The official gazette

Material Information

The official gazette
Place of Publication:
BridgetownBarbados Published by authority
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 33-42 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Law -- Periodicals -- Barbados ( lcsh )
Politics and government -- Periodicals -- Barbados ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )


General Note:
Caption title.
General Note:
Supplements issued for some of the numbers.

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University of Florida
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University of Florida
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Gazette Notices
Acting Appointment W. A. Davis as Registrar.........
Applications for Liquor Licences Dist. "A"............
Resignations: Gregory A. Chase, Victor DaC. Farley
Statement of thL Nfa mnk of Canada for 1968.......



W. A. Davis has been appointed to act as
Registrar with effect from 10th February,


Gregory A. Chase, Clerical Officer,
Ministry of Agriculture, Labour and Nation-
al Insurance, has resigned from the Public
Service with effect from 31st December, 1968.
(M.P. P. 8918)

Victor DaC. Farley, Clerical Officer,
Accountant General's Department, has re-
signed from the Public Service with effect
from 31st January, 1969.
(M.P. P. 8899)

Vacant Post in the Public Service

Pathologist and Bacteriologist, Queen
Elizabeth Hospital

Salary Scale:

$10,080 per annum

Further particulars are obtained from Ser-
vice Commissions Department,
"Flodden", Culloden Road,

Closing date for applications: 5th April, 1969.
(M.P. 3913/2 Vol. III)

NO. 14




S.ruary 17, 19o9

Ihe 3Ropal 3Bank of Canaba


Douglas WhWte Ambr'idge, C.B.E.
Donald Sutherland Anderson
Thomas Howard Atkinson, M.C.
Thomas Norbert Beaupre
Thomas Johnston Bell, M.C.
Joseph Melville Breen
George Allan Burton, D.S.O., E.D.
Authur Bell Christopher
John Hewson Coleman
Frank Manning Covert, O.B.E., D.F.C.,
The Rt. Hon. Lord Crowther
The Hon. Paul Desruisseaux, Q.C.
Raymond Dupuis, Q.C.
John Edward Lewis Duquet, Q.C.
John Archibald Fuller
Charles W. Gibbings
Sir Lindsay Grant, O.B.E., E.D.
David Stearms Holbrook
Ralph Holley Keefler, C.B.E., D.S.O., E.D.
John Crerar MacKeen, E.D.
Edwin Charles McDonald
Thomas Rodgie McLagan, O.B.E
William Earle McLaughlin
Frank Murray McMahon

Peter Logie Parkin Macdonnell, Q.C.
Frederick Charles Mannix
Arthur Ferdinand Mayne
Maxwell Charles Gordon Meighen, O.B.E.

Clarence Joseph Morrow
John Angus Ogilvy, Q.C.
Alfred Lloyd Penhale
The Hon. Lazarus Phillips, O.B.E., Q.C.
Chesley A. Pippy, C.D.
Carl Arthur Pollock
Claude Pratte, Q.C.
William Culver Ridley, O.B.E.
Melvin Oren Simpson, Jr.
Lan David Sinclair
Edward Pluniker Taylor, C.M.G.
Peter Nesbitt Thomson
The Rt. Hon. Lord Thomson ofFlee't.

William Osborn Twaits
Colin Wesley Webster
Hub rt Gray Welford, M.B.E.
J hn Rigsby White
Edward Cabell Wood
Charles Namby Wynn Woodward





F?l.. 1b *A'

February-- 17, 1969-- OFICA GAZETTE

Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Undivided Profits

Year Ended
October 31

Income from loans
Income from securities
Other operating revenue

$ 361,926,985

$ 282,842.804

Total Revenue $ 528,044,206 $ 418,626,583

Interest on deposits $ 232,318,562 $ 173,193.159
Salaries, pension contributions and other staff benefits 115,861,177 105,277,084
Property expenses, including depreciation 33,058,734 29,646,356
Other operating expenses, including
provision for losses on loans based
on five year average loss experience 44,610,330 41,618,429

Total Expenses $ 425,848,803 $ 349,735,028

Balance of revenue $ 102,195,403 $ 68,891,555
Appropriation for losses 30,271,000 7,813,000

Balance of profits before income taxes $ 71,924,403 $ 61,078,555
Provision for income taxes relating thereto 36,600,000 30,800,000

Balance of profits for the year $ 35.324,403 $ 30.278,555
Dividends 23,284,800 19,958,400

Amount carried forward $ 12,039,603 $ 10.320.155
Undivided profits at beginning of year 1,527,633 2.207,478
$ 13,567.236 $ 12.527,633

Transferred to Rest Account 12,000.000 11,000,000

Undivided profits at end of year $ 1,567,236 $ 1,527,633

Year Ended
October 31

February 17, 1969


II CI A I T F bI I II 96

Statements of Assets

ASSES October 31 October 31
ASSETS 1968 1967

Cash and due from banks $1,401,866,539 $1,158,000,915
Cheques and other items in transit, net 149,869,029 98,320,591

Total Cash Resources $1,551,735,568 $1,256,321,506

Securities issued or guaranteed by Canada, at amortized value $1,370,430,570 $1,110,200,760
Securities issued or guaranteed by provinces, at amortized value 54.262,217 46.929,615
Other securities, not exceeding market value 629,263,092 574,702,310

Total Securities $2,053,955,879 $1,731,832.685

Day, call and short loans to investment dealers and brokers, secured $ 392,654,290 $ 407,058,336
Other loans including mortgages, less provision for losses 4,346,430,107 3,995,690.152

Total Loans $4,739,084,397 $4,402,748,488

Bank premises at cost, less amounts written off $ 90.009,188 $ 84,140,613
Securities of and loans to corporations controlled by the bank 30,611.572 26.215,352
Customers' liability under acceptance, guarantees and
letters of credit, as per contra 273,854,880 275,435,521
Other assets 3.966,088 2.965,118

$8,743.217,572 $7,779,659,283

NOTE: The above statement includes the assets and liabilities of the following subsidiaries of the Bank:
The Royal Bank of Canada (France)
The Royal Bank of Canada International Limited and its subsidiaries.

Februmuy 17, -1969


February 17, 1969


and Liabilities


Deposits by Canada
Deposits by provinces
Deposits by banks
Personal savings deposits payable after notice, in
Canada, in Canadian Currency
Other deposits

Total Deposits

Acceptances, guarantees and letters of credit
Other liabilities

Total Sundry Liabilities

Accumulated appropriations for losses

October 31

$ 67.624,695



$ 273,854,880

$ 297.378,563

$ 130,669.682

October 31

$ 9,791,212



$ 275,435,521

$ 297.369,860

$ 105,418,252

Capital stock:
Authorized-50.000.000 shares
of $2 each $100,000,000

Issued and fully paid 33,264,000 shares $ 66,528,000 $ 66,528,000
Rest Account 292.000.000 280,000,000
Undivided profits 1.567,236 1,527,633

Total Shareholders' Equity $ 360,095,236 $ 348,055,633

$8,743,217,572 $7,779,659,283

Chairman and President/ Vice-President and Chief General Manager

- --- -1. -


February 17, 1969

Auditors' Reports

To the Shareholders, The Royal Bank of Canada:

We have examined the statement of assets and liabilities of The Royal Bank of Canada as at October 31, 1968
and the related statements of revenue, expenses and undivided profits and accumulated appropriations for losses
for the year then ended.'Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such
tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances.
In our opinion these statements present fairly the financial position of the Bank as at October 31, 1968 and
its revenue, expenses and undivided profits and its accumulated appropriations for losses for the year then

of Price Waterhouse & Co.
of Touche, Ross. Bailey & Smart
Montreal, November 26, 1968

To the Shareholders. The Royal Bank of Canada:

We have examined the statements of assets and liabilities of controlled corporations of The Royal Bank of
Canada as at the dates indicated. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures
and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the
In our opinion these statements present fairly the financial position of the corporations as at the dates indicated.

of Price Waterhouse & Co.
Montreal, November 26. 1968 of Touche, Ross. Bailey & Smart





(Act 1957 40)





UPATION: Shop-keeper
)RESS: Mansion Road
Lower Bank Hall
!MISES: Board & shingle shop
situate at Mansion Rd.
St. Michael.
Dated this 3rd day of February 1969.

This application for a Retail Licence
will be considered at a Licensing Court to be
held at Magistrates' Courts Dist "A" on
Thursday the 27th day of March 1969 at
9 o'clock a.m.

Clerk to Licensing Authority.

OCCUPATION: Secretary The Barbados
Sailing and Crusing
ADDRESS: Bay Street
PREMISES: A wall building at

Bay Street.
Dated this 10th day of February 1969.

Signed: P. L. SEALE
This Application for a Members' Club
Licence will be considered at a Licensing
Court to be held at Magistrates' Courts Dist.
"A" on Thursday the 27th day of March 1969
at 9 o'clock a.m.

Clerk to Licensing Authority.



(Act 1957-40)

OCCUPATION: Shop-keeper
ADDRESS: Tweedside Road,
St. Michael.
PREMISES: Wooden galvanise build-
ing situate at
Tweedside Road,
St. Michael.
Dated this 4th day of February 1969.
Signed: D. FRERE
This Application for a Restaurant Li-
cence will be considered at a Licensing Court
to beheld at Magistrates' Courts Dist. "A" on
Thursday the 27th day of March 1969 at
9 o'clock a.m.

Clerk to Licensing Authority.

OCCUPATION: shop-keeper
ADDRESS: Stanmore Lodge,
Black Rock.
PREMISES: Ground floor of a wall &
wooden building situated
at Nelson Street.
Dated this 6th day of February 1969.

Signed: G. McCOLLIN
This Application for a Retail Licence
will be considered at a Licensing Court to be
held at a Magistrates' Courts Dist "A" on
Thursday the 27th day of March 1969 at
9 o'clock a.m.

Clerk to Licensing Authority.

February 17. 1969





Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the
above post.

2. Applicants must possess qualifications registerable in the United
Kingdom and must have the M.C. Path. (Haematology) or equivalent, or alter-
natively the D.C.P. or Dip. Path, or equivalent with not less than six years
experience in Clinical Pathology and Blood Transfusion Serology.

3. Salary is at the rate of $10,080 per annum (2,100) plus 75% of
fees paid to the Hospital for specialist services carried out by the officer.

4. The Appointment may be either on permanent and pensionable
basis or on agreement terms for a period of not less than two and not more
than three years.

5. Application forms (S.C. 21) and full details of the post may be ob-
tained from the Service Commissions Department, "Flodden", Culloden Road,
St. Michael.

6. Applications should reach the Chief Personnel Officer, Service
Commissions Department, "Flodden", Culloden Road, St. Michael, Barbados,
not later than 5th April, 1969.

Service Commissions Department,
29th January, 1969.

Government Printing Office.

February 17, 1969



The objects of this Bill are, inter alia, as follows-
(a) to repeal the Anglican Church Act, 1911
(Act 1911-10) and the Anglican Church
(Partial Suspension) Act, 1955 (Act 1955-
49) and to provide for the disestablisment
of the Anglican Church in Barbados;
(b) to provide for the vesting in the Diocesan
Trustees of all Anglican Churches, Church
Schools, ecclesiastical residences (includ-
ing Bishop's Court) and other church proper-
ty and funds;
(c) to provide for the preservation of existing
interests including the pension rights of
clergymen who retired before disestablish-
ment and for the grant of pension and gratui-
ties to those clergymen who are holding
office on the date of disestablishment;
(d) to make new financial provision for the
Anglican Church embodying the terms of
the financial settlement agreed to between
the Government and the Church;
(e) to provide for the continuance of existing
practices and rights in relation to the
use of Church Schools by the Government;

(f) to provide for the establishment and incor-
poration of the Diocesan Synod, the Dio-
cesan Trustees and the Dean and Chapter
of St. Michael's Cathedral and for the

management thereby of the affairs of the

The opportunity has been taken to remove any
doubts that might arise in the future about the owner-
ship of a parcel of land which theSale of Christ Church
Glebe Lands Act, 1960 (Act 1960-17) authorised the
Rector of Christ Church to sell to the Executive Com-
mittee. Such doubts could arise because the convey-
ance of sale relating to the land refers to the Bishop
as a party to the sale and not to the Vicar General -
as was provided for in the Act 1960-17.

Arrangement of Sections

Part I

1. Short title

2. Interpretation.

Part II

Disestablishment and vesting of property

3. Disestablishment of Anglican Church.

4. Provisions relating to ecclesiastical Courts
and law after disestablishment.

5. Dissolution of ecclesiastical corporations.

6. Vesting of property in Barbados Diocesan
7. Construction of dispositions in favour of ec-
clesiastical corporations.

8. Vesting of Bishop's Court in Barbados Dioce-
san Trustees.

Part III

Preservation of existing interests

9. Continuance of ecclesiastical offices.

10. Preservation of pension rights.

11. Return of Contributions under Acts 1928-3 and



12 Gratuity to persons appointed to ecclesiasti-
cal offices after date of partial suspension
and before date of disestablishment.

13 Service in ecclesiastical office not to be re-
garded as public service.

Part I\

Financial Settlement

14. Cesser of payments to Bishop, clergy and
other church officers.

15. Payments to Barbados Diocesan Synod.
16. Trusts affecting such payments.
17. No entitlement to leave passages or payment
in lieu thereof

18. Abolition of franking privileges.

Part V

Church Schools

19. Continuance of existing practice in relation
to Church Schools.

20. Preservation of rights of Crown in relation to
Church Schools.

21. Liability for maintenance and insurance of
Church Schools.

22. Reverter of Church Schools on cesser of use
as schools.



Part VI

The Diocesan Synod

23. Establishment of Diocesan Synod as body

24. Powers of Diocesan Synod.

The Barbados Diocesan Trustees

25. Establishment of Barbados Diocesan Trus-
tees as body corporate.

26. Number and mode of appointment of Barba-
dos Diocesan Trustees.

27. Quorum.

28. Acts during vacancies.

29. Provision of stipend fund out of property
vested under section 6 and application
of proceeds of sale of such property.

30. Powers of Diocesan Trustees as regards ac-
quisition and disposal of property and in-

Dean and Chapter of Saint Michael's Cathedral

31. Dean and Chapter of Cathedral of St. Mich-

32. Incorporation of Dean and Canons.

33. Saving of rights of Crown.


34. Valuation of crops in glebe on retirement
etc. of incumbent.

35. Confirmation of vesting in Crown of land sold
to Executive Committee pursuant to Act

36. Repeals.

37. References in enactments.

38. Commencement.





A Bill intituled

An Act to repeal the Anglican Church Act, 1911,
and the Anglican Church (Partial Suspension) Act,
1955, to settle the relationship between the Anglican,
Church and the State, to make new financial provision
for the Anglican Church and for matters incidental
thereto and connected therewith.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados, and by
the authority of the same as follows:-

Short title.


Part I


1. This Act may be cited as the Anglican Church
Act, 1969.

2. For the purposes of this Act the expression -
'benefaction' includes any property raised by
voluntary subscription or given by any per-
son for the use of the Church;

'benfice' includes all rectories with cure of
souls and vicarages;

'Church' means the Anglican Church in Barba-

'Churches' means the churches and chapels of
the Anglican Church in Barbados and in-
cludes the curtilages appurtenant to such
churches and chapels;

'Church School' means any property listed and
described in the First Schedule which con-
sists of one or more building or buildings and
the land used in connection therewith for the
purposes of a school and which, immediately
before the date of disestablishment was
vested in or owned by or was considered to
be vested in or owned by the holder or holders
of an ecclesiastical office, but does not in-
clude any property which immediately before
that date was vested in or owned by the
'date of disestablishment' means such date as
the Minister may by order appoint as the

First Schedule.

date on which the Church shall cease to be
the established Church;

'date of partial suspension' means the 24th
December, 1955, being the date of the coming
into operation of the Anglican Church (Par-
tial Suspension) Act, 1955; Act 1955-49.
'diocese' includes every ecclesiastical dis-
trict in the Island to which the authority of
the Bishop of Barbados extends;

'ecclesiastical corporation' means the holder
of every ecclesiastical office in his corpo-
rate capacity but does not include Codrington
'ecclesiastical district' includes an ecclesias-
tical parish and any other district the minis-
ter whereof has a separate cure of souls;
'ecclesiastical office" means the office of
bishop, dean, arch deacon, canon, rector,
vicar and perpetual curate and includes all
offices with cure of souls within the diocese;
'ecclesiastical residences' means the houses
of residence listed and described in the
Second Schedule and includes all lands Second
appurtenant thereto; Schedule.

'incumbent' in relation to a benefice includes
a rector with cure of souls, vicar or per-
petual curate as the case may be;

'Pensions Legislation' means the Pension Act,
1925, the Pensions Act, 1947, the Widows Act 1925-2.
Act 1947-20.


Act 1928-3. and Orphans Pensions Act, 1928, the Widows
Act 1964-5. and Children Pensions Act, 1963 or any
statutory instrument thereunder or any other
Act or statutory instrument from time to time
governing the grant of pensions, gratuities
or other allowances to or in respect of per-
sons in the public service and includes the
L.N. 133 of Local Government (Compensation) Regula-
1959. tions, 1959;

'property' includes all property real and per-
sonal; and where any property is held on
trust for or for the benefit of the holder of
any ecclesiastical office as such, that pro-
perty shall be deemed for the purposes of this
Act to belong to that office.

Part II
Disestablishment and vesting of property

3. As from the date of disestablishmentthe Church Disestablishment
shall of Anglican
(a) cease to be established by law as the State-
recognised form of religion;

(b) have full powers to manage its own af-
fairs in accordance with the provisions
of this Act and the general law.

1.(1) As from the date of disestablishment -

(a) ecclesiastical courts in Barbados shall
cease to exercise any jurisdiction as
such, and the ecclesiastical law of the
Church shall cease to exist as such,

(b) the then existing ecclesiastical law and
the then existing articles, doctrines,
rites, rules, discipline, ordinances. can-
ons and regulations of the Church shall,
with and subject to such modification or
alteration, if any, as after that date may
be duly made therein in accordance with
the provisions of Part VI, be binding on
the members for the time being of the

5. Subject to section 12(1) on the date of dis-
establishment every ecclesiastical corporation in the
Church, whether sole or aggregate, which was estab-
lished under the Anglican Church Act, 1911, shall be

provisions re-
lating to
Courts and law
after disestab.

Dissolution of
ecl esiastical

Act 1911-10.

Vesting of pro- 6. (1) As from the date of disestablishment there
perty in the shall vest without further assurance in the Barbados
Barbados Dio-
cesan Trustees. Diocesan Trustees established under this Act -

(a) all churches which immediately before
the date of disestablishment were vested
in any ecclesiastical corporation;
(b) all church yards likewise vested;

(c) all glebe land likewise vested;

(d) all plate, furniture and other movable
chattels which immediately before the
date of disestablishment belonged to
any church, or were used in connection
with the celebration of divine worship
therein not being the property of a pri-
vate individual;

(e) all ecclesiastical residences together
with any movable chattels held and
enjoyed immediately before the date of
disestablishment with or as incidental to
the occupation of any such residence,
by the incumbent of any ecclesiastical
office to which the residence is attached;

(f) all funds or endowments which immediately
before the date of disestablishment were
specially allocated to the repair, res-
toration or improvement of the fabric of
any church, churchyard monuments or
ecclesiastical residence;
(g) all benefactions;

(h) all Church Schools;
(i) the property known as the St. Mary's
Home and vested in the St Mary's Home
Association by the St. Mary's Home
Association Act, 1942; Act 1942-7.

(j) the property known as the St. Paul's and
St. Ambrose Home and vested in the St.
Paul's and St. Ambrose Home Association
by the St. Paul's and St. Ambrose Home
Association Act, 1953; Act 1958-28.
(k) all other property (real or personal, mov-
able or immovable) not included in the
fore-going paragraphs of this subsection,
which immediately before the date of
disestablishment was vested in or be-
longed to any ecclesiastical corporation.
(2) All property vested in the Barbados Dioce-
san Trustees under this section shall be held subject
to all existing rights and interests with respect there-
to, all trusts applicable thereto and all tenancies,
charges and incumbrances which, on the date of dis-
establishment may be subsisting therein.

(3) All property vested under this section sub-
ject to the incidents specified in sub-section (2) shall
be held subject to the existing interests of all per-
sons who on the date of disestablishment hold eccle-
siastical offices in the Church until the cesser of such
interests through the death, retirement, resignation or
removal of the holder of any such office, as the case
may be.

Construction of
dispositions in
favour of

Vesting of
Bishop's Court
in the Diocesan

7. Any gift or other disposition taking effect
after the date of disestablishment by deed, will or
other instrument in favour of an ecclesiastical cor-
poration by its corporate name shall be construed
and shall take effect as a gift or disposition in favour
of the Barbados Diocesan Trustees.

8. As from the date of disestablishment there
shall vest in the Barbados Diocesan Trustees estab-
lished under this Act all that property known as
Bishop's Court.

Part III

Preservation of existing interests

9. (1) Any person who at the date of disestablish-
ment holds an ecclesiastical office affected by this
Act shall continue in that office until he is appointed
to another ecclesiastical office or until he retires
or resigns or is removed or until he dies without
having retired or resigned or without having been re-

(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed
as entitling the holder of any ecclesiastical office
to receive the emoluments of that office during any
period whilst he may be suspended from exercising
the spiritual functions of that office.

10. (1) Where before the date of disestablishment
a person to whom this section applies is under the
Pensions Legislation in receipt of a pension, gra-
tuity or other allowance, charged on the Consolidated
Fund or payable out of moneys provided for purposes
of local government, he shall continue entitled to
receive the same pension, gratuity or other allowance
as if this Act had not been passed and to be paid
the same out of the Consolidated Fund.

(2) Where before the date of disestablishment
a person to whom this section applies has under the
Pensions Legislation become entitled to a pension,
gratuity or other allowances, charged or payable as
aforesaid, but at that date is not in actual receipt
of the same, he shall be entitled -

Continuance of

preservation of
pension rights.

(a) as on that date to have his qualification
for a pension, gratuity or other allow-
ance determined;
(b) as on that date to have computed the
amount of any pension, gratuity or other
allowance for which he is qualified;

(c) as from that date to be paid out of
the Consolidated Fund the amount so
computed by way of pension, gratuity
or other allowance.

(3) The persons to whom this section applies

(a) any person who held or holds the of-
fice of Bishop of Barbados before or
on the date of disestablishment;

(b) any person who held any other ecclesi-
astical office before the date of partial

(c) the widows and children of persons
specified in paragraphs (a) and (b);
(d) any person entitled to a pension,
gratuity or other allowance under the
Local Government (Compensation)
L.N. 133 of 1959. Regulations, 1959 in respect of his
service to the Anglican Church other-
wise than in an ecclesiastical office.
(4) For the purposes of applying the Pensions
Legislation to this section, any person specified in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3) who left the

service of the Anglican Church in Barbados before
the date of disestablishment or the date of partial
suspension, as the case may be, and went elsewhere
in the service of the Anglican Church in any part of
the Commonwealth but not in the service of the Crown,
not having attained the age of 55 years when he left
the service of the Anglican Church in Barbados, shall
be deemed to be in the public service in the place to
which he went, and the period of his service in the
place to which he went shall be deemed to be quali-
fying service.
(5) Where a person specified by paragraphs
(a) and (b) of sub-section (3) dies after the date of
disestablishment whilst in receipt of a pension under
subsections (1) and (2) the widow and children of
such person shall be entitled to the same rights under
the Widows and Orphans Pensions Act, 1928, or the
Widows and Children Pensions Act, 1963, as if this Act 1928-3.
Act had not been passed.
(6) For the purposes of this section, and not-
withstanding the provisions of section 9, any person
specified by paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3)
who holds an ecclesiastical office at the date of dis-
establishment shall be regarded as retiring from the
public service on that date in consequence of the
abolition or re-organisation of his office and in com-
puting the amount of any pension, gratuity or other
allowance payable to or in respect of any such person
pursuant to this section account shall be taken of the
provisions of the Anglican Clergy (Pensionable Emol- Act 1964-22.
uments and Service) Act, 1964 in force immediately
before that date.

Return of con-
tributions under
Acts 1928-3 and

Gratuity to per-
sons appointed
to ecclesiastical
offices after date
of partial suspen-
sion and before
date of disestab-

11. Contributions made under the Widows and
Orphans Pensions Act, 1928, and the Widows and
Children Pensions Act, 1963, by the holder of an
ecclesiastical office in respect of his service in
such office shall on the date of disestablishment
be returned to him in the same circumstances and
subject to the same conditions as such contribu-
tions are returned to a contributor who ceases to be
a public officer.

12. (1) Every person appointed to an ecclesiastical
office since the date of partial suspension and holding
an ecclesiastical office at the date of disestablish-
ment shall be entitled to be paid out of moneys pro-
vided by Parliament a gratuity of one month's salary
of the ecclesiastical office which he holds at the
date of disestablishment for each completed year of
service in an ecclesiastical office in the Island
since the date of partial suspension.

(2) Where any person appointed to an ecclesi-
astical office since the date of partial suspension
retired or died before the date of disestablishment,
he or his legal personal representative, as the case
may be, shall be entitled to be paid out of moneys
provided by Parliament a gratuity of one month's
salary of the ecclesiastical office which he held
at the date of his retirement or death for each com-
pleted year of service in an ecclesiastical office in
the Island since the date of partial suspension.

(3) For the purpose of computing the gratuity
provided for by subsections (1) and (2) service in an
ecclesiastical office for a period of six months or
more before the date of disestablishment, or before


the date of retirement or death of the holder of an
ecclesiastical office, shall be equivalent to service
in such office for a completed year.

13. After disestablishment save as otherwise
provided by any enactment service in an ecclesias-
tical office shall not be regarded as public service
nor shall public service be regarded as including
service in an ecclesiastical office.

Service in, eccle-
siastical office
not to be regard-
ed as public ser

Part IV

Financial Settlement

Cesser of payments
to Bishop, clergy
and other church

L.N. 234 of 1959.
Payments to Bar-
bados Diocesan
Third Schedule.

14. As from the date of disestablishment there
shall cease to be payable -

(a) out of the Consolidated Fund or out of
moneys provided for the purpose by Par-
liament the stipends then payable to the
Bishop and Clergy of the Church;

(b) out of moneys provided for purposes of
local government the salaries and other
grants then payable under the Local Gov-
ernment (Ecclesiastical Grants) Regula-
tions, 41959.

15. (1) As from the date of disestablishment and
for the periods specified in column 1 of the Third
Schedule there shall be paid out of moneys provided,
by Parliament to the Diocesan Synod the sums men-
tioned in column 2 thereof, so however that the payment
for any particular year shall not fall below the guaran-
teed minimum for that year as set out in column 3
(2) Any sums payable under subsection (1) in
respect of a period specified in column 1 of the Third
Schedule shall be paid quarterly in advance in four
equal instalments beginning on the first day of each
such period.
(3) For the year beginning 1st April 1977 and
for every succeeding year thereafter there shall be paid
to the Diocesan Synod out of moneys provided by Par-
liament a subsidy having the same ratio to the-sum of
the subsidies paid to other religious denominations

for those years as the membership of the Anglican
Church has to the sum of the membership of these
denominations, so however that the amount payable to
the Anglican Church shall not be less than ten thou-
sand dollars per annum.

(4) The formula for determining the respective
membership of the Anglican Church and other religious
denominations shall be settled by the Minister respon-
sible for Ecclesiastical Affairs after consultation with
the Bishop and the heads of those denominations; and
the decision of the Minister shall not be questioned
in any Court

16. All sums paid to the Diocesan Synod under
section 15 shall be held by them upon trust to apply
the same in or towards -

(a) the payment of the stipends of the Bishop
and Clergy of the Church;

(b) the payment of the salaries of persons in
the service of the Church otherwise than
in an ecclesiastical office;
(c) the maintenanceof Churches and ecclesias-
tical residences; and

(d) generally for the maintenance of the Church.

17. No person who holds an ecclesiastical office
on the date of disestablishment shall be entitled to
paymentout of the Consolidated Fund or out of moneys
provided for the purpose by Parliament of leave pass-
ages or any sum of money in lieu thereof for which he
would have been eligible under any enactment in force
on that date unless before that date application for the

Trusts affecting
such payments.

No entitlement
to leave passages
or to payment in
lieu thereof.


grant of leave with passage paid has been min.s and

18. After the date of disestablishment no person
shall be entitled to any franking privileges or free
postage facilities in respect of the exercise of the
functions of any ecclesiastical office.

Abolition of
franking privi-





19. Nothing contained in this Act shall affect
any right,, privilege or power enjoyed immediately
before the date of disestablishment in respect of
Church Schools by any person holding an ecclesi-
astical office.

20. After the date of disestablishment the Crown
shall continue to have the same rights, ,privileges and
powers to use Church Schools as it had before that

21. As from thedateof disestablishment the Min-
ister responsible for Education shall out of moneys
voted by Parliament continue to insure Church Schools
and maintain the same in a good state of repair.

22. If at any time after the date of disestablish-
ment a Church School ceases to be used by the Crown
as a school it shall revert in good structural repair
to the Barbados Diocesan Trustees free from any ob-
ligation to permit it to be used thereafter but other-
wise subject to such trusts, obligations, conditions
and interests as may be applicable thereto or sub-
sisting therein.

Continuance of
existing practice
in relation to
Church Schools.

Preservation of
the rights of the
Crown in respect
of Church Schools.

Liability for
maintenance and
insurance of
Church Schools.

Reverter of
Church Schools
on cesser of use
as schools.

Part VI



of the Diocesan
Synod as body
corporate in Act

Act 1966-10.

Powers of the
Diocesan Synod.

23. (1) There shall be a Diocesan Synod for the
Anglican Church in Barbados.

(2) The persons who immediately before the
date of disestablishment are members of the Diocesan
Synod of Barbados constituted under the Anglican
Church Act, 41911, ,shall on that date become the first
members of the Diocesan Synod for which provision
is made in this Act.

(3) Section 21 of the Interpretation Act, 1966
shall apply to the Diocesan Synod constituted by this
Act and the Synod so constituted shall bea body cor-
porate in continuity of and succession to the Diocesan
Synod of Barbados constituted by the'Anglican Church
Act, 1911.

24. The Diocesan Synod shall have. power -

(a) to make such provision as: it thinks fit
for its constitution;

(b) to vary its consti tution;

(c) to receive such rules, 'ordinances, 'canons
and regulations as may have been made
by the provincial Synod of the Province
of the-West Indies for the general manage-
ment, discipline, and good government of
the Church;

(d) to make' such rules, ordinances, canons
and regulations as it thinks fit for the

general management, discipline and good
government of the Church;
(e) to provide in such rules, ordinances,
canons and regulations for the resignation
and relinquishment of any beneficeand for
the setting up of a Diocesan Pastoral Com-
mittee to advise on the appointment of
incumbents or Priests-in-charge of any
cure that is or may become vacant;
(f) subject to the provisions of this Act to
borrow such sums of money as it may con-
sider expedient for any purpose connected
with the work of the Church;
(g) with the approval of the High Court to
vary the trusts subject to which any pro-
perty is held for the benefit of the Angli-
can Church generally or for the benefit of
any church or chapel of that Church or
for the benefit of the holder of any ecclesi-
satical office, where the High Court is
satisfied that the original trusts have
ceased to provide a suitable and effective
method of using the property subject to
the trusts;
(h) to provide for the establishment of ecclesi-
astical tribunals;
(i) to appoint such councils, committees and
officers as it may think fit for any purpose
connected with the work of the Church;

(j) subject, in the case of property held in
trusts, to those trusts or to trusts as

of the Barbados
Diocesan Trus-
tees as body

Number and
mode of appoin-
tment of Barba-
dos Diocesan

varied or otherwise dealt with in pursuance
of the power conferred by paragraph
(g), to manage any property, real or per-
sonal, applicable for any purpose connected
with the work of the Church; and

(k) to make rules, ordinances, canons and
regulations for the settling of its pro-
cedure, for the transaction of its business
and for all other matters whatsoever re-
lating to the furtherance of the Church
and interests of the Church.

The Barbados Diocesan Trustees

25. There shall be established for the purposes
of this Act a body corporate to be known as the Bar-
bados Diocesan Trustees and section 21 of the Inter-
pretation Act, 1966 shall apply to the said body so

26.(1) The Barbados Diocesan Trustees shall
consist of -

(a) the holder of the office of Bis hop of
Barbados for the time being;

(b) the holder of the office of Archdeacon
of Barbados for the time being;

(c) a lay person to be appointed by the
holder of the office of Bishop of Bar-
bados for the time being;

(d) two lay persons to be appointed by the
Diocesan Synod.

(2) Avacancy in the body of trustees shall occur
if any person specified in paragraph (c) or (d) of sub-
section (1) dies, resigns or retires, is removed from
office,is unfit to actor incapable of acting or remains
out of the Island for a period exceeding 12 months.

(3) During any period when the See of Barbados
is full so long as the Bishop is absent from the
Island or is unable for any reason to act, a Vicar-
General appointed by the Bishop shall be entitled in
the place of the Bishop -
(a) to act as a trustee; and

(b) to fill a vacancy in the office of a per-
son specified in paragraph (c) of sub-
section (1).

(4) Any vacancy in the office of a person speci-
fied in paragraph (d) of subsection (1) shall be filled
in accordance with such regulations as the Diocesan
Synod may make from time to time.

27. Three trustees, of whom the Bishop or the Quorum.
Vicar-General, as the case may be, must be one, shall
form a quorum for the exercise of all or any of the
powers conferred on the Barbados Diocesan Trustees.

28. The validity of any act or proceedings of the Acts during
Barbados Diocesan Trustees shall not be affected by vacancies.
any vacancy in the membership of that body or by any
defect in the appointment of a member or by reason
that a person not entitled to do so took part in the
act or proceeding.

29. (1) All property vested in the Barbados Diocesan provision of
stipend fund out
Trustees by virtue of section 6 (1) and all property f property ves-
ted under section

6 and application
of proceeds of
sale of such

Powers of Dio-
cesan Trustees
as regards ac-
quisition and dis-
posal of property
and investments.

subsequently acquired by them shall, in addition to
any trusts subject to which such property was vested
in or acquired by them, be held by them upon trust for
the provision of a fund for the payment of the stipends
of every person who holds an ecclesiastical office
and generally for the benefit of the Church and for the
furtherance of public worship.

(2) If any property which is vested in the Bar-
bados Diocesan Trustees by virtue of section 6 (1) -

(a) is, -in the opinion of the Trustees, no
longer required for the purpose for which
such property was, before the date of
disestablishment, held by an ecclesi-
astical corporation or is after that date
held by the Trustees; and

(b) is sold or otherwise disposed of by the

then, notwithstanding subsections (2) and (3) of sec-
tion 6, the Trustees may apply the proceeds of the
sale or other disposition of the property for the benefit
of the Anglican Church generally, so however, that any
person who, at the date of disestablishment, was the
holder of an ecclesiastical office and as such was on
that date entitled to any benefit from such property
shall, so long as he continues to hold that ecclesi-
astical office, be entitled to a benefit to the like ex-
tent from the proceeds of sale or other disposition
of such property.

30. (1) The Barbados Diocesan Trustees shall ob-
tain the consent of the Diocesan Synod -

(a) to acquire and hold any real or per-
sonal property for purposes for which
the Barbados Diocesan Trustees are
constituted and to dispose of, charge
or otherwise deal with such property;
(b) to invest moneys requiring investment
in the purchase of, or at interest upon
the security of, such stocks, funds,
shares, securities or other investments
or property of whatsoever nature and
whatsoever as the Barbados Diocesan
Trustees shall think fit to the intent
that they shall have the same full and
unrestricted powers of investment
and transposing investments in all re-
spects as if they were absolutely en-
titled thereto beneficially.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-
section (1), where -
(a) any sums of money are held by or come
into the possession of the Barbados
Diocesan Trustees upon trust to in-
vest the same; or
(b) any trust funds (howsoever invested)
are vested in the Barbados Diocesan
Trustees by virtue of section 6 (1),
then, -notwithstanding that such sums of money and
trustfunds are held by the Barbados Diocesan Trustees
upon separate trusts, -the Barbados Diocesan Trustees
shall have power, with the approval of the Diocesan
Synod, and subject to the following provisions of this

section, to convert all such sums of money and trust
funds into one consolidated trust fund and to deal
with and invest the same accordingly.

(3) The Barbados Diocesan Trustees shall
keep such accounts of every consolidated trust fund
established pursuant to subsection (2) as will ensure
that every such sum of money or trust held under
separate trusts and comprising the consolidated trust
fund will be represented in the accounts of the con-
solidated trust fund by a separate account appro-
priately designated for purposes of identification.

(4) Out of the earnings of such consolidated
trust fund the Barbados Diocesan Trustees shall,
after deducting all costs of management, investment
and other expenses, and after setting up such reserve
of income as they may consider appropriate, declare
quarterly during each year a rate of dividend and shall
credit to each such account by way of dividend an
amount which bears the same proportion to the total
amount to be distributed as dividends as the sum of
money or the trust fund represented by such account
bears to the whole consolidated trust fund.
(5) If any amount remains from the earnings
of the consolidated trust fund after the Barbados
Diocesan Trustees have complied with subsection
(4) the Barbados Diocesan Trustees shall credit the
same to the capital of the several sums of money and
trust funds comprising the consolidated trust fund
in the same proportions as provided in subsection
(4) for the distribution of dividends.

Dean and Chapter of Saint Michael's Cathedral

31. There shall be a Dean and Chapter for the
Cathedral of Saint Michael. The Rector of Saint
Michael shall be ex officio Dean of the said Chapter
so long as the parish Church of Saint Michael con-
tinues to be a Cathedral Church. The Canons of the
said Chapter shall be the Archdeacon of Barbados
for the time being, and not more than five nor less
than three other presbyters.

32. Section 21 of the Interpretation Act, 1966,
shall apply to the Dean and Chapter of Saint Michael's
Cathedral which shall be a body corporate in contin-
uity of and succession to the body of that name con-
stituted by the Anglican Church Act, 1911.

33. Nothing in this Part shall affect the rights
of the Crown.

Dean and Chap-
ter of Cathedral
of St. Michael.

Incorporation of
Dean and Canons.
Act 1966-10.

Act 1911-10.

Saving of rights
of Crown.

Part VII

Valuation of 34.(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection
o etiin glebe (2) of section 6 and of section 9 if an incumbent re-
etc. of incumbent, signs from or relinquishes his benefice having sown
growing crops on the glebe lands belonging to such
benefice then the value of such growing crops shall
be ascertained by arbitration under the provisions of
Act 1955-39. the Security of Tenure of Small Holdings Act, 1955.
(2) The Barbados Diocesan Trustees shall
pay to the outgoing incumbent the amount so ascer-
tained within one month of the conclusion of such

(3) The amount, so ascertained shall constitute
a debt and be recoverable as such and until it has
been paid it shall be the first lien on such crops.

(4) If the Barbados Diocesan Trustees de-
fault in making such payment the outgoing incum-
bent may enter the glebe lands and reap the crops
where ripe and sell the same and apply the proceeds
in payment of the expenses of such reaping and sale,
in defraying the costs of the arbitration and in pay-
ment of the amount thereof to himself, and of any
surplus to the Barbados Diocesan Trustees.

Confirmation of
vesting in Crown
of land sold to
Executive Com-
mittee pursuant
to Act 1960-17.

35. For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby de-
clared that the parcel of land situate in the parish
of Christ Church and containing by admeasurement
344,137 square feet, more or less, which pursuant to
the Sale of Christ Church Glebe Lands Act, 1960 the
Rector for the time being of the parish of Christ

Church was authorised to sell to the Executive Com-
mittee of Barbados by and with the consent of the
Vicar General of Barbados is vested in the Crown
notwithstanding that the conveyance of sale relating
to the aforesaid parcel of land and dated 13th Septem-
ber, 1961 was made between the Bishop of Barbados
and the Rector of Christ Church on the one part and
the Executive Committee of Barbados on the other
part and not between the Vicar General of Barbados
and the Rector of Christ Church on the one part and
the Executive Committee of Barbados on the other

36. The enactments specified in the first and
second columns of the Fourth Schedule are repealed
to the extent specified in the third column.

37. Reference in any enactment to the Estab-
lished Church shall be construed as a reference to
the Anglican Church in Barbados.

38. This Act shall come into operation on such
day as the Governor General may appoint by Procla-

Read three times and passed the House of Assem-
bly this day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine.

Fourth Schedule.

References in




Read three times and passed the Senate this
day of one
thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine.

Preside nt.


( Section 2)


Christ Church

1. St. Christopher's Boys'

2. St. Christopher's Girls'

3. St. Lawrence Girls'

4. St. Matthias Boys'

5. St. Patrick's Boys'

St. George

1. St. Augustine's Boys'

2. St. Augustine's Girls'

3. St. George's Boys'

4. St. Luke's Boys'

5. The School formerly known as St. Jude's Girls' School and now forming
part of St. Jude's Mixed School.

6. South District Girls'

St. ;James

1. St. John the Baptist Boys'

2. St. John the Baptist Girls'

St. John

1. Cherry Grove
2. St. John's Mixed


St. John Continued

3. The School formerly known as St. Margaret's Girls' School and now
forming part of St. Margaret's Mixed School.

4. Welch Village Junior.

St. Joseph

1. St. Joseph's Boys'

2. St. Joseph's Girls'

3. St. Bernard's Primary.

St. Lucy

1. St. Clement's Senior
2. St.i Swithin's

St. Michael

1. St. Giles Girls'

2. St. Mary's Junior

3. St. Mary's Infants'

4. St. Matthew's Mixed

5. St. Stephen's Junior

6. St. Stephen's Infants

7. St. Paul's Girls'

St. Peter

1. All Saints Boys'

2. Black Bess Mixed


St. Philip

1. Holy Trinity Primary

2. St.l Catherine's Mixed

3. St. Martin's Boys'

4. St. Martin's Girls'

5. St. Martin's Primary

6. St. Philip's Boys'

St. Thomas

1. St. Thomas Boys'

2. Welches Mixed


(Section 2)


Christ Church

1. Christ Church Rectory

2. St. Bartholomew's Vicarage

3. St. David's Vicarage

4. St. Matthias' Vicarage

5. St. Lawrence Curatage

6. St. Patrick's Vicarage

St. Andrew

1. St. Andrew's Rectory

2. St. Saviour's Vicarage

3. St. Simon's Vicarage

St. George

1. St. George's Rectory

2. Curate's House, St. George

3. St. Augustine's Vicarage

4. St. Jude's Vicarage

5. St. Luke's Vicarage

St. James

1. St. James' Rectory

2. St. John The Baptist Vicarage

3. St. Alban's Vicarage


St. John

1. St. John's Rectory

2. St. Margaret's Vicarage

3. St. Mark's Vicarage

St. Joseph

1. St. Joseph's Rectory

2. St. Anne's Vicarage

St. Lucy

1. St. Lucy's Rectory

2. St. Clement's Vicarage

St. Michael

1. The Deanery, Welches

2. T]he Curatage, 7th Avenue, Belleville

3. St. Ambrose's Vicarage, Ladymeade Gardens

4. St. Leonard's Vicarage, Strathclyde

5. St. Mary's Vicarage, Fontabelle

6. St. Matthew's Vicarage

7. St. Paul's Vicarage

8. St. Stephen's Vicarage


St. Peter

1. St. Peter's Rectory

2. Curate's House, St. Peter

3. All Saints Vicarage

4. St. Philip-the-Less Vicarage

St. Philip

1. St. Philip's Rectory

2. Holy Trinity Vicarage

3. St. Martin's Vicarage

St. Thomas

1. St. Thomas' Rectory

2. Holy Innocents Vicarage


Section 15

(1) (2) (3)


1st April 1969- $248,000 less the cost of the pensions,
31st March1970 gratuities and other allowances under
sections 10 and 12 for the period from
date of disestablishment to 31st March,
1969. -$213,000

1st April 1970 $248,000 less the cost of the aforesaid
31st March 1971 pensions and other payments for the year
1st April 1969 31st March 1970. $213,000

1st April 1971 $248,000 less the cost of the aforesaid
31st March 1972 pensions and payments for the year 1st
April 1969-31st March 1970. $213,000

1st April 1972- The sum actually paid for the year 1st
31st March 1973 April 1971-31st March 1972 less one-
sixth of that amount. $177,500

1st April 1973- The sum actually paid for the year 1st
31st March 1974 April 1972 31st March 1973 less one-
sixth of the amount paid for the year
1st April 1971- 31st March 1972. $ 142,000


Section 15

(1) (2) (3)


1st April 1974 The sum actually paid for the year 1st
31st March 1975 April 1973 31stMarch 1974 less one-
sixth of the amount paid for the year
1st April 1971 31stMarch 1972. $106,500

1st April 1975- The sum actually paid for the year 1st
31stMarch 1976 April 1974 31stMarch 1975 less one-
sixth of the amount paid for the year
1st April. 1971 31stMarch 1972. $ 71,000

1st April 1976 The sum actually paid for the year 1st
31st March 1977 April 1975 31st March 1976 less one-
sixth of the amount paid for the year
1st April 1971 31st March 1972. $ 35,000



Year and No.

Short Title

Extent of Repeal

Westbury Cemetery Act,

Sections 10 and 13.
Renumber section 14 section
14(1),and add "(2). The Ministers
of the several denominations
shall be remunerated in accord-
ance with rules and regulations
for the funeral services performed
by them."

Anglican Church Act, 1911 Whole Act.

1908 4

1911- 10

1942 7

1947 20

1949 34

1952 19

Section 3.

In section 2(1) of the Act
paragraph(a) (iv) of the defini-
tion 'pensionable emoluments';
In section 14(1) of the Regula-
tions delete the first proviso.
InSecond Schedule of the
Regulations,delete 5. The
Bishop and Clergy of the
Anglican Church and renumber the
following heads accordingly.

Whole Act.

Whole Act.

Section 36

St. Mary's Home Associa-
tion Act, 1942

The Pensions Act, 1947
and the Pensions Regula-
tions, 1947, made under
section 3 thereof.

Anglican Church
(Amendment) Act, 1949.

Anglican Church
(Amendment) Act, 1952.

Year and No.

1958 23

1955 49

1961 32

1964 22

1959 L.N. 234

1959 L.N. 133



Short Title Extent

St. Paul's and St. Ambrose Section 3,
Home Association Act,
Anglican Church (Partial Whole Act.
Suspension) Act, 1955.

Anglican Church (Amend-
ment) Act, 1961

Anglican Clergy (Pension-
able Emoluments and Ser-
vice) Act, 1964.

Local Government (Ecclesi-
astical Grants) Regulations,

Section 36

of Repeal

Whole Act.

Whole Act.

Whole enactment.

Local Government (Compen- So much of the enactment as
station) Regulations 1959. relates to "Church Officers".

Prisons Act, 1966

S. 10(1) delete the words 'a
chaplain' in line 2; S. 10 (2)
delete; S 14(1) and (3) delete
'other than the Church of
England' in lines 2 and 3
respectively; S.14(4) delete
'not belonging to the Church
of England' in lines 3 and 4;
in lines 7 and 8 after the word
'visited' add 'by a chaplain of
his choice who is willing to
make the visit' in place of the
words 'by the chaplain referred
to in section 10 of this Act'.

1961 66

Statutory Instruments Supplement No. 10
Supplement to OfficiA Gazette No. 14 dated 17th February, 1969.

S.I. 1969 No. 18.
The Hotel Aids Act, 1967

The Cabinet in exercise of the powers conferred on
it by section 2 (4) of the Hotel Aids Act, 1967 hereby
gives the following notice:-
1. This Notice may be cited as the Hotel Aids
(Southern Surf Apartment Hotel) Notice, 1969.
2. It is hereby declared that the group of build-
ings to be known as Southern Surf Apartment Hotel
situate and now about to be extended at Rockley, in
the parish of Christ Church, shall be deemed to be an
hotel for the purposes of the Hotel Aids Act, 1967.
Given by the Cabinet this 30th day of January,

Secretary to the Cabinet.
(M.P. TOU-100/12/6)
