The official gazette

Material Information

The official gazette
Place of Publication:
BridgetownBarbados Published by authority
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 33-42 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Law -- Periodicals -- Barbados ( lcsh )
Politics and government -- Periodicals -- Barbados ( lcsh )
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periodical ( marcgt )


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Caption title.
General Note:
Supplements issued for some of the numbers.

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Full Text






Gazette Notices

Acting Appointments: Miss Norma Chadderton to act
Assistant Supervisor, Post Office............. 307
J. Husbands to act Senior Parliamentary Counsel 307
Appointments of Supervisor and Deputy Supervisor of
Elections: Mr. A. F. C. Matthews and Mr.
D. A. Smith.............................................. 307
Income Tax Notice re Companies, Land Owners;
Property Owners etc............................. 308, 309
In the Supreme Court re Keith Wellersly Watkins
(In Bankruptcy)....................................... 310
Promotion: S. C. Corbin as P.S., Ministry of Ext. Affairs 307
Resignation: Miss Norma Wickham from Ministry of
Health................................................. 307
Senate Debate for 31st August, 1967.

Legal Supplement
S.I. 1969 No. 62: Barbados Harbours (Amendment) (No, 3)
Regulations, 1969.
Acts:- 1969-10: The Christ Church Foundation Schools (etc,)
Act, 1969
1969-11: B'dos Fancy Molasses Production etc.
(Amendment) Act, 1969
1969-12: The Petroleum (Amendment) Act, 1969
1969-13: The B'dos Union Oil Company Refinery (etc.)
(Amendment) Act, 1969
1969-14: Financial Administration and Audit (Amend.)
Act, 1969.



Miss Norma Wickham, Clerical Offices,
Ministry of Health and Communit
ment, resigns from the Publi
effect from 11th April, 196 9.

M.P. 8599)

)Ca8 z9

Acting Appointments
Miss Norma Chadderton, Clerical Offi-
cer, has been appointed to act as Assistant
Supervisor, Post Office, with effect from 27th
January, 1969, until further notice.
(M.P. 3660/14)
J. Husbands, Parliamentary Counsel, has
been appointed to act as Senior Parliamentary
Counsel with effect from 24th March to 13th
April, 1969.

(M.P. 3654/13)
S. C. Corbin, Senior Assistant Secretary,
has been appointed Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of External Affairs with effect from
4th April, 1969.
(M.P. C. 1515/39/22/6)
Appointments under section 17 of the
Representation of the People
Act, 1957
His Excellency the Governor-General has
been pleased to make the following appoint-
ments under section 17 of the Respresenta-
'tion of the People Act, 1957:-

Mr. A. F. C. Mathews to be Supervisor
of Elections.
Mr. D. A. Smith to be Deputy
Supervisor of Elections.

NO.i 26



(Year of Income 1968)

Notice is hereby given that income Tax Returns are required from:-

(1) Every Company, and every person resident or non resident who has
carried on a business, profession, vocation, trade, manufacture or un-
dertaking of any kind, or an adventure or concern in the nature of trade
in Barbados during the income year 1968.

(2) Every person who was in the income year 1968 -
(a) an owner of land;
(b), as owner of property, other than land, from which as assess-
able income was derived:
(c) a trust or estate;
(d) an individual who
(i), was a married person who wholly supported his spouse,
(ii) was a married man whose wife was habitually living with
and whose assessable income, including the assessable income of
his spousewas $1,400 or over in the income year; or

(e) an individual other than an individual described in paragraph
(d) whose assessable income was $800 or over in the income

2. Return Forms

Returns may be obtained from the Inland Revenue Department (2nd
Floor) Treasury Building, Bridge Street, and forms duly filled in must
be delivered to me on or before 30th April, 1969.

3. Every Company and every other person required to file a return of his
assessable income shall in the return
(a) set out the deductions from assessable income that he wishes to
(b) calculate his taxable income, and
(c) estimate the amount of tax payable by him.


March 31, 1969

4. Payment of Tax
The tax as estimated and unpaid must be paid as indicated hereunder:-

(a) By Companies
on or before 30th April, 1969.

(b) By Individuals
One half (1/2) not later than 30th June, 1969.
The other half (1/2) not later than 30th November, 1969.

Commissioner of Inland Revenue.


-1. ShortForm

This return form should be used by persons in receipt of income from
the following sources only:-

(a) employment (salary, wages pension etc.) and
(b) interest arising in Barbados.

a brochure has been prepared to assist persons using the short form in
completing returns and estimating tax payable. A copy will be issued with
each form. Please ensure that you obtain a copy.

2. General Form

This return form should be used by all otherpersons. For persons filing
the General Form a Guide has been prepared; this should be of assis-
tance in completing returns and estimating tax payable. A copy will be
issued with each return form.


(1) Failure to deliver a return of income by 30th April, 1969, to estimate
tax payable, 5% of tax assessed and unpaid.

(2) Failure to pay an account of tax estimated or that is assessed and
unpaid 5% of the tax due and unpaid or $10 which ever is the greater,

And in addition to penalties at (1) and (2) liable on Summary con-
viction to a fine of not less than $10.00 and not greater than $10,000.

(3) Interest at the rate of 1% per month.


, 309

Marek 31 .1969

31 i- OFFICIAL GAZETTE ... 1 96.


Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons, either male or
female over the age of 17 years, for appointment to the above post.

2. The appointment is temporary and subject to medical fitness. On comple-
tion of the training, candidates will be eligible for appointment to the grade of
Draughtsman as vacancies occur.

3. The salary of the post is in the scale $1,500 x 120 2,100 per annum.

4. Applicants should possess the following qualification:-

Three (3) "0" Level passes obtained in not more than two examinations.
The Subjects should include English Language and Mathematics.

5. Application forms (S.C 21) and full details of the post may be obtained
from the Service Commrissions Department, "Flodden", Culloden Road,
St. Michael.

6. Application forms should reach the Chief Personnel Officer, Service Com-
missions Department, "Flodden", Culloden Road, St. Michael, not later than 5th
April, 1969.

10th March, 1969.

No. 1 of 1963


High Court


In Bankruptcy

Re the Estate of


Notice is hereby given that a dividend is

intended to be declared' in the above matter.

Creditors mentioned in the Debtor's Statement
of Affairs, who have not yet proved their debts
are requested to submit their proofs to me on
or before the 19th day of April, 1969, other-
wise they will be excluded from this dividend.

Dated this 25th day of March, 1969.

Official Assignee,
The Crown Solicitor's Office,
The Law Courts,
Coleridge Street,

Government Printing Office.



Msrah 31..10fi0






Thursday, 31st August, 1967
The Senate met in the Senate Chamber, Public
Buildings, at 3 o' clock p.m. today.


His Honour Senator E.S. ROBINSON, C.B.E.
(President); His Honour Senator C. ASQUITH
PHILLIPS, B.A., (Deputy President);Senator the
Honourable H.A. VAUGHAN, O.B.E., Q.C., (Minister
of State and Leader of the Senate); Senator the Hon-
ourable F.G. SMITH, Q.C., (Attorney General); Sen-
ator the Honourable P.M. GREAVES, B.A. (Minister
of Home Affairs); Senator the Honourable L.E.
SANDIFORD, M.A., (Minister of Education); Senator
H. Odessa GITTENS, M.R.S.H.,( Parliamentary Sec-
retary); Senator C.L. BRATHWAITE; Senator E.
Lisle WARD; Senator F. C. H. CAREW; Senator Dr.
R.B. CADDLE, B. Sc., M. B. B. S. ; Senator S. V.
ASHBY; Senator F. L. WALCOTT, O. B. E. ; Sen-
ator W. W. BLACKMAN, M. B. E. ; Senator Erma
ROCK; Senator S. A. BLANCHETTE; Senator R. G.
MAPP; Senator H. F. ALKINS; Senator N. A.
BARROW, B. A. ; Senator P. G. MORGAN.


Senator D. A. WILES, C.M.G., O.B.E.

Prayers were said.


Before the business of the meeting begins, I would
like to make some reference to the passing away since
our last meeting of the late Mr. George Birt Evelyn.
He was never a member of this Senate, but he was a
member of the old Legislative Council which was a
sort of connecting body between the House of Assem-
bly and our present Upper Chamber. On both grounds
I think that it would be in order for us to record our
regret at his passing and to move that a message of
condolence be sent to the members of his family.

Mr. Evelyn came into public life late, and the
greater part of his life was spent in an atmosphere
very different from that which he encountered when he
entered into the field of politics. I remember when

he took his seat for the first time in the House of As -
sembly and I remember myself taking my seat for the
first time when he was returned.

The fact is that Mr. Evelyn's thoughts and feel-
ings were set particularly by the atmosphere in
which he was brought up and by those circumstances
which shaped his feelings towards his fellow men and
mankind in general. But there are one or two things
whizh we can say -thathe was fearless in expressing
his views, that he was not given to any parade of
emotions and that he was a strict and scrupulous
scrutineerofevery financial measure that came be-
fore the Legislature. In those days he gave of his best
as he saw it.

There is another thing that I should add. Although
I do not know what Mr. Evelyn would have thought of
important recent developments such as Independence
I know that he brooked no interference bythe Colon-
ial Office with the independent action which Barba-
dians for centuries had regarded as theirown. It can
also be said that after he retired from the Legisla-
ture and for some time before his death he took a keen
interest in the way in which this island was being

Mr. Evelyn came into Central Government poli-
tics after a fairly long apprenticeship in the paro-
chial sphere. He entered the House of Assembly
after he had been made a Queen's Counsel and so he
had an extensive experience in the drafting of meas-
ures. He rose to be Speaker of the Other Place and
he was afterwards translated to the Legislative
Council where he was a valuable member.

The late Mr. Evelyn did not seek the limelight,
but he had definite ideas and he had no hesitation
in making his views known. I have spoken before
of his courage and his sticking to principle and on
those two grounds alone he was a worthy example.

He contributed not only to the debates of the Leg-
islature, but to public life. His style of speaking was
by no means oratorical. He never raised his voice
but what he said was definite and you could be in no
doubt that he meant what he said. His principles
were very well known and you could be sure that he
would vote always on strict principle. I have in my
hands a Resolution which I will now read, and in
which I move that the Senate concur.

The Resolution is as follows: Resolved that this
Senate record its deep regret at the passing of the
late George Birt Evelyn C. B. E. a former member
of the legislature of this island, and that a Message
of sympathy be sent to his family.

SENATOR H. F. ALKINS: Mr. President, I
rise to second the motion and support the remarks
made by the Honourable Minister of State. I cannot
claim to have had any intimate knowledge of Mr.
Evelyn. He served in the Old Legislative Council
before I joined that body, and consequently I had
no personal knowledge of his service on that body.

I did know him to some extent professionally
and in business, and I can say that I always found
him a man of the highest integrity. He was the
type to which we would refer as a gentleman of
the old school, and as such he set himself the high-
est standards of conduct both professionally and
personally. In everything that he undertook he cer-
tainly showed himself to be a man of unimpeachable

He served this community faithfully and well
for many years, and Barbados is the poorer for
his passing.

I formally beg to second the motion.

as President of this Senate to associate myself with
the remarks made by the Minister : State and by Sen-
ator Alkins. I have had the honour of serving in the
Other Place with the late Mr. Evelyn and I was
there when he happened to be the Speaker of the
Other Pla:'. I also had the honour of serving in the
Legislative Council when the late Mr. Evelyn was
a member of that Chamber.

I would like to endorse the remarks made
by the two senators that Mr. Evelyn was a man who
always expressed his views in a calm and sober
manner, and he certainly gave a lot of good advice
on the various matters that came before both Houses
of Parliament. I think that this island will mourn
his passing.

Before I put the Resolution I will ask members
to stand in their places for a short while.

The President instructed the clerk to have a
copy of the Resolution sent to the late Mr. Evelyn's
family. The Resolution read:

RESOLVED that the Senate record its deep re-
gret at the passing of the late George Birt Evelyn,
C. B. E. a former member of the Legislative Coun-
cil of this Island and that a message of condolence
be sent to the members of his family in their sad
The question that the Resolution be approved was
put and agreed to.

The Clerk offered an excuse for the absence of
Senator D. A. Wiles from the day's meeting.


Senator the Honourable H. A. Vaughan, Minister
of State and Leader of the Senate, laid the following

(i) The Customs Duties (Child Care Com-
mittee) Order, 1967.

(ii) Statement showing Net Customs and
Excise Receipts for four months
ended 31st July, 1967.

(iii) The Barbados Citizenship Regulations,


The President called the first Order- A Reso-
lution to place the sum of $4,414 at the disposal of
the Government to supplement the Estimates, 1967-
68 Part I Current as shown in the Supplementary
Estimates 1967-68 No. 12 which forms the Schedule
to the Resolution.

The object of this Resolution is to give financial im-
plementation to the application for the staffing of the
Service Commissions to which we are already com-
mitted Members will no doubt recollect that at a
previous meeting we agreed to an Order increasing
the staff of the Service Commission. The $4,414
asked for in the Resolution is needed to provide sal-
aries for the rest of the financial year.

I move Sir, that the Resolution be concurred in.

Senator the Honourable F. G. Smith secondedthe

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: Mr. President, I just
want to enquire if the gardener mentioned is to be
employed on a whole time basis. I pass there fre-
quently, and from what I see the work can be shared
with Culloden Farm. The garden at the Commission's
headquarters is not so extensive as to need the ser-
vice of a whole time gardener.

As far as I know it is whole time job. I do not know
if Senator Mapp knows anything practical about gar-
dening; but I know because I have garden and I know
how much daily labour is necessary to get it started
and to keep it going in a worthwhile condition. I did
not think that Senator Mapp would have been keea
about depriving someone of a whole time job.

The question that the Resolution be concurred
in was put to the Senate and agreed to.


The President called the second Order -A Reso-
lution to place the sum of $300,640 at the disposal of
the Government to supplement the Estimates, 1967-
68 Part I Current as shown in the Supplementary

Estimates, 1967-68 No. 13 which forms the Schedule
to the Resolution.

Mr. President, This Resolution seeks to provide for
two sums. One is for the Prime Minister's Office for
an allowance to the head of the Civil Service and the
other is under Local Government for a grant to the
Interim Commissioner.

Let me explain first of all what is intended in
the first part of this Resolution. I would like to say
to this Chamber that the ideas which have been so
ceaselessly promulgated during the past week based
on the assumption that the method adopted by the Gov-
ernment in filling this post is in some way a breach
of constitutional convention or a breach of the Con-
stitution are absolutely erroneous. There is not one
word in the Constitution about the Head of the Civil

It stood to reason from the time we became
Independent and the post of Governor -General became
a political appointment, not by the authority of Eng-
land but by the Prime Minister and assented to by
Her Majesty, that the liaison between the Head of State
and the large body of Civil Servants would not be
as close as it was. Therefore there was a necessity
for having someone in the Civil Service who could
keep more in touch with Civil Servants than the Gov-
ernor General properly and constitutionally can.

It therefore became imperative, as it has become
imperative in other Independent Territories in this
area, and in other emergent nations to select some-
one as Head of the Civil Service. In England there are
two Permanent Secretaries of the Treasury, one deal-
ing with Finance and one dealing with Establishment
matters. It is the Permanent Secretary who deals with
Establishment matters who is designated or regarded
as Head of the Civil Service. In England not so long
ago the Head of the Civil Service was the Secretary
to the Cabinet, and no one raised any noise about it.

We have not followed that method, although I
understand that in Trinidad and Jamaica that it is
the method which obtains. In Jamaica, I understand
the Head of the Civil Service is the Financial Secre-
tary. Before the 30th November, 1966, without any
formal designation, the Financial Secretary in Bar-
bados was regarded and accepted as the Head of the
Civil Service.

What I am saying now is without any reflection on
any particular civil servant. I want that to be clearly
understood. On consideration of this principle, how-
ever, it has seemed to Cabinet that we should adopt
one of these methods, and that is, insteadof appoint-
ing the Secretary to the Cabinet as Head of the Civil
Service, in which case he would be person who was
closely connectedwith the political management of the
territory, or instead of continuing the old but,, shall I
say, somewhat legally undesignated methodwhichwe

had of appointing another officer as the Head of the
Civil Service, we thought it best to make the appoint-
ment, not to a particular office, but to a particular
officer, who on the score of his long experience, his
policy, his personality and his ease ingetting on with
the members of the service generally, would be
proved to be thoroughly acceptable, and would be able
to perform the duties both to the satisfaction of the
Government, of the public in general, and of course
with the Head of State.

Now, Sir, this matter actually came up for dis-
cussion when the last Salaries Commissioner was
considering the revision of ,salaries, and he had
certain points to make, and it was his view, Mr.
President, that we should not necessarily follow any
of those methods which were adopted elsewhere, but
he recommended, as a matter of fact, he went further
and said if the Secretary to the Cabinetwas designa-
ted as Head of the Civil Service he should as such be
regarded, but in any event he should be paid at a rate
not less than that of the highest Government officer.
Well, what the Cabinet in general said was to take a
middle course and attach the appointment not to a
particular office but to a particular officer, and I
should like to tell members this, that this appoint-
ment has met with no criticism in the Civil Service
Association who look into matters of this kind. It
has, as a matter of fact, met with complete accep-
tance from the Permanent Secretaries, not only the
appointment of the particular person, but the method
of appointment, and the Resolution is for a sum to im-
plement his emoluments by way of a special allow-
ance, a non-pensionable allowance, so it would be free
for Cabinet to vary the appointment from officer to
officer irrespective of what particular post he holds,
but keeping in view in any other instance, those quali-
fications which in this instance have been foundto be
prevalent in the officer so designated, and of course
also to preserve some element of senoritywhere the
other Permanent Secretaries are concerned. So there
is no question of our trying to get around this, there
is no question of Government bypassing any properly
constituted authority under the Constitution and mak-
ing an appointment by a method which is not permis-

I am seeking to make it plain, and I hope, I think
that the Government in making this appointment has
adopted a method which in spite of criticism which
I understand has been levelled at it in some other
quarters both by the living voice and in the press,
is after all, one that is very commendable.

The second part of the Resolution deals withthe
grant to the Interim Commissioner for an increase
in salaries andwages of employees of the now defunct
Local Government Councils. The rate of increase of
salaries and wages is as follows:
(a) Salaries and wages not exceeding $1,200 p.a.
25% increase.
(b) Salaries and wages exceeding $1,200 p. a.,
but not exceeding $2,400 p.a. 20% increase.

(c) Salaries and wages exceeding $2,400 p.a.,
but not exceeding $3,600 p.a. 15% increase


(d) Salaries and wages exceeding $3,600 p.a.
10% increase.
The higher the pay you get, the smallerthe increase

I think that the people who have been performing
the duties of local government in one way or another
are due for some increase, and the two bodies who
look after their interest the Barbados Workers'
Union and the Civil Service Association have both
discussed this matterwith the Government, and as far
as Icangather, the Civil Service Association did not
work out the principles but they were in agreement
and the Barbados Workers' Union was not against
them, but they were firm that any increase should
take place as from the 1st April, 1966, and that is the
date on which the increase became due. Sir, I move
this Resolution be concurred in.

I beg to second that.

I welcome this Resolution from the point of view that
it is long standing and the people who will be served
by it will cease their frustration, but I cannot com-
mend it for any other reason than that. The Hon-
ourable Minister has said that the Civil Service
Association discussed the matter with the Govern-
ment, but we were opposed. We were led to believe
that we did not have the time, as it were, to go
through the matter as we would have liked because
it was just three or four days notice to get back
with these figures, and therefore we had to send
in those.

First of all, the salaries were ridiculously low,
and I do not know how the Councils could pay those
salaries to people in their employ. It is past my
understanding. I do not think the hon. members on
this side of the House had an opportunity of seeing
the figures, but I had the pleasure of seeing the
figures and you will see in St. Thomas a maid re-
ceived $30 per month, 25% increase would take
that up to $38, that is $7.50 per week. On what
grounds could you think that people in this age
could live comfortably on that? In St. James a
cook received $40 to $60 per month $10 a week,
and I am in a position to tell you that in private
life maids are asking $10 for half day. What sort
of people do these Councils expect to work for sal-
aries like these? I am not blaming the Cabinet be-
cause I do not think that the men on the Cabinet saw
these figures; they are supposed to have seen the
corrected ones and they put on these percentages
accordingly, but even when we come down to the
percentages last year Mr. Gardner Brown, the
Commissioner, recommended in some instances 40
or 45% to the people in the lower categories in the
service, people below $100 a month, and in no cate-
gory did he recommend 10%. I have been made to
understand it is only a temporary measure, but tem-
porary as it is, there can be no justification for
giving the basic salaries and then the percentages
as such. 25% to a person getting $30 a month only
Means an additional $8, and now that these figures

have been provided to the members on the other side
who have not seen them, I hope that although this
Resolution has just come down they will go back
and let the Cabinet know that they are below subsis-
tence level and they should do something better to
bring them up to scratch.

We are now about to celebrate our first year
of Independence, and, Mr. President, we have to
be very very careful that the society in which we
are living some are living in splendour and others
are living in squalor.

SENATOR F. L. WALCOTT: Mr. President, I
will draw attention briefly to the facts when I speak.
It is true that the Minister of State does not know all
the details about this matter. This matter dealswith
workers who were working with some of the Coun-
cils before. What Senator Blackman says about the
salaries is true; what he has not said is that prior
to the Government taking over these organizations -
why is it that the salaries were only $30 a month and
nobody in the public service gets $30 a month? The
idea is that you can get strange political bedfellows.

The Barbados Workers' Union met the Council
on these facts and the City Council agreed that what-
ever the Government did with the Service, they would
do with their employees, that is put them on a salary
scale which would be similarto Government's; butwe
found they were paying $50 a month to Maids. The
reason for that was that there was a little republic
that was being conducted in the City Council, and the
Mayor was recruiting the employees as his servants
and we went into the matter andwe have reached the
stage now that this is August 1967 andwe are talking
on behalf of people's money from the 1st April, 1966.
You have to reach the point of doing something now
to give them relief, because the whole idea of Local
Government employees has to be legalised. There
was no pattern laid down, so when we talk we must
know what we are talking about. There were no gener-
al employment tactics. If you look closely at the trend
of the Councils in paying wages and salaries you will
find that people's salaries were conditioned by the
local rates; you find that people appointed with the
same qualifications get different salaries, so to merge
these we realise that it would have taken a very long
time to consolidate and this is where the Barbados
Workers' Union submitted to the Government a clear
cut and simple statement, for all of these people
must eventually receive conditions of employment no
less favourable than their counterparts in the Central
Government. Under the old system the City Council
would have said to us that they would be unable to go
back to the 1st April, 1966 because of an agreement
which would have ended on 31st March, 1967.

I have the file here with the minutes of the meet-
ing held at the City Council. So this is the choice area
of workers, and I would say that the conditions at the
St. Michael Infirmary and the wages are deplorable.
There ought to be a complete investigation into how
people work in a place like the Infirmary where there


is a lot of filth and they are not entitled to better
conditions of service. These people are performing
manual tasks under circumstances that are extreme-
ly primitive and unhealthy and should not he carried
on at all.

This is not a question of the Civil Service Asso-
ciation or anybody looking up an areato see how this
is done or how thesepeople are paid, look at the whole
structure of the payment of these people. The Barba-
dos Workers' Union do not have to pay that way be-
cause we have 20,000 people to see after. We are
not looking for employment, we are working people,
but we are responsible enough to examine withthese
local authorities if you leave it up to these local
authorities you will never get anywhere, because the
people are coming one by one and they are waiting on
the rates before they pay the people proper salaries.
It is for that reason that we have this disparity in
salaries andwages. I had to meet some of these work-
ers and tell them, quite frankly,, I do not know if
some of these political operators were appointing
people to certain positions with any knowledge of
job requirements or if they were giving people jobs
because they were supporters.

I did not hear Senator Blackman say that these
salaries existedbefore; wewereinitbefore. It seems
to me that as soon as the Government and we make
no bones about it if the Government does not pay
wages, Government has to pay more wages for the
general workers and the workers inthe Service, they
were coming down with salaries for people getting
3/40 an hour, while some pensioners were getting
more than some of those poor workers.

We have asked the Government quite clearly to
give all of these people whether they are general
workers in Government or Local Government, give
them suitable wages and conditions of employment.
We have accepted an interim method in the sense
that we have enough experience to know that you
could not wait until April next year to do it.

I think Senator Blackman should be saying that
the Barbados Workers' Union had the right to repre-
sent these people, but from the things I saw in the
newspaper, nothing has been said about this; and to
suggest today that what is being done because some of
these people are getting higher increases than what
the Local Government could have ever given them,
do not givt the impression that we have put forward
proposals for some of them and that the Government
has granted increases greater than what we have put
in, some are lower, and those that are lower we have
asked the Government to review and we are going to
see that something is done about them.

We accepted it because the workers themselves
are going to get a better deal, all of the street clean-
ers are going to get a better deal because they will be
paid from April 1966, though under normal circum-
stances they would not have been entitled to retrospec-
tive pay. If you ask those who controlled the Local
Government before the reason why, they will tell you

it is because of the rates, so it is not anything that
the Government has now introduced, it is something
that was there, and in some other parts of the island
things were very much worse than they were in the
City. Some of them came through the various politi-
cal doors, and when you come in that way you have
to be satisfied with what you get. You should have
been glad I gave you the opportunity of coming in at
all that is the attitude and on all sides of Barba-
dos the Vestry and Parochial jobs were little ser-
vice jobs that people were giving any person without
any particular qualifications. You know a Vestryman,
or you know a Councillor, he served you well and he
will squeeze you in, you did not have to go through
the-proper course, there was no organisation, every-
body knows what their system was, and for that reas -
on the Local Government became a 20th century
anachronism.It had no real meaning, and for that reas -
on you had to abolish it; but to continue this, you will
find yourself in some quarters left with more people
than you really need to do the jobs that are there.
This is an interim measure; accept it as an interim
measure, but from this point on we can proceed and
remove all the anomalies and difficulties as time goes
SENATOR R. G. MAPP: Mr. President, I have
listened very attentively to the Minister of State when
he introduced this Resolution in which he said that
there was no breach of the Constitution in the appoint-
ment of a Head of the Civil Service.

Now, Sir, I myself am not aware that any objec -
tion was made to this proposal on the ground that the
appointment of a Head of the Civil Service represen-
ted a breach of the Constitution. Certainly the Minis-
ter has not told us what was said in the Other Place
by a member of the Government and that he referred
to the method of appointment.

In other words, Sir, who is making this appoint-
ment? I believe that attention was drawn elsewhere
to the fact that if this appointment is to be made by
the Cabinet then it is a breach of the Constitution.

Like the hon. Minister, I do not want it to be
thought that anything I have to say is a reflection
on the particular officer who we know has been ap-
pointed. When we were in the Government we our-
selves recognized that officer's ability and the other
attributes to which the Minister referred. Think that
at that time he was sent for a course in Local Govern-
ment Administration and he did a very good job. In
addition the manner in which he gets on with the Civil
Service generally is very good.

However, Sir, it is not to be denied that there are
others of equal or perhaps greater ability, and others
who may also possess the personality and qualities
which are requisite for an officer of this calibre. But
the essential point is who is to be the judge, who is
to select from the persons who have reached a cer-
tain position in the Service and who may have these
attributes, who should be appointed as Head of the
Civil Service. That is germane to the whole issue.

Sir, how are we to know that today this Cabinet may
decide on one who has these attributes and that to-
morrow another Cabinet may decide on one who does
not have them? The charge is being made that the
Cabinet may make this selection on the basis of the
person and not on the basis of office. It has been
argued that we are in danger of breaking, if not the
Constitution, then the spirit of the Constitution by
getting around it. The Cabinet may make this appoint-
ment today and some people are silent but if some
Cabinet makes another appointment tomorrow you
may get a howl from the same people wlh.) are silent

Senator suggesting should make this appointment?

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: The constitution safe-
guards the integrity of the Civil Service by putting
appointments in the hands of the Public Service Com-
missions. Although the Minister was silent on this
point, it is not a point that can be glossed over so
easily or overlooked because the whole point is that
unless you designate an office, the future appointment
to which lies in the hands of the Public Service Com-
mission, and not the Cabinet, you are opening your-
self to the charge of getting around the Constitution.

The Minister referred to the English practice.
We know that gone are the days in that country when
political patronage used to exist, and awards used to
be ,iven on that basis.

It is because of that that the practice has grown
up of not designating an officer Mr.Macmillandid
not designate an officer, and the present Minister may
find himself in the same position; but at least he de-
signates a post If you had two Permanent Secretar-
ies in the Treasury at least they were posts; but this
feeble and distasteful method of appointing an indivi-
dual and then coming for an ex gratia payment to
raise his salary to a certain amount is the acme of
political patronage.

You are putting it in the hands of any Government
to say tomorrow to an officer:"You be good boy as
Head of the Civil Service if not you can go and we will
appoint someone else." Mr. So and So may have all
the qualities,.the worthy character and the most bril-
liant mind in the Civil Service; but when you put
this appointment in the hands of a political body it is
saying "we will appoint our blue-eyed boy to that
post and give him an allowance to bring his salary
up to the requirements set out in this Resolution."

Barbados is a small place. We are comprised of
people who, when it come to certain matters, are very
lacking in courage. It has always been so and it is
still so today. There are people who are afraid of
losing their jobs and who tremble with fear when
they feel that they may have to go before the Public
Service Commission. When it comes to struggling
for their own increases there are some who may
have a little more guts; but when it comes to things
like this do not expect them to say one word. No one
will take the lead.,

The Senator on my right, Senator Blackman, is
well known to be a man of unselfish motives and who
did not speak or act for his own personal aggrandise-
ment. But how many of them are like that? How many
of them will speak openly against the method of the
appointment of the Head of the Civil Service?

Mr. President, I am not surprised that they did
not say anything. I would have been surprised if they
had said something. I am glad to hear the Minister
say that in Jamaica the Head of the Civil Service is
the Permanent Secretary in the Treasury.

Financial Secretary.

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: That does not make any
big difference. There arevery good reasons indeed
why it should be the Financial Secretary. I will give
all the reasons why it should be someone connected
with finance. As the Minister of State admitted, it
used to, be the officer connected with the Treasury
before Mr.Macmillan changed it. I am sayingthat the
head of the financial part of our administration, who-
ever he may be, should be head of the Civil Service.
You have the safeguard that the present officer, re-
gardless of the fact that he may not get on easily with
other members of the service -

of an individual is not before the Senate. The Reso-
lution deals with a supplementary vote for the Ser-
vice Commission and with basic salary for the Head of
the Civil Se rvice; but the personwho will perform that
duty has nothing to do with the Senate.

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: I think that you will
agree, Sir, that because the Government has a par-
ticular officer in mind this Resolution becomes
necessary. I am not suggesting that you were not
following my argument, Sir, but perhaps you might
not have been hearing as well as possible. The Gov-
ernment has someone in m'nd and they are asking
for this grant of $648 now.

of explanation. It is not a question of having sone-
body in mind. The appointment has been gazetted.

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: The Senator is
strengthening my argument in his usually strong man-
ner. This grant is to bring the officer's salary up to
$12,000 per annum. My argument remains the same,
that it is wrong in principle, that it is taking us in the
name of independence to what is a breach of the spirit
of the Constitution which seeks to maintain a Civil
Service that is impartial and not subject to appoint-
ments by the Cabinet.

I am not saying that the Cabinet has made a bad
appointment; but if this method of appointment by the
Cabinet is to prevail in the future wv are open to all
kinds of danger. Do we know what will happen in the.
next five years and what some other Cabinet may do?


I feel that it is my duty to throw out a warning.
I do not agree with this method, however much we
may agree with the appointments of the individual.
It is opening ourselves to unforseen and definite dan -

I turn now to another part of the Resolution, the
item for $300,000 under Local Government. We all
remember when the Government came to the Legisla-
ture with the Local Government Bill making provi-
sion for the interim administration. May I inquire
what is the cause of the delay? This simply will not

For years employees of the Local Government
Councils have been asking for some uniformity in
their rates of remuneration. In this small island
you get the situation in which an officer, because he
works for the City Council gets more than his coun-
terpart in St. Philip, while one in St. Philip gets
more than one in St. Lucy. It is absolutely ridiculous.

We are worried, Sir, and we have cause to be
worried, because we were assured that soon after
the Bill to abolish Local Government everything
would start afresh. We find today that the Govern-
ment is perpetuating the same nonsense that has
been going on for donkeys years.

Take the nurses. Although they are all doing the
saine work, the Government seems to be keeping up
the system of putting one side against the other. Sen-
ator Blackman should be getting up and fighting it
across the table, and Senator Walcott who is always
talking about confrontation --

SENATOR F. L. WALCOTT: There is absolutely
no confrontation with Senator Blackman. He has
never been an opponent of the Union in this field.

SENATOR W. W. BLACKMAN: I have never had
any confrontation.

hear that the Senator is not in a fighting mood.

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: You get cases where
Nursing Assistants in one parish get $99 a month, in
other parishes Nursing Assistants get $90 and in
others $80 and have to purchase their own meals.
These seem to be the Cinderellas of the Public Ser-

I know that I will be reminded that it obtained
in the past; but we were told that it would soon be
cleaned up; and I hope that the Minister will tell us
if that promise will soon be translated into positive

Taxes have gone up. I am paying more Local
Government taxes than before. I do not owe any. It
seems that Peter is paying for Paul. I hope that the
Government can tell us what is the situation as far
as Local Government is concerned because we have
no representatives in Local Government now, and
-making appeals to this Government is like knocking

your head against a stone wall. However, if they do
not hear they might feel.

I understand that the Government has consulted
with both the Civil Service Association and the Bar-
bados Workers' Union and that the conference went
off quite amicably.

vice Association and the Barbados Workers Union
did not meet together, but gave wholehearted sup-
port to the discussions.

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: I am not suggesting that
both bodies went before the Government together. He
said that the Government consulted both bodies. Sen-
ator Walcott said that while they agreed with some
of the proposals they apparently did not agree with
all because Senator Walcott is not satisfied that they
gave all that he asked for. He will go back to them
in the future.

I hope that by that time the Government will take
some positive action in setting up some method of
administering Local Government. Let them get ahead
with the job. The present situation is not good enough,
I hope that we will see some attempt to unify the
Service. Let them put the Local Government house
in order so that we will know where we stand so far
as taxes and representation are concerned. To whom
can we go if we think that taxes, for example are too

I rise to explain two or three points to the last
speaker, and I would like to begin first with the bus-
iness of the Local Government. I think his complaints
are six years too late; he had ample opportunity to do
all the things he wants us to do now. Senator Walcott
explained very carefully how he has made his point
clear for the workers, and I feel that Senator Mapp
was just making something to use his pen on Sunday.
None of us, with few exceptions, ........

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: Mr. President, I am
sorry to interrupt the hon. Senator.

MR. PRESIDENT: Is the hon. Senatorrisingona
point of order?

SENATOR R. G.MAPP: Yes,Sir, Iheardthe hon.
Minister make reference to something; she is accus-
ing ........

just said that he uses his pen, I do not see why he
is making an objection.

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: I am editor of a weekly
paper of which I am proud. It does not appear on
Sunday, it is never that late.

when he cannot speak he will raise his voice, raise
his pen, and he is quite right, but I think he is six
years too late. He is not going to make any person


in this small island of ours believe that we have not
done anything about it. We will in time, in the proper
time effect a change, you cannot make anybody else
believe anything different to that.

The next point is, I wish to say categorically
here that this Cabinet of ours is comprised of men
of the highest integrity in the Caribbean area, and the
Cabinet is respected throughout the entire English
speaking community, but he underestimates the integ-
ity which is common and he and his colleagues are
quite capable of doing the things of which he accused
us. In each case his complaints are looking into a

Mr. President, I was rather surprised that Sen-
ator Mapp had anything to say today, because he has
said almost everything that has already been said. But
this country is in danger of becoming a democracy of
wrong because certain people have columns in a
newspaper, to the extent that the editors are getting
replies to speeches made by hon. members, although
they themselves had an opportunity in this Chamber,
which is part of the democratic process, of rebutt-
ing anything that is said.

I am going to deal with this problem, Sir, of the
Head of the Civil Service. People write because they
have to write and they do not read the Constitution,
or they get advice from elsewhere. As for the Hon.
Senator Barrow, he can take his advice from whom
he likes ........

SENATOR N. A. BARROW: On a point of order.
I am not aware that I have nade any contribution to
this debate.

Section 99(1) of this Constituiton says:" Notwithstand-
ing anything contained in the preceding provisions of
this Chapter -" and the preceding chapter deals with
delegation of powers, appointments, discipline of pub-
lic officers -

"(a) except as provided in paragraph (b),
power to make appointments to the offices
to which this section applies is hereby
vested in the Governor-General, acting on
the recommendation of the appropriate
Service Commission made after that
Commission has consulted the Prime
Minister; and
(b) power to make appointments to the office
of a permanent secretary on transfer
from another such office carrying the
same salary is hereby vested in the Gov-
ernor- General, acting on the recommen-
dation of the Prime Minister."
So the Prime Minister can advise the Governor-
General to transfer A from Trade to Education, to
External Affairs, to Agriculture, to anywhere and the
Governor General will have to carry it out.
Subsection (2) of this section applies to the office of
Secretary to the Cabinet, Permanent Secretary,
Commissioner of Police, Chief Establishments Of-
ficer and Chief Personnel Officer. And then it says

"In this section 'appropriate Service Commissions'
means -
(a) in relation to the office of Commissioner
of Police, the Police Service Commission;
(b) in relation to any office to which section
93 applies" and this section 93 deals
with the appointments, etc. of judicial and legal
officers -
"as respects power to remove andexercise
disciplinary control over any person
holding or acting in that office, the Judi-
cial and Legal Service Commission; and
(c) in relation to any other office, the Pub-
lic Service Commission;
'permanent secretary"means the publicofficer
(whether or not styled permanent secretary) who,
subject to the general direction and control of a
Minister, supervises any department of the Govern-
ment, and, without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing definition, includes the Financial Secretary
and the Solicitor General."

Having read this sacred document, do you see
any validity in the argument of the Hon. Senator?
If the Prime Minister namedthe Secretary to the
Cabinet to the post of Head of the Civil Service, he then
has the right to transfer John Brown to the Cabinet;
he has the right to advise the Governor-General to
transfer the Chief Establishments Officerto be Finan-
cial Secretary. This idea of suggesting that the Gov-
ernment is committing a breach of the Constitution,
that we are doing this and that for political reasons
is all nonsense.

One of the subjects in the portfolio of the Prime
Minister is Establishments and the Prime Minister
has functions under the Constitution to advise the
Governor -General in appointing the Chief Justice, the
members of the Judicial and Legal Service Commis-
sion, the Public Service Commission, the Police
Service Commission, so the Constitution gives the
Prime Minister certain functions.

Here is a gentleman, or the Chief Establishments
Officer, of permanent secretary rank, obviously a
senior person, he is under the Prime Minister. The
Prime Minister appoints him, in this particular case,
because he is a man of integrity and honour, and the
best person to hold the post at this time. It was re-
commended, and rightly so, that this appointment
should be made to an officer and not to an office and
it is all contained in that sacred document, or Con-
stitution. So let the Opposition say how wicked and
what not the Cabinet is, we have done what we think
is right.

The other part of this Resolution the argument
is that we have removed the Councils and establish-
ed an Interim Commissioner, yet all that can be heard
today from Senator Blackman and Senator Mapp in-
cludes the disparity in salaries that existed under a
wicked administration which this Government has
removed in the hope of creating a better service.
All that Senator Blackman is criticising did not
happen under this Government.


SENATOR W. W. BLACKMAN: Mr. President,
on a point of explanation, I have not accused this
Government of paying low salaries, because every-
body knows that they abolished the Councils andthey
have not yet taken the opportunity to make those

Time is an important factor. April is just four
months ago. When you take over a property, the ma-
chinery, administration, etc. it takes time, and these
three Councils scattered alloverthe place; and apart
from the legislation that is to be drafted to ensure
that people get their pensions, gratuities and what
have you, do you really think that this Government
should have done all this by now? Do you think that
the Government in four months can come up with a
salary scale for every employee in this country?
It does not happen in this country, a Government gets
into power in 1966 and people expect miracles.

If you have a policy you should come to the
Government with your policy and we can do the job.
Do not criticise us for something which is a matter
of time and which could not take place before, and
when you attempt to get something done about it
we get criticised. We raised the package tax, put
up a licence to $5, the Government has got to get
money, and the very people who criticise the Gov-
ernment for doing things are the very people who
raise-Taxation is to assist the Government in do-
ing the things that are promised to the people. These
things take time as well as people. I just cannot
understand how people can question the integrity of
a group of men just like that. We appointed the Head
of the Civil Service; the Prime Minister discussed
with the Governor-General the proposals made by
the Cabinet, and the Prime Minister advised the
Governor-General accordingly. That is how the
appointment was made, not by a wicked Cabinet.

SENATOR N. A. BARROW: Mr. President, I
would have indeed remained quiet for the whole
debate on this Resolution but for the fact that the
Attorney General more or less invited me. Now I
do not know what this measure has to do with moral
courage, and I do not think Mr. President, that it
is for the Attorney General or anybody else in this
Chamber to get up and lecture us on moral courage.
Is it moral courage to go to Jamaica when things
are tight and then come back in at the top? What
has this got to do with this sort of measure, as far
as I am concerned, whether it concerns this measure
or any other, when I am contemplating writing on a
subject I will write wha,' m c) s' --iad is the best
matter to write on.

Some people do not like criticism and they can-
not take criticism. We do not disagree with the ap-
pointment, but we disagree with the method. I would
have thought that this legitimate criticism, especially
after hearing the Attorney General point out that the
man who has been appointed in this case the Chief
Establishment Officer and go into a detailed des-
cription of what the Chief Establishments Officer's
post means. In other words, if the Attorney General

did anything at all, he made a clear case for the de-
signation of the Chief Establishments Officer as
Head of the Civil Service. If he would ony remove
emotion for his argument and replace it by logic,
then he would have been able to see much farther.

Allof us know that. There is no need for anybody
to give us a school master's lecture on how to read
the Constitution which all of us know. The fact of the
matter is that even though in an appointmen-, at this
level the Prime Minister has a hand, the formula for
appointment is recommendation by the Public Ser-
vice Commission after consultation with the Prime
Minister. When you are making somebody for an
office that you are now creating, obviously the ana-
logy is more on all fours with the appointment. But
when the Prime Minister gets up andtells lies on the

SENATOR F. L. WALCOTT: Mr. President, I
do not think you should allow the Hon. member to
stay in this Chamber and say that the Prime Minister
is tellinglies. I think that is unparliamentary, to say
the least.
Mr. PRESIDENT: Senator Barrow, under the
rules of this Senate you cannot speak in a derogatory
manner of members of the Other Place, and I would
be glad if you could see your way to withdraw the re-

SENATOR N. A. BARROW: I withdraw the re-
mark, Sir. The point is that it is not unusualforthis
Government through its official spokemen to make
statements which few people go for, if any.

Mr. President, again I object because what Senator
Barrow has done is to repeat what he said
and make it applicable to a wider circle of
representatives of Government in parliament, the same
thing he said just now and which you made him with-
draw. First of all, he said that the Prime Minister
tells lies; that is direct, but it is unparliamentary and
you made him withdraw, but what else did he say?
Representatives of the Government in Parliament,
which may mean in this place or that place, which may
mean the Prime Minister or the Leader of this Sen-
MR. PRESIDENT: I think that the point which has
been raised by the Minister of State is quite valid. I
will ask you once again to withdraw those remarks.
SENATOR N. A. BARROW: I will abide by your
ruling, Sir. I did not on this occasion say in Parlia-
ment, I said the official spokesman of the Government
and they can be at large. The point, Sir, is that I have
even seen the statement made that the Public Service
Commission has been consulted with regard to this
appointment, and if we follow the tenor of the things
laid on the ministerial bench of this Chamber, it is
very clear that what I have said, Sir, is true; they
have not been consulted. We feel that the consultation
which takes place in the appointment of Permanent
Secretaries and Financial Secretaries, we feel that
that consultation should precede this, that is
all that we are asking. We understand what


is the function of a Head of the Civil Service. We
understand that he is to be appointed and the Prime
Minister has to have some say in the appointment
just like he has the say inthe appointment of the Fin-
ancial Secretary. We are talking about the method of
appointment, and the strongest case against this me -
thod of appointment hascomefrom the Attorney Gen-
eral himself.

The point is, Sir, that in spite of the fact that
Senator Mapp made it clear in fact I think that he
repeated himself too much that we were not objecting
to the particular officer whom we think is an excellent
person but that we were objecting to the method,
the Attorney General gets up and says what he said. I
think that in debate we must take what a person says
at its face value. Obviously my column inthe news-
paper -

before the Senate.

SENATOR N. A. BARROW: I am not continuing
on that, Sir, although it is obviously before the Sen-
ate in a way that I do not understand. I would prefer
it not to be. It is a fact that some juniors are better
than some seniors.

There is one other point. I think tha, the Attor-
ney General has told us that the reason for designa-
ting the particular officer is that a ma-i might go
away on lea r.Are we to understandthat the man low
designated will not be allowed to go away on leave?
If you designated the Permanent Secretary in the Min-
istry of External Affairs and he went on leave would
the Assistant Secretary act as Head of the Civil Ser-
vice? What is passing for argument coming from the
Government benches passes my understanding.

of order We are talking about appointments, not
about a man going on leave.

point of order.

a point of explanation. Person might or might not go
on leave; but the Prime Minister would still have the
right to designate someone as Head of the Civil Ser-
vice. I do not see how Senator Barrow cannot under-
stand that.

SENATOR N. A. BARROW: I believe Sir, that
what otherwise passes for logic is not so in the cham-
ber. Whether a man is designated orapost is desig-
nated, whenever someone goes on leave you will have
to make temporary arrangements. I do not think that
is so hard to understand.

of explanation. Senator Barrow is misrepresen-
ting me. I said that if the Permanent Secretary
of the Ministry of External Affairs took his annual
two weeks leave it would mean that you would have to
take the next person and send him to the Ministry of

External Affairs for two weeks, disrupting the whole

SENATOR N. A. BARROW: Is he saying that in
places like Britian or Jamaica the whole Service is
disrupted because someone goes on leave? Thought
that by now I had made our position clear. Let us
have an office designated. There are some people
who believe that nothing which the Government does
should be questioned.

A lot has been made of the fact that these low
levels of remuneration in the Local Government
Councils did not originate with this Government. I
do not intend to repeat all that has been said about
these low levels; but instead of saying that we all
agree that it is very bad, we are being told that it
did not begin with this Government.

Who was the Government of this country for
nearly six years? Whether it obtained with this Gov-
ernment or with another Government is not relevant.
I think that this is a matter concerned with personnel,
and concerned directly with the people forming the
Government. If they could not do it when their col-
leagues were running the Councils they cannot do it

Mr. President, there is little more on this point
that I wish to say. We havehadall sorts of contribu-
tions and I reserve the right to comment in this
Chamber on anything I want to comment on.

I would say nothing more except to reply to ques-
tions on which I think an answer should be given. I
will pas over the tirade of Senator Mapp against
the CSA and certain other irrelevancies.

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: On a point of Order.I
think that the Minister has gone a little a stray. I
made no tirade against the CSA. I said they lack

That is worst still. He is making an accusation
against the Civil Service of lacking courage. While
it is true that he no longer has to seek votes, I am
surprised that under the shelter of this Chamber he
would cast a slur on that hard-working body of men
to which he once had the honour to belong.

Senator Mapp commented on the method of ap-
pointment of the Head of the Civil Service. The post
is not on the Establishment. All that you are being
asked to do is to vote this sum of money by the way
of a personal allowance to the particular officer.
There is nothing wrong about that whatever.

Whoever is appointed, and however the appoint-
ment is made, the Prime Minister will have a hand
in it. That is the Constitution. If the appointment is
made ultimately by the Public Service Commission,
and it does not please Mr. A or Mr. B, the same ar-

gument can be used that it should be made different-
ly. This should be stated. Do not let us try to be dis-
honest or try to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
This is in fact an argument over little or nothing.

Senator Mapp also spoke about the rates of pay
in Local Government. Senator Mapp did not asked the
question why taxes have gone up. In the first place,
it is because of these very increases. Senator Smith
made reference to the fact that some time ago when
we had certainothermeasures before this Chamber
members on the Other Side objected to increased
taxes. If you want certain benefits you have to pay
for them, and it is nonsense to employ cheap crit-
icism when you know that you are getting something
for the increase.

In the second place, because of the contributions
which they have to make on behalf of Local Govern-
ment employees under the National Insurance Scheme
increases have also been necessary.

The third cause has been an improvement in
salary especially in the Northern area. Ihope that the
reasons will help not to allay Senator Mapp's fears
because I would not hope for that in this world or the
next but I hope that they will appeal to those mem-
bers who are willing to listen.

The question that the Resolution be concurred
in was put to the Senate and agreed to.


The President called the third Order A Resolu-
tion to place the sum of $68,817 at the disposal of
the Government to supplement the Estimates, 1967-
68 Part I Current as shown in the Supplementary
Estimates, 1967-68 No. 14 which forms the Sche-
dule to the Resolution.

Mr. President, As Senators will see, a certain
amount was put in the estimates forpurchasinggoods
under the items set out in the Resolution. In some
instances these items had to be changed because of
certain revisions and in some instances the filling
of the orders has been delayed by certain of the

However, the goods have now come in and we
have to pay for them. It is necessary to have this
Resolution passed by Parliament in order to be able
to clear our hands.

I move, Sir, that the Resolution be concurred in.

Senator the Honourable F. G. Smith seconded the

The question was put to the Senate and agreed to. -


The President called the fourth Order -AReso-
lution to approve the guarantee by the Government
of a loan not exceeding $1,000,000 and the interest
thereon by the Barbados National Stadium Corpor-
ation from Barclays Bank, D.C.O.

Mr. President, As Senators know, there is on the
Statute Book an Act to set up the National Stadium
Corporation. Reference was made to it inthis Cham-
ber either last week or the week before last week.
When the Bill was before the Chamber it was made
clear that it would be necessary for the Stadium to
have a sum of money advanced from private sources.
The Government has to give a guarantee for the
raising of the loan from outside sources, inthis case,
one of the commercial banks of the island, or to
be more specific, Barclays Bank.

The amount which it sought to borrow is a sum
not exceeding $1 million and the Government by this
Resolution is seeking the authority of Parliament to
guarantee the loan and the interest thereon. The mon-
ey is to borrowed at 7 1/2% andthe loan will be paid
off over a period of five years.

I beg to move that the Resolution be concurred

Senator the Honourable F. G. Smith seconded the

SENATOR F. L. WALCOTT: Mr. President, -
There is something in this Resolution which the
Minister of State may like to explain. I am not op-
posed to the idea of a National Stadium because I
feel that we need to do somethingforthe youth of the
community, and this is a very worthwhile measure.

However I must point out that the addendum
seems to be a little bit confusing. It starts off with
a statement about which I am not really clear. It
mentions an estimated balance. An estimated bal-
ance of what? I hope that the Minister does not mind
explaining. I do not know who are the advisors but
I want to say quite plainlythat if you are going to put
up a $1 million stadium what costs are we going to
recover? The Government is prepared to use
$750,000 of its own plus $500,000 from the Labour
Welfare Fund together with $545,000 that the Jay-
cees have given.

I want to say that I am a bit chary about the
Labour Welfare Fund being emptied into the Nation-
al Stadium. Some years ago the Barbados Workers'
Union agreed to the use of $2 million to help with
the construction of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital
because we considered the hospital to be a big so-
cial project. Hospitalisation is a social programme.
This matter is not of the same kind. There are too
many people pressurising the Government for ad-
vances on schemes and certain projections for which
they do not intend to pay.

There are certain people in Barbados who think
that if you get a national stadium you will produce
Olympic stars by the dozen, forgetting the cost of
erection of the stadium and its maintainance. I am
satisfied that this stadium will not get enough reve-
nue. There are not enough games organised to pro-
vide the revenue that this organisation will take. The
Government will have to carry it on. Iam not against
the idea of a stadium, but Iwant the costing to be right
so that within the next five years you do not get some-
one saying that you are increasing taxes.

Some people who are putting the Government in
this are not willing to make independent organizations
pay for themselves. This stadium will not be able to
get $2,000 a week which is the income they will have
to get from all sources put together. There will
be a lot of expenses and you will run into trouble.

Now my reason for saying this is, we have been
struggling for some months now with the Labour
Welfare Fund and the Sugar Workers Provident Fund
which is put at $2 million. $500,000 spread over 5
years is $100,000 per annum,equivalent to what we are
getting at a dollarper ton, little less than that. This
$100,000 per annum is equivalent to giving all the
workers we have an additional dollar I am saying
this because some membersof the Opposition have run
about in this countrywith the idea that in the Labour
Welfare Fund, the amount of money available is
some big amount, but in truth and in fact it can only
provide those people who are eligible for pensions at
the rate of 500 per week, and I am a bit chary that
if the national stadium is more important from the
point of view of priority than these other important
social matters, and in my view the type of housing
that still exists in this island at the level of sugar
workers because many of them are still living in
shelters, not houses to have a national stadium they
are not prepared to pay the kind of tax that would pro -
vide for that, and you are taking it out of a fund that
has been set aside for them to relieve taxation. I do
not feel that the stadium should use the Labour Wel-
fare Fund.
I feel very strongly on these matters, because
I do not feel that sugar workers in Barbados have
yet reached the stage for housing, for pensions, for
social security, because they will not be eligible to
receive social security for the na:xt tenyears. They
have to pay something like 500 contributions before
they are eligible, so any person who is over 55 will
get a very meagre amount,and I do not see that it is
going to give vital assistance to the type of people it

It will be stated that the national stadium is go-
ing to be national in character, but one national sta-
dium I know is going to service the people in St.
Michael and its environs, and that is where it is going to
be located. It is going to be a facility concentrated in
the metropolitan area and that is where it should
be, but the uses of it if it were a viable organisa-
tion that would be able to pay you back your money,
there would be no loss, but it is going to be an out-
right grant that the Government is making.

It may still be necessary to have a stadium, but
the financing of this stadium should be directly to those
people who will play games, etc. at this stadium: the
tennis people, the football people. I apm very grieved
about this Labour Welfare money to be used for this
purpose. Let the football people, the table tennis peo-
ple all of those make some sort of contribution to
this; but the State is going to do it, it is going to be
a State stadium. Mr. President, it is something that
the Government will be subsidising; if Government
is going to subsidise sport like this it should subsi-
dise it directly. From what I heard today it does not
pay Government to subsidise these agencies, and I
know the Government is likely to be criticised in the
future when the recurrent cost of this organisation
reaches considerable proportions.

A lot of money has been wasted on the social
centres. They were put up to help the youth of the
island, but they have now been reduced to dance
houses, some of them are broken down and are in a
very disgraceful state, and there is a tendency here
in this island with Government places that nobody
wants to listen to the person in charge; everybody
wants to be a boss. The same thing will happen with
the stadium; everybody will want to use the stadium
for free.

The Barbados Workers' Union represents
20,000 workers in this island. We are the guardians
of a lot of people and if $500,000 is going to be used
from Labour Welfare I think the organisation that
represents these workers must of necessity have
some right in sitting down to see that some of this mon-
ey that is being used from this source is properly
protected. I have no confidence .-i iihese poor people run-
ning their affairs properly and business-like. We
have to run an organisation and we have to run it

As the Attorney General said, people are calling
for things and they do not want to pay for them; they want
someone else to pay for them, and I feel that if they
are calling for a stadium, and the nation wants to
give the world a stadium, give it to them and tax them
for the stadium that they want, because I am satis-
fied that we are not going to get the money out of the
stadium. You are giving them a stadium, not that
there is a demand for a stadium; you have athletics,
you have a lot of cyclists and when there is a pro-
gramme at Kensington, you could run rat races
through the stands. Is the same thing going to happen
with the stadium?

I feel that in a country like this that boasts of
education, I would like to see something if the na-
tion is going to spend money, there should be some
national assembly apart from the Legislature, where
concerts and things of that nature, where people
can go and make public speeches. There is no
public place here in this country. It would not cost
a million dollars. I agree with the national stadium
in principle, but I am somewhat chary about the
financial proposals and doubtful about what is
stated in the Addendum, that this is going to col-
lect enough money to pay for itself. I doubt it very

much, but for the country's sake I hope it is going
to pay and is not going to be a charge on the taxpayers.

SENATOR E. L. WARD: Mr. President, I my-
self like the last honourable member am a little bit
worried about the money that is going to be spent on
this particular stadium. One must remember that
Barbados with a population of approximately 250,000
people, and perhaps those people, or most of them
are not always in a position to be able to get to
these particular places of sport, and one would think
that building a stadium of the size the Government
should have some feasibility study by experts to know
what size stadium should be built at the present mo-
ment in this country. It could be possible that they
could build a stadium that could be expanded from
time to time as they see finances are realized to main-
ta-i and pay for their capital expenditure.

Now, Sir, the Government, in this Resolution,
is seeking an amount of $750,000 overfive years. The
point which is worrying me is that they intend to use
$500,000 from the Labour Welfare Fund and I do not
think that the workers, for whom this money is put
there, will be interested enough in this stadium to
get any benefits from it. If some of these workers
had to go to the hospital, for instance they would
not be able to pay for their upkeep and maintenance.
And when you come to a stadium, these particular
people will have very little chance of going there,
but there are so many different people in the cat-
egory of a higher standard who is in my opinion
would be able to pay some type of taxation or main-
tenance tax into that stadium which would help to
overcome -some of the capital expenditure you are
asking these people to give through the Labour Wel-
fare Fund.

As Senator Walcott said, some of them are still
living in homes which in my opinion are of a very low
standard, and when they come to the Labour Welfare
Office to get help to repair their houses and to build
houses after putting up their money for so many
years they have to be told that there is no money
but still we could find $500,000 to put in a stadium.

I feel, Sir, that the Government should be very
cautious in spending this amount of money. We are
only 250,000 people, and you will see exactly what
the cost per head will be for 50,000 people, because
certain people are not interested in that type of
thing. I myself am wondering and I am very wor-
ried whether we have not got better priorities at the
present moment than spending this $1.7 million. It
is true that if we spend this money a certain amount
of employment will arise, and quite a lot of the money
will be recirculated, but I am looking at the long term
policy, whether it is going to be an economic possib-
ility to continue running it orwhether the Government
willhave to finance iteveryyearat loss. Iwholeheart-
edly agree with Senator Walcott who has just spoken
and my views are similar to his.

SENATOR P. G. MORGAN: Mr. President, I
find that the more the three service clubs- the Jay-
cees, Rotary and the Lions Club the more they

do forthe community I think the less they are thanked.
This $450,000 is being donated by the Jaycees and
not only is it a contribution in dollars and cents,
but it could not have happened without the hard work
after office hours put in by the members.of the Jay-
cees, and I think it would be a little ungracious for
us to agree with this Resolution without simply a
word of appreciation for this substantial contribution
towards the national stadium.

SENATOR R. G. MAPP: Mr. President, as the
last Honourable member said, some word of appre-
ciation should be paid to the work done by the Jaycees
and the contribution they made in this respect. Sir,
I would like to say that we on this side support the
idea of a stadium. I for one, Sir, feel that if we put
more effort, or if we newspaper people could put
more effort into sport we will not make ourselves
such a sorry sight abroad. I feel that a 'ot of money
is being wasted sending teams abroad; if we do not
make an effort to increase local standards this sta-
dium is just a waste of time and money.

People will support cricket because it is part
of them and it makes them proud. People are not
supporting anything else because sport is not there.
I was very surprised to hear Senator Walcott say
that he is very grieved and he could not have been
more critical. I know that in the past at least when
the Barbados Labour Party was the Governme.nt -we
never spent Labour Welfare Funds in this way. I
find it difficult to believe that the Government would
word the Addendum this way and tell us that the
balance of $1.25 million in other words, $450,000
from the Jaycees and the balance-would come from
the direct source of the Labour Welfare Fund. I find
it hard to believe they wou.d say that if they had not
first consulted the Barbados Workers'Unionofwhich
the hon. Senator is Secretary.

I also find it difficult to believe that he wou.d
have come here and tell us how grieved he is,and he
is chary, and he feels very strongly about it. Now,
Sir, I hope that the Government, the Ministerof State
would clear this up because I feel that in the Other
Place a different point of viewwould have been taken,
if the Workers' Union had not been consulted at all.
If they have been consulted, well then it is rather sur-
prising to hear the Senator speak today because he
would, knowing him as I do, he would have had to give
his blessing before now.

Criticism has been made of the expenditure from
the Labour Welfare Fund. I do not intend to carry that
point on. The fundamental point is that if the repre-
sentatives of the workers were not consulted, this
whole proposal should meet with opposition from pe r-
sons on this side of the table. It would be a very
serious matter and I hope that the Minister of State
will clear up that point and set our minds at rest.

SENATOR H. F. ALKINS: Mr. President, Most
of what I intended to say has been said by previous
speakers. To me the main point is not whether we
need a national stadium but whether we can afford it
or not. I think everyone agrees on the desirability of


having one but I do not believe that we can afford one of
more than $1 million. The committee has presumably
made a feasibility study. They have said that if you
give them a stadium costing $1 million they will be
able to meet the recurrent cost. I do not know if
these recurrent costs include maintenance charges.
There will have to be tennis courts, grounds for other
games, flood lighting and equipment. It would be an
extremely costly thing to maintain. You only have
to go to a place like North Point Resort to see what
I mean. Unless these things are properly maintained
we may as well not have a stadium.

I am doubtful that it will not be a burden on the
Government. They will have to find a total of
$750,000. Also $500,000 is to come from the La-
bour Welfare Fund. Members have already ques-
tioned the reasoning of that. Another point is that
the money to be spent on the staduim could be used!
to establish a trade school, teachers etc.,. There
are too many priorities of a much higher nature and
we should look at this seriously and try to reduce
the Capital expenditure. Perhaps you could build a
stadium in different stages the last stage to be com-
pleted ten years from now. When you finish stage one
and you see that you are paying your way then you
can go on. I feel like previous speakers that it would
be an annual recurrent charge on the Government.

I also think that it is fitting that we should re-
cord our appreciation of the efforts of the Jaycees
and I would like to endorse what other speakers
have said on that account.

SENATOR W. W. BLACKMAN: Mr. President,--
I too do not think that anyone on this side of the Cham-
ber is against: this staduim. However, one must be
realistic. I think that Senator Walcott was in order when
he said thatwe should think if we should get this money
from the Labour Welfare Fund. That is a "und which
has been built up for the benefit of the sugar work-
ers who throughout the years have always had it hard.
This fund should be there to help them.

This stadium is to be set up for the benefit of
young people who have been finding things easy. They
have come along finding things easy; but the old peo-
ple who should now be receiving some money and
who have made contributions to this country, andwho
should now be receiving something from this fund
cannot receive it because the fund is being spent here
and there.

As Senator Walcott said, the money spent on the
Queen Elizabeth Hospital was well spent. Everyone
may have to go there; but you cannot tell me that
people of 50 years will go to the stadium.

SENATORERMA ROCK: Mr. President, -- I too
want to associate myself with the remarks made by
Senator Walcott and Senator Ward. I do not agree at
all with interfering with the Labour Welfare Fund. It
is true that we would like to see young people have
their sport, but contributions should be putup rather
than by interfering with the Labour Welfare Fund.

I agree that the Labour Welfare Fund should be
spent on Housing because many people are still liv-
ing in shacks. I agree too that it should be spent on
the Hospital and on other forms of social services.
Apart from that, I would say hands off.

SENATOR N. A. BARROW: Mr. President, -- I
am a bit chary about getting into the argument about
priorities. I think that we need to do more about the
cultural aspects of national life.I cannot agree that the
Labour Welfare Fund should be called on to this ex-
tent especially when the workers are perturbed as to
what is happening to that fund.

It seems to me that we are asking people in the
Industry to pay a contribution out all proportion to
what they will get from the stadium. It seems to me
that we need to devise meansofnot interfering with
the Labour Welfare Fund especially when we know
that the level of Housing has dropped from what it
used to be, and it was even then not adequate. It
seems to me that need for essential services has
become more and more acute. Against that back-
ground it does not seem fair to take more money out
of the Labour Welfare Fund.

At the same time we should realise that there
is need for recreational facilities for people in the
island and that perhaps there shouldbe contributions
from the employers instead of just from the employ-
ees. I think that that would be more in order. Even
though we praise the Jaycees for their contributions,
the money that they put in also comes from the peo-
ple. I think it would be a good gesture for big com-
panies like Shipping and Trading and other Broad
Street companies to be in position to make a gen-
erous grant. As I have said, at this point we need
to call for contributions not only from the workers
and service clubs and the Government, but from the
employing segment.

Mr. President, I toowouldlike to thank the Jaycees
for the generous contributions to what is undoubted-
ly worthwhile project. Healthy mind and a healthy
body is one of the aims which it sets out to achieve.

At the price, this is not an elaborate stadium,
but a projection of the experts based on the games
which we are likely to have. From time to time Crick-
et has brought this island fame. From time to time
Barbados has been taking part in Internationalcom-
petitions and we can never extend an invitation to
these International bodies and let Barbados be the
centre. The British Empire games were held inJa-
maica. Pan American Games will be held in Ndvem-
ber. This idea of having a National Stadium is not a
question of prestige as far is the Government is con-
cerned but a question of setting up minimum standards
which would enable Barbados to extend an invitation
in due course to bring teams from other Common-
wealth countries to participate in games here.

We want to develop the youth of Barbados to
reach the standard required to compete in Interna-
tional Games. References have been made to the
North Point Surf Resort. How many people are able
to go to St. Lucy to put their undoubted talent into
practice or to get coaching that will put Barbados on
the map?
Time after time the Government votes money to
send people to Puerto Rico, Winnipeg etc. This sta-
dium will provide facilities by which our sportsmen
can practice day in and day out, 'not having to beg
some club to allow them to practice, but having a
stadium where they can get training under Olympic
As far as the contributions are concerned, what
seems to be worrying Senators is the questionof the
contribution from the Labour Welfare Fund. At some
stage we have to face realities. This Government is
not satisfied that the housing of workers or of the
population in generalhas reached a stage where it can
be complacent. We are only gripping the surface of a
very vast problem and seeking ways and means to
solve it.

Education Authorities and Trade Union Author-
ities are saying that the Government is taking up
$500,000 and putting it into a stadium. This Govern-
ment has introduced Free Secondary Education. The
sons of these same Sugar Workers are going to Har-
rison College, Lodge School and Combermere and
they are potential athletes of the future. It is true
that the present generation of old sugar workers
may not be able to run the 100 yards in 9.3 seconds,
but it is their sons you have to consider. This is
their contribution to the future to ensure that their
sons who may have talents which may be harnessed
can some day bring pride to their hearts if not a
gold medal.

As Senator Walcott knows, our National Insur-
ance Scheme is one of the most generous in the world.
We are providing for the present generation apart
from what the Trade Union is doing by getting in-
creased wages and increased bonus. We are, provid-
ing for their old age. Although we are putting
$500,000 into the stadium, we are not leaving them
high and dry. I ask senators to look at this as a
contribution to the future development of their sons.
and daughters, to create an atmosphere in which we
can take pride in inviting international bodies to come
to this country and to reach a standard of efficiency
which will enable us really and truly to compete in
International circles.

We have had good projections. If the revenue
from the corporation is not sufficient to enable them
to meet the obligations I think that by taxes or by
some other means the Government will have to carry
it. We are putting up a stadium as a money making
affair. If it can pay for itself well and good. If we
have to contribute more taxation for this facility
which will bring out the talents of our young citizens
I as a citizen of this young nation would be glad to
pay an increase in helping the Government find the
extra money whichwill be needed to meet the cost.
It is not to be expected that the stadium will make

money from each event. You may make money one
time and not another time. It is something onwhich
you have got to take a chance.

As I have said already the Government is pro-
viding a centre where athletes and coaches can be
provided with the proper facilities, anywhere young-
sters can be trained in such away thattheycanbe-
come champions in the other games in five or six
years as we have been champions in Cricket for so
many years in the past. This is not a political
project. It is a question of mens sana in corpore
sano a healthy mind in a healthy body.

we can scarcely say that the Government has not
done its part as far as housing is concerned. I whole-
heartedly support the stadium. I do not agree
with the Hon. Senator Barrow when he sopke just now
on the standard of housing. Some Opposition members
seem not to understand what has happened in housing.
It only takes a visit to these housing areas when
visitors come to this country they could not believe
that this Government could build so many good houses
for these people.

MR. PRESIDENT: I do not want to interrupt
the hon. Senator, but this has nothing to do with the
Housing Authority.

Authority was not under attack, but it was getting
around to it. I am happy to support this Resolution,
and it is the determination of the Housing Authority
to collect the funds that are out and build better
houses than we have built in the past.

I do not wish to repeat all that has been said. It is
regrettable, however, that this particular motion -
I see that there has been a contribution which has
been made by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and
I would have much preferred to have seen contribu-
tions made by other people as well.

The Government is erecting this stadium forthe
benefit of our youth, and if I may say so, I have not
seen any other aim on behalf of sport itself to make
any contribution towards this stadium. It is regret-
table that appeals have not beenmade to other organ-
isations, because I feel a great amount of money
could have been raised at the present moment. I see
Government is going ahead to erect this stadium; I
know that people do not always appreciate everything
they get free. I would have been happier to see, if
the sporting organizations had done something to help
themselves. It does give one the impressionthat we
are more or less doing everything to help sport and
the sporting community is not making any effort to
help itself in the erection of this stadium.

We see many young organizations who by virtue
of self-sacrifice have contributed something to their
welfare. You only have to look at a small club like

___ ~__ ~

Carlton; personal sacrifice on behalf of the members,
they have their own grounds, football and cricket,
and their own tennis Courts, etc. to which they have
contributed by virtue of self-sacrifice. They have
done that by having all sorts of entertainment and
things of this sort, and they have not come to the
Government to ask for one penny.

I would like, like previous speakers, to say a word
of gratitude to the Junior Chamber of Commerce in
donating the substantial sum of $450,000 by the sacri-
fice of the members giving of their time in the run-
ning of these bingoes, etc. There is one other point
I would like to ask the Minister of State. I notice
repayment. of this loan is at 71/2 percent. In view
of the fact that it is not at the usual rate of 1/2 per-
cent under the current rate of interest, being 7%, then
this should be 6 1/2%. If this is so, it is a saving of
$10,000 per annum to the Government. Ipresume that
this has already been gone into.

Mr. President, I would like all those who have spoken
on this Resolution to know that the Government wel-
comes their comments and appreciates the spirit in
which those comments have been made, but if I may
say so without intending to be facetious, I never
would have thought that the day would come when I
would find myself agreeing substantially with the
remarks made by the Opposition Senators.

As Senator Alkins said, a considerable amount
of this money could be used for building schools,
paying teachers and so forth. Sir, my point is that
this money is being spent in the last analysis for
education itself, it is being spent on behalf of physi-
cal education. Physical Education to us may be a
new subject; we have provided land, we have pro-
vided buildings, we have branches of the University
of the West Indies in Barbados. It is possible that the
sons of our citizens, if they have the necessary
ability to achieve academic distinction of the high-
est quality, since the examination of the University
of the West Indies having originally been identical
with those of the University of London, and having
maintained that high standard, are no walkover. If a
man gets a good degree from the University of the
West Indies, he is very good indeed.

Now I have been asked one or two questions which
I will endeavour to answer. I am unable to furnish
Senator Walcott with any figures as to the probable
income from this stadium. I can say that the figure of
$1.7 million is based on estimates which have been
made by a firm of reputable and experienced arch-
itects. It is proposed in that estimate to have a cov-
ered stand to seat about 3,000 persons, an uncover-
ed stand to seat about another 3,000 persons, of
course there will be a running track, cycle track,
there will be a swimming pool and all the usual
appurtenances and equipment which are necessary for
running and so forth.

The question with respect to finance. I had dif-
ficulty in appreciating at first Senator Walcott's
wording of the Resolution because as he himself saw
Bs he went on the arithmetic is simply $1.5 million
and the others add eventually to $1.7 million, but
the question arises astowhetherornot theauthor-
ities charged with the Labour Welfare Fundhave been
in any way consulted. I take it that in matters of this
kind Government does not, without even by your leave
or suggestion passed on the responsible authorities
just come down and say we are goingto-put ourhands
in this Labour Welfare money and do what we like
with it.
So far as the further financing of the operation
of this stadium is concerned, over and above the
amount which is stated in the Addendum to the Reso-
olution, the Junior Chamber of Commerce has un-
dertaken to contribute for a further two years
60% of their own profit from bingo games. I think
the promises they have made have put them in a
single category, and what has happened with these
service organizations, each one chooses some par-
ticular field of social service and concentrates on
that. One looks after the blind, another looks after
the defective children and so forth, so that from
those points of view, Mr. President, I think we can
regard this Resolution as being well conceived. The
idea is a good one, the thought of the unselfish co-
operation and veracity of the Jaycees is a feasible
one for the favourable consideration of Senators.

The question was put to the Senate and agreed to.

Mr. President, the hour is far advanced. I had no
idea when the Order Paper was being fixed that we
would have taken so much time to dispense with the
measures which have already been dealt with. No
arrangements have been made for tea or for din-
ner or for any sort of refreshment whatever, and
I am conscious that it willbe an imposition if Iwere to
ask hon. members to continue possibly until half
past nine tonight, because I rather suspect that they
will be making their speeches more lengthy, though
perhaps no more irrelevant, if we didadjournat this
Mr. President, I am making a motion now for
adjournment; we could resume tomorrow at 4 o'clock
in order to finish our business. We are getting
close to the recess of Parliament and we should
not go over to next week; we must have another
Order Paper and be able to dispose of all our busi-
ness. I therefore move, Mr. President, that this
Senate do now adjourn until tomorrow afternoon,
the 1st September, at 4.00 p.m.

I beg to second that.

The question was put to the Senate and agreed

The Senate adjourned at 6.53 p.m.


Statutory Instrument Supplement No. 20
Supplement to Official Gazette No. 26 dated 31st March, 1969.

S.I. 1969 No. 62

The Barbados Harbours Act, .1960

The, Minister in exercise of the powers conferred
on him by section 53, of the Barbados Harbours Act,
1960 hereby makes the following regulations -
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Bar-
bados Harbours (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations, 1969.
2. The Barbados Harbours Regulations, 1961 are
hereby amended by revoking regulation 203, and sub-
stituting therefore the following regulation -
"Persons em. 203 (1) Every person employed within
played in or visit-
ing harbour to or visiting a harbour area shall-
carry identification
cards. (a) on entering or leaving such
harbour area; or
(b) while he is within such
harbour area
be in possession of an identification
card or ticket issued by the Port Manager
for the purpose of these Regulations
and produce the same at the request
of any authorised employee.
(2) Identification cards or
issued by the Port Manag e )
purpose of these Regul shall
be in such form as may proved 09 i
by the Minister responsib r com4-
munications and different f ot ch

K 3seS72 *

tIp"C70 J0


cards or tickets may be issued to dif-
ferent persons or classes of persons
and for different occasions and purposes.

(3) An identification card or ticket
issued. under paragraph (1) shall be
issued free of charge and shall be
valid for the period stated therein but
may be renewed free of charge on the
expiry of such period.

(4) A fee of one dollar shall be
paid to the Management for the replace,
ment, (for any reason other than re-
newal) of an identification card or
ticket issued under paragraph (1)"

3. These Regulations shall come into operation
on such day as the Minister may appoint by notice
published in theOfficial Gazette.
Made by the Minister this 21st day of March, 1969.

Minister of Communications.and Works.


Supplement to Official Gazette dated.31st March; ,1969.

ACT, 1969-10

Arrangement of Sections
1. Short title.

2. Validation of the transfer of certain land from
the Governing Body of the Christ Church Founda-
tion Schools to the Crown.


I assent,,
24th March, 1969.


An Act to validate the transfer of certain land
from the Governing Body of the Christ Church Founda-
tion Schools to the Crown.
( 31st March, 1969). Commencement.

Whereas under the provisions of the Christ Church Preamble.
Foundation Schools Act, 1947-35 there was vested
in the Governing Body of the Christ Church Founda-
tion Schools a parcel of land containing byestimation
one hundred acres or thereabouts abutting andbound-
ing on Pilgrim Place, Balls, Gibbons and Wilcox Plan-
tations or however else the same may abut and abound
and the said land was valued at twenty thousand
And Whereas it was agreed between the Governing
Body and the Government that the Governing Body

Supplement pto Official Gazett.q dated 31st March; 1969.


Arrangement of Sections
1. Short title.
2. Amendment of section 5 of Act 1953-30.


I assent,
21st March, 1969.


An Act to amend the Barbados Fancy Molasses
Production and Export (Amendment) Act, 1953.

(31st March, '1969.) Commencement.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados and by
the authority of the same as follows:-
1. This Act may be cited as the Barbados Fancy Shorttitle.
Molasses Production and Export (Amendment) Act,
2. Section 5 of the Barbados Fancy Molasses Amendment of
Production and Export (Amendment) Act, 1953 is sct igo 530o
hereby amended by inserting immediately before

(AMENDMENT) ACT, 1969-11

paragraph (b) of subsection (5) thereof the following as
paragraph (a) of that subsection -
"(a) the payment of any expenses incurred
in carrying out such research as the
Board considers necessary for improving
the quality of fancy molasses produced
in Barbados;".

Read three times.and passed the House of Assem-
bly this: eleventh day of March one, thousand nine
hundred and sixty-nine.


Read three, times: and passed the Senatethis
twentieth day of March one, thousand nine hundred
and sixty-nine,


Supplement to Official Gazette dated 31st March, 1969.

Arrangement of Sections
1. Short title.
2. Amendment of Section 26 of Act 1882-2.


I assent,
24th March, 1969.


An Act to amend the Petroleum Act, 1889.;

(31st March, 1969). Commencement.
BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados, and by the
authority of the same as follows :-
1. This Act may be cited as the Petroleum (Amend- Short title.
ment) Act, 1969.

2. Section 26 of the Petroleum Act, 1882 is here- Amendment
by amended by inserting immediately after subsection o section 26
(3) the following subsection (3A)-
"(3A) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-
section (1), the charge of 31.5 cents per
gallon shall not be paid on volatile petroleum


or any other petroleum distillates if the Comp-
troller of Customs is satisfied that such vola-
tile petroleum or other petroleum distillates
are withdrawn for use exclusively in the air/
sea rescue launch operated jointly by the Bar-
bados Harbour Police and the High Altitude
Research Project".
Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly the fourteenth day of March, one thousand nine
hundred and sixty-nine.

Read three times and passed the Senate this
twentieth day of March one thousand nine hundred
and sixty-nine.


Supplement to Official Gazette dated 31st March, 1969.

(AMENDMENT) ACT, 1969-13
Arrangement of Sections
1. Short title.
2. Amendment of section 6 of Act 1965-8.


I assent,
24th March, 1969.


An Act to amend the Barbados Union Oil Company
Refinery (Levy on Petroleum Products) Act, 1965.
(31st March, 1969). Commencement.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados and by the
authority of the same as follows -
1. This Act may be cited as the Barbados Union Short tiUe.
Oil Company Refinery (Levy on Petroleum Products)
(Amendment) Act, 1969.

2. Section 6 (I)of the Barbados Union Oil Company Amendment of
Refinery (Levy on Petroleum Products) Act, 1965, is 1etio6-o
hereby amended -

(a) by substituting a semi-colon for the full
stop at the end of paragraph (d); and


(b) by inserting immediately after paragraph (d)
the following as paragraph (e) -
"(e) any petroleum products sold for use
exclusively in the air/sea rescue launch
operated jointly by the Barbados Har-
bour Police and the High Altitude
Research Project."

Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly the fourteenth day of March, one thousand nine
hundred and sixty-nine.

Read three times and passed the Senate this
twentieth day of March one thousand nine hundred and


Supplement to Official Gazette dated 31st March, 1969.

(AMENDMENT) ACT, 1969-14.

Arrangement of Sections
1. Short Title.

2. Amendment of section 22 of Act 1964-23.


I assent,
24th March, 1969.


An Act to amend the Financial Administration and
Audit Act, 1964.

(31st March, 1969). Commencement.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados and by
the authority of the same as follows:-
1. This Act may be cited as the Financial Ad- Short title.
ministration and Audit (Amendment) Act, 1969.
2. Section 22 of the Financial Administration Amendment of
and Audit Act, 1964 is hereby amended by deleting eo 1964-23.
subsection (2) thereof and substituting the following -

(AMENDMENT) ACT, 1969-14

"(2) Notwithstanding any provision to the
contrary in any enactment the Accountant
General may -

(a) pay all fixed claims on the Govern-
ment in respect of salaries, services,
pensions and allowances on such day
after the eighteenth day of the month
for which those fixed claims are due
as he may determine;

(b) make to persons employed in the pub-
lic service of such categories as the
Minister may direct the payments to
which those persons would have been
entitled had section 4 of the Holidays
1951-3s. with Pay Act, 1951 been applicable."

Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly this fourteenth day of March, one thousand nine
hundred and sixty-nine.

Read three times and passed the Senate this
twentieth day of March one thousand nine hundred and
