Front Cover
 Table of Contents
 Dean's note
 Advisory council new members
 Leaving a legacy
 50 years of women at UF
 Gator life
 Dempsey to chair capital campa...
 Honors and accolades
 Faculty facts
 Research updates
 Faculty facts
 Annual scholarship convocation
 College honor roll
 Celebration honors distinguished...
 Distinguished alumni names
 Back Cover

Title: Performance
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076674/00010
 Material Information
Title: Performance
Uniform Title: Performance (Gainesville, Fla.)
Physical Description: v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida -- College of Health & Human Performance
Publisher: The College
Place of Publication: Gainesville Fla
Frequency: annual
Subject: Health education -- Periodicals -- Florida   ( lcsh )
Genre: government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent)   ( marcgt )
Statement of Responsibility: College of Health & Human Performance, University of Florida.
General Note: Description based on: Spring 1995; title from cover.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00076674
Volume ID: VID00010
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 002413408
oclc - 40516144
notis - AMB8405
lccn - sn 98026193


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Page 1
    Table of Contents
        Page 2
    Dean's note
        Page 3
    Advisory council new members
        Page 4
    Leaving a legacy
        Page 5
    50 years of women at UF
        Page 6
        Page 7
    Gator life
        Page 8
    Dempsey to chair capital campaign
        Page 9
    Honors and accolades
        Page 10
    Faculty facts
        Page 11
    Research updates
        Page 12
    Faculty facts
        Page 13
        Page 14
        Page 15
    Annual scholarship convocation
        Page 16
        Page 17
    College honor roll
        Page 18
        Page 19
        Page 20
        Page 21
    Celebration honors distinguished alumni
        Page 22
    Distinguished alumni names
        Page 23
    Back Cover
        Page 24
Full Text
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cover story
50 Years of Women at UF

GatorLtfe 8
Dempsey to Chair Capital Campaign 9
Center For Tourism Research & Development 9
Fittieth Celebration Honors
Distinguished Alumni 22
Advisory Council New Member, 4

department s
Alumni News 14
Honors and Accolades 10
Dean's Note 3
Leaving A Legacy 5
Research Update". 12
Annual Scholarship Con\ocation 16
Faculty Facts 13
Honor Roll 19

AROL,. fi i- COjl .
For 50 years women have
received degrees from
the University of Florida.
Jamie La Farr, Gator
Heptathelete and senior
in Exercise and Sport
Sciences, symbolizes
women's participation in
all facets of life at UF.
Please read the recogni-
tion article starting on
page 6.


editor JILL W. \VARNES
assistant editor KRISTINF STO JFFFR

designer LINDA BA& NE
design consultant RON FRANKLIN
contributors to the performance STEVE ADERSON,


contributing writers PATRICK J. BIRD, SHARON

photographer RON FRANKLIN

is a annual publication for alumni and friends of
the University of Florida College of Health and
Human Performance.

Please direct letters to:

( '-rilFe of Health & Human
P.O. Box 118200
Gainesville, Florida 32611-8200

-table of contents

Deap E

Dear Alumni and Friends:

It has been another ex Lclleint
year for the College. I nrwll-
ments continue to grow. We
now have more than 1750
Il udenl;t. The academic
prodiuhon of the ifailr. --
publi li ions, presentations at
scholarly meetings,
service on editorial
boards is
excellent. Grants
and contracts are at
a record high, and,
according to yearly
evaluations, our
students remain
highly satisfied
with their educa-
tion and the quality
of instruction they
are receiving. The
side bar, College
Facts, gives some of
the particulars.

Besides the general
increase in the size
and quality of the
College, there have
been a number of
major curricular
developments this
year that are
designed to meet
the changing needs
of students and the
job market. At the
undergraduate level, the
Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences and the
Department of Health Science
Education have each estab-
lished programs specifically
designed for students who are
planning to continue their
education in medicine,
physical therapy and other
health professions. Also, the
Department of Recreation,
Parks and Tourism has
revised its undergradutiat
curriculum to insure that their
students are acquiring the
knowledge and skills required
by the ever changing recreation
industry. The addition of an
Ecotourism specialization is
just one example.

At the graduate level, the
Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences has developed
joint masters degree programs
with the College of Business

Administration for students
interested in entering the sport
business industry and with the
College of Law for those
planning careers in sport law.
In addition, we have estab-
lished new Ph.D. tracks in
Therapeutic Recreation and in
Tourism and Natural Resource
Recreation to prepare indi-
viduals for academic careers as
well as for positions in govern-
ment and industry.

Another area that continues to
expand is the Division of
Recreational Sports. As the
University enrollment grows,
currently at 42,000 students, so
does the need for recreational
facilities and programs. This
year we acquired $2.2 rnillni'i
to construct four lighted
recreational playing fields and
four lighted outdoor volleyball
courts and to provide needed
upgrading of our Lake
V\aubulrg facilities. This is a
continuation of ongoing plans
that we initiated almost a
decade ago to improve campus
recreational opportunities as
well as College academic

Fund raising remains a high
priority of the College. Our
development officer, Bill
Frederick reports we are on
target for meeting our
i2, 11 'U.ill '0 goal as part of the
University Capital Campaign.
We are entering the third year
of this five-year campaign and
have raised $700,600. Our
College Campaign Steering
Committee, under the leader-
ship of Frank Dempsey (BSPE
'51), is in full swing, and with
your help, we are confident
that we will meet, and hope-
fully exceed, our goal.

Let me close here by mention-
ing a new and exciting venture
we have undertaken called
GatorLife. GatorLife is a
unique, health enhancing
program designed for Univer-
sity alumni and friends who
are serious about improving
their health, fitness and quality
of life. The first session will be
conducted this summer -
June 14 through June 20. See
page 8 for details. Come, join
us and learn the latest scien-
tific and practical ways to

make healthy eating, exercise,
and stress management a way
of life.

I hope your 1997 was as
successful and rewarding as
ours. If you have the opportu-
nity to visit C,.vnir-\ ille, or you
are traveling through, please
stop by and see us. We would
be delighted to tell you, and
show you, much more about
the progress of your college.

Patrick J. Bird, Dean

SDepartment of Exercise &
t'port Science-
SDepartment 1o Health Science
* Departnicn oi Recreation
I'arks & Tounrsm
D \ Lsion oI Recrealtond Sports
S1.5W00 Undergraduate-
25?0 Graduates
" Division ot Rtireational Sports
19 L000 participants per 'Yeari
" Faculht Staff Wellnes, Cente
i.S.3 members)
*Sport & Fitness Courses
1.7,000 students enrolled pr
' 0'. Tuition & I ees.
- 30, non-State sources (52 5
S20- State Tax Dollar-
' Research and Development
Center tot E.XLICL.e Science
Ilorida (Center for Health
Center tor Iounsm Research
and De\ elopient
Faculty statt Wellnes (Center
tTea,.hing and Rercation
3Q acre recreation park
2 Pools. 50-meter I Indoor &
Ra.quetbibll Courts,
Outdoor t 32)
Roller Rink
Sottball Complex '4 field
Tennim Courts t40'i
Tr.wck Fa i:lit-
\ olUe ball Courts.u Ltdoor lT7'
aftere r Front I'ark L.S .lacreil


Dean Patrick r'i'd announces additions to the College Advisory Council:
Fran Carlton, Maurice 0. Edmonds, Charles Fessler, Thomas Glenn
Hi.'Wl, Diane Trexler, and Bob Murphy. New student members are
Kristine hlr, ifr and Derek de la Pena.

Fran S. Carlton, is clerk of the court for Orange
County, Florida. After attending the University
of Florida, she received the Bachelor of Science in
Education from Stetson in 1958. Carlton is a
i former member of the Florida House of Repre-
sentatives (1976-1988) where she was recognized
S as an advocate for physic.il filtnss. c ucatioin.
tourism and the environment. She chaired the
Governor's Task Force on Physical Fitness in
1975 and was the first female president of the University of
Florida Foundation Board of Directors. Fran and husband Ernie
have two daughters and three grandchildren.

Maurice O. Edmonds (BSHPE '53) is a retired
Major General of the U.S. Army. His 35 year
career in the arm\ was followed by 8 years as
Vice President of IPALCO Enterprises, Inc., the
corporate holding company of Indianaplois
Power and Light Company. In addition to his BS
degree from UF, Edmonds has an MS in counsel-
ing fioan Slippen.buri. State College. His Army
command assignments were throughout the US,
Europe, Asia and the Pacific. His decorations include (among
others) the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit,
Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star, Bronze Star and the Cross
of Gallantry with Silver Star, Republic of Vietnam. Maury and his
wife Jan have two grown sons and live in Ponte Vedra Beach.

Charles W. Fessler, Jr. (BSR '68; MS '69) is
currently a teacher at Paxon School for Ad-
vanced Studies in Jacksonville, Florida. A vocal
si'ppor"ter of the College, Fessler was active in
the recreational sports program as both a
graduate and undergraduate student at UE
Fessler and his wife of 28 years, Judith, provide
scholarships for undergraduate majors in the
College. The Fessler's, who live in Jacksonville
have 2 children, Debbie (a gator grad) and James.

T. Glenn Hoffman (BSPE '75) was a member of
the UF swimming and diving team in the mid-
seventies and later served as the Diving Coach
under head Coach Bill Harlan. While a swim-
mer at I.1, Hoffman was an All-Southeast
champion in both mwim\ i ning and diving.
Today, Hoffman is a well-known trial attorney
and a member of both the California and New
York Bar Associations. He is married to Julie
and has one daughter, Ashley Lauren. The Hoffman's reside in
Islip, New York.


Robert J. IBob) Murphy (BSPE '06) is a proles-
sional golter who won the US amateur in 1965
In 1Jhri he was the NC AA champion Murphy
turned pro in 1,,7 and joined the PG A tour in
1lr8. Severe arthriti; curtailed his golr and he
became a commentator for ESPN sports. In 19.3
he overcame the arthritis and toinied the setuor
tour on a ull-limne basis He has 11 Senior PGA
tour iLtt'ries and in 1996 wvn the Ben Hogan
ar ard Ior hus "co.me-back" rrum arthnti..
Murphy :er\e' ad the national spokesman fur the "Hookk-A-Kid On
Colf"program. Ht and itfe Gdal have o.nt daughter. Kimberl\ and
a grandatughlilr, lhe Murphys reside in BEk, niun BtaLlI.

Diane Trexler (BSESS '87) after teaching
elu-nentary physical education for six %cars. Is
Stking time oli to be home with hie one \ ear old
child. [I addition to "momn duties Diane is
actihc in the Julnor LIeague and is currintlv
serving a President hlic became in\'vol ed with
Junior League because or the Lea.ge's primary
t'ciw area on children and education. Trexler
her husband. and child Live in Ocala.

f <.'W s( a d(.i(- !t i n Q IL' ll, ( r.s
Derek de la Pena i- a doctoral student m the
Department ot E\ercise and Sport Sciences. He i a
graduate of the Uni\ ernlt ofi Tedas IBS p o1 l-
ogv) and Stephen F. Austin State Univerity (MA
in psy iolkog i. He ijs eipl.,ed asa graduate
teaching as.-istant in the Sport and Fitness
program. His area til speciahlzattii is motor
Lchavior and his goal is to soimeda\ teach aind
conduct research in the area ot sport psychology

Kristine Stouffer is a doctoral student in the
Department of Health Science Education She
received her Bachelor ol Arts degree in p ychol-
ogy trum the Uni\ ersilt of Central Florida dnd
her MSHSE trom UT in 1997. Dunnmg her
master's program she n as a graduate assistdnt
for Project \VISE-UP, a u.omprehenst e after-
scilhoil federally funded grant program for at-
risk youth. Stouffetr's area of specializat.ion is
health behavior and she is currently] resLarich
assistant to Dr. lill Varnes She is also the c-ditor 01 the FAHPERD
newsletter, a member otf several professional organizations and a
certified aerobics instructor at the Orion Fitness Center.

(. ) 11ti i (t. I Robert E Allen ol latik_-onvll
S C. David Ayers of Gaines\ille
n l 1 tiJb r immy Carnes of Ganesville
Frank Dempsey of" Verm Beach
Charles W. LaPradd of Gainews-dl
Alan LevLne of Talla-a ite
Larry Libertore, Jr. of Lakeland
Catherine Archibald Longstreth o Gainesville
Frank M. Lorenzo of Tnmp,.i
Edward D. (Ed) Mathews ol Haines ( it%
Perry C. McGriff, Jr. of Gamnesvillk
Ray H. Rollyson ol Plant City
Fred E. Rozelle of Gainesmlle
Bill Sims of Silver Springs
Emmitt Smith, Pensacola and Dallas. T'
John A. Smith of jackaonUAl
Stephen Orr Spurrier of Gainesnilr
Billie Knapp Stevens or Melrose
Ron Hall, Student Reprerentah\ve. RPT


Each uwar individuals through their estate, designate a portion of their assets for the benefit and support of
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Thluirugha e't. ifi, Bequest, you designate a specific asset in your estate to charity, ie. a house, a piece of property.
If the asset is not in your estate upon your death, the bequest cannot be fulfilled. To avoid this situation, you may
-I'V lfi li ,r l' lir:ir a:.-n f to fund the bequest.
A popular Ilh.,ejite- mie ra, is Ihe Re idrrl, Bequest. You dlieiate iyoiur estate :, clihriy afltr all dr'l -. taxes,
c.ll't .- ,ianid ,ll, h,..'r 'iur. ut, ihw been paid. Thi-, ci-ures' that your heirs receive their bequests before any
ilv-t li't.'r' t'1 ill ifif occur.
In a P1'7.i',ii:i' BL.liL? ,L 1 tI ,iF iii i'H n. '" ,c1 certain t, 'L ll,'_i :' 'i, ,,.i l w',- 1111' ,,F1 ?r ri d ,':iarru ';ic The
-i" ,r y, 'ur .h,,ritarne :ltt woill ,-"a ,"g' tlIi, rtIhnI ill I' tir,. ai: w nr nl, '-lt ak' t. 1, h'.L* h nc -'tt .','
'c; if .l' Iifi, i'ill it 'he rdalin' of wmot e'.tiiic chiany ..
LLavtin:. assets to charitv a, Iit" sidditional dolitlt in a donor's ruvai rlol a ltIlhir Ihev lhu.c ilt irl1,iffL ie'l
assets in their estate to r,.ride ifor Ihtir hirs A LVE4 THI RE'L.t \ft \.17 F'RLIs[ nu i;'lr,lide .,-o : titi'i.
In this plan an irrevocable trust is set up outside the donor's estate. The donor's children or gi,.,;n I -lullen '.l
n.nUh'r "N tht l'!0Jneficia'ie- To ny'r'plie lh ail'i Of io li ,Mit 4 L 'til F0 h flt rit Ih fil" t 7'fI'nbI ,", inh- I r,7 FMc' 0DL the
lif'e o) til ,lo, lur 'Lljull :; thte ile' of f/it i--l.t. The tdonor Ithi annually trIash In s rmo-.n i;:lo 'l ii rnm rt to pay
the premiums on the policy. I Ih traniters mnay be exempt from grt tan f Ithe amount is less than tiM 510I,(i p'er
child e.itcipihoin.
Upon the donor s death the prote'dc fr.n the policy are paid to the beneficiaries. Because the life insurance trust
-- out-11-de ite donor's estate, the proc'cds air pnd to it'e IbenL fiiitt s fte of e'-l.ic' taxes. Int additional thI
tt'fintf iaric- doh not pal. i111L intr tia upoi ret rit i of the proceeds. As ai rt,,sit. the nitlor ]has replaced the charitablel
asset for his heirs and gained tile added benefit of not iiubjecting the :iahne of thr arb e' to estate taxes.
\Worll im mpll ment trusts are a valuable technique allowing donors to realize rti, i, lihri!tl'bl initiatni:c.. .nd
',r'iere.'; the, ;valic ,of their estate for their heirs. .A ;ith all state' pln'ml, t.bls ym h.hilt, cIl mtilt your
advisors as to the ipplwcabdititf tL'/ tirs u ,hiutlC lo itr Icrtes itli r .i:;ilr hm. The Off7ic i' Plan,, ied Giving at the
Uni:vritv ,of Florida Foundation, Inc. or Bill Frede J.. in Ithr D:.'el'plmei'rt oPrce it tihe Coll t oi.r Health ad.
Hhrman Perfcrnmanice. would be happyi to aoimcr any questions Iot lfih:'ve ~oic turning hi.,;' to n.uki' a bIquect to the
Uji'.iv.critrn Florida or any otiecr pT,'lIn11d S.ift pi''. -. Pli-,; call 3.52-392-7612 x 225 for i.iitncL tta'ugih a
Cor''fidl. .t .1: n- I cli, tion.

g/E cog nation



This year marks the 50hd
anniversary of the admission of
women to full, undergraduate
status at the University of
Florida. The spirit of coeduca-
tion, however, was in place
long before 1947. Although
designated as an institution for
male students in 1905, the
university allowed women to
enroll for summer school.
W\t ment were actually admitted
to the University of Florida in
1924, but only to take courses
not available at the Florida

early 1940's saw several
attempts to make the univer-
sity a coeducational institution,
but it was World War tI with
returning veterans eager for a
college education that enabled
coeducation at UF to become a
reality. In 1947, the Florida
Legislature made UF and FSCW (now FSU) coeducational to meet
increasing demands at both schools.

Women were active on campus but it was not until 1983 that a
woman was elected student body president. In 1972 the first
woman was named director of instructional resources, which
marked the first time a woman supervised a major campus
wide operation. In 1973 the first woman was named associate
dean of student services, and in 1985 the first woman was
appointed graduate school dean. The year 1993 marked the
first woman to be made a full vice president, and in fall 1996,
the first woman was named UF's provost, the highest rank held
by a woman at UE

The university celebrated the 50'h anniversary of coeducation by
honoring 47 distinguished alumnae at a commemorative celebra-
tion held September 19, 1997. Immediately following this
celebration, the College of Health and Human Performance
recognized Fran S. Carlton and Donna L. Pastore, Ph.D. two of
our alumnae who have demonstrated outstanding service in the
field of health and human performance.

The honorable Fran S. Carlton, clerk of the courts for Orange
County, Florida is a former member of the Florida House of
Representatives (1976 1988). Carlton was recognized as an
effective advocate for physical fitness, education, tourism and
the environment. She chaired the Governor's Task Force on
Physical Fitness in 1975 and was the first female president of the
University of Florida Foundation Board of Directors. Carlton
also owned and operated a fitness/exercise business, wrote
several books and produced and hosted an Orlando-based
syndicated television show, one of the first live exercise pro-
grams to be broadcast.

Donna L. Pastore, associate professor of sport management at
Ohio State Uni. er-irty. earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Athletic
and Physical Education Administration from the Unii .rit\ of
Southern California in 1988. Pastore is a member-at-large of the
North American kc'Lt;h for Sport Management and is currently
President of the National Association for Girls and Women in
Sport. In 1995, she was recognized as an outstanding young
professional with the Mabel Lee Award from the American
Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
Dr. Pastore is book review edii tr and member of the editorial
review board for the Journal of Sport Management.

As we celebrate the accomplishments of remarkable women it
seems appprop'ricite to provide a brief introduction to some of the
women in the College of Health and Human Performance. The
descriptions that follow provide only a glimpse into the numer-
ous contributions of significant impact these women have had
professionally and personally throughout their careers.

Ruth H. Alexander, PhD is a Distinguished Professor in the
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences and has been at the
University of Florida for 28 years. Alexander has been a member
of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and the
Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. In 1972,
Alexander initiated the Lady Gator athletic program at the
University of Florida, a program which she administered for nine
years. Alexander has received more than thirty campus, state,
and national awards including UF's Woman of the Year; Governor
Bob Graham's Leadership Award; the National Honor Award as
one of five outstanding Americans clhILributing to fitness and
sports participation of women; University of Florida Athletic Hall
of Fame and the National Association of Sport and Physical
Education Hall of Fame.

New to UF's Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism
Candace Ashton-Shaeffer, PhD, joins UF from the University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill. A 1973 graduate of the College
Ashton is a returning Gator, pleased to be back at her alma mater.
She is a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist with research interest in
the recreation needs of individuals with disabilities and the role of
leisure in bereavement of later-life widows.

Associate professor in the Department of Recreation, Parks, and
Tourism Bertha Cato, PhD is Principal Investigator for Project
WISE-UP, a $400,000 three year prevention project funded by
the Florida Office of Juvenile Justice. She has delivered presen-
tations at international and national conferrco iice- inuding the
2nd ICIIPER*SD Asia Congress in Cebu. Phillippines.. and the
36th ICHPER*SD Congress in Yokoh.ima J .ip.in. CitL was
named the 1997 Recreation Professional ot the \eir by Sou terl
District AAHPERD; 1997 Teacher of the )ea ini her department
the and College: and recieved the 199c African Ang l.,% a ard rIr
service to the Gainesville community)

Dovie Jane Gamble, PhD, an assistant professor of Recreation in
the Department of Recreation, Parks, and Iurlnim since 1977 is a
Certified Leisure Professional and Certified Therapeutic Recre-
ation Specialist. Gamble has served on several professional
committees for the National Recreation and Park Association
(NRPA), the National Recreation and Park Ethnic Minority
Society, and the Fl'riJi Recreation and Park Association. She has
presented at the regional and national levels and is actively
involved with the American Cancer Society's Alachua unit,
currently as President-Elect. She was the recipient of the Courage
Award from the American Cancer Society, Florida Division.
Gamble's involvement with ACS has created expanded opportu-
nities for recreation majors interested in event planning.

Also new to the Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism is
assistant professor Heather Julie Gibson, PhD. Gibson has
published several articles and two book chapters and has given
more than 28 research presentations at various professional
conferences. She is active in the Society of Park and Recreation
Educators of the NRPA, the North American Society for the
Sociology of Sport, the Leisure Studies Association, the W,'irld
Leisure and Recreation Association, and the North American
Society for Sport Management.

MaryBeth Horodyski, EdD is an assistant professor in the
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences and Director of the
Student Injury Care Center. Horodyski also serves as advisor for
the graduate athletic training program and as Director of the
Clinical Outreach Program for Athletic Training/Sport Medicine
which provides athletic training/sports medicine care for 15 local
high schools.

Delores C.S. James, PhD, RD is an assistant professor in the
Department of Health Science Education and a registered
dietitian. James is a reviewer for the American Journal of Public
Health and has published more than 16 refereed articles. James
has given numerous presentations at international and national
conferences. She has received awards recognizing her contribu-
tions to teaching, research and service, the most significant of
which was the McKnight Junior Faculty Development Fellowship
from the Florida Education Fund.

The University of Florida initiated the Unit ertsit Research
Professorship award program this year, Barbara Rienzo, PhD
professor in the Department of Health Science Education was one
of only 30 such recognition campus wide. Rienzo's primary areas
of expertise are human sexuality education, school health policy
and program implementation. She has been nominated for and
received several teaching awards and was listed in Who's Who
Among America's Teachers, 1996. She has published numerous
articles in national and international journals and was awarded
the National Distinguished Service Award from the American
School Health Association in 1990 and from I t. Sigma Gamma in
1992. Rienzo is cooa.thor, with James Button and Kenneth Wald of
the recently published book Private Lives, Public C'rnl:1ir.

Christine Boyd Stopka, PhD has been an associate professor in
the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences since 1986. Stopka
has been the Director of the L.I' Special PE/Exercise Theirap Lab
since 1982 and was instrumental in the creation of the UF Student
injury Care Center. She has received the Taylor Dodson Award
for Leadership from Southern District AAHPERD, the Mabel Lee
Award for Outstanding Young Professional from AAHPERD, and
the Athletic Trainer of the Year Award from the Athletic Trainers
Association of Florida. Stopka was the Chief Athletic Trainer for
Boccia for the 1996 Paralympic Games in Atlanta.

Cited as one of the women tr,-spnhitle for the establishment of
the women's athletic program at UF, Linda Thornton, PhD has
been an associate professor in the Department of Rewtre il ii,
Parks, and Tourism since 1969. Thornton has numerous publica-
tions including co-author of the book Ti-a. Jil, SIl baVlil. She has
been an invited speaker at national, regional, state, and local
meetings as well as providing service to area schools as a
clinician. Thornton's honors include the Superior Accomplish-
ment Award, University of Florida; Outstanding Service Award,
Florida Recreation and Park Association District 11; Recreator of
the Year, Florida AHPERD; Who's Who in Florida; Outstanding
Young \\omen in America; and Woman Coach of the Year,
University of Florida.

Jill W. Varnes, EdD, CHES, FAWHP Assistant Dean of the
College, and professor of health science education, was elected to
the office of President of the American Alliance for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAH I' I I ) in April
1997. Varnes is the author of numerous journal articles on health;
is coauthor of Perspectives on Health, a high school health
textbook, and has received more than $2.5 million in funded
grants. She is the rc ipient of numerous professional honors
including the American Association for H- ltl Education
Professional Service Award; and honor Awards from AAHPERD,
Southern D.-tr Lt AA H PERD, and Florida AHPERD; in 1995 she
was named a Health Education Scholar by the International
Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and
Dance. She has also been listed in Who's Who in American

Noted sport historian, Paula Welch, EdD, is a professor in
exercise and sport sciences. Since 1985, she has served on the
education committee of the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC), and
represents the AAHPIRD) on the USOC. The Centennial Olympic
Program honored Welch, a USOC Project Gold Participant, for
research on the first American woman Olympic champion. She
has chaired NA'l'l's history of Sport and PJ'h) -c.l Education
Academy and has been recognized as the Southern District
AAHPERD Scholar. Welch has recently been awarded a $300,000
grant to write the history of women's athletic participation in the
Ivy League.

N. Sue Whiddon, EdD is a professor in Exercise and Sports
Sciences, specializing in Sport Management and Pedagogy.
Whiddon was the University of Florida women's tennis coach
from 1972-1975. She holds several teaching recognition including
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences Teacher of the Year,
FAHPERD College Educator of the Year, Who's Who in Educa-
tion, and the Delta Psi Kappa National Sponsor of the Year
Award. Whiddon has served as Director of the North Florida
Board of Officials for 15 years and consultant on several statewide
Teacher Education projects. Whiddon has published more than
50 referred articles and two books and has presented on the
national, district and state levels.

Other outstanding women in the college include Pamela L.
DeMichele, MSESS, who joined the [acul'. as an instructor in the
Sport Fitness program m in 1995 after completing her master's
degree in Exercise Physiology. I er responsibilities include a
variety of Aquatic, Sport, and Fitness courses each semester. She
has also participated as a faculty member in the Department of
Corrections l elln e'-, Specialist Course. And, is an Instructor
Trainer for the American Red Cross teaching various instructor
and basic level courses in CPR, First Aid, .\aitr Safety Instructor,
and Life guarding.

Denise M. Seabert, MS, visiting instructor in the Department of
Health Science Education received her master's degree in health
science education from Indiana University. Denise has been a
middle school teacher and public health educator in the areas
of drug and sexuality education for school age youth. She was
the Program Chair and member of the Board of Directors for
the School Health Association of Washington. Denise will
begin the doctoral program in Health Science Education in the
summer of 1998.

In addition to outstanding women faculty whose primary
responsibilities are teaching and research, the College has
exceptional women who serve as academic advisors to our
under rradiuaite students. Sharon Drumheller, MHSE left a
po-i tion at TexasA & M University's Student Health Center as the
Assistant Health Education Coordinator to return to UF in 1995 to
assume the position as the Undergraduate Program Coordinator
in the Department of Health Science Education. In 1996-97, when
UF changed how students affiliate with their major colleges,
Drumheller was tapped to become HHP's first freshman/
sophomore academic advisor. In addition to her responsibilities in
academic dd J i-ing. Sharon is co-faculty sponsor for Il IP's
College Council, faculty advisor for Kappa Alpha Theta sorority,
and serves on the Committee for Campus HIV/AII)S Education
and Policy and the Living Well Program's Advisory Board.

Elizabeth Lynn Frazier, MS is the Academic Advisor for the
Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism. Frazier holds
certification in therapeutic recreation from the National Council
for Therapeutic Recreation Certification. Prior to accepting the
position of academic advisor Frazier had been an activity thera-
pist. She has participated in several regional recreation and
tourism projects and is currently the President of the North
Central I lorid -i Alzheimer's Association Board. She has also
served as Chair of public poli,:c for the Alzheimer Association
Board and is a member of several professional and honorary

Mila Henderson is the Undergraduate Academic Advisor for the
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences. She completed a
Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of
Florida in 1987 and later spent two years in Morocco, North Africa
as a Peace Corps \ volunteer te.iwhinr; Business technical English at
the National Training Institute for Accounting and Secretarial
Studies in Casablanca.

Telisha Sanders received her MHSE from UF in 1995. She
returned to UF to become the academic advisor in Health Science
Education in January of 1997. In addition to academic advisement,
Sanders is responsible for internship placement and coordination.

Alumni HIealth Enhanc-
ing Program June 14
through June 20.

Lcarn the s.ecretsI_ of nuking
health eating. ceiciis anud stress
n.iiagiement a v. av or life with
the aid of a team of Ur ver:itv ,of
Florida health professionals.
Learn the latest -cientric andl
pr,-cthcal ways to.
* Lose weight and keep it off,

* Si l and riach Ai 'lthi ~ vs in all
en.uni Ipi Co lilt.
* EG iallhat' tu- 'r t'fitce. l'ctl
* Dei'ilop i, liih t'i i i Li:.
* Al[h.I'lt d- i,':"

TheL College of HcEalth and
Humian Perfornlanlc is
otlering a unique health
enhancing program called
GatorLite tor persons 50 and
older. The tirst session is
scheduled this summer
beginning sunday evening
inne 14 and ending '-aturda.i
afternoon. D]lne 20

A I'eek of Gatorl itf will help
you re, ai n somle o the vigir of
rour college da,,;. )\u will
fir-l participate in personalized
assessments to determine \ our
current ftne-, le elk and
nutritional habits With thli
information, health protes.lon-
als I ill help \ ou et health-
related goal-, and implerrmit
strategies to real thliem. 10LI
will then engage in enrichment
experiences ran gi n g from
dcesgiuing your own Il'iti'ni;
and w.cieght iniailiatcince
program to leat ling about
!ood iad nuntinll healthy
shopping and cooking,
recognizing health myths, and
Implementing stress manage-
ment techniques.

The emphasis will be on
learning by doing and having
fun in the process. Besides
lectures, assessments and health
and fitness activities, the

program t, ill include a I ekome
recifpti'n. eC enlng % alking t.our.
ort Lampun, cant,,ing ind a
ctokOkIut at Lake Waubhurg.
Ii.assiagdt -ssionI. a health'l meal
prepared for you at Chaucers. a
dosing banquet and a gradua-
hon cerenmolln.

This is not v.uir traditional
eiglhIt loss and fitness :
program." It is much more.
stresses '.at Bird. Dean ot the
College ot Healrh and Human
I'Perormiance. "Gatorl.ite will
provide practical information
that is necessary to maintain
the highest leo els of personal
health and fitness. To do thi.,
%\e have marshaled Uni ersitt
of Florida remource.- to, ofter
the nmot tLntmulatinr learning
en\ ironment that iour Intellet-
tuall\ rich and beaLitilul
aimpus can pro\ ide."

Dean Bird emphalsizes tlihat.
"Pariicipants will have tun
learning about posirite
lifestyle habit-, hut more
important after graduating
trom .CatorL'f. each indi-
v.idual n ill be prepared to
experience a renewed level of
energy and positive outlook
on lie "

The inaugural eieion or
CatorLitr i.s scheduled for lune
14 through lune 2'. To
provide a higil l per-onaiLzed
program, nrmerollment Ill be
limited to i1 people- Room.
meal, in-truction, material,
accets- to cainpu- factltie:.
field trips and soLial t entm
, ill be prol ided tor $1.500 for
the week that's just a little
more thani $200 per day to
improve your life. Reserva-
tions are now being accepted.
I o more information and a
program of activities, please
call .atotl if.' at (3521 392-
0578, ext.229. Also, visitor
web site: bitp. 'wv-.i.hlp.utl tedu
g tli e

The University of Florida
Foundation's Board of Direc-
tors kicked off the second
major capital campaign this
past fall. The campaign titled,
It's Performance That Counts, has
a goal to raise $500 million.
Each college has established it's
own goal and named a
campaign chair from among its
alumni. Frank Dempsey of
Vero Beach, one of our Advi-
sory Council members, has
agreed to chair the College's
Capital Campaign Committee
with a goal to raise $2.1
Frank Dempsey received his
Bachelor of Science in Physical
Education from the College in
1951. He was an offensive and
defensive tackle for the
University of Florida football
team in the late 1940's. As
Dempsey notes, "In the old
days, most of the players
played both ways, so it was
usual to have players on the

field most of a game."
In 1950, he was drafted by the
Chicago Bears and became a
member of Monsters of the
Midway In 1954, Dempsey left
the NFI. to play for the
Roughriders in the Canadian
Football League. When
Dempsey retired from pro
football, he started a hunting
rifle distributing business in
Canada. He later established
Lakefront Arms, the first gun
manufacturer in the country.
Dempsey was among the
inaugural group of Distin-
guished Alumni recognized at
the College's 50th Anniversary
Frank and his wife, Colleen,
live in Vero Beach, FL. They
have three children, Jimmy,
Bonnie, and Heidi.

iRi j -f-E -
tourism research &

Dr. Steve Anderson, and fi, riltu of the Center for Tourism Research
and Development, hosted Austin Mott, III (President and CEO) and
Frank Nocera (EVP and Chief Oc,'iiu, Officer) for Visit Florida, Inc.
Visit Florida serves as the, ,',tid tourism promotion corporation for the
state of Florida. The Corporation receives $20 million per year from a
$2 per day rental car surcharge. By 2001 Visit Florida, Inc. must match
those funds with public and private c',, i rdi' if,.

According to Dr. Steve Holland, Center Director, "having Mott and
Nocera on campus gave the Department and Center faculty an
'I''. P ,iir,,lu to educate the leaders of Visit Florida Inc. about who we are
and what we do." In addition, there was an opportunity to clearly
indicate the Department's interest in partnering with Visit Florida in
both research and service types of activities. "Our goal is to be the 'go to'
research center for Florida tourism," stated Anderson, department chair.

The day's events included a luncheon meeting sponsored by the
C,.tl a tour of the building and campus, and a :.'. ti:..: with
President John Lombardi.

(Left to Right) Anthony Fedler, assistant professor; Heather Gibson,
assistant professor; Stephen Anderson, professor and chairperson;
Austin Mott, President and CEO; President John Lombardi; Frank
Nocera, Executive Vice President and COO; Andy Holdnak, assistant
professor; and Stephen Holland, associate professor.

H o i frs


Dr. Ruth Alexander (ESS) was
presented the University of
Florida Women of Achieve-
ment Award at the Florida
Leadership Conference. Dr.
Alexander also conducted a
workshop in "Current Issues in
Sport Law" for the Alabama
Recreation Association in
Tuscaloosa, AL. The text,
"Sport Iaw for Sport Manag-
ers," is now available and has a
chapter on Ti. ad, Linrk Law
and its Application" by Dr.

The Undergraduate Athletic
Training Scholarship Commit-
tee (including Drs. Tom
Kaminski, Mary Beth
Horodyski and Jeff Bauer) is
pleased to announce the first 5
recipients of the Undergradu-
ate Athletic Training Scholar-
ship sponsored by the UAA.
These full tuition scholarships
were awarded for 1996-97 to
the following students: Joanie
Baron, Dean Mansion,
Meghan Mullholland, Cindy
Ruddy, and Gregg Simmons.

Selected as the College of
I Health and Human Perfor-
mance "Teachers of the Year"
for 1996-97 are: Dr. Stephen
Dodd, Exercise & Sport

Sciences; Dr. Andrew Holdnak,
Recreation, Parks & Tourism;
and Dr. Barbara Rienzo, Health
Science Education.

Dr. Steve Dorman (HSE)
received the Southern Di ,t ri
Nathan Taylor Dodson Young
Professional Leadership
Award, 1997. This award
represents the formal recogni-
tion for I)r. Dorman's profes-
sional contribution and
leadership. In addition,
Dorman was recognized as the
Health Professional of the Year
in Higher Education by the
Florida Alliance for Health,
Physical Educ .iion. Recreation
and Dance. Alumna, Valerie
Studnick Belen was recognized
at the same meeting as the
Health Professional of the Year
in a medical care setting. Belen
is a health educator with the
University of South Florida's
Student Health Care Center.

Two Department of Exercise
and Sport Sciences doctoral
students received Presidential
Fcllo'.i ,hip- for a't'T-9S. In
this first year of the program,
only 15 fellowships were
awarded campus-wide. Ross
Feldman who received his BS

degree from the University of
California, San I )iego will be
working with Dr. Mike Pollock
in exercise physiology. The
other fellow named was Aliza
H. Hildebrand, graduate of
Carnegie Mellon State Univer-
sity and Pennsylvania State
University who will be %. irlin4
with Dr. Robert Singer in the
area of motor behavior.

The Department of t\ercise and
Sport Sciences is recognized in
Smith and Morrow's "University
Rankings of ACSM Research
Abstracts and Symposia." The
purpose of the study was to rank
universities from abstracts
published in Medicine and
ScielCL- in Spo-rt ,0nd Exercise
from the 1995 and 1996 annual
ACSM meetings; 2,656 ab-
stracts from 901 institutions
were coded. Among all the
institutions, representing 38
countries, the University of
Florida was ranked second.

Dr. Delores C.S. James (HSE)
has been selected as a
McKnight Junior Faculty
Development Fellow for 1997-
98 by the Florida Education
Fund. The fellowship provides

a $15,000 payment to the
college to help defray the
teaching replacement costs,
while James completes research
in Health Behavior. This was a
competitive award; only two
faculty members were selected
for the fellowship in the state.

Ms. Amanda Jones (HSE) was
recognized by the UF Faculty
Advisory Committee as the
four-year Scholar at the
Summer 1997 Commencement.
She had the highest four-year
cumulative GPA (3.95) for the
1997 summer graduating class.

Mr. Luis Navarro (HSE) was
honored by Black Issues in
Higher Education, one of six
Uni\ cr-.,it of Florida student-
athletes, with a 1997 Arthur
Ashe, Jr. Sport Scholar Award.
Navarro was a four-time
Academic All-SEC and ranks in
the top ten in the indoor shot
put, 35-lb. weight throw and
the hammer throw. Navarro, a
spring 1997 graduate helped
guide the Gators to second-
place -llLt inm' in both the SEC
indoor and outdoor track and
field championships.

At the 1997 Southeast Athletic
Trainer's Association (SEATA)
meeting, Brian Hatzel, a senior
member of the undergraduate
athletic training specialization,
was awarded a $750.00 post
graduate scholarship in
r-i .o:gniti; n of his academic
and student athletic accom-
plishments while at UF

Ms. June Masters, Office
Manager in ESS and Mr. Scott
Templeton, Maintenance
Supervisor received the UF
Superior Accomplishment
Awards iin recognih ,n of
services above and beyond the
call of duty.

Ms. Sharon Morrison (HSE)
received an A. Curtis \\ ilguI
Award of $1,000 to support her
dissertation research in Jamaica.

Dr. Millege Murphey ES,'
recently received the National
Association for Cave Diving's
: NACD) highest award, the
Certificate of Special Merit, for
outstanding service in cave
diving safety He is the former
president and past national
training director of the NACD
and was the developer of the
international safety standards
for cave diving.

Dr. Scott Powers (ESS) has been
elected Vice-President of the
American College of Sports
Medicine. He also received the
Career Development Award
from the American Physiological
Society for his research efforts.

Dr. Chris Stopka (ESS)
received a plaque from the
National Athletic Trainers'
Association in recognition of
outstanding services to the

Dr. Jill W. Varnes, Assistant
Dean of the College was
elected to the office of Presi-
dent, American Alliance for
Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance. The
three-year term, in which she
will serve one year as the elect,
one year as President and one
year as Past President, com-
menced at the close of the
convention in St. Louis where
she received the AAHPERD
Honor Award. The American
Alliance is made up of six
national associations with
nearly 30,000 members across
the United Stlati,. These
professionals include practitio-
ners and scientists concerned
with promoting hidlthl. active
lifestyles for all age groups and
all ability groups.

Congratulations are in order
for Ms. Karyn Ward (ESS),
who has been offered a $4,000
Grinter Fellowship award for

Dr. Paula Welch (ESS)
received the National
Association for Girls and
Women in Sport Pathfinders
Award at the 1997 AAIIPERD
Convention in St. Louis.

Ms. Liliana Rojas (MHSE) has
been selected as one of the
recipients of a Graduate
Student Teaching Award for
1996-97 by the Graduate
School. Rojas is now a doctoral
student at Indiana University
in Bloomington.

facu y at :ct W...s i... :..; ..

Dr. Robert iniiger Dr. Andy Holdnak

Dr. Robert N. Singer, (Chair-ESS) presented a three day class
session on"Cognitive Processes and Motor Learning," for stu-
dents and faculty of the Master in Sport Psychology program at
the Humana Universidade Tencica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.
Dr, Singer also made the keynote speech for the Second World
Congress of Science Centre, Newsport, Shropshire, Great Britain,
and an invited presentation on "Anticipation and Decision
Making in Fast-Paced Sports," at John Moores Uni er:.; .
Liverpool, England.

Dr. L. Keith Tennant, Associate Professor and Associate Chair of the
Department of E\wrc,.-e & Sport Sciences has accepted a position as
Professor and Chair of the Department of 'h) )- ial Education and
Recreation at the State University of West Georgia, in Carrollton, just
outside of Atlanta. He retired from his position after 30 years at UF
and 32 years in the Florida system. He will be missed!

Dr. Jill W. Varnes (HSE) presented Nutrition Updates to the
Maine AHPERD at Samoset Resort in Rockport. The presentation
focused on the inclusion of physical. ,ti\ i ti as an clement of the
Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Varnes also presented a
session to the Alabama State AHPERD's student section on
expanding employment opportunities for HPER graduates.

Dr. Paula Welch (ESS) was invited to chair a U.S. Olympic Commit-
tee (USOC) task force to examine the USOC Constitution in light of
the strategic mission and role of National Governing Bodies.

Dr. Charles Williams presented a session at the AAHPERD
Convention in St. Louis entitled, "Turning Unused Bleacher Space
into High Tech Lecture Halls." The session focused on UPs
transformation of unused bleacher space, which cost $75,000
annually to maintain, into multimedia lecture halls. This renova-
tion now provides space for an additional 29,000 students per
year and $15 million in fees.

Necrolovy; Dr. Connie Edmondson, former faculty member,
passed away in January of 1997 at her home in Wilmington, North
Carolina. Edmondson joined the faculty in 1948 and taught
physiology and kinesiology as well as many racquet sports.



Attributional change research
has often been applied in
academic situations related to
success or failure in acquiring
new information (learning/'.
Attribution theory is related to'
an individual's perceived
ability or motivation to learn a .
new behavior, or in some cases
to unlearn a previous behavior.
Within the context of the
theory, people are seen as
active, infomation-proces sing
organisms capable of forming
opinions about everyday
occurrences. In general people
attributeoutcomes from their
actions as being associated
with factors that are either
internal or external to thcim-
selves: stable or unstable: and
more or less controllable whicli
relates to how much influence
or control the person .beiaves
he or sht can exert on th ...
outcome. Reasons that are
perceived as internal, cditrol-
lable, and unswtble.make it.
easier for the individual tc take-
persontal.responsjbiliWv for .
actions'and perceive. oritiot
uad high-erflcaty een-.folow-
Ing failure.
Iris Orbach,'Robert Singer and
Milledte .Murphei ifi the
Department of SxLercise and
Sport Sciences have conducted
what may be the first study to
investigate the influence of an
attributional training technique
on the performance of college
students seeking to learn a
sport task. Three groups of
recreational basketball players
were randomly assigned to
treatment groups. Each group
was provided information
related to attributes that would
influence success (performance
can be improved; everyone can
become proficient) or influence
failure (innate ability dictates
performance) or general
information related to the task
(skills needed to become a


.good basketball. player.. The
results 1Tvaled'ttat peirfor. .
mniAle cati be intlierced vy .
modit-ini t ttribant- ns-*tle.
performer so that.theit are"
functional and issociatd, wiEhi
achievement .
Robert Singer, Chair'ot the.
SDepartment. i Epl { .sand-
SportScien iesand a member.
of thi ri- ean.rh team, empha-
sizes the potential for teachers
of sport skills to use attribution
training program ms to help
-tudents and ioung athletes.
'if teaichei and. coaches better
u understand the nature of
runctional and dysfunctional
a attributes they may be better
prepaed to help their students
to alley\ iate the-negative effects
ot failure experiences. In effect,
a-sist others-to learn from his
or her failures." TIhe research
.team also noted that much
more .'real life" research is
needed to produce the.scien-
tif bodNy cf knowledge
..~ecessary to fully support
" progranis related to sport skill

.Sporr TOURISl ETrrnwDS BroND

When you hear the w;yd.Is
"Sport Tourism" the most
likely thing to come to mind
are trips to watch the Gators
play. There is no doubt that
Cator fans spend a lot of time
and dollars traveling to watch
their team compete. According
to the experts in the tourism
industry however, sport
tourism can be divided into
three broad categorie:e
watching sporting events,
visiting sport related attrac-
tions, and active participation.
In recent years the active
participation category has seen
dramatic gruon th. Resorts have
become the Mecca of the
ph% i-all active tourist.
Alpine skiing and golf are the
most popular activities,

although a range of sports
including tennis, swinuning,
bii\ cling and general fitness
activities are ., iillable. The
pervasive message from the
ina rkctt rs of these resorts and
destinalions is that active sport
tourismn i open to everyone
and is attracting participation
from the masses.

Heather Gibson, PhD, Assistant
Professor in the Department of
Recreation, Parks and Tourism
reports that her research
indicates that this picture of
broad-based opportunity is not
accurate. Research by Gibson
and Yiannakis of 1277 New
England residents found that
those who preferred physically
active vacations tended to be in
higher income brackets; be
college educated (66%) and
have advanced degrees (PhD,
MD, or JD). This profile
suggests that the recent growth
in sport related vacations have
contributed to the polarization
between the classes in the
travel industry. This raises the
question of the impact of
destination marketing on
participation. Gibson suggests
that the physically active
vacation package is simply
another product to be sold to
those who match the market
profile of affluent, educated,
primarily white and male.
According to Gibson, "Sport,
physical activity, and fitness
contribute to the overall quality
of life for everyone, therefore
the leisure professional needs
to be concerned about finding
ways to make sport tourism
(truly) available to all."


Documentation of prevention
program outcomes remains
problematic in professional
practice. In spite of the increase
in prevention initiatives, the
lack of reliable, systematic
models to evaluate .programn
effectiveness continues to be a

challenge. Dr. Bertha Cato,
Department of Recreation,
Parks and Tourism and Dr.
William Chen, Department of
Health Science Education have
been involved in testing a logic
evaluation model which could
result in an explanation to the
cause and effect of prevention
efforts. The focus of their work
is an innovative project funded
by the Florid. Juvenile Justice
Department. Project WISE-UP
is a comprehensive, innovative
program designed to reduce
the risk of drug and alcohol use
as well as risk for involvement
in criminal activities. The target
population is 50 middle school
students who have been
identified as high risk.
The project comprises a
continuum of integrated,
interactive activities which are
dominant components of the
students' environment,
community, school, peer
group and family. The WISE-
UP educational module
consists of five sub-modules:
crime prevention, drug
education, leisure education,
life skills building (decision-
making, problem solving, and
conflict resolution) and a
tutorial program. This after
school program is offered two
hours, four times a week
during the academic year and
in the summer. The logic
model is used to provide
explanations and justifications
for selecting various program-
matic components and
evaluation measures. It
consists of five components:
assumption, program activi-
ties, immediate outcomes/
evaluative activities, interme-
diate outcomes/objectives,
and final outcomes/goals.
Results of preliminary data
demonstrated the logical
progression of the project's
effects and supported the
usefulness of the logic model
in planning and evaluating
prevention programs.

Dr. Randy Braith (CLS) organized and presented a Symposium on Heart Failure and Heart Trans-
plantation at the annual meeting of the Southeast Chapter of the American College of Sports
Medicine in Atlanta. In addition, a TV release Dr. Braith produced with Rossana Passaniti regarding
exercise lowering levels of stressful hormones, recently aired on WNBC-TV I.os Angeles; WTHR-TV
Indianapoli%, WVI-'I V Hartford; WFOR-TV Miami; and WPRC-TV West Palm Beach.

Drs. Bertha Cato, William Chen, Mr. Neil Rainford and Ms. Kristine Stouffer (HSE graduate
students) and project staff delivered two presentations, "Project WISE-UP, a Comprehensive and
Innovati e Program for Prevention of Drugs and Crime Among I ligh Risk Minority Ad.,lc>tLenL- at
the AAl IPERD Southern District Convention in New Orleans and at the UF College of Education
Critical I-iut-4 Conference held in February

Dr. William Chen was invited to be a "Task Force Member" at the Centers for Disease Control in
Atlanta \wihtre the subject discussed was the issue of Hepatitis B among Asian Americans.

Ms. Sharon Drumheller, Instructor and Advisor, presented "You Take Care of Your Students, but
WV ho Tike, Care of You? Stress Management for the Academic Advisor" at the National Academic
Advising Association Annual Meeting in Kansas City, MO.

Several faculty in the Department of Health Science Education made presentations at the 1997
Amcri.c S'lool Health Conference held in Daytona Beach in September. On the program were Drs.
Steve Dorman, Delores James, Barbara Rienzo, Jill Varnes, and Robert Weiler. Undergraduate and
gradual.- student members of Eta Sigma Gamma also participated as monitors and host for social

Dr. Andy Holdnak and Dr. Steve Holland (RPT) visited Walt Disney World to participate in a
round table discussion about Disney internship programs. In addition, Dr. Holdnak was selected to
chair the Research Symposium for the Resort and Commercial Recreation Association's 1997 Annual

Dr. Tom Kaminski (ESS) made a poster presentation at the 1997 Southeast Athletic Trainer's
Association (SEATA) annual meeting in Atlanta, titled "The Effects of Neuromuscular Massage on
Exercise Induced Trigger Points." The paper was coauthored by Dr. MaryBeth Horodyski (ESS).

Dr. Milledge Murphey was featured on the Discovery Channel's ntion.ill% syndicated program
World of Wonder. He reported results of his 20-year 1 nmitud in. l reserl:h study regarding high risk
personality types. Earlier in the year he was featured on ESPN's coverage of the Extreme Games
and the X Generation.

The Center for Exercise Science was one of several departments sponsoring the annual cardiopulmo-
nary rehabilitation symposium in Orlando February 23-25, 1997. Drs. Michael Pollack, Randy
Braith, and Kelli Koltyn were among the presenters; 180 persons participated.

The book, Private I.ive-, 'Publi, Coniflict Battle Ove- r Gas' Riglt- in \m~1,. i.1n ConCIunI niiili, has
been published by Congressional Quarterly Press. U.S. Congressman Barney Frank (MA) wrote the
"forward." The authors, one of which is Dr. Barbara Rienzo, based the book on their national study
of the g:. rights movement in the U.S. (continued on page 11)

I j I\ 1111011111 q_ I ItV I


Elmer 1. Lucks. Jr. BSPE
Elmer is enjoying his retire-
ment in Orland Park, 1L.

I 9s0
Perry McGriff BS
Perry recently participated in a
coast-to-coast cycling event to
raise awareness of the need for
lifesaving blood donations.
His reason for participating
was the realization that this
event would provide a tremen-
dous oppo'rtunitl to educate
and motivate people to give
new life through organ and
tissue donation.

Kathy Hill BSPE
After returning to campus for
the 50th anniversary and
-pe ending some time catching
up with sorority sister Jerri
Starr Spurrier, Kathy antici-
pated another Gator win in
Baton Rouge. She says life as a
Gator at LSU will be a little
more difficult this year.

Marilyn Clendining Bast BSPE
The Gator tradition continues,
Marilyn reports son Jim is a
junior here at UF and son Jeff is
at SFCC in preparation to
transfer to UF. Marilyn has
been the I iIne-.a Director at
Mission Bay in Boca Raton for
the last Ili year-

- ;- ,
T. Glenn Hottman BSPE
Glenn was the successful
bidder on a section of Alligator
Alley bleacher (Circa 1949) at
the silent auction held in
conjunction with the 50th
Anniversary of the College. He
had a special presentation in
mind when he bid on the
section of bleacher. Glenn's UF
roommate was Neal Walk, now
the speakers bureau coordina-
tor for the Phoenix Suns of the
NBA for whom Walk played
from 1969 1974.

planet H. Conner BSHE
Janet works as a science
teacher and is Depoirnntnl
Chairperson at 1 lillard Middle-
Senior High School in Duval
County. She is also the mother
of a five year old daughter.

I 2
Tohn Roglieri BSHSE
John returns to Gainesr lle for
homecoming and as many of
the Cator games as possible
each year. He is a Senior
Industrial Hygienist with the
Department of Labor Division
of Health and Sa f;y. State of
New York. John was one of
many alumni attending the
50th celebration.

Mary Pace BSHE
Mary worked in HMO sales for
the last six years. She received
a B.S. in Nursing in 1993 and is
teaching behavior change
classes. She is also working as
a Risk Manager in Employee
Benefit sales for N.E. Florida
Insurance Services. She has
traveled to Europe and Africa
and is still single!

Todd M. Parker BSR
Todd just returned from a two
month backpacking/trekking
journey to India, Nepal, and
Tibet. He has been to the
Himalayas, Base Camp of Mt.
Everest, white water rafted in
Nepal, and studied Hind ui.m
and Buddhism.

John Beaudi BSHSF
John is President of OST,
Occupational Safety Training,
Inc. a company he began not
long after graduation. OST
provides customized environ-
mental training onsite for a
variety of companies.

Ruth Sledge Allegood BSESS
Ruth was pleased to see the
Hall of Fame information in

the last I'erformance, unfortu-
nately we somehow missed an
entire year! Ruth was not alone
in noticing the omission.

Fellow 1987 Hall of Famers
Judy Arnold Patrick BSR and
Valerie Studnick Belen BSHSE
also contacted us to let us know.
\I%-X can ai-sure you all 1 u, I lall
of Famers are on the wall plaque
outside the Dean's Office.

Leslie A.H. Kluttz, BSR
Leslie is Director of Sales &
Marketing for the Holiday Inn
Woodlawn, a 425 room
convention hotel located in
Charlotte. She is also Chair-
man of the Board for the North
Carolina Chapter of Hospital-
ity, Sales & Marketing Interna-
tional. She recently received
her Certified Hospitality Sales
Executive (CHSE) designation
from HSMAI at the 69th
Annual Convention in Atlanta.

Kathr n Linne Morgan BSR
Linne is Recreation Manager II
in DeFuniak Springs, FL. She
lives in Panama City and
enjoys scuba diving in the Gulf
of Mexico. She also works as a
personal trainer in her spare

P1 .-:"
Karen Simpson BSHSE 67:
Karen is Regional Health
Services Management Analyst
with the Florida Department of
Corrections. She has been the
recipient of a Davis Productiv-
ity Award and is currently
statewide Employee of the Year
for Health Services Adminis-
tration in Corrections. Karen
and husband, Martin, enjoy
renovating old houses. At the
time of this writing, Karen and
Martin were awaiting the birth
of their first child.

Suzanne A. Gardner BSR
Suzanne is a Junior High
Teacher at St. Coleman School
in Pompano Beach, FL.

Christi Wolaver Wade BSESS
Chnvhin opened "( hristi's
Fitness" on January 1, 1997 in
Vero Beach, FI,. Her center
ol1 ers adult group exercise
classes as well as dance and
gS unuastics dclais- for ihddrenr
She and her husband, Steve
(also ,a gr.duale of UF), live in
Vern Beach with their two year
old son, Brenton Tyler.

Debbic (IHSE) and B ron
Holmes (1MSLSS '89)
Debblc and Byron are enio. ing
Colorado life. Their onlv son.
Luke Owen, is now a big
brother to t Kolb Ain, who was
born on April 1, 1997 and i-
quickly learning the "Gator

Alan Levine BSHSE
Several months ago Alan
moved from the Pasco County
area to [ahllahass.ee to take over
Operations for Tallahassee
General I hospital, a member of
the Columbiad. HCA iealtho.re
network. Alan enjoys li\ inie in
the capitol city in spite of the
overabundance of Seminoles.

(;lenn II. Pollack BSESS
Glenn is employed by the City
of Cape Coral, FL as a Lead
Lifeguard and EMT. He also
directs a lifeguard agency)
whose rescue skills rate in the
top 1% in the nation. He has a
personialized auto tag that
reads "IMFIT-RU" and iepoi ts
he "refuses to get a REAL jobl"

Sharon Heggy BSESS
Shali'on is currently U'. ilng in
Tampa, FL employed b Nike
as an EqUipment Sales Repre-
sentative. She wa; married on
October 25. 1997 at St. August-
ine Church, CGaine-\ville to
Kenyon Rice, Ill I] ho is a full-
time USF student in the
College of Engineering.

Rod Stewart BSHSE
Stewart Systems is Rod's
dream business come true.
Located in Melbourne, Stewart
Systems provides massage
therapy, personal fitness
training and motivational
consulting to individuals and
organizations. Most recently
Rod presented at the Club
Industry '97 convention in
Chicago, and will be a pre-
senter at the IDEA Interna-
tional meeting in California in

Chris Brock BSHSE
Chris is employed as a
Firefighter Engineer for the
City of Jacksonville Beach in
Duval County. He is currently
encouraging the county to
provide a consistent plan for
physical fitness activities for
this group of public service

Lisa Bell (Highsmith) MHSE
Lisa and husband, Mark,
stopped by on their way to
attend a professional meeting
in Orlando. Lisa is working a
few days a week as a dental
hygienist, but keeps up her
active lifestyle.

Clint Sibbitt BSESS '93
After completing a master's
degree from Georgia State
University Clint worked with
the Duke corporate fitness
program. He was recently on
campus for homecoming and
reports that he will soon be
moving back to Atlanta and
will be in touch once relocated.

Shannon Foley BSESS
Shannon finished her MPT
degree at the Institute of
Physical Therapy in St.
Augustine, FL in September of
1996. She is currently working
as a PT./ATC with the
Houston Ballet.

Douglas I. Casa MSESS
Doug began a professor
position in the department of
Health & Physical Education at
Berry College in Rome, GA in
August of 1997. He completed
his Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology
at the University of Connecticut
in the spring of 1997.

Kenneth Kepler BSHSE
Ken, a health science teacher at
Hawthorne Middle.' I lilgh
School, was one of 25 teachers
'selected by the American
Physiological Sic k-I for its
Frontiers in Phv-siologv
program. Ken will work with
Drs. Lin Philhips and Mohan
Raizadza in their Health
Science Center lab. IHe will also
receive a $35000.00 fellowship
for a one week workshop to
work with other teachers to
create learning activities for

Matthew C. Greer MESS
Now li int in Taimp.i. Matt is a
broad.caitu-r and accounts
'exci-utive with the Tampa Bay
lMutiny, a major league soccer

Jonathan Acey Albert BSESS
Jonathan will begin Medical
School at the Uni\ ersitv of
Miami in August as a member
of the Class ol 2001.

Tennifer Wilson BSR '93,ALSRS
Jennifer is the Vice-President
foi Markcting and OpcLlatons
for Pa\'or- Home Health Care,
liin. in Taimpa FL. In Septenm-
ber she married another U I
gradiua tt. Ed \,:irrd Ca rl tr t.
Both are active with the lamp.a
Bay Gator Club.

Alysia Allen BSHSE
Alysia completed her intern-
ship in thl EduLation Depart-
ment at Lakeland Regional
Medical Center. In early
laluarv, shr e accepted the
invitation to run "The Little
CG n a center which

promotes healthy physical and
mental development of children
ranging from toddlers to twelve
years olds.

Thomas E. Clark (Tec) BSR
Tec completed a Bachelor of
Science in Recreation with an
emphasis in Leisure Services
Management in August of
1996. He has recently accepted
the position of Assistant
Director for the YMCA SCUBA
Program in Norcross, GA.

Thomas J. Darus, III BSESS
Thomas is the Recreation
Supervisor at a private prison
owned by Corrections Corpo-
ration of America in Lake City,
FL. There are 350 youthful
offenders (Ages 19-24) in the

Paige Leader, BSHSE
Paige has been teaching at
Dunnellon High School in
Marion County, FL since
January 1997. She teaches Life
Management Skills and reports
that high school students today
really are different.

Pat Hill BSHSE
Pat reports the birth of daughter
number two and an exciting
new job. Pat, a licensed general
contractor has combined his
knowledge of building construc-
tion with his health education
background to land a job with a
defense contractor. Pat's
responsibility will be to develop
a comprehensive risk manage-
ment plan which includes
accident/inl]ur pr1e\ nti..l' Id
safety education.

Attention "Agin Gaor_'
Real Agin Gators, according to
Coach Alan C. Moore are those
men who played for the
Florida Men's Soccer Club. If
you are interested in Agin
Gator Soccer Society activities
contact Coach Moore at 352-
372-2037 or by mail at 507 NW
36 Terrace, Gainesville, 32607.

Sschola h

convoca ti n

An exciting Scholarship Convocation was held Friday, January 23,
in the Gator Room in the Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. This convoca-
tion luncheon celebrated 20 outstanding scholarship recipients
and honored the donors whose contributions make these awards
possible. Almost 515,000.00 in scholarship funds were presented
to undergraduate and graduate student majors. Through the
generosity of our alumni and friends and the dedicated efforts of
William (Bill) Frederick College development officer, we have
seen a steady growth in the number of scholarships and the
amount of each award over the past ten years. Members of the
College Council served as hosts for the event, and Andrew
Holdnak, chair of the scholarship committee announced the
recipients as Dean Patrick Bird presented the awards. Other
members of the Scholarship Committee were Delores James,
Douglas DeMichele, Tom Kamiski, and Jill Varnes.

The Patrick J. Bird Dissertation Research Award was established
by Pat Bird, Dean of the College of Health and Human Perfor-
mance to assist students with the costs related to the completion
of their doctoral dissertation. Bird was named Dean in 1985,
coming to UF from the University of Virginia. He has more than
30 years of experience as an educator and writes a weekly
-y'rdicatlrd column, "Keeping Fit." The recipient of the inaugural
Bird Dissertation Research Award was Kevin R. Vincent. Kevin
received his bachelor's degree from the L.i iiveruitv of Connecticut
and master's degree from University of Massachusetts. His
research will examine how resistance training at different inten-
sity levels may effect physical function, bone metabolism and
resistance to oxidative stress in persons 60 to 85 years of age.

C.A. Boyd served as Dean of the College from 1970 until his
retirement in 1986. Boyd was an avid golfer and the undergradu-
ate scholarship that bears his name includes a love of the game as
one of the criteria for selection. This year's recipient of the
i.ndergradua i- Boyd Scholarship is Brian Rockwood, a senior

(L-R) Brian Rockwood, Toby Boyd

mda i..rinT in Exercise and Sport Sciences 'spt-e ilizin ii Sport
Management with a minor in Business Administration. In
addition to being active in College Council Brian serves on the
Recreational Sports Board of Directors and is Chair of the long
range planning subcommittee.

The graduate Boyd scholarship was presented to Heather
Ketelaar Vincent, doctoral student in Exercise and Sport Sciences.
Heather received both her BS (in Zoology) and MS (in biochemis-
try) degrees from the University of Massachusetts. As a student
she has received
awards from the New
Sa England chapter, the
southeast chapter and
the national chapter
of the American
College of Sports
Medicine (ACSM).
Heather's area of
research interest
focuses on the
adaptation of skeletal
7 aand heart muscle in
Sp 1l response to exercise
or disease.
(L-R) Joscelyn Boyd McCourtney, Heather Vincent
The H. Spurgeon Cherry, Jr. scholarship was established by
friends and former students of Mr. Clic I e, former Chairman of
the Department of Intramurals and Recreation. This award is
given annually to a student nominated by the faculty. All
students from the 1997 senior class were eligible for nomination
this year's recipient, Stephen W. Daignault received his BS in
Recreation with an emphasis in public and community recreation.
Since arriving at L F Steve has been active with the Recreational
Sports prora nm. His responsibilities have ranged from field
maintenance to coordinator of officials. In accepting this award,
Steve stated, "As a student here at I: F I have been employed,
promoted and educated in the Division of Recreational Sports.
These experiences along with my academic classes have provided
me with a solid foundation to begin my career."

Slh r m h ilrlir h!' diii. F L'F IaCt.
Dean Patrik BUi! oir Air. Bill
F);'.;' ri, k. -m-,'l,'llri

t I.irit: V '( 'r, r7,ri. P' 0 RP

The James Daniel Eggart Memorial Scholarship was established
by Mr. Eggart's family in accordance with his request. Danny, a
1965 graduate of the College, was from the Pensacola area. He
sought to assist others from the Escambia county area to attend
the University of Florida. Two Eggart scholarships were awarded,
the first to Yaphett Kashif Powell a senior in Exercise and Sport
Sciences in the sport management specialization. As a student
Yaphett has earned many academic honors including consistently
appearing on the Dean's List and being nominated to Golden Key
National Honor Society. He will complete his BS degree with
high honors in the spring, and then plans to enter law school.
The second Eggart awardee, Virkeisha LaShonda Taite, a
graduate of Woodham High School in Escambia County is a major
in He.allh Science Education. As a student at UF she has served as
Resident Assistant in Jennings Hall, and has been an active
volunteer in the Gainesville community. In receiving the award,
Virkeisha stated, "Volunteering at March of Dimes has really
given me the opportunity to relate what I have learned in my core
classes.... It has given me and will continue to give me (the)
experiences I need to become the best health educator 1 can be."

The Charles W. Fessler Jr. scholarship was initiated in 1994 for
majors in the Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism who
have been actively involved in the Recreational Sports program.
Fessler graduated from the College in 1968 with a degree in
Recreation. He was an avid participant in the intramural sports
program. He was later employed by the Department of Intramu-
ral Sports where his riv.at- ir. and energy were put to effective
use. This year's recipient is Andrea Minozzi, a December 1997
BSR graduate. This spring Andrea entered the master's degree
program in Curriculum and
Instruction in the College of

A new scholarship this year is
the Judith D. Fessler scholar-
ship established by Judith's
husband of 28 years Charles W.
Fessler. Mrs. Fessler worked on
campus while her husband was
a student, and since 1971 has
operated her own management
consultant firm. The Judith D.
Fessler award is presented to
an Exercise and Sport Sciences
senior, who is a native of
Florida, with preference given
to married students. The first
recipient of the Judith Fessler
scholarship is Melisa Andrea

Garvey. Melisa is a senior in Exercise Science with a minor in
health education. I ler goal is to work in a cardiac-rehabilitation
center. She has been a floor instructor with Living Well; is a
member of Delta Psi Kappa and is captain of her intramural
softball team.

The Thomas F. Hayes, IV Memorial Scholarship is awarded to an
outstanding Team Florida Cycling Club member who has been
recognized as having excellent professional potential. The
recipient is selected by the College's Scholarship Selection
Committee from recommendations by Team Florida. This year's
recipient is Robert Daniel Murray a senior in Exercise and Sport
Sciences. As a member of Team Florida, Rob has chaired the
community service committee. A focal point of Team Florida's
community service has been the promotion of bicycle safety and
helmet use.

Six Norma M. Leavitt scholarships will be presented this year, one
undergraduate and five graduate. Dr Leavitt was a faculty
member in the College from 1953 until her retirement in 1981. The
Leavitt undergraduate scholarship is presented to an exercise and
sport sciences major interested in pursuing teaching as a career.
This year's undergraduate recipient is Kwabea Kamiellia Pinto.
Kwabea, a junior specializing in athletic training, is currently
assigned to Hawthorn High School. She has been an active
volunteer with the Lifesteppers program which provides after-
school tutoring to at-risk-youth.

Graduate students receiving the Leavitt award are: Matthew
Thomas Boyer a master's student in Recreation Administration
and a graduate assistant in Recreational Sport. He has consis-
tently demonstrated a strong commitment to the recreation
profession trllduI.h his involvement in student leadership posi-
tions within professional organizations. Sean Brewer is a master's
student in Exercise and Sport Sciences specializing in sport
management. Sean's goal is to work with a college sports organi-
zation in the area of compliance. He is uniquely qualified in the
field of sport law having already received the Juris Doctor from
UF in December 1996.

Sharon D. Morrison is a doctoral candidate in Health and Human
Performance with a specialization in health behavior and a minor
in medical anthropology. Sharon has enhanced her professional
preparation through hands-on experiences in several areas of
Mexico; and rural locations in Florida and Jamaica. Jeffrey D.
Pasley received his BA in psychology from The Ohio State
University in 1993. Jeff's area of interest is sport and exercise
psychology and he hopes to eventually complete a PhD and teach
at the university level. I Ie is married and has a two-year-old son.
Mark Tillman is a doctoral student emphasizing biomechanics
and motor behavior. Mark has a bachelor's and master's degrees
in engineering from U. This past summer he completed an
internship program with a German company that produces
biomechanical analysis equipment.

The Lee-McCachren Scholarship was established as a tribute to
two outstanding teachers, P.A Lee and Jim McCachren. P.A. and
Jim Mac were avid handball players and in later years played a
highly competitive game of racketball. Today, a plaque adorns the
h.a ndb.ill racketball courts on University Avenue proclaiming
them as the Lee-McCachren Courts. This award, given to a
graduate student who is teaching in the Sport Fitness program, is
by faculty nomination. Keith R. Springmann is this year's
awardee. Keith received his BS degree in physical education from
Sailsbury State University and the master of education from the
same school. Nominating faculty describe him as an outstanding
and ofi ti., e teacher.

Herman W. Schnell served as head of the Department of Physical
Education for Men from 1949 until his death in 1958. The Schnell
scholarship is given to a student who demonstrates scholarship,
leadership and skill in physical activities. This year's Schnell
recipients include Mary Lam, an undergraduate in the athletic
training emphasis, currently working with Buchholz Hihi School.
In addition to her work as an athletic trainer, Mary has also
volunteered at Sidney Lanier, a school for mentally and physically
disabled. The second Schnell recipient is Elsie Lo, who is also
specializing in athletic training. Elsie is an athletic trainer for
Bradford County High School. She enjoys sports and is currently
playing on the UF Women's Rugby team.

B.K. Stevens was on the faculty of the College from 1947 until his
retirement in 1976. Mr. Stevens and his wife Brrt. continue an
active involvement with the College. Stevens scholarship
recipients for 1998 are Karan Bradshaw and Coury M. Knowles.
Karan Bradshaw, a senior in health science education holds an AS
degree in nursing. In addition to being an excellent student Karan
is a wife and mother of two children. She continues to work part-
time at Shlaids Hospital and provides patient education in
addition to clinical service. Coury Knowles, a senior in exercise
and sport sciences has worked as the student-manager for the
Gator b.Kwlvall team for more than two years. Coach Andy Lopez'
letter of nomination notes Coury's exceptional attitude and "yes"
approach to life. 1 Ie has also been a volunteer with the Physically
Impaired Academy at Howard Bishop Middle School where he
has consistently demonstrated his caring and concern for others.

Also recognized at this year's convocation were recipients of the
undergraduate athletic training scholarships. The Chris Patrick
Scholarships are funded by the University Athletic Association to
encourage academic excellence in the athletic training program.
Students are provided funds to support full-time in-state registra-
tion fees for up to 12 hours of course-work for two full semesters.
Students receiving the Spring 1998 awards were Carlye Barat,
Joanie Baron, Elsie Lo, Kelly Ramsdell, Cindy Ruddy, Dana
Schoonmaker, and W. Gregg Simmons, Jr.

honor roll
(continued from page 21)

Catherine A. Sim
Stacey Andrew Simmons
Lisa J. Simms
Cynthia Detweiler Simpson
Jacquelyn K. Sinclair
Marc L. Sitowitz
James E. Skiles III
Barbara B. Smith

Gregory Smith
John A. Smith
Johnny Wayne Smith
Lisa Doreen Smith
Nancy E. Smith
Sonya Ellenburg Smith
Thomas R. Smith Jr.
Mrs. Tracy J. Smith
Jennifer L. Smolka
Margaret Smyly
April Joy Snyder
Sony USA Foundation, Inc.
Karen I. Soto
Darryl Lewis Southard
Great American, Inc.
Rhonda A. Spotts
Donald C. Staley
Ka ih Stallings
Gina M. Stallone
Edwin M. Standefer III
David Earl Stanton
Robert Louis Stephens
John L. Steverding
William K. Stewart
Carolyn S. Stone
Sue B. Stoops
Bart Phillip Storm
Mrs. Jo Young Stout
Janet C. A. Streep
Elisabeth H. Stuart
William H. Swartz Sr.
Stephen J. Sylvester
Lynn Penovi Tackett
J. Matt Taylor
Traci Ann Tefft
Laurie J. Tenace

John TenBroeck
Keith Tennant
N. Paige Thompson
Linda Thornton
Michael Wayne Travis
Donald J. Trew
Diane C. Trexler
Colny W. Tucker
Christopher J. Turenne
U.E Equestrian Club
UNUM Foundation
Mario A. Valcarcel
Stacey D. Van Schenck
Paul R. & Jill W. Varnes
Lori A. Vazquez
Jerry L. Vollenweider
Carl E. Yalktr Jr.
Stephen M. Walker
Linda E. Walton
Lisa O. Ward
Margaret L. Webber
Carolyn P Weiler
Paula D. Welch
Jeannie R. VWelk
Marcia A. West
Janet Whidden
Nancy S. Whiddon
Jane R. Wilkinson
Steven S. Willard
Lois M. Williams
Andrew G. Winslow
David J. Wisgirda
Edward E. Witt Jr.
Pamela P. Wittig
Kay Harkey Wood
Teresa L. Wood
Clyde L. Wright, Jr.
Paul J. Wright
Mrs. Mirka J. Young
Derek A. Zappitello
David Paul Zwerski

r ol

Fiscal year 1997 was a record setting year for the development program of the Iollc.;,, Through
ri ,I .'i 'Irisiti/ ~ 36.i3S84 was committed to advance the college and to assist in the continuing
enhancement of nltio,,ally and internationally recognized programs. We are most grateful to our
d.inor. "hur hil' is vital to the 'rrorti of your college and we ask you to continue your support.
L1i,:n I can be of assistance to you in planning a gift for the t.oi'L'c, please contact me.

CokBird, ih,.
Patrick J. Bird, Ph.D.

$1000 or More
Roberr E. and Rebecca
Sinunons Allen
AericanCollege Sport- dicine
American Lung A-.soci:ation of
Florida, Inc.
American Federation for Aging
American Heart Association,
National Center
Barnett Banks, Inc.
Patrick J. Bird
Susan A. Boehm
Reginald L. Colton
Federated Department Stores
Charles W. Fessler Jr.
William D. Frederick
Ivory International, Inc.
Julian Johnson Jr.
Marching Auxiliaries of America
Mathews Managcement
Corporation, Inc.
Perry C; McGriff Jr.
lcknight foundation
Medx 96, Inc.
Donald J. Miller
Nationwide Insurance Foundation
Stephen Orr, Inc.
R. Morgan Pigg Jr.
Shannon C- and ChristineRidgeway
Francis E. Sargent
Southern Bone & Joint Center
State of Florida, Comptroller
Billie K. Stevens
University Athletic Association, hic.
Water Concepts, L.L.C.
Your Campus Federal Credit

$500 $999
Agin' Gators Soccer Society
Alicia Nicole Ashdown
Calvert R. Dixon
Stephen J Dover
Dyvnamic Rehabilitation
Centers, Inc.
NMal. Gen. Maurice 0. & Jane A.
Marie E. Knafelc
Mary F. Lane
Nike, Inc.
Ogden Ertertainni-nt of
Florida Inc.
Charles P. and Sue Siler
.Robert N. Singer
State Farm Con I[ 'ie- Fotuiidarion
Warner-Lambert C om pa inv
Iket in LAn1 Wheeler
Willis Chiro Mfed

$250 $499
F.A.H.P.E.R.D. Alliance
Florida Association of
l roicssion.il Health Ediuttl.rs
John F. Gaines
Leonard J. Harper
Mrs. William Hegedus
Robert C. Hewitt
Eric S. Hobelmarn
Clarence D. Landriess
Charles W. I aPradd
Charles E. McPliiIoiln\
Alan C. Moore
Robert E. O'Dare
Terry B. I'appas
J.C. Penney CG inmpIn. Tna.crprlnto.i
James C. Phillips Jr.
Mary Ann Roy
Frederick E. Rozelle, Sr. &
Charlotte G. Rozelle
Robert W. Sherwood
Slirley Silcott
Sponsored Research-Misc. Donors
Stcplhinit C. Stans
Capt. Loretta L. Thayer
Patricia J. Yetter

$100 $249
Randall Scott Adams
Romulous E. Alderman, III
Latonya K. Anderson
Kara V. Andrew
Richard A. Arnold
Thomas W. Arnold
Leonard C. Balas
Andrea L. Behrman
Bells .utti Corporation
Harry L. Benson Jr.
Ananda M. Bergeron
Susan Marie Betchner
Linda M. Billii n~il.
Robert F. Boddy
John L. Bowers, Jr.
Charles T. B&' I
Nell lunt Bradley
Heidi E. Britten Perry
Mrs. Frances E. Brown
Nancy Lee Brueck
Catherine Bushey
Joseph B. Cannon
Tori A. Carlton
Vicki Lynn Carpenter
Cciclv K. Carr
Daniel Harvey Carter
Kassandra Cerveny
Jeffrey Lynn Cesta
Kristi Matthes Chastain
Brad Chissom
Bill F. Cockcroft
Cheryl R. Courtney
Matthew L. Cowan
Donald W. Cox
Ronald D. Creese
James W. Crowe
Stacy R. Daley
Philip Clay Daniel
Don Lee Deal
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Bradford S. Dillion
Karen E. Dolin
Don Cayce E Ikt tnrr
Holly M. Dunsworth
Jack L. Eckdahl
Ralph D. Ellis Jr.

Mrs. Terry O. Eymann
Peter John Fagan
Seigfred W. Fagerberg
Janet Susan Forbess
Richard P Forster
Mark S. Foster
Jill P. Freeman
Andrea Gabrielli
John P. Gawlak
Cash Donations- General
Cc;i\ria-'Paciric Company
Lewis H. Gilbert, Jr.
Neal M. Gillespie
Theresa W. Gillespie
Susan M. Gladstein
Alan Ricky CGold berg
Louis J. Goldstein
Edwin H. Gratton
Veronica G. Greason
Elizabeth J. Gresley
Christopher E Hallett
Patti Fischer Hamilton
William E. Harlan Sr.
James S. C. Hasbrouck
Herman C. Hatfield
Kelly J. Helms-Fleming
Joseph P. Helow
Janice Burton Hobbs
Thomas G. Hoffman
Owen J. &
Christine A. Holyoak
Bruce W. Huff
Sharon Ann Imber
Jeffrey E. Jackson
Albert N. Jeffrey Jr.

Jacqueline H. Johnson
Patsy R. Johnson
David S. Jones
Michael Joseph Junod
Patricia Marie Jurney-Sousa
George S. Keep
Keith Platt Construction
Janet Lyn S. Kenning
William J. & Mary J. Kernan
Elizabeth A. Kitzman
Barbara Dawn Klein

tr f_1 L_L Ffil

Kent Allen Kobelin
C. Peter Kohler
Robert A. Krause
Serenity D. Krieger
Stacey L. Larrick
Susan K. Lester
Carla A. Lucas
Daniel R. MacDonell
Steven J. MacGeorge
Robert B. MacNamara
Merline A. Malcolm
Roxanne T. Martin
Mrs. Tegie Gibson Martin
William B. Martin
Patricia A. &
,.Ir' mIr L1 B. Martinez
Dennis Eugene May
James R. McCachren III
Tracy Lynn McCall
Lonn D. McDowell
Michael J. &
Patricia E. Mcl iinii.,
Bernard J. McKearney
Maj. Joseph R. McLauLhllinl
Marie C. Menza
Louie D. Merchant
Ernestine Miller
Mary M. Miller
Iris Cindy Minkon
Cynthia L. Mningcar
Henry T. Morgan
Peggy J. Morl- --,
Richard J. Morse
Susan S. Morton
Mary E. Musselman
Michael W. Nail
Guillermo J. Navarro
Bruce F. Nelson
William A. Newbern Jr.
Paul Andrew Newman
Jeffrey Michael Nordeen
Debra G. Nouss
Sisti A. O'Connor
Gerald S. Odom
Marsha Y. Otti
Lynn B. P:.-irion
Lynne P. Parry
Donna L. Pastore
Jasper R. Patrick, Jr.
Duane C. PeaCIo c 1
Scott I. Peek Sr.
George H. Pennington Jr.
Hugh C. Perry 11
Michele B. Platt
Jerry H. Posey
Stephen E. Primo
Lee Ann & Michael G. Pritchett
Procter & Gamble Company
James H. Purcell Jr.
William Daniel Ratlieff
Phyllis Reddick
Celia Regimbal
Mark J. Richard
Sefton H. Rinker
Robin Dale Roberts
Michael Edward Roche

Robert E. & Elizabeth J. Rockey
John Roglicri
Indira Paola Roman
Glen A. Rose
Stephen R. Ross
Jerome Rubin
Sarah K. Ryan
D. F. Sadler
Rebecca H. Scaringe
George A. Schilens
Michael David Schroeder
Arthur Schultheis Jr.
Mrs. JoEllen M. Schweichler
Stacy Scott
Lynda A. Selover
Deborah B. Seoane
Laurie L. Setley
Mary E. Siciliano
Joyce L. Skaff
Karen A. Skiratko
Jennifer Lynne Smith
Mary L. Smith
Frederick S. Southwick
Cind\ L. Sprenger
Emily C. Stanley-Jones
Robert L. Stark
John H. Stauff
David Theodore Strahl
Nancy S. Tate
Cynthia O. Taylor Coleman
Eric J. Tomson
Larry Lee Travis
Joan E. Treves
Larry W. Tuggle
Thomas H. Turja
Barbara M. Wanke
Dena C. Webb
Robert J. Wehkling
Lynne Lowry Wells
Darlene M. \\,s Jiji),4k
Jack E. Westbrook
Mrs. JoAnne A. &
Wm. David White
Stefanie S. Wilhelm-Cutshall
Charles S. Williams
Avalce \ 1Ilhughll'y
William Garth Winstead
Sabrina G. WVolitzkx
Trevor David Zabel

Up to $100
Paul Jeffrey Ackerman
Ruth H. Alexander
Leonard Lee Allen
Cynthia S. Anderson
Kathryn A. Anderson
Lynda J. Anderson
Stephen C. Anderson
Wilbur T. Antone
Mark R. Apple
David A. Appleton
Alit L. Arall
Alton D. Arnold
Patricia R. Artimez

Lucretia C. Askew
Michael J. Athanason
Mrs. Jan L. Auerbach
Mary C. Austin
Susan B. Babcock
Mary K. & Brian W. Baker
Audrey K. Balash
Edward J. Balaz
Captain Christ, php r J. B ll, rJ
Lee J. Basey
Marilyn C. Bast
Kathryn Lowell Batt
Adam E. Berko
Henry W. Bishop Jr.
Bomnie C. Black
Patricia B. Black
Amy C. Blessing
Laura E. Blitzer
Megan S. Blum
Clarence John Bodie
Denise L. Bonilla
Brian Jay Borland
Martha F Boruff
Polly D. Bottom
Hilman F. Boi dTn Jr.
Grant David CBoi lius
Matthew Bradley IV
Malev S. Br.anc.iccio
Robert:i Br'eeen
Anthony Paul Breitbach
Richard Brilliant
Barbara L. Brown
Shaw S. Buck
William Madison Bunting
Michael D. Burdges
Kenneth Lloyd Burt
Clyde O. Butz
Patrick Joseph Byrne
Phyllis E. Cadle
Jean D. Callaway
Larry Dean Candeto
Amy J. Cannon
Mary A. Cantey
Joseph T. Caridi Jr.
W. Jaynee Carolus
Anna Cody Carpenter
Sean M. Carpenter
Douglas J. Casa
Jacquelynn Anne Case
Rhea G. Cemer
Moses B. Chafin
Selwyn T. Chalker III
Julie P. R. Bao Chang
Andy Chapman
Judith N. Chavez
W. William Chen
Merry Freida Chewning
Ronald K. Christen
John Allan Chromy
Kevin M. & Victoria M. Clair
Justine E. Clark
Thomas William Cleare
Lesley L. Cleveland
H. ird Lloyd Clifton
Alisa B. Cohen

Reaves C. Cole
Dorothy F. Collins
Janet Lynn Collins
Charles & Arlene Colson
Andrea B. Colvin-Zazo
John L. Combs
The Connectivity Resource
Deborah A. Cook
Carol-Ann Courtney
CPC lintrrn.irilo-fl, Incorporated
Nancy L. Crafton
Mrs. Lynn McFall Craggs
Ernest G. Crone, Sr.
Robert B. Crosby Jr.
Maria E. Crowley
Daniel J. Crum, Sr.
Luvenia S. Crum
CSX Corporation
Rachele Jean Cunningham
Robert T. Cushman
Natalie Smith Cutter
David Michael Cutton
Barbara C. Dalsheimer
Susan f. Davis
Mary Noreen Deangelis
Amy C. Deckman
Kathleen E. Deloreto
Robert De Maria
J. Frank Dempsey, Jr.
Tracy DeRoberts
Dawn Elaine Detrick
David T. Deutsch
James E. DeWitt
Douglas A. Dickey
Betsy Leola Dobson
Karen 1. Donohue
William A. Dorney
Kiersten A. Dossey
Evan K. Douglas
Dennis C. Drake
Michelle S. DuMond
Finley J. Duncan
Kelli Jean Edwards
Maureen Dawn Edwards
Patricia H. Engelmeier
Michael England
Daryl S. English
Monica M. Erwin
Laura Little Evans
Steven R. Ewing
Paul Faber
Barry R. Fasold Jr.
Herbert W. Felber Jr.
Tracey Dawn Fellows
Neal Brian Fessenden
John C. Fields
Captain William L. Fisher
Mary C. Fitzgerald
Jean E. Fitzpatrick
Richard B. Fleming
Susan H. Fletcher
Randa N. Flinn
Robert Gerald Flynn
Douglas W. Forsyth
Ronald Ray Fourman
David John Fox

Julie Ford Frye
Patricia Anne Frye
Elaine C. Funk
Robert J. Galbraith
Jeffrey T. Gardner
Lisa M. Garner
Kay A. Garrison
Lauri C. Garvey
Linda M. Gazzillo
Matthew Christopher Geer
Leith E. George
Sarah M. Gerard
Douglas P. Gerber
Wilbur 1l. Gifford Jr.
Robert W. Gilbert
Linda Elaine Gilleon
Mi. hael L. Gillespie
Nancy Akerson Gilson
Michael D. Gold
Ronald L. Go(Nlli.bl
Edward J. Gonzalez
Leslie Jean Gonzalez
Pamela Sue Goodrich
Charles P. Goodwin
James L. Goolsby Jr.
Jill Graddy
Cynthia Simpson Granath
Corine Dodge Grant
Frank A. Grasso
Judith Alliiin Griffin
Sevier P. Griffin
Gail L. Grob
Michael T odd Gross
Susan C. G uckeinbcrguLr
Georgine J. Guettler
Mary E. lafeman
Cli,irle D. Hale
Warren D. Hammond
Ernest Hanewinckel IT
Kymberly Jo Hankerson
Robert Earl Harper
Stacey Lynn Harris
Harris Foundation
Robert Dale Harrison
B' nninw Hartsock
William D. Hassler
Barclay Hastings
Kristie R. Headlecy
Michele C. Heindl
Karen S. Henley
Doris S. Henry
Sarah Lee Henson
Samantha Byrd I rrrinr:
Gina Laura Hertz
John Donald Hester
Katherine F Hill
Howard M. Hirschfield
Andrew Holdnak, II
Deborah M. Holmes
Maura Galluzzo Hopkins
Dori Ann Horowitz
Richard D. Howell
Charles J. Huber
Sharon C. Huey
Karen Ann Hughes
Laura Joannides Hunter

William D. Hurse
Michael A. Hylton
Helene M. Iachetta
Elizabeth A. Ingham-Smith
James Skender Islam
Gregory Lee Jackson
Genevieve P. Jacobs
William A. James Jr.
George Patrick Janan
Jon Walston Jaudon
Julie Renee Johnson
Alien L. Jones
Harriet W. Jones
Tiffany Ann Jones
Anne Burton Kaminski
ElleH Beth Karpay
Ronald Ross Katz
Paul E. Keller
J. \Valla,. Kelley
Deborah S. Kelly
Connie B. Kenney
Jack A. Kenworthy
Christine E. B. Kilby
Thomas R. L. Kindred
Gaston E. King II
Maryellen Kirwan
Vivian Marie Kise
Susan Thayer Kisner
Mrs. Leslie Ann Kluttz
Nancy B. Kolker
Gerry A. Kovalik
Marie Belanger Kramer
Susan R. Krisher
Elisabeth L. Krone
Eli.ibeth A. Krouch
Tracy A. Kuipers
Donald L. Kyle
Michael C. Lacasse
Cara L. Ladnyk
Frances Lala
John K. Langelier Jr.
Mary Moore Lasseter
Charles Jerome Lechner
Jennifer L. Lechner
Barbara F. Leddy
Debra L. Leggett
Thomas Nathan Leidell
1LT Peter Edward Leone
Charles Henry Ievine
Melissa Raye Levy
Michelle Paige Lewis
Larry P. Libertore Jr.
Robert S. Lindsey
Linda Longazel
Gerald A. Lopez
Slhirly A. Lopresto
Lori A. Losner
Debbra Reid Love
Elmer J. Lucks Jr.
Cassandra L. Macias
Phillip J. Maggio
Susan D. Majewski
Thomas Edgar Malloy
Connie l;altb%
Donna M. Manning
Bonnell B. Martens

Kathryn Farber Matthews
Michelle M. Mauer
Della-Jean Mays
Jeffrey P, McAndrews
James R. McCachren
Robert B. McCallum Jr.
McCarthy Constuction Inc.
Elizabeth S. McConnell
McDonnell Douglas Corporation
Lonita R. McGill
Linda M. McGrane
Vann E. McKeithen II
Dewey B. McKinney
Ronald E. McMillin
Arlev W. McRae
Allan E MiAe\
Christine L. Meacham
Jennifer Leah Menard
Edward Lester Metzger
Robert V. Milby
Barbara A. Miles
Aelina Milhomme
Teresa Montgomery Milicevic
James H. Miller
Mark E. Miller
T1i nimr Dodson Miller
.\alter F. Miller II
John M. Milling
William I lenry Mills
Gary Allen Mirabella
V. P Mitalas
Jane A. Monahan
Mrs. Jean Monroe
C. Bruce Moore
Lisbeth Light Moore
Michele J. Moore
Deborah-An Morrill
Ralph Leonard Morton
Teresa R. Mossler
Kathy W. Mowbray
I larry Mroczkowski
William G. Muirhead
Mrs. Jean F. Mullen
Diana Dale Murphy
M. Elizabeth Murray
Cynthia D. Myers
Philip S. Nachman
Kenneth A. Nada.ms
John F. Neller
Lynn Nelson
Maureen C. Nemcik
Erik V. Nenortas
Michael A. Netherclift
Newfield Architecture, Inc.
Rodney Hunt Newman
Anne F Newsome
Danielle L. Nichols
Carol L. Nicholson
Anna Collins Niles
Kevin J. Noa
Michael E Nolan
Lisa M. Nordby
Richard H. Nordstrom
Dianna Lynn Nulty
Laurie K. Obrtz.i
Jack E. O Hrinn

Jason B. Odom
Kristina I. Odom
Frank M. O'Quendo
Peter B. Orscheidt
Bethany Miner Osborne
Douglas H. Owens
Rebecca E. Parks
Patrick J. Patterson
Brenda Nye Pena
James R. Perkins
Susan J. Peters
Margaret A. Petrillo
Susan S. ['liffcl ling
Gail L. Piazza
Jeffrey Louis Pigg
Alfred F. Pisano III
Lt. Comdr. Thomas L. Pokorski
Bradley W. Polen
William M. Potter
John Q. Powell Sr.
Cynthia Bowles Powers
Angelia C. Preston
Dawn M. Pride
Mrs. Jan D. Pritchard
Joann F Purdic
Betty W. Rands
George M. Rariden, Jr.
Sharon D. Ray
Craig W. Reed
Mrs. Lynn C. Reese
James Evan Regas
Regent } Windsor
Management, Incorporated
Helene T. Rhine
David W. Rice
Robin S. Robbins
Paul A. & Susan P. Robell
Katherine W. Roberts
Thomas A. Roberts
Mary H. Roebuck
Morris H. Rogers
I r Roller Hockey Club
Denise M. & Tony D. Rowell
George :',b,.rt Rozelle
Paula Sue Ruckhaus
Kathryn M. Runyon
Cheryl Loring Ruppert
Daniel D. Rutkowski
Susan T. Rutner
Ryder System Charitable
FI u nJld tj.'n Incorporated
Tammy L. Sambataro
Diane M. Samuels
Scott Arthur &
Christine D. Savery
Ross A. Schilling
Tom Adams Schlictman
Charles H. Schneider
Julie Anne Schwartz
Robyn A. Schwartz
Kimberly K. Sellers
Jeanna Marie Seyler
Lt. Col. Don W. Shaffer
Brian Patrick Shea
Thomas M. Sherouse
(continued on page 18)

Celebratjin spnors

D Distinguf d-fAlumni

Fifty years of growth, pride,
and excellence were celebrated
when alumni from around the
U.S. gathered April 3-5, 1997 to
commemorate the College's
Silver Anniversary. Much has
changed since the College of
Health, I'h\ -,-al Education and
Athletics opened its doors in
194f--4.. The partiip.illing
alumni came to see firsthand
the "rebirth"of the Florida
Gym, attend the annual Orange
and Blue game played by the
1996 National Championship
Gator football team, and to
rL.LLu.1I'I.iin themselves with
friends and colleagues from
their college days.
Dean Patrick Hird began Friday
afternoon's events with a
revealing presentation about
the College of Health and
Human Performance today. In
fifty years, the C.ulege has
grown to over 1700 under-
graduate and graduate
students pursuing majors in
one of three Departments
whose programs and faculty
rank among the best in the
country. Who would have
guessed a few short years ago
that in 1997 students who came
to the Florida Gym would have
access to a state-of-the-art
learning facility? The College
could not have achieved this
phenomenal growth without
the continued support of its
Gator Football I lead Coach
Steve Spurrier took time out of
his busy schedule to share
some memories of his days as a
physical education major in the
College. To this day, Coach
Spurrier told the crowd, he has
his players perform drills he
learned from "Coach
Mac"(James McCachren).
Although the College has
sustained much change, the
sense of commitment by faculty
to the preparation of young
professionals has stayed the
same. In spite of the
University's size, students of
today still feel a connection to

the College. Student represen-
tatives from each of the
Departments spoke about their
feelings of btl-.nging, of pride
in the professional and
academic preparation they
receive while students in the
College. Phillip May, a senior
in the Department of Exercise
and Sport Sciences, likened the
College to a family with
professional faculty who have
a genuine interest in
students'academic careers.
Levette Harris, a major in the
Department of Health Science
Education, expressed similar
feelings by saying she never
felt like part of a 40,000
member University, but rather
like an individual, a real
person as a student in this
College. Department of
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism
major Gabrielle Malman felt
that anyone could lecture for
fifty minutes, but "our profes-
sors relate the education to
prepare students for real life."
Alumni representatives Jill
Varnes, Fred Rozelle, and Perry
McGriff reinforced these
feelings diu ing their individual
pr,-nent,..',hiln. Jill Varnes,
Assistant Dean of the College,
told of her excitement when
she was hired at her alma
mater and of her desire to
continue the excellent tradition
of tr.ihiing and professional
preparation she learned while a
student. Her teachers encour-
aged her to become involved in
professional organizations and
after many years of dedicated
professional service, she is now
the president-elect of the
American Alliance for Health,
Phi %sal. Education, Recreation,
and Dance.
Fred Rozelle shared interesting
stories of an earlier era. In
Fred's day there were not as
many female majors as there
are today. Physical education
students had to take a social
dance class to graduate.
According to Fred, he could

not have graduated without his
football teammate and dance
partner, Frank Dempsey. Their
.ig.2 -t pFob11.-m was deciding
who should lead! On the more
serious side, however, Rozelle
told of his experiences as a high
school football coach and how
the examples set by his teachers
at UF helped him earn his
position as Executive Director
(now retired) of the Florida
High School Activities Associa-
tion. He also told current
students how lucky they were
to be learning in today's diverse
Perry McCriff, a longtime
Gainesville resident, used his
time to discuss the importance
of organ and tissue donation.
Perry was to embark on a cross-
country bike trek to call
attention to this worthwhile
cause. He attributed his lifelong
dedication to physical fimu.l- l .ind
community service to his family
and professors.
Next, alumni headed to a
barbeque at Lake Wauburg.
This gave everyone a chance to
relax, enjoy good food, and
take a guided tour of the lake
in the newly christened S.S.
Billy K., donated by B.K. and
Betty Stevens. After chasing his
young son around, John
Roglieri of New York was
ready to sit and chat about his
days as a health science
education student. "When I
was here," he said, "a lot of
students felt Dora Hicks was
old-fashioned, but I always
thought you needed that
perspective; it made your
education more rich." Fred
Rozelle had a slightly different
memory of the late Dr. Hicks:
he knew he could get an "A" in
her class simply by telling her
Texas was great!
Well-rested and ready to get
started, alumni gathered on
Saturday morning to get the
first-class tour of the newly
remodeled Florida Gym led by
Charles \\ ilharmi and Owen
Holyoak. Lecture halls where
bleachers used to be, central air

and heat, the latest technologi-
cal equipment, and the cleanest
building on campus, the
Florida Gym was definitely a
sight to behold. Most alumni
still remember sitting in
classrooms without heat in
winter or air conditioning in
summer. They remember
sitting in the bleachers study-
ing and visiting with friends or
cheering on the basketball
team. They remember graduat-
ing in the Florida Gym. What a
Exhilarated from the Orange
and Blue game, alumnae
headed to the gym for the final
event of the weekend, the
cl,-ing dinner. Treasured items
such as an Alli.iI,,r Alley
bleacher, a pre-renovation
Florida Gym window crank and
solid brass ticket window bars,
a doorknob from the Women's
Gym, a piece of turf from Doug
Dickey's days and many other
valuable items were on display
at the silent auction, drawing
bids from many.
A video coni'imenlr.l1t'Ii 0 tihe
past 50 years began the formal
presentation, followed by
remarks from UFs President
John Lombardi. He told guests
what they already knew: when it
comes to teaching, research, and
service, the College of I health
and Human Performance is
among the best.
Capping off the evening's events,
Ruth Alexander, Distinguished
Professor in the Department of
Exercise and Sport Sciences,
presented Distinguished
Alumnac Awards to 29 former
students who have achieved
notable success since graduat-
ing from the University of
While the transformation of the
building is truly .'iinainI, it is
the spirit and tradition of
excellence in faculty and
alumnae that makes the
College live in the hearts and
minds of all who have come
before and will come after. That
was the celebration.


- 'in.i E. Bishop, '44 '45
:-Willi. E. Harlan, Sr., '48, '49
Frank M. Lorenzo, Sr., '49
F..~'lri, E. Rozelle, '50
....... Dempsey, '51
SCarl,-s W. LaPradd, '53
...' i,.`la A. Dickey, '54
--:bi'ajir,?a A. Dalsheimer, '55
W tb K 't E. Allen, '58
.I. B. Chafin, '58, '60
Perry C. McGriff, Jr., '60
:...-../ul R. Varnes, '60, '61
- ;-arr[ P. Libertore, Jr., '63
Edwin C. Reese, '63
t- -Keith Tennant, '64
-: 1ithi'iicr M. Hill, '65
Gerald S. Lii;'ii~gton,l '65
,.aRI I Rollyson, Jr., '66
' -f iinda Crider, '68, '70
.- .....ill il.,w Varnes, 73, '74
John A. Smith, '75
i--'iicmui,'as Glenn Hloffman, '75
C. David Ayers, '76
f ._iyiTe: Surdyka, '77
: Thrnsti"n-; E. Holuok. '79
, Kelly Beckman, '81
Donna L. Pastore, '81
tl'hicn 0. Spurrier, '81
ItII/uitt J. Smith III, '96

(L-K men) William Harlan, Sr., Ulenn -ottman, M.B. Uialin, Uiarles Lafracd,
Frederick Rozelle, Douglas Dickey, Perry McGriff, Jr., Paul Varnes
(L-R women) Donna Pastore, Jill Varnes, Katherine Hill, Barbara Dalsheimer,
Christine Holyoak


Drop us a note with your comments & suggestions. Please include a recent
photo. Let us and your classmates .know what you're up to these days!






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