Front Cover
 Table of Contents
 Dean's message
 Advisory council
 Power's heart
 Scholarship convocation and...
 Alumni news
 Faculty facts
 College honor roll
 Alumni spotlight
 Research update
 Golden anniversary
 Honors and accolades
 Back Cover

Title: Performance
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076674/00012
 Material Information
Title: Performance
Uniform Title: Performance (Gainesville, Fla.)
Physical Description: v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida -- College of Health & Human Performance
Publisher: The College
Place of Publication: Gainesville Fla
Frequency: annual
Subject: Health education -- Periodicals -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Genre: government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent)   ( marcgt )
Statement of Responsibility: College of Health & Human Performance, University of Florida.
General Note: Description based on: Spring 1995; title from cover.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076674
Volume ID: VID00012
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 002413408
oclc - 40516144
notis - AMB8405
lccn - sn 98026193


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Page 1
    Table of Contents
        Page 2
    Dean's message
        Page 3
    Advisory council
        Page 4
        Page 5
        Page 6
    Power's heart
        Page 7
        Page 8
    Scholarship convocation and tribute
        Page 9
        Page 10
    Alumni news
        Page 11
    Faculty facts
        Page 12
    College honor roll
        Page 13
        Page 14
    Alumni spotlight
        Page 15
    Research update
        Page 16
        Page 17
    Golden anniversary
        Page 18
    Honors and accolades
        Page 19
    Back Cover
        Page 20
Full Text

r Human





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ftdvlsr :v Council 4

Members of the University : Florida cycling team
enjoy a workout on campus. The team I" .:-- is
ranked first out of 20 university cycling teams
l.- .JL...I. 1 the southeast

l. f ?"' 17 11 Cc' is an annual publication for
alumni and friends of the University of Florida Col-
lege of Health and Human Performance.





Alumni Spotlight

0eland's Bibliotherapy

Golden Anniversary

Power's Heart Study





Alumni News

Honors & Accolades

Dean's Note

Devielopnient Reeport

Focuity Facts

Honor Rola

Research Update

Sch- alr ships



Please direct letters to:

College of Health & Human Performance
P.O. Box 118200
Gainesville, Florida 32611-8200

typically exceeding 50 students), we can't
generate much more money from tuition
and fees without severely sacrificing
quality. In addition, about half of the

Here is something you may not realize.
The University of Florida is technically a
state-assisted rather than a state-sup-
ported institution. That is, less than 17%
of our College budget comes d directly
from State of Florida tax dollars. The
remaining 83% is generated by student
tuition and fees, or comes from non-State
sources including contract and grants,
sponsored research, support services, and
donations from alumni and friends like
you. (sEE FIGUKE 1.)


OUR DILEMMA. It seems clear that state
ippropri.ticn-. for higher education will
continue to decline, or at best remain
stable, as tax dollars are shifted by the
Legislature to support prisons and social
services. Also, because we teach twice
the number of students per faculty as we
did 10 years ago (with class sizes now

li f i .




non-State portion of our budget, the
contract and grants piece of the pie (SEE
FIGLRE 2.), comes from activity fees that
support campuswide recreational sports
activities. These funds employ some of
our students, but they cannot be used
further to promote the broader mission of
the College

OUR GROWTH POTENTIAL. This leaves only
14% of our budget sponsored
research (8%), support services (2%),
alumni and friends (4%) that has real
growth potential.

A decade ago, such non-State funds were
virtually nil. We had few research grants.
Our revenue producing support services
(currently the Faculty/Staff Wellness
Center and a summer tennis camp) were
in their infancy. And we received little
financial support from alumni and
friends. However, over the past decade,
we have made steady progress in
expanding these portions of our budget.
But we have to do even better.

OUR CIIALLNGE. We must, and we will,
become more entrepreneurial. To assist in
this effort, we are establishing a College

Advisory Council consisting of promi-
nent civic, professional, corporate, and
alumni leaders who have strong interests
in the work of the College (S-F. PAGE 4).
This Council will:
Advise the dean on program-
matic concerns, funding
IWIl & opportunities, and other matters
S that will advance the mission of
the College, heighten awareness
of the College's accomplish-
ments and needs by serving as
advocates with key political,
corporate, and alumni figures,
IV provide input regarding public
relations needs, assist the
College in building a solid base
of financial support by
ii, !ii'tini., gift prospects,
helping to contact and solicit these pros-
pects, and supporting the College with
personal gift commitments.

Moreover, we have great products to
market improving health, enhancing
human performance, and promoting the
values of leisure. Our faculty, students,
and facilities are second to none. And, we
have over 6000 living alumni, as well as
many friends, from whom we must ask

OUR WATERSHED. This year marks the 50th
Anniversary of the College, (SEE PAGE 18).
It also represents a critical point in our
history as we quickly must learn to rely
less on tax dollars and far more on our
own resources.

Please read on in Performance about
current and future prospects for the
College, then consider what a University
of Florida degree has meant to you.

I believe you will agree that the College
of Health and Human Performance,
your College, is worth your strong
support in meeting the challenge of our
changing times.


0De a E


pan Prnnt cesVe' il-.

sorV Sav0 rjiii the ii,.,."
EKING TO SOLIDIFY our position as a
world-class leader, the College of Health and
Human Performance has established an advi-
sory council. The mission of our College Advi-
sory Council is to facilitate communication, fos-
ter cooperative ventures, assess programs and
pro r. rt-. and encourage the exchange of intel-
lectual and human resources between private
enterprise and the College.
Dean Patrick Bird has been highly successful in
recruiting prominent civic, professional, and
corporate leaders who have a strong interest in
the work of the College. "We are extremely ex-
cited about this new Council and its members.
Not just because of who they are, but their strong
interest in the College and their willingness to
give of their tune and expertise to ensure that
we continue to perform at our highest level,"
stated Bird.
We are pleased to present the College of Health and
Human Perfornmance Advisory Council:
RCii:KI E. AL tN received his B.S. degree in 1959.
Atter ;~~.aeral years teaching
n. .li',J '_o h-hing in the Duval
%' ,ount schooll System, he re-
v... frrnid r,, UF to attend gradu-
. "a" a'ute -,:.iool. During 1i,, time he
^a i a i t. .1.ai program director inT
the Intrmural Sports Pro-
gram. Upon completion of his Ed.D. Dr. Allen
joined the faculty in the Department of Profes-
sional Curriculum. In 1988 he retired as Profes-
sor Emeritus in Exercise and Sport Sciences. Bob
and his wife Becky have recently relocated to
Jacksonville from the Sarasota area.
C. DAVIu Ainu-s, a 1976 graduate of the College,
is Vice-President, Commercial
Loans at the First Union Bank
ol Florida in Gainesville. Mr.
Av- rs began his banking ca-
ti reer while a student at UF,
i .. king part time to finance
hi, college education. His
civic leadership includes being Treasurer and
President of the Gator Exchange Club, and a
board member for the Gateway Girl Scout
JIMMY CARNrS came to the University of Florida
in I 9h4 .i the- head track coach
and Lri-tnitor in the College.
Ir I l 1. C,-arnes served as the
Me n'. Htad Track and Field
Coa.. tior the US Olympic
Te..ini H,. I I he President of
SLarnes Enterprises, Vice
President of Athletic Attic Marketing, Inc. and
Executive Director of the Governor's Council on
Physical Fitness and Sports. Carnes is in the

Mercer University Hall of Fame, the University
of Florida Athletic Hall of Fame, and both the
Georgia and Florida Sports Hall of Fame.
Jimmy and his wife Nanette have four chil-
dren and live in Gainesville.
CHARLES W. LAPRAun, a 1953 graduate was cap-
tiin of the football team in
1 52' ,and is a member of both
tl-t L university of Florida I all
m f F.ime and the UF Athletic
Hal of Fame.As a member of
hll- President's Council, and
(.,at,-r Boosters Dr. LaPradd
continues to give of himself to his University and
College. He served as President of St. Johns River
Community College from 1965 until 1972. In
1972 he retired from academic life and estab-
lished a successful distributorship, a business
which still bears his name.
LARRY LIBErIORE, J. a 1963 graduate, was a 3 year
Football letterman at UF and
a member of Sigma Nu frater-
rils. lik i no% Prioidont .f
Lorr, Librt're In, a .em-
prel'en'ive rcal e,-t.ar enter-
tpr j .li,,t,.d in L,,kLl., Iil \1-
B tetr %trt ing 'n, trn, in the
Florida House of Representatives (he did not
seek reelection), he was elected to the Polk
County Commission, a position he held for S
years. Mr. Libertore is currently on the Polk
County Tourism Development Council, Eco-
nomic Development Council, and Anti-Drug
Abuse Advisory Council. Larry has three chil-
dren, Christy, Larry III, and Lisa (Libertore)
Liniveriltv of Florida family
ttr rI alving degrees from
ltlh Florida State University
<" and thi University of Miami.
S 4 L'T --ie has taught in the
v .1 (C(.ollege or Health and Human
r I. Pl 'rrterm-ance and served as
Director of the P.K. Yonge Developmental Re-
search School. Dr. Longstreth is now Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs, with primary respon-
sibilities in the area of faculty governance. Her
contributions to education have earned her such
prestigious honors as Who's Who of American
Women and being named as an Outstanding
Educator in America.
FRANK M. IORFNZo, received his B.S. (1949) and
M.S. (1950) prior to beginning
a succe'-tiIl Lareer as a high
S .l'_lhol 1Lu.'hli-rand coach. His
iuccu-t- at Plant City High
S :hc.l led I, his induction
into the I lorlda High School
(,.i,-1-_ 1.,11 of Fame. After
11 years of success in education, Mr. Lorenzo left
to begin another successful career in the insur-
ance business. When he retired in 1991 he was
I ill llea IIs

Preformance that Counts

announced that the University of
Florida Foundation's Board of Di-
rectors approved a second major capital
camp.agn, called It's Performance That
Counts. The University goal is to raise $500
million. Following the Board's approval
last fall, President John V. Lombardi said:
Thi.' University of Florida launches this capi-
tal campaign with a record of achievement, a
plan for the future, and a commitment to per-
formance that translates resources into accom-
plishment. We begin with a clear focus on the
Universities' missions of research, teaching and
service. I\c'i p ,c,, th n evaluation and mea-
surement permit the identification and im-
provement of performance. We know that com-
petition requires clear choices, and we empha-
size the performance that delivers quality."
The College of Health and Human Perfor-
mance goal within the campaign is to raise
$2.1 million. This figure was established
following analysis of the needs and oppor-
tunities of the College along with the giv-
ing history and giving potential of the Col-
lege alumni.
Speciiiial]h. we plan to add three profes-
sorships and three fellowships/scholar-
ships through an endowment of $150,000
each. We will also seek four gifts of
$150,000 to name four of our labs and a gift
of $400,000 in computer hardware to equip
our newly renovated anatomy and physi-
ology teaching laboratories. In addition, we
will add emphasis to our annual giving
program to bring in $200,000 in gifts.
As this goal is achieved, your college will
be able to enhance its competitive edge-
both nationally and internationally. This
will include expanding programs in clini-
cal exercise phI siologk health promotion
and aging, and tourism research and de-
velopment. It will also mean a greater in-
vestment in professorships, scholarships,
and laboratories-all of which will im-
prove the quality of our degree programs.
The Dean is very enthusiastic about the
promise of this campaign. As he points out,
"The first University capital campaign,
completed five years ago, resulted in
$1,450,000 in gifts to the College. These
funds contributed greatly to the advance-
ment of our mission. We now return to
alumni and friends and ask their assistance
in this new campaign that will enable us
to continue our progress and to show that
in the College of Health and Human Per-
formance indeed It's Performance That
Counts." .


_ ~ I


recognized for achieving the Millon Dollar
Round Table (MDRT) every year since 1961.
Frank and Louise, his wife of 51 years have two
EDWARD D. (EO) MArILWSi is a former school
ti.cher college professor at
I.IF. nrd fertilizer salesman.
ITodai Mr. Mathews owns
th re: So, lrnv's Bar-B-Qrestau-
r.inl.> int in Haines City,
\\ inter H.iven, and Bartow.
IT \NI IIhewvs has held a num-
ber of civic posts including President of the
Haines City Chamber of Commerce and the
Board of Directors of the Polk County 4-H Foun-
dation. In 1988, he was named Polk County Citi-
zen of the Year, and in 1989, Mathews was hon-
ored with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commu-
nity Involvement Award. He and his wife
Charlie have three children (Matt, David, and
Carrie) and eight grandchildren.
LY N O. MAII iwJVs was named to theAll-Ameri-
can tootbell team in 1965
wh.ilt pl.i% in foir the Univer-
sit% of Florida. After gradua-
oll., Ir. i: nt a year with the
Mi lmi Dolphins football
t.it a.ind -i yearsin the sales
J i % iLon % ith Tampa Electric.
He then began what was to be an illustrious
career with the New York Times Regional
Newspaper Group. His involvement with the
New York Times group has included assign-
ments from California to Florida. In September
1991, he was named Publisher, Sarasota Herald-
Tribune. Lynn is married and has two sons.
PERRY C. MCGRIrF, JR received his B.S. from the
College in 1960. While at UF,
he lettered in both football
a,id .iae:ball and was in-
dacted into Florida Blue Key
and th- LUniversity of Florida
H..ll o f Fl-me. In 1962, he es-
tabl h1Ited a State Farm Insur-
ance Alenc .in i began his dedicated service to
Gainesville and the University of Florida. His
civic career is extensive, including service as
both Gainesville City Commissioner, 1968 -1971,
and Alachua County Commissioner, 1974 -1980.
He has twice (1967 and 1975) been named one
of the Outstanding Young Men of America, and
was recently selected as a torch bearer for the
1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. Perry and his
wife Noel have five children Jana, Mark, Keith,
Kevin, and Matthew, and three rarndrlildren
Roy tf. RoI.VYqoN received his B.S. in 1966 and
Mat.r of Ph\ 'Kal Education
,n 1'4'. l -i '-. .a a three year
I..cririi.ii ,n rh:e C.itoor base-
bltrl team and -er ed as assis-
ta n IaI t, b ilb ,l- !* .I i UF dur-
It ur ig the I' .o n .. ;eaion while
m a[s. I% '.,rking in rhe Intramu-
ral Sports program. In 1972, he became active

as an insurance agent and in 1982 established
Rollyson and Vernon Insurance. A graduate of
Plant City High School, he maintains an active
interest in his <- mmuni i\. Mr. Rollyson has
served as a director in the Plant City Chamber
of Commerce and as a board member of the Li-
ons Club. Roy and his wife Janet have two sons,
Rhett and Ryan.
FRDo E. ROZELLE, a 1950 graduate of UF, was a
letterman in football who went on to distin-
Pui-hed himself as a highly
ucl-:t-hill h,1, -,I-hool coach,
Sil Itl_ L. dir-..i '.r, .l principal.
S In I L1.1, Rozell was named Di-
rector or the Florida Iligh
..t .,. '-: activities Association
k iFHS-1 1 the position from
h hI h h,: rt rared in ILd, -r. I1'91. In 1992, Mr. Rozell
was named to the University of Florida Athletes
Hall of Fame. Fred exemplifies the concept of
-pxirt t'uduldg ciJradcr nd uuegritt !h.iaTrter-
istics for which the FHSAA established the Fred
E. Rozell Sportsmanship Award. He and his wife
Charlotte have three children Rick (deceased),
Nancy and Randy and one grandchild.
Bn.. SIMs, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
S Florida Leilure \ l.-iqujti on
S '; Corporation began his career
l tourism in 1971. Beginning
S .. Director of Operations for
iC % press Gardens, he worked
a hs way thorough the corpo-
rati ranks, and by the mid-
1980s was executive vice president in charge of
three divisions and 1400 employees. A recog-
nized leader in Florida's tourism industry, Mr.
Sims was appointed by Governor Chiles to the
Florida Tourism Commission when it was es-
tablished in 19In 1993, he was elected chair-
man of the Commission, and in 1995 he was ap-
pointed the Florida delegate to a White House
Conference on Travel and Tourism. Bill and his
wife have one son.
Jotiu A. SMrrn, a 1975 graduate, has success-
Sfulls combined his
enr tr penur al skills and his
Lve ir -.p 'rts. Mr. Smith,
fo.inder i.i the Sports a'Foot
'* 4 ,m cistorI., recently began a new
chain ,i athletic wear stores
1. ,ll-.d Sport- Mania. With
consumer spending on health and fitness re-
lated items topping the $350 billion mark, he
believes that this is an ideal time to broaden
the scope of his retail business.
STEPHEN ORR SpuKIem, the 1966 Heisman Tro-
phy Winner as quarterback of
fl. Floridla Cators, played
priote sl ial football from
1% 1 unnl 19477, nine of those
ye.ur n% ir tIhe San Francisco
4- r-- Aite r coaching at Geor-
gbia uTeh Duke, and with the
USFL Tampa Bay Bandits, Coach Spurrier came
home to the LiUriv.r-.it of Florida. Under

Spurrier's leadership, the Gators have set more
records and won more Championships than any
team in Gator history Steve is a strong supporter
of the Lady Cator Sports program and the Col-
lege. He and his wife Jerri have four children,
daughters Lisa (Spurrier) King, Amy (Spurrier)
Moody, and sons Steve, Jr, a graduate assistant
at UF, and Scotty.
BII.II: KNAPP STI ENS entered the University of
Florida in 1930, and with the
or lhrc,- c.,r of
teachming n Nm hl ton Fl.'rid;. ie
,' i ,,I [_ iF IIIIIlI I Ij e_,',ll i
train the il(.ke, in 0c -,.. Mr.
ir,~. ~a%-.i thie ri-t nw -1al
Sr. ph\'i Ic.lil nc education tel.-icher. it
t,,- P.k 'o,', D1.,Dv-elihpmn',.tll Rr-.psu'h "ihol,
and he is a charter faculty member in the Col-
lege. Mr. Stevens has been instrumental to the
development program of the College, both by
direct contribution and active involvement in se-
curing funds. B.K. and his wife Betty have as-
sisted many of our majors to attain their educa-
tional goals :hroulhi their scholarship endow-
The student members of the College Advisory
Council are:
DE.OR.AH DE ARuAS, a junior in the Exercise and
Sport Science program. She is
a competitive cyclist, who
serves as vice president of the
'F cycling club. Ms. de
Armas received an Outstand-
ing Student Award from
resident John Lombardi in
the fall of 1994.
MiCHamu JOHNSON MOORE received her Masters
Sof Health Science Education
l H 193 and is currently a doc-
Strfl candidate in the Health
S W havior emphasis. Mrs.
iohnson Moore is a Grinter
Scholarship recipient, re-
cri ed the Graduate Student
othe Year award in the Department of Health
Science Education, and a University of Florida
Graduate Student Teaching Award.
EMun r J.Ais S.iIun is a senior in Recreation,
SParks and Tourism in the Lei-
t1 .. -I.Vn r .-rricts Management
iempli.i -. He holds 58 UF
S record, and i, the ill-tinue
h.'.d r, 1i:. ii ru. ,_li.r In Fl..rid. Tr,.,.l-
ball. In addition to being
named an All American, re-
ceiving All SEC honors and playing in 3 of the
last 4 Super Bowls, Emmitt Smith is an outstand-
ing young man, and a dedicated student. Since
beginning his professional football career with
the Dallas Cowboys, he has consistently worked
to attain the goal he set for himself when he came
to UF, to complete his degree. '



ISCAL YEAR 1995 was an excellent year for the development program of the .'ei!',g We are most grateful for
the largest number of gifts and the most dollars the college has received in a single year. TIr'.iu; your gener-
osity, 1.3,' i,- '!i was committed to advance the o:i,.:,g- and to assist in the continuing enhancement of nationally
and internationally recognized l;-.ira'i -- Your help is vital to the effort and we ask you to continue your support.
When I can be of assistance to !hutlp you in planning for a gift to the ccoil.. -,lea i-, contact me.

C Bird, Ph.
P,,l -," .! f. Bird, Ph. D.

Good Gifts versus Better Gifts

is a gift. But, are all gifts equal?
ie answer is emphatically NO.
Especially where an estate gift to family
members is concerned. Consider the case
of widower, Doug Jones, who has an
estate of $800,000. He plans to leave
5600.000, the amount he can pass estate
tax free (because of the unified credit for
gift and estate tax) to his children, Mary
and Tom. Two hundred thousand dollars
will go to his favorite charity, t:l College
of Health and Human Performance (of
course) at the University of Florida.

Doug feels good about this division of
assets, because his estate will not be
subject to any estate tax. He also
believes the division of assets will be
easy to do. He has a home valued at
$200,000, appreciated securities of
l$ nl),00,00 owned outright, -25 000 in
personal tangible prLopertk, and an I.R.A.
with $200,000 in assets.

Knowing that Mary and Tom both own
their own home and that neither of them
want to live in his home, Doug reasons
that he will gift his home to HHP. And,
will give the commercial property, the
securities, personal tan gible property,
and the IR.A. to his children. The charity
can deal with the problems of listing the
property showing the property, paying
the commission on the sale if a broker is
used, and losing on the sale. The children
will get the more liquid assets and the
commercial property that is rented.

It sounds as though Doug's plan is a
good one and one well though r through.
Imagine Doug's surprise when his

attorney says, "Doug, do you really want
your children pi\ intg un-necessary taie'?"

Doug's response was, "What do you
mean? My estate will pay no estate tax."
Doug's attorney quickly explained that
he was correct about not paying any
estate tax. But by leaving Mary and Tom
the I.R.A. assets he was saddling them
with income tax payments on all
amounts the receii ed from the I.R.A.
His attorney explained that since the
I.R.A. had been funded with pre-tax
dollars (as is done with most qualified
retirement programs 40..i3 t Keough,
etc.) the monies distributed from it is
considered to be income in respect of a
descent (I.R.D.). Doug quickly realized
the children would pay at least 28%
income tax on the monies they would
receive, and the added income might
even force them into a 31% or 36%
marginal income tax bracket.

Doug's attorney suggested that rather
than passing the "bad asset for his
children," the I.R.A., that maybe he
should consider giving the I.R.A. to HHP.
As a gift to the College, it would not be
subject to I.R.D. or estate taxes. In the
hands of the charity, the I.R.A. would
become a "good asset".

In its place, Doug should gift his home to
the children. The attorney explained the
home as a "good asset for his children,"
in that they got a stepped-up basis in the
home (meaning it would be valued at fair
market value as of the date of death). The
children would incur capital gains tax
only if the house appreciated in value

between his death and the time they
sold it.

Doug realized his goals were being
accomplished and his children would
receive much more benefit by exchang-
ing the "good asset" to a "better asset"
for the children. This situation becomes
even more significant if Doug's estate
had been large enough to be subject to
estate tax. In an estate of more than
$3,000,000, the gift of the I.R.A. to the
children would have resulted in a .
estate tax rate and the appropriate
income tax rate being charged against the
"bad asset". Even more devastating, in
some cases the qualified retirement
program can be over-funded and is
subjected to an additional excise tax of
15%. Clearly, in such an instance, little
benefit is enjoyed by the decedent's heirs.

I.R.D, assets may include assets in
addition to pre-tax amounts set aside in
qualified retirement programs. If I can
assist you in planning the distribution of
your estate or in making life time gifts I
will be glad to meet with you.

William D. Frederick
Director of Development
College of Health & Human Performance
P. O. Box 118200
Gainesville, Florida 32611-8200
(352) 392-7612 i _

P rit rmteff

Power's RiffL

The ,l e e efis. in R l

i hj j -i..o-1
I.I. ; : .-. -. -, -

ISEASE is a major health
roblce n the United States and much
o the \'rld. In fact, approximately 43
percent of all the deaths that occur in
the U.S. are from cardiovascular dis-
ease. Damage to the heart muscle from
a "heart attack" can result in a severe
reduction in an individual's work ca-
pacity or even death. Therefore, find-
ing a means of reducing the amount
of damage to the heart resulting from
a heart attack is important. A new re-
search project is underway in the De-
partment of Exercise and Sport Sci-
ences to evaluate the role of endurance
exercise in promoting heart antioxi-
dant enzymes that could reduce the
amount of tissue injury to the heart
muscle resulting from a heart attack.

The specific objectives of this research
are to test the hypothesis that exercise
training-induced increases in myocar-
dial superoxide dismutase activity (i.e.
antioxidant enzyme) will reduce the
incidence of ischemia-reperfusion-in-
duced ventricular arrhythmias in the
rat heart and also reduce myocardial
damage following a heart attack. Im-
provement in the heart's ability to
withstand the insult of a heart attack
would have obvious benefits to those
patients at high risk for heart disease.
The results of this research could pro-
vide useful clinical information that
can be used in the management of pa-
tients with various types of cardiovas-
cular diseases.

Dr. Scott Powers, professor in Exercise
and Sport Sciences and Co-Director of
the Center for Exercise Science is the
faculty mentor to Haydar Demirel a
Ph.D. student in Health and Human
Performance in the exercise physiol-
ogy track. Demirel is the principal in-
vestigator on the antioxidant enzymes
study. Other ESS graduate students
involved with this project are Jeff
Coombes and Louise Fletcher. '

Tai ChiChuan

HE RESULTS ARE IN on Dr. Wei "Bill" Chen's research on the
healteffects of Tai Chi Chuan on older Americans. We first introduced Dr.
Chen's hypothesis in the Spring 44 issue of Performance. The theory being
that Tai C hi Chuan. a popular form oi exercise in China, is good lor both
prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, especially for older adults.
Although tlus form ot exercise has been around for over 500 years, there has
been little scientutic investigation of the effects on the health of older adults.
Aging Americans have a higher incidence of degenerative disease which
adds to the burden of our health care system, and ultimately impacts our
socioeconomic system.

Thirty-,ix men and women age 50 or older participated in the study. They
were randomly assigned to either an experimental group (E) or a control
group (C). Subjectsin the E group received 32 one-hour sessions of Tai Chi
Chuan instruction i 16 weeks. Each session consisted of warm up exercise, a
review of Tai Chi movements taught in the pre\ ious sessions, demonstration
and practice of atew movement, group practice and individual instruction
concluding with an assignment for home practice All subjects were tested
one w eek prior to training and after the training phase Subjects in the E
group were tested again nine months after completing the training. During
the follow-up phase subjects in the C group received Tai Chi Chuan instruc-
tion. health effects were measured by heart rate, blood pressure, muscle
tension, skin temperature, flexibility, and Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale
ITMAS), alnd state anxiety inventory (SAI). Results of analysis of co-variance
indicated subjects in the E group had a greater improvement in muscle
tension and flexibility than subjects in the C group. In addition to retaining
improved muscle tension and flexibility, subjects in the E group also showed d
signiticant improvements in blood pressure, skin temperature, TMAS and
SAI anxiety scores at the follow-up session These results support the theory
of beneficial health effects which result from practicing Tai Chi Chuan
These benefits result from reducing muscle tension and improving flexibil-
ity, which could be a significant benefit in preventing accidents due to falls
and imbalance.

After graduating in 93, Chris worked as an
athletic trainer in the New York Yankees'
minor league organization. He then went
on to pursue his masters degree in athletic
training at Indiana State University. Chris
is currently employed with the Minnesota
Vikings, and says that no matter where life
takes him, he will never forget how great
an influence his IIP professors have been.

Mina has been living in the Los Angeles
area since completing her internship with
Fitness Systems, Inc. Her recent work ex-
perience with Sony Music Entertainment
has used her creative talents more than her
health education expertise. She enjoys
mountain biking and hiking, and is con-
sidering going back to school to complete
a master's degree.


B blii ohe ra pl

consider children's stories
S' to be for kids only, a Recre-
ation, Parks and Tourism researcher
finds reading these books to the
elderly stimulates their memory,
alleviates their anxieties and helps
them cope with death and dying.

Bihliotherapy the use of reading,
listening or writing as therapy for
illness and disability is extremely
effective at improving the quality of
life of our elderly population, says
Robert Beland, associate professor of
therapeutic recreation. "Children's
literature written in the past 15 years
depicts older adults in a very positive
light" reports Beland. "While tradi-
tional fairy tales have been criticized
for showing ageism, port acting the
elderly in negative ways, newer
books show grandparents as modern
day heroes."

Current children's literature
contains valuable lessons. inspira-
tion and poignant messages about
love, grief and feelings of loss. These
books show the elderly as indepen-
dent and competent individuals who
still contribute to their families and
society. "Because elderly people want
to feel useful and needed, these
stories do something very important
by providing positive role models,"
Beland said.

M ost people don't realize that the
elderly also benefit from, and enjoy
being read to, just like children, he
said. Older people share certain
characteristics with young children,
such as shorter attention spans due
to memory loss and appreciation of
easy to understand themes.
Children's books are ideal because
the message is simple and the
pictures are colorful and attractive.


M ore than 33 million people are over age 65 in this country, with 2.5
million living in Florida. Treatment such as bibliotherapy can help this
significant segment of our population. "It's not that we feel legitimate medi-
cal treatments aren't an effective means of healing, it's just that bibliotherapy
is a very cost-effective, safe way to help people in ways medicine can't." Pat
Landis, a licensed marriage and family therapist with Ventura Day Hospital
in Gainesville, considers the program an effective way to begin discussions
with her elderly patients. "After listening to Dr. Beland read the stories, the
patients were more open to discussing aspects of the aging process, such as
relating to their grandchildren," Landis said. "The stories showed our
patients the positive side about growing older in a simple yet effective way."

Some of the books Beland has found to be successful in encouraging
discussion include, Our Granny (by M. Mahey) which shows an older
woman in strong active roles; Now One Foot, Now the Other (by T. dePaola)
handles a sensitive issue as the young boy teaches his grandfather to walk
again following a stroke. Of all the books, Beland reports that Love you
Forever by (R. Munsch) is his favorite regardless of age, you simply can't help
but smile when you hear it.

(Versions of this .t-rnl were Jr-'. i .1 worldwide by Reuters World Service, and
appeared in the Tampa Tribune, the Miami Herald, the Houston Chronicle and the St.
Petersburg Times. Television stations in St. Louis, Miami and other cities carried the
?,,-,,! ? '?

Scholarship Convocation & Tribute

fnniD l Sciaolaship CnvQocd-

lion is d Tribute o te: Past and

Future of 1h College

THE ANNUAL College Scholarship
Convocation was held Friday, January
26, in the Gator Room; over $l000.00
in scholarship funds were distributed
to undergraduate and graduate stu-
dent majors. In the past ten years we
have seen a steady growth in the num-
ber of scholarships and the amount of
each award. These awards are made
possible by alumni and friends dona-
tions, and/or direct contributions by
the individuals and families of those
for whom these awards are named.

This year's convocation speaker Dr. Jill
Varnes (BS'73; MA'74), Assistant Dean,
provided a history of the College in-
cluding background on those whose
names honor the scholarship awards.
This year's recipients and background
on the scholarships are as follows:

The SURGEON CHERRY scholarship
was established by friends and former
students of Mr. Cherry, one of the
College's original faculty members
and the Chairman of the Department
of Intramurals and Recreation. The
Cherry Award is given annually to a
student nominated by the faculty. Stu-
dents from the 1995 senior class were
eligible for nomination this year's
Cherry Award recipient, Teri Lynn
Howell, received her BS degree in ex-
ercise and sport sciences with an em-
phasis in physical education and ath-
letic training. Teri is currently enrolled
in the master's program emphasizing
athletic training. She is NATA certified
and is the head athletic trainer at the
P.K. Yonge Developmental Research
School. While an undergraduate she
was active in intramural softball and
H.W. SCHNELL was one of the origi-
nal faculty members when the College
was established in 1946. In 1949 Mr.
Schnell became the Head of the De-
partment of Physical Education for

Men; a position he held until his death
in 1958. The Schnell scholarship is
given to a student who demonstrates
scholarship, leadership and skill in
plh\ icnal activities. This year's Schnell
recipient is Douglas A. Zerbarini. Doug
is an Exercise and Sport Science major
who is an avid cyclist, who also enjoys
Karate, skydiving, and travel. His
work ethic, strong interest in service

and is currently employed by the Liv-
ing Well employee wellness program.

The second B.K. Stevens award is open
to any major in the College who dem-
onstrates academic success, and a de-
sire to be of service to others. This
year's recipient is Ronald W. Hall. Ron
is a major in Recreation, Parks and
Tourism with an emphasis in Pulic and

!lfA0L so a/a.


to others and his success in the class-
room make Doug a most worthy re-
cipient of the Herman W. Schnell

MR. B.. STEVENS was a member of
the original faculty and received his
teaching degree from the University of
Florida. He taught high school social
studies and was a coach at Santa Rosa
High School in Milton, Florida; and
later at P.K. Yonge Developmental Re-
search School. He was a faculty mem-
ber in the Professional Curriculum un-
til he retired in 1976. Mr. Stevens and
his wife Betty have maintained an ac-
tive interest in the College and continue
to find ways to support students to en-
able them to obtain their degree. This
year's B.K. Stevens award for an Exer-
cise and Sport Science major goes to
A Itlu,.i' C. Perry. Matt is a Palm Beach
Community College transfer student
beginning his second semester in the
College. Upon completion of his BS
degree, he plans to attend either medi-
cal school or graduate school in exer-
cise physiology. He is certified by the
American College of Sports Medicine

Community Recreation. As a hus-
band, father, student and employee,
Ron works hard to balance his many
roles and he does so with (seeming)
ease. In a letter of nomination Ron is
described as having "one of the best
work ethics that I have witnessed... 1
think his dedication to whatever he
commits to...is a result of his love of
his profession, time management
skills, and his ability to conceptLualize
a plan and follow through."

DR. C.A. BOYD joined the faculty in
the Professional Curriculum program
in >'I5U becoming Dean in 1970. Boyd
retired as Dean Emeritus about ten
years ago. Dean Boyd's dry New En-
gland humor and unmistakable accent
were characteristics that made him
unique in the Gainesville community
He was an avid golfer and the under-
graduate scholarship that bears his
name includes a love of the game as
one of the criteria for selection. Each
year Dean Boyd's widow, Joscelyn T.
Boyd McCourtney and son Toby Boyd
attend the convocation to personally
present the Boyd scholarships.

(SiCHOLRHj'Imf B n U E
,FO A G5 E 9)^^^^^

Toby presented this year's recipient
of the undergraduate award, Cyrena
Adams, a major in Exercise and Sport
Sciences with an emphasis in Sports
Management. Cyrena exemplifies
through her academic success and
her golf success the qualities that
made her an easy selection for the
Boyd Undergraduate Scholarship.
Mrs. McCourtney presented the
graduate scholarship to Christopher
J.~ineli. PhD candidate in Health and
Human Performance with an empha-
sis in motor behavior. Chris' goal is to
continue to develop his skills as an ef-
fective university professor and re-
searcher. One nominator noted, "hav-
ing known Dean Boyd, I can't help but
think that he would have been pleased
to have Mr. Jannelle as the recipient of
his scholarship."

DR. NORMA M. LEAVTT was on the
faculty of the College for 28 years prior
to her retirement in 1981. She first came
to Gainesville in 1953 to chair the De-
partment of Required Physical Educa-
tion for Women, a position she held
until 1962 when she changed to the
Department of Professional Curricu-
lum. Dr. Leavitt was a master teacher
who accepted nothing but the best one
had to give. She was notorious for her
red pen, no assignment was ever as
good as Dr.Leavitt thought it should
be. Her goal was to create highly com-
petent professionals, and she was very
good at what she did. The Leavitt
scholarship is given to a student in
Exercise and Sport Sciences who is pre-
paring to teach physical education,
with preference given to female stu-
dents. Our selection this year is Chris-
tine Coop;'r Hochman. The ESS faculty
and the faculty of North Marion
Middle School where Christine com-
pleted her internship describe her as
one who was "born to teach".

was established as a tribute to two out-
standing teachers, P.A. Lee and Jim
McCachren. Those that knew these
two will understand why the scholar-
ship must be dual in name. PA and Jim
Mac, as they were called, had a deep
friendship for each other. Where one
went the other tagged along for moral

support or just as company. Today a
plaque adorns the handball/racket
ball courts on University Avenue, in
earlier years known as Murphree
Courts today as the Lee-Mccachren
Courts. This award, given to a gradu-
ate student who is teaching in the Sport
Fitness program, is by faculty ilomin a-
tion. Mr. Shane Frehlich is this year's
awardee. Shane is a gifted instructor
who exemplifies the spirit of PA Lee
and Jim McCachren. Shane received
his BA degree in Psychology from the
University of Calgary. He is a doctoral
student in the area of motor behavior.

rial Scholarship was established by
Mr. Eggart's widow in accordance with
his request. Danny was a 1965 gradu-
ate of the College from the Pensacola
area. His wish was to assist students
from the Escambia county area to at-
tend the University of Florida and
complete a major in the College of
Health and Human Performance. This
year's recipient of the Eggart Award
is Lisa Dawn Tepper. Lisa is a Recreation,
Parks and Tourism major with an em-
phasis in Therapeutic Recreation. In
addition to countless hours of volun-
teer work, and active involvement in
LEAPS, Leisure Education and Parks
Students, she has held offices in her
sorority, Alpha Epsilon Phi, been a
homecoming staff member, and last
year was inducted into the Golden Key
National Honor Society.

in 1968 and his master's degree in 1969.
He was actively involved in the intra-
mural sports program. When asked
about Mr. Fessler, those that knew him
as a student said, "Chuck was one of
those people who was never content
to just do what was asked. He did what
was needed and was always looking
for more. He was a person who made
things happen. Creative and energetic;
he barely was finished with one project
before he was starting the next! The
Fessler award initiated in 1994 for ma-
jors in the Department of Recreation,
Parks and Tourism who have had ac-
tive involvement in the Recreational
Sports program and demonstrated
leadership potential. This year's recipi-

ent is Michael Dietz. Michael is a senior
whose emphasis area is Recreation
Program Delivery. \X while at UF Mike
has been a member of the Gator Foot-
ball Team and the Lacrosse Club, and
he played intramural softball. To
quote, "His perseverance in every-
thing lie has done, whether it be sports,
clubs or school, is an inspiration to
those around him."

This year the College was able to pro-
vide special graduate student scholar-
ships. These special DEAN'S SCHOL-
ARSHIPS were made possible through
non specific scholarship donations that
have been contributed to the College
over the past several years. The three
awardees are Paula Hart from the De-
partment of Recreation, Parks and
Tourism, Michelle Moore from the De-
partment of Health Science Education,
and Mary Plunkett from the Depart-
ment of Exercise and Sport Sciences.

Paula Hart received her undergradu-
ate degree in Youth Ministry from Bap-
tist Bible College in Springfield, MO.
As a graduate student, she is pursu-
ing a master's in the Therapeutic Rec-
reation program, and serves as a
graduate assistant academic advisor.
She enjoys cycling, tennis, and is an
avid reader.

Michele Moore received her BS degree
in p..chIolog y and a masters degree in
health science education from UF She
is currently a Health and Human Per-
formance doctoral candidate in the
Health Behavior emphasis. In 1995
Michele was recognized by the depart-
ment as Graduate Student of the Year;
and she has demonstrated her profes-
sionalism by completing the national
certification process to become a Certi-
fied Health Education Specialist.

Mary Plunkett completed her BS degree
in Zoology and is a masters student
emphasizing exercise physiology. She
has an assistantship with the Living
Well program and is currently prepar-
ing to complete ASCM certification as
an Exercise Test Technologist. Mary in-
tends to begin her doctoral studies in
the summer of this year.

Wi rmanice

Alumni b I

BSPE 53 MED 73
Betty Ann was a member of the first class
of women to receive a four year degree in
physical education and recreation. Still a
Gator fan, she continues to follow the Lady
Gators and takes pride in the growth of our
women's programs, both academically and
competitively. She also entered a plea to
save women's g in. (I am happy to report
that the A %'li'n's Gym has been placed on the
National Re.i.:t, of Historic Places. Still in
need of extensive renovation, the University
has made and scrapped several plans for fu-
ture use of the building. As it stands now, the
use of the building will go to the College that
cnp ,ffri-l to restore and maintain this beauti-
ful old structure.)

BSR 61
Since we last heard from Bob in Spring 94,
he has undertaken a special assignment
with Shell Oil his employer for 33 years.
Having been a Distrct Manager, Gasoline
Business Manager and Advertising and
Sales Manager, Bob is now in charge of real
estate acquisitions in Florida.

BSR 72
Candy received her Ph.D. in leisure stud-
ies at the University of Illinois, and is pres-
ently a Research Assistant Professor at the
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
in Leisure Studies and Recreation Admin-
BSR 79
Now a certified prosthetist & orthotist at
Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami,
Mark utilizes his therapeutic recreation
background to ensure that physically im-
paired patients attain a level of leisure
activity they desire. He is also a high
school and youth league football official
and he and wife Kim Fox are the proud
parents of two active boys.
A true blue (and orange) Gator, Jim and
Connie Scholl were married in the French
Quarter just prior to the Sugar Bowl. Jim
is currently the Central Florid. safety and
environmental director for Florida Rock

Dee is a full professor with 23 years of ser-
vice to Bucks County Community College
in Newtown, PA. An avid equestrian and
organizer of the collegiate equine program,
Dee was recently honored for her -upport
and devotion to the Intercollegiate Horse
Show Association when the National
Championship Horse Show was dedicated
to her in May 95.
Currently an associate Professor of Health
& Physical Education and Assistant Ath-
letic Director at San Diego City College
Cassandra retired from coaching women's
basketball after 12 years and 200 wins at the
high school and university level. She still
plays competitively in an over 30 women's
league. A San Diego Gator Club member
she follows all Gator teams diligently'
Cindy is an exercise physiologist (ACSM
exercise specialist) working with the car-
diac rehab program at Mercy Baptist
Medical Center in New Orleans. She also
directs and teaches the arthritis exercise
programs. Cindy has lived in New Or-
leans since leaving Gainesville in 77, is
married and very active with local soccer
boards. She has coordinated a co-ed
league and will occasionally coach or as-
sist with a youth team.
BSR 70
Carole reports that she was the director of
transition services for the ARC of Dallas,
Texas, but accepted a new position and
moved to Tampa last June.
Jayne was the 1995 receptor of the Wilma
Rudolph Courage Award for outstanding
achievements in women's sports. The
award was presented by Orlando Mayor,
Glenda Hood, and the Women's Sports
Foundation in New York City. She is pres-
ently involved in personal coaching, Title
IV investigations and olympic pin sales.
Rick is currently a manager with Wade
Raulerson Honda in Gainesville, having
been with the Raulerson organization for
17 years. He is also co-owner of Quality
Cleaners. Rick writes that he is "-st.ying
physically active and fit as much as pos-
sible, i.e. stroke rate good; peripheral dif-
fusing capacity good; stroke volume -
good. (Good, Rick, Good!)

BSR 82
After interning and working with the
O'Connell Center, Victor became assistant
director of the Sun Dome in Tampa. He is
now the general manager of the Miami
Sports Arena.
Dave completed his Ph.D. at LSU in 93
(sorry about the game this year not!). He
is now an Assistant Professor at NW Mis-
souri State University and sends his e-mail
address to interested parties. 0100727
BSR 87
Rafael received his law degree in 90 (from
that Tallahassee university whose name
escapes me) and has been practicing law
with the firm of Barrs, Williamson, Stolberg
& Townsend, P.A. in Tampa. He special-
izes in the areas of Workers Compensation
and Social Security Disability. Rafael is
married to Lisa Gonzalez, whom he met
while attending UF, and has a son
Cara received a M.S. in studies in aging,
long term care administration from the
University of North Texas, Denton. She has
been working for the Evangelical Lutheran
Good Samaritan Society for the past nine
years, and is currently serving as the ad-
ministrator of a multi level retirement com-
niuniit in Daytona Beach.
A recent update from Valerie tells us that
baby Lorenzo will soon have a new sister
or brother. She is still working in the Stu-
dent Health Care Center at the University
of South Flonda, in Tampa. Val recently
completed her term of office as President
of the Florida Association of Professional
Health Educators.

Sharon just received her masters in sports
administration from the University of
Northern Colorado, and is presently the
Athletic Director at the Colorado Springs
School which is a K-12 private preparatory
School. She has plans to pursue her doc-
torate in the near future.
iSIS a

t erforTr,

Fac 4Q
WELCOME to the new members of
the College including DR. DAN
CONNAULirrON, director of the Liv-
ing Well Em-
ployee Wellness
program Dan
I t .' ._ I % .. d a
m i;tt-r'- degree
rrr., the College
pr L,.'-r to ,inig to
FloridJ..i te
University to complete his doctoral
work. New in the Department of
Health Science Education in the
area of student development is
who returns to
UF from Texas
A & M Univer-
sity where she
was a h,-,lth
educator: w-.',th
A & M's student health care center.
NEW TO THE Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences is
DR. RA\DY BRAITH, an exercise
who has a
-p i inter-
-' 4t In rompli-
catiions asso-
Sa1tLd with
solid organ
-. transplants.

eAN c (ANDY) OLA join the
faculty of the Department of Rec
ratin, Parks and Tourism. Dr.
Fedlers area of research emha-
sizescotourism, and Dr Hodnak
Das. ANTHONY (To,,) FEDLER and
faculty of the Department of Rec-
reation, Parks and Tourism. Dr.
Fedler's area of research empha-
sizes ecotourism, and Dr. Holdnak
works in the area of resort and
commercial recreation.
DR. JE14 BAUER recently returned
from Germany where he presented
a seminar on current research ef-
forts in biomechanics, and con-
ducted a two-day seminar for the
.1 eii c ngLr eren of pti ",li ed li/ -
mechanical measurement equip-
ment. Bauer also presented two pa-
pers, "Bio-Mechanical Profile of
Tennis Elbow," and "An Impact
Profile of Soccer Heading," at the

Third IOC World C, -r.,p-. portl
Sciences in Atlanta.
with students Andrea Behrman and
Robert Kellogg were invited speak-
ers at the North Florida's Polio Sur-
vivors Group Annual Seminar. Drs.
Bauer and Cauraugh (through the
Center for Exercise Science) are cur-
rently conducting research on this
DR. PATRICK BIRD was the invited
speaker for members of the Wellness
Center of Naples Community Hos-
pital. His topic was "Exercise and
DR. RANDY BRAITH represented the
UF Heart Transplant Program at the
annual meeting of the Cardiac Trans-
plantation Data Base Organization.
While in Anaheim attending the
American I leart Association 68th Sci-
entific Sessions, Randy also pre-
sented a paper on research in heart
transplant hypertension entitled "Ex-
tracellular Fluid Volume Expansion
in Heart Transplant Recipients."
DR. BERTHA CATO presented "En-
hancing the Transfer of Research
Between Educators and Practitio-
ners," at the National Recreation
and Parks Association Congress in
San Antonio, TX. Dr. Cato served
as Chairperson for the research
round table, and was recognized
t: the <,,il tv of Parks and Recre-
ation Educators (SPRE) President,
Dr. Lynn Jamieson, for her excep-
tional work.
DR. 81i CHuFN attended the 15th
World Conference of the Interna-
tional Union for Health Promotion
and Education in Japan. Dr. Chen
hi. lr een i.i i ti' i f ;li;tL'i, in th, ,i .-
bal network development group for
university training and research.
CoACH M.B. CHAFiI presented
"Sports Camp Management,"at the
National Intramural and Recre-
ation Sports Association in Albu-
querque, NM. (M.B. should know
what he's talking about-he has
managed the III TP tennis camp, as
well as a camp in NC for a number
of years.)
DR. ANDY HOLDNAKpresented "Per-
sonalitv Styles
of MNfi,,-, in
R. ea t, i on,
Parks. and Lei-
sl.re Stud N" to
the Nallonal
Recreation and
Parks Associa-

tion Congress. He also presented a
program titled "Pricing Your Ser-
vices" at the Resort and Commer-
cial Recreation Association's Na-
tional Program Leadership Con-
ference held in Orlando.
DR. STFVk HOLLAND presented a pa-
per entitled "An Ecotourism Per-
spective on Caribbean Billfish Fish-
eries" in Santo Domingo, Domini-
can Republic at the Gulf and Carib-
bean Fisheries Institute Conference.
DR. GAIL MCCALL presented a pa-
per on "Future Trends in Correc-
tional Recreation" at the 28th An-
nual Conference of the National
Correctional Recreation Associa-
tion in Seattle.
DR. R. MORGAN PIGG, JR., was in-
vited by the Institute of Medicine,
National Academy of Sciences, to
serve as an external reviewer for
their forthcoming report in "Com-
prehensive School Health Pro-
grams in Grades K-12."
talks at the 68th Scientific Session
of the American Heart Association
in Anaheim, CA., "How to Pre-
scribe Exercise in Your Practice,"
and "Current Standards and
Guidelines for Exercise and Car-
diac Rehabilitation." He also
spoke at the XII Brazilian Congress
on International Sports Medicine
In Vitoria, Brazil.
DR. Scol P'owURs presented "Obe-
sity-Related Changes in Respira-
tory Muscle Phenotype," at the
American College of Sports Medi-
cine in Minneapolis, and Age-Re-
lated Changes in Diaphragmatic
Function," at the Albert Einstein
C,'.ll.- c f Mcdi.J i ,'. II, Bn NY.
On the international scene, Dr.
Powers presented lectures at the
14th Congress of Sports Medicine
in Brugge, Belgium, at Katholieke
Uinr.erihtx Lcu 'n &lgitum and at
the Free University of Amsterdam,
Holland. Dr. Powers and DR. STEVE
DoDD have a new undergraduate
text published by Allyn and Bacon
Publishers entitled "Total Fitness:
Exercise, Nutrition and Wellness.
DR. BARBARA RirNzo,J. Button, and
K. Wald presented "School District
fi ,ogriiii Rc],lat. to Sexual Orien-
tation: A National Stid.'.." and Dr.
Rienzo with DR. DLOREs JAMbsand
C. Frazee presented "Developing a
Nutrition Promotion Packet for High
School Students," at the American
School Health Association Confer-
ence in Milwaukee, W1.

DR. ROBERT N. SINGER attended the
annual meeting of the Association
for the Advancement of Applied
Sport Psychology in New Or-
leans, where he was a panelist on
the symposium "Sport Psychol-
ogy and the NCAA: An Ongoing
Per- pec:ti.e."
DR. CHRIS STOPKA is proud to an-
nounce that Exercise and Sport Sci-
ences received a federal grant to
fund her "Program Assistance for
a Master's Degree-Emphasis in
Special Education." The dollar
amount is 582,642 for each of the
next three years, for a grand total
of $247,926.
DR. CHRIS STOPKA gave a presenta-
tion on "Computer Software" in
Athletic Tr unine EJidL...it'.m" at the
national Athletic Therapy Today
conference in Orlando.
DR. KEITH TtENANT was an invited
speaker at the University of Utah
in Salt Lake City. He spoke on "Is-
sues and Problems in Learning
I r.ai cl-g Research."
have officially licensed the
GatorSHADE logo and the name.
Hats are available for purchase, and
progress is being made on getting a
GatorSHADE sun screen product on
the market. A royalty on sales of
products will be used to fund can-
cer prevention education activities.
The foundation will be called CaPS
- Cancer Prevention Strategies.
DR. JILL VARNES presented a paper
"Increasing Sun Protective Behav-
iors in a Florida Worker Popula-
tion" at the American Journal of
Health Promotion Conference in
Dn. SF. W ioloopresented "South-
ern District State Bloodbore Patho-
genControl Efforts for Physical Edu-
cation and Athletes" in a poster pre-
sentation at Southern District
THE U.S. OLYMPIC Committee
initiated Project Gold (Guaranteed
Olympic Leadership Develop-
ment). DR. PAULA WELCH was se-
lected as one of 50 who will partici-
pate in the program, which is de-
signed to put more women in lead-
ership positions in USOC.
nounced the signing of a continua-
tion of the contract with the Florida
Department of Corrections in the
amount of $40,908. Dr. Williams is
the principle .n% e-tic.at,:.r. f'

m borniaIne'

it s uith sincere a tje hti won ra w thante arin of our llegi and friends .ho aere n-fi ;'aJ to the college during the !in e -il l Font ins
contributions made between ,uremhRI 1i.1994 ihN.; Ocober 31, 199S. In ipte of our best ifnofi, errors and omissions occur. If so, please accept our
apologies and submil correcMions to Bean Palrick Bird College of Heallh and Human Performance P.O. Box 118200 Gainesville, FL 32611.

Barnett Banks, Inc.
Patrick Joseph Bird
Susan A. Boehm
Gainesville Florida Campus
Federal Credit Union
James F. Horsey Jr.
Norma M. Leavitt
Marching Auxiliaries
of America
MedX Corporation
National Underwater
Activities Committee
Nationwide Ins. Foundation
Stephen Orr, Incorporated
icthobert Plc.r ga rigc Ir.
Shannon Cay Ridgeway
Tenneco Management Co.
World Congress Organizing
Committee 95

Bike Route of Gainesville,
Cabot Lodge
Theo Ertl
Charles W. Fessler Jr.
Florida Assn, of Pro. Health
Dieter I Iackfort
Ralph V. ladley Ill
Maitland HotelAssociates, id.
Perry C. McGriff Jr.
Lynn Williamson Moore
Open Road Bicycles, Inc.
Sidney Schmukler
State Farm Companies
Michael Andrew Stein
UniversityAthletic Associa
tion Incorporated
Jill Wilson Varnes
Charles S. Williams

Joscelyn T. Boyd-
William No\ Childs
Chonin & Sher
Helen Laboon Feussner
William H. Matthews
Jo.stph R McL.augldin
Robert Joseph Murphy Jr.
Terry B',. .11 Pappas
Edwin C. Reese
Francis E. Sargent
Sidn ie-. Rivera,
Lerner et al

Siegfried, Rivera, Lerner &
John H, Stauff
Texas A&M University
Farol Neal Tomson
Marcia Ann West

Shirley C. Adams
William C. Adams
James M. Anderson
Leonard C. Balas
BellSouth Corporation
Harry L. Benson Jr,
William P. Benz
Susan Marie Betchner
Ethalinda Blackman
Robin Murray Bosco
Bebe C. Bowers
John Leslie Bowers Jr.
Matthew Bradley IV
Xenula Florience Brown
Elizabeth M. Chapman
Virginia F. Cheshire
Cheryl Rae Courtney
James W. Crowe
Edward L. Davis
Calvert Ray Dixon III
Gerald F Etheridge
John C. Fields
Sherree E. Frazier
William D. Frederick
Patricia Anne Frye
John E Gaines
Cator Beverage, Inc.
Louis Jules Goldstein
Pauline N. Goodell
George S. Grandy
Lynn Bassett Holland
Paul Dean Holland
Mary Jane Houck
Sheila Rae I lunt
Albert N. Jeffrey Jr.
George W. Jenkins
Debra Kay Johnson
Patricia Marie Jurney-
Susan Thayer Kisner
Barbara Dawn Klein
Marie E. Knafelc
William Louie Langley Jr
Kenneth Richard Lardie
Thomas Nathan Leidell
Alma Uphoff Liebman
Elmer Jack Lucks Jr.
Robert Brian Mac Namara
Raymond George
Rebekah N. Malkemes

Dennis Eugene May
Ronald E. McMillin
Marie Doris Menza
Louie D. Merchant
Donald J. Miller
Mary M. Miller
John M. Milling
Cynthia L. Mongar
Henry T. Morgan
William Alfred Newbem Jr.
Paul Andrew Newman
Paul W. Oberdorfer Jr.
George H. Pennington Jr.
James H. Purcell Jr
Quarters, Incorporated
Bertha Ann Losh Quint
Mary M. Ratliff
Ridgway Roof Truss Co.
Arthur G. Robbins
Bruce A. Rogers
Ray H. Rollyson Jr.
Glen Rose
Frederick Edward Rozelle Sr.
Roger A. Ruth
Lynda Ann Selover
Michael J. Sheehe
Robert William Sherwood
Charles Shofnos
Charles P. Siler
Joyce L. Skaff
David Earl Stanton
The Prudential Foundation
Theta Chi
Evelyn Sergia Thomas
Joan E. Treves
James Ray Tullos Jr.
Frances M. Vandiver
Darlene M. Werhnyak
Alice Joanne White
Catherine Yocum
Colette 5 Zukl\'--Brouwn

Jerri Lee Abrams
Marjorie M. Adams
Altrusa International of
Cynthia S. Anderson
Kathryn Anne Anderson
Mary Lu Andreu
Lillian Rebecca Anteen
Kirk Anrh.nv
Wilbur T. Antone
Mark R. Apple
David A. Appleton
Jane L. Aquilino
Thomas W. Arnold
Marcia Ann Arthur
Patricia Ruth Artimez

Yolanda Arvelo
Elizabeth H. Auer
Mary Convery Austin
Edie Fernandez Backman
Gary D. Bagwell
Diane Edith Baird
Barry Lynn Barnett
Belle Eileen Barnhill
Jill P Bartholomew
Leland J. Basey
Edric S. Bates
Angela Shaak Bauer
Kathleen B. Beal
Jennifer Anne Beavers
Cris W. Beckham
Thomas H. Bell Jr.
Martha Gene Belote
Mary Pacey Bennett
Sarah I,. Bennett
Norma Benson
Roy Thomas Benson
Adam Edward Berko
William Biaggi Jr.
Diane Marie Biernacki
Sue Selph Biggart
Marian S. Billing
Jeffrey W. Bishop
Bonnie C. Black
Patricia B. Black
Thomas P Blake
Harriet Blum
Megan Shawn Blum
Kimberly Ann Bogart
Caroline Scott Bolf
Cindy A. Books
Barbara Ann Booth
Brian Jay Borland
I lilman F. Bowden Jr.
Thompson H. Boyd Jr.
Daniel Hoang Boylan
Malia K, Boyum
Dale E Braddock
Nell Hunt Bradley
Anthony Paul Breitbach
Michael Grimes Brewer
Renee D. Brillante
Heidi Elizabeth Britten
Dawson E. Brown
Richard Allen Broxton
Lawrence Scott Bruce
Donna Lynn Bruglio
Shaw S. Buck
Amy Jo Burdette
Michael D. Burdges
Nia A. Burke-Bennett
Maxine Leanan Burney
Vera A. Bums
Burrito Brothers Taco Co.
Kenneth Lloyd Burt
Barbara Ellen Butler
Carolyn Jane Butler

E. Wayne Byrd
Patrick Joseph Byrne
Linda Susan Caldwell
Richard Louis Callum
Larry Dean Candeto
Carlo David Cantarella
Alena Maria Carlton
Mary L. Carpenter
Sean M. Carpenter
Vicki Lynn Carpenter
Robin Anne Carson
Douglas J. Casa
Rhea G. Cemer
Selwyn T Chalker III
Julie P. R. Bao Chang
George A. Chapman
Patricia R. Chase
Judith N. Chavez
Gary Richard Chisling
Brad Chissom
Ronald K. Christen
John Allan Chromy
City of Gainesville
Mary Margaret Clark
Cory T, Clarke
Debbie Lee Clewis
Neal Alden Cody
Lauren L. Cohen
Alice C. Colangelo
Jeffrey Todd Collier
E. John Collins III
Jeanne Louise Collins
Pamela V. Collins
John Lee Combs
Robert D. Cooksey Jr.
Amelia Eloise Cooper
Wilhelmina M. Corbin
John David Cordova
William M. Cosper Jr.
Elsa M. Costello
Susan Marie
Donald W. Cox
Michele L. Cranson
Diana L. Crawford
Ronald D. Creese
Catherine S. Crist
Ray Alan Criswell
Ernest George Crone Sr.
Ronald William Cross
Nellie Cundiff
Carol Curley
Deborah S. Cusumano
Mark Joseph Cusumano
Barbara Jean Dale
Raymond E. Dambrell
Cameron Daniels
Ronald L, Darst
Tony C. Davenport
Darrin Franklin Davis
Donald Fowler Davis
MaIl I.Mgi tIaa


FRM' AE0 3

Ronald Dean Davis
Linda Michelle Davis Gaynor
Dianna ,. Dawson
Don Lee Deal
Cassandra Lee Deaver
Daniel P. Deffendall
Kerry Ann Deichert
Kathleen E. Deloreto
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Robert De Maria
Donna M. Deutsch
James Edward Dewitt
Karen K. Dils
E. Tom Dioguardi
Donald Rih.rd Dtriiarn
Mary Patricia Dittman
Karen I. Donohue
Michael D. Donohue
Mary J. Donovan
Jacqueline R. Dorf
Angela Maddaloni Dorney
Dennis C. Drake
Christine Leslie Drymon
Liesl Marie Eastlake
Debora Anne Edwards
John J. Ehrman
Elisha Anne Eisenberg
Larry E. Elliott Sr.
Tracy L. Ellis
Jayne-Ellen Elmore
Karen Luise Etz
Terry Lane Orr Eymann
Richard R. Ezzell
Janice Ruth Farhat
Barry R. Fasold Jr.
Lisa Shari Felix
Kate S. Fenstermaker
Neal Brian Fessenden
Jeffrey Adam Fields
Janet Susan Forbess
Ronald E. Forguson
Debbie Aline Fosser
Ronald Ray Fourman
John P. Franzese Jr.
Robert Louis Frye
Gainseville Family
Thomas N. Galt
Sheila D. Garrison
Roger N. Garten
Lauri Cutler Garvey
John P. Gawlak
Georgia Power Company
Eric Gerolstein
Robert David Gibbs
Pamela Anne Giblin
Wilbur H. Gifford Jr.
Robert W. Gilbert
Michael L. Gillespie
Susan M. Gladstein
Michael D. Gold
Rachel Darah Goldberg
Ronald L. Goldberg
Ellen Marcia Goldring
Aida R. Serra Conzalez
Frances Chappell Goodhart
Pamela Sue Goodrich
Bonnie Marie Goodwin

James Lee Goolsby Jr.
Lisa Dawn Grace
Michael Angelo Grasso
John P. Greene 111
Chad Gaither Greer
Sevier P. Griffin
Ollin Peter Griffith
Gail L. Grob
John Anthony Guarisco
Susan Cerwonka
Dennis Wayne Guenther
Jennifer Woods Guiney
Donna G. Habing
Christopher F. Hallett
Ernest HIanewinckel II
Bruce L. Hankerson
Staci Harman
Calvin D. Harris
Stacey Lynn Harris
James St. Clair Hasbrouck
Herman C. Hatfield
Tami Lee Haynes
John A. Hebert
Jonathan E Heck
Doris S. Henry
Billy R. Henson
Cindy Jean Herceg
Katie Dianne Hester
Robert Carl Hewitt
Gregory Hilley
Howard M. Hirschfield
Janice Ann I obbs
Eric S. Hobelmann
Susan J. Hodkin
George L. Holstein
Marcia Angorn
Robin Allison Horder-Koop
Dori Ann Horowitz
Hospital Corporation of
America Fdt
Mary Lynn Howley
Charles J. Huber
David Neal Hudson
Sharon C. Huey
Vernon M. Huggins
Karen Ann Hughes
Michael J. Humphreys Sr.
William D. Hurse
Allyn Ivey lerna
Maria E. B. Iturraspe
Ann K. Jackson
Wesley W. Jackson
William A. James Jr.
Pamela Louise Jett
Camilo Fabian Jimenez
Jacqueline D. Johnson
James C. Johnson
Julie Renee Johnson
Kandice Michelle Johnson
Kenneth Lee Johnson
Patsy R. Johnson
Tracy J. Johnson
Allen L. Jones
Tiffany Ann Jones
Michael Joseph Junod
Alice T. Kalota

Anne Burton Kaminski
Tracy Ann Kara
Mike J. Karaphillis
Linda Barrett Kaufman
Kevin J. Kearney
Timothy M. Keckler
Bruce Robert Kelii
Colleen Perry Kelley
Marlyn Marie Kenney
Jack A. Kenworthy
Thomas Rue Lane Kindred
Jennifer Elaine Kinnan
Maryellen Kirwan
Eric Frankland Klein
Sharon M. Knight
Marie Ellen Kramer
Robert A. Krause
Howard W. Kreitman
Kenneth R. Krieger
Susan R. Krisher
Elisabeth L. Krone
Karl Michael Kuhn
Christine J. Kuhnke
Tracy Ann Kuipers
Bridgett Ann Kumik
Brian Michael Kurtz
Frances Lala
Cherry Wai-Lee Lam
Julie Lynn Lambdin
Kyle Lynn Lambert
Tony R. Lancelot
Theresa Louise Lane
Joanna Ingrid Laneave
Neville E. Laughon
Alan J. Lauwaert
Terri Jean Laws
Charles Jerome Lechner
Thomas Paul Lechner
Stephanie Ann Lennon
Alan Morris Levine
Rebecca Joyce Lewis
Sara Sue Lewis
Tracy Lynn Libby
Larry P Libertore Jr.
Buff Christina Liddell
Michael Dean Lindsay
Jacquelyn Liszak-May
Margaret E. Lloyd
Benita C. Locklear
Beverly A. Longman
Lori Ann Losner
Carla Elise Lucas
Stephen Ross Luoma
Elizabeth P. Lusk
MB. R. C.
Suzanne B. Mace
Anne L. MacKichan
Ronald H. Magarick
Connie Maltby
Dana Lynn Mandelbaum
Sharon Denise Manley
Joseph Marinelli
Claudia Louise Markov
Bonnell Barnett Martens
Janet L. Martin
Roxanne T. Martin
Raymond Martinez
Sheryl Ann Maskell

Charles H. Masters
June M. Masters
Della-Jean Mays
Jeffrey P. McAndrews
Georgette Cooper McArthur
Donna Stipp McCollough
.onn Duncan McDowell
Michael Joseph McGinnis
Linda Mostert McGrane
Kimberly Ann McGurk
Vann E. McKeithen II
Judy Lynn McKinnon-Huff
Robie Brian McLam
Christine L. Meacham
Veronica Meinhard
M. Scott Michelman
Barbara Ann Miles
Aelina Milhomme
Teresa Montgomery Milicevic
Melinda L. Millard-Stafford
Tammy Dodson Miller
Walter F. Miller I
Ronald Stephen Miracle
Christopher Mladinich
Jane A. Monahan
Connie IT\nnt \ll.'t:i in-i ry
Harold C. Moore
Lisbeth Light Moore
Rebecca Leigh Morrison
Peggy J. Morrissey
Richard J. Morse
Ralph Leonard Morton
Susan S. Morton
Teresa R. Mossler
Mary Edith Musselman
Kenneth A. Nadassy
Suzan J. Nash
Christopher Mark Naugle
Guillermo J. Navarro
Maureen C. Nemcik
Tracy Palivoda Nestor
Jaime Lee Neuman
Edward F Newberger Jr.
Anne Frances Newsome
Carol Lina Nicholson
Thomas Martin Nohilly
'lerri Silver Nolan
Paula Elizabeth Northuis
Dianna Lynn Nulty
Laurie Kramer Obreza
Sisti Ann O'Connor
Gerald S. Odom
Kristina I. Odom
Frank M. Oquendo
Donna Eva Marie Owen
Amelia Lutz Packard
James William Pank
L ynn Bishop Panton
Rebecca Eve Parks
Donna Lee Pastore
Karen Martin Patee
Patex International, Inc.
James Archibald Patterson
Jonathan Aaron Pear
Lance Robert Peeples
Dirk Edward Penzien
Pepsico, Incorporated

Susan J. Peters
Margaret A. Petrillo
Patricia B. Phillips
Jeffrey Louis Pigg
Grover D. Pippin
Alfred Francis Pisano III
Thomas Lee Pokorski
Lisa Chyrise Polcovich
Cheryl Ann Pontious
Carolyn Louise Pope
Karen Sue Popson -
William Melville Potter
John Q. Powell Sr.
John Power
Marjorie Jane Power
Robert L. Pracek
Evelyn Denise Prange
Dawn Marie Pride
Jan D. Pritchard
Lee Ann Pritchett
Walter V. Pryor Jr.
Mary R. Purser
Keely Lunceford Raff
Julie Michele Ramsey
Robert G. Rankin
George M. Rariden Jr.
William Daniel Tdail, I
Thomas Sebring Ratliff
Nannet II Read
Harold P. Reddick Sr.
Alan Reed
William L. Reirden
Richard H. Reisinger Sr.
Anne Guilford Rheins
David W. Rice
Mark J. Richard
N. Lois Robertson
Brenda Lee Robinson
Jean H. Robinson
Michael Edward Roche
Leslie Christina Rodriguez
John Roglieri
John Byron Rohan
Melody Ana Roset
IHolly Susan Rosica
Paula Sue Ruckhaus
John R. Ruckriegel
Cheryl Loring Ruppert
Daniel D. Rutkowski
Laura Hersey Ryan
Mark A. Saari
Amy Beth Sabol
Margaret Mary Sack
Mary L. aritron
Diane Marie Samuels
5t,.pht.n Carl Sandberg
Nancy Lynn Sarakhanee
Michael A. Savino
Cynthia J. Scales
Charles Lewis Scalia
Joseph W Schaefer
Margaret Schanze
Susan Lynn Scharff
George Andrew Schilens
Ross Alan Schilling
E Stephens Schnell
Jacquelynn H. Schroder
Darin Justin Schubeck


Julie Anne Schwartz
JoEllen Schweichler
Albert F. Scoggins Jr.
Gordon B. Scott Jr.
Stacy Scott
Wiley A. Selman
Susan A. Seltenright
Charles Thomas Shatzer Jr.
Brian Patrick Shea
Sabrina S. Shelter
Jee-Young Shin
Leonard McCoy Shores Jr.
Joseph Mark Silvia
Marilyn M. Simpson
Robert N. Singer
James E. Skiles III
Darlene Pollard Smith
Fred M. Smith
Jennifer Smith
Jennifer Lynne Smith
Johnny Wayne Smith
Karen A. Smith
Mary Lynn Smith
Pauladene H. Smith
Sonya Allison Smith
Margaret Smyly
Kathleen Clarke Snyder
Mary Frances Soltesz
Daniel J. Sonnenberg
Ollen Clyde Sperring Jr.
Patricia P. Spicer
Cindy I \ nn r priaier
Linda L. Stackpole
Robert Lee Stark
Marian Lyn Starzinski
Carole Ann Steiger
Calvin King Stephens
Carolyn Mary Stevens
John L. --Sterrdirin
James D. Stites
Linda K. Stone
Christine B. Stopka
David John Stopka
Jo Young Stout
Eric Miller Straehla
Ira WV.-odrow Sirnikl..,,J
Charles A. Stringer
Judith P. Stupar
Jerry T. Sullivan
Michael Damian Sushil
Kristin Lynn Swanson
Lynn Marie Tackett
Melissa D. Tanner
Nancy S. Tate
Catherine Anne Taylor
Cynthia Owens Taylor
Julian Steven Teal
Maureen E. Terwilliger
Mava Lee Thomas
Berdenia I. Thomson
Gordon M. Thomson
Catherine B. Towne
Michele S. Townshend
Brenda P. Trammll
Larry Lee Travis
Michael Wayne Travis
Diane Cellon Trexler
Edward John Trezza

Patricia H. Truedson
Janice Elaine Tucker
Christopher J. Turenne
Thomas H. Turja
Richard W Turner
Mary Robin Vannes
Lori A. Vazquez
Jerry L. Vollenweider
Catherine Marie Sudduth
Linda Elsea Walton
Barbara M. Wanke
Laurel Mills Wanner
Claudia D. Ward
Thomas A. Warrington
Robert J. Wehking
Eva J. Weise
Michael Martin Weiss
Aida Lerman Weissman
Kathy P. Welliver
Peter H. Wells
Leslie J, S. Wetzel
Donna Rigdon Wheeler
Janet Whidden
Donna H. White
Jane R. Wilkinson
Lois M. Williams
Sarah A. Williams Mulder
Victoria Gail Willingham
Avalee Willoughby
Denise Gale Wolf
Gregory D. Womeldurf
Kay Harkey Wood
World Harmony Project
Clyde L. Wright
Paul J. Wright
Kimberly Lynn Zambito
Lori Jeanne Zellner
Sarai Sue Shaneck Zorn
Gregory Stefen Zwirn "


r! h

' CK IN IN I I i 0.b when Bill Sims was a gung-ho Gator one of his favorite
get-out-of-Gainesville trips was heading down to Ocala with a aruload of
fraternity brothers tor a day at Silver Spnngs. Now, some 30 years after
completing his DS degree in Recreation the only days he doesn't spend at
Silver Springs as chairman and chief executive officer are those he devotes to
promoting tourism around the world as chairman of the Florida Tourism

"E een as a college freshman, I would sit in class and listen to my professors
talk about how future lifestyles would change. By the time I graduated from
the University of Florida ..I saw more and more people coming to Florida
with more and more discretionary dollars to spend, and I wanted to help
them spend it," quips Sims. the Chief Executive Officer of Florida Lei;ure
Acquisition Corporation, which includes Silver Springs, Weeki Wachee
Springs. Wild Waters and Buccaneer Bay water parks.

To accomplish his goal, SLms a fortunate to gel some help from marketing
genius Dick Pope of Cypre;; Gardens. Pope was impressed with Bill Sim's
achievements which included building Winter Haven s first public swim-
ming pool and the enhancement of many local conununity recreational
facilities. Pope offered him a job as operations manager at Cypress Gardens.

"I was flattered, of course, but I quickly explained that [ knew nothing about
tourism," remembers Sims. who now probably knows more about the
subject than anyone in Florida. "Mr. Pope laughed and said he'd teach me all
I needed to know before sundown." By the mid-1980. Sims was executive
vice president overseeing ; divisions with supervisory responsibillie. loi
1400 stall members.

In the late 1980s Sims accepted an offer with Space Camp at Huntsvilie.
Alabama. The Space Camp i'ad doing $16 million in annual -ales when he
arrived. In 1491, when Sims lett to buy bito Florida Leisure Attractions, the
sales at Space Camp had reached 1.30 million. By 1993, he was both chief
executi ve officer and chairman of the board of Florida Leisure Attractions.

In 1992, Governor Lawton Chiles horned the Florida Tourism Comminsion
and appointed Sims as a charter member of the 17-member group charged
with overseeing the state's Division of Tourism, He %w as named chairman of
the Florida Tourism Commission in 1993.

According to Sims, Disney World is the moving force in Florida tourism and
will continue to be for decades to come. "Instead of hurting other attractions,
it has helped us all by drawing millions of visitors to Florida each year who
wouldn't be coming if Disney World wasn't in the middle of the state Once
they're here, they also visit Cypress Gardens. SeaWorld, Universal Studios,
Busch Gardeni and the myriad of other attractions located up ,nd down the
peninsular-induding Florida's oldest tourist attraction. Silver Springs."

E:'\tK.i'i -ROM: AnotS, Bru (1'995). BILL SIMS, SILVER SPRINGS, TOURISM. GAN'es-
VnLLL!OLALA BuINESS, 7t5), 11-14. UsED wTH PFFRmiss5ON.

Note: Sia r the aiboet' at lmuhh'hed Sili"r S-'rings :ms ,icquired bui th NLe Y'ork
s'iled Ogden Ent ri inra tni'tn t St'-ic.-. ltic., tIa d Bill i, the corp'.'rr'ilon-' ur-' VJ P lili
.Jc s t, i' be i!'/ol'd m '" lot i f proit tl Ot leiin ha., .. here on Flo'ri, a id outIi i.
f(the .41,, "" ?."


: .:' ij : .; -

" ;"* .'**h .. ,

..'.. ..
S', 3 / Dr jan: Cmunr. ug

:ar' orRt.sor I ESS Mr Co-Di-
".: := ': CISE Sl Ct .

It t e\xitinf. to pcrlorm, as
S.. e"' ll asoloer e people
: r'i-, i complete motor aict-ons with
'".prreL.e hnlng and coordina-
: i l ::..-. ion so that vl ry tlung feels
'. t. ; ', and looks. gracthL'l These
i thrills can be found in our
S' I daily acti ilties as. Ie watch a
"'..i .iM'. : young child pl,\ on .: big toy
;*: .: i "i in a park, or a. we help a
Si :ung adult pia.liice the foot
a nd hand nimov\meint
"; -,' required to imlnuall. shift
-t; ',ears while driving a car.
-lanI or us still m.ir el at the
t'eecuti oni ot inovements and
.?, ".' ;icrnon Lt athletes jand
J. '' .,,. per former at all -kill levels.

I5 -h li '.. b o l" elg.'nt

Research Initiaives
4Iy Dr .\larnBerh Horodyivk


Research efforts in the athletic training
education program have been concen-
trated in the areas of prevention, injury
epidemiology and po, t-iniLurv rehabilita-
tion. Collaborative research efforts with
the Center for Exercise Science, the
Department of Orthopaedics, and the
University Athletic Association have
been funded by the Division of Spon-
sored Research to investigate the
incidence and mechanisms of injury
occurring to collegiate female athletes.
Additionally, a study funded by the
National Institute of Health in collabora-
tion with Albert Einstein College of
Medicine is being conducted to investi-
gate the relationship of incidence of
injury and reinjury to life stresses and

"freed and constrained" bimanual
coordination that was evident when
Mickey Mantle swung a baseball bat and
achieved the "sweet spot in time," or
when Michael Jordan moved the basket-
ball from his right hand to his left to
execute a reverse lay-up while flying
under the basket. Ponder the combina-
tions of movements involved in a group
of musicians like the Eagles as they play
one of your favorite songs. We know
very little about how elite athletes and
performers achieve their high skill level,
or how they select and execute the
appropriate movements with such

Understanding and explaining motor
actions is fascinating to me. My research
focuses on numerous aspects of coordi-
nated movements. The overall question
that drives my research concerns is: How
do we initiate and control motor actions?
I want to be able to describe, explain, and
predict the processes and mechanisms
that are activated during interlimb

coping strategies. Subjects for this three
year prospective study include Univer-
sity of Florida's football players and the
Cadets at the United States Military
Academy, West Point, NY.

With assistance from graduate athletic
training students, we are developing a
data collection process to establish
incidence of iniury in high school
athletics. The effort has expanded to
involve the collection of data at 13 area
high schools. The most recent data
collected on the incidence of injury to the
upper extremity of high school football
players has yielded valuable information
regarding severity of injury and strength
training programs.

In the area of injury prevention, investi-
gations are underway into the efficacy of
use of various braces for the ankle and

coordination. In attempting to answer
this leading question, a broad perspLtli\ e
of movements have been investigated: (a)
finger keypresses with two fingers on the
same hand or different hands, (b) tennis
players' anticipatory reactions and visual
tracking, (c) shuffling gait of Parkinson's
patients, (d) hand movements and
control of interns as they perform an
inguinal hernia, (e) interlimb coordina-
tion required while driving a car for
people with osteoarthritis, and (f)
walking anomalies of post-polio people.

In closing, imagine shooting a basketball
jumpshot from your favorite spot on the
court. As soon as you release the ball
you knew it was swish, that special
feeling was a consequence of your motor
actions. Think about your motor actions
the next time you pick up a glass of
Florida orange juice and successfully
move it to your mouth for a refreshing
drink. Complex or simple movements,
the study of how we control those
movements is, for me, fascinating.

knee in the prevention of injuries. A
recently completed project investigated
dynamic postural stability while wearing
functional knee braces. Results of the
study suggested that the use of the braces
does not significantly effect postural

At the Florida Orthopaedic Society
Annual Meeting, the results of a study
investigating post-surgery treatment
methods for anterior cruciate ligament
patients were presented. Our results
suggested that patients treated with the
CryoCuff Intermittent Compression Knee
System required decreased pain medica-
tion during 48 hours post-surgery. Also
involved in the study were Drs.
Indelicato and Miller from the Depart-
ment of Orthopaedics and was funded by
the Aircast Corporation.

W, ranc

Minority Health

Care Institute
pr Sirw Dorm,ir


The Florida Center for Health Promotion
- Department of Health Science
Education in collaboration with the
College of Medicine provided two
courses for the 1995 Health Care Summer
Institute Program. The program brought
20 talented minority high school students
from throughout the state of Florida to
the University of Florida campus for a six
week institute. The goal of the program
was to expose these students to typical
university life and studies and allow
them to pursue interests in the health
care professions. Students were given a
rigorous study schedule during the week
which included several health assessment
projects and on the weekends were treated
to a variety of the area tourist attractions.
The two courses offered were Personal
anLd Fainil) Health, and Contemporary
Health Issues. A wide range of issues
impacting health were studied such as:
mental and emotional health, stress
management, nutrition and weight

Project WISE-UP
it; Dr &srar a C


Project WISE-UP (Work in School to
Educate Yourself for Prevention) is an
innovative, multi-dimensional, client
centered/ecological intervention aimed
at preventing drug use and crime among
high risk adolescents. As a prototype
program, it is designed to assist inner-
city children to understand the long-term
impact of specific dysfunctional behav-
iors, particularly drug use and crime
related behaviors and develop decision
making, problem solving and conflict
resolution skills.

control, firne r, aging, sexuality, preg-
nancy, parenting, substance abuse,
alcohol education, tobacco use, cancer,
cardiovascular disease, minority health
issues, environmental health, and death
and dying. Students evaluating the
Institute found the courses offered by the
Florida Center for Health Promotion to
be excellent, and selected one of the
course instructors as the most influential
staff member of the Institute. Funding for
this project came from the College of
Medicine and the North Florida Area
Health Education Center Program.
In the Summer of 1994, students from the
Department of health Science Education
became involved in the Bright Futures
project by offering a series of health
education activities to the youth in one of
the Gainesville area public housing
neighborhoods. By Summer of 1995,
three interdisciplinary teams consisting
of students from the College of Health
and Human Performance Department of
Health Science Education, College of
Medicine Ph) sicia.' As -i tcnt Program
and College of Education Department of
Curriculum and Instruction were
assembled to assess the health and
educational need of elementary aged
children. Each team met during the
summer to team-build and to develop the
project. Some of the meeting- occurred at

WISE-UP involves a collaborative
partnership with Kennedy Homes,
Counselors and Teachers from Fort
Clarke Middle School, the Juvenile Court,
Community Agencies and the University
of Florida. The two-year piog.rni
includes retreats, guest speakers, panel
discussions, tutorial and mentoring
programs. These programs are designed
to teach children life skills and to provide
leisure activities as alternative to drug
use and crime. Peer networks, family
interaction, and teamwork emphasizes
combining recreation and leisure
education, health education, decision
making and conflict resolution skills. The
project encompasses a lot of team
building exercises. These exercises
reinforce group building and cooperation
skills. The students are also taught the

the neighborhood site and included a
variety of assessment and planning
The objectives of the Bright Future
Health Teams were to:
1) assess the health needs of each
child involved in the Bright Futures
tutoring program,
2) develop an Individualized Health
and Education Plan (IIIEP) to address
health care, health education and other
education needs of the children involved
in the Bright Futures Program.
3) and train each Health Team
member rega.rdinlg the -spcxfic needs of
children from their respective profes-
sional disciplines.
Each team was required to keep a log of
team activities and meetings. Team
members met with children individually
and as a team. In addition, the health
team visited the neighborhood housing
unit in order to fully assess the situation.
Upon completion of the individual and
team assessment, the team as a whole met
with supervisors to develop an IHEP for
each student based on the educational,
health educational and health needs as
assessed. The IHEPs were reviewed by
faculty and administrators of a local
elementary school. The Bright Futures
Health and Education Teams Project was
organized by the Florida Center for
I health Promotion.

game of chess, which teaches problem
solving, strategizing, and realizing
consequences. Chess also offers a unique
way for young people to compete or
demonstrate their competence rather
than using the detrimental options many
of today's youth choose.
As a final component, the program will
provide inservice-training for agency
staff desiring to adopt Project WISE-UP
as a model to fight crime and drug
problems in their community. The
project went into full swing in the Fall
95 with the Wise-Old Owl Orientation
including a tutorial component, and a
family retreat.


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interest in the news this ve;ir as
Sthie tirst group of "baby
boomers" turn fifty years of age.
Many significant births took place
in 1946, including the arrival ot a
new College on the Universit\ ot
Florida campus. The Gainesville
Daily Sun cost $.05, and on April
16, 1946, the lead story was "Board
Gives Athletics Division College
Rank, Stanley is Dean". Then ai. ---
now, newspaper headlines a~a' :-
always as accurate as one would
like. In reality it was the Division of
Physical Education, Health and
Athletics that had been given College
status...sports then as now sells more
newspapers than health or leisure or
education or physical fitness.

1MN1 of the approval, UF Presi-
dent John J. Tigert was quoted,
"This is the first college of its kind
to be set up in any university in
the United States....it is intended
to discharge the obligation the
University of Florida has in the
state in preparing instructors of
physical education, health and
athletics for secondary schools as
well as directors of recreation for
industrial and municipal posi-
tions." Officially the College
admitted its first majors in
September 1946 and graduated
two students two years later.

departments Professional Curricu-
lum, Required Physical Education,
Intramural Athletics and Recreation,
Inter-Collegiate Athletics and


( 461
L 6

Student Health (the infirmary). There
was no need to have separate
required programs for men and
women as this was over a year before
women would be admitted to UF
The degree offered was a Bachelor of
Arts in physical education, but then
as now we were ahead of the times
as Dean Stanley noted the curricu-
lum was designed to educate stu-
dents for employment in industry as
well as schools.

was taken out of the college in 1950;
and in 1952 the name of the College
was officially changed to College of
Physical Education and Health.
Almost twenty years later (in 1971)
Recreation was added to the name.
In 1953 the degrees became more
specific with separate Bachelor of
Science degrees in physical educa-
tion, health education and recre-
ation being offered. From 1955 until
1961 degrees in physical therapy
were granted by the College under
an agreement with medical schools
at Duke, and Mayo at Rochester. In
1961 the PT program became a
part of Health Related Professions.

S Soon after the Infirmary was taken
under the direction of the J. Hillis
I Miller Medical Center.

SINCE 1949-50 the physical
location of the College has been
primarily the Florida Gym. When
construction was completed the
Florida Gym was considered the
premier facility of its type in the
eastern United States. Not only
was there a mass seating facility
that would seat all students,
faculty and most of the staff, about
5500 people; but there were class-
rooms, a recreation hall, faculty
and student locker rooms and
departmental offices. After almost
50 years of evolving to meet the
needs of an increasingly diversi-
fied faculty and expanding
enrollment, the Florida Gym is
nearing the end of a $10,000,000
renovation project.

1946-47 to over 1000 majors today;
from a College of Physical Educa-
tion, Health and Athletics to the
College of Health and I Iuman
Performance, there is a common
theme of excellence and tradition
that links all of us together. In April
of 1997 we invite all alumni, friends,
and others who have an interest to
celebrate 50 years of excellence as
we officially re-dedicate the College
of Health and Human Performance
and the Florida Gym.



m I

Hono~4IcoildOe _____

i (I1 SPRI \G; the departments
in the College select Teachers of
the Year. Selected for the Depart-
mFnt' of Exercise and Sport Sciences
was Dr. N. Sue Whiddon; for the De-
partment of Health Science Education,
Dr. William (Bill) Chen, and for the
Department of Recreation, Parks and
Tourism, Dr. Robert (Bob) Beland.

In the fall of each year, the University
selects faculty to be recognized for
outstanding teaching through the
Teaching Improvement Program (TIP).
For 1995 96, TIP awards were pre-
sented to, Dr. Robert Beland (RPT),
Mr. M.B. Chafin (RPT), Dr. Sig
Fagerberg (HSE), Dr. MaryBeth
Horodyski (ESS), Dr. Gail McCall
(RPT), Dr. Ronald Siders (ESS), and
Dr. Jill Varnes (HSE).

nition Awards at the recent 38th World
Congress of ICHPER.SD. Dr. William
Chen and Dr. Jill Varnes were named
International Scholars for the area of
Health Education.

Dr. Steve Dorman received the Ameri-
can School I health Association (ASHA)
1995 Distinguished Service Award.

Dr. Roy E. Leilich. Professor Emeritus,
was presented a 25-year plaque at a
Gainesville Recreation Board meeting.
Roy is the only person ever to receive
such a service recognition.

Dr. R. Morgan Pigg, Jr. received the
"Willard W. Patty Distinguished
Alumni Award" from Indiana Univer-
sity at the 50th anniversary celebration
of HPER at ASHA (American School


Dr. Ruth Alexander received the Path-
finder Award at the AAHPERD Con-
vention in Oregon. With this award,
the National Association of Girls and
Women in Sport recognize and honor
individuals who "advocate, recruit,
and enhance opportunities for girl-
and women in sport and sport leader-
ship within their state."

Dr. Robert Beland was the recipient
of the "Outstanding Faculty Award"
by the Center for Gerontological Stud-
ies and Students for the Advancement
of Gerontological Education.

Congratulations to Dr. Patrick Bird
and Dr. Paul Varnes for their Recog-

Health Association). The award is pre-
sented annually to a graduate of the
School of Health, Physical Education,
and Recreation, who has demonstrated
outstanding personal and professional

Dr. Michael Pollock was inducted as
President of the Council on Geriatric

Dr. Scott Powers was elected to the
American Academy of Kinesiology
and Physical Education, and was
named the Southeastern American
College of Sports Medicine Scholar of
the Year for 1995.

Dr. Robert Singer has taken the reigns
as l'resident of the Academy of Kine-
siology and I'h)-ical Education
(AAKPE). The Academy is an ac-
knowledged leadership body of schol-
ars who help shape the mission and
focus of physical education, from cur-
ricula to image. Singer is also serving
a 2-year term as President of the Divi-
sion of Sport and Exercise in the
American Psychological Association.

Dr. Linda Thornton received the
Florida Recreation and Parks Associa-
tion District II Service Award at the
FRPA Conference.

The American Alliance for I health,
Physical Education, Recreation, and
Dance has selected Dr. Paul Varnes to
receive the Honor Fellow Award at
their 1996 national convention. The
award is given to AAHPERD members
who exemplify a spirit of devoted ser-
vice and have made outstanding con-
tributions to the advancement of the

The Florida Governor's Council on
Physical Fitness and Sports presented
the College with a Certificate of
Achievement. "In appreciation for the
College's significant contribution to the
betterment of physical fitness and
sports in the state of Florida Dean Pat
Bird, on behalf of the faculty, students,
and ,taff of the College, accepted the
plaque from Mr. Jimmy Carnes, the
Council's Executive Director.

Our Health Science Education major
students continue to have great success
in publishing in the Eta Sigma Gamma
Student Monograph series. This peer
reviewed monograph is published
once per year. Students published in
the 1995 monograph are: Laura N.
Deitsch "Health Education and the
Media: Friends or Foes?" Elisha A.
Eisenberg "The Seropositive Child:
Evolution of School Poli y in the Age
of AIDS," and, Michele Moore "Ado-
lescent Sexuality Education: The Pub-
lic Health Role."


Drop us a note with your comments & suggestions Please include a recent photo. Let us and your
classmates know what you're up to these days!






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