Hi i i r .:ne-
thlng to put at
the top ,l out '
list". C(-,me T le
l.1i.k .un.1 '. i- ;t
the Llni\ ,r-.t ,
ol Florida and
celebrate the GOLDEN
College. Festivities are
scheduled for April 3rd
through 5th (see centerfold
information and registra-
tion form). I hr-i. are at
least two good reasons for
a trip.
First, if you haven't been to
Cainesville for a few years,
you won't believe the
changes. Your alma mater is
more beautiful, exciting, and
cosmopolitan than ever
Even downtown is flourish-
ing with fine new restau-
rants and night spots.
Second, as the University has
grown and prosperd
(enrollment is now over
40,-i111l. : hali- ouri colU gc.
And the change is remarkable:
Stil new College of
Physical Education,
Health and Athletics
in 1946, with just two
majors studying
elementary and
secondary physical
Sthe College of Health
and Human Perfor-
mance in 1996, where
1450 students are
enrolled in internation-
ally renowned educa-
tion and research
proiw. .mnis that help
people of all ages
improve their health,
fitness and quality
of life.
There is a lot to celebrate.
Also, you will have the
added treat of seeing
Florida Gym. The renova-
tions are finally completed.
We now have a state-of-the-
art teaching and research
facility. The gym floor of
"Alligator Alley" remains
but about everything else in
Florida Gym has changed.
The bleachers were trans-
formed into high-tech
lecture halls. Offices,
classrooms, hallways,
windows, and even the
entrance to the building are
all spanking new And
remember the "basement"
(with the old
courts)? It
has been
into anatomy
and physiol-
ogy laborato-
ries. The
place looks
Come back
to campus in
April to
celebrate our
There is
much to see,
much to do,
and much to
celebrate. We have devel-
oped a fine anniversary
program that should be
great fun.
I hope you enjoy this
Anniversary Issue of
Performance. And what
about those Cators! We are
certainly proud to claim
Steve Spurrier (his wife
Jerri and daughter lisa, too)
as alumni of the College.
Steve will be one of our key
note speakers and Saturday
we'll get a preview of the
97-98 football team at the
Orange and Blue Game.
Hope to see you soon.
trick., Birdi
Patrick J. Bird
Department of Exercise
& Sport Sciences
Department of Health
Science Education
Department of Recre-
ation, Parks & Tourism
Division of Recreational
Exercise Science Center
Florida Center for
Health Promotion
Tourism Research &
Development Center
Faculty/Staff Wellness
1,240 Undergraduates
210 Graduates
Division of Recreational
Sports (19,000 partici-
pants per year)
Faculty/Staff Wellness
Center (600 members)
Sport & Fitness Courses
(7,000 students enrolled
per year)
50% Tuition & Fees
28% Grants & Contracts
18% State ax Dollars
4% Gifts from Alumni
& Friends
*Archery Range
Basketball Courts,
Outdoor (8)
Buildings (4) class-
rooms, labs, gyms
Playing Fields (20 acres)
Pool, 50-meter Outdoor
Pool, 50-meter Indoor
Racquetball Courts,
Outdoor (32)
Roller Rink
Softball Complex (4 fields)
*Tennis Courts (40)
*Track F.Acilit\
Volleyball Courts,
Outdoor (7)
Water Front Park (80 acres)
table of contents
cover storu
B Disciplined Evolution
Description of the three departments' changes over the nears to
meet rhe needs of society 4
National Familq Recreation Bah
Olqmpic Connection
Rlumni Spotlight -- family connections uill HHP
Retiring Professors
Introducing new IRdvisorq Council Members
department s
Alumni Hems
Honors and Rccolades [PEP and TIP winners]
Dean's Note
Development Report
Research Updales
Faculty Facts
Honor Roll
inside bach cover
inside cover
is a annual publication for alumni and friends of the Universitq
of Florida College of Health and Human Performance.
designer LIND BOYIE
design constant RON FRRIHHLI
contributors to the peiformnce PAfTRICI J. BIRD. RlAND BRRITH. BILL
cnntribufing writers PRTRICH J. DIRD/OiJL RElERII- I ON
photographers DAVI BtLiHENSHIP. BROIFRflHHLl "
Please direct letters to:
College of Heelt h inHumn Perrfrmaite
P.O. Box 111200
Gainesville, Florida 32611-8200
adv isorq councilmmi ii
Dean Patrick Bird
announces three addi-
tions to the College
Advisory Council, Frank
Demprs.ev, Alan Levine,
and Ronald W. Hall.
S.q:i Frank
B S PE -51,
.--- defensive
tackle for the University of
Florida football team in the
late 1940's. In 1950, he was
drafted by the Chicago
Bears and became a
member of Monsters of the
Midway. In 1954, Dempsey
left the NFL to play for the
Roughriders in the Cana-
dian Football League.
When Dempsey retired
from pro football, he started
a hunting rifle distributing
business in Canada, and
later, he owned Lakefront
Arms, the first gun manu-
facturer in the country.
Frank and his wife, Colleen,
live in Vero Beach, FL.
They have three children,
Jimmy, Bonnie, and H eidi.
7 '* r~Le\ ed his
I leal th
k 1-4tl) and
his M.S. in Health Science
(1992) from the University
of Florida. While at L F,
Alan worked closely with
the Dean to boost funding
for the College's recre-
ational sports program. For
his efforts, Levine was
selected to the UF Hall of
Fame and is a multiple
recipient of the President's
Recognition Award. He is
currently the Vice President
for Operations for a
network of Pasco and
Hernando county hospitals
and affiliated subsidiaries
with Columbia/HCA
Healthcare, the nations
largest healthcare company
Levine was recently the
Republican Party nominee
to the State House of
Representatives in Pasco
county, and while he fell
short in a hotly contested
general ek clion. he is
expected to remain a
significant player in Pasco
county leadership circles.
The new student member of
the College Al,'i.-,r,
Council is:
Ronald W.
Hall, a Nt96
Sith a B.S.
in Recre-
ation i.
currc 'tlyi
his Master of Science degree
in Recreational Studies. In
1996, Hall received the B.K.
Stevens Scholarship Award.
His career objective is to
work in the field of Public
Recreation, specifically safe
program planning, facility
design, and recreation use
ConItinuing, hA'lembers of the .hAdi'onl Council are:
Robert E. Allen ol laickonville
C. David Ayers of Gainreville
Jimm) Carneis of Gaine,\ rile
Charles W. LaPradd of ,Gane-,n ille
Larry Libertore, Jr. or Lakeland
Catherine Archibald Longstreth of Gaine\ ille
Frank M. Lorenzn ot lanipa
Edward D. (Ed) Mathews of Haines City
Lynn 0. NMattheiws or Sarasota
Perry C. McGriff, Jr. ot CGainesx lle
Ray H. Rollyson ol Plant City
Fred E. Rozelle of Gaine'ville
Bill Sims ot -ilver prnnes
Emmit Smith. Pensacola and Dall.a TX
John A. Smith of lacksonvtlle
Stephen Orr Spurrier or (-aines\ ille
Billie Knapp Stevens of Melrose
Deborah De Armas. Student Repre-entati\ e, FSS
Michelle Moore, Student Represenatii \ e, HSE
FISCAL YEAR 1996 was an excellent year for the development program of the college. We
are most grateful for the largest number of gifts and the most dollars the college has received
in a single year. Through your generosity, $302,420 was committed to advance the college
and to assist in the continuing enhancement of nationally and internationally recognized
Programs. Your help is vital to the effort and we ask you to continue your support. When 1
ran be of assistance o help vou in planning for a gift to the college, please contact me.
Patrick Er.! Ph. D.
More and more financial
Sadvisors 1 re speaking to an
a ud ience of all Americans
when they s-pEak about the
importance of plan ing
no to r their finar,ci.-i
future. Americans are
hesitant to trust others with
their financial future and
instead are attempting to
take control by educating
threm-selvec on the essential
aspects of financial plan-
ning. As a result, individu-
als are learning that
charitable c.nrrributionsr
significant) affect their
plans for their long-terim
financial situation. There
are a number of methods by
which individuals can .
receive an additional
income stream and make a
generousift t.', the
University of Florida. One
popular and simple method
is the charitable gift
annuity. A gift annuity is a
contract between the donor
and the University of
Florida Foundation, Inc.
This contract provides a
fixed annual income for the
life of up to two annuitants.
The rate of yearly income is
based on the number of
annuitants and the govern-
ment-asLIQLed lifi elpeC t-
ancy of the annuitant(s) at
the date of gift.
A gift annuity provides a
secure and generous fixed
income stream in place of
an investment that oscil-
lates with the dramatic
activity of the marketplace.
A gift annuity is also
simple. They can be
established r-a-il and
quickly. In addition, a gift
annuity may be funded with
a relatively sniall anlount of
money (a minmui irn ot
fi5 UCiu making this type of
gift attractive to individuals
who deLire: to did charitable
causes, but who also desire
o1t lu I tiakc aJ fuilUiall
To encourage gifLt t, l crm-
table organizations, the
government providesederal
tax benefits lo individuals
\ ho i.stablil-shi t.iaritble gift
annuities. l\ hat this means to
' ou is that if ) uu escblLah a
gift annuity, you are granted
an income tax deduction in
the year of the gift. This
deduction is established by
freasury tables that use the
age of the annuitant at the
hme, of the iitr (These-. t.blls
change regularly). In addition
to an income tax deduction, a
portion of each annwutr
payment the annuitartr
revei% evs b, tax-tree a- a return
of principal.
If you choose to fund a gift
annuity with long-term
a appreciated assets, you can
a\ oid a portion ot your :
.rapital-gam tax liabilitv.
Instead of paying capital-
gain tax on the entire
amount of appreciation on
the asset, as you would if
you were to sell it, you
would pay capital-gain tax
only on the ipprec.iaition
allocated to thex. value of the
,annuity (value of asset
minus the charitable gift
portion). Thus your gain
would be smaller than if you
had sold the asset outright.
Furthermore, the gain is not
reported in the year of the
asset transfer, but rather is
reported ratably over the
life expeciancv of the
annuitant Tris applies
only if you as the donor are
an armuuitlan If the annuity
is for another, then the gain
is reported all in the year of
the asset transfer). These
capital-gain advanttagc .
a!lo I you to iree up
appreciated assets that have
been holding you hostage
with the fear that you
would pay a srIeable
portion of the asset in tax if
you were to sell it
E.xampl'. Robert. age 72, lai.
$lrn (, I ,f, 1,prew ,t,,i ,'tw .
with a cost basis of $2,000. If
Rob were to sell these assets he
.vuld realize: a gain el $6 [00i
and pay Si 1,24i0 i' captal-gain
tax. However, if Rob were to
transfer the assets into a gift
a '1a11ti i tL piL, i:m1'Am (Oi h;i.
hti'limn. he roiuld receive i72U
in earlv inconut. In addition,
R' t'1 'ouIlid r, ':',l i -11 l 0-
matic income tax charitable
.,'~luIin.*f$4 036 TIe nt l
e rt-t- p.roduced aipon the '
creating t a gift ainnhity avuld
total maore than 53 r0i0.
Furthe'imrre. the ift annuity
Sratlre.- a rate of return of
11.' ." level of return almost
impossible to receive in the
marketplace ;.it'h eo taking a
i.;:1.iiA., 'r risk. The rate..'f
return is.,jiihst. Ir upward
because hr.I t,.tu f, e portion of
the yearly annuity payment
($70) and the capital-gain tax
assessed on a portion of the
income (5279) of each yearly
payment make the $720
annuity equivalent to a $819
of taxable income.
Under special circum-
stances a gift annuity may
help those who find
themselves in a situation
where their social security
payments are being taxed
because of their income
from other sources,
including tax-exempt
sources, exceeded an
established base level set by
the IRS. The gift annuity
may provide some relief in
this type of situation. Since
a portion of the gift annuity
is tax free income, as a
return of principal, that
.aliount i- not used in the
calculahon of whether an
individuiAl has exceeded the
level of income. Thus, the
gift .innuirt .i(lcomnpiih,-,
t\o methodJ; of reduciing
your taxable income- I it
replaces a current income
producing investment with
an income s-tream that ia
only partially taxed, and (2j
the return ot principal
portion of your yearly
income will not be used in
determining whehetiher you
social security benefit-,
should be taxed
I will be delighted to
assist you at any time or
to meet with you and
your advisor to discuss
life income options. For a
confidential consultation
please contact me.
William D. Frederick
Director of Development
College of Health &
Human Performance
P.O. Box 118200
Gainesville, Florida 32611-8200
(352) 392-7612 x225
The history &o our -ollege is
.I rtniarkabli- 4LILi E-. story
% which began on -April 16,
I 46 when D ~ ii. "Datch"
Stanley took the reigns of
the new l e-tLr:'.il:-hed
College ot I'h,, s.ial Educa-
t1on Heilth. ind .Athletics.
In 1 -1'4 rhi- collegee in-
cluJded in e d-epatrtments:
Professionil ( uirricullun,
Required P11 -.ital Educa-
tion, Intramural Athletics
and Recreatir., Inter-
Collegiate Athletics. and
Student Health (the
Infirmary). Today Inter-
Collegiate Athletics is its
own organization and the
Student Health Care Center
(the Infirmary) is managed
by Shands Hospital. The
new College of Health and
Human Performance
houses the Departments of
Health Science Education,
Exercise and Sport Sciences,
and Re, reanon, Parks and
Tourism; in addition to the
Division of Campus
Recreation and Living Well,
the University's employee
wellness program as well as
3 centers. Today's College
of Health and Human
Performance has evolved
into an entity vastly
different from 1946. Over
the past fifty years the
changes in the College have
mirrored the changing
employment opportunities
for our graduates. To
illustrate the extent of these
changes, we asked indi-
viduals from each depart-
ment to provide their
perspective on the evolu-
tion of their programs over
the past fifty years.
by R. Morgan Piggy, Jr
Our College was formed in
the Spring of 1946 at a time
of great scientific, poUltical.
and economic change in
America. The full extent of
the global tragedy caused
by World War II was just
becoming evident world-
wide. The American
experience from the war
taught us a lesson about the
nation's health. Many
young men were found
unfit for military service not
only for physical reasons,
but for social and psycho-
logical reasons as well. This
disturbing fact caused us to
seriously re-examine our
national view about the
meaning of health. Results
of that reassessment
changed dramatically the
way we view health, and
more importantly, how we
train professionals in
fields like Health Science
In 1947, the World Health
Organization defined health
as "a state of complete
physical, mental, and social
well-being, and not merely
the absence of disease or
infirmity." No longer was
health considered as
involving only the physical,
and no longer was health
guaranteed merely by the
' absence of disease."
Health educators in our
College were among the
first to forge a concept of
optimal health as including
physical, social, emotional,
intellectual, vocational,
environmental, and
spiritual dimensions. They
provided national leader-
ship in an effort to provide
individuals with the
information and skills
necessary to make respon-
sible and informed deci-
sions concerning lifestyle
and personal health
behavior. They advocated
prevention rather than
correction of health
problems, and the full
realization of each person's
Due to a growing national
emphasis during the 1950s
on improving the health of
children, the College's first
programs focused on
teacher preparation,
particLulall in health and
physical education. The
College quickly built a
national reputation for
excellent instruction,
quality teacher preparation,
and extensive service to the
public schools.
As scientific and economic
progress continued, particu-
larly during the 1970s, death
and disability caused from
communicable diseases
declined dramatically in the
U.S., but as the nation
prospered economically,
communicable diseases were
replaced by chronic diseases.
Sometimes referred to as
"social morbidities," chronic
diseases often result not from
"germs" but from control-
lable and preventable causes
such as improper diet, lack
of exercise, stress, substance
use, accidents, pollution,
violence, and other problems
related to lifestyle and
personal decisions regarding
In response to these
changing national health
needs, the College began to
adapt and expand the focus
of its curriculum. While
continuing to maintain a
strong commitment to
teacher preparation
programs, the Department
of Health Science Education
was reorganized in the
1980s to meet the health
needs of new and diverse
populations in the commu-
nity, in hospitals and other
clinical settings, and at the
The Department of Health
Science Education currently
includes eight faculty
members, and all full-time
faculty hold doctoral degrees
in health education. Their
areas of interest include AIDS,
substance use, nutrition, stress
management, human
sexuality, minority health.
international health, school
health, curriculum develop-
ment, communications
technology, patient education,
CLtplt,\ cU-!health L-Ju.tL,.ion,,
health pr-mmi hn. program
evaluation, and professional
Wit\l ciihl f(.iCiltv members,
and over 200 majors in all
programs, the Department
ranks among the largest of
some 300 institutions offering
professional preparation in
health education. The
Department enjoys a national
reputation for quality as well.
In 1992, and again in 1995,
peer institutions responding
to the Florida Quality
Evaluation Project Survey,
sponsored by U.E President
John Lombardi, ranked the
Department in the top 10% of
programs nationally.
In terms of the professional
curriculum, students
mniorrin L in Health Science
Education may choose a
specialization in school
health education K-12,
community health educa-
tion, worksite health
promotion, research and
evaluation, and health
behavior. The Department
offers bachelor's, master's,
and doctoral degrees. Both
the graduation rate and the
placement record are
excellent, with graduates
finding employment in
settings such as schools and
colleges, public health
agencies, voluntary health
iagellciie'. and corporate
wellness centers.
Health education faces a
promising and exciting
future. While chronic
diseases continue to plague
the nation, encouraging
new developments in
medicine, communications
technology, and the
"information age" already
have begun to change the
way we approach our
professional practice. The
Department of Health
Science Education embraces
these developments as
promising prospects for
reaching people in new
ways with the message of
prevention, -herebN
enhancing both the quality
and quantity of life.
Thanks to a legacy of
excellence in the College
established over the past
half century, the Depart-
ment can build on those
past successes to help
prepare our graduates to
meet the complex and
changing health needs of
Future health educators
being trained today in your
College are acquiring the
scientific knowledge and
technological skills required
to help children and adults
cope with a changing world,
and the social and techno-
logical realities of that
change. We have quality
students, highly skilled
faculty and staff, and an
excellent new facility to
meet the challenge of
change. And we have an
exceptional tanul of
alumni! While no one can
predict the future for our
world generally, or for health
educ.-,lon specific.illy. re-t
assured that we are continu-
ing your College's 50-year
heritage of training students
to meet the future with
confidence and competence.
Regardless of what the future
holds, it will always be great
to be a Florida Gator!
The relovile "'lllee"
by Roberl Singer
For years, virtually every
institution of hiLherr
learning has had a depart-
ment of physical education.
These departments mostly
prepared physical educa-
tion teachers and coaches
for school systems. In
addition to this mission,
universities offered the
general student body
"service" classes which
involved learning sports
skills or exercise/fitness
programs. Sometimes
courses were required, and
in other cases, they were
electives. Many physical
education departments and
athletic departments were
combined units, and
coaches of various univer-
sity athletic teams were also
PE teachers. For most of
our College's first 50 years
this was our model also.
Today, sports have hit the
big time at many universi-
ties throughout the country.
Coaching even one sport is
so demanding and com-
plex, involving necessary
skills in many disciplines,
that for many has evolved
into a full-time job. Univer-
sity athletic departments
were created separately
from PE and strengthened
considerably to realize their
diversified missions.
Service classes are now
elective, not prescribed.
Physical education classes
are more rigorous in
developing a body of
knowledge and in prepar-
ing teachers and coaches.
Physical Education gradu-
ate students pursued more
specialized areas related to
the understanding and
science of human improve-
ment. Alternatives to being
a "traditional" physical
education professor became
more visible in university
curricula in the 1970s. With
a public more sensitive to
the significance of personal
health and well-being, new
occupations and services
surfaced. Furthermore, the
growth of high-level sports
leads to opportunities to
generate knowledge that
could be useful in helping
athletes in their quest for
excellence. In the 1980's
~iclil-' members in physical
education departments
searched for new names
that would adequately
convey what was happen
ing. For those departments
(in the United States as well
as abroad), changing their
substance and mission and
determining an appropriate
title was not easy.
The most favored by
scholars in the field were
Kinesiology or Exercise and
Sport Sciences. The latter
term was decided upon at
UF, and even the label of
the college -- Health,
Physical Education and
Recreation was changed in
1985. The name change ,-lre
much more than cosmetic.
Truly the intention is to
advance a body of scholarly
knowledge about human
movement, health, well-
being, sport and the quality
of life for everyone.
UF's department of exercise
and sport sciences is
concerned with enriching
the quality of life through
the medium of movement.
By collaborating with
various academic units at
UF, meaningful research is
being generated that is
useful in the public sector.
By connecting directly with
the public, education and
service contribute to the
well-being and enjoyment
experienced by citizens
everywhere. Research is
conducted to determine the
body's responsiveness to
vigorous and relevant
physical activities. Like-
wise, movement skill
capabilities are determined
for the disabled person, the
typical person and the high-
level athlete. The goal is to
aid others in improving
performance capabilities
and in deriving physiologi-
cal/psychological benefits in
and through :-por1t and
exercise programs. I'he
efficient management and
administration of these
programs, of particular
interest in ESS, are critical to
fulfilling such goals.
The quality of under-
graduate and graduate
students is impressive, as
are their graduation and
job placement rates.
Students are prepared for
occupations associated
with a host of
multidisciplinary activi-
ties, with five specializa-
tions offered at the
undergraduate level,
seven at the master's and
two at the doctoral. ESS
is proud of its growth
and reputation, and it
will continue to enhance
its recognition as a
premier department in
the United States.
by Linda Thornton
;' in 1946, someone
had a good idea. The idea
was to include recreation as
a professional field of study
in the newly formed college
of Physical Education,
Health and Athletics.
Because the end of World
War II brought a rapid
increase in recreation
participation, the college was
cJUrg-d with the mission
"...to prepare..directors of
recreation for industrial and
municipal positions." The
focus of the initial curricu-
lum was public recreation
program delivery.
The 1950s and the 1960s
were prosperous times in
the United States. Emiplo -
ment and income was high.
Legislation at the federal
level produced social,
conservation and recre-
ation programs, and even
though environmental and
economic concerns slowed
the recreation movement
somewhat in the 1970s,
there was continued
acquisition of land for
parks by the federal
government and increased
participation by women in
sports. All of these factors
established recreation as a
vital factor in the quality of
life, an important function
of government, and a
significant factor in
As a result, the demand for
recreation services in-
creased, and the number of
students in the program
increased. Between 1948
and 1976, 440 students
graduated with a degree in
recreation. One faculty
member managed the
program from 1952 until
1967 when two additional
faculty members were
added spt.fiikall to teach
recreation in the curriculum.
Dl Illipllor Rlilel bleached seas are now lecture halls
Then, there were only a few
courses designed for
recreation majors; the
majority of majors' classes
were taken in physical
education and health
In 1976 the Department of
Recreation (which included
Campus Recreation) was
established with 143 majors
and 9 f~ ultl members.
The curriculum was
revised with the intent of
becoming iac:icd L tcJ by the
National Recreation and
Park Association and the
American Association for
Leisure and Recreation's
:,N RP4/AALR) Council on
Accreditation. In 1981, the
Department of Recreation
was the 25th recreation
program in the I n. led
States accredited by the
NRPA/AALR's Council on
Accreditation. At that
time, there were approxi-
mately 300 colleges and
universities in the United
States with a curriculum in
Nationwide there was a
decline in students' interest
in recreation and other
human service fields during
in the 1980s. However, that
was not the case here at the
University of Florida. The
Department of Recreation
made several major changes
d uing the 1980s which
addressed the growth in the
numbers of students and
changes in the profession.
By 1983 the Department
had graduated approxi-
mately 1,000 students and
there were 218 majors. By
1989 the enrollment had
grown to approximately 350
majors. The Master of
Science in Recreational
Studies was implemented in
1985 with specializations in
Administration, Therapeu-
tic Recreation, Campus
Recreation, Natural
Resource Recreation and
Tourism and Commercial
Recreation. Also, a new
name for the department,
the Department of Recre-
ation, Parks and Tourism
was adopted.
The 1990s brought an
increase in career
opportunities and an
increase in the number
of students and faculty.
There are currently 13
faculty positions in the
department. With 450
majors, the Department
has the largest number of
undergraduate students
pursuing a degree in
recreation in the United
States. Approximately 140
students graduate each
Io accommodate increased
employment opportunities
the professional prepara-
tion curriculum was
completely revised and in
1991 the new curriculum
was implemented. The
program now provides for
a solid core of courses in
recreational studies with
specializations in four
areas: Leisure Services
Management, Therapeutic
Recreation, Natural
(continued on inside back cover)
EACH SPlRNG, the departments in the College select
Teachers of the Year. Selected for the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences was Dr. James Cauraugh; for
the Department of Health Science Education, Dr. Robert
Weiler, and for the Department of Recreation, Parks and
Tourism, Dr. Bertha Cato.
In the fall of each year, the University selects faculty to be
recognized for outstanding teaching through the Teaching
Improvement Program (TIP). For 1996-97, TIP awards
were presented to Dr. Delores James (HSE), Dr. James
Cauraugh (ESS), Dr. Linda Thornton (RPT), and Dr. Scott
Powers (ESS).
In 1996 the State University System
proposed an awards program for faculty
S who had held the rank of Professor for
; g. at least 10 years. The award was
f designed to recognize Professors who
had consistently demonstrated excel-
lence in teaching, research and service.
The College was allocated one Profes-
sional Excellence Program award. Dr. Robert Singer
(ESS), Professor and Chair in the Department of Exercise
and Sport Sciences was selected to receive the award.
Gabrielle Malman and Samantha Riggle of the Department
of Recreation, Parks and Tourism were among those
honored recently as outstanding students. Both were
selected for "Who's Who Among Students", and Gabrielle
was also chosen for the University of Florida "Hall of Fame."
Gabrielle, a senior in Leisure Services Management, is from
Miami. Samantha is also a senior in Leisure Services
Management and is from Tucker, GA.
Dr. Paul Varnes, retired Chair of RPT received the Ameri-
can Alliance for Health, Fli\ Nical Educanon. Recreation and
Dance Honor Award at their 1996 national convention. The
award is given to AAHPERD members who exemplify a
spirit of devoted service and have made outstanding
contributions to the advancement of their profession.
Dr. Chris Stopka was selected as the Chief Athletic Trainer
for Boccia for the 1996 Paralympic Games in Atlanta during
August. She was re-ponr'hle for providing comprehensive
health care to the athletes as well as management of the
athletic care area.
Each year the University recognizes outstanding employees for
contributions to the students, faculty and staff of the University
of Florida. These awards are based on division within the
organization of the University. The 1995 Superior Accomplish-
ment Award from the Division of Academic Affairs was given
to Dr. Linda Thomton (RPT).
k James Cragh
i Qlferr i Weel lerthat
lr. 1inia Thornlon
1i 'icir PIour
The National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association
has presented the University of Florida with its Facility of
Distinction Award in recognition of professional excellence
and foresight in planning the outstanding facility design
features of the SW Recreation Center. The facility was one
of thirteen facilities highlighted in the Association's
Outstanding Facility Directory. Congratulations to Dr.
Charles Williams, Associate Dean and College Facilities
Coordinator and the entire Recreational Sports Division.
Dr. MaryBeth Horodyski (ESbi has been selected to serve
as the Medical Coordinator for the Florida State Sunshine
Games this summer.
Dr. Tony Fedler (RPT) was recently appointed to the
Atlantic Striped Bass Managment Board to provide input
on the social and economic impacts of regulatory changes
affecting the striped bass fishery on the east coast.
Dr. Michael Pollock (ESS) has been awarded an interna-
tional fellowship from the Japanese Society for the Promo-
tion of Science. The fellowship is given in recognition of
outstanding achievement in scientific research. Recognized
by his peers as a national authority on exercise, Dr. Pollock
presented research seminars at academic institutions in
Tokyo, Kyoto, Nagoya and Hiroshima during a 30-day
fellowship this summer. (continued on page 11)
S.-"- "' e annual College Scholar-
ship Convocation was held
Friday, January 31, in the
F lorida Gym; over 56000.00
,,-r' in scholarship funds were
distributed to undergradu-
ate and graduate student
majors. Through the
generosity of our alumni
and friends, we have seen
a steady growth in the
number of scholarships
and the amount of each
award over the past ten
years. Scholarship awards
were presented by mem-
bers of the College Council.
The H. Spurgeon Cherry,
Jr. scholarship established
by friends and former
students of Mr. Cherry, one
of the College's original
faculty members and
Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Intramurals and
Recreation. Under his
leadership, the IM depart-
ment at UF was, from its
inception, concerned with
recreational opportunities
for both men and women.
The Cherry Award is given
annually to a student
nominated by the faculty.
Students from the 1996
senior class were eligible
for nomination -- this year's
Cherry Award recipient,
Leslie Zipkin, will receive
her B.S. degree in exercise
and sport sciences in May.
Leslie spent her junior year
studying in Spain where
she also did volunteer work
with children awaiting
heart transplants. At UF,
Leslie is an active partici-
pant in intramural sports
and a member of Delta Psi
Herman W. Schnell was
one of the original faculty
members when the College
was established in 1947. In
1949 Mr. Schnell became the
Head of the Department of
Physical Education for Men,
a position he held until his
death in 1958. The Schnell
scholarship is given to a
student who demonstrates
scholarship, leadership and
skill in physical activities.
This year's Schnell recipient
is Joy Martin. Joy is an
exercise and sport science
major with an emphasis in
physical education. Joy has
spent the past four sum-
mers working at sports
camps with the Fellowship
of Christian Athletes. She
feels this experience has
helped her choose a major
and a profession she will
enjoy. Joy wants to become
a teacher because she
believes that through
teaching she can make an
impact on kids' lives.
Mr. B.K. Stevens was a
member of the original
faculty and received his
teaching degree from the
University of Florida. For
over 30 years he was a
faculty member in the
College, retiring in 1976.
Mr. Stevens and his wife
Betty have maintained an
active interest in the
College and have continued
to find ways to support
students to enable them to
obtain their degree. One of
this year's B.K. Stevens
scholarships goes to Alysa
Seals, a third year exercise
and sport science major.
Before moving to Florida,
Alysa was involved with
the Therapeutic and
Recreational Riding Center,
Inc. in Glenwood, MD.
Since moving to Florida,
Alysa has volunteered at
G.I.V.E., Alternative Spring
Break, the Mentoring
Program with the Alachua
County Housing A uthori'..
Shands, and North Florida
Regional Medical Center.
Alysa likes working in the
community because she
realizes how much she can
learn and grow from the
diverse populations with
whom she works.
The second B.K. Stevens
Scholarship is awarded to
Michael Borut. Michael is
also an exercise and sport
science major; his emphasis
is athletic training. As an
athletic trainer, Michael has
volunteered over 600 hours
at Newberry High School,
and in the fall semester he
volunteered at the Student
Injury Care Center. On
Saturday, Michael builds
houses with Habitat for
Humanity. Michael states,
"volunteering has been good
to me because it has taken
me out of the classroom and
put me directly into the thick
of things".
Dr. C.A. Boyd joined the
faculty of the Professional
Curriculum program in 1950,
becoming Dean in 1970, and
retired as Dean Emeritus
over ten years ago. Boyd
was an avid golfer and the
undergraduate scholarship
that bears his name includes
a love of the game as one of
the criteria for selection.
Each year Dean Boyd's
widow, Joselyn T. Boyd
McCourtney and son lob)
Boyd attend the convocation
to personally present the
Boyd scholarships.
This year's recipient of the
undergraduate Boyd
Scholarship is James
Vincent Cino, Jr., a senior
majoring in Recreation,
Parks, and Tourism.
Jimmy's love and dedica-
tion to golf and his aca-
demic success made him an
easy selection for the Boyd
Undergraduate Scholarship.
The graduate Boyd scholar-
ship was presented to
Liliana Rojas, masters
student in Health Science
Education. Lili has served
her department as a
graduate teaching assistant,
and she has volunteered as
a community educator for
the North Central Florida
AIDS Network, the Institute
of Hispanic-1 atino Cultures
at UF and the HRS Alachua
County Public Health Unit.
Lili will continue her
education at the University
of Indiana in Bloomington
where she will work toward
her Ph.D.
Dr. Norma M. Leavitt was
on the faculty of the College
for 28 years prior to her
retirement in 1981. She first
came to Ganeic; ille in 1953
to chair the department of
Required Physical Lduca-
tion for Women, a position
she held until 1962 when she
joined the faculty in the
Department of Professional
Curriculum. Dr. leavitt was
a master teacher who
accepted nothing but the
best one had to give. Her
goal was to create high\
competent professionals,
and she was very good at
what she did. The Leavitt
scholarship is given to a
student in Exercise and
Sport Sciences who is
1 ircpa ring, to teach physical
education, with preference
given to female students.
Our selection this year is
Lillian C. Ramos. Lillian
stated in her .pplkaition she
wanted "to spend the rest of
her life. i.%i ing tht guidance,
support, and compassion I
have been so fortunate to
receive from the educators
in my life."
The Lee-McCachren
Scholarship was estab-
lished as a tribute to two
outstanding teachers, P.A.
Lee and Jim McCachren. PA
and Jim Mac taught many
new Gators how to play
golf, and tennis, but their
game was handLmL.ll and in
later years they played a
very competitive game of
racketball. Today, a plaque
adorns the handball/
racketball courts on
University Avenue, in
earlier years known as
Murphree Courts, pro-
claiming them as the Lee-
iiii.I.III '
S. *.
mance. This year's recipient
of the Eggart Award is
Dennis Joseph Kemp.
Dennis is a Recreation, Parks
and Tourism major with an
emphasis in travel and
tourism, In addition to
countless hours spent
working with the Boy Scouts
of America, and active
recipient is Dennis
Frederick Barnes, Jr.
Dennis is a junior whose
emphasis area is leisure
services management. Last
summer, Dennis worked at
Westside Park for the City
of Gainesville Parks and
Recreation Department,
This position led to a
S.. 1 J.
;:.- :
1ro:t him M. lierI Lillian halos kE-MIClp M I ll FocEi C I", G,1". *Lu liaIN nlas .i Ilqsa Seals Tenes F. HErl IV BobM
livingston tac: JiamI EL [Oinu] Easen Dennis J. Hemp C.Ian. Bni Mlun James Y. Cine Jr. Cieci ,, FEssM lennis F. Bines Jr. Hnl, n 5 :111111 -
Joll Har i nil pilll le Hi. ?o, liltilua Bi1ur S H Sinl'I [..rl L..lu liphlll
McCachren Courts. This
award, given to a graduate
student who is teaching in
the Sport Fitness program,
is by faculty nomination.
Brian Focht is this year's
awardee. Brian is a gifted
instructor who exemplifies
the spirit of PA Lee and
Jim McCachren. Brian
received his BS degree
from East Stroudsburg
University of Pennsylva-
nia. He is currently
enrolled as a masters
student in Exercise and
Sport Sciences.
The James Daniel Eggart
Memorial Scholarship was
established by Mr. Eggart's
family in accordance with
his request. Danny, from the
Pensacola area, was a 9I Yn
graduate of the College. His
wish was to assist students
from the Escambia county
area to attend the University
of Florida and complete a
major in the College of
Health and Human Perfor-
involvement in Leisure
Education and Parks
Students (LEAPS), Dennis
has held offices in the
service fraternity. Alpha P[hi
Omega and he is credited as
founder of the only student
association at UF centered
around aviation, the Flyin'
Charles W. Fessler, a 1968
graduate of the College
with a degree in Recreation
was actively involved in the
intramural sports program.
Fessler was a person who
made things happen;
creative, and c-ncrgeti. he
was barely finished with
one project before he was
starting the next. The
Fessler award was initiated
in 1994 for majors in the
Department of Recreation,
Parks and Tourism who
have had active involve-
ment in the Recreational
Sports program and
demonstrated leadership
potential. This year's
permanent part-time
position as an after school
counselor. To quote,
"Dennis is an excellent role
model for the children he
works with."
The Thomas F. Hayes, IV
Memorial Scholarship is
awarded to an outstanding
Team Florida Cycling Club
member who has been
recognized as having
excellent professional
potential. The recipient is
selected by the College's
Scholarship Selection
Committee from recom-
mendations by Team
Florida. This year's
recipient is Bobby
Livingston. Bobby, a
member of the 1988 U.S.
Olympic Cycling Team, is
currently coach of Team
Florida. The team was
champion of the SEC this
year. Coach Livingston is
pursuing his bachelors
degree in exercise and sport
.i itrl McGRInF (B.S.'60),
H HHP Advi sorry Council
nlmember, has certainly
maintained his active
lifestyle. After recently
riding his bicycle 800 miles
from San Francisco to Salt
Lake City in 10 days,
McGriff figured he could
handle a one-kilometer
portion of the Olympic
torch run. I Ie was one of
the many Gators doing
their part to support the '96
Olympic Games. The active
lifestyle and the giving
spirit have always been a
part of who is I'erry
McGriff. While at the
University of Florida,
McGriff was a two-sport
Gator, playing football and
baseball. As a civic leader
he has been on the City
Commission, a member of
the Kiwanis, a cofounder of
the Cainesville Sports
Orginizing Committee and
a Cla itan R'gional Blood
Center board member.
In addition to alumni,
there were many stu-
dents from the College
of Health and Human
Performance's Depart-
ment of Exercise and
Sport Sciences who were
involved in the Centen-
nial Olympic Games
held this past summer
in Atlanta, GA. They
were involved in all
aspects of the games
ranging from Games
Administration, Olym-
pic Youth Camp Counse-
lors, Athletic Trainers,
and Officials. These
participants all deserve
Gold Medals for giving
of their time to support
the Olympic Games.
Students who have let us know about their participation
Cl, is D T(..,% lh, 1' h.ru ,, :
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Dr. William Chen (HSh) received the American Associa-
tion for Health Education (AAHE) Presidential Citation for
significant contributions to the 'rofe-sion at the annual
convention in Atlanta. Michele Moore (HSE) was an
AAHE Scholarship Recipient at the same convention, and
Karen Brassard (HSE) was recognized as a 1996 Outstand-
ing Student major in Health Education.
Dr. Ruth Alexander (ESS) was awarded the Governors'
Counci I on Physical Fitness and Sports Lifetime C(ontrib u-
tion Award at the council meeting in Tampa, FL.
Dr. R. Morgan Pigg (former Chair of HlI I announced
selections of the annual HSE department awards for 1995-
96. The winners are Dr. Robert M. Weiler (Faculr)
Teaching Award), Dr. Steve M. Dorman (I facultyy Research
Award), Dr. W. William Chen iFa< ult) Leadership
Award), Ms. Karen J. Brassard (Outstanding Undergradu-
ate Student), and Ms. Sadie B. Sanders (Outstanding
Graduate Student),
Dr. Michael Pollock (ESS) was selected as one of the
Healthy American Fitness Leaders for 1996, to be
awarded at the Awards Congress in Wasliungton, DC.
The awards are administered by the U.S. Junior Chamber
of Commerce and conducted in cooperation with the
National Fitness Leaders Association, and the American
Counal on Exercise.
Dr. Milledge Murphey (ESS) was promoted to 8th Degree
Black Belt in Isshinryu Karate in July by O'Sensei Kichiro
Shimabuku in Okinawa, Japan. Dr. Murphey has studied
Isshinryu for 38 years and is one of the ranking men in the
U.S. in this style of karate.
f Dr. William Chen (HSE) has accepted an
invitation to serve as a Scientific Advisor
for the Narcotic Bureau, Department of
Slealth, the IR.p'.,ll ic of China, Taiwan (a 2
Year appointment). Ad itionally, Dr.
Chen has been elected President of the
Chinese-American Scholars Association of
Florida 1996-97. This organization has
more than two hundred members of Chinese-American
scholars and professionals.
Dr. Paula Welch (ESS) was elected Vice Chair of the
Community Based/Multi Sport National Governing Bodies
of the U.S. Olympic Committee at the U.S.O.C. Board of
Directors meeting.
Dr. Delores James (HSE) was elected President-Elect for
the Gainesville District Dietetic Association, as well as
Chair of the Food and Nutrition Council of the American
School Health Association.
Each Fall the College of L tic r.l .\ ts and
Sciences recognizes as Anderson Scholars
the most outstanding UF students who
have completed their sophomore year.
This year, for the first time, these
students were asked to designate a
teacher who has greatly influenced them.
Dr. Robert Beland (RPT) was selected as
one of those teachers.
Dr. Steve Dorman (HSE) was recently selected to serve on
the Board of Directors for the Florida Division of the
American Cancer Society for 1997. The Board of Directors
advises on programming, fund raising, and policy issues
for the ACS of Florida.
Dr. Milledge Murphey (ESS) was ,ppoiilcd to the
National Advisory Conunittee of the ) M(.'A at their
national convention at the U.S. Space Flight Center in
Iuntsville, Al.
Dr. Jill Varnes (HSE) is completing her term as Past-
President of the Southern District AAHPERD.
al u mni
Shalrol Cibb Nxlnbergcr
Sharon currently lives in
Sarasota where she is troop
committee chairman and
Assistant Scoutmaster for
Boy Scouts of America Troop
14. She is also network
specialist for Alpha Omicron
Pi Sorority and Higher
Education and Campus
M ministry chair for St. James
United Methodist Church.
I'atrcia Tuck BSIbi _0,
MA 73
Patricia is finishing up her
dissertation for her Ph.D.
from the University of
California, Riverside. She
hopes to continue her
scholarly endeavors
(research and teaching) in
the Bay Area. Patricia sends
us all a big "Go Gators!"
Terry Bagwetl Pappas
Terry. after retiring from the
Air Force as a pilot instruc-
tor in 1994, flies an Astra
SI'X for the family that owns
the La Ve,'a Sun. Terry
writes he "has fond memo-
ries of my undergraduate
years at Florida, and of my
teachers and coaches."
Dennis W. Guenther
BSR 72
Dennis is Director of Leisure
Services for the city of Fort
Meade, FI., which includes
management of a 250 lot city
owned mobile home park.
I e is also involved in Polk
Senior Games and the I'olk
Sports Festival.
Maley Shedd Brancaccio
BSR 75
Maley is living in Los
Angeles and working for
the city of Santa Monica as
aquatics program supervi-
sor. Maley received a
Master's degree in Public
Administration in May 95
from Binghamton Univer-
sity in Binghamton, NY.
Anthony McDonald
Anthony is currently living
in Orlando and assigns
sports officials for youth
and adult basketball, flag
football and volleyball
leagues throughout the
Central Florida area.
Leslie Thomson Gonzalez
BSR 77
Leslie currently resides in
Lakeland where she is a
full-time, single parent and
teacher. She is also a strong
supporter of the arts.
loyce A. Fletcher Menard
Joyce reports that she
recently passed the Michi-
gan and Federal Licensure
board examinations and is
now the Administrator of
the Winkler Nursing Home
in L'Anse, Michigan. She
took this position after
taking early retirement
from the U.S. Army in
September 95. She was the
first w,'oniin commissioned
through UF's Army ROTC
program. Joyce says that
life in rural Michigan and
working in the long term
care arena are big changes
from Army life.
Michael Zimmerman
Michael received a M.S. in
Administration Services
from CAL St., L.A. in 89.
He currently lives in San
Dimas, California where he
is a Physical Education
teacher, Boy's Athletic
Director, and head baseball
coach at Baldwin Park High
School. When he can find
time he usually spends it
playing golf. Michael and
his wife, Barbara, of ten
years, are the proud parents
of seven year old Nicole.
Dan Nero BSPE 79
After spending the last 16
years teaching and coaching
(five years in Logan, Utah
and 11 years in Tempe,
Arizona), Dan is happy to
be a;;riuing rr .p' n-.ibilities
as Assistant Principal and
Athletic Director at Corona
Del Sol High School in
Tempe. He began his new
positions on August 1, 1996.
[L.en Audel HISR SO
Ellen earned her BSN at
Barry University, Miami
Shores in '94. She reports
that she has just relocated
back to Gainesville as the
Director of Nursing for Care
South Home Care. Wel-
come back, I Ilen
Carl StL'ktLn B>Flt hi.
Radford University physical
and health education
department chair Carl
Stockton was recently
selected as College Health
Teacher of the Year 1996 by
the Virginia Association of
Hea th, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance
(VAHPERD). He will be
recognized at the
VAHPERD convention in
November. Carl is
VAHPERD's vice president
for health and editor of the
organization's journal.
MNrL_Mil._ Nucl ce_)
Kloeppel Ralli ff_ BSPE
Mary received her MSPE
from the University of
Tennessee in '82. She is
currently teaching Marine
Science and c-i.c.hinll the
swim team at Palm High
School (13 years) in
Melbourne, Florida. She
lives in Palm Bay with her
husband (of 8 years) Sonny,
and three children, Josie
(7), Rachel (4) and Ethan
(10 months).
Kent Tucker _.'1HSE n
Currently associate Vice
'Prsident of Huguley
Memorial Medical Center in
Ft. \Nor th Texas. Kent is
responsible for lab, radiol-
ogy, therapy services,
occupational medicine and
three fitness centers. Kent
says, "Absence does make
the heart grow fonder
because after three years in
Texas, I still miss those hot,
humid Saturday afternoons
in Gainesville during
football season."
Berry & Judi Aronson-
Patrick BSR 82 & 83
Berry has been a Manage-
ment Analyst for Morale,
Welfare and Recreation
(MWR) at NAS Pensacola
for the past eight years. He
won an award from the
American Library Associa-
tion and News Bank
Corporation for a project he
developed to equip Navy
ships with multi-media
centers. Judi has been a
preschool director and cares
for their four boys: Jacob
(10), Jordan (7), Justin (5),
and Joey (18 mos). Prior to
Pensacola, they were in
Japan as MWR Recreation
Managers at various Navy
Bases for five years. They
left Pensacola for
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in
June 96 when Berry got a
position as Director of MWR
at the Naval Base.Judi has
been taking time off to
spend with the family.
Wi lliam K. "Bill" Wiles
Bill is I lead Football Coach
and Athletic Director at
Graceville ligh School in
Graceville, Florida. His
team won 1993 State
Championship and
compiled a record of 31-8
over the last three years.
They also hold a record of
44-15 over the last five
seasons with three District
Football Championships.
Janet Marie Sikora
Janet, now known as Dr.
J.M.S. Amendola, married
Mr. Steven F. Amendola on
May 4, 1996. She is a
chiropractic physician
practicing in Orlando and
living in Melbourne.
Congratulations to Janet
and Steve!
Anna Sks.hartz BSPL b5
Anna is currently a College
of Nursing doctoral
candidate at the University
of Utah, studying exercise
in women with breast
cancer. Her dissertation is
fnmded by the Department
of Defense. She is working
as a family nurse practitio-
ner and as sports (cycling,
triathlon and biathlon)
Erica Lee %\eston HBSI'l S
Erica is currently a member
of the paramedic/
firefighter in special
operations/ hazardous
materials team of Palm
Beach County Fire Rescue.
She is also an instructor at
the local Fire Acadinm., an
umpire for fast pitch
softball and soon to be a
football official as well.
Valerie Studnick Belin
Valeric, a health educator
with University of South
Florida's Student Health
Care Center, reports son #2
was born this past summer.
Mom, Dad, and boys are all
doing fine.
T.J. uskiewicz MESS 90
T.J. was director of the 17th
edition of the Sunshine
State Games held July 3-7 in
Gainesvillc. The Sunshine
State Games is Florida's
Olympic-style Sports
Festival which features
10,000 athletes competing in
24 individual and team
sports. Juskiewicz has four
years experience with the
Sunshine State Games and
Florida Govenor's Council.
leanine Lahey Sponsler
Jeanine is a health educator
at St. Joseph's Hospital in
Tampa, I lorida where she
writes "I am now a Mom!"
She and husband Warren
welcomed daughter
Morgan in October.
Krisli Reinerl-\ a ndenherg
Kristi received her M.A. in
Kinesiology in '95 from
Southeastern Louisiana
University. While there, she
also had the opportunity to
be assistant women's
x ollt'yball coach. Currently
she is residing in Torrence,
California where she is
head women's volleyball
coach at Whittier College
and also teaches courses in
the Physical Education and
Recreation Departments.
Arthur J. Mowery
HS1I S' 91
Arthur is proud to
announce that he was a
1996 graduate of the
University of Florida
College of Dentistry and
received his D.M.D.
(Doctor of Dental Medi-
cine). He is currently in
General Practice Residency
at the VA Medical Center in
Gainesville. His wife,
Kimbcrlr. also graduated
this summer with a Bachelor
of Science in Exercise and
Sport Sciences.
Deborah Cook BSR92
Deborah is currently
residing in Concord, N.HI.
where she is a Recreation
Therapist II at New
Hampshire Hospital (State
Psychiatric Facility). She is
a founding member and
secretary of Board of
Directors at the New
England Therapeutic
Recreation Association, an
ATRA chapter affiliate.
Douglas Casa BSESS 93
Doug is currently a fourth
year Ph.D. student in
Exercise Physiology at the
University of Connecticut.
lie was rieentl\ named to a
3-year term on the Ameri-
can College of Sport's
Medicine Committee,
entitled: 'Stl .tegc Health
Initiative for Women, Sport
and Physical Activity."
Jeff Dickerson BSESS 94
Currently. Jeff lives in
Coconut Creek, Florida
where he teaches Physical
Education at Crystal Lake
Middle School in Pompano
Beach. He also coaches
soccer at Taravella High
School in Coral Springs. In
the two years that Jeff has
been coaching at Taravella,
the soccer team has won the
only district, regional, and
sectional championships in
the school's 16 year history.
Congratulations, Jeff!
Marc Sitowitz BSR 95
Marc reports that he is
working for Margate Parks
and Recreation as a recre-
ation supervisor. Firefighters
park opened in September 96
and Marc is responsible for
programming, staff and
overall supervision at the 9
acre park
Michelle Morley
s11. 11 41
M illielk' ,tiL F'Id a
position as health educator
with the Marion County
Public Health Unit in Ocala,
Florida. Her supervisor is
Stacy Starr (also an alum).
Emmitt Smith BSR 96
Former University of
Florida football star and
current Dallas Cowboys
running back Emmitt Smith
kept the promise that he
made to his mother six
years ago. He told her that
although he was leaving
school early to begin his
NFL career, he would come
back to the University of
Florida every off-season to
finish his degree. Emmitt
has often been quoted
l-t-vrorne no matter how
much money they have,
needs an education".
irn A'cmnorv of :
Margaret Raynal
Margaret Raynal
(M.S.H.S.E. '92) died
tragicilly on I )eceber 26.
1996 \%hen n truik struck
Margaret and fike other
friends % while the\ % ere
riding their bic cles on SR
21. Margaret and Doug Hill
died instantly. Mararret.
age 31, ga\ e ever) thing she
had to bicycling in Florida.
Margaret w worked to build
the most comprehensive,
wide-spread bicycle and
traffic-education program
in the nation. Margaret was
also instrumental to the
creation of the new bicycle
helmet legislation. Friends
wishing to remember
Margaret may do so
through a contribution to a
special fund dedicated to
bicycle safety. Please make
checks payable toBike
Florida, Inc. and mail to
Govenor's Council on
Physical Fitness and Sports,
1408 NW 6th Sitrel
Gainesville, FL 32601.
fa cuIul f cis
WELCOME to Dr. rom
Kaiinski. Assistant
Professor in die Department
or Exercise and Sport
Sciences. L)r Kaminski
came to us from the Sports
Medicine Department ot
Marietta College in Marietta.
OH. His Ph.D. in Spurts
MediJcin was earned at the
LUniver-'tvot\ Virinia. Tom
and hls n ife, Susan, ha e a
three-year-old daughter,
Leigh Anne. Tom's hobbies
include reading and
watching sports events.
Dr. Iaul 'Varnes IRf'T)
rehrred this year follow\ ing 30
plus ears of teaching at TUF
Dr. Stephen Andeiron
accepted the position or
chair for the Department of
Recreation, Parks and
Tourism. He come to us
from the University of North
Carolina at Greensboro
where he was department
chair. Anderson's Ph.D) in
Recreation was earned at the
Umversilt of Maryland. He
and his wife, Debra. have
two grown children. Todd
and Heather.
IWelcome also to Mr. Bill
James I' PT). the new
Director of Lake Wauburg.
Bill served for 6 years as
Aquatic Director of Lake
City, FL. In addition, he
worked for the Columbia
County School system and
copied the High School
Swim Team. He has a B S.
in Recreation from UE He
and his wife. Diane, have a
6-year-old daughter. Tracv.
Bill's hobbies include
activities in the Kiwanis
Club, water skiing and
scuba diving.
Dr. R. Morgan I'igg, Jr.
stepped down as chair of
the Department of Health
Science Education, Dr. W.
William Chen was selected
to fill the position. Dr.
Chen, originally from
Taiwan, received his Ph.D.
in Health Science trom the
University of Mar.yland,
and came to UF approxi-
matel 14 } ears ago from
the Universiti of %iscon.in,
LaCrosse. Bill and his wife,
Shih \Wei, han e one son,
James, a student at LUF.
Ms. Sharon Drumheller
former Academic Advisor
for the Department of
Health Science Education.
has been selected as the
new HHP Dean's Office
Academic Advisor. She
will be assisting lower
di\ ision students in all
three HHP departments
Moving onward and
upward is is. Mila
Henderson. NMila was
recently promoted from her
position as Program
Assistant in ESS to the
position of Academic
Advisor and Admissions
Officer. Mila's hobbies
include reading and
puppet making.
Dr. Randy Braith i Fi has
been given a joint appoinl-
ment in the Department of
Medicine. Division of
Cardiology. This appomt-
ment will facilitate the
continuation of his research
with heart transplant
recipients and heart failure
Dr. Scotty Powers il 5-), a
participant in the .mericai
College of the Sports
Medicine scholar lecture
tour, presented a lecture
h tled "Exercise, Aging and
Skeletal Muscle" at Florida
Atlantic, University of
South Florida Universitr of
Georgia, Georgia State and
Auburn. In addition, Dr.
Powers was the invited
guest at the Turkish
National Sports Medicine
Congress in Anakara,
Turkey, where he presented
"Exercise-indluced Hypox-
emia in Elite Athletes," and
"Exercise and Skeletal
Muscle Antioxidant
Dr. Barbara .\. Rienmn
i H-E wa cL'author for
three presentations at the
American School Healti
Association com0ention in
St. Lowus, ''Disseminating
Nutrition Promotion
Program Materials--
Florida's Nutrition Educa-
tion and Training Experi-
ences" wIith Carol Frazee.
Department of Educahon
Nutrition Educainon and
Training Coordinator"
"Politicc and School
Health" with lame" Button,
Professor, Political Science,
LUF; and The Nature iand
Scope ol Sexualit\ Edi.a--
tion nm lorida Pubbc High
Schools.'" with Michele
Juhnson Moore i iH- 1.
d doctoral candida te at LF
and instructorr at the
Unji'eritv of We'etern
Kentucky, Bowling Green.
Dr. Bertha Calo I RPf I was
the ke note speaker for the
2nd ICHPER.SD ,;iia
Congress held December 7-
10 in Cebu Cit., Philip-
pines. She spoke on the
topic of "Partnerung tor
Succe.stul Sport. Lei~ure
and Prevention Initiative--
A Global 21st Centur%
Dr. Rand\ Braith r ELB.
presented a research paper
at the International Ameri-
can Heart Associaton 69th
Annual Scientiric Sessions
in New Orleans. It n .i
entitled "Neuroendocrine
Hyperacti\ ikt in He.art
Failure is Buffered by
Endurance Exercise "
Heidi Kleuss and Matt
Feigenbaum also presented
hea rt la l i e research
papers at this meetnng.
Dr. Jeff Bauer 11 I -i has
received $23,000 funding in
the 1996-97 Parimutuel
W\iageriig Trust Fund
Research Competition
sponsored by the BOR. Dr.
Bauer and his graduate
student, Cory Carter, have
developed special test
equipment for researching
and evaluating the effec-
tiveness of Jai-Alai helmets
for impact -- hopefully
eliminating many neck and
head injuries.
Drs. Steve Holland (RPT)
and Andy Holdnak (RPT)
had an article titled "Edu-
tourism Vacationing to
Learn" published in the
September 1996 issue of
Parks and Recreation
Dr. Tony Fedler (RPT) was
a keynote speaker at the
National Outdoor Ethics
Conference in St. Louis.
His presentation explored
the ethics of utilitarian uses
of wildlife (hunting and
fishing) in a changing
culture. Dr. Fedler was
recently appointed to the
Atlantic Striped Bass
Management Board to
provide input on the social
and economic impacts of
regulatory changes affect-
ing the striped bass fishery
on the east coast.
Dr. Robert Singer (I -'-
recently attended a science
and sports writer's seminar
of the American Psycho-
logical Association at
George Wa -lungton
LUniver-itv in DC. Dr.
Singer discussed the history
of the field of sports
psychology as well as
highlights of his current
experimental work that
measures the gaze patterns
of athletics. Dr. Singer, a
pioneer in the field of sports
psychology, is often referred
to as the "Father" of sports
Dr. Dovie Gamble (RPT)
was featured in a
Gainesville Sun article
rela ting her work with the
American Cancer Society-
Florida Division and the
Breast Cancer Initiative. As
a Certified Therapeutic
Recreation Specialist
(CTRS) Dr. Gamble has
been able to apply her TR
skills to facilitate programs
for cancer survivors.
Drs. Jill Varnes and Robert
Weller have been con-
tracted by the Florida
Department of Education to
develop the Accomplished
Practices for teachers of
health in Florida. The
contract is designed to
follow the work of several
national associations and to
build upon the Sunshine
State Standards developed
previously for students.
Dr. Steve Dodd (ESS)
received funding of l Ih.,40
from Speywood Laboratories,
Inc., London. England for his
work, The Effects of the
fkitulinum Tomin on Muscle
Contractile Properties."
Dr Charles Williams Li E-'-
implemented a Depaitment
of Corrections Welness
Program to certify fitness
trainers a 'Associate
\VelLness SpLecialit". The
\\ eek long workshop was
held recently with HlP
students and fitness. sl.iff
leading the clas-e. Thanks
go to Dan ( nnnaughton
i :fS] Steve Dorman ili- i
Pari DeMlichle -'e-j
KIathIrine Duffy (TS Y. Naill
Feigenbaumn tFS^i, Shan.:
Frehlich 1 -- ll. JulieJensen
SL_,| Mike Ntondelloi ('F'.
'Terri NMrtun (I'SS, Kathryn
I'arkvr ct -p anld lRon Sideps
I I.SSi for their contributions
in making this cerhfication
proiianm a suCCCess
Dr. Michael Pollock (ESS)
is among 10I people
nationwide recentI' named
a Healthy American Fitness
Leader by the United States
Junior Chamber of Com-
merce (i\ cee.). Dr. Pollock
was honored in Washing-
ton, D.C. at a program i
sponsored by the Jaycees,
the American Council on
Exercise and the National
Fitness Leaders Association.
Honorees are individuals
who have demonstrated a
personal commitment to
exercise and healthy li\ ing,
and there :ser\ e as a role
model for all American5s
sI o I g hs
This issue we are not
higllighthig an indi idual
alumni, but several alumni
with unique relation ships to
the College
Few thing nmi.ke parents
more proud than to have a
chuli follow in their foot-
steps, such as attending the
University of Florida. The
roots of connection to the
University of Florida can be
as deep as those that unite
individual families. It is only
natural for Gator alumni to'
want other family members
to share in the bond that
comes from common
experiences -- intramural
sports participation, Lake
Wauberg, concerts at the
Bandshell, Florida lieldl on a
Saturday afternoon, Florida
Relays, "'\ ecd -out" classes,
and all night study sessions.
Over the past several
months, as we have begun to
plan for the Golden Anniver-
sary celebration of the
College, we have spent a lot
of time thinking about our
alumni and their ties to the
College. In this process
we have di lcoveredc
several family ties within
our College.
These family ties may
include brothers, sisters,
sons, daughters, nephews
or nieces -- all with degrees
from the College. One of
the most famous names in
national (sports) news right
now has family members
with undergraduate and
graduate degrees from our
College. The Spurrier
family, Steve, wife Jerri,
their daughter Lisa and son
Steve, Jr. are alumni. You
may have read about Perry
MNcG it 's part in the
Olympics -- Perry and his
son NMark are both -ilii mi n,
of the College, Faculty
nIieimbel also have family
ties, (raculty and .liumln-
Paul and Jill V\ mTeC.
dai ugL Ner Jennifer Wilson;
'al ter Welsch's daughters
Colony and Elena are both
grid uates and this past
December Ruth
Alexander's .1on Ka.ne
]:lio'ed thi- great group of
College alumni with family
connections. i \ lit about
your family? Do you have
rfinil' members who have
attended or gr.adua led
from HHP during our first
50 years?
If the answer is yes, tell us
about it, send us a picture.
At the fifth\ -vea r celebration
we will have a special
display for our Family Ties.
Contact us today; we
would not want your
family to be left out.
Another special group of
alumni includes students
who have been selected by
c,,1leg faculty to be
inducted in the HHt'P Hall
of Fame. The College
Council developed the
concept during the Spring
of I1',. The criterion for
selection to the Hall of
Fame includes honor status
in upper division classes,
physical activity involve-
ment in competitive or non-
competitive activities, being
a role model for a healthy
lifestyle, volunteer service,
and involvement in
professional organizations.
All graduating or gradu-
ated students that meet the
minimum GPA require-
ments are sent a letter from
the Office of Student
Affairs inviting them to
apply to be considered as a
Hall of Fame candidate.
The student must complete
an application. Currently,
Hall of Fame members are
selected by faculty of the
College from the completed
application' Every year,
up to three students are
selected to be inducted into
HHP's Hall of Fame.
During the 50 Year Anniver-
sary Celebration of the
College, a new plaque
listing all previous Hall of
Fame inductees will be
unveiled. We urge all of
our Hall of Famer's to come
participate in the Celebra-
tion. Members of the HHP
Hall of Fame are listed
below in alphabetical order.
Amy Harrow, HSE (1991)
Kirn Gklesn Bogart, HSE r 1I',r
Laura Dixon, RPT (1991)
Lisa Dotson, R PT (1985)
Carolyne Freeman, RPT (1992)
Gail Gordon, RPT (1993)
Anne Llizabeth Harmon,
HSE (1989)
Christine l11.'i;r, ,
(posthumous), ESS I'- -'
( 'ry H. i, ,, -. ESS (1994)
Jason Hill, ESS (I',,;I '
Roberta Hoskins, HSE r I' 0.'
Victoria l.a Placa, RPT (1994)
Lonn r I *I,.,. ; HSE (I -"'
Denise Manion, HSE (1992)
;.-ne:.;.r Mills, RPT (1995)
Christopher Nute, ESS (1991)
Marcia: .iml .. ESS (1985)
Bart :'jlr1 ESS 1 1 '-.5
Lynn Prange, RPT r. ",-1
Lisa Quesada, ESS l.-.; i
Leisha Roy, 11SE ,. I'
Lori Ann Runyon, HSE (1993)
-, :,/ hI ,\ !,;, i, rr ESS i 1'-''" o
Ennmitt Smith, RPT (1996)
Arlene Solomon, ESS (1986)
Cil.,i, SI' ,, RPT (1990)
Susan Thomas, HSE (1996)
Valerie 'lit, HSE (1985)
A,,I. l,,, !1\i.,,. ESS(1993)
honor roll
: t is with sincere appreciation that we thank dll of ur alumni and friends who hat e contributed to the college
'during the year. This lisnng contains contributions made between November 1, 1995 thru October 31, 1996. In
?pite of our best efforts, errors a;ndnissitns occur. If so, please accept our apologies and submit corrections to
" De.Dn PIliick Bird CollegC ot Illt,ilth and iHuman
l'jrtonn.ynt'o a r'(). DoN 11920 I s.i GJIJI.t, ilLe FL 3,2n1il
Rebecca Simiilnons & I
Robert E. Allen
American Heart Association
American Heart
Association, Florida
Affiliate, Incorporated
Patrick J. H, rd
Susan A. Boehm
Foundation for Physical
Hannan 1991 Family Trust
Perry C. McGriff Jr.
MedX Corporation
Donald J. Miller
Robert J. Murphy Jr.
Nationwide Insurance
Stephen Orr, Incorporated
Rebecca A. Painter
R. Morgan Pigg, Jr.
Shannon C. Ridgeway
William J. Sims
Darrell R. Slape
Sponsored Research-Misc.
State of Florida,
Comptroller Office
Streetball Partners
International, Inc.
Strength Fitness Systems, Inc.
Jill Wilson Varnes
World Congress Organizing
Committee 95
Daiamic Health Concepts, Inc.
Gulfcoast Spine Institute
Edward D. Mathews
Open Road Bic' tles, Inc.
Francis E. Sargent
Robert N. Singer
State Farm Companies
Timothy Communications, Inc.
Donna Rigdon Wheeler
Worldwide Mega-Markeing
American P-\ ecological
Sit unJ ation
BellSouth Corporation
Crew Boosters Club of
Central FL, Inc.
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Cash Donations- General
Christian M. Givens
Human Kinetics Publishers,
Marie E. Knafelc
Landcom I hospitality
Management, Inc.
Alan C. Moore
Northern e lecom,
Terry Bagwell Pappas
Radisson Hotel
Frederick E. and Charlotte
G. Rozelle
John H. Stauff
Amy K. Stroker
Jason Franklin Sutton
Evelyn Sergia Thomas
Marcia A. West
Bette M. Whitaker
Anierican Acadermn tt
Andersen Consulting
Jennifer E. Babcock
Robert L. Belisle
Harry L. Benson Jr.
William P. Benz
Robert A. Booth Sr
Matthew Bradley IV
Nell Hunt Bradley
George A. Chapman
Ellen J. Cooper
William M. Cosper Jr.
Clher' 1 C. Courtney
Ernest G. Crone, Sr.
Nancy H. Cummings
Maurice O. Edmonds
Annette Lowery Emerich
Mrs. Terry O. Eymann
John C. Fields
Patricia Anne Frye
Crawford T. Gaines III
Louis Jules Goldstein
Edwin H. Gratton
Veronica G. Greason
William E. Harlan Sr.
Eric R. Henderson
Susan L. Henderson
Sheila Rae Hunt
Albert N. Jeffrey Jr.
Patricia Marie Jurney-Sousa
Maryellen Kirwan
Major keruneth Puchard
Elmer J. Lucks Jr.
Daniel R. MacDonell
Robert B. MacNamara
Raymond and Patricia A.
Dennis Eugene May
Nancy McAllister
Jeffrey P McAndrews
Tracy Lynn McCall
James V. McClure
Joyce A. Menard
Jared D. Miller
Henry T. Morgan
Paul Morton II
Susan S. Morton
William A. Newbern Jr.
Paul Andrew Newman
Michael F. Nolan
Marc E. Pedersen
George H. Pennington Jr.
Pfizer Incorporated
John Q. Powell Sr.
Mrs. Stormie J. Primo
Procter & Gamble Company
Andrew M. Reiff
Ray H. Rollyson, Jr.
Glen Rose
Michael David Schroeder
Stacy Scott
Nathan R. Shackles
Michael J. Sheehe
Joyce L. Skaff
Jennifer Lynne Smith
Mary Lynn Smith
St. Johns Business Service,
Linda K. Stone
Cynthia Owens Taylor
Maureen E. Terwilliger
John H. Thompson III
Karen Lynn Toledo
Eric J. Tomson
Joan E. Treves
Jack Walsh
Evan I. Weiss
Charles S. Williams
Victoria Gail Willingham
Avalee Willoughby
Dillard H. Woody Jr.
Dennic Fwavrd Aaron
Anita I. Abbott
Julie C. Abbruzzi
Brady K. Ackerman
Paul Jeffrey Ackerman
Randall Scott Adams
Lee Ann Albertz
Dawn G. Alcorn
Ernie E. Allen
Jacki L. Altfield
American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons
Stephen W. Amos
Cynthia J. Miller
C\ nthia S. Anderson
Deboram Ruth Anderson
Gregory S. Anderson
William L. Anderson
Kara V. Andrew
Mark R. Apple
Alice L. marll
Linda L. Arnold
Thomas W. Arnold
Pamela A. Arrington
Gregory Mark Ash
AT&T Foundation
Mary C. Austin
Carolyn Jo Babbit
Edie Fernandez Backman
Robert E. Bagby III
Mark Edward Baggarly
Mary K. Baker
Leonard C. Balas
Theresa L. Balzano
Bruce Wayne Barber
Barry Lynn Barnett
Kenneth John Barrett
Lee J. Basey
Marilyn C. Bast
Angela S. Bauer
Andrea L. Behrman
Terence T. Beilfuss
Valerie Jean Belen
Thomas H. Bell Jr.
Catherine M. Benedetti
Shelly I. Benjamin
Norma Benson
Janice Berkebile
Adam E. Berko
Michael Paul Bernier
Maureen Best
Susan Marie Betchner
Diane Marie Biemacki
Marian S. Billing
Michael Z. Birnholz
Mrs. D. M. Bisch
James Ei Bishop, Jr.
Renee Lacasse Blaney
Laura E. Blitzer
Kimberly Lynn Bonds
Troy L. Bokcr Jr.
Brian Jay Borland
Jenna L. Bostic
Michael Bottcher
Polly D. Bottom
Hilman E Bowden Jr.
Mary G. Bowles
Thompson H. Boyd Jr.
Anne M. Br.irdy
Laura Eliz F Braden
Jacquelyn E. Braniff
Jackie Lynn Brant
Anthony Paul Breitbach
Renee D. Brillante
Richard Brilliant
Nancy E. Briner
Heidi E. Britten Perry
Stuart Brodkin
Lori A. Brooks
Suzanne E. Broucek
Barbara L. Brown
Rev. Charles E. Brown Jr.
Xenula Allen Brown
Lawrence Scott Bruce
R. C. Bryan
Shaw S. Buck
Amy J. Burdette
Michael D. Burdges
Lt. Col. Millard Burke
Nia A. BLIuke
Vera A. Burns
Beth A. Burpee
Kenneth Lloyd Burt
Patrick Joseph Byrne
Cafe Gardens
Mrs. R. E. Caldwell
Melton V. Callahan
Larry Dean Candeto
Canine Care Center
Mary A. Cantey
Desiree D. Capuano
Kim Ellen Caramelli
Constance D. Caranasos
Douglas Andrew Carey
Nicholas W. Carey
Vicki Lynn Carpenter
Robin A. Carson
M. K. Carter
Douglas J. and Mrs. Tutita
M. Casa
Ruth E. Caudill
Kimberly D. Chaffin
Judith N, Chavez
\ iriii i F. Cheshire
Merry Freida Chewning
Rebecca L. Chli1s
Gary Ridi..ird Chisling
Brad Chissom
John Allan Chromy
Vincent M. Ciccantelli
Rebecca Diane Clark-Boll
Cory T. Clarke
Lesley L. Cle\ land
Rick Coate
Julie Anne Cole
John L. Combs
Craig M. Conrad
Jere Cook
Amelia E. Cooper
Patricia A. Corbitt
Oscar L. Corsaut
Elsa M. Costello
Shannon Lee Cottrell
R. Courtney Covington
Matthew L. Cowan
Susan Longo
Donald W. Cox
Tara .. Cox
Mrs. Lynn McFall Craggs
Thomas V Crane
Erin K. Creese
Ronald D. Creese
Myrtle J. Crews
Phyllis Leary Criswell
Ray A. Criswell
Lynn Elizabeth Cromer
Robert B. Crosby Jr.
Daniel J. Crum, Sr.
Tim Peter Culbertson
Mary Anne M. Cummings
Carol Curley
Norma Salroy Curry
Cybertek Computer S) '-m rn
Josephine S. Daigle
Joan Elizabeth David
Darrin Franklin Davis
Donald Fowler Davis
Linda M. Davis Gaynor
Don Lee Deal
Barbara L. Decker
Amy C. Deckman
Kimberly E. Delong
Kathleen E. Deloreto
Jeffrey Marc Delott
Robert De Maria
Douglas J. DLcMiJcl:.
Maria E. Devitt
Katrina Goodwin 1) lilmo, r
E. Tom Dioguardi
Mary Keegan Dittman
Karen 1. Donohue
Daniel William Donovan
Mary J. Donovan
Angela M. Domey
William A. Dorney
Kiersten A. Dossey
Jennifer Keck and Herman
J. Downey
Dennis C. Drake
Mary V. Eagan
Debora Anne Hefferon
Joanne R. Ehrlich
Jennifer L. English
Monica M. Erwin
Karen Luise Etz
Jennifer C. Evans
Steven Ray Ewing
Peter John Fagan
Karen Towne Famularo
Barry R. Fasold Jr.
Lenore Dane Faulkner
Lisa Shari Felix
Jean B. Ferguson
Christopher D. Fernandez
Neal Brian Fessenden
Helen Powell Feussner
Rebecca A. Fielding
\\ illi.im 0. I wielding
Mrs. Meagan L. Finlayson
\larilh n Ann Fischer
Philip Leland Fisher
Dean L. Fishman
Pamela A. Fitzgerald
Traci Lynn Fleck
Richard B. Fleming
Susan H. Fletcher
Julia C. Flohr
Virginia W. t-,ot
Janet Susan Forbess
Christine Ford
Ronald Ray Fourman
Martin L. Frady
John P. Franzese Jr.
Louis A. Frashuer
Adrienne Freeman
Rebecca S. Freeman
Frances Ruth Friedman
Julie Ford Frye
Janet Ann Fuchs
Cecil R. Fultz Jr.
Alisa D. Fyfe
Jennifer A. Gagne
Robert J. Galbraith
Robert H. Garin Jr.
Lisa M. Garner
Kathleen Ann Carvey
Lawrence A. Gaulkin
John P. Gawlak
Matthew Christopher Geer
Judith H. Geismar
Leith E. George
Georgia Power Company
Douglas P Gerber
Bruce Allan Getz
Pamela Anne Giblin
Wilbur H. Gifford Jr.
Nancy Akerson Gilson
Susan M. GI id-tein
Michael D. Gold
Ronald L. Coldberg
Bonnie Marie Goodwin
Cynthia Simpson Granath
Steven Daniel Grau
John P. Greene III
Chad G. Greer
Sevier P. Griffin
Belinda M. Grothpietz
Susan C. Guckenberger
Dennis W, Guenther
Dea Mingnon Guzzi
Mary E. Hall
Renee M. Hall
Ernest IIanewinckel II
Bruce L. Hankerson
Staci Harman
Robert Earl Harper
Stacey Lynn Harris
Robert Dale Harrison
Shirley O. har. ry
James S. Hasbrouck
William D. Hassler
Herman C. Hatfield
F. G. Hayes
John A. Hebert
Jonathan F Heck
Judith Ann M. Hellstrom
Laura Lynn Hendrickson
Billy R. Henson
David A. Herrick
John Donald Hester
Robert Carl Hewitt
Kandala A. Hicks
Jason C. Hill
Greg Hilley
Alison F. Hinckley
Judith E. Hinson
Howard M. Hirschfield
Rebecca E. Hitt
Janice Burton Hobbs
Eric S. Hobelmann
Susan J. Hodkin
George L. Holstein
Katherine E. Hook
Cindy L. Hoover-Gross
Marcia A. Hoppenstein
Dori Ann Horowitz
Jodi Lynn Horvitz
Sharon C. Huey
Michael J. Humphreys Sr.
Helene M. lachetta
Pamela S. Jackson
Gail E. Jacobs
William A. James Jr.
George Patrick Janan
Jon Walston Jaudon
Paula G. Jernigan
Karin Leigh Jeter
Kandice M. Johnson
Vickie D. Johnson
Lori Ann Johnston
Theodore L. Jones
Tiffany Ann Jones
Michael Joseph Junod
Mike J. Karaphillis
Peter E. Keegan
George S. Keep
Paula K. Keeton
Colleen Perry Kellcy
Ann R. Kemp
Ted Kennel
Marlyn Marie Kenney
Janet Lyn S. Kcri-ning
Jack A. Kenworthy
Ben Killingsworth II
Thomas R. I,. Kindred
Stefanie K. Kindt
Caroline H. King
Linda K. King
Vivian Marie Kise
Susan Thaver Kisner
Terry W. Kitts
Elizabeth A. Kitzman
Eric Frankland Klein
Marilyn A. Knight
Sharon M. Knight
Shannon Konetzni
William F. and Mary
Breitenstein Koss
Harold J. Koutsky
Marie Belanger Kramer
Karin M. Kratina
Robert A. Krause
Kenneth R. Krieger
Serenity D. Krieger
Susan R. Krisher
Elisabeth L. Krone
Christine J. Kuhnke
Brian M. Kurtz
Donald L. Kyle
Cara L. Ladnyk
Julie L. Lambdin
Janet H. Lamke
Tony R. Lancelot
Clarence D. Landress
Joanna L. Laneave
Thomas A. Lapointe
Michael Leatherwood
Charles Jerome Lechner
Thomas Paul Lechner
Barbara F. Leddy
Betty C. Lee
Lori I ege'
Thomas Nathan Leidell
Stephanie Ann Lennon
MiLceile Paige I.ewis
Rebecca Joyce Lewis
LGA Electric Company
Mrs. Tracy Wood Libby
Michael Dean Lindsay
Julia E. List
Jacquelyn Liszak-May
Margaret E. Lloyd
Anthony E. Lobo (d)
James E. Looney
Joan P. Lorne
Lori Ann Losner
Sharon J. Lotmore
Carla E. Lucas
Commander Stephen Ro.
-;i t riz Macia
Ann S. MacMillan
Cynthia A. Maeger
Ronald H. Magarick, Ph.D.
Catherine K. Magrin
Paula Suzanne Maiberger
Penny A. Maier
Susan D. Majewski
Jeffrey A. Malloy
Claudia O. Markov
Bonnell B. Martens
Turay G. Martin
'\.end. Z. Martin
Sheryl Ann Maskell
June M. Masters
Zoa H. Matos
Simon J. Mauldin
Mary L. McArthur
William H. McCachren
Robert B. McCallum Jr.
Donna S. McCollough
Julia S. McCrae
William A. McGill
Michael J. and Patricia E.
Michael S. McGinnis
Linda M. McGrane
M. J. McGrath
Ricky Allen G. McIntosh
Trivel C. McKire
Capt. Joseph R. McLaughlin
Ronald E. McMillin
Marguerite R. McNeill
Arley W. McRae
Charles W. Mecklem
Veronica Meinhard
Jennifer Leah Menard
Marie D. Menza
Barbara A. Miles
Karen K. Miles
Melinda L. Millard-Stafford
David J. Miller
Gary Gene Miller
Tammun Dodson Miller
V. P. Mitalas
Christopher Mladinich
Jane A. Monahan
Connie Lynne Montgomery
C, Bruce Moore
Dorothy Culpeppc i' Moore
Harold C. Moore
Lisbeth Light Moore
Mrs. K. Linne Morgan
Deborah-An Morrill
Rebecca L. Morrison
Peggy J. Morrissey
Ralph Leonard Morton
Mr. Quick Sho.e Repair
\%ililiam C. Muirh-ead.i
Beverl\ L. Nluraiki
NM Elizabeth Murr,;i,
I'lulip Sruarl N.iJllman
Kerueth A. N.da.i,\
Suz.in J Na-h
Ndar-'n Bank
CLuillennti I. N,.t aN.lr
Am, MI. Nel:-onr
Mrs. R'obertiann Nl-,oni
MaNIiLIeen C Neiiik1
Daniel M. Nero
Michael A. Netherclift
Barry D. Nettles
Anne F. Newsome
Carol L. Nicholson
Terri S. Nolan
Jeffrey Michael Nordeen
Oaks Veterinary Hospital,
Pamela M. O'Berst
Laurie K. Obreza
Jack E. O'Brien
Amanda J. Ogden
Donna Eva Marie Owen
PA Clinical Services, Inc.
Olga Andronaco Page
Paula Gina Palumbo
Cynthia S. Paparis
Nancy L. Parham Niblack
Tammy G. Parker
Rebecca K. Parks
Kathy Lynne Parrish
Andrea Vousden Paschal
Donna Lee Pastore
James Archibald Patterson
Susan J. Paul
Susan Jean Pawlak
Lance Robert Peeples
Mrs. JoAnne H. Pelton
Brenda Nye Pena
Dirk Edward Penzien
Lucinda Yost Perret
Susan J. Peters
Mrs. Trish B. Phillips
Jeffrey Louis Pigg
Alfred K I'isano III
Brian Kelly Pogue
William M. Potter
Margaret F. Powell
Cynthia Bowles Powers
Anthony Price
Mrs. Jan D. Pritchard
Lee Ann Pritchett
Walter V Pryor Jr.
Carolyn E. Pugh
Joann F. Purdie
Bertha Ann Losh Quint
Rad Adventures, Inc.
Betty W. Rands
George M. Rariden, Jr.
Patricia H. Reeves
Celia Regimbal
Joanne Rehfeldt
Vicki T Reynolds
Anne G. Rheins
Helene T. Rhine
David W. Rice
kIohet lanim- kice
Linda V. Rich
Mark [. Richird
lames D. Richardson
Paul 'leffre Ritten
Tln'm.i- D Rizzo Ir.
Robin S. Robbui-
Alan I Robert-on
Soni..i M. Robjins'n
Mar,. H. R,.otbuIk
laines L. Rog-ers Ir.
Morris H. Rogers
John Roglieri
Holly Susan Rosica
Susan Tex Rutner
Laura H. Ryan
Amy B. Sabol
Kathy P. Safford
Diane M. Samuels
Telisha S. Sanders
Emily S. Savard
Earl M. and Virginia
Joseph W. Schaefer
Katherine B. Scharin
George A. Sch'len.,
Bradley W. Schmucker
F. Stephens Schnell, D.D.S
Jacquelynn H. Schroder
Darin J. Schubeck
Mary A. Schuchman
Mrs. JoEllen Schewichler
Debra W. Seaton
Sally Ann Segal
Mrs. Tracy C. Seibert
Kimberly K. Sellers
Deborah B. Scoane
Hollis Shaw
Brian Patrick Shea
Susan Tudeen Sholtes
Joyce J. Shukri
Sylvia L. Siegfried
Joseph Mark Silvia
Stacev Andrew Simmons
Lisa Johnson Simms
Cynthia Detweiler Simpson
Marc .. Sitowitz
Donald S. Skeens
James E. Skiles III
Darlene P. Smith
Mrs. Pauladene H. Smith
Sonya Ellenburg Smith
Jennifer L. Smolka
Kathleen Clarke Snyder
Patricia P. Spicer
Cindy Morgan Sprenger
Roger L. Springfels
Brandy L. Spurlin
Linda L. Stackpole
Kathy Stallings
Edwin M. Standefer III
David Earl Stanton
Carole W. Steiger
Matthew Steinmetz
Calvin King Stephens
Jimmy Ray Stephens
William K. Stewart
Courtney M. Stillman
hn1me I) 'hite
lenniter 'tirt
Eric D. "tone
ChrLtsne B and Da\ id lohn
Eric \tll-r Straehia
ludith Struble
Hilarn Dat i. Suud
M,.hjel Ddania,n Su. hln
DouiL.la E. S%\,artz
L\ ium Pcrno i Tackett
Target Copy of Gainesville,
Laurie Joan L. Tenace
William Alan Teutsch
W'end\ Y. Tharpe
Joe Allen Thomas
Mava Lee Thomas
Shannon Renae Thomas
Shelly Lynne Thomas
Jack B. Th, mp-I n
Gordon M. Thomson
Richard Carl Tober
Anna L. Tolentino
Deborah Tollefsrud
Larry Lee Travis
Diane C. Trexler
Edward J. Trezza
Vikki Troudt
Patricia H. Truedson
James R. Tullos Jr.
Christopher J. Turenne
Kenneth W. Turja
Thomas H. Turja
Sandra M. Umanos
Mrs. Frances M. Vandiver
Jerry L. Vollenweider
Jennifer B. Wacin
Irving F. and Mrs. Jean S.
Linda Elsea Walton
Major Roger Waters
Kara Lee Weber
Lisa Huebner Weeks
Janet A. Wehmeyer
Aida Lerman Weissman
Peter H. and Lynne Lowry
Susan Wenzel
Darlene M. Werhnyak
Christine Wheeler
Janet Whidden
Kevin Lee White
Patricia M. Wierichs
Stefanie S. \\ I h lrnm-(i utsh.ill
Jane R. Wilkinson
Lynette Williams
Olivia D. Williams
Margaret Morrison Wirtz
Pamela P. Wittig
Denise Gale Wolf
Kay Harkey Wood
Kristine M. Wood
MS. Diann S. Worzalla
Clyde I.. Wright
Paul J. Wright
Eleanor G. Wysocki
Mary T. Yoes
Melinda G. Zeitler
Stacey L. Zimmerman
Annette ZuLkley-Edwards
David Paul Zwerski
Gregory Stefen Zwir
enter for Tourism Research and Development
"Pet Project" Answers Questions for Florida Park Service
The Florida Park Service recently asked researchers in the Center for
Tourism Research and Development to determine the impact of changing
the policy related to pets in c nmlgrrin'ind-. According to Dr. Andy
1 loldnik Florida State Parks Campgrounds are currently one of the few
.ta lte parks campground systems to restrict pets from their campgrounds.
The reaon, s for this restriction cited by the state parks managers include
a.i let I hazards, increased noise, negative impacts on the observance of
S wildlife and a general negative impact on the overall experience of
campers. Recently, this policy has been challenged by numerous pet owners. They cite
companionship and personal safety as positive impacts resulting from permitting pets in
campgrounds. In 1996, at the request of the state legislature, the state parks system
undertook a research project to survey campground visitors. The purpose of this study
was to examine camper characteristics and perceptions about a variety of campground
issues, particularly attitudes toward allowing pets in Florida State Park campgrounds. A
research team comprising Holdnak, Dr. Tony Fedler and Dr. Steve Holland studied the
perceived impact on the campgrounds if pets were permitted. A secondary question dealt
with the impact of changing the pet policy on the frequency of camping in Florida State
Parks by state residents and non-residents.
An on-site intercept interview was conducted during January tliough MClciih 1996 at 16
campgrounds in Florida. One state park campground was selected in each of six adminis-
trative regions of the Florida State Parks system. Private campgrounds in the vicinity of
each state park campground were also invited to participate in the study. Ten private
campgrounds .iareed to permit their campers to be surveyed. An interview with 47
questions was administered to c .~ipers in both the state park and private campgrounds.
Questions included basic demographic and camping history questions plus additional
sections to discover the respondent's familiarity with pets in campgrounds; their percep-
tions of the impact pets might have and their likely changes in state park camping
patterns if pets were to be permitted in state park campgrounds. A total of 619 surveys
were completed.
Results of this study were somewhat mixed. Less than one fourth of the campers who had
camped in campgrounds which permitted pets felt that their overall experience had been
negatively impacted, yet most campers anticipated some negative impact on the obser-
vance of wildlife and campground noise. Overall, if behavior was consistent with state
intentions, changing the policy would have small impact on camping frequency in Florida
State Parks. More than two- thirds said that the policy would not affect their camping
frequency. Of the nearly one-third who indicated that a change in police would affect
their camping frequency, slightly more than half the group I ind i. ted that they would
camp less frequently. Clearly the decision to change campground policies should consider
issues other than c.impground attendance as little overall change in camper attendance is
indicated by this study.
W eight Training Helps Heart Transplant Patients
According to a recently completed study by Dr. Randy Braith and
colleagues in UF's Center for Exercise Science strength training can assist
heart rran.plant patients to combat osteoporosis. Osteoporosis (loss of
S .ilciuil IroniL the bone) is often associated with aging in women, but men
ca n i 'i at risk if they live to advanced age. Transplant patients are
SalIo at rik for osteoporosis due to the effect on bone minerals of the
drug- taken to prevent rejection of the transplanted 'ig .n Ta king calcium
supplculnls' and hormone replacement therapies have been the usual
a pprnvichih to combat this problem. "The anti-rejection drug always
seems to win in this situation," Braith said. The medication is necessary for all transplant
patients to take to prevent rejection of the donated organ. "Three medications are given to
transplant patients to prevent rejection: Cyclosporin, Azathioprine and prednisone. The
side effect of prednisone is a thinning of the bone, or wasting," said Braith.
Knowing that almost 100 percent of the people who undergo heart transplants develop
osteopenia, or weakening of the bones, and one half of these people will develop os-
teoporosis, a disease that can cause spontaneous fractures, caused the researchers to
consider something very basic. Previous research has documented that people who engage
in 'ew viiht-I it r lg) exercises have very thick, strong bones, therefore strength or weight
training could have a very positive effect on bone density in transplant patients. Braith
and colleague Roger Mills, MD measured bone mineral density in heart transplant patients
after surgery. What they found was a loss in bone mineral density of up to 25% during the
first two months after surgery.
Sixteen transplant patients were recruited for the study. Bone mineral density measure-
ments were taken at the onset of the study, at three months and again at six months.
Braith and Mills split the participants into two groups: a control gIioi'up that performed
only cardiovascular exercises and another group that performed cardiovascular exercises
as well as ;weighr raiinig three times a week. The objective of the weight training program
was to stimulate the entire skeleton to grow and remineralize. Another goal was to assist
people who have had a heart transplant to return to their jobs and functional living.
The results, transplant patients who began weight training two months after the transplant
surgery were able to restore and maintain bone mineral density to the same level it was prior
to the operation. Resistance training should become part of any postoperative reconditioning
rehabilitation program for heart transplant patients. -Tiladitiona Il cardiovascular exercises
have been prescribed to recondition heart muscles, but this type of exercise does not make
an impact on osteoporosis," notes Braith.
H ow Florida Schools Respond to Violence Intervention
Florida like many states has long been concerned about the increasing violence in society
and especially in schools. Researchers, Dr. Robert Weiler, Ms. Lisa Pealer, and Dr. Steve
Dorman in the Department of Health Science Education recently completed a study to
determine how school districts in Florida are responding to violence and to identify school
policy and curricula issues about violence prevention and control. Data were collected
using the Florida School Violence Policies and Programs Questionnaire adapted from the
National School Health Policies and Programs Study instrument.
The questionnaire was designed to solicit information about violence policies and educa-
tion programs. Questionnaire packets were mailed to all school districts in t lorida during
spring 1996. Sixty-seven key informants were selected by asking district office personnel
to identify the person who had primary responsibility for violence prevention activities in
their district. A total of 55 school districts returned completed questionnaires, yielding a
usable response rate of 82%. The school districts that participated were geographically
distributed across West, North, Central, and South Florida.
Key findings of the study indicated that more than 90% of the respondents report district
wide policies on physical fighting; 98% have policies on weapons carrying. Sixty-two
percent report a somewhat increased incidence of student violence in the last five years.
Most violence pre\ ention education and staff development programs are coordinated by
either the health education supervisor or school health services supervisor. Although
school based violence is often cited as a real concern by Florida's parents, only about 11%
of the responding school districts reported requiring violence prevention programs; while
about 65% reported such programs are recommended. .... ..
F milI
The Department of Recre-
ation, Parks and Tourism
encourages all alumni and
their families to participate
in Family Recreation Day.
The American Association
for Leisure and Recreation
(AALR) has designated the
tlr-t Saturday In June as&. -
National Family RecreatiOn
Day. The purpose of Family
Recreation Day is fo .
promote increased aware-
ne-- ot the ,.aluei of
recreation and plav in
building -trong fa.milie-
and to encourage lamilir-
to play together \ \I.R
urges y on to take U.dvantage
of the oppfIrtu',_ie- this
day offers to spend with
your families, relax, and
enjoy trh n-,n benefits of
iecr:.itionil aciti ities on
Nhition.al Faminl' Recreation
Da .i' -itrdav irune 1997.
(continued from page 6)
Resources Recreation, and
Recreation Program
Delivery. The most exciting
addition to the curriculum
is a Ph.D. in Health and
Human Performance with
specializations in Therapeu-
tic Recreation, and in
Tourism and Natural
Resource Management.
The Ph.D. program expands
our capacity to conlh but to
the solutions to problems in
society associated with the
lack of and the misuse of
free time. In 1992, the
Center for Tourism and
Development was estab-
lished to recognize the
critical importance of
tourism in Florida's
economy as well as the
benefits and the impact of
tourism on people and the
environment. The purpose
of the center is to facilitate
interdisciplinary study and
projects centered on travel
and tourism.
S. in 1996, we have
good ideas to prepare for
the future. Our ideas
include :uiintaining and
improving a quality
i nl.- rr.lid ,ate program;
e~t...,riJii tlie graduate
program; increasing
national visibility in
research, publication and
presentations; and increas-
ing service to the profession
and community. Our
charge is to prepare
professionals to deliver
leisure services in a diverse
and complex society in
which lifestyles seem to be
that of the stressed and the
harried. The focus of the
curriculum has expanded to
include management of
leisure services in tourism,
commercial recreation,
special events, meeting
planning, correctional
recreation, community and
public recreation, natural
resource recreation, private
agencies, military recreation
and therapeutic recreation.
plil liemrr oaner
4piil i'9S I. les
Pail fallli
0511a mils iin
uwen I loiqal
h o I if 0 s
v a !n f:
T is past .prnng the
College faculty, staff
and friends from around
the globe met to honor
three long time faculty
members upon their
retirement from the College
of Health and Human
Performance. Paul R.
Varnes, department chair
and Professor in Recre-
ation, Parks and Tourism,
Owen J. Holyoak (former
department chair) and
Walter Welsch, both
Professors in Exercise and
Sport Sciences, retired after
many years of distin-
lean Parif h J i Il uln [rlies FIllari~ iHsoclale lIea
guished service to the
College and their profes-
sions. These three profes-
sors (collie_ ttl\ I have
provided over 100 years of
tiachin., research and
service to the College and
the University of Florida.
Dr. Robert Allen, retired
professor in Exercise and
Sport Sciences and HHP
Advisory Council member
served as the Master of
Ceremonies. Former
students will be pleased to
know that retirement has
done nothing to dull Dr.
Allen's sense of humor.
His dry wit was clearly
evident as he embellished
upon the information
provided about each
honoree. In addition to a
number of colleagues and
former students commenting
on the retirees, Mr. Jimmy
Cames, former track coach at
UF and 111 P Advisory
Council member; Dr Randy
Swedburg, Professor in
Recreation at Concordia
University in Montreal, and
Mr. Steve Spurrier, Coach of
UF's first national champion-
ship football team were
among those on hand to
"toast" the honorees.
L- L" L)on't n;;,, o1t ,ttil' th 5t/' Ih Golden
i- Anii" .' ':it'itii Cl-,'lri tioni April 4-5, 1997.
See in-ser/ f.'r letfail
don' I
roep tus a note uiith uoua comments I suggestions. Please include a recetf plate. et as and qouf classmates
kouM f llf t faqu're up to these dios!
o1risu EwltEnB~ S
College of Health B Human Performance
P.O. Box 118200
Gainesville, FL 32611-0200
Non-Profit Organization
US Poslaqe
Permit No 94
Gainesville. FL 32611-8200