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March 2005Vol. 16, No. 3
UF/IFAS International Programs Office of the Vice President for Agriculture & Natural Resources Gainesville, Florida 32611
CALS develops international distance education programs
he International Programs Office and several departments
have been bringing distance education at UF/IFAS into the international arena. The soil and water science department and the entomology and nematology department under the leadership of chairmen Ramesh Reddy and John Capinera, respectively, have blazed the trail for distance degree programs in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
Through the UF/IFAS partnership with CIAT the International Center for Tropical Agriculture efforts are underway to link international research centers and foreign universities with UF departments offering distance education degrees. A pilot project, funded in part by USAID, will bring students from Africa to the UF curriculum without leaving their homes. International Programs is exploring linkages with other regions as well.
The master's programs allow international students to obtain master's de-
grees without taking courses on the UF campus. Application and admission processes as well as credit requirements are identical to those of on-campus students.
Master's programs for international students will be offered in soil and water science and entomology and nematology in the fall. Individual courses already are being developed in other departments.
Delivery of course materials varies with departments and programs. Soil and water science relies on a Webbased course delivered through DSL. Some of these courses involve using GIS, which needs high speed Internet service. Another method is to send CD-roms with course material on PowerPoint presentations. Students interact with their faculty by e-mail and in chat rooms, and they can take Webbased exams.
Another potential component, video conferencing, allows real-time instruction for collaborating institutions that
have compatible equipment.
As part of the initial program, four pilot students from Colombia were enrolled in UF/IFAS distance education classes in three departments during the fall semester. The experience of the students and faculty provided feedback for improving the program. An evaluation of the program showed that students and CIAT found the courses extremely useful and identified some issues to be addressed regarding connectivity and advantages and disadvantages of methods of delivery. Another cadre of pilot students is expected in the fall semester, this time expanding to locations in Kenya and Uganda, Africa.
This is just the beginning of exploring new designs for international graduate degree programs and institutional capacity building, said International Programs Director Rober Natzke. More innovative ideas are needed as UF creates opportunities to link international students to distance education degree programs in UF/IFAS.
In February, Natzke established the International Distance Education Committee and charged it with developing a strategy and business plan to assure successful growth of an interSeeDistance education, p. 2
Telephone: 352 392-1965 FAX: 352 392-7127 Website: http://international.ifas.ufl.edu
March 2005
Vol. 16, No. 3
Distance education, from p. 1
national distance education programs in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
With the formation of the International Distance Education Committee, CALS has established an institution-wide commitment to making distance-learning programs available to international students. CALS has set a fee of $300 a credit for distance learning, a third of the cost of out-ofstate tuition for master's credits.
In the fall of 2005, the first distance education master's students from CIAT begin their program in soil and water science. A student starting next fall is focusing on the value of environmental services in the Andes basin.
Entomology and nematology offers international distance education master's degrees based on a program developed for students in Florida. The programs one in entomology, the other in pest management accept any qualified student, regardless of
location. Because the programs are not research degrees, students are not required to have access to an extensive research laboratory. Students will need contact with their UF/IFAS adviser when they take their final exam or defend their final project.
Students at research centers such as CIAT could incorporate a research dimension into the program. Entomology is a specialized field. It is not available at many agricultural universities abroad, so it is important that UF/IFAS offer this program without limitations in location, Capinera said. Students who don't want to pursue the entire degree or cannot meet the standard for acceptance can take courses via distance education and obtain a certificate in entomology or pest management.
Agricultural education and communication has a distance education master's program for Florida extension agents and students. The department is considering modifying the program and making it available to
national and international students. Many international students preparing for a career in extension look to universities in the United States, said Nick Place, an associate professor in the department. Because the program is based largely on social science, the cultural context of students in the home country is useful for research.
The initial phase of international distance learning for agricultural education and communication involves a joint course development project with CIAT. Vicente Zapata, researcher with CIAT's Rural Innovation Institute, visited UF/IFAS in March to explore the design and establishment of a distance-learning course in participatory methodologies for rural development.
Distance education offers enormous cost savings to students and funding agencies such as USAID. There are no travel and living expenses, and those with full-time jobs can continue their work. The $300 per credit hour cost also is a strong incentive. Students do not need to obtain visas.
Faculty do not yet see large numbers of international students enrolling at UF/IFAS through distance education programs. Graduate students need to work under the supervision of a UF/ IFAS faculty member, with an adviser in their home university who is qualified to meet the standards required by UF/IFAS. These students may need sophisticated laboratory equipment.
A significant issue is the demand of time on the UF/IFAS faculty member, who must deal with each distance education student on an individual basis. Developing course materials, participating in chat rooms, corresponding by e-mails are just a few of the elements of a distance education course that require more time per student than a similar, campus-based class.
( Lisette Staal, Ims@ifas.ufl.edu
Nick Comerford nbc@ifas.ufl.edu
intern mitm to her with I tures, the U abroa perier
"T from] share ger w
im associate dean. Extension Dean Larry Arrington said Ferrer's international background is crucial to carrying out the Cooperative Extension mission.
"Dr. Ferrer brings a wealth of
knowledge and experience to the position of associate dean," Arrington said.
Egyptians observe
Administrators and faculty from EtX.gyptians universities visited UF/ IFAS in March to see how UF/IFAS tailors its programs to meet the needs of Florida agriculture.
The first group of 18 was composeds deans, department heads and businessmen. The second group was composed of 17 faculty.
The visits were arranged by International Programs as part of the Agricultural Exports for Rural Income Institution- Egyptian edu an experiment
al Linkage Cooperative Agreement, a project managed by the Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities.
UF/IFAS' role involves biotechnology development, market development and capacity building. The two visits mark a major step in capacity building.
Five participating Egyptian univerMarch 2005
experiencing a new culture.
Extension also has a responsibility to share knowledge beyond the boundaries of Florida, Ferrer said. The United States' land grant system integrates teaching, research and extension. But many nations, particularUF/IFAS structure
sities are revising their curriculum to better meet the needs of the agricultural industry.
The administrators and businessmen visited UF/IFAS departments to review curriculums and structures.
These officials are revising courses to include more interactive learning, hands-on experience and critical
During a three-week
stay, the faculty group tls turd are attending lectures al garden. and preparing a business analysis. Using several Florida businesses as their laboratory they are learning techniques to manage an operation, plan for expansion and secure funding. Contact
Roger Natzke,
natzke@animal ufl.edu
Millie Ferrer brings international background to extension
illie Ferrer, UF/IFAS' new asso- "She has demonstrated a high level of ly those that lack the resources of .ciate dean for extension, brings commitment to diversifying our pro- United States, have a separate ext ational background and a com- grams to reach the multicultural popu- sion system or no extension syste ent to a multicultural population lation in Florida. She is committed to all. One role of UF/IFAS is to sha work. Interaction internationalizing our programs knowledge with other nations so t
eople of other cul- through faculty development efforts." they can extend the benefits of rewhether they are in Ferrer believes that an understand- search to their farmers and famili
nited States or ing of other cultures is important to Ferrer served as extension spe(
d, is a positive ex- extension agents and others working in family, youth and community s
ice, Ferrer said. with Florida's multicultural popula- ences in Orange County. She is a
he more we learn Ferrer tion. Many communities have grow- tive of Puerto Rico and received t
people of other cultures and we ing numbers of immigrants, many bachelor's degree from Inter-Am what we have learned, the stron- from Latin America and some from University of Puerto Rico in hom e will be," she said. other regions. It is crucial that agents economics education. She receive
Ter was named associate dean in have an understanding of other cul- master's degree from New York t ry. Previously she served as inter- tures and an empathy for immigrants versity and her Ph.D. from Florid
State University in child development.
SMillie Ferrer, mferrer@ifas.ufl.edu
Travel awards granted
I international Programs has awarded
the second international travel
grants to support international work in agriculture and natural resources.
Twelve faculty members received the grants, which are awarded twice a year. Recipients are listed on International Programs website, http:// international.ifas.ufl.edu/focusweb/ focusmar05007.htm.
Visiting scientist
Ponphen Jitareerat, faculty at King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thoburi, is conducting collaborative research with Amy Simonne, UF/ IFAS researcher in family, youth and community science.
Jitareerat, in the Division of Posthavest Technology, School of Bioresource and Technology, and Simonne are researching microbial intervention technologies to enhance safety and quality of selected fresh herbs used in many ethnic food dishes.
Amy Simonne
asimonne @ifas.ufl.edu
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Office of International Programs University of Florida Office of the Vice President for Agriculture
and Natural Resources P.O. Box 110282 Gainesville, FL 32611-0282
Agreement with Bangalore focuses on silicon research
A growing awareness internationaly of the importance of silicon in the life of plants and crop performance is the foundation of an exchange with University of Agricultural Sciences in Bangalore, India.
Lawrence Datnoff, UF/IFAS lead researcher on the role of silicon in plant disease resistance, is the program manager for the cooperative agreement, which will foster the exchange of research information.
This cooperative agreement broadens the linkages with India, where UF/ IFAS already has four cooperative agreements centered on topics such as alternative energy, forestry, and molecular biology and genetics.
Silicon research at UF/IFAS
For the past 16 years, Datnoff and other UF/IFAS researchers have explored the importance of silicon in dis-
ease resistance in rice. In the past few years, the research has expanded to include silicon in turf, bedding plants and ornamentals.
UF/IFAS hosted the first international conference on the importance of silicon in plant health and soil productivity in 1998.
Bangalore Associate Professor Nagabovanallik Prakash contacted Datnoff last year because of a growing awareness in India of the role of silicon in plant health and crop production. Silicon supplements have recently become available in India, but researchers are unsure of the crucial information such as specific benefits, application rate, and application timing. There is no national database on silicon availability in Indian soils.
Under the cooperative agreement, faculty will seek joint funding for research and the establishment of a joint
specialized "referral laboratory" on silicon in agriculture with a vision to recognize the importance of silicon across numerous plant species.
International workshop
Program managers have proposed an international workshop of scientific experts, technocrats, policy makers, extension workers and industrialists from key institutions and agencies that are involved with soil fertility.
The workshop targets students, scientists, entrepreneurs, extension personnel involved in educating farmers on best production and environmentally sound growing practices, health officials and nongovernmental organizations.
Lawrence Datnoff,
ledatnoff @ifas. ufl.edu p