Performing in the international...
 Dean's note
 B.K. Stevens, Professor Emerit...
 Program area news
 Honors and accolades
 Additions to the college
 Research updates
 1990-91 scholarships
 Alumni news
 Firsts in the doctoral program
 1990 college honor roll
 Update form
 SEC coach of the year gives $25,000...

Title: Performance
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076674/00015
 Material Information
Title: Performance
Uniform Title: Performance (Gainesville, Fla.)
Physical Description: v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida -- College of Health & Human Performance
Publisher: The College
Place of Publication: Gainesville Fla
Frequency: annual
Subject: Health education -- Periodicals -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Genre: government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent)   ( marcgt )
Statement of Responsibility: College of Health & Human Performance, University of Florida.
General Note: Description based on: Spring 1995; title from cover.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076674
Volume ID: VID00015
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 002413408
oclc - 40516144
notis - AMB8405
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Table of Contents
    Performing in the international arena
        Page 1
    Dean's note
        Page 2
    B.K. Stevens, Professor Emeritus
        Page 3
    Program area news
        Page 4
        Page 5
    Honors and accolades
        Page 6
    Additions to the college
        Page 7
    Research updates
        Page 8
    1990-91 scholarships
        Page 9
    Alumni news
        Page 10
    Firsts in the doctoral program
        Page 11
    1990 college honor roll
        Page 12
        Page 13
        Page 14
    Update form
        Page 15
    SEC coach of the year gives $25,000 to the college
        Page 16
Full Text

Performing in the International Arena

"If the nation is to sustain
the influence needed to
realize our national
interest,...and protection of
our democratic values, we
must strive to...inspire
cooperation internationally
when appropriate. To do so
requires a growing level of
international competency
among our citizens..."
Dr. Robert Smuckler Dean
International Studies
r .hiiig~l State University

The College of Health and Human
Performance recognizes :he need to
further develop international sensi-
tivity and knowledge of our students.
In the past several years the College
has taken a proactive role to identify
and meet the needs of a global soci-
ety. Increased international involve-
ment by faculty, courses with a de-
cidedly interrarionai flavor, and in-
creased recruitment of international
students all indicate a College-wide
commilmeni to international studies.
Increased 'acully involvement at
the international level has provided
extensive opportunities to attract in-
ternational students to our graduate
programs. Students from Belgium,
Canada, China, Holland, Israel, Ja-
pan, Korea, Kuwait, and Taiwan are
among our graduates or currently
enrolled students. In addition to at-
tracting e.cellent- international stu-
dents, international faculty are at-
tracted as well. These faculty come
tothe University of Florida to enhance

international Students with associate Graduate School Dean J Koran (far leftand
International Students with associate Graduate School Dean J.J. Koran (far left) and

ESS professor Hal Learch (far right).
their own professional growth and to
serve as visiting lecturers.
International activity is evident in
all areas of the College. One exciting
event-the International Study Pro-
gram (ISP)-was held last July. The
program "Historical and Psychosocial
Perspectives in Sports" included
participants from Japan, Italy, and
Cuba. The Second ISP will be held
July 22 August 1, 1991 and will
focus on "The Knowledge and Prac-
tice of Exercise Physiology for the
Year 2000."
Two significant events are on the
horizon as we expand our interna-
tional involvements. The Department
of Health Science Education is in the
preliminary planning stages for an
international symposium to be held in
Taipei, Taiwan. Faculty from the de-
partment will be guests of the Na-
tional Taiwan Normal University, host
for the symposium. The Department

of Exercise and Sport Sciences has
initiated formal agreements with
similar departments at universities in
Germany, Japan, China and the So-
viet Union. These agreements will
provide an ongoing relationship to
encourage student and faculty ex-
changes, collaborative research
programs, as well as other mutually
beneficial activities.
The large number of college fac-
ulty involved at the international level
in professional leadership roles, as
consultants for program improve-
ment, in collaborative research
projects, publications and profes-
sional study demonstrate the college-
wide corrmitment to strengthen the
international dimension. This com-
mitment will enable us to meet the
challenge of producing a more inter-
nationally competent graduate ca-
pable of meeting the demands of a
global society. +

Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences Department of Health Science Education Department of Recreation, Parks, & Tourism

2 Performance

Dean's Note

Dear Alumni:

1990, here in a minute and it's gone in a 'iash. Another
lightning year. And an unusually interesting and exciting
one, with the inaugurationn of John Lombardi, our fiery new
President, and t e hiring of my new boss, Provost Andrew
Sorensen. It was also a time of belt tightening, as the
downturn in the economy required us to return bits and
pieces of our budget to Tallahassee adding up quickly
to a large slice of our meager pie. Yet, thanks to the hard
work of faculty and staff, and the support of alumni and
friends, it was still another banner year. As my kids used
to say, "we done good."
Here are a few fresh facts about your College to give you
an idea of how it is progressing.
* Total enrollment increased 80% in the past five
years,from approximately 600 to 1,040 students.
* 60% percent of students enrolled in the College are
women,7% are black, and 3% are Hispanic,
* Of the 17 UF colleges, we rank eighth largest in
* Undergraduate enrollment increased 57% over the
past five years, from 550 to 865 students.
* The average undergraduate entering GPA is
now 2.6.
* Graduate enrollment more than doubled over the
past five years, from approximately 80 to 173 stu-
* 22 full-time students are entered in the new Doctor
of Philosophy degree program.

* The average graduate entering GPA is 3.4 with a
mean Graduate Record Exam score of 1,100.
* In the past five years, contracts and grants have
increased byafactorof 10, to $570,000from $57,000.
* Over $1.2 million was pledged toward the College
Capital Campaign. (Our original goal was $1 million,
but with your help, we hope to top $1.5 million by the
end of the campaign).
* A new $3.5 million Student Recreation Building will
open this May.
* Construction of a $6.9 million recreational park with
gymnasium, on 26 acres in the Southwest part of
campus (across from the new Ham Museum) soon
will begin.
As you can see, your College is -olling right along. But
these facts would be but dreams without strong alumni
support. This support is, of course, vital to our continued
success. It is also greatly appreciated many thanks!
I hope you enjoy this oewsletter. And please, stop by
and see me or any of your professors when you are in town,
or drop us a note. We want to know how you are doing.
Have a great year!

trick J. Bird

* 30% of the graduate students come from out-of-
state, and seven are foreign nationals (1 Israel, 2
China, 1 Taiwan, 1 Philippines, 1 Japan, 1 Korea).

Capital Campaign Progress Goal $1,000,000


A. Total Goal D. Scholarship
B. Total Received E. Program Enhancement
C. Professorship F. Annual Giving

............. r

Performance 3

B.K. Stevens, Professor Emeritus

B.K. Stevens, a native of Marianna,
Florida, returned to the University of
Florida in 1936 as a physical educa-
tion instructor for the P.K. Yonge
Laboratory school. He had previously
been at UF as an undergraduate stu-
dent, prior to pursuing graduate work
at Columbia University and New York
University. In 1946, the College of
Physical Education was formed and
B.K. became one of its first faculty
members, as a member of the gen-
eral physical education faculty. He
later moved into the Department of

"The college today is a much
more sophisticated place than
in the fifties. The curriculum is
better, the faculty bigger, and
the facilities impressive."
B.K. Stevens

Professional Curriculum, where he
remained Jntil his retirement in Au-
gust 1976.
During B.K.'s 30 years as a Col-
lege faculty member, many students
completed their college education
due to his generosity and caring. This
concern and willingness to help others
did not stop with retirement. Through

the University of Florida Foundation,
B.K. and his wife Betty, provide two
$700.00 scholarships annually to Ex-
ercise and Sport Sciences students.
In addition, B.K. has been an integral
part of the College's Capital Cam-
paign. He is one of eight members of
the Major Gifts Committee which is
responsible for identifying and con-
tacting contributors. With his support
the College has been able to exceed
its campaign goal.
According to Stevens, "The col-
lege today is a much more sophisti-
cated place than in the fifties. The
curriculum is better, the faculty big-
ger, and the facilities impressive." In
addition, B.K. expressed sincere ap-
preciation for the College's concern
and response to the retired faculty
and to the alumni. Stevens suggests
that all alumni of the College, regard-
less of when they graduated, should
be very proud. "The preparation of-
fered today is certainly the finest in
the South, and the calibre of gradu-
ates continues to make us all look
good," stated Stevens.
B.K. remembers many former stu-
dents and for many years tracked the
progress of those who went on to
receive advanced degrees, joined
state departments of education, and
became school-based administra-

B.K. Stevens sees a bright future for the

tors. "It is very rewarding to me to see
the numberwho have done so well....
said B.K. When asked to comment on
retirement Stevens said, "Retirement
is enjoyable. I once heard it said that
we all enjoy doing what we do well,
and doing nothing is something I do
B.K. has wonderful memories of
his years in the college, and ex-
pressed pleasure and enthusiasm
about the direction the College has
taken. He sees the future as very
bright for all involved. +

The College of Health and Human
Performance was exceptionally for-
tunate this past year in the number
and variety of special recognition
received by our students. The Na-
tional Association for Sport and
Physical Education (NASPE), one of
the six national organizations that
make up the American Alliance, rec-
ognized Jaclyn M. Skeldon, De-
partment of Exercise and Sport Sci-
ences as an Outstanding Physical
Education Major for 1990.
In April of 1990, KimberlyGleason
Bogart, was awarded Honorable
Mention in Florida Leader magazine's
Student of the Year contest. Winners
are selected fortheir involvement both

CHHP Students

Receive Special


on and off campus. Bogart states that
"the best part of being involved is the
feeling that one is making a direct
contribution to the community."
Theresa Hyde Jellicorse was
named the outstanding two year
scholar at the Spring 1990 gradua-

tion. This award is presented to the
conmmunily college transfer student
with the highest grade point average
upon completion of the BS degree at
the University of Florida. Jellicorse
completed her degree in Health Sci-
ence Education with a 3.84 GPA.
The Lady Gator Tracy Caulkins
Award was presented to Cassandra
(CoCo) Washington, a health sci-
ence education major. This award is
presented to the Lady Gator student
athlete who demonstrates academic
and athletic excellence. Washington
was a four year starter on the Lady
Gator basketball team, and was
named to the 1990 Southeastern
Conference Academic Honor Roll. +


I .~ (

4 Performance


Department of Health Science Education

As alumni and friends of our Col-
lege, you are well aware of the tre-
mendous growth occurring in the
College during the past few years.
The Department of Health Science
Education has been part of that
progress as well. In some respects,
growth of our Department has re-
flected important changes occurring
in the profession and in society as a
Many of today's chronic diseases
are related to decisions :hat individu-
als make regarding lifestyle and
health behavior. Consequently, these
conditions often can be controlled or
prevented throughh health education
Because of the growing recogni-
tion of the importance of education in
improving public health, the demand
for rigorously trained professional
health educators continues to in-
crease. In response to this need, the
Department has revised its under-
graduate and graduate curricula, in-
cluding implementation of a new Ph.D.
specialization in Health Behavior.
Reflecting a growth in international
activities,'he Ph.D. program currently
includes two National Science Coun-
cil Fellows from Taiwan, R.O.C., and
a McKnight Foundation Fellow from
the Virgin Islands.
Faced with these unique opportu-
nities, the Department faculty has
committed itself to becoming one of
the Nation's top professional prepa-
ration programs. Last year the faculty
continued its high level of profes-
sional activity, publishing some 20
articles in refereed journals and de-
livering some 25 presentations at
professional meetings. Faculty also
attracted funding from external
sources for 12 projects with a com-
bined total of approximately
$400,000. Our students performed
exceptionally as well, receiving nu-
merous honors, awards, and schol-
arships and publishing in the pro-
fessional literature.

Last Spring also marked a mile-
stone for the Department as we held
the first annual Spring Banquet. In
addition to the recognition of students
the evening included the presenta-
tion of the first Dora A. Hicks Lecture
named to honor Dr. Dora A. Hicks,
Professor Emeritus and former De-
partment Chair. Dr. Hicks delivered a
lecture on her experiences as a health
educator, In addition to serving stu-
dents and faculty, we hope the Spring
Banquet will continue to attract more
alumni and friends as it becomes our

social event of the year.
In retrospect, your Department
continues to make steady progress
toward national and international
prominence. Though progress has
been made, we continue to need the
support and good wishes of all our
alumni and friends. With your help,
our vision of excellence can be
achieved. Feel free to stop by your
Department at any time to see the
progress we're making and to up-
date us on your progress. +

Recreation, Parks, and Tourism

Accreditation requirements are
changing, and the Department is
changing to continue our leadership
role among the accredited depart-
ments in the country. New accredita-
tion guidelines allow for the accredi-
tation of four options of study includ-
ing Therapeutic, Natural Resource
Management, Recreation Program
Delivery, and Leisure Services Man-
agement. The Department has cre-
ated curricula for all of the four op-
tions providing students with in-
creased opportunities for specializa-
tion. Special areas of emphasis within
each option are also available
After many months of work, these
curricula revisions were finalized at a
faculty retreat last August. Other work
accomplished at this retreat was an
updating and restatement of the De-
partmental goals and a general re-
view of the undergraduate courses.
Dominate among the short term (3-4
year) goals of the Department is the
goal of offering a doctoral program.
Letters of support and/or interest in
this degree program would be ap-
Many of you may not be aware that
the Department has grown to the
extent that it has 11 full-time faculty
members. It also has 360 under-
graduate students and 20 masters
students. Since 1952 we have had

1591 students intern and graduate.
In the last three years we have placed
90 students in public recreation
agencies, 134 in private agencies
and 98 in recreation therapy. It is a
pleasure to note that so many of you
are accepting our interns and em-
ploying them after graduation. We
are extremely proud of our alumni
and the impact that they have made
on the recreation profession.
The department is currently under-
going Florida Board of Regents re-
view, which occurs every five years.
The national accreditation renewal
process will also begin soon. This will
culminate in a presentation to the
National Board in October of 1991.
An item of special interest to many
of you may be the recent establish-
ment of a Center for Travel and Tour-
ism Research and Development for
the Department. Dr. John Crotts has
been hired to direct this Center, and
in general to head up the tourism
area. If you can suggest research
connections for, or with the Center,
please do.
Get in touch with us at anytime, for
help with a project, to let us know
what is going on or just to say hello.
Also, please keep us apprised of
address, occupation or other
changes in your life. +

Performance 5

Area News

Recreational Sports Program

The Recreational Sports Program
involves all areas of recreation on the
UF campus. The new student fitness
center, which will open in May 1991,
will provide weight rooms, indoor
racquetball and squash courts,
aerobic facilities and free-play areas
for basketball and sport club activi-
ties. Offices for the Recreational
Sports Program also will relocate to
the new facility. Expansion of the
north end zone of the football sta-
dium eliminates the facilities on
Fleming Field, as well as the Murphree
area tennis courts. The Lee-
McCachren three-wall racquetball
courts along University will remain at

their present location. The field facili-
ties will be moved to a new 26-acre
complex located in the southwest
area of campus near 34th Street.
The Southwest Area Recreation
Complex will include 10 tennis courts,
a quad softball complex, lighted fields
for night use, basketball courts, vol-
leyball courts, a fitness rail, a 60,000
square feet activity ouilding for bas-
ketball and other recreational pur-
The Recreational Sports Programs'
goal to provide wholesome recre-
ational ouiiels for all students, fac-
ulty, and staff is coming closer to
reality with these new facilities. Forty

Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences

The dramatic growth occurring in
the Department of Exercise and Sport
Sciences demonstrates the expan-
sion of the profession in terms of
opportunities for our graduates. While
we continue to fill an important role in
teacher preparation, the fitness trend
has created new demands for scien-
tific information, adult fitness pro-
grams, and greater specialization in
a number of areas. At this point we
offer six undergraduate specializa-
tions, seven master's level special-
izations, and two at the Ph.D. level.
The name of the General Physical
Education Program has been
changed to better reflect the pro-
gram offerings. The new name is,
Sport and Fitness Program. We plan
to increase the variety of course of-
ferings while maintaining the high
quality of instruction that has tradi-
tionally been associated with the pro-
Exciting things are on the horizon
for the Department. Of significance is
our expanding international involve-
ment. We are attracting excellent in-
ternational students and have agree-
ments pending with similar interna-
tional institutions to foster student and

faculty exchanges. The faculty's in-
volvement on the 'niernational scene
is the major contributing factor re-
lated to this international growth.
The Exercise Science Center is
producing some excellent research
to meet the increasing demand for
information on the effects of exercise
on the human body. The Center sub-
mitted a record 23 research abstracts
for presentation consideration to the
Southeastern American College of
Sports Medicine Conference. This is
a strong indication of what can be
accomplished with a center dedi-
cated to research.
Faculty of the Department contrib-
ute in many diverse ways. Each con-
tribution is valued as we continue our
growth toward national and interna-
tional prominence. However, it is the
quality of our graduates that will con-
tinue to have long-term impact on the
reputation of :he department. As
alumni, you can take pride in the fact
that your "stock" as a UF graduate
continues to increase in value. Please
complete the graduate survey mailed
with this issue of the Performance,
and if you are in the Gainesville area
be sure to stop by for a visit. +

years have gone by without any new
indoor facilities for recreation. Now, in
the immediate future, we will have two
ofthem. FANTASTIC! Expansion plans
for the Recreational Sports Program
would not be realized without the hard
work of Dean Patrick Bird and Associ-
ate Dean Charles Williams, who had
the foresight to plan these facilities for
student recreational needs. The Uni-
versity owes them a strong debt of
gratitude. +

"Mr. Soccer"

A.C. Moore, known as "Mr.
Soccer" in and around the
Gainesville community was
honored by the College with a
retirement dinner held at the
Gainesville Hilton in April of 1990.
Dean Patrick Bird presented
Moore, Professor in Exercise and
Sport Sciences, with a plaque in
recognition of his dedicated
service to the college. Family
and long time friends of Moore
attended the event. Those
presentwere regaled with stories
about A.C. Many were surprised
to learn of Mr. Soccer's other
identity, 'Dinty" Moore! A. C,
joined the faculty in 1950 serv-
ing 37 years until his retirement
May 10, 1990.

Mr. and Mrs. AC. Moore
with honorary plaque


~ ~

6 Performance


A McKnight Fellowship for doc-
toral study was awarded to Mrs.
Delores Armotrading, a graduate
student in the Department of Health
Science Education. This is the first
such fellowship received by the Col-
Kim Gleason Bogart (HSE),
Jaclyn Marie Skeldon (ESS), and
Cindy Springer (RPT), were se-
ected for The 1989-90 Student Hall of
Fame in April 1990. Hall of Famers
are selected by a faculty committee
from the list of graduates for the aca-
demic year. Criteria include scholar-
ship and leadership as well as active
involvement in the student organiza-
tions sponsored by the college.
Fifty-three U F students were se-
lected for Who's Who Among Ameri-
can Students at American Colleges
and Universities. Included in the fifty-
three was Kimberly Gleason Bogart
(HSE). The students were chosen on
the basis of their leadership, service
to U F, participation in student activi-
ties, and their academic performance.
The William B. Keeling Meritorious
Achievement Award by the Travel
and Tourism Research Association
and the international Association of
Travel Marketing Professionals was
recently awarded to John Crotts,
Assistant Professor of Recreation,
Parks and Tourism, in recognition of
a research project entitled
"Prepurchase information acquisition
of resort pleasure travelers."
Doug DeMichele, Director of
Intramurals in the Recreational Sports
program was elected state director
at the National Intramural and Recre-
ational Sports Association meeting.
DeMichele hopes to work with other
recreation organizations in the state
to better meet the needs of profes-
sionals working in the intramural pro-
Dr. Steve Dorman, Assistant Pro-
fessor, taught an nnovative seminar
on AIDSIHIV Education during the
1990 Spring Semester. In addition
Dorman received the Presidential
Award from the Florida Association
of Professional Health Educators for
his many hours of service to the orga-
Four graduate students in Health
Science Education had papers pub-
lished by Eta Sigma Gamma, the
National Health Science Honorary.

These students authored three of six
papers published in the monograph.
Students publishing papers were
Delores Armotrading, Rebecca
Brey, Olivia Gostanian, and Diana
Our college boasts the largest div-
ing certificate program in the United
States. According to the program co-
ordinator, Milledge Murphy, there are
over 1000 students annually taking
13 different courses to become certi-
fied divers. In addition, Murphystates,
the program is accident free since
Dr. Scott Powers, Associate Pro-
fessor and Co-Director of the Center
for Exercise Science, has been
named Associate Editor of Medicine
and Science in Sports and Exercise.
In addition, Dr. Powers received a
career nvesligator award from the
American Lung Association-Florida
Affiliate to study metabolic adaption
in respiratory muscles in response to
Dr. Barbara A. Reinzo, Associate
Professor, has been selected to re-
ceive the 1990 National Dstirnguisned
Service Award from the American
School Health Association. She was
also elected to a seat on the Execu-
tive Committee of ASHA's Research
State of Florida Commissioner of
Education, Betty Castor, appointed
Dr. Barbara A. Rienzo to the Florida
Department of Education Human
Sexuality Education Advisory Coun-
cil. Commissioner Castor established
the Advisory Council to assist in
implementing House Bill 1793, which
was enacted in 1990 to provide hu-
man sexuality education through
comprehensive health education to
the students in Florida's schools,
grades kindergarten throughh twelve.
Dot Shields, Department of Exer-
cise and Sport Sciences, began her
tenure as the Chair of the Aquatics
Council in AAHPERD last April. As
she received the "goggles" of au-
thority, Shields indicated that she
hoped to work closely with other pro-
fessionals in the aquatics area to
increase the visibility of the council
during the next year.
The Florida Association for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation and
Dance named Dr. Linda Thornton,
Associate Professor for Recreation,

Parks and Tourism, as the Recre-
ation Professional of the Year for 1990-
91 at its October meeting in Orlando.
The American Alliance for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation and
Dance recently honored Kendall/
Hunt publishing company for its role
in the development and marketing of
an innovative physical education
curricula. In accepting the award, K/
H vice president Larry Loeppke cited
the text Personal Fitness: Looking
Good/Feeling Good as a primary
reason for K/H success in !he disci-
pline of physical education. The lead
author for the text cited is Charles
Williams, Associate Dean of the Col-
lege. Williams wrote the text with
Manny Haregeones, Dewayne
Johnson and Charles Smith.
Dr. Jill W. Varnes, Assistant Dean
and Associate Professor, received
the 1990 Health Education Award
presented by the Florida Association
of Professional Health Educators. This
award is presented to a health edu-
cator who has provided outstanding
service to the profession.
Dr. Sue Whiddon, Professor of
Exercise and Sport Sciences was
named the College/University Edu-
cator of the Year for 1989-90 by the
Florida Association for Health, Physi-
cal Education, Recreation and Dance.
Sherri Reynolds, Health Educa-
tion Coordinator for the Manatee
County Schools and UF graduate,
received the first national Health
Educator of the Year Award from the
American School Health Association.
The award was presented to Sherri at
the ASHA meeting in Long Beach,
CA. last September.
The Radisson International Hotel
Chain recently honored Department
of Recreation, Parks and Tourism
graduate Patty Henning by naming
her the 1990 Ouitsanding Director of
The Department of Health Science
Education held its first Annual Spring
Banquet on April 17, 1990. This ban-
quet marked the initiation of the Dora
A. Hicks Lecture Series. It was a
pleasure for those in attendance to
near the first lecture presented by Dr.
Hicks. All alumni and friends of the
department are invited to attend this
spring's lecture and banquet, for in-
formation contact the department at

Performance 7

Additions to the College

Dr. Bertha Cato, returns
to the Department of Rec-
reation, Parks and Tour-
ism as an Associate Pro-
fessor. Since departing in
1979, Cato completed her
doctorate at Indiana Uni-
versity in parks and recre-
ation administration, taught
and served as an adminis-
tratorat Indiana University,
North Carolina Central
University, and at George
Mason. Cato's most recent
position was at George
Mason where she was a
tenured, associate profes-
sor. Her academic experi-
ences have been varied
and she has extensive
practitioner experience in
county and urban recre-
ation administration. Her
research interests include
the study of psychological
and sociological reasons
underlying leisure activity selection and
participation. Cato has consulted in the
areas of rnarkeling, leadership, and
motivation; her professional involvement
includes participation at the state, re-
gional, "-nalonal and international levels.

Dr. John C. Crotts, joined :he Rec-
'eation, Parks and Tourism faculty as
Assistant Prolessor and as Directorof a
newly established Center for Tourism
Research and Development. Crotts
comes to the University of Florida from
Appalachian State University in Boone,
N.C. At Appalachian State, he was an
Assistant Professor of Leisure Studies
and the Directorof the Officeof Outdoor
Programs, He received his Ph.D. from
the University of Oregon in 1989. Here
at UF his goal is to enhance the quality
of tourism graduate education by pro-
viding students with professional expe-
riences in both applied and empirical
travel research projects.

Olivia M. Gostanian, Visiting In-
structor of Health Science Education,
joined the faculty on a one-year ap-
pointment for 1990-91. A California

Left to right, Bertha Cato, John Crotts,

native, Ms. Gostanian received her
master's degree from the University of
Florida in 1990. Ms. Gostanian's re-
sponsibllities involve teaching in the
undergraduate professional prepara-
tion program including courses in
mnelhods and mater's, community and
environmental health, and consumer
health education.

Recreational Sports is proud to an-
nounce the addition of Ms. Julie
Hanson, new Assistant Director of the
Student Fitness Center, Hanson re-
ceived her bachelor and Master de-
grees from Brigham Young University
in Provo, Utah. Her responsibilities in
the Center include prcgrammnring, staff
supervision and fitness assessment.

Mr. David Porter, a 1989 graduate
of Wayne State University, joined the
Exercise and Sport Sciences acu.llty in
the spring of 1990 and is primarily re-
sponsible for teaching fencing in the
Sport and Fitness Program. He holds a
Master Status with the U. S. Fencing

Olivia Gostanian, Julie Hanson, Michael Ryan

Coaching Association and has served
as a coach at the Colorado Springs
Olympic Training Center.

Mr. Michael Ryan, completed his
Master of Science degree at the Univer-
sity of Florida in August of 1990 and
joined the Exercise and Sports Science
faculty. He is responsible for teaching
golf and team sports in the Sport and
Fitness Program. +

Special Thanks
A special thank you to those
who helped to make this
issue of the Performance
possible: Patrick Bird. John
Crotts, Kathy Galloway,
Sharon Ginn, Shari Fleming.
Jeanne Musgrove, Morgan Pigg,
Scott Powers, Joseph Regna,
Robert Singer, Paul Varnes.
Charles Williams and
Jennifer Wilson


8 Performance

Research Updates:, '. .

Exercise Induced Alterations

In Respiratory Muscles

Dr. Scott Powers, Associate Pro-
fessor in the Department of Exercise
and SportSciences, recently received
a grant from the American Lung As-
sociation of Florida to study the ef-
fects of exercise training on respira-
tory muscle structure and function.
Chronic obstructive lung disease is a
major health problem in the United
States as well as much of the industri-
alized world, Obstructive lung dis-
ease increases the muscular work
required to breathe and impairs the
lungs' ability to exchange gases.
Chronic obstructive lung disease may


of the Year
The teacher of the year for the
Department of Exercise and Sport
Sciences is Dr. James Cauraugh.
In addition to being an outstand-
ing teacher he is well known for his
work in the area of motor behavior.
Dr. Steve M. Dorman, Assistant
Professor in the Department of
Health Science Education was
voted teacher of the year for the
department. Dorman teaches both
graduate and undergraduate
classes and has published in the
area of AIDS/HIV education.
The Department of Recreation,
Parks and Tourism has selected
Dr. Joseph Regna as teacher of
the year. Regna, is a long time
faculty member who has a genu-
ine interest in students. He has
developed courses for students to
enhance computer skills for use in
recreation and parks settings. +

trigger respiratory failure due to fa-
tigue of major respiratory muscles.
Therefore, finding a clinical interven-
tion to increase the endurance of res-
piratory muscles is an important goal
in treating obstructive lung disease.
The major objective of Powers re-
search is to improve understanding
of the cellular adaptive strategies of
the respiratory muscles using analyti-
cal biochemical techniques and mi-
croscopic computerized-image
analysis to determine which cellular

proteins are most effected by exer-
cise. "Simply stated," said Powers,
"the research will address the ques-
tion, 'Can regular aerobic exercise
improve the capacity and endurance
of respiratory muscles?'" This type of
basic" research will provide much
needed mechanistic answers to a
serious biological problem. Improv-
ing our understanding of respiratory
muscle structure and function will lead
to better clinical management of pa-
tients with lung diseases, +

Understanding NoveltyAmong

Pleasure Travelers

Dr John Crotts, Director of the new
Center for Tourism Research and De-
velopment, recently completed a
study on novelty- seeking behavior of
pleasure seeking travelers. The study
-xpanded the question: Why do some
people enjoy novel travel experiences
while others feel anxiety?
The study approached novelty-
seeking from a consumers perspec-
tive. Subjects indicated if they were
planning a summer vacation and, if
so, were visiting friends or relatives
associated with -he vacation. Those
visiting friends and relatives were
eliminated from the second phase of
the study. Remaining subjects com-
pleted Cacioppo and Petty's Need for
Cognition Scale and Rokeach's Dog-
matism Scale, which were modified
for use in the study.
Results suggest that the more
closed a person's belief system, the
greater the preference for a routine
travel experience. Conversely, the

greater an individual's tendency to
engage in and enjoy free thinking, the
greater the preference for novel ex-
perience. According to Crotts, Future
research targeted to individuals with
a desire for novel travel will be en-
hanced if we understand what in-
hibitors in the personal environment
(money, children, etc.) affect deci-
sions related to vacation travel." +

Performance 9






Working Well

The National Cancer Institute
Project, "Working Well," involving the
Universities of Florida, Massachu-
setts, Texas, Washington and Brown
University is in the second year of
funding. The project is under the di-
rection of Drs. Jill Varnesand Claudia
Probart. The primary objective of the
first year was to develop and validate
the data collection instrument. "The
instrument is designed to identify
current practices related to nutrition,
smoking, and cancer screening be-
haviors as well as health promotion
activities offered at the workplace,"
according to Varnes.
Baseline data collection was com-
pleted in December 1990, 3789 GTE
employees were sent surveys. Those
employees returning their survey had
the opportunity to participate in ran-
dom drawings for a variety of prizes
including the grand prize, a $250 00
gift certificate from the GTE store.
The baseline survey response rate
for Florida was 68% which is similar
to the other study centers across the
United States.
Information obtained from the
baseline survey will be used to guide
the development of educational in-
terventions in the areas of nutrition
and cancer screening. A strong com-
ponentof the project will be employee
involvement. Employees at the par-
ticipating worksites will provide di-
rection to the research team as to the
best ways to tailor the educational
interventions to meet the needs of tre
employees. +

Left to right: Kirkland, DeGaris, Wong, DeLoreto, Washington, Morchellis, Austin, Wollinka,
Walls. Lesperance, Taylor, Bogart

The Boyd Scholarship of $500 is awarded
to a graduate student with outstanding char-
acter who has demonstrated a desire to be of
service to others, Kimberly Gleason Bogart,
a graduate student in Health Science Educa-
tion, has an exceptional record of community
and university service. She has extensive
involvement as a volunteer with the American
Cancer Society and served as the campus
coordinator for World Health Day in 1990.
The Boyd Scholarship of $500 is given to
an undergraduate major in the College with
an avid interest in the sport of golf. This year's
recipient is Lady Gator golfer, Laura Brown.
Laura has received recognition for her abill-
ties as an athlete and a student. In 1989-90
she was named to the Academic All Ameri-
can Team.

The Cherry Award of $200 is given to an
outstanding graduating senior in
Health, Recreation or Exercise Science.
This year's recipient is Cassandra
Washington, a graduate of the Health
Science Education program who is now
pursuing a Jdcgren in nursing, Cassandra, a
member of the Lady Gator Basketball Team
has received numerous athletic and academic
honorc. during her c ir eer here at UF, including
being named an Academic All American.
The Danny Eggart Scholarship of l:t'-i
wasestablished bythe lamilyof Danny Eggart,
a 1965 graduate of the Coll ne Recipients of

the Eggart Scholarship must be graduates of
a Florida High School with preference given
to students from Pensacola. Melissa
Kirkham, a major in Recreation. Parks and
Tourism will receive the Eggart Scholarship
this year. Melissa has been active in student
professional organizations and volunteers for
a variety of programs including the Vista
Pavilion-Alzheimer Day Care Program and
the Shands Psychiatric Unit.
The Leavitt Scholarship for $500 is open to
Exercise Science Seniors preparing for a
teaching career, preference for the award is
given to female applicants. This year's recipi-
ent Ann Marie Walls, has participated in in-
tramural volleyball and softball and is a stu-
dent member of AAHPERD. Ann Marie hopes
to teach and coach at the secondary level.
The Lee-McCachren Scholarship of $500
is awarded to the Outstanding Graduate As-
sistant in the Sport and Fitness program.
Students are nominated by the faculty and
final selection is made by the Scholarship
Committee. This year's recipient is Larry
DeGarls, a graduate student in Exercise and
Sport Sciences. Larry was described as a
very able and personable individual who
displays a sincere pleasure in teaching oth-

The Schnell Scholarship of $500 is open to
Exercise Science majors with a high level of
scholarship and skill in physical activities
(especially tennis). This year's recipient L.
Arlc Austin, is in the Sports Administra-
tion emphasis. Aric is a self SupptOiri.

continued next page
I I I L ,


10 Pl. i':c:.arr

married student, who came to the Univer-
sity from Lee College in Tennessee.

The B.K. Stevens Scholarship provides two
awards of $700 each for students in Exercise
Science who demonstrate financial need,
scholarship and a strong interest in being of
service to others. This year'srecipients are:
Kathleen Engh DeLoreto, a student who
recognizes the importance of contributing to
one's profession, She is an active member of
FAHPERD and AAHPERD attending both state
and national meetings. Kathy has partici-
pated as a volunteer for "Headstart" provid-
ing an opportunityfor airecrie pFyi'lcal 3c:i -
ity for children enrolled in the program.
Theresa L. Wong, is a self suopp: rinq stu-
dent who is described by others as being a
hard-working, committed and very positive
individual "Tessie" has worked in numerous
jobs, but none as challenging as that of Resi-
dent Assistant for the UF Division of Housing.
She is recognized not only for her ability to do
her job well, but, also, for her warmth and
'00:;l.o attitude.

The Hicks Scholarship awarded by the
American Cancer Society, Fih.rjd Division
provides awards of $500 to senior students or
graduate students who are majoring in Health
Education. These scholarships are open to
students aiTen.r.n any of Florida's coilepg-:
or universities with a major in Health Educa-
tion. The purpose of these scholarships is to
promote professional preparation of health
educators for positions of leadership in the
field of health education. This year's recipi-
ent, Wanda Taylor is active in student pro-
fessional organizations, is an outstanding
student and will be .:,irnpiefing a spring se-
mester internship with the National Cancer
Institute Working Well project.
This years recipient of the of the graduate
Hick's scholarship is Olga Wollinka. Olga
received her Bachelor of Science in Health
Science Education with High Honors in May
of 1990. She began graduate study in Health
Science Education in the fall of 1990.

The Gainesville Hilton provides two schol-
arship awards of $250 each to junior level
students who express an interest in employ-
ment in the area of hotel recreation or man-
agement. These awards are madetwice each
year. This year's fall awards were presented
Cindy Morchells and Tracy Lesperance.

Anyone washing to contribute to
one or the above scholarships may
do so ty contacting the U of F
Foundation or the Dean's Office of
the College of Health and Human



Frye, Robert (BSR '78) is currently
serving as director of Intramural
Sports and Recreation at California
State University, Sacramento. He was
assistant director of Intramural-Rec
Sports at the University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill for seven years
after receiving the MA in Recreation
from University of Maryland in 1980.
Higginbotham, Janet G. (HSE 76)
is teaching in the Nassau County
School System at Hilliard (Fla.) High
School. She teaches biology, chem-
istry, and anatomy-physiology to
grades 9-12 and serves as chairper-
son of the science department,
Johnson, James (BSPE '75) is
the Central Florida Division Safety
Director of the Florida Rock
Nye, Marilyn S. (MAPE '73) is a
realtor-associate with M. M. Parrish &
Associates, Inc. in Gainesville. She
was recently awarded the Gainesville
Board of Realtors' Coldwell Banker
Circle of Honor Award for her almost
$3.5 million of transacted business in
Spicer, Patti (BSPE '74) was re-
cently honored as the Best Physical
Education Teacher among Florida's
Middle Schools. The Florida Asso-
ciation for Health, Physical Educa-
tion, Recreation, Dance and Driver
Education selects the yearly winner.
Calhoun, Deborah M. (BSHE '81)
received her B.S. in nursing from
Florida State in 1984. She is currently
employed by Sacred Heart Hospital
in Pensacola, and is pursuing her
masters in education at the Univer-
sity of West Florida,
Cross, Ron (BSESS '89) is the
tournament coordinator for The Play-
ers Championship golf tournament.
Johnson, Donnelly James, Jr. (PE
'80) is the Fitness Coordinator at Los
Almos National Laboratory in Los
Almos, New Mexico. Mr Donnelly co-
ordinates the fitness programs for
8,000 employees. He will be serving
as President of the Association for
Fitness in Business, Region IV next
year. He is married to Helen and they

have two children, a son, four years
old and a daughter, one and a half
years old.
Duenas (Garcia), Patty (BSR '86)
works for Jackson Memorial
Hnspital s mental health department
in -herapeutic recreation. She and
her husband have a brand new baby
girl, Jaclyn Michelle, born March 1.
Evans, Patti (BSR '80) is the Su-
perintendentof Recreation with Ocala
Recreation and Parks Department.
Her most recent hobbies have been
boating, camping, and scuba diving.
Goldstein, Louis J. (BSR '89) is a
Parks and Recreation leader ith the
city of Coral Springs Parks and Rec-
reation Department.
Hefferon, Debbie (BSHSE '86) is
now an Exercise Therapist for Cen-
tral Florida Physicians Rehabilitation
Centers in Winter Park, Florida.
Henning, Patty ( MSR '86) is the
Director of Sales for the Jekyll Island
Club Hotel in Jekyll Island, Georgia.
Henning has been in her current po-
sition since 1988.
Helms, Kelly (BSR '86) s currently
the Director of Catering Sales with
ARA Leisure Services, Inc. in Jack-
Leeward, Tracy (BSR '89) is now
employed as a convention service
manager for the Fontainebleau Hillon
in Miami Beach. She is working to-
ward a transition into corporate
meeting planning.
Limper, Lisa (BSESS '88) is the
director of Marketing and Public
Relations for the Lakeland Tigers (a
class "A" minor league attiliate of
the Detroit Tigers).
Nicholson, Carol LIna (MHE '84)
has been an occupational health
nurse in the Thomas Center for the
City of Gainesville for the past four
years. She will be eligible to test for
certification in 1991.
Mannion, Mimi (BSR '83) is the
assistant Parks and Recreation di-
rector for the city of North Lauder-
dale. She was married on June 2,
1990 to Dennis Andresky.
Prince, Rosemary (BSR '83) is a
prevention resource specialist with
the Florida Recreation and Park As-


Performance 11

sociation in Tallahassee.
Robbins, Sibyl A. (BSR '84) is the
special events coordinator for the
city of Boca Raton Parks and Recre-
ation Department.
Robinson, Brenda (BSHE '89) is a
public assistant specialist with Health
and Rehabilitative Services in the
Economic Services division, working
for aid to families with dependent
Roglieri, John (BSHE '82) is
working for the New York State De-
partment of Labor, Division of Safety
and Health, as a senior industrial
hygienist. He is currently renovating
a 140-year-old lakefront, mountaintop
mansion with wife Lyne and their Si-
berian Husky, Harry.
Rogozinski (Nipper), Kristie(BSR
'89) is working as a Recreation
Therapist on the adolescent psychol-
ogy unit at the Baptist Medical Cen-
ter. She was married in July '89.

Roberts, Francis (BSR '84) is a
corporate accountant for a large mass
media corporation and a business
manager for a radio station. She is a
competitive waterskier and a partici-
pant in the Big Sister Program.
Sarakhanee, Nancy Goldstein
(BSHE '81) is the service coordinator
for the Massachusetts Department of
Mental Retardation. She is currently
the president of the Boston Gator
Seebers, Susan D. (BSESS '84) is
currently taking prerequisites so she
can return to UF's graduate school
(physical therapy) in Feb. 1991,
Shealy, Todd A. (BSESS '88) has
been employed at the UF Athletic
Association for the last two years as a
fiscal clerk in the business office. His
duties include, coordinating all the
health benefits for each athlete and
handling the recording of all fixed

Snetro, Gail, M.P.H. (BSHE '81)
has been :he Public Health coordina-
tor with Save the Children, Yai-Yai,
Mozambique for the last 2 1/2 years.
Her program was recently awarded a
developmental grant of 2.5 million
dollars. You can write to Gail in care
of Save the Children, P.O. Box 1854,
Maputo, Mozambique.
Stanton, Kelly Brady (BSR '80) is
vice president of Stanton Construc-
tion and Engineering. She has been
happily married for nine years and
has four girls aged 8, 6, 19 months
and 3 months
Woodruff, Mark (ESS '85) is the
director of the BancFlorida fitness
and health program and the annual
BancFloridatriathlon. He was recently
awarded a Rotary International
Scholarship to pursue a master's de-
gree at the University of Western
Australia in Perth. +

Firsts in the Doctoral Program

In 1987, five brave and hopeful
students held dreams of
attaining the Doctor of Philosophy
Degree in Health and Human
Performance. Hope and an excellent
program (on paper), were all these
pioneers had since, as they were the
first, there was no track record. To-
day, what started with a determined
few, has blossomed into a contingent
of more than 20 students participat-
ing in a doctoral program directed by
distinguished faculty, augmented by
impressive facilities, and provided
by one of the top 10 research univer-
sities in the country.
To fully appreciate the accom-
plishments of any program means, in
part, discovering the people involved.
A number of people are involved in
this program, the most important of
S which are The students. This article
introduces some of these hard work-
ing individual by presenting a few
student "firsts". Being the first in any-
thing can be both exhilarating, as in
conquering Mt. Everest, and exas-
perating, as in starting a new aca-
demic program. These students have

accepted this distinction with grace,
and more importantly, patience.
The firstto arrive, Mr. Randy Braith,
of Minnesota entered the doctoral
program in August 1987, with a spe-
cialization in Exercise Physiology. Mr.
Braith, who's dissertation study in-
volves the effects of exercise on car-
diopulmonary and neuroendocrine
systems of heart transplant patients,
is nearing completion. In May, 1991,
Randy will be the first to receive a
Doctor of Philosophy degree in Health
and Human Performance from the
University of Florida.
Mr. Lindsey Reider, from South-
ern California, one of the original five,
was the first doctoral student to re-
ceive an assistantship to teach in the
Sport and Fitness Program. Lindsey
received his M.P.H. in Health Edu-
cation in 1988 from the University of
South Carolina.
Ms. Rebecca Brey, the first stu-
dent to enter the Health Behavior
specialization came to Gainesville
after completing a M.S. in Community
Health from Mankato State University
in Minnesota. Becci began her pro-

gram in the fall of 1989. Becci was
soon followed by Jenn-Chang Liou,
one of our first international students.
Jenn-Chang, a native of Taiwan, came
to UF on a National Science Council,
Republic of China Fellowship.
Mr. Da Peng Chen, was the first
doctoral student in Motor Behavior. A
native of Wuhan, China, Mr. Chen
received his B.A. from Wuhan Uni-
versity and his M.A. from Florida State
University. Of .he College's doctoral
students 22% are international stu-
Ms. Delores Armotroding, spe-
cializing in Health Behavior with sup-
port areas in medical sociology and
educational research, received the
first McKnight Fellowship awarded to
a student in the College. Ms.
Armotrading received her M.S.H.S.E.
from the University of Florida in 1990
after completing her B.S. at Ohio
State University.
It is not possible to highlight all our
doctoral students, let it suffice to say
that these "firsts" are resentative of a
group of students impressive by any
standards. +


12 Performance

Intern Exposition

In 1987, the Department of Recre-
ation, Parks and Tourism nitiated an
Intern Exposition to facilitate intern
placement. The idea was to provide
an opportunity for students and rep-
resentatives from potential intern
placements to meet one another. The
first Intern Exposition was so suc-
cessful it became an annual event.
The fifth annual Intern Exposition is
scheduled for February 8, 1991, over
100 agencies will participate.
Last year 91 Agencies and over 350
students participated. Agencies from
therapeutic recreation, public recre-
ation, military recreation, nonprofit
recreation, resorts, tourism, commer-
cial recreation, employee services,
and wellness centers were repre-

Approximately 50 students take part
in planning and conducting the event
which is coordinated by Rho Phi
Lambda, a national academic and
service honorary for recreation, park,
and leisure majors. The students are
assisted by the faculty and Chairper-
son of the Department of Recreation,
Parks and Tourism.
Another equally important out-
growth of the Exposition involves the
opportunity for networking by partici-
pating agencies. Rather than com-
municate by phone, agencies can
meet with one another and exchange
information and ideas. In addition,
students can meet for lunch with
professionals from prospective intern
sites, which provides an opportunity
for extensive interaction.

The 1991 Intern Exposition has been
expanded to include all three depart-
ments in the College. In addition to the
variety of leisure service agencies at-
tending in the past, representatives
from hospitals, health departments,
schools and convention centers will
We feel this is a valuable service to
the students of the College and to the
agencies that participate. If anyone
would care to be part of future Intern
Expositions contact Dr. Joseph Regna,
C.L.P., at the Department of Recreation,
Parks and Tourism, College of Health
and Human Performance, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, or
call 904-392-4048. +


The faculty and students of the College thank all of you for supporting our efforts. It was another excellent year! We are grateful to you
for your loyalty and commitmnet to helping us become the very best. In listing donors we have made every effort to be accurate, though
errors may occur. Please submit corrections to Dean Patrick Bird, University of Florida, 201 Florida Gym, Gainesville, FL 32611.

Presidents Council
$1000 OR MORE
American School Health Assoc (Org,As)
Anonymous (Friend)
Joscelyn T. Boyd (Friend)
Sandra Joseph Eggart (Friend)
Fl Assn Of Professional Health (Org,As)
James F. Horsey Jr. (BSPE 48)
Norma M. Leavitt (Friend)
Medx Inc (Corps)
R. H. Associates Limited (Corps)
Satsuma Inc (Corps)
Robert N. Singer (Frien.j)
John A. Smith (BSR 75)
William K. Steiner (Friend)
Stephen M. Thebaut (rntern;
Waste Management Inc (Corps)
Joseph N. Wilson (Intern)

1853 Society
Laureate ($500 $999)
Foundation For Physical Therap (Corps)
Gairesillie Cabot Lodge (Corps)
Gainesville Hilton Inn (Corps)

Greater Gainesville (Org,As)
IBM Corporation (Corps)
William E. Ingram (Alumni)
Perry C, Mcgriff Jr. (BSPE 60)

Pacemaker ($250 $499)
Todd G. Boehm (Friend)
Brendella Boats Inc (Corps)
Ellen Beth Karpay (BSPE 81)
Clifton A. McClelland (Friend)
Principal Mutual Life Ins Co (Corps)
Sefton Henry Rinker (BSR 76)
Town & Country Farms Corp. (Corps)
UFPediatric Cardiology Group (Org,As)
Jill W. Varnes (MAPE 74)
Charles S. Williams (Friend)

Century Club ($100 $249)
William P. Benz (MPH 51)
Patrick Joseph Bird (Friend)
Robert A. Bootri (BSPE 53)
Mark S. Caulfield (BSPE 80)
Ellen J. Cooper ,BSPE 76)
Cheryl C. Courtney (BSPE 67)
Donald W. Cox (BSPE 71)

CSX Corporation (Corps)
Nancy Hal Cummings (BSPE 85)
Frank Dempsey (Friend)
Frank Dowler IV (BSR 70)
Dory A. Dunn (BSR 76)
Dolores B. Eichelberger (Friend)
Mitchell E. Ewing (BSPE 59)

Pamela A. Fitzgerald (Friend)
Richard P. Forster (BSPE 60)
Patricia A. Frye (MAPE 74)
Robert J. Galbraith (MAHE 73)
Richard C. Giannini (BSPE 66)
Brian Charles Gibson (BSPE 86)
Pauline N. Goodell (BSPE 60)
George S. Grandy (BSPE 67)
Edwin H. Grairon (BSPE 60)
Ollin Peter Griffith (BSPE 78)
Jerome Boyer Gust (BSR 84)
Malcolm E. Hammack (BSPE 58)
William E. Harlan (BAPHAR 48)
Steven J. Harwood (Parent)
Donald James Hatch (BSPE 55)
Gary John Hellender (BSESS 87)
Owen J. Holyoak (Friend)
Michael S. Johnson Jr. (Alumni)


Performance 13

Raymond M. Johnson (BSR 72)
Patricia Marie Jurney-Sousa (BSR 77)
Wayne A. Krantz (BSPE 74)
Daniel R, MacDonell (MHE 79)
Robert R. Marble ,BSPE 69)
Roxanne T. Martin (BSPE 80)
Anthony C. McDonald (BSPE 76)
Charleen J. McCormick (BSPE 70)
Mcdonnell Douglas Corporation (Corps)
Joseph R. Mclaughlin (BSPE 83)
Ernest Marco Menendez Jr. (MPH 67)
Louie D. Merchant (MPH 66)
Wilma Lynn Moore (BSPE 84)
Henry T. Morgan (BSPE 55)
Robert Joseph Murphy Jr. (BSPE 66)
Duane C. Peacock -BSPE 56)
Michele I. Platt (BSR 78)
Clarissa D. Poston (BSPE 71)
James H. Purcell Jr. (MPH 65)
David W. Rice (BSPE 78)
John H. Rogers (Alumni)
Nancy Lynn Sarakhanee (BSHE 81)
Carolyn Jane Schmidt (MAPE 85)
Charles H. Schneider (BSPE 66)
Ronald Alan Secrist (BSR 72)
Mary Lynn Smith (BSR 80)
Southern Bell (Corps)
John H. Stauff (MPH 64)
Joan E. Treves (MPH 56)
Thomas H. Turja (BSR 63)
Paul R. Varnes (MPH 61)
Richard J. Weinstein (BSR 84)
Katch Weinz (Friend)
William Garth Winstead (BSR 74)

Aalatash Animal Hospital (Corps)
Abdulatef A. Albusairi (Alumni)
Rita R. Allen (BSR 55)
American Med Internatl Inc (Corps)
Cynthia S. Anderson (BSPE 76)
Mary Milton Andreu (MAPE 71)
Kirk Anthony (BSPE 75)
Wilbur T. Antone (BSPE 57)
Jane L, Aquilino (BSR 76)
Michael J. Athanason (BSPE 71)
Aussie Racing Apparel (Corps)
Lori Ann Austen (BSHSE 89)
Mary C. Austin (MPE 74)
Carolyn Jo Babbit (MPH 69)
Michele B. Babincak (BSR 88)
Bagels Urnilmited (Corps)
Mary L Baker (BSPE 79)
Leonard T. Balfoort (Friend)
Alice D, Barrenl (Parent)
Michael W. Beasley (Friend)
Jennifer C. Beckett (BSR 74)
Thomas H, Bell Jr. (MAHE 74)
Salvatore P. Bello (BSPE 69)
Mary Jo Bennett (BSPE 84)
Harry L. Benson Jr. (BSPE 61)
Norma Benson (MPH 68)
Linda Lee Bernardo (BSPE 84)
Berthas Beauty Salon (Corps)
Susan Marie Betchner (BSR 85)

Diane Marie Biernacki (BSHE 85)
Elizabeth Joh Bigelow (MESS 88)
Jeffrey W. Bishop (MESS 88)
Bits & Bytes Farm (Corps)
Thomas P. Blake (BSPE 56)
Gayle A. Blue (BSPE 65)
Shawn E. Blum (BSR 84)
Robert F. Boddy (BSPE 67)
Matt Bohan (Friend)
Joanne Kennedy Bokor (BSR 73)
Robert Charles Bolen (BSESS 89)
Thomas Allen Bolig (BSPE 72)
Quientella D. Bonner (BSPE 83)
Hilman F. Bowden Jr. (BSPE 77)
Bettelou K. Bowen ,BSPE 78)
Bebe C. Bowers (BSPE 58)
Barbara J. Boykin (BSPE 72)
Laura Eliz F. Braden (BSR 88)
Margaret A. Bradley (BSR 71)
Maley S. Brancaccio (BSR 75)
Sara Neal Brazda (BSR 83)
Kristine M. Brennan (MAHE 84)
Loren A. Broadus Jr. (BSPEH 51)
Suzanne E. Broucek (BSR 74)
Charles E. Brown Jr. (BSPE 71)
Dawson E. Brown (MPH 68)
Susan W. Brownlee (BSPE 76)
John Alexander Bruce (BSESS 87)
Cara Lee Brunk (BSHE 84)
Shaw S. Buck (BSPE 36)
Sara Buckley (BSHE 84)
Jason A. Bultman (Friend)
Millard Burke (BSR 60)
Nia A. Burke-Bennett (MPE 83)
Vera A. Burns iBSPE 74)
Kelly Lynn Butterfield (BSESS 88)
Patrick Joseph Byrne (BSR 78)
Cafe Gardens (Corps)
Rosemary G. Campoell-Smith (BSHE 64)
Campus Dimensions Inc (Corps)
Larry Dean Candeto (BSPE 75)
Kim Ellen Caramelli (MAPE 84)
W. Jaynee Carolus (MAPE 71)
Mary L. Carpenter (BSPE 72)
MigulJ Talano Carson (BSPE 85)
William Stewart Carson (MPH 66)
Jeffrey Lynn Cesta (BSESS 88)
Selwyn T. Chaiker III (BSR 67)
George A. Chapman (BSPE 60)
Virginia F. Cheshire (MPH 58)
Brad Chissom (BSR 56)
John Allan Chromy (BSPE 71)
John B. Churdar (MPH 60)
Lesley L. Cleveland (BSPE 56)
Neal Alden Cody (MPH 64)
Lauren L. Cohen (BSR 79)
Janet Lynn Collins (BSR 84)
Pamela V. Collins (BSHE 85)
John L. Combs (BSR 74)
Arnelia Eloise Cooper (BSR 82)
Elsa M. Costello (BSPE 62)
Susan Longo Cowperthwaite (BSPE 72)
Samuel David Cox (Alumni)
Linda Ann Coyne-Bond (BSR 82)
Robert D. Craft (BSR 65)

Ernest George Crone (Alumni)
James W. Crowe (MPH 60)
Patrick C. Crowell (Alumnii
Daniel J. Crum Sr. (BSPE 50)
Maryanne M. Cummings (MPH 70)
William David Curningham(Alumni)
James Michael Dallas (BSPE 71)
Robert N. Danbury (BSR 76)
Donald F. Davis (BSPE 70)
Santha G Davis (MHE 71)
Delta Air Lines Inc (Corps)
Delta Phi Epsilon (Org,As)
Delta Sigma Phi Fratertity (Org,As)
Robert Demaria (BSPE 71)
Donna M. Deutsch (MPE 66)
Tom Dioguardi (BSPE 68)
Mary Dittman (MPH 60)
Dennis C. Drake (BSPE 73)
Angela Duerden (Friend)
Michael Joseph Duggar (BSPE 80)
William P. Dunn Jr. (BSR 84)
Maureen I. Durkin (BSPE 84)
John J. Ehrman (BSHE 74)
Sonya A. Ellenburg (BSESS 89)
Equesterian Club (Org,As)
Frederick Erdman (MPE 72)
Jerellen Espinosa (Friend)
Patricia Ann Evans (BSR 80)
Richard R. Ezzell (BSPE 72)
Bonita Gail Faiion (BSR 79)
Janice Ruth Farhat (BSR 88)
Joann Ruth Ferguson (BSHE 78)
Tanya M. Fernandez (BSR 81)
Neal Brian Fessenden (BSPE 80)
Julie Anne Field (BSHE 84)
William L. Fisher (MPH 63)
Mary C. Fitzgerald (BSPE 77)
Florida Intl University Fdtn (Fnds P)
Kathleen A. Foley (Friend)
Angela G. Forster (Alumni)
Debbie Aline Fosser (BSR 89)
James J. Foster (BSPE 60)
Martin L. Frady (BSPE 55)
Cynthia S. Franklin (BSPE 75)
Gilbert Scon Freeburn (BSR 83)
Michael Scott Fronsoe (BSPE 81)
John R. Fuller (BSPE 74)
Robert Neal Fulmer Ill (BSPE 77)
Elaine C. Funk (BSR 75)
Richard Gadapee (BSPE 64)
Thomas N. Gait (BSR 76)
Diana E. Garrett (MHE 77)
Sheila D. Garrison (BSPE 74)
Frank K. Geisler Jr. (BSPE 71)
Sarah M. Gerard (BSR 74)
Debra T, Gerlach (BSPE 76)
Pamela Anne Giblin (BSPE 81)
Betsy Gielissen (BSPE 52)
Betty Gilbert (Friend)
John W. Gilbert (MAHE 56)
Anna V. Gilmore (Alumni)
GK Stores (Corps)
Patricia Gleichmann (Parenl)
Ronald L. Goldberg (BSHE 86)
Louis Jules Goldstein (BSR 89)

14 Performance

Emilio F Gonzalez (BSPE 73)
Frances E. Goodhart (BSPE 71)
Pamela Sue Goodrich (BSR 77)
Louis Kiely Gosson (MHE 82)
Donna Jill Graddy (BSR 70)
Janet Lovely Graff (BSHE 80)
James Madison Gray (BSPE 71)
Chester Alan Gregory (BSPE 81)
Sevier P. Griffin (MPH 61)
Donald Grundmann (MAPH 62)
Susan L Guckenberger (BSHSE 87)
Jeffrey Boyd Hall (BSPE 85)
Mary Eileman Hall (BSESS 89)
Amy Welch Harkness LBSR 87)
Elizabeth Ann Harre (BSR 80)
Paula Joan Harrelson (BSHE 63)
Robert Dale Harrison (BSPE 71)
The Hartford Ins Group (Corps)
Barclay Hastings (MAPE 82)
Michael J. Healey (MAPE 74)
Debora Anne Hefferon (BSHE 86)
Wallace E. Henderson (BSR 86)
Katie Dianne Hester (BSPE 69)
Gregory Hilley (BSPE 70)
Lynn Bassett Holland (MPE 79)
Christine E. Holyoak (BSPE 79)
Rebecca H. Homer (BSPE 75)
Lindsey Hoop (Alumn,!
Marcia A. Hoppenstein (BSHE 77)
Christopher Howard (Alumni)
W. Huff (BSPE 70)
William D. Hurse (MPH 56)
Donna Imbrigiolla (BSR 83)
Mary F. Ingram (BSR 74)
John Dawson Irvin (Friend)
John Brian Irving (Alumni),
Ann K. Jackson (MHE 75)
Anthony R. James (BSHE 73)
Celia W. James (BSR 76)
William A. James Jr. (BSR 80)
Louanne M. Jameson (BSHE 84)
Ted Amos Jaycox (BSPE 51)
Paula F. Jernigan (BSPE 74)
Bruce Johnson (BSR 54)
Debra Kay Johnson (BSPE 77)
Matitrh-e. D. Johnson (Alumni)
Tracy J, Johnson (BSHSE 88)
Thomas RarnOall Jones (Alumni)
Tiffany Ann Jones (BSR 72)
Gerald W. Jordan (MPH 66)
Kappa Psi/Randall Eazy (Corps)
John W. Kelley BSHE 77)
Brian Legg Kemp (Alumni)
Jack A. Kenworthy (MPH 66)
Thomas R, Kindred (BSR 59)
Maryellen Kirwan (BSPE 71)
Vivian Marie Kise (BSR 77)
Robert A. Krause (BSPE 69)
David John Kroll (Alumni)
ChrisTine J. Kuhnke (MAFE 75)
Jane E. Kwilecki (Alumni)
Dean A. La Gala (Alumri)
Frances Lala (BSR 68)
Mary Moore Lasseter (BA 79)
'Jee.lle E. Laughon (BSR 68)

Tawna L. Lawrence (Friend)
Klour Leaf (Friend)
Michael Leatherwood (MPH 70)
Barbara F. Leddy (BSR 72)
Tracy Ann Leeward (BSR 89)
Peter Lemieux (Friend)
Stephanie Ann Lennon (BSHE 83)
Lets Get Physical Inc (Corps)
Steven James Leung (Alumni)
Ger3loaie Lewis (Frienoa
Larry P. -ibertore Jr. (BSPE 63)
Sandi Lieb (Intern)
Michael Dean Lindsay (BSPE 86)
Benita C. Locklear (BSPE 81)
Beverly A. Longman (MAPE 73)
Debbra R. Love (BSPE 77)
Judith F. Loy (BSPE 65)
Carla A. Lucas (BSR 80)
Mary H. Lucius (BSR 69)
Stephen Ross Luoma (BSPE 72)
Elizabeth P. Lusk (MHE 82)
Heather Luttier (BSR 77)
James A. Lyons Ill (BSR 87)
D. Scott Macdinahl (Friend)
Timothy G. Macdonald (BSPE 75)
Ann S. Macmillan (BSPE 68)
Robert Brian Macnamara (BSPE 76)
Ronald H. Magarick (MAPH 66)
Allan Charles Maiman (BSHE 78)
Connie Maltby (BSHE 85)
Mitchell M. Manaell (Friend)
William Carter Marshall Jr. (BSPEH 52)
Bettina Gay Martin (BSPE 58)
Mary Kathleen Martin (BSR 78)
Patricia A. Martinez (BSPE 64)
Dennis May (BSPE 73)
Tracy Hester May (BSHSE 88)
Hazel Harris Mayer (MPH 55)
Robert Louis McDaniel (BSR 81)
Michael W. McLeod (BSESS 89)
Robert Wayne McDaniel (BSPE 67)
Michael Joseph McGinnis (MAPE 71)
Lawrence E. Snyder (BSPE 75)
Laurel V. Sourbeer (BSR 84)
Patricia P. Spicer (BSPE 74)
Thomas C. Spires (MPH 66)
Kimberly A. Spitzer (Alumni)
Donald C. Staley (BSHE 70)
James D. Stites (BSPE 75)
David John Stopka (MPE 85)
Josephine Y. Stout (BSHE 70)
Rebecca M. Slrorringer (MPH 57)
Jack L. Strott (BSHE 58)
Susan R. Stubbs (Friend)
Surf Costa Rica (Org,As)
John W. Sutton (BSPEH 51)
William H. Swartz Sr. (BSR 66)
Lisa Amanda Sweat (MSRS 87)
Lynn Penovi Tackett (BSR 78)
Leanne Talbert (BSPE 83)
David R. Tanner (BSPE 70)
Glenn N. Taylor Jr. (Alumni)
Judy A. Thacker (BSPE 67)
Carol Ann Thomas (BSHE 74)
Joe Allen Thomas (BSPE 77)

Mitchell Tidwell (BSPEH 50)
Ronald S. Tietgen (BSR 61)
Ty Tims (Friend)
Karen Lynn Toledo (BSR 84)
M. Travis Tooke (Friend)
Charles Albert Topps (BSR 81)
Larry Lee Travis (MPH 69)
Patricia M. Truedson (BSPE 81)
Janice Elaine Tucker (BSHE 81)
Larry W. Tuggle (BSPE 76)
Kenneth W. Turja (BSPE 66)
Irving S. Tutt (BAPE 35)

Geoff Underwood (Alumni)
University Hunter Jumper Assoc (Corps)
University Of Miami (Org,As)
Douglas L. Valenti (BSPE 73)
Barbara G. Vancamp (BSR 82)
Susan R. Vargo (BSPE 77)
Gary L. Waddell (BSPE 73)
Kristen A. Waddill (Friend)
Thomas E. Wales (Friend)
Carl E. Walker Jr. (MPH 51)
Diana Joyce Walker (Alumni)
Milton S. Watkins (BSPE 52)
Lesley R. Watson (Friend)
William C. Webster (BSPE 69)
Lisa Hueabner Weeks (BSPE 78)
Robert J. Wehking (MPH 62)
Michael Martin Weiss (BSR 84)
.Leslie Mama Weitzel (BSR 85)
Peter B. Wells (BSR 74)
Sandra L. Welter (Alumni)
Darlene M. Werhnyak (MPE 74)
Randolph M. West (Alumr.
Donna R. Wheeler (BSPE 80)
Larry A. Whipple (Alumni)
Bette M. Whitaker (BSHE 70)
Alice Joanne White (BSPE 64)
Judson Whitehorn (Alumni)
Christopher Wiecks (Friend)
Lloyd Gregory Wiggins (BSPE 72)
Elizabeth M. Wilcott (BSPE 83)
Lois M. Williams (BSPE 69)
Kendrick W. Williamson (MPH 61)
Gail Ann Willingham (BSR 78)
Robyn W. Wilson (BSPE 85)
The Wine & Cheese Gallery (Corps)
Laura A. Witkowski (Alumni)
Denise Gale Wolf (BSESS 87)
Gregory D. Womeldurf (BSR 70)
Wood Bridge Horse Farms Inc (Corps)
James R. Wortham Jr. (Friend)
Carol L. Wright (Friend)
Paul J. Wright (BSPE 67)
Robert C. Wurster (BSHE 70)
Talma Joy Yost (BSR 79)
Scott Zehner (Friend)
Krista Ziesman (Alumni)
Annette Zukley-Edwards (BSHE 80)



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16 Performance

SEC Coach of the -

Year gives $25,000 k

to the College
Gator Head Coach Steve Spurrier has donated
$25,000 to the College through the University of
Florida Foundation. Spurrier, who received his B.S.
in physical education, noted, "I've always believed
-hat when a person finds himself in a position
financially to contribute back to his alma mater, it's
his responsibility to do so. Being a Flor'da graduate
is a big reason why such good things have hap-
pened to me and my family and I'm very happy to
make this contribution."
Spurrier was named SEC Coach of the Year after
eadir g the Gators to a successful 9 2 record and
the best record in the SEC with a 6 1. In addition
to the funds contributed to the college, Spurrier has
also given $25,000 to the Athletic Association with
the stipulation that it be allocated to the Women's
Athletic Program.

College of Health and Human Performance
Room 201, Florida Gymnasium NON-PROFI T
University of Florida ORGANIZATION
Gainesville, Florida 32611 POSTAGE

_ _~~~~~___~~

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