali-
fies such a Commonwealth citizen
(other than a citizen of Barbados)
as is referred to in that section of
the Constitution for election as a
member of the House of Assembly
is theperiod of residence of not less
than seven years immediately pre-
ceding the date of his nomination
for election.
5 of the principal Act is hereby amended

(a) by deleting the words "subject to any pro-
visions to the contrary contained in any

Amendment of
section 5 of
Act 1957-50.

Repeal and
replacement of
Part II of Act

Amendment of
section 24 of
Act 1957-50.

Repeal and
replacement of
section 27 of
Act 1957-50.


other enactment, including" in subsection
(1) thereof and substituting therefore the
words "subject to the provisions of section
45 of the Constitution and to";

(b) by deleting paragraphs (b) and (d) in sub-
section (1) and renumbering paragraphs
(c) and (e) as paragraphs (b) and (c) re-
5. Part RI of the principal Act is hereby repealed
and the Part 8 contained in the First Schedule is
substituted the reform.

6. Section 24 of the principal Act is hereby
amended -

(a) by deleting the words "the Cabinet"in
subsection (1) thereof and substituting
therefore the words "the Governor-General
acting in accordance with the advice of
the Minister";

(b) by deleting the words "Her Majesty's
Government" in paragraph (a) of subsection
(1) thereof and substituting therefore the
words "the Crown";

(c) by deleting the words "the proclamation
of any state of emergency" in paragraph
(b) of subsection (1) thereof and substi-
tuting therefore the words "the proclamation
of a state of public emergency".

7. Section 27 of the principal Act is hereby re-
pealed and the following section substituted therefore -

,"Saving as to
special con-

27. No person who is entitled
to vote at an election shall be liable


or compelled to serve as a special
constable at or during the election
unless he consents so to act and
notwithstanding any rule of law to
the contrary he shall not be liable
to any penalty or punishment what-
soever for refusing so to act".

8. Section 35 of the principal Act is hereby
amended by substituting the words "twenty cents"
and "twenty-five cents" for the words "ten cents"
and "fifteen cents", respectively, appearing in the
second and fifth lines of subsection (2) thereof.

9. Section 48 of the principal Act is hereby
amended by deleting the words "the Cabinet" in sub-
section (2) thereof and substituting therefore the words
"the Crown".

10. Section 60 of the principal Act is hereby
amended by deleting the words "the Supreme Court"
in subsection (2) thereof and substituting therefore
the words "the High Court".

11 Section 89 of the principal Act is hereby
amended -

(a) by deleting subsection (1) thereof and sub-
stituting the following subsection -

"(1) The seat of a member of the
House of Assembly shall become
vacant if, when the House is in
session, he is absent from the Island
without leave for a period of forty

Amendment of
section 85 of
Act 1957-50

Amendment of
section 48(2)
of Act 1957-50.

Amendment of
section 60(2) of
Act 1957-50.

Amendment of
section 89 of
Act 1957-50.


(b) by deleting subsections (3) and (4) thereof
Repeal of 12. Section 94 of the principal Act is hereby re-
section 94 of pealed.
Act 1957-50.
Amendment of 13. Section 96 of the principal Act is hereby
ection96 of amended by deleting the word "appoint" and substi-
Act 1957-50.
/ tuting therefore the word "elect".

Repeal and 14. Section 99 of the principal Act is hereby re-
replacement of
section 99 of pealed and the following section substituted therefor-
Act 1957-50.
*Power to make 99.(1) The Minister may make
regulations. regulations with respect to -

(a) the form of the registers
of electors and of the pre-
liminary, supplementary
and revised lists of elec-
tors or any other lists
required by this Act or the
regulations in connection
with the register or with
any election;

(b) the procedure to be followed
in the preparation and the
revision of the register of
electors and the prepara-
tion of the preliminary,
supplementary and revised
lists of electors;

(c) the determination for the
purposes of the registra-
tion of electors of the


place of ordinary resi-
dence of any person;

(d) any matters incidental to
the provisions of this Act
relating to the registration
of electors;

(e) the remuneration and
travelling allowances to
be paid to any election

(f) the duties of and the re-
cords to be kept by elec-
tion officers;

(g) the provision of such ad-
ditional assistants as may
be necessary for the count-
ting of the votes and the
remuneration to be paid
to such assistants;

(h) the variation of the forms
set out in this Act and the
prescribing of additional
and generally for giving effect to the
provisions of this Act.

(2) The incidental matters re-
ferred to in paragraph (d) of subsec-
tion (1) shall be taken to include the
time and manner of preparation and


publication and the form of, and the
making and determination of claims
and objections.

(3) Without prejudice to the
generality of paragraphs (a) to (d) of
subsection (1) and subsection (2),
regulations made with respect to the
matters therein mentioned may con-
tain provisions -

(i) authorising a registering
officer or enumerator to re-
quire any person to give
information required for
the purposes of his regis-
tration duties;
(ii) laying down a time-table
for the preparation of the
register and other matters,
and providing that notices
and other documents re-
ceived by the registering
officer out of time may be
or shall be disregarded
either altogether or for the
purposes of a particular
register or election;

(iii) as to the evidence of age,
residence or nationality
which may be required in
connection with the regis-
tration of any person;


(iv) as to the evidence which
shall or may be required or
deemed sufficient or con-
clusive evidence of a per-
son being subject to any
physical incapacity and
as to its probable dura-
(v) as to the cases in which a
claim or objection may be
determined by the regis-
tering officer without a
hearing by the Chief Regis-
tering Officer and as to the
right of a person in any
such cases to make written
representations to him;

(vi) authorising the Chief Regis-
tering Officer, a registering
officer or an enumerator to
require the evidence of any
person at a hearing before
him to be given on oath
and to administer oaths
for the purpose;

(vii) requiring copies of the
preliminary, supplementary
or revised lists of electors,
or registers of electors
and other documents or
prescribed parts thereof


to be available for in-
spection by the public at
such places as may be
(viii) authorising or requiring a
registering officer to supply
to such persons as may be
prescribed copies of the
preliminary, supplementary
or revised lists of electors
or registers of electors and
other documents or pre-
scribed parts thereof,
whether free of charge or
on payment of a prescribed
(ix) as to the steps to be taken
to ensure the secrecy of
the voting and the safe
custody (before and after
the count) of the ballot
papers returned and other
(x) incidental or supplementary
to those mentioned in para-
graphs (i) to (ix).

(4) All regulations made under
this Act shall be subject to negative

Amendmentof 15. Section 101 of the principal Act is hereby
section 101 of amended by deleting the words "paid out of the Trea-
Act 1957-50.
sury on the warrant of the Governor" and substituting


therefore the words "paid out of moneys voted for the
purpose by Parliament".

16. (1) In the Rules for Conduct of House of As-
sembly Elections contained in the First Schedule to
the principal Act there shall be made the amendments
directed to be made therein by Part I of the Second

(2) In the Forms contained in the Second Sched-
ule to the principal Act there shall be made the amend-
ments directed to be made therein by Part II of the
Second Schedule.

17. The principal Act is hereby amended by de-
leting the Fourth Schedule thereto and substituting
therefore as the Fourth Schedule the Third Schedule
to this Act.

18. Subject to the provisions of section 19, no-
thing contained in this Act shall affect any election
to the House of Assembly or the constitution of that
House until a proclamation is next made by the Gover-
nor-General dissolving the Parliament which is in
being at the commencement of this Act or, as the
case may be, such Parliament stands dissolved under
the provisions of section 61(3) of the Constitution.

19.(1) For the purposes of any election for any
double-member constituency before such occasion as
is specified in section 18, Part II of the principal Act,
as substituted in pursuance of section 5 and the pro-
visions of the principal Act, as amended by this Act,
or any rules or regulations made thereunder relating
to the conduct of elections shall have effect subject
to the provisions of this section.

Amendments to
First and Sec-
ond Schedules
of Act 1957-50.

Amendment of
Fourth Schedule
of Act 1957-50.


relating to


(2) For the purposes of any such election, the
Chief Registering Officer shall, at the same time as
he publishes a register of electors for each con-
stituency under the provisions of section 10 or section
12 of the principal Act, publish a register of electors
for each double-member constituency, prepared in
accordance with the provisions of this section.

(3) The Chief Registering Officer shall cause
a register of electors to be prepared for each double-
member constituency which shall comprise those
parts of any register prepared or revised as the case
may be, in pursuance of the said Part II which for the
time being relate to the polling districts situate in
that double-member constituency.

(4) The provisions of the principal Act, as
amended by this Act, and of rules or regulations made
thereunder which relate to the publication, form and
contents of registers shall apply with all necessary
modifications to a register prepared under this section.

(5) For the purposes of the conduct of any
election for a double-member constituency, the ex-
pression in the principal Act, as amended by this Act,
or in any rules or regulations made thereunder -
"register of electors" shall be con-
strued to mean a register of electors for a
double-member constituency as prepared
under this section; and
"constituency" shall be construed to
mean a double-member constituency.


(6) For the purposes of the conduct of any
such election, the amendments made by this Act to
the principal Act or rules or regulations made there-
under relating to constituencies or to the conduct of
elections save and except section 13A as contained
in the First Schedule and the amendment to rule 27
of the Rules for the conduct of House of Assembly
Elections as contained in the Second Schedule shall
be deemed not to have come into operation.

(7) For the purposes of this section, the ex-
pression "double-member constituency" means a
constituency as specified by section 3 of the prin-
cipal Act in force immediately before the commence-
ment of this Act.

Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine
hundred and sixty-nine.


Read three times and passed the Senate this twen-
ty-fourth day of April one thousand nine hundred and

Deputy President.



Section 5


Qualifications of Electors

Qualifications 6.(1) Subject to the provisions of this section and of section 7, a person
of Eetors is entitled to vote as an elector at any election in any constituency who on
the qualifying date is -

(a) a Commonwealth citizen;
(b) eighteen years of age or over;

(c) ordinarily resident in that constituency;

(d) not subject to any legal incapacity to vote.

(2) A person is not entitled to vote as an elector at any election
in any constituency unless he is registered in the register of electors to be
used at that election.

(3) No person may -

(a) at a general election vote as an elector in more than one con-

(b) at any election, vote as an elector more than once in the same

Disqualifica. 7. A person is disqualified from voting and is incapable of being regis-
tions of tered as an elector and shall not vote or be so registered, who -
(a) is a person found or declared to be a person of unsound mind or a
patient in any establishment maintained wholly or mainly for the
reception and treatment of persons suffering from mental illness or
mental defectiveness by virtue of any enactment; or

(b) is undergoing any sentence of imprisonment in Barbados; or


SCHEDULE Continued

(c) is under sentence of death imposed on him by a court in any part
of the Commonwealth or under sentence of imprisonment (by what-
ever name called) exceeding twelve months imposed on him by
such a court or under some sentence substituted therefore by com-
petent authority and has not suffered the punishment to which he
was sentenced or received a free pardon therefore; or

(d) is subject under any enactment to any incapacity to vote at an

Registration of Electors

8.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and any enactment imposing
any disqualification for registration as an elector, every person who is en-
titled to vote as an elector at an election in a constituency is entitled to be
registered in the register of electors to be used at that election.

(2) A person is not entitled to be registered as an elector for more
than one constituency.

(3) A person registered pursuant to this Part shall remain registered
unless and until his name is deleted from the register because -

(a) he has died; or

(b) an objection to his registration has been allowed; or

(c) he has become disqualified for registration as an electorunderthe
provisions of this Act or of any other enactment imposing disqua-
fications for registration as an elector; or

(d) not being a citizen of Barbados, he has been absent from Barba-
dos for a period of five years or more.

9.(1) For the purposes of the registration of electors, there shall be:-

(a) a Chief Registering Officer, who shall be appointed by the
Governor-General; and

Right to be
registered as
an elector and
to remain
registered ex-
cept in certain



(b) subject to the provisions of this section, a registering officer
for each constituency, who shall be appointed by the Minister;

(c) as many enumerators as may be deemed necessary who shall
be appointed by the Minister on the recommendation of the
Chief Registering Officer.

(2) The Chief Registering Officer shall supervise the discharge by the
registering officers of their duties under this Act and the registering officers
shall comply with any general or specific directions which he may give to them.

(3) A registering officer may act for more than one constituency.

(4) Each registering officer and enumerator shall, so long as he acts
in that capacity, receive such remuneration from moneys voted for the pur-
pose by Parliament as may be prescribed.

(5) Until such time as a registering officer is appointed for a con-
stituency, the person appointed pursuant to section 12 of the Electoral Regis-
1966-1. tration Act, 1966 as the returning officer for the registration area having the
same boundaries as that constituency shall act as the registering officer for
that constituency.

(6) A reference in this Act or in regulations to a registering officer
shall during the period that a person is acting in that capacity under subsec-
tion (5) be deemed to be a reference to that person.
Register of 10. In the year 1969 and in any such year thereafter as may be appointed
El ectors.
to be a registration year, in no case being later than the fifth year after the
year in which a register was last prepared, the Chief Registering Officer
shall cause to be prepared in accordance with the provisions of this Act and
of the regulations and shall publish not later than the date in that year ap-
pointed for the purpose a register for each constituency of electors entitled
to vote at any election for that constituency.
Preliminary 10A.(1) Not later than the date in that registration year appointed for the
purpose, the Chief Registering Officer shall cause to be prepared and shall
publish a preliminary list for each constituency which, subject to the pro-
visions of subsection (2), shall consist -


(a) in the case of the preliminary list for the registration year
1969, of -

(i) all persons who on the 31st March, 1966 were regis-
tered under the Electoral Registration Act, 1966 as
ordinarily resident in the registration area having the
same boundaries as that constituency and as qualified
under this Act as an elector, and

(ii) all persons who on the 31st March, 1966 being under
the age of eighteen years, were registered under that
Act as ordinarily resident in that registration area and
have on the qualifying date reached the age of eigh-
teen years and who appear to the Chief Registering
Officer to be qualified persons, and

(iii) such other persons as appear to the Chief Registering
Officer to be qualified persons on the qualifying date;

(b) in the case of the preliminary list for any registration year
after the year 1969, of -

(i) all persons who were registered in the register of elec-
tors last prepared for that constituency and revised
pursuant to section 12 as ordinarily resident in that
constituency and qualified under this Act as an elec-
tor, and

(ii) such other persons as appeared to the Chief Regis-
tering Officer to be qualified persons on the qualifying

(2) The preliminary list shall not include persons who in the opin-
ion of the Chief Registering Officer appear since the 31st March, 1966 or
the preparation of the last register, as the case may be -

(a) to have died; or


Preparation of
the supplement-
ary list.

Registration of
electors not
on preliminary

(b) to have departed Barbados and on the qualifying date no
longer to be ordinarily resident in that constituency; or

(c) to have become ordinarily resident in another constituency.

(3) (a) for the purposes of this section and of section 11A the
expression "qualifying date" means the date appointed as
such in relation to any registration year -

(b) for the purposes of this Part -
"appointed" means appointed by the Minister by order;
"registration year" means the year 1969 or any year there-
after appointed as such under section 10.

11. Not later than the date in that registration year appointed for the
purpose, the. Chief Registering Officer shall cause to be prepared a supple-
mentary list of electors for each constituency which shall consist of -

(a) all persons who have been registered under section 11A
as qualified to vote at an election for that constituency;

(b) all persons whose names appeared upon the preliminary list
for another constituency, who have notified the Chief Re-
gistering Officer of a change of address in accordance with
regulations and who appear to him to be ordinarily resident
in the constituency; and

(c) all persons whose names appeared upon the preliminary
list for the constituency who have affected a change of
name or a change of address within the constituency and
have notified the Chief Registering Officer thereof in ac-
cordance with regulations.

11A.(1) A person who is qualified upon the qualifying date to be regis-
tered as an elector for a constituency but whose name does not appear upon
the preliminary list of electors for that constituency shall be entitled to be
registered upon making application as prescribed.


(2) Where any person whose name does not appear upon the pre-
liminary list of electors for a constituency claims to be qualified as afore-
said, he may make personal application at a prescribed place in that
constituency and his claim to be registered shall be determined in accordance
with regulations.

11B. The Chief Registering Officer shall make all removals from, and Preparation of
additions to, the preliminary list for each constituency which are necessary revised list
in consequence of any action taken under section 8(3) or of the supplemen-
tary list prepared under section 11 and not later than the date in that regis-
tration year appointed for the purpose shall publish the corrected preliminary
list as the revised list of electors for an election in that constituency.

11C.(1) All claims for registration duly made by any person whose Claims and
name does not appear on the revised list and all objections to the registra- objections.
tion of any person whose name appears on the preliminary list or the revised
list when duly made by another person (appearing from the preliminary list
or revised list, as the case may be, of electors for any constituency to be
a qualified person) shall be determined in accordance with regulations by
the registering officer acting with respect to the constituency to which the
list in question relates.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), where any
claim or objection thereunder has been disallowed, the registering officer
may in accordance with regulations refer the matter to the Chief Register-
ing Officer whose decision shall be final.

(3) No claim to be registered may be made under this section
where the claim in all material particulars is the same as a claim made
under section 11A and that claim has been disallowed and no objection
to the registration of any person whose name appears upon the revised list
of electors for a constituency shall be made where the objectipn in all
material particulars is the same as an objection made under this section
against the inclusion of that person in the preliminary list of electors for
that constituency and that objection has been disallowed.


Preparation of 11D.(1) Not later than the date in that registration year appointed for
the register, the publication of the register under section 10, the Chief Registering Officer,

shall, in relation to the revised list of electors for each constituency cause -

(a) to be added the names of all persons whose claims to be
registered as electors under section 11C have been allowed;

(b) to be d elected the names of all persons against whose regis-
tration objections have been allowed under that section;

(c) to be deleted the names of all persons who have died since
the preparation of the preliminary list of electors,

and shall publish the revised list so corrected as the register of electors
entitled to vote at an election for that constituency.

Corrupt and 11E.(1) The Chief Registering Officer shall in each year make out from
Illegal information furnished to him under section 62 of the Election Offences and
Praotices list.
1969- Controversies Act, 1969 a corrupt and illegal practices list containing -

(a) the names and description of the persons who, though
otherwise qualified to be registered in the register of elec-
tors for each constituency, are not so qualified by reason
of having been convicted or reported guilty of a corrupt or
illegal practice; and

(b) a statement of the offence of which each person has been
found guilty.

(2) The Chief Registering Officer shall at the same time as he
publishes the preliminary list of electors for the purpose of preparing or,
as the case may be, revising the register of electors publish the corrupt
and illegal practices list by making a copy thereof available for inspection
at the address as prescribed of each registering officer.


Revision of Registers

12.(1) In each of the four years subsequent to the year in which a Annual revision
of the final
register has been prepared the Chief Registering Officer shall cause the register.
register of electors for each constituency to be revised in accordance with
the regulations.

(2) Each register, when revised pursuant to the provisions of sub-
section (1), shall be published, in the case of the first such revision not
later than the date in that revision year appointed for the purpose and in
the case of subsequent revisions not later than twelve months, from the
date of publication of the last revision.

(3) Immediately following the date of publication as aforesaid, the
register of electors as revised pursuant to the provisions of subsection (1)
shall be the register of electors for the constituency to which it relates and
shall be used for any election at which the date fixed for the poll falls within
the period of twelve months next following.

(4) If a register for a constituency is not published within the time
required by this section, until the day following that on which it is published,
the previous register for that constituency shall continue in use; and when
any register used at an election is a register continued in force by this
subsection, this Act shall have effect in relation to that register as if it
were the register revised pursuant to the provisions of subsection (1).

(5) For the purpose of revising a register pursuant to the provisions
of subsection (1), the qualifying date for registration as an elector shall,
subject to the provisions of subsection (6), be the date appointed for that
purpose in the yearin which the revision is commenced.

(6) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the
Minister may, by order subject to affirmative resolution, require that the
revision of the register of electors for each constituency under this section
shall take place at two year intervals or may alter the interval between the
qualifying date and the date of publication of a register revised pursuant


to the provisions of subsection (1) by changing either date and every such
order may make such consequential provisions (including the modification
of any enactment) as appear to be necessary.

Effect of 13.(1) The registers of electors prepared or revised pursuant to the
registers. provisions of this Act and of the regulations shall for the purposes of this
Part be conclusive on the following questions -

(a) whether or not a person registered therein was on the
relevant qualifying date resident at the address shown;

(b) whether or not that address is in any constituency or any
particular part of a constituency.

(2) A person registered as an elector shall not be excluded from
voting on the ground that he is not a Commonwealth citizen or is not eighteen
years of age or over or is otherwise subject to any legal incapacity to vote,
or that on the relevant qualifying date he was not a Commonwealth citizen
or was not eighteen years of age or over or was otherwise subject to any
legal incapacity to vote; but this provision shall not prevent the rejection of
the vote on a scrutiny or affect his liability to any penalty for voting.
(3) No misnomer or inaccurate description of any person or place
named in the register of electors or in any list, record, nomination paper,
ballot paper, notice or other document required for the purposes of this
Act shall affect the full operation of the document with respect to that per-
son or place in any case where the description of the person or place is such
as to be commonly understood.
Identification 13A.(1) The Chief Registering Officer shall cause identification cards
cards, containing the prescribed matters to be issued in accordance with the

registration rules.

(2) Subject to suosection (4) no elector shall be allowed to vote at
.an election without first producing his identification card.

(3) Where an elector proves to the satisfaction of the Chief Regis-
tering Officer that the card is lost, defaced or destroyed, the Chief Register-
ing Officer shall cause to be issued tothat elector a new identification card.


(4) Notwithstanding subsection (2) an elector may be allowed to
vote on proof of his identity in any manner prescribed by the Rules for the
conduct of House of Assembly Elections contained in the First Schedule.


14.(1) Every person who Offences.

(a) having ceased to be a Commonwealth citizen after attaining
the age of eighteen years and not having subsequently
thereto become a Commonwealth citizen, or

(b) knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that he has
not or will not have attained the age of eighteen years on or
before the relevant qualifying date; or

(c) not having on the relevant qualifying date the requisite
residence qualification for inclusion in the register of

makes any claim to be included in the register of electors, shall be liable
on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

(2) Any person who objects under this Act or the regulations to the
inclusion of any other person in any list or register relating to electors
prepared or revised under this Act or the regulations upon any grounds
which he knows or has reasonable cause to believe to be false shall be
liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

(3) Any person who knowingly makes a false statement for the
purpose of being registered as an elector shall be liable on summary con-
viction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding three months.

(4) Every person who in the course of the revision of any list or
the preparation or revision of any register of electors makes before the Chief
Registering Officer, any registering officer or enumerator any statement upon


oath or any solemn affirmation which he knows to be false or does not be-
lieve to be true shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceed-
ing one hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three

Offence to 15. A registering officer or an enumerator who wilfully or without
omit entitled reasonable excuse omits to register the name of any person entitled to be
person from
register. registered is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a
fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding six months or to-both such fine and imprisonment, and
in addition, shall forfeit his right to payment for his services as a registering
officer or an enumerator, as the case may be, and shall be incapable during
a period of seven years from the date of his conviction -

(a) of being qualified as an elector or of voting at any election
of a member of the House of Assembly; and

(b) of being elected a member of the House of Assembly,

and in the event of any appeal the incapacity shall continue until the appeal
is determined and thereafter, unless the conviction is quashed, remain in
force for a period of seven years from the determination of the appeal unless
the court hearing the appeal shall direct that the period of seven years shall
run from the date of conviction.

Polling Districts

Division of 16.(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, each constituency shall
each constitu be divided into polling districts.
ency into
polling di (2) Each polling district shall so far as practicable contain approxi-

mately one thousand qualified persons.

(3) Where the Chief Registering Officer is satisfied that by reason
of congestion or of the sparsity of the population or other special circum-
stances, it is more convenient so to do, he may, notwithstanding anything
in subsection (2), constitute a polling district containing either more or less
.than one thousand'qualified persons.


(4) In determining the boundaries of any polling district the Chief
Registering Officer shall have regard to geographical considerations and
such other factors as may affect the facilities of communications between
various places within the polling district.

(5) It shall be the duty of the Chief Registering Officer to keep the
polling districts of each constituency under review and, subject to the
approval of the Minister, by notice to make such alteration in such districts
including the abolition or establishment of any polling district as he may
consider proper having regard to the provisions of subsections (2), (3) and

(6) If at any time the Minister considers it to be necessary or de-
sirable so to do, he may review the polling districts in any constituency and,
if he so thinks fit having regard to the provisions of subsections (2), (3) and
(4), direct the Chief Registering Officer to make any alteration therein in-
cluding the abolition or establishment of any polling district, and if the
Chief Registering Officer upon being so directed shall fail within one month
after being so directed to make the alteration so required, the Minister may
by notice effect such alteration.

(7) The Minister may make regulations providing for the adaptation
of any register of electors to any alteration of polling districts and may
make in such regulations special. provisions for cases where any alteration
of polling districts is made between the publication of any list prepared
under this Act and the coming into force of theregister of electors prepared
under section 11D, but except in cases for which such provision is made by
regulations, an alteration of polling districts made either under the pro-
vision of subsection (5), or (6), shall not be effective until the first
revision of the register pursuant to section 12 after the alteration is made:

Provided that for the purposes of all proceedings connected with the
revision of such register, the division or alteration shall be effective as
from the date it is approved or, as the case maybe, made by the Minister.


Section 16

Section 16(1)

Reference to place for Amendment
making amendment

Rule 4 Delete the words "electors' list or lists or
special lists therefore as corrected by the re-
vising officer" appearing in the fourth, fifth
and sixth lines of paragraph (6) and substitute
the words "preliminary list or revised list for
the constituency prepared pursuant to the pro-
visions of the Act"; and

delete the words "the electors' list or lists or
special lists therefore" appearing in the ninth
and tenth lines of paragraph (6) and substitute
the words "any such list".

Rule 6 Delete the words "one hundred and forty-four
dollars" appearing in line two of paragraph (1)
and substitute the words "two hundred dollars".

Rule 11 Delete and substitute -

**Method of 11. If the number of persons
election, shown by the statement of per-
sons nominated exceeds one, a
poll shall be taken in accordance
with the provisions of Part III,
but if only one such person is
nominated, he shall be declared
to be elected in accordance with
the provisions of Part IV."



PART I Continued

Reference to place for Amendment
making amendment

Rule 12 Delete the words "or candidates" appearing in
the third line of paragraph (1).

Rule 16 Delete the words "out of any public funds"
appearing in paragraph (1) (b) and substitute the
words "out of the Consolidated Fund"; and

Delete the words "out of moneys provided out
of public revenue" appearing at the end of para-
graph (1)(b) and substitute the words "out of
the Consolidated Fund".

Rule 27 Delete and substitute -
27.(1) The presiding officer
boards and at the time any person applies
questions to be for a ballot paper but not after-
put to voters,
wards -
(a) may, and if required by a
candidate or his election
or polling agent shall, put
to that person the follow-
ing questions or either of
them -

(i) are you the person
registered in the reg -
ister of electors for
this election (reading
the whole entry from
the register) ?



PART I Continued

Reference to place for Amendment
making amendment

(ii) have you already
voted here or else-
where at this bye-
election (general
election)? and

(b) shall request that person
to produce.his identifica-
tion card.

(2) Subject to paragraph
(3) a ballot paper shall not be
issued to any person who -

(a) does not satisfactorily an-
swer the questions asked
his under paragraph (1)
(a) or any of them; or

(b) does not produce his
identification card when
required so to do under
paragraph (1) (b).

(3) A ballot paper shall
be issued to any person who is
unable for any reason to produce
an identification card, if -

(a) he produces to the pre-
siding officer -



PART I Continued

Reference to place for Amendment
making amendment
(i) his passport as de-
fined by section 2
(1) of the Immigration
1952-26. Act, 1952,

(ii) a driving licence is-
sued to him under
Part IV of the Motor
Vehicles and Road
1987-16. Traffic Act, 1937, or

(iii) his National Insurance
and Social Security
Registration Card is-
sued under the
National Insurance
and Social Security
1966-15. Act, 1966 or any
regulations made
thereunder, or

1937-13 (iv) his Old Age Pension
Card issued under the
Old Age Pension Act,

(b) he satisfactorily answers
such further questions
relating to his identity as
the presiding officer may
put to him.

(4) Save as by this rule
authorised, no inquiry shall be
permitted as to the right of any
person to vote.



PART I Continued

Reference to place for Amendment
making amendment
(5) For the purposes of
this rule the expression "iden-
tification card" means an iden-
tification card issued under
section 13A or any other enact-
ment relating to the preparation
and publication of a register of
electors for use at an election.".

Rule 39 Delete paragraph (1)(b) and substitute -

"(b) on which votes are given for more than
one candidate; or";

Delete paragraph (2);

Delete the words "(either wholly or as respects
that vote)" appearing in the fifth and sixth lines
of paragraph (3);

Delete the words, "and in the case of a ballot
paper on which any vote is counted under para-
graph (2) of this rule he shall endorse the words"
rejected in part "and a memorandum specifying
the votes counted" appearing in the third, fourth,
fifth and sixth lines of paragraph (4);

Delete the words "including those rejected in
part" appearing in the second and third lines of
paragraph (5);



PART I Continued

Reference to place for Amendment
making amendment

Delete paragraph 5(b) and substitute -

"(b) voting for more than one candidate;";

Delete paragraph 5(e); and

renumber paragraphs (3), (4) and (5) as paragraphs
(2), (3) and (4) respectively.

Rule 41 Delete the words "or numbers" appearing in the
sixth and seventh lines.

Rule 42 Delete the words "or candidates" appearing in
paragraph (1) (a);

Delete the words "or names" appearing in para-
graph (1) (b); and

Delete the words "or persons" wherever they

Rule 43 Delete the words "or members" appearing in the
second line of paragraph (1).

Rule 44 Delete the words "or members" appearing in
the third line of paragraph (1).


Form of Notice of Delete the words "or members" appearing in
Election paragraph 1.



PART I Continued

Reference to place for
making amendment



Form of Nomination

Form of Directions
for the Guidance of
the Voters in voting.

Delete the words "OR MEMBERS" appearing
in the first line; and

Delete the words "electors' list or lists or
special lists for that register" appearing
in the fifth and sixth lines of paragraph 4 of the
NOTE and substitute the words "preliminary
or revised list of electors".

Delete paragraph 1 and substitute -

"1. The voter may not vote for more than
one candidate.";

Delete the words "each candidate" appearing in
paragraph 3 and substitute the words "the can-

Delete the words "votes for more than . .
candidatess" appearing in the first and second
lines of paragraph 6 and substitute the words
"votes for more than one candidate"; and

Delete all the words from the words "in particu-
lar the number of candidates for whom a voter
may vote" to the end of the Form.



Section 16(2)

Reference to place for
making amendment
Form of Writ of Election



Delete all the words from the words "ELIZABETH
THE SECOND" to the words "Defender of the
Faith" and substitute the words "By His Ex-
cellency ..................***...................................
........................ Governor-General of Barbados";

Delete the words "GREETINGS";

Delete the words "AND WHEREAS I think it
expedient" and substitute the words "AND
WHEREAS it appears expedient";

Delete the words "AND WHEREAS the seat(s) of
the undermentioned Elected Member(s) for the
constituency of/................................................
has/have become vacant for the reasons) stated
below and substitute the words "AND
WHEREAS the seat of the undermentioned mem-
ber for the constituency of............................
has become vacant for the reasons) stated
below ";

Delete the words "or members" wherever they

Delete the words "the Great Seal" and sub-
stitute the words "the Public Seal"; and

delete the words '' and in the year of Her
Majesty's Reign



(Section 17)

Constituency of the City of Bridgetown

From the, point .on Burkes Beach on the Western sea: coast where, the
water course meets the. sea, thence along the water course, to the point at
which it is crossed by Highway 7 (Bridgetown St. Lawrence Road) thence,
along a straight line, in a Northerly direction, passing on the Western side
of St. Paul's Church, to the junction of Collymore Rock Road with Jemmotts
Lane and River Road, thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of
River Road to the point at which it begins to run parallel with Constitution
Canal, thence in an Easterly direction along the Constitution Canal to the
point at which it is crossed by Tweedside Road; thence along the canal to
the point at which it is met by the Concrete drain running from Hindsbury
Road; thence in a Westerly direction along the said drain in a straight line
to the Garden House, Country Road; thence along the middle of Country Road
to the junction of White Park Road with Passage Road; thence along the
middle of Passage Road to the junction of Baxters Road with Westbury Road;
thence in a straight line to the entrance of "Palm Beach" on Fontabelle Road.

Thence along the entrance of "Palm Beach" to PRESCOD BOULEVARD;
thence in a Northerly direction along the PRESCOD BOULEVARD to the
point at which it meets the PRESIDENT KENNEDY DRIVE; thence in a
Northerly direction to the sea, thence in a South-Westerly direction along
the sea coast to the point on Burkes Beach (the starting point).

Constituency of Saint Michael North-West

From the point at which the St. Michael-St. Thomas parish boundary
is crossed by Highway E (the Friendship Exchange Road), along the mid-
dle of Highway E to Canewood Road, thence along the middle of Canewood
Road to Highway 2 (the Sharon Bush Hall Road); thence in a South-Westerly
direction along the middle of Highway 2 to the junction of Grazettes Main
Road; thence along the middle of Grazettes Main Road to the junction of


Fairfield Road with Grazettes New Road; thence along the middle of Grazettes
New Road to the junction of St. Stephen's Hill Road; thence along the middle
of the St. Stephen's Hill Road to Highway 1 (the Bridgetown St. James
Road); thence in a South-easterly direction along Highway 1 to Brighton Road;
thence along the middle of Brighton Road to its junction with the Rum Re-
finery Road; thence along a straight line including "Vanburn" to a point
on the sea coast West of the junction of Brighton Road with the Rum Re-
finery Road; thence in a Northerly direction along the sea coast to the point
at which it is touched by the St. Michael St. James parish boundary; thence
along the St. Michael St. James parish boundary to its junction with the
St. Michael St. Thomas parish boundary; thence along the St. Michael -
St. Thomas parish boundary to the point at which it is crossed by Highway E
(the starting point).

Constituency of Saint Michael West

From a point on the sea coast west of the junction of Brighton Road
with the Rum Refinery Road; thence along a straight line, excluding "Vanburn",
along the middle of Brighton Road to Highway 1 (Bridgetown St. James
Road); thence in a North westerly direction along the middle of Highway 1
to the junction of St. Stephen's Hill Road; thence along the middle of St.
Stephen's Hill Road to its junction with Grazettes New Road; thence along
the middle of Grazettes New Road to its junction with Grazettes Main Road;
*thence along the middle of Grazettes Main Road to the Spooner's Hill Eagle
Hall Road; thence in a Southerly direction along the middle of the Spooner's
Hill Eagle Hall Road to the junction of Kew Road; thence in a South -
easterly direction along the middle of Kew Road to Kew Cross Road; thence
along the middle of Kew Cross Road to Hill Road; thence in a Southerly
direction along the middle of Hill Road to Dash Gap; thence along the middle
of Dash Gap to its junction with Bank Hall Cross Road; thence along the
middle of Bank Hall Cross Road to its junction at Eagle Hall Corner; thence
in a North westerly direction along the middle of Highway 1 (the Bridge-
town St. James Road) to its junction with Bridge Gap; thence along the
middle of Bridge Gap to Goodland Water Course to the point at which it crosses


Westbury Road; thence in a North westerly direction along the middle of
Westbury Road to the junction of Deacons and Brandon Road; thence along
the middle of Brandon Road to the sea coast; thence in a North-westerly
direction along the sea coast to a point west of the junction of Brighton
Road with the Rum Refinery Road (the starting point).

Constituency of Saint Michael South-West

From the point at which the Brandon Road touches the sea coast; thence
along the middle of the Brandon Road to the junction with Deacons Road
and Westbury Road; thence along the middle of Westbury Road to the Good-
land Water Course; thence along the middle of the Goodland Water Course
to Bridge Gap; thence along the middle of Bridge Gap to the junction of High-
way 1 (the Bridgetown-St. James Road); thence in a Southerly direction along
the middle of Highway 1 to the junction of Eagle Hall Corner with Bank Hall
Cross Road; thence along the middle of Bank Hall Cross Road to its junction
with Highway 2 (Bank Hall Main Road); thence in a Southerly direction along
the middle of Highway 2 to Passage Road; thence along the Bridgetown
boundary to the sea coast; thence along the sea coast to the point at which
it is touched by the Brandon Road (the starting point).

Constituency of Saint Michael North-East

From the point at which the St. Michael-St. Thomas parish boundary is
crossed by Highway E (the Friendship-Exchange Road), ,along the middle of
Highway E to the Canewood Road; thence along the middle of Canewood
Road to Highway 2 (the Sharon-Bush Hall Road); thence in a South-westerly
direction along Highway 2 to the junction of Kew Road; thence along the
middle of Kew Road to Kew Cross Road; thence along the middle of Kew
Cross Road to Hill Road; thence along the middle of Hill Road to Dash Gap;
thence along the middle of Dash Gap to the junction of Bank Hall Cross Road;
thence in a South-easterly direction along the middle of Bank Hall Cross
Road to the junction of Bank Hall Main Road; thence in a South-easterly
direction along the middle of Bank Hall Main Road to the junction of High-
way 3 (the Hindsbury-Station Hill Road); thence along the middle of Highway
3 to the junction of Reece's Tenantry Road; thence along the middle of


Reece's Tenantry Road to Savannah Road; thence along the middle of Savan-
nah Road to the junction of Highway 2 (Bush Hall-Bank Hall Road); thence
in a North-easterly direction along the middle of Highway 2 to Waterford
Cross Road; thence along the middle of Waterford Cross Road to its junction
at Waterford with Highway 3; thence in a Northerly direction along the middle
of Highway 3 to the point at which it crosses the St. Michael-St. George
parish boundary; thence in a Northerly direction along the St. Michael parish
boundary to its junction near Exchange with the St. Michael-St. Thomas parish
boundary; thence in a Westerly direction along the St. Michael-St. Thomas
parish boundary to the point at which it is crossed by Highway E (the starting

Constituency of St. Michael South-East

From the point at which the Brittons Hill Road touches the St. Michael-Christ
Church parish boundary in a westerly direction along the middle of Brittons
Hill Road to Villa Road; thence along the middle of Villa Road to Highway 6
(the Collymore Rock-Sargeants Village Road); thence in an Easterly direction
to the junction of Old Pine Plantation Road; thence in a Northerly direction
along the middle of Old Pine Plantation Road to the junction of the Pine
New Road; thence along the middle of Pine New Road to St. Barnabas Road;
thence along the middle of the St. Barnabas-Haggatt Hall Road to the junction
of Highway 4(Bridgetown-Bulkeley Road);thence in a South-westerly direction
along the middle of Highway 4 to the junction of Kingston Corner with Bridge
Road; thence along the middle of Bridge Road to the junction with Highway 3
(the Hindsbury-Station Hill Road); thence along the middle of Highway 3 to
the junctior. of Reece's Tenantry Road; thence along the middle of Reece 's
Tenantry Road to Savannah Road; thence along the middle of Savannah Road
to the junction of Highway 2 (Bank Hall-Bush Hall Road); thence in a North-
easterly direction along the middle of Highway 2 to Waterford Cross Road;
thence along the middle of Waterford Cross Road to its junction at Waterford
with Highway 3; thence in a North-westerly direction along the middle of
Highway 3 to the point at which it crosses the St. Michael-St. George parish
boundary; thence in a Southerly direction along the St. Michael-St. George
parish boundary to the St. Michael-Christ Church parish boundary; thence in


aSouth-Westerly direction along the St. Michael-Christ Church parish boundary
to the point at which it is crossed by the Brittons Hill Road (the starting

Constituency of St. Michael North Central

From the junction on the Bridgetown boundary of Country Road with
Bank Hall Main Road (Highway 2) along the middle of Bank Hall Main Road
to Bank Hall Cross Road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle
of Bank Hall Cross Road to the junction of Hindsbury-Harmony Hall Road
(Highway 3) with Bridge Road; thence along the middle of Bridge Road to
its junction at Kingston Corner with Welches Roadand Highway 4 (Bridge-
town-Bulkeley Road); thence along the middle of Highway 4 to its junction
with Haggatt Hall-St. Barnabas Road; thence along the middle of Haggatt
Hall-St. :Barnabas Road to its junction at the Pine New Road; thence along
the middle of the Pine New Road to the Old Pine Plantation Road; thence
in a Northerly direction along the middle of Old Pine Plantation Road to
Highway 5 (the Government Hill Road); thence in a North-easterly direction
along the middle of Highway 5 to Howells Cross Road .thence along the mid-
dle of Howells Cross Road to the Ivy Main Road; thence along the middle
of the Ivy Main Road to the Southern boundary Wall of the St. Giles Boys'
School playing field; thence along a pathway on the South side of that wall
to Gittens Road; thence in a Southerly direction along the middle of Gittens
Road to Highway 5; thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of High-
way 5 to the point at which it is crossed by the Bridgetown boundary; thence
in a Northerly and then Westerly direction along the Bridgetown boundary
to the point at which it joins Country Road; thence in a North-westerly di-
rection along the middle of Country Road which follows the Bridgetown bound-
ary to its junction with Bank Hall Main Road (the starting point).

Constituency of -Saint Michael South Central

From the point at which Highway 6 (the Collymore Rock Road) touches
the Bridgetown boundary, in an Easterly direction along the middle of High-
way 6 to the junction of Brittons Hill Road; thence along the middle of Brit-
tons Cross Road to Brittons Hill Road; thence along the middle of Brittons
Hill Road to Villa Road; thence along the middle of Villa Road to Highway 6;
thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of Highway 6 to the junction
of Old Pine Plantation Road; thence along the middle of Old Pine Plantation Road


to Highway 5; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of Highway
5 to Howells Cross Road; thence along the middle of Howells Cross Road
to its junction with the Ivy Main Road; thence along the middle of the Ivy
Main Road to the Southern boundary wall of St. :Giles Boys' School playing
field; thence along a pathway on the south side of that wall to Gittens Road;
thence in a Southerly direction along the middle of Gittens Road to Highway
5 (the Government Hill Road); thence in a Westerly direction along the mid-
dle of Highway 5 to the point at which it crosses the Bridgetown boundary
at the Chains; thence in a Southerly direction along the Bridgetown boundary
to the point at which it is crossed by Highway 6 (the Collymore Rock Road)
(the starting point).

Constituency of Saint Michael South

From the point at which the Brittons Hill Road crosses the St. Michael
Christ Church parish boundary, ,in a North-westerly direction along the mid-
dle of Brittons Hill Road to its junction with Brittons Cross Road; thence
along the middle of Brittons Cross Road to Highway 6 (Collymore Rock Road);
thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of Highway 6 to the point at
which it crosses the Bridgetown boundary; thence in a Southerly direction
along the Bridgetown boundary to the point at which it touches the sea coast;
thence along the sea coastto the point at which it is touched by the St. Michael-
Christ Church parish boundary; thence along the St. Michael-Christ Church
parish boundary to the point at which it is crossed by the Brittons Hill Road
(the starting point).

Constituency of Christ Churqh West

From the point at which the Southern sea coast, South of the Drill Hall,
is touched by the Christ Church-St. Michaelparish boundary,along the Christ
Church-St. Michael parish boundary to the point at which it is crossed by High-
way 6 (Bridgetown-Vauxhall Road); thence along the middle of Highway 6 to
the Rendezvous Road; thence along the middle of Rendezvous Road to the
Worthing View Road; thence along the Rendezvous-Worthing View Road to the
junction of Highway 7 (Bridgetown-St. Lawrence Road) with the Worthing


View Road; thence along a straight line to a point on the Southern sea coast
South of this junction; thence along the sea coast to the point at which it is
touched South of the Drill Hall, by the Christ Church-St. Michael parish
boundary (the starting point).

Constituency of Christ Church North Central

From the point on the Southern sea coast South of the junction of High-
way 7 (the Bridgetown-St. Lawrence Road) with the Worthing View-Rendezvous
Road, along a straight line to the junction of Highway 7 with the Worthing
View-Rendezvous Road; thence along the middle of Worthing View-Rendezvous
Road to Highway 6 (Bridgetown-Vauxhall Road); thence in a Westerly direction
along the middle of Highway 6 to the point at which it is crossed by the Christ
Church-St. Michael parish boundary; thence in a North-Easterly direction along the
Christ Church-St. Michael parish boundary to the point at which it is crossed
by Highway 5 (the Windsor-Bridgetown Road) near Boarded Hall; thence in
an Easterly direction along the middle of Highway 5 to the junction of High-
way Q (the Balls-Lower Greys Road); thence along the middle of Highway Q
to the junction of Highway 6 (Bridgetown-Balls Road); thence along the mid-
dle of Highway 6 to the junction of Kingsland-Gall Hill Road; thence along
the middle of Gall Hill Road to Highway T (Lodge-OistinsHill Road); thence
in a Southerly direction along the middle of Highway T to the junction of the
Church Road; thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of the Church
Road-Maxwell Hill-Top Rock Road to the junction of Highway 7 (Bridgetown
St. Lawrence Road); thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of High-
way 7 to the Paradise Village-Old Cholera Ground Road; thence along the
middle of Paradise Village-Old Cholera Ground Road to its junction with the
St. :Lawrence Church-Calais Road; thence along a straight line drawn East
of "Glenroy" to a point on the sea coast South of the junction of theParadise
Village-Old Cholera Ground Road with the St. Lawrence-Calais Road; thence
in a Westerly direction along the sea coast to the point South of the junction
of Highway 7 with Worthing View-Rendezvous Road (the starting point).


Constituency of Christ Church South Central

From the point on the Southern sea coast South of the junction of the
Calais-St. :Lawrence-Church Road with the Old Cholera Ground Road along a
straight line drawn East of "Glenroy" to the junction of the Calais-St. Law-
rence-Church Road with the Old Cholera Ground Road; thence along the middle
of the Old Cholera Ground-Paradise Village Road to Highway 7 (Bridgetown-
Oistins Road); thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of Highway 7
to Top Rock Road; thence along the middle of the Top Rock-Maxwell Hill-
Church Road to Highway T (the Lodge-Oistins Hill Road); thence ip a North-
erly direction along the middle of Highway T to Gall Hill Road; thence along
the middle of Gall Hill-Kingsland Road to Highway 6 (Bridgetown-Balls Road);
thence alongthe middle of Highway 6 to its junction, at Balls, with Highway Q
(the Balls-Lower Greys Road); thence along the middle of Highway Q to High-
way R (the Pilgrim-Ridge Road); thence along the middle of Highway R to
Highway 7; thence along the middle of Highway 7 to its junction with the
the Pilgrim-Wilcox Road; thence along the middle of Pilgrim-Wilcox Road to
the junction of Wilcox Hill Road with Highway U (the Chancery Lane-Oistins
Road); thence in a Westerly direction along the middle of Highway U to Upper
Carters Gap; thence along the middle of Upper Carters Gap to the Enterprise-
Lighthouse Road; thence along the middle of Enterprise Lighthouse Road to
the Lighthouse Gap; thence along the middle of the Lighthouse Gap to (but
excluding) the South-point Lighthouse; thence along a straight line from the
Lighthouse to the point on the sea coast South of the Lighthouse; thence in
a North-Westerly direction along the sea coast to a point South of the junction
of the Calais-St. Lawrence Church Road with the Old Cholera Ground (the
starting point).

Constituency of Christ Church East

From the point at which Highway 5 (the Windsor-Bridgetown Road) crosses
the Christ Church-St.George Parish boundary near District "B" Police Sta-
tion in an Easterly direction along the middle of Highway 5 to Highway Q
(the Balls-Lower Greys Road); thence along the middle of Highway R (the
Pilgrim-Ridge Road); thence along the middle of Highway R to Highway 7;


thence along the middle of Highway 7 to its junction with the Pilgrim-Wilcox
Road; thence along the middle of the Pilgrim-Wilcox Road to the junction of
Wilcox Hill with Highway U (the Chancery Lane-Oistins Road); thence in a
Westerly direction along the middle of Highway U to Upper Carters Gap; thence
along the middle of Upper Carters Gap to the Enterprise-Lighthouse Road;
thence along the middle of Enterprise-Lighthouse Road to the Lighthouse
Gap; thence along the middle of the Lighthouse Gap to (but excluding) the
Southpoint Lighthouse; thence along a straight line from the Southpoint Light-
house to the point on the sea coast south of the Lighthouse; thence in a South-
easterly direction along the sea coast to the point at which the Christ Church-
St. Philip parish boundary touches it; thence along the Christ Church-St. Philip
parish boundary to its junction at "Edgecumbe" with the Christ Church-St.
George parish boundary; thence along the Christ Church-St.George boundary
to the point at which it is crossed by Highway 5 near the District "B" Police
Station (the startingpoint).

Constituency of St. Philip North

From the point at which the St. Philip-Christ Church parish boundary
is crossed near Woodbourne by Highway 6 (the Woodbourne-Six Cross
Roads Road) along the middle of Highway 6 to Hampton Tenantry-Sun-
bury Road; thence along the middle of Hampton Tenantry-Sunbury Road
to the Sunbury-Harrow Road, thence along the Harrow-Sunbury Road to
the junction at Bushy Park with Highway M (the Oughterson-Beulah Chapel
Road); thence along the middle of Highway M to its junction at Beulah Corner
with Highway 5 (the Six Cross Roads-Ruby Road); thence along the middle
of Highway 5 to Ruby-Eastbourne Road; thence along the middle of Ruby-
Eastbourne-Apple Hall-Marley Vale Road to Ragged Point Lighthouse Road;
thence along the middle of the Ragged Point Lighthouse Road to (but excluding)
the Lighthouse; thence along a straight line from the Lighthouse to the point
on the North-Eastern sea coast East of the Lighthouse; thence in a Northerly
direction along the sea coast to the point at which the St. Philip-St. John
parish boundary touches it; thence along the St. Philip-St. John parish bound-
ary to the junction of the St. Philip-St. George parish boundary to the junction


of the St. Philip-Christ Church parish boundary; thence along the St. Philip
Christ Church parish boundary to the point at which it is crossed by Highway 6
(the starting point).

Constituency of Saint Philip South

From the point at which the St. Philip-Christ Church parish boundary is
crossed near Woodbourne by Highway 6 (the Woodbourne-Six Cross Roads
Road) along the middle of Highway 6 to Hampton Tenantry-Sunbury Road;
thence along the middle of Hampton Tenantry-Sunbury Road to the Sunbury-
Harrow Road; thence along the Harrow-Sunbury Road to the junction at Bushy
Park with Highway M (the Oughterson-Beulah Chapel Road); thence along
the middle of Highway M to its junction at Beulah Corner with Highway 5
(the Six Cross Roads-Ruby Road); thence along the muddle of Highway 5 to
Ruby-Eastbourne Road; thence along the middle of Ruby-Eastbourne-Apple
Hall-Marley Vale Road to Ragged Point Lighthouse Road; thence along the
middle of the Ragged Point Lighthouse Road to (but excluding) the Lighthouse;
thence along a straight line from the Lighthouse to the point on the North-
eastern sea coast East of the Lighthouse; thence in a Southerly direction
along the sea coast to the point at which the St. Philip-Christ Church parish
boundary crosses it; thence along the St. Philip-Christ Church parish bound-
ary to the point at which it is crossed by Highway 6 (the starting point).

Constituency of Saint George North

From the point on the St. George-St. Michael parish boundary at which
it is crossed by Highway 4 (the Bridgetown-Bulkeley Road); thencealong
the middle of Highway 4 to its junction at Turnpike; thence along the middle
of the St. George's Church Road to the Free Hill-Jordans Road; thence
along the middle of the Free Hill-Jordans Road to the St. Judes Chapel Road;
thence along the middle of the St. Judes Chapel Road to Todds Road to the
point at which it crosses the St. George-St. John parish boundary; thence in
a Northerly direction along the St. George-St. John parish boundary to its


junction with the St. George-St. Joseph parish boundary; thence in a South-
westerly direction along the St. George-St. Joseph parish boundary to its
junction with the St. George-St. Thomas parish boundary; thence along the
St. George-St. Thomas parish boundary to itsjunction with the St. George-
St. Michael parish boundary; thence along the St. George-St. Michael parish
boundary to the point at which it is crossed by Highway 4 (the starting point).

Constituency of Saint George South

From the point on the St. George-St. Michael parish boundary at which
it is crossed by Highway 4 (the Bridgetown-Bulkeley Road); along the middle
of Highway 4 to its junction at Turnpike; thence along the middle of the
St. George's Church Road to the Free Hill-Jordans Road; thence along the
middle of the Free Hill-Jordans Road to the St. Judes Chapel Road; thence
along the middle of the St. Judes Chapel Road to Todds Road to the point
at which it crosses the St. George-St. John parish boundary; thence in a
Southerly direction along the St. George-St. John boundary to its junction
with the St. George-St. Philip parish boundary; thence in a South-westerly
direction along the St. George-St. Philip parish boundary to its junction
with the St. George-Christ Church parish boundary; thence along the St.
George-Christ Church parish boundary to its junction with the St. George-
St. Michael parish boundary; thence along the St. George-St. Michael parish
boundary to the point at which it is crossed by Highway 4 (the starting

Constituency of Saint James

From the point at which the St. James-St. Peter parish boundary touches
the sea coast in an Easterly direction along the St. James-St. Peter parish
boundary to the point at which it is crossed by the Gibbes-Rock Dundo Road;
thence in a South-easterly direction along the middle of Gibbes-Rock Dundo-
Upper Carlton-Westmoreland Road to its junction with the Westmoreland-
St. Silas Road; thence in an Easterly direction along the middle of the West-
moreland-St. Silas Road to the junction of Highway 2 A (the Bakers-Blowers


Road); thence along the middle of Highway 2A to the St. James-St. Thomas
parish boundary; thence in a South-westerly and then Southerly direction
along the St. James-St. Thomas parish boundary to the St. James-St. Michael
parish boundary to the point at which it touches the sea coast; thence in a
Northerly direction along the sea coast to the point at which the St. James-
St. Peter parish boundary touches it (the starting point).

Constituency of Saint Andrew

From the point at which the St. Andrew-St. Peter parish boundary touches
the sea coast in a South-westerly direction along the St. Andrew-St. Peter
parish boundary to the junction of the St. James-St. Peter parish boundary;
thence along the St. James-St. Peter parish boundary to the point at which
the Gibbes-Rock Dundo Road crosses the St. James-St. Peter parish boundary
along the middle of Gibbes-Rock Dundo-Upper Carlton Road-Westmoreland
Road to its junction with the Westmoreland-St. Silas Road; thence in an
Easterly direction along the middle of the Westmoreland-St. Silas Road to
the junction of Highway 2A (the Bakers-Blowers Road); thence along the
middle of Highway 2A to the St. James-St. Thomas parish boundary; thence
in a Northerly direction along the St. James-St. Thomas parish boundary to
the junction of St. Andrew-St. Thomas parish boundary; thence in a South-
easterly direction along the St. Andrew-St. Thomas parish boundary to the
junction of the St. Andrew-St. Joseph parish boundary; thence in a North-
easterly direction along the St. Andrew-St. Joseph parish boundary to the
point at which it touches the sea coast; thence along the sea coast to the
point at which it is crossed by the St. Andrew-St. Peter parish boundary
(the starting point).

Constituency of Saint John

From the point at which the St. John-St. Joseph parish boundary touches
the sea coast in a Westerly direction along the St. John-St. Joseph parish
boundary to the St. John-St. George parish boundary; thence in a Southerly
direction along the St. John-St. George parish boundary to the St. John-St.
Philip parish boundary; thence along the St. John-St. Philip parish boundary


to the point at which it touches the sea coast; thence in a North-westerly
direction along the sea coast to the point at which it is crossed by the
St. John-St. Joseph parish boundary (the starting point).

Constituency of Saint Thomas

From the point at which the St. Thomas-St. Michaelparish boundary is
touched by the St. Thomas-St. James parish boundary in a Northerly direction
along the St. Thomas-St. James parish boundary to the St. Thomas-St.
Andrew parish boundary; thence along the St. Thomas-St. Andrew parish
boundary to the St. Thomas-St. Joseph parish boundary; thence along the
St. Thomas-St. Joseph parish boundary to the St. Thomas-St. George parish
boundary; thence in a Westerly direction along the St. Thomas-St. George
parish boundary to the St. Thomas-St. Michael parish boundary; thence
along the St. Thomas-St. Michael parish boundary to the point at which
it touches the St. Thomas-St. James parish boundary (the starting point).

Constituency of Saint Peter

From the point at which the St. Peter-St. James parish boundary touches
the Western sea coast in a Northerly direction along the sea coast to the
point at which it is crossed bythe St. Peter-St. Lucy parish boundary; thence
along the St. Peter-St. Lucy parish boundary to the point at which it touches
the Eastern sea coast; thence in a Southerly direction along the sea coast
to the point at which it is crossed by the St. Peter-St. Andrew parish bound-
ary; thence along the St. Peter-St. Andrew parish boundary to the St. Peter-
St. James parish boundary; thence along the St. Peter-St. James parish
boundary to the point at which it touches the Western sea coast (the starting

Constituency of Saint Joseph

From the point at which the St. Joseph-St. Andrew parish boundary
touches the sea coast in a Westerly direction along the St. Joseph-St. Andrew
parish boundary to the St. Joseph-St. Thomas parish boundary; thence in a
Southerly direction along the .St. Joseph-St. Thomas parish boundary to the


St. Joseph-St. George parish boundary; thence in an Easterly direction along
the St. Joseph-St. George parish boundary to the St. Joseph- St. John parish
boundary; thence along the St. Joseph-St. John parish boundary to the point
at which it touches the sea coast; thence in a North-westerly direction
along the sea coast to the point at which it is crossed by the St. Joseph-
St. Andrew parish boundary (the starting point).

Constituency of Saint Lucy

From the point at which the St. Lucy-St. Peter parish boundary touches
the sea coast on the Western side; thence in a Northerly then North-easterly
and then South-easterly direction along the sea coast to the point at which
it is crossed by the St. Lucy-St. Peter parish boundary; thence in a Westerly
direction along the St. Lucy-St. Peter parish, boundary to the point at which
it touches the sea coast (the starting point).

Supplement to Official Gazette dated 8th May, 1969


Arrangement of Sections


1. Short title.

2. Interpretation.

3. Copyright vested in the Crown.

4. Grant of licences by the Minister.

5. Restrictions on the use etc. of the Coat of
Arms of Barbados.

6. Mutilating or defacing National Flag or Coat
of Arms.

7. Regulations.

8. Commencement.


ss^ ^____________^ ^ ^


I assent,
28th April, 1969.

1969 18

An Act to regulate the use of the National Em-
blems and National Anthem of Barbados.
(By Proclamation) Commencement.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados and by
the authority of the same as follows:-

1. This Act may be cited as the National Em- Short title.
blems and National Anthem of Barbados (Regulation)
Act, 1969.

2. For the purposes of this Act Interpretation.
"Coat of Arms" means the Coat of Arms of
Barbados described in Part I of the Schedule; Schedule.

Copyright vest-
ed in the Crown.

Grant of licences
by the Minister.


"licence" means a licence granted by the
Minister under section 5;

"Minister" means the Minister responsible
for Home Affairs;

"National Anthem" means the words and music
recognized by the Government as the National
Anthem of Barbados;

"National Emblems" means the Coat of Arms,
and the National Flag;

"National Flag" means the flag of Barbados
described in Part II of the Schedule.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of any enact-
ment to the contrary, it is hereby declared that the
copyright in the words and music of the National
Anthem and in the design of the National Flag and
the Coat of Arms is vested in the Crown in perpetuity
and all rights and privileges conferred on the regis-
tered proprietor of a design under the Copyright
(Works of Art) Act, 1905 shall be enjoyed by the
Crown but nothing in that Act shall render the Crown
liable to comply with the requirements of the proviso
to section 2 or of section 5 thereof.

4. (1) The Minister may grant to any person who
makes application in accordance with subsection (3)
a licence to do any one or more of the following things,
that is to say -

(a) to use or display the Coat of Arms in
connection with any business, trade,


profession or calling or with the activi-
ties of any body of persons whether
corporate or unincorporated;

(b) to sell or offer for sale any articles,
goods or things which represent or on
which is reproduced or represented the
Coat of Arms of Barbados.

(2) A licence under subsection (1) may be
granted subject to such terms and conditions as may
be therein specified and may at any time be revoked
or varied by the Minister.

(3) An application for a licence shall be in
writing and shall contain such information as the
Minister may from time to time require.

(4) There shall be payable in respect of Fees.
licences granted under this Act such fees as the
Minister may from time to time prescribe by regula-
tions made under section 7.

5. As from the commencement of this Act any Restrictions
person who on the use etc.
of the Coat of
Arms of Barbados.
(a) not being the holder of a valid and sub-
sisting licence granted under this Act -

(i) uses or displays in connection with
the carrying on of any business,
trade, profession or calling or with
the activity of any body of persons
corporate or unincorporated, or

Mutilating or de-
facing National
Flag or Coat of


(ii) sells or offers for sale any articles,
goods or things which represent or
on which is reproduced or repre-

the Coat of Arms of Barbados or any
arms so nearly resembling them as to
be calculated to deceive; or

(b) being the holder of a valid and sub-
sisting licence granted under this Act,
fails to comply with or contravenes any
of the terms and conditions subject to
which the licence was granted,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine not exceeding two hun-
dred and fifty dollars or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding three months and in the case of a con-
tinuing offence to a fine not exceeding twenty-five
dollars for every day or part of a day during which
the offence is continued after the first day on which
a conviction is obtained.

6. Any person who mutilates, cuts, tears or in any
way defaces the Coat of Arms or the National Flag
whether by writing, printing or stamping thereon or
otherwise without lawful authority or excuse shall be
guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary
conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred and
fifty dollars or to imprisonment for a term not ex-
ceeding three months.


7. (1) The Minister may make regulations generally Regulations.
for the proper carrying out of the provisions of this
Act, and without limiting the generality of the fore-
going may make regulations -

(a) providing for the proper use of the
National Emblems and the National
Anthem on all occasions;

(b) providing for the imposition, collection
and recovery of royalties payable for
the use of representations of the Coat
of Arms or the National Flag on articles
manufactured for sale or advertisement;

(c) prescribing the fees to be paid for
licences granted under this Act.

(2) Any regulations made under paragraph (b)
or (c) of subsection (1) shall be subject to negative

8. This Act shall come into operation on such Commencement.
date as the Governor-General may appoint by proclama-

Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly this eighteenth day of March one thousand nine
hundred and sixty-nine.


Read three times and passed the Senate this
twenty-fourth day of April one thousand nine hundred
and sixty-nine.


RGIAION ACT, 1969-18


Section 2

The following is the description of the Coat of Arms of Barbados -

Arms: Or a bearded Fig Tree eradicated in chief two Red Pride
of Barbados Flowers proper.

Crest: On a Wreath Or and Gules A dexter Cubit Arm of a Bar-
badian erect proper the hand grasping two Sugar Canes in
saltire proper.
ters: On the dexter side a Dolphin and on the sinister side a
Pelican proper.

Motto: "Pride and Industry".


The following is the description of the National Flag of Barbados -

The Flag is composed of three equal vertical panels the outer
panels of ultramarine and the centre panel of gold. A broken trident
in black is in the centre of the flag. The British standard colour
code numbers for the colours of the flag are as follows:-

Ultramarine BCC 148

Gold BS 0/002

The flag is designed in the proportion 3:2.

Supplement to Official Gazette dated 8th May, 1969

(AMENDMENT) ACT, 1969-19

Arrangement of Sections
1. Short title.
2. New section 7 inserted in Act 1969-9.
3. Amendment of Schedule to Act 1969-9.
4. Second Schedule added to Act 1969-9.
5. Commencement.

K 3aB. P~02 2
.2'2" 6



I assent,
28th April, 1969.

1969 19

An Act to amend the Registers of Electors (Special
Provisions) Act, 1969.
(22nd March, 1969) Commenoement.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados and by the
authority of the same as follows:-
1. This Act may be cited as the Registers of Elec- Short title.
tors (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 1969.
2. The Registers of Electors (Special Provisions) New section
Act, 1969, hereinafter referred to as the principal inserted in
Act, is hereby amended by inserting immediately after
section 6 thereof the following as section 7 of that
Act -

(AMENDMENT) ACT, 1969-19


7. (1) The Chief Registering Officer
shall cause a card, hereinafter referred
to as an "identification card", to be
issued in respect of every person whose
name appears in a register of electors
published under this Act.

(2) The provisions of the Second
Schedule shall have effect as to the
form and issue of identification cards
and otherwise in relation thereto.
(3) Where an elector proves to the
satisfaction of the Chief Registering
Officer that his identification card is
lost, defaced or destroyed, the Chief
Registering Officer shall cause to be
issued in respect of that elector a new
identification card."

Amendmentof 3. The Schedule to the principal Act is hereby
Schedule to amended -
Act 1969-9.
Act 1969-9. (a) by renumbering it as the First Schedule to
that Act; and

(b) by deleting the words "or improperly regis-
tered more than once in any local govern-
ment area" appearing in the fourth and fifth
lines of paragraph 15(1) thereof.

Second Schedule
added to Act


4. The principal Act is hereby amended by adding
as the Second Schedule thereto the Schedule to this

5. This Act shall be deemed to have come into
operation on the 22nd March, 1969.

(AMENDMENT) ACT, 1969-19

Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine
hundred and sixty-nine.


Read three times and passed the Senate this
twenty-fourth day of April one thousand nine hundred
and sixty-nine.


(AMENDMENT) ACT, 1969-19


(Section 4)
Provisions having effect in relation to the form and issue of identifi-
cation cards and otherwise in relation thereto

1. An identification card shall be in such form as the Minister may
approve, shall contain the following particulars -

(a) the name, date of birth, sex, nationality, distinguishing marks
(if any), height, signature and registration number of the person
in respect of whom it is issued; and

(b) the date of issue,

and shall have affixed to it a photograph of the person in respect of whom it
is issued.

2. The Chief Registering Officer shall cause -

(a) to be recorded on a blank identification card the particulars
required to be recorded thereon by paragraph (1);

(b) the elector in respect of whom he proposes to issue the identi-
fication card to be required to sign in ink such card together
with a photo application in duplicate in such form as the Min-
ister may approve;

(c) the particulars required to be set out in the photo application
to be inserted therein; and

(d) the original of the photo application to be detached and de-
livered to the elector in respect of whom the identification card
is to be issued.

3. An elector to whom a photo application is issued shall present it to
an official photographer who shall -

(a) cause the elector to again sign in ink the photo application;


SCHEDULE Continued

(b) take a photograph of the elector;

(c) himself sign in ink the photo application; and

(d) transmit to the Chief Registering Officer the photo application
together with the exposed film and as many prints taken there--
from as the Chief Registering Officer may require.

4. The Chief Registering Officer shall cause -

(a) a photograph of the elector taken in accordance with this Sche-
dule to be affixed to the identification card proposed to be
issued to that elector; and

(b) the identification card to be laminated in a transparent and
durable material approved by the Minister.

5. The Chief Registering Officer shall cause identification cards
until issued to be kept in safe custody and shall not permit any unauthorised
person to have access thereto.

6. The Chief Registering Officer shall issue a completed identification
card -

(a) by causing it to be delivered by hand to the elector to whom it

(b) by sending it by registered post to the address appearing in the
register of electors published under this Act in respect of the
elector to whom it relates,

so that the elector receives it at least two days before the date fixed for any
election to which this Act applies in connection with which it may, under
any enactment relating to the conduct of House of Assembly Elections, be
required to be produced.