Collge o Heath
; 1s.
c g v r -
S' .. % .,
feat U.e s '. ,
A Tribute to Dr Michael L. Pollock t1937"- 199 7
First fqr the College. \'ares serves as \.AHPERD
p'residen 23 .
Four Major Gifts Put Donors' in the D.ean s Cbinet 16
Frisby Remembers Lesnons From Cnach Reisinger 10
HHP Ad\ isor\ Council Adds Nev Members 5
"Dr. T" Retires! 11
Gatur Alumna Encourages Exchange Program 17
editor JIl W. VARNES
assistant editor JEAN F. MULLEN
designer LINDA BAYNE
design consultant RON FRANKLIN
contributors to the performance CANDACE ASHTON,
contributing photographers RON FRANKLIN, JASON HOW, AND
Cover photo UF News and Public Affairs
.rr I.r C StorterChilds, Inc.
Alumni News
Alumni Spotlight
Annual Scholarship Convocation
Honors and Accolades
Message from Dean Bird
Development Report:
Real Estate Makes a Great Gift
Faculty Facts
Honor Roll of Donors
Research Updates
is an annual publication for alumni
and friends of the University of
Florida College of Health and
Human Performance.
Please direct letters to:
Idil .r
P 1: 1, 11.1111, ,
College ol H .JII ;HI iiI ,n
P0' 11,, li-'i
Gainesville l I' 1 iill
Gainesville FI, r'ni J', I ,.'2l,
Me qge
efl ci '/i d
A Shift In Focus:
.AT,' ,..,, 3
As you are aware, our enrollments have
substantially increased over the last 14
years, from about 600 students to 1,822
students last fall. Most of this growth has
been at the undergraduate level. Of our
current student population, 1598 are
undergraduate and 224 graduate students.
In the past two years, however, College
.-nrollrnits have begun to level off. This is
by design, not from lack of student
interest. We simply have neither the
faculty nor the space for further significant
undergraduate growth.
In addition, under the Florida Board of
Regent's new university classification plan,
the University of Florida is recognized as a
"Research I" institution. In effect, this caps
undergraduate enrollments but lifts all
limits on developing other programs and
allows us to strive to be the best research
university in the nation. The lTni\I irih. and
each of its colleges, are now turning more of
their attention to graduate education.
Currently, the UF graduate student
population is 19% of its total student
population. For the College this figure is
only I V'.. These percentages are quite low
compared to the 27% average for the top ten
public universities in the country. So, we
have some catching up to do.
OUR PLAN. The College plan is to gener-
ally maintain the size of its undergraduate
population while more than doubling its
graduate enrollment to about 500 students.
Achieving this goal will require that we
compete successfully with our peer
institutions in attracting a greater number
of the best graduate student candidates
from the top institutions in the US and
To do this, two things have to happen.
First, we must continue to increase the
breadth and relevancy of our graduate
offerings. This has to be accomplished
without weakening our existing and
highly successful graduate programs. (One
example of this success is that 100% of our
I 'h 1) graduates are employed in appropri-
ate and highly desirable positions in their
fields of study.) Second, our graduate
growth must be adequately funded. This
will require that we receive additional
state resources and that we continue to
increase our generation of funds from
grants and contracts as well as through
private giving. Here we are already
showing good progress.
NeV, Graduate 0- The College has
recently developed several new graduate
degree options. These include a combined
MS'MBA degree with the College of
Bu-iine,-i in the area of Sports Manage-
ment; a combined MS/JD degree with the
College of Law in the area of Sport Law;
and new Ph.D. options in Athletic
Training, h iomeclianic'-.. Clinical Exercise
Physiology, Sport Psychology, Tourism
Research and Development, and Thera-
peutic Recreation. Furthermore, our best
students now have access to combined BS/
MS degrees in each department. These
programs allow for a seamless transition
from undergraduate to graduate educa-
tion, and they decrease by about one
semester the time for earning a Master's
Degree. Next year we hope to announce
the start of a new Master of Public Health
Degree that is now being reviewed for
Increased Funding. Regarding the financing
of this effort, our Provost, Betty Capaldi,
has provided us with some increased
funding based upon projected graduate
enrollment growth for the next year. And
contract and grant activity is on the rise. In
1998, the faculty for the first time exceeded
the $1 million mark in secul.ri'n new
external funds for their research and to
help support graduate students. In
addition, we are three-quarters of the way
to meeting the College Capital Campaign
goal of S2. IUl1 ti'C11 a good portion of which
is specified for Graduate Fellowships by
the donors.
A BRI.c H FUruRF. This shift in focus
begins another important chapter in the
history of the College. Graduate education
is the bedrock of a "Research 1" institu-
tion and adds richness to the undergradu-
ate experience by raising the overall
expectations, intellectual level and
excitement of the academic enterprise.
Cro\ ing the College graduate programs is
the next step in elevating our national and
international position as a leader in
education and scientific activities that
help us all improve and maintain our
health, fitness and quality of life. I will
keep you posted on our progress.
C., ...iIlh
Patrick]. Bird, Dean
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Advisory Council Members
WValter (Vall) I Armstrong i- currently
President of Gator Golf Enterprises, Inc.
For the past 30 years Armstrong has
played professionally and taught golf
across the US and throughout the world.
As a Gator golfer, Armstrong earned
All-American honors in 1966 and joined
the PGA in 1974. According to Armstrong,
who earned bachelor and master degrees
from 1. t, he founded Gator Golf Enter-
prises in order to concentrate on teaching.
He has produced over two dozen golf
instructional videos including the first
video targeted to women. Armstrong has
developed a number of videos designed to
teach children the game including one in
which his son (then age 11 years) does
most of the instruction. Wally and his wife
Debbie have 3 children and currently
reside in Maitland.
Cari Autry, newly appointed student
member, received her B.S. in Biological
Sciences from North Carolina State
University in 1989. After six years in a
research laboratory Autry entered the
University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill where she earned a M.S. in Recreation
Administration with a specialization in
Therapeutic Recreation in 1997. In January
1998 she began the Ph.D. program in the
Department of Recreation, Parks and
Tourism 't~.pili. inim in TheriipL'utiC
Recreation and minoring in Special
Education. Cari is also a Certified Thera-
peutic Recreation Therapist and is a
member of NRPA's Student Branch.
Bruce Biddle, President of Bear Archery
Inc. is an avid outdoorsman from New
England who is quickly acclimating to the
Gainesville area. Biddle received his
M.B.A. from Harvard, and spent over 25
years as the President and CEO of the
Scandia Trading Company, a highly
successful apparel company. He has also
served as a consultant to a number of
businesses in the area of ,triatiic market-
ing. As the new President of Bear Archery
he has added bow hunting to his list of
outdoor activities. Bruce and his wife
Betsy have 3 grown children, located
across the country, and two grandchildren.
Continuing Members
Robert E. Allen of Vero Beach
C. David Ayers of Gainesville
Fran S. Carlton of Orlando
Jimmy Carnes of Gainesville
Derek de la Pena Student Representative, ESS
Frank Dempsey of Vero Beach
Maurice 0. Edmonds of Ponte Vedra Beach
Charles W. Fessler, Jr. of Jacksonville
T. Glenn Hoffman of Islip, NY
J. David Hnskeu, Jr. of Ft. Lauderdale
Charles W. LaPradd of GIC..-:'rll,:
Alan Levine of Tallahassec
Larry Libertore, Jr. of Lakeland
Catherine Archibald Longstreth of Gainesville
Frank M. Lorenzo of Tampa
Edward D. (Ed) Mathews of Haines City
Perry C. McGriff, Jr. of Gainesville
Robert J. (Bob) Murphy of Pi .':ldn ai I, ri
Ray H. Rollyson of Plant City
Fred E. Rozelle of Gainesville
William J. Sims of Silver Springs
Emmit Smith, Pensacola and Dallas, TX
John A. Smith of Jacksonville
Stephen Orr Spurrier of Gainesville
Billie Knapp Stevens of Melrose
Krisitine Stouffer, Student Representative, HSE
Diane Trexler of Ocala
Angus and Judy Williams of Tampa
-^.',i *'.rI n1'3 5
ad rof real e
benefit thl
0 v t re s(me gi
states that are
land rich and
cash poor" can
create tax
headaches for
you and your
heirs, who may
wind up selling
assets under
pressure simply
to pay the IRS.
Many Gators
who want to
support the
University of
orida in our It's
formance That
its campaign are
ig charitable gifts
state that also
eir estates.
ft ideas to helo
reduce estate taxes and reduce the
illiquilitv problems -tha pl ig I- e' tates
with large percentages of real estate. Two
of these suggestions could even result in
sizeable current income tax deductions,
which you might use to purchase insurance
that can benefit your heirs.
Outright Gifts of Real Estate
An outright charitable gift of long-term
appreciated real estate may entitle you to
the following tax benefits:
a charitable contribution deduction on
your income taxes equal to the fair market
value of the property (based on a qualified
avoidance of capital gain taxes on the
appreciation in the asset,
removal of this asset from your estate.
Given to UF through the University of
Florida Foundation, this outright gift can
be used by the university to help support
an educational purpose of interest to you.
As I write, there have been more than 20
gifts of real estate in the university
campaign, worth nearly $3 million to UP
Life Income Vehicles
These vehicles make it possible to convert
non-income-producing real estate into an
income-producing asset and support UF at
the same time. If you are worried about
capital gain tax or estate tax on long-term
appreciated property, a charitable remain-
der trust (CRT) could be the answer.
Consider the advantages of the CRT:
you receive a current income tax deduction for the present
value of the charitable remainder interest (based on a qualified
you avoid capital gain tax on the appreciation (no capital gain
tax is paid when the C i r sells the property),
you and your spouse retain income from the CRT for life (or
may pass it to others for their li\.v-.
your charitable remainder supports a purpose of your choice
at UF, and
the asset is removed from your estate for estate tax purposes.
The money you save in income taxes, remember, can be used to
purchase insurance that could provide your heirs with more
inheritance than they would receive from appreciated property in
your estate that is subject to estate tax.
Reducing Estate Taxes
Here are two other suggestions for reducing estate taxes:
(1) G. property to UF 'hr. 'ii a will, codicil or trust.
Consider including a bequest of property to the UF Foundation (for
UF) in your estate planning documents. At your death, the
property goes to the Foundation where it is sold to benefit the
university as you instructed. Your estate receives an estate tax
deduction for the value of the property. Capital gain tax is never
paid on the appreciation.
(2) Make an outright gift to UF, retaining a "life estate."
Any personal residence (house, condominium, vacation home) or
farm can be transferred to Ul with you or your spouse retaining all
rights to use and occupy the property during your lives. (NOTE:
The right to sell the property requires the joinder of UF.)
You may receive a current charitable contribution deduction on
your income taxes equal to the remainder value and avoid estate
tax. The funds you would otherwise have paid in estate tax can be
put into another asset for your heirs.
New Flip Trust Opportunity
I iaill\. the IRS is currently reviewing the possibility of blessing a
new gift vehicle ;.alkl J the "Flip Trust." This trust begins as a net-
income-only unitrust and "flips" to a fixed-percentage unitrust
once its real estate assets has been liquidated. The proposed
regulations contain specific criteria for establishment of a Flip Trust
that call for careful consideration, but if you like the security of a
fixed-percentage CRT and would like to fund a trust with real
estate that may not be producing sufficient income for distribution,
a Flip Trust may be the answer
For more information on these gift options, ple,-t. call William D.
Frederick, Director of Development (352) 392-7612 x 225. We will
be delighted to review with you and your advisors the tax and
other benefits of making such a gift.
At the University of Florida, your gift produces tangible results in
improved performance, productivity and quality.
o.^ "i'ri.. i ,! 6
: :::,.
a:~ ~~ :
1er7orimance 7
cover story
Jerri Spurrier (BSESS ') fitness Instructor and
Frank Dempsey (BSPE '51) Catorlife participant.
tunllu I pLryanp i Irunl--lUn DllIlns; iS ruw L I K:
Frances McDonald, Colleen Dempsey, Barbara Sealy, Nancy
Anderson, Mary Halyard, In Anna Lewis, and Gillie Russell;
back row Frank Uempsey, Eugene Paul, Paul Halyard, and
John Adair.
. I'.'" .-.:. 8
/0 3and
DR. R. MORGAN PIGG, JR. (H5r I received a
National Honor Award from I1ta Signma
Gamma. I Iu, award is the highest award
given by the Health Education Honorary, to
individuals whose lifetime work and
accomplishments are deserving of note and
are in accord with the goals of tta Sigma
Gamma. He has also been selected to receive
the Howe Award at the American School
Health Association meeting held in
Colorado Springs. This is the highest
award given by the ASHA.
DR. ROBERT N. SINGER, Chair (ESS), has been
elected to serve as Associate Chair of the
Organizing Committee for the In ternaional
Conference of Sport P I,,.1 l. ,*li. Beijing,
China. He was invited to give the keynote
presentation at the Conference.
DR. W. WILLIAM CHEN, Chair (HSE), was
selected to serve as the Vice President for
Scientific and Technical Development of the
North American Regional (i c,-,, Interna-
tional Lnion for Health Promotion and
I health Education for a three-year term. As
VP, he is the principal officer for their
scientific and technical work to advance the
theory and practice of health education and
DR. STEVE DORMAN (HSE) was selected to
receive the Professional I health Educator of
the Year Award from the Florida A/\li,.. for
Health, Physical Education, 1<. i-,;iii,'i ,., i,
Dance at the FAH IPERD Convention in
Orlando. Dorman also was selected to
receive the 1998 Southern District AAHPERD
Professional Health Educator award.
DR. RUTH ALEXANnFR, Distinguished
Professor (ESS), has been reappointed a
member of the Governor's Council on Physical
Fitness and Amateur Sports.
DR. CANDACE AsHTON ( I'T) has been
elected by her peers as Recreation Repre-
sentative to the National Consortium for
Physical Education and Recreation for Individu-
als with Disabilities.
elected Secretary/TI ..iur>r ;fr r the South-
east Trainers Association. Dr. Hordyski was
an invited guest at the University of South
Carolina, where she gave a presentation on
Strength Issues Related to Functional Ankle
"Public Service Commendation" from the
UF Police Department for his involvement
with UPD's Wellness Program and their
Bicycle Training Program.
DR. SCOTT POWERS (CES) has been elected
Second Vice President of the American
College of Sports Medicine for 1998. ACSM
is the largest (16,500 members) and oldest
sports medicine and exercise science
orvii iza Iion in the world.
DR. JILI VARNIS (I ISE) received the 1998
Presidential Award from the Florida Alliance
for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and
Dance. Jeannie Fifer, President of FAHPERD
made the presentation at the October
meeting in Daytona Beach.
DR. ANDY HOLDNAK (RPT) was elected to
the board of directors of the Resort and
Commercial Recreation AssoatiAscition. In
addition, he was presented with their
Achievement Award at the national
meeting. This is the Association's highest
award and has been presented only twice in
the last 18 years.
Dr. Holdnak also serves as facilitator for the
state director's conference of Florida
Recreation and Parks Association.
recently notified that she is among
those listed in Who's Who Among
America's Tr,.w.c-, 5th Edition
elected to the Sunshine State Games
Foundation Board of Directors. She
was also selected to the Milligan
College 1PA) Athletic 1 lall of Fame.
elected Emerging Leader by the
Florida Dietetic Association and
the American Dietetic Association.
She will be recognized for her
, accomplishments at the ADA national
will present Dr. James the Florida Award.
DR. HORonvsKI also was awarded the
Bronze Gator Award by the Gainesville
Sports Organizing Committee.
This award is given to the person who
provides service to Gainesville and
surrounding areas for the enhancement of
sport. She was awarded this honor for her
efforts in directing sports medicine
coverage for the Sunshine State Games,
Florida Law Enforcement Games, and
various high school athletic events sponsored
by the GSOC.
PAM DEMICHELE (ESS) received a Service
Award from the Red Cross honoring her for
her service and dedication to excellence.
YAPHETT IOWFI i., a 1998 graduate in ESS
was awarded a S 15 ('i.. Deans Merit
Scholarship to the University of Miami
School of Law.
LISA N. PEALER (HSI) has received the
national 1998 American Association for
Health Education Scholarship.
PAUL FIOLKOWSKI, MA, ATC doctoral student
in Biomechanics in ESS has received a $1000
Scholarship from the Southeast Athletic
Trainers Association.
SHANNON DoMEIE a senior in ESS was selected
the 1998 Homecoming Queen. Shannon's
specialization is Sport Management.
HEATHER OLSEN, Health Science Education
senior was named Health Education Major
of the Year by the American Association for
Health Education.
. 9
)de to theCoach
In college back in the 60's, I had a coach. Since
then, I have had other mentors, some supervi-
sors and even some coaches. But only one of
them is "Coach."
He was the gardener who planted the seeds
that have been I.' .c,, i i. at each stage of my
life. Coach taught me that ;la.i i,. was useful
and fun, but *in'l .'tir:: was vital. By
accepting the challenge of competition, I was
designing and building ,r-, If then testing
and improving myself....
Coach taught me to become energized by failure
and not to fear it. If I won a contest, then my
training, my plans and my tactics paid off.
Coach taught me that it., i'ltri'iri., the
struggle, the :, ;. n. the ioih'r,' was
lie introduced me to the habit of doing as well
as I could each time and then to review my
performances so I could do better next time.
The person I was yesterday was the person to
beat. The critical competition was with the
person 1 was, so I could become who I intended
to be.
As I left college and moved on in life, I did
not fully understand the lessons Coach had
' i,-til me. We seldom discussed ideas in
those days. Coach taught lessons to his boys
on a physical level. When the boys became
men, those lessons became pegs where the
intellect could hang ideas. Someone who has
competed can remember, understand and
believe. I suppose others can learn some
other way. I do not know.
Thanks to Coach, I won many collegiate and
state championships. Later I competed
ii.:rei'tai,;,.ill,,. where I won some and lost
Very few of those medals and trophies are still
knocking around on my shelves. Most I have
lost or given away. I learned the glory of
winning fades with time.
I ',. i7tl e;-,. t the important gifts, were the
attitude and the life habits. The attitude
remains. I i, seeds have all blossomed. Coach's
lessons are fresh, and in use, every day.
Dalid llnEl and Dick Reivingt-r
i'Jo'.- 1. 0'i 10
Dr. Thor re
he is one of those people Linda became a faculty m
'you just cannot imagine RPT. Over the years she l
.., not having around. After 29 as undergraduate coordir
years plus as a member of the academic advisor, and fac
College, Linda Thornton has retired advisor for the Leisure Ec
to Indiana. Yes that's right, she and Parks Student organic
moved to cold country. A gala
retirement celebration was held on Now Linda will spend he
October 24, 1998 to honor this long- "re-crt.-'ilt1", something
time faculty member. Over 200 been heJpirn others to do
faculty, friends, former and current years. Best of retirement,
students came together to tell
stories and share a laugh with their
teacher, mentor, friend.
Dr. T, as her many students over the
year's have called her, is a person
the word irreplaceable was meant
to describe. It is not so much that
she will be hard to replace in the
classroom, although it does seem
that whenever she was eligible for a
teaching award she won it. But it is
the many other elements of Linda
Thornton, the person, which creates
a void that no other can fill. Linda
was always one to recognize the
efforts of others; many can remem-
ber the "gold star" she would
bestow. As one person put it, Linda
Thornton represents the heart of the
I nld Thornlon inl Run Hall It3K '9
Linda Thornton, Associate Profes-
sor in Recreation, Parks and
Tourism (RPT) retired on April 7,
1998. Linda began her career in the
Coll,'e as an instructor in the
Women's Physical Education
Program and coirdiniated the
Women's Intramural Program. She
is one of the women credited with
the establishment of UF's Women's
Athletics Program. When the
College was reorganized in ,I-'.
member in
'as served
r time in
she has
Dr. T!
I Inrl Thornlon I. pit-enld a .p Pidl Ladl Galur' bI
fan Harpr *DiPL' ji, al her rliiinenl dinner.
a11M 11
h: MRSR-".,
.'fl, rij;. .tie 1 1
an invited keynol
Perspectives on S
riterii.itional Con
Ideas, Technologi
Moscow, Russia.
Dr. Singer was al
the annual meetil
can Society for th
and Physical Acti
addition, he preset
Stri. Ing for Excel
Doctoi al Institute
Psychology Cont
I'rogr.nm in San F
a panel member
with Families in t
sponsored by the
research grants fr
Heart Associatioi
Association to stl
organ transplant
selected to serve
Education in the
Studies. His app
until August, 199
active Faculty As
1980. His research
therapeutic recre.
on bibliotherapy
students BRIAN Fc
presented the res
ence of Chronic N
on Self-Efficacy, A
tion" at the annu
the Association fo
Applied Sport Ps
Fourth Internatio
Leisure Sltudie, A
Metropolitan Uvi
the University of
join their faculty
guest lecturer for
tICC 5
NGER, Chair, (ESS) made He will leach an American Sport History
te presentation "Future course to German students in their native
port Psychology" at the tongue.
igress, Man in Sport: New
es, and Perceptions, in DR. PATRICK J. BIRD, Dean, served as Chair
of the Leadership Campaign for the UP
Community Campaign for 1998. JEAN E
so active in presenting at MU..EN assisted as Leadership Campaign
igs of the North Ameri- Manager. Their total donations were
e Psychology of Sport $40,000 over last year's contributions.
vity in Chicago. In
rented "Sport Psychology, DR. CHRIS JANELLE (ESS) coordinated a
lence" at an invited Post symposium presented at the annual
by the American meeting of the American Psychological
inuing Education Association in San Francisco.
DR. PAU.A WELCH (ESS) presented a
ORODYSKI (ESS) served as paradigm to the Ivy League at Princeton
on the topic of Women University for a study of the history of
he Academic S& tling women's competition in the Ivy League.
Association of Academic
total of 9 presentations at the National
H (CES) recently received School Health Conference of the American
om both the American School Health Association. Presenters
1 and the American Lung included: DRS. STEVE DORMAS, DELORES
idy bone metabolism in JAMES, BARBARA RIENZO, JILL VARNES,
recipients. ROBERT WEILER, AND LISA PEAl FR. The nine
presentations were the most presentations
wN (RPT) has been made by a single University that has a
as Associate Director for Health Education Preparation Program.
Center for Gerontological
ointment will continue Dr. Bertha Cato (RPT) delivered a presen-
9. Dr. Beland has been an station at the National Recreation and Parks
sociate in the Center since Association, in Salt Lake City, on Scholarly
h is in the area of \\rn ting and Social Change: The Costs and
nation with a current focus Benefits. The presentation was part of the
approaches. Leisure Research Symposium, which
focused on writing for social change.
RPHiEY (ESS) with doctoral
search study, "The Influ- HORODYSKI (ESS), DELORES JAMES (HSE),
partial Arts Participation and ROBERT WEII FR (HSE) were promoted
inger, and Pain Percep- from Assistant Professor to Associate
l national conference of Professor. All four were also awarded
.r the Advancement of tenure.
ychology in Cape Cod.
DR. JEFF BAUVR (ESS) was an invited
sON (RPT) presented at the speaker at the 7th Annual Post-Polio
nal Conference of the Seminar in Ocala. He spoke on UI's
association, held at Leeds interest and plans for establishing research
ivL rit UK. in the area of monitoring and preventing
falls in that population.
SS) has been invited by
Darmstadt, Germany, to DR. RANDY BRArrn (ESS) was invited to
in the Sports Institute as a present heart transplant research at the
the Summer A term, 1999. 70th Scientific Session of the American
Heart Association in Orlando. The title of
Dr. Bertha Calu
Dr. Andy Holdnak
Dr. Barbara Rienzo
ur. Kom n singer
T. ~c 2
his presentation was "High-Dose ACE
Inhibition Reverses Extracellular Fluid
Volume Expansion in Heart Transplant
participated in the mid-year meeting of the
Executive Committee (as Past President) of
the Division of Exercise and Sport Psychol-
ogy in LA. In addition, he was an invited
presenter of "The Science and Practice of
Sport Psychology," at California State.
As a member of the National Recreation
and Parks Association's Benefits Task
Force, DR. BFRTHA CATO (RPT) helped to
develop a strategic plan to spearhead the
Il.nerfit .-bs .ld management movement for
the delivery of Parks, Recreation and
Leisure Services.
DR. WILLIAM CHLi, Chair, (HSE), attended
the XVI World Congress on Health
Promotion and Health Education held in
San Juan. He is a member of the Scientific
Committee for the International Union for
HIealth Promotion and Education. Dr.
Chen and DR. BERTHA CArI presented a
paper on "Logic Model and Project Wise-
Up: A Case Study."
a workshop on Functional Ankle Instabil-
ity at the SEAl A Annual Symposium in
Atlanta. Kaminski was also an invited
speaker at the Gainesville Sports Organiz-
ing Committee's annual Sp 'rtk Medicine
Symposium sponsored by Gatorade.
The Undergraduate Athletic Training
Education Program, in conjunction with
the Sports I Iealth Care area of the Univer-
sity Athletic Association, were spotlighted
on the 'H Lbrrr's Heros" segment of the
Gator Sports sIvu..\ by MICK HUBERT shown
on the Sunshine Network. Dr. Kaminski
and several of the u ndergr.ld duLl student
athletic trainers assigned to the UAA were
DR. RANDY BRAITH (ESS) was awarded a
joint appointment as Associate Professor in
the Department of Physiology, College of
Medicine, UE He will conlnlhillt to
Physiology through collaborative research
in the area of blood pressure and body
fluid homeostasis.
The Florida Department of Corrections
held a workshop at UF under the direction
of DR. CHARLES WILLIAMS (Associate Dean).
The purpose of the workshop was to train
Correctional Officers to administer
Wellness Programs to inmates. Presenters
Robert Weiler (HSE), and RON SIUERS
(ESS), with KATHERINE PARKER, Registered
DR. JILL VARNES has been busy on the
speakers tour this year, giving keynote
presentations at Florida, Iowa, Virginia
and Texas AHPERDs. In addition, VAnNEs
presented Stress Reducing Ideas for
Educators at the Oklahoma AHPERD and
Advocating for your Profession at the
Wisconsin AH['I RI)
DR. CHRIS STOPKA and graduate students,
student TRACY BENHAM, gave two presen-
tations at tile FAHPERD Conference.
Dr. Stopka, Leigh Martin, and Sergio
Romero spoke on "Best Practices in
Exercise Therapy," and she, Neil Gillespie,
Jamie Pomeranz, and Tracy Benham spoke
on 'Illre\pL-' .it\ Equipment Ideas for
Adapted Aquatics."
Seven students and four faculty members
from Darmstadt University (Germany)
were hosted by the ESS department. This
is the sixth time that faculty and students
from Darmstadt and UF have participated
in an exchange. The goals are to promote
culture, knowledge, understanding, and
UF's faculty participants were DRS. JIM
CHRIS JANELLE. Others included MIKE
DR. JEFE BAUER I1 p.i presented a paper at
the U.S. Tennis Association's 4th Interna-
tional Conference on Science and Medicine
in Tennis. The talk was "The effect of
tennis elbow braces on vibration transmit-
ted through the forearm." In addition, Dr.
Bauer traveled to Tallahassee to participate
in an open meeting of the National
Institute on Dib,liilit Research and
Rehabilitation. Funding opportunities
needed in technology advancement to
assist disabled persons was the discussion
DR. MI.i.EncD MURPHY (ESS) taught
coaching certification workshops for the
North East Florida Education Consortium
this past summer. These workshops were
the direct result of the grants that HHP
received during 1985-87 from the Depart-
ment of Education for the purpose of
developing standards for certification of
Physical Education Teachers and Coaches
in Florida's secondary schools.
DR. E WA.LOW passed away on December
30, 1998. Waglow was Department Chair of
the Required Men's Physical I I ,. r, in
Program in our College for close to 25 years.
"WV... as he was affectionately known
among his peers, was If-poor;-.il-' for
making the Men's program one of the finest
in the country during an era when physical
education was in its heyday. Waglow was at
UF when the C,,lh'-e was just being
established (in the forties). He was a scholar,
state and national leader, and beloved by his
if ilt I. Dr. Waglow is survived by his wife
Jean, son Rick and 3 ,i 'ii.lciii[Iren We will
miss him.
(continued on inside back cover)
The provision of recreation programs that
are inclusive in nature, that is, usable and
enjoyable by everyone regardless of ability,
should be the primary mission of public
recreation. I'People with disabilities will
become more involved in public recreation
only when they become more aware of
what is available, when they feel welcome,
and when they know the services they
need are built into the -inr 'states
Department of Recreation, Parks and
Tourism researcher Candace Ashton,
Ph.D., CIRS.
Ashton conducted focus groups to deter-
mine the community recreation needs of
persons with disabilities and their families.
The focus groups conducted in a commu-
nity of 45,000 people involved children and
adults with disabilities, and parents of
children with disabilities (n=91). The focus
group participants identified issues
concerning their recreation wants and
needs, and what they perceived as barriers
to their involvement in or enjoyment of
recreational programs. The participants also
- ,I,,e- t:d. ways to overcome these barriers
in order to increase participation by persons
with disabilities.
The needs assessment found that people
with disabilities in that community were, for
the most part, unaware of what the Parks
and Recreation Department had to offer.
Those who did know about the department
and its services were either unable to
participate or did not want to participate.
Individuals were unable to attend because
either support services (e.g., sign language
interpreters) were not available or they
assumed they weren't available, or because
they did not have or could not afford
specialized transportation. Individuals
who chose not to attend did so because of
previous negative experiences with trying
to have their children involved in inclusive
recreation activities.
Ashton noted several strategies that City/
County Recreation D. p. l rin n-ll could
adopt to encourage greater participation
among individuals with disabilities. These
strategies ranged from hiring a full-time
Mainstream Specialist, to working with
local recreation therapists in health care
settings to provide leisure education to
patients prior to discharge. The focus of the
patient education would be information on
how to access community-based recreation
resources i hart public and commercial) to
continue recreation pursuits that meet both
therapeutic and recreation needs.
yr^,;;, 14
Study: Batters Being Thrown For
A Curve
lIU res':arcnhers yiur it lIaki5 heller longer to
idrilnli at curveball.
A l.a-ivall c.ison that c irned inew fans and
r'pl.t t beiaIIaue i'- the summer u home-run
racI' ha- had ldoit'lhtr- curliu- ahibout the
SuiiClC-. iO pla.vter. at the plate
A team ol L.niv l\'r-it\ t lorida researchers
discvlrrl i that it tak-:.- a hatter longer to
idnililv a ,1rin chall rlan a I.-'ihball. Inter-
.-I-J1 in l nderstani ing the ment ni pro-
.e-L-- In)d LT i llI ai n ill in -i I Ia ions
i.-,he !there is a, nt i i ob ecl. l lhe
re--earclher-, -rt n- nealli irCiitcluid .d that it
L.- 1'0 nuiiillis.iLolid_ longer Ior the hitter
to realize thle dJi'l r i.,. ui pilt.lie
The l hi. ti-' id nilt\ thli rotation of the
I'11. 1>' I tiidl I t .igree tIh.It that i,. correct,"
L F ,isL'as,,ll i-cO-h Alnd. L.i'pe/ -,.did. "In
rttii. r %iIr d-.. hittler- .-ir mire in tune from
J.n\ In to b letting inLtb.a-ll rotations."
In -a \earlorni project headed b\ Dr. Robert
inige.r, chairmiitan it LUFT' Department of
Et-rci'. and .potrt -,'ienrr-, ii' e liormer
CGaItr baeh.iIll plii. ers.inalt Ied random
pitche'- on m idlel I he ri--,earhert-r mea-
-.iired Ilh brain acill\ ily ot the athletes as
tIh \ pill-hled .1 Iuirtoii an to \ her her they
thi'ouLht ti-tl1ll or ciurvch'll \ls being
thri'l.n n.
II kilnid or ta.-.,nathnig iI voi.i re thinking
alh'ut it. S'-in.er -a d \\ithl rLgai ds to
kiepin, \i-our i\c oI Ili ball. like' coaches
a aI-.ti tell Ibv lter-. LltI:rie beeni research
thalit it s ii-rall'., nnpo-ssbl to do that.
\ hin pitlied b.ll goe',it ,,i 1. inmph at 60
loct itziche-- awiv\- it -. prbabl'b, 43-
iil.1didJti.- l l s.i 'eoli'd thiat it tikes the ball
ti recall go> to the plalt ..Y' u're t.oing to
swing and anticipate where that ball is.
You're not really going to have the ability to
see the ball go off the bat."
"They have to identify the rotation of the
ball, so I tend to agree that it is correct. In
other words, hitters are more in tune from
day one to be hitting fastball rotations."
Singer's tips to improve reaction time
include not reaching or committing too
early to what the pitcher delivers. A
pitcher uses the same motion on a fastball
and a curveball, but uses a ditrcrent grip to
change the velocity.
Lopez said the Gators practice hitting
curveballs by setting pitching machines to
that pitch's rotation. "They're hitting off
fastballs the majority of the time, so you
just try to approach it that way and hope
that they develop good muscle memory
and good repetitions from it," he said.
Although the researchers believe this
information can be equated to all levels of
baj-iball research hasn't been conducted
with players other than at the college level.
The study was published in the December
issue of the journal "Research Quarterly for
Exercise and Sport."
UF Study Shows Participation In
Sports Gives Adolescent Girls
Positive Self-images
Participating in sports can have benefits for
adolescent girls that reach beyond simply
staying physically fit. Participants in
athletic activities have better images of
their own b1 d 'i., higher levels of self-
esteem and more trust for others, according
to Heather Hausenblas, assistant professor
in the Department of Exercise and Sport
Involvement in activities like sports and
exercising provides many positive benefits
beyond physical fitness. Sports participa-
tion and exercise promote psychological
well being, such as increases in self-esteem
and decreases in stress and anxiety.
Hausenblas' study recently published in
the journal of Sport Behavior gave 10 self-
report tests to 114 female participants, most
of whom were in high school. The partici-
pants comprised three groups; non-athletes
as the control group; general athletes in
sports such as volleyball, lacrosse and
soccer; and elite competitive divers.
"We chose divers because they compete
and train in revealing attire that places their
physiques on e aluntia e di'pll.,"
Hausenblas said. "There is a high aesthetic
quality to their sport, so we hypothesized
they might be more prone to experience
higher anxiety about :leiF plh- -klul."
Included in the testing were eight sub-tests
in the Eating Disorder Inventory-2, which is
designed to detect
indicators of eating
disorders, such as low
levels of trust for
others, body dissatis-
faction and low self-
esteem. The partici-
pants also were tested
for social physique
anxiety, or anxiety
over what other
people think of their
"We found that the
divers had the lowest
social physique
anxiety compared to
the other groups,"
Hausenblas said.
"From these results,
we can say that
athletes in general are
not a high-risk group,
compared to non-
athletes." In fact,
participation in
athletics may increase
positive emotions in
other ways. Results
of the study indicated
athletes felt they had
control over their
lives 53 percent more
than non-athletes did
and they had 31 percent less body dissatis-
faction than did non-athletes. Hausenblas
also found that athletes had 22 percent
more trust for others than non-athletes.
,7'/ ",.':,,*,,.. 15
Major Gifts Add Members
to the pea
Dean PiPtrick Bird recently
announced four major gifts to the
College in conjunction with the
University of Floridt's capital
campaign, "It's Performance
That Counts." Due to the timing
of the gifts, they will appear in
the year 2000 Honor Roll. The
College is pleased to recognize
these outstanding alumni and
friends for their financial and
personal support.
Maurice O. Edmonds graduated from the
University of Florida in 1953 with a B.S. in
Physical Education and Health and
subsequently earned a Master of Science
degree in Counseling at Shippensburg
State College. General Edmonds served his
country with distinction for 35 years of
active duty in the United States Army. lie
held command assignments throughout
the United States, Eur' p.-, .\si and the
Pacific and served two combat tours in
Vietnam. He retired from active duty as a
Major General following service as Deputy
Chief of Staff for Training and as a
Commander of the U.S. Army Soldier
Support Center and Fort Harrison.
After retirement, Maury began a second
successful career with IPALCO Enter-
prises, where he held the responsibilities of
Vice President of General services and Vice
President for Human Resources at
Indiana .poll Power iand Light Ccompaiim.
He retired in 1996 alk-i thlhtL-U years as Vice
l'resident lur Corporate Affairs at IPALCO
Enterprise, Maujry 1, member of the
College Advisor; Bo.rd.
"Maur\s il\'le. lane. received her Master of
Science in Physical Edull..lni'rIL fimn the
UniversitN of Florida. They he L. two sons.
N.-al graduated from UF and Mark
graduated from UCF. .
William D. Frederick graduated from the
University of Florida in 1958 with a B.S. in
Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS). After
active duty in the U.S. Army, he joined
Allied Stores Corporation's Maas Brothers
division as an Executive trainee. Bill
worked with Maas Brothers for 18 years,
rising through the ranks from Department
Manager to Vice President for Sales
Promotion. In 1977, he joined Allied's
Joske's of Texas as Senior Vice President,
Director of Stores. He returned to Maas
Brothers in 1979 as Senior Vice President,
Merchandising and Sales Promotion. In
1983, Frederick was promoted to President
and CEO of Jordan Marsh, Florida with
executive ;'tic- in Miami. He retired
from retailing in 1987 after 28 years with
Allied Stores Corporation.
Bill began a second career in 1987 as a
development officer with the University
of Florida Foundation. ie served as the
Director of Development for the College
of Engineering, Director of Regional
Campaigns and retired again in 1994.
That retirement was short-lived, Bill
joined the CoIlle.g'L of Health and Human
Performance as Director of Development
in 1995.
Mair Ann Frederick graduated from the
:Universitv ot Floridi iiL 1959 with a B.S. in
Education She taught lor a while and
then became lull time housewife to
concentrate on r isming trlice ihildiren
N.ir. A nn was an active civic leader,
serving as President of the St. Peter-bu rL
Junior League and continuing as a very
active volunteer with the church and with
the children's schools. Upon moving to
Gainesville, Mary Ann returned to school,
and in 1994 received her Master of Arts in
The Frederick's three children all gradu-
ated from the University of Florida: Bill,
Jr., B.S. (LAS), Deborah, B.S. (LAS) and
John B.S. (HS/PT).
Dr. Charles W. LaPradd graduated from
the University of Florida in 1953 with a
B.S. in Physical Education. He was captain
of the football team in 1952 and won first
team All-Southeast Conference and
Consensus All-American honors. After
four years on the UF football team, he was
offered a contract with the Green Bay
Packers. However, injuries from an
automobile accident in 1953, just after
graduating from UF, halted his profes-
sional sports career LaPradd then
returned to school and graduated from
FSU with a master's degree in secondary
school administration and, subsequently, a
Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration.
* L .. ...r 16
From 1957 to 1961, Charlie coached for the
Seminoles. This was followed by two years
with the Florida State Department of
Education and one year as Assistant Dean
of Men at FSU. In 1965, he was selected to
be president of St. Johns River Community
College in Palatka, a position he held until
1972. In 1972, he returned to Gainesville to
establish LaPradd Distributors and to
become involved in other business and
publishing ventures.
Charlie is a retired U.S. Air Force Lt.
Colonel and U.S. Army Paratrooper. He is
a member of the University of Florida Hall
of Fame, Blue Key, the UF Athletic Hall of
Fame, the President's Council and served
as president of Gator Boosters and Vice
President of the F Club. In 1997, he was
recognized as a Distinguished Alumni of
the College. He is also a founding member
of the College Advisory Board.
Billie K. Stevens, a native of Marianna,
Florida, entered UF in1930, and with the
exception of three years, was at UF until
his retirement in 1976 as Professor Emeri-
tus. After earning his B.S. degree in 1934,
Professor Stevens pursued graduate work
at Columbia University and New York
B.K holds the distinction of being a charter
faculty member of the College, which was
established in 1946. Prior to that, he was
the first male physical education teacher at
P.K. Yonge Developmental Research
School. During B.K.'s 30 years as a College
faculty member, he assisted many students
in the completion of their college educa-
tion due to his generosity and caring. This
concern and willingness to help others did
not stop with retirement. le has been an
integral part of the College's Capital
Campaign and has served on the College's
Major Gifts Committee.
Betty C. Stevens graduated with a B.S.
degree from Auburn University and
received her master's degree and Ph.D.
from Syracuse University. She was
Director of Graduate Programs in the
Student Personnel Administration at
Syracuse. In 1966, Stevens became Dean of
Women at the University of Florida. Three
years later, in1969, she was appointed
Associate Professor of Behavioral Studies
in the University College, a position she
held until her retirement from UF in 1976.
Billie K. and Betty have for many years
supported the College through their
counsel and financial support through
scholarship endowments.
i v., -t17
C.H. "Mac" McKinnon
was recently elected to
the Palm Beach City
Commission. McKinnon
retired several years ago
from the Palm Beach
County School System
where he coached and
served as athletic
director at Lake Worth
High School.
Peggy was recognized as
Hernando County's
Teacher of the Year for
1998. She currently
teaches 10th grade
: English at Hernando
High School in
Doug wrote that he
could not attend this
year's reunion due to his
recent move to RAF
Lakenheath, United
Kingdom, where he
accepted the position of
Youth Director. But he
says there is no doubt in
anyone's mind who
enters his office that he is
proud to be a "Florida
Gator Alumni," as his
UF diploma is one of the
first items (as well as
additional Gator
paraphernalia) that
people see as they enter
the office.
Lawrence graduated from
UF with a Masters in
Urban and Regional
Planning, followed with a
Masters in Healthcare
Management from
California State Univer-
sity, and a Doctorate in
I health Services Manage-
ment from LaSalle
University He is
currently working at
Children's Hospital in Los
Angeles as the Director of
Ambulatory Care Services
Program Operations and
planning to pursue the
study of law
Lori Gaudreau was
recognized as the 1998
Teacher of the Year in
Pinellas County. She has
been teaching in Pinellas
County since 1988, and
is currently a fifth-grade
teacher of specific
learning disabled (SLD)
children. Lori and her
husband, Charles, reside
in Clearwater, with their
two daughters.
BSR '83
Berry and Judi have
moved to Heidelberg,
Germany. Berry is a
Department of Defense
civilian working for the
U.S. Army Europe
Headquarters. He is a
training specialist
responsible for business
and financial management
courses provided to
directors and managers
that operate community
and limniiLyv support
programs throughout
Germany, Belgium, and
Italy. Judi is busy raising 4
active boys (Jacob -12,
Jordan 9, Justin 7 and
Joey 3). The Patricks say
that their move from
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to
Heidelberg, Germany took
them from the Caribbean
to Castles and that they
love the excitement of all
their travels!
John Knotts, a third-
generation family
hardware store owner,
enjoys his slice of
"Mayberry" in down-
town Plant City, I:L.
Though John and his
brother, Andrew, left
Plant City to attend U F,
they say they never
imagined doing anything
but running the business.
Lyle Levesque BSPE
Lyle is a clinical consult-
ant for the BSM Consult-
ing Croup, specializing
in cardiology. He lives in
Milton, FL,
Theresa went on to get
her MSW and is now a
Clinical Social Worker at
the University of
Virginia Medical Center.
In March 1998 she was
named the Outstanding
Clinical Social Worker of
the year!
Valerie has recently
joined the ranks of the
telecomuters, at least
part of the time. This
past fall she decided to
leave the University of
South Florida's Student
Health Care Center to
spend more time with
her rapidly gi.-.vi n i, two
sons. Her new position
as pre-school coordina-
tor for her church will
allow her to do most of
her work from home.
Julie's husband, Paul,
finished his residency at
Tulane, and he, Julie,
Michael, Christopher
and Nicholas headed for
Shalimar where they
bought a home about 10
minutes from both sets
of parents. Paul is
settling into his orthope-
dic prml Ike. and Julie
teaches aerobics a couple
of times a week.
Performance 18
___ ~ ~
Jeanine M. Lahey
Sponsler BSHE
The Sponslers, Jeanine,
Warren and daughter
Morgann welcomed
Abigail Marie to the
family this past Septem-
ber. Jeanine is taking a
leave from St. Joseph's
Hospital: L, irpi
Wellness Program
where she has been
supervisor to a number
of UF's health science
education interns over
the past several years
Christi Wade, an
accomplished gymnast,
is co-owner of Christi's
Fitness in Vero Beach
and has been named one
of only 11 master
trainers in the U.S. for
the Keiser Cup.
Elvis is living in
I -rminiag.- TN, and
working as a certified
Athletic Trainer and
licensed Physical
Therapist Assistant for
Baptist Sports Medicine.
Renee is currently
working as a counselor
at an Eckerd %\ iId'rn. t
Camp for troubled
teens in North Carolina.
She is Iopiiii for a
caretaker position at the
S Tom Brown Wilderness
Survival School. She
enjoys learning about
the many primitive
living techniques for
survival and wants to
eventually teach these
skills to others.
Bob attended the
University of South
Carolina where he
obtained a Master of
I lealthcare Administra-
tion (MHA). His current
endeavor involves the
development of a
healthcare information
resource on the
www.hea lthanswers .com.
I health Answers gener-
ated about 2 million
page views a month,
which equates to
roughly 500,000 visitors.
Nancy is now an active
member of the Univer-
sity of Washington's
). )artmntlt of Intercol-
legiate Athletics as the
Assistant Swim Coach
for the Huskies.
After completing a
master's degree in sport
psychology at the
University of Montana
in 1997, Clrt, has been
accepted into the
University of Nlis ul i
Columbia. He begins
vi, rking on his Ph.D. in
counseling psychology
in August of this year.
Deana is a sales manager
at the Charlotte Marriot
lixecutive Park and is
also working on an MBA
at Queens College.
Kelly has been accepted
into the Physician
A -islliti l piocil; I at
Nova Southeastern
University and began her
coursework in June 1998.
Bethany is attending
graduate school at the
University of Southl
Florida. She is in the
Master of Public Health
program specializing in
Sam is currently
attenJ i ig Tulane
majoring in Public
Health emphasizing
international health.
Lisa is working as a
Product Development
Specialist at Hello
I l,,r-l a! Inc., a full
service destination
management company
in Orlando. She is
responsible for planning
transportation, special
events, and theme
parties. Her corporation
also meets and greets
individuals at the airport
and acts as the hospital-
ity staff for corporate
and incentive groups
that visit Orlando.
Avery is completing an
internship experience
with Florida Special
Olympics and working
for Delta Airlines
reservations in Tampa.
Jeanne recently left the
USOC and USA Hockey
to work at I'inehurL
National Golf Club to
assist with tournaments
and marketing. She lives
in Southern Pines, NC
"FUTURE ALUMNI" HHP College Council Officers "DJ" Amadio, member at large; Gladys Bernet,
Secretary; Kimberly Jackson, Treasurer, WilWiesen, BOCC representative; and Andrea Karpel,
President. (not pictured Randi Friedman, Vice-President; and Robert Costa, member al large)
r'o,, 'e:ai,'e 1 9
SchoI r h onocation
The .imual scholarshipp C .onvo,.a-
lion just gemt bEtlc-u'itc d belett! Tlus
year's iuloit uLationi luncheon was
held Frida.. Jaiuar. 22. in thief
Florida (Cyn." Twvcnl-tihrte majors.
in thl College wvere pr eientet with
scholarship i-he, :ks btolng 6toer
s'Yin 000 0d Tlhe convi.xoai-n is one of
the wai\ s thai we are able th honor
the donors t h 'oe pont ributio I
make these atr.frdsi poi-ible-..
Tlu-ouighi the generoir.it of our
alumni and friends and the lllijent
eft, is of Dean'ftrick Bird withl
glbJanc.efrn- WlUiarm (BUI
frederick C Laflge dev 'loptent-.
riitrici t e iive sceeti tcta4' growth
in the number ct jcholarshi ,tad thec
amolnlt of eallh o\ward *.ver the p.it
ten \ears. lMember. ot the College
Council Eerved as ihst-s or thCe e.ventt
and Andrew Heoldak, Idar of the
]iollar-hiFp io.nlluttlee anno"]]n:-itd the
rrcipient- a- Dean Pat Bird presented
the .ial.d;.. Other mnemhers ol the
St ho lar-h-p Committer- were Delores
James, Douglas DeNlichele. Tum
- Kamninski, .ud Jill Varnes.
La.t ear three former professors
., ol the (C llege. Roberl Alien, Owen
J. Holyoak and Paul R. Vames,
established both graduate and
undergraduate scholarships. Allen
and Varnes both graduates of the
College, retired from the Depart-
ments of Exercise and Sport Sciences
(ESS) and Recreation Parks and
Tourism (RPT) respectively Varnes
served as RPT Department Chair for
over 30 years. Holyoak came to UF
from Utah as an Assistant Professor
in the Professional Curriculum. \\ itli
the re-rc.r n i/,tion of the College,
Holyoak became the first to Chair
the Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences. Receiving the Allen/
Holyoak. Varnes -mholar-hips this
year, are graduate students Brian
Focht, and Thomas (TK) Koesterer.
Focht received his MSESS in May of
1997 and immediately began his
doctoral work in ESS. His letters of
recommendation consistently
recognize his commitment to quality
instruction and service in the field of
exercise science. Koesterer comes to
UF from the US Military Academy at
\'e-.U Point \v. lre it was an
instructor and Athletin Trainer for
five years. He is currently complet-
ing doctoral work in exercise
The uliidcrgriadJatt Allen/
HolyoakV'arnes awarrd goes to
Scott E. Balog. a senior in ESS.
Balog hi s workedd in the Recre-
ational Sports Program, for Housing
as a Resident Assistant, volunteered
with Living Well and assisted with
the GatorLijeprogrinm
The Patrick J. Bird Dissertation
Research .aiard w.ia established by
Pat Bird, Dean nt the ( college to
assist students % itll the costs related
to the completion ot their doctoral
di-sertanon Tlus yv ir s recipient of
the Bird Dissertation Research
.\A rd % a Heather Vincent.
Healher received b..tii hli bachelor
and mnasltr degrees Irrrim the
L.niverdiry Ma'.i-i, hi-vt-r' at
A-mherstr. Her iesearcht i ill examine
the relatk'ii.hip of genetiicaly
induced obet?4rv and .:.~ r teeding
iiidiced obe-iri 10 oirdi,, iscular
dli-t'-e in laboratory\ mie
C.A. Bnyd, former DCin of the
College (1970 until 1986) was an
avid golfer and the undergraduate
scholarship that bears his name
includes a love of the game as one
of the criteria for selection. This
year's recipient of the under-
graduate Boyd Scholarship is
Ryan J. Davis, a senior majoring
in ESS specializing in Athletic
Training. Ryan is an active golfer
having played the sport for about
11 years. He is currently the
student athletic trainer for the
Men's Gator Tennis Team.
The graduate Boyd scholarship
was presented to Holly Wilson,
graduate student in the Department
of Health Science Education (HSE).
As a graduate assistant, Wilson
teaches HSC 2100 Personal and
Family Health; she is also an officer
in Florida Rotaract, a unit of the
Rotary Club International.
The H. Spurgeon Cherry, Jr.
scholarship was established by
friends and former students of
Cherry, Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Intramurals and Recreation.
This scholarship is given annually to
a student nominated by the faculty
This year's recipient, Trek Hackney,
received his BS in ESS in December of
1998. He is currently employed as an
exercise specialist with the Optimum
Performance TI iniirg Inc in
Bradenton. Trek noted in his applica-
tion, "1 sincerely appreciate the
guidance and time devoted by each
of my professors."
The James Daniel Eggart Memo-
rial Scholarship was established by
Mr. E.z-a' is family in accordance
with his request. Wilfred (Wil)
Wiesen a 1995 Escambia High School
graduate is a senior in Recreation,
Parks and Tourism who plans a
career in hotel/resort management.
Idler Bonhomme, a senior in
Therapeutic Recreation is the second
Eggert recipient. Bonhomme, a
native of I laiti graduated from
Immokalee High School in Collier
County. A member of Rho Phi
Lambda Professional National Honor
Society, Bonhomme plans to attend
graduate school and practice in a
public rehabilitative facility.
The Charles W. Fessler and the
Judith D. Fessler scholarships were
established by Mr. Charles Fessler as
a way to give back to the College and
University which contributed so
much to he and to his wife Judith.
The Charles W. Fessler scholarship is
designated for a Recreation, Parks
and Tourism major. This year's
recipient is Jennifer Jones. Since
coming to UF after a tour of duty in
the Army, Jones has achieved notable
academic success; and currently
serves as President of Rho Phi
Lambda. As one of her letters of
recommendation suggests Jones is
willing to do the work required to
meet her own high standards and by
her actions motivates others to do
their best work.
The Judith D. Fessler award is
presented to an Exercise and Sport
Sciences senior who is a native of
Florida. This year's recipient is
Melissa Williams a member of the
Gator Track and Field Team who has
consistently been on the SEC Scholar-
-Aerformance 20
Athlete Honor Roll. Williams' goal
upon completion of her BS is to
attend medical school. Her long
record of academic achievement and
service to others are clear indicators
that she will meet her goal
The Thomas E Hayes, IV Memo-
rial Scholarship was established by
the fi.mnil of Thomas F. Haves IV an
avid cyclist and member of Team
Florida Cycling. Selected to receive
the award this year is Carla Haupt.
A Therapeutic Recreation major,
Haupt is actively involved on
campus both through her -i lirii
Delta Gamma, and through student
professional organizations.
The Norma M. Leavitt fund was
established by friends and former
students of Dr. Leavitt and enhanced
fllthi gh a contribution from her
estate. This year, one undergraduate
scholarship and five graduate
scholarships were given. The
undergraduate recipient was
Margaret M. Revette, a senior in the
physical education and athletic
training specializations in HSS.
Graduate students receiving the
Leavitt scholarships include,
Cassandra Howard, master degree
candidate in ESS, *pL.:iallzini in
Exercise Physiology. Howard served
as the first coordinator for the
GatorLife program. Jennifer Elaine
Leach, master's student in RPT,
received her BS degree in psychology
from UF. Leach hopes to fully utilize
her psychology background and her
recreational therapy degree to assist
older adults in maintaining the
highest level of functioning. Jessica
Ann Schulman, a doctoral student in
H'E received her BS and MPH
degrees from UCLA. Schulman is a
Regi.tertL- Dietitian who has served
on several nutrition based research
trials, including being a research
assistant on the \ormclnr 's Interven-
tion Nutrition Study (WINS).
The fourth recipient of a Leavitt
scholarship is Kristine Stouffer, a
doctoral student in HSI. As noted by
one of her letters of up port Stouffer
"displays a deep interest in and
commitment to I health Education."
She is dedicated to using her skills to
find ways to assist and support
others to live a healthy lifestyle. The
fifth recipient of a Leavitt graduate
scholarship is Mary T. Thigpen.
After receiving BS and MS degrees in
physical .h'-*l p\, Thigpen became a
doctoral student in ESS working
with Dr. James Cauraugh in the area
of motor control. Thigpen's work as
an adjunct instructor and graduate
teaching assistant has given her the
incentive to pursue teaching as a
The Lee-McCachren Scholarship
was established as a ti Ibute to two
outstanding teachers, P.A. Lee and
Jim McCachren. This award, given to
a graduate student who is teaching
in the Sport Fitness program, is by
faculty nomination. Susan Wasson is
this year's awarded. Wasson
received her BS degree in Food and
Resource Economics from the
College of Agriculture at UF
Nominating faculty describe her as
an outstanding and effective teacher.
The Herman W. Schnell Memo-
rial Scholarship is given to a student
who demonstrates scholarship,
leadership and skill in physical
activities. Schnell served as Chair-
man of the Department of Physical
Education for Men from 1949 until
his death in 1958. Receiving the
Schnell scholarship this year are
Michael Coffey and Arleen
Hernandez. Coffey is a senior in
ESS, specializing in athletic training
with a minor in business administra-
tion. Coffey is employed by the
Student Recreation Fitness Center
and is an ACE certified personal
trainer. Hernandez is also a senior in
ESS with a specialization in sports
management, and is obtaining a
minor in Business Administration.
While at UF she has participated in
club volleyball and worked with the
Student Recreational Fitness Center.
B.K. Stevens, faculty member
from 1947 until his retirement in 1976
maintains an active interest in supporting the College.
This year two undergraduate students will receive
Stevens' scholarships, Andrea Karpel senior in Recre-
ation, Parks and Tourism has served as an officer in
LEAPS and the HHP College Council, currently serving
as President. Karpel's plans after graduation are to work
as a youth program director. The second Stevens'
rit:ipi;cnl is Bradley Earl Willianms, a senior in ESS
specializing in sports management. Williams is a
member of the National Guard, a Gator Cheerleader, and
is active as an adult leader with the Boy Scouts.
Also reciogni/ d at this year's convocation were
recipients of the undergraduate athletic training scholar-
ships. The Chris Patrick Scholarships are funded by the
University Athletic Association to ei>- '.u ra.te academic
excellence in the athletic training program. Students are
provided funds to support full-time instate regi'-tra;ion'li
fees for up to 12 hours of course-work for two full
semesters. Spring 1999 Chris Patrick Scholarship winners
are: Kristy Bernard, Ryan Davis, Tricia Hubbard, Katie
Hunter, Kimberly Kimmel, Karen Lynch, Julie Robinson,
Mike Taylor, Stephanie Weaver
Undergraduate scholarship recipients left ot right: Idler Bonhomme, Carla
Haupt, Margaret Revette, Wilfred Wiesen, Scott Balog, Andrea Karpel, Melissa
Williams. Arlene Hernandez, Michael Coffey, Jennifer Jones, and Bradley
Williams. (not pictured Ryan Davis, Mary Thigpen}
Graduate scholarship recipients left to right: Kristine Stouffer, Heather Vincent.
Hully Wilsun, Jennifer Leach, Jessica Schulman, Thomas (tK) Koesterer. (not
pictured Brian Focht, Cassandra Howard, Susan Wasson)
. _.-
nor the
Co / / e e:
Varnes Serves As AAHPERD President
In the fifty-year history of the College
we have never had a member serve as
President of the American Alliance
for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance (AAHIERD)
until now. In April of 1998, Dr. Jill
Varnes, Professor of Health Science
Education and Assistant Dean
assumed the office of President of
A \%HI'EiRD In the over 125 years of
the organization, Varnes is only the
second Floridian to serve as President
and is the first health educator in
over 20 years to be elected to lead the
"1 P I 1PL I plus members.
jill Varnes, President AAHPERU (2" from left) with Paul Vanme, HHI
Professor Emeritus (far left) and Judy Swedburg, Regional Directur
Elderhostel Quebec, and Randy Swedburg, President-elect
American Association for Leisure and Recrealion,
Varnes received her bachelor and
master degrees from the University
of Florida in 1973 and 1974 respec-
tively. Her involvement with the
I linda AHPFRD ',egn while an
undergraduate student. As an
undergraduate Varnes completed a
research study of body composition
in community college students using
a protocol developed by Jack
Wilmore. After stubmi triil, an
abstract the study was accepted for
presentation in the L-'r,.irrlh Section
at FAHPERD, and was subsequently
published by the FAHPERD Journal.
She credits enol,-liragilnr'tit and
support from her professors at UF as
the primary factor in her commit-
ment to, and involvement in,
professional organizations.
In 1974 Varnes began teaching
health and physical education at
Dunnellon High School in Marion
County. She created a lifestyle
related sport and fitness program in
physical education, and was largely
responsible for Dunnellon High
School being designated a Presiden-
tial School by the President's
Council on Physical Activity and
Sports. While at Dun nIllen Varnes
was the driving force in the expan-
sion of the girls athletics program
from two sports to six.
Varnes received her Doctor of
Education from the University of
Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg in
May of 1978. After serving as a
consultant for health education with
the Florida Department of Education
Varnes joined the faculty in the
Department of Health Science
Education in the College. Through-
out this time period she retained an
active involvement with FAHPERD,
the Southern District AAHPERD and
AAHPERD. She has served in
various leadership positions includ-
ing President and has received honor
awards from all three organizations.
According to Varnes, "The professors
in the college provided a consistent
message with regard to professional
involvement. That message was one
of r.cpptlribllt) for the profession
and the populations served by health
educators, physical educators,
recreation professionals, and dance
educators. Regardless of ones
employment setting the belief that
individuals involved in any of our
disciplines could have a positive
impact on the quality of life for those
we served was the foundation of all
AAHPERD Presidents serve 3-year
terms of office, which include the
years as elect and as past-President.
Varnes will pass the gavel at the
annual AAHPERD convention ,\pi I
20 24, 1999 in Boston. Plans are
underway for a University of Florida,
College of HHP social on Friday,
April 23. If you will be attending the
AAHPERD convention, plan to stop
by and catch up with old friends and
Jill Varnes (center front) with state AHPERD and District AHPERD leaders al
the 1998 Leadership Development Conlernce.
S;1'i>m,-,:ir "23
on or roll
Fiscal year 1998 was a record setting year for the devel-
'S- nt program of the college. Through your generosity,
"''$1,063,418.00 was committed to advance the college and
t to assist in the continuing enhancement of nationally
Sand internationally recognized programs. We are must
.*M4grrateftl to our donors. Your help is vital to the effort of
., your college and we ask you to continue your support.
f"4'hen I can be of assistance to you in planning a gift for
*,'s the college, please contact me.
Z Cordially,
'Patrick J. Bird, Ph.D.
Dean5 c Itnf
f 00,000 or More
Billie K. and
Betty C. Stevens
S50, 000 -~$22
American Heart
Association, Florida
Affiliate & State Office
Mcdx 96, Inc.
Ogden Entertainment of
Florida, Inc.
Dea5 5Socie/t
4S' 000 $4222
American Heart Associa-
tion, National Center
American Lung Assn. of
Florida, Inc.
Walt Disney World Co.
Charles W. LaPradd
fo, 000 $24,92
Barnett Banks, Inc.
Spencer Fdtn.
Ssfaif'n i
$1000 222
Robert E. and Rebecca
Simmons Allen
Patrick J. Bird
Susan A. Boehm
J. Frank Dempsey, Jr.
Hazel Coleen Dempsey
Ralph R. Dunsworth
Dynamic Rehabilitation
Centers, Inc.
Charles W. Fessler, Jr.
Owen J. llolyoak
Tomas Hudlicky
Ivory International, Inc.
June M. Masters
Perry C. McGriff, Jr.
The McKnight Fdtn.
Robert J. Murphy, Jr.
Nationwide Insurance
Northern Telecom, Inc.
Stephen Orr, Inc.
Robert M. Pigg, Jr.
Christine Ridgeway
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco
Paul A. and Susan P Robell
Francis E. Sargent
Emmitt J. Smith I[l
University Athletic
Assn., Inc.
Utah Valley Sports
Paul R. and Jill W. Varnes
Donna J. Wheeler
Angus Williams, Jr.
$100 $222
A. A. R. A.
Jerri Lee Abrams
American Cancer Society,
Florida Division,
Andersen Consulting Fdtn.
David Ayers
B/E Aerospace, Inc.
Andrea L. Behrman
BellSouth Corp.
Adam H. Berko
William Biaggi, Jr.
Patricia B. Black
Blackhawk Warehousing
& Leasing Co.
Quientella Denise Bonner
Hilman E Bowden, Jr.
Craig A. Brown
Dawson E. Brown
Steve R. Bunn
Kenneth Lloyd Burt
Evelyn T. Bush
Richard L. Callum
James H. and
Patsy B. Cason
Donna B. Chiaro
Frank G. and
Luisa M. Cisneros
Nathan S. Collier
Computer Associates
International, Inc.
Cheryl R. Courtney
Matthew L. Cowan
Donald W. Cox
Delta Air Lines Fdtn.
Delta Sigma Theta Soror-
ity Incorporated
Maria I'. Devitt
William R. Dolbier, Jr.
William M. Donohoo
Eighth Judicial Circuit
Bar Association
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
EA.H.P.E.R.D. Alliance
Susanne Fortune
Mark S. Foster
Jill P. Freeman
Patricia A. Frye
John F Gaines
Lorin Neil and
Rebecca H. Gaines
Gainesville Basketball
Coaches Assn.
Antoinette Malene-Carcia
Donna Denise Godsey
James L. Goolsby Jr.
Michael A. Grasso
Edwin H. Gratton
Veronica G. Greason
John P Greene III
Christopher F Hallett
Patti Fischer t ll. niliin
William E. I arlan, Sr.
Robert E. Harper
James S. C. Hasbrouck
Colonel Donald J. Hatch
Paul F Heiss
Janice L. Henderkott
Hewlett-Packard Co.
S. Randall Hobgood
Jerome Hoffman
Bruce W. Huff
Hunter Marine Corporation
Sandra J. and
Harvey O. Jackson
Christopher M. Janelle
Albert N. Ji.-irn,., Jr.
Debra K. Johnson
Raymond M. Johnson
J.C. Penney Co., Inc.
Ellen Beth Karpay
Alan R. K:'. ii/1,:
Jim Krueger
Craig Kuntz
Jason L. Lajoie
Ghristiaan Leeuwenburgh
Lori A. Losner
Elmer J. Lucks, Jr.
Robert B. MacNamara
Makhteshim-Agan of
North America, Inc.
Raymond G. Malackany
Mrs. Tegie G. Martin
Patricia A. Martinez
Dennis Eugene May
Jeffrey P. McAndrews
Michael J. McGinnis
Mary A. 1kki ghllt Cantey
Maj. Ji.phli R. \lI:LtL]Jilin
Marie C. Menza
Julie A. Michas
I)on.ild J. Miller
Mark E. Miller
Zachary Abram Miller
John M. Nlillii
Kim S. Mills
Bryan D. Mitchell
Henry T. Morgan
Donna R. Mountain
Arthur J. Mowery, Jr.
Kate Norris
Candace Lynn Norwood
Daniel IL. ( vhrien
Sisti A. O'Connor
Gerald S. Odom
Linda C. Odom
Paul C. Palmer
Karen L. Parker
Duane C. Peacock
Scott I. Peek, Sr.
Susan S. Pfifferling
Phi Mu Fraternity -
Alpha Nu Chapter
James C. 'hillip-, Jr.
Pitman Photo, Inc.
Michele B. Platt
I'l Itt Chemical Co.
William M. and
Dorothy Elizabeth Potter
Herbert R. Powell, Jr.
Margaret F Powell
The Principal Financial
Group Foundation, Inc.
Procter & Gamble Co.
Mary M. Ratliff
Robert E. and
Elizabeth J. Rockey
John Roglieri
UF Roller Hockey Club
Ray H. Rollyson, Jr.
Frederick E. Rozelle, Sr.
and Charlotte C. Rozelle
Kathryn M. Runyon
D. Faye Sadler
Terry A. Schmidt
F Stephens Schnell, D.D.S
Ronald A. Secrist
U ile% A. Selman
Laurie L. Setley
Shell Oil Co. Fdtn.
Charles P. Siler
Robert N. Singer
Jennifer L. Smith
Mary L. Smith
Roger L. Springfels
Kathryn C. Stark
Stephen P. Starnes
State Farm Cos. Fdtn.
John H. Stauff
John I,. Steverding
Richard H. Stratton
Aimee M. SIiru
Marc W. Sullivan
Patricia A. Sullivan
Traci A. Tefft
Shelly L. Thomas
Kathleen Tumson
Milford Kent Tucker
Larry W. and
Linda K. Tuggle
James R. Tullos, Jr.
Thomas H. Turja
UF Traditional Karate
LUF i~..meni's Ice Hockey
United Agri Products
Barbara C. Van Camp
Frances M. Vandiver
Robert J. \\t-hkng
Bette M. Whitaker
Alice Joanne White
Steven S. Willard
Clal.- 1eS. Williams
Avalee Willoughby
Sandra B. Windschmann
Sabrina G. Wotitzky
Trevor D. Zabel
Jack H. Zahrly
Derek A. Zappitello
Le, Thn $100
Paul J. Ackerman
Marjorie M. Adams
William C. Adams
Kimberly A. Adkins
Dawn G. Alcorn
Marline Almanzar
Jacki L. Altfield
Cynthia S. Anderson
David A. Appleton
Thomas W. Arnold
Patricia R. Artimez
Lucretia C. Askew
AT&T Fdtn.
Michele B. Babincak
Morrell Bailey
Mary K. Baker
Leonard C. Balas
Julie E. Barkley
Kim B. Barrett
Rodney J. Bartlett
Salvatore P. Bello
Norma Y. Benson
Roy Thomas Benson
Michael P. Bernier
Susan Marie Betcnmer
(.hln I Smith Black
James H. Blanton
Mrs. Davina Bloom
kilnberly L. Bonds
Brian Jay Borland
Jill Bradford Boulenger
Karen ,. Boyle
Laurie E. E Braden
Michael T. Branan, Jr.
Elvis N. Brandon IV
Christopher P. Brock
Xenula F Brown
Shaw S. Buck
Amy J. Burdette
Nia A. Burke
Michelle M. Burt
Kelly L. Butterfield
Clyde 0. Butz
Jean D. Callaway
Joyce M. Camarda
Larry Dean Candeto
Desire D. Capuano
Sean M. Carpenter
Donald R. Carr, Jr.
Brenda Chambliss
Andy Chapman
Thomas E. Charde
Virginia E Cheshire
Brad S. Chissom
Vincent M. Ciccantelli
Lesley I. Cleveland
Reaves C. Cole
Cynthia A. Coleman
Janet Lynn Collins
John L. Combs
Craig M. Conrad
Amelia E. Cooper
Vicki L. Cooper
Jonathan P. Coron
Sheryl Lea Costello
Carol-Ann Courtney
Robert D. Craft
Mrs. Li inn McFal Craggs
Dana K. Craig
Robert D. Crane
Scott E. Crawley
Erin K. Creese
Ronald 1). Creese
Robert B. Crosby, Jr.
Maria E. Crowley
Daniel J. Crum, Sr.
Gary R. Crumley
CSX Corp.
Robert T. Cushman
Mrs. H. A. G. Dacanay
Tracey A. Daniel
Leonora Friedt Darling
Donald F. Davis
Cassandra L. Deaver
Jeffrey M. Delott
Robert De Maria
Clare Deming
David T. Deutsch
Leanne E. Digby
E. Tom Dioguardi
Laura L. Dixon-
Preston D. Dobson
Jacqueline R. Dorf
Dennis C. Drake
Drexel Chemical Co.
Terryc W. Dubberly
Walter Duke, Jr.
Ellen P. Dunlap
Mary V. Eagan
Maureen D. Edwards
Frederick G. Erdman
Monica M. Erwin
John R. Eyler
Mrs. Terry O. Eymann
Paul Faber
Jamie J. Fader
Brian P. Fahey
Lenore D. Fauilkii'r
Helen P. Feussner
Anne V. Finch
Mrs. Dascha S. Finley
Dean L. Fishman
Kathryn M. Heming
I let'clr's Cocktail Lounge
Ronald E. Forguson
Douglas W. Forsyth
Ronald Ray Fourman
David J. Fox
Lisa D. Fox
Paul David Freeman
Steven L. Frost
Julie A. Frye
Hazel Y. Fuller
Robert N. Fulmer I1l
llaine C. Funk
Sean D. Gagnon
Jennifer L. Gaine
Kay A. Garrison
Lauri C. Garvey
Gator Paging & Graphics
Kim M. Gattle
Cash Donations- General
Adrienne Lea Gets
Richard C. Giannini
Pamela A. Giblin
Gary Giovanni
Robert E. Godwin
Justin M. Goode
Lauren K. Gooden
Cynthia L. Granath
Anthony E Greene
I aura Jean Hal Grieve
Sevier P. Grilff III
Grinnell Mutual
Reinsurance Co.
Rita L. Grott
John Anthony Guarisco
Mary E. Hall
Ernest and
Carol N. Hanewinckel
Kymberly J. Hankerson
Kathryn L. Hansen
Stacey L. Harris
Harris Fdtn.
William D. Hassler
Patrick S. Hayden
Julie E. Hayes
Jonathan F. Heck
Timothy B. Heffner
Judith Ann M. Hellstrom
Anthony J. Henderson
Billy R. Henson
Robert A. Herb
Deborah L. Herring
John D. Hester
Jeffery I). Higgins
Shanna Hill
Greg Hilley
Mary L. Howley
Kimberly A. Hoyt
Sharon C. Huey
Karen A. Hughes
Michael J. Humphreys, Sr.
Angela Hunt
Suzette Starry laria
Dannielle J. Isel
Adriane M. Isenberg
ITT Industries, Inc.
Renee B. Jennings
Benny Jones, Jr.
Michael Joseph Junod
Mike J. Karaphillis
Patricia C. Keenan
Paula K. Keeton
Jeffrey W. Keller
Marlyn M. Kenney
Michael S. Kessler
James D. Kettles
Christine E. Kilby
Mary Ann Kise
James F. Knauss II
Robert A. Krause
Susan R. Krisher
Plisabeth L. Krone
Joseph A. Labelle
Cara L. Ladnyk
Karen Maria Larsen
Charles J. Lechner
Barbara E Leddy
Thomas N. Leidell
Stephanie A. Lennon
Sara Sue Lewis
Michael D. Lindsay
Robert S. Lindsey
Julie Ann Lipovsky
Jacquelyn Liszak-May
Lockheed Martin Corp.
Linda Iongazel
Debbra Reid Love
'Y !(-- ,:,,v 2 5
Diana S. Lucas
Suzanne B. Mace
Isaac Magrisso
Thomas Edgar Malloy
Kevin J. Marrone
Bonnell B. Martens
Janet L. Martin
Kelly A. Matthews
Brenda M. Maxwell
James K. McCachren
Tracy L. McCall
Ronald E. McMillin
Arley W. McRae
Mechanial Industries, Inc.
Cynthia L. Melanson
Melinda L. Millard-
Taunja Lea Miller
William H. Mills
Mrs. K. Linne Morgan
Lisa Marie Munson
Samantha A. Murchie
Iiana D. Murphy
Maryann L. Natherson
Lisa M. Neff
Maureen C. Nemcik
Erik V. Nenortas
Carol L. Nicholson
Anna Collins Niles
Kevin J. Noa
Jeffrey M. Nordeen
Katherine Norris
Paula Elizabeth Northuis
Lisa M. Norton
Dianna Lynn Nulty
Eden A. Nystrom
Carol C. O'Brien
Maria Teresa Ochoa
Kevin R. COMalley
Peter B. Orschiedt
Douglas H. Owens
Mary T. Pace e,' leCv
Gina L. Pages
Paula G. Palumbo
Rebecca E. Parks
Yolanda C. and
Patrick J. Patterson
Dennis J. Pattison
Brian P Paul
Susan J. Pawlak
Ronald Kraig Peebles
James R. Perkins
Hugh C. Perry 11
Susan J. Peters
Michael J. Pixley
Jennifer K, Plamp
Jerry H. Posey
John Power
Cynthia B. Powers
Janice A. I'r .d, i k
Dawn M. Pride
Linda M. Prince
Robert Daniel Provenzano
James H. Purcell, Jr.
Joann Ferguson Purdie
Bertha Ann Losh Quint
Debbie Quintana
Ellen L. Raskin
Sharon D, Ray
John R. Reynolds
Mark J. Richard
Robert R. Rock
Karen G. Roman
Irving Ross
Barbara Rowland
Laura H. Ryan
Ryder System Charitable
Foundation, Incorpo-
Martha I. Salinero
Diane Z. Samuels
Susan L. Scharff
Darin J. Schubeck
Mary A. Schuchman
Julie A. Schwartz
Robvn A. Schwartz
Gordon B. Scott, Jr.
Mrs. Tye B. Severino
Stephen R. Sexauer
Hollis L. Shaw
Rickey S. Sheffield
Joseph M. Silvia
Jacquelyn K. SinClair
Kathy E. Singh
James E. Skiles Ill
Karen A. Skiratko
Darlene P. Smith
Diana S. Smith
Mrs. Pauladene H, Smith
SmithKline Beecham
Southern Nuclear
Operating Co.
Thomas C, Spires
Linda L. Stackpole
Donald C. Staley
Gina M. Stallone
David Earl Stanton
Robert L. Stark
John R. Stephan, Sr.
Thomas T. Stewart
William K. Stewart
Jennifer R. Stitt
Linda K. Stone
Sue S. Stoops
Eric Miller Strachla
Ira W. Strickland
Lori A. Suarez
Virginia C. M. Sutton
DebraJ. Tackett
Laura L. Taft
Helen C. Tan
Berdenia I. Thomson
Tammi S. Thurston
Margaret W. Todd
Brenda P Trammell
Larry L. Travis
Katherine E. Traylor
John M. Turco
Helen T. Twedell
UF Racquetball Club
United Space Alliance
Lori A. .,z-.j.iez
Gerald Lee Vitaliano
Donna M. von
Carl E. Walker, Jr.
Michael W. Walker
Laurel M. Wanner
Lisa O. Ward
Kenneth Wasemann
Cathryn R. Watson
Margaret L. Webber
Carolyn P. Wic'ler
Aida Lerman Weissman
Darlene M. Werhnvak
Mrs. Leslie J, S. Wetzel
Janet %A I iddr-n
Jill R. White
Alison L. Williams
I 0oi M. Williams
Pamel.-, P. '% iltig
' ND Enterprisk-, Inc.
John 0. 0. Welder
Sh:i\.'.- P. Yeag, er
Pamel.a T. Zeiglcr
tne CM/ fa C qoin the College
Healer Hausenbla
Da)id Fleming
Assistant Professor in the
Dep.irtmern of Exercise and
Sport Sciences, specializing in
the areas of sport law and
management. Dan received his
doctoral degree in athletic
administration from Florida
State University. He received a
master's degree in physical
education from Bridgewater
State college a master's degree
in recreation and a bachelor's
degree in exercise and sport
sciences from the University of
Florida. Prior to his faculty
appointment, Dan served as the
Director of the Living \\ell
Program, the University of
Florida's employee wellness
Originally from Cape Cod,
Massachusetts and currently
residing in Micanopy, which he
describes as LUtopi,."
assistant professor in the
Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences. Her area of
specialization is exercise
psychology. Her research
interests include the psychologi-
cal effects of exercise, exercise
adherence, group dynamics,
eating disorders, and body
image. She recently co-
authored a book titled "Group
Dynamics in Sport."
Heather received her Ph.D. in
sport and exercise psychology
from the University of Western
Ontario in Canada in 1998, and
K her undergraduate degree in
Sadle Sanders psychology from McMaster
University in Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada in 1993. She
was born and raised in North-
ern Ontario. Among the
recognition that she has
received are the 1996 Sport
Science Award of the Interna-
tional Olympic Conunittee for
her scientific work in the field
of sport and physical education.
Her interests include traveling,
rollerbiadirg. tennis, and
reading. Heather says she is
getting acclimated to the Florida
weather, and is enjoying it.
DAVID FLEMING joined the
Department of Exercise and
Sport Sciences this academic
year. He brings extensive and
varied teaching and research
expertise from the field of
education. Dr. Fleming
received his undergraduate and
Master's degrees from The
Citadel, then entered the public
school system in South Carolina
as a teacher and coach at the
secondary level. Fleming left
the public school system to
continue his graduate work and
teach in the College of Educa-
tion at the University of South
Carolina specializing in sport
pedagogy. While teaching in
the undergraduate and gradu-
ate teacher preparation pro-
grams, he was also the elemen-
tary physical education teacher
for the University's professional
development school. In
addition, Fleming engaged in
participatory research as a
consultant with a curriculum
development program (The
Physical Education Institute)
that he helped initiate. The
USC graduate school ultimately
recognized his research on
curriculum reform in secondary
physical education with the top
award for research in education
in 1998.
Fleming also has extensive
,',iihing experience in various
sports. He has coached several
state champion track and field
athletes and team champion-
ships at the public school level
as well as at the corporate level,
with his 1997 team placing third
in the nation.
Dave and his wife Shawn have
three children, Lauren (10),
Chelsea (6), and Max (1).
SADIE B. SANDERS joined the
Department of Health Science
Education as a visiting Assistant
Professor. Dr. Sanders received
her B.S. in Physical Education
with a minor in I health Educa-
tion from Tuskegee Ui 'ii rl.i.. a
M.S. in Health Education from
the University of West Florida
and a Ph.D. in Health Behavior
with a minor in Medical
Sociology from the University
of Florida.
Her professional experiences
include serving as a clinical
intake specialist/utilization
manager and a health education
specialist for a drug and alcohol
treatment program. Sanders has
an extensive background in
public 'commrrini rv health
having worked in a number of
governmental agencies includ-
ing a program director for the
Florida Department of Juvenile
Justice in a detention/treatment
facility. In addition, she has
worked as a drug and alcohol
counselor for an adolescent
residential substance abuse
school, and adult high school
Sadie has nine siblings, four
brothers and five sisters. She
enjoys horse back riding and
college and professional level
football and basketball.
R. TIMM LOVINS became Director
of the Living Well Employee
Wellness Program in August of
1998. Timm received his Bachelor
of Science degree from Kansas
State University in 1981 and his
Master of Science in Exercise and
Sport Sciences from UF in 1991.
Immediately prior to returning to
UF Timm was the Wellness
Director at JFK Hospital in
Boynton Beach. Timm and his
wife Lena have one 5-year-old
daughter Tori.
Ti .. ~ .. i
College of Health &
Human Performance
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