Women in education
 Radical ravings

Group Title: WomaNews : Gainesville's Feminist Newspaper.
Title: WomaNews : Gainesville's Feminist Newspaper. September 1975.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076708/00027
 Material Information
Title: WomaNews : Gainesville's Feminist Newspaper. September 1975.
Uniform Title: WomaNews : Gainesville's Feminist Newspaper
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: Women Unlimited, Inc
Publication Date: September 1975
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Alachua -- Gainesville
Coordinates: 29.665245 x -82.336097 ( Place of Publication )
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076708
Volume ID: VID00027
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 37184255

Table of Contents
    Women in education
        Page 1
    Radical ravings
        Page 2
Full Text


VOLUME I, NUMBER 4 Gainesville, Florida September 1975

4om1rn iDn edca tion
The whole education of women ought to be relative to men. To please them, to he useful
to them, to make themselves loved and honored by1 them, to educate them when younili.
to care for them when grown, to counsel them, to console them, and to make liff sweet
and agreeable to then these are the duties of women at all times and what should he
taught them from their infncey.
Jean Jacques Rousseaul

Women may have taken great
strides in the field of ed-
ucation since the days of
Rousseau. Still, there are
those to this day who share
his opinions.
Higher education for
women is thought to make them
better or perhaps "more in-
teresting" housewives and
mothers and is therefore
supported by many who would
hardly expect a woman to
use her knowledge toward a
career of her own.
Today more women than ever
before are going to college
Yet fewer are going on to
distinguish themselves in a
Career or profession. Fewer,
in fact, in recent graduating
classes, than those who grad-
uated in the years proceeding
World War II. College for
many women today is an oppor-
tunity to meet a mate or gain
in social mobility.
Why do so few women fulfill
their potential ability and
intellectual capacity?
Certainly discrimination
still exists, but even those
educational opportunities
that are available are seldom
taken full advantage of by

For instance, many women
don't make use of existing
financial aid programs, and
fewer women than men borrow
for educational reasons
perhaps fearing inability
to repay the loan later.
Educational loans for men,
on the other hand, are con-
sidered a wise investment in
the future.
Women generally depend on
parents for financial support.
Only one in six young women
earn one-half or more of their
own expenses; while five out
of six men partially or
entirely pay for their own
Women generally depend on
parents for financial support.
Only one in six young women
earn one-half or more of
their own expenses; while
five out of six men partially
or entirely pay for their
own education.
Accordingly, a young women
from a poorer family, since
it is so difficult for her to
pay her expenses, may never
even seriously consider
college. Her educational
goals are usually sacrificed
to give her brother the op-
(Continued on Page 3)


Word has it that a "happen-
ing" is in the offing for
Alachua County women. The
winds are beginning to rustle,
and bird songs talk of the
Autumnal Equinox.
Whispers of costumes, song,
poetesses, and warm spirits
have begun to float on the
air and women are ex-
citedly preparing for a
togetherness celebration at
Remember, the Autumnal
Equinox, at dusk. Want to
know more? Ask your friend,


A task force organized to
study the problems of women
in prison has been formed by
Women Unlimited. Task force
members, who have had three
meetings already, hope to ef-
fect change and improve the
lot of women prisoners.
According to organizers,
some other women's organiza-
tions have expressed inter-
est in the new committee, as
well as independent commun-
ity women. All interested
women are welcome, and are
invited to obtain further in-
formation by calling the
Center, 376-3456.

Page 2


In this work-a-day world,
with all its recessions, de-
pressions, Watergates, flood
gates, abusers, misconstruers,
the tired and denied, where
most things are deep-fat-
fried, and my son cries be-
cause it costs him a dime for
a lollipop, is there still
energy to maintain one's self
respect and pride, or even
put it on the block at exe-
cution time? Oh, but if I
could "only learn to be a
lady!" Surely it will be
I was told, in order to
maintain my former job, that
I must learn to be a lady and
that a "woman isn't worth a
damn." In my ignorant bliss
I searched for the meaning of
lady. The encyclopedia and
dictionary had assorted ideas
and definitions. Some of
these were:
1) in Great Britain
the title belonging to the
wife of any peer below the
rank of Duke.
Well, the key words are
wife below rank. I am not a
wife. I was once, but he was
not a duke, and it sure as
hell wasn't in Great Britain.
So, that was no help.
2) A well dressed woman
in society.
Seeing as I never made the
ten best dressed women list,
And my designer went to work
for Ajax Trucking Company,and
I am left only with the com-
fort of Levi and Maas Brothers,
that definition left me puz-
3) A woman recognized as
being in good social standing
That leaves me out, too,
but I try to remain standing.
There was one definition which
I think is probably the most
4) A calcareous (contain-
ing limestone or calcium car-
bonate) apparatus in the
stomach of a lobster for di-

September 1975

Sallie Ann Harrison


"Now girls, you've come to the hardest time
The Man'al try to hand you every line
He'll plead, he'll argue, he'll sulk and the like
He'll call every one of you a god damn dyke."

These words from the Laven-
der Jane album forecast what
is in store for most of us as
feminists. Society has a
word for strong women; that
*word is "dyke." Other varia-
tions to which we are becoming
accustomed are "bitch," "man-
hater," and "castrating
Just for the record, I had
always feared the word "bitch."
Now I tealize that "bitch" is
a term men use for women whom
they don't have power over.
A bitch is a woman who respects
her own opinion enough to
want her own way and to assert
herself to get it.
Okay, so I for one, have
gotten to the point where
name calling from men often
registers positively. Means
I'm finally learning to
assert myself. But, while I
can accept traditional
epithets with a warm "thank
you," the word "dyke" makes
me squeamish. A dyke is a
person who lives outside the
law, who loses her kids with
the full sanction of society.
It's safe to say that a dyke

gesting food
That definition relates
somewhat, as my place of em-
ployment was a seafood res-
taurant. When I tried to
formulate these definitions
I realized what a lady
who happens to work for a
seafood restaurant is --
a woman who has to digest
without regurgitating and
dresses properly. One could
hardly call a waitress uni-
form well-dressed apparel.
I do believe the defini-
tion of a woman -- an adult
human female -- suits me fine.

is a pretty dangerous thing
for one to be called in our

And Guess what, Sisters?
This is what that "tiny"
anti-women's lib segment of
the population are going to
call you. Yes, women, the
time is coming for the "Great
We'll be making a list,
checking it twice, gonna
find out who's naughty and
nice. To legitimize our-
selves to the anti-women's
lib masses, do we react
defensively? Do we say, "No
I'm not a lesbian, but so-
and-so is?"
To be sure, name calling
is a most effective means of
social control. But look who
who's calling names: a patri-
archial society that rapes
women and laughs about it.
To be called the Lavender
Menace is, after all, still
to be called a menace, to me
it seems an honor, like being
on Nixon's enemy list.
The term "dyke" may become
music to my ears after all.

I'm very much impressed by
the word human, and saw no
mention of it in the various
definitions of lady.
Indeed, the word lady is
derogatory and insulting to
the female human being who
has learned better, realiz-
ing her strength and worth
are far more valuable as a
Perhaps I've only achiev-
ed that awareness of late
having seen that I no more
care to learn to be a lady
than I do to be the wife of
(Continued on Page 3)

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