1Pe' ormance
Florida Gym Renovation
Glenn Hoffman, Esq.
Training the Body and the Mind
The College of Health & Human Performance
too *66 its
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Cover Story
8...Florida Gym Pnovation
florida Gym begins an evolution that wit place it
at the leading ede of instrctiona technology.
'Performance is an annual publication for
alumni and friends of the University of
Florida College of Health and Human
19...Living Welf
Living Welf at the University of Forida. A took
at UFs employee health support program.
12...Mental Qjtickness
Mental operations often dictate the degree of
success in athletic competition. Can mental
quickness be taught?
13....lumni SpotLight
UF alumni and nationafy renowned attorney,
G(enn -Hoffman, takes his throne as a. 'feguard
for afe:
14...-ealth Care Delivery
Schoo 'Based Cgnics A prescription for successful
delivery of primary health care to America's youth
DEAN: Patrick J. Bird
EDITOR: Ceclia B. Jones
Elizabeth Miller
Jean F. Mullen
Jay Arnold
Patrick J. Bird
M.B. Chafin
Cecilia B. Jones
Jean F. Mullen
R. Morgan Pigg, Jr.
Barbara Rienzo
Robert Singer
Jill Varnes
Paul Varnes
Charles Williams
16...Alumni 9Wws
3...Development pport
9...Faculty facts
6...Honor 9P%(
20...Rcreation *port
15...Psearcih port
4..Scholarship Convocation
Please direct letters to:
College of Health & Human Performance
P 0 Box 118200
Gainesville, Florida 32611-8200
(Dean's Note
T"he next time you drive through our beautiful campus, go to the comer of
Hull Road and Bledsoe Drive (across from the Ham Museum). There you will
see our 60,000 sq. ft sports facility, which is the cornerstone for the College's
new 30 acre Recreation Park. The park is the second stage of a $20 million
building program that started two years ago with the construction of the Fitness
Center, and will end in Spring of 1995 with the completed renovation of Florida
Gym (see story, page 8).
The construction of facilities is but one reflection of the excellent progress
that the College has been making. Other indicators show that enrollments are up,
again -- having just about doubled in ten years. We currently enroll 1170 full-time
majors, 1000 undergraduate, and 170 graduate students. The College is now the
fifth largest of the 17 UF colleges. And not only have the numbers increased, so
has student quality. The mean GPA of entering undergraduates last fall was 2.8.
Still, this is only part of the enrollment story. Besides program majors, 8,000
students last year enrolled in our Sport and Fitness courses, 19,000 students
participated in our Recreational Sports Programs, and about 800 faculty and staff
are members of our "Wellness Program" (see story page 19).
We are also continuing our tradition as fine teachers and productive scholars.
For example, in 1993, seven of our faculty received University Teaching
Improvement Awards (see page 9). We published 104 journal articles as well as
21 books and monographs. We made 110 presentations at state, national, and
international professional meetings. And we raised over $2,300,000 in grants,
contracts, fees for services, and gifts from alumni and friends to support students,
enhance teaching, and to provide a financial base for our research activities. By
the way, this dollar figure is greater than the total salary budget for the College
In 1994, we plan to continue at full speed ahead in developing our nationally
recognized teaching and research programs, (even amongst the chaos of
renovating Florida Gym). These programs are especially important today as
society becomes increasingly aware of the medical, social, and financial benefits
derived from helping people protect, maintain, and improve their health and
quality of life. To sustain our progress, however, we need your support,
particularly now as the proportion of our funding from the State is steadily
Finally, remember, after visiting the new Recreation Park, drop by Florida
Gym. We have a lot to show that will make you very proud of your College and
the investments you make in its future.
Development Report
Patric J. Bird, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor
Remember when the security,
liquidity, and the guaranteed income
side of your portfolio came from the
double digit interest rates provided
by certificates of deposit? Those
days are well in the past, and it does
not appear we will see such rates of
return for a long time to come.
You currently see checking and
savings rates from 2 to 5 percent,
depending upon where you do your
banking. Moreover, this income is
fully taxable, resulting in a much
lower net return after taxes. In times
like these, you may gain real benefits
by looking at a charitable gift annuity
as part of your fixed-income portfolio.
Let's assume you would like to
see a higher rate of return than you
are currently able to derive from
certificates of deposit, and you intend
to benefit the College of Health &
Human Performance through your
will. By moving that bequest
provision into a lifetime gift via a
charitable gift annuity you benefit by:
/ a charitable contribution deduc-
tion for federal income taxes,
J a significant increase in your
J an income which has a signifi-
cant tax-free portion.
(continued on page 5)
Pe rfo rman ce
Scholarship Convocation
The annual College Scholarship Convocation was held January 27, 1994 in the Gator Room. Recipients met with the
donors and socialized with faculty and students from the College. The convocation address was by Dr. John Lucas,
International Olympic Committee Lecturer from Penn State, who spoke on "The Future of the Olympic Games."
C. A. Boyd Scwhoarships
I w A A
The two Boyd Scholarships honor the former dean of the
College. Each is a $500 award and is open to full-time
students in the College.
The Boyd Undergraduate Award goes to a student with an
active involvement in the sport of golf. This year's
recipient is Recreation major William L. Anderson. A
member of the National Honor Fraternity, Rho Phi
Lambda, Will is planning a career in the golf industry
after completing an internship with the Director of golf at
the Marriott Sawgrass Resort.
The Boyd Graduate Scholarship is awarded to a graduate
student with outstanding character who has demonstrated
a desire to be of service to others. This year's recipient is
Pamela L. Feinberg, a graduate teaching assistant for the
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences. In addition to
her teaching responsibilities, Pamela is a volunteer for the
American Red Cross, where she teaches Lifeguard
Training, Water Safety, and Community First Aid and
Safety. She is also a regular multi-galloneer volunteer
blood donor. Pamela is deeply committed to her students
and conunuiiily and plans to continue teaching at the
university level upon completion of her masters degree.
J. D. Eggart Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship of $500 was established
by the family of Danny Eggart, a
1965 graduate of the College.
Recipients of the Eggart Scholarship
must be graduates of a Florida high
school, with preference given to
students from the Pensacola area.
Since leaving his family in Pensacola,
this year's scholarship recipient,
Wynterence "Terry" Moultry, has found a new home as
a student leader with UF's Recreational Sports Program.
Starting as an official, Terry worked his way to co-
ordinator of student supervisors. To further his interest
in elderly and inmate recreation, Terry is a volunteer at
the Alachua Nursing Center and the Gainesville Drug and
Treaunent Center.
f.prma M. Leavitt Sdch(arships
The two Leavitt Scholarships of $500 each are open to
Exercise and Sport Sciences seniors preparing for a
professional teaching career. Initiated in 1981 when Dr.
Leavitt retired after teaching for 28 years, the scholar-
ships are
through con-
tributions from
Dr. Leavitt.
friends and
former stu-
dents. This -
year's rec-
ipients are
Elisha B. Marcus and Honor C. Martin.
Working toward a teaching degree in Physical Education
with a minor in adaptive PE., Elisha Marcus feels that
teaching offers a unique opportunity to help individuals to
feel good about themselves and develop positive self-
esteem. An active volunteer in the field of special
physical education, Elisha has worked with mentally
retarded children, Vietnam veterans, and people with
various disabilities.
Honor Martin is a Physical Education major with a
minor in Health Science Education. A track and field
enthusiast, Honor works with Delta Psi Kappa for
basketball and track events, including the press set-up at
UF basketball games and officiating at the UF track
meets. Honor has gained valuable insights into elementary
students by working in an after school program where she
supervises outside activities and teaches arts and crafts.
Se rfo rma n c e
P A. Lee lim McCachren Scholarship
The Lee-McCachren Scholarship of $500 is awarded to an
outstanding graduate
assistant in the
Sport and Fitness
Program. The
Exercise and Sport
Sciences faculty
have identified
Kimberly Ann
School as the
student who
exemplifies the best
in teaching and
interpersonal skills.
An aerobic dance
instructor with over
ten years experience in the field, she is conducting her
masters research on exercise training utilizing the
1 W. Scineff Memoriaf Schofarship
The Herman W. Schnell Scholarship of $500 is open to
Exercise Science majors with a high level of scholarship
and skill in physical activities. This year's recipient is
on both the
Christopher Ambrosio. A high school athlete. Chris was
football and
iedreams. I e
was co-
director of
in high
school and
junior college and was a little league basketball coach
with the Boys Club. From an early age, Chris expressed a
desire to work in sports, and is planning to obtain a
masters degree in Sports Administration, followed by a
doctorate of Sport Psychology.
B. K Stevens Scholarships
The Stevens Scholarship provides two awards of $500
each for students who demonstrate scholarship and service
to others. This year's recipients excel
in both areas. Kim McManis, a
senior in Health Science Education,
returned to school after working for
six years as a licensed medical
laboratory technician. Seeing
firsthand the pain and sorrow
associated with illness and disease,
Kim is now determined to play an
active role in the prevention of disease. "I want to make a
difference," said Kim. Tara Sibr is a senior in Exercise
and Sport Sciences. She is interested in a career in
exercise prescription. Active in volunteer work, Tara has
been involved with the
Special Olympics and
holiday projects for the
pediatric unit at Shands
Hospital. She is a regular
blood donor, a certified life
guard, and a first aid
practitioner for the Gateway
Girl Scouts. Thra is also
active in the intramural
sports program, playing on
the flag football, co-ed
softball, swimming and
basketball teams. In addition,
she participates in golf,
soccer and aerobic exercises.
If you wish to contribute to any one of the
above scholarships, or would like to establish one, you
may do so by contacting the University of Florida
Foundation (904) 392-5513, or the Dean's Office,
College of Health and Human Performance (904) 392-
0578. It is your continued support that enables these
scholarships to be possible.
Development (from page 3)
For example, Mary, a 75 year old widow, decided to
fund a charitable gift annuity by transferring $50,000 to
the University of Florida Foundation, Inc. Each year
during her lifetime she will receive $4,250 (an annuity
rate of 8.5%). Yet, Mary's income is reported as $2,149.
The remaining 49.2% (or $2,091) is tax free income.
Furthermore, because HHP will receive the gift
annuity fund at her demise to endow a scholarship fund in
Mary and her husband's name, Mary receives a charitable
contribution tax deduction of $24,059. As Mary is in a
28% tax bracket, this deduction will provide a tax savings
of $6,736.
Mary would need a rate of return of 11.7% from
certificates of deposits or bonds to equal her after-tax
income from the charitable gift annuity. The charitable
gift annuity Mary funded has helped to replace the
income she needs each year during her life. Can it do the
same for you? If you would like to find out, please
Daniel D. Ott,
Director of Planned Gifts,
University of Florida Foundation, Inc.
P. O. Box 14225
Gainesville, FL 32604
(904) 392-5513 t& w w
Pe rfo rma nc e
1994 College Honor llff
The faculty and students of the College thank all of you for supporting our efforts. It was another excellent year! We are
grateful to you for your loyalty and commitment to helping us become the very best. This listing reflects contributions made
between November 1, 1992, and October 31, 1993. Every effort has been made to be accurate, though errors may occur.
Please submit corrections to Dean Patrick Bird 201 Florida Gymnasium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611.
$1000 or More
American School Health Assoc.
Patrick Joseph Bird
Florida Assoc of Prfasnl Hith Ed.
Paul Lawrence Jones
Eliza Jones Karpook
Charles William LaPradd
Norrre M Learti
Marching Auxiliaries oi America
Meds Corporation
Chuiles T Prce
Slepren Orr Spurner
William K Siemer
Lniersnily Athletic Associalion. In
Jli % ilson Vares
HW ieermere Partners. Incorporated
$500 $999
Robert E. Aller
Bike Roule of Gaiaesille. Inc
Boehringer lngelhelm Lamite
Cabot Lodge
Gainesvlle Hillan
Elaine C Green
l.,]ium Wren McGrlrT
Perry C. McGnri Jr
State Farm Compames Foundatona
$250 S499
Hany L. Bermin Jr.
RicharlC C Csannini
Kraft Motorcar Ccmpany
Lnnn Wilrma Moore
John F Neller
Terry Bagell Pappas
Edwin C Reese
Billie K Stevens
Tiacy Lotke- han Public Relations
Marcia Ann tesa
Charles 5 Williams
$100. $249
Cynthia S .r.lersm.i
CIlrence Jornn B.llhe
Ruhen Charles Bolen
ioher' A Bocumr Sr.
Maimne Dradile' I
Susan W. Brownlee
Marjorie Melani Burry
Marie Doris Candalino
Cheryl C. Courtney
Milton Dean Deckert
Maurice O. Edmonds
Raymond M. Eichorn
Theo Ertl
Pamela A. Fitzgerald
Perfo romance
General Electric Foundation
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Lewis Howe Gilbert Jr.
Louis Jules Goldstein
Pauline N. Goodell
George S. Grandy
Eawin H. Grancn
GTE Corporation
Leonard J. Harper
Robert Carl Hewitt
Bruce W Hull
San.ira Wienke Jackson
Albert N. Jefree Jr
Raymond M Iohnson
Ricnard Millon Knellnger
Detbra Reid Love
Daniel R Macdonell
Raymond G. MaJackln,
Tracn Iynn Mccail
Roaald E McMillin
Arlev W Mcrae
Louie D. Merchant
Waller F Miller [[
Henry r Morgan
Duane C. Peacock
Geralyn A. Pennachio
Storrme Primo
Proter & Ganrile Company
James IL Purcell Jr.
John F. Raiford Jr.
Ray H. Rollyson Jr.
Laura Hersev R)an
Gerald David Schackow
Charles P. Slier
David Wesley Silva
Joseph Mark Silvia
Robert Lee Stark
John H. SLauff
Taco Bell Corporaton
Amy Mrne Talkington
The Prudential Foundation
Alice Joanne While
Calh% (ncicrtll Williari.
William R. Willdhams
Less Tlhnn $100
Jer L Abrams
Paul Jeffrrrey A;kermTan
Marjone M Adamli
Society Agin' Gators Soccer
Ernie Edwin Allen
Allstate Foundation
Jacki F. Altfield
Kirk Anthony
David A. Appleton
Jane L. Aquilino
Thomas W. Arnold
Patricia B. Artimez
AT&T Foundation
Christopher J. Ballard
Barry Lynn Barnett
Jill P. Bartholomew
Harry P. Bean Sr
Godwin Beauchamp
BellSouth Corporauon
Mlartra Gene Beruie
Norma Benson
Adam Edward Berko
Linda Lee Berraudc
Susan Mane Belchner
Diane Mane Bieracki
Sue Selph Biggan
James F Bishop Jr
Jefrey W Bishop
Borimne C BlacI
Phincgi B Black
Laura Ellen Bhtler
Debora Slater DBlom
Gave A. Blue
Harrier Blum
Sl wn Egan BluDm
Kimberly Ann Bogrt
Thoras Allen Bolig
Quientellas U. Braner
Brian Jay Borland
Ililman F. Bowden Jr.
Thompson HI. Boyd Jr.
Ruit E. Bradel
Laura Eliz F. Braden
Maley S. Brancaccio
Anthony Paul Brenbach
Krlstine M Brennan
Marvin W. Brice
Heidi Elizabeth Brtten
Michelle Lynn Brody
Peggy Ann Brown
Xenufa Allen Brown
Donna LDnn Bnrguo
Vixguna L. Bnrzzese
Nia A Burke-Benneti
Vera A. Burns
Busineu Menu AsUunnce Company
Carolyn Jane Buder
Eugene Bvrd
Painck Joseph Byrne
John Bruce Caldwell
Melton V. Callahan
Rosemary G. Campbell
W. Jaynee Carolus
Miguel Talano Carson
Douglas J. Casa
Diane Cellon
Rhea G. Cemer
Selwyn T. Chalker il
Judith N. Chavez
Virginia F. Cheshire
Earl Winston Chester
Merry Freida Chewning
William Joseph Clair
Marcelline A. M. Clarke
Carolyn R. Claverie
Debbie Lee Clewis
Bill F. Cockcroft
Neal Alden Cody
Harry Lee Coe 111
Alisa B. Cohen
Alice G. Colangelo
Donald W. Cox
Robert D. Craft
Daniel J. Crum Sr.
Edward Davis
Don Lee Deal
Kathryn Anderso Delise
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Donna M. Deutsch
Timothy P. Deviese
Maria E. Devitt
James Edward Dewitt
George A. Dietz Jr.
Dixie Lime Products Company
Mary J. Donovan
Jacqueline R. Dorf
Frank Dowler IV
Dennis C Drake
Harry A. Dresser
Michael Todd DuMond
Eastside High School
Maureen Dawn Edwards
Tracy L Ellis
Laura Denise Eairs
Sleianme M. EBans
Richard R Ezzell
Paul Faber
Janice Ruth Fartia
Barry R. Fasld Jr.
Herbert W. Felber Jr.
Tanya M. Fernandez
Neal Bnan Pessenden
Robert William Fetsler
Helen Powell Feussner
Philip Leland Fisher
Mary C. Fitzgerald
Joan Mary Flatley
Richard B. Fleming
Julie Anne Ford
Ronald E. Forguson
Douglas W. Forsyth
Patricia Anne Frye
Robert Neal Fulmer In
Elaine Carson Funk
Stephany Carole Futch
Nanette B. Gallagher
Thomas N. Gait
Robert H. Garin Jr.
Kathleen Ann Garvey
John P. Gawlak
David E. Gayler
Georgia Power Company
Pamela Anne Giblin
Brian M. Gibson
Wilbur H. Gifford Jr.
Shari Klein Glassner
Yvette C. Godwin
Charles P. Goodwin
Dennis Graham
Lisa Meredith Gray
Stacy Renee Green
John P. Greene mI
Augie Greiner
Susan Cerwonka Guckenberger
Dennis Wayne Guenther
Donna G. Habing
Donne D. Hale Jr.
Donald J. Hamilton
Patti Fischer Hamilton
Warren D. Hammond
Ernest Hanewinckel II
Harris Corporaton
Herman C. Hatfield
Judith Ann M, Hellstrom
David A. Herrick
John Donald Hester
Katie Dianne Hester
Gregory Hilley
Elizabeth C. Hines
Eric S. Hobelmann
Robert Collier Hodges
Lynn Bassett Holland
George L. Holstein
Jeffrey R. Holzhausen
Rebecca H. Homer
Marcia A, Hoppenstein
Dori Ann Horowitz
Hospital Corporation of America
Jacqueline Hoyt Johnson
Sharon C. Huey
Karen Ann Hughes
William HUillhan
Cccil R Hursl Jr.
Pamela Carson lackson
Thomas E. Jackson Sr.
Celia W. James
Mirkl Jirnmen
Jacqueline D. Johnson
Kenneth Lee Johnson
Tra y I Johnson
Michael Joseph Junoed
Mary L. Kancevitch
Mike J. Karaphllis
Krvia I KeI Gie)
Paula K. Keeton
Colleen Perry Kelley
Thommas R Kindred
John Pyram King Jr.
Vivian Marie Kise
Susan Thayer Kisner
Barbara Dawn Klein
Leslie Ann Kluttz
Marilyn A. Knight
Sharon M. Knight
Myra Kohler
Karen Lee Kondolf
Alice S. Kramer
Marie Ellen Kramer
Wayne A. Krantz
Robert A. Krause
Susan R. Krisher
Elisabeth L Krone
Christine J, Kuhnke
Neville E. Laughon
Charles Jerome Lechner
Thomas Nathan Leidell
Stephanie Ann Lennon
Lyle Craig Levesque
Rebecca Joyce Lewis
Sara Sue Lewis
Michael Dean Lindsay
Brenda Kay LiUpky
Jacquelyn I.jzak-May
C. W. Locklear
Beverly A. Longman
Lori Ann Losner
Carla A. Lucas
Mary Herndon Luclus
Elmer JacK Lucks Jr.
Mark H. Luster
Ann S. MacMillan
Paula Suzanne Maiberger
Bonnell B. Martens
Janet L. Martin
Charles H. Masters
June M. Masters
Brenda Meinert Maxwell
Georgette C. McArthur
Elizabeth S. Mcconnell
William Michael Mccullar
Marilyn G. Mccullen
Michael Joseph Mcginnis
Patricia Elaine Mcginnis
Linda Mostert McGrane
Trivel Cooper Mekire
Joseph Mi:hael Mcrae
Clinslire L Meacham
Ehlan MMellli
Metropolitan Life Insurance
Margaret L Meyer
Teresa Monigorme Milicevic
Melinda L. Millard-Stan'ord
William Henry Mills
Runald S. Miracle
George Bruce Mitchell Jr.
Chrity 0. Monigomery
Fred Montsdeoca
Terea C S. Moody
Alan C. Moore
Charles Bruce Moore
Lsbetn Light Moore
Ralph Leoa.il Morton
Susan S. Morton
Basil Moulsopoulos
William G. Mmrunead
Philip Smaan Nuachmin
Kenneth A. Nadassy
Millael A. Netherilift
Michael F. Nolan
Paula Elizabeth Northuis
Dianna Lynn Nulty
Virginia P. Nye
Pamela M. Oberst
Laurie Kramer Obreza
Sisti S. Oconnor
Maureen Grace O'Regan
Paul Allyn Otis
Douglas H. Owens
Richard A. Pace
Julie Revels Page
Olga Andronaco Page
Paula Gina Palumbo
Merric L Parker
Rebecca K. Parks
Julia Pitman Parry
Joseph David Paschal
James Archibald Patterson
Lucinda Yost Perret
Margaret A. Petrillo
James C. Phillips Jr.
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
Gary Victor Pigott
Thomas Lee Pokorski
Wendy Yvonne Post
William M Potter
Robert B. Pounds
Power Plant. Incorporated
Cyllnah BoLles Powers
Keith E. PreiTlorte
Ashley R. Presslv
Lee Ann Pritchen
Professional Engineen g
Walter V. Prvor Jr
Bertha Ann La sh Qui n
Leslie Thomas Ra:mshaw
Harold P. Reddick Sr.
Patricia C. Regeinhger
Elizabeth A. Reich
John Thomas Reilley
Kristi Lynn Renern
Amy Marie Relsdorph
IIlene T RhIn
David W Rice
Mark J. Richard
Patricia B. Rider
Denlse LadLie Robens
Bruce A. Rogers
Monis H. Rogers
John kogliert
Krlrsili Nipper Rogozaski
Glen Rose
Royal Insurance
John R. Ruckriegel
Raymond Rutherford Ir.
Daniel D. Rutkowski
Mark A. Saar
Judy K. Sallee
Shelby Wilson Suioer
Evelyn C. Sandlrs
Michael A. Savino
Scavma of Florida
Joseph W. Schaefer
Katmerine B. Scharin
MNN hael David Schroeder
Julie Anne Schwartz
Stacy Scott
Thomas M. Scott
Michael B. Searles
Maxine Leonan Seigler
Charlie B. Self III
Brian Patrick Shea
Michael J. Sheehe
Zeke Shumaker
Dana Dell Siano
Joyce L. Skaff
Barbara B. Smith
Cheryl B. Smith
Joseph P. Smith
Kathleen M. Smith
Mary Lynn Smith
Paul Francis Smith
Sylvia Lee Smith
Mary Frances Soltesz
Thomas C. Spires
Cindy Lynn Sprenger
W. D. Squires
Linda L Stackpole
Sylvia D. Stambaugh
Julie Anne Stanley
David Earl Stanton
Kelly Beth Stine
Christine B. Stopka
David John Stopka
Valerie Jean Studnick
Mary A Sulian
Michael Damian Sushil
Wdiliam H Swai Sr.
Lisa Amanda Sweat
Lean e Talbhe
Catherine F Ta lor
Cyvnai Owens Taylor
Maureen E. Terwilliger
William Alan Teutsch
Carol Ann Thomas
Evelyn Sergia Thomas
lack B. Thompson
Gorlon M. Thomson
Brenda Jovner Trammell
Edward J. Treze
Patricia M. Truedson
Colny W Tucker
James Ray Tullos Jr.
Kenneth W. Turia
Thomas H. Turja
Patricia C. Valois
Barbara G Varcarmp
Frances M. Vandiver
Mary Robin Vannes
Bruce Alan Vaughan
Phillip Veilenga
Anne H. Viani
Jerry L. Vollenweider
Carl E. Walker Jr.
Linda Elsea Walton
William C. Webster
Karh) Corbin Weglicki
Robert J Wehking
Aids Lerman Weissman
Susan D. Weitman
Darlene M. Werhnyak
Kathleen Page White
James C. Wiggins
Lloyd Gregory Wiggins
Jane R. Wilkinson
Lois M. Williams
Victoria Gail Willingham
Tracy Lynn Wood
Diann Susan Worzala
Paul J Wright
Robert C. Wurster
Talma Joy Yost
William T. Zeanah
Annette Zukley-Edwards
P performance
_ ~_
Florida Gymnasium Renovation
Although the Florida Gym
basketball courts will remain for
intramural competition, there will be
no basketball stands or crowds
cheering the Gators on to victory.
No longer enriched by the spirit of
the Athletic Department, the Florida
Gym has begun an evolution of its
own to match the progressive
advancement of the College it has
housed for the past 44 years.
Established in 1946, the College
of Physical Education, Health, and
Athletics was the first college of its
kind at any university in the United
States. At that time, Florida Gym
was in the blueprint stage, with a
gymnasium seating 8,000 that was
later to become known as "Alligator
In the years since, enrollment in
the College and the University has
dramatically increased. In addition,
the College has gained a national
reputation with its innovative and
progressive programs that are based
on an academic and research
oriented mission. Yet, the program
has remained housed in a building
originally designed to accommodate
a burgeoning physical education and
athletic program.
Once again,
blueprints are Florida Gyn
being taped to evolution of
walls and spread
across conference the progress
room tables as of the Colle,
the faculty and for the past
huddle with
architects to plan the future of the
College facility. The Tampa-based
firm, Long and Associates, has
worked closely with the College
Renovation Committee. Together
they have designed a building that
will be more useful for today's
academic-based programs. The
renovation will not only increase the
number of classrooms (current:
4,299 sq.ft. vs. proposed:
Pe rfo rma n c e
Floidr Gym as it Cooa shortly after its conmpvion in 1947.
17,676 sq.ft.), it will also usher in a
whole new era of teaching and
learning at the University. The now
unused basketball stands will be
converted into six state-of-the-art
teaching auditoriums. Each will be
equipped with the latest instructional
technology. The power of the com-
puter will be used to combine video,
voice, music, graphics, still pictures,
and text for multimedia presenta-
tions and lessons. All of the class-
rooms, in addition to the lecture
halls, will be able
to receive satel-
has begun an lite signals and
own to match originate two-way
at audio and video-
> advancement
it has housed that can be par-
years. ticularly helpful
for distance edu-
cation. Anatomy
and exercise physiology instructional
labs will have multimedia capability
and computers at each work station
for student-centered instruction.
Lack of adequate space, poor
traffic circulation, and poor proximi-
ty of department and interdepart-
mental spaces, are some of the
problems in Florida Gym that are
being addressed. One of the pro-
ject's principal goals is to provide
much needed office space. Academ-
ic departments that are currently
separated in the building will be re-
located into adjacent areas to allow
for more efficient utilization of staff
and resources.
Concern about accessibility of
the physically challenged has pro-
duced several additions, and one
major deletion. The building's front
steps will be replaced with a ground
level entry (see cover) conforming
to guidelines established by the
Americans With Disabilities Act.
Added features include two elevators
and wheelchair seating in the
The renovated building will also
be more energy efficient Window
air conditioning units will be re-
placed by a central cooling system.
The building's mechanical, electri-
cal, and plumbing systems will all
be upgraded.
Construction is to be conducted
in phases, allowing "business as
(almost) usual" to continue in other
parts of the building. The $10.2
million project, funded by the Uni-
versity of Florida's Public Education
Capital Outlay (PECO) is set to
begin in the Fall of 1994 with com-
pletion expected by Spring of '96.
S6 i
Faculty Facts
State's Teaching Improvement Program brings recognition to College faculty members. From left:
S. Whiddon, S. Dorman, H. Lerch, L Thornton, P. Welch, S. Powers, M. Murphy.
Teaching Improvement Program
The Board of Regents (BOR)
approved a statewide college
teaching excellence initiative, that
was proposed by President John
Lombardi, and requested funding of
$20 million to provide incentives for
outstanding instruction. The
Legislature approved a pilot program
with funding of $5 million. As a
result of this legislative action, the
College of Health and Human
Performance was allocated funds to
provide seven $5000 awards that
will be added to the awardee's base
Selection criteria were based on
guidelines developed by both the
University and the College review
committees. The creativity and
commitment to quality teaching was
evident through review of the
faculty's portfolios.
Although this year's program
was considered a pilot project, it will
be offered again in the future,
pending availability of funds. Se-
lected to receive the 1993 TIP
awards were: Steve Dorman, Hal
Lerch, Milledge Murphey, Scott
Powers, Linda Thornton, Sue
Whiddon, and Paula Welch.
Alexander, Ruth H., distinguished
service professor, ESS gave a
presentation at the International
Sport Business Conference held at
the University of Paris, Dauphine.
Long interested in legal issues in
sport and physical education, Dr.
Alexander is now attending the UF
Law School as a part-time student.
Cato, Bertha M., associate prof-
essor, RPT addressed the ICHPER.
SD World Congress in Yokohama,
Japan on "leisure lifestyle
modification and at-risk youth."
Cauraugh, James H., associate
professor, ESS gave presentations at
the Eighth World Congress of Sport
Psychology in Lisbon, Portugal and
at the North American Society for
the Psychology of Sport and
Physical Activity, in Brainerd, MN.
Chen, W. William, associate
professor, HSE was also presenting
at the 1993 ICHPER.SD Congress in
Japan, and took a "side trip" to
Beijing and Inner Mongolia. He
also received a 1993 UF Superior
Accomplishment Award.
Crotts, John Charles, assistant
professor, RPT and Laurel Reid
(Brock University) received the 1993
Excellence in Research Award
presented by the Resort &
Commercial Recreation Association.
Dorman, Steve M., associate
professor, HSE became president of
Eta Sigma Gamma, the national
health science honorary.
Fagerberg, Seigfred W., professor,
HSE completed a sabbatical to
examine methods used to teach
medical terminology at other
Ms. Betty Graham, associate
professor emeritus in the
Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences at the
University of Florida, died of
cancer on March 23, 1993 in
Sun City, Arizona. She was 64
years old. A major contributor
to the development of women's
collegiate golf, Betty organized
the first varsity women's teams
at both Arizona State and the
University of Florida. She
served as chairperson of the
National Collegiate Golf
Tournament Committee for five
consecutive years and hosted
the event during her five years
of coaching at UF. In her role
as teacher and advisor, Betty
was devoted to the profession
and her thousands of students.
Among her colleagues she was
respected for her caring attitude
and service to the University.
Pe rfo rman ce
Gamble, Dovie J., assistant
professor, RPT continues her work
with the American Cancer Society,
serving as co-chair of the Alachua
Area Program Committee. Dr.
Gamble is also serving on the Board
of the Society for Park and
Recreation Educators.
Holland, Stephen M., associate
professor, RPT oversees the National
Resource Recreation and Park
Management program. He is also an
affiliate faculty member of the new
College of Natural Resources and
the Environment at UF.
Holyoak, Owen J., professor, ESS
was inducted as a charter member of
the Florida Special Olympics Hall of
Fame. Holyoak has served on the
Board of Directors for the past 13
years and as president for six years.
Holyoak was also honored as
Teacher of the Year by the Florida
Association for Health, Physical
Education, Recreation, Dance, and
Driver Education.
Horodyski, MaryBeth, assistant
professor, ESS continues to do
research in injury prevention with
the United States Military Academy.
She is also working with the UF
Health Center to develop an injury
data bank for high school athletes,
used to assess injuries and develop
prevention methods.
James, Delores C. S., assistant
professor, HSE having just com-
pleted her Ph.D. at the University of
Florida, has joined the faculty of
Health Science Education. She is a
former McKnight Fellow and a
registered and licensed dietitian
whose interests include nutrition
education, maternal and child health,
and minority health.
Kaufmann, David A., professor,
ESS has been elected to the Board
of Higher Education of the Lutheran
Church Missouri Synod which
controls administrative and fiduciary
policies of seven colleges, three
universities, and two seminaries.
Leilich, Roy E., professor, RPT was
the training coordinator for the year-
long campuswide charitable giving
campaign. Almost a half million
dollars was raised for the Alachua
County area.
Lerch, Harold A., professor, ESS
continues to remain professionally
active at the international level and
will make a return trip to Germany
and France this Spring. In April he
is looking forward to running his
16th Boston Marathon.
McCall, Gall E., associate professor,
RPT continues to stay active in the
field of corrections, and is working
on the authenticity and production
material for a chapter about correct-
ional recreation in a corrections
book, authored by a professor at
Murphey, Milledge, associate
professor, ESS was elected president
of the National Association of Cave
Pollock, Michael L., director and
joint professor, ESS is recipient of
the American Association of Cardio-
vascular and Pulmonary Rehabilita-
tion's Award of Excellence, and
the American College of Sports
Medicine Southeastern Regional
Scholar Award.
Powers, Scott K., professor, ESS
has been named to the editorial
board of the Journal of Applied
Physiology, and Medicine, and
Science in Sports and Exercise.
Rienzo, Barbara A., associate
professor, HSE was invited by
Governor Lawton Chiles to serve on
his "Governor's Red Ribbon Panel
on AIDS." Commissioner Betty
Dr. Joseph L. Regna and
Ms. Dorothy (Dot) Shields re-
tired this Fall, each having
contributed more than 30 years of
service to the College. Dr. Regna
began in 1961 as an instructor in
Physical Education and retires as
an associate professor emeritus in
the Department of Recreation,
Parks, and Tourism.
Ms. Shields retires as an
associate professor emeritus in
the Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences. Dot began her
career with UF in 1962 in the
Department of Required Physical
Education for Women.
Castor also appointed Barbara to the
"Committee to Develop Minimum
Guidelines for HIV/STD and Human
Sexuality Education."
Singer, Robert N., chair and
professor, ESS is president-elect of
the Division of Exercise and Sport
Psychology for the American Psy-
chological Association. Singer is also
president of the International Society
of Sport Psychology and presided
over the General Assembly and
Managing Council meetings at the
8th World Congress of Sport
Psychology in Lisbon, Portugal.
Singer was also invited to participate
in the conference "The Nature and
Function of Sport Science" held in
Berlin, where he represented sport
psychology as past-president of the
international society.
Pe rfo rmanc e
Stopka, Christine B., associate
professor, ESS received the 1992
Athletic Trainer of the Year Award
from the NATA Athletic Trainers
Association of Florida.
Tennant, L. Keith, director and
associate professor ESS was
inducted into the UF Athletic Hall
of Fame for his contribution as head
coach of the Gator wrestling
program from 1969-74.
Varnes, Jill W., assistant dean
and associate professor, HSE is
president-elect of the Southern
District of the American Alliance
for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD).
Varnes, Paul R., chair and
professor, RPT is serving as
president of the American Associa-
tion for Leisure and Recreation. As
secretary general of the 1995 World
Congress for Health, Physical
Education, Recreation, Sport, and
Dance, he is busy organizing the
event, which will be held in
Gainesville, Florida, July 9 16,
1995. This is only the third time in
history that the World Congress will
be held in the United States. If you
are interested in registering,
presenting, or assisting with the
Congress, contact Dr. Vames.
Weiler, Robert M., assistant
professor, HSE joined the Depart-
ment of Health Science Education
from a two-year faculty appointment
at George Mason University. Bob
received a Ph.D. from Southern
Illinois University and M.P.H.
degree from the University of
Tennessee. Bob's interests include
school health education and health
beliefs of youth.
Welch, Paula D., professor, ESS has
been selected vice-chair of the
Education Committee of the United
States Olympic Committee and has
been invited to serve on the Advis-
ory Board of the Olympic Woman,
an international multi-media
exhibition which is directed by the
Atlanta Committee for the Olympic
Games Cultural Olympiad. She has
also been invited to serve on the
Advisory Board of the United States
Capitol Historical Society.
Welsch, Walter R., professor, ESS
was recognized for his 28 years of
volunteer service to the Gainesville
Campus Federal Credit Union.
Walter also received a plaque from
Governor Lawton Chiles at the
Senior Games for his continued and
devoted service to the games.
Whiddon, N. Sue, professor, ESS
received recognition as National
Faculty of the Year by Delta Psi
Williams, Charles S., associate dean
and professor, ESS was lead author
of the second edition of a high
school instructional program
"Personal Fitness Looking Good
/Feeling Good" that included a
student textbook, student handbook,
teacher's edition, teacher's resource
handbook, and a four tape video
series produced by Kendall/Hunt. Dr.
Williams was also involved in
developing an interactive computer
personal fitness program "Body &
Mind" produced by Fitness Lifestyle
Design. He also served as a con-
sultant to the International School
at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this past
Each year the Departments
of the College determine the
teachers of the year according
to criteria established by the
University. Alumni, students, or
others may nominate faculty
members for this honor. If you
would like to make a nomina-
tion, please contact the Dean's
Office prior to March 15.
For 1993, in the Depart-
ment of Exercise and Sport
Sciences the award went to Dr.
Ruth Alexander. A long-time
faculty member in the College.
Alexander is as expert in sport
law as she is in dance. Regard-
less of subject matter Alexander
challenges students to excel.
Moses B. (MB.) Chafm re-
ceived the award for the
Department of Recreation,
Parks, and Tourism. In addition
to being on the faculty in RPT
Chain is the director of the
Recreational Sports Program
and directs the College summer
tennis camp. His expertise as a
camp administrator, as shared
through his teaching, is appreci-
ated by majors as well as others
who take his classes.
The Department of Health
Science Education's teacher of
the year is Dr. Jill Varnes. In
teaching Varnes emphasizes the
practical as well as the theoreti-
cal because of a sincere belief
that knowing how to use infor-
mation is as critical to success
as knowing the information.
Pe rfo rma n c e
Mental Quickness
Success in Sport Requires Training the Body and the Mind
Sport, especially the skill of
champions, captivates the imagina-
tion of most of us mere mortals.
How is such skill acquired and re-
peatedly demonstrated? Immediate
thoughts turn to sophisticated condi-
tioning techniques and dedicated
skills training. Years of painstaking
work go into perfecting the talents of
high-level athletes. What is not real-
ized is that mental operations often-
times dictate the degree of success in
executing movement skills.
What Coaches and Athletes
Typically Believe
When we ask coaches and ath-
letes about concentration, selective
attention, anticipation, decision
making, and problem-solving for ad-
aptive purposes, the standard belief
is that "either you have it or you
don't have it" "It's instinctive."
Great athletes presumably are born,
not made.
Thus it is rare to see training
programs to improve upon the way
athletes may develop such mental
attributes. Emphasized are drills to
improve movement, personal or team
strength, and endurance. Speed train-
ers help to make the body a more
instrumental tool, sport nutritionists
provide ideal diets, and athletic trai-
ners suggest activities to prevent
injury, or to help athletes recover
when injury occurs.
But who takes care of the mind?
Who helps the athlete learn how to
manage emotions, and attentionally
focus in an appropriate and timely
Pe rfo rman c e
fashion? Since so many athletes say that the mental side of sport contributes
80 or so percent to successful accomplishment, why is so little known in sport
as to what can be done to develop mental skills?
The Sport Psychologist
Enter the sport psychologist. The athletic world usually associates sport
psychologists with an unfortunate athlete's maladaptive behaviors. Inabilities in
coping with stress, drug problems and anti-social behavior have often led to the
involvement of clinical and counseling psychologists or psychiatrists.
But there are many other productive ways for sport psychologists to be
useful as well. In UF's Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, some of us
are primarily concerned with working with mentally, emotionally, and physical-
ly healthy athletes who need to learn relevant mental skills that will enable
them to perform closer to their potentiality. The mind can handicap or facilitate
actions. Our research through the years, as well as practical involvement with a
great number of Olympic, collegiate, professional, and young talented athletes,
indicates that mental operations relevant for each sport can be identified.
Furthermore, they can be trained to a reasonable degree.
Sport psychology researchers dedicated to studying information-processing
operations have typically used the expert-novice research paradigm. Identified
are processes and strategies that seem to best differentiate the two groups. One
area of interest is associated with the visual search patterns of the highly
skilled vs. the less-skilled in identifying the cues associated with the oppo-
nent/situation that need to be responded to immediately.
The basic assumption in research dealing with eye movements and visual
search strategies is that the specific cues used in activities requiring fast and
accurate choices are presumably revealed by the focus, duration, and exchanges
of the performer's fixation.
Such research has revealed that experts attend to anticipatory cues that are
more useful and predictive as compared to the fixations of novices. For
instance, in monitoring the search patterns of tennis players while viewing a
videotaped serve, researchers have noted a high number of eye fixations by the
experts on the arm and racquet of the opponent, whereas novices tend to focus
primarily on the ball. In a study of baseball hitters, it has been discovered that
experts look primarily at the area of the ball release point (e.g., hand and arm)
to predict pitch location. Novices alternate their attention between the pitcher's
head and the release point Similar eye fixation differences have been found for
ice hockey goaltenders. Expert goaltenders primarily watch the opponent's
stick, whereas novice goalies fixate predominantly on the puck.
...mental operations
relevant for each sport
can be identified.
Furthermore, they can
be trained to a
reasonable degree.
The focus of our most recent research,
funded by the United States Tennis Asso-
ciation, was in comparing highly skilled
collegiate tennis team players (UF varsity
teams) with beginning tennis players in their
visual search patterns and anticipations of a
filmed opponent's intentions while serving
and in hitting ground strokes. The signifi-
cance of these data is in generating an infor-
nation base from which guidelines can be proposed to instruct players as to
how to anticipate better in order to perform more effectively.
Analysis of eye fixations and visual scanning indicated that the most highly
skilled players are apt to scan particular opponent cues in a predictable se-
quence and to be less variable than beginners. For the serve, the experts begin
(continued on page 14)
Life guards for Life
attmory T. qjan 9ioffman (rih t awd his brthr n twt
fturet in a hart ecor pu eation by T Lift &ookf, p
wrahi an rqprirtduith pmerimion fom m Tme Life Book,&
(As if sun, sand, and surf were
Snot perquisites enough, the
lifeguard has long been the bronzed
icon of summer pleasures, a teenage
sun god fallen to earth. Never was
that truer than in 1966. Bikinis were
in, the Beach Boys were kings of
the air waves, and brothers Ron and
Glenn Hoffman, then 17 and 16
years old, took their thrones--two
nearby stands on Jones Beach,
outside of New York City. They
loved their work in the sun so much
that for more than 26 years they
have returned to the East Bathhouse
section of Jones Beach each summer
weekend. They have become life-
guards for life.
A wooden stand on an urban
beach is not where one would
expect to find two middle-aged
lawyers. For all of its glamour,
lifeguarding is a job that demands
physical strength and occasional acts
of daring do -- to the Hoffmans that
is part of the job's appeal. They are
dedicated amateur athletes, and
being a lifeguard is an extension of
that passion. In typical competitive
spirit, Glenn frequently refers to the
Atlantic Ocean as a
"formidable opponent."
A UF alumni, Glenn
graduated from the
College in 1975.
' He is now a nationally
renowned attorney and
a member of the New
York and California
Bars. A former High
School All American,
and 1968 SEC champ-
ion, Glenn later served
S as Head Coach of the
UF Diving Team and
Assistant Swimming
Coach under Bill
ren cdy Harlan (BAPHA '45).
onios of Like the other guards.
Inc. who are less than half
the Hoffman's ages, the
brothers survey the ocean from
stands 8 to 10 feel tall, built high so
the lifeguards can study danger areas
where unwary swimmers may be
sucked into the undertow. A riptide
is often imperceptible until the
swimmer has been trapped in it.
"High tide turning to low, in a big
swell with a full moon." says Glenn
in lifeguardese, "a rip occurs--it's
Air France, babe and you're gone."
Over the years, the brothers have
saved hundreds of weak or
panicky swimmers from potential
drowning--some more than once.
Both participated in three rescues of
a hapless but determined New
Yorker named Virgil, who got in
over his head twice in a single day,
then again later that summer. After
the third rescue, the Hoffmans
decided to give Virgil lessons, and
he now swims from beach to beach
to visit his lifesavers. The swimmer
they rescued closest to death was a
man Glenn spotted going down in a
riptide on an unguarded stretch of
beach. Glenn and Ron were both ex-
hausted that day having already
rescued several people. Glenn recalls
he ran for it, hoping other guards
would plunge in, too. By the time he
found the victim, the man was
unconscious and purple--but Ron
was instantly at his side, and Glenn
administered mouth to mouth
resuscitation as they swam to shore.
A helicopter flew to the scene to
take the victim of the near drowning
to a local hospital, where he
JW hen interviewed recently by
Performance, Hoffman
recalled his happy days in the
College and pointed out that he still
uses skills he learned at UF in both
of his professions. "The first aid and
water safety instruction as well as
fitness tips I received from Coach
(Bill) Harlan serve me well as a surf
guard," explained Hoffman. Bill
Harlan was one of the country's
most successful collegiate swim
coaches. The retired professor and
University of Florida Athletic Hall
of Fame member still talks with his
former "Gator Great Diver" every
olffman has become an
expert in the field of Personal
Injury Litigation and fondly
remembers Dr. David Kaufman, his
anatomy professor, with whom he
still keeps in touch. "I'm sure Dr.
Kaufman would be pleased to see
that my law office contains a full
size skeleton and state-of-the art
anatomical charts, and that my
library still contains a set of notes
from his expertly taught course."
Glenn is frequently asked why he
exchanges his designer suits for a
speedo at the conclusion of each
summer work week. As Hoffman
once told Rolling Stone Magazine,
"There is no thrill like charging into
the raging sea, and stepping between
some unknown person and the
harbinger of death."
School Based Clinics
A Prescription for Success
The national debate surrounding health care reform
involves discussion of numerous options to increase avail-
abiliry: maintain quality, and reduce the cost of health
services available to Americans of all ages. Dr. Barbara
A. Rienzo, Department of Health Science Education, has
studied one promising option to deliver primary health
care to America's youth--the school-based clinic. Dr.
Rienzo received a full-term sabbatical to look at why
some school based clinics succeeded while others failed.
An esumated 12 million American children have no
medical insurance, and even more are underinsured. Many
children receive inadequate medical care due to high
costs, transportation problems, confidentiality issues, and
limited knowledge of the health care system.
The federal government has identified school-based
clinics as a promising means of disease prevention and
health promotion for America's school-age children.
National interest has increased tremendously in this seg-
ment of our population, which was formerly perceived as
"healthy." School-based clinics deliver primary medical
care in the school environment where substance abuse,
depression, suicide, teenage pregnancy, and sexually
transmitted diseases top the list of health care issues.
Educators are realizing the important relationship
between health status and educational achievement, and
that schools provide excellent sites to deliver health ser-
vices to our youth and their families.
Investigated by both the US Congress Office of Tech-
nology Assessment and by the Bush Administration's
1991 Advisory Committee on Social Security, school-
based clinics received enthusiastic endorsement. Approval
has grown among state-level policy makers as well.
School-based health care is central to many state plans for
improving the general well-being of their student popu-
lations. The American Public Health Association, the
American Medical Association, the American School
Health Association and others have issued statements
endorsing the school-based clinic.
Community resistance and controversy remain, how-
ever. Despite rapid initial growth, relatively few such
programs exist The Center for Population Options reports
only 306 clinics in 33 states.
Dr. Rienzo investigated 90 school-based clinics to
determine what factors accounted for their success. While
factors affecting individual clinics varied, Dr. Rienzo was
able to identify 10 critical steps necessary to successfully
establish a school-based clinic.
+ Identify a key individual--or liaison--from the school
system to facilitate "navigation" through the formal
approval process.
+ Select an articulate, committed individual to serve as
"Coordinator of Planning."
+ Organize a "Project Planning Committee" composed
of some 6-12 respected community leaders.
+ Appoint a "Community Advisory Board" of some 15-
20 members.
+ Identify and train program advocates from the com-
+ Document the specific health needs of children and
adolescents in the community.
+ Develop a comprehensive public relations plan.
+ Obtain solid funding for the project, (usually. inmal
funding is from a national foundation).
* Anticipate public resistance.
+ Recognize the long-term importance of retaining and
training community advocates, continuing an effective
public education program, seeking reliable sources of
funding, and maintaining a "program champion."
Debate over health care reform and the role of
school-based clinics continues nationally. Dr. Rienzo's
work, which has been published in the Journal of School
Health, provides useful information on the establishment
of school-based clinics and how local communities can
succeed in increasing primary health care for America's
youth. + +
Quickness (from page 12)
focusing on the shoulder-racquet area, then the ball toss,
and then the ball coming at them. For the ground stroke
they focus on the opponent's waist area, then the racquet-
ball contact area, and then the ball coming at them. Be-
ginners are more scattered (their focus wanders all over
the scene) and are less uniform in their eye fixations.
It can be seen in this brief overview that potential
success in sport requires the training of the body and the
mind. Genetics predispose the potential for success -- at
anything. But opportunities, the motivation to persevere,
hard work, excellent guidance and the will to excel can-
not be underestimated in importance nor underappreciated
in value. Skills are acquired. We are not born with them.
And it takes understanding about relevant mental and
movement skills, as well as how to train them, that truly
makes the difference in realizing the potential to achieve.
Former tennis star Arthur Ashe said that a player
needs quick hands, quick feet and a quick brain. The best
competitors seem to have all of them. O O O
Pe form an c e
Research Report
A look at College research on problems associated with aging
"No pain, no gain" is an expression
that may well be finally put to rest, if
Dr. Chris Stopka's research is any
indication. Working with an elderly
population suffering from peripheral
vascular disease (PVD), Dr. Stopka
has had remarkable results in decreas-
ing the painful response her subjects
experience simply walking across a
room. The pain associated with PVD
is a secondary response to an imbal-
ance between the metabolic demands
of the exercising muscle and its blood
supply. Contrary to current training
regimens for PVD sufferers, requiring
maximum exertion, Dr. Stopka's
subjects are instructed to begin their
exercise by walking at a much slower
than usual pace. When the subjects
experience any discomfort, they are
instructed to slow down even more.
This method enables them to walk
longer and farther. Training just under
their pain threshold on a regular basis
has been shown to increase speed,
distance and endurance. Some subjects
have experienced over a 1000 percent
increase (that's no misprint) in ability
by the end of the ten week program.
Dr. Michael Pollock recently con-
ducted a study using various aerobic
exercise methods (treadmill, step
climbing machine, aerobics), in an
attempt to determine the difference in
aerobic exercise training responses in
elderly and young adults. Younger and
older sedentary men and women in
controlled groups exercised over a 16
week period. The resulting data indi-
cates that when the training stimulus
is similar, older adults can increase
maximal oxygen uptake to the same
relative extent as younger adults.
Hypothyroidism (reduced levels of
thyroid hormone in the blood) is a
condition often associated with aging.
Recent research has shown that hypo-
thyroidism results in a weakening of
the diaphragm, which is the primary
muscle of inspiration and the only
skeletal muscle considered essential.
When this crucial muscle is damaged,
it may cause shortness of breath, or in
severe cases, may result in respiratory
failure. At present, this abnormal
condition and the alteration in func-
tion of the diaphragm is poorly under-
stood. Dr. Scott Powers and PhD.
candidate Robert Herb are currently
performing experiments aimed at
determining the potential mechanisms
responsible for the muscular response
associated with this disease. These
studies will provide the data to im-
prove our understanding of the patho-
physiology of hypothyroid-induced
diaphragmatic myopathy and develop
the knowledge base necessary to de-
vise clinical strategies to combat the
effects of hypothyroidism on the dia-
Dr. Stephen Dodd recently completed
a series of experiments aimed at deter-
mining factors that contribute to an
increase in skeletal muscle size (hy-
pertrophy). In these experiments, Dr.
Dodd and coworkers demonstrated
that chronic activation of beta-2 recep-
tors in muscle results in significant
increases in both muscle size and
strength. These experiments provide
important information concerning
those factors that contribute to muscle
growth. Practical applications of these
findings include the development of
clinical strategies to oppose muscle
wasting often associated with aging.
Adult day care has become an issue of
increasing importance in the care and
treatment of our elder population. In a
recent study conducted by Dr. Robert
M. Beland and masters candidate,
Debra M. Sellers, the status of thera-
peutic recreation in adult day care
facilities was examined. The vast
majority of facilities responding
served a predominately geriatric clien-
tele. Treatment goals identified as
most important were to prevent dete-
rioration and to decrease isolation and
withdrawal. There was, however, a
large discrepancy between the impor-
tance rating and the implementation of
programs designed to meet those
goals. Lack of funding and the
unavailability of certified recreational
therapists were the most common
explanations for the lack of more ade-
quate therapeutic recreation services.
Tai Chi Chuan has been a popular
form of exercise in China for more
than 500 years. Recently it has
emerged in the U.S. as an exercise
primarily for improving general
health. While not a particularly strenu-
ous cardiovascular exercise, Tai Chi
can be performed at any speed for any
length of time. As such, it can be an
ideal form of exercise for older adults
who have not been habitually active,
for cardiovascular patients, and even
for individuals who are active yet
would like to improve their levels of
flexibility, strength and balance. While
the benefits of Tai Chi Chuan have
been mentioned in literature, there has
been little scientific investigation. Dr.
Wei "Bil' Chen has initiated a pro-
ject to investigate the effects of Tai
Chi Chuan on health promotion and
disease prevention among adults 50
years of age and older. Tests on flexi-
bility, resting heart rate, resting blood
pressure, resting EMG activity, and
anxiety levels will be collected during
the pretest and posttest sessions of Tai
Chi Chuan for an experimental and a
waiting control group. The data will
be analyzed statistically to examine
the effects of Tai Chi Chuan on flexi-
bility, hypertension, and stress reduc-
tion in the elderly.
Pe rfo r man ce
Alumni ews
Cummings, Jan Roy (BSR '68)
spent eight years as an elected
school board member in Broward
County and one year as the pres-
ident of the Florida School Board
Association. Jan is currently
president of C-Net, Inc., a con-
sulting network which specializes
in national superintendent searches
and strategic planning for public
and private schools.
Davis, Wendell D. (BSPE '64,
MPE '67) coached high school
and college football, for 20 years.
He is now a broker manager for a
realty company in Orange Park,
Florida, where he also serves with
the Board of Directors of the
Florida Association of Realtors
and the Jacksonville Association
of Realtors.
Powell, Larry A. (BSPE '67) is
president of Lakeland District of
United Methodist Men and direct-
or of intramural and volunteer
service projects. lie has been
coaching youth soccer for the past
eight years and was selected coach
of the year in 1992 by the Winter
Haven Youth Soccer Association.
Sherwood, Robert (Bob) (BSR
'61) was captain of the Florida
basketball team (1959-1960). Bob
lives in Kingwood, Texas where
he is employed as manager of
advertising and sales promotion
for Shell Oil Company. He is
responsible for a $50 million
annual advertising budget.
Brown, Katherine (Cass) (BSR
'77, MHS '79) is enrolled in the
Ph.D. program for Clinical Psy-
chology in California. Cass has
become a breast cancer activist,
after having overcome the disease
herself in 1987. She is a charter
member and past-president of
Save Our Selves (SOS), a breast
cancer advocacy group. An article
about the group was published in
the July '93 issue of Mademoiselle
Hamby, Heidi S. (BSPE '78) is
the state occupational health nurse
for the Florida Army National
Guard. Second Lieutenant Hamby
has been a member of the
Florida Guard for the past ten
years. There is only one such
position per state and territory.
Hilley, Greg (BSPE '70) is
finishing requirements for an
Ed.D. in Sport Management at the
U.S. Sports Academy. He is also
acting tennis coach at South-
western University in Georgetown,
Texas, and searching for a full
time college tennis coaching
McGrane, Linda Mostert (BSPE
'76) now resides in Pleasanton,
California where she serves as an
elementary physical education
specialist for the Pleasanton school
district. Linda recently completed
an adapted physical education
credential program at Cal State,
but reminds us that her loyalty
still lies with UF! She is a
member of Golden Gators, the San
Francisco Bay area UF alumni
Ryan, Miriam Robbins (BSPE
'79) graduated in 1992 from the
Kentucky Horseshoeing School
and owns her own business as a
full service farrier in the
Springfield, Ohio area. She has
completed numerous triathlons and
two marathons, and is writing
several books about life in the
Schmucker, Brad (BSIIE '74) is
working as a licensed mental
health counselor and biofeedback
therapi.t with the Geriatric
Institute at Nova University
School of Psychology, in Ft.
Lauderdale, Florida.
Perform nc e
Secrist, Ronald (BSR '74) has
served as town manager of
Blacksburg, Virginia since 1989.
Blacksburg is a community of
35,000 and home of Virginia
Slade, Gary (BSR '75) has
worked for the past 17 years at the
King's Academy in West Palm
Beach, teaching high school
physical education and coaching
basketball, baseball and volleyball.
He was the 1992 Small School
Volleyball Coach of the Year.
Stetson, Roland M. II (BSR '73)
is a physical education instructor
at the Florida School for the Deaf
and Blind in St. Augustine, and in
1986-1987 was Physical Education
Teacher of the Year. He has been
head swimming coach for the past
20 years, and has also spent time
refereeing men's softball. Roland
keeps his sons active in a variety
of sports and is an avid golfer.
Ackerman, Paul J. (BSPE '82) is
working at Dr. Phillips High
School in Orlando, teaching Earth
Science and coaching boys and
girls cross country and girls track.
Austen-Losner, Lori (BSHSE
'89) is teaching 7th and 8th grade
science to SARP students at Red-
land Middle School in Homestead,
Florida. She is the treasurer for
the Dade County Science Teachers
Association and teaches peer
counseling as well.
Barber-Murphy, Lisa (BSHSE
'87) is working as a health
educator at Duke University,
Student Health Services.
Chiong, Sharon (MESS '87) is
head coach of both the men's and
women's cross country teams at
Florida Adlantic University.
Sharon is also a physical
education instructor and cross
country coach at Pine Crest Prep
School in Boca Raton.
Clair, Kevin M. (MAPE '83) has
recently been voted president-elect
of the Association for Workplace
Healthy Promotion (AWHP).
Cooper, Amelia E. (Amy) (BSR
'82) works as the recreation
therapy manager at the Alachua
Halfway House in Gainesville.
Darlin, Sally Stickel (BSESS '88)
graduated with a B.S. in physical
therapy in 1990, was married in
January 1992, and delivered a
beautiful baby boy, Kyle, in
November 1992. She is working
as a PT, ATC, for Orlando Sports
Medicine in Longwood, Florida.
Dunne, William R. (BSPE '82) is
director of athletics, staff
development, and is health fitness
chairperson for Daytona Beach
Community College.
Goldstein, Louis J. (BSR '89) is
employed with the City of Coral
Springs as a parks and recreation
manager. Louis is working as a
management intern with the Coral
Springs, City Manager's Office,
and is pursuing a master's degree
in Public Administration.
Kronsnoble, Kristin (MESS '87)
is a second year doctoral student
in Counseling Psychology at the
University of Georgia, with a
specialty in Behavioral Medicine.
She is conducting research on the
psychological effects of habitual
aerobic exercise in cardiac
Leeuwenburgh, Christiaan
(BSESS '88, MESS '90) is
finishing a Ph.D. at the University
of Illinois. Christiaan is involved
in research on the aging of cells
and ishemia-reperfusion injury on
the myocardium.
Levesque, Lyle (BSPE '83)
graduated from nursing school in
1991 and is currently working as a
registered nurse in the cardiac
catheterization lab at St. Joseph's
Hospital in Atlanta.
Mack, Lawrence (BSHE '80)
completed both his MA and MS,
and is working as an administrator
for Children's Hospital, Los
Angeles, where he is responsible
for coordination of the pediatric
AIDS program, contracts, research
coordination, and community
relations. He was recently
nominated to the American
College of Health Care Execu-
tives, and has been accepted to the
Pacific Western University Ph.D.
Pfifferling, Susan (Sunny) (BSR
'80) is chairperson of the North
American Riding for the Handi-
capped Association Accreditation
Committee and has been the
director/instructor of Loveway
Therapeutic Horseback Riding in
Middlebury, Indiana since 1982.
Riggs, John (BSHSE '89) is
business team manager for Rhone-
Poulene-Rorer Pharmaceutical
Company and lives in Gainesville.
John continues to maintain his
EMT license with the State and
occasionally works for Alachua
County Fire Rescue.
P e rfo rm a n c e
fVAA ,
Valls, Marcos O. (BS '84)
graduated in 1987 from the
University of Puerto Rico Law
School and is a partner in the law
firm of Cobian & Valls in San
Juan, Puerto Rico.
Wetzel, Kimberly (Curry)
(BSHSE '82) received her BSN
from UCF in 1984. She is
employed by Kelly Assisted
Living as the nursing supervisor.
Wygand, John (BSR '80)
completed graduate work at
Adelphi University in 1984 and
received his master's in Exercise
Physiology. He is director of
Adult Fitness/Cardiac
Rehabilitation and is on the
faculty in the Department of
Health, Physical Education, and
Human Performance Sciences at
Adelphi University.
Aderhold, Allison (BSR '91) is a
recreational therapist at Normandy
Manor, Lucerne Medical Center in
Orlando, and secretary of the
Orlando Wheelchair Games.
Armeda, Roni (BSESS '90)
received his master's in Sports
Marketing while serving as
assistant coach to the Texas Tech
volleyball team. He is currently
working with the Harlem Globe-
trotters in Hollywood, California
as assistant/coordinator for
Beaulieu, Dana (BSR '90) is
recreation coordinator for the City
of Casselberry, Leisure Services
Division. She is looking forward
to further developing her
professional career and misses UF!
Casa, Douglas J. (MSESS '93) is
a doctoral student in Exercise
Physiology at the University of
Cerwonka, Christopher (BSR
'91) Ist Leitunant Cerwonka,
Marine Crops Naval Aviator, is
assigned to Tustin Air Station in
California, where he flys the
CH-53D Sea Stallion helicopter.
Craig, Kai (MESS '91) is director
of the Jon Heck Institute of Sports
Medicine in Irvine, California.
Juskiewicz, Thomas (MESS '90)
is director of marketing and media
relations for the Florida
Governor's Council on Physical
Fitness and Sports. Council pro-
jects include promoting amateur
sports throughout the State,
administering Sunshine State
Games, Senior Games state
championships, and Living Well in
Florida. The council also works
with the U.S.O.C. in promoting
U.S. Olympic license plates.
Kiwus, Leslie (BSHSE '92)
graduated from massage therapy
school in February 1993, and is
working in a health club at the
Maitland Sheraton as an exercise
floor supervisor and massage
therapist. She also does massage
on athletes in area sporting events.
Rheins, Anne G. (MESS '90) is
employed by the Medical Univer-
sity of South Carolina (MUSC).
She works as the director of the
Health Promotion Program at
Savannah River Site. The program
is provided to 20,000 employees
through a contact with MUSC.
Rider, Patty Blackham (BSHSE
'90) teaches sex education for
Colquitt County Board of Educa-
tion. She is director of a program
funded by the Department of
Family and Children Services,
which targets junior high teen
mothers, and is also the acting
chairperson for the County Board
of Education Wellness Program.
Rodrigues, Michael A. (BSESS
'90) completed graduate school at
Mississippi State and is the
assistant athletic trainer at the U.S.
Military Academy in West Point
Stewart, Rodney B. (BSHSE 91)
is an exercise specialist who is a
certified personal trainer, certified
strength and conditioning specia-
list and a licensed massage
therapist. Rod practices at Pro
Health and Fitness Center in
Melbourne, and teaches physical
education at Stone Junior High
School, where he coaches the
track, tennis, and weight lifting
teams. He is also an adjunct
faculty member at Brevard
Community College. In his spare
time he is working with Pixel
Perfect, developing health and
fitness software for CD ROM.
Pe rfo rman c e
at e Urt
Never before has "health" and
"physical fitness" been on the minds
of the public more than in the 90's.
Cigarette advertising on television is
a thing of the past, smoking in the
office place is a no-no, and who
hasn't heard of Oprah's liquid diet,
or Karen Carpenter's deadly bout
with anorexia. One day we hear that
margarine is better than butter, the
next that butter is better than
margarine. Jane Fonda, Richard
Simmons and Cindy Crawford are
as famous for their fitness tapes as
for their talent. Even Princess Diana
got caught in the act of working out.
It's hard to keep up with "health"
news these days. So how do we
decide what's good or bad for us?
How are we to direct our "need" to
be attractive, to be fit, to be healthy?
One of the most successful plans
incorporates health and fitness with
the work place. In 1994, health
enhancement programs are becoming
an integral part of many large,
successful companies. Companies
like AT&T, IBM, Apple Computers,
Nissan and
Tennaco are "More and more
employee the benefits of g
health and are discovering th
fitness in effort required are
their "sell"
strategies to investment.
employees. CEO's know the value
of having a healthy. happy staff.
There is less absenteeism, lower
insurance premiums, and increased
energy levels leading to higher
productivity. And employees like the
idea of office health clubs. They
save time and money, while
promoting positive lifestyle choices.
At UF, the College of Health
and Human Performance has been a
leading force in initiating a health
promotion program called Living
Well. This program was launched in
1984 to promote healthy lifestyles,
help identify health needs, change
undesirable habits, and improve
overall health and fitness. Today, the
program is in good health and good
hands. Mr. Jay Arnold, Director,
says "More and more people realize
the benefits of good health and are
discovering that the time and effort
required are well worth the
investment. Living Well is designed
to help employees, retired
employees, and their spouses
achieve more active, happier,
healthier lives, through stimulating
enjoyable activities."
The basement area of the Florida
Gym was renovated last year to
expand the program to the current
6400 square feet facility. It is
supervised by a certified ACSM
program director, with CPR
people realize trained
Sh a personnel
ood health and and students
at the time and enrolled in
well worth the the College
of Exercise
and Sport
Sciences and Health Science Edu-
Living Well's current mission is
two-fold: Exercise classes and
healthy lifestyle programs are
offered at an affordable price ($150
yearly) to help faculty and staff
become aware of optimal health
needs. Research and education are
also served by offering students an
opportunity to apply lessons learned
in the Colleges of Health and
Human Performance, Nursing, and
Health Related Professions. Each
semester approximately 30 students
work in Living Well as paid,
volunteer, or practicum staff.
Physical activity programs
conducted by students and staff in a
variety of locations include:
Aerobic Dance, Aquacise, Lap
Swimming, Indoor Racquet Sports,
and Aerobic and Strength Circuit.
UF is also getting in the swing of
the future by offering the latest "feel
good" activities, such as massage,
relaxation classes, and Tai Chi.
Some of the specific programs
offered by Living Well include
nutrition counseling, workout
analysis, and the Living Well
Series; a cooperative project with
University Personnel Services.
Interesting health and fitness classes
are offered each month. Topics are
timely and include subjects such as
"Goal Setting," "Menopause: Signs,
Symptoms, and Effects," and "Body
Composition Analysis."
As positive health programs
become more integrated into the
employee benefits package, more
and more worksites realize that these
are also great recruiting tools. The
UF Personnel office now includes
the Living Well program brochure
in each prospective employee
UF's Living Well continues to
lead the way into the new
millennium. A healthy lifestyle now
is one's best bet to a productive,
happy year 2000.
Pecreatiowna Sports P port
It's been a great year for Recre-
ational Sports with a rise in partici-
pation in all areas. In our new Fitness
Center, the number of aerobics classes
continues to grow, and just about any
afternoon long lines of students may
be found outside the fitness rooms
awaiting their turn to workout on any
of a variety of exercise machines.
Intramurals also continues to
experience a large increase in partici-
pants. The flag-football season
brought out a record number of 370
teams, an increase of 50 teams from
1992. With an average of 12 players
per team, approximately 4500 dif-
ferent students (or 12% of the student
population), participated in this sport.
What a turnout!
The Recreation Park opens in the
Fall of '94 and will add four tour-
nament level softball fields, with clay
infields, lights, dugouts, scoreboards,
and all the trimmings.
Volleyball has also been highly
successful, with almost 250 teams
participating. Team racquetball, intra-
mural track, three on three basketball,
and team tennis are some of the inno-
vative and creative activities now
Sports clubs continue to maintain
a strong presence in the program,
offering activities that may not be
found in the Intramural or Fitness
Center areas. Almost 40 clubs partici-
pate, some with over 100 participants.
Lake Wauburg attracts almost
100,000 participants each year, and is
used by students, families, and Uni-
versity groups as a site for fun, study
or just plain relaxation in the warm
The goal of the Recreational
Sports Program is to serve our Uni-
versity students well, by offering a
variety of services that will be long
remembered after their collegiate
years have ended. We went a long
way in 1993 toward accomplishing
this goal D0
Don 't Be Shy
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Coffege of Halthi and Human Performance
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GainesviUl, florida 32611
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